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,26 11 /

;4- I4';

of the

Seventh-day Adventist

The Official Directories


Published by the


Reading Course
" Christ's Object Lessons," Mts. E.G. White $2.75
" Stewardship and Missions," Charles A. Cook .35
" Life of George Mailer," A. T. Pierson . . 2.00
" Many Infallible Proofs," A. T. Pierson . . 1.50

Total, retail $6.60

The complete set, postpaid $5.00
The last three books, postpaid $3.50

Higher in Canada

" Ministers of age and experience should feel it

their duty, as God's hired servants, to go forward, pro-
gressing every day, continually becoming more efficient
in their work, and constantly gathering fresh matter to
set before the people."" Cospe/ Workers," p. 277.


Review & Herald Publishing Association

Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
South Bend, hid. New York City



Comprising a Complete Directory

of the General Conference, all
Union and Local Conferences,
Mission Fields, Educational Insti-
tutions, Publishing Houses, Peri-
odicals, and Sanitariums. Also a
survey of the fields for 1920.

H. E. ROGERS, Statistical Secretary of
the General Conference.



The Call of the Hour
Lo, all .power to me is given,
Power from my Father's hand,
Power on earth and power in heaven
Hear ye not the Lord's command?
Go ye therefore, teach all nations;
Sound aloud the Gospel cry."
Echoes still the wail despairing,
" Help, 0 help us, ere we die!

Hear we not that cry of anguish,

Wrung from quivering, ashen lips?
Have we touched the work before us
Only with our finger tips?
India's millions, hear them calling,
Calling us from o'er the sea!
See the beckoning hand of Sinim
" Help, just now, send help to me."

Westward, northward, eastward, southward,

Comes the cry from mart and home.
Answer comes to us from God-ward,
" Give them warning of earth's doom.
Tell them of their Saviour's coming,
Ye who know the Saviour's love;
Tell them how he yearns to take them
To their Father's home above."

Shall we stand as dumb before him,

We on whom the light now shines?
Shall we now shrink back like cowards,
Leave them only idol shrines?
Nay, not so, arouse to duty,
Each one springing to the call ;
For this greatest work of ages,
Answer quickly, one and all.

IN the following pages will be found complete directories of all the

conference and mission field organizations, as well as institutions, con-
nected with the denomination. In a work growing as rapidly as is this
one, and whose territory is so extensive, frequent changes are inevitable;
so that much of the matter contained herein is subject to revision very
soon after publication.
Some of the leading statistical items with reference to conference
and institutional work are presented below:

Union conferences and missions 44

Local conferences 129
Missions 143
Organized churches at close of 1919 4,256
1919 membership of churches 178,239
Increase in church membership during 1919 15,572
1919 total contributions $8,577,050.86
Per capita $48.12
Total contributions 1863-1919 (57 years) $59,626,138.83
1919 church buildings 1,681
1919 seating capacity 265,349
1919 resources of organizations and institutions $25,432,582.52
Colleges, academies, etc. 97
1919 enrolment 12,695
1919 primary schools 881
1919 enrolment 20.525
Number of publishing houses 43
1919 literature sales $5,215,626.49
Total literature sales, 1863-191 $37,591,906.20
Number of languages in which literature in all forms is issued, at
the close of 1919 .96
Number of periodicals 144
,Number of languages in which periodicals are issued 44
Sanitariums 32
Treatment rooms 11
Number of missionaries sent into service in foreign fields dining 1920 310
Number of missionaries sent into service in foreign fields during the
five years closing with 1919 702
Number sent out during the preceding five years ' 507
Amount of foreign mission offerings during 1919 $2,091,278.38
Of the above, there was contributed by members in the United
States and Canada $1,591,691.83
Or a per capita of $16.64
Total contributions of the 95,645 members in the United States and
Canada, during 1919 $6,218,416.86
Or a per capita of $65.02

The increase during recent years can best be shown briefly by com-
parison of the following items:
Membership of churches, 1919 178,239
Membership of churches, 1909 S8,502
At the close of 1919 denominational literature was issued in 96 languages.
At the close of 1909 denominational literature was issued in 65 languages.
At:the close of 1.919 there were 6,594 evangelistic laborers.-
At the close of 1909 there were 4,104 evangelistic laborers.
Directory of the Seventh-day Ad-
ventist Denomination

Organized May 21, 1863

Territory: The following-named Park, D. C. (Not Washington.)

Union Conferences: Atlantic, Consign freight via B. & 0. Ry.
Central, Columbia, Eastern Ca- Postal Address: Takoma Park
nadian, Lake, Northern, North Station, Washington, District of
Pacific, Pacific, Soute astern, Columbia, U. S. A.
Southern, Southwestern, West-
ern Canadian; British, Scandi- OFFICERS
navian, Central European, East President: A. G. Daniells, Takoma
German, West German, Latin, Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Czechoslovakian, Jugoslavia, Vice-President for North America:
Rumanian, East Russian, West E. E. Andross, Takoma Park
Russian; Austral, East Brazil, Station, Washington, D. C.
Inca, South Brazil; Austral- Vice-President for Europe: L. R.
asian, South Africa. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
The following-named Union burg, Germany.
Missions: Polish, Japan, Cho- Associate Vice-President for Eu-
sen, Manchurian, Malayasian, rope: L. H. Christian, Mar-
Central China, East China, North grethevej 5, Copenhagen, V.,
China, West China, South China, Denmark.
Philippine, Siberian; Burma, Vice-President for Eastern Asia:
Northeast India, Northwest In- I. H. Evans, Box 523, U. S. Pos-
dia, South India ;Levant, South- tal Agency, Shanghai, China.
ern (South African), and Zam- Vice-President for Southern Asia:
besi. J. E. Fulton. 17 Abbott Road,
The following-named local con- Luekno,v. India.
ferences: West Carribean, Ja- Vice-President for South America:
maica, South Caribbean. Hun- 0. Montgomery, Florida, F. C.
garian. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
The following-named local mis- South America.
sions not included in Union Con- Vice-President for Africa:' W. H.
ferences or Missions: Cuba. Branson, Rosmead Ave., Kenil-
Haitien, Porto Rico, Venezuela, worth, Cape, South Africa.
Honduras, Guatemala, Salva- Secretary: W. A. Spicer, Takoma
dor, Mexico, Bahamas, Hawaii. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Cable Address: Adventist, Wash- Treasurer: W. T. Knox, Takoma
ington. (A B C Code, fifth Park Station, Washington, D. C.
edition.) Assistant Treasurer: Chas. Thomp-
Telegraphic Address: General Con- son, Takoma Park Station,
ference, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C.
(NOT Takoma Park:) Associate Secretary: J. L. Shaw,
Express and Freight Address: Takoma Park Station, Washing-
General Conference, Takoma ton, D. C.

Auditor: J. J. Ireland, Takoma, .1. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Station,

Park Station, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C.
Chas. Thompson, Takoma Park
Station, 'Washington, D. C.
Field Secretaries: W. W. Prescott, W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park
G. B. Thompson, R. D. Quinn, Stgtion, Washington, D. C.
Takoma. Park Station, Washing- G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park
. ton, D. C. Station, Washington, D. C.
Assistant Secretary: C. K. Mey- R. D. Quinn, Takoma Park Sta-
ers, Takoma, Park Station, tion, Washington, D. C.
Washington, D. C. J. W. Westphal, Florida. F. C. C.
Field Sec. for Europe: J. C. Raft. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., South America.
Field Sec. for South America: PRESIDENTS OF UNION CONFER-
C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
South America. North America
Second Assistant Treasurer: H. H.
Cobban, Takoma Park Station, Atlantic: E. K. Slade, South Lan-
Washington, D. C. caster, Mass.
Office Secretary: T. E. Bowen, Central: S. E. Wight, College View,
Takoma Park Station, Washing- Nebr.
ton, D. C. Columbia: F. H. Robbins, 41]
Assistant Auditor: S. E. McNeill, Cedar St., Takoma Park Sta-
Takoma Park Station, Washing- tion, Washington, D. C.
ton, D. C. Eastern Canadian: F. W. Stray,
Statistical Secretary: H. E. Rog- Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.
ers, Takoma Park Station, Wash- Lake: Wm. Guthrie, Drawer C,
ington, D. C. Berrien Springs, Mich.
Northern: E. T. Russell, 2718
Third Ave., South, Minneapolis,
COMMITTEE North Pacific: A. R. Ogden, Col-
A. G. Daniel's, Takoma Park lege Place, 'Wash.
Station, Washington, D. C. Pacific: J. W. Christian, Box 146,
E. E. Andross, Takoma Park Sta- Glendale, Cal.
tion, Washington, D. C. Southeastern: W. H. Heckman,
L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a, Box 277, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Hamburg, Germany. Southern: J. L. McElhany, 2006
1. H. Evans, Box 523, U. S. Postal Twenty-fourth Ave:, North,
Agency, Shanghai, China. Nashville, Tenn.
J. E. Fulton, 17 Abbott Road, Southwestern: Morris Lukens, 411
Lucknow, India. Baum Bldg., Oklahoma City,
0. Montgomery, Florida, F. C. Okla.
C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Western Canadian: A. C. Gilbert,
South America. Room 202, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Cal-
W. H. Branson, Rosmead Ave., gary, Alberta, Canada.
Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa.
L. H. Christian, Margrethevej 5, Europe
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Czechslovakian: E. Frauchiger,
W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta- Dr. Dietrichgasse 3, Troppau,
tion, Washington, D. C. Czechoslovakia.
W. T. Knox, Takoma Park Sta- Central European: G. W. Schubert,
tion, Washington, D. C. Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany.

East German: H. F. Schuberth, East Brazil: Henry Meyer, Caixa

Uhlandstrasse 189, Berlin-Charl., Postal 768, Rio de Janeiro, Bra-
Germany. zil. South America.
Levant South Brazil: F. W. Spies, Es-
Rumanian: P. P. Paulini, Strada tacAo Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sho
Turturele 8, Bukharest, Ru- Paulo, Brazil, South America.
West German: Paul Drinhaus, Southern Asia
Eifelstrasse 95, Bonn, Germany. Northwest India: I. F. Blue, 17
British: M. N. Campbell, Stan- Abbott Road, Lueknow, India.
borough Park, Watford, Herts. South India: G. G. Lowry, 3
England. Wheeler Road, Bangalore, India.
Latin: A. V. Olson, La Ligniere,
Gland, Switzerland. African
Scandinavian: J. C. Raft, Mar- South African: B. E. Beddoe, Ros-
grethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., mead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape,
Denmark. South Africa.
Southern Union Mission (Africa):
Far Eastern , Rosmead Ave., Kenil-
Central China: F. A. Allum, Wang worth, Cape, South Africa.
Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Zambesi Union Mission: W. E.
Chosen: C. L. Butterfield, Seoul, Straw, Solusi Mission, Bula-
Chosen. wayo, Rhodesia, South Africa.
East China: O. A. Hall, Box 814, Miscellaneous Union Conferences
U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, Australasian: C. H. Watson, " Mix-
China. Wahroorra, N. S. W., Ails-
Japan: B. P. Hoffman, 171 Aina- _ tralia.
numa, Suginami-ntura, Toyo-
Malaysian: F. A, Detamore. 399 AND SUB-TREASURERS
'Upper Serangoon Road. Singa- Sabbath-school: Sec., Mrs. L. Flora
pore, Straits Settlements. Plummer, Takoma Park Station,
Manchurian: B. Petersen, S. D. A. Washington, D. C.
Mission, Mukden, Manchuria, Publishing: Sec., N. Z. Town, Ta-
China. koma Park Station, Washington,
North China: Frederick Lee, 62 D. C.; Asst. Sec., IV. IV. East-
Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peking, man, Takoma Park Station,
China. Washington, D. C.
Philippine: S. E. Jackson, 707 Educational: Sec., IV. E. Howell,
Vermont - St, Manila, Philip- Takoma Park Station, Wash-
pine Islands. ington, D. C.; Asst. Sec., 0. M.
South China: F. H. DeVinn.ey, John, Takoma Park Station,
P. 0. Box 310, Hongkong, China. Washington, D. C.
West China: N. C. Warren, S. D. Medical: Sec., L. A. Hansen, Ta-
A. Mission, Chungking, Szech- koma, Park Station, Washington,
wan, China. D. C.; Asst. Sec., II. IV. Miller,
M. D., Takoma Park Station,
South American Washington, D. C.
Austral: R. T. Baer, Florida, Missionary Volunteer: Sec.. M. E.
F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Ar- Kern, Takoma Park Station,
gentina, South America. Washington, D. C.
Inca Union Mission: E. F. Peter- Religious Liberty: See., C. S.
son, Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, Longacre, Takoma Park Station,
South America. Washington, D. C.

Home Missionary: Sec., C. V. Medical: Sec., C. C. Landis, M. D.,

Leach, Takoma Park Station, Red Cross General Hospital,
Washington, D. C.; Asst. Sec., Siccawei Road, Shanghai, China.
H. K. Christman, Takoma Park Sabbath School: Sec., Mrs. I. H.
Station, Washington, D. C. Evans, Box 523, U. S. Postal
Bureau of Home Missions: Sec., Agency, Shanghai, China.
P. E. Brodersen, 2914 West North
Ave., Chicago, Ill. Southern Asia ..
Supt. for German People: J. T. Assistant Secretary: W. W.
Boettcher, Clinton, Mo., Fletcher, 17 Abbott Road, Luck-
Supt. for Danish-Norwegian Peo- now, India.
ple: N. P. Neilsen, 1004 North Sub-Treasurer: A. H. Williams,
Fourth St., Stillwater, Minn. 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow,
Supt. for Swedish People: August dia.
Anderson, 4955 West Huron St., Sabbath School and Miss Vol.: S.
Chicago, Ill. A. Wellman, 17 Abbott Road.
Lucknow, India.
Supt. for Miscellaneous Language Educational: I. F. Blue, - 17 Ab-
Work East of Mississippi: J. H. bott Road, Lucknow,
Schilling, Clinton, Mo. Publishing: L. C. Shepard, 17 Ab-
Negro: Sec.. W. H. Green, Takoma bott Road, Lucknow, India.
Park Station, Washington, D. C., Medical: H. C. Menkel, M. D.,
or 5740 Thirtieth St., Detroit, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India.
Mich. South American
Asst. Secretary and Sub-Treas-
Europe urer: W. H. Williams, Florida,
Assistant Secretary: W. C. Ising, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Ar-
Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., gentina, South America.
Denmark. Educational, Sabbath School, and
Sub-Treasurer: C. Pedersen, Mar- Young People's Departments:
grethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., H. U. Stevens, Florida, F. C. C.
Denmark. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Missionary Volunteer: J. F. Simon, South America.
La Lignidre, Gland, Switzerland.
Educational: G. Wakeha,m, Stan- African
borough Park, Watford, Herts, Sub-Treasurer: W. B. Commin,
England. Rosinead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape,
South Africa.
Far Eastern Educational: U. Bender, Box 124,
Assistant Secretary: C. C. Crider, Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa.
Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Publishing: 0. C. Jenks, Ros-
Shanghai, China. me ad, Ave., Kenilworth, Cape,
Sub-Treasurer: H. W. Barrows, South Africa.
Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Medical: J. P. Casey, Cape Sani-
Shanghai, China. tarium, Plumstead; Cape, South
Publishing: Sec., C. E. Weaks, Africa.
Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, ELECTIVE MEMBERS
Shanghai, China. W. C. White, R. F. D. 1, Si.
Educational: Sec., S. L. Frost, Helena, Cal.
Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, S. N. Haskell, South Lancaster,
Shanghai, China. Mass.
Missionary Volunteer: Sec., S. L. C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal.
Frost, Box 523, U. S. Postal E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta-
Agency, Shanghai, China. tion, Washington, D. C.

F. M. Wilcox, Takoma Park Sta- C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal:

tion, Washington, D. C. R. L. Pierce, 2123 Twenty-fourth
R. L. Pierce, 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Ave., North; Nashville, Tenn. W. E. Read, Stanborough Park,
Watford, Herts, England.
H. Hartkop, Grine lberg 15a, Ham-
A. C. Christiansen, Akersgaten 74.
Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- Christiania, Norway.
tion, Washington, D. C. E. Ahren, Gamla Brogatair 38,
Officers: Stockholm, Sweden.
Secretary: N. Z. Town. . L. E. Borle, Apartado 492, Barce-
Associate Secretary: H. Hall. lona, Spain.
Assistant Secretaries: W. W. East- C. N. Woodward, 14 Calle Luna,
man, Takoma Park Station, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands.
Washington, D. C.; J. H. Me- J. Robert, Gland, Switzerland.
Eachern, Takoma Park, D. C. J. M. Johanson, Warburton, Vic-
Sec. for. Far-Eastern Division: C. toria, Australia.
E. Weaks, Box 523, U. S. Postal A. Pages, EstacSo Silo Bernardo,
Agency, Shanghai, China. S. P. R., Silo Paulo, Brazil,
Sec. for Southern Asia Division: South America.
L. C. Shepard, 17 Abbott Road, E. Everest, Florida, F. C. C. A.,
Lucknow, India. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
W. C. White, R. F. D. 1, St. J. G. Gjording, Box 856, U. S.
Helena, Cal. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
T. H. Evans, Box 523, U. S. Postal Lyman Bowers, Seoul, Chosen
Agency, Shanghai, China. (Korea).
J. E. Fulton, 17 Abbott Road,. E. B. Jones, 17 Abbott Road, Luck-
Lucknow, India. now. Inia.
C. C. Crisler, Box 523, U. S. Postal H. H. Rans, Oshawa, Ontario, Can-
Agency, Shanghai, China. ada.
F. A. Detamore, 399 Upper Saran- MANAGERS CIRCULATING DEPART-
goon Road, Singapore, Straits MENTS AND BRANCHES
Settlements. Jas. Cochran, Mountain View, Cal.
S. E. Jackson, 707 Vermont St., .1. D. Snider, South Bend, Ind.
Manila, Philippine Islands. D. A. Bailey, Room 314, 32 Union
L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a, Square, New York, N. Y.
Hamburg, Germany. .1. W. Mace, Takoma Park Sta-
W. H. Branson, Rosmead Ave., tion, Washington, D. C.
Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta-
J. C. Raft, Margrethevej 5, Copen- tion, Washington, D. C.
hagen, V., Denmark. G. C. Hoskin, 719 East Flanders
0. Montgomery, Florida, F. C. St., Portland, Oreg.
C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, C. L. Paddock, 303 Nokomis Bldg.,
South America. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
G. W. Caviness, 3a Agricultura 21, L. D. Randall, 169 Bryan St.,
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Atlanta, Ga.
W. W. Fletcher, 17 Abbott Road, C. E. Hooper, 2123 Twenty-fourth
Lucknow, Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
A. R. Smith, 1224 Euclid Ave..
E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta- L. W. Graham, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.

S. N. Curtiss, Pacific Press Pub. R. M. Carter, Estacao Sao Ber-

Assn., Brookfield, Ill. nardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Bra-
H. R. Gay, 411 West Railroad Ave., zil, South America.
Fort Worth, Tex. W. Maudsley, Stanborough Park,
R. E. Bowles, Box 5007, Cristobal, Watford, Herts, England.
Canal Zone, Panama.
Superintendents C. V. Leach, Takoma Park Sta-
E. L. Richmond, Takoma Park tion, Washington, D. C.
Station, Washington, D. C.
W. A. Harvey, 2123 Twenty-fourth
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. MEDICAL MISSIONARY
E. F. Counter, Mountain View, Cal. DEPARTMENT
Bureau of Home Missions OFFICERS
P. E. Brodersen, 2914 West North Secretary: L. A. Hansen, Takoma
Ave., Chicago, Ill. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Assistant Secretary: H. W. Mil-
E. E. Franklin, South Lancaster, tion, Washington, D. C.
Mass. Assistant Secretary: Franke Cob-
H. F. Kirk, 411 Cedar St., Takoma ban, Takoma Park Station,
Park Station, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C.
.1. W. Davis, Berrien Springs, Mich. Field Secretary for Pacific States:
V. 0. Cole, 2006 Twenty-fourth P. T. Magan, M. D., 304 North
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
A. F. Harrison, 411 Baum Bldg.,
Oklahoma. City, Okla. OTHER MEMBERS
James Hickman, First Nat'l Bank W. B. Holden, M. D., East Six-
Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. tietb St., Portland, Oreg.
.1. B. Blosser, College View, Nebr. A. C. Selmon, M. D., Red Cross
E. M. Oberg, 2718 Thir Ave., General Hospital, Siccawei Road,
South, Minneapolis, Minn. Shanghai, China.
F. E. Painter, 802 East Acacia W. C. Dunscombe, M. D., Ensen-
Ave., Glendale, Cal. ada, Porto Rico.
N. H. Conway, 719 East Flanders W. A. Ruble, Stanborough Park,
St., Portland, Oreg. Watford, Herts, England.
G. A. Campbell, 202 I. 0. 0. F. W. E. Bliss, M. D., New England
Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass.
E. M. Fishell, Oshawa, Ontario, George Thomason, M. D., Los An-
Canada. geles, Cal.
L. D. A. Lemke, " Mizpah," Wah- L. M. Bowen, Loma Linda, Cal.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. J. A. Burden, Paradise Valley San-
E. H. Meyers, Florida, F. C. C. A., itarium, National City, Cal.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South D. H. Kress, M. D., Takoma Park
America. Station, Washington, D. C.
G. C. Jenks, Rosmead Ave., Ken- C. C. Landis, M. D., 263 Siccawei
ilworth, Cape, South Africa. Road, Shanghai, China.
J. A. P. Green, 3a Agricultura 21, J. N. Andrews, M. D., Tatsienlu,
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Szechwan, China.
H. A. Robinson, Apartado 492, John Reith, M. D., Watford, Herts,
Barcelona, Spain. England.
H. Box, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, G. H. Heald, M. D., Takoma Park
Germany. Station, Washington, D. C.

R. H. Habenicht, M. D., Diamante. C. S. Longacre, Takoma Park Sta-

Entre Rios, Argentina, South tion, Washington, D. C.
America. L. A. Hansen, Takoma Park Sta-
Riley Russell, M. D., Soonan. tion, Washington, D. C.
Chosen (Korea). H. W. Miller, Takoma Park Sta-
H. C. Menkel, 17 Abbott Road. tion, Washington, D. C.
Lucknow, India. C. C. Lewis, Takoma Park Sta-
Newton G. Evans, M. D., Loma tion, Washington, D. C.
Linda, Cal. C. A. Russell, Takoma Park Sta-
W. E. Howell, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C.
D. D. Comstock, M. D., 515 Citi- College Presidents
zen's Bank Bldg., Pasadena, Cal. B. F. Machlan, Takoma Park Sta-
Julia A. White, M. D., Glendale, tion, Washington, D. C.
Cal. Frederick Griggs, Berrien Springs,
T. A. Sherwin, M. 15'., Sanitarium, Mich.
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. H. A. Morrison, College View,
C. W. Irwin, Pacific Union College,
DEPARTMENT OF St. Helena, Cal.
EDUCATION W. I. Smith, College Place, Wash.
N. G. Evans, Lonia Linda, Cal.
Seminary Presidents
Secretary: W. E. Howell, Takoma
Park Station, Washington, D. C. H. 0. Olson, La Grange, Ill.
Assistant Secretary: 0. M. John, H. M. Johnson, Hutchinson, Minn.
Takoma Park Station, Washing- F. R. Isaac, Clinton, Mo.
ton, D. C.
Assistant in Elementary and Nor- Junior College Presidents
mal Education: Sarah E. Peck, G. R. Lehman, South Lancaster,
Takoma, Park Station. Washing- Mass.
ton, D. C. W. E. Nelson, Keene, Tex.
L. H. Wood, Ooltewah, Tenn.
Foreign Assistants A. J. Olson, Oshawa, Ontario, Can-
Assistant Secretary for Europe: ada.
Glen Wakeham, Stanborough E. D. Dick, Lacombe, Alberta.
' Park, Watford, Herts, England. Canada.
Assistant Secretary for Far East: .1. I. Beardsley, Box 414, Hunts-
S. L. Frost, Box 523, U. S. Postal ville, Ala.
Agency, Shanghai, China.
Assistant Secretary for Southern Union Conference Secretaries
Asia: I. F. Blue, 17 Abbott Road, D. D. Rees, College View, Nebr.
Lucknow, India. W. W. Ruble, Box 146, Glendale,
Assistant Secretary for South Cal.
America: H. U. Stevens. Florida. W. C. Flaiz, College Place,Wash.
F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argen- A. F. Schmidt, 2718 Third Ave.,
tina, South America. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
General Conference P. L. Thompson, South. Lancaster,
J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Sta- J. A. Tucker, First Nat'l Bank
tion, Washington, D. C. Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn.
M. E. Kern, Takoma Park Sta- L. W. Cobb, 202 I. 0. 0. F., Bldg.,
tion, Washington, D. 'C. Calgary, Alberta. Canada.

N. H. Saunders, Oshawa, Ontario, Asst. Sec.: Rosamond 1). Ginther.

Canada. Field Secretary: J. S. James, Ta-
J. C. Thompson, 2006 Twenty- koma Park Station, Washing-
fourth Ave., North, Nashville, ton, D. Q.
G. R. Fattic, Berrien Springs, Mich. OTHER MEMBERS
A. W. Peterson, 411 Baum Bldg., G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park
Oklahoma City, Okla. Station, Washington, D. C.
M. E. Cady, 411 Cedar. St., Tako- M. C. Wilcox, Mountain View, Cal.
ma Park Station, Washington, WT.. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta-
D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Academy Principals E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
C. L. Stone, care of Academy, Mrs. Fannie D. Chase, Takoma
Mount Vernon, Ohio. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
H. J. Sheldon, Maple Plain, Minn. T. E. Bowen,-Takoma Park Sta-
A. E. Hall, San Fernando, Cal. tion, Washington, D. C.
Foreign School Principals W. E. Howell, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
H. C. Lacey, Stanborough Park, C. P. Bollman, Takoma Park Sta-
Watford, Herts, England. - tion, Washington, D. C.
Maurice Tieche, Gland, Vaud,
Erik Arnesen, Naerum, Denmark.
J. S. Marshall, Puiggari, F. C. E., YOUNG PEOPLE'S MISSIONARY
Argentina, South America. VOLUNTEER DEPARTMENT
U. Bender, Spion Kop, Ladysmith,
Natal, South Africa. Office Address: Takoma Park Sta-
H. Kirk, Cooranbong, N. S. W., tion, Washington, -D. C.
Australia. OFFICERS
S. L. Frost, Box 523, U. S. Postal Secretary: M. E. Kern.
Agency, Shanghai, China. Assistant Secretary: Matilda E.
P. A. Webber, 171 Amanuma, Andross.
Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun, Junior Secretary: Harriet Holt.
Tokyo, Japan. Field Secretaries: Meade Mac-
E. Meyer, Friedensau, Bez. Magde- Guire; C. A. Russell.
burg, Germany. Divisional Assistant Secretaries:
For Europe: J. F. Simon. Mar-
General grethvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Deri-
A. W. Anderson, " Mizpah," Wah- mark.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. For Far East: S. L. Frost. Box
C. J. Boyd, Drawer M, Cristobal, 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shang-
Canal Zone, Panama. hai, China.
H. H. Votaw, Takoma Park Sta- For South America: H. U. Stev-
tion, Washington, D. C. ens, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos
Mrs. Flora H. Williams, Takoma Aires, Argentina, South Amer-
Park' Station, Washington, D. C. ica.
For Southern Asia : S. A. Well-
SABBATH SCHOOL man, 17 Abbott Road, Luc-know,
OFFICERS IV. E. Howell, Takoma Park Sta-
Secretary: Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, tion, Washington, D. C.
Takoma Park Station, Washing- Steen Rasmussen, Margrethvej
ton, D. C. 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark.

Heinrich Watty, 643 Vostystr. 10, C. E. Andross, 411 'Ceciiir St:;Ta-

Berlin, N., Germany. korna Park Station,.: Washing-
Fritz Backer, Platanenstr. 26, Diis- ton, D. C.
seldorf, Germany. W. W. Ruble, Box 146, . Glendale,
W. Edener, Tizianstr. 35, Mu- Cal.
nich, Germany. H. T. Elliott, Berrien Springs,
Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, Takoma Mich.
Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Fannie D. Chase, Takoma
Park Station, Washington, D. C. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY
Frederick Griggs, Berrien Springs, ASSOCIATION
C. V. Leach, Takoma Park Sta- Headquarters: Takoma Park , Sta-
tion, Washington,. D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
J. W. Mace, Takoma Park Station, Secretary: C. S. Longacre, Ta-
Washington, D. C. koma Park Station, Washing-
Miss Sarah E. Peck, Takoma Park ton, D. C.
Station, Washington, D. C.
E. M. Howard, Bethel Mission, Field Secretary West of Missis-
Butterworth, Transkei, South sippi: W. F. Martin, 421 North
Africa. Isabel St., Glendale, Cal.
F. S. Jackson, Stanborough Park,
Watford, Herts, England.
L. L. Caviness, La Ligniere, Gland, A. G. Daniells, Takoma Park Sta-
Switzerland. tion, Washington, D. C.
F. M. Larson, 2212 Thirtieth Ave., W. T. Knox, Takoma Park Sta-
South, Minneapolis, Minn. tion, Washington, D. C.
N. Z. Town, Takoma Park Sta- J. 0. Corliss, 521 East Wilson Ave.,
tion, Washington, D. C. Glendale, Cal.
J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Sta- W.. M. : Healey,, 667 Eighteenth St.,
tion, Washington, D. C. San Diego, Cal.
F. Knight, " Mizpah," Wahroong,a, C. P. Bollman, Takoma Park Sta-
N. S. W., Australia. tion, Washington, D. C.
Anna Knight, 2006 Twenty-fourth G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Station, Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Flora H. Williams, Takoma D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta-
Park Station, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
P. L. Thompson, South Lancaster, J. E. Jayne,Room 602, 32 Union
Mass. Square, Nw York, N. Y.
D. D. Rees, College View, Nebr. F. M. Wilcox, Takoma Park Sta-
A. F. Schmidt, 2718 Third Ave., tion, Washington, D. C.
South, Minneapolis, Minn. W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta-
W. L. Adams, College Place, Wash. tion, Washington, D. C.
J. A. Tucker, First Nat'l Bank W. L. Burgan, Takoma Park Sta-
Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. tion, Washington, D. C.
J. C. Thompson, 2006 Twenty- C. B. Haynes, 322 Convent Ave.,
fourth Ave., North, Nashville, New York, N. Y.
Tenn. L. L. Caviness, La Ligniere, Gland,
A. W. Peterson, 411 Baum Bldg., S witzerland.
Oklahoma City, Okla. A. J. Clark, 812 Steger Building,
N. H. Saunders, 212 Brunswick 28 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago,
Ave., Toronto. Canada. Ill.
L. W. Cobb, 202 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., H. W. Cottrell, 508 East Everett
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. St., Portland, Oreg.


W. F. Martin, Box 146, Glendale, .1. D. Johnson, Brookfield, Ill.
Cal. N. R. Nelson, 2914 West North
J. L. McElhany, 2006 Twenty- Ave., Chicago, Ill.
fourth Ave., North, Nashville, C. Edwardsen, 2628 East Twenty-
Tenn. eighth St., Minneapolis, Minn.
W. H. Heckman, First Nat'l Bank Scandinavian Missionary Volun-
Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. teer and Hoine Missionary Field
F. H. Robbins, 411 Cedar St., Ta- Secretary: F. M. Larsen, 2212
koma Park Station, Washing- Thirtieth Ave., South, Minne-
ton, D. C. apolis, Minn.
II.. G. Thurston, College Place,
Wash. Swedish Advisory Committee
S. B. Horton, 1211 Mardi St., August Anderson (Superintend-
Kalamazoo, Mich. ent), 4955 West Huron. St., Chi-
E. K. Slade, South Lancaster, cago, Ill.
Mass. S. Mortenson, care of Pacific
E. T. Russell, 2718 Third Ave., Press, Brookfield,
South, Minneapolis, Minn. Olaf Granlund, Brook-field, Ill.
Morris Lukens, 411 Baum Bldg., H. 0. Olson, Route L. Box 58, La
Oklahoma City, Okla. Grange, Ill.
A. C. Gilbert, 202 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., German Advisory Committee
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
S. E. Wight, College View, Nebr. J. T. Boettcher (Superintendent),
F. W. Stray, Oshawa, Ontario, Clinton, Mo.
Canada. E. C. Witzke, care of Seminary,
A. W. Anderson, " Mizpah," Wah- Clinton, Mo.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. B. E. Miller, 1703 Gates Ave.,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
G. A. Grauer, R. F. D. B, Box
Office: 2914 West North Ave., F. R. Isaac, Clinton, Mo.
Chicago, Ill. Jewish Advisory Committee
Secretary: P. E. Brodersen.
Superintendent of the German F. C. Gilbert 1( Superintendent),
Work: J. T. Boettcher, Clinton, South Lancaster, Mass.
Mo. E.. K. Slade, South Lancaster, Mass.
Superintendent of the Danish-Nor- J. K. Jones, South Lancaster,
wegian Work: N. P. Neilsen, Mass.
1004 North Fourth St., Stillwa- M. E. Olsen, Union Co'lege, Col-
ter, Minn. lege View, Nebr.
Superintendent of the Swedish French Advisory Committee
Work: August Anderson, 4955
West Huron St., Chicago, Ill. P. E. Brodersen (Supt.), 291-1
Superintendent Miscellaneous Lan- West North Ave., Chicago, Ill.
guages: J. H. Schilling:. Clin- L. F. Passebois, 1331 Cote des
Neiges Road, Montreal, Quebec,.
ton,. 11o.
Asst. Secretary West of Missis- Canada.
sippi River: David Voth, 2914 E. K. Slade, South Lancaster, Mass..
West North Ave., Chicago, Ill. J. Curdy, Oshawa, Ontario.
F. W. Stray, Oshawa, Ontario.
Danish-Norwegian Advisory Com-
Latin-American Work
N. P. Neilsen, Supt., 1004 North E. L. Maxwell (Leader), 615 North
Fourth St., Stillwater. Minn. Tenth St., Phoenix.. Ariz.

H. F. Brown (assistant), Box 755, Lyle C. Shepard, 201 I. 0. 0. F.

San Antonio, Tex. Bldg.,4Calgary; Alberta, Canada.
Foreign Literature Depository Publishing House Representatives
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brook- L. W. Graham, Review and Herald
field, Ill.; Manager, S. N. Cur- Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, D. C.
tiss. J. R. Ferrell, Pacific PreSS Pub.
Assn., Mountain View, Cal.
HOME MISSIONARY DE- S. N. Curtiss, Pacific. Press Pub.
PARTMENT. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
R. L. Pierce, Southern Pub. Assn.,
Headquarters: Takoma Park Sta- Nashville, Tenn.
tion, Washington, D. C.
Secretary: C. V. Leach. Foreign Members
Asst. Secretaries: H. K. Christ-
man. E. R. Numbers. L. H. Christian, Margrethevej 5,
Office Secretary: Mrs. .T. W. Mace. Copenhagen, V.. Denmark.
C. E. Weaks, Box 523, U. S. Postal
OTHER MEMBERS Agency, Shanghai, China.
General Conference 0. Montgomery, Florida, F. C. C.
(All of whom may be addressed at A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Takoma Park Station, Washing- . South America.
ton, D. C.): R. D. Quinn, N. H. M. Minden, " Mizpah," Wah-
Z. Town, M. E. Kern, P. E. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Brodersen, L. A. Hansen, G. B. J. E. Fulton, 17 Abbott. Road,
Thompson, Mrs. L. Flora Plum- Lucknow,
mer, E. R. Palmer. W. H. Branson, IRosmead Ave.,
Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa.
North American Union Conference
Home Missionary Secretaries
W. A. Butler, South Lancaster,
H. E. Lysinger, College View, Secretary: W. H. Green, Takoma
Nebr. Park Station, Washington, D. C.;
E. R. Corder, (Asst.), 411 Cedar or 5740 Thirtieth St., Detroit,
St., Takoma Park Station, Mich.
Washington, D. C.
Geo. Butler, R. 2, Oshawa, Ontario, OTHER MEMBERS
Canada. J. L. McElhanv, 2006 Twenty-
J. L. McConaughey, Berrien fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
Springs. Mich. Term.
Ano] Grundset, 1716 Fifth Ave., W. H. Heckman, First Nat'l Bank
South, Minneapolis, Minn. Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn.
E. C. Boger, College Place, Wash. William Guthrie, Drawer C, Ber-
J. Adams Stevens, Box 146, Glen- rien Springs, Mich.
dale, Cal. S. E. Wight, College View, Nebr.
E. F. Hackman, First Nat'l Bank M. Lukens, 411 Baum Bldg., Okla-
Bldg.. Chattanooga, Tenn. homa City, Okla.
0. R. Staines. 2006 Twenty-fourth F. H. Robbins, 411 Cedar St., Ta-
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. koma Park Station, Washing-
Anna -Knight (Southern Union ton, D. C.
Mission), 2006 Twenty-fourth E. K. Slade, South Lancaster,
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Mass.
E. R. Potter, 411 Baum Bldg., J. K. Humphrey, 141 West 131st
Oklahoma City, Okla. St.. New York, N. Y.

M. C. Strachan, 1714 Druid Hill A. Bacon, 84 Upper Tollington

Ave., Baltimore, Md. Park, London, N., England.
M. G. Nunes, 411 Baum Bldg., A. J. Clark, 812 Steger Bldg., 28
Oklahoma City, Okla. East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill.
W. D. Forde, 4722 Langley Ave., G. C. Hoskin, 719 East Flanders
Chicago, Ill. St.. Portland, Oreg.
IL S. Willis, 4220 West Lucky St., H. C. Kephart, Drawer M, Cristo-
St. Louis, Mo. bal, Canal Zoney Panama.
G. E. Peters, First Nat'l Bank And the Treasurers of. Union Con-
Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. ferenees in North America.
J. H. Lawrence, 2006 Twenty-
fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
Secretary: MT. L. Burgan, Tako- MINISTERS
ma Park Station, Washington, Anderson, August; 4955 West Hu-
D. C. ron St., Chicago, Ill.
Literary Editor: L. A. Smith, 233 Andross, E. E., Takoma Park Sta-
North Kendall St., Battle Creek, tion, Washington, D. C.
Mich. Boettcher, J. T., Clinton, Mo.
Bollman, C. P., Takoma Park Sta-
GENERAL CONFERENCE tion, Washington, D. C.
CORPORATION Branson, W. H., Rosmead Ave.,
Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa.
Incorporated 1904 Brodersen, P. E., 2914 West North
i,Legal Title: " General Conference Ave., Chicago, Ill.
orporati6n of 'Seventh-day Ad- Christian, L. H., Margrethevej 5,
ventists." Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Constituency: The General Con- Christman, H. K., Takoma Park
ference delegates. Station, Washington, D. C.
Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- Conradi, L. Grindelberg 15a,
tion, Washington, D. C. Hamburg, Germany.
Officers: Pres., A. G. Daniells; Sec., Curdy, Hickory, N. C.
J. L. Shaw; Treas., W. T. Dail, Guy, Pacific Union College,
Knox. St. Helena, Cal.
Board of Trustees: W. T. Knox, Daniells, A. G., Takoma Park Sta-
J. L. Shaw, A. G. Daniells, E. E. tion, Washington, D. C.
Andross, C. Thompson, N. Z. Eastman, W. W., Takoma Park
Town, H. E. Rogers. Station, Washington, D. C.
Evans, I. H., Box 523, U. S. Postal
Agency, Shanghai, China.
TRANSPORTATION AGENTS Fulton, J. E., 17 Abbott Road,
W. T. Knox, Takoma. Park Sta- Lucknow, India.
tion, Washington, D. C. (Also Gilbert, F. C., South Lancaster,
general agent for trans-Atlantic Mass.
steamship lines.) Green, W. H., Takoma Park Sta-
C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal. tion, Washington, D. C.; or 5740
(Also general agent for trans- Thirtieth St., Detroit, Mich.
Pacific steamship lines.) Hansen, L. A., Takoma Park Sta-
Review and Herald Publishing As- tion, Washington, D. C.
sociation, Room 314, 32 Union Haskell, S. N., South Lancaster,
Square, New York, N. Y. Mass.

Howell, W. E., Takoma Park Sta- Thomason, Geo., M. D., Los An-
tion, Washington, D. C. geles, Cal.
James, J. S., Takoma Park Sta-' Thompson, Chas., Takoma Park
tion, Washington, D. C. Station, Washington, D. C.
Kern, M. E., Takoma Park Sta- Thompson, G. B., Takoma Park
tion, Washington, D. C. Station, Washington, D. C.
Knox, W. T., Takoma Park Sta- Town, N. Z., Takoma Park Sta-
tion,. Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Leach, C. V., Takoma Park Sta- White, W. C., R. F. D. 1, St.
tion, Washington, D. C. Helena, Cal.
Lewis, C. C., Takoma Park Sta- Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Longacre, C. S., Takoma Park Sta- Wilcox, M. C., Mountain View, Cal.
tion, Washington, D. C.
Loughborough, J. N., Sanitarium, LICENTIATES
Magan, P. T., M. D., 304 North Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. tion, Washington, D. C.
MacGuire, Meade, Takom a Park Burgan, W. L., Takoma Park Sta-
Station, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Martin; W. F., 421 North Isabel Evans, Newton, M. D., Lorna Lin-
St., Glendale, Cal. da, Cal.
Maxwell, E. L., 615 North Tenth Furnival, G. F., 184 Pacific St.,
St., Phoenix, Ariz. Bridgeport, Conn.
McEachern, J. H., Takoma Park Hall, H. H., Takoma Park Sta-
Station, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Miller, H. W., Takoma Park Sta- John, 0. M., Takoma Park Station,
tion, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C.
Montgomery, 0., Florida, F. C. Larsen, F. M., 2212 Thirtieth Ave.,
C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South, Minneapolis, Minn.
South America.
Neilsen, N. P., 1004 North Fourth MISSIONARY LICENTIATES
St., Stillwater, Minn. Andross, Mrs. Matilda. Takoma
Numbers, E. R., Takoma Park Sta- Park Station, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Chase, Mrs. F. D., Takoma Park
Palmer, E. R., Takoma Park Sta- Station, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Cobban, H. H., Takoma Park Sta-
Parmele, R. W., 3a Agricultura 21, tion, Washington, D. C.
Tacu-baya, D. F., Mexico. Ginther, Rosamond D., Takoma
Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Station, Washington, D. C. Ireland, J. -J., Takoma Park Sta-
Punches, V. 0., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. tion, Washington, D. C.
Quinn, R. D., Takoma Park Sta- Lewis, Mrs. C. C., Takoma Park
tion, Washington, D. C. Station, Washington, D. C.
Russell, C. A., Takoma Park Sta- MacEnterfer, Sara, Sanitarium,
tion, Washington, D. C. Cal.
Schilling, J. H., Clinton, Mo. McNeill, S. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Shaw, J. L., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Peck, Sarah, Takoma Park Sta-
Simon, J. F., Margrethevej 5, Co- tion, Washington, D. C.
penhagen, V., Denmark. Plummer, Mrs. L. Flora, Takoma
Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park Sta- . Park Station. Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Rogers, H. E., Takoma Park Sta-
'Fait, A. 0., Mountain View, Cal. tion, Washington, 1). C.
Organized 1901

Territory: The Conferences of D., W. M. Vehorn, B. B. Ross,.

Eastern New York, Greater New Rowena E. Purdon, Mrs. E. F.
York, Maine, Massachusetts, Forga, Miss Elizabeth Stone..
Northern New England, South- Honorary: Mrs. J. C. Hennessy,
ern New England, Western New Ellery Robinson, Mrs. M. A_
York, and the Bermuda Mission. Scribner, H. C. Wilcox, W. A.
Population: 17,803,000; chiirches, Wilcox, Mrs. M. A. Wheeler..
182; members, 9,053. Jennie Thayer, Florence I...
Office Address: South Lancaster,
Pres., E. K. Slade.
Sec. and Treas., C. L. Kilgore. FERENCE
Executive Committee: E. K. Organized 1906
Slade, the presidents of confer- Territory: That portion of the-
ences composing the Atlantic State of New York eas,t of a
Union, and C. L. Kilgore, W. E. line formed by the eastern boun-
Bliss, M. D., E. E. Franklin, daries of the counties of Cayu-
F. C. Gilbert, P. L. Thompson, ga, Tompkins, and Tioga, and
J. K. Humphrey, G. R. Lehman, north of the line formed by the
D. A. Bailey, W. A. Butler. northern boundaries of Sullivan,.
Legal Assn.: " The Atlantic Ulster, and Dutchess Counties.
Union Conference Assn. of S.
D. A." Population of New York State:
Department Secretaries: 10,384,144; churches, 32; mem-
Field Miss., E. E. Franklin. bers, 1,109.
Educational and Miss. Vol., P. Office: Room 6, Mann Bldg., Utica,.
L. Thompson. N. Y.
Home Miss., W. A. Butler.
Medical Miss., W. E. Bliss, M. D. Officers:
Negro Representative, J. K. Pres., R. M. Heald.
Humphrey. Sec. and Treas., J. E. Osterblom..
Executive Committee: B. M..
Ministers: Heald, 0. H. Rogers, W. A. Wil-
E. K. Slade. H. S. Prenier, W. cox, A. M. Howea, H. A.'Erande-
A. Butler. man, L. H. Gardiner.
Honorary: P. F. Bicknell, S'. J. Legal Assn.: " The New York
Hersum, P. B. Osborne, J. W. Conference Association of S. D..
Raymond, D. G. Turk, C. Meleen, A."
C. J. Coon.
Department Secretaries:
Licentiates: Tract Soc.. 7. E. Osterblom.
C. A. Shull, E. C. Rowell, Wini- Field Miss., F. E. Kinnear.
fred P. Rowell, E. E. Franklin, Sabbath School, Mrs. J. Schnetz-
G. R. Lehman, W. E. Bliss, M. ler.
D., E. B. Carr, M. D., G. H. Educational and Miss. Vol., Miss.
Winslow. P. L. Thompson, Ve- Theresa. Hacker.
rah MacPherson. Home Miss., Joseph Schnetzler.
Missionary Licentiates: Medical Miss.. Mrs. B. M. Heald..
C. L. Kilgore, J. L. Johnson, Mrs. Religious Liberty, H. A. Vande-
C. L. Kilgore, Clara Schunk, M. man.

Ministers: B. E. Miller, Carl Swenson, D.

H. A. Vandeman, Joseph Schnetz- N. Wall, Louis Klebahn, C. E.
ler, L. H. King. Hutchins, W. E. Perrin.
Licentiates: Legal Assn.: " Greater New
J. C. Oswald, Harold Snide. York Corporation of S. D. A.
Missionary Licentiates:
Department Secretaries:
R. P. Johnson, Mrs. J. C. Oswald, Tract Soc., P. W. Derby.
Field Miss., F. D. Wells.
F. E. Kinnear, Miss Theresa
Hacker, Mrs. J. Schnetzler, Mrs. Sabbath School and Miss Vol.,
Beatrice Johnson, J. E. Oster- Mrs. J. E. Jayne.
Educational, H. H. Morse.
Home Miss., F. D. Wells.
Church School Teachers: Medical Miss., B. B. Kinne,
Clara Fuller, Miss Sarah Fuller, M. D.
Estelle M. Bishop, Gladys Cas- Religious Liberty, J. E. Jayne.
well, Mercedes Hulette, Mrs. E. Ministers:
P. Farnsworth, Sophie Seehase, .1. E. Jayne, W. R. Andrews. L.
Mrs. C. J. Coon. Halsvfek, C. B. Haynes, J. F.
Church Directory: Huenergardt, J. K. Humphrey,
Albany, 120 Jay St. B. E: Miller, Carl Swenson, D.
Binghamton, 71 Pennsylvania N. Wall, R. Calderone.
Ave. Honorary: L. Zecchetto P. Z.
Rome, 321 West Bloomfield St. Kinne.
'Schenectady, Eastern and Ran- Licentiates:
kin Ayes. J. M. Calvert, W. E. Perrin, J.
Syracuse, 817 South Ave. Sansonetti. A. G. Swan. Miss
Utica, Chapel, Square and Mil- Emma Wells. F. D. Wells. Hon-
ler Sts. orary: R. Immonen.
Watertown, Clay and Academy Missionary Licentiates:
Sts. Miss Minnie Buchner, Miss Ethel
Carroll, Miss Anna Dunn, Mrs.
L. Halsvick, H. P. Hansen, J. E.
GREATER NEW YORK CON- Hanson, Mrs. C. B. Haynes, Mrs.
FERENCE Mary Hicks, Mrs. J. F. Huener-
Organized 1902 g,ardt, Miss Margaret Izso, Mrs.
J. E. Jayne, Miss Alfreda John-
Territory: The City of Greater
son, Mrs. J. L. Johnson, Miss
New York, Long Island, and the
Louise Johnson, B. B. Kinne, M.
Counties of Westchester, Rock-
D., Mrs. J. K. Humphrey, Miss
land, Putnam, Orange, Dutchess,
Mary Lewis, Miss Jessie M.
Sullivan, and Ulster, in the
Lynch, Miss Augusta Meyer.
State of New York.
Mrs. B. E. Miller, Mrs. Fred Os-
Population of the State of New born, J. T. Ottosen, Miss Susie
York: 10,384,144; churches, 19: Pulis, Miss A. W. Pulis Miss N.
members, 2,840. Sjoblom, Mrs. Carl Swenson.
Office: Room 602, 32 Union Square, Miss Florence Tate, Miss Ruth
New York, N. Y. Tyrrell, Miss Marie Tyvold,
Officers: A. K. Kover, Miss Roza Vass,
Pres., J. E. Jayne. Miss F. E. Wagner, Mrs. D. N.
Sec. and Treas.. John T. Foster. Wall, Miss Caroline B. Weiss,
Executive Committee: J. E. Miss Edith Carroll.
Jayne, W. R. Andrews. Louis Honorary: Mas. J. M. Calvert.
Halsvick, C. B. Haynes, J. F. Church School Teachers:
Huenergardt, .T. K. Humphrey, TI. H. Morse, J. L. Moran, Miss

Pauline Kraus, Mrs. H. H. Legal Assn.: "Maine Confer

Morse, Miss M. Buckner, Mrs. ence Assn. of S. D. A."
Critchlow, Miss R. Yeadon. Department Secretaries:
Church Directory: Tract Soc., V. H. Hanscom.
Brooklyn: Field Miss., J. R. Osborne.
No. 1, Greene and Patchen Ayes. Sabbath School, Mrs. Ida E..
No. 2, colored, 1661 Dean St., Hendrick.
near Schenectady St. Educational and Miss. Vol., Mrs..
Danish - Norwegian. Swedish Jennie Bates-Russell.
Methodist Church, 48th St. Home Miss., C. 0. Perkins.
and Seventh Ave. Medical Miss., Mrs. M. W. Howe..
German, 1823-1827 Gates Ave. Religious Liberty, W. 0. Howe.
Italian, 675 Hicks St. Ministers:
Swedish, (Greenwood Heights) H. W. Carr, E. E. Osborne, W.
45th and Seventh Ave. 0. Howe, M. R. Bailey.
Middletown, 3 Linden Ave. Licentiates:
Mt. Vernon, Odd Fellows' Hall, C. 0. Perkins. V. C. Townsend; .
36 South Ave. Mary E. Walsh.
Newburgh, Third and Chambers Missionary Licentiates:
New York: Mrs. Murray Russell, Miss Cora
Bowers, Mrs. M. W. Howe, Mrs..
Finnish, 129 East 128th St.
Harlem, colored, 144-146 West L. A. Ellsworth. Mrs. Ida E.
131st St. Hendrick, V. H. Hanscom.
Hungarian, 129 East 128th St. Church School Teachers:
New York, No. 1, " Temple," Ruby Farley, Martha G. Bart- -
120th St. and Lenox Ave. lett, Annie Bell Houghton, Chris-
Swedish, Presbyterian Chapel, tine Dyer, Violet Webber, Mrs. .
137th St. and Willis Ave. Grace Oakley, Mrs. E.
Port Jervis, Hubbard Bldg., Fow- Elsie Iverson, Myrtle Wilson.
ler andontr Sts. Church Directory:
Poughkeepsie, 295 Main St. Auburn-Lewiston, Sylvan Ave.;
Staten Island, Masonic Temple, Lewiston.
Port Richmond, Staten Island Bath, North St., Baptist Church.
N. Y. Camden, Central St.
White Plains, 15 South Lexing- Portland, 75 Grant St.
ton Ave.
Organized 1867 Organized 1870
Territory: The State of Maine. Territory: The State of Massa-
Population: 768;014; churches, 21; Population: 3,852;356; churches,
members, 739. 34; members, 1,956.
Office: 75 Grant St., Portland, Me. Office Address: Box 306, South -
Officers: Lancaster, Mass.
Pres., H. W. Carr. Officers:
Sec. and Treas., V. IL Hans- Pres., J. K. Jones.
com. Sec. and Treas., H. T. Curtis.
Executive Committee: H. W. Executive Committee: J. K. .
Carr, E. E. Osborne, E. C. Tay- Jones, H. T. Curtis, -P. F. Bick-
lor, Ward Bickford, W. 0. Howe, nell, W. E. Bliss. J. C. Stevens, .
V. H. Hanscom, M. R. Bailey. W. W. Rice, S. E. Brown.

Legal Assn.: " The Massachu- Lowell, Liberty St., near School,
setts Conference Assn. of S. D. St.
A." Mansfield, Foxville Chapel.
Department Secretaries: Methuen, Odd Fellows' Hall.
Tract Soc., H. T. Curtis. Natick, 6 Tibbetts St.
Field Miss., D. P. Waldo. New Bedford, English, Unita-
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., rian Church, Williams St.
C. R. Gibbs. New Bedford, Portuguese, 736
Educational, J. H. Tiney. Pleasant St.
Home Miss. W. W. Rice. Northampton, I. 0. 0. F. Hall,
Religious Liberty, P. F. Bick- Center St.
nell. Roxbury, colored, Cabot and
Sterling Sts.
Ministers: Sanitarium Church, New Eng-
J. K. Jones, P. F. Bicknell, J. land Sanitarium, Melrose,
C. Stevens, F. C. Carlson, W. W. Mass.
Rice, S. E. Norton. South Lancaster, Sawyer and
Licentiates: Narrow Lane.
H. T. Curtis, C. R. Gibbs, J. H. Springfield, Touraine Assembly
- Tiney, D. P. Waldo, C. W. Year- Hall, 132 State St.
wood. Tauton, Arlington Chapel.
Missionary Licentiates: Tauton, Portuguese, Main and
W. B. Armstrong, August An- Weir Sts.
derson, Mrs. Oris XrnI. trong West Newton, Nonantom
Mrs. P. F. Bicknell, F. S. Bur- Newton Corner.
gess, Miss Fay Coss, C. S. Worcester, English and Swedish,
Munn, Miss Mabel Porter, Miss Highland and West Sts.
Anna Saxild, Miss Cora A.
Spencer, Mrs. J. C. Stevens, J.
W. Sypher, Mrs. J. W. Sypher, NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND
Mrs. D. P. Waldo, Mrs. Ella M
Wilber, Mrs. Constance Wills, CONFERENCE
Miss Mabel Vreeland, J. F. Organized as the Vermont Confer-
Knipschild. ence, June 15, 1862; reorgan-
Church School Teachers: ized 1909.
W. B. Armstrong, Mrs. C. W. Territory: The States of Vermont
Battersby, Miss Edna Bergman, and New Hampshire.
Miss Lillian Eastman, Miss Population: 795,504; churches, 27;
Hazel Gifford, Miss Ruth Hol- members, 604.
loway, Miss Marian Thurlow, Office: 136 North Main t., Con-
Clifford Wilkinson. cord, N. H.
Church Directory: Officers:
Amesbury, Baptist Church, Pres., D. U. Hale.
Spring St. Sec. and Treas., H. B. Tucker.
Athol, Island St. Executive Committee: D. U.
Boston, English, 6th floor of Hale, H. B. Tucker, 'E. G. Farns-
Tremont Temple. worth, D. H. Hanson, W. E. Ta-
Danvers, Putnam St. tro, G. D. Litchfield, E. E. Clay-
Everett, Universalist Church, ton.
Broadway and Summer Sts. Department Secretaries:
Fitchburg, Knowlton Terrace. Tract Soc., H. B. Tucker.
Haverhill, 33 Central St., Brad- Field Miss., E. E. Covey.
ford. Educational, Miss. Vol., and
Leominster, Burrage Ave. Home Miss., E. E. Clayton.

Medical Miss., Miss Amanda T. Department Secretaries:

Sloane. Tract Soc., N. C. Van Horn..
Religious Liberty, D. U. Hale. Field Miss., David Moore.
Ministers: Sabbath School and FAlucational.
D. U. Hale, M. A. Altman. II. Miss Mabel Porter.
J. Farman, D. H. Hanson. Miss. Vol., H. P. Gram.
Home Miss.. Charles Dunham:
Licentiates: Asst.. H. P. Grain.
E. E. Clayton. W. C. Knight, Religious Liberty, L. S. Wheeler.
E. E. Covey.
Missionary Licentiates: E. L. Cardey, W. R. Uelitinan.
H. B. Tucker, Mrs. Pearl .1. H. C. J. Walleker, L. S. Wheeler,
Sanborn, G. D. Litchfield, H. H. A. Rossin, H. A. Weaver.
F. Litchfield. Miss Amanda T.
Sloane. Licentiates:
H. P. Gram. Charles Dunham,
Church School Teachers: H. T. Pettis.
Mrs. L. D. Kelsey, Miss Lyla
Ladeau, Mrs, Roy N. Atwood. Missionary Licentiates:
Andrew Yakush. Miss Elizabeth
Church Directory: Kehrein, Mrs. H. C. Wal-
Burlington, -Vt., 190 North Wi- leker.
nooski Ave.
Concord, N. H., Capital Hall, Church School Teachers:
Warren St. Miss Mattie Tefft, -Mrs. Eva
Keene, N. H.. in church build- B. Daggett, Miss Helen E. Hall,
ing, McKinley St. C. S. Tassell.
Manchester, N. H., Odd Fellows' Church Directory:
Hall, Hanover St. Bridgeport, Conn.. Wilmot Ave.
Rutland, Vt., in ehurch building Bridgeport, Conn.. Bohemian,
opposite high school. 559 Putnam St.
Hartford, Conn., 51 Whitmore
SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Newi Haven, Conn.. Brewster St.
CONFERENCE New Haven. Corm., Colored,
Organized in 1903, from territory Foote St.
formerly comprised in the New New London, Conn., Union
England Conference. Chapel, Ocean Ave.
Pawtucket, E. T.. 239 Central.
Territory: The States of Connec- Ave.
ticut and Rhode Island. Providence, R. I., 381 Northrup
Population: 1,984,982; churches, St.. near Broad St., Edgewood,
20; members, 710. R.T.
Office: 51 Whitmore St., Hartford. Westerly, R. T.. Lester Ave.
Conn. Williamantic. Conn., Y. M. C.
Officers: A. Bldg.. Williamantic, Conn.
Pres., E. L. Cardey. Woonsocket, R. T., French, 109
See. and Treas., N. C. Van Horn. Roberta Ave.
Executive Committee: E. L.
Cardey. D. B. Parmelee, J. A.
Tefft, E. F. Henry, H. C. J. Wal- WESTERN NEW YORK CON-
leker, S. S. Gerard, N. C. Van FERENCE
Legal Assn.: " The Southern Organized 1906
New England Conference Assn. Territory: The State of New York
of S. D. A., Inc." west of the eastern boundary of

the counties of Cayuga, Tomp- Elmira, West Third St.

kins, and Tioga. Jamestown, 708 Cherry St.
Population of the State of New Rochester, 60 Grand Ave.
York: 10,384,144; churches, 28; Salamanca, 24 East Jefferson St.
members, 1,035.
Office: 60 Grand Ave., Rochester,
Officers: Address: Warwick, East, Bermuda
Pres., R. S. Fries. Islands.
Sec. and Treas., R. C. Taylor. Population: 18,000; church, 1;
Executive Committee: R. S. members, 60.
Fries, H. M. Fleming, J. E. Bel- Officers:
knap, F. H. Hicks, A. E. San- Director, E. C. Rowell.
derson, R. C. Taylor.
Legal Assn.: " The Western New Department Secretaries:
York Conference Assn. of S. D. Sabbath School, Educational and
A." Home Miss., Mrs. Winifred P.
Department Secretaries: Miss. Vol., A. L. Rowell.
Tract Soc., R. C. Taylor.
Field Miss., Wales Lawrence. Minister:
Sabbath School, Mrs. Wales E. C. Rowell.
Lawrence. Church School Teachers:
Educational and Miss. "Viol., Mrs. A. L. Rowell, Miss Dorothy
Mrs. R. S. Fries. Smith.
Home Miss., R. B. Clapp.
Religious Liberty, R. S. Fries.
R. S. Fries, R. B. Clapp, J. W. LANTIC UNION CON-
Raymond, A. E. Sanderson, 0. FERENCE
D. Cardey. Educational:
Licentiates: Lancaster Junior College, South
J. C. Oswald, J. N. Clapp, C. W. Lancaster, Mass.
Fisher, Albert Schwartz, E. M. Fernwood Intermediate School,
Andross. Tunesassa, N. Y.
Missionary Licentiates: Eastern New York Academy,
R. C. Taylor, Effa Gilbert, Mrs.. Clinton, N. Y.
R. S. Fries, Mrs. Wales Law- Temple Academy, 120th St. and
rence, Wales Lawrence, Mrs. J. Lenox Ave., New York, N. Y.
C. Oswald, Miss Harmony Gev- Harlem Academy, 144 West
irts. 131st St., New York, N. Y.
Church School Teachers: Publishing:
Miss Ruth Dinning, Miss Blanche New York Branch of Review
Maguire, Miss Ruth Seitz, Mrs. and Herald Pub. Assn., Rooms
C. W. Fisher, Mrs. J. E. Carr, 311-314, 32 Union Square
Miss Ruth Nichols, Miss Jennie New York, N. Y.
Keeler. Sanitarium:
Church Directory: New England Sanitarium, Mel-
Buffalo, 92 Hedley Place. rose, Mass.
Organized 1902

Territory: The Conferences of Col- Honorary: R. A. Underwood,

orado, Inter-Mountain, Kansas, R. F. Andrews, B. W. Brown,
Missouri, Nebraska, and Wyom- U. P. Long, G. M. Alway, W.
ing. . . D. Emery, J. H. Kraft, E. A.
Population of five States named:' Curtis, 0. A. Dow, IV. M. An-
7,602.084; churches, 268; mem 7 dress, A. S. Bringle, T. Godfrey,
bers, 11,416. M. G. Huffman, S. P. Gardiner,
Office: College View, Nebr. G. W. Berry, L. W. Terry, W.
F. H. Schroeder, L. B. Porter.
Pres.. S. E. Wight. Licentiates:
See. and Treas., Miss Mettie. F. B. T. Emery, 0. S. Belz, A. G.
Cornell. Taylor, M. P. RobiSon, Dr. H.
Auditor, R. T. Emery. A. Green.
Executive Committee: S. E. Missionary Licentiates:
Wight, the presidents of the lo- Miss Mettie E. Cornell, Mrs. C.
cal conferences in the Union, the T. Everson. Honorary: Miss
Union Conference Auditor, the Bessie Sufficool.
Union Conference treasurer. the
secretaries of the Medical, E:du-
eational, Young People's, Relig- COLORADO CONFERENCE
ious Liberty, and Missionary De-
partments, the Union field mis- Organized 1908
sionary secretary, the presidents Territory: The State of Colorado
of Union College and the Clinton east of the Continental Divide.
Seminary, the manager of the Population of Colorado: 939,376;
Kansas City branch of the Pa- churches, 52; members, 2,686.
cific Press Pub. Assn., and the
Office: 1112 Kalamath. St., Denver,
business manager of the Boul-
der-Colorado Sanitarium. Officers:
Legal Assn.: " Central Union
Pres., W. A. Gosmer.
Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
Sec. and Treas., M. G. Haynes.
Pres., S. E. Wight; Sec., R. T.
Emery. Executive Committee: W. A.
Gosmer, M. G. Haynes, V. J.
Department Secretaries: Johns, 0. J. Nerlund, C. L. Wil-
Field Miss., J. B. Blosser. son, A. W. Lane, 0. Branham.
Educational and Miss. Vol., D. Legal Assn.: " The Seventh-day
D. Rees. AdVentist Assn. of Colorado."
Medical Miss., H. A. Green, M. D. Department Secretaries:
Work for the Blind: Tract Soc., M. G. Jaynes.
Board: S. E. Wight, J. N. An- Meld Miss., D. T. Snidenian.
derson, D. D. Rees, D. P. Sabbath School and Educational,
Wood, G. H. Jeys. F. A. Page.
Ministers: Miss. Vol., H. F. Saxton.
S. E. Wight, J. B. Blosser, M. Home Miss., F. J. Wilbur.
L. Andreasen, J. N. Anderson, Medical Miss., Dr. II. A. Gwen.
B. E. Huffman, H. A. Morrison, Religious Liberty, G. W. Angle-
C. L. Benson, C. L. Premer, F. barger.
R. Isaac, 0. F. Schwedrat, C. T. Ministers:
- Everson, H. E. Lysinger, M. E. W. A. Gosmer, G. W. Anglebar-
Olsen, D. D. Rees. ger, J. E. Patzkowski, E. R.


Lauda, 0. J. Nerlund, H. F. South, Mexico and Sherman

- Saxton, A. G: Wearner, C. W. Sts.
Allen; J. Z. Walker, A. E. Ha- Scandinavian, 1918 East Thir-
gen, V. J. Johns, C. R. Kite, ty-eighth Ave.
R. T. Nash, W. E. Neff. Italian, cor. Thirty-ninth Ave.
Honorary: H. A. Aufderhar, and,Shoshone St.
W. D. 'Emery, J. H. Kraft, U. P. Colored, 2917 Glenarm Place.
Long, B. Brown. . .Fort Collins, cor. Whedbee and
Licentiates: Magnolia Sts.
M. G. Haynes, T. J. Coopwood, Greeley, cor. Fourteenth Ave..
D. T. Snideman, F. A. Page, and Eighth St.
F. J. Wilbur, Walter Schocht, Pueblo, 825 South Union Ave.
John Deapen.
Missionary Licentiates:
Frances Brockman. Elizabeth INTER-MOUNTAIN CONFER-
Litwipenco, Earl Emery, Elsie ENCE
Reynolds, Genevieve Low, Es- Organized 1916
ther Smith, Lowell Estes, An-
nie Swenson. Honorary: Miss Territory: That part of the State.
Bessie Sufficool. of Colorado west of the Conti-
nental Divide; the counties of
Church School Teachers: Daggett, Uinta, IYucbesne, Car-
Mrs. S. W. Abel, Miss E. Floy bon, Emery, Grand, and San
Christy, Miss Dorothy Deland, Juan in the State of Utah; and
Miss Grace Deland, Miss Elsie San Juan County in New Mex-
Earwood, Miss Letha Eastman, ico.
Mrs. C. 0. Fudge, J. W.
Grounds, Miss Georgiana S. Population of Colorado: 939,376:
Hackett, Miss Minnie M. Hahn, churches, 20; members, 608.
Mrs. E. H. Henrickson, Miss Office: 122 South Eighth St.,
Pearl Jenkins, Miss Anna Kin- Grand Junction, Cold.; P. 0.:
der, Miss Esther Kraft, Mrs. Box, 210.
B. W. Land, Miss Emma Lewis, Officers:
Miss Alma Lorenz, Miss Kath- PreS., N. T. Sutton.
erine McPhee, Mrs. Sheba Mor- Sec. and Treas., Wilbert Wil-
ris, Miss Hilda Neilson, Miss cox.
Velma Smith, Miss Florence Executive Committee: N. T.
Stout, Mrs. Edith Wetmore, Sutton, M. J. King, W. C. Bald-
Miss Belle Woodman, J. B. win, P. T. Gibbs.
White, Mrs. -T. A. Shannon. Legal Assn.: "Inter-Mountain
Church Directory: Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
Boulder, Seventh St. and High- Department Secretaries:
land Ave. Tract Soc., Wilbert Wilcox.
Canon City, Main St., near Field Miss., H. B. Meeker.
Twelfth. Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Colorado Springs, 324 North P. T. Gibbs.
Wahsatch St. Educational, Mrs. Edith A. Cum-
Denver: mings.
First, cor. West Eleventh Ave. Home Miss., W. M. Andress.
and Kalamath St. Ministers:
York St., cor. East Thirteenth N. T. Sutton, M. J. King,
Ave. and York St. M. Andress.
North, eor. Thirty-eighth Ave. Licentiates:
and Perry St. P. T. Gibbs, MT

Missionary Licentiates: Missionary Licentiates:

Mrs. Edith A. Cummings, Mrs. Miss Maud I. Davis, Miss Ern-
0. A. Dow, H. B. Meeker, Wil- estine Hochsehorner, Miss Faye
bert Wilcox. Eagle, Miss Dottie P. Jones,
Church School Teachers: Miss Lois Oldson, Miss Ellen
Miss Mattie Edie, Miss Marie Wilson, Mrs. Bonnie Wills, Mrs.
Coombs, Mrs. H. G. Leffingwell, John Bland, F. I. Mohr. C. E.
Mrs. Etta J. George, Miss Eva Davis, Mrs. C. E. Davis.
Allard, Miss Margaret Cham- Church School Teachers:
bers, Miss Helen Gardner. J. C. Kintner, Edith Van Dusen,
Miss Emma Bardel, Miss Fara
Whitlow, Miss Catherine Mc-
KANSAS CONFERENCE Clelland, Mrs. J. L. Beggs, Miss
Jessie Pride,, Miss Arloa Mc-
Organized 1875; reorganized 1914 Comas, Mrs. F. A.. Lorenz, Miss
Territory: The State of Kansas. Verna Larsen, Miss Edith Part-
Population: 1,769,257; churches, ridge, Miss Annah Vaughn, Miss
76; members, 2,685. Erma Johnston, Miss Olivia
Office: 728 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Uhrig, Mrs. J. L. Burgess, Miss
Kans. Urbana Avery, Miss Myrtle
Officers: Minner, E. 0. Westermeyer, Miss
Pres., B. G. Wilkinson. Carolyn Thorp, Miss Louise K.
See. and Treas., F. I. Mohr. Betz, R. E. Mohr, Miss Sydney
Executive Committee: B. G. Bacchus, A. F. Ruf, Mrs. Mag-
Wilkinson, W. L. Nott, Bernard gie Zinn, Miss Inez Williams,
Voth. A. V. Cotton, H. S. Os- Miss Ellen Stacey.
terloh, J. D. McBroom, G. H. Church Directory:
Curtis. Hutchinson, Sixth and Bismark
Legal Assn.: " The Kansas Sev- Sts.
enth-day Adventist Conference Kansas City, 2200 North Fifth
Assn." St.
Department Secretaries: Kansas City, colored, Everett
Tract Soc., F. I. Mohr. and Freeman Ave.
Field Miss., R. C. Baker. Oswego, College St.
Sabbath School, Miss Faye Topeka, 821 West Fifth St.
Eagle. Wichita, Dodge and Burton Sts.
Educational, Mi s a Ernestine
Miss. Vol., E. E. Helligso. MISSOURI CONFERENCE
Home Miss., F. A. Lorenz.
Medical Miss., Dr. F. C. Dean. Organized 1876; reorganized 1914.
Religious Liberty, B. G. 'Wilkin- Territory: The State of Missouri.
son. Population: 3,403,547; churches,
Ministers: 43; members, 2,048.
B. G. Wilkinson, A. B. Camp- Office: 203 West Franklin St., Clin-
bell, A. E. Johnson, F. L. Ab- ton, Mo.
bott, W. L. Nott, Bernard Voth, Officers:
L. W. Browne, A. S. Bringle, A. Pres., H. C. Hartwell.
V. Cotton. Sec. and Treas., Herbert Grif-
Licentiates: fith.
H. E. Westermeyer, F. G. Young, Executive Committee: H. C.
W. F. Surber, R. C. Baker, E. Hartwell, C. G. Bellah F. R.
E. Pringle, E. E. Helligso, F. A. Isaac, U. S. Willis, R. B. Turner,
Lorenz. V. P. Lovell, Herbert Griffith.

Legal Assn.: " The Missouri Con- St. Joseph, 1701 North Second
ference Assn. of the S. D. A." St.
Pres., H. C. Hartwell; Sec., Her- St. Louis
bert Griffith; Treas.,. F. R. Central, 618 North Newstead
Isaac. Ave.
Department Secretaries: German, Minnesota and Po-
Tract Soc., Herbert Griffith. tomac Sts.
Fi4ld Miss., Walter Coppock. Second, Cook St. and Sarah
Sabbath School, Miss Mary V. Ave.
Educational and Miss. Vol., V. NEBRASKA CONFERENCE
P. Lovell.
Organized 1878
Home Miss.,
Religious Liberty, H. C. Hart- Territory: The State of Nebraska,
well. exclusive of the counties lying
Ministers: west of the west line of Cherry,
H. C. Hartwell, D. P. Miller, C. Grant, Arthur, and Keith Coun-
G. Bellah, F. H. Hoxie, Martin ties.
Stueckrath, U. S. Willis, H. A. Population of Nebraska, 1,295,502;
Fish. churches, 54; - members, 2,549.
Honorary: L. W. Terry, W. F. Office Address: College View, Nebr.
H. Schroeder, A. C. Chatman. Officers:
Licentiates: Pres., D. P. Wood.
V. P. Lovell. P.' H. Chaffee, J. Sec. and Treas., E. J. Moser.
H. Neufeld, Walter Coppock, Ev- Executive Coommittee: D. P.
erett Byron Hopkins, S. P. John- Wood, E. J. Moser, G. C. George,
son. A. C. Madsen, M. N. Helligso,
Missionary Licentiates: E. S. Pearson, C. H. Miller.
Herbert Griffith, Mrs. Ella Mer- Legal Assn.: " The Nebraska
rell, Mrs. A. E. Daniels, Miss Conference Association of the
Mary V. Walter, Mrs. C. G. Bel- Seventh-day Adventists."
lah, Miss Alma Gerhart, Mrs. Department Secretaries:
Mary Barry, Mrs. Laura B. Wil-
son, Miss Sophie Boosemburg, Tract Soc., E. J. Moser.
Mrs. Louise Erickson, Miss Stel- Field Miss., F. C. Clark.
la Hubert. Sabbath School and Educational,
Miss Elsie Gibbs.
Church School Teachers: Miss. Vol., A. C. Madsen.
A. B. Shrake, Mrs. A. B. Shrake, Home Miss., Miss Bessie Allen.
Miss Pearl Reece, J. C. Turner. Medical Miss.. D. L. Burgeson,
Mrs. J. C. Turner, Miss Josie M. D.
Turner, Miss May Turner, Miss Ministers:
Pearl Dawkins, Mrs. Nettie Bur- D. P. Wood, B. M. Garton, L.
bridge, Mrs. Irving Hood, Mrs. E. Johnson, B. H. Shaw, L. F.
E. A. Spring, P. W. Peters, Miss Trubey, C. A. Carlson, G. C.
Esther Schneider, Miss Alice George, M. N. Helligso, C. H.
Bailey. Miller, C. S. Lightner. _
Church Directory: Licentiates:
Joplin, Jackson St. Andrew Peterson, H. H. Howard,
Kansas City, First, Linwood A. C. Madsen, Chas. McWil-
Blvd. and Charlotte. liams, F. C. Clark, C. H. Patter-
Kansas City, Second, Twenty- son, J. T. Miller.
third and Woodland Sts. Missionary Licentiates:
Springfield, North Main and Ralph Rhodes; Miss Elsie Gibbs,
Lynn Sts. Mrs. M. E. Clark, Miss Bessie

Allen. Miss Faith C. Peeke, Miss Office: Crawford, Nebr.

Ethel Beeson, Miss Helen Wells, Officers:
Miss Rosy Nelson, E. J. Moser,
Miss Nellie Schmidt, Miss Mae Pres., J. W. Turner.
Banner. Sec. and Treas., W. R. Babcock.
Executive Committee: J. W.
Church School Teachers:
Mrs. H. H. Howard, Mrs. Geo. Turner, M. M. Bates, J. M.
Bowers, Miss Christine Ericson, Fletcher, W. A. Long, W. R.
Miss Elizabeth Ericson, Miss
Nellie Travis, Miss Hilda Hob Legal Assn.: "Wyoming Confer-
sten, Miss Floy Bowes, Miss ence Assn. of the S. D. A.."
Hazel Ringer.. Miss Lucille Series, Pies., J. W. Turner; Sec. and
Treas., J. M. Fletcher.
Miss Della Finnell,. Miss Hazel
Baker, Miss Hazel Denman, Mrs. Department Secretaries:
Herbert Campbell, Miss Anna Tract Soc., W. R. Babcock.
Krause, Mrs. C. Hornbacher, Field Miss., M. M. Bates.
Miss Iva Thorp. Sabbath School, Miss Alice Reid.
Church Directory: Educational, Miss. Vol., and
College View, Eleventh and K Home Miss., J. M. Fletcher.
Sts. Religious Liberty, E. H. Curtis.
Fairbury, Tenth and G Sts. Ministers:
Grand Island, 409 East Eighth J.. W. Turner. F. H. Curtis, J.
St. M. Fletcher, W. A. Long, J. K.
Kearney, IS Nineteenth St. and Fischer.
D Ave. Licentiates:
Lincoln, 1020 South Fifteenth St. G. T. Glendrange, M. M. Bates,
McCook, 512 West First St. H. B. Davis.
Nebraska City, Bet. 14th and Missionary Licentiates:
15th on Central Ave. Mrs. E. R. Osborn, Mrs. Martha
Omaha. English, Twenty-seventh Baldwin, Miss Alice Reid, W.. R.
and St. Mary's Sts. Babcock.
Omaha, Colored, 973 North
Twenty-fifth St. Church School Teachers:
Red Cloud, Cedar St. and Third Miss Ruth Richards, Miss Lydia
Ave. Richards, Miss Louise Reid, Miss
Seward. Eleventh and Main Sts. Mary Morris.
Valentine, Valentine and Hall
Organized 1907
Territory: The State of 'Wyoming; Educational:
the following-named counties in Campion Academy, Loveland,
Nebraska: Sioux, Dawes, Sheri- Colo.
dan, Box Butte, Scotts Bluff, Clinton Theological Seminary,
Morrill, Banner, Kimball, Chey- Clinton, Mo.
enne, Garden, Dena; and the Inter-Mountain Academy, Ruli-
following-'named counties i n son, Colo.
South Dakota: Butte, Meade, Enterprise Academy, Enterprise,
Lawrence, Pennington, Custer, Kans.
and Fall River. Shelton Academy, Shelton, Nebr.
Population of Wyoming: 194,402; Union College, College View,
churches, 23; members, 840. Nebr.

Publishing: Sanitariums:
Boulder - Colorado Sanitarium,
Pacific Press Pub. Assn. Branch, Boulder, Colo.
1224 Euclid Ave., Kansas City, Kansas Sanitarium, Wichita,
Mo. Kans.
Christian Record Pub. Co., Col- Nebraska Sanitarium, Hastings,
lege View, Nebr. Nebr.


Organized 1907
Territory: The conferences of Ministers:
Ohio, East Pennsylvania, West F. H. Robbins, R. T. Dowsett,
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Dis- Dr. H. W. Miller, B. F. Mach-
trict of Columbia, Chesapeake, Ian, S. M. Butler, Stewart Kime,
Virginia, and West Virginia. H. C. Lacey, C. L. Stone, C. E.
'Population: 23,515,056; churches, Andross, E. R. Numbers, M. E.
245; members, 11,202. Cady, C. L. Taylor, W. C. Mof-
'Office: 411 Cedar St.. Takoma Honorary: H. W. Herrell, S. S.
Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Shrock, H. H. Burkholder, D. E.
Officers: Lindsey, H. F. Graf, J. W. Watt,
Pres., F. H. Robbins. I. N. Williams, H. E. Robinson,
Sec. and Treas., C. C. Pulver. W. H. Armstrong.
Asst. 'Treas., Miss Floy M. Licentiates:
Humphrey. C. C. Ptivea., E. G. Salisbury, A.
Executive Committee: F. H. W. Werline. D. W. Reavis, L.
Robbins, the presidents of the 'W. Graham, E. L. Richmond, IV.
conferences composing the Union, B. Walters, J. W. Mace, H. F.
and C. C. Pulver, B. F. Mach- Kirk, H. S. Brown, T. H. Bar-
Ian. Dr. H. W. Miller, H. F. ritt, F. E. Hankins, J. N. Nim-
Kirk, E. R. Numbers, C. L. ble, E. R. Corder, A. J. Bristol,
Stone, D. W. Reavis, W. B. Wal- C. A. Holt. J. W. Salisbury.
ters, Dr. H. S. Brown, M. E. Missionary Licentiates:
Cady, C. E. Andross. Dr. Lauretta E. Kress, E. C.
legal Assn.: " Columbia Union Wood.
Conference Association of Sev- Honorary: Mrs. Elsie M. Evans,
enth-day Adventists." Miss Ella Talmage, Nellie B.
Auditor, C. C. Pulver. Underwood, F. N. Johnson.
Department Secretaries:
Union Field Miss., H. F. Kirk. CHESAPEAKE CONFERENCE
Asst., F. E. Hankins. Organized 1390
Educational, M. E. Cady. Territory: The States of Delaware
Miss. Vol., C. E. Andross. and Maryland; except the Coun-
Home Miss., E. R. Numbers; As- ties of Montgomery, Prince
sistant, E. R. Corder. George's, Charles, St. Mary's,
Medical Miss., Dr. H. S. Brown; Garrett, and Allegany, in Mary-
Assistant, Mrs. Hazel Babcock. land; and including the counties
Religious Liberty, F. H. Rob- of Morgan, Berkeley, and Jef-
bins. ferson in West Virginina.

Population of Delaware and Mary DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA

land: 1,672,613; churches, 21; CONFERENCE
members, 1,213. Organized 1909
Office: 1901 Rosedale St., Balti- Territory: The District of Colum-
more, Md. bia., the counties of Montgom-
Officers: ery, Prince George's, Charles..
Pres., W. C. Moffett. and St. Mary's in Maryland; and
Sec. and Treas., C. M. Paden. the following counties in Vir-
Executive Committee: W. C. ginia: Alexandria, Fairfax, Lou-
Moffett, E. F. Collier, G. Me-- doun, Prince William, Fauquier,.
dairy, M. C. Strachan, M. S. Pet- Stafford, Northumberland, King
tibone, J. W. Slier. George, Westmoreland, Rich-
Legal Assn.: " Chesapeake Con- mond, and Lancaster.
ference Assn. of S. D. A."
Department Secretaries: Population of the District of Co-
Tract Soc., C. M. Paden. lumbia: 437,571; churches, 14;
Field Miss., J. W. Siler. members, 1,463.
Sabbath School, Educational, Office: 812 Washington Loan &
Miss. Vol., Miss Eloise Wil- Trust Bldg., Washington, D. C.
Home Miss., M. S. Pettibone. Officers:
Religious Liberty, W. C. Mof- Pres., R. E. Harter.
fett. Sec. and. Treas., E. L. Workman_
Ministers: Executive Committee : R. E..
W. C. Moffett, Louis Drews, G. A. Harter, B. F. Bryan, W. C. Mof-
Stevens, E. P. Collier, Leslie fett, T. E. Bowen, L. A. Hansen,.
Muntz, M. C. Strachan, A. S. E. L. Workman, G. P. Rodgers.
Booth. Legal Assn.: " District of Colum-
Licentiates: bia Conference Corporation of S..
G. Medairy, J. IV' Siler. M. S. D. A."
Pettibone, E. Atkinson.
Department Secretaries:
Missionary Licentiates: Tract Soc., E. L. Workman.
Mrs. Catherine Booth, C. 11. Pa-
Field Miss., Joseph Sangster.
den, Mrs. Maude Strachan, Miss Sabbath School, Mrs. Ma u de,
Anna C. Dewers, Mrs. Lydia J.
. Hilton. Dr. H. N. Sisco, Dr. Pa- Educational and Miss. Vol., C..
tience Bourdeau-Sisco, Miss Julia
Cooper. L. Ross.
Home Miss., B. E. Connerly.
Church School Teachers:
Miss Winnifred Silloway, Miss Ministers:
Edna Blizzard, Miss Netelka J. R. E. Harter, H. E. Robinson,
Burrell, Miss Julia Z. Cooper, F. H. Seeney, B. F. Bryan,.
Mrs. Jennie Russell, Miss Nina Stewart Kime, R. E. Conne,rly,
P. Suddler, Mrs. Lura. E. Davi- Wm. Ostrander, Virbrook Nut-
son. ter, U. D. Pickard, G. P. Rodg-
Church Directory: ers.
English, Rosedale St., off Missionary Licentiates:
North Ave., Walbrook. Miss Janet Morris, Mrs. Maude
German, Gorsuch and Kenne- Harter, Mrs. B. E. Connerly, Jo-
dy Sts. seph Sangster, E. L. Workman,
Colored, 1901 Druid Hill Ave. Margaret Howard, Mrs. G. D.
Hagerstown, English, Cross St. Burgess, Mrs. Geneva McDonald.
and McComas Ave. Church School Teachers:
Wilmington: Miss Agnes E. Gullins, Mrs. G.
No. 1, 1604 Howland St. D. Burgess, Miss Mabel Cassell,
No. 2, 1126 French St. Miss Ruth E. Atwell, Mrs. C. L.

Ross, Miss Amelia La wrence, Sec. and Treas., W. E. Fortune.

Miss Louise Stuart, R. H. Mc- Executive Committee: J. A. Le-
Means, Miss Myrtle E. Shultz, land, H. G. Gauker, F. D. Gau-
Mrs. Genevieve Wilcox, Mrs. tereau, Charles Baierle, J. H.
Ney Rice, Miss L. V. Strother. Wierts, John Ott.
Church Directory: Legal Assn.: " The East Pennsyl-
Alexandria, Va., First, Odd Fel- vania Conference Assn. of S. D.
lows Hall. A., Inc."
Arlington, Va., near Columbia Department Secretaries:
Station. Tract Soc., W. E. Fortune.
Laurel, Md., Odd Fellows Hall, Field Miss., H. G. Lewis.
Main St., near Fourth. Sabbath School, Educational, and
Takoma Park, Md.: Miss. Vol., Miss Bessie E. Ac-
Sligo, Washington Missionary . ton.
College. Home Miss.. H. G. Canker.
Takoma Park, Carroll and Religious Liberty, J. A. Leland.
Willow Ayes.
Washington, D. C.: Ministers:
Memorial, 1210 Twelfth St., J. A. Leland, W. J. Venen, J. H.
N. W. Wierts, Charles Baierle, F. D.
Capitol Hill, 7 Fourth St., N. Gauterau, H. G. Gauker, R. L.
E. Bradford, M. .1. Longo.
Ephesus, 606 N St., N. W. Honorary: S. S. Shrock.
First Church, Eighth St., near Licentiates:
H St. N. E. Mark Hagman, W. E. Fortune,
Colonial 'Beach, Va., Colonial H. G. Lewis.
Beach Church.
Kilmarnock, Va., Kilmarnock Missionary Licentiates:
Church. Miss Bessie E. Acton, Mrs. Mary
Oak Grove Church, Garrisonville. Lester. Miss Louise C. Kleuser,
Va. Miss 'Anna Detwiler. Mrs. E.
Vienna Church, Vienna, Va. Schirrmeister, Miss L. E. Pat-
Church School Teachers:
EAST PENNSYLVANIA CON- Miss Virginia Shull, Miss Anna
FERENCE Gloor, Mrs. L. Publicover, Miss
Mabel MacNichol, Miss Elsie
Organized in 1903, out of territory Campbell, Lowell Fritz, Miss
comprising t h e Pennsylvania Stella Grube, Miss Ruth Stern-
Conference, which was organ- er, Miss Linnie Baumgartner,
ized in 1879. Mrs. Elsie Evans.
Territory: That portion of Penn-
sylvania lying east of the east- Church Directory:
ern line of Potter, Clinton, Cen- Allentown, Oak and Poplar Sts.
ter, Mifflin, Huntingdon, and Harrisburg, Sible and Clark's
Fulton Counties. Hall, Third and Cumberland
Population of the State of Penn- Sts.
Lancaster, 25 East German St.
sylvania: 8,720,159; churches, Northumberland, Second St. bet.
39; members, 1,844. King and Queen Sts.
Office: 237 South Thirteenth St., Philadelphia:
Philadelphia, Pa. Fifty-first and Locust Sts.
Officers: Odd Fellows Hall, Chelten and
Pres., J. A. Leland. Ogontz Ayes.

German, 2426 Poplar St. Missionary Licentiates:

Colored, Gospel Hall, South E. J. Stipeck, Mrs. E. J. Stipeck,
Twentieth 'St. . Mrs. 0. 0. Bernstein, Miss Anna
Reading, Windsor and Hampden Gately,' E. P. Mansell, Walter!
Sts. Morawsky, Miss Flora Briggs,.
Scranton, Leonard Bldg., Adams Miss Signe Jensen, Miss Vera
Ave. Carrigan, Maude Gaiintlett, An-
Wilkesbarre, 25 Second St., na Neuf eld.
Williamsport, Seventh and Court Church School Teachers:
Sts. Andrew Lessner, E. L. Parrish,.
Mrs. E. L. Parrish, Louise Whit-
comb, Miss Claribel Willett, Miss-
Mary Sumner, Miss Susanna
Fa brizio, Maurice Robinson,
Miss Martha Schultz, Miss Lois
Organized 1902 Siler, Miss Alma Mager, Miss.
Territory: The State of New Jer- Emma Parsons, Mrs. .1.
sey. Curry.
Population: 3,155,374; churches, Church Directory:
36; members, 1,420. Bridgeton, East Commerce St.,
Office: 200 Columbus Ave., Trenton. and Carroll Ave.
N. J. Burlington, Canover St., South.:
Officers: Camden, cor. Kenwood and Pem-
Pres., 0. 0. Bernstein. broke Sts.
Sec. and Treas., E. J. Stipeck. Cape May Court House, Mayville
Executive Committee: 0. 0. on Shore Road, 1 mile from
Bernstein, C. S. Baum, W. F. C. M. C. H.
Schwartz, H. L. Adams, P. F. Jersey City No. 1, Stegman Ave.,
Richard, Paul Matilla, S. G. Sil- and Boulevard.
vers. Jersey City No. 2 and German,
Legal Assn.: " New Jersey Con- Congress St. and Central Ave.
ference. Association of S. D. A." Jersey City, Colored, Metropol-
itan Hall, Communipaw Ave.
Department Secretaries:
Jersey City, Swedish, People's.
Tract Soc., E. J. Stipeck.
Field Miss., E. P. Mansell. Palace, Bergen Ave. and For-
rest St.
Sabbath School, Educational.
and Miss. Vol., L. D. Warren. Montclair, Swedish, Fullerton!
Hall, South Fullerton Ave.
Home Miss., G. H. Clark.
Newark, Grove and Grain Sts.,
Medical Miss., J. G. Hanna.
Religious Liberty, 0. 0. Bern-
Newark Slovak, S. D. A. Church,
307 Ellis Ave., Irvington, N. J.
Ministers: Newark, Colored, Hall at 39
0. 0. Bernstein, C. S. Baum, Paul Chestnut St.
Matula, P. F. Richard, F. E. Paterson, 175 Market St., Sec-
Gibson, J. G. Hanna, W. L. Ad- ond Floor, Smith Bldg.
kins, W. A. Nelson, J. A. Swen- Paterson, German, S. D. A.
son, G. F. Theiss, A. N. Durrant, Church, Temple and North
W. F. Schwartz. Eighth Sts.
Licentiates:. Paulsboro, Main St., cor. Dela-
G. H. Clark, L. D. Warren, N. J. ware.
Grant, E. L. Parrish, Theodore Perth Amboy, Danish and Slo-
Beem. vak, 411 Neville St.

Plainfield, in church cor. Craig Licentiates:

Place and Duer Sts., (not S. Iliga Belich, L. J. Borrowdale,
D. A. Ch.) 0. S. Hershberger, Geo. Johnson,
Swedesboro, cor. Broad and Geo. Polinkas, G. C. Quillin, C.
Helms Ave. E. Reichenbaugh, R. R. Roberts,
Trenton, 200 Columbus Ave., D. S. Teters, M. D.
Trenton. Missionary Licentiates:
Vineland, Floral Hall, Elmer St. Carrie Askey, Maud Belmont, J.
Woodbury, Third Floor Ameri- I. Cassell, Fannie E'mmell, P. A.
can Mechanics Bldg., Broad Franks, Cora B. Gibsdn, Helen
and Aberdeen Sts. Greunke, Goldie E. Hixon, A.
Hajnal, H. D. Holton', M. Hor-
tense Howell, Mrs. Gertrude
Johnson, G. Johnson, Elizabeth
OHIO CONFERENCE Morris, N. Oancea, A. Oancea,
Organized 1863 Anna E. Smith, Ida M. Walters,
Territory: The State of Ohio. Lelia Whitlow.
Population: 5,759,368; churches, Church School Teachers:
65; members. 2,887. Elmer French, Lottie Gibson,
Postal Address: Box 8, Mt. Ver- Florence Hartsock, Doris Hixon,
non, Ohio. Lela Huffaker, Mildred Johnson,
Officers: Lena Lane, Nellie Multer,
Pres., N. S. Ashton. Blanche Rolls, Ruth Reynolds,
Sec. and Treas., H. D. Holtom, Dorothy Schwaigert, May Steb-
Executive Committee: N. S. Ash- bins, Mrs. M. E. Walker, Gladys
ton, C. E. Welch, C. F. Ulrich, Zeddaker.
J. S. Washburn, F. H. Hender- Church Directory:
son, J. J. Marietta, D. S. Teters. Akron, 825 East Buchtel Ave.
Legal Assn.: " The Ohio Confer- Alliance, 849 South Arch St.
ence Assn. of the S. D. A. Ashtabula, 5 Perry St.
Church." Pres., N. S. Ashton; Bellefontaine, 136} South Main
Sec., C. E. Welch; Business St.
Agent, G. C. Quillin. Bowling Green,. West Evers Ave.'
Department Secretaries: Bucyrus, West Rensselaer St.
Tract Soc., J. I. Cassell. Canton, Forester Hall, Cassilly
Block, East Tuscarawas St.
Field Miss., D. W. Percy.
Sabbath School, Goldie E. Hixon.
Educational and Miss. Vol.; 0. Hall G, Odd Fellows Temple,
S. Hershberger. cor. Seventh and Elm Sts.
Home Miss., C. T. Redfield; As- Colored, West Eighth. near
sistant, C. E. Reichenbaugh. Mound St.
Medical Miss., L. J. Borrowdale. Cleveland:
Religious Liberty, N. S. Ashton. English, 5700 Hough Ave., near
East Fifty-fifth St.
Ministers: German, 3161 West Fourteenth
N. S. Ashton, H. J. Detwiler, J. St.
E. Cox, F. M. Fairchild, R. E. Columbus, Ohio Ave. and Fair
French, L. 0. Gordon, F. H. Hen- St.
derson, J. Klepe, R. S. Lindsay, Colored, 261 Garfield Ave.
J. J. Marietta, N. W. Philips, Dayton, Y. W. League Audi-
C. T. Redfield, J. Shellhaas, J. W. torium, bet. Main and Ludon
Shultz, C. F. Ulrich, J. S. Wash- Sts.
burn, C. W. Weber, M. R. Coon. East Liverpool, Third floor Old
Honorary: L. A. Spring. Opera House Bldg., Sixth St.

Findlay, Prospect Ave. Field Miss., H. A. Wright.

Hamilton, North Second St., K. Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
of P. Hall. Mrs. T. B. Westbrook.
Lima, 708 East North St. Educational and Home Miss., W.
Mansfield, 46 West Fourth St. A. Rails.
Marion, 288 South State St. Ministers:
Mt. Vernon, Academia, Academy T. B. Westbrook, R. D. Hottel,
chapel. W. E. Bidwell, R. F. Farley, J.
Newark, 20 North Sixth St. B. Mallory, W. H. Sebastian, A.
Piqua, 1015 Covington Ave. J. Evelyn.
Ravenna, Ohio Ave., near South
Prospect St. Licentiates:
Springfield, 515 East Catherine E. H. Dye, A. E. Hoist, W. A.
St. Rails.
Colored, 624 South Center St. Missionary Licentiates:
Toledo, Orchard St., near Broad- W. H. Jones, H. M. Forshee,
way. Mrs. E. H. Dye, H. A. Wright,
Youngstown, Bushnell Hall, 127 Miss Anna C. Rice.
West Federal St. Church School Teachers:
Zanesville, Larzelere and Indi-
ana Sts. Anna J. Tucker, Mildred Stuart,
Mae Painter, Robbin Sutphin,
Allene White, Ruth Douglas,
Anna Watkins, Orpha Smith,
VIRGINIA CONFERENCE Sarah Young, Margaret Price,
Mary Miles.
Org.anized 1883
Church Directory:
Territory: The State of Virginia
except the counties of Fauquier, White Churches:
Loudoun, Prince William, Fair- Lynchburg, Park Ave., opposite
fax, Stafford, Alexandria, King Miller Park.
George, Westmoreland, North- Newport News, No. 1, Roanoke
. umberland, Richmond, and Lan- and Twenty-fourth Sts.
caster, which belong to the Dis- Petersburg, Redman's Hall, West
trict of Columbia Conference. Bank St.
Portsmouth, No. 1, 1610 County
Population of Virginia: 2,306,361;
churches, 27; members, 837. Norfolk No. 1, Thirty-third St.
Office: 12 West Main St., Rich- *and Colley Ave.
mond, Va. Richmond, No. 1, 9 North Mor-
Officers: ris St.
Pres., T. B. Westbrook. Colored Church:
Sec. and Treas., W. H. Jones. Richmond No. 2, 908 North Sixth
Executive Committee: T. B. St.
Westbrook, W. H. Jones, R. F.
Farley, W. E. Bidwell, H. M.
Legal Assn.: " Virginia Confer- FERENCE
ence Agency of S. D. A., Incorp."
Negro Mission Committee: T. B. Organized 1903
Westbrook, R. F. Farley, W. E. Territory: All of Pennsylvania ly-
Bidwell, J. B. Mallory, W. H. in west of the easterly line of
Sebastian. Potter, Clinton, Center, Mifflin,
Department Secretaries: Huntingdon, and Fulton Coun-
Tract Society, W. H. Jones. ties.

Population of Pennsylvania: 8,- No. 2, Colored, Chauncey St.

720,159; churches, 29; members, Sharon, Leslie Hall, Walnut St.
1,198. Washington, near Pennsylvania
Office: 142 South Negley Ave., Station.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Pres., D. A. Parsons.
Sec. and Treas., W. B. Mohr. WEST VIRGINIA CONFER-
Executive Committee: D. A. ENCE
ParSons, I. N. Williams, R. M.
Spencer, D. A. Rees, Dr. H. W. Organized 1887
Kelly, Wm. Robbins, A. 0. Lund. Territory: The State of West Vir-
Legal Assn.: " West Pennsyl- ginia, except the counties of
vania Conference Assn. of S. D. Morgan, Berkeley, and Jeffer-
A." son, and including the counties
Department Secretaries: of Garrett and Allegany in
Tract Soc., W. B. Mohr. Maryland.
Field Miss., T. M. Butler.
Sabbath School, Miss W. H. Population of West Virginia: 1,-
Heiser. 403,610; churcheg, 14; members,
Educational, Miss. Vol., and 340.
Home Miss., E. A. Manry. Office: 1455 Seventh St., Parkers-
Religious Liberty, D. A. 'Parsons. burg, W. Va.
Ministers: Officers:
D. A. Parsons, R. M. Spencer, Pres., J. W. McCord.
Wm. Robbins. G. L. West, F. C. Sec. and Treas., C. L. Bauer.
Phipps, J. P. Gaede,
' A. 0. Lund, Executive Committee: J. W. Me-
D. A. Rees, E. A. Ma.nry, T. W. cord, J. E. Meredith, F. A. Bar-
Thirlwell. ter, S. M. Robbins.
Licentiates: Department Secretaries:
W. B. Mohr, T. M. Butler. Tract Society, C. L. Bauer.
Missionary Licentiates: Field Miss., 0. C. Weller.
Mrs, A. Potter, Sophie Gooss, Sabbath School, Educational,
Mrs. Mary Anderson, Myrtle L. Miss. Vol., and Home Miss.,
Blaine, Myrtle Bateman, Willet- Miss Nell Mead.
ta Heiser. Ministers:
Church School Teachers: J. W. McCord, F. A.. Harter, G.
Mrs. E. A. Manry, Miss K. Al- W. Holman.
len, Miss L. Stuart.
Church DirectEry: M. S. Banfield.
No. 1, English: Century Build- Missionary Licentiates:
ing, Pittsburgh, Pa. C. L. Bauer, G. W. Lawrence,
No. 2,, German, Century Build- Miss Jessie Welsh, Miss Nell
ing, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mead, Miss Iva Clute.
Altoona, Union St. Church School Teachers:
Bradford, Jerome Ave. Miss Lorena Stone, Guy Corder.
Erie, East Tenth St! Church Directory:
Greensburg, Odd Fellows' Hall. Charleston, W. Va., 1534 'Wash-
Johnstown, Hickory St. ington St.
Greensburg, Odd Fellows' Hall. Cumberland, Md., Oak and Boone
Pittsburgh: Sts.
No. 1, 6713 Rowan Ave., East Parkersburg, W. Va., Mark and
End. Andrew Sts.


BIA UNION CONFERENCE Review and Herald Pub. Assn.,
Takoma Park, D. C.
Educational: Washington Branch, Review and
Fireside Correspondence School, Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma
Takom a Park, D. C. Park, D. C.
Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt. Ver- Sanitariums:
non, Ohio. Washington Sanitarium, Tako-
Shenandoah Valley Academy. ma. Park, D. C.
New Market, Va. Washington Sanitarium Hospi-
Washington Missionary College, tal, 1252 Sixth St., S. W..
Takoma Park, D. C. Washington, D. C.


Organized 1901

Territory: The Conferences of Licentiate:

Maritime, Ontario, Quebec, and S. Donaldson.
the Newfoundland Mission.
Population: 5,707,435;, churches,
56; members, 1,611.
Office Address: Box 267, Oshawa,
Ontario. Organized 1902.
Officers: Territory: The Provinces of New
Pres., F. W. Stray. Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, S. Don- Prince Edward Island.
aldson. Population: 937,955; churches,
Executive Committee: F. W.
14; members, 393.
Stray, J. L. Wilson, D. J. C.
Barrett, A. J. Olson, N. H. Saun- Office: Memramcook, New Bruns-
ders, E. M. Fishell, Geo. Butler, wick.
H. H. Rans, S. Donaldson, C. F. Officers:
McVagh, D. H. Kress, L. F. Pres., J. L. Wilson.
Passebois, I. D. Richardson. Sec. and Tread., Miss Amy
Legal Assn.: " Eastern Canadi- Frank.
an Union Conference Corpora- Executive Committee: J. L. Wil-
tion of S. D. A." son, E. M. Chapman, M. Mackin-
Department Secretaries: tosh, I. A. Armstrong, R. H.
Field Miss., E. M. Fishell. Cooke, Leonard Embleton, W.
Educational, N. H. Saunders. C. Young.
Miss. Vol., N. H. Saunders.
Home Miss., Geo. Butler. Department Secretaries:
Ministers: Tract Sbc., Miss Amy Frank.
F. W. Stray, H. S. Miller, W. Field Miss., Thomas Evans.
R. French, A. J. Olson, N. H. Sabbath School, Miss Amy
Saunders, E. M. Fishell, Geo. Frank.
Butler, C. F. McVagh, D. H. Educational and Miss. Vol., Miss
Kress, L. F. Passebois, I. D. Ethyl Steele.
Richardson, J. Curdy. Home Miss., J. L. Wilson.

Ministers: Church School Teachers:

J. L. Wilson, M. 'Mackintosh, Miss F. M. Kidder, Miss Alice
E. M. Chapman, W. C. Young. Bunstin, Miss B. Brown, Miss A.
Licentiates: Culbert.
I. A. Armstrong, H. W. Ingham. Church Directory:
Missionary Licentiates: Brantford, Alfred and Darling
Manuella. Verge, Miss Amy Sts.
Frank, Miss Ethyl Steele, Elsie Chatham, McKeough St.
Heisler. Galt, Rose and Cambridge Sts.
Hamilton, Greenway Ave. and
Wilson St.
ONTARIO CONFERENCE London, Rectory and York Sts.
Organized. 1899 St. Thomas, Mary and Curtis
Territory: The Province of On-
Toronto, Awde and Dufferin Sts.
tario lying between the 77th and
89th parallels, except the twelve
counties bordering on the Que-
Population of Ontario: 2,523,274; Orgal!i7.1..1. 1880
churches, 31; members, 937.
Office: 3 Awde St., Toronto, On- Territory: The Province of Quebec,
tario. and including the twcive Ioun-
ties of Ontario bordering on the
Officers: Province of Quebec.
Pres., F. W. Stray.
Population of Quebec: 2,003,232;
Sec. and Treas., Lucille Marietta.
Executive Committee: F. W. churches, 8; members, 200.
Stray, A. J: Olson, G. H. Smith, Office: 1 Howick Place, Ottawa,
C. E. Sweeten, H. K. Martin, Ontario.
Miss L. M. Gregg. Office Address: Box 154, Ottawa,
Department Secretaries: Ontario.
Tract Soc., W. F. Wilson. Officers:
Field Miss., Pres., D. J. C. Barrett.
Asst., Miss Anna Blythe. Sec. and. Treas., E. A. Jones.
Sabbath School, Miss Edith H. Executive Committee: D. J. C.
Gregg. Barrett, H. M. Paquette, II. M.
Educational and Miss. Vol., G. S. Richards, I. S. Jones, E. A.
H. Smith. Jones, L. F. Passebois, George
Home Miss., H. K. Martin. Clarke.
Ministers: Department Secretaries:
E. G. Lane, E. C. Widgery, Jo- Tract Soc., E. A. Jones.
seph Capman, H. J. Capman, K. Field Miss., W. B. Lindsay.
L. Gant. Sabbath School, Edith Gregg.
Licentiates: Educational,
W. H. Boyce, E. G. Franklin, H. Miss. Vol., D. J. C. Barrett.
K. Martin. Home Miss., E. A. Jones.
Missionary Licentiates: Ministers:
G. H. Smith, W. F. Wilson, Mrs. D. J. C. Barrett, H. M. S. Rich-
E. C. Widgery, Mrs. . H. ards, G. S. Belleau.
Boyce, Miss M. Hillyard, Miss Licentiates:
Anna Blythe, Miss M. MacDou- E. A. Joneg, W. 13. Lindsay,
gall, Miss Eith H. Gregg, Miss Josaphat Fortier, Thomas Ev-
Lucille Marietta. ans.

Missionary Licentiates: B. E. Manuel, 0. IL Morgan, J.

Dr. Olive Pippy, M. Anita Wol- R. Johnston, C. S. Joyce.
finger, Mabel Hillyard. Department Secretaries:
Church School Teachers: Sabbath School and Home Miss.,
Eric Saunders, Miss Ina Mc- Mrs. C. S. Joyce.
Elroy. Educational, C. S. Joyce.
Church Directory: Ministers:
Kingston, Ontario, Princess and C. S. Joyce, B. E. Manuel.
Montreal Sts. Missionary Licentiate:
Montreal, Quebec, 2S0 Ville- Mrs. C. S. Joyce.
neuve West. Church School Teacher:
Ottawa, Ontario, 65 Fifth Ave. Sadie icicle.


Territory: The Island of New- ERNCANADIAN UNION
foundland, and Labrador. CONFERENCE
Population: 242,974; churches, Educational:
3; members, 81. Oshawa Missionary College, Box
Office Address: Box 217, St. John's, 308, Oshawa, Ontario.
Newfoundland. Maritime Academy, Memrain-
Officers: cook, New Brunswick.
Supt., - Publishing:
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. C. S. Joyce. Canadian Watchman Press, Osh-
Aiission Committee: a wit, Ontario.


Organized 1901

Territory: The Conferences of Chi- Horton, H. T. Elliott, H. 0.

cago, East Michigan, Indiana, Olson, J. D. Snider, II. K. Pres-
Illinois, North Michigan, North ley.
Wisconsin, South Wisconsin, and Legal Assn.: " Lake Union Con-
West Michigan. ference Assn. of S. D. A."
Population: 15,714,703; churches, Department Secretaries:
384; members, 14,089. Field Miss., J. W. Davis.
Office Address: Drawer C, Berrien Educational, G. R. Fattic.
Springs, Mich. Training School, Frederick .
Officers: Griggs.
Pres., Win. Guthrie. Miss. Vol., IL T. Elliott.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, H. K. Home Miss., J. L. McConaughey.
Presley. Religious Liberty, S. B. Horton.
E x e cu ti v e Committee: Wm. Ministers:
Guthrie, the presidents of the 'Wm. Guthrie., H. 0. Olson, Fred-
conferences comprising the Lake erick Griggs, T. M. French, H. T.
Union Conference, and Frederick Elliott, G. R. Fattic, J. L. Mc-
Griggs, J: W. Davis, J. L. Mc- Conaughey, S. B. Horton, J. W.
Conaughey, 0. R. Fattic, S. B. Davis.

Licentiates: calf, W. A. Woodruff, V. R. Hell-

0. J. Graf, J. D. Snider. man. L. J. Nyman, George Kiri-
Missionary Licentiate: chenko, Walter A. Bergherm, J.
H. K. Presley. Wasa, August Swedberg, Dr. J.
F. Morse, A. G. Yakovenko, Har-
ry Sherrig.
CHICAGO CONFERENCE Missionary Licentiates:
Organized 1919. Mrs. Anna Claus, Vesta Cash,
Mrs. P. T. Hjelle, Mrs. Hellen
Territory: The following-named Jarvais, Mrs. W. S. Jenkins, Mrs.
counties in the State of Illinois: Hazel Thompson, Mrs. Luella
Cook, DuPage, Will, Lake, Mc- McKean, Rosa N. Kozel, Frieda
Henry,- Kane, Kendall, Grundy, Reinmuth, Anna Erickson, Lou-
Kankakee; and Lake County, ise Liebeau, Anna Soukup, Gab-
Indiana. riel Vas, B. S. Crandall, J. R.
Population of Illinois: 6,485.098; Watts, Florence Lawrance, Helen
churches, 26; members, 1,928. Payne, Hazel V. Leach. Grace
Office: 812 Steger Building, 28 Evans. Effie Svenson, Mrs. A.
East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. M. Bybarz, Miss Selma Dahl,
Mrs. Walter A. Bergherm, Mrs.
Pres., A. J Clark. C. L. Clough, S. N. Curtiss, K.
Sec. and Treas., W. A. Woodruff. Offerman, A. Vermillion, G. L.
Gulbrandson, Cornelius Pearl, P.
Executive Committee: A. J.
Clark, W. B. Forsythe, M. H. T. Hjelle.
St. John, W. A. Woodruff, N. R. Church School Teachers:
Nelson, J. C. Holden, W. B. Miss Rubella Nelson, Miss Vio-
Ochs. lette Hall, Miss Ruth Watts,
Legal Assn.: " Chicago Confer- Miss Aurora Bailey, Miss Harri-
ence Assn. of S. D. A." Pres. ette Schadiwy, Miss Carrie Nel-
A. J. Clark; Sec., J. C. Holden. son, Miss Hazel Klose, Miss Eliz-
abeth Eitel, Miss Marguerite
Department Secretaries: Porter, Miss Florence Utter, Mrs.
Chicago Book and Bible House, Ruth Burke, Mrs. J. A. Domin-
W. A. Woodruff. ski, Miss Fyrnn Ford, Miss Lou-
Field Miss., Walter A. Bergherm. ise Dedeker, Miss Ella Foreman.
Asst., Miss Hazel V. Leach.
Sabbath School, Mrs. Walter A. Church Directory:
Bergherm. Aurora, Plum and Iowa Sts.
Educational and Miss. Vol., Miss Broadview, Theological Semina-
Grace Evans. ry, La Grange.
Home Miss., E. C. Townsend. Brookfield, Pacific Press Chapel.
. Ministers: Bohemian, 2642 Smith St.
A. J. Clark, M. H. St. John, Louis Ave.
N. R. Nelson, S. G. Burley, Au- Danish-Norwegian, 2914 West
gust Anderson, J. M. Erickson. North Ave.
. P. E. Berthelsen, J. D. Johnson, Englewood, Sixty-third and
F. A. Wright, M. G. Nunes, Ti- Justine Sts.
tus Kurtichanov, L. A. Hoopes, German, No. 1. 2318 Roscoe St.
W. B. Ochs. German. No. 2, 62d and Lin-
Licentiates: coln Sts.
D. D. Ehrhardt, J. A. Dominski, Hungarian, 9228 Drexel Ave.
Anthony Catalano, Fenton Hib- Italian, 1213 Gilpin Place.
ben, E. C. Townsend, Paul Camp- North Shore, Terminal Hall,
bell, C. J. Martinson, L. C. Met- 1124 Wilson Nye.

Polish, 1333 Chicago Ave. Educational,

Prairie Ave., Colored, 4338 Home Miss., 0. B. Hall.
Prairie Ave. Ministers:
Russian, 2159 West Division W. A. Westworth, T. B. Buck-
St. ner, Frank Dudley, J. 0. Ferris,
Smith Side, 5S East Forty- R. C. Gardner, H. P. Gray, J.
- sixth St. W. McComas. J. H. Miller, E.
South Side Scandinavian, 139 L. Peterson, N. H. Pool, W. H.
West 111th St. Sherrig, J. M. Wilbur.
Swedish, 5024 West Chicago Honorary: E. I. Beebe, H. A.
Ave. Boylan, L. G. Moore, W. D. Park-
West Central, 3214 West Mon- hurst.
roe St.
Harvey, 153d and Loomis. Licentiates:
Hinsdale, Sanitarium Chapel. Wm. Bergherm, F. Cingolani, 0.
Indiana Harbor, 3732 Beech St. B. Hall, F. A. Quackenbush.
Joliet, Richmond and Prairie Honorary: H. S. Guilford.
Ayes. Missionary Licentiates:
Kankakee, Oak and Dearborn. Ena Alger, W. L. Avery, Tillie
E. Barr, H. P. Brodt. Cleo M.
Bunker, Theresa Fetzer, Mrs.
Anna E. Graham, R. M. Harri-
EAST MICHIGAN CONFERENCE son, Vera Lynch. Wilhelmine
Organized in 1902, from territory Mueller, Minnie B. Sell, Mrs.
formerly comprising the Michi- Agnes E. Webber, Mrs. Flora H.
gan Conference. 'Williams.
Territory: The southeastern por- Honorary: Marie P. Harriman,
tion of Michigan, including the Katherine M. Dunham, Mina
following counties: Hillsdale, Pierce.
St. Clair. Lenawee, Monroe,
Wayne, Washtenaw, Jackson, Church School Teachers:
Ingham, Livingston, Oakland, Zella Avery, Bessie Birmingham,.
Macomb; Clinton, Lapeer, Ge- Savilla Birmingham, Viola Boat,
nessee. Shiawassee, Saginaw, Essie Burgess, G. S. Bugbee,.
Tuscola, Sanilac, Huron, Bay. Dorotha Case, Alta Crain, Ruby
Population of Michigan: 3,667.222; Crain, Ena. DeCamp, Hazel El-
churches, 63; members, 2,089. wood, Mrs. Persil J. Ferguson,
Office: Holly, Mich. Mrs. Anna Garrison, Verian
Gooderham, Lona Lamb, Dot Mc-
Officers: Cormick, Mary R. Park, Jennie
Pres., W. A. Westworth. Peavey, Alfaretta Sherman, Mrs_
Sec. and Treas., Miss Tillie E. Lester Todd, Mildred Wonders..
Executive Committee: W. A. Church Directory:
Westworth, Frank Dudley. H. A. Ann Arbor, Prospect and Church.
Griffis, R. C. Gardner, J. B. Mc- Sts.
Kenney, W. H. Sherrig, W. J. Bay City, 304 South Dean St.
Webber. Detroit:
Legal Assn.: " East Michigan Central, G. A. R. Hall, Cass.
Conference Assn. of the S. D. A." and Grand River Ave.
Department Secretaries: West Side, Stanley and Six-
Tract Soc., R. M. Harrison. teenth Sts.
Field Miss., H. P. Brodt. Colored, Northeast corner
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., Hartford and Cobb Sts.
Cleo M. Blinker. Flint, 709 Stockton St.

Jackson, Summit and Ten Eyck Phillips, Mrs. 0. W. "Maschke, D.

Sts. E. H. Lindsey, Mrs. D. E. H.
Lansing, 614 West Washtenaw Lindsey, Miss Josephine Holmes.
St. Church School Teachers:
Pontiac, Hill St. Miss Violet Rank, Miss Alma
Saginaw, 1200 North Michigan Hendrickson, Miss Lyda Marsh,
Ave. Miss My' Ile Hill, Miss Velma
Ward, Mrs. Fred Pontious, Miss
ILLINOIS CONFERENCE Ava Kirkpatrick, Miss Melissa
Organized 1918 West, Miss Nellie Ferree, Miss
Marion Puels, Miss Jtuth Bran-
Territory: The State of Illinois, son, Miss Illott Vickory, Miss
except the following-named nine Laurie Bennett, Mrs. G. W. Mc-
counties in the northeastern part Bride, Mrs. J. R. Branson.
of the State: Cook, Lake, Mc-
Henry, Kane. DuPage, Kendall, Church Directory:
Grundy. Kankakee, and Will. Bloomington, Knights of Pythias
Population of Illinois: 6,485,098; Danville, Main and First Sts.
churches, 37; members. 1,371. Decatur, College and Packard
Office: 304 West Allen St., Spring- St s. .
field, Ill. Du Quoin, 527 South Jefferson
Officers: St.
Pres., W. H. Holden. Galesburg, 247 Blaine Ave.
Sec. and Treas., H. E. Moon. Moline, 1315 Fourteenth St.
Executive Committee: W. H. Peoria, Fayette and Monroe Sts.
Holden, H. E. Moon, B. L. Post. Rockford, 604 West State St.
W. W. Brayshaw, P. C. Hanson, Springfield, 200 West Allen St.
F. E. Endriss. ' Streator, 113 South First St.
Legal Assn.: " The Illinois Con- "Urbana, Main and Harvey.
ference Assn. of S. D. A."
Department Secretaries:
Field Miss., R. J. Watson. Organized 1872
Sabbath School, Evelyn CsIkins.
Educational and Miss. Vol., F. Territory: The State of Indiana.
S. Thompson. excepting the seven counties in
Home Miss., P. C. Hanson. the northern tier.
Religious Liberty, W. H. Holden. Population of Indiana: 2.930,544:
churches, 65; members, 1,887.
Ministers: Office: Rooms 417-21 Castle Hall
W. H. Holden, P. C. Hanson, B. Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind.
L. Post. 0. M. Kittle, Geo. Wik-
ander, J. C. Nixon.
Pres., C. S. Wiest.
Honorary: C. H. Bliss.
Sec. and Treas., 0. G. Albert.
Licentiates: Executive Committee: C. S.
E. U. Ayars, H. 0. Butler, D. A. Wiest, B. J. White, J. H. Talge,
Mitchell, R. J. Watson, R. A. 0. G. Albert, T. A. Goodwin, D.
Benjamin, J. D. Reavis, F. S. S. Hammond, R. W. Hostetler.
Thompson, Clyde Ellis. Legal Assns.: " The Indiana
Missionary Licentiates: Assn. of S. D. A."
H. E. Moon, Inis Morey, Mary " The Indiana Medical Miss. and
B. Craig, Mrs. Kate Williams, Benevolent Assn.," Pres., C. S.
Celia McAlister, Doris Hedstrom, Wiest; Sec. and Treas., B. T..
Miss Anna Hibben, Miss Jean Carson.

Department Secretaries: southerly boundaries of t h e

Tract Soc., 0. G. Albert. counties of Muskegon, making a
Field Miss., W. B. Maris. straight line across to the south-
Sabbath Scool and Educational, ern boundaries of the counties
Miss Edith Shepard. of Montcalm, Gratiot, Midland,
Miss. Vol., D. C. Newbold. and Arenac.
Home Miss., C. W. Bryan.
Religious Liberty, C. S. Wiest. Population of Michigan: 3,667,222;
Ministers: churches, 36; members, 1.093.
C. S. Wiest, J. C. Knox, M. J. Office: Reed City, Mich.
Allen, B. J. White, G. B.. Starr,
W. A. Young, J. M. Campbell, Officers:
W. J. Blake, E. F. Ferris, D. C. Pres., H. H. Hicks.
Newbold, C. L. White. Sec. and Trea.s., C. H. Nielsen.
Honorary: 0. S. Hadley. Executive Committee: H. H.
Licentiates: Hicks, W. S. Cole, A. V. Morri-
C. W. Marsh, M. G. Bish, H. A. son, C. W. Curtis, F. S. Clarke.
Lukens, Hugh Williams, W. B. Legal Assn.: " North Michigan
Maris. Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
Missionary Licentiates: Department Secretaries:
R. L. Carson, Miss Edith Shep- Tract Soc., C. H. Nielsen.
ard, Miss Mary Kent, Mrs. C. Field Miss., Hugh Steams.
W. Marsh, Alma Tibbs, 0. 0. Home Miss.. D. T. Olds.
Albert, Ida V. Hadley, Mrs. Mil- Religious Liberty, R. J. Neth-
dred Bryan, Mrs. M. J. Allen, ery.
Miss Eva Pitcher, Miss Helen
Woods, Mrs. Hugh Williams, Ministers: .
Miss Amanda Perkins. H. H. Hicks, R. .1. Netherv.
Chancy Wood, C. W. Curtis, A.
Church School Teachers: V. Morrison, T. M. Summerville,
Harvey Schrock, Miss Ruby Rat- F. J. Harris. N. M. Jorgensen.
cliffe, Miss Faye Ellis, James Byron Hagle.
Bennett, Orville Dunn, Mrs. Or- Honorary: 1, C. Harris.
ville Dunn, Miss Grace Harrison,
Miss Lucile Ford, Donna Priddy, Licentiateg:
Miss Ella M. Kinne, Miss Lor- Hugh Stearns, Garland Bogar.
raine Fankhouser, Mrs. B. T. Missionary Licentiates:
Hughes, Miss Beatrice Larimer, C. H. Nielsen, Mrs. Bertha Jor-
Mrs. Bertha. Stottlemyer, Miss gensen, Mrs. T. M. Summerville,
Naomi Marvin, Mrs. I. C. Hoff- D. T. Olds.
man, Miss Ethel Flick, Miss Honorary: Mrs. M. M. Faulk-
Inez Bird, Miss Alice Colhower, ner.
Miss Ruby Harrison, Miss Es- Church SchOol Teachers:
ther Haughey, Albert Mobley, Mrs. L. M. Richards, Garland
Mrs. Fred Wier, Miss Mabel Gid- Bogar, Miss Dora. Greve, T. At.
dings. Cra,nson, Miss Shirley G. Wa-
ters, Mrs. F. J. Harris, Miss
Katherine Smith, Mrs. John
NORTH MICHIGAN CON- London, Mrs. Ural Baker, Waive
FERENCE McAllister, Bernice Howard, El-
Organized 1902 eanor Kellogg, Forrest Saloon-
Territory: That portion of the and, Mrs. Forrest Sehoonard,
lower peninsula of Michigan Miss Ada Garrison, Bernice
north of a line formed by the Robinson.

NORTH WISCONSIN CON- Esther Kirschner, Miss Marian

FERENCE Englebert, Mrs. Marian McLean,
Organized 1916 Mrs. T. S. Copeland, Miss Ma-
Territory: The northern portion rion Hunziker, Miss Molfrid Ol-
of Wisconsin, including the fol- son, Miss Myrtle Peterson, Miss
lowing counties: Pepin, Pierce, Gladys Ranney, Miss Alice Ro-
Dunn, Rusk, Taylor, Lincoln, sen, Miss Mary Parks, Miss
Langlade, the nine northern Flossie Shore, Miss Florence
townships of Oconto County, Orth. Home Schools: Mrs. Hel-
and the counties of Marinette, en Bisseger, Mrs. Blaine Crain,
Florence, Forest, Oneida, Vilas, Mrs. Julia Johnson.
Price, Iron, Ashland, Sawyer, Church Directory:
Bayfield, Douglas, Washburn, Ashland, Wis., 620 Tenth Ave.,
Burnette, Polk, St. Croix, Bar- West.
ron, Chippewa; also the Upper Chippewa Falls, Wis., Wood-
Peninsula of Michigan. ward Ave. and Wisconsin St.
Population of Wisconsin: 2.631,- Menominee, Mich, 1718 Broad-
839 ; churches, . 35; members,
923. Merrell, Wis., cor. Eighth and
Spruce Sts.
Office: 620 Tenth Ave., West, Superior, Wis., cor. Eleventh. St.
Ashland, Wis.; address, Box and Cuming Ave.
Sec. and Treas., H. W. Johnson. ENCE
Executive Committee: J. J. Formerly part of the Wisconsin
Irwin, E. A. von Pohle, H. W. Conference organized in 1871;
Johnson. A: W. Nelson, T. S. divided and reorganized in 1916.
Copeland. Territory:. All the counties of the
State of Wisconsin south of the
Department Secretaries:
Tract Soc., H, W. Johnson. northern boundaries of Buffalo,
Field Miss., C. R. Morris. Eau Claire, Clark, Marathon, and
Sabbath . School, Educational. Shawano Counties, and all of
and Miss. Vol., T. S. Copeland. Oconto County south of a line
Home Miss., P. G. Herrick. drawn due east from the north-
Religious Liberty, J. J. Irwin. east corner of Shawano County
to Marinette County, and from
Ministers: there . following the northern
J. J. Irwin, E. A. von Pohle, W. boundary of Oconto County to
A. Schebo. Green Bay.
Tionora,ry: J. B. Scott, F. Steb- Population of the State of Wiscon-
beds, H. W. Reed, R. J. Bellows. sin: 2,631,839; churches, 57:
licentiates: members, 1,957.
T. S. Copeland, N. C. Peterson, Office: Rooms 257-260 Washing-
C. R. Morris, E. Harnara, Bryan ton Bldg., Madison, Wis.
Robison, P. G. Herrick.
Missionary Licentiates: Pres., I. J. Woodman.
Miss Sue Jones, H. W. Johnson. See. and Treas., A. E. Nelsor,
Church School Teachers: Executive Committtee: I. .1.
A. L. Denier, Miss Jewell Han- Woodman, A. E. Nelson, P. L.
soni. Miss Laura Rathbun, Miss Larson, A. W.. Coon, MT. H. Wes-
Lillian Kirschner, Miss Eliza termeyer, G. M. Pflugradt,
Hummel, Miss Bessie West, Miss Chas. MeCrillis.

Legal Assn.: "Wisconsin Con- Verna Corer. Miss Josephine

ference Assn. of the S. D. A." Rothenbach, Alvin Perrine.
Department Secretaries: Church Directory:
Tract Soc., L. W. Foote. Appleton, Richmond and Gilmore
Field Miss., E. Remsen. Sts.
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., Eau Claire, Francis St., Shaw-
Miss May Bell. town.
Educational, Mrs. Augusta Jor- Fond du Lac, I. 0. 0. F. Hall,
gensen. South Main St.
Home Miss., U. G. Jorgensen. Green Bay, 704 West Walnut St.
Medical Miss., R. S. Ingersoll, Kenosha, Howland and Salem
M. D. Sts.
Religious Liberty, I. J. Wood- Madison, Women's Bldg.
m an. 'Milwaukee, English and German,
Ministers: 865 Fifth St.
I. J. Woodman, A. W. Coon, P. New London, Smith and Pine
C. Hayward, W. H. Maynor, C. Sts.
N. Sanders, W. H. Westermeyer. Racine,,1201 Tenth St.
M. C. Guild, P. M. Hanson, G. P.
Gaede, A. F. French, 0. F.
Honorary: S. S. Smith, E. A.
Bristol. FERENCE
Licentiates: Formerly a part of the Michigan
John Worrell, L. G. Jorgensen. Conference, organized in 1861;
E. A. Weaver, Chas. Johnson, C. divided and reorganized in 1902.
7. Tolf, A. R Schuster, Gnisto Territory: Southwesten Michigan,
Vitrano, B. H. Phipps, A. D. south of the southern boundary
Bohn, of Muskegon County, making a
Missionary Licentiates: straight line across to the south-
A. E. Nelson, P. L. Larson, Miss ern boundary of IVIontcalm Coun-
May Bell. Mrs. D. B. Christian- ty, and west of the westerly
sen, Grace Redwine, R. S. In - line of the counties of Clinton,
gersoll, M. D., Olive Ingersoll, Ingham, Jackson, and Hillsdale;
M. D., Amanda Monsted, Ida also the following counties of
Poch, Mrs. Augusta Jorgensen, Indiana; Steuben, LaGrange,
Mrs. G. P, Gaede, L. W. Foote, Elkhart, St. Joseph, LaPorte,
Arthur Skeeles, Etta Young, and Porter.
Mrs. W. H. Westermeyer, E.
Rem sen. Population of Michigan: 3,667.222;
Church School Teachers: churches, 65; members, 2.841.
Miss Florence Wangerin, Miss Office: 125 North Division Ave..
Frances DeVinney, Miss Dora Grand Rapids, Mich.
Janke, Miss Emilie Crouch, Miss Officers:
Alice Wehner, Miss Alice Grimm, Pres., J. F. Piper.
Carl Wilson, Mrs. Carl Wilson, Sec. and Treas., C. B. Waller.
Miss Grace Bush, Miss Anna Executive Committee: J. F.
Jensen, Miss Esther Benson, Piper, A. E. Serns, 0. H. Simp-
Miss Helen Johnson, Miss Maude son, W. P. Elliott, S. T. Shade],
Bisbee, Miss Verne Brown, Miss B. F. 'Williams, R L. Smith.
Grace Bisbee, Miss Vivian Pur- Legal Assn:: " West Michigan
dy, Miss Flora McChesney, Miss Conference Assn, of S. D. A."
Grace Jorda.n, Miss Evelyn Pres., J. F. Piper; See.. 0. H.
Brown, Miss Helyn Hansen, Miss Simpson; Treas., C. B. Waller.

Department Secretaries: Church Directory:

Tract Soc., H. P. Bloum. Allegan, Cutler St.
Field Miss., C. P. Hall. Battle Creek, Washington and
Sabbath School, Mrs. J. F. Piper. Main Sts.
Educational, Miss Carolyn Ras- Elkhart, Ind., K. of P. Hall,
musson. Main St.
Miss. Vol., W. P. Elliott. Grand Rapids, Cass Ave., near
Home Miss., S. T. Shadel. Wealthy Ave.
Medical Miss., Mrs. Ruth Jor- Hastings, East and Bond Sts.
gensen. Kalamazoo, Sheldon and Jack-
Religious Liberty, J. G. Lamson. son Sts.
Ministers: Otsego, Franklin and Kalamazoo
J. F. Piper, W. H. Wakeham, A. Sts.
E. Serns, S. T. Shadel, L. T. South Bend, Progress Club Hall,
Nicola, 0. L. Ice, Byron Hagle, 212 South Lafayette St.
W. P. Elliott, J. W. Hofstra, St. Joseph, Library Hall.
B. F. Williams, R. U. Garrett, J.
G. Lamson, E. N. Sargeant.
Honorary: H. Nicola, J. W.
Covert, U. S. Anderson, J. E. INSTITUTIONS IN THE LAKE
Licentiates: Educational:
Reuben Greene, G. H. Simpson,
Grant Hosford, H. P. 'Waldo, S. Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich.
R. Haynes, Robert Boothby, E. Bethel Academy, Bethel, Wis.
L. Smith. Broadview Theological Seminary,
R. F. D. 1, Box 58, La Grange,
Missionary Licentiates: Ill.
C. B. Waller, P. E. Pierce, C. P. Cedar Lake Academy, Cedar
Hall, Henry Bloum, Jennie De- Lake Mich.
Young, Mrs. Edith Cross, Miss Emmanuel Missionary College,
Elizabeth Evans, Miss Beatrice Berrien Springs, Mich.
Smalley, Miss Lillian Harding, Fox River Academy, Sheridan,
Miss Carolyn Rasmusson, Mrs. Ill.
Ruth Jorgensen, Mrs. J. F. Piper, Indiana Academy, Cicero, Ind.
Mrs. Emma Hebner, Miss Fran- Walderly Academy, Hines, Wis.
ces P. Goodwyn.
Church School Teachers: South Bend Branch of the Re-
F. S. Everest, Harry Perrin, view and Herald Pub. Assn.,
Grace Johnson, Alvin Johnson, 212 South Lafayette St.,
Helga Christiansen - Forehand, South Bend, Ind.
Helen Northrop, Hattie Belle Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brook-
Abbott, Rose Herr, Maggie field, Ill.
Hicks, Luella Wells, Ivy Garber, Emmanuel Missionary College
Edna Hetherington, Mildred Press, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Avery, Myrtle Ebert, Elma Pit-
ton, Bernice Webber, Miss Gor- Sanitariums:
don, Mrs. Spafford, Carrie Nor- Madison Sanitarium, Madison,
ris, Mrs. Pansy Allgeyer, Grace Wis.
Bollinger, Mrs. Lillian Eyestone, Tri-City Sanitarium, 1213 Fif-
Rachel Wagner, Ruth Ladd, May teenth St., Moline, Ill..
Stevens, Nellie Molter, Edith Wabash Valley Sanitarium, La-
Haselton, Pansey Middaugh. fayette, Ind.
Organized 1902
Territory: The conferences of Executive Committee: W. H.
Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, Clark, A. L. Miller, J. E. Shive-
and South Dakota. ly, G. E. Leffler, C. J. Robinson,
Population: 6,071,570; churches, C. J. Metzger, A. 'W. Johnson.
254; members, 8,784. Legal Assn.: "The Iowa Sev-
Office: 2718 Third Ave., South, enth-day Adventist Association."
Minneapolis, Minn. Department Secretaries:
Officers: Tract Soc., C. A. Regester.
Pres., E. T. Russell. Field Miss., L. L. Grand Pre.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, I. G. District Miss. Directors: J. W.
Ortner. Dorcas, Steen Jensen, J. W.
Executive Committee: E. T. Beams, C. V. Starr.
Russell, I. G. Ortner, W. H. Sabbath School, Mrs. Flora V.
Clark, H. H. Humann, A. J. Dorcas.
Haysmer, H. .M. Johnson, A. F. Educational, Bert Rhoads.
Schmidt, E. M. Oberg, S. A. Miss. Vol., W. C. Hannah.
Ruskjer, Anol Grundset. Home Miss., R. F. Woods.
Legal Assn.: " The Northern Religious Liberty, W. K. Smith.
Union Conference Assn. of S. D. Ministers:
A., Inc." W. H. Clark, A. L. Miller, W.
Transportation Agent, I. 0. Ort- K. Smith, G. E. Leffler, A. F.
ner. Preiger, V. W. Robb, W. A. Mc-
Department Secretaries: Kibben, C. J. Metzger, J. C.
Union Field Miss., E. M. Oberg. Clemens, J. W. Beams, F. M.
Educational and Miss. Vol., A. Corbaley, J. W. Dorcas, 0. R.
F. Schmidt. Hawkins.
Home Miss. Anol 0rundset. Licentiates:
Religious Liberty, E. T. Russell. Mrs. E. F. Hawkins, W. C. Fore-
Ministers: man, A. R. Smouse, L. L. Grand
E. T. Russell, A. F. Schmidt, Pre, W. C. Hannah, C. V. Starr,
Ann] Grundset. D. K. Olsen, G. V. Corkham, F.
Honorary: F. Hilliard, 0. Mad- F. Schwindt L. B. Halliwell, J.
sen, H. Steen, Valentine Leer. B. Watts, V. D. Hawley, Bert
I. G. Ortner, E. M. Oberg, S. J. Missionary Licentiates:
Abegg. R. F. Woods, Steen Jensen, C.
A. Regester, J. J. Mair, Mrs.
Flora V. Dorcas, Mrs. Myrtle
IOWA CONFERENCE Asay, Irene Beams, Mrs. C. A.
Organized 1863 Prescott, Mrs. Jessie B. Mason,
Territory: The State of Iowa. Miss Evelyn Davis, Miss Alice
Population: 2,403,630; churches, G. Kinney, Miss Ida Robinson,
99; members, 3,113. Miss Bertha Benson, Miss Lu-
cille Carnahan, Miss Alma Nel-
Office: NeYada, Iowa-. son, Miss E. J. Blanchard, Miss
Officers: Laura E. Buck, Miss Ruby Mc-
Pres., W. H. Clark. Sparran, Miss Lillian Hagman,
Sec. and Treas., A. R. Smouse. Miss Rose Boose.

Church School Teachers: Sheldon, C. Edwardson, A. H.

Miss Mary Miller, Miss Zelma Rulkoetter, E. 0. Hays.
Garrett, Miss Olive Cox, Miss Legal Assn.: " The Minnesota
Esther Knudson, Miss Magie Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
Hanson, Miss Ida Christensen, Department Secretaries:
Miss Helen Reynolds, Miss Lo-
rena Watts, Mrs. Linnie Scott, Tract Soc., 0. U. Giddings.
Miss Ruth Adams, C. V. Starr, Field Miss., H. A. Rentfro.
Miss 'Adeline Renius, Miss Myr- Sabbath School, Miss Mary D.
tle Cox. Hopkins.
Educational, H. M. Hiatt.
Church Directory: Miss. Vol.,
Burlington, Central Ave. and Home Miss., Herbert Christen-
Smith St. sen.
Cedar Falls, Thirteenth and Wal- Religious Liberty, E. G. Hayes.
nut Sts.
Cedar Rapids, K. P. Hall, 429 Ministers: ,
First Ave., East. A. J. Haysmer, S. D. Hartwell,
Council Bluffs, Story and Bluff Eugene Leland, A. H. Rulkoet-
Sts. ter, J. H. Hoffman, 0. L. Budd,
Creston, 304 North Oak St. H. M. Hiatt, E. L. Sheldon, C.
Davenport, 537 West Fifteenth Edwardson, C. V. Anderson, 0.
St. J. Dahl, M. Ruskjer, D. F.
Des Moines, Eighth and Wash- Weatherly, H. R. Johnson, M. S.
ington Sts. Reppe, M. E. Anderson, E. G.
Dubuque, Elm St., bet. 21st and Hayes, C. W. Rubendall, H. J.
22d. Sheldon.
Keokuk, Seventeenth and Ex- Licentiates:
change Sts.
Marshalltown, First and Church B. 0. Engen, George Mayer, Her-
Sts. bert Christensen, H. G. Risetter,
Mason City, Fourteenth. St. and .1. C. Stotz, H. L. Wood.
South Delaware Ave. Missionary Licentiates:
Oskaloosa, 606 South Second St. G. Freeman, H. A. Rentfro, Er-
Ottumwa, Ransom and Church ma Jondahl, Mrs. E. W. Nut-
Sts. ting, May Jenson, 0. U. Gid-
Sioux City, 313 Omaha St. dings, Mrs. Ida Cummings, Han-
na Holth, Bertha Jenson, Alfre-
da Hanson, Mrs. Iva Catlin, Mrs.
Joel Olson, Miss Mary D. Hop-
MINNESOTA CONFERENCE kins, J. T. Christiansen. Olga
Organized 1862 Samuelson, Mrs. Hulda Ander-
son, Ella Anderson, Mrs. Anise
Territory: The State of Minne- Lindley, Evalyn Hoblit, .0vina
sota. Eggum, Ellen Bodine, Alice
Population: 2,386,371; churches, Mattson, Lillian Lindgrin, Es-
72; members, 2,524. ther Larson, Pearl Hannen.
Office: 1854 Roblyn Ave., St. Paul, Church School Teachers:
Minn. Mrs. David Anderson, Grace
Officers: Brown, Horatio Brown, Esther
Pres., A. J. Haysmer. Christensen, Luella Crane, Myr-
Sec. and Treas., S, D. Hartwell. tle Cummings, Lillian Enney,
Executive Committee: A. J. Estella Gleason, Mrs. L. D. Har-
Haysmer, S. D. Hartwell, H. J. ris, Anna Heimerdinger, Bianca

Henricksen, Ruth Johnson, Chris- Field Miss., R. R. Saunders.

tine Jorgensen, Susie Joy, Pet- Sabbath School, Miss Clara M.
trina Larson, Ellen Lee, Mary B. Yaeger.
Nielsen, Antoinette Oberg, Es- Educational and Miss. Vol', A.
ther Olson, Bertha Pe a k e, B. Tetzlaff.
Gladys Reichel, Viola Reed, Ella Home Miss., Carl Leer.
Ross, Florence Swanson. Religious Liberty, J. H. Roth.
Church Directory: Ministers:
Duluth, English, Sixtieth St. H. H. Humann, Carl Leer, C.
and Tenth Ave., East. C. Jensen, J. H. Seibel, Mrtin
Duluth, Scandinavian, 331 West Olson, J. A. Litwinenco, P. G.
23d Ave., West Duluth. Stanley, N. J. Michalenko, E. J.
Mankato, 213 State St. Lorentz, J. H. Roth, M. H.
Minneapolis: Schuster.
English, Stevens Ave. and Honorary: Valentine Leer.
Twenty-seventh St. Licentiates:
Danish-Norwegian, Franklin A. G. Conde, Fred Nehring, A. A.
and Twenty-second Ayes., Rupert, A. A. Dirksen, B. A.
South. Riley, J. C. Harder, Roy Saun-
Swedish, Franklin and Twen- ders, G. J. Lang, R. Scheresky,
ty-fourth Ayes. Mina Panasuk, Steven Sabarow-
St. Paul: sky, T. M. Langberg, A. B. Tetz-
English, 677 Holly Ave. laff.
Scandinavian, Greenbrier and
Jenks Sts. Missionary Licentiates:
St. Cloud, Unity Church, Fourth C. G. Ortner, Mrs. J. E. McClel-
Ave., South, and Second St. land, Mrs. B. Bunnell, F. B.
Stillwater, Laurel and Fifth Sts. Pogue, Mrs. Tillie Shawhem.
Church School Teachers:
Mary Kelsey, Eldina C. Beitz,
Mrs. G. J. Lang, Harry Went-
NORTH DAKOTA CONFER- land, Miss Jessie Field.
Organized 1902 '
Territory: The State of North SOUTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE
Dakota, except Adams and BoNN - Organized 1879
man Counties.
Territory: The State of South
Population: 645,730; churches, 50; Dakota, except the Black Hills
members, 1,866. Counties of Fall River, Custer,
Office Address: Drawer N, James- Pennington, Butte, Mead e,
town, N. Dak. Washington, Shannon; and in-
Officers: cluding the counties of Adams
Pres., H. H. Humann. and Bowman, North Dakota.
Sec. and Treas., C. G. Ortner. Office Address: Broadway and
Executive Committee: H. H. Third Ave., N. E., Watertown, S.
Humann, J. H. Roth, Carl Leer, Dak.
C. C. Jensen, N. J. Michalenko, Postal Address: Drawer 586, Wa-
P. G. Stanley, W. 0. Johnson. tertown, S. Dak. .
Legal Assn.: " The North Da- Officers:
kota Conference Assn. of S. Pres., S. A. Ruskjer.
D. A." Sec. and Treas., J. H. Nies.
Department Secretaries: Executive Committee: S. A.
Tract Soc., F. B. Pogue. Ruskjer, J. H. Nies, T. H. Jeys,

G. G. Hegele, M. M. Kier, E. H. Church School Teachers:

Oswald. Hazel Berg, Winifred Hayes,
Legal Assn.: " South Dakota Thelma Scriven, Elsie Roser,
Conference Association of Sev- Ada Dolan, Blanch Wood, Chris-
enth-day Adventists." tina Dollinger.
:Department Secretaries: Church Directory:
Tract Soc., D. H. Madsen. Aberdeen, Sixth Ave. and Lloyd
Field Miss., H. N. Jenson. St.
:Sabbath School, Elizabeth Mag- Huron, 1146 Sixth St.
nuson. Sioux Falls, South Duluth Ave.,
'Educational and Miss. Vol., A. bet. Thirteenth and Fourteenth
G. 'Youngberg. Sts.
- Home Miss., T. L. Oswald. - Watertown, Broadway and Third
Religious Liberty, S. A. Rusk- Ave., N. E.
S. .A. 'Rualcjer, C. M. Babcock, INSTITUTIONS IN THE
T. H. Jeys, Q. A. Scriven, A. W. NORTHERN UNION
Kuehl, E. H. Oswald. T. L. Os- CONFERENCE.
wald, A. 'C. 'Youngberg, G. W. Educational:
Tucker, E. 'G. Olsen. Hutchinson Theological Semi-
:Licentiates: nary, Hutchinson, Minn.
F. E. Bresee, L. R. Marsh, Dan Maplewood Academy, Maple
Reiner, Harvey Jenson, Melvin Plain, Minn.
Oss, A. W. 'Winnerberg. Oak Park Academy, Nevada,
Missionary-Licentiates: Iowa.
J. H. 'Nies, Elizabeth Magnu- Plainview Academy, Redfield,
son, D. H. Madsen, Etta Jaqua; S. Dak.
Grace Stewart, Minnie Erick- Sheyenne River Academy, Har-
son, Jennie 'LaRue, Gordon Oss, vey, N. Dak.
Benjamin 'Binder, 'Ida Rislov, W. Sanitarium:
F. Hahn. Iowa Sanitarium, Nevada, Iowa.


Organized rgo6
Territory: The Conferences of Ogden, S. J. Lashier, H. W. Cot-
Montana, Southern Oregon, trell, F. M. Burg, J. S. Rouse,
Southern Idaho, 'Upper Colum- G. F. Watson, J. W. Norwood,
bia, Western Oregon, Western J. A. Rippey, W. I. Smith, H.
'Washington, and the Territory G. Thurston, W. L. Adams, W.
of Alaska. C. Flaiz, Dr. W. B. Holden, E.
Population: 3,119;124; churches, C. Boger, N. H. Conway, G. C.
218; members, 11533. Hoskin.
Legal Assn.: " North Pacific
Office: College Place, Wash. Union Conference Assn. of S.
Officers:: D. A."
Pres., A. R. Ogden. Auditor, S. J. Lashier.
Sec. and Treas., S. J. Lashier. Transportation Agents, S. J.
Executive Committee: A. R. Lashier and G. C. Hoskin.

Department Secretaries: Department Secretaries:

Union Field Miss., N. H. Conway. Tract Soc., R. R. Thrasher.
Educational, W. C. Flaiz, Field Miss., W. C. Christensen.
Miss. Vol., W. L. Adams. Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Home Miss., E. C. Boger. Mrs. 0. F. Watson.
Religious Liberty, H. G. Thurs- Home Miss., J. T. Jacobs.
ton. Religious Liberty, G. F. Watson.
Ministers: Ministers:
A. R. Ogden, C. 'W. Flaiz, H. G. G. F. Watson, J. T. Jacobs, W..
Thurston, W. L. Adams, E. C. M. Cubley, Jacob Riffel, J. L.
Boger, 0. A. Johnson, F. S. Tucker, A. J. Lockert.
Bunch, G. W. Rine. Licentiates:
Honorary: A. J. Breed, W. W. T. H. Freidrich, Clifford Schram-
Steward, A. J. Stone, N. W. meek.
Lawrence, A. C. Bird, H. J.
Dirksen, F. D. Starr, Daniel Net- Missionary Licentiates:
tleton, Allen Moon, G. E. Lang- Mrs. G. F. Watson, W. C. Chris-
don, Oscar Hill, E. J. Hibbard, tensen, Marie C. Voth, , Mary
H. Hanson, L. A. Gibson, J. C. Camic, R. R. Thrasher.
Foster, L. H. Ells, P. A. Han- Honorary: T. G. Johnson.
son, E. H. Rees, Paul Iverson,
U. G. Adkins, B. C. Tabor, A. J. SOUTHERN IDAHO CONFER-
Stover, W. I. Smith. ENCE
Licentiates: Organized 1907
W. C. Flaiz, N. H. Conway, 0.
W. Herwick. Territory: That portion of Ida-
ho south of the forty-fifth paral-
Missionary Licentiates: lel, including all of Lemhi coun-
S. J. Lashier, W. B. Holden. M. ty, together with six counties
D., Miss Pearl Cook, R. L Wa- in Oregon, as follows: 'Wallo-
1 in. wa, Union, Baker, Malheur, Har-
Honorary: A. D. Guthrie, Miss ney, Grant.
Lucy B. Post, F. E. Rew, C. M. Population of the State of Idaho:
Everest, C. D. Wolff, Miss Min- 431,826; churches, 26; members,
nie Smith. 1,263.
Office: Sixth and Main Sts., Boise,
Organized 1898 Office Address: Box 719, Boise,
Territory: The State of Mon- Idaho.
tana. Officers:
Office: 417 Black Ave., South, Pres., J. W. Norwood.
Bozeman, Mont. See. and Treas., J. S. McMullen.
Population: 547,593; churches, 26; Executive Committee: J. W.
members, 1,027. Norwood, F. D. Wagner, C. H.
Officers: Rittenhouse, J. G. Hanhardt,
Pres., G. F. Watson. Wm. T. Tall, Wm. Butler, J. A.
Sec. and Treas., R. R. Thrasher. Casebeer.
Executive Committee: G. F. Legal Assn.: " The Southern
Watson, Jacob Riffel, J. T. Ja- Idaho Conference Assn. of S.
cobs, Dr. W. T. Thornton, E. E. D. A."
Farnsworth, J. L. Tucker, T. M. Department Secretaries:
Couch, R. R. Thrasher. Tract Soc., J. S. McMullen.
Legal Assn.: " The Montana Field Miss., Sabbath School, and
Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Home Miss., A. Belding.

Educational and Miss. Vol., R. Sec. and Treas., F. A. Lashier.

W. Airey. Executive Committee: J. A.
Religious Liberty, F. D. Wagner. Rippey, A. V. Rhoads, N. E.
Foreign Dept., J. G. Hanhardt. Landreth, J. C. Dutcher, 0. H.
Ministers: ShreWsbury.
J. W. Norwood, F. D. Wagner, Legal Assn.: " Southern Ore-
C. H. Rittenhouse, R. W. Airey, gon Conference Association of
R. B. Coherly, J. G. Hanhardt, S. D. A."
E. L. Cook. Department Secretaries:
Licentiates: Tract Soc., F. A. Lashier.
.T. S, Kilgore, J. H. Lumper, A. Field Miss., L. A. Pettibone.
N. Atteberry, C. D. Striplin, G. Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
C. Leedy. Miss Vesta Kruse.
Educational, J. E. Weaver.
Missionary Licentiates: Home Miss., A. V. Rhoads.
J. S: McMullen, A. Belding, Miss Medical Miss., R. I. Hall, M. D.
Ethel B. Whitman. Religious Liberty, A. V. Rhoads.
Church School Teachers: Ministers:
A. N. Atteberry, C. D. Striplin, J. A. Rippey, A. V. Rhoads, P.
Mrs. C. D. Striplin, E. E. Car- A. Hanson, T. L. Thuemeler.
man, Mrs. E. E. Carman, Miss
Bertha Walker, Phillip Nelson, Licentiates:
Miss Irma Hatter, Miss Beatrice R. A. Smitliwick, 0. H. Shrews-
Haynes, Mrs. Marie C. Green, bury, J. E. Weaver, F. A.
R. W. Airey, Miss Gladys Mann, Lashier.
Ellen Finnan-Olsen, Miss Delma Missionary Licentiates:
Dawson, Raymond Morgan, Wil- Miss Vesta Kruse, R. I. Hall.
liam Mohr, Miss Margaret Tor- M. D.
rance, Miss Enid Sparks, Theo. Church School Teachers:
Noel, Mrs. Rhoda Noel. Clarence Cartwright, Miss Ver-
'Church Directory: na Estes, Miss Ida L. Perkins,
Boise, 523 Main St. Miss Effie Muchmore, Mrs. Anna
Caldwell, Indiana and Linden Goodhew.
Ayes. Church Directory:
Ashland, Fourth and C Sts.
Drain, one door north of I. 0.
ENCE Eugene, 1071 West Eighth St.
Organized 1910 Marshfield, between Sixth and
'Territory: All the southern part Seventh on Commercial.
of Western Oregon south of the Medford, 607 North Riverside.
northern boundary of Lane Roseburg, 1162 Military.
County, including the counties Sutherlin, Sutherlin Academy.
of Lane, Douglas, Coos, Curry,
Josephine, Jackson, Klamath,
and Lake; and the counties of UPPER COLUMBIA CONFER-
Siskiyou and Del Norte in Cali- ENCE
fornia. Organized 1880
Population of Oregon: 783,389; Territory: That portion of the
churches, 17; members, S17. State of Washington lying east
'Office. Sutherlin, Oregon. of the Cascade Mountains; the
Ufficers: counties of Umatilla, Morrow,
Pres., J. A. Rippey. Gillian, and Wheeler, in the

State of Oregon; and that por- D. Isaac, R. F. Bean, Miss Mil-

tion of the State of Idaho lying dred Hoskin, Miss Josephine De-
north of the forty-fifth parallel, Ford, Mrs. Mary Kester, Miss
excepting Lemhi County. Vada Dimick.
Population of the State of Wash- Church Directory:
ington: 1,356,316; churches, 43; Spokane, Wash.. Nora Ave. and
members, 2,744. Normandie St.
Office: College Place, Wash. Walla Walla, Wash., Fourth and
Birch Sts.
Pres., J. S. Rouse.
Sec. and Treas., L E. Biggs.
Executive Committee: J. S. WESTERN OREGON CONFER-
Rouse, L. E. Biggs, C. J. Cole, ENCE
B. M. Grandy, R. A. Libby, S. Organized 1877: reorganized 1902
A. Miller, E. H. Swanson.
Legal Assn.: " Upper Columbia Territory: That portion of the
Mission Society of S. D.- A." State of Oregon lying west of
the western boundary lines of
Department Secretaries: Gilliam and Wheeler Counties,
Tract Soc., L. E. Biggs. and north of the northern boun-
Field Miss., J. W. Roberts. dary lines of Lake, Klamath, and
Sabbath School, Miss Ida M. Sal- Lane Counties; also the coun-
ton. ties of Clarke and Skamania in
Home Miss., W. C. Thompson. the State of Washington.
Religious Liberty, C. J. Cole.
Population of Oregon: 783,389;
Ministers: churches, 46; members, 3,215.
J. S. Rouse, W. H. Thurston,
C. J. Cole, R. A. Libby, B. M. Office: 508 East Everett St., Port-
Grandy, R. H. Martin, E. H. land, Oreg.
Swanson, J. A. Chaney, C. A. Officers:
Hansen, C. F. Cole. Pres., H. W. Cottrell.
Licentiates: Sec. and Treas. J. F. Beatty.
F. E. Stratton, Otto Schnepper, Asst., Clyde Lowry.
D., A. Ochs. Executive Committee: H. W.
Cottrell, B. J. Cady, J. F. Beatty,
Missionary Licentiates: J. H. Hanson, N. C. Ernston,
A. D. Schlotthauer, M. D., Miss Wm. Reith, A. R. Bell, L. K.
Ida M. Salton, Miss Elsa Hag- Dickson, L. F. Burdain.
berg, Miss Minnie Ehrlich, L. E. Legal Assn.: " Western Oregon
Biggs, W. C. Thompson, J. W. Conference Association of Sev-
Roberts. enth-day Adventists."
Church School Teachers:
Miss Anna A. Pierce, Miss Chris- Department Secretaries:
tiana Trefz, MiSs Madge E. Tract Soc., Clyde Lowry.
Moore, Mrs. Arnold Johnson, Field Miss., R. E. Keller.
Earle Stewart, Lee McCoy, Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Esther Schierman, Mrs. Ells Miss F itb Starbuck.
Williams, Lehla M. Garrett, Educational, I. C. Colcord.
Miss Rena Sewell, E. Reiber, Home Miss., C. E. Olcott.
Ruby Rick, Lessie Anspauch, Medical Miss., W. B. Holden,
Leta Lawrence, Mrs. Richard M. D.
Beasley, Glenn Pierce, Mrs. G. Religious Liberty, A. R. Bell.
A. Oldham, Miss Norma Big- Ministers:
gins, M. E. Powers, Mrs. M. E. H. W. Cottrell, A. R. Bell, B.
Powers, Miss Ina L. Moore, H. J. Cady, F. H. Conway, L. K.

Dickson, N. C. Ernston, E. J. Forest Grove, Third St., between

Hibbard, W. T, Hilgert, John Second and Third Ayes.
Isaac, G. E. Johnson, J. L. Kay, Hood River, Fifteenth and C
John Peterson, P. W. Province, Sts.
C. A. Purdom, J. A. Reiber, Lebanon,,Fifth and Oak Sts.
Fred Johnson. McMinnville, Lincoln and B Sts.
Honorary: T. H. Starbuck, R. Newberg, Second and Grant Sts.
D. Benham, C. Johnson. Oregon City, Head of Seventh
Licentiates: St., opposite Eastern School.
I. C. Colcord, C. E. Olcott, G. G. Portland:
Sittser, G. M. Thorp. Albina, German, Skidmore St.
and Mallory Ave.
Missionary Licentiates:
Central, Eleventh and East
J. F. Beatty, Mrs. Florence Back-
Everett Sts.
storm, Ross Dustin, Miss La-
Lents, Ninety-fourth St., and
cott Green, Mrs. J. W. Harmer,
Fifty-eighth Ave., S. E.
G. C. Hoskin, Clyde Lowry, Mrs.
Montavilla, East Eightieth
M. E. Mackie, Lee Moran, Miss
and Everett Sts.
Pearl Stafford, Miss Edith Star-
St. Johns, Central Ave. and
buck, Mrs. G. M. Thorp, Miss
Charleston St.
Mary Treber, Miss Miranda
Scandinavian, Sixty-second St..
near Fortieth Ave.
Honorary: Mrs. Iva Cady, Mrs.
Tabernacle, Sixth and Mont-
Grace Folkenberg, Mrs. II. 1V.
gomery Sts.
Cottrell, Mrs. Eliza Cole-Thorp.
Salem, Gaines St. and Fifth Ave.
Church School Teachers:
Mrs. E. ,T. Atkins, Mrs. Vita Silverton, Oak St. near South
Beatty, Miss Ida Bennett, F. L. Mill.
Bunch, Mrs. I. C. Co'cord, Miss Tillamook, Fourth St. a n d
Mayme Dasher, Mrs. F. H. Dole- Fourth Ave.
man, Frederick Flahaut, Mrs. Vancouver. cor. New York and
Edith F]ett, Mrs. G. C. Foil:en- McKinley Sts.
berg, Mrs. Wm. Folkenberg,
Miss Alma Hanson, Miss Edna
Hanson, Mrs. E. D. Hargrove, WESTERN WASHINGTON
Miss Beatrice Holman, Miss CONFERENCE
Alice Homm, Miss Hazel Gibson,
Organized 1902
Miss Georgia Jensen, Mrs, Anna
Kingsbury, Mrs. Mary E. Little, Territory: All of the State of
Miss Florence Lunsford, Miss Washington west of the Cas-
Lena Meade, Mrs. J. Mosser, cade Mountains, except the coun-
Miss Helga Nelson, B. E. Shaff- ties of Clarke and Skamania.
ner, Mrs. B. E. Schaffner, D. C. Population of Washington: 1,356,-
Schaffner, Mrs. D. C. Schaffner, 316; churches, 59; members,
Mrs. J. A. Reiber, Miss De Vera 2,447.
Thurston, Miss Myrtle Tomp-
kins. Office: Lippy Bldg.; Third and
Church Directory: Columbia Sts., Seattle, Wash.
Albany, cor. Third and Mont- Officers:
gomery Sts. Pres., F. M. Burg.
Brownsville, South Brownsville. Sec. and Treas., T. L. Copeland.
Dallas, Washington St., near Executive Committee: F. M.
Jefferson. Burg, L. E, Tupper, C. 0. Blin-
Falls City, one block north and coe, Chas. Cornell, S. N. Ritten-
east of R. R. Station. house, J. A. Holbrook.

Legal Assn.: " Western Wash- Church Directory:

ington Corporation of Seventh- Aberdeen, First and E Sts.
day Adventists." Bellingham, Maple and Forest
Department Secretaries: Sts.
Tract Soc., R. S. Dexter. Everett, Rockefeller and Ever-
Field Miss., W. L. Manfull. ett Sts.
Sabbath School, Miss Bertha Seattle:
Lofstad. Scandinavian, Twenty-second,
Educational, Adele Oberg. N. W., and West Sixty-sev-
Miss. Vol., V. C. Becraft. enth Sts.
Home Miss.. Mrs. Minnie Sype. Central Church, Boylston Ave.
Medical Miss., Grace Graham. and Olive St.
Religious Liberty, C. I. Lingen- Green Lake, East 75th and 5th
leiter. Sts., N. E.
Ministers: Rainer Valley, Orchard and
F. M. Burg, L. Johnson, J. A. Mead Sts,
Holbrook, C. A. Wyman, A. J. Tacoma, Central, Tenth and I
Stone, F. M. Oliver, C. L. Ling- Sts.
enfelter, S. N. Rittenhouse, H.
Z. Davis, G. W. Pettit, L. E. ALASKA MISSION
Tupper. Licentiate:
Honorary: J. E. Graham, J. W. 0. W. Herwick, Juneau, Alaska.
Honorary: Amos Mitchell. PACIFIC UNION CON-
Missionary Licentiates: FERENCE
T. L. Copeland, A. A. Russell, Educational:
1L S. Dexter, V. C. Becraft, Laurelwood Academy, Gaston,
Bertha Lofstad, Mrs. Signe Lan- Oreg.
ger, Norma Landry, Adele Oberg, Mt. Ellis Academy, Bozeman,
Grace Graham, V Mrs. Minnie Mont.
Sype, Karl Conzelman, Mrs. L. Gem State Academy, Caldwell,
Johnson, Mrs. Katie Baker, El- Idaho.
sie Leadsworth, Mrs. Emma Wil- Sutherlin Academy, Sutherlin,
kinson, Nellie Nelson. Oreg.
Honorary: Miss Clara Silver. Walla Walla College, College
Church School Teachers: Place, Wash.
Miss Florence Jacobson, Miss Western Washington Missionary
Ethel Hodson, Miss Florence Academy, Auburn, Wash.
Carman, Miss Gertrude Nelson, Yakima Valley Academy,
Miss Lola Manning, Miss La- Granger, Wash.
Villa Johnson, Miss Emma Has-
kin, Miss Ruby Barnett, Miss Publishing:
Minnie Ham, Miss Josie Moody, Portland Branch of the Pacific
Miss Dorothy Zigler, Miss Olive Press Publishino. Association,
Olmstead, Miss Irene Rudolph, 719 East Flanders St., Port-
Mrs. J. E. Raker, Miss Coy. land, Oreg.
Steck, Miss Hazel Wilcox, Miss Sanitariums:
Edith Boomer, J. J. Paulson, Portland Sanitarium, East Six-
Mrs. J. J. Paulson, Miss Ella tieth and Belmont Sts., Port-
Purdy, Miss Edith Anderson, land, Oreg.
Miss Sadie Gronemyer, Miss Walla Walla Sanitarium, Col-
Edrie Zigler. lege Place, Wash.
Organized xgoi

Territory: The Arizona, Califor- Black, T. H. Branch, Andrew

nia, Central California, Nevada, Brorsen, A. 0. Burrill, J. 0.
Northern California, Southeast- Corliss, H. F. Courter, C. H. Ed-
ern California, and Southern wards, D. T. Fero, E. E. Gard-
California Conferences, and the ner, E. H. Gates, H. G. Gjor-
Utah Mission. ding, 0. J. Graf, W. M. Healey,
Population: 4,286,662; churches, M. G. Huffman, M. C. Israel, 0.
204; members, 14,418. E. Jones, M. G. Kellogg, J. N..
Office: 603 East Broadway, Glen- Loughborough, W. D. MacLay,.
dale, Cal. Andrew Mead, E. A. Merrell,.
Postal Address: Box 146, Glen- C. N. Miller, Isaac Morrison, R.
W. Munson, D. H. Oberholtzer,.
dale, Cal.
C. F. Parmele, W. Pierce, A.
Officers: E. Place, W. H. Saxby, Sydney
Pres., J. W. Christian. Scott, F. R. Shaeffer, W, W..
Sec. and Treas., B. M. Emerson. Sharp, Melzar Shepard,. H.
Executive Committee: J. W. Shultz, J. B. Stuyvesant, Swin
Christian, E. W. Farnsworth, Swinson James Taphouse, S.
B. M. Emerson, H. S. Shaw, Thurston, Luther Warren, H. A.
Clarence Santee. G. W. Wells, Washburn, T, H. Watson, E. W.
W. M. Adams, J. J. Nethery, A. Webster, C. D. M. Williams. H.
R. S'andborn. J. A. Neilsen, M. L. W. Decker.
Rice, J. A. Stevens, F. E. Pain- Licentiates:
ter, W. W. Ruble, W. C. Raley, C. W. Irwin, F. E. Painter.
G. W. Reaser, C. IL Jones. C. Missionary Licentiates:
W. Irwin, W. F. Martin, P. T. C. H. Jones, N. G. Evans, M. D.,
Magan. Claude Conard, B. M, Emerson,
Legal Assn.: " Pacific Union W. C. Raley, Violet R. Bell, J.
Conference Assn. of S. D. A." M. Rowse, Uthai V. Wilcox.
Auditor, W. C. Raley. Honorary: Mrs. Rebecca Allee,
Transportation Agents, C. H. Alice Brayshaw, W. M. Camp-
Jones (passes), B. M. Emerson bell, Elizabeth Carter, Mrs. L.
(clergy certificates). E. Cox, M. E. George, Katherine
Department Secretaries: B, Hale, Ella Hancock, J. L.
Field Miss., F. E. Painter. Humbert, Meda Kerr, Peter
Educational and Miss. Vol., W. Lindahl, Stella B. Lowry, Sara
W. Ruble. McEnterfer, Alma E. McKibbin,
Home Miss., J. A. Stevens. Florence W. Merrill, C. C. Mor-
Medical Miss., P. T. Magan, M. Ian, Jessie F. Moser, Mrs. L. A.
D. Parsons, H. L. Rawson, I. T.
Religious Liberty, W. F. Martin. Reynolds, Mrs. Alice H. Robin-
Press Bureau, J. A. Stevens. son.
Ministers: Medical Missionary:
J. W. Christian, E. W. Farns- Honorary: S, P. S. Edwards.
worth, J. A. Stevens, W. W. Ru-
ble, P. T. .Magan, M. D.. Ernest
Lloyd, W. A. George, M. D., J. ARIZONA CONFERENCE
G. White, C. H. Castle, B. L. Organied 1902
House. Territory: The State of Arizona.
Honorary: J. W. Adams, G. M. Population: 333,273; churches, 16;
Alway, A. W. Bartlett, W. L. members, 656.

Office Address: Box 887, Phoe- CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE

nix, Ariz. Organized 1873
pffice: 615 North Tenth St., Territory: The following-named
Phoenix, Ariz. counties in the State of Califor-
nia: Alameda, Contra Costa,
Officers: Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake,
Pres., A. R. Sandborn. MarM, Mendocino, Monterey,
Sec. and Treas., R. E. Kalfus. Napa, San Francisco, Santa
Executive Committee: A. R. Clara, Santa Cruz, San Mateo,
Sandborn, R. L. Benton, I. T. San Benito, Solano, Sonoma,
Reynolds, H. L. Wallace. and Trinity.
Legal Assn.: " Arizona Confer- Population of California: 3,426,536;
ence Corporation of S. D. A." churches, 46; members, 3,536.
Department Secretaries: Office: 537 Twenty-fifth St. (near
Tract Soc., R. E. Kalfus. Telegraph Ave.), Oakland, Cal.
Field Miss., J. L. Sauder. Officers:
Sabbath School, Mrs. L. B. Rags- Pres., G. W. Wells.
dale. Sec and Treas., H. B. Thomas.
Educational, K. M. Adams. Executive Committee: G. W.
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., L. Wells, H. B. Thomas, J. D. Al-
B. Ragsdale. der, E. H. Adams, H. K. Hallo-
Religious Liberty., R. L. Benton. day, C. L. Bond, C. F. Folken-
Spanish, H. F. Brown. berg.
Legal Assn.: " California Con-
Ministers: ference Assn. of the S. D. A."
A. R. Sandborn, R. L. Benton, Department Secretaries:
C. D. M. Williams, L. B. Rags- Tract S'oc., E. H. Abbott.
dale, H. L. Wallace, K. M. Ad- Field Miss., E. A. Hamilton.
ams, H. F. Brown. Sabbath School, Mrs. Belle C.
Honorary: H. F. Courter, M. Hall.
Serna. Educational, Miss Frances Fry.
Licentiates: Miss. Vol., C. L. Bond.
Home Miss., J. D. Alder.
I. T. Reynolds, J. 0. Garcia, S.
P. Cunill. Medical Miss., A. W. Truman,
M. D.
Missionary Licentiates: Religious Liberty, H. H. Dexter.
J. L. Sauder, R. E. Kalfus, Miss Ministers:
Pearl Calvert, Mrs. L. B. Rags- G. W. Wells, E. H. Adams, J.
dale. D. Alder, C. L. Bond, E. A.
Honorary: Mrs. M. T. Poston. Brown, L. E. Brant, H. H. Dex-
. Church School Teachers: ter, J. R. Dieffenbacher, C. F.
Miss Maude Earll, Miss Orpha, Folkenberg, R. A. Hare, W. A.
Andrews, Miss Ellen Lambeth, Johnson, E. L. Maxwell, Andrew
Mrs. Lena E. Williams. Nelson, W. G. Wirth.
Church Directory: Licentiates:
Flagstaff, 319 West Beaver St. E. H. Abbott, A. L. Baker, A.
Glendale, 127 North Third Ave. V. Edwards, H. K. Holladay, W.
Globe, North Deveroux St. R. Holbrook, L. H. Olson, F. D.
Phoenix, Third and Pierce Sts. Nichol.
Prescott 137 West Carlton St. Missionary Licentiates:
Tucson, 607 East Ninth St. Marion Battee, C. H. A. Brooke,
Yuma, Second Ave. and Sixth Miss Oleta Butcher, Miss Mary
St. Clark, Mrs. Vesta J. Earns-

worth. Miss Frances Fry, Miss CENTRAL CALIFORNIA CON-

Celia Green, Mrs. Belle C. Hall, FERENCE.
Miss Ida V. Hudson, Mrs. Ada Organized 1911
La France, Miss Laura Morri- Territory: The following-named
son; Miss Ada J. Madison, K. counties in the State of Califor-
Nozaki, Mrs. A. H. Parlin, D. K. nia: Tulare, Madera, Fresno,
Royer, H. B. Thomas. Kings, Mariposa, Merced, and
Church School Teachers: Kern County north of the Te-
Miss Zella Barnard, Mrs. R. H. hachapi Mountains.
Bowen, Miss Geneva Brook- Office: 2524 Mariposa St., Fresno,
shire, Miss Bernice Burg, Miss Cal.
Lena Butler, Miss Norma Carl-
sen, Miss Marjorie Chapman, Postal Address: Drawer 1304,
Miss Edna Eads, Miss Loeta Fresno, Cal.
Flint, Mrs. Elizabeth Flower, Officers:
Mrs. Beatrice Haney, Miss Vin- Pres., H. S. Shaw.
na , Hart, David Hartman, A. E. Sec. and Treas., W. F. Field.
Hollenbeck, Mrs. A. E. Hollen- Executive Committee: H. S.
beck, Miss Nettie James, Miss Shaw, G. A. Grauer, E. L. Neff,
Winnifred James, Miss Ileen Frank Weeks, P. J. Wolfsen,
McKenzie, Mrs. Chloe Landis, Nis Hansen.
Miss Nancy Lillard, Paul IVIeeth, Department Secretaries:
Ross Morris, Mrs. Wm. Nethery, Tract Soc., Eugene Woesner.
Miss Harriett Parker, Miss Fa- Field Miss., Overholt.
d.almit, Ragon, Theodore Ru.ef, Sabbath Scool, Dr. M. B. Hud-
P. J. Renninger, Miss Laura son.
Sheldon, Miss Grace Silsbee, Educational, Mrs. Alice Mina
Miss. Ruby Spear, Mrs. Rosetta Mann.
Stevens, Miss Ardath Thomp- Miss Vol., W. R. Nelson.
son, Miss Vida Wells, Miss Vis- Home Miss., 0. A. Wheeler.
ta Williams. Religious Liberty, E. L. Neff.
Church Directory: Ministers:
Alameda, 1531 Verdi St. H. S. Shaw, G. A. Grauer, E. L.
Arcata, D and Twelfth Sts. Neff, C. W. Fuller, Frank Weeks,
Berkeley, 1630 Fairview St. B. L. Howe.
Eureka, E and Harris Sts.
Fruitvale, Harrington Ave. at W. R. Nelson, P' E. Scoggins,
San Juan St., Oakland, Cal. Harry Thompson, G. E. Mann,
Fort Bragg, Whipple and Pine G. A. Wfieeler. C. F. Innis, H. J. .
Sts. Winter, G. G. Brown, I. C.
Fortuna, Sixth and D Sts.
Napa, Church and Second Sts.
Oakland, 531 Twenty-fifth St. Missionary Licentiates:
Petaluma, English and Upham W. F. Field, Mrs. Alice Mina
Sts. Mann, Dr. M. B. Hudson. J. H.
San Francisco, 916 Laguna. St. Laughead, I. D. Sanchez, Eugene
San Jose, 65 South Seventh St. Woesner, Salomea, Guenther,
Santa Rosa, Orchard St., near Anna I. Isaac, Mable Gage, L.
Johnson. M. Overholt.
Sebastopol, Petaluma Ave. Church School Teachers:
St. Helena, Madrona Ave. and Mary Gear, Ora Bancroft, L. M.
Pine St. Knapp, Mrs. Veda Knapp, S. G.
Ukiah, Bush and Henry Sts. Morris, Kathren Siemens, Min-
Vallejo, Tennessee St. nie Overman, Phillip Fentzling,

Olive Hays, Elouise Herzer, Mrs. Postal Address: Box 2072, Reno,
(,'oldie Church, Ralph Chapman, Nev.
Mrs. Jean Chapman, J. L. Jones, Officers:
Jennie Ore Frazee, Mrs. Ada Pres., M. L. Rice.
Allen, Eulalie Ward, Esther Sec. and Treas., C. 0. Patterson.
Brown, Ernestine Rhymes, Mrs. Executive Committee: M. L.
Agnes Meisner, Orville Baldwin, Rice, G. G. Sims, 1. P. Dillon, E.
Marion Larimore, Lydia Thomas, E. Beddoe, G. H. Scheppler.
Mrs. R. B. Sheffer, Glady Chand- Department Secretaries:
ler, Floyd Baldwin, Byron Wes- Tract Soc., C. 0. Patterson.
ner, Mrs. Pearl Wesner, Gladys Sabbath School and Educational.
Peter, Mrs. Claribel Wolff. Mrs. Myrtle Alley-Rice.
'Church Directory: Miss. Vol., E. E. Beddoe.
Bakersfield, 730 I St., Eighth Home Miss. and Religious Liber-
and I Sts. ty, M. L. Rice.
Coalinga, Fillmore St. and Van Ministers:
Ness. M. L. Rice, G. G. Sims, P. Dil-
Clovis, Second and Woodworth. lon.
Dinuba, H and El Monte Way.
Exeter, Quince and Palm Sts. Licentiates:
Fresno, 2514 Mariposa St. E. E. Beddoe, Salvator Arrabito.
Hanford, Harris and Ninth St. Missionary Licentiates:
Hanford, Mexican, Second and C. O. Patterson, Mrs. Myrtle
Irwin Sts. Alley-Rice.
Lemoore, C and Follet Sts. Church School Teachers:
Lindsay, 605 North Mirage Ave. J. J. Hart, Mrs. Ethyl Hart.
Los Banos, Library Annex, Los
Madera, Vineyard Ave., between NORTHERN CALIFORNIA CON-
Yosemite and Sixth Sts. FERENCE
Merced, Eighteenth and 0 Sts. ' Organized 1911
Orosi, Eighteenth and 0 Sts. Territory: The following-named
Selma, 2059 Whitson and North counties in the State of Califor-
Sts. nia: Stanislaus, Tuolumne, San
Tulare, 120 North H St. Joaquin, Calaveras, A in ad o r,
Visalia, Northeast corner First Sacramento, Yolo, Sutter, Yuba,
Ave. and Bridge St. Colusa, Glenn, Butte, Tehama,
Shasta, Siskiyou, Alpine, Eldo-
NEVADA CONFERENCE rado, Placer, Nevada, Sierra,
Plumas, with the exception of
Organized 1920 that small portion of these coun-
Territory: The State of Nevada, ties lying east of the summit of
excepting the counties of Clark the Sierras.
and Lincoln; and including that Population of the State of Cali-
portion of the State of Califor- fornia: 3,426,536; churches, 30;
nia. lying east of the summit of members, 2,028.
the Sierra Nevada Mountains,
and also the major portion of Office: 341 East Lodi Ave., Lodi,
Plumas County. Cal.
Population of the State of Nevada: Officers:
77,407; churches, 5; members, Pres., Clarence Santee.
303. Sec. and Treas., Winl Voth.
Office Address: 452 Ralston St., Executive Committee: Clarence
Reno, Nev. Santee, A. J. Osborne. Adolph

Johnson, C. M. Christy, C. H. Mabel Bressie, Miss Alice Street,.

Fink, F. M. Butterfield, P. H. Mrs. Daisy Clough, Miss Leak
Glantz. Pretser, Mrs. R. W. Hubbard.
Legal Assn.: " Northern Cali- Church Directory:
fornia Conference Assn. of S. Chico, North End Esplanade.
D. A." Modesto, Sixth and J.
Department Secretaries: Sacramento, Twenty-rthird St.,-
Tract Soc., Miss Ella McBroom; between J and K.
Treas., Wm. Votb. Stockton, Minor and Stanislaus.
Field Miss., E. C. Peifer.
Sabbath School, Mrs. C. D.
Educational, C. D. Stone. CONFERENCE
Miss. Vol., C. M. Christy.
Home Miss., F. M. Butterfield. Organized 1915
Religious Liberty, N. W. Kau- Territory: The following-named-
ble. counties in the State of Califor-
Ministers: nia: Orange, San Diego, Im-
Clarence Santee, A. J. Osborne, perial, Riverside, and San Ber-
N.- W. Ka.uble, T. H. Watson. nardino.
Adolph Johnson, C. L. Snodgrass, Population of California: 3,426,-
C. L. Taggart, C. M. Christy, D. 536; churches, 33; members, 2,-
D. Lake. 138.
Honorary: Henry Shultz, D. T. Office: 310 Loring Bldg., River-
Fero, M. C. Israel, A. 0. Bur- side, Cal.
rill, M. W. Lewis. Office Address: Box 584, River-
Licentiates: side, Cal.
F. M. Butterfield, C. D. Stone, Officers:
Mrs. Ella H: Osborne, 0. B. Pres., J. J. Nethery.
Stevens, F. A. Johnson, Howard Sec. and Treas., C. C. Mattison.-
Carter, E. E. Morrow. Executive Committee; J. J.
Missionary Licentiates: Nethery, R. S. Owen, C. A. Win-
Wm. Voth, E. C. Peifer, T. C. ters, H. W. Vollmer, M. D., L.
Tunsen, Mrs. C. D. Stone, Mrs. E. Folkenberg, V. E. Peugh, J.
Lottie Kuhns, Mrs. Lillian Bar- A. Chilton.
ton, Miss Ella McBroom, Mrs. Le gal Assn.: " Southeastern-
Bertha Stanton, Miss Julia Carl- California Assn. of S. D. A."
sen, Mrs. R. B. Segerhorn, J. A. Department Secretaries:
Wiley, Archie Barton, W. R. Jef- Tract Soc., J. W. Slattery.
ferson, Mrs. 0. A. Scheurer. Field Miss., H. G. Warden.
Church School Teachers: Sabbath School and Home Miss..-
Miss Gladys Voorheis, M. Reese, V. E. Peugh.
Mrs. H. MeAlexander, Miss Ma- Educational, Ada C. Somerset,
rie Lucas, Prescott Pierce, Miss Miss. Vol., F. G. Ashbaugh.
Ethel \Wider, Miss Ruth Wes- Medical Miss., H. W. Vollmer,
cott, Miss Ada Hartman, C. J. M. D.
Voris, Miss Ethel Forsberg, Mrs. Religious Liberty, W. M. Healey.
Laura Lewis, Miss Lorene Put- Ministers:
nam, Miss Anna Jensen, L. M. J. J. Nethery, R. S. Owen, J. A.
Hesseltine, Mrs. L. M. Hessel- Burden, W. M. Healey, L. IL
tine, Miss Eleanora Hansen, Proctor, H. C. Basney, P. P,
Mrs. C. R. Thompson, Miss Ver- Adams, L. E. Folkenberg, W. L.
da Brown, .1. W. Bressie, Miss Black, C. A. Winters, V. E.

Peugh, E. H. Emmerson, A. M. San Diego, G St. Church, Eight-

Dart, J. W. Miller. eenth and G Sts.
Licentiates: San Diego, University-Ave.
C. A. Cole, F. G. Ashbaugh. Church, 2 University Ave.
Santa Ana, Fifth and Ross Sts.
Missionary Licentiates:
C. C. Mattison, H. G. Warden,
Ada C. Somerset, A. D. Butter-
field, M. D., H. W. Gober, J. W. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
Demeht, Mrs. Luther Warren, CONFERENCE
Mrs. L. H. Proctor, H. W. Voll-
mer, M. D., J. W. 'Warren, M. D., Organized 1901
Josie Shyrock-Warren, M. D.,
Miss Ethel B. Smith, R. R. Territory: The following-named
Spear, Mrs. Edith Perry-Stod- counties in the State of Cali-
dard, Eva L. Borden, Susie An- fornia: San Luis Obispo, Santa
derson. Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles,
Honorary: Walter Harper, Mrs. and that portion of Kern County
W. W. Sharp, Mrs. Josephine lying south of the Tehachapi
Gotzian. Mountains.
Church School Teachers: Population of the State of Cali-
Anna Nightingall, Bertha Chest- fornina; 3,426,536; churches, 35;
nut, Hazel Striplin, Mrs. H. E. members, 3,212.
Farmer, Gladys L. Ryder, Mrs. Office: 3131 Pasadena Ave., Los
Emma North, Mrs. George Er- Angeles, Cal.
win, Mrs. Jessie Dilllony Mrs.
Clara Strong, Ardis Smith, Mrs. Officers:
R. M. McGregor, E. H. Emmer- Pres., W. M. Adams.
son, Mable Andre, Mrs. 0. J. Sec. and Treas., W. L. Mecum.
Executive Committee: W. M.
Garf, J. Robbins, D. E. Stewart,
Marvel Beam, J. Jensen, Marion Adams, W. D. Salisbury, G. W.
Wilber, Mrs. F. P. Cady, Mrs. Reaser, A. E. Parker, C. S. Prout,
Luella Stewart, Mrs. A. C. Chris- L. A. Reynolds, W. L. Mecum.
Legal Assn.: " Southern Cali-
tiansen, T. A. Van Gundy, Mrs.
T. A. VanGundy, Emma Hengst, fornia Assn. of S. D. A."
E. C. Cushman, Mrs. E. C. Cush- Department Secretaries:
man, B. E. Tefft, Mrs. E. L. Car- Tract Soc., D. A. Lower.
man, Marjorie Atkins, Grace Field Miss., L. A. Reynolds.
Smith, Lura Atwood, Elizabeth Sabbath School, Mrs. Cleora
Vipond, Mrs. Crystal Duce, Lau- Webster.
ra M. Shafer, Mrs. Florence Liv- Educational, H. G. Lucas.
ingston, Eleanor Tallant, Fran- Miss. Vol., A. E. Lickey.
ces Smith, Norman Howe, Mrs. Home. Miss., V. H. Lucas.
Norman Howe, Mrs. Leslie Mar- Medical Miss., Miss Matilda
tin, Mrs. Marie Marchus, Grace Voss.
Harlow. Religious Liberty, G. A. Snyder.
Church Directory: Ministers:
Ontario, W. B. St. and Pine Ave. W. M. Adams, M. M. Hare, H.
Orange, Cleveland and Palm Sts. G. Lucas, C. S. Prout, G. W.
Redlands, East State St near Reaser, N. J. Waldorf, G. A.
Church St. Snyder, C. J. Kunkel, P. L.
Riverside, West Twelfth St., Knox, V. H. Lucas, W. J. John-
bet. Orange and Lemon Sts. son, M. D., J. 'W. Rich, W. B.
San Bernardino, Hensen and F Miramontez.
Sts. Honorary: H. W. Decker.

Licentiates: Exposition Park, West Thir-

Arthur Currow, S. W. Porter, ty-eighth St., near Vermont
E. A. Mathwig. Ave.
Missionary Licentiates: Pasadena, Mountain and Sum-
W. L. Mecum, P. B. Bontemps, mit Sts.
Mrs. M. E. Hoyt, Mrs. Florence Pomona, East Sixth St.
W. Merrill, Miss Jennie L. Ire- San Fernando, in Academy Bldg,
land, Mrs. Amy R. Temple, Miss San Pedro, Twelfth St., between
Cora A. Rapp, W. D. Salisbury, Dodson and Pacific Sts.
Miss Lillian Santee, D. A. Low- Santa Barbara, opposite High
er, Mrs. Cleora Webster, Max School Bldg.
Hill, Mrs. S. J. Townsend. Miss
Edna L. Reaser, A. E. Hall, UTAH MISSION
L. A. Reynolds.
Honorary: Mrs. E. J. Calkins. Organized 1919
Medical Missionaries: Territory: The State of Utah,
Julia A. White, M. D., Henry excluding the counties of Dag-
Westphal, M. D., Miss Matilda gett, Uinta, Duchesne, Carbon,
Voss, Emery, Grand, and San Juan,
and including Lincoln and Clark
Church School Teachers: Counties in Nevada.
Lillian Steele, Myrtle A.IcEl- Population of Utah: 449,446;
hany, Will Potts, Mrs. Osten- churches, 4; members, 195.
dorph, Mrs. J. J. Weil, Max Officd: 221 Col. Hudson Bldg.,
Hill, Byron Dart, Edith Barnes, Ogden, Utah.
Mabel De Groot, Mrs. G. B. Mil- Post Office Address: Box 909, Og-
ler, B. F. Yoeman, Mrs. B. F. den, Utah.
Yoeman, Miss Lulu Jones, W. Officers:
B. Mlramontez, Mrs. Lucile Hen- Supt., J. A. Neilsen.
ry, Evelyn Bullock, Lucile Bird- Sec. and Treas., W. R. Powers.
well, Mrs. Rinekhoff, Mabel Lof- Executive Committee: J. A.
gren, Mrs. Lulu Gregory, Ethel Nielsen, W. IL Bradley, Wm.
DeGroot, Sadie Beaird, Esther Lewsadder, H. C. Holloway, W.
Johnson, Hazel Carmichael, Mrs. R. Powers.
Effie Carroll, Miss Ola Douden, Department Secretaries:
Reathel Jenkins, Vienna Hamil- Tract Soc., W. R. Powers.
ton, Eva C. Wilson, Eugene Field Miss., J. R. Leach.
Walker. Sabbath School, J. A. Neilsen.
Church Directory: Home Miss., W. R. Powers.
Glendale, California and Isabel Ministers:
Sts. J. A. Neilsen, Wm. Lewsadder,
Long Beach, Tenth and Linden W. H. Bradley.
Sts. Missionary Licentiates:
Los Angeles: J. L. Leach, W. R. Powers.
White Memorial, State and Church School Teacher:
New Jersey Sts. Miss Milda Scheffel.
Boyle Heights, 123. South Dit-
man St.
First, 141 Carr St., between INSTITUTIONS IN THE PACIFIC
South Side, 668 East Thirty- Medical:
sixth St. College of Medical Evangelists,
Lincoln Park, 2422 Manitou Loma Linda and Los Angeles,
St., near Daly. Cal.

Educational: Sanitariums:
Arizona Academy, Phoenix, Glendale Sanitarium, Glendale,.
Lodi Academy, Lodi, Cal. Cal.
Pacific Union College, St. Hel- Loma Linda Sanitarium, Loma.
ena, Cal. Linda, Cal.
San Fernando Academy, San
Fernando, Cal. Paradise Valley Sanitarium, Na-
tional City, Cal.
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Monti- . St. Helena Sanitarium, Sanita-
tain View, Cal. rium, Cal.


Organized 1908

Territory: The Conferences of Car- tor Thompson, W. T . Will i am s,.

olina, Cumberland, Florida, and H. L. Shoup, F. M. Roberts.
Georgia. Licentiates:
Population: 9,101,127: churches, E. F. Hackman; M. M. Martin-
123; members, 5,271. son, H. A. Johnston.
Office Address: First National Missionary Licentiates:
Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. W. K Abernathy, L. D. Randall,.
Miss Ruth Seale.
Union Negro Mission Dept.:
Pres., W. H. Heckman.
See. and Treas., IV. E. Aber- Supt., W. H. Heckman.
Sec., W. E. Abernathy.
nathy. Union Evangelist, G. E. Peters..
Executive CoMmittee: W. H.
Heckman, the presidents of the Executive Committee: W. H.
conferences oompo ing the Heckman, the presidents of the
conferences composing the-
Union, and W. E. Abernathy,
James Hickman, J. A. Tucker, Union and W. E. Abernathy, B..
W. AbneY, G. F. Peters, H. N..
E. F. Hackman, J. L. Shuler, L.
D. Randall. Gemon, W. E. Strothers, 0. A._
Legal A s s n. : " Southeastern Osterman.
Union Conference Assn. of S.
D. A."
Audit or and Transportation CAROLINA CONFERENCE
Agent, W. E. Abernathy. Organized in 1901 and 1907, as the
Department Secretaries: North Carolina and South Caro-
Field Miss., James Hickman. lina Conferences; reorganized as
Educational and Miss. Vol., J. Carolina Conference in 1918.
A. Tucker. Territory: South Carolina, and that
Home Miss., E. F. Hackman. part of North Carolina lying
Religious Liberty, J. L. Shuler. east of the following counties:
Ministers: Ashe, Watauga, Avery, McDow-
W. H. Heckman, J. L. Shuler, ell, and Henderson.
F. W. Field, L. H. Wood, J, A. Population of North and South
Tucker, J. H. Behrens. Carolina: 4,240,148; churches,
Honorary: R. H. Brock, Vic- 40; members, 1,263.

Office Address: 223-224 Piedmont Church School Teachers:

Bldg., Charlotte, N. C. Mrs. Lucile L. Page, Mrs. R. L.
Soaries, Nora N. Hyman, Mrs.
Officers: S. J. Martin, Jennie E. Martin,
Pres., L. T. Crisler. Syrene Simons, Letitia Sam-
Sec. and Treas., C. N. Keiser, uels, Francis Clarke, Emma J.
Executive Committee: L. T. Love, Mrs. J. A. Godley.
Crisler, G. R. Israel, T. A. Lit- Church Directory:
ble, F. A. Starke, M. P. Wood-
all. South Carolina:
Charleston, 219 Calhoun St.
Department Secretaries: Charleston, colored, Holmes St.
Tract Soc., C, N. Keiser. Columbia, 1012 Assembly St.
-Field Miss., J. S. Seal. Columbia, colored, 1218 Hender-
Asst. Field Miss., F. E. Wash- son St.
burn. Greenville, Hampton and Echols
Sabbath. School and Home Miss., Sts.
C. B. Newmver. Spartanburg, Wolf and Wofford
Educational and Miss. Vol., T. Sts.
A. Little. North Carolina:
Assistant for colored, Maude E. Charlotte, 209 North McDowell
Dickson. St.
Religious Liberty, L. T. Crisler. Wilmington, K. P. Hall;
L. T. Crisler, James Bellinger,
C. E. Ford.
Licentiates: Organized 1900
J. E. All, E. E. Chitwood, C. B. Territory: Eastern Tennessee, the
Newmyer. T. A. Little, J. S. western boundary being the
Seal. F. E. Washburn. western line of the counties of
Missionary Licentiate: Macon, Smith, DeKalb, Warren,
C. N. Keiser. Grundy, and Marion; also eight-
een counties in northwestern
Church School Teachers:
Mrs. W. L. Whorton, Miss Vir- North Carolina, viz., Clay, Cher-
ginia Russell, Miss Jean Win- okee, Graham, Macon, Swain,
gate, Fred Palmer, Miss Frances Jackson, Haywood, Transylva-
Case, Miss Hilda Hockey, Mrs. nia, Buncombe, Henderson, Mad-
Ada Hughes, C. F. Ranneman, ison, Yancey, Mitchell, Avery,
Gertrude Holmes. Wautauga, Aslie, Alleghany, and
McDowell; also Dade and Walk-
Negro Mission er counties, in the State of
Committee: Georgia.
L. T. Crisler, T. A. Little, B. W. Population (Estimated): 1,000,000;
Abney, J. S. Gre'en, J. F. Crich- churches, 28; members, 1,217.
low. Office: Room 616, Henson Bldg.,
Ministers: Knoxville, Tenn.
B. W. Abney, J. S, Green, J. F.
Crichlow. Pres., B. F. Kneeland.
Licentiates: Sec. and Treas., T. E. Pavey.
N. B. Smith, R.' L. Soaries, J. A. Executive Committee: B. F.
Bookhart. Kneeland, Cyrus Simmons, L. L.
Missionary Licentiates: Rockwell, V. B. Watts, T. E.
Maude E. Dickson, Alice Martin. Pavey.

Legal Assn.: " The Cumber- FLORIDA CONFERENCE

land Conference Assn. of S. D. Organized 1893
A." Territory: The State of Florida,-
Department Secretaries: excepting the counties of Es-
Tract Soc., T. E. Pavey. eambia, Santa Rosa, Walton,
Field Miss., W. P. Dougherty. Holmes, Washington, Jackson,
Sabbath School, Educational, and Calhoun, which belong to
and Miss. Vol., A. R. Wilson. the Alabama Conference.
Home Miss., W. E. Bailey. Population of the State of Floridt:
Medical Miss., M. M. Martinson, 966,296; churches; 37; members,
M. D. 1,761.
Religious Liberty, Cyrus Sim- Office: East Robinson and Rosa-
mons. lind Ave., Orlando, Fla.
Ministers: Officers:
B. F. Kneeland, E. W. Wolfe, V. Pres., C. B. Stephenson.
R. Watts. See. and Treas., Mrs. Clara L.
Honorary: Smith Sharp, G. H. Russell.
Baber, C. C. Howell, W. L. Kil- Executive Committee: C. B.
len. Stephenson, C. R. Magoon, J. B.
Locken, C. C. Hall, Charles Roth-
Licentiates: rock.
Cyrus Simmons, T. E. Pavey, L. Legal Assn.: " Florida Confer-
L. Rockwell, W. P. Dougherty. ence Assn. of S. D. A."
Missionary Licentiates: Department Secretaries:
W. E. Bailey, Miss Dorothy Tract Soc., Mrs. Clara L. Russell.
Thrailkill, W. C. Boynton, M. M. Field Miss., J. L. McGee.
Martinson, M. D., Miss Delia Sabbath School, Mrs. Carrie L.
Russell. Stringer.
Church School Teachers: Educational and Miss. Vol., Miss
Geo. Crawford, Mrs. B. F. Knee- Eliza Warner.
land, Miss Genevieve Hansen, Home Miss.. C. T. Burroughs.
Miss Olive Medford, Mrs. L. A. Religious Liberty, C. B. Steph-
Jacobs, Mrs. Claudia Dillard, enson.
E. C. Waller, Mrs. A. E. Witt. Ministers:
C. B. Stephenson, C. R. Magoon,
Negro Mission Allen Walker, J. B. Loeken.
Committee: B. F. Kneeland, T. Licentiates:
E. Pavey, W. H. Winston, F. A. W. H. Hayes, A. B.* Russell, C-
Osterman, S. J. Thompson. T. Burroughs.
Minister: Missionary Licentiates:
*F. A. Osterman. Mrs. Clara Russell, J. L. Mc-
Licentiate: Gee, Mrs. Carrie L. Stringer,
W. H. Winston. Miss Eliza Warner, Mrs. C. 0.
Jones, Miss Mary E. Baxter, T.
Missionary Licentiates: D. Gibson, L. L. Andrews, M. D.,
Mrs. Emily MeGlocklin, Mrs. B. G. H. Straight.
M. Rich. Church School Teachers:
Church Directory: Miss Evelyn Cowley, Mrs. N. A.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Beech and Honeywell, Miss Alice Hubbell,
Ducan Sts. Lowell Johnston, Mrs. E. A.
Knoxville, Tenn., Third Ave. Sammer, Mrs. H. A. Watt, Mrs.
and Gill St. C. D. Losey,,,Mrs. Elsie Cowart,
Asheville, N. C., 238 Haywood Miss Masie White, Miss Caro-
St. lynn Lasseter.

Negro Mission Executive Committee: B. W.

Committee: C. B. Stephenson, Spire, Dr. J. R. Mitchell, A. E.
C. C. Hall, 0. R. Palmer, H. N. Deyo, H. B, McConnell, W. S.
Gemon, F. H. Stevens. Boynton.
Legal Assn.: ." Georgia Confer-
Minister: ence Assn. of S. D. A."
H. N. Gemon.
Department Secretaries:
Licentiates: Tract Soc., H. W. Potter.
F. H. Stevens, J. G. Thomas. Field Miss., A. E. Deyo.
Sabbath School, Mrs. K. R.
Church School Teachers:
Miss L, H. Emanuel, Miss Ruth Haughey.
Educational and Miss. Vol., Miss
M. Mobley, Mrs. B. M. Roberts,
Nannie Mae Smith.
Mrs. Mattie B. Stevens, Miss
Home Miss., K. R. Haughey.
Felicia Palmer, Miss Zelma Cobb.
Religious Liberty, B. W. Spire.
Church Directory:
Daytona, Cypress St. Ministers:
Jacksonville, Roselle and Charles
B. W. Spire, W. A. McCutchen.
Sts. Licentiates:
Colored, Southwest corner Dr. J. R. Mitchell, 0. B. Crary,
Third Ave. and Johnson St. W. F. McMahon, 0. G. Carnes,
Miami, Ttird St., near Avenue K. R. Haughey.
Colored, Second St. Missionary Licentiates:
Orlando, East Robinson and H. W. Potter, G. M. Waters, Miss
Rosalind Ave. Margaret Freeman, A. E. Deyo,
Colored, West Robinson Ave. Mrs. K. R. Haughey.
St. Petersburg, South Sixth St.,
and Fifth Ave., South. Church School Teachers:
Tampa, in 2800 Block on Flori- Miss Loretta Heacock, Mrs. Jes-
da Ave. sie Grant, Miss Eva Sammer,
Colored, Allen Temple, Scott Miss- Mary Roberts, Miss Rilla
and Lamar Sts. Boynton, Mrs. J. E. Dye, Mrs.
West Palm Beach, Hibiscus St. Mary Carter, Mrs. Lou Gray,
Mrs. Faith McLucas, Mrs. Amy
Organized 1901 Committee: B, W. Spire, H. IV.
Potter, W. E. Strother, R. W.
Territory: The States of Georgia, Hancock, P. M. Boyd.
excepting the counties of Dade
and Walker, belonging to the Ministers:
Cumberland Conference. W. E. Strother, C. G. Manns.
Population of the State of Geor- Licentiates:
gia, 2,894,683; churches, 18; R. W. Hancock, P. M, Boyd.
members, 1,030.
Office: 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Missionary Licentiates:
Ga. Mrs. Jennie Hankinson, Mrs. A.
W. Kimbrough, Mrs. J. W.
Officers: Sweedenberg, Miss Jennie Bow-
Pres., B. 'W. Spire. man, Miss Trula Wade, IV. H.
Sec. and Treas., H. W. Potter. King.

Church School Teachers: INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH-

Mrs. A. W. Kimbrough, Miss EASTERN UNION CON-
Trula Wade, Mrs. J. W. Sweed- FERENCE
enherg, Miss Jennie Bowman. Educational:
Church Directory: Graysville Academy, Graysville,
Atlanta, 291 Cherokee Ave. Flat Rock Academy, Douglas-
Atlanta, colored, 209 Greens- ville, Ga.
ferry Ave. Southern Junior College, Oolte-
Augusta, colored, David and Ma- wah, Tenn.
ple Sts. Winyah Lake Academy, Orlando,
Columbus, colored, 1312 Twenty- Fla.
fourth St.
Fitzgerald, 650 Grant St. Publishing:
Macon, Log Cabin Heights. Atlanta Branch of the Southern
Macon, colored, 207 Fourth Ave. Pub. Assn., 507 East Fair St.,
Savannah, Thirty-fifth and Atlanta, Ga.
'Whitaker Sts. Sanitarium:
Savannah, colored, Florence and Florida Sanitarium, Orlando,
Forty-third Sts. Fla.


Organized 1901

Territory: The Conferences of Ala- Educational and Miss. Vol., J.

bama, Kentucky, Louisiana-Mis- C. Thompson.
sissippi, and Tennessee River. Home Miss., 0. R. Staines.
Population: 9,687,949; churches, Medical Miss., E. A. Sutherland,
100; members, 3,940. M. D.
Telegraphic Address: Phone .M, Financial Agent, C. J. Buhalts.
814 J, Nashville. Ministers:
Office: 2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., J. L. MeElhany,4.W-tmrfrerree,
4F.7-.QT--Eltutch , L. E. Wellman, C.
North, Nashville, Tenn.
J. Buhalts, 0. R. Staines, V. 0.
Officers: Cole, I. M. Martin, li.Tettie4o.
Pres., J. L. McElhany. Honorary: E. A. Sutherland,
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, F. L.
43 y, W. L. Bird, C. N.
Martin, C. M. Kinney, A. W.
Executive Committee: j. L. Mc- Spalding, R. B. Thurber, W. H.
Elhany, F. L. Harrison, J. C. Lewis.
Thompson, J. F. W.*ht, Licentiates:
*mkt?, R. L. Pierce, V. 0. Cole, J. C. Thompson, J. I. Beardsley.
C. J. Buhalts, M. F. Knox, W. Honorary: E. C. Jacobsen, F.
R. Elliott, E. A. Sutherland, I. W. Bralliar.
M. Martin, 0. R. Staines, 97ir-ft. Missionary Licentiates:
.1ktoolt, M. A. Hollister. F. L. Harrison, Miss Anna Hor-
Legal Assn.: " Southern Union nung, C. E. Hooper, Miss Anna
Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Knight, Mrs. M. C. Morgan.
Department Secretaries: Honorary: Julia Lowe, Mrs.
Field Miss., V. 0. Cole. Emma L. Morrow.

Southern Union Mission Church School Teachers:

Supt., J. L. IVIcElhany. Mrs. A. J. Beardsley, Mrs. Mar-
Sec. and Treas., F. L. Harrison. tha Fuller, Mrs. C. R. Waldron,
Home Miss., Educational and lisert-P149,414ey, Miss Grace Ly-
Miss. Vol. Sec., Miss Anna ons.
Knight. Negro Mission
Committee: J. L. McElhany, Committee: T-r--Ff-r-Wright, B. C.
E. L. Harrison, J. F. Wright, M. Marshall, J. R. Staton, T. S.
A. Hollister, R. I. Keate, W. R. Tate, T. H. Allison.
Elliott, J. G. Dasent, J. H. Law- Minister:
rence, N. B. King, Randall John- T. S. Tate.
. son, Miss Anna Knight. Licentiates:
T. H. Allison, James Martin.
Missionary Licentiates:
Organized 1901 R. Wilson.
Church School Teachers:
Territory: The State of Alabama, Julia Wesley, Mrs. Bessie Per-
and the following counties in due, Wilhelmina. Cantrell.
Florida: Escambia, Santa Rosa,
Walton, Holmes, Washington, Church Directory:
Jackson, and Calhoun. Birmingham:
Population of Alabama: 2,347,295; 725 North Nineteenth St.
churches, 26; members, 869. Colored, Walker St. and Sixth
Office: Box 316, Clanton, Ala. Dothan, colored, 316 Range St.
Officers: Huntsville, colored, 629 Madison
Pres., .4,F . St.
Sec. and Treas., B. C. Marshall. Mobile:
Executive Committee: T. F. Old Shell Road and Pine St.
lagiel* B. C. Marshall, J. R. Colored, 757 South Hamilton
Staton, Q. L. l5e.low. St.
Legal Assn.: " Alabama Con- Montgomery:
ence Assn. of S. D. A." 306 Finley Ave.
Department Secretaries: Colored, 110 Early St.
Tract Soc., B. C. Marshall. Sheffield, Seventh St. and Nash-
Field Miss., J. R. Staton. ville Ave.
Sabbath School and Home Miss.,
Educational and Miss. Vol., 44?-. KENTUCKY CONFERENCE
Religious Liberty, ..J.:F--Wrint7 Organized 1908
Ministers: Territory: All the State of Ken-
J. F. wil,ht, 0. F. Frank, 13. L. tucky excepting the eight coun-
Dimkaiew, M. L. Wilson. ties west of the Tennessee
Licentiate: River, belonging to the Tennes-
J. R. Staton. see River Conference.
Missionary Licentiates: Population of Kentucky: 2,416,-
B. C. Marshall, Addie May Ka- 013; churches, 23; members, 753.
lar, Mrs. K. Rasmussen, E-trcift- Office Address: Room 621, Crutcher
4144-4e13.st, Vinnie Goodner, Miss and Starks Bldg., Louisville, Ky.
Kathleen Meyer, W. P. Officers:
-4en14m....asoeie--14aftey-he, J. G. Pres.. R. I. Keate.
Mitchell. Sec. and Treas., Andy Schroader.


Executive Committee: R: I. Church Directory:

Keate, Andy Schroader, Wilbur Bowling Green, Park and
Moore, H. U. Jacobs, E. A. Wil- Twelfth.
liams, F. E. Thompson, R. J. Covington, 123 East Fifteenth
Bryant. St.
Legal Assn.: " Seventh-day Ad- Lexington, colored, Fifth and
ventist Conference Association Upper Sts.
of Kentucky." Pres., R. I. Louisville:
Keate; Sec., F. E: Thompson; Seventeenth and Jefferson Sts.
Treas., Andy Schroader, Colored No. l, Chestnut and
Eighteenth Sts.
Department Secretaries: Colored No. 2, Shelby and Bur-
Tract Soc., Andy Schroader. nett Sts.
Field Miss., Wilbur Moore.
Sabbath School, Mrs. R. I. Keate.
Ediicaiional, Miss. Vol., Home
Miss., and Medical Miss., F. E. LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI CON-
Thompson. FERENCE
Religious Liberty, R. I. Keate. Organized 1920
Ministers: Territory: The States of Louisi-
R. I. Keate, R. J. Bryant, C. C. ana and Mississippi.
Webster, L. M. Thompson. Population: 3,587,182; churches,
Honorary: W. H. White. 30; members, 1,144.
Licentiates: Office: 703 South Gallatin St.;
John Brownlie, F. E. Thompson, Jackson, Miss.
Wilbur Moore. Officers:
Missionary Licentiates: Pres., W. IL Elliott.
Mrs. R. I. Keate, Mrs. F. T. Sec. and Treas., N. L. Taylor.
Jacobs, Andy Schroader, Mrs. Executive Committee:, W. R.
R. V. Howard, Mrs. Mattie Lu- Elliott, N. L. Taylor, A. J.- Meik-
cas, Mrs. C. Heinig. lejohn, F: W, 'Schrnehl, E. H.
Honorary: C. L. Hornung. Huntley, 'W. P. McLennan, 0. R.
Church School Teachers: Grantham.
Miss Vienna Bivin, Mrs. Mary Legal Assns.: " The Mississippi
Staton, Miss Martha Thompson, Conference Assn. of S. D. A.,"
Miss Maggie Weeden, Miss Be- and " The Louisiana Conference
atrix K. Spohr, Miss Bessie Assn. of S. D. A."
_Shoemaker. Department Secretaries:
Tract Soc., N. L. Taylor.
Negro Mission Asst., H. V. KlasTr.
Committee: R. I. Keate, Andy Field Miss., F. IV. Schmehl.
Schroader, J. G. Dasent, C. A. Asst., F. R. Kinney.
Howard, Edgar Jordan. Stbbath School, Educational,
and Miss. Vol., Miss Ellen
Ministers: Knudson.
J. G. Dasent. Home Miss., E. E. Montgomery.
Licentiates: Religious Liberty, W. P. Mc-
C. A. Howard, G. S. Pinkard, Ed- Lennan.
gar Jordan. Ministers:
Missionary Licentiate: W. R.. Elliott, E. H.Huntley,
Mrs. C. A. Howard. W. P. McLennan, A. J. Meikle-
Church School Teacher: john, I. C. Pound.
Miss Mable Campbell. Honorary: Henry Balsbaugh.

4, " 44:11

Licentiates: ner, Trousdale, Wilson, Cannon,.

F. W. Schmehl, E. E. Mont- Coffee,. and Franklin; and the
gomery. following-named counties in
Missionary Licentiates: Kentucky: Ballard. McCracken,
Mrs. Henry Balsbaugh, H. W. Marshall, Graves, Fulton, Hick-
Kisser, N. L. Taylor, Miss Ellen man, Carlisle, and Calloway.
Knudson, C. R. Kinney. Population of the State of Ten-
Church School Teachers: nessee: 2,337,459; churches, 21;
Mrs. A. J. Meiklejohn, Mrs. Em- members, 1,174.
ma Morrow, Miss Neva Mat-
thews, Mrs. L. V. Crawford, Mrs. Office: 322 Jackson Bldg., Nash-
S. J. Smith, Miss Flora Sa- ville, Tenn.
velle, Miss Faydette Smith, Miss
Ava Covington. Pres., M. A. Hollister.
Negro Mission Sec and Treas., C. B. Caldwell.
Committee: W. R. Elliott, A. R. Executive Committee: M. A.
Bell, N. B. King, N. L. Taylor, Hollister, C. B. Caldwell, M. F.
F. S. Keitts, F. W. Schmehl, C. Knox, T. F. Hubbard, 0. C. Rus-
B. Holloway. sell, R. R. Brooks, F. W. Munn.
Ministers: Legal Assn.: " Tennessee Riv-
F. S. Keitts, N. B. King, A. R. er Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
Department Secretaries:
Milton Young, C. B. Holloway, Tract Soc., C. B. Caldwell.
S. R. Washington. Asst., C. 0. Franz,
Field Miss., R. R. Brooks.
Missionary Licentiates: Sabbath Scool, Mrs. J. L. Mc-
Louis Ratcliff, Mrs. S. R. Wash- Elhany.
ington, Lela Davis. Educational and Miss. Vol., L.
Church School Teachers: E. Christman.
W. T. Brown, V. R. Lee, A. L. Home Miss., L. E. Christman.
Perkins, Mrs. J. B. Green. Religious Liberty, M. A. Hollis-
Church Directory: ter.
Jackson, Miss., 703 South Galla- Ministers:
tin St. M. A. Hollister, T. F. Hubbard,
New Orleans, La., Melpomene 0. C. Russell.
and Colliseum Sts. Honorary: C. N. Martin.
Shreveport, La., Frederick and Licentiates:
Missouri Sts. L. E. Christman, A. A. Davis.
Jackson, Miss., Rose and West Missionary Licentiates:
Pascagoula Sts. C. B. Caldwell, R. R. Brooks, C.
New Orleans, La., 2413 Dela- 0. Franz, Dr. A. J. Harris, Mrs.
chaise St. J. L. McElhany, Mrs. H. Eder,
Miss Beulah Cothren, Mrs. J.
TENNESSEE RIVER CONFER- Church School Teachers:
ENCE Miss Iva Beaird, Miss Eva
Beeler, Mrs. Clara Norton, Mrs.
Organized 1888 Frank Artress, Miss Bertha
Territory: Western Tennessee, the Laughlin, Mrs. F. H. Bechtel,
eastern boundary being the east- Mrs. E. R. Allen, Miss Mabel
ern line of the counties of Sum- West.

Negro Mission Colored:

Committee: M. A. Hollister, C. Jackson, Lane Ave. and Sims
B. Caldwell, Randall Johnson, St.
Lewis Bland, G. A. Oglesby. Memphis, 1051 Mississippi Ave.
Nashville, Twelfth Ave., North,
near Jefferson.
Randall Johnson.
Paducah, 713 South Seventh St.
Lewis Bland, G. A. Oglesby.
Missionary Licentiates: INSTITUTIONS IN THE
Mrs. L. C. Derrick, Mrs. M. L.
Church School Teachers:
Mrs. L. C. Derrick, Miss Lou- Educational:
eva Woods, Mrs. E. R. Jones. Oakwood Junior College, Hunts-
ville, Ala.
Church Directory:
Nashville Agricultural and Nor-
mal Institute, Madison, Tenn.
Jackson, West Dedrick Ave. and
Long St. Publishing:
Memphis, Parkway and Dunlap Southern Pub. Assn., 2123
St. Twenty-fourth Ave., North,
Nashville, Fifth and Father- Nashville, Tenn.
land Sts. Sanitarium:
Paducah, Bridge and Clements The Madison Rural Sanitarium,
St. Madison, Tenn.


Organized tool; reorganized 1902

Territory: The Conferences of Audit or and Transportation

Arkansas, Oklahoma, North Agent, C. E. Smith.
Texas, South Texas, and Texico. Department Secretaries:
Population: 8,799,833; churches, Union Field Miss., A. F. Harri-
130; members, 4,719. son.
Educational and Miss. Vol., A_
Office: 411 and 413 Baum Bldg., W. Peterson.
Oklahoma City, Okla. Home Miss., E. R. Potter.
Officers: Religious Liberty, AL Lukens.
Pres., M. Lukens. Ministers:
Sec. and Treas., C. E. Smith. M. Lukens, J. H. N. Tindall, C.
Executive Committee: M. Lu- E. AcMoody, A. F. Harrison, E.
kens, the presidents of the Con- R. Potter.
ferences composing the Union, Honorary: T. W. Field, H. B.
president of Southwestern Jun- French, W. S. Lowry, J. H.
ior College, C. E. Smith, A. F. Krum, M. H. Brown, G. M.
Harrison, A. W. Peterson, E. R. Brown, Al. Jones, H. Clay Griffin.
Potter. Licentiates:
Legal 'Assn.: " The Southwest- W. E. Nelson, Orno Follett, A.
ern Union Conference Corpora- W. Peterson, W. H. Teesdale,
tion of S. D. A." R. Gay, C. E. Smith.

Missionary Licentiates: Grace Runnels, Mrs. Mamie

A. D. Field, L. N. Carter, Ruth Nash, Miss Emma Schwarz, Mrs.
Harvey, H. A. Peebles. Pearl C. Stewart, Miss Harmon
Southwestern Union Mission Hall, Miss Marie Wilcox.
Supt., M. Lukens. Negro Mission
Sec. and Treas., C. E. Smith. Committee: J. I. Taylor, J. W.
Committee: M. Lukens, C. E. Allison, Thos. Murphy, Isaac
Smith, M. G. Nunes, H. J. Mil- Baker, L. J. Black.
ler, J. W. Allison.
J. W. Allison, Thomas Murphy.
Missionary Licentiates:
ARKANSAS CONFERENCE A. B. Storey, Mrs. A. B. Storey.
Organized 1888 Church School Teachers:
Territory: The State of Arkansas. Miss Maggie Clark, Mrs. Thomas
Population: 1,750,995; churches, Murphy.
19; members, 468.
Office: 208 Donag.hey Bldg.. Little
Officers: Organized 1878
Pres., J. T. Taylor. Territory: That part of the State
Sec. and Treas., L. J. Black. of Texas lying east and north of
Executive Committee: J. I. the following counties: East of
Taylor, N. R. Hickman, Isaac Wichita, Archer, Jack, Palo Pin-
Baker, T. J. Hooper, 0. C. Wake- to, Erath, Hamilton, Lampasas;
night. and north of Burnet, William-
Legal Assn.: " Arkansas Confer- son, Lee, Burleson, Liberty, Har-
ence Assn. of S. D. A." din, and Orange.
Department Secretaries: Population of the State of Texas:
Tract Soc., L. J. Black. 4,661,027; churches, 28; mem-
Field Miss., T. J. Hooper. bers, 1,137.
Sabbath School, Mrs. L. F. Han-
Office: Keene, Tex.
Educational and Miss. Vol., Miss Officers:
Lorena E. Wilcox. Pres., David Voth.
Home Miss, and Medical Miss., Sec. and Treas., R. L. Atcheson.
Mrs. L. F. Hansen. Executive Committee: David
Religious Liberty, J. I. Taylor. Voth, G. J. Seltzer, W. S. Low-
Ministers: ry, J. 0. Wilson, G. W. Spikes.
J. I. Taylor, N. R. Hickman, Transportation Agent, A. M.
Isaac Baker. Woodall.
Licentiates: Department Secretaries:
S. B. Slater, D. M. Twiggs, T. Tract Soc., C. L, Dortch.
J. Hooper. Field Miss., J. 0. Wilson.
Sabbath School, A. M. Woodall.
Missionary licentiates: Educational and Miss. Vol., N.
L. J. Black, Miss Lorena E. Wil- W. Dunn.
cox, Mrs. L. P. Hansen.
Home Miss., A. M. Woodall.
Church School Teachors: Religious Liberty, David Voth.
Mrs. Etta M. Black, miss Erma Committee to oversee the col-
Hooten, Mrs. Emma gooper, ored work: David Voth, G. J.
Miss Myrtle Butler, Mrs. Emma Seltzer, W. S. Lowry, E. M.
Hill, Miss Mamie Burkhart, Mips Gates, R. L. Bradford.

Ministers: Sabbath School, Mrs. M. Lukens.

David Voth, G. J. Seltzer, I. A. Educational, Miss Almetta Gar-
Crane, C. U. Taylor, E. M. rett.
Gates, G. R. West. Miss. Vol., G. F. Eichmann.
Licentiates: Home Miss., C. J. Dart.
A. M. Woodall, D. E. McNiel, Religious Liberty, M. B. Van
N. W. Dunn, Jacob Wasenmiller, Kirk.
J. 0. Wilson, R. L. Bradford. Ministers:
Missionary Licentiates: M. B. Van Kirk, W. E, Barr, L.
C. L. Dortch, Mrs. G. J. Seltzer, B. Schick, G. F. Eichmann, U.
Mrs. A. M. Woodall, Mrs. F. B. B. Dake, Ezra Tillman, E. B.
Moran, Mrs. Julia Combs, Toral Hopkins, C. M. McDonald, D. F.
Seat, Frank Moran, Katie E. Sturgeon,. R. W. Leach, C. D.
Baker. Hein, G. W. White, H. J. Miller,
W. S. North.
Church School Teachers: Honorary: A. J. Voth, N. Clau-
Miss Jessie Casey, Mrs. A. M. sen, T. J. Hickman, A. G. Stein-
Woodall, Miss Helen Suche, J.
L. Rettig, Mrs. J. L. Rettig, Miss Licentiates:
Ella Winn, Miss Nadine Harris, C. J. Dart, Burton Castle, Cart
Miss Lula Walker, J. W. Winn, Voss, Walter Kirkham., C. E.
Mrs. Flora Moyer, H. H. O'Har- Grant, A. C. Long, Alton Hughes,
row, Mrs. H. H. O'Harrow, B. C. E. Martin, C. S. White.
E. Bridwell, G. B. Boswell, Mrs.
G. R. West, Tressa Smith, Miss Missionary Licentiates:
Flora Moffitt, R. T.. Wilson, Miss Almetta Garrett, C. L. Stil-
Katie E. Baker. son, J. L. Long, Mrs. M. Lukens,
Mrs. L. B. Schick, Miss Daisy
Guy, Mrs. A. C. Long, Marga-
ret Basel, Mrs. M. B. Hopkins,
OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE Miss Marie Eiffel, Miss Alma
Organized 1894 -Meister, Mrs. Frances Thomas,

Territory: The State of Okla- R. A. Burger, Mrs. R. A. Bur-

homa. ger, Miss Millicent Jordan, Mrs.
Population: 2,027,564; churches, 'Ella Jackson.
46, members, 2,157. Church School Teachers:
Office: 217 West Seventh St., Okla- Elizabeth Lothian, Ruby Dart,
homa City, Okla. W. 0. Belz, Mrs. Anna Salyer,
Office Address: Box 1077, Okla- Mrs. Mary Ritchie, Raymond
homa City, Okla. Cales, Alta Cales, Ruby Hughes,
Laura Reynolds, Mrs. T. M
Officers: Hawk; 'Miss! Lennie Gepford,
Pres., M. B. Van Kirk. Miss Laura Gepford, Henry Wil-
Sec. and Treas., Burton Castle. lers, Mrs. Henry Willers, H.
Executive Committee:, M. B. W. Schmidt, Hilah Atwood,
Van Kirk, Burton Castle, L. B. Miss Bertha Dunn, Mrs. G.
Schick, C. J. Dart, G. F. Rich- E. Prindle, Violet Duncan,
mann, W. D. Gurney, C. M. Mc- Mrs. Ethel LaLone, Mrs. 0. J.
Donald. Kemmerer, Mrs. J. A. McMains,
. Legal Assn.: " Oklahoma Cor- Georgie Olso",Louise Oliver,
poration of S. D. A." Mrs. Mabe3 unningham, Miss
Department Secretaries: Zora, Apter, Nina West, Mrs.
Tract Soc., C. L. Stilson. Iva southard Price, Mrs. C. H.
Asst., David Voth. Gilson, Mrs. Myrta. Ballenger,
Field Miss., 'Walter Kirkham. Mrs. J. Haines, Miss Lola Brock.

Negro Mission: Religious Liberty, R. P. Mont-

Supt., M. B. Van Kirk. gomery.
Sec. and Treas., Burton Castle. 1Vrinisters:
Committee: W. S. North, H. J. R. P. Montgomery, E. L. Stew-
Miller, C. J. Dart. art, H. M. Kelley, J. B. Hamp-
Church Directory: ton.
Enid, Randolph and Quincy Sts. Licentiates:
Oklahoma City, 217 West Sev- E. Camacho, C. C. Wilcox, 0. J.
enth St. Corwin, C. E. Riffel, C. L. Rainer.
Perry, Seventh and E Sts.
Tulsa, 920 East Sixth. St. Missionary Licentiates:
Colored Churches: Mrs. L. Brosi, Miss Etta Hew-
Guthrie, 921 East Vilas Ave. gley, Miss Lt ha Taylor, Mrs.
Muskogee, West S. S. Boulevard 0. J. Corwin, Miss Helen Stoner, -
and Seventh St. Miss Nannie M. DeSalme, 0. D.
Oklahoma City, Durland and Slater, Mareelino Roman.
Second Sts. Church School Teachers:
Tulsa, 509 North Frankfort St. Miss Myrtle Lyons, Miss Kath-
ryn Hobson, Mrs. C. L. Bainer,
Arthur King. J. R. Manzano, J.
B. Hampton, Mrs. J. B. Hamp-
SOUTH TEXAS CONFERENCE ton, J. H. Ball, Mrs. J. H. Ball.
Organized 1911 Negro Mission:
Territory: All that portion of the Committee: R. P. Montgomery,
State of Texas lying east of the H. M. Kelley, H. D. Greene.
Texico Conference, and south of Minister:
the south line of the following H. D. Greene.
counties: Lampasas, Bell, Milam,
Robertson, Madison, Walker, San Missionary Licentiate:
Jacinto, Tyler, Jasper, Newton, Elizabeth Harvey.
and west of Louisiana to the Church Directory:
Gulf of Mexico. Corpus Christi, 1200 Block,
Population of the State of Texas: Chamberlain St.
4,661,027; churches, 14; mem- Houston, 915 Yale St.
bers, 545. San Antonio, 219 Winnipeg Ave.
Office Address: 422 Oppenheimer
Bldg., San Antonio, Texas.
Pres., R. P. Montgomery.
See. and Treas., Miss Etta Hew- Organized 1916
gley. Territory: The State of New Mex-
Executive Committee: R. P. ico (excepting San Juan County
Montgomery, J. M. Pace, C. L. belonging to the Inter-Mountain
Bainer, H. M. Kelley, 0. J. Cor- Conference), and that part of
win. the State of Texas lying west
Legal Assn.: " South Texas and north of the following coun-
Conference Assn. of S. D. A." ties; West of the eastern line of
Department Secretaries: Wichita, Archer, Jack, Palo
Tract Soc., 0. D. Slater. . Pinto, Erath, Hamilton, Lampa-
Field Miss., C. E. Riffel. sas, and north of the south line
Sabbath School and Home Miss., of Lampasas, San Saba, McCul-
C. E. Riffel. loch, Concho, Tom Green, Irion,
Educational and Miss. Vol., Reagan, Upton, Crane, Ward,
Miss Letha Taylor. Reeves, Culbertson, and El Paso.

Office: 217 North Rencher St., Clo- Church School Teachers:

vis, N. Mex. Miss Emma Ortner, Chas. Mc-
Postal Address: Box 188, Clovis, Neil, Miss Lois Robbins, Mrs.
N. Mex. A. A. Gibbons, Mrs. C. L. Kirk,
Officers: Miss Atha Davis.
Pres., H. M. J. Richards. Church Directory:
Sec. and Treas., W. W. Bricker. Clovis, 219 North Rencher St.
Executive Committee: H. M. J. Albuquerque, Third St., four
Richards, H. L. Hoover, G. W. blocks north of main business
Spies, Burt Bray, G. A. LaGrone. street.
Legal Assn.: " The Texico Con- Roswell, Just northeast of west
ference Association of Seventh- school house.
day Adventists." Hagerman, west of railroad.
Department Secretaries: El Paso, 3927 Westminster St.
Tract Soc., W. W. Bricker. Clyde, Tex., northeast part of
Field Miss., C. N. Young. town.
Sabbath School, Educational.
and Miss. Vol., 'Mrs. Bertie
Home Miss., W. W. Bricker. WESTERN UNION CON-
Religious Liberty, H. M. J. Rich- FERENCE
ards. Educational:
Ministers: Addington Intermediate School,
H. M. J. Richards, H. L. Hoover, Addington, Okla.
G. W. Spies, Burt Bray, G. A. Berea Intermediate School, Jef-
LaGrone. ferson, Tex.
Licentiates: Ketchum Intermediate School,
M. R. Proctor, W. W. Bricker, Ketchum, Okla.
C. N. Young. Southwestern Junior College,
Missionary Licentiates: Keene, Tex.
Mrs. Minnie T. Proctor, Mrs. Publishing:
Bertie C. Richards, Miss Lillie Western Branch of Southern
Griffin, Miss Wilhelmina G. Pub. Assn., 112-114 St. Louis
Reihl, Miss Blanche Hunter. Aye., Fort Worth, Tex.


Organized 1907
Territory: The conferences of Officers:
British Columbia, Alberta, Sas- Pres., A. C. Gilbert.
katchewan, Manitoba, and that Sec., Treas., and Auditor, T. R.
portion of Ontario lying west of Lukens.
the 89th meridian.
Executive Committee: A. C. Gil-
Population: , churches, 82; bert, T. R. Lukens, G. H. Skin-
members, 3,387. ner, J. G. Walker, J. J. Reis-
Office: 201-202 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., wig, W. A. Clemenson, L. W.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Cobb, G. A. Campbell, Dr. H.

Bonde, E. D. Dick, L. C. Shep- Ministers:

ard. J. J. Reiswig, C. K. Reiswig, C.
Legal Assn.: "Western Cana- A. Hansen, A. C. Harder, J. K.
dian Union Corporation of S. Fish, F. W. Johnston.
D. A." Honorary: H. Block.
Department Secretaries: Licentiates:
Field Miss., G. A. Campbell. P. A. Rick, C. D. Smith, E. S.
Educational and Miss. Vol., L. Stanley, S. M. Ryan, G. F. Ruf,
W. Cobb. H. A. Niergarth, 0. E. Shankel,
Home Miss., L. C. Shepard. R. C. Gordis, Peter Yakavenko.
Medical Miss., H. Bonde, M. D.
Religious Liberty, A. C. Gilbert. Missionary Licentiates:
F. W. Spink, Miss Bertha Un-
Ministers: ruh, Miss A. Catherwood, R. E.
A. C. Gilbert, L. C. Shepard. Robinson, G. H. Barbee, J. M.
Honorary: C. Sulzle. A. LeMarquand.
Licentiates: Church School Teachers:
T. R. Lukens, E. D. Dick, H. Miss Hazel Walker, Mrs. Ira
Bonde; M. D., L. W. Cobb, F. L. Mooney, Miss Nellie Shankel,
Hommel. Mrs. W. G. McCready, Michael
Missionary Licentiate: Philbrick, M. Ethel Wallace,
0. A. Campbell. Mrs. R. E. Robinson, Miss Eve-
lyn Knoll, Miss Marie Hanson.

Organized 1906
Territory: The Province of Al-
berta. Organized 1902
Office: Rooms 303-306, I. 0. 0.
F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Can- Territory: British Columbia, Can-
ada. ada.

Officers: Office: 1708 Maple St., Vancouver.

Pres., J. J. Reiswig. British Columbia, Canada.
Sec. and Treas., J. M. A. Le-
Marquand. Officers:
Executive Committee: J. J. Pres., W. A. Clemenson.
Reiswig, J. M. A. LeMarquand, Sec. and Treas., T. S. Bowett.
F. L. Hommel, F. W. Johnston, Executivd Committee: W. A.
S. M. Ryan, D. Leiske. Clemenson, T. S. Bowett, A. E.
Shantz, A. Ritchie, C. E. Wood,
Department Secretaries: C. W. Degering, H. W. Dutton.
Tract Soc.; F. W. Spink. Legal Assn.: "British Colum-
Field Miss., G. H. Barbee. bia Association of S. D. A."
Sabbath School, Miss Bertha
Unruh. Department Secretaries:
Educational and Miss. Vol., G. Tract Soc., T. S. Bowett.
F. Ruf. Sabbath School, Mrs. A. C. Gil-
Medical Miss., Dr. Hans Bonde. bert.
Home Miss. and Financial Agent, Educational and Miss. Vol., C.
S. M. Ryan. W. Degering.

Home Miss., Geo. Toombs. Department Secretaries:

Religious Liberty, W. A. Clem- Tract Soc., G. R. Soper.
enson. Field Miss., G. F. Ojala.
Sabbath School, Mrs. G. H. Skin-
Ministers: ner.
'W. A. Clemenson, A. Ritchie, C. Educational, Miss. Vol., and
E. Wood, J. T. Errington, C. J. Home Miss., T. E. Unruh.
Rider. Religious Liberty, Ste mple
George Toombs, Robert Swan. Ministers:
Missionary Licentiates: G. H. Skinner, Stemple White,
D. Gulbrandson, A. L. Beazley,
Mrs. C. E. Wood, C. W. Deger- 0. Ziprick.
ing, T. S. Bowett, Mrs. Frances Honorary: Neil McGill.
Walker, L. W. Ping, H. Cam-
eron, Mrs. H. Cameron, Mrs. A. Licentiates:
Ritchie, Mrs. C. J. Rider, Mrs. T. E. Unruh, J. D. Neufeld.
A. C. Gilbert, Mrs. L. C. Neff.
Missionary Licentiates:
Church School Teachers: Mrs G. H. Skinner, Mrs. S. As-
C. F. Hubbard, E. W. Carle, Miss pin, Mrs. A. Balkwill, Miss S.
Margaret Denham, C. W. May- Johnson, H. P. Parker, G. F.
or, Mrs. J. H. Lawson, Mrs. L. Ojala.
H. Green.
Church Directory:
Church Directory: Winnipeg, 290 Bannerman Ave.
1758 Union St.
2056 Forty-second Ave., East.
Sixty-sixth Ave. and Marine SASKATCHEWAN CONFER-
Drive. ENCE
Organized 1912
MANITOBA CONFERENCE Territory: The Province of Sas-
Organized 1903 katchewan.

Territory: The Province of Mani- Office: 426 Spadina Crescent,

toba and that portion of Ontario Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Can-
lying west of the 89th Meridian. ada.

Office: 302 Nokomis Bldg., 'Win- Officers:

nipeg, Manitoba. Pres., J. G. Walker.
See. and Treas., J. J. Jutzy.
Officers: Executive Committee: J. G.
Pres., G. H. Skinner. Walker, G. W. Rader, D. D. Neu-
Sec. and Treas., G. R. Soper. feld, J. J. Jutzy, C. W. Deer,
Executive Committee: G. H. Wm. Wasell, M. S. Kritsky, T.
Skinner, Stemple White, D. Gul- Diminyatz, U. Wissner.
brandson, J. Arnot, D. Car- Legal Assn.: " Saskatchewian
michael, F. C. Finch, Evan Rob- Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
Legal Assn.: " The Manitoba Department Secretaries:
Conference of the S. D. A." Tract _Soc., J. Jutzy.

Field Miss., John Jewkes. J. J. Jutzy, R. Watchorn.

Sabbath School, Mrs. J. J. Jutzy.
Educational and Miss. Vol., D.
Home Miss., Robert Kitto.
Religious Liberty, J. G. Walker. ERN CANADIAN UNION
Financial Agent, U. Wissner. CONFERENCE

Ministers: Educational:
J. G. Walker, Wni. Wasell, G. Battleford Academy, Battleford,
W. Rader, Henry Berg, 0. M. Saskatchewan.
Akre. Canadian Junior College, La-
Honorary: J. V. Maas. combe, Alberta.
Licentiates: Publishing:
C. A. Anderson, Fred Guderian, Western Branch of the Canadian
Robert Kitto, M. S. Kritsky, R. Watchman Press, 303 Noko-
E. Noble, C. 0. Smith, Theo. Di- mis! Bldg., Winnipeg Mani-
minyatz, D. E. Reiner, J. J. toba.
Jutzy, D. D. Neufeld, Luther
Long. Medical:
Alberta Sanitarium, Bowness
Missionary. Licentiates: Park, Calgary, Alberta.
U. Wissner, D. P. Harder, S. M. Spadina Treatment Rooms, 426
. Ilarkow, Peter Paulson, William Spadina Crescent, East, Sas-
Brown, William Robinson, Mrs. katoon, Saskatchewan.
Territory: Europe; and that por- (Legal society to hold all property
tion of Asia and Africa not in- of the denomination in Ham-
eluded in other Divisions. burg.)
Population: Cir. 400,000,000. Officers: L. R. Conradi, Pres.;
Postal Address: Margrethevej 5, Power of Attorney, H. Hartkop;
Copenhagen, V.. Denmark. Treas., Alice Kiissner; Other
Officers: members: The presidents of the
Vice-President for Europe: L. Central European, East Ger-
R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a, man, and West German Unions,
Hamburg. Germany. and of the local conferences
Associate Vice-President: L. H. therein, and the heads of insti-
Christian, Margrethevej 5, Co- tutions in above conferences.
penhagen, V.. Denmark.
Treasurer: C. Pedersen. Mar-
grethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., GERMAN HEALTH ASSOCIA-
Secretary: W. C. 'sing, Mar- TION
grethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-
Denmark. many
General Auditor: Jens Olsen, (Holds the Sanitarium properties
Akersgaten 74, Christiania, in Berlin, Friedensau, and Bad
Norway. Aibling).
Department Secretaries: Officers: L. R. Conradi, Pres.;
Field Sec., J. C. Raft. Treas., H. Hartkop; other mem-
Educational, G. \Val:eham bers, G. W. Schubert, H. F. Schu-
Miss. Vol., J. F. Simon. berth, Paul Drinhaus.
ERAL CONFERENCE Organized 1013
Christian, L. H., Margrethevej 5,
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. (An organization to carry forward
Conradi, L. R., Grindelberg 15a, work in the foreign mission field,
Hamburg, Germany. by the Central European. East
'sing, W. C., Margrethevej 5, Co- German, and West German
penhagen, V., Denmark. Union Conferences.)
Raft, J. C., Margrethevej 5, Co- Cable and Telegraphic Address:
penhagen, V.. Denmark. " Advent," Hamburg.
Simon, J. F., Margrethevcj 5, Co- Office Address: Grindelberg 15 a,
penhagen, V., Denmark. Hamburg, Germany.
Wakeham, G., Stanborough Park,
Watford, Herts, England. Officers:
Pres., L, R. Conradi.
Vice-Pres., H. F. Schuberth.
Sec. and Treas., R. Riihling.
HAMBURG SEVENTH-DAY AD- Executive Committee: L. R.
VENTIST ASSOCIATION Conradi, H. F. Schubertb, G. W.
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- Schubert, P. Drinhaus, K. Sinz,
many F. Clotting, W. Schafer, E. Kotz.
Organized 1902

Territory: The Conferences of NORTH BRITISH CON-

North British, Welsh-Midland, FERENCE
South British, and the Irish Mis- Organized 1919 out of the North
sion. England Conference organized 1902,
Population: 45,290,131; churches, and the Scottish Conference, or-
80; members, 3,617. ganized 1908.
Cable Address: "Hygiene," Gar- Territory: The counties of Lan-
ston, Herts, England. cashire, Yorkshire, Durham,
Office: Stanborough Park, Watford, Westmoreland, Cumberland,
Herts, England. Northumberland, also the Wir-
Officers: ral Peninsula in the county of
Pres., M. N. Campbell. Cheshire, the Isle of Man, and
Treas., H. D. Clarke. the whole of Scotland.
Sec., F. S. Jackson. Office: 17 Jesmond Vale Terrace,
Executive Committee: M. N. Newcastle-on-Tyne, England.
Campbell, W. H. Meredith, S.
G. Haughey, H. J. Edmed, R.
Mussen, A.-E. Bacon, W. Mauds- Pres., A. E. Bacon.
ley, G. Wakeham, R: Whiteside, Sec. and Treas., Wni. Hilton.
W. E. Read, F. A. Spearing, F. S. Executive Committee: A. E. Ba-
Jackson, H. D. Clarke, Dr. F. C. con, MT. H. Meredith, T. Thom-
Shone, H. F. De'Ath. son, C. Davies, F. W. Goodall, G.
Legal Assn.: " Seventh-day Ad- Hyde, A. Hogg.
ventist Union; Ltd." Pres., M. Department Secretaries:
N. Campbell; Sec., W. E. Read. Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
General Conference Transportation Miss J. Archibald.
Agent: Home Miss., F. W. Goodall.
A. Bacon 84 Upper Tollington Field Miss., A. E. Hulbert.
don, N., 4, England.
Park, Lan Ministers:
Department Secretaries: A. E. Bacon, A. Rodd, W. H.
Union Field Miss., W. Maudsley. Meredith, J. E. Bell, S. F. Tonks,
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., G. Hyde.
F. S. Jackson. Licentiates:
Educational, G. Wakeham. E. E. Craven, E. R. Elias.
Home Miss., J. Harker.
Missionary Licentiates:
Medical Miss.,. H. F. De 'Ath.
F. W. Goodall, J. Andrew, A. E.
Ministers: Hulbert, H. P.. Williams, G. Rain-
M. N. Campbell, W: E. Read, W. ing, Miss C. Sanders, Miss J.
Maudsley, F. S. Jackson, H. F. Archibald, Miss E. Cummins,
De 'Ath, W. A. Ruble. Miss A. F. Clarke, Miss J. Mus-
Licentiates: sen, Miss C. Baldwin, Miss H.
H. D. Clarke, G. Wakeham, G. Vandenbergh, Miss H. W. Rob-
Baird, A. S. Maxwell, Dr. F. C. ertson, Miss A. Wagstaffe, Miss
Shone, J. Harker. A. Larminie.
Missionary Licentiates: Church Directory:
Miss M. E. Robertson, Miss Ed- Blackburn, Whalley Range Mis-
na R. Edmed, Miss Anscombe, sion Hall.
Miss E. M. Eastcott, Mrs. Bradford, Temperance Hall,
Wright Brown, W. Halliday. Chapel St., Leeds Road.

Edinburgh, Picardy Hall, 16 Officers:

Picardy Place. Pres., S. G. Haughey.
Glasgow, (1) Dixons Halls, Sec. and Treas., \V. G. Baldry.
Crosshill. Executive Committee: S. G.
Glasgow, (2) Advent Hall, Haughey, H. J. Edmed, C. E.
Thornwood Drive, Particle. Penrose, A. Bacon, 0. M. Dor-
Hull, The Metropole, West St. land, E. Clifford, J. H. Bunker.
Kircaldy, Stewards Lane Hall. Department Secretaries:
Leeds, Working Men's Hall, Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Park St. E. R. Warland.
Liverpool, S. D. A. Hall, Selwyn Home Miss., J. Chapman.
St., Walton. Field Miss., W. Cuthbert.
Manchester, (1) S. D. A. Hall,
Bury New Road. Ministers:
Manchester, (2) S. D. A. Hall, S. G. Haughey, H. J. Edmed, C.
Parkfield St. E. Penrose, J. D. Gillatt, A. D.
Middlesborough, Temperance In- Armstrong, J. B. West, W. P.
stitute. Prescott, 0. M. Dorland, T. H.
Newcastle-on-Tyne, S. D. A. Cooper.
Hall, Second Avenue, Heaton. Licentiates:
Paisley, Y. M. C. A. Rooms, W. Cuthbert, F. E. Powell, J.
High St. Chapman, J. J. Heide, E. R. War-
Rotherham, Mansion Hall, New land.
Zealand, Bridge ate. Missionary Licentiates:
Scarborough, Roscoe Hall, Ros- G. W. Bailey, R. J. Borrowdale,
coe St. W. G. Baldry, W. H. G. Ben-
Seacombe, Liberal Club. well, Mrs. A. Edmed, Miss A. B.
Sheffield, Cliffe Hall, Derbyshire Crowder, Miss M. James, Miss
Land, Woodseats. E. Guntrip, Miss A. Baldwin,
Southport, Y. M. C. A. Hall, Miss M. Anderson, Miss W. Qui-
East Bank St. bell, Miss E. M. Powell, Miss E.
Waterloo, Waterloo Hall, Ox- Donaldson, Miss G. Wallace, Mrs.
ford Road. M. V. Thicke.
Wigan, S. D. A. Hall, Seven Church Directory:
Stars Road, Wallgate.
Bath, 37 Creen Park.
Brighton, 84 Blatchington Road,
FERENCE Bristol, 11 St. Gabriel's Road,
Organized 1919 out of the Eas't Easton.
Central Conference, organized 1916, Cambridge, Malcom St. Hall
and the South England Conference, (off King St.)
organized 1902. Caterham, Sanitarium.
Catford, The Priory, High St.
Territory: The counties of Corn- Croscombe, Wesleyan S ch o ol
wall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Room.
Gloucester, Wilts, Oxford, Berks, Croydon, " Camera Club Room,"
Hants, Bucks, Surrey, Sussex, Opposite East Croydon Sta-
Kent, London, Middlesex, Hert- tion.
ford, Bedford, Huntingdon, Cam- Dawlish, 4 San Remo.
bridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, East Dulwich, Foresters' Hall,
Isle of Wight, and the Channel Forest Hill.
Islands. London, North, Lindrick House,
Office: 157 Shirley Road, South- Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury
ampton, England. Park.

London, Northwest, Congrega- Licentiates:

tional Church_, Willesden H. W. McCrow, F. W. Coppock,
Green. W. A. Hall.
London, Southwest, Providence Missionary Licentiates:
Chapel, Tooting Grove., Toot- J. H. Parkin, F. H. Milsum, E.
ing. J. Whiting, Mrs. M. Brooks, Miss
London, West, Brotherhood Hall, M. Lenanton, Miss F. E. Woods,
Turnhain Green, Ter. Chis. Miss M. Living, Miss L. Cooper,
Southampton, The Academy, 151 Miss M. Dunhury, Miss K. Fel-
Shirley Road. ton, Miss Pilkington, Mrs. Casey.
Stanborough Park, The College, Church Directory:
Stanborough Park, Watford. Birmingham, Bearwood, The
Homestead, Rawlings Road.
Birmingham, South, Tyndall St.,
WELSH-MIDLAND CON- Council School Balsall, Heath.
FERENCE Birmingham, Handsworth, Nin-
Organized 1919, out of the Welsh eveh Road. Tew and Park
Conference, organized 1908 and Road.
the Midland Conference, organized Caerphilly, la Stockland St.
1913. Cardiff, 15 Moira Terrace, Ad-
Territory: The counties of Lin- Coventry, Priory Room's, Priory
colnshire, Nottinghamshire, Der- Row, off Broadgate.
byshire, Cheshire, (excepting Derby, St. Michael's House, Rear
the Wirral Peninsula), Flint- St. Michael's Church, Queen St.
shire, Denbighshire, Carnarvon- . Grimsby, 4 The Bungalows, Old
shire, Anglesey, Merionethshire, Clee Road, Cleethorpes.
Montgomeryshire, Shropshire, Kettering, Memorial Chur eh,
Staffordshire, Leiscestershire, Canon St.
Rutlandshire, Northamptonshire, Leicester, Sunday School Memo-
Warwicksh ire, Worcestershire, . rial Hall, New Walk.
Herefordshire, Radnorshire, Lincoln, Co-op. Hall, Lockhurst
Cardiganshire, Pembrokeshire, Lane, 24 Clarina St.
Carmarthenshire, Brecknockshire, Melton Mowbray, 20 A.sfordby
Glamorganshire, Monmouth- Road.
shire. Newport, Mission Hall, Con-
Officers: stance St.
Nottingham, Circus St., Lecture
Pres., F. A. Spearing. Hall.
Sec. and Treas., F. H. Milsum, Northampton. Re ch abite Hall.
Executive Committee: F. A. Pytchley St. -
Spearing, D. Morrison, W. A. Rushden, North St.
Hall, R. Jacques, W. J. Young, Sutton-in-Ash, No. 1 Room, Bain-
H. Cadwallader, 0. T. Bryan. bridge Hall.
Department Secretaries: Swansea, Central Hall, Orchard
Field Miss., E. J. Whiting. St.
Sabbath School, F. H. Milsum. Ulceby, Adventist Church.
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., J. Wellingborough, Herriots Lane.
H. Parkin. Wellington, Assembly R o o In,
Ministers: Market St., 124 High St.
F. A. Spearing, D. Morrison, W. Wolverhampton, Temperance
J. Young, A. Armstrong, F. C. Hall, Temple St.
Bailey, H. W. Armstrong, W. G. Worcester, Whitman's Hall, Sil-
Forshaw. ver St.


Office: Train View, Moira, County Director, W. T. Bartlett.
Down, Ireland. Sec., W. T. Bartlett.
Officers: Ministers:
Director, R. Mussen. W. T. Bartlett, S. G. Maxwell,
Sec., Miss D. Moseley. Licentiates:
Treas., H. D. Clarke. L. E. Lane, W. W. Armstrong.
Advisory Committee: R. Mus- Missionary Licentiates:
sen, S. Joyce, W. Shaw, J. Mc- Mrs. W. T. Bartlett, Mrs. S. G.
Clements, G. Reid. Maxwell, Mrs. L. E. Lane, Mrs.
Department Secretaries: W. W. Armstrong, T. Belton,
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.. Mrs. T. Belton, R. Matthews,
Miss D. Moseley. Mrs. R. Matthews, E. A. Bea-
Home Miss., R. Mussen. von, Dr. G. A. S. Madgwick,
Ministers: Mrs. G. A. S. Madgwick, Miss.
R. Mussen, S. Joyce. Grace Clarke.
A. Watson.
Missionary Licentiates: BELGIAN EAST AFRICA
Miss D. Moseley, Miss Bollard, Ruanda Mission, Lake Kivu
Miss J. Bestow, Mrs. A. Wat- Superintendent: D. E. Delhove.
son. Licentiate: D. E. Delhove.
Missionary Licentiates:
MISSION FIELDS UNDER Henri Monnier, Alfred Matter_
(The missions in British adminis- LOWER EGYPTIAN MISSION
tered territory (outside the South Territory: Lower Egypt, including-
African Union) are under the di- Cairo.
rection of the British Union Con- Population: 7,427,000.
ference Executive Committee, Address: 8 Sharia Naseruddin el'
Stanborough Park, Watford, Shikhi, Bulak, Cairo, Egypt.
Herts, England.) Director: George Keough.
J. McGeachy, G. Bezirdjian, T.
Organized 1912 (Entered 1906)
Territory: British East Africa. UPPER EGYPTIAN MISSION
Population: 7,665,234. Dating from Jan. 1, 1914
Headquarters: Gendia, Kisumu, Territory: Upper Egypt from.
British East Africa. Cairo to Assouan.
Second Station: Wire Hill, Kis- Population: 5,139,000.
umu. Address: 8 Sharia Naseruddin el'
Third Station: Karungu, Kisumu. Shikhi, Bulak, Cairo, Egypt.
Fourth Station. Rusinga, Kisumu.
Fifth Station: Kisii, Kisumu. Director: George Keough.
Sixth Station: Kanyadoto, Kis- Minister:
umu. George Keough.
Seventh Station: Kamagambo, Missionary Licentiates:
Kisumu. S. Farag, Bulos Abdul. Messiah._

(From the following miscellaneous Officers:

missions no report has been re- Director, L. F. Langford.
ceived.) Advisory Committee: L. F. Lang-
VICTORIA NYANZA MISSION ford, J. E. Hartley, H. W. Lowe.
(In former German East Africa.) Minister:
Stations as established before the L. F. Langford.
war. Licentiates:
Majita District: I. W. Harding, H. W. Lowe.
Head station: Majita. Missionary Licentiates:
Second station: Iramba. H. E. Lynch, B, W. Davies. D.
Third station: Nyabangi. T. Thomas, Henry Wilson, A. P.
Fourth station: Shirati. Spaine, F. Solway, E. Ashton,
Ushashi District: Mrs. E. Ashton, Agnes West.
Head station: Busegwe.
Second station: Ikizu.
Third station: Utimbaru. NIGERIA MISSION
Fourth station: Sizaki.
Usukuma District: Organized December, 1913
Head station: Ntusu. Territory: Nigeria, West Af-
Second station: Itilima. rica.
Third station: Kanadi. Population: 16,500,000.
Fourth station: Mwagala. Director, L. F. Langford, florin,
(No report.) via Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa.
(In former German East Africa.) Licentiates:
Stations as established before the W. McClements, J. E. E. Bor-
war. geaud.
Kihurio District: Missionary Licentiates:
Head station: Kihurio. J. Snowball, J. Hamilton, G.
Second station: Friedenstal. Hamilton, B. Balugon, J. Cndjoe.
Third station: Vuasu.
Fourth Station: Vunta.
(No report.)
Organized December, 1913
MISSION Territory: Gold Coast, West Af-
Organized 1918 Population: 1,500,000.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Water- Address: Coomassie, via Seecon-
loo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. dee, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Officers: Officers:
Superintendent, L. F. Langford. Director, Thos. Baker, acting.
Executive Committee: L. F. Licentiates:
Langford, E, Ashton, T. Baker. J. A. R. Davies, Thos. Baker, J.
A. Bonney.
SIERRA LEONE MISSION Missionary Licentiates:
Jesse Clifford, J. W. Garbrah,
Organized 1913 Mrs. Thomas Baker, J. J. Dau-
-Population: 1,400,000. phin, T. B. Ottie, S. B. Essien,
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Water- .T. W. Quashie, J. B. Arthur, K.
loo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. N. Quashen.
Organized 1912
Territory: German Swiss. Wur- BLACK FOREST CONFERENCE
temberg, Black Forest, German Organized 1919
Austrian, North Bavarian, South Territory: The southern part of
Bavarian, Main-Neckar, Rhen- Baden and the Black Forest dis-
ish-Pf alz Conferences. trict of Wurtemberg and Hohen-
Population of Germany: 65,000,- zollern counties.
000; churches, 115; members, Office Address: Kaiserallee 19.
4,347. Karlsruhe i. B., Germany.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Pres., 0. Schildhauer.
" Advent," Tizianstr. 35, Mun- Sec., G. Kupfer.
ich, Germany. Treas., D. Schubert.
Office Address: Tizianstr. 35, Auditor, F. Stahl.
Munich, Germany. Executive Committee: 0. Schild-
hauer, H. Zimmermann, R. Saur,
Officers: L. Schafer, K. Gammerdinger.
Pres., G. W. Schubert. Department Secretaries:
Tract Soc., Sabbath School, Miss
See., W. Edener. Vol., and Home Miss., G. Kupfer.
Treas., H. Kofink. Field Miss., A. Herion.
Auditor, F. Stahl.
Executive Committee: G. WT. Ministers:
Schubert, W. Prillwitz, E. Bahr, 0. Schildhauer, H. Zimmermann,
F. Prieser, F. Gruber, W. Schae- D. Eicher.
fer, E. Gugel, J. Muth, G. Wer- Licentiates:
ner, A. Bereck, 0. Schildhauer, F. C. Grieser, L. Aberle.
J. G. Hopf, Dr. med. P. Schmid. .Missionary Licentiates:
G. Kupfer, G. Zollmann, W,
Department Secretaries: Gemeinhardt, J. Freund, E. Diir-
Tract Soc., Sabbath School, and Tier.
Home Miss., W. Edener.
Miss. Vol., E. Berner.
Medical Miss., Dr. med. P: GERMAN AUSTRIAN CONFER-
Schmid. ENCE
Religious Liberty, G. W. Schu- Organized 1921
bert. Territory: German Austria, for-
South German Buildings Assn., merly Austrian, Anterior Aus-
F. Fuierer. trian, and Styrmark - Carnten
Mission fields.
Minister: Office Address: Tizianstr. 35,
G. W. Schubert. Munich, Germany.
Missionary Licentiates: Pres., W. Schaefer.
W. Edener, E. Berner, F. Fuierer. Sec., J. Starosta.
Treas., B. Bruscha.
Other Workers: Executive Committee: W. Schae-
N. Schlatterer, H. Kofink, D. fer, F. Gruber, A. Bereck, Brich,
Schubert, E. Walz. F. Pieringer, Finder, Turnherr.

Department Secretaries: districts of Frankfurt a, M.,

Tract Soc., Sabbath School, Miss. Hanau, Hochst.
Vol., and Home Miss., W. Office Address: Weberstr. 56, 1,
Edener. Frankfurt a. M., Germany.
Field Miss., A. Grabner. Officers:
Ministers: Pres., E. Bahr.
W. Schaefer, F. Gruber, A. Be- Sec., F. Hilmer.
reek, R. Lange, A. Weinert. Treas., H. Koffink.
Licentiates: Auditor, F. Stahl.
F. Hagemann, R. Piitzel, J. Executive Committee: E. Bahr.
Miihlbacher, A. v. Wallenstern, F. Gregorius, J. Streib, G. Platz-
F. Einspeiler. becker, E. Fuchs.
Missionary Licentiates: Department Secretaries:
A. Stammberger, J. Starosta, A. Tract Soc., Sabbath School, Miss.
Beer, S. Otto, E. Knebel. Vol., and Home Miss., F. Hil-
Field Miss., E. Fuchs.
E. Bahr, F. Gregorius, F. Hil-
Organized 1901 mer,
Territory:. German Switzerland Licentiate:
and Cantons of Grison and Ti- K. Golzer.
cino. Missionary Licentiates:
Office Address: Felsenbergstr. 324, E. Kuschel, K. Adolf, M. Mul-
Seebach-Ziirieh, Germany. ler, C. Pipgras, M. Barall, J.
Officers: Ramer, G. Knecht.
Pres., E. Gugel.
Sec. and Treas., E. Haring.
Auditor, F. Stal.
Executive Committee: E. Gu- NORTH BAVARIAN CONFER-
gel, F. Bussinger, G. Miiller, E. ENCE
Siegrist, A. Rudolf, J. Penner,
J. Kilbler. Organized 1919
Department Secretaries: Territory: The northern part of
Tract Soc., Miss. Vol., and Home Bavaria, excepting Pfalz.
Miss., E. Haring. Office Address: Jrrerstr. 20, 11,
Field Miss., J. Kt-0)1er. Niirnberg, Germany.
Ministers: Officers:
E. Gugel, J. Penner. Pres., J. Muth.
Licentiates: Treas., D. Schubert.
F. Rudin, E. Haring. Auditor, F. Stahl.
Missionary Licentiates: Executive Committee: J. Muth,
A. Junginger, R. Fiirst, W. Dus- C. Reihlen, L. Lutz, Chr. Braun.
sy, E. Tobler, E. Haas. Barth.
Department Secretaries:
Tract Soc., Sabbath School, Miss.
Vol., and Home Miss., L.
Organized 1920 Field Miss., L: Lutz.
Territory: The northern part of Ministers:
Baden, the southern part of Hes- J. Muth, C. Reihlen, R. Werner,
sen to the right of the Rhine, the A. Sachsenmeyer.

Licentiate: Executive Committee: W. Schae-

H. Schwarz. . fer, H. Langenberg, C. Beiss, J.
Missionary Licentiates: Hager, J, Gemeinhardt.
L. Schneebauer, H. Wieczorek, Department Secretaries:
A. Gutmann, M. Keller, H. Tract Soc. and Sabbath School,
Kolschmann, E. Dorfler, Th. H. Loosen.
Richter. Field Miss., H. Miinch.
Miss. Vol., E. Berner.
Organized 1920 Ministers:
W. Schaefer, H. Langenberg, G.
Territory: The part of Bavaria Seng.
and Hessen to the left of the
Rhine and the districts of Saar- Missionary Licentiates:
briicken and Trier. H. v. Szadkowski, G. Mai, G. F.
Office Address: Bisinarkring 29, Horner, J. G. Sommer, H. Loos-
III, Wiesbaden, Germany. en, A. Henger, K. Brunner, A.
Officers: V o c h e ze r, K. Behringer, B.
Pres., W. Prillwitz. Schmidt, R. Milner.
Treas., H. Kofink.
Executive Committee: W. Frill-
witz, R. Muller, P. Hanke, Mey- WURTEMBERG CONFERENCE
er, Koch.
Department Secretaries: Organized 1912
Tract Soc., Sabbath School, and Territory: Wurtemberg except-
Home Miss., W. Edener. ing Blhck Forest district.
Miss. Vol., E. Berner.
Office Address: Johannesstr, 96,
Ministers: Stuttgart, Germany.
MT. Prillwitz, R. Milner.
Licentiates: - Officers:
P. Glide, J. F. Grieser. Pres., F. A. Prieser.
Missionary Licentiates: Sec., M. Busch.
H. Diekmann, C. Bohm, H. Treas., D. Schubert.
Klages, A. Pascheburg. Auditor, F. Stahl.
Executive Committee: F. A.
Prieser, C. A. Motzer, G. Miler,
K. Wittig, K. Mergenthaler.
SOUTH BAVARIAN CONFER- Department Secretaries:
FERENCE Tract Soc., Sabbath School, Miss
Organized 1919 Vol., and Home Miss., M.
Territory: The southern part of Busch.
' Bavaria. Field Miss., F. Reidlinger.
Office Address: Bauerstr. 38, Mu- Ministers:
nich, Germany. F. A. Prieser, C. A. Motzer, F.
Officers: Darr, M. Busch. G. Diirolf.
Pres., W. Schaefer. Licentiate:
Sec., H. Loosen. P. Thrum.
Treas., D. Schubert. Missionary Licentiates:
Auditor, F. Stahl. K. Mahle, L. Frank.
Organized rgig

Territory: Entire Republic, West Officers:

Silesian and Moravian Confer- Pres., H. Bischoff.
ence, North Bohemia Conference, Sec., F. Bohm.
Central Bohemia Mission, Slo- Treas., F. Ludwig.
vakia Mission. Executive Committee: H. Bis-
Population: 13,000,000; churches, choff, H. Aberle, E. Seidl, G.
50; members, 1600. Palmer, F. Quaiser.
Office Address: Dr. Dietrichgasse Ministers:
3, Troppau, Czechoslovakia, Eu- H. Bischoff, H. Aberle.
rope. Licentiates:
Officers: K. Fleck, F. Bohm.
Pres., E. E. Frauchiger. Missionary Licentiates:
Sec., A. Gomola. B. Vietze, B. Nickel,
Treas., F. Ludwig.
Executive Committee: E. E. SLOVAKIA MISSION
Frauchiger, F. Kessel, M. M.
Wentland, H. Bischoff, J. Po- Office Address: Vodna ul. 2,-Eas-
pelka, F. Ludwig, E. Seidl. chau, Czechoslovakia.
Department Secretary: Pres., F. Kessel.
Field Miss., L Popelka.
Treas., F. Ludwig.
Minister: Executive Committee: F. Kes-
E. E. Frauchiger. sel, A. Gajdos, K. Harting, J.
Missionary Licentiates: Cernek, F. Szemian.
A. Gomola, Agnes Frauchiger. Minister:
Missionary Licentiates:
CENTRAL BOHEMIA MISSION R. Gabrisch, St. Macho, Ester
Lovas, Agneta Schlottner.
Office Address: Benedikt ul. 8,
Prague I, Czechoslovakia.
Pres., M. H. Wentland. VIA CONFERENCE
Sec., J. Simon.
-Treas., F. Ludwig. Office Address: Dr. Dietrichgasse
3, Troppau, Czechoslovakia.
Executive Committee: M. H.
Wentland, F. Fiala, E. Balzar. Officers:
Minister: Pres., E., E. Frauchiger.
M. H. Wentland. See., A. Gomola.
Licentiates: Treas., F. Ludwig.
.f. Simon, J. Chlustin. Executive Committee: E. E.
Missionary Licentiate: Frauchiger, G. Geier, J. Popel-
Rosa Machac. ka, A. Kudelka, John Przyvara.
G. Geier, W. Schlegel.
NORTH BOHEMIAN CONFER- R. Neumann, K. Polednik.
ENCE Missionary Licentiates:
Office Address: Pragerstrausse 36, J. Doubraysky, Anny Suchanek.
Teplitz-Schonau, Czechoslovakia. Sus. Gomola, Anny Rusch.
Organized rgog

Territory: The Berlin, Branden- Ministers:

burg, Chemnitz-Zwickau, Ma- H. F. Schuberth, J. Wintzen, H.
sourian, Silesian, Pomerania, Watty, F. Hambrock, W. Miller,
East Prussian, and East Saxon A. Dorner.
Conferences, and the Lithuanian
Population of Germany: 65,000,- 'Organized 1920
000; churches, 275; members,
10,442. Territory: Greater Berlin and
Office Address for East German Officers:
Union Conference and all East Pres., W. Hoffman.
German Union Fields and Work- Sec., F. Hambrock.
ers: Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin- Treas., M. Fuchs.
Charl., Germany. Executive Committee: W. Hoff-
Cable and Telegraphic Address: man, H. Schmitz, H. GrUnwald,
" Adventmission, Berlin." M. Golze, A. Mulack.
Officers: Department Secretaries:
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., F.
Pres., H. F. Schuberth. Hambrock.
Sec. and Treas., A. Doerner.
Asst. Treas., M. Fuchs. Ministers:
Auditor, P. Brandt. W. Hoffman, D. Brinkmann, F.
Executive Committee: H. F. Dressler, H. Schmitz, M. Schur-
Schuberth, J. Wintzen, F. Ga- er, G. Voight, H. Miltz.
ting, R. Lusky, A. Langholf, A. Licentiates:
0. Janert, K. Amelung, P. Stock- J. Bohlmann, Dr. Glette, 0.
er, P. Horn, A. DOrner, E. Elise- Petermann, A. Schenck.
leit, W. Muller, H. Watty. Dr. Missionary Licentiates:
med. E. Meyer, Dr. med. L. E. E, Jeschke, B. Pest, E. Schwerc-
Conradi, H. Grunwald, W. Hans. ke, A. Wachholz, F. Rohne, W.
Legal Assn.: "Deutscher Ve- Schmieder, A. Reinhold, F. Krii-
rein flir Gesundheitspflege, Frie- ger, Martha ThUmmel, Helene
densau," Post Grabow, Bez. Junker.
Magdeburg. Pres., H. F. Schu-
berth; Sec., M. Stahl; Mana- BRANDENBURG CONFERENCE
ger, W. Drumm; Treas., L. Hei-
ler. Organized 1920
Legal Assn.: " Mitteldeutsche Territory: District of Potsdam,
Grundstiicksgesellschaft m. b. District of Jerichow I and II,
H." PITO., F. Schuberth; Bitterfield, Torgau, Liebenwer-
Sec. and Treas., H.' Wittig. der, Delitzsch, Wittenberg, and
Office: Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin- District of Frankfurt a. Oder.
Charl., Germany. Officers:
Pres., R. Lusky.
Department Secretaries: Sec., F. Selle.
Field Miss., H. BOx. Treas., M. Fuchs.
Sabbath School, A. DOrner. Executive Committee: R. Lusky,
Educational, W. Muller. NV. Ehlers, W. Willer, Dr. F.
Miss. Vol., H. Watty. Baucke, C. Vogel, Th. Schallon,
Home Miss., J. Wintzen. R. Schatz.

Department Secretaries: Officers:

Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., H. Pres., K. Amelung.
Linde. Sec.. W. Gauger,
Ministers: Treas., M. Fuchs.
Lusky, IV. Ehlers, W. Earle, Executive Committee: K. Ame-
F. Dorre, F. Baucke, G. Freund. lung, F. Leplatoni, J. Urgien,
Licentiates: G. Dobinski.
E. Hiirner. F. Selle, A. Suess- Department Secretaries:
mann, W. Kloss.
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., W.
Missionary Licentiates: Gauger.
A. Brendel, J. Fischer, Margarete
Soyk, K. Golze, R. Nickel, B. v. Ministers:
Kondratowicz. K. Amelung, F. Leplatoni, M.
Budnick, F. Seidel, W. KOller.


ENCE J. Penner, F. Seidler, W. Thal-
mann, W. Gauger.
Organized 1908 as Saxon Confer-
ence, 1920 as Chemnitz-Zwickau Missionary Licentiates:
Conference. A. Schaffer, M. Schilling, Lotte
Territory: District Chemnitz and Korduan.
Pres., P. Horn.
Sec., R. Dliumichen. Organized 1919
Treas.. M. Fuchs.
Executive Committee: P. Horn, Territory: District of Dresden,
A. Krautschick, IV, Hans, C. Bautzen and Leipzig.
Donath, R. Heidenreich, Oneck, Officers:
Petrich. Pres., P. Stocker.
Department Secretaries: See., 0. Haase.
Miss. Vol., F. Grellmann. Treas., M. Fuchs.
Home Miss., R. Daumichen. Executive Committee: P. Stock-
Ministers: er, B. Ohme, C. Dwehus, 0. Rein-
P. Horn, R.. Grossmann H. Bobs, hold, M. Thiermann, 0. Schmidt,
Aug. Kra.utschick, R, Dilumi- E. Gross.
chen, F. Scior. Department Secretaries:
Licentiate: Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., J.
F. Grellmann. Beyer.
Missionary Licentiates: Ministers:
H. Friedrich, J. Salatzkat, H. P. Stocker, B. Ohme, C. Dwehus,
Schluttig, E. Hildebrandt, Klara W. Schwenecke, J. Brezinski.
Horn, Anita Broszat, Frieda Licentiates:
Troger. Gniidjin, G. Piwarz, H. Rose.
Missionary Licentiates:
0. Haase, R. Patzig, F. Heinrich,
0. Hentschike, Luise Natschins-
EAST PRUSSIA CONFERENCE ki, Frieda Schmidt, R. Scheil-
Organized 1903 ritz, F. Bergmann, W. Gulden-
Territory: Districts of Konigs- pfennig, G. Renn, Elfriede Mel-
berg and Gumbinnen. choir.


Organized 1920 Treas., M. Fuchs.
Executive Committee: F. Clot-
Territory: Lithuania. ting, O. Kapitz, R. Kath, B.
Officers: Schmidt, Tschirschnitz.
Director, E. Enseleit. Department Secretaries:
Sec., Lewandowski. Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., W.
Treas., Mrs. E. Enseleit. Ninow.
Executive Committee: E. En- Ministers:
seleit, Goira, Lucat, F. Gutting, 0. Kapitz, H. Glass,
Minister: W. Tribbensee,
s K. Jonuleit, E.
E. Enseleit. Nadler, R. Fatting.
Missionary Licentiates: Licentiates:
LewandowSki, Mprenings. H. Dietrich, 0. Panzig, W. Ni-
Missionary Licentiates:
MASOURIAN CONFERENCE J. Christiansen, E. Schiewe, F.
Spaude, Agnes Bahnemann, Emi-
Organized 1920
lie Walther.
Territory: District of Allenstein
(Masourian), East Prussia.
Sec., H. Korsch. Organized 1907
Executive Committee: A. Lang- Territory: Province of Silesia.
holf, F. May, G. Domnick, Kus- Officers:
cinski. Pres., A. 0. Janert.
Department Secretaries: Sec., G. Petzold.
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., H. Treas., M. Fuchs.
Korsch. Executive Committee: A. 0.
Ministers: Janert, A. Krautschick, T. For-
A. Langholf, G. Domnick, A. ster, W. Natschinski, Schuster,
Majewski, H. Korsch, R. Diet- A. Zelig, G. Thiel.
rich. Department Secretaries:
Licentiates: Miss. Vol. and Home Miss.. R.
A. Naumann, A. 'Hinz. Schroder.
Missionary Licentiates: Ministers:
J. Browatzik, E. Braun. A. 0. Janert, R. - Schutz, A. W.
Mailer, A. Krautschick A. Reb-
ensburg, H. Schmidt, '0. Bans-
Organized 1901 K. Jelen, A. Walter, A. Arnold,
Territory: Province of Pomera- R. Schroder, H, Hufnagel.
nia. Missionary Licentiates:
Officers: G. Petzold, H. Effenberg, E.
Pres., F. (lotting. Frauchiger, W. Bartsch.
Organized igoz
Territory: The Leman, French. F. Feger, G. Kiehl, A. Meyer, V.
Alsace and Lorraine, and Belgian Monnier, C. Zigan.
Conferences; and the Spanish, Department Secretaries:
Italian, North African, Portu- Sabbath School, A. Meyer.
guese and Mauritius-Madagas- Field Miss., J. Feger.
car Missions. Educational and Miss. VOL, W.
Population: 132,572,606; churches, Lagger.
67; members, 1,999. Home Miss., V. Monnier.
General Office: LaLig,niere, Gland, Medical Miss., Paul earlier.
Officers: J. Fehr.
Pres., A. V. Olson.
Sec. and Treas., Robert Gerber.
A. Meyer, V. Monnier.
Executive Committee: A. V.
Olson, Robert Gerber, J. Robert, Missionary Licentiates:
L. L. Caviness, Sam. Badaut, W. Lagger, Miss Hockenberger,
Dr. J. Nussbaum, Jules Rey. U. J. Feger.
Augsbourger, J. Fehr, C. E.
Knight, Paul Meyer, L. P.
Tieche, Paul Badaut, J.. Wib-
bens. Organized 1920
Department Secretaries: Territory: Belgium.
Field Miss., J. A. P. Green. Office Address: Avenue van Be-
Sabbath School and Home Miss., . celaere 56, Boisfort, Brussels,
Sam Badaut. Belgium.
Educational and Miss. Vol., L. Officers:
L. Caviness. Pres., J. Wibbens.
Medical Miss., Dr. J. Nussbaum, Sec. and Treas., J. L. Loots.
1 rue Bernardin de St. Pierre, Executive Committee: J. Wib-
- Le Havre, France. bens, J. L. Loots, F. Jochmann,
Ministers: Theodore van Wreckena, A. J.
A. V. Olson, A. Vaucher, L, L. Girou.
Caviness, J. Vuilleumier. Department Secretaries:
Licentiates: Sabbath School, Mrs. J. 'Wibbens.
Maurice Tieche, Sam. Badaut, Educational and Miss. Vol., F.
R. Gerber, T. A. P. Green. Jochmann.
Home Miss., J. Wibbens.
ALSACE AND LORRAINE J. Wibbens, J, L. Loots, F. Joch-
CONFERENCE mann, A. J. Girou.
Organized 1919 Missionary Licentiates:
Territory: Alsace and Lorraine. A. Roeland, Miss Juliette De-
Office Address: rue Edel 15, Stras- wolf, M. Ringot.
bourg, Alsace, France.
Pres., J. Fehr.. Organized 1907
Sec., G. Kiehl. Territory: France.
Treas., Miss Lillie Eppner. Office Address: rue Nicolas Roret,
Executive Committee: J. Fehr, 1, Paris, XIIIe, France.

Officers: Ministers:
Pres., Jules Rey. U. Augsbourger, T. Nussbaum,
Sec. and Treas., Miss Lille Epp- A. Guyot, J. C. Guenin, J. H.
ner. Weidner.
Executive Committee: Jules Licentiates:
Rey, 0. Meyer, J. C. Cumin, D. Lecoultre, M. Grin.
Dr. J. Nussbaum, A. Roth, J.
Roustain, J. Jacquard. Missionary Licentiates:
Miss Marie Hanhardt, Andre
Department Secretaries: Hirsbrunner, Jeanne Clement.
Sabbath School, Miss Lille Epp- Werner Lager.
Educational and Miss. Vol., L.
L. Caviness.
Medical Miss., A. Sallee. ITALIAN MISSION
Ministers: Organized 1903
Jules Rey, 0. Meyer, E. rawer, Territory: Italy.
J. P. Badaut, Paul Badaut. Licentiates:
Licentiates: Elie Bertalot, N, Copertino, C.
L. A. Mathy, J. Monnier, A. Lippolis, G. Saba tino, J. Pfer-
Sallee, L. Augsbourger. schy.
Missionary Licentiates: Missionary Licentiate:
Miss Lille Eppner, H. B. Robin- Miss F. Creanza.
son, J. Bureaud, Walther,
Jeanne Bourquin, F. Lavanchy,
G. Martinengue, L. Bonnet, M.
Nurses: Entered 1905
G. Ferciot, Rose .Peclard. Territory: Algeria, Tunis, and
French Morocco.
Organized 1884 Ministers:
L. P. Tieche, Jose Abell.a.
Territory: The French-speaking Licentiate: E. Rey.
parts of Switzerland.
Missionary Licentiate:
Office Address: La Ligniere, Gland, R. T. E. Colthurst.
Pres., Ulysse Augsbourger. PORTUGUESE MISSION
Sec. and Trees., M. Duval.
Executive Committee: U. Augs- Organized 1904
bourger, T. Nussbaum, J. Rey, Territory: Portugal.
Louis Guenin, L. Lavanchy, 11. Officers:
Schild, Fernand Magnin. Supt. and Minister, Paul Mey-
Department Secretaries: er, rue Citade de Manchester,
Sabbath School, Miss Marie 10-40D., Lisbon, Portugal.
Hanhardt. Missionary Licentiates:
Educational and Miss. Vol., M. J. de Sa, A. F. Raposo, J. More-
Tieche. ira, F. Simeons, Garcia, Bibeiro,
Medical Miss., Dr. P. A. De- Palltoto.
Forest. Nurse: Rosalie Pires.


Organized 1903 J. Garcia, Jose Soler, V. E. Die-
tel, B. B. Aldrich, Jose Lopez,
Territory: Spain and Spanish Santiago Mercado.
Morocco. Missionary Licentiates:
Office Address: Calle Besalu 32, Maria Badenas, Maria Nicolas.
1 (San Martin), Barcelona,
Spain. Church School Teacher:
Officers: Jamie Soler.
Supt., C. E. Knight.
Sec. and Treas., H. A. Birbeck-
Advisory Committee: C. E. MISSION
Knight, Pedro Sanz, B. B. Al-
drich, L. E. Bork. Entered 1914
Department Secretary:
Sabbath School and Home Miss., Territory: Island of Mauritius.
Mrs. W. E. Hancock. Officers:
Ministers: Supt and Minister, M. Raspal.
F. - S. Bond (on furlough), C. E. Missionary Licentiates:
Knight, 'W. E. Hancock, Pedro S. Michel. L. Henriot, S. Cuniah,
Sanz. M. Michel.


Organized 1919
Territory: All of Rumania, as per MOLDAVIAN CONFERENCE
boundaries determined by the Territory: Northeastern part of
treaty of peace. Rumania (Moldava, Bucowina
Population: 7,500,000. and Bessarabia).
Office Address: Strada Turturele Office Address: Str. Casa Apelor
S, Bukharest, Rumania. 20, Focsani, Rumania.
Officers: Officers:
' Pres., P. P. Paulini. Pres., Stefan Demetrescu.
Sec., Arthur Viicareanu. Sec., Anghel Dragusin.
Treas., 0. Fasnacht. Executive Committee: Stefan
Executive Committee: P. P. Demetrescu, J. Toma, G. Spulber.
Paulini, H. Meyer-Biirtschy, St. A, Angbeluta, N. Dorobat.
Demetrescu, Eliesar Albulescu,
J. Stroescu. Minister:
Stefan Demetrescu.
P. P. Paulini. Licentiate:
J. Toma.
Licentiate: Missionary Licentiates:
P. II. Hernial,.
Anghel Dragusin, Vasile Jaku-
Missionary Licentiates: bowici, N. Paduraru, D. Celante,
Arthur Vacareanu, Radu Pl'sea. A. Petrescu, A. Marinescu.


Territory: Muntenia (south and Pres., H. Meyer-Bartschy.
western part of old Rumania). Sec., Adolf Wegner.
Treas., H. Meyer-Bartschy.
Address: Strada Turturele No. 8, Executive Committee: H. Mey-
.Bukharest, Rumania. er-Bartschy, St. Kelemen, A.
Wegner, A. Melt, T. Icon-
Officers: derth, Takes Janos, Barter Ba-
Pres., P. P. Paulini. lazs.
Sec. and Treas., Arthur Vacare-
any. Ministers:
H. Meyer-Bartsehy, A. Wegner,
Executive Committee: P. P. Pau-
ini, Eliesar Albulescu, J. Stroes- S. Kelemen, H. Bauer.
eu, A. Craciunescu, Alecu Marie. Missionary Licentiates:
J. Weber, J. Polder, Petre Be-
Missionary Licentiates: tea, M. Gehann, J. Gaspar, ATI-
Joan St5nescu, David Faurescu, tal Juliska, Vitaris Ersi.
Alecu Darie. Grigore Dasoveanu,
Dobre Constatinescu, C. Stan-
Territory: Banat and Chrisana.
Address: Strada Turturele No. 8,
ENCE Bukharest, Rumania.
Territory: Transylvania. Minister:
Office Address: Baiergasse 72, Constantin Popescu.
Seghisoara (Schassburg), Ru- Missionary Licentiate:
mania. George Motorea.


Organized 1901

Territory: The Conferences of Executive Conunittee: J. C.

Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Raft, A. G. Christiansen, G. E.
Finland; the Icelandic Mission, Nord, C. Resell, A. Rintala, J. C.
and the Faroe Islands. As Mis- Ottosen, M. D., N. P. Nelson, M.
sion Fields: Abyssinia and Es- D., C. M. Scott, Steen Rasmus-
thonia. sen, Karl Mattsson, 0. J. Olsen,.
Population: 23,509,350; churches, Jens Olsen, Erik Arnesen, Seth
133; members, 5,461. Lundstrom, Elias Bjaanas.
Cable Address: Expedit, Copenha- Department Secretaries:
gen. Sabbath School, Educational,.
Miss. Vol., and Home Miss..
Office: Margrethevej 5, Copenha- Steen Rasmussen.
gen, V., Denmark. Field Miss., Elias Bjaanas.
Officers: Ministers:
Pres., J. C. Raft. J. C. Raft, V. Jacobsen.
Sec., Erik Arnesen. Missionary Licentiates:
Treas., H. L. Henriksen, Jr. J. J. Hokland, Steen Rasmussen,.
Auditor, Jens Olsen. Elias Bjaanas.


Territory: The Kingdom of Den- Organized 1887
Cable Address: Expedit, Copenha- Territory: Kingdom of Norway.
gen. Cable Address: " Sundhedsbladet,"
Office Address: Margrethevej 5, Christiania.
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Office: Akersgaten 74, Christiania,
Officers: Norway.
Pres., C. Resen. Officers:
Treas., H. L. Henriksen, Jr. Pres., A. G. Christiansen.
Executive Committee: C. Re- Sec. and Treas., A. C. Christen-
sen, M. M. Olsen, T. Tobiassen, sen.
L. P. Hansen, S. M. Ildsgaard, Auditors, Jens Olsen, Ernst Lar-
N. P. Norren, L. J. Kirkelykke. sen.
Department Secretaries: Executive Committee: A. G.
Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., and Christiansen, C. Tobiassen, C.
Home Miss., A. Guldhammer. M. Scott, N. C. Bergersen, 0. J.
Field Miss., Elias Bjaanas. 0. Rost, A. C. Christensen, T.
Ministers: Paulsen, L. M. Glenjen.
C. Resen, M. M. Olsen, J. P. U. Department Secretaries:
Jensen, L. J. Kirkelykke, N. I'. Field Miss., Paul Olsen.
Hansen, T. Tobiassen, 0. T. Hel- Sabbath School, A. C. Christen-
leraas. sen.
Licentiates: Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., L.
R. P. Regel, A. Gula a m mer, SiibUe-Larssen.
Axel Varmer, H. Grundset. Ministers:
Missionary Licentiates: A. G. Christiansen, C. Tobiassen,
Verner Hansen, Jensine Knud- N. C. Bergersen, 0. J. 0. Rost,
sen, Othilie Nielsen, Claudia aen-A. 0. Narem, L. J. Stene, 0. S.
sen, Larsen, C. Jensen. Lee, L. Saboe-Larssen.
.J. Gronert, Mathias Sorensen, Licentiates:
Anton Petersen, Astrid Rasmus- N. G. Nielsen, 0. R. Nicolaysen,
sen, Marie Christiansen, C. Hoist,Tor Valen, J. A. Tillgren, 0.
Lauritz Poulsen, Christine An- Jordhal, B. 0. Landaas,
dersen, Kathrine He d e m a,n n,
Missionary Licentiates:
Marie Simonsen, Anna Frederik- Christine Dahl, Randi Andersen.
sen, Clara Olsen. Louise Borge, Jenny Itland, J.
UdhjOrg, Pauline Wiik, Eline
ICELAND MISSION Brende, Ellen Eidsvaag, Dora
Territory: Iceland and Greenland. Lund.
Address: Ingolfsstraeti 10, Rey-
Director, 0. J. Olsen. Organized 1909
Local Committee: 0. J. Olsen, Territory: Finland.
Pjetur Siguardsson, J. Wasson, Office: Annegatan 33, Helsingfors,
Agnar Magnusson. Finland.
Department Secretary: Officers:
Field Miss., J. Palsson. Pres., A. Rintala.
Minister: 0. J. Olsen. Sec., V. Kohtanen.
:Licentiate: Pjetur Sigurdsson. Treas., N. Hammar.

Executive Committee: A. Rin- Angervo, N. Zerne, K. R. Sand-

tala, V. Sucksdorff, Sr., 0. Hog- strom.
lund, K. J. Sysimetsa, C. Gid- Missionary Licentiates:
lund, V. Kohtanen, J. Stahlberg. Maria Larsson, Hulda Eriksson,
Ministers: Naemi Lindblad, Vilhelm Carls-
A. Pintala, N. Savander, C. Gid- son, Fritjof Hoglind, Signe Jo-
lund, V. Kohtanen. hansson, Gosta Hermansson, El-
Licentiate: len Svensson, Ingeborg Jacob-
K. Soisala. son, Ellen T. Svensson, Kristina
Missionary Licentiates: Eriksson.
Agnes Wickholm, Laina Lehti.

Organized 1882 Territory: Italian Colony of Eri-
Territory: The Kingdom of Sn-c- trea, Abyssinia, British and
den. Italian Somaliland.
Office: Gamla Brogatan 38, Stock- Address: Asmara, Eritrea, Poste
holm, Sweden. Restante (via Brindisi, Italy),
Officers: East Africa.
Pres., G. E. Nord. Supt., V. E. Toppenherg.
Sec. and Treas., Oscar Grundberg.
Auditors, Jens Olsen, A. J. Set-
Executive Committee: G. E.
Nord, C. 0. Carlstjerna, Organized 1912
Ahren, E. Rosenwold, 0. Anger- Territory: Former Esthonia and
vo, N. Zerne, S. Lundstrom, half of Livonia, with some three
Legal Assn.: " Sallskapet San- million inhabitants.
ningens Harold." Pres., Emil
AhrOn; Vice-Pres., 0. Angervo; Population: 3,000,000; churches,
Sec., Karl Mattsson. 15; members, 500.
Department Secretaries: Office Address: Techelfersche Str.
Field Miss. and Sabbath School, 1, Dorpat, Esthonia.
S. Lundstrom. Officers:
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., C. V. Pres., J. Sprohge.
Andersson. Executive Committee: J.
Ministers: Sprohge, M. Barengrub, A. Kle-
G. E. Nord, C. 0. Carlstjerna, E. ment, G. Reeiner, A. Martin, A.
Rosenwold, S. Lundstriim. Aug, Karl Willumson.
Honorary: Emil Ahren, K. A. Ministers:
Fiirnstriirn, A. J. Settergren, J. J. Sprohge, M. Barengrub, A.
Wallenkampf. Klement.
Licentiates: Missionary Licentiates:
Carl Young, S. Ljungberg, 0. M. Lass, A. Aug, A. Lugus.
Organized 1909
Territory: Rhenish, Hanover, Han- Sec., Fr. Backer.
sa, Thuringian and Westphal- Treas., M. Weseloh.
ian Conferences, and West Hol- ExeCutive Committee: H. See-
land and East Holland Missions. fried, Aug. Behrens, H. Hart-
Population of Germany: 65,000,- kop, W. Rolling, V. Dankel, A.
000; churches, 210; members, Kohlhaus, H. Schuster.
7,500. Department Secretaries:
Address of all West German Union Tract Soc., 0. Schwenecke.
Fields and workers: Grindel- Field Miss., Win. Knitter.
berg 11, Hamburg, Germany. Miss. Vol., A. Kunze,
Officers: Ministers:
Pres., Paul Drinhaus, Eifel- H. Seefried, IT. Feddersen, Aug.
strasse 95, Bonn a. In. Rhein, Behrens, W. Schulz, F. Risch-
.Germany. miiller, .T. Ott.
Sec. and Treas., 0. Schwenecke. Licentiates:
Auditor, M. Stahl. F. Bornath, Aug. Bremner, Cl. v.
Executive Committee : Paul Fintel, Albert Pioch, A. Kunze,
Drinhaus, K. Sinz, Hans Fenner, A. Kruse, W. Seiler.
K. Bruck, A. Hennig, J. Braun, Missionary Licentiates:
R. Klingbeil, P. Sehilstra, H. A. Severin. C. Mansfeld, C. Wet-
Hartkop, 0. Hirth, O. Adolf, A. zel, E. Bahr, E. Kahn.
Langenstrassen, J. Seefried, 0.
Legal Assn.: " Westdeutsche
Grundstueeks Gesellschaft M. C. HANOVER CONFERENCE
H." Organized 1907 (formerly North
Department Secretaries: German Conference)
Tract Soc., for all West German Territory: Province of Hanover
fields not otherwise provided (excepting the western part)
for, 0. Schwenecke. Schaumburg-Lippe, Duchies of
Sabbath School, for all West Anhalt and Brunswick; and the
German fields not otherwise districts of Halle, Mansfeld. T
provided for, A. Hennig. and II, Sank, Schweidnitz; The
Miss. Vol., Fr. Backer. administrative districts of Mers-
Ministers: eburg and 'Magdeburg (except.
Paul Drinhaus, 0. Sehwenecke. ing Jerichow I and TI).
Fr. Backer. Officers:
Pres., C. Bruck.
Sec., W. Peters.
Treas., M. Weseloh.
HANSA CONFERENCE Executive Committee: C. Bruck,
Organized 1909 A. Miller, A. Langenstrassen,
H. Dierking, A. Freihott, M.
(Formerly West Ger. Union Dist.) Ulrich, W. Kiehn.
Territory: Hamburg, Province of
. Schleswig-Holstein, ',neck, Department Secretaries:
Mecklenburg. Tract Soc., 0. Schwenecke.
Officers: Field Miss., H. Hartmann.
Pres., H. Seefried. Miss. Vol., F. Drescher.
4 97

Ministers: Sec., Max Wevers.

C. Bruck, A. Muller, F. Wein- Treas., M. Weseloh.
mann, 0. Staubert, A. Schmitt, Executive Committee: K. Sinz,
0. Kelle, H. Dierking, C. Kapitz. A. Lusky, H. Balschmieter, A.
Licentiates: Vogt, S. Hohmann.
W. Peters, A. Oesterreich, K. Department Secretaries:
Adolf, H. Beck. Tract Soc., 0. Schweneeke.
Missionary Licentiates: Field Miss., A. Lanz,
Glockner, F. Drescher, W. v. Sabbath School, A, Hennig.
Oppen, M. Becker, B. Dietz, M. Ministers:
Roleke, L. Bahmelt, B. Rohr- K. Sinz, A. Woysch, A. Thomas,
beck, M. Thierfelder. Max Wevers, W. Herbert, C.
Dangschat, W. Schick.
RHENISH CONFERENCE W. Althoff, A. Balschmieter, H.
Stoltenberg, B. Sehurich.
Organized 1911 Missionary Licentiates:
Territory: Districts of Dusseldorf, H. Struve, M. Michaelis, A. Sum-
Cologne, Aix-la-Chapelle and mer, K. Fischer, A. Hertwig, K.
Koblenz. Schremmer, W. Dennstedt.
Treas., M. Weseloh.
Executive Committee: Organized 1898 as West German
J. Braun, W. John, W., Streich, Conference.
R. lialenz, E. Kamann, K. Mas- Territory: Province of Westpha-
itzky, G. Bahre. lia, Grand Duchy of Lippe-Det-
Department Secretaries: mold, and principality of Pyr-
Tract Soc., 0. Schweneeke. mont, Oldenburg, Bremen, the
Sabbath School, A. Hennig.. district of Aurich, Osnabrilek,
Miss. Vol., F. Backer. and Stade.
Missionary, A, Schiefer. Officers:
Ministers: Pres., H. Fenner.
J. Braun, W. John, G. Bahre. Sec., H. Detlefsen.
Licentiate: W. Pfeiler. Treas., M.' Weseloh.
Missionary Licentiates: Executive Committee: H. Fen-
W. Berthold, W. Schade, A. ner, P. Staubert, W. Redecker,
Thomas, F. Prillwitz, Fr. RU- E. Mannesmann, W. Heidiger.
bler, A. Meyer, W. Friese. . Department Secretaries:
Tract Soc., 0. Schweneeke.
Field Miss., E. Hoffmann.
Sabbath Sco ol, A. Hennig.
Organized 1916 Ministers:
Territory: The Federal State of H. Fenner, P. Staubert, 0. Gie-
Thuringia, Coburg, city and bel, P. Zahl, H. Drangmeister,
rural district, Hesse-Nassau, R. Potschke, F. Gassmann, J.
Upperhesse, Waldeck, and the ChristofferS.
district of Wetzlar. Licentiates:
Officers: L. Krug, H. Zimmermann, F,
Pres., K. Sinz. Kobele, R. Dangschat.

Missionary Licentiates: WEST HOLLAND MISSION

G. Fischdick,P. Kress; E. Schutt,
K. .Harres, H.. Detlefsen; 0. Tha- Organized 1901
Territory: The Provinces of. North
Holland, South Holland, Ut-
EAST HOLLAND MISSION recht, Zeeland, North Brabant,
Organized 1919 Limburg, and that section of
Gelderland called the Betuwe.
Territory: The provinces of Gron-
ingen, Friesland,. Drenthe, Over- 'Office: Conradkade 4, The Hague,
ijsel and Gelderland, except the Holland.
.Betitwe. Officers:
Office: Conradkade 4, The Hague, Director, R. G. Klingbeil, Ful-
Holland. tonstr 205, The Hague, Holland.
Officers: Sec., P. Voorthuis, Jr.
Director, P. Schilstra. Advisory Committee: R. C.
Sec., HY Twiinstra.. Klingbeil, P. Voorthuis, J. P.
Treas., P. John. Tauecchio, B. v. d. Akero
Advisory Committee: P. - Schil- Department Secretary:
stra, P. John, H. Twijnstra, J. Sabbath School, P. Voorthius.
Oosterhuis, J. Toben.. Ministers:
Department Secretary: R. G. Klingbeil, P. Voortliniq.
" Sabbath School, H. Twinjiistra. Licentiates:
Minister:- P. - Schilstra. J. F. L. Wortman, W. Schorr.
Licentiate: H. Twinjnstra:. Missionary Licentiates:
Missionary Lkentiates: Miss H. F. van der Hoeven, W.
J. 'de Boer. Betram.


Territory: Turkey, Bulgaria, Office Address: Galata, Post Box
Greece. 109, Constantinople, Turkey.
Population: 31,612,000; churches, Officers:
20; members, 279. Pres., Henry Erzberger.
Office Address: Poste restante, Sec. and Treas., Diamandola
Athens, Greece. . . Keanides.
international Tract Society in Executive Committee: H. Erz-
Constantinople: Karanfil Sokak berger, Elex. Buzugherian, Ga-
41, Constantinople, Turkey. briel Paranian, Diamandola Ke-
Officers: anides.
Supt., Ministers:
Sec. and Treas., H. Erzberger, A. Buzugherian.
Executive Committee.
W. C. Ising, H. Erzberger, F. Licentiates:
Oster. 0. Peranian, D. TSchrakian.
Missionary Licentiates:
TURKISH MISSION Diran Mazloumian, Ashod Papa-
zian, Berdj. Armenazian, Osima
Territory: Turkey. Hadjadourian.


Separated from Turkish Mission
Territory: Bulgaria.
in 1910
Office Address: Str. Slawjanska Territory: Greece.
13, Sofia, Bulgaria, Europe. Office Address: Poste restante,
Athens, Greece.
Minister: Director, R. Greaves.
A. Thomas. Treas., J. Erzberger.
Missionary Licentiates: Minister: R. Greaves.
Stefan Konstantinoff, Louise Missionary Licentiate:
Schuster. Loxandra Keanides.


Territory: Congresspoland. Licentiates:
Posania, and East Silesia. St. Zielinski, W. Adamski.
Population: 40,000,000.
Office Address: Neuestrasse 23,
Teschen, East Silesia, Poland, WARSAW MISSION
Territory: Congresspoland.
Pres., L. Mathe. Office Address: Zakatna 3-7, War-
Executive Committee: L. Mathe, saw, Poland, Europe.
Th. Will, R. 0. Cunitz, P. Bridde. Officers:
Department Secretaries: Director, Th. Will.
Sabbath School and Miss. Soc., Sec., A. Geisler.
P. Bridde, K.arlstr. 19, Brom- Treas.. P. Bridde.
berg, Posania, Poland. Executive Committee: Th. Will,
Minister: 1,. Ala the. L. Mathe, A. Geisler, E. 'Nisch.
Th. Will.
Territory: Province of Posania. A. Geisler.
Office Address: Prinzenstr. 6, Po- Missionary Licentiate:
sen, Poland, Europe. M. Weihrauch.
Pres., R. G. Cunitz.
Treas., P. Bridde.
Executive Cbminittee: R. 0. GALACIAN MISSION
Cunitz, A. Liidtke, Bigalke, Territory: Galicia.
Kruger, Fischbach.
Office Address: Neuestrasse 23,
Department Secretaries: Teschen, East Silesia, Poland,
Sabbath School and Miss. Soc., Europe.
P. Bridde.
Ministers: Officers:
R. 0. Cunitz, A. Liidtke, Th. Director, L. Mathe.
Brzoson, M. W. Zielinski. Sec. and Treas., P. Bridde.

EAST SILESIA CONFERENCE Executive Committee: L. Ma-

Territory: East Silesia. the, Berke, Pieszka, Kantor.
Office Address: Neuestrasse 23, Department Secretaries:
Teschen, East Silesia, Poland, Tract Soc. and Sabbath School,
Europe. P. Bridde.
Officers: Licentiates:
Pres., L. Mathe. P. Englert, F. Dzik, St. Kapusta.
Sec., F. Dzik. Missionary Licentiate:
Treas., P. Bridde Lnise Rowlin.

HUNGARIAN CONFERENCE Office Address: Mission Society
Territory: Hungary. of Seventh-day Adventists, Jele-
na-ZrinjTjeva, Street ii, Novi
Population: 20,744,741; churches, Sad, Jugoslavia.
22; members, 488.
Office Address: Greg_ uss utca 10, Director, R. Schillinger.
folds. 2, Budapest T, Hungary. Sec., M. Ludewig,
Officers: Associate Sec., N. Slankamenac.
Treas., R. Madacki.
Pres., A. Minck. Executive Committee: R. Schil-
Sec., M. Voigt. linger A.. Mocnik, M. Kalucers-
Treas., J. Flizy. ki, Dz. Hrubenja, L. Bauer.
Executive Committee: A, Minck,
W. Koch, A. Zeiner, J. Jeszensz- Department Secretaries:
ky, S. Panel. Tract Soc. and Sabbath School,
R. Madaeki.
Ministers: Miss. Vol., A. Mocnik.
A. Minck, A. Zeiner, R. Battler. Ministers:
Licentiates: R. Schillinger, A. Mocnik, M.
J. Debreczen.yi, M. Voigt, J. Ludewig.
Wenzel. Missionary Licentiates:
Missionary Licentiates: T. Plesko, M. Slankamen.ac,
Filko, Z. Krcalin.
B. Osz, J. Ftizy, J. Fiilop, S. La-
zar, E. K6glovits, S. Greiner, E.
Territory: Syria (excepting Vil-
layet Aleppo), Mesopotamia,
Territory: Servia, Macedonia, Licentiate: Ibrahim el Khalil.
Montenegro, Bosnia, Dalmatia,
Croatia, Slovenia Carinthia,
Styria, Slavonia, Bar a nj i a, PERSIAN MISSION
Backa, and Banat. Territory: Persia and Afghanistan.
Population: 12,000,000; churches, Licentiate:
19; members, 263. F. F. Oster, Tabriz, Persia; (on
Cable and Telegraphic Address: furlough) address: Takoma
" Advent," Novi Sad. Park Station, Washington, D. C.

INSTITUTIONS IN THE EURO- Jugoslavia Publishing House,

PEAN FIELDS Jelena Zrinjijeva. Street 11,
Novi Sad, Jugoslavia.
Educational: Latin Uniop Publishing House,
Gland, Switzerland.
Friedensau Industrial School, Scandinavian Publishing House,
Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. Akersgaten 74, Christiania,
Magdeburg, Germany. Norway; with branch at
Latin Union- School, Gland, Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen,
Switzerland. V., Denmark.
Scandinavian Union Mission Stockholm Publishing House,
School, Naerum, Denmark. Gamla Brogatan 38, Stock-
Stanborough Park Missionary holm, Sweden.
College, Watford, England.
Swedish Missionary School, Ny- Caterham Sanitarium, Surrey
hyttan, Jtirnbotts, Sweden. Hills Hydro, Caterham Valley,
Waterloo Industrial School, Wa- England.
terloo, Sierra Leone, West Af- Christiania Health Home, Ak-
rica. ersgaten 74, Christiania, Nor-
Publishing: way.
Bad Aibling Sanitarium, " Wit-
Barcelona Publishing House, tlesbach,' Bad Aibling, Upper-
Apartado 492, Barcelona, Bayern, Germany.
Spain. Berlin Sanitarium, Alsenstrasse
British Publishing House, Wat- 99-109, Zehlendorf-West, near
ford, England. Berlin, Germany.
Czechoslovakian Publishing Friedensau Sanitarium, Fried-
House, Dr. Dietrichgasse 3, ensau, Post Grabow, Bez.
Troppau, Czechoslovakia. Magdeburg, Germany.
Finland Publishing House, An- Lake Geneva Sanitarium, Gland,
negatan 33, Helsingfors, Fin- Switzerland.
land. S'kodsborg Sanitarium, Skods-
hamburg Publishing House, borg, Denmark.
Grir delherg 15a, TTailiburg, Stanborough Park Sanitarium,
(1(9- many. Watford, England.
Organized 1913; reorganized 1913, 1917, 1919

Territory: The Japan, the Chosen, Warren, B. Petersen, C. L. But-

the Manchurian, the Malaysian, terfield, C. C. Crisler.
the Philippine, the North China, Managers of Publishing Houses:
the South China, the West J. G. Gjording, C. N. Woodward,
China, the East China, and the A. B. Cole, L. I. Bowers, W. E.
Central China Union Missions; Gillis.
also Mongolia, Tibet, Chinese Union Field Missionary Secretaries
Turkestan, Siam, Annam. R. M. Milne, Nathan Brewer, J.
Population: 457,132,547; churches, J. Strahle, J. C. Klose, John Oss,
161; members, 6,699. A. N. Nelson, E. L. Lutz.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Editors:
" Adventist," Shanghai. L. E. Froom, A. N. Anderson, L.
Postal Address: Box 523, U. S. V. Finster, E. J. Urquhart, R.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China; Altman.
or 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, Educational Department:
China. Secretary: S. L. Frost; other
Executive Board: members: I. A. Steinel, 0. J.
I. H. Evans, C. C. Crisler, H. W. Gibson, H. M. Lee, D. E. Rebok,
Barrows, B. P. Hoffman, B. P. A. Webber, A. C. Selmon, R.
Petersen, C. L. Butterfield, Fred- M. Milne, V. L. Hendershot, W.
erick Lee, 0. A. Hall, M. C. War- A. Scharffenberg, R. M. Cossen-
ren, F. H. DeVinney, S. E. Jack- tine, 0. A. Hall J. P. Anderson.
son, F. A. Detamore, C. E. Sabbath School Department:
Weaks, Dr. C. C. Landis, S. L. Secretary: Adelaide Bee Evans.
Frost, Mrs. Adelaide B. Evans. Advisory Committee: A. C. Sel-
Chairm?In of Executive Board, mon, A. B. Cole, Mrs. F. A. Deta-
I. H. Evans. more, Mrs. L. V. Finster, Mrs.
Sec., C. C. Crisler. C. N. Woodward, Mrs. G. A.
Treas., H. W. Barrows. Thompson, Mrs. W. C. Hankins,
Auditor, F. H. Raley. Mrs. 0. A. Hall.
Legal Association: " General Con- Home Missionary Department:
ference Corporation of Seventh- Secretary: C. E. Weaks.
day Adventists." H. W. Bar- Secretary for Women's Work:
rows, Attorney-in-fact. Mrs. C. E. Weaks.
" Shanghai Sanitarium Associa- Missionary Volunteer Department:
tion." Pres., I. H. Evans; Vice- Secretary: S. L. Frost.
Pres.. C. C. Landis; Sec., A. C.
Selmon; Treas., W. I. Hilliard. Medical Department:
Address, 34 Nanking Road, Secretary: C. C. Landis, M. D.
Literature Bureau:
Publishing Department: C. C. Crisler (Chairman), A. C.
Selmon,G. Harlow, L. E. Froom,
Secretary: C. E. Weaks. C. E.s,eak
J. 0. Gjording.
General Members: Advisory correspondents: 0. A.
B. P. Hoffman, F. A. Detamore, Hall, C. L. Butterfield, B. P.
S. E. Jackson, F. H. DeVinney, Hoffman, L. V. Finster, F. A.
0. A. Hall, Frederick Lee, M. C. Detamore, F. H. DeVinney.

LABORERS HOLDING CREDEN- Carr, Mrs. R. F. Cottrell, Mrs.

TIALS FROM THE GEN- C. C. Crisler, Miss Bessie A.
ERAL CONFERENCE Dowell, Mrs. I. H. Evans, W. D.
Fleming, Mrs. W. D. Fleming,
Ministers: Mrs. L. E. Froom, Mrs. S. L.
.1, P. Anderson, R. F. Cottrell Frost, LeRoy Dye, Mrs, L. Dye,
(on furlough), I. H. Evans, L. Mrs. J. G. Gjording, C. H. Ger-
E. Froom, Geo. Harlow, A. C. ald, Mrs. C. H. Gerald, B. F.
Selmon, C. E. Weaks, Wu Dzeh Gregory, Mrs. B. F. Gregory,
Shan. Mrs. Geo. Harlow, W. I, Hil-
liard, Mrs. W. I. Hilliard, Miss
Licentiates: Edith Johnson, Dr. Chancy Kim,
G. J. Appel, C. C. Crisler, S. L. C. C. King, Mrs. C. C. Landis,
Frost, J. G. Gjording, Dr. C. C. 0. W. Morgan, Mrs. 0. W. Mor-
Landis, M. E. Mullinnex, D. E. gan, Miss Bessie Mount, Mrs.
Rebok, W. A. Scharffenberg, E. M. E. Mullinnex, F. H. Raley,
R.' Thiele. Mrs. F. H. Raley, Mrs. D. E.
Missionary Licentiates: Rebok, C. L. Rogers, Dr. Bertha
Mrs. G. J. Appel, Miss Lucy Selmon, Mrs. W. A. Seharffen-
Andrus, H. W. Barrows, Mrs. H. berg, T. A. Shaw, Mrs. T. A.
W. Barrows, J. Beach, Mrs. J. Shaw, LeRoy Shinn, Mrs. L.
Beach, H. G. Boger, Mrs. H. G. Shinn, 0. R. Shreve, Mrs. 0.
Boger, J, I. Butcher, Mrs. J. I. R. Shreve, Mrs. E. R. Thiele,
Butcher, R. J. Brines, Mrs. R. J. Miss Petra ,Tunheim, Mrs. C. E.
Brines, L. A. Carr, Mrs. L. A. Weeks, Miss Dorothy Wheeler.


Organized 1919

Territory: The following-named Medical Miss.,' Dr. D. E. Daven-

missions: Honan, Hunan, Hupeh, port, Lowanho, Yencheng, Ro-
Kiangsi, Shensi, Kansu. nan, China.
Population: 127,749,465; churches, Minister:
39; members, 1,037. F. A. Allum.
Office Address: Wang Gia Dun, Licentiates:
I-Tankow, Hupeh, China. R. J. Brown, E, H. James.
Missionary Licentiates:
Officers: Mrs. F. A. Allum, Mrs. R. .1.
Supt., F. A. Allum. Brown, -Miss Della Chapman.
Sec. and Treas., R. J. Brown.
Asst. Sec. and Treas., Y. T. Hu.
Executive Committee: F. A.
Annul, R. J. Brown, C. P. Lillie, HONAN MISSION
0. J. Gibson, 0. B. Kuhn, D. E. Organized 1917
Davenport, M. D., E. H. James, Territory: The Province of Ronan
'W. E. Strickland, Djen Bang, Mo Address: Lowanho, Yencheng, Ho-
0i Ren, Du Fu Gi, Ho Ai Deng. nan, China.
Department Secretaries: Officers:
Educational and Miss. Vol., 0. Director, C. P. Lillie.
J. Gibson. Sec. and Treas., E. J. Johanson.

Department Secretaries: Missionary Licentiates:

Sabbath School, E. J. Johanson. Mrs. 0. B. Kuhn, Mrs. C. II.
Educational and Miss. Vol., D. Davis, Mrs. A. Mountain.
S. Williams.
Medical Miss., Dr. D. E. Daven-
Ministers: Organized 1909
C. P. Lillie Du Fu Dzu, Liu
Djen Bang, 'Su Dien Ching. Territory: The Province of Hupeh.
Licentiates: Address: Wang Gia Dun, Hankow,
Dr. D. E. Davenport, Dr. H. C. Hupeh, China.
James, D. S. Williams, Djao Hsi Officers:
Meng, Djou Ting Gieh, Fan Deh Director, W. E. Strickland.
Dzun, Li Tao. Sec. and Treas.,' R. J. Brown.
Missionary Licentiates: S. S. Sec., W. E. Strickland.
Mrs. D. E. Davenport, Mrs. D. Minister: W. E. Strickland.
S. Williams, Mrs. Dr. H. C. . Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. W.
James, E. J. Johanson, Mrs. E. E. Strickland.
J. Johanson, Mrs. C. P. Lillie,
Ba Djan Kwei, Beh Yu Hsiang,
Djang Ching Yuen, Djao Yung
Chang, Li Ping An, Liu Chen. KIANGSI MISSION
I, Ren Seng Tsai, Wang I Fir, Organized 1917
Wang Wen Yun, Yuen Da Sao. Territory: The Province of Ki-
HUNAN MISSION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kill-
Organized 1917 kiang, Kiangsi, China.
Territory: The Province of Hunan. Officers:
Director, Sec., and Treas., E. H.
Address: S. D. A. 'Mission The James.
Island, Changsha, Hunan, hina. S. S. Sec., H. R. Dixon.
Officers: Licentiates:
Director, 0. B. Kuhn. E. H. James, H. R. Dixon.
Sec. and Treas., A. Mountain.
Missionary Licentiates:
Department Secretaries: Mrs. E. H. James, Mrs. H. R.
Field Miss. and Home Miss., C. Dixon.
H. Davis.
Sabbath School, Mrs. C. H. Da-
Educational and Miss. Vol., Mrs. Organized 1917
0. B. Kuhn.
Health and Temperance, 0. B. Territory: The Province of Shensi.
Kuhn. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Sianfu,
Minister: 0. B. Kuhn. Shensi, China.
Licentiates: Officers:
C. H. Davis, Ho Ui Deng, Liu Director, C. P. Lillie.
Doh, Liu Djung Gwang, A. Sec. and Treas., E. J. Johanson.
Mountain. Minister: Dju Dzi r.
Mission organized 1908; Conference Organized 1917, Union Mission
organized 1919

Territory: Chosen (Korea). the counties of Tae Chyon, Nan

Population: 16,748,997; churches, San, Pu Yo, Syo Chyon, and Po
24; members, 1,021. Ryung).
Cable Address: " Adventist," Seoul. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
Outside East Gate, Seoul, Cho- .
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, sen (Korea).
Outside East Gate, Seoul, Cho-
sen (Korea). Officers:
Director, H. M. Lee.
Officers: Sec. and Treas., L. I. Bowers.
Supt., C. L. Butterfield. Executive Committee: H. M.
Sec. and Treas., L. I. Bowers. Lee, L. I. Bowers, Kim Ku Hy-
Executive Committee: C. L. ok, Min Young Sun, E. J. Ur-
Butterfield, L. I. Bowers, Dr. quhart.
Riley Russell, H. M. Lee, H. A. Department Secretaries:
Oberg, C. W. Lee, J. E. Riffel, Sabbath School, C. J. Pak.
J. C. Klose, Ne Keun Ok, Kim Field Miss., J. C. Klose.
Ku Hyok, Chyong Mun Cook, Ministers:
E. J. Urquhart, W. R. Smith. E. J. Urquhart, Kim Ku Hyok.
Department Secretaries: Licentiates:
Sabbath School and Asst. Home Three Koreans.
Miss. (Women's Dept.), Mrs.
Theo. Wangerin. Missionary Licentiates:
Educational, H. M. Lee. Mrs. E. J. Urquhart, and six
Medical Miss., Dr. Riley Russell. Koreans.
Field Miss. and Home Miss., J.
Ministers: Organized 1919
C. L. Butterfield, N. C. Kim.
Territory: Provinces of North and
Licentiates: South Kyung San, North and
J. C. Klose, Y. S. Pak. South Chyolla, the counties of
Missionary Licentiates: Po Ung, Ok Chun, Yung Tong
Mrs. C. L. Butterfield, L. I. Bow- in North Chyong Chun, and the
ers, Mrs. L. I. Bowers, Mrs. counties of Tae Chyon, Non
Theo. Wangerin, Miss Juanita San, Au Yo Syo Chyon, and Po
Hibben, Mrs. J. C. Klose, J. E. Ryung in South Chyong Chun
Riffel, Mrs. J. E. Riffel, and nine Provinces.
Koreans. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
Keizan, Chosen.
Director, C. W. Lee.
Organized 1919 Sec. and Treas., T. S. Chyang.
Territory: Provinces of North and Executive Committee: C. W.
South Ham Heung, Kang Won, Lee, T. S. Chyung, Chung Mun
Kyong Kei, North Chyong Chun Cook, Chae Tae Hyon, Kim Hang
(except the counties of Po Ung, Mo.
Ok Chun, and Yung Tong), and Department Secretaries:
South Chung Province (except Sabbath School, Chae Tae Hyon.

Field Miss., Pak Kyung Soo. Sec. and Treas., Kim Pyung
Home Miss., Chung Mun Cook. Nong.
Ministers: Executive Committee: H. A.
C. W. Lee, Chyong Mun Cook. Oberg, Dr. Riley . Russell, Kim
Licentiates: Seven Koreans. Pyung Nong, Ne Keun Ok, W.
R. Smith.
1Vlisiionary Licentiates:
Mrs. C. W. Lee, Miss H. M. Department ,Secretaries:
Scott, and, seven Koreans. Sabbath School, Ne Keun Ok.
Field Miss., Pak Che Sun.
WEST CHOSEN CONFERENCE H. A. Oberg, Riley Russell, M.
Organized 1919 D., W. R. Smith, Ne Keun Ok.
Territory: North and South Pyeng Licentiates:
An, and Whang Hai Provinces. Eight Koreans.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Missionary Licentiates:
Soonan, Chosen (Korea). Mrs. Riley Russell, Mrs. W. R.
Officers: Smith, Mrs. H. A. Oberg, and
Pres., H. A. Oberg. eleven Koreans.


Territory: The Anhwei, Kiang- Missionary Licentiates:
su and South Chekiang Missions. Mrs. 0. A. Hall, Mrs. A. C. Han-
Population: 49, 231,241; churches, son, Mrs. N. F. Brewer.
12; members, 629.
Postal Address: Box 814, U. S.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. ANHWEI MISSION
Office Address: Yuyuen Road, Organized 1917
. Shalfghai, China. Territory: The Province of Anh-
Officers: wei and the northern portion of
Supt., 0. A. Hall. Kiangsu Province.
Sec. and Treas., A. C. Hanson.
Executive Committee: 0. A. Postal Address: S: D. A. Mission,
Hall, A. C. Hanson, K. H. Wood, 17 Gao Lou Men, Nanking,
H. J. Doolittle (on furlough), China.
G. L. Wilkinson, N. F. Brewer, Officers:
W. A. Scharffenberg, Mrs. 0. A. Director, H. J. Doolittle (on fur-
Hall, Han Tsung Djen, Wu lough.
Tsung Shan, Wu Dz Chiao, Swen Acting Director, N. F. Brewer.
Tsung Gwang. Sec. and Treas., M. C. Ackley.
Department Secretaries: Department Secretaries:
Sabbath School, Mrs. 0. A. Hall. Sabbath School, Mrs. N. F.
Field Miss. and Home Miss., N. Brewer.
F. Brewer. Field Miss. and Home Miss., N.
Educational and Miss. Vol., W. F. Brewer,
A. Scharffenberg. Ministers:
Minister: 0. A. Hall. H. J. Doolittle, Han Tsung Djen.
Licentiates: Licentiates:
N. F. Brewer, A. C. Hanson, W. M. C. Ackley, Wu Tsung, Giang
A. Scharffenberg. Tsung Gwang, Hwang Djung.

Missionary Licentiates: Missionary Licentiates:

Mrs. H. J. Doolittle, Mrs. M. Mrs. K. H. Wood, Mrs. C. F.
C. Ackley, and twenty-one Chi- Colton, and sixteen Chinese not
nese not listed. listed.


Organized 1917 Organized 1919
Territory: The southern portion Territory: The southern portion
of Kiangsu Province, and the of Chekiang Province.
northern portion of Chekiang
Province. Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission,
Postal Address: Box 814, U. S. Wenchow, Chekiang, China.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Officers:
Office Address: Yuyuen Road, Director, G. L. Wilkinson.
Shanghai, China. Sec. and Treas., F. P. Greiner.
Officers: Department Secretaries:
Director, K. H. Wood. Sabbath School, Mrs: G. L. Wil-
Sec. and Tress., A. C. Hanson. kinson.
Asst. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. A. Field Miss. and Home Miss., F.
C. Hanson. P. Greiner.
Department Secretaries: Educational and Miss. Vol..
Sabbath School, Mrs. K. H.. Swen Tsung Gwang.
Wood. Minister: G. L. Wilkinson.
Field Miss. and Home Miss., C. Licentiates:
F. Colton. F. P. Greiner, Swen Tsung
Educational, Wu Dzi Chiao. Owang. -
Minister: .K. H. Wood. Missionary Licentiates:
Licentiates: Mrs. O. L. Wilkinson, Mrs. F.
C. F. Colton, Mrs. 'B. Miller, P. Greiner, and nine Chinese not
Tsien Sun Chung. listed.


Organized as a mission 1896; as a conference, Nov. 2, 1917; and as a
Union Mission, Aug. 20, 1919

Territory: Japan proper, not in- Officers:

chiding Formosa.
Supt., B. P. Hoffman.
Population: 53,362,682; churches,
14; members, 305. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, T.J.
Cable Address: " Adventist," To-
kyo. Executive Committee: B. P.
Hoffman, T. H. Okohira, H. Ku-
Postal Address: 169-171 Ama- niya, M. Fukazawa, T. Koba-
numa, Suginami-mura, Toyo- yashi, A. N. Anderson, P. A.
tama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. Webber, A. B. Cole, H. 'F. Ben-
Railway Station: Ogikubo, Cen- son, S. G. Jacques, A. N. Nel-
tral Line. son.

Department Secretaries: Officers:

Tract Soc., A. B. Cole. Director, T. H. Okohira.
Field Miss. and Horne Miss.. A. Sec. and Treas., A. B. Cole.
N. Anderson. Sec., T. Matsukura (Japanese
. Sabbath School, Mrs. M. Fuka- business only).
zawa. Ministers:
Educational and Miss. Vol., P. T. H. Okohira.
A. Webber.
B. P. Hoffman, P. A. Webber,
B. P. LeDue, W. E. Patterson. KANTO MISSION
Licentiates: Address: 171 Amanuma, Suginami-
A. N. Anderson, H. J. Perkins, mura, Totoyama - gun, Tokyo,
and twelve Japanese Brethren. Japan.
Missionary Licentiates: Officers:
A. B. Cole, Mrs. 13. P. Hoffman Director, H.. Kuniya.
(on furlough), Mrs. P. A. Web- Sec. and Treas., A. B. Cole.
her, Mrs. A. N. Anderson (on Minister:
furlough), Mrs. A. B. Cole, Mrs. H. Kuniya.
B. P. LeDue, Mrs. H. J. Perkins,
Mrs. W. B. Patterson, and four
Japanese brethren.
CHUGOKU MISSION Address: 171 Amanuma, Suginariti-
Address: 15 Motoimachi, Hiro- mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo,
shima, Japan. Japan.
Officers: Officers:
Director, T. Kobayashi. Director, A. N. Nelson.
Sec. and Treas., A. B. Cole. Sec. and Treas., A. B. Cole.
Minister: Minister:
T. Kobayashi. A. N. Nelson.
Missionary Licentiate:
Mrs. A. N. Nelson.
Address: Minami 6 Jo, Nishi 11
chome, Sapporo, Japan. TOHOKU MISSION
Director, S. G. Jacques. Address: 75 Sengokumachi, Aizu
Sec. and Treas., A. B. Cole. Wakamatsu, Japan.
Licentiate: Officers:
S. G. Jacques. Director, H. F. Benson.
Missionary Licentiate: Sec. and Treas., A. B. Cole..
Mrs. S. G. Jacques. Sec., S. Furuya (Japanese busi-
ness only).
Address: 4 Kumochi, Shimidzu, Missionary Licentiate:
Fukaieho, Kobe, Japan. Mrs. H. F. Benson.
Ofganized . 1917 .
Territory: British Malaysia,Dutch Officers:
East Indies, Siam. Director, R. B. Mershon.-
Population: 42,913,322; churches, Sec. and Treas., R. B. Mershon.
9; members, 455. Executive Committee: R. B.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Sing- Mershon, Gus Youngberg, Mrs.
apore. R. Ti. Mershon, Mrs. Gus Yonng-
Postal Address: 399 Upper Seran- berg.
goon Road, Singapore, Straits Department Secretaries: :
Settlements. Sabbath School., Mrs. R. B. Mer-
Officers: shon.
Supt., F. A. Detamore. Home Missionary, .R. R. Mer-
Sec. and Treas.,. A. E. Ivergon. shon.
Executive Committee: F. A. Det- Ministers:
amore, A. E. Iverson,W. E. R. B. Mershon, Gus Youngberg.
Gillis, R. L. Mershon, J. IV. Row- Licentiates:*
land, W. P. Barth, I. C. Schmidt, Tsen En Fook, Ku Hyuk Min,
L. 0. Pattison, F. A. Pratt, A. Ng Shu Kong,' Pan Ki Heng.
Munson, G. A. Thompson,Mrs.
G. A. Thompson, V. E. Hn der- Missionary Licentiates:
shot, H. C. Baumgartner, V. L. Mrs. R. B. Mershon, Mrs. G. B.
Beecham. Youngberg, Pan- Loi Yin.
Sabbath School See., Mrs. G. A.
F. A. Detamore, W. E. Gillis,
V. 'E. Hendershot, V. L. Bee- . Organized 1911
cham. Cable Address: " Adventist;" o
Licentiates: erabaja, Java.
Homer Baumgartner, Ph a n g
Nyuk Thin. Office Address: Tandjoong Anom,
Missionary Licentiates: Toendjoengan, - Soerabaja, Java,
A. E. Iverson, S. Rontoeng, Mrs. Dutch East Indies. -
G. A. Thompson, Mrs. F. A. Det-
amore, Mrs. A. E. IVerson, Mrs. Officers:
W. E. Gillis, Mrs. V. E. Hender- Supt., A. Munson.
shot, Mrs. V. L. Beecham, Roger Sec. and Treas., B. Judge.
Altman, Mrs. Roger Altman, J. Executive Committee: A. Mun-
E. Gardner, M. D., Mrs. J. E. son, B. Judge, Wong Yau* Tjie,
Gardner. 14, Tamboenan.
Minister: B. Judge.
MISSION A. Munson; 'Wong Yanw Tjie, L.
Organized 1913 Pandjaitan...
. . .
Office Address: Sandakan, British Missionary Licentiates:
North Borneo. G. Tamboenan, Tjoeng Shauw
Cable Address: " Adventist," San- Ngi, Mrs. A. Munson, Mrs. B.
dakan, British North Borneo. Judge.

MALAY STATES MISSION Pratt, E. L. Longway, Phang

Organized 1914 Yin Hee, Tan Tiam Hee.
Office Address: 14 Scott Road, Ku- Department Secretaries:
ala Lumpur, Federated Malay --Sabbath School, Mrs. F. A. Pratt.
States. Home Missionary, E. L. Long-
Officers: way.
Director, G. A. Thompson. Licentiates: --
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. G. A. F. A. Pratt, E. L. Longway.
Thompson. Missionary Licentiates:
Executive Committee: G. A. Mrs. E. A. Pratt, Mrs. E. L.
Thompson, Mrs. ,G. A. Thomp- Longway.
son, K. T. Ike, S. N. Chung.
Sabbath School Sec., Mrs. G. A.
Minister: G. A. Thompson. Organized 1914
Licentiates: Office Address: 399 Upper Seran-
K. T. Lee, S. N. Chung. goon Road, Singapore, Straits
Cable Addiess: "Adventist," Singa-
Organized 1917 Director, J. W. Rowland.
Office Address:' 28 Juliana Straat, Sec. and Treas., A. E. Iverson.
Medan, Sumatra,. Dutch East Executive Committee: J. W.
Indies. Rowland, A. E. Iverson, Lo Kee
Officers: Kong, S. Rontoeng.
Director,W. P. Barto. Sabbath School Sec., Mrs. J. W.
Sec. an Treas., W. P. Barto. Rowland.
Executive Committee, W. P. Minister: J. W. Rowland.
Barto, Mrs. W. P. Barto, Kris- Licentiates: .-
osthmus Pandjaitan. Lo Kee Kong, Tsen Shau Ths,
Sabbath School Sec., Mrs. W. P. Lion Pin Hong.
Barto. Missionary Licentiate:
Minister: W. P. Barth. Mrs. J. W. Rowland.
K. Pandjaitan, H. Aritonang.
Missionary Licentiate: SOUTH SUMATRA MISSION
Mrs. W. P. Barth. Organized 1913
Oflice Address: 6-8 Zee Straat, Pa-
dang, Sumatra, Dutch East In-
Organized 1919 Cable Address: " Adventist," Pa-
dang, Sumatra.
Office Address: 413 Si Phya Road, Officers:
Bangkok, Siam. Director, L. 0. Pattison.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Bang- Sec. and Treas., Mrs. G. A. Wood.
kok. Executive Committee: L. 0. Pat-
Officers: tison,G. A. Wood, Mrs. G. A.
Director, F. A. Pratt. Woo, E. Simandjoentak.
Sec. and Treas., E. L. Longway. Sabbath School Sec., Mrs. L. 0.
Executive Committee: F. A. Pattison.

Minister: L. 0. Pattison. Officers:

Missionary Licentiates: Director,I. C. Schmidt.
G. A. Wood, Mrs. G. A. Wood, See. an Treas., J. S. Yates.
Mrs. L. G. Pattison, E. Simand- Executive Committee: I. C.
joentak. Schmidt, J. S. Yates, Mrs. I. C.
Sabbath School Sec., Mrs. I. C.
Organized 1913 Ministers:
Office Address: 23 Sawohlaau, N. I. C. Schmidt, J. S. Yates.
G. Weltevreden, Java, Dutch Missionary Licentiates:
East Indies. Mrs. I. C. Schmidt, Mrs. J. S.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Wel- Yates, J. Simorangkir, Chai
tevreden, Java. Khim Sam.


Organized ioro
Territory: The three provinces of Ministers:
Manchuria. Bernhard Petersen, 0. J. Grund-
set, T. T. Babienco.
Population: 12,740,000; churches,
3; members, 87. Licentiates:
Edwin Bye, R. M. Cossentine,
Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," John Oss.
Mukden. Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. B. Petersen, Mrs. Edwin
Poital Address: Manchurian Un- Bye, Mrs. 0. J. Grundset, Mrs.
ion Mission S. D. A., Mukden, T. T. Babienco, Mrs. John Oss,
Manchuria, China. George Halvorsen, Mrs. George
Halvorsen, Max Popow.
Supt., Bernhard Petersen.
Sec. and Treas., George Halvor- FENGTIEN MISSION
Advisory Committee: B. Peter- Address: Manchurian Union Mis-
sen, O. J. Grundset, Edwin Bye, sion S. D. A., Mukden, Manchu-
H. M. Cossentine, Du Shu Reen, ria, China.
Hu Wen Hwan, Tsui Chuen Giu, Officers:
Li Deh. Ren, John Oss, George Director, Bernhard Petersen.
Department Secretaries: -
Sabbath School, O. J. Grundset. KIRIN MISSION
Field Miss:; John.Oss.
Director. of aussia.n Work, T. T. Address: Changchun, Manchuria,
Babienco. China.
Miss. VoL:'and Home Miss., B. Officers:
Petersen. ' Director, 0. J. Grundset.
Organized 1919
Territory: The provinces of Chili, Officers:
Shandung, and Shansi. Director, Frederick Lee.
Population: 71,385,356; churches, Sec. and Treas., Frederick Lee.
2; members, 75.
Telegraphic and Cable Address:
" Adventist Mission," Peking,'
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Organized 1917
62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Pe-
king, China. Territory: The Province of Shan-
Officers: dung.
Supt., Frederick Lee. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Tsin-
Treas., Frederick Lee. anfu, Shandung, China.
Frederick Lee, W. J. Harris. Officers:
Missionary Licentiates: Director, H. L. Graham. -
Mrs. Frederick Lee, Mrs. W. J. H. L. Graham, Geo. Hmelevsky,
Harris, Mrs. W. M. Lee. Department Secretary:
Sabbath School, Geo. Hmele-
Organized 1918 H. L. Graham, Geo. Hmelevesky,
Territory: The province of Chili. Wang Yu Tang.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Missionary Licentiates:
Fang Chia Hutung, Peking, Mrs. H. L. Graham, Mrs. G.
China. Hmelevsky.


Organized 1917
Territory: Philippine Islands and Executive - Committee: S. E.
Sulu Archipelago. Jackson, S. 'W. " Munro, G. H.
Population: 10,500,000; churches, Murrin, R. E. Hay, L. V. Fin-
28; members, 1,663. ster, 0. F. Sevrens, I. A. Steinel.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Ma- J. J. Strahle, Mrs. G. H. Murrin,
Emilio Manalaysay, Leon Z. Ro-
nila. da, Wenceslao Rodriguez, Har-
Postal Address: Box 813, Manila, ley Anderson, R. R. Breitigam.
Philippine Islands.
General Office Address: 14 Calle Department Secretaries:.
Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Sabbath School, Mrs. G. .H.,Mur-
Islands. rin.
Officers: Field Miss. and Home Miss., J.
Pres., S. E. Jackson. J. Strahle.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, E. A. Educational, I. A. Steinel.
Moon. Miss. Vol., 0. F. Sevrens.

Religious Liberty, Emilio Mana- Executive Conunittee: L. V. Flu-

laysay. ster, Martelino Pelejo, Emilio
Ministers: Manalaysay, Emilio Brion, J.
S. E. Jackson, R. R. Breitigam. J. Strahle, 0. F. Scvrens, V.
Dr. Carlos Fattebert, C. N. Department Secretaries:
Woodward, I. A. Steinel, J. J. Tract Soc., Marcelino Pelejo.
Strahle, 0. F. Sevrens. Field Miss.,J. J. Strahle.
Missionary Licentiates: Sabbath School, Mrs. L. V.- Fin-
Mrs. S. E. Jackson, Mrs. I. A. sten
Steinel, Mrs. J. J. Strahle, Mrs. Educational and Miss. Vol., 0.
0. F. Sevrens, Mrs. C. N. Wood- F. Sevrens.
ward, Mrs. R. R. Breitigam, E. Home Miss., Jose Javier.
A. Moon, Mrs. E. A. Moon. Ministers:
L. V. Finster, Emilio Manalay-
say, Victorio Arevalo.
Organized 1914 Guillermo Dionisio, Esteban
Territory: Provinces of Cebu, Bo- Trinidad, Agustin Panaga, Isaac
hol, Leyte, and Oriental Negros, Enriquez, SIM() Tolentino, Ricar-
Misamis, and Surigao. do Magcalen.
Office Address: 36 Calle Tupas, Missionary Licentiates:
Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Marcelino Pelejo, Valerian() Gar-
Officers: cia, Emilio Brion, Melchor Elan-
Supt. and Minister, S. IV. Mun- ria, Juana San Augustin, Vicente
ro. Santos, Juliana Milo, Andrea
Pasilon, Teodora Mariano. '
Department Secretary: lk

Sabbath School, Mrs. S. W.

Licentiate: Alfonso Bakulpo. NORTHERN LUZON MISSION
Missionary Licentiates: Entered 1913; organized 1917
Gojerico Arrogante, Manuel Kin-
tanar, Carlos Arrengues, Fidel Territory: Provinces of Panagasi-
Adlom an, Mrs. S. W. Munro. nan, Nueva Visvaya, Isabela,
Cagayan, Ilocos Notre, Ilocos
Sur, Abra, La Union, Batanes
CENTRAL SOUTHERN LUZON Islands, and the Mountain Prov-
Organized 1916 Office Address: Vigan; Ilocos. Sur,
Territory: The Provinces of Zam- Philippine Islands.
bales, Tarlac, Nueva Ecijia,Ba-
taan, Bulacan, Cavite, Tizal, La- Officers:
guna, Batangas, Tayabas, Pam- Supt. and Treas., R. E. Hay, (on
panga, Ambos, Camarines, Al- furlough; W. B. Arnmundsen,
bay, .Sorsogon. and Mindoro. acting).
Office Address: 707 Vermont Ave., Department Secretaries:
Manila, Philippine Islands. Sabbath School, Educational and
Officers: Miss. Vol., Mrs. R. E. Hay.
Pres., L. V. Finster (on fur- Field Miss., W. B. Ammundsen.
lough; R. R. Breitigam, acting). Home Miss., Leon Z. Roda.
Sec. and Treas., Marcelino Pe- Ministers:
lejo: R. E. Hay, Leon Z. Roda.

Licentiates: Copiz, Antique, Occidental Ne-

W. B. Ammundsen, Juan 0. gros, and Romblon.
Afenir, Emilio Valera, Eugenio Office Address: 52 Boninjacio St:,
Sanidad, Manuel Oliva, Alvaro La Paz, Iloilo, Panay, Philippine
Z. Rods., Tito P. Atiga. Islands; P. 0. Box 334.
Missionary Licentiates: Officers:
Miss Matea Rebollido, Miss
Maxima de la Cruz, Miss Rosa Supt., G. H. Murrin.
Limos, Mrs. R. E. Hay, Mrs. W. Department Secretaries:
B. Ammundsen, Rafael A. filar. Sabbath School, Mrs. 'E. M.
E. M. Adams, G. H. Murrin,
Organized 1914 Wenceslao R. Rodriquez, Fausto
Territory: Provinces of Iloilo, ;Tornado.


Reorganized :919
Territory: The Chinese Provinces Missionary Licentiates:
of Kwangsi, Kwangtung, Fu- Mrs. F. H. DeVinney, B. R.
kien, French Indo-China, and the Owen, Mrs. B. R. Owen, Mrs. R.
Islands of Formosa and Hainan. M. Milne, C. S. Sissons, Mrs. C.
Population: 84,808,609; churches, S. Sissons.
28, members, 1,363.
Telegraphic and Cable Address: AMOY MISSION
" Adventist," Hongkong. Territory: The Amoyese-speak-
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 310, ing portions of the Province of
Hongkong, China. Fukien.
Officers: Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
Supt., F. H, DeVinney. Kulangsu, Amoy, China.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, C. S. Officers:
Sissons. Director, W. C. Hankins.
Executive COmmittee: F. H. De- Sec. and Treas., G. S. Luther.
Vinney, W. C. Hankins, P. V.
Thomas, R. M. Milne, C. C. Mor- Ministers:
ris, R. A. Falconer, H. C. Cooper, W. C. Hankins, B. L. Anderson;
T. K. Ang, N. P. Keh, C. S. Sis- N. P. Keh, N. K, Keh.
sons, A. L. Ham, J. P. Anderson,. Missionary Licentiates:
F. E. Bates, Wong-Shin Oheong. Mrs. W. C. Hankins, Mrs. B. L.
Department Secretaries: Anderson, G. S. Luther, Mrs. G.
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., S. Luther.
Mrs. R. M. Milne.
Field Miss., Home Miss., and CANTONESE MISSION
Educational, R. M. Milne; Territory: The Cantonese-speak-
Medical Miss., R. A. Falconer ing portion of Kwangtung
M. D. Province.
Minister: F. H. DeVinney. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
Licentiate: R. M. Milne. Tungshan, Canton, China.

Officers: Ministers:
Director, A. L. Ham, (on fur- J. P. Anderson, S. A. Nagel, Lo
lough; H. C. Cooper, acting). Sin Tshoi, S. L. Wong.
Sec. and Treas., H. C. Cooper. Licentiate: A. J. Wearner.
Ministers: Missionary Licentiates:
H. C. Cooper, A. L. Ham (on fur- Mrs. S. A. Nagel, Mrs. A. J.
lough). Wearner.
Licentiate: H. B. Parker.
Mission,ary Licentiates: KWANGSI MISSION
Mrs. H. C. Cooper, Mrs. H. B. Territory: The Province of Kwang-
Parker, Miss Ida Thompson, Mrs. si.
A. L. Ham (on furlough). Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
Nanning, Kwangsi, China.
Territory: The Foochowese-speak- Director and Minister, P. V.
ing portion of the Province of Thomas.
Fukien. Sec. and Treas., P. L. Williams.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Missionary Licentiates:
Siang-siu Seng, Foochow City, R. A. Falconer, M. D., Mrs. R.
China. A. Falconer, P. L. Williams, Mrs.
P. L. Williams, Mrs. P. V.
Officers: Thomas.
Director, Sec., and Tress., C. C.
Minister: C. C. Morris. SWATOW MISSION
Licentiate: G. E. Clarke. Territory: The Swatowese portion
Missionary Licentiates: of the provinces of Fukien and
Mrs. C. C. Morris, Mrs. G. E. Kwangtung.
Clarke. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
Swatow, Kwangtung, China.
Territory: The Hakka-speaking Director, F. E. Bates.
portion of the Provinces of Sec. and Treas., I. L. Kent.
Kwangtung and Fukien. Ministers:
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, F. E. Bates, T. K. Ang.
Waichow, Kwangtung, China. Licentiate: I. L. Kent.
Officers: Missionary Licentiates:
Director, J. P. Anderson. Mrs. F. E. Bates, Mrs. I. L.
See. and Treas., A. J. Wearner. Kent.


Organized 1919.
Territory: The provinces of Sze- Officers:
chwan, Yunnan, Kweichow. Supt., M., C. Warren.
Population: 88,699,746; churches, Sec. and Treas., E: L. Lutz.
Executive Committee: M. C.
2; members, 64. Warren, E. L. Lutz, C. L. Bland-
Postal Address: S. D. A; Mission, - ford, Dr: J. N.4Afidraws, Shi Hu
Chungking, Szechwan, China. Lin, Mrs. 1VIJC.- Warren..

Department Secretaries: Cantonese Intermediate School,

Sabbath School, Educational, and Tungshan, Canton, China.
Miss. Vol., Mrs. M. C. War- Chosen Industrial School, Soo-
ren. nan, Chosen (Korea).
Field Miss, and Home Miss., L. Foochow Intermediate School,
Lutz. Foochow, China.
Minister: M. C. Warren. Fukien Intermediate School, Ku-
langsu, Amoy, China.
Licentiates: Hankow Intermediate School,
E. L. Lutz, Shi Ru Lin, H. L. Wang Gai Dun, Hankow, Hu-
Shull. peh, China.
Missionary Licentiates: Honan Intermediate School, Lo-
Mrs. M. C. Warren, Mrs. E. L. wanho, Yencheng, Honan,
Lutz, Mrs. H. L. Shull, S. H. China.
Lindt, Mrs. S. H. Lindt. Japan Mission Training School,
169 Amanuma, Suginami-mu-
ra, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo,
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Chung- Philippine Academy, 14-16 Calle
king, Szechwan, China. Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine
Officers: Islands.
Director, M. C. Warren. Shanghai Missionary College, 17
Sec. and Treas., E. L. Lutz. Ningkuo Road, Shanghai,
Singapore Training School, 399
TIBETAN MISSION Upper Serangoon Road, Singa-
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Tat- pore, Straits Settlements.
sienlu, Szechwan, China. Publishing:
Officers: Chosen Mission Press, Seoul,
Director, Sec., and Treas., Dr. Chosen (Korea).
J. N. Andrews. .Japanese Publishing House, 169
Licentiate: Dr. J. N. Andrews. Amanuma, Suginami - mura,
Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. J. N. Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan.
Andrews. Malaysian Pubi shing House,
399 Upper Serangooa Road,
Singapore, Straits Settlements.
WEST SZECHWAN MISSION Philippine Publishing House, 14
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Chang- Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Phil-
tu, Szechwan, China. ippine Islands.
Officers: Signs of the Times Publishing
Director, Sec. and Treas., C. L. House, Box 856, U. S. Postal
Blandford. Agency, Shanghai, China.
Licentiate: C. L. Blandford. Medical
Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. C. L. Shanghai Sanitarium Assn., 34
Blandford. Nanking Road, Shanghai,
Nanning Dispensary, Nanning,
Kwangsi, China.
INSTITUTIONS IN FAR EAST- Soonan Hospital, Soonan, Cho-
Educational: Yencheng Hospital-DispensaiTyp
Bethel Girls' School, Tungshan, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan,
Canton, China. China.
Organized 1916
Territory: The Austral and South HOME MISSIONARY DEPART-
Brazil Union Conferences, and MENT
the Inca and East Brazil Union
Missions. Secretary, A. A. Cone.
General Members:
Population: 50,566,613; churches, 0. Montgomery, F. W. Spies,
129; members, 8,403. R. T. Baer, W. H. Williams, J.
Cable Address: " Division," Bue- W. Westphal, E. F. Peterson,
H. Meyer.
nos Aires.
Union Home Miss. Secretaries:
Office Address: Florida, F. C. C. E. V. Moore, B. E. Wagner.
A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
South America.
Executive. Board: O. Montgom- Secretary: H. U. Stevens.
ery, W. H. Williams, J. W.
Westphal, F. W. Spies, R. T. Other Members:
Baer, E. F. Peterson, H. Meyer, C. P. Crager, J. S. Marshall, H.
H. U. Stevens. B. Lundquist, T. W. Steen, W.
Chairman of Executive Board: E. Murray, W. W. Wheeler.
0. Montgomery.
Sec., Sub-Treas., and Auditor
(of Executive Board): W. H. MISSIONARY VOLUNTEER DE-
Williams. PARTMENT
Secretary: H. U. Stevens.
Other Members:
B. Lundquist, T. W. Steen, J.
Secretary, A. A. Cone. S. Marshall, W. W. Wheeler.
General Members:
0. Montgomery, J. W. West- SABBATH SCHOOL DEPART-
phal, F. W. Spies, E. F. Peter- MENT
son, W. H. Williams, H. Meyer,
R. T. Baer: Secretary: H. U. Stevens.

Managers of Publishing Houses:

Everett Everest, A. Pages, F. C. LABORERS HOLDING CREDEN-
Union Field Miss. Secretaries:
R. M. Carter, E. H. Meyers, B. Ministers:
E. Wagner. 0. Montgiimery, J. W. West-
phal, H. U. Stevens.
Edgar Brooks, D. R. Buckner, E. Missionary Licentiate:
H. Ehlers. W. H. Williams.
Organized zgo6
Officers: Department Secretaries:
Pres., R. T. Baer. Tract Soc.; Jacobo Ayvanzian.
Sec. and Treas., G. E. Hartman. Field Miss.,Thomas E. Saviano.
Executive . Committee: R. T. Sabbath Scool, Mrs. F. L. Per-
Baer, G. E. Hartman, A. A. ry.
Cone, C. P. Crager, F. L. Perry, Home Miss., 0. Heydecker.
Dr. R. H. Habenicht, J. S. Mar- Ministers:
shall, Santiago Mangold, A. R. F. L. Perry, E. W. Thomann,
Sherman, E. W. 'Everest, E. H. Godofredo Block, C. F. Krieg-
Meyers, H. B. Lundquist. hoff, L. A. Rojas.
Department Secretaries: Licentiates:
Field Miss., E. H. Meyers. ' Pedro CartocciO, '.T. T. Thomp-
Educational and Miss: Vol:, H. son, J. D. Haynes.
H. Lundquist. Missionary Licentiates:
Medical Miss., R. H. Habenicht,
M. D.
T. E. Saviano, Mrs. F. L. Perry,
F. 0. Heydeeker, Andr6s Ascione,
Home Miss.,- A. A. Cone., Dr.. H. E. Herman.
Ministers: Church School Teachers:
R. T. Baer, H. B. Lundquist, G. G. P. Block, Mrs. Wm. Kirstein,
W. Casebeer, R. H. Habenicht. Anna Roscher, George Block.
A. A. Cone, Edgar Brooks, E.
H. Meyers, J. S. Marshall, Ern- CHILE CONFERENCE
esto Tulin, J. M. Howell. Organized 1907
Missionary Licentiates: Territory: Chile, South America.
G. E. Hartman, 0. Oppegard, Cable Address: "Adventist," San-
Lydia G. de Oppegard, Everett tiago, Chile, South America.
Everest, 0. H. Masson, W. H. Office Address: Casilla 2830, San-
Wohlers, D. R. Buckner, Juan tiago, Cbile, South America.
Wedekamper, G. B. Replogle, R.
M.. Baker, Mrs. R. M. Baker, Officers:
Mrs. W. H. Wohlers, C. E. West- Pres., C. P. Crager.
phal, A. G. Nelson, Eudoro Villa- Sec. and Treas., G. Em meneg-
fane. ger.
Executive Comm: i I.: tee : C. P.
Crager, W. W. Wheeler, F. TT.
ARGENTINE CONFERENCE Westphal, G. Emmenegger, .John
Organized 1902 . Brown, Facundo Olivarria M.
Tertitory:, Argentina (excepting Depaiment Secretaries:
the territory of Misiones, For- Tract Soc., G. Emmenegger.
mosa, Chaco, and Corrientes.) Field Miss., Facundo Olivarria
Office Address: Florida, F. C. C. M.
A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sabbath School, Gertrudis Da-
South America. vis. .
Officers: Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., Wal-
Pres., F. L. Perry. ter Schubert.
Sec. and Treas., C. E. Krieghoff. Ministers:
Executive Committee: F. L. C. P. Crager, W. W. Wheeler,
Perry, C. E. Krieghoff, G. Block, F. H. Westphal, J. L. Brown,
Luis Rojas, T. E.. Saviano. V. E. Thomann.

Licentiates: Licentiate: Pedro M. Brouchy.

Abraham Berchin, Walter Schu- Missionary Licentiates:
bert. D. J. Weiss, Jose Dongarra.
Missionary Licentiates: Eugenio Brauchy.
G. E. Emmenegger, J. C. Brow-
er, Gertrudis Davis, Facundo
Organized 1906
Territory: Uruguay Republic,
Organized 1906 Office Address: Calle Arena 1
Territory: Paraguay, the terri- 2535, Montevideo, Uruguay.
tories of Misiones, Chaco, For- South America.
mosa, and Corrientes, Argentina. Officers:
Office Address: Posadas, Misiones, Supt., A. R. Sherman.
Argentina, South America. Sec. and Treas., Julio Weiss.
Officers: Executive Committee: A. R.
Supt., Santiago Mangold. Sherman, Ernesto Beskow, Cico-
Sec. and Treas., D. J. Weiss. las Hansen, - Alejandro Ernst.
Executive Committee: Santi- Department Secretaries:
. ago Mangold, Pedro M. Brou- Sabbath School, Julio Weiss.
ehy, D. J. Weiss, Lazaro Solis, Miss. Vol., A. R. Sherman.
Jose Dongarra. Ministers:
Department Secretaries: Julio Ernst, Nicolas Hansen.
Tract Soc., D. J. Weiss. Licentiates:
Field Miss., Jose Dongarra. A. R. Sherman, Federico Man-
Minister: Santiago Mangold. gold.


Organized 191g
Territory: The east half of the Executive Committee: H. E.
State of Minas Geraes, the Fed- Meyer, W. A. Ernenputseh. R.
eral District and the States of J. Wila
rt, C. E. Rentfro, J. H.
Rio de Janeiro, Espirito Santo, Boehm, F. S. Chollar.
Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Pern- Department Secretaries:
ambuco, Parahyba, Rio Grande Tract Soc. and Sabbath School,
do Norte, Piauhy, Ceara, Maran- W. A. Ernenputsch.
hao, Para, and Amazonas.
Minister: H. E. Meyer.
Cable Address: "Adventista," Missionary Licentiate:
Rio de Janeiro.
W. A. Ernenputsch.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 768,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South
Supt., H. E. Meyer. Established 1910
Soc. and Treas.', W. A. Ernen- Territory State of Rio de Ja-
putsch. neiro and Federal District.

Postal Address: Caixa Postal 768, Licentiates:

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South Pedro Alexandre, H. G. Stoehr.
America. Missionary Licentiate:
Officers: H. Hoefft.
Supt. and Minister, R. J. Church School Teachers:
Wilfart. Paulo Schulz, Holdina van Roo.
Department Secretary:
Field Miss., E. D. da Cunha.
Licentiates-: BAHIA MISSION
J. A. M. da Cunha, Gustavo
Storch. Established 1910
Missionary Licentiates: Territory: States of Bahia and
Mrs. Regina Braga, Catharina Sergipe.
Pinto, E. D. da Cunha.
Office Address: Caixa Postal 198,
Bahia, Estado da Bahia, Brazil,
South America.
Established 1919
Supt. and Minister, F. S. Chol-
Territory: East half of the State lar.
of Minas Geraes.
Department Secretary:
Office Address: Rua Mariano Pro- Field Miss., Ayres Ferreira Paes.
copio 679, Mariano Procopio,
Minas Geraes, Brazil, South Missionary Licentiates:
Ayres Ferreira Paes, Manoel P.
da Silva.
Supt. and Minister, C. E. Rent-
Established 1916
Department Secretary:
Field Miss., C. P. Leite. Territory: The States of .Pernam-
buco, Alagoas, Parahyba, and
Licentiate: L. D. Nabuco.
Rio Grande do Norte.
Missionary Licentiates: Office Address: Rua Bentfied 915,
C. P. I,eite, Julieta Buehler, De- Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
- odor Barboza. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 378,
Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil,
South America.
Established 1919 See. and Treas., P. Langenstras-
Territory: State of Espirito San-
to. Department Secretary:
Field Miss., J. M. Rabello.
Office Address: Caixa Postal 3764. Minister: Jacob Kroeker.
Victoria, Espirito Santo, Bra-
zil, Solith America.
Licentiate: J. A. Silveira.
Missionary Licentiates:
Officers: E. Langenstrassen, J. M. Ra-
Supt. and Minister, J. H. Boehm. bello.
Organized 1914
Territory: The Bolivia, Ecuador, Licentiates:
Lake Titicaca Indian, and Pe- Reid Shepard, L. G. Beans.
ruvian Missions, Missionary Licentiate:
Cable Address: " Adventists," Mrs. Reid Shepard.
Postal Address: Casilla 1002, Li-
ma, Peru, South America. ECUADOR MISSION
Office Address: Plazuela de San Established 1906
Francisco 350, Lima, Peru, South Territory: Republic of Ecuador,
America. South America.
Officers: Cable Address: "Adventists.," Qui-
Supt., E. F. Peterson.
Sec. and Treas., F. C. Varney. to Ecuador.
Executive Committee: E. F. Postal
' Address: Casilla 44, Quito,
Peterson, F. C. Varney, F. A. Ecuador, South America.
Stahl, H. B. Lundquist, and the Officers:
superintendents of the local mis- Supt., Sec., and Treas., J. D.
sions. Lorenz.
Department Secretaries: Department Secretaries:
Sabbath School, F. C. Varney. Field Miss. land HOME'
Educational and Miss. Vol., H. J. R. McWilliam.
B. Lundquist. Licentiates:
Ministers: J. D. Lorenz, E. P. Howard (on
E. F. Peterson, F. A. Stahl. furlough).
Licentiate: H. B. Lundquist. Missionary Licentiates:
Missionary Licentiate: J. R. McWilliam, Mrs. Pearl W.
F. C. Varney. Howard (on furlough).

Established 1907 Established 1906
Territory: Republic of Peru (ex-
Territory: Republic of Bolivia, cept departments of Puno and
South America. Madre de Dios), South America,
Telegraphic Address: " Ailventis- Cable and Telegraphic Address:
tas," La Paz, Bolivia. " Adventista," Lima, Peru.
Postal Address: Casilla 355, La Postal Address: Casilla 1002, Lima,
Paz, Bolivia, South America. Peru, South America.
Officers: Office Address: Plazuela de San
Supt., Sec., and Treas., W. R. Francisco 350, Lima, Peru, South
Pohle. America.
Executive Committee: W. R.
Pohle, L. G. Beans, Reid Shep- Officers:
ard. Supt., L. D. Minner.
Sec. and Treas., J. 'W. Cole.
Department Secretaries: Executive Committee:. L. D.
Field Miss. and Home Miss., L. Minner, J. W. Cole, R. R. Coble,
G. Beans'. Ignacio Kalbermatter, Cesar Lo-
Minister: W. R. Polile. pez.

Department Secretaries: Executive Committee: E. H.

Sabbath School, J. W. Cole. Wilcox, J. S. Hindbaugh, S. T.
Field Miss:, R. R. Coble. Johnston, Orley Ford, David
Home Miss., L. D. Minner. Dalinger, H. M. Colburn, Archie
Ministers: Field.
L. D. Minner, Ignacio Kalber- Ministers:
matter. E. H. Wilcox, W. F. Miller.
Licentiate: C. Lopez. Licentiate: Orley Ford.
Missionary Licentiates: Missionary Licentiates:
J. W. Cole, R. R. Coble, Felipe David Dalinger, Pedro Kalber-
Bustamente,- Nicanor Moreno, F. matter, S. T. Johnston, H. M.
F. Osorio, N. A. Llano, P. S. Colburn, A. C. Ford, Archie
Salazar. Field J. H. Elvin, J. Replogle.
L. L. Clark, Mrs. Orley Ford,
LAKE TITICACA INDIAN MIS- Mrs. David Dalinger, Mrs. Pe-
SION ' dro Kalbermatter, s.r A. C.
Ford, Mrs. Archie Field, Lucia-
Established 1916 no) Chambi, Mrs. J. Replogle.
Territory: Departments of Puno Mrs. H. M. Colburn Mrs. E. H.
and Madre de Dios in Peru. Wilcox, J. S. Hindbaugh, Mrs.
Postal Address: Casilla 95, Piaui. J. S. Hindbaugh, Mrs. W. F.
Peru, South America. Miller, Mrs. L. L. Clark, Mrs.
Officers: J. H. Elvin, Mrs. S. T. John-
Supt., E. H. Wilcox. ston, Mrs. R. M. Field, Juan
Sec. and Treas., J. S. Hindbaugh. Huanca.


Organized 1911

Territory:: Tile Conferences of Union, the superintendents of

Rio Grande do Sul, and Santa the organized missions of the
Catharina; and the mission Union, the director of the Bra-
fields of Parana, srto Paulo, zil Training School and the Man-
West Minas; and the States of ager of the Brazil Publishing
Matto Grosso and Goyaz. House.
Cable Address: " Adventista," Sao Legal Assn.: " Associacrio dos
Bernardo, Sao Paulo. Adventistas do setimo dia no
Office Address: Estacao Sao Ber-
nardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Bra- Department Secretaries:
zil, South America. Field Miss., R. M. Carter.
Sabbath School and Home Miss.,
Officers: E. V. Moore.
Pres. F. W. Spies. Educational and Miss. Vol., W.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, C. E. E. Murray.
Executive Committee: F. W. Ministers:
Spies, C. E. Schofield, It: M. Car- F. W. Spies, E. C. Ehlers, M.
ter, W. E. Murray, E. V. Moore, Kiimpel.
A. L. Westphal, the presidents Licentiates:
of the conferences composing the R. M. Carter, M. Rhode, T. W.

Steen, W. E. Murray, E. V. Officers:

Moore. Pres., F. R. Kuempel.
Missionary Licentiates: Sec. and Treas., C. E. Schofield.
C. E. Schofield, A. Pages, G. B. Executive Committee: F. R.
Taylor, Miss L. Wurts. Kuempel, Fr. Peggau, A. Hort.
Germano Conrad.
Department Secretary:
RIO GRANDE DO SUL Field Miss., S. M. de Oliveira.
CONFERENCE Minister: F. R. Kuempel. -
Organized 1906 Licentiate: Germano Conrad.
Territory: The State of Rio Grande Churth School Teacher: F. Stuhl-
do Sul, Brazil. mann.
Telegraphic Address: " Advent-
ista," Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Postal Office: Caixa Postal 106, SAO PAULO MISSION
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Organized 1914
Sul, Brazil, South America. Territory: The State of Silo
Office Address: Avenida do Bom Paulo, Brazil.
Fim 174a, Porto Alegre, Rio
Grande do Sul, Brazil, South Postal Address: Cabal Postal 1830,
America. Silo Paulo, Brazil, South Ameri-
Pres., R. Suessmann. Office Address: Estacao Sao Ber-
Sec. and Treas., L. Lotz. nardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Bra -
Executive Committee: R. Suess- zil, South America.
mann, L. Lotz, Aug. Rockel, Officers:
Jose Kfimpel. Supt., H. B. 1Vesteott.
Department Secretaries: Sec. and Treas., C. E. Schofield.
Tract Soc. and Miss. Vol., Executive Committee: H. B.
Lotz. Westcott, C. E. Schofield. Ma-
Field Miss., E. Fromming. noel Margarido, Raphael Ferre-
Educational, R. S'uessmann. ira, L. Klein.
Ministers: Department Secretary:
R. Suessmann, Jose Reis, Aug. Field Miss., Marioel Margarido.
Rockel. Ministers:
H. B. Westeott; E. M. Davis, J.
Licentiate: H. Simon. E. Brown.
Missionary Licentiates: Licentiate: Luiz Braun.
E. Fromming, L. Lotz.
Missionary Licentiates:
Church School Teachers: Mathias Alenear, Manoel Mar-
Elsa. Bergolg, Oliveiros M. Ra- garido.
hello, Hortencia Huf, Germano
SANTA CATHARINA CON- Established 1906
FERENCE Territory: The State of Parana,
Organized 1906 Brazil.
Territory: State of Santa Cathar- Office Address: Rua Saldanha Ma-
ina, Brazil. rinho 169, Curityba, Parana, Bra-
Office Address: Indayal, Blumenau, zil, South America.
Santa Catharina, Brazil, South Officers:
America. Supt., Germano Streithorst.

Executive Committee: Germa- INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH

no Streithorst, Gustavo Richter, AMERICAN DIVISION
Saturnino M. Oliveira, Joao Mo- CONFERENCE
reira de Castilho, Augusto An- Educational:
nies. Colegio Adventista del Plata,
Department Secretary: Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Entre
Field Miss., S. M. de Oliveira. Rios, Argentina, South Amer-
Minister: Germano Streithorst. ica.
Licentiate: J. Moreira. Colegio Adventista de Chile, Pua,
Chile, South America.
Missionary Licentiate: S. M. de Seminario Adventista, Santo
Oliveira. Amaro, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
South America.
Inca Union Training School, Ca-
WEST MINAS GERAES silla 1002, Lima, Peru, South
MISSION America.
Established 1919, Publishing:
Casa F.ditora Sudamericana,
Territory: Western part of the Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos
State of Minas Geraes. Aires, Argentina, South Amer-
Office Address: Caixa Postal 99, Casa Publicadora Brasilliva, Sao
Varginha, R. S. M., Minas Ge- Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo,
raes, Brazil, South America. Brazil, South America.
Officers: Sanitariums:
Supt., A. L. Westphal. Sanatorio Adventists del Plata,
Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Entre
Licentiates: -Rios, Argentina, South Amer-
A. L, Westphal, W. Walla. ica.
(Organized as the India Union Mission, xgxo; reorganized, !gig)
Territory: India, Burma, Ceylon, Publishing, L. C. Shepard.
and islands politically connected Ministers:
therewith. J. E. Fulton, W. W. Fletcher,
Population: 319,788,000; churches; H. C. Menkel, S. A: WellMan, T.
26; members, 978. 1). Rowe, Joseph Phillips, J. B.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Luck - Carter.
General Office: 17 Abbott Road, Licentiates:
Lucknow, India. L. A. Semmens, W. K. Lake, L.
C. Shepard, G. E. Jones.
Chairman, J. E. Fulton. Missionary Licentiates:
Field Secretary, W. W. Fletcher. Mrs. J. E. Fulton. Mrs. W. W.
Sec. and Treas., A. H. Williams FletcWer, Mrs. T. D. Rowe, Mrs.
(on furlough; F. J. Butler; act- W. K. Lake, Miss C. Manson,
ing). Mrs. H. C. Menkel, Mrs. A. 0%
Executive Board: J. E. Ftilion, Conner, J. H. Reagan, Mrs. S. A.
W. W. Fletcher, A. H. Willams, Wellman, Mrs. A. H. Williams,
I. F. Blue, G. G. Lowry; the Mrs. L. A. Semmens, E. B.
Superintendents of the Union Jones, Mrs. E. B. Jones, W. A.
Missions in the Division, and H. Scott, Mrs. W. A. Scott, F. 0.
C. Menkel, S. A. Wellman, L. C. Raymond, Mrs. F. 0. Raymond,
Shepard. Mrs. J. H. Reagan, Mrs. G. E.
Legal Assn.: " The India Finan- Shannon, Mrs. L. C. S'hepard,-
cial Association of Seventh-day Miss llma, Dowling, R. J. Bor-
Adventists." rowdale, Miss Neie Weston,
Literature Committee: W. W. Mrs. G. E. Jones, Miss Annie
Fletcher, 0. F. Enoch, L. G. Paget.
Mookerjee, S. A. Wellman, E. Workers on Furlough:
B. Jones. Ministers: G. W. Pettit, A: H.
Department Secretaries: Williams, P. C. Poley.
Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., and Licentiates: V. L. Maim, (4. F.
Home Miss., S. A. 'Wellman. Furnival, V. E. Peugh, R. P.
Educational I. F. Blue. Morris, W. H. McHenry, R. H.
Medical Miss., H. C. Menkel, M. Leech, C. C. Kellar, H. A. Skin-
D. ner, H. G. Woodward:


Organized 1919

Territory: Burma, including the Officers:

Shan States; the Nicobar and Supt.,
Andaman Groups. See., R. A. Beckner.
Office Address: 60 Lower Kemen- Treas., L. W. Melendy.
dine Road, Rangoon, Burma. Executive Committee:

G. A. Hamilton, D. C. Luding- RANGOON AND UPPER BURMA

ton, R. A. Beckner, E. B. Hare. MISSION
Department Secretaries:
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., Office Address: 60 Lower Kemen-
Mrs. G. A. Hamilton. dine Road, Rangoon, Burma.
Educational, D. C. Ludington. Officers:
Medical Miss., Mrs. 0. Tornblad, Supt.,
M. D. Advisory Committee.
Ministers: D. C. Ludington, H. A Skinner,
0. A. Hamilton, I. V, Counsell, Pu Nyo.
F. A. Wyman. Licentiates:
Licentiate: D. C. Ludington. Maung Maung, D. Hpo Hla, Ba
Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. G. A. Hamilton, Mrs. D. C. Native Workers:
Ludington, Mrs. 0. Tornblad, L. Pu Nyo, A. Stephen, A. Roberts.
W. Melendy, Mrs. L. W. Me-
lendy, Mrs. F. A. Wyman.
IRRAWADDY DELTA MISSION Supt., E. B. Hare, Kamamaung,
P. 0. ShwegOn, via Moulmein,
Officers: Burma.
Supt., R. A. Beekner, Henzada, Advisory Committee: R B.
Burma. Hare, Tha Myaing, Saw Peter.
Advisory Committee: R. A.
Beckner, A, J. Denoyer, Chit Minister: E. B. Hare.
Hla. Licentiate: H. Baird.
Minister: R. A. Beckner. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. E. B.
Missionary Licentiates: Hare.
A. J. Denoyer, Mrs. A. J. De- Native Workers:
foyer, Mrs. R. A. Beckner. Tha Myaing, Saw Peter, Saw
Native Worker: Chit Hla. John.


Organized 1919
Territory: The Presidency of Ben- Department Secretaries:
gal; the Provinces of Bihar and Educational, L. J. Burgess.
Orissa; the Province of Assam; Medical Miss., J. H. Reagan.
with connected native states. Publishing and Home Miss., W.
Office Address: 6 Dehi Serampore H. Stevens.
Road, Entally, Calcutta, India. Licentiates:
Officers: W. H. Stevens, H. E. Willough-
Supt., by, H. Olson, E. H. Guilliard.
Sec., L. G. Mookerjee.
Treas., Miss M. H. Belchambers. Missionary Licentiates:
Executive Committee: Mrs. W. H. Stevens, Miss M. H.
L. G. Mookerjee, L. J. Bur- Belchambers, Mrs. H. Olson, Mrs.
gess, W. H. Stevens, H. E. Mc- H. E. Willoughby.
Whinny, J. IL Reagan. Native Worker: P. C. Gain.


Officers: Officers:
Supt. and Minister, L. J. Bur- Supt., (N. E. Union Supt.),. 6
gess, Morabadi,nchi
a India. Dehi Serampore Road, Ental-
Advisory Committee: L. 'J. Bur- ly, Calcutta, India.
gess, Mrs. L. J. Burgess, Upen Advisory Committee: The Su-
Haider. perintendent, W. H. Stevens, P.
Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. L. J. C. Gain.
Native Worker: Upen Haider.
Officers: Supt. and Minister, H. E. Me-
Supt. and Minister, L. G. Mook- Whinny, S. D. A. Mission,
erjee, Gopalaganj, Dist. Farid- Karmatar, E. I. Ry., India.
pur, Advisory Committee: H. E. Mc-
Advisory Committee: L. G. Whinny, C. C. Kellar, Jaynes
Mookerjee, P. K. Roy, P. C. Arin- Beare, Benjamin Peters.
Licentiate: P. K. Roy. Licentiate: W. A. Barlow.
Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. L. G. Missionary Licentiates:
Mookerjee. Mrs. H. E. McWhinny, Mrs. W.
Native Workers: A. Barlow.
R. K. Haider, P. C. Arinda; T.
Boiragee, U. Shear, A. C. Hal- Native Workers:
der. J. Beare, B. Peters.


Organized 1919
Territory: Bombay Presidency; Department Secretaries:
the Central Provinces; the Cen- Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
tral India and R.ajputana Agen- Mrs. I. F. Blue.
cies; such parts of Hyderbad Educational, F. W. Smith.
(Deccan) as are allied to the Publishing, A. E. Nelson.
foregoing by language; the Unit- Home Miss., S. A. Wellman.
ed Provinces of Agra and Oudh; Medical Miss., H. C. Menkel, M.
the Punjab; Kashmir; the D.
Northwest Frontier Provinces;
Baluchistan. Ministers:
Office Address: 17 Abbott Road, I. F. Blue, R. A. Hubley, F. W.
Lucknow, India. Smith.
Supt., I. F. Blue. Licentiates:
Sec. and Treas., F. J. Butler. F. J. Butler, A. E. Nelson.
Executive Committee: I. F.
Blue, F. J. Butler, F. H. Loasby, Missionary Licentiates:
F. W. Smith, M., M. Mattison, Mrs. I. F. Blue, Mrs. R. A. Hub-
G. F. Enoch, H. C. Menkel, A. E. ley, Mrs. F. W. Smith, .Mrs-. A.
Nelson. E. Nelson.


Officers: C. C. Belgrave, Jahan. Singh.
Supt., Missionary Licentiates:
Advisory Committee: --- Mrs. C. C. Belgrave, Miss V.
G. F. Enoch. R. E. Loasby, R. Chilton, Miss B. Shryock, Mrs.
A. Hubley, R. A. Thrift, W. H. M. M. Mattison, Miss N. Wes-
-McHenry. ton, R. L. Nimble, Mrs. R. L.
Ministers: Kimble.
G. F. Enoch, M. D. Wood. Native Workers:
Licentiates: B. Singh, L. Singh, A. Howard,
R. E. Loasby, R. A. Thrift, S. R. Peters.
0. Martin, J. B. Carter.
Missionary Licentiateti: PUNJAB MISSION
Mrs. G. F. Enoch, Mrs. R. E.
Loasby, -Mrs. R. A. Thrift, Miss Officers:
E. Reid, Mrs. M. D. Wood, Mrs. Supt. and Minister, F. H. Loas-
J. B. Carter. by, Chichoki Malian, N. W.
Ry., India.
Native Workers: Advisory Committee: F. H.
L. G. Wood, P. Shindi. Loasby, E. R. Reynolds, N. C.
Burns, Mehnga Mall.
Officers: Missionary Licentiates:
Supt. and Minister, M. M. Mat- Mrs. F. H. Loasby, Mrs. E. R.
tison. Reynolds, Mrs. N. C. Burns.
Advisory Committee: M. M. Native Workers:
Mattison, F. W. Smith, C. C. Nattu Mall, Isher Singh Kas-
Belgrave, Jahan Singh. sim Ali.


Organized 1919
Territory: The Madras Presi- Department Secretaries:
dency with its neighboring na- Sabbath School, Mrs. G. G. Low- -
tive states, including such parts ry.
of Hyderbad (Deccan) as are Educational and Miss. Vol., E.
allied thereto by language; Cey- M. Meleen.
lon; the Maldive and Laccadive Medical Miss., Mrs. 0. Smith, M.
groups. D.
Office Address: 3 Wheeler Road, Home Miss., G. G. Lowry.
Bangalore, India. Ministers:
G. G. Lowry, J. M. Corner.
Officers: Licentiates:
Supt., G. G. Lowry. E. M. Meleen, C. M. Scanlon.
Sec. and Treas., T. W. Asprey. Missionary Licentiates:
Executive Committee: G. G. Mrs. G. G. Lowry, Mrs. J. M.
Lowry, T. W. Asprey, E. D. Comer, Mrs. E. M. Meleen, T. W.
Thomas, H. G. Woodward, H. L. Asprey, Mrs. T. W. Asprey,
Peden, T. R. Flaiz, J. M. Comer, Miss L. Appleton, F. L. Smith,
E. M. Meleen. Dr. Olive Smith.

MALAYALAM MISSION Advisory Committee: H. L.

Officers: Peden, D. C. Jacob, M. Praka-
Supt, H. G. Woodward, Neyyat- sam.
tinkara, South Travancore, India. Missionary Licentiate:
Advisory Committee: H. G. Mrs. H. L. Peden.
Woodward (on furlough), J. Native Workers:
Joshua, K. G. Samuel. D. C. Jacob, M. Prakasam.
Licentiate: E. Chapman.
NORTH TAMIL MISSION The addresses given below are not
Officers: necessarily postal adidtesses. An
Supt. and Minister, G. G. Low- institution can best- lie reached
ry, 3 Wheeler Road, Banga- by addressing the worker shown
lore, India. elsewhere in the Year Book as
Advisory Committee: G. G. in charge:
Lowry, A. Asirvatham, G. San- Educational:
thanam. Vincent Hill School, Hampton
Licentiate: A. Asirvatham. Court, Mussoorie (English).
Native Worker: G. Santhanam. Bengali Boys' School, Ranchi.
Bengali Girls' School, Calcutta.
" Open View " Mission (boys')
SOUTH TAMIL MISSION School, Dwarikhal, Garhwal.
Officers: North India Girls' School, Luck-
Supt. and Minister, E. D. Thom- now.
as, Nazareth P. 0., Tinnevelly North India Boys' School, Ha-
District, India. pur.
Advisory Committee: F. D. Meiktila Technical School, Meik-
Thomas, J. S. Thambipillay, V. tila.
Isaac. Marathi Training School, Lasal-
Native Workers: gaon.
V. Isaac, J. S. Thambipillay, V. Santali Boys' School, Karmatar.
D. Koilpillai, P. David, M. Pon- Santali Girls' School, Karmatar.
niab, C. G. Isaac, J. Samuel. South India (Boys') Training
School, Bangalore.
SOUTH TELUGU MISSION South India (Girls') Training
School, Bangalore.
Officers: S. D. A. (Tamil) Mission School,
Supt. and Licentiate, T. R. Nazareth.
Flaiz. Karen Mission School, Ka ma-
Advisory Committee: T. R. maung.
Flaiz, V. J. Benjamin, N. B. Sol- Malayalam Mission School, Ney-
omon. yattinkara.
Missionary Licentiate:
Mrs. T. R. Flaiz.
Seventh-day Adventist Publish-
Native Workers:
ing House, Lucknow.
V. J. Benjamin, N. B. Solomon,
M. Daniel. Medical:
Treatment rooms at Calcutta,
Mussoorie, and Simla.
NORTH TELUGU MISSION Hospitals at Chuharkana, Kal-
Officers: yan, and Karmatar.
Supt. and Minister: H. L. Pe- Dispensaries at Hapur, Kama-
den, Waltair, India. maung, and Lasalgaon.
Constituted by action at the Boulder Council, October, 1919, not
fully organized.
Population: 24,455,000; churches, Sec. and Treas., W. B. Commin.
40; members, 2,200. Executive Committee: W. H.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Ke- Branson. W. B. White, W. E.
nilworth. Straw, U. Bender, Dr. J. Reith,
C. C. Jenks,. W. . Commin, J.
Office: Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth, W. MacNeil.
Cape Province, South Africa. Ministers:
Officers: W. H. Branson, D. E. Robinson,
Vice-President of the General J. W. MacNeil.
Conference for the African Di- Missionary Licentiate:
vision, W. H. Branson. W. B. Commin.


Organized inoz
Territory: The conferences of Literature Committee: W. B.
Cape, Orange Free State, and White, I. J. Hankins, 0. K. But-
Natal-Transvaal. ler.
Population: 5,600,000; churches, Ministers:
28; members 953. B. E. Beddoe, W. B. White, M. C.
Sturdevant, I. J. Hankins, W.
Office Address: Rosmead Ave., Ke- C. Walston, U. Bender, J. C.
nilworth, Cape Province, South Rogers.
Africa. Licentiate: G. C. Jenks.
OfficerS: Missionary Licentiates:
Pres., B. E. Beddoe. J. P. Casey, Mrs. J. P. Casey,
Sec. and Treas., W. B. Commin. Mrs. W. B. White, Mrs. M. C.
Executive Committee: B. E. Sturdevant, J. I. Robison, Mrs.
Beddoe, IV. B. White, W. S. Hy- J. I. Robison, Mrs. J. C. Rogers,
att, 0. K. Butler, U. Bender, W. P. Venter, Jr., Mrs. P. Venter,
E. Straw, C. C. Jenks, J. J. V. R. Cooks, A. W. Ticton, Mrs.
Birkenstock, C. W. Shone, J. P. W. E. Straw, Miss 0. Willmore,
Casey, W. B. Commin, F. R. Mrs. I. J. Hankins, Mrs. U.
Stockil, Chas. Sparrow, E. M. Bender, Mrs. W. C. Walston,
Howard. IV. L. Davy, Mrs. W. L.' Davy,
Legal Assn.: " South African J. C. Slate, Mrs. J. G. Slate,
Union Conference of S. D. A."
Department Secretaries:
Field Miss.. C. C. Jenks. CAPE CONFERENCE
Sabbath School, Mrs. A. P. Tarr. Organized 1892
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., E. Territoty: Cape Province, South
M. Howard. Africa.

Cable Address: " Prophetic," Cape Field Miss., Albert Priest.

Town. Sabbath School, A. Ingle.
Office Address:56 Roeland St., Miss. Vol., W. L. Hyatt.
Cape Town, South Africa. Home Miss., Mrs. W. S. Hyatt.
Officers: Ministers:
Pres., 0. K. Butler. W. S. Hyatt, D. H. Gronewald,
Sec. and Treas., A. F. Tarr. G. R. E. MeNay, W. L. Hyatt,
Executive. Committee: 0. K. J. J. Birkenstock.
Butler, 0. 0. Fortner, P. F. Licentiates:
Tarr, C. A. PRAT, G. C. Jenks, Albert Priest, J. D. Stickle.
B. P. DeBeer, Ashley Renou, Sr. Missionary Licentiates:
Department Secretaries: T. J. Gibson, H. S. Beckner, Mrs.
Tract Soc., A. F. Tarr. W. S. Hyatt, Miss C. A. Dixie,
Sabbath School, Miss Jessie M. Miss Minnie Dixie, Mrs. G. R.
Tarr. E. McNay, Mrs. J. J. Birken-
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., E. stock, Miss Mona Wearne, Miss
M. Howard. J. Evert, Mrs. W. L. Hyatt, Mrs.
Ministers: T. J. Gibson.
0. K. Butler, D. F. Tarr, C. A.
Paap, B. P. DeBeer, D. C. Theu-
Licentiate: W. H. Hurlow. FERENCE
Missionary Licentiates: Organized 1913
Mrs. D. F. Tarr, G. W. Webb, Territory: Province of the Orange
Mrs. G. W. Webb, Mrs. C. A. Free State.
Paap, A. F. Tarr, Mrs. E. Bull, Office Address: 106 Kellner St.,
Miss S. Mocke, Mrs. 0. K. But- Bloemfontein, Orange Free State,
ler, Mrs. B. P. DeBeer, Mrs. D. C: South Africa.
Theunissen, .Mrs. D. May, H. Officers:
Julius, A. V. Ward. Pres., G. W. Shone.
Sec. and Treas., D. A. Webster.
Executive Committee: G. W.
ENCE Harebottle, J. M. Vorster, T. J.
Organized 1902 van Rensburg, F. Snijman, H. J.
Territory: The Colonies of Natal Moolman.
and the Transvaal. Department Secretaries:
Telegraphic Address: "'Watch- Tract Soc., D. A. Webster.
man," Maritzburg, Natal, South Minister: G. W. Shone.
Africa. Licentiates:
Office Address: Stranack St.. Mar- S. G. Hiten, A. H. van Eeden.
itzburg, Natal, South Africa.
Missionary Licentiate:
J. C. Marais.
Pres., W. S. Hyatt.
Sec, and Treas., T. J. Gibson.
Executive Committee: W. S.
Hyatt, H. S. Beckner, A. A. Pitt, INSTITUTIONS IN SOUTH
J. J. Birkenstock, Dr. E. W. AFRICAN UNION CON-
Ingle, T. J. Gibson, G. R. E. Mc- FERENCE
Nay, P. A. Venter. Sanitariums:
Department Secretaries: Cape Sanitarium, Plumstead,
Tract Soc., T. J. Gibson.. Cape, South Africa.

Educational: Publishing:
South African Training School, Sentinel Publishing Company,
P. 0. Box 124, Ladysmith, Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth,
Natal, South Africa. Cape, South Africa.


Organized 1919

Territory: Native territory in Ministers:

political Union of South Africa J. R. Campbell, L. Molokomme.
and Bechuanaland. Missionary Licentiates:
Population: 525,000; churches, 6; Mrs. J. R. Campbell, Hans Shai,
members, 256. I. Ndabambi, J. Rasmeni, John
Officers: Ross, T. L. Mainonne.
Acting Supt., W. B. White.
Executive Committee: W. B.
White. W. H. Anderson, Chas. EMMANUEL MISSION
Sparrow, E. W. H. 'Jeffrey, F.
B. Armitage, F. R. Stockil, F. Established 1910
MacDonald. Address: Emmanuel Mission, Leri-
Minister: W. B. White. be, Basutoland, South Africa.
Supt., F. MacDonald.
Officers: F. MacDonald, M. D. Kalaka,
Supt. and Minister, W. H. An- A. P. Tarr.
derson, River Road, Mafeking, Missionary Licentiate:
B. B., South Africa. Mrs. A. P. Tarr.
Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. W. H. Anderson, A. Mo-
hapi, Matthew Africa. KOLO MISSION (Outstation)
Address: Morija, Basutoland,
Officers: Native Teacher:
Supt. and Minister, P. Smailes, Lazarus Ntsoamvng.
12 Hunter St., Bertrarns, Jo-
hannesburg, Transvaal, South
Licentiate: R. Mapepuka.
Missionary Licentiate: Edward Officers:
Lekoane. Supt., Chas. Sparrow, P. 0.
- Fraser's Camp, Martindale, C.
C., South Africa.
0. F. S. and BASUTOLAND FIELD Ministers:
Officers: Chas. Sparrow, R. Moko.
Supt., J. R. Campbell, 6 Engi- Missionary Licentiates:
neer's Quarters, Tempe, 0. F. Mrs. Chas. Sparrow, Jeffry
S.. South Africa. Mkunzi, Jackson Bako.

MARANATHA MISSION Missionary Licentiates:

Established 1906 Mrs. F. B. Armitage, Ernest
(Later: Purchased and operated
by Chas. Sparrow. Workers at
Maranatha Mission transferred
to new station under Bethel ZULULAND FIELD
Supt., I. B. Burton, P. 0. Box
TRANSKEI FIELD 124, Ladysmith, Natal, South
Officers: Africa.
Supt., E. W. H. Jeffrey, Hospi- Ministers:
tal Hill, Umtata, C. C., South I. B. Burton, J. R. Mtimkulu.
Africa. Missionary Licentiates:
Ministers: E. MT. H. Jeffrey, Mrs. I. B. Burton, W. Smith,
Agrippa Mzozoyana. James Moya, .T. M. Hlubi.
Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. E. W. H. Jeffrey, Wm.
Kobe, Roger Matakane. ZULU MISSION
Established 1911
BETHEL MISSION Address: P. 0. Box 124, Lady-
Established 1917 smith, Natal, South Africa.
Address: Bethel Mission, But- Officers:
terworth, Cape Province, South Supt., F. R. Stockil.
Africa. Licentiate: F. R. Stockil.
Officers: Missionary Licentiates:
Supt. and Minister: F. B. Ar- Mrs. F. R. Stockil, H. G. Pat-
mitage. chett, Mrs. H. G. Patchett, A.
Licentiate: E. M. Howard. Xabba, Franklin Ndrlous.


Organized 1916

Territory: The following mis- Minister: W. E. Straw.

sions: Rusa.ngu, Musofu, Glen- Licentiates:
dale, Nyasaland, Solusi, Soma- J. E. Symons, A. P. Pond.
bula, Songa, Inyazura.
Population: 18,330,000; churches, SONGA MISSION
6; members, 991.
Address: Songa Mission, P. 0.
Officers: Samba, via. Bukama, Belgian
Supt., W. E. Straw, Solusi Mis- Congo.
sion, Bulawayo, Rhodesia,
South Africa. Officers:
Advisory Committee: W. E. Supt. and Minister, C. Robin-
Straw, J. N. DeBeer, G. A. El- son.
lingworth, H. M. Sparrow, J. E. Missionary Licentiates:
Symons. Mrs. C. Robinson, C. Willmore.


H. M. Sparrow, R. P. Robinson,
Established 1917 Jim Meyenga.
Territory: Northern Rhodesia, Missionary Licentiates:
with permission to labor across Mrs. R. P. Robinson, Mrs. H.
Belgian Congo. M. Sparrow, Mark Gangazi,
Address: Private Bag, Broken Clarence Salombe.
Hill, Northern Rhodesia, South
S. M. Konigmacher, F. B. Jew-
ell. Established 1901
Missionary Licentiates: Address: Gwelo, Rhodesia, South
Mrs. S. Konigmacher, Mrs. F. Africa.
B. Jewell. Officers:
Supt. and Minister, J. N. de
GLENDALE MISSION Isaac Xiba, Harry Sibogobe.
Established 1911 Missionary Licentiates:
Address: Victoria, Southern Rho- Mrs. J. N. de Beer, W. S. Smith,
desia, South Africa. Jack Zeho.
Officers: Outstations: Shangani and Se-
Supt. and Licentiate: S. W. de lukwe.
Established 1905
Acquired 1902
Address: Rusangu Mission, Pri-
Head Station: Malamulo Mis- vate Bag, Livingstone, Northern
sion, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Brit- Rhodesia, South Africa.
ish Central Africa. Officers:
Substations: Matandani and Mon- Supt. and Licentiate: J. Victor
ekera. Wilson.
Officers: Missionary Licentiates:
Supt. and Licentiate: G. A. El- C. E. Wheeler, Mrs. J. Victor
lingworth. Wilson, Frank Malombe.
Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. G. A. Ellingworth, Miss E.
Edie, H. J. Hurlow, Mrs. H. J. INYAZURA MISSION
Hurlow, W. Mason.
Opened 1910
Address: Inyazura Mission, Inya-
SOLUSI MISSION zura Siding, via Salisbury, Rho-
desia, South Africa.
Established 1894
Address: S'olusi Mission, Bula- Supt. and Licentiate: MT. Hodg-
wayo, Rhodesia, South Africa. son.
Officers: Missionary Licentiates:
Supt., H. M. Sparrow. E. Tarr, Jonah Munzara.
Organized 1894

Territory: The Conferences of Manager, J. M. Johanson, War-

New South Wales, North New burton.
South Wales, North New Ze- Union Field Miss. Sec., L. D. A.
land, South New Zealand, Lemke; Asst., II. Stacey.
Queensland, South Australia, Book Committee: J. M. Johan-
Victoria, Tasmania, West Aus- son, C. M. Snow, W. H. James,
tralia, and Central Polynesia; A. G. Miller, J. H. Woods, L. D.
the Eastern Polynesia, North A. Lemke, A. H. Piper.
Queensland, New Guinea, Solo- Department Secretaries: '
mon Islands, New Hebrides, Sabbath School, A. W. Ander-
Niue, Norfolk Island, and Lord son; Corresponding Sec., Mrs.
Howe Island Missions. A. L. Hindson.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Syd- Educational, W. G. Turner.
ney. Medical Miss., Dr. T. A. Sher-
Office: " Mizpah," Wahroonga, Publishing, L. D. A. Lemke.
New South Wales, Australia. Religious Liberty, A. AV. Ander-
Officers: son.
Pres., C. H. Watson. Miss. Vol., F. Knight.
Vice-Pres., \V. J. Westerman. Home Miss., H. M. Blunden;
Sec., W. G. Turner, Asst. Sec., H. C. White.
Treas., T. IV. Hammond. Health Food, J, H. Camp.
Executive Committee: C. II. Ministers:
Watson, W. J. Westerman, W. J. Allen, A. W. Anderson, W. L.
G. Turner, T. W. Hammond; H. Baker, H. M. Bbinden, Rob-
the presidents of the local con- ert Hare, J. M. Johanson, G. E.
ferences; and superintendents ,Tones, F. Knight, L. D. A. Lem-
of organized Mission fields; A. ke, W. J. Smith, C. M. Snow, W.
W. Anderson, G. S. Fisher, H. M. G. Turner, C. H. Watson, IV. J.
Blunden, T. A. Sherwin, L. D. Westerman.
A. Lemke, J. M. Johanson, E. Licentiates:
Watson, J. Mills, C. Rosendahl, C. V. Bell, T. A. Brown, R. A.
C. M. Snow, C. H. Pretyman, J. Caldwell, W. R. Carswell, J. H.
H. Camp, F. Knight, H. Kirk. Camp, A. J. Dyason, T. W. Ham-
Financial Advisory Committee; mond, Dr. W. H. James, W. 0.
C. H. Watson, C, H. Pretyman, Johanson, G. S. Joseph, A. L.
G. S. Fisher, W. 0. Johanson, King, H. Kirk, A. W. Knight, J.
A. Mountain, Sr. Mills, A. Mountain, Sr., G. T.
Auditor and Statistician, AV. 0. Newbold, C. H. Pretyman, C.
Johanson. Rosendahl, E. Rosendahl, C. H.
Asst. Auditors: A. R. Watson, Schowe, Dr. T. A. Sherwin, H.
A. Mountain, Sr. Stacey, S. V. Stratford, H. E.
Legal Assn.:. " Australasian Streeter, E. 'Watson, H. C.
Conference Association, Ltd." White.
Pres. and General Manager, E. Missionary Licentiates:
Watson; Sec. and Treas., C. H. G. Adair, C. G. Buick, L. A. But-
Pretyman. ler, H. G. Franks, Dr. M. Free-
Union Book Depository: man, F. Grubb, Mrs. Anna L.
Signs Publishing Company, War- Hindson, IV H. Hopkins, Mrs.
burton, Victoria, Australia. C. F. Jones, A. G. Miller, H. C.

Mosely, Miss H. Osmond, P. B. Office: " Tereora," The Boulevard,

Otto, James Pollock, Mrs. L. M. Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia.
Shannon, Mrs. Laura Ulrich, A,. Officers:
R. Watson; W. A. Wilton, W. Pres., W. H. Pascoe.
J. Wright. Sec., L. J. Imrie.
Medical Missionary Licentiates: Treas., J. Todd,
John Archer, Miss Linda Backer, EXecutive Committee: W. H.
Miss Isabella Blair, G. A. Brand- Pascoe, F. Knight, A. Hard-
stater, Alfred Carrick, R. G. wicke, J. Pollock, A. Shannon,
Cooper, T. Dowling, L. T. Gib- F. Edmunds, F. Masters.
lett, Mrs. L. T. Giblett, Miss Department Secretaries:
Rowena Gordon, Miss Nellie Field Miss., F. Masters.
King, Miss Aphra Sabbath School, Miss A. M. WiV
Miss Olga McAinsh, Miss Jane hams.
McCullagh, Miss G. Niebuhr, Educational, W. Gilson.
Miss G. Pollard, Mrs. Rose Religious Liberty, C. H. Schowe.
Scott, Miss F. Scott, Miss V. Miss. Vol., Miss A. S. Higgins.
Shearer, L. Simpson, Roy Home Miss., A. H. White.
Thompson, Miss A. Thorpe, Miss Ministers:
E. Totenhofer. W. H. Pascoe, L. J. Imrie, A.
Licensed Missionary Teachers: H. White, H. Mitchell, R. E.
Miss Rhae Allbon, Miss D. Ar- Hare. L. Currow, M. W. Carey.
thur, Miss L. A. Baird, Miss R. Licentiates:
Cole, Miss L. Comins, Miss Mil- J. Hindson, E. G. Whittaker, R.
lie Dawkins, Miss E. E. Ed- Govett, F. Masters.
wards, G. H. Greenaway, Chas.
Missionary Licentiates:
E. Frames, Miss N. E. Schnepel,
J. Todd, S. R. Maunder, T. R.
Mrs. Winnifred Schowe, Miss A.
Kent, W. J. Stevens, C. Griffen,
L. Shakespeare, Miss D. Shal-
Miss E. Westerman, Miss A.
lard, Miss M. M. Smart, A. E. ,
Rose, Miss A. E. Pearse, Miss S.
Speck, B. Duffy.
Read, Miss A. S. Higgins, Miss
A. Williams, Miss C., Collier,
Miss E. Perry, Miss E. Heise,
SOUTH NEW SOUTH WALES Mrs. G. E. Chapman, Mrs. Weg-
CONFERENCE ner, Mrs. Caro, Mrs. Palmer,
Mrs. Bridgett.
Organized 1895
Church School Teachers:
Territory: That part of the state Miss M. Schnepel, Miss W. Nei-
of New South Wales South of buhr, Miss V. G. Camp, W. Gil-
the Hawkesbury, and Capertee son, N. Faulkner, E. A. Butler.
Rivers, as far west as the 150th
meridian of east longitude,
thence west of the line running NORTH NEW SOUTH WALES
north to Cassilis, thence south- CONFERENCE
west of a line running north-
westerly from Cassilis to where Organized 1920
the 147th meridian of east longi- Territory: That part of the state
tude meets the 29th parallel of of New South Wales north of
south latitude, with the excep- the Hawkesbury and Capertee
tion of the city of Broken Hill Rivers as far west as the 150th
and such adjacent territory as is meridian of east longitude,
now a part of the South Aus- thence east of the line running
tralian Conference. north to Cassilis. Thence north-

east of a line running north- Officers:

westerly from Cassilis to where Pres., A. W. Cormack.
the 147th meridian of east Sec. and Treas., P. G. Foster.
longitude meets the 29th paral- Executive Committee: A. IV.
lel of south latitude, with the Cormack, G. G. Stewart, W. G.
exception of that part of the Brittain, G. F. Wright, W. Rich-
Northern Rivers District which ards, M. Olsen, Dr. Reekie.
is comprised in the Queensland Legal Assn.: "New Zealand Con-
Conference. ference, Incorporated."
Office: Lindsay St., Hamilton, Department Secretaries:
New South -Wales, Australia. Field Miss., G. F. Hansford.
Officers: Sabbath School, J. bookings.
Pres., J. M. Cole. Educational, S. Rosendahl.
Sec. and Treas., Miss R. Dray. Miss. Vol., J. Hookings.
Executive Committee: J. M. Religious Liberty, A. W. Cor-
Cole, C. R. Farrell, G. S. Fisher, mack.
W. Martin, S. W. Lamplough, Home Miss., R. J. Martin.
J. Martin, and vacancy to be Ministers:
filled. A. W. Cormack, G. G. Stewart,
Department Secretaries: W. G. Brittain, W. Gillis, F. G.
Field Miss., C. R. Farrell. Rampton.
Sabbath School, Miss I. Hoy. Licentiates:
Educational, W. J. Gilson. J. Thompson, C. J. Reynolds, L.
Miss. Vol., Miss I. Hoy. W. Jones, G. H. Wordsworth, T.
Religious Liberty, C. H. Schowe. W. -Whittle, P. G. Foster, W. D.
Home Miss., F. W. Reekie. Smith, J. Pascoe, A. Currow.
Ministers: Missionary Licentiates:
J. M. Cole, M. W. Carey. Dr. Eric Caro, G. F. Hansford,
Licentiates: V. Nilsson, J. Hockings, Mrs.
R. Salton, M. A. Connell, S. Wat- Neilson, R. A. Anderson, R. J.
son, M. H. Whittaker, F. W. Martin, Miss G. Smith, Miss J.
Reekie, H. E. Carr, C. R. Far- McFarlane, J. Johnson, J. Gillis.
rell. Church School Teachers:
Missionary Licentiates: Miss M. Beavis, Miss M. Peder-
W. J. Broad, Miss W. Haber- son, Miss E. Brittain, Miss H.
man, Miss R. Dray, Miss I. Hoy, Wicks.
Miss D. Watt, B. Osborne.
Church School Teacher:
Organized 1899
Territory: The state of Queens-
NORTH NEW ZEALAND CON- land south of the 23rd degree of
FERENCE latitude, South, and the North-
Organized 1889 ern Rivers District, a portion of
Territory: That portion of the New South Wales.
Dominion of New Zealand north Office: Corner Peel and Grey Sts.,
of Cook's Straits. South Brisbane, Queensland,
Cable Address: "Mastery," Auck-
land, New Zealand. Officers:
Office: 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, Pres.. A. IV. Kent.
New Zealand. Sec. and Treas., J. H. Mills.

Executive Committee: A. W. KEMPSEY MISSION FOR

Kent, F. L. Wiltshire, H. J. ABORIGINES
Cooper, A. S. Thorpe, J. Trit-
ton, C. F. Hodgkinson, R. Ful- Established 1914
Address:Post Office, Dempsey,
Department Secretaries: New South Wales, Australia.
Field Miss., C. F. Hodgkinson.
Sabbath School, Miss V. Eard- Minister: P. B. Rudge.
Educational, A. W. Kent.
Miss. Vol., Miss V. Eardley.
Religious Liberty, A. W. Kent. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CONFER-
Home Miss., S. M. Cobb.
A. W. Kent, S. M. Cobb, L. R. Organized 1899
Harvey, G. E. Marriott.
Licentiates: Territory: The State of South
L. Newbold, S. L. Patching, C. Australia, and the city of Bro-
M. Lee, H. Robinson, A. Hysler, ken Hill, N. S. W.
F. C. Lawson. Office: 116 Grote St., Adelaide,
Missionary Licentiates: South Australia, Australia.
J. H. Mills, Miss H. L. Cozens, Officers:
Miss H. Osborne, C. F. Hodg- Pres. E. B. Budge.
kinson, C. W. Tinworth, Miss Sec. and Treas., Miss R. V.
H. E. Markey, Miss V. Bardley, Stratford.
Miss E. M. Appleton, Miss M. Executive Committee: E. B.
Anderson, Miss L. Smart, Miss Rudge, A. S. Start, G. Hubbard,
E. Todd, J. S. Smith, A. Zeunert, B. J.
Church School Teachers: . Smith, R. Norman.
Miss M. Williams, Miss D. F. Department Secretaries:
Thorpe, J. L. A. Lawson. Field Miss., A. Start.
Educational, E. B. Rudge.
Sabbath School, Miss G. E. Col-
ABORIGINES Religious Liberty, E. B. Budge.
Miss. Vol., Miss G. E. Collins.
Established 1913 Home Miss.. J. S. Stewart.
Address: Oaklands, via Cairns, Ministers:
Queensland, Australia. E. R. Rudge, C. P. Michaels, G.
Officers: Hubbard, J. S. Stewart.
Supt., J. L. Branford. Licentiates:
Treas., J. L. Branford. H. A. Kent, E. Roennfeldt, C.
Matron, Mrs. J. L. Branford. Head.
Licentiate: J. L. Branford. Missionary Licentiates:
Missionary Licentiates: Miss G. E. Collins, Miss R. V.
G. A. Mitchell, M. Thorpe, Mrs, Stratford, Miss B. A. Heise, A.
J. L. Branford, Mrs. G. A. T. Start, Miss F. Wilson, Miss
Mitchell, Mrs. M. Thorpe, T.,: E. Newbold, Miss J. Mudie.
Borgas, G. Borgas, W. Koglin, Church School Teachers:
Mrs. U. Borgas, R. Totenhofer. Mrs. F. M. Smith. Mrs. E. Vear,
Church School Teacher: R. C. Scott, H. Stead, Miss Ivy
Mrs. G. A. Mitchell. Manners, Miss Z. Manners.

SOUTH NEW ZEALAND CON- Sabbath School, Miss A. V.

Organized 1915 Miss. Vol., Miss A. V. Jones.
Home Miss., R. E. G. Blair.
Territory: That portion of the Religious Liberty, H: E. Piper_
Dominion of New Zealand south
of Cook's Straits. Minister: H. E. Piper.
Office: 902 Colombo St., Christ- Licentiates:
church, New Zealand. W. E. Battye, E. R. Whitehead.
Officers: Missionary Licentiates:
Pres., B. Cozens. W. R. Howse, R. E. G. Blair,
Sec. and Treas., A. G. Minchin. Miss I. Robertson, Miss A. V.
Executive Committee: B. Co- Jones.
zens, S. H. Amyes, E. G. Saun- Licensed Missionary Teachers:
ders, G. A. Brandstat er, F. Miss 14. Scott. H. Totenhofer,
Grubb. E. C. Halsey, W. Seragg. Miss L. Robertson.
Department Secretaries:
Field Miss., W. Scragg.
Sabbath School, Miss N. Shear- VICTORIAN CONFERENCE
' er.
Educational, B. Cozens. Organized 1888
Religious Liberty, B. Cozens. Territory: The State of Victoria.
Miss. Vol., Miss N. Shearer. Office: 22 Stanley St., Richmond,
Home Miss., Miss N. Shearer. Victoria, Australia.
Minister: R. Cozens. Officers:
Licentiates: Pres., A. H. Piper.
C. E. Ashcroft, R. J. Burns, W. Vice-Pres., H. Letts.
Scragg, A. Bullas. Sec., J. L. Smith.
Missionary Licentiates: Treas., J. S. Harding.
Miss F. Knowles, G. F. Bohr- Executive Committee: A. H.
inger, L. F. Were, A. G. Min- Piper, H. Letts, J. A. McAinsh,
chin. Miss H. Shearer, Miss D. R. A. Nattrass, W. J. Wright,
V. Heywood, Mrs. A. Bullas, R. Inglis, C. A. W. McGowan.
Miss C. Haines, H. Lane, W. Had- Department Secretaries:
dock. Field Miss., C. A. W. McGowan.
Sabbath School, D. Horley.
Educational, Mrs. N. D. Faulk-
Organized 1915 Religious Liberty, T. H. Crad-
Territory: The State of Tas- dock.
mania. Miss. Vol., Miss D. Horley.
Office: Franklin Chambers, Mac- Home Miss., W. N. Lock.
quorie St., Hobart, Tasmania. Ministers:
Officers: A. H. Piper, J. H. Woods, T. II.
Pres., H. E. Piper. Craddock, F. H. Letts, J. W.
Sec. and Treas., R. E. G. Blair. Kent, A. C. Chesson.
Executive Committee: H. E. Licentiates:
Piper, H. B. Hurburgh, E. P. W. N. Lock, B. Cormack, S. C.
Fehlberg, P. Appeldorff, A. To- Butler. F. J. Parkin, E. Chap-
tenhofer, A. P. Gall, W. H. man, J. J. Crammond.
Shipp. Missionary Licentiates:
Department Secretaries: Miss M. McDowell, Miss D. Hoe-
Educational, H. E. Piper. ley, Miss E. Britten, Miss H.


L. Smith, Mrs. N. D. Faulkhead, FERENCE
Mrs. E. C. Chapman, W. T. Organized 1916
Smith, J. S. Harding, A. W. Sta-
ples, J. Davies, C. Stafford, Territory: Fiji Group, Samoan
Miss E. F. Hopgood, J. Eggins, Group, Friendly Islands.
G. Peacock. Office: Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pa-
Church School Teachers: cific Ocean.
Miss Tivey, Miss E. Bourne, Officers:
Miss L. McMahon. Pres., C. H. Parker.
Vice-Pres., R. W. Smith.
Sec. and Treas., P. Glockler.
Executive Committee: C. H.
ENCE Martin, S. W. Carr, vacancy to
Organized 1902 be filled, and two native work-
Territory: The State of West
Department Secretaries:
Sabbath School, Mrs. C. H. Par-
Office: 46 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, ker.
West Australia. Miss. Vol:, Mrs. C. H. Parker.
Officers: Educational, S. WT. Carr.
Pres., E. S. Butz. " Ministers:
Sec., R. H. Constandt. C. H. Parker, J. E. Steed, S. W.
Treas., E. L. Pengilley. Carr, R. W. Smith, Joni Lill,
Executive Committee: E. S. Mecusela. Naisogo.
Butz, P. B. Otto, R. H. Con-
standt, 0. H. Palmateer, R. Licentiates:
Sasse, E. M. Martin, and vacan- H. T. Howse, H. R. Martin. G.
H. Morrison, D. Meyers, G. Mc-
cy to be filled.
Laren, C. Palmer, 0. V. Helles-
Department Secretaries: trand, H. L. Tolhurst, G. Bran-
Field Miss., J. W. Roberts. ster, Timoci Nawara, Feresi
Sabbath School, Mrs. S. G. Tank. Rokosalu, Senavaleti Ramua,
Educational, E. S. Butz. Tevita Railave, Semiti Gade,
Religious Liberty, E. S. Butz. Emore Savutini, Joni Simpson,
Miss. Vol., Mrs. S. G. Tank. Pauliasi Naibisi, Ilisiami, Ratu
Home Miss., E. Behrens. Kelevi, Tabua Inoke, Henry
Ministers: Maafu.
E. S. Butz, H. C. Harker. Missionary Licentiates:
Licentiates: Mrs. C. H. Parker, R. Lane, Mrs.
E. Behrens, A. H. Britten, G. L. E. P. Dexter, Jeni Sisi, Lasa-
Robinson, A. A. Shapcott, R. H. kan, Mrs. E. Meyers, Miss R.
Constandt. Parker, Mrs. G. H. Morrison,
W. R. Litster, Mrs. S. W. Carr,
Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. T. Howse, Mrs. W. R.
Miss F. Reed, Mrs. S. G. Tank, Smith, A. P. Ward, Mrs. A. P.
J. W. Roberts, Mrs. E. S. Butz, Ward, A. W. Powell, B. E. Had-
R. Brandstater, Miss A. Wright, field, ;IVIrs. B.. E. Hadfield, Mrs.
J. Trim. D. Meyers, Mrs. W. R. Litster,
Church School Teachers: H. Meyers, Mrs. G. Bra.nster,
Miss B. M. Voss, Miss Amy Mrs. P. Glockler, P. Glockler.
Clarke, Miss 0. Clark, Miss Ruby Church School Teacher:
Clark, Mrs. F. Davey. Miss M. Ferguson. ,

EASTERN POLYNESIAN MIS- Licentiate: A. N. Lawson.

SION Missionary Licentiate:
Established 1892; reorganized 1916 Mitieli Nakasami.
Comprising the following former
missions; Society Islands, Cook
Islands, and Pitcairn Island.
Territory: All the Pacific Islands
Established 1912
east of the 160th degree of west
longitude, and south of the tenth Address: Atchin, New Hebrides,
parallel of north latitude. Pacific Ocean.
Headquarters: Papeete, Tahiti, Officers:
Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. Supt., A. G. Stewart.
Officers: Minister: A. G. Stewart.
Supt., F. E. Lyndon. Licentiates:
Sec. and Treas., R. R. Gooding. J. R. James, D. Nicholson.
Executive Committee: F. E. Missionary Licentiates:
Lyndon, G. L. Sterling, H. A. Mrs. A. Cr. Stewart, Mrs. J. R.
Hill, H. S. Cozens, R. R. Good- James, Jope Laweloa, Mrs. D.
ing, Wm. Chapman. Nicholson.
F. E. Lyndon, G. L. Sterling.
H. A. Hill, H. S. Cozens, Win. Established 1914
Chapman. Address: Niue Island, Pacific
Missionary Licentiates: Ocean.
Mrs. G. L. Sterling, Mrs. F. E. Licentiate: E. Giblett.
Lyndon, Philip Poroi, Iti Strick-
land, Koteka, Tihoni, R. R. Good-
ing, Mrs. Wm. Chapman, A. E. NORFOLK ISLAND MISSION
Liston. Established 1893
Church School Teacher: Address: Norfolk Island, Aus-
W. F. Young. tralia.
Licentiate: M. R. Adams.
Territory: That portion of Queens- Address: Lord Howe Island, Aus-
land north of the 23rd degree of tralia.
south latitude. Licentiate: A. H. Ferris.
Officers: Department Secretaries:
Supt., F. L. Sharp. Sabbath School, Mrs. E. Fenton.
Minister: F. L. Sharp.
Licentiate: M. B. C. Smith. SOLOMON ISLAND MISSION
Missionary Licentiates: Established 1914
A. Were, Walter Chapman.
Address: Marovo Lagoon, via Tu-
lagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific
Established 1908 Officers:
Address: Bisiatabu, Port Mores- Supt., H. P. B. Wicks.
by, British New Guinea. Minister: H. P. B. Wicks.

Licentiates: Oroua Missionary School, Long-

R. H. Tutty, C. A. Wrigley. burn, New Zealand.
Sydney High School, " Belmont,"
Missionary Licentiates: Patterson St., Concord, N. S.
D. Gray, J. Radley, Mrs. R. H. W., Australia.
Tutty, Mrs. M. Wicks, W. Mitch-
ell, J. D. Anderson. Publishing:
Signs Publishing Co., Ltd., -War-
burton, Victoria, Australia.
INSTITUTIONS IN THE AUS- Christchurch Sanitarium, Papa-
TRALASIAN UNION CON- nui, Christchurch, New Zea-
Sydney Sanitarium, Wahroonga,
Educational: N. S. W., Australia.
Australasian Missionary College, Warburton Sanitarium, War-
Cooranbong, N. S. W., Aus- burton, Victoria, Australia.
tralia. Health Food Factories:
Central Polynesian Training Avondale Industries, Cowan-
School, Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, bong, N. S. W., Australia.
Pacific Ocean. New Zealand Health Food Fac-
Darling Range School, Carmel, tory, Papanui, Christchurch,
West Australia. New Zealand.


Territory: The Missions of Cuba, Advisory Committee: S. E.
Haiti, Porto Rico, and Venezuela. Kellman, H. C. Goodrich, J. D.
Supt., Livingston, H. E. Blackwelder,
Field Miss. Sec., G. D. Raff. Jose Veiga.
Department Secretaries:
Tract Soc., A. P. Christiansen.
CUBAN MISSION Field Miss., H. E. Blackwelder.
Established 1905 Sabbath School, Mrs. J. D, Liv-
Territory: Cuba and the Isle of ingston.
Pines. Home Missionary, J. D. Living-
Population: 2,627,536; churches, ston.
7; members, 232. Miss. Vol., Mrs. Ramona Black-
Cable Address: " Adventista, Ma-
S. E. Kellman, H. C. Goodrich,
Office Address: Milan& 99, Ma- J. E. Anderson, G. T. Vore.
tanzas, Cuba. Licentiates:
Postal Address: Apartado 230, J. D. Livingston, F. 'W. Miller,
Matanzas, Cuba, West Indies. C. J. Foster, George Lucas. Jose
Officers: Veiga, Pedro Cruz, Manuel Avila.
Superintendent. S. E. Kellman. Missionary Licentiates:
Sec. and Treas., A. P. Christian- H. E. Blackwelder, A. P. Chris-
sen. tiansen, John Williams, Eleo-

doro Apezteguia, Kate Kellman, PORTO RICAN MISSION

Mabel Livingston, Mildred An- Organized 1909
derson, Mrs. H. C. Goodrich,
Territory: Porto Rico, Santo Do-
Mrs. Sarah Vore, Mrs. F. W. Mil-
mingo, and the. Virgin Islands.
ler, Mrs. C. J. Foster, Mrs. A.
P. Christiansen, Mrs. Ramona Population: 1,118,012; churches,
Blackwelder, Therlow Harper. 8; members, 378.
Cable Address: " Adventista," San
Office Address: Porto Rican Mis-
HAITIEN MISSION sion, Calle Nueva, Stop 14, San-
turce, Porto Rico.
Established 1905
Territory: Republic of Haiti. Director, C. V. Achenbach.
Sec. and Treas., W. I. Montanye.
Population: 21500,000; churches, Advisory Committee: C. V.
14; members, 587.
Achenbach, W. I. Montanye,
Cable Address: " Adventist," Cape- William Steele, D. C. Babcock,
Haitien, Haiti. Peter Nygaard, Salvador Rivera,
Postal Address: Box 40, Cape- F. E. Wilson.
Haitien, Haiti, West Indies. Department Secretaries:
Officers: Tract Soc.. W. I. Montanye.
Field Miss., H. M. Gibson.
Director 'and Treasurer, A. 0.
Sabbath School and Home Miss.,
F. E. Wilson.
Advisory Committee: A. G.
Educational and Miss. Vol., B.
Roth, G. G. Roth, C. G. Parkins,
A. Wolcott.
M. N. Isaac, Joseph Blot.
Department Secretaries: C. V. Achenbach, William Steele,
Tract Soc., Miss Ruth I. Roth. D. C. Babcock, B. A. Wolcott,
Field Miss., C. G. Parkins. Frank Hall.
Sabbath School, Mrs. A. G. Licentiates:
Roth. H. E. Baasch, F. E. Wilson, Pe-
Educational, Miss Herminie L. ter Nygaard, C. N. Moulton,
Roth. Salvador Rivera, Francisco Me-
Home Miss., C. G. Parkins. grant, Rafael Bracero, M. L.
Ministers: Fernandez, Manuel _Mendez.
A. G. Roth, G. G. Roth, M. N. Missionary Licentiates:
Isaac. W. I. Montanye, H. AL Gibson,
Benign() Rosario, Pablo Vallejo,
Licentiates: Miss Eduarda Siman, Miss Ger-
C. G. Parkins, Arioste Pean, trudis Papin, Miss Minnie E.
Antoine Theodore, Jules Jean- Martin, Mrs. Mercedes R. Fer-
Baptiste, Dudray Lecorps, De- nandez, Mrs. Carmen Mendez,
lille Apollon. Mrs. M. E Steele, Mrs. Marga-
Missionary Licentiates: ret Baasch, Mrs. Lauretta Mort-
Gregoire Obas, Mrs. A. G. Roth, tanye, Mrs. C. V. Achenbach,
Mrs. C. G. Parkins, Miss Her- Jaime Phipps, Mrs. Mercedes
minie L. Roth, Miss Ruth I. Phipps, Mrs. D. C. Babcock, Mrs.
Roth, Mrs. Tancrede Belotte. F. E. Wilson, Mrs. B. A. Wol-
Church School Teachers: cott, Mrs. Peter Nygaard, Mrs.
Themistocle Abel, Mrs. Themis- H. 111. Gibson, Miss Beulah
tocle Abel. Soper.

VENEZUELA MISSION Advisory Committee: W. E.

'Territory: Republic of Venezuela, Baxter, B. Bullard, D. D. Fitch.
and islands of Curacao, Oruba, Department Secretaries:
Buen Ayre, and Margarita. Tract Soc., B. Bullard.
Population: 2,844,618; churches, Field Miss.,
1; members, 16.
Office Address: Apartado 136, Ca- Ministers:
W. E. Baxter, D. D. Fitch.
racas, Venezuela, South Ameri-
ca. Missionary Licentiates:
Officers: Mrs. W. E. Baxter, Mrs. D. D.
Director, W. E. Baxter. Fitch, B. Bullard, Mrs. B. Bul-
Sec. and Treas., B. Bullard. lard.


'Territory: British Honduras, Re- HONDURAS MISSION
public of Honduras, Guatemala, Organized 1918
Salvador, Mexico, and the west-
ern part of Nicaragua. Territory: Spanish and British
Supt. and Minister, R. W. Iqr- Population: 613,758; churches,
mele, 3a Agricultura 21, Ta- 8; members, 289.
cubaya, D. F., Mexico. Cable Address: "Adventista," San
Pedro, Honduras.
Office: San Pedro Sula, Republic
GUATEMALA MISSION of Honduras, Central America.
Organized 1913 Officers:
Director, W. E. Lanier.
'Territory: The Republic of Gua- Sec. and Treas., R. G. Jones.
temala, Central America. Advisory Committee: W. E.
Population: 2,119,000; churches, Lanier, Ii. G. Jones, W. F.
1; members, 22. Hardt, Emanuel Alvarez, David
'Cable Address: Adventista," Gua- Haylock, Arthur Harding, Eddie
temala. Elwin.
'Office: Apartado '218, Guatemala
City, Guatemala, Central Amer- Department Secretaries:
ica. Tract Soc., R. G. Jones.
Field Miss. and Home Miss.,
Director and Treas., E. W. Sabbath School, Mrs. Alma 0.
Thurber. Jones.
Department Secretaries: Miss. Vol., Mrs. W. A. Sweany.
Sabbath School, Mrs. Lilla Ministers:
Prince-Thurber. W. E. Lanier, We A. Sweany.
Field Miss. and Home Miss., W. Licentiates:
A. Broomfield. Karl Snow, W. F. Hardt, J. T.
Minister: E. W. Thurber. Borden, Emanuel Aguilar.
licentiate: F. M. Owen. Missionary Licentiates:
MisSionary Licentiates: Mrs. W. E. Lanier, Mrs. W. A.
Mrs. Lilla Prince-Thurber, W. A. Sweany, R. G. Jones, Mrs. Alma
Broomfield. 0. Jones, Mrs. IV. F. Hardt, Mrs.

Margaret Snow, Dr. J. Garfield N. Allen, S. Marchisio, Carlos.

Smalley, Lino Almendarez. S. Nicolas, Juan P. Robles.
Honorary: David Haylock, Ar- Licentiates:
thur Harding. C. P. Martin, B. Delgado, J. D.
Leslie, Dr. F. W. West.
Missionary Licentiates:
MEXICAN MISSION C. R. Callicott, Miss Josefina
Sanchez, Mrs. Gregoria de Vera,
Territory: The Republic of Mex- Mrs. G. W. Caviness, Mrs. C. S..
ico. Nicolas, Mrs. E. 0. de Verduzco,.
Population, 15,501,684; churches, Mrs. Lydia Parmele, M. D., 0.
5, members, 278. C. Barrett, Mrs. 0. C. Barrett,
Office Address: 3a Agricultura 21, Miss E. V. Martin, Dr. W. S.
Tacubaya, D. P. Mexico. Swayze, Mrs. Alice Swayze, M.
Officers: ,D., A. E. Torres.
Director, J. E. Bond.
Sec. and Treas., C. R. Callicott. SALVADOR MISSION
Advisory Committee: J. E.
Bond, A. N. Allen, Carlos S. Organized 1915
Nicolas, G. W. Caviness, Juan Territory: Republic of Salvador.
P. Robles, C. R. Callicott, C. P.
Population; 1,287,772; churches,
Martin, J.' D. Leslie, Dr. F. W.
3; members, 65.
West, B. Delgado.
Office Address: 3a Calle Oriente,
Department Secretaries: No. 12, San Salvador, Salvador,
Field Miss.. J. D. Leslie.
Central America.
Sabbath School, Mrs. G. W. Cavi-
ness. Officers:
Educational and Miss. Vol., J. Director, C. F. Staben.
E. Bond. Treas., J. A. Bodle.
Home Miss., J. D. Leslie. Department Secretaries:
Medical Miss., Dr. F. W. West. Field Miss., W. H. England.
District Directors: Northeast, Missionary Licentiates:
C. P. Martin; Central, C. S. C. F. Staben, W. H. England, J.
Nicolas; Southern, A. N. Allen. A. Bodle, Mrs. C. F. Staben,
Ministers: Mrs. J. A. Bodle, Mrs. W. H.
J. E: Bond, G. W. Caviness, A. England.

JAMAICA CONFERENCE Office: 112 Tower St., Kingston,
Organized 1903 Jamaica, British West Indies.
Territory: Island of Jamaica, Pres., G. A. Roberts.
Cayman Islands, and Turks Sec. and Treas., J. G. Pettey.
Islands. Executive Committee: G. A..
Population: 905,000; churches, Roberts, G. Pettey, J. A. Ap-
50; members, 2,200. plegate, C. H. Keslake, Hubert.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Fletcher, H. N.. Wright, C. C.
Kingston. McCatty..

:Department Secretaries: Asst. Tract Soc., Benjamin Yip.

Tract Soc., J. G. Pettey. Field Miss., C. B. Sutton.
Field Miss. and Home Miss., J. Sabbath School and Educational,
A. Applegate. Mrs. M. E. Holbrook.
Sabbath School, Mrs. M. B. But- Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., S.
terfield. L. Ash.
Miss. Vol., Miss E. Dauphinee. Medical Miss., Dr. Chas. Cave.
Educational, W. H. Wineland. Ministers:
Religious Liberty, C. H. Keslake. W. S. Holbrook, D. E. Wellman,
"Ministers: I. V. Minner, I. G. Knight, Lin-
G. A. Roberts, M. B. Butterfield, ton Rashford, Philip Giddings,
C. H. Keslake, W. J. Hurdon, A. E. Riley, J. J. Smith, E .C.
Hubert Fletcher, W. H. Randle, Henriques, S. L. Ash.
H. L. Mignott. Licentiates:
Licentiates: C. B. Sutton, W. M. Lewis, J.
R. E. Morris, W. H. Wineland, D. Wood, Nathan Payne, James
J. A. Applegate. Carrington, Dr. Chas. Cave.
Missionary Licentiates: Honorary Licentiate: Reginald
J. G. Pettey, W. F. Burkley, Ryder.
Mrs. M. B. Butterfield, Miss M. Missionary Licentiates:
E. Dauphine, Miss. Johannah Benjamin Yip, T. J. Warner,
Daw, Miss Doris Belizario, Viola John Roberts, Enunantiel Bap-
Brodie. tiste, George Rickard, Miss An-
na Osborne. Miss Ida Lennard,
SOUTH CARIBBEAN CON- Miss Ruth Lennard, Mrs. M. E.
FERENCE Holbrook, Mrs. D. E. Wellman,
Organized 1906 Mrs. I. G. Knight, Mrs. I. V.
Minner, Mrs. Chas. Cave, Mrs.
Territory: Trinidad, Tobago, Bar- Nathan Payne, Mrs. W. M.
bados; 'Windward and Leeward Lewis, Mrs. Louise Giddings,
Islands; British, Dutch, and' Mrs. J. D. 'Wood, Miss May
French Guianas. Skerritt, Mrs. George Rickard,
Population: 1,677,600; churches, Miss Beulah Soper, N. Knight.
40; members, 1,665.
Cable Addressi " Adventists,"
Port of Spain, Trinidad, British
West Indies.
Office Address: 82 Queen St., Port FERENCE
of Spain, Trinidad, British West
Indies. Organized 1906
Postal Address: Box 66, Port of
Spain, Trinidad, British West Territory: Republics of Panama,
Indies. Columbia, Costa Rica, and Nica-
ragua; and the islands of San
Andres and Old Province (Co-
Pres., W. S. Holbrook.
lombian), and Corn Island (Nic-
Sec. and Treas., N. Knight.
Executive Committee: W. S.
Holbrook, D. E. Wellman, I. G. Population: 6,713,997; churches,
Knight, I. V. 'Winner, C. B. Sut- 20; members, 804.
ton, S. L. Ash, A. E. Riley, S. Cable Address: " Adventist," Co-
A. Crichlow. lon, Panamfi.
Department Secretaries: Postal Address: Box M, Cristo-
Tract Soc., N. Knight. bal, Canal Zone.

Office Address: Pacific Press Pub. Population, 60,000; churches, 2;

Assn. Bldg., Fourteenth and Bol- members. -58.
ivar St., Cristobal, Canal Zone. Office Address: Box 473, Nassau,
Officers: Bahamas.
Pres., E. M. Trummer. Minister: J. H. Smith.
Sec. and Treas.. H. C. Kephart. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. J. H..
Executive Committee: E. M. Smith.
Trummer, C. E. Boynton, J. A.
Reid, R. J. Sype, J. L. Holder, Native Bible Workers:
R. E. Bowles, H. C. Kephart. Mrs. Evangeline Wood, Mrs..
Elizabeth Someillan.
Department Secretaries:
Tract Soc., Sabbath School, and
Miss. Vol., H. C. Kephart.
Field Miss., J. L. Holder. HAWAIIAN MISSION
Educational, C. J. Boyd. Entered 1895
Home Miss., Mrs. II. J. Sype.
Ministers: Territory: The Hawaiian Islands..
E. M. Trummer, R. J. Sype, J. Population, 2.50,627; churches, 1;
A. Reid, J. B. Johnson, C. E. members, 172.
Boynton. Office Address: 1112 Keeaumoku
Licentiates: St., Honolulu, Hawaii.
N. M. Brayshaw, C. J. Boyd, H. Officers:
C. Kephart, R. H. Treible.
Supt., L. L. Hutchinson.
Missionary Licentiates: Sec. and Treas.. R. J. McKeague.
Mrs. R. J. Sype, Mrs. Amelia F. Advisory Committee: L. L..
Downer, Mrs. Amy Walters, Hutchinson, S. T. Hare, H. E.
Mrs. D. P. Abbott, J. A. Walker, Giddings, R. J. McKeague, C. R.
C. F. Brooks, J. L. Holder, R. E. Webster, F. E. Stafford, Jonah
Bowles, E. R. Johnson. Kumalae.
Church School Teachers: Department Secretaries:
D. P. Abbott, R. T. Newball Tract Soc. and Home Miss., R..
Mrs. R. T. Newball, P. A. Mc- J. MeKeacme.
Gregor, Mrs. Elizabeth Dixon, Sabbath School, Mrs. C. R. Web-
Miss Euphemia Salmon, J. A. ster.
Maynard, Alphonso Archer, Sam- Miss. Vol., Miss ,Lena Kumalae._
uel Henry, Ishmael Ellis, Miss Oriental, F. R Stafford.
Gertrude Brouwer, Miss Ed-
wedge Lawrence, Miss Selma Ministers:
Luzey. L. L. Hutchinson, S. T. Hare.
H. E. Giddings, R. J. McKeague.
Church Directory:
Colon, Panama, Third St., near Missionary Licentiates:
Broadway. F. E. Stafford, C. R. Webster,.
Panama City, Panama, 68 Ca- Mrs. C. R. Webster, Mrs. Mabel
mino de Ganado. McKeague, Mrs. S. T. Hare, Mrs.
H. E. Giddings, Mrs. Wm. Mac-
Millan, H. G. Rowland, Mrs. L.
L. Hutchinson.
BAHAMAS MISSION Church School Teachers:
Entered 1909 H. E. Giddings, Mrs. H. E. Gid-
Territory: The Bahama Islands. dings, Mrs. Bertha Alves.
At the Educational Council held at St. Helena, Cal., June 4-14, 1915,
it was recommended that the work of our intermediate schools, acad-
emies, and colleges be organized upon a semester (half year) basis,
each semester to be subdivided into three periods of six weeks each.
It was also recommended that the credits given in these schools be
reckoned upon a unit basis, one unit representing a study pursued 36
weeks with five recitations a week, forty-five minutes in length, or its
equivalent; that college credits be given on the semester-hour basis, a
semester-hour representing a study pursued one sixty-minute hour a
week for eighteen weeks. The scope of the various courses conducted
in these schools is as follows:
Grades Years
Intermediate Course 7-10 4
Academic Course 9-12 4
College Course (General) 13-16 4
College Course (Special) :
For Ministers (Complete) 13-16 4
For Ministers (Shorter Course) 13, 14 2
For Bible Workers and Missionaries
one- and two-year courses
Teachers (Elementary) 13,14 2
Business and Shorthand 13, 14 2
Business only 121, 13 li
Shorthand only 121,13 11
Music the conservatory course
College Course (Medical) 13-16 4
For Medical Evangelists 4
For Nurses the instruction given in our sanitariums 3
For Preparatory Medical Students 13, 14 2
Lists of church schools and teachers will be found in connection with
directories of the conferences in which such schools are located. Di-
rectories of colleges, academies, and intermediate schools follow in al-
phabetical order.

ADELPHIAN ACADEMY W. J. Webber, A. V. Morrison,

F. A. Quackenbush.
Holly, Michigan
Faculty: W. L. Avery, Principal
Established 1904 and Business Manager, History;
F. S. Everest, Preceptor, New
(Because of failure of those in Testament History; Gladys Mc-
charge of this school to forward Dill, Preceptress, Latin; R. U.
revisions, former directory re- Garrett, Bible; V. Hagman, Sci-
printed) ence; Mrs. Arabella Moore, Eng-
Coporate Name: " Adelphian Acad- lish; Lillian Gibson, Piano, Voice ;
emy Association." Hazel Kane, Normal Director;
Board of Trustees: W. A. West- Mrs. Mary Montgomery, Matron.
worth, Chairman; W. L. Avery, Primary Department: Mrs. R. U.
Sec., J. B. McKenny, A. V. Cot- Garrett, Miss Louisa Wittenber-
ton, N. H. Pool, R. U. Garrett, ger.

Industrial Department: A. L. Cur- Wissner, R. E. Noble, D. E.

tis, Agriculture and Dairying; Reiner, Win. Wasell, C. W. Deer,
F. S. Everest, Woodwork; F. A. M. S. Kritsky, Theo. Diminyatz.
Quackenbush, Carpentry; Mrs. Faculty: R. E. Noble, Principal,
Mary Montgomery, Domestic Business Manager, History; C.
Arts. W. Smith, Bible; A. L. Chaney.
Preceptor, Science, and Mathe-
matics; Lydia G. Stickle, Pre-
ARIZONA ACADEMY ceptress, English; Mrs. R. E. No-
1325 North Fourteenth St., ble, Latin; D. P. Harder, Ger-
Phoenix, Arizona man; S. M. Harkov, Russian;
Board: A. R. Sandborn, Chairman : , Music Department; Eliza-
K. M. Adams, Sec.-Treas.; R. L. beth E. Nickel, Grades 7, 8; Mrs.
Benton, H. L. Wallace, F. G. Hattie B. Walker, Elementary
Ashbaugh, I. T. Reynolds, C. D. Grades; Sarah E. Stickle, Asst.
M. Williams, D. L. Wagner, D. Elementary Grades.
C. Field. Vocational Faculty: R. E. Noble,
Faculty: K. M. Adams. Princi- Supt.; Mrs. P. Finkle, Matron,
pal, History; C. E. Kellogg, Bi- Domestic Science; Perry Finkle,
ble; H. F. Brown, English; Miss Carpentry and Blacksmithing;
Emma Caballero, Spanish; Mrs. Fred Carpenter, Farm Managor;
Maybelle H. Kalfus, Piano; R. E. A. Edstrom, Accountant.
G. Lewis, Preceptor; Mrs. R. G.
Lewis, Preceptress and Matron;
Miss Maude Earll, Grades 7, 8; BENGALI BOYS' SCHOOL
Miss Orpha Andrews, Grades 4-
6; Miss Ellen Lambeth, Grades S. D. A. Mission, Morabadi,
1-3. Ranchi, India
Established 1917
AUSTRALASIAN MISSIONARY In charge of Mrs. L. J. Burgess.
COLLEGE assisted by Bengali teachers.
Cooranbong, New South Wales,
Established 1894 BENGALI GIRLS' SCHOOL
Board: C. H. Watson, Chairman; 6 Dehi Seranmore Road, Entally,
H. Kirk, W .G. Turner, G. S. Calcutta, India
Fisher, C. H. Pretyman, W. J. Established 1916
Westerman, 'W. H. Pascoe, J. In charge of Mrs. W. H. Stevens,
M. Cole, E. Watson. assisted by Bengali teachers.
Faculty: H. Kirk, Principal and
Business 'Manager; W. L. H.
Baker, Bible Teacher; Mrs. L. BEREA INTERMEDIATE
Ulrich, Preceptress and Matron: SCHOOL
Preceptor, R. A. Caldwell; oth-
er teachers to be appointed. Jefferson, Tex.
Established 1914
BATTLEFORD ACADEMY Board: W. S. Lowry, R. N. John-
son,, J. W. Andrews, S. P. Col-
Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada vin, R. F. Culpepper, David
Established 1916 Voth, N. W. Dunn.
Board of Managers: J. G. Walker, Faculty: J. W. Winn, Principal,
Chairman; 'I. J. Jutzy, Sec.; U. Grades 3-10; Mrs. J. W. Winn,

Grades 5-7; Mrs. Flora Moyer, BRAZILIAN SEMINARY

Grades 1-4; Mrs. M. S. Baldwin, (Seminario Adventista. do Brazil)
Instrumental Music.
Established 1915
Address: Seminario Adventista do
Brazil, Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo,
BETHEL ACADEMY Brazil, South America.
Bethel, Wis. Board of Directors: F. W. Spies,
Established 1899 T. W. Steen, H. Meyer, C. E.
Educational Board: I. J. Wood- Schofield, W. E. Murray, R. Su-
man, Pres.; B. H. Phipps. Sec.; essmann, F. R. Kuempel, E. C.
P. L. Larson, W. H. Wester- Ehlers, C. E. Rentfro, J. H.
meyer, C. D. McCrillis, A. W. Boehm, R. Wilfart, R. M. Car-
Coon, A E. Nelson, G. W. Pflu- ter.
gradt. Officers of the Board: F. W. Spies,
Faculty: B. H. Phipps, Principal Pres.; T. W. Steen, Sec., Treas.,
and Business Manager, Educa- and Director; C. E. Schofield,
tion; R. W. Cash, assistant Auditor.
Business Manager, Farm Man- Faculty: T. 'W. Steen, Director;
ager; E. P. Weaver, Preceptor, E. C. Ehlers, Bible; G. B. Tay-
Manual Training; Bertha M. lor, Preceptor; Mable Patter-
Phelps, Preceptress and Matron, son, Preceptress, Matron, and
Latin and Domestic Science; A. Normal Department; Manoel
W. Coon, Bible; A. J. Skeels, Kuempel, Mathematics; Flavio
Science and Missions; Violet L. Monteiro, Language; Mrs. T.
Morgan, English and Expres- W. Steen, Music and English;
sion; Margery Nethery, Piano; Andre Ger ath, Farm Superin-
Maybel Jensen, Assistant Pre- tendent.
eeptress, History; Carl Wilson,
Grades 7, 8.
Tungshan, Canton, China Established 1910
Established May 14, 1904 Corporate Name: Broadview Swed-
Principal: Miss Ida Thompson. ish Seminary Association.
Board of Trustees: Wm. Guthrie,
BOSTON INTER-CHURCH Pres.; H. 0. Olson, Sec. and
SCHOOL Treas.; A. J. Clark, J. H. Hoff-
man, August Anderson ,J. J.
Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass. Irwin, C. H. Matson, E. T. Rus-
Established 1920 sell, S. F. Svensson, W. H. Hol-
Board of Managers: J. C. Stevens, den, S. Mortenson, J. F. Piper,
Chairman; J. G. Darling, Sec.; P. E. Brodersen, Olof Granlund,
James Ray, Treas.; Burt Space, I. J. Woodman.
Alice Phillips, E. . Stone, Dr. Local Board: A. J. Clark, Chair-
W. E. Bliss, Frederick Bohner, man; H. 0. Olson, Sec.; August
J. E. Bowler. Anderson, P. E. Brodersen,
Faculty: Principal, W. B. Arm- Olof Granlund.
strong; assistant teachers, Mrs. Faculty: H. 0. Olson, Pres., His-
C. W. Battersby, Miss Edna tory; J. M. Erickson, Dean of
Bergmann. School of Theology, Greek Evan-

gelical Training; August Sued- CANADIAN JUNIOR COLLEGE

berg, Bible, Swedish; C. J. Mar- (Formerly Alberta Academy)
tinson, Mathematics; A. G. Lar- Lacombe, Alberta, Canada
son, Science, Nursing; John
Knudson, Preceptor, History; Established 1907
Aaron Larson, English; .9.1yse Board of Managers: A. C. Gilbert,
Swedberg, Piano, Musical G. H. Skinner, J. G. Walker, J.
Theory; P. E. Berthelsen. J. Reiswig, W. A. Clemenson, G.
-Italian-Slav Department; Alida
A. Campbell, Dr. Hans Bonde, R.
Thorson, Piano; Mrs. H. 0. Ol- E. Noble, E. D. Dick, F. L. Rom-
son, Swedish; Anna Johnson, mel, Verah MacPherson, T. S.
Matron; Gertrude' Meleen, Sten- Bowett, S. W. Shankel, L. W.
ography; Richard Hanson, Farm Cobb.
Superintendent; Mrs. C. J. Mar-
tinson, Domestic Science; Rho- Faculty: E. D. Dick, President,
da Anderson, Librarian; Mabel Business Manager; C. A. Han-
Anderson, Nurse, Hydrotherapy; son, Bible; L. R. Anderson, Eng-
C., W. Hess, Woodwork; J. D. lish; H. J. Klooster, Science; E.
Lecklider, Accountant; Math il- D. Hanson, History; Miss Har-
da Erickson, Preceptress; Alex riet Beardsley, Normal Director.
Yakovenko, Russian; Titus Kur- Assistant in Bible; H. E. Rein-
tichanov, Bible; Mrs. Titus Kur- muth, Preceptor, Languages; H.
tichanov, Vocal, Violin; Hilma E. 'Widmer, Commercial; Miss
Taftner, Sewing; J. A. Domin- Margaret Nickel, Eighth Grade,
ski, Polish; Alexander Long, Mrs. E. D. Hanson, Intermedi-
Italian; T. M. Kraineau, Rou- ate Grades; Miss Nellie Shan-
manian. kel, Primary Grades; Mrs. Mar-
garet Johnson, Instrumental
Music, Miss Freda Guderian, Vo-
cal Music; Miss Susie Wagner,
CAMPION ACADEMY Cook; Miss Anna Barker, Dress-
Loveland, Colorado making, Art; , Mathe-
Established 1907 matics; Miss Essie Barber, Pre-
ceptress, Matron; G. R. John-
Board of Managers: W. A. Gosmer, son, Farni Superintendent;
Pres.; M. G. Haynes, C. L. Wil- Adolph Bernard, Accountant.
son, 0. Branham, M. C. Morris,
F. A. Page, A. W. Lane, Varner
Johns, W. A. Hankins, 0.
_Faculty: C. R. Kite, Principal and SCHOOL
Manager; W. W. Tinsley, Pre- Tungshan, Canton, China
ceptor, Science, and Mathemat- Principal: H. B. Parker.
ics; C. R. Kite, Bible and Sacred
History; Wm. Wilkinson, Eng-
lish and History; Gladys G.
Machlan, Preceptress, Latin and CEDAR LAKE ACADEMY
Composition; Mrs. W. A. Gosiner, Cedar Lake, Mich.
Voice; Mrs. Wm. Wilkinson, Pi- Incorporated 1899
ano and Harmony, , Home
Economics; Mrs. A. G. Wear- Board of Managers: J. P. Piper,
ner, Matron; Hilda Nielsen, Nor- Pres.; G. H. Simpson, Sec. and
mal; Alma Lorenz, Primary Treas.; E. L. Smith, A. E. Serns,
Grades; V. 0. Roberts, Farm B.' F. Williams, W. P. Elliott,
Superintendent. S. T. Shadel.

Faculty: G. H. Simpson, Principal Boettcher, P. E. BrodersenL

and Business Manager; H. P. F. Simon, D. D. Rees, B. G. Wil-
Waldo, Bible, History; Paul kinson, B. E. Miller, John Isaac.
Ford, Preceptor, Science; Gladys M. B. VanKirk, David Voth, D.
Shaw, Preceptress, English; Pro- U. Hale, H. H. Humann, E. C.
fessor Haynes, Voice, History; Witzke, I. G. Ortner, F. R.
Gladys Witt, Piano, Spanish; Isaac. -
Mrs. Haynes, Latin; Mrs. M. C. Officers of the Board: S. E. Wight,.
Olds, Hydrotherapy and Prac- Pres.; E. C. Witzke, Sec.; F. R.
tical Nursing; Mrs. H. P. Wal- Isaac, Treas.
do, Matron; Jennie Nelson, Ac-
Executive Committee: F. R. Isaac,
countant; Frank Coffin, Farm
Chairman; E. C. Witzke, Sec.;
J. T. Boettcher, D. U. Hale. J.
F. Simon, S. E. Wight, 0. F.
CENTRAL POLYNESIAN Faculty: F. R. Isaac, Pres. and
TRAINING SCHOOL Business Mgr.; 0. F. Schwedrat,
Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Bible; E. C. Witzke, Bible, Lin-
Ocean guistics, Philosophy; R. E. Hoen,
Established 1904 Science; Miriam Switzer, Math-
matics, Normal Director; R. R..
Faculty: S. W. Carr, Principal; Neuman, History, German; Oli-
R. Lane, Asst. Teacher; Mrs. via Boettcher-Lockwood, French._
R. Lane, Matron. German; Esther Knudson, Eng-
lish Language; Miss Harder,
Normal Teacher; H. F. Halenz.
CHOSEN UNION TRAINING Shorthand; J. S. Koehler, Ac-
SCHOOL countant, Bookkeeping; R. V.
Soonan, Chosen (Korea) Matson, Music Director, Band
and String Instruments; Mrs. F..
Established 1909 R. Isaac, Piano; Lillian Gaede,
Board: C. L. Butterfield; J. E. Voice, Piano; Anna G. Roedel
H. M. Lee, Riley Russell, and Cathrine Nickel,. Precep-
M. D., W. R. Smith, H. A. Oberg, tress; J. E. Young, Preceptor:
Hong Ta Hup, ,'Ne Kern Ok, Kim Mrs. B. Schlotthauer, Matron
Pyong Yong, C. W. Lee. Mrs. J. F. Schmidt, Cook; J. F.
Faculty: - J. E. Riffel, Principal Schmidt, Engineer; H. Rein--
and Business Manager; Kim Py- muth, Assistant Engineer; P.
ong Yong, Treasurer; W. R. W. Peters, Critic Teacher; Es-
Smith, Mrs. W. R. Smith, Riley ther Schneider, Critic Teacher..
Russell, P. K. Kim, P. H. Ne, John Ringer, Farm Manager.
Y. C. Ku.


CLINTON THEOLOGICAL Carmel, West Australia
Established 1907
Clinton, Mo.
Board: Joseph Mills, E. S. Butz.
Founded 1910; Incorporated. G. H. Palmateer, G. Newbold, P.
Legal Title: "Clinton Theological B. Otto.
Seminary." Faculty: Joseph Mills, Principal
Board of Trustees: S. E. Wight. and Manager; G. Newbold, Head
M. Liikens, E. T. Russell, J. T. Master and Farm Manager; A.

W. Knight, Preceptor; Miss N. Homiletics and Comparative Re-

E. Schnepel, Matron and Precep- ligions; S. A. Smith, Agricul-
'tress; Miss L. A. Baird, Miss M. ture; Birt Summers, Musical Di-
Dawkins, Miss A. Shakespeare. rector, Voice; C. M. Sorensen,
History; 0. L. Graham, Mathe-
matics and Physics; P. N.
EASTERN NEW YORK Pearce, English; W.
ACADEMY Mission Polity; Ruth Merritt-
Clinton, N. Y. Miller, M. D., College Physician,
Established 1920 Dietetics, Physiology, and Tropi-
Board of Trustees: B. M. Heald, cal Diseases; M. L. Kelley, Com-
J. E. Osterblom, H. A. Vande- merce; H. E. Pearson, Public
man, L. H. Gardiner, W. A. Wil- Speaking; Mary E. Lamson,
cox, G. H. Rogers, A. M. How- Preceptress, Physical Culture;
eth. Rena Jclooster, Matron, Home
Economics; Dorothy E. White,
Officers: B. M. Heald, Pres.; J. E. Normal Director, Pedagogy and
Osterblom, Sec. and Treas. Child Study; Bertha E. Allen,
Faculty: L. H. Gardiner, Princi- Registrar, Librarian, Library
pal and Manager, Bible and Sci- Science; Fred Green, Assistant
,ence; R E. Cossentine, Precep- Manager; C. A. Burman, Precep-
tor, History, Mathematics, Eng- tor, Bible; John Sampson, Di-
lish; Mrs. E. E. Cossentine, Pre- rector of Mechanical Depart-
ceptress, Seventh and Eighth ment; Mrs. Birt Summers, Pi-
Grades; Mrs. Florence Booth ano; Mrs. E. M. Caro, Assistant
Miller, Music; Mrs. L. H. Gardi- Matron; Mrs. Blanche E. Griggs,
ner, Matron, Sewing, and Domes- Assistant in Ancient Languages;
tic Science. Mrs. M. L. Kelley, Assistant in
Commerce; IVks. Edith Stafford,
Critic Teacher, Model School;
EMMANUEL MISSIONARY Bernice A. Webber, Critic
COLLEGE Teacher, Model School; Hazel
Gordon, Critic Teacher, Model
Berrien Springs, Mich. School; Mrs. Leona Summey-
Established 1901 Burman, Assistant in English;
Legal Title: " Emmanuel Mission. L. P. Thorpe, Wind and
ary College, Incorporated." 'String Instruments; Mrs. Ella
Board of Trustees: Wm. Guthrie, Iden-Edwards, French and Ger-
Frederick Griggs, Fred Green, man; Agnes L. Sorensen, Span-
W. A. Westworth, C. S. Wiest, ish; Mrs. Winifred Piper; Direc-
J. F. Piper, G. R. Fattic, A. j. tor of Commercial Sewing, Com-
Clark, I. J. Woodman, J. J. Ir- mercial Dressmaking; Mr. and
win, W. H. Holden, R. J. Neth- Mrs. E. M. Dudley, Hydrothera-
ery. py and Practical Nursing; Ar-
denne May, Art; H. E. Edwards,
'Officers of the Board: Wm. Guth- Director of Academic Depart-
rie, Pres.; Frederick Griggs, ment, Science and History; W.
Treas.; Fred Green, Sec. N. Yeager, D. D. S., Mission
Faculty: Frederick Griggs, Pres., Dentistry; Rubie M. Owen, As-
Evidences of Christianity; J. H. sistant in Home Economics; J.'
Haughey, Ancient Languages; B. Krauss, Director of Printing,
W. H. Wakeham, Biblical Exe- Printing; Mrs. Ruth J. French,
gesis; 0. R. Cooper, M. D., Chem- Field Instructor in Bible Work;
istry and Biology; T. M. French, Mrs. Gertrude 0. Minier, Assis-

taut in Piano; Mrs. Mae Louise Faculty: E. E. Pringle, Principal

Buzzell, Assistant in Voice; and Manager; F. G. Young, Bi-
Norman L. Marsh, Assistant in ble and History; H. E. Wester-
Agriculture. meyer, Preceptor, English; L. 0.
School of Theology and Missions Knowlton, Science and -Mathe-
Faculty: Frederick Griggs, Pres- matics; Wm. Miller, Industrial
ident, Evidences of Christianity; Arts; Mrs. A. E. Johnson, Pre-
T. M. French, Dean, Homi- ceptress and Matron, Domestic
letics and Comparative Relig- Science; A. B. Mohr, Treasurer,
ions; W. H. Wakeham, Biblical Bookkeeping; Margaret Jenkins,
Exegesis; J. H. Haughey, Sec- Language; Birdie Riter, Music;
retary, Greek and Hebrew; C. Vivian Holter, Primary; Carrie
M. Sorensen, History; 0. R. Neese, Cook; A. A. Mohr, Farm
Cooper. M. D., Science; W. Manager.
W. Miller, Missions; Birt Sum-
mers, Musical Director; P. N. FERNWOOD ACADEMY
Pearce, English; Dorothy E.
'White, Education; Bertha E. Tunesassa, N. Y.
Allen, Registrar, Librarian; Ruth Established 1907
Merritt-Miller, M. D., Tropical Board of Trustees: R. S. Fries, F.
Diseases; H. L. Pearson, Public H. Hicks, H. M. Fleming, J. E.
Speaking; W. N. Yeager, D. D. Belknap, A. E. Sanderson, R. C.
S., Mission Dentistry. Taylor, C. R. Smith.
Lecturers: A. G. Daniells, Lectur- Officers of Corporation: R. S.
er on Church Organization and Fries, President; R. C. Taylor,
Polity; W. A. Spicer, Lecturer Sec.-Treas.
on Missionary Expansion; J. L. Faculty: C. R. Smith, Principal
Shaw. Lecturer on Mission Poli- and Manager, Mathematics and
ty; C. S. Longacre, Lecturer on Science; Chas. W. Fisher, Pre-
Religious Liberty; B. G. Wilkin- ceptor, Bible and History; E.
son, Lecturer on Biblical Inter- M. Andross, Mathematics and
pretation. and Comparative Re- Music; Mrs. C. R. Smith, Pre-
ligions; M. E. Kern, Lecturer on ceptress, English; Mrs. C. W.
Missionary Volunteer Services; Fisher, Preparatory Academic;
Wm. Guthrie, Lecturer on
Mrs. Della I. Blood, Matron.
Church Finance; M. H. St. John,
Lecturer on City Evangelism;
A. E. Serns, Lecturer on Pas-
Takoma Park Station, Washing--
Enterprise, Kans. Established 1909
Organized 1919 Management: Department of Edu-
(Because of failure of those in cation of General Conference.
charge of this school to forward Board of Managers: W. E. How-
revisions, former directory re- ell, Chairman; C. C. Lewis, Sec.;
printed) J. L. Shaw, 0. M. John, G. B.
Board of Managers: F. W. Stray, Thompson, M. E. Kern.
W. L. Nott, Bernard Voth. R. B. Faculty: C. C. Lewis, A. M., Prin.
Stauffer, H. S. Osterloh, H. C. cipal, Hebrew College Rhetoric,
Hughey, J. D. McBroom, E. E. Journalism, Public Speaking,
Pringle, F. I. Mohr. Logic, Reporting, and Punctua-

tion ; W. E. Howell, A. M., Bible Carpentry; A. H. Ratzlaff, Bak-

Doctrines, Life of Christ, Latin ery; Mrs. A. E. Deyo, Matron;
I. II, N. T. Greek I, II; C. M. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jones, Treat-
Sorenson, A. M., United States ment rooms and Nursing.
History, General History, Mod-
ern History, Church History;
Mrs. H. C. Lacey, Daniel and the FOOCHOW INTERMEDIATE
Revelation, History of Missions: SCHOOL
E. G. Salisbury, A. M., Arith- Foochow, China
metic, Algebra, Geometry, Ad-
vanced Algebra, Trigonometry; Principal: C. C. Morris.
0. M. John, A. M., Geology; J.
W. Salisbury, A. B., Agricul-
ture; G. H. Heald, M. D., Physi-
ology and Hygiene, First Aid: Sheridan, Ill.
E. L. Richmond, Bookkeeping; Established 1900
B. P. Foote, Stenography, Type- Board of Managers: IV. H. Hol-
writing, Office Methods; F. L. den, Pres.; E. U. Agars, Sec. and
Chaney English Grammar, Com- 'Treas.; P. C. Hansen. Hiram
position, Academia Rhetoric, Young, A. J. Clark, R. J. Wat-
English Literature, Bible Read- son.
ings; Mrs. Myrta Kellogg Lewis,
A. B., Bible Grades 4-7, Stud- Faculty: E. U. Agars, Principal,
Business Manager, and History;
ies in the Psalms, Old Testament T. C. Nixon, Preceptor, Bible;
History, Major an d Minor Mrs. Vina Miles-Thompson, Pre-
Prophets, Acts of the Apostles, ceptress; Miss Mary Greer, Ma-
N. T. Epistles, Christian Evi- tron, Domestic Science; B. L.
dences, First Grade, School Man- Thompson, rani), Dairy, Agri-
agement, Christian Education, culture, Missions, and History;
Psychology; Mrs. Barbara Knox-
Alberts worth , Harmony; Cora B. Hicks, English ; E. M.
Christensen, Science and Mathe-
Stella Moyers Thompson, Home matics; Maude -Warren, Music;
Nursing; Miss Myrta Cornor.
Ruth Johnson. T.anguages.
Cooking and Dietetics; Mrs.
Alice Miller Kimble, Literature,
Spelling, Denominational His- FRIEDENSAU INDUSTRIAL
tory, Testimonies; Miss Edythe SCHOOL
G. Manby, Registrar and Secre-
tary. Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez.
Magdeburg, Germany
Established 1899
Board: L. R. Conradi, H. F. Schu-
Douglasville, Ga. berth, G. W. Schuberth, Drin-
Established 1920 haus.
Board: B. W. Spire, Chairman; IV. Officers: IV. Krumm, Business
S. Boynton, Secretary; Dr. J. Manager; L. Meiler, Treasurer.
R. Mitchell, K. R. Haughey, E. Faculty: Dr. E. Meyer, Principal,
Woods. Physiology and Hygiene, Greek;
Faculty: W. S. Boynton, Mimi- W. Muller, Bible, History; H.
paLand Business Manager, Math- Binnewies, German, Music, Nat-
ematics; C. V. Keiser, History, ural Sciences; Ch. Zybach, Bible,
Science, Bible; Rilla Boynton, History, Geography. M o d e r it
English; Lucille Bowen, Prim- Languages, Arithmetic; M. Birk-
ary Department; S. II. Lilly, ner, Matron.


Kulangsu, Amoy, China Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupelt,
Principal: B. L. Anderson. China
Established 1918
Faculty: 0. J. Gibson, Principal;
'GEM STATE ACADEMY Mrs. R. J. Brown, Mrs. Peng,
Mrs. Dju, Peng Hsien Djung,
Caldwell, Idaho. Djang Kah Di, Dung Yun Dju,
Established 1918 Lu gan Ching.
Board of Managers: Executive
Committee of the Southern Idaho
Officers of the Board: J. W. Nor- 544 West 53xst St., New York,
wood, Pres.; A. N. Atteberry, N. Y.
Sec. Established 1920
:Faculty: A. N. Atteberry, Princi- Board: J. E. Jayne, W. E. Per-
pal and Business Manager; C. D. rin, W. R. Andrews, L. Halsvick,
Striplin, Preceptor, Bible; Miss C. B. Haynes, L. Klebahn, F. D.
Irma Hatter, Spanish, Piano, Wells, J. K. Humphrey, D N.
Voice; Philip Nelson, English, Wall, B. E. Miller, J. F. Huener-
'Science; Beatrice Haines, Ma- gardt, Carl Swenson, D. A. Bai-
tron, Physiology; Mrs. C. D. ley, H. H. Morse.
Striplin, Education, Primary Faculty: J. L. Moran, Principal;
'Grades; R. W. .Airey, Prepara- other teachers, Rebecca Yeadon,
tory Grades; Mrs. Marie Green, Mary Buckner, Lillian Critch-
Intermediate Grades; Mrs. Nina low.
Atteberry, Domestic Art; F. M.
Boyer, Woodwork; F. J. Ogden,
Mathematics; Miss Minna HONAN INTERMEDIATE
Smith, Preceptress, Home Nurs- SCHOOL
ing. Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China
Established 1917
GRAYSVILLE ACADEMY Faculty: D. S. Williams, Princi-
Graysville, Tenn. pal; Wang Yung Ping, Assistant
Principal; Mrs. D. S. Williams,
Established 1893 Advisory Preceptress; Hwang
Board of Managers: B. L. Wil- Yu Lien, Preceptress; Li Tao,
liams, Pres.; L. L. Rockwell, Lu Shou Djeng, Tang Sin Loh,
Sec.; B. F. Kneeland, Thos. E. Preceptor.
Pavey, G. H. Baber, Wm. Len-
ker, Cyrus Simmons.
Faculty: L. L. Rockwell, A. B., SEMINARY
Principal and Manager, History (Formerly known as Danish-
and English; G. H. Baber, Bible; Norwegian Seminary)
Wm. Lenker, A. B., Practical
Hutchinson, Minn.
Agriculture and Farm Supt.;
Mrs. Mattie Sharp-Lenker, Pre- Established 1910
ceptress and Matron; Bertha L. Board of Trustees: E. T. Russell,
Jacobs. Primary;Ethel M. Dart, H. M. Johnson, A. F. Schmidt,
Intermediate Department. A. J. Haysmer, IV. H. Clark, S.

A. Ruskjer, H. H. Humann, E. and History; Mrs. W. J. Blake,

K. Slade, N. P. Neilsen, P. E. English, Sewing; C. H. Palmer,
Brodersen, N. R. Nelson, M. S. Preceptor, Commercial; Mrs. C.
Reppe, James Johnson, C. Ed- H. Palmer, Science; Gladys Mc-
wardsen, A. P. Hanson, Chris Dill, Preceptress, Latin; C. J.
Juhl, William Guthrie. Harris, Farm Manager; Mrs.
Executive Board: H. M. Johnson, Anna McBride, Matron.
J. M. Peterson, E. T. Russell, N.
P. Neilsen, M. S. R.eppe.
Faculty: H. M. Johnson, Presi- INTER-MOUNTAIN ACADEMY
dent, Greek; H. R. Johnson, Bi-
Located at Rulison, Colo.
ble; K. J. Reynolds, History;
M. S. Reppe, Norwegian; P. A. Established 1918
Christiansen, Danish; J. M. (Because of failure of those in
Petersen, English, German; F. charge of this school to forward
M. Hanson, Assistant Teacher; revisions, former directory re--
Mrs. F. M. Hanson, English; J. printed)
0. Hanson, Mathematics; G. C. Postal Address: R. F. D., Grand'
Jorgensen, Science; Carol ine Valley, Colo.
Hopkins, Commercial; Anna
Nelson, Normal; Jennie Nelson, Faculty: MT. C. Baldwin, Principal;
F. W. Griffin Woodworking,
Grade Teacher; S. Ledington,
Director of Music; Mrs. S. Led- Drawing, English; Miss Ruby
ington, Voice; Kathryn Jensen, Adams, Preceptress, Assistant
Hydrotherapy, Nursing; Mrs. R. Teacher; Mrs. W. C. Baldwin,
Magnussen, Matron; 0. A. Skau, Music; Mrs. F. W. Griffin, Sew-
Preceptor; Grace Jorgensen, Pre- ing, Hydrotherapy, First Aid;
ceptress; George Axelsen, Farm Mrs. Bickle, Grades.
Assistants and Instructors of In-
dustries: Herbert Hanson, As- JAPAN MISSION TRAINING
sistant in Science; Caroline Hop- SCHOOL
kins, Domestic Science; A. M. 169 Amanuma, Suginami-mura,
Martin, Sloyd, Carpentry; F. M. Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan
Hanson, Blacksmithing; Clara
Established 1908
Nissen, Sewing; Mrs. Bertha
Peake, Drawing; 0. A. Skau, Board: Executive Committee of
Assistant Teacher. Union Mission.
Local Board of Management: B. R.
Hoffman, P. A. Webber, A. B.
INDIANA ACADEMY Cole, H. Kuniya, A. N. Ander--
son, S. Yamasaki.
(Formerly Beechwood Academy)
Principal: P. A. Webber.
Cicero, Ind.
Business Manager: A. N. Nelson_
Established 1902
Board of Managers: C. S. Wiest,
Pres.; C. W. Marsh, Sec. and KAREN MISSION SCHOOL
Treas.; and the members of the S. D. A. Mission, Kamamaung,
Indiana Conference Committee. Shwegon P. 0., via Moul-
Faculty: C. W. Marsh, Principal mein, Burma
and Manager, History; Mrs. C. Established 1918
W. Marsh, English and Modern In charge of E. B. Hare, assisted
Language ; W, J. Blake, Bible by Karen teachers,

10ETCHUM INTERMEDIATE Manager; J. A. Trout, Secretary-

SCHOOL Treasurer; John Z. Hottel, 'Pre-
ceptor; Mrs. E. F. Stevens, Pre-
Ketchum, Okla. ceptreSs; Mrs. Lee Davis, Ma-
Established 1911 tron.
Board of Directors: A. Z. Miller, Faculty: G. R. Lehman,
Pres.; S. E. Keehnel, Sec. and Principal; Henry S. Preiner,
Treas.; Ezra Fillman, D. H. Kin- English Bible, Homiletics;
zer, G. W. Holland, D. M. Clouse, Rachel Salisbury, English;
R. H. Sufficool. Claude A. Shull, History;
George R. Lehman, Ancient
:Faculty: Raymond Gales, Princi- and Modern Languages; John
pal; Miss Ruby Hughes, Miss Z. Hottel, Preceptor, Bible; Mrs.
Alta Cales. E. F. Stevens, Preceptress;
Gerald Miles, Science; Guy H.
Winslow, Mathematics, Science;
TAKE GROVE MISSION SCHOOL Miss Edna Farnsworth, Piano,
Lake Grove, Thoreau, N. Mex. Harmony, History of Music;
Floyd W. Campbell, Voice, Sight-
Established 1918 singing; Burgess B. Ross, Com-
thercial Department; Mrs. Bur-
Managing Board: Morris Lukens, gess B. Ross, Stenography,
H. M. J. Richards, Orno Follett. Typewriting; Miss Rowena E.
Purdon, Normal Director; Miss
Faculty: Orno Follett, Bible; Ag-
Olive Lindberg, Grammar De-
nes Follett, Teacher and Domes- partment, Critic Teacher, -
tic Science.
, Intermediate Department,
Critic Teacher; Miss Ruth Sin-
clair, Primary Department, Crit-
LANCASTER JUNIOR COLLEGE ic. Teacher;, Mrs. H. W. Lindsay,
(Formerly South Lancaster Practical Nursing and Hydro-
Academy) therapy; Mrs. C. A. Shull, Nor-
mal Art; Mrs. J. Z. Hottel, Reg-
South Lancaster, Mass. istrar; H. B. Rudolph, Carpen-
try; Mrs. J. 'W. Hastings, Sew-
Established 1882 ing, Dressmaking; Mrs. Lee Da-
:Board of Trustees: E. K. Slade, vis, Home Economics and Ma-
(Pres.), G. R. Lehman, P. L. tron; Stillman E. Brown, Agri-
'Thompson. J. K. Jones, 1. E. culture; Joseph Hawksley,
Jayne, H. W. Carr, H. C. Hart- Steam and Electrical Engineer-
well, A. T. Robinson, B. M. ing; Lee Davis, Assistant Lan-
'Heald, R. S. Fries, J. A. Trout, guage Teacher; Miss Ruth Blake-
Jr. W. Chrisman, W. E. Bliss, ney, Assistant Music; George
C. L. Kilgore, C. B. Haynes, Skaling, Cook.
W. 0. Howe, H. A. Vandeman, Industrial Faculty:
C. H. Gerald, H. B. Tucker, E. Supt.; J. W. Chrisman, Business
L. Cardey. Manager; J. A. Trout, Treas.;
Officers of the Corporation: E. K. Mrs. Lee Davis, Matron; H. B.
Slade, President; J. A. Trout, Rudolph, Carpentry; Mrs. J. W.
Secretary-Treasurer. Hastings, Sewing; Geo. Skaling,
Cook; S. E. Brown, Farm Supt.;
Administration: G. R. Lehman, Joseph Hawksley, Steam and
Pres.; J. W. Chrisman, Business Electrical Engineering.

LATIN-AMERICAN TRAINING ryn Meeker, Voice and Piano;

SCHOOL Mrs. Lee Moran, Preceptress-
1325 North Fourteenth St. and Matron; Miss Ida M.
Phoenix, Ariz. Bennett, Critic Teacher, Grades
Seven and Eight; Miss Hazel
Board: A. R. Sandborn, Chairman;
Gibson, Critic Teacher, Grades
K. M. Adams, Sec. and Treas.; 4 to 6; Mrs. Anna Kingsbury,.
R. L. Benton, H. L. Wallace, F. Critic Teacher, Grades 1-3; Miss.
G. Ashbaugh, I. T. Reynolds, C.
Hildred Jack, Registrar.
D. M. Williams, D. L. Wagner,
D. C. Field. Vocational Instructors: S. C. Han-
Faculty: K. M. Adams, Principal; son, Carpentry; Mrs. Edgar Mil-
ler, Sewing; Mrs. J. L. Kay,.
H. F. Brown, Director, Bible,
History; Miss Emma Caballero,
'Spanish Grammar and Litera-
ture. ( The Latin - American
Training School is under the LODI ACADEMY
same management and uses the Lodi, Cal.
same dormitories as the Arizona
Academy. ) Established 1908
Board: C. Santee, H. S. Shaw, G..
A. Grauer, F. E. Brown, P. H.
LATIN UNION MISSIONARY Glantz, C. D. Stone, D. D. I-Jake,.
SCHOOL F. T. Oakes, Sec.
Gland Switzerland Faculty: D. Delos Lake, Principal,
Bible; Ernest E. Backus, Precep-
Established 1904
tor, Assistant Bible, Carpentry;
Board of Management: The Latin Lloyd Landis, English; Frede-
Union Committee. ric T. Oakes, Business Manager,
Faculty: A. Vaucher, Principal; Commercial Department; G. C.
other teachers, M. Tieche, H. Heinrich, German, Latin; J..
Evard, S. Armengaud, L. Bou- Franklin Gaster, Farm Supt.,
zanquet. Agriculture; Mrs. F. T. Oakes,
Preceptress, Mathematics, Eng-
lish; Velma Wallace, Normal
LAURELWOOD ACADEMY Subjects, Spanish; Elsie Caylor,
Gaston, Oreg. Matron, Domestic Science; Mrs_
Established 1904 J. Franklin Gaster, Sewing;
Mrs. R. E. Heinrich, Instrumen-
Board of Managers: H. W. Cot- tal; Prescott Pierce, Grades 7
trell, Chairman; Win. Reith, J. and 8; Ethel Walder, Grades 5
H. Hanson, J. F. Beatty, B. J. and 6; Ada Hartman, Grades 3
Cady, N. C. Erntson, A. R. Bell, and 4; Ruth Westcott, Primary
L. K. Dickson, L. F. Burdoin. Grades.
Faculty: J. L. Kay, Principal,
Bible and Language; Wm. Keith,
Business Manager, Bookkeeping; LOMA LINDA COLLEGE
A. C. Nelson, Preceptor, History; Legal Title: " College of Medical
F. 0. Rathbun, Mathematics and Evangelists."
Science; Mrs. F. 0. Rathbun, Loma Linda and Los Angeles, Cal.
English and Latin; Mrs. Mary
E. Little, Normal Director; Chartered 1909
Mrs. A. C. Nelson, Assistant Board of Trustees: (Term of three
English; Mrs. Lela M. Brown, years) A. G. Daniells, W. T.
Piano and Organ; Mrs. Kath- Knox, S. E. Wight, C. W. Flaiz,

C. F. AlcVagh, Wm. Guthrie, D., .Obstetrics; Florence Keller,

Alfred Shryock; (Term of two M. D., Surgery; Lillian E. Ma-
years) J. W. Christian J. J. gan, M. D., Gynecology; C. E.
Weir, P. T. Magan, IL W. Voll- Nelson, M. D., Urology; A. R.
mer, Newton Evans, W. M. Ad- Roos, M. D.. Pathology; F. M.
ams, L. M. Bowen. (Tenn of Rossiter, B. S., M. D., Medicine;
one year) E. H. Risley, G. W. H. R. Rue. M. D., Orthopedic
Reaser, W. F. Martin, W. A. Surgery; Abbie Winegar-Simp-
George, M. M. Hare, B. E. Bed- son, M. D., Gynecology.
doe, S. S. Merrill. Lecturers and Demonstrators: L..
Officers of the Board: J. W. Chris- D. Trott, M. D., Public Health.
tian,,Pres.; Newton Evans, Vice-
Instructors: Laving Baxter-Heiz-
Pres.; S. S. Merrill, Sec. and
Treas.; L. M. Bowen, Business er, M. D., Dietetics and Nutri-
Manager. tion. Lenore D. Campbell, M.
D., Bacteriology; Maud L. A.
Faculty of Medicine: N. G. Evans, Colloran, M. D., Pediatrics; A.
B. S.. M. D., President, Profes- L. Gregory, M. D., Medicine; J.
sor of Pathology; P. T. Magan, H. Hera, M. D., Medicine; J. R.
Ph.. B., M. D., Dean of Los Leadsworth, M. D., Otolaryng-
Angeles Division, Professor of ology; W. P. Magan, M. D., Sur-
Medicine; Alfred Shryock, A. B., gery; R. W. Maker, M. D., Med-
M. D., Secretary, Professor of icine; Mary C. McReynolds, M.
Histology and Embryology. D., Physiological Therapeutics;
Professors: E. W. Alsberge, D. D. L. J. Otis, M. D., Surgery; 0. S.
S., Clinical Dental Surgery; C. Parrett, M. D., Medicine; Iner
A. Burrows, M. D., Otolaryng- Sheld-Ritchie, M. D., Anatomy;
ology; D. D. Comstock, M. D., Claude Steen, M. D., Medicine;
Medicine; A. N. Donaldson. A. Ruth J. Temple, M. D., Pedi-
B., M. D., Physiology; W. A. atrics.
George, A. M., M. D., Principles Los Angeles Division: The Ellen
of Surgery; C. A. Harrison, M. G. White Memorial Hospital
D., Anatomy; F. E. Herzer, A. and Boyle Ave. Dispensary, 304
B., M. D., Bacteriology and Hy- North Boyle Ave. (cor Michigan
giene; P. M. Keller, M. D., Medi- Ave.), Los Angeles, Cal., P. T.
cine; A. H. Larson, B. S., M. D., Magan, M. D., (Dean of Los An-
Obstetrics; G. W. Millard, D. D. geles vision) in charge. This
S., Dental Surgery; E. H. Ris- is the Clinical Department of
ley, M. D., Chemistry; Wilburn the College of Medical Evange-
Smith, M. D., L. R. C. S., L. R. lists.
C. P., F. A. C. S., Surgery; Faculty -of Nurses' Course:, New-
H. W. Vollmer, M. D., Medicine; ton Evans, M. D., President; P.
N. H. Waldorf B. A., S. T. B., T. Magan, M. D., Dean of Los
Biblical Exegesis; J. J. Weir, Angeles Division; H. W. Voll-
M. D., Ophthalmology; W. A. mer, M. D., Medical Superin-
Worster, A. M., M. D., Clinical tendent, Sanitarium; Principles
and Sanitation] and. 'labile
Associate and Assistant Profes- Health; Alfred Shryock, M. D.,
sors: Frederick Bulpitt, A. B., Anatomy, Biology and Physi-
M. D., Therapeutics; H. E. But- ology; Elizabeth Chapman, R.
ka, M. D., Clinical Pathology; N., Sanitarium Principles, Eth-
A. E. Coyne, M. D., Otolarnyg- ics, Technique'of Hydrotherapy;
ology; A. R. Dickson, M. D., Martha Borg, R. N., Superin-
Surgery; Lyra Hunt-George, M. tendent of Nurses for Los An-

geles Division; W. A. George, Della Thompson, Piano, Organ,

M. D., Surgical Technique, Prin- Voice; Ruth Kipp, Violin; El-
ciples of Massage; E. H. Ris- sena Christensen, Matron; Lot-
ley, M. D., Chemistry and Ma- tie Ulvick, House Nurse, Hydro-
teria Medica; J. J. Weir, M. D., therapy, Sanitation; Charles
Bible; Martha N. Canfield, M. Merickel, Farm Superintendent.
D., Diseases; Lyra Hunt-George,
M. D., Obstetrics and Pediatrics;
Lenore Campbell, M. D. Diet-
etics, Nutrition and .Cooking; MARATHI TRAINING SCHOOL
Mabel Parry, M. D., Hygiene S. D. A. Mission, Kalyan, G. I. P.
and Bacteriology; A. M. Dart, Ry., India
Bible Doctrines and Testi- Established 1920
monies; Elva Wallack, Medical In charge of R. E. Loasby, assist-
and Surgical Procedures; Rosa- ed by Indian teachers.
lie Toll, R. N., Hydrotherapy
and Technique of Massage; Ma-
bel Hawthorne, R. N., Technique MARITIME ACADEMY
of Hydrotherapy; Birtle M. Al-
(Formerly Williamsdale Academy)
len, R. N.. Technique of Hydro-
therapy and Electrotherapy. Memramcook, New Brunswick
Established 1904
Board of Management: J. L. 'Wil-
MALAYALAM MISSION SCHOOL son, Chairman; I. A. Armstrong,
Sec., and the members of the
Neyyattinkara, South Travancore, Maritime Conference Committee.
Administration: I. A. Arm strong,
Established 1917 Principal and Business Mgr.;
In charge of H. G. Woodward, as- Jeanette Donaldson, Treas.; H.
sisted by Malayalam teachers. W. Ingham, Preceptor; Maude
Pangburn, Preceptress; Mrs. H.
W. Ingham, Matron.
MAPLEWOOD ACADEMY Faculty: I. A. Armstrong, Prin-
cipal, Bible; H. IV. Ingham, His-
Maple Plain, Minn. tory and Mathematics; Ethyl
Established 1904 Steele, Languages; Reita Phipps,
English; Jeannette Donaldson,
Executive Board: A. J. Haysmer,
Commercial; Maude Pangburn,
Pres.; H. J. Sheldon, Sec.; S. D.
Music; Mrs. W. B. Lindsay,
Hartwell, C. Edwardson, S. F.
Svensson, A. H. Rulkoetter, E. Church School.
G. Hayes, J. B. Nelson, Bert Industrial Faculty: I. A. Arm-
Glasscock. strong, Superintendent; Mrs. H.
W. Ingham, Matron; Richard
Faculty: H. J. Sheldon, Princi- Sm it h, Carpentry; W. G.
pal, Latin Pedagogy; Eugene Steeves, Farm Supt.
Leland, Bible; L. C. Palmer,
Science; Aimee Du Bois, Eng-
lish; Katie M. Pogue, Precep- MEIKTILA TECHNICAL
tress, Major. Reviews (Advanced SCHOOL
American Hi sub- Meiktila, Burma
jects; Jesse Layman, Mathe-
matics, Manual. Training; Verna Established, 1910
M. Hill, Accountant, Commer- In charge of D. C. Ludington, as-
cial Branches, General History; sisted by Burmese teachers.


Bozeman, Montana S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, 0. & R.
Ry., India
Established 1901
Established 1917
Board of Managers: (Not report- In charge of F. W. Smith, as-
ed). sisted by Urdu teachers.
Faculty: E. E. Farnsworth, Prin-
cipal, Preceptor, Bible; Mrs. E.
E. Farnsworth, Matron, Precep-
tress; E. G. Truitt, Science and NORTH INDIA GIRLS' SCHOOL
History; Miss Effie Walin, Eng- 61 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India
lish and Latin; Miss Kate Scott, Established. 1919
Mathematics; Miss Iris Yaw, In charge of Mrs. S. A.. Wellman,
Primary Grades; Mrs. Harry assisted by Urdu teachers.
Watson, Music.


Mount Vernon, Ohio Established 1911
Established 1893 Board of Managers: W. H. Clark,
Pres.; V. D. Hawley, Sec.; .J. E.
Executive Board: N. S. Ashton, Shively, A. W. Johnson, G. E.
F. II. Robbins, R. S. Lindsay, C. Leffler, A. L. Miller, C. 5. Robin-
L. Stone, A. E. King, D. A. Par- son, R. W. Good, W. J. Davis,
sons, J. W. McCord, I. J. Gault, C. J. Metzger, C. W. Carlson,
R. M. Spencer, C. F. Ulrich, C. Martin Henrickson, George Juhl.
E. Welch.
Faculty: V. D. Hawley, Principal
Officers of the Board: N. S. Ash- and Manager, Commercial Sub-
ton, Pres.; C. L. Stone, Sec.; A. jects; V. W. Robb, Bible; J. J.
E. King, Treas.; C. C. Pulver, TiVIair, Preceptor, History; Mrs.
Auditor. L. B. Jordan, Preceptress,
Local Board: N. S. Ashton, Chair- Grades, Sewing; T. J. Roach,
man; C. L. Stone, Sec.; I. J. Mathematics; Wavie D. Tubbs,
Gault, A. E. King, C. E. Welch. English and Latin; Ruby Mc-
Faculty: C. L. Stone, Principal; Gee, Science; Mrs. J.,,J.. Mair,.
H. J. Detwiley, Bible; S. C. Piano; Ruth Oswald, Matron;
Rockwell, Science and Mathe- E. L. Anderson, Printing.
matics; H. A. Miller, Music;
Miss Ruth Bond, Assistant in
Mitsic; Mrs. H. A. Miller, Eng- OAKWOOD JUNIOR COLLEGE
lish and Latin; E. W. Tonjes, ('For Colored)
Preceptor, History; Mrs. A. E..
King, Preceptress; Miss Sara K. Huntsville, Ala.
Rudolph, Preparatory and Eng- Established 1895
lish; Fred Anderson, Commer- Board of Managers: J. L. McEl-
cial Dept.; Mrs. Harvey Cassel, hany, Chairman; J. I. Beards-
Sewing; T. W. Webb, Carpentry; ley, Secretary; W. H. Heckman,
A. I. Baker, Printing; A. E. Morris Lukens, J. A. Tucker, J.
King, Business Manager; Miss C. Thompson, W. H. Green, G.
Cora Felker, Cashier and Regis- E. Peters, J. H. Lawrence, M. G.
trar; Leslie Taylor, Chef, Cook- Nunes, U. S. Willis, G. P. Rod-
ing. gers.

Executive Committee: J. L. Me- (Hindi language)

Elha.ny, J. I. Beardsley, W. H. Established 1910
Heckman, W. H. Green, J. H.
Under the direction of the United
Lawrence. Provinces Mission.
Administration: J. I. Beardsley,
Business Manager; K. F. Ambs,
Treasurer and Assistant Busi- OROUA MISSIONARY SCHOOL
ness Manager; L. E. Allen, Book- Longburn, New Zealand
keeper; Mary M. Day, Regis- Established 1907
trar; E. M. Lane, Preceptor;
Mrs. I. E. Cunningham, Precep- Board: A. W. Cormack, E. Rosen-
tress; Mrs. W. H. Lewis, Ma- dahl, G. F. Wright, B. Cozens,
tron. J. Hokings, G. Adair.
Faculty: Theology and Science: J. Faculty: E. Rosendahl, Principal;
I. Beardsley, President; W. L. other teachers, H. Streeter, Miss
Bird, Bible; E. C. Jacobson, His- E. E. Edwards, Miss L. Comins.
tory; H. A. Jorgensen, Science
and. Mathematics; F. L. Peter-
son, English and Music; Etta L. OSHAWA MISSIONARY
Reeder, Medical; Lotta E. Bell, COLLEGE
Normal Director; W. H. Lewis, Oshawa, Ontario
Assistant Bible; Jennie Strat- Established 1912; Incorporated
ton, Physical Culture and Assis- Dec. 20, 1919
tant Music; Ethel Field, Assis-
tant Normal. Board of Trustees: F. W. Stray,
A. J. Olson, J. L. Wilson, D. J.
Preparatory Department: Lotta C. Barrett, N. H. Saunders, E.
E. Bell, Director; E. M. Lane, M. Fishell, H. H. Hans, George
Grades 7 and 8; J. Frances Butler, S. Donaldson, E. M.
Baugh, Grade 6; Mrs. E. M. Chapman, C. F. McVagh.
Lane, Grade 5; Ethel Field,
Grades 1 to 4. Faculty: A. J. Olson, B. A., Pres.,
History; W. R. French, Bible
Industrial Faculty: J. I. Beards- and Greek; H. S. Miller, Science;
ley, Superintendent; K. F. Ambs,
Joseph Curdy, French Dept.; J.
Assistant; W. H. Lewis,- Me-
B. Clymer, M. S., Mathematics
chanical Superintendent; F. W. and Latin; Florence Riechel, Li-
Halladay and F. L. W. Clark,
brarian, English and Oratory;
Assistants;. R. A. Jorgensen,
Roy MacKenzie, Normal Depart-
Printing; James Olmstead,
ment; Earl Beaty, B. A.,Treas-
Farm Manager; J. D. Finley,
urer, Commerce; J. W. rant, B.
Gardener and Broommaker; E.
A., Preceptor, History; Minnie
C. .Jacobsen, Horticulturist; L. Abray, Preceptress, Sewing; Ed-
E. Allen, Apiculturist; Mrs. W.
na Trout, B. A., Normal Critic
H. Lewis, Matron;' Etta L.
Teacher; Ida C. Wilson, Normal
Reeder, Home Economics; Jen-
Training School; Lora Babcock,
nie Stratton, Assistant; Mr. and
Piano; Ivah Krome, Vocal; Amy
Mrs, J. W. 'Wade, Orphanage.
M. Dickey, Commerce; Sara Vu-
illeumier, Assistant, French

Dept.; Mrs. I. D. Richardson,
Nurse, Hydrotherapy and Physi-
"OPEN VIEW" MISSION ology; Mrs. R. McClary, Matron;
SCHOOL L. N. Holm, Farm Manager,
Dwarikhal, Garhwal District, Agriculture; L. H. Hartin, As-
India sistant Preceptor.

PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE Mrs. W. B. Taylor, Piano and

Saint Helena, Cal. Voice; Mrs. G. F. Wolfkill, Do-
mestic Science; Mrs. J. H. Paap,
Established 1909 Art; Mrs. C. D. Utt, Spanish
Board of Trustees, Pacific Union and Typewriting; Miss Gladys
College Association: J. W. Chris- E. Robinson, Ass't Normal Di-
tian, Pres.; C. W. Irwin, Vice- rector, Normal Methods; Miss
Pres.; Claude Conard, Sec. and F e dalm a Ragon, Supervisor,
Treas.; B. E. Beddoe, C. San- Grammar Grades; Mrs. F. A.
tee, M. A. Hollister, C. E. Rice, Landis, Primary Grades; Mrs.
A. R. Sandborn, M. W. Newton, Marie Reynolds, Sewing; L. L.
M. M. Hare, G. W. Wells, H. S. Moffitt, Preceptor; H. 0. McCum-
Shaw, W. C. White, J. A. Neil- ber, Preceptor, History; Miss
sen, W. W. Ruble. Lysle Spear, Algebra; H. C.
local Board of Management: C. White, Printing, J. H. White,
W. Irwin, Chairman; Claude Printing; Miss Mary Bridge-
Conard. Sec.; J. W. Christian, water, Piano; H. W. Clark,
G. W. Wells, C. E. Rice, M. W. Science.
Newton. Industrial Faculty: C. W. Irwin,
Administration: J. W. Christian, President; Claude Canard, Bus-
President Board of Trustees; iness Manager; M. .W. Newton,
C. W. Irwin, President of Col- Mechanics; G. F. Wolfkill, Land-
lege, Chairman of Local Board; scape Gardening; A. D. Owens,
Claude Conard, Sec., Treas., and Farm and Sawmill; W. B. Tay-
Business Manager. lor, Carpentry; J. H. White,
Faculty: C. W. Irwin, President, Printing; J. F. Wadsworth,
Education; B. L. House, Bible Blacksmithing; Mrs. Wm. E.
and Hebrew; M. W. Newton, Robbins, Matron; Mrs. C. M.
Higher Mathematics and As- Horning, Laudry; Mrs. Marie
tronomy; H. A. Washburn, His- Reynolds, Sewing; Miss Lysle
tory; G. F. Wolfkill. Chemistry Spear, Assistant Matron.
and Biology; Claude Conard,
Business Administration; Wm. PHILIPPINE ACADEMY
E. Robbins, Secretary to the
President, Registrar and Short- 14-16 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal,
hand; N. E. Paulin, Director of Philippine Islands
-Music, Violin, Orchestra, Har- . Established 1917
mony and History of Music; C. Board of Directors: S. E. Jack-
E. Weniger, Preceptor, English son, L. V. Finster, R. E. Hay, E.
Language and Literature; G. M. M. Adams. I. A. Steinel, C. N.
Price, Librarian, Geology and Woodward, Emilio Manalaysay,
Agriculture; W. B. Taylor, Bi- J. J. Strahle, Leon Roda, Faust()
ble and Carpentry; C. Kuhnle, Jornada, Manuel Quintanar.
French and German; R. A. Mor- Faculty: I. A. Steinel, Principal;
tensen, Physics and Chemistry; 0. F. Sevrens, Preceptor; R. R.
C. H. Castle, Accountancy and Breitigam, Bible Teacher; Mrs.
Commerce; C. D. Utt, New Tes- I. A. Steinel, Music Department
tament Greek; C. W. Dortch, and Sewing; Mrs. 0. F. Sevrens,
Chorus and Organ; Miss Alma Shorthand and Typewriting;
J. Graf, Preceptress; Mrs. Wm. Mrs. Merced C. Pascual, Precep-
E. Robbins, Expression; Mrs. H. tress; Mrs. I. A. Steinel, Matron;
E. Osborne, Normal Director, Macario Pascual, Primary De-
Education and Normal Methods; partment; Miss Mary Wood-
Mrs. C. W. Irwin, Bookkeeping; ward; Miss Esperanza Guirnela.

PLAINVIEW ACADEMY Faculty: J. S. Marshall, Principal,

Redfield, S. Dak. Business Manager, Pedagogy,
Science; G. W. Casebeer, Bible;
Established 1902 J. M. Howell, English, History;
Board: S. A. Ruskjer, Chairman; Mrs. J. S. Marshall, Normal De-
W. F. Hahn, Sec.; J. H. Nies, partment; Mrs. E. de Demarsico,
T. H. Jeys, Emil Oswald, Bert Spanish, Mathematics; Luisa P.
Rhoads, Andrew Anderson, G. de Everest, Music,
Hagele, Frank Nesmith, Henry Intermediate; Susan Black de
Eder. Beskow, Primary.
Faulty: W. F. Hahn, Principal, Industrial Faculty: J. S. Marshall,
Mathematics; W. J. McComb, Supt.; Mrs. W. H. Wohlers, Ma-
Business Manager, Science, Book- tron; W. H. Wohlers, Farm
keeping; T. H. Jeys, Bible, Supt.; Santiago Kast, Carpen-
Printing; L. J. Vollmer, History, try; Carlos Kunzman, Bakery;
Education; Bessie Stout, Eng- P. C. Beskow, Accountant.
lish; G. G. DoRinger, Precep-
tor, Languages; Eva Winter,
Music; Blanch Wood, Normal, SAN FERNANDO ACADEMY
Dressmaking; Edith Bushnell, San Fernando, Cal.
Matron; Mrs. H. E. Shoals, Pre- Established 1902
ceptress; L. E. Camp, Farm Board of Management: B. E. Bed-
Superintendent. doe, Pres.; A. Earl Hall, Sec.
and Treas.; L. M. Bowen, C. C.
Mattison, G. W. Reaser, H. G.
(Colegio Adventista de Chile) Faculty: A. Earl Hall, A. M.,
Pua, Chile, South America Principal, Literature, History,
Education; P. P. Adams, Bible;
Established 1906 E. Miles Cadwallader, A. B.,
Board of Managers: C. P. Crager, Science, Mathematics; W. F.
John Brown, W. W. Wheeler, Van Atta, A. B., Manual Train-
G. Emmenegger, Facundo Olivar- ing, Commercial; Helen G.
ria, F. H. Westphal. Knight, A. B., Spanish, Domes-
Faculty: W. W. Wheeler, Princi- tic Science, Methods, Reading;
pal; Sylvia Vedoya, Preceptress; Gail P. Eckard, B. Mus., Direc-
Emeterio Arias, Preceptor. tor of Music; Evelyn M. Parr,
Latin, Assistant in Music; Hazel
Carmichael, A. B., Art, Grades
RIVER PLATE ACADEMY 1-5; Mrs. Effie Carroll, Grades
(Colegio Adventista del Plata) 6-8; Mrs. W. F. Van Atta, Sew-
Puiggari, F. C. E., Entre Rios, ing; Mabel L. Champion, Precep-
Argentina, South America tress; 0. F. Conway, Preceptor;
Edna Anderson, English, Ma-
Established 1898 tron; Mrs. A. Earl Hall, Ac-
Board of Managers: R. T. Baer, countant.
Pres.; J. S. Marshall, Sec.; G. E.
Hartman, F. L. Perry, 0. P. Cra-
ger, J. M. Howell, A. R. Sher-
man, R. H. Habenicht. S. D. A. Mission, Karmatar, E. I.
Ry., India.
Local Board: J. S. Marshall,
Chairman; J. M. Howell, Sec.; J. Established 1915
W. Westphal, R. H. Habenicht, In charge of H. E. McWhinny, as-
Camilo Gil, Jorge Lust. sisted by Santali teachers.

SANTALI GIRLS' SCHOOL Wu Dzeh Shan, Preceptor, As-

S. D. A. Mission, Karmatar, E. I. sistant in Bible, Physiology; Sie
Ry., India Sui An, Wenli; Swen Mo Si,
Assistant Preceptor and teacher;
Established 1913 Hwang Da Pei, Office Assistant
In charge of Mrs. H. E. McWhinny, and teacher; Li Hsing, Assistant
assisted by Santali teachers. in Science; Yeh Kwen Kang, Of-
fice Assistant and teacher;
Cheng Si Muh, Primary Grades;
SCANDINAVIAN UNION Mi Si Muh, Grades 4 and 5; Gi
MISSION SCHOOL Sio Dzie, Assistant Preceptress
and Teacher.
Narum, Denmark
Established 1908; removed to
Niirum 1918
Board of Managers: Scandinavian
Union Conference Committee. Shelton, Nebr.
Faculty: Erik Arnesen, Principal; Established as Hastings Inter-
Mrs. Louise Christensen, Matron; mediate School in 1909; reestab-
Henry Grundset, Mrs. Ingeborg lished as Shelton Academy in 1919.
Hjartarson, K. Niirland. Board of Managers: D. P. Wood,
Chairman; G. C. George, Sec.;
D. D. Rees, Elsie Gibbs, E. J.
Moser, A. C. Madsen, C. H. Mil-
SHANGHAI MISSIONARY ler, E. S. Pearson, M. N. Hellig-
(Formerly China Missions Train- Faculty: G. C. George, Principal,
ing School.) History; A. F. Kirk, Manager;
17 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China W. L. Halverson, Preceptor, Ac-
Established 1910 countant; Clara Ogden, Precep-
tress, Pedagogy and Methods;
Board of Directors: I. H. Evans.
B. H. Shaw, Pastor, Bible; Doro-
F. H. DeVinney, 0. A. Hall, M.
thy Pearce, English, Language;
C. Warren, Fred Lee, Bernhard
Lucile Series, Grammar Grades;
Petersen, D. E. Rebok, H. W.
Bessie Maycock, Music; Arthur
Barrows, C. C. Crisler, S. L.
Frost. Holmes, Mathematics and Sci-
ence; Edna Reed, Matron; Mrs.
Local Board: I. H. Evans, H. W. E. F. Kopp, Sewing and Dress-
Barrows, C. C. Crisler. J. P. An- making; E. F. Kopp, Gardener.
derson, Geo. Harlow, R. J. Brines,
D. E. Rebok, S. L. Frost, 0. A.
Faculty: S. L. Frost, Principal, ACADEMY
Mathematics; D. E. Rebok, As- New Market, Va.
sistant Principal, Denomination-
al History, English, Church His- Established 1906
tory; R. J. Brines, Treasurer, Board of Managers: T. B. West-
Science, and Bookkeeping; Geo. brook, W. E. Bidwell, R. D. Hot-
Harlow, Bible and General His- tel, W. G. Dick, R. T. Fultz, H.
tory; I. A. Scharffenberg, Nor- M. Forshee, C. E. Neff, Emmet
mal; Mrs. D. E. Rebok, English; Tucker, R. F. Farley, W. A.
Mrs. Geo. Harlow, Music and Toler,s.haFoltz.
English; Mrs. S. L. Frost, Music; Faculty: H. M. Forshee, Principal,
Mrs. C. E. Weaks, Preceptress; Mathematics; Mrs. H. M. For-

shee, Preceptress, English; M. W. Rowland, V. L. Beecham,

D. Day, Preceptor, Bible; Guy Roger Altman, H. C. Baumgart-
Crary, Commercial; Bertha ner, V. E. Hendershot.
Hanger, Music; Margaret Cosby, Faculty: V. E. Hendershot, B. A.,
Nurse, History; Mildred Stuart, Principal, Bible, English, His-
Primary; Mrs. M. D. Day, Ma- tory; H. C. Baumgartner, B. A.,
tron; C. E. Overstreet, Indus- Business Manager, English, Sci-
trial. ' ence, Industrial; Phang Nyuk
Thin, Chinese Language and Lit-
erature; Leong Pin Hong, Ele-
SHEYENNE RIVER ACADEMY mentary Chinese Instruction;
Harvey, N. Dak. Samuel Rantoeng, Malay Lan-
Established 1903 guage; Mrs. Nai Pinter, Matron.
Board of Managers: H. H. Hu- Assistants for Lady Students: Mrs.
mann, President; A. G. Goude, Phang Nyuk Thin, Mrs. S. Ran-
Secretary; J. H. Roth, Carl Leer, toeng.
C. C. Jensen, P. G. Stanley, N.
J. Michalenko, W. 0. Johnson,
Jacob Wagner, Michael Stern. SOUTH AFRICAN TRAINING
Faculty: A. G. Conde, Principal; SCHOOL
J. H. Roth, Bible; Myrtle Mc- P. 0. Box 124, Ladysmith, Natal,
Lellan, English; Ruby Dell Mc- South Africa
Gee, Mathematics, Science; J. C. Continuing Claremont Union
Harder, German; G. J. Lang, College.
Preceptor, History, German;
N. J. Michalenko, Russian; John Established 1892; removed to
Nahorny, Russian; Grace Rosen- Ladysmith, 1919.
thal, Prebeptress, Normal; Livi- Board: South African Union Con-
sey Murphy, Grade Subjects; ference Committee.
Blanche DeSpelder, Instrumen- Faculty: U. Bender, J. I. Robi-
tal and Vocal Music; Maude son, P. Venter, Jr., V. R. Cooks,
Carr, Instrumental Music; Alma Mrs. U. Bender, Miss Helen M.
L. Goude, M. D., Health Sub- Hyatt, Mrs. H. G. Patchett, F.
jects; Lena Rosenthal, Matron, R. Stockil.
Domestic Science; W. N. Neh-
ring, Engineering; A. L. Foster,
Farm Superintendent.
SINGAPORE TRAINING SCHOOL 3 Wheeler Road, Bangalore, India
399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singa- Established 1915
pore, Straits Settlements In charge of E. M. Meleen, as-
Established 1916 sisted by Indian teachers.
Board of Management: F. A. Det-
amore, Chairman; A. E. Iver-
son, Sec.; W. E. Gillis, R. L. SOUTH INDIA GIRLS' SCHOOL
Mershon, A. Munson, J. W. Row-
land, W. P. Barto, I. C. Schmidt, 3 Wheeler Road, Bangalore, India
L. 0. Pattison, G. A. Thompson. Established 1915
Local Board of Management: F. In charge of Mrs. G. G. Lowry and
A. Detamore, Chairman; A. E. Miss L. Appleton, assisted by
Iverson Sec.; W. E. Gillis, J. Indian teachers.


Ooltewah, Tenn. Carter, R. P. Montgomery, H. M.
J. Richards, A. F. Harrison, H.
(Formerly the Southern Train-
L. Wilcox, H. R. Gay, A. W.
ing School, at Graysville, Tenn.) Peterson, W. J. Ward.
Established 1896 as the Southern
Training School; removed to Ool- Administration: W. E. Nelson,
tewah in 1916. President; L. N. Carter, Treas.;
G. W. Habenicht, Preceptor;
Board of Managers: W. H. Heck- Alma L. Du Bois, Preceptress;
man, Pres.; L. H. Wood, Sec.; Mrs. Minnie Cook, Matron.
J. L. McElhany, F. L. Harrison,
W. E. Abernathy, R. I. Keate, Faculty: W. E. Nelson, President;
W. R. Elliott, B. W. Spire, C. B. C. E. AcMoody, Bible; A. D.
Stephenson, I. M. Martin, J. F. Field, Science; H. A. Peebles,
Wright, D. P. Wood, L. T. Cris- Latin and Spanish; W. H. Tees-
ler, B. F. Kneeland, E. A. Suth- dale, History; Ruth L. Harvey,
erland, J. A. Tucker, J. C. Piano and Theory; Lela M. Les-
Thompson, J. R. Kennedy. lie, Commercial; G. W. Habe-
nicht, Mathematics; Mrs. W. H.
Faculty: L. H. Wood, President; Hanhardt, Voice; Anna J. Ol-
J. H. Behrens, Bible and Pasto- son, Algebra and New Testa-
ral Training; F. W. Field, Bible ment History; Maude F. Crupp,
History, Greek; H. A. Johnston, Oratory; Mrs. Nellie Gage, Nor-
Preceptor, History; W. D. Leech, mal Director; L. N. Carter, Pen-
Science; J. M. Swofford, Agricul- manship.
ture; Bernice Williams, Music:
Mable N. Behrens, Preceptress,' Preparatory Department: Mrs.
Normal Department; Myrtle V. Nellie Gage, Director; Mrs. A.
Maxwell, Assistant in Normal; M. Woodall, Grades 7 and 8;
Maude I. Jones, Mathematics, Jessie Casey, Grades 4-6; Helen
Languages; Marian Brooke, Suche, Grades 1-3.
English; Bessie Segraves, Ma- Industrial Department: W. J.
tron, Domestic Science; Ella M. Ward, Broommaking; M. E. El-
Ingram, Intermediate Depart- lis, Printing; D. V. Cram, Wood-
ment; Vera Behrens, Primary work; Mrs. W. E. Nelson, Cook-
Department; Ruby E. Lea, Reg- ing and Hydrotherapy; Mrs.
istrar, Stenography; Matilda B. Burchfield, Laundry; Mrs. D. V.
Nelson, Office Assistant; Roy L. Cram, Sewing.
Carr, Accountant.
Industrial Faculty: J. R. Kenne-
dy, Business Manager; Bessie STANBOROUGH PARK MIS-
Segraves, Cooking; F. 'W. Field, SIONARY COLLEGE
Agriculture; B. J. Fountain, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts,
Blacksmithing; W. A. Philpott, England
Building Superintendent.
Established 1901
Board of Directors: M. N. Camp-
SOUTHWESTERN JUNIOR bell, Chairman; G. Wakeham, S.
COLLEGE G. Haughey, W. E. Read, H. .1.
Edmed, F. A. Spearing, J. C.
Keene, Tex. Steward.
Established 1894 Instructors: G. Wakeham, B. Sc.,
Board of Managers: M. Lukens, F. C. S., Principal, Psychology,
Chairman; W. E. Nelson, Sec.; Logic, Chemistry, Theory of
.J. I. Taylor, David Voth, C. E. Teaching; G. Baird, Head Master

of Junior Department, History, tory and English; R. S. J. Ham-

Latin; W. E. Read, Advanced ilton, Science and Physical Edii-
Bible; H. J. Edmed, Testimonies, cation; Miss Fern L. Row, Pre-
Bible Readings; J. McAvoy, Pre- ceptress, Mathematics; Miss
ceptor, Bible Doctrines; R. Ruth B. Hackett, Normal and
Whiteside, Business Manager; Languages; Miss Vesta Kruse,
H. J. Heide, English, French, Shorthand and Typewriting;
Mathematics; W. Halliday, He- Mrs. Walter G. Lawson, Physi-
brew, Greek, New Testament ology and Hydrotherapy; Mrs.
History; Dr. Druitt, Physiology, John E. Weaver, Pianoforte, Or-
Hygiene; A. Guidal, German, gan; Mrs. L. A. Pettibone, Vio-
Elementary Latin, Librarian; lin, Art; Mrs. Vera B. S. Fric-
Miss G. Guidal, Elementary key, Pianoforte, Voice; Horace
English, and French; Mrs. M. E. Weaver, Grades 7 and S; Miss
Brown, Simple Treatments; Mrs. Hattie Standard, Grades 1-6.
G. Baird, Stenography; Miss M. Industrial Faculty: J. E. Weaver,
Robertson, Preceptress; Miss F. Superintendent; 'W. G. Lawson,
Tuckey, Assistant Preceptress; Carpentry; R. S. J. Hamilton,
R. Ralston, Assistant in English Printing; Miss Lorena Huener-
and Mathematics; H. E. Boyce, gardt, Dressmaking; Mrs. Ger-
Assistant in Natural Sciences; trude Wheeler, Matron, Cooking.
Idris Owen and Miss Phyllis
Hardinge, Pianoforte; A. Vince,
Organ; Miss A. Alyward, Physi-
cal Drill, Vocal Music; Mrs. M. SYDNEY HIGH SCHOOL
Wright, Dressmaking; J. Rich- " Belmont," Patterson St., Con-
ings, Agriculture. cord, New South Wales,
Established 1919
SWEDISH MISSIONARY Board: C. H. Watson, W. J. Wes -
SCHOOL terman, W. G. Turner, C. H.
Nyhyttan, Jarnboas, Sweden Pretyman, C. H. Schowe.
Established 1898; reorganized 1908
Board of Managers: Swedish Con-
ference Committee. TAMIL MISSION SCHOOL
Faculty: Karl Mattsson, 0. An- Nazareth P. 0., Tinnevelly District,
gervo, Maria Johansson, Emma India
Gustafsson. Established 1912
In charge of E. D. Thomas, assis-
ted by Tamil teachers.
Sutherlin, Oreg.
Established 1918
12oth St. and Lenox Ave., New
Board of Trustees: J. A. Rippey, York, N. Y.
Chairman; J. E. Weaver, Sec.,
A. V. Rhoads, 0. H. Shrewsbury, Established 1920
J. B. Meehan, J. C. Dutcher, N. Board: J. E. Jayne, W. E. Perrin,
E. Landreth. W. R. Andrews, L. Halsvick, C.
Faculty: John E. Weaver, Princi- B. Haynes, L. Klebahn, F. D.
pal, Bible and Language; Wal- Wells, J. K. Humphrey, D. N.
ter G. Lawson, Preceptor, His- Wall, B. E. Miller, J. F. linen-

ergardt, Carl Swenson, D. A. er, Registrar and Librarian; Ig-

Bailey, H. H. Morse. nacio Theilig-Silva, French and
Faculty: H. H. Morse, Principal, Spanish; Olive V. Boutelle, Sec-
Grades 9 and 10; H. M. Dawson, retary, Commerce; F. A. Spang-
Grades 5-8; Mrs. H. H. Morse, ler, Assistant in Mathematics;
Grades 1-4. Florence I. Spangler, Assistant
in Education and Normal Train-
ing; George Bowers, Assistant
in Science; Lois Carmichael,
UNION COLLEGE Latin and German; Ruby Wise-
man-Damsgard, Domestic Sci-
College View, Nebr. ence; 0. S. Belz, Director School
of Music, Voice; Marie Jones-
Established 1891 Anderson, Piano; C. E. Engel,
Board of Managers: The presidents Violin; Mrs. H. H. Howard,
of the following conferences: Principal Model School; Mrs.
Central Union, Nebraska, Mis- (leo. Bowers, Christine Erickson,
souri, Kansas, Inter-Mountain, Elizabeth Erickson. Nell Travis,
Colorado, Wyoming, Northern Teachers in Model School :
Union, Minnesota, North Dako- George Jeys, Printing; 13. F.
ta, South Dakota, Iowa, South- Periman, Laundry; Charles Wil-
western Union, and Oklahoma; liams, Farm Superintendent; L.
the educational Isecmtiaries of F. Morrison, Engineer.
the Central Union, Northern
Union, and Southwestern Union;
the president of Union College; " VINCENT HILL SCHOOL "
and M. L. Andreasen, Milton
Robison, and A. G. Taylor. Hampton Court, Mussoorie, India.
Executive Committee: S. E. Wight, Established 1911
H. A. Morrison, E. T. Russell, Faculty: T. D. Rowe, Principal,
Morris Lukens, D. P. Wood, D. assisted by L. A. Semmens, Mrs.
D. Rees, A. F. Schmidt. T. D. Rowe, Mrs. A. O'Connor,
Administration: H. A. Morrison, Miss E. Donaldson.
Pres.; Pearl Rees, Preceptress;
H. H. Howard, Preceptor; Mrs.
C. B. VanGorder, Matron; Chas. WALDERLY ACADEMY
Williams, Treasurer.
Hines, Wis.
Faculty: H. A. Morrison, Presi-
dent; C. L. Benson, Dean, His- Established 1907
tory; M. L. Andreasen, Bible;
J. N. Anderson, Missions, He- Board of Directors: J. J. Irwin, E.
brew and Greek; A. G. Taylor, A. von Pohle, H. W. Johnson,
Economics and Government; M. T. S. Copeland, Alfred Nelson.
E. Olsen, English; Milton Robin- 'Faculty: E. A. von Pohle, Princi-
son. Director Normal Depart- pal and Manager, Bible; P. G.
ment, Education; Emily John- Gunderson, Preceptor, Science;
son, English; L. C. Damsgard, 0. P. Wilson, History; E. W.
Mathematics and Astronomy; C. Marsh, Farm, Agriculture; H.
L. Premer, History; C. E. Kent Nelson, Chef; Mrs. E. A.
Plumb, Physics and Chemistry; von Pohle, English; Miss Mar-
Rochelle Philmon, English; Ev- garet Hitchcock, Accountant,
erett Kirk, Oratory; Elsa North- Mathematics, Commercial; Miss
rup-Ward, Art; Mertie A. Wheel- Leta Hill, Preceptress, Music.

WALLA WALLA COLLEGE Anna A. Pierce, Grades 1 and 2,

Primary Methods.
College Place, Wash.
Industrial Departments: Ray Col-
Established 1892 lins, Printing; Mrs. Harry Tip-
Board of Trustees: A. R. Ogden, pett, Dressmaking; Mrs. Ross.
C. W. Flaiz, H. W. Cottrell, G. Dustin, Cooking.
F. Watson, J. S. Rouse, F. M.
Burg, J. A. Rippey, J. W. Nor-
wood, S. J. Lasbier, H. H..Ham-
ilton, W. I. Smith.
Officers of the Board: A. R. Og-
Takoma Park Station,
den, Chairman; W. I. Smith, Sec- Washington, D. C.
retary and Treasurer.
Established 1904; reorganized 1914
Administration: W. I. Smith,
President and Manager; C. W. Legal Title: Washington Mission-
Kime, Preceptor; Mrs. L. A. ary College.
Buss, Preceptress; Mrs. R. B. Board of Trustees: F. H. Rob-
Ray, Matron; E. 0. Becker, bins, A. G. Daniells, J. L. Shaw,
Bookkeeper; Alice Weaver, Reg- C. S. Longacre, B. F. Machlan,
istrar. H. W. Miller, S. M. Butler, T. B.
Westbrook, A. S. Booth, D. A.
Faculty: IV. I. Smith, President,
Parsons, R. E. Harter, W. C.
Mathematics and Astronomy; F.
Moffett, J. A. Leland, R. H.
S. Bunch, Dean of School of The-
Thompson, E. K. Slade, J. E.
ology; 0. A. Johnson, Church
Jayne, F. W. Stray, N. H. Saun-
History and Bible; G. W. Rine,
ders, W. In Heckman, J. A.
History and Philosophy; Wini-
Tucker, M. E. Cady, C. C. Pul-
fred L. Holmden, Ancient Lan-
ver, J. C. Thompson, L. H. Wood,
guages; L. F. Thiel, English and
C. L. Stone, E. G. Salisbury, N.
Biblical Literature; Clara E.
S. Ashton, J. L. McElhany.
Rogers, Rhetoric; B. B. Davis,
Normal Director, Professional Local Board: F. H. Robbins, Chair-
Subjects; H. H. Hamilton. Com- man; S. M. Butler, Sec.; C. S.
mercial Subjects, and Wood- Longacre, B. F. Machlan, H. W.
work; Lulu B. Hiatt, Modern Miller, E. G. Salisbury, C. C.
Languages; W. M. Heidenreich, Pulver.
Chemistry, and Biology; G. G. Administration: President, B. F.
Kretschmar, Physics; A. W. Machlan; Preceptor, C. L. Tay-
Lane, Assistant in Commercial lor; Matron, Mrs. Ruth Brown;
Department; L. A. Buss, M. D., Preceptress, Mrs. M. M. Quan-
Physiology and Hydrotherapy; tock; Business Manager, S. M.
Mrs. B. B. Davis, Art; William Butler; Cashier, C. S. Corkham.
M. Landeen, Bible and History; Faculty: B. F. Machlan, President,
IV. I. Morey, Director of Music; W. C. Moffett, Dean of Theolo-
Grace Wood-Reith, Voice and gy, Bible; H. C. Lacey, Sacred
Piano; Blythe Owen, Piano; Language and Literature; A. W.
Mrs. Morey, Piano; C. E. Sny- Werline, History; E. G. Salis-
der, Theoretical Music; A. E. bury, Dean of Liberal Arts, Edu-
Green, Physical Director. cation and Mathematics; H.- H.
Normal Critic Teachers: B. B. Votaw, Department of Missions;
Davis, 'Normal Director; Lettie Janet B. Morris, Bible Work;
Osborn-Johnson, Grades 7 and 8; - Miss Jessie Evans, English; J.
Madge Moore, Grades - 5 and 6; N. Kimble, Science; Mrs. B.
Christiana Trefz, Grades 3 and 4; Shanks Chaney, Normal Direc-

tor; -Myrtle Schultz, Normal WATERLOO INDUSTRIAL

Critic Teacher; Mrs. M. F. Rciss, SCHOOL
Normal Critic Teacher; B. B. Waterloo, Sierra Leone,
Smith, Commerce; H. W. Mil- West Africa ,
ler, M. D., Hygiene, .Tropial
Established 1909
Diseases; Otto Schuberth, Mod-
ern Language; Olive Severs, Board: L. F. Langford, E. Ashton,
Latin' 'and Assistant English; J. A. During, H. E. Lynch.
Lauretta E. Kress, NI. D., Bi- Faculty: L. F. Langford, E. Ash-
ological Science; J. W. Os- ton, H. E. Lynch.
born, Music Director; Viola
Severs, Piano. Ftta M. Spicer,
Normal Art; C. C. Lewis, Public
Speaking, Hebrew; Mrs. Lela WEST INDIAN TRAINING
Beuchel, Dressmaking, Millinery, SCHOOL
Domestic Science; B. P. Foote, Mandeville, Jamaica, British West
Assistant, Commercial Depart- Indies
ment; H. G. Hadley, M. D., Dis- Established 1918
pensary Clinic, Obstetrics; Mrs. Board of ,Managers: G. A. Roberts,
Ruth Brown, Matron; Mrs. M.
Pres.; W. H. Wineland, Sec.;
M. Quantock, Preceptress; C. L. C. H. Keslake, J. A. Applegate,
Taylor, Preceptor; Mrs. Bertha J. G. Pettey, H. Fletcher, C. C.
D. Martin, Registrar; F. L. Cha- McCatty, H. W. Wright
ney, Woodwork, Carpentry, H.
H. Link, Physical Director; J. Faculty: W. H. Wineland, Miss
W. Salisbury, Assistant Science Johannah H. Daw, Mrs. W. H.
and Mathematics. Wineland, C. H. Keslake, Keith
Burke, Miss Amy Everis, James
Industrial Department: S. M. But-, West, Miss Rosamond Harrison.
le r, Superintendent; H. S.
Weaver, Printing; F. L. Chaney,
Woodwork, Carpentry; Mrs. Le- WESTERN WASHINGTON MIS-
la Beuchel, Domestic Science,
Millinery, Dressmaking.
Auburn, Wash.
Theological School Established 1913
Faculty: B. F. Machlan, Presi- Board of Managers: Western
dent; W. C. Moffett, Dean, Eng-
Washington Conference Commit-
lish Bible; A. W. Werline, His-
tee, President, F. M. Burg; Sec.,
tory; H. C. Lacey, Sacred Lan-
T. L. Copeland.
guage and Literature; H. W.
Miller, M. D., Hygiene, Tropical Faculty: Lyle C. Wilcox, Princi-
Diseases; J. N Kimble, Science; pal, Bible; Geo. L. Kingsbury,
Jessie Evans, English; Janet B. Business Manager; William E.
Morris, Bible Work. Atkin, Preceptor, History; Miss
Marthea Matterand, Preceptress,
Lecturers: A. G. Daniells, Church Dressmaking, Matron; Miss
Organization and Administra- Helen Goulard, English and .
tion; J. L. Shaw, Missions and Language; Walter F. Conzel-
Mission Polity; W. E. Howell, man, Mathematics and Wood-
Christian Education; C. S. Long- work; Mrs. Edith E. Wall, Pi-
acre, Religious Liberty; F. M. ano and Voice; Miss Hazel Wil-
Wilcox, Spiritual Ideals of the cox, Intermediate Oracles; Sam-
Ministry. uel L. Woodruff, Cooking.


Orlando, F1a. Granger, Wash.
Established 1918 Established 1920
Board of Managers: C. B. Stephen- Board of Trustees: The Execu-
son, G. H. Straight, C. C. Hall, tive Committee of the Upper
Miss Eliza Warner, J. A. Tucker. Columbia Conference.
Faculty: G. H. Straight, Princi- Faculty: D. A. Ochs, Principal,
pal, Bible, Mathematics; A. E. Bible; H. P. Sittner, Preceptor,
Lastinger, Preceptor, Bible His- Mathematics; Otto Win, Bi-
tory; Mrs. G. H. Straight, Pre- ble, History; Miss Mable John-
ceptress, Science, History; Miss son, Preceptress, Grades 7 and
Helen Shull, Matron, English; 8; Miss Bertha Walker, English
Miss Helen Daniels, Music, Math- and Language; Mrs. D. A. Ochs,
ematics. Music.
(fn alphabetical order)
HOUSE Present Truth, Missionary Work-
(Sociedad Internacional de er, A. S. Maxwell; Good Health,
Tratados) Dr. F. C. Shone, H. F. De'Ath.
Apartado 492, Barcelona, Spain
Established 1915
Publishing Board: A. V. Olson, L. BUENOS AIRES PUBLISHING
E. Boyle, G. E. Knight, F. Mar- HOUSE
tinez, F. Bond. Buenos Aires,Argentina,
Periodicals: Sellales de los Tiem- South merica
pos, El Esforzador. " Casa Editora Sud Americana "
Established 1897
Cable Address: " Adventist," Bue-
(Casa Publicadora Brazileira) Postal Address: Florida, F. C. C.
SA Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Brazil, South America South America.
Established 1905 Board of Managers: W. H. Wil-
Cable Address: " Adventista," Sao liams, Pres.; Wm. Kirstein, Sec.;
Bernardo, Sao Paulo. J. 'W. Westphal, E. F. Peterson,
F. C. Varney, R. T. Baer, F. L.
Board of Directors: F. W. Spies, Perry, E. W. Everest, C. P. era-
C. E. Schofield, A. Pages, H. Mey- ger, A. A. Cone.
er, R. M. Carter, W. A. Ernen- Manager and Treas.: Everett Ev-
putsch, Max Rohde, R. Suess- erest.
mann, R. Wilfart.
Editors: El Atalaya, Edgar
Officers: Pres., F. W. Spies; Vice- Brooks; contributing editors, J.
Pres., C. E. Schofield; Manager W. Westphal, F. ,L. Perry, R. T.
and Sec.-Treas., A. Pages. Baer; La Revista Adventista,
Editors: Revista Mensal, E. C. Ehl- D. R. Buckner; El Monitor, D.
ers; Signaes dos Tempos, E. C. R. Buckner.
Ehlers; Rundschau der Adven-
tisten, A. Pages.
Box 398, 'Oshawa, Ontario
Organized 1895. Incorporated 1920
Stanborough Press, Ltd.
Territory: The Eastern and West-
Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, ern Canadian; Union Conferences.
Board of Directors: C. F. Mc-
' Established 1889 Vagh, H. H. Rans, F. W. Stray,
Cable Address: " Hygiene," Gars- A. C. Gilbert, C. L. Ashley, N.
ton, Herts, England. C. Nelsen, A. J. Olson, S. Donald-
Publishing Board: Chairman, M. son, D. J. C. Barrett.
N. Campbell; Manager and Sec., Officers: C. F. McVagh, Pres.; H.
W. E. Read; Directors, S. G. H. Rans, Vice-Pres. and Man-
Haughey, W. Maudsley, F. A. ager; N. C. Nelsen, Supt.; C. L.
Spea ring. Ashley, Sec. and Treas.

Department Managers: Book and Editors of the Bohemian paper,

Periodical Dept., H. H. Bans; " Hlasatel Pravdy " : F. Fiala,
Assistant, Lizzie M. Gregg. A. Ass, J. Simon, S. Kupcik.
Editor: Canadian Watchman Mag- Benedikt, ul. 8, Prague I,
azine, C. F. McVagh. Czechoslovakia.
Books in Bohemian, German,
Book Committee: C. F. McVagh,
Polish, Slovakian, Hungarian,
H. H. Hans, N. C. Nelsen, Liz-
zie. M. Gregg, C. L. Ashley, J.
Curdy, W. R. French, A. J. Ol-
son, E. M. Fishell, F. W. Stray,
Winnipeg Branch COLLEGE PRESS
303 Nokomis Bldg., Winnipeg, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Manitoba Established 1901
Manager: C. L. Paddock. Board of Managers: Lake Union
Conference Committee.
Officers: Manager, Frederick
CHRISTIAN RECORD PUB- Griggs; Business Manager, Fred
LISHING CO. Green; Superintendent, J. B.
College View, Nebr. Krauss.
Established 1900 Editors: Lake Union Herald, Airs.
L. K. Curtis; The Student Move-
Board of Managers: S. E. Wight,
ment, Lester Sevener.
J. H. Jeys, J. N. Anderson, D.
P. Wood, D. D. Rees.
Officers: Pres., R. A. Underwood;
Sec., Miss Mettie E. Cornell; FINLAND PUBLISHING
Treas., Central Union Confer- HOUSE
ence. Annegatan 33, Helsingfors,
Periodical:. The Christian Record, Finland
a monthly magazine for the Established 1897
blind, published in American Corporate Name: Aikain Vartija.
Braille and New York Point
Publishing Board: Vilh. Sucks-
types: Manager, J. H. Jeys; dorff, Sr., 0. Hoglund, N. Ham-
editor, J. N. Anderson. mar.
The Christian Record also has a
Editorial Board: Aikain Vartija
free circulating library department,
and Suonin Ystava, editor, Vilh.
containing denominational tracts
Sucksdorff, Sr.
and pamphlets for free circulation
among the blind. These tracts are
sent to the reader and returned to
the office without postage. HAMBURG PUBLISHING
Internationale Traktatgesellschaft
CZECHOSLOVAKIAN PUBLISH- in Hamburg, Grindelberg 15a,
ING HOUSE Hamburg, Germany
Office: Dr. Dietrichgasse 3, Trop- Established 1895
pau, Czechoslovakia. Cable Address: " Advent," Ham-
Manager: F. Ludwig. burg.
Committee: E. E. Frauchiger, F. Publishing Board: Chairman, L. R.
Ludwig, F. Fiala, J. Popelka. Conradi ; Manager, H. Hartkop;


bert, P. Drinhaus, W. Krumm, (Owari no Fukuinsha)
M. Stahl, E. Meyer, M. D., L. E. Established 1908
Conradi, M. D.; Auditor, P. A.
Brandt. Address: 17x Amanuma, Sugi-
nami-mura, Toyotama-gun,
General Canvassing Agt.: H. Box. Tokyo, Japan
Manager: A. B. Cole.
Local Committee: H. Hartkop, H.
B8x, K. Banas, 0. Biicklers, 0. Field Miss. Sec.: A. N. Anderson.
Worch, A. Vollmer, F. Lumnitz. (on furlough).
Publishing Committee: B. P. Hoff-
Editors: Herold der Warheit, L. man, A. N. Anderson, S. Yama-
R. Conradi and A. Vollmer; Zi- zaki, P. A. Webber, S. Okada,
ans-Wachter, A. Vollmer; Der H. Kuniya.
Advent-Bote in der Heidenwelt,
E. Kotz; Kirche and Staat, G. Editors: Jicho Zashi, A. N. Ander-
W. Schubert:Der Erzieher, H. F. son, S. Yamazaki, N. Wachi.
Schuberth; Jugend-Leitstern, W. Shimei no Otodzure, B. P. Hoff-
Miiller;Unserkleiner Freund, A. man.
Vollmer; Gute Gesundheit, L. E.
.Conradi, M. D.;Znaki Czasu, W. JUGOSLAVIA PUBLISHING
Unucka; Stroz Syonu, W. Un- HOUSE
Holland Branch Established 1919
Intern at lona al Tract aatgenoot - Branch of the Review and Herald
schap, Conradkade 4, The Hague, Pub. Assn., Washington, D. C.
Holland. Cable and Telegraphic Address:
Advent, Novi Sad.
Manager: H. Schell. Postal Address: Publishing Asso-
ciation (Nakladno Drustvo),
Editors: Teekenen des Tijds, R. G. Jelena Zrinjijeva Street 11,
Klingbeil; De Werker, P. Schil- Novi Sad, Jugoslavia.
Basle Branch Publishing Board: R. Schillinger,
B. Krstic, A. Mocnik, M. Lude-
Internationale Traktatgesellschaft, wig; Manager and Treasurer,
Birmansgasse 31, Basle, Swit- R. Madacki.
zerland. Periodicals Published: Four in the
Manager: P. John. following languages: Servian,
Croatian, German and Hunga-
German-Austrian Branch rian, their title being " Message
Zeichen der Zeit "-Expedition, of Peace." Editors: R. Schil-
Pelzgasse 2, II-10, Vienna XV., linger and A. Mocnik.
Manager: J. Zachhuber.
Hungarian Branch HOUSE
Vallasos Iratok Nemzetkozi Ki Societe Internationale de Traites
adOhivatala, Krisztina-kiirut 167,
Budapest I, Hungary. Gland, Switzerland
Manager: W. Koch. Established 1896
Periodicals: Utols6 Uzenet and Publishing Board: The Latin
Evangeliurni munkas. Union Committee.

Editors: Le Messager and Les A. R. Ogden, H. S. Shaw, C.

Signes des Temps. A. Vaucher. Santee, C. W. Wells, J. J. Neth-
Le Vulgarisateur, P. A. DeFor- ory, W. M. Adams.
est, M. D.
Managers and Department Heads:
General Manager, C. H. Jones;
First Asst., H. G. Childs; Second.
MEXICAN PUBLISHING Asst., James Cochran; Book De-
HOUSE partment, James Cochran; As-
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico sistants, J. R. Ferren, C. F.
Established 1899 Jones; Periodical Department,.
J. R. Ferrell.; Foreign Depart-
Office: 3a Agrieultura 21, Tacu- ment, H. H. Hall; Cashier, R.
baya, D. F., Mexico. Hook, Jr., Traffic Manager, C. F.
Cable Address: Verdad, Mexico Jones; Superintendent, E. F.
City, Mexico. Counter.
Corporate Name: " Compania de
Publicaciones, La Verdad,' S. Publishing Committee: C. H. Jones,
A." M. C.. Wilcox, H. H. Hall, James
Cochran, G. W. Wells, H. G.
Officers of Corporation: Pres., W. Childs, B. M. Shull, E. F. Coun-
S. Swayze; Sec., C. P. Martin; ter, A. 0. Tait, P. H. Gage, C. F.
Treas., G. W. Caviness; Auditor, Jones. E. R. Johnson, U. V. Wil-
Alfred Cooper. cox, P. J. Rennings, A. L. Ba-
Publishing Committee: Chairman, ker, J. R. Ferrell, E. F. Coun-
G. W. Caviness; W. S. Swayze, ter.
C. P. Martin.
Editors: Las Senales de los Tiem- Editors: Christlicher Hausfreund,
pos, G. W. Caviness; associate, K. A. Offerman: Deutscher Arbe-
C. S. Nicolas. iter, K. A. Offerman; Evange-
liets Sendebud, J. D. Johnson;
Missionaeren, E. Theusen; Sions
Vaktare, A. Vermelin; Tidens.
PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING Tecken, A. Vermelin; Russian
ASSOCIATION Signs, S. G. Burley; Italian
Signs, R. Calderone; Bohe-
Mountain View, Cal. mian Signs, L. F. Kucera;
Established 1875 French Signs, Alex Long;Yiddish
Cable Address: " Uprising," Moun- Messenger, F. C. Gilbert; Hun-
tain View, Cal. garian Signs, J. F. Huenergardt.
Territory: The Pacific, North Pa- International Branch
cific, Central, Northern, West
Indian, and the North Latin- Office: Brookfield, Ill.
American Missions. Manager: S. N. Curtiss.
Board of .Directors: C. H. Jones, Manager Periodical Department,.
H. H. Hall, H. G. Childs, James H. W. Sherrig.
Cochran, B. M. Shull, G. W. Advisory Committee: S. N. Cur-
Wells, J. R. Ferren. tiss, M. L. Andreasen, J. C. Hol-
Officers: Pres., C. H. Jones; Vice- den, H. W. Sherrig, A. J. Clark,.
Pres., James Cochran; Sec. and B. L. Orundset, P. E. Broder-
Treas., H. G. Childs; Auditor, SON .
General Conference Auditor. French, Hungarian, Rumanian,
Advisory Committee: J. W. Chris- Russian, Italian, Bohemian, and
tian, S. E. 'Wight, E. T. Russell, Yiddish magazines are issued at.

irregular intervals by the Pacific Board: The Executive Committee

Press Pub. Assn., at Brookfield, of the Philippine Union Mission.
Ill. Manager and Treas.: Harley An-
Sabbath-school Quarterlies a r e derson.
published in German, Bohemian, Editors: Ang Tanglaw (Tagalog),
French, Hungarian, Polish, Ser- L. V. Finster; assistant. E. Man-
bian, Slovakian, Rumanian, alaysay. Ang Sulo (Panayan),
Italian, and Russian. E. M. Adams; assistant, W. L.
Rodriguez. Ti Damag ti Pagar-
Kansas City Branch ian (Ilocano), R. E. Hay; assist-
1224 Euclid Ave., Kansas City, Mo. ant, L. Z. Roda.
Manager: A. R. Smith. Languages in Which publications
are issued: Tagalog, Panayan-
Portland Branch Visayan, Cebuan-Visayan, Ilo-
-719East Flanders St., Portland, cano, Pampangan, Bicol, and
Oreg. Ibanag.
_Manager: G. C. Hoskin.
Central American Branch REVIEW AND HERALD PUB-
Box 5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone, LISHING ASSOCIATION
Panama. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
Manager: R. E. Bowles. Establi..ffied 1849; incorporated
1861; reincorporated 1903
St. Paul Branch Cable Address: " Review," Wash-
182 North Snelling Ave., St. Paul, ington.
Minn. Territory: The Atlantic, Columbia,
Manager: S. J. Abegg. Eastern Canadian, and Lake Un-
The Pacific Press Publishing ion Conferences.
Assn. handles publications in Constituency: The trustees of the
Bohemian, Bulgarian, Danish- corporation; members of the ex-
Norwegian, French, German, ecutive committee of the Gen-
Hungarian, Icelandic, . Italian, eral Conference; members of
Polish, Portuguese, Rumanian, the executive committees of
Russian, Serbian, Spanish. Swed- the Atlantic, Columbia, and
ish, and Yiddish, and the Ori- Lake Union Conferences, and
ental languages. It also gives of each local conference
special attention to standard therein, as well as the Un-
school textbooks and juvenile ion Field Missionary and Union
publications. Complete cata- Home Missionary secretaries, the
logue sent free on application. local conference Field Missionary,
Home Missionary, and Tract So-
ciety, secretaries therein; the ed-
PHILIPPINE PUBLISHING itors of the periodicals published
HOUSE by the Review and Herald Pub-
Established 1914 ' lishing Association, the mana-
gers of the publishing house de-
-Factory located at 14 Calle Luna, partments and its branch offices,
Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. " and such stockholders of the
Cable Address: " Philpubco," Ma- Seventh-day Adventist Publish-
nila, Philippine Islands. ing Association of Battle Creek,
:Postal Address: Box 813, Manila, Mich., as shall donate their stock
Philippine Islands. in said association to the Gen-

eral Conference of Seventh-day Heald, D. W. Reavis, E. L. Rich-

Adventists, and shall make writ- mond, C. P. Bollman, W. A.
ten application to the Secretary Spicer, G. B. Thompson, W..
of said Conference for such mem- E. Howell, J. W. Mace, L. W.
bership, previously to Jan. 1, Graham, R. T. Dowsett, L. A_
1905." Hansen, M. E. Kern, T. E.
Board of Trustees: F. M. Wilcox, Bowen, C. A. Holt, F. A. Coffin.
E. R. Palmer, E. L. Richmond, South Bend Branch
W. T. Knox, J. L. Shaw, G. B. 212 South Lafayette St., South
Thompson, M. E. Kern, E. K. Bend, Ind.
Slade, F. H. Robbins, Wm.
Guthrie, J. W. Mace, L. W. Gra- Manager: J. D. Snider.
ham, R. T. Dowsett. New York Branch
Officers: Pres., F. M. Wilcox; Vice- Room 314, 32 Union Square, New
Pres., W. T. Knox; Manager, E. York, N. Y.
R. Palmer; Assistant Manager, Manager: D. A. Bailey.
E. L. Richmond; Treas., R. T.
Dowsett; Sec., L. W. Graham. Washington Branch
Department Managers: Supt., E. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C._
L. Richmond; Book Dept., J. W. Manager: W. B. Walters.
Mace; Periodical Dept., L. W.
Graham; Campaign Literature
Dept., D. W. Mavis.
Editors: Review and Herald, F. M. HOUSE
Wilcox; associates, W. A. Spicer,
G. B. Thompson, C. A. Holt, Akersgaten 74, Christiania,
C. P. Bollman; special contribu- Norway
tors; A. G. Daniells, I. H. Evans, Established 1879
L. R. Conradi, W. T. Knox, J. L. Corporate Name: Skandinavisk
Shaw, E. E. Andross. Youth's Bokforlag.
Instructor, Mrs. Fannie D. Cable Address: Sundhedsbladet,.
Chase; associates, Mrs. Matilda Christiania, Norway.
E. Andross, Miss Lora Clement;
special contributors, M. E. Kern, Publishing Board: J. C. Raft, A.
Meade MacGuire, C. A. Russell. G. Christiansen, Chr. Resen, A.
Life and Health, L. A. Hansen, C. Christensen, Elias Bjaanas,
Dr. G. H. Heald. Liberty, C. S. Enok Endresen.
Longacre; associate, W. F. Mar- Manager and Treasurer, A. C.
tin; Managing Editor, C. P. Boll- Christensen.
man. Sabbath School Worker, Editors: Sundhedsbladet, J. C. Ot-
Mrs. L. Flora Plummer; associ- tosen, M. D.; Evangeliets Sende-
ate, Rosamond D. Ginther; as- bud and Missionsefterretninger, .
sistant, M. Stella Fleisher. C. A. Thorp.
Christian Educator, W. E. How-
ell; associate, 0. M. John. Pres- Copenhagen Branch
ent Truth, E. R. Palmer; asso- Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, V.,
ciate, C. P. Bollman. Church Denmark.
Officers' Gazette, T. E. Bowen;
associates, M. E. Kern, C. V. Corporate Name: Dansk Bogfor-
Leach. lag.
Book Committee: E. R. Palmer, Cable Address: Expedit, Copen-
Chairman; F. M. Wilcox, W. W. hagen.
Eastman, W. IV. Prescott, G. H. Treasurer: Chr. Hedeblik.

SENTINEL PUBLISHIN,G Advisory Board: I. H. Evans,

COMPANY Chairman; F. H. DeVinney, Fred
Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, Lee, L. E. Froom, L. B. Dye,
South Africa 0. A. Hall, W. C. Warren, B.
Petersen, H. W. Barrows, C. C.
Established 1894 Crisler, C. E. Weaks, J. G. Gjor-
. Publishing Board: W. B. White, ding, Sec.
W. B. Commin, U. Bender, W. S. Board of Management: I. H. Evans,
Hyatt, 0. K. Butler, G. C. Jenks, Chairman; J. G. Gjording, Sec.;
E. M. Howard, W. E. Straw, I. J. H. W. Barrows, C. E. Weaks, L.
Hankins, G. W. Shone. E. Froom, C. C. Crisler, L. B.
Editors: South African Sentinel, Dye.
I. J. Hankins; South African Manager: J. G. Gjording.
Missionary, Mrs. W. B. White.
Supt. of Factory: LeRoy Dye.
Publishing Committee: L. E.
SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Froom, Chairman; J. G. Gjor-
PUBLISHING HOUSE ding, C. C. Crisler, 0. A. Hall,
Fred Lee, A. C. Selmon.
17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India
Established 1898 Reading 'Committees: For the Man-
darin, L. E. Froom, Chairman;
Board of Directors: W. W. Fletch- 0. A. Hall, Fred Le . For the
er, E. B. Jones, W. A. Scott, Wenli, L. E. Froom, Chairman;
S. A. Wellman, L. C. Shepard. A. C. Selmon.
Officers: Chairman, W. W. Fletch-
er; Vice-Chairman, Manager, Art Committee: L. E. Froom, C. C.
and Treasurer, E. B. Jones; Sec., Crisler, J. G. Gjording, Dzo Tien
W. A. Scott. Min, Gao Ih Swen.
Languages in which publications Editors: Shi Djao Yueh Bao (the
are issued: English, Bengali, Signs of the Times), L. E.
Burmese, Gujerati, Hindi, Kana- Froom; associate, C. C. Crisler;
rese, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, assistant, Dzo Tien Min. Asiat-
Punjabi. Santa Sgau Karen, ic Division Outlook, Mrs. C. C.
Tamil, Telugu, Urdu. Crisler; Hsing Chuan Luh, L. E.
Editors: Eastern Tidings, E. Froom; associate, Dzo Tien Min.
B. Jones. Vernaculars: Bengali,
L. G. Mookerjee; Burmese, D.
Hpo Hla; Gujerati and Marathi,
G. F. Enoch; Tamil, Telugu, SIGNS OF. THE TIMES PRESS
Malayalam, and Kanarese, G. G.
Seoul, Chosen (Korea)
Lowry; di, in F. W. Smith;
Urdu and Punjabi, F. H. Loasby. Established 1909
Publishing Board: C. L. Butter-
SIGNS OF THE TIMES PUB- field, L. I. Bowers, E. J. Urqu-
LISHING HOUSE hart, H. A. Oberg, J. C. Klose,
H. M. Lee', C. W. Lee, Kim Pong
Shanghai, China Ku, Kim Ku Hyok.
Established 1905
Postal Address: Box 856, U. S. Manager: L. I. Bowers.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Editors: Signs of the Times, E. J.
Factory: 25 Ningkuo Road, Shang- Urquhart; Church Compass, E.
hai, China. J. Urquhart.

SIGNS PUBLISHING COMPANY gether with the Board of Direc-

Warburton, Victoria, Australia tors, managers of branch houses,
and heads of Departments of
Established 1905 said Southern Publishing Asso-
Cable Address: " Signs," Warbur- ciation.
ton. Board of Managers: J. L. McE-l-
Manager: J. M. Johanson. . hany, R. L. Pierce, W. H. Heck-
Board: J. M. Johanson (Chair. man, A. W. Spalding, L. D. Ran-
man), C. H. Watson, G. S. Jo- dall, M. F. Knox, M. Lukens,
seph, C. M. Snow, H. M. Blun- H. R. Gay, W. A. Harey.
den, A. H. Piper, L. D. A. Lem- Officers: Pres., J. L. McElhany;
ke, A. G. Miller, E. Watson. Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr., R. L.
Editor: Signs of the Times and Pierce; Sec. and Treas., M. F.
The World Outlook, .C. M. Snow. Knox; Supt., W. A. Harvey;
Manager Book Dept., R. L.
399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singa- The Watchman Magazine: Editor,
pore, Straits Settlements A. W. Spalding; associate editor,
Established 1917 R. B. Thurber; Circulation Man-
ager, C. E. Hooper.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Sing- Employees Free Training School:
apore. Principal, A. W. Spalding.
Board: F. A. Detamore, IV. E. Fort Worth Branch
Gillis, A. E. Iverson.
Manager and Supt.: W. E. Gillis. 112-14 St. Louis Ave., P. G. Box
Editor: Pertandaan Zaman, R. M. 802, Fort Worth, Tex.
Altman. Manager: H. R. Gay.
Languages in which publications Atlanta Branch
are issued: Malay, Java-Malay, 507 East Fair St., Atlanta, Ga.
Battak, Siamese, Niasese. Manager: L. D. Randall.


DAY ADVENTISTS Gamla Brogatan 38, Stockholm,
2119-2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., Sweden
North, Nashville, Tenn. Established 1895
Established 1901 Corporate Name: Skandinaviska
Cable Address: " Watchman," Forlagsexpeditionen.
Nashville. Directors: A. J. Settergren, Emil
Territory: The Southeastern, Ahren, G. E. Nord.
Southern, a n d Southwestern Treasurer: A. J. Settergren.
Union Conferences. Editor: Tidens Tecken and Mis-
Constituency: Members of the Gen- siondren, Emil Ahren.
eral Conference Executive Com-
mittee; members of the execu- WASHINGTON. MISSIONARY
tive committees of the Southeast- COLLEGE PRESS
ern, Southern, and Southwestern Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
Union Conferences; the tract so- Board of Managers: College Board.
ciety secretaries, the field mis- Superintendent: H. S. Weaver.
sionary secretaries, and the home (This institution is operated as
missionary secretaries, both un- a department of the Washington
ion and local, within the above Missionary College, a large part of
named union conferences; to- the work being done by students.)

Advent Review and Sabbath Her- Takoma Park Station, Washing-

ald: Denominational church pa- ton, D. C.; editor, Mrs. Fannie
per, established 1849; published D. Chase; assistant, Miss Lora
weekly; annual subscription, E. Clement.
$2.50; six months, $1.50; two Liberty: a magazine of religious
years, $4.75; three years, $7.00; freedom; an illustrated quar-
Review and Herald Pub. Assn., terly; organ of the Religious
Takoma Park Station, Washing- Liberty Association; single copy,
ton, D. C., editor, F. M. Wilcox; 10 cents; yearly subscription, 35
associate editors, W. A. Spicer, cents. Published by the Review
G. R. Thompson, C. P. Bollman, and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma
C. A. Holt. Park Station, Washington, D.
C.; editor, C. S. Longacre; as-
The Signs of the Times (leading sociate, W. F. Martin; manag-
missionary paper and prophetic ing editor, C. P. Bollman.
expositor); illustrated 16-page
weekly; annual subscription, The Present Truth: (devoted to a
$1.50; published by the Pacific presentation of the doctrine of
Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, the second comino of Christ, and
Cal.; editors, A. 0. Tait, A. L. general Bible truth);
b 16-page
Baker. semimonthly; annual subscrip-
tional 7s 6d ($1.32); Stanborough
Signs of the Times Magazine: Park, Watford, Herts, England.
-monthly; twenty-four pages and
cover; $1.50 a year; published The Present Truth: a one-topic 4-
by the Pacific Press Pub. Assn., page monthly for general mis-
Mountain View, Cal.; editors, sionary purposes; illustrated.
A. 0. Tait, A. L. Baker. Single subscription, 25 cents.
Postage extra to foreign coun-
The Watchman Magazine: General tries. Published by the Review
missionary journal and Bible ex- and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma
positor; an illustrated monthly Park Station, Washington, D.
magazine; annual subscription C.; editor, E. R. Palmer: asso-
$2.00; editor, A. W. Spalding, ciate editors, F. A. Coffin, C.
associate editor, R. B. Thurber; P. Bollman.
circulation manager, C. E. Hoop-
er. Published by the Southern The Signs of the Times (devoted
Pub. Assn., 2123 Twenty-fourth to an exposition of Bible truth
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. and signs of the times); 4-page
weekly; annual subscription 5s;
The Youth's Instructor: organ of to countries outside of Australia,
Young People's Missionary Vol- and in the Postal Union, 8s 6d
unteer Department of the Gen- ($2); Warburton, Victoria, Aus-
eral Conference, and contains its tralia.; editor, C. M. Snow.
Reading Courses, also the Sab-
bath School lessons for the South African Sentinel (devoted
youth; published weekly; an- to an exposition of the signs of
nual subscription $1.75; six the times and Sabbath truth) ;
months, $1.00. Published by the 16-page monthly; annual sub-
Review and Herald Pub. Assn., scription 2s 6d; to countries out-

side of South Africa 2s 6d; edi- tian principles; thirty-two pages;

tor, I. J. Hankins; published by annual subscription, $1.50; pub-
Sentinel Publishing Company, lished by Review and Herald
Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, Pub. Assn., Takoma Park Sta-
South Africa. tion, Washington, D. C.; editor,
W. E. Howell; associates, 0. M.
Life and Health: National health John, Mrs. Flora H. Williams.
magazine; an illustrated month-
ly; a practical journal for the Sabbath School Quarterly: forty-
common people; yearly sub- eight pages; containing the S. D.
scription, $2; no extra charge on A. International Sabbath School
foreign subscriptions; published lessons; annual subscription, 20
by the Review and Herald Pub. cents; Pacific Press Pub. Assn.,
Assny Takoma Park Station, Mountain View, Cal.
Washington, D. C. Editors, L.
A. Hansen, G. H. Heald, M. D. Our Little Friend (a child's pa-
per); illuStrated 8-page weekly;
The World Outlook: A 48-page il- annual subscription, 80 cents;
lustrated magazine, published Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Moun-
bimonthly, containing articles tain View, Cal.; editor, Uthai V.
on the prophecies, health, and Wilcox.
dietetics and on general topics
of interest to the public. An- Bible Students' Library: Send for
nual subscription 6/6, postpaid. topically arranged list, to Pacific
Signs Publishing Company, War- Press Pub. Assn., Mountain
burton, Victoria, Australia. View, Cal.

Good Health (devoted to hygiene Gospel Herald: 8-page monthly;

and principles of healthful liv- 25 cents; published at Oakwood
ing); 32-page monthly; yearly Junior College, Huntsville, Ala.;
subscription 7/6,postpaid; Stan- editor, W. L. Bird; manager, J.
borough Park, Watford, Herts, I. Beardsley.
England; editors, Dr. F. C.
Shone, H. F. De'Ath. Church Officers' Gazette: sixteen-
page monthly, containing instruc-
Sabbath School Worker (organ of tions to church officers, and pro-
the Sabbath School Department grams for the Home Missionary,
of the General Conference); 32- and Senior and Junior Mission-
page monthly; annual subscrip- ary Volunteer societies of the
tion, 90 cents; in clubs of two churches; annual subscription,
or more, 75 cents; published by 90 cents; published by the Re-
the Review and Herald Pub. view and Herald Pub. Assn., Ta-
Assn., Takoma Park Station, koma Park Station, Washington,
Washington, D. C.; editor, Mrs. D. C.; editor, T. E. Bowen; as-
L. Flora Plummer; associate, sociates, M. E. Kern, C. V.
Rosamond D. Ginther; assistant, Leach.
M. Stella Fleisher.
Missionary Leader: Eight-page
Christian Educator (organ of Edu- monthly, devoted to church Mis-
cational Department of the Gen- sionary and Missionary Volun-
eral Conference); a magazine teer programs, Second Sabbath
published ten times a year; Readings, as well as occasional
devoted to the promotion of a instruction to our church officer;
broad, thorough, and rational ed- as to their duties; editor, Mrs.
ucation, based upon true Chris- A. L. Hindson; published by the

Australasian Union Conference, the blind. These tracts are sent

" Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., to the reader and returned to
Australia. the office without postage.
The Christian Record (a paper
printed for the blind in Amer- The Medical Evangelist: A jour-
ican Braille and in New York nal devoted to the promulgation.
Point); monthly; thirty-six of health reform principles; pub-
pages; sent free to all blind per- lished bimonthly by the faculty
sons; published at College View, of the College of Medical Evan-
Nebr.; editor, J. N. Anderson; gelists, at Loma Linda, Califor-
manager, J. H. Jeys. nia; 24 pages and cover; yearly
The Christian Record Pub. Co. subscription $1.00; foreign,.
also has a Free Circulating Li- $1.25; single copy, 20c. Editors:
brary Department containing de- A. N. Donaldson, M. D., Elder.
nominational tracts and pam- J. G. White, and Frederick Bul-
phlets for free circulation among pitt, M. D.


Atlantic Union Gleaner (official or- Northern Union Reaper (official or-
gan of the Atlantic Union Con- gan of the Northern Union Con-
ference); eight-page weekly; 50 ference, 2718 Third Ave., South,
cents a year; editor, Miss Jennie Minneapolis, Minn ); eight-page
Thayer; published at South Lan- weekly; 50 cents a year in the
caster, Mass. United States, 75 cents in Canada
and foreign countries; published
Central Union Outlook (organ of
by the Northern Union Confer-
Central Union Conference); 8-
page weekly; annual subscrip- ence at the Hutchinson Theo-
logical Seminary, Hutchinson.
tion, 50 cents; editor, Miss Met-
Minn.; editor, M. S. Reppe.
tie E. Cornell; published at Col-
lege View, Nebr. North Pacific Union Gleaner (offi-
cial organ of the North Pacific
Columbia Union Visitor (official or- Union Conference); eight-page
gan of the Columbia Union Con- weekly; 50 cents a year; pub-
ference); eight-page weekly; 50 lished by the North Pacific Un-
cents; published at Mt. Vernon, ion Conference, College Place.
Ohio; editor, Emma S. New- Wash.; editor, S. J. Lashier.
Pacific Union Recorder (official or-
Eastern Canadian Messenger (offi- gan of the Pacific Union Confer-
cial organ of the Eastern Cana- ence); 8-page weekly; 50 cents;
dian Union Conference); 4-page editor, B. M. Emerson; associate
weekly; 50 cents; Oshawa, On- editors, J. W. Christian, J. A.
tario; editor, Edna P. Leach. Stevens; published at Glendale,
Lake Union Herald (official organ Cal.
of the Lake Union Conference); Field Tidings (organ of the South-
16-page weekly; $1.50 a year; eastern Union Conference); 8-
editor, Mrs. L. K. Curtis; pub- page weekly; 50 cents; editor,
lished at Berrien Springs, Mich., , published by the
and printed by Emmanuel Mis- Southern Junior College at
_ sionary College Press. Ooltewah, Tenn.

Southern Union Worker (organ of The Asiatic Division Outlook: or-

the Southern Union Conference) ; gan of the Far-Eastern Division
8-page weekly; 50 cents yearly; Of the General Conference; sub-
, editor; published by scription price, 75 cents gold a
the Southern Junior College, year; semimonthly; eight pages;
Ooltewah, Tenn. editor, Mrs. C. C. Crisler; issued
at 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai,
Southwestern Union Record (offi- China; address, Division Out-
cial organ of the Southwestern look, Box 523, U. S. Postal Ag-
Union Conference); eight-page ency, Shanghai, China.
weekly; 50 cents; published at
Keene, Tex.; editor, M. E. Ellis; Eastern Tidings: Eight-page semi-
associate editors, C. E. Smith monthly; 72 cents a year; of-
and M. Lukens. ficial organ of the Southern Asia
Division, 17 Abbott Road, Luck-
Western Canadian Tidings (official now, India; editor, E. B. Jones.
organ of the Western Canadian South African Missionary: 8-page
Union Conference); 8-page semi- monthly; English and Dutch;
monthly; 50 cents a year; pub- annual subscription 2s 6d; pub-
lished by the Western Canadian lished by the South African
Union Conference at Calgary, Union Conference of Seventh-day
Alberta; editor, T. R. Lukens; Adventists; editor, Mrs. W. B.
associate editor, Viola E. Cooke, White, Grove Ave., Claremont,
201-202 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Cape, South Africa.
Alberta, Canada.
Australasian Record (official organ
The Missionary Worker (official of the Australasian Union Con-
organ of the British Union Con- ference); 8-page semimonthly;
ference); 12-page monthly; 2s annual subscription 4s; foreign
6d per year, postpaid, inland; countries 4s; published by the
foreign, 376; International Tract Australasian Union Conference,
Society, Ltd., Stanborough Park, " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. 'V.,
Watford, Herts, England; edi- Australia; editor, Mrs. A. L.
tor, A. S. Maxwell. Hindson.

The Messenger: 12-page monthly; the students of Union College,
35 cents a year; 112 Tower St., College View, Nebr.; published
Kingston, Jamaica, British West by the Central Union Confer-
Indies. ence, College View, Nebr.; edi-
tor, R. M. France.
West Caribbean Visitor: 8-page
monthly; 40 cents a year; pub- Emmanuel Missionary College Bul-
lished by the West Caribbean letin: quarterly; 32-pages; free;
Conference, Drawer M, Cristo- editorial committee: Frederick
bal, Canal Zone, Panama; editor, Griggs, and the editorial staff
H. C. Kephart. of The Student Movement; pub-
SCHOOL JOURNALS lished at Berrien Springs, Mich.
The Educational Messenger: 40- The Student Movement: monthly;
page monthly; $1.00; edited by 32 pages; $1 a year; ten issues;

editor. L. Cr. Sevener; Manager, Ruth Wilcox, editor; W. E. Be-

H. P. Evens; published at Ber- ment, business manager.
rien Springs, Mich.
The Walla Walla Collegian: 32-
Oakwood Bulletin: quarterly; pub- page monthly; issued by the
lished at Oakwood Junior Col- student body of Walla Walla
lege, Huntsville, Ala., in the College; 75 cents a year; pub-
interests of Christian education lished at College Place, Wash.;
for the Negro. editor, Harry Tippett.
Faith: 4-page monthly; distributed The Mountain Echo: 24-page
free; published in the interests monthly; issued ten times dur-
of Southern education in gen- ing the college year, by the stu-
eral, and of the Southern Junior dents of Pacific Union College,
College in particular; edited by St. Helena, Cal.; $1 a year;
L. H. Wood; published at Ool- editor, V. W. Thompson.
tewah, Tenn.
The Hillside Radiogram: A 32-
Southern Junior College Calendar: page quarterly, issued by the
one number a year, (usually Alumni Association of the St.
about 78 pages) ; distributed Helena Sanitarium Training-
free; published in the interests School and Hospital for Nurses..
of the school; edited by South- Subscription price $1.00 per year;
ern Junior College Faculty, Ool- editor, Mrs. H. M. Walton; busi-
tewah, Tenn. ness manager, Miss Helen N.
The Student Echo: 12-page month- Rice, R. N.
ly; in the interests of the Shen-
endoah Valley Academy, New The Acorn: Published four times
Market, Va.; 50 cents; editor, during the school year, by the
C. E. Overstreet. students of Sutherlin Academy,
Sutherlin, Oregon; $1 the school
The Student Idea: monthly; 75 year; editor, Susie Abel.
cents for nine months; published
at South Lancaster, ,Mass. Studonian: Monthly; $1 for 10.
numbers; published at Oshawa
The Sligonian: issued monthly Missionary College, Box 308,
during school year; nine issues; Oshawa, Ontario.
annual subscription $1.00; pub-
lished by the Students' Associa- Syringa: Monthly; 50 cents for
tion of Washington Missionary 10 numbers; published at Gem
College, Takoma Park, D. C. State Academy, Caldwell, Idaho.


BENGALI year; Pacific Press Pub. Assn.,

Juga Lakhan: Bimonthly; 18 cents Brookfield, Ill.; editor, L. F.
a year; published at 17 Abbott Kucera.
Road, Lucknow, India; editor.
L. G. Mookerjee. Hlasatel Pravdy ( Herald of
Truth) ; 16-page monthly; pub-
BOHEMIAN lished by Czechoslovakian Pub-
Znameni Casu (Signs of the Times); lishing House, Dr. Dietrichgasse
32-page quarterly; 75 cents a 3, Troppau, Czechoslovakia.

BURMESE Christiania, Norway, and Mar-

Kin Saung: 24-page quarterly; 36 grethevej 5, Copenhagen, V.,
cents a year; 60 Lower Elemen- Demnark; editor, C. A. Thorp,
dine Road, Rangoon, Burma; Akersgaten 74, Christiania, Nor-
editor, D. Hpo Hla. way.
Missionsefterretninger: eight-page
CEBUAN monthly; published as Evange-
Manga Balita nang Kaluwasan: liets Sendebud; editor, C. A.
24-page quarterly; 5 cents a Thorp, Akersgaten 74, Chris-
copy; editor, Dr. Carlos Fatte- tiania, Norway.
bert; published by the Philippine
Publishing House, 14 Calle Luna, Sundhedsbladet (health journal);
Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. 24-page monthly; annual sub-
scription, kr. 8.00; Akersgaten
CHINESE 74, Christiania, Norway, and
(Periodicals issued by the Signs Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, V.,
of the Times Publishing House, Denmark; editor, J. C. Ottosen,
Box 856, U. S. Postal Agency, M. D., Skodsborg, Denmark.
Shanghai, China.) Evangeliets Sendebud: 16-page
weekly; annual subscription,
Shi Djao Yueh Bao (Signs of the $2.50 in U. S., $2.75 'outside;
Times); 76-page monthly mag- Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brook-
azine; yearly subscription, $2.00, field, Ill.; editor, J. D. Johnson.
gold; issued only in Easy Wenli;
editor, L. E. Froom; associate, Missionaeren: 8-page monthly; an-
Dzo Tien Min. nual subscription $1.00 in U.
S.; $1.10 outside; Pacific Press
The Last Day Shepherd's Call Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; edi-
(The Church Record); Manda- tor, Einer Theusen; assistant,
rin and Wenli; 32-page biweek- J. D. Johnson.
ly; yearly subscription, 50 cents,
gold; editor, L. E. broom; as- Ungdomsbaandet : monthly; 50
sociate, Dzo Tien Min. cents; published at Hutchinson,
Minn., in the interests of the
Present Truth: 16-page quarterly Hutchinson Theological Semi-
magazine; issued in Mandarin; nary; editor, Chris Sorensen.
editor, L. E. Froom; associate,
C. C. Crisler; assistant, Dzo ESTHONIAN
Tien Min. Sioni Wahimees (Zion's Watch-
Sabbath School Worker: 16-page man); sixteen pages; monthly;
monthly; issued in Mandarin; editor, Martin Blirengrub, Gar-
editor, Mrs. 0. A. Hall. tenstr. 22, Pernau, Esthonina.

Message of Peace: 16-page month- Rarama: 8-page monthly; annual
ly; editor, A. Mocnik; Jugo- subscription 1/6; editor, Mrs.
slavia Publishing House (Nak- S. W. Carr; published by the
ladno Drustvo), Jelena . Zrinji- Central Polynesian Conference,
jeva Street 11, Novi Sad, Jugo- at Buresala, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
DANISH-NORWEGIAN Aikain Vartija: 16-page monthly;
Evangeliets Sendebud: 16-page annual subscription, 60 cents;
semimonthly; annual subscrip- Annegatan 33, Helsingfors, Fin-
tion, kr. 7.00; Akersgaten 74, . land; editor, Vilh. SucksdorfI, Sr.

Sfionin Ystava: 8-page monthly; nual subscription, 20 cents; Pa-

annual subscription, 80 cents; cific Press Pub. Assn., Brook-
Annegatan 33, Helsingfors, Fin- field, Dl.
land; editor, Vilh. Sucksdorff, Sr.
Rundschau der Adventisten (Ger-
Meddelanden: 4-page bimonthly; man paper for circulation among
40 cents; Annegatan 33, Helsing- S. D. A. churches in South
fors, Finland; editor, Vilh. America); alternates 8 and 16
Sucksdorff, Sr. pages monthly; subscription
$1.00; published by the Brazil
FRENCH Publishing House, Sao Paulo,
Les Signes des Temps (Signs of Brazil, South America; editor,
the Times); 8-page monthly; A. Pages.
annual subscription, for Switz- Herold der Wahrheit (Herald of
erland fr. 3.; other countries Truth); monthly; 16 pages; an-
fr. 5.(70 cents). Published at nual subscription $1.50; Inter-
Gland. Switzerland. nationale Traktatgesellschaft,
Le Messenger (The Messenger) ; 16- Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg. Ger-
page monthly church paper; an- many; editors, L. R. Conradi and
nual subscription, for Switzer- A. Vollmer.
land, fr. 3.; for other coun- Gute Gesundheit (Good Health) ;
tries fr. 5.(70 cents). Pub- monthly; sixteen pages; annual
lished at Gland, Switzerland. subscription $1.50; Internation-
Le Vulgarisateur et Messager de ale Traktatgeselleschaft, Grin-
l'Hygiene , (Popular Messenger delberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany;
of Hygiene); 16-page monthly editor, L. E. Conradi, M. D.
lealth paper; for Switzerland Unser kleiner Freund (Our Little
fr. 4.; for other countries fr. Friend) ; monthly; 8 pages; an-
7. (80 cents). Published at nual subscription 75 cents; Inter-
Gland. Switzerland. nationale Traktatgesellschaft,
Les Signes des Temps (Signs of Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-
the Times); 32-pap-e quarterly; many; editor, A. Vollmer.
75 cents a year; Pacific Press Zions-Wachter (Watchman of Zi-
Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill. on) ; monthly church paper; 16
GERMAN pages; annual subscription
$1.50; Internationale Traktat-
;Christlicher Hausfreund: 8-page gesellschaft, Grindelberg 15a,
weekly; annual subscription, Hamburg, Germany; editor, A.
$1.50 to U. S.; outside, $1.75; Vollmer.
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brook-
field, Ill.; editor, K. A. Offerman. Jugend-Leitstern (Leading Star
for the Youth); monthly; 8
Deutscher Arbeiter: 8-page week- pages; annual subscription 75
ly; annual subscription, $2.00 cents; Internationale Traktat-
to U. S.; outside, $2.25; Pacific gesellschaft, Grindelberg 15a,
Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; Hamburg, Germany; editor, W.
editor, K. A. Offerman. Muller.
Sabbatschul-Lektionen (Sabbath Der Erzieher (The Educator) ; bi-
School Lessons); quarterly; con- monthly; 16 pages;_ annual sub-
taining the S. D. A. Sabbath scription 75 cents: Internationale
School lessons in German; an- Traktatgesellschaft, Grinde

berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany; De Wachter (a Dutch translation

editor, H. F. Schuberth. of the " South African Senti-
nel "); 16-page monthly; annual'
Kirche and ,Staat (Church and subscription 2s 6d; editor, I. J._
State); quarterly; 12 pages and Hankins, Rosmead Ave., Kenil-
cover; annual subscription 75 worth, Cape, South Africa.
cents; Internationale Traktatge-
sellschaft, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- HUNGARIAN
burg, Germany; editor, G. W. Utolso Uezenet (The Last Mes-
Schubert. sage) ; monthly; 8 pages; annual
Der Advent-Bote in der Heiden-
subscription 75 cents; Vallasos
Iratok Nemzetkozi. KiadOhivata-
welt (The Advent Messenger in la, Krisztina-korut 167, Buda-
the Heathen World) ; bimonthly; pest I, Hungary; editor, Alois
8 pages; annual subscription 40 Zeiner.
cents; Internationale Traktat-
gesellschaft, Grindelberg 15a, Evangeliumi munkas (Gospel
Hamburg, Germany; editor, E. Worker); quarterly church pa--
Kotz. per; 16 pages; annual subscrip-
Message of Peace: 16-page month-
tion 50 cents; Vallasos Iratok
ly; editor, A. Mocnik; Jugo- Nemzetkozi KiadOhiva,tala
slavia Publishing House (Nak- Krisztina-kdrut 167, Budapest I,
ladno Drustvo), Jelena Zrinji- Hungary.
jeva Street 11, Novi Sad, Jugo- Message of Peace: 16-page month-
slavia. ly; editor, R Schillinger; Jugo-
GUJERATI slavia Publishing House (Nak-
ladno Drustvo), Jelena Zrinji-
Pralai Kalana Chinho: 16-page jeva Street 11, Novi Sad, Jugo-
quarterly; 18 cents a year; 17 slavia..
Abbott Road. Lucknow, India;
editor, G. F. Enoch. Az Idok Jelei (Signs of the Times) ;-
32-page quarterly; 75 cents a
HINDI year; Pacific Press Pub. Assn.
Signs of the Times: 12-page bi- Brookfield, Ill.
monthly; 18 cents a year; 17 ILOCANO
Abbott Road, Lucknow, India;
editor, F. W. Smith. Ti Damag Ti Pagarian: 32-page
quarterly; 20 cents gold, a year;
HOLLAND (DUTCH) editor, R. E. Hay; assistant, L.
Teekenen des Tijds (Signs of the Z. Roda; Philippine Publishing
Times) ; monthly; sixteen pages; House, Box 813, Manila, Philip-
annual subscription 75 cents; pine Islands.
Internationaal Tractaatgenoot- ITALIAN
schap, Conradkade 4, The Hague,
Holland; editor, R. G. Klingbeil. I Segni dei Tempi (Signs of the
Times); 32-page quarterly; 75
De Werker (The Worker) ; quar- cents a year; Pacific Press Pub.
terly church paper; 8 pages; an- Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor,.
nual subscription 25 cents; with R. Calderone.
the Sabbath School Quarterly,
75 cents; Internationaal Trac- JAPANESE
taatgenootschap, Conradkade 4, Jicho Zashi (Signs of the Times);
The Hague, Holland; editor, P. 64-page monthly; annual sub-
Schilstra. scription, $2.00; published by

the Owari No Fukuinsha, 171 Bangalore, India; editor, G. G.

Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Toy- Lowry.
otama-gun, Tokyo, Japan; edi-
tors, A. N. Anderson, S. Yama- MARATHI
zaki, N. Wachi. Pralia Kalachi Chinha: 16-page
quarterly; 18 cents a year; 17
Shimei no Otodzure (Tidings of Abbott Road, Lucknow, India;
the Message); 32-page monthly; editor, G. F. Enoch.
annual subscription, 60 cents;
editor, B. P. Hoffman; published
by the Owari No Fukuinsha; ad- PANAYAN
dress as above. Ang Sulo: 32-page quarterly; 20
cents a year; editor, E. M. Ad-
KANARESE ams; assistant, W. L. Rodri-
Present Truth: 24-page quarterly; guez published by the Philip-
18 cents a year; 3 Wheeler Road, pine 'Publishing House, Box 813,
Bangalore, India; editor, G. G. Manila, Philippine Islands.
Seijo Walbo (The Signs of the Znaki Czasu (Signs of the Times);
Times); 64-page monthly; sub- 8 numbers annually; 8 pages;
scription, $3.00; published by annual subscription 50 cents;
the Signs of the Times Press, Internationale Traktatgesells-
Seoul, Chosen; editor, E. J. Ur- chaft, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
quhart. burg, Germany; editor, W. Un-
Kyo Hae Chin-Nam (Church Com- Stroz Syonu (Watchman of Zion);
pass); 16-page monthly; annual quarterly church paper, 8 pages;
subscription 50 cents; published annual subscription 25 cents; In-
by the Signs of the Times Press, ternational Traktatgesellschaft,
Seoul, Chosen; editor, E. J. Ur- Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-
quhart. many; editor, W. Unucka.
lianas Sargs (Zion's Watchman); Revista Mensal: 16-page monthly;
16 pages; monthly; illustrated; annual subscription $1.25; 'pub-
Rbl. 80, for America, 50 cents; lished by the Brazil Publishing
editor, J. Schneider; Ulichstr. 70, House, Estacilo Silo Bernardo, S.
Libau, Lettonia. P. R., SAo Paulo, Brazil, South
America; editor, E. C. Ehlers.
Sabbath School Quarterly: Rbl.
40, or 20 cents a year; editor, Signaes dos Tempos: 20-page
J. Schneider. monthly; $1.50 a year; pub-
lished by the Brazil Publishing
MALAY House, Estacrio Silo Bernardo, S.
Pertandaan Zaman: monthly; pub- P. R., Silo Paulo, Brazil, South
lished at 399 Upper Serangoon America; editor, E. C. Ehlers.
Road, Singapore, Straits Settle-
ments; editor, R. M. Altman. PUNJABI
Nishanat-i-Qiyamat: 12-page bi-
MALAYALAM monthly; 18 cents a year; 17
Present Truth: 24-page quarterly; Abbott Road, Lucknow, India;
18 cents a year; 3 Wheeler Road, editor, F. H. Loasby.

RAROTONGAN El Atalaya: 20-page monthly;

Tuatua-Mou: 8-page monthly; an- $1.00 a year; published by the-
nual subscription 2s; editor, H. Casa Editora Union Sudameri-
A. Hill; published by the East- cana, Florida, F. C. C. A., Bu-
ern Polynesian Mission, Raro- enos Aires, Argentina, South
tonga, Cook Islands, Pacific America; editor, Edgar Brooks.
Ocean. La Revista Adventista: I6-page
RUMANIAN semimonthly; annual subscrip-
Semnele Timpului (Signs of the tion $1.00; Florida, F. C. C. A.,.
Times); monthly; 16 pages; Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
missionary paper; subscription America; editor; D. R. Buckner.
price, Fr. 12.00 (to America, Seriales de los Tiempos: 16-page
$1.50); with Sabbath School monthly; annual subscription
Quarterly, (to America, $2.00) ; three pesetas; to foreign coun-
editors, P. P. Paulini and tries, 50 cents; editor, F. S.
St. Dm etrescu; published by Bond, Apartado 492, Barcelona,
Semnele Timpului, Strada Tur- Spain.
turele 8, Bukharest, Rumania.
Lecciones para la Escuela Sabat-
RUSSIAN ica: quarterly; Sabbath School
Znamenie Wremeni (Signs of the lessons for the entire Spanish
Times); 16-page monthly; an- field, for both adults and chil-
nual subscription $2.00; Pacific dren; 40 cents a year; Casa Edi-
Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill. tora Union Sudamericana, Flor-
ida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires,
SAMOAN Argentina, South America.
Tali Moni (The Truth); monthly;
8 pages; annual subscription, El Monitor de la Juventud: a paper
2s; published by the Central for young people; eight pages,
Polynesian Conference, at Bur- semimonthly; published by the
esala, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Casa Editora Union Sudameri-
cana, Florida, F. C. C. A., Bue-
SERBIAN nos Aires, Argentina, South
Message of Peace: 16-page month- America; editor, D. R. Buckner._
ly; editor, R. Schillinger, Jugo- SWEDISH
slavia Publishing House (Nak-
ladno Drustvo), Jelena, Zrinji- Sions Vaktare: 8-page weekly; an-
jeva Street 11, Novi Sad, Jugo- nual subscription, $1.75; Pacific
slavia. Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield,
editor, A. Vermelin; associate
SPANISH editor, Olof Granlund.
Las Sefiales de los Tiempos: il- Tidens Tecken: 24-page monthly;
lustrated; 32-page monthly; de- annual subscription $1.50 in U.
voted to the exposition of the S.; $1.75 outside; Pacific Press
prophecies, Bible doctrines, and Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; ed-
health and temperance topics; itor, A. Vermelin; associate,
annual subscription (in Mexico), Olof Granlund.
$2.50 Mexican currency: oetside
of Mexico, $1.25 United States Tidens Tecken: 8-page semimonth-
money; editor, G. W. Caviness; ly; annual subscription, kr. 4.00;
associate, C. S. Nicolas; 3a Ag- rate for America, kr. 5.00; Gam-
ricultura 21, Tacubaya, D. F., la Brogatan 38, Stockholm,
Mexico. Sweden; editor, Emil Ahren.

Missionaren (with Sabbath School TAMIL

lessons for children); 12-page Nikalkala Sattium: 24-page quar-
monthly; kr. 2.00 (85 cents for terly; 18 cents a year; 3 Wheel-
America); Skandinaviska For- er Road, Bangalore, ndia; edi-
lagsexpeditionen, Gamla Broga- tor, G. G. Lowry.
tan 38, Stockholm, Sweden; ed-
itor, Emil Ahr6n. TELUGU
Present Truth: 24-page quarterly;
TAGALOG 18 cents a year; 3 Wheeler Road,
Ang Tanglaw: 32-page monthly; Bangalore, India; editor, C. G..
editor, L. V. Finster; assistant, Lowry.
E. Manalaysay; 50 cents gold, a TONGAN
year; Philippine Pub. House, Talafekau Mooni: 8-page monthly;
Box 813, Manila, Philippine Is- annual subscription 2s; issued
lands. by the Central Polynesian Con-
Mizpa: 4-page monthly; church ference, at Buresala, Fiji, Pa-
. paper; editor, 0. F. Sevrens; 15 cific Ocean.
cents gold, a year; 707 Vermont URDU
St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Nishanat-i-Qiyamat: 12-page bi-
monthly; 18 cents a year; 17
TAHITIAN Abbott Road, Lucknow, India;
Tiarama (the Light); 8-page editor, F. H. Loasby.
monthly; annual subscription
2s; editor, F. E. Lyndon; assis- YIDDISH
tant and translator, Mrs. A. The Present Issues: 28-page quar-
Deane; issued by the Eastern terly; 50 cents a year; Pacific
Polynesian Mission, at Raroton- Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, ill.;
ga, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. editor, F. C. Gilbert.


The languages in which denominational publications of all kinds

are now issued are the following:

Language Country Where Language Predominates

Amoyese Amoy, China
Arabic Syria, Arabia, Egypt, North Africa
Armenian The Caucasus
Armeno-Turkish Turkey
Atchinese Island of Atchin., New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean
Battak Sumatra
Bengali Bengal, India
Bicol Philippine Islands
Bohemian Czechoslovakia, Europe
Bulgarian Bulgaria
Burmese Burma
Cantonese South China
Cebuan (Visayan) :Island of Cebu, Philippine Islands
Chinyanja Nyasaland, South Africa
Chitonga Barotseland, South Africa
Croatian Jugoslavia

Danish-Norwegian Denmark, Norway

Dutch Holland
English England, America, and British Possessions
Esthonian Baltic States
Fijian Fiji
Finnish Finland
Flemish Belgium
French France
German Germany
Greek Greece
Greco-Turkish Greece, Turkey, etc.
Gujerati Bombay Presidency, etc., India
Hawaiian Hawaii
, Hebrew Among Jews
Hindi North India
Hungarian Hungary, Transylvania, etc.
Ibanag . Philippine Islands
Icelandic Iceland
Ilocano Philippine Islands
Italian Italy
Japanese Japan
Javanese Java
Java-Malay Straits Settlements
Kafir (Xosa) South Africa
Kanarese Mysore, India
Kijita Kenya Colony, British East Africa .
Kipare Kenya Colony, British East Africa
Kiswaheli Kenya Colony, British East Africa
Kizanaki Kenya Colony, British East Africa
Korean Chosen, (Korea)
Laplandish Russian Lapland
Lettonian Livonia . and Courland
Lithuanian Polish-Russian Border .
Luo (Kavirondo) Northeast Victoria Nyanza, British East ATrica,
Malay Malaysia
Malayalam South India
Mandarin North and Central China
Manyanja Nyasaland, South Africa
Maori New Zealand
Marathi Bombay Presidency, India
Marquesas (Nukahivan) Marquesas Islands
Niasese Island of Nias, Sumatra
Niue Niue, or Savage Islands
Oriya Province of Orissa, India
Pampangan Philippine Islands
Panayan (Visayan) Island of Panay, Philippine Islands
Pangasinan Philippine Islands
Polish (Latin and Gothic)Poland
Portuguese Portugal and Brazil
Punjabi (Gurmukhi) Punjab, India
Rarotongan Cook's Islands
Rumanian Rumania
Russian Russia
Ruthenian Galicia

Samoan Samoa
Santali Bengal, India
Sechuana Beuchuanaland, South Africa
Servian Jugoslavia
Sesuto Basutoland, South Africa
Sgau-Karen Sgau-Karens of Burma
Shangan South Africa
Shanghai Shanghai, China, and vicinity
Siamese Siam
Sintebele Matabeleland, Rhodesia
Slovenian South Austria
Slovakian North west Hungary
Soenda Java
Spanish Spain and Latin America
Swedish Sweden
Syriac Syria, etc.
Tagalog Philippine Islands
Tahitian Tahiti
Tamil South India.
Telugu South India
Tibetan Tibet
Tigrinya Northern Abyssinia
Tongan Friendly Islands
Turkish Turkey, etc.
Urdu (Persian) North India, etc.
Urdu. (Roman) North India, etc.
Visayan (see Cebuan
and Panayan)
Welsh Wales
Wendic 'Wends in Hungary
Wenli Literary language, China
Xosa (see Kafir)
Yiddish Jews in Europe and America
Zulu Zululand, South Africa .

For the Year 1919
Issued in 96 Languages
No. Pages Value
Papers 138 32,358 $ 94.93
Books 645 155,480 639.27
Pamphlets 409 27,400 48.79
Tracts 1823 25,095 28.54

Totals 3,015 240,333 $812.53

(Arranged alphabetically)

ALBERTA SANITARIUM Local Committee: H. F. Seim-

berth, Dr. L. E. Conradi, H.
Bowness Park, Calgary, Alberta, Grunwald, W. Hoffmann, E.
Canada Bruhn, and the Matron.

Established 1917 Medical Supt.: L. E. Conradi, M. D.
Board of Directors: A. C. Gilbert,
Pres.; T. R. Lukens, See.; W. A.
Clemenson, J. J. Reiswig, J. G.
Walker, G. H. Skinner, E. D. BOULDER-COLORADO
Dick, F. L. Hommel, T. S. Bow- SANITARIUM .
ett, S. W. Shankel, R. E. Noble. Boulder, Colo.
Local Board: A. C. Gilbert, J. J. Established 1896
Reiswig, F. L. Homniel, T. R. Board of Trustees: S. E. Wight,
Lukens, Dr. Clyde Haysmer. H. A. Green, F. R. Eastman, B.
Training School Faculty: Clyde W. Brown, 'W. A. Gosmer, H. E.
Haysmer, M. D., F. L. Hommel, Lysinger, N. T. Sutton.
Business Manager;
Med. Supt.; TI. P. Mooney; Miss Faculty: H. A. Green, Medical
B. H. Enevoldsen, Head Nurse; Supt.; F. H. Eastman, Business
Miss Louise Schnipper, Matron; Manager.
F. L. Hommel, Chaplain.
Plumstead, Cape, South Africa
Health House, " Wittelsbach " Board of Trustees: J. P. Casey,
W. B. Commin, W. B. White,
Established 1920 1. J. Hankins, 0. K. Butler, Dr.
Address Bad Aibling, Upper-Bay- J. Reith.
ern, Germany. Officers: J. P. Casey, Manager and
Operated by the German Health Treas.
Association. Medical Faculty: Dr. .7. Reith,
Local Committee: G. W. Schu- Supt.; Mrs. W. C. Walston, Ma-
bert, Fr. Maier, X. Hartmann, tron; Miss G. Dubber, Head
Miss N. Sehlatterer, and the Ma- Nurse; J. P. Casey, Business
tron. Manager.


Sanitarium and clinic, " Wald- Surrey Hills Hydro, Caterham
friede " Valley, England
Established 1920 Established 1903
Address: Alsenstrasse 99-109, Zeh- Board of Managers: M. N. Camp-
lendorf-West, near Berlin, Ger- bell, Dr. F. C. Shone, J. C. Stew-
many. ard, H. J. Edmed, G. Wakeham.
Operated by the German Health Medical Superintendent: Dr. F. C.
Association. Shone; Miss Crooks, Matron.

CHRISTCHURCH SANITARIUM Medical Faculty: Supt., Dr. E.

Papanui, Christchurch, Meyer and Dr. L. E. Conradi;
New Zealand Head Nurses, J. Esser, and Miss
Board: B. Cozens, A. J. Dyason, M. Forster.
G. A. Brandstater, S. H. Amyes, Old People's Home
A. G. Minchin. Address: Friedensau, Post Gra-
Manager: G. A. Brandstater. bow, Bez. Magdenburg, Ger-


Akersgaten 74, Christiania, TION
Norway Address: Friedensau, Post Gra-
Established 1900 bow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany.
Corporate Name: f` Kurbadet." Legal Name: " Deutscher Verein
Superintendent: C. M. Scott. fur Gesundheitspflege."
Operates the following sanitari-
ums: Friedensau, Berlin, and
Bad Aibling; and the Old Peo-
Orlando, Fla. Trustees: H. F. Schuberth, Pres.;
Established 1908 L. R. Conradi, G. W. Schubert,
Legal Name: " The Florida Sani- P. Drinhaus, M. Stahl.
tarium and Benevolent Associa- Members: L. R. Conradi, H. F.
tion." Schuberth, M. Stahl, W. Krumm,
Board of Managers: C. B. Steph- Dr. E. Meyer, H. Hartkop, F.
enson, L. L. Andrews, M. D., W. Gutting, J. Seefried, 0. Janert,
H. Heckman, W. J. Ewing, J. B. 0. SelTwenecke, W. Ehlers, P.
Locken, W. H. Smith, C. C. Hall. Stacker, P. Drinhaus, K. Sinz,
Officers: C. B. Stephenson, Pres.; H. Fenner, H. Behr, C. Bruck,
AV. J. Ewing, See., Treas., and G. W. Schubert, W. Schafer, E.
Business Manager. Bahr, W. Prillwitz, F. Prieser,
H. Muth, E. Gugel, E. Gruber, L.
Medical Staff: L. L. Andrews, A. Mathe, E. Frauchiger, R. G.
B., M. D., Supt.; P. F. Haskell, Klingbeil, H. Box. J. Wolfgar-
M. D., House Physician; Miss ten, J. Wibbens, :T. F. Huener-
Irene B. Watt, Head Nurse; Mrs. gardt, J. Wintzen, Dr. L. E. Con-
Mary E. Sanborn, Matron. radi, Dr. P. Schmidt.

Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. Established 905
Magdeburg, Germany
Incorporated as Sanitarium As-
Established 1899 sociation of Seventh-day Advent-
Operated by the German Health ists of Southern California.
Association. Board of Directors: W. M. Ad-
Officers: Pres., H. F Schuberth ams, Pres.; W. D. Salisbury,
Sec., M. Stahl; Auditor, P. Vice-Pres.; C. E. Kimlin, Sec.;
Brandt; Treas., L. Meiler; Ma- B. M. Emerson, G. IV. Reaser,
tron, Miss Anne Lohr; Business H. G. 'Westphal, M. D., M. M.
Manager, W. Krumm. Hare.

Training School Faculty: H. G. J. W. Dorcas, J. D. Shively, M.

Westphal, M. D., Medical Supt.; D., C. W. Carlson, A. P. Hanson.
W. J. Johnson, M. D., Julia A. Faculty: H. W. Barbour, M. D.,
White, M. D., Margaret Banta, Medical Supt.; E. A. Warner,
M. D., Mrs. J. W. Harris, R. N., M. D., W. C. Foreman, Business
Supt. of Nurses; Mrs. Ida Ring- Manager; Hannah Larson, R. N..
strom, Matron; C. E. Kimlin, Supt. of Training . School; Mrs.
Business Manager; R. W. Mun- J. B. Watts, Head Nurse and
son, Chaplain. Matron.


LIMITED Plainwell, Mich.
Incorporated 1903
Established 1420
Office: Stanborough Park, Wat-
ford, Herts, England. Board of Trustees: William Guth-
rie, Pres.; W.. A. Westworth,
Trustees: M. 1\I. .Campbell, S. G. Vice-Pres.; H. K. Presley, Sec.
Haughey, A. E. Bacon, F A. and Treas.; J. F. Piper, F.
Spearing, G. Wakeham, J. C. Griggs.
Steward, W. E. Read, R. White- Faculty: Frank Hiner, Business.
side, Dr. F. C. Shone, H. J. Ed- Manager; Mrs. Frank Hiner,..
med, Dr. W. A. Ruble, H. F. Matron.
De'Ath, E. Clifford, G. Savage.
Officers: M. N. Campbell, Chair-
man; J. C. Steward, Sec.; W. E. KANSAS SANITARIUM
Read, Treas. Wichita, Kans.
Established 1902
Board of Trustees: B. G. Wilkin-
INTERNATIONAL HEALTH AS- son, Pres.; G. H. Curtis, Sec.
SOCIATION, LTD. and Treas.; F. C. Dean, M D.,
Stanborough Park, Watford, F. I. Mohr, J. D. McBroom, H.
Herts, England S. Osterloh, Bernard Voth, F.
Directors: M. N. Campbell, W. R. L. Abbott, W. L. Nott.
Raitt, G. Wakeham, J. C. Stew- Local Board: F. C. Dean, M. D.,
ard, W. E. Read. J. D. McBroom, G. H. Curtis,
B. G. Wilkinson, F. L. Abbott.
Manager, Sec., and Treas., W. R. Faculty: Dr. F. C. Dean, Medical'
Raitt. Supt.; Elsie C. Bleck, R. N.,.
Supt. of Nurses; Mrs. W. H.
IOWA SANITARIUM Cardis, R. N., Head of Ladies'
Bath; W. H. Cardis, R. N., Head
Nevada, Iowa of Men's Bath; F. L. Abbott,
Established at Des Moines. Chaplain; G. H. Curtis.
Iowa, in 1899. Removed and es-
tablished at Nevada, Iowa, in 1909.
Reincorporated June 15, 1915.
Corporate Name: " Iowa Sanitar- (Sanitorium du Leman)
ium and Benevolent Associa-
tion." Gland, Ct. Vaud, Switzerland
Board of Managers: W. H. Clark, Established 1904
Pres.; W. C. Foreman, Sec. and Corporate Name: " Sociae Philan-
Treas.; H. W. Barbour, M. D., thropique de la Ligniere.",

Board of Directors: A. V. Olson, Pres.; Dr. D. L. Burgeson, Sec.;

P. A. DeForest, J. Robert, U. R. T. Rhodes; E. J. Moser, E.
Augsbourger. S. Pearson, M. N. Helligso, A.
Officers: A. V. Olson, Pres.; J. C. Madsen, C. H. Miller, G. C.
Robert, Sec. and Treas. George.
Local Board: J. Robert, P. A. De- Faculty: D. L. Burgeson, M. D.,
Forest, G. Weber. General Supt.; Edna F. Burge-
-Physicians: A. Schranz, M. D., P. son, M. D., Lady Physician;
A. DeForest, M. D. Ralph T. Rhodes, Chaplain and
-Matron: Mrs. E. Robert. Asst. Manager; Edith J. Moody,
Supt. of Nurses.


(Incorporated with College of
Loma Linda, Cal.
Established 1905 Melrose, Mass.
Board of Trustees and Officers: Established 1899
(Same as for Loma Linda Col-
lege, which see.) Board of Directors:. E. K. Slade,
Medical Staff: H. W. Vollmer, M. Pres.; W. E. Bliss, M. D., Verah
D., Medical Supt.; C. R. Camp- MacPherson, J. K. Jones, J. E.
bell, M. D., W. A. George, M. D., Jayne, R. S. Fries, H. W. Carr,
J. J. Weir, M. D., C. W. Harri- D. U. Hale, B. M. Heald, E. L.
son, M. D., Martha N. Canfield, Cardey, C. L. Kilgore, G. R. Leh-
M. D., Lyra George, M. D. man, E. L. Place, Sec.
'Consultants: Newton Evans, M.
D., E. H. Risley, M. D., A. N. Local Board: E. K. Slade, Chair-
Donaldson, M. D., F. E. Herzer, Irian; W. E. Bliss, M. D., Verah
M. D. MacPherson, L. E. Elliott, M.
D., A. T. Robinson, J. K. Jones,
F. Bohner, E. L. Place, Sec.
MADISON SANITARIUM Faculty: W. E. Bliss, M. D., Med-
Madison, Wis. ical Supt.; L. E. Elliott, N. D.,
Established 1902 Assistant Medical Supt.; Verab
MacPherson, Business Mgr. awl
Board of Trustees: I. J. Wood- Treas.; E. B. Carr, M. D., Roent-
man, Pres.; P. L. Larson, Sec. genologist; Clara M. Schunlc, M.
and Business Manager; R. S.
D., Lady Physician; A. T. Rob-
Ingersoll, M. D., G. M. Pflugardt, inson, Chaplain; F. Bohner,
J. D. Johnson, B. F. Phipps, Steward and Assistant Business
Robt. Koenig. Manager; E. L. Place, Cashier;
:Medical Faculty: R. S. Ingersoll, Leonora Lacey, R. N., Supt of
M. D., Olive Ingersoll, M. D. Nurses; Hilda N. Searle, Ma-
tron; Susie Fiske, Second Ma-
tron; Helen M. Williams, Pre-
NEBRASKA SANITARIUM ceptress; Lenna W. Salisbury,
Hastings, Nebraska Directress of Calisthenics; Cleo.
E. Cornforth, Dietitian; J. Eliza-
Established 1908 beth Stone, R. N.; L. E. Peterj
Board of Directors: D. P. Wood. son, R. N.

OAKWOOD SANITARIUM and Treas.; Dr. IV. B. Holden,

Huntsville, Ala. J. H. Hanson, G. W. Andrews,
Established 1910 B. J. Cady, J. F. Beatty, C. A.
Purdom, A. R. Ogden.
Board of Managers: Oakwood Jun- Faculty disbanded until institu-
ior College Board. tion reopens.
Faculty: Miss Etta Reeder, Super-
intendent; J. I. Beardsley, Busi-
(Sanatorio Adventista del Plata)
PARADISE VALLEY Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Entre Rios,
SANITARIUM Argentina, South America
National City, Cal. Established 1909
(Incorporated as' Southeastern Board of Managers: R. T. Baer,
California. Conference Association Pres.; G. B. Replogle, Sec.; G.
of Seventh-day Adventists.) E. Hartman, J. S. Marshall, R.
H. Habenicht, 0. H. Maxson, F.
Established 1906 L. Perry, C. P. Crager, J. M.
Board of Directors: J. J. Nethery, Howell, A. R. Sherman.
Pres.; C. C. Mattison, See.; J. Executive Committee: R. H. Habe-
A. Burden, A. D. Butterfield, M. nicht, Pres.; G. B. Replogle, Sec.;
D., T. S. 'Whitelock, M. D., C. 0. H. Maxson, J. S. Marshall,
A. Winters, B. M. Emerson. C. E. Westphal.
Local Board: J. J. Nethery, Chair- Medical Faculty: R. H. Habenicht,
man; A. D. Butterfield, M. D., M. D., Director; G. B. Replogle,
Medical Supt.; J. A. Burden, M. D., C. E. Westphal, M. D.
Business Manager.
Officers: R. H. Habenicht, Medical
Training School Faculty: A. D. Supt.; 0. H. Maxson, Sec., Treas.,
Butterfield, M. D., Medical Supt.; and Business Manager.
J. W. Warren, M. D., Josie S.
Warren, M. D., Miss Grace Ford,
R. N., Supt of Nurses; J. A.
Burden, Mrs. J. A. Burden, Ma- SHANGHAI SANITARIUM
tron; J. S. Emerson, Mrs. J: S. Red Cross General Hospital, Sic-
Emerson, Mrs. F. W. Patterson, cawei Road, Shanghai, China
R. N., F. W. Patterson, R. N., Established 1917
H. L. Holmden. Board: I. H. Evans, Chairman; Dr.
C. C. Landis, Dr. A. C. Selmon,
L. A. Carr, H. W. Barrows, C.
PORTLAND SANITARIUM C. Crisler, 0. A. Hall, IV. I. Hil-
East Sixtieth and Belmont Sts., liard.
Portland, Oreg. Officers: Dr. C. C. Landis, Medical'
Founded 1893; reorganized 1902; Supt. and Surgical Director; Dr.
A. C. Selmon, Medical Director;
became an institution of the North Dr. Bertha Selmon, Women's and
Pacific Union Conference 1906. Children's Diseases; Dr. C. H.
Portland Sanitarium has sus- Hong, House Physician; Miss E.
pended operations, for the pur- Johnson, Ladies' Head Nurse;
pose of wrecking old buildings L. A. Carr, Men's Head Nurse;
and rebuilding. Dr. A. C. Selmon, Business Man-
Board of Directors: H. W. Cot- ager; IV. I. Hilliard, Treas. and
trell, Pres; R. W. Nelson, Sec. Asst. Manager.

SKODSBORG SANITARIUM Medical Staff: G. K. Abbott, M.

Skodsborg, Denmark D., A. W. Truman, M. D., Ida S.
Established 1897 Nelson, M. D., Elsie B. Merritt,
M. D.
Officers: J. C. Ottosen, M. D., Di-
rector; Chr. Hansen, Business The California Medical Missionary
Manager and Treas.; S. Aabirk, and Benevolent Association also
Inspector. operates the following:
St. Helena Sanitarium Food Com-
Medical Faculty: J. C. Ottosen, M.
D., N. P. Nelson, M. D., Jensine pany: Sanitarium, Cal; R. Rose,
Iversen, M. D., A. Andersen, M. Factory Superintendent.
D. Sanitarium Mercantile Company:
Sanitarium, Cal.; E. R. Rhymes,
STANBOROUGH PARK City Office: Rooms 340 and 341,
SANITARIUM Phelan Building, San Francisco,
Stanborough Parkt Watford, Cal.
Herts, England
Established 1912 SYDNEY SANITARIUM
Board of Managers: Dr. A. E. Dru- Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia
itt, M. N. Campbell, Dr. F. C. Established 1902
Shone, J. C. Steward, H. J. Ed-
Manager: C. Rosendahl.
med, G. Wakeham.
Board: C. H. Watson, Dr. T. A.
Officers: J. C. Steward, Manager Sherwin, C. Rosendahl, C. IT.
and Sec.; Dr. A. E. Druitt, Med. Pretyman, E. Watson, J. H.
Supt.; Mrs. Wright. Brown, Ma- Camp, G. S. Fisher, H. M. Blun-
tron. den.
Medical Faculty: T. A. Sherwin,
M. B., Ch. M., Sydney; M. M.
ST. HELENA SANITARIUM Freeman, M. B., Ch. M., Sydney;
C. Rosendahl, Manager; Mrs.
Sanitarium, Napa County, Cal. Elsie Shannan, Matron; W. J.
Established 1878 Smith, Chaplain
(Operated by the California Med-
ical Missionary and Benevolent As- TRI-CITY SANITARIUM
sociation.) , Moline, Ill.
Board of Directors: 0. W. Wells, Established 1900
Pres.; C. E. Rice, 0. K. Abbott, Incorporated as " Northern Ill-
J. W. Christian, R. Rose, C. H. inois Medical Missionary and
Jones, Clarence Santee, E. R. Sanitarium Association."
Rhymes, A. W. Truman, C. W. Board of Trustees: W. H. Holden,
Irwin, W. C. White, H. S. Shaw. Pres.; Wm. Guthrie, Vice-Pres.;
Officers: G. K. Abbott, M. D., Med- Elmer Otis, Sec. and Treas.; W.
ical Supt.; C. E. Rice, Treas. and A. Marsh, S. I. Greer, F. E. En-
Business Manager; Wallace Mc- driss, P. C. -Hanson, A. J. Fore-
Bain, Sec.; Miss Helen Rice, R. man, R.. J. Watson.
N., Training School Sec. and Medical Faculty: Supt., Elmer
Lady Head Nurse; J. W. Black- Otis, M. D.; Supt. of Nurses,
welder, Gentleman Head Nurse; Miss Zella Miller; Operating
Mrs. J. L. Ings, Matron; H. M. Room Nurse, Miss Adelle Bak-
Walton, Dietitian and Steward; er; Manager, H. 0. Butler; Chap-
Andrew Nelson, Chaplain. lain, H. 0. Butler.

WABASH VALLEY SANITA- Matron: Miss R. White.

Lafayette, Ind.
Board of Trustees: C. S. Wiest, Takoma Park Station, Washing-
Pres.; R. L. Carson, Sec. and ton, D. C.
Treas.; W. A. Westworth, J. F.
Dedicated June 12, 1907
Piper, Dan Hammond, V. L.
Mann, T. A. Goodwin, Wm. Corporate Name: " Washington
Guthrie B. J. White. (D. C.) Sanitarium Associa-
Faculty: Medical Superintendent, tion."
V. L. Mann, M. D.; G. B. Starr, Constituency: The Executive Com-
Chaplain; Bessie Jamison, R. N., mittees of the General Confer-
Head Nurse and Superintendent ence and of the following Con-
of Nurses; R. L. Carson, Busi- ferences: Columbia Union, Ches-
ness Manager. a.peake, Eastern Pennsylvania,
New Jersey, Ohio, West Penn-
sylvania, Virginia, West Vir-
WALLA WALLA SANITARIUM ginia, District of Columbia, the
Board of Directors, and the
College Place, Wash. physicians in the employ of the
Established 1905 Washington (D. C.) Sanitarium
Board of Directors: J. S. Rouse, Association.
A. D. Schlotthauer, M. D., L. E. Board of Directors: W. T. Knox,
Biggs, S. A. Miller, B. M. Gran- Chairman:. H. W. Miller, Sec.;
dy, C. Scheierman, and the Busi- E. C. Fulton, F. M. Wilcox, F. H.
ness Manager. Robbins, B. F. Machlan, W. A.
Medical Staff: A. D. Schlotthauer, Spicer.
M. D., Supt.; Business Manager; .Officers: W. T. Knox, Pres.; H. W.
Miss Mabel Shaffer, Matron. Miller, Medical Supt. and Sec.;
E. G. Fulton, Treas. and Busi-
ness Manager.
WARBURTON SANITARIUM Medical Faculty: H. W. Miller,
Warburton, Victoria, Australia A. B., M. D., Supt.; D. H. Kress,
Established 1910 M. D., Geoffrey Williams, M.
D., Lauretta Kress, M. D.,
Manager: T. J. Dowling. Steward Kime, Chaplain; Lela
Board: J. M. Johanson, Dr. W. H. Dailey, R. N., E. G. Fulton,
James, A. H. Piper, T. J. Dow- Mrs. Emma E. Brown, J. L.
ling, O.M.
Snow, Miss R. White. Strawser, Howard Wilson, Fan-
Medical Supt.: W. H. James, M. D. cheon Roth, C. E. Garnsey.
Calcutta, India.Sanitarium Hydro Electric Institute, 75 Park St., Cal-
cutta; J. H. Reagan, Manager; under supervision of the xecu-
tive Board for Southern Asia. Established 1900.
Hilo, Hawaii. Treatment Rooms; Wm. MacMillan.
Honolulu, Hawaii. Treatment Rooms; C. R. Webster.
Mussoorie, India Sanitarium Hydro-Electric Institute, Mar Lodge, Mus-
soorie, India; W. K. Lake, Manager. (Under supervision of
Executive Board for Southern Asia Division.) Established 1908.
Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Nanning, Kwangsi, Dispensary, S. D. A.,
Superintendent, R. A. Falconer, M. D.; Treasurer and Nurse,
P. L. Williams.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Sanitarium Treatment RoomS, 426 Spadi-
na Crescent, East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada; Manager,
G. R. Close.
Simla, India. Sanitarium Hydro-Electric Institute, " Belvedere," Simla,
India; H. C. Menke', M. D., Manager. Under supervision of
Executive Board for Southern Asia Division. Established 1915.
Soonan, Chosen.Soonan Hospital; Director, Dr. Riley Russell.
Sydney, N. S. W. Australia.-- Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, 308 George
St., (under supervision of Sydney Sanitarium).
Washington, D. C. Washington Sanitarium Mission Hospital, 1252
Sixth St., S. W.; Medical Director, H. G. Hadley, M. D.
Yencheng, Honan, China. Yencheng Hospital Dispensary, Lowanho, Yen-
cheng, Honan, China; Medical Supt., D. E. Davenport, M. D.;
Head Nurse, Mrs. D. E. Davenport; Treas., E. J. Johanson.

British Health Food Factory. The International Health -Association,
Ltd., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Directors:
M. N. Campbell, G. Wakeham, J. C. Steward, W. E. Read, W.
R. Raitt.
Copenhagen Food Factory. Baldersgade 14, Copenhagen, L., Denmark;
Business Manager, Chr. Hansen.
German Health Food Factory. Deutscher Verein Ffir Gesundheits-
pflege, Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg; Manager, IV.
Krumm; Treasurer, L. Meiler; Campestrasse 18, Hamhurg,
Germany. Hamburg Branch, Grindelberg 13a, Hamburg, Ger-
Gland Hygenic Food Factory. ( Fabrique de Produits Alimentaires Hy-
gifiniques " Phag " ); Gland, Switzerland. Established 1896.
Corporate Name: Socidta Philanthropique de la Ligniere. Board
of Directors: A. V. Olson, P. A. DeForest, J. Robert, U. Augs-
bourger. Manager, G. Weber.

St. Helena Sanitarium Food Co. Sanitarium, Cal.

Swedish Food Factory. Legal Name: " Halsoffidovarufabriken." Ad-
dress: Foreningsgaten 9-11, Viisteras, Sweden; Officers: E.
Ahrdn, K. M. Stanzen, A. J. Settergren.
Sanitarium Health Food Company.Head Office, " Mizpah," Fox Valley
Road, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Central Board: E. Wat-
son, J. E. Camp, G. S. Fisher, C. H. Watson, C. H. Pretyman,
Dr. T. A. Sherwin, T. W. Hammond. Factories: Avondale In-
dustries, Cooranbong, N. S.W. Australia; Manager, G. S. Fisher;
Local Board: G. S. Fisher, Chairman; J. H. Camp, H. Kirk, E.
Watson, W. J. Westerman. New Zeaand Food Factory, Papa-
nui, Christchurch, New Zealand. Manager, A. J. Dyason; Local
Board, B. Cozens, Chairman; A. J. Dyason, A. W. Cormack,
J. H. Camp, A. G. Minchin, S. H. Amyes.
Sydney, N. S. W., 308 George St.; Manager, H. C. Moseley.
Melbourne, Victoria, 293 Little Collins St.; Manager, W. J.
Adelaide, South Australia, 19 Grenfel St.; Manager, W. A.
Perth, West Australia, 103 William St.; Manager, P. B. Otto.
Brisbane, Queensland, 186 Edward St.; Manager, C. G. Buick.
Auckland, New Zealand, Strand Arcade.; Manager, L. A. Butler.
Wellington, New Zealand, 83 Willis St.; Manager, G. Adair.
Christchurch, New Zealand, 86 Cashel St.; Manager, A.J.Dyason.
Hobart, Tasmania, 160 Collins St.; Manager, C. Mann.
Distributing Depot: Sydney, New South Wales, 319 Sussex St.;
Manager, Jas. Pollock.

Adelaide, South Australia.-19 Grenfel St., Adelaide, South Australia;
Manager, W. A. Wilton.
Auckland, New Zealand. Strand Arcade, Auckland, New Zealand;
Manager, L. A. Butler.
Brisbane, Queers'and. 186 Edward St.; Manager, C. G. Buick.
Melbourne, Victoria.-293 Little Collins St., Melbourne; Manager W. J.
Perth, West Australia.-103 William St., Perth; Manager, P. B. Otto.
Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. 306-308 George St., Sydney; Manager,
H. C. Moseley.
Wellington, New Zealand. 83 Willis St.; Manager, G. Adair.
Vegetarian Cafeterias:
610 Sixth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
85 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C.
1.171 North Twenty-first St., Birmingham, Ala.
509 South Third St., Louisville, Ky.
516 Gay St., Knoxville, Tenn.
A brief review of the year's work throughout most of the fields is
presented in the following pages, closing with
the year ending Nov. 1, 1920.


The total church membership of the conferences in the United States
and Canada for the quarter ending Spetember 30, 1920, was 99,423, this
number being an increase for the four preceding quarters of 2,440. The
funds contributed during the four quarters ending September 30, 1920,
are as follows: Tithe $3,903,643.06; foreign mission offerings, $1,967.,-
549.88; home missionary offerings, $746,470.78; total, $6,617,663.72, a
gain of $1,514,293.28.
The number of persons baptized during this period was 6,521, an in-
crease over the preceding year of 165. The number of evangelistic la-
borers, September 30, 1920, was 3,071; institutional. 3,646.


M. N. Campbell, President
We are able to report only for the first three quarters of 1920, but
sufficient statistics are in hand to make it evident that the year has
been a very prosperous one for the work in the British Union. During
the year permission was secured from the government to re-enter the
British Fast African territory. In" June, a party of missionaries con-
sisting of thirteen persons left England for the Kavironda district east
of Lake Victoria Nyanza. Pastor 'W. T. Bartlett was chosen to direct
the work in that field. Further recruits were sent to the West African
missions to the number of five. A company of ten are in readiness to
go to East Africa early in 1921.
The evangelistic work in the British field during the first nine
months of 1920 resulted in 427 new believers.
Each department is manned in both the Union and local conferences,
and each gives evidence of healthy growth.
The college is crowded to its full capacity. Over 200 students are
in attendance, beside a primary department of fifty-three. A new
addition erected during the present year will accommodate forty stu-
dents and provide additional dining room.
The goal set for book sales for the year was 15,000, but over 18,-
000 were sold during the first nine months.
The Harvest Ingathering goal was 7,500, but about 9,000 was
realized from two months work, and this in spite of a disastrous coal
strike that intervened.
Mission offerings and tithe have increased more than 25 per cent
over that of the previous year.
Several large evangelistic efforts have been conducted in a number
of the large cities of the kingdom, and these have produced good re-
sults in souls won.
A fine spirit of courage prevails in the entire field, and broad plans
are being laid for enlarging all departments.


W. T. Bartlett, Superintendent
The past three or four years have been very difficult ones for the work
in British East Africa. Furloughs were long overdue, and the workers
were in some cases physically weak from too long a stay in this tropical
region. Notwithstanding these difficulties about 100 were added by bap-
tism. On July 4, eleven new workers entered the field, including two
builders. By the close of the year all the old workers had left, excepting
A. A. Carscallen, and A. Matter, who, with his wife and two children,
goes on into Belgian territory to reinforce Brethren Delhove and Mon-
nier. The new workers find a good foundation laid for the educational
work; much literature ready, and dictionaries and grammars compiled
to. facilitate their acquisition of the language. The end of. the year
finds the work being pushed at all the stations, and the outlook is en-
couraging that a good work will be accomplished in teaching and Chris-
tianizing the natives. A number of them have shown themselves trust-
worthy and intelligent teachers, some of whom are also ardent evange-
During 1921 a hospital is to be built at Kisii, the chief town of the
South Kavirondo province Ten acres have been given by the govern-
ment for this purpose. Dr. G. A. S. Madgwick, late of the Stanborough
Park Sanitarium, after taking a special course in tropical medicine,
came out in January, 1921, to take charge of the hospital. He will be
accompanied by two skilled nurses of considerable experience, Brother
and Sister Ashley. Other workers, principally teachers, will accompany
Dr. Madgwick.
In previous years a small printing plant was operated, and this has
now been re-opened for the purpose of printing in the native tongues.
Before the close of 1920 it will have issued small publications in two
During the war some of the mission houses had been destroyed, and
it becomes necessary to restore these and replace other houses that
have fallen into decay. The Thirteenth Sabbath .Offering will permit
of this, and will also provide funds for the erection of hospital build-


C. C. Crisler, Secretary
The Far Eastern Division includes within its boundaries the countries
of Asia lying east of the Himalayas, together with the Philippine archi-
pelago and Malaysia. The dominant racial types are Mongolian and
Malay. Here Buddhism, Shintoism, Taoism, and Confucianism hold
sway over the minds of well-nigh a third of the human race; here
also dwell nearly a third of the Moslem; world.
Working Forces and Constituency
Our denominational activities among these peoples of the Far East
had their beginnings about twenty years ago. Little by little our
working forces have been increased, until we have in this division field
(June 30, 1920) 248 foreign and 795 native workers; a total of 1,043.
The year 1920 has been th best in our history in the increasing of our
foreign working forces. Nearly one hundred workers, including wives,

have joined us during the year. These are now studying the vernaculars
with diligence, preparatory to service in active ministry.
Our Far Eastern constituency has developed slowly. With the gains
have come also some losses, partly because of the inability of a few
to shepherd properly at all times those who unite with us in Christian
fellowship. June 30, 1920, our membership stood at 7,129. In addition
there are many inquirers awaiting further instruction prior to baptism,
as is indicated by our Sabbath school membership of 10,763.
There is hope for us in the Far East in the fact that God's work in
the earth is not dependent on mere numbers. "Not by might, nor by
power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." The Spirit of the
living God is abroad in these lands, working upon hearts and bringing
light and salvation to many minds long darkened by superstition and
The Publishing Work
Our publishing work centers in five plants Tokyo, Seoul, Shanghai,
Manila, Singapore. From each of these is issued annually a large
quantity of literature in the vernaculars in which we are operating.
Monthly magazines filled with present truth are published in the Japa-
nese, Korean, Wenli, Mandarin, Tagalog, Ilocano, Panaya.n-Visayan, Ceb-
nan, and Malay languages. Tracts and pamphlets are published in the
languages mentioned, and also in Amoyese, Battak, Bicol, Cantonese,
Cebuan, Ibanag, Javanese, Java-Malay, Pampangan, Pangasinan, Shang-
hai, and Tibetan a total of twenty-one for the entire field.
Every month our magazines are sent to tens of thousands of homes.
The increasing sale of subscription books bids fair to place at least
some of our publishing houses on a self-supporting basis soon, aside
from the salaries of the foreign workers employed therein. Our pub-
lishing work must be strengthened; for with its healthful development
we shall have proportionate gains in every other line. Already our sales
in these lands where literature must be supplied at a comparatively low
price, are bringing in a gross return of nearly $100,000 gold annually,
which goes far toward meeting the expense of the raw materials used
in manufacture.
Medical Missions
Medical mission work is conducted at a few stations only. In Nan-
ning, South China, a dispensary , building has been erected during the
year, and is in charge of Dr. R. A. Falconer, assisted by Brother and
Sister Paul Williams, nurses. The dispensary .conducted so success-
fully by Dr. and Mrs. Riley Russell in Soonan, Chosen, f Or upwards
of ten years, is being enlarged, thus meeting the needs of our work
in that important center. The Yencheng dispensary-hospital, in Honan,
is now on vantage ground, having land and good buildings. Dr Daven-
port is in charge, having as associates Drs. H. C. and Ethel James. In
Wrest China, a dispensary is being established in Tatsienlu, the
strategic gateway into Tibet from the Szechwan frontier, with Dr. J.
N. Andrews in charge. The Shanghai Sanitarium has had a prosper-
ous year, under the supervision of Drs. Landis and Selmon and their
associates, and plans have been perfected for the placing of this insti-
tution on a permanent basis through the early purchase of land and the
erection of necessary buildings and all through the munificence of
Chinese friends.

The Educational Work

From the first, educational work has been given a prominent place.
in nearly every important language area where missionaries are sta-
tioned, we have sought to gather our youth of promise into schools.
Thus far these schools have not been made self-supporting, although
some revenues are realized. Tn the Far Eastern Division we have at
present five training schools, with an enrolment of approximately 260
students taking work above the seventh grade; six intermediate schools
with fully 500 students; and eighty-three church schools with an en-
rolment of 2,211. In all, nearly 3,000 students are in regular attendance
in our schools, and these are served by twenty-nine foreign and 174
native teachers. A few denominational text-books in the vernaculars
have .been printed or mimeographed, but much remains to be done along
this line before we shall have fulfilled our duty to the youth.
The Field Work
The field work in the Far East is conducted by ten Union Missions,
Which we will mention one by one, with a brief statement concerning
i. The South China Union, under the superintendency of Pastor F. H.
DeVinney, is one of our oldest fields, and here our membership (Sept.
30, 1920) is 1,553. The South China. Union embraces several language
areas, the Cantonese, Hakka, Swatow, Amoy, and Foochow, each of
which constitutes a separate fully-organized local mission field. Some
Mandarin work is done in Kwangsi. There are yet other language areas
in the Union, notably the Hainanese and the Annamese, but nothing has
been done in these outer districts aside from the occasional sale of liter-
ature. In South China the training of our youth is given especial at-
tention, schools having been in operation the past year in Foochow,
Amoy, Canton, and Swatow.
2. The Japan Union, under the superintendency of Pastor B. P. Hoff-
man, is another of the fields where work was first begun in Eastern
Asia. Here our membership June 30, 1920, stood at 309. Precious are
the trophies of grace won in Japan, and none can measure by mere
statistics the good that has been done in this great field. Japan offers
unnumbered opportunities for the propagation of the gospel truth that
is to prepare a. people for the coining of Jesus. Our training school in
Tokyo is under the leadership of Brother and Sister P. A. Webber.
The sales of literature have been doubling each year during the past
five years.
3. The chosen Unit); under the superintendency of Pastor C. L.
Butterfield, has a membership of 1,067, June 30. The school in Soonan,
conducted along industrial lines by Brethren Eiffel, Russell, and Smith,
Las greatly strengthened our work throughout Chosen. The outlook for
the work in Chosen is bright. The steady growth of our constituency
in this land is a source of special encouragement.
4. The Manchurian Union, under the superintendency of Pastor B.
Petersen, is one of the youngest of our missions, and has a membership
of 104. Here the workers are few, but strong for labor, and determined
to develop their constituency as rapidly as circumstances may permit.
The Russian work in Eastern Siberia has been placed temporarily under
the general supervision of the Manchurian Union; but as yet no recent
statistics of this branch of our Manchurian work are available.

S. The North China Union, under the superintendency of Pastor Fred-

erick Lee, is the youngest of our missions, and includes the provinces of
Chili, Shandung, and Shansi, with a membership of seventy-three bap-
tized believers. Pastor Lee has his headquarters in our Peking Mission
Compound. Here in the capital of the Chinese Republic we hove later to
have a large church.
6. The East China Union, under the superintendency of Pastor 0. A.
Hall, with headquarters in Shanghai, has a constituency of 648, June 30.
There are three vernaculars spoken in this Union the Shanghai, the
Mandarin, and the Wenchow. Work is conducted in each of these lan-
guages and foundations have been laid for a permanent work. The na-
tive evangelists are developing in spiritual grace and power. Homes
for the foreign mission workers in Shanghai and Nanking have been
completed, and this places these laborers on vantage ground. The
provincial meetings held during the fall of 1920 are to be followed by
several strong evangelistic efforts.
7. The Central China Union, under the superintendency of Pastor F. A.
Allum, is another of the older mission fields of Eastern Asia. Here Drs.
Selmon and Miller began their ministry in 1903, on the plains of Honan,
where today we have our strongest Chinese constituency. The baptized
membership of Central China, June 30, is 1,102. The Hankow Interme-
diate School is now in operation, with Prof. 0. J. Gibson in charge. and
the Honan Intermediate School is being conducted by Prof. D. S. Wil-
liams. The province of Kianesi has been entered in a permanent way.
Shensi must yet be manned-- our workers formerly stationed there
having been compelled to leave because of health conditions.
8.' The West China Union, under the superintendency of Pastor M. C.
Warren, has at present the lowest baptized membership of any of our
union missions, standing at sixty-seven June 30. At Tatsienlu, near the
Tibetan frontier, Dr. J. N. Andrews is establishing a medical mission,
and is preparing to issue a few tracts in the Tibetan. Our other perma-
nently located stations in the West China Union are in Chungking, the
headquarters, where a city chapel and church school have been built
the past year; in Chengtu, Brother C. L. Blandford is in charge. In
Chengtu, sometimes spoken of as " the Boston of China," a church is
being raised up.
g. The Philippine Union, under the superintendency of Pastor S. E.
Jackson, has the largest constituency of any union in the Far East
2,134, Sept. 30. The work along all lines, publishing, educational, and
evangelistic, is making substantial progress. In the Philippine Union
there is one organized conference, the Central-Southern-Luzon, in charge
of Pastor Finster, where self-support has been practically attained.
The publishing work in Manila is also nearing this much-to-be-desired
goal. The central training school, at Manila, in charge of Prof. I. A.
Steinel, assisted by Brethren 0. F. Sevrens and R. R. Breitigam, is in a
flourishing condition.
io. The Malaysian Union; under the superintendency of Pastor F. A.
Detamore, presents many difficulties in operation, in view of the large
numbers of Mohammedans, to say naught of many language areas and
of trying climatic conditions, that have seemed to militate against rapid-
development. The- membership of Malaysia now stands at 442, June 30.
The workers in the Far East are of good courage in God, and are
determined to press on as never before for the finishing of the work
entrusted them of Heaven.


J. E. Fulton, Vice-President
The Southern Asia Division includes within its boundaries the coun-
tries of India, Burma, Ceylon, and those lying at the northwest of
India, bolder countries which are strongly under the influence of India
and which most likely must be worked from India. Even Mesopotamia
is at present under Indian influence and has frequent communications
from Bombay. The population of the Indian Empire, is, roughly speak-
ing, about 320,000,000, and there are about 167 languages spoken in the
various parts of this great mission field. Our territory extends from
about latitude thirty-six on the north to Ceylon, latitude six, on the
south, so there are great changes of temperature. Cold is not severe
except in the mountains of the north and in the northwest provinces,
but heat on the plains of India is intense, and the country becomes
very parched and dusty. But the " breaking of the monsoon " causes
the " thirsty land " to become for a time " springs of water," and then
all is beautiful and green.
Under the recent reorganization the territory is now divided into
four Union Missions, viz., The Northwest India Union, the Northeast
India Union, the South India Union, and the Burma Union Mission.
The Northwest India Union Mission
This union includes the missions in the United Provinces, Garhwal,
the Punjab, Hyderbad, and Bombay. Central India, Baluchistan, Raj-
putana, and Afghanistan are unentered provinces. The population in
the area assigned to this union mission is approximately 150,000,000,
including many millions of Mohammedans. Work is being carried on
in the Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Garhwali, Marathi, and Gujerati tongues.
Since our last report a few new workers have come to this union:
Brother and Sister E. R. Reynolds, located at Chuharkana, Punjab;
Brother and Sister A. E. Nelson, in charge of Union book work; Broth-
er and Sister J. B. Carter, located near Bombay, and Miss Nellie Weston,
at Lucknow. We have lost one valuable worker in this union by death,
Sister E. E. Bruce. Brother and Sister W. H. McHenry have been com-
pelled on account of poor health to leave the field for a time. Pastor
M. M. Mattison is returning from furlough, and a new missionary family
or two are soon expected to arrive to locate in this great and populous
The Northeast India Union
The territory of this union embraces the provinces of Bengal, Bihar,.
Orissa, and Assam. In these fields there are about 91,000,000 people.
The leading language is the Bengali, which is spoken by 50,000,000
people; but there are many other languages spoken. The work has.
made the greatest advancement among the Bengali people. Ben-
gali training schools have been established, and the work is showing
steady growth.
A mission has been established among the Santals, an aboriginal
people, within the borders of Bihar and Orissa, where a medical dis-
pensary and schools for boys and girls are being operated.
Assam is an unentered field, save for a few English believers living
at Shillong, the capital.
Brother and Sister H. E. Willoughby have arrived in the field and are
now studying Bengali preparatory to their work. Pastor E. H.

and is in charge of the city work in Calcutta, he and Sister Guilliard

having come from Australia. Brother and Sister R. J. Borrowdale, also
new arrivals, are located in the Santali field.
About five families since the last report have left this field on fur-
lough, and so we are in great need of help in this union.
The work in this union is in a very encouraging condition. New inter-
ests at four or five different points promise great results if we can
have the force to foster them.
The South India Union Mission
The territory of this union includes the province of Madras, the
native states of Mysore and Travancore, and the British crown colony
of Ceylon. The total population is approximately 60,000.000. The
leading languages are the Tamil, Telugu, Kanarese, Malayalam, and the
Singhalese, which are known as the Dravidian group. Active work is
being carried on in the Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam tongues, and a
beginning has also been made in Kanarese, the language of Mysore, by
the publication of literature on the second advent.
Since our last report, Miss L. D. Appleton, of Australia, has connected
with the Bangalore Girls' School, and Brother and Sister E. Chapman,
also of Australia,. have come to work for the Malayalam people. Ceylon,
under the South India Union Mission, has been now entered, Pastor J.
M. Comer and wife, Brother F. 0. Raymond and wife, and Brother Clyde
Scanlon taking up work in Colombo. The prospects are good throughout
all South India. There are many evidences that God is working. Our
young men and women trained in our schools are a great asset, for a
number are making strong laborers.
The Burma Union Mission
Burma has about 16,000,000 people., speaking several distinct lan-
guages and many dialects. The Burmese language is the predominating
language. The union is divided into three local missions. Beside the
European effort in Rangoon, where we have a church, work is carried
pn in Burmese at several points, chiefly in the Irrawaddy Delta Mission,
and among the Karens. The Karens are more religiously inclined, and
even where Burmese is spoken, the Karens seem most susceptible to the
message. A few new missionary families have come to Burma, taking
the place of others gone on furlough. The Technical School at Meiktila
for Burmese, under Prof. D. C. Ludington, is making good progress, as
can also be said of the two smaller schools for Karens at Kamamaung
on the Salween, and at Taikygi on the Irrawaddy.
There has been growth in the publishing house at Lucknow. New
workers have arrived in the person of the manager, Brother E. B. Jones,
his wife, and the superintendent of the factory, Brother W. A. Scott,
and his wife, who is helping in stenographic work. New machinery has
been installed and a large amount of work has been done, with prepa-
rations to carry it forward on a still larger scale for the many mil-
lions of India.
The re-establishment of the English school at Mussoorie is the
largest financial project yet undertaken in India, and perhaps it is
second to none in importance. The training of our young people for the
work should engage our strongest effort. Hampton Court College build-
ings have been rented for two years in which to conduct our school

while the new buildings are being completed at Vincent Hill. Pastor
G. F. Enoch has undertaken a campaign in our churches, and also for
the general public, for funds to assist in this enterprise. This campaign,
just commencing, seems to be meeting with success.
Our treatment room work at Simla, Mussoorie, and Calcutta has
had a good year and encouraging results have followed. Dr. 0. Smith
has moved during the year from Chuharkana to Bangalore, South India.
Steps are being taken toward the re-establishment of our headquar-
ters, the present buildings and equipment at Lucknow not being suf-
ficient for the advancing work, and there being no room in our present
quarters for expansion. It is hoped that when Brother H. H. Hall ar-
rives in India to counsel with us over the publishing work, we shall be
able to decide on a suitable location. This will mean much to our work
in India.


0. Montgomery, Vice-President for South America
In the South American Division field there are eight republics, seven
of which speak the Spanish language and one the Portuguese, with a
total population of 49,042,399.
There are two Union Conferences and two Union Mission fields,
comprised of four local conferences and fourteen local mission fields,
with a force of 131 employed field laborers, fifty-six native Indians, and
eighty-three institutional workers, with 100 colporteUrs.
One year ago our membership was 7,908. During the year there have
been 1,379 baptisms, which means one person baptized for each five mem-
bers. Our net gain, however, is 886, which brings our present mem-
bership up to 8,794.
Since the organization of the South American Division in January,
1916, we have added 79.36 per cent to our membership.
The total tithe for the period was $118,805.29, a per capita of $15.02.,
The total offerings to foreign missions were $49,515.75, a gain of prac-
tically 131 per cent over the previous twelve months period.
For the first nine months of 1920 our mission offerings were $41,498.70,
which is $5,280.70 more than the mission goal set for the entire year.
The mission offerings of this field have been continuously climbing
from year to year until our executive committee has been encouraged to
set the goal for 1921 at twenty cents gold per week per member.
Our literature sales for the year ending September 30, 1920, were
$175,004.85, a gain of $27,379.35 over the previous twelve months.
Each year marks progress in South America. During the first half
of 1920 our Union Conference sessions were held, the first in four years.
Brethren J. L. Shaw, Charles Thompson, and W. E. Howell of the Gen-
eral Conference were with us during these meetings, and made a swing
of the entire South American Division field. Their splendid help was.
greatly appreciated by all, and the strong uplift and inspiration which
they brought with them was a great blessing. Broad plans were laid
for the future of the work in each of the Union fields. A five-year
program was outlined for the strengthening and upbuilding of the dif-
ferent institutions in the field.
The Harvest Ingathering campaign carried on this year, which was
the first effort of this kind in this Division, was a success. Even though

the field was not very well organized, and our plans were very seri-
ously broken into by the sudden return of our home missionary secre-
tary, Elder J. H. AlcEachern, to the United States because of the health
of Sister McEachern, just as we were about to launch the campaign,
and we had no one in the Division to head it up, and few of our men
had had any experience in such a thing, yet the results were very
gratifying. While this is a Catholic country, for the most part we
found the public sympathetic toward our work, and ready to give
financial aid to our cause. We have set our Harvest Ingathering goal
at $33,000 (gold) for 1921.
At the time of the Union session of the Austral Union, Elder J. W.
Westphal was asked to connect with the general work o the Division
as Field Secretary, and Elder R. T. Baer was elected as President of
the Austral Union. This move has materially strengthened the Division
features of our work and enables us to give stronger help to the fields.
A recent trip across the continent, down the' mighty Amazon, opens to
view a vast region, a large portion of which is untouched by Protestant
missionary endeavor. During the year our missionary colporteurs have
been pushing in this direction. Two are now working with good suc-
cess at Sao Luiz, the capitol of the state of Maranhao, not far from the
mouth of the Amazon. We plan to push on up this mighty stream
with the banner of truth that those who sit in darkness in this region
may see the light.
Notwithstanding strong opposition and bitter persecution by the ene-
mies, our work in the Lake Titicaca Indian field goes forward strongly
and steadily.
Several new recruits have conic on during the year who have added
strength to our forces in the different fields.
From every corner encouraging reports are coming. Doors are open-
ing wide into unentered fields. Earnest calls are continually soundinc,
in Our ears which we can not answer, notwithstanding our earnest efforts
to quickly train and develop men on the field, and the splendid work
which is being done by our training schools in this direction. The need
of South America is not only trained leadership, but leadership that can
train, and an increased staff of workers.


Roscoe T. Baer, President
More than ordinary progress has been made in the Austral Union.
During the first nine months of 1920 two hundred were received into
church fellowship. Three new churches have been organized. The
membership of the Union is 2,600.
The tithe for the first three quarters of 1920 was $38,111.04, the
offerings to missions $22,126.13, making an average per member per
week of twenty-one cents. The Uruguay Mission reached forty-one
cents. The Harvest Ingathering resulted in raising $5,796.63.
Publishing Work
The book sales for the Union for the year will be about $105,000.
There are forty-six colporteurs in the field who for the most part are
handling our large religious books. " Great Controversy " is one of
the best sellers. Not many years ago such an attempt would have

been considered very unwise, if not altogether impossible. We are

glad for this success and thank the Lord for His power manifested in
this field. Many student colporteurs have gone out this spring from
our schools to earn scholarships.
Educational Work
This department suffered when we released our secretary, Brother
C. .P. Crager, to take the presidency of the Chile Conference. Since
that time we have been without a secretary who could devote all his
time to this and the Young People's work. We have the promise of
H. B. Lundquist, of Peru, for next year. Our training school in Argen-
tine has just closed the most successful year's work in its history. The
enrolment reached nearly 200, and the students were of the best class.
We lack dormitory room, and mans have been turned away for this
reason. Plans are in operation to provide necessary facilities. The
college has been strengthened by the coming of Prof. J. S. and Mrs.
Marshall, to strengthen the normal work. The addition of Brother and
Sister Wohlers and J. M. Howell, have been a very material strength to
the institution. Higher standards of efficiency are uppermost, and al-
ready we see very encouraging prospects for trained workers to enter
the fields white for harvest.
Our sanitarium is having a splendid patronage and the hand of God
has been over the institution. Many have been not only helped physi-
cally, but spiritually. Six nurses were graduated a few weeks ago and
these men and women go out to be workers along medical missionary
lines. The institution has a missionary spirit and from its gains for
1921, -it will help our college, located on the same hill, to build dormi-
tories. The medical staff consists of Dr. Habenicht, Dr. Replogle, and
Dr. Carl Westphal. We are glad to welcome Brother and Sister Baker
from the Glendale Sanitarium, California. 0. H. Maxson is the man-
Argentine Conference
This conference comprises the greater part of the Argentine Republic.
The field has been prospered and a good class of people are embracing
the truth. The conference will receive the largest tithe in its history.
Workers will enter some of the large cities. A public effort is being
held in the city of Rosario, the second largest city in the Republic. The
membership is 1,200, and the conference is self-supporting.
Chile Conference
This conference comprises the whole of Chile, except the three most
northern provinces. There are fifteen colporteurs and thirteen laborers.
A large city effort is on in the city of Valparaiso and splendid reports
come of it. The conference operates a very successful school in the
central part near the city of ChiRan. The enrolment reached sixty-
one. Elder Wheeler is principal, with a good corps of teachers.
Uruguay Mission
This mission has four workers. In addition, several colporteurs are
selling books. The membership is 160 and the field is self-supporting.
A new church is being erected at Nueva Helvecia. In addition to the
regular funds needed for the operation of the field, this mission gave

in nine months, an average of forty-one cents per member per week

for missions.
Alto Parana Mission .
This Mission includes the Republic of Paraguay and a portion of the
Argentine Republic lying in the north. The climate is tropical and in
summer is very hot. We have several churches with a membership of
356. The mission has five workers. The tithe has increased sub-
stantially, and the offerings to missions amounted to thirteen cents
per week per member. Six eolporteurs are at work. At the annual
meeting, $500 was given for our training school in Argentine.
Mendoza Mission
This is a new mission recently opened by Brother E. Tulin in the city
of Mendoza. He reports an interest sufficient to warrant holding a pub-
lic effort. Mendoza is the gateway to the Andes and Chile.
North Chile Mission
This is an unorganized mission which comprises the three most north-
ern provinces of Chile. A beginning has been made in this field. Brother
Abraham Berchin is located in Antofagasta where he is having success
with our literature. He reports some keeping the Sabbath and a good
interest in the city. Several families of our people live in this territory.
Colporteurs, under the direction of the Chile Conference, are having
splendid success. We hope soon to have a superintendent or this field.
Magellan Mission
Our church at Punta Arenas is at a point farthest south in all the
world. Its membership is fifteen. Brother John Wedekamper is lo-
cated here. Brother A. G. Nelson had to move farther north on account
of his wife's health. He is located at Chubut and is doing a splendid
work with our literature, selling thousands of dollars worth through
all that country.


F. W. Spies, President
Another year of the " little time of peace " left to the Lord's people
in which to finish their work has passed into history, and as we endeavor
to give a bird's eye view of this past year's activities, it is with grate-
ful hearts that we recall the special blessings and progress that the
Lord has granted to His workers in spite of many adverse conditions
that we have had to contend with during the year.
The Publishing Work
Perhaps at no time since the war began has our publishing house
been compelled to battle with so many difficulties as during the past
year. Great scarcity of material, as well as exceedingly high prices,
have at times made it almost impossible to go on with our work, but at
each turn the Lord provided ways and means. Notwithstanding all
hindrances there Was a gain in our output of over $15,000.
- The Educational Work
Our educational work has steadily increased. Our enrolment for
1919 was eighty-five, for 1920, 126. We are encouraged as we witness
the interest on the part of the students in their work.

Harvest Ingathering
For the first time an attempt was made to raise means through the
Harvest Ingathering work. We gathered more than $3,000. Great en-
thusiasm has been awakened among our people as they have seen the
possibilities of raising funds for missions in this way.
Rio Grande do Sul
This conference has again gone throuh the unfortunate experience of
(-hanging leaders. Besides this, H. F. Neumann was obliged to return
to the States on account of his wife's failing health. Yet there has been
progress in Rio Grande. A goodly number of new converts have been
baptized. The literature work has grown encouragingly, and the
finances, tithes, and mission offerings, especially the latter, have in-
creased during the past year.
Santa Catharina
This conference has only two workers, yet seventy believers .ave been
baptized during the year. The colporteurs who labored last year all
went to school this year, but others will soon again enter.
The Parana Mission has had a good year. It needs workers. New
interests in different parts of the mission call loudly for help. The
finances of the field have also grown encouragingly. Especially is this
true of mission offerings. In the Harvest Ingathering, Parana led in our
Union, they having averaged $3.75 per member, and 32 cents for each
paper distributed. The colporteurs have obtained good results, creating
calls for the living messenger.
Sao Paulo
During the greater part of the present year this mission has been with-
out a leader. Although the membership has grown and the tithe in-
creased in the aggregate, per capita tithe is lower than last year. Mis-
sion funds have increased. The book work is also doing well. There is
prospect of a new superintendent, when we shall see greater progress.
West Minas
This mission has a small working force. Its territory is larger than
all the New England States. A. L. Westphal has been the only worker,
aside from several colporteurs. Interests are springing up in different
parts faster than they can be looked after. Tithes and offerings have
increased. Another worker joins Brother 'Westphal. An evangelistic
effort will soon be held in one of the largest cities. This is a rich and
promising field.
Matto Grosso
. During the year it has been possible for the first time to send workers
to Matto Grosso. In February two colporteurs entered, and recently
Brother M. Rhode has gone there as an evangelist. Aside from the
first group of believers reported in our last annual review, another
group of ten families has recently been found by one of our colporteurs
120 miles from the nearest railway station. These brethren have been
keeping the Sabbath for some time, and had not before been visited by
a worker.
The only unentered field in our union conference at the present is
Goyez, and we hope soon to find a couple of good colporteurs for this

In closing this animal review we feel to thank the Lord for all the
blessings we have received, and we realize that we need a greater
amount of power from on high that the Lord's work may be carried
on successfully.


H. Meyer, Superintendent
The development in the East Brazil Union has been encouraging
during the two .years of its organization. The membership has increased
from 905 to nearly 1,200. The workers have advanced courageously,
entering new regions, and especially has there been progress in a num-
ber of the larger cities.
In the Rio de Janeiro Mission we now have three organized churches
in. the city of Rio de Janeiro, a small company in Nictheroy, across the
harbor, and in the interior of the state several new companies have
sprung up. Elder R. J. Wilf art is superintendent.
The East Minas Mission is one of our most promising fields. C. E.
Rentfro, superintendent, reports progress in several places. Two new
churches were organized. In Bello Horizonte, the capital of the state,
a good beginning has been made, where a strong public effort is in
The Espirito Santo Mission, the oldest field in this Union, for a
number of years has confined its efforts among the German colonists.
We now have a number of believers among native Brazilians, and soon
their number may equal that of the German believers. J. H. Boehm is
The Bahia Mission for several years has been in great need of work-
ers. In May, a field missionary sercetary, with five experienced col-
porteurs, went there. In the month of June the writer visited a com-
pany of believers far in the interior of the State of Bahia, who had
not been visited for four years. All were of good courage, and a- church.
was organized. From there the work has spread to four other places.
In October F. S. Chollar was appointed superintendent.
The Pernambuco Mission has also made progress. New interests have
sprung up in the States of Parahyba and Rio Grande do Norte, and in
the city of Recife, where the work was started in the beginning of 1919.
We now have here a church of sixty-five members. E. Langenstrassen
went there in May as secretary-treasurer of the Mission.
Our hearts were also made glad when two experienced canvassers
could be sent further north to the State of Maranhao, a field which
had not been entered. They are of good courage, and report several
interests, with a number keeping the Sabbath. A minister has to follow
soon. It is our firm intention to reach the Amazon during 1921. With
confidence and faith in the final triumph of the message we are press-
ing on to the finishing of the work in this long-neglected continent.


E. F. Peterson, Superintendent
As we review the work in our field for the year, we thank God and
take courage. Each month has recorded new triumphs in the ad-
vancement of the message. Six hundred persons have been baptized

in the Union, and the year is not yet finished. Scores are studying and
preparing for baptism in various parts of the field. We now have a
membership of about three thousand. A spiritual hungier is noted among
the Spanish-speaking people to read our literature and to hear the
message. Among them are many sincere hearts who are longing for the
third angel's message. Like an avalanche the Indians are coming to
our workers in many places pleading for help until we are almost over-
whelmed by the number of urgent calls. We are thankful for the new
workers who joined us during the year.
As we journey from place to place where nothing has been done to
give the gospel, and see the eager desire on the part of so many to hear
the truth, we can only liken it to one who first sees a great mine of
precious jewels before him and which needs only to be worked to pro-
duce an abundance, but who is unable to get men to go to work. We
realize the possibilities of undeveloped centers as demonstrated by those
already established. Too, as we realize our utter inability to meet the
many calls, we can only cry to the Lord of the harvest to send more
reapers into the fields white already for the harvest.
A successful Harvest Ingathering campaign was conducted. We al-
most doubled the goal set for our field.
The educational work is advancing rapidly, and by means of our
mission schools many are won to the truth. We conducted forty-four
primary schools with an enrolment of 2,500 pupils; one secondary
training school at Lima, for Spanish workers; besides a short course
training school for the Indian workers at Platen a. This last had an en-
rolment of more than sixty Indian teachers and evangelists.
The field received a great uplift through the visit of J. L. Shaw,
Charles Thompson, and W. E. Howell, from Washington, and 0. Mont-
gomery, H. U. Stevens, and W. H. Williams from Buenos Aires. In
answer to the calls made by the visiting brethren in behalf of the world-
wide work a hearty response was made by the members in making a
liberal offering to the world-wide program of giving the gospel to all
the world in this generation.
Peru Mission
During 1920 there have been no new churches organized, but many
new believers have been added to nearly all organized churches. We
have several companies almost ready for organization. At one place
there is an entirely new company of some twenty members brought to
the message largely through the efforts of a colporteur. One church
has more than doubled its membership, twenty-nine being baptized.
Thus far about eighty new members have been added. A number of
Sabbath schools, home missionary and Missionary Volunteer societies
have been organized. A strong home missionary campaign is carried
on. During the first nine months our mission offerings reached 15
cents per week per capita. The goal was 9 cents. The tithe also has
increased. In the Harvest Ingathering campaign we raised $846.62.
The colporteur work was not as prosperous as the preceding year,
due to the fact that we had no one to guide. Recently we lost two
workers. One left the work, the other died.
L. D. Minner.
Ecuador Mission
Aggressive evangelistic work has been carried on in the city of Quito
with good results. Another series of meetings was held at Duran.

J. D. Lorenz and E. P. Howard visited Indians in several districts near

Riobamba, and found them susceptible to. the message. On account of
the failing health of Sister Howard, they had to return to the United
States, leaving the Indian work with no one at present in charge. In
August J. R. McWilliam and wife, reached the field to take charge of
. the colporteur and home missionary work. Those engaged in the sale
. of literature are meeting with good success. Several persons have been
baptized in Quito. The first part of December a trip was made up the
river from Guayaquil to investigate relative to opportunities for pion-
eer work. Little towns and large plantatiOns and farms were found.
A motor launch could here be utilized to good advantage. Ecuador is
called the Garden Republic, and certainly deserves the name. Almost
anything can be grown. Fruits especially are in abundance and in great
variety. Climatic conditions are varied, from the tropical heat of
Guayaquil to the perpetual spring-like weather of Quito. Guayaquil,
the port of entry, is a city of 80,000 inhabitants. Yellow fever has been
stamped out here under the direction of the Rockefeller Institute. Now
is an opportune time to increase our work in Ecuador and reap a harvest
of souls.
Bolivia Mission
W. II. Pohle, superintendent, reports progress in this highland repub-
lic. R. S. Shepard, former treasurer of th Lake Titicaca Mission, be-
gan work among the Aymara Indians at Rosario. Within a few weeks
there was a regular attendance at the Sabbath meetings of over seventy,
many forsaking their vices and preparing for baptism and church
- membership. This new mission has been named the Mauri River
Indian Mission. A primary school with an enrolment of nearly fifty
. students is in progress here. Brother Shepard's former Indian help-
er, Mateo Urbina, was placed in charge of a primary Indian school
at Cotacota. As a result, several families have accepted the truth, and
with others are asking for baptism, offering land and a mission build-
ing. A night school is conducted at La, Paz, the capital; for the Indians
by a lay member, a tailor. Calls are coming for mission schools from
many other parts of Bolivia. Two Indian workers are employed at the
Mauri River station. The people come for miles to receive medical aid.
They thus become fast friends of the mission, and many accept the mes-
sage. It is hard to meet 'the calls with our meager corps of workers.
Literature sales prosper under the direction of L. G. Beans. Tithes and
offerings are on the increase. The Harvest Ingathering campaign net-
ted an amount equal to over $50 per capita.
Lake Titicaca Mission
Shortly after the middle of the year the great Quechua district lying
north of the Lake was permanently entered. This mission is located
in a beautiful valley on the Cuzco railroad, four miles from the little
station of Laro. It bears the name of Laro Mission. Pedro Kalberma,t-
ter, of Argentina, is in charge. He has been threatened with death,
but stayed at his post, and now a. church building is finished, also a little
two-roomed dwelling. Thousands of Indians can be reached from here,
and already many calls are coming from the Quechuas for mission
Archie Field has been located at the Broken Stone Mission. He has
begun the erection of - permanent mission buildings. The Sabbath at-
tendance is about 350 or 400.

Dr. S. T. Johnston is temporarily located at Esquifias. He has a new

church building finished, with an ever-increasing Sabbath attendance.
During the year the Dave Mission has been completed, and a church
of 218 members organized.
We now have eight missions with eleven foreign workers. Three of
these have just arrived. Two families are in the home at Tingo who
have not yet been turned over to us. We have fifty-six native workers,
of whom thirteen are evangelists, the remainder native teachers. Our
teachers conducted thirty-eight schools with an enrolment of 2,440
students the past year. Our school work is meeting with more favor
each year by the national educational men. Our tithes and offerings
have more than doubled during the past year. During the year seventy-
five have been baptized at the Pomata station, sixty-four at Broken
Stone, sixty at Ilave, seventy-eight at Esquifias, thirty-eight in the
school of Titicaca, and in the month of September 187 at one time in
Plateria, the latter being the largest baptismal service ever held in
the Mission. A total of 502 were baptized up to September 30, 1920.
E. H. Wilcox.


W. B. White
During the year 1920 progress has been made in all departments of
the work in this field.
New Recruits
First, we wish to mention that our working force has, during the
past year, been augmented by the arrival of Elder W. H. Branson
and family, the Divisional Vice-President. Brother Branson is now
in general charge of the work in the South African Division. There has
also come to assist us Brother and Sister Pond from the Loins Linda
Sanitarium. It is likely that he will connect with our native mission
work. There has also come to us Brother and Sister C. A. Cole, from
California, he taking the chef work in our Plumstead Sanitarium. We
have been glad to welcome Prof. John D. and wife from the
Western Canadian Academy, both of whomwi will take work at the Spion
Kop school next year. The arrival of these workers has been very
gratifying to the field, and they will find their places in the work.
Evangelistic Work
During the past year evangelistic work has been carried on in many
places, which has tended to increase and strengthen the European work.
In the Eastern Transvaal a good church has been raised up through the
efforts of Pastor J. J. Birkenstock. His efforts were confined largely
among the Dutch farmers, quite a number of whom have now yielded
to the truth. Another evangelistic effort has been carried forward in
the city of Kimberley by Pastor C. A. Paap and assistants. As a result,
some forty have accepted the truth, and the present church building
at Kimberley, the first one to be erected in South Africa, is altogether
too small for the accommodation of the people. An evangelistic effort
has also been carried on at Parijs in the Northern Free State, which
has resulted in the bringing out of a new company and the organization
of a church.

A company of Indians in the city of Durban has recently been raised

up through the efforts of Pastor M. C. Sturdevant. This company was
recently organized into a church. Additions have also been made to
the churches in the different parts of the field, and we feel strongly
impressed that could the field be favored with the labors of a few
strong evangelists a good work could be accomplished just now among
Europeans. We regret very much that Pastor C. A. Paap and wife
have been called to return to Australia on account of the death of his
father, which leaves the aged mother alone. They feel it their duty to
return and comfort her declining days.
During the past year church buildings have been erected at Bloem-
fontein, the capital of the Orange Free State. A parsonage has" also
been erected near the church to accommodate the one having charge of
the work in that city. Another church building has been erected at
Ermelo, in the Eastern Transvaal. .Both of these buildings have recently
been dedicated to the Lord.
The Claremont church recently sold its interests in their old chapel
to the African Divisional Conference and are now preparing to build a
church. A lot has already been secured near the train and tram lines.
The Cape Conference sold the Kimberley Baths, which for many years
have been conducted in that city, and from the money received, reserved
sufficient to build a new church in that city. Quite a number of native
buildings have also been erected during the past year in different parts
of the native mission field, and others are under construction.

Publishing Work
During 1920 there has been a very gratifying sale of our native liter-
ature throughout South Africa. Times have been very good, money
plentiful, and consequently our subscription books have sold well. We
are glad to report that $10,455 worth of native books have been sold
and delivered, also $35,590 worth of English books. We feel that a
great field is open before us in South Africa for the sale of native
literature, and we are producing it as fast as possible with our limited
printing facilities. This literature sells readily throughout the field.
During the last year " Steps to, Christ" has been issued in the Secliu-
ana language, and is selling rapidly. " Prophecies of Daniel " has also
been put into the Sesuto language. We have also issued a paper in the
Shangan tongue. Other books are being prepared and translated. We
have also issued " Testimonies for the Church," Volume 9, in the Dutch
Special efforts are being made to circulate the Sentinel and De Wach-
ter (our Dutch paper). Large clubs of these papers are being taken by
our conferences and mailed out into the regions far from the railway
lines, where the canvasser is not likely to go. In this way we are try-
ing to call the attention of the people to the truths for these times.
Our churches are also taking large clubs, thus these papers have
large subscription lists.
We are glad to say that steps are now being taken for the enlargement
of the publishing work in this field. The present building used for the
Union Conference offices, chapel, and school is being given up entirely
to publishing. With increased facilities we hope to do much more along
the publishing line in 1921.

Educational Work
Our Spion Kop school has had a successful year. Every room has
been filled, and we feel a good work has been accomplished. We had
double the students in 1920 that we had in 1919. We hope for a large
increase during 1921. We are now erecting a school building which we
hope to have ready for the beginning of next year. This will be a
great improvement for the school.
Bible schools are being held among the believers in the different
tribes of native people. These are a great blessing and help to the
. Sanitarium
Our sanitarium at Plumstead, for various reasons, has not had as
successful a year during 1920 as formerly. However, we are hoping that
it will make its way financially, and we are looking forward to the
time when with the incoming of a physician who will give all his time
to the work that the institution can be placed upon a better basis.

Mission Work
Recently it was decided to sell the Maranatha Mission farm, which
was located outside the Kafir reservation and far away from town, and
move more directly into the Kafir area. This farm was sold to Brother
Chas. Sparrow, and another of eighty acres has been purchased eight
miles from Umtata. This will be used as an outstation and will serve
for both Pondoland and Tembuland. Another outsation will be estab-
lished. in the southern part of Ka,firland in the vicinity of King Wil-
liam's Town. Our central training school work will hereafter be carried
on at the Bethel Mission. We might mention that the Union Conference
has sold the Glendale Mission farm in Southern Rhodesia. It was ml-
favorably located for mission work, so it was thought best to dispose
of it and locate elsewhere.
We are glad to report that during the past year a defininte location
has been selected for mission work in the southern Congo. Two breth-
ren are 'already on the ground and are erecting buildings. Bechuana-
land is also now being opened up. Pastor W. H. Anderson and wife
with native workers are upon the ground, and have found the field white
ready to the harvest. They are already reaping some excellent fruit.
The last year has also witnessed the reaping of the first fruits of our
work in Swaziland, there having recently come to the truth a brother
who for years has been in the employ of the Swaziland government and
whose wife is a sister to the queen. This brother is well educated, and
we are hoping that he will make a faithful worker for that field.
During 1920 we laid some plans with the view of reaching the Jewish
people, and a brother converted from Judaism is now giving his time to
that line of work. However, it seems very difficult to reach these
people with the truth. He is finding some interested ones, but prejudice
and opposition are very strong against his work.
Courage and confidence are in the hearts of our people in South Africa.
We are endeavoring to realize as we should the shortness of time and the
great necessity of pushing our work rapidly forward that the honest in
heart may hear the message of the Master. Pray for us in the Dark


This conference comprises the islands of Trinidad, Tobago, Barbados,
Windward and Leeward Islands, British, French, and Dutch Guianas.
It reaches frdm Anguilla in the north to the southern boudary of
British Guiana, a distance of 2,000 miles. It has a population of 1,267,-
600 English-speaking, 230,000 French-speaking, 100,000 Dutch, 62,000
East Indians, and 20,000 Aborigines Indians a total population of
1,677,600. There are thirty-eight organized churches, and twenty com-
panies, with a membership of 1,665. We have three mission stations
established among the Aborigines Indians. There are several islands
that have never been entered with this message, and many, many places
in British, Dutch, and French Guiana that have not been visited by a
Seventh-day Adventist minister or colporteur.
The sixty-three Sabbath schools, under the direction of Mrs. M. E.
Holbrook, Secretary, have doubled their offerings the past two years.
The book work, under C. B. Sutton, field secretary, has gone beyond
the goal set by the publishers.
The home missionary and young people's work is advancing rapidly
since S. L. Ash is giving his entire time to these lines.
As the result of evangelistic efforts, 745 believers were baptized and
added to the church between the conference sessions.
I. V. Minner is director of British, Dutch, and French Guiana, under
the direction of the conference committee.
A sanitarium on the island of Barbados, under the direction of Dr.
Chas. Cave and wife, is doing excellent work. Souls are accepting the
truth as a result of their work.
We are very much in need of a man to take the directorship of our
northern islands. Poor facilities for traveling renders it well nigh
impossible for the president to visit the different fields more than once
a year, and this is not sufficient to properly direct the work. We are
also in great need of a small training school to develop workers to step
into the openings that are continually being made for labor.
W. S. Holbrook.

This conference comprises the island of Jamaica, the Cayman, and the
Turks Islands.
Over seventy organized churches and companies, with a membership
of 2,300, comprise its constituency. The year 1920 brought the greatest
advancement in finances ever seen in Jamaica, our funds being approxi-
mately four times greater than three years ago. In spite of the high
prices, and the almost prohibitive rate of exchange, several thousand
dollars worth of our books have been sold to the people. J. A. Apple-
gate has efficiently directed this part of the work.
The West Indian Training School, located at Mandeville, had an
enrolment of sixty-two students. From this fine body of young people,
we have already begun to draw workers. The immediate prospect for
increase of students, and the present overcrowded condition of our
school, compel us to build several additional buildings. At present we
have fora, and one under construction. The school is under the man-
agement of Prof. W. H. Wineland.

The young people of the Jamaica Conference have a new vision of the
possibilities in connection with the work of this denomination. Since
our Missionary Volunteer secretary, Miss Minnie E. Dauphinee, took
charge of the work some twelve months ago, twenty-six Volunteer so-
cieties have been organized, many of whose members are planning to
enter the training school.
Seven ordained ministers, and four other workers are employed in
field and office work. Five other workers are employed in the training
school at Mandeville. Malaria and other tropical diseases have made
inroads on our Working force. Those having to go on furlough or give
up work entirely were M. E. Anderson, former president of the Jamaica
Conference, and family; C. B. Hughes, former principal of the West
Indian Training School, and family; and H. L. Mignott. New workers
in the persons of W. J. Hurdon, of Canada, and M. B. Butterfield, former-
ly of Trinidad, with their families, have recently joined our staff of
workers, also Robert E. Morris of Pacific Union College, and Keith
Burke and wife of South Lancaster Junior College. These workers
come to take the place of those who have gone away, and to assist in
our training school work. Altogether the outlook for Jamaica is en-
couraging. G. A. Roberts.
Cuba is the largest island of the Caribbean Sea. It has a population
of nearly three millions, and stretches a distance almost equal to a
line drawn from New York City to Indianapolis, Indiana. Its resources
have scarcely been drawn upon, and the year 1920 has been a prosperous
Our work has made good progress. The colporteurs had an excellent
year, the sales amounting to over $40,000. This message-filled literature
is preparing the way for a harvest of souls as evangelistic work follows.
Added to our regular force we were greatly assisted during the summer
by Prof. H. A. Peebles, of Keene, Texas, who did excellent work in
the city of Havana. Later in the summer Floyd A. Stephenson, of
Texas, came to spend some time in acquiring a practical use of Spanish
and at the same time doing self-supporting work. H. E. Blackwelder
reached the field in February to lead out in colporteur work. Our work-
ing force was added to by the arrival of Elder George Vore and family,
F. W. Miller and wife, C. J. Foster and family, and A. P. Christiansen
and wife. Brothel. Christiansen takes charge of the office. These new
workers have to acquire the Spanish, meaning one year before much
aggressive work can be clone.
We are glad to report the building of our first mission home in Cuba.
Santiago is the hottest city on the Island, and for this reason we
erected this home there. At its side we plan to erect a neat church
building. Most of the funds have been secured in Cuba. Havana, with
a population of nearly half a million, and the most important city, has
no place of worship worthy the name.
It is imperative to success that we open and maintain a training school
to train.our native evangelists.
Tithes and offerings sow a remarkable increase, reaching $12,000.
The past four years the increase has been six-fold. Our membership has
trebled during the same time.
More than $1,000 was raised in the Harvest Ingathering work.
S. E. Kellman.


This mission comprises Porto Rico, Santo Domingo, and the Virgin
Islands. The work has made steady progress during the past year.
We have at present nine churches with a total membership of 419.
Evengelistic efforts have been held in Calguas, Moca, and Azua, resulting
in the addition of several to our constituency. A good interest is being
manifested in Santo Domingo, especially in the north central part.
In Santo Domingo city our work has a good foothold. Plans are being
laid for the erection of a chapel, church school, and workers' home in
that city. At Moca and Ja,ba.ba, and in the surrounding territory, the
people are calling for evangelistic work to be done for them. We hope
to reap a rich harvest of souls at these places; The work in the south-
ern part of Porto Rico is also progressing.
For the first time in the history of the mission, a Harvest Ingathering
campaign was launched. As the result over $1,700 was gathered for
During the year, our much-needed training school for native workers
was built at Aibonito, Porto Rico. The school is located in a very
beautiful part of the island. It is about 2,000 feet above sea-level,
making it an ideal place for this tropical climate. The institution will
help us answer many calls coming to us continually for workers. The
school is well filled with young people.
During the year the following persons have returned on account of
failing health: Elder and Mrs. C. E. Moon and children; Miss Jessie
C. Butler; Elder and Mrs. H. D. Casebeer and duaghters; Brother and
Sister E. G. Truitt and child; Dr. J. F. Morse.
The new arrivals are Professor and Mrs. B. A. Wolcott and boys for
educational work; Brother F. E. Wilson and wife and children, for
evangelistic work; Elder C. V. Achenbach and wife and child, for
superintendent; Miss Buelah Soper for church school work in Virgin
Islands. Dr. W. C. Dunscombe has taken the place of Dr. J. F. Morse
in self-supporting work.
The outlook is encouraging throughout the field.
C. V. Achenbach.
Advancement has been made in Haiti during 1920 despite the diffi-
A beginning was made in the southern part of the island, Brethren
Phan and Abel locating there with a tent. After about nine weeks'
work the tent was burned. Twenty are awaiting baptism at this place.
The North Pacific Union Conference donated a new tent. Thus a
seeming defeat was turned into victory.
Brother Isaac, who has led out in many new efforts, has been allowed
a change the past year, working among the churches. Brother Jules
Jean-Baptiste has been strengthening the work in Gonaives, where a
decided victory over Catholicism was gained by a tent effort the previ-
ous year. Brother Th6odore has labored among the churches most
seriously affected by warfare, and reports a large number of candidates.
All the foreign workers except myself left the field early in the year,
and I left on furlough in August. On our return we found many candi-
dates awaiting baptism. Our membership is now over 600. The first
six months show a marked increase over the same period last year.
The tithe increased 38 per cent, the offerings 149 per cent. The last

half of the year conditions have been very serious in Haiti. Many
people are dying of hunger.
In April we- secured a beautiful property, and expect to open here a
school for young men early in 1921. The church at Cape Haitien has
been completed, and is ready for dedication. A good location for a
church building has been secured at Port-au-Prince, the capital, and the
members there have pledged 1,000 guordes toward its erection.
.Brother C. G. Parkins came to the field when I returned, and is earn-
estly studying the language preparatory to launching the colporteur
work in earnest after the general meeting to be held in April, 1921.
With the present financial crisis facing us, we shall do well to hold
our own. We are of good.courage, knowing the Lord will not forsake us.
A. G. Roth.
The year 1920 marks progress in Venezuela, with its 3,000,000 inhabi-
tants and a territory greater than the British Isles, the Netherlands,
and Germany combined. During the year two families joined the mis-
sion, D. D. Fitch and family, and Byrd Bullard and wife. Brother and
Sister Fiteh have conducted a- Bible school for a few hours each day
in Caracas. Thus three young ladies have developed into Bible workers.
These are our first native workers, aside from colporteurs, and are
doing very acceptable service. Brother Fitch reports a baptismal class
of eleven.
Brother and Sister Bullard took the burden of the office. They also
assist in the Bible school.
During the year seven colporteurs have been in the field. These have
placed more than $10,000 worth of books in the homes of the people.
Our present membership is twenty-four. The receipts for the first
ten months amounted to $2,042.16. Of this $262.89 is Sabbath school
offerings; $82.42 missionary offerings; $1,182.87 tithe, and $513.97 Har-
vest Ingathering.
During the year several families in widely separated parts of the
field began the observance of the Sabbath through reading literature,
and by visits of our faithful colporteurs. Some who are near we visit
frequently. To answer some of these urgent calls requires hundreds
of miles of travel over open prairie by auto, or over mountain trails by
the slow plodding mule.
'Word reaches us that $10,000 is granted for the erection of perma-
nent headquarters in Caracas. This.brings great joy to the hearts of
our workers, and means a great advanced step for our work, placing
it upon vantage ground.
W. E. Baxter.


During the year our mission suffered the loss of two of our best work-
ers, and their wives, W. G. Kneeland and V. P. Hulse. They left as
we were to start our summer campaign. Notwithstanding this loss,
the work has made good progress. We have not been able to hold tent
efforts, but meetings have been held in halls. More than forty have been
added upon profession of faith. Most of these were Spanish. This rep-
resents the best progress we have made among the Spanish.

Last year coconuts, the chief product, sold for more than $100 per
thousand. This year they scarcely sell for $50. We feared the tithe
would be far less than last year, which showed one hundred per cent
gain over 1918. But we are glad to report so far, we are about twenty
per cent ahead of last year. This is due to more faithfulness on the
part of the older churches, and to an increase of tithe payers.
Our literature work is reviving. Brother Rolland Sweany reached the
field the first of June, to lead out in this work. He worked hard.
Brother Sweany has now gotten a good hold upon the language and
customs of the people. (As the Year Book goes to press the sad news
comes of Rolland's sudden death from blackwater fever.)
We regret we could not open the Siguatepeque school this year. Feb-
ruary 7, 1921, is the date set for opening.
During the year we lost two foreign families, and gained two. We
have also added one native worker.
The mission acquired two mission homes, one in Tegucigalpa, and
one in San Pedro Sula. Also we have received as a gift, a large tract
of land, with houses and other improvements, to be used in educational
We have suffered the loss by death of two of our pioneers Mrs.
Martha Spregg, and Brother Christopher Jones. Brother Jones has been
a "father in Israel," and will be greatly missed. He has served as
local elder, missionary, and advisory committeeman.
W. E. Lanier.
Salvador looks small on the map, but in proportion to its area, it is
the most densely populated country in Central America. Over a mil-
lion and a half people sit in darkness. Wherever you go, over moun-
tains or through valleys, you find little Indian villages with the people
steeped in Catholicism and superstition, bowing down to wood and
stone. They have not heard the message of a loving, living Saviour.
Heretofore it has been very hard to get out into these .byways and:
hedges. But now three new railroads are being built, which will greatly!
facilitate our work.
The past year has been one mostly of reconstruction and preparation.
Much time has been devoted to organizing and instructing church mem-
bers for more effective home missionary work.
Our endeavors in educational lines have been greatly handicapped be-
cause we were unable to get a competent teacher. There are many
bright children and youth growing up in ignorance and sin, drifting from
the church, who should be in church schools learning to carry re-
sponsible positions in the future, as church officers and workers.
The medical work has made a start at Santa Ana. Brother Murray
has opened here treatment rooms. He is handicapped through inefficient
With the arrival of Brothel' and Sister England the colporteur work
receives new impetus. Carl F. Staben.


This conference comprises four Latin-American republics Colombia,
Panama, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. Our organization is on the plan
of a union conference in that superintendents have been placed over ale

various territorial divisions. Our conference has need also of two field
Thus far, more than 95 per cent of our ministerial efforts have been.
spent in the English language. We are now bending our energies par-
ticularly to Spanish sections. The past year eight church conventions
have been held in centers distant from headquarters. These have
served to strengthen the work in many ways. The devotion and the
good will of the brethren have made this work enjoyable.
A general program to increase educational advantages is bringing
courage to our people. A ten-weeks training course for school teachers
the first of its kind has just been concluded. This will enable us
to increase our church schools to eleven. Many friends of the message
plan to send their children to our schools, and we believe this will result
in introducing the truth into many new homes. This normal course has
prepared the way for the opening of a traininc, and industrial school in
the Canal Zone, which is to begin its work in March, 1921. C. J. Boyd
has been appointed educational secretary.
The republic of Colombia, the largest half of our conference, will
soon have its first superintendent, and we expect to secure four Ameri-
can colporteurs to assist him. We desire to see Colombia placed upon
equal vantage ground with its sister republics.
The capital of Costa Rica has been entered by a worker who will give
his entire time to the Spanish-speaking people. The English and the
Indian work on the Atlantic side of Nicaragua_have received ministerial
help, and a providential opportunity presents itself to us in the way of
supplying a good surgeon, as well as in the opening of a small hospital.
Western Nicaragua having been added recently to our conference, a
resident. colporteur has entered that field. A Bible worker will be
sent shohly.
Max Trimmer.
....fa... veva,.

The territory of Hawaii was annexed to the United States in 1898.
It lies in the North Pacific Ocean about 2,020 miles southwest of San
Francisco. There are eight inhabited islands, with a total area of
6,449 square miles. The population, not including United States troops,
is 250,000. The islands were first brought under one control by king
Kamehanieha in 1795. Queen Liliuokalani, the eighth and last Hawaiian
to occupy the throne, was deposed in 1893.
The Hawaiians are a stalwart race. They are generous, pleasure
loving, natural musicians and orators, usually well educated, as compul-
sory education has been in vogue for nearly fifty years. They were
never cannibals.
The years 1919 and 1920 have been very prosperous ones for our
mission. During these two years, with the help of the Lord, we have
built a new church, bought a new school and mission property, and
purchased the property next to the church for a parsonage and tract
society office. These institutions are now entirely free from debt.
In 1919 we used 1,700 papers in the Harvest Ingathering work, and
took in over $1,700. This year we used 3,000 papers and received $3,500.
There is also a steady growth in membership, tithes, and offerings.

Hawaii's plea for help brought to us Elder and Mrs. S. T. Hare and
daughter Ethyl, and Professor and Mrs. H. E. Giddings. The long ex-
perience of these workers in evangelistic and educational work will be
of great value to our mission field.
R. J. McKeague is secretary and treasurer of the mission, C. R. Web-
ster is conducting treatment rooms. in Honolulu, and Wm. MacMillan
and wife are operating treatment rooms in Hilo, on the Island of Hawaii.
F. E. Stafford, while not directly employed by the mission, is ren-
dering valuable service in our Oriental work, being secretary of that
H. G. Rowland is colporteur. He is doing a good work in all of the
With our present corps of workers our prospects for further develop-
ment are very bright. L. L. Hutchinson.

Bahama Islands
The first of October, 1919, we left on furlough to the States. As
there were no other foreign workers in the Bahamas, the interests of
the work were left in the care of two native Bible workers.
The largest number of believers, about forty, is located at Nassau,
the capital. On the Island of Eleuthera, fifty miles distant, are seven
baptized believers. On the eastern side of this group, on Watlings Is-
land, is another organized company of eighteen baptized believers, ten
others awaiting baptism. One of our Bible workers has been located
-here for about two years. They have recently completed a church build-
ing which we hope to soon dedicate, and baptize other believers.
- On Andros Island, fifty miles west of Nassau, is another company of
believers. Our other native Bible worker has been located here most
of the time since November. 1919.
As work is scarce here, and as Florida offers work at good wages,
many of our believers have gone to the States. This depletes our mem-
"bership, but we are glad there are live Seventh-day Adventist churches
along the Florida coast with which they can unite, and thus be encour-
aged to remain true to the faith.
We returned from furlough in February, and began visiting the
-churches, but in this work we were greatly handicapped by sickness,
first of our daughter, afterward my wife. During the summer it be-
came evident she could not recover here, so I accompanied her to one of
our sanitariums in the States. After three months she returned with
her health greatly improved.
The income during the year was 450 pounds. This represents quite
a sacrifice on the part of many of the believers who are very poor in
this world's goods. Jas. H. Smith.
(As amended at the thirty-ninth session, held at San Francisco, California,
March 29 to April 14, 1918.)

Article I Name.
This organization shall be known as the General Conference of Sev-
enth-day Adventists.
Article II Object.
The object of this Conference is to teach all nations the everlasting
gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Article III-- Membership.
Section 1. The membership of this conference shall consist of:
(a) Such union conferences as have been or shall be properly or-
ganized and accepted by vote.
(b) Such local conferences not embraced in any union conference as
have been or shall be properly organized and accepted by vote.
(c) Such union missions as have been or shall be properly organized
and accepted by vote.
(d) Missions, properly organized, not included in union conferences
or missions.
Sec. 2. The voters of this conference shall be designated as follows:
(a) Delegates at large.
(b) Regular delegates.
Sec. 3. Delegates at large shall be:
(a) The General Conference Executive Committee.
(b) Such representatives of missions of the General Conference as
shall receive delegates' credentials from the executive committee, and
such other workers as may be selected, such credentials to be given
only by the consent of a majority of the executive committee.
Sec. 4. Regular delegates shall be such persons as are duly accredited
by union conferences, union missions, and local conferences and missions
not included in any union conference.
Sec. 5. Each union conference shall be entitled to one delegate with-
out regard to numbers, an additional delegate for each local conference
in its territory, and an additional delegate for each five hundred of its
membership. Each local conference not included in a union conference
shall be entitled to one delegate without regard to numbers, and one
additional delegate for each five hundred members. Union missions and
local missions not included in union conferences shall have such repre-
sentation as may be decided by the General Conference Executive Com-
mittee, and accepted by the delegates in session.
Article IV Officers and Their Duties.
Sec. 1. The regular officers of this Conference shall be a president, the
vice-presidents, a general secretary, an associate secretary, a general
treasurer, an assistant treasurer, and an auditor, who shall be elected
by the Conference.
Sec. 2. President: The president shall act as chairman of the executive

committee, and labor in the general interests of the Conference, ae the

executive committee may advise.
Sec. 3. Vice-Presidents: The Vice-Presidents shall assist the President
in administering the affairs of the Conference in all parts of the world.
In the absence of the President they shall act as chairmen of the com-
znittees with which they are directly associated by the arrangement of
the General Committee. They shall have the direct oversight and charge
of the administrative work in the fields to which they are assigned.
Sec. 4. General Secretary: It shall be the duty of the general secretary
4ind the associate secretary to keep the minutes of the proceedings of
the conference sessions and of the committee meetings, and to collect
such statistics and other facts from union, and local conferences and
missions, as may be desired by the conference or the executive com-
mittee, and to perform such other duties as usually pertain to such
Sec. 5. General Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the general treasurer
and the assistant treasurer to receive all funds and disburse them by
order of the president, and to render such financial statements at regu-
lar intervals as may be desired by the conference or the executive com-
Sec. 6. Election of officers: All officers of the Conference, and the
members of the executive committee except presidents of union confer-
ences, shall be chosen by the delegates at the regular quadrennial ses-
sions of the General Conference, and shall hold their office for the period
of four years, or until their successors are elected, and appear to enter
upon their duties.
Article V Executive Committee.
Sec. 1. At each regular session the Conference shall elect an executive
committee for the carrying on of its work between the sessions.
Sec. 2. The executive committee shall consist of the president, the
vice-presidents, the general and associate secretaries, the general treas-
urer, the assistant treasurer, the sub-treasurers, the field secretaries, the
presidents of union conferences, the superintendents of organized union
missions, the secretaries and assistant secretaries in charge of duly or-
ganized departments, namely, the- Publishing, Medical, Educational, Sab-
bath School, Religious Liberty, Young People's Missionary Volunteer,
Home Missionary, and the North American Negro Department, the gen-
eral secretary and assistant secretaries or superintendents of nationality
work of the North American Foreign department, the ex-presidents of
the General Conference having credentials from this Conference, and
other persons not to exceed eleven in number.

Article VI Incorporations, Departments and Agents.

Sec. 1. Such incorporations may be authorized and departments cre-
ated as the development of the work requires.
Sec. 2. At each regular session of this Conference, the delegates shall
elect the trustees of all corporate bodies connected with this organiza-
tion, as may be provided in the statutory laws governing each.
Sec. 3. The Conference shall employ such committees, secretaries, treas-
urers agents, ministers, missionaries, and other persons, and make such
distribution of its laborers, as may be necessary to effectively execote
its vork.

See. 4. The Conference shall grant credentials or licenses to its min-

isters and missionaries. In union missions the respective executive com-
mittees shall have power to grant credentials and licenses to foreign and
native workers.
Article VII Sessions.
Sec. 1. This Conference shall hold quadrennial sessions at such date
and place as the executive committee shall designate by a notice pub-
lished in the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald at least three months
before the date for the session.
Sec. 2. The executive committee may call special sessions at such time
and place as it deems proper, by a like notice, and the transactions of
such special sessions shall have the same force as those of the regular
Article VIII By-Laws.
The voters of this Conference may enact by-laws and amend or repeal
. them at any session thereof, and such by-laws may embrace any pro-
vision not inconsistent with the constitution.

Article IX Amendments.
This constitution or its by-laws may be amended by a two thirds'
ote of the voters present at any session, provided that, if it is pro-
posed to amend the constitution at a special session, notice of such
purpose shall be given in the call for such special session.

Article I Regular Sessions.
Sec. 1. At each session of the Conference the executive committee shall
nominate for election the presiding officers for the session.
Sec. 2. Previous to each session of the Conference, the executive com-
mittee shall provide such temporary committees as may be necessary
to conduct the preliminary work of the Conference.
Article II Executive Committee.
Sec. 1. During the intervals between sessions of the Conference, the
executive committee shall have full administrative power, with author-
ity to grant and withdraw credentials and licenses, and to fill for the
current term any vacancies that may occur in its officers, boards, com-
mittees, or agents, by death, resignation, or otherwise, except in cases
where other provisions for filling such vacancies shall be made by vote
of the General Conference. The withdrawal of credentials or filling of
vacancies on the executive committee shall require the consent of two
thirds of the members of the executive committee.
Sec. 2. Any five members of the executive committee, including the
president or a vice-president, shall be empowered to transact such ex-
ecutive business as is in harmony with the general plans outlined by the
committee, but the concurrence of four members shall be necessary to
pass any measure.
Sec. 3. Meetings of the executive committee may be called at any time
or place, by the president .or a vice-president, or such meeting may be
called by the secretary upon the written request of any five members
of the committee.

Article III Departments.

Sec. 1. The work of the departments of this organization shall be in
charge of the secretaries elected by the General Conference, associated
with the committees selected by the executive committee, when such
committees are not otherwise provided for by the Conference.
Article IV Finance.
Sec. 1. This Conference shall receive a tithe from all of its union con-
ferences and local conferences not included in union conferences, and
the tithe of its union and local mission fields.
Sec. 2. The executive committee shall be authorized to call for such
special donations as may be necessary to properly prosecute its work.
Sec. 3. The Conference shall receive offerings devoted to missions.
Article V Audits.
Sec. 1. The executive committee shall have the accounts of the Con-
ference and its several departments audited at least once each calendar
year, and shall report upon the same to the General Conference at its
regular sessions.
Sec. 2. The executive committee shall appoint annually eight persons
not in its employ, who, with the president, the vice-presidents, the sec-
retary, the treasurer, and not less than seven presidents of union con-
ferences, shall constitute a committee for auditing and settling all ac-
counts against the General Conference.

The amounts indicated below have been expended by the General Con-
ference for evangelistic work, for the years stated:
1905 $143,796.86
1906 163,755.56
1907 253,445.74
1908 272,873.08
1909 351,414.61
1910 410,611.48
1911 404,922.53
1912 476,600.00
1913 523,763.00
1914 Foreign, $474,749.00; Home, $111,500.00 586,249.00
1915 Foreign, 509,746.92; Home, 122,000.00 631,746.92
1916 Foreign, 692,077.57; Home, 161,076.00 853,153.57
1917 Foreign, 680,219.17; Home, 202,734.00 882,953.17
1918 Foreign, 1,071,929.90; Home, 276,960.00 1,348,889.90
1919 Foreign, 923,686.21; Home, 453,054.01 1,376,740.22
1920 2,171,156.70
The amounts for the years 1905 to 1911 represent actual expendi-
tures; for 1912 to 1920, appropriations voted. The amounts expended
for most of the years was in excess of that appropriated, rarely less.


(Not including children)
1901-02 107
1903 60
1904 40
1905 60
1906 76
1907 58
1908 140
1909 134
1910 61
1911 74
1912 97
1913 157
1914 103
1915 76
1916 147
1917 59
1918 103
1919 83


Name Date of Service
1. John Byington May 21, 1863, to May 17, 1865
2. James White May 17, 1865, to May 14, 1867
3. J. N. Andrews May 14, 1867, to May 12, 1868
4. James White May 12, 1868, to Dec. 29, 1871
5. Geo. I. Butler Dec. 29, 1871, to Aug. 10, 1874
6. James White Aug. 10, 1874, to Oct. 6, 1880
7. Geo. I. Butler Oct. 6, 1880, to Oct. 17, 1888
8. 0. A. Olsen Oct. 17, 1888, to Feb. 19, 1897
9. G. A. Irwin Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901
10. A. G. Daniells April 2, 1901, to


Name Date of Service
1. Uriah Smith May 21, 1863, to May 12, 1868
2. M. S. Burnham May 12, 1868, to May 18, 1869
3. Uriah Smith May 18, 1869, to Nov. 14, 1873
4. S. Brownsberger Nov. 14, 1873, to Aug. 10, 1874
5. Uriah Smith Aug. 10, 1874, to Sept. 19, 1870
6. C. W. Stone Sept. 19, 1876, to Sept. 20, 1877
7. Uriah Smith Sept. 20, 1877, to Dec. 1, 1881
8. A. B. Oyen Dec. 1, 1881, to Nov. 8, 1883
9. Uriah.Smith Nov. 8, 1883, to Oct. 17, 1888
10. Dan. T. Jones Oct. 17, 1888, to March 5, 1891 -
11. W. A. Colcord March 5, 1891, to March 6; 1893
12. L. T. Nicola April, 1893 to Feb. 19, 1897

13. L. A. Hoopes Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901

14. H. E. Osborne April 2, 1901, to April 11, 1903
15. W. A. Spicer April 11, 1903, to
In the two preceding tables the dates given indicate the time when
the Conference sessions were convened.

Religious Liberty March 5
Rural Schools April 9
Midsummer July 16
Colored Work October 8
Annual Offering December 17

Missionary Volunteer Day January 8
Medical Day June 11
Educational Day August 13


Annual Offering $ 99,746.29
Midsummer Offering 30,296.87
Harvest Ingathering 543,324.68
Missions , 442,620.61
Sabbath School Offerings 1.,106,742.54
Colored Work 14,598.75
Miscellaneous for Missions 29,794.70

Total for 1920 $2,267,124.44

Total for 1919 1,508,801.32

Increase 758,323.12
Classification 1919
Conferences $5,143,785.62
Conference Associations 3,392,477.26
Tract Societies 726,308.41
Educational 4,375,490.53
Publishing 3,442,373.95
Sanitarium 4,289,772.96
Food. Companies 287,836.18
Churcb Buildings 3,369,982.54
Church School Buildings 404,555.07

Total, 1919 $25,432,582.52

Total, 1918 19,975,500.49

Gain, 1919 5,457,082.03
Per Cent of Gain 27.32

Foreign All Per Cap. of
Year Membership Annual Tithe Miss. Offgs. Other Fds. Tot. Fds.
1863 3,500 $ 8,000.00 $2.29
1865 4,000 12,000.00 3.00
1870 5,440 21,822.46 4.66
1875 8,022 32,618.62 $ 536.57 4.13
1880 15,570 61,856.88 3,160.22 $ 2,784.35 4.35
1885 20,547 122,641.69 21,649.85 6,898.74 7.36
1890 29,711 225,433.98 50,495.63 10,935.36 9.66
1895 47,680 309,142.76 73,331.54 24,819.40 8.55
1900 66,547 510,258.97 130,151.09 21,558.93 8.74
1905 77,443 858,014.91 169,335.11 153,567.62 13.52
1907 80,897 1,064,753.43 264,138.12 375,826.57 18.13
1908 83,145 1,101,396.47 308,045.68 361,206.92 18.14
1909 88,502 1,218,243.46 383,084.93 383,228.76 19.66
1910 90,808 1,338,689.65 458,943.70 426,134.17 21.27
1911 93,378 1,477,590.26 485,245.43 400,252.60 21.68
1912 98,044 1,653,624.54 595,004.72 453,569.76 23.66
1913 114,557 1,771,989.60 658,524.04 436,213.76 23.42
1914 125,844 1,818,436.08 772,248.39 499,800.33 24.56
1915 136,879 1,968,168.26 872,666.84 566,463.07 24.89
1916 141,488 2,291,423.46 963,700.23 695,368.09 27.92
1917 153,857 2,946,907.49 1,353,686.07 819,089.88 33.28
1918 162,667 3,841,317.96 2,072,917.21 981,484.65 42.39
1919 178,239 4,989,305.28 2,091,278.38 1,496,467.20 , 48.12


Donations to Per Cent to
Year No. Schools Membership Contributions Missions Missions
1878 177 5,851 $ 25.00
1880 451 11,821 2,784.35
1885 716 19,579 6,898.74
1890 1,414 33,783 28,642.75 $ 17,707.39 61.83
1895 2,143 50,266 44,629.16 19,809.76 44.39
1900 2,334 50,804 46,794.40 25,235.47 5$.94
1905 3,170 75,305 68,613.71 49,894.97 72.72
1907 3,573 84,744 85,105.89 71,475.59 83.98
1908 3,825 91,230 104,620.77 95,280.90 91.07
1909 3,967 96,673 120,682.80 114,213.88 94.64
1910 4,151 101,161 138,037.72 134,830.48 97.67
1911 4,267 106,000 160,762.39 160,091.50 99.58
1912 4,450 114,897 232,682.40 232,389.36 99.89
1913 4,732 123,068 291,711.76 291,711.76 100.00
1914 4,936 133,815 344,390.23 344,390.23 100.00
1915 5,225 147,784 412,759.28 412,759.28 100.00
1916 5,390 153,781 452,187.62 452,187.62 100.00
1917 5,519 168,239 600,932.71 600,932.71 100.00
1918 5,610 171,914 725,895.08 725,895.08 100.00
1919 5.804 182,459 903,658.00 903,658.00 100.00


Year No. Societies Members Total Contributions
1902 186 3,478
1905 196 3,741
1906 400 5,400 $ 5,744.40
1907 461 8,933 11,122.60
1910 647 12,408 18,807.03
1913 964 19,428 24,380.20
1914 1,070 19,898 34,676.53
1915 1,196 23,442 44,497.58
1916 1,342 25,836 54,944.59
1917 1,369 26,337 75,652.48
1918 1,446 27,879 78,983.50
1919 1,681 32,921 115,724.98

No. Pub. Em- Peri- Languages-all Total Tot.Val. 1 copy
Year Houses ployees odicals publications Annual Sales each pub.
1850 1 1 (1846) .93
1855 1 2 1 $ 2,000.00 (1854) 6.08
1860 1 17 2 1 3,000.00 (1862) 7.50
1865 1 20 2 1 4,000.00 8.33
1870 1 30 3 1 7,000.00 12.49
1875 3 71 8 2 18,000.00 29.57
1880 4 128 10 7 40,000.00 53.30
1885 6 232 21 9 121,692.36 96:60
1890 7 412 24 12 734,397.00 171.55
1895 11 585 40 23 250,000.00 243.60
1900 13 600 96 39 250,000.00 267.84
1905 20 400 89 46 648,067.03 300.00
1907 23 466 96 54 1,035,565.62 420.00
1908 26 515 109 57 1,286,981.24 488.00
1909 27 605 124 65 1,402,444.00 500.00
1910 28 610 126 67 1,560,510.58 525.00
1911 37 645 125 71 1,627,657.83 Est. 540.00
1912 37 684 123 75 1,836,527.86 550.00
1913 37 734 128 80 1,869,714.48 " 575.00
1914 38 735 134 88 2,109,834.60 " 600.00
1915 40 698 120 95 2,174,591.94 " 640.00
1916 40 740 130 90 2,181,340.27 " 680.00
1917 41 802 134 94 2,937,422.88 704:50
1918 41 853 142 94 3,416,500.00 758.48
1919 43 1020 138 96 5,215,626.49 812.53
The Harvest Ingathering Record
Amount Number of Papers Printed
Year Gathered Medium
1908 $ 14,136.77 Review 1912 484,288
1909 41,183.46 Review 1913 606,565
1910 41,643.92 Review 1914 683;063
1911 32,654.45 Signs 1915 823,500
1912 50,164.45 Signs 1916 1,077,470
1913 56,282.99 Review 1917 1,206,203
1914 57,598.73 Review 1918 1,201,527
1915 78,333.25 Signs 1919
1916 126,158.66 Signs 1920 (Initial order) . .. 1,500,000
1917 169,170.18 Watchman Foreign editions. 267,000
1918 198,116.76 Watchman
1919 338,470.73 Watchman (In fifteen languages)
1920 543,324.68 Watchman
No. Primary No. Colleges
Year Schools Teachers Enrolment Acad., etc. Teachers Enrolment
1872 1 3 90
1875 ... 1 13 289
1880 1 1 15 1 20 490
1885 3 5 125 3 38 761
1890 9 15 350 7 56 979
1895 18 35 895 11 157 1,974
1900 220 250 5,000 25 199 2,357
1905 417 466 7,345 51 257 3,308
1907 458 506 8,007 67 415 5,455
1908 535 625 10,487 83 476 6,521
1909 579 668 11,835 83 504 6,535
1910 594 758 13,357 86 561 7,169
1911 613 790 15,498 89 640 8,043
1912 573 674 15,602 90 631 8,205
1913 510 592 10,206 70 557 7,563
1914 611 703 12,044 67 538 7,656
1915 692 849 13,413 67 574 7,623
1916 824 1059 17,178 68 583 7,964
1917 738 869 15,635 68 669 9,375
1918 848 1043 18,105 77 729 9,908
1919 881 1166 20,525 88 884 12,695

No. of Sanitariums
'Year and Treatment Rooms No.. of Physicians Total Employees Assets
1866 1 2 14 $ 24,800.60
1870 1 6 35 44,221.54
1875 1 7 125 70,189.22
1880 2 10 165 190,956.74
0885 2 13 225 310,808.81
1890 3 15 315 548,923.45
1895 7 33 477 800,786.99
1.900 27 74 1,216 1,294,474.73
1905 55 80 1,300 1,600,000.00
1907 64 95 1,596 2,344,283.65
1908 80 -111 1,843 2,766,346.50
1909 78 - 110 1,834 3,261,181.14
1910 74 116 1,989. 3,368,041.46
1911 69 - 134 2,404 3,792,421.35
1912 69 129 2,359 4,254,500.33
1913 * 44 110 1,727 2,810,711.10
1914 42 122 1,696 2,894,605.67
1915 40 131 1,729 2,774,058.94
1916 41 141 1,808 2,895,483.70
1917 47 147 1,912 3,148,692.82
.1918 46 144 2,065 3,225,110.25
1.919 41. 150 2,263 4,263,383.25
* After 1913 not including privately owned institutions.

Union Local Total Denomina-
Year Conferences Conferences Missions Institutions tional Investment
1865 7 1 1 $ 38,712.53
1875 .. 13 2 5 282,179.55
1885 .. 28 3 11 885,382.97
1895 1 36 22 29 2,858,725.82
1905 13 80 56 126 4,799,419.51
1910 23 106 87 188 10,633,266.71
1912 23 126 100 196 12,084,438.13
1913 25 126 101 8 151 12,812,783.61
1914 26 128 106 147 14,039,279.39
1915 26 130 109 147 14,254,615.45
7. 916 26 130 113 149 15,284,215.27
1917 31 135 . 119 156 16,873,422.54
1918 35 141 117 164 19,975,500.49
1919 44 133 141 172 25,432,582.52
* After 1913 not including privately owned institutions.
Total funds for evangelistic work, 1863-1919, $59,626,138.83, of which
$36,609,655.29, or 61.40 per cent, was contributed from 1912 to 1919.
Only the names of ordained and Adkins, W. L., 200 Columbus Ave.,
licensed ministers appear in Trenton, N. J.
this list. To determine the Adolph, K., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
nature of any person's ap- burg, Germany.
pointment, reference should be Afenir, Juan, Vigan, llocos Sur,
made to the directory of the Philippine Islands.
Conference operating in the field
where the worker is located. Aguilar, E. A., Tegucigalpa, Hon-
This applies to the workers duras, Central America.
named above as well as all Ahren E. J., Gamla Brogatan 38,
other classes. Stockh
olm, Sweden.
Airey, R. W., Route' 5, Caldwell,
ALBORG, N. j., 1074 Hellman Akre, 0. M., Spalding, Saskatche-
A St., Long Beach, Cal.
Abbott, E. H., 537 Twenty-fifth
wan, Canada.
Alder, J. D., 537 Twenty-fifth St.,.
St., Oakland, Cal. Oakland,
Abbott, F. L., 3200 Wee, Douglas Aldrich, B. B., Calle Besald 32, 10
Ave., Wichita, Kans. (San Martin), Barcelona, Spain.
Abegg, S. J., 182 North Snelling Alexandre, Pedro, Caixa Postal
Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 3764, Victoria, Espirito Santo,
Abella, Jose, 7 rue Station Sani- Brazil, South America.
taire, Algers, Algeria. All, J. E., 810 Elmwood Ave., Co-
Aberle, H., Pragerstrasse 36, Tep- lumbia, S. C.
litz-Schonau, Czechoslovakia. Allen, A. N., 3a Agricultura. 21,
Aberle, L., Kaiserallee 19, Karls- Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
rue i. B., Germany. Allen, C. ., 1112 Kalamath St.,
Abney, B. ., 583 East Lenoir St., Denver, Colo.
. Raleigh, N. C. Allen, J., Cooranbong, N. S. W.,
Achenkich, C. V., Calle Nueva, Stop Australia.
14, Santurce, Porto Rico. 'Allen, M. J., 520 North Jefferson
Ackley, M. C., S. D. A. Mission, IT St Huntington, Ind.
Gao Lou Men, Nanking-, Ku., 'Allison, J. W., 1210 West Twenty-
China. first St., Little Rock, Ark.
AcMoody, C. E., Keene, Texas. Allison, T. FL, 110 Early St., Mont-
Adams, E. H., 441 Thirty-eighth gomery, Ala.
St., Oakland, Cal. Allum, F. A., Wand Gia Dun, Han-
Adams, E. M., Box 334,. fa)Phz,, kow, Hupeh,
Iloilo, Panay, Philippine Iskundk. Alston, H. E., 114 biZviel/ Ave'
(on furlough). New Haven, Conn.
Adams, J. W., Hinkley, Cal.
Adams, K. M., 1325 North Four- _Althoff, W., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
burg, Germany.
teenth St., Phoenix, Ariz.
Adams, M. R., Norfolk Island, Aus- Altman, M. A., Franklin, N. H.
tralia. Alway, G. M., 532 S'loat St., Loa
Angeles, Cal.
Adams, P. P., San Fernando, Cal. Amelung, K., Uhlandstr. /89 B
Adams, W. L., College Place, Wash. lin-Charl., Germany.
Adams, W. M., 3131 Pasadena Ave.,
Los Angeles, Cal. 'Ammundsen, W. B., Vigan,. /loco,
Sur, Philippine Islands.
Adamski,W., Prinzenstr. 6, Posen, Anderson, A. N.,4,..171' Amanuma-
Poland, Europe.
Suginami-mura, Toyotanaa-
Adkins, U. G.. Brusett, Mont. '
Tokyo, Japan (on furlough)glin

Anderson, August, 4955 West Hu- Armitage, F. B., Bethel Mission,

ron St., Chicago, Ill. Butterworth, Cape, South Africa.
Anderson, A. W., " Mizpah," Wah- Armstrong, A., Stanborough Park,
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Watford, Herts, England.
Anderson, B. L., S. D. A. Mission, Armstrong, A. D., 157 Shirley
Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Road, Southampton, England.
Anderson, C. A., Laporte, Sas- Armstrong, H. W., Stanborough
katchewan, Canada. Park, Watford, Herts, England.
Anderson, C. V., 1854 Roblyn Ave., Armstrong, I. A., Memramcook,
St. Paul, Minn. New Brunswick.
Anderson, J. E., Apartado 230, Ma- Armstrong, W. II., Rileyville, Page
tanzas, Cuba, West Indies. Co., Va.
Anderson, J. N., College View, Armstrong, W. W., Gendia, Kisu-
Nebr. mu, British East Africa, (Ken-
Anderson, J. P., Box 523, U. S. ya Colony).
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Arnold, A. Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Anderson, M. E., Route 1, Manka- Ch arl., Grum any.
to, Minn. Arrabito, S., Box 2072, Reno, Nev.
Anderson, U. S., Berrien Springs, Ash, S. L., Box 66, Port of Spain.
Mich. Trinidad, British West Indies.
Anderson, W. H.. River Road, Ma- Ashbaugh, F. G., Box 584, River-
feking, B. B., South Africa. side, Cal.
Andreasen, M. L., College View, Ashcroft, C. E., 902 Colombo St.,
Nebr. Christchurch, New Zealand.
Andress, Win. M., 122 South Eighth Ashton, N. S., Box 8, Mt. Vernoii,
St., Grand Junction, Colo. Ohio.
Andrews, J. N., S. D. A. Mission, Asirvatham, A., 3 Wheeler Road,
Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China. Bangalore, India.
Andrews, R. F., College, View, Atiga, T. P., Vigan, Ilocos Sur,
Nebr. Philippine Islands.
Andrews, W. R., 122 Jefferson Atkinson, E., 419 East Twelfth St.,
Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Wilmington, Del.
Andross, C. E., 411 Cedar St., Ta- Atteberry, A. N., Route . 5, Cald-
koma Park Station, Washington, well, Idaho.
1). C. Aufderhar, H. A., Pierce, Colo.
Andross, E. E., Takoma Park Sta- Augsbourger, Ulysse, La Ligniere,
tion, Washington, D. C. Gland, Switzerland.
Andross, E. M., care Fernwood Augsbourger, L., rue Nicolas Roret,
Academy, Tunesassa, N. Y. 1, Paris, XIlle, France.
Ang, T. K., Swatow, Kwangtung, Avila, Manuel, Apartado 230, Ma-
China. tanzas. Cuba. West Indies.
Angervo, 0., Gamla Brogatan 38, Ayars, E. U., Fox River Academy,
Stockholm, Sweden. Sheridan, M.
Anglebarger, G. W., 531 Santa Fe
Drive, Denver, Colo.
Apollon, D., Box 40,.Cape Haitien,
Haiti, West Indies.
Appel, G. J., Box 523, U. S. Postal
Agency, Shanghai, China. BAASCH, H. E., Calle Nueva,
Stop 14, Santurce, Porto Rico.
Applegate, J. A., 112 Tower St., Babcock, C. M., Chamberlain, S.
Kingston Jamaica, British West Dak.
Indies. Babcock, D. C., Charlotte Amalie,
Arevalo, Victoria 707 Vermont St., St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, U.
Manila, Phi*pine Islands.

Babienco, T. T., care Manchurian Baptiste, J. J.. Box 40, Cape Hai-
S. D. A. Mission, Mukden, Man- tian, Haiti, West Indie.
churia, China. Barengrub, M., Gartenstr. 22, Per-
Baber, G. H:, Graysville, Tenn. nau, Esthonia, Europe.
Backer, Fr., Grindelberg 11, Ham- Barlow, W. A., S. D. A. Mission,
burg, Germany. Karmatar, E. I. R., India.
Bacon, A. E., 17 Jesmond Vale Ter- Barr, W. E., Box 1077, Oklahoma
race Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng- City, Okla.
land.' Barrett, lb. J. C., 530 Booth St.,
Badaut, J. P. rue Nicolas Roret, Ottawa, Ontario.
Barritt, T. H., 411 Cedar St., Ta-
Paris, XIIIe, France. koma Park Station, Washington,
Badaut, Paul, rue Nicolas Roret, I, D. C.
Paris, XIIIe, France. Bartlett, A. W., 537 Twenty-fifth
Baclaut, S., LaLignire, Gland, St., Oakland, Cal.
Switzerland. Bartlett, W. T., Gendia, Kisumu,
Baer, R. T. Florida, F. C. C. A., British East Africa, (Kenya Col-
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South ony).
America. 13arto, W. P., 28 Juliana Straat,
Ba.hler, R., Greguss utca 10, foldz. Medan, Sumatra, Dutch East
2, Budapest I, Hungary. Indies.
Bahr, E., Weberstr. 56, I, Frank- l3asney, H. C., 1907 West Fifth St.,
furt, a. M., Germany. Santa Ana, Cal.
Blihre, G., Grindelberg 11, Ham- Bates, F. E., Swatow, Kwangtung,
burg, Germany. China.
Baierle, Chas., Gen Del., Reading, Bates, M. M. Crawford, Nebr.
Pa. Battye, W. E.. Franklin Chambers,
Bailey, P. C., Stanborough Park, Macquarie St., Hobart, Tas-
Watford, Herts, England. mania.
Bailey, M. R., Rowe's Corner, Gras- Baucke, F., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
mere Farm, Auburn, Me. Charl., Germany.
Bainer, C. L. 422 Oppenheimer Bauer, Hans, Baiergasse 72, Seghi-
Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. soara (S'chassburg), Rumania.
Baird, G., Stanborough Park, Wat- Baum, C. S., 459 High St., Apt. 22,
ford, Herts, England. Newark, N. J
Baird, H., Kamamaung, Post Office Baumgartner, Homer, 399 Upper
Shwegon, via Moulmein, Burma. Serangoon Road, Singapore,
Baker, A. L., Mountain View, Cal. Straits Settlements.
Baker, Isaac, Hope. Ark. Bauscher, 0., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Baker, R. C., 728 Kansas Ave., To- lin-Charl., Germany.
peka, Kans. Baxter, W. E., Apartado 136, Car-
Baker, Thomas, Coomassie, via Sec- acas, Venezuela, South America.
condee, Gold Coast. West Africa. Beams, J. W., Nevada, Iowa.
Baker, W. L. IL, Cooranbong, N. Beans, L. G., Casilla 355, La Paz,
S. ., Australia. Bolivia, South America.
Bakulpo, Alfonso, Talisy, Cebu, .Beardsley, J. I., Box 803, Hunts-
Philippine Islands. ville, Ala.
Baldwin, W. C., Grand Valley, Colo. Beazley, A. L., 302 Nokomis Bldg.,
Balsbaugh, Henry, 618 Thirty- Winnipeg, Manitoba.
fourth Ave., Meridian, Miss. Beck, H., Grindelberg 11, Hamburg,
Balschmieter, A., Grindelberg 11, Germany.
Hamburg, Germany. Beckner, R. A., Henzaja, Burma.
Banfield, M. S., 227 Bradford St., Beddoe, B. E., Rosnate.a Ave., Ke-
Charleston, W. Va. nilworth, Cape, Sgith Africa.

Beddoe, E. E., Box 2072, Reno, Bergherm, Walter A., 812 Steger
Nev. Bldg., Chicago, Ill.
Beebe, E. I., St. Charles, Mich. Bergherm, Wm., Holly, Mich.
Beecham, V. L., 399 Upper Seran- Bernstein, 0. 0., 200 Columbus.
goon Road, Singapore, Straits Ave., Trenton, N. J.
Settlements. Berry, G. W., Loveland, Colo.
Beem, Theodore, 200 Columbus Bertalot, Elie, Casella Postale 218,
Ave., Trenton, N. J. Florence, Italy.
Behrens, A., Grindelberg 11, Ham- Berthelsen, P. E., Route 1, Box 58,,
. burg, Germany. LaGrange, Ill.
Behrens, E., 46 Hay St., Subiaco, Bezirdjian, 0., 8 Sharia Naseruddin
Perth, West Australia, Austra- el Shikhi, Bulak, Cairo, Egypt..
lia. Bicknell, P. F., 144 West St., Wor-
Behrens, J. H., Ooltewah, Tenn. cester, Mass.
Belgrave, C. C., 17 Abbott Road, Bidwell, W. E., 1026 Twenty-eighth
Lucknow, India. St., Newport News, Va.
Belich, Iliga, Box 143, East Akron, Bird. A. C., Caldwell, Idaho.
Ohio. Bird, W. L., Box 803, Huntsville,
Bell, Alexander R., 1298 Church St., Ala.
Salem, Oregon. Birkenstock, J. J., P. 0. Box 64,.
Bell, Alln R., Box 307, Hammond, Erma), Transvaal, South Africa..
La. Bischoff, H., Pragerstrasse 36, Tep-
Bell, C. V., Australasian Mission- litz-Schtinau, Czechoslovakia.
ary College, Cooranbong, N. S. Bish, M. G., 1000 South A St.,.
W., Australia. Elwood, Ind.
Bell, J. E., 17 Jesmond Vale Ter- Black, W. L., 163 Palm Court, Riv-
race, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng- erside, Cal.
land. Blake, W. J., care Academy, Cicero,.
Bellah, C. G., 5319 Goodfellow Ind.
Place, St. Louis, Mo. Bland, Louis, 402 South Seventh,
Belleau, Geo., 35 Union St., West, St., Paducah, Ky.
Kingston,ario. nt Blandford; C. L., S. D. A. Mission,
Bellinger, J. S., Hampton and Chengtu, Szechwan, China.
Echols . Sts., Greenville, S. C. Bliss, C. H., 304 West Allen St.,,
Bellows, R. J., Cooks, Mich. Springfield, Ill.
Beltz, 0. S., College View, Nebr. Bliss, W. E., Sanitarium, Melrose,
Bender, U., P. 0. Box 124, Lady- Mass.
smith, atal, South Africa. Block, Godofredo, Puiggari, F. C.
Benham, R. D., Cornelius, Oregon. E., Argentina, South America.
Benjamin, R. A., Mounds, Ill. Block, H., Leduc, Alberta, Canada.
Benson. C. L., ollege View, Nebr. Blosser, J. B., College View, Nebr.
Benson, H. F., 75 Sengokumachi, Blue, I. F., 17 Abbott Road, Luck-
Aizu Wakamatsu, Japan. now, India.
Benton, R. L., 1206 East Moreland Blunden, H. M., " Mizpah," Wah-
St., Phoenix, Ariz. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Berchin, Abraa m, Casilla 2830, Boehm, F., Pragerstrasse 36, Tep-
Santiago, Chile, South America. litz-Schonau, Czechoslovakia.
Bereck, A., Tizianstr. 35, Munich, Boehm, J. H., Caixa Postal 3764,
Germany. Victoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil,
Berg, Henry, Leader, Saskatche- South America.
wan, Canada. Boettcher, J. T., Clinton, Mo.
BergerseiO4k,C., Akersgaten 74, Bogar, Garland, 404 West Fifteenth
Christiania, Norway. St., Traverse City, Mich.

Boger, E. C., College Place, Wash. Brandster, G. A. Suva, Vou, Suva,

Bohlmann, J., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
lin-Charl., Germany. Branch, T. H., 516 Ramsuer St.,
Bohn, A. D., Lodi, Wis. Watts, Cal.
Bollman C. P. Takoma Park Sta- Branford, J. L., Oaklands, via
tion, Wash
ington , D. C. Cairns, Queensland, Australia.
Bond, C. L., 665 Sixteenth St., Oak- Branson, W. H., Rosmead Ave.,
land, Cal. Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa.
Bond, Frank, Calle Besalfi 32, 10 Brant, L. E., 537 Twenty-fifth St.,
(San Martin), Barcelona, Spain, Oakland, Cal.
(on furlough).
Bond, J. E., 3a Agricultura 21, Braun, J., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. burg, Germany.
Bonde, Dr. H., Alberta Sanitarium, Braun, Luiz, Sao Bernardo, S. P.
Bowness Park, Calgary, Alberta, R., S'Ao Paulo, Brazil, South
Canada. America.
Bonney, J. A., Coomassie, via Sec- Bray, Burt, 215 East Trumbull. St.,
condee, Gold Coast, West Africa. Albuquerque, N. Mex.
Bookhart, J. A., 601 Caldwell St., Brayshaw, N. M., Box 64, Blue-
Newberry, S. C. fields, Nicaragua, Central Amer-
Booth, A. S., 1901 Rosedale St., ica.
Baltimore, Md.
Boothby, Robert, Dowagiac, Mich. Breed, A. J., College Place; Wash.
Borden, J. T., San Pedro Sula, Hon- Breitigam, R. R., Box 813, Manila,
duras, Central America. Philippine Islands.
Borgeand, T. E. E., Ilorin, via La- Bremer, Aug., Grindelberg 11,
gos, Nigeria, West Africa. Hamburg, Germany.
Bornath, F., Grindelberg 11, Ham- Bresee, F. E., Drawer 586, Water-
burg, Germany. town, S. Dak.
Borrowdale, L. J., Box 8, Mt. Ver- Brewer, N. F., S. D. A. Mission,
non, Ohio. 17 Gao Lou Men, Nanking, Ku.,
Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park Sta- China.
tion, Washington, D. C. Brezinski, J., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Boyce, W. H., 10 Jones St., St. lin-Charl. Germany.
Catherines ntario. Bricker, W.' W., Box 188, Clovis.
Boyd, C. J., Box
' M, Cristobal, Ca- N. Mex.
nal Zone, Panama. Bringle, A. S., Enterprise, Kans.
Boyd, P. M., 209 Greensferry Ave., Brinkmann, D., Uhlandstrasse 189,
Atlanta, Ga. Berlin-Charl., Germany.
Boylan, H. A., 88 Horton St., Bristol, A. J., Takoma Park Sta-
Detroit, Mich. tion, Washington, D. C.
Boynton, C. E., Bocas, Bocas del Bristol, E. A., 257 Washington
Toro, Panama. Bldg., Madison, Wis.
Boynton, J. W., 2626 Pacific Ave., Brittain, W. G., 84 Jervois Road,
Bellingham, Wash. Auckland, New Zealand.
Bracero, Rafael, Box 448, Caguas, Britten, A. H., 46 Hay St., Subiaco,
Porto Rico. Perth, West Australia, Austra-
Bradford, R. L. 237 South Thir- lia.
teenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Brock, R. H., Kissimmee, Fla.
Bradley, W. H., 955 Logan Ave., Brodersen,P. E., 2914 West North
Salt Lake City, Utah. Ave., Cicago, Ill.
Bralliar, F. W., 2006 Twenty- Brooks, Edgar, Florida, F. C. C. A..
fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Tenn. America.

Brorsen, A., 844 Thirty-fourth St., Burg, F. M. Lippy Bldg., car. Third
Oakland, Cal. and Columbia Sts., Seattle,
Brouchy, P. M., Calle Belgrano Wash,
1148, Corrientes, Argentina, Burgan, W. L., Takoma Park Sta-
South America. tion, Washington, D. C.
Brown, B. W., 2433 Fifth St., Boul- Burgess, L. J., Morabadi, Ranchi,
der, Colo. India.
Brown, E. A., Box 356, Santa Rosa, Burkholder, H. H., R. F. D. 5, Mt.
Cal. Vernon, Ohio.
Brown, G. G., 2020 I St., Bakers- Burley, S. G., 420 Marion St., Oak
field, Cal. Park, Ill.
Brown, G. M., Searcy, Ark.
Brown, H. F., 1325 North Four- Burns, N. C., 17 Abbott Road,
teenth St., Phoenix, Ariz. Lucknow, India.
Brown, H. S., 411 Cedar St., Tako- Burns, R. J., 902 Colombo St.,
ma Park Station, Washington, Christchurch, New Zealand.
D. C. Burrill, A..0., Route 2, Box 10,
Brown, J. E., no Bernardo, S. P. Chico, Cal.
R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Burroughs, C. T., East Robinson
America. and Rosalind Ave., Orlando, Fla.
Brown, J. L., Casilla 4063, Valpa- Burton, I. B., P. 0. Box 124, Lady-
raiso, Chile, South America. smith, Natal, South Africa.
Brown, M. H., Searcy, Ark. Busch, M., Johannesstr. 96; Stutt-
Brown, R. J., Wang Gia Dun, Han- gart, Germany.
kow, Hupeh, China. Butler, F. J., 17 Abbott Road,
Brown, T. A., Cooranbong, N. S. Lucknow, India.
W., Australia. Butler, Geo., Oshawa, Ontario.
Browne, L. W., 2054 North Hal- Butler, H. 0., Tri-City Sanitarium,
lock St., Kansas City, Kans. Moline, Ill.
Brownlie, John, Room 621, Crutch- Butler, 0. K., 56 Roeland, St.,
er and Starks Bldg., Louisville, Cape Town, South Africa.
Ky. Butler, S. C., 22 Stanley St., Rich-
Brzoson, Th., Prinzenstr. 6, Posen, mond, Victoria, Australia.
Poland, Europe. Butler, S. M., Takoma Park Sta-
Bruck, C., Grindelberg 11, Ham- tion, Washington, D. C.
burg, Germany. Butler, T. M., 142 South Negley
Bryan, B. F., 254 Carroll St., Ta- Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.
koma Park, D. C. Butler, W. A., South Lancaster,
Bryant, R. J., 730 South Twenty- Mass.
second St., Louisville, Ky. Butterfield, C. L., Seoul, Chosen
Buckner, T. B., 6421 Stanford Ave., (Korea).
Detroit, Mich. Butterfield, F. M., Lodi, Cal.
Budd, G. L., Alexandria, Minn. Butterfield, M. B., 112 Tower St.,
Budnick, M., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Kingston, Jamaica, British West
lin-Charl., Germany. Indies.
Buhalts, C. J., 2006 Twenty-fourth Butz, E. S. 46 Hay St., Subiaco,
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Perth, Wes t Australia, Austra-
Bullas, A., 902 Colombo St., Christ- lia.
church, New Zealand. Buzugherian, A., Ottoman Post,
Bunch, F. S., College Place, Wash. Box 109, Galata, Constantinople,
Bunch, T. G., 2006 Twenty-fourth Turkey.
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Bye, Edwin, Manchurian S. D. A.
Burden, J. A., Paradise Valley Mission, Mukden, Manchuria,.
Sanitarium, National City, Cal. China.

B. J., 608 North H St., Carscallen, A. A., Gendia, Kis-

McMinnville, Oregon. umu, British East- Africa, (on
Cady, M. E., 411 Cedar Ave., Tako- furlough).
ma Park Station, Washington, Carswell, W. R., " Mizpah," Wah-
D. C. ronga, N. S. ., Australia.
Calderone, R., Room 602, 32 Union Carter, Howard, Lodi, Cal.
Square, New York, N. Y.
Caldwell, R. A., Cooranbong, N. S. Carter, J. B., 17 Abbott Road,
W., Australia. Lucknow, India.
Calvert, J. M., 14 Irving Place, Carter, R. M., Sao Bernardo, S,
New York, N. Y. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
Camacho, E., 422 Oppenheimer America.
Bldg., San Antonio,Tex. Cartoccio, Pedro, Florida, F. C. C,
Camp, J. H. "Mizpah," Wahroon- A. Buenos Aires, Argentina,
ga, N. S. W., Australia. South America.
Campbell, A. B., 515 South Walnut
Casebeer, G. W., Puiggari, F. C.
St., Wichita, Kans.
Campbell, J. M., 1908 Highland E., Argentina, South America.
Place, Indianapolis, Ind. Castle, Burton, Box 1077, Oklaho-
Campbell, J. R., 6 Engineer's Quar- ma City, Okla.
ters, Tempe, Orange Free State, Castle, C. H., Pacific Union Col-
South Africa. lege, St. Helena, Cal.
Campbell, M. N., Stanborough Catalano, Anthony, 1123 West
Park, Watford, -Herts, England. Harrison St., Chicago, Ill.
Campbell, Paul, 833 East Eighty-
seventh St., Chicago, Ill. Cave, Chas., Hastings Sanitarium,
Capman, H. J., 116 Water St.. Barbados, British West Indies.
Galt, Ontario. Caviness, G. W., 3a Agricultura 21,
Capman, Joseph, 3 Awde St., To- Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
ronto, Ontario. Caviness, L. L., La Ligniere, Gland,
Cardey, E. L., 51 Whitmore St., Switzerland.
Hartford, Conn. Chaffee, P. H., Ethel, Mo.
Cardey, 0. D., 60 Grand Ave.,
Rochester, N. Y. Chaney, J. A., Clarkston, Wash.
Carey, M. W., " Tereora," The Chapman, E., Neyyattinkara, South
Boulevard, Strathfield, N. S. W., Travancore, India.
Australia. Chapman, E. M., 78 Harvard St.,
Carlson, C. A., Stromsburg, Nebr. Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Carlson, F. C., 70 Russell St., Wor- Chapman, J., 157 Shirley Road,
cester, Mass. Southampton, England.
Carlstjerna, C. 0., Gamla Broga-
tan 38, Stockholm, Sweden. Chapman, W., Box 16, Raratonga,
Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Carnes, 0. G., 610 East Rogers St., Chatman,
Valdosta, Ga. A. C., 1607 Illinois St.,
Carr, H. E., Lindsay St., Hamilton, Des Moines,
N. S. W., Australia. Chesson, A. C., 22 Stanley St.,
Carr, E. B., New England Sani- Richmond, Victoria, Australia.
tarium, Melrose, Mass. Chitwood, E. E., 219 Calhoun St.,
Charleston, S. C.
Carr, H. W., 75 Grant St., Port-
land, Me. Chlustin, J., Benedikt ul. 8, Prague
I, Czechoslovakia.
Carr, S. W.. Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Chollar, F. S., Caixa Postal 198,
Pacific Ocean. Bahia Estado da Bahia, Brazil,
Carrington, James, Kimbia, Berbice South America.
River. British Guiana. Christensen, Herbert, Buhl, Minn.

Christian, J. W., Box 146, Glendale, Colton, C. F. Box 814, U. S. Postal

Cal. Agency, Sha nghai, China.
Christian, L. H., Margrethevej 5, Comer, J. M., 3 Wheeler Road,
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Bangalore, South India.
Christiansen, A. G., Akersgaten 74, Cone, A. A., Florida, F. C. C. A.,
Christiania, Norway. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Christman, H. K., Takoma Park America.
Station, Washington, D. C.
Christman, L. E., 322 Jackson Connell, M. A., Lindsay St., Hamil-
Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. - ton, N. S. W., Australia.
Christoffers, J., Grindelberg 11, Connerly, B. E., 634 I St., N. E.,
Hamburg, Germany. Washington, D. C.
Christy, C. M., Lodi, Cal. Conrad, Germano, Itajahy, Santa
Cingolani, F., 2133 Pierce St., De- Catharina, Brazil, South Ameri-
troit, Mich. ca.
Clapp, J. N., Burt, N. Y. Conradi, L. R., Grindelberg 15a,
Clapp, R. B., 60 Grand Ave., Roch- Hamburg, Germany.
ester, N. Y.
Clark, A. J., Box 15, Brookfield, Constandt, R. H., 46 Hay St., Sub-
iaco, Perth, Wrest Australia,
Clark, F. C College View, Nebr. Australia.
Clark, G. H., 200 Columbus Ave., Conway, F. H., Route 2, Box 93.
Trenton, N. J. Vancouver, ash.
Clark, W. H., Nevada, Iowa. Conway, N. H., College Place,
Clarke, G. E., Siang-siu-Seng, Foo- Wash.
chow City, China. Cook, Chyong Mun, Keizan, Chosen
Clarke, H. D., Stanborough Park, (Korea).
Watford, Herts, England.
Clausen, N., Box 1077, Oklahoma Cook, E. L., Box 1123, Pocatello,
City, Okla. Idaho.
Clayton, E. E., Lebanon, N. H. Coon, A. W., Bethel, 'Wis.
Clemens, J. C., 1121 Western Ave., Coon, C. J., Lincklaen Center, N. Y.
Waterloo, Iowa. Coon, M. R., 5700 Hough Ave.,
Clemenson, W. A., 1708 Maple St., Cleveland, Ohio.
Vancouver, British Columbia. Cooper, H. C., Tungshan, Canton,
Cobb, L. W., 202 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., China.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Cooper, J. L., Ooltewah, Tenn.
Cobb, S. M., cor. Peel and Grey
Cooper, T. H., 157 Shirley Road,
Sts., South Brisbane, Queens- Southampton, England.
land, Australia.
Coberly, R. B., Route 5, Caldwell, Coopwood, T. H., 746 Cucharras
St., Colorado Springs, Colo.
Idaho. Copeland, T. S., Box 482, Ashland.
Colcord, I. C., 508 East Everett St.. Wis.
Portland, Oregon. Copertino, N., LaLigniere, Gland,
Cole, C. A., Arlington, Cal. Switzerland.
Cole, C. F., College Place, Wash.
Cole, C. J., North 4207 Whitehouse Coppock, F. W., Stanborough Park,
Watford, Herts, England.
St., Spokane, Wash.
Cole, J. M., Lindsay St., Hamilton, Coppock, Walter, 203 West Frank-
lin St., Clinton, Mo.
N. S. W., Australia.
Corbaley, F. M., 519 Bromley St.,
Cole, V. 0., 2006 Twenty-fourth Marshalltown, Iowa.
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Corder, E. R., Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Collier, E. F., 512 Grant Ave., Wil- Gordis, R. C., Dunstable, Alberta,
mington, Del. Canada.

Corkham, G. V., 3217 Columbia Cubley, W. M., 507 Black Ave.,

Ave., Des Moines, Iowa. South, Bozeman, Mont.
CorliSs, J. 0., 235 North Verdugo Cunha, J. A. M., da, Rua Deodoro,
Road, Glendale, Cal. 19, Rezende, Estado do Rio, Bra-
Cormack, A. W., 84 Jervois Road, zil, South America.
Auckland, New Zealand. Cunill, S. P., 615 North Tenth St.,
Cormack, B., 22 Stanley St., Rich- Phoenix, Ariz.
mond, Victoria, Australia. Cunitz, R. G., Prinzenstr. 6, Posen,
Corwin, 0. J., 422 Oppenheimer Poland, Europe.
Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. Curdy, E. A., Hickory, N. 0.
Cossentine, R. M., Manchurian S. Curdy, J., Oshawa, Ontario.
D. A. Mission, Mukden, Man- Currow, A., 3131 Pasadena Ave.,
churia, China (on furlough). Los Angeles, Cal.
Cotton, A. V., 1539 Haskell Ave., Currow, L., " Tereora," The Boul-
Kansas City, Kans. evard, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
Cottrell, H. W., 508 East Everett tralia.
St., Portland, Oregon. Curtis, C. W., 419 West Eleventh
Cottrell, R. F., Box 523, U. S. Pos- St., Traverse City, Mich.
tal Agency, Shanghai, China (on Curtis, E. A., Route 4, Grand Junc-
furlough). tion, Colo.
Counsell, I. V., 60 Lower Kemen- Curtis, E. H., Route 3, Loveland,
dine Road, Rangoon, Burma. Colo.
Courter, H. F., Box 918, Safford, Curtis, H. T., South Lancaster,
Ariz. Mass.
Covert, J. W., R. F. D. 1, East Cuthbert, W., 157 Shirley Road,
Leroy, Mich. Southampton, England.
Covey, E. E., 136 North Main St.,
Concord, N. H.
Cox, J. E., 261 Garfield Ave., Co-
lumbus, Ohio.
Cozens, B., 902 Colombo St., Christ-
church, New Zealand.
Cozens, H. S., Raiatea, Society Is-
lands, Pacific Ocean.
D MIL, 0. J., 323 Kendall Ave.,
North, Thief River Falls,
Craddock, T. H., 22 Stanley St., Dail, Guy, Pacific Union College,
Richmond, Victoria, Australia. St. Helena, Cal.
Orager, C. P., Casilla 2830, Santi- Dake, U. B., 920 East Sixth St.,
ago, Chile, South America. Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Crammond, J. J., 22 Stanley St., Dangschat, C., Grindelberg 11,
Richmond, Victoria, Australia. Hamburg, Germany.
Crane, I. A., Keene, Tex. Dangschat, R., Grindelberg 11,
Crary, 0. B., 169 Bryan St., At- Hamburg, Germany.
lanta, Ga. Daniel's, A. G., Takoma Park Sta-
Craven, E. E., 17 Jesmond Vale tion, Washington, D. C.
Terrace, Newcastle - on - Tyne, Dart, A. M., Loma Linda, Cal.
England. Dart, C. J., Box 1077, Oklahoma
Crisler, C. C., Box 523, U. S. Pos- City, Okla.
tal Agency, Shanghai, China. Dasent, J. G., 1901Y2 West Chest-
Crisler, L. T., 223 Piedmont Bldg., nut St., Louisville, Ky.
Charlotte, N. C. Davenport, Dr. D. E., Lowanho
Critchlow, J. F., 815 East First Yencheng, Honan, China.
St., Charlotte, N. C. Davies, J. A. B. Coomassie, via
Cruz, Pedro, Apartado 230, Matan- Seccondee, Gold Coast, West
zas, Cuba, West Indies. Africa.

Davis, A. A., 146 Clements St., Pa- Dierking, H., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
ducah, Ky. burg, Germany.
Davis, C. H., S. D. A. Mission, The Dietel, V. E., Calle Besald 32, 1
Island, Changsha, Hunan, China. (San Martin), Barcelona, Spain.
Davis, E. M., Caixa Postal 1830, Dietrich, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, lin-Charl., Germany.
South America. Dietrich, R., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Davis, H. B., Crawford, Nebr. lin-Charl., Germany.
Davis, H. Z., 248 West Twenty- Dillon, I. P., Box 674, Bishop, Cal.
first St., Bellingham, Wash. Diminyatz, Theo., 900 Victoria
Davis, J. W., Berrien Springs, Ave., Regina, Saskatchewan,
Mich. Canada.
Daumichen, R., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Dionisio, Guillermo, 707 Vermont
lin-CI-ma, Germany. St., Manila, Philippine Islands.
Deapen, John, 1112 Kalamath St., Dirksen, H. J., 930 Rodney Ave.,
Denver, Colo. Portland, Oregon.
De'Ath, H. F., Stanborough Park, Dirksen, A. A., Kulm, N. Dak.
Watford, England. Dixon, H. R., S. D. A. Mission.
De Beer, B. P., 56 Roeland St., Kiukiang, Kiangsi, China.
Cape Town, South Africa. Djen, Han Tsung, S. D.. A. Mis-
De Beer, J. N., Somabula Mission, sion, 17 Gao Lou Men, Nanking,'
Gwelo, Rhodesia, South Africa. Ku., China.
Debreczenyi, J., Greguss utca 10, Dominski, J. A., 2822 West Wash-
foldz. 2, Budapest I, Hungary. ington Blvd., Chicago, Ill.
Decker, H. W., 1075 Gladys Ave., Domnick, G., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Long Beach, Cal. lin-Charl., Germany.
DeLange, S. W., Glendale Mission, Donaldson, S., Oshawa, Ontario.
Victoria, Southern Rhodesia, Doolittle, H. J., S. D. A. Mission,
South Africa. 17 Gao Lou Men, Nanking, Ku.,
Delgado, Benito, 3a Agricultura China (on furlough).
21, Tucubaya, D. F., Mexico. Dorcas, J. W., Nevada, Iowa.
Delhove, D. E., Ruanda S. D. A. Borland, O. M., 157 Shirley Road.
Mission, Lake Kivu, Belgian East Southampton, England.
Africa. Dorner, A., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Demetrescu, St., Str. Casa Apelor Chad., Germany.
20, Focsani, Rumania. Ddrre, F., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Denslow, 0. L., Box 312, Decatur, Charl., Germany.
Ala. Dougherty, W. P., 616 Henson
Detamore, F. A., 399 Upper Ser- Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn.
angoon Road, Singapore, Straits Dow, 0. A., Craig, Colo.
Settlements. Dowsett, R. T., 123 Willow Ave.,
Detwiler, H. J., Academy, Mt. Ver- Takoma Park Station, Wash-
non, Ohio. ington, D. C.
De Vinney, F. H., 4a Mody Road, Drangmeister, H., Grindelberg 11,
Kowloon, Hongkong, China. Hamburg, Germany.
Dexter, H. H., 910 Laguna St., San Dressler, F., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Francisco, Cal. lin-Charl., Germany.
Dick, E. Du Lacombe, Alberta, Drews, Louis, 319 South Thirteenth
Canada. St., Baltimore, Md.
Dickson, L. K., 508 East Everett Drinhaus, Paul, Eifelstrasse 95,
St., Portland, Oregon. Bonn, Germany.
Dieffenbacher, J. R., 537 Twenty- Du, Fu Dzu, Lowanho, Yencheng,
fifth St., Oakland, Cal. Honan, China.

Dudley, Frank, 542 Beech St., Lan- Elliott, W. P., Box 55, Grand
sing, Mich. Rapids, Mich.
Dunham, Chas., R. F. D. 2, Middle- Elliott. W. R., 703 South Gallatin
town, Conn. St., Jackson, Miss.
Dunn, N. W., Keene, Tex. Ellis, Clyde, 506 Spring St., Peoria,.
Thuolf, G., Johannestr. 96, Stutt-
gart, Germany. Ells, L. H., College Place, Wash.
Durr, F., Johannesstr. 96, Stutt- Emery, R. T., College View, Nebr.
gart, Germany Emery, W. D., R. F. D. 3, Box 84,.
Durrant, A. N., R. F. D. 2, Box Longmont, Colo.
341, Elizabeth, N. J. Emmerson, E. H., Loma Linda,.
Dwehus, C., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin- Cal.
Charl., Germany. Engen, B. 0., Deer River, Minn.
Dyason, A. J., 84 Cashell St., Englert, P., Neuestrasse 23, Tes-
Christchurch, New Zealand. chen, East Silesia, Poland, MI-
Dye, E. H., Galax, Va. rope.
Dzik, F., Neuestrasse 23, Teschen, Enoch, Geo. F., 17 Abbott Road,.
East Silesia, Poland, Europe. Lucknow, India.
Enriquez, Isaac, 707 Vermont St._
Manila, Philippine Islands.
Enseleit, E., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
lin-Charl., Germany.
Erikson, J. M., Brookfield, Ill.
E ASTMAN, W. W., Takoma
Park Station,. Washington, D.
Ernst, Julio, Neuva Helvecia, Uru-
guay, South America.
C. . Ernston, N. C., 106 East Fourth
Edmed, H. J., 157 Shirley Road, St., Albany, Oregon.
Southampton, England. Errington, J. T., Kaslo, British Co-
Edwards, A. V., 537 Twenty-fifth
St., Oakland, Cal. Erzberger, H., Box 109, Galata..
Edwards, C. H., 317 East D St.,
Constantinople, Turkey.
Ontario, Cal. Evans, I. H., Box 523, U. S. Pos-
Edwardson, C., 2628 East Twen- tal Agency, Shanghai, China.
ty-second St., Minneapolis, Minn.
Ehlers, E. C., Sao Bernardo, S. P. Evans, N. G., Loma Linda, Cal.
R.. Sao Paulo Brazil, South Evans, Thomas, 1 Howick
Ottawa, Ontario.-
America. Evelyn, A. J., 224 South Main St.,.
Ehlers. W.. Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin- . Danville, Va.
Charl., Germany. Everson, C. T., 2501 East Twenty-
Ehrhardt, D. D., 6205 South Lin-
coln St., Chicago, Ill. fifth St., Kansas City, Mo.
Eicher, D., KaiseraAlee 19, Karls-
ruhe i. B.. Germany.
Eichman. G. F., 1008 Locust St.,
Alva, Okla. FAIRCHILD, F. M., Stout, Ohio-
Fattic, G. R., Berrien Springs,
Einspieler, F., Tizianstr. 35, Mu- Mich.
nich, Germany. Farley, R. F., 205 Duncan Ave.,
Elias, E. R., 17 Jesmond Vale Ter- Norfolk, Va.
race, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng- Farman, H. J., Amherst, N. H.
land. Fernstrom, K. A., Gamla Broga-
Ellingworth, G. A., Malamulo tan 38, Stockholm, Sweden.
Mission, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Farnsworth, E. W., Pacific Union
British Central Africa. College, St. Helena, Cal.
Elliott, H. T., Berrien Springs, Farrell, C. R., Lindsay St., Hamil-
Mich. ton, N. S. W., Australia.

Fattebert, Dr. Carlos, Misamis, Follett, Orno, Lake Grove, Thoreau,

Misamis, Mindanao, Philippine N. Mex.
Islands. Ford, C. E., 223 Piedmont Bldg.,
Patting, R., Uhlandstr. 189, Ben- Charlotte, N. C.
lin-Charl., Germany. Ford, Orley, Pomata, Peru, South
Fawer, Emil, rue Nicolas Roret, 1, America.
Paris, XIIIe, France.
Tedderson, Hugo, Grindelberg 11, Foreman, W. C., Nevada, Iowa.
Hamburg, Germany. Forshaw, W. G., Stanborough
Teter, J., rue Edel 15, Strasbourg, Park, Watford, Herts, England.
Alsace, France. Fortier, Josaphat, 693 La Salle St.,
Fenner, H., Grindelberg 11, Ham- Montreal, Quebec.
burg, Germany. Fortune, W. E., 237 South Thir-
Fernandez, M. L., Aguadilla, Por- teenth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
to Rico.
-Fero, D. T., Route A, Box 239, Foster, C. J., Apartado 230, Ma-
Lodi, Cal. tanzas, Cuba, West Indies.
Terris, A. H., Lord Howe Island, Foster, J. C., Darby, Mont.
Australia. Foster, P. G., 84 Jervois Road,
Ferris, E. F., 831 South Twentieth Auckland, New Zealand.
St., Terre Haute, Ind. Frank, 0. F., 1531 North Fifteenth
Terris, J. 0., Romeo, Mich. St., Birmingham, Ala.
Field, F. W., Ooltewah, Tenn. Franklin, E. E., South Lancaster.
Field; T. W., Keene, Tex. Mass.
Fillman, Ezra, Ketchum, Okla. Franklin, E. G., R. R. 6, Hagers-
Finster, L. V., 707 Vermont, St., ville, Ontario.
Manila, Philippine Islands. Frauchiger, E. E., Dr. Dietrich-
Fintel, 01. v., Grindelberg 11, gasse 3, Troppau, Czechoslova-
Hamburg, Germany. kia.
Fischer, J. K., Scottsbluff, Nebr. French, A. F., R. F. D., Arpin; Wis.
Fish, H. A., 612 South Second St., French, H. B., Keene, Tex.
Clinton, Mo. French, R. E., 3869 Rhodes Ave.,
Fish, J. K., Olds, Alberta, Canada. Portsmouth, Ohio.
Fishell, E. M., Oshawa, Ontario, French, T. M., Berrien Springs,
Canada. Mich.
Fisher, C. W., Fernwood Academy, French, W. R., Oshawa, Ontario,
Tunesassa, N. Y. Canada.
Fitch, D. D., Apartado 136, Cara- Freund, G., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
cas, Venezuela, South America. Charl., Germany.
Flaiz, C. W., College Place, Wash. Friedrich, T. II., 520 North Lake
Flaiz, T. R., 3 Wheeler Road, Ban- St., Miles City, Mont.
galore, India. Fries, R. S., 60 Grand Ave., Roch-
Flaiz, W. C., College Place, Wash. ester, N. Y.
Fleck, K., Pragerstrasse 36, Tep- Froom, L. E., Box 856, U. S. Postal
litz-Schonau, Czechoslovakia. Agency, Shanghai, China.
Fletcher, Hubert, Riversdale, Ja- Frost, S. L., Box 523, U. S. Postal
maica, British West Indies. Agency, Shanghai, China.
Fletcher, W. W., 17 Abbott Road, " Fuller, C. W., Drawer 1304, Fresno,
Lucknow, India. Cal.
Fletcher, J. M., Broadwater, Nebr. Fulton, J. E., 17 Abbott Road,
Folkenberg, C. F., 537 Twenty- Lucknow, India. -
fifth St., Oakland, Cal. Fm-nival, IL F., 184 Pacific St.,
Folkenberg, L. E., Route 1, Box Bridgeport, Conn. (on furlough
73n, San Diego, Cal. from India,)

CIAEDE, G. P., 630 Twenty- Giddings, H. E., 1426 Young St.,

second St., Milwaukee, 'Wis. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Gaede, J. P. 342 Miller St., Mt. Giddings; Philip, 31 Alexander
Oliver Station, Pittsburgh, Pa. Isaac, Pointe-a-Pitre, Guade-
Gant, K. L., 3 Awde St., Toronto, loupe, French West Indies.
Ontario. Gidlund, C., Annegatan 33, Hel-
Garcia, J. 0., Box 1290, Phoenix,
singfors, Finland.
Garcia, V. J., Calle Besalii 32, 1 Giebel, 0., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
(San Martin), Barcelona, Spain. burg, Germany.
Gardiner, J. P., Eli, Nebr. Gilbert, A. C., 202 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg.,
Gardner, E. E., 304 North Boyle Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Ave., os Angeles, Cal. Gilbert, F. C., South Lancaster,
Gardner, R. C., Holly, Mich. Mass.
Garrett, R. U., Berrien Center,
Gillatt, J. D., 157 Shirley Road,
Mich. Southampton, England.
Garton, B. M., 99 D St., Central
Gillis, W., 84 Jervois Road, Auck-
City, Nebr. land, New Zealand.
Gassmann, F., Grindelberg 11,
Gillis, W. E., 399 Upper Serangoon
Hamburg, Germany.
Road, Singapore, Straits Settle-
Gates, E. H., Euclid Ave., Mon- ments.
rovia, Cal. Girou, A. J., Avenue van Becelaere
Gates, E. M., 604 South Seventh
St., Waco, Tex. 56, Boisfort, Brussels, Belgium.
Gauger, W., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Gjording, H. G., Box 909, Ogden,
lin-Charl., Germany. Utah.
Gjording, J. G., Box 856, U. S.
Gauger, H. G., 237 South Thir- Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
teenth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Gauterau, F. D., West Fairview, Glass, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Pa. Charl., Germany.
Gay, H. R., 114 St. Louis Ave., Glendrange, G. T., Crawford, Nebr.'
Fort Worth, Tex. Glette, Dr., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Gaylord, 0. F., care Madison Sani- Charl,, Germany.
tarium, Madison, Wis. Onlidjin, M., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Geier, G., Dr. Dietrichgasse 3, lin-Charl., Germany.
Troppau, Czechoslovakia. Code, P., Bismarkring 29, III,
Geisler, A., Zakatna 3-7, Warsaw, Wiesbaden, Germany.
Poland, Europe. Godfrey, T., Concordia, Kans.
Gemon, H. N., 1524 East Duval Goetting, F., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
St., Jacksonville, Fla. lin-Charl., Germany.
George, W. A., Loma Linda, Cal. Golzer, K., Weberstr. 56, I, Frank-
George, G. C., Shelton, Nebr. furt a. M., Germany.
Gerber, Robert, LaLigniere, Gland, Goodrich, H. C., Apartado 230, Ma -
Switzerland. tanzas, Cuba, West Indies.
Gibbs, C. R., 809 Main St., Malden Gordon, L. 0., 1110 Glenwood Ave.,
48, Mass. Youngstown, Ohio.
Gibbs, P. T., 123 South Eighth St., Gosmer, W. A., R. F. D. 3, Love-
Grand Junction, Colo. land, Colo.
Giblett, E., Niue Island, Pacific Goude, A. G., Harvey, N. Dak.
Ocean. Govett, R., " Tereora," The Boule-
Gibson, F. E., Bridgeton, N. J. vard, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
Gibson, L. A., College, Place, Wash. Graf, H. F., 11503 Headley Ave.,
Gibson, 0. J., Box 523, U. S. Postal Cleveland, Ohio.
Agency, Shanghai, China. Graf, 0. J., Loma Linda, Cal.

Graham, H. L., S. D. A. Mission, Gruber, F., Tizianstr. 35, Munich,

Tsinanfu, Shangdung, China. Germany.
Graham, J. E., 2846 West Sixty- Grundset, Anol, 2718 Third Ave.,
first St., Seattle, Wash. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Graham, L. W., Takoma Park Sta- Grundset, Henry, Margrethevej 5,
a D. C. Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Gram, H. P., 186 Benton St., Hart- Grundset, 0. J., Manchurian S. D.
ford, Conn. A. Mission, Mukden, Manchuria,
Grand Pre, L. L., 1710 Twelfth China.
St., Des Moines, Iowa. Guderian, Fred, 312 Ninth Ave.,
Grandy, B. M., Granger, Wash. East, Prince Albert, Saskatche-
Grant, C. E. Stigler, Okla. wan, Canada.
Grant, N.200 Columbus Ave., Guenin, J. C., LaLigniere,
Trenton, N?. J. Switzerland.
Grauer, G. A., Route B, Box 135b, Gugel, E., Felsenbergstr. 324, See-
Modesto, Cal. bach-Ziirich, Germany.
Gray, H. P., 3561 Montclair Ave., Guild, M. C., 820 Twelfth St., Mil-
Detroit, Mich. waukee, is.
Greaves, R. S., poste restante, Guilford, H. S., Chesaning, Mich.
Athens, Greece. Guilliard, E. H., 6 Dehi Serampore
Green, H. A., Boulder-Colorado Road, Entally, Calcutta, India.
Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo. Gulbrandson, David, Gimli, Mani-
Green, J. A. P., La Ligniere, Gland, toba.
Switzerland. Guldhanuner, A., Margrethevej 5,
Green, J. S., 43 Vanderhorst St., Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Charleston, S. C. Guthrie, Wm., Berrien Springs,
Green, W. H., Takoma Park Sta- Mich.
tion, 'Washington, D. C.; or 5740 Guyot, A., La Ligniere, Gland,
Thirtieth St., Detroit, Mich. Switzerland.
Greene, II. D., 3702 Harrisburg
Blvd., Houston, Tex.
Greene, Reuben, 900 State St., St.
Joseph, Mich. 141BENICHT, R. H., Puiggari,
Greiner, F. P., S. D. A. Mission, F. C. E., Argentina, South
Wenchow, Chekiang, China. America.
Gregorius, Fr., Weberstr. 56, I, Hackman, E. F., First Nat'l Bank
Frankfurt a. M., Germany. Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Grellmann, F., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Hadley, 0. S., 1803 College Ave.,
lin- Charl., Germany. Indianapolis, Ind.
,Grieser, F. C., Kaiserallee 19,
Hagemann, F., Tizianstr. .35, Mu-
Karlsruhe i. B., Germany. nich, Germany.
'Grieser, J. F., Bismarkring 29, III, Hagen, A. E., 1112 Kalamath St.,
Wiesbaden, Germany. Denver, Colo.
Griffin, H. ay, Gentry, Ark. Hagle, Byron, Rockford, Mich.
Griggs, Frederick, Berrien Springs, Hagman, Mark, 2833 North Ninth
Mich. St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Grin, M., La Ligniere, Gland, Hale, D. U., 136 North Main St.,
Switzerland. Concord, N. H.
Groenewald, D. H., care Interna- Hall, Frank, Christiansted, St.
tional Tract Society, Stranack Croix, Virgin Islands, U. S. A.
St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Hall, H. H., Takoma Park Sta-
Africa. . tion, Washington, D. C.
Grossmann, R., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Hall, 0. A., Box 814, U. S. Postal
lin-Charl., ermany. Agency, Shanghai, China.

Hall, 0. B., Holly, Mich. Hanson, A. C., Box 814, U. S.

Hall, W. A., Stanborough Park, Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Watford, Herts, England. Hanson, D. H., 98 Penacook St.,
Halliday, F. W., Box 803, Hunts- Manchester, N. H.
ville, Ala. Hanson, P. A., 1118 Military St.,
Hailaday, H. K., 537 Twenty-fifth Roseburg, Oregon.
St., Oakland, Cal. Hanson, P. C., 645 First Ave., Ot-
Halliwell, L. B., 2019 Division St., tawa, Ill.
Fort Madison, Iowa. Hanson, P. M., 700 Woodward
Halsvick, L., 1035 Seventy-fourth Ave., Chippewa Falls, V/is.
St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Harder, A. C., Hanna, Alberta,
Ham, A. L., Tungshan, Canton, Canada.
China (on furlough). Harder, J. C., Harvey, N. Dak.
Hamara, E., Box 482, Ashland, Harding, I. W., S. D. A. Mission,
Wis. Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West
Hambrock, F., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Africa.
lin-Charl., Germany. Hardt, W. F:,. Siguatepeque, Hon-
Hamilton, G. A., 60 Lower Kem- duras, Central America.
endine Road, Rangoon, Burma.
Hammond, T. W., " Mizpah," Wah- Hare, E. B., Kamamaung, Post
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Office Shwegon, via Moulmein,
Hampton, J. B., Box 536, Laredo, . Burma.
Tex. Hare, M. M., 333 West Colorado
Hancock, R. W., 1415 Twelfth St., St., Eagle Rock City, Cal.
Augusta, Ga. Hare, Robert, " Mizpah," Wah-
Hancock, . E., Calle Besalit 32, roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
1 (San Martin), Barcelona, Hare, R. A., 2229 Chapel St.,
Spain. Berkeley, Cal.
Hanhardt, J. G., Route 5, Caldwell,
Idaho. Hare, R. E., " Tereora," The Boule-
Hankins, F. E., 411 Cedar St., Ta- vard, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
koma Park Station, Washington, tralia.
D. C. Hare, S. T., Box 541, Hilo, Hawaii.
Hankins, I. J.,Cape Sanitarium, E., Fe Isenbergstr. 324
Plumstead, ape, South Africa. Seebach-Zfirich, Germany.
Hankins, W. C., Kulangsu, Amoy, Harker, H. C., 46 Hay St., Subiaco,
China. Perth, West Australia.
Hanna, J. G., 200 Columbus Ave., Harker, J., Stanborough Park,
Trenton, N. J. Wato rd, Herts, England.
Hannah, W. C., Nevada, Iowa. Harlow, Geo., Box 523, U. S. Postal
Hansen, H., 111 Alabama St., Bel- Agency, Shanghai, China.
lingham. Wash. Harris, F. J., R. F. D. 1, Cadillac,
Hansen, C. A. care College, La- Mich.
combe, Alberta, Canada. Harris, J. C., Coleman, Mich.
Hansen, C. Avery, College Place, Harris, W. J., 62 Ta Fang Chia
Wash. Hutung, Peking, China.
Hansen, L. A., Takoma Park Sta- Harrison, A. F., 411 Baum Bldg.,
tion, Washington, D. C. Oklahoma City, Okla.
Hansen, Nicolas, Calle Arenal 2535, Harter, F. A., 402 Champion Ave.,
Montevideo, Urugua y. Sou th Huntington, W. Va.
America. Harter, R. E., 115 Carroll Ave.,
Hansen. N. P., Margrethevej., 5, Takoma Park Station, Washing-
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. ton, D. C.

Hartwell, H. C., 203 West Frank- Helligso, M. N., 314 North Twenty-
lin St., Clinton, Mo. seventh Ave., Omaha, Nebr.
Hartwell, S. D., 679 Holly Ave., Hellman, V. R., 1949 North Rich-
St: Paul, Minn. mond Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Harvey, L. R., cor. Peel and Grey Hendershot, V. E., 399 Upper S'e-
Sts., South Brisbane, Queens- rangoon Road, Singapore, Strait.=
land, Australia. Settlements.
Haskell, S. N., South Lancaster, Henderson, F. H., 724 Ferguson
Mass. Ave., Dayton, Ohio.
Haughey, K. R., 169 Bryan St., Henriques, E. C., Kingstown, St.
Atlanta, Ga. Vincent, British West Indies.
Haughey, S. G., 157 Shirley Road, Herbert, W., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
Southampton, England. burg, Germany.
Hawkins, Mrs. E. F., 207 Bridge- Herman, P. H., Strade Turturele
man St., Muscatine, Iowa. 8, Bukharest, Rumania.
Hawkins, G. R., 207 Bridgeman Herrell, H. IV., Oakton, Va.
St., Muscatine, Iowa. Hershberger, 0. S., Box 8, Mt. Ver-
Hawley, V. D., Oak Park Academy, non, Ohio.
Nevada, Iowa.
Hay, R. E., Vigan, Ilocos Sur, Phil- Hersum, S. J., R. F. D. 3, Gorham,
ippine Islands. Me.
Hayes, E. G., 2408 First Ave., Herwick, P. G., Box 482, Ashland,
South, Minneapolis, Minn. Wis.
Hayes, W. H. Gainesville, Fla. Herwick, 0. W., Juneau, Alaska.
Haynes, C. B., 322 Convent Ave., Hiatt, H. M., Anoka, Minn.
New York, N. Y. Hibbard, E. J., 2024 East Couch
Haynes, J. D., Florida, F. C. C. A., St., Portland, Oregon.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Hibben, Fenton, 2807 Commercial
America. St., Chicago Heights, Ill.
Haynes, M. G., 1112 Kalamath St., Hickman, N. R., 405 North Tenth
Denver, Colo. St., Fort Smith, Ark.
Haynes, S. R., Cedar Lake, Mich. Hickman, T. J., Box 394, Elk City,
Haysmer, A. J., 1920 Feronia Ave., Okla.
St. Paul, Minn. Hicks, H. H., Reed City, Mich.
Hayward, P. C., 260 Washington Hilgert, W. T., Lebanon, Oregon.
Bldg., Madison, Wis. Hill, H. A., Box 16, Raratonga,
Head; C., 116 Grote St., Adelaide, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean.
South Australia, Australia. Hill, Oscar, College Place, Wash.
Heald, B. M., Room 6, Mann Bldg., Hilliard, E., 1431 Thomas St., St.
Utica, N. Y. Paul, Minn.
Healey, W. M., 667 Eighteenth St., Hilmer, F., Weberstr. 56, I, Frank-
San Diego, Ca]. furt a. M., Germany.
Heckman, W. H., First Nat'l Bank Hindson, J., " Tereora," The Boule-
Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. vard, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
Heide, J. J., 157 Shirley Road, tralia.
Southampton,England. Hinz, A., Ublandstr. 189, Berlin-
Hein, C. D., Okene, Okla. Charl., Germany.
Hellestrand, 0. V., Apia, Samoa, Hirlinger, J. IV., Hot Springs, S.
Pacific Ocean. Dak.
Helleraas, 0. T., Margrethevej 5, Hiten, S. G., Parijs, Orange Free
Copenhagen, ., Denmark. State, South Africa.
Helligso, A. E., 728 Kansas Ave., Hmelevsky, George, S. D. A. Mis-
Topeka, Kans. sion, Tsinanfu, Shandung,

Hodgson, W., Inyazura. Mission, Howard, E. M., Bethel Mission,

Inyazura Siding, via Salisbury, Butterworth, Cape, South Afri-
Rhodesia, South Africa. ca.
Hofstra, J. W., Box 409, Holland, Howard, E. P., Casilla 44, Quito,
Mich. Ecuador, South America, (on fur-
Hoffman, J. H., 981 Bradley St., lough).
St. Paul, Minn. Howard, H. H., College View,
Hoffman, B. P., 171 Amanuma, Nebr.
Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun, Howe, B. L., Corcoran, Cal.
Tokyo, Japan.
Howe, W. 0., 75 Grant St., Port-
Hoffmann, W., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- land, Me.
lin-Charl., Germany.
Howell, C. G., 226 Hill St., Mc-
Holbrook, J. A., 4023 Twelfth Ave., Minnville, Tenn.
Northeast, Seattle, Wash.
Howell, J. M., Puiggari, F. C. E.,
Holbrook, W. R., Pacific Union Col- Argentina, S'otith America.
lege, St. Helena, Cal.
Howell, W. F.., Takoma Park Sta-
Holbrook, W. S., Box 66, Port of tion, Washington, D. C.
Spain. Trinidad, British West
Indies. Howse. H. T., Apia, Upolo, Samoa,
Pacific Ocean.
Holden, W. II., 304 West Allen St., Hoxie, F. H., 203 West Franklin
Springfield, Ill. St., Clinton, Mo.
Hollister, M. A., 322 Jackson Hpo Ma, David, 60 Lower Kern-
Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. endine. Road, Rangoon. Burma.
Holloway, C. B., Box 422, Laurel, Hubbard, G., 116 Grote St., Ade-
Miss. laide, South Australia, Australia.
Holman, G. W., Elkins, W. Va. Hubbard, T. F., Hyde FerrY Pike
Hoist. A. E., 1226 Jamison Ave., and Twenty-fourth Ave., North,
S. E., Roanoke, Va. Nashville, Tenn.
Holt, C. A., Takoma Park, D. C. Hubley, R. A., 17 Abbott Road,
Hommel, F. L. Bowness Park, Al- Lucknow, India.
berta, Canada. Huenergardt, J. F., 64 East 122d
Hooper, T. J. 918 Washington St., St., New York, N: Y.
Little Rock, Ark.. .T-Iu.ffman, B. E.. College View,
Hoopes. L. A., care Sanitarium, Nebr.
Hinsdale, Ill. Huffman, M. G., Loma Linda, Cal.
Hoover, H. L., Estancia, N. Mex. Hufnagel, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Hopkins, E. B., 817 Sixth Ave., N. lin-Charl., Germany.
W., Ardmore, Okla. Hughes, Alton, Box 1077, Oklaho-
Hopkins, Everett Byron, 203 West ma City, Okla..
Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. Hughes, C. B., Loma Linda, Cal.
Horn, P.,- Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin- Humann, H. H., Drawer N, James-
Charl. Germany. town, N. Dak.
Horner, 'R., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin- Humphrey, J. K., 141 West 131st
Chad., Germany. St., New York, N. Y.
Horton, S. B., 1211 March St., Huntley, E. H., Gen. Del., Shreve-
Kalamazoo, Mich. port, La.
Hosford, Grant, Ionia. Mich. Hurdon, W. J., Mandeville, Jamai-
Hottel, R. D., New Market, Va. ca, British West Indies.
House, B. L., College, St. Helena, Hurlow, W. II., 56 Roeland St.,
Cal. Cape Town, South Africa.
Howard, C. A., 516 Ohio St., Lex- ku St., Honolulu, Hawaii. .
ington, Ky. Hutchinson, L. L., 1112 Keeaumo-

Hyatt, W. L., Stranack St., Pie- Jacques, S. G., Minand 6 Jo, Nishi
termaritzburg, Natal, South Af- 11 Chome. Sapporo, Japan.
rica. Jacobs, J. T., 324 East Front St.,
Hyatt, W. S., Stranack St., Pie- Missoula, Mont.
termaritzburg, Natal, South Af- Jacobsen, E. C., Box 803, Hunts-
rica. ville, Ala.
Hyde, G.. 17 Jesmond Vale Ter- Jakobsen, Valdemar, Margreth-
race, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng- vej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark_
land. James, E. H.. S. D. A. Mission,
Hyder, R., Wismar, Demerara Kiukiang, Kiangsi, China.
River, British Guiana, South James, Dr. II. C.. Lowanho, Yen-
America. eheng, Honan, China.
Hyok, Kim Ku, Soonan, Chosen James, J. R., Atchin, New Hebri-
(Korea). des, Pacific Ocean.
Hysler, A., eon Peel and Grey Ste., James, J. S. Takoma Park Sta-
South Brisbane, Queensland. tion, Washington, D. C.
Australia. James, W. H., Warburton, Victo-
ria, Australia.
Janert, A. 0., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
lin-Charl., Germany.
I Dju Dzi, S. D. A. Mission, Sian- Jayne, J. E., Room 602, 32 Union
In, Shensi, China. Square, New York, N. Y.
Ice, 0. L., 1211 March St., Kalama- Jeffrey, E. W. H., Hospital Hill,
zoo, Mich. Umtata, Cape, South Africa.
Immonen, R., Townsend, Mass. Jelen, K., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Imrie, L. J., " Tereora," The Boule- Charl., Germany.
vard, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- Jenks, G. C., Rosmead Ave., Kenil-
tralia. worth, Cape, South Africa.
Ingham, H. IV., Memramcook, New Jensen, C. C., Bismarck, N. Dak.
Brunswick. Jensen, J. P. U., Margrethevej 5,
Innis, C. F., 1100 North Harris St., Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Hanford, Cal. Jenson, Harvey, Drawer 586, Wa-
Irwin, C. W., Pacific Union Col- tertown, S. Dak.
lege, St. Helena, Cal. Jeys, T. H., Redfield, S. Dak.
Irwin, J. J., 523 Beaser Ave., Ash- Jewll
, F. B., Private Bag, Broken
land, Wis. Hill, Northern Rhodesia, South
Isaac, F. R., care Clinton Semi- Africa.
nary, Clinton, Mo. Jochmans, Fr., Avenue van Bece-
Isaac, John, 420 Stanton St., Port- laere 56, Boisfort, Brussels, Bel-
land, Oregon. gium.
Isaac, M. N., Box 40, Cape Haitien, Johanson, J. M., Warburton, Vic-
Haiti, West Indies. toria, Australia.
Ising, W. C., Margrethevej 5, Co- Johanson, W. 0., " Mizpah," Wah-
penhagen, V., Denmark. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Israel, M. C., Oakdale, Cal. John, 0. M., Takoma Park Sta-
Iverson, Paul, Forest Grove, Ore- tion, Washington, D. C.
gon. John, W., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
burg, Germany.
Johns, V. J.,1416 South Grant St.,
Denver, olo.
'pCKSON, F. S., Stanborough Johnson, Adolph, Turlock, Cal.
Park, Watford, Herts, England. Johnson, A. E., Enterprise, Kans.
Jackson, S. E., P. 0. Box 813, Ma- Johnson, C., 508 East Everett St.,
nila, Philippine Islands. Portland, Oreg.

Johnson, Chas., Milton Junction, Jorgensen, L. 0., 617 State St.,

Wis. Madison, Wis.
Johnson, Fred, 508 East Everett Jornado, Fausto Box 334, La Paz,
St., Portland, Oregon. Iloilo, Panay, 'Philippine Islands.
Joseph, G. S., Warburton, Victoria,
Johnson, F. A., Lodi, Cal. Australia.
Johnson, Geo., 357 Euclid Ave., Joyce,. C. S.. Box 217, St. John's,
Youngstown, Ohio. Newfoundland.
Johnson, G. E., R. F. D. 2, Battle Joyce, S., Trainview, Moira, Coun-
Ground, Wash. ty Down, Ireland.
Johnson, H. R., Hutchinson, Minn. Judge, B., 24 van Heutz Straat,
Koepang, Sourabaya, J a v a,
Johnson, J. B., Box 83, Port Li- Dutch ast Indies.
mon, Costa Rica, Central Ameri- Jutzy, J. J., 426 Spadina CreScent,
ca. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Can-
Johnson, J. D., Brookfield, Ill. ada.
Johnson, L., 3022 West Sixty-sec-
ond St., Seattle, Wash.
Johnson, L. E., Ringgold, Nebr.
Johnson, 0. A., College Place,
Johnson, Randall, 1726 Scovel St., K sion,
kK k, M D , Emmanuel Mis-
Leribe, Basutoland,
Nashville, Tenn. South AfriCa.
Johnson, S. P., 219 Ming St., War- Kalbermatter, Ignacio, Casino.
rensburg, Mo. 1002, Lima, Peru, South Amer-
Johnson, W. A., 537 Twenty-fifth ica. -
St., Oakland, Cal. Kapitz, C., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
Johnson, W. J., Glendale Sanita- burg,: Germany.
rium, Glendale, Cal. Kapitz, O., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Johnston, F. W., 304 I. 0. 0. F. Charl., Germany.
Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Kapusta, St., Neuestrasse. 23, Tes-
Johnston, H. A., Ooltewah, Tenn. ellen, East Silesia, Poland, Eu-
Jones, E. A., 1 Howick Place, Ot- rope. . 1
tawa, Ontario. Kasa, J. W., 2408 Central Park
Jones, G. E., 17 Abbott Road, Ave., Chicago, Ill. -
Lucknow, India. Kauble, N. W., Lodi, Cal.
Jones, G. F., " Mizpah," Wahroon- Kay, J. L., R. F. D. 2, Gaston, Ore-
ga, N. S. W., Australia. gon.
Jones, J. K., South Lancaster, Keate, R. I., Room 621, Crutcher
Mass. and Starks Bldg., Louisville, Ky.
Jones, L. W., 84 Jervois Road, Keh, Nga Pit, Kulangsu, Amoy,
Auckland, New Zealand. China.
Jones, M.. Hot Springs, Ark. Keh, N. K., Kulangsu, Amoy,
Jones, 0. E., 115 West Garfield St., China.
Glendale, Cal. Keitts, F. S., 1327 Main St., Vicks-
.Joni, Lui, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, burg, Miss. -
Pacific Ocean. Kelemen, St., Baiergasse 72, Seghi-
Jonuleit, K., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- soars (Schilssliurg), Rumania.
lin-Charl., Germany. Kellar, C. C., S. D. A. Mission, Kar-
Jordahl, Ole, Akersgaten 74, Chris- matar, E. I. R., India (on fur-
tiana, Norway. lough).
Jordan, Edgar, 1412 West Walnut Kelle, 0., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
St., Louisville, Ky. burg, Germany..
Jorgensen, N. M. 604 Jefferson Kelley, H. M., 1230 Courtlandt St.,
St., Muskegon Hei ghts, Mich, Houston, Tex.

Kellman, S. E., Apartado 230, Ma- Kirk, H. F., 411 Cedar Ave., Ta-
tanzas, Cuba, West Indies. koma Park Station,. Washing-
Kellogg, M. G., 521 Brown St., ton, D. C.
Healdsburg, Cal. Kirkham, Walter, Box 1077, Ok-
Kent, A. W., cor. Peel and Grey lahoma City, Okla.
Sts., South Brisbane, Queens- Kirkelykke, L. J., Margrethevej
land, Australia. 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Kent, H. A., 116 Grote St., Ade- Kite, C. R., Route 3, Loveland,
laide, South Australia, Aus- Colo.
tralia. Kittle, 0. M., 855 Nineteenth St.,
Moline, Ill.
Kent, I. L., Swatow, Kwangtung, Kitto, R. H., 426 Spadina Cres-
China. cent, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Kent, J. W., 22 Stanley St., Rich- Klement, A., Aidustr. 7, Oberpalen,
mond, Victoria, Australia. Esthonia, Europe.
Keough, Geo., 8 Sharia Naseruddin Klepe, Jon , Route 4, Warren,
el Shikhi, Bulak, Cairo, Egypt. Ohio.
Kephart, H. C., Box M, Cristo- Klingbeil, R. G., Fultonstr. 205,
bal, Canal Zone, Panama. Islands.
The Hague, Holland.
Kern, M. E., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. Klose, J. C., Keizan, Chosen.
Kloss, W., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Keslake, C. H., 112 Tower St., Charl., Germany.
Kingston, Jamaica, British West Kneeland, B. F., 616 Henson Bldg.,
Indies. Knoxville, Tenn.
Kessel, F., Vodna ul. 2, Kaschau, Kneeland, W. G., Massau, Bahama
Czechoslovakia. Islands.
Khalil, Ibrahim el, in Syria. Knight, A. W., Cannel, West Aus-
Kilgore, J. S., Box 719, Boise, tralia, Australia.
Idaho. . Knight, C. E., Calle Besalfi 32, 10
Killen, W. L., Graysville, Tenn. (San Martin), Barcelona, Spain.
Kim, N. C., Seoul, Chosen (Korea). Knight, F., " Mizpah," Wahroon-
Kimble, J. N., Takoma Park Sta- ga, N. S. IV., Australia.
tion, Washington, D. C. Knight, I. G., Box 66, Port of
Kime, Stewart, care Sanitarium, Spain, Trinidad, British West
Takoma Park Station, Wash- Indies.
ington, D. C. Knight, W. C., 7 North Spring St.,
King, A. L., Warburton, Victoria, Concord, N. H.
Australia. Knox, J. C., 2446 North Alabama
King, L. H., 225 Emma St., Syra- St., Indianapolis, Ind.
cuse, N. Y. Knox, P. L., 5718 Third Ave., Los
King, M. J., 122 South Eighth St., Angeles, Cal.
Grand Junction, Colo. Knox, W. T., Takoma Park Sta-
King, N. B., 2412 Delachaise St., tion, Washington, D. C.
New Orleans, La. Kobele, F., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
Kinne, P. Z., 22 Jackson Ave., burg, Germany.
Middletown, N. Y. Kobayashi, T., 15 Motoimachi, Hi-
Kinney, C. M., R. F. D. 2, cor. roshima, Japan.
Ligon Lane and Dickerson Pike, Kobs, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Nashville, Tenn. Charl., Germany.
Kirichenko, George, Route 1, Box Kohtanen, V., Annegatan 33, Hel-
58, La Grange, Ill. singf ors, Finland.
Kirk, H., Cooranbong, N. S. W., Koller, W., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Australia. Charl., Germany.

Konigmacher, S. M., Private Bag, Lake, W. K., 17 Abbott Road,

Broken Hil , Northern Rhodesia, Lucknow, India.
South Africa. Lamson, J. G., Box 55, Grand Rap-
Korsch, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin- ids, Mich.
Charl., Germany.
Kraft, J. H., 500 Stover St., Fort Landaas, B. 0., Akersgaten 74,
Collins, Colo. Christiania, Norway.
Krautschick, And., Uhlandstr. 189, Landis, C. C., Red Cross General
Berlin-Chart., Grmany. Hospital, 263 Siccawei Road,
rautschick, August, Uhlandstr. Shanghai, China.
189, Berlin-Churl., Germany. Lane, F. G., 3 Awde St., Toronto,
Kress, D. H., Takoma, Park Sta- Ontario.
tion, Washington, D. C. Lane, L. E., Gendia, Kisumu, Brit-
Krieghoff, C. E., Florida, F. C. C. ish East Africa.
A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
South America. Lang, G. J., Harvey, N. Dak.
Kritsky, M. S., 426 Spadina Cres- Langberg, T. M., Minot, N. Dak.
cent, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Langdon, G. E., College Place,
Canada. Wash.
Kroeker, J., Caixa Postal 378, Re- Lange, R., Tizianstr. 35, Munich,
cife, Pernambuco, Brazil, South Germany.
Krug, L., Grindelberg 11, Ham- Langenberg, H., Bauerstr. 38, Mu-
burg, Germany. nich, Germany.
Krum, J. H., Mt. Pleasant, Ark. Langford, L. F., S. D. A. Mission,
Kruse, A., Grindelberg 11, Ham- Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West
burg, Germany. Africa.
Kucera, L. F., Brookfield, Ill. Langholf, A., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Kuehl, A. W., 518 South Washing- lin-Charl., Germany.
' ton Ave., Aberdeen, S. Dak. Lanier, W. E., San Pedro Sula,
Kuempel, F. R., Indayal, via Bin- Honduras, Central America.
menau, Santa Catharina, Brazil, Larsen, F. M., 2212 Thirtieth Ave.,
South America. South, Minneapolis; Minn.
Kuempel, Manoel, Sao Bernardo. Larssen, L. S., Akersgaten 74,
S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, Christiania, Norway.
South America. Lashier, F. A., Sutherlin, Oregon.
Kuhn, 0. B. S. D. A. Mission, The Lauda, E. R., Route 1., Wheatridge,
- Island, Changsha, Hunan, hina. Colo.
Kuniya, H., 171 Amanuma Sugi- Lawrence, J. H.. 2006 Twenty-
nami-mura, Toyotama-gun, To- fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
kyo, Japan. Tenn.
Kunkel, C. J., 3475 Lee St., Los Lawrence, N. W., Gifford, Mont.
Angeles, Cal. Lawson, A. N., Bisiatabu, Port
Kunze, A., Grindelberg 11, Ham- Moresby, British New Guinea.
burg, Germany. Lawson, F. C., cor. Peel and Grey
Kurtichanov, Titus, Route 1, Box Sts., South Brisbane, Queens-
58, La Grange, Ill. land, Australia.
Leach, R. W., 839 North C St.,
Muskogee, Okla.
Leach, C. V., Takoma Park Sta-
j ACEY, H. C., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Lecorps, Dudray, Box 40, Cape Hai-
LaGrone, G. A., R.. F. D. 4, Cle- tien, Haiti, West Indies.
burne, Tex. Lecoultre, D., La Ligniere, Gland
Lake, D. D., Lodi, Cal. (Ct. Vaud), Switzerland.

Le Due, B, P., 171 Amanuma, Su- Lindsey, D. E., 20 Herbert St.,

ginami-inura, Toyotama-gun, To- Richwood, Ohio.
kio, Japan. Lingenfelter, C. L.,. Bremerton,
Lee, C. W., Keizan, Chosen. Wash.
Lee, C. M., cor. Peel and Grey Sts., Lipke, John, Loma. Linda, cal.
South Brisbane, Queensland, Lippolis, G., La Ligniere, Gland,
Australia. Switzerland.
Lee,, Frederick, 62 Ta Fang Chia Little, T. A., 223 Piedmont Bldg.,
Hutung, Peking, China. Charlotte, N. C.
Lee, H. M., Soonan, Chosen, (on
furlough). Litwinenco, J. A., Herreid, S. Dak.
Lee, 0. S., Akersgaten 74, Chris- Liu, Djen Bang, Lowanho, Yen-
tiania, Norway. cheng, Honan, China.
Leech, R. H., (on furlough from Livingston, J. D., Apartado 230,
India). Matanzas, Cuba, West Indies.
Leedy, G. C., Box 719, Boise, Idaho. Ljungberg, S., Gamla Brogatan 38,
Leer, Carl, Harvey, N. Dak. Stockholm, Sweden.
Leer, V., Harvey, N. Dak.
Leffler, G. E.. 224 North Seven- Lloyd, Ernest, Pacific Press Pub..
teenth St., Fort Dodge, Iowa. Assn., Mountain View, Cal.
Lehman, 0. R., South Lancaster, Loasby, F. H., Chichoki Mallian,
Mass. N. W. Ry., India.
Leland, Eugene, care Academy, Loasby, R. E., 17 Abbott Road,
Maple Plain, Minn. Lucknow, India.
Leland, J. A. 237 South Thirteenth Lock, W. N., 22 Stanley St., Rich-
St., Philadelphia, Pa. mond, Victoria, Australia.
Lemke, L. D. A., " Mizpah," Locken, J. B., Box 191, Ortega,
roonga, N. S. T., Australia. Fla.
Leplatoni, F., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Lockert, A. J., Daemar, Mont.
lin-Charl., Genii any. Long, A. C., Box 1077, Oklahoma.
Leslie, J. D., 3a Agricultura 21, City, Okla.
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Long, Luther, Tompkins, Sas-
Letts, F. H., 22 Stanley St., Rich- katchewan, Canada.
mond, Victoria, Australia. Long, U. P., 615 Spruce St., Boul-
Lewis, C. C., Takoma Park Sta- der, Colo.
tion, Washington, D. C. Long, W. A., Kane, Wyo.
Lewis, H. G.,.61 South Bennett St., Longacre, C. S., Takoma Park Sta-
Dorranceton, Pa. tion, Washington, D. C.
Lewis, M. W., Modesto, Cal. Longo, M. J., 5533 Crawson St.,
Lewis; W. H., Box 803, Huntsville, Philadelphia, Pa.
Ala. Longway, E. L., 413 Si Phya Road,
Lewis, W. M., St. John's, Antigua, Bangkok, Siam.
British West Indies. Loots, J. L., Avenue van Becelaere
Lewsadder, Wm., 1054 Norris 56, Boisfort, Brussels, Belgium.
Place, Salt Lake City, Utah. Lopez, Cesar, Casilla 1002, Lima,
Libby, R. A., 602 South Ninth Peru, South America.
Ave.., Yakima, Wash. ' Lopez, 'Tose, Calle Besal0 32, 1
Lightner, C. S., 3028 Burdette St., (San Martin), Barcelona, Spain.
Omaha, Nebr. Lorntz, E. J., Grand Forks, N.
Lillie, C. P. Lowanho, Yencheng, Dak.
Honan, China. Lorenz, F. A., 918 Topeka Ave.,
Lindsay, R. S., Ellett, Ohio. Topeka, Kans.
Lindsay, W. B., 280 Villeneuve St., Lorenz, J. D., Casilla. 44, Quito,
West, Montreal, Quebec. Ecuaor
, South America. ,

Lo, Sin Tshoi, 1,Vaiehow, Kwang- Mace, J. W., Takoma Park Sta-
tuno China. tion, Washington, D. C.
Loughborough, J. N., Sanitarium, MacGuire, Meade, Takoma Park
Cal. Station, Washington, D. C.
Lovell, V. P., 203 West Walnut
St., Clinton, Mo. Machlan, B. F.,- Takoma Park Sta-
Lowe, H. W., S. D. A. Mission, tion, Washington, D. C.
Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Mackintosh, M., New Glasgow,
Africa. Nova Scotia.
Lowry, G. G., 3 Wheeler Road, MacLay, W. D., 1364 Morton Ave.,
Bangalore. South India. Pasadena, Cal.
Lowry, W. S., Jefferson, Tex. MacNiel, J. W., Rosinea.d Ave.,
Lucas, George, Apartado 230, Ma- Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa.
tanzas, Cuba, West Indies.
Lucas, H. G., 233 North Isabel St., MacPherson, Verah, Melrose, Mass.
Glendale, Cal. Madsen, A. C., College View, Nebr.
Lucas, V. H., 2007 Morton Ave., Madsen, 0., Ruthven, Iowa.
Pasadena, Cal.'. Magan, P. T., 304 North Boyle
Ludewio-, M.. Mission Society of S. Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
D. A., Jelena-Zrinji:jeva, Street Magcalen, Ricardo, 707 Vermont
11, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia.
Ludington, D. C., 60 Lower Keinen- St., Manila, Philippine Islands.
dine Road, Rangoon, Burma. Magoon, C:R., 802 North Bay Ave.,,
Liidtke, A., Prizenstr. 6, Posen, Seminole Heights, Tampa, Fla.
Poland, nrope. Majewski, A., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Lukens, H. A., 2708 Fifth Ave., lin-Charl., Germany.
Evansville, Ind. Mallory, J. B., 2003 Walnut St.,
Lukens, Morris, 411 Baum Bldg., Richmond, Va.
Oklahoma City, Ok]a. Manalaysay, Emilio, 707 Vermont
Lukens, T. R., 202 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., St., Manila, Philippine Islands.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Lumper, J., H.. Union, Oregon. Mangold, Fedrico, Calle Arenal
Lund, A. 0.. Mt. Jewett, Pa. Grande 2535, Montevideo, 'Uru-
Lundquist, H. B., Florida, F. C. C. guay, South America.
A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Mangold, Santiago, Posadas, Mi-
South America. siones, Argentina, South Amer-
Lundstriim, S., Gamla Brogatan 38, ica.
Stockholm, Sweden. Mann, C. G., 169 Bryan St., At-
Lusky, R., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin- lanta, Ga.
Charl., Germany. Mann, G. E.., Drawer 1304, Fresno,
Lutz, E. L., S. D. A. Mission, Cal.
Chungking, Szechwan, China. Mann, V. L., Loma Linda, Cal.
Lyndon, F. E., Papeete. Tahiti, Manry, E. A., 142 South Negley
Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Lysinger, H. E., College View, Manuel, B. E., Box 217, St. John's,
Nebr. Newfoundland.
Mapopuka, R., 12 Hunter St., Ber-
tram s, Johannesburg, Transvaal,
South Africa.
Marchisio, S., 3a Ag,ricultura 21,
M AAS, J. V., Dundern, Sas-
katchewan, Canada.
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Marietta, J. J., 4119 Grove Ave.,,
Macdonald, F., Emmanuel Mission, Norwood, Ohio.
Leribe, Basutoland, South Af- Maris, W. B., 417 Castle Hall Bldg.,
rica. Indianapolis, Ind.

Mariott, G. E., cor. Peel and Grey Maxwell, S. G., Gendia, Kisumu,
Sts., South Brisbane, Queens- British East Africa.
land, Australia. May, Daniel, 56 Roeland St., Cape
Marsh, C. W., care Indiana Acade- Town, South Africa.
my, Cicero, Ind. Mayer, Geo., Frazee, Minn.
Marsh, L. R., Drawer 586, Water- Maynor, W. H., 807 Central Ave.,
town, S. Dak. Milwaukee, Wis.
Marshall, J. S., Puiggari, F. C. E.,
McClements, W., Ilorin, via. Lagos,
Argentina, South America.
Nigeria, West Africa.
Martin, C. E., 310 North Durland
St., Oklahoma City, Okla. McComas, J. W., 4852 Maxwell St.,
Martin, C. N., Bon Aqua, Tenn. Detroit, Mich.
Martin, C. P., 3a Agricultura 21, MeConaughey, J. L., Berrien
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. 'Springs, Mich.
Martin, H. K., 15 Silkirk St., Galt, McCord, J. 'W., 1455 Seventh St.,
Ontario. Parkersburg, M. Va.
Martin, H. R., Nakama, Savusavu,
McCrow, H. W., Stanborough Park,
East, Vanua Leva, Fiji, Pacific
Watford, Herts, England.
Martin, I. M., 2006 Twenty-fourth McCutchen, W. A., 269 East Fifth
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. St., Atlanta, Ga.
Martin, James, 1 Walnut St., An- McDonald, C. M., R. F. D. 3, We-
niston, Ala. woka, Okla.
Martin, R. H., 854 South Mission McEachern, J. H., Takoma Park
St., Wenatchee, Wash. Station, Washington, D. C.
Martin, S. 0., 17 Abbott Road, McElhany, J. L., 2006 Twenty-
Lucknow, India. fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
Martin, W. F., 421 North Isabel Tenn.
St., Glendale, Cal. McGill, Neil, Giroux, Manitoba.
Martinson, C. J., Route 1, Box 58, MeGeachy, J., 8 Sharia Naseruddin
La Grange, Ill. el Shikhi, Bulak, Cairo, Egypt.
Martinson, M. M., First Nat'l Bank McHenry, W. H., 17 Abbott Road,
Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. Lucknow, India (on furlough).
Masters, F., " Tereora," The McKeagne, R. J. 1112 Keeaumoku
Boulevard, Strathfield, N. S. W., St. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Australia. McKibben, W. A., 1915 Sherman
Mathe, L., Neuestrasse 23. Tes- St., Sioux City, Iowa.
chen, East Silesia, Poland, Eu- McLaren, G., Box 153, Suva, Fiji,
rope. Pacific Ocean.
Mathwig, E. A., Paso Robles, Cal. McLennan, W. P., 1900 Fourteenth
Mathy, L. A., rue Nicolas Roret. 1, St., Meridian, Miss.
Paris, XIIIe, France. McMahon, W. F., 169 Bryan St.,
Mattison, M. M., 17 Abbott Road. Atlanta, Ga.
Lucknow, India. McNay, G. R. E., 42 East Wood St.,
Matula, Paul, 44 Oak Ave., Irving- Turffontein, Johannesburg,
ton, N. J. Transvaal, South Africa.
Maudsley, W., Stanborough Park, McNiel, D. E., Jacksonville, Tex.
Watford, Herts, England. McVagh, C. F., Oshawa, Ontario.
Maung Maung, 60 Lower Kemen- McWhinny, H. E., S. D. A.
dine, Road, Rangoon, Burma. sion, Karmatar, E. I, Ry., India.
Maxwell, A. S., Stanborough Park, McWilliams, Chas., College View,
Watford, Herts, England. Nebr.
Maxwell, E. L., 615 North Tenth Mead, Andrew, 850 Van 14ss Ave.,
St., Phoenix, Ariz. North, Santa Ana, Cal.

Mecusela, Naisogo, Suva Vou, Michaels, C. P., 116 Grote St., Ade-
Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. laide, South Australia, Australia,
Medairy, G., 1901 Rosedale St., Mignott, H. L., Gayle, Jamaica,
Baltimore, Md. British West Indies.
Megrant, Francisco, Box 302, San- Miller, A. L., 1018 West Second
to Domingo, Republica Domini- St., Ottumwa, Iowa.
cana. Miller, Mrs. B., Box. 814, U. S. Pos-
Meiklejohn, A. J., 810 Jackson tal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Ave., New Orleans, La. Miller, B. E., 1703 Gates Ave.,
Meleen, C., Stockholm, Me. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Meleen, E. M., 3 Wheeler Road, Miller, C. H., Shelton, Nebr.
Bangalore, South India. Miller, C. N., 223 Chester Ave.,
Mendez, Manuel, Box 646, Ponce, Bakersfield, Cal.
Porto Rico. Miller, D. P., 923 North Main St.,
Menkel, H. C., 17 Abbott Road, St, Joseph, Mo.
Lucknow, India.
Miller, F. W., Apartado 230, Ma-
Mercado, Santiago, Calle Besalii 32, tanzas, Cuba, West Indies.
10 (San Martin), Barcelona,
Spain. Miller, H. J., 216 North Durland
Meredith, W. H., 17 Jesmond Vale St., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Terrace, Newcastle - on - Tyne, Miller, H. S., Oshawa, Ontario,
England. Canada.
Merrell, E. A., 1118 East Twenty- Miller, H. W., Takoma Park Sta-
seventh St., Los Angeles, Cal. tion, Washington, D. C.
Mershon, R. B., S. D. A. Mission, Miller, J.' T., Culbertson, Nebr.
Sandakan, British North Borneo.
Metcalf, L. C., 4400 Lawrence Ave., Miller, J. W., 2232 L St., San
Chicago, Ill. Diego, Cal.
1VIetzgen, 0. J., 222 Frank St., Miller, 'W. F., Casilla 85, Puno,
Council Bluffs, Iowa. Peru, South America.
Meyenga, Jim, Solusi Mission, Bu- Miller, W. H. B., Warburton, Vic-
lawayo, Rhodesia, South Africa. toria, Australia.
Meyer, Albert, rue Edel 15, Stras- Miller, W. W., Berrien Springs,
bourg, Alsace, France. Mich.
Meyer, H. E., Caixa Postal 768, Mills, Joseph, Carmel, West Aus-
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South traia.
South America. Milne, R. M., 9 Salisbury Ave.,
Meyer, Oscar, rue Nicolas Roret, 1, Kowloon, Hongkong, China.
Paris, XIIIe, France. Miltz, .11., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Meyer, Paul, Rua Citade de Man- Charl., Germany.
chester 10. 40D, Lisbon, Portu- Minsk, A., Greguss utca 10, foldz.
gal. 2, Budapest I, Hungary.
Meyer-Bartschy, H., Baiergasse 72, Minner, I.V., 90 Brickdam, George-
Seghisoara. ( Schilssburg) , Ru- town, British Guiana, South
mania. America.
Meyers, C. K., Takoma Park Sta- Minner, L. D., Casilla 1002, Lima,
tion, Washington, D. C. Peru, South America.
Meyers, D., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Miramontez, W. B., 636 South
Pacific Ocean. Workman St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Meyers, E. H., Florida, F. C. C. A., Mitchell, Amos., 2918 First Ave.,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Seattle, Wash.
America. Mitchell, D. A., 304 West Allen
Michalenko, N. J., Harvey, N. Dak. St., Springfield, Ill.

Mitchell, H., " Tereora," The Boul- Morris, R. P., (on furlough from
evard, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- India.)
tralia. Morrison, A. V., 617 Pine St.,
Mitchell, Dr. J. R., 620 Washington Manistee, Mich.
St., Atlanta, Ga. Morrison, D., Stanborough Park,
Mocnik, A., Mission Society of S. Watford, Harts, England.
D. A., Jelena-Zrinjijeva, Street Morrison, G. H., Suva Vou, Suva,
11, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Moffett, W. C., Takonia Park Sta- Morrison, H. A., College View,
tion, Washington, D. C. Nebr.
Mohr, W. B., 142 South Negley Morrison, Isaac, Pacific Union Col-
Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. lege, St. Helena, Cal.
Moko, R., P. 0. Fraser's Camp, Morrow, E. E., Lodi, Cal.
Martindale, Cape Province, Morse, B. L., Route 5, Box 65, Hol-
South Africa. dredge, Nebr.
Molokomme, Lazarus, 6 Engineer's Morse, J. F., care Sanitarium,
Quarters, Tempe, Orange Free Hinsdale, Ill.
State, South Africa.
Monnier, J., rue Nicolas Roret, 1, Motzer, C. A. Johannesstr. 96,
Paris, XIIIe, France. Stuttgart, Germany.
Monnier, Vital, rue Edel 15, Stras- Mould, H. S. 136 North Main St.,
bourg, Alsace, France. Concord, N. H.
Montgomery, E. E., 703 South Gal- Moulton, C. N., Moca, Republica
latin St., Jackson, Miss. Dominicana.
Montgomery, 0., Florida, F. C. Mountain, A., S. D. A. Mission,
C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, The Island, Changsha, Hunan,
South America. China.
Montgomery, R. P., 422 Oppen- Mountain, A., Sr., " Mizpah," Wah-
heimer Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Mookerjee, L. G., Gopalganj, Dist. Mtimkulu, James. P. 0. Box 124,
Faridpur, India. Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa.
Moon, Allen, Gaston, Oregon. Mtihlbacher, J., Tizianstr. 35, Mu-
Moon, C. E., (on furlough at Pa- nich, Germany.
cific Union College, St. Helena, Muller, A., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
Cal.). burg, Germ any.
Moore, E. V., Sao Bernardo, S. P. Milner, A. W., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
R. silo Paulo, Brazil, South lin-Charl., Germany.
America. Muller, R., Bismarkring 29, III,
Moore, L. G., 213 North Pine St., Wiesbaden, Germany.
Lansing, Mich. Muller, W., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Moore, Wilbur, Room 621, Crutcher Char., Germany.
and Starks Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Mullinnex, M. E., S. D. A. Mis-
Moreira, J., Rua Saldanha Marinho sion, 9 Szi Pai Lou, Nanking,
169, Curityba, Parana., Brazil, Ku., China.
South America. Munro, S. W., 36 Calle Tupas,
Morris, C. C., S. D. A. Mission, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands.
Siang-siu Seng, Foochow, China. Munson, A., Tandjoong Anom,
Morris, C. R., Box 482, Ashland, Toendjoengan, S'ourabaya, Java,
Wis. Dutch East Indies.
Morris, R. E., 112 Tower St., Munson, Melvin, Sebastopol, Cal.
Kingston, Jamaica, British West Munson, R.. W., Sanitarium, Glen-
Indies. dale, Cal.

Muntz, Leslie, Dover, Del. Nerlund, 0. J., 218 St. Paul St.,
, Thos., Box 506, Mari- Denver, Colo.
anna, Ark. Nethery, J. J. 310 Loring Bldg.,
Murray, W. E., Sao Bernardo, S. Riverside, Cal.
P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
America. Nethery, R. J., 220:Michigan St.,
Murrin, H., Box 334, La Paz, Petoskey, Mich.
Iloilo, Panay, Philippine Islands. Nettleton, Daniel, Port Townsend,
Mussen Richard, Trainview, Moi- Wash.
ra, &linty Down, Ireland. Neufeld, D. D., Waldheim, Sas-
Muth, J., Jrrerstr. 20, II, Niirn- katchewan, Canada.
berg, ermany. Neufeld, J. D., 302 Nokomis Bldg.,
Mzozoyana, Agrippa, Hospital Hill, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Umtata, Cape Province, South Neufeld, J. H., 3443 South Comp-
Africa. ton, St. Louis, Mo.
Newbold, D. C., 421 Castle Hall
Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind.
Newbold, G. T., Carmel, West Aus-
N ABUCO, L. D., Bello Hori-
zonte, Rua Itapecerica S66,
tralia, Australia.
Newbold, L., cot, Peel and Grey
Minas Geraes, Brazil, -South Sts., South Brisbane, Queens-
America. land, Australia.
Nagel, S. A., Waichow, Kwang- Newmyer, C. B., 223 Piedmont
tung, China. Bldg., Charlotte, N. C.
Narem, A. 0., Akersgaten 74, Nichol, F. D., 537 Twenty-fifth St.,
'Christiania, Norway. Oakland, Cal.
Nash, R. T., 615 West Twenty- Nicholson, D., Atchin, New Hebri-
fourth St., Pueblo, Colo. des, Pacifib Ocean.
Nather, E., Uhlandstr. 189, Ben- Nicola, H., 123 Manchester St.,
lin-Charl.; Germany. Batte Creek, Mich.
Naumann, A., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Nicola, L. T., 123 Manchester St.,
lin-Charl., Germany. Battle Creek, Mich.
Neff, E. L., 401 Glen Ave., Fresno, Nicolas, C. S., 3a Agricultura 21,
Cal. Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Neff, W. E., 1112 Kalamath St., Nicolaysen, 0. R., Akersgaten 74,
Denver, Colo. Christiania, Norway.
Nehring, Fred., care Seminary, Nielsen, N. G., Akersgaten 74,
Clinton, Mo. Christiania, Norway.
Neilsen, J. A., Box 909, Ogden, Niergarth, H. A.,.,27 Ninth St., -
Utah. Northeast, Medicine Hat, Al-
Neilsen, N. P., Hutchinson, Minn. berta, Canada.
Nelson, A. E., 17 Abbott Road, Ninow, W., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Lucknow, India. Charl., Germany.
Nelson, A. N., 171 Amanuma, Sugi- Nixon, J. C., Fox River Academy,
nami-mura, Toyotama-gun, To- Sheridan, Ill.
kyo, Japan. Noble, R. E., Box 489, Battleford,
Nelson, Andrew, Sanitarium, Cal. Saskatchewan, Canada.
Nelson, N. R., 4904 South Byron Nord, G. E., Gamla Brogatan 3S,
St., Chicago, Ill. Stockholm, Sweden.
Nelson, W. A., 272 Sanford Ave., North, W. S. Box 427, Boley, Okla.
New Brunswick, N. J. Norton, S: E., 91:Park St., Spring-
Nelson, W. E., Keene, Tex. field, Mass.
Nelson, W. R., Drawer .1304, Fres- NorWood, J. W., Box 719, Boise,
no, Cal. Idaho.

Nott, W. L., 715 South Walnut St., Olsen, 0. J., Ingolfsstraeti 10,
Iola, Kans. Reykjavik, Iceland.
Numbers, E. R., 411 Cedar St., Ta- Olson, A. J., Oshawa, Ontario, Can-
koma Park Station, Washington, ada.
D. C.
Nunes, M. G., 812 Steger Bldg., Olson, A. V., La Ligniere, Gland,
Chicago, Ill. Ct. Vaud, Switzerland.
Nussbaum, T., La Ligniere, Gland, Olson, H., 6 Dehi Serampore Road,
Switzerland. Entally, Calcutta, India.
Nutter, Virbrook, Takoma Park Olson, H. 0., R. F. D. 1, Box 58,
Station, Washington, D. C. La Grange, Ill.
Nygaard, Peter, Box 302, Santo Olson, L. H., 537 Twenty-fifth St.,
Domingo, Republica Dominicana. Oakland, Cal.
Nyman, L. J., 1200 North Raynor Ortner, I. G., 2718 Third Ave.,
St., Joliet, Ill. South, Minneapolis, Minn
Osborne, A. J., 2131 P St., Sacra-
mento, Cal.
Osborne, Mrs. Ella H., 2131 P St.,
Sacramento, Cal.
Osborne, E. E., Fairfield, Me.
nBERG, H. A., Soonan, Chosen, Osborne, P. B., Lock Box 475, Fair-
(Korea). field, Me.
Oberg, E. M., 2718 Third Ave, Oss, John, Manchurian S. D. A.
South, Minneapolis, Minn. i
ssion, Mukden, Manchuria,
Oberholtzer, D. H., Palm City, Cal. China.
()blander, J. G. 107 West Maple Oss, Melvin, Drawer 586, Water-
St., Enid, Okla.
' town, S. Dak.
Ochs, D. A., Granger, Wash. Oster, F. F., Tabriz, Persia (on
Ochs, W. B., 2311 Melrose Ave., furlough; address, Takoma Park
Chicago, Ill. Station, Washington, D. C.)
Oesterreich, A., Grindelberg 11, Osterman, F. A., 816 East Fifth
Hamburg, Germany. St., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Ogden, A. R., College Place, Wash. Ostrander, Win., Takoma Park
Oglesby, G. A., 1051 Mississippi Station, Washington, D. C.
Blvd., Memphis, Tenn. Oswald, E. H., Mobridge, S. Dak.
Ohme, B., Uhlandstr. 189,, Berlin- Oswald, J. C., 60 Grand Ave., Roch-
Charl., Germany. ester N. Y.
Ok, Ne Keun, izoonan, Chosen (Ko- Oswald, ' T. L., Drawer 586, Water-
rea). town, S. Dak.
Okohira, T. H. 4 Kumochi, Shi- Ott, J., Grindelberg 11, Hamburg,
midzu, Flikaicho, Kobe, Japan. Germany.
Olcott, C. E., 508 East Everett St., Owen, F. M., Apartado 218, Guate-
Portland, Oreg. mala City, Guatemala, Central
Oliva, Manuel, Vigan, Ilocos Sur, America.
Philippine Islands. Owen, R. S., 3941 Portola Place,
Oliver, F. M., 2602 Colby Ave., Ev- San Diego, Cal.
erett, Wash.
Olsen, D. K., Northwood, Iowa.
Olsen, E. G.,. 1009 South Covil
Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak.
Olsen, Martin, Valley City, N. Dak. D AAP, C. A., 56 Roeland St.,
Olsen, M. E., College View, Nebr. Cape Town, South Africa.
Olsen, M. M., Margrethevej 5, Page, F. A., 1112 Kalamath St.,
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Denver, Colo.

Painter, F. E., 802 East Acacia Patzkowski, J. E., 1112 Kalamath

Ave., Glendale, Cal. St., Denver, Colo.
Pak, Y. S., Seoul, Chosen. Paulini, P. P., Strada Turturele 8,
Palmer, C., Box 153, Suva, Fiji, Pa- Bukharest, Rumania:
cific Ocean. Pavey, T. E., 616 Henson Bldg.,
Palmer, E. R., Takoma Park Sta- Knoxville, Tenn.
tion, 'Washington, D. C. Payne, Nathan, Queenstown, Esse-
Panaga, Augustin, 707 Vermont quibo, British Guiana.
St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Pean, Arioste, Box 40, Cape Hai-
Panasuk, Mina, Harvey, N. Dak. tien, Haiti.
Pandjaitan, L., Tandjoong-Anom, Peden, H. L., Waltair, India.
Toendjoengan, Soerabaya, Java,
Peifer, E. C., Lodi, Cal.
Dutch East Indies.
Pannkoke, H., Box 7234, Wilming- Penner, Johann, Uhlandstr. 189,
ton, N. C. Berlin-Charl., Germany.
Panzig, 0., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin- Penner, J., Felsenbergstr. 324, See-
Charl., ermany. bach-Ziirich, Germany.
Parker, C. H., Suva Vou, Suva, Penrose, C. E., 157 Shirley Road,
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Southampton, England.
Parker, H. B., Tangshan, Canton, Perenian, 0., Box 109, Galata, Con-
China. stantinople, Turkey.
Parkhurst, W. D., Somerset Cen- Perkins, C. 0., 75 Grant St., Port-
ter, Mich. land, Me.
Parkin, F. J., 22 Stanley St., Rich- Perkins, H. J., 171 Amanuma, Su-
mond, Victoria, Australia. ginami- mura, Toyotama - gun,
Parkins, C. G., Box 40, Cape Hai- Tokyo, Japan.
tien, Haiti, West Indies. Perrin, W. E., 906 Eagle Ave., New
Parmele, C. F., Route 2, Escondido, York, N. Y.
Cal. Perry, F. L., Florida, F. C. C. A.,
Parmele, R. W., 3a Agricultura 21, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. America.
Parrish, E. L., R. F. D. 9, Bridge- Petermann, 0., Uhlandstr. 189,
ton, N. J. Berlin-Charl., Germany.
Parsons, D. A., 142 South Negley Peters, G. E., First Nat'l Bank
Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bldg., Chattanooga., Tenn.
Pascoe, J., 84 .Tervois Road. Auck- Peters, W., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
land, New Zealand. burg, Germany.
Pascoe, W. H., " Tereora," The Petersen, B., Manchurian S. D. A.
Boulevard, Strathfield, N. S. W., Mission, Mukden, Manchuria,
Australia. China.
Passebois, L. F., 1331 Cote de Nei- Peterson, Andrew, Hartington,
ges, Montreal, Quebec. Nebr.
Patching, S. L., cor. Peel and Grey Peterson, A. W., 411 Baum Bldg.,
Sts., South Brisbane, Queensland, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Australia. Peterson, E. F., Casilla 1002, Lima,
Patterson, C. H., 218 South Six- Peru, South America.
teenth St., Lincoln, Nebr. Peterson, E. L., Holly, Mich.
Patterson, W. E., 171 Amanuma, Peterson, John, R. F. D. 2, Box 96,
Suginarni-mura, Toyotama-gun, Woodburn, Oregon.
Tokyo, Japan. Peterson, N. C., 1305 Fifth Ave.,
Pattison, L. 0., 6-8 Zee Straat, Pa- Antigo, Wis.
dang, Sumatra, Dutch East In- Pettibone, M. S., Box 415, Salis-
dies. bury, Md.

Pettis, H. J., 39 Franklin St., New Post, B. L., 506 Spring St., Peoria,
London, Conn. Ill.
Pettit, G. W., 1623 Fourteenth Nitschke, R., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
Ave., Seattle, Wash. (on fur- burg, Germany.
lough from India). Potter, E. R., 411 Baum Bldg.,
Peu,gh, V. E., 310 Loring Bldg., Oklaoma City, Okla.
Riverside, Cal. (on furlough from Potzl, R., Tizianstr. 35, Munich,
Pfeiler, W., Grindelberg 11, Ham- Pound, I. C., 307 Second Ave., Hat-
burg, Germany. tiesburg, Miss.
Pferschy, J., LaLigniere, Gland, Powell, F. E., 157 Shirley Road,
Switzerland. Southampton, England.
Phipps, B. H., Bethel Academy,
Bethel, Wis. Pratt, F. A., 413 Si Phya Road,
Phipps, F. C., 6906 Kedron St., Bangkok, Siam,
Pittsburgh, Pa. Premer, C. L., College View, Nebr.
Philips, N. W. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Prenier, H. S., South Lancaster,
Phillips, Joseph, 17 Abbott Road, Mass.
Lucknow, India. Prescott, W. P., 157 Shirley Road,
Pickard, U. D., 807 Carroll Ave., Southampton, England.
Takoma Park, D. C.
Pierce, H. W., Mountain View, Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park
Cal. Station, Washington, D. C.
Pinkard, G. S., 114 Park St., Bow- Pretyman, C. H., " Mizpah," Wah-
ling Green, Ky. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Pioch, Albert, Grindelberg 11, Preiger, A. F., 1545 Park Ave., Ce-
Hamburg, Germany. dar Rapids, Iowa.
Piper, A. H., 22 Stanley St., Rich- Prieser, F. A., Johannesstr. 96,
mond, Victoria, Australia. Stuttgart, Germany.
Piper, H. E., Franklin Chambers,
Macquorie St., Hobart, Tasma- Priest, Albert, Stranack St., Mar-
nia. itzburg, Natal, South Africa.
Piper, J. F., 8 Pearl St., Grand Prillwitz, W., Bismarkring 29, III,
Rapids, Mich. Wiesbaden, Germany.
Piwarz, G., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin- Pringle, E. E., Enterprise, Kans.
Charl., Germany. Proctor, L. H., 1347 C St., San
Place, A. R, Garden City Sani- Bernardino, Cal.
tarium, San Jose, Cal.
Pohle, W. R., Casilla 355, LaPaz, Proctor, M. R., 3612 Morenci St.,
Bolivia, South America. El Paso, Tex.
Polinkas, Geo., Box 399, Central Prout, C. S., 1113 Rose Ave., Long
Station, Toledo, Ohio. Beach, Cal.
Poley, P. C., 17 Abbott Road, Luck- Province, P. W., Gen. Del., The Dal-
now, India. les, Oregon.
Pond, A. P., Bulawayo, Rhodesia, Pulver, C. C., 411 Cedar St., Tako-
South Africa. ma Park Station, Washington,
Pool, N. H., 822 Brewster St., Sag- D. C.
inaw, Mich.
Popescu, C., Strada Turturele 8, Punches, V. 0., Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Bukharest, Rumania, Purdom, C. A., 98 East Sixtieth
Porter, L. B. Rosalie, Nebr. St., Portland, Oregon.
Porter, S. W., 3131 Pasadena.Ave., Nitschke, H., Grindelberg 15a,
Los Angeles, Cal. Hamburg, Germany.

UACKENBUSH, F. A., Holly, Reichenbaugh; C. E., Box 8, Mt.

Q Mich.
Quillin, G. C., Killbuck, Ohio.
Vernon, Ohio.
Reid, J. A., Box M, Cristobal, Ca-
Quinn, R. D., Takoma Park Sta- nal Zone, Panama.
tion, Washington, D. C. Reihlen, C., Jrrerstr. 20; II, Niirn-
berg, Germany.
Reiner, Dan, Drawer 586, Water-
town, S. Dal:.
R AMA, G. W., Mawer, Sas-
katchewan,. Canada. Reiner, D. E., 426 Spadina Cres-
cent, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
Raft, J. C., Margrethevej 5, Co-
penhagen, V., Denmark. Canada.
Ragsdale, L. B., Box 887, Phoenix, Reis, Jose A., Cruz Alta, Rio
Ariz. Grande do,Sul, Brazil, South
Rails, W. A., 12 West Main St., America.
Richmond, Va. Reiswig, C. K., Lacombe, Alberta,
Rampton, F. G., 84 Jervois Road, Canada.
Auckland, New Zealand.
Randle, W. H.. Bala Clava, Ja- Reiswig, J. J., 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg.,
maica. British West Indies. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Rashford, L., Box 66, Port of Rentfro, C. E., Rua Mariano Pro-
Spain, Trinidad, British West copio, 679, Mariano Procopio,
Indies. Minas Geraes, Brazil, South
Raspal, M. rue Nicolas Roret, 1, America.
Paris, XIIIe, France. Reppe, M. S., Hutchinson, Minn.
Raymond, J. W., 203 Waverly St., Resen, Chr., Margrethevej 5, Co-
Buffalo, N. Y. penhagen, V., Denmark.
Read, W. E., Stanborough Park,
Watford, England. Rey, Jules, rue Nicolas Roret, 1,
Reaser, G. W., 1010 East Wilson Paris, XIlle, France.
Ave., Glendale, Cal. Reynolds, C. J., 84 Jervois Road,
Reavis, D. W., Takoma Park Sta- Auckland, New Zealand.
tion, Washington, D. C. Reynolds, E. R., 17 Abbott Road,
Reavis, J. D., 220 South Washing- Lucknow, India.
ton St., Duquoin, Ill. Reynolds, I. T., 1142 East Fill-
Rebensburg, A., Uhlandstr. 189, more St., Phoenix, Ariz.
Berlin-CharL, Germany. Rhoads, A. V., Suthr lin, Oregon.
Rebok, D. E., Box 523, U. S. Pos- Rhoads, Bert, Nevada, Iowa.
tal Agency, Shanghai, China. Rice, M. L., Box 2072, Reno, Nev.
Redfield, C. T., Box 8, Mt. Vernon, Rice, W. IV., South Lancaster,
Ohio. Mass.
Reed, H. W., Clearwater Lake, Rich, J. W., 966 East Seventh St.,
Wis. Pomona, Cal.
Reekie, F. W., Lindsay St., Hamil- Richard, P.. F., 319 New York Ave.,
ton, N. S. W., Australia. Jersey City, N. J.
Rees, D. A., 142 South Kegley Richards, H. M. J., Box 188, 'Clovis,
Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. N. Mex.
Rees, D. D., College View, Nebr. Richards, H. M. S., 137 Rochester
Rees, E. H., 438 Crescent St., Wal- St., Ottawa, Ontario.
la Walla, Wash. Richardson, I. D., Oshawa, Ontario.
Regel, R. P., Margrethevej 5, Co- Richmond, E. L., Takoma. Park
penhagen, V., Denmark. Station, Washington, D. C.
Reiber, J. A., Box 169, Falls City, Rick, P. A., Last Lake, Alberta,
Oregon. Canada.

Rider, C. J., Armstrong, British Robinson, R. P., Solusi Mission,

Columbia,. Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Af-
Riffel, C. E., 422 Oppenheimer rica.
Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. Robison, Bryan, 1414 Thirteenth
Riffel, J., 417 Black Ave., South, St., Superior, Wis.
Bozeman, Mont.
Riley, A. E., New Amsterdam, Ber- Robison, M. P., College View, Nebr.
bice, British Guiana, South Robles, J. P., 3a Agricultura 21,
America. Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Riley, B. A., care Seminary, Clin- Rockel, A., Ijuhy, Rio Grande do
ton, Mo. Sul, Brazil, South America.
Rine, G. W., College Place, Wash. Rockwell, L. L., Graysville, Tenn.
Rintala, A., Annegatan 33, Helsing-
fors, Finland. Roda, A. Z., Vigan, Ilocos Sur,
Rippey, J. A., Sutherlin, Oreg. Philippine Islands.
Rischnniller, Fr., Grindelberg 11, Roda, L. Z., Candon, Ilocos Sur,
Hamburg, Germany. Philippine Islands.
Risetter, H. G., 2529 Twenty-fifth Rodd, A., 17 Jesmond Vale Ter-
Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. race, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng-
Ritchie, A., 2056 Forty-second Ave., land.
East, Vancouver, British Colum- Rodgers, G. P., 606 N St., N. W.,
bia. Washington, D. C.
Rittenhouse, C. H., Baker, Oreg.
Rittenhouse, S. N., 5703 South Rodriquez, Wenceslao, Box 334,
La Paz, Iloilo, Panay, Philip-
Alaska St., Tacoma, Wash. pine Islands.
Rivera, Salvador, Box 646, Ponce,
Porto Rico. Roennfeldt, E., 116 Grote St., Ade-
Robb, V. W., Nevada, Iowa. laide, South Australia, Aus-
Robbins, F. H., 411 Cedar St., Ta- tralia.
koma, Park Station, Washington, Rogers, J. C., 68 Windermere Road.
D. C. Durban, Natal, South Africa.
Robbins, Wm., 302 Grove Ave., Rohde, M., Sao Bernardo, S. P. R.,
Johnstown, Pa. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
Roberts, F. M., St. Petersburg, ica.
Fla. Rojas, L. A., Florida, F. C. C. A.,
Roberts, G. A., 112 Tower St., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Kingston, Jamaica, British West America.
Indies. Rose, H., "Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Roberts, R. R., 526 Hopkins St., Charl., Germany.
Cincinnati, Ohio. Rosendahl, C., Sanitarium, Wah -
Robinson, A. T., Melrose, Mass. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Robinson, C., Songa Mission, P. 0. Rosendahl, E., Longburn, via Pal-
Samba, via Bukama, Belgian merston, North, New Zealand.
Congo, South Africa. Rosenwold, E., Gamla Brogatan
Robinson, D. E., Rosmead Ave., 38, Stockholm, Sweden.
Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. Rossin, H. A., 51 Whitmore St.,
Robinson, G., 46 Hay St., Subiaco, Hartford, Conn.
Perth, West Australia, Austra- Rost, 0. J. 0., Akersgaten 74,
lia. Christiania, Norway.
Robinson, H., cor. Peel and Grey Roth, A. G. ox 40, Cape Haitien,
Sts., South Brisbane, Queensland, Haiti.
Australia. Roth, G. G., Box 40, Cape Haitien,
Robinson, H. E. 7 C St., S. E., Haiti.
Washington, D. C. Roth, J. H., Harvey, N. Dak.

Rouse, J. S., College Place, Wash.Sachsenrneyer, A., Jrrerstr. 20, 11,

Rowe, T. D., 17 Abbott Road, Luck- Niirnberg, Germany.
now, India. Salisbury, E. G., Takoma Park
Rowell, E. C., Keith Hall, Warwick Station, Washington, D. C.
East, Bermuda. Salisbury, J. W., Takoma Park
Rowell, Winifred P., Keith Hall, Station, Washington, D. C.
Warwick East, Bermuda. Sallee, A., rue Nicolas Roret, 1,
Rowland, J. W., 399 Upper Se- Paris, XIIIe, France.
rangoon Road, Singapore, Straits
Settlements. 'Salton, R. A., Lindsay St., Hamil-
Roy, P. K., Gopalganj, Dist. Farid,-ton, N. S. W., Australia.
pur, India. Sandborn, A. R., Box 887, Phoenix,
Rubendall, C. W., 30i East Sixth Ariz.
St., Duluth, Minn. Sanders, C. N., 502 South Mills
Ruble, W. A. Stanborough Park, St., Madison, Wis.
Watford, Hefts, England. Sanderson, A. E., 264 Bissell Ave.,
Ruble, W. W., Box 146, Glendale, Buffalo, N. Y.
Cal. Sandstrom, K. R., Gamla Broga-
Rudge, E. B., 116 Grote St., Ade- tan 38, Stockholm, Sweden.
laide, South Australia, Austra- Sanidad, Eugenio, Vigan, Ilocos
lia. Sur, Philippine Islands.
Sansonetti, J., 87 First Place,
Budge, P. B., P. 0. Kempsey, N. S.
W., Australia. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Santee, Clarence, Lodi, Cal.
-Rudin, F., Velsenbergstr, 324, See-
bach-Zurich, Germany. Sanz, Pedro, Calle BesalA 32, 10
Ruf, G. F., 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., (San Martin), Barcelona, Spain.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Sargeant, E. N., care Tabernacle,
Rulkoetter, A. H., 679 Holly Ave., Battle. Creek, Mich.
St. Paul, Minn. Saunders, N. H., 212 Brunswick
Rupert, A. A., College View, Nebr. Ave., Toronto, Ontario.
Ruskjer, M., 819 American Ave., Saunders, Roy, Harvey, N. Dak.
Bemidji, Minn. Savander, N., Annegatan 33, Hel-
Ruskjer, S. A. Drawer 586, Water- singf ors, Finland.
town, S. Dak. Saxby, W. H., Sanitarium, Cal.
Russell, A. B., Box 372, Orlando, Saxton, H. F., 1112 Kalamath St.,
Fla. Denver, Colo.
Russell, C. A., Takoma Park Sta- Scanlon, C. M., 3 Wheeler Road,
tion, Washington, D. C. Bangalore, South India.
Russell, E. T., 2718 Third Ave., Schacht, Walter, 1112 Kalamath
South, Minneapolis, Minn. St., Denver, Colo.
Russell, G. C., 1014 Looney Ave., Schiffer, W., Bauerstr. 38, Munich,
Memphis, Tenn. Germany.
Russell, Riley, Soonan, Chosen Scharffenbarg, W. A., Box 523, U.
(Korea). S. Postal Agency, Shanghai,
Ryan, S. M., Suite 2, Stovel Block, China.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Schebo, W. A., Box 496, Prentice,
Schneck, A., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
lin-Charl., Germany.
Scheresky, R., Max, N. Dak.
ABAROWSKY, S., Kildeer, N. Schick, L. B., Box 1077, Oklahoma
S Dak. City, Okla.
Sabatino, G., LaLigniere, Gland, Schick, W., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
Switzerland. burg, Germany.

Schildhauer, 0. E., Karlsruhe i. B., Shatz, R., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-

Kaiserallee 19, Germany. Charl., Germany.
Schilling, J. H., Clinton. Mo. Schwartz, Albert, 92 Hedley Place,
Schillinger, R., Mission Society of Buffalo, N. Y.
S. D. A., Jelena-Zrinjijevar Street Schwarz, H., Jrrerstr. 20, II, Niirn-
11, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. berg, Germany.
Schilstra, P., Conradkade 4, The Schwartz, W. F., 1089 Trent Road,
Hague, Holland. Fairview, Camden, N. J.
Schlegel, W., Dr. Dietrichgasse 3, Schwedrat, 0. F., Clinton, Mo.
Troppau, Czechoslovakia. Schwenecke, 0., Grindelberg 11,
Schmehl, F. W., 703 South Galla- Hamburg, Germany.
tin St., Jackson, Miss.
Schmidt, A. F., 2718 Third Ave., Schwenecke, W., Uhlandstr. 189,
South, Minneapolis, Minn. Berlin-Charl.,many.
Schmidt, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Schwindt, F. F., Carroll, Iowa.
lin-Chart., Germany. Scior, F., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Schmidt, I. C., 23 Sawohlaan, N. Gharl., Germany.
G., Weltvreden, Java, Dutch East Scoggins, Paul, Chowchilla, Cal.
Indies. Scott, J. B., R. F. D. 2; Chetek,
Schmitt, A., Grindelberg 11, Ham- Wis.
burg, Germany. Scott, Sydney, Neighbors, Cal.
Schmitz, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Scragg, W., 902 Colombo St.,
lin-Charl. Germany. Christchurch, New Zealand.
Schneider,' Isaac, Box 73, Loma Seriven, C. A., Gregory; S. Dak.
Linda, Cal., Seal, J. S., 223 Piedmont Bldg.;
Schnepper, Otto, Ferdinand, Idaho. Charlotte, N. C.
Schnetzler, Joseph, 277 South St., Sebastian, W. H., 745 Washington
Utica, N. Y. Ave. Norfolk, Va.
Sehon, W., Conradkade 4, The Seefried, H., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
Hague, Holland. burg, Germany.
Schowe, C. H., "Belmont," Patter- Seeney, F. H., 1715 New Jersey
son St., Concord, N. S. IV., Aus- Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C.
tralia. Seibel, J. H., Bowdon, N. Dak
Schrammeck, Clifford, 702 East Seidel, F., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Geyser St., Livingston, Mont. Charl., Germany.
Schroeder, R., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Seidler, F., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
lin-Charl., Germany. Charl., Germany.
Schroeder, W. F. H. Bland, Mo.. Seiler, 7., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
Schubert, G. W., Tizianstr. 35, Mu- burg, Germany.
nich, Germany. Selle, F., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Schubert, Walter, Casilla 2830, Charl., Germany.
Santiago, Chile, South America. Selmon, A. C., Red Cross General
Schuster, A. E., Waldo, Wis. Hospital, 263 Siccawei Road,
Schuberth, H. F., Uhlandstr. 189, Shanghai, China.
Berlin-Charl., ermany. Seltzer, G. J., 800 Evergreen St.,
Schulz, W., Grindelberg 11, Ham- Dallas, Tex.
burg, Germany. Semmens, L. A., 17 Abbott Road,
Scharer, M., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Lucknow, India.
lin-Charl., Germany. Seng, G., Bauerstr. 38, Munich,
Schurich, B., Grindelberg 11, Ham- Germany.
burg, Germany. Serna, M.; Safford, Ariz.
Schuster, M. H., 528 South Tenth Serns, A. E., 299 West Van Buren
St., Lincoln, Nebr. St., Battle Greek, Mich.

Settergren, A. J., Gamla Brogatan Shrock, S. S., 842 Taylor Ave.,

38, Stockholm, Sweden. Scranton, Pa.
Sevrens, 0. F., 16 Luna St., Pasay, Shuler, J. L., First Nat'l Bank
Rizal, Philippine Islands. Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Shadel, S. T., Box 55, Grand Shull, C. A., South Lancaster,
Rapids, Mich. Mass.
Shafer, Wm., Tacoma, Wash. Shull, H. L., S. D. A. Mission,
Shaeffer, F.- R., Box 266, Sawtelle, Chungking, Szechwan, China.
Cal, Shultz, H., 400 East Oak St., Lodi,
Shankel, G. E., 304 I. 0. 0. F. Cal.
Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Shultz, J. W., 1909 La Gonda Ave.,
Shapcott, A. A., 46 Hay St., Subi- Springfield, Ohio.
aco, Perth, West Australia, Aus- Sibogobe, Harry, Somabula Mis-
tralia. sion, Gwelo, Rhodesia, South
Sharp, F. L., " Mizpah," Wahroon- Africa.
0- N. S. W., Australia. Signrdsson, Pjetur, Ingolfsstraeti
Sharp, W. W., R. F. D. 1, Box 19c, 10, Reykjavik, Iceland.
National City, Cal. Siler, J. W., 42 South Cannon Ave.,
Sharp, Smith. C:raysville, Tenn. Hagerstown, Md.
Shaw, B. H., Shelton, Nebr. Silveria, J. A., Caxia Postal 378,
Shaw, H. S., Drawer 1304, Fresno, Recife, Pernambuco; Brazil,
Cal. South America.
Shaw, J. L., Takoma Park Sta- Simmons, Cyrus; Box 522, Knox-
tion, Washington, D. C. ville, Tenn.
Sheldon, E. L., Alexandria, Minn. Simon, H., Avenida do Born Fim
Sheldon, H. J., care Academy, Ma- 174a, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande
ple Plain, Minn. do Sul, Brazil, South America.
Shellhaas, Joseph, Elgin, Ohio. Simon, J., Benedikt ul. 8, Prague
Shepard,en orC., 17 Abbott Road, I, Czechoslovakia.
Lucknow, India. Simon, J. F., Margarethevej 5,
Shepard, Lyle C., 202 I. 0. 0. F. Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Simpson, G. I., Cedar Lake, Mich.
Shepard, Melzar, Gen. Del., Moun- Sims, G. G., Box 2072, Reno, Nev.
tain View, Cal. Singh, J. 17 Abbott Road, Luck-
, Casilla 355, La Paz,
Shepard, Reid, now. India.
Bolivia, South America. Sinz, K., Grindelberg 11, Hamburg,
Sherman, A. R., Calle Arenal Germany.
Grande 2535, Montevideo, Uru- Sittser, G. G., Box 391, Vancouver,
guay, South America. Wash.
Sherrig, Harry, Brookfield, Ill. Skinner, G. H., 302 Nokomis Bldg.,
Sherrig, W. H., Box 102, Flint, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
- Mich. Skinner, H. A., 60 Lower Kemen-
Sherwin, T. A., Sanitarium, Wah- dine Road, Rangoon, Burma (on
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. furlough).
Shone, F. C., Stanborough Slade, E. K., South Lancaster,
Watford, Harts, England. Mass.
Shone, G. W., 106 Kellner St., Slater, S. B., 1024 North Ash St.,
Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, Little Rock, Aak.
South Africa. Smailes, P., 12 Hunter St., Bert-
Shoup, H. L., 238 Haywood St., rams, Johannesburg, Transvaal,
Asheville, N. C. South Africa:
Shrewsbury, 0. H., Grant's Pass, Smith, C. D., Lacombe, Alberta,
Oregon. Canada.

Smith, Clarence E., 411 Baum Spalding, A. W., 2123 Twenty-

Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
Smith, C. 0., Box 489, Battleford, Tenn.
Saskatchewan, Canada. Sparrow, Chas. P. 0. Fraser's
Camp, Martindale, Cape, South
Smith, E. L., 294 West Van Buren
St., Battle Creek, Mich.
Sparrow, Hubert, Solusi Mission,
Smith, Floyd W., 17 Abbott Road, Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Af-
Lucknow, India. rica.
Smith, J. H., Box 473, Nassau, Spearing, F. A., Stanborough Park,
Bahamas. Watford, Herts, England.
Smith, J. J., Roseau, Dominica, Spencer, R. M., R. F. D. 4, Erie,
British West Indies. Pa.
Smith, M. B. C., " Mizpah," Wah- Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park Sta-
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. tion, Washington, D. C.
Smith, N. B., 532 East Nash St.,
Wilson, N. C. Spies, F. W., Sao Bernardo, S. P.
Smith, R. W., Nukualofa, Tonga, R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
Pacific Ocean. America.
Smith, S. 'S., R. F. D., New Lis- Spies, G. W., Gen. Del., Wichita
bon, Wis. Falls, Tex.
Smith, W. D., 84 Jervois Road, Spire, B. W., 169 Bryan St., Atlan-
Auckland, New Jealand. ta, Ga.
Smith, W. H., Hendersonville, N. C. Spring, L. A., Sanitarium, Mt. Ver-
Smith, W. I., College Place, Wash. non, Ohio.
Smith, W. J., Sanitarium, Wah- Sprohge, Joh., Techelfersche Str. 1,
roonga, N. S. W., ,Australia. Dorpat, Esthonia, Europe. .
Smith, W. K., 3322 Cambridge St., Stacey, H., " Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Des Moines, Iowa. N. S. W., Australia:
Smith, W. R., Soonan, Chosen (Ko- Stahl, F. A., Casilla 1002, Lima,
rea). Peru, South America.
Smithwick, R. A., Sutherlin, OTC - Staines, 0. R., 2006 Twenty-fourth
gon. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Smouse, A. R., Nevada, Iowa. Stanley, E. S., Kinuso, Alberta,
Snide, Harold, 10 Corbett Ave., Canada.
Binghamton, N. Y. Stanley, P. G., Fargo, N. Dak.
Snideman, D. T., 1112 Kalamath btarbuck, T. H., 508 East Everett
St., Denver, Colo. St., Portland, Oregon.
Snider, J. D., 212 South Lafayette Starr, C. V., Pleasanton, Iowa.
St., South Bend, Ind. Starr, F. D., Forest, Idaho.
Snodgrass, C. L., Lodi, Cal. Starr, G. B. care Sanitarium, La-
Snow, C. M., Warburton, Victoria, fayette, Ind.
Australia. Staton, J. R., Box 316, Clanton,
Snow, Karl, Tegucigalpa, Hondu- Ala.
ras, Central America. Staubert, 0., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
Snyder, G. A., 810 North Hollen- burg, Germany.
beck St., Los Angeles, Cal. Staubert, P., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
Soaries, R. L., 444 Gillespie St., burg, Germany.
Fayetteville, N. C. Stauffer, R. B., Calexico, Cal.
Soisala, K., Annegatan 33, He]- Stearns, Hugh, 315 West Twelfth
singfors, Finland. St., Traverse City, Mich.
Soler, Jose, Calle Besale 32, 1 Stebbeds, F., Clearwater Lake,.
(San Martin), Barcelona, Spain. Wis.

Steed, J. E., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Stoltenberg, H., Grindelberg 11,
Pacific Ocean. Hamburg, Germany.
Steele, Wm., Mission Adventista, Stone, A. J., 5702 South Alaska
Calle Nueva, Stop 14, Santurce, St., Tacoma, Wash.
Porto Rico. Stone, C. D., Lodi, Cal.
Steen, H., 718 Maryland St., St. Stone, C. L., Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Paul, Minn. Stone, W. J., 10 Sycamore Ave.,
Steen, T. W., Santo Amaro, Sao Takoma Park, D. C.
Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Storch, Gustavo, Caixa Postal 768,
Steinel, I. A., 16 Luna St., Pasay, -Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South
Rizal, Philippine Islands. America.
Steinert, A. G., Shattuck, Okla. Stotz, J. C., Lamberton, Minn.
Stene, L. J., Akersgaten 74, Chris- Stover, A. J., R. F. D1 Box 2,
tiana, Norway. Ridgefield, Wash.
Stephenson, C. B., Box 372, Or- Strachan, M. C., 2100 McCulloh St.,
lando, Fla. Baltimore, Md.
Sterling, G. L., care S. D. A. Mis-
Strahle, J. J., 707 Vermont St.,
sion, Papeete, Tahiti, Society
Manila, Philippine Islands.
Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Stevens, F. H., 111 South Oregon Stratford, S. V., " Mizpah,"
St., ampa, Fla. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Stevens, G. A.. Smyrna, Del. Stratton, F. E., Worley, Idaho.
Stevens, H. U., Florida, F. C. C. A.. Straw, W. E., Solusi Mission, Bu-
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South lawayo, Rhodesia, South Africa.
America. Stray, F. W., Oshawa, Ontario.
Stevens, J. A., Box 146, Glendale, Streeter, H. E., Longburn, New
Cal. Zealand.
Stevens, J. C., 164 Bradford St.. Streithorst, G., Rua Saldanha Ma-
Everett, Mass. rinho 169, Curityba, Parana, Bra-
Stevens, 0. B., Modesto, Cal. zil, South America.
Stevens, W. H., 6 Dehi Serampore Strickland, W. E., Wang Gia Dun,
Road, Entally, Calcutta, India. Hankow, Hupeh, China.
Steward, W. W., Milton, Oregon. Striplin, C. D., Route 5, Caldwell,
Stewart, A, G., Atcbin, New Heb- Idaho.
rides, Pacific Ocean. Strother, W. E., 319 Pearl St.,
Stewart, E. L., Mercedes, Tex. Savannah, Ga.
Stewart, G. G., 84 Jervois Road, Stueckrath, Martin, 432 Chippewa
Auckland, New Zealand. St., St. Louis, Mo.
Stewart, J. S. 116 Grote St., Ade- Sturdevant, M. C., 178 Bulwer
laide, South Australia, Aus- Road, Durban, Natal, South
tralia. Africa.
Stickle, J. D., Box 124, Ladysmith, Sturgeon, .D. F., Perry, Okla.
Natal, South Africa. Stuyvesant, J. B., Alpine, Cal.
St. John, M. H., 2134 Leland Ave., Su, Dien Ching, Lowanho, Yen-
Chicago, Ill. cheng, Honan, China.
Stocker, P., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Sulzle, C., Rockyford, Alberta.
lin-Charl.. Germany. Canada.
Stockil, F. R., P. 0. Box 124, Lady- Summerville, T. M., 702 Ellsworth
smith, Natal, South Africa. St., Midland, Mich.
Stoehr, H. G., Caixa Postal 3764, Surber, W. F., Thayer, Kans.
Victoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, Siissmann, A., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
South America. lin-Charl.. Germany.

Siissma,nn, Richard, Avenida do Taylor, J. I., 208 Donaghey Bldg.,

Bom Fim 174a, Porto Alegre, Little Rock, Ark.
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, South Teesdale, W. H., Keene, Tex.
America. Terry, L. W.. Rockville, Mo.
Sutherland, E. A., Madison, Tenn.
Sutton, C. B., Box 66, Port of Teters, D. ,S., Van Wert, Ohio.
Spain, Trinidad, British West Tetzlaff, A. B., Drawer N, James-
Indies. town, N. Dak.
Sutton, N. T., 122 South Eighth Thalmann, W., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
St., Grand Junction, Colo. lin-Charl., Germany.
Swan, A. G., 571 Fiftieth St., Theiss, G. F., Belmont Park, Hale-
Brooklyn, N. Y. don, N. J.
Swan, Robert, Penticton, British Theodore, Antoine, Box 40, Cape
Columbia. Haitien, Hayti, West Indies.
Swanson, E. H., 1417 East Thirty- Theunissen, D. C., 56 Roeland St.,
seventh Ave., Spokane, Wash. Cape Town, South Africa.
Sweany, W. A., La Ceiba, Hon- Thiele, E. R., S. D. A. Mission, 9
duras, Central America. Szi Pai Lou, Nanking, Ku.,
Swedberg, August, Route 1, Box China.
58, La Grange, Ill. Thirlwell, T. W. 1603 Seventh
Swenson, Carl, 571 Fiftieth St., Ave., Altoona, Pa.
Brooklyn, N. Y. Thomann, E. W., San Geronimo.
Swenson; J. A., 241 Van Vorst St., 120, Santa Fe, Argentina, South
Jersey City, N. J. America.
Swinson, Swin, 3803 Madison Ave., Thomann, V. E., Casilla 2830,
Fresno, Cal. Santiago, Chile, South America.
Symons, J. E., Solusi Mission, Bu- Thomas, A., Str. Slawjanska 13,
lawayo, Rhodesia, South Africa. Sofia, Bulgaria.
Sype, R. J., Box 428, Ancon, Canal Thomas, E. D., Nazareth Post
Zone, Panama. office, Tinnevelly District, South
Thomas, J. G., 202 South N St.,
Palatka, Fla.
Thomas, P. V., Nanning, Kwangsi,
T ABOR. B. C., 459 Morton St.,
Ashland, Oreg.
Thomason, Geo., Los Angeles, Cal.
Taggart, C. L., Modesto, Cal. Thompson, Chas., Takoma, Park
Tait, A. 0., Mountain View, Cal. Station, Washington, D. C.
Taphouse, Jas., 1502 Fruitvale Thompson, F. E., Room 621,
Ave., East Oakland, Cal. Crutcher and Starks Bldg.,
Tarr, A. P., Emmanuel Mission, Louisville, Ky.
Leribe, Basutoland, South Af- Thompson, F. S., 304 West Allen
rica. St., Springfield, Ill.
Tarr, D. F., 56 Roeland St., Cape Thompson, G. A., 14 Scott Road,
Town, South Africa. Kuala Lumpur, Federated Ma-
Tarr, W. C., Marantha Mission, lay States.
Martindale, Cape, South Africa. Thompson, G. B., Takoma Park
Tate, Dr. T. S., 18221 North Second Station, Washington, D. C.
Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Thompson, J., 84 Jervois Road,
Taylor, A. G., College View, Nebr. Auckland, New Zealand.
Taylor, C. L., Takoma Park Sta- Thompson, .Harry, Corcoran, Cal.
tion, Washington, D. C. Thompson, J. C., 2006 Twenty-
Taylor, C. U., 407 North Eleventh fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
St., Waco, Tex. Tenn.

Thompson, J. T., 482 O'Higgins, Town, N. Z., Takorna Park Sta-

Bahia Blanca, Argentina, . South tion, Washington, D. C.
America, Townsend, E. C., 5835 Magnolia
Thompson, L. M., 1122 Park St., Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Bowling Green, Ky. Townsend, V. C., 75 Grant St.,
Thompson, P. L., South Lancaster, Portland, Me.
Mass. Treible, R. H., Apartado 1151, San
Jose, Costa Rica, Central Amer-
Thanpson, Victor, 310 West. Six- ica.
teenth St., Jacksonville, Fla. Tribbensee, MT., Uhlandstr. 189,
Thorp, G. M., Bend, Oregon. Berlin-Charl., Germany.
Thrift, R. A., 17 Abbott Road, Trinidad, Esteban, 707 Vermont
Lucknow, St., Manila, Philippine Islands.
,Thuemler, T. L., Route 3, Eugene, Trubey, L. F., College View, Nebr.
Oregon. Trummer, E. M., Box M, Cris-
Thurber, E. W., Apartado 218, tobal, Canal Zone, Panama.
Guatemala City, Guatemala, Cen- Tscharakian, D., Box 109, Galata,
tral America. Constantinople, Turkey.
Thurber, R. B., 2123 Twenty-fourth Tucker, G. W., Drawer 586, Water-
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. town, S. Dak.
Thurm, P., Johannesstr. 96, Stutt- Tucker, J. A., First Nat'l Bank
gart, Germany. Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Thurston, H. G., Salem, Oregon. Tucker, J. L., 614 West Blvd., Lew-
Thurston, S.. 1228 East Harvard istown, Mont.
St., Glendale,. Cal. Tulin, Ernesto, Casilla 175, Men-
Thurston, W. H., College Place, dosa, F. C. P., Argentina, South
Wash. America.
Tieche, L. P., La Ligniere, Gland, Tupper, L. E., 1006 L St., Centra-
Switzerland. lia, Wash.
Tieche, M., La Lignikre, Gland, Turk, D. G., 3 Farr Place, Johnson
Switzerland. City, N. Y.
Tillgren, J. A., Akersgaten 74, Turner, J. W., Crawford, Nebr.
Christiania, Norway. Turner, W. G., " Mizpah," Wah-
Tindall, J. H. N., 411 Baum Bldg., roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Oklahoma City, Okla. Tutty, R. H., Marovo Lagoon, via
Tiney, J. H., R. F. D. 1, Athol, Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pa-
Mass. cific Ocean.
Tobiassen, Chr., Akersgaten 74, Twijnstra, H. Conradkade 4, The
Christiania, Norway. Hague, Holland.
Tobiassen, T.. Margrethevej 5, Co- Twiggs, D. M., Harrisburg, Ark.
penhagen, V., Denmark.
Tolentino, Sixto, 707 Vermont St.,
Manila, Philippine Islands.
Tolhurst, H. L., Vavau, Tonga, Pa-
cific Ocean.
Tolf, C. J.. 57 Frederic St., Osh- U CHTMAN, W. R., 47 Laurel
kJ Hill Ave., Cranston, R. I.
kosh, Wis. Ulrich, C. F., 230 Chittenden Ave.,
Toma, J., Str. Casa Apelor 20, Foc- Columbus, Ohio.
sani, Rumania. Underwood, R. A., College View,
Tonks, S. F., 17 Jesmond Vale Ter- Nebr.
race, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng- Unruh, T. E., 302 Nokomis Bldg.,
land. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Toombs, Geo., Nelson, British Co- Urquhart, E. J., Seoul, Chosen
lumbia. (Korea).

Walker, J. G., 426 Spadina Cres-

V ALEN, TOR, Akersgaten 74,
Christiania, Norway. cent, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
Valera, Emilio, Vigan, Ilocos Sur, Canada.
Philippine Islands. Walker, J. Z., Trinidad,. Colo.
Vandeman, H. A., 156 South Knox Wall, D. N., 499 East 176th St.,
St., Albany, N. Y. New York, N. Y.
Van Eeden, A. H., 106 Kellner St., Walla, W., Caixa Postal 99, Var-
Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, ginha, R. S. M., Minas Geraes,
South Africa. Brazil, South America. ,
Van Kirk, M. B., Box 1077, Okla- Wallace, H. L., Box 887, Phoenix,
homa City, Okla. Ariz.
Varmer, Axel, Margrethevej 5, Waldorf, N. J., 1920 Pennsylvania
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Vaucher, A., La Ligniere, Gland, Walleker, H. C. J., 374 Shelton
Switzerland. Ave., New Haven, Conn.
Veiga, Jose, Apartado 230, Matan- Wallenkampf, J., Gamla Brogatan
zas, Cuba, West Indies. 38, Stockholm, Sweden.
Venen, W. J., 6119 Walnut St., Wallenstern, A. v., Tizianstr. 35.
Philadelphia, Pa. Munich, Germany.
Videto, W. E., Madison, Tenn. Walsh, Mary E., 75 Grant St.,
Vitrano, Guisto, 749 Jackson St., Portland, Me.
Milwaukee, Wis. Walston, W. C., Cape Sanitarium,
Voigt, G., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin- Plumstead, Cape, South Africa.
Ch arl., Germany. Walter, A. Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Voigt, M., Greguss utca 10, foldz. Churl., Germany.
2, Budapest I, Hungary. Walters, W. B., Takoma Park Sta-
Von Pohle, E. A., Hines, Wis. tion, Washington, D. C.
Voorthuis, P., Jr., Conradkade 4, Warland, E. R., 157 Shirley Road,
The Hague, Holland. Southampton, England.
Vore, G. T., Apartado 230, Ma- Warren, L. D., 200 Columbus Ave.,
tanzas, Cuba, West Indies. Trenton, N. J.
Voss, Carl, Box 1077, Oklahoma Warren, Luther, Paradise Valley
City, Okla. Sanitarium, National City, Cal.
Votaw, H, H., Takoma Park Sta- Warren, M. C., S. D. A. Mission,
tion, Washington, D. C. Chungking, Szechwan, China.
Voth, Bernard, Durham, Kans. Wasell, Wm., 1004 First Ave.,
Voth, David, Keene, Tex. West, Prince Albert, Saskatche-
Vuilleumier, J., La Ligniere, Gland, wan, Canada.
Switzerland. Wasenmiller, Jacob, Riesel. Tex.
Washburn, F. E., 223 Piedmont
Bldg., Charlotte, N. C.
Washburn, H. A., Pacific Union
College, St. Helena, Cal.
AGNER, F. D., Box 143, Twin
WW Falls, Idaho.
Washburn, J. S., 344 South St.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Wakeham, G., Stanborough Park, Washington, S. R., 104 Baker St.,
Watford, Herts, England. Shreveport, La.
Wakeham, W. H., Berrien Springs,
Mich. Watson, A., Train View, Moira,
Waldo, D. P., 1 Wyman St., Wor- County Down, Ireland.
cester, Mass. Watson, C. H., "Mizpah," Wah-
Waldo, H. P., Cedar Lake, Mich. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Walker, Allen, Box 372, Orlando, Watson, E., " Mizpah," Wahroon-
Fla. ga, N. S. W., Australia.

Watson, G. F., 417 Black Ave., Wells, F. D., 129 Clermont Ave.,
Bozeman, Mont. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Watson, R. J., 304 West Allen St., Wells, G. ., 537 Twenty-fifth St.,
Springfield, Ill. Oakland, Cal.
Wentland, M. H., Benedikt ul. 8,
Watson, S., Lindsay St., Hamilton, Prague I, Czechoslovakia.
N. S. W., Australia. Wenzel, J., Greguss utca 10, foldz.
Watson, T. H., Box 313, Lodi, Cal. 2, Budapest I, Hungary.
Watt, J. W., R. F. D. 7, Mansfield, Werline, A. W., Takoma Park Sta-
Ohio. tion, Washington, D. C.
Watts, J. B., Iowa Sanitarium, Werner, R., Jerrerstr. 20, II, Niirn-
Nevada, Iowa. berg, Germany.
Watts, V. B., care Pisgah Indus- West, F. W., 3a Agricultura 21,
trial Institute, Candler, N. C. Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Watty, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin- West, G. L., 105 West Maple St.,
Charl., Germany. Coudersport, Pa.
Weaks, C. E., Box 523, U. S. Postal West, G. R., 711 West Heron St.,
Agency, Shanghai, China. Denison, Tex.
Wearner, A. G., 1112 Kalamath West, J. B., 157 Shirley Road,
St., Denver, Colo. Southampton, England.
Wearner, A. J., Waichow, Kwang- Westbrook, T. B., Box 141, New
tung, hina. Market, Va.
Weatherly, D. F., Stillwater, Minn. Westcott, H. B., Caixa Postal 1830,
Weaver, E. A., Bethel, Wis. Sao Paulo, Silo Paulo, Brazil,
Weaver, H. A., 51 Whitmore St., South America.
Hartford, Conn. Westerman, W. J., " Mizpah,"
Weaver, J. E. Sutherlin Oreg. Wahroonga, N. S. ., Australia.
Weber, C. W., 3306 West Thir- Westermeyer, H. E., Enterprise,
ty-first St.,Cleveland, Ohio. Kans.
Webber, P. ., 171 Amanuma, Sigi- Westermeyer, W. H., 1317 North
nami-mura, Toyotama-gun, To- Eighth St., Sheboygan, Wis.
kyo, Japan. Westphal, A. L., Caixa Postal 99,
Webster, C. C., 405 Laurel Ave., Varginha R. S. M., Minas Ge-
Richmond, Ky. raes, Brazil, South America.
Webster, E. W., 105 North Chester Westphal, F. H., Casilla 2830,
Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Santiago, Chile, South America.
Webster, F. C., Waterloo, Quebec. Westphal, J. W., Puiggari, F. C. E.,
Weeks, F., Box 146, Orosi, Cal. Argentina, South America.
Wegner, A., Baiergasse 72, Seghi- Westworth, Wm. A., Holly, Mich.
soara (Schassburg), Rumania. Wevers, M., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
Weidner, J. H., La LignWe, Gland, burg, Germany.
Switzerland. Wheeler, G. A., Drawer 1304, Fres-
Weinert, A., Tizianstr. 35, Munich, no, Cal.
Germany. Wheeler, L. S., 51 Whitmore St.,
Weinmann, F., Grindelberg 11, Hartford, Conn.
Hamburg, Germany. Wheeler, W. W., Casilla 43, Pua,
Wellman, D. E., Chapman St., Chile, South America.
Bridgetown, Barbados, British White, A. IL, " Tereora," The
West Indies. Boulevard, Strathfield, N. S. W.,
Wellman, L. E., Madison, Tenn. Australia.
Wellman, S. A., 17 Abbott Road, White, B. J., 305 South Fairview
Lucknow, India. St.,Bloomington, Ind.
Wells, Emma, Miss, 5 Garden St., Whit, C. L., 1102 Ferry St., La-
Poughkeepsie, N. Y. fayette, Ind.

White, C. S., 511 North Frankfort Wilfart, R. J., Caixa Postal 768,
St., Tulsa, Okla. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South
White, G. W., 2620 Northwestern America.
St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Wilkinson, B. G., 728 Kansas Ave.,
Topeka, Kans.
White. H. C., " Mizpah," Wahroon-
Wilkinson, G. L.. S. D. A. Mission.
ga, N. S. W., Australia.
White, J. E., Box 409, Battle Wenchow. Chekiang, China.
Creek, Mich. Will, Th., Zakatna "3-7, Warsaw,
Poland, Europe.
White, J. G., Loma Linda, Cal. Willess, N. V., Sanitarium, Boul-
White, Stemple, 302 Nokomis der, Colo.
Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Williams, A. H., 17 Abbott Road,
White, S. G., Loma Linda, Cal. Lucknow,
White, W. B., Rosmead Ave., Ken- Williams, B. F., 416 Broas St.,
ilworth, Cape, South Africa. Belding, Mich.
White, W. C., R. F. D. 1, St. Williams, C. D. M., Route 1, Box
Helena, Cal. 106, Tucson, Ariz.
White, W. H., Ford, Ky. Williams, D. S., Lowanho, Yen-
Whitehead, E. R., Franklin Cham- cheng, Honan, China.
bers, Macquorie St., Hobart, Williams, Hugh, 1220 South A St.,
Tasmania. Richmond, Ind.
Whittaker, E. G., " Tereora," The Williams, I. N., Fredonia, N. Y.
Boulevard, Strathfield, N. S. W., Williams, W. W., Route B, Box
Australia. 461, Miami, Fla.
Whittaker, M. H., Lindsay St., Willis, U. S., 4220w Lucky St.,
Hamilton, N. S. W., Australia. St. Louis, Mo.
Whittle, T., 84 Jervois Road, Auck- Willoughby, H. E., 6 Dehi Scram-
land, New Zealand.
pore Road, Entally, Calcutta,
Wibbens, Jacob, rue Cjuillaunie India.
Kennis 28, Schaerbeck, Brussels, Wilson, E. T., 203 Central Bldg.,
Atlanta, Ga.
Wicks, H. P. B., Marovo Lagoon,
Wilson, F. E., Box 114, Cayey,
via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pa-
Porto Rico.
cific Ocean.
WilSon, J. L., Memramcook, New
Widgery, E. C., 1137 Mercer St.,
Windsor, Ontario.
Wilson, J. 0., Keene, Texas.
Wierts, J. H., 2426 Poplar St.,
Wilson, J. Victor, Rusangu Mis-
Philadelphia, Pa.
sion, Private Bag, Livingstone,
Wiest, C. S., 417 Castle Hall Bldg.,
Northern Rhodesia, South Afri-
Indianapolis, Ind.
Wight, S. E. College View, Nebr.
Wilson; M. L., 210 West Romana
Wikander, G., 1617 Twenty-third
St., Pensacola, Fla.
Ave., Moline, Ill. Vineland, M. H., 112 Tower St.,
Wilbur, F. J. 1112 Kalamath St.,
Kingston, Jamaica, British 'West
Denver, Colo. Indies.
Wilbur, J. M., Holly, Mich. Winnerberg, A. W., Drawer 586,
Wilcox, C. C., 1230 Courtlandt St.,
Watertown, S. Dak.
Houston, Tex.
Wilcox, E. H, - Casilla 85, Puno, Winslow, G. H., South Lancaster,
Peru, South America. Mass.
Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Park Sta- Winston, W. H., 3050 Crescent
tion, Washington, D. C. Blvd., Knoxville, Tenn.
Wilcox, Lyle, Auburn, Wash. Winter, H. J., 2275 Elm Ave.,
Wilcox, M. C., Mountain View, Cal. Fresno, Cal.

Winters, C. A., P. 0. Box 333, El via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pa-

Centro, Cal. cific Ocean.
Wintzen, J., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Wu, Dzeh Shan, 17 Ningkuo Road,
lin-Charl., Germany. Shanghai, China.
Wirth, Wm. G., 2222 Chapel St., Wyman, C. A., 1414 Main St.,
Berkeley, Cal. Olympia, Wash.
Wolcott, B. A., Box 26, Aibonito, Wyman, F. A., 60 Lower Kemen-
Porto Rico. dine Road, Rangoon, Burma. .
Wolfe, E. W., 116 West Fairview. V AKAVENKO, Peter, Naughten
Ave., Johnson City, Tenn. Glen, Alberta, Canada.
Wolfgarten, J., Uhlandstr. 189, Yakovenko, A. G., Route 1, Box
Berlin-Charl., Germany. 58, La Grange, Ill.
Wong, Y. T., Tandjoong Anom, Yates, J. S., 23 Sawohlaan, N. G.
Toendjoengan, Soerabaya, Java, Weltevreden, Java, Dutch East
Dutch East Indies. Indies.
Wood, C. E., 568 Laurel St., Vic- Yearwood, C. W., 78 Bower St.,
toria, British Columbia. Roxbury, Mass.
Wood, Chancy, Cedar Lake, Mich. Young, Carl, Gamla Brogatan 38,
Wood, D. P., College View, Nebr. Stockholm, Sweden.
Wood, H. L., Virginia, Minn. Young, C. N., Box 65; Lubbock,
Wood, J. D. Scarborough, Tobago, Tex.
British Wes t Indies. Young, F, G., Enterprise, Kans.
Wood, K. H., Box 814, U. S. Postal Young, Milton, 410 Peachtree St.,
Agency, Shanghai, China (on Greenville, Miss.
furlough). Young, W. A., 312 Armstrong Ave.,
Wood, L. H., Southern Junior Col- Kokomo, Ind.
lege, Ooltewah, Tenn. Young, W. C., Lancaster Heights,
Wood, M. D., Kalyan, C. I. P., St. John, New Brunswick,
India. Young, W. J., Stanborough Park,
Woodall, A. M., Keene, Tex. Watford, Harts, England.
Woodman, I. J., 1127 Bowen Court, Youngberg, A. G., Drawer 586,
Madison, Wis. Watertown, S. Dak.
. Woodruff, W. A., Box 679, Brook- Youngberg, G. B., S. D. A. Mis-
field, Ill. sion, Sandakan, British North
Woods, J. H., 22 Stanley St., Rich- Borneo.
mond, Victoria, Australia. AHL' P. Grindelberg 11, Ham-
Woodward, C. N., P. 0. Box 813, Z burg, Germany.
Manila, Philippine Islands. Zakarian, T. H., 8 Sharia Naserud-
Woodward, II. G., Neyyattinkara, din el .Shikhi, Bulak, Cairo,
South Travancore, India (on fur- Egypt.
lough). Zecchetto, L., 104 Winthrop St.,
Wordsworth, G. H., 84 Jervois Brooklyn, N. Y.
Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Zeiner, Alois, Greguss utca 10,
Worrell, John, 347 South Twenty- foldz. 2, Budapest, I, Hungary.
second St., La Crosse, Wis. . Zerne, N., Gamla Brogatan 38,
Wortman, J. F. L., Conradkade 4, Stockholm, Sweden.
The Hague, Holland. Zielinski, M. W., Prinzenstr. 6, Po-
Woysch, A., Grindelberg 11, Ham- sen, Poland, Europe.
burg, Germany. Zielinski, St., Prinzenstr. 6, Posen,
Wright, F. A., 0555 Ingleside Ave., Poland, Europe.
Chicago, Ill. Zimmermann, H., Kaiserallee 19,
Wright, J. F., Box 316, Clanton, Karlsruhe i. B., Germany.
Ala. Ziprick, Oscar, 302 Nokomis Bldg.,
Wrigley, C. A., Morovo Lagoon, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
" They rest from their labors; and their works do follow them."

J. F. Ginter, Feb. 25, 1919; Russia. Mrs. E. E. Bruce, Oct. 12; India.
N. J. Etheredge, Oct. 9, 1919; Abi- Eva Clements, Nov. 3; India.
lene, Texas. W. H. McKee, Nov. 5; St. Helena,
Mimi Scharffenberg, Dec. 19, 1919; Cal.
Takoma Park, D. C. Zacharias Espiritu, Nov.; Peru,
D. T. Shireman, Jan. 25, 1920; South America.
Morganton, N. C. Mrs. L. L. McCamley, Nov. 15;
Battle Creek, Mich.
Jasper Wayne, Feb. 5; Waukon,
Iowa. Miss Julia Samuelson, Nov. 27:
Minneapolis, Minn.
W. W. Stebbins, April 18; College
View, Nebr. M. J. Cornell, Dec. 23; Battle
Creek, Mich.
R. T. Sisley, May; Java.
H. E. Armstrong, Dec. 26; New-
Norman. Wiles, May 5; New Hebri- port, Isle of Wight.
S. F. Svensson, Dec. 27; Minne-
W. C. Hebner, May 16; Battle apolis; Minn.
Creek, Mich.
Mrs. R. M. Cossentine, Jan. 7,
G. E. Klingerman, May 27; Loma 1921; Mukden, Manchuria, Chi-
Linda, Cal. na.
C. Hallam, June 11; Melbourne, Rolland R. Sweany, Jan. 9, 1921;
Australia. La Ceiba, Honduras.
J. Erzberger, July 13; Switzerland. A. J. Voth, Feb., 1921; Kiel, Okla.
Alfred Jensen, July 29; Hurley, E. F. Dresser, Feb. 24, 1921; La-
S. Dak. fayette, Ind.
S. B. Whitney, Aug. 8; Keene, N. Miss Florence Whaley, March 1,
Y. 1921; Philadelphia, Pa.
'C. E. Palmer, Aug. .29; South Dr. A. Allen John, March 1, 1921;
Lancaster, Mass. Chicago, Ill.
Mrs. J. P. Anderson, Sept. 20; Mrs. Emma Prescott, March 6;
China. New York.
Mrs. R. A. Falconer, March 5, 1921;
Dr. Harriet S. Maxson, Sept. 26; China.
Berkeley, Cal.
Mrs. Worthie Harris FI olde n,
G. F. Haffner, Oct. 1; College March 29, 1921; Portland, Ore-
Place, Wash. gon.
ABYSSINIAN Mission 96 Survey of work in 206
Academies, Directories of ..149-174 British Guiana (See South Carib-
Adelphian Academy 149 bean Conference)
African Division of the Gen. Conf 131 British North Borneo Mission 110
Alabama Conference 67 British Publishing House 175
Alaska Mission 64 British Union Conference 79
Alberta Conference 75 Mission Fields under 82
Alberta Academy (See Canadian Survey of work in 205
Junior College) Broadview Theological Seminary 151
Alberta Sanitarium 196 Buenos Aires Publishing House 175
Algeria, mission in (See North Af- Bulgaria Mission 100
rican Mission) Bureau of Home Missions 14
Alsace and Lorraine Conference 91 Burma Union Mission 126
Alto Parana Mission 120 Burmese language, periodical in 188
Amoy Mission 115
Anhwei Mission 107 CAFES 204
Annual Offerings 235 California Conference 56
Appropriations to Missions 233 Campion Academy 152
Arabic-Syrian Mission 101 Canadian Junior College 152
Argentine Conference 119 Canadian Watchman Press 175
Arizona Conference 55, 56 Cantonese Intermediate School 152
Arizona Academy 150 Cantonese Mission 115
Arkansas Conference 71 Cape Conference 131
Atlanta Branch Publishing House 182 Cape Sanitarium 196.
Atlantic Union Conference 18 Caribbean Missions 143
Institutions in 23 Survey of work in 224
Austral Union Conference 119 Carolina Conference 62
Survey of work in 213 Caterham Sanitarium 196
Australasian Union Conference 136 Cebuan language, periodical in 188
Institutions in 143 Cebuan Mission 114
Australasian Missionary College 150 Cedar Lake Academy 152
Central Amer. Branch Pub. House . 179
Central American Missions 145
Survey of work in 226
BAD AIBLING Sanitarium, 196 Central Bohemian Mission 87
Bahamas Mission 148 Central California Conference 57
Survey of work in 229 Central China Union Mission 104
Bahia Mission 121 Central Chosen Mission 106
Banat Mission 94 Central European Union Conf. 84
Barcelona Publishing House 175 Central Polynesian Conference 141
Barotseland Mission (See Rusang-u Central Polynesian Training School 153
Mission) Central-Southern Luzon Conference 114
Basle Branch Publishing House 177 Central Union Conference 24
Basutoland Missions 133 Institutions in 28
Battleford Academy 150 Chemnitz-Zwickau Conference 89
Bechuanaland Mission 133 Chesapeake Conference 29
' Belgian East Africa Mission 82 Chicago Conference 39
Belgian Conference 91 Chile Conference 119
Bengali language, periodical in 187 Chinese language, periodicals in 188
Bengali Schools 150 Chinese Publishing House 181
Berea Intermediate School 150 Chosen Union Mission 106
Berlin Conference 88 Chosen Union Training School 153
Berlin Sanitarium 196 Christchurch Sanitarium 19'T
Bermuda Mission 23 Christiania Health Home 197
Bethel Academy 151 Christian Record Pub. Co. 176
Bethel Girls' School 151 Chugoku Mission 109
Bethel Mission 134 . Church Directory (See at close of
Bihar Mission 128 each local conference)
Black Forest Conference 84 Clinton Theological Seminary 153
Bohemian language, periodical in 187 Colleges, directories of 149-174
Bolivia Mission 122 Periodicals by 186, 18T
Bombay Mission 129 Colorado Conference 24
Boston Inter-Church School 151 Columbia Union Conference 29
Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium 196 Institutions in - 36
Brandenburg Conference 88 Constitution of Gen. Conf. 230
Brazil Publishing House 175 Copenhagen Branch Pub. House 180
Brazilian Seminary 151 Croatian language, periodical in 188
British Columbia Conference 75 Cuban Mission 143
British East Africa Mission 82 Survey of work in 224

Cumberland Conference 63 Foreign Languages, periodicals in

Czechoslovakian Union Conference 87 187-193
Czechoslovakian Pub. House 176 Foreign periodicals 187-193
Ft. Worth Branch Pub. House .... 182
DANISH-NORWEGIAN language, Fox River Academy 156
periodicals in 188 French Conference 91, 92
Danish-Norwegian Seminary (See French language, periodicals in ... 189
Hutchinson Theo. Seminary) Friedensau Industrial School 156
Darling Range School 153 Friedensau Sanitarium 197
Denmark Conference 95 Fukien Intermediate School 157
Denominational literature, lan-
guages in which issued .... 193-195 C_ALICIAN MISSION 100
Denominational periodicals ....183-193 s"' Gem State Academy 157
Directory of Ministers 239-281 General Conf., Directory of 5-17
District of Columbia Conference ... 30 Appropriations of 233
Constitution of 230
EAST AFRICA. Missions in 82 Laborers engaged under 16. 17
East Bemml Mission 128 Presidents and Secretaries of ... 234
East Brazil Union Mission 120 General Conference Corporation ... 16
Survey of work in 217 General Conf. Executive Committee 6
East Caribbean Missions 143 Georgia Conference 65
East China Union Mission 107 German-Austrian Conference 84
East German Union Conference SR German-Swiss Conference 85
East Holland Mission 99 German Health Association .... 78, 197
Fast Java Mission 110 German Mission Society 78
East Michigan Conference 40 German language, periodicals in 189
East Minas Mission 121 Glendale Mission 135
East Prussia Conference 89 Glendale Sanitarium 197
East Saxon Conference 89 Gold Coast Mission 83
East Silesia Conference , 101 Good Health Assn., Ltd. 198
East Szechwan Mission 117 Graysville Academy 157
Eastern Canadian Union Conf. 36 Greater New York Conference 19
Institutions in 38 Grecian Mission 100
Eastern New York Academy 154 Guatemala Mission 145
Eastern New York Conference 18 Gujerati language, periodical in 190
East Pennsylvania Conference 31
Eastern Polynesian Mission 142 LJAITIEN MISSION 144
Ecuador Mission 122 " Survey of work in 225
Educational Dept. of Gen. Conf. 11 Hakka Mission 116
Educational Institutions 149-174 Hamburg Publishing House 176
Outline of courses in 149 Hamburg S. D. A. Association 78
Emmanuel Mission 133 Hankow Intermediate School 157
Emmanuel Missionary College 154 Hanover Conference 97
Emmanuel Miss. College Press 176 Hansa Conference 97
Enterprise Academy 155 Harlem Academy 157
Espirito Santo Mission 121 Hawaiian Mission 148
Esthonian Conference 96 Survey of work in 228
Esthonian. periodical in 188 Hindi language, periodical in 190
European Division 78-102 Hokkaido Mission 109
Institutions in 102 Holland language, periodical in 190
Holland Missions 99
FAR-EASTERN DIVISION of the Home Missions. Bureau of 14
Gen eral Conference 103 Home Missionary Department 15
Institutions in 117 Honan Intermediate School 157
Survey of work in 206 Honan Mission 104
Fengtien Mission 112 Honduras Mission 145
Fern,mod Academy 155 Survey of work in 226
Fiji Training School 153 Hunan Mission 105
Fijian language, periodical in 188 Hungarian Conference 101
Finland Conference 95 Hungarian Branch Pub. House 177
Finland Publishing House 176 Hungarian language, periodicals in 190
Jijian language, periodical in 188 Hupeh Mission 105
Fireside Correspondence School 155 Hutchinson Theological Seminary 157
Flat Rock Academy 156
Florida Conference 64 ICELAND MISSION 95
Florida Sanitarium 197 Illinois Conference 41
Foochow Intermediate School 156 Ilocano language, periodical in 190
Foochow Mission 116 Inca Union Mission 122
Food Companies 203, 204 Survey of work in 217
Foreiem fields, workers sent to, Indiana Academy 158
1901-1920 234 Indiana Conference 41

India, publishing house in (See S. Local Periodicals 186

D. A. Pub. House, India) Lodi Academy 160
India Union Mission (See Southern Loma Linda College 160
Asia Division of Gen. Conf.) Loma Linda Sanitarium 199
International Branch Pub. House . 178 Lord Howe Island Mission 142
International Health Assn., Ltd. 198 Louisiana-Mississippi Conference 68
Inter-Mountain Academy 158 Lower Egypt Mission 82
Inter-Mountain Conference 25
Inyazura Mission 135
Iowa Conference 46 MADISON SANITARIUM 199
Iowa Sanitarium 198 Main-Neckar Conference 85
Irish Mission 82 Maine Conference 20
Irrawaddy Delta Mission 127 Malay language. periodical in 191
Italian language, periodicals in 190 Malay States Mission 111
Italian Mission 92 Malayalam language, periodical in 191
Malayalam Mission 130
AMAICA CONFERENCE 146 Malayalam Mission School 162
J Survey of work in 223 Malaysian Union Mission 110
James White Memorial Home 198 Malaysian Publishing House 182
108 Manchurian Union Mission 112
Japan Union Mission
Japanese language, periodicals in 190 Manitoba Conference 76
Japanese Mission Training School 158. Maplewood Academy 162
Japan Publishing House 177 Marathi language, periodical in 191
Jugoslavia Mission 191: Marathi Training School 162
Jugoslavia Publishing House 177 Maranatha Mission 134
Maritime Academy 162
VAFIRLAND Field 133 Maritime Conference 36
Masourian Conference 90
Kanarese language, periodical Massachusetts Conference 20
in 191 Mauritius-Madagascar Mission 93
Kansai Mission 109 Medical Miss. Dept. of Gen. Conf. 10
Kansas City Branch Pub. House .. 179 Meiktila Technical School 162
Kansas Conference 26 Mexican Mission 146
Kansas Sanitarium 198 Mexican Publishing House 178
Kanto Mission 109 Ministerial Directory 239-281
Karen Mission School 158 Ministers under the Gen. Conf .. 16, 17
Kempsey Mission 139 Minnesota Conference 47
Kentucky Conference 67, 68 Mission Offerings for 1920 235
Ketchum Intermediate School 159 Missionary' Licentiates under the
Kiangsi Mission 105 General Conference 17
Kiangsu Mission 108 Missionary Volunteer Department
Kirin Mission 112 of the General Conference 12
Kolo Mission 133 Missions, appropriations to 233
Korean language, periodicals in 191 Mississippi Conference (See Louisi-
Korean S. D. A. Mission Press 181 ana-Mississippi Conference)
Kwangsi Mission 116 Missouri Conference 26
Kyushu Mission 109 Moldavian Conference 93
Monamona Mission 139
LA FAYETTE SANITARIUM (See Montana Conference 50
Wabash Valley Sanitarium) Mt. Ellis Academy 163
Lake Geneva Sanitarium 198 Mt. Vernon Academy 163
Lake Grove Mission School 159 Muntenia Conference 94
Lake Union Conference 38 Musofu Mission 135
Institutions in 45
Lake Titicaca Indian Mission 123
Lancaster Junior College 159 NATAL-TRANSVAAL Conf. 132
Languages in which denominational Nebraska Conference 27
literature is issued 193-195 Nebraska Sanitarium (Hastings) 199
Latin American Training School .. 160 Negro Dept. of Gen. Conf. 15
Latin Union Conference 91 Nevada Conference 58
Latin Union Publishing House 177 Newfoundland Mission 38
Latin Union Missionary School 160 New England Sanitarium 199
Laurelwood Academy 160 New Guinea Mission 142
Legal Corporation of the General New Hebrides Mission 142
Conference 16 New Jersey Conference 32
Leman Conference 92 New South Wales Conference (See
Lettonian language, periodicals in 191 North and South New South
Levant Union Mission 99 Wales)
Licentiates under the General Conf 17 New York Branch Pub. House 180
Literature, languages in which is- New Zealand, Conferences in (See
sued 193-195 North and South New Zealand
Lithuanian Mission 90 Conferences)


New Zealand Training School ( See Porto Rican Mission 194'

Oroua Missionary School) Survey of work in 225
Nigeria Mission 83 Portuguese language, periodicals in 191
Niue Mission 142 Portuguese Mission 92
Norfolk Island Mission 142 Posania Conference 100
North Africa Mission 92 Press Bureau of General Conf. 16
North Bohemian Conference 87 Pua Training School 166
North Bavarian Conference 85 Pub. Dept. of the Gen. Conf. 9
North British Conference 79 Publishing Houses, directories of 175-182
North Carolina (See Carolina Conf.) Punjab Mission 129
North China Union Conference 113 Punjabi language, periodical in 191
North Dakota Conference 48
North India Mission Schools 163 QUEBEC Conference 37
North Latin-American Group .. 143 s". Queensland Conference 138
North Michigan Conference 42
North New South Wales Conference 137 RAND Mission 133
North New Zealand Conference 138
North Pacific Union Conference 49 Rangoon and Upper Burma
Institutions in 54 Mission 127
North Queensland Mission 142 Rarotongan, periodical in 192
North Sumatra Mission 111 Religious Liberty Association 13
North Tamil Mission 130 Resources Classified for 1919 235
North Telugu Mission 130 Restaurants 204
North Texas Conference 71 Review and Herald PUb. Assn. 179
North Wisconsin Conference 43 Rhenish Conference 98
Northeast India Union Mission 127 Rhenish-Pfalz Conference 86
Northern California Conference 58 Rio de Janeiro Mission 120
Northern Luzon Mission 114 Rio Grande do Sul Conference 124
Northern New England Conference 21 River Plate Academy 166
Northern Union Conference 46 River Plate Sanitarium 200
Institutions in 49 Rumanian Union Conference 93
Norway Conference 95 Rumanian language, periodicals in 192
Northwest India Union Mission 128 Rusangu Mission 135
Nyasaland Mission 135 Russian language, periodicals in 192..

SABBATH School Department of

OAK PARK Academy 163 the General Conference 12
Oakwood Junior College 163 Salvador Mission 146
Oakwood Sanitarium 200 Survey of work in 227
Obituary Record for 1920 282 Samoan language, periodical in 192
Offerings, annual 235 San Fernando Academy 166
Ohio Conference 33 Sanitariums, directories of .... 196-202
Oklahoma Conference 72 Santa Catharina Conference 124
Ontario Conference 37 Santa! Mission 128
" Open View " Mission School 164 Santali Mission 4hools 166, 167
Orange Free State Conference 132 Sao Paulo Mission 124
Oroua Missionary School 164 Saskatchewan Conference 76
Oshawa Missionary College 164 Scandinavian Publishing House 180
Scandinavian Union Conference 94
PACIFIC Press Publishing Assn 178 Scandinavian Union Miss. School 167
Pacific Union College 165 School Journals 186, 187
Pacific Union Conference 55 Schools (See Educational Institu-
Institutions in 61, 62 tions)
Panayan Mission 115 Seminaries, directories of 149-174
Panayan language, periodical in 191 Sentinel Pub. Co. 181
Papers issued 183-193 Serbian language, periodical in 192
Paradise Valley Sanitarium 200 Seventh-day Adventist Pub. House
Parana Mission 124 (India) 181
Peking Mission 113 Shandung Mission 113
Periodicals issued 183-193 Shanghai Missionary College 167
Pernambuco Mission 121 Shanghai Sanitarium 200
Persian Mission 101 Shelton Academy 167
Peruvian Mission 122 Shenandoah Valley Academy 167
Philippine Academy 165 Shensi Mission 105
Philippine Union Conference 113 Sheyenne River Academy 168
Philippine Pub. House 179 Siam Mission 111
Plainview Academy 166 Sierra Leone Mission 83
Polish language, periodicals in 191 Signs Pub. Co., Ltd. 182
Polish Union Mission 100 Signs of the Times Pub House
Pomerania Conference 90 (China) 181
Portland Branch Pub. House 179 Signs of the Times Press (Korea) 181
Portland Sanitarium 200 Silesian Conference 90

Singapore Mission 111 Survey of the Fields 205-229

Singapore Press 182 Sutherlin Academy 170
Singapore Training School 168 Swatow Mission 116
Skodsborg Sanitarium 201 Swedish Conferences 96
Slovakia Mission 87 Swedish language, periodicals in 192
Solomon Island Mission 142 Swedish Missionary School 170
Solusi Mission 135 Sydney Sanitarium 201
Somabula Mission 135 Sydney High School 170
Songa Mission 134
South African Pub. House (See TAGALOG language, periodicals
Sentinel Pub. Co.) in 193
South African Training School 168 Tahitian language, periodical in .. .193
South African Union Conference 131 Tamil language. periodical in 193
Institutions in 132 Tamil Mission School 170
Survey of work in 220 Tasmanian Conference 140
South American Division of the Telugu language, periodical in 193
General Conference 118 Temple Academy 170
Institutions in 125 Tennasserim Mission 127
Survey of work in 212 Tennessee River Conference 69
South Australian Conference 139 Texico Conference 73
South Bavarian Conference 86 Thuringian Conference 98
South Bend Branch Pub. House 180 Tibetan Mission 117
South Brazil Union Conference 123 Tohoku Mission 109
Survey of work in 215 Tongan language, periodical in 193
South 'British Conference 80 Transkei Field 134
South Caribbean Conference 147 Transportation Agents 16
Survey of work in 223 Transylvanian Conference .94
South Carolina (See Carolina Conf ) Treatment Rooms, list of 203
South Chekiang Mission 108 Tn-City Sanitarium 201
South China Union Conference 115 Turkey Mission 99
South Chosen Mission 106
South Dakota Conference 48 UNION COLLEGE 171
South India Union Mission 129
Union Conference periodicals 185
South India Training Schools 168 129
South Lancaster Academy (See Lan- United Provinces Mission
Upper Columbia Conference .... 51, 52
caster Junior College) 82
South New South Wales Conference 137 Upper Egyptian Mission
Urdu language, periodical in 193
South New Zealand Conference 140 120
South Pare Mission 83 Uruguay Mission
Utah Mission 61
South Sumatra Mission 111
South Tamil Mission 130 VERMONT (See Northern New
South Telugu Mission 130
South Texas Conference 73 England Conference)
South Wisconsin Conference 43 Venezuela Mission '145
Southeastern California Conference 59 Survey of work in 226
Southeastern Union Conference 62 Victoria-Nyanza Mission 83
Institutions in 66 Victorian Conference 140
Southern Asia Division of the Gen " Vincent Hill " School 171
Conference 126 Virginia Conference 34
Institutions in 130
Survey of work in 210 WABASH VALLEY Sanitarium 202
Southern California Conference 60 Walderly Academy 171
Southern Idaho Conference 50 Walla Walla College 172
Southern Junior College 169 Walla Walla Sanitarium 202
Southern New England Conference 22 Warburton Sanitarium 202
Southern Oregon Conference 51 Warsaw Mission 100
Southern Publishing Association 182 Washington Branch Pub. House 180
Southern Union Conference 66 Washington Missionary College 172
Institutions in 70 Washington Missionary College
Southern Union Mission (under Press 182
South African Union Conf.) 133 Washington Sanitarium 202
Southwestern Junior College 169 Waterloo Industrial School 173
Southwestern Union Conference 70 Welsh-Midland Conference 81
Institutions in 74 West Africa, Missions in 83
Spanish language, periodicals in 192 West Australian Conference 141
Spanish Mission 93 West Bengal Mission 128
Stanborough Park Miss. College 169 West Caribbean Conference 147
Stanborough Park Sanitarium 201 Survey of work in 227
Statistical Tables 233-238 West China Union Mission 116
St. Helena Sanitarium 201 West Chosen Conference 107
St. Paul Branch Pub. House 179 West German Union Conference 97
Stockholm Publishing House 182 West Holland Mission 99

West Indian Training School 173 Winnipeg Branch Pub. House 176
West Java Mission 112 Winyah Lake School 174
West Michigan Conference 44 Workers' Directory 239-281
West Minas Geraes Mission 125 Workers' Obituary Record for 1920 282
West Pennsylvania Conference 34, 35 Workers sent to foreign fields 234
West Silesian and Moravia Conf. .. 87 Wurtemberg Conference 86
West Szechwan Mission 117 Wyoming Conference 28
West Virginia Conference 35
Western Canadian Union Conf. .. 74 VAKIMA Valley Academy 174
Institutions in 77 Yiddish dialect, periodical in .. 193
Western New York Conference .... 22 Young People's Missionary Volun-
Western Oregon Conference 52 teer Dept. of the Gen Conf. .. 12
Western Washington Conference .. 53
Western Washington Missionary Z AMBESI Union Mission 134
Academy 173 Zululand Field 134
Westphalian Conference 98 Zulu Mission 134
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Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
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