B.SC Physics Syllabus
B.SC Physics Syllabus
B.SC Physics Syllabus
(Established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
This course would empower the student to acquire engineering skills and practical knowledge. It helps the
students in their everyday life.
This syllabus will provide the basic requirements for their higher studies and also provide a theoretical basis for
doing experiments in related areas.
To make the students to understand a broad range of experimental techniques and to enable them to
demonstrate their ability to use the techniques in conducting scientific experiments and observations.
1. Surface tension and interfacial surface tension by drop weight method.
2. Surface tension of a liquid by capillary raise method
3. Coefficient of viscosity burette method.
4. Viscosity of highly viscous liquid using Stokes method
5. Youngs modulus of a bar - uniform bending - Pin and Microscope
6. Youngs modulus of a bar - uniform bending - optic lever
7. Youngs modulus of a bar - non uniform bending - pin and microscope
8. Youngs modulus of a bar - non uniform bending - optic lever
9. Youngs modulus of a bar - cantilever - bending - pin and microscope.
10. Youngs modulus of a bar - cantilever - bending - optic lever
To make the students aware of the fundamental concepts behind materials and their applications
To make the students to understand a broad range of experimental techniques and to enable them to
demonstrate their ability to use the techniques in conducting scientific experiments and observations.
1. To study the Motion of Spring and calculate (a) Spring constant, (b) g and (c)Modulus of rigidity
2. To determine the Moment of Inertia disc using Torsional pendulum
3. To determine the Moment of Inertia of a Flywheel
4. To determine the elastic Constants of a wire by Searles method
5. To determine the Modulus of Rigidity of a Wire by Maxwells needle
6. To determine g and velocity for a freely falling body using Digital Timing Technique
7. To determine the height of a building using a Sextant.
8. To determine the value of g using Katers Pendulum
9. To determine the value of g and K using Compound Bar Pendulum
10. To determine of g using simple pendulum
This course provides an in depth coverage of Thermodynamic behaviour
To make the students to understand a broad range of experimental techniques and to enable them to
demonstrate their ability to use the techniques in conducting scientific experiments and observations.
1. To determine Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, J, by Callender and Barnes constant flow method.
2. Measurement of Plancks constant using black body radiation.
3. To determine Stefans Constant or to verify Stefans law.
4. To determine the coefficient of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by Lee and Charltons disc method.
5. To determine the temperature co-efficient of resistance by Platinum resistance thermometer.
6. To study the variation of thermo emf across two junctions of a thermocouple with temperature.
7. To record and analyze the cooling temperature of an hot object as a function of time using a thermocouple
and suitable data acquisition system
8. Thermal conductivity of rubber
9. Newtons law of cooling
10. Determination of emissivity of a surface
To provide deep knowledge in the field of waves and oscillations.
Unit-1: Vibrations and Sound Waves 9 Hrs
Vibration of Strings: Equation of motion of a vibrating string, velocity of waves along a string, frequency and
period of vibration of a string, harmonics and overtones. Propagation and velocity of sound wave in solid. Stationary
Waves: Reflection of waves in strings from free and fixed ends, stationary waves, nodes and antinodes, pressure
and density changes at nodes and anti-nodes, distribution of energy in a stationary wave.
Unit-2: Reflection, Refraction Diffraction and attenuation of Sound Waves 9 Hrs
Reflection of sound waves, Huygen's Principle, Refraction of sound waves, Huygen's Principle, Diffraction of
sound waves, Attenuation of Sound Waves: Causes of dissipation of sound energy, effect of viscosity, attenuation
constant, effect of heat conduction, absorption of high frequency waves in gases, sound absorption in narrow tubes
and cavities, transmission of power by plane waves, radiation resistance.
Unit-3: Oscillations and Waves: Applications 9 Hrs
Vibration of Rods and Surfaces Longitudinal vibrations of rods, velocity of a longitudinal wave in a rod,
stationary longitudinal waves in rods, transverse vibration of rods, tuning fork, vibration of plates, Chladni's figures,
vibration of bells, vibration of stretched membranes and diaphragms, (non-mathematical treatment). Vibration of Air
Column. Flue pipes and reed pipes, vibrations of air columns in closed and open organ pipe, overtones, resonance in
air columns, end corrections, effect of temperature on pitch.
Unit-4: Acoustics 9 Hrs
Musical Sounds: Noise and musical sounds, loudness, intensity level, decibel and phon, intensity of a sound,
pitch, quality of sound. Musical Scales and Consonance. Architectural Acoustics: reverberation, absorption
coefficient, Sabine's law, good acoustical designs of rooms, noise, measurement, noise reduction and sound
insulation. Technical Applications of Acoustical Principles: Sound ranging, geophone, hydrophone, echo sounding,
Unit-5: Ultrasonics 9 Hrs
Ultrasonic waves - Different modes - Characteristic properties - Behaviour - Focusing - Stationary waves and
resonance - Attenuation - Diffraction - Sources of ultrasound. Magnetostriction method -Piezoelectric method - Low
frequency / high Intensity applications - high frequency - low intensity applications - clinical applications of different
Max. 45 Hours
1. A Text Book of Sound, D. R. Khanna and R. S. Bedi, (Atma Ram & Sons) New Delhi 1985
2. Vibrations, Waves and Acoustics, D. Chattopadhyay and P. C. Rakshit, (New Central BookAgency)
3. A Text Book of Sound, M. Ghosh, (S. Chand & Company)
4. Text book of sound by M N Srinivasan Himalaya Publications (1991)
5. Science and technology of Ultrasonics by Bladevraj, Narosa (2004)
6. Text book of sound by Brij Lal & Subramaniam, N Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 1982
7. Fundamentals of Acoustic, Lawrence Kinsler and Austin Frey, (Wiley Eastern)
8. Introduction to Mechanics, Mahendra K. Verma, (Universities Press)
9. Waves & Oscillations ,Subrahmanyam N & Brij Lal, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1994
To make the students to understand a broad range of experimental techniques and to enable them to
demonstrate their ability to use the techniques in conducting scientific experiments and observations.
This course provides an in depth coverage of behavior of stationary electric charges, electricity, magnetism and
how they are connected.
To make the students to understand a broad range of experimental techniques and to enable them to
demonstrate their ability to use the techniques in conducting scientific experiments and observations.
1. To use a Multimeter for measuring (a)Resistances, (b)AC and DC Voltages, (c)DC Current, and (d)
checking electrical fuses.
2. Ballistic Galvanometer: (i)Measurement of charge and current sensitivity (ii)Measurement of CDR
(iii)Determine a high resistance by Leakage Method (iv)To determine Self Inductance of a Coil by Rayleighs
3. To compare capacitances using DeSautys bridge.
4. Measurement of field strength B and its variation in a Solenoid (Determine dB/dx).
5. To study the Characteristics of a Series RC Circuit.
6. To study the a series LCR circuit and determine its (a)Resonant Frequency, (b)Quality Factor
7. To study a parallel LCR circuit and determine its (a)Anti-resonant frequency and (b)Quality factor Q
8. To determine a Low Resistance by Carey Fosters Bridge.
9. To verify the Thevenin and Norton theorem.
10. To verify the Superposition, and Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
This course provides an introduction and in depth examination about optical propagation.
To make the students to understand a broad range of experimental techniques and to enable them to
demonstrate their ability to use the techniques in conducting scientific experiments and observations.
1. To determine the refractive index of the given liquid forming liquid lens by parallax method
2. To determine the focal length and radius of curvatures of a convex lens.
3. To draw i-d curve and to determine the angle of minimum deviation and the angle of the prism from it and
hence to calculate the refractive index of the material of the prism.
4. To determine the focal length and radius of curvatures of a concave lens by displacement method.
5. To standardize the diffraction grating and hence to determine the wavelength of mercury spectral lines by
normal incidence method using spectrometer.
6. To determine the wavelength of the sodium light by Newtons rings method.
7. To determine the refractive index of the sodium light by Newtons rings method.
8. To determine the refractive index of a liquid using hollow prism.
9. To determine the dispersive power of the material of the prism by finding the refractive indices of different
pairs of mercury spectral lines.
10. To determine the Cauchys Constant of a prism using spectrometer.
The emphasis of the course is on applications in solving problems of interest to Physicists. The students are to be
examined entirely on the basis of problems, seen and unseen.
To make the students to understand a broad range of experimental techniques and to enable them to
demonstrate their ability to use the techniques in conducting scientific experiments and observations.
1. Introduction to C programming, constants, variables, data types, operators and expressions
2. I/O statements, control statements, Go-to statement, loops and arrays
3. Sum and average of a list of numbers
4. Largest of a given list of numbers and its location in the list
5. Sorting of numbers in ascending and descending order
6. Searching of numbers or binary search
7. Finding the Area of circle
8. Computing the Area of square
9. Calculating the volume of sphere
10. Estimating the value of
To impart the concepts of analog and digital electronics practically and train students with all the equipments
which will help in improving the basic knowledge
To make the students to understand a broad range of experimental techniques and to enable them to
demonstrate their ability to use the techniques in conducting scientific experiments and observations.
1. Inverting and Non inverting Amplifier
2. Summing and Differential Amplifier
3. Linear Op amp circuits such as Instrumentation amplifier, Integrator and Differentiator
4. RC Phase Shift Oscillator
5. Wien Bridge Oscillator
6. Study of IC 555 Timer
7. Study of Logic Gates
8. Study of Flip Flops using Gates
9. Multiplexers and Demultiplexers
10. Encoders and Decoders
To understand the basics of atomic physics terminology, Atomic physics, the scientific study of the structure of
the atom, its energy states and its interactions with other particles and with electric and magnetic fields. Atomic
physics has proved to be a spectacularly successful application of quantum mechanics, which is one of the
cornerstones of modern physics.
To make the students to understand a broad range of experimental techniques and to enable them to
demonstrate their ability to use the techniques in conducting scientific experiments and observations.
To empower the students towards the application of Laser with the concept.
To make the students to understand a broad range of experimental techniques and to enable them to
demonstrate their ability to use the techniques in conducting scientific experiments and observations.
1. Characteristics of Laser diode and LED
2. Wavelength of Laser using diffraction grating
3. Numerical aperture of optical fiber
4. To Study the Spot Size & the Angle of Divergence of Laser Beam
5. To Study the Diffraction Pattern of Laser Light by Single & Double Slit & to Determine the Wave Length
of Laser Light
6. To Study the Nature of Polarization of Laser Light and Verify Malus Law
7. To Determine the Near Field Intensity Profile of a Multimode Fiber and Measure Its Refractive Index
8. To Measure the Bending & Splice Loss/ Coupling Loss with Transverse, Longitudinal and Angular
Offsets in Two Multimode Fibers
9. To determine (1) wavelength and (2) angular spread of He-Ne laser using plane diffraction grating
10. Laser Experiment Determination of particle size using lycopodium powder.
To learn the architecture, programming, interfacing and rudiments of system design of
microprocessors and microcontrollers.
To provide training on programming of microprocessors and microcontrollers and understand the interface
1. Simple arithmetic operations: BCD Addition - 8-bit & 16 bit
2. Simple arithmetic operations: BCD Subtraction - 8-bit & 16 bit
3. Simple arithmetic operations: BCD multiplication
4. Simple arithmetic operations: BCD division.
5. Programming with control instructions: Ascending / Descending order
6. Programming with control instructions: Maximum / Minimum of numbers
7. Programming with control instructions: Programs using Rotate instructions
8. Programming with control instructions: Hex / ASCII / BCD code conversions.
9. Interface Experiments: with 8085 : A/D Interfacing. & D/A Interfacing.
10. Interface Experiments: with 8085 : Traffic light controller.
To enable the students to understand the basic concepts of quantum mechanics.
To make the students to understand a broad range of experimental techniques and to enable them to
demonstrate their ability to use the techniques in conducting scientific experiments and observations.
1. Solve the Schrodinger equation for the ground state and the first excited state of the hydrogen atom.
2. Solve the radial Schrodinger equation for an atom for the screened coulomb potential.
3. Solve the radial Schrodinger equation for a particle of mass m for the anharmonic oscillator potential:
4. Solve the radial Schrodinger equation for the vibrations of hydrogen molecule for the Morse potential.
5. Study of Electron spin resonance-determine magnetic field as a function of the resonance frequency
6. Study of Zeeman effect: with external magnetic field; Hyperfine splitting
7. To show the tunnelling effect in tunnel diode using I-V characteristics.
8. Quantum efficiency of CCDs
To provide an in depth Knowledge of Nucleus, Nuclear radiations detectors, Radioactivity and Elementary particle
towards their higher education.
To make the students to understand a broad range of experimental techniques and to enable them to
demonstrate their ability to use the techniques in conducting scientific experiments and observations.
1. Verification of inverse square law applicable to intensity of gamma rays emitted by a radioactive substance
using a GM counter.
2. Determination of mass-absorption of coefficient of aluminum for gamma rays.
3. Characteristics of a Geiger Muller (GM counter)
4. Study the absorption of gamma rays by the given absorber and GM counter. Find the value of linear
absorption coefficient.
5. To study the level of natural background radiation at the laboratory in the given condition.
6. To study the level of natural background radiation in the outdoor field in all directions (east, west, north,
south, up and down) in the given condition.
7. Dead time of the GM counter
8. To sketch the tracks of alpha particles using Willson Cloud Chamber
9. To detect the gamma radiation using Scintillation Counter
10. To measure the Half life time of Indium 116
To enable the students to understand the basic concepts of solid state physics.
To make the students to understand a broad range of experimental techniques and to enable them to
demonstrate their ability to use the techniques in conducting scientific experiments and observations.
1. Magnetic susceptibility of a liquid using Quincks method.
2. Band gap of a semiconductor diode
3. Mobility of charge carriers-Hall effect
4. Determination of crystal structure software SHELEX.
5. Determination of molecular structure software SHELEX
6. Determination of Miller Indices software SHELEX.
7. Magnetic moment of a magnet using Searles vibration magnetometer.
8. Hysteresis curve of a transformer core using CRO
9. Measurement of Dielectric constant of a solid
10. Resistivity of a material by four probe technique