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Secondary Pressure Limiter (SPL) - Operator Guide

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Release 9 - SPL Ops Guide

Secondary Pressure Limiter (SPL) Operator Guide

1. SPL Overview
Secondary Pressure Limiter (SPL) enables the C Leg Choke to act as a pressure relieving device in an effort to help protect the wellbore and RCD
equipment in the event of over-pressure situations. The use of SPL is exclusive to Choke C.

2. SPL Violation Breakdown

a. Upon SPL_Violation the Choke opens to Blowdown position
i. If current position is greater than Blowdown position choke opens to FullFlow position
b. Hold time timer starts as soon as SPL violation occurs
i. If at Blowdown position, wait until timer elapses
ii. If timer elapses while at Blowdown position and pressure is still above Blwdwn_Diff, move choke to FullFlowPosn
c. When SPL pressure setpoint becomes less than Blwdwn_Diff
i. If Ramp not enabled, move choke back to Starting position
ii. If Ramp enabled
i. Move choke from current to Saved position by decrementing the position set point by RampRate value each second (% /

3. SPL General Information

d. Blowdown Position
i. Choke C moves to this position if an SPL violation occurs
ii. Choke C will move to full open position If SPL violation occurs and SPL starting position is greater than blowdown position.
e. Choke Panel/Local Mode
i. If, while in SPL mode, Nancy Switch is moved to Local, returning to Remote returns to SPL mode. If in any other mode, choke
returns to Position Mode as before.
f. Contingency Actions
i. The user can toggle to Position mode if a situation arises where SPL mode must be exited immediately.

Release 9 - SPL Ops Guide

g. Enabling/Disabling SPL
i. Enabling SPL mode is only possible using NI Server Explorer.
ii. In NI Server Explorer, Write a value of 10 in Choke State Cmd to enable SPL mode
iii. Users cannot enable SPL mode using the Choke Control HMI.
iv. Users can exit SPL mode using the Choke Control HMI by toggling to Position or Pressure mode.
h. HMI
i. The user should toggle to Position mode if a situation arises where SPL mode must be exited immediately. This is true whether
SPL violation exists or not.
ii. The US Leg C Block Valve is forced open when entering SPL mode.
iii. Users will be unable to close the Leg C Block Valve with SPL mode enabled
iv. Users can exit SPL mode using the Choke Control HMI by toggling to Position or Pressure mode.
v. When in SPL mode, choke C mode will display SPL
i. Hold Time
i. The hold time counter begins as soon as an SPL violation occurs when in starting position.
ii. Hold time usable range is 0-32 seconds.
j. InSite
i. A record named GB SPL has been added to InSite. See table below for SPL Curve Labels.

OPC Variable InSite Record / Curve Label

PLC/Choke C OPC/Choke_State_Cmd GB SPL / SPL Choke State
PLC/Choke C OPC/SPL_BlowdownPosn GB SPL / Blowdown Position
PLC/Choke C OPC/SPL_BlowdownPres GB SPL / Blowdown Pressure
#PLC/Choke C OPC/SPL_ChkFullFlowPosn GB SPL / Choke Effective Open
PLC/Choke C OPC/SPL_RampRate GB SPL / SPL Close Rate Per Second
PLC/Choke C OPC/SPL_HoldTime_INT GB SPL / Secs to Wait to Full Flow
PLC/Choke C OPC/SPL_Setpoint_psi GB SPL / SPL Relief Setpoint
PLC/Choke C OPC/SPL_Use_Ramp GB SPL / SPL Set to Slower Close

Release 9 - SPL Ops Guide

k. Ramp Rate
i. By default Ramp Rate is not enabled. To enable Ramp Rate: Select PLC/Choke C OPC/SPL_Use_Ramp in Server Explorer and
write a value of 1.
ii. SPL ramp rate is the rate the choke closes after an SPL violation. It is configured in %/second.
iii. If the user enables Use Ramp, do not disable Use Ramp until the choke is back to start and the violation is over.
iv. Do not enter ramp rate of 0 or C choke will not close if forced open by SPL violation
l. Troubleshooting
i. Faulty C Leg Upstream Pressure Transmitter:
SPL monitors the C Leg Upstream Pressure transmitter and compares it to the pressure relief set point. If the C Leg
Upstream Pressure transmitter fails or is faulty the user can enable SPL to monitor the active US WHP transmitter by
writing a 1 to the following variable in NI Server Explorer: PLC/StatusDB/AutoC_legPresSelEnable

4. Quick Start Table

Quick Start
Open Sentry and import the following Sentry SPL configuration: SPL_Talisman_SentryConfig.xml
Open Choke Control HMI and while in Position Mode, move Choke C to the initial SPL starting
Open NI Server Explorer
Select File/OPC/Open and choose the file named: SPL_UserConfig.sep
Right click Softing.OPC.S7.DA and select Connect to Server, then select Connect button
Configure SPL mode and SPL settings as follows Double click desired OPC item/variable
Select the Read & Write Sync I/O tab
Enter desired value and click the Write!

Release 9 - SPL Ops Guide

5. NI Server Explorer Default Values SPL User Configuration Defaults

OPC Variable Variable Usage
PLC/Choke C OPC/Choke_State_Cmd 0=Standby Mode/1=Position Mode/2=Pressure Mode/10=SPL Mode

PLC/Choke C OPC/SPL_BlowdownPosn Position to which choke will first move to relieve pressure. Expressed in %

PLC/Choke C OPC/SPL_BlowdownPres Value to be subtracted from SPL_Setpoint pressure. C Leg pressure must fall below the difference
value to reset SPL Violation. Expressed in psi 150psi

PLC/Choke C OPC/SPL_ChkFullFlowPosn Choke position considered to be fully open. Choke moves to this position after HoldTime timer
elapses to help dump pressure. Expressed in % 100%

PLC/Choke C OPC/SPL_RampRate Provides the ability to slow the closing of the SPL choke after recovery from SPL Violation. Intent is
to provide MPD Chokes with time to adjust to changes in process pressure control. Expressed in 5%/sec
PLC/Choke C OPC/SPL_HoldTime_INT Timer, triggered by SPL Violation, which allows a wait and see pause time to determine if SPL choke
moving to initial Blowdown position will relieve pressure. Entered in whole seconds
PLC/Choke C OPC/SPL_Setpoint_psi SPL trip point. Expressed in psi. Initially defaulted to max value.

PLC/Choke C OPC/SPL_Use_Ramp Enable or disable function which slows the closing of SPL choke after recovery from SPL Violation.
Entered as 0 (Disable) or 1 (Enable) 0

PLC/StatusDB/AutoC_legPresSelEnable Originally added when using C Choke in Pressure Mode as a fallback source of WHP monitoring if
the upstream block valve were closed.
In SPL Mode, the upstream block valve must be open anyway. This variable is mentioned here to
inform the operator that, if the dedicated C Leg transmitter fails, this value can be temporarily 0
enabled which causes the SPL function to monitor the ActiveWHP variable until the proper
transmitter is back in service. It is more desirable to monitor the dedicated C Leg transmitter.
Entered as 0 (Use C Leg transmitter) or 1 (Use ActiveWHP)

Release 9 - SPL Ops Guide

6. Pre-Job SPL Function Test

7. Coordinate testing of SPL with customer/management as needed to be sure all parties agreed to its operating parameters and understand
the functionality. Testing SPL functionality may be accomplished during the MPD Choke Skid commissioning using a loop calibrator.
Testing SPL functionality may be accomplished during the MPD Choke Skid commissioning using a loop calibrator.

1 Perform pre-job MPD choke commissioning as required

2 With Choke C in position mode, move the choke position to SPL starting position of 15-20%
3 Configure desired SPL settings in NI Server explorer
a. Set SPL_Setpoint_psi to: 1500psi
b. Set SPL_BlowdownPosn to: Use Default
c. Set SPL_BlowdownPres to: Use Default
d. Set SPL_HoldTime_INT to: Use Default
e. Set ChkFullFlowPosn to: Use Default
f. Enable ramp rate (SPL_Use_Ramp)
g. Set SPL_RampRate to: Use Default
4 Introduce pressure to Leg C Choke that is less than pressure setpoint entered in step 3a:
a. Enable SPL mode in NI Server Explorer
b. Verify Choke C HMI status reads SPL
c. Verify Choke C starting position matches user configured starting position (moved at step 2; set during step 4a
d. Verify Choke C BV is greyed out/locked out
5 Trigger SPL violation by introducing pressure to Leg C choke that is greater than SPL setpoint entered in step 3a
a. Verify Choke C position responds to setpoint violation (choke position will start moving open)
b. Verify Choke C position opens to initial blowdown position (step 3b)
c. Verify Hold time accuracy (step 3d) (the hold time timer begins as soon as SPL violation occurs)
d. Verify Choke C opens to full open position after timer expires (step 3e)
6 Reduce Leg C pressure to value less than SPL pressure setpoint blowdown pressure (step 3a 3c)
a. Verify ramp rate accuracy (step 3g)
b. Disable ramp rate
7 Repeat step 5
a. Exit SPL mode via HMI by swapping to Position or Pressure mode to verify disabling SPL during violation

Release 9 - SPL Ops Guide

SPL function test complete.

8 In Position mode reset starting SPL position on HMI to desired starting position
9 Reconfigure SPL settings in NI Server Explorer as per customer requirements.

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