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Advanced Theatre Syllabus 17-18

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Poly High School Theater Arts

Home of Thespian Troupe 2543

Chris MarkerMorse
Theater Arts Director
Poly High School
5450 Victoria Ave, Riverside, CA 92506
Poly- (951) 788-7203 Ex 64110 Cell-951-907-4465
[email protected]
Remind- Texting/Messaging Service (567) 302-2980 (or 81010) and message @polytheate

Advanced Theater
Chris MarkerMorse, Instructor
Poly High School, 2017-2018

COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course is an advanced class that will extend and refine
students acting and theater skills through directing, character study, vocal enhancement,
emotional expression and critical exploration of historical and modern theater. Students will
work with technical aspects of theater such as stage design, directing skills, production
tasks, and other non-acting skills; however, our focus will be on acting and performing.


1) Do now, warm ups and notes
a. Keep your notes daily and text/email me your notes.
b. Fully Participate in Acting Warm Up Activities
2) Blogging
a. 4-5 total blogs at http://markermorse.weebly.com
3) At-home projects
a. Written Papers, PowerPoints/Projects or Visual-based projects
4) Performance
a. Auditions (required for all Advanced students)
b. In Class (required)
b.i. Scenes, Improvisations and Theater Games
c. Main stage, One Acts, Festivals and Showcases
c.i. From walk-on parts to leads, any part gives credit
d. Outside of Class
d.i. Comedy Sportz, community theater, church theater, RCC
productions, ASB performance, GhostWalk, etc.
5) Seeing Shows
a. See Each Poly Main stage production (two a semester 1, three
semester 2)
b. Attend productions outside of Poly- once a semester
6) Working on Productions
a. 6 hours of production work each semester
7) Final Exam- Performance-based
JOURNAL/BLOG Each student will respond to a 4-5 blog topics during each semester.
Students are expected to write 5-10 sentences (1-2 paragraphs) or more on a theatrical or
performance topic, with the opportunity to interact with your peers. markermorse.weebly.com

DO NOW ACTIVITY Each day will begin with a Do Now activity on the board. At the
bell each student is to be at their seat with their smart phone, tablet or notebooks open
ready to work on their Do Now. Any distracting activity other than Do Now at the beginning
of class will result in detention. Lacking Do Nows for any of the weeks of the term will result
in a loss of points.

NOTES Most days have a short lecture/observation/audience portion that requires notes,
scores, observations and reflections. These will be checked every 2-3 weeks. Electronic
notes submitted by email are preferred.

SCENE WORK All students must perform. Pantomimes, monologues (single performer),
and scenes (group performances) will be prepared and performed each semester. This is
primarily a production class, and students will need to be part of the Children's Theater
production, which will have performances outside of the classroom time. This class is activity
based and all students will be required to participate in the exercises, performances and

COMPETITIONS/CONFERENCE/SHOWCASE All Advanced Theater students are

expected to attend theatrical competitions and conferences throughout the year, as both
performers and participants. In addition, Advanced theater students are expected to perform
at semester-end Showcases. Year-long list of shows and events at

LIVE PERFORMANCES Each student will be required to attend live theatrical

productions each semester; all Poly Main stage productions, and two shows outside of
the Poly Theater program. For each show, you must complete a theater report form, with
different reports formats for different grades. I will let you know of free invited dress
rehearsals at area schools and theaters, as well as discounted theater opportunities.

VOICE and BODY WORK Acting is an art form that requires voice and movement.
Both of the aspects will be developed throughout the year, and all students will demonstrate
their abilities in these areas throughout the year.

DIRECTING Advanced Theater students work on directing; from blocking, movement,

character study, rehearsals, clean-ups and production.

AUDITION Advanced Theater students are required to go through all auditions. If you
cannot perform in the show, please indicate on the audition sheet you are only auditioning
for class assignment purposes.
Here is a list of upcoming audition opportunities:
Shakespeare Audition Workshop- August 31
Midsummer Nights Dream Audition- Tuesday, September 5-Wednesday, September 6
Comedy Sportz Tryouts- Friday, September 8
GhostWalk Audition- Wednesday, September 13
Noises Off Auditions- November 7-8
Love/Sick Auditions January 9-10
Musical Theatre Audition Workshop- February 5
Rock of Ages Auditions February 6-7-8
RESUME (Including HEADSHOT): All Advanced Theater students will develop an
acting resume and will have the opportunity to have a theater-quality headshot. You can
supply your own headshot, or wait until the class headshots sessions later in the second half
of the first semester, or early in the second semester.

USHER/BACKSTAGE/PRODUCTION CREW If not participating as an actor in

departmental shows, Advanced Theater students are expected to work as usher,
concessions or crew, or to work on sets, publicity, props or other areas of the show. 6 hours
of production work is expected each semester.

POLY THEATER/THESPIANS All theater students are invited to join, participate in, and
attend meetings of the Poly Theatre club, The Jesters. Meetings will be announced in class,
but are generally Wednesday at Lunch in the Theater Lab. Thespians is an honor club for
those students who earn points through production, performance, theater competition,
theatrical workshops and conferences, and community work.

RESOURCES Please go to http://teacherweb.com/CA/PolyHigh/MarkerMorse for updates

assignments, projects, blogs and links to relevant website for theatrical design.

Also, see Riverside Poly Theater Thespian Troupe 2543 page on Facebook.,

Mr. Chris MarkerMorse

[email protected]
[email protected]

(951) 788-7203 Ex 64110- Work

(951) 907-4465 Cell/Text

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