I. Abstract
In Hindi (an Indian language spoken in most parts of Northern and Central India), a
choupal is a village gathering place. The e-choupal initiativewhereby a choupal is
equipped with a computer and Internet connectivityis the brainchild of a large
agricultural processing company in India, the Indian Tobacco Company (ITC). The
initiative was conceived to tackle the challenges posed by certain features of Indian
agriculture, such as fragmented farms, a weak infrastructure, and the involvement of
numerous intermediaries. Although the primary objective of the project was to bring
efficiency to ITCs procurement process, an important byproduct is the increased
empowerment of rural farmers where e-choupals have been established.
The e-choupal initiative directly links the rural farmers with the company for the
procurement of agriculture and aquaculture products, such as soybeans, coffee, and
prawns. Traditionally, these commodities were procured by such companies as ITC from
mandis (major agricultural marketing centers in rural areas of India), and a long chain of
intermediaries was involved in buying the produce from farmers and moving it to the
mandis. Through e-choupals, these farmers can directly negotiate the sale of their
produce with ITC. The PCs and Internet access at these centers enable the farmers to
obtain information on mandi prices and good farming practices, and to place orders for
agricultural inputs, such as seeds and fertilizers. This access to information helps farmers
in improving the quality of produce and obtaining better prices. Elected from the village
itself, a literate farmer acts as the interface between the illiterate farmers and the
The e-choupal model has been effective in the short term. However, because of multiple
variables that affect productivity, a long-term assessment of the systems productivity and
efficiency levels needs to be undertaken.
II. Background
The ITC group of companies has a yearly turnover of Rs 7.5 billion (US$162 million),
and its activities span tobacco and cigarettes, paper and packaging, paperboard, hotels
and tourism, information technology, and agricultural exports. For its agri-export
division, ITC procures various agricultural commodities such as soybeans, coffee, and oil
seeds. Typically, a farmer sells his produce to a small trader called a kaccha adat, who
sells the produce to a larger trader called the pakka adat, who in turn takes the produce to
a local mandi, where a larger trader buys the produce. The mandi traders then operate
through brokers to negotiate sales to companies such as ITC. This long supply chain
results in high procurement costs for ITC and in lost profit opportunities for the farmers.
Because this long supply chain is a very time-consuming system, it also results in
deterioration in the quality of the products.
This case study was prepared by a team comprising Prof. Subhash Bhatnagar and Ankita Dewan at the Indian Institute
of Management (Ahmedabad) and Magi Moreno Torres and Parameeta Kanungo at the World Bank (Washington
Empowerment Case Studies: e-Choupal: ITCs Rural Networking Project
The e-choupal system was introduced by ITC in June 2000. A choupal was converted
into an e-choupal by setting up a computer and Internet connectivity. An investment of
Rs 40,000 is needed to establish an e-choupal with dial-up connectivity. If a VSAT (Very
Small Aperture Terminal) has to be mounted, the investment moves up to Rs 100,000.1
E-choupals are operated by a sanchalak (operator), a literate person who is elected from
among the farmers of the village. He acts as an interface between the computer and the
illiterate farmers, and retrieves information on their behalf.
While ITC covers the cost of equipment, the sanchalak pays for day-to-day operational
costs, such as electricity and Internet charges. These costs vary from Rs 3,000 to Rs
8,000 (US$60 to US$160) per year. Training is given to the sanchalak, who also doubles
as an ITC salesman. He is paid a commission of 0.5 percent per ton of processed product.
ITC spends an average of Rs 5,000 (US$100) annually on the support and maintenance of
each e-choupaltraining, maintaining a help desk, addressing equipment and software
complaints, and repairing and replacing broken equipment.
Information that can be accessed from an e-choupal includes crop prices, weather,
scientific farming practices, farmer peer groups, and soil-testing services. This online
information is made available in Hindi. For the farmer, the selling process works as
follows: The farmer carries a sample of his produce to a local kiosk and receives a spot
quote from the sanchalak. If the farmer accepts the quote, he can then transport the
produce directly to an ITC collection center and get payment within two hours.
The material handling systems at the ITC collection center ensure that tractors, trolleys,
or trucks can directly unload their produce without spilling any grain, and a modern
weighbridge ensures precise weighing. The transportation cost is reimbursed to the
farmer. If the farmer is located in a remote area, he has the option of selling his produce
to the sanchalak or to a nearby collection center. The farmers prefer this system to the
mandi system, where they had to wait for hours, or even days, before the produce was
sold. In addition, transaction costs such as bagging, transportation, loading, and
unloading had to be incurred by the farmers. Commission agents at the mandi used a
small weighing scale that was inaccurate and resulted in less revenue in proportion to the
produce. Moreover, the wastage level was higher, because the agents tended to throw
away some grain while evaluating its quality.
The intermediaries are not removed from the value chain. Their roles are redefined to
samayojaks (coordinators), who assist ITC in setting up new e-choupals by conducting
village surveys and by identifying the best sanchalaks. They manage the physical
transportation of sales made at the e-choupal, collect price data from local auctions, and
maintain records. These coordinators earn a 1 percent commission on product processed.
Initial resistance to joining, because of commissions as low as 1 percent, was overcome
once the increased volume of transactions became apparent.
ITC coordinates its activities with institutions such as the national meteorological
department and several universities to build useful Internet content, and also with
companies supplying agricultural inputs (fertilizers and seeds) to enable e-commerce.
VSAT is a small terminal that can be used for one-way or interactive communications via satellite.
Empowerment Case Studies: e-Choupal: ITCs Rural Networking Project
Such companies take orders and market their products on the e-choupal Website. ITC has
also collaborated with an insurance company on a pilot basis, to provide insurance
services specially designed for the landless, marginal farmers in more than 100 villages in
the state of Madhya Pradesh.2
III. Impact/Results
The project has come a long way since its inception, and is today recognized as Indias
largest Internet-based initiative, covering 1,300 choupals, linking 7,500 villages, and
serving almost 1 million farmers. Madhya Pradesh is host to 1,045 e-choupals, spread
over 6,000 villages covering 600,000 farmers. E-choupal has also established its presence
in other states, such as Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka. ITC, which
exports US$140 million worth of agricultural commodities, sourced US$15 million worth
of commodities from e-choupals in 2001. The substantial quantity (120,000 metric tons
of various commodities) already procured through this channel has resulted in overall
savings of more than US$1 million. These savings are shared between ITC and the
Web-enabled, real-time data on crop prices gives farmers an accurate picture of the prices
they can expect from ITC and from different mandis. This information enables them to
become informed decisionmakers and thereby sell their produce at a price that gives them
a higher profit margin. With the participation of agricultural supplies companies in e-
commerce, the farmers now can also conveniently order agricultural inputs.
Although the prices offered by ITC are not higher than those at the mandi, the farmer
chooses ITC because the transactions are done closer to home and the practices of
weighing and quality assessment are more efficient and transparent. Farmers save on
travel time and costs and incur less wastage. Their savings have been estimated at Rs 400
to Rs 500 (US$8 to US$10) per ton of soybeans. It is important to note that the final
decision to sell their crops to the mandi or to ITC rests with the farmers themselves.
The farmers can transact with the company directly and deal orders on the Internet. In the
process, the farmers save about Rs 250500 per ton, depending on their location relative
to the collection center. ITC gains in terms of assured supply and savings of more than Rs
200 per ton by avoiding the transportation of the crop from the mandi to the collection
center and other intermediary costs in the supply chain.
Altogether, more than Rs 1 billion (US$21 million) in transactions have occurred so far,
and the company plans to extend the initiative to 15 other states across the country over
the next few years.
Insurance services are currently provided by ICICI Prudential life, a private sector insurance company. The Life
Insurance Corporation of India, which has a 10.43 percent share in ITC, plans to offer group insurance policies that will
provide comprehensive benefits in terms of life insurance, pensions, and disability income, as well as lump-sum
survivor benefits to landless agriculture workers.
Empowerment Case Studies: e-Choupal: ITCs Rural Networking Project
Access to information through e-choupal has reduced the dependence of the farmers on
the traditional agricultural intermediaries. It has also enabled them to align their
agricultural output with market demand. E-choupals enable transparent listing of various
mandi prices, giving the farmers a fair chance to choose where to sell their produce to
gain a better price, thereby increasing their bargaining power. Historical data and figures
on supply, expert opinion on future price movements, information on farming practices
and techniques, soil testing, virus testing, and weather information also contribute to the
empowerment of the farmer.
The e-choupal model involved farmers in the design phase of the project. In some cases,
farmers have also contributed to the content on the Web to ensure user-friendliness. The
sanchalak who operates the computer is also a farmer selected from the village itself.
Farmers actively access information for crop prices in mandis, and get inputs on soil
testing, best farming practices, and expert advice from the system.
The e-choupal system considerably reduced transaction costs for the farmers. The
weighing techniques under the system are accurate and transparent, and farmers are paid
in proportion to the quantity of their produce, unlike the mandi system. In addition,
quality measurement is more open as results are immediately available to farmers.
This initiative has created an organization at the local level that is transparent and
accountable in its operations.
Familiarizing first-time users in remote areas of rural India with the Internet presented a
challenge. When the e-choupal concept was first proposed, there was initial hesitation by
the farmers, but no direct resistance. Farmers learned quickly; the basic training planned
for two days was accomplished in just four hours by the very first batch of sanchalaks. A
video showing farmers using the kiosks has helped speed acceptance and adoption of the
technology among other farmers.
Empowerment Case Studies: e-Choupal: ITCs Rural Networking Project
ITC also had to surmount regulatory barriers. The Agricultural Produce Marketing
Committee Act (APMC Act) prohibits the purchase of specified commodities (including
several that ITC deals in) from any source other than government-designated mandis.
ITC has overcome this challenge by convincing the political and bureaucratic leadership
of various state governments that the spirit of the act (to benefit the farmers) is better
served through e-choupals. As a result, some states have amended the act (such as Uttar
Pradesh), while others have allowed specific exemptions for such new business models.
Rural India faces the problems of infrastructure bottlenecks such as outdated telephone
exchanges, frequent electricity outage, and unreliable Internet connectivity. ITC had to
overcome these challenges. It managed to get some telephone exchanges upgraded.
VSAT links were established in other areas. Several e-choupals use backup batteries
recharged with solar panels.
Unlike many other experiments in which Internet kiosks have been established to provide
information to rural communities, this experiment is completely funded by a private
sector company. ITCs e-choupals face no significant competition from a business
perspective. While other industry players have attempted to replicate the e-choupal
business model, ITC retains a strong competitive advantage as a result of its first-mover
status, broad multisector experience, extensive partnerships, and large financial
In implementing this project, the interests of a chain of small and medium traders were
hurt because of the process of disintermediation. However, ITC recognized the resistance
that would be built up if the role of intermediaries were completely eliminated. In
introducing e-choupals, ITC has redefined the role of the local intermediaries from that of
procurement to that of facilitation and information gathering. In the process, ITC has
ensured that at least a part of the income derived by intermediaries through trading
commissions is replaced by commissions or service charges paid by ITC to these traders.
This has helped ITC in overcoming any resistance from these traders.
Instead of creating an entirely new mechanism of direct procurement, ITC has chosen to
strengthen an existing institution in rural areas, the choupal, which serves as the focal
point for the exchange of ideas and information by word of mouth in rural communities.
By locating a PC and Internet access at such meeting points, ITC has enlarged the scope
and quality of information exchange.
Factors contributing to the success of e-choupal are the partnerships built with academia
and NGOs to create and document relevant knowledge about agricultural practices that
are useful for farming communities. Another success factor was the participatory method
in which ITC tried to understand the information needs of rural communities.
Empowerment Case Studies: e-Choupal: ITCs Rural Networking Project
ITC plans to scale up the model to cover 15 states in the next 7 years, reaching 100,000
villages. It plans to diversify into products such as horticulture, rice, and cotton. A plan to
market and distribute other firms services related to microcredit, insurance, health, and
education through the same e-choupal channel infrastructure is also underway. Such a
scale-up would require very large investments, of the order of US$200 million.3
Assisi, Charles, and Indrajit Gupta. ITCs Rural Symphony. Businessworld, January
20, 2003.
Deveshwar, Y.C. (Chairman of ITC, the Indian Tobacco Company). 2002. ITC to
Connect One-Sixth of India through e-Choupals. Express Computer, December 23,
2002. URL: <>.
Web Links
World Resources Institute. 2001. Quick Look at ITC Ltds e-Choupals: Backward
Integration as a Forward-Looking Strategy for Indias Rural Markets. Digital
Dividend. Website. URL:
Source: Deveshwar, Y. C. 2002. ITC to Connect One-Sixth of India through E-Choupals, Express Computer,
December 23, 2002. URL: