Wikipedia - Triple Deity
Wikipedia - Triple Deity
Wikipedia - Triple Deity
A triple deity (sometimes referred to as threefold, ancient Indo-European society conceived itself as struc-
tured around three activities: worship, war, and toil.[16] In
tripled, triplicate, tripartite, triune or triadic, or as a trin-
ity) is three deities that are worshipped as one. Such later times, when slave labor became common, the three
deities are common throughout world mythology; the functions came to be seen as separate classes, repre-
number three has a long history of mythical associa- sented each by its own god.[17] Dumzil understood this
tions. Carl Jung considered the arrangement of deities mythology as reecting and validating social structures
into triplets an archetype in the history of religion.[1] in its content: such a tripartite class system is found in
ancient Indian, Iranian, Greek and Celtic texts. In 1970
Dumzil proposed that some goddesses represented these
three qualities as dierent aspects or epithets and identi-
1 Triple goddesses ed examples in his interpretation of various deities in-
cluding the Iranian Anhit, the Vedic Sarasvat and the
In religious iconography or mythological art,[2] three sep- Roman Juno.[18]
arate beings may represent either a triad who always ap-
Vesna Petreska posits that myths including trinities of fe-
pear as a group (Greek Moirai, Charites, Erinyes; Norse
male mythical beings from Central and Eastern European
Norns; or the Irish Morrgna) or a single deity known
cultures may be evidence for an Indo-European belief in
from literary sources as having three aspects (Greek
[3] trimutive female "spinners" of destiny.[19] But according
Hecate, Diana Nemorensis). In the case of the Irish
to the linguist M. L. West, various female deities and
Brigid it can be ambiguous whether she is a single god-
[4] mythological gures in Europe show the inuence of pre-
dess or three sisters, all named Brigid. The Morrgan
Indo-European goddess-worship, and triple female fate
also appears sometimes as one being, and at other times
[5][6][7][8] divinities, typically "spinners" of destiny, are attested all
as three sisters, as do the three Irish goddesses
[9] over Europe and in Bronze Age Anatolia.[20]
of sovereignty, riu, Fdla and Banba.
The Matres or Matronae are usually represented as a
group of three but sometimes with as many as 27 (3
3 3) inscriptions. They were associated with mother- 3 Classical antiquity
hood and fertility. Inscriptions to these deities have been
found in Gaul, Spain, Italy, the Rhineland and Britain, as At her sacred grove at Aricia, on the shores of Lake
their worship was carried by Roman soldiery dating from Nemi a triplefold Diana was venerated from the late sixth
the mid 1st century to the 3rd century AD.[13] Miranda century BCE as Diana Nemorensis. Andreas Alfldi
Green observes that triplism reects a way of express- interpreted a late Republican numismatic image as the
ing the divine rather than presentation of specic god- Latin Diana conceived as a threefold unity of the divine
types. Triads or triple beings are ubiquitous in the Welsh huntress, the Moon goddess and the goddess of the nether
and Irish mythic imagery (she gives examples including world, Hekate".[21] This coin shows that the triple goddess
the Irish battle-furies, Macha, and Brigit). The religious cult image still stood in the lucus of Nemi in 43 BCE. The
iconographic repertoire of Gaul and Britain during the Lake of Nemi was Triviae lacus for Virgil (Aeneid 7.516),
Roman period includes a wide range of triple forms: the while Horace called Diana montium custos nemoremque
most common triadic depiction is that of the triple mother virgo (keeper of the mountains and virgin of Nemi) and
goddess (she lists numerous examples).[14] diva triformis (three-form goddess).[22] Diana is com-
[23] [24]
Peter H. Goodrich interprets the literary gure of Morgan monly addressed as Trivia by Virgil and Catullus.
le Fay as a manifestation of a British triple goddess in the
medieval romance Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.[15]
A modern idea of a Triple Goddess is central to the new 3.1 Greek magical papyri
religious movement of Wicca.
Spells and hymns in Greek magical papyri refer to the
goddess (called Hecate, Persephone, and Selene, among
other names) as triple-sounding, triple-headed, triple-
2 Indo-European theory voiced..., triple-pointed, triple-faced, triple-necked. In
one hymn, for instance, the Three-faced Selene is si-
Georges Dumzil's trifunctional hypothesis proposed that multaneously identied as the three Charites, the three
female at the outset). Ukshkk guards the main doors, the Qudshu-Astarte-Anat plaque a triple-fusion hyposta-
and is responsible for protecting all young children.[32][33] sis, and considers Qudshu to be an epithet of Athirat by a
process of elimination, for Astarte and Anat appear after
Qudshu in the inscription.[38][39]
6 Pre-Islamic
A pagan god was worshipped in pre-Islamic Arabia and 8 Three-headed deities
Nabataea with a family of deities around him among
which was a triad of goddesses called the three daughters Further information: Polycephaly
of God": al-Lat (Mother Goddess of prosperity) Al-
Uzza (Mighty one) the youngest, and Manat (Fate)
the third, the other.[34][35] They were known collec- In Hindu mythology, Trisiras and Dattatreya are ex-
tively as the three cranes.[35] The name al-Lat is known plicitly tricephalous deities, but other instances of
from the time of the histories of Herodotus in which she three-headedness are also found in Hindu iconogra-
is named Alilat.[36][37] phy, for example in depictions of goddess Durga.
the Osirian (or Abydos) triad of Osiris (hus- The triad of Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat in the time
band), Isis (wife), and Horus (son),[48] of Mohammed (Holy Qu'ran (Abdullah Yusuf Ali
the Theban triad of Amun, Mut and Khonsu translation), Surah 53:19-22)[52]
the Memphite triad of Ptah, Sekhmet and Lugus (Esus, Toutatis and Taranis) in Celtic mythol-
Nefertem ogy
the Elephantine triad of Khnum (god of the
source of the Nile river), Satet (the person- Odin, Vili and Ve in Norse mythology
ication of the oods of the Nile river), and
Anuket (the Goddess of the nile river). The Norns in Norse mythology
the sungod Ra, whose form in the morning
Odin, Freyr, and Thor in Norse mythology. Odin is
was Kheper, at noon Re-Horakhty and in the
the god of war, death, poetry, and the sky, Freyr is
evening Atum, and many others.[49]
the god of summer and fertility, and Thor is the god
The Hellenistic Egypt triad of Isis, Alexandrian of thunder and destruction.
Serapis and Harpocrates (a Hellenized version of the
already referred Isis-Osiris-Horus triad), though in The Triglav in Slavic mythology
the early Ptolemaic period Serapis, Isis and Apollo
(who was though sometimes identied with Horus) Perknas (god of heaven), Patrimpas (god of earth)
were preferred[50] and Pikuolis (god of death) in Prussian mythology
The Roman Capitoline Triad of Jupiter (father), The Zorya or Auroras in Slavic mythology
Juno (wife), and Minerva (daughter)
The Charites or Graces in Greek mythology
The Roman pleibian triad of Ceres, Liber Pater
and Libera (or its Greek counterpart with Demeter, The One, the Thought (or Intellect) and the Soul in
Dionysos and Kore) Neoplatonism
9.6 Gnosticism 5
9.6 Gnosticism
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva seated on lotuses with their consorts: The Gnostic text Trimorphic Protennoia presents a three-
Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Paravati respectively. ca 1770. fold discourse of the three forms of Divine Thought: The
Father, The Son, and The Mother (Sophia).[53]
Mitra, Aryaman, and Varuna in early vedic Hin- In The Elder Scrolls video game series; the gods
duism Akatosh (time), Lorkhan (space) and Magnus
(magic) are considered the three gods primarily re-
Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati merged in one is the sponsible for creation. The series also feature three
Triveni goddess: Mara (fertility and romantic love), Dibella
(beauty and sexuality) and Kynareth (heavens, the
Saha Realm Trinity in Mahayana Buddhism
sky and wind). There is also the two variations of
(Shakyamuni, Avalokitesvara and Ksitigarbha)
the Dunmer Tribunal gods with Almalexia, Sotha
Shakti, Lakshmi, and Saraswati (Tridevi) in Puranic Sil and Vivec along with their three anticipators
Hinduism Boethiah, Azura and Mephala.
The Ahuric Triad of Ahura Mazda, Mithra Ai Dahka (Azhi Dahaka, Dahg)
and Apam Napat in Zoroastrianism. Also, in
Achaemenid times, Mazda, Mithra and Anahita.
9.4 New religious movements Bune (Bime)
The Triple Goddess in Wicca Cerberus
Nuit, Hadit and Ra Hoor Khuit in the Thelemic spir- Ettins
itual system
Main articles: Athanasian Creed and Trinity The Graeae in Greek Mythology
11 See also [11] Sarah Amelia Scull (1880). Greek Mythology System-
atized. p. 284.
List of deities
[12] Lebor Gabla renn 62, 64: Badb and Macha and
Les Lavandires Anand... were the three daughters of Ernmas the she-
farmer. "Badb and Morrigu, whose name was Anand.
[13] Takacs, Sarolta A. (2008) Vestal Virgins, Sybils, and Ma-
Thraetaona trons: Women in Roman Religion. University of Texas
Press. pp. 118121.
Three hares
[14] Green, Miranda. Back to the Future: Resonances of the
Trichotomy (philosophy) Past, pp.56-57, in Gazin-Schwartz, Amy, and Holtorf,
Cornelius (1999). Archaeology and Folklore. Routledge.
Trifunctional hypothesis
[15] Peter H. Goodrich, Ritual Sacrice and the Pre-Christian
Trita Subtext of Gawains Green Girdle, in Sir Gawain and the
Classical Tradition (McFarland, 2006), pp. 7475
[16] William Hansen, Classical Mythology: A Guide to the
Mythical World of the Greeks and Romans (Oxford Uni-
versity Press US, 2005), p. 306_308 online.
[5] Sjoestedt, Marie-Louise. Celtic Gods and Heroes. Dover [24] Carmina 34.14 tu potens Trivia...
Publications. pp. 3132. ISBN 0-486-41441-8.
[25] Betz, Hans Dieter (ed.) (1989). The Greek Magical Pa-
[6] O hOgain, Daithi (1991). Myth, Legend and Romance: An pyri in Translation : Including the Demotic Spells : Texts.
Encyclopedia of the Irish Folk Tradition. Oxford: Prentice University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-04447-7.
Hall Press. pp. 307309. ISBN 0-13-275959-4. PGM IV. 2785-2890 on pp.90-91.
Triple assertions also occur in PGM IV. 1390-1495 on
[7] Davidson, Hilda Ellis (1988). Myths and symbols in pagan
p.65, PGM IV. 2441-2621 on pp.84-86, and PGM IV.
Europe: early Scandinavian and Celtic religions. Syracuse:
2708-84 on p.89.
Syracuse University Press. p. 97. ISBN 0-8156-2441-7.
[8] MacKillop, James (1998). Dictionary of Celtic mythology. [26] Betz, Hans Dieter (ed.) (1989). The Greek Magical Pa-
Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 335336. ISBN 0- pyri in Translation : Including the Demotic Spells : Texts.
19-280120-1. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-04447-7.
[9] "riu. Jones Celtic Encyclopedia. 14 April 2011. [27] pp. 593 and 1246, respectively.
[10] Otto Seemann (1884). The Mythology of Greece and [28] Ovid, Metamorphoses, book 7, tr. John Dryden, et al
Rome. p. 65. (1717). Accessed 2009-09-23.
12.1 Additional sources 7
Hecate will never join in that oence: [48] The Mythological Trinity or Triad Osiris, Horus and Isis,
Unjust is the request you make, and I Wikicommons
In kindness your petition shall deny;
Yet she that grants not what you do implore, [49] Manfred Lurker, Lexikon der Gtter und Symbole der alten
Shall yet essay to give her Jason more; gypter, Scherz 1998, p. 214f.
Find means t' encrease the stock of Aesons
[50] Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Volume 6. Fiction -
Hyksos. Part 2. God - Heraclitus, James Hastings, John
Without retrenchment of your lifes arrears;
A. Selbie and others (Ed.s), p. 381
Provided that the triple Goddess join
A strong confed'rate in my bold design. [51] Os Principais Deuses e Deusas da Lusitnia - Panteo
[29] Eliade, Mircea (ed.), Encyclopedia of Religion (1987 edi-
tion), Hekate entry, vol.6, p.251. [52] The Holy Qur'an/An-Najm - Wikilivres.
[30] Farnell, Lewis Richard (1896). Chapter 19, Hekate: [53] Trimorphic Protennoia -- The Nag Hammadi Library.
Representations in Art, in The Cults of the Greek States,
volume 2. Oxford: Clarendon Press. p.557.
13.2 Images
File:Bibracte_Deesses.jpg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Own work Original artist: Urban
File:Brahma,_Vishnu_and_Shiva_seated_on_lotuses_with_their_consorts,_ca1770.jpg Source:
org/wikipedia/commons/e/ef/Brahma%2C_Vishnu_and_Shiva_seated_on_lotuses_with_their_consorts%2C_ca1770.jpg License:
Public domain Contributors: V&A Museum [1] Original artist: Unknown<a href=''
title='wikidata:Q4233718'><img alt='wikidata:Q4233718' src='
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thumb/f/ff/Wikidata-logo.svg/30px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png 1.5x,
Wikidata-logo.svg/40px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='1050' data-le-height='590' /></a>
File:Hecate_Chiaramonti_Inv1922.jpg Source:
Inv1922.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Jastrow (2006) Original artist: Unknown<a href='
wiki/Q4233718' title='wikidata:Q4233718'><img alt='wikidata:Q4233718' src='
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commons/thumb/f/ff/Wikidata-logo.svg/30px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png 1.5x,
ff/Wikidata-logo.svg/40px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='1050' data-le-height='590' /></a>
File:Qetesh_relief_plaque_(Triple_Goddess_Stone).png Source:
relief_plaque_%28Triple_Goddess_Stone%29.png License: CC0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Camocon
File:Question_book-new.svg Source: License: Cc-by-sa-3.0
Created from scratch in Adobe Illustrator. Based on Image:Question book.png created by User:Equazcion Original artist:
File:Three_kings_or_three_gods.jpg Source:
License: Public domain Contributors: Svenska konstskatter. Frn ldsta tider till 1900-talets brjan, page 17, published by Bokfrlaget
Forum, Stockholm, 1949. ISBN 9928860475 Original artist: Photographer unknown, not credited