The Importance of Reading To Your Child Parent Tip #5

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The Importance of Reading to Your Child

Parent Tip #5

Reading Tell stories. It's a fun way to

research indicates teach values, pass on family
that the single most important activity for history, and build your child's
building knowledge required for eventual listening and thinking skills.
success in reading is reading aloud to Make sure your child has plenty
children. (Anderson et al., 1985) to read. Find books about their
Read to and with your child. interests.
Read storybooks full of action Help your child build a personal
and adventure. library. (Give books as gifts and
Let your child choose the story, rewards).
retell parts, repeat silly rhymes Check on your child's progress.
or big words. Listen to your child read. Read
Write shopping lists. what they write. Talk to their
Let your child make their own teachers.
books, take messages, and sign
their art work. School age is the appropriate
Use magnetic refrigerator time to begin formal instruction
letters, posters, newspapers, in reading. However, children
and magazines. should be exposed to reading
Read words on t-shirts and from the first days of life with
cereal boxes. parents at home, and in pre-
Play with educational toys. school if they attend one.

At the beginning of Jim Trelease's book, Read Aloud Handbook, he has this delightful
excerpt from a poem by Strickland Gillilan, "The Reading Mother": (17)

You may have tangible wealth untold:

Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.
Richer than I you can never be-
I had a mother who read to me.

From Teddy to Ready (2002) by Susan Martelli

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