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ABB TC The Range

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ABB Turbocharging

The range of ABB turbochargers


the new turbocharger benchmark 4
TPS . . F
for small medium-speed diesel engines, large high-speed diesel
engines and gas engines 5
TPS . . -D / E
for modern high-speed diesel engines,
small medium-speed diesel engines and gas engines 6
TPL . . -C
for advanced medium-speed, four-stroke diesel and gas engines 7
TPL . . -A
for modern four-stroke medium to large diesel and gas engines 8
TPR 61
for four-stroke diesel engines used on heavy-duty locomotives 9
TPL . . -B
for large, modern two-stroke marine diesel engines 10
TPL 91-B
for the largest and most powerful two-stroke diesel engines 11
for use with high-efficiency two-stroke marine engines 12
for two-stroke, low-speed and four-stroke, medium-speed
heavy-duty diesel engines 13
a compact turbocharger for diesel engines 13
for use on high-speed diesel engines and on gas engines 14

the new turbocharger benchmark

The A100 turbocharger generation marks a significant step Maximum usable compressor pressure ratios of up to 5.8
in the development of single-stage, high-efficiency, high- are achieved at full load with aluminium compressor wheels
pressure turbocharging. Three A100 series set a new industry for high-speed and medium-speed diesel and gas engines,
standard with highest compressor pressure ratios for the as well as 4.7 for low-speed engines. The A100 features tech-
high-speed and medium-speed diesel and gas engine seg- nology designed for compliance with IMO 2 as well as other
ments as well as highest efficiency at high pressure ratios emissions legislation without compromise.
for low-speed diesel engines.

TPS . . -F
for small medium-speed diesel engines, large high-speed
diesel engines and gas engines

Mixed flow turbine with nozzle ring for constant pressure
and pulse applications
Versions with variable turbine geometry available
Three different radial compressor designs cover the full range of
pressure ratio and volume flow rate requirements
Air recirculation for a larger surge margin
Single-piece, oil-cooled bearing casing
Internal plain bearing with squeeze film
Clamp connection flanges for flexible casing orientation and
easy disassembly
Same outline dimensions as the TPS . . -D / E
Proven turbine containment with internal and
external burst protection rings
Oil inlet and exit located at bottom

The TPS . . -F is a compact turbocharger featuring highest

TPS 44
TPS 48
TPS 52

TPS 57

TPS 61

durability for small medium-speed diesel engines, large

high-speed diesel engines and gas engines in the 500 kW to c [-] F31
3,300 kW power range. Three series offer full-load pressure F32
Compressor pressure ratio

ratios of up to 4.75, 5.0 and 5.2. 5.0 F33

4.5 TPS..-E

at MCR

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 V [m3/s]
Volume flow

TPS . . -D / E
for modern high-speed diesel engines, small medium-speed
diesel engines and gas engines

The TPS . . -D / E turbocharger is designed for modern high-

speed diesel engines, small medium-speed diesel engines
and gas engines with power outputs in the range of 500 kW
to 3,000 kW.

Mixed flow turbine with nozzle ring for constant pressure
and pulse applications
Versions with variable turbine geometry available
Two different radial compressor designs for pressure ratios of up to 4.5
Single-piece, oil-cooled bearing casing
(water-cooled casing for gas engines)
Internal plain bearing design with squeeze oil damper
Clamp connection flanges for flexible casing orientation and
easy disassembly
Proven turbine containment with internal and external burst protection rings
Oil inlet and exit located at bottom
TPS 48
TPS 52

TPS 57

TPS 61

c [-] E-version
Compressor pressure ratio




at MCR

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 V [m3/s]
Volume flow

TPL . . -C
for advanced medium-speed,
four-stroke diesel and gas engines

The TPL . . -C turbocharger is designed for advanced medium-

speed, four-stroke diesel and gas engines in the power range
of 3,000 to 12,000 kW per turbocharger.

Modular, compact design featuring easy maintenance and variable
positioning of casings and flanges
New radial compressor and axial turbine for increased volume flows,
efficiencies and pressure ratios
Compressor stages with air recirculation for improved surge margin and
enlarged map width
Allows compliance with new, stricter emissions regulations
Axial and radial gas inlet casings, with one or more inlets, for pulse
(TPL 67-C / TPL 71-C only) and quasi-constant charging systems
Round gas outlet flange for TPL 67-C / TPL 71-C;
TPL 67-C / TPL 71-C rectangular-to-round adapter piece available for TPL 76-C and TPL 79-C
Optional compressor cooling extends application range with
aluminium wheels
Sturdy foot and new filter silencer minimize vibration
TPL 67
TPL 71

TPL 76

TPL 79

c [-] CV32
without compressor cooling option CV33
Compressor pressure ratio

5.0 CV34


at MCR

5 10 15 20 V [m3/s]
Volume flow

TPL 76-C, TPL 79-C available only with suction branch

TPL . . -A
for modern four-stroke medium to large diesel
and gas engines

The TPL . . -A turbocharger is designed for modern

four-stroke medium to large diesel and gas engines with
outputs of 2,500 kW to 12,500 kW.

Axial turbine, suitable for constant pressure and pulse turbocharging
Variable turbine geometrie (VTG) available for TPL 65A
Two different radial compressor designs cover the full range of
pressure ratio and volume flow rate requirements
Bearing assembly with free-floating thrust disc and squeeze oil damping
No water-cooled casings
Integrated turbine and compressor washing nozzles
Round gas outlet flanges; no need to fit adapter pieces
Oil inlet and exit located at bottom
Modular design; flexible positioning of casings and flanges
TPL 65
TPL 69
TPL 73

TPL 77

TPL 80

c [-] A30
Compressor pressure ratio




at MCR

5 10 15 20 V [m3/s]
Volume flow

TPR 61
for four-stroke diesel engines used on heavy-duty locomotives

The TPR61 turbocharger was developed for four-stroke diesel

engines with outputs of 2,000 kW to 3,300 kW. Based
on the TPL turbo charger, it has numerous features designed
specifically for heavy-duty traction applications.

High-efficiency, integral turbine without damping wire
Wide compressor map
Compact gas outlet casing with:
large flow cross-section
integrated foot
water drain
Unique patented foot fixation
Uncooled gas casings
Optimized single entry gas inlet casing

TC [%] A10
Turbocharger efficiency




2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 C [-]
Compressor pressure ratio

TPL . . -B
for large, modern two-stroke marine diesel engines

The TPL . . -B turbocharger is designed primarily for large,

modern two-stroke marine diesel engines. Five frame sizes
cover the engine output range of 3,000 to 28,000 kW per

Simple, robust and compact design
Radial compressor, axial wide-chord turbine
Very high efficiencies and volume flow rates
Internal plain bearings, lubricated by engine lube oil
Header lube oil tank (TPL 85-B and TPL 91-B with integrated emergency
lube oil system)
Uncooled casings, no water connections
Integrated connection and nozzles for wet turbine and compressor cleaning

TPL 73

TPL 77

TPL 80

TPL 85

TPL 91
c [-]
Compressor pressure ratio




at MCR

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 V [m3/s]
Volume flow

TPL 91-B
for the largest and most powerful two-stroke diesel engines

The TPL 91-B turbocharger is designed for the largest and

most powerful two-stroke diesel engines. Engine applications
range from 20,000 kW to 28,000 kW per turbocharger.

Length, volume and weight minimized
New turbine design, with 2-piece diffuser
Compact rotor
Emergency lube oil system integrated in bearing casing
Simplified oil inlet / outlet connections
Rotor assembly can be removed as cartridge unit for service work
Optional compressor cooling extends application range with
aluminium wheels
Inducer casing bleed system for low noise level

PTL power turbine
for use with high-efficiency two-stroke marine engines

ABBs PTL 3200 power turbine, with a maximum electrical

output of 3,200 kW, is designed for use with high-efficiency
two-stroke marine engines. It converts surplus exhaust
gas from the ships main engine into onboard energy for
a simultaneous reduction in engine emissions and fuel
consumption. Two waste heat recovery configurations are
Stand-alone PTL driving a generator via a reduction
gearbox, for a 4 % saving in fuel and emissions.
PTL in conjunction with a steam turbine for a fuel and
emissions saving in excess of 10 %.

The earlier generation

The VTR turbocharger is designed for two-stroke, low-speed
and four-stroke, medium-speed heavy-duty diesel engines
(about 700 kW to 18,500 kW per turbocharger).
VTR 214P
VTR 254P
VTR 304P
VTR 354P

VTR 454P

VTR 564P
VTR 454D

VTR 564D

VTR 714D
VTR 214
VTR 254
VTR 304
VTR 354

VTR 454

VTR 564

VTR 714

c [-]
Compressor pressure ratio




at MCR

1 5 10 20 V [m3/s]
Volume flow

VTC 254P

VTC 304P

The VTC turbocharger covers the diesel engine output range

of 1,500 to 3,200 kW. Compactness is achieved through the
use of internal plain bearings lubricated by the engine lube oil
VTC 254

VTC 304

c [-]
Compressor pressure ratio




at MCR

1 5 10 20 V [m3/s]
Volume flow

The earlier generation

The RR is a lightweight, low-cost turbocharger of robust
design, offering high efficiency, high gas-inlet temperature
capability and good compressor characteristics. The RR is
designed for an output range of about 500 kW to 1,800 kW.
RR 131
RR 151

RR 181

RR 221

c [-]
Compressor pressure ratio




at MCR

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 V [m3/s]
Volume flow

ABB Turbocharging service network

2009 ABB Turbo Systems Ltd, Baden / Switzerland

Aberdeen Adana Agadir Algeciras Antwerp Auckland Baden Baku Bangkok Barcelona Bergen Bremerhaven Brisbane Buenos Aires Busan Cairo
Cape Town Casablanca Cebu Chennai Chicago Chittagong Chongqing Colombo Copenhagen Dakar Dalian Dar es Salaam Darwin Davao Delhi
Dortmund Dubai Dunkerque Durban Faroe Islands Fredericia Fukuoka Gdansk Genova Gothenburg Guangzhou Guatemala City Haifa Hamburg
Hanoi Helsinki Ho Chi Minh City Hong Kong Houston Incheon Istanbul Izmir Jakarta Jeddah Jubail Kaohsiung Karachi Kobe Lahore Las Palmas
Le Havre Lima Los Angeles Lunenburg Madrid Malta Manaus Manila Mannheim Marseille Melbourne Miami Montreal Mumbai New Orleans
New York Onomichi Oporto Oslo Panama Perth Piraeus Qingdao Quito Reykjavik Rijeka Rio de Janeiro Rotterdam Saint Nazaire Santo Domingo
Santos Seattle Shanghai Singapore Southampton St. Petersburg Suez Sunderland Surabaya Sydney Talcahuano Tallinn Telford Tianjin Tokyo
Vadodara Vancouver Varna Venice Veracruz Vizag Vladivostok

ABB Turbo Systems Ltd

Bruggerstrasse 71 a
CH-5401 Baden / Switzerland
Phone: +41 58 585 7777
Fax: +41 58 585 5144
E-mail: [email protected]


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