GSK Consumer Products PDF
GSK Consumer Products PDF
GSK Consumer Products PDF
*Information on previously announced brand divestments is included at the end of this list.
Aquafresh provides dental care and feel good protection for kids and adults with a range of
toothpastes, toothbrushes and on-the-move oral care products. Major markets: Global
(branded Binaca in Spain, Odol in Czech Republic, Odol-med3 in Germany).
Abreva is a range of specialist cold sore products providing a complete regimen from rescue
to daily care. Major markets: USA, Canada, Puerto Rico.
Acne-Aid helps with the management of acne and any condition where greasy skin
predominates. Major markets: Asia, Brazil, Middle East.
Actiprotec is a disposable flu mask with an antiviral coating. Major markets: North America,
North and West Europe.
Alikal provides relief from stomach discomfort and headache symptoms. Major markets:
South America.
alli is the only FDA-approved weight loss product available without a prescription. Major
markets: US, Europe.
Ansolar is a high protection, non-greasy and hypoallergenic product that comes in a gel and
lotion form, to protect the skin against sun. Major markets: Latina.
Astringosol is a mouthwash that helps fight plaque and infection. Major markets: Mexico,
Bactroban is an acne treatment (China) or available for the treatment of skin infections and
prevention of infection in minor cuts and wounds (Canada).
Beechams offers a range of products to help relief for all associated cold and flu symptoms.
They can also ease rheumatic and muscular aches and pains and other mild to moderate
pain. Major markets: United Kingdom, Ireland.
Benefiber is a 100% natural, clear and taste-free fiber supplement that dissolves completely
in most beverages and soft foods. Major markets: USA, Canada, Australia, Italy.
Biotne is a market-leading dentist/hygienist-recommended dry mouth brand. The Biotne
range of products includes mouthwash, toothpaste, gum, spray, liquid and gel. Major
markets: USA, United Kingdom, Ireland, Europe, Australia.
Boost is a malt-based chocolate flavoured health food drink. Major market: India.
Breathe Right is a range of drug-free, clinically proven products designed to instantly relieve
nasal congestion to aid better sleep. Major markets: Global.
Ceridal is a range of products that protect the skin from drying out in the cold and wind.
Markets: Asia, North West Europe.
Cetebe helps prevent and treat vitamin C deficiencies. Major markets: Europe.
Cholinex is a lozenge for the treatment of sore throats. Major markets: Poland.
Clariderm is a cream that bleaches the skin to give a whiter appearance. Major markets:
Brazil, Middle East.
Coldrex is a brand of multi-symptom cold and flu products. Major markets: Central and
Eastern Europe.
Contac is a nasal decongestant tablet that also relieves pain and reduces a fever. Major
markets: China, Latina, Mexico, Japan.
Corsodyl is a medicated mouthwash, gel and spray to help treat and prevent bleeding
gums, mouth ulcers and infections. Corsodyl treatment products contain an active ingredient
which has been clinically proven to combat the plaque bacteria that cause gum disease.
Major markets: Spain, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Ireland.
Day & Night Nurse provides multi-symptom cold and flu relief in liquid, tablet and powder
format to help you feel like yourself again. Major markets: United Kingdom, Ireland.
Dr. Best is a leading toothbrush brand in Germany. The extensive range includes brushes
for children and adults. All feature the flexible neck that absorbs excess pressure while
Driclor uses a roll-on applicator to treat hyperhidrosis (excess sweating). Major markets:
Australia, Asia, Africa, Middle East, Europe.
Duofilm is for the treatment of warts, corns and calluses. Major markets: Australia, Asia,
Latina, Africa, Middle East, Europe.
ENO is a range of antacid products that treat the symptoms of heartburn and gastric
discomfort. Major markets: India and Latin America.
Eye-Mo is a range of eye care solutions, including Eye-Mo Drops and Eye-Mo Moist. Major
markets: Latina, Asia.
The Excedrin brand has been a leader in headache pain relief for more than 50 years, with
a range of safe, effective, over-the-counter pain relievers. Major markets: US, Russia,
Mexico, Poland, Egypt, Belgium, Netherlands.
Fenbid is an ibuprofen pain reliever with a 12-hour sustained-release formula. Major market:
Fenistil is an effective treatment for itchiness caused by several irritated skin conditions
including dermatoses, urticaria, insect bites, sunburn & superficial burns. It comes both in
topical and systemic forms. Major markets: Russia, Germany, Iberia, Switzerland.
Flonase Allergy Relief provides relief of all nasal and ocular symptoms of hay fever and
airborne/indoor and outdoor allergies and or other upper respiratory allergies. Major Market:
Formigran is a treatment for migraine relief containing naratriptan. Major market: Germany.
Grandpa is a powder that can be made into a solution to treat pain and a fever. Major
markets: Africa.
Hinds is a range of body lotions that moisturise and freshen skin. Major markets: South
Horlicks is a range of nutritional drinks designed to help children grow strong through a
combination of 23 vital nutrients, protein to build body tissue, calcium for healthy bones and
multivitamins supporting growth. Its the market leader in India and was voted Most Trusted
Drink Brands by Indias Economic Times 2013. The range also includes Horlicks biscuit, and
Mothers Horlicks specially formulated for expectant and breastfeeding mothers. Major
markets: India, Malaysia, United Kingdom, Middle East, Africa, Pakistan, Asia.
Hydrozole is a cream to treat itching from nappy rash and fungal infections. Major markets:
Australia, Middle East, Asia.
Imigran Resolve is sold as a self-administered injection, nasal spray or tablet form for the
acute relief of migraine attacks and cluster headaches. Major markets: North and West
Impruv provides advanced moisturising for dry, sensitive skin. Major market: Canada.
Iodex is a topical balm for relief from back pain, joint pain and sprains. Major markets: India,
Latina, Middle East.
Iodosan is an established Italian brand that offers a range of products for sore throat,
coughs and flu symptoms. Major market: Italy.
Lamisil is one of the worlds leading topical anti-fungal treatments designed to cure athletes
foot and jock itch. Major markets: USA, Russia, Germany, Korea, China.
The Macleans range includes toothpastes, mouthwashes and toothbrushes. Major markets:
United Kingdom, Middle East, Africa, Pakistan, Australia and New Zealand.
Maltova is a malt drink that contains essential vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. Major
market: Sri Lanka.
Med-Lemon (powder) is dissolved in hot water to make a drink for pain relief and fever
associated with colds and flu. Major markets: Africa.
Nicotinell is a smoking cessation treatment range that includes patch, gum and lozenge.
Major markets: Nordics, UK, Canada, France
NiQuitin is a range of products that helps smokers stop by replacing the nicotine supplied by
cigarettes with a lower, steadier level of nicotine. Major markets: Global. Branded as
Nicoderm CQ in USA, Nicabate in Australia and New Zealand and NiQuitin CQ in China,
many parts of Europe and South America.
Oilatum is a comprehensive range of clinically-proven skin care solutions for multiple dry
skin conditions, including eczema. Major markets: United Kingdom, Ireland, Poland.
Oscal is a calcium supplement for women at risk of osteoporosis. Major markets: USA,
Otrivin is the worlds leading nasal decongestant brand, providing temporary relief of
symptoms including congestion caused by various conditions including the common cold,
sinusitis, hay fever, and allergies. Major markets: Russia, Ukraine, Canada and Poland.
Panadol is a leading paracetamol-based pain reliever for aches and pains associated with
headache, back, cold, flu, allergy, arthritis, and menstruation. Its sold in more than 85
countries, including India (branded as Crocin) and Colombia (branded as Dolex).
Parasinus is a nasal decongestant for the prevention and treatment of allergic and
vasomotor rhinitis, and the common cold and flu. Major markets: Central and Eastern
Parodontax is a sodium bicarbonate based toothpaste that contains natural herbs and is
designed to reduce bleeding gums and prevent gingivitis and periodontitis. Major markets:
Europe, Japan (branded as Kamutect).
Physiogel is a science-based body and facial skincare range, dedicated to the daily care of
the most sensitive skin. Major markets: Brazil, Germany, South Korea, Poland, Italy,
Singapore, Australia, Hong Kong, Spain, Mexico (as well as 50 smaller markets).
Piri Allergy is a range of products providing relief from the symptoms of most allergies
and hay fever. The Piri range provides a choice of treatments to suit different needs. The
range includes the Piriton, Piritize and Pironase products. Major markets: United Kingdom,
Polytar is a medicated scalp cleanser that treats seborrhoea, psoriasis, dandruff and itching
scalp. Major markets: United Kingdom, Ireland, Europe.
Rinazina is a nasal decongestant for acute rhinitis, pharyngitis and sinusitis. Major market:
Rutinoscorbin contains vitamin C and rutosidum to stimulate the bodys natural immunity.
Major market: Poland.
Sarna is a lotion to relieve dry itchy skin conditions such as prickly heat, minor sunburn and
insect bites. Major markets: USA, Puerto Rico, Asia, Latina, Southern Europe.
Scotts is range a cod liver oil and multi-vitamin products designed to support the
development of children. The range includes emulsions, multi-vitamin chewables and
pastilles. Major markets: Asia, Latin America and Africa.
Sinecod is the worlds #1 over-the-counter brand in the dry cough segment. Known as the
cough expert brand, Sinecod works by suppressing the cough reflex that causes the painful
symptoms associated with dry cough. Sinecod products are available as syrups, tablets or
drops. Major markets: Russia, Turkey, Philippines, Middle East, Greece, Poland, Italy
Sonrisal is an antacid dissolved in water to cure heartburn and headache. Major markets:
Spectraban is a hypoallergenic cream that protects sensitive, oily or acne-prone skin from
the sun. Major markets: India sub-continent, Asia, Latina, Africa, Middle East, Southern
Spectro is a range of moisturisers, cleansers, eczema and acne treatments. Major markets:
Stieprox is a cleanser for hair and scalp, treats dandruff, seborrhoeic dermatitis and relieves
itchiness. Major Markets: United Kingdom, Ireland, Europe.
Super Wernets holds and cushions dentures securely and comfortably. Major market: USA.
Synthol comes as a gel or spray for the treatment of muscular pain. Major markets:
Southern Europe.
Theraflu is a leading brand of over-the-counter medicine that provides fast and powerful
relief of your worst cold and flu symptoms. Major markets: US, Russia, Ukraine, Canada and
TUMS antacid goes to work in seconds to provide fast heartburn relief. TUMS is America's
Number 1 antacid and comes in a variety of different flavours. Major markets: North
Uremol is a cream to treat itchy, dry skin. Major markets: Canada, Brazil.
Viva is a drink that contains milk, wheat and malted barley. It has Vitahealth a
combination of nine essential vitamins, iron, calcium and phosphorus. Major market: Sri
Voltaren is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug sold over the counter. Its the #1 topical
pain reliever worldwide and the fastest growing Top 10 OTC brand in the world. Major
markets: Global
Zeasorb is an antifungal powder that treats and prevents athletes foot. Major markets: USA,
Puerto Rico.
Zovirax is a range of specialist cold sore products providing a complete regimen from
rescue to daily care. Major markets: Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Africa.