Ce Pokemon Locations 2017

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LOCATIONS GUIDE [v.5/21/2017]

by Sky0fBlades

NOTE: This guide only gives the locations of the Pokmon that normal guides and/or the game do not
inform you about through normal gameplay/PokDex (until youve encountered them yourself).

For trade-evolutions, use Link Stones.

Very Common: 25%+
Common: 16 - 24%
Uncommon: 10% - 15%
Rare: 4 - 9%
Very Rare: 2%
Extremely Rare: 1%

BULBASAUR = Faraway Island [Rare]

CHARMANDER = Faraway Island [Rare]
SQUIRTLE = Faraway Island [Rare]
CATERPIE = Petalburg Woods [Very Rare]
PIDGEY = Routes 101, 103 [Very Rare]
RATTATTA = Rusturf Tunnel [Rare]
RATICATE = New Mauville - Entrance Room [Rare]
SPEAROW = Route 102 [Very Rare]
EKANS = Altering Cave [Very Common]
ARBOK = Altering Cave [Uncommon]
NIDORAN M & F = Route 113 [Extremely Rare]
CLEFAIRY = Meteor Falls - Steven Room and the Inner Hub Room (outside of Bagon Room) [Very Rare]
PARAS = Meteor Falls - First Room and the Trainer Room (right after waterfall) [Very Rare]
VENONAT = Route 116 [Rare]
DIGLETT = Altering Cave [Rare]
DUGTRIO = Altering Cave [Uncommon]
MANKEY = Route 112 [Rare]
GROWLITHE = Route 112 [Rare]
POLIWAG = Route 123 - Pond {surf} [Rare]
BELLSPROUT = Route 123 [Rare]
PONYTA = Mt. Pyre - Below Summit [Rare]
SLOWPOKE = Meteor Falls - All water {surf} [Extremely Rare]
FARFETCH'D = Mirage Island [Very Common]
SEEL = Shoal Cave - Water {surf} [Rare]
SHELLDER = Shoal Cave {Super Rod} [Rare]
GASTLY = Mt. Pyre - All Inner Floors; more common on Top Inner Floor [Very rare; Rare]
HAUNTER = Mt. Pyre - Top Inner Floor [Extremely Rare]
ONIX = Altering Cave [Common]
DROWZEE = Jagged Pass [Very Rare]
KRABBY = Safari Zone - All Pre-Expansion water areas {Super Rod} [Rare]
EXEGGCUTE = Safari Zone - First Area [Rare]
CUBONE = Route 111 [Very Rare]
LICKITUNG = Route 119 [Very Rare]
CHANSEY = Safari Zone - West (puddle-filled area) [Very Rare]
KANGASKHAN = Safari Zone - NW Corner (Mach Bike area) [Very Rare]
MR. MIME - Artisan Cave [Rare]
SCYTHER = Safari Zone NW Corner (Acro Bike area) [Rare]
JYNX = Shoal Cave - Ice Room [Very Rare]
ELECTABUZZ = New Mauville - Interior [Very Rare]
MAGMAR = Magma Hideout - Last 2 Rooms (the ones with huge slopes) [Very Rare]
TAUROS = Safari Zone - NW Corner (Mach Bike area) [Uncommon]
LAPRAS = Meteor Falls *EVENT* (defeat champion; arrive on a Monday)
EEVEE = Route 115 [Very Rare]
OMANYTE = Faraway Island [Very Common]
KABUTO = Faraway Island [Very Common]
AERODACTYL = Faraway Island [Rare]
SNORLAX = Artisan Cave *EVENT*
ARTICUNO = Roaming; after Lati@s
ZAPDOS = Roaming; after Articuno
MOLTRES = Roaming; after Zapdos
DRATINI = Meteor Falls - Bagon Room {Super Rod} [Very Rare]
MEWTWO = Seafloor Cavern *EVENT* (Complete Hoenn Dex; You may need to stay up really late or
wake up really early or youll miss your chance for that day)

CHIKORITA = Mirage Island [Rare]

TOTODILE = Mirage Island [Rare]
CYNDAQUIL = Mirage Island [Rare]
SENTRET = Route 104 [Very Rare]
TOGEPI = Mirage Island [Uncommon]
HOPPIP = Safari Zone - Southern Expansion (waterfall area) [Uncommon]
YANMA = Route 116 [Very Rare]
MURKROW = Safari Zone - Northern Expansion (crag area) [Uncommon]
MISDREAVUS = Altering Cave [Rare]
UNOWN = Altering Cave [Very Rare]
DUNSPARCE = Desert Underpass [Very Rare]
QWILFISH = Safari Zone - Southern Expansion {Super Rod} [Rare]
SNEASEL = Shoal Cave - Ice Room [Rare]
SWINUB = Shoal Cave - Ice Room [Rare]
DELIBIRD = Shoal Cave - Ice Room [Rare]
MANTINE = Route 130 {surf} [Rare]
TYROGUE = Speak to a guy near the Battle Tower
LARVITAR = Altering Cave [Rare]
RAIKOU = *EVENT* Speak to Wattson after completing the Hoenn Dex (Wattson only appears then)
ENTEI = *EVENT* Mt. Chimney's peak during a certain time of day after completing the Hoenn Dex
SUICUNE = *EVENT* Route 123 during a certain time of day after completing the Hoenn Dex
CELEBI = Roaming; after Moltres

TREECKO = Game Corner

TORCHIC = Game Corner
MUDKIP = Game Corner
All version-specific Hoenn Pokemon are at their normal R/S locations

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