Xinetd: Verification
Xinetd: Verification
Xinetd: Verification
It offers a more secure alternative to the older inetd ("the Internet daemon"), which most modern
Linux distributions have deprecated.[4]
1 Description
2 Configuration
3 References
4 External links
xinetd listens for incoming requests over a network and launches the appropriate service for that
request.[5] Requests are made using port numbers as identifiers and xinetd usually launches
another daemon to handle the request. It can be used to start services with both privileged and
non-privileged port numbers.
xinetd features access control mechanisms such as TCP Wrapper ACLs, extensive logging
capabilities, and the ability to make services available based on time. It can place limits on the
number of servers that the system can start, and has deployable defense mechanisms to protect
against port scanners, among other things.
On some implementations of Mac OS X, this daemon starts and maintains various Internet-
related services, including FTP and telnet. As an extended form of inetd, it offers enhanced
security. It replaced inetd in Mac OS X v10.3, and subsequently launchd replaced it in Mac OS
X v10.4. However, Apple has retained inetd for compatibility purposes.
Configuration of xinetd resides in the default configuration file /etc/xinetd.conf and
configuration of the services it supports reside in configuration files stored in the /etc/xinetd.d
directory. The configuration for each service usually includes a switch to control whether xinetd
should enable or disable the service.
# default: off
# description: An RFC 868 time server. This protocol provides a
# site-independent, machine readable date and time. The Time service sends
# to the originating source the time in seconds since midnight on January
# 1900.
# This is the tcp version.
service time
disable = yes
id = time-stream
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
user = root
wait = no
The lines with the "#" character at the beginning are comments without any effect on the service.
There are two service versions the first one is based on the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP),
the second one is based on the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). The type and planned usage of a
service determines the necessary core protocol. In a simple way, the UDP can not handle huge
data transmissions, because it lacks the abilities to rearrange packages in a specified order or
guarantee their integrity, but it is faster than TCP. TCP has these functions, but it is slower.
There are two column in each versions inside the Braces. The first is the type of option, the
second is the applied variable.
The disable option is a switch to run a service or not. In most cases the default state is yes. To
activate the service change it to no.
There are three types of services. The type is INTERNAL if the service is provided by xinetd,
RPC when it based on Remote procedure call, they are commonly listed in the /etc/rpc file, or it
can be UNLISTED when the service is neither in the /etc/services nor in the /etc/rpc files.
The socket_type determines the way of data transmission through the service. There are three
types: stream, dgram and raw. This last one is useful, when we want to establish a service based
on a non-standard protocol.
With the user option it is possible to choose a user to be the owner of the running service. It is
highly recommended to choose a non-root user for security reasons.
When the wait is on yes the xinetd will not receive request for the service if it has a connection.
So the number of connections is limited to one. It provides very good protection when we want
to establish only one connection per time.
There are many more options available for xinetd. In most Linux distributions the full list of
possible options and their description is accessible with a "man xinetd.conf" command.
To apply the new configuration a SIGHUP signal must be sent to the xinetd process to make it
re-read the configuration files. This can be achieved with the following command: kill -
SIGHUP "PID". PID is the actual process identifier number of the xinetd, which can be obtained
with the command pgrep xinetd.[6][7]
I was recently looking into ways to provide ssh access inside linux network namespaces and
came across xinetd. So I decided to dig more into it. Noting it down here so that I can refer it
Its basically a daemon that listens for network requests and services them by spawning more
The master configuration for xinetd lives in /etc/xinetd.conf. Each service managed by
xinetd has a configuration file in /etc/xinetd.d/.
Each network service is listed in /etc/services that xinetd could potentially manage.
Lets look at an example from one of the services in /etc/xinetd.d/ to see how it works:
An echo service
This was a default service that was present on my RHEL6 box. There were lots of settings in this
file which were basically commented. Most of them were self explanatory, so I have omitted
them for brevity.
service echo
# This is for quick on or off of the service
disable = yes
echo service simply provides an echo service (duh). But what port does it listen to? The port can
be checked in /etc/services file, search for echo in file, and on my machine it had an entry
that looked like this:
The connection will fail, if you try to connect to this port, since the disabled is set to yes in the
above configuration file.
$ telnet 7
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host
$ telnet 7
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
hola <---- I said hola to Server.
hola ----> Server said hola back.
telnet> q
Connection closed.
You can use xinetd to run your own network service and have full control. I have some ideas
which Ill document if they work.
So long.