Issue 171 - 01
Issue 171 - 01
Issue 171 - 01
Full Index BALDNESS AN ISSUE FOR MIDDLE-AGED MEN men. in providing natural drug-free
Local News 01 - 13 Men dont like going bald hair loss solutions and now offer
Editorial Commentary 14 because it is associated with consultations at their Clinics
getting old and losing potency in Tauranga, Hamilton and
Fiji News 18 - 21 while it is often regarded as a Wellington.
Entertainment 22 - 25 particular hurdle by those not For anyone worried about
Classifieds 28 currently in a stable romantic hair loss, SRS can advise on how
relationship. to protect, nourish and grow hair
Horoscope 29 Some are going through using 100% natural solutions.
World News 30 divorce or a partnership break- Recent dermatological tests in
Sports 31 - 32 up and are looking for new Germany found that the SRS
relationships, says Claudia Sidhu. hair loss products are completely
To them image is everything and
Auckland Times
THE harmless even in the case of
so you find them working out at
sensitive skin or allergies.
the gym and so on, but what can
SRS has clinics in Auckland
they do about hair loss?
Publisher / MD: Ricky Nair My message to them is that at 15 St Benedicts St, Newton,
[email protected] they dont have to put up with hair Tauranga at 73 Sixteenth Avenue,
loss, there are solutions to this Hamilton at the Anglesea
Editor: Ricky Nair problem. Clinic and Wellington at 187
[email protected] Up to 90% of hair loss in Featherston Street.
men is known as Male Pattern
Graphic Designer: Ganesh Vasudevan Balding, or Androgenic Alopecia. For more information
[email protected] Causes can include genetics and phone 0800 348 616
factors such as environmental and
Printed By: lifestyle issues. or go to
Horton Media Ltd SRS has 30 years of experience
For more information
Contact us
P: (09) 276 8800
M: 021 038 5827
[email protected] s the saying goes: Studies show that while 25%
Website: Middle age occurs of men will experience balding by when you are too young the age of 30, up to 60% will suffer
to take up golf and too hair loss later in their lifetime and
Disclaimer: Report, article and old to rush up to the net. the effects have been known to
advertisement do not necessarliy reflect It may also be when many have lasting psychological effects.
the opinion of The Auckland Times(NZ) men can no longer hide the Claudia Sidhu, Chief Executive
Ltd. We do not take any responsibilities fact they are suffering hair loss Officer of SRS Hair Clinics, says
of any article or advertisement. All rights characterised by a receding hair dealing with hair loss can be
reserved. line and baldness. difficult for many middle-aged
The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017 Local News 03
10th Anniversary:
$15 million for Pacific Nations
ew Zealand has given
a boost to the Pacific
Islands seasonal
employer scheme with
a celebratory grant of $15 million
announced by Foreign Minister
Hon Jerry Brownlee, marking
the tenth anniversary year for the
operation of the scheme. Minister
Brownlee said the Government
will be exploring opportunities for
Pacific women to participate in
the work and training scheme. New
Zealands overseas aid is largely
spent in helping Pacific Island
neighbors through various projects
in diverse areas such as health,
education, agriculture, fishing,
affects of climate change and
environment impact. Emphasis has
also been shown to promote Pacific
women into these areas especially
in positions of responsibility. Mr
Brownlee has recently visited
several Pacific nations as this years
seasonal work scheme has been
offered. In Fiji, the scheme allows
for agriculture based workers to
learn new skills in NZ as well as
earn money for the duration.
04 Local News The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017
une based
I n d i a n
the discovery of a
large super cluster
in deep space, which
they have called
Saraswati after
the Hindu Goddess.
Located reportedly at
a distance of about
4000 million light
years from earth,
the large cluster
is believed to be a
chain of galaxies
bound together by
gravity. The findings
have been reported
in international
scientific circles.
n international clearly one must examine migrants reportedly sent an
conference meet actual evidence based data estimated US $429 billion
based at the when formulating policy. Ms to their countries of origin,
United Nations in Louise Arbour, a senior UN mostly being developing
New York heard a UN senior official on issues relating to nations. The conference
official outline what she migrants and refugees told examined challenges
called perception driven the gathering of government and opportunities of
and sometimes, prejudged and non government migrants to countries of
policies on migrants when organizations, that in 2016 origin and destination.
The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017 Local News 05
ducation Minister Rotorua Girls High School,
Kaye and Heritage St Margarets College,
Minister Barry Christchurch and St Pauls
have announced Collegiate in Hamilton. Ms
winners in the competition to Kaye said all the students
select students who will get a should be very proud of what
chance to attend the centenary they produced. As well as
celebrations commemorating visiting Belgium, the
the Battle of Passchendaele winning students will
in Belgium. The winners get to see Anne
have emerged from Franks house.
ell known Indian and community activities, award, MNZM (Member of
business leader accompanying several trade the New Zealand Order of
and member of the delegations to India. He Merit) Anthony received a
Auckland Catholic founded WA Marketing Ltd. Papal Medal last year. He was
community, Wenceslaus Mr Anthony was aged 59 the founder of the Mother
Anthony, MNZM died recently, according to media reports. Teresa Committee within the
reportedly while visiting India. Prime Minister Bill English Catholic Church in Auckland.
He settled in NZ in 1999 has expressed his condolence Tributes have been paid to him
but managed to establish to the family of Mr Anthony. by many members of various
himself well through business As well as receiving the royal Indian and wider communities.
06 Local News The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017
CT is a 3yr old Culture. We organise Ladies Zealand and develop their social
non-profit Charitable Cultural Night every year which is a network.
Trust established to big event attended by approx 2200 We do provide opportunities
provide free support ladies. to the ladies to learn popular folk
to Indian Women and other new The idea of organising and dance of Punjab-Giddha & exhibits
immigrants to settle down in New keep our community attached to teasing fun and exuberance of
Zealand. their culture.We also celebrate punjabi life. WCT playgroup is open
Reliable WCT conducts free classes to Senior Ladies Day last Monday of for kids 0-5 yrs old where we help
teach English & Computer to men every month where all of our ladies them to learn their home country
Experienced & women at our Learning Centre. members meet and play games, do language and create awareness
We also aim to provide free advice exercise and dance of Punjabi folk of their culture & festivals of the
& support on healthy living and songs. country.
Trustworthy balanced diet by encouraging ladies We have recently started
For information about the
We Provide professional and excellent service to participate in free yoga, gym stitching and knitting club to
and aquacise classes conducted by enhance & improve the stitching timings and days of classes
TAXATION - ACCOUNTING- BUSINESS PLANNING WCT. skills of the ladies to alleviate please visit our website
TRUST ACCOUNTING - COMPANY FORMATIONS We Plan , promote and organise stress , loneliness and depression in
PH : 09 279 1234 FAX : 09 279 1235 non-profit events that celebrate them.We also take the ladies on bus nz or vist our facebook
RAJ CHAND : 021 279 1233 and spread the diversity of Indian trips to help them in exploring New page womancaretrust.
E : [email protected]
level 1 - 185 Great South Road, Papatoetoe, Auckland
The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017 Local News 07
First ever Indian Inspired Pink Ribbon
morning tea in New Zealand
here were four aims prior to the event. It was Foundation NZ and she Fusion outfit to showcase $1,035,691.00 has been
of hosting the first houseful and all attendances alluded to the importance cultural integration. Her raised from Pink Ribbon
ever Indian Inspired had a great experience. of the funds that were wardrobe sponsor for the Events this year.
Pink Ribbon morning The programme started being raised as well as event was Khazana, Indian
tea in New Zealand; with an address by Farah provided the audience with Designer Clothing.
1) To raise funds Khan who is a Partner at information on breast cancer. Our target was to raise Five things you need to
for the Breast Cancer Khan & Associates Lawyers The formal part of the $1000.00 however we are know about breast cancer;
Foundation NZ and Notary Public. Farah event was followed by a pleased to announce that we 1) Its not just a
2) Raise Breast takes a keen interest in buffet style morning tea have raised $3630.00. I am grandmas disease, and your
Cancer awareness among migrant community issues, which was an Indian Fusion touched by the overwhelming deodorant doesnt cause it.
our Indian Community and writes extensively about breakfast including Chole support of our local Indian
2) Early detection is
3) To allow Indian culture, identity, education, Bhatura, Jalebi and Masala Community. All collected
Women to openly discuss women empowerment and Chai. There was also a from either a sponsor or an not a cure.
issues that concern them law. She introduced the Charity Auction at the event individual was donated to the 3) Its not always a
even though culturally in concept of her three Is which and the first item, a pink Breast Cancer Foundation lump.
the past it has not been relate to her the keywords, shawl was purchased for NZ. The entire cost of the 4) Breast Cancer isnt
acceptable to discuss such Information, Inspiration and $200.00 by Hon Louise morning tea was covered by just one disease.
issues in public. Identity. She was the host Upston followed by other donations, Town and Grill 5) Men can get breast
4) To bring the Indian along with Kanwaljit Singh items including paintings, being the major benefactor
cancer too.
Community together and Bakshi who is a National jewellery and homeware providing the venue and all
allow them to partake in member of Parliament. totalling a sum of $630.00. catering free of charge. It is important for women
a Pink Ribbon breakfast The Chief Guest was The painting were made There has been 3276 to know their breasts and
which is undertaken by over Hon Louise Upston, Minister by children aged 7 and 5, pink ribbon breakfasts were report any changes from
90,000 kiwis around NZ but of Corrections and previous showcasing the importance held around the country the age of 20 years to their
to do so in our own way that Minister for Women Affairs of involving our young people this year out of which our Doctor. The government
celebrates and promotes our and she gave her personal in understanding the concept Indian Inspired pink ribbon
provides free annual
Indian culture and Identity. experience of her mothers of charity and how they can breakfast ranked 15th on the
The event was a cancer. Debra Luteneggar contribute in the greater leader board. This ranking mammograms for women
complete success and tickets was the Guest spokesperson good of our society. is based on the funds raised with no symptoms aged
were sold out two weeks from the Breast Cancer Farah wore an Indian at the breakfast. A total of between 45 and 69 years.
There will be other such events working towards supporting a number of charitable organisations and raising community awareness.
For more information you can go to and facebook page,
08 Local News The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017
L HoroscopeF
2017. Finances will be excellent as time to party and go wild. People Scorpio people. Job prospects are
and health will be wonderful. of the body. love or romance.
(May 22 - June 21) (Aug 23 - Sept 22) areer and personal initiative eo(Nov 22 - Dec
zodiac people will 21) amily and psychological (Feb 22 -quarius Mar 21) are excellent a
Taurusfor jobs Leo Aquarius
people spend
Mercury is favorable. Therewillwill looking will succeed. good jobduring
seekers. Investment in
influence Taurus
(April 21 - May 21)
find February 2017 to be
(July 23 - Aug 22)
issues dominate
(Oct 24 - Nov 21)
the February 2017 into
(Jan 21 - Feb 21)
give part of
of February will2017 givefor good returns.
emini natives will thrive be plenty of socializing to further
individuals in FebruaryMercury will highly
help chaotic.
your This finances.
is the
isces zodiac will enjoy
C2017 Predictions
motional stability2017.
and asagittarius
time to partyzodiac will and enjoyment. Finances
charities. Sing
A 09
Finances willareer
be excellent
and personal initiative and go wild.
eo zodiac People
people will people.
amily andJobpsychological
prospects are are excellent
quarius people spend be happy
and you will
in their professions with yoursocial
and finances. Health
are important
Mercury is favorable. Marriage
willThere is
in academic
influence likely
looking for jobs for people
find succeed.
February inand
2017 to be good Romantic
for job seekers.
issues dominateopportunities
during thein 2017 are asplenty
part spirituality
to give February
of your
2017wealth offorromantic op
in leisure
Local News
while health willbearebeindelicate during
individuals in February highly chaotic. This is the real estatemonth of February 2017 for
requires more zodiac
be Try these
plenty of
socializing to further relationships.
Mercury will help Health
your can
finances. be Scorpio will give good returns. and enjoyment. Finances
advised as Mars favorable. support of others in February 2017. life
be highly (Nov
enjoyable while Dec
not get involved politics.
will be problematic in the last part eminiCareer prospects are good and Family will supportandyour monetary finances
are fabulous.
Family life
in relationships.
iscesthis is a22fantastic
Lead. Ive recently started learning activities. Health
I am from Hamilton, part of will be superb natives
experience will thrive
22 - June 21)
half ofventures.
This the
fragrant (Aug 23 - Sept 22) agittarius
our uniquezodiac
(Nov 22will excel
- Dec 21) zodiac
(Feb will
- Marenjoy
monetary gains are forecast Relationships are will
in their professions with social skills are important in be full
academic of fun and health
activities and shows month and your excellent
February 2017 ashealthspirituality
My interest in advocating of the month. during the emini natives
first half willmonth.
of the thrive
the help of others in 2017 motional
for investments
Spirituality will
in technology.
emini natives
in their
will thrive
help you
professions with to
Virgo and and
motional conflicts.
zodiac during
social byare
in All
creative agittarius
in will
agittarius zodiac
be zooming
will excel
activities and
help you
be in focus
to boost enjoy
this month. isces zo
in their professions
and healthposition
helpbe others social
in 2017 skills
ofwonderful. month of Februaryare
of the body.
for important
Virgo You may
zodiac during the 2017.
in February activities
love orwill and
profession will be tinged
be in focus this month.
romance. Februar
for diversity and passion for improves after
the help of others the
the glamour,
February. week. position
Financial the
for Virgofeelings,
change jobs forofbetter
month the
February 2017.
You may the
review and
2017. allergy
Monetary test.
with spirituality.
Even profession will
be tinged
will be
You can for a romantic
improves Taurus
after the third week.Venus will boost
change your
jobs Leo
for finances.
better prospects. will review
help you to Scorpio
find love partners.
and realignment. Family situation
with doesAquarius
spirituality. not have
Monetary the backing
community involvement is why abroad with your spouse. Health abroad withmemories,
February. Financial position your
You canspouse. month
go for 21 and
a romantic
(April - Mayof the
21) lifeexperience
February will be
Venus 2017.
boost You
of your
(July Augmay
23 - finances.
22) 2017.
will helpAfter
will be 24formulation
of Mars. You are looking for
you (Oct
to find during
- Nov
love 21)
partners. of Mars.
does freezing
not looking
21 the21)
- Feb Even
backing professi
will be problematic in the
abroad with last
your part Health
spouse. activities.Love life will
Health willbebefull of social
superb Health
the first halfwill
month. during spiritual
of Mars. Youstrength in relationships.
are looking for
I entered the Miss National NZ improves after the third week.
of the you
month. enjoyed
will be areer change
problematic in theat
personal jobspart for
last during of
the better
first prospects.
eo zodiac
activities. Health
half of
people will
the be superb
month. review
the first half ofand
process,amily and
thewe realignment.
month. Family
Health quarius
will the
be people
strength in
zooming spend with
will spirituali
will influence Taurus find February 2017 to be issues dominate during the February 2017 in leisure
pageant. It is a great platform You can go for a romantic holiday of the month.
All scents Venus arewill boost
different yourhighly finances.
during the first half of the month.
and our will
fragrance help youtoto2017find
for love
make youwill be zooming
charming. and
situation does
are the finest liquid.
individuals in February chaotic. This is the month of February and enjoyment. Finances
make you charming.
Scorpio people. Job prospects
abroad with your spouse. Health 2017. Finances will be excellent as
LoveThere lifewillwill be time to party and go wild. People
fullfor ofjobssocial Health will Investment
be wonderful are excellent and you will beof
in to giveduring Mars. You
offering the opportunity to make a will be problematic in the lastmission
was toto
Mercury is favorable.
part activities.
plenty of socializing
will succeed.
your finances.
for job seekers.
first half of the
real estate will give good returns.
part of your wealth for
spiritual stren
charities. Singles will have plenty
difference. of the month. unique
requires more fragrance
your career and finances. Health
during the
attention. Try tostrong
these provide
half of the the
Marriage is likely for people in
relationships. month.
Health can be
Romantic opportunities are plenty of romantic opportunities. Health
while health will be delicate during will be very good and sexualHealth will be
2) Tiffany Jiang Originally feelingsGemini for our clients. Virgo Sagittarius Pisces
(May 22 - June 21) (Aug 23 - Sept 22) (Nov 22 - Dec 21) (Feb 22 - Mar 21)
from China. I am fun, always Currently we launched 2 Red
emini natives will thrive motional stability and agittarius zodiac will excel isces zodiac will enjoy
positive, enthusiastic and Janaya Nathan Carpet in theirfragrances:
professions with Forsocial female:
skills are important in academic activities and February 2017 as spirituality
If I had to describe myself Id participate in this pageant as its make you happier. Smelling a
say, Im like a mythical creature. something different and honour fragrance you perceive as pleasant
Im full of energy love attention to represent our beautiful country can have profoundly positive
and believe I have some what NZ. effects on your mood.
majestic elegance. But can also be Its very important for us
extremely shy. 9) Sheyani Kumari I am to mix the fragrance with good
This is a huge challenge scents to serve our customers.
Tiffany Jiang for me and I hope to meet some In our exclusive perfume,
amazing people along the way. we used Aromatic Raw Material
motivated, tough cookie with from a Refinery Lab in France.
good personality Asian girl. I am 6) Nelly Kruger Im Each Raw Material used in our
young, motivated and passionate passionate about helping people.
about pageant. I want to show Originally I am from South
everyone my personality; I want to
give myself a big memory ever. I
want to represents the new Asian
generation in New Zealand.
Sheyani Kumari
3) Jewel Harris I am
and a simple person with clear single mum currently studying
ambitions like finishing my business, originally from Fiji,
studies and having a good family now living in Tauranga. I have
been in New Zealand for 4 years.
I love modelling and very happy
Nelly Kruger represent Miss National NZ.
Red Carpet Ball
Roshi Fernando Entertainment Ltd: event
organising company, that provides
Sharnae Mcloone 4 mini titles Best Personality, a most unique experience through
Beauty Hair, Brand Ambassador public events and entertainment:
mother but Young hearted. I act for Koggala Southlake Hotel. Red Carpet Fashion Ball,
myself nothing other, Im Real to Im interested in TV presenting Masquerade Ball, Miss National
thee core, a straight forward and and I have been working as a NZ & AU, Miss Russia NZ & AU.
Honest person whose happy with TV presenter in a TV Channel As you may know our experiences
life. Shrilanka. Also I love helping and understanding of the world
people who really need that. And is through vision, sound, taste
5) Hailey Williams My I have been helping using my & scent. We recognised that our
name is Hailey Williams Im from resources in Shri Lanka. Also Im events cater for the first three
Dunedin. maintaining my own Facebook but we were missing the other
Im an extremely creative page mane: Hearts to hearts. thing that would provide the
person, and love a challenge. For me will be a honour represent full experience of our events.
I work full time through the Miss National NZ. So we decided to create our
10 Local News The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017
ationals 2017 Party Parliament alongside 47 economy so we can afford
List is a strong mix returning MPs. to invest in the things that
of experienced Rejuvenation is matter to New Zealanders,
talent and fresh important for any political like training more teachers,
faces, Party President Peter party, and National is investing in health services,
Goodfellow says. going into this election building more schools and
National is incredibly with some fantastic new roads, and boosting family
lucky to have so many candidates. We are also incomes.
capable people we can farewelling some very Every MMP election
draw on, from our Leader dedicated MPs who have is very close. All of our
and Prime Minister Bill served their constituents, candidates will be
English right through to our our party and the country campaigning hard to
newest candidates. with distinction, Mr
ensure National gets a
Putting together a list Goodfellow says.
strong Party Vote result so
is never easy, but this strikes This is Nationals
the right balance between most diverse list ever. we can keep delivering for
recognising experience, Were incredibly proud to New Zealanders.
diversity, and pursuing represent New Zealanders The only way to secure
ongoing renewal. from all walks of life, with another strong, National-
The current Cabinet a range of ethnicities and led Government and avoid
and Speaker David Carter backgrounds. Weve got a chaotic Labour/Greens/
make up spots one through businesspeople, teachers, New Zealand First coalition
21, with existing MPs and farmers, community is by Party Voting National,
new candidates following advocates, scientists, and and thats what all of our
that. If National matched a pilot just to name a few. candidates and volunteers
its result from 2014, 13 National is working will be focused on over the
new MPs would enter hard to build a strong next eight weeks.
Media Contact: Attached: Nationals 2017 List
Clark Hennessy 0274 811 711 Nationals 2017 Team
ith general Bhupinder Singh, Anne Pala, constituent seats for which
elections in and Satnam Singh. Depending candidates stand in various
September and on the number of votes earned electorates and depending on the
announcements by parties and at what number number of party votes gained,
of candidates, both in constituent on the Partys List the candidate List MPs from published party
seats and party lists, a number of reliant on party list is placed, its lists. The current parliament
Indians have already featured in all finally about votes. Previous
closes in mid August and the
Auckland and districts; among MPs of Indian origin who have
new parliamentary make up
those trying to enter the NZ served are Dr Rajendra Prasad
will be determined on what
Parliament are sitting List MPs and Dr Ashraf Chaudhry. Prasad
Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi, Parmjeet was originally from Fiji while happens at elections. Citizens
Parmar, Mahesh Bindra. Chaudhry from what is now should remember to use their
New comers include, Roshan Pakistan. New Zealand goes votes. Your say is important! It is
Nauhria with his own political to the poll every three years frequently said do not complain
party, Bala Beeram, Priyanka when MPs are chosen. Under about the state of the nation if
Radhakrishnan, Baljit Kaur, the current system, there are you do not vote at election time.
Kamlesh Rana
GCNZIA, Dip B.S; Dip Co-Law; Cert Bus Law (UK)
Licensed Immigration Adviser
Immigration Law Specialist
Registered Independent Marriage Celebrant (CANZ)
Justice of the Peace for New Zealand
for benefiting
charged in
from community
in gambling mortgage
sector f r au d
f r au d scheme
ame suppression
has been lifted in
a Serious Fraud
Office (SFO) case in
relation to a number of alleged
mortgage frauds by an Auckland
resident and his associates
involving approximately
wo out of three 76 properties throughout
of the defendants Hamilton and Auckland.
found guilty in Kang (Thomas) Huang
June this year of (aka Gang Wang), has been
Obtaining by deception in a charged with individual and
Serious Fraud Office (SFO) representative Crimes Act
aul Max, the final prosecution of a multi-million charges of Dishonestly taking
defendant in a joint dollar gaming machine fraud or using a document, Obtaining
investigation between have been sentenced in the by deception and one Secret
the Department Wellington High Court today. Commissions Act charge of
of Internal Affairs, the Michael OBrien, guilty Gifts to agent without consent.
Organised and Financial of five charges, received a Kang (Thomas)
Crime Agency of New Zealand sentence of imprisonment Huangs wife, Yan (Jenny)
and the Serious Fraud Office for four years, six months. Zhang (aka Kang Xu)
(SFO), was sentenced in the Kevin Coffey, guilty of faces individual charges of
Wellington High Court today. one charge, was sentenced to Obtaining by deception.
Mr Max was found guilty home detention for 12 months. Lawyer, Gang (Richard)
last month of three charges of Paul Max, guilty of Chen is facing one representative
Obtaining by deception. He three charges, will be charge of Gifts to agent
has received a sentence of 12 sentenced in the Wellington without consent and individual
months on home detention. High Court on 27 July. and representative charges
Mr Max was one of three The case involved the of Obtaining by deception.
defendants in Operation manipulation of gambling Former Bank employee,
Chestnut, a pokie case which licenses and grants and the Zongliang (Charly) Jiang
was prosecuted by the SFO. offending was detected during is facing one representative
It involved the manipulation Operation Chestnut, a joint charge of Acceptance of
of gambling licenses and investigation involving the gifts by agent laid under
grants. It was a significant Department of Internal Affairs, the Secret Commissions
case for New Zealands Class the Organised and Financial Act and individual charges
4 gambling sector which is Crime Agency of New Zealand of Obtaining by deception.
made up of high-turnover and the SFO. It was a significant Charges were laid in
gambling including gaming case in New Zealand for the September 2016. All defendants
machines in pubs and clubs. Class 4 gambling sector, which have pleaded not guilty.
SFO Director, Julie Read is made up of high-turnover The alleged offending
said, The SFO thanks its gambling including gaming took place between December
partners in this matter, DIA and machines in pubs and clubs. 2011 and October 2015 and
OFCANZ. Collaboration on SFO Director, Julie Read involves the obtaining of
this investigation has not only said, The sentences imposed loans in excess of $50 million.
led to the successful prosecution today reflect the very serious The SFO alleges the
but the agencies involved nature of the misconduct in defendants provided false
should be satisfied that our this case. The proceeds from information or documents, or
cooperation has also resulted in pokie machines, intended to withheld information from
measures to ensure the sector is provide community funding either the BNZ or ANZ to obtain
more vigilant toward the risk for sport, health, education loans to purchase properties in
of fraud and community money and other activities, were either Auckland or Hamilton.
gets to where it is intended. directed to entities nominated The defendants will appear
Mr Maxs co- by Michael OBrien so that he in the Auckland High Court
defendants were sentenced could obtain a personal benefit later this year with a trial to
earlier this month. amounting to $6.86 million. commence on 26 February 2018.
The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017 Local News 17
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14 The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017
ndira Gandhi left a huge Mrs Gandhis assassination on 31 Indians were marking their own
legacy. The daughter of October 1984 by two of her Sikh centenary of settlement, having
Indias first Prime Minister bodyguards. She was one of the been introduced to the islands
Jawaharlal Nehru, she was most powerful and controversial as indentured workers by the
destined to follow his footsteps. women of her day. Her detractors British Raj and Fijis colonial
Educated in England and India, called her ruthless. Mrs Gandhi Government. Mrs Gandhi was
Indira married Feroze Gandhi. stood firm on issues such as popularly received, her visit like a
ts election time. Political nation where democratic Elected prime minister in educating women, discarding royal tour as thousands of Indians
signs and hoardings are values and freedom of 1966 some of her controversial superstition and the caste system wanted to meet the daughter of
appearing and would expression are highly prized. actions included moving India as social evils. Her son Sanjay, said
Pundit Nehru. Mrs Gandhi made
be MPs are delivering Political debates will soon be in closer to the Soviet Union, to have been groomed for politics,
a brief visit to Wellington during
messages and vying for votes. the news as leaders of various modernizing social reforms at died in a plane crash, leaving his
her time as PM. She always
The last parliamentary sitting parties present their vision home and intervening in East brother, Rajiv to take over from
stood up to hate, ignorance and
is expected to be in mid of how to steer the nation for Pakistans independence war to her. Rajiv Gandhi became Prime
welcome Bangladesh. Her 1972 Minister, becoming the third disparity, especially on issues
August and then, everyone the next three years. Sitting
waits till after the people MPs will be attempting victory brought accusations of member of Nehrus family to take like gender and social equality.
have spoken. In case of any to re-establish themselves malpractice, a state of emergency the top job. Mrs Gandhi was Mrs Gandhis birth centenary
doubts, people are reminded while newcomers will be and losing the 1977 election. a great traveler and addressed is a timely reminder of her huge
how precious this right is! seeking to enter parliament Her re-election in 1980 and numerous world forums not just influences and though somewhat
In many places around the and help make a difference. ordering troops to remove at the United Nations but around steeped in controversy, her actions
world, democracy and voting Like them or not, the fact armed Sikh separatists from the the world, urging a balanced had far reaching consequences.
are merely aspired hopes, is, these are citizens who are Golden Temple in Amritsar, with regard for the environment. In Some would say, she paid the
sometimes intermixed with willing to serve the nation bloodshed is said to have led to 1979 she made a visit to Fiji where ultimate price.
huge divisions, even sadly, and have obviously thought
fighting. We are extremely
fortunate to be living in a
carefully about what they can
do for NZ. Good on them! INDIAS INDEPENDENCE-
70 YEARS 1947 - 2017
t seemed an impossible task
when Mahatma Gandhi
returned from South
Africa to lead the charge to
independence for a nation that had
been governed as an additional
property of the colonizer with
various kinds of policies - some
patronizing and some stained
with blood. Gandhi had the
upper hand, a special instrument
that was sharper than British
weaponry - non violent, non co-
operation, disarming the attacker
through shame. It worked. On
15 August two nations emerged
as the Union Jack was lowered at
two capital cities, transforming
the British territories into India
and Pakistan. As Nehru reminded continues to be inspired by independence day, let us salute the
his compatriots in India, it was Gandhi type philosophies in the founders and those who gave their
an awakening and a great leap. main. The United Nations has lives. A good mark on nationhood
70 years later, India is one of endorsed Indias quest for Yoga is that the world has accepted
the worlds fastest growing as a good example of a national Indias gift of Yoga as a treasure,
economies, its population of characteristic. As celebrations are far more valuable than materials
one billion at home and some prepared in India and around the in the earth like diamond or oil.
30 million around the world, world among diaspora for another JAI HIND.
The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017 17
16 The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017
To become a part
Individual membership
$20 per year
Karthik Ramanathan
Karthik Ramanathan
Muthtamil Sangam Inc.
Mob: 0
21 175 1777
Muthtamil Sangam Inc.
MNZS Hawea has
been assisting the
Fijian Navy since
April 2017, on a six
recent reports, officials from the
NZ Navy together with their
Fiji counterpart, boarded 250
vessels to date leading to 45
a vast area of ocean within its
designated boundary. The current
operation is jointly undertaken by
months engagement, patrolling infringements. Fiji is surrounded Fijis Fisheries and Customs with
the Fiji waters. According to by many small islands and has Naval support.
Full Service he Ministry of and imported planted seed yield is Potato Research and Development
Agriculture is working expected to be around 360 tonnes. Programme, the Ministry of
W.O.F closely with farmers The potato planting season Agriculture has been working on
around the country who for this year began with a huge
Tyres are interested in potato farming. interest from farmers.
producing and storing seeds from
the locally grown potato crop in
Ministry of Agriculture The planting season of this
order to reduce the importation of
permanent secretary Jitendra seasonal crop is from May to
Singh says this years locally August every year. potato seeds.
produced potato yield is expected This year will be the first Potato Research and
58 Lansford Cres. Avondale, Auckland to be around 410 tonnes where year farmers will be planting the Development Programme has
been allocated a sum of $300,000
Ph: 09 820 5131 Mob: 027 209 2568 locally planted seed production is
expected to be around 50 tonnes
locally obtained seeds.
Over the past years under the in the 20172018 financial year.
The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017 Fiji News 19
2-year-old girl receives special
surgery from Israeli doctors
Israeli ENT medical team meeting staff of CWM Hospital Photo: Fijians Love Israel / Facebook
he state of Israel is conformation that the state of They will be based at CWM
now in the process Israel will fly another specialist Hospital until the 2nd of August.
of arranging for a doctor from Australia to Fiji The new Israeli Ambassador to
specialist doctor to from the same organization, Fiji has also arrived in the country
arrive in the country to conduct Australasian Jewish Medical to present his credentials to the
a special surgery on a 2-year-old Federation. President, Jioji Konrote.
Fijian girl. They have coordinated the The Ambassadors arrival is
20 cases were identified for doctors flight and paid for all his
coinciding with the anniversary of
surgery at the CWM Hospital. expenses in order to bring him
They also identified the 2 year this Thursday to perform special Israels Humanitarian Project last
old girl with a unique issue that surgery on the 2 year old child . year in Vuma Village on Ovalau
requires unique surgery. She has The team is here under the when Israel sent its renowned
severe breathing problems since Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs NGO, IsraAID to help rebuild
birth and the team is determined through the Israeli Embassy in 24 houses that were destroyed
to find a solution for her. Canberra that is looking after by Tropical Cyclone Winston in
Legend FM News has received Australia, Fiji and PNG. Vuma.
Dumping of rubbish between Vuda and Nadi Airport [Photo: Adam Wade]
government doing
about pollution in
This was the
question raised by
a 9-year-old boy
to the Minister
for Tourism
Faiyaz Koya at the
Speakers Debate
that focused on the
question, Will Fijis
tourism industry
lead to greater He says they are also working that younger people are interested
economic prosperity for the with other relevant ministries to in national issues.
country as a whole?. create awareness on pollution. Minister for Tourism Faiyaz
Qusai Jiwanti was the Koya says there is also a great Koya, National Federation Party
youngest participant to ask a interest in Fiji for the development MP Prem Singh, the President of
question at the Speakers Debate of tourist places that leaves zero the Fiji Trades Union Congress
last night. carbon footprint. Daniel Urai, Dawn Gibson a
While responding to his Meanwhile the Speaker of senior Lecturer in Tourism
question, Koya says government is Parliament Doctor Jiko Luveni and Hospitality at USP and the
trying its best to reduce the use says Jiwanti was the youngest CEO of Fiji Hotel and Tourism
of fossil fuels and the amount of participant ever in the Speakers Association Fantasha Lockington
pollution it brings. Debate which is very good to see were part of the panel discussion.
20 Fiji News The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017
here has been a former Fiji Vice President, Ratu appreciation of national events
fundamental shift in Joni Madraiwiwi, known for his such as Diwali, Eid, celebrated
the way Fiji sees itself, candid views and wise counsel in outstanding ways by various
at least this is what once said the multi ethnic communities in Fiji, while a
politicians tell us proudly. No nature of our country is a cause widely known fact is Fijians of
longer are the two major races for celebration. Despite much Indian descent consume Yagona
eyeing each other with a high tension and provocation inter as a great national pastime! The
degree of mistrust that has been ethnic relations have endured. subject of ethnicity is dealt with
fired up during the colonial era in Today, there is a much higher openly and an excellent sign of
particular and as a lead up to the number of inter marriages in Fijis changing times can be observed
Nadi Bula
coup cycle, making pretty much plural society and people identify in schools where inter racial union
a nation with two sides. Fijian more easily as Fijians and indeed, is strikingly obvious. Heres to a
means anyone born there. The Islanders. There is a collective multi ethnic Fiji!
ommitment, hardwork Live, climate change and its Vuniwaqa applauded the
and the resourcefulness diverse effects, predicted or Festival committee for their
of the people has made already registered, constitute involvement in assisting
Nadi what it is today. a major challenge for people, communities and their families
This was highlighted by the governments and ecologist around in the renovations of the Nadi
Minister for Women, Children the globe, but for the Pacific, the hospital and donating $20,000 to
and Poverty Alleviation Mereseini scenario in question is both very the building extension at the Nadi
Vuniwaqa as she officially opened distinctive and very urgent. Special School.
the Digicel Nadi Bula Festival at She also acknowledged the Meanwhile, the Digicel Nadi
the Prince Charles Park. organizers of the event for their Bula Festival which has been
Vuniwaqa also highlighted proactive approach and dedication ongoing for the last 57 years will
that with the theme of the carnival towards the fight against climate have 9 contestants vying for the
Transition Starts Where You change. crown.
The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017 Fiji News 21
20 schools upgraded, 148 schools currently
being upgraded -Bainimarama
Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama with students while opening a new classroom building worth over $340,000 at Naiyala High School
in Tailevu
he upgrade works on government has completed minor resilient Fiji.
twenty schools that repair works on 143 schools with Bainimarama adds that the
sustained major damage 175 currently being completed. completion of this new school
during Tropical Bainimarama says every school block sends a strong message to
Cyclone Winston have been that is reconstructed is being the students that the government
completed by the Construction built to withstand severe weather cares about their success and are
and Implementation Unit with events and experts have already prepared to invest in their future.
works on 148 schools currently warned that storms like Cyclone He highlights that another
underway. Winston are going to become $170 million has been allocated
This has been revealed more frequent and more severe towards the reconstruction of
by Prime Minister Voreqe due to catastrophic effects of schools for the next financial year.
Bainimarama while opening a new climate change. Today, the Prime Minister
classroom building worth over He says that even though it is will be opening 17 new classroom
$340,000 at Naiyala High School known that storms like Winston buildings at Dobuilevu Muslim
in Tailevu. are only going to get worse, many School, Tataiya Primary School
Bainimarama says through of the Opposition do not share the and Naseyani Primary School in
the Ministry of Education the governments vision for a more Ra.
Richa Chadha
to make her
television debut
as a judge on a
comedy show!
yesha Takia, we all know her for a cute smile and bubbly look
but she has also potently delivered many performances
throughout her career like Socha Na Tha, Dor, Salaam-
E-Ishq, Wanted and Paathshala. And as per the latest
news, Ayesha Takia is all set to make her comeback with a
music video, titled Zindagi Yeh Zindagi, which is believed
to be shot in the most cinematic ways, we would have ever
Though this would be her first appearance after Mod,
a Nagesh Kukunoor directorial venture, which after she
took time off to marry Farhan Azmi, and then she went
on a sabbatical.
Zindagi Yeh Zindagi has a women-centric storyline
and video talks about a woman who saves her sister
from child trafficking and how she traumatically
struggles, yet survived the troubles. Ayeshas
character took a chance and dared to change the
world for her sister, indeed it is an empowering
storyline writer had come up with. About its
much-talked production value, the aesthetic has
been kept in larger than life approach, which must
have been expensive to make, but director Lovely
Singh chose not to mention as it might distract
media from talking about the main subject.
Only time would tell how the video would
turn out to be, as for now the fans of Ayesha
Takia have reason to smile as she is making her
comeback, which is enough for them.
The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017 Entertainment 23
Taapsee Pannu set to work with Rishi Kapoor in Mulk!
blockbuster movie Pink, actress also be the associate producer plot of the film revolves around
Taapsee Pannu is not set to of Mulk. true life events. I am yet in the
team up with another veteran In a media interaction, process of closing in on a few
star Rishi Kapoor. Founder of Benaras Media more actors.
Taapsee and Rishi Kapoor Work, Anubhav Sinha, said, I Mushtaq Shiekh also opened
will be collaborating for am doing a thriller after 10 up about the story of the film,
director-producer Anubhav years and this will be quite Some stories resonate with
Sinhas upcoming film Mulk different from what I have your soul.
which is touted to be a thriller. attempted in the past. Im They are heartfelt yet
This movie is co-written by returning to my roots after so thrilling. Mulk is one such story
Anubhav Sinha and Mushtaq many years. -that has a pulsating vibe to it
fter working with Shiekh. Shiekh is known for his Its my way of giving back and will have you completely which is based on true events.
the legendary actor work in films like Om Shanti to my hometown and it feels captivated. It is said to go on floors in
Amitabh Bachchan in the Om, Gulaab Gang, Ra One, will emotionally satisfactory. The Mulk is a social thriller October.
Night escorted and International flights,
Tour includes Elephant ride at amber
Flights, Fort Jaipur, Dinner at Cauki
Local tours, Dani, Eat like the Maharajas
Premium accommodation, of
Colorful Rajasthan, Helipad Rajasthan,Boat ride
to Vaishno Devi and many in Varnarasi, Entry to Taj
more. Mahal, Helicopter ride To
Febuary tour Departs Vaishno Devi Temple,
20th February 2018. Safari at Ranthambore
We will be visiting plus All Taxes and tolls and
Dubai,North India with many more....
Maharastra. Your own Tour Specialist
The package includes from Auckland will
4* hotels with continental accompany you throughout
breakfast,All domestic out the tour.
veryone is waiting for the lot of goons in the movie.
comeback film of superstar Director Omung Kumar says,
Sanjay Dutt with bated When the teaser poster came,
breath. Titled Bhoomi, the I had said that people will want
film has been just wrapped up to know more & more and this
and now the makers are planning poster is testimony to Sanjays
an extensive promotional drive to amazing way of transforming and
market their film across the world. portraying different characters &
After teasing the audience with intensity.
a teaser poster, which took the Producer Bhushan Kumar
social media by storm a few days adds, This poster is just a slice of
back, the makers of the dark and the magic of Sanjay Dutt and the
gritty film has now unveiled the intensity of his role in Bhoomi.
main poster, which has further Producer Sandeep Singh adds,
heightened the curiosity of the Bhoomi is vintage Baba. I think his
audience about the film. fans have been waiting too long
The latest poster of the film for him and I am quite confident
features actor Sanjay Dutt in an that they wont be disappointed.
intense and fierce look wherein his Directed by Omung Kumar
hair and face are lathered up with and produced by Bhushan Kumar
mud and blood and eyes seething and Sandeep Singh, Bhoomi also
with anger. stars Aditi Rao Hydari and Sidhant
The poster makes it clear Gupta. It is set to release on 22nd
Sanjay is going to lock horns with a September.
column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once.
Previous Issue Solutions
26 The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017
orn and raised in
Calgary, Canada.
After doing two years of
nursing, she has changed
her degree to para-medicine and
has graduated as an EMR is
currently placed in Primary Care
paramedic program. She wishes
to work up to the highest level of
paramedicine. Navin Maharaj Winner of Grand Kirtan Sangrah Jay Runner of Grand Kirtan Sangrah
Sonam Bali was introduced to the
stage at age 5 when she performed
in the interval at her father
Subhash Balis bhajan competition
in Edmonton, Canada.
She self-taught herself to play
harmonium and has started
playing dholak as well now.
She has 6 procera level CDs and
one exotic music level as well.
She has done numerous
competitions around the
world which include, Calgary,
Edmonton, Vancouver, Seattle,
Auckland New Zealand, Hayward
California, Sacramento California
and 4 consecutive shows in Fiji
islands: cakebau park Nausori,
govind park Ba, Prince Charles
park Nadi, and subrail park labasa
all ranging from 7000-10,000
people as audience.
Sonam does 1 to 2 fund raiser
shows every year to start off the
year including bore hole project
for bly primary school raki raki,
Hanuman Nagri Seattle, Chapel
of Omkaara in San Francisco, and
sent $10,000 after doing a fund
raiser for wailailai kooti Shiv
Dhaam in Ba Fiji Islands.
She supports a few students in
Fiji Islands who are orphans or
She was the top female artist
of the year at procera level for
a few years in a row. Her name
Canadian Kirtan Queen was
given to her in 2011 by Radio Fiji
2 and Veena Bhatnagar.
She also sings Ramayan and has
done Mata Rani ki Jagran and
Sonam composes majority of her
kirtans with her father & mother
(Subhash and Praveen Bali), and
also spends time picking tunes
with her brother (Shaveen Bali).
She has also been blessed to have
the support and blessings of Shiu
Sharan Sardar and Shiu Balak who
also write kirtans for her at times.
The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017 27
Judges of Grand Kirtan Sangrah (From Left) Sonam Bali, Master Ashok, Janendra Naidu & Padit Ram
Janendra Naidu
Sales Manager
New Age Cars Limited
(09) 262 1527
6C Joval Place, Wiri, Manukau,
Auckland 2104
Ph: 09 820 5131 021 169 0304 Ph +64-9-263-6500
Hair Stylish Raju - M: +64-21-08211144
A1 CARS Immigration Guru E: [email protected]
E: [email protected]
ASH Cuts & Styles
717-719 Great South Road, Nitin - Ph: +64-21-2677791
Otahuhu, Auckland 1062 Contact us on
152 Great South Road,
Call: 09 250 1234 E: [email protected]
SUNIL NATH (Director ) Papatoetoe, Auckland Level 2, 141 Great South Road, PROFESSIONALS
Mob: 021 0225 7205 Hunters Corner, Papatoetoe,
Ashad (Mob: 021 103 4860) Travel & Tours
Ph: 09 270 2122 Fax: 09 270 2123 Auckland|
Phone No : 09Hamilton
278 1071 Auckland 2025 ABC Business Solutions
Email: [email protected]
Tauranga| Wellington
Awesome Hair & Beauty
E: [email protected] level 1 - 185 Great South Road,
Papatoetoe, Auckland
Eco Travels 31 East Tamaki Road,
Constructions Shop 97 St George Street, RAJ CHAND : 021 279 1233 Papatoetoe, Auckland 2025
Old Papatoetoe Jewellery
PH : 09 279 1234 FAX : 09 279 1235
Harpreet Singh (Branch Manager)
SS Homes Investment Ltd E: [email protected] Ph: 022 427 3839 / 0800 02 44 11
Naidu Phone No : 09 277 6508 KRISHNA FINE [email protected]
Mob: 0211771181
6 Orams Road, Manurewa, Auckland HAIRPORT JEWELLERS
Email: [email protected] Hair & Beauty Safety
Shop 17 , Hunters Plaza 150 Great South Road Silva Travel & Tours
WINDOORS (NZ) LTD Papatoetoe, Auckland Food Safety (NZ) Ltd
Phone No : 2794817 Phone: (09) 826 1920 689 Sandringham Road,
Rohit Anand Mob: 021 272 3538 Tel. +64 (09) 278 8230
Phone: (09) 272 3538 Fax: (09) 272 3528 153 Great South Rd, 7 Tane Street, New Lynn,
Unit 2/349 East Tamaki Road, [email protected] Waitakare 0640 Mout Roskill, Auckland, New Zealand 1025
East Tamaki, Auckland
E: [email protected]
Ph: 09 620 6201
South City Barber SPARKLES JEWELLERS Email: [email protected]
Dental 60 St. George Street, Shipping & Freight
Old Papatoetoe, Auckland
G.S Happy
Papatoetoe Dental Care Phone No : 09 278 5599
M: 021 381 585
SAILAX Vaesno Devi
D: 09 390 1041
43 Tui Road, Papatoetoe Shipping & Freight Forwarding LTD Maha Yatra Tours
Auckland Health 159 Great South Road, 547 Massey Rd, Mangere,
Phone No : 09 278 5819
Universal Homeopathic NZ LTD
415 Great South Road
Papatoetoe, Auckland
Ph: 0800 03 0376
P: (09) 257 2323 | F: (09) 257 2322
09 279 4775 or
Papatoetoe, Auckland
Gate No. 6, Sarafan Bazar,
E: [email protected] 027 348 0394
Electrical & Electronics Phone No : 09 278 1106 OR [email protected]
Moga, Punjan, India E: [email protected]
Mob: 021 125 6356
I FIX 4U email:[email protected] Ph: 0091-88723 11681
Electronic Service Centre Shopping
E: [email protected]
138J Harris Road, Tyres
East Tamaki, Auckland A1 Safety & Packaging
Phone (09) 271 6262
Home Loan Kitchen Cabinets A1 Safety & Packaging, 20 Moa Tyre World & Auto Ltd
Street, Otahuhu
Everest Finacial Services Perfect Joinery Ltd Phone: 09 270 0939 153 East Tamaki Rd - 274 3220
(next to Wendys & Caltex/
Furniture 557 Blockhouse Bay Road,
Blockhouse Bay Quality Kitchen Cabinets Paptoetoe-East Tamaki off Ramp)
New Moon Furniture Phone: 09 215 6912
998 Great South Road, Prateek Malhotra
Ph: 09 278 4140/Mob: 021 735 340 TRIMMER DAIRY 170 BAIRDS rd - 271 3330
Penrose, Auckland 188c Staddard Road, Mt Roskill. TOP Quality Fiji KAVA (corner East Tamaki & Bairds Rd,
Mobile: 021 424 119 Email: [email protected] 200 Shirley Road, opposite Otara Shopping Centre)
Phone No : 09 579 8289 Email: [email protected]
Papatoetoe, Auckland Phone/Fax: (09) 278 0691
The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017 Horoscope 29
Business Development Executive
Life Corporation Limited Horoscope Predictions
is looking for Business
Development Executive - 1 to 2
years experience, with relevant
qualification and experience. Own
Conveyance. Must be multilingual,
Muslim relegious
well versed with an Indian and
New Zealand market. Aries Leo Sagittarius
Please apply with CV and (Mar 22 - April 20) (July 23 - Aug 22) (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Lady Wanted
Cover letter at [email protected].
NZ Citizen Muslim gent
Dhaba On Highway (Mercer) ries astrology he Leo astrology he Sagittarius
going to be 24/7 soon is looking predicts that you tend
looking for Muslim relegious for Restaurant Manager, must have
predicts that astrology predicts
Lady age of 50 years old. 3 to 4 years work experience.Must interests of others to indulge in sensual that foreign travel
be multilingual, well versed with and family will occupy your pleasures in August 2017,
Should be educated pretty and an Indian food and spices. but Saturn will restrain your and spirituality will be on
relegious . Own Conveyance. Candidate attention in August 2017.
should have required licences and Career can be furthered activities. Professional life the agenda in August 2017.
Contact knowledge.Apply with cover letter will be highly successful.
with the help of your social Career will reach its zenith
Mr Haji Dean 0211882819 and cv at [email protected] Mercury and financial
contacts. Family members intelligence will help your this month and cash flow
will help your financial monetary progress. There
ventures. Jupiter will is exceptional. Venus and
will not be any seriousness
influence formation of love in love partnerships for Jupiter are favorable for
partnerships for singles. singles. Health can be
love and romance. Health is
Health and vitality are boosted by proper exercise
admirable. and diet. decent.
he Taurus astrology he Virgo astrology n August 2017,
foretells that predicts that you have Capricorn astrology
flexibility and social to delicately balance predicts that you have
intelligence are essential both career and family to combine self-sufficiency
to accomplish your issues in August 2017. with compromise if you
objectives in August 2017. Mercury will provide you have to succeed. The
Unemployed Taureans will with extra energy. Financial planets will ensure that
be able to land good jobs. prospects for this star sign this will be an excellent
are enhanced by Venus and month on the professional
Retrograde of mercury
front. Monetary situation
will adversely affect your Jupiter. Singles will attract
is fragile. Health will
finances in the first half romantic partners by their
be superb. Family may
of the month. Love will charm. Emotional well- interfere with your love
flourish with satisfactory being can be enhanced by affairs.
relations. yoga and meditation.
Gemini Libra (Jan 21 - Feb 21)
(May 22 - June 21) (Sept 23 - Oct 23)
he Aquarius astrology
he Gemini he Libra astrology forecasts that
astrology forecasts predicts that August Mercury is favorable
that Mercury 2017 will be highly for people engaged in
will improve your enjoyable due to the creative subjects in August
KIWI TRANSPORT communication skills in presence of Jupiter and 2017. Family is supportive
SERVICES LTD August 2017. Moon will Venus. Professional life will of your career ambitions.
help your finances but be quite tough. Last week Financial plans have to
of the month is favorable be reworked because of
career prospects are not
planetary retrogrades.
Specialist in Collision Repair Insurance Work Custom Paint Work bright. Family environment for finances. Marital life
Mars will make family life
Heavy Vehicles Body kits Sports Vehicle will be quite pleasant. will be under stress, while
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Full Body Paint Restoration Commercial Truck Health will be fabulous. health will be wonderful. up to the mark.
20 years Industry Experience Cancer Scorpio Pisces
(June 22 - July 22) (Oct 24 - Nov 21) (Feb 22 - Mar 21)
he Cancer astrology he Scorpio astrology he Pisces astrology
predicts that family foretells that career predicts that you will
life will be lively and enterprise will be busy with family
with plenty of partying in be the dominant areas problems. Career issues
August 2017. You will have during August 2017. will plague you in August
free time to plan your career Saturn will assist your 2017. Professional growth
goals of the future. Your professional growth. You
Nitin - Ph: +64-21-2677791 spouse will encourage your will have enough money
depends on social contacts.
Your spouse will assist you
E: [email protected] monetary growth. Singles for humanitarian causes.
will look for rich partners Love is a bit complicated in financial prosperity. Love
6C Joval Place, Wiri, Manukau, Auckland 2104 in love. Health and energy for singles. Health requires life will keep changing
Ph +64-9-263-6500 levels are excellent. more breaks. continuously.
30 World News The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017
Under the absolutely invented
pretext of Russian interference in administration seized two Russian
ussia told the United by the Foreign Ministry, came had so far exercised restraint, but
States on Friday that a day after the US Senate voted would have to retaliate against their domestic affairs the United diplomatic compounds - one
some of its diplomats to slap new sanctions on Russia, what he described as boorish and States is aggressively pushing in New York and another in
had to leave the country putting President Donald Trump unreasonable US behaviour. forward, one after another, crude Maryland - at the same time as it
in just over a month and said it in a tough position by forcing him Relations between the two anti-Russian actions. This all expelled the Russian diplomats in
was seizing some US diplomatic to take a hard line on Moscow or countries, already at a post-Cold runs counter to the principles of December.
property as retaliation for what veto the legislation and anger his War low, have deteriorated even international law. The Russian Foreign Ministry
it said were proposed illegal US own Republican Party. further after US intelligence It was not immediately clear warned it would respond in kind if
sanctions. President Vladimir Putin had agencies accused Russia of trying how many US diplomats and other Washington decided to expel any
Russias response, announced warned on Thursday that Russia to meddle in last years US workers would be forced to leave Russian diplomats.
on her England
team to complete
a golden year for
womens cricket
by adding the
Ashes to the
World Cup they
won at Lords.
England head
Down Under in
October for the
series, with
three one-day
followed by a
day-night Test
in Sydney and
three Twenty20 was only just below the final. comfortable and comfort the
matches. Id love to go to challenged.
With Australia holding Australia and get the Ashes That sums him up really.
the urn after outplaying back. The multi-format is a Hes very good at knowing
England in 2015, Knight is brilliant development and its when to put an arm round
determined to translate her going to be a huge challenge the shoulder and when to
sides narrow group-stage playing them in their back give a rocket. We get away
victory over them at Bristol yard. with less now.
during the World Cup into The average age of this I remember the first girl to
something more substantial. side is 26.5. Its so exciting get a rocket from him was
That win has given us a
to think where we can go Lauren Winfield. Shed
lot of confidence, she told
as a team - theres so much been practising in the nets,
Sportsmail. It was a taboo
potential for growth. What a then went into a game and
subject playing Australia in
year that would make 2017 if forgot the plan - she was
a World Cup, because wed
we can win the Ashes. taking a leg-stump guard to
not beaten them in one since
Knight had special praise in-swingers, when she should
1993. We got thatout of our
for coach Mark Robinson, have been on off stump.
and recalled his first words to Now, that kind of thing is
Theyre still the best side
the side during their tour to second nature in big games.
in the world, so to beat them
was an unbelievable match. South Africa in early 2016. It is an approach that should
In terms of the joy we felt, it She said: He said: A coachs serve England well this
job is to challenge the winter.
32 Sports The Auckland Times | Issue 171 | July 28, 2017