Taking Adult Patient BP Read NPS
Taking Adult Patient BP Read NPS
Taking Adult Patient BP Read NPS
SKILL What is Taking an Indirect Blood Pressure Reading in an
Blood pressure (BP) measurements reflect the pressure exerted by circulating blood upon
the walls of blood vessels. BP results from two forces: the pressure created by the heart
as it contracts to pump blood into the arteries and through the circulatory system and the
force of the arteries as the vessel walls resist the pumping pressure of the heart. Indirect
BP readings can be taken using either a manual sphygmomanometer (Figure 1) (e.g.,
manual mercury or aneroid [non-fluid based]) or an automated BP device (Figure 2) .
This Nursing Practice & Skill focuses on the skills needed to accurately perform indirect
BP measurement in an adult using both the automated method and manual methods
Lee Allen, RN, MS
Glendale Adventist Medical Center,
Glendale, CA
Nursing Practice Council
Glendale Adventist Medical Center,
Glendale, CA
Diane Pravikoff, RN, PhD, FAAN
Cinahl Information Systems, Glendale, CA
Published by Cinahl Information Systems, a division of EBSCO Information Services. Copyright2015, Cinahl Information Systems. All rights
reserved. No part of this may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by
any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Cinahl Information Systems accepts no liability for advice
or information given herein or errors/omissions in the text. It is merely intended as a general informational overview of the subject for the healthcare
professional. Cinahl Information Systems, 1509 Wilson Terrace, Glendale, CA 91206
What: BP is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) in the United States, and by the International System of Units
(SI) in most countries outside the U.S. BP readings are comprised of two numbers, the systolic BP (SBP; i.e., the force of
the heart contracting during systole) and the diastolic BP (DPB; i.e., the pressure of the heart as it relaxes between beats
[diastole]), which is a function of blood volume and the size, elasticity, and resistance of the bodys blood vessels against
the hearts contractions
How: The inflatable cuff of the sphygmomanometer is placed around a limb to occlude an artery (typically the brachial
artery of the upper arm) and is inflated to a pressure that prevents the flow of blood through the brachial artery Figure 3
. As the cuff is slowly deflated, a stethoscope placed over the brachial artery is used to auscultate the rhythmic tapping of
Korotkoff sounds (i.e., the tapping sounds made by the blood flowing through the arteries during compression of the cuff
of the sphygmomanometer). Both manual methods of taking indirect BP measurement require the clinician to know how
to determine the appropriate size BP cuff to use and how to properly place the cuff on the patients brachial artery unless a
different position is preferred. The manual method requires knowledge of the appropriate pressure to inflate the cuff before
releasing the pressure to auscultate for Korotkoffsounds (For more information see, What You Need to Know Before Taking
an Indirect Blood Pressure Reading in an Adult, below)
Figure 3: Position the cuff over the upper arm and the stethoscope just above
the antecubital fossa. Copyright 2014, EBSCO Information Services.
What You Need to Know Before Taking an Indirect Blood Pressure Reading in an
Prior to measuring indirect BP, clinicians should be knowledgeable about the following:
Knowledge of cardiovascular physiology as it relates to BP and knowledge of the events/substances that can cause
constriction or dilatation of blood vessels and affect the heart rate (e.g., medications, certain foods [e.g., tea, coffee,
caffeinated soft drinks], physical activity, changes in posture, hot or cold weather, emotional stress)
Recognition that BP can be affected by age, weight, pregnancy, pain, dietary salt intake, overall level of fitness, genetic
predisposition, disease processes (e.g., kidney disease, thyroid disease), use of alcohol or drugs, and cigarette smoking. BP
varies slightly throughout the day
Knowledge of the events of BP measurement, which include auscultating for the first and last Korotkoff sounds during cuff
inflation over an artery and observing the simultaneous pressure reading on the sphygmomanometer. When documenting
BP, the SBP value is recorded first and the two values are separated by a forward slash (e.g., 120/80 mmHg)
The first of the Korotkoff sounds denotes the SBP measurement, and signals that the pressure in the cuff is low enough to
allow blood to flow through the artery at the most forceful part of ventricular ejection
The last Korotkoff sound indicates the diastolic measurement, which is heard when the pressure in the cuff is low enough
for the blood to flow freely through the artery. It is typical to observe small bumps of the needle on the pressure gauge
after the Korotkoff sounds cease. Do not mistake the small needle bumps on the sphygmomanometer as DBP
remember, it is the Korotkoff sounds that indicate SBP and DBP, not the needle bumps on the sphygmomanometer
Patient considerations for measuring BP
Patient position: BP measurement should be taken in a seated or supine position. Feet should be flat on the floorcrossed
legs can impede blood flow. The patient should remain quiet
Patient activity level: Wait at least 20 minutes and verify that the patient is relaxed before measuring BP in patients who
have been engaged in activities that can temporarily increase BP (e.g., smoking, drinking coffee, walking briskly)
Equipment considerations for measuring BP
Cuff size selection: The cuff should be sized to accommodate the patients extremity. The cuff should be wide enough
to encircle 80% of the upper arm and long enough to be fastened securely (Figure 4) even if the cuff doesnt pop off
during inflation, an inappropriately sized cuff will produce inaccurate readings. Consider using a thigh cuff for an
obese patient or a pediatric cuff for patients with low body fat. Recommended cuff size per age group/size is as follows
(Figure 5) :
- Small adult (arm circumference < 23 cm/9 in) 12 cm/4.7 in x 18 cm/7 in
- Most adults (arm circumference < 33 cm/13 in) 12 cm/4.7 in x 26 cm/10.2 in
- Large-size adult (arm circumference < 50 cm/19.6 in) 12 cm/4.7 in in x 40 cm/15.7 in
Figure 4: The blood pressure cuff width should cover approximately
80% of the upper arm. Copyright 2014, EBSCO Information Services.
Figure 5: Blood pressure cuffs are available in various sizes. Using an appropriately sized
cuff is essential for an accurate reading. Copyright 2014, EBSCO Information Services.
Stethoscopebell or diaphragm? When auscultating Korotkoff sounds, the bell of the stethoscope allows for better
auscultation of the lower-pitched Korotkoff sounds heard with arterial flow. Some clinical resources recommend
use of the bell for auscultation of low-pitched arterial sounds, while others make no specific recommendation. For
example, the American Heart Association recommended use of the bell for auscultating Korotkoff sounds in their
2004 guidelines (Pickering et al., 2005), while the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) offered no
specific recommendation for bell or diaphragm in their 2010 Practice Alert for noninvasive BP measurement (American
Association of Critical-Care Nurses, 2010)
- The stethoscope should be placed firmly against the skin to make a complete seal between the edge of the bell (or
diaphragm) and the skin. Avoid pressing too firmly to avoid obliterating the lower-pitchedKorotkoff sounds
BP measurement technique considerations
Cuff positioning:Position the cuff around the upper arm so
- the lower border of the cuff is 23 cm/~1 inch above the antecubital fossa to best auscultate the brachial artery
- the artery mark on the cuff is aligned with the brachial artery
Arm support: Support the patients forearm at the level of the phlebostatic axis (i.e., the location of the right atrium,
which is the fourth intercostal space at the mid-anterior-posterior diameter of the chest [midaxillary line]) (Figure 6) . If
the arm is not supported properly, the muscle contraction can result in inaccurately high DBP measurement
- The BP reading can be inaccurately low if the arm is elevated above the heart level of the phlebostatic axis due to the
effect of gravity and inaccurately high if the arm is below the heart level
Estimate SBP prior to actual measurement to avoid damaging blood vessels, which can occur if the cuff is inflated
more than 30 mmHg above the actual SBP. Prior to measuring BP, inflate the cuff so that it barely occludes the artery.
Palpate the radial or brachial pulse to determine the estimated systolic blood pressure(ESBP). When performing BP
measurement, inflate the cuff no more than 30 mmHg higher than the estimated value
Figure 6: Location of the phlebostatic axis. Copyright 2014, EBSCO Information Services.
Estimate the systolic pressure by palpating the brachial or radial pulse while inflating the cuff to the pressure where the
pulse is obliterated, noting this measurement as the ESBP
Deflate the cuff and wait 3060 seconds for any venous congestion caused by the cuff to dissipate before measuring BP
Inflate the cuff to approximately 30 mmHg higher than the ESBP. The cuff should be inflated quickly to avoid
measurement distortion
Place the bell or diaphragm of the stethoscope over the brachial artery
Slowly release the cuff pressure while auscultating for Korotkoff sounds and observing the gauge on the
sphygmomanometer. At the first Korotkoff sound, note the pressure reading on the gauge (the needle on the gauge should
bump upward slightly, then continue to fall)this pressure measurement represents the SBP
Continue to listen for when the Korotkoff sounds cease and note the pressure gauge measurement. Record this reading as
the DBP
Recall that the SBP and DBP are identified by sounds, not by the intermittent needle bumps observed on the pressure
Perform automated BP measurement as follows a manual BP readings should be performed if the patient has an
irregular heart rhythm :
Power on the machine and wait for the indication the machine is ready to measure BP
Press the appropriate panel/button to begin cuff inflation and wait for the cuff to be inflated, then fully deflated
Note: Most automated BP measurement devices are programed to inflate the cuff to standard parameters. If your
patients SBP is higher than the established parameters, the machine will first attempt to measure BP using the standard
parameters, then reset itself to adjust upward until an accurate BP can be measured
Evaluate if the reading appears within the expected values based on previous baseline measurements and patients
condition. If the reading appears to be inaccurate, remeasure the BPbest practice is to use the manual method when
rechecking BP
Record the SBP/DBP numerical measurement shown on the display monitor
Advise the patient of the BP reading
Clean and disinfect equipment, including stethoscope, per facility protocol
Discard PPE and perform hand hygiene
Update the patients plan of care, if appropriate, and document indirect BP measurement in the patients medical record,
including the following information:
Date and time of BP measurement
BP measurement and type of device used
Site used to obtain BP
Patients position during the procedure
Any unexpected patient events or outcomes, the nursing interventions performed, patients response to interventions, and
whether the treating clinician was notified
Patient/family member education, including topics presented, response to education provided/discussed, plan for follow-up
education, and details regarding any barriers to communication and/or techniques that promoted successful communication
Other Tests, Treatments, or Procedures That Can Be Necessary Before or After Taking
the Blood Pressure Reading in an Adult
Alert the treating clinician of unexpected readings
Diagnostic testing (e.g., EKG, echocardiogram, renal ultrasound, CT scan) can be ordered to evaluate for disorders causing
abnormal BP, as well as end-organ damage
If the abnormal BP is determined to be related to an existing treatment regimen, the treating clinician will adjust the plan
(e.g., lower or increase dosage or decrease in prescribed medication)
Counseling with nutrition services can be ordered if hypertension is related to unhealthy weight
Red Flags
A hypertensive crisis or hypertensive emergency can require immediate treatment with intravenous antihypertensive
medications (e.g., nicardipine, nitroprusside, fenoldopam, nitroglycerin, enalaprilat, hydralazine, labetalol, esmolol, and
Hypertensive crises require immediate treatment to avoid neurologic end-organ damage (e.g., hypertensive encephalopathy,
cerebral vascular accident/cerebral infarction, subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracranial hemorrhage), cardiovascular
end-organ damage (e.g., myocardial ischemia/infarction, acute pulmonary edema, aortic dissection, left ventricular
dysfunction), or damage to other organ systems (e.g., eclampsia during pregnancy, retinopathy, acute renal failure/
Hypertensive crises are distinguished from hypertensive urgencies, in which target organ damage is not probable, but there
exists elevated risk for stroke, heart attack, and other life-threatening events
Life-threatening hypotension can indicate shock or cardiovascular collapse
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