Lora SX1272
Lora SX1272
Lora SX1272
Using Semtechs patented LoRaTM modulation technique +14 dBm high efficiency PA
SX1272/73 can achieve a sensitivity of over -137 dBm using Programmable bit rate up to 300 kbps
a low cost crystal and bill of materials. The high sensitivity
combined with the integrated +20 dBm power amplifier
High sensitivity: down to -137 dBm
yields industry leading link budget making it optimal for any Bullet-proof front end: IIP3 = -12.5 dBm
application requiring range or robustness. LoRaTM also 89 dB blocking immunity
provides significant advantages in both blocking and
selectivity over conventional modulation techniques, solving
Low RX current of 10 mA, 100 nA register retention
the traditional design compromise between range, Fully integrated synthesizer with a resolution of 61 Hz
interference immunity and energy consumption. FSK, GFSK, MSK, GMSK, LoRaTM and OOK modulation
These devices also support high performance (G)FSK
modes for systems including WMBus, IEEE802.15.4g. The
Built-in bit synchronizer for clock recovery
SX1272/73 deliver exceptional phase noise, selectivity, Preamble detection
receiver linearity and IIP3 for significantly lower current 127 dB Dynamic Range RSSI
consumption than competing devices.
Automatic RF Sense and CAD with ultra-fast AFC
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1. General Description
The SX1272/73 incorporates the LoRaTMspread spectrum modem which is capable of achieving significantly longer range
than existing systems based on FSK or OOK modulation. With this new modulation scheme sensitivities 8 dB better than
equivalent data rate FSK can be achieved with a low-cost, low-tolerance crystal reference. This increase in link budget
provides much longer range and robustness without the need for a TCXO or external amplification. LoRaTM Also provides
significant advances in selectivity and blocking performance, further improving communication reliability. For maximum
flexibility the user may decide on the spread spectrum modulation bandwidth (BW), spreading factor (SF) and error
correction rate (CR). Another benefit of the spread modulation is that each spreading factor is orthogonal - thus multiple
transmitted signals can occupy the same channel without interfering. This also permits simple coexistence with existing
FSK based systems. Standard GFSK, FSK, OOK, and GMSK modulation is also provided to allow compatibility with
existing systems or standards such as wireless MBUS and IEEE 802.15.4g.
The SX1272 offers three bandwidth options of 125 kHz, 250 kHz, and 500 kHz with spreading factors ranging from 6 to 12.
The SX1273 offers the same bandwidth options with spreading factors from 6 to 9.
Part Number Frequency Range
Spreading Factor Bandwidth Effective Bitrate Sensitivity
SX1272 860 - 1020 MHz 6 - 12 125 - 500 kHz 0.24 - 37.5 kbps -117 to -137 dBm
SX1273 860 - 1020 MHz 6-9 125 - 500 kHz 1.7 - 37.5 kbps -117 to -130 dBm
16 GND - Ground
22 GND O Ground
24 RFO O RF output
25 RFI I RF input
26 GND O Ground
2. Electrical Characteristics
2.1. ESD Notice
The SX1272/73 is a high performance radio frequency device. It satisfies:
Class II of the JEDEC standard JESD22-A114-B (Human Body Model) on all pins.
Class III of the JEDEC standard JESD22-C101C (Charged Device Model) on all pins
It should thus be handled with all the necessary ESD precautions to avoid any permanent damage.
Note Specific ratings apply to +20 dBm operation (see Section 5.4.3).
Note A specific supply voltage range applies to +20 dBm operation (see Section 5.4.3).
IDDST Supply current in Standby mode Crystal oscillator enabled - 1.4 1.6 mA
BRF Bit rate, FSK Programmable values (1) 1.2 - 300 kbps
Note For Maximum Bit Rate the maximum modulation index is 0.5.
RF output power in 50 ohms, on Programmable with 1dB steps Max - +17 - dBm
PA_BOOST pin (Regulated PA) Min - +2 - dBm
tsetup MOSI setup time From MOSI change to SCK rising edge 30 - - ns
thold MOSI hold time From SCK rising edge to MOSI change 20 - - ns
tnsetup NSS setup time From NSS falling edge to SCK rising 30 - - ns
tnhold NSS hold time From SCK falling edge to NSS rising 100 - - ns
edge, normal mode
3. SX1272/73 Features
This section gives a high-level overview of the functionality of the SX1272/73 low-power, highly integrated transceiver. The
following figure shows a simplified block diagram of the SX1272/73.
SX1272/73 Is a half-duplex, low-IF transceiver. Here the received RF signal is first amplified by the LNA. The LNA input is
single ended to minimize the external BoM and for ease of design. Following the LNA output, the conversion to differential
is made to improve the second order linearity and harmonic rejection. The signal is then down-converted to in-phase and
quadrature (I&Q) components at the intermediate frequency (IF) by the mixer stage. A pair of sigma delta ADCs then
perform data conversion, with all subsequent signal processing and demodulation performed in the digital domain. The
digital state machine also controls the automatic frequency correction (AFC), received signal strength indicator (RSSI) and
automatic gain control (AGC). It also features the higher-level packet and protocol level functionality of the top level
sequencer (TLS).
The frequency synthesizer generates the local oscillator (LO) frequency for both receiver and transmitter. The PLL is
optimized for user-transparent low lock time and fast auto-calibrating operation. In transmission, frequency modulation is
performed digitally within the PLL bandwidth. The PLL also features optional prefiltering of the bit stream to improve
spectral purity.
SX1272/73 feature a pair of RF power amplifiers. The first, connected to RFO, can deliver up to +14 dBm, is unregulated
for high power efficiency and can be connected directly to the RF receiver input via a pair of passive components to form a
single antenna port high efficiency transceiver. The second PA, connected to the PA_BOOST pin, can deliver up to
+20 dBm via a dedicated matching network.
SX1272/73 also includes two timing references, an RC oscillator and a 32 MHz crystal oscillator.
All major parameters of the RF front end and digital state machine are fully configurable via an SPI interface which gives
access to SX1272/73s configuration registers. This includes a mode auto sequencer that oversees the transition and
calibration of the SX1272/73 between intermediate modes of operation in the fastest time possible.
The SX1272/73 are equipped with both standard FSK and long range spread spectrum (LoRaTM) modems. Depending
upon the mode selected either conventional OOK or FSK modulation may be employed or the LoRaTM spread spectrum
Typically such performance gains require high stability frequency references, with LoRaTM this is not the case. Low crystal
tolerances are easily accommodated reducing the overall BoM cost for a given increase in link budget.
For European operation the range of crystal tolerances acceptable for each sub-band (of the ERC 70-03) is given in the
specifications table. For US based operation a frequency hopping mode is available that automates both the LoRaTM spread
spectrum and frequency hopping spread spectrum processes.
Another important facet of the LoRaTM modem is its increased immunity to interference. The LoRaTM modem is capable of
co-channel GMSK rejection of up to 25 dB. This immunity to interference permits the simple coexistence of LoRaTM
modulated systems either in bands of heavy spectral usage or in hybrid communication networks that use LoRaTM to extend
range when legacy modulation schemes fail. Overview
The LoRaTM modem is setup as shown in the following figure. This configuration permits the simple replacement of the FSK
modem with the LoRaTM modem via the configuration register setting RegOpMode. This change can be performed on the
fly (in Sleep operating mode) thus permitting the use of both standard FSK or OOK in conjunction with the long range
capability. The LoRaTM modulation and demodulation process is proprietary, it uses a form of spread spectrum modulation
combined with cyclic error correction coding. The combined influence of these two factors is an increase in link budget and
enhanced immunity to interference.
So that it is possible to optimise the LoRaTM modulation for a given application, access is given to the designer to three
critical design parameters. Each one permitting a trade off between link budget, immunity to interference, spectral
occupancy and nominal data rate. These parameters are spreading factor, modulation bandwidth and error coding rate.
Note that the spreading factor, SpreadingFactor, must be known in advance on both transmit and receive sides of the link
as different spreading factors are orthogonal to each other. Note also the resulting signal to noise ratio (SNR) required at
the receiver input. It is the capability to receive signals with negative SNR that increases the sensitivity, so link budget and
range, of the LoRa receiver.
Spreading Factor 6
SF = 6 Is a special use case for the highest data rate transmission possible with the LoRa modem. To this end several
settings must be activated in the SX1272/73 registers when it is in use. These settings are only valid for SF6 and should be
set back to their default values for other spreading factors:
Set SpreadingFactor = 6 in RegModemConfig2
The header must be set to Implicit mode.
Set the bit field DetectionOptimize of register RegLoRaDetectOptimize to value "0b101".
Write 0x0C in the register RegDetectionThreshold.
Forward error correction is particularly efficient in improving the reliability of the link in the presence of interference. So that
the coding rate (and so robustness to interference) can be changed in response to channel conditions - the coding rate can
optionally be included in the packet header for use by the receiver. Please consult Section for more information on
the LoRaTM packet and header.
Rs = BW
2 SF
where BW is the programmed bandwidth and SF is the spreading factor. The transmitted signal is a constant envelope
signal. Equivalently, one chip is sent per second per Hz of bandwidth.
Depending upon the chosen mode of operation two types of header are available. The header type is selected by the
ImplictHeaderModeOn bit found within the RegModemConfig1 register.
The header is transmitted with maximum error correction code (4/8). It also has its own CRC to allow the receiver to
discard invalid headers.
In Explicit Header Mode the presence of the payload CRC selected on the transmit side through the use of the bit
RxPayloadCrcOn locatind in the register RegModemConfig1.
The corresponding bit (RxPayloadCrcOn) is hence unused on the receive side. Instead, upon reception of the payload,
may consult the bit CrcOnPayload in the register RegHopChannel. If the bit CrcOnPayload is at 1 then the user should
then check the Irq Flag PayloadCrcError to ensure that the CRC is valid.
If the bit CrcOnPayload is at 0, it means there was no CRC on the payload and thus the IRQ Flag PayloadCrcError will not
be trigged in the event of payload errors.
1 1 CRC is checked
To avail of the payload CRC in Implicit Header Mode, it is necessary to set the bit RxPayloadCrcOn in the register
RegModemConfig1 on both sides (TX and RX).
CRC is always
Value of the bit 0 1
1 0 CRC is not checked
1 1 CRC is checked
The packet payload is a variable-length field that contains the actual data coded at the error rate either as specified in the
header in explicit mode or in the register settings in implicit mode. An optional CRC may be appended. For more
information on the payload and how it is loaded from the data buffer FIFO please see Section
Ts = -----
The LoRa packet duration is the sum of the duration of the preamble and the transmitted packet. The preamble length is calculated as
T preamble = n preamble + 4.25 T sym
where npreamble is the programmed preamble length, taken from the registers RegPreambleMsb and RegPreambleLsb. The
payload duration depends upon the header mode that is enabled. The following formula gives the number of payload
Where PL is the number of bytes of payload, SF is the spreading factor, IH = 1 when implicit header mode is enabled and IH = 0 when
explicit header mode is used. DE set to 1 indicates the use of the low data rate optimization, 0 when disabled. CRC indicates the
presence of the payload CRC = 1 when on 0 when off. CR is the programmed coding rate from 1 to 4.
The ceil function indicates that the portion of the equation in square brackets should be rounded up to the next integer value. The max
function compares the evaluated ceil function result and returns 0 or the result - whichever is higher.
T payload = n payload T s
Addition of the preamble and payload durations gives the total packet time on air.
Principle of Operation
The principle behind the FHSS scheme is that a portion of each LoRaTM packet is transmitted on each hopping channel
from a look up table of frequencies managed by the host microcontroller. After a predetermined hopping period the
transmitter and receiver change to the next channel in a predefined list of hopping frequencies to continue transmission
and reception of the next portion of the packet. The time which the transmission will dwell in any given channel is
determined by FreqHoppingPeriod which is an integer multiple of symbol periods:
HoppingPeriod s = Ts FreqHoppingPeriod
The frequency hopping transmission and reception process starts at channel 0. The preamble and header are transmitted
first on channel 0. At the beginning of each transmission the channel counter FhssPresentChannel (located in the register
RegHopChannel) is incremented and the interrupt signal FhssChangeChannel is generated. The new frequency must then
be programmed within the hopping period to ensure it is taken into account for the next hop, the interrupt
ChangeChannelFhss is then to be cleared by writing a logical 1.
FHSS Reception always starts on channel 0. The receiver waits for a valid preamble detection before starting the
frequency hopping process as described above. Note that in the eventuality of header CRC corruption, the receiver will
automatically request channel 0 and recommence the valid preamble detection process.
Principle of Operation
Thanks to its dual port configuration, it is possible to simultaneously store both transmit and receive information in the FIFO
data buffer. The register RegFifoTxBaseAddr specifies the point in memory where the transmit information is stored.
Similarly, for receiver operation, the register RegFifoRxBaseAddr indicates the point in the data buffer where information
will be written to in event of a receive operation.
By default, the device is configured at power up so that half of the available memory is dedicated to Rx
(RegFifoRxBaseAddr initialized at address 0x00) and the other half is dedicated for Tx (RegFifoTxBaseAddr initialized at
address 0x80).
However, due to the contiguous nature of the FIFO data buffer, the base addresses for Tx and Rx are fully configurable
across the 256 byte memory area. Each pointer can be set independently anywhere within the FIFO. To exploit the
maximum FIFO data buffer size in transmit or receive mode, the whole FIFO data buffer can be used in each mode by
setting the base addresses RegFifoTxBaseAddr and RegFifoRxBaseAddr at the bottom of the memory (0x00).
The FIFO data buffer is cleared when the device is put in SLEEP mode, consequently no access to the FIFO data buffer is
possible in sleep mode. However, the data in the FIFO data buffer are retained when switching across the other LoRaTM
modes of operation, so that a received packet can be retransmitted with minimum data handling on the controller side. The
FIFO data buffer is not self-clearing (unless if the device is put in sleep mode) and the data will only be erased when a
new set of data is written into the occupied memory location.
The FIFO data buffer location to be read from, or written to, via the SPI interface is defined by the address pointer
RegFifoAddrPtr. Before any read or write operation it is hence necessary to initialize this pointer to the corresponding base
value. Upon reading or writing to the FIFO data buffer (RegFifo) the address pointer will then increment automatically.
The register RegRxNbBytes defines the size of the memory location to be written in the event of a successful receive
operation. The register RegPayloadLength indicates the size of the memory location to be transmitted. In implicit header
mode, the register RegRxNbBytes is not used as the number of payload bytes is known. Otherwise, in explicit header
mode, the initial size of the receive buffer is set to the packet length in the received header. The register
RegFifoRxCurrentAddr indicates the location of the last packet received in the FIFO so that the last packet received can be
easily read by pointing the register RegFifoAddrPtr to this register.
It is important to note that all the received data will be written to the FIFO data buffer even if the CRC is invalid, permitting
user defined post processing of corrupted data. It is also important to note that when receiving, if the packet size exceeds
the buffer memory allocated for the Rx, it will overwrite the transmit portion of the data buffer.
Low-power mode. In this mode only SPI and configuration registers are accessible. Lora FIFO is not
SLEEP accessible.
Note that this is the only mode permissible to switch between FSK/OOK mode and LoRa mode.
STANDBY Both crystal oscillator and LoRa baseband blocks are turned on. RF front-end and PLLs are disabled
This is a frequency synthesis mode for transmission. The PLL selected for transmission is locked and active
at the transmit frequency. The RF front-end is off.
This is a frequency synthesis mode for reception. The PLL selected for reception is locked and active at the
receive frequency. The RF front-end is off.
When activated the SX1272/73 powers all remaining blocks required for transmit, ramps the PA, transmits
the packet and returns to Standby mode.
When activated the SX1272/73 powers all remaining blocks required for reception, processing all received
data until a new user request is made to change operating mode.
When activated the SX1272/73 powers all remaining blocks required for reception, remains in this state until
a valid packet has been received and then returns to Standby mode.
CAD When in CAD mode, the device will check a given channel to detect LoRa preamble signal
It is possible to access any mode from any other mode by changing the value in the RegOpMode register.
F STEP = ---------------
In order to set LO frequency values following registers are available.
Frf is a 24-bit register which defines carrier frequency. The carrier frequency relates to the register contents by following
F RF = F STEP Frf (23,0)
Please note that the measured FEI should not be applied to the RF centre frequency to perform AFC. The FEI
measurement is provided for information only.
At the end of the payload, the RxDone interrupt is generated together with the interrupt PayloadCrcError if the payload
CRC is not valid. However, even when the CRC is not valid, the data are written in the FIFO data buffer for post processing.
Following the RxDone interrupt the radio goes to Standby mode.
The modem will also automatically return in Standby mode when the interrupts RxDone is generated. Therefore, this mode
should only be used when the time window of arrival of the packet is known. In other cases, the RX continuous mode
should be used.
In Rx single mode low-power is achieved by turning off PLL and RF blocks as soon as a packet has been received. The
flow is as follows:
1 Set FifoAddrPtr to FifoRxBaseAddr.
2 Static configuration register device can be written in either Sleep mode, Standby mode or FSRX mode.
3 A single packet receive operation is initiated by selecting the operating mode RXSINGLE.
4 The receiver will then await the reception of a valid preamble. Once received, the gain of the receive chain is set.
Following the ensuing reception of a valid header, indicated by the ValidHeader interrupt in explicit mode. The packet
reception process commences. Once the reception process is complete the RxDone interrupt is set. The radio then returns
automatically to Standby mode to reduce power consumption.
5 The receiver status register PayloadCrcError should be checked for packet payload integrity.
6 If a valid packet payload has been received then the FIFO should be read (See Payload Data Extraction below). Should
a subsequent single packet reception need to be triggered, then the RXSINGLE operating mode must be re-selected to
launch the receive process again - taking care to reset the SPI pointer (FifoAddrPtr) to the base location in memory
In continuous mode status information are available only for the last packet received, i.e. the corresponding registers
should be read before the next RxDone arrives.
On the other hand, The LoRa continuous reception mode is used in systems which do not have power restrictions or on
system where the use of a companion MCU timer is preferred over the radio embedded timeout system. In RxContinuous
mode, the radio will track any LoRa signal present in the air and carry on the reception of packets until the companion MCU
sets the radio into another mode of operation. Upon reception the interrupt RxDone will be trigged but the device will stay in
Rx Mode, ready for the reception of the next packet.
In order to retrieve received data from FIFO the user must ensure that ValidHeader, PayloadCrcError, RxDone and
RxTimeout interrupts in the status register RegIrqFlags are not asserted to ensure that packet reception has terminated
successfully (i.e. no flags should be set).
In case of errors the steps below should be skipped and the packet discarded. In order to retrieve valid received data from
the FIFO the user must:
RegRxNbBytes Indicates the number of bytes that have been received thus far.
RegFifoAddrPtr is a dynamic pointer that indicates precisely where the Lora modem received data has been written up
Set RegFifoAddrPtr to RegFifoRxCurrentAddr. This sets the FIFO pointer to the location of the last packet received in
the FIFO. The payload can then be extracted by reading the register RegFifo, RegRxNbBytes times.
Alternatively, it is possible to manually point to the location of the last packet received, from the start of the current
packet, by setting RegFifoAddrPtr to RegFifoRxByteAddr minus RegRxNbBytes. The payload bytes can then be read
from the FIFO by reading the RegFifo address RegRxNbBytes times.
The LoRaTM modem does not automatically filter received packets based upon an address. However, the SX1272/73
permits software filtering of the received packets based on the contents of the first few bytes of payload. A brief example is
given below for a 4 byte address, however, the address length can be selected by the designer.
The objective of the packet filtering process is to determine the presence, or otherwise, of a valid packet designed for the
receiver. If the packet is not for the receiver then the radio returns to sleep mode in order to improve battery life.The
software packet filtering process follows the steps below:
Each time the RxDone interrupt is received, latch the RegFifoRxByteAddr[7:0] register content in a variable, this
variable will be called start_address. The RegFifoRxByteAddr[7:0] register of the SX1272 gives in real time the address
of the last byte written in the data buffer + 1 (or the address at which the next byte will be written by the receive LoRaTM
modem). So by doing this, we make sure that the variable start_address always contains the start address of the next
Upon reception of the interrupt ValidHeader, start polling the RegFifoRxByteAddr[7:0] register until it begins to
increment. The speed at which this register will increment depends on the spreading factor, the error correction code
and the modulation bandwidth. (Note that this interrupt is still generated in implicit mode).
As soon as RegFifoRxByteAddr[7:0] >= start address + 4, the first 4 bytes (address) are stored in the FIFO data buffer.
These can be read and tested to see if the packet is destined for the radio and either remaining in Rx mode to receive
the packet or returning to sleep mode if not.
TimeOut = LoraRxTimeout Ts
Principle of Operation
The channel activity detection mode is designed to detect a LoRa preamble on the radio channel with the best possible
power efficiency. Once in CAD mode, the SX1272/73 will perform a very quick scan of the band to detect a LoRaTM packet
The time taken for the channel activity detection is dependent upon the LoRaTM modulation settings used. For a given
configuration the typical CAD detection time is shown in the graph below, expressed as a multiple of the LoRaTM symbol
period. Of this period the radio is in receiver mode for (2SF + 32) / BW seconds. For the remainder of the CAD cycle the
radio is in a reduced consumption state.
Figure 13. Channel activity detection (CAD) time as a function of spreading factor.
To illustrate this process and the respective consumption in each mode, the CAD process follows the sequence of events
outlined below:
The receiver is then in full receiver mode for just over half of the activity detection, followed by a reduced consumption
processing phase where the consumption varies with the LoRa bandwidth as shown in the table below.
Operating DIOx
Mode Mapping
00 ModeReady CadDetected CadDone FhssChangeChannel RxTimeout RxDone
ALL 01 ClkOut PllLock ValidHeader FhssChangeChannel FhssChangeChannel TxDone
11 - - - - - -
In Packet mode or in Continuous mode with Gaussian filtering enabled, the Bit Rate (BR) is controlled by bits BitRate in
RegBitrateMsb and RegBitrateLsb
BitRate = -------------------------------------------------------------------------
BitRate (15,0) + BitrateFrac -------------------------------
Note: BitrateFrac bits have no effect (i.e may be considered equal to 0) in OOK modulation mode.
The quantity BitrateFrac is hence designed to allow very high precision (max. 250 ppm programing resolution) for any
bitrate in the programmable range. Table 18 below shows a range of standard bitrates and the accuracy to within which
they may be attained.
Classical modem baud rates 0x68 0x2B 1.2 kbps 1.2 kbps 1200.015
(multiples of 1.2 kbps)
0x34 0x15 2.4 kbps 2.4 kbps 2400.060
Round bit rates 0x0A 0x00 12.5 kbps 12.5 kbps 12500.00
(multiples of 12.5, 25 and
50 kbps) 0x05 0x00 25 kbps 25 kbps 25000.00
Watch Xtal frequency 0x03 0xD1 32.768 kbps 32.768 kbps 32753.32
Note No constraint applies to the modulation index of the transmitter, but the frequency deviation must be set between
600 Hz and 200 kHz.
Note The transmitter must be restarted if the ModulationShaping setting is changed in order to recalibrate the built-in filter.
The output of the FSK demodulator can be fed to the Bit Synchronizer to provide the companion processor with a
synchronous data stream in Continuous mode.
Peak -6dB Threshold
Noise floor of
Decay in dB as defined in
OokPeakThreshStep Fixed 6dB difference
Period as defined in
When the RSSI output is null for a long time (for instance after a long string of 0 received or if no transmitter is present)
the peak threshold level will continue falling until it reaches the Floor Threshold programmed in OokFixedThresh.
The default settings of the OOK demodulator lead to the performance stated in the electrical specification. However, in
applications in which sudden received signal power reduction is possible, the three parameters should be optimized
It is therefore important to note that the setting of OokFixedThresh will be application dependant. The following procedure
is recommended to optimize OokFixedThresh.
Glitch activity
on DATA ?
Optimization complete
The new floor threshold value found during this test should be used for OOK reception with those receiver settings.
The Bit Synchronizer is automatically activated in Packet mode. Its bit rate is controlled by BitRateMsb and BitRateLsb in
Raw demodulator
(FSK or OOK)
BitSync Output
To pin DATA and
DCLK in continuous
To ensure correct operation of the Bit Synchronizer the following conditions have to be satisfied:
A preamble (0x55 or 0xAA) of at least 12 bits is required for synchronization, the longer the synchronization phase is the
better the ensuing packet detection rate will be.
The subsequent payload bit stream must have at least one edge transition (either rising or falling) every 16 bits during
data transmission.
The absolute error between transmitted and received bit rate must not exceed 6.5%.
The FEI is enabled automatically upon the transition to receive mode and automatically updated every 4 bits. AFC
The AFC is based on the FEI measurement therefore the same input signal and receiver setting conditions apply. When
the AFC procedure is performed the AfcValue is directly subtracted from the register that defines the frequency of
operation of the chip, FRF. The AFC is executed each time the receiver is enabled, if AfcAutoOn = 1.
When the AFC is enabled (AfcAutoOn = 1) the user has the option to:
Clear the former AFC correction value if AfcAutoClearOn = 1. Allowing the next frequency correction to be performed
from the initial centre frequency.
Start the AFC evaluation from the previously corrected frequency. This may be useful in systems in which the centre
frequency experiences cumulative drift - such as the ageing of a crystal reference.
The SX1272/73 offers an alternate receiver bandwidth setting during the AFC phase allowing the accommodation of larger
frequency errors. The setting RegAfcBw sets the receive bandwidth during the AFC process. In a typical receiver
application, once the AFC is performed, the radio will revert to the receiver communication or channel bandwidth
(RegRxBw) for the ensuing communication phase.
Note that the FEI measurement is valid only during the reception of preamble. The provision of the PreambleDetect flag
can hence be used to detect this condition and allow a reliable AFC or FEI operation to be triggered. This process can be
performed automatically by using the appropriate options in StartDemodOnPreamble found in the RegRxConfig register.
A detailed description of the receiver setup to enable the AFC is provided in section 4.2.7.
PreambleDetectorSize # of Bytes
00 1
01 2 (recommended)
10 3
11 reserved
For normal operation, PreambleDetectTol should be set to be set to 10 (0x0A) with a qualifying preamble size of 2 bytes.
The PreambleDetect interrupt (either in RegIrqFlags1 or mapped to a specific DIO) then goes high every time a valid
preamble is detected assuming PreambleDetectorOn=1.
The preamble detector can also be used as a gate to ensure that AFC and AGC are performed on valid preamble. See
section 4.2.7. for details.
A selectable temperature change, set with TempThreshold (5, 10, 15 or 20C), is detected and reported in TempChange if
the temperature monitoring is turned On with TempMonitorOff = 0.
This interrupt flag can be used by the application to launch a new image calibration at a convenient time if
AutoImageCalOn=0, or immediately when this temperature variation is detected, if AutoImageCalOn=1.
This timeout interrupt can be used to warn the companion processor to shut down the receiver and return to a lower power
mode. To become active, these timeouts must also be enabled by setting the correct RxTrigger parameters in
When switching from a mode to another the sub-blocks are woken up according to a pre-defined optimized sequence.
IDDSL Timeline
FSTx Transmit
Sleep Stdby
mode mode
FSRx Receive
TS_OSC is the startup time of the crystal oscillator which depends on the electrical characteristics of the crystal. TS_FS is
the startup time of the PLL including systematic calibration of the VCO.
TS _ TR 5s 1.25 PaRamp Tbit
2 ,
where PaRamp is the ramp-up time programmed in RegPaRamp and Tbit is the bit time.
TS_RE or later after setting the device in Receive mode, any incoming packet will be detected and demodulated by the
Rssi IRQ
FSRx Rx Rssi sample
TS_RSSI depends on the receiver bandwidth as well as the RssiSmoothing option that was selected. The formula used to
calculate TS_RSSI is provided in section 5.5.4.
(*) Optional Rx to Tx
(*) Optional
First method
Second method
1. set FastHopOn=1
Rx Mode, Rx Mode,
2. set new Frf (*)
Channel A 3. wait for TS_HOP Channel B
The second method is quicker and should be used if a very quick RF sniffing mechanism is to be implemented. Tx to Tx
0 ~PaRamp ~PaRamp
When AgcAutoOn=0, the LNA gain is manually selected by choosing LnaGain bits in RegLna.
Note ModeReady must be at logic level 1 for a new RestartRx command to be taken into account.
The decision to restart the receiver is based on the detection of RSSI change. The sensitivity of the system can be adjusted
in 1 dB steps by using register RssiCollisionThreshold in RegRxConfig.
The Sequencer is activated by setting the SequencerStart bit in RegSeqConfig1 to 1 in Sleep or Standby mode (called
initial mode).
It is also possible to force the Sequencer off by setting the Stop bit in RegSeqConfig1 to 1 at any time.
Note SequencerStart and Stop bit must never be set at the same time.
The Sequencer is not activated. Sending a SequencerStart command will launch it.
SequencerOff State When coming from LowPowerSelection state, the Sequencer will be Off, whilst the chip will
return to its initial mode (either Sleep or Standby mode).
Idle State The chip is in low-power mode, either Standby or Sleep, as defined by IdleMode in
RegSeqConfig1. The Sequencer waits only for the T1 interrupt.
Transmit State The transmitter in on.
Receive State The receiver in on.
PacketReceived The receiver is on and a packet has been received. It is stored in the FIFO.
LowPowerSelection Selects low power state (SequencerOff or Idle State)
Variable Transition
Controls the Sequencer transition when the SequencerStart bit is set to 1 in Sleep or Standby mode:
00: to LowPowerSelection
FromStart 01: to Receive state
10: to Transmit state
11: to Transmit state on a FifoThreshold interrupt
Controls the state-machine transition from the Receive state on a RxTimeout interrupt (and on
PayloadReady if FromReceive = 011):
00: to Receive state via ReceiveRestart
FromRxTimeout 01: to Transmit state
10: to LowPowerSelection
11: to SequencerOff state
Note: RxTimeout interrupt is a TimeoutRxRssi, TimeoutRxPreamble or TimeoutSignalSync interrupt. Timers
Two timers (Timer1 and Timer2) are also available in order to define periodic sequences. These timers are used to
generate interrupts, which can trigger transitions of the Sequencer.
Sequencer Start
Timer2 Timer1
Note The timer sequence is completed independently of the actual Sequencer state. Thus, both timers need to be on to
achieve periodic cycling.
Variable Description
Resolution of Timer1
00: disabled
Timer1Resolution 01: 64 us
10: 4.1 ms
11: 262 ms
Resolution of Timer2
00: disabled
Timer2Resolution 01: 64 us
10: 4.1 ms
11: 262 ms
Transitory states are highlighted in light grey, and exit states are represented in red. It is also possible to force the
Sequencer off by setting the Stop bit in RegSeqConfig1 to 1 at any time.
Sequencer Off
Initial mode = Sleep or Standby
If FromStart = 00 On FifoThreshold
if FromStart = 11
If FromStart = 01 If FromStart = 10
Receive Transmit
Standby if IdleMode = 0
Sleep if IdleMode = 1
If LowPowerSelection = 1
LowPower If LowPowerSelection = 0
Sequencer Off
( Mode Initial mode ) Idle
On T1 if FromIdle = 0
If FromPacketReceived = 000
If FromRxTimeout = 11
RxTimeout Sequencer Off
If FromRxTimeout = 01
The circuit contains several control blocks which are described in the following paragraphs.
Tx/Rx DIO0
Data Rx SYNC
The SX1272/73 implements several data operation modes each with their own data path through the data processing
section. Depending on the data operation mode selected some control blocks are active whilst others remain disabled.
Each of these data operation modes is fully described in the following sections.
4.2.11. FIFO
Overview and Shift Register (SR)
In packet mode of operation both data to be transmitted and that has been received are stored in a configurable FIFO (First
In First Out). It is accessed via the SPI interface and provides several interrupts for transfer management.
The FIFO is 1 byte wide hence it only performs byte (parallel) operations, whereas the demodulator functions serially. A
shift register is therefore employed to interface the two devices. In transmit mode it takes bytes from the FIFO and outputs
them serially (MSB first) at the programmed bit rate to the modulator. Similarly, in Rx the shift register gets bit by bit data
from the demodulator and writes them byte by byte to the FIFO. This is illustrated in figure below.
Data Tx/Rx
SR (8bits)
Note When switching to Sleep mode, the FIFO can only be used once the ModeReady flag is set (immediately from all
modes except from Tx)
Notes - FifoLevel interrupt is updated only after a read or write operation on the FIFO. Thus the interrupt cannot be
dynamically updated by only changing the FifoThreshold parameter
- FifoLevel interrupt is valid as long as FifoFull does not occur. An empty FIFO will restore its normal operation
FIFO Clearing
Table below summarizes the status of the FIFO when switching between different modes
Table 27 Status of FIFO when Switching Between Different Modes of the Chip
From To FIFO status Comments
Stdby Sleep Not cleared
Sleep Stdby Not cleared
Stdby/Sleep Tx Not cleared To allow the user to write the FIFO in Stdby/Sleep before Tx
Stdby/Sleep Rx Cleared
Rx Tx Cleared
Rx Stdby/Sleep Not cleared To allow the user to read FIFO in Stdby/Sleep mode after Rx
Tx Any Cleared
The block behaves like a shift register as it continuously compares the incoming data with its internally programmed Sync
word and sets SyncAddressMatch when a match is detected. This is illustrated in Figure 29 below.
Bit N-x = Bit N-1 = Bit N =
(NRZ) Sync_value[x] Sync_value[1] Sync_value[0]
During the comparison of the demodulated data, the first bit received is compared with bit 7 (MSB) of RegSyncValue1 and
the last bit received is compared with bit 0 (LSB) of the last byte whose address is determined by the length of the Sync
When the programmed Sync word is detected the user can assume that this incoming packet is for the node and can be
processed accordingly.
Size: Sync word size can be set from 1 to 8 bytes (i.e. 8 to 64 bits) via SyncSize in RegSyncConfig. In Packet mode this
field is also used for Sync word generation in Tx mode.
Value: The Sync word value is configured in SyncValue(63:0). In Packet mode this field is also used for Sync word
generation in Tx mode.
Packet Handler
The packet handler is the block used in Packet mode. Its functionality is fully described in section 4.2.14.
The control block configures and controls the full chip's behavior according to the settings programmed in the configuration
Tx/Rx DIO0
Data Rx
MISO Tx Processing
In Tx mode a synchronous data clock for an external uC is provided on DIO1/DCLK pin. Clock timing with respect to the
data is illustrated in Figure 31. DATA is internally sampled on the rising edge of DCLK so the uC can change logic state
anytime outside the grayed out setup/hold zone.
DCLK Rx Processing
If the bit synchronizer is disabled the raw demodulator output is made directly available on DATA pin and no DCLK signal is
Conversely, if the bit synchronizer is enabled, synchronous cleaned data and clock are made available respectively on
DIO2/DATA and DIO1/DCLK pins. DATA Is sampled on the rising edge of DCLK and updated on the falling edge as
illustrated below.
Note In Continuous mode it is always recommended to enable the bit synchronizer to clean the DATA signal even if the
DCLK signal is not used by the uC (bit synchronizer is automatically enabled in Packet mode).
In addition the SX1272/73 packet handler performs several packet oriented tasks such as Preamble and Sync word
generation, CRC calculation/check, whitening/dewhitening of data, Manchester encoding/decoding, address filtering, etc.
This simplifies software and reduces uC overhead by performing these repetitive tasks within the RF chip itself.
Another important feature is ability to fill and empty the FIFO in Sleep/Stdby mode to ensure minimum power consumption
when accessing payload data.
Data Rx
In applications where the packet length is fixed in advance, this mode of operation may be of interest to minimize RF
overhead (no length byte field is required). All nodes, whether Tx only, Rx only or Tx/Rx should be programmed with the
same packet length value.
The length programmed in PayloadLength relates only to the payload which includes the message and the optional
address byte. In this mode the payload must contain at least one byte i.e. address or message byte.
An illustration of a fixed length packet is shown below. It contains the following fields:
Preamble (1010...)
Sync word (Network ID)
Optional Address byte (Node ID)
Message data
Optional 2-bytes CRC checksum
(min 1 byte)
Fields added by the packet handler in Tx and processed and removed in Rx
This mode is useful in applications where the length of the packet is not known in advance and can vary over time. It is then
necessary for the transmitter to send the length information together with each packet in order for the receiver to operate
In this mode the length of the payload, indicated by the length byte, is given by the first byte of the FIFO and is limited to
255 bytes. Note that the length byte itself is not included in its calculation. In this mode the payload must contain at least 2
bytes i.e. length + address or message byte.
An illustration of a variable length packet is shown below. It contains the following fields:
Preamble (1010...)
Sync word (Network ID)
Length byte
Optional Address byte (Node ID)
Message data
(min 2 bytes)
Fields added by the packet handler in Tx and processed and removed in Rx
In Tx the data is transmitted depending on the TxStartCondition bit. On the Rx side the data processing features like
Address filtering, Manchester encoding and data whitening are not available if the sync pattern length is set to zero
(SyncOn = 0). The filling of the FIFO in this case can be controlled by the bit FifoFillCondition. The CRC detection in Rx is
also not supported in this mode of the packet handler, however CRC generation in Tx is operational. The interrupts like
CrcOk & PayloadReady are not available either.
Sync Word Address Message
0 to 65535
0 to 8 bytes byte unlimited length
Payload Tx Processing
In Tx mode the packet handler dynamically builds the packet by performing the following operations on the payload
available in the FIFO:
Add a programmable number of preamble bytes.
Add a programmable Sync word.
Optionally calculating CRC over complete payload field (optional length byte + optional address byte + message) and
appending the 2 bytes checksum.
Optional DC-free encoding of the data (Manchester or whitening).
Only the payload (including optional address and length fields) is required to be provided by the user in the FIFO.
The transmission of packet data is initiated by the Packet Handler only if the chip is in Tx mode and the transmission
condition defined by TxStartCondition is fulfilled. If transmission condition is not fulfilled then the packet handler transmits a
preamble sequence until the condition is met. This happens only if the preamble length /= 0, otherwise it transmits a zero or
one until the condition is met to transmit the packet data. Rx Processing
In Rx mode the packet handler extracts the user payload to the FIFO by performing the following operations:
Receiving the preamble and stripping it off.
Detecting the Sync word and stripping it off.
Optional DC-free decoding of data.
Optionally checking the address byte.
Optionally checking CRC and reflecting the result on CrcOk..
Only the payload (including optional address and length fields) is made available in the FIFO.
When the Rx mode is enabled the demodulator receives the preamble followed by the detection of sync word. If fixed
length packet format is enabled then the number of bytes received as the payload is given by the PayloadLength
In variable length mode the first byte received after the sync word is interpreted as the length of the received packet. The
internal length counter is initialized to this received length. The PayloadLength register is set to a value which is greater
than the maximum expected length of the received packet. If the received length is greater than the maximum length stored
in PayloadLength register the packet is discarded otherwise the complete packet is received.
If the address check is enabled then the second byte received in case of variable length and first byte in case of fixed
length is the address byte. If the address matches to the one in the NodeAddress field reception of the data continues
otherwise it's stopped. The CRC check is performed if CrcOn = 1 and the result is available in CrcOk indicating that the
CRC was successful. An interrupt (PayloadReady) is also generated on DIO0 as soon as the payload is available in the
FIFO. The payload available in the FIFO can also be read in Sleep/Standby mode.
If the CRC fails the PayloadReady interrupt is not generated and the FIFO is cleared. This function can be overridden by
setting CrcAutoClearOff = 1, forcing the availability of PayloadReady interrupt and the payload in the FIFO even if the CRC
Every received packet which does not start with this locally configured Sync word is automatically discarded and no
interrupt is generated.
When the Sync word is detected payload reception automatically starts and SyncAddressMatch is asserted.
Address Based
Address filtering can be enabled via the AddressFiltering bits. It adds another level of filtering above Sync word (i.e. Sync
must match first) and is typically useful in a multi-node networks where a network ID is shared between all nodes (Sync
word) and each node has its own ID (address).
Please note that the received address byte, as part of the payload, is not stripped off the packet and is made available in
the FIFO. In addition, NodeAddress and AddressFiltering only apply to Rx. On Tx side, if address filtering is expected, the
address byte should simply be put into the FIFO like any other byte of the payload.
As address filtering requires a Sync word match hence both features share the same interrupt flag SyncAddressMatch.
Length Based
In variable length Packet mode, PayloadLength must be programmed with the maximum payload length permitted. If
received length byte is smaller than this maximum then the packet is accepted and processed, otherwise it is discarded.
Please note that the received length byte, as part of the payload, is not stripped off the packet and is made available in the
To disable this function the user should set the value of the PayloadLength to 2047.
CRC Based
The CRC check is enabled by setting bit CrcOn in RegPacketConfig1. It is used for checking the integrity of the message.
On Tx side a two byte CRC checksum is calculated on the payload part of the packet and appended to the end of the
On Rx side the checksum is calculated on the received payload and compared with the two checksum bytes received.
The result of the comparison is stored in bit CrcOk.
By default, if the CRC check fails then the FIFO is automatically cleared and no interrupt is generated. This filtering function
can be disabled via CrcAutoClearOff bit and in this case, even if CRC fails, the FIFO is not cleared and only PayloadReady
interrupt goes high. Please note that in both cases, the two CRC checksum bytes are stripped off by the packet handler
and only the payload is made available in the FIFO. Two CRC implementations are selected with bit CrcWhiteningType.
For such purposes, two techniques are made available in the packet handler: Manchester encoding and data whitening.
Manchester Encoding
Manchester encoding/decoding is enabled if DcFree = 01 and can only be used in Packet mode.
The NRZ data is converted to Manchester code by coding '1' as 10 and '0' as 01.
In this case, the maximum chip rate is the maximum bit rate given in the specifications section and the actual bit rate is half
the chip rate.
Manchester encoding and decoding is only applied to the payload and CRC checksum while preamble and Sync word are
kept NRZ. However, the chip rate from preamble to CRC is the same and defined by BitRate in RegBitRate (Chip Rate =
Bit Rate NRZ = 2 x Bit Rate Manchester).
Manchester encoding/decoding is thus transparent with NRZ transferred between FIFO and MCU.
The whitening/de-whitening process is enabled if DcFree = 10. A 9-bit LFSR is used to generate a random sequence. The
payload and 2-byte CRC checksum is then XORed with this random sequence as shown below. The data is de-whitened
on the receiver side by XORing with the same random sequence.
Payload whitening/de-whitening is thus made transparent to the user who still provides/retrieves NRZ data to/from the
L F S R P o ly n o m ia l = X 9 + X 5 + 1
X8 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0
When BeaconOn in RegPacketConfig2 is set to 1 the FIFO can be filled only once in Sleep or Stdby mode with the required
payload. After a first transmission, FifoEmpty will go high as usual, but the FIFO content will be restored when the chip
exits Transmit mode. FifoEmpty, FifoFull and FifoLevel flags are also restored.
This feature is only available in Fixed packet format with the Payload Length smaller than the FIFO size. The control of the
chip modes (Tx-Sleep-Tx....) can either be undertaken by the microcontroller, or be automated in the Top Sequencer. See
example in section
The Beacon Tx mode is exited by setting BeaconOn to 0 and clearing the FIFO by setting FifoOverrun to 1.
MOSI is generated by the master on the falling edge of SCK and is sampled by the slave (i.e. this SPI interface) on the
rising edge of SCK. MISO is generated by the slave on the falling edge of SCK.
A transfer is always started by the NSS pin going low. MISO is high impedance when NSS is high.
The second byte is a data byte, either sent on MOSI by the master in case of a write access or received by the master on
MISO in case of read access. The data byte is transmitted MSB first.
Proceeding bytes may be sent on MOSI (for write access) or received on MISO (for read access) without a rising NSS
edge and re-sending the address. In FIFO mode, if the address was the FIFO address then the bytes will be written / read
at the FIFO address. In Burst mode, if the address was not the FIFO address, then it is automatically incremented for each
new byte received.
The frame ends when NSS goes high. The next frame must start with an address byte. The SINGLE access mode is
therefore a special case of FIFO / BURST mode with only 1 data byte transferred.
During the write access the byte transferred from the slave to the master on the MISO line is the value of the written
register before the write operation.
The SX1272/73 can be powered from any low-noise voltage source via pins VBAT1 and VBAT2. Decoupling capacitors
should be connected, as suggested in the reference design of the applications section of this document, on VR_PA,
VR_DIG and VR_ANA pins to ensure correct operation of the built-in voltage regulators.
The crystal oscillator startup time, TS_OSC, depends on the electrical characteristics of the crystal reference used, for
more information on the electrical specification of the crystal see section 7.1. The crystal connects to the Pierce oscillator of
pins XTA and XTB. The SX1272/73 optimizes the startup time and automatically triggers the PLL when the oscillator signal
is stable.
Optionally, an external clock can be used to replace the crystal oscillator. This typically takes the form of a tight tolerance
temperature compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO). When using an external clock source the bit TcxoInputOn of register
RegTcxo should be set to 1 and the external clock has to be provided on XTA (pin 4). XTB (pin 5) should be left open.
The peak-peak amplitude of the input signal must never exceed 1.8 V. Please consult your TCXO supplier for an
appropriate value of decoupling capacitor, CD.
32 MHz
Vcc Vcc
Note To minimize the current consumption of the SX1272/73, please ensure that the CLKOUT signal is disabled when
not required.
5.3.3. PLL
The local oscillator of the SX1272/73 is derived from a fractional-N PLL that is referenced to the crystal oscillator circuit.
Two PLLs are available for transmit mode operation - either low phase noise or low current consumption to maximize either
transmit power consumption or transmit spectral purity respectively. Both PLLs feature a programmable bandwidth setting
where one of four discrete preset bandwidths may be accessed. For reference the relative performance of both low
consumption and low phase noise PLLs, for each programmable bandwidth setting, is shown in the following figure.
Figure 41. Typical Phase Noise Performances of the Low Consumption and Low Phase Noise PLLs.
The SX1272/73 PLL uses a 19-bit sigma-delta modulator whose frequency resolution, constant over the whole frequency
range, is given by:
F STEP = ---------------
The carrier frequency is programmed through RegFrf, split across addresses 0x06 to 0x08:
F RF = F STEP Frf (23,0)
Note The Frf setting is split across 3 bytes. A change in the center frequency will only be taken into account when the
least significant byte FrfLsb in RegFrfLsb is written. This allows the potential for user generation of m-ary FSK at
very low bit rates. This is possible where frequency modulation is achieved by direct programming of the
programmed RF centre frequency. To enable this functionality set the FastHopOn bit of register RegPllHop.
5.3.4. RC Oscillator
All timing operations in the low-power Sleep state of the Top Level Sequencer rely on the accuracy of the internal low-
power RC oscillator. This oscillator is automatically calibrated at the device power-up not requiring any user input.
Loc al
Os c illator
PA1 and PA2 are both connected to pin PA_BOOST (pin 27). There are two potential configurations of these power
amplifiers, fixed or programmable. In the fixed configuration they can deliver up to +20 dBm. In programmable
configuration they can provide from +17 dBm to +2 dBm in 1 dB programmable steps. Naturally, low impedance matching
and harmonic filtering is required to ensure RF power delivery and regulatory compliance. (See the applications section of
this document for more details).
1 PA1 and PA2 combined on pin PA_- +2 to +17 dBm +2 dBm + OutputPower
Notes - For +20 dBm restrictions on operation please consult the following section.
- To ensure correct operation at the highest power levels ensure that the current limiter OcpTrim is adjusted to
permit delivery of the requisite supply current.
- If the PA_BOOST pin is not used it may be left floating.
Notes - High Power settings must be turned off when using PA0
- The Over Current Protection limit should be adapted to the actual power level, in RegOcp
Specific Absolute Maximum Ratings and Operating Range restrictions apply to the +20 dBm operation. They are listed in
Table 33 and Table 34.
The duty cycle of transmission at +20 dBm is limited to 1%, with a maximum VSWR of 3:1 at antenna port, over the
standard operating range (-40 to +85 C). For any other operating conditions, contact your Semtech representative.
Note Imax sets a limit on the current drain of the Power Amplifier only, hence the maximum current drain of the SX1272/
73 is equal to Imax + IDDFS.
5.5.1. Overview
The SX1272/73 features a digital receiver with the analog to digital conversion process performed directly following the
LNA-Mixer block. In addition to the LoRaTM modulation scheme the low-IF receiver is able to demodulate ASK, OOK,
(G)FSK and (G)MSK modulation. All filtering, demodulation, gain control, synchronization and packet handling is
performed digitally allowing a high degree of programmable flexibility. The receiver also has automatic gain calibration, this
improves the precision of RSSI measurement and enhances image rejection.
The following table shows typical NF and IIP3 performances for the SX1272/73 LNA gains available.
-125 dBm
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6
A detailed description of the receiver setup to enable the AGC is provided in section 4.2.7.
The RSSI value can be compensated to take into account the loss in the matching network or even the gain of an
additional LNA by using RssiOffset. The offset can be chosen in 1 dB steps from -16 to +15 dB. When compensation is
applied the effective signal strength is read as follows:
The RSSI value is smoothed on a user defined number of measured RSSI samples. The precision of the RSSI value is
related to the number of RSSI samples used. RssiSmoothing selects the number of RSSI samples from a minimum of 2
samples up to 256 samples in increments of power of 2. Table 37 gives the estimation of the RSSI accuracy for a 10 dB
SNR and response time versus the number of RSSI samples programmed in RssiSmoothing.
4 RxBwkHz
100 32 2 dB
101 64 1.5 dB
110 128 1.2 dB
111 256 1.1 dB
The RSSI is calibrated when the image and RSSI calibration process is launched. Please see Section Table for
The same formula can be re-used to evaluate the signal strength of the received packet:
Packet Strength (dBm) = -139 + PacketRssi * 0.25, (with LnaBoost On and SNR >= 0)
Due to the nature of the LoRa modulation, it is possible to receive packets below the noise floor. In this situation, the SNR
is used in conjunction of the PacketRssi to compute the signal strength of the received packet:
Packet Strength (dBm) = -139 + PacketRssi + PacketSnr * 0.25, (with LnaBoost On and SNR < 0)
1. PacketRssi (in RegPktRssiValue), is an averaged version of Rssi (in RegRssiValue). Rssi can be read at any time
(during packet reception or not), and should be averaged to give more precise results.
2. The constants, -139, may vary with the front-end setup of the SX1272 (LnaBoost On or Off, presence of an external
LNA, mismatch at the LNA input). It is recommended to adjust these values with a single-point calibration procedure to
increase RSSI accuracy.
3. As signal strength increases (RSSI>-100dBm), the linearity of PacketRssi is not guaranteed and results will diverge
from the ideal 1dB/dB curve. When very good RSSI precision is required over the whole dynamic range of the receiver, two
options are proposed:
- Rssi in RegRssiValue offers better linearity. Rssi can be sampled during the reception of the payload (between
ValidHeader and RxDone IRQ), and used to extract a more high-signal RSSI measurement. Rssi is updated every 1/BW
(i.e. 8us in 125kHz mode, 4us in 250kHz, etc)
- When SNR>=0, the standard formula can be adjusted to correct the slope:
RSSI = -139+16/15 * PacketRssi
The programmed single side bandwidth RxBw of the channel filter is determined by the parameters RxBwMant and
RxBwExp in RegRxBw:
RxBw = ------------------------------------------------------------------
RxBwExp + 2
RxBwMant 2
The following channel filter bandwidths are hence accessible in the case of a 32 MHz reference oscillator.
Due to process variations the absolute accuracy of the result is +/- 10 C. Higher precision requires a calibration procedure
at a known temperature. The figure below shows the influence of just such a calibration process. For more information,
including source code, please consult the applications section of this document.
Notes - Reset values are automatically refreshed in the chip at Power On Reset
- Default values are the Semtech recommended register values, optimizing the device operation
- Registers for which the Default value differs from the Reset value are denoted by an * in the tables of section 6.2
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode FSK/OOK Description
(Address) value
7-0 Fifo rw 0x00 FIFO data input/output
Registers for Common settings
0 FSK/OOK Mode
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode FSK/OOK Description
(Address) value
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode FSK/OOK Description
(Address) value
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode FSK/OOK Description
(Address) value
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode FSK/OOK Description
(Address) value
RegRes17 0x47
to 7-0 reserved rw 0x32 reserved. Keep the Reset values.
RegRes19 0x3E
7-5 unused r - unused
4 AgcStart wt 0x00 Triggers an AGC sequence when set to 1.
3 reserved rw 0x00 reserved
2 unused - - unused
(0x1A) 1 AfcClear wc 0x00 Clear AFC register set in Rx mode. Always reads 0.
Only valid if AfcAutoOn is set
0 AFC register is not cleared at the beginning of the automatic
0 AfcAutoClearOn rw 0x00 AFC phase
1 AFC register is cleared at the beginning of the automatic
AFC phase
RegAfcMsb MSB of the AfcValue, 2s complement format. Can be used to
7-0 AfcValue(15:8) rw 0x00
(0x1B) overwrite the current AFC value
RegAfcLsb LSB of the AfcValue, 2s complement format. Can be used to
7-0 AfcValue(7:0) rw 0x00
(0x1C) overwrite the current AFC value
RegFeiMsb MSB of the measured frequency offset, 2s complement. Must be
7-0 FeiValue(15:8) rw -
(0x1D) read before RegFeiLsb.
RegFeiLsb LSB of the measured frequency offset, 2s complement
7-0 FeiValue(7:0) rw -
(0x1E) Frequency error = FeiValue x Fstep
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode FSK/OOK Description
(Address) value
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode FSK/OOK Description
(Address) value
7-0 SyncValue(63:56) rw
0x01 1st byte of Sync word. (MSB byte)
(0x28) * Used if SyncOn is set.
7-0 SyncValue(55:48) rw
0x01 2nd byte of Sync word
(0x29) * Used if SyncOn is set and (SyncSize +1) >= 2.
7-0 SyncValue(47:40) rw
0x01 3rd byte of Sync word.
(0x2A) * Used if SyncOn is set and (SyncSize +1) >= 3.
7-0 SyncValue(39:32) rw
0x01 4th byte of Sync word.
(0x2B) * Used if SyncOn is set and (SyncSize +1) >= 4.
7-0 SyncValue(31:24) rw
0x01 5th byte of Sync word.
(0x2C) * Used if SyncOn is set and (SyncSize +1) >= 5.
7-0 SyncValue(23:16) rw
0x01 6th byte of Sync word.
(0x2D) * Used if SyncOn is set and (SyncSize +1) >= 6.
7-0 SyncValue(15:8) rw
0x01 7th byte of Sync word.
(0x2E) * Used if SyncOn is set and (SyncSize +1) >= 7.
7-0 SyncValue(7:0) rw
0x01 8th byte of Sync word.
(0x2F) * Used if SyncOn is set and (SyncSize +1) = 8.
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode FSK/OOK Description
(Address) value
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode FSK/OOK Description
(Address) value
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode FSK/OOK Description
(Address) value
Multiplying coefficient for Timer 2
(0x3A) 7-0 Timer2Coefficient rw 0x20
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode FSK/OOK Description
(Address) value
Service registers
Controls the Image calibration mechanism
0 Calibration of the receiver depending on the temperature is
7 AutoImageCalOn rw disabled
1 Calibration of the receiver depending on the temperature
6 ImageCalStart wt - Triggers the IQ and RSSI calibration when set in Standby mode.
Set to 1 while the Image and RSSI calibration are running.
5 ImageCalRunning r 0x00
Toggles back to 0 when the process is completed
4 unused r - unused
IRQ flag witnessing a temperature change exceeding
TempThreshold since the last Image and RSSI calibration:
(0x3B) 3 TempChange r 0x00
0 Temperature change lower than TempThreshold
1 Temperature change greater than TempThreshold
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode FSK/OOK Description
(Address) value
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode FSK/OOK Description
(Address) value
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode FSK/OOK Description
(Address) value
Bits Variable Name Mode Reset LoRaTMDescription
7-0 Fifo rw 0x00 LoRaTM base-band FIFO data input/output. FIFO is cleared an
(0x00) not accessible when device is in SLEEP mode
Common Register Settings
0 FSK/OOK Mode
Bits Variable Name Mode Reset LoRaTMDescription
f RF = F(XOSC)
RegFrLsb 19
7-0 Frf(7:0) rwt 0x00 2
Resolution is 61.035 Hz if F(XOSC) = 32 MHz. Default value is
0xe4c000 = 915 MHz. Register values must be modified only
when device is in SLEEP or STANDBY mode.
register for RF
Selects PA output pin
7 PaSelect rw 0x00 0 RFIO pin. Output power is limited to 13 dBm.
1 PA_BOOST pin. Output power is limited to 20 dBm
6-4 unused r - unused
power amplifier max output power:
3-0 OutputPower rw 0x0F Pout = 2 + OutputPower(3:0) on PA_BOOST.
Pout = -1 + OutputPower(3:0) on RFIO.
7-5 unused r - unused
1 Low consumption PLL is used in receive and transmit mode
4 LowPnTxPllOff rw 0x01 0 Low consumption PLL in receive mode, low phase noise
PLL in transmit mode.
Rise/Fall time of ramp up/down in FSK
0000 3.4 ms
0001 2 ms
0010 1 ms
0011 500 us
RegPaRamp 0100 250 us
(0x0A) 0101 125 us
0110 100 us
3-0 PaRamp(3:0) rw 0x09 0111 62 us
1000 50 us
1001 40 us
1010 31 us
1011 25 us
1100 20 us
1101 15 us
1110 12 us
1111 10 us
7-6 unused r 0x00 unused
Enables overload current protection (OCP) for PA:
5 OcpOn rw 0x01 0 OCP disabled
1 OCP enabled
Trimming of OCP current:
Imax = 45+5*OcpTrim [mA] if OcpTrim <= 15 (120 mA) /
Imax = -30+10*OcpTrim [mA] if 15 < OcpTrim <= 27 (130 to
4-0 OcpTrim rw 0x0B
240 mA)
Imax = 240mA for higher settings
Default Imax = 100mA
Bits Variable Name Mode Reset LoRaTMDescription
Bits Variable Name Mode Reset LoRaTMDescription
Bits Variable Name Mode Reset LoRaTMDescription
Bits Variable Name Mode Reset LoRaTMDescription
7-0 FreqError(15:8) r 0x0 Middle byte of RF Frequency Error
Bits Variable Name Mode Reset LoRaTMDescription
7-0 FreqError(7:0) r 0x0 LSB of RF Frequency Error
7. Application Information
7.1. Crystal Resonator Specification
Table 42 shows the crystal resonator specification for the crystal reference oscillator circuit of the SX1272/73. This
specification covers the full range of operation of the SX1272/73 and is employed in the reference design.
Notes - the initial frequency tolerance, temperature stability and aging performance should be chosen in accordance with
the target operating temperature range and the receiver bandwidth selected.
- the loading capacitance should be applied externally, and adapted to the actual Cload specification of the XTAL.
7.2.1. POR
If the application requires the disconnection of VDD from the SX1272/73, despite of the extremely low Sleep Mode current,
the user should wait for 10 ms from of the end of the POR cycle before commencing communications over the SPI bus. Pin
6 (Reset) should be left floating during the POR sequence.
Pin 6 Undefined
Wait for Chip is ready from
10 ms this point on
Please note that any CLKOUT activity can also be used to detect that the chip is ready.
Wait for Chip is ready from
> 100 us
5 ms this point on
Pin 6
High-Z 1 High-Z
Note Whilst pin 6 is driven high an over current consumption of up to ten milliampere can be seen on VDD.
During Listen mode the Radio stays most of the time in a Low Power mode resulting in very low average power
consumption. The general timing diagram of this scenario is given in Figure 48.
An interrupt request is generated on a packet reception. The user can then take appropriate action.
Depending on the application and environment, there are several ways to implement Listen mode:
Wake on a PreambleDetect interrupt.
Wake on a SyncAddress interrupt.
Wake on a PayloadReady interrupt.
Timer2 Timer2
Timer1 Timer1 Timer1
If a Preamble signal is detected the Sequencer is switched off. The PreambleDetect signal can be mapped to DIO4 in order
to request the user's attention.
Preamble ( As long as T1 + 2 * T2 ) Payload Crc
Sequencer Off
Initial mode = Sleep or Standby
IdleMode = 1 : Sleep
Start bit set
LowPowerSelection = 1
Start Idle
FromStart = 00
On T1
FromIdle = 1
On PreambleDetect
FromReceive = 110
On T2 Receive Sequencer Off
TTimer1 + TTimer2 defines the cycling period, i.e. time between two Preamble polling starts. In order to optimize average
power consumption, Timer1 should be relatively long. However, increasing Timer1 also extends packet reception duration.
In order to insure packet detection and optimize the receiver's power consumption the received packet Preamble should be
as long as TTimer1 + 2 x TTimer2.
An example of DIO configuration for this mode is described in the following table:
Timer2 Timer2
Timer1 Timer1 Timer1
RxTimeout RxTimeout
If a preamble is detected before RxTimeout timer ends the circuit stays in Receive mode and waits for a valid SyncAddress
detection. If none is detected by the end of Timer2, Receive mode is deactivated and the polling cycle resumes, without
any user intervention.
Preamble ( Preamble + Sync = T2 ) Payload Crc
Timer2 Timer2
Timer1 RxTimeout Timer1 Timer1
But if a valid Sync Word is detected a SyncAddress interrupt is fired, the Sequencer is switched off and the circuit stays in
Receive mode as long as the user doesn't switch modes.
Preamble ( Preamble + Sync = T2 ) Payload Crc
Idle Receive
Timer1 RxTimeout
Figure 54. Listen Mode with Preamble Received & Valid SyncAddress
Sequencer Off
Initial mode = Sleep or Standby
IdleMode = 1 : Sleep
Start bit set
LowPowerSelection = 1
Start Idle
FromStart = 00
On T1
FromIdle = 1
FromRxTimeout = 10
On SyncAdress
On T2
FromReceive = 101
RxTimeout Receive Sequencer Off
On RxTimeout
TTimeoutRxPreamble should be set to the expected transmit preamble duration (depends on PreambleDetectSize and
TTimer1 should be set to 64 s (shortest possible duration).
TTimer2 is set so that TTimer1 + TTimer2 defines the time between two start of reception.
In order to ensure packet detection and optimize the receiver power consumption the received packet Preamble should be
defined so that TPreamble = TTimer2 - TSyncAddress with TSyncAddress = (SyncSize + 1)*8/BitRate.
An example of DIO configuration for this mode is described in the following table:
Timer2 Timer2
Timer1 Timer1 Timer1
Packet Packet
Sent Sent
Sequencer Off
Initial mode = Sleep or Standby
IdleMode = 1 : Sleep
Start bit set
LowPowerSelection = 1
Start Idle
FromStart = 00
On T1
FromIdle = 0
On PacketSent
FromTransmit = 0
TTimer1 + TTimer2 define the time between the start of two transmissions.
8. Packaging Information
8.1. Package Outline Drawing
The SX1272/73 is available in a 28-lead QFN package as shown in Figure 60.
9. Revision History
Semtech 2017
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The
information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable
and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication
thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Semtech assumes
no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any failure or unexpected operation resulting from misuse, neglect improper
installation, repair or improper handling or unusual physical or electrical stress including, but not limited to, exposure to
parameters beyond the specified maximum ratings or operation outside the specified range.
OWN RISK. Should a customer purchase or use Semtech products for any such unauthorized application, the customer shall
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Contact information
Semtech Corporation
Wireless & Sensing Products
200 Flynn Road, Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone: (805) 498-2111, Fax: (805) 498-3804