I. Objectives: Makapuyat NHS Grade 11 Gleceryn R. Rondina Media and Information Literacy
I. Objectives: Makapuyat NHS Grade 11 Gleceryn R. Rondina Media and Information Literacy
I. Objectives: Makapuyat NHS Grade 11 Gleceryn R. Rondina Media and Information Literacy
DAILY LESSON PLAN Teacher GLECERYN R. RONDINA Learning Area Media and Information Literacy
Week Quarter
Day: Thursday
B. Performance Standards The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community focusing on being a
media and information literate individual
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment 1)
A. No.of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No.of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No.of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
Consider the following terminologies linked to different literacies relating to MIL and being used by
various actors around the world:
o Media literacy
o Library literacy
o Computer literacy
o Freedom of expression literacy
o Internet literacy
o Digital literacy
o News literacy
o Cinema literacy
o Games literacy
Using the Internet or a library, research various definitions of each of these terminologies. What do you
observe about the relationship between and among these individual terminologies or notions of MIL?
Write one paragraph describing what would be your rationale for combining media literacy and information
literacy as MIL.