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Severith-dat Adventist

The 0115dal Directories

-'ublrilmcei by the

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POUCK. 2.i C.:VI's

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"The Present Truth"

First printe,', in f.R.:1. Nc,i,tu!d i.n TanuarY. 1017

A four-page. illustrated, single-topic mission-

ary publication, issued semimonthly at the fol-
lowing low prices:
Single subscription, one yeat (twen-
ty-four numbers) $ .25
z to 20 copies, each .01
25 copies in bulk, postpaid ., .20
50 44 if
too " .6o
41. If L
i.octo 5.00 "

Postage extra to foreign countries

Send " Present Truth" one year (24 numbers)
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Instructor Temperance Annual

The Al-.knowlederl Leader of All Temperance
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Single copy .to
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The "Instructor " will issue in'August a strong
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printed in colors, with covers and illustrations
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Order of
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.

11111001H 111111111MINIIIIII4111111 (RID

A 1.11
i1131. =




Comprising a Complete Directory of the

General Conference, all Division, Union.
and Local Conferences, Mission Fields,
Educational Institutions, Publishing
Houses, Periodicals, and Sanitariums
Also a survey of the field for 1916.

mtssioN A r v- . s LLEGE
Reconsitutec 1r

H. E. ROGERS, Statistical Secretary of

failAti e. .



His Promise and Our Pledge

" I am with you, ever with you,"

This the Master's promise true;
And we daily prove his promise
As our covenant we renew.
He has promised grace and blessing;
We have pledged to him our all,
Pledged to him our best endeavor,
Answering glad his every call.
And he gives us for our hire
Souls of men for whom,4died,
Stars to shine for our rejoicing,
When th9seg4tes he opens wide,
Then we'll labor On, .nor.falter,
For he's with us every ay,
Giving grace and light and gladness
As we tread the upward way.
We would hasten,
, Lord, thy coming,
Hasten on.thy work of grace;
For we fain would see thy glory,
Meet and greet the face to face.
In the present issue of the Year Book will be found many changes
over former issues. These changes are so numerous, cover such an ex-
tent of territory, and are made so quickly, that it is difficult to secure
information as to all, and even when secured, some of the directory
matter is effective for only a short time.
At the time of closing these pages for printing this issue, the num-
ber of conferences, missions, and institutions throughout the various
portions of the field is indicated by the following table:
Confs. and Local Pub. Sanita-
Divisions Missions Confs. Missions Schools Houses riums
North American 12 . 68 3 44 18 19
European 9 46 50 6 12 6
Asiatic 6 10 19 21 7 4
South American 3 4 12 3 2 1
South. African 1. 3 14 1 1 3
West Indian
N. Latin American 1. 8
Bahamas 1
Hawaiian 1
Totals 33 134 108 75 40 33
'The above figures show that the number of missions has been reduced
by two for the year. This reduction is caused by the union of twelve
former missions in the Pacific Islands into three conference and mission.
groups. Taking into consideration this change of territory, the actual.
net gain in the number of mission fields during the year has been seven.
The year 1916 witnessed a large number of outgoing missionaries to
strengthen fields already entered. The number of missionaries sent out
during 1916 was 147; the number of outgoing workers sent to foreign
fields during the past five years has been 580, an average of 116 per
It has been thought advisable to Omit the statistical tables from
these pages. These figures have already been given general circulation
throughout the field, and during the greater portion of the year dining
Nvhich this book is used, the returns for the following year will be avail-

An interesting feature will be found in the survey of the field pre-

pared by those in charge of each field. The reader will find in this
survey a very interesting and authentic account of the work in various
parts of the field as it has been conducted during the past year.
The number of periodicals now issued is 130, and publications of all
kinds are issued in 91 languages and dialects. A list of these languages
will be found on page 215.
Directory of the Seventh-day Ad-
ventist Denomination.
Organized Ma y 21, 1863.

Territory: The North American, Treasurer: W. T. Knox, Takoma
European, Asiatic, and South Park Station, Washington.
American Division Conferences; D. C.
the following-named Union Con- Auditor: J. J. Ireland, Takoma
ferences: South African, West Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Indian, and the missions of
Bahamas, Hawaii, Mexico, Gua- APPOINTED ASSISTANTS.
temala, Salvador, North Hon-
duras, South Honduras, Porto Field Secretary: W. W. Prescott,
Rico, Haiti, and Cuba. Takoma Park Station, Wash-
Cable Address: Adventist, Wash- ington, D. C.
ington. (A B C Code, fifth Assistant Secretary: J. L. Shaw,
edition.) Takoma Park Station, Wash-
Telegraphic Address: General Con- ington, D. C.
ference, Washington, D. C. Office Secretary: T. E. Bowen,
(NOT Takoma Park.) Takoma Park Station, Wash-
Express and Freight Address: ington, D. C.
General Conference, Takoma Assistant Auditor: S. E. McNeill,
Park, D. C. (NOT Washing- Takoma Park Station, Wash-
ton.) Consign freight via B. & ington, D. C.
0. Ry. Statistical Secretary: H. E. Rog-
Postal Address: Takoma Park ers, Takoma Park Station,
Station, Washington, District of Washington, D. C.
Columbia, U. S. A.
President: Daniells, Takoma GENERAL CONFERENCE COM-
Park Station, Washington, D. C. MITTEE.
Vice-President for North Ameri-
can Division: I. H. Evans, Ta- GENERAL.
koma Park Station, Washington,
D. C. A. G. Daniells, Takoma Park
Vice-President for European Divi- Station, Washington, D. C.
sion: L. R. Conradi, Grindel- I. H. Evans, Takoma Park, Sta-
berg ]5a, Hamburg, Germany. tion, Washington, D. C.
Vice-President for Asiatic Divi- L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a,
sion: R. C. Porter, Box 523, U. Hamburg, Germany.
S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, R. C. Porter, Box 523, U, S.
China. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Vice-President for South Ameri- 0. Montgomery, Florida, F. C. C.
can Division: 0. Montgomery, A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos South America.
Aires, Argentina, South Ameri- W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta-
ca. tion, Washington, D. C.
Secretary: W. A. Spicer, Takoma IV. T. Knox, Takoma Park Sta-
Park Station, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C


Australasian: C. H. Watson,
North American Division. "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. \V.,
Atlantic: R. D. Quinn, South Lan- Australia.
caster, Mass. India: W. W. Fletcher, 17 Abbott
Central: R. A. Underwood, College Road, Lucknow,
View, Nebr. North China: R.. F. Cottrell,
Columbia: B. G. Wilkinson, 411 Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh,
Cedar St., Takoma Park Sta- China.
tion, Washington, D. C. South American Division.
Eastern Canadian: A. V. Olson,
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Austral: J. W. Westphal, Florida,
Lake: L. H. Christian, 3145 Lyn- F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Ar-
dale St., Chicago, Ill. gentina,, South America.
Northern: Chas. Thompson, 2718 Brazilian: F. W. Spies, Estagao
Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao
Minn. Paulo, Brazil, South America.
North Pacific: C. W. Flaiz, Col- Inca Union Mission: , E. L. Max-
lege Place, Wash. well, Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru,
Pacific: E. E. Andross, Box 146, South America.
Glendale, Cal. Miscellaneous Union Conferences.
Southeastern: W.H. Branson, 169 South African: W. B. White, 5G
Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. Roeland St., Cape Town, South
Southern: S. E. Wight, 2006 Africa.
Twenty-fourth Ave., North, West Indies: A. J. Haysmer, Riv-
Nashville, Tenn. ersdale, Jamaica, British West
Southwestern: J. W. Christian, Indies.
401 Scott Thompson Bldg., Okla- SECRETARIES OF DEPARTMENTS.
homa City, Okla.
Western Canadian: C. F. McVagh, Sabbath-school: Mrs. L. Flora
Room 304, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Cal- Plummer, Takoma Park Sta-
gary, Alberta, Canada. tion, Washington, D. C.
Publishing: N. Z. Town, Takoma
European Division. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
British: M. N. Campbell, 8 Lan- Educational: F. Griggs, Takoma
caster Road, Stroud Green, Lon- Park Station, Washington, D. C.
don, N., England. Medical: W. A. Ruble, M. D., Mel-
Central European: G. W. Shu- rose, Mass.
bert, Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Ger- Missionary Volunteer: M. E.
many. Kern, Takoma Park Station,
Danube: J. F. Huenergardt, V., Washington, D. C.
Katona Jozsef-utea 28. I. 5, ELECTIVE MEMBERS.
Budapest, Hungary. G. I. Butler, Bowling Green, Fla.
East German: H. F. Schuberth, W. C. White, R. F. D. 1, St. He-
Ubtandstrasse 189, Berlin-Charl., lena, Cal.
Germany. S. N. Haskell, South Lancaster,
East Russian: 0. E. Reinke, Ta- Mass.
koma Park, D. C. W. C. Sisley, Stanborough Park,
Latin: L. P. Tieche, Gland, SwitZ- Watford, Herts, England.
erland. C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal.
Scandinavian: J. C. Raft, Mar- J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Sta-
grethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., tion, Washington, D. C.
Denmark. E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta-
West German: J. G. blander, tion, Washington, D. C.
Ringelstr. 43, Frankfurt a. M., G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park
Germany. Station, Washington, D. C.
West Russian: J. T. Boettcher, Dr. H: W. Miller, Takoma Park
Takoma Park, D. C. Station, Washington, D. C.

C. S. Longacre, Takoma, Park E. Lind, Gamla Kungsholmsbro-

Station, Washington, D. C. gatan 38, Stockholm, Sweden.
W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park L. ,E. Borle, Gland, Switzerland.
Station, Washington, D. C. C. N. Woodward, 16 Calle Luna,
Pasay, Rizal, via Manila, Phil-
52 Members. ippine Islands.
J. Robert, Gland, Switzerland.
W. H. B. Miller, Warburton, Vic-
A. Pages, Estaeao srto Bernardo,
Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil,
tion, Washington, D. C. South America.
OFFICERS. G. E. Hartman, Florida, F. C.
Secretary: N. Z. Town. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Assistant Secretary: W. W. East- South America.
man. W. E. Gillis, Nanchang, Kiangsi,
GENERAL MEMBERS. B. R. Owen, Seoul, Korea.
W. C. White, R. F. D. 1, St. He- E. Parkinson, 17 Abbott Road,
lena, Cal. Lucknow, India. -
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. PARTMENTS AND BRANCHES.
L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a, H. H. Hall, Mountain View, Cal.
Hamburg, Germany. Jas. Cochran, Mountain View, Cal.
W. B. White, 56 Roeland St., J. D. Snider, Room 314, 32 Union
Cape Town, South Africa. Square, New York, N. Y.
J. C. Raft, Margrethevej 5, Co- J. W. Mace, Takoma Park Station,
penhagen, V., Denmark. Washington, D. C.
J. T. Boettcher, Takoma Park I. A. Ford, Takoma Park Station,
Station, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C.
0. E. Reinke, Takoma Park Sta- D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
F. W. Spies, Sao Bernardo, Sao G. C. Hoskin, 719 East - Flanders
Paulo, S. P. R., Brazil, South St., Portland, Oreg.
America. J. M. Rowse, 1109 Fourteenth St.,
J. W. Westphal, Florida, F. C. C. West, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, L. D. Randall, 169 Bryan St.,
South America. Atlanta, Ga.
G. W. Caviness, Takoma Park J. L. McConaughey, 2123 Twenty-
Station, Washington, D. C. fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
A. J. Haysmer, Riversdale, Jamai- Tenn.
ca, British West Indies. J. R. Ferren, Pacific Press Pub.
A. W. Anderson, Warburton, Vic- Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
toria, Australia. L. W. Graham, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
PUBLISHING HOUSE MANAGERS. S. N. Curtiss, Pacific Press Pub.
E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta- Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
tion, Washington, D. C. H. H. Rans, Melville Bldg., South
C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal. Bend, Ind.
R. L. Pierce, 2123 Twenty-fourth S. J. Abegg, 411 West Railroad
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Ave., Fort Worth, Tex.
W. C. Sisley, Stanborough Park, GENERAL FIELD MISSIONARY
Watford, Herts, England. SECRETARIES.
H. Hartkop, Grindelberg 15a, V. 0. Cole, South Lancaster, Mass.
Hamburg, Germany. C. V. Leach, 411 Cedar St., Tako-
Jens Olsen, Akersgaten 74, Chris- ma Park Station, Washington,
tiania, Norway. D. C.

J. B. Blosser,Berrien Springs,Mich. OTHER MEMBERS.

M. W. Shidler, 2006 Twenty-fourth H. W. Miller, M. D., Takoma
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
A. F. Harrison, 401 Scott-Thomp- W. B. Holden, M. D., East Six-
son Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. tieth St., Portland, Oreg.
D. W. Dillen, 169 Bryan St., A. C. Selmon, M. D., Box 523,
Atlanta, Ga. U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai,
J. H. McEachern, College View, China.
Nebr. W. C. Dunscombe, M. D., Wabash
E. M. Oberg, 2718 Third Ave., Valley Sanitarium, La Fayette,
South, Minneapolis, Minn. Ind.
C. E. Weaks, Box 523, U. S. Pos- W. E. Bliss, M. D., New Eng-
tal Agency, Shanghai, China. land Sanitarium, Melrose,
F. E. Painter, Tropico, Mass.
W. R. Beatty, 719 East Flanders L. M. Bowen, Loma Linda, Cal.
St., Portland, Oreg. G. E. Klingerman, M. D., Sanita-
W. L. Manfull, 304 I. 0. 0. F. rium, Cal.
Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. J. A. Burden, Paradise Valley
J. W. Davis, Oshawa, Ontario, Sanitarium, National City, Cal.
Canada. G. H. Heald, Takoma Park Sta-
G. S. Joseph, " Mizpah," Wahroon- tion, Washington, D. C.
ga, N. S. W., Australia. A. B. Olsen, Surrey Hills Hydro,
Samuel Joyce, Stanborough Park, Caterham Valley, England.
Watford, Herts, England. R. H. Habenieht, M. D., Diamante,
A. R. Sherman, Florida, F. C. Entre Rios, Argentina, South
C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, America.
South America. Riley Russell, M. D., Soonan,
G. C. Jenks, 56 Roeland St., Cape Korea. (In U. S. on furlough.)
Town, South Africa. V. L. Mann, M. D., 17 Abbott
J. A. P. Green, Riversdale, Ja- Road, Lucknow,
maica, British West Indies. Newton G. Evans, M. D., Loma
H. A. Robinson, Apartado 492, Linda, Cal.
Barcelona, Spain. Frederick Griggs, Takoma Park
H. Box, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Station, Washington, D. C.
burg, Germany. D. D. Comstock, M. D., Glendale,
R. M. Carter, Estacao Sao Ber- Cal.
nardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Julia A. White, M. D., Hunting-
Brazil, South America. ton Beach, Cal.
HOME MISSIONARY SECRE- T. A. Sherwin, M. D., Sanitarium,
TARIES. Wahroonga, N. S. W., Aus-
Miss E. M. Graham, Takoma Park tralia.
Station, Washington, D. C. A. W. Semmens, M. D., 108 Pon-
F. W. Paap, Takoma Park Sta- sonby Road, Ponsonby, Auck-
tion, Washington, D. C. land, New Zealand.


Secretary: W. A. Ruble, M. D.,
New England Sanitarium, Mel- Secretary: F. Griggs, Takoma
rose. Mass. Park Station, Washington, D C.
Assistant Secretary: L. A. Han- Assistant: W. E. Howell, Takoma
sen, Takoma Park Station, Park Station, Washington,
Washington, D. C. D. C.

Other Members. W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta-

J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Vesta J. Farnsworth, Pacific
C. C. Lewis, Takoma Park Sta- Union College, St. Helena, Cal.
tion, Washington, D. C. F. M. Wilcox, Takoma Park
0. J. Graf, Berrien Springs, Mich. Station, Washington, D. C.
B. F. Machlan, Takoma, Park Sta- Mrs. Fannie D. Chase, Takoma
tion Washington, D. C. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
C.-W. 'Irwin, Pacific Union College, T. E. Bowen, Takoma Park Sta-
St. Helena, Cal. tion, Washington, D. C.
Paul Steiner, Gland, Switzerland. W. E. Howell, Takoma Park Sta-
M. E. Kern, Takoma, Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. C. C. Lewis, Takoma Park Sta-
Erik Arnesen, Skodsborg, Den- tion, Washington, D. C.
H. U. Stevens, Diamante, Entre
Rios, Argentina, South America. YOUNG PEOPLE'S MISSION-
W. E. Straw, Kenilworth, Cape, ARY VOLUNTEER
South Africa. DEPARTMENT.
J. E. Shultz, Box 523, U. S. Pos- OFFICERS.
tal Agency, Shanghai, China.
H. F. Benson, 169-171 Amanuma, Secretary: M. E. Kern, Takoma
Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun, Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Tokyo, Japan. Asst. Secretary: Matilda Erick-
I. F. Blue, 17 Abbott Road, Luck- son, 911 Macon Ave., Cafion City,
now, India. Colo.
Chas. H. Schowe, Cooranbong, N. Field Secretary: Meade MacGuire,
S. W., Australia. Takoma Park Station, Wash-
C. L. Benson, College View, Nebr. ington, D. C.
H. A. Morrison, College View, Office Secretary: Mrs. I. H. Evans,
Nebr. Takoma Park Station, Wash-
E. C. Kellogg, College Place, ington, D. C.
Glen Wakeham, Stanborough C. L. Benson, College View, Nebr.
Park, Watford, Herts, Eng- Erik Arnesen, Skodsborg, Den-
land. mark.
Dr. E. Meyer, Friedensau, Bez. Guy Dail, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Magdeburg, Germany. burg, Germany.
S. L. Frost, Box 523, U. S. Pos-
tal Agency, Shanghai; China.
SABBATH SCHOOL DEPART- Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, Takoma
MENT. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
OFFICERS. Mrs. Fannie D. Chase, Takoma
Secretary: Mrs. L. Flora Plum- Park Station, Washington, D. C.
mer, Takoma Park Station, Miss E. M. Graham, Takoma
Washington, D. C. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Asst. Sec., Rosamond D. Ginther. F. Knight, Wahroonga, N. S. W.,
OTHER MEMBERS. Frederick Griggs, Takoma Park
G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Station, Washington, D. C. Howard Lee, Soonan, Korea.
W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park W. E. Howell, Takoma Park Sta-
Station, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
M. C. Wilcox, Mountain View, G. H. Clark, 56 Roeland St., Cape
Cal. Town, South Africa.

1. F. Blue, 17 Abbott Road, Board of Trustees: F. M. Wilcox,

Lucknow, India. I. H. Evans, W. T. Knox, E. R.
Glen Wakeham, Stanborough Palmer, W. W. Prescott, H. E.
Park, Watford, Herts, England. Rogers.
B. P. Hoffman, 1 of 1882, Fukiai-
J. A. P. Green, Riversdale, Jamai-
ca, British West Indies. Incorporated 1899.
C. P. Crager, Florida, F. C. C. A.,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Legal Title: " Foreign Mis;ion
America. Board of Seventh-day Adven-
L. L. Caviness, Takoma Park Sta- tists."
tion, Washington, D. C. Trustees: A. G. Daniells, W. A.
Spicer, W. T. Knox, 1. B. Evans,
-W. B. White, G. B. Thompson,
PORATION. Officers: Pres., A. G. Daniells;
Sec., W. A. Spicer; Treas., W.
Incorporated 1904. T. Knox.
Legal" Title: " General Conference
Corporation of Seventh-day Ad- TRANSPORTATION AGENTS.
Constituency: The General Con- W. T. Knox, Takoma Park Sta-
ference delegates. tion, Washington, D. C. (Also
Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- general agent for trans-Atlan 7
tion, Washington, D. C. tie steamship lines.)
Officers: Pres., I. H. Evans; Sec., C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal.
H. E. Rogers; Treas., W. T. (Also general agent for trans-
Knox. Pacific steamship lines.)
Board of Trustees: I. H. Evans, Review and Herald Publishing As-
W. T. Knox, W. W. Prescott, sociation, Room 314, 32 Union
F. M. Wilcox, E. R. Palmer, B. Square, New York, N. Y.
G. Wilkinson, H. E. Rogers. A. Bacon, 84 Upper Tollington
Park, London, N., England.
Frank Hiner, 3645 Ogden Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
GENERAL CONFERENCE ASSO- W. E. Abernathy, 169 Bryan St.,
CIATION. Atlanta, Ga.
Incorporated 1887; reincorporated G. C. Hoskin, 719 East Flanders
1916. St., Portland, Oreg.
C. B. Caldwell, 810 Jackson Ave.,
Legal Title: " General Conference New Orleans, La.
Association of the Seventh-day H. C. Kephart, Drawer M, Cristo-
Adventists." bal, Canal Zone, Panama.
Constituency: The General Con-
ference delegates.
Office Address: Takoma Park GENERAL LABORERS HOLD-
Station, Washington, D. C. ING CREDENTIALS FROM
President: F. M. Wilcox, Takoma FERENCE.
Park Station, Washington, D. C. Butler, G. I., Bowling Green, Fla.
Treasurer: W. T. Knox, Takoma Daniel's, A. G., Takoma Park Sta-
Park Station, Washington, D.T. tion, Washington, D. C.
Secretary: H. E. Rogers, Takoma Haskell, S. N., South Lancaster,
Park Station, Washington, D. C. Mass.

Kern, M. E., Takoma Park Sta- Crisler, C. C., Box 523, U. S. Postal
tion, Washington, D. C. Agency, Shanghai, China.
Knox, W. T., Takoma Park Sta- Hansen, L. A., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Lewis, C. C., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. .C. Haskell, Mrs. H. H., South Lan-
Loughborough, J. N., Lodi, Cal. caster, Mass.
Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park Ruble, W. A., Melrose, Mass.
Station, Washington, D. C. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Shaw, J. L., Takoma. Park Sta- Graham, Miss E. M., Takoma
tion, Washington, D. C. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. Ireland, J. J., Takoma Park Sta-
Town, N. Z., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. MacEnterfer, Sara, Sanitarium,
White, W. C., R. F. D. 1, St. Cal.
Helena, Cal. Plummer, Mrs. L. Flora, Takoma
LICENTIATES. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park Sta- Rogers, H. E., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.


Organized May 26, 1913.
Territory: The following-named G. B. Thompson, Takoma. Park
Union Conferences: Atlantic, Station, Washington, D. C.
Central, Columbia, Eastern Ca- W. T. Knox, Takoma Park Sta-
nadian, Lake, Northern, North tion, Washington, D. C.
Pacific, Pacific, Southeastern,
Southern, Southwestern, West- PRESIDENTS OF UNION CONFER-
ern Canadian. ENCES.
Population: 100,000,000. Atlantic: R. D. Quinn, South
Cable Address: Adventist, Wash- Lancaster, Mass.
ington. (A B C Code, fifth Central: R. A. Underwood, Col-
edition.) lege View, Nebr.
Telegraphic Address: North Amer- Columbia: B. G. Wilkinson, 411
ican Division Conference, Wash- Cedar St., Takoma Park Sta-
ington, D. C. (NOT Takoma tion, Wasington, D. C.
Park.) Eastern Canadian: A. V. Olson,
Postal Address: Takoma Park Oshawa, Ontario.
Station, Washington, D. C. Lake:, L. H. Christian, 3145 Lyn-
OFFICERS. dale" St., Chicago, Ill.
President: I. H. Evans, Takoma Northern: Chas. Thompson, 2718
Park Station, Washington, D. C. Third Ave., South, Minneapolis,
Secretary: G. B. Thompson, Ta- Minn.
koma Park Station, Washing- North Pacific: C. W. Flaiz, College
ton, D. C. Place, Wash.
Treasurer: W. T. Knox, Takoma Pacific: E. E. Andross, Box 146,
Park Station, Washington, D. C. Glendale, Cal.
Southeastern: W. H. Branson,
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga.
General. Southern: S. E. 'Wight, 2006 Twen-
I. H. Evans, Takoma Park Sta- ty-fourth Ave., North, Nash-
tion, Washington, D. C. villa, Tenn.

Southwestern: J. W. Christian, APPOINTED ASSISTANTS.

401' Scott Thompson Bldg., Ok- Home Missionary Secretary: F.
lahoma City, Okla. W. Paap, Takoma Park Station,
Western Canadian: C. F. McVagh, Washington, D. C.; Assistant,
Room 304, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Cal- Miss E. M. Graham.
gary, Alberta, Canada.
Publishing: W. W. Eastman, Ta- Office: Takoma Park Station,
koma Park Station, Washing- Washington, D. C.
ton, D. C. Secretary: W. W. Eastman.
Medical Missionary: H. W. Miller, GENERAL MEMBERS.
M. D., Takoma Park Station, N. Z. Town, Takoma Park Sta-
Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Educational: Frederick Griggs, Ta- W. C. White, R. F. D. 1, St. He-
koma Park Station, Washing- lena, Cal.
ton, D. C.; Assistant, W. E. W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park
Howell. Station, Washington, D. C.
Missionary Volunteer: M. E.
Washington, D. C. F. W. Paap, Takoma Park Sta-
Sabbath-school: Mrs. L. Flora tion, Washington, D. C.
Plummer, Takoma Park Sta- Miss E. M. Graham, Takoma Park
tion, Washington, D. C. Station, -Washington, D. C.
Religious Liberty: C. S. Long- FOREIGN DEPARTMENT SEC-
acre,Takoma Park Station, RETARY.
Wasi ngton, D. C. Steen Rasmussen, Brookfield, Ill.
Negro: C. B. Stephenson, Grays-
ville, Tenn.
E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta-
FOREIGN DEPARTMENTS. tion, Washington, D. C.
C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal.
General: Steen Rasmussen, Brook- R. L. Pierce, 2123 Twenty-fourth
field, Ill. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
German (West): G. F. Haffner,
Clinton, Mo.
German (East): B. E. Miller, W. A. Harvey, 2123 Twenty-fourth
1703 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
N. Y. E. L. Richmond, Takoma Park
Danish-Norwegian: P. E. Broder- Station, Washington, D. C.
son, 2009 Thirty-second St., TREASURERS.
East, Minneapolis, Minn. R. Hook, Jr., Takoma Park Sta-
Swedish: S. Mortenson, R. F. D. 1, tion Washington, D. C.
Box 20, La Grange, Ill. H. G. 'Childs, Mountain View, Cal.
M. F. Knox, 2123 Twenty-fourth
ELECTIVE MEMBERS. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Frederick Griggs, Takoma Park MANAGERS OF BRANCH PUBLISH-
Station, Washington, D. C. ING HOUSES.
W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park J. D. Snider, 311-314, 32 Union
Station, Washington, D. C. Union Square, New York, N. Y.
W. A. Ruble, New England San- H. H. Rans, Melville Bldg., South
itarium, Melrose, Mass. Bend, Ind.
F. M. Wilcox, Takoma Park Sta- S. N. Curtiss, Pacific Press Pub.
tion, Washington, D. C. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
G. C. Hoskin, 719 East Flanders
31 members. St., Portland, Oreg.

J. M. Rowse, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg.. OTHER MEMBERS.

Calgary, Alberta, Canada. W. E. Bliss, M. D., Melrose Mass.
L. D. Randall, 169 Bryan St., At- L. M. Bowen, Loma Linda, 'Cal.
lanta, Ga. F. Griggs, Takoma Park Sta-
S. J. Abegg, 411 West Railroad tion, Washington, D. C.
Ave., Ft. Worth, Tex. H. A. Green, M. D., Boulder,
I. A. Ford, Takoma, Park Station, Colo.
Washington, D. C. J. D. Shively, M. D., College View,
D. D. Comstock, M. D., Glendale,
J. W. Mace, Takoma Park Station, Cal.
Washington, D. C. Newton G. Evans, M. D., Loma
H. H. Hall; Mountain View, Cal. Linda, Cal.
D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
L. W. Graham, Takoma Park Sta- DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.
tion, Washington, D. C.
Jas. Cochran, Mountain View, Cal. Office: Takoma Park Station.
.T. R. Ferren, Pacific Press Pub. Washington, D. C.
Assn., Brookfield, Ill. Secretary: Frederick Griggs, Ta-
.J. L. McConaughey, 2123 Twenty- koma Park Station, Washing-
fourth Ave., North, Nashville, ton, D. C.
Tenn. Assistant Secretary: W. E. How-
ell, Takoma Park Station.
Washington, D. C.
V. 0. Cole, South Lancaster, Mass. OTHER MEMBERS.
C. V. Leach, 411 Cedar St., Ta- J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Sta-
koma Park Station, Washing- tion, Washington, D. C.
ton, D. C. C. C. Lewis, Takoma Park Sta-
J. B. Blosser, Berrien Springs, tion, Washington, D. C.
Mich. M. E. Kern, Takoma Park Sta-
M. W. Shidler, 2006 Twenty-fourth tion, Washington, D. C.
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. C. L. Benson, College View, Nebr.
E. M. Oberg, 2718 Third Ave., C. W. Irwin, Pacific Union Col-
South, Minneapolis, Minn.
D. W. Dillen, Graysville, Tenn. lege, St. Helena, Cal.
F. E. Painter, Tropico, Cal. 0. J. Graf, Berrien Springs, Mich.
W. L. Manfull, 304 I. 0. 0. F. E. C. Kellogg, College Place,
Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Wash.
A. F. Harrison, 401 Scott Thomp- H. A. Morrison, College View,
son Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Nebr.
J. H. McEachern, College View, E. G. Salisbury, Takoma Park
Nebr. Station, Washington, D. C.
J. W. Davis, Oshawa, Ontario, M. E. Cady, 2547 Piedmont Ave.,
Canada. Berkeley, Cal.
C. S. Longacre, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
MEDICAL MISSIONARY DE- L. L. Caviness, Takoma Park Sta-
PARTMENT. tion, Washington, D. C.
Headquarters: Takoma Park Sta- W. W. Ruble, College View, Nebr.
tion, Washington, D. C. M. B. Van Kirk, 2718 Third Ave.,
Secretary: H. W. Miller, M. D., South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Takoma Park Station, Wash- E. D. Dick, Lacombe, Alberta,
ington, D. C. Canada.
Assistant Secretary: L. A. Han- W. E. Nelson, Keene, Tex.
sen, Takoma Park Station, N. W. Lawrence, College Place,
Washington, D. C. Wash.

L. H. Wood, 2006 Twenty-fourth Field Secretary: C. L. Benson,

Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. College View, Nebr.
Leo Thiel, Ooltewah, Tenn. Field: Secretary (for German):
T. D. Rowe, Oshawa, Ontario, Can- J. F. Simon, Clinton, Mo.
H. W. Miller, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. ' J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Sta-
Newton G. Evans, Loma Linda, tion, Washington, D. C.
Cal. Frederick Griggs, Takoma Park
C. A. Russell, Berrien Springs, Station, Washington, D. C.
Mich. W. E. Howell, Takoma Park Sta-
B. F. Machlan, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Mrs. L. Flora Plummel, Takoma
C. L. Stone, 411 Cedar St., Ta- Park Station, Washington, D. C.
koma Park Station, Washing- Mrs. F. D. Chase, Takoma Park
ton, D. C. Station, Washington, D. C.
C. J. Boyd, Box 414, Huntsville, M. L. Andreasen, Hutchinson,
Ala. Minn.
M. E. Olsen, Takoma Park Sta- C. J. Boyd, Box 414, Huntsville,
tion, Washington, D. C. Ala.
F. R. Isaac, Clinton, Mo. G. E. Nord, R. F. D. 1, Box 20,
M. L. Andreasen, Hutchinson, La Grange, Ill. -
Minn. .Louis Halsvick, 2914 West North
G. E. Nord, R.. F. D. 1, Box 20, Ave., Chicago,
La Grange, Ill. All Union Missionary Volunteer
H. G.. Lucas, San Fernando, Cal. Secretaries in the Division.
H. J. Sheldon, Redfield, S. Dak. All presidents and principals of
S. M. Butler, Takoma Park Sta- colleges, foreign seminaries, and
tion, Wasington, D. C. fourteenth-grae academies.
N. S. Ashton, care Academy, Mt.
SABBATH SCHOOL DEPART- Headquarters: Takoma Park Sta-
MENT. tion, Washington, D. C.
Secretary: o'.` S. Longacre, 'Ta-
(Same officers and members of koma Park Station, Washing-
department as for the General ton, D. C.
YOUNG PEOPLE'S MISSION- J. 0. Corliss, 316 Everett St.,
Glendale, Cal.
ARY VOLUNTEER Allen Moon; 34 Carroll Ave., Ta-
DEPARTMENT. koma Park Station, Washing-
OFFICERS. ton, D. C.
W. M. Healey, 667 Eighteenth
Secretary: M. E. Kern; Takoma St., San Diego, Cal.
Park Station, Washington, D. C. C. P. Bollman, Takoma Park Sta-
Asst. Secretary: Matilda Erick- tion, Washington, D. C.
son, 911 Macon Ave., Cation G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park
City, Colo. Station, Washington, D. C.
Office Secretary: Mrs. I. H. Evans, D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta-
Takoma Park Station, Wash- tion, Wasington, D. C.
ington, D. C. J. E. Jayne, Room 602, 32 Union
Field Secretary: Meade MacGuire, Square, New York, N. Y.
Takoma Park Station, Wash- F. M. Wilcox, Takoma Park Sta-
ington, D. C. tion, Wasington, D. C.

W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta- C: W. Weber, 3306 West Thirty-

tion, Washington, D. C. first St., Cleveland, Ohio.
W. L. Burgan, Takoma Park Sta- G. P. Gaede, 630 Twenty-second
tion Washington, D. C. St., Milwaukee, Wis.
C. E. 'Holmes, Takoma Park Sta- J. G. Hanhardt, 1112 Kalamath St.,
tion, Washington, D. C. Denver, Colo.
L. L. Caviness, Takoma Park Sta- DANISH-NORWEGIAN ADVISORY
tion, Washington, D. C. COMMITTEE.
A. J. Clark, Holly, Mich.
S. B. Horton, 1211 March St., Kal- P. E. Broderson (secretary), 2009
amazoo, Much. Thirty-second St., East, Minne-
W. F. Martin, 310 Loring Bldg., apolis, Minn.
Riverside, Cal. Lewis Johnson, 3022 WeSt Sixty-
second St., Seattle, Wash.
UNION CONFERENCE SEC- M. S. Reppe, Hutchinson, Minn.
RETARIES. C. A. Thorp, Brookfield, Ill.
K. C. Russell, 36 Ferndale Cres- L. H. Christian, 3145 Lyndale
cent, Rochester, N. Y. St., Chicago, Ill. .
L. A. Smith, 2123 Twenty-fourth SWEDISH ADVISORY COMMITTEE.
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
H. W: Cottrell, 508 East Everett S. Mortenson (secretary), R. F. D.
St., Portland, Oreg. 1, Box 20, La Grange, Ill.
C. B. Haynes, 169 Bryan St., Fred Johnson, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg.,
Atlanta, Ga. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
L. H. Christian, 3145 Lyndale 0. E. Nord, R. F. D. 1, Box 20,
St., Chicago, Ill. La Grange, Ill.
C. Thompson, 2718 Third Ave., August Anderson, R. F. D. 8, Spo-
South, Minneapolis, Minn. kane, Wash.
J. W. Christian, 401 Scott Thomp- Carl Svenson, 3840 Snelling Ave.,
son Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Minneapolis, Minn.
C. F. MeVagh, 304 I. 0. 0." F. Bldg., JEWISH ADVISORY COMMITTEE.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. F. C. Gilbert, (secretary), South
R: A. Underwood, College View, Lancaster, Mass.
Nebr. R: D. Quinn, South Lancaster,
J. K. Jones, Room 606, Tremont
FOREIGN DEPARTMENTS. Temple, Boston, Mass.
Department Headquarters and W. G. Wirth, South Lancaster,
Office: Box 684, Brookfield, Ill. Mass.
Secretary: Steen Rasmussen. FRENCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE.
GERMAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE, G. G. Roth (secretary), South
WEST. Lancaster, Mass.
L. F. PaSsebois, Gros Pins, Quebec, .
G. F. Haffner (secretary), Clinton, Canada.
Mo. R. D. Quinn, South Lancaster,
F. R. Isaac, Clinton, Mo. Mass.
Carl Leer, Harvey, N. Dak. J. Vuilleumier, 3177 St. Hubert
John Isaac, Box 644, Oklahoma St., Montreal, Quebec.
City, Okla. H. C. Hartwell, 317 West Bloom-
G. A. Grauer, 333 East Locust field St., Rome, N. Y.
St., Lodi, Cal.
GERMAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Foreign Literature Depository.
EAST. Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brook-
B. E. Miller (secretary) 1703 field, Ill.; Manager, S. N. Cur-
Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. tiss.

NORTH AMERICAN NEGRO E. R. Palmer Takoma Park Sta-

DEPARTMENT. tion, Washington, D. C.
Secretary: C. B. Stephenson, I. A. Ford, Takoma Park Sta-
Graysville, Tenn. tion, Washington, D. C.
H. H. Hall, Mountain View, Cal.
R. L. Pierce, 2123 Twenty-fourth
S. E. Wight, 2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. J. D. Snider, Room 311, 32 Union
G. F. Watson, 411 Black Ave., Bo- Square, New York, N. Y.
zeman, Mont. J. W. Mace, Takoma Park Station,
L. H. Christian, 3145 Lyndale St., Washington, D. C.
Chicago, Ill. L. D. Randal , 169 Bryan St.,
R. A. Underwood, College View, Atlanta, Ga.
Nebr. S. J. Abegg, 411 West Railroad
B. G. Wilkinson, 411 Cedar St., Ave. Fort Worth, Tex.
Takoma Park Station, Wash- G. C. 'Hoskin, 719 East Flanders
ington, D. C. St., Portland, Oreg.
R. D. Quinn, South Lancaster, J. M. Rowse, 1109 Fourteenth St.,
Mass. West, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
J. K. Humphrey, 184 West 135th S. N. Curtiss, Brookfield, Ill.
St., New York, N. Y. V. 0. Punches, South Lancaster.
J. M. Campbell, 1820 West Chest- Mass.
nut St., Louisville, Ky. M. E. Ellis, College View, Nebr.
M. C. Strachan, Box 825, Tampa, J. W. Hirlinger, 411 Cedar St.,
Fla. Takoma Park Station, Wash-
Sydney Scott, Box 14, Little Rock, ington, D. C.
Ark. S. A. Ruskjer, 2718 Third Ave.,
W. H. Green, 638 Thirtieth St., South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Detroit, Mich. S. N. Rittenhouse, College Place,
U. S. Willis, 1240 Sixth St., N. W., Wash.
Washington, D. C. Ernest Lloyd, Box 146, Glendale,
B. M. Heald, 169 Bryan St., At-
MENT. W. L. Adams, 401 Scott-Thomp-
son Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Headquarters: Takoma Park Sta- F. L. Hommel, Room 304, I. 0.
tion, Washington, D. C. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta,
Secretary: F. W. Paap, Takoma Canada.
Park Station, Washington, D. C. V. 0. Cole, South Lancaster, Mass.
Assistant Secretary: Miss E. M. J. H. McEachern, College View,
Graham, Takoma Park Station, Nebr.
Washington, D. C. C. V. Leach, 411 Cedar St., Ta-
OTHER MEMBERS. koma Park, D. C.
J. B. Blosser, Berrien Springs,
I. H. Evans, Takoma Park Sta- Mich.
tion, Washington, D. C. E. M. Oberg, 2718 Third Ave.,
W. T. Knox, Takoma Park Sta- South, Minneapolis, Minn.
tion, Washington, D. C. W. R. Beatty, 719 East Flanders
W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta- St., Portland, Oreg.
tion, Washington, D. C. F. E. Painter, Box 146, Glendale,
N. Z. Town, Takoma Park Sta- Cal.
tion, Washington, D. C. D. W. Dillen, Graysville. Tenn.
G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park M. W. Shidler, 2006 Twenty-fourth
Station, Washington, D. C. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
W. W. Eastman, Takoma Park A. F. Harrison, 401 Scott-Thomp-
Station, Washington, D. C. son Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla.

W. L. Manfull, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Griggs, F., Takoma Park Sta-

Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. tion, Washington, D. C.
G. F. Haffner, Clinton, Mo. Haffner, G. F., Clinton, Mo.
B. E. Miller, 1703 Gates Ave., Longacre, C. S., Takoma Park Sta-
Brooklyn, N. Y. tion, Washington, D. C.
MacGuire, Meade, Takoma Park
P. E. Broderson, 2009 Thirty-sec- Station, Washington, D. C.
ond St., East, Minneapolis, Minn. Miller, B. E., 1703 Gates Ave.,
S. Mortenson, R. F. D. 1, Box 20, Brooklyn, N. Y.
La Grange, Ill. Miller, H. W., Takoma Park Sta-
Steen Rasmussen, Brookfield, Ill. tion, Washington, D. C.
Mortenson, S., R. F. D. 1, Box 20,
La Grange, Ill.
Ostoich, M., Box 360, Granite City,
Secretary: W. L. Burgan, Ta- Paap, F. W., Takoma Park Sta-
koma Park Station, Washing- tion, Washington, D. C.
ton, D. C. Palmer, E. R., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
Reed, L. A., Mountain View, Cal.
NORTH AMERICAN CONFER- Roth, G. G., South Lancaster,
ENCE CORPORATION OF Schilling, J. H., 116 North Cali-
SEVENTH-DAY AD- fornia Ave., Chicago, Ill.
VENTISTS. Stephenson, C. B., Graysville,
Incorporated Nov. 5, 1913. Tait, A. 0., Mountain View, Cal.
Thompson, G. B., Takoma Park
Trustees: I. H. Evans, W. T. Station, Washington, D. C.
Knox, G. B. Thompson, W. W. Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Park Sta-
Prescott, F. M. Wilcox, M. E. tion, Washington, D. C.
Kern, H. E. Rogers. Wilcox, M. C., ntainou View,
Officers: Pres., I. H. Evans; Cal.
Treas., W. T. Knox; Sec., H. E.
Howell, W. E., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
GENERAL LABORERS HOLD- Simon, J. F., Clinton, Mo.
ING CREDENTIALS FROM Rasmussen, Steen, Brookfield, Ill.
Burgan, W. L., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
Benson, C. L., College View, Nebr. Erickson, Matilda, 911 Macon Ave.,
Bollman, C. P., Takoma Park Sta- Cafion City, Colo.
tion, Washington, D. C. Follett, Orno, Thoreau, N. Mex.
Broderson, P. E., 209 Thirty-sec- Smith, L. A., 2123 Twenty-fourth
ond St., East, Minneapolis, Minn. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Eastman, W. W., Takoma Park Neall, Virle R., Takoma Park
Station, Washingtot, D. C. Station, Washington, D. C.
Evans, I. II., Takoma Park Sta- Wilcox, Kathrina B.-, Mountain
tion, Washington, D. C. 'View, Cal.
Organized igoi.
Territory: The Conferences of Negro Representative:
Maine, Northern New England, Sec., J. K. Humphrey, 184 West
Massachusetts, Southern .New 135th St., New York, N. Y.
England, Eastern New York,
Greater New York, Western MINISTERS.
New York, and the Bermuda R. D. Quinn, South Lancaster,
Mission. ' Mass.
Office: South Lancaster, Mass. W. G. Wirth, South Lancaster,
OFFICERS. G. G. Roth, South Lancaster,
Conference: Mass.
Pres., R. D. Quinn. F. C. Gilbert, South Lancaster,
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, C. L. Mass.
Eugene Leland, Hamilton, Ber-
Executive Committee: R. D. muda Islands.
Quinn, the presidents of confer- Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
ences composing the Atlantic Un-
ion, and W. G. Wirth, C. L. Kil- P. F. Bicknell, South Lancaster,
gore, W. E. Bliss, M. D., V. 0. Mass.
C.'11. Edwards, R. F. D. 2, Box 151,
Cole, F. C. Gilbert, J. D. Snider,
Ontario, 'Cal.
J. K. Humphrey.
S. J. Hersum, R. F. D. 3, Gorham,
Legal Assn.: " The Atlantic
Union Conference Association of Me.
P. B. Osborne, Lock Box 475, Fair-
S. D. A." Pres., R. D. Quinn;
field, Me.
Sec. and Treas., C. L. Kilgore.
J. W. Raymond, 96 Purdy St.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Union. Book Depository :
D. G. Turk, 526 State St., Bing-
New York Branch of Review hamton, N. Y.
and Herald Pub. Assn., Rooms 311- S. W. Walker, 164 Veranda. St.,
314, 32 Union Square, New York, Portland, Me.
N. Y. H. L. Shoup, Keene, N. Y.
Manager, J. D. Snider. S. B. Whitney, Keene, N. Y.
Union Field Miss. Sec., V. 0.
V. 0. Cole, South Lancaster,
Educational Dept.: Mass.
Sec., L. 0. Machlan. Honorary Ministerial License.
Medical Missionary Dept.: James Skinner, 30 Crescent St.,
Melrose, Mass.
Sec., W. E. Bliss, M. D.
Religious Liberty Dept.: C. L. Kilgore, South Lancaster,
Sec., K. C. Russell. Mass. .
Miss Pearl L. Rees, South Lan-
Young People's Dept.: caster, Mass.
Sec., Mrs. R. D. Quinn. Mrs. R. D. Quinn, South Lan-
caster, Mass.
Home Missionary Dept.: V. 0. Punches, South Lancaster,
Sec., V. 0. Punches. Mass.

J. L. Johnson, 38 Simonson Place, day Adventists." Pres., H. C.

Port Richmond, Staten Island, Hartwell; Sec. and Treas., H. A.
N. Y. May.
L. 0. Machlan, South Lancaster,
Mass. Tract Society:
J. D. Snider, Room 314, 32 Union Sec. and Treas., H. A. May.
Square, New York, N. Y. Field Miss. Sec.,, Elmer Whelp-
Dr. J. A. Pines, Melrose, Mass. ley.
H. B. Steele, Melrose, Mass.
Mrs. Rhoda Steele, Melrose, Mass. Sabbath School Dept.:
Dr. W. E. Bliss, care New Eng- Sec., Miss Florence L. Hoxie,
land Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. R. F. D. 2, Blossvale, N. Y.
Miss Nora Lacey, care New Eng-
land Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. Educational Dept.:
Dr. W. A. Ruble, care New Eng- Supt., Mrs. Bessie J. Rice,
land Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. Keene, N. Y.
Honorary Missionary Credentials. Medical Missionary Dept.:
Mrs. J. C. Hennessy, Room 602, 32 Sec.,
Union Square, New York, N. Y. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Chas. E. Palmer, 7 Upland Road,
Everett, Mass.
Ellery Robinson, Saylesville, R. I. Young People's Dept.:
Mrs. M. A. Scribner, 46 Chase St., Sec., Mrs. Bessie J. Rice, Keene,
Burlington, Vt. N. Y.
H. C. Wilcox, 88 Boston St., Guil-
ford, Conn. Home Missionary Dept.:
W. A. Wilcox, Lincklaen Center, Sec.,
N. Y.
H. C. Hartwell, 317 West Bloom-
EASTERN NEW YORK CON- field St., Rome, N. Y.
FERENCE. 'W. H. Holden, 317 West Bloom-
field St., Rome, N. Y.
Organized 1906. C. J. Coon, 317 West Bloomfield
St., Rome, N. Y.
Territory: That portion of the
State of New York east of a line MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
formed by the eastern boun- Elmer Whelpley, 317 West Bloom-
daries of the counties of Cayuga, field St., Rome, N. Y.
Tompkins, and Tioga, and north H. A. May, 317 West Bloomfield
of the line formed by the north- St., Rome, N. Y.
ern boundaries of Sullivan, Ul- Miss Gertrude Birdseye, 317 West
ster, and Dutchess Counties. Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y.
Office: 317 West Bloomfield St., Miss Florence L. Hoxie, R. F. D. 2,
Rome, N. Y. Blossvale, N. Y.
Mrs. Celia Koenig, 305 South Ave.,
Syracuse, N. Y.
Conference: Joseph Schnetzler, 509 Academy
Pres., H. Q. Hartwell. St., Fulton, N. Y.
Sec. and Treas., H. A. May. Mrs. Joseph Schnetzler, 509 Acad-
Executive Committee: H. C. emy St., Fulton, N. Y.
Hartwell, H. A. May, W. H. Mrs. Bessie J. Rice, Keene, N. Y.
Holden, W. H. Lewis, W. A.
Wilcox, C. J. Coon, G. H. Warren. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Legal Assn.: " The New York Miss Theresa Hacker, 93 Orange
Conference Association of Seventh- St., Albany, N. Y.

Miss Caroline Parrish, R. F. D. 2, Sabbath School Dept.:

Blossvale, N. Y. Sec., Mrs. J. E. Jayne, 129 Clere-
Miss Tourjee, 109 Van Vranken mont Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Ave., Schenectady, N. Y.
Educational Dept.:
Albany, 120 Jay St. Medical Missionary Dept.:
Binghamton, 71 Pennsylvania Ave.
Rome, 321 West Bloomfield St. Sec., B. B. Kinne, M. D., 10
Schenectady, Eastern and Rankin Benton Ave., Middletown, N. Y.
Ayes. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Syracuse, 363 South Ave. Sec.,
Utica, Union and Hopper Sts.
Watertown, Cor. Clay and Acad- Young People's Dept.:
emy Sts. Sec., Mrs. J. E. Jayne, 129
Cleremont Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Home Missionary Dept.:
Sec., W. H. George.
Organized 1902. J. E. Jayne, Room 602, 32 Union
Territory: The city of Greater Square, New York, N. Y.
New York, Long Island, and C. T. Everson, 825 West 178th
the counties of Westchester, St., New York, N. Y.
Rockland, Putnam, Orange, J. K. Humphrey, 184 West 135th
Dutchess, Sullivan, and Ulster, St., New York, N. Y.
in the State of New York. B. E. Miller, 1703 Gates Ave.,
Office: Room 602, 32 Union Brooklyn, N. Y.
Square, New York, N. Y. S. F. Svensson, 436 East 138th
St., New York,N. Y.
OFFICERS. H. C. J. Walleker, 546 Fortieth
Conference: St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
W. R. Andrews, 23 Franklin St.,
Pres., J. E. Jayne. Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Sec. and Treas., N. C. Van J. C. Stevens, 604 East Seven-
Horn. teenth St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Executive Committee: J. E.
Jayne, B. E. Miller, C. T. Everson, LICENTIATES.
J. D. Snider, J. K. Humphrey, A. H. Evans, 825 West 178th St.,
L. Klebhan, S. F. Svensson, J. C. New York, N. Y.
Stevens, H. C. J. Walleker, N. C. R. Immonen, Room 602, 32 Union
Van Horn, W. R. Andrews. Square, New York, N. Y.
Legal Assn.: " Greater New
York Corporation of Seventh-day MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Adventists." Pres., J. E. Jayne; Sarah Crowe, 82 West 139th St.,
Sec., J. D. Snider; Treas., N. C. New York, N. Y.
Van Horn. H. P. Hansen, 210a Twenty-ninth
St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Tract Society: Anna Hoglund, 4219 Seventh Ave.,
Sec. and Treas., N. C. Van Horn. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Asst. Sec. and Treas., P. W. Miss E. Kehrein, 314 East 156th
Derby. St., New York, N. Y.
Field Miss. Sec., W. H. George. Miss Lena W. Lewis, 501 West
Asst. Field Miss. Sec., A. J. Ad- 149th St., New York, N. Y.
dicks, 159 Chambers St., New- Miss A. Meyer, 78 Norwood Ave.,
burgh, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y.

C. H. Wilkinson, 17 Sumpter St., Church, Prospect Ave. and

Brooklyn, N. Y. Boston Road.
Mrs. J. E. Jayne, 129- Cleremont Bronx, German, 7691/2 Courtland
Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ave.
Miss F. E. Wagner, 1704 Linden German, German Evangelical
St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Church, 429 East Seventy-
Miss Emma Wells, Lincoln Block, seventh St.
Middletown, N. Y. Harlem (colored), 144-146 East
Miss Florence Tate, 257 Flatbush 131st St.
Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hungarian, 334 East Eighty-
N. C. Van Horn, Room 602, 32 sixth St.
Union Square, New York, N. Y. New York No. 1, Baptist Chapel,
Leo Fellinan, 681 East 136th St., Washington Heights, 145th St.
New York, N. Y. and Convent Ave.
J. E. Hanson, 117 Jefferson Ave., Swedish, Presbyterian Chapel,
Brooklyn, N. Y. 137th St. and Willis Ave.
Mrs. W. R. Andrews, 23 Franklin Poughkeepsie, 23 Franklin St.
St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Staten Island, Masonic Temple,
Mrs. J. L. Johnson, 38 Simonson Port Richmond.
Place, Port Richmond, Staten White Plains, 15 South Lexington
Island, N. Y. Ave.
Mrs. J. C. Stevens, 604 East Sev-
enteenth St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mrs. Belle Kershaw, 609 West MAINE CONFERENCE.
178th St., New York, N. Y.
Mrs. H. C. J. Walleker, 645 For- Organized 1867.
tieth St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Miss Bertha Stokka, 833 Fourth Territory: The State of Maine.
St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Office: 75 Grant St., Portland,
Miss Jennie Robinson, 120 Wads- Maine.
worth Ave., New York, N. Y. OFFICERS.
Miss Florence I. Thompson, 501 Conference:
West 149th St., New York, N. Y. Pres., H. W. Carr.
Miss Sarah E. Williams, 191 Seq. and Treas., B. B. Ross.
Chauncey St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Executive Committee: H. W.
CHURCH DIRECTORY. Carr, E. E. Osborne, E. C. Taylor,
Ward Bickford, R. S. Hobbs, W.
Brooklyn: R. McLaughlin.
No. 1, Gel man Presbyterian Legal Assn.: " Maine Confer-
Church, Willoughby Ave. and ence Association of S. D. A."
Broadway. Pres., H. MT. Carr; Clerk, W. 0.
No. 2 (colored), 1661 Dean St., Howe; Treas., B. B. Ross; Trus-
near' Schenectady St. tees: H. W. Carr, B. B. Ross, E. C.
Danish-Norwegian, 675 Hicks St. Taylor, W. 0. Howe, R: S. Hobbs.
Finnish, 611 Forty-first St.,
Brooklyn, N. Y. Tract Society:
German, 1831 Gates Ave.
Swedish (Greenwood Heights), Sec. and Treas., B. B. Ross.
Forty-fifth St. and Seventh Asst. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. B. B.
Ave. Ross.
Middletown, 3 Linden Ave. Field Miss. Sec., Ray Farley.
Mt. Vernon, Odd Fellows' Hall, 36 Sabbath School Dept.:
South Fourth Ave.
Newburgh, Cor. Third and Cham- Sec., Mrs. H. W. Carr.
bers Sts.
New York: Educational Dept.:
Bronx, English, Grace Baptist Supt., Miss Jennie R. Bates.

Medical Missionary Dept.: MASSACHUSETTS CONFER.

Sec., Dr. Ethel H. Walters. ENCE.
Organized 1870, being a portion
Religious Liberty Dept.: of the territory originally
Sec., W. 0. Howe. known as the New England
Young People's Dept.: Territory: The State of Massa-
Sec., Miss Jennie R. Bates. chusetts.
Office: Rooms 606 and 607, Tre-
Rome Missionary Dept.: mont Temple, Boston, Mass.
Sec., B. B. Ross. OFFICERS.
Pres., J. K. Jones.
H. W. Carr, 75 Grant St., Port- Sec. and Treas., D., K. Royer.
- land, Me. Executive Committee: J. K.
Jones, W. E. Bliss, E. R. Num-
E. E. Osborne, Fairfield, Me. bers, F. C. Gilbert, C. Meleen, W.
A. J. Verrill, Mechanic Falls, Me. W. Rice, and A. W. Payne.
A. E. Sanderson, 75 Grant St., Legal Assn.: " The Massachu-
Portland, Me. setts Conference Association of
Seventh-day Adventists." Pres.,
LICENTIATES. J. K. Jones; Clerk and Treas., D.
K. Royer.
W. 0. Howe, 64 Brentwood
Woodfords Station, Me. Tract Society:
M. R. Bailey, Foxcroft, Me. Sec. and Treas., D. K. Royer.
Field Miss. Sec., E. R. Num-
Jennie R. Bates, Norway, Me. Sabbath School Dept.:
W. G. McKeene, 24 Saunders St., See., Mrs. E. M. Wilber.
Portland, Me. EducatiOsnal Dept.:
Mrs. C. P. Wood, Rockland, Me. Supt.,
Miss Cora Bowers, 82 Deering
Ave., Portland, Me. Medical Missionary Dept.:
G. W. Howard, Kezar Falls, Me. Sec., W. A. Ruble, M. D.
Mrs. H. W. Carr, 75 Grant St., Religious Liberty Dept.:
Portland, Me. Sec., J. K. Jones.
L. L. Howard, R. F. D. 4, Portland,
Me. Young People's Dept.:
B. B. Ross, 75 Grant St., Port- Sec., Mrs. E. M. Wilber.
land, Me.
Mrs. B. B. Ross, 75 Grant St.,
Portland, Me. J. K. Jones, 439 Varnum Ave.,
Lowell, Mass.
Ray FaHey, 954 High St., Bath, E. L. Cardey, Room 606, Tremont
Me. Temple, Boston, Mass.
CII URCH DIRECTORY. C. Meleen, 98 Vernon St., Wor-
cester, Mass.
Lewiston, 212 Main St. 0. F. Butcher, South Lancaster,
Portland, 75 Grant St. Mass.


W. A. Butler, 7 Cypress St., Boston:
Greenfield, Mass. First, Chipman Hall, Sixth
W. W. Rice, 6 Carleton St., Me- Floor, Tremont Temple.
thuen, Mass. Colored, St. Luke's Hall, 23
F. J. Gonsalves, 812 Belleville Hammond St.
Ave., New Bedford, Mass. Fitchburg, Wallace Passway, off
Blossom St.
New Bedford, Cor: Willow and
E. R. Numbers, South Lancaster, Bullock Sts.
Mass. Springfield, 759 Main St.
Mrs. E. M. Wilber, South Lan- Worcester:
caster, Mass. English, Redmen's Hall, Day
Mrs. M. A. Wheeler, 141 Orchard Bldg., 306 Main St.
St., West Somerville, Mass. Swedish, 81 Catherine St.
Miss Ethel W. Meek, 209 Moun-
tain Ave., Malden, Mass.
Miss Cora A. Spencer, 20 Lesley
St., Dorchester, Mass. NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND
Mrs. Florence Wheeler, 402 High- CONFERENCE.
land Ave., West Somerville, Organized as the Vermont Con-
Mass. ference June 15, 1862; reorgan-
D. K. Royer, Room 606, Tremont ized 1909.
Temple, Boston, Mass. Territory: The States of Vermont
Mrs. F. H. Josselyn, Room 606, and New Hampshire.
Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass. Office: 136 North Main St., Con-
Miss Jennie Thayer, South Lan- cord, N. H.
caster, Mass.
Dr. Mary Sanderson, 46 Forest Pres., R. J. Bryant.
Park Ave., Springfield, Mass. Sec. and Treas., H. B. Tucker..
Executive Committee: R. J.
CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Bryant, H. B. Tucker, E. 0. Farns-
Miss Florence Kidder, 27 Burrage worth, H. A. Clark, C. F. Ball,
Ave., North Leominster, Mass. M. D., C. J. Rider, M. F. Cram.
C. A. Wilkinson, R. F. D. 1, Tract Society:
Mansfield, Mass. Sec., H. B. Tucker.
Miss Vieva Barrows, care James
Field Miss. Sec., J. A. Apple-
Mann, South Athol Road, Athol, gate.
Miss Florence Tate, 53 Dean St., Sabbath School Dept.:
Everett, Mass. Sec., Miss Mabel I. Hawthorne.
Miss Bessie Jamieson, R. F. D. 2,
Southbridge, Mass. Educational Dept.:
Miss Bessie R. Munn, 149 River Stipt., L. 0. Machlan.
Road, New Bedford, Mass.
Mrs. C. W. Battersby, 428 Pleas- Religious Liberty Dept.:
ant St., Melrose, Mass. Sec., R. J. Bryant.
Miss Ruth Sinclair, 81 Catherine
St., Worcester, Mass. Medical Missionary- Dept.:
Sec., Miss Mabel I. Hawthorne.
Mrs. E. 0. Hutchinson, R. F. D., Young People's Dept.:
Athol, Mass. Sec., Miss Anna E. Blythe.

Home Missionary Dept.: OFFICERS.

Sec., Miss Anna E. Blythe. Conference:
MINISTERS. Pres., F. W. Stray.
Sec. and Treas., W. E. Fortune.
R. J. Bryant, 136 North Main St., Executive Committee: F. W.
Concord, N. H. Stray, W. E. Fortune, J. A.
C. J. Rider, Randolph, Vt. Tefft, B. E. Nicola, H. C. Wil-
LICENTIATES. cox, Ellery Robinson, L. H.
Starr, J. A. O'Brien.
F. L. Abbott, 735 Second Ave., Ber- Legal Assn.: " The Southern
lin, N. H. New England Conference Assn. of
H. A. Clark, R. F. D. 5, Enos- S. D. A., Inc." Pres., F. W. Stray;
burg Falls, Vt. Sec. and Treas., W. E. Fortune;
L. 0. Machlan, South Lancaster, Trustees: F. W. Stray, W. E.
Mass. Fortune, J. A. Tefft, D. B. Par-
H. B. Tucker, Concord, N. H. Tract Society:
Miss Agnes Domina, 7 'North Sec. and Treas., W. E. Fortune.
Spring St., Concord, N. H. Field Miss. Sec., A. L. Griffis,
Miss Mabel I. Hawthorne, 7 North 41 Reservoir Ave., Meriden, Conn.
Spring St., Concord, N. H. Sabbath School Dept.:
Miss Anna E. Blythe, 7 North
Spring St., Concord, N. H. Sec., Mrs. Bessie P. Wilcox.
J. A. Applegate, 26 White St., Con- Educational Dept.:
cord, N. H. Supt., F. W. Stray.
CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Medical Missionary Dept.:
Miss Nella F. Eastman, 132 North Sec., B. E. Nicola, M. D.
Champlain St., Burlington, Vt.
William Reynolds, Randolph, Vt. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Miss Muriel Wyman, Jamaica, Vt. Sec., F. W. Stray.
CHURCH DIRECTORY. Young People's Dept.:
Burlington, Vt., 190 North Winoos- Sec., Mrs. Bessie P. Wilcox.
ki Ave. Home Missionary Dept.:
Concord, N. H., Capital Hall, War- Sec., F. S. Hartwell, 57 Phelps
ren St. St., East Hartford, Conn.
Keene, N. H., in church building,
Rutland, Vt., in church building F. W. Stray, R. F. D., Amston,
opposite high school. Conn.
W. R. Utchmann, 46 Hamilton St.,
Providence, R. I.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
B. E. Nicola, M. D., Sanitarium.
Organized in 1903, from territory Attleboro, Mass.
formerly comprised in the New
England Conference. LICENTIATES.
Territory:. The States of Connect- F. S. Hartwell, 57 Phelps St., East
icut and Rhode Island and the Hartford, Conn.
towns of Attleboro and North S. E. Norton, 168 Pacific St.,
Attleboro, Mass. Bridgeport, Conn.
Office: 51 Whitmore St., Hartford, Glen C. Russell, 19 Summer St.,
Conn. New London, Conn.

MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Sec. and Treas., W. M. Vehorn.

Mrs. Eva B. Daggett, 32 Spring Executive Committee: K. C. Rus-
St., Willimantic, Conn. sell; H. M. Fleming, J. E. Belknap,
Louise C. Kleuser, 19 Hamilton St., F. H. Hicks, M. R. CoOn, E. E.
Providence, R. I. Covey.
Mrs. Helen Armstrong, 19 Hamil- Legal Assn.: " The Western New
ton St., Providence, R. I. York Conference Assn. of S. D.
W. E. Fortune, 51 Whitmore St., A." Pres., K. C. Russell; Vice-
Hartford, Conn. Pres., F. H. Hicks; Sec., J. E. Bel-
A. L. Griffis, 41 Reservoir Ave., knap; Treas., W. M. Vehorn; Au-
Meriden, Conn. ditor, H. M. Fleming; Council-
Mrs. Bessie P. Wilcox, 88 Bos- men: J. S. Jenks, F. C. Carlson.
ton St., Guilford, Conn. Tract Society:
CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Sec. and Treas., W. M. Vehorn.
Margarethe E. Kleuser, 280 West Field Miss. Sec., E. E. Covey.
Ivy St., New Haven, Conn. Sabbath School Dept.:
Margurite H. Coffin, 88 Boston
St., Guilford, Conn. Sec., Mrs. E. E. Prescott, 718
Lillian E. Eastman, R. F. D., Ashland Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.
Amston, Conn. Educational Dept.:
Ruth C. Starr, Waterford, Conn. Supt., Mrs. K. C. Russell, 36
Lena B. Taylor, 51 Whitmore St., Ferndale Crescent, Rochester, N. Y.
Hartford, Conn.
Religious Liberty Dept.:
CHURCH DIRECTORY. Sec., K. C. Russell, ,36 Fern-
Bridgeport, Conn., Wilmot Ave. dale Crescent, Rochester, N: Y.
Guilford, Conn., Boston St.
Hartford, Conn., Whitmore St. Young People's Dept.:
Middletown, Conn., Pine St. Sec., Mrs. K. C. Russell, 36 Fern-
New Haven, Conn., Brewster St. dale Crescent, Rochester, N. Y.
New London, Conn., Union Chapel,
Norwich, Conn., W. C. T. U. K. C. Russell, 36 Ferndale Cres-
Chapel, Shetucket St. cent, Rochester, N. Y.
Pawtucket, R. I., Central Ave. F. C. Carlson, 21 Terrace Place,
Providence, R. I., Northup St. Jamestown, N. Y.
Westerly, R. I., Lester Ave. M. R. Coon, 609 Elmwood Ave.,
Willimantic, Conn., W. C. T. U. Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Chapel, Valley St.
C. F. Woertz, 292 Northland Ave.,
Organized 1906.
Marie A. Bentz, 431 Sixth St.,
Territory: The State of New York Niagara Falls, N. Y.
west of the eastern boundary of Geo. Owens, Tunesassa, N. Y.
the counties of Cayuga, Tomp- Ruth Mercereau, 718 Ashland Ave.,
kins, and Tioga. Buffalo, N. Y.
Office: 60 Grand Ave., Rochester, W. M. Vehorn, 60 Grand Ave.,
N. Y. Rochester, N. Y.
OFFICERS. Mrs. K. C. Russell, 36 Ferndale
Conference: Crescent, Rochester, N. Y.
Pres., K. C. Russell, 36 Ferndale Mrs. W. M. Vehorn, 322 Pennsyl-
Crescent, Rochester, N. Y. vania Ave., Rochester, N. Y.

E. E. Covey, 78 Ellison St., Roch- BERMUDA MISSION.

ester, N. .Y. Address: Hamilton, Bermuda Is-
A. E. Iverson, 115 Fourth St., lands.
Rochester, N. Y. Minister and Director: Eugene
Mrs. Minnie L. Coon, 609 Elm- Leland.
wood Ave., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Church School Teacher: Mrs. J.
Mrs. L. E. Wiegand, Sixth St., Eva Leland.
Niagara Falls, N. Y. Secretary of Y. P. S.: Manuel
Geo. Owens, Tunesassa, N. Y.
L. R. Mason, Tunesassa, N. Y. INSTITUTIONS IN THE AT-
C. R. Smith, Tunesassa, N. Y. LANTIC UNION CON-
Mrs. L. R. Mason, Tunesassa, FERENCE.
N. Y.
Mattie B. Tefft, Celeron, N. Y. Educational:
Claud Wiltsie, 1426 Caton Ave., Fernwood Intermediate School,
Elmira, N. Y. Tunesassa, N. Y.
Ethel L. Scott, Burt, N. Y. South Lancaster Academy,
Ruth Mercereau, 718 Ashland South Lancaster, Mass.
Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Publishing:
Edith Fay, 115 Fourth St., Roch-
New York Branch of Review ,
ester, N. Y. and Herald Pub. Assn.,
Elton Wetmore, Tunesassa, N. Y. Rooms 311-314, 32 Union
CHURCH DIRECTORY. Square, New York, N. Y.
South Lancaster Printing Co.,
Buffalo, 92 Hedley Place. South Lancaster, Mass.
Elmira, West Third St.
Jamestown, Cherry St. Sanitariums:
Rochester, 60 Gram! Ave. New England Sanitarium, Mel-
Salamanca, 24 East Jefferson St. rose, Mass.


Organized rgoz.

Territory: The Conferences of retaries of the Medical, . Educa-

Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, tional, Young People's, Religious
Missouri, and Wyoming. Liberty, and Missionary Depart-
Office: College View, Nebr. ments, the Union field missionary
secretary, the presidents of Union
OFFICERS. College and the Clinton German
Conference: Seminary, the manager of the
Pres., R. A. Underwood. Kansas City branch of the Pacific
Sec. and Treas., Miss Mettie E. Press Pub. Assn., and the busi-
Cornell. ness manager of the Boulder-Colo-
Auditor, W. J. Huffman. rado Sanitarium.
Executive Committee: R. A. Legal Assn.: " Central Union
Underwood, the presidents of the Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
local conferences in the Union, the Pres., R. A. Underwood; Sec., W.
Union' Conference auditor, the sec- W. Ruble.


Kansas City Branch of Pacific Miss Mettie E. Cornell.
Press Pub. Assn., 1224 Euclid MEDICAL MISSIONARY LICENSE.
Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Manager,
H. A. Green, Boulder, Colo.
Union Field Miss. Sec., J. H. Mc-
Eachern., College View, Nebr.
Home Miss. Sec., M. E.. Ellis. COLORADO CONFERENCE.

Educational Dept.: Organized 1883; divided and re-

organized 1908.
Sec., W. W. Ruble; Advisory
Board, the educational secretary Territory: The State of Colo-
of the. Union (chairman) ; presi- rado east of the Continental
dent of the Union Conference, Divide.
presidents of the local conferences Office: 1112 Kalamath St., Denver,
in the Union, the local conference Colo.
educational superintendents, prin-
cipals of academies in the Union, OFFICERS.
president of Union College, nor- Conference:
mal director of Union College, and Pres., W. A. Gosmer.
principal of the Clinton. German Sec. and Treas., R. T. Emery.
Seminary. Executive Committee: W. A.
Gosmer, T. B. Westbrook, H. A.
Medical Missionary Dept.: Vandeman, E. J. Baker, G. Bohl-
Sec., Dr. H.- A. Green. ender, G. C. Mathiesen, J. G. Han-
Young People's Dept.: Legal Assn.: " The Seventh-day
Sec., W. W. Ruble, College Adventist Association of Colo-
View, Nebr. rado." Pres., W. A. Gosmer; Sec.
and Treas., R. T. Emery.
Work for the Blind:
Board in charge of the " Chris- Tract Society:
tian Record " and the work for Sec. and Treas., R. T. Emery.
the blind: R. A. Underwood, H. Field Miss. Sec., D. T. Snideman.
C. Lacey, W. W. Ruble, S. J.
Quantock. Editor, H. C. Lacey; Sabbath School Dept.:
Office Editor, Mrs. A. 0. Wilson; Sec., Stella M. Parker.
Sec., Miss Mettie E. Cornell;
Treas., Central Union Conference. Educational Dept.:
Supt., Gladys E. Robinson.
(The following-named persons
may be addressed at College Religious Liberty Dept.:
View, Nebr., unless other ad- Sec., J. F. Pearson, 2441 High
dress is given.) St., Denver, Colo.
MINISTERS. Young People's Dept.:
R. A. Underwood, W. W. Ruble, Sec., J. W. Turner.
H. C. Lacey, J. N. Anderson.
Medical Missionary Dept.:
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. Sec., Dr. H. A. Green, Boulder-
.1. H. Morrison. Colorado Sanitarium, Boulder,
Missionary Credentials.
J. F. Harder, Clinton, Mo.; W. J. Home Missionary Dept.:
Huffman, J. H. McEachern. Sec., A. T. Robinson.


W. A. Gosmer, 1112 Kalamath St., J. S. Kilgore, 1112 Kalamath St.,
Denver, Colo. Denver, Colo.
G. W. Anglebarger, 531 Sante Fe MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Drive, Denver, Colo. Frances Brockman, 1112 Kalamath
E. E. Farnsworth, Campion Acad- St., Denver, Colo.
emy, Loveland, Colo. Lora Duncan, 1112 Kalamath St.,
J. G. Hanhardt, 1112 Kalamath Denver, Colo.
St., Denver, Colo. R. T. Emery, 1112 Kalamath St.,
G. R. Hawkins, Colorado Springs, Denver, Colo.
Colo. Genevieve Low, 1112 Kalamath
C. S. Lightner, 2917 Glenarm St., Denver, Colo.
Place, Denver, Colo. Stella M. Parker, 1112 Kalamath
0. J. Nerlund 2034 East Thirty- St., Denver, Colo.
second Ave., Denver, Colo. Gladys E. Robinson, 1112 Kala-
A. T. Robinson, 2098 Ogden St., math, St., Denver, Colo.
Denver, Colo. Bessie Sufficool, 1112 Kalamath
D. E. inson,
ob Campion Acad- St., Denver, Colo.
emy, Loveland, Colo. D. T. Snideman, 1112 Kalamath
J. W. Turner, 543 Inca. St., Den- St., Denver, Colo.
ver, Colo.
H. A. Vandeman, 1217 Claremont CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS.
St., Pueblo, Colo. Ruth Babcock, 1112 Kalamath St.,
E. J. Van Horn, Boulder-Colorado Denver, Colo.
Sanitarium, oulder, Colo. Sarah Beltz, Brighton, Colo.
J. Z. Walker, Monte Vista, Colo. Sarah Bohlender, 1112 Kalamath
T. B. Westbrook, 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo.
St., Denver, Colo. Alice Crooks, Monte Vista, Colo.
Esther Graham, Blanca, Colo.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. Beulah Jenkins, Bellvue, Colo.
Pearl Keene, Jaroso, Colo.
G. M. Alway, 228 Third St., Long- Clara Matschke, Lyons, Colo.
mont, Colo. Marguerite Owen, Campion Acad-
H. A. Aufderhar, R. F. D. 3, Love- emy, Loveland, Colo.
land, Colo. P. W. Peters, R. F. D. 1, La Salle,
W. D. Emery, R. F. D. 2, Boulder, Colo.
Colo. Mrs. M. Davis Smith, Boulder-
W. F. Kennedy, Jaroso, Colo. Colorado Sanitarium, Boulder,
C. R. Kite, Carr, Colo. Colo.
U. P. Long, Fifth Ave. and Tenth Winnie Walters, Jaroso, Colo.
St. Boulder, Colo. Daisy White, Greeley, Colo.
F. G. Specht, R. F. D, 3, Loveland,
L. I A. Spring, 4921 Irving St., Boulder, Seventh St. and Highland
Denver, Colo. Ave.
Callon City, Main St., near
C. W. Allen, 1112 Kalamath St., Colorado Springs, 324 North Wah-
Denver, Colo. satch St.
Kenneth Gant, Campion Academy, Denver:
Loveland, Colo. First, Cor. West Eleventh Ave.
A. E. Hagen, Campion Academy, and Kalamath St.
Loveland, Colo. York St., Cor. East Thirteenth
Mrs. E. Flo Hawkins, Colorado Ave. and York St.
Springs, Colo. Colored, 2917 Glenarm Place.
J. R. Miles, 1112 Kalamath St., Scandinavian, 1618 East Thirty-
Denver, Colo. eighth Ave.

Fort Collins, Cor. Whedbee and D. E. Huffman, Centerville, Kans.

Magnolia Sts. M. G. Huffman, Emporia, Kans.
Greeley, Cor. Fourteenth Ave. and A. S. Bringle, Oswego, Kans
Eighth St. W. L. Nott, 732 Sout Sixth St.,
Pueblo, 825 South Union Ave. Atchison, Kans.
A. B. Campbell, 204 North Topeka
Ave., Wichita, Kans.
B. H. Shaw, 2313 Allis St., Kansas
J. W. Allison, 726 Everett St.,
Organized 1875; reorganized 1914. Kansas City, Kans.
Territory: The State of Kansas. A. E. Johnson, 1000 Alabama St.,
Office: 204 North Topeka Ave., Lawrence, Kans.
Wichita, Kans. A. G. Steinert, Bison, Kans.
Bernard Voth, 511 Southeast Third
OFFICERS. St., Newton, Kans.
E. T. Wilson, 204 North Topeka
Conference: Ave., Wichita, Kans.
Pres., M. Lukens. W. E. Neff, 615 South Walnut St.,
Sec. and Treas., F. I. Mohr. Iola, Kans.
Executive Committee: W. D. Varner Johns, Oswego, Kans.
McLay, W. H. Clark, E. T. Wil- M. A. Altman, 204 North Topeka
son, A. G. Steinert, A. B. Camp- Ave., Witchita, Kans.
bell, J. L. Ballard, Dr. R. L. E. E. Dunham, 1228% North Main
Stokes. St., Hutchinson, Kans.
Legal Assn.: " The Kansas Sev-
enth-day Adventist Conference LICENTIATES.
Assn." Pres., W. D. MacLay; R. L. Bradford, Sr., 615 South
Sec. and Treas., F. I. Mohr. Main St., Hutchinson, Kans.
Carl Carlson, 539 Warden Ave.,
Tract Society: Rosedale, Kans.
Sec. and Treas., E. R. Allen. H. J. Miller, 734 Pottawatomie
Field Miss. Sec., C. B. Sutton. St., Leavenworth, Kans.
R. C. Zuehlke, Hillsboro, Kans.
Sabbath School Dept.: Harry Cooper, 204 North Topeka
Ave., Wichita, Kans.
Sec., Miss Faye Eagle.
Educational Dept.: E. R. Allen, 2417 West Anderson
Supt., Miss Alma L. DuBois. Ave., Wichita, Kans.
F. I. Mohr, 201 North Clarence St.,
Religious Liberty Dept.: Wichita, Kans.
Sec., D. E. Huffman, Center- C. B. Sutton, 204 North Topeka
ville, Kans. Ave., Wichita, Kans.
H. H. Howard, Downs, Kans.
Young People's Dept.: W. F. Surber, Thayer, Kans.
Alma L. Duo is, 204 North To-
Sec., Harry Cooper. peka Ave., Wichita, Kans.
Maud I. Davis, 816 Cedar St., Sa-
Home Missionary Dept.: lina, Kans.
Sec., D. E. Huffman. Lizzie Sutton, 802 West Maple St.,
Wichita, Kans.
MINISTERS. Mrs. B. H. Shaw, 2313 Allis St.,
M. Lukens, 204 North Topeka Kansas City, Kans.
Ave., Wichita, Kans. Louise Johnson, Lindsborg, Kans.
W. H. Clark, 821 West Fifth St., Miss Faye Eagle, 309 South Osage
T opeka, -Kans. St., Wichita, Kans.

Dottie Jones, 512 West Eighth St., Legal Assn.: " Missouri Con-
Topeka, Kans. ference Association of S. D. A."
Esther Kunde, 12281/2 North Main Pres., D. U. Hale; Sec. and Treas.,
St., Hutchinson, Kans. F. W. Alcorn.
Miss Estella Corwin, Oswego, Sec. and Treas., F. W. Alcorn.
Kans. Field Miss. Sec., J. R. Osborne.
Miss Bessie Mahurin, 703 East
Ninth St., Hutchinson, Kans. Sabbath School Dept.:
Miss Clara Huenergardt, Bison,
Kans. Sec., Miss Mary V. Walter.
Miss Freda, Pearson, 2313 Allis St.,
Kansas City, Kans. Educational Dept.:
Miss Gertrude Sinclair, Thayer, Supt., A. C. Madsen.
Miss Lillian Shafer, Nekoma, Kans. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Miss Exy Smith, Jetmore, Kans. Sec., J. C. Bradley, Goldsberry,
Miss Elva Wallock, Wellington, Mo.
Miss Anna Jensen, Oswego, Kans. Young People's Dept.:
0. C. Durham, Wichita, Kans.
Miss Sydney Bacchus 317 South Sec., A. C. Madsen.
Seneca St., Wichita, Kans.
Alva Patterson, Iola, Kans. . Home Missionary Dept.:
Miss Maude Weese, Horace, Kans. Sec., F. L. Limerick.
Miss Addela King, Hill City, Kans.
Miss Jessie Pride, Downs, Kans. MINISTERS.
Miss Pearl Hill, Palco, Kans.
Miss Carrie Moon, Liberal, Kans. D. U. Hale, 203 West Franklin St.,
Miss Ellen Wilson, Gardner, Kans. Clinton, Mo.
L. W. Terry, Rockville, Mo.
D. P. Miller, 983 North Campbell
Hutchinson, Cor. Sixth and Bis- St., Springfield, Mo.
mark Sts. C. G. Bellah, 792a North Euclid
Kansas City,- 2200 North Fifth St. Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
Topeka, 821 West Fifth St.
Wichita, Cor. Dodge and Burton F. L. Limerick, Columbia, Mo.
Sts. L. B.- Schick, General Delivery,
Kansas City, Mo.
J. H. Roth, 2913 Keokuk St., St.
Organized 1876; reorganized 1914. F. H. Hoxie, 203 West Franklin
St., Clinton, Mo.
Territory: The State of Missouri. J. W. Owens, 1826 Goode Ave., St.
Office: 203 West Franklin St., Louis, Mo.
Clinton, Mo.
H. E. Reeder, Box 308, Carthage,
Milan Ostoich, Box 360, Granite
Conference: City, Ill.
Pres., D. U. Hale.
- Sec. and Treas., Alice Guthrie. Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
Executive Committee: D. U.
Hale, J. C. Bradley, F. L. Limerick, W. W. Stebbins, 3845 East Seven-
J. H. Roth, L. B. Schick. teenth St., Kansas City, Mo.

LICENTIATES. Tract Society:

A. C. Madsen, 203 West Franklin Sec. and Treas., Ralph Rhodes.
St., Clinton, Mo. Field Miss. Sec., A. J. Olson.
P. H. Chaffee, New Boston, Mo. College View, Nebr.
J. C. Bradley, Goldsberry, Mo.
See., Miss Florence Howell.
J. R. Osborne, 203 West Franklin
St., Clinton, Mo. Educational Dept.:
Mrs. A. E. Daniels, 4952 Union
Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Supt., Miss Florence Howell.
Miss M. V. Walter, 203 West
Franklin St., Clinton, Mo. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Miss Pauline Kraus, 2913 Keokuk Sec., B. L. House, College View,
St., St.Louis, Mo. Nebr.
Mrs. Ella M. Merrell, 2636 Belle-
fontaine St., Kansas City, Mo. Young People's Dept.:
Mrs. Anna A. Hall, St. Joseph, Mo.
Mary Barry, 1725 Michigan Ave., Sec., J. T. Beardsley, College
Kansas City, Mo. View, Nebr.
Miss Alice Guthrie, 203 West Home Missionary Dept.:
Franklin St., Clinton, Mo.
F. W. Alcorn, 203 West Franklin Sec.. J. T. Beardsley.
St., Clinton, Mo.
J. F. Harder, Clinton, Mo. MINISTERS.
J. S. Rouse, College View, Nebr.
L. B. Porter, Shelton; Nebr.
Kansas City, Fourteenth and Mich- 0. 0. Bernstein, 3421 Davenport
igan Sts. St., Omaha, Nebr.
Springfield, Cor. North-Main and B. L. House, College View, Nebr.
Lynn Sts. Lars Nielson, College View, Nebr.
St. Joseph, 1701 Second St. L. E. Johnson, Ringgold, Nebr.
St. Louis, Central, 616 North New- G. J. Seltzer, Hastings, Nebr.
stead Ave. E. L. Cook, 835 North Cedar Ave.,
Hastings, Nebr.
J. D. Johnson, 3911 Gordon St.,
L. F. Trubey, College View, Nebr.
Organized 1878. H. L. Bradford, jr., 3033 Burdette
Territory: The State of Nebraska, St., Omaha, Nebr.
excluding the eleven western
counties, which belong to the Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
Wyoming Conference. R. F. Andrews, College View, Nebr.
Office Address: 905 North Califor- J. S. Hart, College View, Nebr.
nia Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
A. F. Kirk, 417 East High St.,
Conference: Hastings, Nebr.
Pres., J. S. Rouse, College View, C. J. Paulson, 410 East Ninth St.,
Nebr. Hastings, Nebr.
Sec. and Treas., Anna M. Pe- C. E. AcMoody, College View,
terson. Nebr.
Executive Committee: J. S. M. N. Helligso, Fairbury, Nebr.
Rouse, C. J. Kunkel, Lars Nielson, H. F. Saxton, College View, Nebr.
G. J. Seltzer, 0. 0. Bernstein, B. L. C. L. Premer, College View, Nebr.
House, J. I. Beardsley. J. I. Beardsley, College View, Nebr.


A. J. Olson, College View, Nebr. Scandinavian, Eighteenth and
Ralph Rhodes, 905 North Califor- Cuming Sts.
nia Ave., Hastings, Nebr. Colored, 2518 Lake St.'
Miss Maud Cotton, 2210 North
Twenty-first St., Omaha, Nebr.
Miss Agnes Thoger, 816 South
Fifty-first St., Omaha, Nebr. WYOMING CONFERENCE.
Miss Emma Mallat, 3421 Daven- Organized 1907.
port St., Omaha, Nebr.
Miss Anna M. Peterson, 905 North Territory: The State of Wyo-
California Ave., Hastings, Nebr. ming; the following-named
E. C. Blue, College View, Nebr. counties in Nebraska: Sioux,
H. I. Pettis, 4732 North Thirty- Dawes, Sheridan, Box Butte,
eighth St., Omaha, Nebr. Scotts Bluff, Morrill, Banner,
Mrs. R. Leo, College View, Nebr. Kimball, Cheyenne, Garden,
Miss Florence Howell, 221 East Deuel; and the following-named
High St., Hastings, Nebr. counties in South Dakota:
Miss Ada J. Madison, 3421 Daven- Butte, Meade, Lawrence, Pen-
port St., Omaha, Nebr. nington, Custer, Fall River.
Mrs. 011ie G. Manfull, 231 East Office: Crawford, Nebr.
High St., Hastings, Nebr.
Miss A. Helen Wilcox, 718 North OFFICERS.
Thirtieth St., Omaha, Nebr. Conference:
Sec. and Treas., Asa Smith.
Miss Ella Johnson, 632 South Bur-
lington Ave., Hastings, Nebr. Executive Committee: N. T.
Miss Christena Erickson, Oakdale, Sutton, E. H. Curtis, Asa Smith,
Nebr. H. A. Fish; J. M. Fletcher.
Mrs. Edith Cummings, College Legal Assn.: " Wyoming Con-
View, Nebr. ference Assn. of the S. D. A."
Miss Clara Ogden, College View, Pres., N. T. Sutton; Sec., J. M.
Nebr. Fletcher; Treas., Asa Smith.
Miss M. Rosa Welch, 315 East Tract Society:
Eighth St., Grand Island, Nebr.
Miss Floyd Bowes, Tekamah, Nebr. Sec. and Treas., Asa Smith.
Miss Ella Garner, R. F. D. 2, Wil- Field Miss. Sec., F. C. Clark.
cox, Nebr.
Miss Hazel Ringer, 123 West Elev- Sabbath School Dept.:
enth St., North Platte, Nebr. Sec., J. M. Fletcher, Broadwater,
Miss Elizabeth Eitel, Ethel, Nebr. Nebr.
Miss Imo Albee, Bloomington,
Nebr. Educational Dept.:
Miss Anna Christensen, Sterling, Supt., J. M. Fletcher, Broad-
Nebr. water, Nebr.
C. P. Friesen, Ringgold, Nebr.
Miss Mabel Dimond, College View, Young People's Dept.:
Nebr. Sec., J. M. Fletcher, Broadwater,
Mrs. Josephine Tucker, College Nebr.
View, Nebr.
Religious Liberty Dept.:
Lincoln, 1020 South Fifteenth St.
Omaha, English, Cor. Twenty- Home Missionary Dept.:
seventh and St. Mary's Ave. Sec., F. C. Clark.


N. T. Sutton, Crawford, Nebr. TRAL UNION CONFERENCE.
C. H. Miller, Sidney, Nebr. Educational:
E. H. Curtis, Cheyenne, Wyo. Campion Academy, Loveland,
P. C. Curtis, Garland, Wyo. Colo.
W. A. Long, Basin, Wyo. Clinton German Seminary, Clin-
ton, Mo.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. Hastings Intermediate School,
G. W. Berry, Angora, Nebr. Hastings, Nebr.
Hill Agricultural Academy, R.
LICENTIATES. F. D. 2, Downs, Kans.
Strode Industrial Academy, Os-
H. A. Fish, Bellefourche, S. Dak. wego, Kans.
J. M. Fletcher, Broadwater, Nebr. Union College, College View,
F. C. Clark, Crawford, Nebr. Pacific Press Pub. Assn. Branch,
1224 Euclid Ave., Kansas City,
Miss Pearl Kirkle, Broadwater, Christian Record Pub. Co., Col-
Nebr. lege View, Nebr.
Mrs. J. M. Fletcher, Broadwater, Sanitariums:
Nebr. Boulder - Colorado Sanitarium,
Miss Louise Reid, Bend, S. Dak. Boulder, Colo.
Miss Ruth Worth, Pringle, S. Dak. Kansas Sanitarium, Wichita,
Miss Neva Wheeler, Lisco, Nebr. Nebraska Sanitarium, College
Miss Hattie Peterson, Mitchell, View, Nebr.
Nebr. Nebraska Sanitarium, Hastings,
J. B. Jenkins, Jr., Sheridan, Wyo. Nebr.


Organized igoy.
Territory: The Conferences of and R. T. Dowsett, B. F_Machlan,
Ohio, Eastern Pennsylvania, Dr. H. W. Miller, C. V. Leach,
West Pennsylvania, New Jer- C. L. Stone, D. W. Reavis, N. S.
sey, District of Columbia, Ches- Ashton, Dr. D. H. Kress, J. W.
apeake, Virginia, and West Hirlinger.
Virginia. Legal Assn.: " Columbia Union
Office: 411 Cedar St., Takoma Conference Assn." Pres., B. G.
Park Station, Washington, D. C. Wilkinson; Sec. and Treas., R. T.
OFFICERS. Dowsett.
Conference: Auditor, R. T. Dowsett.
Pres., B. G. Wilkinson. Union Book Depository:
Sec. and Treas., R. T. Dowsett. Columbia Union Branch Review
Executive Committee: B. G. and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma
Wilkinson, the presidents of the Park, D. C.
conferences composing the Union, Manager, I. A. Ford.

Union Field Miss. Sec., C. V. J. W. Watt, R. F. D. 5, Indiana,

Leach. Pa.
Educational Dept.: 'I. N. Williams, Fredonia, N. Y.
H. E. Robinson, Fords Store, Md.
Sec., C. L. Stone. W. H. Armstrong, Rileyville, Page
Medical Missionary Dept.: Co., Va.
Sec., Dr. D. H. Kress. LICENTIATES.
Religious Liberty Dept.: C. V. Leach, 411 Cedar St., Takoma
Sec., B. G. Wilkinson. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Young People's Dept.: M. E. Olsen, Takoma Park Station,
Washington, D. C.
Sec., C. L. Stone.
Home Missionary Dept.:
Sec., J. W. Hirlinger. I. A. Ford, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
MINISTERS. E. G. Salisbury, Takoma Park
B. G. Wilkinson, 411 Cedar St., Station, Washington, D. C.
Takoma Park Station, Wash-
ington, D. C. Honorary Missionary Credentials.
C. L. Stone, 411 Cedar St., C. D. Wolff, R. F. D. 1, Sellersville,
Takoma Park Station, Wash- Pa.
ington. D.' C. Mrs. Elsie M. Evans, Ariel, Pa.
R. T. Dowsett, 411 Cedar St., Miss Ella Talmage, R. F. D. 4, Mt.
Takoma Park Station, Wash- Gilead; Ohio.
ington. D. C.
Dr. H. W. Miller, Takoma Park
Station, Washington, D. C. CHESAPEAKE CONFERENCE.
N. S. Ashton, care Academy, Mt.
Vernon, Ohio. Oiganized 1890.
C. M. Sorenson, Takoma Park Territory: The States of Dela-
Station, Washington, D. C. ware and Maryland, except the
Dr. D. H. Kress, 411 Cedar St., counties of Montgomery, Prince
Takoma Park Station, Wash- George's, Charles, and St.
ington, D. C. Mary's; and the counties of Mor-
B. F. Machlan, Takoma Park Sta- gan, Berkley, and Jefferson in
tion, Washington, D. C. West Virginia.
S. M. Butler, Takoma Park Sta- Office: 1611 Tenth St., Baltimore,
tion, Washington, D. C. Md.
Stewart Kime, care Sanitarium, OFFICERS.
Takoma Park Station, Wash- Conference:
ington, D. C.
J. W. Hirlinger, 411 Cedar St., Ta- Pres., J. 0. Miller.
koma Park Station, Washington, Sec. and Treas., Emma S. New-
D. C. comer.
Executive Committee: J. 0. Mil-
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. ler, A. S. Booth, J. H. Wierts,
H. W. Herrell, Oakton, Va. James Richardson.
Chas. Baierle, Delaware Water Legal Assn.: " Chesapeake Con-
Gap, Pa. ference Association of S. D. A."
S. S. Shrock, 842 Taylor Ave., Pres., J. 0. Miller; Sec. and Treas.,
Scranton, Pa. Emma S. Newcomer.
H. H. Burkholder, Box 147, Bell-
ville, Ohio. Tract Society:
D. E. Lindsey, Clyde, Ohio. Sec. and Treas., Emma S.
H. F. Graf, 2242 East Eighty-sixth Newcomer.
St., Cleveland, Ohio. Field Miss. Sec.,

Sabbath School Dept.: Minnie Buchner, 3700 Fait Ave.,

Baltimore, Md.
See., Miss Phoebe Ellwanger, A. J. Evelyn, 406 East Eleventh
Greensboro, Md. St., Wilmington, Del.
Edutational Dept.: J. E. Cox, 1917 McCulloh St., Bal-
timore, Md.
Supt., Miss Phoebe Ellwanger, E. E. Messinger, Lansdowne, Md.
Greensboro, Md.
Medical Missionary Dept.: CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS.

Sec., Dr. H. N. Sisco, 1315 North Miss Mabel Witt, Fords Store, Md.
Charles St., Baltimore, Md., Mrs. W. C. Witt, Rock Hall, Md.
Mrs. W. H. Wilcox, 1717 Braddish
Religious Liberty Dept.: Ave.,Baltimore, Md.
Mrs. ertrude Burgess, 1511 Penn-
Sec., M. C. Whitmarsh. sylvania Ave., Baltimore, Md.
Young People's Dept.: Mrs. Wilhelmina. Waters, Luther-
vine, Md.
Sec., Miss Phoebe Ellwanger, Miss Annie Turner, 1901 Druid
Greensboro, Md. Hill Ave., Baltimore Md.
Miss Mary E. Fleming, 1106 North
Home Missionary Dept.: Carey St., Baltimore, Md.
Office Sec., Emma S. Newcomer. Miss Myrtle Burrell, Dover, Del.


J. 0. Miller, 1611 Tenth St., Bal- Baltimore:
timore, Md. English, Ninth St., off North
A. S. Booth, 1611 Tenth St., Balti- Ave., Walbrook.
more, Md. German, 3700 Fait Ave.
J. H. Wierts, 3700 Fait Ave., Bal- Colored, 1901 Druid Hill Ave.
timore, Md. Hagerstown, Cross St. and Mc-
G. P. Rodgers, 1714 Druid Hill Comas Ave.
Ave., Baltimore, Md. Wilmington:
S. T. Shadel, 809 North Mulberry No. 1, 1604 Howland St.
Ave., Hagerstown, Md. No. 2, 1126 French St.
M. C. Whitmarsh, 729 Dupont St.,
Wilmington, Del.

G. Medairy, 2124 Walbrook Ave.,
Baltimore, Md.
Organized 1909.
Emma S. Newcomer, 1611 Tenth Territory: The District of Colum-
St., Baltimore, Md. bia, the counties of Montgom-
Mrs. Rena C. Pettibone, 1516 Pop- ery, Prince George's, Charles,
lar Grove St., Baltimore, Md. and St. Mary's, in Maryland;
Mrs. Catherine Booth, 1611 Tenth and the following counties in
St., Baltimore, Md. Virginia: Alexandria, Fairfax,
Miss Mary C. Hurlock, 1642 Brad- Loudoun, Prince William, Fau-
dish Ave., Baltimore, Md. quier, Stafford, Northumberland,
Norma Ackerman, 2119 Longwood King George, Westmoreland,
St., Baltimore, Md. Richmond, and Lancaster.
Phoebe Ellwanger, Greensboro, Md.
Edith Kimber, Sanitarium, Tako- Office: 7 Fourth St., N. E., Wash-
ma Park, ashington, D. C. ington, D. C.

Conference: W. A. Nelson, 18 Sycamore St.,
Pres., R. E. Harter. Takoma Park Station, Wash-
Sec. and Treas., R. C. Taylor. ington, D. C.
Executive Committee: R. E. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Harter, T. E. Bowen, M. E. Ol- Miss L. M. Slocum, 7 Fourth St.,
sen, C. M. Sorenson, L. A. Hansen, N. E., Washington, D. C.
I. A. Ford, Stewart Kime. A. J. Bristol, Takoma Park Sta-
Legal Assn.: " District of Co- tion, Washington, D. C.
lumbia Conference Corporation of Miss Janet Morris, 1736 T St., N.
S. D. A." Pres., R. E. Harter; W., Washington, D. C.
Sec. and Treas., R. C. Taylor. R. C.-Taylor, 7 Fourth St., N. E.,
Washington, D. C.
Tract Society: Mrs. R. E. Harter, 115 Carroll Ave.,
Sec. and Treas., R. C. Taylor. Takoma Park Station, Wash-
Field Miss. Sec., Earl Wilcox, ington, D. C.
Takoma Park, D. C. Miss Geneva Bryan, 142 Pierce St.,
N. W., Washington, D. C.
Sabbath School Dept.: Mrs. Margaret Howard, 1415 Sev-
Sec., Mrs. Maude Harter, 115 enteenth St., N. W., Washing-
Carroll Ave., Takoma Park Sta- ton, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. D. A. Rees, Arlington, Va.
J. W. Thompson, White Stone,
Educational Dept.: Va.
Supt., C. M. Sorenson. Anna M. Ca tely, 7 Fourth St., N.
E., Washington, D. C.
Medical Missionary Dept.: CHURCH DIRECTORY.
Sec., L. E. Elliott, M. D. Alexandria, Va., First, Odd Fel-
lows' Hall, Alexandria, Va.
Religious Liberty Dept.: Washington, D. C.:
Sec., Memorial, Twelfth and M Sts.,
N. W.
Young People's Dept.: First, H and Eighth Sts., N. E.
Sec., W. A. Nelson. Capitol Hill, 7 Fourth St., N. E.
Home Missionary Dept.:
Sec., D. A. Rees. CONFERENCE.
MINISTERS. Organized in 1903, out of ter-
R. E. Harter, 115 Carroll Ave., ritory comprising the Pennsyl-
Takoma Park Station, Wash- vania Conference, which was
ington, D. C. organized in 1879.
Allen Moon, 34 Carroll Ave., Ta- Territory: That portion of Penn-
koma Park, D. C. sylvania lying east of the east-
Stewart Kime, care Sanitarium, ern line of Potter, Clinton, Cen-
Takoma Park, D. C. ter, Mifflin. Huntingdon, and
F. E. Gibson, 423 North Columbus Fulton Counties.
St., Alexandria, Va. Office: 4910 Arch St., Philadelphia.
U. S. Willis, 1240 Sixth St., N. W.. Pa.
Washington, D. C. OFFICERS.
F. H. Seeney, 808 Twelfth St., Conference:
N. E., Washington, D. C. Pres., H. M. J. Richards.
N. W. Philips, 1210 M St., N. W., Sec. and Treas., Miss Lucy Page
Washington, D. C. Emerson,

Executive Committee: H. M. J. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

Richards, J. S. Washburn, 0. F. C. E. Reichenbaugh, 1311 Church
Schwedrat, R. M. Fried, Dr. C. St., Reading, Pa.
Avery Hansen. T. H. Barritt, 4910 Arch St., Phila-
Legal Assn.: " The Pennsyl- delphia, Pa.
vania Tract and Missionary So- H. G. Gauker, Fleetwood, Pa.
ciety." Pres., H. M. J. Richards; Miss Lucy Page Emerson, 2123
Sec. and Treas., Miss Lucy Page North Newkirk St., Philadelphia,
Emerson. Pa.
Mrs. Bertie C. Richards, 4910
Tract Society: Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Sec. and Treas., Miss Lucy Page Miss Jessie M. Weiss, 4910 Arch
Emerson. St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Field Miss. Sec., C. E. Reichen- Miss Emma E. Poch, 1405 North
baugh. Sixth St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Miss Maude E. Belmont, 69 North
Sabbath School Dept.: Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Sec., Mrs. Bertie C. Richards. Miss Mary T. Myles, 5027 Market
St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Educational Dept.: Miss Sadie J. Detwiler, Westfield,
Supt., Mrs. Bertie C. Richards. Miss Ida M. Poch, 25 East German
Medical Missionary Dept.: St., Lancaster, Pa.
Miss Anna Speidel, 2426 Poplar
See., C. Avery Hansen, M. D. St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Religious Liberty Dept.: CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Sec., J. S. Washburn.
Mrs. C. D. Wolff, R. F. D. 1,
Young People's Dept.:
Sellersville, Pa.
Sec., Mrs. Bertie C. Richards. Miss Eloise Williams, 712 North
Home Missionary Dept.: Thirteenth St., Reading, Pa.
Sec., T. H. Barritt. J. Leroy Long, Honesdale, Pa.
Miss Allene L. White, R. F. D.,
H. M. J. Richards, 4910 Arch St.,
Philadelphia, Pa. CHURCH DIRECTORY.
J. S. Washburn, 5318 Chancellor
St., Philadelphia, Pa. Allentown, Cor. Oak and Poplar
0. F. Schwedrat, 2426 Poplar St., Sts.
Philadelphia, Pa. Harrisburg, Sible and Clarks Hall,
C. S. Baum, Hamburg, Pa. Third and Cumberland Sts.
T. H. Branch, 2011 Reed St., Lancaster, 25 East German St.
Philadelphia, Pa. Northumberland, Second St., be-
V. Nutter, 1942 North Seven- tween King and Queen Sts.
teenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia:
C. Avery Hansen, M. D., Fleet- Fifty-first and Locust Sts.
wood, Pa. 1942 North Seventeenth St.
C. M. Gardner, Gen Del., Harris- German, 2426 Poplar St.
burg, Pa.
Colored, 2011 Reed St.
LICENTIATES. Reading, Windsor and Hampden
H. J. Detwiler, Mansfield, Pa. Sts.
H. M. S. Richards, 4910 Arch St., Scranton, Leonard Bldg., Adams
Philadelphia, Pa. Ave.

Wilkes-Barre, 9 South Franklin A. 0. Lund, 257 Randolph Ave.,

St., Third Floor. Jersey City, N. J.
Williamsport, Seventh and Court Paul Matula, 44 Oak Ave., Irving-
Sts. ton, N. J.
R. H. Martin, 202 Wayne Ave.,
Paterson, N. J.
NEW JERSEY CONFERENCE. H. F. Taylor, 144 Bostwick Ave.,
Jersey City, N. J.
Organized 1902. J. M. Gaff, 435 Morrissee St.,
Haledon, Paterson, N. J.
Territory: The State of New P. F. Richard, 354 Sixteenth St.,
Jersey. Irvington, N. J.
Office: 200 Columbus Ave., Tren- G. E. Langdon, 21 Grain Ave.,
ton, N. J. Newark, N. J.
J. W. MacNeil, 131 Columbus Ave.,
OFFICERS. Trenton, N. J.
Pres., A. R. Sandborn.
Sec. and Treas., Clarence Lawry. C. E. Gulick, 88 Oak St., Jersey
Executive Committee: A. R. City, N. J.
Sandborn, H. J. Adams, G. W. G. W. Holman, Swedesboro, N. J.
Spies, J. M. Gaff, G. E. Langdon, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Paul Matula, S. 0. Silvers.
Legal Assn.: " New Jersey Con- C. J. Beach, 46 Munson Ave., Rock-
ference Association of S. D. A." away, N. J.
Pres., A. R. Sandborn; Sec. and Ethel Carroll, 47 Humboldt St.,
Treas., Clarence Lawry. Newark, N. J.
Frieda Ebert, 506 Avon Ave., New-
Tract Society: ark, N. J.
Sec. and Treas., C. Lawry. Christina Kuklish, 281 McClellan
Asst. Sec., W. B. Mohr. St., Perth Amboy, N. J.
Field Miss. Sec., T. D. Gibson. Clarence Lawry, 200 Columbus
Ave., Trenton, N. J.
Sabbath School Dept.: Ella A. Iden, 200 Columbus Ave.,
Sec., Ella A. Iden. Trenton, N. J.
Zada Hibben, 22 Upper Mountain
Educational Dept.: Ave., Montclair, N. J.
W. B. Mohr, 200 Columbus Ave.,
Supt., Ella A. Iden.
Trenton, N. J.
Religious Liberty Dept.: T. D. Gibson, 200 Columbus Ave.,
Trenton, N.. J.
Sec., A. R. Sandborn. Elizabeth Wilson, 200 Columbus
Young People's Dept.: Ave., Trenton, N. J.
Mrs. A. E. Graham, 46 South
Sec., Ella A. Iden. Twentieth St., East Orange, N. J.
Medical Missionary Dept.: Mable Smith, 144 Bostwick Ave.,
Jersey City, N. J.
Sec., Zada Hibben.
Home Missionary Dept.: Miss Marion Whitcomb, Fairton,
Sec., T. D. Gibson. N. J.
Miss Elizabeth Rambo, Fairton,
A. R. Sandborn, 200 Columbus Miss Lora Tarbell, 601 Genesee St.,
Ave., Trenton, N. J. Trenton, N. J.
G. W. Spies, 33 Jefferson St., Miss Linnie Baumgartner, 73 Bur-
Bridgeton, N. J. lington St., Bridgeton, N. J.

Miss Annie D. Thorne, Swedesboro, Tract Society:

N. J. Sec. and Treas., J. I. Cassell.
Miss Alice R. Gray, Cape May Field Miss. Sec., Carl Fairchild.
Court House, N. J.
Miss Olive Severs, 155 Hollywood
Ave. East Orange, N. J. Sabbath School Dept.:
Miss E. Nickel, 375 Preakness Ave., Sec., Bessie E. Acton.
Paterson, N. J.
Miss Hazel Philips, 128 Grant Ave., Educational Dept.:
Jersey City, N. J.
Supt., Bessie E. Acton.
Atlantic City, Lake Ave., Pleas- Medical Missionary Dept.:
antville. Sec., R. R. Hilborn, 693 North
Bridgeton, East Commerce St., and Howard St., Akron, Ohio.
Carol Ave.
Burlington, Conover St.
Camden, Cor. Kenwood and Pem- Religious Liberty Dept.:
broke Sts. Sec., A. R. Bell, 852 Colburn St.,
Jersey City: Toledo, Ohio.
First, Stegman St. and Boule-
vard. Young People's Dept.:
Second, Hall at 110 Hutton St.
Newark: Sec., Bessie E. Acton.
English, Cor. Grove and Grain
Sts. Home Missionary Dept.:
Paterson, English, W. C. T. U.
Hall, Broadway. See., H. K. Christman.
Perth Amboy, 411 Neville St.
Trenton, Cor. St. Francis and Co- MINISTERS.
lumbus Ayes.
Vineland, Flora Hall. E. K. Slade, Box 8, Mt. Vernon,
F. M. Fairchild, Clyde, Ohio.
OHIO CONFERENCE. F. H. Henderson, 87 Fay St., Ak-
ron, Ohio.
Organized 1863. J. J. Marietta, 1201 Huffman Ave.,
Dayton, Ohio.
Territory: The State of Ohio. W. W. Miller, 1514 Clifton Ave.,
Postal Address: Box 8, Mt. Ver- Springfield, Ohio.
non, Ohio.
C. W. Weber, 3306 West Thirty-
OFFICERS. first St., Cleveland, Ohio.
Conference: Leslie Muntz, 636 Ninth St., Cin-
Pres., E. K. Slade. cinnati, Ohio.
Sec. and Treas., H. D. Holtom. H. A. Weaver, 140 Hudson Ave.,
Newark, Ohio.
Executive Committee: E. K.
Slade, G. C. Quillin, N. S. Ash- R. S. Lindsay, 849 East 147th St.,
ton, W. W. Miller, R. R. Hilborn, Cleveland, Ohio.
A. R. Bell, R. S. Lindsay. J. H. Behrens, 3055 Mathers St.,
Legal Assn.: " The Ohio Con- Cincinnati, Ohio.
ference Association of the S. D. A. R. Bell, 852 Colburn St., Toledo,
A. Church." Pres., E. K. Slade; Ohio.
Business Agent, G. C. Quillin; Sec., W. J. Venen, M. D., 1110 Glen-
A. R. Bell. wood Ave., Youngstown, Ohio.


R. E French, 936 Homewood Ave., Bessie Mount, 1415 Clifton Ave..

Zanesville, Ohio. Springfield, Ohio.
M. V. Eusey, 34 Midland Ave., Beatrice Murphy, 103 West Park
Columbus, Ohio. Ave., Columbus, Ohio.
Bertha Acton, care Sanitarium,
H. A. Rossin, 636 West Ninth St., Newark, Ohio.
Cincinnati, Ohio. Lilly Scharr, R. F. D., Dresden,
John Klepe, 602 Powersdale Ave., Ohio.
Youngstown, Ohio. W. H. Hammond, R. F. D. 1, Mt.
G. C. Quillin, Killbuck, Ohio. Vernon, Ohio.
Florence Hartsock, care Frank
H. K. Christman, Box 8, Mt. Ver- Draper, Ravenna, Ohio.
non, Ohio. Mrs. W. E. Wagner, R. F. D. 25,
Akron, Ohio.
H. D. Holtom, Box 8, Mt. Vernon, Joy Murphy, care Frank Draper,
Ohio. Grafton, Ohio.
Cora Gibson, 516 East Ave., Ham- Ethel Harrington, R. F. D. 1,
ilton, Ohio. Wakeman, Ohio.
Lottie Gibson, R. F. D. 4, Wake-
Anna Smith, 12931/2 North High man Ohio.
St., Columbus, Ohio. Nellie 'Multer, R. F. D. 1, Welling-
M. Hortense Howell, 12931/2 North ton, Ohio.
High St., Columbus, Ohio. Wilma Stockwell, 411 Cresmont
Ida M. Walters, 2563 Glen Mawr Ave., Southeast, Canton, Ohio.
Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Beatrice Sloan, Lake View, Ohio.
J. I. Cassell, Box 8, Mt. Vernon, CHURCH DIRECTORY.
Alliance, 849 South Arch Ave.
Carrie Askey, 1405 Addison Road, Ashtabula, 5 Perry St.
Cleveland, Ohio. Canton (I. 0. 0. F.), 'Forester
Bessie E. Acton, Box 8, Mt. Ver- Hall, 132 East Tuscarawas St.
non, Ohio. Cincinnati:
Mrs. H. A. Weaver, 140 Hudson Odd Fellows"lemple, Cor. Sev-
Ave., Newark, Ohio. enth and Elm Sts.
Colored, 544 West Eighth St.
Mary I. Meek, 1201 Huffman Ave., Cleveland:
Dayton, Ohio. English, Hough Ave., near East
Nellie B. Underwood, Dresden, Fifty-fifth St.
Ohio. German, 3161 West Fourteenth
Fannie Emmet, 849 East 147th St., St.
Cleveland, Ohio. Columbus, 321 East State St., Uni-
versalist Church.
Helen Greunke, 439 Payne St., Sta- Dayton, 135 Eastern Ave.
tion E, Toledo, Ohio. Elyria, 327 Fourth St.
Goldie E. Hixon, Box 8, Mt. Ver- Mansfield, 116 Dawson Ave.
non, Ohio. Marion, 292 South State St.
Carl Fairchild, Box 8, Mt. Vernon, Mt. Vernon, Academia, Academy
Ohio. Chapel.
Newark, 159 West Main St.
R. R. Hilborn, 693 North Howard Piqua, 1015 Covington Ave.
St., Akron, Ohio. Springfield:
Lelia I. Whitlaw, 4185 Hamilton 515 East Catherine St.
Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Colored, 624 South Center St.

Toledo, Orchard St., near Broad- MINISTERS.

way. W. C. Moffett, 2705 West Main St.,
Youngstown, Bushnell Hall, 127 Richmond, Va.
West Federal St. A. E. Serns, 423 North Addison St.,
Zanesville, Cor. Larzelere and In- Richmond, Va.
diana Sts. R. D. Hottel, New Market, Va.
W. E. Bidwell, 2705 West Main
St., Richmond, Va.
W. H. Sebastian, 2705 West Main
J. B. Mallory, 2705 West Main
Organized 1883. St., Richmond, Va.
L. G. Gordon, 2705 West Main
Territory: The State of Virginia, St., Richmond, Va.
except the counties of Fau-
quier, Loudoun, Prince William, LICENTIATES.
Fairfax, Stafford, Alexandria, R. F. Farley, 2705 West Main
King George, Westmoreland, St., Richmond, Va.
Northumberland, Richmond, and I. D. Richardson, 1251 Forty-eighth
Lancaster, which belong to the St., Norfolk, Va.
District of Columbia Conference. A. J. Evelyn, Danville, Va.
Office: 2705 West. Main St., Rich- H. M. Forshee, New Market, Va.
mond, Va.
OFFICERS. Anna C. Rice, 3 South Vine St.,
Conference: Richmond, Va.
F. E. Hankins, 2705 West Main
Pres., W. C. Moffett. St., Richmond, Va.
Sec. and Treas., F. N. Johnson. J. L. Goode, 705 Randolph St.,
Richmond, Va.
Executive Committee: W. C. F. N. Johnson, 2705 West Main
Moffett, W. G. Dick, L. 0. Gordon, St., Richmond, Va.
I. D. Richardson, R. F. Fultz. Mrs. E. V. Manners, R. F. D.,
Legal Assn.: " Virginia Con- Hampton, Va.
ference Agency of S. D. A." W. H. Jones, R. F. D. 3, Box 33,
Pres., W. C. Moffett; Sec. and Richmond, Va.
Treas., F. N. Johnson. Mrs. W. C. Moffett, 2705 West
Negro Mission Committee: W. Main St., Richmond, Va.
C. Moffett, I. D. Richardson, L. 0.
Gordon, J. B. Mallory, W. H.
Sebastian. Florence N. Swan, 3 South Vine
St., Richmond, Va.
Tract Society: Mrs. Lucy Robinson, Norfolk, Va.
Roberta Ellis, Rileyville, Va.
Sec. and Treas., F. N. Johnson. Mrs. W. H. George, Stanley, Va.
Field Miss. Sec., F. E. Hankins. M. S. Kritsky, Yale, Va.
Elsie D. Pollard, Republican Grove,
Sabbath School Dept.: Va.
Sec., Mrs. W. C. Moffett. CHURCH DIRECTORY.
Educational Dept.: Lynchburg, Park Ave., opposite
Miller Park.
Supt., W. C. Moffett. Newport News, Roanoke and
Twenty-fourth Sts.
Young People's Dept.: Portsmouth, 1610 County St.
Sec., R. F. Farley. Richmond, 9 North Morris St.

WEST PENNSYLVANIA CON- J. P. Gaede, 342 Miller St., Pitts-

FERENCE. burgh, Pa.
F. A. Harter, 7155 Mt. Vernon St.,
Organized 1903. Pittsburgh, Pa.
C. F. Ulrich, Altoona, Pa.
Territory: All of Pennsylvania
lying west of the easterly line LICENTIATES.
of Potter, Clinton, Center, Mif- R. M. Spencer, 15 Derby St., Johns-
flin, Huntingdon, and Fulton town, Pa.
Counties. Wm. Robbins, R. F. D. 2, Con-
Office: 7155 Mt. Vernon St., Pitts- nellsville, Pa.
burgh, Pa.
H. S. Brown, 7155 Mt. Vernon St.,
Conference: Pittsburgh, Pa.
Pres., F. H. Robbins. M. E. Dauphinee, 7155 Mt. Vernon
Sec. and Treas., H. S. Brown. St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Executive Committee: F. H. Sophie Gooss, 342 Miller St., Pitts-
Robbins, I. N. Williams, C. F. burgh, Pa.
Ulrich, W. F. Schwartz, D. A. Par- J. J. Vance, 7155 Mt. Vernon St.,
sons, E. E. Read, F. Shaw. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Maud Gauntlett, 2851 Orbin St..
Legal Assn.:. " West Pennsyl- Pittsburgh, Pa.
vania Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., Addie Bowen, 134 Alexander St.,
F. H. Robbins; Sec. and Treas., Pittsburgh, Pa.
H. S. Brown. E. A. Manry, 7155 Mt. Vernon St.,
Tract Society: Pittsburgh, Pa.
Mrs. R. M. Spencer, 15 Derby St.,
Sec. and Treas., H. S. Brown. Johnstown, Pa.
Field Miss. Sec., E. A. Manry. Lillian Burdick, 7155 Mt. Vernon
St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sabbath School Dept.: Mrs. J. J. Vance, 7155 Mt. Vernon
Sec., Miss Minnie Enoch Dauph- St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Educational Dept.:
Mrs. L. C. Mitchell, 7155 Mt. Ver-
Supt., J. J. Vance. non St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Religious Liberty Dept.: Miss Della McIntyre, R. F. D. 5,
Sec., C. F. Ulrich. Indiana, Pa.
Young People's Dept.:
Home Missionary Dept.: FERENCE.
Sec., J. J. Vance. Organized 1887.
mINISTERS. Territory: The Stite of West
F. H. Robbins, 7155 Mt. Vernon Virginia.
St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Office: Cor. Third and Juliana Sts.,
B. F. Kneeland, 213 South Brady Parkersburg, W. Va.
St., DuBois, Pa. OFFICERS.
G. L. West, 48 Holly Ave., Brad-
ford, Pa. Conference:
W. F. Schwartz, 2402 Pennsylvania Pres., D. A. Parsons.
Ave., Erie, Pa. Sec. and Treas., Jennie Burdick.
A. N. Durrant, 2851 Orbin St., Executive Committee: D. A. Par-
Pittsburgh, Pa. sons, C. T, Redfield, G. A. Stevens,


Meredith. H. F. Kirk, Cor. Third and Juli-
ana Sts., Parkersburg, W. Va.
Tract Society: Jennie Burdick, Cor. Third and'
Pres., D. A. Parsons. Juliana ,Sts., Parkersburg, W.
Sec. and Treas., Jennie Burdick. Va.
Board of Directors: D. A. Par- Mrs. D. A. Parsons, Cor. Third and
sons, S. F. Ross, Jennie Burdick, Juliana Sts., Parkersburg, W.
C. T. Redfield, B. B. Johnson. Va.
Field Miss. Sec., H. F. Kirk. Jessie Welch, Cor. Third and Juli-
ana Sts., Parkersburg, W. Va.
Sabbath School Dept.: Mrs. A. H. Rulkoetter, Cor. Third
Sec., Mrs. D. A. Parsons. and Juliana Sts., Parkersburg,
W. Va. -
Educational Dept.:
Supt., Mrs. D. A. Parsons. CHURCH DIRECTORY.
Charleston, 901 Grant St.
Religious Liberty Dept.: Parkersburg, Cor. Mark and An-
Sec., T. M. French. drew Sts.
Young People's Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. D. A. Parsons. INSTITUTIONS IN THE CO-
Home Missionary Dept.: FERENCE.
Sec., Mrs. D. A. Parsons. Educational:
MINISTERS. Fireside Correspondence School,
Takoma Park, D. C.
D. A. Parsons, Cor. Third and Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt. Ver-
Juliana Sts., Parkersburg, W. non, Ohio.
Va. Shenandoah Valley Academy,
C. T. Redfield, Cor. Third and Juli- New Market, Va.
ana Sts., Parkersburg, W. Va.. Washington Missionary College,
G. A. Stevens, Cor. Third and Juli-
ana Sts., Parkersburg, W. Va. Takoma Park, D. C.
T. M. French, Cor. Third and Juli- Publishing:
ana Sts., Parkersburg, W. Va. Review and Herald Pub. Assn.,
F. .DeWitt Gauterau, Cor. Third Takoma Park, D. C.
and Juliana Sts., Parkersburg,
W. Va. Sanitariums:
Washington Sanitarium, Tako-
ma Park, D. C.
A. H. Rulkoetten, Cor. Third and Washington Sanitarium Hospi-
Juliana Sts., Parkersburg, W. tal, 1252 Sixth St., S. W.,
Va. Washington, D. C.
Organized xgox.
Territory: The Conferences of Executive Committee: G. H.
Maritime, Quebec, and Ontario, Skinner, C. L. Taylor, Wm. Wasell,
and the Newfoundland Mission. W. G. Steeves.
Office: Oshawa, Ontario. New Brunswick Legal Assn:
" The Executive Board of the
OFFICERS. Province of New Brunswick in
Conference: connection with the Seventh-day
Pres., A. V. Olson. Adventist Church of the Mari-
Sec. and Treas., Edna P. Leach. time Provinces." Chairman, G.
Executive Committee: A. V. Ol- H. Skinner; Sec., J. C. Porter.
son, G. H. Skinner, W. C. Young, Nova Scotia Legal Assn.: " The
D. J. C. Barrett. Executive Board of the Province
of Nova Scotia, in connection with
Union Book Depository: the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Canadian Publishing Assn., of the Maritime Provinces."
Oshawa, Ontario. Chairman, C. L. Taylor.
Supt., F. A. Spangler. Sabbath School Dept.:
Treas., Edna P. Leach. Sec., Mrs. G. H. Skinner.
Union Field Miss Sec., J. W.
Davis. Young People's Dept.:
Sec., C. L. Taylor.
Educational Dept.: MINISTERS.
Sec., G. H. Skinner, 184 Winslow St.,
West St. John, New Brunswick.
Young People's Dept.: J. L. Wilson, 184 Winslow St.,
Sec., N. H. Saunders. West St. Jon, New Brunswick.
A. V. Olson, Oshawa, Ontario. C. L. Taylor, Williamsdale East,
Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Wm. Wasell, Yarmouth, Nova
Edna P. Leach, Oshawa, Ontario. Scotia.
F. A. Spangler, Oshawa, Ontario. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Lulu Van Buskirk, 184 Winslow
St., West St. John, New Bruns-
Manuella Verge, New Glasgow,
Organized 1902. Nova Scotia.
Mrs. G. H. Skinner, 184 Winslow
Territory: The Provinces of New St., West St. John, New Bruns-
Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and wick.
Prince Edward Island.
Office Address: 184 Winslow St., ONTARIO CONFERENCE.
West St. John, New Brunswick.
Organized 1899.
OFFICERS. Territory: The Province of On-
Conference: tario lying east of the eighty-
Pres., G. H. Skinner. ninth parallel.
Sec. and Treas., Miss Lulu Van Office Address: 1114a Dufferin St.,
Buskirk. Toronto, Ontario.


Conference: Miss C. A. Wallis, 1114a Dufferin
Pres., A. V. Olson (acting). St.; Toronto, Ontario.
Sec. and Treas., Olive L. Leach. Amy Gosnay, 219 Burriss St.,
Executive Committee: A. V. Ol- Hamilton, Ontario.
son, J. W. McComas, W. J. Hurdon, Mrs. C. S. Joyce, Oshawa, Ontario.
Joseph Capman, F. G. Hill. Myrtle Patten,Brantford, Ontario.
Field Miss. Sec., Joseph Capman. Miss Abbie Culbert, Ealing P. 0.,
Sabbath School Dept.: CHURCH DIRECTORY.
Sec., Olive L. Leach. Hamilton, Cor. Greenway Ave. and
Wilson St.
Educational Dept.: -London, Cor. Rectory and York Sts.
Supt., Mrs. E. V. J. Finch. St. Thomas, Cor. Mary and Curtis
Young People's Dept. Toronto, Cor. Awde and Dufferin
Sec., Mrs. E. V. J. Finch.
Home Missionary Dept.: QUEBEC CONFERENCE.
Sec., Joseph Capman. Organized 1880.
Territory: The Province of
J. W. McComas, 604 Brock Ave., Office Address: Lennoxville, Que-
Toronto, Ontario. bec.
F. W. Johnston, 124 West Bridge
St., Belleville, Ontario. OFFICERS.
LICENTIATES. Pres., W. C. Young, Box 377,
B. E. Manuel, Hagersville, Ontario. Lennoxville, Quebec.
W. J. Hurdon, 107 Preston St., Ot- Sec. and Treas., F. E. Dufty,
t awa, Ontario.' Box 3189, Montreal, Quebec.
A. L. Beazley, Cor. Bennett and Executive Committee: W. C.
Pine Sts., Brockville, Ontario. Young, F. McElroy, W. H. Knowl-
ton, L. F. Passebois, F. C. Web-
W. H. Boyce, 73 East Pearl St., MINISTERS.
St. Thomas, Ontario. W. C. Young, Box 377, Lennoxville,
Joseph Capman, 98 Beechwood Quebec.
Ave., Hamilton, Ontario. F. C. Webster, 280 Villeneuve
Mrs. Joseph Capman, 98 Beech- West, Montreal, Quebec.
wood Ave., Hamilton, Ontario. L. F. Passebois, Gros Pins, Quebec.
Howard Capman, care College, Ber- J. Vuilleumier, 3177 St: 'Hubert
rien Springs, Mich. St., Montreal, Quebec.
Sadie Baker, 260 Victoria St.,
Olive L. Leach, 1114a Dufferin St., N. H. Saunders, R. F. D. 2, Sutton,
Toronto, Ontario. Quebec.
Mabel Hillyard, Sudbury, Ontario. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHER.
Oscar Cardey, 23 Lincoln Road,
Walkerville, Ontario. H. W. Ingham, South Stuckley,
Miss C. A. Wallis, 1114a Dufferin
St., Toronto, Ontario. CHURCH DIRECTORY.
Evelyn Case, 1114a Dufferin St., Montreal, English, 280 Villeneuve
Toronto, Ontario. West.


Territory: The Island of New- Mrs. R. A. Hubley, Box 2, Catalina,
foundland and Labrador. Newfoundland.
Office Address: Box 217, St. G. H. Smith, Box 217, St. John's,
John's, Newfoundland. ' Newfoundland.
Mrs. G. H. Smith, Box 217, St.
John's, Newfoundland.
Superintendent: D. J. C. Barrett.
Mission Committee: D. J. C. Bar- G. H. Smith, Box 217, St. John's,
rett, G. H. Skinner, G. H. Mor- Newfoundland.
gan, R. A. Hubley, J. R. John- Mrs. G. H. Smith, Box 217, St.
ston. John's Newfoundland.
Sabbath School and Home Mis-
sionary Secretary: Mrs. R. A.
Hubley, Box 2, Catalina, New- INSTITUTIONS IN THE EAST-
Educational Dept.: CONFERENCE.
Supt., G. H. Smith. Educational:
Young People's Dept.: Eastern Canadian Missionary
Sec., R. A. Hubley. Seminary, Oshawa, Ontario.
Williamsdale Academy, Wil-
MINISTERS. liamsdale East, Nova Scotia.
D. J. C. Barrett, Box 217, St. John's,
Newfoundland. Publishing:
R. A. Hubley, Box 2, Catalina, Canadian Publishing Assn., Osh-
Newfoundland. awa, Ontario.


Organized Igor.
Territory: The Conferences of Legal Assn.: "Lake Union
East Michigan, Indiana, North- Conference Association of Sev-
ern Illinois, North Michigan, enth-day Adventists." Pres., L.
North Wisconsin, Southern Illi- H. Christian; Sec. and Treas.,
nois, South Wisconsin, and West A. N. Anderson.
Michigan. Union Book Depository:
Office: 3145 Lyndale St., Chicago, Review and Herald, 212 South
Ill. Lafayette St., South Bend, Ind.
OFFICERS. Manager, H. H. Rans.
Conference: Union Field Miss. Sec., J. B.
Blosser, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Pres., L. H. Christian. Educational Dept.:
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, A. N. Sec., C. A. Russell.
Anderson. Training-school Representatiye,
Executive Committee: L. H. 0. J. Graf, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Christian, A. N. Anderson, the Medical Missionary Dept.:
presidents of the conferences Sec., W. C. Dunscombe, M. D.
composing the Lake Union Con-
ference, and 0. J. Graf, J. B. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Blosser, J. W. Mace, W. C. Duns- Sec., L. H. Christian.
combe, M. D., C. A. Russell, G. E. Young People's Dept.:
Nord. Sec., C. A. Russell.

Home Missionary Dept.: Sabbath School Dept.:

Sec., J. W. Mace. Sec., E. Lois Carmichael.
MINISTERS. Educational Dept.:
L. H. Christian, 3145 Lyndale Supt., Mrs. Flora H. Williams.
St., Chicago, Ill.
G. E. Nord, R. F. D. 1, Box 20, Young People's Dept.:
La Grange, Ill. Sec., E. Lois Carmichael.
LICENTIATES. Home Missionary Dept.:
J. B. Blosser, Berrien Springs, Sec., 0. M. Kittle.
C. A. Russell, Berrien Springs, A. J. Clark, Holly, Mich.
Mich. M. Shepard, Gen. Del., Flint, Mich.
0. J. Graf, Berrien Springs, Mich. 0. M. Kittle, Holly, Mich.
H. 0. Olson, R. F. D. 1, Box 20, B. L. Post, 1017 Roosevelt Ave.,
La Grange, ill. Detroit, Mich.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. L. T. Nicola, 224 North Logan St.,
J. W. Mace, 212 South Lafayette Lansing, Mich.
St., South Bend, Ind. I. J. Woodman, 822 Brewster St.,
A. N. Anderson, 3145 Lyndale St., Saginaw, Mich.
Chicago, Ill. A. V. Cotton, 426 Trumbull Ave.,
Detroit, Mich.
W. H. Green, 638 Thirtieth St.,
ENCE. W. D. Parkhurst, 114 Orange St.,
Jackson, Mich.
Organized 1902, from territory H. B. Westcott, 244 State Ave.,
formerly comprising the Mich- Pontiac, Mich.
igan Conference. N. V. Willess, 426 Trumbull Ave.,
Territory: The southeastern por- Detroit, Mich.
tion of Michigan, including the Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
following counties: Hillsdale,
Lenawee, Monroe, Wayne, L. G. Moore, 213 North Pine St.,
Washtenaw, Jackson, Ingham, Lansing, Mich.
Livingston, Oakland, Macomb, E. L. Sanford, 426 Trumbull Ave.,
St. Clair, Lapeer, Genesee, Detroit, Mich.
Shiawassee, Clinton, Gratiot, LICENTIATES.
Saginaw, Tuscola, Sanilac, Hu- F. J. Rowland, Durand, Mich.
ron, Bay. Timothy Summerville, Holly, Mich.
Office: Holly, Mich. A. V. Morrison, Bad Axe, Mich.
OFFICERS. D. C. Newbold, Holly, Mich.
J. E. Patzkowski, 363 Peter Hunt
Conference: St., Leesville P. 0., Detroit, Mich.
Pres., A. J. Clark.
Sec. and Treas., Tillie E. Barr. Honorary Ministerial Licentiate.
Executive Committee: A. J. H. S. Guilford, Chesaning, Mich.
Clark, 0. M. Kittle, W. H. Green, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
J. B. McKenney, Daniel Wood, H. Katherine M. Dunham, R. F. D. 2,
B. Westcott, W. E. Perrin. Rives Junction, Mich.
Legal Assn.: " East Michigan Tillie E. Barr, Holly, Mich.
Conference Association of the S. Marie P. Harriman, 426 Trumbull
D. A." Pres., A. J. Clark. Ave., Detroit, Mic.
Tract Society: Agnes Everest-Webber, 426 Trum-
Sec. and Treas., W. E. Perrin. bull Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Field Miss. Sec., W. A. Berg- Mrs. T. M. Summerville, Holly,
herm. Mich.

Ariel Arnold, 375 Wreford Ave., Miss Dot McCormick, 600 Congress
Detroit, Mich. St., Saginaw, Mich.
T. W. Steen, Holly, Mich. Miss Ina Hicks, 212 Bismark St.,
Vara Lynch, 207 North Litchfield Lansing, Mich.
St., Bay City, Mich. Miss Beulah Soper, care of A. B.
Mrs. Lulu Flinn 426 Trumbull Cowles, R. F. D. 1, Owosso, Mich.
Ave., Detroit, Mich. Miss M. Grace Shepard, St. Charles,
Beatrice Harter, 426 Trumbull Mich.
Ave., Detroit, Mich. Miss Elsie Curtis, Ithaca, Mich.
E. Lois Carmichael, Holly, Mich. Miss Beatrice Connor, care of Mrs.
Clare Wood, 114 Orange St., Jack- A. Goff, Hope, Mich.
son, Mich. Miss Marian Briggs, 346 Auburn
Cynthia Bush, 278 Macomb St., De- Ave. Pontiac, Mich.
troit, Mich. '
Miss Lona Lamb, care Mrs A. Hai-
W. E. Perrin, Holly, Mich. ner, R. F. D. 2, Elsie, Mich.
F. A. Quackenbush, Holly, Mich. Miss Olive Medford, R. F. D. 4,
W. A. Bergherm, Holly, Mich. Saginaw, Mich.
Miss Inez Bird, 320 Fenton St.,
Honorary Missionary Licentiate. Flint, Mich.
Mrs. E. J. Smith, 891 Seventeenth
Mina Pierce, R. F. D. 2, Milford, St., Detroit, Mich.
CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Bay City, 304 South Dean St.
Mrs. Ida Parker-Ford, 638 Thir- Detroit:
tieth St., Detroit, Mich. Central, 424 Trumbull Ave.
Miss Grace Martin, 426 Trumbull West Side, Cor. Stanley and
Ave., Detroit, Mich. Sixteenth Sts.
Miss Gertrude Sims, 426 Trumbull Colored, 921 Hastings St.
Ave., Detroit, Mich. Flint, 709 Stockton St.
Miss Bertha J. Cass, 426 Trumbull Jackson, Cor. Summitt and Ten
Ave., Detroit, Mich. Eyck Sts.
Miss Florence Thomas, Holly, Lansing, 614 West Washtenaw St.
Mich. Saginaw, 1200 North Michigan Ave.
Miss Hattie Pologue, Mayville,
Miss Matilda Russell, Napoleon,
Mich. Organized 1872.
Miss Viola Boat, R. F. D., care of Territory: The State of Indiana,
V. M. DeCamp, Stockbridge, excepting the seven northern
Mich. tier of counties.
Miss Leola Winne, Otter Lake, Office: 2708 Belief ontaine St., In-
Mich. dianapolis, Ind.
Miss Alfaretta Sherman, R. F. D.
2, Fenton, Mich. OFFICERS.
Mrs. Mildred Smith-Collier, Pom- Conference:
peii, Mich. Pres., Wm. A. Westworth.
Mrs. Nona E. Martyn, 224 Ten Sec. and Treas., D. A. Bailey.
Eyck St., Jackson, Mich. Executive Committee: Wm. A.
Miss Ruth Tenney, 302 North East Westworth, C. M. Christiansen,
Ave., Jackson, Mich. M. C. Guild, R. W. Hostetler, J. H.
Miss Emma Andrews, Station A, Crandell, R. C. Wirth, and James
R. F. D. 1, Bay City, Mich. V. Moore.
Miss Edna Andrews, 1532 South Legal Assn.: " The Indiana As-
Jefferson Ave., Saginaw, Mich. sociation of Seventh-day Advent-
Miss Wanda Westcott, R. F. D., ists." Pres., Wm. A. Westworth;
Akron, Mich. Sec., , Treas.,

" The Indiana Medical Mission- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

ary and Benevolent Association."
Pres., Wm. A. Westworth; Sec., D. A. Bailey, 2708 Bellefontaine
; Treas., St., Indianapolis, Ind.
E. M. Fishell, 1500 East Michigan
Tract Society: Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Sec. and Treas., D. A. Bailey. C. E. Garnsey, Wabash Valley
Field Miss. Sec., E. M. Fishell. Sanitarium, La Fayette, Ind.
Mrs. 0. S. Hadley, 1605 Sturm
Sabbath School Dept.: Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Sec., Mrs. Lee S. Wheeler. Mary Kent, 2721 Bellefontaine St.,
Indianapolis, Ind.
Educational Dept.: Myrtle Robertson, 929 Stilwell St.,
Supt., Miss Edith Shepard. Indianapolis, Ind.
Medical Missionary Dept.: Edith Shepard, 2708 Bellefontaine
St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Sec., Bertha Wright, 627 South Tenth
Religious Liberty Dept.: St., La Fayette, Ind.
Sec., . Mrs. Lee S. Wheeler, 637 East
Twenty-first St., Indianapolis,
Young People's Dept.: Ind.
Sec., Miss Edith Shepard. Eva Pitcher, 2708 Bellefontaine
Home Miss. Dept.: St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Earl Dudley, 109 North Sixth St..
Sec., J. W. Hofstra. La Fayette, Ind.
Wm. A. Westworth, 2708 Belle- Cenora Misner, 505 West Seven-
fontaine St., Indianapolis, Ind. teenth St., Anderson, Ind.
Wm. A. Young, 904 College Ave., Mrs. Elizabeth Lawson, R. F. D. 9,
Indianapolis, Ind. Albion, Ind.
L. S. Wheeler, 637 East Twenty-
first St., Indianapolis, Ind. Ruby Lecklider, R. F. D. 5, Albion,
J. W. Hofstra, 2953 North Arsenal Ind.
St., Indianapolis, Ind. Frances Vaughan, care Dr. Strick-
J. G. Lamson, Needham, Ind. ler, Fairland, Ind.
C. L. White, 627 South Tenth St., Charlotte Maloney, R. F. D. 3,
La Fayette, Ind. Greentown, Ind.
L. W. Browne, 1919 Highland Ave., Blanche Hicks, 922 North Monroe
Indianapolis, Ind. St., Hartford City, Ind.
W. J. Stone, 660 East Forty-sec- Donna Priddy, R. F. D. 2, Kokomo,
ond St., Indianapolis, Ind. Ind.
M. J. Allen, 2708 Belleo ntaine St., Lois Johnson, R. F. D. 4, Middle-
Indianapolis, Ind. town, Ind.
M. C. Guild, 1435 East Vermont Orville Dunn, 409 East Charles St.,
St.,Indianapolis, Ind. Muncie, Ind.
G. W. Rader, care of Terre Haute Irene Pressnall, Maxwell, Ind.
Treatment Parlors, Terre Haute, Stanley Clark, 1605 Sturm Ave.,
Ind. Indianapolis, Ind.
Alta Clapper, 1500 East Michigan
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
0. S. Hadley, 1605 Sturm Ave., Irene Talge, 1941 North Delaware
Indianapolis, Ind. St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Mrs. Lena Flake, 133 Charles St.,
LICENTIATE. Richmond, Ind.
Frank M. Dudley, Hartford City, Elizabeth Blake, 412 Willow St.,
Ind. Terre Haute, Ind.

Stella Jacobs, R. F. D. 1, Box 98, Educational Dept.:

Tell City, Ind. Supt., Augusta Blosser.
Letha Le Fevre, R. F. D. 7, Wol-
cott, Ind. Young People's Dept.:
Bernice Harvey, R. F. D. 9, Sea-
field, Ind. Sec., Augusta Blosser.
Charity Legg, 616 East Third St.,
Susie Blake, R. F. D. 7, Box 44, J. H. Schilling, 116 North Califor-
Bloomington, Ind. nia Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Mrs. C. B. Snyder, 231 River Ave., Wm. Covert, 295 Grand Ave., Au-
Goshen, Ind. rora, Ill.
R. Calderone, 1419 West Austin
Ave., Chicago, Ill.
NORTHERN ILLINOIS CON- Louis Halsvick, 2914 West North,
FERENCE. Ave., Chicago, Ill.
E. R. Lauda, 207 Prairie Ave., Jo-
Formerly part of the Illinois Con- liet, Ill.
ference organized in 1871; di- M. H. St. John, 4851 Rice St., Chi-
vided and reorganized in 1902. cago, Ill.
Territory: The northern portion E. W. Webster, 120 North Califor-
of the State of Illinois to the nia Ave., Chicago, Ill.
southern boundary of the coun- T. F. Hubbard, 118 East Forty-
ties of Iroquois, Ford, Living- sixth St., Chicago, Ill.
ston, Woodford, Peoria, Knox, Adolph Johnson, 2710 Montrose
Warren, and Henderson, ex- Ave., Chicago, Ill.
cluding the city of Peoria.
Office: 116 North California Ave., J. M. Erikson, R. F. D. 1, Box 20,
Chicago, Ill. La Grange, Ill.
W. D. Forde, 5126 Dearborn St.,
OFFICERS. Chicago, Ill.
Pres., J. H. Schilling.
Sec. and Treas., Frank Hiner. R. C. Gardner, 1223 North Mill St.,
Executive Committee: J. H. Pontiac, hi.
Schilling, Adolph Johnson, H. H. J. H. Miller, 116 North California
Todd, Frank Hiner, M. H. St. John, Ave., Chicago, Ill.
E. W. Webster, H. P. Buzzell. P. H. Hermann, 1510 East Sixty-
Legal Assn.: " The Illinois Con- second St., Chicago, Ill.
ference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., L. F. Kucera, 2551 South Trum-
J. H. Schilling; Sec., H. P. Buzzell. bull Ave., Chicago, Ill.
" Northern Illinois Med. Miss.
and Sanitarium Assn." Pres., J. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
H. Schilling. Frank Hiner, 116 North California
Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Tract Society: W. L. Avery, Sheridan, Ill.
Sec., Frank Hiner. Mrs. Helen Odell, 216 West Prairie
Field Miss. Sec., J. C. Klose. St., Pontiac, Ill.
Miss W. Muller, 120 North Califor-
Home Missionary Dept.: nia Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Sec., C. J. Tolf, 401 West Park Miss Rosa Kozel, 120 North Cali-
Ave., Aurora, Ill. fornia Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Miss Vesta Cash, 120 North Cali-
Sabbath School Dept.: fornia Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Sec., Mrs. E. W. Webster, 120 Miss Gertrude Merriner, 207 Ray-
North California Ave., Chicago, Ill. nor Ave., Joliet, Ill.

Miss Anna Johnson, 2817 West Mrs. G. F. Hibben, 110 South Sec-
Seventy-seventh Place, Chicago, ond St., Streator, Ill.
Ill. Miss Ida Christensen, 2514 Moffatt
C. J. Tolf, 401 West Park Ave., St., Chicago, Ill.
Aurora, Ill. Miss Marie Asey, 6721 South Ra-
Mrs. A. E. Thomson, 116 North cine St., Chicago, Ill.
California Ave., Chicago, Ill. Miss Lucile Brannon, care H. H.
Miss Mary Senator, 5132 Dearborn Todd, Moline, Ill.
St., Chicago, Ill. Ella Foreman, 250 Blaine Ave..
J. Sansonetti, 1308 Ohio Ave., Chi- Galesburg, Ill.
cago, Ill.
Miss Johanna Henrickson, 2914 CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS.
West North Ave., Chicago, Ill. Aurora, Cor. Iowa and Plum Sts.
Mrs. Kate Williams, 1213 Fifteenth Chicago:
St., Moline, Ill. Dearborn (colored), 4802 Dear-
Miss Anna Soukup, 120 North Cal- born St.
ifornia Ave., Chicago, Ill. Englewood, 6818 Wentworth
Miss Alfreda Johnson, 1225 Twelfth Ave.
Ave., Moline, Ill. Forty-sixth St., 58 East Forty-
Gabriel Vas, 9352 Cottage Grove sixth St.
Ave., Chicago, Ill. German, 2318 Roscoe Blvd.
Mrs. E. W.ster, eb 120 North Danish, 2914 West North Ave.
California Ave., Chicago, Ill. Italian, 1244 West Erie St.
J. A. Dominiski, 116 North Cali- North Shore, Hamlin Hall,
fornia Ave., Chicago, Ill. Broadway, two blocks north of
Miss Augusta Blosser, 116 North Wilson Ave.
California Ave., Chicago, Ill. Swedish, 213 West Oak St.
West Central, first church on
CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Monroe west of Kedzie Ave.,
north side of street.
Miss Marion Swanson, 1221 North Elgin, 77 Villa St.
Mill St., Pontiac, Ill. Galesburg, 247 Blaine Ave.
Miss Mamie Meleen, 120 North Cal- Joliet, 301 Prairie Ave.
ifornia Ave., Chicago, Ill. Moline, 1315 Fourteenth St.
Miss Amelia Eitel, 120 North Cali- Sheridan, 315 North Chestnut St.
fornia Ave., Chicago, Ill. Streator, 113 South First St.
Miss Evelyn Meleen, 120 North
California Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Miss Mabel Rank, 120 North Cali-
fornia Ave., Chicago, Ill. NORTH MICHIGAN CON-
Miss Mabel Seitz, 120 North Cali- FERENCE.
fornia Ave., Chicago, Ill. Formerly a part of the Michigan
Miss Marguerite Porter, care Wm. Conference organized in 1861;
Marsh, R. F. D., Aledo, Ill. divided and reorganized in 1902.
Miss Huldah Berg, care M. E. En-
driss, R. F. D. 1, Stockton, Ill. Territory: All of the Lower Pe-
Miss Edith Peterson, Sanitarium, ninsula north of the counties of
Hinsdale, Ill. Bay, Saginaw, Gratiot, Mont-
Miss Florence Puels, Rock Falls, calm, and Muskegon, excepting
Ill. the eight southern townships of
Miss Florence Warner, care E. S. Newaygo County; and all the
Vandorn, R. F. D. 2, La Grange, Upper Peninsula east of the
Ill. counties of Marquette and Me-
Miss Edith Reynolds, 212 Johns nominee and including the Har-
St., Joliet, Ill. ris church in Menominee County.
Miss Olive Jenson, 132 North Mae Office: 510 Petoskey St., Petoskey,
St., Aurora, Ill. Mich.

OFFICERS. Idabell Little, Buckley, Mich.

Conference: Harry W. Denton, Cooks, Mich.
Pres., E. A. Bristol. Aurora Bailey, Harris, Mich.
Sec. and Treas., C. N. Keiser. Maiziebell Terry, Gaylord, Mich:
Executive Committee: E. A. Mrs. Mabel Griffin-Burt, Onaway,
Bristol, F. J. Harris, E. A. Piper, Mich.
M. Stephens, F. E. Fenner. Emilie Crouch, Mt. Pleasant, Mich.
Legal Assn.: " North Michigan Mrs. Vesta Rust, Cutcheon, Mich.
Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Mrs. F. J. Harris, Box 414, Cd
Pres., E. A. Bristol; Sec. and Mich.
Treas., C. N. Keiser. Verda E. Cowles, Twining, Mich.
Beatrice Conner, Edenville, Mich.
Tract Society: Mrs. Della Friday, 235 McKinley
Sec. and Treas., C. N. Keiser. St., Alpena, Mich.
Field Miss. Sec., Hugh Stearns.
Sabbath School Dept.: FERENCE.
Sec., Miss Carolyn. Rasmusson.
Organized 1916.
Educational Dept.: Territory: The northern portion of
Supt., Miss Carolyn Rasmusson. Wisconsin, including the follow-
ing counties: Pepin, Eau Claire,
Religious Liberty Dept.: Pierce, Dunn, Rusk, Taylor,
Sec., E. A. Bristol. Lincoln, Langlade, the north-
ern nine townships of Ocon-
Young People's Dept.: to County, Marinette, Florence,
Sec., Miss Carolyn Rasmusson. Forest, Oneida, Vilas, Price,
Iron, Ashland, Sawyer, Bayfield,
MINISTERS. Douglas, Washburn, Burnett,
E. A. Bristol, 220 Michigan St., Polk, St. Croix, and Barron; also
Petoskey, Mich. the following-named counties of
F. J. Harris, Box 414, Cadillac, the Upper Peninsula of Michi-
Mich. gan: Menominee, Dickinson, Mar-
R. J. Bellows, Cooks, Mich. quette, Iron, Baraga, Houghton.
E. A. Piper, 226 Fair Ave., Alpena, Keweenaw, Ontonagon, and Co-
Mich. gebic..
F. E. Fenner, R. F. D., Onaway, Office: Room 5, Ashland National
Mich. Bank Bldg., Ashland, Wis.
H. M. Kelley, Midland, Mich. OFFICERS.
LICENTIATE. Conference:
E. C. Townsend, 401 East Court Pres., J. J. Irwin.
St:, Ludington, Mich. Sec. and Treas., H. W. Johnson.
Executive Committee: J. J. Ir-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. win, C. Edwardson, E. A. von
Hugh Stearns, 315 Fair Ave., Al- Pohle, H. W. Johnson, Alfred Nel-
pena, Mich. son.
Carolyn Rasmusson, 510 Petoskey Tract Society:
St., Petoskey, Mich. Sec., H. W. Johnson.
C. N. Keiser, 808 Howard St., Pe- Field Miss. Sec., L. C. Shepard.
toskey, Mich.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., T. S. Copeland.
Alice Wehner, 823 Wadsworth St.,
Traverse City, Mich. Educational Dept.:
Birdie M. Jaques, Mesick, Mich. Supt., T. S. Copeland.


Sec., T. S. Copeland. ENCE.
Home Missionary Dept.: Formerly a part of the Illinois
Sec., J. J. Irwin. Conference organized in 1871-;
divided and reorganized in 1902.
Territory: The southern part of
J. J. Irwin, Room 5, Ashland Na-
the State of Illinois, south of
tional Bank Bldg., Ashland, Wis.
C. Edwardson, 1228 Baxter Ave., the counties of Iroquois, Ford,
Superior, Wis. Livingston, Woodford, Peoria,
Knox, Warren, and Henderson,
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. and including the city of
J. B. Scott, R. F. D. 2, Chetek,
Wis. Office: 304 West Allen St., Spring-
F. Stebbeds, Clearwater Lake, Wis. field, Ill.
H. W. Reed, Clearwater Lake, Wis. OFFICERS.
LICENTIATES. Conference:
0. M. Akre, 1304 Hughitt Ave., Su- Pres., E. F. Peterson.
perior, Wis. Sec. and Treas., H. E. Moon.
A. W. Erickson, Box 496, Prentice, Executive Committee: E. F. Pe-
Wis. terson, H. E. Moon, R. B. Craig, W.
Geo, Wikander, 90 Quincy St., W. Brayshaw, C. W. Curtis, A. L.
Houghton, Mich. Van Fossen.
E. A. von Pohle, Hines, Wis. Legal Assn.: "The Southern Illi-
nois Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Pres., E. F. Peterson; Sec., R. B.
Miss Serine Larsen, 1228 Baxter Craig.
Ave., Superior, Wis. Tract Society:
Miss Sue Jones, Merrill, Wis. Sec. and Treas., H. E. Moon.
J. A. Swenson, Box 496, Prentice, Field Miss. Sec., A. L. Van Fos-
Wis. sen.
H. W. Johnson, Room 5, Ashland
National Bank Bldg., Ashland, Sabbath School Dept.:
Wis. Sec., Miss Grace Evans.
L. C. Shepard, Room 5, Ashland
National Bank Bldg., Ashland, Educational Dept.:
Wis. Supt., Miss Grace Evans.
Miss Lillian Kirschner, care Har- Sec., Miss Grace Evans.
ris Smith, Clear Lake, Wis. Home Missionary Dept.:
Miss Ruth Hoffman, Hines, Wis. Sec., E. F. Peterson.
Miss Gertrude Holmes, care Wal-
derly School, South Range, Wis. MINISTERS.
Miss Arvilla Ebert, R. F. D. 2, Box E. F. Peterson, 304 West Allen St.,
100, Chetek, Wis. Springfield, Ill.
Miss Euphemia Macaulay, 103 El- P. C. Hanson, 811 East Bell St.,
lis Ave., Ashland, Wis. Bloomington, Ill.
E. N. Sargeat , 310 Archer Ave.,
Peoria, Ill.
Ashland, Cor. Third St. and Eighth C. W.tis,ur 1115 Morrison St.,
Ave., West. Centralia, Ill.
Superior, Cor. Eleventh St. and Louis Drews, 304 West Allen St.,
Cuming Ave. Springfield, Ill.

Honorary Ministerial Credentials. 'SOUTH WISCONSIN CON-

C. H. Bliss, 1207 Oaklawn Ave., FERENCE.
Peoria, Ill. Formerly a part of the Wisconsin
Conference organized in 1871; di-
LICENTIATES. vided and reorganized in 1916.
Territory: All counties south of the
C. J. Smith, Witt, Ill. northern boundaries of Buffalo,
J. 0. Ferris, Witt, Ill. Eau Claire, Clark, Marathon,
and Shawano Counties, and all
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. of Oconto County south of a line
drawn due east from the north-
H. E. Moon, 304 West Allen St., east corner of Shawano County
Springfield, Ill. to Marinette County, and from
A. L. Van Fossen, 304 West Allen there following the northern
St., Springfield, Ill. boundary of Oconto County to
Grace Evans, 304 West Allen St., Green Bay.
Springfield, Ill. Office: Rooms 304 and 305 Ruh
Mary B. Craig, 435 West King St., Bldg., Fond du Lac, Wis.
Decatur, Ill.
Rika Wohlers, 811 East Bell St.,
Bloomington, Ill. Conference:
MEDICAL MISSIONARY LICENSE. Sec. and Treas., W. J. Walter.
Executive Committee:
R. B. Craig, Citizens' Bank Bldg., , P. L. Larson, G. P. Gaede,
Decatur, Ill. E. F. Ferris, C. W. Johnson, H. H.
Hicks, G. R. Fattic.
CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Legal Assn.: " Wisconsin Con-
Nellie Travis, care R. J. Watson, ference Assn. of the S. D. A."
Carterville, Ill. Pres., , Sec. and Treas.,
Ruby Holt, 820 South Twenty-sec- W. J. Walter; Executive Commit-
ond St., Herrin, Ill. tee: P. L. Larson, E. F.
Amanda Trueblood, care E. R. '
Ferris, G. P. Gaede.
Ford, R. F. D. 6, Du Quoin, Ill. Tract Society:
Cora Anderson, 529 South Lincoln
Blvd., Centralia, Ill. Sec. and Treas., W. J. Walter.
Viola Spradling, care Mrs. J. L. Field Miss. Sec., E. E. Franklin.
McClintock, Orchardville, Sabbath School Dept.:
Inez Cannings, care R. 0. Dickson,
Martinsville, Ill. Sec., Miss May Bell.
Mae Reid, care U. D. Holloway, Educational Dept.:
Strasburg, Ill.
Mildred Avery, care Eugene Pil- Supt., G. R. Fattic.
chard, R. F. D. 3, Noble, Ill. Medical Missionary Dept.:
Mabel Hicks, 1331 South State St., Sec., P. L. Larson, care Sanita-
Springfield, Ill. rium, Madison, Wis.
CHURCH DIRECTORY. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Sec., H. H. Hicks, care Sanita-
Bloomington, Knights of Pythias
rium, Madison, Wis.
Danville, Cor. Main and First Sts. Young People's Dept.:
Decatur, Cor. College and Packard Sec., G. R. Fattic.
Peoria, Machin St. Home Missionary Dept.:
Urbana, Cor. Main and Harvey Sts. Sec., Arthur Belding.


P. A. Hanson, 304 Ruh Bldg., Fond Miss Grace Jorgensen, 121 Pine St.,
du Lac, Wis. Baraboo, Wis.
H. H. Hicks, care Sanitarium, Mrs. Bertha Peake, Bethel, Wis.
Madison, Wis. Miss Frances De Vinney, 508 Wa-
P. M. Hanson, 700 Woodward Ave., ter St., Eau Claire, Wis.
Chippewa Falls, Wis. Miss Flora McChesney, 719 West
Wm. Lewsadder, 135 Warner St., Walnut St., Green Bay, Wis.
Fond du Lac, Wis. Miss Ruth Beebe, La Farge, Wis.
E. F. Ferris, 719 West Walnut St., Miss Winnie Drew, care Sanita-
Green Bay, Wis. rium, Madison, Wis.
G. P. Gaede, 630 Twenty-second Carl Wilson, care C. D. McCrillis,
St., Milwaukee, Wis. Marshfield, Wis.
A. F. French, 121 Pine St., Bara- Miss Grace Jordan, Milton Junc-
boo, Wis. tion, Wis.
P. E. Berthelsen, Bethel, Wis. Miss Helen M. Johnson, 649 Otjen
J. H. N. Tindall, 865 Fifth St., Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.
Milwaukee, Wis. Miss Kittie Hickok, R. F. D. 1,
Mosinee, Wis.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. Miss Eva L. Wright, R. F. D. 5,
care Mrs. Ida Purdy, Ft. Atkin-
D. H. Oberholtzer, Palm City, Cal. son, Wis. .
S. S. Smith, R. F. D., New Lisbon, Miss Bethel Avery, care J. Armi-
Wis. ta,ge, Oshkosh, Wis.
Miss Jennie Nelson, Poy Sippi, Wis.
Miss Maybel V. Jensen, R. F. D. 9,
E. L. Peterson, West de Pere, Wis. care P. Peterson, Franksville,
E. E. Trowbridge, Marshfield, Wis. Wis.
Miss Angie Foster, care Dr.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Gotham, Sturgeon Bay, Wis.
A. Belding, 305 Ruh Bldg., Fond Miss Maude Bisbee, care W. E.
du Lac,Wis. Lemon, Tunnel City, Wis.
W. J. Walter, 305 Rub Bldg., Fond Monroe E. Clarke, Cassville, Wis.
du Lac, Wis. Mrs. E. L. Peterson, R. F. D. 1,
E. E. Franklin, 305 Ruh Bldg., West de Pere, Wis.
Fond du Lac, . is Mrs. A. Hughes, Bethel, Wis.
P. L. Larson, care Sanitarium, Mrs. L. Anderson, Cataract, Wis.
Madison, Wis. Miss Inez Brasier, 320 Linden St.,
G. R. Fattic, 305 Ruh Bldg., Fond Chippewa Falls, Wis.
du Lac, Wis. Mrs. G. 0. Richardson, Yuba, Wis.
H. T. Elliott, Bethel, Wis. CHURCH DIRECTORY.
P. L. Thompson, Bethel, Wis. Appleton, Cor. Richmond and Gil.
F. H. Johnson, 305 Ruh Bldg., Fond more Sts.
du Lac, Wis. Eau Claire, Francis St., Shaw-
Miss May Bell, 305 Ruh Bldg., town.
Fond du Lac, Wis. Fond du Lac, I. 0. 0. F. Hall, South
Mrs. D. B. Christiansen, 201 North Main St.
Fifth St., Madison, Wis. Green Bay, 704 West Walnut St.
Miss Louise Liebau, 122 Lloyd St., Kenosha, Cor. Howland and Salem
Milwaukee, Wis. Sts.
Miss Louise Allison, 865 Fifth St., Milwaukee, 865 Fifth St.
Milwaukee, Wis. New London, Cor. Smith and Pine
Mrs. Mary Howell, 304 Ruh Bldg., Sts.
Fond du Lac, Wis. Oshkosh, Cor. Forest Ave., and Elm
Michele Cali, 866 Fifth St., Mil- St.
waukee, Wis. Racine, 1201 Tenth St.
Miss Frances E. Perham, 305 Ruh Sheboygan, Cor. Calumet and Mer-
Bldg., Fond du Lac, Wis. tens Sts.

WEST MICHIGAN CON- U. S. Anderson, Berrien Springs,

W. H. Wakeham, Berrien' Springs,
Formerly a part of the Michigan Mich.
Conference, organized in 1861; E. I. Beebe, Box 141, Ovid, Mich.
divided and reorganized in 1902. N. M. Jorgensen, 37 Beidler St.,
Territory: Southwestern Michi- Muskegon, Mich.
gan south of the southern boun- R. U. Garrett, Cedar Lake, Mich.
daries of the counties of Oce- W. J. Blake, R. F. D. 7, Box 26a,
ana, Mecosta, and Isabella, and Battle Creek, Mich.
the eight southern townships of J. M. Hoyt, Three Rivers, Mich.
Newaygo; and west of the coun- Wm. Reefman, 736 Woodworth St..
ties of Gratiot, Clinton, Ingham, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Jackson, and Hillsdale, and the C. S. Wiest, Tabernacle, Battle
following counties of Indiana: Creek, Mich.
Steuben, La Grange, Elkhart, St. S. B. Horton, 1211 March St.,
Joseph, La Porte, Porter, and Kalamazoo, Mich.
Lake. R. B. Thurber, Berrien Springs,
Office: 8 Pearl St., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Mich. W. H. Sherrig, Burton St., West,
OFFICERS. Grand Rapids, Mich.
Conference: Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
Pres., Wm. Guthrie. M. S. Burnham, Otsego, Mich.
Sec. and Treas., F. R. Eastman. W. C. Hebner, 978 Pavone St.,
Executive Committee: Wm. Benton Harbor, Mich.
Guthrie, F. S. Clarke, J. M. Hoyt, H. Nicola, 123 Manchester St., Bat-
F. R. Eastman, J. E. Root, S. B. tle Creek, Mich.
Horton, C. S. Weist. J. J. Graf, Berrien Springs, Mich.
J. W. Covert, R. F. D. 4, Battle
Tract Society: Creek, Mich.
Sec. and Treas., F. R. Eastman. LICENTIATES.
Field Miss. Sec., W. B. Maris.
F. A. Wright, Allegan, Mich.
Sabbath School Dept.: L. C. Shepard, 1965 Horton Ave.,
Sec., Miss Edna L. Walker. Southeast, Grand Rapids, Mich.
C. W. Lee, Three Rivers, Mich.
Educational Dept.: 0. L. Ice, Grand Haven, Mich.
Medical Missionary Dept.: F. R. Eastman, 8 Pearl St., Grand
Sec., Dr. 0. R. Cooper, Berrien Rapids, Mich.
Springs, Mich. Lotta E. Bell, 8 Pearl St., Grand
Rapids, Mich.
Religious Liberty Dept.: Frances L. Case, care Tabernacle,
Sec., S. B. Horton, 1211 March Battle Creek, Mich.
St., Kalamazoo, Mich. D. 0. Babcock, care Tabernacle,
Young People's Dept.: Battle Creek, Mich.
Jennie DeYoung, 146 West Fif-
Sec., Miss Edna L. Walker. teenth St., Holland, Mich.
Home Missionary Dept.: Mrs. Emma Hebner, 978 Pavone
Sec., L. C. Shepard, 1965 Horton St., Benton Harbor, Mich.
Ave., Southeast, Grand Rapids, Mrs. Laura Whitgrove, 73 Burton
Mich. St., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Edna L. Walker, 8 Pearl. St.,
MINISTERS. Grand Rapids, "Mich.
Wm. Guthrie, 8 Pearl St., Grand Beatrice Smalley, 1211 March St.,
Rapids, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich.

Frances P. Goodwyn 517 Broadway Miss Leta Rumery, 220 West Ham-
St., Niles, Mich. mond St., Otsego, Mich.
Gladys H. Mapes, Otsego, Mich. Miss Edna Decker, R. F. D. 2,
E. L. Smith, 294 West VanBuren Coopersville, Mich.
St. Battle Creek, Mich. Miss Edith Colburn, Paw Paw,
Mrs. Bertha E. Jorgensen, 37 Beid- Mich.
ler St., Muskegon, Mich.
Battle Creek, Cor. Washington and
W. J. Blake, R. F. D. 7, Box 26a, Main Sts.
Battle Creek, Mich. Charlotte, Sheldon St.
Mrs. W. J. Blake, R. F. D. 7, Box Grand Rapids, Cass Ave.
26a, Battle Creek, Mich. Kalamazoo, Cor. Sheldon and Jack-
Mrs. Harriet Heffley, 177 Ann St., son Sts.
Battle Creek, Mich.
Miss Lydia Nathie, 26 Hill St.,
Battle Creek, Mich.
Mrs. Agnes Schoonard, R. F. D. 3, INSTITUTIONS IN THE LAKE
Box 142, Battle Creek, Mich. UNION CONFERENCE.
Mrs. Ethel S. Case, 25 Bowen Ave.,
Battle Creek, Mich. Educational:
Miss Luella Wells, R. F. D. 1, Hud-
sonville, Mich. Adelphian Academy, Holly,
Bernard Thompson, R. F. D., Allen, Mich.
Mich. Beechwood Academy, Needham,
Miss Pearl Drumb, 120 Park Ave., Ind.
Allegan, Mich. Bethel Academy, Bethel, Wis.
Miss Edith DeVillez, Berrien Broadview Swedish Seminary,
Springs, Mich. R. F. D. 1, Box 20, La
0. P. Wilson, care College, Berrien Grange, Ill.
Springs, Mich. Cedar Lake Academy, Cedar
Miss Dorothy White, care College, Lake, Mich.
Berrien Springs, Mich. Emmanuel Missionary College,
Mrs. M. E. Wilson, R. F. D. 1, Fen- Berrien Springs, Mich.
wick, Mich. Fox River Academy, Sheridan,
Mrs. F. S. Clarke, R. F. D. 3, Ill.
Carson City, Mich. Walderly School, South Range,
Mrs. Lillian Hansen-Eyestone, care Wis.
0. Landon, R. F. D. 5, Hastings,
Mich. . Publishing:
Miss Susie Klose, Cedar Lake, Mich. South Bend Branch of the Re-
Forest Schoonard, 412 West Shep- view and Herald Pub. Assn.,
ard St., Charlotte, Mich. Melville Bldg., South Bend,
Mrs. Mary DeVillez, Covert, Mich. Ind.
Miss Ida Eggleston, R. F. D. 1, Box Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brook-
111, Edmore, Mich. field, Ill.
Miss Jennie Judson, care 0. Kim-. Emmanuel Missionary College
ball, McBride, Mich. Press, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Miss Ruby Crain, 1954 Jefferson
Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Sanitariums:
Miss Hazel Klose, 316 Montcalm Madison Sanitarium, Madison,
St., Greenville, Mich. Wis.
Mrs. Iva Nay-Ayars, R. F. D. 10, Tri-City Sanitarium, 1213 Fif-
Kalamazoo, Mich. teenth St., Moline, Ill.
Miss Florence Bylsma, 1324 James Wabash Valley Sanitarium, La
St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Fayette, Ind.
Organized 1902.
Territory: The Conferences of MINISTERS.
Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, Chas. Thompson, 2718 Third Ave.,
and South Dakota. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Office Address: 2718 Third Ave:, M. B. Van Kirk, 2718 Third Ave.,
South, Minneapolis, Minn. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
M. L. Andreasen, Hutchinson,
S. A. Ruskjer, Sauk Center, Minn.
Conference: M. S. Reppe, Hutchinson, Minn
Pres., Chas. Thompson. H. R. Johnson, Hutchinson, Minn.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, W. H.
Executive Committee: Chas. W. H. Edwards, 2718 Third Ave.,
Thompson, W. H. Edwards, A. R. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Ogden, G. W. Wells, S. E. Jack-
Kirk, M. L. Andreasen, E. M. E. M. Oberg, 2718 Third Ave.,
Oberg, S. A. Ruskjer, Dr. H. W. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Barbour. W. J. Maxson, 2718 Third Ave.,
Transportation Agent, W. H. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Edwards. H. W. Barbour, Nevada, Iowa.
Legal Assn.: " The Northern Bessie Thompson, 2718 Third Ave..
Union Conference Assn. of S. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
D. A., Incorporated." Pres., Chas.
Thompson; Sec. and Treas., W. H.
Union Book Depository: Organized 1863.
Kansas City Branch of the Territory: The State of Iowa.
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1224 Eu- Office: Nevada, Iowa.
clid Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
Union Field Miss. Sec., E. M. OFFICERS.
Oberg. Conference:
Pres., A. R. Ogden.
Educational Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas.
Sec., M. B. Van Kirk. -Treas., A. R. Smouse.'
Executive Committee: A. R.
Religious Liberty Dept.: Ogden, A. P. Hanson, J. W. Dor-
cas, 'W. K. Smith, V. B. Watts, W.
See., Chas. Thompson. C. Foreman.
Legal Assn.: " The Iowa Sev-
Medical Missionary Dept.: enth-day Adventist Association."
Sec., Dr. H. W. Barbour, Neva- Pres., A. R. Ogden; Sec. and
da, Iowa. Treas., A. R. Smouse.
Young People's Dept.: Tract Society:
Sec., M. B. Van Kirk. Sec. and Treas., R. E. Bowles.
Field Miss. Sec., L. L. Grand
Home Missionary Dept.: Pre.
District Miss. Directors: Steen
Sec., S. A. Ruskjer. Jenson, C. V. Starr.

Sabbath School Dept.: Mrs. Esther Jones, 1348 West Thir-

Sec., Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas. teenth St., Des Moines, Iowa.
Mrs. Myrtle Asay, Grinnell, Iowa.
Educational Dept.: Mrs. C. A. Prescott, 1209 Fifth
Supt., S. A. Oberg. Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Mrs. K. Rasmussen, 612 River St..
Religious Liberty Dept.: Decorah, Iowa.
Sec., Wm. Ostrander, 1820 West A. R. Smouse, Nevada, Iowa.
Ninth St., Des Moines, Iowa. Hannah Larson, Nevada, Iowa.
Anna Paulson, Estherville, Iowa.
Young People's Dept.: David Olson, Hutchinson, Minn.
Sec., S. A. Oberg. L. L. Grand Pre, Nevada, Iowa.
Alice Kinney, Waterloo, Iowa.
Home Missionary Dept.: C. V. Starr, Pleasanton, Iowa.
Sec., Mrs. Minnie Sype. Bessie S'cisin, 631 West Mill St.,
Ottumwa, Iowa.
Cora Quinn, Grinnell, Iowa.
A. R. Ogden, Nevada, Iowa.
J. C. Clemens, Fort Dodge, Iowa. Honorary Missionary Licentiate.
J. W. Dorcas, Nevada,Iowa.
Wm. Ostrander, 1820 t es
Ninth Nellie M. Butler, North English,
St., Des Moines, Iowa. Iowa.
F. M. Corbaley, 629 Fourth Ave., CHURCH DIRECTORY.
Clinton, Iowa.
J. W. Beams, Nevada, Iowa. Des Moines, Eighth and Washing-
V. B. Watts, Nevada, Iowa. ton Sts.
W. A. McKibbin, 1920 Sherman Council Bluffs, Story and Bluff Sts.
St., Sioux City, Iowa. Davenport, 2036 Iowa St.
W. K. Smith, 506 South Gunnison Dubuque, Cor. Ninth and Locust
St., Burlington, Iowa. Sts.
S. A. Oberg, Nevada, Iowa. Keokuk, Seventeenth and Exchange
Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
E. G. Olsen, Forest City, Iowa.
M. W. Lewis, College View, Nebr. MINNESOTA CONFERENCE.
0. Madsen, Ruthven, Iowa.
C. W. Heald, Nevada, Iowa. Organized 1862.
H. Rorholm, Route 3, Altoona, Territory: The State of Min-
Iowa. nesota.
LICENTIATES. Office: 679 Holly Ave., St. Paul,
Mrs. Minnie Sype, Carroll, Iowa.
H. P. Gray, Nevada, Iowa. OFFICERS.
W. C. Foreman, Nevada, Iowa. Conference:
R. J. Sype, Nevada, Iowa.
G. W. White, 201 South Birch St., Pres., G. W. Wells.
Creston, Iowa. Sec., Miss Mary D. Hopkins.
G. E. Leffler, Nevada, Iowa. Treas., S. D. Hartwell.
Executive Committee: G. W.
Steen Jensen, Blanchard, Iowa. Brown, H. M. Hiatt, J. H. Hoffman,
R. E. Bowles, Nevada, Iowa. R. L. Benton, George Campbell.
Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas, Nevada, Legal Assn.: " The Minnesota
Iowa. Conference Association of Sev-
Laura E. Buck, 519 West Fifth enth-day Adventists." Pres., G.
- St., Waterloo, Iowa. W. Wells; Sec. and Treas., S. D.
Mrs. Meta Meyer, Stuart, Iowa. Hartwell.

Tract Society: LICENTIATES.

See. and Treas., B. L. Grundset. C. V. Anderson, 679 Holly Aye..
Field Miss. See., G. A. Camp- St. Paul, Minn.
bell, Anoka, Minn. 0. J. Dahl, Benson, Minn.
Ben Le Due, Cloquet, Minn.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., Miss Mary D. Hopkins.
G. Freeman, 679 Holly Ave., St.
Educational Dept.: Paul, Minn.
Supt., H. M. Hiatt, Anoka, Minn. G. A. Campbell, Anoka, Minn.
Miss Lena Nichols, 136 East Colo-
Religious Liberty Dept.: rado St., St. Paul, Minn.
Sec., G. M. Brown, 2524 Stevens Miss May Jenson, 906 East Eighth
Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. St., Duluth, Minn.
Miss Mary D. Hopkins, 679 Holly
Young People's Dept.: Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
Sec., E. L. Sheldon, Alexandria, Miss Bernice Fischer, 981 Bradley
Minn. St.,St. Paul, Minn.
Alfrd Swan, Box 141, West Du-
Home Missionary Dept.: luth, Minn.
Sec., Anol Grundset, Crookston, Edwin Bye, Ada, Minn.
Minn. E. J. Nelson, 679 Holly Ave., St.
Paul, Minn.
Miss Susie Anderson, Albert Lea,
G. W. Wells, Anoka, Minn. Minn.
G. M. Brown, 2524 Stevens Ave., Miss Hulda Anderson, 3410 Eight-
Minneapolis, Minn. eenth Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.
S. D. Hartwell, 679 Holly Ave., St. Miss Vesta Jenson, 906 East
Paul, Minn. Eighth St., Duluth, Minn.
Andrew Mead, 679 Holly Ave., St. G. L. Gulbrandson, 679 Holly Ave..
Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn.
Carl Svenson, 3840 Snelling Ave.,
Stemple White, 920 East Sixth
St., Duluth, Minn. Miss Grace Rosenthal, Austin,
A. W. Kuehl, 131 Fulton St., Man- Minn.
kato, Minn. Miss Elizabeth Gott, 820 East
J. H. Hoffman, 2122 West Fourtb Sixth St., Duluth, Minn.
St., Duluth, Minn. Miss Mabel Broderson, Brainerd,
C. L. Taylor, Maple Plain, Minn Minn.
G. L. Budd, Alexandria, Minn. Miss Ethel Gott, Pine Island,
E. Hilliard, 1431 Thomas St., St. Minn.
Paul, Minn. Miss Lulu Pressnall, Owatonna,
P. G. Stanley, 655 Laurel Ave., Minn.
St. Paul, Minn. Miss Joybelle Austin, Senjen,
Anol Grundset, Crookston, Minn. Minn.
H. M. Hiatt, Anoka, Minn. Miss Julia Nelson, Hutchinson,
R. L. Benton, 407 First St., East, Minn.
Albert Lea, Minn. Miss Jennie Burgeson, Lockhart,
E. L. Sheldon, Alexandria,Minn. Minn.
N. R. Nelson, 735 Marylad .Ave., Mrs. Elva Haak, Mankato, Minn.
St. Paul, Minn. Miss Elizabeth Magnusson, 2917
Second Ave., South, Minneapo-
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. lis, Minn.
Hans Steen, 718 Maryland Ave., Miss Ethel Griese, Twenty-sev-
St. Paul, Minn. enth St. and Stevens Ave., Min-
A. E. Christian, Benson, Minn, n eapol is, Minn.

Miss Rachel Anderson, Detroit, Seventh-day Adventists." Pres.,

S. E. Jackson; Sec., J. J. Reiswig;
Miss Myrtle Cady, Dodge Center, Treas., Andrew Roedel.
Tract Society:
Miss Alice Riechel, Red Lake
Falls, Minn. Sec. and Treas., Andrew Roedel.
Miss Alta Hilliard, 1431 Thomas Field Miss. Sec., Jacob J. Jutzy.
St., St. Paul, Minn. Sabbath School Dept.:
Miss Mabel Campbell, Anoka,
Minn. Sec., Mrs. Artha Jutzy.
Miss Grace Brown, Alexandria, Educational Dept.:
Miss Clara Nissen, Barnesville, Supt., J. J. Reiswig.
Minn. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Miss Alice Griffith, La Moille,
Minn. Sec., E. L. Stewart.
Mrs. E. P. Hawkins, Montrose, Young People's Dept.:
Mrs. Ralph Campbell, Good Thun- Sec., J. J. Reiswig.
der, Minn. Home Missionary Dept.:
Mrs. H. M. Hiatt, Champlin, Minn.
Sec., Andrew Roedel.
Duluth, English, Cor. Tenth and
Sixth Sts. S. E. Jackson, Drawer N, James-
Mankato, 213 State St. town, N. Dak.
Minneapolis: Carl Leer, Harvey, N. Dak.
English, Cor. Stevens Ave. and A. V. Rhoads, 1017 Fourth Ave.,
Twenty-seventh St. North, Fargo, N. Dak.
Scandinavian, Cor. Franklin E. L. Stewart, 602 Fifth Ave.,
Ave. and Twenty-fourth St. N. W., Minot, N. Dak.
St. Paul: J. J. Reiswig, Drawer N, James-
English, 679 Holly Ave. town, N. Dak.
Scandinavian, Cor. Greenbrier J. H. Seibel, Bowdon, N. Dak.
and Jenks Sts. Martin Olson, Valley City, N. Dak
W. A. Alway, Harvey, N. Dak.
S. G. Burley, Harvey, N. Dak.
NORTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE. J. A. Litwinenco, Herreid, S.
Organized 1902. R. T. Nash, Harvey, N. Dak.
Territory: The State of North Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
Office Address: Drawer N, James- George Wagner, Manfred, N. Dak.
town, N. Dak. Valentine Leer, Harvey, N. Dak.
Conference: M. Ruskjer, Minot, N. Dak.
Pres., S. E. Jackson. A. F. Schmidt, Harvey, N. Dak.
Sec., J. H. Nies.
Executive Committee: S. E. S. M. Harkov, Drawer N, James
Jackson, A. V. Rhoads, J. J. Reis- town, N. Dak.
wig, Carl Leer, J. H. Seibel, J. A. John Koehler, Drawer N, James
Litwinenco. town, N. Dak.
Legal Assn.: " The North Da- Mrs. Artha Jutzy, Drawer N,
kota Conference Association of Jamestown, N. Dak.

Jacob Jutzy, Drawer N, James- Sabbath School Dept.:

town, N. Dak. Sec., Miss Olga Albertsworth.
Andrew Roedel, Drawer N, James-
town, N. Dak. Educational Dept.:
Richard Graham, Rock Lake, N. Supt., J. J. Koehn.
Reinhold Widmer, Willa, N. Dak. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Ethel Meachen, Fargo, N. Dak. Sec.,
- CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS Young People's Dept.:
Mrs. Mary Kelsey, care M. Rusk- Sec., J. J. Koehn.
jer, Minot, N. Dak.
Miss Marion Edwards, Lincoln Home Missionary Dept.:
Valley, N. Dak. Sec., W. B. Payne.
Miss Margaret Nickel, Lincoln MINISTERS.
Valley, N. Dak.
F. E. Wall, care Carl Schwartz, E. T. Russell, Drawer 586, Water-
McClusky, N. Dak. town, S. Dak.
Miss Livisey Murphy, care C. G. E. G. Hayes, Drawer R, Redfield,
Towne, Belfield, N. Dak. S. Dak.
. Miss Della Jensen, Harvey, N. C. M. Babcock, Chamberlain, S.
Dak. Dak.
H. IV. Schmidt, Bowdon, N. Dak. Emanuel Lovold, Breckenridge, S.
G. J. Lang, Goodrich, N. Dak. Dak.
T. H. Jeys, Redfield, S. Dak.
CHURCH DIRECTORY. D. P. Gaede, Drawer 586, Water-
Jamestown, 312 Second St. town, S. Dak.
M. E. Anderson, Drawer 586,
Watertown, S. Dak.
SOUTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE. C. W. Rubendall, Bonesteel, S.
Organized 1879. D. F. Weatherly, Madison, S. Dak.
Territory: The State of South Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
Dakota, excluding the Black
Hills. N. J. Ronlund, 933 North Main
Office: Cor. Kemp Ave. and Maple Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak.
St., Watertown, S. Dak. C. L. Emmerson, Philbrook, Minn.
Office Address: Drawer 586, Wa- LICENTIATES.
tertown, S. Dak.
G. B. Youngberg, Drawer 586,
WatertoWn, S. Dak.
Conference: A. G. Youngberg, Bonesteel, S.
Pres., E. T. Russell. Dak.
Sec. and Treas., I. G. Ortner. G. W. Tucker, Drawer 586, Water-
Executive Committee: E. T. town, S. Dak.
Russell, I. G. Ortner, Alfred Jen- T. L. Oswald, Drawer 586, Water-
sen, Henry Eder, H. J. Sheldon, town, South Dak.
M. K Anderson, T. H. Jeys. E. H. Oswald, Drawer 586, Water-
Legal Assn.: " South Dakota town, S. Dak.
Conference Association of Sev-
enth-day Adventists." Pres., E. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
T. Russell; Sec. and Treas., I. G. I. G. Ortner, Drawer 586, Water-
Ortner. town, S. Dak.
H. J. Sheldon, Drawer R, Redfield,
Tract Society: S. Dak.
Sec. and Treas., I. O. Ortner. W. B. Payne, Drawer R, Redfield,
Field Miss. Sec., S. Dak.

Miss Olga Albertsworth, Drawer Laura May, R. F. D. 3, Parker,

5S6, Watertown, S. Dak. S. Dak.
J. J. Koehn, Box 330, Watertown, Florence Chilson, Redfield, S. Dak.
S. Dak. Christine Larson, Winfred, S. Dak.
Mrs. E. M. Owen, 717 Hanson St., Verna Walker, Camp Crook, S.
Mitchell, S. Dak. Dak.
E. J. Schmidt, Drawer 586, Water- Ethel Griffith, Wilmot, S. Dak.
town, S. Dak.
P. A. Field, Redfield, S. Dak. CHURCH DIRECTORY.
W. J. McComb, Drawer R, Red- Aberdeen, Sixth Ave. and Lloyd
field, S. Dak. St.
R. R. Neuman, Drawer R, Red- Huron, 1146 Sixth St.
field, S. Dak. Sioux Falls, South Duluth Ave.,
Norma Rhoads, 115 North Euclid bet. Thirteenth and Fourteenth
Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Sts.
Hattie Smith, 115 North Euclid
Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak.
E. Bertha Wernli, 351 Lawn Ridge,
Mrs. E. G. Hayes, Redfield, S. Dak. NORTHERN UNION
Aimee DuBois, Drawer R, Red- CONFERENCE.
field, S. Dak.
Danish-Norwegian Seminary,
Marie Anderson, 615 South First Hutchinson, Minn.
St. Aberdeen, S. Dak. Maplewood Academy, Maple
Carl 'Wolter, Tolstoy, S. Dak. Plain, Minn.
Lelah Garrett, Bonesteel, S. Dak.
Mrs. C. M. Babcock, Chamberlain, Oak Park Academy, Nevada,
S. Dak. Iowa.
Elizabeth Harvey, Dallas, S. Dak. Plainview Academy, Redfield,
Mary Merickel, Clear Lake, S. S. Dak.
Dak. Sheyenne River Academy, Har-
Velma Owen, Elk Point, S. Dak. vey, N. Dak.
J. A. Hiebert, Florence, S. Dak. Sanitarium:
Alfreda Mortenson, Leola, S. Dak.
Blanche Wood, Madison, S. Dak. Iowa Sanitarium, Nevada, Iowa,


Organized 1906.
Territory: The Conferences of Flaiz, H. W. Decker, G. F. Wat-
Montana, Southern Idaho, son, H. G. Thurston, T. G. Bunch,
Southern Oregon, Upper Colum- H. W. Cottrell, J. Riffel, J. F.
bia, Western Oregon, We'stern Beatty, J: J. Nethery, S. J. Lash-
Washington, and the Territory ier, F. W. Peterson, J. A. Rippey,
of Alaska. J. F. Piper, L. Johnson.
Office: College Place, Wash. Legal Assn.: " North Pacific
Union Conference Assn. of S.
OFFICERS. D. A." Pres., C. W. Flaiz; Sec.
Conference: and Treas., S. J. Lashier.
Pres., C. W. Flaiz. Auditor, S. J. Lashier.
Sec. and Tieas., S. J. Lashier. Transportation Agents, S. J.
Executive Committee: C. W. Lashier and G. C. Hoskin.

Union Book Depository: T. Godfrey, Olympia, Wash.

A. J. Stover, Ridgefield, Wash.
Portland Branch of Pacific Press J. E. Graham, 2846 West Sixty-
Pub. Assn., 719 East Flanders first St., Seattle, Wash.
St., Portland, Oreg.
Manager, G. C. Hoskin. LICENTIATES.
Union Field Miss. Sec. E. C. Kellogg, College Place,
Sabbath School Dept.: Wash.
S. N. Rittenhouse, College Place,
Sec., N. W. Lawrence. Wash.
Sec., N. W. Lawrence. S. J. Lashier, College Place, Wash.
Miss Pearl Cook, College Place,
Religious Liberty Dept.: Wash.
Sec., H. W. Cottrell. W. R. Beatty, 719 East Flanders
St., Portland, Oreg.
Young People's Dept.: C. M. Everest, East Sixtieth and
Sec., N. W. Lawrence. Belmont Sts., Portland, Oreg.
F. W. Peterson, College Place,
Home Missionary Dept.:
Sec., S. N. Rittenhouse.
Honorary Missionary Credentials.
C. W. Flaiz, College Place, Wash. Mrs. B. C. Tabor, 459 Morton St.,
0. A. Johnson, College Place, Ashland, Oreg.
Mrs. M. A. Neal, Cottage Grove,
N. W. Lawrence, College Place,
Mrs. Iva Cady, Riverside, Wash.
Mrs. Alice H. Robinson, 2320
F. S. Bunch, College Place, Wash.
Broadway, Bellingham, Wash.
T. 0. Bunch, College Place, Wash.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
H. W. Decker, College Place, MONTANA CONFERENCE.
Wash. Organized 1898.
A. J. Breed, College Place, Wash.
J. C. Foster, Conner, Mont. Territory: The State of Montana.
U. G. Adkins, Butte Creek, Mont. Office: 411 Black Ave., South,
A. C. Bird, Caldwell, Idaho. Bozeman, Mont.
B. C. Tabor, 459 Morton St., Ash-
land, Oreg. OFFICERS.
L. A. Gibson, Prineville, Oreg. Conference:
C. A. Burman, College Place, Pres., G. F. Watson.
Wash. Sec. and Treas., T. G. Johnson.
F. D. Starr, R. F. D. 8, Spokane, Executive Committee: G. F.
' Wash. Watson, T. G. Johnson, V. T. Arm-
L. H. Ells, College Place, Wash. strong, W. D. Rittenhouse, L. F.
W. W. Steward, Milton, Oreg. Starr.
Oscar Hill, College Place, Wash. Legal Assn.: " The Montana
T. H. Starbuck, 506 East Everett Conference Association of Sev-
St., Portland, Oreg. enth-day Adventists." Chairman,
R. D, Benham, Cornelius, Oreg. G. F. Watson; Sec. and Treas., T.
C. Johnson, McMinnville, Oreg. G. Johnson.
Daniel Nettleton, Port Townsend,
Wash. Tract Society:
H. Hansen 1509y? H St., Belling. Sec. and Treas., T. G. Johnson.
ham, Wash. Field Miss. Sec.,

Sabbath School Dept.: OFFICERS.

Sec., Mabel P. Oliver. Conference:
Pres., J. W. Norwood.
Young People's Dept.: Sec. and Treas., H. A. Green.
Sec., Mrs. G. F. Watson. Executive Committee: J. W.
Norwood, F. D. Wagner, B. M.
Grandy, C. H. Rittenhouse, R. W.
G. F. Watson, 411 Black Ave., Airey, H. A. Green, Wm. Butler.
South, Bozeman, Mont. Legal Assn.: " Southern Idaho
Paul Iverson, Plentywood, Mont. Conference Assn." Pres., J. W.
N. C. Ernston, '2017 George St., Norwood; Sec. and Treas., H. A.
Butte, Mont. Green.
L. F. Starr, Garland, Wyo.
David Nordenmalm, 11121/2 Sev- Tract Society:
enth Ave., North, Great Falls, Sec. and Treas., H. A. Green.
Mont. Field Miss. Sec., Wm. T. Tall.
J. K. Fischer, Billings, Mont.
. LICENTIATE. Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., Miss Hazel Vesta Kruse.
0. B.' Watson, Bozeman, Mont.
Educational Dept.:
T. G. Johnson, 411 Black Ave.,
South, Bozeman, Mont. Religious Liberty Dept.:
V. T. Armstrong, Route 4, Boze- Sec., F. D. Wagner.
man, Mont.
S. W. Palmer, 411 Black Ave., Young People's Dept.:
South, Bozeman, Mont. Sec., R. W. Airey.
Mabel P. Oliver, 411 Black Ave., MINISTERS.
South, Bozeman, Mont.
J. W. Norwood, Box 643, Boise,
Pearl C. Whitmore, R. F. D. 4, T. G. Bunch, Box 643, Boise,
Bozeman, Mont. Idaho.
Marie C. Voth, 10 Jefferson Ave., F. D. Wagner, Pocatello, Idaho.
Billings, Mont. B. M. Grandy, Box 643, Boise,
Mrs. Effie Booth, Box 852, Great Idaho.
Falls, Mont. C. H. Rittenhouse, Baker, Oreg.
Paul Thompson, Reserve, Mont. R. W. Airey, Caldwell, Idaho.
SOUTHERN IDAHO CON- H. A. Green, Box 643, Boise, Idaho.
Miss Hazel Vesta Kruse, Boise,
Organized 1907. Mrs. C. H. Rittenhouse, Baker,
Territory: That portion of Idaho Wm. T. Tall, Box 643, Boise,
south of the forty-fifth paral- Idaho.
lel, including all of Lemhi Mrs. B. M. Grandy, Box 643, Boise,
county, together with six coun- Idaho.
ties in Oregon, as follows: Wal- Mrs. F. D. Wagner, Pocatello,
lowa, Union, Baker, Malheur, Idaho.
Harney, Grant.
Office: Rooms 230 and 232, Boise
City National Bank Bldg., Howard Wilson, Caldwell, Idaho.
Boise, Idaho. F. A. Hartley, Caldwell, Idaho.
Office Address: Box 643, Boise, Mrs. F. A. Hartley, Caldwell,

Miss Fadelma Ragon, 1116 Fort Educational Dept.:

St., Boise, Idaho. Supt., J. .P. Wheeler.
Mrs. Ethel M. Barton, 1915 North
Eleventh St., Boise, Idaho. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Miss Lovica Holland, Cambridge, Sec., J. A. Rippey.
Miss Enid Sparks, Cambridge, Young People's Dept.:
Idaho. Sec., J. P. Wheeler.
Miss Vivian -Allan, Parma, Idaho.
Miss Marsella Ferguson, Parma, MINISTERS.
Idaho. J. A. Rippey, 11,64 Military St.,
Miss Charlotte Robbins, Eagle, Roseburg, Oreg.
Idaho. C. L. Lingenfelter, Klamath Falls,
Miss Edna Cooper, Eden, Idaho. Oreg.
Claude Saxton, Filer, Idaho.
Miss Gertrude Weaver, Union, LICENTIATES.
Oreg. Lowell Tupper, Merrill, Oreg.
H. E. Willoughby, Junction City,
Boise, Cor. Eleventh and State MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Mrs. H. E. Willoughby, Junction
City, Oreg.
E. C. Stiles, 1164 Military St.,
Organized 1910. Carrie Oberg, Cottage Grove, Oreg.
Jessie L. Scovill, Roseburg, Oreg.
Territory: All the southern part L. S. Tumbaugh, Medford, Oreg.
of Western Oregon south of the Violet Painter, Roseburg, Oreg.
northern boundary of Lane Opal Clark, Cottage Grove, Oreg.
County, including the counties
of Lane, Douglas, Coos, Curry,
Josephine, Jackson, Klamath,
Office Address: 1164 Military St., ENCE.
Roseburg, Oreg. Organized 1880.
OFFICERS. Territory: That portion of the
Conference: State of Washington lying east
Pres., J. A. Rippey. of the Cascade Mountains; the
Sec. and Treas., E. C. Stiles. counties of Umatilla, Morrow,
Executive Committee: J. A. Gilliam, and 'Wheeler, in the
Rippey, J. C. Dutcher, C. L. Lin- State of Oregon; and that por-
genfelter, W. E. Cook, Frank tion of the State of Idaho lying
R oth rock. north of the forty-fifth paral-
Legal Assn.: " Southern Oregon lel excepting Lemhi County.
Conference Association of S. D. A." Office: College Place, Wash.
Pres., J. A. Rippey; Sec. and OFFICERS.
Treas., E. C. Stiles.
Tract Society: Pres., J. J. Nethery.
See, and Treas., E. C. Stiles. Sec. and Treas., L. E. Biggs.
Field Miss. Sec., S. C. Rockwell. Executive Committee: J. J.
Nethery, A. M. Dart, S. A. Miller,
Sabbath School Dept.: J. Riffel, J. W. Norwood, F. W.
Sec., E. C. Stiles. Peterson, A. Anderson.

Legal Assn.: " Upper Columbia Miss Anna J. Olson, College Place,
Mission Society of Seventh-day Wash.
Adventists." Pres., J. J. Nethery; F. E. Stratton, College Place,
Sec., F. W. Peterson; Treas., L. E. Wash.
See. and Treas., L. E. Biggs. Miss Anna A. Pierce, College
Field Miss. Sec.. F. E. Stratton. Place, Wash. ,
Miss Rose E. Hen', College Plaee,
Sabbath School Dept.: Wash.
Sec., Miss Anna J. Olson. Mrs. H. P. Flower, College Place,
Educational Dept.: Miss Eliza Jensen, College Place.
Supt., Miss Anna J. Olson. Wash.
Miss Louise Noah, College Place,
Religious Liberty Dept.: Wash.
Sec., A. M. Dart. Miss Lucy Andrus, North Yakima,
Young People's Dept.: L. I. Stiles, R. F. D. 6, North
Sec., Miss Anna J. Olson. Yakima, Wash.
Miss Florence Perry, R. F. D. 6,
MINISTERS. North Yakima, Wash.
.1. J. Nethery, College Place, Miss Neva Ells, Sunnyside, Wash.
Wash. Miss Lessie V. Anspauch, Milton,
A. Anderson, R. F. D. 8, Spokane, Oreg.
Wash. S. C. Hanson, R. F. D. 8, Spokane.
B. J. Cady, Riverside, Wash. Wash.
A. M. Dart, East 1123 Ermina Miss Stella McDonald, R. F. D. 8,
Ave., Spokane, Wash. Spokane, Wash.
J. K. Luther, North Yakima, N. C. Bungor, Viola, Idaho.
Wash. Mrs. N. C. Bungor, Viola, Idaho.
J. Riffel, College Place, Wash. Miss Mary Metcalf, Viola, Idaho.
W. H. Thurston, College Place, Mrs. Leland Bunnell, Viola, Idaho.
Wash. Mrs. Elizabeth Gehring, 412 Gar-
J. W. Norwood, College Place, den St., Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
Wash. Miss Ruth Hackett, Colville, Wash.
C. J. Cole, Kamiah, Idaho. Miss Rhoda Strong, R. F. D. 1,
R. A. Libby, Colville, Wash. Penawawa, Wash.
Miss Orpha Strong, Ferdinand,
S. W. Munro, Oroville, Wash. R. F. Beail, Culdesac, Idaho.
E. H. Swanson, Troy, Idaho. T. C. Duncan, R. F. D. 2, Nez
Titus Kurtichanov, College Place, Perce, Idaho.
Wash. Miss Lorene Putnam, Milton, Oreg.
Mrs. C. C. Olney, Loomis, Wash.
Dr. John Reith, College Place, F. J. Ogden, Farmington, Wash.
Wash. Mrs. Beulah Boyd, Conconully,
L. E. Biggs, College Place, Wash. Wash.
Mrs. Emma Wilkinson, East 1104
Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. CHURCH DIRECTORY.
Mrs. J. W. Harmer, North 3107
Normandie St., Spokane, Wash. Spokane, Wash., Cor. Nora Ave.
Miss Nellie Nelson, R. F. D. 8, and Normandie St.
care A. Anderson, Spokane, Walla Walla, Wash., Cor. Fourth
Wash. and Birch Sts.

WESTERN OREGON CON- Young People's Dept.:

FERENCE. Sec., Miss Edith Starbuck.
Organized 1877; reorganized 1902. Home Missionary Dept.:
Sec., C. E. Olcott.
Territory: That portion of the
State of Oregon lying west of MINISTERS.
the western boundary lines of H. W. Cottrell, 508 East Everett
Gilliam and Wheeler Counties, St., Portland, Oreg.
. and north of the northern boun- H. G. Thurston, Salem, Oreg.
dary lines of Lake, Klamath, J. L. Kay, Gaston, Oreg.
and Lane Counties. 0. E. Sandnes, 5921 Forty-first
Office: 508 East Everett St., Ave., Southeast, Portland, Oreg.
Portland, Oreg. P. C. Hayward, 5805 Forty-sixth
St., Southeast, Portland, Oreg.
OFFICERS. H. J. Dirksen, 930 Rodney Ave.,
Conference: Portland, Oreg.
G. E. Johnson, 508 East Everett
Pres., H. W. Cottrell. St., Portland, Oreg.
Vice-Pres., H. G. Thurston. L. K. Dickson, 508 East Everett
Treas., C. E. Olcott. St., Portland, Oreg.
Sec., H. G. Thurston.
Executive Committee: H. W. LICENTIATES.
Cottrell, H. G. Thurston, J. H. J. A. Reiber, Salem, Oreg.
Hanson, W. C. Emmerson, P. C. A. J. Meiklejohn, 508 East Everett
Hayward, Wm. Reith. St., Portland, Oreg.
Legal Assn.: " Western Oregon L. L. Moffitt, 508 East Everett
Conference Association of Sev- St., Portland, Oreg.
enth-day Adventists." Pres., H. E. H. Emmerson, R. F. D. 2, Gas-
W. Cottrell; Sec. and Treas., C. ton, Oreg.
E. Olcott. Board of Trustees:
H. W. Cottrell, H. G. Thurston, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
T. H. Starbuck, P. C. Hayward, J. F. Beatty, 95 East Sixty-third
J. H. Hartog. St., North, Portland, Oreg.
G. C. Hoskin, 719 East Flanders
Tract Society: St., Portland, Oreg.
Sec and Treas., C. E. Olcott. C. E. Olcott, 508 East Everett St.,
Field Miss. Sec., E. A. Hamil- Portland, Oreg.
ton. John Peterson, Silverton, Oreg.
L. E. Folkenberg, 508 East Ever-
Sabbath School Dept.: ett St., Portland, Oreg.
R. R. Figuhr, 508 East Everett St.,
Sec., Miss Edith Starbuck. Portland, Oreg.
Educational Dept.: Edith Starbuck, 508 East Everett
St., Portland, Oreg.
Supt., G. E. Johnson. Mrs. H. W. Cottrell, 70 East
Medical Missionary Dept.: Tenth St., North, Portland,
Sec., W. B. Holden, M. D., 1002 Mrs. E. V. Perry, 508 East Everett
Stevens Bldg., Portland, Oreg. St., Portland, Oreg.
Mrs. Grace Campbell Folkenberg,
Religious Liberty Dept.: 508 East Everett St., Portland,
Secretaries: Oreg.
H. G. Thurston, Salem, Oreg. Miss Mary Treber, 508 East Ev-
P. C. Hayward, 5805 Forty- erett St., Portland, Oreg.
sixth St., Southeast, Port- Miss Eliza Cole, 516 Salem St.,
land, Oreg. St. Johns, Oreg.

Mrs. Cora Hayward, 5805 Forty- CHURCH DIRECTORY.

sixth St., Southeast, Portland, Portland:
Oreg. Albina, German, Skidmore St.
Miss Pearl Stafford, 508 East Ev- and Mallory Ave.
erett St., Portland; Oreg. Arleta, Scandinavian, Sixty-
Miss Grace Ellis, 327 Broadway, second St. and Thirty-ninth
Portland, Oreg. Ave., Southeast.
Miss Miranda Schmidt, 376 East Central, Eleventh and East Ev-
Thirty-second St., Portland, erett Sts.
Oreg. Lents, Marion Ave. and Blu-
mauer Blvd.
Montavilla, East Eightieth and
Miss Elizabeth Nelson, 95 East Everett Sts.
Sixty-seventh St., North, Port- Mt. Tabor, East Sixtieth and
land, Oreg. Belmont Sts.
Mrs. F. N. Diamond, 95 East Six- St. Johns, Central Ave. and
ty-seventh St., North, Portland, Charleston St.
Oreg. Tabernacle, K. of P. Hall, Cor.
Miss Adele Oberg, Falls City, Eleventh and Alder Sts.
Oreg. Salem, Cor. Gaines St. and Fifth
Miss Alma Champhe, Forest Ave.
Grove, Oreg.
Ernest Gibson, Forest Grove, Oreg.
Miss Bertha Mosser, Gresham,
Miss Inez Mortenson, R. F. D. 1, FERENCE.
Amity, Oreg.
Miss Clara Miller, R. F. D. 1, Organized 1902.
Amity, Oreg.
Miss Edna Hanson, R. F. D. 2, Territory: All of the State of
Hillsboro, Oreg. Washington west of the Cas-
Miss Harriet Versteeg, care G. C. cade. Mountains.
Manning, R. F. D., Hillsboro, Office Address: Auburn, Wash.
Miss Luella Eighme, Gaston, Oreg. OFFICERS.
Miss Jeanette Newcomb, Gaston, Conference:
Oreg. Pres., J. F. Piper.
Miss Ada Frizzell, Gaston, Oreg. Sec. and Treas., T. L. Copeland.
Miss Elva Butler, Lock Box 616, Executive Committee: J. F.
Lents, Oreg. Piper, F. M. Oliver, J. A. Hol-
Mrs. Mary DeSpain, Monitor, brook, J. E. Graham, G. C. George,
Oreg. T. L. Copeland, S. L. Woodruff.
Miss Mabel Baker, Monitor, Oreg. Legal Assn.: " Western Wash-
Miss Carrie Graham, McMinnville, ington Corporation of Seventh-day
Oreg. Adventists." Pres., J. F. Piper;
R. R. Figuhr, Newberg, Oreg. Sec. and Treas., T. L. Copeland.
Floyd Hardy, Oregon City, Oreg.
Miss Helen Holum, 1363 North Tract Society:
Seventeenth St., Salem, Oreg.
Miss Colema La Fountaine, 312 Sec. and Treas., T. L. Copeland.
East Leavitt St., St. Johns, Field Miss. Sec., H. E. Loop.
Miss Marie Gustafson, Toledo, Sabbath School Dept.:
Oreg. Sec., G. C. George.
Miss Gladys Cuddy, Silverton,
Oreg. Educational Dept.:
Mrs. Ethel Davis, Silverton, Oreg. Supt., G. C. George.

Medical Missionary Dept.: Regenia Kern, 1611 Twenty-third

Sec., W. B. Scott, M. D. St., Everett, Wash.
A. N. Nelson, 309 Second Ave.,
Religious Liberty Dept.: North, Seattle, Wash.
Sec., Marthea Matterand, 309 Second
Ave., North, Seattle, Wash.
Young People's Dept.: Mrs. J. J. Paulson, Sedro Woolley,
Sec., G. C. George. Wash.
Fred Boardman, Vancouver, Wash.
MINISTERS. C. G. Clymer, Battle Ground,
J. F. Piper, 3519 Meridian Ave., W. H. Campbell, Battle Ground;
Seattle, Wash. Wash.
L. Johnson, 3022 West Sixty-sec- Olive Perkins, Battle Ground,
ond St., Seattle, Wash. Wash.
J. A. Holbrook, 710 Garden St.,
Bellingham, Wash. CHURCH DIRECTORY.
C. A. Wyman, Battle Ground, Aberdeen, Coy. First and E Sts.
Wash. Bellingham, 1510 H St.
A. J. Stone, 5702 South Alaska Everett, Cor. Rockefeller and Ev-
St., Tacoma, Wash. erett Sts.
J. W. Boynton, Hoquiam, Wash. Seattle:
F. M. Oliver, Olympia, Wash. 309 Second Ave., North.
C. A. Purdom, 3308 L St., Van- Cor. East Seventy-fifth and
couver, Wash. Fifth Sts., N. E.
0. S. Lee, 3211 Norton Ave., Ev- Scandinavian, Cor. Twenty-sec-
erett, Wash. ond, N. W. and West Sixty-
seventh Sts.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Tacoma, Central, South K and Six-
T. L. Copeland, Auburn, Wash. teenth Sts.
H. E. Loop, Auburn, Wash. Vancouver, Cor. New York and
Magna Madsen, 1122 Marion St., McKine y Sts.
Seattle, Wash.
Stella B. Lowry, 2320 Broadway,
Mrs. J. F. Piper, 3519 Meridian PACIFIC UNION CON-
Ave., Seattle, Wash. FERENCE.
G. C. George, Auburn, Wash.
Miss Lilly Floding, Auburn, Wash. Educational:
C. E. Babcock, Auburn, Wash. Laurelwood Academy, Gaston,
CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Mt. Ellis Academy, Bozeman,
Virgil Becraft, Anacortes, Wash. Mont.
Josie Moody, 1020 West Main St., Walla Walla College, College
Centralia, Wash. Place, Wash.
Mabel Cornell, Colby, Wash. Publishing:
Edith Boomer, Conway, Wash. Portland Branch of the Pacific
Mrs, Alice Baker, Eden, Wash. Press Publishing Association,
J. J. Paulson, Ferndale, Wash. 719 East Flanders St., Port-
C. 0. Smith, Mt. Vernon, Wash. land, Oreg.
A. Della Moore, Mt. Vernon, Wash.
Hazel Wilcox, Battle Ground, Sanitariums:
Wash. Portland Sanitarium, East Six-
Mrs. Alice Lagreide, Ridgefield, tieth and Belmont Sts., Port-
Wash. land, Oreg.
Gertrude Nelson, East Stanwood, Walla Walla Sanitarium, Col-
Wash. lege Place, Wash.
Organized 1901.

Territory: The Arizona, Califor- Rice, G. E. Klingerman, M. D.,

nia, Central California, Inter- M. W. Newton, C. B. Hughes,
Mountain, Northern California, Officers: Pres., E. E. Andross;
Northwestern California, South- Sec., Claude Conard; Treas., C. W.
eastern California, .and South- Irwin.
ern California Conferences, and
the Nevada Mission. Union Book Depository:
Office: 11081/2 Broadway, Glendale, Pacific Press Publishing Assn.,
Cal. Mountain View, Cal.
Postal Address: Box 146, Glen- Manager, C. H. Jones.
dale, Cal. Union Field Miss. Sec., F. E.
Conference: Educational Dept.:
Pres., E. E. Andross. Sec., M. E. Cady.
Sec. and Treas., B. M. Emerson. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Executive Committee: E. E. An- Sec.,
dross, E. W. Farnsworth, B. M.
Emerson, Claude Conard, B. E. Cor. Sec., F. A. Coffin.
Beddoe, W. F. Martin, N. P. Neil-
sen, Clarence Santee, J. L. McEl- Young People's Dept.:
hany, J. Adams Stevens, J. Ernest Sec., B. E. Beddoe.
Bond, W. S. Holbrook, E. A. Cur-
tis, F. E. Painter, M. E. Cady, Home Missionary Dept.:
C. H. Jones, C. W. Irwin, T. J.
Evans, M. D., G. W. Reaser, L. M. Sec., B. E. Beddoe.
Bowen. ,
Press Bureau:
Legal Assns.: " Pacific Union
Conference Association of Sev- Sec., F. A. Coffin.
enth-day Adventists." Board of
Counsel: E. E. Andross, G. W. MINISTERS.
Reaser, L. M. Bowen, Claude Con-
ard, C. E. Rice, C. H. Jones, B. M. E. E. Andross, Box 146, Glendale,
Emerson. Cal.
E. W. Farnsworth, care Pacific
" Pacific Union College Associa- Union College, St. Helena, Cal.
tion." Board of Directors: E. E. G. W. Reaser, Box 146, Glendale,
Andross, E. W. Farnsworth, J. L. Cal.
McElhany, J. Adams Stevens, J. 0. Corliss, 316 Everett St.,
Clarence Santee, N. P. Neilsen, B. Glendale, Cal.
E. Beddoe, W. F. Martin, J. Er- H. A. Washburn, Pacific Union
nest Bond, E. A. Curtis, W. S. College, St. Helena, Cal.
Holbrook, Newton G. Evans, M. D., E. J. Hibbard, 537 Twenty-fifth
C. W. Irwin, H. G. Lucas, J. H. St., Oakland, Cal. .
Paap, W. C. White, C. H. Jones, M. E. Cady, 2547 Piedmont Ave.,
M. E. Cady, G. W. Reaser, C. E. Berkeley, Cal.

W. S. Holbrook, 325 West Fifth Legal Assn.: " Arizona Con-

St., Reno, Nev. ference Corporation of Seventh-
J. W. McCord, 417 West Fifth St., day Adventists." Pres., J. E.
Los Angeles, Cal. Bond; Sec., C. D. M. Williams.
G. W. Rine, Pacific Union College, Tract Society:
St. Helena, Cal. Sec. and Treas., Arizona Tract
B. E. Beddoe, 417 South Jackson Society, 417 Ws t Fifth St.,
St., Glendale, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal.
Field Miss. Sec., I. T. Reynolds.
C. W. Irwin, Pacific Union Col- Sabbath School Dept.:
4ege, St. Helena, Cal. Sec., Mrs. Tressa Hutchinson.
F. E. Painter, Mountain View,
Cal. Educational Dept.:
Ernest Lloyd, Box 146, Glendale, Supt., J. E. Bond.
Cal. Religious Liberty Dept.:
H. H. Hall, Mountain View, Young People's Dept.:
Cal. Sec., Mrs. Emma Wheeler,
Mrs. Lela B. Howorth, Box 146, Shumway, Ariz.
Glendale, Cal.
Claude Conard, care Pacific Union (All persons named below may
College, St. Helena, Cal. be addressed at 615 North
F. A. Coffin, Box 146, Glendale, Tenth St., Phoenix, Ariz.)
James Howarth, Box 146, Glen- MINISTERS.
dale, Cal. J. E. Bond, C. D. M. Williams,
Katherine B. Hale, Mountain I. P. Dillon, L. L. Hutchinson,
View, Cal. W. L. Sims.
Mrs. Sophie Andross, 111 South
Isabel St., Glendale, Cal. Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
Kewton G. Evans, M. D., Loma H. F. Courter, Safford, Ariz.
Linda, Cal.
C. H. Jones, Mountain View, CaI. LICENTIATE.
Miss Hattie Andre, Pacific Union F. M. Owen.
College, St. Helena, Cal.
B. M. Emerson, Box 146, Glendale, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Cal. Mrs. Tressa Hutchinson, Birda
Knox,Jessie H. Dillon, Lena
E. liams,
il I. T. Reynolds,
ARIZONA CONFERENCE. Mrs. Ethel H. Bond, Ismael D.
Organized 1902. Sanchez.
Territory: The State of Arizona. Honorary Missionary Licentiates.
Office Address: 615 North Tenth Mrs. M. T. Poston.
St., Phoenix, Ariz. A. L. Whitaker.
Conference: L. B. Ragsdale.
Mrs. Emma Wheeler.
Pres., J. E. Bond. Miss Ellen Lambeth.
Sec. and Treas., B. M. Emerson,
Box 146, Glendale, Cal. CHURCH DIRECTORY.
Executive Committee: J. E. Flagstaff, South Side.
Bond, C. D. M. Williams, C. E. Globe, Squaw Hill.
Stump, I. T. Reynolds, L. L. Phoenix, Cor. Third and Pierce Sts.
Hutchinson. Tucson, 607 East Ninth St.

CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE. A. E. Place, Garden City Sani-

Organized 1873. tarium, San Jose, Cal.
James Taphouse, 537 Twenty-fifth
Territory: The following-named St., Oakland, Cal.
counties in the State of Cali-
fornia: Alameda, Contra Costa, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Monterey, Santa Cruz, Santa C. H. A. Brooke, Lightkeeper,
Clara, San Mateo, San Fran- Western Pacific Mole, Oakland,
cisco, San Benito. Cal.
Office: 537 Twenty-fifth St. (near G. H. Barbee, 537 Twenty-fifth
Telegraph Ave.), Oakland, Cal. St., Oakland, Cal.
OFFICERS. 0. E. Woesner, 537 Twenty-fifth
Conference: St,. Oakland, Cal.
Mrs. Etta L. Williams, 537 Twen-
Pres., J. L. McElhany. ty-fifth St., Oakland, Cal.
Sec. and Treas., H. B. Thomas. Miss Mary Clark, 537 Twenty-
Executive Committee: J. L. fifth St., Oakland, Cal.
McElhany, C. E. Ford, A. Brorsen, Mrs. Vesta J. Farnsworth, care
R. S. Fries, H. G. Childs, B. M. Pacific Union College, St. He-
Shull. lena, Cal.
Legal Assn.: " California Con- Miss Celia Green,537 Twenty-
ference Association of the Sev- fifth St., Oaklad, Cal.
enth-day Adventists." Pres., J. L. Mrs. Ada LaFrance, 637 Twenty-
McElhany; Sec. and Treas., H. B. fifth St., Oakland, Cal.
Thomas. L. C. Nelson, Harvard Apart-
Tract Society: ments, 542 Twenty-fifth St.,
Oakland, Cal.
Sec., D. R. Sperry. K. Nozaki, 537 Twenty-fifth St.,
Treas., H. B. Thomas. Oakland, Cal.
Field Miss. Sec., G. H. Barbee. Mrs. E. E. Parlin, 445 Rich St.,
Sabbath School Dept.: Oakland, Cal.
Mrs. J. L. McElhany, 537 Twen-
Sec., Mrs. Vesta J. Farnsworth. ty-fifth St., Oakland, Cal.
Miss Sarah E. Peck, Pacific Union
Educational Dept.: College, St. Helena, Cal.
Supt., Miss Sarah E. Peck. D. R. Sperry, 537 Twenty-fifth
St., Oakland, Cal.
Young People's Dept.: Mrs. M. E. Tarver, 1095 Mission
Sec., Mrs. J. L. McElhany. St., San Francisco, Cal.
H. B. Thomas, 537 Twenty-fifth
Home Missionary Dept.: St., Oakland, Cal.
Sec., H. B. Thomas. Y. Watanabe, Mountain View,
MINISTERS. Miss Ida B. Hudson, 537 Twenty-
J. L. McElhany, 537 Twenty-fifth fifth St., Oakland, Cal..
A. Brorsen, 844 Thirty-fourth St.,
Oakland, Cal. Miss Christena Anderson, 1528
C. E. Ford, 598 Jones St., Oak- Sherman St., Alameda, Cal.
land, Cal. Miss Miriam Clark, 782 Twentieth
R. S. Fries, 537 Twenty-fifth St., St., Oakland, Cal.
Oakland, Cal. Mrs. R. S. Fries, 1485 Church St.,
L. E. Froom, Mountain View, Cal. San Francisco, Cal.
W. F. Hills, 537 Twenty-fifth St., Miss Frances. Fry, 716 Fourteenth
Oakland, Cal: St., Oakland, Cal. -
H. S. Shaw, 537 Twenty-fifth St., Miss Anna Johnson, -2547 Pied-
Oakland, Cal. mont Ave., Berkeley, Cal.

Miss Winnifred James, Mountain Tract Society:

View, Cal. Sec. and Treas., G. A. Wheeler.
John Livingston, Mountain View, Field Miss. Sec., C. L. Davis.
Miss Hazel McElhany, 477 Forty- Sabbath School Dept.:
fourth St., Oakland, Cal. Sec., Miss Lida Ackley.
Miss Lesta Seaward, Mountain
View, Cal. Educational Dept.:
Miss Lucile St. John, 2222 Chapel Supt., Mrs. Alice Mina Mann.
St., Berkeley, Cal.
Mrs. M. D. Utt, 138 South Third Religious Liberty Dept.:
St., Richmond, Cal. Sec., B. L. Howe.
Lyle Wilcox, 477 Forty-fourth St.,
Oakland, Cal. Young People's Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. Alice Mina Mann.
Other Worker Employed by the
Conference. Home Missionary Dept.:
Miss Emily G. Dobbs, 537 Twenty- Sec., G. A. Wheeler.
fifth St., Oakland, Cal. MINISTERS.
CHURCH DIRECTORY. N. P. Neilsen, Box 1304, Fresno,
Alameda, 1523 Verdi St. Cal.
Berkeley, 1630 Fairview St. E. H. Adams, 217 Mariposa St.,
Fruitvale, Harrington Ave. at San Fresno, Cal.
Juan St., Oakland, Cal. F. E. Brown, 215 Porter St.,
Oakland, 531 Twenty-fifth St. Hanford, Cal.
San Francisco, 916 Laguna St. G. A. Grauer, R. F. D. Box l35a,
San Jose, 65 South Seventh St. Modesto, Cal.
B. L. Hciwe, 1802 Forest St.,
Bakersfield, Cal.
E. A. Brown, Box 1304, Fresno,
Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
Organized 1911.
J. W. Bagby, Route A, Lemoore,
Territory: The following-named Cal.
counties in the State of Cal- H. C. Basney, 407 Northeast First
ifornia: Tulare, Madera, Fresno, Ave., Visalia, Cal.
Kings, Mariposa, Merced, and A. S. Kellogg, 3170 Grant Ave.,
Kern County north of the Te- Fresno, Cal.
hachapi Mountains. Chas. N. Miller, 2517 0 St., Bak-
Office: Central California Con- ersfield, Cal.
ference of S. D. A., Fresno, Cal.
Postal Address: Box 1304, Fresno, LICENTIATES.
Cal. R. R. Breitigam, Box 1304, Fresno,
Conference: G. A. Truesdell, care Pacific Un-
ion College, St. Helena, Cal.
Pres., N. P. Neilsen. R. W. Smith, Box 1304, Fresno,
Sec. and Treas., G. A. Wheeler. Cal.
Executive Committee: N. P. Geo. T. Vore, Selma, Cal.
Neilsen, E. H. Adams, G. A.
Grauer, F. E. Brown, Nis Hansen, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
B. L. Howe, P. J. 1Volfsen. G. A. Wheeler, Box 1304, Fresno.
Legal Assn.: " Central Cal- Cal.
ifornia Conference Assn." Pres., C. L. Davis, Selma, Cal.
N. P. Neilsen; Sec. and Treas.,. Miss Lida Ackley, R. F. P. AA
G. A. Wheeler. Box 106, Fresno, Cal.

Miss. Lou Ellen Watts, Box 1304, INTER-MOUNTAIN CONFER-

Fresno, Cal. ENCE.
Miss Ada Bond, Box 115, Visalia,
Cal. Organized 1916, from territory
Mrs. Alice Mina Mann, Box 1304, formerly comprising the Utah
Fresno, Cal. and Western Colorado Confer-
Mrs. Gertrude Rodman, 3346 Platt ences.
Ave., Fresno, Cal.
Territory: The State of Utah,
that part of Colorado west
CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. of the Continental Divide; and
San Juan County, New Mexico.
C. D. Stone, Armona, Cal.
Mrs. C. D. Stone, Armona, Cal. Office: 122 South Eighth St.,
Miss Attie E. Howe, 1802 Forest Grand Junction, Colo.
St., Bakersfield, Cal.
Mrs. B. M. 'Haney, R. F. D. K,
Box 227, Fresno, Cal. Conference:
Mrs. Lena G. Morris, Tollhouse, Pres., E. A. Curtis.
Cal. Sec. and Treas., J. F. Gaster.
Miss M. B. Hudson, M. D., Chow- Executive Committee: E. A.
chilla, Cal. Curtis, J. F. Caste* Chas. Nelson,
Miss Bessie Loper, Box 618, Di- J. A. Neilsen, W. M. Andress, M.
nuba, Cal. A. Hollister, H. C. Holloway.
Miss Alpha Loper, Box 618, Di- Legal Assns.: " S. D. A. Assn.
nuba, Cal. of Western Colorado."
Miss Bertha Messick, R. F. D. 7, "Utah Conference Corporation
Box 243, Fresno, Cal. of S. D. A."
Miss Mae Hudson, R. F. D. 7, Box
243, Fresno, Cal. Tract Society:
Miss Florence Walder, 430 North., Sec. and Treas., J. F. Gaster.
Redington St., Hanford, Cal. Field Miss. Sec., J. L. Sander.
John Hart, R. F. D. A, Box 190,-
Lemoore, Sabbath School Dept.:
Mrs. John Hart, R. F. D. A, Box Sec., Mrs. J. T. Spriggs.
190, Lemoore, Cal.
Miss Carrie Rich, R. F. D. 1, Box Educational Dept.:
112, Exeter, Cal.
Miss Hulda Messick, R. F. D. 3, Supt., Mrs. J. T. Spriggs.
Box 230, Laton, Cal. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Miss Ruth Leininger, Lemoore,
Cal. Sec., M. A. Hollister.
Miss Vesta I. Fink, 218 G St., Young People's Dept.:
Portersville, Cal.
Miss Clara Epp, Shafter, Cal. Sec., W. M. Andress.
Miss Nellie Black, R. F. D. 1, Win- Home Missionary Dept.:
ton, Cal. Sec., W. M. Andress.
Miss Violenty Ryder, R. F. D. B, .
Box 229, Selma, Cal. MINISTERS.
Mrs. R. A. Gilstrap, Laton, Cal.
B. F. Gregory, R. F. D. K, Box E. A. Curtis, 122 South Eighth
154, Fresno, Cal. St., Grand Junction, Colo.
Mrs. M. I. Reeder, 810 West First M. A. Hollister, 551 Sherman Ave.,
St., Tulare, Cal. Salt Lake City, Utah.
J. T. Spriggs, 122 South Eighth
CHURCH DIRECTORY. St., Grand Junction, Colo.
W. M. Andress, 122 South Eighth
Fresno, Cor. Mariposa and 0 Sts. St., Grand Junction, Colo.


Honorary Ministerial Credentials. these counties lying east of the

summit of the Sierras.
G. G. States, Cedaredge, Colo.
Chas. Nelson, R. F. D. 2, Logan, Office: 341 East Lodi Ave., Lodi,
Utah. Cal.
F. S. Chollar, 122 South Eighth Conference:
St., Grand Junction, Colo.
Pres., Clarence Santee.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Sec. and Treas., Verah Mac-
J. A. Neilsen, Rifle, Colo. Pherson.
Mrs. J. T. Spriggs, 122 South Executive Committee: Clarence
Eighth St., Grand Junction, Santee, A. J. Osborne, N. W.
Colo. Kauble, T. C. Tunsen, T. H. Wat-
J. F. Gaster, 122 South Eighth son, J. W. Rich, P. E Glantz.
St., Grand Junction, Colo. Legal Assn.: " Northern Cali-
J. L. Sauder, 320 South Sev-
fornia Conference Association of
enth East, Salt Lake City,
the Seventh-day Adventists." Pres.,
Utah. Clarence Santee; Sec. and Treas.,
H. C. Holloway, 1957 South Verah MacPherson.
Twelfth East, Salt Lake City,
Mrs. H. C. Holloway, 1957 South Tract Society:
Twelfth East, Salt. Lake City,
Utah. Sec., E. C. Peifer.
Esther Smith, Gunnison, Colo. Treas., Verah MacPherson.
Honorary Missionary Credentials. Field Miss. Sec., E. H. Abbott.
,Church Miss. Sec., A. A. Cone.
J. E. Carmichael, Delta, Colo.
C. A. Frederick, Cortez, Colo.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. Pearl J. MacPherson.
Miss Lenna Hough, Cedaredge,
Miss May Johnson, Palisade, Colo. Educational Dept.:
Miss Anna Johnson, 480 South
Sixth East St., Salt Lake City, Supt., J. W. Rich.
Young People's Dept.:
Sec., Ella H. Osborne.
Home Missionary Dept.:
Organized 1911,
.Sec., Belle C. Hall.
Territory: The following-named
counties in the State of Cali- MINISTERS.
fornia: Stanislaug, Tuolumne,
San Joaquin, Calaveras, Ama- Clarence Santee, Lodi, Cal.
dor, Sacramento, Yolo, Sutter, Henry Shultz, Lodi, Cal.
Yuba, Colusa, Glenn, Butte,
Tehema, Shasta, SiSkiyou, Al- A. J. Osborne, 2131 P St., Sac-
ramento, Cal.
pine, Eldorado, Placer, Nevada,
Sierra, Pluthas;- with the 'excep- D. T. Fero, Lodi, Cal.
tion that small portion Of M. C. Israel, Oakdale, Cal.


N. W. Kauble, Lodi, Cal. CONFERENCE.
T. H. Watson, Lodi, Cal.
W. P. Dayton, Lodi, Cal. Organized 1915.
LICENTIATES. Territory: The following counties
in the State of California: So-
J. H. Paap, Lodi, Cal. lano, Marin, Napa, Lake, So-
M. J. King, Wheatland, Cal. noma, Mendocino, Trinity, Hum-
boldt, Del Norte.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Office: 742 Third St., Santa Rosa,
Verah MacPherson, Lodi, Cal. Cal.
Mrs. Pearl J. MacPherson, Lodi, Postal Address: Box 408, Santa
Cal. Rosa, Cal.
E. C. 'Peifer, Lodi, Cal. OFFICERS.
E. H. ,Abbott, Lodi, Cal..
Esther Bergman, Stockton, Cal. Conference:
J. Archie Wiley, Sacramento, Cal. Pres., J. A. Stevens.
Mrs. Ella H. Osborne, 2131 P St., Sec. and Treas., S. Donaldson. .
Sacramento, Cal. Executive Committee: J. A.
Mrs. E. J. Buchanan, Stockton, Stevens, A. Nelson, J. D. Alder,
Cal. C. S. Prout, G. E. Klingerman, E.
Belle C. Hall, Lodi, Cal. W. Alsberge, Claude Conard.
Miss Alice Brayshaw, Modesto,
Cal. Tract Society:
A. A. Cone, Lodi, Cal. Depository at 537 Twenty-fifth
James Crawford, Yuba City, Cal. St., Oakland, Cal.
Sec., D. E. Sperry.
Treas., H. B. Thomas.
Miss Ruth Dolson,Red Bluff, Cal. Field Miss. Sec., G. H. Barbee.
Miss Mary Kinniu rgh, Chico, Cal.
Ralph Chapman, Yuba City, Cal. Sabbath School Dept.:
Miss Vinna Hart, Winters, Cal. Sec.., Mrs. Vesta J. Farnsworth,
Miss Ethel Walder, 2301 J St., care Pacific Union College, St. He-
Sacramento, Cal. lena, Cal: '
Miss Nellie Hartwick, Camino,
Cal. Educational Dept.:
Miss Alma Fink, Lodi, Cal. Supt., Miss Sarah E. Peck,
W. B. Miramontez, Lodi Academy, 537 Twenty-fifth St'., Oakland,
Lodi, Cal. Cal.
Mrs. F. T. Oakes, Lodi, Cal.
Miss Stella Voris, Lodi, Cal. Young People's Dept.:
Miss Rhea Yeoman, 229 East So- Sec., C. S. Prout.
nora St., Stockton, Cal.
Miss Letha. Atwood, Hughson, Cal. Home Missionary Dept.:
Miss Maud O'Neil, Salida, Cal. Sec., C. S. Prout.
Miss Ethel Horning, Salida, Cal.
G. E. Mann, Modesto, Cal. MINISTERS.
Miss Winnie Smith, Modesto, Cal. J. A. Stevens, Box 408, Santa
Miss Della Chapman, Esmeralda, Rosa, Cal.
Cal. J. D. Alder, 3012 E St., Eu-
R. R. Sanders, Turlock, reka, Cal.
Mrs. R. R. Sanders, Turlock, Cal.
S. T. Hare, Sanitarium, Cal.
CHURCH DIRECTORY. Andrew Nelson, Sanitarium, Cal.
C. S. Prout, Box 408, Santa Rosa,
Lodi, 341 East Lodi Ave. Cal.

H. E. Lysinger, Box 408, Santa Santa Rosa, Orchard St., near

Rosa, Cal. Johnson.
W. M. Adams, Fort Bragg, Cal. St. Helena, Madrona Ave. and
Pine St.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. Ukiah, N. E. Cor. Bush and Henry.
R. W. Munson, Sanitarium, Cal. Vallejo, Tennessee St.
W. H. Saxby, Sanitarium, Cal.
H. A. St. John, Sanitarium, Cal.
R. L. Shoemaker, Box 408, Santa
Rosa, Cal. Organized 1915.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Territory: The following-named
Mary M. Lester, Box 408, Santa counties in the State of Cal-
Rosa, Cal. ifornia: Orange, San Diego, Im-
Laura B. Morrison, Box 408, Santa perial, Riverside, and San Ber-
Rosa, Cal. nardino.
Oleta Butcher, Box 408, Santa Office: 310 Loring Bldg., Riverside,
Rosa, Cal. Cal.
S. Donaldson, Box 408, Santa OFFICERS.
Rosa, Cal. Conference:
C. L. Bond, 3012 E St., Eureka, Pres., W. F. Martin.
Cal. Sec. and Treas., J. C. McRey-
Executive Committee: W. F.
Victor Wolfkill, 3012 E St., Eu- Martin, J. A. Burden, R. S. Owen,
reka, Cal. C. F. Folkenberg, Newton Evans,
P. C. Pierce, 307 Grant St., -M. D., L. E. Brant, M. V. Downing.
Healdsburg, Cal. Legal Assn.: " Southeastern
Mrs. P. C. Pierce, 307 Grant St., California Association of Seventh-
Healdsburg, Cal. day Adventists." Pres., W. F.
Mrs. H. E. Osborne, care Pacific Martin; Sec. and Treas., J. C.
Union College, St. Helena, Cal. McReynolds.
Mrs. Grace Rine, care Pacific Un-
ion College, St. Helena, Cal. Tract Society:
Miss Velma Wallace, Sanitarium,
Cal. Sec. and Treas., W. R. Goss.
J. K. Battin, Sanitariuin, Cal. Field Miss. Sec., H. A. Hebard.
Miss Bernice Walker, Sanitarium, Sabbath School Dept.:
Miss Matilda Tamka, 648 Mill St., Sec., J. C. McReynolds.
Santa Rosa, Cal. Educational Dept.:
L. 0. Pattison, Sonoma, Cal.
Miss Lura Atwood, St. Helena, Supt., Floyd W. Gardner.
Miss Vera Starr, Ukiah, Cal. Young People's Dept.:
Miss Bessie Dorward; Cor. York Sec., Floyd W. Gardner.
and E Sts., Napa, Cal.
Miss Zella Rine, 1115 Indiana St., Home Missionary Dept.:
Vallejo, Cal. Sec., H. A. Hebard.
Eureka, E and Harris Sts. W. F. Martin, 310 Loring Bldg.,
Healdsburg, Cor. Fitch and Mathe- Riverside, Cal.
son Sts. R. S. Owen, 3988 Ingalls St., San
Napa, Cor. Church and Second Sts. Diego, Cal.

J. A. Burden, Paradise Valley Newton Evans, M. D., Loma

Sanitarium, National City, Cal. Linda, Cal.
W. M. Healey, 667 Eighteenth St., T. J. Evans, M. D., Loma Linda,
San Diego, Cal. Cal.
C. F. Folkenberg, 325 West Eight- Mrs. L. H. Proctor, R. F. D. 3,
eenth St., Santa Ana, Cal. Box 13s, San Diego, Cal.
L. H. Proctor, R. F. D. 3, Box 13s,
San Diego, Cal. Honorary Missionary Credentials.
L. E. Brant, Orange, Cal. Walter Harper,Fruitland, Hum-
F. M. Burg, Loma Linda, Cal. boldt Co., Ca.
W. A. George, M. D., Lorna. Linda, Rebecca Hannaford, Paradise Val-
Cal. ley Sanitarium, National City,
W. J. Johnson, M. D., National Cal.
City, Cal. Mrs. Josephine Gotzian, National
G. B. Starr, Loma Linda, Cal. City, Cal.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. Mrs. W. W. Sharp, National City,
J. W. Adams, Hinkley, Cal. Mrs. M. S. Boyd, Loma Linda, Cal.
W. L. Black, 395 Kansas Ave.,
W. 'W. Sharp, National City, Cal. Miss Effie Brown, R. F. D. 1, Box
D. H. Oberholtzer, Palm City, Cal. 106, Brawley, Cal.
C. McReynolds, Loma Linda, Cal. Miss Laura Sturges, Escondido,
Luther Warren, Paradise Valley Cal.
Sanitarium, National City, Cal. Lowell M. Knapp, Garden Grove,
D. D. Lake, Brawley, Cal. Cal.
LICENTIATES. Mrs. Veda Smith Knapp, Garden
Grove, Cal.
C. L. Snodgrass, Imperial, Cal. Mrs. Ida Shirley Henry, Hemet,
Harry McWhinny, Loma Linda, Cal.
Cal. Mrs. Lottie E. Butka, Loma Linda,
Henry Zutt, 1007 East Broadway, Cal.
Anaheim, Cal. Miss Olive Adams, Loma Linda,
John Knox, 310 Loring Bldg., Cal.
Riverside, Cal. Miss Marie Anderson, Loma Linda,
R. G. Schaffner, 310 Loring Bldg., Cal.
Riverside, Cal. Mrs. A. Y. Broyles, R. F. D. 2, El
Miss Esther Lof grin, Paradise
John C. McReynolds, 310 Loring Valley Sanitarium, National
Bldg., Riverside, Cal. City, Cal.
Mrs. Luther Warren, Paradise Miss Ida Bennett, 1726 Valencia
Valley Sanitarium, National St., Santa Ana, Cal.
City, Cal. Mrs. Jennie Cre Frazee, 1723 Gra-
H. A. Hebard, 310 Loring Bldg., nada St., San Diego, Cal.
Riverside, Cal. Miss Minnie Overman, 3337 Her-
Olive E. Adams, Hinkley, Cal. man St., San Diego, Cal.
Mrs. W. L. Black,395 Kansas Mrs. T. A. Fleck, 822 East State
Ave. Riverside, al. St., Redlands, Cal.
L. M. Bowen,
' Loma Linda, Cal. Miss Leora Hair,3337 Herman St.,
Floyd W. Gardner,310 Loring San Diego, Ca.
Bldg., Riverside, al. Miss Vivian Nightingale, 840 H
Frank Brainard, 3941 Portola St., San Bernardino, Cal.
Place, San Diego, Cal. Mrs. Marie Marchus, R. F. D. 1,
Myrtle McGill, 2245 H St., San Escondido, Cal.
Diego, Cal. Mrs. Walter Owen, 958 North
Myrna C. Lee, Orange, Cal.


CHURCH DIRECTORY. Young People's Dept.:

Redlands, East State St., near Sec., I. C. Colcord.
Church St.
Riverside, West Twelfth St., bet. Home Missionary Dept.:
Orange and Lemon Sts. Sec., C. C. Morlan.
San Bernardino, Cor. Hansen and MINISTERS.
F Sts. M. M. Hare, 417 West Fifth St.,
San Diego:
G. St. Church, Cor. Eighteenth Los Angeles, Cal.
and G Sts. F. I. Richardson, 417 West Fifth
University Ave. Church, 2 Uni- St., Los Angeles, Cal.
versity Ave. H. G. Lucas, San Fernando, Cal.
Santa Ana, Cor. Fifth and Ross G. A. Snyder, 215 South Jackson
Sts. St., Glendale, Cal.
J. R. Patterson, 1116 De La Vina
St., Santa Barbara, Cal.
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CON- A. Ritchie, 562 West Second St.,
FERENCE. Glendale, Cal.
H. S. Prenier, San Fernando Cal.
Organized 1901. H. F. Rand, care Glendale Sani-
Territory: The following-named tarium, Glendale, Cal.
counties in the State of Cal- C. J. Kunkel, 417 West Fifth St.,
ifornia: San Luis Obispo, Santa Los Angeles, Cal.
Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, Phillip Knox, 417 West Fifth St.,
and that portion of Kern Coun- Los Angeles, Cal.
ty lying south of the Tehachapi Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
J. H. Rogers, R. F. D. 1, Box 67,
Office: 417 West Fifth St., Los San Fernando, Cal.
Angeles, Cal. F. R. Shaeffer, Box 226, Sawtelle,
Conference: G. A. Rauleder, 1245 East Forty-
fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Pres., M. M. Hare. L. D. Santee, 1061 Raymond St.,
Sec. and Treas., W. L. Mecum. Pasadena, Cal.
Executive Committee: M. M. S. Swinson, 417 West Fifth St..
Hare, G. A. Snyder, F. I. Rich- Los Angeles, Cal.
ardson, H. G. Lucas, I. C. Col- 0. E. Jones, Tropico, Cal.
cord, E. G. Fulton, C. A. Bur- V. H. Lucas, 2007 Morton Ave.,
rows. Pasadena, Cal.
Legal Assn.: " Southern Cal- E. W. Snyder, 1430 Garfield Ave.,
ifornia Association of Seventh- Pasadena, Cal.
day Adventists." Pres., B. E.
Beddoe; Sec. and Treas., W. L. LICENTIATES.
C. E. Andross, 417 West Fifth
Tract Society: St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Sec., C. L. Cyphers. J. R. Dieffenbacher, 417 West
Treas., W. L. Mecum. Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Field Miss. Sec., C. C. Morlan. C. Castillo, 3120 Eastside -Blvd.,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Sabbath School Dept.: H. Z. Davis, 1147 Buchon St., San
Sec.; Jennie L. Ireland. Luis Obispo, Cal.
G. G. Brown, 417 West Fifth St.,
Educational Dept.: Los Angeles, Cal.
Religious Liberty Dept.: W. L. Mecum, 417 West Fifth St.,
Sec., G. A. Snyder. Los Angeles, Cal.
4- . t
. .

.T..0 1 I 0

I. C. Colcord, 417 West Fifth Miss Ione Cochran, Box 145, Po-
St., Los Angeles, Cal. mona, Cal.
C. L. Cyphers, 417 West Fifth St., Miss Lucile Vlier, 6817 Parmelee
Los Angeles, Cal. Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Mrs. M. E. Hoyt, 1327 East Miss Amy Parker, R. F. D. 1, Box
Fiftieth St., Los Angeles, Cal. 401, Long Beach, Cal.
Miss Elizabeth Carter, 1327 East Will Potts, 3724 Occidental St.,
Fiftieth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal.
Mrs. Florence W. Merrill, 417 Mrs. H. E. Scoles, 417 West Fifth
West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Miss Jennie L. Ireland;417 West Miss Mabel DeGroot, care S. D. A.
Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Church, Twelfth St., San Pedro,
Violet R. Bell, 417 West Fifth St., Cal.
Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Ada Somerset, care Academy,
Mrs. Amy R. Temple, 1038 El San Fernando, Cal.
Molino St., Los Angees, Cal. Mrs. J. E. McKim, 920 Edgeware
Mrs. L. A. Parsons, care Glendale Road, Los Angeles, Cal.
Sanitarium, Glendale, Cal. Wm. Bryson, Mexican Mission
P. B. Bontemps, 726 East Forty- School, First and Gless Sts.,
eighth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal.
Miss Reathel Jenkins, 4511 East
First St., Los Angeles, Cal. CHURCH DIRECTORY.
C. C. Morlan, 417 West Fifth St., Glendale, Cor. Third and Isabell
Los Angeles, Cal. Sts.
Long Beach, Cor. Tenth and Lin-
Honorary Missionary Licentiates. den Sts.
Los Angeles:
Mrs. E. J. Calkins, 417 West Boyle Heights, 123 South Dit-
Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. man St.
C. F. Marvin, 417 West Fifth St., First, 141 Carr St., bet. Main
Los Angeles, Cal. and Hill Sts.
South Side, 668. East Thirty-
sixth St.
Julia A. White, M. D., care Glen- Pasadena, Cor. Mountain and
dale Sanitarium, Glendale, Cal. Summit Sts.
A. C. Larson, M. D., 417 West Pomona, East Sixth St.
Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. San Fernando, in Academy Build-
Josie 0. Shryock, M. D., care Glen- ing.
dale Sanitarium, Glendale, Cal. San Pedro,Twelfth St., bet. Dod-
son an Pacific Sts.
CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Santa Barbara, opposite high
Byron Dart, 149 East Third St., school building.
Glendale, Cal.
Mrs. Roy Carmichael, 401 North
Maryland St., Glendale, Cal. NEVADA MISSION.
Miss Henriette: Hughes, 317 South
Jackson St., Glendale, Cal. Organized 1913.
Miss Marie Lucas, 986 Summit Territory: The State of Nevada,
Ave., Pasadena, Cal. and that portion of California
Mrs. L. G. Stafford, care Academy, east of the summit of the Sierra
San Fernando, Cal. Nevada Mountains.
Miss Esther Lofgren, care Acad- Office: 452 Ralston St., Reno, Nev.
emy, San Fernando, Cal.
Miss Annie Bennett,' 715 East OFFICERS.
Anaheim St., Long Beach, Cal. Mission:
Miss Orpha Andrews, Norwalk,
Cal. Supt., W. S. Holbrook.

Sec., C. W. Pierce, Box 576, Nellie A. Buchanan, 452 Ralston

Reno, Nev. St., Reno, Nev.
Treas., B. M. Emerson, Box 146, Mabel 0. Fuller, Winnemucca,
Glendale, Cal. Nev.
Mission Committee: W. S. Hol-
brook, C. W. Fuller, G. G. Sims,
C. W. Pierce, H. A. Hartman. INSTITUTIONS IN THE PA-
Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. M. Evva Holbrook. Educational:
Educational Dept.: Lodi Academy, Lodi, Cal.
Loma Linda College of Medical
Supt., Mrs. M. Evva Holbrook. Evangelists, Loma Linda, Cal.
Young People's Dept.: Pacific Union College, St. Hele-
Sec., G. G. Sims. na, Cal.
Phoenix Intermediate School,
MINISTERS. Phoenix, Ariz.
W. S. Holbrook, 452 Ralston St., San Fernando Academy, San
Reno, Nev. Fernando, Cal.
G. G. Sims, 452 Ralston St., Reno, Publishing:
C. W. Fuller, Winnemucca, Nev. Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Moun-
tain View, Cal.
G. L. Wilkinson, Winnemucca, Sanitariums:
Nev. Glendale Sanitarium, Glendale,
H. L. Wallace, Lake City, Cal. Cal.
Wilbur Holbrook, 452 Ralston St.,
Reno, Nev. Loma Linda Sanitarium, Loma
Linda, Cal.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Paradise Valley Sanitarium,
A. W. Russell, Fallon, Nev. National City, Cal.
Mrs. M. Evva Holbrook, 452 Rals- St. Helena Sanitarium, Sani-
ton St., Reno, Nev. tarium, Cal.


Organized 19o8.

Territory: The Conferences of Executive Committee: W. H.

Cumberland, Florida, Georgia, Branson, the presidents of the
North Carolina, and South Car- conferences composing the Union,
olina. and W. E. Abernathy, D. W.
Office Address: 169 Bryan St., Dillen, Leo Thiel, C. B. Haynes,
Atlanta, Ga. B. M. Heald, L. D. Randall.
OFFICERS. Legal Assn.: " Southeastern
Union Conference Assn. of S.
Conference: D. A." Pres., W. H. Branson;
Pres., W. H. Branson. Sec. and Treas., W. E. Abernathy.
Sec. and Treas., W. E. Aber- Auditor and Transportation
nathy. Agt., W. E. Abernathy.

Union Book Depository: Allen, W. H. Heckman, J. B.

Atlanta Branch of Southern Locken, J. L. Shuler, B. J. White,
Pub. Assn., 169 Bryan St., At- B. W. Abney, R. E. Williams, H.
lanta, Ga. N. Gemon, M. C. Strachan, G. E.
Manager, L. D. Randall. Peters, W.E. Strother, Miss Anna
Union Field Miss. Sec., D. W. Knight.
Educational Dept.: G. E. Peters, 702 West Main St.,
Sec., Leo Thiel. Chattanooga, Tenn.
Medical Missionary Dept.: MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
Sec., Miss Anna Knight, 169 Bryan St.,
Atlanta, Ga.
Religious Liberty Dept.:
Sec., C. B. Haynes.
See., Leo Thiel.
Organized 1900.
Home Missionary Dept.:
Sec., B. M. Heald. Territory: Eastern Tennessee, the
western boundary being the
Press Bureau: western line of the counties of
Sec., C. B. Haynes. Macon, Smith, DeKalb, War-
ren, Grundy, and Marion; also
seven counties in northwestern
W. H. Branson, 169 Bryan St., Georgia, viz., Dade, Walker,
Atlanta, Ga. Catoosa, Whitfield, Murray,
C. B. Haynes, 169 Bryan St., Fannin, and Gilmer.
Atlanta, Ga. Office: 31 Deaderick Bldg., Knox-
B. M. Heald, 169 Bryan St., At- ville, Tenn.
lanta, Ga. OFFICERS.
F. W. Field, Ooltewah, Tenn.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. Pres., J. L. Shuler.
G.. H. Baber, Graysville, Tenn. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Clara
F. Peabody, 40 West End Ave., Russell.
Atlanta, Ga. Executive Committee: J. ' L.
Shuler, Cyrus Simmons, F. E.
n, R. L. Williams, E. W.
W. E. Abernathy, 169 Bryan St., Wolfe.
Atlanta, Ga. Legal Assn.: " Cumberland Con-
D. W. Dillen, 169 Bryan St., ference Association of S. D. A."
Atlanta, Ga. Pres., J. L. Shuler; Sec., Mrs.
L. D. Randall, 169 Bryan St., Clara Russell.
Atlanta, Ga.
Leo Thiel, Ooltewah, Tenn. Tract Society:
A. N. Atteberry, Ooltewah, Tenn. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Clara
Union Negro Mission Department. Russell.
Field Miss. Sec., F. E. Wash-
Supt., W. H. Branson. burn.
Sec., W. E. Abernathy.
Home Miss. and Young People's Sabbath 'School Dept.:
Sec., Miss Anna Knight. ' Sec., A. B. Russell.
Union Evangelist, G. E. Peters.
Executive Committee: W. H. Educational Dept.:
Branson, W. E. Abernathy, A. N. Supt., A. B. Russell.

Religious Liberty Dept.: MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

Sec., Cyrus Simmons, Box 522, Mrs. Emily McGlocklin, 116%
Knoxville, Tenn. North Terrace St., Chattanooga,
Young -People's Dept.: Miss Edna Bryan, East Payne and
Sec., A. B. Russell. Nineteenth St., Knoxville, Tenn.
Medical Missionary Dept.: CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS.

Sec., Miss Edna Bryan, East Payne and

Nineteenth St., Knoxville, Tenn.
Home Missionary Dept.: Miss Maggie Clark, 422 Lookout
St., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Sec., A. B. Russell.
MINISTERS. Chattanooga, Cor. Beech and Dun-
J. L. Shuler, 31 Deaderick Bldg., can Sts.
Knoxville, Tenn. Knoxville, Cor. Third Ave. and
E. W. Wolfe, 31 Deaderick Bldg., Gill St.
Knoxville, Tenn.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. FLORIDA CONFERENCE.
Smith Sharp, Graysville, Tenn.
Organized 1893.
Territory: The State of Florida,
Cyrus Simmons, Box 522, Knox- excepting the counties of Es-
ville, Tenn. cambia, Santa Rosa, Walton,
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Holmes, Washington, Jackson,
and Calhoun, which belong to
F. E. Washburn, 31 Deaderick the Alabama Conference.
Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn. Office: Rooms 11 and 12, Yowell-
A. B. Russell, 31 Deaderick Bldg., Duckworth Bldg., Orlando, Fla.
Knoxville, Tenn.
Mrs. Clara Russell, 31 Deaderick OFFICERS.
Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn. Conference:
Miss Dollie Thrailkill, 303 Hamil-
ton Ave., Johnson City, Tenn. Pres., W. H. Heckman.
J. S. Marshall, Ooltewah, Tenn. Sec. and Treas., A. L. Bayley.
Executive Committee: W. H.
CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. Heckman, W. H. Smith, C. R. Ma-
Miss Minnie Hildebrand, Grays- goon, J. W. Siler, John Mitchell.
vile, Tenn. Legal Assn.: " Florida Con-
Miss Mary Anderson, Box 13, ference Association of S. D. A."
Graysville, Tenn. - - Pres., W. H. Heckman; Sec. and
Mrs. Mary Ballard, 2123 Laurel Treas., A. L. Bayley.
Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Tract Society:
Miss Alice Bates, 751 South Main
St., Greeneville, Tenn. Sec. and Treas., A. L. Bayley.
Field Miss. Sec., J. W. Slier.
Negro Mission.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Negro Mission Committee: J. L. Sec., Mrs. R. G. Stringer.
Shuler, H. N. (lemon, S. J. Thomp-
son. Educational Dept.:
MINISTER. Supt., C. T. Roper.
H. N. Gemon, 15 Preston St., Medical Missionary Dept.:
Chattanooga, Tenn. Sec., R. S. Ingersoll, M. D. -

Religious Liberty Dept.: Mrs. Gertrude Edwards, 709 South

Sec., W. H. Smith. Dakota St., Tampa, Fla.
Sec., C. T. Roper. A. F. Arkebauer, Roselle and
Home Missionary Dept.: Charles Sts., Jacksonville, Fla.
A. H. Foster, Orlando, Fla.
Sec., C. T. Roper. Miss Alice Case, New Smyrna,
Miss Pearl Lewis, 1814 Avenue D,
W. H. Heckman, Rooms 11 and Miami, Fla.
12, Yowell-Duckworth Bldg., J. H. Shrock, Box 517, St. Peters-
Orlando, Fla. burg, Fla.
W. H. Smith, 1902 Lackawanna Miss Ula Lightsey, 51 First Ave.,
Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. Daytona, Fla.
A. H. Evers) Bunnell, Fla. Eliza Warner, Passa Grille, Fla.
C. R. Magoon, Rooms 11 and 12,
Yowell-Duckworth Bldg., Or- Negro Mission.
lando, Fla.
Committee: W. H. Heckman, M.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. C. Strachan, J. S. Green.
L. T. Crisler, Formosa, Fla.
Victor Thompson, 310 West Six- MINISTERS.
teenth St., Jacksonville Fla.
J. C. Mikkelsen, Plant City, Fla. M. C. Strachan, Box 825, Tampa,
LICENTIATE. J. S. Green, Fort Pierce, Fla.
Allen Walker, Fort Ogden, Fla. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. F. H. Stevens, Box 772, St. Peters-
C. P. Whitford, Drawer 28, Or- burg, Fla.
B. W. Spire, Drawer 28, Or-
lando, Fla. Felicia M. Palmer, 2735 Ever-
R. S. Ingersoll, Drawer 28, Or- green Ave., Jacksonville, Fla.
lando, Fla. S. P. Pons, Punta Gorda, Fla.
J. W. Siler, Rooms 11 and 12, Mary L. Moore, 621 West Broad-
Yowell-Duckworth Bldg., Or- way, Ocala, Fla.
lando, Fla. Mrs. J. P. Pegues, Orlando, Fla.
A. L. Bayley, Rooms 11 and CHURCH DIRECTORY.
12, Yowell-Duckworth Bldg.,
Orlando, Fla. Daytona, Cypress St.
Mrs. Lulu V. Gregory, Rooms Jacksonville:
11 and 12, Yowell-Duckworth Cor. Roselle and. Charles Sts.
Bldg., Orlando, Fla. Colored, Southwest Cor. Third
Mrs. R. G. Stringer, Rooms 11 Ave. and Johnson St.
and 12, Yowell-Duckworth Miami:
Bldg., Orlando, Fla. Third St., near Avenue D.
Dr. Olive Ingersoll, Drawer 28, Colored, Second St.
Orlando, Fla. Orlando:
Miss Bessie Smith, 1902 Lacka- West Central Ave.
wanna Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. Colored, West Robinson Ave.
Miss Cora' Felker, Rooms 11 and St. Petersburg, Cor. South Sixth
12, Yowell-Duckworth Bldg., St. and Fifth Ave., South. ,
Orlando, Fla. Tampa:
C. T. Roper, Rooms, 11 and 12, In 2800 Block on Florida Ave.
Yowell-Duckworth Bldg., Or- Colored, Allen Temple, Cor
lando, Fla. Scott and Lamar Sts.

GEORGIA CONFERENCE. Mis. M. C. Kenyon, Cor. Thirty-

seventh and Jefferson Sts., Sa-
Organized 1901. vannah, Ga.
Territory: The State of Georgia, CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS.
excepting the counties of Dade, Miss Ina Young, R. F. D. 3, De-
Walker, Catoosa, Whitfield, catur, Ga.
Murray, Fannin, and Gilmer, be- Miss Pearl Howington, Newnan
longing to the Cumberland Con- Ave., East Point, Ga.
Office: 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. Negro Mission.
OFFICERS. Committee: B. J. White, R. E.
Conference: Williams,
Pres., B. J. White. MINISTER.
Sec. and Treas., J. K. Macmillan.
Executive Committee: B. J. R. E. Williams, 1504 Chestnut St.,
White, W. L. Adkins, J. A. Traugh, Augusta, Ga.
J. K. Macmillan, Dr. J. R. Mitchell. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Legal Assn.: " Georgia Confer-
ence Association of S. D. A." Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, 1918 Al.
Pres., B. J. White; Sec. and Treas., bany St., Brunswick, Ga.
J. K. Macmillan. Miss Margaret Simmons, 3014
Montgomery St., Savannah, Ga.
Tract Society: Mrs. Jennie Hankinson, 3029
Sec. and Treas., J. K. Mac- Mongomery St., Savannah, Ga.
millan. Mrs. M. J. Tate, 209 Greensferry
Field Miss. Sec., Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
Miss Mary E. Jones, 1016 Seventh
Sabbath School Dept.: Ave., Columbus, Ga.
See., Ruby Lea. Miss Julia F. Baugh, 58 Greens-
Educational Dept.: ferry Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
Religious Liberty Dept.: Mrs. M. J. Tate, 209 Greensferry
See., B. J. White. Ave., Atlanta,Ga.
Miss Margaret Simmons, 3014
Young People's Dept.: Montgomery St., Savannah, Ga.
Sec., 0. R. Shreve. Miss Julia F. Baugh, 58 Greens-
Home Missionary Dept.: ferry Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
Sec., 0. R. Shreve. CHURCH DIRECTORY.
B. J. White, 169 Bryan St., At- 509 East Fair St.
lanta, Ga. Colored, 209 Greensferry Ave.
W. L. Adkins, 2304 Reynolds St., Macon, Log Cabin Heights.
Atlanta, Ga. Savannah, Cor. Thirty-seventh and
Jefferson Sts.
W. E. Strickland, Gainesville, Ga.
Dr. J. R. Mitchell, 320 Grant St.,
J. K. Macmillan, 169 Bryan St., Organized 1901.
Atlanta, Ga.
Ruby Lea, 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Territory: The State of North
Ga. Carolina.

Office Address: 404 Southern Life Honorary Ministerial Credentials.

and Trust Bldg., Greensboro,
N. C. D. T. Shireman, Morganton, N. C.
Conference: W. P. Dougherty, 404 Southern
Life and Trust Bldg., Greens-
llres., J. B. Locken. boro, N. C.
Sec. and Treas., C. R. Callicott. C. R. Callicott, 404 Southern Life
Executive Committee: J. B. and Trust Bldg., Greensboro,
Locken, B. A. Rogers, J. A. Strick- N. C.
land, W. P. Dougherty, C. R. Calli- Miss Elizabeth McHugh, 27 Queen
cott. St., Newbern, N. C.
Legal Assn.: " North Carolina Mrs. U. D. Pickard, 404 Southern
Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Life and Trust Bldg., Greens-
Pres., J. B. Locken; Sec. and boro, N. C.
Treas., C. R. Callicott. Miss J. M. Gillam, 404 Southern
Life and Trust Bldg., Greens-
Tract Society: boro, N. C.
Sec. and Treas., C. R. Callicott. Miss Maud Dickson, 404 Southern
Field Miss. Sec., W. P. Dough- Life and Trust Bldg., Greens-
erty. boro, N. C.
Sec., Mrs. U. D. Pickard. Mrs. N. P. Fox, Station A, High
Point, N. C.
Educational Dept.: Mrs. H. J. Farman, 238 Haywood
St., Asheville, N. C.
Supt., J. B. Locken. Miss Maud Dickson, 32 New S.
Front St., Newbern, N. C.
Religious Liberty Dept.: Miss Myrtle Maxwell, Banners
See., J. B. Locken. Elk, N. C.
Mrs. Lucy Hunt, R. F. D. 5, Hick-
Young People's Dept.: ory, N. C.
Sec., Mrs. U. D. Pickard. Mrs. Effie Washburn, care W. L.
Dennis, R. F. D. 2, Box 92, Al-
Home Missionary Dept.: bemarle, N. C.
Mrs. B. M. Shepard, 908 Fayett-
Sec., Mrs. U. D. Pickard. vine St., Durham, N. C.
Mrs. S. J. Martin, 713 Walnut St.,
Negro Mission. Wilmington, N. C.
Committee: J. B. Locken, G. E.
Peters, B. W. Abney. CHURCH DIRECTORY.
Asheville, 238 Haywood St.
MINISTERS. Wilmington, South Fourth St.
J. B. Lockdn, 404 Southern Life
and Trust Bldg., Greensboro,
N. C.
J. A. Strickland, 404 Southern Life SOUTH CAROLINA CONFER-
and Trust Bldg., Greensboro, ENCE.
N. C.
U. D. Pickard, 404 Southern Life Organized 1907.
and Trust Bldg., Greensboro,
N. C. Territory: The State of South
B. W. Abney, 404 Southern Life Carolina.
and Trust Bldg., Greensboro, Office Address: Room 1, People's
N. C. Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C.

OFFICERS. Negro Mission.

Conference: Committee: A. N. Allen, W. E.
Pres., A. N. Allen. Strother, W. H. Maynor.
Sec. and Treas., T. E. Pavey. MINISTER.
Executive Committee: A. N. Al-
len, W. R. Hanson, G. F. Turner, W. E. Strother, 59 Kennedy St.,
Fred Meister, T. E. Pavey. Charleston, S. C.
Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., T. E. Pavey. W. H. Maynor, 521 Dingle St.,
Field Miss. Sec., Fred Meister. Sumter, S. C.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., T. E. Pavey. Mrs. W. H. Maynor, 521 Dingle
St., Sumter, S. C.
Educational Dept.: Mrs. W. E. Strother, 59 Kennedy
Supt., Leo Thiel. St., Charleston, S. C.
E. A. Brodie, 107 Franklin St.,
Religiou4 Liberty Dept.: Darlington, S. C.
Young People's Dept.: Charleston, Human St.
Sec., Leo Thiel. 13201/ Main St.
Home Missionary Dept.: Colored, 1218 Henderson St.
Greenville, Hampton and Echol
Sec., T. E. Pavey. Sts.
MINISTERS. Spartanburg, Cor. Wolf and Wof-
ford Sts.
A. N. Allen, Room 1, People's
Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C.
W. R. Hanson, Room 1, People's
Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH-
J. A. Traugh, Room 1, People's EASTERN UNION CON-
Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C. FERENCE.
LICENTIATE. Educational:
S. R. Haynes, Room 1, People's Southern Junior College,- Oolte-
Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C. wah, Tenn.
T. E. Pavey, Room 1, People's Atlanta Branch of the Southern
Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C. Pub. Assn., 169 Bryan St..
Atlanta, Ga.
Miss Leora. Warren, 123 North Sanitarium:
Walker St., Spartanburg, S. C. Florida Sanitarium, Orlando,
Miss Ida Acker, Cherokee, S. C. Fla.
Organized Igor.
Territory: The conferences of Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, E. A. Sutherland, Madison, Tenn.
Mississippi, and Tennessee F. W. Halladay, Box 414, Hunts-
River. ville, Ala.
Office: 2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., W. L. Bird, Box 414, Huntsville,
North, Nashville, Tenn. Ala.
OFFICERS. C. M. Kinney, R. F. D. 2, Cor. Li-
Conference: gon Lane and Dickerson Pike,
Nashville, Tenn.
Pres., S. E. Wight.
Sec. and Treas., G. H. Curtis. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Auditor and Transportation M. W. Shidler, . 2006 Twenty-
Agent, G. H. Curtis. fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
Executive Committee: S. E. Tenn.
Wight, G. H. Curtis, L. H. Wood, G. H. Curtis, 2006 Twenty-fourth
C. N. Sanders, A. L. Miller, B. W. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Brown, R. L. Pierce, M. . Shid-
ler, C. J. Buhalts, M. F. Knox, Honorary Missionary Licentiates.
W. R. Elliott, E. A. Sutherland. C. J. Boyd, Box 414, Huntsville,
Legal Assn.: " Southern Union Ala.
Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Miss Beulah Cothren, Sheffield,
Pres.,. S. E. Wight; Sec. and Ala.
Treas., G. H. Curtis. Miss Mamie Moore, 666 North
Dunlap St., Memphis, Tenn.
Union Book Depository: Julia Lowe, 110Simkin St., Nash-
Southern Publishing Associa- ville, Tenn.
tion, 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., Southern Union Mission.
North, Nashville, Tenn.
Manager, R. L. Pierce. Superintendent, S. E. Wight.
Union Field Miss. Sec., M. W. Sec. and Treas., G. H. Curtis.
S h idler. Committee: S. E. Wight, G. H.
Curtis, A. L. Miller, C. J. Buhalts.
Religious Liberty Dept.: C. N. Sanders, B. W. Brown, W.
Sec., L. A. Smith. R. Elliott, T. B. Buckner, C. 0.
Educational Dept.: Manns, J. H. Lawrence, N. B. King,
Randall Johnson, -J. M. Campbell.
Supt., L. H. W6od.
Young People's Dept.: ALABAMA CONFERENCE.
Sec., L. H. NiTood.
Organized 1901.
Home Missionary Dept.:
Territory: The State of Alabama,
Sec., E. A. Keate. and the following counties in
MINISTERS. Florida: Eseambia, Santa Rosa,
S. E. Wight, 2304 Seifried St., Walton, Holmes, Washington,
Nashville, Tenn. Jackson, and Calhoun.
J. H. Lawrence, 2006 Twenty- Office: 316 Lyric Bldg., Birming-
fourth Ave., North, Nashville, ham, Ala.
R. I. Keate, 1213 North Twenty- Conference:
third St., Birmingham, Ala. Pres., A. L. Miller.
I. M. Martin, 2006 Twenty-fourth Sec. and Treas., 0. R. Gods-
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. m ark.

Executive Committee: A. L. W. R. Tolman, R. F. D. 1, Long

Miller, R. I. Keate, J. F. Wright, Island, Ala.
M. L. Wilson, 0. R. Godsmark, 0. Mrs. L. C. Scott, R. F. D. 1,
P. Ivie, C. J. Boyd. Long Island, Ala.
Legal Assn.: " Alabama Con- Mrs. B. F. Wrenn, Rockford, Ala.
ference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., Mrs. Geo. Jeys, Box 414, Hunts-
A. L. Miller; Sec. and Treas., ville, Ala.
0. R. Godsmark. Miss Caroline Barnwell, R. F. D.
3, Ardmore, Tenn.
Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., 0. R. Gods- Negro Mission.
mark. Committee: A. L. Miller, 0. R.
Field Miss. Sec., M. L. Wilson. Godsmark, M. L. Wilson, T. B.
Buckner, C. A. Blackwood.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. Helen M. Keate, 1213 MINISTER.
North Twenty-third St., Birming- T. B. Buckner, 110 Early St.,
ham, Ala. Montgomery, Ala.-
Educational Dept.: LICENTIATE.
Supt., J. F. Wright. C. A. Blackwood, 412 Range St.,
Dothan, Ala.
Religious Liberty Dept.:
Sec., A. L. Miller.
S. p. Miller, 758 South Hamilton
Young People's Dept.: St., Mobile, Ala.
Sec., J. F. Wright. C. A. Wilson, 1006 West Gadsden
St., Pensacola, Fla.
Home Missionary Dept.: CHURCH DIRECTORY.
Sec., J. F. Wright. Birmingham:
725 North Nineteenth St.
Colored, Walker St. and Sixth
A. L. Miller, 1705 Eighth Ave., Ave.
North, Birmingham, Ala. Dothan, Colored, 316 Range St.
J. F. Wright, care J. P. Dennis, Huntsville, Colored, 629 Madison
Montgomery, Ala. St.
LICENTIATE. Scottish Rite Cathedral.
M. L. Wilson, 316 Lyric Bldg., Colored, 757 South Hamilton St.
Birmingham, Ala. Montgomery:
306 Finley Ave.
0. R. Godsmark, 316 Lyric Bldg., Sheffield, Seventh St. and Nash-
Birmingham, Ala. ville Ave.
Mrs. Pearl M. Wilson, 1705
Eighth Ave., North, Birming-
Sarah V. Parker, 316 Lyric Bldg., Organized 1908.
Birmingham, Ala.
Territory: All the State of Ken-
CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS. tucky excepting the eight coun-
Miss Juanita Hibben, 1213 North ties west of the Tennessee
Twenty-third St., Birmingham, River, belonging to the Tennes-
Ala. see River Conference.
Miss Lula Rogers, Borden Springs, Office Address: 1122 Park St.,
Ala. Bowling Green, Ky.

OFFICERS. Rose L. Lindsey, Box 368, Hop-

Conference: kinsville, Ky.
Pres., B. W. Brown.
Sec. and Treas., E. A. Williams. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Genevieve Robert, Ford, Ky.
Executive Committee: B. W. Audra Reichenbach, 422 South
Brown, James Hickman, S. D. Twenty-second St., Louisville,
Bossing, C. W. Vermillion, E. A. Ky.
Williams. Miss Bessie Shoemaker, Paint
Legal Assn.: " Seventh-day Ad- Lick, Ky.
ventist Conference Association of Grace Holt, Irvington, Ky.
Kentucky." Pres., B. W. Brown; Mrs. B. E. Wagner, R. F. D. 5,
Sec., E. A. Williams. Henderson, Ky.
Mary A. Wolfe, R. F. D. 2, Hart-
Tract Society: ford, Ky.
Sec. and Treas., E. A. Williams. Mrs. F. L. Harrison, 1213 High St., ,
Field Miss. Sec., James Hick- Bowling Green, Ky.
man. Lucy Sill, R. F. D. 4, Waynesburg,
Sabbath School Dept.: Negro Mission.
Sec., Rose L. Lindsey. Committee: B. W. Brown, J. M.
Educational Dept.: Campbell, E. A. Williams, S. D.
Bossing, William Winston, F. S.
Supt., B. W. Brown. Keitts.
Religious Liberty Dept.:
Sec., B. W. Brown.
J. M. Campbell, 1820 West Chest-
Young People's Dept.: nut St., Louisville, Ky.
Sec., Rose L. Lindsey. A. C. Chatman, 835 First St., Hen-
derson, Ky.
Home Missionary Dept.:
See., B. W. Brown. LICENTIATE.
William Winston, 614 Maple St.,
MINISTERS. Owensboro, Ky.
B. W. Brown, 824 Broadway, Bowl- MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
ing Green, Ky.
W. H. White, 508 West Fourteenth F. S. Keitts, 4391/2 North Upper
St., Covington, Ky. St., Lexington, Ky.
0. A. Dow, 1122 Park St., Bowl- CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHER.
ing Green, Ky. F. L. Peterson 1820 West Chest-
LICENTIATE. nut St., Louisville, Ky.
C. E. Allen, 422 South Twenty- CHURCH DIRECTORY.
second Si., Louisville, Ky. Bowling Green, Park and Twelfth
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Covington, 508 West Fourteenth
C. L. Hornung, 2121 Osage St., St.
Louisville, Ky. Lexington, Colored, Fifth and Wolf
James Hickman, 1122 Park St., Sts.
Bowling Green, Ky. Louisville:
E. A. Williams, 1122 Park St., Cor. Seventeenth and Jefferson
Bowling Green, Ky. Sts.
Lena A. Brown, 824 Broadway, Colored, No. 1, Chestnut and
Bowling Green, Ky. Eighteenth Sts.
Mrs. Mina Dow, 1122 Park St., Colored, No. 2, Shelby and Bur-
Bowling Green, Ky. nett Sts.

LOUISIANA CONFERENCE. Mrs. Emma L. Morrow, 810 Jack-

Organized 1901. son Ave., New Orleans, La.
Territory: The State of Louisi- CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS.
ana. Mrs. L. B. Spear, Hobart, La.
Office Address: 810 Jackson Ave., Gladys Ruth Clark, Box 55, Ring-
New Orleans, La. gold, La.
OFFICERS. Negro Mission.
Executive Committee: C. N.
Pres., C. N. Sanders. Sanders, C. B. Caldwell, J. A. Mor-
Sec and Treas., C. B. Caldwell. row, R. Roberts, A. F. Schemell.
Executive Committee: C. N.
Sanders, G. B. Boswell, J. A. Mor- MINISTER.
row, C. B. Caldwell, C. A. Lantz. C. G. Manus, 4216 Magnolia St.;
Legal Assn.: " Louisiana Con- New Orleans, La.
ference Association of S. D. A."
Pres., C. N. Sanders; Sec. and LICENTIATES.
Treas., C. B. Caldwell. R. Roberts, 1344 Gary St., Shreve-
port, La.
Tract Society: A. R. Bell, 1344 Gary St., Shreve-
See. and Treas., C. B. Caldwell. port, La.
Field Miss. Sec., G. B. Boswell, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Ringgold, La.
Lucy Mc Donald, 1406 Jordan St.,
Sabbath School Dept.: Shreveport, La.
Sec., Mrs. Emma L. Morrow. Lucile C. Williams, 810 Jackson
Ave., New Orleans, La.
Educational Dept.:
Supt., Mrs. C. N. Sanders. Lucile C. Williams, 810 Jackson
Medical Missionary Dept.: Ave., New Orleans, La.

Religious Liberty Dept.: Lake Charles, 306 Hodges St.

New Orleans:
Sec., C. N. Sanders. Cor. Melpomene and Colliseum
Young People's Dept.: Colored, 2412 Delachaise St.
Sec., Mrs. C. N. Sanders. Shreveport, Cor. Frederick and
Missouri Sts.
C. N. Sanders, 810, Jackson Ave.,
New Orleans, La.
0. F. Frank, 304 Hodges St,, MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE.
Lake Charles, La. Organized 1901.
Jas. A. Morrow, 810 Jackson Ave.,
New Orleans, La. Territory: The State of Missis-
W. P. McLennan, 2756 Virginia sippi.
Ave., Shreveport, La. Office Address: 703 South Gal-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. latin St., Jackson, Miss.
Mrs. C. N. Sanders, 810 Jackson OFFICERS.
Ave., New Orleans, La. Conference:
G. B. Boswell, Ringgold, La. Pres., C. J. Buhalts.
C. B. Caldwell, 810 Jackson Ave., Sec. and Treas., Ben C. Mar-
New Orleans, La. shall.

Executive Committee: C. J. Bu- MINISTER.

halts, R. E. Burke, Ben C. Mar- N. B. King, 809 Atlanta St.,
shall, J. D. McEachern, G. Z. Hattiesburg, Miss.
Clark, John R. Staton..
Legal Assn.: " Mississippi Con- LICENTIATES.
ference Association of Seventh- D. V. Barnes, Greenville, Miss.
day Adventists." Pres., C. J. Bu- Roscoe Watkins, Natchez, Miss.
halts; Sec., Ben C. Marshall.
Tract Society:
P. J. Johnson, Box 95, Ellisville,
Sec. and Treas., Ben C. Mar- Miss.
shall. Dora Wilson, 809 Atlanta St.,
Field Miss. Sec., John R. Sta- Hattiesburg, Miss.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Jackson, 701 South Gallatin St.
Sec., Mrs. B. C. Marshall.
Educational Dept.:
Supt., C. J. Buhalts. TENNESSEE RIVER CON-
Religious Liberty Dept.: FERENCE.
Sec., R. E. Burke, Laurel, Miss.
Organized 1888.
Young People's Dept.: Territory: Western Tennessee, the
Sec., Mrs. R. E. Burke, Laurel, eastern boundary being the
Miss. eastern line of the counties of
Sumner, Trousdale, Wilson,
Home Missionary Dept.:. Cannon, Coffee, and Franklin;
Sec., C. J. Buhalts. and the following-named coun-
ties in Kentucky: Ballard, Mc-
Cracken, Marshall, Graves, Ful-
C. J. Buhalts, 703 South Gallatin ton. Hickman, Carlisle, and
St., Jackson, Miss. Calloway.
R. E. Burke, Laurel, Miss. Office: 322 Jackson Bldg., Nash-
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. ville, Tenn.
Henry Balsbaugh, 932 Union St.. OFFICERS.
Jackson, Miss. Conference:
Mrs. Mary Balsbaugh, 932 Union Sec. and Treas., F. C. Bruce.
St., Jackon, Miss. Executive Committee: W. R.
Elliott, M. F. Knox, J. R. Ken-
Ben C. Marshall, 703 South Gal- nedy, Forrest West, W. D. Wade,
latin St., Jackson Miss. James 14.11inger, M. Wheeler.
John R. Staton, 703 South Gal- Legal Assn.: " Tennessee River
latin St., Jackson, Miss. Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
Mrs. R. E. Burke, Laurel, Miss. Pres., W. R. Elliott; Sec. and
Miss Ethel Clark, 703 South Gal- Tract Society:
latin St., Jackson, Miss.
Sec. and Treas., F. C. Bruce.
Negro Mission. Field Miss. Sec., W. D. Wade.
Executive Committee: C. j. Bu- Sabbath School Dept.:
halts, Ben C. Marshall, N. R.
King, Roscoe Watkins, John R. Sec., Mrs. I. C. Pound, 1547
Staton. Trimble St., Paducah, Ky.

Educational Dept.: Ernest Stahl, Springville, Tenn.

Miss Margaret Phillips, 1713 Cass
Supt., W. R. Elliott. St., Nashville, Tenn.
Religious Liberty Dept.: Mrs. L. C. Derrick (colored), 1111
Twelfth Ave., North, Nashville,
Sec., W. R. Elliott. Tenn.
Young People's Dept.: Tennessee River Mission.
Sec., Mrs. I. C. Pound, 1547 Pres., W. R. Elliott.
Trimble St., Paducah, Ky. Sec. and Treas., F. C. Bruce.
Mission Committee: The Con-
Home Missionary Dept.: ference Executive Committee, in
Sec., James Bellinger, Box 35, counsel with the following: J. G.
Jackson, Tenn. Dasent, and the mission evangelist
of the Union Conference.
W. R. Elliott, 322 Jackson Bldg.,
Nashville, Tenn. J. G. Dasent, 1503 Scovel St.,
James Bellinger, Box 35, Jackson, Nashville, Tenn.
D. P. Wood, 666 Dunlap St.,
Memphis, Tenn. Randall Johnson, 513 North
Church St., Jackson, Tenn.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. H. E. Alston, Gen. Del., Jackson,
C. N. Martin, Bon Aqua, Tenn. Tenn.
W. R. Burrow, R. F. D. 6, Mem- CHURCH DIRECTORY.
phis, Tenn.
Jackson, Long St.
LICENTIATES. Memphis, Dunlap St., near Jack-
I. C. Pound, 1547 Trimble St., son St.
Paducah, Ky. Nashville:
0. L. Denslow, 1713 Cass St., Fifth and Fatherland Sts.
Nashville, Tenn. Colored, Twelfth Ave. and Hard-
ing St. (near Jefferson).
Mrs. A. M. Howard, 921 East
Trigg St., Memphis, Tenn.
Miss Anna Adams, 2008 Twenty- INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH-
fourth Ave., North, Nashville, ERN UNION CONFERENCE.
Tenn. Educational: -
F. C. Bruce, 322 Jackson Bldg.,
Nashville, Tenn. Hazel Academy, Hazel, Ky.
W. D. Wade, 322 Jackson Bldg., Oakwood Manual Training
Nashville, Tenn. School, Huntsville, Ala.
Mrs. I. C. Pound, 1547 Trimble Nashville Agricultural and Nor-
St., Paducah, Ky. mal Institute, Madison, Tenn.


Miss Minnie Brown, 749 North De- Southern Pub. Assn., 2123
catur St., Memphis, Tenn. Twenty-fourth Ave., North.
Miss Bertha Laughlin, Ashland Nashville, Tenn.
City, Tenn. Sanitarium:
Mrs. Fannie Izlar, 1720 Simkin The Madison Rural Sanitarium,
St., Nashville, Tenn. Madison, Tenn.
Organized Igor; reorganized 1902.
Territory: The Conferences of LICENTIATES.
Arkansas, Oklahoma, North W. E. Nelson, Keene, Tex.
Texas, South Texas, and Texico. A. F. Harrison, 401-403 Scott
Office: 401-403 Scott Thompson Thompson 'Bldg., Oklahoma
Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. City, Okla.
Conference: H. H. Hamilton, Keene, Tex.
Pres., J. W. Christian. C. E. Smith, 401-403 Scott Thomp-
Sec. and Treas., C. E. Smith. son Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Executive Committee: J. W. W. L. Adams, 401-403 Scott
Christian, the presidents of the Thompson Bldg., Oklahoma
conferences composing the Union, City, Okla.
principal of Southwestern Junior
College, C. E. Smith, A. F. Harri-
son, and the Educational and
Young People's Missionary Volun- ARKANSAS CONFERENCE.
teer Secretaries. Organized 1888.
Legal Assn.: " The Southwest-
ern Union Conference Corporation Territory: The State of Arkan-
of S. D. A." Pres., J. W. Chris- sas.
tian; Sec. and Treas., C. E. Smith. Office Address: Box 14, Little
Auditor and Transportation Rock, Ark.
Agent, C. E. Smith.
Union Book Depository: Conference:
Western Branch of the South- Pres., J. I. Taylor.
ern Publishing Assn., 411 West Sec. and Treas., M. G. Haynes.
Railroad Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. Executive Committee: J. I.
Manager, S. J. Abegg. Taylor, M. G. Haynes, J. T. Ja-
Union Field Miss. Sec., A. F. cobs, Walter Kirkham, N. R. Hick-
Harrison. man.
Legal Assn.: " Arkansas Con-
Educational Dept.: ference Association of the Sev-
Sec., W. L. Adams. enth-day Adventists." Pres., J. I.
Medical Missionary Dept.: Taylor; Sec., M. G. Haynes.
Sec., . Tract Society:
Young People's Dept.: Sec. and Treas., M. G. Haynes.
See., W. L. Adams. Field Miss. Sec., Walter Kirk-
Religious Liberty Dept.: ham.
Sec., J. W. Christian. Sabbath School Dept.:
Home Missionary Dept.: Sec., Mrs. J. T. Jacobs.
Sec., W. L. Adams.
Educational Dept.:
MINISTERS. Supt., N. R. Hickman.
J. W. Christian, 401-403 Scott
Thompson Bldg., Oklahoma Religious Liberty Dept.:
City, Okla. Sec.,
E. W. Carey, Keene, Tex.
Sydney Scott, Box 14, Little Rock, Young People's Dept.:
Ark. Sec., N. R. Hickman.

Home Missionary Dept.: OFFICERS.

Sec., N. R. Hickman, 2209 North Conference:
Fifteenth St., Ft. Smith, Ark. Pres., David Voth.
Sec. and Treas., A. M. Woodall.
MINISTERS. Executive Committee: David
Voth, T. W. Field, W. M. Cubley,
J. I. Taylor, Box 14, Little Rock, W. A. Sweany, C. L. Collison.
M. Jones, Little Rock, Ark. Transportation Agent: C. E.
N. R. Hickman, 2209 North Fif- Smith.
teenth St., Ft. Smith, Ark. Tract Society:
J. T. Jacobs, Box 14, Little Rock,
Ark. Sec. and Treas., W. F. Field.
Field Miss. Sec., C. L. Collison.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. Sabbath School Dept.:
J. H. Krum, Kensett, Ark. Sec., Mrs. A. M. Woodall.
M. H. Brown, Dugger, Ark.
Educational Dept.:
W. Kirkham, Box 14, Little Rock, Religious Liberty Dept.:
Ark. Sec., David Voth.
M. G. Haynes, Box 14, Little
Rock, Ark. Young People's Dept.:
Mrs. J. T. Jacobs, Jonesboro, Ark. Sec., C. U. Taylor.
Carrie Shaw, Hazen, Ark.
Katie Baker, Box 434, Pine Bluff, Home Missionary Dept.:
Ark. Sec., C. U. Taylor.
Committee to Oversee the Colored
Miss Zella Miller, Hindsville, Ark. David Voth, A. M. Woodall, W. M.
Miss Maude Coleman, Steve, Ark. Cubley, E. M. Gates, Thomas
Miss Esther Marlow, Fayetteville, Murphy.
Miss Bessie Wilson, Keene, Tex.
Louise Oliver, Temple, Okla. David Voth, Keene, Tex.
David M. Twigg, Gentry, Ark. W. M. Cubley, Keene. Tex.
Miss Mae Smith, 2220 Grand Ave., 'W. A. Sweany, Waxahachie, Tex.
Ft. Smith, Ark. R. W. Leach, R. F. D. 4, Sherman,
Katie Baker, Pine Bluff, Ark. Tex.
Carrie Shaw, Hazen, Ark. Martin Stueckrath, Keene, Tex.
Thomas Murphy, Waco, Tex.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
Organized 1878. H. B. French, Cleburne, Tex.
W. A. McCtitchen, Keene, Tex.
Territory: That part of the State
of Texas lying east and north
of the following counties: East C. U. Taylor, Keene, Tex.
of Wichita, Archer, Jack, Palo E. M. Gates, Corsicana, Tex.
Pinto, Erath, Hamilton, Lam-
pasas; and north of Burnet, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Williamson, Lee, Burleson, Lib- W. F. Field, Keene, Tex.
erty, Hardin, and Orange. A. M. Woodall, Keene, Tex.
Office: Keene, Tex. Mrs. A. M. Woodall, Keene, Tex.

Mrs. W. A. Sweany, Waxahachie, Executive Committee: John

Tex. Isaac, N. Clausen, C. M. McDon-
C. L. Collison, Keene, Tex. ald, W. Voth, 0. E. Weitz, C. J.
0. J. Corwin, 411 West Railroad Dart, E. B. Hopkins.
Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. Legal Assn.: " Oklahoma Con-
Mrs. 0. J. Corwin, 411 West Rail- ference Corporation of Seventh-
road Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. day Adventists." Pres., John
0. W. Wolfe, Weatherford, Tex. Isaac; Sec., W. A. Woodruff;
Treas., W. Voth.
Miss Lorena Wilcox, Keene, Tex. Tract Sociefy:
Miss Bennie French, Keene, Tex. Sec. and Treas., W. A. Wood-
C. L. Dorteh, Keene, Tex. ruff.
Mrs. J. J. Ward, Fort Worth, Tex. Field Miss. Sec., Albert Priest.
Miss Sidney Smith, Dalworth, Tex.
Miss Tressa Smith, Dalworth, Tex. Sabbath School Dept.:
Mrs. S. W. Abel, 1407 Gano St.,
Dallas, Tex. Sec., D. D. Voth.
W. G. Hassenpflug, Valley View,
Tex. Educational Dept.:
Miss Ruth Shaw, R. F. D. 4, Sher- Supt., Miss Almetia. Garrett.
man, Tex.
J. W. Winn, R. F. D. 3, Naples, Religious Liberty Dept.:
Tex. Sec., John Isaac.
Mrs. J. W. Winn, R. F. D. 3, Young People's Dept.:
Naples, Tex.
Joseph Woods, R. F. D. 3, Avin- Sec., D. D. Voth.
ger, Tex.
Miss Atha Davis, Nacogdoches, Home Missionary Dept.:
Tex. Sec., C. J. Dart.
Miss Mattie Shaw, Douglass, Tex.
Miss Josephine C. Montgomery, MINISTERS.
107 East Second St., Cleburne, John Isaac, Box 644, Oklahoma
Tex. City, Okla.
Miss Bertha Cade, Decoy, Tex. N. Clausen, Box 644, Oklahoma
Mrs. Annie Green, R. F. D. 2, Ma- City, Okla.
rietta, Tex. T. J. Hickman, Elk City, Okla.
B. W. Lowry, R. F. D. 4, Jefferson, C. M. McDonald, R. F. D. 3, We-
Tex. oka, Okla.
W. T. Moody, R. F. D. 4, Jeffer- L. A. Crane, R. F. D. 3, Waurika,
son, Tex. Okla.
U. B. Dake, Lawton, Okla.
D. F. Sturgeon, Gage, Okla.
OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE. M. G. Nunes, Muskogee, Okla.
H. P. Montgomery, 306 West
Organized 1894. Eighth St., Okmulgee, Okla.
Territory: The State of Oklahoma. F. B. Hopkins, 111% East Third
St., Tulsa, Okla.
Office: 217 West Seventh St.,
Oklahoma City, Okla. Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
Office Address: Box 644, Okla- A. J. Voth, Kiel, Okla.
homa City, Okla. A. A. Meyer, Hitchcock, Okla.
Conference: Abraham Loewen, Hitchcock,
Pres., John Isaac. Okla.
Sec. and Treas., W. Voth. Ezra Elliman, Ketchum, Okla.

W. E. Barr, Box 644, Oklahoma Miss Eunice Ellington, Lookeba,

City, Okla. Okla.
Miss Georgia Olson, Grandfield,
Miss Nellie Riddles, Riverside,
William Voth, Box 644, Okla- Okla.
homa City, Okla. Miss Clara Stoelting, Provence,
Mrs. 0. M. Hindbaugh, 715 North Okla.
Broad St., Guthrie, Okla. Miss Lillie Johnson, Weatherford,
Miss Almetta Garrett, 114 East Okla.
Eighth St., Oklahoma City, Miss Lizzie Lothian, Crescent,
Okla. Okla.
Miss Viola Joplin, Box 644, Okla- Mrs. J. B. McConnell, Tulsa, Okla.
homa City, Okla. Miss Zella Miller, Coodys Bluff,
Miss Margaret Basel, Muskogee, Okla.
Okla. Miss Louise Oliver, Temple, Okla.
Albert Priest, Box 644, Okla- Miss Maggie McCoy, Muskogee,
homa City, Okla.. Okla.
D. D. Voth, Box 644, Oklahoma Miss Hazel Hanson, Hendrix, Okla.
City, Okla. W. S. Lincoln, Cement, Okla.
W. A. Woodruff, Box 644, Okla-
homa City, Okla. NEGRO MISSION.
W. S. North, Guthrie, Okla. Supt., John Isaac.
C. J. Dart, Box 644, Oklahoma Sec and Treas., W. Voth.
City, Okla. Committee: N. Clausen, M. G.
Mrs. E. B. Hopkins, 1111/2 East Nunes, W. S. North.
Third St., Tulsa, Okla. CHURCH DIRECTORY.
Carl Voss, Homestead, Okla.
W. W. Bricker, Box 644, Oklahoma Enid, Cor. West Randolph and
City, Okla. Quincy Sts.
Oklahoma. City, 217 West Seventh
Miss Millicent Jordan, 619 South St.
Sixth St., Muskogee, Okla.
J. H. Ball, R. F. D. 3, Waurika,
Okla. Organized 1911.
B. E. Bridwell, R. F. D. 3, Wau-
rika, Okla. Territory: All that portion of the
Miss Grace Wilcox, R. F. D. 3, State of Texas lying east of
Waurika, Okla. the West Texas Conference,
and south of the south line of
W. 0. Belz, Ketchum, Okla. the followino counties: Lampa-
Miss Irene Couch, Ketchum, Okla. b
sas, Bell, Milam, Robertson,
Miss Bertha Dunn, Ketchum, Okla. Madison, Walker, San Jacinto,
C. E: Grant, R. F. D. 3, Wewoka, Tyler, Jasper, Newton, and
Okla. west of Louisiana to the Gulf
Miss Laura Reynolds, R. F. D. 3, of Mexico.
Wewoka, Okla. Office: 503-505 Swearingen-Mc-
Miss Lydia Stoelting, Bartlesville, Craw Bldg., San Antonio, Tex.
Okla. Office Address: Box 755, San An-
Mrs. J. L. McCurdy, Bartlesville, tonio, Tex.
C. C. Voth, Shattuck, Okla. OFFICERS.
Harry Beltz, Okeene, Okla. Conference:
Miss Rosslyn E. Gallion, Box 644, Pres., E. L. Neff..
Oklahoma City, Okla. Sec. and Treas., C. C. Mattison.

Ei.ecutive Committee: E. L. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS.

Neff, J. A. Leland, J. B. Hampton, Miss Helen Stoner, 306 Baker
H. F. Neumann, N. H. Conway. Ave., Houston, Tex.
Legal Assn.: " South Texas Con- Mrs. Roberta Ingram, R. F. D. 5,
ference Association of S. D. A." Elgin, Tex.
Pres., E. L. Neff; Sec. and Treas.,
Corpus Christi, 1200 Block, Cham-
Tract Society: berlain St.
Sec. and Treas., C. C. Mattison. Houston, 913 Hartman Ave.
Field Miss. Sec., N. H. Conway. San Antonio, 219 Winnipeg Ave.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. C. C. Mattison. TEXICO CONFERENCE.

Educational Dept.: Organized 1916.

Supt., G. R. West. ' Territory: The State of New Mex-
ico (excepting San Juan County
Religious Liberty Dept.: belonging to the Inter-Mountain
Conference), and that part of
Sec., J. A. Leland. the State of Texas lying west of
the eastern line of the following
Young People's Dept.: counties: Wichita, Archer, Jack,
Sec., G. R. West. Palo Pinto, Erath, Hamilton,
Lampasas, San Saba, Mason,
Home Missionary Dept.: Kimble, Edwards, and Val
Sec., N. H. Conway. Verde.
Office: 217 North Rencher St., Clo-
MINISTERS. vis, N. Mex.
E. L. Neff, 540 Drexel Ave., San Postal Address: Drawer D, Clovis,
Antonio, Tex. N. Mex.
J. A. Leland, R. F. D. 7. Box 409,
San Antonio, Tex.
J. B. Hampton, San Benito, Tex. Conference:
H. F. Neumann, Brenham, Tex. Pres., R. B. Coberly.
J. W. Miller, Houston, Tex. Sec. and Treas., J. S. McMullen.
Executive Committee: R. B.
LICENTIATES. Coberly, H. L. Hoover, Burt Bray,
Benito Delgado, Station A, San T. J. Hooper, J. S. McMullen.
Antonio, Tex. Tract Society:
J. M. Lopez, 1415 Santa Marie St.,
Laredo, Tex. Sec. and Treas., J. S. McMullen.
G. R. West, Keene, Tex. Field Miss. Sec., T. J. Trooper.
Mrs. L. E. Cox, Box 755, San An- Sabbath School, Educational, and
tonio, Tex. Young People's Depts.:
Religious Liberty Dept.:
N. H. Conway, Box 755, San An- Sec., R. B. Coberly.
tonio, Tex.
C. C. Mattison, Box 755, San An- Home Missionary Dept.:
tonio, Tex. Sec., R. B. Coberly.
Mrs. C. C. Mattison, Box 755, San MINISTERS.
Antonio, Tex. R. B. Coberly, Drawer D, Clovis,
Miss Margaret Warnock, 100 East N. Mex.
Thirtieth St., Austin, Tex. H. L. Hoover, Estancia, N. Mex.

G. A. Lagrone, R. F. D. 4, Cle- Miss Ethel Clouse, R. F. D. 2,

burne, Tex. Santa Anna, Tex.
Burt Bray, Las Cruces, N. Mex. Miss Clara Thurston, Clovis, N.
Miss Reid, Las Cruces, N. Mex.
Frank Weeks, Roswell, N. Mex.
M. R. Proctor, Amarillo, Tex.
T. J. Hooper, Clyde, Tex.
J. S. McMullen, Drawer D, Clovis, INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH-
L. J. Black, Drawer D, Clovis, N.
Minnie T. Proctor, Amarillo, Tex. Educational:
Pearle A. Weeks, Roswell, N. Mex.
Addington Intermediate School
Miss Helen Cowles, Hagerman, N. Ketchum Intermediate School,
Mex. Ketchum, Okla.
Mrs. J. A. Scott, Hagerman, N.
Mex. Southwestern Junior College,
Miss Ethel French, Clyde, Tex. Keene, Tex.
Roland Burdick, R. F. D. 1, Ham-
by, Tex. Publishing:
Clara Burdick, R. F. D. 1, Hamby, Fort Worth Branch of South-
Tex. ern Pub. Assn., 411 West
Miss Ima Findley, R. F. D. 2, Sid- Railroad Ave., Fort Worth,
ney, Tex. Tex.


Organized 1907.
Territory: The Conferences of teenth St., West, Calgary, Al-
Manitoba, Alberta, British Co- berta.
lumbia, and Saskatchewan. Manager, J. M. Rowse.
Office Address: 304 I. 0. 0. F. Union Field Miss. Sec., W. L.
Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Manfull.
OFFICERS. Educational Dept.:
Conference: Sec., E. D. Dick.
Pres., C. F. McVagh. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, F. L. Sec., C. F. McVagh.
Executive Committee: C. F. Young People's Dept.:
McVagh, F. L. Hommel, H. H. Hu- Sec., E. D. Dick.
ina,nn, J. G. Walker, E. M. Chap-
man, A. C. Gilbert, W. L. Manfull, Home Missionary Dept.:
E. D. Dick. Sec., J. M. Rowse.
Union Book Depository: MINISTER.
Canadian Branch of the Pacific C. F. McVagh, 815 Third Ave.,
Press Pub. Assn., 1109 Four- West, Calgary, Alberta.


W. L. Manfull, 304 I. 0. 0. F. - herta.
Bldg., Calgary, Alberta: Fred Johnson, 304 I. 0. 0. F.
Bldg., Calgary, Alberta.
F. L. Hommel, 304 I. 0. 0. F.
Bldg., Calgary, Alberta.
J. K. Fish, Ponoka, Alberta.
C. C. Neufeld, Lacombe, Alberta.
ALBERTA CONFERENCE. A. P. Pond, Lacombe, Alberta.
Organized 1906. J. L. Beane, Lacombe, Alberta
A. C. Harder, Lacombe. Alberta.
Territory: The Province of Al-
Office: 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Cal-
gary, Alberta. E. D. Dick, Lacombe, Alberta.
H. E. Shelstad, .304 I. 0. 0. F.
OFFICERS. Bldg.. Calgary, Alberta.
F. L. Hommel, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg..
Conference: Calgary, Alberta.
Pres., H. H. Humann. R. P. Mooney, Lacombe, Alberta.
Sec. and Treas., F. L. Hommel. Mrs. M. H. Crothers, 815 Third
Executive Committee: H. H. Ave., West, Calgary, Alberta.
Humann, P. P. Adams, C. K. Reis- Miss H. A. Beardsley, Lacombe,
wig, J. K. Fish, Fred Johnson, F. Alberta.
L. Hommel. E. R. Wilson,- Bryan Block, Leth-
Legal Assn.: f` Alberta Confer- bridge, Alberta.
ence 'Association of Seventh-day S. M. Ryan, Lacombe, Alberta.
Adventists." Pres., H. H. Hu- Cal. Smith, Lacombe, Alberta.
mann; Sec. and Treas., F. L. Miss Sarah Sulzle, Beiseker, Al-
Hommel. berta.
Miss May Knutson, Lacombe, Al-
Tract Society: berta.
See. and Treas., F. L. Hommel.
Field Miss. Sec., R. P. Mooney. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Sabbath School Dept.: Miss Juneau Belle McClaflin, Loy-
See., Airs. M. H. Crothers. alist, Alberta.
Miss Mamie M. Grimes, Red Wil-
Educational Dept.: low, Alberta.
B. Saxild, Manville, Alberta.
Supt., E. D. Dick. Miss Bertha Gillbank, Edmonton,
Religious Liberty Dept.: Miss Evelyn ,Knoll, Beiseker, Al-
See., berta.
Miss Elizabeth Erickson, Beiseker,
Young People's Dept.: Alberta.
Sec., Miss H. A. Beardsley. Miss Mabel Johnson, Beiseker, Al- _
Home Missionary Dept.: Miss Elizabeth King, Steveville,
Sec., R. P. Mooney. Camile Armeneaui Irvine, .Al-
MINISTERS. Miss Lillian Hilde, Cayley, Al-
H. H. Humann, 304 I. 0. 0. F. berta.
Bldg., Calgary, Alberta. Miss Josephine Renville, Bismark,
P. P. Adams, Lacombe, Alberta. Alber`,a.

BRITISH COLUMBIA CON- E. R. Potter, 1999 Eighth Ave.,

FERENCE. West, Vancouver, British Co-
Organized 1902.
Territory: British Columbia, Can- L. A. Philpott, 1708 Maple St.,
ada. Vancouver, British Columbia.
Office: 1708 Maple St., Vancouver, T. S. Bowett, 1708 Maple St.,
British Columbia. Vancouver, British Columbia.
George Toombs, Nelson, British
OFFICERS. Columbia.
Conference: Albert Bellchamber, Kelowna,
Pres., J. G. Walker, Pitt Mead- British Columbia.
ows, British Columbia. CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS
Sec. and Treas., T. S. Bowett.
Executive Committee: J. ' G. R. E. Noble, R. F. D. 3, Armstrong,
Walker, T. S. Bowett, A. E. British Columbia.
Shantz, E. R. Potter, George Free- Mrs. R. E. Noble, R. F. D. 3, Arm-
man, C. E. Wood, A. H. Nicholson, strong, British Columbia.
George Reiswig; Counselor, A. 0. Miss Sarah Stickle, Firvale, Brit-
Burrill. ish Columbia.
Legal Assn.: " British Columbia CHURCH DIRECTORY.
Association of Seventh-day Ad-
ventists." Pres., J. G. Walker; Vancouver:
Sec. and Treas., T. S. Bowett. West, 1708 Maple St.
East, 1758 Union St.
Tract Society: South, 2056 Forty-second Ave.,
Sec. and Treas., T. S. Bowett..
Field Miss. Sec., L. A. Philpott.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. S. McN. Jemson.
Organized 1903.
Educational Dept.:
Territory: The Province of Man-
Supt., R. E. Noble. itoba and that portion of On-
Religious Liberty Dept.: tario lying west of the eighty-
ninth meridian.
Sec., J. G. Walker. Office Address: 418 Lansdowne
Young People's Dept.: Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Sec., E. R. Potter. OFFICERS.
Home Missionary Dept.: Pres., E. M. Chapman.
Sec., E. R. Potter. Sec. and Treas., G. R. Soper.
Executive Committee: E. M.
MINISTERS. Chapman, V. W. Robb, Evan Rob-
erts, J. M. Hogg, Jas. Arnot,
J. G. Walker, Pitt Meadows, Thomas Atkinson.
British Columbia. Legal Assn.: " The Manitoba
A. 0. Burrill, 2056 Forty-second Conference of the Seventh-day
Ave., East, Vancouver, British Adventists." Pres., E. M. Chap-
Columbia. man.
LICENTIATES. Tract Society:
C. E. Wood, Nelson, British Co- Sec. and Treas., G. R. Soper.
lumbia. Field Miss. Sec.,

Sabbath School Dept.: Executive Committee: A. C.

Gilbert, W. A. Clemensen, D. D.
Sec., Mrs. V. W. Robb.
Neufeld, 0. Ziprick, T. M.
Educational Dept.: - Krainean, U. Wissner, A. V. Farns-
Supt., G. R. Soper.
Tract Society:
Young People's Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. R. Cowan.. Sec. and Treas., U. Wissner.
Field Miss. Sec., R. H. Kitto.
Religious Liberty Dept.:
Sec., E. M. Chapman. Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. A. C. Gilbert.
Home Missionary Dept.:
Sec., G. R. Soper. Religious Liberty Dept.:
iIINISTERS. Sec., M. Mackintosh, 1218 Fifth
Ave., Northwest, Moose Jaw, Sas-
E. M. Chapman, 418 Lansdowne katchewan.
Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
V. W. Robb, 418 Lansdowne Ave., Young People's Dept.:
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
J. T. Errington, 418 Lansdowne Sec., W. A. Clemensen.
Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Home Missionary Dept.:
Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
Neil McGill, Giroux, Manitoba. Sec., R. H. Kitto.

David Gulbrandson, 418 Lansdowne
Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. A. C. Gilbert, 103 Willoughby-
Sumner Block, Saskatoon, Sas-
G. R. Soper, 418 Lansdowne Ave.,
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Christian Sulzle, Fenwood, Sas-
Mrs. V. W. Robb, 418 Lansdowne M. Mackintosh, 1218 Fifth Ave.,
Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Northwest, Moose Jaw, Saskat-
Mrs. R. Cowan, 418 Lansdowne chewan.
Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. 0. Ziprick, Box 237, Rosthern, Sas-
W. A. Clemensen, 103 Willoughby-
Sumner 'Block, Saskatoon, Sas-
ENCE. W. G. Forshaw, 103 Willoughby-
Sumner Block, Saskatoon, Sas-
Organized 1912. katchewan.
T. T. Babienco, Battleford, Sas-
Territory: The Province of Sas- katchewan.
katchewan. C. B. Hughes, Battleford, Saskat-
Office: Room 103, Willoughby- chewan.
Sumner Block, Saskatoon, Sas-
katchewan. Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
0. 0. Farnsworth, Sonningdal e,
Conference: Saskatchewan.
Pres., A. C. Gilbert. J. V. Maas, Battleford, Saskatche-
Sec. and Treas., U. Wissner. wan.

LICENTIATES. Mrs. A. C. Gilbert, 103 Willough-

by-Sumner Block, Saskatoon,
T. M. Krainean, 103 Willoughby- Saskatchewan.
Sumner Block, Saskatoon, Sas-
W. G. McCready, 143 Home St., INSTITUTIONS IN THE WEST-
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. ERN CANADIAN UNION
Benedict Iliescu, Truax, Saskat- Alberta Academy, Lacombe, Al-
chewan. berta.
Ilija Belu, 1753 Ottawa St., Re- Battleford Academy, Battleford,
gina, Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan, Canada.
Henry Berg, Queen Centre, Sas- Publishing:
katchewan. Canadian Branch of the Pacific
U. Wissner, 103 Willoughby-Sum- Press Pub. Assn., 1109 Four-
ner Block, Saskatoon, Saskat- teenth St., West, Calgary, Al-
chewan. berta, Canada.


Organized 1913.
Territory: Europe; the Russian DIVISION CONFERENCE COM-
and the Turkish possessions in MITTEE.
Asia; Persia, Arabia, and Af-
ghanistan; and that part of Af- General.
rica not included in Rhodesia,
British Central Africa, and the L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a,
Union of South Africa. Hamburg, Germany.
Population: 650,000,000. J. T. Bottcher, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
Cable Address: Advent, Ham- Guy Dail, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
burg. (A B C Code, fifth edi- burg, Germany.
tion.) Alice Kiissner, Grindelberg 15a,
Hamburg, Germany.
Office: Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
burg, Germany. Presidents of Union Conferences.
British: M. N. Campbell, 8 Lan-
caster Road, Stroud Green,
President: L. R. Conradi, Grindel- London, N., England.
berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Central European: G. W. Schu-
Vice-President: J. T. Bottcher, bert, Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Ger-
Takoma Park Station, Wash- many.
ington, D. C. Danube: J. F. Huenergardt, V.,
Secretary: Guy Dail, Grindel- Katona J6zsef-u tea 28. L 5,
berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Budapest, Hungary.
Treasurer: Miss Alice Kiissner, East German: H. F. Schuberth,
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- Uhlandstrasse 189, Charlotten-
many. b urg-B erlin, Germany.

East Russian: 0. E. Reinke, Ta- Other Members.

koma Park Station, Washing- J. Robert, Gland, Vaud, Switzer-
ton, D. C. land.
Latin: L. P. Tieche, Gland, Ct. C. Juhl, care Sanitarium, Skods-
Vaud, Switzerland. borg, Denmark.
Scandinavian: J. C. Raft, Mar- J. Erzberger, Sissach, Baselland,
grethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., Switzerland.
West German: J. G. ()blander, 19 members.
Heidestrasse 22, Hamburg, Ger-
West Russian: J. T. Btittcher, LABORERS ENGAGED IN GEN-
Takoma Park Station, Washing- ERAL WORK UNDER THE
Representatives of Departments.
Medical: Dr. A. B. Olsen, Surrey L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a,
Hills Hydro, Caterham Valley, Hamburg, Germany.
England. J. T. Bottcher, Takoma Park Sta-
Sabbath School: H. Hartkop, tion, Washington, D. C.
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- Guy Dail, Grindelberg 15a, Ram-
many. berg, Germany.
Missionary Volunteer: E. Arne- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
sen, Skodsborg, Denmark. Alice Kiissner, Grindelberg 15a,
Publishing: W. C. Sisley, Stan- Hamburg, Germany.
borough Park, Watford, Herts, L. Spicer, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
England. burg, Germany.
Organized 1902.
Territory: The Conferences of Home Missionary Dept.:
North England, Midland, South Sec., W. E. Read.
England, Scotland, Wales, East
Central, and the Irish Mission. MINISTERS.
Cable Address: " Hygiene," Gars- M. N. Campbell, W. T. Bartlett,
ton, Herts, England. C. H. Hayton, H. F. De'Ath, W.
Office: 8 Lancaster Road, Stroud E. Read, H. J. Edmed.
Green, London, N., England.
Treasurer's Office: Stanborough LICENTIATES.
Park, Watford, Herts, England. A. B. Olsen, G. Baird, A. S. Max-
(All persons named below may well.
be addressed 8 Lancaster Road).
OFFICERS. S. Joyce, H: D. Clarke, Glen Wake-
Conference: ham.
Pres., M. N. Campbell.
Treas., H. D. Clarke.
Executive Committee: M. N. Organized 1916, but known since
Campbell, W. C. Sisley, W. H.
Meredith, J. J. Gillatt, S. G. 1911 as Union District.
Haughey, H. E. Armstrong, H. J. Territory: The counties of Mid-
Edmed, R. Mussen, Dr. A. B. Ol- dlesex, Essex, Hertford, Bed-
sen, W. T. Bartlett, A. E. Bacon, ford, Huntingdon, Cambridge,
Dr. C. H. Hayton, S. Joyce, G. Norfolk, Suffolk, and London
Wakeham. north of the Thames.
Legal Assn.: " Seventh-day Ad- (All persons named below may be
ventist Union, Limited." Pres., addressed at 8 Lancaster Road,
M. N. Campbell; Sec., W. T. Stroud Green, London, N., Eng-
Bartlett; Treas., W. C. Sisley. land.)
Gen. Conf. Transportation Agent: OFFICERS.
A. Bacon, 84 Upper Tollington
Park, London, N., England. Pres., W. H. Meredith.
Sec., W. E. Read.
Union Book Depository: Treas., H. D. Clarke, Stan-
International Tract Society, borough Park, Watford, Herts,
Ltd., Stanborough Park, Watford, England.
Herts, England. Executive Committee: W. H.
Manager, W. C. Sisley. Meredith, A. Bacon, J. Taylor, J.
Union Field Miss. Sec., S. Joyce. D. Gillatt, H. W. Armstrong, H. F.
Sabbath School Dept.: MINISTERS.
Sec., W. E. Read.
J. D. Gillatt, W. H. Meredith, J.
Medical Missionary Dept.: Taylor.
Sec., Dr. A. B. Olsen, Surrey LICENTIATE.
Hills Hydro, Caterham Valley, 0. Dorland.
Young People's Dept.: Miss A. B. Crowder, Miss H.
Sec., W. E. Read. Green, Miss McMillan.
11 1
Wirral Peninsula), Stafford-
ENCE. . shire, Worcestershire, War-
wickshire, Northamptonshire,
Organized 1902; formerly a part Leicestershire, and Rutland-
of the British Conference or- shire.
ganized 1898. Office: 233 Park Road, Bearwood,
Territory: All of England south Birmingham, England.
of the northern boundary of
the counties of Kent, Surrey, OFFICERS.
Buckingham, Oxford, and Glou- Conference:
cester, and. London south of the Pres., J. J. Gillatt.
Sec., G. Hyde.
Office: 1 Devereux Road, Wands-
worth Common, London, S. W., Treas., H. D. Clarke, Stanbor-
England. ough Park, Watford, Herts, Eng-
OFFICERS. Executive Committee: J. J.
Conference: Gillatt, W. H. Baldwin, D. Red-
Pres., S. G. Haughey. head, J. McAvoy, A. Armstrong.
Sec., F. C. Bailey.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Treas., H. D. Clarke, Stanbor-
ough Park, Watford, Herts, Eng- Sec., G. Hyde.
Young People's Dept.:
Executive Committee: S. G.
Haughey, J. H. Bunker, D. Morri- Sec., G. Hyde.
son, F. A. Spearing, H. Yeates. MINISTERS.
Sabbath School Dept.: J. J. Gillatt, A. Armstrong, J. Mc-
Sec., F. C. Bailey. Avoy.
Young People's Dept.:
Sec., F. C. Bailey. S. Maxwell, W. Cuthbert, G. Hyde.
S. G. Haughey, F. A. Spearing, D. Miss H. Blair, Miss Brown, Mrs.
Morrison. Brooks, Miss A. Clarke.
F. C. Bailey, F. C. Chapman, J. B.
R. Borrowdaie, H. W. Lowe, Miss Organized 1902; formerly a part
A. Dobson, G. W. Bailey. of the British Conference or-
ganized 1898.
Territory: The counties of Lanca-
shire, Yorkshire, and all Eng-
MIDLAND CONFERENCE. land to the north, also the
Organized 1913; formerly a part Wirral Peninsula in the county
of the North England Confer- of Cheshire, and the Isle of
ence, organized 1902. Man.
Territory: The counties of Lin- Office: " Warden House," Crump-
colnshire, Nottinghamshire, Der- sall Crescent, Manchester, Eng-
byshire, Cheshire (excepting the land.


Pres., H. E. Armstrong. Organized 1908.
Sec., Territory: Wales and the coun-
Treas., H. D. Clarke, Stanbor- ties of Monmouth, Hereford,
ough Park, Watford, Herts, Eng- and Shropshire.
land. Office: 105 Llanishen St., Heath,
Executive Committee: H. E. Cardiff, South Wales.
Armstrong, J. Harker, C. Davies,
W. Maudsley, D. Ralston. OFFICERS.
MINISTERS. Conference:
H. E. Armstrong, W. Maudsley. Pres., A. E. Bacon.
Sec., -
LICENTIATES. Treas., H. D. Clarke, Stan-
borough Park, Watford, Herts,
F. S. Jackson, M. Vallance, J. Bell. England.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Executive Committee: A. 'E.
Bacon, W. H. Charles, L. F. Lang-
J. Andrews, Miss C. Sanders, Miss ford, T. Morris, R. Roberts.
G. Davies, E. E. Craven, E. R.
A. E. Bacon.
Organized 1908. M. J. Nicholls.
Office: " Croftview," Uddingston, F. Powell, Miss M. Lenanton,
North Glasgow, Scotland. Miss D. Moseley, IV. H. Mus-
Pres., R. Mussen. IRISH MISSION.
Sec., Office: Trainview, Moira, North
Treas., H. D. Clarke, Stanbor- Lurgam, Ireland.
ough Park, Watford, Herts, Eng-
Executive Committee: R. Mus- Mission:
sen, A. Rodd, T. Thompson, W. J. Director, Union President (tem-
Young, A. Broadfoot. porary).
Sec., R. Whiteside.
Sabbath School Dept.: Treas., H. D. Clarke.
Sec., Advisory Committee: M. N.
Campbell, W. Shaw, L. McClem-
MINISTERS. ents, W. P. Prescott, R. Whiteside.
R. Mussen, A. Rodd. MINISTER.
R. Whiteside.
W. J. Young.
W. P. Prescott.
L. -W. Barras, Miss Jane Archi- Miss M. Ballard, Miss E. Marks,
bald, Mrs. E. G. Jackson. Miss J. Mussen, Wm. McClements.
Organized 1912.
Territory: The German-Swiss, Executive Committee: G. W.
South German, Bavarian, Wur- Schubert, J. G. Hopf, G. Ruder,
temberg, and Moravian-Silesian (proxy, C. Gruber), L. Lutz.
Conferences, and the Austrian,
Bohemian, Anterior Austrian, Tract Society:
and Adriatic Missions. Sec. and Treas., 0. Schildhauer.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Field Miss. Sec., L. Lutz (proxy,
" Advent," Munich, Bauerstr. 38. Fr. Riedlinger).
Office Address: Bauerstr. 38, Mu-
nich, Germany. Sabbath School Dept.:
See., 0. E. Schildhauer.
Conference: MINISTERS.
Pres., G. W. Schubert. C, L. Voigt, L. H. Kiepe.
Sec., 0. Schildhauer. LICENTIATES.
Treasurers, N. Schlatterer and
H. Hofnik. \. Sachsenineyer, G. Seng.
Executive Committee: 0. W.
Schubert, E. Gugel, H. Fenner, H. Spanknobel, K. Spanknobel, H.
F. Prieser, J. Wolfgarten, J. Erz- Schwarz.
berger, J. Muth, W. Schafer, H. . OTHER WORKERS.
0. Sommer, B. Schmidt, A. Miller,
Tract Society: A. Hauschildt.
Secretary for all Central Euro-
pean fields, not otherwise pro-
vided for, 0. Schildhauer. GERMAN-SWISS CONFERENCE.
Sabbath School Dept.: Organized 1901.
Secretary for all Central Euro-
pean fields not otherwise pro- Territory: German Switzerland,
vided for, 0. Schildhauer. and cantons of Grisons and
MINISTERS. Address: Nennenweg, corner Bir-
G. WT. Schubert, J. Erzberger, K. mansgasse, Basle, Switzerland.
Kamm, 0. E. Schildhauer.
BAVARIAN CONFERENCE. Pres., F. Prieser (proxy, G. W.
Organized 1910. Sec., 0. Fassnacht.
Executive Committee: F. Prie-
Territory: The kingdom of Bava- ser (proxy, G. W. Schubert), J.
ria to the right of the Rhine. Erzberger, W. Kiiry, F. Bussinger,
Conference: Tract Society:
Pres., 0. W. Schubert. Sec. and Treas., 0. E. Schild-
Sec., 0. E. Schildhauer. hauer.
Treas., N. Schlatterer. Field Miss. Sec., G. Whin.

Sabbath School Dept.: SOUTH GERMAN CONFER-

Sec., 0. E. Schildhauer. ENCE.

MINISTERS. Organized 1902.

F. A. Prieser, J. Penner, J. P. Frei, Territory: Baden, Alsace-Lor-
C. Reihlen, H. Langenberg. raine, Palatinate, and the prov-
inces of Rhenish-Hessen and
F. Rudin, A. Junginger, Br. Rar- OFFICERS.
ing. Conference:
OTHER WORKERS. Pres., H. Fenner.
Sec., G. Zoilman, Sr.
M. Scheifele, M. Barran, E. Haas. Treas., N. Schlatterer.
Executive Committee: H. Fen-
ner, W. Brenckmann, C. Rebens-
burg, J. Fehr, Karl Kiefer.
Tract Society:
Organized Sept. 12, 1913. Sec. and Treas., 0. Schildhauer.
Field Miss. Sec., E. Fuchs
Territory: Moravia and Austrian (proxy, Fr. Riedlinger).
Sabbath School Dept.:
OFFICERS. Sec., 0. Schildhauer.
Pres., J. Muth.
Sec., P. Englert. H. Fenner, R. Weiner, J. Fehr, H.
Treas., N. Sehlatterer. Zimmermann, J. F. Grieser, F.
Advisory Committee: J. Muth, Persson.
J. Berke, P. Niedoba, A. Kudelka, LICENTIATES.
J. Popelka. F. W. Kihnpel, A. Weinert, D.
Tract Society: Eicher.
Sec. and Treas., 0. Schildhauer. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Field Miss. Sec., J. Popelka. 0. Hesse, M. Busch, H. Muller, A.
Sabbath School Dept.: OTHER WORKERS.
See., 0. Schildhauer. G. Zollmann, Sr., M. Koebele, G.
J. Muth, P. Niedoba, H. Aberle.
Organized 1912.
0. Geier.
Territory: Kingdom of Wurtem-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. berg and Hohenzollern lands,
including all the territory with-
P. Englert, R. Neumann, K. Poled- in their borders.
OTHER WORKERS. Conference:
A. Suchanck, A. Rusz, S. Gomald. Pres., Emil Gugel.

Sec., Th. Kestenholz. ANTERIOR AUSTRIAN MIS-

Treas., N. Schlatterer. SION.
Executive Committee: E. Gugel,
G. Hofer, K. Wittig, R. Saur Dating from Jan. 1, 1915.
(proxy, F. Riedlinger).
Territory: Tyrol and Vorarlberg,
Tract Society: Carinthia. Salzburg, and Styria.
Sec. and Treas., 0. Schildhauer. OFFICERS.
Field Miss. Sec., F. Riedlinger. Mission:
Sabbath School Dept.: Director, G. W. Schubert.
Sec., 0. Schildhauer. Sec., A. v. Wallenstern.
Treas., N. Schlatterer.
MINISTERS. Advisory Committee: G. W.
Schubert, C. Brich, C. Meyer, Br.
E Gugel, F. Hiirner. Steinwender.
LICENTIATES. Auditor, G. Woysch.
K. Golzer, F. Diirr, R. Bahler. Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., 0. Schildhauer.
F. Grieser, G. Diirolf, Theod. Kes- Sabbath School Dept.:
tenholz. Sec., 0. Schildhauer.
Lina Diirolf, Elsie Arnold, Kath. A. Bereck, G. Werner.
B. F. Hagemann, A. v. Wallen-
Dating from Jan. 1, 1915. J. IVIiihlbacher, F. Einspieler, R.
Territory: Carniola, Istria, and
E. Knebel.
Director, G. W. Schubert.
Dating from Jan. 1, 1915.
Sec., 0. Schildhauer.
Treas., N. Schlatterer. Territory: Upper and Lower
Advisory Committee: Union Austria.
Conference Committee. OFFICERS.
Auditor, G. Woysch. Mission:
Director, J. Wolfgarten.
Tract Society: Sec., R. Lange.
Sec. and Treas., 0. Schildhauer. Treas., N. Schlatterer.
Advisory Committee: J. Wolf-
Sabbath School Dept.: garten, R. Lange, Br. Pollack.
Sec., 0. Schildhauer. Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., 0. E. Schild-
F. Binder. Field Miss. Sec., F. Prauhart.

Sabbath School Dept.: Treas., N. Schlatterer.

Sed., 0. E. Schildhauer. Advisory Committee: W. Scha-
fer, H. Bischoff, E. Seidl, A. Dus-
MINISTERS. chek, R. Mitreiter.
J. Wolfgarten, R. Lange.
Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., 0. Schildhauer.
E. Ehinger. Field Miss. Sec., .
Sabbath School Dept.:
M. Matuschek.
Sec., 0. Schildhauer.
W. Schafer, H. Bischoff.
Dating from Jan. 1, 1912.
Territory: Bohemia. 0. Studeny, K. Fleck, F. Bohm, B.
Vietze, J. Simon, A. Urban.
Director, W. Schafer. F. Bernart, M. Seidl, Rosa Ma-
Sec., 0. Studeny. chac.


Organized 1952.
Territory: The Middle Hungarian, Tract Society:
Rumanian, and Transylvania Field Miss. Sec., E. Braun.
Conferences; and the Theiss,
Save, and Northwest Hungarian Sabbath School Dept.:
Missions. Sec., M. Koch.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: MINISTER.
" Advent," Budapest.
J. F. Huenergardt.
Office Address for Danube Union
Conference and all Danube
Union fields and workers: V., MIDDLE HUNGARIAN CON-
Katona Jeizsef-utca 28. I. 5,
Budapest, Hungary. FERENCE.
OFFICERS. Organized 1911.
Conference: Territory: The Hungarian coun-
ties of Arad, Bdkds, Bihar,
Pres., J. F. Huenergardt. Csanad, Csongrad, Usz-Kun-
Sec., M. Koch. Szolnok, Pest-Pilis-Solt Kis-
Treas., Mrs. Auguste Wakeham. KAn, Szilagy, and Hajdu.
Auditor, G. Woysch.
Executive Committee: J. F. OFFICERS.
Huenergardt, H. Meyer, P. R. Conference:
Paulini. F. Kessel, R. Schillinger, Pres., J. F. Huenergardt.
W. Koch, E. Braun, F. A. Di:4-'1er. Sec., M. Koch.

Treas., Mrs. Auguste Wakeham. TRANSYLVANIA CONFER-

Executive Committee: J. F. ENCE.
Huenergardt, A. Minck, Dr. Ker-
ekgyart5, P. Intrik6. Organized 1910.
Tract Society: Territory: Translyvania.
Sec. and Treas., W. Koch. OFFICERS.
Field Miss. Sec., E. Braun. Conference:
Sabbath School Dept.: Pres., H. Meyer-Blirtschy.
Sec., H. Bauer.
Sec., M. Koch. Treas., Mrs. Auguste Wakeham.
Auditor, 0. Woysch.
MINISTERS. Executive Committee: H. Mey-
A. Minck, C. Popescu. er-Biirtschy, J. Murbach, Andras
Istvan Kotyor, A. nicelt, J.
E. Littge, A. Zeiner. Tract Society:
J. Ftil8p, M. Oesz, G. Motorka, Sabbath School Dept.:
F. Bodszilsy, 0. Balasz, A. Gass-
mann. Sec., M. Koch.
H. Meyer-Bartschy, A. Wegener,
Territory: Rumania. H. Bauer, J. Weber, J. Polder,
P. Betea, L. Paksa.
Pres., P. R. Paulini. SAVE MISSION.
Sec., P. Turturica.
Treas., Mrs. Auguste Wakeham. Organized 1911.
Executive Committee: P. R.
Paulini, St. Demetrescu, 0. Krti- Territory: Croatia, Slavonia, Bos-
ger, A. Danile, S. T. Negoita. nia, Herzegovina, Montenegro.
Tract Society: Mission:
Sec. and Treas., W. Koch. Director, R. Schilling,er.
Sabbath School Dept.: Treas., Mrs. Auguste Wakeham.
Sec., M. Koch. Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., W. Koch.
MINISTERS. Field Miss. Sec., E. Braun.
P. R. Paulini, J. Mantu, St. Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., M. Koch.
F. Rinea. R. &hiBinger.
J. Stanescu, J. Radulescu, P. Tur- F. P. Hoffman, P. Krainean, F.
turica, E. Seefried. Stiihr.

NORTH HUNGARIAN MISSION. Treas., Mrs. Auguste Wakeham.

Organized 1911. Advisory Committee: R. Schil-
linger, W. Herbert, Chr. Will-
Territory: The Hungarian coun- werth, Jovanovics, Vasziljevics.
ties of Abauj-Torna, Arva, Sabbath School and Missionary
Bereg, Borsod, Giimiir, Heves, Sec., M. Koch.
Hont, Lipt6, Marmaros, N6grad,
Saros, Szabolcs, Szatmdr, Sze- Field Miss. Sec., E. Braun.
pes, Ugocsa, Ung, Zempl6n, and MINISTERS.
OFFICERS. R. Schillinger, IV. Herbert, M.
Mission: Ludewig, A. Mocnik.
Director, Fr. Kessel. LICENTIATES.
Sec., J. Bethleni.
Treas., Mrs. Auguste Wakeham. M. Jeftity, P. Strechi.
Advisory Committee: Fr. Kes-
sel, S. Debreczenyi, N. Bodszien,
Sabbath School and Missionary
Sec., M. Koch. Organized 1911.
MINISTER. Territory: The Hungarian coun-
Fr. Kessel. ties of Baranya, Bars, Eszter-
gom, Feh6r, Gy6r, Komarom,
Moson, Nyitra, Pozsony, Som-
St. Kelemen. ogy, Sopron, Tolna, Trencsen,
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Turocz, Vas, Veszpr6m, and
J. Bethleni, J. Antal. Zala.


A. Schlottn,er, H. Holthus, B.
Holthus, K. Wellmann, S. Well- Director, F. A. Doerner.
mann, K. Hann, E. Kopke. Sec., W. Fiir16.
Treas., Mrs. Auguste Wakeham.
Advisory Committee: F. A.
Doerner, P. Wenzel, W. Fill-16.
Organized 1911. Sabbath School and Missionary
Sec., M. Koch.
Territory: The Kingdom of Ser-
via, and the Hungarian coun- MINISTERS.
ties of Bacs-Bodrog, Toronlal,
F. A. Doerner, J. Christoffers.
Temes, Krass6-Szoreny, Szer-
6m, Pozsega, and Verdcze. LICENTIATE.
OFFICERS. W. Fiirli.
Director, R. Schillinger.
Sec., M. Ludewig. E. Lovass.
Organized 1909.
Territory: The East German Un- EAST GERMAN UNION DIS-
ion District, East Prussian, TRICT.
Oder, Saxon, Silesian, Vistula,
and Warta Conferences, and the Organized 1909.
Galician Mission.
Office Address for East German Territory: Berlin, Charlottenburg,
Union Conference and all East Potsdam, Rixdorf, Schoneberg,
German Union Fields and Wilmersdorf, Lichtenberg, Bran-
Workers: Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- denburg, Spandau, District J
1in-Charl., 'Germany. erbogk-Luck enwalde, Teltow,,
OFFICERS. Zauch-Belzig, Niederbarnim, Je-
richow I and II, East and
Conference: West Haverland, and Stor-
Pres., H. F. Schuberth, Uhland- kow-Beeskow.
strasse 189, Berlin-Charl., Ger- Address: Uhlandstrasse 189, Ber-
many. lin-Charl., Germany.
Sec., R. Ruhling.
Treas., M. Thtimmel. OFFICERS.
Executive Committee: H. F.
Schuberth, F. Gutting, 0. Schwe- Conference:
necke, Dr. E. Meyer, J. Seefried, Pres., H. F. Schuberth.
C. Bruck, P. Drinhaus, A. 0.
Janert, F. Gruber. Sec., R. Riihling.
Legal Assn.: " Deutscher Verein Treas., M. Thtimmel.
Fur Gesundheitspflege." Pres., L. Executive Committee: H. F.
R. Conradi; Sec., Schuberth, W. Hoffman, J. Wint-
Treas., W. Krumm. zen, C. Beutin, W. Kattau.
Auditor, G. Woysch.
Union Book Depository: Tract Society:

Internationale Traktatgesell- Sec. and Treas., R. Riihling.
schaft, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Field Miss. Sec., C. Ostwald.
Manager, H. Hartkop. Sabbath School Dept.:
Union Miss. Sec., R. Riihling. Sec., R. Riihling.
Union Field Miss. Sec., H. Box.
Sabbath School Dept.: MINISTERS.
Sec., R. Riihling. w. Hoffman, J. Wintzen, M.
Medical Missionary Dept.: Schiirer, F. Hambrock.
Sec., Dr. E. Meyer. LICENTIATES.
Young People's Dept.: 0. Giebel, J. Salatzkat, W. Muller.

H. F. Schuberth. H. Junker, F. Kahlert, R. Flitting,

0. Bauscher, W. Ninow, E.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. JOger, H. Kobs, 0. Schuberth,
R. Riihling. A. Naumann, G. Reckziegel.


FERENCE. Sec. and Treas., R. Riihling.
Field Miss. Sec., P. Schwabe.
Organized 1903.
Territory: East Prussia. Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., R. Riihling.
Conference: MINISTERS.
Pres., 0. Schwenecke. J. Seefried, K. Kazemeck, H.
Sec., F. May. Glass.
Treas., M. Thummel.
Executive Committee: 0. LICENTIATES.
Schwenecke, G. Domnick, F. Ul- A. W. Milner, H. Schlichting.
dokat, G. Dobinski, J. Urgien.
Tract Society: M. Bellair, M. Gollasch, H.
Sec. and Treas., R. Riihling. Schmidt, R. Hille, 0. Parizig,
Field Miss. Sec., D. Urbechat. F. Selle.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., R. Ruhling.
0. Schwenecke, G. Domnick, F. Organized 1908.
Uldokat, F. Leplatoni, A. Ma- Territory: The Kingdom of Sax-
jewski. ony.
W. Tribbensee, H. Korsch, W. Conference:
Becker. Pres., P. Drinhaus.
F. Seidler, M. Budnick, A. Jab- Treas., M. Thiimmel.
lonowski, J. Browarzik. Executive Committee: P. Drin-
haus, G. Schiirer, J. F. Ott,
Queck Piwarz.


Sec. and Treas., R. Riihling.
Organized in 1901, as the East Field Miss. Sec., E. Loser.
German Conference.
Territory: Grand Duchies of Mec- Sabbath School Dept.:
klenburg-Schwerin and Stre- Sec., R. Riihling.
litz, government districts of MINISTERS.
Stettin and Stralsund of the
Prussian province of Pomera- P. Drinhaus, J. F. Ott, G. Freund,
nia; Ukermark and Priegnitz August Krautschick, E. Drin-
of the province of Brandenburg. haus, A. Hennig.
Conference: H. Jaster, W. Brinck, R. Dllu-
Pres., J. Seefried. michen, P. Neef, R. Grossmann,
Sec., H. Schlichting. J. Buzezinski, P. Horn.
Executive Committee: J. See-
fried, J. Ide, P. Fenner, B. A. Meyer, L. Natshinski, E.
Schmidt, H. Glass. Milner, W. von Oppen.


Organized 1907. Sec. and Treas., R. Riihling.
Field Miss. Sec., R. Volzke.
Territory: The Province of Si-
lesia. Sabbath School Dept.:
OFFICERS. Sec., R. Ruhling.
Conference: MINISTERS.
Pres., F. GOtting. A. 0. Janert, Andr. Krautschick,
Sec., . W. Schulz. A. Rebensburg.
Treas., M. Thtimmel.
Executive Committee: F. Got- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
ting, R. Schutz, T. Forster, B. F. Rohne, M. Krtiger, W. Thal-
Schonfeld, A. Irmler. mann, M. Schilling, E. Nattier.
Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., R. Ruhling.
Field Miss. Sec., J. Kanzok. WARTA CONFERENCE.
Sabbath School Dept.: Organized 1912.
Sec., R. Rtihling
Territory: Province of Posen and
MINISTERS. the government district of
F. Gotting, P. Stocker, R. Schutz, Frankfort on the Oder.
W. Schulz, E. Enseleit.
LICENTIATES. Conference:
G. Bartsch, H. Seidel, A. Wal- * Pres., C. Bruck.
ter, H. Dietrich. Sec., A. Siissmann.
Executive Committee: C. Bruck,
W. Bartsch, E. von Oppen, M. 0. Kapitz, 0. Krtiger, Chr. Schaf-
Rieger, F. Daniel, G. Wurzel, fer, F. Tschirschnitz.
M. Metz, St. Kapusta.
Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., R. Rahling.
Field Miss. Sec., H. Bigalke.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Organized 1911.
'Sec., R. Rithling.
Territory: The Province of WPC1f,
Prussia and the government MINISTERS.
district of Koslin. _ C. Bruck, 0. Kapitz, A. Liidtke,
Thr. Brzonson.
Conference: LICENTIATES.

Pres., A. 0. Janert. M. W. Zielinski, St. Zielinski,

Sec., W. Thalmann. H. Hufnagel, Dr. F. Bauke.
Treas., M. Thtimmel.
Executive Committee: A. 0. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Janert, Andreas Krautschick, R. R. Nickel, W. Kloss, A. Siissmann,
Volzke, F. BRA, W. Bahr. W. Hartsell, K. Bresan.

GALICIAN MISSION. Treas., M. Thilrnmel

Entered 1908. MINISTER.
F. Gruber.
Territory: Galicia and Bukowina.
OFFICERS. A. Weinert, J. Niedoba, A. Knit-
Mission: .. tel, V. Jacubowicz, J. Peter,
Director, F. Gruber. F. Dzik, K. Jelen, L. Rowlin.


Organized 1913; began its separate existence Jan. 1, 1914.
Territory: The Azof, Newa, and MINISTERS.
North Caucausian Conferences, K. A. Reifschneider, M. Demidow.
and the Middle Russian, Ural,
Volga, and White Sea Missions. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Address: Post Box 2, Postoffice M. Manschur, M. Grietz, J. Reimer.
Birsh a, " Excelsior," Saratov,
Pres., 0. E. Reinke. Organized 1912.
Sec. and Treas., A. Poltrock.
Executive Committee: 0. E. Territory: Esthonian-speaking Li-
Reinke, K. A. Reifschneider, J. vonia, Esthonia, Petrograd, Olo-
Sprohge, J. F. Ginter, J. Lwoff. nets, and Novgorod govern-
Auditor: ments.
Sabbath School and Miss. Sec. OFFICERS.
for all fields, A. Poltrock.
MINISTER. Pres., 0. E. Reinke.
0. E. Reinke. Sec.,
Treas., A. Poltrock.
Executive Committee: 0. E.
AZOF CONFERENCE. Reinke, K. Hahn, S. Jefimow, K.
Organized 1912.
Territory: The governments of K. Hahn, S. Jefimow, L. Nikkar.
Yekaterinoslaf, Taurien, Khar-
kov, and that part of, the Don LICENTIATES.
between the Don and Donetz.
J. Raukas, H. Kristal.
Pres., K. A. Reifschneider. A. Klement, M. Barengrub, G.
Sec., M. Demidow. Ruddi, G. Netewitsch, K. Schne-
Treas., A. Poltrock. berg.
Executive Committee: K. A.
Reifschneider, M. Demidow, W. MISSIONARY NURSE.
Schelesnikow, J. Schwanaberger. K. Rullis.


FERENCE. Dating from Jan. 1, 1911.
Organized 1901 as South Russian Territory: The governments of
Conference; reorganized 1912. Samara, Orenburg, Ufa, Kazan,
Territory: Governments of Ku- Vjatka, and Perm.
ban, Dagestan, Black Sea,
Stavropol, and Terek. OFFICERS.
OFFICERS. Director, J. F. Ginter.
Conference: Sec., Theodore Wagele.
Treas., A. Poltrock.
Pres., J. Sprohge. Advisory Committee: J. F. Gin-
Sec., Paul Swiridow. ter, 0. E. Reinke, Jakob Wuckert.
Treas., A. Poltrock.
Executive Committee: J. MINISTERS.
Sprohge, F. Koch, W. Swiridow, G. Hetze, H. Schmitz, F. Gaidi-
7. Lukasch, 0. Maus. schar.
J. Sprohge, F. Koch, G. Grigorjew. T. Wiigele.
T. Kiktew, W. Swiridow. F. Bitsch.

Dating from Jan. 1, 1911.
Organized 1907.
Territory: The Region of the
Territory: The governments of Don (exclusive of that portion
Yaroslaf, Kaluga, Mogilef, Mos- between the Don and the Don-
cow, Orel, Penza, Riazan, Smo- Az), and the governments of
lensk, Tambov, Tula, Tver, Saratov, Astrakhan, and Sim-
Vladimir, Voronezh. birsk.
Mission: Mission:
Director, J. F. Ginter.
Director, J. Lwoff. Treas., A. Poltrock.
Sec., Advisory Committee: J. F. Gin-
Treas., A. Poltrock. ter, G. Hetze, K. Schamkow, G.
Advisory Committee: J. Lwoff, Schwab.
M. Pachla.
J. F. Ginter, K. Schamkow, H.
J. Lwoff, J. Pachla. Ostwald.
J. Nenilin. J. Schonemann.
Hermine Pitroff, E. Spruhde. S. Nadtotschy.


Director, J. Lwoff.
Dating from Jan. 1, 1912. Sec. and Treas., A. Poltrock.
Advisory Committee: East Rus-
Territory: Governments of Arch- sian Union Committee.
angel, Wologda, H. Novgorod, MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
Kostroma, and Kazan. G. Kuksow.


Organized rgoz.

Territory: The Leman and French MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.

Conferences; the Latin Union J. Bourquin.
District; and the Spanish, Ital-
ian, Northern France, and Por- MISSIONARY NURSES.
tuguese Missions. J. Schlegel, H. Cachemaille, C.
General Office: Paris, France. 13erthezene.
(All workers in the various Lat-
in Union Fields, whose addres-
ses are not given, may be FRENCH CONFERENCE.
reached through the following
address: La Ligniere, Gland, Organized 1907.
Ct. Vaud, Switzerland.)
Territory: Southern France.
OFFICERS. Office: La Ligniere, Gland (Ct.
Conference: Vaud), Switzerland.
Pres., L. P. Tieche. OFFICERS.
Sec., A. Vaucher. Conference:
Treas., Max Haas, Gland,. Ct.
Vaud, Switzerland. Pres., L. P. Tieche.
Executive Committee: L. P. Sec., L. A. Mathy.
Tieche, H. H. Dexter, Joseph Treas., Max Haas, Gland, Ct.
Curdy, J. Robert, Paul Steiner, Vaud, Switzerland.
P. A. DeForest, L. Zecchetto, Tell Executive Committee: L. P.
Nussbaum, E. Bork. Tieche, J. P. Gourguet, S. Ber-
nard, L. Bouzanquet.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., Max Haas. Sabbath School Dept.:
MINISTER. Sec., Max Haas.
L. 1'. Tieche, Gland, Switzerland. MINISTER.
J. P. Badaut.


E. Fawer, L. A. Mathy, M. Raspal,
Territory: Department of Seine, Alb. Guyot.
Jules Rey. Georgette Ferciot.


Organized 1884. Organized 1903.
Territory: The French-speaking Territory: Italy.
parts of Switzerland, with the
following territory in France: MINISTER..
Le Doubs, - le Jura, 1'Ain, la Sa- 1. Zecchetto, Casella Postale 218,
voie, la Haute-Savoie, and Bel- Florence, Italy.
Office: La Lignidre, Gland (Ct.
Vaud), Switzerland. L. Benezet, Elie Bertalot.
Conference: F. Cupertino, L. Lippolis, G. Sab-
Pres., II. H. Dexter. atino.
Sec., A. Vaucher.
Treas., Max Haas.
Executive Committee: H. H.
Dexter, Pierre Schild, Alcide Gue- PORTUGUESE MISSION.
nin, Ulysse Augsbourger, Paul Organized 1904.
Territory: Portugal.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., Marie Hanhardt. Paul Meyer, Rua Citade de Man-
MINISTERS. chester 10-40D., Lisbon, Portu-
Paul Steiner, H. H. Dexter,
A. F. Raposo, Alb. Figueiredo.
Henri Provin, Oscar Meyer. D. Iao de Sfi, Rosalie Pires.
Lecoultre, A. Vaucher.
Marie Hanhardt, Vital Monnier, SPANISH MISSION.
Alb. Meyer, Maur. Tieche, Paul Organized 1903.
Territory: Spain.
Established 1908. Field Miss. Sec., H. A. Robinson.
Territory: Northern France, ex-
cept Department of Seine. MINISTER.
F.rn /11( Bond, Apartado 492, Bar-
itniasTims. ' celona, Spain.
Tell Nussbaum, Joseph Curdy.
7. Monnier. Vie. Garcia, Vie. Ferrandiz, Day.
I .adenas.
E. Valat. Ang. Sanguesa, Maria Badenas.
Organized :goi.

Territory: The conferences of Is nd, and Oland, which belong

West Norway, North Norway. to the South Swedish Confer-
Central Sweden, South Sweden, ence.
East Denmark, West Denmark. Office: a ;Ida K ungsh oh!: sbroga-
and Finland; the North Swedish tan 38, Stockholm, Sweden.
and Icelandic Missions, and the (All persons named below may
Faroe Islands. he addressed as above.)
Cable Address: " Expedit," Copen-
hagen. OFFICERS.
Office: Margrethevej 5, Copenha- Conference:
gen, V., Denmark. Pres., L. Muderspach.
(Workers in this field whose ad- Sec., Seth Lunclstrom.
dresses are omitted, can be Treas., Teckla Rosenholm.
reached through the Union of- Executive Committee: L. Mu-
fice address.) derspach, 0. Johnson, Emil Lind,
Karl Mattsson, Ch. Kahlstram.
Auditors, Jens Olsen, Vaid.
Conference: Johansson.
Pres., J. C. Raft. Legal Assn.: " Sallskapet San-
Sec., Erik Arnesen, Skodsborg, ningens Harold." Pres., E. Lind;
Denmark. Vice-Pres., 0. Nelson; Sec., Karl
Treas., Chr. Pedersen. Mattsson. Other members: A. J.
Executive Committee: J. C. Settergren, 0: Johnson, Ch. Kahl-
Raft, N. C. Bergersen, A. G. stram7A. F. Blomkvist.
Christiansen, L. Muderspach, C. Advising Members: J. C. Raft,
0. Carlsson, N. P. Nelson, Emil L. Muderspach, E. Rosenwold.
Lind, 0. J. 0. Mist, 0. Nelson,
Chr. Tohiassen, E. Rosenwold, Tract Society:
Olaf J. Olsen, Jens Olsen, Erik Sec. and Treas., J. Wallen-
Arnesen. kampf.
Auditors, A. C. Christensen, Chr. Field Miss. Sec., K. A. Ek-
Hansen. eroth.
MINISTER. Sabbath School Dept.:
J. C. Raft. Sec., J. Wallenkampf.


Sec., J. Wallenkampf.
Emanuel Christiansen, J. J. Hok-
L. Muderspach, J. N5Vallenkampf.
CENTRAL SWEDEN CON- Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
FERENCE. 0. Johnson, Emil Ahrdn, K. A.
Organized 1882. Farnstrom, A. J. Settergren.
Territory: Sweden, except Norr-
botten, Vasterbotten, Vaster- S. Lundstram, Carl Young, N.
norrland, Jamtland, and a part Zerne, P. Ljungberg.
of Gafieborgs Lan, which are MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
included in the North Swedish Nanna Rudholm, Maria Larsson,
Mission; and also excluding Hulda Eriksson, Kristina Eriks-
Skane, Halland, Blekinge, Sma- son.


ENCE. Organized 1887.
Organization effective Jan. 1, 1917.
Territory: All of Norway, not in-
(Formerly Scandinavian Union cluded in the territory of the
District.) West Norwegian and North Nor-
wegian Conferences.
Territory: The islands of Zealand, Cable Address: " Sundhedsbladet,"
Lolland, Falster, and Bornholf; Christiania.
together with all- the smaller is- Office: Akersgaten 74, Christiania,
lands east of the Great Belt. Norway.
Cable Address: " Expedit," Copen- (All persons named below may
hagen. be addressed as above.)
Office: Margrethevej 5, Copenha- OFFICERS.
gen, V., Denmark. Conference:
(All persons named below may be Pies., Chr. Tobiassen.
addressed as above.) Sec., C. B. Jensen.
OFFICERS. Treas., Jens Olsen.
Conference: Executive Committee: Chr. To-
biassen, A. 0. Ntirum, C. B. Jen-
Pres., J. C. Raft. sen, C. J. J. Holman, H. J. Hansen.
Sec., Erik Arnesen, Skodsborg, Auditors: A. C. Christensen,
Denmark. Elias Bjaanas.
Treas., H. L. Henriksen, Jr. Auditing Committee: 0. Schau,
Executive Committee: J. C. S. A. Rasmussen, John Lorntz, A.
Raft, M. M. Olsen, Dr. N. P. Nel- 0. Halvorsen.
son, Erik Arnesen, L. Baunsgaard.
Auditing Committee: C. C. Han- Tract Society:
sen, Sr., Vilh. Jorgensen, Laurits Sec. and Treas., Elias BjaanOs.
Poulsen, Ben. Jensen, Dr. A. An- Field Miss. Sec., Elias Biaanits"!
Sabbath School Dept.:
Tract Society: Sec., Othilie Rygh.
Sec., H. L. Henriksen, Jr. Young People's Dept.:
Field Miss. Sec., A. G. Sand-
heck. Sec.,- Elias Bjaaniis.
Sabbath School Dept.: MINISTERS.
Sec., H. L. Henriksen, Jr. Chr. Tobiassen, A. 0. Niirum.
Young People's Dept.: Honorary Licentiate.
Sec., Chr. Respn, 0 P. Norderhus.
M. M. Olsen, P. Christensen, J. P. Hanna Holth, Hildur Ringvold,
U. Jensen, L. J. Kirkelykke. Mathilde Larsen, Christine Dahl.

R. P. Regel, Chr. Resell, 0. T. Hel- FINLAND CONFERENCE.
Organized 1909.
Robert Jensen, Gudrun Smitt, Ida Office: Ostra Teatergrlinden 3,
Andersen. Helsingfors, Finland.

Conference: N. C. Bergersen, L. J. Stene.
Sec., V. Kohtanen. Marius Ekeberg, A. Tillgren, Ida
Treas., N. Hammar. Hansen, Klara Bobak.
Executive Committee: C. 0.
Carlsson, N. Hammar, 0. Hoglund,
K. J. Sysimetsa, Mrs. Julia SOUTH SWEDEN CONFER-
Sucksdorff. ENCE.
MINISTERS. Organization effective Jan. 1, 1917.
C. 0. Carlsson, H. Mikkonen. Territory: The southern part of
the kingdom of Sweden, includ-
LICENTIATES. ing the provinces of Skfine, Hal-
N. Savander, A. Rintala, V. Koh- land,_ Blekinge, and Smaland;
tanen. also Oland.
Office: Gamla Kungsholmsbroga-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. tan 38, Stockholm, Sweden.
0. Rautelin, Agnes Wickholm, K. OFFICERS.
Soisalo, Rikku Puranen, Kir- Conference:
sti erundshilm.
Pres., 0. Nelson.
Sec., 0. Angervo.
Treas., Teckla Rosenhohn.
NORTH NORWAY CONFER- Executive Committee: 0. Nel-
ENCE. son, 0. Angervo, Birger Anders-
son, Wald. Andersson, P. Johans-
Organization effective Jan. 1, 1917. son.
Territory: The five northernmost Tract Society:
amts of Norway. Sec., 0. Angervo.
Office: Akersgaten 74, Christiania, Field Miss. Sec., K. A. Ekeroth.
(All persons below may be ad- Sabbath School Dept.:
dressed as above.) Sec., 0. Angervo.
Conference: 0. Nelson.
Pres., N. C. Bergersen. LICENTIATE.
Sec., Marius Ekeberg. 0. Angervo.
Treas., Jens Olsen.
Executive Committee: N. C. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Bergersen, L. J. Stene, Marius Gosta Hermansson, Ellen Swells-
Ekeberg, Ole VoWs, P. Pedersen. son, Emmy Larsson.
Tract Society:
Sabbath School Dept.: Organization effective Jan. 1, 1917.
Sec., L. J. Stene. Territory: Jutland and Ffinen
(Fyen), and all the islands west
Young People's Dept.: of the Great Belt, including
See., L. J. Stene. Langeland, Samso, etc.

Cable Address: Expedit," Copen- OFFICERS.

hagen. Conference:
Office: Margrethevej 5, Copenha- Pres., 0. J. 0. Ittist.
gen, V., Denmark. Sec., L. Sitbee-Larssen.
OFFICERS. Treas., Jens Olsen.
Conference: Executive Committee: 0., J. 0.
Pres., A. G. Christiansen. Mist, Enok Endresen, 0. Peder-
sen, G. Norby, L. M. Glenjen.
Sec. and Treas., Chr. Pedersen. Auditors: A. C. Christensen,
Executive Committee: A. G. Elias Bjaaniis.
Christiansen, L. P. Hansen, S. M. Auditing Committee: Hjalmar
Ildsgaard, P. A. Hansen, N. C. Sivertsen, S. H. Myklebust, 0. R.
Stirensen. Jordahl, N. Maland.
Auditors: Anton Christensen,
Jens Svendsen. Tract Society:
Auditing Committee: P. Nor- Sec. and Treas., A. Wasli.
reen, II. Skov, Chr. Engelbrecht- Field Miss. Sec., Elias Bjaaniis.
sen, Chr. Lund, A. Holm.
'Sabbath School Dept.:
Tract Society:
Sec., Othilie
Sec. and Treas., Chr. Pedersen.
Field Miss. Sec., A. G. Sand- Young People's Dept.:
Sec. and Treas., A. Wasli.
Sabbath School Dept.: MINISTERS.
Sec., Chr. Pedersen. 0. J. 0. Rost, J. M. Orn-Niirem, A.
Young People's Dept.:
Sec., A. Guldhamrner.
L. Saboe-Larssen.
A. G. Christiansen, N. P. Hansen.
Hilda Andal, Randi Andersen, Ni-
Julius Bennedbeck.
Stiren Andersen, A. Guldhammer,
Marie Jensen. Territory: Iceland, Greenland, and
the Faroe islands.
Address: Hverfisgiitu 30 B, Rey-
Organized 1912. OFFICERS.
Territory: Western part of Nor- Mission:
way, south of Hitteren, follow- Director, Olaf J. Olsen.
ing political line of division Local Committee: Olaf J. Olsen,
southward, down the Topdal Bjorn Jonsson, Halldor Signi,ds-
River, and to the sea just east son.
of the city of Lillesand. Sec. and Treas., G. Hjartai sun.
Office: Akersgaten 74, Christiania, Field Miss. Sec., Nils Anders-
Norway. son.

MINISTER. land, Jam tland, and part of

Olaf J. Olsen. Gafleborgs Lan.
Nils Andersson, Emanuel Chris- Mission:
Supt., E. Rosenwold.
Pjetur Sigurdsson. MINISTER.
E. Rosenwold, Gamla Kungs-
NORTH SWEDISH MISSION. holmsbrogatan 38, Stockholm,
Organized 1909. _
Territory: Counties of Norrbot-
ten, Vasteitotten, Vasternorr- Carl J. Gidlund, Axeline Mattsson.


Organized rpog.
Territory: The West German Un- Tract Society:
ion District, Elbian, Hessian, Sec. and Treas. for all West
Lower Rhenish, North German, German fields not otherwise pro-
Upper Rhenish, Thuringian, and vided for, Fr. Backer.
Westphalian Conferences; and
the Belgian and Holland Mis- Sabbath School Dept.:
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Sec. for all West German fields
" Advent," Hamburg. not otherwise provided for, Fr.
Office Address for West German
Union Conference and all West MINISTER.
German Union fields and work- J. G. Obliinder.
ers: Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg,
Fr. Backer.
Pres, J. G. Oblander. WEST GERMAN UNION
See., Fr. Backer. DISTRICT.
Treas., Anna Obst.
Asst. Treas., Ella. Ludewig. Organized 1909.
Auditor, G. Woysch.
Territory: Hamburg, and province
Executive Committee: J. G. of Schleswig-Holstein; Lubeck.
Obliinder, L. Mathe, R. G. Kling-
beil, E. Bahr, K. Sinz, W. Prill- OFFICERS.
witz, M. H. Wentland, J. Wib- Conference:
bens, G. Perk, H. Behr, H. Hart- Pres., J. G. ()blander.
kop, W. Krumm. 'Sec., Fr. Backer.
Legal Assn.: "Hamburger Ve- Treas., Anna Obst.
rein der Siebenten-Tags-Adven- Executive Committee: J. G.
tisten." Pres., L. R. Conradi; Oblander, P. Zahl, H. Hartkop, W.
Sec. and Treas., H. Hartkop. Krumm, V. Dfinkel.


Sec. and Treas., Fr. Backer, Organized 1912.
Field Miss. Sec., Wm. Knitter.
Territory: Hesse-Nassau, Upper
MINISTERS. Hesse, principality of Wal-
P. Zahl, H. Feddersen, Aug. Beh- deck, and district of Wetzlar.
LICENTIATES. Conference:
A. Grabig, Aug. Bremer, H. Hinz, Pres., M. H. Wentland.
Cl. v. Fintel, Albert Pioch, Aug. Sec., R. Rall.
Kruse, A. Severin, F. Kroll, H. Treas., Ella Ludewig.
Klages, Martha Bong. Executive Committee: M. H.
Wentland, R. Miller, J. Streib, S.
H6mann, C. Wenzel.


Sec. and Treas., Fr. Backer.
Organized 1916. Field Miss. Sec., A. Lanz.
Territory: Administrative district
of Gdttingen, duchies of Anhalt Sabbath School Dept.:
and Brunswick; and the dis- Sec., Fr.. Bucker.
tricts of Bitterfeld, Delitzsch,
Halle, Liebenwerde, Mansfeld I MINISTERS.
and II, Saale, Schweidnitz, Tor- M. H. Wentland, R. Willer, R.
gam, and Wittenberg; the ad- Rall.
ministrative districts of Merse- LICENTIATES.
burg and Magdeburg (excepting
Jerichow I and II). P. Thurm, P. Lux.
Conference: K. Adolf, Sr., W. Geissel, H. Ftih-
Pres., W. Prillwitz. ren, H. Beck, K. Adolf, Jr., H.
Sec., W. Scholz. Struve, R. Rieger.
Treas., Anna Obst.
Executive Committee: W. Frill-
witz, H. Langenstrassen, M. Ul- LOWER RHENISH CONFER-
rich, L. Winkel, H. Hartmann. ENCE.
Tract Society: Organized 1911.
Sec., Fr. Backer. Territory: Lower Rhineland.
Field Miss. Sec., H. Hartmann.
Sabbath School Dept.: Conference:
Sec., Fr. Backer. Pres., L. Mathe.
Sec., 0. Carstens.
MINISTERS. Treas., Ella Ludewig.
W. Prillwitz, W. Scholz, A. Executive Committee: L. Mathe,
Schmitt, 0. Kelle. F. DOrner, R. Halenz, P. Drinhaus,
F. Ernst.
Wilh. Althoff, Hans Weinant, R. Tract Society:
Fischer, H. Peters, M. Rolecke, See. and Treas., Fr. Backer.
F. Prillwitz. Field Miss. Sec., G. Dinse.

Sabbath School Dept.: UPPER RHENISH CONFER-

Sec., Fr. Backer. ENCE.
MINISTERS. Organized 1911.
Mathe, F. Gassmann, G. Bahre,
K. Jonuleit, 0. Carstens. Territory: Upper Rhineland and
Oldenburg-Birkenfeld, and the
LICENTIATES. grand duchy of Luxemburg.
A. Schramke, IL Brinkmann, A. OFFICERS.
Thomas. Conference:
W. Friese, M. Raddatz. Sec., W. John.
Treas., Ella Ludewig.
Executive Committee: K. Sinz,
A. Mattern, Aug. Mathiessen, K.
Tract Society:
Organized 1907. Sec. and Treas., Fr. Backer.
Field Miss. Sec., P. Schornstein.
Territory: Province of Hanover
(except the southern part, with Sabbath School Dept.:
Gottingen), Oldenburg, Bremen, Sec., Fr. Backer.
Ostfriesland, Schaumburg-Lippe,
and the district of Rinteln. MINISTERS.
OFFICERS. K. Sinz, Joseph Braun, W. KiiBing,
Conference: W. John.

Pres., E. Bahr. LICENTIATES.

Sec., F. Hilmer. P. Lantzrath, P. Gide.
Treas., Anna Obst.
Executive Committee: E. Bahr, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
B. Kohlhaus, Sr., C. Hooke, H. P. Kress, M. Szadkowsky, L. Pas-
Schwagermann. cheburg.
Tract Society:
Sec. and Trews., Fr. Backer.
Field Miss. Sec., Aug. Koll- Organized 1916.
hosser. Territory: Thuringian States, art-
Sabbath School Dept.: ministrative district of Erfurt,
' the districts of Eckartsberga,
See., Fr. Backer. Zeitz, town and land; Weissen-
feld I and II, Naumburg, Quer-
. MINISTERS. ,furt, Sangerhausen, and Merse-
E. Bahr, W. Varlemann, P. Stan- burg from the district of Mersa-
bert, W. Schick, C. H. Johnsen, burg.
F. Weinemann.
LICENTIATES. Conference:
P. Waak, C. H. Zimmermann, T. Pres., G. Perk.
Kobele. Sec., Max Wevers.
Treas., E. Ludewig.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Executive Committee: G. Perk,
A. Oestereich, F. Hilmer, E. &Mitt, A. Mailer, A. Lusky, H. Balschmie-
C. Mansfeld. ter, A. Vogt.


Sec., Fr. Backer. Organized 1903.
Field Miss. Sec., H. Hartmann.
Territory: Belgium.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., Fr. Backer. Mission:
MINISTERS. Director, R. G. Klinglien.
Sec., J. L. Loots.
G. Perk, A. Mailer, A. Woysch, Treas., Anna Obst.
Max Wevers. Advisory Committee: R. G.
Klingbeil, J. H. Weidner, Th.
A. Sommer. Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., Fr. Backer.


Sec., Fr. Backer.
Organized 1898 as the West Ger- MINISTERS.
man Conference. R. G. Klingbeil, J. H. Weidner,
J. L. Loots.
Territory: The Province of West-
phalia, grand duchy of Lippe- LICENTIATES.
Detmold, and principality of Fr. Jochmans, E. Lecoultre.
Pres., H. Behr. Organized 1901.
Sec., C. Dangschat. Territory: Holland.
Treas., Anna Obst.
Executive Committee: H. Behr, OFFICERS.
C. Dangschat, A. Lammel, E. Man- Mission:
nesmann, Fr. Rutorf. Director, J. Wibbens.
Tract Society: Sec., P. Voorthuis, Jr.
Treas., Anna Obst.
Sec. and Treas., Fr. Backer. Advisory Committee: J. Wib-
Field Miss. Sec., F. Reinicke. bens, P. Schilstra, Chr. Wester-
daal, A. Postema, J. Toben.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., Fr. Backer.
Sec., Fr. Backer.
H. Behr, 0. Schwenecke, C. Dangs- J. Wibbens, P. Schilstra, P. Meijer,
chat, H. Pbtschke, E. Nopper. P. Voorthuis, Jr.
Fr. Rischmillier. T. J. L. Wortman, W. van Eijse-
ren, H. Twijnstra.
Becker, H. Limpert, G. Fisch- MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
dick. H. van der Hoeven.
Reorganized 1913; began its separate existence Jan. I, 1914.

Territory: The Baltic, Duena, and DIIENA CONFERENCE.

Little Russian Conferences; and
the Black Sea, Polish, and West Organized Jan. 1, 1914.
Russian Missions.
Territory: The districts of Riga,
Address: Post box 2, Post Office Wenden, Walk, Wolmar in the
Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratov, government of Livonia; the
Russia. governments of Vitebsk and
Conference: Address: Post box 2, Post Office
Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratov,
Pres., J. T. Bottcher, Takoma Russia.
Park. Station, Washington, D. C.
Sec. and Treas., L. Wojtkie- OFFICERS.
Executive Committee: J. T. Conference:
Watcher, D. Isaak, H. J. Loeb- Pres., D. Isaak.
sack, J. Schneider, Paul Swiridow. Sec.,
Auditors, Treas., L. Wojtkiewicz.
Sabbath School and Missionary Executive Committee: D. Isaak,
Sec. for all fields, L. Wojtkie- J. Wilson, K. Sutta, J. Dreymann.
J. T. Bfittcher. D. Isaak, J. Wilson.
BALTIC CONFERENCE. J. Preekun, A. Eglit, P. Purmal,
Organized 1907, at Riga, the, organ- Margaretha Thiessen, Mathilde
Stein, Olga Saalman, J. Stepps.
ization effective Jan. 1, 1908.
Territory: Governments of Kur-
land, Kovno, Suvalki.
Address: Post box 2, Post Office LITTLE RUSSIAN CONFER-
Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratov, ENCE.
Organized 1912.
Conference: Territory: The governments of
Pres., J. Schneider. Kiev, Poltava, Cernigov, and
Sec., J. Drikis. Kursk.
Treas., L. Wojtkiewicz. Address: Post box 2, Post Office
Executive Committee: J. Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratov,
Schneider, J. Drikis, J. Gaisch, Russia.
MINISTER. Conference:
J. Schneider. Pres., H. J. Lobsack.
Treas., L. Wojtkiewicz.
J. Drikis, J. Birsin, Anton Eglit, Executive Committee: H. J.
A. Sommer, A. Sprohge. Lobsack, A. E. Gontar, B. Marzian.


H. J. Liffisack, A. E. Gontar, S.
Pro wolowsky. Organized 1912.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Territory: The governments of
Lomza, Plotsk, Warsaw, Kalish,
C. Chmalewsky, B. Purmal, K. Petrokov, Kielce, Siedlez, Holm,
Benner. Radom, and Lublin.
Separated from the South Russian Director, T. Will.
and Little Russian Missions Sec., A. Geisler.
Jan. 1, 1912.
Treas., L. Wojtkiewicz.
Territory: Governments of Cher- Advisory Committee: Th. Will,
son, Bessarabia, and Podolia. -A: Geisler.
Address: Post box 2, Postoffice
Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratov, MINISTER.
Russia. Th. Will.
Director, P. Swiridow. A. Geisler, E. Budewitz.
Treas., L. Wojtkiewicz.
Advisory Committee: P. Swiri- WEST RUSSIAN MISSION.
dow, J. Albrecht, J. Gorillick.
Dating from Jan. 1, 1908.
Territory: Volhynia, Grodno,
P. Swiridow, J. Pilkewitsch. Minsk, and Vilna.
LICENTIATE.. Address: Post box 2, Postoffice
J. Goa.lick. Birsha, " Excelsior," Saratov,
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Now a part of the Little Russian
J. Albrecht, E. Rosenbriick. Conference.


Territory: The following Missions, Note: On account of unsettled con-
comprising all of Africa (ex- ditions in teyritory covered by
cept the South African Union, these missions, with no late re-
Rhodesia, and British Central ports, the names remain un-
Africa), and the surrounding changed.
islands, Syria, Mesopotamia,
Arabia, Persia, Afghanistan,
Turkestan, Siberia, and Trans- ABYSSINIAN MISSION.
Caucasia, are operated under the
direction of the Mission Board Opened 1907.
(Executive Committee) of the Territory: Italian Colony of Eri-
European Division Conference,
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- trea, Abyssinia, British and
many. Italian Somaliland.

Address: Asniara, Eritrea, Poste BRITISH EAST AFRICAN

Restante (via Brindisi, Italy), MISSION.
East Africa.
Director: Hans Steiner. Organized 1912 (Entered 1906).
Minister: Hans Steiner.
Licentiate: Emery Lorntz. Territory: British East Africa.
Head Station: Gendia, Kisumu,
British East Africa.
Second Station: Wire Hill, Kis-
Separated from Levant Union Third Station: Karungu, Kisumu.
Fourth Station: Rusinga, Kisumu.
in 1912. Fifth Station: Kisi, Kisumu.
Territory: Syria (excepting Vil- Sixth Station: Kaniadodo, Kis-
layet Aleppo), Mesopotamia, umu.
and Arabia. Seventh Station: Kamagambo,
Local Committee: H. Erzbergei Kisumu.
(Director), L. Krug (See:), OFFICERS.
Shukry Noufel.
Director: A. A. Carscallen.
H. Erzberger, Deutsche Post, Je-
rusalem, Syria. Sec., B. L. Morse.
Advisory Committee: A. A.
Carscallen, B. L. Morse.
L. Krug, Deutsche Post, Jerusa-
lem, Palestine, Syria. - MINISTERS.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. A. A. Carscallen, B. L. Morse.
Magda Skodso, Ibraham al Khalil.
L. Lane, A. Watson.
Dating from Jan. 1, 1914. E. B. Phillips, H. Sparks, D. E.
Territory: The Amur and Coast Delhove, Alfred Matter.
Director, H. G6bel.
Dating from Jan. 1, 1911.
H. Gobel. Territory: The governments of
Yeniseisk, Irkutsk, the prov-
LICENTIATE. inces of Transbaikalia, Ya-
1. Gaidischar. kutsk.
A. Kalaschnikow, J. Pjetuchow.
Director, Epifan Gnildjin.
Advisory Committee: Epifan
CANARY ISLANDS MISSION. Gnadjin, Alex. Sittnikow.
Opened 1911. MINISTER.
Address: La Laguna, Teneriffe, E. Gnildjin.
Canary Islands.
Missionary Licentiate: B. B. Ald- MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
rich. Alex. Sittnikow.

GERMAN EAST AFRICAN Fourth Station: Shirati, German

MISSION. East Africa.
District Ushashi: District Supt.,
Established 1903. J. Persson, Busegwe.
Territory: German East Africa. Head Station: Busegwe, Post Mu-
soma., German East Africa.
OFFICERS. Second Station: Ikizu, Post Mu-
Supt. Victoria Field, B. Ohme, soma, German East Africa.
Majita, Post Musoma, Victoria Third Station: Utimbaru, Post
Nyanza, German East Africa. Shirati, German East Africa.
Supt. Pare Field, E. Kotz, Ki- Fourth Station: Sizaki, Post Mu-
hurio, Post Buiko, via Tanga, soma, German East Africa.
German East Africa.
District Usukuma: District Supt.,
R. Lusky, Ntusu.
I. SOUTH PARE MISSION Head Station: Ntusu, Post Mu
soma, German East Africa.
Second Station: Itilima, Post Mu-
Local Committee: E. Kotz, H. soma, German East Africa.
Drangmeister, M. Ponig, M. Third Station: Kanadi, Post Mu-
Kunze (Sec.). soma, German East Africa.
Head. Station: Kihurio, Post Fourth Station: Mwagala, Post
Buiko, via Tanga, German East Musoma, German East Africa.
Second Station: Friedenstal, Post MINISTERS.
Buiko, via Tanga, German East
Africa. B. Ohme, J. Persson, R. Lusky,
Third Station: Vuasu, Post Bui- W. Rolling.
ko, via Tanga, German East LICENTIATES.
Fourth Station: Vunta, Post Bui- K. Kaltenhiiuser, F. W. Vasenius,
ko, via Tanga, German East 0. Wallath, F. Winter, E. Dom-
Africa. inick, V, Toppenberg, R. Stein.
W. Seiler, F. Bornath.
E. Kotz, H. Drangmeister, M. Po- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
nig. B. Schurich, L. Aberle, L. Barho,
M. Kunze, Mrs. A. C. Enns.
Organized December, 1913.
Local Committee. B. Ohme, J.
Persson, W. K011ing, R. Lusky, Territory: Gold Coast, West Af-
F. W. Vasenius, K. Kalten- rica.
hauser, F. Winter (Sec.). Address: Coomassie, via Seccon
District Majita: District Supt., dee, Gold Coast, West Africa.
B. Ohme, Majita.
Head Station: Majita, Post Mu- OFFICERS.
soma, German East Africa.
Second Station: Iramba, Post Director: W. H. Lewis.
Shirati, German East Africa.
Third Station: Nyabangi, Post MINISTER.
Musoma, German East Africa. W. H. Lewis.

,1. A. B. Davies. MISSION.
J. W. Garbrah.
Territory: Island of Madagascar
and the surrounding islands.
Separated from Turkish Mission Paul Badaut, Rose Hill, rue de
in 1910. la Renie 42, Mauritius, Indian
Territory: Greece.
LICENTIATE. Br. Moikeenah.
Fr. Scior.


Organized 1910. Organized December, 1913.
Territory: Turkish Empire, ex- Territory: Nigeria, West Af-
cepting Arabic-Syrian Mission. rica.
Address: Ottoman Post, Box 109, Director: D. C. Babcock, Lalu-
Galata, Constantinople, Turkey. pou, via Lagos, Nigeria, West
Committee: E. E. Frauchiger, MINISTERS.
A. M. Buzugheri, P. Bridde. D. C. Babcock, R. P. Dauphin.
Director, E. E. Frauchiger.
Treas., A. Kiissner, Grindelberg LICENTIATE.
15a, Hamburg, Germany. S. Morgue.
Sec. and Asst. Treas., P. Bridde.
E. E. Frauchiger, A. M. Buzugheri.. Entered 1905.
LICENTIATE. Territory: Algeria and Tunis.
A. J. Girou.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. C. Guenin, 7 rue Station Sani-
0. Pereni, D. Keanides, P. Bridde, taire, Algers, Algeria.
0. Hadjadouri, A. Veziriades.
W. E. Hancock, Jose Abella.
Dating from Jan. 1, 1914. R. T. E. Colthurst.
Territory: Lower Egypt.
Director: W. C. Ising. PERSIAN MISSION.
MINISTER. Entered 1911.
W. C. Ising.
Territory: Persia and Afghanis-
0. Bezirdjian, Tigran Fakarian. Office Address: Grindelberg 15a,
Wilhelmina Hamburg, Germany.


0. Staubert, Poste restante, Ta- A. Witlin W. Dymann, G. Gas-
briz, Persia. arjan, 'W. Slawnow, W. Ist-
jagin, W. Sulawa, J. P. Schit-
F. F. Oster, Tabriz, Persia.
Dating from Jan. 1, 1911.
SIERRA LEONE MISSION. . Territory: The provinces of Fer-
Organized 1913. ghana, Samarkand, Syr- Dania;
the Transcaspian territories;
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Water- and the vassal states of Khiva
loo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. and Bokhara.
Mission: Mission:
Director, R. S. Greaves. Director, B. Schmidt.
Advisory Committee: R. S. Advisory Committee: B.
Greaves, E. W. Myers, W. H. Schmidt, D. P. Bertram, Ph. Trip-
Lewis, J. E. Hartley, J. A. pel.
B. Schmidt.
R. S. Greaves.
E. W. Myers, I. W. Harding, Dating from Jan. 1, 1914.
Thos. Baker. Territory: Upper Egypt and
Egyptian Sudan.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Address: Asyut, Upper Egypt.
H. E. Lynch, D. B. Thomas, B. Director: George Keough.
W. Davies, D. E. Smart, S. V.
Davies, Geo. Williams, Jos. MINISTER.
Palmer, Henry Wilson. George Keough.
TRANS-CAUCASIAN MISSION. S. Farag, Bulos Abdul Messiah.
Separated from Caucasian Con-
ference in 1912.
Territory: The governments of
Baku, Erivan Eli7,1,.frr4, Ku- Dating from Jan. 1, 1911.
tais, Tiflis, and Kars-District. Territory: The provinces of
OFFICERS. Uralsk, Turgay, Akmoliusk,
Mission: Semipalatinsk, and Semirye-
Director, II. K. Lbbsack. chensk, and the governments of
Tomsk and Tobolsk.
Sec., W. Dymann.
Treas., and Sabbath School and OFFICERS.
Miss. Sec., L. Wojtkiewicz. Mission:,
Executive Committee: H. K.
Lobsack, W. Istjagin. Director,
Advisory Committee: J. Jurick-
MINISTER. son, G. Zirat, J. Sergejaw, K. K.
H. K. Lobsack. Duck.

MINISTERS. Swedish Missionary School, Ny-

J. Jurickson, G. Zirat. hyttan, Jarnboas, Sweden.
Waterloo Industrial School, Wa-
LICENTIATE. terloo, Sierra Leone, West Af-
K. K. Duck. rica.
E. Skorobrestschuk. Barcelona Publishing House,
Apartado 492, Barcelona,
British Publishing House, Wat-
KAMERUN MISSION. ford, England.
(Unentered.) Finland Publishing House, Un-
ionsgatan 4, Helsingfors, Fin-
Territory: Kamerun. land.
Hamburg Publishing House,
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg,
CONGO MISSION. Germany; with branches in
Basle, Petrograd, Constanti-
(Unentered.) nople, and Budapest.
Territory: Congo Free State. Latin Union Publishing House,
Gland, Switzerland.
Scandinavian Publishing House,
Akersgaten 74, Christiania,
SAHARA MISSION. Norway; with branch at
(Unentered.) Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen,
V., Denmark.
Territory: Tripoli, Morocco, and Stockholm Publishing House,
the French possessions in North- Gamla Kungsholmsbrogat an
ern Africa, excepting Algeria 38, Stockholm, Sweden.
and Tunis.
Caterham Sanitarium, Surrey
INSTITUTIONS IN THE EURO- Hills Hydro, Caterham Valley,
Christiania Health Home, Ak-
FERENCE. ersgaten 74, Christiania, Nor-
Educational: way.
Friedensau Industrial School, Friedensau Sanitarium, Fried-
Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. ensau, Post Grabow, Bez.
Magdeburg, Germany. Magdeburg, Germany.
Latin Union School, Gland, Lake Geneva Sanitarium, Gland,
Switzerland. Switzerland.
Scandinavian Union Mission Skodsborg Sanitarium, Skods-
School, Skodsborg, Denmark. borg, Denmark.
Stanborough Park Missionary Stanborough Park Sanitarium,
College, Watford, England. Watford, England.
Organized 1913; reorganized 1915.
Territory: The Australasian Un- Publishing Dept.:
ion Conference; and the Indian, General Sec., C. E. Weaks.
Northeastern, North China, Field Sec., (for China) H. M.
South China, and East Indian Blunden.
Union Missions.
Population: 879,652,025. Sabbath School Dept.:
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Sec., Mrs. C. N. Woodward.
" Adventist," Shanghai.
Postal Address: Box 523, U. S. Educational Dept.:
Postal Agency, Shanghai, Chi-
na; or 25 Lahore Road, Shang- Sec., S. L. Frost; other mem-
hai, China. bers of committee, H. F. Benson,
Riley Russell, M. D.
Conference: Medical Missionary Dept.:
Pres., R. C. Porter. Sec., W. C. Landis, M. D.
Vice-Pres. and Sec., J. E. Ful-
ton. Young People's Dept:
Treas. and Auditor, H. W. Bar- Sec., S. L. Frost.
Executive Committee: R. C. Home Missionary Dept.:
Porter, J. E. Fulton, C. H. Wat- Sec., C. E. Weaks.
son, F. H. De Vinney, H. W. Bar-
rows. C. N. Woodward, C. L. MINISTERS.
Butterfield, B. Peterson, R. F. R. C. Porter, J. E. Fulton, J. E.
Cottrell, F. A. Allum, 0. A. Hall, Shultz.
B. L. Anderson, L. V. Finster,
F. A. Detamore, Mrs. C. N. Wood- LICENTIATES.
ward, J. E. Shultz, H. M. Blun- H. M. Rhinden, H. J. Doolittle, C.,
den, A. C. Selmon, C. E. Weaks, E. Weaks, S. L. Frost.
S. L. Frost.
(As the complete formation of MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
the Division Conference Executive Mrs. R. C. Porter, Mrs. J. E.
Committee will be perfected at the Shultz, Mrs. H. M. Blunden, Miss
first' session of .the conference at Olive Osborne (on furlough in
the beginning of 1917 the former U. S.), Miss Florence E. Wilson,
executive committee is continued, Mrs. H. J. Doolittle, H. W. Bar-
with the addition of the new offi- rows. Mrs. H. W. narro,.v=, Mrs.
cers appointed.) C. E. Weaks, Mrs. S. L. Frost,
Legal Assn.: " General Confer- W. P. Henderson, Mrs. W. P.
ence Corporation of Seventh-day Henderson, L. Bowers, Mrs. L.
Adventists." H. W. Barrows, At- Bowers, Mrs. J. E. Fulton, Miss
torney-in-fact. Jessie Fulton.

Organized 1894.
Territory: The Conferences of Island Book Committee: J. M.
New South Wales, North New Cole, Mrs. A. L. Hindson, Mrs.
Zealand, South New Zealand, A. G. Waugh, C. H. Pretyman,
Queensland, South Australia, J. D. K. Aitken, J. M. Johanson.
Victoria, Tasmanian, West Aus-
tralia, and Central Polynesia; Sabbath School Dept.:
the Eastern Polynesian and Me- Sec., Mrs. A. L. Hindson.
lanesian Missions.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Syd- Educational Dept.:
ney. Sec., A. W. Anderson.
Office: " Mizpah," Wahroonga, Medical Missionary Dept.:
N. S. W., Australia.
Sec., Dr. T. A. Sherwin, Sani-
OFFICERS. tarium, Wahroonga, N. S. W.,
Conference: Australia.
Pres., C. FE Watson. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Vice-Pres. W. J. Westerman. Sec., A. W. Anderson.
Sec., C. H. Pretyman.
Treas., W. 0. Johanson. Young People's Dept.:
Executive Committee: C. H.
Watson, W. J. Westerman, C. H. Sec., F. Knight.
Pretyman, W. 0. Johanson; the
presidents of the local confer- Home Missionary Dept.:
ences; A. W. Anderson, G. S. Fish- Sec., A. W. Anderson.
er, G. S. Joseph, F.night,
. Mrs. 'Asst. Sec., W. G. Turner.
A. L. Hindson, T. A. Sherwin, J.
M. Johanson, W. H. B. Miller, E. MINISTERS.
Watson, J. H. Mills, C. Rosenah
l, C. H. Watson, " Mizpah," Wah-
.C. M. now, A. H. Pipei. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Financial Advisory Committee: J. M. Johanson, Cooranbong, N.
C. H. Watson, C. H. Pretyman, G. S. W., Australia.
S. Fisher, J. M. Johanson, A. R. Hare, Cooranbong, N. S. W.,
Mountain, Sr. Australia.
Legal Assn.: " Australasian A. W. Anderson, " Mizpah," Wah-
Conference Association, Ltd." roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Pres., C. H. Watson; Sec., C. H. C. M. Snow, Warburton, Vic-
Pretyman; Treas., W. 0. Johan- toria, Australia.
son. G. Teasdale, " Mizpah," Wahroon-
ga, N. S. W., Australia.
Union Book Depository: W. J. Smith, Sanitarium, Wah-
roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Signs Publishing Company, Ltd., A. H. Piper, Darling Range School,
Warburton, Victoria, Australia. Carmel, West Australia.
Manager, W. H. B. Miller, War- A. Smart, Australpian Missionary
burton. College, Cooranbong, N. S. W.,
Union Field Miss. Sec., G. S. Australia.
Book Committee: A. W. Ander-
son, J. M. Johanson, G. Teasdale, C. V. Bell, Australasian Mis-
C. H. Pretyman, G. S. Joseph, Mrs.- sionary College, Cooranbong,
A. L. Hindson, C. M. Snow. N. S. W., Australia.

C. H. Pretyman, " Mizpah," Wah OFFICERS.

roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Conference:
W. R. Carswell, " Mizpah," Wah- Pres., J. M. Cole.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Sec. and Treas., F. J. Butler.
P. B. Rudge, " Mizpah," Wah- Executive Committee: J. M.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Cole, W. L. H. Baker, J. Pollock,
Dr. T. A. Sherwin, Sanitarium, C. Rosendahl, A. G. Waugh, C. H.
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Aus- Pretyman, A. Smart.
Joseph Mills, Oroua Missionary Tract Society:
School, Longburn, via Palmers- Sec. and Treas., A. E. Hodgki-
ton, North, New Zealand. son.
G. S. Fisher, 306-308 George St., Field Miss. Sec., A. E. Hodg-
Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. kison.
W. G. Turner, " Mizpah," Wah-
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Sabbath School Dept.:
F. Knight, " Mizpah," Wahroonga, Sec., Miss C. M. Rule.
N. S. W., Australia.
W. H. B. Miller, Signs Publishing
Company, Ltd., Warburton, Vic- Educational Dept.:
toria, Australia. Supt., C. H. Schowe.
H. C. White, Australasian Mission-
ary College, Cooranbong, N. S. Religious Liberty Dept.:
W., Australia. Sec., A. W. Anderson.


Sec., Miss A. S. Higgins.
Mrs. A. L. Hindson, " Mizpah,"
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Aus- Home Missionary Dept.:
tralia. Sec., A. W. Kent.
Mrs. E. M. Shannan, Sanitarium,
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Aus- MINISTERS.
tralia. J. M. Cole, E. H. Gates, W. L. H.
Dr. M. M. Freeman, Sanitarium, Baker, W. G. Brittain, E. S.
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Aus- Butz, D. N. Wall, L. J. Imrie,
tralia. G. Hubbard, J. W. Kent, H.
A. Mountain, Sr., " Mizpah," Mitchell.
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Aus-
F. J. Parkin, " Mizpah," Wah- F. L. Sharp, G. Robinson, G. E.
roonga N. S. W., Australia. Marriott, R. A. Salton, C. E.
A. G. Miller, Warburton, Victoria, Ashcroft, A. W. Kent, B. Cor-
Australia. mack.
W. 0. Johanson, " Mizpah," Wah-
roonga, N. S. -W., Australia. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Miss A. E. Pearce, Miss H. R.
Pearce, J. Hindson, A. E. Hodg-
NEW SOUTH WALES CON- kison, W. Codling, Miss I. Rob-
ertson, Mrs. M. Caro, A. Gamble,
FERENCE. Mrs. A. Gamble, Miss S. Read,
Miss M. Cormack, S. Watson,
Organized 1895. Miss C. M. Rule, Miss A. S.
Territory: the State of New Higgins, Miss E. E. Perry, M. A.
Connell, Mrs. E. Caro, J. W.
South Wales. Roberts, G. McLaren, M. Whit-
Office: " Tereora," The Avenue, taker, F. J. Butler, S. R. Maun-
Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. der, Miss V. Oatley.


T. J. Roberts, H. H. Crouch, Miss Miss E. E. Edwards, Dr. P. M.
M. Williams. Keller, Dr. F. Keller, Dr. Eric
Caro, Mrs. R. K. Piper, C. Head,
G. F. Hansford, J. Gillis.
Miss Archibald, Miss M. Beavis.
Organized 1889.
Territory: That portion of the
Dominion of New Zealand QUEENSLAND CONFERENCE.
north of Cook's Straits.
Cable Address: "Mastery," Auck- Organized 1899.
land, New Zealand.
Office: 108 Ponsonby Road, Auck- Territory: The State of Queens-
land, New Zealand. land.
Office: Corner Peel and Grey
OFFICERS. Sts., South Brisbane, Queens-
Conference: land, Australia.
Pres., W. H. Pascoe.
Sec. and Treas., E. Rosendahl.
Executive Committee: W. H. Conference:
Pascoe, Dr. P. M. Kellar, Dr. Eric Pres., H. E. Piper.
Caro, G. F. Wright, G. F. Hans- Sec. and Treas., J. H. Mills.
ford, W. Richards, G. G. Stewart, Executive Committee: H. E.
G. F. Wright. Piper, H. J. Cooper, E. B. Rudge,
Legal Assn.: " New Zealand A. S. Thorpe, F. L. Wiltshire, J.
Conference, Incorporated." Allen,. H. W. Woodgate.
Tract Society: Tract Society:
Sec., G. M. Groube. Sec., C. E. Hames.
Treas., E. Rosendahl. Treas., J. H. Mills.
Field Miss. Sec., G. F. Hans- Field Miss. Sec., H. J. Cooper.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., Miss H. Osborne.
Sec.;Miss E. E. Edwards.
Educational Dept.: Educational Dept.:
Supt., E. Rosendahl. Supt., -.
Young People's Dept.: Young People's Dept.:
Sec., Miss E. E. Edwards. Sec., Miss H. Osborne.
Religious Liberty Dept.: Religious Liberty Dept.:
Sec., Sec., H. E. Piper.
Home Missionary Dept.: Asst. Sec., J. H. Mills.
Sec., C. Head. Home Missionary Dept.:
MINISTERS. Sec., J. Allen.
W. H. Pascoe, G. G. Stewart. MINISTERS.
H. E. Piper, L. Currow, J. Allen,
M. W. Carey, A. King, R. K. Piper,
H. E. Sharp, E. Rosendahl, F. G.
Rampton, A. Currow. R. E. Hare, L. Newbold.


J. H. Mills, C. E. Hames, Miss E. Supt.,
Westerman, Miss E. Hopgood,
Miss H. Osborne. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Sec., T. A. Brown.
Young People's Dept.:
ORIGINES. Home Missionary Dept.:
Established 1913. Sec.,*C. J. Griffin.
Address: Oaklands, via Cairns, MINISTERS.
Queensland, Australia. L. D. A. Lemke, C. P. Michaels,
Supt., H. C. Harker.
Sec. and Treas., J. L. Branford.
Board of Management: C. H. LICENTIATES.
Watson, J. L. Branford, H. E. G. Burgess, G. H. K. Backhaus, T.
Piper. A. Brown.
J. L. Branford. J. Davies, Mrs. G. Chapman,
Miss R. V. Stratford, Miss
R. M. Totenhofer, George Mitchell. C. J. Griffin, J. Todd, J. Cram-
Miss Macleay, Miss A. E. Brown,
FERENCE. Mrs. B. J. Smith.
Organized 1899.
Territory: The State of South SOUTH NEW ZEALAND CON;
Australia, and the city of FERENCE.
Broken Hill, N. S. W.
Office: 116 Grote St., Adelaide, Organized 1915.
South Australia, Australia.
Territory: That portion of the
OFFICERS. Dominion of New Zealand south
Conference: of Cook's Straits.
Pres., L. D. A. Lemke. Office: 7 Battersea St., Sydenham,
Vice-Pres., C. P. Michaels. Christchurch, New Zealand.
sec., J. Meld. OFFICERS.
Treas., Miss R. V. Stratford.
Executive Committee: L. D. A. Conference:
Lemke, C. P. Michaels, C. Davey, Pres., F. H. Letts:
H. C. Harker, W. Were, B. J. Sec. and Treas., T. W. Ham-
Smith, W. Vercoe, Jr. mond.
Executive Committee: F. H.
Tract Society: Letts, C. K. Meyers, B. Waldi-om,
Sec., J. Todd. S. H. Amyes, E. G. Saunders.
Treas., Miss R. V. Stratford.
Field Miss. Sec., J. Todd. Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., T. W. Ham-
Sabbath School Dept.: mond.
Sec., Miss M. C. Barlow. Field Miss. Sec., B. Waldron:.

Sabbath School Dept.: Young People's Dept.:

Sec., Mrs. T. W. Hammond. Sec., Miss M. Armstrong.
Educational Dept.: MINISTER.
Supt., A. H. White.
Religious Liberty Dept.:
Sec., C. K. Meyers. A. W. Chelberg, A. G. Minchin.
Sec., Mrs. T. W. Hammond. W. Gillis, Miss M. Armstrong,
E. R. Whitehead.
Home Missionary Dept.:
Sec., - -.
F. H. Letts, C. K. Meyers. Organized 1888.
LICENTIATES. Territory: The State of Victoria.
T. A. Driver, A. C. Chesson, J. Office: Phair's Building, 327 Col-
Thompson, H. Streeter. lins St., Melbourne, Victoria,
B. Waldrom, G. A. Brandstater, A. Conference:
McCoy, Miss J. McCullough, Pres., W. J. Westerman.
Miss L. E. Dawkins. Vice-Pres., J. H. Woods.
Treas., N. J. Woods.
G. Hare. Executive Committee: W. J.
Westerman, W. J. Stevens, J. H.
Woods, R. A. Natrass, J. A. Mc-
TASMANIAN CONFERENCE. Ainsh, E. Watson, A. E. White.
Organized 1915. Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., P. G. Foster.
Territory: The State of Tasmania.
Office: Franklin Chambers, Ho. Sabbath School Dept.:
bart, Tasmania. Sec., Miss E. M. Jones.
oFFicERs. Educational Dept.:
Conference: Supt.,
Pres., A. H. White.
Sec. and Treas., A. G. Minchin. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Executive Committee: A. H. Sec.,
White, H. B. Hurburgh, P. Ap-
peldorff, E. P. Fehlberg, A. Gall, Young People's Dept.:
H. Murfet, E. R. Whitehead. Sec., Miss E. M. James.
Tract 'Society: Home Missionary Dept.:
Sec. and Treas., A. G. Minchin. Sec., A. G. Miller
Field Miss. Sec., E. R. White-
W. J. Westerman, J. H. Woods,
Sabbath School Dept.: T. H. Craddock, A. H. Rogers,
Sec., Miss M. Armstrong. N. J. Waldorf.

E. H. Guilliard, Dr. W. H. James, A. W. Cormack, A. H. Piper.
J. S. Stewart.
L. R. Harvey, E. Behrens, G. T.
J. Gillespie, Mrs. F. Bottrill, Miss Newbold, A. H. Britten.
E. M. James, Miss M. Mc-
Dowell, W. Armstrong, Miss H. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
L. Cozens, Mrs. Morgan, C.
W. N. Lock, A. A. Shapcott, Miss
Mann, T. Whittle, N. Burns, F. Reed, Miss E. Britten, Miss
Maurice Smith, P. G. Foster.
Sawyer, R. E. G. Blair, Miss C.
Miss R. Giblett, Miss C. Brown,
Miss M. Dawkins, Miss B. M.
WEST AUSTRALIAN CONFER- Voss, Miss K. Giblett, Miss M.
Territory: The state of West Aus- FERENCE.
tralia. Organized 1916.
Office: Warwick House, St.
George's Terrace, Perth, West Territory: Fiji Group, Samoan
Australia, Australia. Group, Friendly Islands, and
OFFICERS. Niue (or Savage) Island.
Conference: Office: Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pa-
cific Ocean.
Pres., A. W. Cormack.
Sec. and Treas., R. E. G. Blair. OFFICERS.
Executive Committee: A. W. Conference:
Cormack, A. H. Piper, H. Ward, Pres., C. H. Parker.
L. R. Harvey, R. Howie, W. N. Vice-Pres., J. E. Steed.
Lock, R. F. Davey. Sec. and Treas., J. E. Nash.
Tract Society: Executive Committee: C. H.
Parker, J. E. Nash, E. E. Thorpe,
Sec. and Treas., R. E. G. Blair. H. R. Martin, Pauliasi Bunoa, J. E.
Field Miss. Sec., W. N. Lock. Steed, S. W. Carr.
Sabbath School Dept.: Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., Miss f. P.f+Prqnn. Sec., Mrs. C. H. Parker.
Educational Dept.: Young People's Dept.:
Supt., A. H. Piper. Sec., Mrs. C. H. Parker.
Religious Liberty Dept.: "MINISTERS.
. Sec., A. W. Cormack. C. H. Parker, Suva Vou, Suva,
Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Young People's Dept.: J. E. Steed, Apia, Samoa, Pacific
Sec., Miss C. Petterson. Ocean.
S. W. Carr, Niue Island, Pacific
Home Missionary Dept.: Ocean.
Sec., R. E. G. Blair. Pauliasi Bunoa, Suva Vou, Suva,
Asst. Sec., W. N. Lock. Fiji, Pacific Ocean.

Joni Lui, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, EASTERN POLYNESIAN

Pacific Ocean. MISSION.
Mecusela Naisogo, Suva Vou, Su- Established 1892; reorganized
va, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
LICENTIATES. Comprising the following former
missions: Society Islands, Cook
H. T. Howse, Apia, Samoa, Pacific Islands, and Pitcairn Island.
Ocean. Territory: All the Pacific Islands.
E. E. Thorpe, Nukualofa, Tonga, east of the 160th degree of west
Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. longitude, and south of the tenth
H. R. Martin, Suva Vou, Suva, Parallel of north latitude.
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Headquarters: Papeete, Tahiti,
G. H. Morrison, Suva Vou, Suva, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. OFFICERS.
Naibuka, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Mission:
Pacific Ocean.
Supt., F. E. Lyndon.
Sec., H. A. Hill.
_ Executive Committee: F. E.
J. E. Nash, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Lyndon, G. L. Sterling, H. A. Hill,
Pacific Ocean. H. P. B. Wicks, W. R. Howse.
Mrs. L. E. P. Dexter, Apia, Samoa, MINISTERS.
Pacific Ocean.
F. E. Lyndon, Papeete, Tahiti, So-
H. Larwood, Apia, Samoa, Pacific ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Ocean. G. L. Sterling, care S. D. A. Mis-
Miss Vai Kerisome, Niue Island, sion, Rarotonga, Cook Islands,
Pacific Ocean. Pacific Ocean.
Mrs. C. H. Parker, Suva Vou,
Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. LICENTIATES.
W. R. Howse, Papeete, Tahiti, So-
Miss R. Parker,Suva Vou, Suva, ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Fiji, Pacifican.
ce H. A. Hill, Papeete, Tahiti, So-
Mrs. E. E. Thorpe, Nukualofa, ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Tonga, Friendly Islands, Pacific
H. L. Tolhurst, Nukualofa, Tonga, Mrs. G. L. Sterling, care S. D. A.
Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. Mission, Rarotonga, Cook Is-
Miss D. Thorpe, Nukualofa, Ton- lands, Pacific Ocean.
ga, Friendly Islands, Pacific H. P. B. Wicks, care S. D. A. Mis-
Ocean. sion, Rarotonga, Cook Islands,
Pacific Ocean.
Mrs. Ellen Meyers, Suva Vou, M. R. Adams, Pitcairn Island, Pa-
Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. cific Ocean; care British Consul,
The following-named persons may Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands.
be addressed at Suva Vou, Suva, Mrs. M. R. Adams, Pitcairn Is-
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. land, Pacific Ocean; care British
Consul, Papeete, Tahiti, Society
Levi, Lenni, Fineasi, Kali, Semiti Islands.
Gade, Joni Simpson, Timoci Mrs. F. E. Lyndon, Papeete, Ta-
Cuva, Timoci Nawarua Filipo, hiti, Society a Pacific
Tevita, Feresi Rokosale, Jope Ocean.
Laweloa, Pereniki Tagi, Tabua H. S. Cozens, Papeete, Tahiti, So-
Inoki. ciety Islands, _Pacific Ocean.

J. R. McCoy, Pitcairn Island, Pa- MINISTERS.

cific Ocean, care British Consul, G. F. Jones, S. D. A. Mission, Ma-
Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands. rovo Lagoon, Tulagi, Solomon
Philip Poroi, Papeete, Tahiti, So- Islands, Pacific Ocean.
ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean. A. G. Stewart, Atchin, New Heb-
rides, Pacific Ocean.
MELANESIAN MISSION. 0. V. Hellestrand, S. D. A. Mis-
Organized 1916. sion, Marovo Lagoon, Tulagi,
Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Territory: New Caledonia, Loy- D. Nicholson, S. D. A. Mission,
alty Islands, New Hebrides, Marovo Lagoon, Tulagi, Solo-
Torres Islands, Banks Group, mon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Santa Cruz Islands, Solomon A. H. Ferris, Norfolk Island, Pa-
Islands, Bismarck Archipelago, cific Ocean.
Eastern New Guinea, and adja- A. N. Lawson, Bisiatabu, Port
cent islands; also Lord Howe Moresby, British New Guinea.
and Norfolk Islands. Bennie Tavodi, Bisiatabu, Port
Address: " Mizpah," Wahroonga, Moresby, British New Guinea.
N. S. W., Australia.
OFFICERS. Mrs. G. F. Jones, S. D. A. Mission,
Mission: Marovo Lagoon, Tulagi, Solo-
mon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Supt., G. F. Jones. D. Gray, S. D. A. Mission, Marovo
Sec., C. H. Pretyman. Lagoon, Tulagi, Solomon Is-
Treas., W. 0. Johanson. lands, Pacific Ocean.
Executive Committee: C. H. Mrs. A. G. Stewart, Atchin, New
Watson, C. H. Pretyman, W. 0. Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Johanson, W. J. Westerman; G. F. N. Wiles, Atchin, New Hebrides,
Jones. Pacific Ocean.
Sabbath School Dept.: Mitieli Nakasamai, Bisiatabu,
Port Moresby, British New Gui-
Sec., Mrs. E. Fenton. nea.
Organized 1915.
Territory: Malaysian and Philip- British North Borneo:
pine Missions. Director, Roy Mershon.
(The completion of the organiza- Federated Malay States:
tion deferred till the conference - Director, Sec., and Treas., G. A.
in April, 1917.)
West Java Mission:
Director, Sec., and Treas., I. C.
Territory: The Straits Settle- Sumatra Mission:
ments, the Federated Malay Director, Sec., and Treas., J. S.
States, British North Borneo, Yates.
Siam, and the Dutch East Indies.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Singa- F. A. Detamore, 300 Serangoon
pore. Road, Singapore, Straits Set-
Postal Address: 300 Serangoon tlements.
Road, Singapore, Straits Set- R. P. Montgomery, Sandakan,
tlements. British North Borneo. (on fur-
lough in U. S.)
OFFICERS. G. A. Thompson, 14 Scott Road;
Mission: Kaula Lumpur, Federated Ma-
lay States.
Supt., F. A. Detamore. J. S. Yates, Zee Straat, Padang,
Sec. and Treas., A. G. Fletcher. Sumatra, Dutch East Indies.
Advisory Committee: F. A. LICENTIATES.
Detamore, Roy Mershon, J. W.
Rowland, W. P. Barto, J. C. K. M. Adams, 300 Serangoon
Schmidt, G. A. Wood, G. A. Road, Singapore, Straits Set-
Thompson, J. S. Yates, K. M. tlements.
Adams. Roy Mershon, Sandakan, British
North Borneo.
Sabbath-school, Educational, and n. A. Wood, Oendaan Gang Klar-
Young People's Depts.: ing No. 2, Soerabaya, Java,
Sec., K. M. Adams. Dutch East Indies.
J. W. Rowland, 300 Serangoon
Officers of Local Missions. Road, Singapore, Straits Set-
Singapore: tlements.
I. C. Schmidt, 29 Gang Baroe
Director, J. W. Rowland. Kramat, Weltevreden, Java,
Sec. and Treas., A. G. Fletcher. Dutch East Indies.
B. Judge, Belige, Sumatra, Dutch
East Java Mission: East Indies.
Director, G. A. Wood. W. P. Barto, Belige, Sumatra,
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. G. A. Dutch East Indies.
Wood. 0. S. Kime, Zee Straat, Padang,
Sumatra, Dutch East- Indies.
Director, W. P. Barto. Mrs. F. A. Detamore, Mrs. Roy
Sec. and Treas., B. Judge. Mershon, Mrs. K. M. Adams,


Rowland, Mrs. R. P. Montgom- Mrs. E. M. Adams, Mrs. L. V.
ery, Mrs. G. A. Thompson, Mrs.
I. C. Schmidt, Mrs. J. S. Yates, Finster, Mrs. U. C. Fattebert,
Miss Petra Tunheim, Mrs. 0. S. Mrs. W. E. Lanier (on furlough
Kime, Mrs. W. P. Barto, Mrs. B. in U. S.), Robert Stewart, Mrs.
Judge, Miss L. Mead, A. G. Robert Stewart, Mrs. C. N.
Fletcher. Woodward, Mrs. I. A. Steinel,
Mrs. 0. F. Sevrens, R. A. Cald-
well, Mrs. R. A. Caldwell.


Territory: Philippine Islands and Organized 1916.
Sulu Archipelago.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Ma- Territory: The provinces of Zam-
nila. bales, Tarlac, Neuva Ecija, Ba-
Postal Address: 819 Indiana St., taan, Bulacan, Cavite, Rizal, La-
Manila, Philippine Islands. guna, Batangas, Tayabas, Pam-
OFFICERS. panga, Ambos Camorines, Albay,
Mission: Sorsogon, and the island of Min-
Supt., L. V. Finster. doro.
Sec. and Treas., J. S. Barrows. (The above territory is comprised
Advisory Committee: L. V. Fin- within the Philippine Mission.)
ster, E. M. Adams, R. E. Hay,
Carlos Fattebert, Bibiano Panis, Headquarters: 819 Indiana St.,
Emilio Manalaysay, Leon Z. Roda. Manila, Philippine Islands.
Sabbath School Dept.: OFFICERS.
Sec., Mrs. L. V. Finster. Conference:

Young People's Dept.: Pres., L. V. Finster.

Vice-Pres., Bibiano R. Pains.
Sec., I. A. Steinel. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, J. S.
Home Missionary Dept.: Executive Committee: L. V.
Finster, Bibiano R. Pains, J. S.
Sec., the Field Miss. Sec. of the Barrows, Emilio Manalaysay, I. A.
Philippine Mission. Steinel, Benito Burgos, Emilio
Brion, and the Field Missionary
MINISTERS. Secretary.
L. V. Finster, E. M. Adams, R. Tract Society:
E. Hay, Leon Z. Roda.
Sec. and Treas.,
Field Missionary Sec., the Field
LICENTIATES. Missionary Sec. of the Philippine
Dr. Carlos Fattebert, W. E. Lan- Mission.
ier (on furlough in U. S.), C. N. Sabbath School Dept.:
Woodward, I. A. Steinel, 0. F.
Sevrens. Sec., Mrs. L. V. Finster.

Educational Dept.: LICENTIATES.

Supt., I. A. Steinel. Guillermo Dionisio, Victorio Are-
Young People's Dept.: valo.
Sec., I. A. Steinel.
Sec., the Field Miss. Sec. of the Juana San Augustin, Victorio
Philippine Mission. Javier, Paciencia. Molimbayan,
MINISTERS. Marcelino Pelejo, Augustin Pana-
L. V. Finster, Bibiano R. Penis, ga, Isaac Enriquez, Jose Emerali-
Emilio Manalaysay. no, Melcher Elauria.


Organized zgzo.

Territory: India, Burma, and Sabbath School Dept.:

Ceylon. Sec., Mrs. S. A. Wellman.
Cable Address: " Adventist,"
Lucknow. Young People's Dept.:
General Office: 17 Abbott Road, Sec., I. F. Blue.
Lucknow, India.
Educational Dept.:
Mission: Sec., I. F. Blue.
Pres., W. W. Fletcher. Home Miss. Dept.:
Vice-Pres., J. S. James. Sec., R. D. Brisbin.
Sec., R. D. Brisbin. MINISTERS.
Treas., A. H. Williams. W. W. Fletcher, I. F. Blue.
Executive Committee: W. W.
Fletcher, J. S. James, G. W. Pet- LICENTIATES. '
tit, L. J. Burgess, S. A. Wellman,
A. H. Williams, V. L. Mann, R. D. A. H. Williams, W. S. Mead.
Legal Assn.: "India Financial Mrs. H. R. Salisbury (on furlough
Assn. of S. D. A." Chairman, in U. S.), Mrs. I. F. Blue, Mrs.
S. A. Wellman; Sec. and Treas., W. S. Mead, Mrs. A. H. Wil-
W. W. Fletcher. liams, R. D. Brisbin, W. R. Nel-
son, Mrs. W. R. Nelson, G. F.
Board of Trustees: W. W. Fletch- Furnival, Mrs. G. F. Furnival,
er, S. A. Wellman, G. W. F. 0. Raymond, Mrs. F. 0. Ray-
Pettit, I. F. Blue, L. J. Bur- mond, H. A. Skinner, W. II.
gess, A. H. Williams, J. S. Stevens, C. Stafford, R. A.
James. Thrift, Mrs. E. Shannon, Miss
M. H. Belchambers, Mrs. E. E.
Medical Dept.: Bruce (on furlough in U. S.),
Sec., Dr. V. L. Mann. Mrs. R. D. Brisbin.

BENGAL MISSION. Address: Victoria Terrace, Vic-

toria Road, Mazagon, Bombay,
Organized 1910. India.
Territory: The following language OFFICERS.
areas: Bengali, Oriya, Santali, Mission:
and Assamese. Supt., G. W. Pettit.
Advisory Committee: G. W.
OFFICERS. Pettit, G. F. Enoch, M. D. Wood,
Mission: W. R. French, A. G. Kelsey.
Supt., L. J. Burgess.
Advisory Committee: Li. J. MINISTERS.
Burgess, L. G. Mookerjee, A. G.
Watson, R. H. Leech, J. M. Corner. G. W. Pettit, Victoria Terrace,
Victoria Road, Mazagon, Bom-
MINISTER. bay, India.
J. M. Comer, 75 Park St., Cal- W. R. French, Victoria Terrace,
cutta, India. Victoria Road, Mazagon, Born-
bay, India.
LICENTIATES. M. D. Wood, Kalyan, Bombay
L. J. Burgess, 2 Dehi Serampore Presidency, India.
Road, P. 0. Entally, Calcutta, G. F. Enoch (on furlough in U. S.)
C. C. Kellar, 75 Park St., Cal- LICENTIATE.
cutta, India. A. G. Kelsey, Victoria Terrace,
L. 0. Mookerjee, 6 Dehi Seram- Victoria Road, Mazagon, Bom-
pore Road, P. 0. Entally, Cal- bay, India.
cutta, India.
A. G. Watson, 11 Wellington MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Square, Calcutta, India.
Mrs. A. G. Kelsey, Miss Elinora
W. A. Barlow, 75 Park St., Cal- Reid, Mrs. M. D. Wood, Miss
cutta, India. R. E. Boose, Miss Mary Moss,
French, Mrs. G. F. Enoch (on
Mrs. L. J. Burgess, Mrs. J. M. furlough in U. S.), R. E. Loasby,
Comer, J. H. Reagan, Mrs. J. H. Mrs. R. E. Loasby.
Reagan, P. C. Day, Provo Mit-
ter, S. C. Sircar, A. Mondol, M.
C. Dass, Miss Della Burroway,
R. H. Leech, Mrs. A. Owen, Je- BURMA MISSION.
gon Murmu, Frank L. Smith, Dr.
Olive S. Smith, M. Kisku, K. D. Organized 1910.
Poddar, Mrs. M. B. -Eppel), Mrs.
L. G. Mookerjee, Mrs. C. C. Kel- Territory: Burma.
Address: 60 Lower Kemmendine
Road, Kemmendine, Burma.
SION. Mission:
Supt., C. F. Lowry.
Organized 1910. Advisory Committee: C. F.
Lowry, G. A. Hamilton, D. C. Lud-
Territory: The following language ington, R. A. Beckner, A. W
areas: Marathi and Gujarati Stevens, David Hpo Hla.


C. F. Lowry, 60 Lower Kemmen- Mrs. S. A. Wellman, Wm. Lake,
dine Road, Kemmendine, Burma. Mrs. M. M. Mattison, Miss V. E.
G. A. Hamilton, 60 Lower Kern- Chilton, Mrs. A. O'Connor, Miss
mendine Road, Kemmendine, B. A. Kurtz, Mrs. Chas. Bel-
Burma. grave, Mrs. R. P. Morris, Shoto
II. H. Votaw, (on furlough in Mitter, R. Peters, Mrs. Floyd L.
U. S.) Smith, Miss C. Manson
R. A. Beckner, Civil Lines, Man-
dalay, Burma.
Maung Maung, and David Hpo
Organized 1914.
Territory: The following language
Miss Mary Gibbs, Mrs. R. A. Beck- areas: Urdu, Punjabi, and
ner, Dr. 011ie Oberholtzer-Torn-
blaad, Mrs. G. A. Hamilton, F. Sindhi.
A. Wyman, Mrs. F. A. Wyman, OFFICERS.
Eric B. Hare, Mrs. Eric B. Hare,
William Carratt, Miss Rachel Mission:
Jones, A. J. Denoyer, Don C. Supt., -- -.
Ludington, Maung Ba Tin. Advisory Committee:
, V. L. Mann, H. C.
Menkel, F. H. Loasby.

Organized 1910. H. C. Menkel, M. D.

Territory: The following language
areas: Urdu, Hindi, and Bihari. V. L. Mann, F. H. Loasby.
Mrs. H. C. Menke], Mrs. V. L.
Supt., S. A. Wellman. Mann, Mrs. F. H. Loasby, R. L.
Advisory Committee: S. A. Kimble, Mrs. R. L. Kimble, A.
Wellman I. F. Blue, R. P. Morris, Gardiner.
C. C. Belgrave, Wm. Lake.
S. A. Wellman, 17 Abbott Road,
Organized 1910.
C. C. Belgrave, S. D. A. Mission,
Rai Bareily, India. Territory: The following language
R. P. Morris, Najibabad, United areas: Tamil, Telugu, Kanarese,
Provinces, India. Malayalam, and Singhalese; and
M. M. Mattison, 17 Abbott Road, the island of Ceylon.
Lucknow, India.
Floyd L. Smith, Dwarikhal, Gar- Address: Kilpauk, Madras, South
hwal, India. India.

Mission: V. E. Peugh, Kilpauk, Madras,
Supt., J. S. James. South India.
Advisory Committee: J. S. E. D. Thomas, Nazareth P. 0.,
Tinnevelly District, South In-
James, V. E. Peugh, Edward dia.
Thomas, G. G. Lowry, Solomon.
MINISTERS. Mrs. Minnie James, Mrs. V. E.
Peugh, A. Davasayaham, Mrs.
J. S. James, Kilpauk, Madras, G. G. Lowry, Asirvatham, A.
South India. Gnanasahamoni, Mrs. S. Thomas,
G. G. Lowry, Coimbatore, South Mrs. P. Joseph, P. C. Poley, Mrs.
India. P. C. Poley.


Organized 1916.

Territory: Japan, Korea, and Man- Tract Society:

Sec., A. B. Cole.
The following provisional com- Field Miss. Sec., H. Stacey.
mittee was appointed at the Fall
Council of the Asiatic Division Sabbath School Dept.:
Conference, to act till the comple- Sec., S. Miyake.
tion of the organization: F. H.
DeVinney, C. L. Butterfield, B. Educational Dept.:
Petersen. Supt., H. F. Benson.
Young People's Dept.:
Sec., B. P. Hoffman.
Organized 1896.
Home Missionary Dept.:
Territory: Japan. Sec., S. Miyake.
Cable Address: " Adventist," To-
Postal Address: 169-171 Amanu- F. H. DeVinney, 169-171 Amanu-
ma, Suginami-mura, Toyotama- ma, Suginami-mura, Toyota-
gun, Tokyo, Japan. ma-gun, Tokyo, Japan.
H. F. Benson, 169-171 Amanu-
OFFICERS. ma, Suginami-mura, Toyota-
Mission: ma-gun, Tokyo, Japan.
Supt., F. H. DeVinney. T. H. Okohira, 171 Amanuma,
Sec. and Treas., A. B. Cole. Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun,
Advisory Committee: F. H. Tokyo, Japan.
DeVinney, H. F. Benson, A. B. B. P. Hoffman, 1 of 1882, Fuki-
Cole, B. P. Hoffman, H. Stacey. aicho, Kobe, Japan.
T. H. Okohira, H. Nun iya S. E. H. Kuniya, 43 Fukuromachi, Ka-
Tatsuguch i. nazawa, Japan.

A. A. Anderson, 22 Shinsemba- Mission:
machi, Hiroshima, Japan. Supt., C. L. Butterfield.
P. A. Webber, 2 of 198, Makuraeho, Sec. and Treas., B. R. Owen.
Jigyo Mgashi-machi, Yobancho, Advisory Committee: C. L.
Fukuoka, Japan. Butterfield,- B. R. Owen, Riley
S. E. Jacques, 171 Amanuma, Russell, W. R. Smith, H. M. Lee,
Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun, H. A. Oberg, J. J. Jutzy, R. C.
Tokyo, Japan. Wangerin, Ne Keun Ok, Kim Ku
Hyok, Chyong Mun Cook, Kim Na
A. B. Cole, 171 Amanuma, Sugi-
nami-mura, Toyotama-gun, To- Tract Society:"
kyo Japan. Sec., B. R. Owen.
H. Stacey,
' 171 Amanuma, Sugi- Field Miss. Sec., J. J. Jutzy.
nami-mura, Toyotama-gun, To-
kyo Japan. Sabbath School Dept.:
Mrs. 'H. Stacey, 171 Amanuma, Sec., Miss Mimi Scharffenberg.
Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun,
Tokyo, Japan. Educational Dept.:
Mrs. F. H. DeVinney, 171 Ama- Supt., H. M. Lee.
numa, Suginami-mura, Toyo-
tama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. Medical Missionary Dept.:
Mrs. H. F. Benson, 171 Amanuma, Sec., Dr. Riley Russell.
Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun,
Tokyo, Japan. Home Missionary Dept.:
Mrs. A. B. Cole, 171 Amanuma, Sec., H. M. Lee.
Suginami-mura, Toyotama-gun,
Tokyo, Japan. MINISTERS.
J. N. Herboltzheimer, 2180 Mi- C. L. Butterfield, Seoul, Korea.
nami Ota-machi, Yokohama, W. R. Smith, Keizan, Korea.
Japan. Riley Russell, M. D., Seoul, Korea
Mrs. J. N. Herboltzheimer, 2180 (on furlough in U. S.)
Minami Ota-machi, Yokohama, H. A. Oberg, Soonan, Korea.
Japan. R. C. Wangerin, Seoul, Korea (on
Mrs. B. P. Hoffman,1 of 1882, furlough in U. S.)
Fukiaicho, Kobe, apan. Chyong Mun Cook, Soonan, Ko-
Mrs. A. N. Anderson, 22 Shinsem- rea.
bamachi, Hiroshima, Japan. Ne Keun Ok, Seoul, Korea.
Mrs. P. A. Webber, 2 of 198, Ma-
kuracho, Jigyo Mgashi-machi, LICENTIATES.
Yobancho, Fukuoka, Japan. H. M. Lee, Soonan, Korea.
Mrs. S. E. Jacques, 171 Amanuma, E. J. Urquhart, Keizan, Korea.
Suginami-mura, Toyotama-Gun,
Mrs. C. L. Butterfield, Seoul, Ko-
KOREAN MISSION. Mrs. W. R. Smith, Keizan, Korea.
Mrs. Riley Russell, Seoul, Korea
Organized 1908. (on furlough in U. S.)
Territory: Korea. Mrs. H. A. Oberg, Soonan, Korea.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Mrs. R. C. Wangerin, Seoul,
. Seoul. Korea (on furlough in U. S.)
Office Address: Korean Seventh- B. R. Owen, Seoul, Korea.
day Adventist Mission, Seoul, Mrs. B. R. Owen, Seoul, Korea.
Korea. J. J. Jutzy,- Seoul, Korea.

Mrs. J. J. Jutzy, Seoul, Korea. Advisory Committee: B. Peter-

Miss Mimi Scharffenberg, Seoul, sen, 0. J. Grundset, J. G. Gjording,
Korea. Li Deh Ren.
Miss May Scott, Soonan, Korea. Tract Society:
Mrs. H. M. Lee, Soonan, Korea.
Mrs. W. M. Lee:, Soonan, Korea. Field Miss. Sec., J. G. Gjording.
Mrs. E. J. Urquhart, Keizan,
Korea. Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. B. Petersen.
MANCHURIAN MISSION. Young People's Dept.:
Organized 1914. Sec., Mrs. 0. J. Grundset.
Territory: Manchuria. Home Missionary Dept.:
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Sec., J. G. Gjording.
Postal Address: Manchurian S. D. Bernhard Petersen.
A. Mission, Mukden, Manchuria,
0. J. Grundset, J. G. Gjording.
Supt., Bernhard Petersen. Mrs. B. Petersen, Mrs. J. G. Gjord-
Sec. and Treas., J. G. Gjording. ing, Mrs. 0. J. Grundset.


Organized 1915.

Territory: The Central, East, OFFICERS.

North, and West China Missions. Mission:
Office: Supt., R. F. Cottrell.
OFFICERS. Sec. and Treas., R. J. Brown.
Advisory Committee: R. F. Cot-
Mission: trell, W. E. Gillis, George Harlow,
Supt., R. F. Cottrell. J. G. White, Frederick Lee, S. G.
White, Dr. D. E. Davenport, E. H.
(Completion of organization de- James, D. B. Liu, D. D. Hwang,
ferred till meeting in April, 191?,) Fang Tsil Tsi, Mo Gi Ben.
Tract Society:
Field Miss. Sec., E. IL James.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Organized 1909. Sec., Mrs. Myrtle B. Cottrell.
Territory: The Provinces of Ho- Educational Dept.:
nan, Shensi, Kansu, Hupeh, Supt., H. 0. Swartout.
Hunan, and Kiangsi.
Office: Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Young People's Dept.:
Hupeh, China. Sec., 0. J. Gibson.

Medical Miss. Dept.: Mo Gi Ren, Changsha, Hunan,

Sec., Dr. D. E. Davenport. China.
Djang Bao Ting, Changsha, Hu-
Provincial Officers. nan, China.
Director, J. G. White. E. H. James, Wang Gia Dun,
Sec. and Treas., S. G. White. Hankow, Hupeh, China. .
Mrs. E. H. James, Wang Gia Dun,
Honan Province: Hankow, Hupeh, China.
Director, D. E. Davenport (act- C. 11. Davis, Wang Gia Dun, Han-
ing). kow, Hupeh, China.
Sec. and Treas., 0. J. Gibson. Mrs. George Harlow, Wang Gia
Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China.
Hupeh Province: Mrs. R. F. Cottrell, Wang Gia Dun,
Director, George Harlow. Hankow, Hupeh, China.
Sec. and Treas., R. J. Brown. Mrs. W. E. Gillis, Nanchang, Ki-
angsi, China.
Kiangsi Province: Mrs. J. G. White, Changsha, Hu-.
non, China.
Director, W. E. Gillis. Mrs. R. J. Brown, Wang Gia Dun,
Sec. and Treas., Hankow, Hupeh, China.
Mrs. 0. J. Gibson, Yencheng, Ho-
MINISTERS. nan, China.
Mrs. D. E. Davenpoit, Yencheng,
R. F. Cottrell, Wang Gia Dun, Ronan, China.
Hankow, Hupeh, China. Mrs. S. G. White, Changsha, Hu-
Frederick Lee (on furlough in nan, China.
U. S.). Mrs. 0. B. Kuhn, Box 523, U. S.
George Harlow, Wang Gia Dun, Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Hankow, Hupeh, China. Mrs. H. 0. Swartout, Box 523, U.
D. B. Liu, Yencheng, Honan, China. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai,
D. D. Hwang, Nanchang, Kiangsi, China.
China. Mrs. Frederick Lee (on furlough
in U. S.).
S. G. White, Changsha, Hunan,
0. J. Gibson, Yencheng, Honan,
China. Organized 1909.
J. G. White, Changsha, Hunan,
China. Territory: The Provinces of Ki -
anosu, Anhwei, Shantung, and
W. E. Gillis, Nanchang, Kiangsi, Chekiang.
China. Postal Address: Box 814, U. S.
H. 0. Swartout, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China;
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. or General's Yam en P. 0., Nan-
0. B. Kuhn, Box 523, U. S. Postal king, China.
Agency, Shanghai, China.
Dr. D. E. Davenport, Yencheng, OFFICERS.
Honan, China. Mission:
R. J. Brown, Wang Gia Dun, Han- Supt., 0. A. Hall.
kow, Hupeh, China. See. and Treas., K. H. Wood.
Du Fu Gu, Yencheng, Honan, Advisory Committee: 0. A.
China. Hall, K. H. Wood, C. P. Lillie,

R. J. Brines, J. W. Hall, Nathan NORTH CHINA MISSION.

Brewer, C. D. Han, D. S. Wu,
F.Y.Ts. Organized 1915.
Territory: The Provinces of Chih-
Tract Society: li, Shansi, and the dependency
Sec., Nathan Brewer. of Mongolia.
Sabbath School Dept.: Office Address: North China S. D.
Sec., Mrs. 0. A. Hall. A. Mission, Peking, China.
Educational Dept.: Mission:
Supt., J. W. Hall. Supt., A. C. Selmon, M. D.
Sec. and Treas., M. G. Conger.
Young People's Dept.:
Sec., J. W.. Hall. MINISTER.
A. C. Selmon.
Home Missionary Dept.:
Sec., Nathan Brewer. LICENTIATES.
M. G. Conger, R. D. Loveland.
Kiangsu Province: Mrs. M. G. Conger, *Mrs. R. D.
Director, K. H. Wood. Loveland, Mrs. A. C. Selmon,
M. D.
Sec. and Treas., W. I. Hilliard.

Anhwei Province:
Director, 0. A. Hall.
Sec. and Treas., J. W. Hall. Organized 1914.
Shantung Province: Territory: The Provinces of
Director, C. P. Lillie. Szechwan, Kweichow, Yunnan,
Sec. and Treas., and the dependency of Tibet.
Telegraphic Address: " Adventist

IINISTERS. Mission," Chungking, Szechwan.
0. A. Hall, C. P. Lillie. Office Address: West China S. D.
A. Mission, Chungking, Szech-
LICENTIATES. wan, China.
K. H. Wood, R. J. Brines, J. W. OFFICERS.
Hall, W. I. Hilliard, C. D. Han.
C. F. Glascock, Mrs. C. F. Glas- Sec. and Treas., C. E. Bland-
cock, Nathan Brewer, Mrs. B. ford.
Miller (on furlough in U. S.),
Miss Florence Shull, Mrs. 0. A. Advisory Committee: M. C.
Hall, Mrs. K. H. Wood, Mrs. C. Warren, Mrs. M. C. Warren, C. E.
P. Lillie, Mrs. R. J. Brines, Mrs. Blandford, Dr. J. N. Andrews, Mrs.
J. W. Hall, Mrs. Nathan Brew- J. N. Andrews, Li Fah Kung, Shi
er, Mrs. W. I. Hilliard. Yung Gwei.

Sabbath School Dept.: LICENTIATES.

Sec., Mrs. M. C. Warren. M. C. Warren, C. E. Blandford,
Young People's Dept.: Dr. J. N. Andrews.
Medical Miss. Dept.: Mrs. M. C. Warren, Mrs. C. E.
Sec., J. N. Andrews, M. D. Blandford, Mrs. J. N. Andrews.


Organized 1915.

Territory: The local missions in Tract Society:

the provinces of Fukien, Kwang- Field Miss. Sec., A. Mountain,
tung, Kwangsi, the French de- Jr.
pendency of Annam, and the is- -
land of Formosa. Sec. Hongkong Tract Society,
Mrs. A. Mountain, Jr.
(Completion of the organization Sabbath School Dept.:
deferred till the meeting of the Sec., Mrs. B. A. Meeker.
conference in April, 1917.)
Educational Dept.:
Supt., P. V. Thomas.
SOUTH CHINA MISSION. Young People's Dept.:
Organized 1909; reorganized 1912. Sec., Mrs. P. V. Thomas.
Provincial Officers.
Territory: The Provinces of Fu-
kien, Kwangtnng, Kwangsi, Fukien and Formosa:
the French dependency of An- Director and Treas., W. C. Han-
nam, and the islands of For- kins.
mosa and Hainan.
Telegraphic and Cable Address: Swatow:
"Adventist," Canton. Director, J. P. Anderson.
Postal Address: Tungshan, Can- Treas., T. K. Ang.
ton, China. Cantonese:
Director and Treas., A. L. Ham.
Mission: Hakka:
Director and Treas., S. A. Nagel.
Supt., B. L. Anderson, Kulang-
su, Amoy, China. Kwangsi:
Sec. And Treas., P. V. Thomas, Director, Dr. Law Keem.
Tung shan, Canton, China. Treas., H. B. Parker.
Advisory Committee: B. L. An-
derson, W. C. Hankins, J. P. An- MINISTERS.
derson, S. A. Nagel, P. V. Thomas, B. L. Anderson, Kulangsu, Amoy,
A. L. Ham, A. Mountain, Jr., Dr. China.
Law Keem, N. P. Keh, T. K. W. C. Hankins, Kulangsu, Amoy,
Ang. China.

B. A. Meeker, 3 Granville Ave., INSTITUTIONS IN THE ASI-

Kowloon, Hongkong, China. ATIC DIVISION CONFERENCE.
J. P. Anderson, Swatow, Kwang-
tung, China. Educational:
Dr. Law Keem, Nanning, Kwangsi, Australasian Missionary Col-
China. lege, Cooranbong, N. S. W.,
T. K. Ang, Swatow, Kwang- Australia.
tung, China. Bethel Girls' School, Tungshan,
N. P. Keh, Foochow, China. Canton, China.
S. A. Nagel, Waichow, China. Cantonese Training School, Can-
ton, China.
N. K. Keh; Amoy, China.
Fukien Training School, Amoy,
A. L: Ham, Tungshan, Canton, China Missions Training School,
China. Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency,
Shanghai, China.
P. V. Thomas, Tungshan, Canton,
China. Darling Range School, Carmel,
F. E. Bates, Kulangsu, Amoy, West Australia.
China. Fiji Training School, Buresala,
Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
C. C. Morris, Swatow, China. Foochow Intermediate School,
H. B. Parker, Nanning, China. Foochow, China.
Garhwal industrial School,
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Dwarikhal, Garhwal District,
Mrs. B. L. Anderson, Kulangsu, India.
Amoy, China. India Christian Training School,
Mrs. W. C. Hankins, Kulangsu, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow,
Amoy, China. India.
Mrs. Susan Wilbur (on furlough Japan Mission Training School,
in United States). 169 Aman urn a , Suginarn m u-
ra, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo,
Mrs. J. P. Anderson, Swatow, Japan.
Kwangtung, China. Karmatar Middle English
Mrs. B. A. Meeker, 3 Granville School, Karmatar, E. I. R.,
Ave., Kowloon, Hongkong, India.
China. Korean Industrial School, Soo-
Mrs. S. A. Nagel, Waichow, nan, Korea.
China. Marathi Training School for
Mrs. Law Keem, Nanning, Kwang- Nurses, Kalyan, Bombay Pres-
si,'China. idency, India.
Mrs. F. E. Bates, Kulangsu, Amoy, Meiktila Technical School,
Chin . Meiktila, Burma.
Mrs. A. L. Ham, Tungshan, Can- Mussoorie Primary and Middle
ton, China. English School, Annfield
Mrs. P. V. Thomas, Tungshan, House, Mussoorie, India.
Canton, China. Orono, Missionary School, Long-
A. Mountain, Jr., 6 Granville Road, burn, New Zealand.
Kowloon, Hongkong, China. Santali Girls' School, Karma-
Mrs. A. Mountain, 6 Granville tar. E. I. R., Tndia.
Road, Kowloon, Hongkong, Singapore Training School. 300
China. Serangoon Road, Singapore,
Mrs. C. C. Morris, Swatow, China. Straits Settlements.
Mrs. H. B. Parker, Nanning, South India Training School,
China. Coimbatore, India.

Tamil Day and Boarding Signs Publishing Co., Ltd., War-

School, Nazareth P. 0., Tin- burton, Victoria, Australia.
nevelly District, South India. Signs of the Times Publishing
House, Box 523, U. S. Pos-
Publishing: tal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Avondale Press, Cooranbong,
N. S. W., Australia. Sanitariums:
International Tract Society, 17 Adelaide Sanitarium, Barker
Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Road, Nailsworth, Adelaide,
Japanese Publishing House, 169 South Australia.
Amanuma, Suginami-mura, Christchurch Sanitarium, Papa-
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan. nui, Christchurch, New Zea-
Korean Mission Press, Seoul, land.
Korea. Sydney Sanitarium, Wahroon-
Philippine Publishing House, ga, N. S. W., Australia.
707 Calle Vermont, Manila, Warburton Sanitarium, War-
Philippine Islands. burton, Victoria, Australia.


Organized 1916.

Territory: The Austral and Bra- OFFICERS.

zilian Union Conferences, and Division:
Pres., 0. Montgomery.
the Inca Union Mission. Sec. and Treas., W. H. Wil-
Populatis.-, : 37,000,000. Executive Committee: 0. Mont-
gomery, W. H. Williams, presi-
Cable Address: "Division," Bue- dents of Union Conferences, super-
nos Aires. intendent of Union Mission, and
R. T. Baer, Henry Meyer.
Postal Address: Florida, F. C. MINISTER.
0. Montgomery, Florida, F. C.
C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
South America. t South America.


Organized igo6.
Territory: Argentina, Chile, Para- OFFICERS.
guay, Uruguay, and Falkland conference:
Islands. Pres., J. W. Westphal.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Bue- Sec. and Treas., G. E. Hart-
nos Aires. man.
Office Address: Florida, F. C. C. Executive Committee: J. W.
A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Westphal, G. E. Hartman, R. T.
South America. Baer, F. L. Perry, Dr. R. H. Habe-

nicht, W. W. Wheeler, H. U. Stev- G. B. Replogle, Diamante, Entre

ens, Santiago Mangold,. J. T. Rios, Argentina, South America.
Thompson. Lydia G. de Oppegard, Florida, F.
C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argen-
Union Publishing House: tina, South America..
Miss Almeda Kerr, Puiggari, F. C.
Casa Editora Union Sudameri- E. R., Argentina, South America.
cana, Florida, F. C. C. A., Bue- A. G. Nelson, Casilla 43, Punta
nos Aires, Argentina, South Arenas, Chile, South America.
A merica. Camilo Gil, Puiggari, F. C. E. R.,
Manager, G. E. Hartman. Argentina, South America.
Union Field Miss. Sec., A. R. Lillian Voris, Puiggari, F. C. E.
Sherman. R., Argentina, South America.
A. R. Sherman, Florida, F. C. C.
Sabbath School Dept.: A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Sec., Mrs. Lydia G. de Oppegard. South America.
Edgar Brooks, Florida, F. C. C.
Medical Missionary Dept.: A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Sec., R. H. Habenicht, M. D. South America.

Educational Dept.:
Young People's Dept.: Organized 1902.
Sec., C. P. Crager. Territory: Argentina (excepting
the territory of 1V1isiones, For-
Home Missionary Dept.: mosa, Chaco, and Corrientes.)
Sec., Andrew Roedel. Postal Address: Florida, F. C.
C. A., Buenos Aires, Argen-
tina, South America.
J. le. Westphal, Florida, F. C.
C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, OFFICERS.
South America. Conference:
E. W. Thomann, Florida, F. C. Pres., R. T. Baer.
C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sec. and Treas., C. E. Krieghoff.
South America. Executive Committee: R. T.
R. H. Habenicht, Puiggari, F. C. Baer, C. E. Krieghoff, Nels John-
E. R., Argentina, South Amer- son,. G. Block, G. W. Casebeer,
ica. E. W. Thomann.
W. W. Wheeler, Puiggari, F. C.
E. R., Argentina, South Amer- Tract Society:
ica. Sec. and Treas., C. E. Krieghoff.
Julio Ernst, Puiggari, F. C. K R., Field Miss. Sec., Nels Johnson.
Argentina, Smith Arnorira. Sabbath School Dept.:
LICENTIATES. Sec., Mrs. Maria Casebeer.
0. H. Maxson, Puiggari, F. C. Young People's Dept.:
E. R., Argentina, South Amer-
ica. Sec.,
H. U. Stevens, Puiggari, F. C. Home Missionary Dept.:
E. R., Argentina, South America. Sec., C. E. Krieghoff.
G. E. Hartman, Florida, F. C. R. T. Baer, Florida, F. C. C. A.,
C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
South America. America.

Luis Ernst, 155 B. Orono, Rosario OFFICERS.

de S. Fe, Argentina, South Conference:
America. Pres., F. L. Perry.
G. W. Casebeer, Florida, F. C. C. Sec. and Treas., .Guillermo Em-
A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, m enegger.
South America. Executive Committee: F. L.
Godofredo Block, Puiggari; F. C. Perry, Guillermo Emmenegger,
E. R., Argentina, South America. Damaso Soto, Victor Thomann,
C. E. Krieghoff, Florida, F. C. C. A., F. H. Westphal, Otto Schulz.
Buenos Aires, Arget ina, South
Am erica. Tract Society:
L. A. Rojas, 495 Corrientes, Bahia
Blanca, F. C. S., Argentina, Sec. and Treas., G. Emmenegger.
South America. Field Miss. Sec., Otto Schulz.


Nels Johnson, Florida, F. C. C. A., Sec., Mrs. F. H. Westphal, Pe-
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South trufquen, Chile, South America.
A. R. Dennis, 155 B. Orono, Ro- Young People's Dept.:
sario de S. Fe, Argentina, South
America. Sec., Catalina Block.
Elvira Foley, La Plata, F. C. S.,
Argentina, South America. Home Missionary Dept.:
Francisco Abay, Villa Urguiza, Sec., Mrs. F. H. Westphal, Pe-
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South trufquen, Chile, South America.
Santiago Siegfried, Colon 530, MINISTERS.
Concordia, E. Rios, Argentina, F. L. Perry, F. H. Westphal, D.
South America. Soto, V. E. Thomann.
Miss Audrey Murphey, Florida,
F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Ar- LICENTIATE.

gentina., South America. John Lorenz.
Mrs. G. W. Casebeer, Florida, F. C.
C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
South America.
Matilda Gentile, 3048 Garay, Bue- 0. Emmenegger, Aristides del C.
nos Aires, Argentina, South Vasques, Juan C. Dissegnet,
America. Otto Schulz, J. C. Brower, Mrs.
Pedro Cartoccio, La Plata, F. C. F. H. Westphal, Catalina Block.
S., Argentina, South America.
G. P. Block,' Emma Saller, Julio ALTO PARANA MISSION.
'Weiss, Mrs. Wm. Kirstein.
Organized 1906.
Territory: Paraguay, the territo-
ries of Misiones,Chaco, For-
CHILE CONFERENCE. mosa, and Corriet
es, Argentina.
Address: Posadas, Misiones, Ar-
Organized 1907. gentina, South America.
Territory: Chile, South America. OFFICERS.
Cable Address: "Adventista," San- Mission:
tiago, Chile, South America,. Supt., Santiago Mangold.
Office Address: Casilla 2830, San- Sec., G. E. Hartman.
tiago, Chile, South America. Treas., Santiago Mangold.

Executive Committee: Santiago OFFICERS.

Mangold, Pedro M. Brouchy, Brig- Mission:
ido Prado Eudoro Villafafie, La- Supt., J. W. Westphal.
zaro Solis. Sec. and Treas., J. T. Thompson.
Sabbath School Dept.: Executive Committee: J. W.
Westphal, J. T. Thompson, Er-
Sec., nesto Beskow, Nicolas Hansen,
Young People's Dept.: Alexandro Ernst.
Sec., Tract Society:
MINISTER. Sec. and Treas., J. T. Thompson.
Santiago Mangold. Field Miss. Sec., J. T. Thompson.
Mrs. Adela. T. de Brouchy, Fran- Sec., Carlota Hugo.
cisco Taborda, Pedro M. Brouchy,
Mateo Leites, Eudoro Villaf aide, Young People's Dept.:
Mrs. Amelia H. de Villaf afie.
Sec., J. T. Thompson.
URUGUAY MISSION. Nicolas Hansen.
Organized 1006. LICENTIATES.
Territory: Uruguay Republic, J. T. Thompson, C. J. Neumann.
South America.
Address: Calle Arenal Grande MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
2535, Montevideo, Uruguay, Carlota Hugo, Antonio Donan-
South America. chelo, Walterio Thomann.


Organized 101.
Territory: The Conferences of Legal Assn.: "Associacao dos
Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Adventistas do setimo dia no
Ca tharina; and the mission Brazil." Pres., F. W. Spies; Sec.
fields of Parana, Sao Paulo, Rio and Treas., A. Pages.
Espirito Santo, East Brazil, and
North Brazil. Union Book Depository:
Headquarters: Sao Bernardo, S. Sociedade Internacional de Tra-
P. R., srto Paulo, Brazil, South tados no Brazil, Sao Bernardo, Sao
A m.r;nn
- Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Manager, A. Pages.
OFFICERS. Union Field Miss. Sec., R. M.
Conference: Carter.
Pres., F. W. Spies.
Sec., L. Lotz. Sabbath School Dept.:
Treas., A. Pages. Sec., M. Rohde.
Executive Committee: F. W.
Spies, L. Lotz A. Pages, M. Educational Dept.:
Rohde, R. M. Carter, the presidents See., F. W. Spies.
of the conferences, and the super-
intendents of the organized mis- Young People's Dept.:
sions of the Union. Sec., M. Rohde.

Home Missionary Dept.: SANTA CATHARINA CON-

Sec., M. Rohde. FERENCE.
Organized 1906.
F. W. Spies, J. H. Boehm.
Territory: State of Santa Cath-
arina, Brazil.
A. Pages, L. Lotz, R. M. Carter,
M. Rohde, Paul Hennig, Carlos Office: Capoeiras Correio Estreito,
Reidt. Santa Catharina, Brazil, South
Pres., A. Rockel.
Organized 1906.
Sec., A. Anniess.
Territory: The State of Rio Treas., H. 01m.
Grande do Sul, Brazil. Executive Committee: A.
Office: Caixa Postal 106, Porto Rockel, A. Anniess, Fr. Peggau,
Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Bra- Aug. van Roo.
zil, South America.
OFFICERS. Sabbath School Dept.:
Conference: Sec., A. Anniess.
Pres., Henry Meyer.
Sec. and Treas., E. Langen- MINISTER.
strassen. A. Rockel.
Executive Committee: H.
Meyer E. Langenstrassen, R. Die- LICENTIATES.
trich, 'E. Bergold, Jose Kumpel.
Henry Haefft, F. Belz, Joao Alves
Tract Society: Martinas da Cunha.
Sec. and Treas., E. Langen-
Field Miss. Sec., E. Fromming,. Mrs. Stuhlmann, Martha 01m,
Sabbath School Dept.: Franz Fritsch.
Sec., Mrs. Emma Meyer.
Educational Dept.:
Young People's Dept: Established 1910.
Sec., J. H. Peters.
Territory: The states of Bahia,
MINISTERS. Sergipe, Alagoas, Brazil.
H. Meyer, R. Dietrich.
Headquarters: Sao Bernardo, S.
LICENTIATES. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
H. Streithorst, W. A. Ernenputsch,
Jose Amador dos Reis. Superintended by the Union
E. Fromming, E. Langenstrassen, MINISTER.
J. H. Peters. M. Kampel.


Leopoldo D. Nabueo.
Established 1906.
Territory: The states of Parahyba,
Rio Grande do Norte, Piauhy, RIO ESPIRITO SANTO
Ceara, Maranhao, Para, Ama- MISSION.
zonas, Matto Grosso, Goyaz, and
Minas Geraes. Established 1910.
Superintended by the Union Territory: State of Rio de Ja-
Committee. neiro, Espirito Santo, and the
Federal District.
Address: Caixa Postal 768, Rio
Germano Conrad. de Janeiro, Brazil, South' Amer-
Zacharias Martins Rodrigues, Miss OFFICERS.
Blanche Davis. Mission:
Supt., F. R. Kiimpel.
Executive Committee: F. R.
PARANA MISSION. Kuempel, E. C. Ehlers, William
W. Denz, F. W. Spies, C. C. Specht.
Established 1906.
Territory: The state of Parana, F. R. Ktimpel, E. C. Ehlers.
Office: Rua Saldanha Marinho 169, LICENTIATE.
Curityba, Parana, Brazil, South W. Walla.
OFFICERS. C. C. Specht, Miss S. Kinner, Pedro
Mission: Alexandre.
Supt., R. Stissmann.
Executive Committee: The Un- SAO PAULO MISSION.
ion Committee.
Established 1906.
R. Siissmann. " Territory: The State of Sao Paulo,
Office Address: Sao Bernardo, S.
L. Braun. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
Established 1916.
Territory: The state of Pernam- Supt., John Lipke.
buco, Brazil. Sec. and Treas., A. Pages.
Address: Camara, Pernambuco, Executive Committee: J. Lipke,
Brazil, South America. A. Pages, J. H. Boehm.
Field Miss. Sec., Saturnino
OFFICERS. Mendes de Oliveira.
Supt., R. J. Wilfart.
Executive Committee: The Un-. L. Lipke, J. H. Boehm, J. E. Brown.
MINISTER. Joses dos Santos, Miss Corinne
R. J. Wilfart. Hoy, Miss L. Wurts.
Organized 1914.
Territory: Bolivia, Ecuador, and MINISTER.
Peru. C. E. Knight.
Address: Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru,
Mrs. C. E. Knight, Enrique Man-
Supt., E. L. Maxwell.
Sec. .and Treks., F. C. Varney. PERUVIAN MISSION.
Executive Committee: E. L.
Maxwell, F. C. Varney, and the Established 1906.
superintendents of local missions.
Territory: Republic of Peru,
Union Book Depository: South America.
" Casa Editora Inca," Casilla Cable and Telegraphic Address:
1002, Lima, Peru, South America. "Ad ventista," Lima, Peru.
Manager, F. C. Varney. Address: Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru,
South America.
Union Field Sec.,
Sabbath School Dept.: Mission:
Sec., F. C. Varney. Supt., E. L. Maxwell.
Sec. and Treas., F. C. Varney.
MINISTER. Executive Committee: E. L.
E. L. Maxwell. Maxwell, F. C. Varney.
F. C. Varney. Ignacio Kalbermatten.
BOLIVIA MISSION. Miss Maud Carner.

Established 1907.
Territory: Republic of Bolivia, LAKE TITICACA INDIAN
South America. MISSION.
Telegraphic Address: " Adventis-
tas," La Paz, Bolivia. (Under Peruvian Mission.)
Postal Address: Casilla 7, La Territory: Departments of Puno,
Paz, Bolivia, South America. Cuzco, Madre do Dios, in Peru;
MINISTER. and that part of the basin of
W. B. Pohle. Lake Titicaca which is in Bo-
Address: Puno, Peru, South
Established 1906.
Territory: Republic of Ecuador, Supt., F. A, Stahl.
South America. Sec. and Treas., J. M. Howell,
Address: Casilla 44, Quito, Ecua- Executive Committee: F. A.
dor, South America. Stahl, J. M. Howell, C. V. Achen-
Superintendent: C. E. Knight. bach.

MINISTERS. Seminario Adventista, Campho

F. A. Stahl, C. V. Achenbach. Redondo, Santo Amaro, Sao
Paulo, Brazil, South America.
J. M. Howell, Mrs. F. A. Stahl,
Mrs. J. M. Howell, Mrs. C. V. Publishing:
Achenbach. Sociedade Internacional de Tra-
tados no Brazil, Silo Bernardo,
S. P. R., szio Paulo, Brazil,
AMERICAN DIVISION Casa Editora, Union Sudameri-
cana, Florida, F. C. C. A.,
CONFERENCE. Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Educational: South America:
Pua Training School, Pua, Sanitariums:
Chile, South America.
Seminario Sarmiento de los Ad- Sanatorio Adventista del Plata,
ventistas, Puiggari, F. C. E. Puiggari, F. C. E. ,R., Entre
R., Entre Rios, Argentina, Rios, Argentina, South Amer-
South America. ica.


Organized zgoz.

Territory: The Conferences of Legal Assn.: " South African

Cape, Orange Free State, and Union Conference of S. D. A."
Natal-Transvaal, and the Mis- Union Field Miss. Sec., G. C.
sions in Basutoland, Barotse- Jenks.
land, Rhodesia, Nyasaland, and
Kafirland. Sabbath School Dept.:
Population: 10,000,000. Sec., Mrs. A. P. Tarr, Umtata,
Transkei, Cape, South Africa.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Cape
Town. Educational Dept.: .
fllfaz: 3G Roeland St., Cape Sec., W. E. Straw, Union
Town, South Africa. College, Kenilworth, Cape, South
Conference: Religious Liberty Dept.:
Pres., W. B. White. Sec.,
Vice-Pres., IV. S. Hyatt.
Sec. and Treas., W. B. Commin. Young People's Dept:
Executive Committee: W. B. Sec., G. H. Clark.
White, W. S. Hyatt, W. D. Mac- Home Missionary Dept.:
Lay, 0. K. Butler, W. H. Ander- Sec., G. H. Clark.
son, W. C. Walston, IV. E.
Straw, G. C. Jenks, E. W. H. Committee on Literature in Na-
Jeffrey, W. B. Commin, 0. H. tive Languages: W. B. White,
Clark, U. Bender. W. S. Hyatt, E. W. H. Jeffrey,

W. H. Anderson, J. R. Campbell, Mrs. F. Stuckey, Cape Sanitarium,

C. Robinson, F. B. Armitage, J. Plum stead, Cape, South Africa.
P. Casey, W. B. Commin. Mrs. I. J. Hankins, Timour Hall
Road, Plumstead, Cape, South
Mrs. E. W. H. Jeffrey, Market
W. B. White, 56 Roeland St., Square, Alice, Cape, South Af-
Cape Town, South Africa. rica.
J. C. Rogers, 56 Roeland St., Joseph Rasimeni, Box 88, Bloem-
Cape Town, South Africa. fontein, Orange Free State,
M. C. Sturdevant, Umtali, Rhode- South Africa.
sia, South Africa. Robert Mapupuka, 47 Berlein St.,
P. Smailes, 47 Berlein St., Denver, Denver, Johannesburg, Trans-
Johannesburg, Transvaal, South vaal, South Africa.
U. Bender, Bulawayo, Rhodesia, CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHER.
South Africa.
Miss Annie Visser, Olivedale, P.
LICENTIATES. 0. Dewdrop, via Ladysmith,
Natal, South Africa.
G. H. Clark, 56 Roeland St.,
Cape Town, South Africa.
W. E. Straw, Union College, Ken-
ilworth, Cape, South Africa. CAPE CONFERENCE.
G. C. Jenks, 104 Kelner St., Bloem-
fontein, Orange Free State, Organized 1892.
South Africa.
James Mtimkulu, care Messrs. Territory: Cape Colony, South
Border and Allen, Kroonstad, Africa.
Orange Free State, South Af- Cable Address: " Adventist," Cape
rica. Town.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Office: 56 Roeland St., Cape
Town, South Africa.
FL J. Williams, M. D., Cape San-
itarium, Plumstead, Cape, South OFFICERS.
Africa. Conference:
Miss Ida Thomason, Cape Sani-
tarium, Plumstead, Cape, South Pres., W. D. MacLay.
Africa. Sec. and Treas., J. E. Symons.
W. B. Commin, 56 Roeland St., Executive Committee: W. D.
Cape Town, South Africa. MacLay, I. J. Hankins, D. F. Tarr,
Miss M. E. Robertson, Union W. B. Commin, A. W. Staples,
College, Kenilworth, Cape, G. W. Webb.
South Africa.
Mrs. W. B. White, " Wynnton," Tract Society:
Selous Road, Claremont, Cape, Sec. and Treas., J. E. Symons.
South Africa.
Mrs. J. C. Rogers, 56 Roeland St., Sabbath School Dept.:
Cape Town, South Africa. Sec., Mrs. Bertha Smith, Bon-
Mrs. M. C. Sturdevant, Umtali, nie Vale, Cape, South Africa.
Rhodesia, South Africa.
Mrs. A. P. Tarr, Umtata, Trans-
kei, Cape, South Africa. Young People's Dept.:
W. H. Hurlow, Cape Sanitarium, Sec., Miss Blanche Willmore,
Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. " The Home," Rokeby Park, via
F. Stuckey, Cape Sanitarium, Grahamstown, Cape, South Af-
Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. rica,

Home Missionary Dept.: NATAL-TRANSVAAL CONFER-

See., J. E. Symons. ENCE.

MINISTERS. Organized 1902.

W. D. MacLay,56 Roeland St., Territory: The colonies of Natal
Cape Town, South Africa. and Transvaal.
I. J. Hankins, Timour Hall Road, Telegraphic Address: " Watch-
Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. man," Maritzburg, Natal, South
D. F. Tarr, 80 St. Patrick's Road, Africa.
Port Elizabeth, Cape, South Office: Stranack St.,Pietermaritz-
Africa. burg, Natal, South Africa.
C. A. Paap, 56 Roeland St., Cape OFFICERS.
Town, South Africa.
D. C. Theunissen, Staines Road, Pres., W. S. Hyatt.
Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. Vice-Pres., J. C. Baumann.
Daniel May, Parow, Cape, South Sec. and Treas., Eric Royston.
Africa. Executive Committee: W. S.
Hyatt, J. C. Baumann, H. S.
Birkenstock, C. M. Blaine, D. H.
J. P. Casey, Timour Hall Road, Groenewald.
Plumstead, Cape, South Africa.
Mrs. J. P. Casey, Timour Hall Tract Society:
Road, Plumstead, Cape, South See. and Treas., Eric Royston.
Mrs. D. F. Tarr, 80 St. Patrick's Sabbath School Dept.:
Road, Port Elizabeth, Cape, Sec., Mrs. J. C. Baumann.
South Africa.
Young People's Dept.:
Mrs. T. Smith, Bonnie Vale,
Cape, South Africa. Sec., W. L. Hyatt.
Mrs. D. C. Theunissen, Staines Home Missionary Dept.:
Road, Plumstead, Cape, South
Africa. See., C. Baumann.
Miss Emmie Staples, 56 Roeland MINISTERS.
St., Cape Town, South Africa.
W. S. Hyatt, Stranack St., Maritz-
B. P. de Beer, Rand St., Oudt- burg, Natal, South Africa.
shoorn, Cape, South Africa.
D. H. Groenewald, care Interna-
B. B. Piercey, 55 Rocland St., Cape tional Tract Society, Strannack
Town, South Africa. St., Maritzburg, Natal, South
G. R. E. McNay, Stranack St.,
I. R. Armer, 19 Currie St., East Maritzburg, Natal, South Africa.
London, Cape, South Africa.
Mrs. I. R. Armer, 19 Currie St., LICENTIATES.
East London, Cape, South Af- W. L. Hyatt, Stranack St.; Ma-
rica. ritzburg, Natal, South Africa.
Q. H. Jubber, 27 Western Road, A. H. Van Eden, Stranack St.,
Port Elizabeth, Cape, South Maritzburg, Natal, South Af-
Africa. rica.


E. A. Royston, Stranack St., Shone, P. A. Venter, Sr., F. Snij-
Maritzburg, Natal, South Af- man.
rica. Sabbath School Dept.:
H. S. Beckner, 47 Van Beek St.,
Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Sec., Mrs. Arthur Shone, " Kalk-
Africa. fontein," De wetsdorp, Orange Free
C. Baumann, Stranack St., Maritz- State, South Africa.
burg, Natal, South Africa.
E. Van Niekerk, Germiston, Young People's Dept.:
Transvaal, South Africa. Sec., Mrs. 0. K. Butler.
Mrs. W. S. Hyatt, Stranack St.,
Maritzburg, Natal, South Af- Home Missionary Dept.:
rica. Sec., Arthur Shone.
Miss C. A. Dixie, Stranack St.,
Maritzburg, Natal, South Af- MINISTERS.
rica. 0. K. Butler, 27 First Ave.,
Miss Minnie Dixie; Stranack St., Bloemfontein, Orange Free.
Maritzburg, Natal, South Af- State, South Africa.
rica. G. W. Shone, Kroonstad, Orange
Mrs. M. E. Smith, Stranack St., Free State, South Africa.
Maritzburg, Natal, South Af-
Mrs. Mary Baumann; Stranack S. G. Hiten, 27 First Ave.,
St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Bloemfontein, Orange Free
Africa. State, South Africa.

C. H. Shaw, Stranack St., P. L. Fouche, 27 First Ave.,
Maritzburg, Natal, South Af- Bloemfontein, Orange Free
rica. State, South Africa.
Mrs. C. H. Shaw, Stranack St., Mrs. 0. K. Butler, 27 First Ave.,
Maritzburg, Natal, South Af- Bloemfontein, Orange Free
rica. State, South Africa.
Mrs. G. W. Shone, Kroonstad,
Orange Free State, South Af-
CONFERENCE. A. E. Shone, Dewetsdorp, Orange
Free State, South Africa.
Organized 1913. Mrs. A. E. Shone, Dewetsdorp,
Orange Free State, South Af-
Territory: Orange Free State, rica.
South Africa.
Cable Address: " Adventist,"
Bloemfontein, Orange Free RHODESIA-NYASALAND
State, South Africa. MISSION.
Office: 27 First Ave., Bloemfon-
tein, Orange Free State, South (Under the South African Union
Africa. Conference.)
OFFICERS. Organized 1916.
Conference: Territory: The following missions:
Pres., 0. K. Butler. Barotseland, Glendale, Nyasa-
Sec. and Treas., W. H. Dale. land, Shangani, Solusi, Soma-
Executive Committee: 0. K. hula, and Tsungwesi.

Address: Bulawayo, Rhodesia, Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. G. N.

South Africa. Ellingworth, Miss E. Edie, Mrs.
C. Robinson, Miss Irene Fouric-,
OFFICERS. H. J. Hurlow, Mrs. H. J. Hur-
Mission: low.
Supt., U. Bender. Mission School Teachers: G. A.
Advisory Committee: U. Ben- Ellingworth, Miss E. Edie.
der, W. H. Anderson, W. C. Wal-
ston, C. Robinson, J. N, de Beer.

BAROTSELAND MISSION. Established 1916.
Established 1905. Address: Shangani Mission, Gwe-
lo, Rhodesia, South Africa.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Pem-
ba, Northwest Rhodesia, South Supt. and Licentiate: Hubert
Africa. Sparrow.
Director and Minister: W. H.
Anderson (on furlough in U. S.) Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. Hu-
bert Sparrow.
S. M. Konigmacher, Victor Wil-
Mrs. W. H. Anderson (on furlough Established 1894.
in U. S.), Mrs. Victor Wilson,
F. R. Stockil. Address: Solusi Mission, Bula-
wayo, Rhodesia, South Africa.
Supt. and Minister:. W. C. Wal-
GLENDALE MISSION. Licentiate: R. P. Robinson.
Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. W.
Established 1911. C. Walston, Mrs. R. P. Robin-
Address: Victoria, Southern Rho- son.
desia, South Africa.
Supt. and Licentiate: T. J. Gib- SOMABULA MISSION.
Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. T. Established 1901.
J. Gibson, Laurie Sparrow,
Mrs. Laurie Sparrow. Address: Gwelo, Rhodesia, South
Supt. and Licentiate: J. N. de
Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. J. N.
Acquired 1902. de Beer.
Head Station: Malamulo Mission,
Blantyre, Nyasaland, British
Substations: Matandani and Mon- Opened 1910.
Superintendent: C. Robinson. Address: Tsiingwesi Mission. In-
Licentiates: C. Robinson, G. A. yazura Siding, via Salisbury,
Ellingworth. Rhodesia, South Africa.

Supt. and Licentiate: F. B. Jew- Missionary Licentiates: C. Spar-

ell. row, P. Faba, Agrippa Mzozane,
Mrs. C. Tarr.
Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. F. B.
Jewell, Mrs. Ida Bowen, E. Tarr,
Mrs. E. Tarr. Maranatha Mission.
Established 1906.
Address: Martindale, Cape, South
Supt. and Licentiate: E. C. Sils- Africa.
bee. Supt. and Licentiate: Chas. Spar-
Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. E. C. Missionary Licentiate: Miss V.
Silsbee. Sutherland.
Bolo Mission.
Established 1899. ZULU MISSION,
Address: Morija, Basutoland,
South Africa. Established 1911.
Supt: E. Van Niekerk. Address: Zulu Mission, P. 0.
Missionary Licentiate: Lazarus Dewdrop, via Ladysmith, Natal,
Molokomme. South Africa.
Supt. and Minister: F. B. Armi-
Emmanuel Mission. tage.
Established 1910. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. F.
B. Armitage, I. R. Evanson.
Address: Leribe, Basutoland,
South Africa.
Superintendent: F. Macdonald. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH
Licentiates: J. R. Campbell (on AFRICAN UNION CON-
furlough in U. S.), M. D. Kalaka.
Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. R. FERENCE.
Campbell (on furlough in U. S.), Educational:
F. Macdonald.
Mission School Teacher: Murray Claremont Union College, Ken-
D. Kalaka. ilworth, Cape, South Africa-
KAFIRLAND MISSIONS. Sentinel Publishing House, 56
Territory: Kafirland, Transkei, Roeland St., Cape Town,
South Africa.
and Griqualand, South Africa.
Address: Grahamstown, Cape, Sanitariums:
South Africa. Cape Sanitarium, Plumstead,
Supt.: E. W. H. Jeffrey. Cape, South Africa.
Kimberley Baths, 7 Cheapside,
Ministers: E. W. H. Jeffrey, R. Kimberley, South Africa.
Moko. Natal Health Institute, 126
Licentiates: A. P. Tarr, I. B. Bur- Longmarket St., Pietermaritz-
ton, C. Tarr. burg, Natal, South Africa.
Organized June 26, 1906.
Territory: The conferences of Ja- Executive Committee: G. A.
maica, South Caribbean, and Roberts, N. J. Aalborg, C. H.
West Caribbean. Keslake, W. H. Randle, W. F.
Population: 12,000.000. Burkley, J. G. Pettey, C. C. Mc-
Cable Address: "Adventist," Kings- Catty.
ton, Jamaica.
Office: Riversdale, Jamaica, British Tract Society:
West Indies.
Sec. and Treas., J. G. Pettey.
Conference: Sabbath School Dept.:
Pres., A. J. Haysmer, Rivers- Sec., Mrs. N. J. Aalborg, Mon-
dale, Jamaica, British West In- tego Bay, Jamaica, British West
dies. Indies.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, F. H.
Raley, Riversdale, Jamaica, Brit-
ish West Indies. Young People's Dept.:
Executive Committee: A. J. Sec.,
Haysmer, E. C. Boger, N. H.
Pool, W. G. Kneeland, F. H.
Raley, J. W. Shultz, G. A. Roberts.
Union Field Miss. Sec., J. A. P.
G. A. Roberts, 112 Tower St.,
Green. Kingston, Jamaica, British West
A. J. Haysmer, Riversdale, Ja- C. H. Keslake, 112 Tower St.,
maica, British West Indies. Kingston, Jamaica, British We at
N. J. Aalborg, Montego Bay,
F. H. Raley, Riversdale, Jamaica, Jamaica, British West Indies.
British West Indies.
J. A. P. Green, Riversdale, Jamai- Hubert Fletcher, Riversdale, Ja-
ca, British West Indies. maica British West Indies.
W. H. Randle, May Pen P. 0.,
Jamaica, British West Indies.
JAMAICA CONFERENCE. H. Louie Mignott, Gayle P. 0.,
Jamaica, British West Indies.
Organized 1903.
Territory: Island of Jamaica,
Cayman Islands, and Turks S. U. Powell, 112 Tower St., Kings-
Islands. ton, Jamaica, British West In-
Cable Address: " Adventist," dies.
Kingston. L. G. Mullings, Maggotty P. 0.,
Office: 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies.
Jamaica, British West Indies.
Pres., G. A. Roberts. J. G. Pettey, D. E. Heron, W. F.
Sec. and Treas., J. G. Pettey. Burkley, Mrs. N. J. Aalborg.


S. U. Powell, 112 Tower St., E. C. Boger, 199 Belmont Circular
Kingston, Jamaica, British West Road, Port of Spain, Trinidad,
Indies. British West Indies.
Miss L. Bradshaw, 112 Tower St., N. H. Pool, Hastings, Barbados,
Kingston, Jamaica, British West British West Indies.
Indies. M. B. Butterfield, 199 Belmont Cir-
cular Road, Port of Spain, Trin-
idad, British West Indies.
I. G. Knight, 90 Brickdani, George-
SOUTH CARIBBEAN CON- town, British Guiana, South
FERENCE. America.
E. C. Widgery, Charlotte Amalie,
Organized 1906. St. Thomas, Danish West In-
Territory: Trinidad; British, dies.
French, and Dutch Guianas; L. Rashford, Tunapuna, Trinidad,
Venezuela; the Windward, Lee- British West Indies.
ward, and Virgin Islands. Philip Giddings, 107 Rue Schoel-
cher, Pointe-a-Pitre, Guadeloupe,
Cable Address: " Adventists," French West Indies.
Port of Spain, Trinidad. Frank Hall, Christiansted, St.
Office: 199 Belmont Circular Road, Croix, Danish West Indies.
Port of Spain, Trinidad, British D. E. Wellman, 38 Belle Eau Road,
West Indies. Port of Spain, Trinidad, British
OFFICERS. West Indies.
W. E. Baxter, Caracas, Venezuela,
Conference: South America.
Pres., E. C. Boger.
Sec. and Treas., Fred Hutchin- LICENTIATES.
son. E. C. Henriques, 199 Belmont Cir-
Executive Committee: E. C. Bo- cular Road, Port of Spain, Trini-
ger, N. H. Pool, E. C. Widgery, dad, British West Indies.
S. A. Critchlow, E. C. Henriques, A. E. Riley,. 90 Brickdam, George-
Thos, Cotton. town, British Guiana, South
Tract Society: Henry Beck, 90 Brickdam, George-
Sec. and Treas., Fred Hutchin- town, British Guiana, South
son. America.
Field Miss. Sec., G. D. Raff. R. Ryder, 90 Brickdam, George-
town, British Guiana, South
Sabbath School Dept.: America.
Sec., Mrs. Florence Hutchinson. J. J. Smith, Plymouth, Montser-
rat, British West Indies.
Educational Dept.: Chas. Cave, M. D., Hastings, Bar-
Supt., E. C. Henriques. bados, British West Indies.

Medical Missionary Dept.: MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

See., Chas. Cave, M. D., Hast- Fred Hutchinson, Mrs. Florence
ings, Barbados, British West In- Hutchinson, Miss Annie Os-
dies. borne, Miss Maud Atkins, S.
L. Ash, Mrs. Chas. Cave, Miss
Young People's Dept.: Mabel Skerrett, Mrs. E. C.
Sec., E. C. Henriques. Widgery, Mrs. M. B. Butter-
field, Geo. Rickard, Miss Eloise
Home Missionary Dept.: Burrowes, Mrs. E. C. Boger, Mrs.
Sec., S. L. Ash. W. E. Baxter, G. D. Raff.


Wm. Lewis, Mrs. Nathan Payne, Sec. and Treas., H. C. Kephart.
Mrs. J. C. Wilson, Miss Mary Field Agent, John L. Holder.
Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. W. G. Kneeland.
Young People's Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. H. C. Kephart.
Organized 1906. W. G. Kneeland, Drawer M, Cris-
tobal, Canal Zone, Panama.
Territory: Panama, Colombia, C. E. Boynton, Box 254, Ancon,
Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and St. Canal Zone.
Andrews, Old Providence, and J. A. Reid, Bluefields, Nicaragua.
Corn Islands. B. E. Connerly, Medellin, Colom-
Cable Address: " Adventists," Co- bia, care American Consul.
J. W. Shultz, Box 1039, San Jose,
lon, Panama. Costa Rica.
Office: Drawer M, Cristobal, Canal J. Berger Johnson, Bocas del Toro,
Zone, Panama. Panama.
Conference: H. C. Kephart, Mrs. H. C. Kephart,
Pres., W. G. Kneeland. Mrs. W. G. Kneeland, Mrs. B. E.
Sec. and Treas., H. C. Kephart. Connerly, D. P. Abbott, H. E.
Executive Committee: W. G. Brockman, Mrs. H. E. Brockman,
Kneeland, J. A. Reid, J. W. Shultz. john L. Holder.



Territory: The missions of Cuba, MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.

Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, North Lydia E. Parmele, M. D.
Honduras, Porto Rico, Salvador,
South Honduras.
Population: 25,000,000. CUBAN MISSION.
Cable Address: " Adventista," Ha-
vana, Cuba. Established 1905. _
Office Address: Havana, Cuba. Territory: Cuba and the Isle of
General Superintendent: R. W. Pines.
Parmele. Cable Address: " Adventista,"
Field Miss. Sec., J. A. P. Green. Santo Domingo, Cuba.
MINISTER. Office Address: San Marcos, San-
R. W. Parmele. ta Clara, Cuba, West Indies.

Mission: Mission:
Director, F. G. Lane. Director and Treas., J. B. Stuy-
Sec. and Treas., S. E. Kell- vesant (on furlough).
Advisory Committee: F. G.
Lane, S. E. Kellman, C. P. Martin, J. B. Stuyvesant (on furlough).
H. C. Goodrich, J. E. Anderson, A. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
E. Doering.
Mrs. J. B. Stuyvesant (on fur-
Tract Society: lough), W. F. Hardt, Mrs. W. F.
Sec., S. E. Kellman.
Field Miss. Sec., C. P. Martin.
Sabbath School Dept.: Established 1905.
Sec., Mrs. Mildred Anderson.
Territory: Republic of Haiti.
Educational Dept.: Population: 2,000,000.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Cape
Sec., Haitien.
Office: Box 88, Cape Haitien, Haiti.
Medical Miss. Dept.:
Sec., Lydia E. Parmele, M. D. OFFICERS.
Young People's Dept.: Director and Treas., A. F. Prie-
Sec., Sec., A. G. Roth.
MINISTERS. Advisory Committee: A. F.
Prieger, A. G. Roth, E. A. Curdy,
F. G. Lane, J. E. Anderson, H. C M. N. Isaac, Joseph Blot.
Tract Society:
Sec., A. G. Roth.
H. S. Mould, A. U. Cuchran, E. R.
Johnson, E. W. Thurber. Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. Margaret E. Prieger.
S. E. Kellman, C. P. Martin, Jose Educational Dept.:
Veiga, S. H. Carnahan, Mrs. Mil- Supt., A. G. Roth.
dred Anderson, Mrs. Ida Fischer-
Carnahan, Mrs. A. F. Burgos, Young People's Dept.:
Miss Florence Crouch. Sec., A. G. Roth.
A. F. Prieger.
Organized 1913. A. G. Roth, M. N. Isaac.
Territory: The republic of Gua- MISSIONARY' LICENTIATES.
temala, Central America. E. A. Curdy, Arioste P6an, Mrs.
Cable Address: "Adventista," Gua- M. E. Prieger, J. J. Baptiste,
temala. Mrs. A. G. Roth, G. Obas.
Office: Apartado 218, Guatemala
City, Guatemala, Central Amer- CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS.
ica. Richard St. Aubin, Mrs. C. Raoul.

MEXICAN MISSION./ Office: Coxen Hole, Ruatan, Re-

public Honduras, Central Amer-
Territory: The Republic of Mex- ica.
Office: 1420 Avenida 20, Tacubaya, OFFICERS.
D. F., Mexico. Mission:
(The majority of the workers Director, Isaac Baker.
named below have been tem- Sec. and Treas., Chas. M. Paden.
porarily transferred to other
fields on account of unsettled Advisory Committee: Isaac
conditions in Mexico.) Baker, Christopher Jones, S. J.
Bennett, H. Moncada.
Mission: Tract Society:
Director, G. W. Caviness, Ta- Sec., Chas. M. Paden.
koma Park Station, Washington, Field Miss. Sec., C. V. Williams.
D. C.
Sec. and Treas., Sabbath School Dept.:
Advisory Committee: G. W. Sec., Mrs. Alma 0. Jones.
Caviness, W. S. Swayze, J. W.
Erkenbeck, H. E. Meyer, J. A. P. Young People's Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. Alma 0. Jones.
G. W. Caviness, Takoma Park MINISTER.
Station, 'Washington, D. C. Isaac Baker.
Juan Robles, S. Marchisio, J. A. P. Mrs. Alma 0. Jones, C. M. Paden,
Green, Carlos S. Nicolas. Mrs. C. M. Paden, C. V. Wil-
Mrs. G. W. Caviness, Mrs. Marie
Green, E. Virginia Martin, H. E.
Meyer, Mrs. H. E. Meyer. PORTO RICAN MISSION.
Organized 1909.
Dr. J. W. Erkenbeck, Hotel
Americano, Ameca, Jalisco, Territory: Porto Rico and Santo
Mexico. Domingo.
Dr. W. S. Swayze, 1262 Ave. Cable Address: " Adventista,"
Libertad, Guadalajara, Mexico. Santurce.
Dra. Alice Ni. S,rayze, 1262 Avg. Office: Mission Adventista, Calie
Libertad, Guadalajara, Mexico. Nueva, Stop 14, Santurce, Porto


Organized 1908. Mission:

Director, William Steele, Box
Territory: British Honduras and 24, Bayamon, Porto Rico.
the seven northern departments
of the Republic of Honduras; Sec. and Treas., Mary A. Fitch.
namely, Santa Barbara, Cortez, Advisory Committee: William
Yoro, Atlantida, Ceyon, Mosqui- Steele, Dr. J. F. Morse, Rafael Lo-
tia, and the Bay Tidal-ids. pez (Miranda), D. D. Fitch.

Tract Society: Director and Treas.: J. L. Brown.

Sec., Mary A. Fitch. Field Miss. Sec., U. M. Cooke.
Field Miss. Sec., Sabbath School Dept.:
Sabbath School Dept.: Sec., Mrs. J. L. Brown.
Sec., Mrs. M. E. Steele. Licentiate: J. L. Brown.
Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. L.
Young People's Dept.: Brown, U. M. Cooke.
Sec., D. D. Fitch.
William Steele, D. D. Fitch.
Organized 1915.
C. E. Moon, H. D. Casebeer, Rafael Territory: Spanish Honduras (ex-
Lopez (Miranda), C. N. Moul- cepting the five northern prov-
ton, E. C. Jacobson, Salvador inces) and the northwestern por-
Rivera. tion of Nicaragua.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Cable Address: " Adventista,"
Millie E. Steele, Jessie C. Butler, Office: Apartado 4, Tegucigalpa,
Mrs. C. E. Moon, Mrs. Mary A. Southern Honduras.
Fitch, Miss Edith Frye, Miss
Ethel Frye, Mrs. Elizabeth OFFICERS.
Wright, Mrs. H. D. Casebeer, Mission:
Mrs. Lucia Fuentes, Mrs. Ethel Director and Treas., H. F.
Jacobson. Brown.
Field Miss. Sec., G. A. Schwerin.
Mrs. Mercedes Toro. Sabbath School Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. K. J. Jones.

Territory: Republic of Salvador. G. A. Schwerin, H. C. Brown, K. J.

Snow, Mrs. K. J. Snow, H. E.
Address: Apartado 103, San Sal- Loftin, Mrs. H. E. Loftin, Mrs.
vador, Central America. H. F. Brown.
Entered 1909. Sec. and Treas., Miss Bertha
Territory: The Bahama Islands. Field Miss. Sec., L. 1'. Heaton.
Population: 56,000. Sabbath School Dept.:
Address: Box 473, Nassau, Baha-
mas. See., Mrs. Birdie Conway.
F. H. Conway, 1151 Eleventh Ave.,
J. H. Smith, C. G. Howell. Honolulu, Hawaii.
HAWAIIAN MISSION. Robert McKeague, Hilo, Hawaii.
Entered 1895.
Mrs. Birdie Conway, 1151 Eleventh
Territory: The Hawaiian Islands. Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii.
Population: 225,000. .. L. T. Heaton, 767 Kinau St., Hon-
Office: 1151 Eleventh Ave., Hon- olu lu, 'Hawaii.
olulu, Hawaii. Miss Bertha Lofstad, 1151 Eleventh
Ave., Honolulu,. Hawaii.
Mrs. Mabel McKeague, Hilo, Ha-
Mission: waii.
Supt., F. H. Conway. Mrs. L. T. Heaton, 767 Kinau St.,
Sec. and Treas., Miss Bertha Honolulu, Hawaii.
Lofstad. Miss Ada Robinson, 767 Kinau St.,
Advisory Committee: F. H. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Conway, Robert McKeague, L. T. Leo K. Chang, 767 Kinau St., Hon-
Heaton, Jonah Kumalae. olulu, Hawaii.

At the Educational Council held at St. Helena, Cal., June 4-14, 1915,
it was recommended that the work of our intermediate schools, acad-
emies, and colleges be organized upon a semester (half year) basis,
each semester to be subdivided into three periods of six weeks each.
It was also recommended that the credits given in these schools be
reckoned upon a unit basis, one unit representing a study pursued 36
weeks with five recitations a week, forty-five minutes in length, or its
equivalent; that college credits be given on the semester-hour basis, a
semester-hour representing a study pursued one sixty-minute hour a
week for eighteen weeks. The scope of the various courses conducted
in these schools is as follows:
Grades Years
Intermediate Course 7-10 4
Academic Course ., 9-12 4
College Course (General) 13-16 4
College Course (Specie]) :
For Ministers (Complete) 13-16 4
For Ministers (Shorter Course) 13, 14 2
For Bible Workers and Missionaries
one- and two-year courses
Teachers (Elementary) 13, 14 2
Business and Shorthand 13, 14 2
Business only 12/, 13 1/
Shorthand only 12/,13 1/
Music the conservatory course
College Course (Medical) 13-16 4
For Medical Evangelists 4
For Nurses ... the instruction given in our sanitariums 3
For Preparatory Medical Students 13, 14 2
Lists of church schools and teachers will be found in connection with
directories of the conferences in which such schools are located. Di-
rectories of colleges, academies, and intermediate schools follow in alpha-
betical order.


Holly, Mich.
Waurika, Okla.
Established 1904.
Established 1909.
Corporate Name: " Adelphian
Postal Address: R. F. D. 3, Wau- Academy Association."
rika, Okla. Board of Trustees: Chairman, A.
Board: Chairman, W. B. Etchison; J. Clark; Sec., T. W. Steen; J.
Treas., H. W. Strader; Clerk. B. McKenney, W. H. Green, Dan-
C. E. Johnson; G. W. Webb, iel Wood, H. B. Westcott.
W. H. Haynes, J. D. McCoy, H. Faculty: T. W. Steen, Principal,
G. Sims. Literature; B. H. Phipps, Pre-
Faculty: J. H. Ball, Principal; ceptor (resident boys), Mathe-
Grace Wilcox, B. E. Bridwell. matics and Science; D. C. New-

bold, Preceptor (dormitory AUSTRALASIAN MISSIONARY

boys), Bible; G. E. Clarke, His- COLLEGE.
tory; Mrs. T. W. Steen, Piano,
Voice, German; Bertha M. Cooranbong, New South Wales,
Phelps, Preceptress (dormitory Australia.
girls); Mable F. Patterson, Pre-
ceptress (resident girls), Rhet- Established 1894.
oric and English.
Board: Pres., J. M. Johanson; C.
Industrial Departments: T. W. H. Watson, A. W. Anderson, J.
Steen, Mechanical Work; G. E: M. Cole, C. H. Schowe, C. Rosen-
Clarke, Agriculture and Dairy- dahl, W. J. Westerman, G. S.
ing; Bertha M. Phelps, Domestic Fisher, C. H. Pretyman.
Science; D. C. Newbold, Build-
ings and Grounds, Painting; Faculty: C. H. Schowe, Head
Mable F. Patterson, Sewing; Master; R. Hare, Bible; J. M.
Mrs. G. E. Clarke, Accountant. Johanson, Manager; A. Smart,
Preceptor; Mrs. W. L. H. Baker,
Preceptress; Mrs. Bridgett, Ma-
tron; C. V. Bell, H. Kirk, Miss
R. Allbon, Mrs. Schowe, Miss D.
ALBERTA INDUSTRIAL Arthur, Miss U. Hocking, C. S.
ACADEMY. Palmer, C. Rosendahl. -
Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Business and Industrial Depart-
ment: J. D. K. Aitken, Supt.
Established 1907. Avondale Press; A. J. Dyason,
Supt. Health Food Dept.; F. W.
Board of Managers: E. D. Dick, Reekie, Farm Supt.; T. Escreet,
H. H. Humann, C. K. Reiswig, Blacksmithing; T. Lister, Elec-
P. P. Adams, J. L. Wilson, J. K. trical and Engineering; H. C.
Fish, F. L. Hommel, Fred John- White, Carpentry.
Faculty: E. D. Dick, Principal and
Business Manager, Science; P. BATTLEFORD ACADEMY.
P. Adams, Bible and Vocal Mu-
sic; L. W. Cobb, English and Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada.
History; J. L. Beane, Mathe- Established 1916.
matics; Miss H. A. Beardsley,
Normal Training and Asst. Bible Board of Directors: A. C. Gilbert,
Dept.; J. M. A. LeMarquand, C. B. Hughes, C. F. McVagh, A.
Treas., Bookkeeping and Asst. V. Farnsworth, U. Wissner, D.
Mathematics; A. C. Harder, Ger- D. Neufeld, W. A. Clemensen.
man Dept.; Adolph Bernhardt,
Asst. Germ a n ; 'Urn C. 4 Rick, Faculty: C. B. Hughes, itineipal
Geography and Civics; Miss Essie and Business Manager, Bible;
Barber, Preceptress, Matron, Mrs. C. B. Hughes, Matron, Pre-
Supt. of Treatment-rooms, Phys- ceptress; Claude Degering, Pre-
iology and Hydrotherapy; S. M. ceptor, English; H. W. Clark,
Ryan, Preceptor; Miss Phyllis History, Mathematics; Chas.
Sargeant, Intermediate Depart- Sissons, Accountant, Primary
ment; Miss Anna Barker, Pri- Dept.; Mrs. T. T. Babiefico, Ger-
mary Department; Miss Selma man and Russian; Mrs. H. W.
Dahl, Cook, Domestic Science; Clark, Instrumental Music; J.
Mrs. P. P. Adams, Instrumen- V. Maas, Farm Manager; Miss
tal Music; C. A. Rick, Farm Christine Mooney, Asst. Matron
Supt. and Cook.


Needham, Ind. (Seminario Adventista.)
Established 1902. Address: Seminario Adventista,
Campao Redondo, Santo Aniaro,*
Board of Managers: Pres., W. A. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
Westworth; Sec. and Treas., J. ica.
G. Lamson; the Indiana Confer-
ence Committee. Faculty: Principal, E. C. Blue;
Manager, J. H. Boehm; Paul
Faculty: J. G. Lamson, Principal Hennig.
and Manager, Bible and History; Languages: Portuguese, German,
M. E. Hitchcock, Preceptor, English.
Mathematics and Science; Mrs.
J. G. Lamson, Preceptress and
Matron, Bible, Domestic Science; BROADVIEW SWEDISH SEM-
Mrs. M. E. Hitchcock, Piano and
English; L. A. Burgess, Supt. INARY.
Shop and Farm.
La Grange, Ill.
Established 1910.
BETHEL ACADEMY. Board of Trustees: Chairman, L.
Bethel, Wis. H. Christian; Sec., H. 0. Olson;
Treas., G. E. Nord; S. Morten-
Established 1899. son, J. M. Erikson, E. J. Boo, P.
A. Hanson, E. A. Bristol, Wm.
Educational Board: Pres., Guthrie, J. Hoffman, J. H. Schill-
, Sec., H. T. Elliott; G. ing, A. Johnson.
P. Gaede, Chas. W. Johnson, P.
L. Larson, E. F. Ferris, H. H. Executive Committee: Chairman,
Hicks, G. R. Pattie. J. H. Schilling; Sec., H. 0. Ol-
son; G. E. Nord, A. Johnson, S.
Faculty: H. T. Elliott, Principal Mortenson, E. J. Boo.
and Business Manager, History;
G. H. Straight, Mathematics; Faculty: G. E. Nord, Principal and
P. L. Thompson, Preceptor, Business Manager; H. 0. Olson,
Bible; Gladys McDill, Precep- M. A., Asst. Principal and Busi-
tress, English; Grace M. Wright, ness Manager, History and Ger-
Music; P. E. Berthelsen, Lan- man; J. M. Erikson, Bible and
guage and Bible; W. H. ohlers, Greek; W. H. Wineland, B. A.,
Farm Manager; Mrs. W. H. Preceptor, Science and Mathe-
Wohlers, Matron, Science. matics; August Swedberg, Swed-
ish; Aaron Larson, B. A., Eng-
lish and Latin; J. W. Osborn,
Vocal and Instrumental Music;
0. R. Swanson, Commercial Sub-
BETHEL GIRLS' SCHOOL. jects; Anna A. Anderson, Pre-
Canton, China. ceptress, Intermediate Grades;
Signe Jensen, Matron.
Established May 14, 1904. Industrial Department: C. H.
Mattson, Farm Supt., Gardening
Address: Tungshan, Canton, China. and Woodworking; Anna Ander-
Faculty: Principal, Mrs. P. V. son-Nord and Oscar Olson, Hy-
Thomas, assisted by Chinese drotherapy; Mrs. W. H. Wine-
teachers. land, Sewing.

CAM-PION ACADEMY. Miss Mable Reed, Music Dept.;

Mrs. A. E. Hultgren, Steno-
Loveland, Colo. graphic Dept.; Mrs. Tressa
Woodman, Matron; H. A.
Established 1907.
Weaver, Farm Supt.; Miss Susie
Board: Pres., W. A. Gosmer; Sec., Klose, Church School Dept.
J. B. White; T. B. Westbrook,
E. J. Baker, H. A. Vandeman,
August Bohlinder, G. W. Angle- CENTRAL POLYNESIAN
barger, W. A. Hankins, Robert TRAINING SCHOOL.
Beaird, T. G. Specht.
Administration: Business Man- Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific
ager, J. B. White; Treas., D. E. Ocean.
Robinson; Accountant, L. E.
Kader; Preceptor, K. L. Gant; Established 1904.
Preceptress, Maude Strickland; Faculty: H. R. Martin.
Matron, Mrs. Albin G. Wearner.
Faculty: J. B. White, Principal,
Science; E. E. Farnsworth, Bi-
ble; Olive C. Taylor, English; CHINA MISSIONS, TRAINING
D. E. Robinson, History and SCHOOL.
Mathematics; Mrs. W. A. Gos-
mer, Voice Culture, Piano, Or- Shanghai, China.
gan; K. L. Gant, Preceptor;
Maude Strickland, Preceptress, Established 1910.
Asst. Teacher; Marguerite Ow-
ens, Primary Department; Mrs. Board: R. C. Porter, J. E. Fulton,
Albin G. Wearner, Matron; Mrs. H. W. Barrows, S. L. Frost, F.
V. 0. Roberts, Sewing. A. Allum, J. E. Shultz, H. J.
Doolittle, and the superintend-
ents of missions in China.
Local Board: 0. A. Hall, R. C.
CANTONESE TRAINING Porter, F. A. Allum, J. E. Ful-
ton, J. E. Shultz, K. H. Wood,
SCHOOL. S. L. Frost, H. J. Doolittle.
Canton, China. Faculty: F. A. Allum, Principal;
H. J. Doolittle, Mrs. C. E.
Principal, Weaks, Mrs. S. L. Frost, Mrs. E.
M. Bowers, and a corps of Chi-
nese assistant teachers.
Kenilworth, Cape,
South Africa.
Board of Managers: Pres., Wm.
Guthrie; Sec. and Treas., R. U. Established 1892.
Garrett; C. S. Wiest, F. S.
Clarke, J. E. Root, E. A. Bristol, Board of Trustees: Chairman, W.
S. B. Horton, F. R. Eastman, J. B. White; Sec., W. B. Commin;
M. Hoyt. Treas., W. E. Straw; W. S.
Faculty: It. U. Garrett, Principal Hyatt, W. D. MacLay, 0. K. But-
and Business Manager; J. H. ler, W. H. Anderson, W. C.
Tiney, Preceptor; R. B. Wheel- Walston, G. C. Jenks, E. W. H.
er, History and Literature; Jeffrey, G. H. Clark, P. A. Ven-
Mrs. It. B. Wheeler, Preceptress; ter, Sr.

F...culty: W. E. Straw, Principal; DANISH-NORWEGIAN SEM-

H. G. Patchett, Preceptor; J. I. INARY.
Robison; Miss M. E. Robertson,
Matron and Preceptress; E. M. Hutchinson, Minn.
Howard, Asst. Manager; Miss
Helen Hyatt, Miss Ethel Edmed, Established 1910.
Miss Laura Page.
Board of Managers: Chas. Thomp-
son, G. W. Wells, P. E. Broder-
son, M. L. Andreasen, L. H.
CLINTON GERMAN SEMINARY. Christian, R. A. Underwood, A.
P. Hanson, Alfred Jensen, M. B.
Clinton, Mo. Van Kirk.
Incorporated 1910. Faculty: M. L. Andreasen, Presi-
dent; H. R. Johnson, Bible;
Legal Title: "Clinton German A. P. Darly, Danish and His-
Seminary." tory; M. S. Reppe, Norwegian,
History; J. M. Peterson, Eng-
Board of Managers: R. A. Under- lish and German; C. J. Martin-
wood, E. C. Witzke, B. E. Miller, son, Science and Mathematics;
J. F. Simon, J. S. Rouse, G. F. Caroline Hopkins, Commercial
Haffner, W. D. MacLay, F. R. Dept.; Dagmar Christiansen,
Isaac, W. W. Ruble, J. W. Chris- Latin, Asst. English; 0. A. Lin-
tian, C. J. Kunkel, J. Isaac, nereu, Music; Matie Ruskjer,
David Voth, J. Riffel, H. H. Matron.
Humann, J. J. Reiswig, A. G. Industrial Faculty: H. R. John-
Steinert. son, General Work; J. M. Ol-
sen, Farm Manager; A. M.
Officers of the Board: Pres., R. A. Martin, Carpentry; M. S. Reppe,
Underwood; Vice-Pres., F. R. Baking; M. L. Andreasen, Print-
Isaac; Sec., E. C. Witzke. ing; Anna Hilde, Sewing; Carl
Gregersen, Bookbinding; Dag-
Local Board: Chairman, F. R. mar Christiansen, Library Sci-
Isaac; Sec., E. C. Witzke; R. A. ence; C. J. Martinson, Elec-
Underwood, G. F. Haffner, J. F. trical Engineering; Caroline
Simon, W. D. Mac Lay, D. U. Hopkins, Domestic Science; N.
Hale, J. F. Harder. C. Nelsen, Plumbing; Louise
Faculty: F. R. Isaac, President Knudson, Practical Nursing.
and Business Manager, Psychol-
ogy, History, and Logic; E. C.
Witzke, Latin, Greek, and He- DARLING RANGE SCHOOL.
brew; J. F. Harder, Bible; Carl Carmel, West Australia.
Gallion, German and Spanish;
R. E. Hoen, Science; Mrs. R. E. Established 1907.
Hoen, English; Miss Marian
Switzer, Mathematics; E. W. Board of Managers: A. H. Piper,
Tonjes, History and Bible; A. W. Cormack, C. H. Palmateer,
Ernst Hartmann, Instrumental G. Newbold, R. E. G. Blair.
Music and Art; C. C. Engel, Trustees: G. Chapman, L. Moul-
Violin, Wind Instruments, and ton, Jas. Clarke, C. E. Ashcroft,
Voice; Otto v. d. Crone, Book- R. Howie.
keeping, Stenography, and Type- Faculty: A. H. Piper, General
writing; Wm.. B. Ochs, Precep- Manager; G. Newbold, Head
tor; Mrs. J. F. Simon, Precep- Master; E. Behrens, Preceptor
tress and Matron; Adolph and Farm Manager; Miss K.
Merkel, Cook; A. C. Graefe, Giblett, Miss M. Robinson, Miss
Gardener; J. G. Hinge, Farmer. L. Baird.

EASTERN CANADIAN MIS- Evangelical Work; M. L. Kelley,

SIONARY SEMINARY. Commercial Dept.; Myrta M.
Kellogg, Normal Dept.; Alma J.
(Formerly Buena Vista Academy.) Graf, Preceptress, German; Mrs.
Laura Foster-Rathbun, English;
Oshawa, Ontario.
B. E. Huffman, Preceptor, Bible;
Established 1912. F. 0. Rathbun, Mathematics and
Printing; Mrs. Mabel L. Huff-
Board of Trustees: Pres., M. N.
man, Piano, Organ, and Theory
Campbell; Sec., A. V. Olson, F.
of Music; Mrs. Roberta Graf,
A. Spangler, G. H. Skinner, W.
History; Ramiro Garcia, Span-
C. Young, D. J. C. Barrett.
ish and French; Dorothy White
Faculty: F. A. Spangler, Prin- and 0. P. Wilson, Normal Train-
cipal and Business Manager,
Mathematics and History; H. S. ing School; M. L. Kelley, Short-
Miller, Bible and Science; Mrs. hand; Mrs. M. L. Kelley, Type-
writing and Asst. Commercial
Eva V. Finch, French and Eng-
Dept.; Fred Green, Asst. Busi-
lish; Mrs. Florence I. Spangler,
Matron and Normal Dept.; Miss ness Manager; Miss Rena
Ruth Leverentz, Commercial Klooster, Matron, Domestic Sci-
Dept.; Miss Annie Tenny, Music ence and Cooking; Genevieve
Department; Miss Herminie Spohr, Violin; Mrs. Lela Brown,
Vuilleumier, Asst. in French; Asst. Piano; J. D. Reavis, Cor-
Roy MacKenzie, Asst. in Eng- net, Guitar, and Mandolin; Ar-
lish; Mrs. C. S. Joyce, Elemen- deene May, Art.
tary Dept.; Miss Minnie Abroy, Industrial Faculty: 0. J. Graf,
Sewing; Hubert K. Martin, Pre- Supt.; J. H. Haughey, Apicul-
ceptor and Physical Director; ture; John Christiansen, Gen-
Mrs. A. Martin, Preceptress; eral Agriculture, Fruit Growing,
Arthur Sharpe, Cook. Gardening; F. 0. Rathbun,
Printing; Ernest Weaver, Car-
pentry, Mechanical Work; B. E.
Huffman, Grounds; Mrs. C.
Sparks, Bookstore; Mrs. Lou K.
COLLEGE. Curtis, Proofreading; Rena
Berrien Springs, Mich. Klooster, Domestic Science,
Cooking; Miss Ora Whitmore,
Established 1901. Sewing; George Simpson, Paint-
Legal Title: " Emmanuel Mis- ing; Arthur Skeels, Woodwork;
sionary College, Incorporated." L. V. Nichols, Dairying.
Board of Trustees: L. H. Chris-
tian, 0. J. Graf, J. H. Haughey,
W. A. Westworth, P. A. Hanson, FERNWOOD INTERMEDIATE
E. A. Bristol. C. A. Russell, Wm. SCHOOL.
Guthrie, J. B. Blosser, J. J. Ir-
win, A. J. Clark, J. H. Schilling, Tunesassa, N. Y.
E. F. Peterson. Established 1907.
Officers of the Board: Pres., L. Board of Trustees: K. C. Russell,
H. Christian; Treas., 0. J. F. H. Hicks, Miles Coon, H. M.
Graf; Sec., J. H. Haughey. Fleming, J. E. Belknap, G. E.
Faculty: 0. J. Graf, President, Owens.
History and Philosophy; J. H. Faculty: G. E. Owens, Principal,
Haughey, Mathematics and An- Bible; C. R. Smith, Preceptor,
cient Languages; W. H. Wake- Mathematics; L. R. Mason, His-
ham, Bible; 0. R. Cooper, M. D., tov,;':'1VWs. L. R. Mason, Pre-
Natural and Physical Science : ceptress, English; Mrs. G. E.
R. B. Thurber, Bible owl Field Owens. Matron.

FIRESIDE CORRESPONDENCE C. Banas, Treasurer; M. Birkner,

SCHOOL. Matron; W. Miller, H. Teich,
Th. Itzmann, Br. Pieringer, Ch.
Takoma Park Station, Washing- Zybach, Otto Schuberth.
ton, D. C.
Established 1909. Languages: German, Russian,
English, French, Polish, Greek.
Management: Department of Ed-
ucation of General Conference.
Board of Managers: W. E. How-
ell (Chairman), J. L. Shaw, FUKIEN TRAINING SCHOOL.
F. Griggs, G. B. Thompson,
M. E. Kern, C. C. Lewis (Sec.). Amoy, China.
Faculty: Principal, C.. C. Lewis;
Assistants: W. E. Howell, M. E. Principal: F. C. Bates.
Olsen, C. M. Sorenson, E. G.
Salisbury, G. H. Heald, E. L.
Richmond, H. E. Rogers, Mrs.
Agnes Lewis-Caviness, Mrs. Bar- GARHWAL INDUSTRIAL
bara Knox-Albertsworth, Mrs. SCHOOL.
F. Griggs.
Dwarikhal, Garhwal District,
Sheridan, Ill. (Hindustani Language.)
Established 1900. Established 1910.
Board: J. H. Schilling, E. F. Peter-
son, E. N. Sargent, W. L. Avery, In charge of Floyd L. Smith, Prin-
M. H. St. John, C. J. Tolf, W. cipal; R. Peters, Headmaster;
W. Brayshaw. and five other native teachers.
Faculty: W. L. Avery, Principal,
Bible and History; H. M. John-
son, Preceptor, Science and
Mathematics; Mary E. Lamson, HASTINGS INTERMEDIATE
Preceptress, Matron, Bible and SCHOOL.
History of Missions; Miss Cora
B. Hicks, English; Miss Maude Hastings, Nebr.
Warren, Music.
Established 1909.
Board: J. S. Rouse, J. I. Beards-
SCHOOL. ley, R. Rhodes, A. F. Kirk, W.
Foochow, China. W. Ruble.
Principal, Tsing Sian Si. Faculty: Mrs. 011ie G. Manful],
Principal, Bible and English; 0.
L. Graham, Assistant, Science
FRIEDENSAU INDUSTRIAL and Mathematics; Emma Lee
SCHOOL. Lewis, History and Penman-
ship; G. P. Eckard, Music Di-
Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. rector, Piano, Organ, Voice,
Magdeburg, Germany. Theory, and Violin; Mrs. Zella
Established 1899. Barnhart, Matron and Precep-
tress, Sewing; L. W. Ehlers, Pre-
Faculty: Dr. E. Meyer, Principal; ceptor; Miss Ella Johnson,
Chr. Wetzel, Business Manager; Primary Dept.


Hazel, Ky. SCHOOL.

Established 1901. 169 Amanuma, Suginami-mura,

Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan.
Board of Managers: Pres., W. R.
Elliott; Sec., M. F. Knox; J. R. Established 1908.
Kennedy, M. Wheeler, W. D.
Wade, Forest West, James Bel- Board: F. H. DeVinney, H. F. Ben-
son, A. B. Cole, T. H. Okohira,
H. Stacey.
Faculty: J. W. Grounds, Principal Principal and Manager: H. F.
and Business. Manager, Bible, Benson.
Science, and History; Miss
Carrie A. Borg, Preceptress and
Matron, Mathematics and Do- KARMATAR MIDDLE ENG-
mestic Science; Miss Eleanor
Elliott, Asst. Preceptress, Eng- LISH SCHOOL.
lish; Mrs. Nellie Gaines-Lowry, Karmatar, E. I. R., India.
Established 1915.
HILL ACADEMY. (Bengali and Hindi Languages)
R. F. D. 2, Downs, Kans. In charge of R. H. Leech, assisted
Established 1910. by four Indian teachers.
Board of Managers: Chairman,
, Sec., C. D. McComas;
H. H. Howard, W. H. Clark, A.
G. Steinert, F. L. Mohr, E'. T. SCHOOL.
Wilson, E. D. Hill, C. A. Dixon,
Ketchum, Okla.
H. S. Osterloh, W. A. McCros-
key. Established 1911.
Faculty: H. H. Howard, Principal
and Business Manager, Bible, Board of Directors: Pres., Ezra
History, and Science; Miss Vera Fillman; Sec., Ira Laroe; Treas.,
Shepherd, Asst., Mathematics A. Z. Miller; J. B. Harrold,
and English; Mrs. H. H. How- Thomas Baker, W. J. Dunn,
ard, Preceptress, Vocal and In- John Smith.
strumental Music; Miss Mollie Faculty: William 0. Belz, Prin-
Miller, Matron, Domestic Sci- cipal; Miss Irene Couch, Miss
ence; Miss Jessie Pride, Prepar- Bertha Dunn.
atory Dept.

Soonan, Korea.
Lucknow, India. Established 1909.
Established 1915. Board of Management: Mission
Managing Board: W. W. Fletcher, Faculty: H. M. Lee, Principal;
I. F. Blue, S. A. Wellman. Kim Pyong Yong, Treasurer;
Teaching Staff: I. F. Blue, Prin- Helen May Scott, in charge girls'
cipal; Mrs. I. F. Blue, and na- department; and eight Korean
tive assistants. teachers.

LATIN UNION SCHOOL. Organization of Board: Pres., E. E.

Andross; Vice-Pres., E. W.
Gland (Ct. Vaud), Switzerland. Farnsworth; Sec., Claude Con-
ard; Treas., C. W. Irwin; Au-
Established 1904. ditor, B. M. Emerson.
Board of Management: Paul
Steiner, L. P. Tieche, P. A.
De Forest, J. Robert. LODI ACADEMY.
Teachers: Paul Steiner, P. A. De
Forest, M. D. E. Noulay; L. E. Lodi, Cal.
Conradi, M. D.;
' Maur. Tieche.
Established 1908.
Local Board of Management: C.
LAURELWOOD ACADEMY. Santee, J. H. Paap, J. D. Fink,
W. Rich, M. E. Cady, P. H.
Gaston, Oreg. Glantz, N. P. Neilsen.
Established 1904. Faculty: J. H. Paap, B. S., Prin-
cipal and Business Manager,
Board of Managers: Chairman, H. Mathematics, English; W. P.
W. Cottrell; H. G. Thurston, P. Dayton, Bible, History; G. M.
C. Hayward, J. H. Hanson, W. C. Price, B. A., Science, Latin; W.
Emmerson, William Reith. B. Taylor, Preceptor, Bible, Car-
Faculty: J. L. Kay, Principal, pentry; F. T. Oakes, Commer-
Bible and Mathematics; Wm. cial Studies; L. E. Westermeyer,
Reith, Preceptor, Business Man- German; Mrs. F. T. Oakes, Pre-
ager, Bookkeeping; Harold J. ceptress, Primary Grades; Miss
Reith, Asst. Preceptor, Lan- Beatrice Haines, Matron; Mrs.
guage and Science; Mrs. J. L. J. H. Paap, Pianoforte, Organ,
Kay, Preceptress, English and Art; Mrs. W. B. Taylor, Vocal
Asst. in Bible; Mrs. Frances N. Music, Harmony; Miss Hilda
Ladd, Asst. Preceptress and Reg- Paap, Violin W. B. Miramontez,
istrar, History; Miss Blanche de Grammar Grades; Miss Stella
Spelder, Vocal and Instrumental Voris, Intermediate Grades.
Music; Miss Luela M. Eighme, Instructors: Ivan Williams, Wicker
Intermediate Dept.; Miss Olive Work; Miss Ada Ritz, Sewing;
Houde, Matron. Otto Strube, German in Gram-
mar Grades; A. B. Wagner, Ag-
Comprising Lodi Academy, Pacific
Union College, and San Fer- Legal Title: " College of Medical
nando Academy. Evangelists."
General Board of Management: E. Loma Linda, Cal.
E. Andross, E. W. Farnsworth,
J. L. McElhany, J. A. Stevens, Chartered 1909.
C. Santee, W. S. Holbrook, C. W.
Irwin, J. H. Paap, C. H. Jones, Board of Trustees (term of three
G. W. Reaser, G. E. Klingerman, years) : L. M. Bowen, F. M.
N. P. Neilsen, B. E. Beddoe, W. Burg, Newton G. Evans, E. E.
F. Martin, J. E. Bond, E. A. Andross, Claude Conard, C. E.
Curtis, N. G. Evans, H. G. Lu- Rice, J. R. Scott (term of
cas, W. C. White, M. E. Cady, two years) S. S. Merrill, H. G.
C. E. Rice, M. W. Newton, Childs, W. F. Martin, W. A.
Claude Conard. George, B. E. Beddoe, T. J.

Evans, E. H. Risley; (term of Instructors: L. D. Trott, M. D., Pe-

one year) I. H. Evans, W. T. diatrics; A. N. Donaldson, A. B.,
Knox, R. A. Underwood, Chas. M. D., Physiology; Lavina Bax-
Thompson, C. W. Flaiz, L. H. ter-Herzer, M. D., Nutrition and
Christian, Alfred Shryock. Dietetics; Zenobia E. Nightin-
Officers of the Board: Pres., E. gale, M. D., Obstetrics; Ethel
E. Andross; Vice-Pres., Newton Leonard, B. S., M. D., Pathology;
G. Evans; Sec. and Treas., S. A. R. Dickson, M. D., Surgery;
S. Merrill; Business Manager, Orpha. Santee-Donaldson, M. D.,
L. M. Bowen. Pathology; L. M. White, A. B.,
M. D., Hydrotherapy; Litta Belie
Faculty of Medicine Hibben, L. L. B., Medical Juris-
Newton G. Evans, B. S., M. D., prudence; P. F. Haskell, M. D.,
President, Pathology; P. T. Ma- Assist. in Surgery; R. M. Smith,
gan, Ph. B., M. D., Dean of Los M. D., Assist. in Anatomy; G.
Angeles Division, Medicine; Al- Williams, M. D., Assist. in
fred Shryock, A. B.,' M. D., Sec- Chemistry;. Harriet E. Alice,
retary, Histology and Embryol- Registrar.
ogy; George Thomason, M. D., Faculty of Nurses' Course: New-
L. R. C. S., L. R. C. P., Surgery; ton Evans, M. D., President;
E. H. Risley, M. D., Chemistry; W. A. George, M. D., Electro-
A. H. Larson, B. S., M. D., Ob- therapy; T. J. Evans, M. D.,
stetrics; F. M. Burg, Bible Ex- General Diseases; Alfred- Shry-
egesis; A. W. Truman, M. D., ock, M. D., Anatomy; F. E. Her-
Neurology; S. P. S. Edwards, zer, M. D., Bacteriology; Lyra
M. D., Physiology. Hunt George; M. D., Pediatrics;
Associate Professors: W. A. J. J. Weir, M. D., Bible; Zenobia
George, A. M., M. D.; H. J. E. Nightingale, M. D., Obstetrics
Hoare, M. D.; D. D. Comstock, and Infant Feeding; A. N. Don-
M. D.; F. E. Herzer, A. B., aldson, M. D., Physiology; La-
M. D.; J. J. Weir, M. D.; F. F. vina B. Herzer, M. D., Hygiene;
Abbott, M. D.; Lyra H. George, A. W. Truman, M. D., Public
M. D.; Julia A. White, M. D.; Health; 0. Williams, M. D.,
L. J. Otis, M. D.; Belle Wood- Chemistry and Materia Medica;
Comstock, M. D.; Lillian E. Ma- F. M. Burg, Bible Doctrines; L.
gan, M. D.; Abbie Winegar- M. Bowen, Sanitarium Prin-
Simpson, M. D.; C. W. Harrison, ciples; Lillis Wood-Starr, M. D.,
M. D., B. B. Bolton, M. D. Sanitarium Principles; Irene V.
Clinical Professors: T. J. Evans, Frisbie, R. N., Practical Nursing
A. B., M. D.; C. A. Burrows, and Surgical Nursing; LaVerne
M. D.; V. E. Stork, A. B., M. D.; Osborn, R. N., Hydrotherapy
H. F. Rand, M. D.; G. K. Abbott, and Mechanotherapy; Elizabeth
A. B., M. D.; W. S. Mortenson, Chapman, R. N., Technic of Hy-
M. D.; R. M. Clarke, .M. D.; drotherapy; Harriet E. Allee,
E. H. Thompson, M. D.; F. M. Registrar.
Rossiter, M. D.; L. Hart, NI. D.;
W. W. Worcester, A. M., M. D.;
Special Lecturers: Jessie H. Simp-
son, M. D., Psychiatry; G. R. Maple Plain, Minn.
Owen, M. D., Otolaryngology;
P. M. Savage, M. D., Surgery; Established 1904.
W. Burke, M. D., Gynecology;
C. D. Strong, M. D., Surgery; Executive Board: Pres., G. W.
W. W. Roblee, M. D., Surgery; Wells; Sec., R. A. Hare; G. M.
G. E. Tucker, M. D., Preventive Brown, H. M. Hiatt, S. D. Hart-
Medicine. well.

Faculty: R. A. Hare, Principal, MOUNT VERNON ACADEMY.

Science; C. L. Taylor, Bible; G.
S. Livingstone, Preceptor, His- Mount Vernon, Ohio.
tory; H. C. Franklin, Supt. of
Farm, Agriculture; Olive V. Bou-
telle, Commercial Subjects and Established 1893.
German; C. Ruth Youngberg,
English and Elocution; Mrs. R. Executive Committee: E. K. Slade,
A. Hare, Inst. and Vocal Music; B. G. Wilkinson, F. H. Robbins,
Mrs. C. L. Taylor, Preceptress, V. H. Cook, J. W. Hirlinger, A.
Latin; Mrs. Mary Henericksen, E. King, N. S. Ashton, W. F.
Matron; Vida A. Wells, Grade Schwartz, C. F. Ulrich, G. C.
Subjects. Quillin, C. E. Welch.
Officers of the Board: E. K. Slade,
Pres.; N. S. Ashton, Sec.; A. E.
MARATHI TRAINING SCHOOL King, Treas.; R. T. Dowsett,
Kalyan, Bombay Presidency, Local Board: N. S. Ashton, A. E.
King, E. K. Slade, I. J. Gault,
India. C. E. Welch.
Established 1915. Faculty: N. S. Ashton, Principal;
A. C. Robbins, Science and
In charge of Mrs. M. D. Wood, Mathematics; W. H. Teesdale,
assisted by Miss Elinora Reid; History; Grace V. Purdham,
M. D. Wood, Bible. English and Latin; H. G. Gra-
ham, Commercial Dept.; Mary
Crampton, Asst. Commercial
MEIKTILA TECHNICAL Dept.; Minnie 0. Hart, Prepara-
tory Dept.; H. G. Miller, Music
SCHOOL. Dept.; Ruth Cassell, Asst. Mu-
Meiktila, Burma. sic Dept.; A. E. King, Business
Manager; H. S. Weaver, Print-
Established 1910. ing; Mrs. Clara Morris, Sewing
Dept.; E. J. Stipeck, Preceptor;
Superintendent: D. C. Ludington. Mrs. A. E. King, Preceptress and
Teachers: Miss Eva Hosie, and five Matron; Mrs. E. Stipeck, Regis-
Burmese teachers. trar; E. N. Shepherd, Carpentry.


Bozeman, Mont.
Established 1901.
Board of Managers: G. F. Watson, "Annfield House," Mussoorie,
V. T. Armstrong, T. G. Johnson, India.
L. F. Starr, W. D. Rittenhouse.
Faculty: V. T. Armstrong, Prin- Establiihed 1911.
cipal; S. W. Palmer, Preceptor
and Asst. Teacher; Miss Pearl Faculty: Geo. F. Furnival, Mrs.
Whitmore, Primary; Mrs. V. T. G. F. Furnival, Mrs. A. O'Con-
Armstrong, Matron and Precep- nor, Miss W. Wilson, Moham-
tress. med Bashier Ullah Khan.

OAK PARK ACADEMY. cial Dept., Mathematics; Bertha

N. Bartholomew, Normal Dept.;
Nevada, Iowa. Etta L. Reeder, Cooking, Nurses'
Training Dept.; Florence F.
Established 1911. Williams, Preceptress, Prepar-
Board of Managers: Pres., A. 11. atory Branches; Nellah C. Jeys,
Ogden; Sec., L. A. Hoopes; W. Music Dept.; Margaret E. Lewis,
C. Foreman, V. B. Watts, A. P. Dressmaking; J. M. Swofford,
Hansen, J. W. Dorcas, E. W. Farm Supt.; D. H. Lewis, Tent
Wolfe, W. K. Smith, S. A. Oberg. Making; Isabella Cartwright,
Faculty: L. A. Hoopes, Principal, Matron; T. J. Buckner, Book-
Bible; C. E. Plumb, Business keeper, Asst. Commercial De-
Manager, Mathematics; T. J. partment.
Roach, Farm Manager, Inter-
mediate, Bookkeeping, and Ag-
riculture; H. E. Edwards, Pre- PHOENIX INTERMEDIATE
ceptor, Science; W. C. Hannah,
History; W. I. Morey, Voice, SCHOOL.
Public Speaking, and Harmony; Phoenix, Ariz.
Mrs. L. A. Hoopes, Preceptress;
Mrs. H. H. Edwards, Asst. Pre- Established 1913.
ceptress, Latin and English; Board: J. E. Bond, L. B. Rags-
Mrs. W. I. Morey, Piano and dale, C. D. M. Williams, C. E.
Organ; Mrs. W. C. Hannah, Stump, A. E. Earll, R. E. Kal-
Matron, Shorthand and Type- fus, D. L. Wagner, Mary A.
writing; Mrs. Emma E. Howell, Ross, Lou Sturges.
Matron of Dining-room; E. L. Faculty: L. B. Ragsdale, Academic
Anderson, Printing; Special In- Grades; Mrs. Jessie Hicks Dil-
structors: Dr. H. W. Barbour, lon, Intermediate Grades; Ellen
Dr. Olive Pippy. M. Lambeth, Primary Grades.


Longburn, New Zealand.
(For Colored)
Established 1907.
Huntsville, Ala.
Board: W. H. Pascoe, J. Mills,
Established 1895. E. Watson, G. F. Wright, M.
(Incorporated) Faculty: E. Watson, General Man-
aoer J. Mills, Headmaster;
Board of Mara 0-p t-: chairman, C. Airs. J. Mills, Miss M. Smart,
B. Stephenson; Sec. and Treas., Miss E. E. Clarke.
C. J. Boyd; S. E. Wight, W. H.
Branson, W. E. Baxter, G. E.
Peters, J. W. Christian, A. L.
Miller, R. W. Parmele, T. B. PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE.
Buckner. St. Helena, Cal.
Faculty: C. J. Boyd, Principal and
Business Manager, Bible; W. L. Established 1909.
Bird, English, Ministerial Dept.;
F. W. Halladay, Mechanical Board of Managers: Pres., E. E.
Dept.; G. H. Jeys, Preceptor, Andross; Vice-Pres., E. W.
History, Printing; C. S. Cork- Farnsworth; Sec., Claude Con-
ham, Asst. Manager, Commer- ard; Treas., C. W. Irwin; Au-

ditor, B. M. Emerson; J. L. Me- Manager; M. W. Newton, Me-

Elhany, J. A. Stevens, C. Santee, chanics; G. F. Wolfkill, Akri-
W. S. Holbrook, J. H. Paap, C. culture; C. H. Carlsen, Carpen-
H. Jones, G. W. Reaser, G. E. try; A. D. Owens, Sawmill; J.
Klingerman, N. P. Neilsen, B. E. Henry White, Printing; C. H.
Beddoe, W. F. Martin, J. E. Drewry, Mechanical and Elec-
Bond, E. A. Curtis, Newton trical Engineering; W. J.
Evans, H. G. Lucas, W. C. Schaefer, Poultry; Mrs. Wm. E.
White, M. E. Cady, C. E. Rice, Robbins, Matron, Domestic Sci-
M. W. Newton. ence; Mrs. I. Young, Laundry;
Faculty: C. W. -Irwin, President, Miss Lysle Spear, Sewing and
New Testament Greek and Dressmaking.
Latin; E. W. Farnsworth, Bible
and Pastoral Training; G. W.
Rine, English Language and
Philosophy; M. W. Newton, PHILIPPINE ACADEMY.
Higher Mathematics, Physics, Established 1917.
and Astronomy; H. A. Wash-
burn, Ancient and Ecclesiastical i6 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, via
History; G. F. Wolfkill, Biolog- Manila, Philippine Islands.
ical Science and Chemistry; A.
E. Hall, Librarian, Medieval and Board: The Advisory Committee
Modern History, and Missions; of the Philippine Mission.
Wm. E. Robbins, Registrar,
Shorthand and Typewriting; Principal: I. A. Steinel; Preceptor,
Claude Conard, Accountancy and 0. F. Sevrens.
Commerce; N. E. Paulin, Di-
rector of Music, Violin, Orches-
tra, Harmony, and History of
Music; S. J. Whitney, Precep- PLAINVIEW ACADEMY.
tor, Hydrotherapy; L. D. An-
drews, Piano and Organ; W. C. Redfield, S. Dak.
Baldwin, Preceptor; Miss Hattie
Andre, Preeeptress, Testimonies; Established at Elk Point, S. Dak.,
Mrs. Alma E. McKibbin, Bible in 1902; removed to Redfield in
History; Mrs. Wm. E.bins, ob
Mathematics; Mrs. Howard E. 1911.
Osborne, Norm al Director, Board: Chairman, E. T. Russell;
Grammar Methods; Mrs. Grace Sec. and Treas., H. J. Sheldon;
Robison Rine, Asst. Normal Di- I. G. Ortner, Alfred Jensen, M.
rector, Primary Methods; Miss M. Kier, Henry Eder, William
Ada M. Hartley, Vocal Music; Reiner, Bert 'Rhoads.
Mrs. C. W. Irwin, Asst. Teacher;
Mrs. S. J. Whitney, Hydro- Faculty: H. J. Sheldon, Principal,
therapy. Business Manager, Latin and
Instructors: Ignacio Theilig, Mod- History; T. H. Jeys, Bible; W.
ern Languages; George H. Carl- J. McComb, Preceptor, Science;
sen, Manual Arts; Miss Harriet Aimee DuBois, English; R. R.
Maxson, Grammar Grades in Neuman, German Dept.; P. A.
Normal; Miss Ethel Taylor, Field, Mathematics; E. G.
English; Alonzo L. Baker, He- Hayes, Farm Supt., Agriculture;
brew; Charles E. Weniger, A. May Knowles, Vocal and In-
Latin; Clarence Dortch, Asst. strumental Music; Mrs. P. A.
in Music; Miss Nellie Buchanan, Field, Hydrotherapy and Sew-
Art. ing; Mrs. E. G. Hayes, Precep-
Industrial Faculty: C. W. Irwin, tress and Matron, Domestic Sci-
Manager; Claude Conard, Asst. ence.

PUA TRAINING SCHOOL. Normal Director, Normal

Studies, and Domestic Science;
Pua, Chile, South America.
Mrs. Gertrude I. Bachman, Vocal
Established 1906. and Instrumental Music; Mrs.
Board of Manag'ers: F. L. Perry, H. G. Lucas, Sewing and Dress-
making; Mrs. L. G. Stafford,
F. H. Westphal, Damaso Soto,
Asst. Normal Dept., Grades 6-8;
Victor Thomann.
Miss Esther Lofgren, Asst. Nor-
Faculty: J. C. Brower, Principal
mal Dept., Grades 1-5; Mrs. R.
and Treasurer; Mrs. J. C. Brow-
Magnussen, Culinary Dept.
er, Matron and Preceptress;
Faculty: H. M. Forshee, Principal;
Catalina Block.
Mrs. H. M. Forshee, Preceptress;
Miss Alice Miller, Matron and
RIVER PLATE ACADEMY. Asst. Teacher; Mrs. Agnes
Wicks, Piano; Morris Robinson,
(Seminario Sarmiento do los Violin.
Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Entre Rios, SHEYENNE RIVER ACADEMY.
Argentina, South America.
Harvey, N. Dak.
Established 1898.
Established 1903.
Board of Managers: Chairman, H.
U. Stevens; Sec. and Treas., W. Board of Managers: S. E. Jack-
Everest; J. W. Westphal, R. H. son, Carl Leer, J. H. Seibel,
Habenicht, W. W. Wheeler, C. C. Jensen, J. J. Reiswig, A. V.
Jorge Lust, Julio Ernst. Rhoads, J. A. Litwinenco, W. A.
Faculty: H. U. Stevens, Principal; Alviray, A. F. Schmidt.
W. W. Wheeler, Camilio Gil, Faculty: A. F. Schmidt, Principal
Miss Almeda Kerr, Judson Habe- and Manager; W. A. Alway,
nicht, Susana Block. Bible; L. L. Rockwell, Preceptor,
Languages: Spanish, German, Eng- History and Science; Emily
lish. Johnson, English; Ruby McGee,
Preceptress, Mathematics;
SAN FERNANDO ACADEMY. Emma Specht, German; S. G.
Burley, Russian; Mrs. Beatrice
San Fernando, Cal. Burley, Instrumental and Vocal
Music; Lillie Argo, Matron;
Established 1902.
Trygve Langberg, .Farm Man-
Board of Management: Pres., W. ager.
F. Martin; Sec. and Treas., H.
Owen, C. McReynolds, E. G. Ful- SCHOOL.
ton. H. S. Prenier. S. P. Smith.
M. A. McElhany. 30o Serangoon Road, Singapore,
Faculty: H. G. Lucas, A. B., Prin- Straits Settlements.
cipal, History and German; H.
S. Prenier, A. M., Bible and Established 1915.
Spanish; S. P. Smith, A. B., Sci- Board of Directors: F. A. Deta-
ences, Latin and Woodwork; more, K. M. Adams, J. W. Row-
Max Hill, Preceptor, Mathe- land, G. A. Thompson.
matics and Literature; E. E. Faculty: K. M. Adams, Principal;
Gardner, B. S., History of Mis- Lo Ki Gong, Chinese (Hakka) ;
sions, Commercial Arithmetic, Samuel Rantoeng, Malay.
Bookkeeping, and Agriculture; Church School Department: Lena
Mrs. E. E. Gardner, Preceptress, Mead, Laurence Fox, Bear]
English; Miss Ada Somerset, Coombes.

SOUTH INDIA TRAINING Officers of the Corporation: Pres.;

SCHOOL. R. D. Quinn; Sec. and Treas.,
J. A. Trout.
Coimbatore, India. Administration: Business Man-
Established 1915. ager, W. G. Wirth; Accountant,
In charge of G. G. Lowry, assisted J. A. Trout; Preceptor, C. A.
by five Tamil teachers. Shull; Preceptress, Mrs. Lela
Beuchel; Matron, Mrs. Jennie
SANTALI GIRLS' SCHOOL. Faculty: W. G. Wirth, Principal,
Karmatar, E. I. R., India. Psychology; 0. F. Butcher,
Bible; J. W. Reed, History; H.
Established 1913. T. Curtis, Librarian, Mathemat-
In charge of Mrs. R. H. Leech, ics; E. E. Pringle, Science; C. A.
assisted by two Indian teach- Shull, Preceptor, Old Testament
ers. and History of Missions; G. R.
Lehman, Ancient and Modern
SCANDINAVIAN UNION MIS- Languages; Miss Gladys G.
SION SCHOOL. Machlan, English; Mrs. Lela
Beuchel, Preceptress; Miss Edna
Skodsborg, Denmark. Farnsworth, Instrumental Mu-
Established 1908. sic, History of Music, and Har-
mony; E. H. Dexter, Vocal Cul-
Board of Managers: Scandina- ture and Singing; C. H. Castle,
vian Union Conference Com- Dept. of Business Education; L.
mittee. 0. Machlan, Normal Director;
Faculty: Erik Arnesen, Principal; Miss Madge Moore, Primary
Anna Jeppsson, Matron; P. G. Dept., Critic Teacher; Miss
Nelsen, P. A. Christiansen, Ma- Myrtle E. Shultz, Intermediate
rie Norheim. Dept., Critic Teacher; G. H.
Winslow, Grammar Dept., Critic
SHENANDOAH VALLEY Teacher; , Manual -
ACADEMY. Training and Art.
Industrial Faculty: W. G. Wirth,
New Market, Va. Supt.; J. A. Trout, Accountant;
Established 1906. Mrs. I. Armstrong, Matron; H.
M. Williams, Carpentry; Mrs.
Board of Trustees: W. C. Moffett, J. A. Trout, Sewing and Mil-
W. G. Dick, R. T. Fultz, Carson linery; Mrs. Lela Beuchel, Cook-
Neff, C. V. Woods, W. E. Bid- ing and Home Economics; S. E.
well, L. 0. Gordon, I. D. Rich- Brown, Farm Supt.; J. H. Bots-
ardson, R. D. Hottel, T. I. Zirkle, ford, Steam and Electrical En-
A. J. Painter, H. M. Forshee. gineering.


South Lancaster, Mass. Ooltewah, Tenn.
Established 1882. (Formerly the Southern Training
Board of Trustees: R. D. Quinn, School, at Graysville, Tenn.)
W. G. Wirth, J. E. Jayne, H.
W. Carr, H. C. Hartwell, J. K. Established 1896 as the Southern
Jones, F. W. Stray, R. J. Bryant, Training School; removed to Oolte-
A. E. Sanderson, W. E. Bliss, L. wah in 1916.
W. Graham, W. E. Fortune, D. Board of Managers: Pres., W. H.
K. Royer, J. A. Trout, W. R. Branson; Sec., A. N. Atteberry;
Andrews, H. B. Tucker, E. E. S. E. Wight, B. W. Brown, W. R.
Covey, H. M. Fleming. Elliott, W. E. Abernathy, G. H.

Curtis, J. B. Locken, W. H. Heck- A. D. Field, Science; H. A.

man, J. L. Shuler, L. H. Wood, Peebles, 'English, Spanish, and
C. J. Buhalts, B. J. White, A. L. Latin; H. H. Hamilton, Com-
Miller, R. W. Parmele, C. N. mercial and Manual Arts; A. W.
Sanders, E. A. Sutherland, Leo Peterson, Mathematics; H. C.
Thiel. Harrison, Bookkeeping and Asst.
in Science; Miss Ruth Harvey,
Faculty: Leo Thiel, Pres., English Music.
Language and Literature; F. W. Preparatory Department: Miss
Field, Bible and Pastoral Train- Lorena Wilcox, Principal; Miss
ing; J. S. Marshall, Preceptor, Bennie French, C. L. Dortch.
History; A. N. Atteberry, Math-
ematics and Agriculture; Mrs.
M. B. Marshall, Normal Dept.; STANBOROUGH PARK MIS-
F. L. Adams, Piano; Mrs. J. W.
Thorne, Preceptress and Matron, SIONARY COLLEGE.
Domestic Science; Ruth Hale,
Intermediate Dept.; Grace V. Stanborough Park, Watford,
Kelsey, Stenography; J. P. Herts, England.
Magee, Printing.
Established 1901.
Industrial Faculty: A. N. Atte-
berry, Business Manager and Board of Directors: British Union
Agriculture; J. S. Marshall, Conference Committee.
_Poultry Keeping and Carpentry; Finance and Managing Commit-
J. P. Magee, Printing; M. B. tee: G. Wakeham, W. C. Sisley,
Marshall, Manual Training; Miss Margaret Bacon.
Mrs. J. W. Thorne, Cooking; Instructors: G. Wakeham, Princi-
F. W. Field, Apiculture; Grace pal, Psychology, Pedagogy.
V. Kelsey, Sewing. Higher Mathematics, Natural
Sciences; G. Baird, Preceptor,
History, Latin, Bookkeeping;
SOUTHWESTERN JUNIOR Miss Margaret Bacon, Precep-
COLLEGE. tress, Domestic Economy; W. T.
Bartlett, Bible; Dr. C. H. Hay-
(Formerly Keene Academy) ton, Physiology, Hygiene, First
Keene, Tex. Aid, Simple Surgery, and Ma-
teria Medica of Tropical Dis-
Established 1894. eases; W. Halliday, Greek and
Hebrew; Miss P. M. Pemberton,
Board of Managers: Chairman, Instrumental Music and French;
J. W. Christian; Sec., W. E. Nel- Miss A. V. Middleton, English ;
son; David Voth, E. L. Neff, H. F. De'Ath, Shorthand.
John Isaac, W. E. Baxter, C. J.
Buhalts, R. B. Coberly, A. F.
Illarrinun, C. E. Smith, H. L. STRODE ACADEMY.
Wilcox, H. H. Hamilton, L. N.
Carter, J. F. Mattison, W. L. Oswego, Kans.
Administration: Business Man- Established 1906.
ager, W. E. Nelson; Treas., L. Board of Managers:
N. Carter; Preceptor, A. W. W. H. Clark, E. T. Wilson,
Peterson; Preceptress, Miss A. B. Campbell, M. G. Huffman.
Jessie Olson; Manager Broom J. L. Ballard, V. J. Johns.
Factory, W. J. Ward. Faculty: V. J. Johns, Principal,
Faculty: W. E. Nelson, Principal; Mathematics and Latin; A. A.
E. W. Carey, Bible and History., Wheeler, Business Manager and

Preceptor, Commercial Dept.; ences: Central Union, Nebraska,

E. L. Marley, English, Science; Missouri, Kansas, Colorado,
Mrs. Nora Harvey, Preceptress, Wyoming, Northern Union, Min-
Bible; Mrs. Charlene Morrison- nesota, North Dakota, South
Johns, Latin, Vocal Music, Art; Dakota, Iowa, Southwestern
Mrs. E. L. Marley, History, Sci- Union, and Oklahoma; the edu-
ence; Miss Margaret Miller, cational secretaries of the Cen-
Piano, Shorthand; Miss Jessie tral and the Northern Union;
Pearl Trowbridge, Matron of the president of Union College;
Culinary Dept.; Mrs. Gladys Roy- and A. G. Taylor, Frank Isaac,
Minner, Registrar, Typewrit- and J. A. L. Derby.
ing; Miss Anna Jensen, Grades
6-8; Miss Estella Mae Corwin, Executive Committee: R. A. Un-
Grades 1-5; J. L. Ballard, Car- derwood, A. R. Ogden, Chas.
pentry; F. R. Parker, Plastering Thompson, W. W. Ruble, M. B.
and Paper Hanging; Mrs. Nora VanKirk, H. A. Morrison, A. G.
Harvey, Sewing; A. A. Wheeler, Taylor.
Administration: Pres., H. A. Mor-
rison; Preceptress, Mrs. Elva
Ketring; Preceptors, Frank
SWEDISH MISSIONARY Wells and J. A. Tucker; Matron,
SCHOOL. Mrs. C. B. VanGorder; Treas.,
A. R. Smith.
Nyhyttan, Ja.rnbas, Sweden.
Faculty: H. A. Morrison, Presi-
Established 1898; reorganized 1908 dent, Mathematics; H. C. Lacey,
Bible and New Testament
Board of Managers: Swedish Con- Greek; Winifred P. Rowell,
ference Committee. English Language and Litera-
ture; G. G. Andrews, History;
Faculty: Karl Mattsson, Maria L. R. Anderson, German and
Mattsson, J. Wallenkampf, Ma- Latin; J. A. L. Derby, Science
ria Johansson, Hanna Miettinen. and Philosophy; J. N. Anderson.
Hebrew and Missions;. A. G.
Taylor, Secretary, Commercial;
M. P. Robison, Director Normal
TAMIL DAY AND BOARDING Dept., Education; Lulu Blanche
SCHOOL. Hiatt, Librarian, Oratory; Elsa
Northrup-Ward, Art; Mertie A.
Nazareth Post Office, Tinnevelly Wheeler, Registrar, Shorthand;
District, South India. Florence Leo-Taylor, French and
Spanish; L. C. Damsgard, Math-
Established 1912. ematics and Physics; Elmer C.
Blue, Asst. in Mathematics;
In charge of E. D. Thomas, as- Oliver S. Beltz, Director School
sisted- by five Tamil teachers. of Music, Voice; Etta Bickert-
Andrews, Piano, Organ, Har-
mony, History, and Theory;
Imogene Morrison-Clark, Asst.
UNION COLLEGE. in Piano; Josephine Tucker,
Principal Model School; Mabel
College View, Nebr. Dimond and Edith A. Cum-
mings, Teachers in Model School;
Established 1891. George A. Nelson, Printing;
Mrs. E. M. Long, Laundry;
Board of Managers: The presi- Charles Williams, Farm Supt.;
dents of the following confer- Carl Maxwell, Engineer.

WALDERLY ACADEMY. writing; B. B. Davis, Normal

Director; Mrs. B. B. Davis,
Hines, Wis. Art; and Elizabeth Flower,
Rose E. Herr and Anna A.
Established 1907. Pierce, Critic Teachers.
Board: J. J. Irwin, C. E. Edward-
son, H. W. Johnson, E. A. von
Faculty: E. A. von Pohle, Prin- COLLEGE.
cipal and Manager,. History; H.
M. Colburn, Preceptor, Account- Takoma Park Station, Washing-
ant, Bible; Kathryne Adams, ton, D. C.
Preceptress, Domestic Science
and Nursing; L. J. Vollmer, Legal Title: Washington Mis-
Farm, English; C. W. Hess, Mill, sionary College.
Mathematics; Mrs. Gussie Field-
Colburn, Bible and English; Established 1904; reorganized
Gertrude Holmes, Primary Dept. 1914. .
Board of Trustees: I. H. Evans,
W. T. Knox, President of Co-
WALLA WALLA COLLEGE. lumbia Union Conference, E. K.
Slade, F. H. Robbins, H. M. J.
College Place, Wash. Richards, A. R. Sandborn, D. A.
Established 1892. Parsons, R. E. Harter, W. C.
Moffett, J. 0. Miller, B. F. Mach-
Board of Managers: C. W. Flaiz, lan, H. W. Miller, D. W. Reavis,
H. W. Decker, F. S. Bunch, H. J. E. Jayne, K. C. Russell, F. M.
W. Cottrell; J. J. Nethery, Wilcox, M. E. Kern, M. E. Ol-
J. F. Piper, G. F. Watson, F. W. sen, the President of the Atlan-
Peterson, E. C. Kellogg. tic Union Conference, the Prin-
cipal of South Lancaster Acad-
Officers of the Board: Chairman, emy, and the Presidents and Ed-
C. W. Flaiz; Sec., E. C. Kellogg; ucational Secretaries of the
Treas., F. W. Peterson. Eastern Canadian, Southern,
Administration: Pres., E. C. Kel- and Southeastern Union Confer-
logg; Manager, F. W. Peter- ences. (27)
son; Preceptor, Wm. M. Hei- Local Board: B. G. Wilkinson,
denreich; Preceptress, Jean B. Chairman M. E. Olsen, Sec.;
Henry. '
W. T. Knox, B. F. Machlan, H.
Faculty: E. C. Kellogg, President; W. Miller, F. M. Wilcox, R. E.
0. A. Johnson, Special Bible; Harter.
F. S. Bunch, Bible; C. H. Administration: Pres., B. F. Mach-
Thorapsor., Physical anu Diolog- Ian; Preceptor, F. L. Chaney;
ical Science; Winifred L. Holm- Preceptress and Matron, Mrs.
den, Ancient and Modern Lan- M. M. Quantock; Preceptress,
guages: D. D. Rees, English; Mrs. Edith Bruce; Business
Clara E. Rogers, Rhetoric; W. Manager, B. F. Machlan.
C. Flaiz, History; W. I. Smith, Faculty: B. F. Machlan, Presi-
Mathematics; Wm. M. Heiden- dent, Bible; M. E. Olsen, Eng-
reich, Preceptor, German; Es- lish and Comparative Litera-
telle W. Kiehnhoff, Director, ture; S. M. Butler, Bible; C.
Pianoforte and Harmony; Grace M. Sorenson, History; H. H.
Wood-Reith, Pianoforte and Votaw, Pastoral Training and
Voice; W. C. Raley, Book- Evangelism; C. C. Lewis, Pub-
keeper; Hedwig Kleuser Tetz- lic Speaking; 0. M. John, Sci-
laff, Stenography and Type- ence; E. G. Salisbury, Math-

ematics; E. F. Albertsworth, WATERLOO INDUSTRIAL

Greek, Hebrew, and Philosophy; SCHOOL.
Clemen Hamer, Piano, Voice,
Singing; H. W. Miller, Hygiene, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West
Tropical Diseases; B. B. Smith, Africa.
Bookkeeping; Angelie W. 'Web-
er, Normal Director and Asst. Established 1909.
in English; Mrs. Lerma W. Sal-
isbury, Latin and Modern Lan-
guages; Mrs. Helen M. Wil- Board: R. S. Greaves, J. A. Dur-
liams, Bible Work; Mrs. J. L. ing, H. E. Lynch.
Shaw, Missions and Denomina- Faculty: R. S. Greaves, Mrs. R. S.
tional History; Pauline Schil- Greaves, H. E. Lynch.
berg, German; Mrs. Maria Fon-
tana Trummer, Spanish; Rubie
M. Owen, Sewing and Millinery;
Barbara Knox - Albertsworth, WILLIAMSDALE ACADEMY.
Ifairmony and History of Mu-
sic; Mrs. C. M. Sorenson, In- Williamsdale East, Nova Scotia.
termediate Methods; L. E. El-
liott, M. D., Dispensary Clinic Established 1904.
and Obstetrics; D. D. Beekman,
Elementary Dentistry; Miss Board of Management: Chairman,
Etta Spicer, Art. G. H. Skinner; Sec., Clifton L.
Industrial Department: B. F. Taylor; Wm. Wasell, W. G.
Machlan, Supt.; B. B. Smith, Steeves, Frank Salway, Harris
Printing; E. C. Wood, Wood- Hubley.
work and Carpentry; Lauretta Administration: Business Manager
E. Kress, M. D., Domestic Sci- and Preceptor, Clifton L. Tay-
ence. lor; Preceptress and Matron,
Mrs. C. L. Taylor; Accountant,
Special Lecturers: . Garland Boutilier.
A. G. Daniells, I. H. Evans, W. Faculty: Clifton L. Taylor, Prin-
A. Spicer, W. T. Knox, J. L. cipal, Bible, History, and Math-
Shaw, G. B. Thompson, B. G. ematics; Mrs. C. L. Taylor,
Wilkinson, Frederick Griggs, C. English, Physiology, and Do-
S. Longacre, W. E. Howell, W. mestic Science; Ida Hannah,
W. Prescott, N. Z. Town, M. E. French, New Testament History,
Kern. and Missions.

(In alphabetical order.)

Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. International Tract Society,
Established 1899.
Stanborough Park, Watford,
Manager, J. D. K. Aitken.
(This institution is operated as a Herts, England.
department of the Australasian Established 1889.
Missionary College, most of the
work being done by students.) Cable Address: " Hygiene," Gars-
ton, Herts, England.
Publishing Board: Chairman, W.
BARCELONA PUBLISHING T. Bartlett; Manager, W. C.
HOUSE. Sisley; Sec., W. R. White; Di-
rectors, W. C. Sisley, W. J.
(Sociedad Internacional de Fitzgerald, S. G. Haughey, W.
Tratados.) T. Bartlett, W. R. White.
Editors: Present Truth, W. T.
Apartado 492, Barcelona, Spain. Bartlett, H. F. De'Ath. The
Missionary Worker and Church
Established 1915. Officers Gazette, W. E. Read.
Publishing Board:: L. E. Bode, Good Health, A. B. Olsen, M. D.
L. P. Tieche, H. H. Dexter, J.
Forest, L. Zecchetto, Paul Stei-
ner, Tell Nussbaum. HOUSE.
Periodicals: Seriales de los Tiem- " Casa Editora Union Sudame-
pos, El Esforzador, and Estu- ricana."
dios Biblicos. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
(Sociedade Internacional de Trata- Cable Address: "Adventist," Bue-
dos no Brazil.) nos Aires.
Postal Address: Florida, F. C. C.
Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Brazil, South America. South Anieriea.
Publishing Board: J. W. West-
Established 1905. phal, R. T. Baer, E. W. Tho-
mann, G. E. Hartman, 'Win.
Cable Address: "Adventista," Sao Kirstein, Edgar Brooks.
Bernardo, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Manager and Treas., G. E. Hart-
Publishing Board: F. W. Spies, A. man.
Pages, J. Lipke, Guilherme Editors: El Atalaya, E. W. Tho-
Stein, R. M. Carter. mann; Assistant, Edgar Brooks;
Officers: Manager and Treas., A. contributing editors, J. W.
Pages. Westphal, F. L. Perry, E. L.
Editors: Rundschau der Adven- Maxwell, R. T. Baer. La Re-
tisten, A. Pages; Revista Men- vista Adventista, Edgar Brooks;
sal, F. W. Spies. Assistant, E. W. Thomann.

CANADIAN PUBLISHING AS- Bristol, Writ. Guthrie, A. J.

SOCIATION. Clark, J. J. Irwin, J. H.
Haughey, 0. J. Graf, C. A. Rus-
Oshawa, Ontario. sell, G. E. Langdon.
Manager: 0. J. Graf; Asst. Busi-
Organized 1895. ness Manager, Fred Green;
Supt., F. 0. Rathbun.
Publishing Committee: A. V. 01- Periodical: Lake Union Herald;
son, F. A. Spangler, editor, Mrs. Lou K. Curtis.
Officers: Pres., , Treas.,
Edna P. Leach; Supt., F. A.
Editor Eastern Canadian Mes- FINLAND PUBLISHING
senger: Edna P. Leach. HOUSE.
Unionsgatan 4, Helsingfors, Fin-
ING CO. Established 1897.
College View, Nebr.
Publishing Board: C. 0. Carls-
Established 1900. son, J. C. Raft, N. Hammar.
Editorial Board: Aikain Vartija,
Board of Managers: R. A. Under- C. 0. Carlsson, K. J. Sysi-
wood, L. N. Muck, H. C. Lacey, metsa, Julia Sucksdorff, Ester
S. J. Quantock, W. W. Ruble. Vilherg; Lisalethi, editor, C. 0.
Officers: Pres., R. A. Underwood; Carlsson.
Sec., Miss Mettie E. Cornell;
Treas., Central Union Confer-
Periodical: The Christian Record,
a monthly magazine for the HOUSE.
blind, published in American Established 1895.
Braille and New York Point
types: Office Manager, Mrs. A. Internationale Traktatgesellschaft
0. Wilson; editor, H. C. Lacey.
L. N. Muck, Field Missionary in Hamburg, Grindelberg isa,
Secretary. Hamburg, Germany.
The Christian Record also has Cable Address: "Advent," Ham-
a free circulating library depart-
ment, containing denominational burg.
tracts and pamphlets for free Publishing Board: Chairman, L. R.
circulation among the blind. Conradi; Manager, H. Hart-
These tracts are sent to the kop; J. T. Boettcher, H. F.
reader and returned to the of- Schuberth, J. G. Oblander, G.
fice without postage. W. Schubert, J. F. Huenergardt,
0. E. Reinke, W. Krumm, Dr.
E. Meyer; Auditor, G. Woysch.
EMMANUEL MISSIONARY General Canvassing Agt.: H.
COLLEGE PRESS. Local Committee: H. Hartkop,
Berrien Springs, Mich. P. John, W. Lillig, H. Box.
H. Berninger, F. Lumnitz, D.
Established 1901. Kremer, 0. Worch, W. Krumm,
G. Dail, G. Woysch.
Board of Managers: L. H. Chris- Editors: Herold der Wahl-belt,
tian, J. H. Schilling, W. A. and Der Advent-Bote, L. R.
Westworth, P. A. Hanson, E. A. Conradi; Zionswachter and Un-

sex kleiner Freund, A. Plass; INTERNATIONAL TRACT

Gute Gesundheit, E. Meyer, M. SOCIETY.
D., L. E. Conradi, M. D.; Der
Protestant and Der Erzieher, H. 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India.
F. Schuberth ; Teekenen des
Tijds, J. Wibbens, R. G. Kling- Established 1898.
beil; De Werker, J. Wibbens;
Hlasatel Pravdy, J. Simon; Sem- Managing Board: W. W. Fletcher,
nele Timpului and Curierul S. A. Wellman, A. H. Williams,
1VIisionar, St. Demetrescu, P. R. J. S. James, G. W. Pettit.
Paulini, Zianas Sargs, J. Schnei- Officers: Chairman, W. W. Fletch-
der; Sioni Wahimees and Sioni er; Vice-Chairman, S. A. Well-
Tooline, L. Nikkar; Znaki man; Sec. and Treas., A. H. Wil-
Czasu, Stir& Syonu, liams; Supt. of Manufacturing
Dept., W. S. Mead.
Basle Branch. Languages in which publications
are issued: English, Bengali,
Internationale Traktatgesellschaft, Urdu, Hindi, Santali, Marathi,
Birmansgasse 31, Basle, Swit- Burmese, Tamil, Sgau Karen,
zerland. Malayalam, Telugu, Gujerati.
Managing Board: L. R. Conradi,
Chairman; H. Hartkop, W. Se- Editors: Signs of the Times, S.
A. Wellman; associates, J. S.
bald, F. Prieser, W. Miry. James, G. F. Enoch. Herald of
Attorney: W. Sebald. Health, Dr. V. L. Mann; con-
Russian Branch. tributing editor, H. C. Menkel;
Address: Jefimow & Co., M. Gre- managing editor, S. A. Wellman.
bezkaja ul. No. 4 B., Quartier Eastern Tidings, R. D. Brisbin.
41, Petrograd, Russia. Juga Lakhsan, L. G. Mookerjee.
Editor: Blagaja Wjestj, J. A. Kalyuge Ke Chinh and Nishanat-
Ljwow. i-Quiyamat, S. A. Wellman.
Kin Soung, D. Hpo Hla. Ma-
Levant Branch. layalam Present Truth, Nikal-
Internationale Traktatgesellschaft, kala Sattium, and Telugu Pres-
Ottoman Post, Box 109, Galata, ent Truth, J. S. James.
Constantinople, Turkey.
Manager: P. Bridde.
Publishing is done in the follow- JAPANESE PUBLISHING
ing languages: Arabic, Arme-
nian, Armeno-Turkish (Turkish HOUSE.
language with Armenian char- Tokyo, Japan.
acters), Greek, Greco-Turkish
(Turkish language with Greek (Owari no Fukuinsha.)
characters), Turkish (Turkish
lArg,,er with Arabic charac- Established 1908.
Address: r6g Amanuma, Sugi-
Hungarian Branch. nami-mura, Toyotama-Gun,
Office: Vallasos Iratok Nemzetkozi Tokyo, Japan.
KiadOhivatala, Katona Josef- Manager: A. B. Cole.
utca 28. I. 5, Budapest, V., Hun-
gary. Field Miss Sec., H. Stacey.
Manager: W. Koch. Publishing Committee: F. H. De-
Editors: Utolso Uezenet, J. F. Vinney, H. F. Benson, T. H.
Huenergardt. Evangeliumi mun- Okohira.
kas, J. F. Huenergardt. Snazi Editors: Owari no Fukuin and
wremena, E. Jowanowitsch. Si- Shimei no Otodzure, T. H. Oko-
onska Stracha, R. Wladimir. hira, F. H. De Vinney.

KOREAN S. D. A. MISSION Editors: Las Senales de los Tiem-

PRESS. pos, 0. W. Caviness; associates,
E. R. Johnson, C. S. Nicolas.
Seoul, Korea. El Amigo de los Niiios, Mrs. G.
W. Caviness.
Established 1909.
Publishing Board: C. L. Butter-
field, Riley Russell, W. R. Smith, PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING
H. A. Oberg, Mimi Scharffen- ASSOCIATION.
berg, B. R. Owen.
Manager: B. R. Owen. Mountain View, Cal.
Editors: Signs of the Times and
Church Compass, Mimi Scharff- Established 1875.
enberg; associate, C. L. Butter- Cable Address: " Uprising," Moun-
field. tain View, Cal.
Territory: The Pacific, North Pa-
LATIN UNION PUBLISHING cific, Central, Northern, West-
HOUSE. ern Canadian, and West Indian
Union Conferences, and the
Societe Internationale de Traites. Northern Latin American mis-
sion fields.
Gland (Ct. Vaud), Switzerland.
Directors: C. H. Jones, H. G.
Established 1897. Childs, H. H. Hall, M. C.
Wilcox, J. L. McElhany, James
Publishing Board: J. Robert, L. P. Cochran, B. M. Shull.
Tieche, H. H. Dexter, J. Curdy,
P. A. De Forest, L. Zecchetto, Officers: Pres., C. H. Jones;
Paul Steiner, Tell Nussbaum. Vice-Pres., H. H. Hall; Sec.
Editors: Le Messager and Les and Treas., H. G. Childs; Au-
Signes des Temps, A. Vaucher. ditor, J. J. Ireland. General
Le Vulgarisateur, P. A. De For- Manager, C. H. Jones; Manager
est, M. D. Book Dept., H. H. Hall; Mana-
ger Periodical Dept., James
Advisory Committee: The presi-
HOUSE. dents of the Pacific, Central,
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Northern, North Pacific, and
Western Canadian Union Con-
Established 1899. ferences; and the presidents of
the California, Central, North-
Office: 1420 Avenida 20, Tacu- ern, Southern, Northwestern, and
baya, D. F., Mexico. Southeastern California Confer-
Cable Address: Verdad, Mexico ences.
City, Mexico. Publishing Committee: H. H. Hall,
Corporate Name: " Compania de C. H. Jones, James Cochran,
Publicaciones, ' La Verdad,' S. M. C. Wilcox, J. L. McElhany,
A." E. E. Andross, F. H. Gage,
Officers of Corporation: Pres., W. H. G. Childs, A. 0. Tait, L. A.
S. Swayze; Sec., Alfred Cooper; Reed, Dr. P. T. Magan, G. C.
Treas., G. W. Caviness; Audi- Hoskin.
tor, J. W. Erkenbeck. Editors: Signs of the Times, A.
Publishing Committee: Chairman, 0. Tait, L. E. Froom. Signs of
G. W. Caviness; Manager and the Times Magazine, A. 0. Tait,
Treas., H. E. Meyer, W. S. L. E. Froom. Our Little Friend,
Swayze, J. A. P. Green. Kathrina B. Wilcox; associate.

Vesta J. Farnsworth. Evange- attention to standard school

liets Sendebud, Missionaeren, textbooks and juvenile publi-
and Lys over Landet, C. A. cations. Complete catalogues
Thorp. Christlicher Haus- sent free on application.
freund, Deutscher Arbeiter, and
Die Zeichen der Zeit, G. W. Er-
furth, T. Valentiner. Tidens
Tecken and Signalen, A. Verme- PHILIPPINE PUBLISHING
lin. Review and Herald (Rus- HOUSE.
sian), S. G. Burley.
16 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, via
Kansas City Branch. Manila,. Philippine Islands.
1224 Euclid Ave., Kansas City,
Established 1914.
Manager: Board: The Advisory Committee
of the Philippine Mission.
Portland Branch. Superintendent: C. N. Woodward.
719 East ,Vlanders St., Portland,
Manager: G. C. Hoskin. REVIEW AND HERALD PUB-
International Branch. LISHING ASSOCIATION.
Office: Brookfield, Ill. Takoma Park Station, Wash-
Officers: Manager, S. N. Curtiss; ington, D. C.
Manager Circulation Depart-
ment, J. R. Ferren. Established 1849; incorporated
French, Hungarian, Rumanian, and 1861; reincorporated 1903.
Yiddish magazines are issued at Cable Address: " Review," Wash-
irregular intervals by the Pacific ington.
Press Publishing Association at
Brookfield, Ill. Territory: The Atlantic, Colum-
Sabbath School Quarterlies are bia, Eastern Canadian, and
published in Russian, Bohemian, Lake Union Conferences.
Servian, Rumanian, and Italian. constituency: The trustees of the
corporation; members of the
Canadian Branch. executive committees of the
1109 Fourteenth St., West, Cal- General Conference and the
gary, Alberta, Canada, Box North American Division Con-
1599. ference; members of the execu-
tive committees of the Atlantic,
Manager: J. M. Rowse. Eastern Canadian, Columbia,
and Lake Union Conferences,
Central American Branch. and of each local conference
Temporary Depository, 810 Jack- therein, as well as the Union
son Ave., New Orleans, La. Field Missionary and Union
Home Missionary secretaries, the
Manager: A. F. Haines. local conference Field Mission-
The Pacific Press Pub. Associa- ary, Home Missionary, and
tion handles publications in Tract Society, secretaries there-
French, German, Danish, Swed- in; the editors -of the peri-
ish, Spanish, Russian, Portu- icals published by the Review
guese, Italian, Hungarian, Yid- and Herald Pub. Assn., the
dish, Bohemian, Polish, Servian, managers of the publishing
Rumanian, and the Oriental lan- house departments and its
guages. It also gives special branch offices, and such stock-

holders of the Seventh-day Ad- South Bend Branch.

ventist Pub. Assn. as donated 212 South La Fayette St., South
their stock in said association Bend, Ind.
to the General Conference of
Seventh-day Adventists prior to Manager: H. H. Rans.
Jan. 1, 1905. New York Branch.
Board of Trustees: F. M. Wilcox, Room 314, 32 Union Square, New
E. R. Palmer, I. A. Ford, R. York, N. Y.
Hook, Jr., E. L. Richmond, W. Manager: J. D. Snider.
W. Prescott, W. T. Knox, J. L. Columbia Union Branch.
Shaw, G. B. Thompson, C. S.
Longacre, B. F. MachIan. Takoma Park Station, Washing.
ton, D. C.
Officers: Pres., F. M. Wilcox; Vice- Manager: I. A. Ford.
Pres., W. T. Knox; Manager, E.
R. Palmer; Asst. Manager, and
Department Managers: Supt., E. HOUSE.
L. Richmond; Book Dept., J. W. Akersgaten 74, Christiania,
Mace; Periodical Dept., L. W. Norway.
Graham; Campaign Literature
Dept., D. WT. Reavis. Established 1879.
Editors: Review and Herald, F. Corporate Name: " Skandinavisk
M. Wilcox; associates, W. A. Bogforlag."
Spicer, G. B. Thompson, L. L. Cable Address: " Sundhedsbladet,"
Caviness. Youth's Instructor, Christiania, Norway.
Mrs. Fannie D. Chase; associate, Publishing Board: J. C. Raft, N.
Mrs. Adelaide B. Evans. Life C. Bergersen, 0. J. 0. Rost,
and Health, Dr. H. W. Miller; Enok Endresen, A. G. Chris-
associate, L. A. Hansen; office tiansen, Jens Olsen, C. B. Jen-
editor, Dr. G. H. Heald. Lib- sen, Chr. Tobiassen.
erty, C. S. Longacre; managing Treasurer: Jens Olsen.
editor, C. P. Bollman; Sabbat,h Editors: Sundhedsbladet, J. C.
School Worker, Mrs. L. Flora Ottosen, M. D.; Evangeliets
Plummer; associate, Rosamond Sendebud and Missionsefterret-
D. Ginther. Christian Educator, ninger, Erik Arnesen.
Frederick Griggs; managing ed- Copenhagen Branch.
itor, W. E. Howell. Church Offi-
cers' Gazette, edited by the Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, V.,
Home Missionary and the Mis- Denmark.
sionary Volunteer Departments Corporate Name: Dansk Bogfor-
of the North American Division lag.
Conference. Present Truth, E. R. Cable Address: Expedit, Copen-
Palmer. hagen.
Book Committee: E. R. Palmer, Treasurer: Chr. Hedeblik.
Chairman; F. M. Wilcox, I. A.
Ford, W. W. Prescott, W. W. SIGNS PUBLISHING COM-
Eastman, R. Hook, Jr., N. Z.
Town, G. H. Heald, D. W. PANY, LIMITED.
Reavis, E. L. Richmond, C. P. Warburton, Victoria, Australia.
Bollman, L. L. Caviness, W. A.
Spicer, G. B. Thompson, W. E. Established 1905.
Howell, J. W. Mace, L. W. Gra- Cable Address: " Signs," War-
ham. burton, Victoria, Australia.

Manager: W. H. B. Miller. Editors: South African Sentinel,

Board: W. H. B. Miller, C. H. managing editor, I. J. Hankins;
Watson, G. S. Joseph, W. J. editorial contributors, W.- B.
Westerman, A. G. Miller, C. M. White, W. S. Hyatt, H. J. Ed-
Snow, J. H. Woods. med. South African Missionary,
Editor: Signs of the Times and Mrs. W. B. White.
Life and Health, C. M. Snow.
LISHING HOUSE. South Lancaster, Mass.
Shanghai, China. Established 1882.
Established 1905. Committee: The Executive Com-
mittee of the Massachusetts
Postal Address: Box 523, U. S.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.' Conference.
Officers: Pres., J. K. Jones; Busi-
Factory: 25 Lahore Road, Shang- ness Manager and Supt., L. J.
hai, China. Smith; Treas., Jennie Thayer.
Board of Management: R. C. Editor: Atlantic Union Gleaner,
Porter, J. E. Fulton, W. P. Hen- Pearl L. Rees.
derson, H. M. Blunden,J. E.
Shultz, and the superintn dents
of missions in China and Man-
Officers: Chairman, R. C. Porter; ASSOCIATION.
Manager, W. P. Henderson. 2119-2123 Twenty-fourth Ave.,
Editor: Shi Djao Yeuh Bao (The North, Nashville, Tenn.
Signs of the Times), J. E.
Shultz. Established 1901.
Publishing Committee: Editor
" Signs of the Times," B. L. An- Territory: The Southeastern,
derson, Mrs. J. P. Anderson, Southern, and Southwestern
A. C. Selmon, R. F. Cottrell. Union Conferences.
Constituency: The Executive Com-
mittees of the foregoing Union
SENTINEL PUBLISHING COM- Board of Managers: S. E. Wight,
PANY. R. L. Pierce, W. H. Branson,
L. A. Smith, L. D. Randall, M.
56 Roeland St., Cape Town, F. Knox. J. W. Christian, W. A.
South Africa. Harvey, S. J. Abegg.
Established 1894. Officers: Pres., S. E. Wight;
Vice-Pres., L. A. Smith; Sec.
Publishing Committee: W. B. and Treas., M. F. Knox; Gen-
White, H. J. Edmed, I. J. eral Manager, R. L. Pierce;
Hankins, W. B. Commin, W. S. Superintendent, W. A. Harvey;
Hyatt; 0. K. Butler, G. C. Jenks, Manager Book Dept., R. L.
G. H. Clark, E. M. Howard, J. Pierce; Watchman Circulation
P. Casey. Manager, J. L. McConaughey.
Printing Works: Union College Editors: The Watchman, L. A.
Press, Kenilworth, Cape, South Smith; assistant, P. N. Pearce;
Africa. editorial contributors, I. H. Ev-

ans, W. A. Spicer, P. T. Magan, STOCKHOLM PUBLISHING

C. B. Haynes. Southern Union HOUSE.
Worker, G. H. Curtis. Gamla Kungsholmsbrogatan 38,
Fort Worth Branch. Stockholm, Sweden.
411 West Railroad Ave., Fort Established 1895.
Worth, Tex. Corporate Name: " Skanilinaviska
Manager: S. J. Abegg. Forlagsexpeditionen."
Directors: Emil Lind, Emil Ah 7
Atlanta Branch. ren, L. Muderspach.
169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. Treasurer: A. J. Settergren.
Editor: Tidens Tecken and Mis-
Manager: L. D. Randall. sionaren, Emil Ahren.

Advent Review and Sabbath Her- countries $1.25. Editor, L. A.
ald; denominational church pa- Smith; assistant, P. N. Pearce;
per, established 1849; weekly; editorial contributors, I. H. Ev-
twenty-four pages; annual sub- ans, W. A. Spicer, P. T. Magan,
scription, $2.25; six months, C. B. Haynes; circulation mana-
$1.25; two years, $4.00. Re- ger, J. L. McConaughey. Pub-
view and Herald Pub. Assn., Ta- lished by the Southern Pub.
koma Park Station, Washington, Assn., 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave.,
D. C.; editor, F. M. Wilcox; as- North, Nashville, Tenn.
sociate editors, W. A. Spicer, G.
B. Thompson, L. L. Caviness. The Youth's Instructor; organ of
Young People's Missionary Vol-
The Signs of the Times (lead- unteer Dept. of the General
ing missionary paper and pro- Conference, and contains its
phetic expositor); illustrated Reading Courses, also the S. S.
weekly; sixteen pages; annual lessons for the youth; weekly;
subscription, $1; published by sixteen pages; annual subscrip-
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Moun- tion, $1.50; six months, 85 cents.
tain View, Cal.; editor, A. 0. Published by the Review and
Tait; assistant editor, L. E. Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park
Froom. Station, Washington, D. C.; ed-
Signs of the Times Magazine; itor, Mrs. Fannie D. Chase; as-
monthly; sixteen pages and sociate editor, Mrs. Adelaide B.
cover; $1 a year; published by Evans.
the Pacific Press Pub. Assn.,
Mountain View, Cal.; editors, A. Liberty: a magazine of religious
0. Tait, L. E. Froom. freedom; an illustrated quarter-
ly; organ of the Religious Lib-
The Watchman: General mission- erty Association; single copy,
ary paper and Bible expositor; 10 cents; yearly subscription,
im illustrated monthly maga- 35 cents. Published by the Re-
Me; annual subscription (in- view and Herald Pub. Assn.,
luding Canada) $1, to foreign Takoma Park Station, Wash-

ington, D. C.; editor, C. S. common people; yearly sub-

Longacre; managing editor, C. scription, $1; no extra charge
P. Bollman. on foreign subscriptions; pub-
lished by the Review and Her-
The Present Truth (devoted to a ald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park
presentation of the doctrine of Station, Washington, D. C. Ed-
the second coming of Christ, itor, H. W. Miller, M. D.; asso-
and general Bible truth); ciate, L. A. Hansen; office ed-
weekly; sixteen pages; annual itor, G. H. Heald, M. D.
subscription, 6s 6d ($1.60);
Stanborough Park, Watford, Life and Health (the Australasian
Herts, England; editors, W. T. Health Magazine); quarterly;
Bartlett, H. F. De'Ath. 64 pages; annual subscription,
The Present Truth: A one-topic 2s 6d; beyond the common-
semimonthly for general mis- wealth, 3s; Signs Publishing
sionary purposes; four pages, il- Company, Warburton, Victoria,
lustrated. Single subscription, Australia; editor, C. M. Snow;
25 cents. Postage extra to for- contributing editors, Dr. Frank-
eign countries. Published by lin C. Richards, Dr. Eulalia S.
the Review and Herald Pub. Richards, Dr. W. H. James,
Assn., Takoma Park Station, Dr. T. A. Sherwin, Dr. M. M.
Washington, D. C.; editor, E. R. Freeman.
Palmer. Good Health (devoted to hygiene
The Signs of the Times (devoted and principles of healthful liv-
to an exposition of Bible ing); monthly; thirty-two
truth and signs of the times) ; pages; yearly subscription, is
weekly; sixteen pages; annual 6d, postpaid; Stanborough
subscription, 5s; to countries Park, Watford, Herts, England;
outside of Australia, and in the editor, A. B. Olsen, M. D.
Postal Union, 8s 6d ($2); War-
burton, Victoria, Australia; ed- Sabbath School Worker (or-
itor, C. M. Snow. gan of the Sabbath-school De-
partment of the General Con-
Signs of the Times; monthly; ference); monthly; twenty-four
twenty-four pages; annual sub- pages; annual subscription, 60
scription, Rs. 2-8 (eighty cents); cents; in clubs of two or
International Tract Society, 17 more, 45 cents; published by the
Abbott Road, Lucknow, India; Review and Herald Pub. Assn.,
editor, S. A. Wellman; associate Takoma Park Station, Wash-
editors, G. F. Enoch, J. S. ington, D. C.; editor, Mrs. L.
.James. Flora Plummer; associate, Rosa-
South African Sentinel: (Devoted' mond D. Ginther.
to an exposition of the signs of Christian Educator (organ of Ed-
tlic times and SalAath truth); ucational Department of the
monthly; sixteen pages; annual General Conference); a month-
subscription, is 6d; to countries ly magazine devoted to the
outside of South Africa, 2s 6d. promotion of a broad, thor-
Editor, I. J. Hankins; editorial ough, and rational education,
contributors, W. B. White, W. S. based upon true Christian prin-
Hyatt, H. J. Edmed. Published ciples; thirty-two pages; an-
by the Sentinel Pub. Co., 56 Roe- nual subscription, $1; published
land St., Cape Town, South by Review and Herald Pub-
Africa. lishing Association, Takoma
Life and Health: National health Park Station, Washington, D.
magazine; an illustrated month- C.; editor, Frederick Griggs;
ly; a practical journal for the managing editor, W. E. Howell.

Sabbath School Quarterly; forty- societies of the churches; an-

eight pages; containing the S. nual subscription, fifty cents;
D. A. International Sabbath- published by -the Review and
school lessons; annual sub- Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma
scription, 20 cents; Pacific Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Press Pub. Assn., Mountain Edited by the Home Missionary
View, Cal. and Missionary Volunteer Depts.
of the North American Division
Our Little Friend (a child's pa- Conference.
per); illustrated weekly; eight
pages; annual subscription, 80 Missionary Leader; monthly;
cents; Pacific Press Publishing eight ...pages; (devoted to
Assn., Mountain View, Cal.; Church and Missionary and
editor, Kathrina B. Wilcox; Missionary Volunteer programs,
associate editor, Vesta J. Farns- Fourth Sabbath Readings, as
worth. well as occasional instruction
to our church officers as to
Bible Students' Library: Send their duties); editor, Mrs. A. L.
for topically arranged list, to Hindson; asst. editor, Miss
Pacific Press Publishing Assn., V. Rogers; published by the
Mountain View, Cal. Australasian Union Conference,
" Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W.,
Gospel Herald; monthly; eight Australia.
pages; 25 cents; published at
Oakwood Manual Training The Christian Record (a paper
School, Huntsville, Ala. Ed- printed for the blind in Amer-
itor, W. L. Bird, Box 414, ican Braille and in New York
Huntsville, Ala. Point); monthly; thirty-six
Herald of Health; monthly; 24 pages; sent free to all blind
pages; annual subscription, Rs. persons; published at College
,2-8 (80 cents); International View, Nebr.; editor, H., .C. La-
Tract Society, 17 Abbott Road, cey; office manager, 1Vtrs. A. 0.
Wilson; Field Missionary Sec-
Lucknow, India; editor, Dr. V.
retary, L. N. Muck.
L. Mann; contributing editor,
H. C. Menkel; managing editor, The Christian Record Pub.
S. A. Wellman. Co. also has a Free Circulating
Library Department containing
Church Officers' Gazette; sixteen- denominational tracts and pam-
page monthly, containing in- phlets for free circulation
structions to church officers, among the blind. These tracts
and programs for the Home are sent to the reader and re-
Missionary, and. Senior and turned to the office without
Junior Missionary Volunteer postage.
Atlantic Union Gleaner (official North Pacific Union Gleaner (of-
organ of the Atlantic Union ficial organ of the North Pacific
Conference); weekly; eight Union Conference); weekly;
pages; 50 cents a year; editor, eight pages; 50 cents a year;
Miss Pearl- L. Rees; published published by the North Pacific
at South Lancaster, Mass. Union Conference, College Place,
Wash.; editor, S. J. Lashier.
Central Union Outlook; (organ of Pacific Union Recorder (official
Central Union Conference); organ of the Pacific Union Con-
eight pages; weekly; annual ference); weekly; eight pages;
subscription, fifty cents; editor, 50 cents. Editor B. M. Emer-
Miss Mettie E. Cornell; asso- son; associate editors, E. E. An-
ciate editors, W. W. Ruble, dross, F. A. Coffin. Published at
Pres.. of Union College, Miss. Glendale, Cal.
Sec. of Central Union Confer-
ence; published at College Field Tidings: Organ of the South-
View, Nebr. eastern Union Conference; eight
pages; weekly; 50 cents. Ed-
The Educational Messenger; itor, J. P. McGee. Published by
monthly; twenty-four pages; the Southern Junior College at
75 cents; published by Union Ooltewah, Tenn.
College, College View, Nebr. Southern Union Worker (organ
Columbia Union Visitor; (official of the Southern Union Confer-
organ of the Columbia Union ence); weekly; eight pages; 50
Conference); eight pages; week- cents yearly; published by the
ly; 50 cents; published at Mt. Southern Union Conference,
Vernon, Ohio; editor, Emma S. 2006 Twenty-fourth Ave., North,
Silber. Nashville, Tenn.
Southwestern Union Record (of-
Eastern Canadian Messenger (of- ficial organ of the Southwest-
ficial organ of the Eastern Ca- ern Union Conference); eight
nadian Union Conference); pages; weekly; 50 cents; Z.
weekly; four pages; 50 cents; Rubottom, editor and business
Oshawa, Ontario; editor, Edna manager; C. E. Smith and J.
P. Leach. W. Christian, associate editors;
published at Keene, Tex.
Lake Union Herald (official organ Western Canadian Tidings (of-
of the Lake Union Conference); ficial organ of the Western
weekly; eight pages; 50 cents Canadian Union Conference);
a year; editor, Mrs. Lou K. biweekly; eight pages; fifty
Curtis; published at Berrien cents a year; published by the
Springs, Michigan, and printed Western Canadian Union Con
by Emmanuel Missionary Col- ference at Calgary, Alberta;
lege Press. editor, F. L. Hommel, 304 I. 0.
Northern Union Reaper (official 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta,
organ of the Northern Union Canada.
Conference); weekly; eight European Division Conference Re-
pages; 50 cents a year in the view (organ of the European
United States, 75 cents in Division Conference); sixteen
Canada and foreign countries; to thirty-two pages; price, 25
published by the Northern cents a year; published by the
Union Conference, 2718 Third European Division Conference,
Ave., South, Minneapolis,- at Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg,
Minn.; editor, W. H. Edwards. Germany; editor, Guy Dail.

The Missionary Worker (official Frost. Issued at 25 Lahore

organ of the British Union Con- Road, Shanghai, China.
ference); monthly; eight pages;
Is 6d per year, postpaid. Inter- Australasian Record (official or-
national Tract Society, Ltd., gan of the Australasian Union
Stanborough Park, Watford, Conference); weekly; eight
Herts, England; editor, H. F. pages; annual subscription 4s;
De'Ath. foreign countries 5s; published
by the Australasian Union Con-
The Gazette; 12-page monthly; ference, " Mizpah," Wahroonga,
published by International Tract N. S. W., Australia; editor,
Society, Ltd., Stanborough Park, Mrs. A. L. Hindson.
Watford, Herts, England; ed-
itor, W. E. Read, 8 Lancaster Eastern Tidings; monthly; twelve
Road, Stroud Green, London, N., pages; Rs. 1 (32 cents) a year;
England. official organ of -the Indian
Union Mission; 17 Abbott Road,
Zions-Wachter (Zion's Watch- Lucknow, India; R. D. Brisbin,
man) (organ of the West Ger- editor.
man, the East German, the South African Missionary; week-
Danube, and the Central Euro- ly; four pages; annual sub-
pean Union Conferences) ; semi- scription 2s 6d; editor, Mrs.
monthly; sixteen pages; annual W. B. White, " Wynnton," Se-
subscription, mks. 2; for Amer- lous Road, Claremont, Cape,
ica, 50 cents; editor, A. Plass; South Africa. Published by the
Internationale Traktatgesell- South African Union Conference
schaft, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- of Seventh-day Adventists.
burg, Germany.
The West Indian Messenger (or-
Asiatic Division News; organ gan of the West Indian Union
of the Asiatic Division Con- Conference); monthly; twelve
ference; subscription price, 50 pages; 35 cents a year; Rivers-
cents a year; bimonthly; four dale, Jamaica, British West In-
pages; editor, Mrs. R. C. Por- dies; editor, F. H. Raley; office
ter; associate editor, S. 1 L. editor, C. H. Keslake.

' Iowa: The Workers' Bulletin; Oakwood Bulletin; quarterly;
weekly; 40 cents; Iowa Tract published at Oakwood Manual
Society, Nevada, Iowa; editor, Training School, Huntsville,
Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas. Ala., in the interests of Chris-
tian education for the Negro.
Southern Junior College; issued
Emmanuel Missionary. College quarterly; eight pages; one
Bulletin; quarterly; thirty-two number during the year is the
pages; free; editorial commit- school calendar (usually about
tee: Prof. 0. J. Graf, and the 78 pages); distributed free;
editorial staff of The Student published in the interests of the
Moirement. school; edited by Southern Jun-
The Student Movement; biweek- ior College Faculty, Ooltewah,
ly, eight pages, fifty cents a Tenn.
year; eighteen issues; editor, E. The Student Idea; monthly; 50
R. Thiele. Published at Berrien cents for- nine months; pub-
Springs, Mich. lished at South Lancaster, Mass.


The Sligonian; issued monthly Walla Walla Collegian; issued

during school year; nine issues; monthly. by the student body of
annual subscription 75 cents; Walla Walla College, College
published by the Students' Asso-
ciation of Washington Mission- place, Wash.; fifty cents a
ary College, Takoma Park, D. C. year.

Arranged alphabetically by languages.

BENGALI. House, Box 523, U. S. Postal

Juga Lakhsan (Signs of the Agency, Shanghai, China.
In the United States and Can-
Times); bimonthly; annual sub- ada, all orders for Chinese lit-
scription, 8 cents; published at erature, aside from the paper,
17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, In- should be sent to the Pacific
dia; L. G. Mookerjee, editor, 6 Press Pub. Assn., Mountain
Dehi Serampore Road, P. 0. View, Cal.
Entally, Calcutta, India.
Evangeliets Sendebud; semi-
Znameni Casu (Signs of the monthly; sixteen pages; annual
Times); quarterly; twenty- subscription, kr. 3.00; rate for
eight pages; 40 cents a year; America, $1.15; Akersgaten 74,
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brook- Christiania, Norway, and Mar-
field, Ill.; editor, L. F. Kucera. grethevej 5, Copenhagen, V.,
Denmark; editor, Erik Arnesen,
BURMESE. Skodsborg, Denmark.
Kin Soung (Watchman) ; twenty- Missionsefterretninger; monthly;
four pages; annual subscription, eight pages; published as
12 cents; quarterly; published Evangeliets Sendebud; editor,
at 116c Montgomery St., Ran- Erik Arnesen, Skodsborg, Den-
goon, Burma; D. Hpo IIla. mark.
Sundhedsbladet (health journal) ;
CEBUAN. monthly; twenty-four pages;
Manga Balita nang Kaluwasan; annual subscription, kr. 3.00;
24-page quarterly; 10 cents a rate for America, $1.00; Akers-
copy; editor, Dr. Carlos Fa tte- gaten 74, Christiania,
bert; published by the Philip- and Margrethevej 5, Copenha-
pine Publishing House, 16 Calle gen, V., Denmark; editor, J. C.
Luna, Pasay, Rizal, via Manila, Ottosen, Skodsborg, Denmark.
Philippine Islands. Evangeliets Sendebud; weekly;
sixteen pages; annual sub-
CHINESE. scription, $1.75; Pacific Press
Shi Djao Yeuh Bao (The Signs Publishing Assn., Brookfield,
of the Times); a twenty-eight- Ill.; editor, C. A. Thorp.
page monthly magazine; yearly Missionaeren; monthly; eight
subscription, 50 cents. Issued pages; annual subscription, 50
in Wenli and Mandarin. Editor, cents; Pacific Press Publishing
J. E. Shultz. Published by the Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor,
Signs of the Times Publishing Marie Laursen.

Lys over Landet; devoted to Le Messager (The Messenger);

health, temperance, and relig- monthly church paper; twelve
ious liberty; thirty-six pages; pages; annual subscription, fr.
quarterly, 40 cents; Pacific 2 (40 cents) ; Gland, (Ct. Vaud),
Press Publishing Assn., Brook- Switzerland; editor, A. Vaucher.
field, Ill.; editor, C. A. Thorp;
asst. editor, M. S. Reppe. Le Vulgarisateur et Messager de
l'Hygiene (Popular Messenger
Ungdomsbaandet; quarterly; 25 of Hygiene) ; monthly health
cents; published at Hutchinson, paper; sixteen pages; fr. 3.50
Minn., in the interests of the (70 cents); Gland (Ct. Vaud),
Danish-Norwegian Seminary; Switzerland; editor, P. A. De
editor, Henry Grundset. Forest.
ESTHONIAN. Le Visiteur; quarterly church pa-
Sioni Wahimees (Zion's Watch- per; four pages; published by
man); sixteen pages; monthly; the South Lancaster Printing
Rbl. 80; for America, 50 cents; Company, South Lancaster,
with Sioni TNline and the
Sabbath School Quarterly, Rbl. La Sentinelle; church paper; six-
1.50, or 80 cents; published by teen pages and cover; published
the Internationale Traktatge- quarterly by the South Lancas-
sellschaft, Grindelberg 15a, ter Printing Company, South
Hamburg, Germany; editor, L. Lancaster, Mass.
FIJIAN. Christlicher Hausfreund; bi-
Rarama; monthly; eight pages; weekly; 16 pages; annual sub-
annual subscription 2s; print- scription, $1; Pacific Press Pub.
ed at Avondale Press, Cooran- Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editors,
bong, N. S. W., Australia; edi- G. W. Erfurth, T. Valentiner.
tor, Miss A. M. Williams, " Miz-
pah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., eutscher Arbeiter; biweekly;
Australia. eight to sixteen pages; annual
subscription, $1; Pacific Press
FINNISH. Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; edi-
tors, .G. W. Erfurth, T. Valen-
Aikain Vartija; monthly; six- tiner.
teen pages; annual subscrip-
tion, 50 cents; Unionsgatan 4, Die Zeichen der Zeit (Signs of
Helsingfors, Finland; editors: the Times); thirty-six pages;
C. 0. Carlsson, K. ,J.- Sysimetsa, quarterly; 40 cents; Pacific
Julia Sucksdorff, Ester Vilberg. Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.;
editors, G. W. Erfurth, T. Val-
Lisalethi; monthly; eight pages; entiner.
annual subscription, 25 cents; Sabbatschul-Lektionen ( Sabbath-
Unionsgatan 4, Helsingf ors, school Lessons); quarterly;
Finland; editor, C. 0. Carlsson. containing the S. D. A. Inter-
FRENCH: national Sabbath-school lessons
in German; annual subscrip-
Les Signes des Temps (Signs of. tion, 20 cents; Pacific Press
the Times); monthly; eight Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
pages; annual subscription, fr.
1.50 (30 cents)_;.foreign, 40 Herold der Wahrheit (Herald of
cents) ; published at Gland (at. Truth); semimonthly; eight
Vaud), Switzerland; editor, A. pages; annual, subscription, -
Vaucher. Mk. 2. (60 cents for America);

Internationale Traktatgesell- HINDI.

schaft, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Kalyuge Ke Chinh (Signs of the
burg, Germany; editor, L. R. Times) 24-page quarterly; an-
Conradi. nual subscription, 12 cents;
Gute Gesundheit (Good Health); published at 17 Abbott Road,
monthly; sixteen pages; an- Lucknow, India; editor, S. A.
nual subscription, Mk. 2 (for Wellman.
America, 50 cents); Interna- HOLLAND (DUTCH).
tionale Traktatgesellschaft,
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Teekenen des Tijds (Signs of
Germany; editors, E. Meyer, the Times); monthly; sixteen
M. D., L. E. Conradi, M. D. pages; annual subscription 75
Holl, cents; (for America, 50
Unser kleiner Freund (Our Little cents); Internationale Traktat-
Friend); monthly; 16 pages; gesellschaft, Grindelberg 15a,
annual subscription, mk. 1. (for Hamburg, Germany; editors, J.
America, 35 cents) ;- Interna- Wibbens, R. G. Klingbeil.
tionale Traktatgesellschaft, De Werker (The Worker); six-
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, teen pages; quarterly church
Germany; editor, A. Plass. paper for Holland and Flem-
Der Protestant (The Protestant); ish Belgium with the Sabbath-
religious liberty bimonthly; School Quarterly, 80 Roll.
sixteen pages; annual sub- cents; (for America, 35 cents);
scription, 80 Pfg. (for Amer- Internationale Traktatgesell-
ica, 25 cents); Internationale schaft, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Traktatgesellschaft, Grindelberg burg, Germany; editor, J.
15a, Hamburg, Germany; ed- Wibbens.
itor, H. F. Schuberth. De Wachter (a Dutch translation
Der Erzieher (The Educator); of the " South African Senti-
educational quarterly; twenty- nel "); sixteen pages; monthly;
four pages; annual subscrip- annual subscription one shilling
tion, 80 Pfg. (for America, 25 and six pence; editor, I. J.
cents); Internationale Traktat- Hankins, 56 Roeland St., Cape
gesellschaft, Grindelberg 15a, Town, South Africa.
Hamburg, Germany; editor, H. HUNGARIAN.
F. Schuberth.
Utolso Uezenet (The Last Mes-
Der Advent-Bote (The Advent- sage); sixteen pages; monthly
ist Messenger); sixteen-page missionary paper; subscription
monthly; annual subscription, price 1.50 crowns; (for Amer-
Mk. 1.20 (40 cents to Amer- ica, 50 cents) ; with Evangeliu-
ica); Internationale Traktat- mi munkas, and Sabbath-
aesellschaft, Cirindelberg 15a,
.. school Quarterly, 3.00 crowns,
Hamburg, Germany; editor, L. or for America, 80 cents; edi-
R. Conradi. tor, J. F. Huenergardt; pub-
Rundschau der Adventisten (Ger- lished by the Vallasos Iratok
man paper for circulation Nemzetkozi Kiad6hivatala, Ka-
among S. D. A. churches in tona Joszef-ut. 28. I. 6, Buda-
South America); twelve pages; pest, V., Hungary.
monthly; subscription 65 cents; Evangeliumi munkas (Gospel
published by the Brazil Pub- Worker); monthly; eight
lishing House, Silo Bernardo, pages; for circulation among
S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, believers in Hungary; edited
South America; editor, A. and published as the paper
Pages. noted above.

ITALIAN. Sabbath-school Quarterly; Rbl.

40, or 20 cents a year; editor,
L'Ultimo Messaggio; monthly; J. Schneider; published by the
sixteen pages; L. 1.50 per an- Internationale Traktatgesell-
num in Italy; 40 cents to Unit- schaft, at Grindelberg 15a,
ed States; editor, L. Zecchetto, Hamburg, Germany.
Casella Postale 218, Florence,
Italy. MALAY.
I Segni dei Tempi (Signs of the Oetoesan Kebenaran; quarterly;
Times); quarterly; twenty- published at 300 Serangoon
eight pages; 40 cents a year; Road, Singapore, Straits Settle-
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brook- ments.
field, Ill.; editor, R. Calderone.
JAPANESE. Present Truth; twenty-four-page
Owari No Fukuin; monthly; quarterly; annual subscription,
twenty-four pages; annual sub- 10 cents; published at Kilpauk,
scription 50 cents; published Madras, South India; editor, J.
by the Owari No Fukuinsha, S. James.
109 Amanuma, Suginami-mura,
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan; POLISH.
editors, T. H. Okohira, F. H. Znaki Czasu (Signs of the
De Vinney. Times); sixteen pages; mis-
sionary paper, eight numbers
Shimei No Otodzure (Tidings of annually; price 85 pfg., or for
the Message); monthly; eight America, 35 cents per annum;
pages; annual subscription 30 editor, , published by
cents; editors, F. I1. Okohira, the Internationale Traktatge-
F. H. De Vinney; published by sellschaft, Grindelberg 15a,
the Owari No Fukuinsha; ad- Hamburg, Germany.
dress as above.
Stroz Syonu (Zion's Watchman);
KOREAN. sixteen pages; quarterly church
Seijo Walbo (The Signs of the paper; price 50 pfg., for Amer-
Times); monthly; twenty-eight ica, 20 cents; published by the
pages; subscription 25 cents. Internationale Traktatgesell-
Korean S. D. A. Mission Press; schaft, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Seoul, Korea; editor, Mimi burg, Germany; editor,
Scharffenberg; associate, C. L.
Butterfield. PORTUGUESE.
Revista Mensal; monthly; eight
Kyo Hae Chin-Nam (Church Com- pages; annual subscription, 50
pass); monthly; twelve pages; cents; published by the Bra-
annual subscription, 15 cents; zil Pub. House, Estactio Sao
Korean S. D. A. Mission Press, Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo,
Seoul, Korea; editor, Mimi Brazil, South America; editor,
Scharffenberg; associate, C. L. F. W. Spies.
Tuatua-Mou; monthly; eight
Zianas Sargs (Zion's Watchman); pages; annual subscription 2s;
16 pages; monthly; illustrated; editor, Mrs. F. N. Waugh,
Rbl. 80, for America, 50 cents; "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S.
editor, J. Schneider, Grindel- W., Australia; published by the
berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Avondale Press. '

Semnele Timpului (Signs of the Las Sefiales de los Tiempos; il-
Times); monthly; sixteen lustrated; thirty-two pages;
pages; missionary paper; sub- monthly; devoted to the expo-
scription price, Fr. 2.00 (to sition of the prophecies, Bible
America, 50 cents); with Cur- doctrines, and health and tem-
ierul Misionar and the Sabbath- perance topics; annual sub-
School Quarterly, Fr. 3.75 (to scription (in Mexico), $2; out-
America, 80 cents); editors, side of Mexico, $1.25 United
St. Demetrescu and P. R. Paul- States money; editor, G. W.
ini; published by the In- Caviness, Takoma Park Station,
ternationale Traktatgesellschaft, Washington, D. C. Published at
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- Washington, D. C., and at 1420
many. Avenida 20, Tacubaya, D. F.,
Blagaja Wjestj (Message of El Amigo de los Niilos (a paper
Grace); 8 pages; monthly mis- for children); monthly; 16
sionary paper; subscription pages; 50 cents; Mrs. G. W.
price Rbl. 1., for America, 50 Caviness, Takoma Park Station,
cents, with Supplement, Rbl. Washington, D. C. Published at
1.80 (for America, 80 cents) ; Washington, D. C., and at 1420
published in Petrograd, Russia, Avenida 20, Tacubaya, D. F.,
by Jefimow and Co., M. Gre- Mexico.
bezkaja ul. No. 4B, Quartier
41; editor, J. A. Ljwow. El Atalaya; a monthly; sixteen
Signs of the Times; monthly; pages; 75 cents a year; pub-
eight pages; annual subscrip- lished by the Casa Editora
tion, $1; Pacific Press Pub. Union Sudamericana, Florida,
Assn., Brookfield, Ill. F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Ar-
gentina, South America; editor.
SAMOAN. E. W. Thomann; assistant, Ed-
Tali Moni (The Truth); month- gar Brooks.
ly; eight pages; annual sub-
scription 2s; editor, Miss A. M. La Revista Adventista; monthly;
Williams, " Mizpah," Wahroon- sixteen pages; annual subscrip-
ga, N. S. W., Australia; transla- tion 75 cents; Florida, F. C.
tor, H. T. Howse; published by C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
the Avondale Press. South America; editor, Edgar
Brooks; assistant, E. W. Tho-
SERVIAN. mann.
Snazi wremena (The Signs of
the Times) ; sixteen-page quar- Seliales de los Tiempos; month-
terly missionary paper; price ly; sixteen pages; annual sub-
.60 crown; for America, 20 seription two pesetas; to for-
cents; editor, E. Jowanowitsch; eign countries, 50 cents; editor,
Servian S. S. Lesson Quarterly F. S. Bond, Apartado 492, Barce-
and Sionska Stracha; sixteen- lona, Spain.
page quarterly church paper, or El Esforzador; four-page monthly
Servian Worker," 1 crown, journal; 25' cents; address
50 heller per annum; for Amer- Apartado 492, Barcelona, Spain.
ica, 40 cents; editor, R. Wladi-
mir; published by the Valblsos Estudios Biblicos; quarterly; Sab-
Iratok Nemzethozi Kiadohiva- bath-school lessons for the en-
tala, Katona JOzsef ut. 28. I. 5, tire Spanish field; published as .
Budapest, V., Hungary. above.

SWEDISH. Deane; issued by the Avon-

Tidens Tecken och Sions yak- dale Press, Cooranbong, N. S.
tare; weekly; sixteen pages; W., Australia.
annual subscription $1.75; Pa- TAMIL.
cific Press Publishing Assn.,
Brookfield, Ill.; editor, A. Ver- Nikalkala Sattium (Present
melin. Truth) twenty-four-page quar-
terly; annual subscription, 10
Signalen; monthly; eight pages; cents; published at Kilpauk,
50 cents; Pacific Press Pub- Madras, South India; editor, J.
lishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; S. James.
editor, Mrs. A. Vermelin.
Tidens Tecken; semimonthly;
eight pages; annual subscrip- Present Truth; twenty-four-page
tion, kr. 2.50; rate for America, quarterly; annual subscription,
$1. Cam la Kungsholmsbrogatan 10 cents; published at Kilpauk,
38, Stockholm, Sweden; editor, Madras, South India; editor, J.
Emil Ahren. S. James.
Missionaren (with S. S. lessons TONGAN.
for adults and children) ; semi- Talafekau Mooni; monthly;
monthly; twelve pages; kr. 1.50 eight pages; annual subscrip-
(70 cents for America) ; Scan- tion, 2s; editor, Miss A. M. Wil-
dinavian Publishing Associa- liams; translator, Vai Vaemola;
tion, Gamla Kungsholmsbroga- issued by the Avondale Press,
tan 38, Stockholm, Sweden; ed- Cooranbong, New South Wales,
itor, Emil Ahr6n. Australia.
Ang Tanglaw; monthly; thirty- Nishanat-i-Quiyamat (Signs of
six pages; editor, L. V. Finster; the Times); 24-page quarterly;
associate editor, B. R. Pknis; 50 annual subscription, 12 cents;
cents gold, a year; 16 Calle published at 17 Abbott Road,
Luna, Pasay, Rizal, via Manila, Lucknow, India; editor, S. A.
Philippine Islands. Wellman.
Tiarama (The Light) ; monthly; The Messenger; monthly; 810
eight pages; annual subscrip- Jackson Ave.,.New Orleans, La.,
tion, 2s; editor, Miss A. M. Wil- published by Pacific Press Pub.
liams; translator, Mrs. A. Assn.
The languages in which denomination al publications of all kinds
are issued are the following:
Amoyese Italian Shanghai
Arabic Japanese Sintebele
Armenian Javanese S'esuto
Armeno-Turkish Java-Malay Slavonian
Atchinese Kafir (Xosa) Slovakian.
Battak Karen (Sgaw) Spanish
Bengali Kijita Syriac
Bulgarian Kisii Tagalog
Burmese Kisuaheli Tahitian
Cantonese Kisukuma Tamil
Cebuan Korean Telugu
Chassu (Kipare) Lettonian Tigrini
Chinyanja Lithuanian Tongan
Chitonga Luo -(Kavirondo) Turkish
Croatian Malay Urdu (Persian)
Czech (Bohemian) Malayalam Urdu (Roman)
Dutch Mandarin Wendic
English Manyanja Wenli
Esthonian Maori Zulu
Fijian Marathi Total, 85.
Finnish Niue
Flemish Pampangan The following are
French Panayan issued in Christian
Garhwali Polish lands, in, addition to
German Portuguese foregoing:
Greek Rarotongan Danish-Norwegian
Greco-Turkish Rumanian Icelandic
Gujarati Russian Laplandish
Hawaiian Ruthenian Swedish
Hebrew Samoan Welsh
Hindi Santali Yiddish
Hungarian Sechuanna Total, 6.
Ilocano Servian Grand Total, 91.

General Periodicals 24
Union Periodicals 22
Local Periodicals 9
Foreign Periodicals 75

Total 130

(Arranged alphabetically.)
ADELAIDE SANITARIUM. B. Commin, J. P. Casey, Miss
Ida Thomason.
Barker Road, Nailsworth, Ade- Officers: W. B. White, Chairman;
laide, South Australia. I. J. Hankins, Sec.; J. P. Casey,
Established 1908. Treas.
Medical Faculty: H. J. Williams,
Operated by the Sydney Sanita- M. D., Supt.; Miss Ida Thoma-
rium and Benevolent Associa- son, Matron and Head Nurse;
tion, Ltd. J. P. Casey, Business Manager.
Local Board of Management: L.
D. A. Lemke, L. A. Butler, W.
Vercoe, Jr., G. S. Fisher, Mrs.
Matron: Mrs. Clapp.
Surrey Hills Hydro, Caterham
RIUM. Established 1903.
Boulder, Colo.' Board of Managers; --
AV. C. Sisley, W. T. Bartlett,
Established 1896. Dr. A. B. Olsen, Dr. C. H. Hay-
Board of Directors: R. A. Un- ton.
derwood, A. T. Robinson, E. L. Officers: Chairman,
Austin, F. H. Weber, M. D., W. See. and Treas., A. B. Olsen.
A. Gosmer, H. A. Green, M. D., Medical Superintendent: A. B.
E. J. Baker. Olsen, M. D.; Matron, Miss J.
Officers of the Board: R. A. Un- Bacon.
derwood, Pres.; H. A. Green,
M. D., Vice-Pres.; E. J. Ba-
ker, Sec. and Treas.
Executive and Finance Commit- CHRISTCHURCH SANITARIUM.
tee: H. A. Green, Medical and Papanui, Christchurch, New
General Supt.; E. J. Baker,
Sec. and Treas. Zealand.
Medical Faculty: H. A. Green,
M. D.; Kate Lindsay, M. D.; Board: F. H. Letts, G. A. Brand-
F. H. Weber, M. D.; Mary Jack- stater, S. H. Amyes, T. W. Ham-
son Weber,. M. D.; L. H. Wade, mond, G. S. Fisher.
M. D.; E. J. Van Horn, Chap- Manager: G. A. Brandstater.
Nurses' Training School: Supt.
and Sec., Olive C. White.
CAPE SANITARIUM. Akersgaten 74, Christiania,
Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. Norway.
Established 1904. Established 1900.
Board of Trustees: W. B. White, Corporate Name: " Kurbadet."
I. J. Hankins, H. J. Edmed, W. Superintendent: C. M. Scott.


Orlando, Fla. Address: Friedensau, Post Gra-
Established 1908. bow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany.
Managed by the Board of Trus-
Legal Name: " The Florida San- tees for the institutions opera-
itarium and Benevolent Asso- ted in behalf of the interests
ciation." of the German Union Conferen-
Trustees: W. H. Heckman, B. W. ces.
Spire, W. H. Branson, R. S. In-
gersoll, M. D., J. E. Cruze.
Officers: Pres., W. H. Heckman;
Sec., Dr. R. S. Ingersoll; Treas. GLENDALE SANITARIUM.
and Business Manager, B. W. Glendale, Cal.
Medical Staff: Supt., R. S. Inger- .Established 1905.
soll, M. D.; Asst. Physician,
Olive P. Ingersoll, M. D.; Ma- Business Manager: C. E. Kimlin.
tron and Head Nurse, Miss Faculty: H. F. Rand, M. D.; Josie
Emma Dineson. 0. Shryock, M. D.; Supt.. of
Nurses' Training School, Julia
A. White, M. D.; Supt. of
FRIEDENSAU SANITARIUM. Nurses, Miss Alice Lillian San-
Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. tee; Matron, Mrs. Geneva M. C.
Magdeburg, Germany. Comstock; Chef, E. W. Culver;
Chaplain, G. A. Snyder.
Established 1899.
" Deutscher Verein fiir Gesund-
heitspflege: " Legal organiza- GOOD HEALTH ASSOCIATION,
tion for holding the Friedensau LTD.
Trustees: L. R. Conradi, Presi- Incorporated 1903.
dent; W. Krumm, Manager;
Dr. E. Meyer, H. F. Schu- Office: Stanborough Park, Wat-
berth, J. G. ()blander, J. T. ford, Herts, England.
Boettcher, H. Hartkop, 0. E. Trustees: W. C. Sisley, W. T.
Reinke, J. F. Huenergardt. Bartlett, A. B. Olsen, M. D.,
Members: E. Frauchiger, G. W. S. G. Haughey,
Schubert, J. Erzberger, L. Ma- W. H. Meredith, H. E. Arm-
the, W. Prillwitz, E. Bahr, H. strong, J. J. Gillatt, S. Joyce,
Fenner, K. Sinz, J. Wolf- A. Bacon, R. Mussen, Dr. C. H.
garten, F. Gutting, F. Prieser, Payton, A. E. Bacon, G. Haw-
D. P. Gaede, 0. Schwenecke, kins, W. R. White.
J. Seefried, H. Mayer-Blirtschy, Officers: Chairman, - ;
R. Schillinger, 0. A. Janert, R. Secretary, A. B. Olsen, M. D.;
G. Klingbeil, J. Wibbens, M. H. Treas., W. C. Sisley.
Wentland, F. Gruber, J. Muth,
E. Gugel, H. Box, P. Drinhaus.
Officers: Pres., L. R. Conradi; IOWA SANITARIUM.
Vice-Pres., W. Krumm; Sec.,
; Auditor, G. Woysch. Nevada, Iowa.
Medical Faculty: Supt., Dr. E.
Meyer; Head Nurses, Joseph Established at Des Moines, Iowa,
Esser, Miss M. Forster. in 1899. (Removed and es-
Officers: Matron, Miss Helene tablished at Nevada, Iowa, in
Bartel; Business Manager, Chr. 1909. Reincorporated June 15,
Wetzel; Treasurer, C. Banas. 1915.)

Corporate Name: " Iowa Sani- Board of Directors: L. P. Tieche,

tarium and Benevolent Associa- Jules Robert, P. A. De Forest,
tion." Paul Steiner, G. Delapres.
Board of Managers: A. R. Og- Officers: Pres., L. P. Tieche; Sec.
den, Pres.; W. C. Foreman, and Treas., J. Robert.
Sec. and Treas.; H. W. Barbour, Local Board: J. Robert, P. A.
M. D., J. W. Dorcas, V. B. De Forest, Paul Steiner, George
Watts, J. R. Bowles, C. J. Rob- Weber.
inson. Physicians: Supt., L. E. Conradi,
Faculty: H. W. Barbour, M. D., M. D.; P. A. De Forest, M. D.
Medical Supt.; Olive Pippy, M. Matron: Mrs. L. E. Conradi.
D.; W. C. Foreman, Business
Manager; Hannah Larson, R. N.,
KANSAS SANITARIUM. (Incorporated with College of
Medical Evangelists.) .
Wichita, Kana.
Loma Linda, Cal.
Established 1902.
Board of Trustees: Established 1905.
(Pres), H. S. Osterloh, J. E.Og- Board of Trustees and Officers:
den, T. J. Watkins, E. T. Wil- (Same as for Loma Linda Col-
son, W. A. McCroskey, H. A. lege, which see.)
Schneider, Burton Castle, R. L. Medical Staff: T. J. Evans, M. D.,
Stokes, M. D. Medical Superintendent; E. H.
Board of Management: Burton Risley, M. D.; J. J. Weir, M.
Castle, , H. S. Os- D.; Zenobia E. Nightingale.
terloh, J. E. Ogden, R. L. Stokes, M. D.; J. L. Maroon, M. D.;
M. D. Lillis Wood-Starr, M. D.; W. A.
Medical Faculty: R. L. Stokes, George, M. D.
M. D., Medical Supt.; Burton
Castle, Business Manager; Mrs.
G. W. Patterson, Matron; P. E.
Watson, R. N.; M. A. Altman, MADISON SANITARIUM.
Madison, Wis.
KIMBERLEY BATHS. Established 1902.
7 Cheapside, Kimberley, South Board of Trustees:
Africa. (Pres.), P. L. Larson (Sec. and
Established 1901. Business Manager), W. T. Lind-
say, M. D., Arthur Belding,
Board of Trustees: Executive G. M. Pflugradt, W. J. Walter,
Committee of the Cape Con- Chas. Johnson.
ference. Medical Faculty: W. T. Lindsay,
Manager: G. W. Webb. M. D., Medical Director; F. C.
Dean, M. D., House Physician.
(Sanitorium du Leman.) NATAL HEALTH INSTITUTE.
Gland, Ct. Vaud, Switzerland. 126 Longmarket St., Pietermaritz-
Established 1904. burg, Natal, South Africa.
Established 1908.
Corporate Name: " Socia6 Phil-
anthropique de la Ligniere." Manager: C. H. Shaw.


College View, Nebr. Huntsville, Ala.
Established 1894. Established 1910.
Board of Managers: J. S. Rouse, Board of Managers: Oakwood
Pres.; R. A. Underwood, J. D. Manual Training School Board.
Shively, M. D., Lars Nielson, B. Faculty: Miss Etta Reeder, Super-
L. House. intendent; C. J. Boyd, Business
Medical Staff: J. D. 'Shively, M. Manager.
D., Medical Supt.; Eva M.
Shively, M. D.; Miss Ida C.
Johnson, R. N., Supt. of Nurses; PARADISE VALLEY SANI-
C. A. Skinner, R. N. TARIUM.
Faculty: J. D. Shively, M. D.,
Eva M. Shively, M. D., Lars National City, Cal. _
Nielson, Business Manager, C.
A. Skinner, R. N.; Miss Ida C. Established 1906.
Johnson, R. N.; Miss Winona (Owned and operated by the San-
Engel, R. N.; rs. Emily Rock- itarium Association of Seventh-
well; L. F. Trubey, Chaplain. day Adventists of Southern Cal-
Board of Directors: Pres., E. E.
NEBRASKA SANITARIUM. Andross; Vice-Pres., W. F. Mar-
tin; Sec., B. M. Emerson; B. E.
Hastings, Nebr. Beddoe, J. A. Burden, T. J. Ev-
Established 1908. ans, M. D., D. D. Comstock, M.
D., W. J. Johnson, M. D., S. A.
Board of Directors: J. S. Rouse, Smith, M. D., L. M. Bowen, C.
Pres.; B. L. House, Sec.; J. D. E. E. G. Fulton, W. D.
Shively, E. D. Haysmer, R. A. Salisbury.
Underwood, Lars Nielson, A. F. Local Board: Chairman, W. F.
Kirk. Martin Medical Supt., 0. S.
Faculty: Medical Superintendent, Parrett,' M. D.; Business Mana-
E. D. Haysmer, M. D.; House ger, J. A. Burden; Assistant
Physician, Clara M. Schunk, M. Physician, L. M. White, M. D.;
D.; Supt. of Nurses, Violette L. Mrs. 0. S. Parrett; Sydney
Ball, R. N.; Business Manager, Smith, M. D.; Matron, Mrs. J.
A. F. Kirk; Chaplain, G. J. A. Burden; Bible Instructor,
Seltzer. Miss R. E. Hannaford.
Training School Faculty: Supt.
Training School and Head
NEW ENGLAND SANITARIUM. Nurse, Mrs. 0. S. Parrett, R. N.;
Melrose, Mass. 0. S. Parrett, M. D.; Miss R. E.
Hannaford; J. A. Burden.
Established 1899.
Officers: Pres., R. D. Quinn; Sec.
and Treas., H. B. Steele; Supt., PORTLAND SANITARIUM.
W. E. Bliss, M. D.; Chaplain,
E. L. Cardey; Matron, Mrs. H. East Sixtieth and Belmont Sts.,
B. Steele. Portland, Oreg.
Medical Faculty: W. E. Bliss, M.
D.; W. A. Ruble, M. D.; J. A. Founded 1893; reorganized, 1902;
Pines, M. D.; Lady Physician, became an institution of the
; Supt. of Nurses, Miss North Pacific Union Conference,
Lenora Lacey. 1906.

Board of Directors: C. W. Flaiz Maxson, H. U. Stevens, Ernesto

(Pres.), C. M. Everest (Sec. Roscher, W. W. Wheeler, Julio
and Treas.), H. W. Decker, H. Ernst.
W. Cottrell, J. J. Nethery, G. F. Medical Faculty: Director, R. H.
Watson, T. G. Bunch, J. F. Habenicht, M. D.; G. B. Rep-
Beatty, J. F. Piper. logle, M. D.
Officers and Medical Faculty: C. Officers: Medical Supt., R. H.
M. Everest, Supt. and Business Habenicht; Business Manager,
Manager; W. B. Holden, M. D., 0. H. Maxson; Sec. and Treas.,
Medical Director; H. C. Nelson, 0. H. Maxson.
M. D., House Physician; J. M.
Willoughby, Chaplain; Miss
Frances Ellis, Head Nurse; Mrs. SKODSBORG SANITARIUM.
L. M. Phelps, Matron.
Skodsborg, Denmark.
Established 1897.
Officers: Director, J. C. Ottosen,
SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS M. D.; A. C. Christensen, Busi
OF SOUTHERN CALI- ness Manager and Treasurer;
FORNIA. Chr. Hansen, Inspector.
Medical Faculty: J. C. Ottosen,
Incorporated 1910. M. D.; N. P. Nelson, M. D.;
Jensine Iversen, M. D.; A. An-
(This association operates the dersen, M. D.
Glendale Sanitarium, located at
Glendale, Cal.; the Paradise
Valley Sanitarium, at National
City, Cal.; and the Los Angeles INTERNATIONAL HEALTH
Treatment Rooms, at 417 West ASSOCIATION, LTD.
Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal.)
Stanborough Park, Watford,
Board of Directors: E. E. An- Herts, England.
dross, B. E. Beddoe, W. F. Mar-
tin, C. E. Kimlin, J. A. Burden, Directors: W. C. Sisley, J. H.
L. M. Bowen, D. D. Comstock Camp, C. H. Hayton, M. D., H.
W. J. Johnson, T. J. Evans, Dr. W. Armstrong, S. G. Haughey.
Sidney Smith, E. G. Fulton, W. Manager, Sec., and Treas: J. H.
D. Salisbury. Camp.
Officers: Pres., E. E. Andross;
Vice-Pres., W. F. Martin;
Treas., W. L. Mecum; Sec., B. STANBOROUGH PARK SANI-
M. Emerson. TARIUM.
Stanborough Park, Watford,
Herts, England.
Established 1912.
(Sanatorio Adventista del Plata.)
Board of Managers: W. C. Sisley,
Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Entre Rios, Dr. C. H. Hayton, W. T. Bart-
Argentina, South America. lett, Dr. A. B. Olsen.
Established 1909. Officers: Chair-
man; C. H. Hayton, Sec. and
Board of Managers: J. W. West- Treas.; Medical Supt., C. H.
phal, R. H. Habenicht, G. B. Hayton, M. D., F. R. C. S.;
Replogle, Lillian Voris, 0. H. Matron, Miss Knight.


Sanitarium, Napa County, Cal.
Wahroonga, New South Wales,
Established 1878. Australia.
Organized 1903.
(Operated by the California Med-
ical Missionary and Benevolent Constituency: J. E. Fulton, J. M.
Association.) Johanson, J. M. Cole, C. H. Wat-
son, C. H. Pretyman, W. J. Wes-
Board of Directors: E. E. An- terman, W. 0. Johanson, G. S.
dross (President), C E. Rice, Fisher, T. A. Sherwin, M. D., A.
E. W. Farnsworth, C. W. Ir- J. Dyason, R. Govett, F. C.
win, G. E. Klingerman, M. D., Richards, W. L. H. Baker, J.
L. M. Bowen, S. McDowell, E. Hindson, A. G. Waugh.
R. Rhymes, R. Rose, W. C. Board of Trustees: Pres., C. H.
White, Claude Conard, C. H. Watson; Sec., G. S. Fisher;
Jones: Treas., C. H. Pretyman; T. A.
Sherwin, M. D., W. J. Wester-
Officers: G. E. Klingerman, M. D., man, J. M. Johanson, A. J.
Medical Superintendent; C. E. Dyason.
Rice, Treasurer and Business
Manager; L. V. Roberson, Sec- SYDNEY SANITARIUM.
retary and Assistant Treasurer;
Miss Helen N. Rice, R. N., Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Training School Secretary and
Lady Head Nurse; H. F. Wil- Established 1902.
son, Gentleman Head Nurse; Board: C. H. Watson, Dr. T. A.
Mrs. J. L. Ings, Matron; H. Mc- Sherwin, A. J: Dyason, C. H.
Dowell, Steward; S. T. Hare, Pretyman, G. S. Fisher, J. M.
Chaplain; R. W. Munson, Asso- Johanson, W. J. Westerman.
ciate Chaplain. Medical Faculty: T. A. Sherwin,
Medical Staff: G. E. Klingerman, M. B., Ch. M., Sydney; M. M.
M. D.; F. Burton Jones, M. D.; Freeman, M. B., Ch. M., Syd-
Ida S. Nelson, M. D.; Elsie B. ney; Manager, G. S. Fisher;
Merritt, M. D.; R. M. Smith, Matron, Mrs. Elsie Shannan.
M. D.
The California Medical Mission- TRI-CITY SANITARIUM.
ary and Benevolent Asociation
also operates the following: 1213 Fifteenth St., Moline, Ill.
Sanitarium Vegetarian Cafeteria: Established 1900.
714 Market St., San Francisco, Incorporated as " Northern Ill-
Cal.; R. F. Moore, Manager. inois Medical Missionary and
St. Helena Sanitarium Food Com- Sanitarium Association."
- pany: Sanitarium, Cal.; R. Rose, Board of Trustees: J. H. Schilling,
Factory Superintendent. F. J. Otis, H. H. Todd, W. A.
Marsh, Jr., L. H. Christian,
Sanitarium Mercantile Company: Frank Hiner, Andrew Christian-
Sanitarium, Cal.; E. R. Rhymes, son, Win. Covert, H. W. Grimm.
Manager. Officers: Pres., J. H. Schilling;
Vice-Pres., F. J. Otis; Sec. and
City Office: Room 312, Magee Treas., H. H. Todd; Auditor,
Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. A. N. Anderson.

Medical Faculty: Supt., F. J. Otis, Established 1910.

M. D.; House Physician, E. A.
Warner, M. D. Local Board: W. H. B. Miller, W.
Business Manager: H. H. Todd. H. James, A. G. Wise, S. Deane,
G. S. Fisher.
Medical Supt.: W. H. James, M. D.
WABASH VALLEY SANITA- Matron: Mrs. A. G. Wise.
La Fayette, Ind.
Established 1906.
Board of Directors: W. A. West- Takoma Park Station, Washing-
worth, F. A. Loop, T. A. Good- ton, D. C.
win, C. M. Christiansen, Walter
Gettys, R. W. Hostetler, M. C. Dedicated June 12, 1907.
Officers: Pres., W. A. Westworth; Corporate Name: " Washington
Sec., M. C. Guild; Treas. and (D. O) Sanitarium Associa-
Business Manager, Q, M. Chris-
tiansen. tion."
Medical Faculty: Med. Supt., W. Constituency: The Executive Com-
C. Dunscombe, M. D.; House
Physician, Anna B. Durrie, M. mittees of the General Confer-
D. Business Manager, C. M. ence and of the following Con-
' Supt. of Nurses, ferences: Columbia Union, Ches-
C. E. Garnsey, R. N.; Chaplain, apeake, Eastern Pennsylvania,
W. A. Young; Matron, Miss New Jersey, Ohio, West Penn-
Fanchon Roth. sylvania, Virginia, West Vir-
ginia, District of Columbia, the
Board of Directors, and the
physicians in the employ of the
WALLA WALLA .SANITARIUM. Washington. (D. C.) Sanitarium
College Place, Wash. Association.

Established 1905. Board of Directors: Chairman, W.

T. Knox; Sec., H. W. Miller;
Board of Directors: J. J. Nethery, I. H. Evans, F. M. Wilcox, B. G.
John Reith, M. D., F. W. Peter- Wilkinson, B. F. Machlan, L. E.
son, Jacob Rifle], S. A. Miller, Elliott.
L. F. Burdoin, George Krieger.
Medical Staff: John Reith, M. D., Officers: Pres. and Treas., W. T.
Superintendent; W. B. Holden, Knox; Business Manager and
M. D., Associate Physician; Sec., H. W. Miller; Asst. Busi-
Miss Mabel R. Shaffer, Matron. ness Manager, E. L. Workman.
Medical Faculty: Supt., H. W.
Miller, A. B., M. D.; J. W. Hop-
WARBURTON SANITARIUM. kins, M. D.; L. E. Eliott, M. D.;
Lauretta Kress, M. D.; Chap-
Warburton, Victoria, Australia. lain, Stewart Kime; E. L. Work-
man; C. C. Pulver; Lola G.
(Operated by the Sydney Sanita- French, R. N.; Edith Crooks; J.
rium and Benevolent Associa- L. Strawser, R. N.; L. A. Carr,
tion, Ltd.) R. N.
Calcutta, India. Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, 75 Park St.; J. H.
Reagan, Manager. (Under supervision of India Union Mis-
sion.) Established 1900.
Guadalajara, Mexico. Guadalajara Medical Mission, Avenida Libertad
747, Guadalajara, Mexico; owned and operated by Mexican
Mission; Alice M. Swayze, M. D., in charge.
Honolulu, Hawaii. Treatment Rooms; L. V. Bowerman, Supt.
Los Angeles, Cal. Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, 417 West Fifth St.
(Under supervision of Sanitarium Assn. of S. D. A. of Southern
California) H. F. Rand, M. D., Physician in charge.
Mussoorie, India. Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, Grey Castle, Mussoo-
rie, India. Wm. Lake Manager. (Under supervision of India
Union Mission.) Established 1908.
Simla, India. Simla Hydro, Belvedere, Simla, India. Established 1915.
Soonan, Korea. Dispensary, Director, Dr. Riley Russell.
Washington, D. C. Washington Sanitarium Mission Hospital, 1252
Sixth St., Southwest, Washington, D. C.; Medical Director,
L. E. Elliott, M. D.
Washington Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, 1713 I St., N. W.,
Washington, D. C.; Medical Director, H. W. Miller, M. D.

British Health Food Factory. The International ' Health Association,
Ltd., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Directors:
W. C. Sisley, Dr. C. H. Hayton, Dr. A. B. Olsen, W. T.
Bartlett, W. R. White. Manager and Sec., W. R. White.
Sanitarium Health Food Company. 75 Park St., Calcutta, India.
(Under supervision of India Union Mission.) Established 1900.
Colorado Sanitarium Food Co. Boulder, Colo. (a department of Boulder-
Colorado Sanitarium). E. L. Austin, Manager. Denver Branch,
614 Fifteenth St., Denver, Colo.; J. G. Weller, Manager.
Copenhagen Food Factory. Baldersgade 14, Copenhagen, L., Denmark;
Business Manager, Chr. Hansen.
German Health Food Factory. Deutscher Verein Fuer Gesundheits-
pflege, Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, and Cam-
pestrasse 18, Hamburg, Germany. Manager, W. Krumm. Berlin
Branch, Hauptstrasse 9, Berlin-Schonberg, Hamburg Branch,
Grindelberg 13a, Hamburg, Germany.
Iowa Sanitarium Food Company. 1317-1319 Des Moines St., Des
Moines, Iowa; T. A. Moore, Manager; 0. C. Graham, Foreman.
Nebraska Sanitarium Food Co. College View, Nebr.; R. L. Carson,
Business Manager.

Sanitarium Food Company. Operated by the St. Helena Sanitarium;

R. Rose, Factory Superintendent, Sanitarium, Cal.
Swedish Food Factory. Legal Name: "1161sofodovarufabriken." Ad-
dress: Foreningsgaten 9-11, Vasteras, Sweden; Officers: Emil
Lind, K. M. Stanz6n, Ester Lindberg.
Sanitarium Health Food Company. Head Office, 306-308 George St.,
Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. Factory, Cooranbong, N. S. W.
Board: J. M. Johanson, W. J. Westerman, G. S. Fisher, C. H.
Watson, C. H. Pretyman, Dr. T. A. Sherwin, A. J. Dyason.
Manager, G. S. Fisher.

Adelaide Caf. 19 Grenfel St., Adelaide, South Australia; Manager,
L. A. Butler.
Auckland, New Zealand. Strand Arcade, Auckland, New Zealand;
Manager, W. Wilton.
Brisbane, Queensland. 186 Edward St.; Manager, Miss E. M. Cooper.
Christchurch, New Zealand. Sanitarium Health Food Depot, 86 Cashel
St., West, Christchurch, New Zealand. Manager, T. W. Brown.
Los Angeles, Cal.Vegetarian Cafeteria, Third and Hill Sts.; Manager,
E. G. Fulton.
Melbourne, Victoria. 422-424 Little Collins St., Melbourne; Manager,
W. J. Wright.
Perth, West Australia. Sanitarium Health Food Depot, 103 William
St., Perth; Manager, P. Otto.
San Francisco, Cal.Vegetarian Cafeteria, 714 Market St.; under
supervision of St. Helena Sanitarium; R. F. Moore, local
Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. 306-308 George St., Sydney; Manager,
G. S. Fisher.
Wellington, New Zealand. 83 Willis St.; Manager, F. Grubb.
For the Year Ending Nov. r, 1916.
While the conditions throughout the world during 1916 were not the
most propitious for carrying forward a world-wide evangelistic effort,
yet the reports in hand show excellent results during the year. The
following pages contain a brief review of the work throughout the va-
rious fields outside the North American territory, prepared by those in
A brief sketch of what has been done in North America will first be
in place, however. The statistical report issued during 1916 shows the
following results regarding the North American Division Conference and
its standing at the close of 191o:
Total membership 77,735; total tithe receipts $1,337,810.20, a per
capita of $17.21; total contributions to foreign missions $706,293.50; all
other offerings, $498,579.29; total contributions $2,542,682.99, a per cap-
ita of $32.71. Evangelistic laborers 2,339.
The number of baptisms for the fourth quarter of 1915, and the first
three quarters of 1916 constituted a total of 8,299, or about 700 per
month, or approximately 23 persons baptized and added to the ranks of
the believers every day throughout this division during 1915. The last
report shows total book and periodical sales in this Division during the
year to have been $1,396,184.65.


L. R. Conradi, President.
When writing our last year's report, we hoped that by this year we
might be able to give a full write-up, expecting peace would have re-
turned to our Division. Man proposes, but God disposes. Even more
fields of the Division have become involved, and we have really only
three Union reports, covering the three quarters of 1916, the returns
from the missions being very incomplete, or lacking entirely.
As nearly as we can estimate it, our membership is 38,307, or a net
gain of 1,205 in the last twelve months.
East German Union Conference.
During the first nine months of 1916, this Union showed 719 addi-
tions, making its present membership 7,870. It expects quite a growth
during the fourth quarter. The tithe amounted to nearly as much as
during the whole of 1914, being $73,414; and the donations to missions
were $14,254, notwithstanding the Union turned over to the Division
from the 1915 surplus and second tithe, after settling with all the
workers, $23,392.35 for missions. One hundred and twenty-three agents
were in the field, selling books to the value of $40,000 the first three
quarters. Most of our fugitive brethren have returned to their former
homes in eastern Prussia. The East Galician Mission is now passing
through Russian occupation for the third time. About 7,800 of the mem-
bers of this Union are in the German Empire.

West German Union Conference.

During the past three quarters this Union has added 629, bringing its
membership up to 6,576. The tithe was within about $4,000 of the full
amount paid during the whole of 1914, $72,763; the offerings were
$10,854, and of the surplus and second tithe from 1915, $19,774 was
granted the Division for missionary purposes. The 125 canvassers sold
$40,780 worth of literature. The work in Belgium is progressing. There
seems to be an exceptionally good interest in Brussels. Of the West
German membership, about 6,100 are in Germany, the rest in Holland
and Belgium.
Central European Conference.
During the first three quarters of 1916, 578 members were added,
making the total membership 4,767. The tithe for this time was $3,000
more than for the whole year 1914, being $50,883; the offerings were
$10,062; while the conference gave to the Division from the 1915 surplus
and second tithe, $15,237 for missions. Seventy-six canvassers sold
$30,626 worth of books. We recently had a good workers' meeting in
the Austrian field, in the Hungarian capital. Fifty workers were pres-
ent, and two ministers were ordained. A number of our brethren in this
field_ have had severe trials, but the message is advancing.

Scandinavian Union Conference.

We have thus far a report of only six months of 1916. Two hundred
and four members were added during this time, increasing the member-
ship to 4,349; tithe, $25,766; offerings, $5,225. The 105 canvassers' sales
amounted to $50,731, this being the best year they have had. This
Union reports a good interest in various portions of its field.

British Union Conference.

During the first quarter there were added in this field 47 members,
so the membership was 2,825. Definite statistics have not reached us
for the second and third quarters, but we have been informed that the
gain in tithe for the first three quarters was over $6,500 above the same
time last year. The tithe for the first quarter was $10,889; offerings,
$1,902; and the sales of 142 canvassers amounted to $12,289.

Polish Mission.
We are in touch with our work in Poland, where there is a good
interest, and in spite of very many difficulties, six were baptized in
Warsaw last September.

Danube Union Conference.

As Rumania entered the war, we have thus far been able to secure
but two quarters' reports, but during the first half year 200 were added,
making the membership 2,824; the tithe was $14,513, or nearly as much
as during the whole of 1914; the offerings amounted to $2,422; and
$7,157 worth of literature was sold by the 14 canvassers in this Union.

Latin Union Conference.

In this large Union territory there were, during the first six months
of 1916, 57 additions, making the membership 1,599; the tithe, $9,651;
offerings, $4,600, or nearly as much as for the whole of 1914; and twenty
canvassers sold $5,341 worth of books.

Division Mission Fields.

The mission territory of our Division Conference takes in the north-
ern part of Africa, all of northern and western Asia, and part of the
Balkans, giving us a population of about 200,000,000. Some of the mis-
sions have reported for six months, and as far as we have learned, there
were 164 additions, and an income of $1,722 in tithe, and $524 offerings.
Bulgarian Mission. Although our director has been drafted, and
only two regular workers remain, yet two were baptized and a number
are awaiting baptism. The offerings for the first six months were
nearly $100. Sister L. Scholz has been doing Red Cross work in the
hospitals here.
Levant Mission. As most of our members have been removed from
their homes and interned, we have united the three missions here, and
they report 150 members. For the six months, in the Turkish fields,
$320 tithe was reported, and about $40 offerings. One of our directors
is at Damascus. We are helping a number of our people in this field in
their distress.
Grecian Mission.The reported membership of this mission is 15.
The one male worker we had left in this field died in August.
Persian Mission. Brother F. F. Oster and his family are again
located in Tabriz. The last we heard, 42 were reported as members.
Arabic-Syrian Mission. Brother and Sister H. Erzberger are at
Jerusalem, giving considerable attention to the studyof_the Arabic.
The health institute there, being foreign property, is used as alinilitary
hospital. Sister Skodso has recently recovered from an illness. 'From
this field 28 members were reported.
Egyptian Missions. Brother Keough and several native workers still
carry on their work in Egypt, and some canvassing, also, is beinz done. -
The total membership is 41.
Abyssinian Mission. The war has interfered with our work in this
field also. Brethren Steiner and Lorntz were obliged to leave, with other
missionaries, some of whom were from Sweden and America. Sister
Steiner took care of the mission till autumn. The property being held
in the field, it was possible for an Italian to look after it, but in order
to save this valuable mission, we hope some help may be sent from the
States soon.
British East African Mission. So far as we can learn, our workers
are still unable to do active service on their stations, but are improving
their time in the study of the language and preparing literature.
Mauritius-Madagascar Mission. God has greatly blessed the work
in these far-off parts. There. are now three. workers, one of whom is a
native. During the first part of the year, 21 were baptized, raising the
. membership to 62. A number more are interested. A fine chapel has
been erected, valued at about $2,000. The interest is spreading all over
the island. In one quarter they contributed $180 to the cause.
German Victoria-Nyanza Mission. It is fifteen months since we
heard from our missionaries here. 'We learn only that one of the work-
ers, Missionary Winter, is interned at Nairobi, and that Missionaries
Ohme and Stein are in India. Brother and Sister Bornath, formerly la-
boring there, are now with us in the homeland, as well as are Mission-
aries Koelling and Persson, who are actively engaged in work here, so
that we at least have a working force ready to return as soon as the

way opens again. Our mission boat, " Herold," was enlisted in the gov-
ernment service, and later, sunk. It has been ascertained that Mission-
ary Palm was accidentally shot while quietly following his mission
occupation, and steps have been taken to secure damages to aid his aged
mother, whom we are now helping.
Pare Mission. For over a year we had no news whatever from this
field, but have learned that it has passed entirely into British hands.
During the month of October we received news from Missionary Ponig,
at Ahmednagar, stating that he was all right, but had no knowledge
of his wife or of the other missionaries. We have just heard from the
States that our superintendent, Brother Kotz, is still allowed to con-
tinue his work at Kihurio, and we hope the other missionaries asso-
ciated with him are still on their stations with their families.
Sierra Leone Mission. Brother Greaves has reported favorably from
this field. They are principally engaged in training young men for the
mission field, and developing the work in the interior. At their indus-
trial school they reported 18 boarders and 30 pupils, with three native
teachers who do outside missionary work part of their time. In the
workshop they employ a foreman and an assistant, and creditable work
- is turned out. They are enjoying a good patronage from the govern-
ment and the leading merchants. Last year a new concrete mission
building and a native schoolhouse were put up at Matamp, in the Tirane
country. Brother Meyers is in charge, assisted by natives. They also
have two outstations located at Yele and Matotoka, in charge of two
native teachers. Two native brethren are working at Gbamgbama, in
the Mendi country, and fruit is already beginning to appear. Out of
seven recently baptized, six were from rank heathenism. South of the
railway, at Bungoh, another mission station is being erected, in charge
of a white man and his assistants. An outstation under a native
teacher has been opened at Senduma. An old native canvasser and
some of the students sold 48 worth of literature. The reported mem-
bership was 77.
Gold Coast Mission. During the first quarter of this year 21 were
baptized at Kickam, and 13 at Ntonsu. They reported six native work-
ers, and a membership of about 100. The last we heard, Brother and
Sister Lewis were thinking of leaving on account of failing health, and
as they were the only white workers we had there, the sending forward
of help is urgent. There seem to be good openings for labor in this
Nigeria Mission. The Lord has blessed the message in this well-
peopled country. Seventy-eight were baptized at one time in Ipoti, dur-
ing the second quarter; and the impression made on pagans at the time
of the baptism of so many is said to have been quite a surprise, even to
our own people. Brother Babcock and his family and their associates
have had their hands full answering the calls. As the attendance at
their meetings was still increasing, the outbreak of smallpox was a
great trial to them. There seems to be much interest manifested in
the work of the mission by men of prominence in the colony, and the
outlook was cheering, the last we heard. Suitable buildings have been
erected here.
Angola Mission. We have been cut off entirely from the three Por-
tuguese brethren in this field, so we can give no details.
German Southwest Africa. The German brother, who, with his wife,
had attended our mission school (and both of whom were ready to begin

work among the Ovambos as the war broke out), has been interned in
Switzerland, while his wife was permitted to return to her family. He
reports having met several of our brethren from Cape Colony who had
settled in German Southwest Africa. One of the natives had taken a
new hold on the truth.
Canary Island Mission. Brother Aldrich is still here, and has sold
about $245 worth of literature the first of the year.
North African Mission. This field embraces Algeria, Morocco, and
Tunis. During the first half year, 13 members were added, making the
membership 64. Six were working here. One of our Spanish brethren
was able in a month to sell $70 worth of books. Th6/ are circulating
about 500 copies of the Spanish paper each month. Brother Hancock
reports an interest among the Spaniards at Oran, where there were six
members. He is anxious to get help soon, so that he can push on into
Prisoners' Camps.Brother Ising, whose work in Egypt was inter-
fered with by his being transported to one of the prisoner camps, re-
ports that there are 850 persons with him, speaking eleven languages,
and many among these formerly cared little as to religious matters.
Last year he was able to scatter about 300 copies of the Gospels among
his fellow prisoners of war, as well as to circulate some of our own
books, and hold Bible studies with those who were interested. He
found one gentleman who had visited our meetings at Weiherweg,
Basel, years ago; another who had become acquainted with our More
Light Society meetings in Austria; and another who had been at our
meetings in Constantinople; while another had been one of his col-
leagues at the Friedensau School. He reports 20 sermons, 240 Bible
studies, and 680 visits. He is giving considerable time to the study of
Greek and Arabic.
Brother L. Spicer reports that he has found considerable interest
among his countrymen who are interned with him, and several have
become convinced of the truth, and others are reading. These are but
an example of what is going on in a score of camps where our brethren
are testifying for God.
Institutional Work.
The longer the war lasts the more Our educational work suffers from
lack of pupils. Only the Danish and Swedish schools are well attended.
We hope to secure some workers from these schools. The British school
had a good attendance at the beginning, but the numbers have greatly
diminised. At Gland we have about twenty pupils, and at Friedensau
about thirty lady nurses. Our pupils from the Eastern fields are still
there (about twenty-three in all), anxious to enter their home fields as
soon as possible.
Publishing. Though the war has more than ever interfered with
our canvassing work (even suppressing it in some places), yet there
are still about 600 canvassers in the field, and the first quarter's sales
amounted to $75,000. Paper is getting expensive, and even the help in
the offices is being considerably cut down. However, our Scandinavian
houses enjoy great prosperity, and our house at headquarters has had,
all considered, a good year.
Medical. Our largest sanitarium, at Skodsborg, had an excellent
patronage last year, and was enabled to cut down its indebtedness about
$20,000. Gland had a fair run of patients, as did also Caterham and

Stanborough Park Sanitariums. The food factories are feeling the

pressure of the war more and more. In Friedensau our hospital still
cares for about one hundred wounded soldiers.
Financial. The total assets of our institutions and conferences have
increased to $2,643,000, of which about $1,600,000 is paid-up capital.
There was a gain in present worth during 1915 of $185,000, half of which
accrued from donations, etc. Several of our mission stations have been
destroyed, but none of our European properties have thus far suffered
from the war.
Divisional Financial Report for 1915.
Although the report is incomplete, we find that the tithe increased
to $374,000, or nearly $30,000 over 1914. The donations amounted to
$91,500 against $96,443 the previous year. The total income for missions,
including $39,500 surplus tithe and accumulated surplus from the Sus-
tentation Fund, was $131,000, and our estimated expenses were $130,250,
so there is an estimated margin of $750 in the operating expense of
missions, owing to the general expense of our workers and the staff
being reduced. As we were unable to settle with all the fields, our
report is still incomplete.
With such incomplete reports, it is hard to tell how much our staff
of workers has decreased, but while the reports returned show that in
1914 we had 753 gospel workers, there were but 677 at the end of 1915,
and probably not more than 500 now or one half what we would have
had if there had been no war. It will probably be some time before we
secure complete statistics from all parts of the field for the year.
The history for last year can never be written, even if we consider
only our own work and workers and the sufferings of our brethren;
eternity alone will reveal all the details. But little can be done in the
immense territory of the war zone. The greater the decrease in the
staff of our regular gospel workers, the greater the need of diligence on
the part of those who remain, to care for the membership scattered over
a large area, without proper assistance. We have tried to help our
people by means of general meetings, and were surprised at the large
attendance under such difficult circumstances. While we were given
considerable trouble by some unruly elements, and sustained some losses
in membership, yet, all considered, we cannot but be grateful to God for
the faithfulness of our people, for their liberality in giving, for their
activity in missionary work, and for the wisdom and good jUdgment
they have exercised under very trying circumstances.
. One case among many illustrates what God is doing for some of our
young men at the front: A young man who offered himself for baptism
while still unable to step out in all points, owing to his attendance at
high school, and was therefore counseled to wait, was enlisted in the
sanitary service at the beginning of the war. A dying lieutenant im-
plored him to comfort his soul in this trying hour. This led the young
man in a special manner to seek the Lord. God answered his petition,
and before the officer closed his eyes he thanked him in tears for the
comfort received, and prayed with him that if he ever should get into a
similar position, some one might render him the same assistance. Some
time later the young man himself came near death from poison. A lady
nurse took special care of him, and saved his life. When he recovered,
he found to his great astonishment that this nurse was the sister of
the lieutenant. The lady heard the message of God's love from the

young man's lips, and reported her experience to her aged parents.
Shortly after, she herself succumbed, but the parents invited the young
man to visit them, and they became more deeply interested in the truth.
The young man has placed . himself upon the altar for service in the
cause of God as soon as the way opens. This is but one instance among
Though grim war still rules in 1916, yet the Lord of hosts reigns om-
nipotent, and we find many evidences of his watchcare over his people.
His work does not stop, though the world may be in a deadlock, business
at a standstill, and travel interfered with. Terrible as is the outlook
and great as are the sufferings, yet honest minds are being directed to
the brighter hope of a better world. Many are the prayers that will
ascend before the time for our next report, requesting that peace may
once more return, and God's truth make more rapid progress than ever
among the 630,000,000 in our Division.
Since the above was written, the following card has been received
from Missionary Kotz, dated " Kihurio, Aug. 28, 1916:
" Dear Brother Conradi: We are glad to have this occasion to let you
know that we are all well and doing our mission work. Brother Ponig
has been taken to India. Brother Drangmeister got permission to go
back to Vunta, and will tomorrow be removed to Friedenstal, where we
are going to have a committee meeting. Sister Enns is still at Fried-
enstal and quite well. Brethren Ohme and Stein are in India by this
It is needless to say that we are greatly rejoiced to get this much
news from our mission in East Africa.


R. C. Porter, President.
The past year has been an epoch-making period. It witnessed the
large increase in the territory of the Division, when Australia, India,
Burma, and Ceylon were added to its already large and densely popu-
lated area, making the present population of the Division 879,652,115.
It also experienced the largest increase of workers ever sent out by the
denomination at one time. The addition of men to give their entire time
to secretary work and to the treasury, publishing, and educational de-
partments, is of great value to our work.
Australasia has suffered loss by the call of many of our students
from our training school into hospital and other government service.
But the work is moving steadily forward. There have been important
gains in various lines of our work, and a spirit of courage prevails
throughout the field. Australia has given valuable contributions of men
and money to India, Malaysia, the Philippines, and China. In a recent
letter, Brother C. H. Pretyman, secretary of the Australasian Union,
writes: "Good words continue to reach us from our island fields. I have
never known the situation to be so promising as it is at present. We
are planning for an aggressive work in new groups."
India and Burma.
These fields have experienced an important awakening during the
past few years. India's educational system has been revised and greatly

improved. From two villages we have had applications for baptism, but
the candidates must necessarily be thoroughly instructed and sifted be-
fore they can be accepted. A number of new workers have been added
for these fields during the year, and the literature work has made a
marked gain. Giving more prominence to evangelistic and literature
work in recent years has been an important advance which is beginning
to bear fruit. The caste system still confronts us as a seemingly im-
passable barrier, but God still commands, " Go forward."
This has been a year of progress in Malaysia. The work has ad-
vanced into new fields. Sarawak and Battakland, whose doors have
been hitherto closed to the message, have been providentially entered,
and the work is making. advancement in these fields. New buildings
have been erected 'in Java, and buildings for headquarters purchased in
British North Borneo. Important gains in membership and funds are
reported. This field. stands first in its advance toward self-support.
The school is turning its attention more to the training of workers, and
with the addition of several new laborers, that field is organizing a vig-
orous campaign for advance.
During the first half of last year there were as many additions to
the membership as during the whole previous year. A new headquarters
location has been purchased in Manila, and a new printing plant has
been erected and equipped. Among its furnishings is an up-to-date
Miehle press, donated by . the Pacific Press Publishing Association. It
was greatly needed and is much appreciated. The literature work is
progressing rapidly. New school buildings are being erected and a
training school for workers will be opened this autumn. The addition
of an experienced treasurer, a printer, and two educational men, with
their wives, to the Philippines staff, supplies a great need. The work in
the Philippines is moving steadily forward. A church of 183 members
has been organized during the year, and other interests are develdping.
This great field is just now in a transition state. Her educational
system is undergoing revision. There is a general awakening in China.
This makes the present an opportune time for seed sowing. Our reports
from all parts of China are most encouraging.
South China baptized more than two hundred converts last year, and
that field now meets one third of its operating expenses. The Canton-
ese training schools are filled to overflowing, and the Foochow school,
started two years ago, has already baptized 90 of its students.
East China has more than doubled the ratio of advance in all lines
during the past year, and the outlook is most encouraging. Three fam-
ilies have been added to the foreign force. The superintendent has put
in a busy year in the field. Sisters Miller and Shull have met with
excellent results from their women's work. This year we are conducting
a language school for the education of foreign workers in Nanking.
Central China has made a steady advance during the year. In the
Shensi Province there has developed one of the most promising openings
we have ever seen in China. Fifty are awaiting baptism there, and
many others are interested. Sixty were baptized at the close of the
Hankow general meeting. The two training schools in Central China
are well filled with students older than those in past years. This field
has been well remembered in the distribution of new missionaries.

West China.
In West China, where our work began two years ago, we now have
a church membership of thirty, with a number of others awaiting bap-
tism. We have four day schools, with an attendance of 110, nearly all
of whom are paying students. We have four colporteurs in the field,
doing excellent work. Two new families have been added to their man-
aging staff dur.ing the year. They have erected two nice bungalow
dwellings in Chungking, Szchewan, where their headquarters are located.
North China.
North China has received an addition of two new foreign families as
a contribution to the managing staff. This will enable them to open
the work soon in a strong way in that promising field.
Manchuria has added one family to her list of foreign workers. This
has enabled her to open work in the interior, and still carry the work
at Mukden and the three outposts forward successfully. A chapel has
been purchased in the city of Mukden, and a building for the headquar-
ters for the field has been put up in that city during the year. Fourteen
have been baptized in Mukden. Five Sabbath schools have been or-
The Chinese Signs of the Times has trebled its subscription list the
past year. Our first subscription book in Chinese was launched during
the summer, the first edition is now sold, and a new edition is being
printed. Other books are in preparation for the field.
The larger share of the more than fifty missionaries sent to our
field during the past year were located in China, and still the needs are
not supplied. India is to receive the larger share of workers next year.
Japan is the most up-to-date in her activities of any Eastern field.
She is pushing the education of her youth more vigorously than ever,
in preparation for first place in the international affairs of the Far East.
Our training school at Tokyo is developing a good company of workers
in all lines of our work.
Literature is welcomed by Japanese at this time. It is a favorable
time to use this means for the sowing of gospel seed. The new printing
press, and the printer, Brother A. B. Cole, with his family, sent during
the past year to take charge of this department, have been a valuable
aid to the work in Japan. A new foreign family for Hokkaido is also
a valuable contribution to that field.- The field is becoming better
organized, the results of evangelistic labor are better, the finances show
good gains in receipts from the field, and the work is more progressive.
Korea received two families from the company of foreign workers
who reached the field during the year. The work is progressing in all
lines. In South Korea, where eight years ago we had no membership, we
have now 200 baptized members, with four companies awaiting baptism.
The training school is well filled, and the literature work is still making
its usual advance. With the aid of the printer and his family who have
taken charge during the year, we anticipate a stronger development of
the publishing work. Over two hundred were added to their member-
ship the past year.


The Mandarin Training School.

Elder Allum has been called from the superintendency of West China
to take charge of the Mandarin Training School at Shanghai. Sisters
C. E. Weaks, S. L. Frost, and E. M. Bowers have been added to the
faculty, thus greatly strengthening our teaching force. Ninety-four stu-
dents, the most mature we have ever received, are already in attendance.
The enrolment will doubtless reach one hundred this year.
Calls from the unoccupied territory of the Asiatic Division still press
in upon us. The fields are white, and the laborers are few. We solicit
your prayers that God will still send forth laborers into his harvest, that
the whitened fields, awaiting the reapers, may soon be gathered for his


C. H. Watson, President.

The year 1913 saw the opening of a new era in the work in the Aus-
tralasian Union in that for the first time in its experience it became
self-supporting, and relieved the General Conference of the annual
appropriation granted up to that time to assist it in carrying on mis-
sionary operations in the islands of the Pacific.
The year 1916 marks another stage in its growth, for not only is it
carrying the full burden of the work within its own territory, but in
addition it is supporting the work in the Asiatic Division Conference to
the extent of approximately $5,000 per quarter. This amount represents
the Sabbath school offerings for missions raised throughout the Union.
However, our most valued gifts to the Asiatic field are in the persons
of Pastor J. E. Fulton and W. W. Fletcher, who, in response to calls
from the General Conference, were released from the presidency and
vice-presidency, respectively, of our Union.
The extension of the work in the Pacific Island Mission Fields has
necessitated a change in their administration. At the annual council
held in September, action was taken, recommending the organization of
a conference embracino the former mission fields of Fiji, Samoa, Tonga,
and Niue (or Savage)''Island. Pastor C. H. Parker, who had labored in
Fiji for many years, was called from the New Hebrides to take the
presidency of this new conference. Early in October delegates from the
fields concerned assembled at Suva, Fiji, and Pastor W. J. Westeiman,
vice-president of the Union, met with them and effected the organization
of the Central Polynesian Conference.
The island missions of the Eastern Pacific have been grouped into
one organization, to be known as the Eastern Polynesian Mission. Pas-
tor F. E. Lyndon, who has labored in the field for many years, was
appointed superintendent. An executive committee of five persons, of
whom he is one, will administer the affairs of this mission.
Both the Central Polynesian Conference and the EasternPolynesian
Mission will be financed by appropriations from the Australasian Union
The missions lying to the west of Fiji have been grouped into another
organization, to be known as the Melanesian Mission. The following
missions now in operation, included in this, are New Guinea, New Heb-
rides, Norfolk Island, Lord Howe Island, Solomon Islands. The many
other groups adjacent to these named are included in the territory of
the Melanesian Mission.

In order to hasten the development of the work in the groups now

entered, and to make it possible to push out into new territory, an aux-
iliary ketch is being provided for Pastor G. F. Jones, the superintendent
of this mission, as it is found impossible to superintend the work by
means of the regular trade routes. The cost of this vessel will be ap-
proximately $10,000. She will be about 68 feet over all, with a beam
of 17 feet, and will be fitted with a 25-horsepower motor engine, which
will give her a speed of about seven knots. This little vessel will be the
home of Brother and Sister Jones for the greater part of the time.
The Australasian Missionary College (Avondale) continues to grow,
both in size and importance. Pastor J. M. Johanson was called to take
charge of this institution early in the year under review. Owing to the
return to America of Brother F. L. Chaney, who had rendered many
years' faithful service, Brother C. H. Schowe was appointed head master.
A visit from Prof. F. Griggs, secretary of the Department of Education
of the General Conference, proved very helpful, and resulted in the
laying of plans to increase the efficiency of the college and to raise its
standard of education sufficiently to provide for the training of students
for the university. Important additions to the college building, rendered
necessary by its increasing enrolment, have called for large investments.
Another campaign with Christ's Object Lessons " is now being con-
ducted, with the view of raising funds to reduce the indebtedness of the
Our two intermediate schools, one in New Zealand and the other in
West Australia, have satisfactory enrolments of students. They con-
tinue to do good service as feeders to the Australasian Missionary Col-
lege. Brother J. Mills is in charge of the Oroua Missionary School.
Pastor A. H. Piper has charge of the Darling Range School.
Medical Work.
The Sydney Sanitarium has enjoyed the best patronage in its expe-
rience. Patients have received physical help which they have greatly
appreciated, and have manifested their gratitude by recommending oth-
ers. We faced the year with many forebodings, owing to the depression
caused by the war. Our fears, however, were not realized, but instead
the Lord blessed us with more thap usual success. This institution has
also accomplished a good work in the winning of souls. The usual
training classes were conducted,_and a number of graduates have passed
into active field service.
The Warburton Sanitarium also has enjoyed a record patronage, hav-
ing had a successful year. The smaller institutions at Christchurch, New
Zealand, and Adelaide, South Australia, have exerted a quiet influence,
though their patronage has not been so large.
Our health food and cafe work has met with remarkable success, and
made rapid growth. The two cafes hitherto operated in the city of Syd-
ney have now been combined in one large institution, situated on the
principal street and in the heart of the city. The branch cafes and
depots in the various states are all doing well. In Adelaide, South
Australia, a new and more central site has been secured, with the result
of a large increase in business. The growth of the retail trade has nat-
urally resulted in greater demands upon the factory, and an addition of
almost equal size to the former buildipgt ktai been' eolipleted. More
machinery has been imported for -ins tallatiom building.



Publishing Work.
The publishing work presents a most encouraging aspect. The past
year's sales, in spite of war conditions, have surpassed all previous fig-
ures. There is a great demand for our literature. This is being met by
our subscription books, smaller books, and magazines. The Signs of the
Times, our pioneer paper, has a circulation of more than 14,500 per week,
the highest yet reached.
The call of Brother Johanson to Avondale necessitated the appoint-
ment of a new manager of the Signs Publishing Company. Brother W.
H. B. Miller, who had previously had experience in connection with the
Pacific Press and the Echo Publishing Company, is successfully carrying
this responsibility.
The editorial department is in charge of Pastor C. M. Snow, whose
labors are much appreciated. Early in the year he succeeded Pastor
A. W. Anderson, who is now carrying the secretaryship of the educa-
tional and religious liberty departments.
Toward the close of the year we were privileged in receiving a visit
from Pastor N. Z. Town, secretary of the Publishing Department of the
General Conference, whose counsel and instruction were much appre-
ciated, and will result in strengthening the work in this department.
Sabbath Schools.
The Sabbath school department maintains a consistent growth. The
membership has increased to 7,669.
Young People's Missionary Volunteer Department.
The young people's department is now in charge of Brother Frank
Knight, who is meeting with good success in his work. A deep interest
has been taken in the study of " Thoughts on Daniel and the Revela-
tion," and a record number took the examination of the first section
(Daniel). A still greater number are studying the second section (Reve-
lation), and it is expected that a proportionately larger number will take
the examination also. The most gratifying feature in this connection is
the high standard attained by so many of the examinees. Many gained
the maximum of marks, having perfect papers. We believe the benefits
derived from this study will be beyond computation.
Island Missions.
Our island mission work had, on the whole, given us more encourage-
ment during this year than has been the case in any previous year since
its inception. The experiences of our workers in the New Hebrides
group, amid cannibals of the fiercest type, have manifested that the God
who protected Daniel in the lions' den still shows himself strong on
behalf of his faithful children. Our missionaries have had the honor of
entering virgin territory, on which the white man's foot had not pre-
viously trod. Incidents related by workers in the Solomon Islands give
indisputable evidence that God is marvelously opening the way before
us in this group also. Calls are coming from districts which have hith-
erto refused every approach of the missionary, and schools are being
opened in response to these calls in spots which have been looked upon
by other missionary societies as the Jews regarded Nazareth.
Our work among the Australian aborigines is developing most en-
couragingly. The first baptism has taken place at Monamona, five can-
didates being baptized by Pastor H. E. Piper during his visit to the
mission. Brother J..L. Branford and his wife have worked untiringly
for these people, and have won their respect and love. This mission has

now almost reached the self-supporting point, thanks to the faithful

efforts of the staff. Sister G. Mitchell- is doing excellent work as teacher
in the mission school.
Sheaves of souls are being gathered in Tonga and Samoa also. These
fields for some years past have been fruitless, and the harvest now
ripening is inspiring the hearts of the workers with new courage and
Niue has at last been entered by. a white worker representing this
message. Pastor Carr and his wife are winning their way into the con-
fidence of the people. Sister Vai Kerisome's work previous to their
arrival, is bearing fruit, and already several are keeping the Sabbath.
Two Sabbath schools have been organized.

F. II. De Vinney, Superintendent.
The close of the year will show substantial gains in every department
of mission work for the year 1916.
One new church of 18 members was organized in Nagoya, one of the
leading cities of Japan. This church is almost entirely the result of the
work of Japanese laborers, with but little help or supervision by foreign
The tithes, offerings, Sabbath school, and thirteenth Sabbath offer-
ings show an increase over all other years. Our literature sales have
nearly doubled. The church books have been revised, and a list of mem-
bers of churches and believers has been prepared, showing the mission
standing to date, for use at headquarters.
. Tent meetings have been held in six different cities, with encouraging
results. Work has been opened in four new places, besides having a
laborer located in Hokkaido, thus opening the work for the first time
in that important island field. New " kogishos," or preaching places,
have been opened, where work will continue all winter.
After years of planning and anxiety, a church school was opened in
the. training school building at mission headquarters, early in the year.
The government has kept it under close supervision; but it has found
favor with the authorities, and they have shown a willingness to cooper-
ate with us to make it, a success. At the close of the school year the
superintendent of education for this district was present, and gave out
the grades on the same basis as the public schools. This means much
for our school work, and we see the hand of the Lord in it all.
The training school had the largest attendance of any year since it
was established. At the close every student went into the field in some
capacity, and with one or two exceptions, all have remained faithful to
their work during the intervening time of six months between the school
A new series of tracts, thirty-five in number, on present truth,
adapted to tent and home mission work, has been produced during the
year by the mission press.
A No. 4 Miehle press and a gas engine have been added to our print-
ing equipment. Two large books are in preparation, and will soon be
ready for our canvassers.
Brother C. C. Hall, the mission secretary and treasurer, and manager
of the mission press (Owari No Fukuinsha), passed. away after a few
days' illness, just before the opening of the year. Mrs. Hall continued

in the field until July, taking up her husband's work acceptably, until
Brother A. B. Cole and his family reached the field and took the re-
Brother S. G. Jacques and his wife joined our force of workers in
August, and entered the Tokyo Language School. They are preparing to
take the oversight, the coming year, of the newly entered field of
During all the year the Lord has been good to us, and we can see
many signs of his signal favor, and we are looking forward to the com-
ing year and to the finishing of the work, with hope and courage.

L. V. Finster, Superintendent
We are glad to report marked progress among the Filipinos. Our
work has met greater opposition during the past year than ever before;
but with this we have also seen the greatest progress in the number
acceptin,the truth in the history of our work. In the year 1915 we
baptizedb 227 believers; during the first six months of 1916 more than
300 were baptized. The number of Sabbath_ keepers is now more than
Our native evangelists have had most wonderful success in their
labor during the past year. As the result of a nine months' effort at
San Pablo, 196 were baptized, and from our tent efforts at Manila more
than 100 believers were added.
The Lord has blessed those who have engaged in the circulation of
our literature. During the year 1915 our sales were $12,500. The first
six months of 1916 they reached more than $8,000. We now have thirty
canvassers in the field. R. A. Caldwell and his family have returned
from their furlough to assist in this branch of the work.
A beginning has been made on our new school buildings. Brother
Irving Steinel and wife and Brother and Sister Sevrens have arrived to
start our school work.
In the Panayan Mission, where Elder E. M. Adams is in charge, a
good growth has been made during the year. He has held several bap-
tisms, and work has been opened up in several new places.
Dr. Carlos Fattebert has held his first tent meeting at the Cebuan
station. A large number have already been baptized, and others are
interested. The book work has made good progress on this island during
the year.
Brother and Sister Stewart have entered new territory by starting
our book work in the islands of Negros and Leyte. They have obtained
valuable information that will help in the further developing of our
work in these islands.
In the Ilocano Mission, where Elder Hay has charge, our first church
among the Ilocanos has been organized during the year. He has several
bookmen in the field who are having excellent success. Some from'the
pagan Tinguin tribe have accepted the message, and calls are coming in
from many places for meetings.
On the whole, our workers are in good health and of good courage.
It is the earnest desire of each to hasten the message in this part of
the Lord's vineyard. Now is a most favored time to work in the

F. A. Detamore, Superintendent.
The Malaysian Mi4sion has a population of more than fifty million,
and the territory comprises British Malaysia and the Dutch East Indies.
Nearly all nations and tongues are represented in this field. The Malay
language is spoken most widely, but hundreds of other languages and
dialects are used. Mohammedanism is the prevailing religion.
A thorough and prosperous training school is conducted at Singapore,
in which ten grades of English are taught, beside Malay and Chinese de-
partments. The enrolment is about 115, with nearly fifty students and
teachers in the school home. Bright and intelligent young men are in
attendance from the Malay States, Battakland, southern Sumatra, East
and West Java, Timor, Celebes, Dutch Borneo, British North Borneo,
and other places besides Singapore. A strong missionary spirit prevails
in the school, and a live Missionary Volunteer Society is working under
the fostering care of the teachers. A number have accepted the truth
through the efforts of the teachers and students. -
Educational work is being carried on in various parts of Java and
Sumatra by our workers and by self-supporting teachers. Good returns
have been realized from these efforts. Europeans have recently entered
Battakland for the purpose of teaching the thousands who are thirsting
for learning. Many have accepted the message of truth, and desire to
become useful in helping others.
Homes for workers have been provided at Padang, Sumatra; Bata-
via, Java; and in Sandakan, British North Borneo. These are greatly
appreciated by those who have the benefit of them. A large tithe and
liberal donations have been received from the field. Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Barto, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas S. Dime, and Miss Lena Me'ad came in
September from America, and B. Judge and his wife returned from their
furlough in Australia in May.


J. S. James, Acting President.
The population of the India Union Mission .is given by the statisti-
cians as three hundred and twenty million. It comprises India, Burma,
and Ceylon. The Union is divided into six local divisions, bearing the
following names: Northwest India, North India, Bengal, Bombay res-
idency, South India, and Burma. Ceylon is included in the territory of
the South India Division.
Northwest India.
The past year has witnessed advance moves in this new division.
Land for a mission station has been purchased at Chuhar Kama, about
twenty-five miles west of Lahore and a bungalow for European residence
completed. An out-patient dispensary has been built, and plans laid for
building one for in-patients. Dr. V. L. Mann, who is in charge of the
medical work at this station, finds his hands more than full looking
after the needs of the suffering and afflicted. Brother F. H. Loasby has
the oversight of the evangelistic work, and is fully occupied in teaching
classes in language, itinerating, and distribution of literature, and in
instructing inquirers.
The work in Simla, under the charge of Dr. H. C. Menkel, is in a very
prosperous condition. The treatment-rooms are patronized by the best

classes, and numerous additions have been made to the church at that
North India.
Baptisms and a substantial advance are repo;ted from this division.
A new main station has been started at Rai Bareli, with Brother C. C.
Belgrave in charge. An elementary, school and evangelistic work are car-
ried forward in this station. An outschool has been established near
Garhwal. The treatment-rooms in Mussoorie, under the able manage-
ment of Brother Wm. Lake, have been very prosperous. The work in
this division has been strengthened by the coming of Brother and Sister
Floyd Smith. Miss Chilton continues to find encouraging openings in her
zenana work in Lucknow. An increased volume of work has been done
with Hindi and Urdu literature in this division.
The Bengali Girls' School conducted in Calcutta is in a flourishing
condition. A new station has been opened at Dacca, East Bengal, with
Brother L. G. Mookerjee in charge. This station will form a center for
a large unentered area in that part of the province. At Karmatar, our
oldest mission station, a new girls' school building has been com-
pleted. Dr. Olive Smith and her husband have joined the work at this
station. The English work in Calcutta, through the earnest labors of
Pastor Comer, has had a very encouraging growth the past year. This
city is the home of our first treatment-rooms in India, and under the
experienced management of Brother J. H. Reagan and his wife these
have been well patronized the past year, by a good class of patients.
The amount of vernacular literature work in this division is steadily
Bombay Presidency.
Very encouraging reports have come from this division the past year,
indicating growth along various lines. Brother and Sister M. D. Wood
are carrying heavy work at Kalyan, with two dispensaries, a nurses'
training school, and an elementary day school. Recently the buildings
for a boarding school and dispensary were dedicated and put in opera-
tion here. An out-patient dispensary is also in operation at Igatpuri.
Papers, books, and other literature are now issued in the Marathi and
Gujarati languages, and a large amount is circulated. The Bombay
church, through the earnest wor of Pastor French, continues to add to
its numbers. Brother and Sister Rowland Loasby have taken up the
study of the Marathi language, and are at present located in Poona.
The training school at Meiktila, under the charge of Brother D. C.
Ludington, has had an advanced growth during the year, now enrolling
over one hundred bright students. A good work is being done among the
heathen 'boys who attend the school. -Two Burmese men who accepted
the truth in Mandalay through the labors of Brother R. A. Beckner,- are
now in active mission service. .
The new Karen station at - Kamaniaung, on the Salwin River, with
Pastor G. A. Hamilton in charge, is completed and occupied. The dis-
pensary, which is under the charge of 'Miss Mary Gibbs, is doing a good
work, and is greatly appreciated by the people. Brother and- Sister Eric
Hare, of Australia, who have recently come to this station, are doing
village and medical work for the Karens. A motor launch lately pur-
chased enables the workers to reach the many villages up and down

the river. A company of two Karen believers developed five years ago
by Brethren Votaw and Williams some thirty miles south of this station
are holding out faithfully and calling for more help in that section.
Pastor C. F. Lowry, with his family, from-America, has recently joined
the force of workers in this field, to take the superintendency of this
South India.
A new church has been organized at Coimbatore, where a training
school is being conducted by Pastor G. G. Lowry. The students of this
school come from three of the five main language areas of South India.
During the past year, work has been opened up in two new languages, -
and books and papers are now provided for both, each having its own
colporteur force. The church at Pondicherry, under charge of an Indian
evangelist, has had an encouraging growth. The work at Nazareth,
which is our largest Indian church, is also under the supervision of an
Indian evangelist. The educational and evangelical work carried on
there is in a prosperous condition. A company of baptized believers has
been organized in Travancore, and an elementary school among the
Malayalam people. Another company and a Sabbath school have been
organized in the northern part of Ceylon. An effort has been carried on
for the English in the city of Madras by Brethren P. C. Poley and V. E.
Peugh, with encouraging results, a number being now ready for bap-
tism. Printing is done in Madras in three different languages, for the
South India language areas.
The India Training School in Lucknow, in charge of Brother I. F.
Blue and his wife, has an attendance of twenty-two bright'men, repre- _
senting the Telugu, Burmese, Bengali, Marathi, Gujarati, Hindi, Urdu,
and Punjabi languages. This work is wholly in English. The colporteur
work for our English subscription books by self-supporting workers
from Australia has been greatly blessed of God, large numbers of our
principal books being placed in the chief cities of the empire.
Cash receipts of the three treatment-rooms in operation amount to
over $10,000. The most encouraging feature of this line of work is the
baptisms which have directly resulted from the efforts put forth. At
present over thirty of our mission workers are giving most of their
time to definite language study, some of whom have passed their exami-
nations with distinction. The home missionary work, the Sabbath
schools, and the canvassing work in the vernaculars have been placed on
a better working basis, and the rank and file of our people in all the
languages are being pressed into service. We are thankful to God for
his merciful watchcare over us in this difficult field. With but one or
two exceptions, all the workers are enjoying good health.

0. Montgomery, President.
The last of December, 1915, Elder W. W. Prescott, N. Z. Town, and
the writer reached South America, and attended the biennial sessions of
the Brazilian Union Conference hel
d at Sao Paulo, and also, the South
American Union Conference held at La Plata, Argentina.
In connection with the last-named meeting, with delegates present
from the Brazilian Union and the Inca Union Mission, the South Amer-

ican Division Conference was organized, in February, 1916. Following

this important meeting, the brethren attended the annual meetings of
the Rio Grande do Sul and the Chile Conferences and the general meet-
ings in Uruguay and Paraguay, visiting Bolivia, Peru, and our missions
around Lake Titicaca.
From the West Coast Brother Prescott returned to Buenos Aires to
meet with the new Division Committee, and assist in laying plans and
outlining policies for the future. He returned to the United States in
July, having spent six months in this field. His visit was a source of
much encouragement and blessing, and will result in much good. The
hands of those who have long labored here will be greatly strengthened
by the launching of this new Division. The time is ripe for a strong
advance in South America. The Lord is making bare his arm, with
striking results in some parts of the field.
This Division Conference is composed of the Unions mentioned above.
Its territory embraces all of the South American continent excepting
Columbia, Venezuela, and the Guianas, and includes the Falkland Is-
lands. It has a population of 37,000,000.


J. W. Westphal, President.
The year 1916 has been one of changes in the South American Union
Conference. In February the South American Division Conference was
organized and the Inca Union Mission which had been a part of this
Union was placed under the supervision of the Division. At the same
time the name of the South American Union Conference was changed
to Austral Union Conference. To the force of Union workers has been
added C. P. Crager, secretary of the Young People's and Educational de-
partments. J. T. Thompson, of Uruguay, has also united with the office
in Florida. F. L. Perry, of Uruguay, has taken charge of the Chile Con-
ference. Otto Schulz, of Bolivia, has taken charge of the book work in
Chile, and Guillermo Emmenegger, of Argentina, of the Chile office.
Carlos Krieghoff, of Chile, has taken charge of the Argentine office. J. A.
Westermeyer, of the Chile office, and Wm. Ernst, of our Union office,
haVe united with our work in our academy and sanitarium. Elder Jacob
Mangold has been chosen superintendent of the Alto Parana Mission.
The removals from Uruguay have greatly reduced the laboring force and
the President of the Union .has been chosen as its temporary super-
The most serious drouth of many years has been general throughout
Argentine and Uruguay, which, owing to the crisis due to the war, has
made times doubly hard, and apparently will affect seriously , our
finances. Yet the work has made progress.
In Argentine 108 persons have been baptized .up to the first of No-
vember. Two new churches were organized, one in La Plata, and the
other at Villa Unquizt, a suburb of Buenos Aires, of twenty-three mem-
bers each. Public efforts with good results have been conducted in La
Plata and the city of Parana. There have been baptisms in other places.
The office sales of our literature increased $2,900 which indicates a great
increase in missionary activity.
The baptisms in Chile will probably exceed previous years. A num-
ber have also forsaken the truth. Home missionary work is increasing.
Northern Chile is still without a laborer, but it is expected that at least
one will be supplied soon. The literature sales haye greatly increased.

There have been a goodly number of baptisms in the Alta Parana

Mission. The treatment work at Corrientes has been successful, and
several have accepted the truth. Donations and tithe have increased.
In Uruguay nine new Sabbath-keepers were found at Colonia. Four,
all Russians, were baptized at Porvenir near Payoander, and there is
now a company of a dozen or more who meet there on the Sabbath.
Three were baptized at Montevideo. In spite of the hard times, the can-
vassers in the field have had good success in selling our literature, espe-
cially " Great Controversy."
The sanitarium and school have been well patronized. Only once
has the enrolment in the school been larger, and then by only one, while
the daily attendance has been the best in its history. Several of the
graduates from the nurses and special missionary courses have been
employed in our field, others are waiting because of the lack of funds.
The new wing of the sanitarium has been erected, and the first story
completed, which has greatly improved the conveniences.
The printing department of our publishing house has been very busy
the latter part of the year. A 5,000 edition of a Spanish hymn book of
177 hymns, " Himnos y Cauticos Espirituales," has been printed. Also
" Estrella de Beleu" (` Star of Bethlehem "), a booklet of 64 pages, of
which an edition of 20,000 has been printed. At present a 20,000 edi-
tion of Armageddon is being bound. While there has been a drop in the
circulation of El Atalaya, we expect this will soon be made up when the
Home Missionary secretary arrives. The paper is much appreciated.
Today a prominent gentleman told me that he appreciated the paper
very much, and that his wife read it as she did no other paper. Twenty
thousand editions of tracts have been printed, and others, a number of
them four page leaflets, are now ready for the press. Considering the
crisis and the drouth, the sale of books has been excellent.


F. W. Spies, President.
Although in these war times, prospects of a temporal nature are not
flattering, the gospel work is gaining victory after victory, thus reveal-
ing in an emphatic sense, that the kingdom of God is not subject to
conditions in this world.
Publishing Work.
Our publishing house has been pushed to its utmost to provide the
needed literature to supply our faithful colporteurs. During the year,
thirty-five of these have sold literature amounting to $27,715.46. In
spite of the real hard times, this line of gospel effort has prospered.
In 1914 our literature sales were about $13,000. In 1915 they went over
$18,000, and in 1916 they come close to $28,000. We surely thank the
Lord, and take courage for what he is doing.
Educational Work.
Our training school for gospel workers has closed its first year, and
it surely was a very successful year. There were thirty-six students in
attendance, all of whom were very earnest and devoted to their studies.
Some of these will engage in Bible work during the vacation, and others
are working as colporteurs, with the plan of earning a scholarship: We
are looking forward to the future with large hope, believing that the

number of workers will soon be greatly increased in this needy field.

We are now taking steps to construct the left wing of our school build-
ing, thus completing it. This will enable us to accommodate a consider-
ably larger number of students next year. '
Our present Union membership is about 2,300, a gain of almost 300
for the past year. These members contributed in tithes $19,778.60.-
Other missionary offerings amounted to $3,038.72.
Rio Grande do Sul Conference.
According to reports received from Rio Grande do Sul, the member-
ship of this conference has increased by 80 members during the year.
The evangelistic work, and also the book work, have made encouraging
progress. The conference very much needs another ordained minister,
in order better to carry on its work. The present membership is 787.
Santa Catharina.
The Santa Catharina Conference has had an additional laborer for a
part of this year. Owing, however, to peculiar conditions, and Much
bad weather, which greatly hindered the travel necessary to reach the
various churches and companies, the progress has not been all it might
have been in this field. About twenty were added during the year.
The present membership of this conference is 375.
Parana Mission.
In this mission the work is moving along fairly well. A successful
series of meetings was held in Uniko da Victoria early in the year, and
a very well-attended series of tent meetings is at present being con-
ducted. The growth in numbers in this mission has been about twenty-
five, the present membership being 178.
Sao Paulo Mission.
The working force of this mission was considerably reduced this year.
Two ministers who formerly carried on field work spent most of their
time in the seminary. One of our lady missionaries was sick for quite
a time, and one of the young men chose to withdraw from the work to
attend the seminary. About eighty members were added, notwithstand-
ingi bringing the sao Paulo membership up to 360.
Minas Geraes Mission.
This is a mission that has been organized during the last year. Its
working force is very small. It has a membership of about forty. But
the work looks promising in several places. Little progress, however,
will be made until we can reenforce the laboring staff. The sale of liter-
ature has, in this, as also in the Silo Paulo and Rio Espirito Santo Mis-
sions, been larger than ever before.
Rio Espirito Santo Mission.
In this mission, which contains the capital of the nation, encouraging
progress has been made. Several quite successful tent efforts were put
forth in Rio de Janeiro during the past year, each of which resulted in
adding quite a number to the membership of our Rio church. The
gospel has also gained a foothold in new places. As in almost all the
fields, however, the lack of workers compels us to let good opportunities
for aggressive work pass by unimproved. The present membership of
the mission is about 335, a gain of 35 during the year.

The remaining portion of Brazil everything north of Bahia, and

including this state comprises the new North Brazil Union Mission.
En this territory little progress has been made, owing to our inability to
place more workers in it. We are planning reenforcements for this
needy and promising field. It has at present a membership of 245.
In reviewing our great 'field and its need, we feel that we should tell
the Lord of the harvest of our need of workers, and ask him to send
them, believing that he will hear our prayer and grant our petitions.


.W. B. White, President.
The year 1916 has been .a good one in the South African Union.
Notwithstanding war conditions, and the most severe droughts known
in the history of the country, the work is onward, and a measure of
success is attending our efforts.
Local Conferences.
A stronger ministerial force is now taking the field in our local con-
ferences, and as a result of the faithful work done by them, new
churches are being formed. During the last year our evangelistic work
has been augmented by the incoming of Pastor C. A. Paap, of Australia,
and Brother John Birkenstock, who has been. studying in Europe for a
number of years. As a result of faithful work done in new fields, two
new churches have been organized, and another company of thirty de-
veloped, which we hope erelong may join the sisterhood of churches.
The churches at Johannesburg, Durban, and Bloemfontein have had ma-
terial additions to their membership, while a goodly number of isolated
ones in the several conferences have accepted the truth through reading
our literature, followed by Bible work. We are hoping that in future
with a stronger ministerial force in the field, that many of both the
English and Dutch may be brought to the light of present truth.
Our monthly papers, the Sentinel and the De Wachter are doing a
noble work among the people, and are opening many minds to the pres-
ent truth. We now have about four thousand yearly subscriptions; be-
sides our church and conference clubs, we are printing monthly about
13,000 of these papers, which are going to all parts of South Africa.
We regard the paper work as one of the strongest factors we have in
Africa of getting the truth before the people.
During the past year an advance step has been taken by our con-
ferences in placing a competent man in each conference who will have
the oversight of the subscription book work. As a result, our work in
this department is rising, and a good corps of agents are now in the
field. We are hoping very soon that we shall be placing 1,000 worth
of our publications in the homes of the people each month.
A few new churches are being built throughout the field. At Durban
the contract is let for a new building, and a building site has been pur-
chased in Johannesburg. In the Free State a fund is being collected for
A church building in Bloemfontein, while a new building has just been
erected in Parow, a suburb of Cape Town, for the colored people. An-
other building will soon be started in Salt River, another suburb, for the
same people.
Our Home Missionary and Missionary Volunteer work is now becom-
ing better organized through the field, and is a very important factor in
our work.

We are glad to say that the work in our local conferences is brighter
than for years in the past, and we are going forward in courage and
The writer last year spent three months with our missions in Rho-
desia, holding two Bible schools with our native evangelists and teachers.
Over eighty native workers attended these schools, which were greatly
appreciated. Plans are now being laid to bring all of our native work-
ers in Rhodesia together for two months each year, for thorough in-
struction in the Scriptures and normal work. More must be given to
our native workers if we expect to get more from them.
The writer has never seen our missions in Rhodesia looking so pros-
perous as at present. Buildings are kept in good repair, trees and .
shrubbery are kept back from the homes of the missionaries, which are
now quite thoroughly screened from the fly and mosquito, and an air
of neatness pervades the mission premises. We are glad to say also
that our schools are full, and hundreds of pupils are turned away
every year, as we are not able to accommodate them. According to our
last report we now have in our schools in Rhodesia and Nyasaland
3731 students, and our native church membership is 847. We have sixty-
seven outscbools.
Pastor W. H. Anderson and wife, and J. R. Campbell and .wife and
children, left on furlough going to the states by way of Australia.
There has been added to our working force during 1916 Brother
Stockil, of Natal, who is now superintendent of our work in Northwest
Rhodesia; Brother Fred Raubenheimer, who is now assisting at the
Maranatha Mission; and Brother Frank Macdonald, who is now super-
intendent of Emmanuel Mission. These new workers are rendering
splendid service, which is greatly appreciated.
The past year has been a very good one at the Plumstead Sanitarium,
the house being quite well filled the most of the time. Claremont Union
College has also had a very good year.
Beginning July 1, 1916, the Union Conference took charge of the book
work in South Africa, and has established a Union Book Depository at
Cape Town to supply the whole field. A publishing company has been
organized with a board of ten representative men, who now have all our
book and paper work in hand, as well as our native literature. This
company is-now operating under the name of the Sentinel Publishing
Company. These steps which have been taken have greatly unified our
literature work in this field.
During the past year the following small books have been issued.
An edition of native readers for northwest Rhodesia, as also a hymn
book for the same people. " World's Crisis" in Dutch has been printed,
as 'also " Early Writings," and " Steps to Christ " in the same language.
A small book on the prophecies of Daniel, the coming of the Lord and
the coming kingdom, has also been issued in the Zulu language. This
book can also be read by the great Matabele nation in Southern
All in all we feel greatly encouraged with reference to our work in
Africa, and are doing what we can to press it forward to its final com-


A. J. Haysmer, President.
The West Indian Union Conference consists of a much scattered and
separated land territory of 1,143,903 square miles, and a mixed popula-
tion of English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Chinese, East In-
dians, and aboriginal Indians, numbering 12,887,878. Its membership,
Dec. 31, 1915, was 4,254, an increase over 1914 of 359. There were 393:
baptized in 1914, 711 in 1915, and 468 the first ten months in 1916.
The West Caribbean Conference takes in Nicaragua, Costa. Rica, and
Panama in Central America, and Colombia in South America, with a
Spanish, English, and aboriginal Indian population of 6,902,289.
The South Caribbean Conference is composed of Venezuela, and Brit-
ish, Dutch, and French Guiana, in South America; and all the Leeward
and Windward Islands. It has a population of English, Spanish, French,
Dutch, Portuguese, Chinese, East Indians, and aboriginal Indians, num-
bering 4,854,206. Our membership is 1,832.
Although the war and several hurricanes have caused very hard
times in this Union, our finances have, on the whole, made a steady
increase. Our tithes for 1914 were $13,978.11; for 1915, $16,417.38, a
gain of $2,439.27. While we have not received the final reports for 1916,
an increase over 1915 is shown.
There has been a slight falling off in our Sabbath school and mis-
sionary offerings, but our book work and periodical sales have increased.
The sales for 1915 were, $17,777.68, an increase over 1914 of $1,332.83.
At our Union Conference meeting in February, 1915, it was voted to
hold our Union Conference session every four years, and the local con-
ferences every two years. This is giving our workers more time for
evangelical work, and several successful tent and hall efforts have been
For the first ten months of 1916, Jamaica reported 242, South Carib-
bean 144, and West Caribbean 82, baptisms a total of 468. Some por-
tions of our field have been very short of help, and this partly accounts
for our falling off in additions and missionary funds.
Elder and Mrs. Neff, our only conference workers in Venezuela, re-
turned home in May. Brother and Sister Redding left Colon for the
States in July. Brother and Sister Degering had to leave Jamaica in
July, on account of Sister Degering's health. Brother Haines and family
left the Watchman Press office in May, after spending several years in
faithful service in this field. Brother Hoist and family had to leave
Jamaica for the States in September, on account of the sickness of Sister
These departures left sad vacancies in our field, However, several
new recruits have arrived, and at present nearly all the fields have been
Elder G. A. Roberts and family, from Arizona, came to Jamaica.
Elder I. G. Knight and his wife, who labored in this field several years
ago, returned, and are laboring in British Guiana. Elder Berger John-
son and family were called from California to labor in Bocas del Toro,
Central America. Brother and Sister H. C. Kephart came from western.
Washington. Brother Kephart will act as secretary and treasurer of
the West Caribbean Conference. Brother E. R. Button and family came
from Washington, D. C. Brother J. A. P. Green, from Mexico, vis-
ited Jamaica, Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Venezuela in the in-
terest of the colporteur work, and rendered excellent. service.
We were favored at our Union committee meeting held in Colon, in
February, 1916, with the help of Elder W. A. Spicer and Brother J. J.

Ireland from the General Conference. After the Meeting they visited
Jamaica. Elder Spicer visited many of the churches and companies,
while Brother Ireland audited the Watchman Press books.
We have just had a meeting of the Union committee in Jamaica.
Elder J. L. Shaw from the General Conference and Brother H. H. Hall
from the Pacific Press were in attendance and rendered excellent help.
Plans have been laid to strengthen our work in many ways. While
we are having our share of difficulties and trials, our workers are of
good courage and we are determined to do what we can to hasten the
message among the unwarned millions of our Union.


Cuban Mission.
The year 1916 has been one of advance for the Cuban Mission. Like
all other fields where the Catholic religion predominates, the work moves
slowly, yet the seed sown by our faithful colporteurs the past few years
is bearing fruit, so that, with our limited /Amber of laborers, we cannot
meet all the calls for help. In all parts of the island people are accepting
the truth, so that our per cent of increase in membership will nearly
double that of any former year. Our tithe and offerings will increase
about $600 over the past year.
Several changes among our workers occurred during the year. Those
leaving the field are Elder A. N. Allen and family, Brother V. D. Haw-
ley and family, Brother Jose Veiga, and six colporteurs. In addition to
these, in harmony with Cuba's purpose of training workers for other
fields, we have released Brother C. V. Williams to superintend the book
work in North Honduras. It might also be mentioned in this connection,
that in former years the Cuban Mission has enjoyed the help of a large
number of American brethren who were engaged in self-supporting work,
but who have now, with one or two exceptions, all returned to the
Those who have come into the field as regular workers are Brother
S. E. Kellman and family, C. P. Martin and his wife, the writer and
family, and two colporteurs. The Cuban Mission has also enjoyed, for
a part of the year, the help of a number of Mexican workers who were
compelled to leave that country because of internal troubles. These are
E. W. Thurber and his wife, S. Marchisio, and Prof. E. R. Johnson and
family. The latter have taken charge of our training school during its
five months' session. The school was started for the purpose of training
native workers, and has enjoyed a successful year. It has become an
established factor in the Cuban work.
The publishing work is a very important factor in the extension of
the message. During the year the sales of subscription books will prob-
ably amount to more than $17,000. We are glad to mention that we
have, with the cooperation of the Pacific Press, published, a Spanish edi-
tion of 10,000 " World's Crisis." We also have laid plans to publish a
series of two-page tracts suitable for aggressive evangelical work.
Cuba needs more workers. F. G. Lane.
This entire year may .rightfully be called another of Haiti's recon-
struction periods, and while some of our workers have been blessed with
success, some have suffered from sickness, which has hindered ,them in

their work. Money has been scarce this year, nevertheless the Lord has
been merciful to all, and the work of saving souls has not ceased.
We held our first general meeting of believers at Grande Riviere, in
our first tent. Brother G. G. Roth, from the States, assisted in this
Two more churches were organized, one at Limonade and the other
at Ranquitte; also a company of believers at Victorine. The tithe and
offerings have increased $300.01, and the Sabbath school offerings $66.89,
over 1915. During this time 78 were baptized, bringing our membership
to 303. There are 35 candidates awaiting baptism.
Brother Henri Williams, the first man to accept this message in the
West Indies, was laid to rest at Cape Haitien, April 4. Brother J. B.
Abel, our first Haitien young man to attend the Oakwood Manual
Training School at Huntsville, Ala., returned, after finishing his course,
and is now assisting in a tent effort at Port au Prince, the capital, where
a series of meetings is being held by Brethren E. A. Curdy and
M. N. Isaac.
This year we opened work on the island of La Tortue, directly north
of Haiti the first denomination to enter that island. Brother G. Obas
labored there. Four have been baptized, and eight others are keeping
the Sabbath.
A new substantial church building is being erected at Port de Paix.
October 11 we were glad to welcome Brother and Sister A. G. Roth
as additional laborers. Albert F. Prieger.
Mexican Mission.
The year 1916 has been one of great difficulties for the work in
Mexico. In the early part of the year almost all the workers were
called out, and others came out about the middle of the year, leaving
but one or two canvassers in the field. However, the work has gone
forward, and the canvassers have had success in scattering a great deal
of literature. Most of our brethren have proved faithful; some of them
in the northern part of the country have suffered on account of the,
scarcity of provisions, and have come across the line into the United
Our papers have been printed in the United States during the year,
but they have borne the imprint of Mexico City, and have been mailed
from there, the same as in former years. In the early part of the year,
before the workers left, we were printing 7,500 papers monthly. When
the workers came out, we were obliged to reduce the number, but the
subscriptions have increased until at present we are again printing
7,500, so that the silent messengers are doing their work even in the
absence of the greater part of the living workers.
We are trusting that soon our workers can go back and take up the
work, pressing forward with renewed vigor, realizing that it will be
necessary now to do under difficulty the work that was not done in
more propitious times. G. W. Caviness.
North Honduras Mission.
The work in the republic of Honduras has a much better outlook
since the putting into effect of the plan suggested at the camp meeting
held in La Ceiba in 1915, that the republic should be divided into two
missions, a North and a South Honduras Mission; and that some one
be sent by the Mission Board to take charge of the South Honduras
Mission. Henry Brown and his - wife, with some helpers, are now in
South Honduras doing what they can to establish the work in that
needy field..

The North Honduras Mission requested the Mission Board to send

a secretary and treasurer and a field missionary agent. In harmony
with this request, Chas. M. Paden, with his wife and baby boy, arrived
in Coxen Hole, Ruatan, in August, 1915, to take charge of the office
work; the field agent, Emsley Williams, with his wife, arrived later
in the year from Cuba. The total book and periodical sales for 1916
to November 1, were about $900.
We are pleased to announce the recent arrival of Dr. James G.
Snialley from the States, but sorry that Dr. A. J. Hetherington and
his wife were compelled to leave on account of failing health.
Thirty-three were baptized during the year, bringing the total mem-
bership to 173. Tithe receipts were $1,123.12. The average Sabbath
school membership is two hundred and seventy-five, who have given in
Sabbath school offerings $510.05.
The total number of workers in this field is as follows: One minister,
conference secretary, Sabbath school secretary, field missionary agent,
one canvasser, and a medical missionary. Isaac Baker.
Porto Rico.
The work in this mission has made greater progress this year than
any year in the past. As a result of meetings held in the. city of Cayey,
a church of thirty members was organized, twenty-seven of them being
new. Money was raised to buy a church lot, and about half the amount
necessary to put up the building. There is still a good interest among
the people to hear the truth.
A number have been added to the church membership at Moca, and
others are ready for baptism.
A new effort is being conducted in Aguadilla, a city of 12,000 in-
habitants, near Moca. From the beginning there has been great oppo-
sition from almost every one who could oppose the work in any way;
but as a result of persevering effort and much prayer, there is promise
of an abundant harvest.
In connection with this effort a school to educate native workers was
held, and eight young people attended the entire time. The results were
very gratifying. The future of the work depends- on successfully edu-
cating the young people, who must bear the burden of the work. The
past year five young men who were preachers in other churches accepted
the truth. Some of these are already at work as colporteurs, and all
desire to connect with us as workers. Two public school teachers and
two colporteurs also have accepted the truth.
Fifteen have united with the church in Santurce by baptism, and a
class is preparing to receive the rite soon.
On an average seven colporteurs have been at work and have had
good success. They have delivered $5,665.23 worth of literature.
The prospects for the coming year are bright.
William Steele.
South Honduras Mission.
Although Honduras was entered as a mission field some fifteen years
ago, it was not until the Autumn Council of 1915 that the field was
divided into its present two missions. Formerly the whole republic
composed the Honduras Mission. It was recognized that the natural
line would be the mountain range that separates the two missions at
the present time.
Being asked to connect with this newly organized mission, in August,
1916, accompanied by my wife, my younger brother and I arrived in
the field and began work. The book work was already under way.

Brother Gilbert Schwerin, of the Siguatepeque School, began early in

the year, and did well from the first. Harold C. Brown united with
him, and these two brethren are pushing toward their goal of three
thousand dollars for the year.
The school at Siguatepeque, carried on by Brother Karl Snow and
wife and Brother and Sister Howard Loftin as a self-supporting mis-
sion school, is beginning to enjoy more prosperous times. These breth-
ren have been holding the banner of truth as high as they could, even
though at times they were sore pressed. The school, though small for
lack of accommodations, has a patronage of good, substantial people.
It has proved its permanence to those who have learned to trust the
teachers, and they are willing to do their utmost to assist them. Some
of the friends of the school are at the head of the present government.
It is planned to strengthen the school, by procuring adjoining prop-
erty and erecting suitable buildings, that the patronage may be in-
creased. The school is being incorporated under the laws of the republic,
and its property will be held by the General Conference. The future
of the school is bright, and the work in the whole field is encouraging.
Honest souls are being found, and our prayer is that they may be won
to Christ. The present membership is about fifteen.
Henry F. Brown.
Salvador Mission.
In October, 1915, Mrs. Brown and I left Spain and arrived in the
little republic of Salvador, with its 1,200,000 inhabitants. As no work
had been done here, there were no Adventists or friends to welcome us
to the field.
The sale of our literature introduced us to the people, and helped
us to become acquainted with the country and its customs. By the
end of 1915 we had several Sabbath keepers and many friends.
In the early part of 1916 we began meetings in a large hall, which
was well filled every night preaching services were held. Bitter oppo-
sition resulted from the dominating Catholic Church, and also from
other Protestant missions. But God blessed his word, and has given
increase. Fourteen have taken a stand for the truth, and have fol-
lowed their Lord in ,baptism. One was taken into the church on pro-
fession of faith, and two by letter. Our first church was organized
Oct. 21, 1916, with a membership of nineteen. There are more than
twenty-five other Sabbath keepers in the republic, some of whom will
be ready for baptism before the end of this year. The outlook for both
book work and church growth is excellent for 1917.
John L. Brown.

Bahamas Mission.
Leaving Mrs. A. H. Nelson, our Bible worker, in charge of the work
in Nassau, Mrs. Smith and I, with our two children, set sail Feb. 5,
1915, for the island of Eleuthera, some fifty miles distant, to begin a
series of meetings in a settlement known as Spanish Wells, and hav-
ing a population of about seven hundred. Although the Lord blessed
greatly in the presentation of the message, yet, because of the prejudice
of the people, only one person yielded obedience to the truth. We re-
mained in this settlement until the middle of May, instructing this

brother, and seeking an entrance into the homes to do personal work.

Later others took their stand for the truth.
As Sister Nelson returned to the States in the latter part of May,
1916, and Brother and Sister Coffin, our school-teachers, also returned
the following July, it became necessary for us to leave the work in the
out islands, and again make our home in Nassau. Occasional trips were
made to the island of Eleuthera, to encourage the two companies of
believers raised up there in 1915.
We have nothing remarkable to report concerning the work here in
Nassau, only a steady and continual growth in numbers and in the
knowledge and service of the Lord. Eleven have been baptized.thus
far this year.
The second year of our school opened in September, 1915, with an
enrolment of 45, which soon increased to 55. This patronage, at the
rate of tuition charged, made the institution nearly self-supporting,
the rest being made up by contributions.
Prof. C. G. Howell, from Daylight, Tenn., arrived in time this year
to take charge of the school, which opened with 37 in attendance. The
prospects for a successful year are very bright.
As we have no regular canvassers to devote all their time to the
distribution of our literature, each member feels that it is his duty to
dispose of as many of our good books as possible. The Lord has blessed
these efforts, so that our denominational books may be found in almost
every settlement in the Bahamas colony. James H. Smith.
Hawaiian Mission.
During the year a large evangelistic effort was conducted in Hono-
lulu by Pastor J. W. McCord. At the close, thirty were baptized.
Wm. McMillan and his wife came to our field in March, as self-
supporting missionaries.
The Honolulu Treatment-rooms, formerly owned by I. N. Barthol-
omew, were purchased by the mission, and L. V. and Mrs. Bowerman
were secured to take charge of them. They are operating at a profit
to the mission.
The Mission Treatment-rooms at Hilo, with Robert McKeague and
his wife in charge, have enjoyed a prosperous year.
Miss Bertha Lofstad came in June to -take charge of the mission
office work.
Misses Lilly Lam and EnLyn shun, two of our young people who
were graduated from the Paradise Valley Sanitarium Nurses' Course,
have retured, and are engaged in self-supporting missionary work.
Our literature sales, under the direction of L. T. Heaton, have been
much larger than in 1915. There has been a large increase in our tithe.
The offerings to foreign missions have gone far beyond the suggested
twenty cents a week.
Our training school has grown, so we have been compelled to rent a
larger building. We are very much in need of a permanent home for
our school. F. H. Conway.
Name Date of Service
1. John Byington May 21, 1863, to May 17, 1865
2. James White May 17, 1865, to May 14, 1867
3. J. N. Andrews May 14, 1867, to May 12, 1868
4. James White May 12, 1868, to Dec. 29, 1871
5. Geo. I. Butler Dec. 29, 1871, to Aug. 10, 1874
6. James White Aug. 10, 1874, to Oct. 6, 1880
7. Geo. I. Butler Oct. 6, 1880, to Oct. 17, 1888
8. 0. A. Olsen Oct. 17, 1888, to Feb. 19, 1897
9. G. A. Irwin Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901
10. A. G. Daniells April 2, 1901, to


Name Date of Service
1. Uriah Smith May 21, 1863, to May 12, 1868
2. M. S. Burnham May 12, 1868, to May 18, 1869
3. Uriah Smith. May 18, 1869, to Nov. 14, 1873 -
4. S. Brownsberger Nov. 14, 1873, to Aug. 10, 1874
5. Uriah Smith Aug. 10, 1874, to Sept. 19, 1876
6. C. W. Stone Sept. 19, 1876, to Sept. 20, 1877
7. Uriah Smith Sept. 20, 1877, to Dec. 1, 1881
8. A. B. Oyen Dec. 1, 1881, to Nov. 8, 1883
9. Uriah Smith Nov. 8, 1883, to Oct. 17, 1888
10. Dan. T. Jones Oct. 17, 1888, to March 5, 1891
11. W. A. Coleord March 5, 1891, to March 6, 1893
12. L. T. Nicola April, 1893, to Feb. 19, 1897
13. L. A. Hoopes Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901
14. H. E. Osborne April 2, 1901, to April 11, 1903
15. W. A. Spicer April 11, 1903, to
In the two preceding tables the dates given indicate the time when
the Conference sessions were convened.

First Sabbath in July.- Midsummer Offering for Foreign Missions.
December, Week of Prayer.- Annual Offering for Foreign Missions.
Fourth Sabbath in February.- Offering for Religious Liberty Work.

First Sabbath in January.- Missionary Volunteer Day.
First Sabbath in April and second Sabbath in August - Educational

Mission Offerings, North American Division - xgi6

Annual Offering $ 53,530.15
Midsummer Offering 20,645.02
Harvest Ingathering 125,953.10'
Missions 174,244.23
Sabbath School 365,846.62
Weekly Offerings 5,737.66
Miscellaneous 23,850.80

Total $769,807.58
The amounts indicated below have been expended by the General
Conference for evangelistic work, for the years stated:
1905 $143,796.86
1906 163,755.56
1907 253,445.74
1908 272,873.08
1909 351,414.61
1910 410,611.48
1911 404,922.53
1912 476,600.00
1913 523,763.00
1914 Foreign, $474,749.00; Home, $111,500.00 586,249.00
1915 Foreign, 509,746.92; Home, 122,000.00 631,746.92
1916 Foreign, 692,077.57; Home, 161,076.00 853,153.57
1917 Foreign, 680,219.17; Home, 202,734.00 882,953.17
The amounts for the years 1905 to 1911 represent actual expendi-
tures; for 1912 to 1917, appropriations voted. The amounts expended
for most of the years was in excess of that appropriated, rarely less.
(Not including children.)
1901-02 107
1903 60
1904 40
1905 60
1906 76
1907 54
1908 140
1909 134
1910 61
1911 74
1912 97
1913 157
1914 103
1915 76
1916 147


(As amended at the thirty-eighth session, held at Washington, D. C.,
May 15 to June 8, 1913.)
Article I Name.
This organization shall be known as the General Conference of Sev-
enth-day Adventists.
Article II Object.
The object of this Conference is to teach all nations the everlasting
gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Article III Membership.
Section 1. The membership of this Conference shall consist of :
(a) Such division conferences as have been or shall be properly or-
ganized and accepted by vote.

(b) Such union conferences not included in any division conference

as have been or shall be properly organized and accepted by vote.
(c) Such local conferences not embraced in any union conference
as have been or shall be properly organized and accepted by vote.
(d) Such division missions and such union missions not included in
any division conference or mission as have been or shall be properly
organized and accepted by vote.
(e) Missions, properly organized, not included in union conferences
or missions.
Sec. 2. The voters of this conference shall be designated as fol-
(a).Delegates at large.
(b) Regular delegates.
Sec. 3. Delegates at large shall be:
(a) The General Conference Executive Committee.
(b) Such representatives of missions of the General Conference as
shall receive delegates' credentials from the executive committee, such
credentials to be given only by the consent of a majority of the ex-
ecutive committee.
Sec. 4. Regular delegates shall be such persons as are duly ac-
credited by division conferences and missions, by union conferences not
included in any division conference, and local conferences not included
in any union conference.
, Sec. 5. Each division conference or mission shall be entitled to one
delegate without regard to numbers, an addititional delegate for each
union conference or mission, and for each local conference in its terri-
tory, and an additional delegate for each five hundred of its membership.
Each union conference not included in a division conference shall be
entitled to one delegate without regard to numbers, an additional dele-
gate for each conference in its territory, and an additional delegate for
each five hundred of its membership. Each local conference not in-
cluded in a union conference shall be entitled to one delegate without
regard to numbers, and one additional delegate for each five hundred
members. Union missions and local missions not included in division
or union conferences shall have such representation as may be decided
by the General Conference Executive Committee, and accepted by the
delegates in session.
Article IV Officers and Their Duties.
Section 1. The regular officers of this Conference shall be a presi-
dent, the vice-presidents, a secretary, a treasurer, an assistant treas-
urer, and an auditor, who shall be elected by the Conference.
Sec. 2. President: The president shall act as chairman of the ex-
ecutive committee, and labor in the general interests of the Conference,
as the executive committee may advise.
Sec. 3. Vice-presidents: The president of each division conference
or mission shall be a vice-president of the General Conference. His
duties shall be such as are prescribed by the constitution of his division
conference or mission.
Sec. 4. Secretary: It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep the
minutes of the proceedings of the conference sessions and of the
committee meetings, and to collect such statistics and other facts from
division, union, and local conferences and missions, as may be desired
by the conference or the executive committee, and to perform such
other duties as usually pertain to such office.
Sec. 5. Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the treasurer and the
assistant treasurer to receive all funds and disburse them by order

of the president, and to render such financial statements at regular

intervals as may be desired by the conference or the executive com-
Sec. 6. Election of officers: All officers of the Conference, and the
members of the executive committee except such members as are presi-
dents and vice-presidents of division conferences and presidents of
union conferences, shall be chosen by the delegates at the regular
quadrennial sessions of the General Conference, and shall hold their
office for the period of four years, or until their successors are elected,
and appear to enter upon their duties.
Article V Executive Committee.
Section 1. At each session the Conference shall elect an executive
committee for the carrying on of its work between the sessions.
Sec. 2. The executive committee shall consist of the president, the
vice-presidents, the secretary, the treasurer, the vice-presidents of divi-
sion conferences and missions, the presidents of union conferences, the
superintendents of organized union missions, the secretaries in charge
of duly organized departments, namely, the Publishing, Medical, Edu-
cational, Sabbath-school, Young People's Missionary Volunteer, the
ex-presidents of the General Conference having credentials from this
conference, and eleven other persons.
Article VI Incorporations, Departments, and Agents.
Section 1. Such incorporations may be authorized and departments,
created as the development of the work requires.
Sec. 2. At each regular session of this Conference, the delegates shall
elect the trustees of all corporate bodies connected with this organiza-
tion, as may be provided in the statutory law governing each.
Sec. 3. The Conference shall employ such committees, secretaries,
treasurers, agents, ministers, missionaries, and other persons, and make
such distribution of its laborers, as may be necessary to effectively
execute its work.
Sec. 4. The Conference shall grant credentials or licenses to its
ministers and missionaries. In division missions and in union missions
outside of division missions the respective executive committees shall
have power to grant credentials and licenses to foreign and native
Article VII Sessions.
Section 1. This Conference shall hold quadrennial sessions at such
date and place as the executive committee shall designate by a notice
published in the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald at least three
months before the date for the session.
Sec. 2. The executive committee may call special sessions at such
time and place as it deems proper, by a like notice, and the trans-
actions of such special sessions shall have the same force as those of
the regular sessions.
Article VIII By-laws.
The voters of this Conference may enact by-laws and amend or
repeal them at any session thereof, and such by-laws may embrace any
provision not inconsistent with the constitution.
Article IX Amendments.
This constitution or its by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds
vote of the voters present at any session, provided that, if it is pro-
posed to amend the constitution at a special session, notice of such
purpose shall be given in the call for such special session.

Article I Regular Sessions.
Section 1. At each session of the Conference the executive com-
mittee shall nominate for election the presiding officers for the session.
Sec. 2. Previous to each session of the Conference, the executive
committee shall provide such temporary committees as may be nec-
essary to conduct the preliminary work of the Conference.

Article II Executive Committee.

Section 1. During the intervals between sessions of the Conference,
the executive committee shall have full administrative power, with
authority to grant and withdraw credentials and licenses, and to fill
for the current term any vacancies that may occur in its officers,
boards, committees, or agents, by death, resignation, or otherwise, ex-
cept in cases where other provisions for filling such vacancies shall be
made by vote of the General Conference. The withdrawal of creden-
tials or filling of vacancies on the executive committee shall require
the consent of two-thirds of the members of the executive committee.
Sec. 2. Any five members of the executive committee, including the
president or a vice-president, shall be empowered to transact such
executive business as is in harmony with the general plans outlined
by the committee, but the concurrence of four members shall be neces-
sary to pass any measure.
Sec. 3. Meetings of the executive committee may be called at any
time or place, by the president or a vice-president, or such meeting
may be called by the secretary upon the written request of any five
members of the committee.
Article III Departments.
Section 1. The work of the departments of this organization shall
be in charge of the secretaries elected by the General Conference, as-
sociated with the committees selected by the executive committee, when
such committees are not otherwise provided for by the Conference.
Article IV Finance.
Section 1. This Conference shall receive a tithe from all of its
division, union, and local conferences and division missions, and the
tithe of its union and local mission fields.
Sec. 2. The executive committee shall be authorized to call for such
special donations as may be necessary to properly prosecute its work.
Sec. 3. The Conference shall receive offerings devoted to missions.
Article V Audits.
Section 1. The executive committee shall have the accounts of the
Conference and of its several departments audited at least once each
calendar year, and shall report upon the same to the General Con-
ference at its regular sessions.
Sec. 2. The executive committee shall appoint annually eight per-
sons not in its employ, who, with the president, the vice-presidents, the
secretary, the treasurer, and not less than seven presidents of union
conferences, shall constitute a committee for auditing and settling all
accounts against the General Conference.
Only the names of ordained and Allen, M. J., 2708 Bellefontaine St.,
licensed ministers appear in Indianapolis, Ind.
this list. To determine the Allen, J., Corner Peel and Grey
nature of any person's ap- Sts., South Brisbane, Queens.
pointment, reference should be land, Australia.
made to the directory of the Allison, J. W., 726 Everett St.,
Conference operating in the field Kansas City, Kans.
where the worker is located. Allum, F. A., Box 523, U. S. Postal
This applies to the workers Agency, Shanghai, China.
named above as well as all Altman, M. A., 204 North Topeka
other classes. Ave., Wichita, Kans.
Alway, W. A., Harvey, N. Dak.
Aalborg, N. J., Montego Bay, Ja- Alway, G. M., 228 Third St.,
maica, British West Indies. Longmont, Colo.
Abbott, F. L., 735 Second Ave., Anderson, Alfonzo, 22 Shinsemba-
Berlin, N. H. machi, Hiroshima, Japan.
Aberle, H., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Anderson, August, R. F. D. 8, Spo-
Germany. kane, Wash.
Abe11a, Jose, 7 rue Station Sani- Anderson, A. W., " Mizpah," Wah-
taire, Algers, Algeria. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Abney, B. W., 404 Southern Life Anderson, B. L., Kulangsu, Amoy,
and Trust Bldg., Greensboro, China.
N. C. Anderson, C. V., 679 Holly Ave.,
Achenback, C. V., Puno, Peru, St. Paul, Minn.
South America. Anderson, J. E., San Marcos, Santa
AcMoody, C. E., College View, Clara, Cuba, West Indies.
Nebr. Anderson, J. N., College View,
Adams, E. H., 217 Mariposa St., Nebr.
Fresno, Cal. Anderson, J. P., Swatow, Kwang-
Adams, E. M., 819 Indiana St., tung, China.
Manila, Philippine Islands. Anderson, M. E., Drawer 586,
Adams, J. W., Hinkley, Cal. Watertown, S. Dak.
Adams, .K. M., 300 Serangoon
Road, Singapore, Straits Set- Anderson, U. S., Berrien Springs,
lements. Mich.
Adams, P. P., Lacombe, Alberta, Anderson, W. H., S. D. A. Mis-
Canada. sion, Pemba, Northwest Rho-
Adams, W. M., Fort Bragg, Cal. desia, South Africa; or 301
Adkins, U. G., Butte Creek, Mont. South Clifton Ave., Wichita,
Adkins, W. L., 2304 Reynolds St., Kans.
Atlanta, Ga. Andersson; Nils, Hverfisgotu 30B,
Ahren, E. J., Gamla Kungsholms- Reykjavik, Iceland.
brogatan 38, Stockholm, Swe- Andreasen, M. L., Hutchinson,
den. Minn.
Airey, R. W., Caldwell, Idaho. Andress, Wm. M., 122 South
Akre, 0. M., 1304 Hughitt Ave., Eighth St., Grand Junction,
Superior, Wis. Colo.
Alder, J. D., 3012 E St., Eureka, Andrews, J. N., Chungking, Sze-
Cal. chwan, China.
Allen, A. N., Room 1, People's Andrews, R. F., College View,
Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C. Nebr.
Allen, C. E., 422 South Twenty- Andrews, W. R., 23 Franklin St.,
second St., Louisville, Ky. Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Allen, C. W., 1112 Kalamath Andross, C. E., 417 West Fifth
St., Denver, Colo. St., Los Angeles, Cal.

Andross, E. E., Box 146, Glen- Bahler, R., Bauerstr. 38, Munich,
dale, Cal. Germany.
Ang, T. K., Swatow, Kwangtung, Bahr, E., Grindelberg 15a; Ham-
China. burg, Germany.
Angervo; 0., Gamla Kungsholms- Bahre, G., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
brogatan 38, Stockholm, Swe- burg, Germany. -
den. Baird, G., Stanborough Park, Wat-
Anglebarger, G. W., 531 Santa ford, Herts, England.
Fe Drive, Denver, Colo. Baierle, Chas., Delaware Gap, Pa.
Arevalo, Victorio, 819 Indiana St., Bailey, M. R., Foxcroft, Me.
Manila, Philippine Islands.
Armitage, F. B., Zulu Mission, Bailey, F. C., 1 Devereaux Road,
P. 0. Dew Drop, via Lady- Wandsworth. Common, London,
smith, Natal, South Africa. S. W., England.
Armstrong, A. D., 8 Lancaster Baker, Isaac, Coxen Hole, Ruatan,
Road, Stroud Green, London, Spanish Honduras, Central
N., England. America.
Armstrong, A., 233 Park Road, Baker, Thomas, Freetown, Sierra
Bearwood, Birmingham, Eng- Leone, West Africa.
land. Baker, W. L. H., " Tereora," The
Armstrong, H. E., "Warden Avenue, Strathfiehl, N. S. W.,
House," Crumpsall Crescent, Australia.
Manchester, England. Balsbaugh, Henry, 932 Union St.,
Armstrong, W. H., Rileyville, Page Jackson, Miss.
Co., Va. 13alsehmieter, A., Grindelberg 15a,
Ashcroft, C. E. " Tereora," The Hamburg, Germany.
Avenue, Stratbfield, N. S. W., Barnes, D. V., Greenville, Miss.
Australia. Barr, W. E., Box 644, Oklahoma
Ashton, N. S., care Academy, Mt. City, Okla.
Vernon, Ohio.
Aufderhar, H. A., R. F. D. 3, Barrett, D. J. C., Box 217, St
Loveland, Colo. John's, Newfoundland.
Augsbourger, Ulysse, La Ligniere, Barlow, W. A., 75 Park St., Cal-
Gland, Switzerland. cutts,, India.
Bartlett, W. T.; Stanborough
Park, Watford, England.
Babcock, C. M., Chamberlain, S.Dak. Barto, W. P., Belige, Sumatra,
Babcock, D. C., Lalupou, via La- Dutch East Indies.
gos, Nigeria, West Africa. Bartsch, G., Uhlandsir. 189, Ber-
Babienco, Battleford, Saskatche- lin-Charl., Germany.
wan, Canada.
Baber,0. H., Graysville, Tenn. Basney, H. C., 407 Northeast First
Backaus, G. H. K., 116 Grote St., Ave., Visalia, Cal.
Adelaide, South Australia, Aus- Bates, F. E., Kulangsu, Amoy,
tralia. China.
Bacon, A. E., 105 Llanishen St., Bauke, Dr. F., Uhlandstr. 189,
Heath, Cardiff, South Wales. Berlin-Charl., Germany.
Badaut, J. P., La Ligniere, Gland, Baum, C. S., Hamburg, Pa.
Switzerland. Baxter, W. E., Caracas, Venezuela,
Badaut, Paul, Rose Hill, rue South America.
de la Renes 42, Mauritius, In- Beams, J. W., Nevada, Iowa.
dian Ocean. Beane, J. L., Lacombe, Alberta,
Baer, R. T., Florida, F. C. C. A., Canada.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Beardsley, J. I., College View,
America. Nehr.
Bagby, J. W., Route A, Lemoore, Beazley, A. L., Cor. Bennett and
Cal. Pine Sts., Brockville, Ontario.

Beck, H., 90 Brickdam, George- Bergersen, N. C., Akersgaten 74,

town, British Guiana, South Christiania, Norway.
America. Bernstein, 0. 0., 3421 Davenport
Becker, W., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- St., Omaha, Nebr.
lin-Charl., Germany. Berry, G. W., Angora, Nebr.
Beckner, R. A., Civil Lines, Man- Bertalot, Elie, Casella Postale
dalay, Burma. 218, Florence, Italy.
Beddoe, B. E., 417 South Jackson Berthelsen, P. E., Bethel, Wis.
St., Glendale, Cal. Bicknell, P. F., South Lancaster,
Beebe, E. I., Box 141, Ovid, Mich. Mass.
Behr, H., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Bidwell, W. E., 2705 West Main
burg, Germany. St., Richmond, Va.
Bird, A. C., Caldwell, Idaho.
Behrens, A., Grindelberg 15a, Bird, W. L., Box 414, Huntsville,
Hamburg, Germany. Ala.
Behrens, E., 103 Williams St., Bishoff, H., Bauerstr. 38, Munich,
Perth, West Australia, Austra- Germany.
lia. Black, W. L., 395 Kansas Ave.,
Behrens, J. H., 3055 Mathers St., Riverside, Cal.
Cincinnati, Ohio. Blackwood, C. A., 412 Range St.,
Belgrave, C. C., S. D. A. Mission, Dothan, Ala.
Rai Bareily, India. Blake, W. J., R. F. D. 7, Box 26a,
Bell, Alexander R., 852 Oolburn Battle Creek, Mich.
St., Toledo, Ohio. Blandford, C. E., Chungking, Sze-
Bell, Allen R., 810 Jackson Ave., chwan, China.
New Orleans, La. Bliss, C. H., 1207 Oaklawn Ave.,
Bell, C. V., Australasian Mission- Peoria, Ill.
ary College, Cooranbong, N. S. Block, Godofredo, Puiggari, F. C.
W., Australia. E. R., Argentina, South Amer-
Bell, J., " Warden House," Crump- ica.
sall Crescent, Manchester, Eng- Block, H., Le Due, Alberta,
land. Canada.
Bellah, C. G. 792a North Euclid Blosser, ,J. B., Berrien Springs,
. Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Mich.
Bellinger, J. S., Box 35, Jackson, Blue, I. F., 17 Abbott Road,
Tenn. Lucknow, India.
Bellows, R. J., Cooks, Mich. Blunden, H. M., Box 523, U. S.
Belz, Frank, Capoeiras Correio Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Estreito, lianta Catharina, Bra- Blunt, J. F., 149 North Kern St.,
zil, South America. Los Angeles, Cal.
Bender, U., Bulawayo, Rhodesia, Boehm, J. H., Estactto de Sao
South Africa. Bernardo, S. P. R., Silo Paulo,
Ban6zat, Leopold, Casella Postale Brazil, South America.
218, Florence, Italy. Bottcher, J. T., Takoma Park Sta-
Benham, R. D., Cornelius, Oreg. tion, Washington, D. C.
Bennedbeck, Julius, Margrethevej Boger, E. C., 199 Belmont Circular
5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Road, Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Benson, C. L., College View, Nebr. British West Indies.
Bollman, C. P., Takoma Park
Benson, H. F., 169-171 Amanu- Station, Washington, D. C.
ma, Suginami-mura, Toyota- Bond, Frank, Apartado 492, Bar-
ma-gun, Tokyo, Japan. celona, Spain.
Benton, R. L., 407 First St., East, Bond, J. E., 615 North Tenth St.,
Albert Lea, Minn. Phoenix, Ariz.
Bereck, A., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Bong, Martha, Grindelberg 15a,
Germany. Hamburg, Germany.

Booth, A. S., 1611 Tenth St., Brown, G. M., 2524 Stevens Ave.,
Baltimore, Md. Minneapolis, Minn.
Bornath, F., Majita, Post Muso- Brown, H. E. Apartado 4, Tegu-
ma, Victoria Nyanza, German cigap a, Southern Honduras.
East Africa. (Temporarily ab- Brown, J. E., EstacAo de Silo
sent.) Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo,
Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park Sta- Brazil, South America.
tion, Washington, D. C. Brown, J. L., Apartado 103, San
Boynton, C. E., Box 254, Ancon, Salvador, Salvador, Central
Canal Zone, Panama. Am erica.
Boynton, J., Hoquiam,
.. Wash. Brown, M. H.,Dugger. Ark.
Bradford, Robert Lafayette, Sr., Brown, R. J. ang Gia Dun, Han-
615 South Main St., Hutchinson, kow, Hupeh, China.
Kans. Brown, T. A., 116 Grote St., Ade-
Bradford, R. L., Jr., 3033 Burdette laide, South Australia, Aus-
St., Omaha, Nebr. tralia.
Branch, T. H., 2011 Reed St., Browne, L. W., 1919 Highland
Philadelphia, Pa. Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Branson,. W. H., 169 Bryan St., Bruck, C., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Atlanta, Ga. Charl., Germany.
Brant, L. E., Orange, Cal. Bryant, R. J., 136 North Main
Braun, J., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- St., Concord, N. H.
burg, Germany. Brzonson, Thr.. Uhlanditr. 189,
Bray, Burt, Las Cruces, N. Mex. Berlin-Charl., Germany.
Breed, A. J., College Place, Wash. Buckner, T. B., 110 Early St.,
Breitigam, R. R., Box 1304, Fresno, Montgomery, Ala.
Cal. Budd, G. L., Alexandria, Minn.
Bremer, Aug., Grindelberg 15a, Buhalts, C. J., 703 South Gallatin
Hamburg, Germany. St., Jackson, Miss.
Brinck, W., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Bunch, F. S., College Place,
lin-Charl., Germany. Wash.
Brines, R. J., Box 814, U. S. Postal Bunch, T. G., College Place, Wash.
Agency, Shanghai, China. Burma, Pauliasi, Suva Von, Suva,
Bringle, A. S., Oswego, Kans. Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Burden, J. A., Paradise Valley
Brinkmann, H., Grindelberg 15a, Sanitarium, National City, Cal.
Hamburg, Germany. Burg, F. M., Loma Linda, Cal.
Bristol, E. A., 220 Michigan St., Burgess, G., 116 Grote St., Ade-.
Petoskey, Mich. laide, South Australia, Austra-
Brittain, W. G., " Tereora," The lia.
Avenue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Burgess, L. J., 2 Dehi Serampore
Austrai a. Road, P. 0 Entally, Calcutta,
Britten, A. H., 103 William St., India.
Perth, West Australia, Aus- Burke, R. E:, Laurel, Miss.
tralia. Burkholder, H. H., Box 147, Bell-
Broderson, P. E., 2009 East Thirty- ville, Ohio.
second St., Minneapolis, Minn. Burley, S. G., Harvey, N. Dak.
Brorsen, A., 844 Thirty-fourth Burman, C. A., College Place,
St., Oakland, Cal. Wash.
Brown, B. W., 824 Broadway, Burnham, M. S., Otsego, Mich.
Bowling Green, Ky. Harrill, A. 0., 2056 Forty-second
Brown, E. A., Box 1304, FresiM, Ave., East, Vancouver, British
Cal. Columbia.
Brown, F. E., 215 Porter St., Burrow, W. R., R. F. D. 6, Mem-
Hanford, Cal. phis, Tenn.
Brown, G. G., 417 West Fifth St., Burton, I. B., Grahamstown, Cape
T.,os Angeles; Cal, Province, South Africa,

Butcher, 0. F., South Lancaster, 'Carstens, 0., Grindelberg 15a,

Mass. Hamburg, Germany.
Butler, Geo. I., Bowling Green, Carswell, W. R. " Mizpah," Wah-
Fla. ronga, N. S. W., Australia.
Butler, 0. K., 27 First Ave., Casebeer, G. W., Florida, F. C.
Bloemfontein, Orange Free C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
State, South Africa. South America.
Butler, S. M., Takoma Park Sta'- Casebeer,-H. D., Calle Nueva, Stop
tion, Washington, D. C. _ 14, Santurce, Porto Rico.
Butler, W. A., 7 Cyprus St., Green- Castillo, C., 3120 Eastside Blvd.,
field, Mass. Los Angeles, Cal.
Butterfield, C. L., Seoul, Korea. Cave, Chas., Hastings Sanita-
Butterfield, M. B., 199 Belmont rium, Barbardos, British West
Circular Road, Port of Spain, Indies.
Trinidad, British West Indies. Caviness, G. W., Takoma Park
Butz, E. S., " Tereora," The Ave- Station, Washington, D. C.
nue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- Chaffee, P. H., Necv Boston, Mo.
tralia. Chapman, E. M., 418' Lansdowne
BUzezinski, J., Uhlandstr. 189, Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. "
Berlin-Charl., Germany. Chapman, F. C., 1 Devereaux Road,
Buzugheri, A. M. Ottoman Post, Wandsworth Common, London,
Box 109, Galata, Constanti- S. W., England.
nople, Turkey. Chatman, A. C., 835 First St., Hen-
derson, Ky.
Chelberg, A. W.; Franklin Cham-
Cady, B. J., Riverside, Wash. bers, Hobart, Tasmania.
Cady, M. E., 2547 Piedmont Ave., Chesson, A. C., 7 Battersea St.,
Berkeley, Cal. Sydenham, Christchurch, New
Calderone, R., 1419 West Austin Zealand.
Ave. Chicago, Dl. Clonal., F. S., 122 South Eighth
Campbell, A. B., 204 North Tope- St., Grand Junction, Colo.
ka Ave., Wichita, Kans. Christian, A. E., Benson, Minn.
Campbell, J. M., 1820 West Chest- Christian, J. W., 401-403 - Scott-
nut St., Louisville, Ky. Thompson Bldg., Oklahoma City,
Campbell, J. R., Leribe, Basuto- Okla.
land, South Africa (on furlough Christian, L. H., 3145 Lyndale St.,
in U.S'.). Chicago, Ill.
Campbell, M. N., 8 Lancaster
Road, Stroud Green, London, N., Christiansen, A. G., Margrethevej
England. 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Cardey, E. L., Room 606, Tre- Christiansen, E.,. Hverfisgotu 30B,
mont Temple, Boston, Mass. Reykjavik, Iceland.
Carey, E. W., Keene, Tex. Christensen, P., Margrethevej 5,
Carey, M. W., 108 Ponsonby Road, Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Auckland, New Zealand. Christman, H. K., Box 8, Mt. Ver-
Carlson, Carl, 539 Warden Ave., non, Ohio.
Rosedale, Kans. Christoffers, J., V., Katona Jdz-
Carlson, F. C., 21 Terrace place, sef-utea 28. I. 5, Budapest, Hun-
Jamestown, N. Y. gary.
Carlsson, C. 0., Ostra Teatergran- Chyong Mun Cook, Soonan, Korea.
den 3, Helsingfors, Finland. Clark, A. J., Holly, Mich.
Carr, H. W., 75 Grant St., Port- Clark, G. H., 56 Roeland St.,
land, Me. Cape Town, South Africa.
Carr, S. W., Niue Island, Pacific Clark, H. A., R. F. D. 5, Enos-
Ocean. burg Falls, Vt.
Carscallen, A. A., Gendia, Kis- Clark, W. H., 821 West Fifth St.,
umu, British East Africa. Topeka, Kans.

Clausen, N., Box 644, Oklahoma Covert, Wm., 295 Grand . Ave.,
City, Okla. Aurora, Ill.
Clemens, J. C., Ft. Dodge, Iowa. Cox, Mrs. L. E., Box 755, San An-
Clemenson, W. A., 103 Willough- tonio, Tex.
by-Sumner Block, Saskatoon, Craddock, T. H., Phair's Bldg.,
Saskatchewan. 327 Collins St., Melbourne, Vic-
Coberly, R. B., Drawer D, Clovis, toria, Australia.
N. Mex. Crane, I. A., R. F. D. 3, Waurika,
Cochran, A. U., San Marcos, Prov. Okla.
Santa Clara, Cuba. Crisler, C. C., Box 523, U. S. Postal .
Cole, C. J., Kamiah, Idaho. Agency, Shanghai, China.
Cole, J. M., " Tereora," The Ave- Crisler, L. T., Formosa,. Fla.
nue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- Cubley, W. M., Keene, Tex.
tralia. Cunha, J. A. M. da, Capoeiras
Cole, V. 0., South Lancaster, Correio Estreito, Santa- Catha-
rina, Brazil, South America.
Mass. Curdy, E. A., Box 88, Cape Haitien,
Corner, J. M., 75 Park St., Cal- Haiti.
cutta, India. Curdy, J., La Ligniere, Gland,
Conger, M. G., Peking, China. Switzerland.
Connerly, B. E., -Medellin, Colom- Currow, A., 108 Ponsonby Road,.
- bia, South America; care Amer- Auckland, New Zealand.
ican Consul. Currow, L., corner Peel and .Gfey
Conrad, Germano, Sao Bernardo, Sts., South Brisbane, Queens-
S. P. R., Silo Paulo, Brazil, land, Australia.
South America. Cuthbert, W., 233 Park Road,
Conradi, L. R., Grindelberg 15a, Bearwood, Birmingham, Eng-
Hamburg, Germany. land.
Conway, F. H., 1151 Eleventh Ave., Curtis, P. C., Garland, Wyo.
Honolulu, Hawaiian Territory. Curtis, C. W., 1115 Morrison St.,
Cook, E. L., 835 North Cedar Ave., Centralia, Ill.
Hastings, Nebr. - - Curtis, E. A., 122 South Eighth
Coon, C. J., .317 Wept Bloomfield St., Grand Junction, Colo.
St., Rome, N. Y. Curtis, E. H., Cheyenne, Wyo.
Coon, M. R., 609 Elmwood Ave.,
Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Cooper, H., 204 North Topeka Dahl, 0. J., Benson, Minn.
Ave., Wichita, Kans. - Dail, Guy, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Corbaley, F. M., 629 Fourth Ave., burg, Germany.
Clinton, Iowa. Bake, U. B., Lawton, Okla.
Corliss, . J. 0., 316 Everett St., Dangschat, C., Grindelberg 15a,
Glendale, Cal. Hamburg, Germany.
Coimack, A. W., 103 William St., Daniells, A. G., Takoma Park
Perth, West Australia, Aus- Station, Washington, D. C.
tralia. Dart, A. M., East 1123 Ermina
Cormack, B., " Tereora," The Ave-
nue Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- Ave., Spokane, Wash.
tralia. Dasent, J. G., 1503 Scovel St.,
Cotton, A. V., 426 Trumbull Ave:, Nashville, Tenn.
Detroit, Mich. Daumichen, R., Uhlandstr. 189,
Cottrell, H. W., 508 East Everett Berlin-Charl., Germany.
St., Portland, Oreg. Dauphin, H. P., Lalupou, via
Cottrell, R. F., Wang Gia Dun, Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa.
Hankow, Hupeh, China. Davenport, Dr. D. E., Yencheng,
Courter, H. F., Safford, Ariz. Honan, China.
Covert, J. W., R. F. D. 4, Battle Davies, J. A. B., Freetown, Sierra
Creek, Mich. Leone, West Africa.

Davis, H. Z., 1147 Buchon St., San Doerre, F., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Luis Obispo, Cal. burg, Germany.
Davis, Silas, 417 West Fifth St., Doolittle, H. J., Box 523, U. S.
Los Angeles, Cal. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Dayton, W. P., Lodi, Cal. Dorcas, J. W., Nevada, Iowa.
De'Ath, H. F., Stanborough Park, Dorland, 0., 8 Lancaster Road,
Watford, England. Stroud Green, London, North,
De Beer, J. N., Gwelo, Rhodesia, England.
South Africa. Dow, 0. A., 1122 Park St., Bowl-
Decker, H. W., College Place, ing Green, Ky.
Wash. Dowsett, R. T., 411 Cedar St.,
Delgado, Benito, Station A, San Takoma Park Station, Wash-
Antonio, Tex. ington, D. C.
Demetrescu, St., V., Katona J6z- Drangmeister, H., Kihurio, Post
sef-utca 28. I. 5, Budapest, Hun- Buiko, via Tanga, German East
gary. Africa.
Demidow, M., Post box 14, Minsk, Drews, Louis, 304 West Allen St.,
Russia. Springfield, Ill.
Denslow, 0. L., 1713 Cass St., Drinhaus, E., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Nashville, Tenn. lin-Charl., Germany.
Detamore, F. A., 300 Serangoon Drinhaus, P., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Road, Singapore, Straits Set- lin-Charl., Germany.
tlements. Driver, T. A., 7 Battersea St.,
Detwiler, H. J., Mansfield, Pa. Sydenham, Christchurch, New
De Vinney, F. H., 169-171 Aman- Zealand.
uma, Suginami-mura, Toyota- Dudley, Frank, Hartford City,
ma-gun, Tokyo, Japan. Ind.
Dexter, H. H., La Ligniere, Gland Du Fu Gu, Yencheng, Honan,
(Ct. Vaud), Switzerland. China.
Dickson, L. K., 508 East Everett Diick, K. K., Post box 2, Postoffice
St., Portland, Oreg. Birsha, Saratov, Russia.
Dieffenba cher, J. R., 417 West Dunham, E. E., 1228% North Main
Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. St., Hutchinson, Kans.
Dierking, H., Grindelberg 15a, Diirr, F., Bauerstr. 38, Munich,
Hamburg, Germany. Germany.
Dietrich, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Durrant, A. N., 2851 Orbin St.,
lin-Charl., Germany. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Dietrich, R., Caixa Postal 106,
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do
Sul, Brazil, South America. Eastman, W. W., Takoma Park
Dillon, I. P., 615 North Tenth Station, Washington, D. C.
St., Phoenix, Ariz. Edmed, H. J., Stanborough Park,
Dionisio, Guillermo, 819 Indiana Watford, Herts, England.
St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Edwards, C. H., R. F. D. 2, Box
Dirksen, H. J., 930 Rodney Ave., 151, Ontario, Cal.
Portland, Oreg. Edwards, W. H., 2718 Third Ave.,
Djang Bao Ting, Changsha, Hunan, South, Minneapolis, Minn.
China. Edwardson, C., 1228 Baxter Ave.,
Dominick, E., Majita, Post Mu- Superior, Wis.
soma, Victoria Nyanza, German Ehinger, E., Bauerstr. 38, Munich,
East Africa. Germany.
Domnick, G., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Ehlers, E. C., -Caixa Postal 768,
lin-Charl., Germany. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South
Doerner, F. A., V., Katona J6z- America.
sef-utca 28. I. 5, Budapest, Ehlers, W., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Hungary. burg, Germany.

Eicher, D., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Fairchild, F. M., Clyde, Ohio.

Germany. Farley, R. F., 2705 West Main
Ellingworth, G. A., Malamulo St., Richmond, Va.
Mission, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Farman, H. J., 169 Bryan St., At-
British Central Africa. lanta, Ga.
Elliott, W. R., 322 Jackson Bldg., Farnstrtim, K. A., Gamla Kungs-
Nashville, Tenn. holmsbrogatan 38, Stockholm,
Ells, L. H., College Place, Wash. Sweden.
Emery, W. D., R. F. D. 2, Boulder, Farnsworth, E. E., Campion Acad-
Colo. emy, Loveland, Colo.
Emmerson, C. L., Philbrook, Minn. Farnsworth, E. W., Pacific Union
Emmerson, E. H., R. F. D. 2, Gas- College, St. Helena, Cal.
ton, Oreg. Farnsworth, 0. 0.,Sonningdale,
Enns, Mrs. A. C., Kihurio, Post Saskatchewan, anada.
Buiko, via Tanga, German East Fattebert, Dr. Carlos, 819 In-
Africa. diana St., Manila, Philippine
Enoch, Geo. F., Takoma Park Islands.
Station, Washington, D. C. Fawer, Emil, La Ligniere, Gland
Enseleit, E., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- (Ct. Vaud), Switzerland.
lin-Charl., Germany. Feddersen, Hugo, Grindelberg 15a,
Erickson,A. W., Box 496, Pren- Hamburg, Germany.
tice, s.
i Fehr, Joh., Bauerstr. 38, Munich,
Erikson, J. M., R. F. D. 1, Box 20, Germany.
La Grange, Ill. Fenner, F. E., R. F. D., Onaway,
Ernenputsch, W. A., Caixa Postal Mich.
106, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande Fenner, H., Bauerstr. 38, Munich,
do Sul, Brazil, South America. Germany.
Ernst, Julio, Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Fero, D. T., Lodi, Cal.
Ferris A. H., Norfolk Island,
Argentina, South America.
Pacific Ocean.
Ernst, Luis, 155 B. Orono, Rosa- Ferris, E. F., 719 West Walnut St.,
rio de Santa Fe, Argentina, Green Bay, Wis.
South America. Ferris, J. 0., Witt, Ill.
Erntson, N. C., 2017 George St., Field, F. W., Ooltewah, Tenn.
Butte, Mont. Field, T. W., Keene, Tex.
Errington,J. T., 418 Lansdowne Fillman, Ezra, Ketchum, Okla.
in Manitoba. Finster, L. V., 819 Indiana St.,
Erzberger, H., Deutsche Post, Je- Manila, Philippine Islands.
rusalem, Syria. Fintel, Cl. v., Grindelberg 15a,
Hamburg, Germany.
Erzberger, J., Nonnenweg, corner Fischer, J. K., Billings, Mont.
Birmansgasse, Basle, Switzer- Fish, H. A., Bellefourche, S. Dak.
land. Fish, J. K., Ponoka, Alberta,
Ethredge, N. J., Abilene, Tex. Canada.
Evans, A. H., 825 West 178th St., Fisher, G. S., 306-308 George St.,
New York, N. Y. Sydney, N. S. W., Australia.
Evans, I. H., Takoma Park Sta- Fitch, D. D., Mission Adventista,
tion, Washington, D. C. Calle Nueva, Stop 14, Santurce,
Porto Rico.
Evelyn, A. J., R. F. D. 2, Box 142, Fitzgerald, W. J., Takoma Park
Danville, Va. Station, Washington, D. C.
Evers, A. H., Bunnell, Fla. Flaiz, C. W., College Place, Wash.
Everson, C. T., 825 West 178th Fletcher, Hubert, Riversdale, Ja-
St., New York, N. Y. maica, British West Indies.
Eusey, M. V., 34 Midland Ave., Fletcher, W. W., 17 Abbott Road,
Columbus, Ohio. Lucknow,. India.

Fletcher, J. M., Broadwater, Nebr. Gaidischar, J., Post box 2, Post-

Folkenberg, C. F., 325 West office Birsha, Saratov, Russia.
Eighteenth St., Santa Ana, Cal. Cant, K., Campion Academy, Love-
Ford, C. E., 598 Jones St., Oak- land, Colo.
land, Cal. Gardner, C. M., Gen. Del., Harris-
Forde, W. D., 5128 Dearborn St., burg, Pa.
Chicago, Ill. Gardner, E. E., San Fernando, Cal.
Foreman, W. C., Nevada, Iowa. Gardner, R. C., 1223 North Mill
Forshaw, W. G., 103 Willoughby- St., Pontiac, Ill.
Sumner Block, Saskatoon, Sas- Garrett, R. U., Cedar Lake, Mich.
katchewan, Canada. Gassmann, F., Grindelberg 15a,
Forshee, H. M., care Academy; Hamburg, Germany.
New Market, Va. Gates, E. H., " Tereora," The Ave-
Foster, J. C., Conner, Mont. nue, Strathfield, N. S. W.,
Frank, 0. F., 304 Hodges St., Australia.
Lake Charles, La. Gates, E. M., Corsicana, Tex.
Frauchiger, E. E., Ottoman Post, Gauterau, F. D., Cor. Third and
Box 109, Galata, Constantinople, Juliana Sts., Parkersburg, W.
Turkey. Va.
Frei, J. P., Nonnenweg, corner Geier, G., Bauerstr. 38, Munich,
Birmansgasse, Basle, Switzer- Germany.
land. Gemon, H. N., 15 Preston St.,
French, A. F., 121 Pine St., Bara- Chattanooga, Tenn.
boo, Wis. George, W. A., Loma Linda, Cal.
French, H. B., Cleburne, Tex. Gibson, F. E., 423 North Colum- .
French, R. E. 936 Homewood Ave., bus St.,Alexandria, Va.
Zanesville, 'Ohio. Gibson, L. A., Cottage Grove,
French, T. M., Cor. Third and Ju- Oreg.
liana Sts., Parkersburg, W. Va. Gibson, 0. J., Yencheng, Honan,
French, W. R., Victoria Terrace, China.
Victoria Road, Mazagon, Bom- Gibson, T. J., Glendale Mission,
bay, India. Victoria, Rhodesia, South Africa.
Freund, G., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Giddings, Philip, 107 Rue Scho-
lin-Charl., Germany. elcher, Pointe-a-Pitre, Guade-
Fries, R. S., 537 Twenty-fifth loupe, French West Indies.
St., Oakland, Cal. Gleba .0., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Froom, L. E., Mountain View, Cal. lin-Charl.,..Germany.
Frost, S. L.; Box 523, U. 5: Postal Gilbert, A. C., 103 Willoughby
Agency, Shanghai, China. Sumner Block, Saskatoon, Sas-
Fuller, C. W., Winnemucca, Nev. katchewan, Canada.,
Fulton; J. E., Box 523, U. S. Postal Gilbert, - F. C., South Lancaster,
Agency, Shanghai, China. Mass.
Ririe, W., V., Katona Jdzsef- Gillatt, J. D., 8 Lancaster Road,
utca 28. I. 5, Budapest, Hun- Stroud Green, London, N., Eng-
gary. land.
Gillatt, J. J., 233 Park Road, Bear-
wood, Birmingham, England.
Gaede, D. P., Drawer 586, Water- Gillis, IV. E., Nanchang, Kiangsi.
town, S. Dak. China.
Ginter, J. F., Post box 14, Minsk,
Gaede, G. P., 630.. Twenty-second Russia.
St., Milwaukee, Wis.
Girou, A. J., Ottoman Post, Box
Gaede, J. P., 342 Miller. St., Mt. . 109, Galata, Constantinople,
Oliver Station, Pittsburgh, Pa. Turkey.
Gaidischar, F., Post box 2, Post- Gjording, J. G., Mukden, Manehn-
office Birsha, Saratov, Russia. ria, China.

Glass,H., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Grossman, R., Uhlandstr. 189,,

. linCharl, Germany. Berlin-Charl., Germany.
Gnadjin, E., Post box 2, Postoffice Gruber,F., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Birsha,- Saratov, Russia, lin-Garl., Germany.
Gael, H., Post box 2, Postoffice Grundset, Anol, Crookston, Minn.
Birsha, Saratov, Russia. Grundset, 0. J., Mukden, Man-
Glide, P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- churia.
burg, Geimany. Guenin, J. C., 7 rue Station
Godfrey, T., Olympia, Wash.. Sanitaire, Algers, Algeria.
Goetting, F., Uhlandstr. 189, Her- Gugel, E., Bauerstr. 38, Munich,
lin-Charl., Germany. Germany.
Golzer, K., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Guild, M. C., 1435 East Vernon St.,
Germany. Indianapolis, Ind.
Gontar, A. E., Post box 2, Post- Guilford, H. S., Chesaning, Mich.
office Birsha, Saratov, Russia. Guilliard, E. H., Phair's Bldg.,
Gonsalves, F. J., 812 Belleville 327 Collins St.,Melbourne; Vic-
Ave., New Bedford, Mass. toria, Australa.
Goodrich, H. C., San Marcos, Prov. Gulbrandson, David, 418 Lans-
Santa Clara, Cuba, West Indies. downe Ave., Winnipeg, Mani-
Goralick, J., Post box 2, Postoffice toba.
Birsha, Saratov, Russia. Gulick, C. E., 88 Oak St., Jersey
Gordon, L. 0., 2705 West Main City, N. J.
St., Richmond, Va. Guthrie, Wm., 8 Pearl St., Grand
Gosmer, W. A., 1112 Kalamath St., Rapids, Mich.
Denver, Colo. Guyot, A., La Ligniere, Gland,
Grabig, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Switzerland.
burg, Germany.
Graf, H. F., 2242 East Eighty-
sixth St., Cleveland, Ohio. Habenicht, R. H., Puiggari, F. C.
Graf, J. J., Berrien Springs, Mich. E. R., Argentina, South America.
Graf, 0. J., Berrien Springs, Mich. Hadley, 0. S., 1605 Sturm Ave.,
Graham, J. E., 2846 West Sixty- Indianapolis, Ind.
first St., Seattle, Wash. Haefft, Henry, Capoeiras Correio
Grandy, B. M., Box 643, Boise, Estreito, Santa Catharina,, Bra-
zil, South America.
Grauer, G. A., R. F. D., Box 135a, Haffner, G. F., Clinton, Mo.
' Modesto, Cal. Hagemann, B. F., Bauerstr. 38,
Gray, H. P., Nevada, Iowa. Munich, Germany.
Greaves, R. S., Freetown, Sierra Hagen, A. E., Campion Academy,
Leone, West Africa. Loveland, Colo.
Green, J. A. P., Riversdale, Ja- Hahn, K., Post box 14, Minsk,
maica, British West Indies. Russia.
Green, J. S., Fort' Pierce, Fla. Hale, D. U., 203 West Franklin
Green, W. H., 638 Thirtieth St., St., Clinton, Mo.
Detroit, Mich. Hall, Frank, Christiansted, St.
Grieser, J. F., Bauerstr. 38, Mu- Croix, Danish West Indies.
nich, Germany. Hall, J. W., Box 814, U. S. Postal
Griffin, H. Clay, Box 326, Munday, Agency, Shanghai, China.
Tex. Hall, 0. A., Box 814, U. S. Pos-
Griggs, Frederick, Takoma Park tal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Station, Washington, D. C.
Grigorjew, G., Post box 14, Minsk, Halladay, F. W., Box 414, Hunts-
Russia. ville, Ala.
Groenewald, D. H., care Interna- Halsvick, L., 2914 West North
tional Tract Society, Stranack Ave., Chicago, Ill.
St., Maritzburg, Natal, South Ham, A. L., Tungshan, Canton,
Africa. ' China.

Hambrock, F., Uhlandstr. 189, Harrison, A. F., 401-403 Scott-

Berlin-Charl, Germany. Thompson Bldg., Oklahoma City,
Hamilton, G. A., 60 Lower Kem- Okla.
mendine Road, Kemmendine, Hart, J. S., College View, Nebr.
Burma. Harter F. A., 7155 Mt. Vernon St.,
Hampton, J. B., San Benito, Tex. Pittsburgh,
' Pa.
Han, C. D., Box 814, U. S. Postal Harter, R. E., 115 Carroll Ave.,
Agency, Shanghai, China. Takoma 'Park Station, Wash-
Hancock, W. E., 7 rue Station ington, D. C.
Sanitaire, Algers, Algeria. Hartwell, F. S., 57 Phelps St.,
Hanhardt, J. G., 1112 Kalamath East Hartford, Conn.
St., Denver Colo. Hartwell, H. C., 317 West Bloom-
Hankins, I. J., Timour Hall Road, field St., Rome, N. Y.
Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. Hartwell, S. D., 679 Holly Ave.,
Hankins, W. C., Kulangsu, Amoy, St. Paul, Minn.
China. Harvey, L. R., 103 William St.,
Hansen, H., 15091/2 H St., Bell-
ingham, Vash. Perth, West Australia, Aus-
Hansen, C. Avery, Fleetwood, Pa. tralia.
Hansen, L. A., Takoma Park Sta- Haskell, S. N., South Lancaster,
tion, Washington, D. C. Mass.
Hansen, N. P., Margrethevej 5, Haskell, Mrs. H. H., South Lan-
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. caster, Mass.
Hansen, Nicolas, Calle Arenal Haughey, S. G., 1 Devereux Road,
Grande 2535, Montevideo, Uru- Wandsworth Common, London,
guay, South America. S. W., England.
Hanson, P. A., College Place, Hawkins, G. R., Colorado Springs,
Wash. Colo.
Hanson, P. C., 811 East Bell St., Hawkins, Mrs. G. R., Colorado
Bloomington, Ill. Springs, Colo.
Hanson, P. M., 700 Woodward Hay, R. E., 819 Indiana St.,
Ave., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Manila, Philippine Islands.
Hanson, W. R., Room 1, People's Hayes, E. G., Drawer R, Redfield,
Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C. S. Dak.
Harder, A. C., Lacombe, Alberta, Haynes, C. B., 169 Bryan St.,
Canada. Atlanta, Ga.
Harding, I. W., Freetown, Sierra Haynes, S. R., Root 1, People's
Leone, West Africa. Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C.
Hare, M. M., 417 West Fifth St., Haysmer, A. J., Riversdale, Ja-
Los Angeles, Cal. maica; British West Indies.
Hare, Robert, Cooranbong, N. S. Hayton, C. H., Stanborough Park,
W., Australia. Watford, England.
Hare, Robert A., Maple Plain, Hayward, P. C., 5805 Forty-sixth
Minn. St., Southeast, Portland, Oreg.
Hare, R. E., corner Peel and Grey Heald, B. M., 169 Bryan St., At-
Sts., South Brisbane, Queens. lanta, Ga.
land, Australia. Heald, C. W., Nevada, Iowa.
Hare, S. T., Sanitarium, Cal. Healey, W. M., 667 Eighteenth
Harker, H. C., 116 Grote St., Ade- St., San Diego, Cal.
laide, South Australia, Austra- Hebner, W. C., 978 Pavone St.,
. ha. Benton Harbor, Mich.
Harlow, Geo., Wang Gia Dun, Han- Heckman, W. H., Rooms 11 and
kow, Hupeh, China. 12, Yowell-Duckworth Bldg., Or-
Harris, F. J., Box 414, Cadillac, lando, Fla.
Mich. Hellestrand, 0. V., S. D. A. Mis-
Harris, J. C 303 Prairie Ave., sion, Marovo Lagoon, Tulagi,
Joliet, Ill. Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean.

Helleraas, 0. F.,Margrethevej 5, Holden, W. H., 312 East Broad-

Copenhagen, ., Denmark. way, Fulton, N. Y.
Helligso, M. N., Fairbury, Nebr. Hollister, M. A., 551 Sherman Ave.,
Henderson, F. H., 87 Fay St., Salt Lake City, Utah.
Akron, Ohio. Holman, G. W., Swedesboro, N. J.
Hennig, A., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Hoopes, L. A., Nevada, Iowa.
lin-Charl., Germany. Hoover, H. L., Estancia, N. Mex.
Henriques, E. C., 199 Belmont Cir- Hopkins, E. B., 1111/2 East Third
cular Road, Port of Spain, Trin- St., Tulsa, Okla.
idad, British West Indies. Horn, P., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Herbert, W., V., Katona J6zsef- Charl., Germany.
utea 28. I. 5, Budapest, Hun- Iliirner, F., Bauerstr. 38, Munich,
gary. Germ any.
Horton, S. B., 1211 March St.,
Hermann, P. H., 1510 East Sixty- Kalamazoo, Mich.
second St., Chicago, Ill.
Hottel, R. D., New Market, Va.
Herrell, H. W., Oakton, Va. House, B. L., College View, Nebr.
Hersum, S. J., R. F. D. 3, Gorham, Howe, B. L., 1802 Forest St.,
Me. Bakersfield, Cal.
Hetze, G., Post box 14, Minsk, Howe, W. 0., 64 Brentwood St.,
Russia. Woodsfords Station; Me.
Hiatt, H. M., Anoka, Minn. Howell, C. 0., Box 473, Nassau,
Hibbard, E. J., 537 Twenty-fifth Bahamas.
St., Oakland, Cal. Howell, W. E. Takoma Park
Hickman, N. R., 2209 North Fif- Station, Washington, D. C.
teenth St., Fort Smith, Ark. Howse, H. T., Apia, Upolo, Sa-
Hickman, T. J., Elk City, Okla. moa, Pacific Ocean.
Hicks, H. H., Madison, Wis. Howse, W. R., Papeete, Tahiti,
Hill, H. A., Papeete, Tahiti, Soci- Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
ety Islands, Pacific Ocean. Hoxie, F. H., 203 West Franklin
Hill, Oscar, College Place, Wash. St., Clinton, Mo.
Hills, W. F., 537 Twenty-fifth St., Hoyt, J. M., Three Rivers, Mich.
Oakland, Cal. Hpo Hla, David, 60 Lower Kem-
Hirlinger, J. W., 411 Cedar St., mendine Road, Kemmendine,
Takoma Park Station, Washing- Burma.
ton, D. C. Hubbard, G., " Tereora," The Ave-
Hilliard, E., 1431 Thomas St., St. nue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
Paul, Minn. tralia:
Hinz, H., Grindelberg 15a, Ildm- Hubbard, T. F., 118 East Forty-
burg, Germay. sixth St., Chicago, Ill.
Hilliard, W. I., Box 814, U. S.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Hubley, R. A., Box 2, Catalina,
Hiten, S. G., 27 First Ave., Newfoundland.
Bloemfontein, Or a n g e Free Huenergardt, J. F., V., Katona
State, South Africa. J6zef-utea 28. I. 5, Budapest,
Hoffman, J. H., 2122 West Fourth Hungary.
St., Duluth, Minn. Huffman, D. E., Centerville, Kans.
Hoffman, B. P., 1 of 1882, Fu- Huffman, M. G., Emporia, Kans.
kiaicho, Kobe, Japan. Hufnagel, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Hoffman, W., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- lin-Charl., Germany.
lin-Charl., Germany. Hughes, C. B., Battleford, Saskat-
Hofstra, J. W., 2953 North Arse- chewan, Canada.
nal St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Holbrook, Wilbur, 452 Ralston St., Humann, H. H., 304 I. 0. 0. F.
Reno, Nev. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Holbrook, J. A., 710 Garden St., Humphrey, J. K., 184 West 135th
Bellingham, ash. St., New York, N. Y.

.Hurdon, W. J., 107 Preston St., James, W. H., Phair's Bldg., 327
Ottawa, Ontario. Collins St., Melbourne, Vic-
Hutchinson, L. L., 615 North toria, Australia.
Tenth St., Phoenix, Ariz. Janert, A. 0., Uhlandstr. 189,
Hyatt, W. L., Stranack St., Pie- Berlin-Charl., Germany.
termaritzburg, Natal, South Af- Jaster, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
rica. lin-Charl., Germany.
Hyatt, W. S., Stranack St., Pie- Jayne, J. E., Room 602, 32 Union
termaritzburg, Natal, South Af- Square, New York, N. Y.
rica. Jeffrey, E. W. H., GrahamstoWn,
Hwang, D. D., Nanchang, Kiangsi, Cape, South Africa.
China. Jefimow, S., Post box 14, Minsk,
Hyde, G., 233 Park Road, Bear- Russia.
wood, Birmingham, England. Jeftity, M., V., Katona Jozsef-utca
Hyder, R., 90 Brickdam, George. 28. I. 5, Budapes', Hungary.
town, British Guiana, South Jenks, G. C., 104 Kellner St.,
America. Bloemfontein, Orange Free
State, South Africa.
Ice, C. L., Grand Haven, Mich. Jensen, J. P. U., Margrethevej 5,
Immonen, R.; Room 602, 32 Union Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Square, New York, N. Y. Jeys, T. H., Redfield, S. Dak.
Lurie, L. J., " Tereora," The Ave- Jewell, F. B., Tsungwesi Mission,
nue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- Inyazura Siding, via Salisbury,
tralia. Rhodesia, South Africa.
Irwin, C. W., Pacific Union Col- Jochmans, Fr., Grindelberg 15a,
lege, St. Helena, Cal. Hamburg, Grmany.
Irwin, J. J., Room 5, Ashland Na- Johanson, J. M., Cooranbong, N.
tional Bank Bldg., Ashland, Wis. S. W., Australia.
Isaac, F. R., Clinton, Mo. John, W., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Isaac, John, Box 644, Oklahoma burg, Germany.
City, Okla. Johns, Varner, Oswego, Kans.
Isaac, Michel Nord, Box 88, Cape Johnsen, Ch., Grindelberg 15a,
Haitien, Haiti, West Indies. Hamburg, Germany.
Isaak Daniel, Post box 2, Post- Johnson, Adolph, 2710 Montrose
office Birsha, Saratov, Russia. Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Ising, W. C., Rue Mariette Pasha Johnson, A. E., 1000 Alabama St.,
13, Alexandria, Egypt. (Tem- Lawrence, Kans.
porarily absent.) Johnson, C., McMinnville, Oreg.
Johnson, E. R., San Marcos, Santa
Israel, M. C., Oakdale, Cal. Clara, Cuba, West Indies.
Iverson, Paul, Plentywood, Mont. Johnson, Fred, 304 T. 0. 0. F. Bldg.,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Johnson, G. E., 508 East Everett
Jackson, F. S., Warden House, St., Portland. Oreg.
Crumpsall Crescent, Manchester,
England. Johnson, H. R., Hutchinson, Minn.
Jackson, S. E., Drawer N, James- Johnson, J. B., Bocas del Toro,
town, N. Dak. Panama.
Jacobson, E. C., Calle Nueva, Stop Johnson, J. D., 3911 Gordon St.,
14, Santurce, Porto Rico. Omaha, Nebr.
Jacques, S. E., 171 Amanuma Sugi- Johnson, L., 3022 West . Sixty-sec-
nami-mura, Toyotama-gun, To- ond St., Seattle, Wash.
kyo, Japan.
Jacobs, J. T., Box 14, Little Rock, Johnson, L. E., Ringgold, Nebr.
Ark. Johnson, 0., Gamla Kungsholms-
James, J. S., Kilpauk, Madras, brogatan 38, Stockholm, Swe-
South India. den.

Johnson, 0. A., College Place, Kellogg, A. S., 3170 Grant Ave.,

Wash. Fresno, Cal.
Johnson, W. J., Paradise Valley Kellogg, E. C., College Place,
Sanitarium, National City, Cal. Wash.
Johnston, F. W., 124 West Bridge Kelsey, A. G., Victoria Terrace,
St., Belleville, Ontario. Victoria Road, Mazagon, Bom-
Jones, G. F., S. D. A. Mission, bay, India.
Marovo Lagoon, Tulagi, Solo- Kennedy, W. F., Jaroso, Colo.
mon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Kent, A. W., " Tereora," The Ave-
Jones, J. K., 439 Varnum Ave., nue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
Lowell, Mass. tralia.
Jones, M., Box 14, Little Rock, Kent, J. W., " Tereora," The Ave-
Ark. nue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
Jones, 0. E., Tropico, Cal. tralia.
Jonuleit, K., Grindelberg 15a, Keough, Geo., Asyut, Upper
Hamburg, Germany. Egypt.
Jorgensen, N. M., 37 Biedler St., Kern, M. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Muskegon, Mich. tion, Washington, D. C.
Judge, B., Belige, Sumatra, Dutch Keslake, C. H., 124 Manchester
East Indies. Square, Kingston, Jamaica, Brit-
ish West Indies.
Jurickson, J., Post box 2, Post- Kessel, F., V., Katona J6zsef-
office Birsha, Saratov, Russia. utca 28. I. 5, Budapest, Hun-
Kalaka, M. D., Leribe, Basuto- Kiepe, L. R., Bauerstr. 38, Mu-
land, South Africa. nich, Germany.
Kime, 0. S., Zee Straat, Padang,
Kalbermatten, Ignacio, Casilla Sumatra, Dutch East Indies.
1002, Lima, Peru, South Amer- Rime, Stewart, care Sanitarium,
ica. Takoma Park Station, Wash-
Kaltenhauser, K., Majita, Post ington, D. C.
Musoma, Victoria Nyanza, Ger- King, A., 108 Ponsonby Road,
man East Africa. Auckland, New Zealand.
Kamm, K., Bauerstr. 38,. Munich, King, M. J., Wheatland, Cal.
- Germany. King, N. B., 809 Atlanta St.,
Kapitz, 0., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin- Hattiesburg, Miss.
Charl., Germany. Kinney, C. M., R. F. D. 2, Cor.
Kauble, N. W., Lodi, Cal. Ligon Lane and Dickerson Pike,
Kay, J. L., Gaston, Oreg. Nashville, Tenn.
Kazemeck, K., Uhlandstr. 189, Kirk, A. F., 417 East High St.,
Berlin-Charl., Germany. Hastings, Nebr.
Keate, R. I., 213 North Twenty- Kirkelykke, L. J., Margrethevej
third St., Birmingham, Ala. 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Keem, Law, Nanning, Kwangsi, Kite, C. R., Carr, Colo.
China. Kittle, 0. M., Holly, Mich.
Keh, Nga Pit, Foochow, China. Klaies, H., Grindelburg 15a, Ham-
Keh, N. K., Kulangsu, Amoy, burg, Germany.
China. Klepe, John, 602 Poweradale Ave.,
Kelemen, St., V., Katona J6zsef- Youngstown, Ohio.
utca 28. I. 5, Budapest, Hun-
gary. Klingbeil, R. G., Grindelberg 15a,
Kellar, C. C., 75 Park St., Cal- Hamburg, Germany.
cutta, India. Kneeland, B. F., 213 South Brady
Kale, 0., Grindelberg 15a, Itam- St., DuBois, Pa.
burg, Germany. Kneeland, W. G., Drawer M, Cris-
Kelley, H. M., Midland, Mich. tobal, Canal Zone, Panama.

Knight, C. E., Casilla 44, Quito, Kuehl, A. W., 131 Fulton St.,
Ecuador, South America. Mankato, Minn.
Knight, F., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, Kuempel, F. R., Caixa Postal
N. S. W., Australia. 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
Knight, I. G., 90 Brickdam, George- South America.
town, British Guiana, South Kuempel, F. W., Bauerstr. 38,
America. Munich, Germany.
Knox, John, 310 Loring Bldg., Kuempel, Ma noel, Estacao de
Riverside, Cal. Silo Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao
Knox, P. L., 417 West Fifth St., Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Los Angeles, Cal. Kunkel, C. J., 417 West Fifth St.,
Knox, W. T., Takoma Park Sta- Los Angeles, Cal.
tion, Washington, D. C. Kuniya, H., 43 Fukuromachi,
Kobele, F., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Kanazawa, Japan.
burg, Germany. Kunze, M., Kihurio, Post Buiko,
Koch, F., Post box 14, Minsk, via Tanga, German East Af-
Russia. rica.
Kohtanen, V., Ostra Teatergran- Kurtichanov, Titus, College Place,
den 3, Helsingfors, Finland. Wash.
Milling, W., Ntusu, Post Muso-
ma, Victoria Nyanza, German
East Africa. (Temporarily ab- Lacey, H. C., College View, Nebr.
sent.) Lagrone, G. A., R. F. D. 4, Cle-
Konigmacher, S. M., S. D. A. burne, Tex.
Mission, Pemba, Northwest Lake, D. D., Brawley, Cal.
Rhodesia, South Africa. Lamson, J. G., Needham, Ind.
Korsch, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
lin-Charl., Germany. Lane, F. G., 166 Concepcion entre
Kotz, E., Kihurio, Post Buiko, 9 y 10 Jesus del Monte, Havana,
via Tanga, German East Africa. Cuba, West Indies.
Krainean, T. M., 103 Willoughby- Lane, L., Gendia Kisumu, Brit-
Sumner Block, Saskatoon, Sas- ish East Africa.
katchewan. Langdon, G. E., 21 Grain Ave.,
Krautschick, Andrew, Uhlandstr. Newark, N. J.
189, Berlin-Charl., Germany. Lange, R., Bauerstr. 38, Munich,
Krautschick, August, Uhlandstr. Germany.
189, Berlin-Charl., Germany.
Kress, D. H., 411 Cedar St.,Ta- Langenberg, H., Bauerstr. 38, Mu-
nich, Germany.
koma Park Station, Washing-
ton,D. C. Langford, L. F., 1 Devereux
, C. E., Florida F. C. C. A.,
Kreigoff Road, Wandsworth Common,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South London, S. W., England.
America. Lanier, W. E., 819 Indiana St.,
Kristal, H., Post box 14, Minsk, Manila, Philippine Islands (on
Russia. furlough in U. S.).
Kroll, F., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Lantzrath, P., Grindelberg 15a,
burg, Germany. Hamburg, Germany.
Krug, L., Deutsche Post, Jerusa- Larssen, L. S., Akersgaten 74,
lem, Palestine, Syria. Christiania, Norway.
Kuhn, 0. B., Box 523, U. S. Postal Lauda, E. R., 207 Prairie Ave.,
Agency, Shanghai, China. Joliet, Ill.
Kruse, Aug., Grindelberg 15a, Lawrence, J. H., 2006 Twenty-
Hamburg, Germany. fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
Krum, J. H., Kensett, Ark. Tenn.
Kucera, L. F. 2551 South Trum- Lawrence, N. W., College Place,
bull Ave., Chicago, Ill. Wash.

Lawson, A. N., Bisiatabu, Port Liu, D. B., Yencheng, Honan,

Moresby, British New Guinea. China.
Leach, R. W., R. F. D. 4, Sherman, Ljungberg, S., Gamla Kiingsholms-
Tex. brogatan 38, Stockholm, Sweden.
Leach, C. V., 411 Cedar St., Ta- Lloyd, Ernest, Box 146, Glendale,
koma Park Station, Washington, Cal.
D. C. Loasby, F. H., 17 Abbott Road,
Lecoultre, D., La Ligniere, Gland Lucknow, India.
(Ct. Vaud), Switzerland. Locken, J. B., 404 Southern Life
Lecoultre, E., Grindelberg 15a, and Trust Bldg., Greensboro,
Hamburg, Germany. N. C.
Le Due, Ben, Cloquet, Minn. Loebsack, H. J., Post box 2, Post-
Lee, C. W., Three Rivers, Mich. office Birsha, Saratov, Russia.
Lee, Frederick, Yencheng, Honan, Loebsack, H. K., Post box 2, Post-
China (on furlough in U. S.). office Brisha, Saratov, Russia.
Lee, H. M., Soonan, Korea. Loewen, A., Hitchcock, Okla.
Lee, 0. S., 3211 Norton Ave., Ever- Long, W. A., Basin, Wyo.
Long, U. P., Fifth Ave. and Tenth
ett, Wash. St., Boulder, Colo.
Leer, Carl, Harvey, N. Dak.
Leer, V., Harvey, N. Dak. Longaere, C. S., Takoma Park
Leffler, G. E., Nevada, Iowa. Station, Washington, D. C.
Leland, Eugene, Hamilton, Ber- Loots, . L., Grindelberg 15a,
muda Islands. Hamburg, Germany.
Leland, J. A., R. F. D. 7, Box 409, Lopez, Rafael (Miranda), Calle
Nueva, Stop 14, Santurce, Porto
San Antonio, Tex. Rico.
Lemke, L. D. A., 116 Grote St., Lopez, J. M., 1415 Santa Marie
Adelaide, South Australia, Aus- St., Laredo, Tex.
tralia. Lorenz, John, Casilla 2830, Santi-
Leplatoni, F., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- ago, Chile, South America.
lin-Charl.,Germany. Lorntz, Emery, Asmara, Eritrea,
Letts, F. H., 7 Battersea St., Syd- Poste Restante (via Brindisi,
enham, Christchurch, New Zea- Italy), East Africa. (Tempo-
land. rarily absent.)
Lewis, C. C., Takoma Park Sta- Loughborough, J. N., R. F. D.
tion, Washington, D. C. 4, Box 13, Lodi, Cal.
Lewis, M. W., College View, Nebr. Loveland, R. D., Peking, China.
Lewis, W. H., Freetown, Sierra Lovold, Emanuel, Breckenridge,
Leone, West Africa. S. Dak.
Lewsadder, Wm., 135 Warner St., Lowry, C. F., 60 Lower Kemmen-
Fond du Lac, Wis. - dine Road, Kemmendine, Burma,
Libby, R. A., Colville, Wash. India.
Lightner, C. S., 2917 Glenarm St., Lowry, G. G., Coimbatore, South
Denver, Colo. India.
.Lillie, C. P., Box 814, U. S. Postal Lucas, H. G. San Fernando, Cal.
Agency, Shanghai, China. Lucas, V. H., 2007 Morton Ave.,
Limerick, F. L., R. F. D. 6, Pasadena, Cal.
Columbia, Mo. Liidtke, A., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Lindsay, R. S., 849 East 147th lin-Charl., Germany.
St., Cleveland, Ohio.
Lindsey, D. E., Clyde, Ohio. Ludewig, M., V., Katona' Jdzsef-
Lingenfelter, C. L., Auburn, Wash. utca 28. I.5, Budapest, Hungary.
Lipke, John, EstacAo de Sao Ber- Lui, Joni, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji,
nardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Pacific Ocean.
Brazil, South America. Lukens, Morris, 204 North Tope-
Litwinenco, J. A., Herreid, S. Dak. ka Ave., Wichita, Kans.

Lund, A. 0., 257 Randolph Ave., Mantu, J., V., Katona J6zsef-utca
Jersey City, N. J. 28. I. 5, Budapest, Hungary.
LundstrOm, S., Gamla Kungs- Manuel, B. E., Hagersville, Onta-
holmsbrogatan 38, Stockholm, rio.
Sweden. Marchisio, S., 1420 Avenida 20,
Lusky, R., Ntusu, Post Musoma, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Victoria Nyanza, German East Marietta, J. J., 1201 Huffman Ave.,
Africa. Dayton, Ohio.
Liitge, E., V., Katona J6zsef- Marriott, G. E., " Tereora " The
utca 28. I. 5, Budapest, Hungary. Avenue Strathfield, N. 'S. W.,
Luther; J. K., North Yakima, Australia.
Wash. Martin, C. N:., Bon Aqua, Tenn.
Lux, P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Martin, H. R., Suva Vou, Suva,
zurg, Germany. Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Lwoff, J., Post box 14, Minsk, Martin, I. M., 2006 Twenty-fourth
Russia. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Lyndon, F. E., Papeete, Tahiti, Martin, R. H., 202 Wayne Ave.,
Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. Paterson, N. J.
Lysinger, H. E., Box 408, Santa Martin, W. F., 310 Loring Bldg.,
Rosa, Cal. Riverside, Cal.
Mathe, L., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
burg, Germany.
Maas, J. V., Battleford, Saskat- Mathy, L. A., La Ligniere, Gland,
chewan, Canada. Switzerland.
MacGuire, Meade, Takoma Park Mattison, M. M., 17 Abbott Road,
Station, Washington, D. C. Lucknow, India.
Machlan, B. F., Takoma Park Sta- Matula, Paul, 44 Oak Ave., Irv-
tion, Washington, D. C. ington, N. J.
Machlan, L. 0., South Lancaster, Maudsley, W., Warden House,
Mass. Crumpsall Crescent, Manchester,
Mackintosh, M., 1218 Fifth Ave., England.
Northwest, Moose Jaw, Saskat- Maung Maung, 60 Lower Kem-
chewan. mendine Road, Kemmendine.
MacLay, W. D., 56 Roeland St., Burma.
Cape Town, South Africa. Maxson, 0. H., Puiggari, F. C. E.
MacNeil, J. W., 131 Columbus St., R., Argentina, South America.
Trenton, N. J. Maxwell, A. S., Stanborough Park,
Madsen, A. C., 203 West Franklin Watford, Herts, England.
St., Clinton, Mo. Maxwell, E. L., Casilla 1002,
Madsen, 0., Ruthven, Iowa. Linia. Peru, South America.
Magan, P. T., Loma Linda, Cal. Maxwell, S., 233 Park Road, Bear-
Magoon, .C. R., Rooms 11 and 12, wood, Birmingham, England.
Yowell-Duckworth Bldg., Or- May, Daniel, Parow, Cape, South
lando, Fla. Africa.
Majewski, A., Uhlandstr. 189, Maynor, W. H., 521 Dingle St.:
Berlin-Charl., Germany. Sumter, S. C.
Mallory, J. B., 2705 West Main McAvoy, J., 233 Park Road, Bear-
St., Richmond, Va. wood, Birmingham, England.
Manalaysay, Emilio, 819 Indiana McComas, J. W., 604 Brock Ave.,
St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Mangold, Santiago, Posadas, Mi- McCord, J. IV., 417 West Fifth St.,
siones, Argentina, South Amer- Los Angeles, Cal.
ica. McCready, W. G., 143 Home St.,
Mann, V. L., 17 Abbott Road, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.
Lucknow, India. McCutchen, W. A. Keene, Tex.
Manna, C. G., 4216 Magnolia St., McDonald, C. M., R. F. D. 3, We-
New Orleans, La. woka, Okla.

McElhany, J. L., 537 Twenty- Michaels, C. P., 116 Grote St.,

fifth St., Oakland, Cal. Adelaide, South Australia, Aus-
McGill, . Neil, Giroux, Manitoba. tralia.
McKeague, Robert, Hilo, Hawa- Mignott, H. Louie, Gayle P. 0.,
iian Territory. Jamaica, British West Indies.
McKibben, W. A., 1915 Sherman Mikkelsen, J. C., Plant City, Fla.
Ave., Sioux City, Iowa. Mikkonen, Hugo, Ostra Teater-
McLennan, W. P., 2756 yirginia griinden 3, Helsingfors, Finland.
Ave., Shreveport, La. Miles, J. R. 1112 Kalamath St.,
Denver, Colo.
McNay, G. R. E., Stranack St.,
Maritzburg, Natal, South Af- Miller, A. L., 1705 Eighth Ave.,
North, Birmingham, Ala.
rica. Miller, B. E., 1703 Gates Ave.,
McReynolds, C., Loma Linda, Cal. Brooklyn, N. Y.
McVagh, C. F., 815 Third Ave., Miller, C. H., Sidney, Nebr.
West, Calgary, Alberta. Miller, C. N., 2517 0 St., Bakers-
McWhinney, H. E., Loma Linda, field, Cal.
Cal. Miller, D. P., 983 North Campbell
Mead, Andrew, 679 Holly Ave., St. St., Springfield, Mo.
Paul, Minn. Miller, H. J., 734 Pottawatomie
Mead, W. S., 17 Abbott Road, St., Leavenworth, Kans.
Lucknow, India. Miller, H. W., Takoma Park Sta-
Medairy, G., 2124 Walbrook Ave., tion, Washington, D. C.
Baltimore, Md.' Miller, H. S., Oshawa, Ontario,
Meeker, B. A., 3 Granville Ave., Canada.
Kowloon, Hongkong, China. Miller, J. H., 116 North California
Meijer, P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Ave., Chicago, Ill.
burg, Germany. Miller, J. 0., 1611 Tenth St., Bal-
Meiklejohn, A. J., 508 East Ever- timore, Md.
ett St., Portland, Oreg. Miller, J. W., Houston, Tex.
Meleen, C., 98 Vernon St., Worces- Miller, W. H. B., Warburton, Vic-
ter, Mass. toria, Australia.
Menkel, H. C., 17 Abbott Road, Miller, W. W., 1514 Clifton Ave.,
Lucknow, India. Springfield, Ohio:
Meredith, W. H., 8 Lancaster Mills, Joseph, Oroua Missionary
Road, Stroud Green, London, School, Loughlin via Palmers-
North, England. ton North, New Zealand.
Mershon, Roy, Sandakan, British Minchin, A. G., Franklin Cham-
North Borneo. bers, Hobart, Tasmania.
Meyer, A. A., Hitchcock, Okla. Minck, A., V., Katona J6zsef-utca
Meyer, Henry, Caixa Postal 106, 28. I. 5, Budapest, Hungary.
Porto Alegro, Rio Grande do Mitchell, H., " Tereora " The Ave-
Sul, Brazil, South America. nue, Strathfield, N. 'S. W., Aus-
Meyer, Oscar, La Ligniere, Gland, tralia.
Switzerland. Mitchell, Dr. J. R., 320 Grant St.,
Meyer, Paul, Rua Citade de Man-
chester 10. 40D, Lisbon, Portu- Atlanta, Ga.
gal. Mocnik, A., V., Katona J6zsef-
Meyer, P. Grindelberg 15a, Ham- utca 28. I. 5, Budapest, Hun-
burg, Germany. gary.
Meyer-BArtschy, H., V., Katona Moffett, W. C., 2705 West Main
J5zsef-utca 28. I. 5, Budapest, St., Richmond, Va.
Hungary. Moffitt, L. L., 508 East Everett
Meyers, C. K., 7 Battersea St., St., Portland, Oreg.
Sydenham, Christchurch, New Moko, R., Grahamstown,' Cape
Zealand. Province, South Africa.

Mo Gi Ren, Changsha, Hunan, Muller, R., Grindelberg 15a,

China. Hamburg, Germany.
Montgomery, 0., Florida, F. C. Milner W., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin- ,
C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Chah, Germany.
South America. Mullings, L. G., Maggotty P. 0.,
Montgomery, R. P., 306 West Jamaica, British West Indies.
Eighth St., Okmulgee, Okla. Munro, S. W., Oroville,Wash.
Mookerjee, L. G., 6 Dehi Seram- h St., Cin-
Muntz, Leslie, 636 Nit
pore Road, P. 0. Entally, Cal- cinnati, Ohio.
cutta, India. Munson, R. W., Sanitarium, Cal.
Moon, Allen, 34 Carroll Ave., Ta- Murbach, J., V., Katona Jfizsef-
koma Park Station, Washington, utca 28. I. 5, Budapest, Hun-
D. C. gary.
Moon, C. E., Mission Adventista, Murphy, Thos., Waco, Tex.
Calla Nueva, Stop 14, Santurce, Mussen, Richard, " Croft View,"
Porto Rico, West Indies. Uddingston, North Glasgow,
Monnier, J., La Ligniere, Gland; Scotland.
Switzerland. Muth, J., Bauerstr. 38, Munich,
Moore, L. G., 213 North Pine St., Germany.
Lansing, Mich. Myers, E. W., Freetown, Sierra
Morgue, S., Lalupou, via Lagos, Leone, West Africa.
Nigeria, West Africa.
Morris, R. P., Najibabad, United Nagel, S. A., Wai Chow, Kwang-
Provinces, India. tung, China. .(on furlough in
Morris, C. C., Swatow, China. U. S.)
Morrison, A. V., Bad Axe, Mich. Naibuka, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji,
Morrison, D., 1 Devereux Road, Pacific Ocean.
Wandsworth Common, London, Naisogo, Mecusela, Suva Vou,
S. W., England. Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Morrison, G. H., Suva Vou, Suva, Nkrem, A. 0., Akersgaten 74,
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Christiania, Norway.
Morrison, Isaac, Pacific Union Col- Nash, R. T., Harvey, N. Dak.
lege, St. Helena, Cal. Ne Keun Ok, Soonan, Korea.
Morrison, J. H., College View, Neef, P., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Nebr. lin-Charl., Germany.
Morrow, J. A., 810 Jackson Ave., Neff, E. L., 540 Drexel. Ave., San
New Orleans, La. Antonio, Tex.
Morse, B. L., Gendia, Kisumu, Neff, W. E., 615 South Walnut St.,
British East Africa. Iola, Kans.
Mortenson, S., R. F. D. 1, Box 20, Neilsen, N. P., Box 1304, Fresno,
La Grange, Ill. Cal.
Mould, H. S., San Marcos, Prov. Nelson, Andrew, Sanitarium, Cal.
Santa Clara, Cuba, West Indies. Nelson, Chas., R. F. D. 2, Logan,
Moulton, C. N., Calle Nueva, Stop Utah.
14, Santurce, Porto Rict. Nelson, N. R., 735 Maryland Ave.,
Mtimkulu, James, care of Messrs. St. Paul, Minn.
Border and Allen, Kroonstad, Nelson, Ole, Gamla Kungsholms-
Orange Free State, South Af- brogatan 38, Stockholm, Sweden.
rica. Nelson, W. A., 18 Sycamore St.,
Muderspach, L., Gamla Kungs- Takoma Park Station, Wash-
holmsbrogatan 38, Stockholm, ington, D. C.
Sweden. Nelson, W. E., Keene, Tex.
Willer, A. W., Uhlandstr. 189, Nerlund, 0. J., 2034 East Thirty-
Berlin-Charl., Germany. second Ave., Denver, Colo.
Miiller, Adolf, Grindelberg 15a, Nethery, J. J., College, Place,
Hamburg, Germany. Wash.

Nettleton, Daniel, Port Townsend, Oberg, H. A., Seoul, Korea.

Wash. Oberg, S. A., Nevada, Iowa.
Neuf eld, C. C., Lacombe, Alberta, Oberholtzer, D. H., Palm City,
Canada. Cal.
Neumann, C. J., Calle Arenal Oblander, J. G., Heidestrasse 22,
Grande 2535, Montevideo, Uru- Hamburg, Germany.
guay, South America. Ogden, A. R., Nevada, Iowa. -
Neumann, H. F., Brenham, Tex. Ohme, B., Majita, Post Musoma,
Newbold, D. C., Holly, Mich. Victoria Nyanza, German East
Newbold, G. T., 103 William St., Africa. (Temporarily absent.)
Perth, West Australia, Aus- Okohira, T. H., 169-171 Amanu-
tralia. ma, Suginami-mura, Toyota-
Newbold, L., corner Peel and Grey ma-gun, Tokyo, Japan.
Sts., South Brisbane, Queens- Oliver, F. M., Olympia, Wash.
land, Australia. Olsen, A. B., Surrey Hills Hydro,
Nicholls, M. J., 105 Llanishen St., Caterham Valley, England.
Heath, Cardiff, South Wales. Olsen, E. G., Forest City, Iowa.
Nicholson, D., S. D. A. Mission, Olsen, Martin, Valley City, N.
Marovo Lagoon, Tulagi, Solo- Dak.
mon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Olsen, M. E., Carroll Ave., Tako-
Nicola, B. E., M. D., Attleboro, ma Park Station, Washington,
Mass. D. C.
Olsen, M. M., Margrethevej 5,
Nicola, H., 123 Manchester St., Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Battle Creek, Mich. Olsen, Olaf J., Hverfisgotu 30B,
Nicola, L. T., 224 North Logan St., Reykjavik, celand.
Lansing, Mich. Olson, A. V., Oshawa, Ontario.
Nicolas, Carlos S., 1420 Avenida Olson, H. 0., R. F. D. 1, Box 20,
20, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. La Grange, Ill.
Niedoba, P., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Orn-Niirem, J. M., Akersgaten 74,
Germany. Christiania, Norway.
Nielson, Lars, College View, Nebr. Osborne, A. J., 2131 P St., Sacra-
mento, Cal.
Nikkar, L., Post box 14, Minsk, Osborne, E. E., Fairfield, Me.
Russia. Osborne, It. B., Fairfield, Me.
Nopper, E. Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Oster, F. F., Tabriz, Persia.
burg, Germany. Ostoich, M., Box 360, Granite City,
Nord, G. E., R. F. D. 1, Box 20, Ill.
La Grange, Ill. Ostrander, Wm., 1820 West Ninth
Nordenmalm, D., 11121/2 Seventh St., Des Moines, Iowa.
Ave., North, Great Falls, Mont. Ostwald, H., Post box 14, Minsk,
Norderhus,.0. P., Akersgaten 74, Russia.
Christiania, Norway. Oswald, T. L., Drawer 586, Water-
Norton, S. E., 168 Pacific St., town, S. Dak.
Bridgeport, Conn. Oswald, E. H., Drawer 586, Water-
Norwood, J. W., Box 643, Boise, town, S. Dak.
Idaho. Ott, J. F., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Nott, W. L., 732 South Sixth St., lin-Charl., Germany.
Atchison, Kans. Owen, F. M., 615 North Tenth
Nunes, M. G., Muskogee, Okla. St., Phoenix, Ariz.
Nussbaum, T., La Ligniere, Gland, Owen, R. S., 3988 Ingalls St..
Switzerland. San Diego, Cal.
Nutter, V., 1942 North Seven- Owens, J. W., 1826 Goode Ave.,
teenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. St. Louis, Mo.

Paap, C. A., 56 Roeland St., Cape Peters, G. E., 702 West Main St.,
Town, South Africa. Chattanooga, Tenn.
Paap, F. W., Takoma Park Sta- Petersen, B., Mukden, Manchuria,
tion, Washington, D. C. China.
Paap, J. H., Lodi, Cal. Peterson, E. F., 304 West Alien
Pachla, J., Post box 14, Minsk, St., Springfield, Ill.
Russia. Peterson, E. L., West de Pere, Wis.
Painter, F. E., Mountain View, Pettit, G. W., Victoria Terrace,
Cal. Victoria Road, Mazagon, Bom-
Palmer, E. R., Takoma Park Sta- bay, India.
tion, Washington, D. C. Peugh, V. E., Kilpauk, Madras,
Panis, Bibiano R., 819 Indiana St., South India.
Manila, Philippine Islands. Philips, N. W., 1210 M St., N. W.,
Parker, C. H., Suva Vou, Suva, Washington, D. C.
Pickard, U. D., 404 Southern Life
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. and Trust Bldg., Greensboro,
Parker, H. B., Nanning, Kwangsi, N. C.
China. Pilkewitsch, J., Post box 2, Post-
Parkhurst, W. D., 114 Orange St., office Birsha, Saratov, Russia.
Jackson, Mich. Pioch, Albert, Grindelberg 15a,
Parmele, R. W., Havana, Cuba. Hamburg, Germany.
Parsons, D. A., Cor. Third and Ju- Piper, A. H., Darling Range School,
liana Sts., Parkersburg, W. Va. Carmel, West Australia, Aus-
Pascoe, W. H., 108 Ponsonby Road, tralia.
Auckland, New Zealand. Piper, E. A., 226 Fair Ave., Al-
Passebois, L. F., Gros Pins, Que- pena, Mich.
bec. Piper, H. Cor. Peel and Grey
Patterson, J. R., 1116 De La Vina Sts., South Brisbane, Queens.
St., Santa Barbara, Cal. land, Australia.
Patzkowski, J. E., 363 Peter Hunt Piper, J. F., 3519 Meridian Ave.
St., Leesville P. 0., Detroit, Seattle, Wash.
Mich. Piper, R. K., 108 Ponsonby Road,
Paulini, P. R., V., Katona J6zsef- Auckland, New Zealand.
utca 28. .I. 5, Budapest, Hun-
gary. ' Place, A. E., Garden City Sani
Paulson, C. J., 410 East Ninth tarium, San Jos6, Cal.
St., Hastings, Nebr. Pohle, W. R., Casilla 7, LaPaz,
Peabody, F., 40 West End Ave., Bolivia, South America.
Atlanta, Ga. Pond, A. P., Lacombe, Alberta
Pean, Arioste, Box 88, Cape Hai- Canada.
- tien, Haiti.
Penner, J., Nonnenweg, corner Ninig, M., Kihurio, Post Buiko,
Birmansgasse, Basle, Switzer- via Tanga, German East Af
land. rica. (Temporarily absent.)
Penrose, Chas. E., 1 Devereux Pool, N. H., Hastings, Barbados,
Road, Wandsworth Common, British West Indies.
London, S. W., England. Popescu, C., V., Katona J6zsef-
Perk, G., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- utca 28. I. 5, Budapest, Hun-
burg,. Germany. gary.
Perry, F. L., Casilla 2830, Santi- Porter, L. B., Shelton, Nebr.
ago, Chile, South America. Porter, R. C., Box 523, U. S.
Persson, F., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Persson, J., Busegwe, Post Muso- Post, B. L., 1017 Roosevelt Ave.,
ma, Victoria Nyanza, German Detroit, Mich.
East Africa. (Temporarily ab- Nitschke, H., Grindelberg 15a,
sent.) Hamburg, Germany.

Potter, E. R., 1999 Eighth Ave., Raspal, M., La Ligniere, Gland,

West, Vancouver, British Co- Switzerland.
lumbia. Raukas, J., Post box 14, Minsk,
Pound, I. C., 1547 Trimble St., Russia.
Paducah, Ky. Rauleder, G. A., 1245 East Forty-
Powell, S. U., 112 Tower St., fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Kingston, Jamaica, British West Raymond, J. W., 96 Purdy St.
Indies. Buffalo, N. Y.
Premer, C. L., College View, Nebr. Read, W. E., Stanborough Park,
Prenier, H. S., San Fernando, Watford, England.
Cal. Reaser, G. W., Box 146, Glendale,
Prescott, W. P., Train View, Cal.
Moira, North Lurgan, Ireland. Rebensburg, A., Uhlandstr. 189,
Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park Berlin - Ch arl., Germany.
Station, Washington, D. C. Redfield, C. T., Cor. Third and Ju-
Pretyman, C. H., " Mizpah," Wah- liana Sts., Parkersburg, W. Va.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia, Reed, H. W., Clearwater Lake,
Prieger, A. F., Box 88, Cape Wis.
Haitien, Haiti, West Indies. Reed, L. A., Mountain View, Cal.
Reeder, H. E., Box 308, Carthage;
Prieser, F. A., Nonnenweg, Cor. Mo.
Birmansgasse, Basle, Switzer- Reefman, Wm., 736 Woodworth
land. Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Prillwitz, W.,Grindelberg 15a, Regel, R. P., Margrethevej 5, Co-
Hamburg, ermany. penhagen, V., Denmark.
Proctor, L. H., R. F. D. 3, Box 13S, Reiber, J. A., Salem, Oreg.
San Diego, Cal. Reid, J. A., Bluefields, Nicaragua.
Proctor, M. R., Amarillo, Tex. Reifschneider, K. A., Post box 14,
Prout, C. S., Box 408, Santa Rosa, Minsk, Russia.
Cal. Reihlen, C., Nonnenweg, corner
Provin, Henri, La Ligniere, Gland, Birmansgasse, Basle, Switzer-
Switzerland. land.
Prowolowsky, S., Post box 2, Post- Reinke, 0. E:, Takoma Park Sta-
office Birsha, Saratov, Russia. tion, Washington, D. S.
Purdom, C. A., 116 Oak St., Rose- Reis, Jos6 Amardos, Caixa Postal
burg, Oreg. 106, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do
Sul, Brazil, South America.
Quillin, G. C., Killbuck, Ohio. Reiswig, C. K., Lacombe, Alberta,
Quinn, R. D., South Lancaster, Reiswig, Canada.
Mass. J. J., Drawer N, James-
town, N. Dak.
Rentfro, C. E., 155 Rua Alvaro
Rader, G. W., care Treatment Par- Castelles, Porto, Portugal.
lors, Terre Haute, Ind. Reppe, M. S., Hutchinson, Minn.
Raft, J. C., Margrethevej 5, Co- Resen, Chr., Margrethevej 5, Co-
penhagen, V., Denmark. penhagen, V., Denmark.
Rall, R., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Rey, Jules, La Ligniere, Gland,
burg, Germany. Switzerland.
Rampton, F. G., 108 Ponsonby Rhoads, A. V., 1017 Fourth Ave.,
Road, Auckland, New Zealand. North, Fargo, N. Dak.
Rand, H. F., Glendale Sanitarium, Rice, W. W., 6 Carleton St.,.
Glendale, Cal. Methuen, Mass.
Randle, W. H., May Pen P. 0., Rich, J. W., Lodi, Cal.
Jamaica, British West Indies. Richard, P. F., 354 Sixteenth St.,
Rashford, Linton, Tunapuna, Trin- Irvington, N. J.
idad, British West Indies. Richards, H. M. J., 4910 Arch St.,
Rasniussen, Steen, Brookfield, Ill. Philadelphia, Pa.

Richards, H. M. S., 4910 Arch St., Rockel, A., Capoeiras Correio

Philadelphia, Pa. Estreito, Santa Catharina, Bra-
Richardson, I. D., 1251 Forty- zil, South America.
eighth St., Norfolk, Va. Roda, Leon Z., 819 Indiana St.,
Richardson, F. I., 417 West Fifth Manila, Philippine . Islands.
St., Los Angeles, Cal. Rodd, A., " Croftview," Uddings-
Rider, C. J., Randolph, Vt. ton, North Glasgow, Scotland.
Riffel, J., College Place, Wash. Rodgers, G. P., 1714 Druid Hill
Riley, A. E., 90 Brickdam, George- Ave., Baltimore, Md.
town, British Guiana, South Rogers, A. H., Phair's Bldg., 327
America. Collins St., Melbourne, Vic-
Rinea, F., V., Katona JOzsef-utca toria, Australia.
28, I. 5, Budapest, Hungary. Rogers, J. C., 56 Roeland St.,
Rine, G. W., Pacific Union College, Cape Town, South Africa.
St. Helena, Cal. Rogers, J. H., R. F. D. 1, Box 67,
Rintala, A., Ostra Teatergranden San Fernando, Cal.
3, Helsingfors, Finland. Rojas, L. A., 495 Corrientes, Ba-
Rippey, J. A., 1164 Military St., hia Blanca, F. C. S., Argentina,
Roseburg, Oreg. South America.
Rischmtiller, Fr., Grindelberg 15a, Ronlund, N. J., 933 North Main
Hamburg, Germany. Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak.
Ritchie, A., 562 West Second St., Rorholm, H., Route 3, Altoona,
Glendale, Cal. Iowa.
Rittenhouse, C. H., Baker, Oreg. Rose': P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Rittenhouse, S. N., College Place, burg, Germany.
Wash. Rosendahl, E., 108 Ponsonby Road,
Rivera, Salvador, Calle Nueva, Auckland, New Zealand.
Stop 14, Santurce, Porto Rico. Rosenwold, E., Gamla Kungs-
Robb, V. W., 418 Lansdowne holm sbrogatan 38, Stockholm,
Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Sweden.
Robbins, F. H., 7155 Mt. Vernon Rossin, H. A., 636 West Ninth St.,
St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Robbins, Wm., R. F. D. 2, Con- Rost, 0. J. 0., Akersgaten 74,
nellsville, Pa. Christiania, Norway.
Roberts, G. A., 112 Tower St., Roth, A. G., Box 88, Cape Haitien,
Kingston, Jamaica, British West Haiti.
Indies. Roth, G. G., South Lancaster,
Roberts, R., 1344 Gary St., Shreve- Mass.
port, La. Roth, J. H., 2913 Keokuk St., St.
Robinson, A. T., 2098 Ogden St., Louis, Mo.
Denver, Colo. Rouse, J. S., College View, Nebr.
Robinson, C., Malamulo Mission, Rowland, F. J., Durand, Mich.
Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Rowland, J. W., 300 Serangoon
Central Africa. Road, Singapore, Straits Set-
Robinson, D. E., Campion Acad- lem ents.
emy, Loveland, Colo. Rubendall, C. W., Bonesteel, S.
Robinson, G., " Tereora," The Dak.
Avenue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Ruble, W. A.,Melrose, Mass.
Australia. Ruble, W. W., College View,
Robinson, H. E., Fords Store, Md. Nebr.
Robinson, R. P., Solusi Mission, Rudge, E. B., Cor. Peel and Grey
Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Af- Sts., South Brisbane, Queens-
rica. land, Australia.
Robles, Juan, 1420 Avenida 20, Rudge, P. B., "Mizpah," Wah-
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.

Rulkoetter, A. H., Cor. Third and Schildhauer, 0. E., Bauerstr. 38,

Juliana Sts., Parkersburg, W. Munich, Germany.
Va. Schilling, J. H., 116 North Califor-
Ruskjer, M., Minot, N. Dak. nia Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Ruskjer, S. A., Sauk Center, Schillinger, R., V., Katona JOz-
sef-utca 28. I. 5, Budapest, Hun-
Russell, A. B., 169 Bryan St., At- gary.
lanta, Ga. Schilstra, P., Grindelberg 15a,
Russell, C. A., Berrien Springs, Hamburg, Germany.
Mich. Schlichting,. H., Uhlandstr. 189,
Russell, E. T., Drawer 586, Water- Berlin-Charl., Germany.
town, S. Dak. Schmidt, B., Post box 2, Postoffice
Russell, G. C., 19 Sumner St., New Birsha, Saratov, Russia.
London, Conn. Schmidt, I. C., 29 Gang Baroe
Russell, K. C., 36 Ferndale Cres- Kramat, Weltevreden, Java,
cent, Rochester, N. Y. Dutch East Indies.
Russell, Riley, Soonan, Korea (on Schmitz, H., Post box 14, Minsk,
furlough in U. S.). Russia.
Schmitt, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
burg, Germany.
Sachsenmeyer, A., Bauerstr. 38, Schneider, J., Post box 2, Postoffice
Munich, Germany. Birsha, Saratov, Russia.
Salatzkat, J., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Scholz, ., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
lin-Charl., Germany. burg, Germany.
Salton, R. A., " Tereora," The Schramke, A., Grindelberg 15a,
Avenue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Hamburg, Germany.
Australia. Schroeder, W. F. H., Kermit, N.
Sandborn, A. R., 200 Columbus Schonemann, J., Post box 14,
Ave., Trenton, N. J. Minsk, Russia.
Sanders, C. N., 810 Jackson Ave., Schubert, G. W., Bauerstr. 38,
New Orleans, La. Munich, Germany.
Sanderson, A. E., 75 Grant St., Schuberth, H. F., Uhlandstr. 189,
Portland, Me. Berlin-Charl., Germany.
Sandnes, 0. E., 5921 Forty-first Schuerer, M., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Ave., Southeast, Portland, Oreg. lin-Charl., Germany.
Sanford, E. L., 426 Trumbull Ave., Schulz, W., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Detroit, Mich. lin-Charl., Germany.
Santee, Clarence, Lodi, Cal. Schutz, R., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Santee, L. D., 1061 Raymond St., lin-Charl., Germany.
Pasadena, Cal.
Sargeant, E. N., 310 Archer Ave., Schwartz, W. F., 2402 Pennsyl-
Peoria, Ill. vania Ave., Erie, Pa.
Savander, N., Ostra Teatergranden Schwedrat, 0. F., 2426 Poplar St.,
3, Helsingfors, Finland. Philadelphia, Pa.
Saxby, W. H., Sanitarium, Cal. Schwenecke, 0., Uhlandstr. 189,
Saxton, H. F., College View, Nebr. Berlin-Charl., Germany.
Schaffer, W., Bauerstr. 38, Mu- Scior, F., Ottomon Post, Box
nich, Germany. 109, Galata, Constantinople,
Schaffner, R. G., 310 Loring Bldg., Turkey.
Riverside, Cal.
Schamkow, K., Post box 14, Scott, Wis.
J. B., R. F. D. 2, Chetek,
Minsk, Russia.
Schick, L. B., General Delivery, Scott, Sydney, Box 14, Little
Kansas City, Mo. Rock, Ark.
Schick, W., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Sebastian, W. H., 2705 West
burg, Germany. Main St., Richmond, Va.

Seefried, J., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- Shrock, S. S., 842 Taylor Ave.,
lin-Charl., Germany. Scranton, Pa.
Seeney, F. H., 808 Twelfth St., Shuler, J. L., 31 Deaderick Bldg.,
N. E., Washington, D. C. Knoxville, Tenn.
Seibel, J. H., Bowdon, N. Dak. Shultz, H., Lodi, Cal.
Shultz, J. E., Box 523, U. S. Pos-
Seidel, H., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber- tal Agency, Shanghai, China.
lin-Charl., Germany. Shultz, J. W., Box 1039, San Jose,
Seiler, W., Majita, Post Musoma, Costa Rica.
Victoria Nyanza, German East Silsbee, E. C., Morija, Basutoland,
Africa. South Africa.
Selmon,A. C., Box 523, U. S. Simmons, Cyrus, Box 522, Knox-
Posta Agency, Shanghai, China. ville, Tenn.
Seltzer, G. J., Hastings, Nebr. Simon, J. F., Clinton, Mo.
Seng, G., Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Sims, G. G., 452 Ralston St., Reno,
Germany. Nev.
Serna, M., 540 North Ninth Ave., Sims, W. L., 615 North Tenth
Tucson, Ariz. St., Phoenix, Ariz.
Serns, A. E., 423 North Addison Sinz, K., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
St., Richmond, Va. burg, Germany.
Settergren, A. J., Gamla Kungs- Skinner, G. H., 184 Winslow St.,
holmsbrogatan 38, Stockholm, West St. John, New Brunswick.
Sweden. Skinner, James, 30 Crescent St.,
Severin, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Melrose, Mass.
burg, Germany. Slade, E. K., Box 8, Mt. Vernon,
Sevrens, 0. F., 16 Calle Luna, Pa- Ohio.
say, Rizal, via Manila, Philip- Smailes, P., 47 Berlin St., Denver,
pine Islands. Johannesburg, Transvaal, South
Shadel, S. T., 809 North Mulberry Africa.
Ave., Hagerstown, Md. Smart, A. Australasian Mission-
Shaeffer, F. R., Box 226, Saw- ary College, Cooranbong, N. S.
telle, Cal. W., Australia.
Sharp, F. L., " Tereora," The Ave- Smith, Floyd, Dwarikhal, Garhwa],
nue, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- India.
tralia. Smith, J. H., Box 473, Nassau,
Sharp, W. W., National City, Cal. Bahamas.
Sharp, Smith, Graysville, Tenn. Smith, J. J., Plymouth, Montser-
Shaw, B. H., 2313 Allis St., Kan- rat, British West Indies.
sas City, Kans. Smith, S. S., R. F. D., New Lis-
Shaw, H. S., 537 Twenty-fifth St., bon, Wis.
Oakland, Cal. Smith, C. J., Witt, Ill.
Shaw, J. L., Takoma Park Sta- Smith, R. W., Box 1304, Fresno,
tion, Washington, D. C. Cal.
Sheldon, E. L., Alexandria, Minn. Smith, W. H., 1902 Lackawanna
Shepard, L. C., 1965 Horton Ave.,
Southeast, Grand Rapids, Mich. Ave., Jacksonville, Fla.
Shepard, M., Gen. Del., Flint, Mich. Smith, W. J., Sanitarium, Wah-
Sherrig, W. H., Burton St., West, roonga, N. S. W., Austraia.
Grand Rapids, Mich. Smith, W. K., 506 South Gunni-
Sherwin, T. A., Sanitarium, Wah- son St., Burlington, Iowa.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Smith, W. R., Keizan, Korea.
Shireman, D. T., Morganton, N. C.
Shoemaker, R. L., Box 408, Santa Snodgrass, C. L., Imperial, Cal.
Rosa, Cal. Snow, C. M., Warburton, Vic-
Shone, G. W., Kroonstad, Orange toria, Australia.
Free State, South Africa. Snyder, E. W., 1430 Garfield Ave.,
Shoup, H. L., Keene, N. Y. Pasadena, Cal.

Snyder, G. A., 215 South Jackson Stein, R., Majita, Post Musoma,
St., Glendale, Cal. Victoria Nyanza, German East
Soper, G. R., 418 Lansdowne Ave., Africa. (Temporarily absent.)
Winnipeg, Manitoba. Steinel, I. A., 16 Calle Luna, Pa-
Sorenson, C. M., Takoma Park say, Rizal, via Manila, Philip-
Station, Washington, D. C. pine Islands.
Soto, Damaso, Casilla 2830, San- poste restante, East Africa (via
tiago, Chile, South America. Brindisi, Italy). (Temporarily
Sparrow, C., Martindale, Cape absent.)
Province, South Africa. Steiner, Paul, La Ligniere, Gland,
Spearing, F. A., 1 Devereux Road, Switzerland.
Wandsworth Common, London, Steinert, A. G., Bison; Kans.
S. W., England. Stene, L. J., Akersgaten 74, Chris-
Specht, F. G., R. F. D. 3, Love- tiana, Norway.
land, Colo. Stephenson, C. B., Graysville,
Spencer, R. M., 15 Derby St., Tenn.
Johnstown, Pa. Sterling, G. L., Rarotonga, Cook
Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park Sta- Islands, Pacific Ocean.
tion, Washington, D. C. Stevens, G. A., Cor. Third and Ju-
Spies, F. W., EstacRo de SAo liana Sts., Parkersburg, W. Va.
Bernardo, S. P. R., SAo Paulo, Stevens, H. U., Puiggari, F. C.
Brazil, South America. E. R., Argentina, South America.
Spies, G. W., 33 Jefferson St., Stevens, J. A., Box 408, Santa
Bridgeton, N. J. Rosa, Cal.
Spriggs, J. T., 122 South Eighth Stevens, J. C., 604 East Seven-
St., Grand Junction, Colo. teenth St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Spring, L. A., 4921 Irving St., Steward, W. W., Milton, Oreg.
Denver, Colo. Stewart, A. G., Atchin, New Heb-
Sprohge, J., Post box 14, Minsk, rides, Pacific Ocean.
Russia. Stewart, E. L., 602 Fifth Ave.,
Stahl, F. A., Puno, Peru, South N. W., Minot, N. Dak.
America. Stewart, G. G. 108 Ponsonby
Stanley, P. G., 655 Laurel Ave., Road, Auckland, New Zealand.
St. Paul, Minn. Stewart, J. S., Phair's Bldg., 327
Starbuck, T. H., 506 East Everett Collins St., Melbourne, Vic-
St., Portland, Oreg. toria, Australia.
Starr, F. D., R. F. D. 8, Spokane, St. John, H. A., Sanitarium, Cal.
Wash. St. John, M. H., 4851 Rice St.,
Starr, G. B., Loma Linda, Cal. Chicago, Ill.
Starr, L. F., Garland, Wyo. Stocker, P., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
States, Geo. 0., Cedaredge, Colo. lin-Charl., Germany.
Staubert, 0., Poste restante, Ta- Stone, A. J., 5702 South Alaska
briz, Persia. St., Tacoma, Wash.
Staubert, P., Grindelberg 15a, Stone, C. L., 411 Cedar St.,
Hamburg, Germany. Takoma Park Station, Wash-
Stebbeds, F., Clearwater Lake, ington. D. C.
Wis. Stone, W. J., 660 East Forty-sec-
Stebbins, W. W., 3845 East Seven- ond St., Indianapolis, Ind.
teenth St., Kansas City, Mo. Stover, A. J., Ridgefield, Wash.
Strachan, M. C., Box 825, Tampa,
Steed, J. E., Apia, Upolo, Samoa, Fla.
Pacific Ocean. Straw, W. E., Union College,
Steele, Wm., Mission Adventista, Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa.
Calle Nueva, Stop 14, Santurce, Stray, F. W., R. F. D., Amston,
Porto Rico. Conn.
Steen, H., 718 Maryland St., St. Strechi, P., V., Katona Jozsef-utca
Paul, Minn. 28. I. 5, Budapest, Hungary.

Streeter, II., 7 Battersea St., Syd- Tavodi, Bennie, Bisiatabu, Port

enham, Christchurch, New Zea- Moresby, British New Guinea.
land. Taylor, C. L., Williamsdale East,
Streithorst, H., Caixa Postal 106, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia.
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Taylor, C. L., Maple Plain, Minn.
Sul, Brazil, South America. Taylor, C. U., Keene, Tex.
Strickland, J. A., 404 Southern Taylor, H. F., 144 Bostwick Ave.,
Life and Trust Bldg., Greens- Jersey City, N. J.
boro, N. C. Taylor, J., 8 Lancaster Road,
Strickland, W. E., Gainesville, Ga. Stroud Green, London, N.,
Strother, W. E., 59 Kennedy St., England.
Charleston, S. C. Taylor, J. I., Box 14, Little Rock,
Stueckrath, Martin, Keene, Tex. Ark.
Sturdevant, M. C., Umtali, Rho- Teasdale, Geo., " Mizpah," Wah-
desia, South Africa. roonga, N. S. MT., Australia.
Sturgeon, D. F., _Gage, Okla. Terry, L. W., Rockville, Mo.
Stuyvesant, J. B., Apartado 218, Theunissen, D. C., Staines Road,
Guatemala City, Guatemala, Plumstea, Cape, South Africa.
Central America (on furlough in Thomann, E. W., Florida, F. C.
U. S.). C, A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Sulzle, Christian, Fenwood, Sas- South America.
katchewan, Canada. Thomann, V. E., Casilla 2830,
Summerville, T., Holly, Mich. Santiago, Chile, South America.
Siissmann, Richard, Rua Saldanha Thomas, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Marinho 169, Curityba, Parana, burg, Germany.
Brazil, South America. Thomas, E. D. Nazareth Post
Sutherland, E., A., Madison, Tenn. office, Tinnevelly District, South
Sutton, N. T., Crawford, Nebr. India.
Svenson, Carl, 3840 Snelling Ave., Thomas, P. V., Tungshan, Canton,
Minneapolis, Minn. China.
Svensson, S. F., 436 East 138th Thompson, Chas., 2718 Third Ave.,
St., New York, N. Y. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Swanson, E. H., Troy, Idaho. Thompson, G. A., 14 Scott Road,
Swartout, H. 0., Box 523, U. S. Kaula Lumpur, Federated Ma-
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. lay States.
Sweany, W. A., Waxahachie, Tex. Thompson, G. B., Takoma Park
Swinson, S., 417 West Fifth St., Station, Washington, D. C.
Los Angeles, Cal. Thompson, J. T.,Calle Arena!
Swiridow, P., Post box 2, Postoffice Grande 2535, ontevideo, Uru-
Birsha, Saratov, Russia. guay, South America.
Sype, R. J., Nevada, Iowa. Thompson, Victor, 310 West Six-
Sype, Mrs. Minnie, Carroll, Iowa. teenth St., Jacksonville, Fla.
Thomson, J., 7 Battersea St,
Tabor, B. C., 459 Morton St., Sydenham, Christchurch, New
Ashland, Oreg. Zealand.
Taggart, C. L., Lodi, Cal. Thorpe, E. E., Nukualofa, Tonga,
Tait, A. 0., Mountain View, Cal. Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Taphouse, Jas., 537 Twenty-fifth Thurber, E. W., San Marcos, San-
St., Oakland, Cal. ta Clara, Cuba, West Indies.
Tarr, A. P., Umtata, Trans Kei, Thurber, R. B., Berrien Springs,
Cape, South Africa. Mich.
Tarr, C., Grahamstown, Cape Thurm, P., Grindelberg 15a, -Ham-
Province, South Africa. burg, Germany.
Tarr, D. F., 80 St. Patrick Road, Thurston, H. G., 2217 Fairground
Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Road, Salem, Oreg,

Thurston, W. H., College Place, Vandeman, H. A. 1217 Claremont

Wash. St., Pueblo, Colo.
Tieche, L. P. Gland (Ct. Vaud), Van Eijseien, W., Grindelberg 15a,
Switzerland. Hamburg, Germany.
Tindall, J. H. N., 865 Fifth St., Van Horn, H. J., Colorado Sanita-
Milwaukee, Wis. ium, Boulder, Colo.
Tobiassen, Chr., Akersgaten 74, Van Kirk, M. B., 2718 Third Ave.,
Christiania, Norway. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Toppenberg, V., Majita, Post Mu- Varlemann, W., Grindelberg 15a,
soma, Victoria Nyanza, Ger- Hamburg, Germany.
man East Africa. (Temporarily Vasenius, F. W., Majita, Post
absent.) Musoma, Victoria Nyanza, Ger-
Town, N. Z., Takoma Park Sta- man East Africa.
tion, Washington, D. C. Vaucher, A., La Ligniere, Gland,
Townsend, E. C., 401 East Court Ct. Vaud, Switzerland.
St., Ludington, Mich. Venen, W. J., 1110 Glenwood
Traugh, J. A., Room 1, People's Ave., Youngstown, Ohio.
Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C. Verrill, A. J. Mechanic Falls, Me.
Tribbensee, W., Uhlandstr. 189, Videto, W. E., Madison, Tenn.
Berlin-Charl., Germany. Voigt, G. L., Baueistr. 38, Mu-
Trowbridge, E. E., Marshfield, nich, Germany.
Wis. Von Pohle, E. A., Hines, Wis.
Trubey, L. F., College View, Nebr. Voorthuis, P., Jr., Grindelberg 15a,
Tucker, G. W., Drawer 586, Water- Hamburg, Germany.
town, S. Dak. Vore, G. T., Selma, Cal.
Truesdell; G. A., care Pacific Union Votaw, H. H., Takoma Park Sta-
College, St. Helena, Cal. tion, Washington, D. C.
Tupper, Lowell, Auburn, Wash. Voth, A. J., Kiel, Okla.
Turk, D. G., 526 State St., Bing- Voth, Bernard, 513 Southeast
hamton, N. Y. Third St., Newton, Kans.
Turner, J. W., 543 Inca St., Den- Voth, David, Keene, Tex.
ver, Colo. Vuilleumier, J., 3177 St. Hubert
TUrner, W. G., " Mizpah," Wah- St., Montreal, Quebec.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Twijnstra, H., Grindelberg 15a,
Hamburg, Germany. Waak, P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
burg, Germany.
Wagele, T., Post box 14, Minsk,
Uchtmann, W. R., 46 Hamilton St., Russia.
Providence, R. I. Wagner, F. D., Pocatello, Idah.o.
Uldokat, F., Uhlandstr., 189, Ber- Wagner, Geo., Manfred, N. Dak.
lin-Charl., Germany. Wakeham, W. H., Berrien Springs.
Uldokat, P., Grindelberg 15a, Mich.
Hamburg, Germany. Walker, Allen, Fort Ogden, Fla.
Ulrich, C. F., 708 Twenty-seventh Walker, J. G., Pitt Meadows,
St., Altoona, Pa. British Columbia.
Underwood, R. A., College View, Walker, J. Z., Monte Vista, Colo.
Nebr. Walker, S. W., 164 Veranda St.,
Urquhart, E. J., Keizan, Korea. Portland, Me.
Wall, D. N., " Tereora," The Ave-
Valiance, M., " Warden House," nue. Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
Crumpsall Crescent, Manchester, tralia.
England. Walla, W., Caixa Postal 768, Rio
Van Eden,- A. H., Stranack St., de Janeiro, Brazil, South Amer-
Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South ica.
Africa. Wallace, H. L., Lake City, Cal.

Wallath, 0., Majita, Post Mu- Weber, C. W., 3306 West Thir-
soma, Victoria Nyanza, Ger- ty-first St.,Cleveland, Ohio.
man East Africa. ' Webster, E. V., 120 North Cali-
Waldorf, N. J., Phair's Bldg., 327 fornia Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Collins St., MelbOurne, Victoria, Webster, F. C., 280 Villeneuve
Australia. West, Montreal, Quebec.
Walleker, H. C. J., 546 Fortieth Weeks, F., 711 West Eighth St.,
St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Roswell, N. Mex.
Wallenkampf, J., Gamla Kungs- Wegener, A., V., Katona J6z-
holmsbrogatan 38, Stockholm, sef-utca 28. I. 5, Budapest, Hun-
Sweden. gary.
Wallenstern, A. v., Bauerstr. 38, Weidner, J. H., Grindelberg 15a,
Munich, Germany. Hamburg, Germany.
Walston, W. C., Solusi Mission, Weinert, A., BaUestr. 38, Munich,
Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Af- Germany.
rica. Weinmann, F., Grindelberg 15a,
Walter, A., Uhlandstr. 189, per- Hamburg, Germany.
lin-Charl., Germany. Wellman, D. E., 38 Belle Eau
Wangerin, R. C., Seoul, Korea (on Road, Port of Spain, Trinidad,
furlough in' U. S.). British West Indies.
Ward, W. C. F., 435 Bay St., Santa Wellman, S. A., 17 Abbott Road,
Cruz, Cal. Lucknow, India.
Warren, Luther, Paradise Valley Wells, G. Vi7., Anoka, Minn.
Sanitarium, National City, Cal. Wentland, M. H., Grindelberg 15a,
Warren, M. C., Chungking, Szech- Hamburg, Germany.
wan, China. Werner, G., Bauerstr. 38, Mu-
Wasell,' Wm., Yarmouth, Nova nich, Germany.
Scotia. Werner, R., Bauerstr. 38, Mu-
Washburn, H. A., Pacific Union nich, Germany.
College, St. Helena, Cal. West, G. L., 48 Holly Ave., Brad-
Washburn, J. S., 5318 Chancellor ford, Pa.
St., Philadelphia, Pa. West, G. R., Keene, Tex.
Wasli, A., Akersgaten 74, Chris- West, J., 1 Devereaux Road,
tiania, Norway. Wandsworth Common, London,
Watkins, Roscoe, Natchez, Miss. S. W., England.
Watson, A. G., 11 Wellington Westbrook, T. B., 1112 Kalamath
Square, Calcutta, India. St., Denver, Colo.
Watson, C. H., " Mizpah," Wah- Westcott, H. B., 244 State Ave.,
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Pontiac, Mich.
Watson, G. F., 411 Black Ave., Westerman, W. J., Phair's Bldg.,
Bozeman, Mont. 327 Collins St., Melbourne, Vic-
Watson, 0. B., Bozeman, Mont. toria, Australia.
Watson, A., Gendia, Kisumu, Brit- Westphal, F. H., Casilla 2830,
ish East Africa. Santiago, Chile, South America.
Watson, T. H., Lodi, Cal. Westphal, J. W., Florida, F. C.
Watt, J. W., R. F. D. 5, Indiana, C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Pa. South America.
Watts, V. B., Nevada, Iowa. Westrup, J. J., Paradise Valley
Weaks, C. E., Box 523, U. S. Pos- Sanitarium, National City, Cal.
tal Agency, Shanghai, China. Westworth, Wm. A., 2708 Belle-
Weatherly, D. F., Madison, S. fontaine St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Dak. Wevers, M., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Weaver, H. A., 140 Hudson Ave.,
Newark, Ohio. burg, Germany.
Webber, P. A., 2 of 198, Maku- Wheeler, J. H., Marsland, Nebr.
racho, Jigyo Mgashi-machi, Yo- Wheeler, L. S., 521 East Twen-
bancho, Fukuoka, Japan. ty-third St., Indianapolis, Ind.

Wheeler, W. W., Puiggari, F. C. Will, Th., Post box 2, Postoffice

E. R., Argentina, South Amer- Birsha, Saratov, Russia.
ica. Williams, A. H., 17 Abbott Road,
White, A. H., Franklin Chambers, Lucknow, India.
Hobart, Tasmania. Williams, C. D. M., 615 North
White, B. J., 169 Bryan St., At- Tenth St., Phoenix, Ariz.
lanta, Ga. Williams, I. N., Fredonia, N. Y.
White, C. L., 627 South Tenth St., Williams, R. E., 1504 Chestnut St.,
La Fayette, Ind. Augusta, Ga.
White, J. E., Marshall, Mich. Willess, N. V., 426 Trumbull Ave.,
White, J. G., Changsha, Hunan, Detroit, Mich.
China. Willis, U. S., 1240 Sixth St.,
White, Stemple, 920 East Sixth N. W., Washington, D. C.
St., Duluth, Minn. Willoughby, H. E., Junction City,
White, S. G., Changsha, Hunan, Oreg.
China. Wilson, E. T., 204 North Topeka
White, G. W., 201 South Birch St., Ave., Wichita, Kans.
Creston, Iowa. Wilson, J., Post box 2, Postoffice
White, H. C., Australasian Mis- Birsha, Saratov, Russia.
sionary College, Cooranbong, N. Wilson, J. L., 184 Winslow St.,
S. W., Australia. West St. John, New Brunswick.
White, W. B., 56 Roeland St., Wilson, Victor, S. D. A. Mission,
Cape Town, South Africa. Pemba, Northwest Rhodesia,
White, W. C., R. F. D. 1, St. South Africa.
Helena, Cal. Wilson, M. L., Room 316, Lyric
White, W. H., 508 West Four- Bldg., Birmingham, Ala.
teenth St., Covington, Ky. Winter, F., Majita, Post Muso-
Whiteside, Robert, Trainview, ma, Victoria Nyanza, German
Moira, North Lurgan, Ireland. East Africa. (Temporarily ab-
Whitmarsh, M. C., 729 Dupont sent.)
St., Wilmington, Del. Winston, Wm., 614 Maple St.,
Whitney, S. B., Keene, N. Y. Owensboro, Ky.
Wibbens, Jacob, Grindelberg 15a, Wintzen, J., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Hamburg, Germany. lin-Charl., Germany.
Widgery, E. C., Charlotte Amalie, Wirth, W. G., South Lancaster,
St. Thomas, Danish West In- Mass.
dies. Woertz, C. F., 292 Northland Ave.,
Wierts, J. H., 3700 Fait Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.
Baltimore, Md. Wolfe, E. W., 31 Deaderick Bldg.,
Wiest, C. S., Tabernacle, Battle Knoxville, Tenn.
Creek, Mich. Wolfgarten, J., Bauerstr. 38, Mu-
Wight, S. E., 2304 Seifried St., nich, Germany.
Nashville, Tenn. Wood, C. E., Nelson, British Co-
Wikander, G. W., 90 Quincy St.,
Houghton, Mich.
Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Park Sta- Wood, D. P., 666 Dunlap St., Mem-
tion, Washington, D. C. phis, Tenn.
Wilcox, M. C., Mountain View, Wood, G. A., Oendaan Gang
Cal. Klaring No. 2, Soerabaya, Java,
Wilfart, Ricardo, Caruard, Per- Dutch East Indies.
nambuco, Brazil, South America. Wood, K. H., Box 814, U. S.
Wilkinson, B. G., 411 Cedar St., Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Takoma Park Station, Wash- Wood, M. D., Kalyan, Bombay
ington, D. C. Presidency, India.
Wilkinson, G: L., Winnemucca, Woodman, I. J., 822 Brewster St.,
Nev. Saginaw, Mich.

Woods, J. H., Phair's Bldg., 327 Youngberg, A. G., Bonesteel, S.

Collins St., Melbourne, Vic- Dak.
toria, Australia. Youngberg, G. B., Drawer 586,
Woodward, C. N., 16 Calle Luna, Watertown, S. Dak.
Pasay, Rizal, via Manila, Philip-
pine Islands. Zahl, P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Wortman, T. J. L., Grindelberg burg, Germany.
15a, Hamburg, Germany.
Woysch, A., Grindelberg 15a, Zecchetto, L., Casella Postale 218,
Florence, Italy.
Hamburg, Germany. Zeiner, A., V., Katona J6zsef-
Wright, F. A., Allegan, Mich.
Wright, J. F., care J. F. Dennis, utca 28. I. 5, Budapest, Hun-
Montgomery, Ala. gary.
Wyman, C. A., Battle Ground, Zerne, N., Gamla Kuno-sholmsbro-
Wash. outan 38, Stockholm, bSweden.
b M. W., Uhlandstr. 189,
Berlin-Charl., Germany.
Yates, J. S., Zee Straat, Padang, Zielinski, St., Uhlandstr. 189, Ber-
Sumatra, Dutch East Indies. lin-Charl., Germany.
Young, Carl, Gamla Kungsholms- Zirat, G., Post box 2, Postoffice
brogatan 38, Stockholm, Swe- Birsha, Saratov, Russia.
den. Zimmermann, C. H., Bauerstr. 38,
Young, W. A., 904 College Ave., Munich, Germany.
Indianapolis, Ind. Ziprick, Oscar, Box 273, Rosthern,
Young, W. C., Box 377, Lennox- Saskatchewan, Canada.
vine, Quebec. Zuehlke, R. C., Hillsboro, Kans.
Young, W. J., 176 Langside Road, Zutt, Henry, 1007 East Broadway,
Cross Hill, Glasgow, Scotland. Anaheim, Cal.
" They rest from their labors; and their works do follow them."

Henele Ma'afu, December 5, 1915; E. W. Catlin, August 11; Portland,

Fiji. Oreg.
N. P. Dixon, January 14, 1916; G. A. Sandborn, August 17; Boul-
Garden City, Kans. der, Colo.
H. H. Brand, January 15; Los An- J. L. Edgar, August 22; Flint,
geles, Cal. Mich.
L. Winston, January 15; Hastings, Dr. David- Paulson, October 15;
Nebr. Asheville, N. C.
IV. S. Shreve, January 16; Madi- W. H. Littlejohn, October; Battle
son, Wis. Creek, Mich.
Dr. Wm. Hill, January 21; Roch- E. E. Parlin, November 4, Oak-
ester, Ind. land, Cal.
Z. G. Baharian, killed in Arme- R. C. Horton, November 16; Com-
nian massacre. stock, Mich.
J. B. Beckner, May 9; Athol, Mass. 0. Gassmann, slain in battle,
J. V. Willson, May 14; Kimber- Europe.
ley, South Africa. A. Osbol, died while in exile in
M. C. Kirkendall, May 15; Ta- Siberia.
koma Park, D. C. M. B. Miller, January 8, 1917;
A. C. Neff, June 12; Quicksburg, Montrose, Minn.
Va. Mrs. Anna E. Rambo, January 12,
C. E. Peckover, June 27; Boulder, 1917; Fairton, N. J.
Colo. Mrs. 0. H. Maxson, January 17,
C. E. Sturdevant, Jund 30; Grays- 1917; Argentina, South Amer-
Tenn. ica.
A. C. Bourdeau, July 7; Kalama- E. Van Deusen, January 26, 1917;
zoo, Mich. Riversdale, Jamaica, British
Eliza H. Morton, July 31; Port- West Indies.
land, Me.
Cassie Wilson-Dennis, August 2; J. M. Gaff, February.5, 1917; Pat-
Buenos Aires, Argentina. erson, N. J.
J. W. Lair, August 10; Mitchell, E. R. Brown, February 15, 1917;
S. Dak. Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
A BYSSINIAN Mission 131 Buena Vista Academy (See East-
r-k Academies, Directories of 178-196 ern Canadian Missionary Sem-
Addington Intermediate School 178 inary)
Adelaide Sanitarium 216 Buenos Aires Publishing House 197
Adelphian Academy 178 Burma Mission 149
Adriatic Mission 111 Burmese School (See Meiktila Tech-
Alabama Conference 89 nical School)
Alberta Conference 101 Burmese language, periodical in 209
Alberta Industrial Academy 179
Algeria, mission in (See North Af- rAPES 224
rican Mission) California Conference 73
Alto Parana Mission 160 Campion Academy 181
Amur Mission 132 Canadian Branch Pub. House 201
Annual Offerings 253 Canadian Publishing Association 198
Anterior Austrian Mission 111 Canary Islands Mission 132
Appropriations to Missions 254 Cantonese Training School 181
Arabic-Syrian Mission 132 Cape Conference 166
Argentine Conference 159 Cape Sanitarium 216
Arizona Conference 72 Caterham Sanitarium 216
Arkansas Conference 95 Cebuan language, periodical in 209
Asiatic Division Conference 137 Cedar Lake Academy 181
Survey of Work in 231 Central Amer. Branch Pub. House 201
Institutions in 157 Central California Conference 74
Atlanta Branch Publishing House 204 Central China Mission 153
Atlantic Union Conference 18 Central European Union Conf. 109
Institutions in 26 Central Polynesian Training School 181
Austral Union Conference 158 Central Polynesian Conference 143
Survey of Work in 242 Central Sweden Conference 122
Australasian Union Conference 138 Central-Southern Luzon Conference 147
Survey of Work in 234 Central Union Conference 26
Australasian Missionary College 179 Institutions in - 31, 32
Austrian Mission 111 Chesapeake Conference 34
Avondale School (See Australa- Chile Conference 160
sian Missionary College) China, Missions in 151
Avondale Press 197 China Missions Training School 181
Azof Conference 118 Chinese language, periodical in 209
Chinese Publishing House 203
Christchurch Sanitarium 216
Pt AHAMAS Mission 177 Christian Record Publishing Co. 198
Lo Survey of Work in 251 Christiania Health Home 216
Baltic Conference 130 Christiania Publishing House (See
Barotseland Mission 169 Scandinavian Pub. House)
Barcelona Publishing House 197 Church Directory (See at close of
Basle Branch Publishing House 199 each local conference)
Basutoland Missions 170 Claremont Union College 181
Battleford Academy 179 Clinton German Seminary 182
Bavarian Conference 109 Colleges, directories of 178-196
Beechwood Academy 180 Periodicals by 208
Belgian Mission 129 Colorado Conference 27
Bengali language, periodical in 209 Columbia Union Conference 33
Bengali Mission 149 Institutions in 43
Bermuda Mission 26 Branch Pub. House in 202
Bethel Academy 180 Congo Mission 136
Bethel Girls' School 180 Constitution of Gen. Conf. 254
Black Sea Mission 131 Cook Islands, work in 144
Bohemian language, periodical in 209 Copenhagen Branch Pub. House 202
Bohemian Mission 112 Cuban Mission 173
Bolivia Mission 164 Survey of work in 248
Bombay Presidency Mission 149 Cumberland Conference 83
Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium 216
Brazil Publishing House 197
Brazilian Seminary 180 DANISH-NORWEGIAN
periodicals in
Brazilian Union Conference 161 Danish-Norwegian Seminary 182
Survey of work in 243 Danube Union Conference 112
British Columbia Conference 102 Darling Range School 182
British East African Mission 132 Denmark, Conferences in (See East
British Guiana (See South Carib- and West Denmark)
bean Conference) Denominational literature, lan-
British North Borneo Mission (See guages in which issued 215
Malaysian Mission) Denominational periodicals ....204-214
British Publishing House 197 Directory of Ministers 258-288
British Union Conference 106 District of Columbia Conference .. 35
Broadview Swedish Seminary 180 Duena Conference 130
INDEX. 291

CIALICIAN Mission 118

EAST Africa, Missions in . . . .132, 133
East Brazil Mission 162 Garwhal Industrial School 184
East Central Conference 106 General Conf., Directory of 5-11
East China Mission 154 Appropriations of 253
East Denmark Conference 123 Laborers engaged under 10, 11
East German Union Conference 115 Presidents and Secretaries of .. 253
East German Union District 115 General Conference Executive Com-
East India Union Mission 146 mittee 5
East Indies and Federated Malay General Conference Association .. 10
States (See Malaysian Mission) General Conference Corporation 10
East Java Mission (See Malaysian Georgia Conference 86
Mission) German East African Mission 133
East Michigan Conference 47 German language, periodicals in 210
East Norway Conference 123 German-Swiss Conference 109
East Prussian Conference 116 Glendale Mission 169
East Russian Union Conference 118 Glendale Sanitarium 217
East Siberian Mission 132 Good Health Assn., Ltd. 217
Eastern Canadian Missionary Sem-
inary 183 Gold Coast Mission 133
Eastern Canadian Union Conf. 44 Greater New York Conference 20
Institutions in 46 Grecian Mission 134
Eastern New York Conf. 19 Greenland, mission in 125
Eastern Pennsylvania Conf. 36 Guatemala Mission 174
Eastern Polynesian Mission 144
Ecuador Mission 164 UAITIEN Mission 174
Educational Dept. of Gen. Conf. 8, 9 " Survey of work in 248
Of N. Amer. Div. 13 Hamburg Publishing House 198
Educational Institutions 178-196 Hastings Intermediate School 184
Outline of courses in 178 Hawaiian Mission 177
Egypt, Missions in 134, 135 Survey of work in 252
Elbe Conference 127 Hazel Academy 185
Emmanuel Mission 170 Hessian Conference 127
Emmanuel Missionary College 183 Hill Academy 185
Emmanuel Miss. College Press 198 Hindi language, periodical in 211
English Periodicals 204-208 Holland language, periodical in 211
Esthonian, periodical in 210 Holland Mission 129
European Division Conference 104 Home Missionary Dept. 16, 17
in 136 Hungarian Branch Pub. House 199
Survey of work in for 1916 225 Hungarian language, periodical in 211
European Division Missions ... 131-136
ICELAND Mission 125
Inca Union Mission 164
FEDERATED Malay States (See Indiana Conference 48
Malaysian Mission) India Union Mission 148
Fernando Academy (See San Fer- Survey of work in 239
nando) India Publishing House 199
Fernwood Intermediate School 183 Indian Christian Training School 185
Fiji, work in 143 International Health Assn., Ltd. . 220
Fiji Training School 181 Inter-Mountain Conference 75
Fijian language, periodical in 210 Iowa Conference 58
Finland Conference 123 Iowa Sanitarium 217
Finland Publishing House 198 Irish Mission 108
Finnish language, periodical in 210 Italian language, periodical in 212
Fireside Correspondence School 184 Italian Mission 121
Florida Conference 84
Florida Sanitarium 217 I AMAICA Conference 171
Foochow Intermediate School 184 ''' Japan Mission 151
Food Companies 223-4 Survey of work in 237
Foreign Departments of N. Amer. Japanese language, periodical in 212
Division 15 Japanese Mission Training School 185
Foreign Languages, periodicals Japanese Publishing House 199
in 209-214 Java, missions in 146
Foreign fields, workers sent to,
1901-16 254 AFIRLAND Missions 170
Foreign Mission Board 10 Kamerun Mission 136
Foreign periodicals 209-214 Kansas City Branch Publishing
Ft. Worth Branch Pub. House ... 204 House 201
Fox River Academy 184 Kansas Conference 29
French Conference 120 Kansas Sanitarium 218
210 Karmatar Middle English School 185
French language, periodicals in Keene Academy (See Southwestern
Friedensau Industrial School 184 Junior College)
Friedensau Sanitarium 217 Kentucky Conference 90
Friendly Islands, work in 143 Ketchum Intermediate School 185
Fukien Training School 184 Kimberley Baths 218
292 INDEX.

Kolo Mission 170 Montana Conference 64

Korean Industrial School 185 Moravian-Silesian Mission 110
Korean language, periodical in 212 Mt. Ellis Academy 188
Korean Mission 152 Mt. Vernon Academy 188
Korean S. D. A. Mission Press 200 Mussoorie Primary and Middle
English School 188
LA FAYETTE Sanitarium (See
Wabash Valley Sanitarium) NATAL Health Institute ...... 218
Lake Geneva Sanitarium 218 Natal-Transvaal Conf. 167
Lake Union Conference 46 Nebraska Conference 31
Institutions in 57 Nebraska Sanitarium (College
Lake Titicaca Indian Mission 164 View) 219
Languages in which denomina- Nebraska Sanitarium (Hastings) 219
tional literature is issued 215 Negro Dept. of North Amer. Div. 16
Latin Union Conference 120 Nevada Mission 81, 82
Latin Union District 120 Newa Conference 118
Latin Union Publishing House 200 Newfoundland Mission 46
Latin Union School 186 New England Sanitarium 219
Laureiwood Academy 186 New Guinea, work in 145
Legal Corporations of the General New Hebrides, work in 145
Conference 10 New Jersey Conference 38
Leman Conference 121 New Mexico Conference (See Tex-
Lettonian language, periodical in 212 ico Conf.)
Levant Branch Publishing House 199 New South Wales Conference 139
Levant Mission 134 New York Branch Pub. House 202
Licentiates under the General Con- New York, conferences in ....19, 20, 25
ference 11 New Zealand, Conferences in (See
Literature, languages in which is- North and South New Zealand
sued 215 Conferences)
Little Russian Conference 130 New Zealand Training School (See
Lodi Academy 186 Oroua Missionary School)
Loma Linda College 186 Nigeria Mission 134
Loma Linda Sanitarium 218 Niue, work in 143
Lord Howe Island, work in 145 Norfolk Island, work in 145
Louisiana Conference 92 North African Mission 134
Lower Egypt Mission 134 North American Conf. Corp. of S
Lower Rhenish Conference 127 D. A. 17
North American Div. Conference 11-17
Executive Committee 11
MADISON Sanitarium 218 Mission offerings in, for 1916 253
Madagascar Mission 134 North American Foreign Dept. (See
Maine Conference 21 Foreign Dept.)
Malayalam language, periodical in 212 North American Negro Dept. (See
Malay language, periodical in 212 Negro Dept.)
Malaysian Mission 146 North Brazil Mission 163
Survey of work in 239 North Carolina Conference 86
Manchurian Mission 153 North Caucasian Conference 119
Manitoba Conference 102 North China Mission 155
Maplewood Academy 187 North China Union Mission 153
Maranatha Mission 170 North Dakota Conference 61
Marathi Training School for Nurses 188 North England Conference 107
Maritime Conference 44 North German Conference 128
Massachusetts Conference 22 North Honduras Mission 175
Mauritius-Madagascar Mission 134 Survey of work in 249
Medical Miss. Dept. of Gen. Conf 8 North Hungarian Mission 114
Of North Amer. Division 13 North India Mission 150
Meiktila Technical School 188 North Michigan Conference 51,52
Melanesian Mission 145 North Norway Conference 124
Mexican Mission 175 North New Zealand Conference ... 140
Survey of work in 249 North Pacific Union Conference .. 63
Mexican. Publishing House 200 Institutions in 70
Middle Russian Mission 119 North Swedish Mission ....... 126
Midland Conference 107 North Texas Conference 96
Ministerial Directory 258-288 North Wisconsin Conference 52
Ministers under the Gen. Conf. ..10,11 Northeastern Union Mission 151
Minnesota Conference 59, 60 Northern California Conference 76
Mission Offerings for 1916 253 Northern France Mission 121
Missionary Licentiates under the Northern Illinois Conference 50
General Conference 11 Northern New England Conf. 23
Missionary Volunteer Department Northern Latin American Mis-
of the General Conference 9 sions 173-176
Of North Amer. Division 14 Survey of work in 248
Mississippi Conference 92 Northern Union Conference 58
Missouri Conference 30 Institutions in 63
Monamona Mission 141 Northwest India Mission 150
INDEX. 29:1

Norway Conference (See East, gABBATH School Department of

North, and West Norway " the General Conference 9
Colifs.) Of North Amer. Div. 14
Northwestern California Conf. 77 Salvador Mission 176
Nyasaland Mission 169 Survey of work in 251
Samoan language, periodical in 213
Samoa, work in 143
OAK Park Academy
Oakwood Manual Training
San Fernando Academy
Sanitarium Assn. of S. D. A. of

School 189 Southern California 220

Oakwood Sanitarium 219 Sanitariums, directories of ....216-222
Obituary Record for 1916 289 Santa Catharina Conference 162
Oder Conference 116 Santali Girls' School 192
Offerings, annual 253 Sao Paulo Mission 163
Ohio Conference, 39 Saskatchewan Conference 103
Oklahoma Conference 97 Save Mission 113
Old People's Home (Germany) .... 217 Saxon Conference 116 _
Ontario Conference 44 Scandinavian Publishing House 202
Orange Free State Conf. 168 Scandinavian Union Conference 122
Oroua Missionary School 189 Scandinavian rnion Miss. School 192
Schools (See Educational Institu-
PACIFIC Press Publishing Assn 200 Scottish Conference 108
Pacific Union College 189 Sentinel Pub. Co. 203
Pacific Union Conference 7.1 Servian language, periodical in 213
Institutions in 82 Shangani Mission 169
Affiliated schools in 186 Shenandoah Valley Academy 192
Papers issued 204-214 Sheyenne River Academy 191
Paradise Valley Sanitarium 219 Sierra Leone Mission 135
Parana Mission 163 Signs Pub. Co., Ltd. 202
Periodicals issued 204-214 Signs of the Times Pub. House
Pernambuco Mission 163 (China) 203
Persian Mission 134 Silesian Conference 117
Peruvian Mission 164 Singapore Training School 191
Philippine Academy 190 Skodsborg Sanitarium 220
Philippine Mission 147 Society Islands, work in 144
Survey of work in 238 Solomon Islands, work in 145
201 Solusi Mission 169
Philippine Pub. House
Phoenix Intermediate School 189 Somabula Mission 169
Pitcairn Island, work in 144 South African Pub. House (See
Plainview Academy 190 Sentinel Pub. Co.)
Polish language, periodical in 212 South African Union Conference . 165
131 Institutions in 170
Polish Mission 245
Portland Branch Pub. House 201 Survey of work in
Portland Sanitarium 219 South American Division Confer-
Porto Rican Mission 175 ence 158
Survey of work in 250 Institutions in 165
Portuguese language, periodicals in 212 Survey of work in 241
Portuguese Mission 121 South Australian Conference 141
Press Bureau of North Amer Div 17 South Bend Branch Pub. House 202
Pua Training School 191 South Caribbean Conference 172
Pub. Dept. of the Gen. Conf. 7 South Carolina Conference 87, 88
Of North Amer. Div. 12 South China Mission 156
Publishing Houses, directories of South China Union Mission 156
197-204 South Dakota Conference 62
South England Conference 107
South German Conference 110
UEBEC Conference 45 South Honduras Mission 176
Q Queensland Conference 140 Survey of work in
South India Mission
South India Training School 192
R AROTONGAN, periodical in 212 South Lancaster Academy 192
Religious Liberty Association 14 South Lancaster Printing Co. ... 203
Restaurants 224 South New Zealand Conference 141
Review and Herald Pub. Assn. 201 South Pare Mission 133
Rhodesia-Nyasaland Mission 168 South Sweden Conference 124
Rio Espirito Santo Mission 163 ' South Texas Conference 98
Rio Grande do Sul Conference 162 South Wisconsin Conference 54
River Plate Academy 191 Southeastern California Conference 78
River Plate Sanitarium 220 Southeastern Union Conference 82
Rumanian Conference 113 Institutions in 88
Rumanian language, periodical in 213 Southern California Conference 80
Russian Branch Publishing House 199 Southern Idaho Conference 65
Russian language, periodical in 213 Southern Illinois Conference 53
Russian Union Conference (See Southern Junior College 192
East and West Russian) Southern New England Conference 24
294 INDEX.
Southern Oregon Conference 66 Victoria-Nyanza Mission 133
Southern Publishing Association 203 Victorian Conference 142
Southern Training School (See Virginia Conference 41
Southern Junior College) Vistula Conference 117
Southern Union Conference 89 Volga Mission 119
Institutions in 94
Southwestern Junior College 193
Southwestern Union Conference 95 WABASH Valley Sanitarium 222
Institutions in 100 Walderly School 195
Spanish language, periodicals in 213 Walla Walla College 195
Spanish Mission 121 Walla Walla Sanitarium 222
Stanborough Park Miss. College 193 Warburton Sanitarium 222
Stanborough Park Sanitarium 220 Warta Conference 117
St. Helena Sanitarium 221 Washington Missionary College 195
Stockholm Publishing House 204 Washington Sanitarium 222
Straits Settlements Mission (See Waterloo Industrial School 196
Malaysian Mission) Welsh Conference 108
Strode Academy 193 West Africa, Missions in 133, 134, 135
Sumatra Mission (See Malaysian West' Australian Conference 143
Mission) West Caribbean Conference 173
Survey of the Fields 225-252 West China Mission 155
, Swedish Conferences (See Central, West Denmark Conference 124
North, and South Swedish Con- West German Union Conference 126
ferences) West German Union District 126
Swedish language, periodicals in 214 West Hungarian Mission 114
Swedish Missionary School 194 West India Mission (See Bombay
Sydney Sanitarium and Benevolent Presidency Mission)
Association 221 West Indian. Union Conference
Sydney Sanitarium 221 171
Survey of work in 247
Syria, Mission in 132 West Java Mission (See Malaysian
TAGALOG language, periodical in 214 West Michigan Conference 56
Tahitian language, periodical West Norway Conference 125
in 214 West Pennsylvania Conference 42
Tamil language, periodical in 214 West Russian Mission 131
Tamil School 194 West Russian Union Conference 130
Tasmanian Conference 142 West Siberian Mission 135
Telugu language, periodical in 214 West Texas, Conference in (See
Tennessee River Conference 93 Texico Conference)
Texico Conference 99 West Virginia Conference 42
Theiss Mission 114 Western Canadian Union Conf. 100
Thuringian Conference 128 Institutions in 104
Tongan language, periodical in 214 Western Colorado Conference (See
Trans-Caucasian Mission 135 Inter-Mountain Conference)
Transportation Agents 10 Western New York Conference 25
Transylvania Conference 113 Western Oregon Conference 68
Treatment Rooms, list of 223 Western Washington Conference 69
Tri-City Sanitarium 221 Westphalian Conference 129
Tsungwesi Mission 169 White Sea Mission 120
Turkestan Mission 135 Williamsdale Academy 196
Turkey, Mission in 134 Wisconsin Conference (See North
and South Wisconsin Confs.)
UNION College 194 Workers' Directory 258-288
Union Conference periodicals Workers' Obituary Record for 1916 289
207, 208 Workers sent to foreign fields .... 254
Upper Columbia Conference ...... 66 Wurtemberg Conference 110
Upper Egyptian Mission 135 Wyoming Conference 32
Upper Rhenish Conference 128
Ural Mission 119
Urdu language, periodical in 214
VIDDISH dialect, periodical in 214
Uruguay Mission 161
A Young People's Missionary Vol
Utah Conference (See Inter-Moun-
tain Conference.) Dept. of the General Conf. 9
Of North Amer. Div. 14
VERMONT (See Northern New
England Conference) ZULU Mission
Venezuela (See South Caribbean 170
The World's Crisis Library
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