Phy11l Exp5

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Elasticity is a property of an object to change its length, shape or size due to the deforming force acting on the
object and recovers its original configuration upon the removal of force. The deformation of an elastic material
obeys Hookes Law which states that, Within the elastic limit of a body, the deforming force is directly
proportional to the elongation of the body.The graph of the force with respect to the displacement is a straight
line with positive slope. In this experiment, the orange indicator determines the displacement of the spring. The
deforming force on the spring is being associated by the weights attached on the spring. The experiment proves
the Hookes Law; the more we displace the spring, the more we apply force on the spring.

Introduction Because the block arrives at x=0 with some speed,

Elasticity is a property of an object to change its it will continue moving, until it reaches a position
length, shape or size due to the deforming force +xmax. When we consider the work done by the
acting on the object and recovers its original spring force as the block moves from xi=0 to
configuration upon the removal of force. Materials xf=xmax, we find that Ws= - 1/2 kx2 because for this
that obey Hookes law are known as elastic. As part of the motion the displacement is to the right
well as stretching, elastic materials are and the spring force is to the left. Therefore, the net
characterized by the fact that they return to their work done by the spring force as the block moves
original shape when the force acting on them is from xi= -xmax to xf= xmax is zero.
removed. [1] The deformation of an elastic material If the block undergoes an arbitrary displacement
obeys Hookes Law which states that, Within the from x=xi to x=xf, the work done by the spring
elastic limit of a body, the deforming force is force on the block is:

directly proportional to the elongation of the body. 1 1
In mechanics and physics, Hooke's Law of elasticity = () = 2 2
2 2
is an approximation that states that the extension of For example, if the spring has a force constant of 80
a spring is in direct proportion with the load applied N/m and is compressed 3.0 cm from equilibrium,
to it. [2] the work done by the spring force as the block
= moves from xi= -3.0 cm to its unstretched position
where F is the deforming force, x is the is 3.6 10-2 J. [3]
displacement, and k is the force constant in N/m.
Consider a block on a horizontal, frictionless Methodology
surface that is connected to a spring. If the spring is For this experiment, each student was given a set of
either stretched or compressed a small distance Hookes Law Apparatus, a piece of 4 N/m spring, a
from its unstretched configuration (equilibrium piece of 8 N/m
position), it exerts on the block a force. Because the spring, a piece
spring force always acts toward the equilibrium of mass hanger,
position (x=0), it is sometimes called a restoring and a set of
force. weights. The
set of weights
Suppose the block has been pushed to the left to a will serve as
position -xmax (maximum position to the left) and is the deforming
then released. Let us identify the block as our force on the
system and calculate the work Ws done by the spring. They
spring force on the block as the block moves from will be placed on the mass hanger to pull the spring
xi = -xmax to xf = 0. Since the work is not constant toward the earth. The Hookes Law Apparatus has
all throughout, the work done by the spring force is: an orange stretch indicator that is visible to a
1 transparent displacement meter. The indicator will
= = () = 2
2 determine the displacement of the spring when a
deforming force is applied.
The work done is positive because the force is in the
same direction as the displacement of the block.
For the first part of the experiment, the task is just magnitude of the area under the graph must be
to setup the experiment. This will be the setup that equal to the work done on the spring. Since the area
we will be using all throughout the experiment. under the straight line is a right triangle, we just
First is to hang take the half of the product of displacement in x and
the spring from y axis. Then, compare the work done and the area
the notch on under the graph of force vs. displacement.
the support arm.
Then, connect Results and Discussions
the stretch The table below shows the value of the average
indicator to the force constants and work done of the two springs.
bottom of the kave (N/m) m W (10-3 J) Area
spring. Adjust
the clamp on First
5.12 5.44 3.70 3.72
the support until the indicator reading is aligned at Spring
exactly zero. Finally, connect the mass hanger to the
bottom of the stretch indicator. Second
8.76 8.17 2.52 2.35
For the second part of this experiment, the task is to
determine the force constant of the spring. First is to
place the first mass on the hanger. Then simply From the table, we can see that we had good values
record the change in displacement of the spring and for the force constant (k) which is almost equal to
the weight of the slope of the line (m). Also, looking at the work
the hanging (W) and the area, they are almost the same. The
mass. Compute experiment really proves the Hookes Law and the
the force work done by the spring.
constant of the
spring using the
Hookes Law
Repeat this
process for
another 3 trials and add 10 g in each trial. Then
determine the average value of the force constant.
Try to plot the force vs. displacement graph and
determine also the slope of the line. After that,
calculate the percentage difference of the average
value of the force constant and the slope of the line. Looking at the force vs. displacement graph, we can
Then for the last time, repeat all of these procedures, see that the graph formed is a straight line with
but this time, use another spring with different force positive. Based from previous discussions, the force
constant. constant is the slope of the line. Also, the area under
the graph is also the work done on the spring.
For the last part of the experiment, the task is to
determine the work done on the spring. Using the The Hookes Law experiment is an easy experiment
data gathered from previous part, compute for the to conduct. We didnt encounter any problem from
total work done in stretching the spring using the the setup, up to the determination of the work done.
formula The experiment is easy, considering that youre just
waiting for the result of the displacement of the
1 1 spring.
= 2 2
2 2
where xf is the displacement in the fourth trial of Conclusion
the second part and xo=0. Then, determine the area The objectives of this experiment are to study the
under the graph of force vs. displacement. The elastic properties of the spring, to determine the
force constant of the spring, to investigate the
relationship between the deforming force and
amount the spring stretches, and to determine the
total work done on the spring when it is being

Spring is a common material that demonstrates

elasticity. Like a rubber string, spring is elastic
because when we try to deform it without attaining
its elastic limit, it returns back to its original form.
Spring is the best example of stating the Hookes
Law. In reality, we do not pull a spring with
constant force. From time to time as we pull the
spring away from where it is being attached, we
find it hard to pull it as we get farther. Hookes Law
states that the force required to pull the spring is
directly proportional to the displacement of the
spring. To translate it into an equation, we should
determine the proportionality constant which is
what we call the force constant k.

Every material has its elastic limit. When we apply

a deforming force, its either it will be deformed
and back on its original form, or it will deformed
totally. The amount of the spring stretches is what
we call the elastic limit of the spring. When the
deforming force overcomes the elastic limit of the
spring, the spring will be deformed totally, it will
never come back onto its original form.

The work done by the spring is the same with the

elastic potential energy on spring. The work done
on the spring is not constant as we stretch the spring.
Hence, the total work done on the spring is equal to
the definite integral of the product of deforming
force and the differential of the displacement; it is
defined as the area under the curve of the force vs.
displacement by the definition of the definite


[3] Jewett, Jr., J., Serway, R., Physics for Scientist
and Engineers with Modern Physics, 6th Edition,

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