Hearings Before Subcommittee, 1954-05-19.pdf - 213538 PDF
Hearings Before Subcommittee, 1954-05-19.pdf - 213538 PDF
Hearings Before Subcommittee, 1954-05-19.pdf - 213538 PDF
INT1 1OE1. ANL NI Tu Ar .kF~
J w, KINBl,
Special comneel,
Suffice, Chief f Engineers,
I department of the Army 12
Policy and Continuity Branch,
Planning and Development Dlvision,
Civil Works, Office, Chief of IEngineers,"
Department of the Army 12
Assistant Chief,
Acquisition Division, Real t'state,
Office, hief of Lnwineers,
Department of the Army 12
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5R Y -~- ~Blrarurrcu~irriaanrruru~g~,~,,,,_,___7~ ____~ L-YIUr.U
, 1-3
WEDrNESAY, MAY 19, 1954
,i HR, 2233
S. 695
House of Representatives,
Washington, D, C.
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i 4
Hl.R 2233, and S. 695, which are identical bills. The Chair
are identical?
is use the two numbers and put one bill in the record.
~F~__~ t~s,
the first two lines of Part II and then indicate there the
The Chair would like to state that the two bills before
ment between the Tribe, the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the;
Army Engineers for the value of the land, the tangible damages
are required by the United States for the O0ho Dam and
that First they would settle upon the price to be paid for
agenda, they agreed to disagree and TI.R. 2233 and S. 695 wer4
, ., Now-..---
am.; A f ,.M ._ I . . _N._ R._--_
. .... .lm -ftl , . - . . "M -. I ". - "
Mr, Berry. All right, you may proceed with your state-
House Committee dated March 12, 1953, and the report to the
us at this tine,
that the Chairman referred to some time ago, this brown backed
RraCllluur.araarcr*,,rrrrrL -~31
14n.r L u~nur~-*-rr~,,_,l.,~
I believe.
this morning,
been with the letter that came to your Comtmittee last year,
Ir. Berry. Let us briefly run through it, and give the
would be within the taking area for the Oaho Dam, That was
After that a meotini was set to ucoet the Indians and open
the Government on the one hand and the Indians on the other
I guess is right.
Civil Works.
of $2,500,00(0.
Mr. Berry. That would have boon for the tangible assets?
1Ir. Fimbol. The land and ivproveie nts, and the timber
that correct?
explore that certainly with the Indian Bureau people and the
conversati ons
about right?
Mr. Berry, Then the Tribe did the same job of appraising
Mr. Borry. Did they revise at that time and state that
they had contacted the owners, that they had gone over each
piece of land separately and they gave you the detail/figure*
Mr. Berry. Well, now, the Army itself has ma4e no othet
survey ?
would you say that that was the basis of their appraisal?
-'! --- -- u .- c-.-__-r- W-- ~ .. . ~~-
mineral rights, and the uses to which the lands are reasonably
for the ber fit of the l.,dlans, the directive to the Hart
Ir6 crry. Now, is it a fact that cdring your negotia-
the Indi ans and tlh tii.e you negotiated in Washington that
the Indians claimed that this Hart proposal was too low and
Mr. Berry, Well, now, let me ask you one ruorc things
the Hart appraisal, and your answer was that the market value
seller for his land, that that was substantially the basis
for the values that were established b,\ the Hart appraisal*
statement as that,
Indian who owns this land to Diove, to give up his land and
two statements are the same. The uso to which lands are
element of appraisal,
scarce* Is not that right, that the prices are high because
this connection, and that is the fact that that map there to
if you know?
the areas that are normally first occupied and the most
.~~..~:-- ------- ~4
-- wr~~m~q~rrp*;wl
.. Araall*.
and members of each tribe who reside upon such land, so that
and fixing the value of the land, then there would be nothing
and reestablishment.
lease price when it was not river flood land, did not in-
which in the one instance, did not include the river flood
you; there is a unit, the last red unit, marked 203 and
r. Kimbal.. Yes.
Mr. Kimbh1. I think that probably would be a fair
has not been reduced for all of the privileges which would
ngi neera."
that the tribal officials who have lived there all their
the United States does not pay more than the fair value.
They are on one side of the problem; they are not *- and
people who are representing the land owners and I would say
by the land owners, who are very apt to give a higher opin-
of the Indians.
any means, and we, in our letter, have stated that there
or recommend
to the House.
this Section."
right, ordinances and so forth. But you are not the one
V .0"M N
to address that question to,
that correct?
me, because certainly here the lands are very similar and
Xr. Wstland, I would certainly aant to reserve
my position G ay
Vtigurvs until I know those facts. Cera
mainly weO On this committee want t* be sure that
both sies
of the river are being tree ted the sauf.b
'I ;. U, -.
listiod of "ausiation
Aorewj Appaj&aj
lItroe pa14
Purohaq@m~ 274.71 (avormtpar eOn) G(avenge por acxv)
178498 6.,00 6*oof
2F" landO aoqtdne on tile Wst side of he river te foflozng fiur
AM reported, I haA riiafnwn jua
LajtJio4d of QUeij;tir
(reePer *or*) (avvrs~e peor
ConJdewntion Lort)
5s539*8as $1.*6 i sat,
Mr. Westland. Getting back to severance proposition#
elementin thr .where you are dealing with the allotted indi-
has this land taken from him, from purchasing land else-
Mr.Westland, Yes.
where, but this dam will backwater some seven miles north
best land in the world, land that has been laid in there
no comparable land --
State, in my opinion.
these various things that are set out in the bill? When
for you?
your opinion?
S say that the Associated Press was wrong when it says that
40 per cent?
would~ say.
MMr, Berry. It would not be?
The Dvisivon Engineer reperty that the total area of the Scotty
ti0e (St'-U) ,~a wasapro~atel. lO000 aore of wi3doh'the
ovortment took 4,366.07 noares with the ;'ain water supply and hetad
uarte, nt
ovoln Ps a 03,
le Jury award was ",10,3,50.O,
'3'evuruoXe ojmo; . inluding 13,200
~I II_~
flr. Berry. Xfr*Abbottp dio you have some questions?
!!uesti ons .
Mr. Kimbafl, or Mfr. Bickford, oxr Kinney, who.Awould
the offer tof the orps in the YTnrch 12, 11953 reprt, and
"fr. Abbott. Are you familiar with the March i4# 1614
.4 Abbott, Neae
N~s 1Fbot,
have IBovu nnfle any adjustmentp upwrd
That time?
allow for that in the $2 million offer which was made during
Sthe negotiations.
of a flowage easement?
Basin also?
,. fee?
ii .
line between the contour or the higher point and the flood
you understand,
be permitted in that flow easement area.
of Interior
two departments.
apply the new policy, and vice versa, the other way.
is, one area you would apply the fee title principle and
for those?
p are now in, you might say, the planning stage, working
its position?
b8 various officers.
or discussions, possibly?
it not?
102,845 acres,
speculative element.
on the Missouri River, for those that have found oil, that
out there.
"Tl-c IPiq fun ' W'ild Tle Ser~ice in their report dated
Oa~t ii,- tfon tha t quic(-k; that mnay wel. boO but let me
prop Prty.
this bill are zero, then why rite it into the bill?
1, and I quoted
you are driving them out from the bottom, certainly should
of bookkeeping is it not?
40 miles long and 12.5 miles wide, and they paid ;ust
the bare cost of the land on the basis of what you propose
$250 0 per family, plus the fact that they were entitled
41 , ~ i1 t
r~ecsi~ iI,;t neclod to 11,0V'2.
Irr, TI-ii1-'4{. Yes.
$12 million at four per cent, four per cent on that would
on it to a certain extent?
lands between the high water mark and the low water mark,
i r:ade of what lhe i'air rental value would be and the owner
Pr In other words* we have got 145 silos
are grin to-4urn back to that map, units 203 and 208
V..'t vAi~lmctivcueotb
Betr're. atlas-
::~. I Jo not know wiftther it would be
*I ,not1 s(ec whyo
" If the~y can -tot ituP It, their loss is
:tr~".I i i l i L i,
A .4 4
J .1t. Thc T. dianz co:-i 'e -- tee th* tp did they
ritt ia er
0T Iai ,
of' the o:c; Tw you are ctting thewi off from the
t:. '.u..yoi havo aay objection to the Indians
Xr. Berry. Did you say that? I could not find that.
Mr. Kimbsl. The only thing we object to is that it
r to s t rryy
"The norma. eDepartment practice is that the Indians
.-... r ry. I have not made miyself clear. The tribal
Ua-w w Mun....
because of the fact that here you are dealing, not with.
Mr. Abbott. But is not this true, witi the open river
~- ~LI~L--L-- _ ~IIIII~.I--Y1 -,
ii~~3 . IthnVr -it wassy
rcoyi 7( ?
yr.~~~~~T a~~~
ki a
Mon. kwo
perhaps from an e-Ineer, or perhaps from people. who do
can answer yes, for the reasoth that it would depend upon
r. T-
i t1 . If the Indianrs are not given the pri k
ano hc Ia ter r ost of the timu, even under the new policy.
ation the "iencing in" theory they now have in the West?
therm in, not that the adjacent land owners are required
)Mr. I do not know that I am prepared to answer
ruloua Lion.
___ II __ __
11C y narle, R f I rtire the t v~as to bo paid for all -of
tv 1-n
arvt's There Vere no f-upetions- of valuing.
n thK Frrt Rprtbold Pcvtinthat wan being'e
the rorjct
1rL but %a
$7 million?
2t30 p.m.
m~r One hurndred thirty one fainilles,,
rit~h~i.T thin'~.-
own land?
Mr. Grorud. But the Indians are not asking for any
block of power?
Oahe Project?
the land that was being taken .rsaw the project at a figure
with the Indians: Number one, the fair value of the land;
____~ _ __ I II
!i wants us to do,
you did not take into account that portion of what is recog"
SHtro Berry. Mr, Juhnke, do you have any questions?
ar 'i v': at this value,
trbe accepted The !KTI (2~ :u its [:C;in
* 7r. . it>iv'c leor. i;ic a copy f the minutes
r Lag I, y
de~i:<l: tO a
nc2 ,i n- i rini'rrtne It, oil thuo fim-,1ire 104g420
ef'tim' !~Q
f~i~a- eO lvMairt apraiai figures
niJ t(I ' ,0flr0 and the Tndlan' Ias i c f ip-ure of $2,6,0OOi
of f% .
is attached.
in the RBI report No. 132, which data was also adopted
tribal negotiators,
reads as follows:
center off the malt~n channel. off the Ulssourl River, incluei.ing
so foth.
ship .
r 'tr,at lg rTt'bht,
acref .. Tt har, been agrlpred that the river beC I;q! -to tangible
by actual inspection.
of no consert;uence.
3 pm
Mr. Abbott. Is it not true tbht you are required
and requesting authority to proceed with a project to have a
total dollar estimate of the coat of that project?
Mr. Kiabil. That is quite right.
306 million.
Mr. Abbott. $306 million. That was as of what date?
Mr. Kinney. That is an estimate as of July 1, 1953.
'and easements?
Mr. Abbott. Could you state what that gross figure is?
.-. - - ..
SAgenoy Indians?
it for the record but I do not believe that figure has been
: - ... ,
Cheyenne River Ageneyt
MW, Kinney. I do not have enough detail here to answer
that question.
Soasmitteeb information?
overall estimate.
Mr. Kinney. We can get what they have in there for re-
cost of Section 4.
S Mr. Abbott. Well, Section 4 spell out the what; it
does not spell out the how, when and where; but would not the
"what" speoification be sufficient to indicate an approimate
Scoat? It is not a matter for negotiation as I take it.
Mr. Kinney. Not the way this is spelled out, no,
Mr. Abbott. A plan would be developed between the
' not coincide with what our basic, original idea of what would
ibe a reasonable replacement amounted to.
by the project has been made by the Corpa, the Bureau, and
the Tribe. Such shows that 983 graves will require removal.
r oade here All public roads within the taking ana of the
rreservation which are under the Jurisefttion of the State of
SSouth Dakota or any of its political subdivisions, will be
Dealt with on the same basis as in other projects. Relo*a-
tions w.l1 be provided at Government cost Were they am re-
quired by the publio. That will be by oonouwrrens of the
State. There is a main Indian service road along the Missoe
and Moreau Rivers north of Cheye'-ne Agency, ay portions of
whioh will be inundated to the extnt of rendering it useless.
It serves as an access to the properties within and adjacent
to the taking area, and also serves as a connecting road be-
tween Federal 1Highway 212 which crosses the Missouri River
near Cheyenne Agency and the crossing of the River'at obrid
South Dakota. It will be neoesary to raise bridAes and
locate porti.oas of the road in order to furnish the public
with adequ.xte road facilities. It has be'in estimated that
I( I ~ ~
Mr lom1.
~a. ANot
surve X know
that wbkas mad of, We Mnv to *0ea
no. physical~
and give you the best itonvAtion we hay* co that. But I
' '1"
oc u1 -o
tyr >ixrratn z'usfo1or
aroYa- fallolm.PJ
ii r!t- IC'A lo - XK
14 ,str-ati.on
Y)3 9IXx
I fr I
be an ita of expense under this bill that we shall relet
Mr. Abbott. P
But replacement pro tanto as ne& as
Mr, Abbott. Was that an item that you were not reqited
Mr. Berry. What figures did you have prepared when you
..-, .. _ .. ._ ua a,
4 L
Mr. Klmba
a1. No, sir; on the theory that that was a
bad deal,
Mr. Kimbf &1 It ohelck with our original 1949 dooumnt,
jso that your figure has got to be wrong. And it gosa 0Iar
Mr. Berry. How soon can you have those ftguns for Uis
:stained deed to it between the taking area and the water iue,
go through, I believe.
Mr. Abbott. The question, perhaps, that is raised, Mr.
entitled to.
-. ~~_~~
sa~ , ~lh~~
N~'na r~ l.
We cannot do a thing; as far as Con ss is Eoo0ena , 9w an
sitting here just the same as we were tour ye ap>.
owner of the land. For that reason, we oould not AgW with-
tract of land.
If necessary --
they now own, that merely means, then, will we maoept a mre
else can crowd them out, away from this waterfrot, Ibeause
~'- qt
i atrial to the question of whether ther is a hatard to Ul -
a.~,0.'- Br.' 6 I could, Mr. chairman , mak* a guess
the figure given this morning was roughly seven thousand acsns.
That would be --
of our pool might be, our reservoir pool might be, the Indians
Should not give the Indians aooess to the water moat of toh
below that.
the table. We would have to get our people froa the field
of what Congress does with this bill from here out, that th
area between the pool ~wel and what would be your five-year
trespass battle who stray to the water's edge,
Mr. KiBmbal. It would also giv us an interest that
we could lease for some grazing purpoo a or something of that
Ske wishes and desires <q any interest the Department of the
Mr. Berry. Could you not get together with the Departentr
K *
iIcommittee here because they are appearing before the Publio
any event, those decisions are not in our hands, Mr. Chairman.
all land 300 feet horizontally from the edge of the oonserva-
tion pool, which is not what the Chairman had reference to,
any of theothers.
The first recommendation in our report relates to the
The treaty between the United States and the Indiana does
ment and the United States that involves any session of land
will become effective only if ratified by three-feorth of the
rolled members of the tribe, the adult members, both male and
tenor of this hearing today that the proper figure, that is,
very good.
act, too, would it not? The Act itself, 870, provides for
Mr. Sigler. That Act does provide for a threawfoutths
majority but that aet also, I suspect, is not effective today,
although I do not want to offer that as a definitive opinion,
but the Act required negotiation to be completed within a
specified time and they were not completed within that time.
In any event, you see, I refer you to the fNot that the
ones they are giving up. It also includes the loss of suoh
the other point that I have will not, I think, take long.
The third point has to dowith the rate of interest.
The bill before you provides that whatever sum Congress
appropriates, including both of these elemnts of damage,
that is the cairent interest rate now paid for Indian fauds
is that the Hart appr sal figures, not appraisal figures, the
Hart listings are identical with the MRBI listings and the
Department's recommendation is to use either of those since
they are identical.
Mr. Chairman, I think the error orept in by our reference
to the Hart report without referring to the iact that it had
been adjusted at a later date and by "adjusted" I do pot
now provided the Indians. The bills before you provide that
the Bureau or the Department shall restore thone series and
facilities to the Indians in the same quantity ad the oen
quality as they exist today. The Department's rooemMendtion
is that it is premature to determine which aorrioes and
which facilities will be restored because the closing of the
dam is several years off and the conditions of the Indians
date when they arre r. '-vedfrom the area and iV would be more
logical for Congress to determine at that thi the natwu and
^^ ** * ., , .
different from this cost of restoring services d the i. b
involved is which of the services now performed b th#OMWu aW'
ment will be continued after the relocation has beeIn O letd
suggestion is --
you had finished your emotion that you were on, but at lly
Senate side,
(Infoomation supplied for inse,'tion in the transcript of record of
"Hearings before the Interior and Insil.ar Affairs Joint Senate and
House Subconmmttee on Indian Affairs - 11 R. 2233 and S. 695 -
WednesdaayMay 19, 1951").
(Information supplied for insertion in the transcript of record of
"Hearings before the Interior and Insular Affairs Joint Senate and
House Subcommittee on Indian Affairs - H. R. 2233 and S. 695 -
Wednesday May 19, 1951").
T --v rd.virslor ', XAn"r ro-.iorta Uuxt 'no OrAlysis of Und *SUM
in Ute rommir alms Um Tlart apprviol two been m& by tl*
t orpjs of FugUmro* I'louwmrp ho zvoorto the OVartiment of Agriftl*vo
aeftearoll g"Orvico tl-w)Wv a "Ime'lltne In form raml astAte tl row per owt
frm 1915? to 1953 And a deorout frm 19,53 to 195A owr tlv Unitsd
statvw of 6jx lv-- cont#0
(Information supplied for insertion in the transcript of record of
"Hearings before the Interior and Insular Affairs Joint Senate and
House Subconmmittee on Indian Affairs - H. I. 2233 and S. 695 -
Wednesday May 19, 195h").
The Division Engineer reports that the total area of the Scotty
Phillips (Smith) Ranch was approximately 10,000 acres of which the
government tooK h,366.07 acres dith the main water supply and head-
quarters. The government appraisal was 083,800, including $13,200
severance damages. The jury award was :;;104,350.
tho t4f4gloovio of
.,Iota%awykto MA
WROXPArip bot*M tbo ut*vduw MA usaar Artaiior''.
"3,' wed S.* 40
XWVAM Affid"
a p OWN
*X VO 90*t*
Tbo DiViSSAM FO*,4,nO*r M. *VIM VIA tb* t*Wl 4X"* at
10*OW 441" *Iah tbo
rMulps 041th) UM*l US iWpr*VIM&tOV I"b*r OMPLI.7 APA h*""
tog* 4s,366*07 saw with the rWlA MAW
""tevoo Tho CAM*Xmmt *pPratsial =0 $8 08001, uvluaim
OOVUVAMW dWAPtWo- Tl* jtaY WOW UM t12,09700
(Information supplied for insertion in the transcript of record of
"Hearings before the Interior and Insular Affairs Joint Senate and
House Subcommittee on Indian Affairs - II. R. 2233 and S. 695 -
Wednesday May 19, 1954").
No estimate of cos' for rclocat:i.n and rea tabli shing the individual
Indians was incl.diwed(o
To be inserted at )afe 46 of record. *'*.i
For lands acquired o tAhe wo-l;t ..i.de of the river the following figures
a-'e reported:
onUation *.,)3/oiJC ,17.86 ;)21.97