TAX (Domondon)
TAX (Domondon)
TAX (Domondon)
BAR STAR NOTES on Taxation and future revisions. It is prohibited to reproduce any part of
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VER. 2010.06.12
copyrighted 2010 THE BEST OF LUCK AND
Prepared by Prof. Abelardo T. Domondon
(AB (Econ), BSC (Acctg), LLB, MA (Econ), LLM, DCL (Cand.).
Lawyer-CPA-Customs Broker, Management Consultant, Professor of Law
and Pre-Bar Reviewer)
How to use the BAR STAR NOTES. The BAR STAR
NOTES in the form of questions and answers as well as textual GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION
discussion were specially prepared by Prof. Domondon for the
exclusive use of Bar Reviewees who attended his 2010 Lectures on
TAXATION held at the University of the Philippines. Included in the
presentation are doctrines contained in Supreme Court decisions up to
April 2010. 1. State briefly and concisely the nature of taxation.
Alternatively, define taxation.
The purpose of the BAR STAR NOTES is to provide the Bar SUGGESTED ANSWER: The inherent power of the sovereign
Reviewee with a handy review material which serves as memory- exercised through the legislature to impose burdens upon subjects and
joggers for the September 12, 2010 Bar Examinations in Taxation. The objects within its jurisdiction for the purpose of raising revenues to carry
author tries to second guess what would be included in the Bar Exams out the legitimate objects of government.
using statistical analysis. The actual Bar questions may not be
formulated in the same manner as the BAR STAR NOTES. However, 2. What is the nature of the States power to tax ?
the doctrines tested in the Bar would in all probability be included in these Explain briefly.
Notes. SUGGESTED ANSWER: The nature of the states power to tax is
two-fold. It is both an inherent power and a legislative power.
If pressed for time, the author suggests that the reader should It is inherent in nature being an attribute of sovereignty. This is so,
focus his attention on the following: because without the taxes, the states existence would be imperiled.
Nice to know There is thus, no need for a constitutional grant for the state to exercise
Should know this power.
Must know and master It is a legislative power because it involves the promulgation of
It is further suggested that the reader should merely browse those rules. Taxation is a set of rules, how much is the tax to be paid, who pays
without stars. the tax, to whom it should be paid, and when the tax should be paid.
3. What is the underlying theory of taxation ? Explain
WARNING: briefly.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Taxes are the and should not work to prejudice a taxpayers
Who could apply for a tax refund 12. What is the irrevocability
or credit ? rule in claims for refund and what is the
rationale behind this ?
entitled to a tax credit or refund of the excess
10. Who could apply for a refund estimated quarterly income taxes paid has two
or credit ? options: (1) to carry over the excess credit or (2)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The person to apply for the issuance of a tax credit certificate
who paid the tax may apply for a refund or credit. or to claim a cash refund. If the option to carry
A withholding tax agent may also apply over the excess credit is exercised, the same
for a refund. In a sense, he is also a taxpayer shall be irrevocable for that taxable period.
because the tax may be collected from him if he In exercising its option, the corporation
does not withhold. must signify in its annual corporate adjustment
return (by marking the option box provided in the
11. What is the nature of the BIR form) its intention either to carry over the
taxpayers remedy of either to ask for a excess credit or to claim a refund. To facilitate
refund of excess tax payments or to apply tax collection, these remedies are in the
the same in payment of succeeding alternative and the choice of one precludes the
other. [Systra Philippines, Inc., v. Commissioner of
taxable periods taxes ? Internal Revenue, G. R. No. 176290, September 21,
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Sec. 69 of the 2007 citing Philippine Bank of Communications v.
1977 NIRC (now Sec. 76 of the NIRC of 1997) Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 361 Phil. 916
provides that any excess of the total quarterly (1999)]
payments over the actual income tax computed in This is known as the irrevocability rule
the adjustment or final corporate income tax and is embodied in the last sentence of Section
return, shall either (a) be refunded to the 76 of the Tax Code. The phrase such option
corporation, or (b) may be credited against the shall be considered irrevocable for that taxable
estimated quarterly income tax liabilities for the period means that the option to carry over the
quarters of the succeeding taxable year. To ease excess tax credits of a particular taxable year
the administration of tax collection, these can no longer be revoked.
remedies are in the alternative and the choice of The rule prevents a taxpayer from
one precludes the other. Since the Bank has claiming twice the excess quarterly taxes paid:
chosen the tax credit approach it cannot anymore (1) as automatic credit against taxes for the
avail of the tax refund. (Philippine Bank of taxable quarters of the succeeding years for
Communications v. Commissioner of Internal which no tax credit certificate has been issued
Revenue, et al., G.R. No. 112024, January 28, and (2) as a tax credit either for which a tax
1999) credit certificate will be issued or which will be
NOTES AND COMMENTS: claimed for cash refund. (Systra Philippines, Inc.,
a. The choice, is given to the supra citing De Leon, Hector, THE NATIONAL
taxpayer, whether to claim for refund under INTERNAL REVENUE CODE, Seventh Edition, 2000,
Sec. 76 or have its excess taxes applied as tax p. 430)
credit for the succeeding taxable year, such
election is not final. Prior verification and 13. In the year 2000 Systra
approval by the Commissioner of Internal derived excess tax credits and exercised
Revenue is required. The availment of the the option to carry them over as tax
remedy of tax credit is not absolute and credits for the next taxable year.
mandatory. It does not confer an absolute right However, the tax due for the next taxable
on the part of the taxpayer to avail of the tax year is lower than excess tax credits. It
credit scheme if it so chooses. Neither does it
now applies for a refund of the unapplied
impose a duty on the part of the government to sit
back and allow an important facet of tax collection tax credits. May its refund be granted ?
to be at the sole control and discretion of the If the refund is denied, does Systra lose
taxpayer. (Paseo Realty & Development the unapplied tax credits ? Explain
Corporation v. Court of Appeals, et al., G. R. No. briefly your answer.
119286, October 13, 2004) SUGGESTED ANSWER: Systras claim
for refund should be denied. Once the carry
over option was made, actually or constructively, c. The law fixed the same period two
it became forever irrevocable regardless of years for filing a claim for refund with the
whether the excess tax credits were actually or Commissioner under Sec. 204, par. 3, NIRC (now
fully utilized Under Section 76 of the Tax Code, a Sec. 204 [C], NIRC of 1997), and for filing suit in
claim for refund of such excess credits can no court under Sec. 230, NIRC (now Sec. 229, NIRC
longer be made. The excess credits will only be of 1997), unlike in protests of assessments under
applied against income tax due for the taxable Sec. 229 (now Sec. 228, NIRC of 1997), which
quarters of the succeeding taxable years. fixed the period (thirty days from receipt of
Despite the denial of its claim for refund, decision) for appealing to the court, thus clearly
Systra does not lose the unapplied tax credits. implying that the prior decision of the
The amount will not be forfeited in favor of the Commissioner is necessary to take cognizance of
government but will remain in the taxpayers the case. (Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Bank
account. Petitioner may claim and carry it over in of Philippine Islands, etc. et al., CA-G.R. SP No. 34102,
the succeeding taxable years, creditable against September 9, 1994; Gibbs v. Collector of Internal
future income tax liabilities until fully utilized. Revenue, et al., 107 Phil, 232; Johnston Lumber Co. v.
(Systra Philippines, Inc., v. Commissioner of Internal CTA, 101 Phil. 151)
Revenue, G. R. No. 176290, September 21, 2007
citing Philam Asset Management, Inc. v. 15. The grant of a refund is
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, G.R. Nos. founded on the assumption that the tax
156637/162004, 14 December 2005, 477 SCRA 761) return is valid, i.e. that the facts stated therein
Supposing in the above problem that are true and correct. (Commissioner of Internal
Systra permanent ceased operations, what Revenue v. Court of Tax Appeals, G. R. No.
happens to the unapplied credits ? 106611, July 21, 1994, 234 SCRA 348) Without
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Where, the the tax return it would be virtually impossible to
corporation permanently ceases its operations determine whether the proper taxes have been
before full utilization of the tax credits it opted to assessed and paid. After all, it is axiomatic that a
carry over, it may then be allowed to claim the claimant has the burden of proof to establish the
refund of the remaining tax credits. In such a factual basis of his or her claim for tax credit or
case, the remaining tax credits can no longer be refund. Tax refunds, like tax exemptions, are
carried over and the irrevocability rule ceases to construed strictly against the taxpayer. (Paseo
apply. Cessante ratione legis, cessat ipse lex. Realty & Development Corporation v. Court of Appeals,
(Footnote no. 23, Systra Philippines, Inc., v. et al., G. R. No. 119286, October 13, 2004)
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, G. R. No. However, in BPI-Family Savings Bank v.
176290, September 21, 2007) Court of Appeals, 386 Phil. 719; 326 SCRA 641
NOTES AND COMMENTS: The holding (2000), refund was granted, despite the failure to
in State Land Investment Corporation v. present the tax return, because other evidence
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, G. R. No. was presented to prove that the overpaid taxes
171956, January 18, 2008 that the taxpayer is were not applied. (Ibid.)
entitled to a refund because during the
succeeding year there was no tax due against 16. Discuss the difference between
which the excess tax credits may be applied is tax refund and tax credit..
not doctrinal. This is so because it interpreted SUGGESTED ANSWER: There are
the provisions of then Sec. 69 of the NIRC, unmistakable formal and practical differences
which did not provide for the irrevocability rule between the two modes. Formally, a tax refund
now contained in Sec. 76 of the NIRC of 1997. requires a physical return of the sum erroneously
paid by the taxpayer, while a tax credit involves
14. A simultaneous filing of the the application of the reimbursable amount
application with the BIR for refund/credit against any sum that may be due and collectible
and the institution of the court suit with from the taxpayer.
the CTA is allowed. There is no need to wait On the practical side, the taxpayer to whom
for a BIR denial. REASONS: the tax is refunded would have the option, among
a. The positive requirement of Section others, to invest for profit the returned sum, an
230 NIRC (now Sec. 229, NIRC of 1997); option not proximately available if the taxpayer
b. The doctrine that delay of the chooses instead to receive a tax credit.
Commissioner in rendering decision does not (Commissioner of Customs v. Philippine Phosphate
extend the peremptory period fixed by the statute;
Fertilizer Corporation, G. R. No. 144440, September 1, correctness of the summary listing and
2004) the CPA certification. CTA Circular No. 1-95,
NOTES AND COMMENTS: It may be that issued on 25 January 1995, reads:
there is no essential difference between a tax 1. The party who desires to introduce
refund and a tax credit since both are moves of as evidence such voluminous documents must
recovering taxes erroneously or illegally paid to present: (a) Summary containing the total
the government. (Commissioner of Customs v. amount/s of the tax account or tax paid for the
Philippine Phosphate Fertilizer Corporation, G. R. No.
144440, September 1, 2004)
period involved and a chronological or numerical
list of the numbers, dates and amounts covered
by the invoices or receipts; and (b) a Certification
17. A bank-trustee of employee
of an independent Certified Public Accountant
trusts filed an application for the refund attesting to the correctness of the contents of the
of taxes withheld on the interest incomes summary after making an examination and
of the investments made of the funds of evaluation of the voluminous receipts and
the employees trusts. Instead of invoices. Such summary and certification must
presenting separate accounts for interest properly be identified by a competent witness
incomes made of these investments, the from the accounting firm.
bank-trustee instead presented witness 2. The method of individual presentation
to establish that it would next to of each and every receipt or invoice or other
impossible to single out the specific documents for marking, identification and
comparison with the originals thereof need not
transactions involving the employees
be done before the Court or the Commissioner
trust funds from the totality of all interest anymore after the introduction of the summary
income from its total investments. On and CPA certification. It is enough that the
the above basis will the application for receipts, invoices and other documents
refund prosper ? covering the said accounts or payments
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. The must be pre-marked by the party concerned
application for refund will not prosper. and submitted to the Court in order to be
The bank-trustee needs to establish not made accessible to the adverse party
only that the refund is justified under the law whenever he/she desires to check and verify
(which is so because incomes of employees the correctness of the summary and CPA
trusts are tax exempt), but also the correct certification. However, the originals of the said
amount that should be refunded. receipts, invoices or documents should be ready
Tax refunds partake of the nature of tax for verification and comparison in case doubt on
exemptions and are thus construed strictissimi the authenticity of the particular documents
juris against the person or entity claiming the presented is raised during the hearing of the
exemption. The burden in proving the amount to case. (Emphasis supplied)
be refunded necessarily falls on the bank-
trustee, and there is an apparent failure to do so. 19. Manila Electric Company a
A necessary consequence of the special grantee of a legislative franchise under
exemption enjoyed alone by employees trusts Act No. 484, as amended by Republic Act
would be a necessary segregation in the
No. 4159 and Presidential Decree No.
accounting of such income, interest or otherwise,
earned from those trusts from that earned by the 551,1[3] had been paying a 2% franchise
other clients of the bank-trustee. (Far East tax based on its gross receipts, in lieu of
Bank and Trust Company, etc., v. Commissioner, all other taxes and assessments of
etc., et al., G.R. No. 138919, May 2, 2006) The whatever nature. Upon the effectivity of
amounts that are the exempt earnings of the Executive Order No. 72 on February 10,
employees trust has not been shown as they 1987, however, respondent became
have been commingled with the interest income subject to the payment of regular
of the other clients of the bank-trustee. corporate income tax.
For the last quarter ending
18. CTA Circular No. 1-95 clearly December 31, 1987, respondent filed on
requires that photocopies of the receipts April 15, 1988 its tentative income tax
or invoices must be pre-marked and
submitted to the CTA to verify the 1
reflecting a refundable amount of consist mainly of checking mathematical
P101,897,741, but only P77,931,812 was accuracy of the figures in the return. After such
applied as tax credit for the succeeding checking, the purpose of which being to insure
taxable year 1988. prompt action on corporate annual income tax
returns showing refundable amounts arising from
Acting on a yearly routinary Letter
overpaid quarterly income taxes, (Revenue
of Authority No. 0018064 NA dated June Memorandum Order No. 32-76 dated June 11,
27, 1988 issued by petitioner, directing 1976) the refund or tax credit is granted.
the investigation of tax liabilities of (Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Manila
respondent for taxable year 1987, an Electric Company, G. R. No. 121666, October
investigation was conducted by Revenue 10, 2007)
Officer Frederick Capitan which showed
that respondent was liable for 1.
deficiency income tax in the amount of
P2,340,902.52; and 2. deficiency
franchise tax in the amount of
On April 17, 1989, respondent filed REVENUE
an amended final corporate Income Tax
Return ending December 31, 1988 TARIFF AND CUSTOMS CODE
reflecting a refundable amount of
P107,649,729. 1. When does importation begin,
Respondent thus filed on March 30, and why is it important to know whether
1990 a letter-claim for refund or credit in importation has already begun or not ?
the amount of P107,649,729 representing SUGGESTED ANSWER: Importation
overpaid income taxes for the years 1987 begins when the conveying vessel or aircraft
and 1988. enters the jurisdiction of the Philippines with
intention to unlade therein. (Sec. 1202, TCCP)
Petitioner not having acted on its
The jurisdiction of the Bureau of Customs
request, respondent filed on April 6, 1990 to enforce the provisions of the TCCP including
a judicial claim for refund or credit with seizure and forfeiture also begins from the
the Court of Tax Appeals. beginning of importation. Thus, the Bureau of
It is gathered that respondent paid Customs obtains jurisdiction over imported
the deficiency franchise tax in the articles only after importation has begun.
amount of P2,838,335.84. It protested the
payment of the alleged deficiency 2. When is importation deemed
income tax and claimed as an alternative terminated and why is it important to
remedy the deduction thereof from its know whether importation has already
claim for refund or credit. ended?
The Court of Tax Appeals granted SUGGESTED ANSWER: Importation is
the P107,649,729 claim for refund, or in deemed terminated upon payment of the duties,
the alternative for the BIR to issue a tax taxes and other charges due upon the agencies,
credit. Is the Court of Tax Appeals or secured to be paid, at the port of entry and the
correct ? legal permit for withdrawal shall have been
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. Section granted.
69 of the National Internal Revenue Code of In case the articles are free of duties, taxes
1986, now Sec. 76 provides, if the sum of the and other charges, until they have legally left the
quarterly tax payments made during a taxable jurisdiction of the customs. (Sec. 1202, TCCP)
year is not equal to the total tax due on the entire The Bureau of Customs loses jurisdiction to
taxable income of that year as shown in its final enforce the TCCP and to make seizures and
adjustment return, the corporation has the option forfeitures after importation is deemed terminated.
to either: (a) pay the excess tax still due, or (b)
be refunded the excess amount paid. The 3. The flexible tariff clause is a
returns submitted are merely pre-audited which provision in the Tariff and Customs Code,
which implements the constitutionally delegated SUGGESTED ANSWER: The anti-
power to the Congress to further delegate to the dumping duty is imposed
President of the Philippines, in the interest of a. Where a product, commodity or article
national economy, general welfare and/or national of commerce is exported into the Philippines at a
security upon recommendation of the NEDA (a) price less than its normal value when destined for
to increase, reduce or remove existing protective domestic consumption in the exporting country,
rates of import duty, provided that, the increase b. and such exportation is causing or is
should not be higher than 100% ad valorem; (b) threatening to cause material injury to a domestic
to establish import quota or to ban imports of any industry, or materially retards the establishment of
commodity, and (c) to impose additional duty on a domestic industry producing the like product.
all imports not exceeding 10% ad valorem, [Sec. 301 (a), TCC, as amended by Rep. Act No. 8752,
among others. Anti-Dumping Act of 1999]