Testing Polymer Concrete
Testing Polymer Concrete
Testing Polymer Concrete
1.1 The method includes procedures for preparing and testing polymer concrete specimens as
specified under DMS-6140. Perform tests on binder components alone, and on the
complete mixture of binder and aggregate. Refer to DMS-6140 for a description of the
two types of polymer concrete and the tests performed on each type.
1.4 The values given in parentheses (if provided) are not standard and may not be exact
mathematical conversions. Use each system of units separately. Combining values from
the two systems may result in nonconformance with the standard.
2.2 Thoroughly mix the components. For tests that use aggregate, make sure the aggregate is
mixed well with the binder.
2.4 Pour binder mixtures into molds as soon as possible after thorough mixing.
Note 1To minimize entrained air during mixing, use physical means or pass a soft
flame over the surface.
2.5 Allow specimens to cure sufficiently to prevent damage caused during removal from
3.1 Apparatus:
3.1.1 Tensile specimen mold, conforming to ASTM D 638, Type IV, with dimension width
overall (WO) of 1 in. (25 mm).
3.1.4 Testing clamps, with 1 2-in. (25 50-mm) serrated jaws, and appropriate clamping
power to prevent slipping or crushing.
3.2 Procedure:
3.2.1 Using the weight ratios, measure a sufficient amount of the binder components to fill the
mold. Thoroughly mix the components, and pour into the mold. Cast at least three
specimens. Remove any entrained air using a soft flame or physical methods.
3.2.2 After 7 days of curing at 77 4F (25 2C), carefully remove the specimen from the
mold. Remove excess material and smooth the edges.
3.2.3 Measure the thickness and width of the specimen neck with a dial gauge or caliper and
determine the cross-sectional area.
3.2.4 Use an initial tensile test machine jaw separation of 2 in. (51 mm) and a crosshead speed
of 2 in. (51 mm) per minute. Calibrate and set an extensiometer on the sample with an
initial gage length of 1 in. (25 mm).
3.2.5 Load the specimen to failure and use the maximum load to determine the tensile strength.
3.2.6 Report the average results from the three specimens in psi (MPa). Discard any with
obvious flaws.
4.1 Perform this test according to the methods of Section 3 using the same specimens.
4.2 Determine ultimate elongation from initial gage length and the final amount of extension
at failure.
4.3 Calculate the ultimate elongation as a percent of the original gage length.
5.1 Apparatus:
5.1.1 Testing machine, capable of maintaining a constant rate of travel of 0.05 in./min.
(1.3 mm/min.) and applying a tensile force of at least 500 lbf. (2.2 kN). Use grips as
shown in Figure 1 to hold specimens.
5.1.2 Briquette mold, of the type shown in Figure 2. The waistline of each briquette must be
1 0.02 in. (25 0.5 mm), and the thickness of the molds must be 1 0.02 in.
(25 0.5 mm).
5.2 Procedure:
5.2.1 For wet bond strength to concrete test, obtain mortar briquette halves prepared in
accordance with Tex-614-J, Section 8.2.2. Sandblast the bonding face of each mortar
briquette. Clean the bonding faces of the briquettes with compressed air.
Note 2Do not touch bonding faces after sandblasting.
5.2.2 Place a briquette half in the mold. If recommended by the manufacturer, apply primer to
the surface of the briquette.
5.2.3 Ensure that the initial temperature of each component is 77 2F (25 1C). Using the
weight ratios, measure sufficient binder and aggregate to fill the three briquette halves.
Thoroughly mix the three components. Fill the other half of the briquette molds with
complete polymer concrete. Make at least three specimens.
5.2.5 Immerse the specimens in 77 4F (25 2C) water for 2 days in a horizontal position.
5.2.6 Remove the specimens from the water, blot dry, and subject them to tensile loading while
still damp.
5.2.7 Start up, balance, and calibrate the tensile machine according to the manufacturer's
instructions. Place the grips on the machine. Set the crosshead speed to 0.05 in./min.
(1.3 mm/min.)
5.2.8 Load a specimen into the tensile machine. Start the testing machine and load until break.
Record the load at break. Repeat the test for the remaining specimen.
5.2.9 Determine the average tensile breaking stress based on a 1-in.2 (25-mm2) cross-sectional
area. Record the average of the three specimens in psi (MPa).
6.2 Form three specimens and cure for 24 hours at 77 4F (25 2C).
6.3 Compress samples in a compression machine, and measure the maximum load.
6.4 Calculate stress from max load and report the average of the three specimens in psi
7.1 Apparatus:
7.1.2 Molds, to cast 2-in. (50-mm) cubes. The interior surfaces of the mold must be planar and
conform to the following tolerances: height 2 in. + 0.01 in. to - 0.015 in.
(50 mm + 0.25 mm to - 0.38mm), distance between opposite sides 2 in. 0.02 in
(50 mm 0.5mm), angle between adjacent faces 90 0.5.
7.2 Procedure:
7.2.1 Obtain molds to cast three 2-in. (50-mm) cubes. Line the inside of the molds with release
7.2.2 Using the weight mixing ratios, measure sufficient binder and aggregate material to fill
the three cubes. Thoroughly mix the components together.
7.2.3 Pour the mixture into the molds in two lifts and tamp the material after each lift. Screed
off any excess material on top of the blocks. Cure specimen for 7 days at 77 4F
(25 2C).
7.2.4 Using a dial gauge or caliper, determine the original height of the specimen within
0.001 in (0.03 mm) without a load.
7.2.5 Place the specimen in the compression machine, zero the dial gauge, and apply a 100-lb.
(445-N) preload.
7.2.6 Load the specimen at a rate of 0.15 in./min. (4 mm/min.) until reaching deflection of
0.10 in. (2.5 mm). Record load at 0.10 in. (2.5 mm).
7.2.7 Calculate the compressive stress based on the original 4-in.2 (2580-mm2) area. Report the
average of the three specimens in psi (MPa).
8.2 After removal of the load, allow the specimen to recover for 5 minutes.
8.3 Re-measure the height, and calculate the resilience as a percentage of recovered height:
s f i
s = max displacement of crosshead (0.1 in. or 2.5 mm)
f = final height of cube
i = initial height of cube.