Conducting A Standard Setting Study For The California Bar Exam

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Conducting a Standard Setting Study for the

California Bar Exam

Final Report

July 28, 2017

Submitted By:
Chad W. Buckendahl, Ph.D.
Office: 702-586-7386
[email protected]

11035 Lavender Hill Drive, Suite 160-433 Las Vegas, NV 89135 | w w w . a c s v e n t u r e s . c o m

Executive Summary................................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction and Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Assessment Design.............................................................................................................................................. 6
Study Purpose and Validity Framework .............................................................................................................. 6
Procedures .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Panelists and Observers ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Method ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
Workshop Activities ..........................................................................................................................................10
Orientation ....................................................................................................................................................11
Training/Practice with the Method...............................................................................................................12
Operational Standard Setting Judgments .....................................................................................................12
Analysis and Results ..............................................................................................................................................13
Panelists Recommendations ............................................................................................................................15
Process Evaluation Results................................................................................................................................17
Evaluating the Cut Score Recommendations ........................................................................................................18
Procedural .........................................................................................................................................................18
Internal ..............................................................................................................................................................18
External .............................................................................................................................................................18
Determining a Final Passing Score ........................................................................................................................20
References ............................................................................................................................................................21
Appendix A Panelist Information .......................................................................................................................22
Appendix B Standard Setting Materials .............................................................................................................23
Appendix C Standard Setting Data .....................................................................................................................24
Appendix D Evaluation Comments.....................................................................................................................25

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Executive Summary
The California State Bar conducted a standard setting workshop 1 May 15-17, 2017 to evaluate the passing
score for the California Bar Exam. The results from this workshop serve as an important source of evidence for
informing the final policy decision on what, if any, changes to make in the current required passing score. The
workshop involved gathering judgments from panelists through the application of a standardized process for
recommending passing scores and then calculating a recommendation for a passing score.

The standard setting workshop applied a modification of the Analytic Judgment Method (AJM; Plake &
Hambleton, 2001). This method entails asking panelists to classify illustrative responses into defined
categories (e.g., not competent, competent, highly competent). The selection of the AJM for the California Bar
Examination reflected consideration of the characteristics of the exam as well as requirements of the standard
setting method itself. The AJM was designed for examinations that use constructed response questions (i.e.
narrative written answers) that are designed to measure multiple traits. The responses produced by applicants
on the essay questions and performance task are examples of constructed response questions for which the
AJM is applicable. 2

The methodology involved identifying exemplars of applicant performance that span the observed score scale
for the examination. The exemplar performances were good representations of the respective score point
such that the underlying score was not in question. The rating task for the panelists was to first broadly
classify each exemplar into two or more categories (e.g., not competent, competent, highly competent). Once
this broad classification was completed, panelists then refined those judgments by identifying the papers close
to the target threshold (i.e., minimally competent). This meant that the panelists identified the best of the not
competent exemplars and the worst of the competent exemplars that they had initially classified. The process
was repeated for each essay question and performance task with the results summed across questions to
form an individual panelists recommendation.

To calculate the recommended cut score for a given question for a panelist, the underlying scores for the
exemplars identified by a respective panelist were averaged (i.e., mean, median) across the group. These
calculations were summed across the questions with each essay question being equally weighted and the
performance task counting for twice as much as an individual essay question to model the operational scoring
that will occur beginning with the July 2017 administration.

Following these judgments, we calculated the recommended score and associated passing rate when
considering the written part of the examination. However, we needed to know what score on the total exam
corresponded to this same pass rate. To answer this question, another step was needed to transform these

Standard setting is the phase of examination development and validation that involves the systematic application of
policy to the scores and decisions on an examination. Conducting these studies to establish passing scores is expected by
the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA, & NCME, 2014).
Alternative methods that rely on panelists judgments of candidate work include Paper Selection and Body of Work (see
Hambleton & Pitoniak, 2006, for additional details on these and a discussion of the categories of standard setting

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judgments to the score scale on the full-length examination. After creating distributions of individual
recommendations for the written part of the examination, to estimate the score for the full-length
examination we applied an equipercentile linking approach to find the score that yielded the same percent
passing as was determined on just the written component of the examination that panelists evaluated.
Equipercentile involves finding the equivalent percentile rank within one distribution of scores and
transforming to another score distribution to retain the same impact from one examination to another or in
this instance, from a part of the examination on which panelists made judgments to the full examination.

The standard setting meeting results and evaluation feedback generally supported the validity of the
panels recommended passing score for use with the California Bar Examination. Results from the study
were analyzed to create a range of recommended passing scores. However, additional policy factors may be
considered when establishing the passing score. One of these factors may include the recommended passing
score and impact relative to the historical passing score and impact. The panels median recommended
passing score of 1439 converged with the programs existing passing score while the mean recommended
passing score of 1451 was higher.

Additional factors that could be considered in determining the appropriate cut score for California might
include the passing rates from other states that have similarly large numbers of bar applicants sitting for the
examination. However, the interpretation of these results and the comparability are mitigated by the different
eligibility policies among these jurisdictions and Californias more inclusive policies as to who may sit for the
exam 3along with the downward trend in bar examination performance across the country, particularly over
the last few years. In some instances, the gap passing the bar exam between Californias applicants and other
states has closed and in others, the gap observed in 2007 has remained essentially constant as the trend
declined on a similar slope.

An additional factor warrants consideration as part of the policy deliberation. Specifically, the consideration of
policy tolerance for different types of classification errors is relevant. Because we know that there is
measurement error with any test score, when applying a passing score to make an important decision about
an individual, it is important to consider the risk of each type of error. A Type I error represents an individual
who passes an examination, but whose true abilities are below the cut score. These types of classification
errors are considered false positives. Conversely, a Type II error represents an individual who does not pass an
examination, but whose true abilities are above the passing score. These types of classification errors are
known as false negatives. Both types of errors are theoretical in nature because we cannot know which test
takers in the distribution around the passing score may be false positives or false negatives.

A policy body can articulate its rationale for supporting adoption of the groups recommendation or adjusting
the recommendation in such a way that minimizes one type of misclassification. The policy rationale for
licensure examination programs is based primarily on deliberation of the risk of each type of error. For

California has a uniquely inclusive policy as to who may be eligible to take the Bar Exam. Not only those who have
graduated from schools nationally accredited by the American Bar Association, but applicants from California accredited
and unaccredited law schools are also allowed to take the exam, as well as those who have read law. This sets California
apart from virtually all other jurisdictions.

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example, many licensure and certification examinations in healthcare fields have a greater policy tolerance for
Type II errors than Type I errors with the rationale that the public is at greater risk for adverse consequences
from an unqualified candidate who passes (i.e., Type I error) than a qualified one who fails (i.e., Type II error).

In applying the rationale, if the policy decision is that there is a greater tolerance for Type I errors, then the
decision would be to accept the recommendation of the panel (i.e., 144) or adopt a value that is one to two
standard errors below the recommendation (i.e., 139 to 141). Conversely, if the policy decision is that there is
a greater tolerance for Type II errors, then the decision would be to accept the recommendation of the panel
(i.e., 144) or adopt a value that is one to two standard errors above the recommendation (i.e., 148 to 150).
Because standard setting is an integration of policy and psychometrics, the final determination will be policy
driven, but supported by the data collected in this workshop and this study more broadly.

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Introduction and Overview
The purpose of licensure examinations like the California Bar Exam 4 is to distinguish competent candidates
from those that could do harm to the public. This examination purpose is distinguished from other types of
exams in that licensure exams are not designed to evaluate training programs, evaluate mastery of content,
predict success in professional practice, or ensure employability. Although other stakeholders may attempt to
use scores from the examination for one or more of these purposes, it is important to clearly state what
inferences the test scores are designed to support or not. Therefore, the standard setting process was
designed in a way to focus expert judgments about the level of performance that aligns with minimal

A s s e s s me n t D e s i g n
The California Bar Exam is built on multiple components intended to measure the breadth and depth of
content needed by entry level attorneys who are minimally competent. These components are the Multistate
Bar Exam (MBE), five essay questions, and a performance task 5. Beginning with the July 2017 examination, the
combined score for the examination weights the MBE at 50% and the constructed response components at
50% with the performance task being weighted as twice as much as an essay question. 6 A decision about
passing or failing is based on the compensatory performance of applicants on the examination and not any
single component. This means that an applicants total score on the examination is evaluated relative to the
passing score to determine pass/fail status. The applicant does not need to separately pass the MBE and the
constructed response questions.

S t u d y P ur po s e a n d V a l i di t y F r a me w o r k
The purpose of this study was to recommend a passing score that distinguished the performance
characteristics of someone who was minimally competent from someone who was not competent. To
establish a recommended passing score, Dr. Chad Buckendahl of ACS Ventures, LLC (ACS) facilitated a standard
setting meeting for The State Bar of California on May 15-17, 2017 in San Francisco, CA. The purpose of the
meeting was to enlist subject matter experts (SMEs) to serve as panelists and recommend cut scores that
designate the targeted level of minimally competent performance.

Note that the California Department of Consumer Affairs is responsible for managing the licensure process for many
professions and consults with many others. As such, a representative from the Department was asked to serve as an
external reviewer for this study.
The performance task is designed to measure skills associated with the entry level practice of law (e.g., legal analysis,
reasoning, written communication) separate from the domain specific application of these skills to specific subject areas
as are measured in the essay questions.
Prior to the July 2017 exam, MBE accounted for 35% of the exam, with the constructed response components weighted
65% of the total. Previously, constructed responses consisted of six essay and two performance task questions. While the
papers used in the workshop were originally administered according to the old format, in anticipation of the new cut
score potentially applied to exams from July 2017 based on the new format, the five essay and one performance test
questions were used in the workshop to conform with the new exam structure.

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To evaluate the cut score recommendations that were generated from this study, Kanes (2001) framework for
evaluating standard setting activities was used. Within this framework, Kane suggests three sources of
evidence should be considered in the validation process: procedural, internal, and external. When evaluating
procedural evidence, practitioners generally look to panelist selection and qualification, the choice of
methodology, the application of the methodology, and the panelists perspectives about the implementation
of the methodology as some of the primary sources. The internal evidence for standard setting is often
evaluated by examining the consistency of panelists ratings and the convergence of the recommendations.
Sources of external evidence of validity for similar studies include impact data to inform the reasonableness of
the recommended cut scores.

This report describes the sources of validity evidence that were collected and reports the studys passing score
recommendations. The California Bar is receiving these recommended passing score within ranges of standard
error to contribute to discussions about developing a policy recommendation that will then be provided to the
California Supreme Court for final decision-making. These results would serve as a starting point for a final
passing score to be established for use with the California Bar Exam.

The standard setting study used a modified version of the Analytic Judgment Method (AJM; Plake &
Hambleton, 2001). The AJM approach is characterized as a test based method (Hambleton & Pitoniak, 2006)
that focuses on the relationship between item difficulty and examinee performance on the test. It is
appropriate for tests that use constructed response items like the essay questions and performance task that
are part of the written part of the California Bar Exam (see Buckendahl & Davis-Becker, 2012). The primary
modification for the study was to reduce the number of applicants performances that panelists reviewed
from 50 to 30 given the score scale for each essay question and the performance task.

P a n e l i s t s a n d O bs e r v e r s
A total of 20 panelists participated in the workshop 7. The panelists were licensed attorneys with an average of
14 years of experience in the field. Panelists were recruited to represent a range of stakeholder groups. These
groups were defined as Recently Licensed Professionals (panelists with less than five years of experience),
Experienced Professionals (panelists with ten or more years of experience), and Faculty/Educator (panelists
who are employed at a college or university). Note that some panelists were associated with multiple roles.
Some of the experienced attorneys also served as adjunct faculty members at law schools. In listing their
employment type in the table below, we have documented the primary role indicated by panelists. A
summary of the panelists qualifications is shown in Table 1.

In addition to the panelists, there were also observers who attended the in-person standard setting workshop.
These included an external evaluator with expertise in standard setting, a representative from the California
Department of Consumer Affairs, representatives from California Law Schools, a representative from the
Committee on Bar Examinations, and staff from the California Bar Examination. Observers were instructed

Nominations to participate on the standard setting panel were submitted to the Supreme Court who selected
participants to represent diverse backgrounds with respect to experience, practice areas, size of firms, geographic
location, gender, and race/ethnicity.

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during the orientation of the meeting that they were not to intervene or discuss the standard setting activities
with the panelists. All panelists and observers signed confidentiality and nondisclosure agreements that
permitted them to discuss the standard setting activities and processes outside the workshop, but that they
would not be able to discuss the specific definition of the minimally competent candidate or any of the
preliminary results that they may have heard or observed during the study. External evaluators and observers
were included in the process to promote the transparency of the standard setting and to critically evaluate the
fidelity of the process by which a passing score would be recommended.

Table 1. Summary of panelist demographic characteristics.

Race/Ethnicity Freq. Percent Gender Freq. Percent

Asian 3 15.0 Female 9 45.0
Asian/White 1 5.0 Male 11 55.0
Black 4 20.0 Total 20 100.0
Hispanic 2 10.0
White 10 50.0 Years of Practice Freq. Percent
Total 20 100.0 5 Years or Less 10 50.0
>=10 10 50.0
Nominating Entity Freq. Percent Total 20 100.0
ABA Law Schools 3 15.0
Assembly Judiciary
Comm. 1 5.0 Primary Employment Type Freq. Percent
Board of Trustees 2 10.0 Academic 2 10.0
BOT - CBE* 1 5.0 Court 1 5.0
BOT - COAF* 8 40.0 District Attorney 1 5.0
BOT - CYLA* 2 10.0 Large Firm 4 20.0
CALS Law Schools 1 5.0 Non Profit 3 15.0
Governor 1 5.0 Other Govt. 3 15.0
Senior Grader 1 5.0 Public Defender 1 5.0
Total 20 100.0 Small Firm 3 15.0
* Committee of Bar Examiners; Council on Access and Solo Practice 2 10.0
Fairness; California Young Lawyers Association.
Total 20 100.0
Practice Areas Freq. %
Business 12 17%
Personal Injury 6 9%
Appellate 5 7%
Criminal 5 7%
Labor Relations 4 6%

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Juvenile Delinquency 3 4%
Probate 3 4%
Real Estate 3 4%
Antitrust 2 3%
Disability Rights 2 3%
Employment 2 3%
Environmental Law 2 3%
Family 2 3%
Insurance Coverage 2 3%
Intellectual Property 2 3%
Administrative Law 1 1%
Civil Rights 1 1%
Contract Indemnity Litigation 1 1%
Education 1 1%
Elder Abuse 1 1%
General Commercial Litigation 1 1%
Government Transparency 1 1%
Immigration 1 1%
Legal Malpractice 1 1%
Mass Tort 1 1%
Nonprofit Law 1 1%
Policy Advocacy 1 1%
Product Liability 1 1%
Public Interest 1 1%
Total 69 100%

M e t ho d
Numerous standard setting methods are used to recommend passing scores on credentialing 8 exams
(Hambleton & Pitoniak, 2006). The selection of the Analytical Judgment Method (AJM; Plake & Hambleton,
2001) for the California Bar Exam reflected consideration of the characteristics of the exam as well as
requirements of the standard setting method itself. The AJM was designed for examinations that use
constructed response questions that are designed to measure multiple traits. The responses produced by the
applicants on the essay questions and performance task of the California Bar Exam are examples of
constructed response questions where the AJM is applicable.

The methodology first involves identifying exemplars of applicant performance that span the observed score
scale for the examination. The exemplar performances should be good representations of the respective score
point such that the underlying score should not be in question. Plake and Hambleton (2001) suggested using

Credentialing is an inclusive term that is used to refer to licensure, certification, registration, and certificate programs.

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50 exemplars to ensure that there was sufficient representation of the score scale. Once these exemplars have
been identified, they should be randomly ordered and coded to de-identify the score for the standard setting
panelists. The goal is to have the panelists focus on the interpretation of the performance level descriptor of
minimum competency and not the score of the paper.

The rating task for the panelists is to then broadly classify each exemplar into two or more categories (e.g., not
competent, competent, highly competent). Once this broad classification is completed, panelists are asked to
then refine those judgments by identifying the papers close to one or more thresholds. For example, if the
target threshold is minimum competency, then panelists would identify the best of the not competent
exemplars and the worst of the competent exemplars. To calculate the recommended cut score for a given
question, the underlying scores for these exemplars are averaged (i.e., mean, median) to determine a value
for this question. The process is then repeated for each essay question and performance task with the results
summed across questions to form an individual panelists recommendation.

In the operationalization of this method for this study, two modifications of the methodology were used. First,
rather than having 50 exemplars for each question, panelists evaluated 30 exemplars for each question. This
modification was applied primarily due to the width of the effective scale. Meaning, although the theoretical
score scale for each essay question spans from 0-100, the effective score scale only ranges from
approximately 45-90 and is limited to increments of 5 points. This reduces the number of potential scale score
points and thereby reduces the number exemplars necessary for each score point to illustrate the range. The
second modification of the process involved sharing with the panelists a generic scoring guide/rubric as
opposed to specific ones for each question. This was done to avoid potentially biasing the panelists in their
judgments and to focus on the common structure of how the constructed response questions were scored.

In the rating task, panelists were asked to review examples of performance and categorize each example as
either characteristic of not competent, competent, or highly competent performance. Even though the only
target threshold level was minimally competent, the use of highly competent as a loosely defined category was
meant to filter out exemplars that would not be considered in the refined judgments. Following the broad
classification, these initial classifications were then refined to identify the papers that best represented the
transition point from not competent to competent (i.e., minimally competent). Once these papers were
identified by the panelists (i.e., the two best not competent exemplars and the two worst competent
exemplars), the actual scores that these exemplars received during the actual, original grading process were
used to calculate the average values of the panelists recommendations for each question and then summed
across questions.

W o r k s ho p A ct i v i t i e s
The California Bar Exam standard setting meeting was conducted May 15-17, 2017 in San Francisco, CA. Prior
to the meeting, participants were informed that they would be engaging in tasks that would result in a
recommendation for a passing score for the examination. The standard setting procedures consisted of
orientation and training, operational standard setting activities for each essay/performance task, and
successive evaluations to gather panelists opinions of the process. Chad Buckendahl, Ph.D., served as the
facilitator for the meeting. Workshop orientation materials are provided in Appendix B.

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The meeting commenced on May 15th with Dr. Buckendahl providing a general orientation for all panelists that
included the goals of the meeting, an overview of the Analytical Judgment Method and its application, and
specific instructions for panel activities. Additionally, the opening orientation described how cut scores would
ultimately be determined through recommendations to the California State Bar. In addition, a generic scoring
guide/rubric was shared with the panelists to provide a framework for how essay questions and the
performance task would be scored. The different areas of the scoring criteria were a) Issue spotting, b)
Identifying elements of applicable law, c) Analysis and application of law to fact pattern, d) Formulating
conclusions based on analysis, and e) Justification for conclusions. Each essay question and performance task
had a unique scoring guide/rubric for the respective question, but followed this generic structure.

Part of the orientation was a discussion around the expectations for someone who is a minimally competent
lawyer and therefore should be capable of passing the exam. The process for defining minimum competency is
policy driven and started with a draft definition produced by the California Bar. Feedback was solicited from
law school deans, the Supreme Court of California, and the workshop facilitator for substance and style.

Based on the input from multiple stakeholder groups and relying on best practice as suggested by Egan et al.
(2012), the California Bar provided the following description of minimally competent candidate (MCC).

A minimally competent applicant will be able to demonstrate the following at a level that shows
meaningful knowledge, skill and legal reasoning ability, but will likely provide incomplete responses
that contain some errors of both fact and judgment:

(1) Rudimentary knowledge of a range of legal rules and principles in a number of fields in which many
practitioners come into contact. May need assistance to identify all elements or dimensions of these

(2) Ability to distinguish relevant from irrelevant information when assessing a particular situation in
light of a given legal rule, and identify what additional information would be helpful in making the

(3) Ability to explain the application of a legal rule or rules to a particular set of facts. An applicant
may be minimally competent even if s/he may over or under-explain these applications, or miss some
dimensions of the relationship between fact and law.

(4) Formulate and communicate basic legal conclusions and recommendations in light of the law and
available facts.

Additionally, the facilitator guided the panel through a process where panelists further discussed the MCC by
answering the following questions:

What knowledge, skills, and abilities are representative of the work of the MCC?

What knowledge, skills, and abilities would be easier for the MCC?

What knowledge, skills, and abilities would be more difficult for the MCC?

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The results of this discussion and the illustrative characteristics of MCC performance for each of the subject
areas that were included in this study are included as an embedded document in Appendix C.

Training/Practice with the Method

Panelists also engaged in specific training regarding the AJM. This involved a discussion about the initial task of
broadly classifying exemplars into one of three categories not competent, competent, or highly competent
and using the performance level descriptor (PLD) of the MCC to guide those judgments. In addition, prior to
the operational ratings, panelists were given an opportunity to practice with the methodology. The practice
activity replicated the operational judgments with two exceptions: a) panelists were only given 10 exemplars
distributed across the score scale
Written Exam Score Distributions - Actual and Sample Selected for Workshop to review and b) panelists only
Actual Selected
identified one exemplar that
Score Freq. % Freq. %
represented the best not
40 29 0.1 0 0.0
45 436 0.8 19 10.0 competent and the worst
50 6,669 12.6 25 13.2 competent. Panelists then
55 14,354 27.1 25 13.2 discussed their selections and the
60 14,678 27.7 26 13.7 reasoning for why their
65 9,383 17.7 26 13.7
judgments reflected the upper
70 4,365 8.2 25 13.2
75 2,206 4.2 25 13.2 and lower bound of the expected
80 689 1.3 16 8.4 performance of the MCC.
85 178 0.3 3 1.6
90 33 0.1 0 0.0 Operational Standard Setting
95 3 0.0 0 0.0 Judgments
Total 53,023 100.0 190 100.0 After completing the training
activities panelists began their
ratings by independently

classifying the 30 exemplars that

were selected for the first
question. The 30 exemplars for

each question were selected to

% of Total

approximate a uniform
distribution (i.e., about the same
number of exemplars across the

range of observed scores). Figure

1 below shows the distribution of
scores for the written section of

40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 the examination along with the

Actual Selected
distribution of exemplars that
were selected for this study.

Figure 1. Distribution of observed scores and selected exemplars for the written section of the California Bar
Examination from July 2016.

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For the study, these exemplars were then randomly ordered and only identified with a code that represented
the score that the exemplar received during the grading process in 2016. Panelists were not told the scores on
the exemplars to maintain their focus on the content rather than an intuitive perception of a given score. After
panelists made their initial, broad classification, they identified the two best not competent exemplars and
the two worst competent exemplars from their initial classifications. The selection of these specific exemplars
is used to estimate the types of performance that would be demonstrated by a MCC. Panelists used a
predeveloped rating form to indicate the codes on the exemplars that aligned with these instructions.

To convert the panelists ratings into numerical values to then calculate the recommendations, the first step
was to use a look up table to determine the underlying score associated with a given exemplar code. This was
done for each question and each panelist. The conversion of the exemplar codes into the scores that each
exemplar received permitted the summation of the values, calculation of averages (i.e., mean, median) across

After completing their ratings on the first question, the facilitator led a discussion of the rationale for why they
selected the exemplars that they did. This process of discussion occurred as a full group and was intended to
reinforce the methodology and the need to use the definition of minimum competency to inform the
judgments about exemplar classification. Following this discussion, the judgment process was replicated for
each of the subsequent essay questions and the performance task with an exception that a group discussion
did not occur after each question. For logistics purposes, the remaining four essay questions were evaluated
by half the group as a split panel. Following their ratings on the essay questions, the full panel then replicated
the judgment process for the performance task. After completing key phases in the process (e.g.,
orientation/training, operational rating) panelists completed a written evaluation form of the process.

Analysis and Results

Following the design of the process, each panelist reviewed 3 essay questions (1 as a full group and then 2 as
part of their subgroup) and the performance task. For each, panelists were asked to select four borderline
papers that represented the best non-competent responses (2) and the best competent responses (2). After
the study, the scores for each of the selected borderline papers were identified and used to determine the
level of performance expected for candidates at this level.

To calculate the recommended passing score on the examination from the panelists judgments, the individual
recommendations for each panelist were summed across the questions with each essay question being
equally weighted and the performance task counting for twice as much as an individual essay question to
model the operational scoring that will occur beginning with the July 2017 administration. Because some
essay questions were evaluated by half the group per the design, mean and median replacement were used to
estimate the individual recommendations. Mean and median replacement are missing data techniques that
are used to approximate the missing values when panelists do not make direct judgments.

The strategy first calculates the mean or median for the available data and then replaces the missing values
with the calculated values. This approach retained the recommended values across questions for the panelists
while permitting calculations of the standard error of the mean and standard error of the median. The
standard error is an estimate of the variability of the panelists recommendations adjusted for the sample size

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of the group. These values provide additional information for interpreting the results of the panelists

Following these judgments, we calculated the recommended score and associated passing rate when
considering the written part of the examination. However, we needed to know what score on the total exam
corresponded to this same pass rate. To answer this question, another step was needed to transform these
judgments to the score scale on the full-length examination. After creating distributions of individual
recommendations for the written part of the examination, to estimate the score for the full-length
examination we applied an equipercentile linking approach to find the score that yielded the same percent
passing as was determined on just the written component of the examination that panelists evaluated.

This methodology is characterized as equipercentile because the goal is to find the equivalent percentile rank
within one distribution of scores and transform it over to another score distribution to retain the same impact
from one examination to another or in this instance, from a part of the examination on which panelists made
judgments to the full examination. This linking occurred applying the weight that 50% of the total score would
be contributed by each component written and MBE.

There are two important assumptions when applying equipercentile linking. First, we assume that the same or
a randomly equivalent group of candidates are used to create the two score distributions. Second, we assume
that the examinations are sufficiently correlated to support the interpretation. In this application, the same
candidate scores were used from the written part to the full-length examination. In addition, the correlation
between the written scores and the total score (of which the written scores are a part) was 0.97 suggesting a
strong relationship between the distributions to support applying an equipercentile linking approach.

The summary results are presented in Table 2. The panels recommended mean and median with the
associated standard errors are included along with the impact and combined score associated with the
recommendation, along with a +/- 2 standard error of mean or median. Individual ratings for each essay
question, the performance task, and the summary calculations are included in Appendix C and have been de-
identified to preserve anonymity of individual panelists. The summary results of these analyses are shown
here in Table 2.

Table 2. Summary results with range of recommendations on written and combined score scales with
impact (i.e., pass rate).
Written Score - Combined Score Written Score Combined Score
Mean Mean (pass rate) Median Median (pass rate)
-2 SEMean/Median 419 1414 (53%) 414 1388 (60%)
-1 SEMean/Median 424 1436 (47%) 419 1414 (53%)
Recommended score
428 (4.47) 1451 (43%) 425 (5.60) 1439 (45%)
+1 SEMean/Median 432 1480 (36%) 431 1477 (37%)
+2 SEMean/Median 437 1504 (31%) 436 1504 (31%)

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P a n el i s t s R e co mm e n da t i o ns
Interpreting the results of the panelists recommendations involves a combination of sources of evidence and
related factors. The results shown in this section represent one of those sources, specifically, the ratings
provided by subject matter experts on exemplars of performance from the California Bar Examination.
Additional discussion of empirical and related policy considerations is provided in the Evaluating the Cut Score
Recommendations section below.

The goal in analyzing the results of the panelists judgments was to best represent the recommendation from
the group. There are different ways this could have been done, each involving a measure of central tendency
(e.g., mean, median). The mean calculation is the arithmetic average that most people are familiar with,
however, it may not be the best representation of the groups recommendation when the distribution is
skewed. For smaller samples or when extreme scores are observed in a distribution, the mean may be higher
or lower than the group would have otherwise intended. In these instances, the median is calculated at the
point where half the recommendations are above the value and half the recommendations are below the
value to balance the effects of an extreme or outlier recommendation. When the mean and median do not
converge, it is generally recommended that the median be used as the better representation of the central
tendency of the observed score distribution. This approach is analogous to the data that are often shared with
respect to housing prices in cities where a median is used to offset the effects of outliers on upper and lower
end of the distribution.

Although the values calculated for the panelists were close, the mean and median recommendations did not
converge. Therefore, the median likely serves as a better indicator of central tendency of the recommendation
of the panelists. The median recommended cut score for the written portion of the exam based on all
panelists judgments was 423.75 and was rounded to the nearest observable score of 425 on a theoretical
scale that ranges from 0 to 700 (i.e., 100 points for each essay question, 200 points for the performance task).
To then determine how this recommendation would be interpreted with respect to a pass/fail decision, we
evaluated the impact on a cumulative percent distribution using only the written component performance by
applicants who took the July 2016 California Bar Examination.

To evaluate the impact of this recommendation, we found the location in the cumulative percent distribution
of the written scores that corresponded with this value (i.e., 425). This value resulted in an overall impact of
46% pass and 54% fail based on the applicants who took the July 2016 California Bar Examination. To then
determine the score on the full examination that corresponded to this impact, we then used an equipercentile
linking approach to find the value on the combined score that corresponded to the same impact (i.e., 46%
pass and 54% fail), and the corresponding value in the distribution yielded a score of 1439. The same process
was followed in evaluating the mean score that was calculated for the group.

When collecting data from a sample, it is important to acknowledge that the results are an estimate. For
example, when public opinion polls are conducted to gather perceptions about a given topic (e.g., upcoming
elections, customer satisfaction), the results are reported in conjunction with methodology, sample size, and
margin of error to illustrate that there is a level of uncertainty in the estimate. In selecting a representative
sample of panelists for this study, we similarly collected data that resulted in a distribution of judgments from
which we could calculate an estimate of the recommendation of the group.

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Because the mean and median were calculated from a distribution of scores, it is also appropriate to estimate
the variability in those recommendations to produce a range within which policymakers may consider the
panels recommendation. This range was calculated using the standard error of the mean and median. The
standard error is an estimate of the standard deviation (i.e., variability) of the sampling distribution. To
calculate the standard error of the median (SEmedian), the standard error of the mean is first calculated and can
then be approximated by multiplying that value by the square root of pi (i.e., 3.14159. . .) divided by two
which produces a slightly wider range than the standard error of the mean. Though technical in nature, the
Standard Error of the Median can also be interpreted conceptually as the margin of error in the judgments
provided by the panel.

Given a median recommendation of 425 on the written section with a SEmedian of 5.60, the range of
recommended passing scores on the written score scale would be 414 to 436 which translates to a range of
1388 to 1504 on the combined score scale. This range would correspond to the interpretative scale of 139 to
150. If the mean recommendation range was used, it would correspond to a 1414 to 1504 which on the
interpretive scale would be 141 to 150.

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P r o ce s s E v a l ua t i o n R e s ul t s
Panelists completed a series of evaluations during the study that included both multiple-choice questions and
open-ended prompts. The responses to the questions are included in Table 3 and the comments provided are
included in Appendix D. With the exception of Question 2 that was rated on a 3-point scale (1 = not enough, 2
= about right, 3 = too much), ratings closer to 4.0 can be interpreted as more positive perceptions of the
question (e.g., success of training, confidence in ratings, appropriate time) versus values closer to 1.0 which
suggest perceptions that are more negative with respect to these questions.

Table 3. Written Process Evaluation Summary Results

Median 1- 2 3 4-
Lower Higher
1. Success of Training
Orientation to the workshop 4 0 0 9 11
Overview of the exam 3 0 0 12 8
Discussion of the PLD 4 0 1 5 14
Training on the methodology 3.5 0 2 8 10

2. Time allocation to Training 2 4 16 0 N/A

3. Confidence moving from Practice to Operational 3 1 1 15 3

4. Time allocated to Practice 3 1 6 10 3

6. Confidence in Day 1 recommendations 3 1 2 11 6

7. Time allocated to Day 1 recommendations 2 5 6 9 0

9. Confidence in Day 2 recommendations 3 0 1 11 6

10. Time allocated to Day 2 recommendations 3 1 3 8 6

12. Confidence in Day 3 recommendations 4 0 0 5 15

13. Time allocated to Day 3 recommendations 3 2 1 8 9

14. Overall success of the workshop 3 0 1 12 7

15. Overall organization of the workshop 4 0 0 7 13

Collectively, the results of the panelists evaluation suggested generally positive perception of the activities for
the workshop, their ratings, and the outcomes. The ratings regarding the time allocation were generally lower
which can be attributed to the intensity of the task and the amount of work. Future studies may benefit from
an additional day or two to permit more reasonable workload for the panelists.

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Evaluating the Cut Score Recommendations
To evaluate the passing score recommendations that were generated from this study, we applied Kanes
(1994; 2001) framework for validating standard setting activities. Within this framework, Kane suggested
three sources of evidence that should be considered in the validation process: procedural, internal, and
external. Threats to validity that were observed in these areas should inform policymakers judgments
regarding the usefulness of the panelists recommendations and the validity of the interpretation. Evidence
within each of these areas that was observed in this study is discussed here.

P r o ce d ur a l
When evaluating procedural evidence, practitioners generally look to panelist selection and qualifications, the
choice of methodology, the application of the methodology, and the panelists perspectives about the
implementation of the methodology as some of the primary sources. For this study, the panel that was
recruited and selected by the Supreme Court represented a wide range of stakeholders: newer and more
experienced attorneys and representatives from legal education who collectively included diverse professional
experiences and backgrounds. The choice of methodology was appropriate given the constructed response
aspects of the essay questions and performance task. Panelists perspectives on the process were collected
and the evaluation responses were very positive.

I n t e r na l
The internal evidence for standard setting is often evaluated by examining the consistency of panelists ratings
and the convergence of the recommendations. The standard error of the median on which the
recommendation was based (5.60) was reasonable given the theoretical range of the scale (0-700) for the
written component of the examination. This means that most panelists individual recommendations were
within about six raw score points of the median recommended value. Even considering the effective range of
the scale (approximately 280-630), the deviation of scores across panelists did not vary widely. Similar
variation was also observed for the mean recommendation. These observations suggest that panelists were
generally in agreement regarding the expectations of which applicant responses were characteristic of the
Minimally Competent Candidate.

E x t e r na l
Although external evidence is difficult to collect, some sources were available for this study that will be useful
for policy makers in their consideration of the recommendations of the group. The use of impact data from
applicants in California from the July 2016 examination can be used as one source of evidence to inform the
reasonableness of the recommended passing score. In addition, the application of the recommendation to
scores from other exams (e.g., February 2016, February 2017, July 2017) would also be useful to evaluate the
potential range of impact. This would be particularly valuable given the different ability distributions of
applicants who take the examination in February versus July. In addition, consideration of first time test
takers versus repeat test takers is another potential factor because applicants who are repeating the exam do
not represent the full range of abilities.
A limitation of the study was the inability to include items from the MBE as part of the judgmental process.
Although it would have been a desired part of the standard setting design, the MBE was not made available to
California for inclusion in the study. In using half of the examination for the study, we can make a reasonable
approximation of a recommendation for the full examination (see, for example, Buckendahl, Ferdous, &

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Gerrow, 2010). The correlation between the written and MBE scores is approximately 0.72 suggesting
moderate to strong correlation, but with some unique variance contributed by each component of the
In addition, passing scores on bar examinations from other states can also be used to inform the final policy.
However, the use of data from other states should be done with caution for multiple factors. First, it is unclear
whether other states have conducted formal standard setting study activities, so to evaluate comparability
based solely on the passing standard may not support Californias definition of minimum competency. Second,
California has different eligibility criteria than other states that will have an impact on the ability distribution
of the population of applicants. Specifically, California has a more inclusive eligibility policy than most
jurisdictions with respect to the legal education requirements. Third, each jurisdiction may have a different
definition of minimum competency as to how it is applied to their examination. These can contribute to
different policy decisions.
To illustrate how California passing score compares with other, larger population jurisdictions, Table 4 is
shown here for comparison purposes. The overall test taker passing rates are shown from 2007 to 2016 to
illustrate the current rate, but also the trend in performance over time.

Table 4. Overall passing rates in selected states and nationally from 2007-2016. 9
Jurisdiction 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

California 49% 54% 49% 49% 51% 51% 51% 47% 44% 40%

Florida 66% 71% 68% 69% 72% 71% 70% 65% 59% 54%

Illinois 82% 85% 84% 84% 83% 81% 82% 79% 74% 69%

New York 64% 69% 65% 65% 64% 61% 64% 60% 56% 57%

Texas 76% 78% 78% 76% 80% 75% 80% 70% 65% 66%

67% 71% 68% 68% 69% 67% 68% 64% 59% 58%

Note that across jurisdictions and for the nation, there has been a consistent, downward trend in overall
passing rates beginning in 2014. Similar trends were observed for first-time test takers.6 With passing scores
for jurisdictions being held constant through policy and statistical equating, the changing variables of ability
within the candidate population in terms of law school admissions, matriculation, as well as any influence on
curriculum and instruction have likely contributed to this observed pattern. These data reinforce the caution
of not simply relying on current passing scores used in other jurisdictions.

Data for Table 4 were obtained NCBE 2016 Statistics document (pp. 17-20) and represent the combined pass rate for a
given year across the February and July administrations. This report can be accessed:

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Determining a Final Passing Score
The standard setting meeting results and evaluation feedback generally support the validity of the panels
recommended passing score for use with the California Bar Examination. Results from the study were
analyzed to create a range of recommended passing scores. However, additional policy factors may be
considered when establishing the passing score. One of these factors may include the recommended passing
score and impact relative to the historical passing score and impact. The panels median recommended
passing score of 1439 (effectively 144 on the interpretative scale) converged with the programs existing
passing score with the mean recommended passing score being slightly higher.

Factors that could be considered include the passing rates from other states that have similarly large numbers
of bar applicants sitting for the examination. However, the interpretation of these results and the
comparability are mitigated by the different eligibility policies among these jurisdictions and Californias more
inclusive policies along with the downward trend in bar examination performance across the country,
particularly over the last few years. In some instances, the gap between Californias applicants and other
states has closed and in others, the gap observed in 2007 has remained essentially constant as the trend
declined on a similar slope.

An additional factor warrants consideration as part of the policy deliberation. Specifically, the consideration of
policy tolerance for different types of classification errors. Because we know that there is measurement error
with any test score, when applying a passing score to make an important decision about an individual, it is
important to consider the risk of each type of error. A Type I error represents an individual who passes an
examination, but whose true abilities are below the cut score. These types of classification errors are
considered false positives. Conversely, a Type II error represents an individual who does not pass an
examination, but whose true abilities are above the passing score. These types of classification errors are
known as false negatives. Both types of errors are theoretical in nature because we cannot know which test
takers in the distribution around the passing score may be false positives or false negatives.

A policy body can articulate its rationale for supporting adoption of the groups recommendation or adjusting
the recommendation in such a way that minimizes one type of misclassification. The policy rationale for
licensure examination programs is based primarily on deliberation of the risk of each type of error. For
example, many licensure and certification examinations in healthcare fields have a greater policy tolerance for
Type II errors than Type I errors with the rationale that the public is at greater risk for adverse consequences
from an unqualified candidate who passes (i.e., Type I error) than a qualified one who fails (i.e., Type II error).

In applying the rationale, if the policy decision is that there is a greater tolerance for Type I errors, then the
decision would be to accept the recommendation of the panel (i.e., 144) or adopt a value that is one to two
standard errors below the recommendation (i.e., 139 to 141). Conversely, if the policy decision is that there is
a greater tolerance for Type II errors, then the decision would be to accept the recommendation of the panel
(i.e., 144) or adopt a value that is one to two standard errors above the recommendation (i.e., 148 to 150).
Because standard setting is an integration of policy and psychometrics, the final determination will be policy
driven, but supported by the data collected within this workshop and for this study more broadly.

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Buckendahl, C., Ferdous, A., & Gerrow, J. (2010). Recommending cut scores with a subset of items: An
empirical illustration. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 15(6). Available online:

Buckendahl, C. W. & Davis-Becker, S. (2012). Setting passing standards for credentialing programs. In G. J.
Cizek (Ed.), Setting performance standards: Foundations, methods, and innovations (2nd ed., pp. 485-
502). New York, NY: Routledge.

Egan, K. L., Schneider, M. C., & Ferrara, S. (2012). Performance level descriptors: History, practice and a
proposed framework. In G. J. Cizek (Ed.), Setting performance standards: Foundations, method, and
innovations (2nd ed., pp. 79-106). New York, NY: Routledge.

Hambleton, R. K., & Pitoniak, M. J. (2006). Setting performance standards. In R. L. Brennan (Ed.), Educational
measurement (4th ed., pp. 433470). Westport, CT: American Council on Education and Praeger.

Kane, M. (1994). Validating the performance standards associated with passing scores. Review of Educational
Research, 64 (3), 425-461.

Kane, M. T. (2001). So much remains the same: Conception and status of validation in setting standards. In G.
J. Cizek (Ed.), Setting performance standards: Concepts, methods, and perspectives (pp. 53-88).
Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Plake, B. S. & Hambleton, R. K. (2001). The analytic judgment method for setting standards on complex, large-
scale assessments. In G. J. Cizek (Ed.), Setting performance standards: Concepts, methods, and
perspectives (pp. 283-312). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

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Appendix A Panelist Information

Standard setting

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Appendix B Standard Setting Materials

The nomination form for panelists and documentation used in the standard setting are included below.

State Bar Standard

Setting Study Nomin



Appendix C Standard Setting Data

PLD Discussion for

Minimally Competen

California Bar
Standard Setting Da

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Appendix D Evaluation Comments
Each panelist completed an evaluation of the standard setting process that included several open-ended
response questions. The responses provided to each are included below.

Day 1 Training

Lots of reading
More time could easily be spent on the practice rating, but I doubt that it would make a
difference in the outcome.
Dr. Buckendahl trained us very effectively. He is engaging, clear, and attentive. I have confidence
in him and the process. Good work!
Perhaps it was the result of the lively discussions we were having, but a little more time for
practice would have been ideal as I felt I was a bit rushed.
More background information before initiating the process would be helpful
Perhaps additional time spent as a group discussing not the themes/genres of knowledge for
each subject, but on what it means to read an essay and decide whether a discussion of the
theme is sufficient to communicate minimal competency.
Not convinced this methodology is valid. Many of us clearly do not know some applicable law
and these conclusions may therefore determine that incompetent answers amounting to
malpractice are nevertheless passing/competent.
Great and important discussion about minimal competencies on each exam answer discussed.
It would have been helpful at the top to have a broader discussion about why the study is being
done, what the Bar is hoping to learn, and how the individuals (participants) were selected.
Would be helpful if watchers could be talking outside [the] room instead of in during review of
[Related to confidence rating] - only because some of my ratings were different from the
majority. Otherwise, very confident.
[Related to time rating] - Had to rush in order to have time for lunch.
I think a broader discussion at the outset before the practice/identification of key issues would
have been helpful. We all seemed to struggle with our own lack of knowledge and addressing
that more up front may have helped us move along more efficiently.

Day 1 Standard Setting

I would have liked to know ahead of time that I would be "grading" 40 essays when I came in.
I did not finish and felt rushed. More time for first question.
Snacks for end of day grading would help :) I feel like I'm in a groove now and understand the
concept of what I'm doing, but 30 tests to read is a lot at the end of a long day. Grateful we can
finish in the a.m.!
More time please
I'm still not completely certain that I understand how we are qualified to do this without
answers. It seems like this could have the overall effect of making it easier to pass?
Although a lot of folks complained that we didn't "know enough" of subject matter, after
reading 30 tests, yes we are - it became easier to spot the competent from the not competent.
Perhaps this could be talked about at the outset to avoid this needless discussion altogether.
I am concerned that an unprepared attorney, without the benefit of experience, studying, or a
rubric, is not a good indicator of a minimally competent attorney. We all have an ethical duty to
become competent. New lawyers/3 Ls do that by preparing for the exam. A more seasoned
lawyer does that by refreshing recall of old material or by resort[ing] to practice guides. Having
neither the benefit of studying nor outside sources, at least some of us may be grading with lack
of minimum adequate knowledge. By studying for the exam, test-takers are becoming
competent and gaining that minimal competency. Practicing professionals who become
specialized may lose/atrophy that competence in certain field, which needs to be refreshed by
CLG and other sources. So these scores may be of limited utility.
It's too much. Too many questions to review.
No changes
Got 24/30 done [on the first day]

Day 2 Standard Setting

It was very difficult to read 60 essays in one day

The discussion about where certain papers fall on the spectrum is helpful to let us know we are
on the right track.
We need breaks to stretch our bodies and we need to go outside, so our brains can get fresh air.
It might be helpful to have some kind of "correct" sample answer to avoid having to go back and
re-score or re-read for lack of knowing "the correct answer."
I do NOT like being tricked into grading/reading 130 frigging essays! We should have been told
that this is what the project was.
Snacks were a great addition to the day.
Thanks for the afternoon snacks!
We did not follow the agenda which indicated we should build an "outline" for the "question."
Instead, on Day 1, we outlined subject areas. There will not be consistency among the group.
This was clear this AM when there was no agreement regarding Question 1. Each of the 30
essays was marked as the best no-pass or worst pass by at least one person. We should have
outlined as a group.
After initial "calibration" session on Day 1; and with more time, I feel confident about my ability
to apply the PLDs to these essays.
No changes

Day 3 Standard Setting and Overall Evaluation

This no doubt took a lot of work, so thank you to all staff and State Bar folks!
The early activities and group discussion were helpful in allowing me to orient and direct what I
ought to be doing for my recommendations. Perhaps a few more panelists to ease the burden
would be helpful for the future!
No changes
I really found the time available to review the subject-matter answers to be very challenging.
Trying to discriminate among those last four papers and a few on either side of them was
difficult. An idea: have readers make their 3 initial stacks and identify not more than x (10?)
papers that fall closer to the borderline. Do that for all answers. Then have readers spend last
session choosing the "two and two" all at once.
I'm not entirely sure I understand how what feels like an arbitrary process by 20
graders/panelists results in a less arbitrary cut score. Perhaps some additional information or
process would be helpful.
Although providing a scoring rubric would make categorization more consistent, it would do so
in view of the thoughts of the author and not of the 20 panelists. Having no rubric was tough,
but appropriate.
Breaks between assignments
Work with Dr. Buckendahl again. He was very careful, clear, and engaging. Well done!
The performance test, unlike subject matter knowledge tests (essays) is much more amenable
to this sort of standard setting. While, as with essays, we did not outline/rubric/calibrate, that is
less necessary because of closed universe and the skills being tested.
Overall, I think this process made sense. I was troubled that at least one of the panelists had
clear familiarity with the existing exam and process and a clear knowledge of "right" answers as
currently graded. I'm not sure everyone had a clear understanding of "minimally competent
attorney" so we may have had different standards in mind.
I'd like to be included in next steps or discussions. Other than just more grading/reading essays.
I had a hard time with the time limit to review each answer. I am not clear if I was being too
thorough, or I missed the lesson on how to move through answers at a quicker pace.

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