MNRAS 2008 Péroux 2209 20 PDF
MNRAS 2008 Péroux 2209 20 PDF
MNRAS 2008 Péroux 2209 20 PDF
Accepted 2008 March 4. Received 2008 March 3; in original form 2008 January 11
C 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation
C 2008 RAS
2210 C. Peroux et al.
behaviour if they trace an unbiased sample of galaxies selected only known to have DLAs or sub-DLAs at 0.6 < z < 1.5 with N(H I)
by N(H I). There has been considerable debate about whether or measurement from Hubble Space Telescope (HST).
not high N(H I) quasar absorbers actually show this predicted rise The data were reduced using the most recent version of the UVES
up to solar metallicity. This ambiguity is mainly due to the small pipeline in MIDAS (uves/2.1.0 flmidas/1.1.0). Master bias and flat
number of measurements available for study at z < 1.5, which cor- images were constructed using calibration frames taken closest in
responds to 70 per cent of the age of the Universe. Measurements time to the science frames. The science frames were extracted with
of the metallicities of galaxies detected in emission in this so-called the optimal option. The blue part of the spectra was checked order
redshift desert are extremely sparse, although this redshift interval by order to verify that all were properly extracted. The resulting
covers a significant look-back time. Therefore, information gained spectra were combined, weighting each spectrum by signal-to-noise
in absorption is of utmost importance at these epochs. The problem ratio, corrected to vacuum heliocentric reference and normalized.
at z < 1.5 is that (i) the Zn II lines lie in the ultraviolet (UV) for z < To perform the abundance studies, the spectra were divided into 50
0.6 and in the blue at 0.6 < z < 1.5 and (ii) the H I Lyman lines 75 regions, and each region was normalized using cubic spline
lie in the UV for z < 1.5. Even at these low redshifts, DLAs appear functions of the orders of 1 to 5 as the local continuum. The final
to have low metallicities (e.g. Kulkarni et al. 2005; Meiring et al. spectra have a resolution R = / 45 000 and are rebinned
2006; Peroux et al. 2006b). to 0.05 /pixel to obtain a significantly improved signal-to-noise
Furthermore, a missing metals problem is known to exist at high ratio. These rebinned spectra were used for all measurements: Voigt
redshifts (e.g. Bouche, Lehnert & Peroux 2005, 2006; Pettini 2006). profile fits, Apparent Optical Depth (AOD) measures and equivalent
Indeed, no more than 3040 per cent of the metals expected to width measurements.
be produced by z = 2.5 are actually observed if one sums up the One of the objects in our programme, Q0217+0144, yielded a
C 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation
C 2008 RAS, MNRAS 386, 22092220
Metal abundances at z < 1.5 2211
Table 1. Journal of observations. N(H I) column densities are in cm2 .
Quasar SDSS ID g maga z emb z absc log N(H I) Observation date c (nm) Texp (s)
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
AlIII1854 0.0
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
AlIII1862 0.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
Normalised Flux
MnII2576 0.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
SiII1808 0.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
TiII1910 0.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
ZnII2026 0.0
-250 -125 0 125 250
1.0 -1
Radial Velocity (km s )
-250 -125 0 125 250
Radial Velocity (km s )
Figure 1. Voigt profile fit of the z abs = 1.4094 sub-DLA towards Q01230058 (see Table 2). The dashed vertical lines in the Zn II 2026 and 2062 panels
indicate the position of the Mg I 2026 and Cr II 2062 components, respectively. The spectra are rebinned to 0.05 /pixel.
allowing for variations from metal species to metal species in N tions to the total column densities are negligible and therefore not
only. This procedure is standard practice, and is appropriate be- included in the total sum. Lower limits in a given saturated com-
cause the b values are not expected to show systematic trends with ponent of the profile fit were estimated from the fit. In case the
atomic mass because they are dominated by bulk motions rather components with the strongest lines of other species are noisy, we
than thermal broadening. The resulting error estimates for the ve- derive upper limits to the total column densities. Upper limits to the
locities are 0.51.0 km s1 and less than 1 km s1 for the b values. total column densities deduced from non-detection were derived at
All the transitions observed were used together to get the column 3 using the local signal-to-noise ratio estimate.
density for each species. In particular, the very weak Fe II 2249,
2260 lines, even when not detected, constrain the values of N(Fe II).
In all cases, the Mg I 2026.5 contribution to the Zn II 2026.1 line 3.2 Individual systems
was estimated using the component parameters for Mg I derived
from the Mg I 2852 profile and using fosc (Mg I 2852)/f osc (Mg I 3.2.1 Q01230058; logN(H I) = 20.08; z abs = 1.4094;
2026) = 32. In Figs 1-6, for Zn II 2026.14, the nearby Mg I 10 components
2026.48 line is noted by vertical dashed lines. Likewise for Cr II A number of features are detected over some or all of the profile
2062.23 in the plots of Zn II 2062.66. In all cases, both pairs components: Al III 1854, 1862; Si II 1808; Mn II 2576; Cr II
of ions are fitted simultaneously, thus including the contribution of 2056; Fe II ( 2249, 2260, 2344, 2374, 2382) and Zn II 2026,
the weaker line that can be estimated given the high resolution of 2062. Ti II 1910 is covered but not detected. Based on the SDSS
the data. The atomic data were adopted from Morton (2003). All DR3 spectra, we note that the Al III 1854 is blended with the
wavelengths reported here are truncated vacuum values. Mn II 2594 line from a lower redshift strong Mg II absorber (z abs =
In Tables 27, we give the resulting column densities. The few 0.723). In this system, it is interesting to note that the column density
weak components, in which the column densities could not be well ratios of Si, Mn, Cr and Zn vary from one component to another.
constrained due to higher noise are marked with . Their contribu- By comparison, the ratio of column densities of Al III and Fe II is
C 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation
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2212 C. Peroux et al.
1.5 1.25
1.0 1.00
0.5 0.75
AlIII1854 CrII2056
0.0 0.50
1.5 1.25
1.0 1.00
0.5 0.75
AlIII1862 FeII2260
0.0 0.50
1.25 1.5
1.00 1.0
Normalised Flux
0.75 0.5
MnII2576 FeII2344
0.50 0.0
1.25 1.5
1.00 1.0
0.75 0.5
TiII1910 FeII2374
0.50 0.0
1.25 1.5
1.00 1.0
0.75 0.5
ZnII2026 FeII2382
0.50 0.0
1.25 1.5
1.00 1.0
0.75 0.5
Figure 2. Voigt profile fit of the z abs = 1.2712 sub-DLA towards Q0132+0116 (see Table 3). Fe II 2344 is blended with the Mg II 2796 line from a known
Mg II system z abs = 0.9050 (shaded in grey). The peaks at v = +100 km s1 in Ti II 1910 and Mn II 2576 and v = +190 km s1 in Mn II 2576 are due to
bad sky subtraction in the reduction process.
1.5 1.25
1.0 1.00
0.5 0.75
AlIII1854 CrII2056
0.0 0.50
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
AlIII1862 0.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
Normalised Flux
0.5 0.5
MgII2796 0.0
1.5 1.25
1.0 1.00
0.5 0.75
MgII2803 MnII2606
0.0 0.50
1.25 1.25
1.00 1.00
0.75 0.75
ZnII2026 TiII3383
0.50 0.50
-250 -125 0 125 250
-250 -125 0 125 250
Radial Velocity (km s )
Figure 3. Voigt profile fit of the z abs = 0.7821 sub-DLA towards Q01380005 (see Table 4).
about 1.2 in all components, close to the mean found by Meiring Zn II 2026, 2062 are covered but not detected. Upper limits from
et al. (2007, 2008). Assuming no variations in the radiation field, non-detections imply log N(Mn II) <11.42, log N(Cr II) <12.13 and
relative abundances of the noted elements seem to be variable from log N(Zn II) <11.76. The Mg I 2852 line fall in a spectral gap and
component to component. The results of the profile fitting analysis the Mg I 2026 line does not provide restrictive limits. The results
are summarized in Table 2, while Fig. 1 illustrates the fits. of the profile fitting analysis are summarized in Table 3, while Fig. 2
illustrates the fits.
C 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation
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Metal abundances at z < 1.5 2213
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
AlIII1854 0.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
AlIII1862 0.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
TiII3242 0.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
TiII3383 0.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
ZnII2026 0.0
-300 -150 0 150 300
Figure 4. Voigt profile fit of the z abs = 0.7714 sub-DLA towards Q0153+0009 (see Table 5). Obvious apparent emission features are sky subtraction
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
Figure 5. Voigt profile fit of the z abs = 1.0072 DLA towards Q04491645 (see Table 6). The areas marked in grey are forest blends.
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2214 C. Peroux et al.
1.25 1.25
1.00 1.00
0.75 0.75
CaII3934 CrII2056
0.50 0.50
1.25 1.5
1.00 1.0
0.75 0.5
Normalised Flux
0.50 0.0
1.25 1.5
1.00 1.0
0.75 0.5
0.50 0.0
1.25 1.25
1.00 1.00
0.75 0.75
ZnII2026 TiII3383
0.50 0.50
-250 -125 0 125 250
Figure 6. Voigt profile fit of the z abs = 0.6798 sub-DLA towards Q2335+1501 (see Table 7).
Table 2. Parameters for the Voigt profile fit of the z abs = 1.4094 sub-DLA towards Q01230058 (see Fig. 1). Components marked are not detected in the
corresponding transition. Velocities and b values are in km s1 and column densities are in cm2 .
Vel b N(Al III) N(Si II) N(Mn II) N(Cr II) N(Fe II) N(Zn II)
Table 3. Parameters for the Voigt profile fit of the z abs = 1.2712 sub-DLA Table 4. Parameters for the Voigt profile fit of the z abs = 0.7821 sub-DLA
towards Q0132+0116 (see Fig. 2). towards Q01380005 (see Fig. 3).
Velocity b N(Al III) N(Fe II) Vel b N(Mg I) N(Mg II) N(Fe II) N(Zn II)
128.1 4.9 (4.20 0.71)E12 45.3 7.0 (7.29 0.50)E11 >2.20E14 >7.67E13 (1.89 0.22)E12
103.2 10.7 (1.21 0.31)E12 (2.07 0.13)E13 24.1 6.1 (4.68 0.40)E11 >8.59E13 >4.26E14 (1.00 0.19)E12
59.9 10.1 (2.27 0.36)E12 (1.71 0.13)E13 3.3 6.7 (1.35 0.10)E12 >1.47E15 >6.95E14 (1.14 0.40)E12
34.5 10.5 (8.54 0.67)E12 (7.22 0.39)E13 19.7 9.9 (1.54 0.09)E12 >1.32E14 >2.85E14
16.1 9.8 (2.10 0.40)E12 (1.21 0.15)E13 49.4 8.6 (4.72 0.41)E11 >1.79E13 >1.03E13 (8.57 2.03)E11
5.6 10.3 (2.65 0.38)E12 (3.20 0.18)E13
34.2 13.2 (6.13 0.51)E12 (5.36 0.26)E13
60.0 6.8 (3.13 0.44)E12 (4.09 0.34)E13
77.0 10.5 (8.96 0.69)E12 (9.18 0.54)E13 spectra. The results of the profile fitting analysis are summarized in
101.8 3.5 (1.26 0.29)E12 (2.28 0.24)E13 Table 5, while Fig. 4 illustrates the fits.
116.9 8.4 (1.74 0.32)E12 (5.06 0.29)E13
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Metal abundances at z < 1.5 2215
Table 5. Parameters for the Voigt profile fit of the z abs = 0.7714 sub-DLA towards Q0153+0009 (see Fig. 4). Several lines of Fe II are detected in the original
SDSS spectra. The corresponding EW estimates are reported in Table 8.
Vel b N(Mg I) N(Mg II) N(Al III) N(Cr II) N(Ti II)
Table 6. Parameters for the Voigt profile fit of the z abs = 1.0072 DLA towards Q04491645 (see Fig. 5). Co II is detected in the first two components (103.6
and 83.7 km s1 ) of the profile with (8.28 3.20)E12 and (1.90 0.33)E13, respectively. Confirmation with another Co II line is needed to show that this is
not an interloper.
Vel b N(Mg I) N(Al III) N(Si II) N(Cr II) N(Mn II) N(Fe II) N(Zn II)
103.6 9.4 (6.26 0.20)E11 (1.28 0.07)E13 (3.00 0.14)E15 (1.48 0.08)E13 (4.45 0.36)E12 (4.86 0.26)E14 (2.99 0.08)E12
83.7 6.8 (2.16 0.14)E11 (5.44 0.50)E12 (4.12 1.85)E14 (4.22 0.58)E12 (1.10 0.23)E12 (1.78 0.15)E14 (6.04 0.53)E11
67.4 6.8 (2.85 0.15)E11 (9.43 0.68)E12 (5.52 2.01)E14 (2.80 0.55)E12 (1.00 0.23)E12 (1.49 0.10)E14
49.3 8.2 (5.82 0.20)E11 (6.37 0.51)E12 (1.92 0.39)E15 (3.80 0.59)E12 (1.11 0.24)E12 (1.69 0.08)E14 (5.55 0.55)E11
33.3 5.2 (1.47 0.13)E11 (4.60 1.91)E14 (4.80 0.25)E13
5.8 13.6 (1.33 0.50)E12 (5.86 0.79)E12
19.6 11.5 (8.21 1.93)E10 (1.79 0.10)E13
36.3 7.7 (3.57 0.52)E12
65.0 7.7 (2.34 1.75)E14 (7.67 0.62)E12
75.1 4.2 (1.68 0.13)E11 (1.67 0.51)E12 (3.22 0.19)E13
88.4 4.9 (2.01 0.13)E11 (1.43 0.32)E12 (4.73 1.87)E14 (1.93 0.49)E12 (4.84 1.88)E11 (8.20 0.45)E13
101.1 5.3 (6.31 1.14)E10 (1.57 0.32)E12 (2.38 1.53)E14 (3.82 0.18)E13
122.1 9.3 (3.89 0.48)E12
Table 7. Parameters for the Voigt profile fit of the z abs = 0.6798 sub-DLA towards Q2335+1501 (see Fig. 6).
Velocity b N(Mg I) N(Mg II) N(Ca II) N(Cr II) N(Fe II N(Zn II)
1941. Lines of Ti II ( 1910, 3073, 3230, 3242, 3384) and Na I while Fig. 5 illustrates the fits. The areas marked in grey are blended
( 3303, 3304) are covered but not detected. Upper limits from with Lyman forest features.
non-detections lead to log N(Ti II) < 11.47 and log N(Na I) < 12.66.
The Mg II doublet for that systems falls in a spectral gap. Interest-
3.2.6 Q2335+1501; logN(H I) = 19.70; z abs = 0.6798;
ingly, the Co II is mutually exclusive of the Si II. The Si II mimics
six components
other elements, but for instance, the strength ratio [Si II/Mn II] is
quite different between 104 and 49 km s1 . Confirmation with We report the detection of the following features: Mg I 2852;
another Co II line is needed to show that this is not an interloper. Mg II 2803; Cr II 2056; Fe II 2249, 2260; Zn II 2026,
The results of the profile fitting analysis are summarized in Table 6, 2062 and Ca II 3934. The Mg II 2796 is falling right at the peak
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2216 C. Peroux et al.
Table 8. Rest-frame equivalent widths and associated errors for the systems in this sample. Values and 3 errors are in units of m. The EW of Ti II 3242
in the sub-DLAs towards Q0153+0009 is 27 7 m. Numbers in brackets are from the original SDSS spectra with 1 errors (York et al. 2005; York et al.
Q01230058 20.08 (799 95) (1911 75) (1895 78) 616 34 297 31 154 27 <7 <10
Q0132+0116 19.70 469 35 318 41 <7 <7
Q01380005 19.81 408 13 1186 15 1065 10 <40 <44 <75 (325 59) <7 131 31 <19
Q0153+0009 19.70 559 34 2563 22 2058 24 84 25 33 13 <27 (319 60) 46 11 <7 <11
Q04491645 20.98 287 16 346 9 270 15 257 20 33 6 160 15
Q2335+1501 19.70 432 10 974 11 1268 8 193 25 <7 81 25 <12
z abs Mn II Mn II Mn II Fe II Fe II Fe II Fe II Fe II Fe II Cr II
2576 2594 2606 2260 2344 2374 2382 2586 2600 2056
Q01230058 1.4094 74 13 118 34 1086 31 740 21 1247 27 <10
Q0132+0116 1.2712 <8 <6 <7 <7 1184 23 518 31 1744 20 1023 26 1782 20 <6
Q01380005 0.7821 <11 898 12 <20
Q0153+0009 0.7714 (580 87) (1258 77) (944 76) (1326 73) 21 5
Q04491645 1.0072 154 11 125 21 64 16 1156 10 803 11 1465 9 1174 12 1559 12 93 18
of an emission line thus rendering continuum fitting non-trivial. where (g i)med is the median (g i) colour of a control sample
Ti II ( 3073, 3230, 3242, 3384) and Na I ( 3303, 3304) are of 100 quasars with the closest magnitude to the object within a
covered but not detected. Upper limits from non-detections lead to redshift interval of 0.05. The resulting error estimate is the colour
log N(Ti II) <11.36 and log N(Na I) < 12.75. The Mn II 2576, dispersion of this control sample combined with the error in the
2594, 2606 lines for that systems fall in a spectral gap. The results colour measure as done in Vladilo et al. (2006). (g i) colours
of the profile fitting analysis are summarized in Table 7, while Fig. 6 are calculated from SDSS DR5 release photometric values. The
illustrates the fits. object Q04491645 is not a SDSS quasar and therefore no (g
i) is available for this system. For Q0132+0116, SDSS DR3 release
photometric values were used, since the DR5 release values are not
3.3 Results: equivalent widths, total column densities and
available. The uncertainty in (g i) is large (see Table 10), so
that zero reddening systems could have values of (g i) between
For each transition, we determine the rest-frame equivalent width 0.2 and +0.2 (York et al. 2006).
(EW) value or limit at the expected position of the line. The 3
errors for the equivalent widths reflect both uncertainties in the con-
tinuum level and photon noise. If a certain line was not detected, the 4 DISCUSSION
limiting equivalent widths are 3 limits, based on a 3-pixel wide
line (after rebinning to 0.05 /pixel). Results from this study are 4.1 Metal-rich systems
shown in Table 8, numbers in parentheses are from the original In the sample presented here, we find two new solar or above so-
SDSS spectra with 1 errors (York et al. 2005; York et al. 2006). lar sub-DLAs towards Q01380005 with [Zn/H] = +0.28 0.16
When overlapping, the two are broadly in agreement. with rather high metallicity in iron too: [Fe/H] > 0.09 (i.e. Fe
Total column densities for all observed species are presented in could be depleted compared to Zn by a factor of 2 or more) and
Table 9 for each of the six absorption systems studied here. For each towards Q2335+1501 with [Zn/H] = +0.07 0.34. One of these
system, the top line presents the sum of the column densities ob- high-Zn abundance systems (Q01380005) has large (g i) =
tained from the Voigt profile fits while the column densities derived +0.45 0.13, and thus seems to be dusty, but not to have Fe sig-
from Apparent Optical Depth (AOD) method (Savage & Sembach nificantly depleted. The elements Si, Cr, Mn and Ti are depleted
1991) are shown on the line below. In all cases, both methods give compared to Zn. There could always be extinction arising in the
consistent results within the error estimates. We then estimate the circum quasar region which is hot and therefore does not show
abundances of elements with respect to solar for each system fol- absorption lines. Furthermore, there could be another absorption
lowing the standard definition: system at lower redshift that is causing the extinction. However, in
[X/Y] = log[N(X)/N(Y)]absorber log[N(X)/N(Y)] , (1) the case of Q01380005, we have checked that the SDSS spectrum
for this object shows no broad absorption line (BAL) feature and no
where log [N(X)/N(Y)] is the logarithmic solar abundance and is
identified narrow-line systems other than the target sub-DLA. We
taken from Asplund, Grevesse & Sauval (2005) adopting the mean
have checked that there are no Ca II at z < 0.7 and no Na I at z <
of photospheric and meteoritic values for Mg, Si, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ti, Co
0.4. The 1 EW limit of detection for Na I is 0.27 and for Ca II, it
and Ca. These values are recalled on the top line of Table 10. The
is 0.150.2 .
last column of the table summarizes the (g i) for each absorber,
It is interesting to note that the situation with Fe and Si is reversed
where (g i) is defined as
from the case of the SMC, where some sightlines have Si undepleted
(g i) = (g i) (g i)med , (2) but Fe depleted (e.g. Welty, Hobbs & Morton 2003). Also, some of
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Metal abundances at z < 1.5 2217
Table 9. Logarithmic values of the total column densities for each absorber. For each entry, the first line refers to Voigt profile fitting and the second to the
Apparent Optical Depth (AOD) technique. Co is detected towards Q04491645 and Ca towards Q2335+1501. Transitions marked are not covered by our
Q01230058 20.08+0.10
0.08 1.4094 13.76 0.02 15.47 0.05 12.91 0.10
AOD 13.67 0.05 15.50 0.07 12.88 0.15
Q0132+0116 19.70+0.08
0.10 1.2712 13.58 0.02 <12.13a
AOD 13.55 0.03
Q01380005 19.81+0.06
0.11 0.7821 12.66 0.01 >15.57 <12.28a <14.89a <12.61a
AOD 12.66 0.01 >14.29
Q0153+0009 19.70+0.08
0.10 0.7714 12.88 0.01 >15.76 12.60 0.XX <14.49a 12.81 0.10
AOD 12.84 0.02 >14.36 12.77 0.11 12.78 0.08
Q04491645 20.98+0.06
0.07 1.0072 12.37 0.01 13.58 0.02 15.86 0.04 13.47 0.02
AOD 12.40 0.02 13.61 0.02 15.73 0.03 13.44 0.08
Q2335+1501 19.70+0.30
0.30 0.6798 12.68 0.01 >15.45 12.89 0.10
AOD 12.67 0.01 >14.39 13.04 0.22
log N(H I) z abs Mn II Fe II Zn II Ti II Co II or Ca II Na I
Q01230058 20.08+0.10 1.4094 12.61 0.12 14.98 0.02 12.23 0.10
Table 10. Abundances with respect to solar, [X/H]. The error bars on [X/H] include both the errors in log N(X) and log N(H I). Co is detected towards
Q04491645 and Ca towards Q2335+1501 (the abundance is derived from Ca II only). Transitions marked are not covered by the current spectra.
the dust might not be made of Fe, thus explaining the (g i) One more absorber may be dust free and have relatively high
reported here (but see also Vladilo 2002; Li, Misselt & Wang 2006; [Zn/H], Q01230058 with [Zn/H] = 0.45 0.20, while two sys-
Sofia et al. 2006). tems with upper limits on Zn could have higher [Zn/H] than most
The sub-DLAs in this study may need some ionization correc- DLAs, but new data are needed to confirm this: Q0132+0116 with
tions: as shown by Meiring et al. (2008), the corrections for stronger [Zn/H] < 0.54 and Q0153+0009 with [Zn/H] < 0.34 compared
ionizing radiation fields may lead to Fe depletion compared to Zn to the DLA (Q04491645 with [Zn/H] = 0.96 0.08) and to
and Cr, but should not affect Ti, which has an ionization potential DLAs in general (Kulkarni et al. 2007). These results are therefore
near that of H I. Indeed, simulation with the CLOUDY photoioniza- in line with our recent findings (Peroux et al. 2006a; Khare et al.
tion model shows that [Zn/Cr] is affected by ionization. Much of the 2007; Kulkarni et al. 2007) that sub-DLAs show higher metallicities
correction needed is Zn though, which is the most affected element at low redshift than classical DLAs. These systems may represent
of the two. But this could be partly due to uncertain atomic data for the tip of the iceberg of a metal-rich population of higher H I column
Zn, and in any case ionization corrections for Zn lead to higher Zn density systems currently hidden by dust extinction effects. If there
abundances and higher [Zn/Cr] (e.g. Vladilo et al. 2001; Meiring really are very few DLAs with solar metallicity, then DLAs may
et al. 2007). mainly come from dwarf galaxies (Khare et al. 2007). In any case,
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the fact that the average metallicity in observed DLAs is lower than
in observed sub-DLAs would be partly explained.
4.3 Abundances
Calcium II: Ca II H and K lines might constitute a secure tool with
which to detect DLA at low redshift even from medium-resolution
optical spectra. Wild, Hewett & Pettini (2006) show that the 37
Ca II absorbers found in SDSS, are remarkably dusty. They also
report a clear correlation between the strength of the Ca II equiva-
lent width and the amount of reddening in the background quasar
spectra. These findings are surprising given that Ca II is known to
be highly depleted on to dust grains and that, therefore, one would
expect dusty absorbers to have small measured gas phase Ca II abun-
dances. To better understand the relation between observed Ca II and
dust, higher resolution data of quasar absorbers with N(H I) mea-
sured where the dust content can be estimated with other means
Figure 7. (g i) versus [Cr/Zn] for sub-DLAs and DLAs from this study
and from the literature (Meiring et al. 2007, 2008; Prochaska et al. 2006;
(i.e. Cr II/Zn II) are required. Here, we report a new high-resolution
measure of Ca II column density in an absorber at z abs = 0.6798 to-
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Metal abundances at z < 1.5 2219
Sodium I: Finally, we note that while lines of Na I were covered in that the abundance variation depends on uncertain ionization cor-
several lines of sight, we did not detect the 3302 doublet absorption rections, current photoionization models (Meiring et al. 2007, 2008)
in any system. This is not surprising, given the general weakness of do suggest the variations are in abundance, not radiation fields being
these features in low H I column lines of sight in the Galaxy. different from component to component.
In three of the six absorbers studied here, we could determine the We thank Sandhya Rao for providing N(H I) estimate of the absorber
equivalent width of Mg II 2796 from the high-resolution UVES towards Q2335+1501 in advance of publication. We would like to
data. For these systems, we can thus derive the D-indices defined thank the Paranal and Garching staff at ESO for performing the ob-
by Ellison (2006), where, as in the original work, v is the total servations in service mode. VPK and JM acknowledge partial sup-
line width excluding detached absorption components where the port from the US National Science Foundation grant AST-0607739
continuum is recovered and only including the complex profile and (PI: Kulkarni).
the EW is expressed in :
D = 1000 EW(Mg II2796)/v. (3)
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