Syllabus: B.B.A. V Sem Subject - Customer Relationship Management

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V Sem Subject- Customer Relationship Management


Subject Customer Relationship Management

UNIT I Introduction to CRM: Definition and concepts of CRM,

Components of CRM, Understanding the goal of CRM and
Customer Touch Points.
UNIT II CRM PROCESS: Introduction and Objectives of a CRM Process; an
Insight into CRM and e- CRTA/online CRM, The CRM cycle i.e.
Assessment Phase; Planning Phase; The Executive Phase;
Modules in CRM, 4C's (Elements) of CRM Process, CRM Process
for Marketing Organization, CRM Affiliation in Retailing Sector.

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100,
B.B.A. V Sem Subject- Customer Relationship Management

Unit 1
Customer is defined as:
A paying client.
An employee.
A supplier or vendor.
A partner

Customer relationship management (CRM) has the business purpose of intelligently finding, marketing,
selling to and servicing customers.CRM is a broadly used term that covers concepts used by companies,
and public institutions to manage their relationships with customers and stakeholders. Technologies
that support this business purpose include the capture, storage and analysis of customer, vendor,
partner, and internal process information. Functions that support this business purpose include Sales,
Marketing and Custom er Service, Training, Professional Development, Performance Management,
Human Resource Development and compensation.

According to Shani and Chalasani(1992), defines Customer Relationship Management asan integrated
effort to identify, maintain and build up a network with individual consumers and to continuously
strengthen the network for mutual benefit of both sides, through interactive, individualized and value
added contacts over a long period of time

Another Narrow perspective of Vavra(1992), CRM is customer retention in which a variety of after
marketing tactics is used for customer bonding or staying in touch after the sale is made. According to
Gronroos, CRM is marketing strategy to establish, maintain and enhance relationship with customers
and other partners, at a profit so that the objectives of the parties involved are met. This is achieved by
a mutual exchange and fulfillment of promises.

We define CRM as Customer Relationship Management as a comprehensive marketing strategy to

improve marketing productivity which can be achieved by increasing marketing efficiency and
enhancing marketing effectiveness through a process of acquiring, retaining and partnering with
selective customers to create superior mutual value for the parties involved.

The experience from many companies is that a very
clear CRM requirement with regards to reports, e.g.
output and input requirements, is of vital importance
before starting any implementation. With a proper
demand specification a lot of time and costs can be
saved based on right expectations versus systems
capability. A well operative CRM system can be an
extremely powerful tool for management and customer

CRM is not just a technology, but rather a

comprehensive approach to an organizations
philosophy in dealing with its customers. This includes
policies and processes, front of house customer
service, employee training, marketing, systems and
information management. Hence, it is important that
any CRM implementation considerations stretch
beyond technology, towards the broader organizational

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100,
B.B.A. V Sem Subject- Customer Relationship Management

requirements. The objectives of a CRM strategy must consider a companys specific situation and its
customers needs and expectations.



Those companies which are trying to implement different kinds of CRM strategies and solutions
sometimes face difficulties in undertaking. This is due to the fact that lots of money is necessary for
software as well as professional consultants. In addition there is a need to train other employees in
order to make these strategies as effective as possible and worth spending all that money. At the same
time CRM has already proved to be an essential tool for different kinds of businesses and it has a
common goal for all the companies.

CRM goal includes several very important factors which will turn out to be beneficiary for all

High level of customer service - Prior goal of CRM is to establish customer loyalty and perfect
relationships. This is the main target for all the companies which are trying to implement CRM
strategies and solutions. The company will not be able to achieve it unless it works like one organism. It
is very important to provide clients with a high quality service. Otherwise they will look for another
supplier of goods or services. At the same time another goal is to attract as many new customers as
possible, which is harder than keeping already existing clients.

High level of efficiency - There is another important goal of CRM. What is it? It is the level of efficiency,
of course. In case you are eager not only to boost the productivity but also gain necessary success as
soon as possible, this goal turns out to be essential for your business. In other words CRM will make it
possible for you to reduce costs as well as retention of your clients. You need to proceed with thorough
training in case you want to achieve this goal.

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100,
B.B.A. V Sem Subject- Customer Relationship Management

Low level of operating costs - The reduction of costs is one of the main priorities for every company.
All CRM processes are aimed on helping you to achieve it. At the same time it is very important to have
clear understanding of strategy that you have chosen for your business. Every process needs to be very
efficient. Workforce managing system is the best tool for increasing the level of skills. It will eventually
result in cost reduction. Every CRM process should be implemented and handled in a specific way in
case lowering the costs is your main target.

Aiding the Marketing Department - This is another very important CRM goal. It includes lots of
essential factors which should also be considered while implementing particular processes. You are
going to deal with promotions, marketing campaigns and other essential tools that will help you to aid
your marketing department. In case you want to achieve this goal successfully, it must be negotiated
with all employees who are related to this department or will be involved in different marketing
processes. In addition this goal will help you to increase the level of profitability.

There are some important questions that should be asked before implementing CRM solutions and
establishing goals. These questions are essential. They include:

Determination of main objectives: Every company may have a number of goals as well as only one
prior objective. In spite of the number all the goals demand contribution to success of the whole

Determination of the audience: Every objective is supposed to have a target audience. That is why it is
necessary for every organization to identify its audience and implement the most effective
communication with it. However you are recommended to study your audience in advance in order to
prepare a proper message.

Determination of ways to achieve the goal: Try to evaluate every strategy and decide which one will
be the best bet to achieve a particular goal. You will be provided with a number of solutions and
strategies. First of all it is essential to compare all their advantages and disadvantages. It will make it
possible for the company to pick the one that will suit all its needs and requirements. This is the only
way to an overall success.

Determination of ways to accomplish goals: You need to think over all appropriate ways of
accomplishing your goals. As soon as you decide which strategy will turn out to be the best choice for
your organization, it is vital to stick to this strategy and follow it till the very end.

Measuring success: You are supposed to choose measuring method after you have managed to achieve
all necessary CRM goals. You can select among wide range of different metrics.

No matter what goal you are trying to achieve, you should always keep in mind that it is essential for
every organization to establish clear CRM objectives. It will result in their easy and fast implementation
as well as overall success.

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100,
B.B.A. V Sem Subject- Customer Relationship Management


CRM process is defined as any group of action that is instrumental in the achievement of the output of
an operation system, in accordance with a specified measure of effectiveness.

The main objective of CRM process is to originate a powerful new tool for customer retention.
To simplify marketing and sales process
To make call centers more efficient
To provide better customer service
To discover new customers and increase customer revenue
To cross sell products more effectively

The main goal of all CRM processes is to incorporate collaborative, analytical, operation and other
business processes in order to create an effective and profitable business. It will turn out to be an
essential tool that will help you to set clear targets for the company and achieve them by all means with
the reduction of costs and providing customers with a high quality service. All these processes have
important aspects and factors which need paying your attention. For example, operating relationship
management process is mostly oriented on such actions as sales, marketing campaign and management
and customer service. It is one of the most important steps for those companies which decide
implementing CRM strategies and additional tools.

Customer relationship management process must also include analytical aspects and components
which are also of great importance. In other words in case you want to attract new customers and keep
already existing clients you should be able to divide them into specific groups and segments according
to their preferences. In this situation you will be always able to suit all their needs as well as provide
them with a goo alternative. This process is enabled by collecting all necessary information about
clients with the help of call centers, emails and other vital tools. This is one of the most effective process
CRM solutions.

Every CRM process is aimed on achieving one and only goal which is reflected in the increase of sales
and the number of customers no matter in what field you operate. Every business needs a good
alternative to traditional methods of handling different kinds of situations. CRM turns out to be a
perfect option. In addition it has already proved to be very efficient. There are lots of successful stories
which helped huge companies gain success and high profits.

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100,
B.B.A. V Sem Subject- Customer Relationship Management



CRM Process is the systematic determination of the methods by which a project is to be
implemented, economically and competitively.
Process planning is the intermediate stage between project kick off and implementation.
Creatively translate business innovation, structural transformation and value measures into CRM
investment priorities
Continually refine iteration approach based on the following five major areas.
Technology innovation

Process Selection Procedure

Major technological changes
Minor technological changes
Specific component choice
Process flow choice

Major Technological Changes

Does technology exist or not ?
Are there competing technologies between which we should choose?

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100,
B.B.A. V Sem Subject- Customer Relationship Management

Should technology be developed in the country itself?

Should innovations be licensed from foreign countries?
Minor Technological Changes - Once the major technological choice is made there may be a number
of minor technological process available
Additional Modules Customization of Software
Director should be involved in evaluating costs and for consistency of the desired product
Deciding the best combination of process in terms of costs and the operation process.


E-CRM/On Line CRM- Online CRM implies an additional means of communication and level of
interaction with the customer where there is a real difference in the technology and its
architecture,which allows for ease and self service to customers

Need to Adopt E-CRM

Optimize the value of inter-active relationships.
Enable business to extend its personalized messaging to the web and E-Mail.
Coordinate Marketing initiatives across all customer channels.
Leverage customer information for more effective e-marketing and e business
Focus Business on improving customer relationships and earning a greater share of each of
customers business through consistent measurement, assessment and actionable customer
contact strategies.

Basic requirements of E-CRM

Electronic channels-Web Personalized E-Messaging medium for fast interaction
Enterprise-touch and shape a customers experience across the entire organization
Empowerment-Customer Empowerment
Economics-provides the greatest return customer communication initiatives.
Assessment-Evaluation results
Outside information-use of customer sanctioned external information.

Steps in building an E-CRM Solution

Define business objectives
Assess its current sophistication along the E-CRM continuum in terms of process and
Define Business processes and changes needed to support its goals.
Plan and timetable to implement processes.
Erect the necessary data warehouse to attain a consolidated view of the customers
Select implement and integrate the required E-CRM applications.

Three Dimensions of E-CRM

Acquisition Getting

Key E-CRM Features

Focused on process-reduces the technology gap.
Driven by a Data warehouse
Focused on a multi-channel view of customer actions across channels.
Based on consistent metrics to asses customer actions across channels.
Built to accommodate the new market dynamics that place the customer in control.
Structured to identify a customers profitability or profit potential and determine effective
investment allocation decisions accordingly

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100,
B.B.A. V Sem Subject- Customer Relationship Management

Scalable to meet growth and performance needs.


Assessment Phase

Phase Planning Phase

The Assessment phase develops a model of the behavior of target customers, using a
combination of in-house data and external demographic, psychographic, and other data. Here,
marketing will explore a number of questions, including:
Who are the customers? What are their demographics and lifestyle?
Where do they live?
What are they worth? What is their lifetime value potential?
What and how do they buy?
What are their purchasing patterns?
Is there a model of their profitability or the risk associated with doing business with
How can they be reached? How have they responded to promotions in the past and
through which channels do they prefer to be contacted?
During the Planning Phase, marketing decides how best to approach the customers defined in
the assessment stage by designing marketing campaigns and strategies
The Execution Phase of the cycle is where an organization puts all this knowledge to work,
using all of the customer touchpoints available.

CRM helps in marketing in a organized process viz:

45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100,
B.B.A. V Sem Subject- Customer Relationship Management

- Processes that help identify and target their best customers, generate quality sales leads, and plan and
implement marketing campaigns with clear goals and objectives.
- Processes that help form individualized relationships with customers (to improve customer
satisfaction) and provide the highest level of customer service to the most profitable customers.
- Processes that provide employees with the information they need to know their customers' wants and
needs, and build relationships between the company and its customers.

The Retail industry has made a change in strategy from being product centric to consumer centric in
the past decade. Also, there is a rapid adoption of Internet technologies. A major challenge that service
providers face is to establish a robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) process that
accurately collates related customer information for their organization. The current generation of
shoppers is getting savvier in its options. To compete successfully in the present dynamic environment
predictive sales, revenue forecasting, greater staff productivity, sifting and organizing unstructured
data, and automating and streamlining processes are the key requirements in any CRM solution


45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100,

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