A Novel Scalable Key Pre-Distribution Scheme For Wireless Sensor Networks Based On Residual Design
A Novel Scalable Key Pre-Distribution Scheme For Wireless Sensor Networks Based On Residual Design
A Novel Scalable Key Pre-Distribution Scheme For Wireless Sensor Networks Based On Residual Design
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Key distribution is one of the most challenging security issues in wireless sensor
networks. To achieve a high level of security, each pair of nodes must share a
secret key in order to communicate with each other. Recently, many researchers
have used combinatorial designs as key pre-distribution scheme in wireless sen-
sor networks. In this paper, we describe a new construction of a design in
combinatorial algebraic called residual design and use it for key establishment.
This is the first time for application of residual design. Our approach is a highly
scalable key management scheme for wireless sensor networks which provides a
good secure connectivity. We show that the basic mapping from residual de-
sign to key pre-distribution has an extremely high network scalability while this
mapping does not have high resilience. Therefore, we present a new approach
for key pre-distribution based on residual design that improves the resilience of
the network while maintaining connectivity and high scalability. Performance
and security properties of the proposed scheme are studied both analytically
and computationally to compare our scheme to main existing schemes. The
obtained results show that at equal key-ring size, our scheme provides better
scalability with high connectivity and resilience.
Keywords: Wireless sensor networks, Key pre-distribution, Security, Residual
scheme (KPS) is the best solution which is used in several research studies
30 [3][4].
In pre-distribution schemes, a list of keys (key-ring) is stored into sensors
before the deployment, which keys are randomly drawn from a key-pool.
KPSs can be random, deterministic and hybrid. In random schemes, key-
rings are chosen from a key-pool in a random manner and are assigned to sensor
35 nodes. In deterministic schemes, key-rings are chosen based on deterministic
methods to provide better key connectivity between nodes. Hybrid schemes are
the combination of both deterministic and random approaches to inherit best
of both worlds.
A few approaches have been proposed to provide pairwise security in WSNs.
40 A simple way is to store N 1 secret pairwise keys in each node where N is
network size. This scheme has full resilience against node capture, but it is
impractical for networks with extremely large amount of nodes.
Eschenauer and Gligor [5] proposed a randomized key pre-distribution scheme
for distributed WSNs. This approach consists of three phases: key pre-distribution,
45 shared-key discovery, and path-key establishment. In the key distribution phase,
a large key pool is generated and every sensor node is loaded with a fixed num-
ber of keys chosen randomly from this key pool along with their key identifiers.
Then the shared-key discovery phase takes place, where two nodes in their wire-
less communication range, exchange the list of key identifiers from their own
50 key-rings to find a common key. The path-key establishment phase takes place
if there is no common key between a pair of nodes in a wireless communication
range. Then two nodes try to communicate with each other through a multi-hop
Based on this scheme, Chan et al. [6] proposed a q-composite random key
55 pre-distribution scheme, which increases the security of communication between
two nodes. In this scheme, two nodes can establish a connection only if they
share at least q keys.
In [7], Qian proposed a key pre-distribution scheme in which a hash func-
tion is used to improve resilience against node capture attack. Li et al. in [8]
60 proposed a threshold for random key pre-distribution schemes by which they
guarantee that each node in the network can establish a secure path with its l-
hop neighbours.
In [9], Blom proposed a -secure key pre-distribution scheme where each
node stores a row of a secret matrix and a column of a public matrix. Bloms
65 scheme is a deterministic scheme where any pair of nodes can share a common
secret key.
In [10], a polynomial-based key pre-distribution scheme is proposed for group
key pre-distribution. Blundo et al. use a bivariate t-degree symmetric polyno-
mial to establish secure connection.
70 Combinatorial designs are the other methods used to design a deterministic
key pre-distribution. In [11], Camtepe and Yener proposed a deterministic key
pre-distribution scheme by using the finite Generalized Quadrangles (GQ) and
Symmetric Balanced Incomplete Block Design (SBIBD). The main advantage
of this scheme is full connectivity coverage. However, the SBIBD scheme does
75 not scale to very large networks. Lee and Stinson used transversal designs
(TD) which provide better resilience [12]. Other works like are those of Ruj
and Roy who used Partially Balanced Incomplete Block Design (PBIBD) [13]
and of Chakrabarty et al. who used merging blocks [14] for deterministic key
80 In [15], Ruj et al. proposed a trade-based key management scheme. In
combinatorial trade, there exist unique secret pairwise keys between connected
Bechkit et al. in [16], proposed another key pre-distribution approach based
on Unital design to improve scalability while providing good connectivity. Also,
85 they proposed a modified unital-based key pre-distribution scheme in order to
improve the network scalability.
The hybrid schemes which inherit benefits of both probabilistic and deter-
ministic schemes have been studied by several researchers. In [17], Liu et al.
proposed an approach where nodes are pre-loaded with bivariate polynomials
90 instead of keys. This approach is a combination of the random scheme pro-
posed by Eschenauer et al. [5] with the Blundos scheme [10]. Camtepe and
Yener [3] and Kavitha and Sridharan [18] proposed hybrid designs for key pre-
distribution in sensor networks which employ combinatorial designs. In [19],
Dargahi et al. proposed a key pre-distribution scheme based on combinatorial
95 and hybrid designs. In this scheme, key-rings are selected from two key pools
and are assigned to sensor nodes before the deployment of sensor network. [20]
Presented key management in wireless sensor networks based on multiple key
encryption methods.
100 As pointed out, energy resources and limited computation of sensor nodes
usually make it impractical to use public key algorithms, such as Diffie-Hellman
and elliptic curve key agreement.
In this paper, we focus on combinatorial constructions for deterministic key
pre-distribution schemes. For comparison of different schemes, three important
105 criteria scalability, connectivity and resilience is considered. Scalability
is the maximum size that the network can support. In wireless sensor networks
the connectivity is the probability that two nodes share at least a common key.
Network resilience is the ability to adapt correctly in the face of nodes attacks
and stress issues.
110 The contributions of our work can be summarized in the following points:
We introduce, for the first time, the use of residual design theory as an
important algebraic architecture, in key pre-distribution for WSNs. We
show that the basic mapping from residual design to key pre-distribution
is an extremely scalable scheme while providing good connectivity.
We evaluate and compare our new scheme against main existing approaches
considering different criteria. The simulated results and comparison with
the mentioned approaches show that, our novelty provides better scalabil-
120 ity with high resilience and connectivity.
2.1. Preliminaries
2.2. Related Works
There are several key pre-distribution schemes which use combinatorial tech-
niques. In [3], Camptepe and Yener proposed symmetric key pre-distribution
designs based on (v, k, )-SBIBD with parameters (q 2 + q + 1, q + 1, 1) in which q
150 is a prime power such that q 2 +q +1 N where N is the number of nodes in the
network. The proposed mapping from symmetric BIBD to key pre-distribution
allows to construct q 2 + q + 1 key-rings from key pool of q 2 + q + 1 keys such
that each key-ring contains k = q + 1 keys and each two key-rings shares ex-
actly one common key. The main advantage of this scheme is that it provides
155 full connectivity between any pair of nodes in the network. Since providing
higher connectivity leads to lower resilience, symmetric design does not ensure
a perfect network resilience. Therefore, they proposed a hybrid design accord-
ing to which the complement of each block is used in order to provide key-rings
for additional nodes. In hybrid design, the large prime power q is considered
160 in a way that q + 1 < k. Then b of N blocks of size q + 1 are generated by
base symmetric design. N b blocks are randomly selected among k-subset of
the complementary design blocks. The hybrid design improves scalability and
resilience of underlying symmetric design.
Ruj et al. in [15] proposed a trade-based key pre-distribution scheme denoted
165 Trade-KP. A t (v, k) Steiner trade (also called combinatorial trade) consists
of collections T = {T1 , T2 } where Ti , (i = 1, 2) is a collection of k-elements
blocks chosen from a finite set X such that each t-set chosen from X occurs in
precisely the same number of blocks of T1 , as those of T2 . A 2 (v, k) Steiner
trade T = {T1 , T2 } is said to be strong, if any block in T1 intersects any block
170 of T2 in at most two elements. They proposed a new construction of strong
steiner trade to establish pairwise keys in sensor networks. For a prime power
q, they construct sets of k-subsets (k 4), T1 and T2 from X. A k-subset of
T1 is represented by t1i,j , such that, t1i,j = {(x, (xi + j) mod q) : 0 x < k},
where 0 i, j < q. A k-subset of T2 is represented by t2i,j , such that, t2i,j =
175 {(x, (x2 + xi + j) mod q) : 0 x < k}, where 0 i, j < q. This construction
results in a 2 (qk, k) strong Steiner trade. For mapping, each block of the set
of blocks T1 T2 selected for a key-ring is such that the size of key-ring is k
(0 < k q) and the scalability of the scheme is 2q 2 .
In [16], Bechkit et al., proposed a unital-based key pre-distribution scheme
180 denoted NU-KP. Given a finite set X of v points, a Unital design is a 2-design
(q 3 + 1, q 2 (q 2 q + 1), q 2 , q + 1, 1). They proposed a basic mapping from unital
design to key pre-distribution in which b = q 2 (q 2 q + 1) key-rings of size
k = q + 1 are generated from a key pool of q 3 + 1 keys. In order to enhance
the key sharing probability while maintaining high network scalability, they
185 presented a new unital-based key pre-distribution scheme denoted t-UKP. In
this scheme, unital design blocks are generated and each node is preloaded with
t disjoint blocks. In their combinatorial approach, choosing the t parameter may
produce different results. In order to maintain a high key sharing probability
and high scalability, they proposed to choose t = q. The t-UKP scheme with
190 t = q is denoted UKP*.
Example 3. Consider (7, 3, 1)-SBIBD with the blocks
B1 = {1, 2, 3}, B2 = {1, 4, 5}, B3 = {1, 6, 7}, B4 = {2, 4, 6}, B5 = {2, 5, 7},
205 B6 = {3, 4, 7}, B7 = {3, 5, 6}.
B2 \ B1 = {4, 5}, B3 \ B1 = {6, 7}, B4 \ B1 = {4, 6}, B5 \ B1 = {5, 7},
B6 \ B1 = {4, 7}, B7 \ B1 = {5, 6}. Clearly Bi \ B1 for i = 2, ..., 7, are the blocks
of a (4, 6, 3, 2, 1)-BIBD over the point set {4, 5, 6, 7}.
2.5. Construction
225 Property 1. The point set of each class in our approach forms a BIBD with
parameters (v, b, r, k, ) = (q 2 , q 2 + q, q + 1, q, 1).
Property 2. Given the key-ring size k = q + 1 and the key pool size v = q 2 +
q +1, residual design can support the network size up to N = (q 2 +q +1)(q 2 +q).
230 proof. Since each of classes in residual design forms (q 2 , q 2 + q, q + 1, q, 1)-
BIBD and the number of classes is exactly q 2 + q + 1, we can support totally
(q 2 + q + 1)(q 2 + q) sensor nodes.
proof. This can be shown by proving that any class Ci formed by remaining
235 elements of X \ Bi . Consider blocks Bi and Bj in symmetric design which have
q + 1 keys in key-ring. Then X \ (Bi Bj ) has (q 2 + q + 1) (2q + 1) elements
and therefore two classes Ci and Cj have q 2 q common elements.
proof. According to residual design, each key j appears in all but q + 1 classes.
This means that key j is coming in the point set of q 2 classes ((q 2 + q + 1)
245 (q + 1) = q 2 ). Since each object in point set of any class appears in q + 1 blocks
of this class, there exist q 2 (q + 1) blocks containing key j.
In this section we explain how residual designs are used to distribute pairwise
keys to sensor nodes.
for a prime power q, b = q 2 + q + 1 N blocks are constructed. Then each
generated block is assigned to each sensor node as a key-ring. Since symmetric
designs guarantee that any pair of blocks have = 1 object in common, their
scheme has full connectivity between any pair of nodes in the network. Contrary
260 of full connectivity, adding more nodes to the network reduces the scalability
of the scheme. Our basic approach is highly scalable since a great number of
blocks can be generated with parameter q.
Algorithm I: Residual Design
Require: N {Total number of nodes}
1. Find the minimum prime power q such that (q 2 + q + 1)(q 2 + q) N .
2. Generate the base Symmetric Design with parameters (q 2 + q + 1, q + 1, 1).
v objects P = {a1 ,a2 ,...,av }.
b blocks B = {B1 ,B2 ,...,Bb } of size q + 1.
3. Generate b = (q 2 + q + 1)(q 2 + q) blocks for constructing Residual Design
from the base Symmetric Design:
Blocks Bij = Bi \ Bj where i, j = 1, ..., q 2 + q + 1.
4. Assign blocks to specified nodes.
the proposed scheme that we denote by RD-KP. The notations used in present
paper are summarized in table 2.
Table 3: Key pre-distribution schemes in terms of Storage, Computation and Communication
Schemes Storage Overhead Computation Overhead Communication Overhead
3.2.4. Scalability
Following from the property 2, the scalability of the wireless network would
be N = (q 2 + q + 1)(q 2 + q).
3.2.5. Connectivity
300 In this section, we consider blocks Bij and Bi0 j 0 of residual design. Any pair
of selected blocks can be either one of the following two types:
1) Type SC: i = i0 , that is both of the blocks belong same class (e.g. Ci ). In
this case, each block has common keys with q 2 other blocks.
2) Type DC: i 6= i0 , that is two blocks belong to different classes Ci and Ci0 .
305 Proposition 5. The probability PSC that any pair of blocks from same class
has at least a common key is q 2 +q .
proof. Since each class has q 2 + q blocks and following from the definition of
Type 1, we have PSC = q 2 +q .
set of classes Ci and Cj .
3) There exist q 2 blocks in class Ci which q 1 objects are in common point set
315 of classes Ci and Cj .
proof. Since the common point set of every two classes in our approach is
q 2 q, the number of blocks consisting q elements of these q 2 q elements is
q 2 q
q = q 1.
320 Property 7. The number of blocks of any class Cj that are in common with
any of the q 1 blocks of case 2 is q 2 + 1.
proof. Since each class contains q(q + 1) blocks and also according to the case 2
of common objects, we have
q(q + 1) (q 1) = q 2 + 1.
Property 8. The number of blocks of any class Cj that are in common with
any of the q 2 blocks of case 3 is q 2 q + 1.
(q 1)(q + 1) (q 1) + 1 = q 2 q + 1.
Proposition 9. Let Bij be one of the q 2 blocks of class Ci satisfying case 3 and
block Bi0 j 0 of different class, then the probability that Bij and Bi0 j 0 have at least
one common key is
q2 q2 q + 1
q2 +q q2 + q
325 proof. It follows from Property 8.
Proposition 10. The probability PDC that any pair of blocks from different
class has at least a common key is
q1 q2 + 1 q2 q2 q + 1
PDC = + .
q2 + q q2 + q q2 + q q2 + q
Theorem 11. The probability PRD that any pair of blocks shares one or more
objects in residual design is expressed as follows:
q2 q2 + 1 q2 q2 q + 1
PRD = 2 QSC + + QDC .
q +q q2 + q q2 + q q2 + q q2 + q
3.2.6. Resilience
330 In this section we consider the probability that a link is compromised when
an attacker captures x nodes. For simplicity we define some notations as follows:
According to the definition of resilience and the above notations we are inter-
ested in finding the value of P (L | Cx ).
The probability that a given link is secured with key j is expressed as:
q 2 (q + 1) q 2 (q + 1)
2 2
P (lj | l) = = .
NRD (q 2 + q + 1)(q 2 + q)
2 2
340 Also, the probability that x compromised blocks include key j can be defined
NRD q 2 (q + 1) q4 + q3 + q2 + q
x x
P (Dj | Cx ) = 1 =1 .
NRD (q 2 + q + 1)(q 2 + q)
x x
Table 4: Parameters of SBIBD, UKP, RD-KP, RD*-KP
Design v b r k
the residual design, it is obvious that the maximum number of nodes that we
can support is equal to
q2 + q + 1 q2 + q
= q 2 + q + 1 (q + 1) .
4.2.2. Resilience
In our new proposed approach, each key exists in q(q + 1) key-rings and two
communicating nodes must have a common key i in their key-rings. With the
same method of residual approach, we can evaluate the resilience of the new
approach. The probability that a link between two nodes is secured using key i
q(q + 1) q(q + 1)
2 2
P (li | l) = = .
NRD (q 2 + q + 1)(q + 1)
2 2
Moreover, the probability that the key i appears in one or more of x com-
promised key-rings is:
NRD q(q + 1) (q + 1)(q 2 + 1)
x x
P (Di | Cx ) = 1 =1 2
NRD (q + q + 1)(q + 1)
x x
q(q + 1) (q + 1)(q 2 + 1)
(q +q+1)
X 2 x
P (L|Cx ) = 2
(q + q + 1)(q + 1) 1
(q + q + 1)(q + 1) .
2 x
We can state that our proposed approach improves the resilience compared
375 with the residual design since the probability P (L|Cx ) obtained by our proposed
approach is obviously smaller than that of residual design which is demonstrated
in section III.
Figure 1: Network Scalability and Required key-ring size. (a)Scalability of RD-KP and RD*-
KP is compared with SBIBD, Hybrid Symmetric, Trade and UKP*-KP key pre-distribution
schemes. RD-KP achieves a high network scalability and RD*-KP would provide better net-
work scalability to UKP*-KP, Trade and SBIBD key pre-distribution schemes. (b)In reverse,
the required key-ring size of RD-KP and RD*-KP is compared with SBIBD, Hybrid Symmet-
ric, Trade and UKP*-KP key pre-distribution schemes at equal network size.
Figure 2: Connectivity Comparison. Direct secure connectivity of RD*-KP is compared with
SBIBD, Hybrid Symmetric, 3-Composite, Trade and UKP*-KP key pre-distribution schemes.
The figure shows that the 3-Composite and Trade schemes provide a bad secure connectivity
coverage compared to other schemes. In addition the figure shows that RD*-KP scheme gives
very good probability of connectivity.
4.3.1. Scalability
In figure 1 (a) we compare the scalability of the proposed schemes against
SBIBD-KP, UKP* and Trade-KP methods. In the SBIBD scheme [11] with
order q, the key-ring size is k = q + 1. This scheme is used for generating
the maximum number of q 2 + q + 1 key-rings. Combinatorial trade [15] con-
sists of collection union T = T1 T2 , where Ti is a collection of q 2 blocks of
size k. The key-ring size is 4 k q and the number of supported sensors
is exactly N = 2q 2 . A proper choice for k in Trade-KP can be k = q 1
where q is a prime power. In unital-based key pre-distribution [16] of order m,
where each node is preloaded with t(m+1) distinct keys, there would be at least
In UKP* scheme the parameter t is selected as t = m. The figure shows
385 that at equal key-ring size, the RD-KP scheme greatly enhances the scalability
compared to the other schemes. Additionally, RD*-KP scheme has a higher
network scalability than UKP*, Trade-KP and SBIBD-KP. We then plot in
figure 1 (b) the required key-ring size when using the same schemes. The figure
shows that at equal network size, the RD-KP and RD*-KP schemes allow to
390 reduce the key-ring size rather than the other schemes.
4.3.2. Connectivity
In figure 2 we compare the network security coverage of different 6 schemes.
SBIBD scheme ensures a perfect key sharing probability. In Trade-KP scheme
[15], the fraction of nodes directly connected is 2(2q 2 1) where 4 k q and
q is a prime power. The same as the last subsection, we choose the key-ring
size k = q 1. In q-composite scheme [6], two nodes must share at least q
common keys to be able to establish a secure link. The connectivity probability
of q-composite scheme [23] is calculated as:
nk k
X ki i
1 .
i=0 k
(m + 1)2 2
1 (1 )t .
(m3 + m + 1)
RD*-KP scheme gives a better connectivity coverage rather than UKP* and
also rather than Hybrid Symmetric Design for the key-ring sizes greater than
400 17. Additionally, our proposed schemes are much better than 3-composite and
Trade-KP. Although the RD*-KP connectivity coverage is greater than 0.851 for
the key-ring sizes greater than 10, this metric is lower compared to SBIBD-KP.
4.3.3. Resilience
We compare the proposed RD* scheme against those of the Trade-KP,
SBIBD and Hybrid Symmetric ones. In figure 3 (a) all four schemes are com-
pared at equal number of compromised nodes for key-ring size of k = 24. In
figure 3 (b) we plot the network resilience for key-ring size of k = 42. Here, we
provide deeper details for k = 42. In [16] the resilience of Trade-KP is expressed
2q 2 4q + 2 2q 2 4q + 2
+ 4(q 1)
x x1
1 .
2q 2
405 Here, choosing k = q 1, q would be 43.
In [3], author proved that the resilience of SBIBD-KP scheme is
P (L|Cx ) = P (Dj |Cx ) = 1
q2 + q + 1
where q is a prime power. For key-ring size of 42, q would be 41. We simulated
the resilience of Hybrid Symmetric Design scheme for q = 41 and N = 1.2(q 2 +
q + 1) = 2070 nodes. The analysis shows that for the equal key-ring size, the
resilience of RD*-KP is better than SBIBD-KP and Hybrid Symmetric Design.
410 It also gives a better resilience than Trade-KP for compromised nodes number
(CNN) greater than 50.
Figure 3: Resilience Comparison. (a)Resilience of RD*-KP is compared with SBIBD, Hybrid
Symmetric and Trade key pre-distribution schemes. They are all compared with the same key-
ring size k = 24. RD*-KP provides a good resilience compared to SBIBD, Hybrid Symmetric
and Trade schemes for compromised nodes number greater than 27. (b)Resilience of RD*-KP
is compared with different schemes with the same key-ring size k = 42. For compromised
nodes number greater than 50, RD*-KP has advantage in terms of resilience.
4.4. Discussion
Assess our work, in this section we compare our approach against other
schemes. In tables 5, 6 we provide numerical results comparing scalability,
Table 5: Comparison of different schemes in terms of Connectivity and scalability
key-ring size SBIBD-KP Hybrid Symmetric-KP
Number of nodes Pc Number of nodes Pc
30 931 1 931 0.8929
42 1807 1 1807 0.8902
68 4557 1 4557 0.9010
80 6481 1 6481 0.8961
415 connectivity coverage and resilience of the six schemes (SBIBD-KP, Hybrid
Symmetric-KP, Trade-KP, UKP*, RD-KP and RD*-KP) at equal key-ring size.
Using RD-KP and RD*-KP schemes, we have the maximum number of sup-
ported nodes in network scalability. For Example, Give KRS = 80, RD-KP
would generate nodes more than 6000 times the SBIBD-KP and more than
420 35 times the UKP*. We can observe that our plan obviously better than the
other three schemes SBIBD-KP, Hybrid Symmetric-KP and Trade-KP in terms
of network resilience. As an example, for KRS = 42 and CNN = 90, the re-
silience of RD*-KP = 0.8542, SBIBD-KP = 0.8978, Trade-KP = 0.9259 and
Hybrid Symmetric-KP = 0.8856. Additionally, our proposed schemes increase
Table 6: Comparison of different schemes in terms of Resilience
KRS-CNN 10 30 50 70 90 110
24 0.3607 0.7454 0.9022 0.9639 0.9872 0.9954
42 0.2191 0.5260 0.7140 0.8285 0.8978 0.9395
Hybrid Symmetic-KP
KRS-CNN 10 30 50 70 90 110
24 0.4026 0.7493 0.8862 0.9517 0.9854 0.9935
42 0.2270 0.5223 0.7262 0.8350 0.8856 0.9341
KRS-CNN 10 30 50 70 90 110
24 0.1892 0.7013 0.9171 0.9799 0.9955 0.9990
42 0.0777 0.4086 0.6805 0.8419 0.9259 0.9666
KRS-CNN 10 30 50 70 90 110
24 0.3200 0.6748 0.8396 0.9097 0.9406 0.9542
42 0.2088 0.4919 0.6829 0.7844 0.8542 0.9066
425 the probability of network connectivity over three methods Hybrid Symmetric-
KP, Trade-KP and UKP*. For instance, in both RD-KP and RD*-KP, we
maintain a high connectivity coverage over 0.943.
5. Conclusion
435 is less than or equal the similar symmetric key management algorithms. to We
then proposed modified residual design key pre-distribution scheme. Although
the modified approach allows to reach same connectivity with the first scheme,
analysis and numerical results in our simulations show that the optimized ap-
proach provides a better network resilience while giving lower network scalability
440 against residual design key pre-distribution scheme at equal key-ring size.
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