CEB - Manager Success Workshop - Getting Results From Formal Feedback - Workbook
CEB - Manager Success Workshop - Getting Results From Formal Feedback - Workbook
CEB - Manager Success Workshop - Getting Results From Formal Feedback - Workbook
Formal Feedback
Manager Success
Workshop Series
A Framework for Member Conversations
The mission of Gartners CEB Leadership Councils is to help executives and their teams harness their growth potential by taking insights from the best companies to save
time and make better decisions. When we bring leaders together, it is crucial that our discussions neither restrict competition nor improperly share inside information.
All other conversations are welcomed and encouraged.
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Instructions: Use this guide to identify areas where your employees can concentrate their efforts to become enterprise contributors. Assess
one of your direct reports, and whether or not they perform each of the tasks below.
Employee Name:
Prioritizes activities based on their contribution to the Understands the informal decision-making processes of the
organization, rather than completing tasks based only on fulfilling organization, rather than just the formal reporting structures.
job description.
Speaks with you to better understand organizational priorities Speaks with colleagues to understand the key talents and
and how their role relates to those goals responsibilities in their division in order to identify the best
person to ask for assistance or bring concerns in certain
Seeks out ways to make broader impact outside of their formal Uses their informal interactions with colleagues to get a better
role, for example by organizing skill workshops or assisting understanding of the challenges their division or organization
other teams with their experience and knowledge is facing and considers how they can help
Asks you to explain the reasoning behind organizational Identifies strengths and weaknesses, as well as additional skills
decisions, not just the decisions themselves of team members when considering division of labor on team
Coordinates their work with that of others to achieve mutual Proactively identifies problems and opportunities for change and
outcomes, rather than just maintaining personal relationships with initiate solutions, rather than only responding to changes made by
colleagues. others.
Shadows colleagues outside of their direct team to gain better Meets periodically with peers in other functions to discuss
perspective of their responsibilities common challenges and share best practices
Proactively serves as a resource for new hires rather than Includes at least one proposed solution when escalating a
having them approach them with questions first problem or challenge
Uses their extended network including alumni networks, Avoids becoming complacent with existing practices by
vendors, etc., to advance other teams in the company, rather periodically reviewing procedures to identify alternative
than only using them to benefit their team methods that may prove more efficient
Instructions: Assess the frequency with which you perform various development activities. Activities at the top of the list will tend to have
the greatest impact on employee performance.
Activity Often Sometimes Never
I ensure my direct reports have the required skills and knowledge before they need it.
Ask the employee about skills he/she wants to learn in the future.
alk about the skills the employee must learn and the development areas the employee needs to work on in order to
continue to provide value in their role.
Discuss how the employees strengths can contribute to the organizations vision and future goals.
otivate the employee to change a past negative behavior or an under-developed skill and discuss the outcomes if
the employee changes his/her behavior.
Career Interests
Ask the employee about their future career interests and aspirations.
iscuss whether the employees future career aspirations align with the organizations vision and purpose and, if not,
then how can the two align.
iscuss the possible career paths available to the employee given the organizations vision and strategy for the
Discuss how the career progression would look for at least two positions above the employees current position.
sk the employee about the types (role-related, technology-related, process-related, etc.) of networks he/she is
interested in being connected to based on his/her future career aspirations
iscuss the types of networks the employee needs to be connected to in order to be successful in future roles and
how the organization can help him/her connect to them.
Discuss the employees current networks and how they can contribute to a high level of future performance.
iscuss the peers and senior leaders who could have a positive impact on the employees future performance as
mentors and coaches.
Employee Name:
Conversation Guide
Questions to Ask Your Employee Employee Responses
Questions About Your Current Role
3. What one skill would you like to develop to improve in your current role?
3. If there is one task or project type youd like to do more frequently in your
future roles, what would you select?
4. If there is one task or project type youd like to do less frequently in your
future roles, what would you select?
Questions About My Role
3. A
re there other individuals you would like me to enlist to help you achieve
your career goals (e.g., a colleague in a role youre interested in pursuing)?
Employee Name:
Managers should use the organizations performance criteria and/or the employees most recent performance review to identify the skills needed to achieve performance objectives and whether these skills are
strengths or development areas.
Objective 1 1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Objective 2 1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
I have read and discussed my IDP with my manager. I have read and discussed this IDP with my direct report.
Instructions: Brainstorm possible questions you could ask your direct reports for each step in the conversation process, focusing on seeking
feedback and actively listening.
Employee Name:
Instructions: Review each activity to prepare for performance reviews, and check each item off when it has been completed.
Activity Completed?
Have I required that my direct reports provide me with a self review so I can identify and
plan for areas of possible disagreement during the review?
Have I requested feedback for my direct reports from other sources (e.g., peers, internal
customers) to ensure I have a complete picture of their performance?
Have I pinpointed the one or two areas of performance weakness that I will address in
this review?
Have I identified concrete examples that demonstrate the impact of these performance
Have I identified possible action steps that the employee and I can take to help close any
development gaps?
Have I created an outline of talking points where the bulk of the review is on strengths,
and any weaknesses are put into context?
Have I ensured that I have a plan for next steps (e.g., timeline for creating a development
Have I clearly identified performance expectations for the next review cycle or set up a
time to discuss them in the near future?