2014 05 07 Effective Log Management Booklet
2014 05 07 Effective Log Management Booklet
2014 05 07 Effective Log Management Booklet
About Introduction
About Context Information Security Log files are historical records of the running state of hardware and software,
storing information on how they are used, errors that occur and application-
specific events which detail how users interact with them. Routine review of this
information can provide system administrators and computer security teams with
insight into how effectively the business is operating and where configuration
Context has a client base including some of the worlds most high profile blue chip errors may be causing issues on the network so that they can be remediated
companies and government organisations. Our strong track record is based above before they have wider impact.
all on the technical expertise, professionalism, independence and the integrity of
our consultants. Our comprehensive portfolio of technical services sets the Log records are also an immensely valuable source of information for computer
standard for the security industry. security purposes, but their value as part of a corporate intrusion detection and
incident response process is largely misunderstood by many organisations;
Context has a dedicated incident response and investigation team, which works logs are either not collected at all or are collected without consideration for
with clients to detect, investigate, understand, respond to, and protect against how they might be used should an incident occur. The Effective Log Management
nefarious activity on their networks. This team does not focus on generic malware, project has been commissioned by the UK Centre for the Protection of National
but offers services designed to counter the most sophisticated attacks targeted Infrastructure (CPNI) to demonstrate the value of this data to the reader and
against our clients. Our team comprises experts who can provide substantial discuss how it can be used to support an efficient response to a network
experience and expertise on a business as well as a technical level. intrusion. This booklet accompanies the full whitepaper Effective Log
Context is proud to be part of the Cyber Incident Response scheme run by Management, available from www.cpni.gov.uk. The advice within these
CPNI and CESG, the Information Assurance arm of GCHQ. documents is intended to be used in conjunction with the 20 Critical Security
Controls for Effective Cyber Defence coordinated by the Council on CyberSecurity.
About This Booklet
Context would like to acknowledge the help and support of CPNI in researching Only 6% of network breaches
this topic and producing the accompanying products. discovered by log review
While 86% of victims held evidence
of the breach in log files*
Developing a log management strategy to enhance an organisations computer
security posture is not easy and there are a number of hurdles to overcome.
The number of devices that generate logs on a network can be overwhelming
and storage strategies can be both expensive and complex to implement.
What logs should be collected? For how long should they be stored? How should
they be stored to best ensure the security and integrity of the data? How can log
files be used proactively to look for the malicious needles in the haystack
of data available?
The lesson for organisations is simple: logs are an evidence source of potentially
vital importance, but effort is required to exploit them for maximum value.
They are a dataset which requires little effort to start collecting at some level,
but are greatly helpful during the investigation of security breaches. They can be
This material is provided for general information purposes only. You should make your own judgement as
regards use of this material and seek independent professional advice on your particular circumstances. used by forward facing organisations to identify, track and mitigate attacks before
Neither the publisher, nor the author, nor any contributors assume any liability to anyone for any loss or any damage is caused. However, in all cases a clear log management strategy is
damage caused by any error or omission in the work, whether such error or omission is the result
of negligence or any other cause.
essential to ensure the data is of sufficient quality and is organised appropriately.
Activities on Target
The full spectrum of logging capabilities including log files
pertaining to interactions with hosts and network services