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Learning systems and services for basic

and further training

Festo Didactic SE

Rechbergstrae 3
73770 Denkendorf
Tel. +49 (711) 3467-0
Fax +49 (711) 347-54-88500
[email protected]

Festo Didactic Inc.

607 Industrial Way West

07724 Eatontown,
New Jersey
United States
Tel. +1 (732) 938-2000
Fax +1 (732) 774-8573
[email protected]

Festo Didactic Lte/Ltd

56823 en 2017-04 Festo Didactic SE

675, Rue du Carbone

Qubec, Qubec, G2N 2K7
Tel. +1 (418) 849-1000
Fax +1 (418) 849-1666
[email protected]


Media................................................................................................. 8

Workstation systems........................................................................ 24

Training packages............................................................................ 40

Pneumatics training packages.......................................................... 44

Hydraulics training packages............................................................ 76

Components................................................................................... 110

Services.......................................................................................... 148

Pneumatics/Hydraulics > Holistic and turnkey training solutions

Holistic and turnkey training solutions

Everything from a single source

Design, planning, and equipping The benefits for you

of complete labs for Security during the planning pro-
technology and training cess and professional consultation
during the entire project
Festo Didactic has set itself the goal State-of-the-art planning tools plus
of making learning even more a range of products which are tai-
effective, using its experience from lored to your requirements ensure
50 years of company history to rapid and effective progress with
develop learning solutions, as well projects.
as lab and workshop equipment for Investment security and optimal
the training sector. utilization of laboratories perfectly
tailored to your training needs
We will support you with the concep- Professional lab design based on
tualization, planning and equipping international standards
of your individual labs or workshops State-of-the-art training equipment
by means of a comprehensive range through the use of the Festo
of learning systems and a broad Didactic learning systems supple-
spectrum of technologies in the area mented with products by other
of technical training. Our range of market leaders
products and services comprises
complete learning systems as well as
industrial training and consultation.

2 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatics/Hydraulics > Holistic and turnkey training solutions

We offer a comprehensive scope of

services from project definition and
conceptual planning, to installation
of equipment and training for:
Industrial training centers
Vocational training centers
Universities and colleges
Sixth forms
Knowledge labs

Virtual Tour

Learning environment for

basic and specialized training in
pneumatics and hydraulics

Essential technologies Highlights Additional learning worlds

Pneumatics and hydraulics are Pneumatics and hydraulics training Besides fluid engineering, Festo
essential parts of contemporary packages Didactic offers other additional learn-
industrial reality. Air is clean, abun- FluidSIM is the worlds lead- ing arrangements for the following
dant, easy-to-transfer and store to ing simulation software for pneu- training requirements:
cite just a few of the many benefits matics, hydraulics, and electrical Multimedia and simulation
of pneumatics. Hydraulics offers a engineering Industry 4.0
solution wherever high pressures Connected Learning with Automation technology
and forces are required in industry. Tec2Screen an innovative Welding technology
learning method Process automation
Single and group workstations Metal working
support many modes of learning Electrical engineering, electronics,
and drive technology

www.festo-didactic.com 3
Pneumatics/Hydraulics > Flexible room concepts

Flexible room concepts

Innovative workbenches

Equipping of learning rooms The benefits for you

according to individual During the consultation, our years of
requirements experience with the training market
as well as installing various training
Flexible use of space centers, complete workshops, and
We will present you with an individu- labs will work to your benefit. We will
al concept based on the spatial con- take into account the latest safety re-
ditions and specific requirements of quirements and can guarantee a long
the location. In doing so we, will fo- service life due to our high quality
cus on cost-effective and optimal use standards.
of space, as well as multi-functional
equipment. Training in the areas of We will be glad to provide an on-site
electrical engineering, pneumatics, consultation regarding concept and
or mechatronics, as well as theoret- planning.
ical training or lectures can all take
place in the same room. Using the
ceiling system, industrial connectors,
and universally mobile equipment,
the room layout can be adapted
within just a few minutes.

Efficient and versatile use of rooms

saves space and cost.

4 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatics/Hydraulics > Flexible room concepts

Multi-functional teaching rooms


Our room concept offers individu-

al options for your learning envi-
ronment equipment. Mobile work-
benches and utility supplies that
you can fold back up into the ceil-
ing ensure flexible and cost-effi-
cient utilization of rooms.

For additional information regarding flexible room concepts see:


Main components of room concept

Organized storage Workstation system Power supply

Both workbenches and equipment The mobile supports for the learn- The flexible ceiling system is a
used can be stored neatly and com- ing systems enable a high degree holistic concept for multi-functional
pactly in intelligent storage systems of flexibility with virtually unlimited rooms, which enables hands-on and
in the same room or in an adjoining options. The workbenches can be theoretical teaching with appropriate
room. quickly and simply adapted to opti- equipment in each case. With power,
mize any teaching situation. This re- compressed air, and a data connec-
Our overall concept provides the fitting capability enables highly ef- tion directly at the learning location,
required flexibility. ficient room utilization and safety, the ceiling system is ideal for basic
resulting in great cost effectiveness. and further specialized training.

www.festo-didactic.com 5
The didactic concept

The didactic concept for a complete learning strategy

Our educational concept for the training packages

1 Inform
Read the problem in the workbook
Understand the exercise
Fill any gaps in knowledge

2 Plan
Design a circuit with FluidSIM
Draw a circuit diagram with parts

3 Implement
Installation and commissioning of
the circuit on a workstation system 5 document 2
with the training packages
Simple, accessible, and convenient

4 Check
Comparison of actual and target
Complete and
status and targeted troubleshoot- professional
ing, e.g., using measuring technol- course of action
ogy components Check Plan
5 Reflect, document
Evaluation of the result, optimiza-
tion, and professional documen-
tation using the worksheets in
the workbook and FluidSIM CAD

4 3

We offer technical training based on the complete learning-strategy model.

Educational and training institutions are facing the challenge of providing the graduates
who will be sought after in their local economy. Companies are looking for well-trained and
educated employees who are highly competent and responsible.

The Festo Didactic training packages are tailor-made for this objective.

6 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Training packages Pneumatics/Hydraulics > Overview

Elements of a learning system

Universal Laboratory furniture

Profile plate
Training packages



The benefits of the Festo Didactic Media Training packages

modular learning system Tec2Screen Pneumatics, hydraulics, and
FluidSIM sensors
Design your own learning environ- FluidLab Basic level, advanced level, and
ment according to your educational, Teachware supplementary equipment sets
organizational, or ergonomic require- Multimedia training programs
ments. Components/accessories
Workstation systems Add-ons or for customization
Save time using our coordinated Profile plate for pneumatics,
learning system consisting of the hydraulics and sensors
training package, the workbook as ER frame for control and regulation
basis for the course, and the appro- Organized storage for pneumatic
priate FluidSIM design and simula- components
tion tool.

Add further components to your

selected system for your own individ-
ual tasks or project ideas.

www.festo-didactic.com 7


FluidSIM 5......................................................................................................12
Multimedia training programs/WBTs................................................................14

Pneumatics/Hydraulics Poster Set...................................................................20
Pneumatics Textbooks, Workbooks, Training Material......................................22
Hydraulics DVD, Textbooks...............................................................................23

Media > Tec2Screen

Connected Learning and Fluid Power

Tec2Screen Courses Tec2Screen Courses

Pneumatics Hydraulics

For example: For example:

Tec2Screen course Tec2Screen course
Energy-efficient movement Flow resistances

The concept consists of: Exciting courses for Training content Training content
Tec2Screen app explorative learning Moving a load efficiently Flow types and pressure drop
Courses Videos, animations, measuring Performing a reference measure- Measuring and evaluating the flow
Simulations exercises, and test assignments ment of the existing circuit resistance of hydraulic lines as a
Tec2Screen Manager for inspire students to explore and Reducing consumption by r educing pressure-flow characteristic curve
20 users/workstations discover. The measuring instruments pressure Influencing factors on the flow
Learning management system: integrated into the courses make Optimizing flow control resistance of hydraulic lines
Classroom Manager interactive troubleshooting exciting. Shutting off the compressed air
Connects supply in the end position Further courses:
Tec2Screen hardware Completing the courses offline, Quantity curve for a hydraulic
Optional learning systems outside of the lab, is also possible, Further courses: power unit
ensuring that technical knowledge Energy-efficient clamping Pressureless pump circulation
can be learned anywhere at any time. Energy-efficient lifting Dynamic pressure adaptation
Energy-efficient gripping

10 Order online at: www.festo-didactic.com

Media > Tec2Screen

What actually is
Connected Learning?

Learning methods which frequent-

ly supplement and support each
other and include the following:
Practical learning
Classroom-based learning

With Connected Learning, these

methods are fused into a single
form of learning. The virtual and
the real world are seamlessly in-
tegrated. Software and hardware,
theory and practice, learner and
teacher C
onnected Learning pro-
motes intuitive, interactive learn-

Our patented solution for

Connected Learning: Tec2Screen.
Fun and motivation while learning
are guaranteed!

Overview of all Tec2Screen courses at:


Simulations develop a The learning management system New interfaces: Connects The hardware
better under-standing of The Classroom Manager m anages To explore the connection between As a basic unit, the Tec2Screen
real world applications courses and simulations as well the real and the virtual world, we base links the iPad with the pat-
As a component of modern training as self-made documents and have developed the Connects plug- ented Connects. The iPad can also
systems, the Tec2Screen simula- materials. The trainer assigns these in interface modules with a patented be used as a fully functional tablet,
tions can be used to test and sim- to the students individually and can interface. The Connects enable direct independently of the Tec2Screen, in
ulate controllers and applications simultaneously record their learning interaction between software and the classroom and elsewhere.
for PLC technology under realistic progress. hardware, and thus direct interaction
conditions. The new knowledge en- between theory and practice. Festo Didactic won the 2015 iF
courages practical and safe experi- Design Award for the Tec2Screen.
menting without real consequences Unique: the signal flow is completely
or the need to purchase additional transparent and easy to follow.

www.festo-didactic.com 11
Media > Software > Designing/Simulating with FluidSIM

FluidSIM 5
Pneumatics/Hydraulics/Electrical engineering

For more than 20 years FluidSIM Testing in real time Speed made visible Wide range maximum convenience
has been the worlds leading circuit Whether in a training environment The new simulation core of Fluid- Pneumatics, hydraulics, electrical
diagram design and simulation pro- or in an engineering office, the sim- SIM 5 achieves simulation rates engineering: the libraries are avail-
gram for pneumatic and hydraulics, ulation of control systems and pro- up to 10 kHz. The parameters of all able separately or together in the
and now also for electrical engineer- cesses has been standard in industry actuators can be precisely adjust- same program. The user decides
ing. Being able to freely design con- for a long time, helping to minimize ed. FluidSIM 5 writes the simula- which of the libraries can be used in
trol systems is motivating and pro- crash-based losses and ensuring tion results in millisecond cycles the program. All technologies inter-
motes creativity and focus. Beyond greater efficiency and improved qual- and delivers them as a text file! The act optimally in a circuit diagram or
that, FluidSIM provides teachers ity. The parameters of all simulated new simulated oscilloscopes make project.
with a wealth of text, images, and components are identical to those of frequencies up to 100 kHz visible.
videos for multimedia-based les- the Festo Didactic training packages Flexible installation and use
son planning. Dive into the world of and can be fully adapted to the char- Learning with fun and success Online registration, network li-
real-time simulations with your ap- acteristics of other components. Theory is all well and good, but real, cense, home usage: FluidSIM 5 of-
prentices, specialists, or students hands-on practice provides motiva- fers many license models that facil-
and celebrate successful learning at The many aspects of GRAFCET tion and p romotes successful learn- itate economical learning scenarios
all levels! GRAFCET long ago replaced the dis- ing! In many situations, FluidSIM 5 in a school or in a company. A new
placement-step diagram in training. can be easily used as a controller for learner administration function even
One tool for all needs FluidSIM 5 takes GRAFCET to the the real system: the EasyPort makes allows you to provide and monitor
As a teacher and trainer, you are the next level: it possible convenient, digital and licenses for learning groups and to
expert who masters tasks that are Editing for standards-based doc- analog! New: with the joystick, use the software at home.
needed to prepare lessons. That is umentation FluidSIM 5 is not only engaging, but
why FluidSIM 5 offers the expert Visualizing for maximum clarity it now also allows several switches
mode. But your trainees should ini- Monitoring colored signals and valves to be operated simulta-
tially concentrate on the essentials. indicate where the process is neously.
They can work and learn successful- running correctly or not at all
ly in the standard mode, which has Control for manufacturer-neutral
a reduced range of functions and control of all fluid systems and
offers advantages for the learning electrical systems

12 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Media > Software > Designing/Simulating with FluidSIM

Professional CAD according Libraries for new technologies Simulation in high definition Convenient documentation
to standards Libraries for the pneumatics and Signal processing up to 10 kHz Project administration, drawing
Convenient drawing thanks to hydraulics training packages at all Virtual oscilloscope for frequencies sheets
alignment guides and new snap levels, including control technology up to 100 kHz Individual drawing frames in all
functions and proportional technology Concurrent simulations of all sizes
Easy insertion of new symbols New: drives in pneumatics circuits in a project Automatic bills of materials, flow
into existing connections Vacuum technology Simulated values can be shown at path numbering, switching element
Variable drawing frames Sensors in pneumatics run-time tables, terminal diagrams, cables,
Continuous scaling and rotation Safety in pneumatic systems Several switches can be operated wiring lists, and tubing lists
Dimensioning functions Mobile hydraulics with the joystick Exports into all common formats
Intersection calculation of lines, Electrical engineering, electronics
rectangles, and ellipses Circuits with contacts Learning material included FluidSIM for homework
Slides, pictures, animations, sec- New expansion for administering
Completely according to standard GRAFCET in various modes tional drawings, video sequences external users over the Internet
All symbols to DIN ISO 1219 or GrafEdit: create GRAFCETs in Description of the physical-mathe- Administration of learning groups
DIN EN 81346-2 compliance with the standard matical simulation models Integrated chat functions
Connection identification according GrafView: visualize the control Training program for FluidSIM Simple administration by the in-
to new equipment identifier sequence represented as beginners structor
GRAFCET according to the current a GRAFCET Details of all components at the
standard GrafControl: control the process push of a button
with the GRAFCET, including error Completed sample presentations
simulation and process monitoring for your training course
GrafPLC Language changeover at run-time
Multilingual (standard German/

Pneumatics Electrical engineering System requirements

Local installation, Local installation, Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, or 10 New languages free of charge
single license de/en/es/fr/pt/ro/ru single license de/en/es/fr/pt/ro/ru Processor with at least In the future, you will receive
Order no. 8024357 Order no. 8024359 1 gigahertz new language variants free of
Network installation, Network installation, At least 1 GB RAM charge on the Internet. They
single license de/en/es/fr/pt/ro/ru single license de/en/es/fr/pt/ro/ru Dual core processor can be integrated into your
Order no. 8024360 Order no. 8024362 (recommended) existing version via an update.

Hydraulics Recommended accessories: Visit us on the Internet.

Local installation, X-Box controller We can meet your needs There you will find all the
single license de/en/es/fr/pt/ro/ru with cable 8026542 Multiple licenses for local or information you need on
Order no. 8024358 without cable 8032252 network installation with as currently available versions
Network installation, many licenses as you need. and updates for existing
single license de/en/es/fr/pt/ro/ru FluidSIM users.
Order no. 8024361

www.festo-didactic.com 13
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/WBTs

Multimedia training programs

Pneumatics Electropneumatics

Comprehensive pneumatics training. From the table of contents: The Electropneumatics training pro- From the table of contents:
The program is divided into technical Physical basics (units, properties, gram builds on the Pneumatics train- Advantages and drawbacks of
knowledge and coursework. laws) ing program and reinforces material electropneumatics
Energy supply (production, already learned from hands-on proj- Safety in electropneumatic circuits
Technical knowledge preparation, and d istribution of ects. Starting with concrete indus- Fundamentals of electrical engi-
This interactive, self-guided pro- compressed air) trial applications, fundamental elec- neering
gram covers the basics of pneumat- Circuit diagram (circuit diagram, tropneumatic circuits are produced. Pneumatic circuit diagram
ic control. Participants find practical symbols) With the help of numerous exercises, Electrical circuit diagram
and theoretical solutions to the key Drive components (applications, learned material will be revised, ap- Basic logic functions
tasks of a basic course on pneumat- linear drives, rotational drives) plied, and further developed. During Direct and indirect electrical
ics, e.g., as part of a basic vocational Valves (designs, directional valves, exercises, the program reacts to each control, time and pressure depen-
training course. stop valves, pressure control answer with varying feedback. dent process controls
valves, flow control valves, valve Signal storage in the power and
Course combinations, logic elements) The trainee is supported by the ba- control units, latching circuit
In this course, the theory-based Signalling components (manual sic knowledge module, which pro- Documentation for a control unit
technical knowledge is r einforced. A signalling, endpoint detection) vides fundamental knowledge on Maintenance and repair of electro-
wide range of exercise types makes Additional requirements electropneumatics in a structured, pneumatic systems
the course interesting and suc- systematic manner. In the compo- Solenoid actuated valves
cessful. Participants draw symbols E.g. single license with CD-ROM/DVD nents module, the structure, function Double-acting cylinders
and circuit diagrams, answer mul- Online de/en/es/fr/fi/et/el/zh and application of typical electro- Electrical buttons and switches
tiple-choice questions, and set up Order no. 540911 pneumatic components is described. Sensors
and connect circuits in PC-based vid- Network de/en/es/fr/fi/et/el/zh Various supporting materials are Relays and contactors, timed relays
eo clips. Order no. 540913 available to complete the exercises, Pressure switch
such as PDF documents, a variety of Standardized circuit diagrams,
downloads, and a comprehensive electrical and pneumatic circuit di-
glossary. agrams

E.g. single license with CD-ROM/DVD

Online de/en/es/fr/fi/et/zh
Order no. 540923
Network de/en/es/fr/fi/et/zh
Order no. 540925

Our authoring tool:

Content Builder
Devise and design your own
training media

14 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/WBTs

Hydraulics Electrohydraulics

Comprehensive hydraulics training. From the table of contents: The Electrohydraulics training pro- From the table of contents:
The program is divided into technical Physical basics (units, properties, gram builds on the Hydraulics train- Advantages and drawbacks of
knowledge and coursework. laws) ing program and reinforces material electrohydraulics
Hydraulic systems (principles of a already learned from hands-on proj- Safety in electrohydraulic circuits
Technical knowledge hydraulic system) ects. Starting with concrete indus- Fundamentals of electrical engi-
This interactive, self-guided program Drive units (components, pumps, trial applications, fundamental elec- neering
covers the basics of hydraulic con- containers, filters) trohydraulic circuits are produced. Hydraulic circuit diagram
trol. Participants find practical and Drives (single-acting cylinders, With the help of numerous exercises, Electrical circuit diagram
theoretical solutions to the key exer- double-acting cylinders, hydrau- learned material will be revised, ap- Basic logic functions
cises in a basic course on hydraulics, lic motors) plied, and further developed. During Direct and indirect electrical
e.g., as part of a basic vocational Directional valves (design exercises, the program reacts to each control, time and path-dependent
training course. characteristics, 2/2 directional answer with varying feedback. process controls
valves, 3/2 directional valves, 4/2 Signal storage in the power and
Course directional valves, 4/3 directional The trainee is supported by the basic control units, latching circuit
In this course, the theory-based valves, special circuits) knowledge module, which provides Documentation for a control unit
technical knowledge is r einforced. A Stop valves (non-return valves, fundamental knowledge on elec- Maintenance and repair of electro-
wide range of exercise types makes pilot operated non-return valves) trohydraulics in a structured, sys- hydraulic systems
the course interesting and success- Pressure control valves (pressure tematic manner. In the components Solenoid actuated valves: spring
ful. Participants have to draw sym- relief valves, pressure regulation module, the structure, functions and return and pulse valves
bols and circuit diagrams, answer valves) application of typical electrohydrau- Double-acting cylinders
multiple-choice questions, and set Flow control valves (throttle valves, lic components is described. Various Electrical buttons and switches
up and connect circuits in PC-based flow control valves) supporting materials are available to Sensors
video clips. Additional requirements complete the exercise such as PDF Relays and contactors, timed relays
documents, a variety of downloads, Standardized circuit diagrams,
E.g. single license with CD-ROM/DVD and a comprehensive glossary. electrical and hydraulic circuit
Online de/en/es/fr/fi/et/el/zh diagrams
Order no. 540917 Documentation of electrohydraulic
Network de/en/es/fr/fi/et/el/zh controllers
Order no. 540919 Simulation of a hydraulic and
electrical circuit diagram

E.g. single license with CD-ROM/DVD

Online de/en/es/fr/fi/et/zh
Order no. 540929
Network de/en/es/fr/fi/et/zh
Order no. 540931

Our authoring tool:

Content Builder
Devise and design your own
training media

www.festo-didactic.com 15
Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/WBTs

Multimedia training programs

Open- and closed-loop control GRAFCET

This training program uses practical From the table of contents: GRAFCET The new specification From the table of contents:
examples to show the difference be- Differences between open- and language for sequential function Definitions
tween open- and closed-loop control closed-loop control ( characteristics charts Advantages of GRAFCET
in automation. Easy-to-understand of controllers, characteristics of Differentiation from PLC
tasks are used first to examine the regulators) Good documentation is a prerequi- programming language
overall process of a simple function- DIN 19226 site for the quick construction and Configuring a GRAFCET
ing system. Later sections then look Signal types smooth commissioning of a system. Graphical representation of the
at different types of controllers, the Differences between types of As a result, products reach custom- language elements
different ways in which signals are control ers more quickly. In addition, the se- Graphical representation of the
represented and processed, and the Signal processing (synchronous quence description is an important sequential structures
ways in which programs are imple- control, controlling links, asynchro- tool for quickly and accurately locat- Structuring of GRAFCETS
mented. nous control, process control) ing and eliminating errors, reducing Case studies
Types of control (regulating to fixed production downtimes. GRAFCET can Exercises
values, tracking values) describe what the function chart has Glossary
Regulators (P, I, and D controllers, previously been unable to represent.
combined controllers such as PI or E.g. single license with CD-ROM/DVD
PID controllers) GRAFCET introduces the new stan- Online de/en/es/fr/zh
dard step-by-step, with the aid of Order no. 557688
E.g. single license with CD-ROM/DVD practice-related examples. Network de/en/es/fr/zh
Online de/en/es/fr/zh Order no. 557689
Order no. 540947
Network de/en/es/fr/zh
Order no. 540949

Our authoring tool:

Content Builder
Devise and design your own
training media

16 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Media > Software > Multimedia training programs/WBTs

PLC programming LOGO! Training

in accordance with IEC 61131

Programmable logic controllers play From the table of contents: This training program provides an From the table of contents:
a central role in automation. These Programmable logic controllers introduction to logic functions. First, Basic technical functions (AND
devices are used to control machines Project organization AND & OR functions and process- & OR function, memory function,
and systems. Programming languages in ing are shown in function t ables. timer function, counter function)
accordance with IEC 61131 Other basic control functions such Digital minicontrollers (differenti-
The program of a programmable Link-orientated programming as memory, timer and counter func- ation between open- and closed-
logic controller can be flexibly adapt- languages tions round off the topic coverage. loop control)
ed for any task. Various program- Sequential function chart The second part begins by covering Control components
ming languages, which are all based Structured text the basics of open-and closed-loop Positioning with digital mini-
on the IEC 61131 international stan- Sequence programming project control circuits and describes the el- controllers
dard, are available for creating the ements of a controller. It then takes Design and function of a mini-
control program in compliance with The training program provides a detailed look at minicontrollers, controller
standards. beginners with an ideal introduction including their features and areas of Cyclical program processing
to IEC-compliant programming. application. Areas of application
This training program allows users to Programming languages
become familiar with function charts, In addition to trainees, and students,
ladder diagrams, instruction lists, se- this program also appeals to skilled E.g. single license with CD-ROM/DVD
quential function charts, and struc- workers, technicians, and e ngineers Online de/en/es/fr/zh
tured texts in five programming lan- who have previously only pro- Order no. 540941
guages. Through the use of various gramd in IL, LDR, or FCH. The high- Network de/en/es/fr/zh
practice-related examples, the pro- er, IEC-compliant languages provide Order no. 540943
gramming languages are presented a range of benefits to be discovered
step-by-step. and used.

E.g. single license with CD-ROM/DVD

Online de/en/es
Order no. 574488
Network de/en/es
Order no. 574489

Our authoring tool:

Content Builder
Devise and design your own
training media

www.festo-didactic.com 17
Media > Courseware

Teaching materials for basic and advanced training

eiosn d e
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ech ica
ctr nti

Theory and practice course range gst
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ct ess
Dru run
Festo worldwide

a Pneumatics

u tis
ie Wrterbuch der Automatisierungstechnik

i o k

Argentina Finland Korea South Slovakia


Festo S.A. Festo Oy Festo Korea Co., Ltd. Festo spol. s r.o.

Basic level Dictionary of Automation Technology

Edison 2392 Mkituvantie 9 Gasan Digital 1-ro Gavlovicov ul. 1

ele y
A wide range of teaching materials
(1640) Martnez PL 86 Geumcheon-gu 83103 Bratislava 3
Prov. Buenos Aires 01511 Vantaa Seoul #153-803 Tel. +421 (0)2 49 10 49 10,

Ventas y Asistencia tcnica Tel. +358 (09) 87 06 51, Tel. +82 1666 0202, Fax +82 (0)2 864 70 40 Fax +421 (0)2 49 10 49 11
0810-555-FESTO (33786) Fax +358 (09) 87 06 52 00 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]


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Gunra Astras 1C

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Festo Eurl IC Trzin, Blatnica 8
Australia FESTO E.U.R.L. LV-1084, Rga 1236 Trzin

for basic and advanced training are

Festo Pty. Ltd. ZA des Maisons Rouges Tel. +371 67 57 78 64, Fax +371 67 57 79 46 Tel. +386 (0)1 530 21 00,
Head Ofce (Melbourne) 8 rue du clos sainte Catherine E-mail: [email protected] Fax +386 (0)1 530 21 25
179-187 Browns Road E-mail: [email protected]

94360 Bry-sur-Marne Lithuania
P.O. Box 261 Tel. +33 (0) 1 48 82 65 00, Festo, UAB
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Textbook Workbook

E-mail: [email protected] Germany Tel. +370 (8)7 32 13 14, Fax +370 (8)7 32 13 15 P.O. Box 255
Festo Didactic SE E-mail: [email protected] Isando 1600

available for these topics.

Austria Tel. 08600 FESTO (33786), TP 101

Rechbergstr. 3

Festo Gesellschaft m.b.H. Malaysia Fax 08794 FESTO (33786)

Linzer Strae 227 73770 Denkendorf
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www.festo-didactic.com 19
Media > Courseware > Pneumatics

Set of posters

Electrical, pneumatic and logic symbols Systematic control diagram of a pneumatic control system

Energy conversion Energy transfer Actuation Valves Comparison of logic elements Power component Displacement-step diagram
Manual actuation Directional control valves 1A1 1B1 1B2
Designation Function table Equation Symbol to Representation to Representation to
2 2 EN 60617-12 ISO 1219-1 EN 60617-7 1S1 Start
pneumatic electrical
compressor vacuum pump line connection crossing line by by by by by by
1 1
pushing pulling turning lever pedal rocker Identity I Q Q=I Q
2/2-way valve 2/2-way valve I 1 Q
0 0 I 3=1
normally closed position normally open position 1 1 1 2
Mechanical actuation
pneumatic silencer 2 2
energy source I Q
pneumatic motor with pneumatic motor with
one flow direction alternating flow direction I Q Q
by by by by roller lever, actua- 1 3 1 3 Negation Q=I
and two directions of air outlet without air outlet with 3/2-way valve 3/2-way valve I 1 Q
rotation plunger whisker roller tion in one direction 0 1 I
connection option connection option of travel only normally closed position normally open position 1 0 Control components 1 cylinder 1A1
1 1 2 2 4 2
2 2 1V3 1V4
rotary drive/semi-rotary drive with limited angle 3 3 2
of rotation pressure supply port, three-way rotary 1 3 magnetic field 1 3 1 3 Or I1 I2 Q Q=I1I2 I1 Q rear
closed connection 1 Q
actuated in initial position actuated 3/3-way valve 4/2-way valve 0 0 0 I2
I1 I2 1B1
mid-position closed 0 1 1 steps
1 0 1 I1 I2
single-acting cylinder, single-acting cylinder, quick decoupler without quick decoupler with Pneumatic actuation 4 2 4 2
1 1 1 3 1 path
return motion by return motion by non-return valve, coupled two non-return valves,
external force spring force coupled Q
5 1 3 5 1 3
pneumatically pneumatically actuated, reset by 5/2-way valve 5/3-way valve
And I1 I2 Q Q=I1I2 I1 Q 2
quick decoupler without quick decoupler with two actuated different size control pneumatic mid-position closed
I2 & Q
non-return valve, non-return valves, 0 0 0 I1
areas spring 4 2 4 2
decoupled; decoupled; 0 1 0
double-acting cylinder double-acting cylinder
i.e. line open i.e. line closed 1 0 0 I1 I2
Adjusting component GRAFCET (EN 60848)
with piston rod at with adjustable cushioning Electrical actuation 1 1 1 I2 1V2
one end at both ends 4 2
5 1 3 5 1 3 Q
5/3-way valve 5/3-way valve 0
mid-position exhausted mid-position pressurised
by solenoid coil with by solenoid coil with two Inhibition I1 I2 Q Q=I1I2 I1 Q
double acting cylinder with through piston rod
filter one active winding counter-windings directional control valve with
I2 & Q 14 12
intermediate positions dynamic 0 0 0 I1
p2 control valve 0 1 0 1S1*1B1 start condition
1 0 1
1 1 0 I2 I1 I2 5 3
Pressure control valves 1 cylinder advance stroke
pressure booster, single-acting, which Q 1A1:=1
converts a pneumatic pressure p1 into
filter with separator, fluid separator,
by electric motor with by stepper motor 2 2 1
with manual drain with automatic drain
higher hydraulic pressure p2 continuous rotary motion
12 Implication I1 I2 Q Q=I1I2 I1 Q 1B2 forward end position reached
1 Q
0 0 1 I2
1 3 1 I1 I2 Processing component
Combined actuation 0 1 0 2 1A1:=0 cylinder return stroke
pressure relief valve, sequence valve with 1 0 1 I1
adjustable exhaust, adjustable 1 1 1 1V1
double-acting rodless cylinder with adjustable cooler without flow lines cooler with flow lines 2
cushioning at both ends (pneumatic linear drive) for the direction of flow for the direction of flow 2 2 Q
of coolant of coolant by solenoid coil and by solenoid coil or
pilot valve manual override and 1 1
pilot valve 1 1 3 Nor I1 I2 Q Q=I1I2 I1 Q
1 Q
pressure regulator pressure regulator with 0 0 1 I2
pressure medium converter I1 I2 K1
air dryer without vent hole, vent hole, adjustable 0 1 0
lubricator 1 0 0
by solenoid coil or by solenoid coil or manual 1 1 0
manual override override with detent Stop valves
fluidic Muscle gripper, double acting, I1 I2 K Q
(hose cylinder) with permanent magnet 2
on the piston Mechanical components 2
Nand I1 I2 Q Q=I1I2 I1
& Q
Q Input components Start Input component
1 3 5 0 0 1 I2
0 1 1
I1 K1 (forward stroke) (return stroke)
2 1 1
1 21 1 0 1 1S1 1B1 1B2
detents I2 2 2 2
vacuum generator suction cup non-return non-return piloted non-return 1 1 0
valve valve with valve with spring K
I1 I2 Q
service unit filter with manual drain, regulator with spring
Accessories manual adjustment, pressure control, pressure reset via spring spring-centred 2 2
display and lubricator (detailed representation) 1 1 1 1 Memory S R Q Q R R Q Q Q
Measurement and display devices S S Q
0 0 qn-1 q n-1 S K
0 1 0 1 K
Port designations dual-pressure valve shuttle valve
1 0 1 0 1 3 1 3 1 3
2 S R R Q Q
service unit with lubricator 1 1 0 1
Standardised Previous designation 1 3
pressure gauge temperature gauge (simplified representation) K
(thermometer) for 2/2-way for 4/2-way for 5/2-way
and 3/2-way and 4/3-way and 5/3-way quick-exhaust valve shut-off valve Timer I texpired Q t1 Q I
Supply components
ISO 11727 valves valves valves I Q
adjustable 0 0 0
service unit without lubricator 1 P P P Flow control valves switch-on 1 0 0 K 0Z1
delayed 1 1 1 I
(simplified representation) 2 A B B
flow meter tachometer 1 2 1 2
3 R R S Q
4 A A In order to achieve identical identification of mechanical
5 R flow control valve, fixed flow control valve,
optical indicator digital display
10* Z adjustable Timer I texpired Q
Q I signal generators (S) and contactless signal generators (B)
adjustable 0 0 0
12 Z Y Y 1 2
switch-off 1 0 1 K
in pneumatic and electro-pneumatic circuit diagrams,
14 Z Z
delayed 0 1 0 I identification has been selected according to ISO 1219-2
* pilot port, on valves with normally open position
(NOT function) Q and DIN/EN 61346-2.
one-way flow control valve, adjustable

053614 en Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG www.festo-didactic.com 053615 en Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG www.festo-didactic.com

Electrical and electropneumatic components Pneumatic Directional control, stop and pressure control valves

Limit switch, electrical Pressure switch 3/2-way solenoid valve, pilot actuated Directional control valves Stop valves Pressure control valves
(PE-converter, adjustable) 2

2 4 p 12 3/2-way valve One-way flow control valve Pressure regulator

(1M1) 2 2
1 82 1 3 1 2

adjusting screw BN 1 3 1 3

3 3

P2 P1
1 2
1 2
pressure switch: connection to P1 3
vacuum switch: connection to P2
differential pressure switch: connection to P1 and P2, p1  p2 1
Dual-pressure valve
82 3 2 1
1 1
Proximity sensors, electrical Relay 5/2-way solenoid valve, pilot actuated 2
4 2
A1 3 14
4 5 3
A2 1 5/2-way valve Pressure relief valve
4 2 2
A1 1 1M1 14 12

2 5 3 1
A2 1
24 V 1 1
A1 2 4 2
BK 1
Shuttle valve
A1 2
1 1
BU 2
A1 12 14 22 24 1
A2 11 21
inductive A1 A2 14 12 11
24 V

5 4 1 2 3
14 5 4 1 2 3 12
A1 3/2-way solenoid valve, directly controlled 5/2-way double solenoid valve, pilot actuated
2 4 2
3 12 14 12 5/3-way valve Sequence valve
0V (1M1) (1M1) (1M2) form 1
4 2 1 1 2
1 3 5 3
capacitive 1 14 12 12
24 V
5 3
Quick-exhaust valve 3 1
1M1 1M1 1M2 1 2
BK 1
3 3 form 2
A1 2
24 V 12 1 3
BK 2
A1 1 14 5 4 1 2 3 12 3 2 1 12
A2 5 4 1 2 3 1

053617 en Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG www.festo-didactic.com 053616 en Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG www.festo-didactic.com

Everything that you need to know: Poster titles:

Pneumatic Power components Five posters on pneumatics Electrical, pneumatic, and logic
Mounting types Double-acting cylinder for proximity sensing with adjustable cushioning at both ends

cushioning piston
Now the updated version of the pop- Systematic control diagram of a
end cap permanent magnet

piston rod

seal bearing cap

ular A1 poster is supplied rolled pneumatic control system
seal and wiper
up, quickly providing a comprehen- Electrical and electropneumatic
sive overview. All symbols and ter- components
minology correspond to the current Pneumatic Directional control,
piston seal

cylinder barrel
guide bush
standards ISO 1219-1 and DIN/EN stop, and pressure control valves
81346-2. Pneumatic Power components
adjustable adjustable
end position cushioning end position cushioning

Cylinder with guide unit Single-acting cylinder for proximity sensing Pneumatic linear drive

de 193129
en 551015
Rotary drive/semi-rotary Pneumatic gripper, double-acting Swivel/linear drive, double-acting with Pneumatic linear drive with magnetic coupling
es 551014
drive with limited angle permanent magnet on the piston

fr 551013
of rotation

051269 en Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG www.festo-didactic.com

20 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Media > Courseware > Hydraulics

Set of posters

Hydraulic symbols Hydraulics Structure of a hydraulic system

Energy conversion Energy transfer Actuation Valves Valves Valves Signal control section Hydraulic power section Power section Control section
line, supply line, return line, component framing
Manual actuation Basic symbols Directional control valves Stop valves
and symbol boxed in
A A B 63/45x300
internal and external pilot line, leakage oil line, shut-off valve 3-way stop-cock 1A1 1B1 1B2
hydraulic pump with constant delivery rate purging line, exhaust line by by by pulling
pushing pulling and pushing P T P T 24 V 1 2 3 4 5 6
Function unit for valves with main ports. 3/2-way valve with 4/2-way valve with two non-return valve non-return valve with spring
The number of ports corresponds to the number solenoid coil, directly solenoid coils, directly B A2 B2 Drive section
frames for several components of lines shown above and below a square. actuated, reset by actuated, with detent
by by by spring and manual (double solenoid valve) 11 32 34 32 34
hydraulic variable displacement pump with alternating turning lever rocker override with detent S1 K1 K2
tubing line 12 31 31
direction of delivery at constant direction of rotation A B A X A1 B1 16 16
Mechanical actuation piloted non-return double non-return valve,
valve with spring piloted
X1 P T X2
Signal flow
line crossing closed exhaust B B 1Z3
connection line port 4/3-way valve, hydraulically actuated, spring-centred A1 A2 A1 A2
by by by roller lever, actuation 15 MPa 13 12 14 13 22 24
reversible hydraulic pump/hydraulic motor unit with
two directions of flow and variable displacement plunger roller in one direction of travel basic elements with 2, 3, 4 switching positions A B A 1V5 P S2 K1 S3 K2
only shuttle valve dual-pressure valve 14 11 14 21
volume, external leakage oil line and two directions pressure supply port, plug within a fluid line (OR function) (AND function) 1V4 5 MPa
of rotation. closed
A 1V3 1V6
Flow control valves Signal Signal Energy control T
4/3-way proportional valve, directly actuated P
P T A B input processing section
hydraulic tank connection, ending actuated in initial position G G
A B flow control flow control orifice, fixed
energy source below and above the oil level

Energy flow
2 4 2 4


hydraulic motor with rotary drive/semi-rotary valve, fixed valve, adjustable
constant displacement/ drive with limited angle Pressure actuation 1B2 1B1
B B1 B2 1 1
absorption capacity and of rotation and two paths and directions of flow through a valve X P T Y
two directions of rotation directions of flow reservoir closed reservoir open to
with cover atmosphere 4/3-way servo valve piloted by a control solenoid, 1V2 A B
with closed-loop position control of main and pilot
pneumatically hydraulically stage, with integrated electronics, external pilot
actuated actuated function: leak-tight locking, hydraulic seat A A
supply and drain 1M1 1M2 12 14 22 24
electric motor one-way flow control flow distributor
A B valve, adjustable P T 22x2
K2 K1
Electrical actuation 11 21
motor shaft points to pump shaft points to
the right (preferably) the left (preferably)
directional control valve with intermediate 1Z2
positions dynamic control valve P T
or to the left or to the right Control energy supply Energy supply 15 MPa P
by solenoid coil with one winding A B 4/3-way servo valve, piloted, solenoid coil with two 1V1
windings, with mechanical feedback of the valve slide
section 8 MPa A1 A1
active direction active direction position to the pilot stage
1M1 1M2 A 0Z2
towards the away from the
energy conversion K1 K2 1M1 1M2
compact gear unit (simplified representation) valving element valving element X P T Y 3-way flow control 2-way flow control T
15 MPa A2 A2
A valve, adjustable valve, non-adjustable pressure medium
hydraulic pump and hydraulic motor with shaft A examples for connection

coupling identification:
A = port Accessories
by solenoid coil with two windings, active direction P T
single-acting cylinder double-acting cylinder B = port P
to and from the valving element T L
3/2-way poppet valve with solenoid coil and 0V1
with piston rod at one end, with piston rod at one end
quick decoupler with quick decoupler with
P = pump
limit switch
Measurement and display devices 10 MPa
0V 12 12
14 .2 14 .1
spring chamber with T = reservoir 0Z1 1Z1
two non-return valves, two non-return valves, 11 11
leakage oil connection X = control oil supply
decoupled; coupled b10 = 75
Y = control oil relief 22 22
i.e. line closed 1M1
L = leakage oil
Pressure control valves T
21 24 .3 21 24 .4
by electric motor with by stepper motor M = solenoid coil
0M1 0P1
continuous rotary motion A pressure gauge temperature gauge 32 32
5.5 kW 16 cm3
Connections must be marked on the circuit diagram P (thermometer) -1 31 34 .5 31 34 .6
using the identification marked on the component, 1500 min
double-acting cylinder with through piston rod of
different diameters, with adjustable cushioning Combined actuation sub-base or block (ISO 1219-2). 42 42
41 44 41 44
at both ends T
filter tank ventilation filter
P L flow rate display flow meter
by solenoid coil by solenoid coil or directly actuated sequence valve,
and pilot valve manual override and pressure relief valve, self-actuating, with
single-acting cylinder, plunger cylinder pilot valve 2/2-way valve with 2 ports, 2 switching positions
for 2 flow directions. adjustable bypass valve
Variants of signal control section Examples for the identification of components to ISO 1219-2 Identification key
normally closed normally open A A fluid level display tachometer
position position (sight glass) and DIN/EN 61346-2
filter with bypass valve with optical contamination
indicator and switch by solenoid coil by solenoid coil or Electrical relay technology 1A1 double-acting cylinder 0Z2 pressure gauge 1 1 S 2
telescope cylinder, telescope cylinder, P L P L P
or manual override manual override with
single-acting double-acting detent directly actuated piloted 2-way pressure
1Z2 pressure gauge
pressure switch, electro- pressure sensor, PLC controllers 1B1 limit switch 1Z3 pressure gauge
p1 2-way pressure regulator regulator with external mechanical, adjustable analogue output signal component number
Mechanical components 3/2-way valve with 4/2-way valve with with external control control oil relief
Pneumatic controllers (explosion-proof applications) 1B2 limit switch
3 ports and 4 ports and oil relief 0V1 pressure relief valve, component designation
cooler without flow lines 5 2 switching positions, 2 switching positions P
1V3 non-return valve adjustable
heating Mechanical controllers (e.g. cam-driven)
pressure booster, single-acting, which for the direction of flow normally closed position A A pressure switch, electronically adjustable,
1V6 non-return valve 1V1 pressure relief valve, circuit number
converts a pneumatic pressure p1 into a of coolant output signal switching
higher hydraulic pressure p2 Detents are to be symmetrically matched with the Manual control (e.g. excavators) adjustable system number
mechanical connection. P T T G G 1V4 2-way flow control valve
G G With more than three detent positions the number
of positions can be displayed above the detent
displacement encoder displacement encoder 0Z1 fluid level indicator Component identification to Component identification to
3-way pressure regulator accumulator charging valve with analogue output with digital output signal
element. 1V5 pressure relief valve,
ISO 1219-2 DIN/EN 61346-2
0P1 pump
double-acting cylinder double-acting cylinder gas pressure accumulator, separation of
media through: X (counter-pressure valve
with displacement with integrated pumps and compressors: P signal receiver: B
encoder on the piston rod displacement encoder diaphragm bladder piston reset by spring spring-centred T P optical indicator digital display for tractive load) 0M1 electric motor
4/3-way valve with 4 ports and 3 switching fluid drives: A relay: K
(diaphragm (bladder (piston shut-off/ proportional pressure
accumulator) accumulator) accumulator) positions various mid-position variants 4 L
1V2 4/3-way solenoid valve, 1Z1 filter signal input: S electric drives: M
counterbalancing valve relief valve, directly
1 1 actuated with closed-loop spring-centred valves: V
2 2 position control of fluid level switch with electrical fluid level all other componets: Z, or any
3 3 solenoid coil and with 4 normally closed monitoring with analogue letter not yet included in the list
three-way rotary connection integrated electronics contacts output signal and
digital display

053032 en Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG www.festo-didactic.com 053036 en Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG www.festo-didactic.com

Hydraulics Directional control and non-return valves Hydraulics Flow control and pressure control valves

Directional control valves, directly controlled Directional control valve, pilot actuated Non-return valves Flow control valves Pressure relief valve, Pressure relief valve, application example: pressure relief valve
internally controlled, damped P
A B A B Throttle Orifice 1A1
4/2-way solenoid valve 4/3-way solenoid valve, Non-return valve, spring-loaded
mid-position closed
1M1 1M1 1M2 B B B B T L
1V1 A B

A A A A P 7 1M1 0Z3
1M1 1M1 1M2 MPa P T
fixed adjustable fixed adjustable 5
0Z2 system pressure limitation
l 3

valve slide 2 8 MPa

0Z1 0V1 P
high-resistance 1 8 MPa

housing direction 0
T L 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 l/min 8
d d q

opening characteristics p = f (q)

l>d l << d
Sequence valve, 10 MPa
externally controlled P

adjustment range A safety valve
A L 10 MPa
T A P B Pressure relief valve, application example: counter-pressure valve
direction P P 1A1

coil return spring

ar mature X X
1V2 P
manual override 1V3
range A L A L
T m
Y T A P B X A B 1V1 A B counter-pressure valve
2 MPa
1M1 0Z2
4/3-way solenoid valve, Slide principle Poppet principle Non-return valve, piloted 2-way flow control valve 2-way pressure regulator 0Z1
form 1 B A system pressure limitation
mid-position closed 8 MPa
A B B 0V1 P

1M1 1M2 P L T
A X 1A1 form 2 0Z3
B 10 MPa
1M1 1M2

safety valve
10 MPa
Pressure relief valve, application example: brake valve
flow from A to B
A m

differential 1Z1 1Z2
3-way pressure regulator suction suction
pressure A valve valve
regulator brake valve brake valve
0Z1 B 1V1
1V2 P 16 MPa 1V4 P 16 MPa
1V3 A B
0V1 P
flow from B to A closed 1M1 1M2

A throttle
point 10 MPa
flow from B to A
X A B safety valve and system pressure
limitation 10 MPa

053033 en Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG www.festo-didactic.com 053035 en Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG www.festo-didactic.com

Everything that you need to know: Poster titles:

Hydraulics Energy supply and cylinders Five posters on hydraulics Hydraulic symbols
Hydraulics Structure of a
Hydraulic power pack

pressure filter with

contamination indicator

Hydraulic filters are installed in

different ways, depending on
Now the updated version of the pop- hydraulic system
ular A1 poster is supplied rolled Hydraulics Directional control
the application in question.

cooling water Classic filter applications:

circuit return-line, intake-line and pressure
pressure gauge filtration (also in combination)

Further application:
bypass filtration
high-pressure filter
up, quickly providing a comprehen- and non-return valves
sive overview. All symbols and ter- Hydraulics Flow control and
control valve

pressure relief valve

return line breather filter
hydraulic pump

minology correspond to the current pressure control valves

pump holder
return filter
air filter suction pipe
filling strainer

standards ISO 1219-1 and DIN/EN Hydraulics Energy supply and

level indicator suction filter
cleaning aperture

electric motor

baffle plate suction filter

81346-2. cylinders

Pump types Double-acting cylinder Single-acting cylinder, Designs of cylinders

hydraulic ram

Designs Speed
efficiency Designs Remarks Schematic representation
de 196948
(min ) (cm ) (MPa)
differential area ratio 2:1

en 551012
gear pump, 500 3500 1.2 250 6.3 16 0.80 0.91 1A1
cylinder (piston area :
externally 1A1 piston ring area)

es 551011
gear pump, 500 3500 4 250 16 25 0.80 0.91 A M synchronous pressurised areas
internally 1Z1 cylinder identical in size;
geared advance and return
1V1 speed identical
A1= A2
Screw 500 4000 4 630 2.5 16 0.70 0.84

fr 551010
cylinder with to reduce the speed of
pump end position heavy loads and to
P T cushioning prevent heavy impact
0Z1 0Z1
vane 960 3000 5 160 10 16 0.80 0.93
pump telescopic increased stroke travel

axial ...... 3000 100 20 0.82 0.92 pressure gives higher pressure
piston 750 3000 25 800 16 25 0.82 0.92 intensifier
pump 750 3000 25 800 16 32 0.80 0.92

tandem cylinder for cases requiring

radial 960 3000 5 160 16 32 0.90 high forces and where
piston the available space is
pump limited

053034 en Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG www.festo-didactic.com

www.festo-didactic.com 21
Media > Courseware > Pneumatics

Textbooks, Workbooks, Training material

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E-mail: [email protected] 573030 EN 11/06 094465 en

Basic principles of pneumatics Basic pneumatic controllers Closed-loop pneumatics Case of cutaway pneumatic models
and electropneumatics Practical knowledge Workbook For visualising the structure and
Textbook This booklet has been created for The 21 exercises contained in this function of pneumatic components.
For use in vocational schools, tech- practitioners who need to implement workbook offer a practical introduc-
nical colleges, schools for master small projects quickly and effective- tion to closed-loop control pneu- All of the cutaway models used are
craftspeople, and in company-wide ly. The various circuit examples fa- matics. Besides fundamentals, the of industrial design. Dynamic ele-
training cilitate the creation of many simple workbook also covers subjects such ments and wearing parts correspond
Conveys the essential basic prin- tasks. The examples shown are com- as the function of various controllers to the original. The models select-
ciples of pneumatics and electro- plementary. If something is not clear, and control circuits, empirical set- ed are those relevant to pneumatic
pneumatics the previous step can be referred to. ting of controller parameters and the training. Some of the cutaway mod-
Contains technical and mathemat- This means that even those with lit- influence of interference variables. els retain their function or partial
ical content, application examples, tle experience can quickly become You will need equipment set Closed- function so that they can be demon-
workflow descriptions, and safe- familiar with the subject matter. loop control pneumatics, TP 111 to strated in use.
ty measures for electropneumatic carry out the exercises.
control systems, as well as over- Reference work for circuit The following components are in-
views of the relevant symbols and planning symbols The workbook includes: cluded in a case of cutaway models:
circuit symbols A detailed overview of the most Sample solutions Single and double-acting cylinders
Also presents in detail the design important circuit planning sym- Training notes Filter regulator
of circuit diagrams and individual bols shows the structure of control- Multimedia CD-ROM with AND gate
pneumatic components lers and gives hints on the practical supplementary media OR gate
Takes into account the change in implementation of circuit diagrams Exercise sheets for trainees Delay valve
the requirements and technical that have been developed. Quick-exhaust valve
developments in electropneumatic J. Gerhartz, D. Scholz Valve slice
control systems W. Braungard, P. Lbelenz, G. Mark Edition 2001, 542 pages, in folder. Pressure gauge
Edition 2006, 80 pages, booklet. Roller lever valve
F. Ebel, S. Idler, G. Prede, D. Scholz de 151508 Campus license ( Page 19): Pressure sequence valve
Edition 2013, 212 pages, in colour, bound. de 94459 Pneumatic valve
de 567028 en 94465 One-way flow control valve
en 573030 es 533499 Order no. 539007
es 573031 fr 94347
fr 573032

22 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Media > Courseware > Hydraulics

DVD, Textbooks

Festo worldwide
Hydraulics Proportional Hydraulics
Festo spol. s r.o.

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E-mail: [email protected]
Festo Pneumatic, S.A.U.
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Tel. +34 901243660, Fax +34 902243660
E-mail: [email protected]
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United States
Festo Corporation
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Hydraulics Electrohydraulics, Fundamentals

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Call Toll-free 800/993 3786
1 89 Fax Toll-free 800/963 3786
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01 Festo Co Ltd
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Festo Didactic Festo Didactic
574181 en 094378 en

Fundamentals of hydraulics Proportional hydraulics, Basic level DVD Electropneumatics/

and electrohydraulics Textbook Electrohydraulics, Basic level
Textbook How can speed be controlled? How This video primarily covers electrical
This textbook teaches the main is a position held? How is leakage controllers. In addition to an intro-
fundamentals of hydraulics and avoided? Where and when can ener- duction to electrical engineering, it
electrohydraulics in a clear manner: gy be conserved? This book provides shows the most important switching
Physical fundamentals of a clear and easy-to-understand intro- elements and basic circuits. Practical
hydraulics duction to the fundamentals of pro- applications alternate with anima-
Fundamentals regarding hydraulic portional hydraulics. tions and circuit examples.
Components of the power supply D. Scholz The DVD is multilingual (de, en, es,
section Edition 1997, 123 pages, bound. fr, it, tr, cn, ru). The language can be
Drives, pressure regulators, de 94377 selected.
directional control valves, shut- en 94378
off valves, flow control valves, and 48 minutes
proportional valves, as well as Order no. 538487
characteristic values and designs
Fundamentals of electrical engi-
neering and electrical components
Workflow descriptions for process-
ing machines and production sys-
Circuit symbols and layout of
circuit diagrams
Safety measures for electrohydrau-
lic control systems

Renate Aheimer, Christine Lffler, Dieter

Merkle, Georg Prede, Klaus Rupp, Dieter
Scholz, Burkhard Schrader
2012 edition, 232 pages, in color, bound.
de 574180
en 574181
es 574182

www.festo-didactic.com 23
Workstation systems

Universal laboratory furniture.........................................................................26


Workstation systems > Universal laboratory furniture

The universal laboratory furniture


The modular workstation systems for With Learnline, you have an integrat- Quality from Festo Versatile, flexible, and expandable
basic and specialized training. With ed storage principle that can be used We dont make compromises when it One glance at the basic structure
many practical details to make teach- for training in pneumatic, hydraulic, comes to quality. Workmanship and proves that Learnline meets a mul-
ing and learning easier. or electrical engineering without the functionality are of the highest lev- titude of requirements. After all,
need for modifications. Design and el. The torsionally rigid design and with just a few individual and well
function are combined, which is evi- the high-quality coating of the work thought-out components, results can
dent in every practical detail. Learn- surface and frame guarantee a long be achieved which suit the needs of
line consists of basic mobile and sta- service life despite many stresses people, the available space, and any
tionary units with a cable/oil tray, and strains. Learnline can handle the technical challenges. The function-
various modular systems and exten- rigorous routine of everyday teach- al profile column is a prerequisite
sion elements, rolling and fixed con- ing as well as a vibrating load during for modularity. As the central attach-
tainers, in addition to special storage hydraulic position control. Even high ment point, it opens up a multitude
systems, attachments, and the corre- mechanical forces, e.g., of servo- of options for putting together each
sponding accessories. The modular hydraulics, proportional pneumatics, desired configuration.
workstation system offers a multi- or robotic superstructures, can be
tude of configurations and mounting easily accommodated by Learnline. All components can be placed
options. Expert consultants in over anywhere on the slotted assembly
50 countries are available to prepare board and can be fastened tightly
an individual quotation for you. and securely in the profile slot with
a T-head nut or the patented Quick-
Fix with little effort and without addi-
tional tools.

A mounting system for all technolo-

gies and applications.

26 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Workstation systems > Universal laboratory furniture

Keeping order Integrated electrics

It doesnt matter whether you keep With various electrical insert
your training packages in the Sys- panels, a supply duct, and differ-
tainer or in the container. The stor- ent superstructures, workstations
age equipment from Festo Didactic can be put to universal use. The
always ensures you have a quick mounting frames can be used for a
overview. The lockable containers large number of assembly boards
are equipped with self-closing and ER units. The ER mounting
drawer runners and a safety stop. frame is compatible with the elec-
Every drawer holds up to 20 kg trical components of the training
(44 lb). The shipping packaging packages. Alternatively, you can
for the pneumatic and hydraulic choose an A4 mounting frame ac-
equipment sets can be used as cording to the electrical engineer-
orderly drawer inserts. That saves ing standard.
material and gives you a quick
overview of the drawer contents.

Standard for design and function Learnline online configurator

Learnline Winner of international Familiarize yourself with Learnlines
design awards: functional design and configure your
iF product design award workstation quickly and easily on the
Silver Focus design award Internet according to your individual
requirements. Opt for a predefined
standard workstation or put togeth-
er your own configuration accord-
ing to your needs. Slotted assembly
boards, drawer units, and accesso-
ries can be easily selected and add-
ed to your configuration. The result
is a graphic representation of your
selection along with a parts list.

Worldwide at your fingertips. Find your contact person at: www.festo-didactic.com 27

Workstation systems > Universal laboratory furniture > Learnline

Learnline mobile
More versatile than ever!

Flexible and modular

Learnline is of modular design and
offers an almost unlimited range of
configuration possibilities for your
Learnline workstation.

High mobility and optimum use

of space
Individual or group training work-
stations can be created with a mini-
mum of effort wherever they are re-
quired. Transport through doors is
also possible. This mobile worksta-
tion is designed in such a way as to
permit several people to work simul-
taneously. This is further facilitated
by the two integrated, fixed drawer
units that ensure quick and easy ac-
cess to the required components of
the Learning System.

Winner of international design

28 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Workstation systems > Universal laboratory furniture > Learnline

Optimum use of space Hydraulics for advanced trainees Pneumatic and Vertical or inclined?
The positioning of the storage plate The double pump power unit fits electrotechnical training Choose the vertical profile plate if
means that the free space beside the neatly on the frame beside the fixed The storage plate can hold up to you want to use the worktop for
fixed drawer units can be used for drawer units with no additional at- two compressors. Further mounting books or laptops, for example. Or if
Systainer or other storage systems. tachment required. The discharge frames for electronic components in the workstation is to be used from
The hydraulic power unit with single measuring container also fits beside A4 format, for example, can be used both sides, opt for the inclination
pump fits conveniently beside the the 1100 mm profile plate. in addition to the 700 mm p
rofile unit with an additional profile plate
1100 mm profile plate. plate. to adapt the plate inclination to your

1 2 3

The preferred types with price advantage. Flexibly expandable.

(Overall dimensions W1556 x D780 x H1773)
1 With 1100 x 700 mm profile plate and ER frame 539028
2 With 700 x 700 mm profile plate and ER frame 539030
3 With 2x 700 x 700 mm profile plate and ER frame 572155

Worldwide at your fingertips. Find your contact person at: www.festo-didactic.com 29

Workstation systems > Universal laboratory furniture > Learnline

Stationary Learnline
Ergonomic and flexible

The stationary solution

With the stationary workstation
systems, Learnline combines the
requirements for typical desk sys-
tems with high functionality. They
provide ample desk space and leg-
room thanks to the roller container.
The containers also ensure quick and
easy access to any required compo-

Vertical or inclined?
The sturdy profile plate is fastened
to the stable profile of the angle ad-
justment. The inclination of the slot-
ted profile plate can be infinitely
adjusted, all the way down to a hor-
izontal position. The workstation
arrangement thus always offers the
best ergonomic position for any ex-

Winner of international design prices

30 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Workstation systems > Universal laboratory furniture > Learnline


Move up into another dimension: Optimum space utilization Pneumatic and electrical training Ergonomic connections
profile columns as set-up space Thanks to the angle adjustment, the In addition to the 700 mm (27.5) With the supply duct, all important
Use the versatile profile columns as a profile plate can be lowered into a profile plate, additional mounting interfaces are within reach. In addi-
set-up space, compatible with Quick- horizontal position. Use the available frames can be inserted for electronic tion to the electrical and pneumatic
Fix, for equipment sets or for attach- space for A4 or ER mounting frames. components. supplies, PC interfaces, such as USB,
ing additional components vertically. Ethernet, or serial interfaces, can al-
Additional components, for example so be integrated in the supply duct.
cylinders with a 400 mm stroke, can
be mounted on the angle adjustment

1 2 3

The preferred types with price advantage. Flexibly expandable.

(Overall dimensions W1512 x D780 x H1718)
1 With 1100 x 700 mm profile plate and ER frame 539023
2 With 700 x 700 mm profile plate and ER frame 539025
3 Order no. 539025 with supply duct On request

Worldwide at your fingertips. Find your contact person at: www.festo-didactic.com 31

Workstation systems > Universal laboratory furniture > Learnline

Your individual design

1 2 Basic units 2 Basic stationary unit

Stable and with a high-quality The height of the worktop ensures a
coating, the basic worktables are comfortable working position when
guaranteed to fulfill your high seated. For holding a mounting
requirements. frame for profile plate set-up.
W 1512 x D 780 x H 760.
1 Basic mobile unit
With castors and wheel brakes. The
high worktop ensures a comfortable
working position when standing. The
flexible design of this workstation
makes it ideally suited to simultane-
ous use from both sides. W 1556 x
D 780 x H 815.

1 Basic mobile unit 535832

2 Basic stationary unit 535835

3 6 Drawer units 6/7/8 Wheeled drawer unit for

stationary workstations
3/4/5 Fixed drawer unit for Wheeled drawer unit with fully ex-
installation in mobile workstations tending, lockable steel drawers with
Drawer unit with fully-extending, safety stop. Fronts can be labelled.
lockable steel drawers with safety Load 20 kg per drawer. External di-
stop. Fronts can be labelled. Load mensions body W 476 x D 788 x H
20 kg per drawer. External dimen- 657, usable inner dimensions W 375
sions of body W 476 x D 788 x H 592, x D 700. All wheels freely movable,
4 7 usable inner dimensions W 375 x two wheels with lockable brake.
D 700.

3 Fixed drawer unit for pneumatics (4 drawers) 535833

4 Fixed drawer unit for hydraulics (3 drawers) 539026
5 Fixed drawer unit for mobile hydraulics (2 drawers) 574153
6 Wheeled drawer unit for pneumatics (4 drawers) 535834
7 Wheeled drawer unit for hydraulics (3 drawers) 539731
8 Wheeled drawer unit for mobile hydraulics (2 drawers) 574152
5 8

32 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Workstation systems > Universal laboratory furniture > Learnline

Mounting frame/Mounting sets 2 For inclined mounting 1 3

Versatile profile columns form the of the profile plate
core of the Learnline system. They The profile plate support can be
are used to mount the profile plate mounted at any height between the
frame, to attach components, or as two profile columns, ensuring work-
an alternative mounting surface for station ergonomics tailored to your
your training components. requirements. You can also place the
components from the training pack-
1 For vertical mounting age directly on the mounting frame,
of the profile plate thereby freeing up additional work-
The profile plate support is mount- space.
ed between the profile columns, the
profile plate is securely screwed to
the mounting frame and the frame 3 Mounting frame/Mounting sets for
structure. This makes the worksta- A4 mounting frame 2
tion extremely strong and resilient A4 mountings are mounted between
and means that the profile plate the profile columns. Up to three rows
can be used from both sides. of A4 mountings can be attached by
means of two additional mounting
sets for A4 mounting.

When mounting profile plates, order

one mounting set per profile plate.
When mounting A4 units, order one
mounting set for A4 mounting for
each additional row.

1 Mounting frame for vertical mounting of the profile plate 540698

Mounting set for vertical mounting of the profile plate 540697
2 Mounting frame for inclined mounting of the profile plate 539032
Mounting set for inclined mounting of the profile plate 539735
3 Mounting frame for A4 mounting frame 8066141
Mounting set for A4 mounting frame 8065498

4/5 Aluminum profile plates The grooves are compatible with the 4 5
The anodized aluminum profile plate ITEM profile system. Grid dimensions:
forms the basis for all training packag- 50 mm (1.97).
es. All of the components fit securely
and safely into the grooves on the pro- For installation on tables we recom-
file plate. There are grooves on each mend the appropriate rubber feet
side and, if required, both sides can be (order no. 158343).
fitted with components.

700 x 550 mm 159409

4 700 x 700 mm 159410
5 700 x 1100 mm 159411

Worldwide at your fingertips. Find your contact person at: www.festo-didactic.com 33

Workstation systems > Universal laboratory furniture > Learnline

Your individual design

1 3 ER and DIN A4 mounting frames 1/2 Mounting frame

The mounting frames for the work- (1500 mm wide)
stations are designed to hold a large The frame mounted on the profile
number of exercise boards and ER column is height-adjustable and
units from the Learning System for holds up to 12 ER/6 A4 units. One
Automation. This compatibility also mounting frame can be attached to
extends to electrotechnical equip- each side of the mobile workstation.
ment in A4 format. It is thus possible
to obtain a satisfactory solution to 3/4 Mounting frame
almost any specific task. (700 mm wide)
2 4 The small mounting frame permits
the use of ER/A4 components to the
direct left or right of a 700 mm broad
profile plate.

1 ER mounting frame (1500 mm wide) 539022

2 ER mounting frame (700 mm wide) 539033
3 A4 mounting frame (1500 mm wide) 539021
4 A4 mounting frame (700 mm wide) 539755

5 7 5 Oil spillage/protective mat 7 Table extension

Black, with rubber border. Protects For easy attachment to the profile
the tabletop of the Learnline system column of a mobile workstation. The
and keeps it clean. height of the table can be adjusted to
312 x 1512 mm 541133 between 700 and 815 mm. The table-
top dimensions are W 780 x D 600.
6 Storage plate Order no. 566435
Fits into the mobile frame, in addi-
tion to two drawer units, and offers
installation space for two compres-
6 sors (order no. 91030) for example.
W 748 x D 403 x H 30.
Order no. 539729

34 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Workstation systems > Universal laboratory furniture > Learnline


1 Universal bracket 6/7/8 Protective grounding for 1 6

Permits the mounting of up to two workbenches
hydraulic power units with single The products serve as protective
pump, up to two hydraulic measur- grounding for workbenches as per
ing containers, or holders for stor- the VDE 0100 standard. This is
ing hoses. achieved by connecting accessi-
W 50 x D 275 x H 130. ble, conductive parts to each other
Order no. 539736 by means of equipotential bonding 2
conductors and by connecting all
2 Hose holder this to the PE conductor of the pow- 7
For up to 20 hydraulic hoses. Pro- er supply.
vides neat storage and protects hose
couplings from ingress of dirt.
W 366 x D 182 x H 80. 6 Grounding kit
Order no. 539737 A grounding kit is required for con- 3
necting all conductive parts of one to
3 Cable guide two workbenches. The connector for
For a set of laboratory cables. the PE conductor of the power sup-
Ensures that cables are kept neatly ply is included.
and in order. Order no. 8049368
W 150 x D 136 x H 63. 8
Order no. 535812 4
7 Connection kit
4 Monitor bracket, short A connection kit is required for con-
Monitor bracket for TFT and LCD necting a workbench to the PE con-
monitors with drill holes in ac- ductor of the power supply.
cordance with the VESA standard Order no. 8049447
(distance between holes 75 x 75 mm
or 100 x 100 mm).
Short swivel arm for minimum 8 T connector for PE conductors
distance to the mounting surface A T connector lets you combine up to 5
(approx. 8 cm) three PE conductors for connection
For mounting on Learnline mount- to the power supply.
ing frames or fastening to a wall Order no. 8049442
Rotatable up to 180, tiltable up
to 45
Supplied complete with mounting
Maximum load capacity 23 kg
Order no. 556292

5 Monitor bracket, long

Monitor bracket for TFT and LCD
monitors with drill holes in ac-
cordance with the VESA standard
(distance between holes 75 x 75 mm
or 100 x 100 mm)
Long, telescopic, articulated arm
for a large swivel angle
Distance from mounting surface
(approx. 8 38 cm)
For mounting on Learnline mount-
ing frames or fastening to a wall
Rotatable up to 180, tiltable up
to 45
Supplied complete with mounting
Maximum load capacity 15 kg
Order no. 556293

Worldwide at your fingertips. Find your contact person at: www.festo-didactic.com 35

Workstation systems > Universal laboratory furniture > Learntop

The low-cost desktop mounting system

1 The low-cost introduction to the 1 Learntop-S

world of training packages from The versatile equipment holder for
Festo Didactic: Enjoy the advantag- all technologies.
es of the profile plate and the ER Mobile: Can be simply set up on
mounting frame when carrying out an existing work table/bench.
your pneumatic, hydraulic, sensor, Versatile: Can be used from both
or PLC training. The devices can be sides.
clearly arranged and ensure an ergo- Ergonomic: The angled profile plate
nomic working position at your exist- enables components to be easily
ing work tables and benches. assembled.
Dimensions (W x H x D):
Mounting parts and instructions 1110 x 525 x 980 mm
for mounting the profile plates are
included. It is recommended that Accepts up to four profile plates
Learntop be fastened to the table for of size 350 x 1100 mm (order no.
security reasons. 162360) or two profile plates
700 x 1100 mm (order no. 159411).

Accepts up to two profile plates

of size 350 x 1100 mm (order no.
162360) and two slotted mounting
plates for Learntop-S for mounting
Quick-Fix clamping components, one
on each side.

Profile plates not included.

Order no. 8062672

2 Mobile worktable for Learntop-S

Drawer unit with eight fully extend-
ing drawers. Load up to 20 kg per
Storage space with lockable slid-
ing doors
Steel tub table top
Dimensions (W x H x D):
1118 x 920 x 778 mm
Table top height: 920 mm
Order no. 8062673

36 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Workstation systems > Universal laboratory furniture > Learntop


1 Aluminum profile plate 4 Cable guide 1 4

The anodized aluminum profile plate For a set of laboratory cables. En-
forms the basis for all training pack- sures that cables are kept neatly and
ages. All of the components fit se- in order. W 150 x D 136 x H 63.
curely and safely into the grooves on Order no. 535812
the profile plate. There are grooves
on each side and, if required, both 5 Hose holder
sides can be fitted with components. For up to 20 hydraulic hoses. 5
The grooves are compatible with the Provides neat storage and protects
ITEM profile system. Grid dimen- hose couplings from ingress of dirt.
sions: 50 mm. W 366 x D 182 x H 80. 2
Order no. 539737
For installation on tables we recom-
mend the appropriate rubber feet 6 Steel tub base for Learntop-S 6
(order no. 158343). Order no. 8062674

Size 350 x 1100 mm supplied with- 7 Mounting kit for hydraulic

out side caps (H x W). cylinder with weight
350 x 1100 mm 162360 To be mounted on Learnline with a
700 x 1100 mm 159411 vertical or horizontal profile plate
(alternatively for mounting on the
Learnline profile column) or Learn- 3 7
2 Perforated work surface top-S with an inclined profile plate.
For Lab-Volt Series Pneumatics/Hy- With this mounting kit, the pulling
draulics Training System, 700 mm x and pushing load of the basic hy-
1100 mm for Learntop-S. (Only com- draulics packages, which comprise
patible with Learntop-S) the cylinder (order no. 152857)
Order no. 8062675 and weight (order no. 152972), can
be achieved. The cover (order no.
152973) must be used for safety rea-
3 Slotted mounting plate sons.
For mounting Quick-Fix clamping
components. Must be used together Learntop-S, inclined profile plate
with an Aluminum profile plate Order no. 526847
350 mm x 1100 mm (order no.
162360) to hold Quick-Fix screw
components as well. (Only com-
patible with Learntop-S order no.
Order no. 8062676

Worldwide at your fingertips. Find your contact person at: www.festo-didactic.com 37

Workstation systems > Universal laboratory furniture > Learntop

The low-cost desktop mounting system

The low-cost introduction to the 1 Learntop-A

world of training packages from Equipment holder for use on one
Festo Didactic: Enjoy the advantag- side of the workstation. Inclined pro-
es of the profile plate and the ER file plate allows ergonomic arrange-
mounting frame when carrying out ment of components. Not suitable for
your pneumatic, hydraulic, sensor, hydraulic training.
or PLC training. The devices can be
clearly arranged and ensure an ergo- Can hold up to two profile plates of
nomic working position at your exist- size 350 x 1100 mm (order no.
ing work tables and benches. 162360) or one profile plate of size
700 x 1100 mm (order no. 159411).
Mounting parts and instructions
for mounting the profile plates are Profile plates not included.
included. It is recommended that Order no. 540670
Learntop be fastened to the table for
security reasons. 2 Learntop-L
Equipment holder for use on one
side of a workstation; for profile
plates of size 700 x 1100 mm (order
no. 159411). For horizontal profile
plate configurations. Not suitable
for hydraulic training.

Profile plates not included.

Order no. 540669

38 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Workstation systems > Universal laboratory furniture > Learntop


1 Aluminum profile plate 3 Slotted mounting plate 1 3

The anodized aluminum profile All components with the Quick-Fix
plate forms the basis for all train- mounting system can be mount-
ing packages. All of the compo- ed on slotted mounting plates. The
nents fit securely and safely into the slotted mounting plates are fitted
grooves on the profile plate. There with elastic buffers and can be used
are grooves on each side and, if re- horizontally on a table top. Order
quired, both sides can be fitted with no. 159331 can also be inserted in
components. The grooves are com- conventional A4 mounting frames.
patible with the ITEM profile system. The slotted mounting plates are not 4
Grid dimensions: 50 mm. intended for use with actuators. 2
(overall dimensions B x H)
For installation on tables we recom- 694 x 297 mm 159331
mend the appropriate rubber feet 700 x 550 mm 544246
(order no. 158343).
4 Rubber feet
Size 350 x 1100 mm supplied with- For non-slip, protective mounting
out side caps (H x W). of profile plates on tabletops of any 5
350 x 1100 mm 162360 type. Set (four pieces).
700 x 1100 mm 159411 Order no. 158343

2 Mounting kit for hydraulic 5 Plug-in adapter set

cylinder with weight The plug-in adapter set can be used
To be mounted on Learnline with a to mount the ER units directly on the
vertical or horizontal profile plate blue plug-in board or on the alumin-
(alternatively for mounting on the ium profile plate. One set is required 6
Learnline profile column) or Learn- to mount one unit.
top-S with an inclined profile plate. Order no. 541122
With this mounting kit, the pull-
ing and pushing load of the basic 6 A4 ER mounting frame
hydraulics packages, which com- The ER mounting plate can be in-
prise the cylinder (order no. 152857) stalled in any A4 mounting frame.
and weight (order no. 152972), can A cut-out permits installation of two
be achieved. The cover (order no. large or four small Festo Didactic ER
152973) must be used for safety units (H x W).
reasons (similar to illustration). 297 x 500 mm 536200

Learnline, vertical profile plate

Order no. 533528
Learnline, horizontal profile plate
Order no. 119352

Worldwide at your fingertips. Find your contact person at: www.festo-didactic.com 39

Pneumatic/Hydraulic training packages

Overview Pneumatics/Hydraulics training packages........................................42

System description..........................................................................................44
Measurement and control................................................................................58
BIBB pneumatics.............................................................................................68
BIBB electropneumatics..................................................................................70
Closed-loop pneumatics..................................................................................71
Energy-efficient compressed air management.................................................72

System description..........................................................................................76
Measurement and control................................................................................90
Proportional hydraulics....................................................................................92
Closed-loop hydraulics.....................................................................................96
BIBB hydraulics...............................................................................................98
Mobile hydraulics.............................................................................................99

Pneumatic/Hydraulic training packages > Overview

Pneumatic training packages

Overview and structure

TP 250

TP 240

Basic-level training packages pro-

vide a foundation that will introduce
participants to the topic. The compo- TP 230
nents and training content of the ba-
sic-level packages must be complet-
ed before the participants can move
to the advanced level.
TP 220
Advanced-level training packages al-
low participants to develop more in-
depth knowledge in a number of spe-
cialist areas, depending entirely on
their own needs. TP 210

Supplementary equipment sets are

an efficient way to add additional ba-
sic levels to any basic-level training
package. TP 102 TP 202

Basic level

Advanced level
TP 101 TP 201 TP 111 TP 1311
equipment sets

TP 101+ TP 301

Pneumatic training packages Pneumatics Electropneumatics Measurement and Supplements

control pneumatics

Basic level TP 101/BIBB P TP 201/BIBB EP

Advanced level TP 102 TP 202

Measurement TP 210 TP 210 TP 210

Control TP 210 TP111

Drives TP 220

Vacuum technology TP 230

Sensors TP 240 TP 1311

Safety TP 250

Programmable logic controllers TP 301 EduTrainer Compact

Troubleshooting TP 101+ TP 210

Energy efficient TP 210 AirCS

42 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatics/Hydraulics training packages > Overview

Hydraulic training packages

Overview and structure

Basic-level training packages pro-

vide a foundation that will introduce
participants to the topic. The compo-
nents and training content of the ba-
sic-level packages must be complet-
ed before the participants can move
to the advanced level.

Advanced-level training packages al-

low participants to develop more in-
depth knowledge in a number of spe-
cialist areas, depending entirely on
their own needs. TP 610 TP 511 TP 803

Supplementary equipment sets are

an efficient way to add additional ba-
sic levels to any basic-level training
package. TP 502 TP 602 TP 702 TP 802

Basic level

Advanced level
TP 501 TP 601 TP 701 TP 801
equipment sets

TP 501+ TP 810

Hydraulic training packages Hydraulics Electrohydraulics Measurement and Mobile hydraulics

control hydraulics

Basic level TP 501/BIBB H TP 601/BIBB EH TP 701

Advanced level TP 502 TP 602 TP 702

Measurement TP 610 TP 610 TP 810

Control TP 610 TP 511

Troubleshooting TP 501+ TP 610

Working hydraulics I TP 801

Hydrostatic steering system TP 802

Working hydraulics II
TP 803

www.festo-didactic.com 43
Pneumatic training packages > System description

Pneumatic training packages

Innovative and practical, right down to the smallest details

Modular for flexible expansion

Festo Didactics training packages

are modular in structure. For exam-
ple, you could start with the basic
level of electropneumatics and then
move onto the advanced level, or
start with the subject of electrohy-
draulics the choice is yours. Youd
like to explore a particular special-
ized topic? All equipment set compo-
nents can also be ordered separate-
ly, so you can turn your own ideas
into reality. Position it clamp it done! Everything where you want it Connect it power!
With the Quick-Fix mounting system, systematic storage No compromise on safety: all elec-
you can mount all components eas- Most equipment sets are delivered trical components and units are con-
ily and securely on the profile plate in practical, Systainer-compatible nected with 4 mm safety sockets or
and the profile column of a Learn- equipment trays. This equipment safety plugs. The pneumatic power is
line workstation. The electrical units tray fits in the drawers of the work- supplied by the connection of high-
are clamped into the ER frame and stations. The large pictogram on the ly flexible plastic tubing to the Quick
sequenced individually. The profile components, designed in accordance Star (QS) push-in fitting. The system
slots on the workstations are the with the latest standards, provides therefore requires virtually no con-
same for all pneumatic, hydraulic clear instructions for connecting sumables or tools.
and electrical units a single invest- the components and ensures short
ment, with double the functionality. preparation and follow-up times.
When dismantling circuits, you can
quickly and easily locate where the
component goes in the equipment

44 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatic training packages > System description

Didactic plus

The workbooks accompanying the

training packages contain proj-
ect-oriented exercises of increas-
ing complexity. There are also po-
sitional sketches, illustrations,
videos, animations, and cross-sec-
tional drawings, which explain how
things look in the real world. For a
complete and expert treatment of
the topic of pneumatics, the train-
ing also covers basic physics, tech-
nical calculations, safety, economic
efficiency, analytical fault-finding,
and professional documentation.

Practical basic and specialized

training using industrial compo-
nents provides the confidence to
apply the acquired knowledge in
the workplace. The components
are specially selected for the exer-
cises in the workbook. Note: near-
ly all pneumatic and electrical con-
nections are located on the easily
accessible upper side of the com-

Your choice of training environment Advanced courses made easy TP 230 Vacuum technology TP 250 Safety in pneumatic systems
User-friendly training environments New developments and trends in flu- Manipulating workpieces with suc- Function, efficiency, and above all
for specific topic areas: id engineering can be incorporated tion grippers has become an indis- safety determine the success of plant
Self-study phases with the training directly into our learning systems. pensable part of handling technolo- machinery and automated systems.
programs New control systems can be integrat- gy. It offers advantages, such as the New directives and laws require in-
Designing and documentation with ed into the learning system using the simple configuration of suction grip- telligent solutions and raise the lev-
FluidSIM EduTrainer concept. Basic packag- pers and gentle handling of work- el of professional skills required. The
Hands-on experimentation with the es can be easily expanded to include pieces, while also enabling rapid systematic optimization of a simple
training packages and the exercis- the subjects Pneumatics measure- cycle times, and the capital outlay pneumatic system helps to identify
es in the workbooks ment and control TP 210 or the new required is comparatively low. The hazards in pneumatic processes. The
Functional testing and optimization Vacuum technology TP 230. training package TP 230 expands the appropriate actions to reduce the
with measurement technology and contents of TP 201 to include the key risk can be implemented in a profes-
FluidLab area of vacuum technology. sional manner.

www.festo-didactic.com 45
Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Pneumatics

Equipment set TP 101 Basic level

Basic pneumatics training

Pneumatics, Basic level Training aims Performance through The next generation of valves
The fully revised classic Structure, function, and application close proximity The new generation of valves a llows
of single-acting and double-acting For optimum performance, switch- the operation of various pressure
Further enhanced and updated ac- cylinders es and valves should be mounted zones so nothing stands in the way
cording to the lessons learned from Calculating basic parameters as close to the actuator as possible. of an efficient use of energy. In ad-
over 1,000 seminars on pneumatics. Direct and indirect actuation With the addition of new compo- dition, the position of connection
Application and function of 3/2 nents, you can now apply the same was optimized so that differences
Brand-new components enable and 5/2-way valves principle when designing your cir- between the circuit symbol and the
you to teach tomorrows industrial Methods of actuation of directional cuits. This approach also provides valve can be avoided.
standard today. control valves you with an easy way of demonstrat-
The workbook contains a series of Analyzing circuits ing the performance of a one-way Pneumatic timer
progressively complex project ex- Options for pressure measurement flow control valve. You can even re- The easy-to-read pneumatic timer
ercises based on actual industrial Pressure-dependent control cord the measured values and ana- can be precisely adjusted. Pressure
applications, an enhanced section systems lyze the results, for example, using changes do not alter the set d elay
on fundamentals, and a multime- Distinguishing flow control meth- the TP 210! time. Pneumatics at its best.
dia CD-ROM. ods and applying them appropri-
The number of components and the Explaining and building latching
design are specially tailored to the circuits
projects contained in the workbook Logic operations: explaining
so that the main fundamentals can and implementing AND/OR/NOT
be imparted with little outlay. Deliv- operations
ered in practical, Systainer-compati- Combining logic operations
ble equipment trays. Function and application of
limit switches
Time delay valves
Realizing oscillating movement
Economic considerations of using
pneumatic components

46 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Pneumatics

Complete equipment set TP 101 in equipment tray 540710 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance :

1 2x 3/2-way valve with pushbutton actuator, normally closed 152860
2 1x 3/2-way valve with pushbutton actuator, normally open 152861
3 1x 5/2-way valve with selector switch 152862
4 1x 3/2-way valve with selector switch, normally closed 152863
5 2x 3/2-way roller lever valve, normally closed 152866 4 5 6
6 2x Proximity sensor, pneumatic, with cylinder attachment 2764815
7 1x Pneumatic timer, normally closed 540694
8 1x Pressure sequence valve 152884
9 1x 3/2-way valve, pneumatically actuated at one end 576302
10 1x 5/2-way valve, pneumatically actuated at one end 576307
11 3x 5/2-way double pilot valve, pneumatically actuated at both ends 576303
12 1x Shuttle valve (OR) 539771 7 8 9
13 2x Dual-pressure valve (AND) 539770
14 1x Quick-exhaust valve 539772
15 2x One-way flow control valve 193967
16 1x Single-acting cylinder 152887
17 1x Double-acting cylinder 152888
18 1x Start-up valve with filter control valve 540691
19 1x Pressure regulator valve with gauge 539756 10 11 12
20 2x Pressure gauge 152865
21 1x Manifold 152896
22 2x Plastic tubing, 4 x 0.75 silver 10 m 151496

Accessories, also order:

Aluminum profile plate Page 39
Compressor Page 124
13 14 15

Also order: The workbook includes:

Sample solutions
Workbook Training notes
Multimedia CD-ROM with graphics,
Pneumatics photos of industrial applications,
Basic level 16 17 18
animations, and FluidSIM circuit
TP 101
Exercise sheets for trainees

Campus license ( Page 19):


de 540671

-PG1 -PG2

-RZ1 1 1 -RZ2

en 541088
2 2
-QM1 4 2

14 12

19 20 21
5 1 3
-KH1 2
1 1

es 542503
1 3

-SJ1 2 -BG1 2 -SJ2 2

1 3 1 3 1 3

fr 542507

Festo Didactic

Supplementary media
541088 en

Design and simulation using

Nineteen project-orientated exercis- FluidSIM
es, increasing in complexity and suit- WBT Pneumatics
able for equipment set TP 101, are Textbook: Basic principles of
the ideal introduction to pneumatics. pneumatics and electropneumatics
Real problem descriptions with posi- Cutaway model case
tional sketch, concrete project tasks,
and detailed aids for professional
implementation provide the ideal
preparation for the real-life industrial

www.festo-didactic.com 47
Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Pneumatics

Equipment set TP 101+ Advanced level

Systematic troubleshooting

Realistic Professional Cylinder with worn piston seal Clogged filters

Equipment set TP 101+ from Festo Systematic troubleshooting and One example of a defective compo- Another example is a clogged filter in
Didactic is an extension to equip- professional error elimination are nent is a double-acting cylinder with the on-off valve with pressure regula-
ment set TP 101. TP 101+ contains an essential part of everyday oper- a worn piston seal. This defect may tor (service unit). Filters are used to
components with specified, realis- ations in many jobs in the fields of be due to damage to the piston rod protect upstream components from
tic defects. It enables pneumatic cir- mechanics, mechatronics, and elec- or dirt entering the system. The de- contamination. If a large amount of
cuits to be constructed with the TP trical engineering. In order to acquire fect leads to the cylinder leaking via contamination enters the system via
101 and individual components to skills in this area via a structured, yet the piston. Conspicuous symptoms the compressors intake tract, these
be replaced by defective ones. Using safe, procedure, it is important that result in compressed air losses and filters can become clogged. This ap-
our experience in industrial environ- systematic troubleshooting is both a lower cylinder force. Pressure sen- plies in particular to micro filters. The
ments, we were able to define typical learned and practiced. sors or force sensors may not switch, defect results in increased flow resis-
error patterns for pneumatic systems Keys to this are: which can lead to interruptions in op- tance, and consequently, restricted
and adapt them to the components Understanding circuits and discern- eration cycles or process safety be- flow, which in turn has a throttling
contained in equipment set TP 101+. ing any non-conformities ing put at risk. effect. The inspection and replace-
Delimiting/precluding fault areas ment of such filters is a routine main-
Locating and rectifying faults tenance task in industry.

This procedure assumes specialist

knowledge, such as modes of oper-
ation of individual components and
their system limits.

48 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Pneumatics

Complete equipment set TP 101+ in equipment tray 8060284 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance :

1 1x Double-acting cylinder, defective 5042759
2 1x Pressure gauge, defective 4977328
3 1x Filter sleeves for on-off valve with filter regulator, clogged 8064260
4 1x 3/2-way valve with pushbutton actuator, normally closed, defective 4978036
5 1x 5/2-way bistable valve, defective 4977795 4 5 6
6 1x 5/3-way valve, mid-position pressurized 576305
7 1x Flow control valve 193972
8 1x Silencer M5, clogged 4977506

Accessories, also order:

Aluminum profile plate Page 39
Compressor Page 124 7 8

Requirements Study materials

Building on Basic Level Pneumatics, A description is included for each
the Advanced Level contains eight defective component describing
components appropriate for equip- both its function and the fault. A flow
ment set TP 101. The possible trou- chart, which guides learners sys-
bleshooting tasks are aimed at all tematically from observation of the
jobs involving maintenance and re- symptom to the repair task, is also
pair activities. Special measuring included.
equipment is not required since all
symptoms are observable. However, Supplementary media
error patterns can also be quantified Design and simulation using
using measuring equipment such as FluidSIM
a flowmeter. WBT: Pneumatics From vocational educational ... ... to industrial reality
Textbook: Basic principles of pneu-
matics and electropneumatics
Cutaway model case

www.festo-didactic.com 49
Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Pneumatics

Equipment set TP 102 Advanced level

Advanced pneumatics training

Develop the training aims Training aims Performance through Lever valves
from TP 101 and consolidate Binary reducing stages close proximity All of the lever valves contained
your knowledge. End positions without limit switches For optimum performance, switch- in the training packages 101 and
Latching circuits es and valves should be mounted 102 are equipped with a pilot con-
Fully revised: The new workbook Converting 5/2-way valves as close to the actuator as possible. trol, which means they require a
contains a series of progressively Function of a back pressure end With new components that can be low a ctuating force and deliver high
complex project exercises based on stop plugged in directly, you can now ap- reliability.
actual industrial applications and an Basic stepper control ply the same principle when design-
enhanced section on fundamentals. (continuous cycle) ing your circuits. This approach al-
It also includes a multimedia CD- Stepper control with operating so provides you with an easy way of
ROM. The foundation for competent modes or idle step demonstrating the features of a one-
training. Place your order now! Setting and coordinating time way flow control valve. You can even
delays record the measured values and an-
The number of components and the Variable step repetition using a alyze the results, for example, using
design are specially tailored to the predetermining counter the new TP 210!
projects contained in the workbook Input circuit with self-latching loop
so that the main training aims can be and auxiliary functions
achieved with little outlay. Delivered Evaluating and using sensors for
in practical, Systainer-compatible material sensing
equipment trays. Realizing stepper control with
protected pilot air and auxiliary
Components from the equipment set functions
TP 101 are required to carry out the Proximity sensors in the end
projects. positions and in the partial stroke
Combined use of quick exhaust
valves and pressure regulators
Inversion of a timer signal
Varying end-position cushioning
Using and adjusting different sen-
sor types

50 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Pneumatics

Complete equipment set TP 102 in equipment tray 540711 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance :

1 2x 3/2-way valve with pushbutton actuator, normally closed 152860
2 1x 3/2-way valve with mushroom-head emergency switch, normally open 152864
3 1x 3/2-way roller lever valve with idle return, normally closed 152867
4 1x Back pressure valve 152868
5 4x 3/2-way valve, pneumatically actuated at one end 576302 4 5 6
6 2x 5/2-way double pilot valve, pneumatically actuated at both ends 576303
7 2x Plastic tubing, 4 x 0.75 silver 10 m 151496
8 4x Shuttle valve (OR) 539771
9 3x Dual-pressure valve (AND) 539770
10 1x Pneumatic timer, normally open 539759
11 1x Pneumatic preset counter 152877
12 1x Stepper module 152886 7 8 9
13 2x One-way flow control valve 193967
14 2x Non-return valve, delockable 540715
15 2x Double-acting cylinder 152888

Accessories, also order:

Aluminum profile plate Page 39
Compressor Page 124 10 11 12

13 14 15

Also order: The workbook includes:

Sample solutions
Workbook Training notes
Multimedia CD-ROM with graphics,
Pneumatics photos of industrial applications,
Advanced level
animations, and FluidSIM circuit
TP 102
Exercise sheets for trainees

Campus license ( Page 19):



1 1V3 2V2


1 2V3
de 540672
1V1 4




12 14
2V1 4




12 en 541089
es 542504
0V2 4 2 0Z1 2

14 12 12 10

5 3 1
1B1 2 2B1 2

1 3 1 3




1 3
0S1 4 2

5 3

Festo Didactic

Supplementary media
541089 EN

Design and simulation using

As a continuation of the basic level FluidSIM
for pneumatics, the advanced level WBT Pneumatics
includes ten additional, challenging Textbook: Basic principles of
tasks which are suitable for the TP pneumatics and electropneumatics
102 equipment set. The documents Cutaway model case
are targeted at experienced pneu-
matics technicians. New features
of this revised and updated edition
include revised exercise sheets for
practical use during instruction.

www.festo-didactic.com 51
Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Electropneumatics

Equipment set TP 201 Basic level

Basic electropneumatics training

Electropneumatics, Basic level. Logic programming? Thats logical. Economic considerations of using Also order:
The most important basic principles The basic principles are established pneumatic components
in one compact book. with relay control systems and the Troubleshooting simple electro- Workbook
new supplementary equipment sets pneumatic circuits
Top solenoid valves for training Controllers for fluid engineering Electropneumatics
Basic level
Easy connection of the solenoid coils are used according to individual The workbook contains a series of
via 4 mm safety sockets with LED requirements. progressively complex project exer- Workbook
TP 201

indicator for actuation. The manual cises based on actual industrial ap-
override latches and allows very easy Training aims plications, an enhanced section on

+24 V 1 2

error simulation. The port pattern is Structure, function, and application fundamentals, and a multimedia CD-
13 12 14
-SF1 -KF1
14 11

as per the current symbols to DIN of single-acting and double-acting ROM. The foundation for competent
-KF1 -MB1

0V 12
11 14 .2
21 24
31 34

ISO 1219. The newest valve tech- cylinders training. Place your order now!
41 44


-RZ1 1 1 -RZ2

nology is compact, sturdy, and inex- Calculating basic parameters -MB1

14 -QM1 4




pensive with the Didactic-Plus, and Direct and indirect actuation The number and the design of com-
of course comes with the reliable Application and function of 3/2 ponents are specially tailored to the
Festo Didactic

Quick-Fix mounting system. and 5/2-way solenoid valves projects contained in the workbook
541090 en

Analyzing circuits so that the main training aims can be

Electronic proximity sensors Options for pressure measurement achieved with little outlay. Delivered Campus license ( Page 19):
compatible and reliable Pressure-dependent control in practical, Systainer-compatible de 540673
These proximity sensors are based systems equipment trays. en 541090
on the same slot mounting system Latching circuits es 542505
as the pneumatic proximity sensors Logic operations: AND/OR/NOT fr 542509
in TP 101. We opted for short cir- Combining logic operations
cuit-proof, electronic proximity sen- Function and application of limit Supplementary media
sors due to their long service life in switches FluidSIM Pneumatics
training applications. Time-delay valves WBT Electropneumatics
End-position monitoring using Textbook: Basic principles of
electronic proximity sensors pneumatics and electropneumatics
Realizing oscillating movement Transparency set,

52 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Electropneumatics

Complete equipment set TP 201 in equipment tray 540712 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Signal input, electrical 162242
2 2x Relay, three-fold 162241
3 1x Limit switch, electrical, left-actuated 183322
4 1x Limit switch, electrical, right-actuated 183345
5 1x Proximity sensor, optical, M12 572744 4 5 6
6 2x Proximity sensor, electronic, with cylinder mounting 2344752
7 1x 2 x 3/2-way solenoid valve with LED, normally closed 567198
8 1x 5/2-way solenoid valve with LED 567199
9 2x 5/2-way double solenoid valve with LED 567200
10 1x Pressure sensor with display 572745
11 4x One-way flow control valve 193967
12 1x Single-acting cylinder 152887 7 8 9
13 2x Double-acting cylinder 152888
14 1x Start-up valve with filter control valve 540691
15 1x Manifold 152896
16 1x Plastic tubing, 4 x 0.75 silver 10 m 151496

Accessories, also order:

Aluminum profile plate Page 39 10 11 12
Compressor Page 124
Tabletop power supply unit www.festo-didactic.com
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145

13 14 15

Supplementary equipment set to upgrade from Pneumatics, Basic level

TP 101 to Electropneumatics, Basic level TP 201

Supplements the Pneumatics, Basic level TP 101 equipment set to form a

complete Electropneumatics, Basic level TP 201 equipment set.

Recommended training media and accessories: See TP 201

Complete supplementary equipment set TP 101 TP 201 in equipment tray 540717

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Signal input, electrical 162242
2 2x Relay, three-fold 162241
3 1x Limit switch, electrical, left-actuated 183322
4 1x Limit switch, electrical, right-actuated 183345
5 1x Proximity sensor, optical, M12 572744
6 2x Proximity sensor, electronic, with cylinder mounting 2344752
7 1x 2 x 3/2-way solenoid valve with LED, normally closed 567198
8 1x 5/2-way solenoid valve with LED 567199
9 2x 5/2-way double solenoid valve with LED 567200
10 1x Pressure sensor with display 572745
11 2x One-way flow control valve 193967
13 1x Double-acting cylinder 152888

www.festo-didactic.com 53
Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Electropneumatics

Equipment set TP 301

Programmable logic controllers

1 2 3 Complete equipment set TP 301 167101

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Signal input, electrical 162242
2 1x Indicator unit and distributor, electrical 162244
3 1x Proximity sensor, inductive, M12 548643
4 1x Proximity sensor, capacitive, M12 548651
4 5 6 5 1x Proximity sensor, optical, M12 572744
6 4x Proximity sensor, electronic, with cylinder mounting 2344752
7 1x 5/2-way solenoid valve with LED 567199
8 1x 5/2-way double solenoid valve with LED 567200
9 1x Single-acting cylinder 152887
10 2x Double-acting cylinder 152888
11 1x Start-up valve with filter control valve 540691
7 8 9 12 1x Manifold 152896
13 2x Plastic tubing, 4 x 0.75 silver 10 m 151496

Recommended accessories:
Aluminum profile plate Page 39
Universal connection unit, digital (SysLink) 162231
Tabletop power supply unit www.festo-didactic.com
10 11 12 Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145
EduTrainer www.festo-didactic.com

Supplementary equipment set from TP 201 to TP 301

Supplements the Electropneumatics basic level equipment set, TP 201, to form
a complete Programmable Logic Controllers equipment set, TP 301.

Complete supplementary equipment set TP 201 TP 301 167102

The most important components at a glance:

3 1x Proximity sensor, inductive, M12 548643
4 1x Proximity sensor, capacitive, M12 548651
6 2x Proximity sensor, electronic, with cylinder mounting 2344752

Training aims A PLC (Festo FC34, SIMATIC S7-300

Benefits of the PLC compared to or Allen Bradley) is required to carry
conventional solutions such as out the tasks. Connection with uni-
electrical, electropneumatic, or versal connection unit and I/O data
electrohydraulic solutions cable (SysLink) or with 4 mm safety
Functions of system components connectors. I/O modules can be con-
of a PLC nected via 4 mm safety connectors.
Commissioning a PLC
Application criteria for mechanical, Also order:
optical, capacitive, and inductive
proximity sensors Workbook Programmable Logic
Sequence control and parallel logic Controllers, Basic level
Systematic programming of a PLC Campus license ( Page 19):
in accordance with international de 93313
standard IEC 1131-3 en 93314
IEC 1131-3 programming lan- es 94427
guages: Function Block Diagram,
Ladder Diagram, Statement List, Recommended training media
For additional controllers suit- Structured Text, and Sequence Lan- Textbook: Programmable Logic
able for your requirements see: guage Controllers, Basic level
Keyword EduTrainer Compact

54 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Electropneumatics

Supplementary equipment sets

Controllers for electropneumatics

Supplementary equipment set The Controlling using FluidSIM 1 2 3

Controlling using FluidSIM/ package contains everything you
EasyPort USB need to control training packages
TP 201 and TP 601. FluidSIM Pneu-
With this package, the FluidSIM matics is required for TP 201 and
software can be used to control FluidSIM Hydraulics for TP 601. A
training packages. FluidSIM con- set of brief instructions provides
trols via EasyPort USB and process- information on the individual steps. 4 5
es the inputs and outputs connected
to the universal connection unit ac- The sample solutions are included
cording to their programming, e.g., on a data storage medium as Fluid-
using the digital module contained in SIM CT programs.

Complete supplementary equipment set Controlling using Equipment set TP 201 Basic level Pages 52 53
FluidSIM/EasyPort USB in equipment tray 556270 FluidSIM Pneumatics Pages 12 13

The most important components at a glance: Necessary accessories, also order:

1 1x Brief instructions FluidSIM de/en/es/fr 556267 Aluminum profile plate Page 39
2 1x EasyPort USB 548687 Compressor Page 124
3 1x Quick-Fix screw adapter 549806 Tabletop power supply unit www.festo-didactic.com
4 1x Universal connection unit, digital (SysLink) 162231 Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145
5 1x I/O data cable with SysLink connectors (IEEE 488), 2.5 m 34031 4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145

Supplementary equipment set The LOGO! 8 TP EduTrainer Compact 6 7 8

Controlling using LOGO! 8 TP training package contains everything
EduTrainer Compact TP/LOGO! Soft you need to control training packag-
Comfort es TP 201 and TP 601. A set of brief
instructions provides information on
A quick, straightforward, and inex- the individual steps. Programming is
pensive introduction to logical signal carried out using the LOGO! program-
processing. ming software, Soft Comfort. 9

With its extensive basic and special The sample solutions are included
control technology functions, LOGO! on a data storage medium as LOGO!
replaces a variety of conventional Soft Comfort programs.
switchgears and control devices.

Complete supplementary equipment set with LOGO! 8 TP EduTrainer Compact TP/LOGO! Prerequisite:
Soft Comfort included in order 8049517 Equipment set TP 201 Basic level Pages 52 53

The most important components at a glance : Necessary accessories, also order:

6 1x Brief instructions for LOGO!, de/en/es/fr 8049519 Aluminum profile plate Page 39
7 1x LOGO! 8 TP EduTrainer Compact TP 8040886 Compressor Page 124
8 1x LOGO! Soft Comfort, de/en/es/fr 8040050 Tabletop power supply unit www.festo-didactic.com
9 1x Ethernet cable 567280 Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145

For additional controllers suit-

able for your requirements see:
Keyword EduTrainer Compact

www.festo-didactic.com 55
Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Electropneumatics

Equipment set TP 202 Advanced level

Advanced electropneumatics training

Electropneumatics, Advanced level. Training aims Fundamentals of modern Electrical emergency stop
The next step! Describing the structure and pneumatics valve terminals pushbutton
application of valve terminals This training course helps you to lay Safety engineering is an important
This training package supplements Realizing sequence controls with the foundation for using valve ter- topic, but one that is often neglect-
the training aims of TP 201. signal overlap solution accord- minals. Designed for a wide range of ed in training. The new TP 202 takes
ing to the group method, sequence industries, requirements and appli- an in-depth look at the emergency
The new workbook contains a series chain with spring-return valves, cations, valve terminals are sturdy stop function and also describes the
of progressively complex project ex- and sequence chain with bistable and durable an investment in the emergency stop function under spe-
ercises based on actual industrial ap- valves future. The MPA valve terminal used cial conditions. After all, you dont
plications, an enhanced section on Describing and setting operating consists of 2 x 5/2-way solenoid want to end up with a pressure-less
fundamentals, and a multimedia CD- modes valves and 2 x 5/2-way double sole- and voltage-less system after press-
ROM. The foundation for competent Describing the function and appli- noid valves. ing the emergency stop button!
training. Place your order now! cation of a predetermining counter
Explaining and realizing an
The number and the design of com- emergency stop function using
ponents are specially tailored to the spring-return valves
projects contained in the workbook Emergency stop conditions
so that the main training aims can be Explaining the function and
achieved with little outlay. Delivered application of a 5/3-way solenoid
in practical, Systainer-compatible valve
equipment trays. Describing and setting the operat-
ing mode Set
Components from the equipment set Troubleshooting in complex
TP 201 are required to carry out the electropneumatic circuits

56 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Electropneumatics

Complete equipment set TP 202 in equipment tray 540713 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Signal input, electrical 162242
2 2x Relay, three-fold 162241
3 1x Time relay, two-fold 162243
4 1x Preset counter, electronic 1677856
5 1x Emergency stop pushbutton, electrical 183347 4 5 6
6 1x Proximity sensor, inductive, M12 548643
7 1x Proximity sensor, capacitive, M12 548651
8 1x Valve terminal with 4 valve slices (MMJJ) 540696
9 2x Non-return valve, delockable 540715

Accessories, also order:

Aluminum profile plate Page 39 7 8 9
Compressor Page 124
Tabletop power supply unit www.festo-didactic.com
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145

Also order: The workbook includes:

Sample solutions
Workbook Training notes
Multimedia CD-ROM with graphics,
Electropneumatics photos of industrial applications,
Advanced level
animations, and FluidSIM circuit
TP 202
Exercise sheets for trainees

Campus license ( Page 19):

+24 V





















de 540674
en 541091
12 14

12 14 22 24 22 24 22 24 22 24
K10 K6 K7 K8 K9
11 21 21 21 21

A1 A1 A1 A1 A1

K6 K7 K8 K9 K10
A2 A2 A2 A2 A2
... ...
0V 12 12 12 12 12
11 14 .9 11 14 .11 11 14 .13 11 14 .15 11 14 .8
22 22 22 22 22
21 24 .10 21 24 .12 21 24 .14 21 24 .16 21 24 .17
32 32 32 32 32
31 34 .18 31 34 .18 31 34 .19 31 34 .20 31 34 .21
42 42 42 42 42
41 44 41 44 .19 41 44 .20 41 44 .21 41 44

1A1+ 2A1+ 2A1- 1A1-

fr 542510

Festo Didactic

Supplementary media
541091 EN

Design and simulation using

As a continuation of the basic lev- FluidSIM
el for electropneumatics, the ad- WBT Electropneumatics
vanced level includes twelve addi- DVD Electropneumatics/
tional, challenging tasks which are Electrohydraulics
suitable for the TP 202 equipment
set. The documents are targeted at
experienced pneumatics technicians.
New features of this revised and up-
dated edition include revised exer-
cise sheets for practical use during

www.festo-didactic.com 57
Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Measurement and control

Equipment set TP 210 Advanced level

Measurement and control in pneumatics with FluidLab-P

Fit for tomorrow? Something extra special Course topics The benefits to you
In order to the complete the exercis- Basic principles of analog data pro- Fast, PC-supported recording of
The TP 210 equipment builds on the es, sensors (e.g., pressure, flow and cessing measured values
training content of the TP 101 and proximity sensors) are connected to Application and adaptation of Greater training success through
TP 201 equipment sets on the top- the inputs and control signals are sensors measurement of components and
ic of pneumatic measurement and guided to the EasyPort USB outputs. Interpretation of measurement interpretation of results
control. The training content rang- The signals are interpreted and visu- results Sensors that enable students
es from the simple measurement of alized on computer by the FluidLab-P Reading and understanding of to look into the circuit and com-
individual, pneumatic components, software included in the scope of de- technical data and measurement ponents
basic principles of status monitoring livery. Analog values are displayed as curves Suppositions regarding system
(condition monitoring) to (closed- measurement curves. Fluid engineering components, behavior can be easily proven
loop) control technology with dis- their influence and function Learning the principles of measure-
continuous (two-step action control- Instructions on how to complete the Demonstrating fluid engineering ment and analysis and applying
ler) and continuous controllers (PID exercises, positional sketches, and effects and special features them directly in other circuits
controller). block circuit diagrams are included Analytical fault finding Demonstrating and understand-
with each exercise, so that students Saving energy ing the principles of fluid engineer-
In addition, great emphasis is placed are guided step-by-step through Evaluation of changes in status ing faster
on raising awareness of how to han- each of the tests. Measured results Proportional technology System analysis via PC: state-of-
dle compressed air responsibly as a are then interpreted and compared Control technology with continu- the-art diagnostic method
form of energy. with sample solutions, and students ous and discontinuous controllers Better understanding of fluid engi-
will be asked to answer questions neering components and processes
Exercises for measuring and analyz- about comprehension. and thus higher quality of training
ing system and control behavior help
you to prepare for a future in which
diagnostics, preventative mainte-
nance, and saving energy are becom-
ing increasingly important.

58 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Measurement and control

Complete equipment set TP 210 in equipment tray 556228 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x I/O data cable with SysLink connectors (IEEE 488) at both ends, 2.5 m 34031
2 1x Universal connection unit, digital (SysLink) 162231
3 1x Connection unit, analog 567232
4 1x Analog cable, parallel, 2 m 529141
5 1x EasyPort USB 548687 4 5 6
6 1x Quick-Fix screw adapter 549806
7 2x Pressure sensor with display 572745
8 1x Flow sensor, 0.5 50 l/min, analog 8036235
9 1x Proportional-pressure regulator 539779
10 1x Pressure regulator valve with gauge 539756
11 3x Flow control valve 193972
12 1x Plastic tubing, 4 x 0.75 silver 10 m 151496 7 8 9
1x FluidLab-P Single license, de/en 556241
2x Non-return valve, delockable 540715

Option: force measurement:

For piston force measurement exercises, the force sensor (Order no. 539780) not included
in scope of delivery, is required.
10 11 12
Accessories, also order:
Aluminum profile plate Page 39
Compressor Page 124
Tabletop power supply unit www.festo-didactic.com
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145
Force sensor 539780

FluidLab-P inclusive System requirements

The FluidLab-P software for record- PC with Windows 7/8/10
ing measured values is an import- Pentium III or equivalently
ant component of the training pack- 2 GB RAM
age TP 210. Just a few simple steps CD-ROM disk drive
are needed to configure the inter- USB 2.0 or serial interface
face, adapt the sensors, and select 1280 x 1024 pixels
the language. Exercises can then be NI LabView 2012 Runtime
started, which are divided into the (included in scope of delivery)
areas, basic tests, cylinder controls,
proportional technology, and con- Components from the TP 101 and
trol technology. Exercises are sup- TP 201 equipment sets are required
ported by connection diagrams, de- in order to complete the exercises.
scriptions, and sample solutions. The
measurement process is also soft-
ware-controlled. Results can be mea-
sured with measuring points, print-
ed out, or exported to a spreadsheet
program. The software also includes
the complete book of exercises in
PDF format.

www.festo-didactic.com 59
Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Drives

Equipment set TP 220 Advanced level

Drives in pneumatics

Optimum drive Training aims Also order:

Pneumatic drives

The TP 220 supplements the TP 201 Designing a compressed air Workbook Workbook

training package by teaching the ba- network

TP 220

sics of pneumatic drives. The train- Sizing the pneumatic power Describes in detail the issues and CD-ROM included

ing content features the selection section projects in 16 exercises closely

1B1 1B2 1B3

and sizing of various state-of-the-art Influence of tubes and fittings on linked to industrial practice, each
1V2 2 1V3 2

drive types, taking into account their speed comprising a problem description
1 1

1V1 4 2

1M1 1M2
5 3

individual properties, as well as com- Reducing cost by using different and work assignment. Worksheets +24 V

1 2

3 4

5 6




13 12

14 12


mercial and safety considerations. pressures for advance and return support the students through the
14 14 11 11



A1 A1
K1 K2 1M1 1M2

Each drive unit remains clearly de- strokes required stages of planning, execu-
A2 A2


fined as an individual design, meet- Reducing cost by avoiding leakage tion, and monitoring. Festo Didactic
559880 EN

ing the needs of the various entry Operating behavior of linear drives
levels. Use of industrial components Calculation of mass moment of The workbook includes:
throughout emphasizes the essential inertia Sample solutions
practicality and ensures rapid trans- Operating characteristics of rota- Training notes
fer of knowledge from training into ry drives Multimedia CD-ROM with graphics,
practice. Function, control, and selection photos of industrial applications
of the fluidic muscle Exercise sheets for trainees
We recommend connection to a Comparison between standard
compressed air system delivering cylinders and the fluidic muscle Campus license ( Page 19):
approx. 100 l/min. Response of pneumatic controls de 549982
to power failure en 559880
es 559881
fr 559882

60 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Drives

Complete equipment set TP 220 in equipment tray 541184 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Fluidic muscle, size 10 544311
2 1x Semi-rotary drive, size 16, 180 544313
3 1x Linear drive, size 18, 170 mm stroke 548641
4 1x Function generator/counter/stopwatch 544315
5 1x 3/2-way fast-switching solenoid valve, normally closed 544312 4 5 6
6 1x 5/3-way solenoid valve, mid position closed 567201
7 2x One-way flow control valve 548634
8 1x Proximity sensor, electronic 2342009
9 1x On-off valve with filter regulating valve 152894
10 2x Weight, 175 g 548581
11 1x Weight, 2 kg 548582
12 1x Air pressure reservoir, 0.4 l 152912 7 8 9

10 11 12

Fluidic muscle Semi-rotary drive Linear drive

The fluidic muscle is a pull actuator In a semi-rotary drive the force is The rodless cylinder is mechanical-
which imitates the action of a biolog- transmitted directly to the drive shaft ly coupled to the slide unit, which
ical muscle. Shudder free, it offers up via a rotary vane. The swivel angle directly supports loads. You will
to 10 times the initial force of normal is freely adjustable from 0 to 180. learn the steps needed to attain opti-
cylinders of the same diameter. You You will learn the significance of the mum operating behavior, and which
will learn how the muscle can be de- mass moment of inertia to a semi- applications are most suited to the
ployed as a single-acting actuator. rotary drive, and how its operating various options.
behavior under load can be influ-
enced in various mounting positions.

www.festo-didactic.com 61
Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Vacuum

Equipment set TP 230 Advanced level

Vacuum technology

Vacuums in handling technology Training content Typical switching for a vacuum Components from the equipment set
system: TP 201 are required to carry out the
Training package TP 230 continues Low pressure generation and Using a vacuum security valve projects.
the training content in TP 201, focus- system design: when some of the suction cups
ing on the topic of handling technol- Function and use of ejectors are not gripping All the workpieces required to com-
ogy using a vacuum. according the Venturi principle Using a pressure switch to monitor plete the tasks are included in the
Effects of system pressure on the low pressure level scope of delivery.
The use of suction grippers to handle the attainable low pressure and Reducing the compressed air
workpieces has become an integral the evacuation time consumption in a vacuum system
part of handling technology, as they Sizing and setting up a vacuum Controlled release and ejection
offer advantages such as the ease system of workpieces from the suction
of construction and the gentleness gripper
of the grippers. Suction grippers al- Selecting suction grippers:
so enable rapid cycle times, and the Shape and materials
investment required is comparative- The relevance of gripper types and
ly low. workpiece shape
How the holding force is affected
by the workpiece surface and the
diameter of the suction cup

62 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Vacuum

Complete equipment set TP 230 in equipment tray 573041 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Air pressure reservoir, 0.4 l 152912
2 1x Pressure switch, 0 -1 bar 548624
3 1x Vacuum gauge 573042
4 1x Flow control valve 193972
5 1x Vacuum generator, type H 573258 4 5 6
6 1x Vacuum generator, type L 573259
7 1x Non-return valve 153462
8 1x Non-return valve, delockable 540715
9 1x Suction gripper 20 SN 573043
10 1x Suction gripper 30 SN 573044
11 1x Suction gripper 20 SS 573045
12 1x Suction gripper 30 SS 573046 7 8 9
13 2x Suction gripper 20 CS with vacuum security valve 573047
14 1x Suction gripper 4x20 ON 573257
Different materials and workpieces

Necessary accessories, also order:

Aluminum profile plate Page 39
Compressor Page 124 10 11 12
Tabletop power supply unit www.festo-didactic.com
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145

13 14

Also order: Vacuum elements in handling tech-

nology valves for vacuums, mea-
Workbook suring and storing a vacuum, suction
grippers, vacuum generation.
Fundamentals of
vacuum technology
The workbook contains:
TP 230 Sample solutions
Training notes
Multimedia CD ROM with graphics
CD-ROM included

V1 V2 1V4
1 3

and photos of industrial applica-


3 1

1V1 1V2 1V3


1 3

1A1 1A2

Worksheets for students

24 V 1 2 3

13 12 14 22 24
S1 K1 K1
14 11 21


K1 1M1

Campus license ( Page 19):

0V 12
11 14 .2
21 24 .3
31 34
41 44

de 567257
Festo Didactic

en 567258
567258 EN

es 567260
In addition to six comprehensive fr 567259
project tasks for step-by-step con-
struction and testing of the vacuum Supplementary media
system, the package also includes Designing and simulating with
basic information on the following FluidSIM
topics: Introduction to vacuum tech- Measuring and controlling with
nology basic concepts of vacuum FluidLab
technology, vacuum ranges, vacuum WBT Pneumatics
generation in handling technology, WBT Electropneumatics
vacuum pumps, functional principle Textbook: Pneumatics/
of displacement pumps, instructions electropneumatics
on selecting pumps, ejectors, ejec- Set of posters on pneumatics
tor units.

www.festo-didactic.com 63
Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Sensors

Equipment set TP 240 Advanced level

Sensors in pneumatics

The purpose of a The special feature Course topics

pneumatic control system The new advanced level is all about Basic principles of connection and
the subject of sensors in pneumatic circuit technology
By using the TP 240 equipment set, control systems. Basic principles of measured data
you can expand the course topics of acquisition and processing
the TP 201 training package to in- Hands-on experience plays a deci- Configuration, function, and appli-
clude the topic of sensors in pneu- sive role in teaching the contents. cation options of the sensors used
matics. Examples are used to demonstrate Selecting appropriate sensors by
the general operational principles of taking into account certain param-
With topics such as the application different sensors. Special attention is eters
of pressure and flow rate sensors, paid to the selection of the right sen- Various methods of pressure and
the use of analog position trans- sor, its connection, the correct set- flow measurement
mitters including the integration of ting, and functional checking. Differences between absolute,
signal converters, and sensors for relative, and differential pressure
vacuum technology the special re- With the TP 240 a basic knowledge of measurement
quirements of sensors in pneumat- sensors in pneumatics can be thor- Setting and checking sensors
ic control-system environments are oughly conveyed. Using signal converters
covered extensively.

Components from the TP 201 are

required to carry out the projects.

64 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Sensors

Complete equipment set TP 240 in equipment tray 566908 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance :

1 1x Position transmitter, 0 50 mm, analog 560124
2 1x Signal converter for position transmitter 548621
3 1x Electronic pressure sensor, 0 10 bar 548622
4 1x Flow sensor, 0.5 50 l/min, analog 8036235
5 1x Flow sensor, -1 1 l/min, analog 548625 4 5 6
6 1x Pressure switch, 0 -1 bar 548624
7 1x Vacuum generator 548628
8 1x Suction gripper, 10 mm diameter 560158
9 1x One-way flow control valve 560159
10 1x Pressure regulator valve with gauge 539756
11 1x Stop, 35 mm adjustment path 548630
12 1x Double-acting profile cylinder 549832 7 8 9

Accessories, also order:

Aluminum profile plate Page 39
Tabletop power supply unit www.festo-didactic.com
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145
10 11 12

Also order: The workbook includes:

Sample solutions
Workbook Training notes
Multimedia CD-ROM with graphics,
Sensors in pneumatics photos of industrial applications,
TP 240 Exercise sheets for trainees

Campus license ( Page 19):

de 566909
G U 4





es 566912





fr 566913

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 mm 50 55

Supplementary media
Festo Didactic

WBT sensor technology 1

566910 en

Textbook: Proximity switches

Ten projects based on industrial ex- Design and simulation using
amples, suitable for equipment set FluidSIM
TP 240, each including problem de- Measurement and control using
scriptions, parameters, and project FluidLab
tasks, deal in detail with the specif- Set of posters on pneumatics
ic subject of sensors in pneumatic
control-system environments. The
topics of pressure sensors, flow sen-
sors, analog position transmitters for
pneumatic cylinders, signal convert-
ers, and sensors for vacuum technol-
ogy are covered comprehensively.

www.festo-didactic.com 65
Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Safety

Equipment set TP 250 Advanced level

Safety in pneumatic systems

Risk reduction! TP 250! Training content Components from equipment sets

TP 250 builds on the training content Reducing pressure and force TP 101 and TP 201 are required to
Just like good functionality and eco- of TP 101 and TP 201, focusing on according to the tasks carry out the projects.
nomic efficiency, safety is essential the systematic optimization of safety Reducing the speed and accelera-
to the success of any product. What in pneumatic systems. The aim of the tion while observing the cycle time Mounting the pneumatic system,
is more, new directives and laws re- training package is to detect risks in and flow control for the specific consisting of cylinders, weight, and
quire intelligent solutions and raise pneumatic processes, to assess the loading conditions cover, is done on the profile column
the level of professional skills re- risks for a simple machine, and to Emergency stop and release: of a Learnline workstation. If there
quired. As a result, there is a wide learn what measures can be used to suitable measures for stopping is no profile column available, the
range of different products, infor- reduce risks and how to implement and properly recommissioning a mounting kit for Learntop S (order
mation, and qualifications for safety them properly. pneumatic drive no. 526847) or the mounting kit for
engineering. However, most of these Suitable measures in case of com- vertical slotted profile plates ( order
focus on the control level, mean- pressed air failure and return, as no. 533528) can be used. Two of
ing that safety usually only goes as well as instructions on how to store each of these are needed.
far as the output of a fail-safe PLC, and use auxiliary energy
for example. However, risks can al- Suitable measures in case of power
so arise outside of the power sec- failure and return
tion, so it is important that systems Getting to know the operating
include risk reduction measures to modes and signals for operating
cope with such problems. statuses
Using sensors to detect malfunc-
But what does the pneumatics spe- tions
cialist entrusted with the commis- Increasing the performance level
sioning, troubleshooting, set-up, using a dual-channel emergency
maintenance, and simple optimiza- stop system
tion of a system need to know? And Selecting and using suitable
how can this knowledge be conveyed protective measures
in a clear manner, with easy-to-follow

66 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Safety

Complete equipment set TP 250 in equipment tray 567264 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance :

1 1x Air pressure reservoir, 0.1 l 573281
2 2x Non-return valve, delockable 540715
3 1x 5/3-way double solenoid valve, mid position closed 567201
4 1x Non-return valve 153462
5 1x Weight, 2 kg for cylinder 572778 4 5 6
6 1x Cover for cylinder 572777
7 1x Operational status display 567263
8 1x Mushroom-head safety switch 567261
9 1x Safety relay for emergency stop and safety door 567262

Necessary accessories, also order:

Aluminum profile plate Page 39 7 8 9
Compressor Page 124
Tabletop power supply unit www.festo-didactic.com
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145

Also order: illustrations and cross-sections to

explain the design principles.
The workbook contains:
Safety in pneumatic systems Sample solutions
Training notes
TP 250 Multimedia CD ROM with
graphics and photos of industrial
applications, safety guidelines,
CD-ROM included

safety poster
Worksheets for students
1V3 2 2 1V4

Campus license ( Page 19):

1 21 1 21

1V1 4 2 1V2 2

de 567265
1M1 1M2 1M3
5 1 3 1 3

en 567266
Festo Didactic

es 567267
567266 en

fr 567268
The workbook contains progressively
complex project tasks, together with Supplementary media
the solutions for each exercise sheet. WBT Safety engineering
In these exercises, students reduce WBT Pneumatics
the potential risk level of a pneu- WBT Electropneumatics
matic system step-by-step. The ba- Designing and simulating with
sic level contains the following top- FluidSIM
ics: overview of relevant standards, Measuring and controlling with
laws, and regulations; overview and FluidLab
detailed description of operating Textbook: Pneumatics/
modes; overview and detailed de- electropneumatics
scription of ten relevant safety func- Set of posters on pneumatics
tions; possible technical solutions
for each safety function; extensive

www.festo-didactic.com 67
Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > BIBB pneumatics

BIBB pneumatics equipment set

Suitable for BIBB pneumatics course

BIBB pneumatics 2007/2008 The Festo Didactic Advantage Also order: Pneumatic control technology
A CD-ROM complete with all circuit exercises and solutions
The new edition of the Pneumatic diagrams for all the exercises and Pneumatic control technology Recommended and published by the
control technology training course activities is an integral part of the exercises for trainees Bundesinstitut fr Berufsbildung
is recommended and published by scope of delivery. These are in CT file Recommended and published by the (BIBB) (German Federal Institute for
the Bundesinstitut fr Berufsbildung format for FluidSIM Pneumatics and Bundesinstitut fr Berufsbildung Vocational Education and Training).
(BIBB, German Federal Institute for in PDF file format. (BIBB, German Federal Institute for
Vocational Education and Training). Vocational Education and Training). The Pneumatic control technology,
It goes without saying that all equip- exercises for trainees book contains
Festo Didactic offers the suitable ment set components are compatible In addition to 11 exercises, which questions for trainees about the 11
equipment set for this course. with the Festo Didactic training pack- require the BIBB pneumatics equip- exercises, as well as the solutions
age components. ment set, the following topics are al- and circuit diagrams.
The 2007/2008 edition contains a so included:
few new additions compared with This means you can either supple- Compressed air generation de 90090
the 1999 edition: ment your TP 101 with the BIBB Basic terms in control technology
Piloted non-return valves to stop pneumatics equipment set or your Servicing
pneumatic drives in any position in BIBB pneumatics equipment set with Maintenance
case of a drop in pressure. the TP 101. Inspection
Pneumatic proximity sensors as a Repair procedure
modern alternative to roller lever A wealth of information on the basic Fault finding/analysis/
valves for cylinder sensing. principles of pneumatics! documentation
Getting started in vacuum technol-
ogy: vacuum generation with a ven- de 90070
turi nozzle/laval nozzle and simple
handling with suction grippers.

68 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > BIBB pneumatics

Complete equipment set BIBB pneumatics in equipment tray 549840 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 3x 3/2-way valve with pushbutton actuator, normally closed 152860
2 1x 3/2-way valve with pushbutton actuator, normally open 152861
3 3x 3/2-way roller lever valve, normally closed 152866
4 1x 3/2-way valve, pneumatically actuated at one end 576302
5 1x 5/2-way valve, pneumatically actuated at one end 576307 4 5 6
6 3x 5/2-way double pilot valve, pneumatically actuated at both ends 576303
7 1x 5/3-way valve, mid-position closed 576304
8 1x Pneumatic timer, normally closed 540694
9 1x Pressure sequence valve 152884
10 1x Shuttle valve (OR) 539771
11 3x Dual-pressure valve (AND) 539770
12 1x Quick-exhaust valve 539772 7 8 9
13 2x One-way flow control valve 193967
14 2x Non-return valve, delockable 540715
15 2x Proximity sensor, pneumatic, with cylinder attachment 2764815
16 1x Suction gripper, 10 mm diameter 560158
17 1x Vacuum generator 548628
18 1x Single-acting cylinder 152887
19 2x Double-acting cylinder 152888 10 11 12
20 1x Driving/tractive load 152889
21 1x Pressure gauge 152865
22 1x Start-up valve with filter control valve 540691
23 1x Manifold 152896
24 2x Plastic tubing, 4 x 0.75 silver 10 m 151496

13 14 15

Accessories, also order:

Aluminum profile plate Page 39
Compressor Page 124

16 17 18
Supplementary media
WBT Pneumatics
FluidSIM Pneumatics design
and simulation program
Cutaway model case
Set of posters on pneumatics
Textbook: Pneumatics, Basic level
19 20 21
Workbook: Pneumatics,
Basic level TP 101
Workbook: Pneumatics,
Advanced level TP 102
GRAFCET drawing template

22 23 24

www.festo-didactic.com 69
Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > BIBB electropneumatics

BIBB electropneumatics equipment set

Suitable for BIBB electropneumatics course

1 2 3 Complete equipment set BIBB Electropneumatics in equipment tray 184462

The most important components at a glance:

1 2x Signal input, electrical 162242
2 1x Indicator unit and distributor, electrical 162244
3 2x Relay, three-fold 162241
4 1x Time relay, two-fold 162243
4 5 6 5 1x Limit switch, electrical, left-actuated 183322
6 1x Proximity sensor, inductive, M12 548643
7 1x Proximity sensor, capacitive, M12 548651
8 1x Proximity sensor, optical, M12 572744
9 2x Proximity sensor, electronic, with cylinder mounting 2344752
10 3x 5/2-way double solenoid valve with LED 567200
11 1x 2 x 3/2-way solenoid valve with LED, normally closed 567198
7 8 9 12 3x 5/2-way solenoid valve with LED 567199
13 1x Pressure sensor with display 572745
14 1x Double-acting cylinder 152888

Recommended accessories:
Aluminum profile plate Page 39
Compressor Page 124
10 11 12 Tabletop power supply unit www.festo-didactic.com
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145

Training aims Recommended training media

Physical fundamentals of
13 14
electrics and pneumatics
Function and application of
electropneumatic devices
Representing motion sequences
and switching states
Constructing control systems
using relays
Electrical latching circuits WBT Electropneumatics
Using magnetic proximity sensors Design and simulation program,
Using pressure switches FluidSIM Pneumatics
Directionally dependent control
systems using sensors Also order:
Directionally dependent control
systems using predetermining BIBB Electropneumatics course
counters de 93070
Controllers with parameters and:
(e.g., single/continuous cycle, Accompanying exercises, log
EMERGENCY-OFF) sheets, and exercise circuits
Step diagram controls/pro- de 93080
cess-controlled sequence controls
Timing controls/time-controlled
sequence controls
Program controls with non-deleting
and deleting sequencer
Troubleshooting large electropneu-
matic control systems

The selection of components com-

plies with the German Federal Insti-
tute for Vocational Training (Bundes-
institute fr Berufsbildung (BIBB))

70 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatics training packages > Equipment sets > Closed-loop pneumatics

Equipment set TP 111

Basic closed-loop pneumatics training

Complete equipment set TP 111 in equipment tray 184467 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Signal input, electrical 162242
2 2x 3/2-way valve with pushbutton actuator, normally closed 152860
3 1x 2 x 3/2-way solenoid valve with LED, normally closed 567198
4 1x Pressure gauge 152865
5 2x One-way flow control valve 193967 4 5 6
6 1x On-off valve with filter/regulator, 5 m 526337
7 1x Manifold 152896
8 1x Plastic tubing, 4 x 0.75 silver 10 m 151496
9 1x PID controller 162254
10 1x Comparator 162257
11 1x Pressure sensor, analog 167094
12 1x 5/3-way solenoid valve, mid position closed 567201 7 8 9
13 1x 5/3-way proportional valve 167078
14 2x Air pressure reservoir, 0.4 l 152912
15 1x Status controller 162253
16 1x Linear drive, pneumatic, with guide and accessories 192501
17 1x Position encoder 152628
18 1x Ruler 525927
19 1x Weight, 5 kg, for linear drive 34065 10 11 12
20 2x Shock absorber 34572
1x Connecting cable for linear potentiometer 376177
1x Adapter for Y-axis or weight 167032
1x Mounting accessories for position encoder 8065079

Recommended accessories:
Aluminum profile plate Page 39
13 14 15
Compressor Page 124
Digital multimeter 8040005
Digital storage oscilloscope 571845
Function generator 152918
Cable BNC 4 mm 152919
Cable BNC BNC 158357
T-connector BNC 159298
16 17 18
Tabletop power supply unit www.festo-didactic.com
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145

Training aims Recommended training media

Controlling pressure and position WBT Pneumatics
19 20
Action sequence of a control circuit Design and simulation program,
Activity and timing of control units: FluidSIM Pneumatics
discontinuous and continuous con-
trols, P, I, D, PI, PD, PID controls, Also order:
status controls
Behavior of control sequences: Workbook Closed-loop pneumatics
transfer characteristics, transient Campus license ( Page 19):
response, system with and with- de 94459
out compensation, system of first, en 94465
second and third order, idle times es 533499
Interaction of closed-loop con- fr 94347
trols and control systems: control
circuit optimization, stability con- Partial equipment sets for controlling
siderations pressure and position on request.
Set-up, commissioning, and op-
timization of closed-loop control Note: The linear drive and linear
assemblies, devices, and systems potentiometer are mounted perpen-
with analog controller cards dicular to the profile slot.

www.festo-didactic.com 71
Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Energy-efficient compressed air management

Air Control System AirCS equipment set Advanced level

Energy-efficient compressed air management

A view of the entire system Generation and load management Distribution and monitoring Special features of the
AirCS EduTrainer
Before compressed air can be used it The index number of the connect- Long-term monitoring makes it pos-
must be generated, purified, and dis- ed compressor is ascertained under sible to visualize consumption for Pneumatic function area with:
tributed up to the respective appli- the Condition Monitoring menu item. individual applications. This allows Flow sensor
cation. Compressed air is a valuable Various compressors can be com- for well-founded statements regard- Pressure sensor
form of energy. Nevertheless, too lit- pared and changes can be detected ing energy costs. Targeted and actual Distributor block for QS-4/6/8
tle is often done to lay out the over- at an early stage. A calculation tool statuses can be compared, for exam- Directly actuated 5/2-way
all system efficiently. Consumption assists the user in ascertaining over- ple, in order to be able to detect and solenoid valve
is rarely measured or monitored. The all variable and fixed costs for com- evaluate leaks. Outlet with flow control valve
cost situation is usually unclear. pressed air generation. and stop-cock
Compressed air distribution compo-
This is where the Air Control Sys- In the case of load management, en- nents can be examined in the Flow Electrical function area with:
tem AirCS comes in. The important ergy consumption is visualized for Resistance menu. In this way, for ex- Energy consumption meter
aspects of making compressed air the compressor and an additional ample, the various resistances of dif- 2x 230/110 V AC outputs with
available and distributing it are ex- consuming device. Pressure thresh- ferent tubing lengths and diameters control technology to switch the
amined within the framework of the olds are specified for switching the can be acquired and compared, as 230/110 V AC consuming devices
AirCS training project with regard to compressor on and off. In consider- well as for T-connectors and elbow SysLink and analog connection for
energy efficiency. ation of peak loads, the fundamen- connectors. Furthermore, a calcula- EasyPort
tals of load management can then be tion tool is available for determining Connections for integrating the
The AirCS EduTrainer serves as a imparted and tested. the ideal pipe cross-section. external sensor
basis to this end. Its incorporated
between compressed air generation As a prerequisite for the use of In the case of nominal flow measure- Can be used for A4 mounting frame
(compressor) and the process. In AirCS, a system must be available ment, a second, external pressure (399 x 297 mm) or as table stand.
combination with FluidLab-AirCS for measurement, for example the sensor can be used to ascertain the
software, integrated measuring tech- MPS distributing station or the nominal flow rates of devices and
nology allows for innovative condi- equipment set TP 201 (basic level components, in a manner similar to
tion monitoring for the measurement electro-pneumatics). the ISO 6358 standard.
of compressed air and energy con-

72 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Energy-efficient compressed air management

Complete equipment set AirCS 8023858

The most important components at a glance:

1x AirCS EduTrainer 8023859
1x AirCS accessory kit 8023860
1x FluidLab-AirCS 1.0 single license 8023861
1x EasyPort USB 548687
1x Analog cable, parallel, 2 m 529141 110/230 V AC
1x I/O data cable with SysLink connectors (IEEE 488) at both ends, 2.5 m 34031 24 V DC
1x Pressure sensor with display 572745 D I/O 0V
Necessary accessories, also order:
Compressor Page 124
Tabletop power supply unit www.festo-didactic.com
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145

110/230 V AC

FluidLab-AirCS included AirCS training documentation

The FluidLab-AirCS software is an The workbook in German and English
important component of the AirCS constitutes the accompanying
equipment set. Just a few simple documentation for the AirCS train-
steps are needed to configure the in- ing project.
terface and select the user language
(German/English). Then the exercis- The workbook contains:
es can be started. Definition of task
Sample solutions
Exercises are supported by connec- Training notes
tion diagrams, descriptions, and
sample solutions taken from the Up to two electric consuming devices
AirCS workbook. The measurement (e.g. compressor and power supply
process is software-controlled. Re- unit) are needed to perform the load
sults can be measured with measur- management exercises.
ing points, printed out, or exported
to a spreadsheet program. The soft-
ware scope also includes the com-
plete book of exercises in PDF for-

System requirements
PC with Windows 7/8/10
CD-ROM drive
USB 2.0 or serial interface

www.festo-didactic.com 73
Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Sensors/PLC

Equipment set TP 1311

Sensors for object detection

The purpose of automation The equipment set contains sen- The special feature Course topics
technology sors with analog and binary output Hands-on experience plays a cen- Configuration, function, and
signals, although the focus is on tral role in teaching the fundamen- coefficients of the sensors used
The subject of sensors for object binary output signals. These sensors tals of sensors for object detection. Basic principles of connection and
detection is covered extensively in are called proximity switches. Examples are used to demonstrate circuit technology
the TP 1311 equipment set. The top- the general operational principles of Influence of object shape, material,
ics include configuration, function, The following types are contained different sensors. Special attention is surface, and color on the switching
areas of application, and the selec- in the equipment set: paid to the selection of the right sen- characteristics of sensors
tion of sensors based on the require- Magnetic proximity sensors sor, its connection, the correct set- Terms which describe coefficients
ments of an application. Inductive proximity sensors ting, and functional checking. and functional behavior
Optical proximity sensors Configuration of logic circuits
Capacitive proximity sensors With the TP 1311 students can ac- Selecting appropriate sensors
Inductive sensors (analog) quire a thorough, basic knowledge by taking into account certain
about sensors for object detection. parameters

74 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Pneumatic training packages > Equipment sets > Sensors/PLC

Complete equipment set TP 1311 566918 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Proximity sensor, magneto-resistive 566199
2 1x Proximity sensor, inductive, M12 548643
3 1x Proximity sensor, inductive, M18 548645
4 1x Analog sensor, inductive, M12 548644
5 1x One-way light barrier, receiver 548647 4 5 6
6 1x One-way light barrier, transmitter 548648
7 1x Fiber-optic unit 548655
8 1x Fiber-optic cable 548659
9 1x Retro-reflective sensor 548649
10 1x Reflector (triple mirror), 20 mm 548650
11 1x Diffuse sensor with background suppression 548656
12 1x Proximity sensor, capacitive, M12 548651 7 8 9
13 1x Indicator unit and distributor, electrical 162244
14 1x Slide unit 572740
15 1x Set of test objects 549830

Accessories, also order:

Aluminum profile plate Page 39
Slotted mounting plate Page 39 10 11 12
Tabletop power supply unit www.festo-didactic.com
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145

13 14 15

Also order: topics are covered by exercises using

magnetic, inductive, optical, and
Workbook capacitive proximity sensors.

Sensors for object detection The workbook includes:

Sample solutions
TP 1311 Training notes
Multimedia CD-ROM with graphics,
photos of industrial applications



Exercise sheets for trainees




10 20 30 mm 40



Campus license ( Page 19):



24 V

de 566919
24 V
B 1
4 Q1



en 566920
es 566921
Festo Didactic

fr 566922
566920 en

Fifteen projects based on industri- Supplementary media

al examples, suitable for equipment WBT Sensor technology 2:
set TP 1311, each including prob- Sensors for object detection
lem d escriptions, parameters, and Textbook: Proximity switches
project tasks, deal in detail with the
specific subject of sensors for ob-
ject detection. The main topics are
configuration, function, and the in-
fluence of material properties on be-
havior, possible applications, and
how to select a sensor based on the
application conditions. The content

www.festo-didactic.com 75
Hydraulics training packages > System description

Hydraulics training packages

Tailored training in industrial and mobile hydraulics

Modular for flexible expansion

Festo Didactics training packages

are modular in structure. For exam-
ple, you could start with the basic
level of electrohydraulics and then
move onto the advanced level. Or are
you more interested in electropneu-
matics? The choice is yours. Youd
like to explore a particular special-
ised topic? All equipment set compo-
nents can also be ordered separate-
ly, so you can turn your own ideas
into reality. Position it clamp it done! Everything where you want it Connect it power!
With the Quick-Fix mounting system, systematic storage Hydraulic power is supplied by the
you can mount all components easi- Most equipment sets are delivered tool-free connection of low-leakage
ly and securely on the profile plate or in practical, Systainer-compatible couplings the latest generation in
on the profile column of a Learnline equipment trays. This equipment high-grade stainless steel. The cou-
workstation. The electrical units are tray fits in the drawers of the work- pling is self-sealing when uncoupled.
clamped into the ER frame and se- stations. The large pictogram on the During the low-friction coupling pro-
quenced individually. The supports components, designed in accordance cedure, only the front surface is coat-
and the electrical units are the same with the latest standards, provides ed with oil, which saves resources, is
for both hydraulics and pneumatics clear instructions for connecting easy on the environment, and reduc-
a single investment, with double the the components and ensures short es contamination.
functionality. preparation and follow-up times.
When dismantling circuits, you can
quickly and easily locate where the
component goes in the equipment

76 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Hydraulics training packages > System description

Didactic plus

The workbooks accompanying

the training packages contain
project-oriented exercises of in-
creasing complexity. There are also
positional sketches, illustrations,
videos, animations, and cross-
sectional drawings, which explain
how things look in the real world.
For a complete and expert treat-
ment of the topic of hydraulics, the
training also covers basic physics,
technical calculations, safety, effi-
ciency, analytical fault-finding, and
professional documentation.

Hands-on basic and specialized

training using industrial compo-
nents provides the confidence to
apply the a cquired knowledge in
the workplace. The components
are specially selected for the exer-
cises in the workbook. Note: near-
ly all hydraulic and electrical con-
nections are located on the easily
accessible upper side of the com-

Your choice of training environment Quality not quantity! New technologies Mobile hydraulics
User-friendly training environments Bigger is not necessarily better. new skills needed The new training packages for
for specific topic areas: Volumetric flow rates and pres- Modern measurement and diagnos- mobile hydraulics systematically and
Self-study phases with the sures should be chosen with care tic technology and cartridge valves informatively explore complex topics
training programs and in coordination with the system are among the international trends in and systems, such as work hydrau-
Designing and documentation as a whole. This especially applies hydraulics. So youll find those tech- lics, hydrostatic steering and drive
with FluidSIM to hydraulic training systems. High nologies in our learning systems as systems for the agricultural, forestry,
Hands-on experimentation with forces and cylinder speeds not on- well. Benefit from the compact, inte- and construction vehicle sectors, and
the training packages and the ly increase the danger for the user, grated design, the low weight, ease warehouse and municipal vehicles.
exercises in the workbooks but also require a larger hydraulic of handling, and easy-to-read sym-
Functional testing and optimization power pack with higher power con- bol system.
with measurement technology and sumption. So our offer is: as large as
FluidLab necessary and as small as possible,
without compromising on teaching

www.festo-didactic.com 77
Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Hydraulics

Equipment set TP 501 Basic Level

Basic training in hydraulics

The classic reissued Pure convenience Training content Hydraulic circuits:

Commissioning hydraulic circuits
The solid basis for hands-on basic Easy and exact switching of hand Power packs and components: safely
and specialized education. Training lever valves Design, function, and most import- Using the flow control valve in the
package TP 501 contains only purely Ergonomic handwheels and fine ant characteristics of a hydraulic inflow and outflow and adjusting
hydraulic control systems. resolution allow the simple and power unit the drive speed
precise setting of the flow and Design and function of pressure- Difference between a flow control
The number and version of the com- pressure valves relief valves, cylinders, and direc- valve and one-way flow control
ponents are specifically adapted to Tool-free, single-hand operation tional control valves valve in hydraulic control systems
the projects in the workbook. This is with quick action mounting system, Design and function of the non-re- Design and mode of operation of a
a cost-effective way of achieving the Quick-Fix turn valve, one-way flow control differential circuit
important training objectives. Easy and secure plugging and valve, and piloted non-return valve Effect of the piston surfaces on
releasing of the new, low-leakage, Design and function of flow con- pressures, forces, speeds, and
TP 501, Basic Level is suitable for ba- self-sealing, quick connection cou- trol valves travel times
sic training in hydraulic control tech- plings Proper use of piloted non-return
nology and imparts knowledge of the Measurements and calculations: valves
basic physical principles of hydrau- Delivered in practical, Systainer-com- Recording and interpreting the Circuits with different types of
lics, as well as the function and use patible equipment trays. The trays, characteristic curve of a hydrau- counter pressure
of hydraulic components. in turn, fit exactly into the drawers in lic pump Operating cylinders with varying
Learnline workstations. Measuring the volume flow of a loads
hydraulic control system
Recording the characteristic curve
of a pressure-relief valve
Identifying and calculating times,
pressures and forces during ad-
vancing and retracting of a cylinder
Recording the characteristic curve
of a flow control valve
Calculating performance ratios
when using 4/3-way valves with
different mid-positions

78 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Hydraulics

Complete equipment set TP 501 in equipment tray 573035 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Pressure relief valve 544335
2 1x 2-way flow control valve 544338
3 1x One-way flow control valve 152843
4 1x Non-return valve, delockable 544339
5 1x Non-return valve, 0.6 MPa opening pressure 548618 4 5 6
6 1x 4/2-way hand lever valve, spring return 544342
7 1x 4/3-way hand lever valve, relieving mid-position (AB > T), detenting 544344
8 1x 4/3-way hand lever valve, closed mid-position, detenting 544343
9 1x Shut-off valve 152844
10 1x Differential cylinder 16/10/200 with cover 572746
11 1x Weight, 9 kg for cylinder 152972
12 1x Hydraulic motor 152858 7 8 9
13 1x T-distributor 152847
14 2x 4-way distributor with pressure gauge 159395
15 3x Pressure gauge 152841
16 1x Flow sensor 567191

Necessary accessories, also order:

7x Hose line with quick release couplings, 600 mm 152960 10 10 11
3x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1000 mm 152970
2x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1500 mm 159386
Digital multimeter 8040005
Aluminum profile plate Page 39
Hydraulic power pack Pages 138 139
Protective cover for weight, 9 kg Page 133
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145
12 13 14

Also order: The workbook contains:

Sample solutions
Workbook Training notes
Multimedia CD-ROM with graphics,
Hydraulics photos of industrial applications,
Basic level 15 16
animations, and FluidSIM circuit
TP 501
Worksheets for students
CD-ROM included



Campus license ( Page 19):


m -PG1 -PG2

-RM1 B



de 550141

en 551141
es 551145
fr 551146

Festo Didactic

Supplementary media
551141 en

Designing and simulating with

The basic circuits for hydraulics are FluidSIM
presented in 17 exercises. The sym- Measuring and controlling with
bols used in the circuit diagrams are FluidLab
according to DIN/ISO 1219. In order WBT Hydraulics
to carry out the exercises, students Textbook: Basic Principles of
require the equipment set for TP 501 Hydraulics and Electrohydraulics
Hydraulics, Basic Level. Hydraulics poster set

www.festo-didactic.com 79
Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Hydraulics

Equipment set TP 501+ Advanced level

Systematic troubleshooting

Realistic Professional Pressure relief valve with Flow control valve with
Systematic troubleshooting and pro- broken spring damaged pressure compensator
Equipment set TP 501+ from fessional error elimination are an es- One example of a defective compo- Another example of a defect is a two-
Festo Didactic is an extension to sential part of everyday operations nent is a pressure relief valve with way flow control valve with a dam-
equipment set TP 501. TP 501+ in many jobs in the fields of mechan- a broken spring. This defect may be aged pressure compensator. While
contains components with specified, ics, mechatronics, and electrical en- due to a continuous load or a ma- intact, the valve ensures a constant
realistic defects. It enables hydraulic gineering. In order to acquire skills terial flaw. The defect results in the volumetric flow rate, regardless of
circuits to be constructed with the in this area via a structured, yet safe, spring length being shortened and the load pressure. However, in this
TP 501 and individual components to procedure, it important that system- hence, in a reduction in the maxi- case, the pressure compensator is
be replaced by defective ones. atic troubleshooting is both learned mum pressure that can be set. The not working. The differential pres-
and practiced. Keys to this are: conspicuous symptoms result in a sure is no longer being regulated
Using our experience in industrial Understanding circuits and discern- lower cylinder force. Pressure sen- via the throttle valve. Here, the flow
environments, we were able to ing any non-conformities sors or force sensors may not switch, control valve behaves like an unreg-
define typical error patterns for Delimiting/precluding any error which can lead to interruptions to ulated throttle valve. A fault like this
hydraulic systems and adapt them areas operation cycles or process safety occurs if dirt has entered the system
to the components contained in Locating and rectifying errors being put at risk. and as a result, the pressure com-
equipment set TP 501+. pensators piston has seized up in
This procedure assumes specialist the open position.
knowledge, such as modes of oper-
ation of individual components and
their system limits

80 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Hydraulics

Complete equipment set TP 501+ in equipment tray 8060227 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Shut-off valve, defective 8065301
2 1x One-way flow control valve , defective 8065298
3 1x Pressure relief valve, defective 8065175
4 1x 2-way flow control valve, defective 8065174
5 1x 4/3-way hand lever valve, H-center position, detenting (PTAB) 8065281 4 5 6
6 1x Flow control valve 152842
7 1x Differential cylinder 16/10/200, defective 8065195
8 1x Hose line with quick release couplings, clogged 8065327

Necessary accessories, also order:

Aluminum profile plate Page 39
Hydraulic power pack Pages 138 139
7 7 8

Requirements Study materials

Building on from Basic Level Hydrau- A description is included for each
lics, the Advanced Level contains defective component describing
eight components appropriate for both its function and the fault. A flow
equipment set TP 501. Possible trou- chart, which guides learners sys-
bleshooting tasks are aimed at all tematically from observation of the
job areas involving maintenance and symptom to the repair task, is also
repair activities. Special measuring included.
equipment is not required since all
symptoms are observable. However, Supplementary media
error patterns can also be quantified Design and simulation using
using measuring equipment such as FluidSIM
a flowmeter or pressure gauge. Diagnostic system TP 810 with
Textbook: Basic principles of
hydraulics and electrohydraulics
WBT hydraulics
Web-based training, electro-
Hydraulics poster set

www.festo-didactic.com 81
Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Hydraulics

Equipment set TP 502 Advanced Level

Hydraulics for advanced users

The new advanced level Hydraulics plus! Training content Hydraulic circuits:
Implementing bypass circuits
The training package TP 502 builds The new components provide add- Power packs and components: Ensuring synchronized forward
on the material covered in training ed training value, and relevant proj- Design and function of a hydrau- and return strokes
package TP 501 Basic Level, and ect tasks form the basis for advanced lic motor Getting to know the bypass circuit
adds 15 new projects to it. training in fundamental principles. Setting the direction and rotation Getting to know the rapid traverse
speed of a hydraulic motor feed circuit
The course expands students knowl- Delivered in practical, Systainer-com- Design, function, and use of a flow Advancing and retracting of a
edge about the basic physical prin- patible equipment trays, which in divider cylinder after the pump from the
ciples of hydraulics and the function turn, fit exactly into the drawers in Using a hydraulic reservoir as a reservoir is switched off
and use of further hydraulic compo- Learnline workstations. volume and pressure accumulator Use of a hydraulic reservoir for a
nents. Design, function and use of a rapid traverse circuit
pressure regulator Getting to know the rectifier circuit
In order to carry out the projects, Specifying the cylinder pressure Configuration and description
users require the components and Difference between pressure-relief of a sequence control with two
the necessary accessories from valves and pressure regulators cylinders
equipment set TP 501. Getting to know the pressure
Measurements and calculations: sequence and pressure stage
Calculating performance ratios of circuit
hydraulic circuits from measured Getting to know the fuse protection
values for tensile loads
Calculating forces on the cylinder
Creating procedure descriptions

82 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Hydraulics

Complete equipment set TP 502 in equipment tray 573036 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Pressure relief valve, compensated 567237
2 1x 3-way pressure reducing valve 544337
3 1x Flow dividing valve 544340
4 1x 2/2-way stem actuated valve, convertible 544353
5 3x Non-return valve, 0.6 MPa opening pressure 548618 4 5 6
6 1x Diaphragm accumulator with shut-off block 152859
7 1x Differential cylinder 16/10/200 with cover 572746
8 1x Mounting kit for cylinders 544371
9 5x T-distributor 152847

Necessary accessories, also order:

7x Hose line with quick release couplings, 600 mm 152960 7 7 7/8
4x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1000 mm 152970
2x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1500 mm 159386
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145
Digital multimeter 8040005
Aluminum profile plate Page 39
Hydraulic power pack Pages 138 139
Protective cover for weight, 9 kg Page 133 9
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145

Also order: The workbook contains:

Sample solutions
Workbook Training notes
Multimedia CD-ROM with graphics,
Hydraulics photos of industrial applications,
Advanced Level
animations, and FluidSIM circuit
TP 502
Worksheets for students

Campus license ( Page 19):
1B1 A

de 550142
1V2 P 1V3 P

en 551147
1V1 A B


es 551148

fr 551149

Festo Didactic

Supplementary media
551147 en

Designing and simulating with

The tasks demonstrate advanced hy- FluidSIM
draulic circuits. The equipment set Measuring and controlling with
of package TP 501 Hydraulics Ba- FluidLab
sic Level and TP 502 Advanced Lev- WBT Hydraulics
el equipment set are needed to carry Textbook: Basic principles of
out the tasks. Hydraulics and Electrohydraulics
Hydraulics poster set

www.festo-didactic.com 83
Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Electrohydraulics

Equipment set TP 601 Basic Level

Basic training in electrohydraulics

New edition of electrohydraulics! Training content Hydraulic circuits: Expanding existing control systems
Commissioning hydraulic circuits and adjusting the documentation
TP 601 is a logical further develop- Power packs and components: safely accordingly
ment of electrohydraulics for train- Design, mode of operation, and Explaining and designing direct Implementing s equence control
ing and specialized education. The areas of application of 2/2, 3/2, and indirect actuation with two cylinders
equipment set contains only elec- 4/2, and 4/3-way solenoid valves, Creating and using a sequence Getting to know and creating a
tro-hydraulic circuits and control as well as 4/2-way double sole- table procedure description as GRAFCET
systems. noid valves Explaining and designing signal and as a function diagram
Design and mode of operation of storage in the hydraulic power Analyzing circuits and carrying out
The number and version of the com- electrical pushbuttons, switches, section systematic fault finding and error
ponents are specifically adapted to and limit switches Selecting solenoid valves accord- elimination with restart
the projects in the workbook. This is Design and mode of operation of ing to the technical control require-
a cost-effective way of teaching the a relay ments Measurements and calculations:
important training objectives. Knowing and accounting for the Using and designing basic logic Measuring and calculating the flow
contact load capacity of electrical functions in an electrohydraulic installation
This equipment set provides stu- signal transmitters Explaining and designing an Calculating electrical characteris-
dents with knowledge about the ba- Selecting and using hydraulic and electric latching circuit with a tic values
sic physical principles of electrical electrical components according to dominant switch-off signal
engineering and electrohydraulics, economic criteria Designing and arranging pres-
as well as how electrohydraulic and Design and mode of operation of a sure-dependent control systems
control technology components func- pressure switch Knowing simple operating modes
tion and are used. Knowing different ways of sensing and accounting for them in the
a cylinders end position and se- circuit
lecting the right one Electrical and mechanical locking
of signals in a relay control system

84 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Electrohydraulics

Complete equipment set TP 601 in equipment tray 573037 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Pressure relief valve 544335
2 1x 2-way flow control valve 544338
3 1x One-way flow control valve 152843
4 1x Non-return valve, 0.6 MPa opening pressure 548618
5 1x 4/2-way solenoid valve, spring return 544346 4 5 6
6 1x 4/3-way solenoid valve, closed mid-position 544347
7 1x 4/2-way double solenoid valve, detenting 544352
8 1x Shut-off valve 152844
9 1x Weight, 9 kg, for cylinder 152972
10 2x Differential cylinder 16/10/200 with cover 572746
11 1x Mounting kit for cylinders 544371
12 2x T-distributor 152847 7 8 9
13 2x 4-way distributor with pressure gauge 159395
14 2x Pressure gauge 152841
15 1x Pressure switch, electronic 548612
16 2x Relay, three-fold 162241
17 1x Signal input, electrical 162242
18 1x Limit switch, electrical, left-actuated 183322
19 1x Limit switch, electrical, right-actuated 183345 10 10 10/11
20 2x Proximity sensor, electronic 2342009

Necessary accessories, also order:

7x Hose line with quick release couplings, 600 mm 152960
2x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1000 mm 152970
4x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1500 mm 159386
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145
12 13 14
Digital multimeter 8040005
Aluminum profile plate Page 39
Hydraulic power pack Pages 138 139
Protective cover for weight, 9 kg Page 133
Tabletop power supply unit www.festo-didactic.com
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145

15 16 17

Also order: The workbook contains:

Sample solutions
Workbook Training notes
Multimedia CD-ROM with graphics,
Electrohydraulics photos of industrial applications,
Basic Level
animations, and FluidSIM circuit
18 19 20
TP 601
Worksheets for students



-RZ1 B

Campus license ( Page 19):



A B de 550143

en 551150
24 V 1 2

13 12 14
-SF1 -KF1
14 11

es 551151



14 .2
fr 551152
41 44

Festo Didactic

Supplementary media
551150 en

Designing and simulating with

The basic electric circuits for hydrau- FluidSIM
lic control technology are presented Measuring and controlling with
in 15 exercises. In order to carry out FluidLab
the exercises, students require the WBT Electrohydraulics
equipment set of TP 601 Electrohy- Textbook: Basic principles of
draulics, Basic Level. Hydraulics and Electrohydraulics
Hydraulics poster set

www.festo-didactic.com 85
Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Electrohydraulics

Supplementary equipment sets


1 2 3/4
Supplementary equipment set from Hydraulics, Basic level TP 501 to
Electrohydraulics, Basic level TP 601

For training aims, see Electrohydraulics, Basic level TP 601 equipment set.

Complete supplementary equipment set TP 501 TP 601 573039

5 6 7
The most important components at a glance:
1 2x Relay, three-fold 162241
2 1x Signal input, electrical 162242
3 1x Limit switch, electrical, left-actuated 183322
4 1x Limit switch, electrical, right-actuated 183345
5 1x 4/2-way double solenoid valve, detenting 544352
8 8 8/9 6 1x 4/2-way solenoid valve, spring return 544346
7 1x 4/3-way solenoid valve, closed mid-position 544347
8 1x Differential cylinder 16/10/200 with cover 572746
9 1x Mounting kit for cylinders 544371
10 1x Pressure switch, electronic 548612
11 2x Proximity sensor, electronic 2342009
12 1x T-distributor 152847
10 11 12

Supplementary equipment set from Hydraulics, Basic level TP 501 and

Advanced level TP 502 to Electrohydraulics, Basic level TP 601

For training aims, see Electrohydraulics, Basic level TP 601 equipment set.

Complete supplementary equipment set TP 501 and TP 502 TP 601 573040

The most important components at a glance:

1 2x Relay, three-fold 162241
2 1x Signal input, electrical 162242
3 1x Limit switch, electrical, left-actuated 183322
4 1x Limit switch, electrical, right-actuated 183345
5 1x 4/2-way double solenoid valve, detenting 544352
6 1x 4/2-way solenoid valve, spring return 544346
7 1x 4/3-way solenoid valve, closed mid-position 544347
10 1x Pressure switch, electronic 548612
11 2x Proximity sensor, electronic 2342009

86 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Electrohydraulics

Supplementary equipment sets

Controllers for electrohydraulics

1 2 3
Supplementary equipment set The Controlling using FluidSIM
Controlling using FluidSIM/ package contains everything you
EasyPort USB need to control training packages
TP 201 and TP 601. FluidSIM
With this package, the FluidSIM Pneumatics is required for TP 201
software can be used to control and FluidSIM Hydraulics for TP 601.
training packages. FluidSIM con- A set of brief instructions provides
trols via EasyPort USB and process- information on the individual steps. 4 5
es the inputs and outputs connect-
ed to the universal connection unit The sample solutions are included on
according to their programming, a data storage medium as F luidSIM
e.g., using the digital module con- CT programs.
tained in FluidSIM.

Complete supplementary equipment set Controlling using

FluidSIM/EasyPort USB in equipment tray 556270

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Brief instructions for FluidSIM, de/en/es/fr 556267
2 1x EasyPort USB 548687
3 1x Quick-Fix screw adapter 549806
4 1x Universal connection unit, digital (SysLink) 162231
5 1x I/O data cable with SysLink connectors (IEEE 488) at both ends, 2.5 m 34031

Equipment set TP 601 Basic Level Pages 84 85
FluidSIM Hydraulics Pages 12 13

6 7 8
Supplementary equipment set The LOGO! 8 TP EduTrainer Compact
Controlling using LOGO! 8 TP training package contains everything
EduTrainer Compact TP/LOGO! you need to control training packag-
Soft Comfort es TP 201 and TP 601. A set of brief
instructions provides information on
A quick, straightforward, and inex- the individual steps. Programming is
pensive introduction to logical signal carried out using the LOGO! program- 9
processing. ming software, Soft Comfort.

With its extensive basic and special The sample solutions are included
control technology functions, LOGO! on a data storage medium as LOGO!
replaces a variety of conventional Soft Comfort programs.
switchgears and control devices.

Complete supplementary equipment set with LOGO! 8 TP EduTrainer Compact TP/LOGO!

Soft Comfort included in order 8049517

The most important components at a glance :

6 1x Brief instructions for LOGO!, de/en/es/fr 8049519
7 1x LOGO! 8 TP EduTrainer Compact TP 8040886
8 1x LOGO! Soft Comfort, de/en/es/fr 8040050
9 1x Ethernet cable 567280

Equipment set TP 201 Basic level Pages 84 85

Necessary accessories, also order: For additional controllers suit-

Aluminum profile plate Page 39 able for your requirements see:
Hydraulic power pack Pages 138 139 www.festo-didactic.com
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145 Keyword EduTrainer Compact
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145

www.festo-didactic.com 87
Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Electrohydraulics

Equipment set TP 602 Advanced Level

Electrohydraulics for advanced students

The new advanced level Training content Using memory to implement an Hydraulics plus!
emergency operation
The training package TP 602 builds Power packs and components: Implementing control systems with Delivered in practical, Systainer-com-
directly on the material covered in Design and mode of operation of the operating modes single cycle patible equipment trays. The trays fit
basic principles package TP 601 add- different proximity sensors and continuous cycle into the drawers in Learnline work-
ing more in-depth projects. Function and possible applications Querying time in electrohydraulic stations. The new components, with
of a time relay with switch-on and control systems added training value and relevant
It provides students with advanced switch-off delay Getting to know and using further project tasks, form the basis for
knowledge about the basic physi- Design and use of an electrical logical connections advanced training in fundamental
cal principles of electrical engineer- predetermining counter Designing and arranging pressure principles.
ing and electrohydraulics, as well sequence control
as how electrohydraulic and control Learning objectives for hydraulic Knowing safety-related conditions
technology components function and circuits: that could be needed for a drive
are used. Selecting proximity sensors accord- Designing and arranging safety
ing to the technical control require- functions with a predefined motion
In order to carry out the projects, ments sequence for a control system
users require the components and Expanding electrohydraulic control Implementing control systems with
the necessary accessories from TP systems and adjusting the docu- the operating modes inching and
601. mentation aligning
Designing and arranging path- and Systematically identifying and
The number and version of the com- pressure-dependent sequence eliminating errors in complex
ponents are specifically adapted to controls electrohydraulic control systems
the projects in the workbook. This Identifying signal overlaps in a Creating sequence control as a
makes it possible to achieve many sequence control and taking the displacement-step diagram
important training objectives at lit- appropriate action Representing procedure descrip-
tle cost. Designing and arranging sequence tions with GRAFCET
control as a standing sequencer

88 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Electrohydraulics

Complete equipment set TP 602 in equipment tray 573038 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Time relay, two-fold 162243
2 2x Relay, three-fold 162241
3 1x Preset counter, electronic 1677856
4 1x Diaphragm accumulator with shut-off block 152859
5 1x Hydraulic motor 152858 4 5 6
6 1x 4/3-way solenoid valve, relieving mid-position (AB > T) 544348
7 1x Proximity sensor, inductive, M12 548643
8 1x Emergency stop pushbutton, electrical 183347
9 1x T-distributor 152847
10 1x Non-return valve, delockable 544339
11 1x Pressure relief valve, compensated 567237
7 8 9
Necessary accessories, also order:
8x Hose line with quick release couplings, 600 mm 152960
4x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1000 mm 152970
2x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1500 mm 159386
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145
Digital multimeter 8040005
Aluminum profile plate Page 39 10 11
Hydraulic power pack Pages 138 139
Protective cover for weight, 9 kg Page 133
Tabletop power supply unit www.festo-didactic.com
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145

Also order: The workbook contains:

Sample solutions
Workbook Training notes
Multimedia CD-ROM with graphics,
Electrohydraulics photos of industrial applications,
Advanced Level
animations, and FluidSIM circuit
TP 602 diagrams
Worksheets for students

Campus license ( Page 19):

de 550144
24 V






















en 551153
es 551154
12 14

12 14

12 14 22 24 22 24 22 24 22 24
K10 K6 K7 K8 K9

fr 551155
11 21 21 21 21
A1 A1 A1 A1 A1
K6 K7 K8 K9 K10
A2 A2 A2 A2 A2
... ...
1A1+ 2A1+ 2A1 1A1

Festo Didactic

Supplementary media
551153 en

Designing and simulating with

The basic practical circuits in FluidSIM
electrohydraulics are presented in Measuring and controlling with
12 exercises. In order to carry out FluidLab
the exercises, students require the WBT Hydraulics
equipment set of TP 601 Electro- WBT Electrohydraulics
hydraulics, Basic Level and Advanced Textbook: Basic principles of
Level TP 602. Hydraulics and Electrohydraulics
Hydraulics poster set

www.festo-didactic.com 89
Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Measurement and control

Equipment set TP 610 Advanced level

Measurement and control in Hydraulics with FluidLab-H

Fit for tomorrow? Something extra special Training content Your advantages
In order to the complete the exercis- Basic principles of analog pro- Fast, PC-supported recording of
The equipment set for TP 610 ex- es, sensors (e.g., pressure, flow and cessing measured values
pands the training content of TP 501 position) are connected to the in- Using and adjusting sensors Greater training success through
and TP 601 to include the topic of puts, and control signals are trans- Interpreting measurement results measurement of components and
hydraulics measurement and con- mitted to the EasyPort USB outputs. Reading and understanding techni- interpretation of results
trol. The material covered ranges The FluidLab-H software included in cal data and measurement curves Sensors that enable students to
from recording simple characteristic the scope of delivery interprets and Getting to know fluid engineering look into the circuit and compo-
curves of individual hydraulic valves visualizes the signals. Analog val- components and their influence nents
through to the basic principles of ues are displayed as measurement and function Suppositions regarding system
cylinder control. In addition, aware- curves. Demonstrating fluid engineering behavior can be easily proven
ness is raised in a clear and striking effects and special features Learning the principles of measure-
manner about the effective use of Each exercise includes notes on its Analytical fault finding ment and analysis and applying
hydraulic energy, e.g. with resistance implementation, with positional Hydraulic energy them directly in other circuits
experiments. sketches and block circuit diagrams. Evaluating changes of state Demonstrate and understand the
Students are guided step-by-step Proportional technology principles of fluid engineering
New features of FluidLab-H include through the experiments. Measured Control technology with position, faster
the measurement experiments for results are then interpreted and com- sequence and pressure control System analysis via a PC: State-of-
proportional technology with record- pared with sample solutions, and the-art diagnostic method
ing characteristic curves, and appli- questions are asked to check stu- Better understanding of fluid engi-
cations such as pressure stages and dents understanding. neering components and processes
rapid traverse feed circuits, as well and thus better training outcomes
as control technology with position,
sequence and pressure control.

Exercises for the measurement and

analysis of system and control be-
havior point to a future in which
diagnostics, preventative mainte-
nance, and saving energy are becom-
ing more and more important.

90 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Measurement and control

Complete equipment set TP 610 in equipment tray 567194 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x I/O data cable with SysLink connectors (IEEE 488) at both ends, 2.5 m 34031
2 1x Universal connection unit, digital (SysLink) 162231
3 1x Analog cable, parallel, 2 m 529141
4 1x Connection unit, analog 567232
5 1x EasyPort USB 548687 4 5 6
6 1x Quick-Fix screw adapter 549806
7 1x 4/3-way solenoid valve, relieving mid-position (AB > T) 544348
8 2x Pressure sensor 525964
9 1x Flow control valve 152842
10 1x Resistance hose line with quick release couplings, 1000 mm 549858
11 1x FluidLab-H Single license, de/en 573286
12 1x Limit switch, electrical, left-actuated 183322 7 8 9

The exercises for proportional and control hydraulics also require:

Proportional amplifier 162255
Displacement encoder for cylinder, 200 mm stroke 167090
Mounting kit for cylinders 544371
4/3-way proportional valve 167086
Proportional pressure relief valve 544351 10 11 12
Pressure filter 548609

Optionally, the regulating valve can be used instead of the proportional amplifier with the
proportional valves for the control technology exercises.
4/3-way regulating valve 567269

Includes FluidLab-H System requirements

measurement software PC with Windows 7/8/10
The FluidLab-H software is an im- Pentium III or equivalently
portant component of the training 2 GB RAM
package TP 610. Just a few simple CD-ROM disk drive
steps are needed to configure the USB 2.0 or serial interface
interface, adapt the sensors, and 1280 x 1024 pixels
select the language (de/en). Then NI LabView 2012 Runtime
the exercises can begin, which are (included in scope of delivery)
divided into the areas of basic ex-
periments, cylinder controls, pro- To carry out the exercises, students
portional technology and control require the components and ap-
engineering. Connection diagrams, propriate accessories from training
descriptions, and sample solutions packages 501 and 601.
support students during the exer-
cises. The software also controls the
measurement sequence. Diagrams
can be dimensioned and printed out
using the cursors. The software also
includes the complete book of exer-
cises, with sample solutions, in PDF

www.festo-didactic.com 91
Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Proportional hydraulics

Equipment set TP 701 Basic level

Basic proportional hydraulics training

Proportional hydraulics, Basic Level Training content Measurements and calculations: ydraulics, such as pressure stage
Determining characteristic curves circuit, rapid traverse feed circuit,
Proportional valves are continuous Components: and characteristics of valves and pump bypass, approaching posi-
valves that, thanks to proportion- Design and function of different equipment tions, controlled acceleration and
al magnets, not only permit simple proportional valves Measuring parameters such as braking, logically connecting set-
switching positions, but also enable Characteristic curves and charac- pressure, volumetric flow, and time point values, load-independent
a continuous transition in the valve teristics of proportional valves Calculating the flow for proportion- speeds
opening. Design and function of amplifiers al directional control valves Getting to know the pressure stage
and setpoint specification Calculating speeds for double- control system
These valves are specifically used in Getting to know the characteristics acting cylinders with varying load Braking a cylinder feed
hydraulics where variable volumetric of the 1 and 2-channel amplifier Calculating the natural frequency Reversing a hydraulic motor
flows (proportional directional con- Completely setting the 1-channel of a cylinder drive Setting process-dependent
trol valve or proportional throttle) amplifier Calculating times for acceleration pressure stages
are needed together with load com- Setting the basic current, step and braking Externally and logically intercon-
pensation (proportional flow control current, and maximum current necting setpoint values
valve) or variable pressures (pro- Getting to know the characteristics Hydraulic circuits: Approaching a position with
portional pressure-relief valve). The of the 4/3-way proportional valve Controlling pressure and speed braking
equipment set provides information and the proportional pressure- Reading and creating hydraulic Creating a load-independent
about proportional valves, how they relief valve and electric circuit diagrams feed speed
function, and how they are activat- Deriving the settings for the Creating a function diagram
ed using proportional amplifiers and 2 channel amplifier Designing and commissioning
a setpoint value card. The set can be Setting ramps control systems, including fault
used to design, set, and commission Deriving the ramp settings from finding
simple proportional control systems. the function diagram

Basic circuits for proportional

92 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Proportional hydraulics

Complete equipment set TP 701 184465 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Relay, three-fold 162241
2 1x Proportional amplifier 162255
3 1x Setpoint value card 162256
4 1x Signal input, electrical 162242
5 2x Proximity sensor, inductive, M12 548643 4 5 6
6 1x 4/3-way proportional valve 544350
7 1x 4/2-way solenoid valve, spring return 544346
8 1x Proportional pressure relief valve 544351
9 1x Pressure filter 548609
10 1x Pressure balance (proportional flow control valve) 159351
11 1x Pressure relief valve 544335
12 1x Differential cylinder 16/10/200 with cover 572746 7 8 9
13 1x Hydraulic motor 152858
14 1x Flow control valve 152842
15 1x One-way flow control valve 152843
16 2x Pressure gauge 152841
17 2x T-distributor 152847
18 1x Weight, 9 kg, for cylinder 152972
10 11 12
Necessary accessories, also order:
5x Hose line with quick release couplings, 600 mm 152960
2x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1500 mm 159386
Measuring case 177468
Pressure relief unit 152971
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145
Aluminum profile plate Page 39
13 14 15
Hydraulic power pack Pages 138 139
Protective cover for weight, 9 kg Page 133
Tabletop power supply unit www.festo-didactic.com
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145

Also order: The workbook contains:

16 17 18
Sample solutions
Workbook Training notes
Multimedia CD-ROM with graphics,
Proportional hydraulics photos of industrial applications,
Basic level
animations, and FluidSIM circuit
TP 701
Worksheets for students

Campus license ( Page 19):

de 94457
en 94472
es 94404
fr 94352

Festo Didactic

Supplementary media
094472 en

Designing and simulating with

Ten exercises provide an introduction FluidSIM
to the equipment and circuits for pro- Measuring and controlling with
portional hydraulics. Individual items FluidLab
of equipment are presented and their WBT Hydraulics
settings are tested. The progressive- WBT Electrohydraulics
ly complex exercises then provide a WBT Open- and closed-loop control
complete solution. Textbook: Proportional hydraulics,
Basic level
Hydraulics poster set

www.festo-didactic.com 93
Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Proportional hydraulics

Equipment set TP 702 Advanced level

Advanced proportional hydraulics training

Proportional hydraulics, Training content Hydraulic circuits: Setting precise switch-off positions
Advanced Level Controlling pressure, speed, Implementing drive acceleration
Components: acceleration, delay, and position with a proportional pressure-relief
The training package TP 702 builds Determining characteristics curves Reading and creating proportion- valve
directly on the material covered in and characteristics of different al hydraulic and electric circuit Implementing oscillating move-
package TP 701, Basic Level, and sensors diagrams ments for a cylinder with a propor-
adds nine additional more in-depth Coordinating electrical and hydrau- Reading motion diagrams tional hydraulic control system
and real-life case studies. lic equipment Designing and commissioning Implementing the specified speed
Creating characteristic curves for proportional hydraulic control profile by means of an additional
The package includes the following displacement, pressure, and tem- systems, including fault finding bypass circuit and slow retraction
steps: perature sensors Adjusting and coordinating as per to the end positions
Understanding the task using a the specified procedure description Implementing a travel process with
positional sketch, diagram and Measurements and calculations: Using basic circuits for propor- a 2/2-way proportional valve and a
problem description Measuring and processing param- tional hydraulics such as: speed, proportional pressure-relief valve
Designing the hydraulic circuit eters such as displacement, time, rotational speed, stage, accelera-
diagram pressure, and temperature tion, braking, and differential cir-
Determining the necessary signal Further signal processing of ana- cuits, as well as positioning
transmitters log signals Implementing specific displace-
Compiling the sequence table ment-time and positioning pro-
Designing the electric signal con- grams
trol system
Structuring and commissioning
the proportional hydraulic control
Settings and evaluating the result

94 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Proportional hydraulics

Complete equipment set TP 702 184466 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Setpoint value card 162256
2 1x Comparator 162257
3 1x Time relay, two-fold 162243
4 1x Indicator unit and distributor, electrical 162244
5 3x Relay, three-fold 162241 4 5 6/7
6 1x Limit switch, electrical, left-actuated 183322
7 1x Limit switch, electrical, right-actuated 183345
8 1x Proximity sensor, capacitive, M12 548651
9 1x Proximity sensor, optical, M12 572744
10 1x Non-return valve, delockable 544339
11 1x T-distributor 152847
12 1x Non-return valve, 0.05 MPa opening pressure 548617 8 9 10
13 1x Displacement encoder for cylinder, 200 mm stroke 167090
14 1x Mounting kit for cylinders 544371

Necessary accessories, also order:

5x Hose line with quick release couplings, 600 mm 152960
3x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1000 mm 152970
2x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1500 mm 159386 11 12 13
Measuring case 177468
Pressure relief unit 152971
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145
Aluminum profile plate Page 39
Hydraulic power pack Pages 138 139
Protective cover for weight, 9 kg Page 133
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145

Also order: The workbook contains:

Sample solutions
Workbook Training notes
Worksheets for students
Proportional hydraulics
Advanced level
Campus license ( Page 19):
TP 702 de 94458
en 94473

es 94450

Supplementary media
Designing and simulating with
Measuring and controlling with
Festo Didactic
WBT Hydraulics
094473 en

WBT Electrohydraulics
Nine exercises illustrate the most WBT Open- and closed-loop control
important circuits and equipment in Textbook: Proportional hydraulics,
proportional hydraulics. To carry out Basic level
the exercises, the equipment sets Hydraulics poster set
for proportional hydraulics TP 701
(Basic Level) and TP 702 (Advanced
Level) are required.

www.festo-didactic.com 95
Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Closed-loop hydraulics

Equipment set TP 511

Basic closed-loop hydraulics training

Closed-loop hydraulics, Basic Level Training content Transition function of a P controller Status controllers
Control performance of a pressure Selecting the controller structure
Hydraulic closed-loop control circuits Position control circuits: control circuit with P controller Disturbance reaction and control
are normally operated with continu- Characteristic curve of a Transition functions of I and PI con- factor
ous valves. A control valve with inte- displacement sensor trollers Designing control circuits
grated electronics, linear character- Flow rate characteristics Transition functions of D, PD and Hydraulic, mechanical and electri-
istic curve (volumetric flow to control of a c ontinuous directional PID controllers cal controllers
piston position), and zero overlap control valve Empirical parameterization of a PID Analog and digital controllers
makes commissioning easy and pro- Linear unit as a controlled system controller Selection criteria for controllers
vides good results in the closed-loop for position control Parameterizing using the
control circuit. Designing and commissioning a Ziegler-Nichols method Valves and measuring systems:
position control circuit Changed controlled system with Designation, circuit symbols and
Lag errors in the position control disturbances function of continuous directional
circuit control valves
Position control with a changed Controllers in hydraulics: Stationary characteristics and
controlled system Controlled systems with and dynamic behavior of continuous di-
Commissioning a position control without compensation rectional control valves
circuit with disturbances Low-delay hydraulic controlled Function, design, and mode of op-
Characteristics and transition systems eration of a pressure regulating
functions of a status controller First, second, and third order valve
Parameterizing a status controller hydraulic controlled systems Pressure control with a directional
Classifying controlled systems control valve
Pressure control circuits: according to their step response Mode of operation and interface of
Characteristic curve of a pressure Operating point and controller a measuring system
sensor amplification
Controlled system for pressure Discontinuous controllers
control Block diagrams for discontinuous
Characteristics of a PID control- and continuous controllers
ler board P, I, D, PI, PD and PID controllers

96 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Closed-loop hydraulics

Complete equipment set TP 511 in equipment tray 8028723 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x PID controller 162254
2 1x Status controller 162253
3 2x Pressure sensor 525964
4 1x Pressure gauge 152841
5 1x Hydraulic motor 152858 4 5 6
6 1x Flow sensor 567191
7 1x Pressure filter 548609
8 1x Flow control valve 152842
9 1x Shut-off valve 152844
10 2x 4-way distributor with pressure gauge 159395
11 2x T-distributor 152847
12 1x 4/3-way regulating valve 567269 7 8 9
13 1x Linear drive 8028726
14 2x Weight, 5 kg, for linear drive 34065

Necessary accessories, also order:

4x Hose line with quick release couplings, 600 mm 152960
3x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1000 mm 152970
2x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1500 mm 159386 10 11 12
2x Hose line with quick release couplings, 3000 mm 158352
1x Pressure relief unit 152971
1x Function generator 152918
3x Cable BNC 4 mm 152919
1x Cable BNC BNC 158357
1x T-connector BNC 159298
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145
13 14
Digital multimeter 8040005
Aluminum profile plate Page 39
Digital storage oscilloscope Page 144
Hydraulic power pack q > 3.5 l/min Pages 138 139
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145

Also order: ioning cylinders for linear drives

(order no. 152295), three additional
Workbook tubing lines with quick connection
coupling and a shut-off valve (order
Closed-Loop Hydraulics no. 152844) are required. These are
not included in the scope of delivery.
TP 511

The workbook contains:

Sample solutions, training notes

Worksheets for students

Campus license ( Page 19):

de 94460
en 94469
es 94368
Festo Didactic

fr 94348
094469 en

The 20 exercises in this book are Supplementary media

used to introduce the fundamentals FluidSIM
of analog closed-loop hydraulics: FluidLab
pressure and position control with WBT Hydraulics
PID controllers, and position control WBT Electrohydraulics
with status controllers. For extra task WBT Open- and closed-loop control
number 21, which deals with posi- Textbook: Proportional hydraulics,
tion control with disturbance vari- Basic level
ables and an active load, the cush- Hydraulics poster set

www.festo-didactic.com 97
Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > BIBB hydraulics

BIBB hydraulics equipment sets

Suitable for BIBB hydraulics course, lessons A Z

BIBB hydraulics equipment set basic equipment set BIBB hydraulics equipment set electro-hydraulics extension set
Matches BIBB hydraulics instruction course, exercises A-Z Required for the BIBB hydraulics instruction course, exercises A-Z

Training content When combined with the BIBB basic equipment set (order no. 8025069), the
The 21 exercises in the BIBB hydraulics course teach the fundamentals of hy- electro-hydraulics extension set covers all the devices required to complete the
draulic control engineering. Topics covered: hydraulic power pack, directional BIBB hydraulics instruction course tasks A Z.
control valves and drives, shut-off and flow control valves, pressure regulators
and pressure switches, hydraulic reservoirs, application switches, hoisting a Electro-hydraulics equipment set extension 8025073
load, Grtz switches, neutral circulation of the pump delivery, commissioning,
and maintenance. The most important components at a glance:
1x 4/2-way solenoid valve, spring return 544346
Basic equipment set in the equipment tray 8025069 1x 4/3-way solenoid valve, closed mid-position 544347
1x 4/3-way solenoid valve, bypass mid-position (P > T) 544349
The most important components at a glance: 1x 4/3-way solenoid valve, relieving mid-position (AB > T) 544348
1x Differential cylinder 16/10/200 with cover 572746 2x Relay, three-fold 162241
1x 3-way pressure reducing valve 544337 1x Signal input, electrical 162242
1x 2-way flow control valve 544338 1x Time relay, two-fold 162243
1x Flow control valve 152842 1x Proximity sensor, inductive, M12 548643
1x One-way flow control valve 152843
4x T-distributor 152847
1x Diaphragm accumulator with shut-off block 152859
1x Weight, 9 kg, for cylinder 152972 BIBB hydraulics equipment set hand lever valve extension set
1x Pressure switch, electronic 548612 Optional for the BIBB hydraulics instruction course, exercises without
1x Flow sensor 567191 electro-hydraulics
2x Hydraulic motor 152858
1x Pressure relief valve, piloted 8025067 When combined with the BIBB basic equipment set (order no. 8025069), the
1x Pressure relief valve 544335 hand lever valve extension set covers all the devices required to complete the
1x Non-return valve, delockable 544339 BIBB hydraulics instruction course, except for the electro-hydraulics section of
1x Shut-off valve 152844 the course.
2x Non-return valve, 0.05 MPa opening pressure 548617
2x Non-return valve, 0.6 MPa opening pressure 548618 Hand lever valve extension set 8025072
2x Pressure gauge 152841
2x 4-way distributor with pressure gauge 159395 The most important components at a glance:
1x 4/2-way hand lever valve, spring return 544342
Necessary accessories, also order: 1x 4/3-way hand lever valve, closed mid-position, detenting 544343
6x Hose line with quick release couplings, 600 mm 152960 1x 4/3-way hand lever valve, bypass mid-position (P > T), detenting 544345
4x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1000 mm 152970 1x 4/3-way hand lever valve, relieving mid-position (AB > T), detenting 544344
4x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1500 mm 159386
Pressure relief unit 152971
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145
Digital multimeter 8040005 Recommended training media
Aluminum profile plate Page 39 WBT Hydraulics
Hydraulic power pack Pages 138 139 Design and simulation program FluidSIM Hydraulics
Protective cover for weight, 9 kg Page 133
Tabletop power supply unit www.festo-didactic.com Also order:
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145
BIBB hydraulics instruction course
(on request)

Possible combinations (only available when ordered as combination)

Basic equipment set and electro-hydraulics equipment set extension
(Order no. 8025069 and order no. 8025073)
Basic equipment set and hand lever valve equipment set extension
(Order no. 8025069 and order no. 8025072)
Basic equipment set and hand lever valve equipment set extension and
electro-hydraulics equipment set extension
(Order no. 8025069 and order no. 8025072 and order no. 8025073)

98 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Mobile hydraulics

Equipment set TP 800 Mobile hydraulics

From basic principles to mobile machine

Mobile hydraulics from

Festo Didactic

Mobile hydraulics has a range of

specific features compared to con-
ventional industrial hydraulics. These
are normally taught directly on a
vehicle. But what if the components
or the vehicle are not accessible or
the entire system is too complex for
teaching purposes?

Simplified Equipment sets:

In contrast to a vehicle, with a learn-
ing system each hydraulic subsys- Working hydraulics Working hydraulics Hydrostatic steering system
tem can be separately and individ- Basic level Advanced level The working hydraulics can also be
ually constructed and examined. At the basic level, flow control with Here, the focus is on load sensing extended with a steering system.
And measured values can be record- directional valves with different mid systems with variable displacement This teaches the construction and
ed almost everywhere for improved positions are compared in terms of pump. This includes the construc- functioning of a hydrostatic steering
understanding. their energy usage. This is done us- tion, operation, and adjustment of a system, with typical shock and suc-
ing a cylinder load simulator which, variable displacement pump with a tion valves and double-rod cylinders.
Accessible depending on the design, is capable load sensing controller and mobile or
While in a vehicle there is usually of simulating a wide variety of differ- control block. The energy usage with The influence and effect of loads on
little room and access is restricted to ent load situations. flow control, open center load sens- the steering cylinder are investigat-
qualified personnel, the elements of ing, and closed center load sensing ed. Combinations of working hydrau-
a learning system are manageable, In addition, the topics of holding and with a variable displacement pump lics and a steering system based on
easy to identify and fault-tolerant. lowering the load and two 6/3 way can then be compared. different priorities can also easily be
valves for actuation of two drives are set up. This illustrates the effect of
Clean discussed using the series, parallel, Remote control and hydraulic p ilot steering activity on the downstream
Work on a vehicle usually means and tandem circuits. control of mobile blocks can also working hydraulics.
dealing with dirt and unpleasant be discussed and developed. In ad-
weather. A learning system is clean As a transition to the Working hy- dition, the effects of upstream and
and ergonomic. draulics Advanced level, a simple downstream pressure balances can
load sensing controller with constant be tested.
With the mobile hydraulics equip- pump is implemented.
ment set, Festo Didactic closes the
gap between the basic principles of
hydraulics and hydraulic systems on
a vehicle.

For an ideal introduction to mobile

hydraulics, a hydraulic power unit is
available, with variable displacement
pump and load sensing controller
and a constant displacement pump.
This enables both basic and ad-
vanced levels to be taught and load
simulations to be carried out with
just one power unit.

www.festo-didactic.com 99
Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Mobile hydraulics

Equipment set TP 801 Basic level

Mobile hydraulics Working hydraulics 1

Mobile hydraulics from Complexity clarified Fully compatible TP 801 training content
Festo Didactic The new training packages for With uniform interfaces and a mod- Many vehicles and applications make
mobile hydraulics take components ular structure, it is possible to put use of constant displacement pumps
Mobile hydraulics has a range of which often appear in vehicles as together even quite complex, entire which continue to provide volumetric
specific features compared to con- highly integrated, functional mod- systems. All mobile hydraulics ele- flow even when no hydraulic power
ventional industrial hydraulics. Train- ules and present them as separate, ments are compatible with the cur- is required. In TP 801, the energy us-
ing content is therefore usually ex- individual elements with unique rent Festo Didactic equipment sets age of different systems also when
plained and demonstrated directly symbols and clear terminal identifi- for hydraulics fundamentals, electro- under load is compared and as-
on the vehicle. cation codes. hydraulics, proportional, and closed- sessed. Systems with multiple con-
loop hydraulics. suming devices are set up, connect-
But what if the hydraulic compo- The teaching principle behind this is ed in parallel, tandem, and series,
nents being explained or the vehicle that of guiding students step-by-step However, it is the double pump and examined in terms of character-
are not accessible or the system is from a simple component to a com- power unit with a pressure-limited istics, such as priority, flow rate dis-
too complex for teaching purposes? plex, complete picture, with practi- constant displacement pump, and tribution, and pressure dependency.
cal demonstrations. The universal variable displacement pump with
Festo Didactics new training sys- compatibility of the single elements load sensing control, which forms The training also looks into the
tem closes the gap between the allows them to be used for other the basis for the perfect training sta- basics of holding the load with pop-
basic principles of hydraulics and the function units, making this equip- tion and workstation. It also allows pet valves and lowering the load with
hydraulic systems on a vehicle. ment set highly flexible. assembly of the load sensing system counter pressure and a counterbal-
with TP 803. ancing valve.

Alternatively, it is possible to use a

hydraulic power unit with a constant
displacement pump and a volumetric
flow rate of about 4 l/min for TP 801
and TP 802.

100 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Mobile hydraulics

Complete equipment set TP 801 in equipment tray 574161 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Counterbalance valve 572149
2 1x Pressure compensator for open center load sensing 572123
3 1x 3-way pressure reducing valve 544337
4 2x Pressure relief valve 544335
5 1x Flow control valve 152842 4 5 6
6 1x Non-return valve, 0.6 MPa opening pressure 548618
7 1x Shuttle valve 572122
8 1x Double non-return valve, delockable 572151
9 1x Shut-off valve 152844
10 2x 6/3-way proportional hand lever valve 572141
11 1x Loading unit/cylinder load simulator 572145
12 1x Diaphragm accumulator with shut-off block 152859 7 8 9
13 2x Hydraulic motor 152858
14 2x 4-way distributor with pressure gauge 159395
15 3x T-distributor 152847
16 2x Pressure switch, electronic 548612
17 2x Flow sensor 567191

Necessary accessories, also order: 10 11

10x Hose line with quick release couplings, 600 mm 152960
4x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1000 mm 152970
2x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1500 mm 159386
2x Digital multimeter 8040005
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145
Hydraulic power pack Pages 138 139
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145

The equipment tray The media on offer for TP 801

The training package is supplied with Workbook for mobile hydraulics
an equipment tray, which also fits in TP 800 12 13 14
the drawers of the workstations. A Diagnostic system TP 810
fixed drawer unit for mobile hydrau- with FluidLab-M
lics with two drawers is recommend- Designing and simulating
ed for particularly large components. with FluidSIM
WBT Hydraulics
WBT Electrohydraulics
Hydraulics poster set 15 16 17

Fixed drawer unit for mobile hydraulics

(2 drawers)
Order no. 574153

Wheeled drawer unit for mobile hydraulics

(2 drawers)
Order no. 574152

www.festo-didactic.com 101
Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Mobile hydraulics

Supplementary equipment set

Mobile hydraulics

Supplementary equipment set from Hydraulics, Basic level TP 501 to Complete supplementary equipment set TP 501 TP 801 in equipment tray 574160
Mobile hydraulics, Working hydraulics 1 TP 801
The most important components at a glance:
The supplementary equipment set extends TP 501 (order no. 573035) to form 1x Counterbalance valve 572149
TP 801. The necessary accessories from TP 801 are required in order to carry 1x Pressure compensator for open center load sensing 572123
out the exercises. Supplements are available on request for other/older equip- 1x 3-way pressure reducing valve 544337
ment sets. 1x Pressure relief valve 544335
1x Flow control valve 152842
For training content, see Equipment set, Mobile hydraulics, Working hydraulics 1 1x Shuttle valve 572122
TP 801. 1x Double non-return valve, delockable 572151
2x 6/3-way proportional hand lever valve 572141
1x Diaphragm accumulator with shut-off block 152859
1x Loading unit/cylinder load simulator 572145
1x Hydraulic motor 152858
2x T-distributor 152847
2x Pressure switch, electronic 548612
1x Flow sensor 567191

102 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Hydraulics training packages > Workbook > Mobile hydraulics

Mobile hydraulics TP 800


Mobile Hydraulics

TP 800




C (X1) D (X2) A B




P1 P

T2 T2

Festo Didactic
574166 en

The workbook contains 21 project Exercise section TP 801 Exercise section TP 802 Exercise section TP 803
exercises designed for equipment Working hydraulics 1 Hydrostatic steering system Working hydraulics 2
sets TP 801, TP 802 and TP 803 to- This training section, made up of This training section, made up of This training section, made up of
gether with the corresponding exer- nine project exercises, is designed five project exercises, is designed for seven project exercises, is designed
cise sheets and sample solutions. for the equipment set TP 801. the equipment set TP 802. for the equipment set TP 803.
It thus provides a comprehensive
course companion, conveying the Each project exercise begins by pre- During all project exercises, trainees The content builds on the training
essential knowledge and basic prin- senting the training objectives. Next, set up a circuit as per the instruc- content of TP 801, Working hydrau-
ciples of the hydraulic systems of the vehicle or application under dis- tions and the relevant circuit dia- lics 1 and expands it to include the
mobile machines. cussion is presented. Parameters are gram, and carry out measurements complex topic of systems with a vari-
provided to ensure a uniform starting and calculations. Each project exer- able displacement pump with load
The workbook contains: point, and the project goal ensures a cise ends with a series of questions sensing control. However, the com-
Basic information structured approach. to test trainees understanding. The plexity is kept to a manageable lev-
Exercise sections comprising proj- measurements, calculations, and an- el because the project exercises are
ect exercises, and sample solutions Energy usage swers can then be compared with the progressive, each building on the
for TP 801, TP 802 and TP 803 Of flow control sample solutions and discussed. one before.
Training notes Of open center load sensing
Multimedia CD-ROM with supple- Of a proportional valve (supply) Basic principles of hydrostatic Load-sensing systems
mentary media Of a proportional valve (supply and steering Design and function of a control
Worksheets for students discharge) with and without open Structure of a steering system with block
center load sensing through-rod cylinders Control block with closed center
The basic level contains the follow- Of a proportional valve with pump Structure of a steering system with load sensing
ing topics: bypass with and without loaded two differential cylinders Control block with two loads
Definition of terms and basic cylinder Displacement of the steering valve Flow rate limitation on the c ontrol
principles of hydraulics Emergency steering characteristics block
Closed hydraulic circuit Holding load, lowering load of the steering valve Pilot control of a control block
Load-sensing systems and Holding load (piloted non-return Loads and overloads in the steer- Dependencies of load and flow
variable displacement pumps valves) ing system Functioning of an upstream
Flow divider Lowering load (counter pressure) Torque dependency of the steer- pressure balance
Mobile control blocks Lowering load (counterbalancing ing valve Pressure compensation for
6/3-way proportional valves valve) Priorities of the steering system load sensing
and valve configurations and secondary loads Characteristics of upstream
Pressure balances Circuits with multiple loads pressure balances when there
Holding and lowering loads Features of parallel connection is more than one load
Hydraulic pilot control (joystick) Features of tandem connection Characteristics of downstream
Priority valves Features of series connection pressure balances when there is
Steering systems more than one load

L. Unan, U. Schedel, C. Lffler

Edition 2013, 540 pages, colour, in folder.

Campus license ( Page 19):

de 574165
en 574166

www.festo-didactic.com 103
Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Mobile hydraulics

Equipment set TP 802 Advanced level

Mobile hydraulics Hydrostatic steering system

Hydrostatic steering system For multiple use Safety first! TP 802 training content
As with all Festo Didactic training Safety in the use of our training sys- TP 802 promotes the practical test-
Hydrostatic steering is an essential packages, including mobile hydrau- tem is top priority. Many mobile hy- ing and technical measurement of
subsystem in many mobile machines lics, all components are designed to draulics elements are not designed the structure and method of oper-
and is especially well-suited to man- be used as parts of a single, compat- to be pressure resistant. This is why ation of a hydrostatic steering sys-
aging high steering forces. ible system. This means that many our oil return ports use an open cou- tem, comprising a steering valve,
parts at basic level can also be used pling system. Students should none- anti-shock and anti-cavitation valves,
The number and design of the com- for experiments at advanced levels. theless be made fully aware of safe- steering cylinder(s), constant-dis-
ponents are specifically adapted to Long-term maintenance of the in- ty matters. Making sure connections placement pump, and (if needed)
the projects in the workbook. This terfaces is also an important part of are correct will minimize impact on secondary loads.
ensures a maximum return on the the design, whether mechanical with resources and the environment.
training with minimum effort. Quick-Fix, hydraulic with low-leakage The basics include the structure
couplings, or electrical with safety of different steering systems with
plug technology. through-rod and differential cylin-
ders, and determining the displace-
Components and accessories from ment and the torque dependencies
the equipment set TP 801 are re- of the steering unit. In addition,
quired to carry out the projects. emergency steering characteristics
are explored and tested. An overload
is applied to the system, its behav-
ior is analyzed and anti-shock valves
are set accordingly. The steering
systems priority over a secondary
load also forms part of this training

104 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Mobile hydraulics

Complete equipment set TP 802 in equipment tray 574162 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Steering unit (Orbitrol) 572146
2 1x Shock and anti-cavitation valve 572148
3 1x 4/3-way hand lever valve, relieving mid-position (AB > T), detenting 544344
4 1x Tubing line for unpressurized return 573024
5 1x 4-way return header, unpressurized 573026 4 5

Necessary accessories, also order:

9x Hose line with quick release couplings, 600 mm 152960
4x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1000 mm 152970
3x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1500 mm 159386
2x Digital multimeter 8040005
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145
Hydraulic power pack Pages 138 139
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145

The media on offer for TP 802 The workstation system

Workbook for Learnline has a modular design and
mobile hydraulics TP 800 offers an almost unlimited range of
Diagnostic system TP 810 configuration possibilities for the
with FluidLab-M Learnline workstation, such as the
Designing and simulating table extension for PC-assisted mea-
with FluidSIM surement with TP 810 and F luidLab.
WBT Hydraulics
WBT Electrohydraulics Learnline has a profile surface area
Hydraulics poster set of 1400 x 700 mm per side lots of
room for large components and com-
plex circuits.

Quality isnt compromised, as its

construction and functionality are
the very best. The torsionally rigid
design and the high-quality coating
on the work surface and frame guar-
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antee a long service life despite high

loads. Learnline can handle the hard
daily lesson routine, as well as a
vibrational load during the hydraulic
position control.
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www.festo-didactic.com 105
Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Mobile hydraulics

Equipment set TP 803 Advanced level

Mobile hydraulics Working hydraulics 2

Working hydraulics 2 System behavior under load TP 803 Working hydraulics The content:
In practical applications, the chal- advanced level training content Design, mode of operation, and
The challenge for the efficient lenge is to handle continuously The advanced level focuses on the setting of a variable displacement
operation of machines is how to changing large loads reliably and load-sensing system with variable pump with load sensing controller
handle frequently changing loads efficiently. To reflect this challenge displacement pump, control block, and control block.
and fluctuating speeds during the properly in the training system, we pilot control, and up to two loads. Comparing and assessing the ener-
operation cycle. have developed a cylinder load simu- gy usage of flow control, open cen-
lator which allows an extremely wide Components and accessories from ter load sensing and closed center
Constant displacement pump sys- range of load types, even with the the equipment sets TP 801 and load sensing with a variable dis-
tems generally have a very poor TP 801 set. TP 802 are required to carry out the placement pump.
degree of efficiency in such cases, projects. Remote control and hydraulic pilot
as they are always designed for the An active or passive hydraulic coun- control of control blocks.
highest, most likely pressure and teracting force is applied to a combi- Characteristics of load sensing
flow rate. nation of two differential or through- systems with upstream and down-
rod cylinders. stream pressure balances (flow
Load-sensing systems are different. distribution independent of load
Both the pressure and the flow rate By doing away with large work- pressures).
are adapted to the actual needs. ing loads and integrating an over-
This requires a variable displace- load safeguard, the cylinder load
ment pump with a load-sensing (LS) simulator is not just highly flexible,
controller, as well as valves with the but also safe to use and extremely
right type of control paths for load manageable.
feedback to the pump controller.

106 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Mobile hydraulics

Complete equipment set TP 803 in equipment tray 574163 1 2

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x Pilot valves (Joystick), 2x2-channel 572147
2 1x Mobile valve block, Load sensing 572144
3 1x Pressure compensator, upstream (pre) 573023
4 2x Pressure compensator, downstream (post) 572741
5 2x Flow control valve 152842
6 1x T-distributor 152847
7 1x Tubing line for unpressuriZed return 573024

Necessary accessories, also order:

10x Hose line with quick release couplings, 600 mm 152960
6x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1000 mm 152970 3 4 5
3x Hose line with quick release couplings, 1500 mm 159386
2x Digital multimeter 8040005
4 mm Safety laboratory cables Page 145
Hydraulic power pack Pages 138 139
Power supply unit for mounting frame Page 145

6 7

The hydraulic power unit The media on offer for TP 803

The power unit used for the mobile Workbook for
hydraulics training packages is a mobile hydraulics TP 800
variable and constant displacement Diagnostic system TP 810
pump combination. The constant with FluidLab-M
displacement pump is ideal both for Designing and simulating
the basic principles of hydraulics and with FluidSIM
electrohydraulics and for the m obile WBT Hydraulics
hydraulics sets TP 801 and TP 802. WBT Electrohydraulics
With TP 803, the focus shifts to the Hydraulics poster set
variable displacement pump with LS
controller, with the function of the
constant-displacement pump now
being applied to active hydraulic
loads on the cylinder load simulator.

www.festo-didactic.com 107
Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Mobile hydraulics

Equipment set TP 810 Advanced level

Diagnostic system FluidLab-M:
Measurement Visualization Analysis

A greater understanding of The new FluidLab-M Reproducible measurement Visualization and analysis
diagnostic systems Do you want the measuring system processes Two display modes are available for
for your fluid power circuits, pro- Simply start the measurement and measured-data data acquisition.
System diagnostics, condition moni- cesses, or systems to be simple but record digital and analog input and One displays up to two Y-axes over
toring, and energy efficiency are be- high quality? To start with, any num- output signals. During the measure- time (X-axis). For example, chang-
coming more important all the time. ber of sensors with voltage output ment, you can set and reset the digi- es in pressure and flow rate over the
and connected to a PC via EasyPort, tal outputs manually and control the course of a cycle can be recorded.
A fluid power system can only be can be adapted to the measurement analogue outputs. A reproducible, The other is an XY graph to record
optimally set if measurements are software in a few simple steps. Your controlled measurement process is e.g., a flow control or pump char-
taken at the correct points. The cor- sensor settings, designations, and important if you want to be able to acteristic; in other words, pressure
rect conclusions must then be drawn ranges of values are stored and im- compare series of measurements. over flow rate. The measured values
from the measurement data. Howev- mediately ready to use next time. This is a particularly strong point of can be saved and superimposed over
er, with dynamic system conditions, FluidLab-M can record up to four FluidLab-M. The measurement pro- other records within the software,
measuring techniques such as the analog and digital inputs simulta- cess can be programmed and saved or compared and analyzed. There
use of a pressure gauge are pushed neously. directly in a text editor using a sim- are two measuring cursor and zoom
to their limits. That is why permanent ple programming code. For example, and detail functions available for the
measured data acquisition with vi- delay times, jump or repeat com- purpose of analysis. Alternatively, a
sualization of measurement curves mands, and periodic analog output spreadsheet program such as Micro-
is necessary. Servicing and mainte- signals can all be programmed. soft Excel can be used to open and
nance personnel then have access to work with the measured values.
crucial information for the tasks at
hand and settings required.
FluidLab-M is the universal mea-
suring tool for all pneumatic and
hydraulic training packages.

108 24-month Festo Didactic warranty

Hydraulics training packages > Equipment sets > Mobile hydraulics

Complete equipment set TP 810 in equipment tray 574164 1 2 3

The most important components at a glance:

1 1x EasyPort USB 548687
2 1x Analog cable, parallel, 2 m 529141
3 1x I/O data cable with SysLink connectors (IEEE 488) at both ends, 2.5 m 34031
4 1x Universal connection unit, digital (SysLink) 162231
5 1x Quick-Fix screw adapter 549806 4 5 6
6 1x Connection unit, analog 567232
7 1x FluidLab-M Single license, de/en 573029

System requirements The media on offer for TP 810

PC with Windows 7/8/10 Workbook for
Pentium III or equivalently mobile hydraulics TP 800
2 GB RAM Designing and simulating
CD-ROM disk drive with FluidSIM
USB 2.0 or serial interface WBT Hydraulics
1280 x 1024 pixels WBT Electrohydraulics
NI LabView 2012 Runtime Hydraulics poster set
(included in scope of delivery)

Measurements can be carried out

with any sensor with voltage output
and 4 mm safety plug. Sensors are
not included in scope of delivery.

www.festo-didactic.com 109

110 www.festo-didactic.com
Pneumatics Components............................................................................112

Directional control valves............................................................................112

Paths and pressure valves...........................................................................114
Power and shut-off valves...........................................................................115
Control valves.............................................................................................116
Hosing, distributing....................................................................................121
Sensors/Measuring technology..................................................................122
Accessories and optional components........................................................124
Additional components...............................................................................125

Hydraulics Components.............................................................................126

Directional control valves............................................................................126

Pressure valves...........................................................................................128
Power/Lock valves......................................................................................130
Accessories and optional components........................................................134
Sensors/Measuring technology..................................................................136
Power packs................................................................................................138

Additional Components..............................................................................140

Measurement and control electronics.........................................................140

Sensors/Measuring technology..................................................................143
Electrical power supply...............................................................................145

www.festo-didactic.com 111
Pneumatics Training Packages > Components > Directional control valves

Directional control valves

1 6 1/2/3/4/5 Directional control 6/7/8 Directional control valves,

valves, manually operated mechanically operated
Poppet valve directly actuated, with Seat valve, one-sided, indirectly
spring return, quick action push/pull operated, with return spring.
connector for plastic tubing PUN-4 Actuating force at 600 kPa
x 0.75 for inside/outside calibrated (6 bar) 1.8 N
tubes. Quick and secure click-on Quick action mounting system
system for the profile plates Quick-Fix
Working pressure: at 600 kPa
(6 bar) 6 N 6 3/2-way roller lever valve with
2 7 Nominal flow rate: 1(P) 2 (A) idle return, normally closed
60 l/min The roller lever valve with idle return
Safety and quick mounting system is actuated when the roller lever is
traversed by the cam of a cylinder in
1 3/2-way-panel mounted with a certain direction. After release of
Pushbutton Actuator, normally the roller lever, the valve is returned
closed to its initial position by a return
Actuation: Pushbutton spring. When traversed in the reverse
Pressure range: -95 800 kPa direction, the roller lever has an idle
(-0.95 8 bar) return and the valve is not actuated.
Order no. 152860 Pressure range: 0 800 kPa
3 8
(0 8 bar)
2 3/2-way-panel mounted valve Standard nominal flow rate:
with Pushbutton Actuator, normally 1(P) 2(A) 80 l/min
open Order no. 152867
Actuation: Pushbutton
Pressure range: -95 800 kPa 7/8 3/2-way roller lever valve,
(-0.95 8 bar) normally closed
Order no. 152861 The roller lever valve is actuated
when the roller lever is pressed, for
3 5/2-way panel mounted valve example, by the cam of a cylinder.
4 with Selector Switch After release of the roller lever, the
Actuation: Selector switch valve is returned to its initial position
Pressure range: 0 800 kPa by a return spring.
(0 8 bar) Pressure range: 350 800 kPa
Order no. 152862 (3.5 8 bar)
Nominal flow rate: 1 (P) 2 (A)
4 3/2-way panel Mounted Valve 120 l/min
with Selector Switch, normally Order no. 152866
Actuation: Selector switch 8 3/2-way roller lever valve,
5 Pressure range: 0 800 kPa normally open
(0 8 bar) Order no. 162267
Order no. 152863

5 3/2-way panel mounted valve

with lockable mushroom actuator,
red, normally open
Poppet valve, directly actuated in
one direction, with spring return. The
valve is actuated when the red mush-
room actuator is pressed. Once the
actuator is released, the switching
status is retained. Turning the mush-
room actuator clockwise will return
it to its basic setting again, with the
valve set to normal position by the
return spring.
Actuation: Mushroom actuator
Pressure range: 0 800 kPa
(0 8 bar)
Order no. 152864

112 www.festo-didactic.com
Pneumatics Training Packages > Components > Directional control valves

Directional control valves

1/2/3/4/5/6 Directional control 7/8/9/10/11 Directional control 1 7

valves, pneumatically actuated valves, electromagnetically
Directly actuated, normally closed operated
single-solenoid piston spool valve Pilot actuated, single solenoid piston
with mechanical spring return. Con- spool valve with pneumatic spring
vertible to normally open. return, non-detenting and detenting
Quick push-in fitting for plastic tub- manual override, and LED.
ing PUN-4 x 0.75 or for internally or Electrical connection via integrated
externally calibrated tubing types 4 mm safety sockets
Symbol, port identification, and 24 V DC power supply 2 8
connection position to DIN ISO Pneumatic connection via QS-4
1219 push-in fitting
Pilot pressure: 150 1,000 kPa Quick action mounting system
(1.5 10 bar) Quick-Fix
Operating pressure:
-90 1,000 kPa (-0.9 10 bar) 7 2 x 3/2-way solenoid valve with
Suitable for vacuum and reverse LED, normally closed
operation Switching time on/off 6/16 ms
Quick action mounting system Operating pressure: 150 800 kPa
Quick-Fix (1.5 8 bar) 3
Order no. 567198
1 3/2-way valve, pneumatically
actuated on one side 8 2 x 3/2-way solenoid valve with
Order no. 576302 LED, normally open
Switching time on/off 6/16 ms
2 5/2-way pneumatic valve, Operating pressure: 150 800 kPa
pneumatically actuated, one side (1.5 8 bar)
Order no. 576307 Order no. 2326587

3 5/2-way double pilot valve, 9 5/2-way solenoid valve with LED 4 10

pneumatically actuated on Switching time on/off 7/19 ms
both sides Operating pressure: 250 800 kPa
Order no. 576303 (2.5 8 bar)
Order no. 567199
4 5/3-way valve,
mid-position pressurized 10 5/2-way double solenoid valve
Order no. 576305 with LED
Response time 7 ms
5 5/3-way valve, Operating pressure: 150 800 kPa
mid-position exhausted (1.5 8 bar)
Order no. 576306 Order no. 567200 5 11

6 5/3-way valve, 11 5/3-way double solenoid valve,

mid-position closed mid position closed
Order no. 576304 Response time 7 ms
Operating pressure: 150 800 kPa
(1.5 8 bar)
Order no. 567201

www.festo-didactic.com 113
Pneumatics Training Packages > Components > Directional control and pressure valves

Directional control and pressure valves

1 4 1 Electromagnetically actuated 4 Pressure regulator with

3/2-way fast-switching solenoid pressure gauge
valve Control valve with pressure gauge,
Normally closed single-solenoid pop- adjustable by lockable rotary knob,
pet valve with mechanical spring and precision quick connector for plastic
non-detenting manual override. tubing PUN-4 x 0.75 or for internally
Electrical connection with 4 mm or externally calibrated tubing types.
safety plug Standard nominal flow rate:
Power supply: 24 V DC 110 l/min
Pneumatic connection with push-in Max. input pressure: 1,000 kPa
fitting QS-6 (10 bar)
2 5 Switching time on/off 2.3/2.8 ms Control pressure: 50 700 kPa
Max. switching frequency: 280 Hz (0.5 7 bar)
Operating pressure: -90 800 kPa Safety and quick mounting system
(-0.9 8 bar) Order no. 539756
Safety and quick mounting system
Order no. 544312 5 Proportional pressure regulator
Proportional pressure regulator with
2 Valve terminal with 4 valve slices connecting cable with safety plugs
(MMJJ) for installation on profile plates. The
Valve manifold type MPA with two regulator supplies pressure (0.15
3 5/2-way solenoid valves and two 6 bar) proportional to the input volt-
5/2-way double solenoid valves. The age (0 10 V).
solenoid coils are connected to pow- Supply voltage:
er with safety plugs that are labelled 21.6 26.4 V/3.6 W
with the coil index. Residual ripple: 10%
Switching status indicator: LED Electrical setpoint value: 0 10 V
Operating pressure: -0.9 10 bar Inlet pressure 7 8 bar
Pilot pressure: 3 8 bar Pressure regulation range:
Standard nominal flow rate: 0.15 6 bar
360 l/min Flow rate: 600 l/min
Nominal operating voltage: Safety and quick mounting system
24 V DC Order no. 539779
Safety and quick mounting system
Order no. 540696

3 5/3-way proportional valve

The proportional, directional con-
trol valve converts an analog elec-
trical input signal into correspond-
ing opening cross sections at the
Operating medium: filtered,
unlubricated compressed air
(5 m filtration grade)
Nominal/maximum pressure:
600/1,000 kPa (6/10 bar)
Max. nominal flow rate: 700 l/min
Operating voltage: 24 V DC
Analog setpoint voltage:
0 10 V DC
Power consumption: 2 W
(piston in mid-position)
Power consumption: 20 W (max.)
Max. hysteresis: 0.4%
Cut-off frequency: 100 Hz
Safety and quick mounting system
Order no. 167078

114 www.festo-didactic.com
Pneumatics Training Packages > Components > Power and shut-off valves

Power and shut-off valves

1 Flow control valve 7 Second one-way flow control 1 7

Standard nominal flow rate: valve
85 l/min For controlling the flow rate. Flow
QS-4 connection control screws for continuous flow
Order no. 193972 rate adjustment in either flow direc-
tion. In the reverse direction, the air
2 Non-return valve flows through a full cross-section
Standard nominal flow rate: check valve.
136 l/min Push-in fitting via QS-4 pneumatic 2
QS-4 connection connection 8
Order no. 153462 Standard nominal flow rate in
flow control/non-return direction:
3 Non-return valve, delockable 90/70 l/min
As long as a pilot signal is applied to Order no. 548634
the non-return valve, compressed air 3
should flow to and from the cylinder. 8 Quick-exhaust Valve
When the pilot signal is cancelled, Quick-exhaust valve with built-in si-
the non-return valve should shut lencer. 9
off the cylinder exhaust air, there- Design: Poppet valve
by stopping the cylinder motion. The Nominal flow rate: 1 2: 300 l/min
valve should be suitable for use for Nominal flow rate: 2 3: 390 l/min
positioning and braking functions. Order no. 539772
Operating pressure: 0.5 10 bar 4
Standard nominal flow rate:
108 l/min 9 Pneumatic resistance, long
Order no. 540715 The component acts as pneumatic
resistance. Due to the small diameter
4/5/6 One-way flow control valve and long length of the tubing, the
The one-way flow control valve is a two key features of pneumatic tubing
combination of a flow control valve and how they affect the flow rate and
and a nonreturn valve. The cross-sec- system behavior can be examined.
tion of the restrictor can be set by Tubing outside diameter: 2 mm 5
means of a knurled screw. Tubing length: 12 m
Design: One-way flow control valve Pneumatic connection with QS-4 10
Pressure range: 20 1000 kPa push-in fitting
(0.2 10 bar) Quick-action mounting system
Nominal flow rate in flow Quick-Fix
control direction: 0 85 l/min Order no. 4646991
in open direction: 100 110 l/min
Order no. 193967
10 Pneumatic resistance, short 6
5 One-way flow control valve The component acts as p neumatic
Safety and quick mounting system resistance. Due to the small tub-
Order no. 560159 ing diameter, the effects on the flow
rate and system behavior can be
6 One-way flow control valve examined.
Safety and quick mounting system Tubing outside diameter: 2 mm
Order no. 152881 Tubing length: 10 cm
Pneumatic connection with QS-4
push-in fitting
Order no. 4809992

www.festo-didactic.com 115
Pneumatics Training Packages > Components > Control valves

Control Valves

1 4 1 Dual-pressure valve (AND) 4 Pneumatic timer, normally open

The dual-pressure valve is switched Pneumatic timer (time delay valve).
through to the output by applying In the normal position, port 1 is
compressed air to both of the inputs switched through to port 2. The
(AND function). pneumatic timer is started by a
Design: AND gate (dual-pressure pneumatic signal at the control port.
valve ) It is actuated at the end of a set time
Pressure range: 100 1000 kPa delay and reset via spring return to
(1 10 bar) the initial position after the signal
2 Nominal flow rate: 1, 1/3 2: has been removed. The time delay is
550 l/min infinitely adjustable between 2 and
Order no. 539770 30 sec. via an adjusting knob.
Order no. 539759
5 2 Shuttle valve (OR)
The shuttle valve is switched 5 Pneumatic preset counter
through to the output by applying The pneumatic preset counter counts
compressed air to one of the inputs pneumatic signals, decrementing
(OR function). from a preset number. When zero is
Design: OR gate (shuttle valve) reached, the counter emits a pneu-
3 Pressure range: 100 1000 kPa matic output signal.
(1 10 bar) Design: Mechanical counter with
Nominal flow rate: 1, 1/3 2: pneumatic drive
500 l/min Display: 5-digit, character size
Order no. 539771 4.5 mm
Reset: Manual pushbutton or
3 Pneumatic timer, normally closed pneumatic signal
Pneumatic timer (time delay valve). Pressure range: 200 800 kPa
The timer switches input pressure (2 8 bar)
applied to port 1 through to port 2 Minimal pulse duration Drive:
after a preset time delay has expired. 10 ms
6 The time delay is infinitely adjustable Minimal pulse duration Reset:
between 2 and 30 sec. via an adjust- 180 ms
ing knob. Continuous counting frequency:
Order no. 540694 2 Hz
Order no. 152877

6 Pressure sequence valve

The pressure of the control signal
can be set by means of the pressure
setting screw (infinitely variable).
Design: Poppet valve with return
Operating pressure range:
180 800 kPa (1.8 8 bar)
Control pressure range:
100 800 kPa (1 8 bar)
Nominal flow rate: 1 2: 100 l/min
Quick action mounting system
Order no. 152884

116 www.festo-didactic.com
Pneumatics Training Packages > Components > Control valves/vacuum technology

Control valves/vacuum technology

1 Back pressure valve 3/4/5 Vacuum generator 1 3/4/5

The back pressure valve with plunger Operating pressure: 1 8 bar
control is actuated by the face of the Nominal diameter of laval nozzle
cylinder cam. The supply pressure 0.45 mm
can be regulated by means of a one- QS-4 connections
way flow control valve. With silencer, plug-in
Supply pressure range: 0 800 kPa Quick action mounting system
(0 8 bar) Quick-Fix
Closing force at 600 kPa (6 bar):
12.5 N 3 Vacuum generator, type H 2
Order no. 152868 Nominal operating pressure:
4.5 bar
2 Stepper module Max. suction rate with respect to
Design: Poppet valve with atmosphere 6.2 l/min
integrated AND and OR gates Maximum vacuum 88%
Nominal flow rate: P A: 60 l/min Order no. 573258
Pressure range: 200 800 kPa
(2 8 bar) 4 Vacuum generator, type L
Nominal operating pressure: 6 bar
2 Stepper module Max. suction rate with respect to
Comprising three TAA modules and atmosphere 15.7 l/min
one TAB module. Order no. 573259
Order no. 152886
5 Vacuum generator, type M
Stepper module, expansion Nominal operating pressure: 6 bar
The stepper controller is obtained Max. suction rate with respect to
from the series connection of four atmosphere 6.1 l/min
type TAA basic modules. This mod- Maximum vacuum 86%
ule comprises a memory (5/2-way Order no. 548628
double pilot valve) with display and
manual override as well as an AND
and OR gate.
Order no. 152885

www.festo-didactic.com 117
Pneumatics Training Packages > Components > Drives/actuators


1 6 1 Single-acting cylinder 6 Double-acting profile cylinder

Single-acting cylinder with control Double-acting compact cylinder with
cams. trip cam. The cylinder piston is fitted
Operating pressure: with a permanent magnet, the mag-
Maximum 1000 kPa (10 bar) netic field of which is used to actuate
Stroke length: Maximum 50 mm proximity sensors. There are slots on
Thrust at 600 kPa (6 bar): 150 N three of the sides for mounting the
Spring return force minimal: 13.5 N proximity sensors. Integrated cush-
2 Order no. 152887 ioning rings absorb the residual en-
ergy in the end positions.
7 2/3 Double-acting cylinder Operating pressure:
Double-acting cylinder with control Maximum 1000 kPa (10 bar)
cams. End-position cushioning with Piston diameter: 20 mm
two adjusting screws. A permanent Theoretical thrust at 600 kPa
magnet is mounted on the cylinder (6 bar): 188 N
piston. Its magnetic field can trigger Theoretical return force at 600 kPa
a proximity switch. (6 bar): 141 N
Operating pressure: Order no. 549832
3 Maximum 1000 kPa (10 bar)
Stroke length: Maximum 100 mm 7 Weight, 2 kg, for cylinder
Thrust at 600 kPa (6 bar): 165 N With plain-bearing guide and mount-
Return thrust at 600 kPa (6 bar): ing material for attaching to cylinder
8 140 N with M8 thread.
Order no. 152888 Order no. 572778

8 Driving/tractive load
3 Double-acting cylinder, Demonstration of a tractive or driving
smooth running load. Consisting of a double-acting
4 Order no. 4809915 cylinder, a weight of 55 N and two
restrictors. Mounting on the profile
4/5 Cover for cylinder plate is by means of two hammer-
Reduces the risk of injury. With a head nuts.
guide for easy positioning of limit Operating medium: dried air,
switches and proximity sensors. Also lubricated or unlubricated
suitable for a cylinder with mount- Operating pressure:
ing kit. For cylinders with more than 100 1000 kPa (1 10 bar)
200 mm stroke, use two covers. For Cushioning length: 17 mm
all differential and steady-speed Theoretical force at 6 bar (return):
5 cylinders. For differential cylinders 158.3 N
25/18/200 the adapter (order no. Theoretical force at 6 bar
573272) will also be needed. (advance): 188.5 N
Quick-action mounting system Mode of operation: double-acting
Quick-Fix Impact energy in the end p ositions:
Order no. 556290 0.2 J
9 Order no. 152889
5 Cover for cylinder
Suitable for cylinders order no. 9 Stop, 35 mm adjustment path
152887, 152888 and 549832 with Facilitates adjustable end position
weight order no. 572778, and cylin- of piston rod with (fixed) stop within
der order no. 152857 without weight. stroke range of cylinder.
The position of the cover can be Load max. N 190 (at 6 bar)
sensed, for example using electric Quick action mounting system
limit switches order no. 183322 and Quick-Fix
183345. Order no. 548630
Order no. 572777

118 www.festo-didactic.com
Pneumatics Training Packages > Components > Drives/actuators


1 Semi-rotary drive, size 16, 180 1 6

Semi-rotary drive with rotating plate 6 Air bearing
for attaching weights (order no. The Air Bearing consists of a disk
548581) in order to simulate loads. with an inlet duct leading to an un-
Freely adjustable swivel angle of derneath cavity. When pressurized
0 to 180 air is applied, friction-free movement
Freely selectable setup position of on a thin film of air is possible.
0 to 90 Pneumatic connection with QS-4
Three adapters for attaching prox- push-in fitting 7
imity sensors (order no. 548589) Order no. 4809899
Flexible cushioning at both ends
Pneumatic connection with QS-4 7/8/9/10/11/12/13
push-in fitting Suction gripper
Operating pressure: 200 800 kPa With suction cup holder and handle
(2 8 bar) Connection QS-4 or QS-6
Quick action mounting system 2
Quick-Fix 7 20 CS with vacuum security valve 8
Order no. 544313 Diameter: 20 mm
Bellows structure: 3.5 x
2 Weight, 175 g Suction cup material: VMQ
Set of two weights (2 x 175 g) for the Order no. 573047 3
quarter turn actuator.
Order no. 548581 8 Suction gripper 20 SN
Diameter: 20 mm 9
3 Fluidic muscle, size 10 Suction cup material: NBR
With mounting accessories for Order no. 573043
adaptation to two double-acting
cylinders: 9 Suction gripper 20 SS
Order no. 544311 Diameter: 20 mm
Suction cup material: VMQ 10
4 Optical display (red) Order no. 573045
The pneumatically-operated, optical 4
display is actuated if the pressure in 10 Suction gripper 30 SN
the line is greater than 150 kPa Diameter: 30 mm
(1.5 bar). Suitable for monitoring and Suction cup material: NBR
display of operational status. Order no. 573044
Design: Reflection principle 11
Display color: Red 11 Suction gripper 30 SS
Pressure range: 150 800 kPa Diameter: 30 mm
(1.5 8 bar) Suction cup material: VMQ
Quick action mounting system Order no. 573046
Order no. 152893 12 Suction gripper 4x20 ON 5
Oval suction cup design, 4 x 20 mm 12
Suction cup material: NBR
5 Compressed air motor Order no. 573257
The motor converts pneumatic ener-
gy into mechanical, rotational energy 13 Suction gripper, 10 mm diameter
and can be operated both clockwise 360 rotatable, detenting every 15
and anti-clockwise. Gripper diameter: 10 mm 13
Operating pressure: 300 600 kPa Breakaway force at 70% vacuum
(3 6 bar) 4.5 N
Nominal rotary speed: 975 RPM Quick action mounting system
Flywheel Quick-Fix
Increments for optical sensor: Order no. 560158
1/rev and 12/rev
Pneumatic connection with QS-4
push-in fitting
Quick-action mounting system
Order no. 4645172

www.festo-didactic.com 119
Pneumatics Training Packages > Components > Drives/actuators


1 3 1 Linear drive, pneumatic, Mounting accessories for

with guide and accessories position encoder
Rodless linear drive with guide. Order no. 8065079
Space-saving, rodless linear drive
with recirculating ball bearing guide Connecting cable for
Double-acting cylinder; compressed linear potentiometer
air produces forward and return Order no. 376177
4 stroke
The point of force delivery is pro- 3 Ruler
tected against rotation around the Ruler, with millimeter scale printed
2 longitudinal axis of the drive on both sides, with two knurled
Adjustable, end position cushioning screws. Used to measure position of
at both end positions the guides of the linear drive (order
The piston is fitted with a perma- no. 192501).
5 nent magnet whose magnetic field Total length: 580 mm
can be sensed via suitable proximity Scale length: 450 mm
switches. This permits contactless 2 knurled screws
sensing of intermediate and end Order no. 525927
positions of the drive
4 Weight, 5 kg, for linear drive
6 Cushioning type: pneumatic buffer- Weight for mounting on the linear
ing, adjustable drives (order no. 8028726 and order
Cushioning length: 18 mm no. 167089), to be used as addition-
Protection against torsion: guide al load.
Stroke length: 450 mm Order no. 34065
Overall length: 650 mm
Pressure range: 200 800 kPa Adapter for Y-axis or weight
(2 8 bar) Adapter for mounting the applied
Connection type: thread G 1/8 load on the pneumatic linear drive
Effective force (theoretical) at unit.
600 kPa (6 bar): 295 N Order no. 167032
Air consumption at 6 bar:
0.03 l/stroke 5 Shock absorber
Including connection and assembly Self-setting, hydraulic shock absorb-
7 material er for smooth deceleration. Suitable
Order no. 192501 for a pneumatic linear drive (order
no. 192501). When ordering sepa-
2 Position encoder rately, please also order shock-ab-
(Position measuring system) sorber bracket (order no. 152908).
Analog displacement encoder for Stroke:12 mm
pneumatic linear drive unit (order no. Impact speed: Maximum 3 m/s
192501) for determining the current Order no. 34572
actual position. When ordering sin-
gle units, please also order mounting 6 Linear drive, size 18,
accessories (order no. 178441). The 170 mm stroke
connection cable (order no. 376177) Stroke with plain-bearing guide,
is required for use in TP 111. elastic cushioning rings, and s afety
Measuring stroke: 450 mm guard
Output signal at cable output Order no. 548641
of Connection cable (order no.
376177): 0 10 V 7 Weight, 2 kg
For linear drive (order no. 548641)
Slide potentiometer without connect- Order no. 548582
ing rod, which delivers an output volt-
age proportional to the wiper setting.
Operating voltage: 13 30 V
Eff. electrical displacement: 457 mm
Output voltage: 0 10 V
Adjustment speed: 10 m/s
Adjustment acceleration: 200 m/s
Order no. 152628

120 www.festo-didactic.com
Pneumatics Training Packages > Components > Hosing, distributing

Hosing, distributing

1 On-off valve with filter/regulator, 5 Air pressure reservoir 1

5 m 3 Lockable on-off valve with The air reservoir with latching
Filter regulator valve with pressure filter regulator system can be mounted on a profile
gauge, on-off valve, quick push-in Filter regulator with pressure gauge plate. The accumulator is equipped
connectors, and quick coupling plug, and on-off valve mounted on a swivel with pneumatic push-in fittings at
mounted on a swivel support. The support. The on-off valve pressurizes both ends.
filter with water separator removes and exhausts the connected
dirt, pipe sinter, rust, and condensed pressure zone. The lockable on-off Functions:
water. The pressure regulator main- valve reliably prevents unauthorized Generating static pressures using a
tains the supply air pressure at the activation. one-way flow control valve
set operating pressure and compen- Design: lockable on-off valve, filter Generating long time delays in
sates pressure fluctuations. The filter regulator with pressure gauge connection with time-delay and
bowl has a condensate drain valve. Standard nominal flow rate: flow control valves 2
750 l/min Compensation of pressure
The on-off valve pressurizes and Operating pressure: fluctuations
vents the entire control system. The 100 1000 kPa (1 10 bar) Use as an accumulator if the
3/2-way valve is actuated by a rota- Grade of filtration: 40 m pressure suddenly drops
ry button. Connection: G 1/8, QS-6, for plastic Generating a controlled system
tubing PUN 6 x 1 with a first-order delay (PT1)
Design: Piston regulator valve with Order no. 4795290
sintered filter and water trap Technical data:
Standard nominal flow rate: 4 Plastic tubing Operating medium: filtered,
1600 l/min Very flexible and pressure secure. lubricated or unlubricated
Input pressure: 4 x 0.75 silver 10 m 151496 compressed air
max. 1600 kPa (16 bar) 3 x 0.5 silver 5 m 197118 Pressure range: 0 600 kPa 3
Working pressure: 6 x 1 silver 5 m 152963 (0 16 bar)
max. 1200 kPa (12 bar) Minimum order quantity/packaging unit Connection:
Grade of filtration: 5 m quantity: 50 m Both sides QSL-1/8-4 for plastic
Condensate quantity: 43 cm3 4 x 0.75 silver 152584 hose PUN 4 x 0.75
Connector: G 1/8, QS-6 for plastic 4 x 0.75 blue 159662 Quick action mounting system
tubing PUN 6 x 1 4 x 0.75 black 159663 Quick-Fix
Order no. 526337 4 x 0.75 red 178410
4 x 0.75 yellow 178417 5 Air pressure reservoir, 0.4 l
2 Start-up valve with 4 x 0.75 green 178424 Volume: 400 ml
filter control valve Order no. 152912
Filter control valve with Pressure
gauge and Start-up valve mounted Air pressure reservoir, 0.1 l
on adapter with ajustable angle. The Volume: 100 ml
Start-up valve pressures/exhausts Order no. 573281 4
the connected pressure zone.
Design: sintered filter with water 6 Manifold
separator and piston regulator Manifold with eight self-closing
Standard flow: 120 l/min non-return valves. A common man-
Pressure regulation range: ifold (QS-6 for plastic tubing PUN
50 700 kPa (0,5 7 bar) 6 x 1) allows supply of compressed
Grade of filtration: 40 m air to the control via eight individu- 5
Fitting: G 1/8, QS-6, for Plastic al ports (QS-4 for plastic tubing PUN
tubing PUN 6 x 1 4 x 0.75).
Order no. 540691 Connector: G 1/8
Order no. 152896

www.festo-didactic.com 121
Pneumatics Training Packages > Components > Sensors/Measuring technology

Sensors/Measuring technology

1 1 Pressure gauge 4 Proximity sensor, electronic, 6 Pressure sensor, analog

The pressure gauge shows the with cylinder mounting The analog pressure sensor is a
pressure in pneumatic control Magneto-resistive proximity sensor, piezo-resistive relative pressure
circuits. magnetically operated transducer with integrated amplifier
Design: Bourdon tube pressure Connection via 4 mm safety and built-in temperature compensa-
gauge sockets tion in an aluminum housing.
Display range: 0 1000 kPa Switching output N/O contact Measured variable:
(0 10 bar) (PNP) with switching status indi- relative pressure
2 Quality class: 1.6 cation Measurement method:
Quick action mounting system Overload and short-circuit proof, piezo-resistive pressure sensor
Quick-Fix with reverse polarity protection Pressure measuring range:
Order no. 152865 Operating voltage: 5 30 V DC 0 1000 kPa (0 10 bar)
Output current: max. 100 mA Max. pressure: 1400 kPa (14 bar)
2 Vacuum gauge Switching time (on/off ) max. 1 ms Supply voltage: 12 30 V DC
Adjustable red/green range Mounting system for cylinder Analog output: 0 10 V, 0 20 mA
Indicating range/operating pres- diameter 20 mm, 2x T-slot for Total error: 1% of end value
sure: -1 0 bar simultaneous mounting of one Operating medium: filtered
3 Quick action mounting system pneumatic and one electronic compressed air, grade of filtration
Quick-Fix proximity sensor 40 m
Order no. 573042 Order no. 2344752 Electrical connection:
4 mm safety sockets
3 Pressure sensor with display 5 Proximity sensor, pneumatic, Maximum frequency: 100 Hz
Piezo-resistive relative pressure sen- with cylinder attachment Electrical protection: short-circuit
sor with LCD display, freely program- 3/2-way valve, normally closed, proof, protected against reverse
mable switching function, adjustable magnetically actuated polarity
hysteresis, and analog output for di- Precision quick plug connector for Quick action mounting system
4 rect measured data acquisition. plastic tubing PUN-4 x 0.75 or for Quick-Fix
360 rotatable, detenting every 15 tubing types with standard inner or
Power supply: 15 30 V DC outer diameter The sensor will also supply a signal
Switching output: PNP Pressure range: 200 800 kPa at pressures of < 0 bar. Linearity and
Analog output: 0 10 V DC (2 8 bar) proportionality cannot be guaran-
Pneumatic connection via QS-4 Switching time (on/off ) teed in this case.
push-in fitting 22 ms/52 ms Order no. 167094
Pressure measuring range: Visual switching status indication
5 0 1000 kPa (0 10 bar) Mounting system for cylinder
Quick action mounting system diameter 20 mm, 2x T-slot for
Quick-Fix simultaneous mounting of one
pneumatic and one electronic
Symbols according to IEC standard proximity sensor
Order no. 572745 Order no. 2764815
Symbols according to NEMA-Standard
Order no. 8062966 Cylinder mounting for pneumatic
and electronic cylinder switches
Mounting system for cylinder diame-
6 ter 20 mm, 2x T-slot 8 for simultane-
ous mounting of one pneumatic and
one electronic cylinder switch.
Order no. 2341763

122 www.festo-didactic.com
Pneumatics Training Packages > Components > Sensors/Measuring technology

Sensors/Measuring technology

1 Flow sensor, 0.5 50 l/min, 1 3

analog 3 Flow indicator with float,
Rotatable, 90 detenting pneumatic
M12x1 connector, 5-pin Mechanical flow indicator according
Cable with M12 x 1 socket and to the float principle for measuring
4 mm safety plug flow in standard liters, i.e., against
Switching output: 2 x PNP atmospheric pressure.
Analog output: 0 10 V Operating pressure: 100 800 kPa
Operating voltage range: (1 8 bar)
12 30 V DC Measuring range: 30 200 SLPM,
Switching element function, 1 7 SCFM 2
selectable Pneumatic connection with QS-4
Switching function freely push-in fitting
programmable Vertical positioning of the indicator
Flow measurement range: can be adjusted without tools via a
0.5 50 l/min swivel mechanism
Quick action mounting system Quick-action mounting system
Quick-Fix Quick-Fix
Order no. 8036235 Order no. 4741762

2 Force sensor
Force sensor for piston force mea- 4 Spring load for cylinders,
surement in the TP 210. Mounting is pneumatic
performed on a slotted profile plate The spring load is installed on the 4
using two T-head nuts. Electrical con- double-acting cylinder (order no.
nection is by means of 4 mm safe- 152888). In the forward stroke, the
ty plugs. cylinder compresses the spring. The
Measuring range: 0 1 kN stroke and force of the cylinder can
Supply voltage: 24 V DC be read off on the scale.
Output voltage: 0 10 V Measuring range:
Order no. 539780 stroke 0 50 mm/0 2 in
force 0 230 N/0 50 lbf
Quick-action mounting system
Order no. 4646789

www.festo-didactic.com 123
Pneumatics Training Packages > Components > Accessories and optional components

Accessories and optional components

1 1 T-connector 2 Pipe and tubing cutter 4 Compressor

(Quick Star quick push-in fitting) For plastic and Perbunan tubing withSound pressure of only 41 dBA, so
Precision barbed T connector for and without fabric reinforcement well-suited for use in classrooms.
quickly establishing branches with with outside diameters up to 20 mm. Supplies up to four stations. Com-
2 low amounts of power, for plas- Ensures a vertical, burr-free cut plete with pressure regulator, water
tic tubing, 4 mm outside diameter through positive locking of tubing in
separator, 5 m tubing 6 mm in diam-
(calibrated). the cutter. It also has a safety clip to
eter, 3 T-distributors.
Simply plug and work prevent unauthorized opening. Sup- Pressure: max. 400 kPa (4 bar)
Flexible assembly all fittings can plied with two spare blades. Suction capacity: 14 l/min
be rotated 360 around the thread- Order no. 7658 Reservoir capacity: 2,5 l
3 ed part Dimensions: 310 x 150 x 370 mm
Absolutely safe and secure with 3 Tubing cutter
an NBR plastic seal For optimal cutting of plastic tubing. Version: 230 V/50 Hz
Multiple use thread with Order no. 255851 With IEC power cable to CEE 7/VII suitable
self-sealing PTFE coating for: DE, FR, NO, SE, FI, PT, ES, AT, NL, BE,
Releasing tool GR,TR, IT, DK, IR, ID
4 Minimum order quantity/packaging unit For releasing all QS connectors for Order no. 548707
quantity: 10 pieces tubing outside diameters of 3 to Version: 120 V/60 Hz
10 mm. With IEC power cable to NEMA 5-15 suit-
Type 1 Straight fitting M5 (QSM-M5-4) Order no. 158419 able for: US, CA, Central America, BR, CO,
Order no. 153304 YU, EC, KR, TW, TH, PH, JP
Type 2 Straight fitting, G1/8 (QS-G1/8-4) Silencer and sealing rings Order no. 556275
Order no. 186095 Minimum order quantity/packaging
Type 3 Elbow connector, rotatable, unit quantity: 10 pieces 5 Compressor
M5 (QSML-M5-4) Oil-lubricated, extremely quiet (45
Order no. 153333 Silencer U-M5 dB (A)) compressor. Ideally suited
Type 4 Elbow connector, rotatable, Order no. 4645 for use in classrooms. With pressure
G1/8 (QSL-G1/8-4) Sealing ring OL-M5 regulator and water separator.
Order no. 186116 Order no. 34634 Pressure: 800 kPa (8 bar) Pmax
Type 5 Elbow connector, 4H (QSL-4H) Silencer U-1/8 Performance: 50 l/min
Order no. 153056 Order no. 2307 Reservoir capacity: 24 l
5 Type 6 Straight fitting, self-closing, Sealing ring OL-1/8 Compressed air outlet: or KD4
M5 (QSK-M5-4) Order no. 33840 Noise level: 45 dB (A)/1 m
Order no. 153291 Duty cycle: max. 50 %
Type 7 Straight fitting, self-closing, Pressure regulator valve with
G1/8 (QSK-G1/8-4) gauge
Order no. 186294
Type 8 T-connector (QST-4) Version: 230 V/50 Hz
Order no. 153128 With IEC power socket and IEC power cable
Type 9 T-connector (QST-6) to CEE 7/VII suitable for: DE, FR, NO, SE,
Order no. 153129 FI, PT, ES, AT, NL, BE, GR, TR, IT, DK, IR, ID.
Type 10 Plug-in bulkhead connector 230V 91030
(QSMS-4) Version: 120 V/60 Hz
Order no. 153376 With IEC power socket and plug to NEMA
Type 11 Blanking plugs (QSC-4H) 5-15 suitable for: US, CA, Central America,
Order no. 153267 BR, CO, EC, KR, TW, TH, PH, JP.
Type 12 Push-in sleeve (QSH-4) 110V 565440
Order no. 153251
Type 13 Push-in connector (QSM-6H-4) Compressor accessories
Order no. 153329 Consisting of:
Coupling socket
(KD3-CK-4 and KD4-1/4-A)
CEE 7/VII Coupling plug (KS4-CK-4)
Tubing (6 x 1 silver 2,5 m)
Order no. 102725

NEMA 5-15

124 www.festo-didactic.com
Pneumatics Training Packages > Components > Additional components

Additional components

1/2 Universal adapter 5 Multiple tubing holder strip set 1 5

The adapter enables Festo pneumat- Multiple tubing holder strip for alu-
ic components and those of other minum profile plate. Easily attach-
manufacturers to be mounted on es to the aluminum slotted profile
the aluminum profile plate. You can plate; a neat solution for up to 6
continue to use your existing com- tubes/cables per strip. Set of 10. 2
ponents and still benefit from the Order no. 544317
advantages of using the aluminum
profile plate system and the patent- 6 DIN rail set
ed Quick-Fix mounting system from Two 300 mm long DIN rails, matching
Festo Didactic. relay socket and terminal set, with
Plug-in, clamp, ready no force mountings for adapter fitting to alu- 6
required minum slotted profile plate. 3
No worn-out sockets Order no. 548637
Exact positioning of components
Working in a third dimension 7 Cable duct set
Universally suitable for Festo and 1 x 150 mm, 3 x 265 mm and 1 x 500
third-party components mm cable ducts with mountings for
Quick action mounting system adapter fitting to aluminum slotted 4
Quick-Fix profile plate.
Order no. 548638
You can mount the components onto
the adapter yourself. It is quick, easy, 8 Accessory box 7
and reliable with slotted screws (in- The accessory box contains pneu-
cluded in scope of delivery). Avail- matic connectors and tubing acces-
able in two sizes. The adapters are sories as well as a tubing cutter and
thus universally usable for an enor- releasing tool for pneumatic con-
mous number of components with nectors.
a through hole regardless of the Order no. 167020
Not suitable for mounting of hydrau-
lic components.
3 75 x 50 x 30 mm 195224
4 75 x 100 x 30 mm 195225
3 Quick-Fix screw adapter
The Quick-Fix screw adapter makes
it possible to attach components to a
slotted profile plate.
Order no. 549806

4 Quick-Fix clamping adapter

The Quick-Fix clamping adapter
makes it possible to attach small
components on a slotted profile
Order no. 8026327

www.festo-didactic.com 125
Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Directional control valves

Directional control valves

1 7 1/2/3/4 Hand lever valves Integrated position, driver, and

Actuation: manual amplifier electronics
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar)
Maximum permissible pressure: Maximum permissible pressure:
12 MPa (120 bar) 12 MPa (120 bar) on T 5 MPa
Valve port pattern, hydraulic ISO/ (50 bar)
DIN 4401 size 02 Valve port pattern, hydraulic ISO/
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling DIN 4401 size 03
nipples Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
2 8 Quick action mounting system nipples
Quick-Fix 24 V DC power
Current consumption:
1 4/2-way hand lever valve, Maximum 1.2 A
spring return Setpoint signal 10 V DC
Order no. 544342 Electrical connection: cable with
2 4/3-way hand lever valve, 4 mm safety socket
closed mid-position, detenting Quick action mounting system
Order no. 544343 Quick-Fix
3 3 4/3-way hand lever valve, Order no. 567269
relieving mid-position (AB > T),
9 detenting 7/8/9/10/11 Solenoid valves
Order no. 544344 Actuation: switching solenoid
4 4/3-way hand lever valve, bypass Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar)
mid-position (P > T), detenting Maximum permissible pressure:
Order no. 544345 12 MPa (120 bar)
Valve port pattern, hydraulic ISO/
DIN 4401 size 02
4 4/3-way hand lever valve, Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
H-center position, detenting (PTAB) nipples
Order no. 8065281 24 V DC power
6.5 W output
5 2/2-way stem actuated valve, Electrical connection:
convertible 4 mm safety socket
Manual actuation, by means of the Quick action mounting system
guide bar of a cylinder with mount- Quick-Fix
ing kit, spring return
Normal position P->A, can be 7 4/2-way solenoid valve,
5 converted spring return
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) Order no. 544346
Maximum permissible pressure: 8 4/2-way double solenoid valve,
12 MPa (120 bar) detenting
11 Valve port pattern, hydraulic ISO/ Order no. 544352
DIN 4401 size 02 9 4/3-way solenoid valve,
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling closed mid-position
nipples Order no. 544347
Quick action mounting system 10 4/3-way solenoid valve,
6 Quick-Fix relieving mid-position (AB > T)
Order no. 544353 Order no. 544348
11 4/3-way solenoid valve,
6 4/3-way regulating valve bypass mid-position (P > T)
Directly actuated servo valve with Order no. 544349
electrical, closed-loop position
control of the control piston.
Zero overlap and linear characteris-
tic curve (flow rate to control p
Mid-position closed, de-energized
Actuation: permanent magnet,
adjustment by linear motor

126 www.festo-didactic.com
Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Directional control valves

Directional control valves

1 4/3-way proportional valve 4 Mobile valve block, Load sensing 1 4

This valve is used for controlling both Two proportional directional control
the direction and rate of hydraulic valves with supply pressure balance
volumetric flow. for load sensing controls (adaptation
Mid-position closed, de-energized of pressure and volumetric flow).
Actuation: proportional solenoid Suitable for pilot control device,
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) 2x2-channel (order no. 572147).
Maximum permissible pressure: Mid-position closed, spring-
12 MPa (120 bar) centered (closed center)
Valve port pattern, hydraulic Actuation: hydraulic and manual
ISO/DIN 4401 size 02 (hand lever)
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) 2
nipples Pilot pressure up to 3.5 MPa
24 V DC power (35 bar)
Nominal current 800 mA Maximum permissible pressure:
Electrical connection: 12 MPa (120 bar) 5
4 mm safety socket Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
Quick action mounting system nipples
Quick-Fix Open connection fitting for
Order no. 544350 pressureless return (T)
Quick action mounting system 3
2 Pressure balance Quick-Fix
(proportional flow control valve) Order no. 572144
The pressure balance expands the
4/3-way proportional valve (order 5 Steering unit (Orbitrol)
no. 544350) to form a proportion- This rotary slide valve is used for
al flow control valve. This vertical hydrostatic steering. When the
stacking valve is installed between steering wheel is turned, the steer-
the sub-base and the proportional ing unit dispenses a quantity of oil
directional control valve. to the right or left which is propor-
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) tional to the turning of the steering
Maximum permissible pressure: wheel. The excess volumetric flow is
12 MPa (120 bar) diverted through E and can be sup-
Valve port pattern, hydraulic plied to another consumer (power
ISO/DIN 4401 size 02 beyond).
Order no. 159351 No load feedback (non-reaction)
Open center
3 6/3-way proportional hand lever (for constant-displacement pump)
valve Actuation: manual (steering wheel)
This valve is used for controlling both Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar)
the direction and rate of hydraulic Maximum permissible pressure:
volumetric flow rates. Serial, parallel, 12 MPa (120 bar)
and tandem circuits can be created Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
by linking several valves. nipples
Mid-position, spring centred, Open connecting plug for pressure-
P1->T1, P2T2AB blocked less return (T)
Actuation: manual Quick action mounting system
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) Quick-Fix
Maximum permissible pressure: Order no. 572146
12 MPa (120 bar), T2 for brief
periods only 6 MPa (60 bar)
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
Quick action mounting system
Order no. 572141

www.festo-didactic.com 127
Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Pressure valves

Pressure valves

1 1 Pressure relief valve 4 3-way pressure reducing valve 7 Counterbalance valve

The valve limits the pressure at port The valve keeps the pressure set at The valve (also called a back
P relative to the pressure at T to the port A constant, compensating for pressure valve) ensures controlled
set value. fluctuations in supply pressures and lowering speeds for drives. With
Adjustment: manual consumer loads. If the pressure at A rising pilot pressure on X, the setting
Includes non-return valve rises above the set value, a connec- value for pressure limitation falls.
Operating pressure 6 MPa (60 bar) tion opens from A to T. The pressure relief valve is bypassed
Maximum permissible pressure: Adjustment: manual by a non-return valve from T to P.
2 12 MPa (120 bar) Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) Adjustment: manual (with tool)
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling Maximum permissible pressure: Surface area ratio of X to P is 1:3
nipples 12 MPa (120 bar) Includes non-return valve
Quick action mounting system Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling Operating pressure 6 MPa (60 bar)
Quick-Fix nipples Maximum permissible pressure:
Order no. 544335 Quick-action mounting system 12 MPa (120 bar)
Quick-Fix Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
2 Pressure relief valve, Order no. 544337 nipples
3 compensated Quick action mounting system
The valve limits the pressure at port 5 Pressure sequence valve Quick-Fix
P relative to the pressure at T to the The valve connects P with T if the Order no. 572149
set value. Pressure on T has no effect pressure at X is larger than the sum
on this value because the spring of the spring force and the pressure
chamber of the pressure relief is in port T.
compensated. Adjustment: manual
Adjustment: manual Operating pressure 6 MPa (60 bar)
Includes non-return valve Maximum permissible pressure:
4 Operating pressure 6 MPa (60 bar) 12 MPa (120 bar)
Maximum permissible pressure: Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
12 MPa (120 bar) nipples
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling Quick action mounting system
nipples Quick-Fix
Quick action mounting system Order no. 544341
Order no. 567237 6 Proportional pressure relief valve
The valve is used for pressure limita-
tion. The limit pressure is adjusted
5 3 Pressure relief valve, piloted with the proportional solenoid.
The valve is capable of limiting the Actuation: proportional solenoid
pressure of larger volumetric flow Operating pressure 6 MPa (60 bar)
rates than would be possible with Maximum permissible pressure:
a directly actuated valve. The valve 12 MPa (120 bar)
limits pressure from port P to port Valve port pattern, hydraulic ISO/
T in accordance with the spring in DIN 4401 size 02
the primary stage and pilot pres- Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
sure at X. nipples
6 Adjustment: manual 24 V DC power
Hydraulically piloted Nominal current 800 mA
Pilot pressure accessible via port X Electrical connection:
Separate tank port Y for the p
ilot 4 mm safety socket
stage Quick action mounting system
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) Quick-Fix
Maximum permissible pressure: Order no. 544351
12 MPa (120 bar)
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
7 Quick action mounting system
Order no. 8025067

128 www.festo-didactic.com
Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Pressure valves

Pressure valves

1 Pilot valves (Joystick), 4 Pressure compensator, 1 4

2x2-channel downstream (post)
Each channel has two pressure reg- The pressure compensator ensures a
ulators which control the pressure volumetric flow rate regardless of the
from P to A or B. A and B are pres- load pressure. If the total volumet-
sureless in the spring-centered neu- ric flow rate demanded by all con-
tral position. The hydraulic joysticks sumers together is more than that
are used for functions such as re- which can be supplied by the pump,
mote or pilot control of the load the individual volumetric flow rates
sensing mobile block. are reduced proportionally. The valve
Adjustment: manual (2x joystick) is used in load sensing applications 5
Operating pressure: 3.5 MPa with an LS variable displacement
(35 bar) pump (closed center).
Maximum permissible pressure: Adjustment: hydraulic
3.5 MPa (35 bar) Differential pressure:
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling 35 kPa (0.35 bar)
nipples Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar)
Open connection fitting for Maximum permissible pressure:
pressureless return (T) 12 MPa (120 bar)
Quick action mounting system Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
Quick-Fix nipples 6
Order no. 572147 Quick action mounting system
2 Pressure compensator for Order no. 572741 2
Open Center Load Sensing
The valve is required for load sensing 5 Flush valve with pressure relief
applications with a fixed displace- valve
ment pump (open center). The valve is used for feeding out oil
Adjustment: hydraulic in a closed hydraulic circuit.
Differential pressure: Adjustment: hydraulic, with fixed
0.055 MPa (5.5 bar) setting on pressure relief valve
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar)
Maximum permissible pressure: Maximum permissible pressure: 3
12 MPa (120 bar) 12 MPa (120 bar)
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
nipples nipples
Quick action mounting system Quick action mounting system
Quick-Fix Quick-Fix
Order no. 572123 Order no. 572126

3 Pressure compensator, upstream 6 Shock and anti-cavitation valve

(pre) The valve manifold has two pressure
This pressure compensator ensures relief valves (shock valves) to dissi-
a volumetric flow rate regardless of pate pressure peaks away to T and
the load pressure. two replenishing valves to ensure
Adjustment: hydraulic supply to the consumer line even
Differential pressure: in the event of low pressure, e.g.,
0.055 MPa (5.5 bar) during load changes.
Operating pressure 6 MPa (60 bar) Adjustment: manual
Maximum permissible pressure: Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar)
12 MPa (120 bar) Maximum permissible pressure:
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling 12 MPa (120 bar)
nipples Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
Quick action mounting system nipples
Quick-Fix Quick action mounting system
Order no. 573023 Quick-Fix
Order no. 572148

www.festo-didactic.com 129
Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Power/Lock valves

Power/Lock Valves

1 1 Flow control valve 4 Shut-off valve

The valve is used to influence the The valve can be closed by turning
volumetric flow rate through an the lever. This presses a ball onto
adjustable throttle point, in both the seal on the non-pressurized side,
directions. sealing off the flow without any leak-
Actuation: manual age.
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) Actuation: manual
Maximum permissible pressure: Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar)
12 MPa (120 bar) Maximum permissible pressure:
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling 12 MPa (120 bar)
nipples/quick coupling socket Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
2 Order no. 152842 nipples/quick coupling socket
Order no. 152844
2 One-way flow control valve
The valve is used to influence the 5 Non-return valve, delockable
volumetric flow rate through an The valve is closed by a locking cone
adjustable throttle point, in one which is pressed against the seat by
direction. In the opposite direction, a spring. The locking cone does not
the throttle is bypassed using the open until X is activated. When the
non-return valve. opening pressure on the seat side is
Actuation: manual exceeded, the valve opens and fluid
Integrated non-return valve can flow through it.
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) Actuation: hydraulic
3 Maximum permissible pressure: Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar)
12 MPa (120 bar) Maximum permissible pressure:
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling 12 MPa (120 bar)
nipples/quick coupling socket Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
Order no. 152843 nipples
Quick action mounting system
3 Non-return valve Quick-Fix
The valve is closed by a locking cone Order no. 544339
4 which is pressed against the seat by
a spring. When the opening pressure 6 Double non-return valve,
on the seat side is exceeded, the delockable
valve opens and fluid can flow The two non-return valves are each
through it. When the pressure on unlocked from the opposite side.
the spring side is greater, the valve Surface area ratio of opening
remains closed. piston to non-return valve 3.3:1
Actuation: hydraulic Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar)
Tube length 1000 mm Maximum permissible pressure:
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) 12 MPa (120 bar)
5 Maximum permissible pressure: Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
12 MPa (120 bar) nipples
Low-leakage, self-sealing quick Quick action mounting system
coupling sockets Quick-Fix
Order no. 572151
0.05 MPa opening pressure
Order no. 548617
0.6 MPa opening pressure
Order no. 548618

130 www.festo-didactic.com
Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Power/Lock valves

Power/Lock Valves

1 2-way flow control valve 4 Shuttle valve 1 4

The valve ensures a constant volu- The flow to the outlet of the shuttle
metric flow rate in the flow direction valve is opened by pressurization at
from A to B, regardless of the load one of the two inlets (OR function).
pressure on B. The oil can flow from If pressure is applied at both inlets,
B to A via the non-return valve which the flow is opened between the out-
opens. let and the inlet with the higher pres-
Actuation: manual sure.
Differential pressure of the pres- Actuation: hydraulic
sure balance 0.55 MPa (5.5 bar) Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar)
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) Maximum permissible pressure: 2 5
Maximum permissible pressure: 12 MPa (120 bar)
12 MPa (120 bar) Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling nipples
nipples Quick action mounting system
Quick action mounting system Quick-Fix
Quick-Fix Order no. 572122
Order no. 544338
5 Priority valve LS, dynamic
2 3-way flow control valve The preferential flow direction
The valve ensures a constant volu- supplied by the valve is from P to 3
metric flow rate in the flow direction CF and independent of the load
from P to A, regardless of the load pressure on CF. The excess volu-
pressure on A. The excess volumetric metric flow is diverted through EF
flow is diverted through B and can be and can be supplied to another
supplied to another consumer. consumer.
Actuation: manual Actuation: hydraulic
Differential pressure of the pres- Differential pressure of the pres-
sure balance 0.55 MPa (5.5 bar) sure balance 1.03 MPa (10.3 bar)
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar)
Maximum permissible pressure: Maximum permissible pressure:
12 MPa (120 bar) 12 MPa (120 bar)
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
nipples nipples
Quick action mounting system Quick action mounting system
Quick-Fix Quick-Fix
Order no. 572150 Order no. 573022

3 Flow dividing valve

The valve divides the volumetric flow
rate from P between A and B in a
50:50 ratio, regardless of load.
Actuation: hydraulic
Minimum volumetric flow rate
0.5 l/min
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar)
Maximum permissible pressure:
12 MPa (120 bar)
Valve port pattern, hydraulic ISO/
DIN 4401 size 02
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
Quick action mounting system
Order no. 544340

www.festo-didactic.com 131
Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Drives


1 6 1/2/3/4 Differential cylinder 7 Mounting kit for cylinders

Piston/Rod/Stroke Fitting a mounting kit on a cylinder
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) makes the following possible:
Maximum permissible pressure: Actuation of the stem actuated
12 MPa (120 bar) valve by the guide bar
Double-acting Actuation of proximity sensors
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling (order no. 2342009) by the
nipples permanent magnet of the guide bar
Quick action mounting system Use of a displacement encoder
2 Quick-Fix
For cylinders 572746, 572750, 572145
1 16/10/200 with cover Order no. 544371
Surface area ratio 1 : 1.6 For cylinders 572748
Order no. 572746 Order no. 544372
For cylinders 572747
2 16/10/300 with cover Order no. 544373
Surface area ratio 1 : 1.6
Order no. 572748
3 8 Spring load for cylinders,
3 16/10/400 with cover hydraulic
Surface area ratio 1 : 1.6 The spring load can be installed on
Order no. 572749 the differential cylinder 16/10/200
without the need for tools. In the for-
8 4 25/18/200 with cover ward stroke, the cylinder compresses
Surface area ratio 1 : 2 the spring. The stroke and force of the
Order no. 572747 cylinder can be read off on the scale.
For demonstrating the relationship
5 Steady-speed cylinder with between pressure and force for the
4 covers topic of holding load. Can be used
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) as a piston spring accumulator.
Maximum permissible pressure: Measuring range:
12 MPa (120 bar) Stroke 0 78 mm/0 3.1 in and
Double-acting force 0 1200 N/0 270 lbf
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling Quick-action mounting system
nipples Quick-Fix
Quick action mounting system Order no. 4914138
Piston : 16 mm 9 Loading unit/cylinder load
Piston rod : 2 x 10 mm simulator
Stroke: 200 mm With this combination, a hydraulic
Surface area ratio 1 : 1 counteracting force can be applied to
Order no. 572750 a differential or steady-speed cylin-
der, allowing a wide range of load sit-
6 Cover for cylinder uations to be set up and investigated.
Reduces the risk of injury. With a Available options include differential
guide for easy positioning of limit against differential (2 x 1 : 1.6), small
switches and proximity sensors. Also steady-speed against large steady-
9 suitable for a cylinder with mount- speed, or large steady-speed against
ing kit. For cylinders with more than small steady-speed cylinder.
200 mm stroke, use two covers. For Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar)
all differential and steady-speed Maximum permissible pressure:
cylinders. For differential cylinders 12 MPa (120 bar)
25/18/200 the adapter (order no. Integrated safety valve
573272) will also be needed. Double-acting (2 x)
Quick-action mounting system Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
Quick-Fix nipples
Order no. 556290 Quick action mounting system
Piston : 2 x 16 mm
Piston rod : 10 mm
Stroke: 200 mm
Surface area ratio 1 : 1 or 1 : 1.6
Order no. 572145

132 www.festo-didactic.com
Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Drives


1/2 Displacement encoder for 5 Cushioning cylinder for linear 1 5

cylinder drive
Linear potentiometer for installing on Load/cushioning cylinder for a linear
cylinders using a mounting kit. drive unit (order no. 167089).
Connecting cable with 4 mm s afety Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar)
plug Maximum permissible pressure:
Output: 0 10 V (DC) 12 MPa (120 bar)
1 Linear potentiometer with Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
200 mm measuring stroke nipples 2
For cylinders order no. 572746 and Piston : 16 mm
572750 with mounting kit order no. Piston rod : 10 mm 6
544371 or Stroke: 200 mm
For cylinders order no. 572747 with Surface area ratio 1 : 1.6
mounting kit order no. 544373 Order no. 152295
200 mm stroke 167090
6 Weight, 9 kg, for cylinder
Linear potentiometer with 300 mm Weight for mounting on a Learnline 3
measuring stroke profile column. Can be used as the
For cylinders order no. 572748 with driving or tractive load of a hydraulic
mounting kit order no. 544372 cylinder. With clevis and plain-bear-
300 mm stroke 525953 ing guide. For cylinder: order no.
152857, 572746, 572750 7
2 Linear potentiometer with Order no. 152972
450 mm measuring stroke
For direct mounting on cylinders 7/8 Protective cover for weight,
order no. 184488 and aluminum 9 kg
profile plate Protects reliably against injury. O
450 mm stroke 525954 in combination with cylinder, order 4
no. 152857, 572746, 572750 and
3 Linear drive weight, order no. 152972.
Comprising a slide, double-act- 8
ing cylinder, guide rods, cover with 7 For the Learntop-S mounting kit
scale, yoke and mounting materi- Order no. 152973
al. Integrated displacement encoder 8 For Learnline profile column
(linear potentiometer) with 200 mm Order no. 541135
stroke, connection with 4 mm safety
plugs and 0 10 V DC output. 9 Hydraulic motor
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) The motor rotates because of the
Maximum permissible pressure: flow passing through it. When the
12 MPa (120 bar) direction of flow is changed, the di-
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling rection of rotation changes as well. 9
nipples Leakage in the motor is conveyed to
Piston 16 mm the lower-pressure side via the shut-
Piston rod 10 mm tle valve.
Stroke 200 mm Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar)
Surface area ratio 1:1.6 Maximum permissible pressure:
Order no. 8028726 12 MPa (120 bar)
Maximum permissible pressure in
4 Weight, 5 kg, for linear drive the return line 5 MPa (50 bar)
Weight for mounting on the linear Displacement: 8.2 cm per
drives (order no. 8028726 and order revolution, 0 10 l/min equates to
no. 167089), to be used as 0 1220 r.p.m.
additional load. Design: orbit
Order no. 34065 Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
Quick action mounting system
Order no. 152858

www.festo-didactic.com 133
Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Accessories and optional components

Accessories and optional components

1 1 Hose line with quick release 2/3 Coupling socket 5 T-distributor

couplings Maximum permissible pressure: The distributor can be inserted at
The high-pressure hose consists of 12 MPa (120 bar) any point.
three layers: The innermost layer is Low-leakage, self-sealing quick Ports: 2x coupling nipples and
synthetic rubber, followed by a wire coupling socket 1x quick coupling socket
mesh, and sheath of abrasion-resis- G thread Maximum permissible pressure:
tant synthetic rubber. The quick cou- 2 Internal thread 567223 12 MPa (120 bar)
pling sockets are self-sealing when 3 External thread 548610 Low-leakage, self-sealing couplings
decoupled. Used with a coupling Order no. 152847
nipple, the coupling sockets form a 4 Coupling nipple
tightly sealed connection. Only the Maximum permissible pressure: 6 4-way distributor
face of the coupling is coated with 12 MPa (120 bar) Distributor with five ports.
oil during the coupling process. Cou- Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling Maximum permissible pressure:
pling and decoupling are only per- nipple 12 MPa (120 bar)
missible when the hose is de-pres- G male thread Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
surised. Order no. 342047 nipples
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) Quick action mounting system
Max. permissible pressure: Blanking plug Quick-Fix
12 MPa (120 bar) To seal off connecting threads that Order no. 184455
Temperature range: -40 + 125 C are not needed.
Min. bending radius: 100 mm Maximum permissible pressure: 7 4-way distributor with
DN 06 ( 6,3 mm) 12 MPa (120 bar) pressure gauge
600 mm 152960 G male thread The distributor with five ports is
1000 mm 152970 Order no. 205284 equipped with a pressure gauge and
1500 mm 159386 is firmly screwed to the profile plate.
3000 mm 158352 Sealing ring for blanking plug Effective range and maximum per-
Order no. 34635 missible pressure 10 MPa (100 bar)
5 Resistance hose line with quick Quality class 1.6% of the full scale
release couplings value
DN 04 ( 4 mm) Operating pressure, static:
1000 mm 549858 3/4 of the full scale value
Operating pressure, dynamic:
Hose line without quick release 2/3 of the full scale value
couplings Cushioning: glycerine
With G 1/4 external thread and Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
spanner flat (AF19). nipples
Order no. 159395
Please observe the following safety
rules: Hoses should not be used for
longer than 6 years, including a stor-
age period of 2 years.
600 mm 337617
1000 mm 337618
1500 mm 350337
3000 mm 343616

134 www.festo-didactic.com
Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Accessories and optional components

Accessories and optional components

1 4-way return header, 5 Diaphragm accumulator with 1 5

unpressurized shut-off block
Plate with five ports to bring t ogether With the three-way ball valve
multiple safety-oriented return lines. integrated in the shut-off block, the
The open quick-coupling plug is rout- following functions are possible:
ed back to the tank of the h ydraulic 1. Open connection between P and
power unit. the diaphragm accumulator
Maximum permissible pressure: 2. Closed connection between P and
1 MPa (10 bar) the diaphragm accumulator
Four self-sealing quick-coupling 3. Open connection between T and 2
sockets the diaphragm accumulator (relief )
A tube (2 m) with open quick- Safety valve against overload
coupling plug Pressure gauge for working 6
Order no. 573026 pressure
Rated volume 0.32 dm
2 Tubing line for unpressurized Medium, gas side: nitrogen (N)
return Gas charging pressure when
For connecting open connection delivered: p 1 MPa (10 bar)
fittings to the return header or the Operating pressure 6 MPa: (60 bar) 3
plug socket on the hydraulic pow- Maximum permissible pressure:
er unit. 12 MPa (120 bar)
Maximum permissible pressure: Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
1 MPa (10 bar) nipple for P
One side with open quick coupling Tube with open quick-coupling
plug, one side with quick coupling plug for T
socket Material for mounting on the
Length 1200 mm profile plate 4
Order no. 573024 Order no. 152859

3 Pressure relief unit Accumulator filling device

The pressure relief unit is attached For filling or topping up the gas side
to the low-leakage, self-sealing cou- of the diaphragm accumulator (or-
pling nipple so it can be forced open der no. 152859) with nitrogen (N).
without requiring much power. This The accumulator filling device can
allows trapped hydraulic pressures be o perated directly using a stan-
to be relieved. dard commercially available nitrogen
Order no. 152971 bottle. If a pressure reducer is used,
manufacturer-specific adapters may
4 Base plate be required.
Base plates with four G threaded Order no. 92491
connections and valve port patterns
to ISO/DIN 4401. For the adaptation 6 Pressure filter, 5 m
of any valves. Placed directly downstream of the
Quick action mounting system pump, the pressure filter reliably
Quick-Fix protects the following hydraulic
elements from solids suspended in
Size 02 (NG4) port pattern, B left, A right the oil. The required purity class is
Order no. 572152 determined by the most sensitive
Size 02 (NG4) port pattern, A left, B right element in the system.
Order no. 572153 Pore size of the filter: 5 m
Size 03 (NG6) port pattern, B left, A right Contamination indicator
Order no. 669198 Maximum permissible pressure:
Size 03 (NG6) port pattern, A left, B right 12 MPa (120 bar)
Order no. 750227 Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
Quick action mounting system
Order no. 548609

Replacement filter cartridge for the

pressure filter
Order no. 236302

www.festo-didactic.com 135
Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Sensors/Measuring technology

Sensors/Measuring Technology

1 3 1 Pressure gauge 4 Temperature sensor

The pressure gauge can be inserted The sensor can be inserted at any
at any point for pressure measure- point for temperature measurement
ment. and has an analog output.
Effective range and maximum Maximum permissible pressure:
permissible pressure: 12 MPa (120 bar)
10 MPa (100 bar) Operating voltage 20 30 V DC
Quality class 1.6% of the full scale Measuring range 0 100 C
value Analog output 0 10 V
Operating pressure, static: Electrical connection on 4 mm
3/4 of full scale value safety plug
Operating pressure, dynamic: Low-leakage, self-sealing couplings
2 4 2/3 of full scale value Order no. 525963
Cushioning: glycerine
Low-leakage, self-sealing couplings 5 Measuring case
Order no. 152841 The complete measuring set is pack-
aged in the practical and sturdy
2 Pressure sensor Systainer. It can be used for com-
The pressure sensor can be inserted missioning, maintenance, trouble-
at any point for pressure measure- shooting and optimization of hydrau-
ment and has an analog output. lic circuits.
Operating voltage 15 30 V DC
Effective range and maximum Complete measuring case, consist-
permissible pressure: ing of:
5 10 MPa (100 bar) Flow rate measuring device,
Analog output 0 10 V electronic:0 10 V analog output
Electrical connection on 4 mm safe- corresponds to 0 10 liters per
ty plug minute or 0 1220 RPM.
Low-leakage, self-sealing couplings Can only be operated with a
Order no. 525964 hydraulic motor (Order no.
152858). Order no. 567191
3 Pressure switch, electronic Measuring line, 500 mm, red:
The pressure switch can be inserted Order no. 376937
at any point for pressure measure- Measuring line, 500 mm, blue:
ment and has two switching outputs Order no. 376936
and an analog output. Digital multimeter:
Operating voltage 18 35 V DC Order no. 8040005
Switching outputs 2 x PNP, Pressure sensor, measuring range
maximum 1.2 A 0 10 MPa (0 100 bar), nominal
Effective range and maximum size 4: Order no. 525964
permissible pressure: Temperature sensor, measuring
10 MPa (100 bar) range 0 100 C, nominal size 4:
Analog output 0 10 V Order no. 525963
4-digit digital display, can be Order no. 177468
rotated along 2 axes
Electrical connection M12, 5-pin on
4 mm safety plug
Low-leakage, self-sealing couplings
Order no. 548612

136 www.festo-didactic.com
Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Sensors/Measuring technology

Sensors/Measuring Technology

3 Measuring container for 1 3

1 Sight glass flow indicator hydraulic oil
The oil flow and cavitation can be The transparent measuring container
observed through the sight glass. is equipped with a stabilized inlet, a
The float acts as an indicator for the normal inlet, and an inlet for unpres-
flow direction and flow rate. surized return. There is also a scale,
Display range up to +/- 4 l/min protection against overflow, and a
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) manually opened outflow. For mount-
Maximum permissible pressure: ing on Learnline, the universal brack-
12 MPa (120 bar) et (order no. 539736) is required.
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling Measuring range up to 2 liters.
nipples Order no. 541134
Quick-action mounting system 2
Quick-Fix 4 Flow sensor
Order no. 3492037 The sensor is connected to the hy-
draulic motor (order no. 152858). A
tachometer generator transforms the
2 Flow indicator with float rotational speed of the hydraulic mo-
Mechanical flow indicator according tor into DC voltage. The speed of the
to the float principle for measuring hydraulic motor from 0 1220 r.p.m. 4
flow in l/min und gal/min (US). equates to a voltage of 0 10 V and
Can be used whatever the position a flow rate of 0 10 l/min.
(spring return) Clockwise/counter-clockwise rota-
Directly readable tion: output as analog value from
Measuring range: 0.5 4.5 l/min or 0 10 V
0.1 1.2 gal/min Operating voltage: 24 V DC
Maximum permissible pressure: Measuring range 0 10 l/min
12 MPa (120 bar) Analog output 0 10 V
Low-leakage, self-sealing couplings Electrical connection on
1 Order no. 4857121 4 mm safety sockets
Order no. 567191

www.festo-didactic.com 137
Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Power packs

Power packs

1 1 Hydraulic power pack with two 2 Hydraulic power pack with LS

constant-displacement pumps variable and constant displacement
Especially suitable for separate sup- pump combination, single-phase AC,
ply of two hydraulic circuits, each variant 230 V/50 Hz
with its own ON/OFF switch e.g. on a Especially well-suited to all tests with
mobile Learnline workstation. Equal- the TP 800 standard equipment sets
ly recommended for reaching higher and other mobile hydraulics applica-
speeds in cylinders and motors. Also tions, especially processes controlled
ideal for producing valve character- with load sensing (LS).
istic curves.
Can be integrated into mobile
Can be integrated into mobile Learnline workstation systems
Learnline workstation systems Pumps: axial piston pump with
Pump design: 2x external gear mo- hydraulic load-sensing controller
tor each with pressure relief valve limited to 4 l/min (1 gpm) delivery
adjustable from 0 6 MPa rate and external gear pump with
(0 60 bar) pressure-relief valve adjustable to
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) 0 6 MPa (0 60 bar)
Two motors with overload protec- Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar)
tion, each with an ON/OFF switch Motor with overload protection and
on the Quick-Fix mounting system an ON/OFF switch on quick action
Rated output: 2 x 550 W mounting system Quick-Fix
Tank: 40 l volume, sight glass, Rated output: 1.1 kW
temperature display, drain screw Tank: 40 l, sight glass, temperature
2 Tank lid with air filter and return display, drain screw
filter Tank lid with air filter and return
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling filter
nipples for P and T Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
Plug socket for unpressurized re- nipples for P and T
turn Plug socket for unpressurized
Connecting flange for measuring return
container return Connecting flange for measuring
Dimensions: 700 x 320 x 550 mm container return
(W x D x H) Dimensions: 700 x 320 x 550 mm
Weight: 72 kg (empty) (W x D x H)
Weight: 105 kg (empty)

Variant for AC 230 V/50 Hz

Power pack with AC motors, Variant for AC 230 V/50 Hz
single-phase and start capacitors Power pack with AC motors, sin-
Delivery rate: 2 x 3,4 l/min gle-phase and start capacitors
Order no. 541114 Delivery rate of constant displace-
ment: 3.8 l/min
Order no. On request
Variant for AC 120 V/60 Hz
Power pack with AC motors,
single-phase and start capacitors Variant for AC 208V/60 Hz
Delivery rate: 2 x 4.1 l/min Power pack with AC motors, three-
(2 x 1.1 gpm) phase
Order no. On request Delivery rate of constant displace-
ment: 4.5 l/min (1.2 gpm)
Variant for AC 400 V/50 Hz Order no. On request
Power pack with AC motors,
Delivery rate: 2 x 3.4 l/min Variant for AC 400 V/50 Hz
Order no. 541116 Power pack with AC motors,
Delivery rate of constant displace-
ment: 3.8 l/min
Order no. 8065076

138 www.festo-didactic.com
Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Power packs

Power packs

1 Hydraulic power pack with two 2 Hydraulic power pack with a 1

constant-displacement pumps and constant-displacement pump
one motor Ideal for individual hydraulic worksta-
Recommended for reaching higher tions for all experiments using stan-
speeds in cylinders and motors. Also dard equipment sets TP 500, TP 600
ideal for producing valve character- and the MPS punching station.
istic curves.
Mounting on Learnline with univer-
Can be integrated into mobile sal bracket (order no. 539736)
Learnline workstation systems Mounting on Learntop-S: direct
Pump design: 2 x external gear mo- Pump design: external gear motor
tors, each with pressure relief valve with pressure relief valve adjustable
adjustable from 0 6 MPa from 0 6 MPa (0 60 bar)
(0 60 bar) Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar)
Operating pressure: 6 MPa (60 bar) Motor: AC, single-phase with over-
Motor with overload protection, load protection, start capacitor, and
and ON/OFF switch on Quick-Fix ON/OFF switch
mounting system Tank: 5 l volume, sight glass, tem-
Rated output: 1.1 kW perature display, drain screw
Tank: 40 l volume, sight glass, Air filter and return filter
temperature display, drain screw Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling
Tank lid with air filter and return nipples for P and T
filter Plug socket for unpressurized return
Low-leakage, self-sealing coupling Connecting flange for measuring
nipples for P and T container return 2 3
Plug socket for unpressurized Dimensions: 580 x 300 x 180 mm
return (W x D x H)
Connecting flange for measuring Weight: 19 kg (empty)
container return
Dimensions: 700 x 320 x 550 mm Variant for AC 230 V/50 Hz
(W x D x H) Rated output: 650 W
Weight: 65 kg (empty) Delivery rate: 2.3 l/min
Order no. 152962
Variant for AC 230 V/50 Hz
Power pack with AC motor,
single-phase and start capacitor Variant for AC 120 V/60 Hz
Delivery rate: 2 x 3.6 l/min Rated output: 450 W
Order no. 539733 Delivery rate: 2.7 l/min (0.7 gpm)
Order no. 8065049
Variant for AC 400 V/50 Hz
Power pack with three-phase AC
motor 3 Wheel set for mounting on the
Delivery rate: 2 x 3.7 l/min tank
Order no. 541115 Suitable for hydraulic power units
with 40 l tank
Four guide rollers, two with lock-
ing brake
Mounting material included
Order no. 539734 4

4 Hydraulic oil (DIN 51524)

Brand-name hydraulic oil for all Festo All 230 V power packs with
hydraulic power units. power plug CEE 7, suitable for:
HLP22, 10 Liters DE, FR, NO, SE, FI, PT, ES, AT,
Order no. 192215 NL, BE, GR, TR, IT, DK, IR, ID.
HLP22, 20 Liters
Order no. 14572 Note:
For safety reasons the hydrau-
Funnel lic power packs are not filled
Funnel for filling various devices with oil when delivered. Please
with oil. order the oil separately.
Order no. 374038

www.festo-didactic.com 139
Pneumatics and Pneumatics and Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Measurement and control electronics

Measurement and control electronics

1 6 1/2 Signal input, electrical 6/7 Time relay, two-fold

The device contains an illuminated The element contains a release-delay
pushbutton switch (control switch) and a pickup-delay time relay. Both
and three illuminated pushbuttons relays are infinitely variable, using
(momentary contact switches) with the rotary knob of the potentiometer.
terminals and two buses for pow- Contact set: 2 makes, 2 breaks
er supply. Contact load: Maximum 5 A
Contact set: 1 makes, 1 breaks Cut-off load: Maximum 100 W
Contact load: Maximum 2 A Delay: 0.5 10 s adjustable
Power consumption (Miniature
2 7
bulb): 0.48 W 6 Symbols according to IEC standard
Order no. 162243
1 Symbols according to IEC standard
Order no. 162242 7 Symbols according to NEMA standard
Order no. 8062960
2 Symbols according to NEMA standard
Order no. 8062950 8/9 Preset counter, electronic
Electronic preset counter with termi-
3 Indicator unit and distributor, nals for count pulse, contact set, and
electrical reset pulse, as well as bus bars for
3 8
The device contains an acoustic in- supply power.
dicator and four lamps with termi- Contact set: 1 changeover contact
nals and three buses for power sup- Contact rating: max. 5 A
ply. Through-contact socket pairs per Power consumption: 3 W
lamp allow the element to also be Maximum counting rate: 30 Hz
used as a distributor. Preset value display: 4-place,
Power consumption acoustic red (counter reading) and yellow
indicator: 0.04 W (preselection) illuminated
Power consumption indicator Preset value programmable at each
lamps: 1.2 W digit with up/down keys
Frequency acoustic indicator: Reset key for manual resetting
4 9
420 Hz Lock key for locking the preset
Order no. 162244 value

4/5 Relay, three-fold 8 Symbols according to IEC standard

The device has three relays with Order no. 1677856
terminals and two buses for p
supply. 9 Symbols according to NEMA standard
Contact load: max. 5 A Order no. 8062962
Cut-off load: max. 90 W
Pick-up time: 10 ms
Drop-off time: 8 ms

4 Symbols according to IEC standard

Order no. 162241

5 Symbols according to NEMA standard

Order no. 8062958

140 www.festo-didactic.com
Pneumatics and Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Measurement and control electronics

Measurement and control electronics

1 Proportional amplifier 3 Comparator 1

The amplifier allows control of pro- Positive switching comparator with
portional valves. It is designed so hysteresis. The inputs are short-
that it can either be driven by two in- circuit-proof or surge-proof to 24 V.
dependent solenoids (1 channel) or 2 separate inputs (IN A, IN B) each
a valve with two solenoids (2 chan- acting on two independent compara-
nel) such as a 4/3-way proportion- tors. Each comparator can be set to:
al valve. The proportional amplifier Reference voltage (-10 +10 V),
thus works either as a 1-channel am- Hysteresis (0 +5 V).
plifier or a 2-channel amplifier. The Input voltage (inputs A and B): 2
inputs are short-circuit protected or -10 +10 V
surge-proof up to 24 V. Input resistance (inputs A and B):
Setpoint values: 10 V DC in steps > 10 k
of 100 mV Display accuracy: 30 mV
Switching signal for internal Outputs A and B: Floating relay
setpoint values: 15 30 V DC contacts, changeover contacts
Solenoid outputs: PWM signal, Contact load: 24 V DC/2 A and
24 V, max. 1 A 120 V AC/1 A
Enabling switching signal: Order no. 162257
15 30 V DC
Basic current, Jump current: 4 PID controller
0 250 mA, in steps of 1 mA PID controller for pneumatic and
Maximum current: 100 mA 1 A, hydraulic control circuits. The
in steps of 5 mA controller comprises the following:
Dither frequency: 100 250 Hz, Voltage supply
in steps of 1 Hz Differential inputs
Order no. 162255 Comparators
Final control elements: position- 4
2 Setpoint value card al control elements, speed control
The setpoint value card has the elements, acceleration control ele-
following functions: ments (status controller), propor-
Programmable setpoint generation tional control elements, integral
Programmable ramp generation control elements, differential con-
Cyclical sequencing of setpoints trol elements (PID controller)
and ramps Overall gain (Status controller)
Stopwatch Correcting variable offset
Number of setpoint values: 8 Summing junction
Output voltage range: Limiter
-10 +10 V tol. 5 mV Output
(adjustable in steps of 0.1 V) Order no. 162254 5
Number of ramps: 4
Ramp times: 0 10.0 s/1 V 5 Status controller
(adjustable in steps of 50 ms/1 V) The status controller is used as a
Activating voltage of inputs: regulator in pneumatic and hydraulic
Min. 15 V position control circuits. The control-
Output rate: 1 kHz ler comprises the following:
Stop watch: Input 1, measuring Voltage supply
time 0 100 hrs. Differential inputs
Order no. 162256 Comparators
Final control elements: position-
al control elements, speed control
elements, acceleration control ele-
ments (status controller), propor-
tional control elements, integral
control elements, differential con-
trol elements (PID controller)
Overall gain (Status controller)
Correcting variable offset
Summing junction
Order no. 162253

www.festo-didactic.com 141
Pneumatics and Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Measurement and control electronics

Measurement and control electronics

1 1 Function generator/counter/ 4 Safety relay for emergency stop 6 Universal connection unit, digital
stopwatch and safety door (SysLink)
Multi-function device: function gen- With four positively-driven relay out- The universal connection unit con-
erator, counter, and stop-watch. puts and two input channels, can nects all 4 mm safety plugs with the
Order no. 544315 be used as a safety door monitoring 24-pin system connector as per
device or for emergency stop mon- IEEE 488 (SysLink). It thus becomes
2 Operational status display itoring. a universal interface between units
For easy connection and for display Operating modes: startup testing, with 4 mm connection technology
of various operating modes and sta- short circuit detection, self test, and devices equipped with SysLink
2 tuses by flashing and continuous automatic start, single-channel, connectors as per IEEE 488:
signals in various colors. Three LED manual start, manual start with Simple connection of actuators and
illuminating elements (green, yellow, monitoring, without short circuit sensors via 4 mm laboratory con-
red), each with socket for continu- detection, two-channel nectors with the EasyPort interface
ous light und flashing light, supply 3 safety contacts (N/O contacts), unit for FluidSIM
voltage sockets each 6 x 24 V DC and undelayed
0 V, all sockets designed for 4 mm 1 auxiliary contact (N/C contact), Inputs:
safety plugs, mounting via protection undelayed Three safety sockets each for eight
device (against accidental contact) 1 semiconductor output three-wire sensors
3 with integrated locking strip in the Supply voltage 24 V DC Outputs:
ER mounting frame for electrical con- Supply voltage sockets each Two safety sockets each for eight
nection and control units. 6 x 24 V DC and 0 V, all sockets actuators
Order no. 567263 designed for 4 mm safety plugs, Connections: 4 mm safety sockets
mounting via protection device for 24 V DC, SysLink connector (IEEE
3 Mushroom-head safety switch (against accidental contact) with 488)
With two-circuit switch-off and self integrated locking strip in an ER I/O status display: Via LED
monitoring, removable. The two mounting frame for electrical con- Order no. 162231
4 N/C contacts open when the mush- nection and control units.
room-head safety switch is pressed. Order no. 567262 7 Connection unit, analog
An additional N/O contact is actuat- Using an analog cable (order no.
ed when the mushroom-head safety 5 Terminal strip and distributor, 529141), the unit can also be used
switch is attached and opens when electrical as an analog connection unit for the
the mushroom-head safety switch is The device contains six numbered EduTrainer PLC or EasyPort USB.
removed or interfered with. Supply terminal strips and three bus bars for Permissible voltage range:
voltage sockets each 6 x 24 V DC and the power supply. Like an industri- 22 27 V DC
0 V, all sockets designed for 4 mm al terminal strip, this can be divided Reference: GND
safety plugs, mounting via protection into control, jumper; and field level. Four analog voltage inputs:
device (against accidental contact) Rows of sockets connected with a Range: -10 V +10 V (max. 30 V),
5 with integrated locking strip in the potential can be bridged with 19 mm input resistance: 200 k
ER mounting frame for electrical con- safety jumper plugs (not included). Four analog current inputs:
nection and control units. Order no. 3584313 Range: 0 20 mA (max. -4 +24
Order no. 567261 mA), input voltage: max. 30 V
Two analog outputs: Voltage:
-10 +10 V, short-circuit-proof,
max. 30 V, fuse-protected, cur-
rent: max. 20 mA
Order no. 567232

142 www.festo-didactic.com
Pneumatics and Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Sensors/measuring technology

Sensors/Measuring technology

1/2/3/4 Proximity sensor 6 Emergency stop pushbutton, 1 6

Proximity sensor with protection electrical
against polarity reversal, overload Emergency stop pushbutton, consist-
and short circuit. ing of an illuminated mushroom-
M12 design head emergency button and a con-
360 rotatable, detenting every 15 tact set with 1 make and 1 break.
Connection via the 4 mm safety Accommodated in yellow plastic
connectors integrated in the Quick- housing.
Fix quick connector system Emergency Stop switch in the form of
Power supply 10 30 V DC an impact pushbutton, one normal- 7
N/O contact (PNP) starting function ly-open contact, one normally-closed
NEMA variant: Symbols as per contact, connection for 4 mm safe- 2
NEMA standard ty plug with power supply bus-bar,
Quick action mounting system mounting via anti-shock cover with
Quick-Fix integrated snap-in grip strip on
mounting frame for electrical inter-
1/2 Proximity sensor, optical, M12 face and control units or via plug
Adjustable sensing distance of 70 adapters on profile panel.
300 mm, with LED Actuator: mushroom-head key with 8
detent ring
1 Symbols according to IEC standard Contact set: 1 make, 1 break
Order no. 572744 Contact load limit: maximum 8 A
2 Symbols according to NEMA standard Order no. 183347 3
Order no. 8062967
7 Proximity sensor, electronic
3 Proximity sensor, inductive, M12 Magneto-resistive proximity sensor,
Sensing distance of 0 4 mm magnetically operated
Order no. 548643 Connection via 4 mm safety
4 Proximity sensor, capacitive, M12 Switching output N/O contact
Sensing distance of 0 4 mm (PNP) with switching status
Order no. 548651 indication
Overload and short-circuit proof,
5 Limit switch, electrical with reverse polarity protection 4
The micro switch is actuated me- Operating voltage 5 30 V DC
chanically when the roller lever is Output current: max. 100 mA
pressed, for example, by the trip cam Switching time (on/off ) max. 1 ms
of a cylinder. The micro switch can Mounting system for T-slot
be wired as a N/O contact, N/C con- Order no. 2342009
tact or a changeover switch, using
the 4 mm safety sockets integrated 8 Proximity sensor, electronic
in the quick action mounting sys- Contactless proximity sensor for
tem Quick-Fix. Possible contact load: mounting on drives with T-slot, with
maximum 5 A. connecting cable and LED operating
status indicator. Protected against 5
Limit switch, electrical, left-actuated polarity reversal, overload and short
Order no. 183322 circuit.
Limit switch, electrical, right-actuated Power supply: 10 30 V DC
Order no. 183345 Switching output, N/O contact
(PNP): maximum 200 mA
Electrical connection M8, 3-pin on
4 mm safety plug
Order no. 548589

www.festo-didactic.com 143
Pneumatics/Pneumatics and Hydraulics Training Packages > Components > Sensors/measuring technology

Sensors/Measuring technology

1 4 1 Contact tachometer 3 Tektronix TBS1052B-EDU digital

For measuring rotary speed on the storage oscilloscope
hub of a hydraulic or compressed Standard oscilloscope for observing
air motor. relationships during basic training in
5 99999 RPM electrical engineering. Curves can be
(optical measurement) traced and evaluated on a PC.
0.5 19999 RPM Display: Color
(contact measurement) Bandwidth: 50 MHz
Last, minimum, or maximum Channels: 2
measurement value can be saved Time base: 2,5 ns 50 s/div
2 5 Order no. 8062148 Sampling rate: 1.0 GS/s
Resolution: 8 bits
2 Beha-Amprobe AM-510 digital Y deflection: 2 mV/div 5 V/div
multimeter Interface: USB
Simple entry-level device for basic
training. Scope of delivery
Automatic and manual range se- Mains cable
lection, 3-digit LCD display, mea- 2x TPP0051 probe
surement of direct and alternating Documentation
voltage, direct and alternating cur- Order no. 571845
rent, resistance, continuity, flow
diode test, capacity and frequency 4 Function generator
measurement. Signal types: Sinusoidal, square,
Voltage: 1 mV 600 V triangular, TTL
3 Current: 0.1 A 10 A Frequency range: 0.1 Hz 500 kHz
Resistance: 0.1 40 M Voltage output: DC
Frequency: 1 Hz 10 MHz Offset: -15 +15 V
Capacity: 0.01 nF 100 F Voltage amplitude: 0 30 V
Measuring circuit category Order no. 152918
5 Cable BNC 4 mm
Scope of delivery Cable with BNC socket and 2 jack-
Measuring leads plugs (4 mm). For use in conjunction
Battery with a function generator and oscil-
Operating instructions loscope.
Order no. 8040005 Order no. 152919


Order no. 158357

T-piece BNC
Order no. 159298

144 www.festo-didactic.com
Pneumatics/Pneumatics and Hydraulics Training Packages > Accessories > Electrical supplies

Electrical power supply

1 Power supply unit for 3/4 4 mm Safety laboratory cables 1 3

mounting frame Plugs with rigid protective sleeve
Input voltage: 85 265 V AC and axial socket
(47 63 Hz) Conductor cross section: 1 mm2
Output voltage: 24 V DC, 1000 V CAT II, Rated current: 16 A
Output current: max. 4 A 3 4 mm Safety laboratory cables,
Dimensions: 170 x 240 x 92 mm 98 pieces, red, and blue
Without power cable Complete set, consisting of 98 safety
Order no. 8049382 laboratory cables with 4 mm safety
plugs in the colors red and blue:
Connector as per CEE 7/VII for DE, FR, 10x red 50 mm
NO, SE, FI, PT, ES, AT, NL, BE, GR, TR, IT, 10x blue 50 mm 2 4
DK, IR, ID 26x red 300 mm
Order no. 159396 11x blue 300 mm
Connector as per NEMA 5-15 for US, CA, 21x red 500 mm
Central America, BR, CO, EC, KR, TW, TH, 12x blue 500 mm
PH, JP 3x red 1000 mm
Order no. 162411 3x blue 1000 mm
Connector as per BS 1363 for GB, IE, MY, 1x red 1500 mm
SG, UA, HK, AE 1x blue 1500 mm
Order no. 162412
Connector as per AS 3112 for AU, NZ, For the third cable color, safety lab-
CN, AR oratory cables, 47 pieces, black, are
Order no. 162413 suitable (order no. 572096)
Connector as per SEV 1011 for CH Order no. 167091
Order no. 162414
Connector as per SANS 164-1 for ZA, IN, 4 4 mm Safety laboratory cables,
PT, SG, HK, (GB), (AE) 106 pieces, red, blue, and black
Order no. 162415 Complete set, consisting of 106 safe-
ty laboratory cables with 4 mm safe-
2 IEC power cable ty plugs in the colors red, blue, and CEE 7/VII AS 3112
One side designed as a connector black:
and one side with a country-specif- 10x red 50 mm
ic plug. 10x blue 50 mm
Connector as per CEE 7/VII for DE, FR, 8x black 50 mm
NO, SE, FI, PT, ES, AT, NL, BE, GR, TR, IT, 8x red 300 mm NEMA 5-15 SEV 1011
DK, IR, ID 8x blue 300 mm
Order no. 247661 18x black 300 mm
Connector as per NEMA 5-15 for US, CA, 8x red 500 mm
Central America, BR, CO, EC, KR, TW, TH, 8x blue 500 mm
PH, JP 18x black 500 mm BS 1363 SANS 164-1
Order no. 350362 2x red 1000 mm
Connector as per BS 1363 for GB, IE, MY, 3x blue 1000 mm
SG, UA, HK, AE 2x black 1000 mm
Order no. 350363 1x red 1500 mm
Connector as per AS 3112 for AU, NZ, 1x blue 1500 mm
CN, AR 1x black 1500 mm 5
Order no. 350364 Order no. 571806
Connector as per SEV 1011 for CH
Order no. 350366 5 Measuring lead holder
Connector as per SANS 164-1 for ZA, IN, Mobile measuring lead holder with
PT, SG, HK, (GB), (AE) storage box.
Order no. 350367 Dimensions (W x H x D)
54 x 135 x 54 cm
Storage dimensions (W x D)
42 x 51 cm
Order no. 8043430

www.festo-didactic.com 145
Pneumatics/Pneumatics and Hydraulics Training Packages > Accessories > Organizers


1 6 1/2/3/4/5 Systainer with T-LOC 6 Dolly truck for Systainer

system Dolly truck for transporting T-LOC
Stackable and interlocking case sys- and Classic Line Systainers in s izes
tem, made of light grey plastic with I to V. Four guide rollers, two with
light blue T-LOC rotary locks, one- clamping brakes.
hand operation, for opening and in- Order no. 549789
terlocking the Systainers. With four
slots for credit-card-sized labels or 7 Storage system for A4
markings. EduTrainer
2 7 Transport and storage system for A4
Size I: external 105 x 396 x 296, EduTrainer and training packages.
internal 75 x 383 x 267
Order no. 8022295 Case with slotted foam sheets for
Size II: external 157.5 x 396 x 296, holding A4 boards and permanently
internal 127.5 x 383 x 267 attached lid with a stop in the open
Order no. 8022296 position. The enclosed divider can be
Size III: external 210 x 396 x 296, used to partition off an area for hold-
internal 180 x 382 x 266 ing measuring devices and cables
Order no. 8022297 and also provides convenient access
3 Size IV: external 315 x 396 x 296, to an EduTrainer with a width of
internal 285 x 382 x 266 133 mm. The exterior consists of
Order no. 8022298 grained laminate with edges protect-
Size V: external 420 x 396 x 296, ed by metal profiles. The case fea-
internal 384 x 381 x 265 tures a sturdy folding handle, rub-
Order no. 8022299 ber feet, and two buckles that can be
locked with padlocks.
(Dimensions in mm H x W x D).
Provides space for up to three A4
EduTrainers with a width of up to
399 mm and additional accessories.
4 Order no. 8047571

146 www.festo-didactic.com
Pneumatics/Pneumatics and Hydraulics Training Packages > Accessories > Organizers


Systainer/Container Inserts 7 Systainer/Container Insert G 1 7

Didactic components need to be Dimensions (W x D): 351 x 264 mm.
stored in a clearly arranged and safe For Systainers sizes 1 5.
way. Simply clamp two handles onto Order no. 687943
the narrow side of the insert of your
choice and stack the inserts in the 8 Systainer/Container Insert H
Systainer. Note: Two large and one Dimensions (W x D): 351 x 264 mm.
small insert exactly fill a Learnline For Systainers sizes 1 5. 2 8
container drawer. Order no. 687944

1 Systainer/Container Insert A 9 Systainer/Container Insert I

Dimensions (W x D): 351 x 172 mm. Dimensions (W x D): 351 x 264 mm.
For Systainers sizes 1 4. For Systainers sizes 1 5.
Order no. 687927 Order no. 722009
3 9
2 Systainer/Container Insert B 10 Systainer/Container Insert J
Dimensions (W x D): 351 x 264 mm. Dimensions (W x D): 351 x 264 mm.
For Systainers sizes 1 4. For Systainers sizes 1 5
Order no. 687461 Order no. 754668

3 Systainer/Container Insert C 11 Systainer/Container Insert K

Dimensions (W x D): 351 x 264 mm. Dimensions (W x D): 351 x 264 mm. 4 10
For Systainers sizes 1 4. For Systainers sizes 1 5
Order no. 687929 Order no. 754701

4 Systainer/Container Insert D 12 Systainer/Container Insert L

Dimensions (W x D): 351 x 264 mm. Dimensions (W x D): 351 x 172 mm.
For Systainers sizes 1 4. For Systainers sizes 1 4..
Order no. 689087 Order no. 754704 5 11

5 Systainer/Container Insert E 13/14/15 Handles for Systainer/

Dimensions (W x D): 351 x 264 mm. Container Inserts
For Systainers sizes 1 5. The handles are available in three
Order no. 701309 different versions, suitable for Sys-
tainer sizes 2 5:
6 Systainer/Container Insert F Handle 80: 80 mm high version
Dimensions (W x D): 351 x 264 mm. Handle 100: 100 mm high version 6 12
For Systainers sizes 1 5. Handle 150: 150 mm high version
Order no. 709844 When stacking the inserts in the Sys-
tainer, the handle height determines
the distance between the stacked
inserts. The handles can be used for
all Systainer/container inserts. Two
handles are required per insert.
13 Handle 80 683012 13/14/15
14 Handle 100 687455
15 Handle 150 683464

www.festo-didactic.com 147


Services > Overview

Make more of your potential

Service solutions tailored to your Worldwide availability? No problem. Installation, commissioning, and Free software, demos, and reading
equipment and needs. A qualified We are able to deliver our training training will be carried out by qual- samples For example, EasyVeep is
team provides services that will en- services around the world in local ified technicians in order to guaran- a new graphic 2D process simulation
able you to maximize the capacity of languages to the high standard that tee safe, efficient set-up and ensure software containing a number of
your learning systems. both you and we require. that your team can use your new attractive examples for PLC training
products immediately. that is available for download free of
Knowing that your equipment is ef- charge. You can sample for free many
fectively maintained will allow you of our software products and all our
to focus on what is most important: books on the Internet using test and
teaching. demo versions.

150 More information: www.festo-tac.com

Services > Overview

Service solutions to suit

your needs
Free delivery
Demos and reading samples
Service contracts
Extended warranty

Certification Festo is a global engineering Customized service contracts give Personal advice
Instructor certification trainings help and manufacturing company that you peace of mind as our team takes We will be glad to provide an on-site
you to get the best possible use out maintains its own global training and care of your equipment. Available consultation regarding concept and
of your new learning system. Our consulting teams for customers all services include on-site hardware planning.
qualified instructors introduce the around the world. maintenance and calibration, warran-
equipment and provide the train- ty extension and repairs, continuous For more information, please contact
ing material, as well as explain how Operating in the same economic instructor training, and much more. your Festo contact person or write
to perform the exercises and inte- sector and environment as our to: [email protected]
grate them quickly into your exist- customers, we have a level of
ing training programs. These training understanding and insight into your
sessions can be conducted on your challenges that allows us to meet
premises, at a Festo core location, or your needs by providing targeted
via video conference. training and consulting solutions.

More information: www.festo-tac.com 151

































152 www.festo-didactic.com

Festo Didactic SE
P.O. Box 10 07 10
73707 Esslingen
Rechbergstrae 3
73770 Denkendorf

Edition: April 2017

Terms and conditions of sale


As a result of continuous develop-

ment and research work technical
specifications and illustrations are
subject to change. They are not bind-
ing. The specified data serves pure-
ly as a product description and is no
guarantee in a legal sense.

All of the texts, diagrams, illustra-

tions and drawings featured in this
publication are the property of
Festo Didactic SE and are thus pro-
tected under copyright.

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A Cer t i cat i Quality Management
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ce r t i ed monitoring according to ISO 9001:2008
Didactic SE.
Learning systems and services for basic
and further training

Festo Didactic SE

Rechbergstrae 3
73770 Denkendorf
Tel. +49 (711) 3467-0
Fax +49 (711) 347-54-88500
[email protected]

Festo Didactic Inc.

607 Industrial Way West

07724 Eatontown,
New Jersey
United States
Tel. +1 (732) 938-2000
Fax +1 (732) 774-8573
[email protected]

Festo Didactic Lte/Ltd

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Tel. +1 (418) 849-1000
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