Hadoop Arch Perf DHT
Hadoop Arch Perf DHT
Hadoop Arch Perf DHT
IO Processing Challenges
Cloud computing is changing the IT landscape in a profound way. Via cloud computing,
dynamically scalable, virtualized resources are provided as a service over the Internet. Large firms
such as Google, Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, or Apple are providing cloud models that incorporate sound
data storage solutions. Today, most companies around the world are processing vast amounts of
data. In 2011, IDC (www.idc.com) estimated the total world wide data size (labeled the digital data
universe) at 1.8 ZB (zettabytes - 10^21). As a comparison, the numeric value for a TB (terabyte)
equals to 10^12 (the binary usage equals to 2^40). The ever larger data pools required by most
companies today obviously have a profound impact not only on the HW storage requirements and
user applications, but also on the file system design, the file system implementation, as well as the
actual IO performance and scalability behavior of today's IT environments. To illustrate, the New York
Stock Exchange generates approximately 1 TB of new trade data each day. CERN's Large Hadron
Collider produces approximately 15 PB (petabytes) of scientific data per year. While hard drive (HDD)
storage capacity has increased significantly over the years, the actual HDD data access rate has not
been improved much. To illustrate, hypothetically, a contemporary 1TB disk with a 100MB/second
transfer speed requires more than 2 1/2 hours to read all the data. Solid State Disks (SSD) may be an
option for some IO workloads, but the rather high price per unit (next to a specific workload behavior
required to even utilize the performance behavior of the disks) deters many companies to deploy
SSD's in large volumes. To improve aggregate IO throughput, the obvious answer is to read/write
to/from multiple disks. Assuming a hypothetical setup with 100 drives, each holding 1/100 of the 1TB
data pool discussed above. If all disks are accessed in parallel at 100MB/second, the 1TB can be
fetched in less than 2 minutes. Any distributed IT environment faces several, similar challenges. First,
an appropriate redundancy at the HW and the SW level has to be designed into the solution so that
the environment meets the availability, reliability, maintainability, as well as performance goals and
objectives. Second, most distributed environments (the applications) require combining the distributed
data from multiple sources for post-processing and/or visualization purposes. Ergo, most distributed
processing environments are powered by rather large SAN subsystems and a parallel file system
solution such as IBM's GPFS, Lustre (GNU/GPL), or Red Hats GFS, respectively.
Hadoop Introduction
To address the above mentioned issues, the Hadoop framework is designed to provide a
reliable, shared storage and analysis infrastructure to the user community. The storage portion of the
Hadoop framework is provided by a distributed file system solution such as HDFS, while the analysis
functionality is presented by MapReduce. Several other components (discussed later in this report)
are part of the overall Hadoop solution suite. The MapReduce functionality is designed as a tool for
deep data analysis and the transformation of very large data sets. Hadoop enables the users to
explore/analyze complex data sets by utilizing customized analysis scripts/commands. In other words,
via the customized MapReduce routines, unstructured data sets can be distributed, analyzed, and
explored across thousands of shared-nothing processing systems/clusters/nodes. Hadoop's HDFS
replicates the data onto multiple nodes to safeguard the environment from any potential data-loss (to
illustrate, if 1 Hadoop node gets fenced, there are at least 2 other nodes holding the same data set).
Throughout the IT community, there are many discussions revolving around comparing
MapReduce to traditional RDBMS solutions. In a nutshell, MapReduce and RDBMS systems reflects
solutions for completely different (sized) IT processing environments and hence, an actual
comparison results into identifying the opportunities and limitations of both solutions based on their
respective functionalities and focus areas. To begin with, the data sets processed by traditional
database (RDBMS) solutions are normally much smaller than the data pools utilized in a Hadoop
environment (see Table 1). Hence, unless an IT infrastructure processes TB's or PB's of unstructured
data in a highly parallel environment, the statement can be made that the performance of Hadoop
executing MapReduce queries will be sub-par compared to SQL queries running against an
(optimized) relational database. Hadoop utilizes a brute-force access method while RDBMS solutions
bank on optimized accessing routines such as indexes, as well as read-ahead and write-behind
techniques. Hence, Hadoop really only excels in environments that reveal a massive parallel
processing infrastructure where the data is unstructured to the point where no RDBMS optimization
techniques can be applied to boost the performance of the queries.
Today's RDBMS solutions do not scale to thousands of nodes. At some level, the vast
amount of brute-force processing power provided by Hadoop will outperform the optimized, but
scaling restricted relational access methods. To conduct large-scale batch analysis studies with
traditional RDBMS systems (where the workload is dominated by seek operations) is from a
performance perspective another daunting task. This is mainly due to the performance gap between
the disk seek-time and the disk IO transfer rate potentials, respectively. Hadoop does provide a
dataset streaming facility that takes advantage of the transfer rate potential. While updating a small
proportion of database records, the traditional B-tree data structures used in relational databases (that
are basically limited by the seek rate) works sufficiently well. On the other hand, while updating very
large numbers of database system records, a B-tree solution is less efficient than the sort/merge
infrastructure embedded into the MapReduce routines. From a structural perspective, there are
significant differences between MapReduce and RDBMS solutions. Structured data reflects data that
is ordered into entities of a defined format or database tables that conform to a particular, predefined
schema (basically the territory of RDBMS solutions). Semi-structured data represents looser formats
(may still entail a schema) that may either be ignored or utilized as guidelines for the structure of the
data. To illustrate, a spreadsheet represents its structure as the grid of cells, although the cells may
hold any form of data. Unstructured data is not affiliated with any particular internal structure (such as
plain text or image data). The point to be made is that MapReduce operates very well on unstructured
or semi-structured data, as MapReduce is designed to interpret the data at processing time. The input
keys and values for MapReduce are not an intrinsic property of the data per se, but are chosen by the
user analyzing the data. On the other hand, relational data is commonly normalized to retain data
integrity, as well as to remove redundancy. The traditional normalization process reflects a problem
for MapReduce based solutions, as normalization crafts reading a record a non-local operation, which
defies the MapReduce design principle that is based on the idea of performing (high-speed)
streaming read operations.
While Hadoop is in general best known for the MapReduce and the HDFS components, there
are several other subprojects that as a unit, comprise the Hadoop offering:
Hadoop Common: The common utilities that support the other Hadoop modules.
HDFS: A distributed file system that provides high-throughput access to application data.
Hadoop YARN: A framework for job scheduling and cluster resource management.
Hadoop MapReduce: A YARN-based system for parallel processing of large data sets
Avro: A data serialization system
Cassandra: A scalable multi-master database with no single points of failure
Chukwa: A data collection system for managing large distributed systems
HBase: A scalable, distributed database that supports structured data storage for large tables
Hive: A data warehouse infrastructure that provides data summarization and ad hoc querying
Mahout: A Scalable machine learning and data mining library
Pig: A high-level data-flow language and execution framework for parallel computation
ZooKeeper: A high-performance coordination service for distributed applications
Hadoop is basically designed to efficiently process very large data volumes by linking many
commodity systems together to work as a parallel entity. In other words, the Hadoop philosophy is to
bind many smaller (and hence more reasonably priced) nodes together to form a single, cost-effective
compute cluster environment. It has to be pointed out that performing compute operations on large
volumes of data in a distributed setup has obviously been done before (see LLNC ASC Purple or Blue
Gene). What separates Hadoop from the herd is the simplified programming model that allows users
to rapidly develop and test distributed systems, as well as the efficient, automated distribution of data
and work across the nodes (by effectively utilizing the underlying parallelism of the CPU cores).
In a Hadoop cluster environment (commodity HW is normally used to setup the cluster), the
data is distributed among all the nodes during the data load phase. The HDFS splits large data files
into chunks that are managed by different nodes in the cluster. Each chunk is replicated across
several nodes to address single node outage or fencing scenarios. An active monitoring system re-
replicates the data during node failure events. Despite the fact that the file chunks are replicated and
distributed across several nodes, Hadoop operates in a single namespace and hence, the cluster
content is collectively accessible. In the Hadoop programming framework, data is conceptually record-
oriented. The individual input files are carved up into lines or other (application logic) specific formats.
Hence, each thread executing on a cluster node processes a subset of the records. The Hadoop
framework schedules these threads in proximity to the location of the data/records by utilizing
knowledge obtained from the distributed file system. Which data chunk is operated on by a node is
chosen based on the data chunks locality to a node. The design goal is that most data is read from a
local disk straight into the CPU subsystem to economize on the number of network transfers
necessary to complete the processing cycle. The design strategy of moving the actual computation to
the data (instead of moving the data to the computation) allows Hadoop to achieve high data locality
reference values that result in increased performance scenarios.
The Hadoop design limits the amount of communication performed by the threads, as each
individual record is processed in isolation by a single task. While such a design choice may be
considered an actual systems limitation, it aids in stabilizing the entire IT framework. It has to be
pointed out that the traditional Hadoop design requires applications to be developed in ways to
conform to the MapReduce programming model. As the Hadoop ecosystem expanded over time,
some Hadoop applications today are actually bypassing the MapReduce functionality and access
data directly in either HBase or HDFS. Based on the MapReduce design, records are processed in
isolation via tasks called Mappers. The output from the Mapper tasks is further processed by a
second set of tasks, the Reducers, where the results from the different Mapper tasks are merged
together. Individual nodes in a Hadoop cluster still communicate with each other, just to a lesser
extend compared to more conventional distributed systems where application developers explicitly
assemble node to node byte streams via sockets or some form of message passing interface (MPI).
Hadoop node communication is performed implicitly, as chunks of data can be tagged with key names
that inform Hadoop how to send related bits of information to a common destination node. Hadoop
internally manages all the data transfer and cluster topology issues. By restricting the communication
among nodes, Hadoop improves the reliability potential of the distributed system environment.
Individual node failures are addressed by restarting the tasks on other nodes. As user-level tasks do
not communicate explicitly among each other, no messages have to be exchanged by the user
applications. Further, the nodes do not have to roll back to pre-arranged checkpoints to partially
restart the computation process. In failure scenarios, the surviving user worker threads continue to
operate, while the underlying Hadoop layer addresses the challenging aspects of partially restarting
the application. It is important to point out that MapReduce is simply a divide-and-conquer strategy
that has been used for approximately 40 years to solve big data science problems and hence, is not a
component that has just been introduced by Hadoop or any other big data analysis solution.
In a nutshell, the MapReduce programming Model is to process large datasets. The model
itself is based on the concept of parallel programming. Based on the parallel programming notion,
processing is decomposed into n sub-entities that are executed concurrently. The instructions for
each sub-entity are executing simultaneously on different CPU's. Depending on the IT infrastructure
setup, the CPU's may be available on the same server system or on remote nodes that are accessible
via some form of interconnect/network. The MapReduce model itself is derived from the map and
reduce primitives available in a functional language such as Lisp. A MapReduce job usually splits the
input datasets into smaller chunks that are processed by the map task in a completely parallel
manner. The outputs obtained from all the map tasks are then sorted by the framework and made
available as input(s) into the reduce tasks. It has to be pointed out that a MapReduce model is
normally suitable for long running batch jobs, as the reduce function has to accumulate the results for
the entire job, a process that is associated with overhead concerning the collection and submission of
the processed datasets. In the MapReduce model, actual parallelism is achieved via a
split/sort/merge/join process (see Figure 1) that can be described as:
Initially, a master program (basically a central coordinator) is started by the MapReduce job
that utilizes the predefined datasets as input.
According to the Job Configuration, the master program initiates the Map and the Reduce
programs on various systems. Next, it starts the input reader to retrieve the data from some
directory (hosted in a distributed file system). The input reader then decomposes the data into
small chunks and submits them to randomly chosen mapper programs. This process
concludes the split phase and initiates the parallel processing stage.
After receiving the data, the mapper program executes a user supplied map function, and
generates a collection of [key, value] pairs. Each produced item is sorted and submitted to the
The reducer program collects all the items with the same key values and invokes a user
supplied reduce function to produce a single entity as a result (this is labeled the merge
The output of the reduce program is collected by the output writer (effective join phase) and
this process basically terminates the parallel processing phase.
as long as one entity is not an ancestor of another entity. In other words, parallelism is achieved when
there are no hidden dependencies among shared states. In the MapReduce model, the internal
organization is based on the map function that transforms a piece of data into entities of [key, value]
pairs. Each of these elements is sorted (via their key) and ultimately reaches the same cluster node
where a reduce function is used to merge the values (with the same key) into a single result (see
code below). The Map/Reduce DAG is organized as depicted in Figure 2.
map(input_record){ reduce(key,values){
emit(k1,v1) aggregate=merge(values.next)
emit(k2,v2) collect(key,aggregate)
The Hadoop MapReduce framework is based on a pull model, where multiple TaskTracker's
communicate with the JobTracker requesting tasks (either map or reduce tasks). After an initial setup
phase, the JobTracker is informed about a job submission. The JobTracker provides a job ID to the
client program, and starts allocating map tasks to idle TaskTracker's requesting work items (see
Figure 3). Each TaskTracker contains a defined number of task slots based on the capacity potential
of the system. Via the heartbeat protocol, the JobTracker knows the number of free slots in the
TaskTracker (the TaskTracker's send heartbeat messages indicating the free slots - true for the FIFO
scheduler). Hence, the JobTracker can determine the appropriate job setup for a TaskTracker based
on the actual availability behavior. The assigned TaskTracker will fork a MapTask to execute the map
processing cycle (the MapReduce framework spawns 1 MapTask for each InputSplit generated by the
InputFormat). In other words, the MapTask extracts the input data from the splits by using the
RecordReader and InputFormat for the job, and it invokes the user provided map function, which
emits a number of [key, value] pairs in the memory buffer.
After the MapTask finished executing all input records, the commit process cycle is initiated
by flushing the memory buffer to the index and data file pair. The next step consists of merging all the
index and data file pairs into a single construct that is (once again) being divided up into local
directories. As some map tasks are completed, the JobTracker starts initiating the reduce tasks
phase. The TaskTracker's involved in this step download the completed files from the map task
nodes, and basically concatenate the files into a single entity. As more map tasks are being
completed, the JobTracker notifies the involved TaskTracker's, requesting the download of the
additional region files and to merge the files with the previous target file. Based on this design, the
process of downloading the region files is interleaved with the on-going map task procedures.
Eventually, all the map tasks will be completed, at which point the JobTracker notifies the
involved TaskTracker's to proceed with the reduce phase. Each TaskTracker will fork a ReduceTask
(separate JVM's are used), read the downloaded file (that is already sorted by key), and invoke the
reduce function that assembles the key and aggregated value structure into the final output file (there
is one file per reducer node). Each reduce task (or map task) is single threaded, and this thread
invokes the reduce [key, values] function in either ascending or descending order. The output of each
reducer task is written to a temp file in HDFS. When the reducer finishes processing all keys, the
temp file is atomically renamed into its final destination file name.
As the MapReduce library is designed to process vast amounts of data by potentially utilizing
hundreds or thousands of nodes, the library has to be able to gracefully handle any failure scenarios.
The TaskTracker nodes periodically report their status to the JobTracker that oversees the overall job
progress. In scenarios where the JobTracker has not been contacted by a TaskTracker for a certain
amount of time, the JobTracker assumes a TaskTracker node failure and hence, reassigns the tasks
to other available TaskTracker nodes. As the results of the map phase are stored locally, the data will
no longer be available if a TaskTracker node goes offline. In such a scenario, all the map tasks from
the failed node (regardless of the actual completion percentage) will have to be reassigned to a
different TaskTracker node that will re-execute all the newly assigned splits. The results of the reduce
phase are stored in HDFS and hence, the data is globally available even if a TaskTracker node goes
offline. Hence, in a scenario where during the reduce phase a TaskTracker node goes offline, only the
set of incomplete reduce tasks have to be reassigned to a different TaskTracker node for re-
Hadoop does provides an API to MapReduce that allows developing map and reduce
functions in languages other than Java. The Hadoop streaming facility utilizes Unix standard streams
as the interface between Hadoop and the application. Hence, any language capable of reading
standard input and writing to standard output can be used to develop MapReduce programs. While
streaming is generally suited for text processing purposes, binary streams are supported as well. The
map input data is passed (via standard input) to the map function that processes the input on a line by
line basis, and writes the lines out to standard output. A map output [key, value] pair is written as a
single tab-delimited line. Input to the reduce function follows the same format, a tab-separated key-
value pair that is passed over standard input.
The reduce function reads the lines from standard input (the Hadoop framework guarantees
sorting by key), and writes the results to standard output (see Figure 4). On the other hand, Hadoop
pipes represent the C++ interface to Hadoop MapReduce. Unlike the streaming interface that utilizes
standard input/output to communicate with the map/reduce code, pipes utilize sockets as the interface
that the TaskTracker uses to communicate with the threads that are running the C++ map/reduce
functions. In general, Hadoop pipes generate less overhead than Hadoop streaming based solutions.
Local file systems (such as ZFS, ext4, or Btrfs) support a persistent name space, and hence
view devices as being locally attached. There is no need in the file system design to enforce device-
sharing semantics. Contemporary (high-speed) network/interconnect solutions allow multiple cluster
nodes to share storage devices. IBMs GPFS, Lustre (GNU/GPL), or Red Hats GFS parallel file
systems take a shared, network-attached storage approach. The Hadoop Distributed File System
(HDFS) represents a distributed file system that is designed to accommodate very large amounts of
data (TB or PB) and to provide high-throughput (streaming) access to the data sets. Based on the
HDFS design, the files are redundantly stored across multiple nodes to ensure high-availability for the
parallel applications. In any IT environment, HW failures do happen. A single HDFS instance may
consist of thousands of server nodes, each storing and maintaining part of the file system data.
Hence, most Hadoop installations are comprised of a rather large number of HW components, where
each HW component reflects a probability for a failure scenario. Therefore, fault detection and rapid,
automated recovery features are at the core of the HDFS design/architecture. To reiterate, HDFS
represents a distributed file system solution designed for storing very large files (TB, PB) and where
the user applications reveal streaming data access patterns. Or in other words, HDFS does not really
provide an adequate solution in distributed environments with vast amounts of small files, random IO
patterns, and/or frequent file update scenarios. Further, applications that require low latency data
access (in the 10s of milliseconds) or that necessitate multiple write IO tasks are not really suited for a
Hadoop setup. As a matter of fact, Hadoop only supports single write tasks, and the write requests
always occur at the end of a file (no arbitrary file offset modifications are supported at this point). The
HDFS design is basically focused on a write-once, read-often IO pattern where a dataset is
generated, and where various analysis cycles are performed on the dataset over time. Each analysis
cycle generally entails a large quantity (or all) of the dataset. Hence, the Hadoop performance focus is
on aggregate dataset read performance, and not on any individual latency scenarios surrounding the
performance behavior of reading the first few data records. It has to be pointed out that next to HDFS,
Hadoop also supports other third-party file systems such as CloudStore (implemented in C++) or the
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). Further, The Cassandra File System (CFS) reflects a HDFS
compatible filesystem that was developed to replace the traditional Hadoop NameNode, Secondary
NameNode and DataNode daemons, respectively.
HDFS Design
Any file system operates on either a block or an extent size. To illustrate, ZFS uses variable-
sized blocks of up to 1024 kilobytes, whereas GPFS supports block sizes ranging from 16 KB to 4MB
(with a default block size of 256 KB). The HDFS design also incorporates the notion of a block size,
just at a much larger unit size of 64MB (default) compared to other file system solutions. The choice
made for the rather large block size is based on the HDFS design philosophy to minimize/optimize the
cost of any potential seek scenarios. In other words, with large block sizes, the time to transfer the
data from the disk is significantly longer than the time to seek to the start of the block. Hence, the time
to transfer a large file that is comprised of multiple blocks is governed by the disk transfer rate. To
illustrate, assuming a disk seek time of approximately 10ms and a disk transfer rate of approximately
100 MB/second, in order to keep the seek time at 1% of the transfer time, it is necessary to operate
on a block size of approximately 100MB. While the HDFS default block size is 64MB, many HDFS
installations operate on a 128MB block size setup. In a Hadoop setup, the command hadoop fsck -
files -blocks lists all the blocks that comprise each file in the file system.
An HDFS cluster encompasses 2 types of nodes (Name and DataNodes) that operate in a
master worker (or master slave) relationship. In the HDFS design, the NameNode reflects the master,
while the DataNodes represent the workers/slaves (see Figure 5). The NameNode manages the file
system namespace, maintains the file system tree, as well as the metadata for all the files and
directories in the tree. All this information is persistently stored on a local disk via 2 files that are
labelled the namespace image and the edit log, respectively. The NameNode keeps track of all the
DataNodes where the blocks for a given file are located. That information is dynamic (and hence is
not persistently stored), as it is reconstructed every time the system starts up. Any client can access
the file system on behalf of a user task by communicating with the NameNode and the DataNodes,
respectively. The clients basically represent a POSIX alike file system interface, so that the user
code's functionalities do not require any actual knowledge about the Hadoop Name and DataNodes.
The DataNodes store and retrieve blocks based on requests made by the by clients or the
NameNode, and they do periodically update the NameNode with lists of the actual blocks that they
are responsible for. Without an active NameNode, the file system is considered non-functional.
Hence, it is paramount to safeguard the NameNode by insuring that the node is resilient to any
potential failure scenarios.
The Hadoop design allows configuring the NameNode in a way to backup the files that
encompass the persistent state of the filesystem metadata to multiple file systems. These write
operations are processed in a synchronous and atomic manner. It is rather common for HDFS setups
to write the metadata to a local disk, as well as to 1 to n NFS mount points. Further, Hadoop HDFS
provides the option to configure a secondary NameNode. The secondary NameNode does not act as
a NameNode per se, but periodically merges the namespace image with the edit log to prevent the
edit log from becoming too large. The secondary NameNode is configured on a separate physical
system, and it has to be pointed out that the merge activities are rather CPU intensive. The secondary
NameNode also stores a copy of the merged namespace image, which can be utilized when the
primary NameNode gets fenced. It is paramount to point out though that the state of the secondary
NameNode lags behind the primary and hence, if the primary data is completely lost, the file system
becomes non-functional. In such a scenario, it is common to copy the metadata files from one of the
NFS mount points to the secondary NameNode and to run that server as the new primary node. As
already discussed, the NameNode maintains the file system namespace. Any changes to the file
system namespace (or the properties) is recorded. An application can specify the number of file
replicas (labeled the replication factor) to be maintained by HDFS (the NameNode). Based on the
HDFS design, a file is stored as a sequence of (same-sized) blocks. The only exception is the last file
block that depending on the file size may allocate only a sub-size of a block (no internal
fragmentation). The blocks of a file are replicated for fault tolerance purposes. The block size and the
replication factor are configurable on a per file basis. The replication factor is determined at file
creation time, and can be changed later on. The NameNode periodically receives a heartbeat and a
block report from each DataNode in the cluster. The reception of a heartbeat implies that the
DataNode is functional, while the block report lists all the blocks maintained by a particular DataNode.
The placement of the replicas is paramount to HDFS reliability and performance. Having the
opportunity to optimize the replica placement scenarios is considered a feature that distinguishes
HDFS from most of the other distributed file systems. It has to be pointed out though that the process
of optimizing the replica placements requires tuning and experience. A rack-aware replica placement
policy focuses on improving data reliability, availability, as well as to optimize network bandwidth
utilization. Most HDFS installations execute in a cluster environment that encompasses many racks.
Inter-rack node communication travels through switches. In most configurations, the bandwidth
potential among nodes in the same rack is greater than the network bandwidth among nodes hosted
in different racks. It has to be pointed out that the rack ID for the DataNodes can be manually defined
and maintained. One policy option would be to place replicas on individual racks, preventing data loss
scenarios when an entire rack fails, while allowing for aggregate bandwidth usage from multiple racks
while reading data. Such a policy evenly distributes the replicas in the cluster, nicely focusing on load
balancing and component failure scenarios. However, this policy increases the cost of write
operations, as each write request requires transferring blocks to multiple racks.
For a common case that operates on a replication factor of 3, the HDFS placement policy is to
store 1 replica on a node in the local rack, another replica on a different node in the same local rack,
and the last replica on a different node in a different rack. This policy addresses the inter-rack write
traffic scenario discussed above and generally improves the write performance. The chance of a rack
failure is far less than that of a node failure and hence, this policy does not impact data reliability and
availability guarantees. However, it does reduce the aggregate network bandwidth used when reading
data, as a block is placed in only two unique racks rather than three. With this policy, the replicas of a
file do not evenly distribute across the racks. 2/3 of the replicas are on one rack, and the other third is
evenly distributed across the remaining racks. This policy improves write performance without
compromising data reliability or read performance. To minimize network bandwidth consumption and
maximize read latency, HDFS' design objective is to process any read request from the data replica
closest to the read task. Hence, if there is a replica on the same rack as the read task, that replica
represents the preferred data location for the read request. In large Hadoop/HDFS environments that
may span multiple data centers, the goal is to operate on a replica that is available in the local data
center where the read task is issued.
At startup, the NameNode enters a special (transient) state that is labeled the safemode.
While in this state, the NameNode accepts heartbeat and block report messages from the
DataNodes. As already discussed, the block report lists the data blocks that the DataNodes are
hosting. Each data block is linked to a specific (minimum) number of replicas. A data block is
considered fully replicated when the minimum number of replicas for that particular data block has
been confirmed with the NameNode. After a certain percentage (this is tunable) of fully replicated data
blocks is reached, the NameNode stalls for another 30 seconds, and afterwards exits the safemode
state. The next task for the NameNode is to compile a list of data blocks (if any) that still have fewer
than the specified number of replicas available, and to replicate these data blocks unto some other
DataNodes. The NameNode retains a transaction log (labeled the editlog) to persistently record every
change made to file system metadata. To illustrate, creating a new file or changing the replication
factor for a file triggers a record insert operation into the editlog. The editlog file itself is stored in the
NameNode's local host file system. The HDFS namespace is maintained by the NameNode, as the
entire namespace, including the data block file mapping and file system properties are stored in the
HDFS fsimage file. Similar to the editlog file, the fsimage file is located in the NameNode's local file
system. The NameNode retains an image of the file system namespace and the block map file in
memory. As the NameNode boots up, the fsimage and editlog files are read from disk and all the
(potential) editlog transactions are mapped into the fsimage in-memory copy and then flushed out to a
new version of the fsimage file. At that point, the old editlog file is truncated, as the transactions have
been securely applied to the persistent fsimage file (this process is labeled as a checkpoint). The
fsimage and the editlog files are considered core HDFS data structures. A corruption of these files
can cause the HDFS instance to become non-functional. Hence, a NameNode should be configured
so that multiple copies of the 2 files are being maintained. In other words, any update to either the
fsimage or editlog triggers a synchronous update to multiple copies of the 2 files. As most
Hadoop/HDFS applications are not metadata intensive, maintaining several copies of the 2 files is not
considered a significant performance issue. The HDFS communication protocols are stacked on top
of TCP/IP. A client system basically establishes a TCP connection (via a configurable port) to the
NameNode, utilizing the clientprotocol as the communication entity. The DataNodes communicate
with the NameNode via the DataNode protocol. A remote procedure call (RPC) wrapper
encompasses the client, as well as the DataNode protocols, respectively. By design, the NameNode
never initiates any RPC requests. Instead, the NameNode only responds to RPC requests that are
issued by either the DataNodes or the clients.
It has to be pointed out that a client request to create a file does not reach the NameNode
instantaneously, as the HDFS client caches the file data in a temporary local file. Any application write
requests are transparently redirected to this temporary local file until the size of the local file reaches
the HDFS block size. At that point, the client contacts the NameNode which adds the file name into
the file system hierarchy and allocates an HDFS data block. Next, the NameNode responds to the
client request by identifying a DataNode and a target data block. After that, the client flushes the data
block from the temporary local file to the specified DataNode. When a file is closed, any (potentially)
un-flushed data being held in the temporary local file is transferred to the DataNode as well. After the
close() operation, the client informs the NameNode that the file has been closed. That indicates to the
NameNode to commit the file creation operation into persistent storage. This client-side caching
architecture (which is similar to techniques used by other distributed file systems) was chosen to
minimize network congestion and to optimize network throughput. To illustrate, based on the
discussed write example, the assumption made is that the HDFS file is configured with a replication
factor of 3. As the local file accumulated enough data for an entire block, the client retrieves a list from
the NameNode that outlines the DataNodes that will host a replica block. Based on the list, the client
starts transferring data to the first DataNode. The first DataNode receives the data in small chunks
(normally 4KB blocks), writes each portion of the data block to a local repository, and then transfers
that portion of the data to the second DataNode on the list. The second DataNode operates in the
same way, and hence transfers its data chunks to the 3d DataNode on the list. Ultimately, the 3d
DataNode receives the data and writes the data chunks into its local repository. In other words,
depending on the order, a DataNode may simultaneously be receiving data from a previous node
while sending data to the next DataNode in the pipeline (concurrent daisy-chain alike fashion).
Since the pluggable scheduler framework (similar to the Linux IO schedulers) was introduced,
several different scheduler algorithms have been designed, developed, and made available to the
Hadoop community. In the next few paragraphs, the FIFO, the Fair, as well as the Capacity
schedulers are briefly introduced.
The FIFO Scheduler -> FIFO reflects the original Hadoop scheduling algorithm that was
integrated into the JobTracker framework. With FIFO scheduling, a JobTracker basically just
pulls the oldest job from the work queue. The FIFO scheduling approach has no concept of
either job priority or job size, but is rather simple to implement and efficient to execute (very
low overhead).
The Fair Scheduler -> Originally, the Fair scheduler was developed by Facebook. The
fundamental design objective for the Fair scheduler revolves around the idea to assign
resources to jobs in a way that (on average) over time, each job receives an equal share of
the available resources. With the Fair scheduler, there is a certain degree of interactivity
among Hadoop jobs, permitting a Hadoop cluster to better response to the variety of job types
that are submitted over time. From an implementation perspective, a set of pools is setup,
and the jobs are placed into these pools and so are made available for selection by the
scheduler. Each pool operates on (assigned) shares to balance the resource usage among
the jobs in the pools. The heuristic used is that the more shares the greater the resource
usage potential to execute the jobs. By default, all pools are setup with equal shares, but
configuration based pool share adjustments can be made based on job types. The number of
concurrent active jobs can be constrained to minimize congestion and to allow the workload
to be processed in a timely manner. To ensure fairness, each user is assigned to a pool.
Regardless of the shares that are assigned to the pools, if the system is underutilized (based
on the current workload), the active jobs receive the unused shares (the shares are split
among the current jobs). For each job, the scheduler keeps track of the compute time.
Periodically, the scheduler examines the jobs to calculate the delta between the actual
compute time received and the compute time that the job should have received. The results
reflect the deficit matrix for the tasks. It is the scheduler's responsibility to schedule the task
with the greatest deficit.
The Capacity Scheduler -> Originally, the Capacity scheduler was developed by Yahoo. The
design focus for the Capacity scheduler was on large cluster environments that execute many
independent applications. Hence, the Capacity scheduler provides the ability to provide a
minimum capacity guarantee, as well as to share excess capacity among the users. The
Capacity scheduler operates on queues. Each queue can be configured with a certain
number of map and reduce slots. Further, each queue can be assigned a guaranteed
capacity while the overall capacity of the cluster equals to the sum of all the individual queue
capacity values. All the queues are actively monitored and in scenarios where a queue is not
consuming its allocated capacity potential, the excess capacity can be (temporarily) allocated
to other queues. Compared to the Fair scheduler, the Capacity scheduler controls all the
prioritizing tasks within a queue. In general, higher priority jobs are allowed access to the
cluster resources earlier than lower priority jobs. With the Capacity scheduler, queue
properties can be adjusted on-the-fly, and hence do not require any disruptions in the cluster
While not considered a scheduler per se, Hadoop also supports the scheme of provisioning
virtual cluster environments (within physical clusters). This concept is labeled Hadoop On Demand
(HOD). The HOD approach utilizes the Torque resource manager for node allocation to size the
virtual cluster. Within the virtual environment, the HOD system prepares the configuration files in an
automated manner, and initializes the system based on the nodes that comprise the virtual cluster.
Once initialized, the HOD virtual cluster can be used in a rather independent manner. A certain level
of elasticity is build into HOD, as the system adapts to changing workload conditions. To illustrate,
HOD automatically de-allocates nodes from the virtual cluster after detecting no active jobs over a
certain time period. This shrinking behavior allows for the most efficient usage of the overall physical
cluster assets. HOD is considered as a valuable option for deploying Hadoop clusters within a cloud
A Nearest Neighbor (NN) analysis represents a method to classify cases based on their
similarity to other cases. In machine learning, NN algorithms are utilized to recognize data patterns
without requiring an exact match to any of the stored cases. Similar cases are in close proximity while
dissimilar cases are more distant from each other. Hence, the distance between 2 cases is used as
the measure of (dis)similarity. Cases that are in close proximity are labeled neighbors. As a new case
is presented, its distance from each of the cases in the model is computed. The classifications of the
most similar cases (aka the nearest neighbors) are tallied, and the new case is placed into the
category that contains the greatest number of nearest neighbors (the number of nearest neighbors to
examine is normally labeled as k).
Hence, a k-nearest neighbor (kNN) analysis retrieves the k nearest points from a dataset. A
kNN query is considered as one of the fundamental query types for spatial databases. A spatial
database reflects a database solution that is optimized to store/query data that is related to objects in
space (including points, lines, and polygons). While most database solutions do understand the
concept of various numeric and character data types, additional functionality is required for
database systems to process spatial data types (typically called the geometry). An all k-nearest
neighbor (akNN) analysis depicts a variation of a kNN based study, as a akNN query determines the
k-nearest neighbors for each point in the dataset. A akNN based approach is extensively being used
for batch-based processing of large, distributed (point) datasets. To illustrate, location-based services
that identify for each user their nearby counterparts (or new friends) are good candidates for a akNN
based approach. Given that the user locations are maintained by the underlying database systems,
the resulting recommendation lists can be generated by issuing an akNN query against the database.
Further, akNN queries are often employed to preprocess data for subsequent data mining purposes.
For this study, the goal is to quantify the performance behavior of processing akNN queries in
a Hadoop environment. The methodology used to execute the queries in a MapReduce framework
closely follows the guidelines discussed in Yokoyama [1], Afrati [2], and Vernica [3]. As extensively
discussed in Yokoyama, it is feasible to decompose the given space into cells, and to execute a akNN
query via the MapReduce framework in a distributed, parallel manner. Compared to some of the other
work on kNN solutions in distributed environments, this study proposes a kd-tree [4] based approach
that utilizes a variable number of neighboring cells for the cell merging process discussed below.
To briefly illustrate the methodology, 2-dimensional points with x and y axes are considered.
The target space is decomposed into 2^n x 2^n small cells, where the constant n determines the
granularity of the decomposition. As the k-nearest neighbor points for a data point are normally
located in close proximity, the assumption made is that most of the kNN objects are located in the
nearby cells. Hence, the approach is based on classifying the data points into the corresponding cells
and to compute candidate kNN points for each point. This process can easily be parallelized, and
hence is suited for a MapReduce framework [1]. It has to be pointed out though that the approach
may not be able to determine the kNN points in a single processing cycle and therefore, additional
processing steps may be necessary (the crux of the issue is that data points in other nearby cells may
belong to the k-nearest neighbors). To illustrate this problem Figure 7 depicts a akNN processing
scenario for k = 2. Figure 7 outlines that the query can locate 2 NN points for A by just considering the
inside (boundary) of cell 0. In other words, the circle centered around A already covers the target 2
NN objects without having to go beyond the boundary of cell 0.
On the other hand, the circle for B overlaps with cells 1, 2, and 3, respectively. In such a
scenario, there is a possibility to locate the 2 NN objects in 4 different cells. Ergo, in some
circumstances, it may not be feasible to draw the circle for a point just based on the cell boundary.
For point C, there is only 1 point available in cell 1, and hence cell 1 violates the k = 2 requirement.
Therefore, it is a necessary design choice for this study to prohibit scenarios where cells contain less
than k points. This is accomplished by 1st identifying the number of points within each cell, and 2nd
by merging a cell with < k points with a neighboring cell to assure that the number of points in the
merged cell is >= k. At that point, the boundary circle can be drawn. The challenge with this approach
is though that an additional counting cycle prior to the NN computation is required. The benefit of the
approach is that during the counting phase, cells with no data points can be identified and hence, can
be eliminated from the actual processing cycle. The entire processing cycle encompasses 4 steps
that are discussed below. The input dataset reflects a set of records that are formatted in a [id, x, y]
fashion (the parameters n and k are initially specified by the user).
MapReduce S1 Step: Acquiring Distribution and Cell Merging Information. In this initial step,
the entire space is decomposed into 2^n x 2^n cells and the number of points per cell is determined.
The actual counting procedure is implemented as a MapReduce process. The Map function receives
the formatted input and computes the cell number for each data point based on its coordinates. The
format of the output record is a key-value pair [cell_id, data_point]. The Reduce function receives a
set of records (with the same cell ids) and sums the value parts of the records. The output reflects a
format [cell_id, sum].
MapReduce S2 Step: akNN Computation. In the 2nd step, the input records for each cell are
collected and candidate kNN points (for each point in the cell region) are computed. The Map function
receives the original data points and computes the corresponding cell id. The output records are
formatted as [cell_id, id, coordinates], where the id represents the point id, and the coordinates reflect
the actual coordinates of the point. The reduce function receives the records corresponding to a cell,
formatted as [id, coordinates]. The Reduce function calculates the distance for each 2-point combo
and computes the kNN points for each point in the cell. The output records are formatted as [id,
coordinates, cell_id, kNN_list], where the id is used as the key, and the kNN_list reflects the list of the
kNN points for point id (formatted as [ho1; d1i;.... ; hoi; dki], where hoi represents the i-th NN point
and dki the corresponding distance.
MapReduce3 S3 Step: Update k-NN Points. In the 3d step, the actual boundary circles are
determined. In this step, depending on the data set, additional k-NN point processing scenarios may
apply. The Map function basically receives the result of the MapReduce S2 step and for each point,
the boundary circle is computed. Two different scenarios are possible here:
1. The boundary circle does not overlap with other cells: In this scenario, no further processing
is required, and the output (key value pairs) is formatted as [cell_id, id, coordinates, kNN_list,
true]. The cell_id reflects the key while the Boolean true denotes the fact that the processing
cycle is completed. In other words, in the corresponding Reduce function, no further
processing is necessary and only the record format is converted.
2. The boundary circle overlaps with other cells: In this scenario, there is a possibility that
neighboring cells may contain kNN points, and hence an additional (check) process is
required. To accomplish that, the [key, value] pairs are formatted as [cell_idx, id, coordinates,
kNN_list, false]. The key cell_idx reflects the cell id of one of the overlapped cells while the
Boolean false indicates a non-completed process. In scenarios where n cells overlap, n
corresponding [key, value] pairs are used.
The Shuffle operation submits records with the same cell ids to the corresponding node, and
the records are used as input into the Reduce function. As different types of records may exist as
input, it is necessary to first classify the records and second to update the kNN points in scenarios
where additional checks are required. The output records are formatted as [id, coordinates, cell_id,
kNN_list], where the id field represents the key.
MapReduce S4 Step: This final processing step may be necessary as multiple update
scenarios of kNN points per point are possible. In this step, if necessary, these kNN lists are fused,
and a final kNN (result) list is generated. The Map function receives the results of the S3 step and
outputs the kNN list. The output format of the records is [id, kNN_list], where the id represents the
key. The Reduce function receives the records with the same keys and generates the integrated list
formatted as [id, kNN_list]. If multiple cells per point scenarios are possible, the Shuffle process
clusters the n outputs and submits the data to the Reduce function. Ultimately, the kNN points per
reference point are determined, and the processing cycle completes.
For this study, several large-dataset benchmark studies were conducted, focusing on Hadoop
MapReduce performance for solving akNN related data projects. The Hadoop (1.0.2) cluster used for
the study consisted of 12 Ubuntu 12.04 server nodes that were all equipped with Intel Xeon 3060
processors (12GB RAM, 4M Cache, 2.40GHz, Dual Core). Each node was configured with 4 1TB hard
disks in a JBOD (Just a Bunch Of Disks) setup. The interconnect consisted of a 10Gbit (switched)
network. The benchmark data set consisted of 4,000,000, 8,000,000, 16,000,000, and 32,000,000
reference points, respectively. For this study, the Hadoop replica factor was set to 1, while the HDFS
block size was left at the default value of 64MB. The Hadoop cluster utilized the FIFO scheduler. The
(above discussed) granularity n was set to 8. In this report, the results for the 8,000,000 reference
point dataset runs are elaborated on. For the 1st set of benchmarks, the number of Reduce tasks
was scaled from 1 to 16, while k was set to 4, and the number of Map tasks was held constant at 8
(see Figure 8).
N Reduce
Time (Seconds)
1 2 4 8 16
N Reduce Tasks
Note: The results depicted in Figure 2 reflect average execution time over 25 test runs per benchmark set. For all the
benchmark sets, the CV determined over all the individual test runs was less than 3%.
As Figure 8 outlines, the average total execution time decreases as the number of Reduce
tasks is increased (total execution time equals to the sum of the steps S1, S2, and if necessary, S3,
and S4). With 16 Reduce tasks, the 8,000,000 data points are processed in approximately 262
seconds on the Hadoop cluster described above. The largest performance increase (delta of
approximately 505 seconds) was measured while increasing the number of Reduce tasks from 2 to 4.
The study showed that with the data set at hand, only approximately 29.3% of the data points require
executing the MapReduce S3 step discussed above. In other words, due to the rather high data point
density in the target space (8,000,000 reference points), over 70% of the data points only require
executing steps S1 and S2, respectively. Further, the study revealed that while increasing the number
of worker threads, the execution time for step S1 is increased. This is due to the fact that the input
size per Reducer task diminishes, and as the data processing cost is rather low, increasing the
number of Reducer tasks actually adds overhead into the aggregate processing cycle.
For the 2nd set of benchmark runs, the number of Map and Reduce tasks was set to 8 and
24, respectively, while the number of k Nearest Neighbors was scaled from 4 to 32. As Figure 9
depicts, the average total execution time increases as k is scaled up. The study disclosed that while
scaling k, the processing cost for the MapReduce steps S3 and S4 increases significantly. The cost
increase is mainly due to the increase of (larger size) intermediate records that have to be processed,
as well as due to the increased number of data points that require steps S3 and S4 to be processed.
To illustrate, increasing k from 16 to 32 resulted in an average record size increase of approximately
416 bytes, while at the same time an additional 10.2% of the data points required executing steps S3
and S4. From an average total execution time perspective, the delta between the k=16 and k=32 was
approximately 534 seconds, while the delta for the k=8 and k=16 runs was only approximately 169
seconds. To summarize, while processing the akNN MapReduce framework in parallel, it is possible
to reduce the total execution time rather considerably (see Figure 8).
1500 kNN
Time (Seconds)
4 8 16 32
k Nearest Neighbors
Note: The results depicted in Figure 3 reflect average execution time over 25 test runs per benchmark set. For all the
benchmark sets, the CV determined over all the individual test runs was less than 3%.
The additional studies executed on the Hadoop cluster showed that a rather large data set
(high space density) is required for the discussed akNN methodology to operate efficiently and
effectively. Scaling k in the benchmark sets disclosed a rather substantial processing cost increase
that is mainly due to executing additional, larger MapReduce records in the S3 and S4 processing
cycles. In a nutshell though, Hadoops MapReduce and HDFS infrastructure provides straightforward
and robust techniques that operate on commodity (inexpensive) HW, and does provide high data
availability features to the user community. For (very) large, unstructured datasets, Hadoop provides
the IT performance infrastructure necessary to deliver results in a timely fashion.
1. Takuya Yokoyama, Yoshiharu Ishikawa, Yu Suzuki, "Processing All k-Nearest Neighbor Queries in
Hadoop" Nagoya University, Japan, 2011
2. F. N. Afrati, J. D. Ullman, "Optimizing joins in a map-reduce environment", EDBT, 2010.
3. R. Vernica, M. J. Carey, C. Li, "Efficient parallel set-similarity joins using MapReduce", SIGMOD, 2010
4. Bruce F. Naylor, "A Tutorial on Binary Space Partitioning Trees", Spatial Labs, 2010
5. White Tom, "Hadoop: The Definitive Guide", 3rd Edition, Storage and Analysis at Internet Scale, O'Reilly
Media, May 2012
6. Heger, D., "Quantifying IT Stability - 2nd Edition, Fundcraft Publication, 2010
7. K. Shvachko, H. Kuang, S. Radia, R. Chansler, "The Hadoop distributed file system", In Proc. of the
26th IEEE Symposium on Massive Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST), 2010.
8. Hadoop: http://hadoop.apache.org/
9. HDFS: http://hadoop.apache.org/hdfs/
10. Hbase: http://hbase.apache.org/
Appendix A: The MapReduce MRv2 (YARN) Framework & HDFS NameNode Considerations
As of MapReduce 2.0 (MRv2), the MapReduce framework has been completely redesigned
(see Figure A1). The essential idea of MRv2's YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) architecture
is to decompose the 2 principal responsibilities of the old JobTracker into a (1) resource management
and (2) a job scheduling/monitoring entity. The new design is based on a global ResourceManager
(RM) and a per-application ApplicationMaster (AM) daemon. Starting with MRv2, the RM and the per-
node NodeManager (NM) reflect the new data-computation framework. The RM replaces the
functionalities that used to be provided by the JobTracker and represents the ultimate resource
arbitration authority (among all the applications). The AM (a framework specific library) negotiates any
resource specific tasks with the RM and operates in conjunction with the NM to execute and monitor
the tasks.
The RM consists of 2 components, the scheduler and the ApplicationsManager (AppMg). The
scheduler (such as Capacity or Fair) is responsible for allocating resources to the various running
applications. The scheduler only performs scheduling tasks and is not involved in monitoring or
tracking the application status. The scheduler performs the scheduling functions based on the
resource requirements of the applications (via the abstract notion of a resource Container that
incorporates resource usage elements such as CPU, memory, disk, or network. The AppMg is
responsible for accepting job submissions, negotiating the first container for execution of the
application specific AM and provides the services for restarting the AM container in failure situations.
The NM represents the per system framework agent responsible for the containers, monitoring their
resource usage (cpu, memory, disk, network) and reporting to the RM (scheduler). The per
application AM is in charge of negotiating the appropriate resource containers (in conjunction with the
scheduler), tracking their status and monitoring the progress.
MRV2 maintains API compatibility with previous stable releases (hadoop-0.20.205). This
implies that all Map-Reduce jobs should still run unchanged on top of MRv2 with just a recompile.
One significant issue with the original HDFS design is that the NameNode basically reflects a
single point of failure. If the NameNode service or the server hosting the NameNode service is
unavailable, HDFS is down for the entire cluster. The Secondary NameNode discussed in this paper
(that periodically snapshots the NameNode) cannot be considered an actual HA solution.
To address the issue, several options are available today. MapR, one of the major Hadoop
distributors, designed/developed a distributed NameNode architecture where the HDFS metadata is
scattered across the cluster (in what is labeled as containers). The concept of the NameNode is
basically eliminated in the design via a distributed metadata architecture. An actual Container
Location Database (CLDB) is used in the MapR design to facilitate the NameNode functionalities.
Starting with Hadoop 2.0.2, HDFS incorporates a HDFS High Availability (HA) feature that
provides the option of configuring 2 redundant NameNodes in the same cluster in an active/passive
setup. The 2 nodes are referred to as the Active NameNode and the Standby NameNode. Unlike the
Secondary NameNode already discussed in this paper, the Standby NameNode is a hot standby,
allowing for fast failover scenarios to a new NameNode in the case that the node becomes
unavailable or a graceful administrator-initiated failover for maintenance purposes is required. In a
nutshell, the Active NameNode logs all changes to a directory that is accessible by the Standby
NameNode and is used to keep the passive node up-to-date.