C. Sale Creates Real Obligations "To Give": (Seller or Vendor) (Buyer or Vendee)
C. Sale Creates Real Obligations "To Give": (Seller or Vendor) (Buyer or Vendee)
C. Sale Creates Real Obligations "To Give": (Seller or Vendor) (Buyer or Vendee)
I. Nature of Sales
Art. 1458 By the contract of sale, one of the contracting parties Art. 1165- When what is to be delivered is a determinate
(seller or vendor) obligates himself to transfer the ownership of thing, the creditor, in addition to the right granted him
and to deliver a determinate thing, and the other ( buyer or by Art 1170, may compel the debtor to make the delivery.
vendee) to pay therefor a price certain in money or its
equivalent. A contract of sale may be absolute of conditional. If the thing is indeterminate or generic, he may ask that
the obligation be complied with at the expense of the
(a) Essential Elements (those without which there can If the obligor delays, or has promised to deliver the same
be no valid sale) (CSP) thing to two or more persons who do not have the same
interest, he shall be responsible for fortuitous event until
1. Consent or the meeting of the minds he has effected the delivery.
2. Determinate or Subject matter (Object) -
generally, there can be no sale of generic thing;
if parties differ as to the object-no meeting of D. Essential Characteristic of Sale
the minds) (a) Nominate or Principal
3. Price certain in money or its equivalent (cause Nominate for it has a name given by law and its
or consideration) the price NEED NOT be in nature and consequences are goverened by a set of
MONEY. rules in the Civil Code
(b) Natural Elements inherent in the contract; deemed Principal (not accessory or preparatory) because it
existing in the absence of any provision can stand on its own and does not depend on another
contract for its validity or existence; parties enter into
1. Warranty against eviction deprivation of the this contract NOT in preparation for other contracts.
property bought
2. Warranty against hidden defects /: In determining the nature of the contract, the
courts look at the INTENT OF THE PARTIES and
(c) Accidental Elements those which may be present NOT at the NOMENCLATURE used to describe it.
or absent in the stipulation, such as the place or Intent can be identified by their conduct, words,
time of payment, or the presence of conditions. actions and deeds prior to, during and
immediately after executing the contract
(b) CONSENSUAL (contrasted from Solemn and real b. If no agreement yet on the final price-meeting
contracts) because it is perfected by the mere consent of the mind is incomplete, hence the sale is
at the moment there is the meeting of the mind as to the not perfected.
object and price of the contract.
(c) BILATERAL and RECIPROCAL (as distinguished from
Art. 1475 the contract of sale is perfected at the unilateral contract) because it imposes obligations on
moment there is a meeting of the minds upon the both parties to the relationship and whereby the
thing which is the object of the contract and upon obligation or promise of each party is the cause or
the price. consideration for the obligation or promise of the other.
From that moment, the parties may reciprocally Article 1169. Those obliged to deliver or to do
demand performance, subject to the provisions of the something incur in delay from the time the
law governing the form of contracts. obligee judicially or extrajudicially demands from
them the fulfillment of their obligation.
:/ Sale is valid as long as there is a meeting of the
However, the demand by the creditor shall not be
mind as to the object and price of the contract
necessary in order that delay may exist:
(1) When the obligation or the law expressly so
a. Manner of actual payment declare; or
b. Breach of payment
c. Parties have no signature on the written form (2) When from the nature and the circumstances
d. No actual delivery of the subject matter or of the obligation it appears that the designation
payment of the price of the time when the thing is to be delivered or
e. Non performance (only a remedy, for either the service is to be rendered was a controlling
specific performance or rescission) motive for the establishment of the contract; or
BUT, even when there is meeting of the minds, (3) When demand would be useless, as when the
when one of the contracting parties is unable to obligor has rendered it beyond his power to
read or the contract is in a language not perform.
understood by him, and mistake or fraud is
In reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in
alleged, the person enforcing the contract must
delay if the other does not comply or is not ready
show that the terms thereof have been fully
to comply in a proper manner with what is
explained to him.
incumbent upon him. From the moment one of
Modalities that affect the Characteristic of the parties fulfills his obligation, delay by the
Consensuality other begins.
This is understood to be without prejudice to the Article 1355. Except in cases specified by law, lesion
rights of third persons who have acquired the or inadequacy of cause shall not invalidate a
thing, in accordance with articles 1385 and 1388 contract, unless there has been fraud, mistake or
and the Mortgage Law. undue influence.
Reciprocal Obligation- those which are arise from Article 1470. Gross inadequacy of price does not
the same cause, and which each party is a debtor affect a contract of sale, except as it may indicate a
and creditor of other such that the obligation of defect in the consent, or that the parties really
one is dependent upon the obligation of the intended a donation or some other act or contract.
other. They are to be performed simultaneously
such that the obligation of one is conditioned Case 2. Buenventura vs CA
upon the simultaneous fulfillment of the other.
Case Doctrine: A contract of sale is not a real
(d) ONEROUS (not gratuitous) theres a valuable contract, but a consensual contract. As a consensual
consideration as a prestation which is a price certain in contract, a contract of sale becomes a binding and valid
money or its equivalent. contract upon the meeting of the minds as to price. If
there is a meeting of the minds of the parties as to the
Case 1. Gaite vs Fonacier price, the contract of sale is valid, despite the manner of
Case Doctrine: A contract of sale is normally payment, or even the breach of that manner of payment.
commutative and onerous: not only does each one of the If the real price is not stated in the contract, then the
parties assume a correlative obligation (the seller to contract of sale is valid but subject to reformation. If
deliver and transfer ownership of the thing sold and the there is no meeting of the minds of the parties as to the
buyer to pay the price),but each party anticipates price, because the price stipulated in the contract is
performance by the other from the very start. While in a simulated, then the contract is void.[14] Article 1471 of
sale the obligation of one party can be lawfully the Civil Code states that if the price in a contract of sale
subordinated to an uncertain event, so that the other is simulated, the sale is void.
understands that he assumes the risk of receiving
It is not the act of payment of price that determines the
nothing for what he gives (as in the case of a sale of hopes
validity of a contract of sale. Payment of the price has
or expectations, emptio spei), it is not in the usual course
nothing to do with the perfection of the contract. Payment
of business to do so; hence, the contingent character of
of the price goes into the performance of the contract.
the obligation must clearly appear.
SalesRev_JMP 4
Failure to pay the consideration is different from lack of Article 725. Donation is an act of liberality whereby a
consideration. The former results in a right to demand person disposes gratuitously of a thing or right in favor
the fulfillment or cancellation of the obligation under an of another, who accepts it.
existing valid contract while the latter prevents the
existence of a valid contract Article 1471. If the price is simulated, the sale is void,
but the act may be shown to have been in reality a
(f) SALE IS TITLE AND NOT MODE Sale is merely a title donation, or some other act or contract
that creates obligation on the part of the seller to
transfer ownership and deliver possession but on its B. BARTER
own, sale is not a mode that transfers ownership.
Ownership and real rights are acquired only pursuant SALE BARTER
to a legal mode or process. While title (such as sale) -there is a price -no price consideration.
is the juridical justification, mode (like delivery) is consideration of the Purely exchange of
thing to be delivered. things.
the actual process of acquisition or transfer of
-Value of the thing Value of the thing given
ownership over a thing.
given as consideration as consideration > the
MODE is the legal means by which dominion or =< the amount of amount of money given
ownership is created, transferred or destroyed (e.g. money given
-Statute of Frauds of -Statute of Frauds of the
succession, donation, discovery, intellectual creation
the sale of real sale of real property
property bought at 500 bought at 500 or more do
TITLE only constitutes the legal basis by which or more shall apply not apply
affect dominion or ownership. -Right of legal - Right of legal
redemption granted by redemption granted by
Thus, sale by itself does not transfer or affect ownership, law adjoining owner of law adjoining owner of an
it just creates the obligation to transfer ownership. It is an urban land is a sale urban land does not
tradition or delivery, as a consequence of sale, that cover exchange of
actually transfers ownership.