Career Development Portfolio (ICDP)

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Individual Career Development Plan

Individual Career Development Plan

Table of Contents


Unit 1: Self-Assessment 2

Unit 2: Career Choice Analysis 6

Unit 3: Employment 9

Unit 4: Goal Setting ... 11

Unit 5: Career Essay . 18

Unit 6: Resume and Cover Letter .. 21

Unit 7: Interviewing and Applications . 33

Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
--Frank Outlaw

Developed by: Rick W. Marshall [email protected]

Individual Career Development Plan

Unit 1: Self-assessment

Objective: In this lesson, the participant will:

1. Identify the need for a Career Development Portfolio.

2. Assess their personal career interests by completing a self-assessment

interest inventory.

3. Identify career fields indicated as a result of the interest inventory.

Session Time: 50 60 minutes

Equipment: Overhead projector, marker board/chalkboard

Materials: SDS Career Explorer Self-Assessment and Career Booklets,

transparencies, handouts, 2-pocket folders

Methods: Lecture, guided discussion, and independent study

It is a good idea for the instructor to do a career portfolio before attempting to
instruct the students to do so. The instructors portfolio can serve as a sample for
the students. Also, the instructor will become familiar with each step of the
portfolio. Consequently, any problems with researching careers, training, or
funding sources will have been resolved before the students encounter them.

It is important for the instructor to become familiar with the SDS Self Assessment
Booklet and Career Booklet. Read through the Teachers Guide and do the

Every student needs to develop an Individual Career Development Plan (ICDP)

that will guide the student through the process of making informed decisions
about their employment goals.

ICDP Components:

Occupational Outlook Handbook search
Employer search
Training search
Funding search
Career essay
Resume/cover letter

Individual Career Development Plan

Skilled workers continue to be the fastest growing field of workers in the

American workforce as indicated by the graph below. Students need to be
focusing on gaining skills that will be marketable in the workforce.

Show the transparency of the graph to the class. Discuss how the need for
professional workers has remained the same in the last 50 years. Explain how
the need for skilled workers has risen from 20 percent to 64 percent. In contrast,
the need for unskilled workers has dropped from 60 percent to 16 percent in the
last 50 years. Ask the students According to this chart, which category of
workers is less likely to find a job? Talk about the decline in unskilled labor, and
point out that without a plan to enter the workforce with some type of skill their
chance of getting a job declines with every year that passes.

The Changing Needs in the American Workforce

40 Prof.
30 Skilled

20 Unskilled

1950 1991 2000

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Professionals include doctors, lawyers, counselors, executives, etc. Those

people holding professional degrees.

Skilled craft workers are employed as precision production operators. They

include tool and die makers, power plant operators, mechanics and repairers,
including vehicle and equipment mechanics, telephone line installers and
repairers, heating, air conditioning and refrigeration mechanics, and heavy
equipment mechanics. Other skilled trades are employed in construction

Semiskilled workers are part of the skilled class on this graph and include
machine operators and assemblers who operate stationary machines. These
include punching and stamping machine operators, lathe operators, molding and
casting machine operators, assembly line welders, printing machine operators,
and laundering and dry cleaning machine operators. The second group include
operating transportation equipment and include truck drivers, bus drivers forklift
drivers and other mobile equipment operators.

Unskilled workers include stock handlers, garbage collectors, hand packagers,

and machine feeders.

Individual Career Development Plan


Distribute the 2-pocket folders, Self-Assessment Booklets, and Career Booklets.

Have the students write their name on the folder. Explain to the students the
importance of finding a job that will hold their interest. Also, explain how unhappy
they will be if the get into a job that they are not interested in. Some students will
say that they already know what they want to do and dont need to do the
assessment. Challenge them to do the assessment anyway and see if what they
considered to be the career field they want is in line with what the assessment
shows. Explain to them that the assessment is like looking into a mirror because
it is a reflection on their own responses.

Instruct the students to complete the self-assessment. When they have finished
the assessment booklet, discuss the six Holland codes with them and the career
fields they picked. Ask the students to give one of the careers they found and
create a list from the student responses. Talk about the list and the variety of
interest in the class.

Have the students begin their portfolio by adding the assessment booklets to the
folders that they were provided.

The self is not something that one finds. It's

something one creates.
- Thomas Szasz

Individual Career Development Plan

Changing Needs in the American Workforce




30 Unskilled



0 Timeline
1950 1991 2000

Individual Career Development Plan

Unit 2: Career Search (Career Choice Analysis)

Objectives: In this lesson, the participant will:

1. Research information on three careers from their self-assessment.

2. Analyze the information they gathered about the three careers.

3. Choose a specific career they are most interested in.

4. Research additional information relating to their chosen career.

Session Time: 50 60 minutes

Equipment: Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) (go to, computers with Internet access

Materials: Pencils/pens, highlighter, student career portfolio, classified adds,

want adds

Methods: Guided discussion, Internet research

In the last lesson the students completed a self-assessment and picked careers
indicated by their individual Holland code. In this lesson the students will pick the
three careers that they are most interested in and research information on those
careers. The students will analyze the information and evaluate the three careers
to decide which career they will focus on. The students will do further research
on their focus career and begin searching for a business/industry or government
institution that would hire them for that career.


Distribute the student career portfolios and the Career Worksheet. Review the
results of the self-assessment and the Holland Code with the students. Tell the
students to pick three careers from their list in the Self-Assessment Booklet.
Instruct the students to search the online Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH,
go to or have copies of the OOH available for the class.

The students should find the information for the three careers of their choice and
print/copy the information. The class can use the Career Worksheet to evaluate
the information from the three careers. Instruct the students to highlight
information from each of the subtitles on the OOH information that they have
copied. Using the information they have gleaned from each of their career papers
have them rate each area of the three careers they pricked. Have the students
tally their scores on the worksheet and discuss the careers that have the highest

Individual Career Development Plan

scores. Were these careers the same careers they picked in lesson 1? Talk to
the students about the process they used and have them add the worksheet to
their career portfolios.

Success is never a destination - it is a journey.

Though no one can go back and make a brand new

start, my friend, anyone can start from now and
make a brand new end.

What is the difference between a stumbling block

and a stepping stone? - The way you approach it.

Contributed by Maya Sullivan

Individual Career Development Plan

Use the scale to rate each of the three careers.

1 Not so Good
2 Good
3 Great CAREER

A_______________ B_____________ C_____________

Nature of work ____ ____ ____

Working Condition ____ ____ ____

Employment ____ ____ ____

Training, Other Qualifications, and

Advancement ____ ____ ____

Job Outlook ____ ____ ____

Earnings ____ ____ ____

Total ____ ____ ____

Individual Career Development Plan

Unit 3: Career Search (Employment)

Objectives: In this lesson, the participants will:

1. Research and identify employers for their focus career.

2. Research and identify education/training for their focus career.

3. Research and identify funding for the education/training of their focus career.

4. Compile information and add to the career portfolio.

Session Time: 50 60 minutes

Equipment: Computers with Internet access

Materials: Student career portfolio, classified ads, want ads

Methods: Guided discussion, demonstration, individual and/or group work


In the last lesson the students used analysis and evaluation skills to discover a focus
career. In this lesson the students will research employers, education/training, and
funding sources for their focus career.

This lesson was originally designed for classrooms with Internet capabilities. If there is
no online capability in the classroom a field trip to the library may be an answer to get
online access. However, career searches were done long before Internet came into the

The teacher may need to gather a supply of resources for the students or talk to the
students ahead of the lesson and giving them a list of items such as want ads,
information about local companies, financial aid information, information about
education/training available in the area. There may be agencies in the area that would
send representatives to talk to the class about these various topics and leave
information. There are ways to do the research if Internet access is not available and
students should experience various ways of doing the research.


Tell the students to search for an employer that employs people in the career field they
have chosen. They should try to find more than one employer so they can compare the
employers. Many companies have their own web sites that can be located by typing in

Individual Career Development Plan

the name of the company in the URL. The students may also go to one of the web sites
in the handout and search for employers.

Have the class gather the information about the various employers and look for ways to
apply for the jobs. Do they need to go in person or can they apply over the Internet. Try
to find the employers annual report. The annual report of a company will give
information that can be of benefit during the interview process.

Most careers involve some training or continued education. Have the students look for
institutions, agencies, apprenticeships, etc.. The students need to gather the information
and estimate a cost for the education/training.

Once the students have estimated the cost of education/training, they need to research
ways of getting the money they will need. This would be a good time to have someone
from an agency that offers free counseling on financial aid to come and address the
classroom. Financial aid forms will be available at most schools or online at, and could be distributed to the students that intend to further
their education. Make the students aware that there are thousands of scholarships and
it is very likely that they may qualify for scholarships also.

Have the students put the information they have gathered in their portfolio. Check the
portfolios to see that they are staying organized. Use the teachers portfolio as an
example of how it should look.

Destiny is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of

choice: it is not to be waited for, it is a thing to be
- William Jennings Bryan

Individual Career Development Plan

Unit 4: Goal Setting

Objectives: In this lesson, the participant will:

1. Identify the need for setting goals.

2. Recognize the elements of SMART goals.

3. Demonstrate an understanding of long-term and short-term SMART goals.

Session Time: 50 60 minutes

Equipment: Marker board/chalkboard

Materials: Student handouts from Goals chapter

Methods: Guided discussion, worksheets, demonstration

Instruction: This lesson is on goal setting and includes information on SMART goals,
long-term goals, and short-term goals. Also included are worksheets to allow the
students to demonstrate an understanding of setting long-term and short-term SMART
goals. You can lead guided discussion at several points in the lesson such as:
What is a long term goal? Can you give me an example?
What is a short term goal? Can you give me an example?
Can you give me an example of what a specific goal might be?
What would be a measurement that you could use for a goal?
Can you give me an example of a goal that may not be achievable for you at this
What do you think we mean by relevant goals?
How is timely different from measurable?
Will someone please share their long-term and short-term goals?

Goal Setting
A goal is what you achieve when you work towards something you want. Goals can be
long-termfor example, getting a good job, having a great family or living in a nice
house. Or, they can be short-termlike what you want to do this weekend.

Goal setting involves knowing what you want and designing a plan to get it. Goal
achievement, as you can imagine, can be challenging. For example, it may be easy to
set a goal like, Id like a family with two kids and a great job that Ill enjoy. To
accomplish this goal involves hard work, good planning, and careful decision making.

Goal achievement is also challenging. You may be able to put your goal in writing, list
the tasks, and put a plan in place. The challenge is to stay focused and be persistent.

Individual Career Development Plan

Introduction to SMART goals

To optimize the chance of achieving a goal it needs to be Specific, Measurable,

Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. This acronym of SMART goals will help you
remember these 5 components when setting goals.

Goals should be straightforward and emphasize what you want to happen.

Specifics help us to focus our efforts and clearly define what we are going to do.
Specific is the What, Why, and How of the SMART model.
WHAT are you going to do? Use action words such as direct,
organize, coordinate, lead, develop, plan, build etc.
WHY is this important to do at this time? What do you want to
ultimately accomplish?
HOW are you going to do it? (By...)

Ensure the goals you set are very specific and clear. Instead of setting a goal to lose
weight or be healthier, set a specific goal to run three times a week, eat three healthy
meals a day, and lift weights twice a week. A specific goal is both effective and

If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.

Choose a goal with measurable progress, so you can see the change occur. How will
you know when you reach your goal? Be specific! "I want to read three Harry Potter
books before my birthday" shows the specific target to be measured. "I want to read
more" is not as measurable.

Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each
goal you set. Also, when a goal is measurable, you can break it down into smaller sub
goals. In this way you can transform a seemingly large goal into smaller, easily
attainable ones.

This is not a synonym for "easy."

Achievable, in this case, means "do-able." Although you may start with the best of
intentions, the knowledge that it's too much for you means your subconscious will keep
reminding you of this fact and will stop you from even giving it your best.

A goal needs to stretch you slightly so you feel you can do it and it will need a
real commitment from you. For instance, if you aim to lose 20 lbs in one week, we all

Individual Career Development Plan

know that isn't achievable. But setting a goal to loose 1lb and when you've achieved
that, aiming to lose another 1 lb, will keep it achievable for you.

Set the bar high enough for a satisfying achievement!

Your goal should be set by you rather than by someone else.

You know your strengths and weaknesses the best. When you set your goal, be sure
that the desired outcome is something that you can affect and control. That way, the
responsibility lies within you, and not with outside forces. Too often people hope for
outcomes that they themselves cannot effect. This leaves them frustrated and

If you can see how a goal can impact your life, youll be motivated to achieve it.
When you set goals that are most important to you, you begin to figure out ways
you can make them come true. You develop the attitudes, abilities, skills, and
financial capacity to reach them. You begin seeing previously overlooked
opportunities to bring yourself closer to the achievement of your goals.

Set a timeframe for the goal.

Will you reach your goal next week, in three months, by the next year? Putting an end
point on your goal gives you a clear target date to work towards.

If you don't set a time, the commitment is too vague. It tends not to happen because you
feel you can start at any time. Without a time limit, there's no urgency to start taking
action now.

Here are some examples of goals that follow the SMART formula:

Goal: Reduce my use of over-the-counter pain medications

When I want to achieve it: 2 weeks
How I'm going to do it:
Plan my day to include exercise
Pace myself at work and take frequent breaks
Use relaxation techniques
How I'm going to measure it: Each day, record in my journal the medication I
took and how much

Individual Career Development Plan

Goal: Exercise 40 minutes each day

When I want to achieve it: 4 weeks
How I'm going to do it:
Stretch and do strengthening exercises 15 minutes in the morning
Walk 10 minutes during my lunch hour
Bicycle 15 minutes in the evening
How I'm going to measure it: Record in my journal when I exercised and for
how long

Failure and Success in Meeting a Goal

If you fail to meet a goal, analyze what went wrong.

Did you not follow the plan or was the goal unrealistic?
Take action to improve performance or analyze the goal and set a realistic goal.
Reward yourself when you achieve a goal. Take pleasure in the progress you are
making toward your lifetime goals.
Set new goals to keep you moving forward.
Analyze your success. If the goal was easily achieved, make your next goal
harder. If the goal took a long time to achieve, make your next goal easier.

Remember, goals tend to change as you mature. Review and revise future goals to
reflect growth in your personality.

"Great minds must be ready not only to take

opportunities, but to make them." -Colton

Individual Career Development Plan

This worksheet is designed to help you set long-term goals. To be

effective, the goal you choose needs to include the following steps:

Identify your long-term goal. ____________________________________


Set a deadline to achieve your goal. DATE: _________________________

What obstacles may block your progress?



What information, skills, or knowledge do you need? __________________


Identify the resources and assistance you need to reach your goal (people,
groups, financial aid, technology, etc.).



What are the benefits of achieving your goal? _______________________

Write down one of your long-term goals.



Individual Career Development Plan

List the short-term goals you need in order to achieve your

long-term goal.
Short-Term Goal Number 1

Date Started ___________________ Date Competed ___________________

Steps Obstacles
(What will I do to achieve my goal?) (Things that might keep me from achieving my
______________________________ ___________________________________

______________________________ ___________________________________

______________________________ ___________________________________

______________________________ ___________________________________

How I am going to measure it __________________________________________


Short-Term Goal Number 2

Date Started ___________________ Date Competed ___________________

Steps Obstacles
(What will I do to achieve my goal?) (Things that might keep me from achieving my
______________________________ ___________________________________

______________________________ ___________________________________

______________________________ ___________________________________

______________________________ ___________________________________

How I am going to measure it __________________________________________


Individual Career Development Plan

Use the following strategy for developing a goal-setting project.

Start with a piece of paper and a pencil. Goals in writing have a stronger chance of
achievement. A personal goal statement might look like this: I will get an interesting
part-time job this summer that pays at least $8 per hour. The more specific you make
the goal, the easier it is to stay focused on the outcome.

Make a list of all the tasks you need to do in order to accomplish this goal.
In this example, you might write the following:
Check with the schools work-study department.
List 10 places I would like to work and find out the managers name.
Design a short resume and get all the information that I need to fill out the
Talk to friends and their parents for advice and recommendations.
Once you have the list, put the tasks in priorityin what order should you do the

Put your action plan in place.

That means move from the planning phase to the doing phase. For example, write your
resume and have someone check it. Finalize your design and print 20 copies. Now
youre ready to talk with people about a job.

After you have accomplished several action steps, determine whether the plan is
You may have found new information that changes your plan. For example, you
discover that a company doing work related to your career objective is looking for an
unpaid intern. The experience would be extraordinary. You redirect your goal and try to
get the internship. Goals can change or be modified when you gain better information.

Realize that some goals may not be achievable.

Goal setting means you give it your best effort. Everybody has goals that they may not
achieve. Dont be disappointed. In fact, if you always achieve your goals, you may not
be setting them high enough. Learn from your experience and move on. Life has many
opportunities as well as disappointments. The important part is that you tried.

Individual Career Development Plan

Unit 5: Career Essay

Objectives: In this lesson, the participant will:

1. Construct a five-paragraph essay called The Career I Want.

2. Analyze research information.

3. Synthesize relevant information for the essay.

Session time: 50 60 minutes

Equipment: Flip chart and easel or marker board/chalk board

Materials: Handouts

Methods: Demonstration, discussion, independent study


The previous lessons have been devoted to gathering information and focusing on a
career. In this lesson the students will create a five-paragraph essay from their research


Distribute the Five Paragraph Essay handout. Use the handout to help explain the
organization of the essay. The topic for the essay will be The Career I Want. Instruct
the students to use their focus career in their topic. The three subtopics will be place of
employment, education, and financial aid. Instruct them to take information from the
research they have in their career portfolios and construct a five-paragraph essay. It is a
good idea to let the students see an example of an excellent essay. This will reinforce
the organization of the essay.

Many students want to start out by trying to write without planning or brainstorming.
Demonstrate on the board how to plug in information in the above diagram. Use the
teachers career portfolio for an example and insert the corresponding information into
the boxes that represent the paragraphs. Then the essay can be written from the
information in the boxes. This is a quick and visual way to outline the essay.

Collect the essays when the students are finished. Allow the students to do as many
drafts as it takes to get a final draft that is acceptable for their portfolio.

Individual Career Development Plan

Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in

overalls and looks like work.
Thomas Edison

Five Paragraph Essay

The five-paragraph essay follows a defined format. The first paragraph introduces us
to the thesis of the essay and directs us to the three main supporting subtopics. The
second through fourth paragraphs are all similar in format. They individually restate the
subtopics, and are developed by giving supporting information. The fifth and last
paragraph restates the main thesis idea and reminds the reader of the three main
supporting ideas that were developed. All of these paragraphs are important.

The introductory paragraph is the place in which the writer introduces the reader to
the topic. It is important to make this a clear and limited statement. This is where the
writer grabs the reader's attention. Because of its purpose, it is often the first sentence
of the paragraph. It is followed by three subtopics that develop the thesis. Between this
paragraph and all paragraphs of the essay, there needs to be some kind of a transition
word, phrase, or sentence.

Next, the body of the essay contains paragraphs two through four. They are all
similarly constructed. Their topic sentences are restatements, often in original form, of
the three supporting ideas presented in the first paragraph. Three or more supporting
sentences again support the subtopic of each of the body paragraphs. These cement, in
the reader's mind, the relevancy and relationship of each of the subtopics to the thesis

Finally, the fifth paragraph is the summary paragraph. It is important to restate the
thesis and three supporting ideas in an original and powerful manner. This is the last
chance the writer has to convince the reader of the validity of the information. Because
the purposes of the first and fifth paragraph are so similar that some writers construct
them at the same time. They will edit them, as necessary, as they do with each and
every part of the essay.

It is important to reiterate that each of the paragraphs is joined together by a

transition word, phrase or sentence. Transitions help the reader to follow the flow of the
logic and sequencing. All of the essay types follow this basic transition format. However,
there is more latitude with the narrative essay because of its nature.

Individual Career Development Plan

Introductory Paragraph

General Topic Sentence

Subtopic One
Subtopic Two
Subtopic Three


First Supporting Paragraph

Restate Subtopic One

First Supporting Detail or Example

Second Supporting Detail or Example
Third Supporting Detail or Example


Second Supporting Paragraph

Restate Subtopic Two
First Supporting Detail or Example
Second Supporting Detail or Example
Third Supporting Detail or Example
Third Supporting Paragraph


Third Supporting Paragraph

Restate Subtopic Three
First Supporting Detail or Example
Second Supporting Detail or Example
Third Supporting Detail or Example


Closing or Summary Paragraph

Synthesis of main topic

Individual Career Development Plan

Unit 6: Resume and Cover Letter

Objectives: In this lesson, the participant will:

1. Identify the elements of a resume.

2. Compile personal information.

3. Create a personal resume.

4. Create a cover letter.

Equipment: Overhead projector and screen, flip chart and easel or marker board/chalk

Materials: Overhead transparencies, handouts

Methods: Guided discussion and independent work


The resume is a selling tool that outlines a persons skills and experiences so an
employer can see, at a glance, how a person can contribute to the employer's

Activity #1.

The resume: Explain to the students, Your resume has to sell you in short order. While
you may have all the requirements for a particular position, your resume is a failure if
the employer does not instantly come to the conclusion that you "have what it takes."
The first hurdle your resume has to pass--whether it ends up in the "consider file" or the
"reject file"--may take less than thirty seconds.

Many times students have limited work experience and need help recognizing work
experiences that may make up a resume. Ask the class to give examples of work they
have done in the past and start a list on the board. Make sure to include jobs like
mowing lawns, babysitting, washing cars, or any other kind of experience that may
show a willingness to work and can be reinforced by a reference.

Next have the class give examples of activities, awards, and volunteer work they have
done or received and make a list. Be sure to include things like youth organizations,
church, sports, etc.

Individual Career Development Plan

Have the students spend some time and write a personal history of their work
experiences, activities, awards, volunteer work and education. This will be the pool of
experiences from which they will draft their resume.

Explain to the class, The most effective resumes are clearly focused on a specific job
title and address the employer's stated requirements for the position. In the previous
lesson you picked a career that interested you, found information about the job, and
investigated an employer that would hire you for that job. The more you know about the
duties and skills required for the job, and organize your resume around these points, the
more effective the resume.

Hand out sample resumes and read over them with the class. Have each student pick a
resume format that will best fit the students experiences. Instruct the students to use
the information from their personal history to create the resume. You may decide to let
the students embellish some of the points of their resume, such as education, to fit the
career that they picked in the earlier lessons. They should be aware that this is practice
and they would never put any information that was not true on a resume to use for a
real job hunt.

Also Leave Out...

Reasons for having left a job -- they won't enhance your image, and you may
create a negative impression.
Former (or desired) salary -- you need to know as much as possible about the
job in order to avoid asking for too little or too much.
Don't risk putting yourself out of the running before you've even begun.
Hobbies and memberships in social, fraternal, or religious organizations --
potential employers don't need this information, and you never know what
may turn them off.
Reasons for not having served in the military.
Any potentially negative information about you (unless unavoidable), such as
prison terms, lost lawsuits, and disabilities that may affect your job
The label "Resume" or "Vitae" -- if the briefest glance does not clearly identify
your resume as such, the label will not help.
The banal "References available on request"; this is taken for granted.

Activity #2.

The Cover Letter: Everyone who sends out a resume needs a cover letter. Even if the
cover letter never "came up" in conversation or wasn't mentioned in an advertisement,
it's expected. The cover letter gives a person another chance to emphasize what he or

Individual Career Development Plan

she has to contribute to the company or organization and should be tailored to the
specific company.

A cover letter will help answer any questions about what you have to offer the company
in your own words. Your resume will also answer the questions but in a somewhat more
rigid format.

Distribute the What makes a good cover letter? handout and discuss with the
Hand out the sample cover letter and have the students create a cover letter to go along
with their resume.

Conclusion: Gaining skills in writing effective resumes and cover letters is essential for
todays workforce. A professional looking resume and cover letter can definitely give a
person the edge needed in todays job market.

Creativity comes from trust. Trust your instincts. And

never hope more than you work.
Rita Mae Brown

Individual Career Development Plan

What Makes a Good Cover Letter?

1. No spelling or typing errors. Not even one.

2. Address it to the person who can hire you. Resumes sent to the personnel
department have a tougher time of it. If you can find out (through networking and
researching) exactly who is making the hiring decision, address the letter to that
person. Be sure the name is spelled correctly and the title is correct. A touch of
formality is good too: address the person as "Mr.," "Ms.," "Mrs.," "Miss," "Dr.," or

3. Write it in your own words so that it sounds like you--not like something out of
a book. Employers are looking for knowledge, enthusiasm, and focus.

4. Show that you know something about the company and the industry. This is
where your research comes in. Don't go overboard--just make it clear that you
didn't pick this company out of the phone book. You know who they are, what
they do and you have chosen them!

5. Use terms and phrases that are meaningful to the employer. (This is where
your industry research and networking come in.) Answer the specific needs that
the job calls for and use language that you find in the ad for the job.

Individual Career Development Plan

Your mailing address

Your phone number, including area code

Date letter is mailed

Name and title of a specific person

Company name
Mailing address

Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. Last Name, (If the person has a unisex first name, use his or her full
name. For women, use Ms. unless you know they use the prefix Mrs.)

First Paragraph: In your initial paragraph, state the reason for the letter, the specific
position or type of work for which you are applying, and indicate from which resource
(placement center, news media, friend, employment service) you learned of the
opening. Your first sentence should catch the reader's attention and reflect your interest
in the company.

Second Paragraph: Indicate why you are interested in the position, the company, its
products or services - above all, clearly state what you can do for the employer. If you
are a recent graduate, explain how your academic background makes you a qualified
candidate for the position. If you had some practical work experience, point out your
specific achievements or unique qualifications. Try not to repeat the same information
the reader will find in your rsum.

Final Paragraph: In the closing paragraph, refer the reader to the enclosed rsum or
application which summarizes your qualifications, training, and experiences. Indicate
your desire for a personal interview and your flexibility as to the time and place. If the
job announcement requests no phone calls, repeat your phone number in the letter. If
no such request is made, state that you will call on a certain date to set up an interview.
Salary information should only be provided upon request.

Sincerely yours,

(Your Signature)

Your typed name


Individual Career Development Plan

42 Blossom Drive
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(860) 555-5555

August 8, 2000

Chris Thompson
American Literature Monthly
55 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106

Dear Chris Thompson,

I understand that American Literature Monthly has nearly doubled its circulation in the
past ten months. It is wonderful to know more people are exploring American Literature
and broadening their horizons. I hope that I can be part of this phenomenal growth by
filling the Assistant Writer position advertised in the Hartford Gazette.

I have recently graduated from Southern Connecticut State University, where I focused
on American Literature. While attending, I had the good fortune to work as an intern for
Name First, an advertising firm servicing local businesses. Utilizing my writing and
computer skills, I created a variety of promotional materials and press releases to suit
individual company's needs.

My knowledge of American Literature, along with my writing and marketing skills, would
be an asset to American Literature Monthly. I would very much appreciate the
opportunity to meet with you and discuss some of my ideas on the subject. At your
request, I am providing my salary history. While working part-time at Quiet Corner Book
Store, my annual salary is $11,400. Prior to that, I earned $54,300 while working full-
time at Freeman & Reed Accounting Services. I have enclosed my rsum for your
review and will telephone you on August 17th to set up a meeting.



Andrew Dragon

Individual Career Development Plan

42 Blossom Drive
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(860) 555-5555

August 23, 2000

Chris Thompson
American Literature Monthly
55 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106

Dear Ms. Thompson,

I enjoyed our discussion on Tuesday regarding the American Literature Monthly's

history and future along with the role of the Writing Assistant position. Your plans to
expand coverage on modern literature and poetry will certainly add a new dynamic to
the magazine, and thereby increase its audience. Such growth can be accelerated with
innovative marketing research and materials.

As we discussed during the interview, I have exceptional skills and experience in

creating marketing materials that would be valuable in this new venture. For example,
my marketing decisions increased sales at Quiet Corner Book Store by 30% in two
months. Combined with my knowledge of American Literature, I feel confident in fulfilling
the requirements of the Writing Assistant position.

Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you. I am very interested in working for
American Literature Monthly, and look forward to future discussions.



Andrew Dragon

Individual Career Development Plan

178 Green Street
Huntington, WV 25701
(304) 555-5555

To contribute relevant experience and education background to the
position of Computer Programmer/Software Engineer.


Proficient in the design and implementation of program

enhancements, including an on-line message system, database
repair/trouble-shooting utilities and a release system to update
clients on the current version of software.
Demonstrated ability in the provision of client support services.

6/1989 to Present Senior Programmer - Patient Scheduling
A privately owned software company specializing in the needs of
the health care industry.

Design and implementation of new system enhancements.

Sole development of new generator product. Designed file structure
and conducted actual coding based on functional specification

3/1988 to 6/1989 Programmer/Analyst

Installed software for new clients and provided on-site support.

Developed on-line message system for members of the
programming group.
Instituted utilities that aided in the detection and evaluation of client
bugs and made repairs to the client database.
Supported existing clients and resolved critical issues/problems in a
timely fashion.

Individual Career Development Plan

MARSHALL UNIVERSITY, 1993-Present Huntington, WV
Enrolled in Graduate Mathematics program (Part-time)

WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY, 1985-1989 Morgantown, WV

Bachelor of Science Degree: Computer Science Engineering

Programming Languages: C++, C, Jam, Pascal, LISP, IBM, PL/1,
Prolog, AION
Databases: SQL/DS, Oracle
Hardware: HP 9000, IBM 3090

Individual Career Development Plan

259 Highway Lane

Danbury, Ct 06810
(203) 555-1234

OBJECTIVE: To provide top-quality, conscientious service as a typist

and office clerk in an industrial firm.

SKILLS SUMMARY: Typing 75 WPM; shorthand 100 WPM; copy machine;

fax machine; IBM PC; Apple


1994-PRESENT Danbury Community College, Danbury CT

Certificate Office Technology

1993-1994 Danbury Community College, Danbury, CT

G.E.D. Certificate


1979-1985 Typist - File Clerk

Feinberg Associates, Danbury, CT
Assembled data from legal reports, typed revisions and legal
contracts, served as relief receptionist, maintained office files
and provided general office assistance.

1985-1990 Manzo Realtors, Forest Hills, NY

Served as receptionist to large real estate company; typed
documents related to sale and purchase of property; filed
records of clients and construction companies; maintained
appointment schedules

Individual Career Development Plan

One Opportunity Highway
Any town, IL 00000
(000) 000-0000

OBJECTIVE: Seeking entry-level position in retail sales.

EDUCATION: G.E.D. Diploma, My Community College, Any town, IL

SKILLS AND Communication:

ABILITIES: Delivered 45-minute speeches to 160 people in speech
class. Taught instructor to jump-start her 1978 VW
Microbus. Taught woodworking class to 38 kids as camp

Sold my car, negotiated with customers, got my asking price.
Convinced 14 businesses to sponsor ads in high school
yearbook. Generated $476.35 for SADD fundraiser.

Proficient in IBM and Apple computers (G.E.D. computer
class). Assisted uncle in understanding how to operate his
new IBM PC. Enjoy the challenge of learning new programs.

Individual Career Development Plan

47 Oak Tree Lane
Deerfield, MO 60110
(816) 555-1212


Seeking part-time hostess position


1995: G.E.D. Diploma, Deerfield Community College, Deerfield, IL


1988-1995: Hostess/Server, Holiday Inn, Deerfield, IL

1980-1988: Waitress, Baxters Restaurant, Copper, IL


Arts and Crafts Council (Treasurer)

Red Cross Life Savers

Individual Career Development Plan

Unit 7: Interviewing and Applications

Objectives: In this lesson, the participants will:

1. Recognize the elements of a successful interview.

2. Demonstrate the interviewing skills.

3. Identify how to correctly fill out an employment application.

4. Demonstrate how to correctly fill out an employment application.

5. Complete and review the ICDP.

Session Time: 90-120 minutes (the total process will take several class periods)

Equipment: Overhead projector and screen, flip chart and easel or marker board/chalk

Materials: Overhead transparencies, handouts

Methods: Guided discussion, demonstration, group work, independent work, role play

The resume and cover letter are designed to open the door for an interview. Once a
student has his or her foot in the door it is important for that student to know how to
prepare for the interview and what to do during the interview process.

It is especially important that the student practice being interviewed beforehand. This
will help frame answers and rehearse responses to difficult questions as well as
ensuring that a person incorporates all the significant points that need to be made. An
exercise is included in this lesson to give students the opportunity to do a mock
interview while fellow students judge their performance.

Activity #1
The Interview: Distribute the handout titled The Interview and discuss it with the
students. Ask the students to give examples of the types of careers they found in their
career exploration exercise earlier in this unit. List their responses on the board and
have the students complete the Interview Quiz.

Activity #2. Applications

Tell the students that you are going to do mock interviews with them and they will have
an opportunity to practice their interview skills. Instruct them to look over the information

Individual Career Development Plan

they have about the companies that would hire them for the careers that they have
picked (they should have this information from previous lessons in this unit).

Let the students know that they will each have a chance to interview while the rest of
the class scores their interviewing skills on the Mock Interview Checklist. This process
will take longer than a single class period so be prepared to carry the lesson over to
other class times.

You may want to let them actually dress for the interview and postpone starting the
mock interview process. This would give them time to study the information on
interviewing techniques and the information on the company that they have picked.

Activity #3
Knowing the proper techniques for filling out an employment application is critical to
success in the workforce. Employers look for applications that are neat and properly
filled out.

Distribute the handout titled Sample Application. Go over the handout with the students
and give them an opportunity to fill out the sample application and enter it into their

Success in the workforce starts with the foundation of a solid Individual Career
Development Plan. After the students have completed this unit they will have created
their own ICDP. Review the components of the portfolio with the students. It will be a
realistic tool for the students to use in their attempt to enter the workforce.

ICDP Components:

Occupational Outlook Handbook search
Employer search
Training search
Funding search
Career essay
Resume/cover letter

The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard
work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish
anything if you're willing to pay the price. Vince Lombardi

Individual Career Development Plan

Sample Employment Application Form



PLEASE COMPLETE PAGES 1-5. DATE _________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Last First Middle Maiden
Present address ____________________________________________________________________________________
Number Street City State Zip
How long ___________________ Social Security No. _______ _____
Telephone ( )
If under 18, please list age ___________________
Days/hours available to work
Position applied for (1) ______________________ No Pref ______ Thur _________
and salary desired (2) ______________________ Mon _________ Fri __________
(Be specific) Tue _________ Sat _________
Wed _________ Sun _________

How many hours can you work weekly? ______________________ Can you work nights? _____________________
When available for work? _____________


(Complete mailing COMPLETED &
address) DEGREE
High School


Bus. or Trade

Professional School


If yes, explain number of conviction(s), nature of offense(s) leading to conviction(s), how recently such
offense(s) was/were committed, sentence(s) imposed, and type(s) of rehabilitation. ____________________________

Individual Career Development Plan





What is your means of transportation to work? ___________________________________________________________
Drivers license
number ____________________________ State of issue _______ Operator Commercial (CDL)
Expiration date _____________________
Have you had any accidents during the past three years? How many? _________________
Have you had any moving violations during the past three years? How Many? _________________

Yes Yes Word Yes

Typing No _____ WPM 10-key No Processing No _____ WPM
Personal Yes PC Other ____________________________________________
Computer No Mac Skills ____________________________________________

Please list two references other than relatives or previous employers.

Name _______________________________________ Name ___________________________________________

Position _____________________________________ Position _________________________________________
Company ____________________________________ Company ________________________________________
Address _____________________________________ Address _________________________________________
______________________________________ __________________________________________
Telephone ( ) Telephone ( )

An application form sometimes makes it difficult for an individual to adequately summarize a complete background.
Use the space below to summarize any additional information necessary to describe your full qualifications for the
specific position for which you are applying.

Individual Career Development Plan


Specialty _________________________________ Date Entered ________________ Discharge Date _____________

Work Please list your work experience for the past five years beginning with your most recent job held.
Experience If you were self-employed, give firm name. Attach additional sheets if necessary.

Name of employer Name of last Employment Pay or salary

Address supervisor dates
City, State, Zip Code
Phone number From Start
To Final
Your last job title
Reason for leaving (be specific)

List the jobs you held, duties performed, skills used or learned, advancements or promotions while you worked at
this company.

Name of employer Name of last Employment Pay or salary

Address supervisor dates
City, State, Zip Code
Phone number From Start
To Final
Your Last Job Title
Reason for leaving (be specific)

List the jobs you held, duties performed, skills used or learned, advancements or promotions while you worked at
this company.

Individual Career Development Plan


Work Please list your work experience for the past five years beginning with your most recent job held.
experience If you were self-employed, give firm name. Attach additional sheets if necessary.

Name of employer Name of last Employment Pay or salary

Address supervisor dates
City, State, Zip Code
Phone number From Start
To Final
Your last job title
Reason for leaving (be specific)

List the jobs you held, duties performed, skills used or learned, advancements or promotions while you worked at
this company.

Name of employer Name of last Employment Pay or salary

Address supervisor dates
City, State, Zip Code
Phone number From Start
To Final
Your last job title
Reason for leaving (be specific)

List the jobs you held, duties performed, skills used or learned, advancements or promotions while you worked at
this company.

May we contact your present employer? Yes No

Did you complete this application yourself Yes No
If not, who did? _____________________________________________________________________________________

Individual Career Development Plan



In exchange for the consideration of my job application by ___________________ (hereinafter called the
Company), I agree that:
Neither the acceptance of this application nor the subsequent entry into any type of employment
relationship, either in the position applied for or any other position, and regardless of the contents of
employee handbooks, personnel manuals, benefit plans, policy statements, and the like as they may exist
from time to time, or other Company practices, shall serve to create an actual or implied contract of
employment, or to confer any right to remain an employee of , or otherwise to change in any
respect the employment-at-will relationship between it and the undersigned, and that relationship cannot be
altered except by a written instrument signed by the President /General Manager of the Company. Both the
undersigned and may end the employment relationship at any time, without specified notice
or reason. If employed, I understand that the Company may unilaterally change or revise their benefits,
policies and procedures and such changes may include reduction in benefits.

I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application. I understand that the
misrepresentation or omission of facts called for is cause for dismissal at any time without any previous
notice. I hereby give the Company permission to contact schools, previous employers (unless otherwise
indicated), references, and others, and hereby release the Company from any liability as a result of such

I also understand that (1) the Company has a drug and alcohol policy that provides for preemployment
testing as well as testing after employment; (2) consent to and compliance with such policy is a condition of
my employment; and (3) continued employment is based on the successful passing of testing under such
policy. I further understand that continued employment may be based on the successful passing of job-
related physical examinations.

I understand that, in connection with the routine processing of your employment application, the Company
may request from a consumer reporting agency an investigative consumer report including information as to
my credit records, character, general reputation, personal characteristics, and mode of living. Upon written
request from me, the Company, will provide me with additional information concerning the nature and scope
of any such report requested by it, as required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

I further understand that my employment with the Company shall be probationary for a period of sixty (60)
days, and further that at any time during the probationary period or thereafter, my employment relation with
the Company is terminable at will for any reason by either party.

Signature of applicant__________________________________________ Date: ___________________

This Company is an equal employment opportunity employer. We adhere to a policy of making employment
decisions without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, age or
disability. We assure you that your opportunity for employment with this Company depends solely on your

Thank you for completing this application form and for your interest in our business.

Individual Career Development Plan

These are the most commonly asked questions.

Think about your answers and practice them prior to your interview!

What are the responsibilities of your current or previous position?

What do you know about this industry?

What do you know about our company?

How long will it take for you to make a significant contribution?

What is your most significant accomplishment?

Why did you leave your last job?

Why do you think you would like to work for our company?

If it were your first day, what would you say to the associates you will be working

What have you done to overcome major obstacles in your life?

Are you willing to relocate?

How would you describe your work style?

Tell me about yourself?

Why do you think we should hire you for this job?

How do you define success?

What was the last book you read?

What area of this job would you find most difficult?

What leadership/supervisory roles have your held?

What is your weakness?

What is your strength?

What accomplishments are you most proud of?

What has been your greatest crisis, how did you solve it?

Individual Career Development Plan

What person has had the greatest influence on you, why?

What do you like best about your job/school. What do you like least?

How has college prepared you for this career?

Describe your ideal job.

Why did you choose this particular field of work?

What have you done that shows initiative?

In what areas of the job would you expect to be most successful....least?

What do you see yourself doing in 5 or 10 years?

What are your salary requirements?

What frustrates you?

Describe a situation with an irate customer and how you handled it?

What aspect of this job do you consider most crucial?

What are your long range career objectives and how do you plan to
achieve them?

How do think a friend would describe you?

What motivates you?

How many hours a week do you need to work to get the job done?

How do you work under pressure?

What two or three things are most important to you in your job?

Tell me about other jobs you've had. In hindsight, how could you have
improved your performance?

What makes a good supervisor?

What skills do you want to improve?

Individual Career Development Plan

Interview Quiz

Directions: Circle the letter for the best answer of each of the following

1) What do you know about our organization?

a) "I've done a little homework and here is what I know about your organization...(cite

b) "Everything I've seen and heard makes me want to be a part of this organization. I
understand your industry is ________ and your primary customer is __________. A
particularly exciting part of your business appears to be _________ ."

c) "I know enough to know this is an exciting place to work. It appears to be fit for my
career goals."

b) This is the best answer. Although this takes a little preparation, this level of
knowledge and precise presentation will do wonders for starting an interview on
the right foot

2) Why are you the best person for the job?

a) "I've held a lot of positions like this one, and that experience will help me here."

b) "Because I am good at what I do."

c) "Our discussion here leads me to believe this is a good place to work."

d) "You need someone who can produce results, and my background and experience
are proof of my ability. For example..."

d) This is the best answer. Acknowledging the need and giving a supported
answer is the best tactic here.

3) Tell me about yourself.

a) Outline personal data, hobbies, and interests.

b) Give an overview of your personality and work habits.

c) Give three specific examples of your personality traits and accomplishments.

c) This is the best answer. Examples are proof of your ability and a sign of
confidence. Giving a clear concise example will be more memorable and set you

Individual Career Development Plan

apart from the group. Before the interview, think the needs of the job and how
your personality could be a fit.

4) What are your strengths?

a) "I am good at giving constructive criticism to my coworkers. This honesty is

something I'm very proud of and have found essential to having open working

b) "I consider myself to be very consistent. I have proven myself to be someone who
can be counted upon to do what is expected."

c) "I would have to chose between two skills. I am very proud of my determination and
ability to get things done. At the same time, I am very proud of my analytical abilities
and problem solving skills. These skills combine to give me a unique ability to solve
problems and then implement the solutions."

c) This is the best answer. This shows you have given some real thought to your
strengths and highlights not only the skills you have, but also of what use they
are to the employer.

5) If asked a point blank question, such as are you creative, or can you
work under pressure?

What is the best way to answer?

a) Answer yes or no.

b) Answer yes and give a specific example.

c) Answer yes and give an explanation.

b) This is the best answer. A brief, specific example supports your answer well
and says you are confident, well prepared, and genuine.

6) How would you characterize your work style?

a) "I am a very driven person. I make a list of what needs to be done and then tackle the
items until I've completed the job.

b) "I show up whenever I'm scheduled to work."

c) "I haven't held a job yet so I don't know what my work style will be."

a) This is the best answer. It shows you are organized, willing to pay attention to
detail, and stick with a job until it is complete.

Individual Career Development Plan

7) What are your short term goals?

a) "Short term, I just want a job."

b) "Bills are beginning to pile up. In the short run I need to find work so I can keep up
with my obligations."

c) "Short-term, I'd like to find a position that is a good fit and where I can contribute to a
company's bottom line. The position we are here to discuss today would appear to be
such an opportunity. Could you tell me more about it?"

c) This is the best answer. This answer alludes to "giving" as well as "getting"
AND it refocuses the discussion on the job opening.

8) Where do you want to be in 5 years?

a) "I haven't really thought that far ahead but I think I'd want your job."

b) "If selected I would hope to meet my goals and take advantage of opportunities to
learn so I will be considered for other positions within the company. I hope to build my
career with a company such as this one."

c) "Long term, I hope to start my own business."

b) This is the best answer: This answer suggests both a desire to move up and an
understanding that the exact pace of movement is subject to many factors.
Reassuring the interviewer of a desire to stay with a company is always a good

9) Before we go any further, what kind of money do you need to make?

a) "I feel I am worth at least $30,000."

b) "My salary requirements are negotiable. Your firm has a reputation of compensating
employees fairly and I trust you would do the same in my case. I am very interested in
finding the right opportunity and will be open to any fair offer when I do so."

c) "Money is not very important to me. I need to be able to pay the bills but the work
environment is far more important to me."

b) This is the best answer. It shows a willingness to work with the organization to
determine a fair salary. If you have done your homework you know about how
much that would be annually.

10) Describe a situation you've encountered with a difficult customer.

Individual Career Development Plan

a) "In my last job I dealt with customers at a retail store. One customer wanted to return
an item she had obviously bought several years ago, which was against store policy. I
talked to her calmly and explained our policies and encouraged her to shop and I would
exchange the item however I could not give a refund."

b) "I rarely encounter a difficult customer because of my excellent customer service."

c) "I had a customer once who claimed her steak was not cooked correctly....I picked up
a knife and cut it open and explained that's the way it's supposed to be."

a) This is the best answer. This answer is clearly explains a situation and the
action you took to resolve the situation.

11) What is a weakness?

a) "I get really frustrated with my co-workers when they whine about everything."

b) "I don't 'toot my own horn'. I like to go in and get the job done and I don't dwell on
who gets credit."

c) "I don't think I have a weakness."

a) This is the best answer. This answer diplomatically states the importance of
looking at someone's individual capabilities and determining if they apply to the
open positions. It also identifies two critical skills applicable to almost any

12) What was your GPA? Why is it low?

a) My GPA is 2.8. basically because I had a lot of fun in college.

b) My GPA is 2.8 because I held a full time job while in college, working my way through
school. It is not reflective of my ability to do the job.

c) My GPA is 2.8 which I don't think is too low, at least compared to my friends.

b) This is the best answer. This shows you have given some thought to your
college GPA and are aware of what influenced it outside of the classroom. The
more involved and busy you were during college the more likely the employer will
accept a lower GPA

13) What are you looking for in a position?

a) "I'm looking for an opportunity to apply my skills and contribute to the growth of the
company while helping create some advancement opportunities for myself."

Individual Career Development Plan

b) "I'm looking for an organization that will appreciate my contributions and reward my

c) "I'm looking for a position that will allow me to make enough money to support my
lifestyle. I am a hard worker and will give a concerted effort to earn the money I need."

a) This is the best answer. This answer shows ambition, willingness to work for
opportunity, and a desire to work for a dynamic organization. In this response
you have energy and confidence.

14) How would co-workers describe you?

a) "They perceive me as a leader. The people who have worked with me learned great
deal and accomplished, in many cases, more than they thought possible."

b) "My employees would tell you they got direction when they needed and the room to
work when it was appropriate. I believe a measure of a good manager is how much he
is able to get done through others."

c) "They perceive me as someone who cared about them personally and had high
expectations. I get a great deal of satisfaction from helping others do their best. My
former employees would highlight three of my priorities which are to build loyalty and a
team environment, obtain results and develop people."

c) This is the best answer. This answer depicts a manager who cares about
people but is keenly focused on productivity. This answer give clear examples of
important aspects of one management style which is largely accepted.

15) What did you like and dislike about college?

a) "I didn't like the tremendous about of homework some professors assigned us. I liked
those professors who realized I had a life outside of class."

b) "I liked the opportunity to be involved on campus. It was a small campus that allowed
students to take responsibility, organize events and be a part of the planning team. I
can't really think of anything I disliked, college was a wonderful experience."

c) "I liked having Wednesdays off. I think the thing I disliked most was living in the

b) This is the best answer. It is positive, demonstrates your ability to juggle

several things at once and shows your commitment to get involved.

Individual Career Development Plan

16) Are you willing to relocate?

a) "No."

b) "I'm open to opportunities within the company so if that involves relocation I would
consider it."

c) "I'd move, but I know your headquarters is in Alaska and that's too cold for me."

b) This is the best answer. It leaves the options open without making a definite

Individual Career Development Plan

The Interview
Resumes and cover letters are designed to get an interview. The interview is a
conversation with a purpose that is an opportunity to provide and evaluate information.
Your role is to provide adequate and accurate information to assist the interviewer in
evaluating your skills, education, experiences, goals, objectives and personality for the
position in question. You should also listen and obtain information from the interviewer
about the employer, the position, the work environment and the company.

An interview is designed to exchange information. You have approximately 30 minutes

to convince the interviewer that you have the skills, education, and experience to be
successful in the position. Know yourself, your goals, your objectives and your skills.
The interviewer will evaluate your self-confidence, motivation, attitudes, skills,
knowledge, experience, initiative and responsibility. Remember that the interviewer is
comparing you to an "ideal" candidate. Be positive! Much of the success of your
interview will depend on your attitude and appearance. Arrive for the interview at least
10 minutes early and be appropriately dressed, neat and clean.

Be prepared to discuss the organization, job responsibilities, operations, policies, your

career objectives, and whether you are willing to relocate. Only the interviewer should
bring up salary and benefits. Take note-taking materials to the interview and don't be
afraid to jot things down during the session, though don't become so immersed in your
note-taking that you ignore the interviewer. During the close, express a sincere interest
in the job and leave knowing who contacts whom.

Prepare yourself for an interview:

Know the exact location of the interview and dont be late.

Research on the company to show your knowledge of the companies operations.
Record the interviewer's name and know how to pronounce it.
Prepare questions for the interviewer.
o How old is the company?
o Who are its competitors?
o What sort of training programs does it provide?
o If I am hired, what type of environment will I be working in?

Follow these guidelines during any interview:

Don't be late.
Check your appearance before greeting the interviewer.
There may be more than one interviewer present. Use the interviewers last
names until they allow first names.
Introduce yourself in a confident manner and express your interest in being there.
Shake hands firmly.
Remain standing until offered a seat.

Individual Career Development Plan

Sit erect, not rigid, with your arms in your lap.

Use your voice and gestures to communicate enthusiasm.
Avoid being sidetracked from the topic at hand.
Avoid answering questions in a negative manner and maintain a pleasant
Avoid negative conversation, especially about past employment - always be
When finished, shake hands again and thank the interviewers for their time and
consideration. This is a good moment to ask when you might expect to be
hearing from them again, or if they would prefer you to get back to them.

Employers often cite the following as reasons for not considering a candidate:

Sloppy resume, letters, or application form.

Late for interview.
Poor personal appearance.
Lack of eye contact during interview.
Extreme nervousness, often characterized by talking too much.
Lack of confidence and poise.
Timid, introverted, non-assertive.
Lack of interest and enthusiasm, passive, or indifferent.
Failure to participate fully in the interview process.
Inability to express oneself, poor diction, poor grammar.
Lack of career planning, no goals or no objectives.
Over-emphasis on money, interested only in offer.
Unwilling to start at bottom, expected too much, too soon.
Ill-mannered, not courteous.
Overbearing, conceited, know-it-all-attitude.
Made excuses, evasive on unfavorable factors in record.
Asked no questions about the job.
Lack of knowledge about the employer.
Indefinite response to questions.
Questionable long-term potential for advancement.
Unwilling to relocate.

If you're not sure why you were rejected, contact the employer or interviewer who
rejected you and ask them for help. Be very tactful and tell them you are calling to
improve yourself and your job search abilities.

Individual Career Development Plan

Job Applicant Interview Script

When the applicant arrives, put him or her at ease using a friendly, businesslike attitude.
Let the applicant know that you're glad that they've come and that you have set aside
sufficient uninterrupted time to conduct the interview. You can start the interview with
chatter about hobbies, interests, etc., if you are comfortable doing so and are confident
that you can stay away from personal questions that might be considered
discriminatory. Or you can simply ask one of the following questions:

"How did you happen to become interested in our organization?"

"How did you hear of the opening?"

Depending on the response, you can work in an overview of what you have planned.

"Before we start, let me give you some idea of what I'd like to cover today. I want to
review your background and experience so that I can decide whether the job is suited to
your talents and interests. So, I'd like to hear about your job, education, interests,
outside activities, and anything else you'd like to tell me. And after we have covered
your background, I want to give you information about our organization and the job, and
answer any questions that you might have."

Work Experience

A discussion of work experience should vary widely based, in part, on how long the
applicant has been employed. Questions appropriate to a recent high school or college
graduate will make little sense when interviewing a professional with 15 years of
experience. For an applicant with substantial experience, a reasonable starting point
would be a discussion of the most recent position. In addition to focusing on the jobs
themselves, it might also be helpful to discuss why the applicant has changed jobs in
the past, the duration of each prior employment, chronological gaps in employment, etc.
The following script would be appropriate when interviewing someone who has not been
working long.

"A good place to start would be your work experience."

"I'm interested in the jobs you've held, what your duties and responsibilities were, your
likes and dislikes, and what you felt you may have gained from them."

"Let's start with a brief review of your first work experiences, those you might have had
part-time during school or during the summer, and then we'll concentrate on your more
recent jobs in more detail."

"What do you remember about your very first job?"

Individual Career Development Plan

Select specific follow-up questions for each job and move forward chronologically. It's
been suggested that you move forward chronologically because there's a more natural
conversational flow and you can see patterns of behavior emerge.

Your follow-up questions should ask for specific examples of behavior, not general or
hypothetical responses. Don't ask "Are you dependable?" because all you will get in
response is a "Yes."

Instead, say, "Tell me about a day you got to work on time, only because of extra effort."
It is focused on specific examples of behavior. Similarly, instead of asking, "Are you
organized?" say "Tell me about a time when your organizational skills made a project
successful" or "How did you organize your work in your last position? How did you
handle the unexpected?"

Ask specific, clear questions one at a time and let the applicant answer uninterrupted.
Resist filling in every lull in the conversation; wait to see if the applicant will do so.

Avoid either verbally or physically giving the applicant a clue as to how you regard their
answers; remain neutral.

To draw the applicant out without revealing what you're thinking, try using his or her own
words. If the candidate says, "I like to work independently," you could respond with
"Independently?" Of course, you could also use the opportunity to ask the applicant to
give an example of what he or she did working independently.

After you have covered the applicant's work experience, you could move on to


As in the case of the work experience portion of the interview, the education discussion
must be tailored to suit the applicant's educational level. The sample interview that
follows would be appropriate for a younger applicant who has not been out of high
school for any length of time. When interviewing for a professional position, the focus
would shift to the professional education.

"You've given me a good review of your work experiencenow let's talk about your
education. Why don't we start with high school briefly and then cover more recent
schooling and any specialized on the job training you may have had. I'm interested in
the subjects you preferred, your grades, extracurricular activities, and anything else of

"What was high school like for you?"

Select specific follow-up questions for each educational experience and move forward

Individual Career Development Plan

chronologically. Don't necessarily accept answers at face value. Chronology reveals

patterns. Take the information and patterns of behavior that you're being told and
analyze them in terms of the performance skills you determined that you needed before
the interview began.

Activities and Interests

"Turning to the present, I'd like to give you the opportunity to mention some of your
interests and activities outside of workhobbies, what you do for fun and relaxation,
any community activities, professional associations, or anything else you'd like to
mention that you think might be relevant to our job. What would you like to mention?"

Select specific follow-up questions.

Show interest and attention, as well as respect for the applicant. Don't talk down. Do
use an appropriate language level.


"Now let's try to summarize our conversation. Thinking about all we've covered today,
what would you say are some of your strengthsqualities both personal and
professional that make you a good prospect for any employer?"

Select specific follow-up questions as needed.

"You've given me some real assets, and now I'd like to hear about areas you'd like to
develop furtherall of us have qualities we'd like to change or improve. What are some
of yours?"

Select specific follow-up questions as needed.

Transition to Information-Giving Phase

If you are still interested in the applicant, proceed to this phase of the interview. On the
other hand, if you have already decided that the applicant isn't suitable, there isn't much
point in describing a position that the applicant won't be filling.

"You've given me a good review of your background and experience, and I have
enjoyed talking with you. Before we turn to my review of our organization, and the job,
is there anything else about your background you would like to cover?"

"Do you have any specific questions or concerns before I give you information about the
job and the opportunities here?"

Individual Career Development Plan

All right, now I have some information I'd like to give you."

Review the organization, the job, benefits, location, etc.

Tailor your presentation as appropriate to your interest in the candidate.


"Do you have any other questions about us, the job, or anything else?"

Close the interview graciously. If you have already decided not to offer the applicant a
job, you can let them know at this point. Do so cordially and uncritically; you needn't be
specific about why you've rejected the candidate.

"I've enjoyed talking with you today, but we won't be able to offer you this position."

If you think that you would consider the applicant for another position in the future, say
so. You've already spent the time on an interview.

If pressed for a reason why an applicant won't be offered a job, you always have the
option of telling the applicant that you do not discuss the reasons for your hiring
decisions. Or, you may explain that, for example, you have already interviewed other,
more qualified applicants. Use your judgment, realizing that it can create a very
awkward situation if you merely tell an applicant that he or she is "unqualified" or
"lacking experience." Be honest, but don't be confrontational.

If you've found a promising candidate, you can continue.

"What is your level of interest in us at this point?"

Explore any doubts or reservations the applicant might have.

"Let me review what the next steps are."

Let the applicant know what's likely to happen next, whether another interview will be
needed, and how long it will be before a decision is made.

"I want to thank you for coming today...."

Individual Career Development Plan

Mock Interview Checklist

1. Demonstrate ability to follow established rules
by arriving promptly for the interview. ___ ___

2. Began interview with a friendly greeting and a handshake. ___ ___

3. Gave resume to interviewer. ___ ___

4. Expressed self clearly. ___ ___

5. Described relevant educational background,

qualifications or experience. ___ ___

6. Emphasized what he/she had to offer the company

rather that what the company had to offer him/her. ___ ___

7. Avoided mentioning personal weakness or making

Negative statements. ___ ___

8. Asked questions pertaining to the job, the company,

and/or working conditions. ___ ___

9. Showed interest and enthusiasm for the position. ___ ___

10. Responded appropriately to criticism. ___ ___

11. Showed respect and cordiality. ___ ___

12. Exited interview in a friendly manner and with a thank you. ___ ___

13. Appeared well groomed, neat and clean. ___ ___

14. Was appropriately dressed. ___ ___

15. Appeared self-confident. ___ ___

16. Used appropriate grammar. ___ ___

17. Controlled hands, legs and facial movements. ___ ___

18. Maintained good eye contact. ___ ___

19. Appeared to be in good health. ___ ___

20. Demonstrated good posture. ___ ___

Individual Career Development Plan


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