Panic Attacks PDF
Panic Attacks PDF
Panic Attacks PDF
1 author:
Charles Sigler
Grove City College
by Chuck Sigler
The message on Sarahs answering That night, Sarah awoke at 2 a.m. seized
machine jolted her like an electric shock: by fear that she was going to lose control as Luke
Sarah, call me as soon as you hear this message. did and kill herself. Jeremy stayed home from
Luke is dead. He killed himself. work the next day to be with her, and initially
Sarah and Luke had served as short-term she was less fearful and anxious. Then in the
missionaries in Haiti a few years ago. They late afternoon, she listened to her voice mail
became friends while in the mission field but and heard Lukes voice on it. She then
drifted apart after returning to the States. Sarah experienced another episode of heart
returned home, started a new job, and married palpitations, dizziness, breathing trouble,
her fianc, Jeremy. Luke returned to his church tremors, and fears of losing control and killing
and became involved in a local ministry to the herself. This pattern of symptoms continued
homeless. over the next few weeks.
Its a shock to hear that someone you Sarah and Jeremy began to make
know has died by taking his or her own life. accommodations in their nightly routine that
With Sarah, the news struck deep. As she hung became a part of their lives for several months.
up the phone, two thoughts came to her: What Jeremy hid the kitchen knives, as Sarah asked,
was going on with Luke that he did such a and only brought them out of hiding for her to
thing? His faith had always seemed so strong. use when cooking. And at Sarahs suggestion, he
And If this could happen to someone like carried his set of weights, weighing several
Luke, it could easily happen to me. hundred pounds, from the basement to their
Fear and anxiety gripped Sarahs heart. bedroom. Every night before they went to sleep,
She felt dizzy and light headed. She had trouble he moved the weights in front of the bedroom
breathing. She trembled and shook. Her heart door, so Sarah could not wake up in the middle
pounded like a drum. She feared that she was of the night in a panic and run from their room
losing control, going crazy. When Jeremy came before he could stop and calm her. With these
home thirty minutes later, Sarah threw herself precautions in place, she was eventually able to
into his arms. It was another fifteen minutes fall asleep for a few hours.
before she could tell him what happened. Within the next two weeks, Sarah had five
_______________________________________________ additional panic attacks along with problems
*Chuck Sigler is the director of Anselm Ministries. sleepingeven with the weights blocking her
He also teaches Biblical Counseling and Sociology of door. She became restless and irritable and was
Deviant Behavior at Grove City College. easily fatigued. She had problems concentrating.