Annexure III Curriculum & Detailed Syllabus - Electric Motor Rewinding - 0
Annexure III Curriculum & Detailed Syllabus - Electric Motor Rewinding - 0
Annexure III Curriculum & Detailed Syllabus - Electric Motor Rewinding - 0
Pre-requisites to training Inclination for taking up Electric Motor Rewinding and Pump set repairs as a
self employment occupation. Basic Knowledge in Electricity is preferred.
Training outcomes At the end of the training, the candidates will be able to
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Sl. Course Component Key Learning Outcomes Estimate NSQF
No. d size Level
1 Professional Knowledge-
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2 Technical Skills
10. Operate Voltmeter and 9. Able to operate various equipments like
Ammeter 94 Hours Level 4
volt meter, ammeter etc.
11. Developing testing board 10. Able to develop testing board and able to
with series and parallel find faults in testing board.
connections, 11. Able to perform independently winding of
different capacity motors, assembling and
12. Panel board wiring etc. testing regarding the working correctly.
13. Skill for rewinding of
different types/capacity of
motors such as
Table and Ceiling
Simple pole-motor,
Cooler Fan,
Exhaust Fan,
Washing Machine
Single phase and
Three phase motors,
Motor in two poles,
Submersible motor
14. Double layer winding.
3 Core Skills 12. Trainee is able to analyze major trends in a
given economic sector / sub-sector and
15. Business Opportunity identify Business Opportunities
Identification 13. Trainee is able to conduct market survey
and develop sound Business Plans based 32 Hours Level 4
16. .Market Survey and
on obtained data. (Practical)
Business Plan
14. Develop effective personal management
skills like time management and
17. Planning and Risk communication skills.
Assessment 15. Know how to acquire entrepreneurial
18. Problem solving competencies through work experience as
well as other sources of learning
19. Time management 16. Knows to maintain simple books of
20. Communication accounts and prepare financial statement
for small business
21. Business Management 17. Trainees able to devise a simple marketing
skills and sales strategies and plan for a small
18. Trainees able to manage small team of
workers required for managing a small
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Electric Motor Rewinding & Repair Services
Detailed Syllabus
SL Mode of
Subject Contents Hrs
No delivery
MODULE I - Introduction to Entrepreneurship
1 Registration & A formal gathering Lecture, 4 hrs
Inauguration Introduction of trainers Video
Objectives of the programme
Rules & Regulations of the Institute
2 Rapport building & Climate Setting & confidence building by Ice Games, 4 hrs
unfreezing Ice Breaking exercises Exercises,
breaking exercise Familiarizing themselves with each other Group
Importance of interaction in the learning process discussion,
Psychological approach Rising participants Skits etc
Shedding shyness, reservations, inferiority complex
MODULE II - Achievement Motivation and positive psychology
3 Achievement What is motive? Internal & External Motivation Lecture 2 hrs
Motivation - Motivational Factors leading to motivation PPT
Confidence building Positive thinking Video
Shedding negative feelings
Experience Sharing by successful entrepreneurs
Motivational video clips
Scope for Self employment
4 Why self-employment Need and importance of embarking on self- Group 2 hrs
- Advantages over employment Discussion,
wage employment, Advantages of self-employment vis--vis wage PPT
Entrepreneurship employment
Development Assessing self to know entrepreneurial tendencies
Process of Entrepreneurship Development
Importance of behavioral changes for
Difference between Income Generating Activity, Self
Employment and Entrepreneurship
Characteristics of an entrepreneur Dynamics of
Attitude and its impact on Entrepreneurship
MODULE III - Entrepreneurial Competencies
Entrepreneurial Defining Competencies Combination of knowledge, Lecture, 4 hrs
competencies skill, motive and trait PPT,
6 importance, Understanding all the 15 Competencies Group
explanation with Relevance of entrepreneurial Competencies at Discussion
examples, case study different stages of enterprise launching and , Video
for identification of management Clips &
different Facilitating internalizing the entrepreneurial Case Study
competencies competencies by way of stories, viewing videos etc.
Identifying entrepreneurial competencies through a
case study
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How success is related to Entrepreneurial
7 Ring Toss Exercise Importance of Risk Taking & Goal setting for Game, 4 hrs
becoming an entrepreneur Discussion,
Examine ones own risk taking behavior i.e a high Lecture,
risk taker, moderate or low risk taker by administering PPT
Ring Toss exercise
Need to take Moderate and calculated risk
8 Systematic Planning & What is quality, attributes of quality Game, 4 hrs
Efficiency Orientation Factors affecting quality Discussion,
Boat building Quality Management PPT,
exercise Systematic planning Lecture
9 Tower Building Role of Self confidence in performing any activity Game, 2 hrs
Exercise Eradication Importance of planning & scanning the environment Discussion,
of Dependency Developing belief in own ability to complete a given Lecture
Syndrome task/face a challenge without depending upon
external assistance
MODULE IV - Personal Skills
10 Problem Solving & Need for developing problem solving skills
Creativity Process involved in problem solving Lecture,
Importance of Creativity in Entrepreneurship PPT, 2 hrs
11 Effective Importance of communication skills in running an Lecture, 2 hrs
Communication enterprise PPT,
Elements of effective communication Exercise
Barriers of effective communication & the ways to
overcome it
12 Time Management Time Management time as a resource Lecture, 2 hrs
Key factors of managing the time effectively PPT,
Prioritizing the work Discussion
MODULE V - Business Management
13 Banking - Deposits & Various Deposit Schemes and other services of Lecture, 4 hrs
Advances, Lending banks PPT,
Schemes / General Advances -Security Norms & margin Discussion
Government requirement
Sponsored Schemes Term Loan & Working Capital finance
MSME Credit
Mudra Loan
PMEGP Scheme
14 Marketing Indian rural market an overview Lecture, 2 hrs
Management Elements of successful marketing PPT,
Market segmentation Discussion
4 Ps of marketing
Marketing mix
Product mix
Unique Selling Proposition
Need for understanding consumer behavior and
Importance of customer service
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Marketing strategies for exploring opportunities in
rural market
Online marketing
Costing & Pricing, Components of direct and indirect, fixed and variable Lecture, 2 hrs
15 Fixed cost & Variable cost Discussion,
Cost, Breakeven point Importance of Costing in profitability PPT and
etc. Concepts of pricing and factors affecting pricing Exercise
Commercial feasibility of an enterprise
Break Even analysis
16 Working Capital and What is Working Capital Discussion,
its Management Effect of Credit policies on working capital Lecture,
Key points to note while managing working capital PPT,
Cycles of Working Capital Exercise
17 Book Keeping & Various types of records to be maintained in small Lecture, 2 hrs
accountancy cash enterprises - Cash Book, General Ledger etc. PPT,
book, sales & Accounting methodology Discussion,
purchases, book Various heads of accounts and how to appropriate Exercise &
keeping methodology expenditure there in Case Study
Financial Statements
18 Human Relations Importance of maintaining good inter personal Lecture, 2 hrs
relationship with related people in business PPT,
Need for leadership in the enterprise development Discussion
Various styles of Leadership
Characteristics of a good leader
MODULE VI - Market Survey
19 Market Survey Need for market survey Lecture, 2 hrs
methodology, Methodology to collect and use the information Group
sources, nature of generated Discussion,
information to be How to develop an effective survey plan for the PPT
collected selected activity
Dos & donts for conducting market survey
Questionnaire for market survey
Market survey report format
20 Market survey Candidates will go to the market and collect information Practical 8 hrs
Collection of of identified/potential activity to assess the demand work
information, field work /supply position, market trends, marketing practices,
competition, current state of technology etc.
21 Market Survey Candidate will prepare Market survey report and present Group 2 hrs
Report Writing, the report in the class followed by discussion to be Discussion,
Presentation of market moderated by the resource Person. Lecture,
survey report, PPT
discussion on
MODULE VII - Business Plan Preparation
22 Business Plan Plan format Lecture, 2 hrs
Preparation How to ascertain initial viability of a business PPT,
proposal Exercise,
Enlisting technical, financial, marketing and Discussion
commercial aspects of business
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MODULE VIII Launching Formalities
24 Interaction with Identify factors responsible for the development of Interaction 2 hrs
successful the entrepreneur followed by
entrepreneurs Assess the Entrepreneurial Competencies of the discussion
Impact of EDP training inputs
Understand how the entrepreneur reacts to a
challenging situation
26 Launching formalities Steps in launching of an enterprise, common crisis Lecture, 2 hrs
in business PPT and
Pitfall and their controls Discussion
Licensing & Registration: Formalities for obtaining
Trade License from Panchayath/Municipal agencies
Formalities for obtaining PAN Card, TAN, Service
Tax & VAT Registration.
Technical Knowledge and Skills
MODULE IX - Introduction to Electricity/General Safety of Tools &equipment
27 Introduction to Concept of basic Electricity, Single phase & three Lecture / 4 hrs
Electricity / Tools and phase circuits PPT/Demo
equipments Electrical terms like Voltage, Currents, Resistance, nstration
Impedance & power factor
Fires in electrical Circuits & Precautions
Fire Extinguishers & its Types
General Safety of Tools &equipment
Rescue of person who is in contact with live wire
Treat a person for electric shock/ injury
Use of proper Tools &equipment& its maintenance
28 Symbols, Diagram & Studies of diagram & Symbols used in basic Lecture / 4 hrs
Rules Electrical Circuits, Wiring & installations. PPT/Demo
Colour Code of carbon Resistors nstration
IE rules for General Electricity
Identifying accessories/ symbols as per symbols
Making plan of wiring and marking light, power and
other points accordingly.
Practicing the colour coded resistor value, verifying
with multimeter.
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30 Earthing Concept of earthing, purpose & types Lecture / 8 hrs
Pipe earthing& Plate earthing PPT/Demo
Earthing of domestic installation nstration
31 Wiring & its concepts Conductors, Insulators & its types Lecture / 12 hrs
Crimping & Crimping Tools, Soldering PPT/Demo
Joints in Electrical Conductor nstration/
Concept of gauge of wire, conductor material & its Practical
current carrying capacity work
Determination of Fuse size according to the load of
circuit and its location
Study of different components used in house wiring.
Use of Mugger & Test lamps in fault location
Energy meter installation
Concept of different types of switchgears used in
general Electrical installations
MODULE XI Electric Motor Rewinding
32 Introduction to Types of winding wires Lecture / 16 hrs
re-winding Types of insulating materials PPT/Demo
Insulating materials as per class of insulation nstration
Reasons for insulation failure in electrical machines
Terminology used in winding like pole pitch, coil
pitch, etc.
Method of stripping the old winding
Methods of preparing the winding former and the
Preparation of winding data as per old winding and
rating plate of machine
33 Electric Motor Procedure followed for re-winding of all kind of Lecture 28 hrs
Rewinding electric motors like single phase AC motors, pump /PPT
motors, ceiling fan motors, table fan motors, /Demonstra
submersible pump motor, etc. tion
Various methods used of inserting coil into the slots. work
Preparation of winding table, connection diagram,
winding diagram for given Motor
Varnishing and final test
Types of varnishes
Methods of impregnation
Methods of insulation resistance
Testing for continuity and insulation
Type of Pitch in different type slot and different type
ISI Roles of the Motor Rewinding in All Motor
Simple Pole Motor
Single Phase Capacitor start motor
Three phase induction Motor
Induction Motor Double Layer winding 2,4,6,8,10,12
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Submersible Winding
34 Rewinding procedure Basic construction and coil arrangement in primary Lecture 22 hrs
of transformer and secondary side of transformer (single phase & /PPT
three phase) /Demonstra
Concept of turns and voltage ratio tion
Types of wires and strips used for transformer coil /Practical
Procedure for removing core and coil from work
transformer tank
Methods of testing and general faults in transformer
Procedure for coil rewinding hand and motorized
coil winding
Procedure for placing insulation between coils and
Connection and IR testing of primary and secondary
35 Armature winding Concept of DC supply Lecture / 32 hrs
Types of armature winding like lap and wave PPT/Demo
winding nstration
Terminology used in armature winding like pole /Practical
pitch, coil pitch, back and front pitch, progressive work
and retrogressive winding etc.
Method of dismantling the burnt winding wire
Preparation of winding data for given armature
Procedure for providing insulation, inserting coil and
connection to commutator
Procedure for securing coil ends on armature
Impregnation and testing of armature winding
MODULE XII - Service and repairs of electrical Home appliances
36 Home Appliances and Voltage and Power requirement of all kinds of home Lecture 24 hrs
its Repair appliances /Diagram
Basic construction and assembly of electric iron, tion
heater and fan /Practical
Basic construction and assembly of mixer, grinder, work
blender and OTG
Basic construction and electrical parts of washing
machine, microwave oven, refrigerator and dish
Repair and service technique of home appliances
Assessment & Evaluation Test 2 hrs
Feedback & Valedictory 2 hrs
TOTAL 240 hrs
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