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Guide to Meteorological Instruments and

Methods of Observation

2014 edition

WMO-No. 8
Guide to Meteorological Instruments and
Methods of Observation

2014 edition

WMO-No. 8
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WMO-No. 8

World Meteorological Organization, 2014

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ISBN 978-92-63-10008-5

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Date chapter/ Purpose of amendment Proposed by Approved by

PREFACE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  vii

PART I. MEASUREMENT OF METEOROLOGICAL VARIABLES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1

CHAPTER 1. GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6

CHAPTER 2. MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  63

CHAPTER 3. MEASUREMENT OF ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  91

CHAPTER 4. MEASUREMENT OF HUMIDITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  127

CHAPTER 5. MEASUREMENT OF SURFACE WIND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  167

CHAPTER 6. MEASUREMENT OF PRECIPITATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  186

CHAPTER 7. MEASUREMENT OF RADIATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  222

CHAPTER 8. MEASUREMENT OF SUNSHINE DURATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  274

CHAPTER 9. MEASUREMENT OF VISIBILITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  291

CHAPTER 10. MEASUREMENT OF EVAPORATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  311

CHAPTER 11. MEASUREMENT OF SOIL MOISTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  324


CHAPTER 13. MEASUREMENT OF UPPER WIND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  420


CHAPTER 15. OBSERVATION OF CLOUDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  465

CHAPTER 16. MEASUREMENT OF ATMOSPHERIC COMPOSITION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  481

PART II. OBSERVING SYSTEMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  523

CHAPTER 1. MEASUREMENTS AT AUTOMATIC WEATHER STATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  526


METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  553

CHAPTER 3. AIRCRAFT-BASED OBSERVATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  575

CHAPTER 4. MARINE OBSERVATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  595


THE TROPOSPHERE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  639


CHAPTER 7. RADAR MEASUREMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  680

CHAPTER 8. BALLOON TECHNIQUES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  752



CHAPTER 9. URBAN OBSERVATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  765

CHAPTER 10. ROAD METEOROLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  795

PART III. SPACE-BASED OBSERVATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  807

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  810

CHAPTER 2. PRINCIPLES OF EARTH OBSERVATION FROM SPACE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  813

CHAPTER 3. REMOTE-SENSING INSTRUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  859

CHAPTER 4. SATELLITE PROGRAMMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  907


CHAPTER 6. CALIBRATION AND VALIDATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1010

CHAPTER 7. CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1019


CHAPTER1. QUALITY MANAGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1030

CHAPTER 2. SAMPLING METEOROLOGICAL VARIABLES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055

CHAPTER 3. DATA REDUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1074

CHAPTER 4. TESTING, CALIBRATION AND INTERCOMPARISON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1082

CHAPTER 5. TRAINING OF INSTRUMENT SPECIALISTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1105


One of the purposes of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is to coordinate the
activities of its Members in the generation of data and information on weather, climate and
water, according to internationally agreed standards. With this in mind, each session of the World
Meteorological Congress adopts Technical Regulations which lay down the meteorological
practices and procedures to be followed by WMO Members. The Technical Regulations are
supplemented by a number of Manuals and Guides which describe in more detail the practices
and procedures. Manuals contain standard and recommended practices that Members are
required and urged to follow, respectively. Guides, such as this one, contain practices that
Members are invited to follow or implement in establishing and conducting their arrangements
for compliance with the Technical Regulations, and in otherwise developing meteorological and
hydrological services in their respective countries. Whereas the regulatory material (Technical
Regulations and Manuals) describe what is to be done and who is to do it, the purpose of the
Guides is to provide information on how best to do it.

The implementation of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) relies on the
standardization of meteorological and related observations, aiming at uniformity in the practices
and procedures employed worldwide and at better accuracy of the observations. The uniform,
traceable and high-quality observational data represent an essential input for most WMO
applications, such as climate monitoring, nowcasting and severe weather forecasting, thereby
facilitating the improvement of the well-being of societies of all nations.

The first edition of the Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO-
No. 8) was published in 1954 and consisted of twelve chapters. Since then, standardization has
remained a key concern of the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation (CIMO)
activities. The Commission continuously reviews the contents of the Guide and ensures that its
regular update incorporates modern guidance material which reflects the rapid development of
technologies and their implementation in the field of meteorological instruments and methods
of observation.

This Guide is a key resource that provides a description of most instruments, systems and
techniques in regular use, from the simplest to the most complex and sophisticated, but does not
attempt to deal with methods and instruments used only for research. The purpose of the Guide
is to provide best practices, procedures and the basic capabilities of instruments and systems for
assisting National Meteorological and Hydrological Services and other interested users operating
observing systems in the preparation of their manuals and procedures to meet their specific
needs for measurements and observations. The Guide intentionally restricts standardization to
the essential requirements only, and confines recommendations to the general features most
common to various configurations of a given instrument or measurement system, thus enabling
wide areas for further development. The Guide is the authoritative reference for all matters
related to instrumentation and methods of observation in the context of WIGOS.

This persistent work of experts has resulted in the 2014 edition of the Guide, which was approved
by CIMO at its sixteenth session, held in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, in July 2014. In
addition to almost all chapters being updated, the new edition includes a number of fully revised
chapters and an extensive new part on space-based observations. The important impact of the
recent Minamata Convention on Mercury of the United Nations Environment Programme in
regard to mercury-based instruments is particularly highlighted in the relevant chapters.

The current Guide consists of 38 chapters distributed over the following four parts: Measurement
of Meteorological Variables, Observing Systems, Space-based Observations, and Quality
Assurance and Management of Observing Systems.

In the process of updating the CIMO Guide, WMO has benefited from the excellent collaboration
that took place between CIMO and the Commission for Atmospheric Sciences, the Joint WMO/
IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology, the Commission
for Basic Systems and the Global Climate Observing System, which provided significant
contributions to the new edition of the Guide.

On behalf of the World Meteorological Organization, I would like to take the opportunity to
express my sincere gratitude to CIMO and to all involved experts, whose tremendous efforts
have enabled the publication of this new edition.

(Petteri Taalas)

PART I. MEASUREMENT OF METEOROLOGICAL VARIABLES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1

CHAPTER 1. GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6

ANNEX 1.A. REGIONAL INSTRUMENT CENTRES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27


ANNEX 1.C. STATION EXPOSURE DESCRIPTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43

ANNEX 1.D. OPERATING EQUIPMENT IN EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  45


INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  49

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  59

CHAPTER 2. MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  63


SCALE OF 1990. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  85

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  87

CHAPTER 3. MEASUREMENT OF ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  91


ANNEX 3.B. REGIONAL STANDARD BAROMETERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  123

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  124

CHAPTER 4. MEASUREMENT OF HUMIDITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  127


ATMOSPHERE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  159


REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  165

CHAPTER 5. MEASUREMENT OF SURFACE WIND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  167

ANNEX. THE EFFECTIVE ROUGHNESS LENGTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  181

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  183

CHAPTER 6. MEASUREMENT OF PRECIPITATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  186

ANNEX 6.A. PRECIPITATION INTERCOMPARISON SITES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  209


MEASUREMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  210

ANNEX 6.C. STANDARD REFERENCE RAINGAUGE PIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  211


CATCHMENT TYPE RAINFALL INTENSITY GAUGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  212



RAINFALL INTENSITY GAUGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  215

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  217

CHAPTER 7. MEASUREMENT OF RADIATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  222




RADIATION CENTRES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  262

ANNEX 7.D. USEFUL FORMULAE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  266


REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  271

CHAPTER 8. MEASUREMENT OF SUNSHINE DURATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  274


GLOBAL IRRADIANCE MEASUREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  286


GLOBAL IRRADIANCE MEASUREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  287

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  288

CHAPTER 9. MEASUREMENT OF VISIBILITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  291

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  309

CHAPTER 10. MEASUREMENT OF EVAPORATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  311

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  322

CHAPTER 11. MEASUREMENT OF SOIL MOISTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  324

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  341



REQUIREMENTS FOR RADIOSONDE MEASUREMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  404


REQUIREMENTS FOR UPPER-AIR OBSERVATIONS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  405


AND FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TEST SITES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  409

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  416

CHAPTER 13. MEASUREMENT OF UPPER WIND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  420



REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  447



REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  462

CHAPTER 15. OBSERVATION OF CLOUDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  465

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  479

CHAPTER 16. MEASUREMENT OF ATMOSPHERIC COMPOSITION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  481

ANNEX. GAW CENTRAL FACILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  517

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  519


CHAPTER 1. GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
1.1 Meteorological observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
1.1.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
1.1.2 Representativeness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
1.1.3 Metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
1.2 Meteorological observing systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
1.3 General requirements of a meteorological station. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
1.3.1 Automatic weather stations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
1.3.2 Observers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
1.3.3 Siting and exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10 Site selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10 Coordinates of the station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11 Operating equipment in extreme environments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
1.3.4 Changes of instrumentation and homogeneity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
1.3.5 Inspection and maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12 Inspection of stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
1.4 General requirements of instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
1.4.1 Desirable characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
1.4.2 Recording instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
1.5 Measurement standards and definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
1.5.1 Definitions of standards of measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
1.5.2 Procedures for standardization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
1.5.3 Symbols, units and constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16 Symbols and units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16 Constants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
1.6 Uncertainty of measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
1.6.1 Meteorological measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18 Sources and estimates of error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
1.6.2 Definitions of measurements and measurement errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
1.6.3 Characteristics of instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
1.6.4 The measurement uncertainties of a single instrument. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21 The statistical distributions of observations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21 Estimating the true value. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22 Expressing the uncertainty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24 Measurements of discrete values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
1.6.5 Accuracy requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25 Required and achievable performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26

ANNEX 1.A. REGIONAL INSTRUMENT CENTRES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27


ANNEX 1.C. STATION EXPOSURE DESCRIPTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43

ANNEX 1.D. OPERATING EQUIPMENT IN EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  45


INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  49

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  59



1.1.1 General

Meteorological (and related environmental and geophysical) observations are made for a variety
of reasons. They are used for the real-time preparation of weather analyses, forecasts and severe
weather warnings, for the study of climate, for local weather-dependent operations (for example,
local aerodrome flying operations, construction work on land and at sea), for hydrology and
agricultural meteorology, and for research in meteorology and climatology. The purpose of the
Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation is to support these activities by
giving advice on good practices for meteorological measurements and observations.

There are many other sources of additional advice, and users should refer to the references placed
at the end of each chapter for a bibliography of theory and practice relating to instruments
and methods of observation. The references also contain national practices, national and
international standards, and specific literature. They also include reports published by the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO) for the Commission for Instruments and Methods of
Observation (CIMO) on technical conferences, instrumentation, and international comparisons
of instruments. Many other Manuals and Guides issued by WMO refer to particular applications
of meteorological observations (see especially those relating to the Global Observing System
(WMO, 2010c, 2010e), aeronautical meteorology (WMO, 2014), hydrology (WMO, 2008),
agricultural meteorology (WMO, 2010b) and climatology (WMO, 2011a).

Quality assurance and maintenance are of special interest for instrument measurements.
Throughout this Guide many recommendations are made in order to meet the stated
performance requirements. Particularly, PartIV of this Guide is dedicated to quality assurance
and management of observing systems. It is recognized that quality management and training
of instrument specialists is of utmost importance. Therefore, on the recommendation of CIMO,1
several regional associations of WMO have set up Regional Instrument Centres (RICs) to maintain
standards and provide advice regarding meteorological measurements. Their terms of reference
and locations are given in Annex1.A. In addition, on the recommendation of the Joint WMO/IOC
Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology2 (WMO, 2010a) a network of
Regional Marine Instrument Centres has been set up to provide for similar functions regarding
marine meteorology and other related oceanographic measurements. Their terms of reference
and locations are given in PartII, Chapter4, Annex4.A.

The definitions and standards stated in this Guide (see section 1.5.1) will always conform to
internationally adopted standards. Basic documents to be referred to are the International
Meteorological Vocabulary (WMO, 1992) and the International Vocabulary of Metrology Basic and
General Concepts and Associated Terms (VIM) (JCGM, 2012).

1.1.2 Representativeness

The representativeness of an observation is the degree to which it accurately describes the

value of the variable needed for a specific purpose. Therefore, it is not a fixed quality of any
observation, but results from joint appraisal of instrumentation, measurement interval and
exposure against the requirements of some particular application. For instance, synoptic
observations should typically be representative of an area up to 100km around the station, but
for small-scale or local applications the considered area may have dimensions of 10km or less.

Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its ninth session (1985) through
Recommendation19 (CIMOIX).
Recommended by the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology at its
third session (2009) through Recommendation1 (JCOMMIII).

In particular, applications have their own preferred timescales and space scales for averaging,
station density and resolution of phenomena small for agricultural meteorology, large for
global long-range forecasting. Forecasting scales are closely related to the timescales of the
phenomena; thus, shorter-range weather forecasts require more frequent observations from
a denser network over a limited area in order to detect any small-scale phenomena and their
quick development. Using various sources (WMO, 2001, 2010e; Orlanski, 1975), horizontal
meteorological scales may be classified as follows, with a factor two uncertainty:

(a) Microscale (less than 100m) for agricultural meteorology, for example, evaporation;

(b) Toposcale or local scale (1003km), for example, air pollution, tornadoes;

(c) Mesoscale (3100km), for example, thunderstorms, sea and mountain breezes;

(d) Large scale (1003000km), for example, fronts, various cyclones, cloud clusters;

(e) Planetary scale (larger than 3000km), for example, long upper tropospheric waves.

Section 1.6 discusses the required and achievable uncertainties of instrument systems. The
stated achievable uncertainties can be obtained with good instrument systems that are
properly operated, but are not always obtained in practice. Good observing practices require
skill, training, equipment and support, which are not always available in sufficient degree. The
measurement intervals required vary by application: minutes for aviation, hours for agriculture,
and days for climate description. Data storage arrangements are a compromise between
available capacity and user needs.

Good exposure, which is representative on scales from a few metres to 100km, is difficult to
achieve (see section1.3). Errors of unrepresentative exposure may be much larger than those
expected from the instrument system in isolation. A station in a hilly or coastal location is
likely to be unrepresentative on the large scale or mesoscale. However, good homogeneity of
observations in time may enable users to employ data even from unrepresentative stations for
climate studies.

Annex 1.B discusses site representativeness in further detail and provides guidelines on the
classification of surface observing sites on land to indicate their representativeness for the
measurement of different variables. This classification has several objectives:

(a) To improve the selection of a site and the location of a sensor within a site in order to
optimize representativeness by applying some objective criteria;

(b) To help in the construction of a network and the selection of its sites:

(i) Not only for meteorological services but also, for example, for road services;

(ii) To avoid inappropriate positioning of instruments;

(c) To document the site representativeness with an easy-to-use criterion:

(i) It is clear that a single number is not enough to fully document the environment
and representativeness of a site. Additional information is necessary such as a map,
pictures or a description of the surroundings;

(ii) Despite this numerical value, the site classification is not only a ranking system. Class1
sites are preferred, but sites in other classes are still valuable for many applications;

(d) To help users benefit from metadata when using observations data. If the metadata are too
complex, they may discourage appropriate use.

1.1.3 Metadata

The purpose of this Guide and related WMO publications is to ensure reliability of observations
by standardization. However, local resources and circumstances may cause deviations from the
agreed standards of instrumentation and exposure. A typical example is that of regions with
much snowfall, where the instruments are mounted higher than usual so that they can be useful
in winter as well as summer.

Users of meteorological observations often need to know the actual exposure, type and
condition of the equipment and its operation; and perhaps the circumstances of the
observations. This is now particularly significant in the study of climate, in which detailed station
histories have to be examined. Metadata (data about data) should be kept concerning all of
the station establishment and maintenance matters described in section1.3, and concerning
changes which occur, including calibration and maintenance history and the changes in terms
of exposure and staff (WMO, 2003). Metadata are especially important for elements which are
particularly sensitive to exposure, such as precipitation, wind and temperature. One very basic
form of metadata is information on the existence, availability and quality of meteorological data
and of the metadata about them.


The requirements for observational data may be met using in situ measurements or remote-
sensing (including space-borne) systems, according to the ability of the various sensing
systems to measure the elements needed. The requirements in terms of global, regional and
national scales and according to the application area are described in WMO (2010e). The
Global Observing System, designed to meet these requirements, is composed of the surface-
based subsystem and the space-based subsystem. The surface-based subsystem comprises a
wide variety of types of stations according to the particular application (for example, surface
synoptic station, upper-air station, climatological station, and so on). The space-based subsystem
comprises a number of spacecraft with on-board sounding missions and the associated ground
segment for command, control and data reception. The succeeding paragraphs and chapters
in this Guide deal with the surface-based system and, to a lesser extent, with the space-based
subsystem. To derive certain meteorological observations by automated systems, for example,
present weather, a so-called multi-sensor approach is necessary, where an algorithm is applied
to compute the result from the outputs of several sensors.


The requirements for elements to be observed according to the type of station and observing
network are detailed in WMO (2010e). In this section, the observational requirements of a typical
climatological station or a surface synoptic network station are considered.

The following elements are observed at a station making surface observations (the chapters refer
to PartI of the Guide):

Present weather (Chapter 14)

Past weather (Chapter 14)
Wind direction and speed (Chapter 5)
Cloud amount (Chapter 15)
Cloud type (Chapter 15)
Cloud-base height (Chapter 15)
Visibility (Chapter 9)
Temperature (Chapter 2)
Relative humidity (Chapter 4)
Atmospheric pressure (Chapter 3)
Precipitation (Chapter 6)

Snow cover (Chapter 6)

Sunshine and/or solar radiation (Chapters 7, 8)
Soil temperature (Chapter 2)
Evaporation (Chapter 10)

Instruments exist which can measure all of these elements, except cloud type. However, with
current technology, instruments for present and past weather, cloud amount and height, and
snow cover are not able to make observations of the whole range of phenomena, whereas
human observers are able to do so.

Some meteorological stations take upper-air measurements (PartI, Chapters12 and 13),
measurements of soil moisture (PartI, Chapter11), ozone and atmospheric composition (PartI,
Chapter16), and some make use of special instrument systems as described in PartII of this

Details of observing methods and appropriate instrumentation are contained in the succeeding
chapters of this Guide.

1.3.1 Automatic weather stations

Most of the elements required for synoptic, climatological or aeronautical purposes can be
measured by automatic instrumentation (PartII, Chapter1).

As the capabilities of automatic systems increase, the ratio of purely automatic weather stations
to observer-staffed weather stations (with or without automatic instrumentation) increases
steadily. The guidance in the following paragraphs regarding siting and exposure, changes of
instrumentation, and inspection and maintenance apply equally to automatic weather stations
and staffed weather stations.

1.3.2 Observers

Meteorological observers are required for a number of reasons, as follows:

(a) To make synoptic and/or climatological observations to the required uncertainty and
representativeness with the aid of appropriate instruments;

(b) To maintain instruments, metadata documentation and observing sites in good order;

(c) To code and dispatch observations (in the absence of automatic coding and communication

(d) To maintain in situ recording devices, including the changing of charts when provided;

(e) To make or collate weekly and/or monthly records of climatological data where automatic
systems are unavailable or inadequate;

(f) To provide supplementary or back-up observations when automatic equipment does not
make observations of all required elements, or when it is out of service;

(g) To respond to public and professional enquiries.

Observers should be trained and/or certified by an authorized Meteorological Service to

establish their competence to make observations to the required standards. They should have the
ability to interpret instructions for the use of instrumental and manual techniques that apply to
their own particular observing systems. Guidance on the instrument training requirements for
observers will be given in PartIV, Chapter5.

1.3.3 Siting and exposure Site selection

Meteorological observing stations are designed so that representative measurements (or

observations) can be taken according to the type of station involved. Thus, a station in the
synoptic network should make observations to meet synoptic-scale requirements, whereas an
aviation meteorological observing station should make observations that describe the conditions
specific to the local (aerodrome) site. Where stations are used for several purposes, for example,
aviation, synoptic and climatological purposes, the most stringent requirement will dictate the
precise location of an observing site and its associated sensors. A detailed study on siting and
exposure is published in WMO (1993).

As an example, the following considerations apply to the selection of site and instrument
exposure requirements for a typical synoptic or climatological station in a regional or national

(a) Outdoor instruments should be installed on a level piece of ground, preferably no smaller
than 25m x25m where there are many installations, but in cases where there are relatively
few installations (as in Figure1.1) the area may be considerably smaller, for example,
10mx7m (the enclosure). The ground should be covered with short grass or a surface
representative of the locality, and surrounded by open fencing or palings to exclude
unauthorized persons. Within the enclosure, a bare patch of ground of about 2mx2m is
reserved for observations of the state of the ground and of soil temperature at depths of
equal to or less than 20cm (PartI, Chapter2) (soil temperatures at depths greater than
20cm can be measured outside this bare patch of ground). An example of the layout of
such a station is given in Figure1.1 (taken from WMO, 2010c);


1.5 m 1.5 m

1.5 m 1.5 m
Thermometer anemometer
screen on slender
2 m pole
100 cm
2m Soil thermometer

Raingauge 1

1.5 m 1.5 m

Raingauge 2 Recording

3m 1.5 m
Soil thermometer 30 cm
60 cm

Concrete slab therm Grass minimum thermometer
1.4 m 1m
75 m

Soil thermometers
1.25 m 20 cm 10 cm 5cm

Bare-soil minimum 2m
Sunshine thermometer
1.5 m on 2 m Bare patch to be 1m
pillar kept weeded

1.5 m



Figure 1.1. Layout of an observing station in the northern hemisphere showing minimum
distances between installations

(b) There should be no steeply sloping ground in the vicinity, and the site should not be in a
hollow. If these conditions are not met, the observations may show peculiarities of entirely
local significance;

(c) The site should be well away from trees, buildings, walls or other obstructions. The distance
of any such obstacle (including fencing) from the raingauge should not be less than twice
the height of the object above the rim of the gauge, and preferably four times the height;

(d) The sunshine recorder, raingauge and anemometer must be exposed according to their
requirements, preferably on the same site as the other instruments;

(e) It should be noted that the enclosure may not be the best place from which to estimate the
wind speed and direction; another observing point, more exposed to the wind, may be

(f) Very open sites which are satisfactory for most instruments are unsuitable for raingauges.
For such sites, the rainfall catch is reduced in conditions other than light winds and some
degree of shelter is needed;

(g) If in the instrument enclosure surroundings, maybe at some distance, objects like trees or
buildings obstruct the horizon significantly, alternative viewpoints should be selected for
observations of sunshine or radiation;

(h) The position used for observing cloud and visibility should be as open as possible and
command the widest possible view of the sky and the surrounding country;

(i) At coastal stations, it is desirable that the station command a view of the open sea.
However, the station should not be too near the edge of a cliff because the wind eddies
created by the cliff will affect the wind and precipitation measurements;

(j) Night observations of cloud and visibility are best made from a site unaffected by
extraneous lighting.

It is obvious that some of the above considerations are somewhat contradictory and require
compromise solutions. Detailed information appropriate to specific instruments and
measurements is given in the succeeding chapters. Coordinates of the station

The position of a station referred to in the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84) and its Earth
Geodetic Model 1996 (EGM96) must be accurately known and recorded.3 The coordinates of a
station are (as required by WMO, 2010c):

(a) The latitude in degrees, minutes and integer seconds;

(b) The longitude in degrees, minutes and integer seconds;

(c) The height of the station above mean sea level,4 namely, the elevation of the station, in
metres (up to twodecimals).

These coordinates refer to the plot on which the observations are taken and may not be the same
as those of the town, village or airfield after which the station is named. If a higher resolution of
the coordinates is desired, the same practice applied to elevation can be followed, as explained

For an explanation of the WGS84 and recording issues, see ICAO (2002).
Mean sea level (MSL) is defined in WMO (1992). The fixed reference level of MSL should be a well-defined geoid, like
the WGS84 Earth Geodetic Model 1996 (EGM96) [Geoid: the equipotential surface of the Earths gravity field which
best fits, in a least squares sense, global MSL].

The elevation of the station is defined as the height above mean sea level of the ground on which
the raingauge stands or, if there is no raingauge, the ground beneath the thermometer screen.
If there is neither raingauge nor screen, it is the average level of terrain in the vicinity of the
station. If the station reports pressure, the elevation to which the station pressure relates must
be separately specified. It is the datum level to which barometric reports at the station refer; such
barometric values being termed station pressure and understood to refer to the given level for
the purpose of maintaining continuity in the pressure records (WMO, 2010f).

If a station is located at an aerodrome, other elevations must be specified (see PartII, Chapter2,
and WMO, 2014). Definitions of measures of height and mean sea level are given in WMO
(1992). Operating equipment in extreme environments

Continuous observations during and after extreme hydrometeorological events are extremely
important both to support recovery efforts and to prepare for future events. Mitigation strategies
for common hazards are described in Annex1.D.

1.3.4 Changes of instrumentation and homogeneity

The characteristics of an observing site will generally change over time, for example, through the
growth of trees or erection of buildings on adjacent plots. Sites should be chosen to minimize
these effects, if possible. Documentation of the geography of the site and its exposure should be
kept and regularly updated as a component of the metadata (see Annex1.C and WMO, 2003).

It is especially important to minimize the effects of changes of instrument and/or changes in the
siting of specific instruments. Although the static characteristics of new instruments might be
well understood, when they are deployed operationally they can introduce apparent changes in
site climatology. In order to guard against this eventuality, observations from new instruments
should be compared over an extended interval (at least one year; see the Guide to Climatological
Practices (WMO, 2011a)) before the old measurement system is taken out of service. The same
applies when there has been a change of site. Where this procedure is impractical at all sites, it is
essential to carry out comparisons at selected representative sites to attempt to deduce changes
in measurement data which might be a result of changing technology or enforced site changes.

1.3.5 Inspection and maintenance Inspection of stations

All synoptic land stations and principal climatological stations should be inspected no less than
once every two years. Agricultural meteorological and special stations should be inspected at
intervals sufficiently short to ensure the maintenance of a high standard of observations and the
correct functioning of instruments.

The principal objective of such inspections is to ascertain that:

(a) The siting and exposure of instruments are known, acceptable and adequately

(b) Instruments are of the approved type, in good order, and regularly verified against
standards, as necessary;

(c) There is uniformity in the methods of observation and the procedures for calculating
derived quantities from the observations;

(d) The observers are competent to carry out their duties;

(e) The metadata information is up to date.

Further information on the standardization of instruments is given in section1.5. Maintenance

Observing sites and instruments should be maintained regularly so that the quality of
observations does not deteriorate significantly between station inspections. Routine (preventive)
maintenance schedules include regular housekeeping at observing sites (for example, grass
cutting and cleaning of exposed instrument surfaces) and manufacturers recommended checks
on automatic instruments. Routine quality control checks carried out at the station or at a central
point should be designed to detect equipment faults at the earliest possible stage. Depending on
the nature of the fault and the type of station, corrective maintenance (instrument replacement
or repair) should be conducted according to agreed priorities and timescales. As part of the
metadata, it is especially important that a log be kept of instrument faults, exposure changes,
and remedial action taken where data are used for climatological purposes.

Further information on station inspection and management can be found in WMO (2010c).


1.4.1 Desirable characteristics

The most important requirements for meteorological instruments are the following:

(a) Uncertainty, according to the stated requirement for the particular variable;

(b) Reliability and stability;

(c) Convenience of operation, calibration and maintenance;

(d) Simplicity of design which is consistent with requirements;

(e) Durability;

(f) Acceptable cost of instrument, consumables and spare parts;

(g) Safe for staff and the environment.

With regard to the first two requirements, it is important that an instrument should be able to
maintain a known uncertainty over a long period. This is much better than having a high level of
initial confidence (meaning low uncertainty) that cannot be retained for long under operating

Initial calibrations of instruments will, in general, reveal departures from the ideal output,
necessitating corrections to observed data during normal operations. It is important that the
corrections should be retained with the instruments at the observing site and that clear guidance
be given to observers for their use.

Simplicity, strength of construction, and convenience of operation and maintenance are

important since most meteorological instruments are in continuous use year in, year out,
and may be located far away from good repair facilities. Robust construction is especially
desirable for instruments that are wholly or partially exposed to the weather. Adherence to such
characteristics will often reduce the overall cost of providing good observations, outweighing
the initial cost.

Appropriate safety procedures must be implemented when using instruments containing

dangerous chemicals (see in particular guidance on mercury (PartI, Chapter3, 3.2.7) and
hazardous chemicals (PartII, Chapter8, 8.5 and 8.6). The Minamata Convention on Mercury of
the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) entered into force in October2013 and will
have a significant impact on the use of mercury for meteorological applications.

1.4.2 Recording instruments

In many of the recording instruments used in meteorology, the motion of the sensing element
is magnified by levers that move a pen on a chart on a clock-driven drum. Such recorders
should be as free as possible from friction, not only in the bearings, but also between the pen
and paper. Some means of adjusting the pressure of the pen on the paper should be provided,
but this pressure should be reduced to a minimum consistent with a continuous legible trace.
Means should also be provided in clock-driven recorders for making time marks. In the design of
recording instruments that will be used in cold climates, particular care must be taken to ensure
that their performance is not adversely affected by extreme cold and moisture, and that routine
procedures (time marks, and so forth) can be carried out by the observers while wearing gloves.

Recording instruments should be compared frequently with instruments of the direct-reading


An increasing number of instruments make use of electronic recording in magnetic media or in

semiconductor microcircuits. Many of the same considerations given for bearings, friction and
cold-weather servicing apply to the mechanical components of such instruments.


1.5.1 Definitions of standards of measurement

The term standard and other similar terms denote the various instruments, methods and
scales used to establish the uncertainty of measurements. A nomenclature for standards of
measurement is given in the International Vocabulary of Metrology Basic and General Concepts
and Associated Terms (VIM), which was prepared simultaneously by the International Bureau
of Weights and Measures (BIPM), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the
International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC), the International
Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO), the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the International Union
of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and the International Organization of Legal Metrology
(OIML), and issued by the Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology (JCGM). The current version
is JCGM200:2012, available at http://www.bipm.org/en/publications/guides/vim.html. Some of
the definitions are as follows:

Measurement standard: Realization of the definition of a given quantity, with stated quantity value
and associated measurement uncertainty, used as a reference.

Example 1: 1 kg mass measurement standard with an associated standard measurement

uncertainty of 3g

Example 2: 100 measurement standard resistor with an associated standard measurement

uncertainty of 1

International measurement standard (international standard): Measurement standard recognized by

signatories to an international agreement and intended to serve worldwide.

Example 1: The international prototype of the kilogramme


National measurement standard (national standard): Measurement standard recognized by national

authorities to serve in a State or economy as the basis for assigning quantity values to other
measurement standards for the kind of quantity concerned.

Primary measurement standard (primary standard): Measurement standard established using a

primary reference measurement procedure, or created as an artefact, chosen by convention.

Example 1: Primary measurement standard of amount-of-substance concentration prepared

by dissolving a known amount of substance of a chemical component to a known
volume of solution

Example 2: Primary measurement standard for pressure based on separate measurements

of force and area

Secondary measurement standard (secondary standard): Measurement standard established through

calibration with respect to a primary measurement standard for a quantity of the same kind.

Reference measurement standard (reference standard): Measurement standard designated for the
calibration of other measurement standards for quantities of a given kind in a given organization
or at a given location.

Working measurement standard (working standard): Measurement standard that is used routinely to
calibrate or verify measuring instruments or measuring systems.

1. A working measurement standard is usually calibrated with respect to a reference measurement standard.
2. In relation to verification, the terms check standard or control standard are also sometimes used.

Transfer measurement device (transfer device): Device used as an intermediary to compare

measurement standards.

Note: Sometimes, measurement standards are used as transfer devices.

Travelling measurement standard (travelling standard): Measurement standard, sometimes of special

construction, intended for transport between different locations.

Collective standard: A set of similar material measures or measuring instruments fulfilling, by their
combined use, the role of a standard.

Example: The World Radiometric Reference

1. A collective standard is usually intended to provide a single value of a quantity.
2. The value provided by a collective standard is an appropriate mean of the values provided by the individual

Traceability: A property of the result of a measurement or the value of a standard whereby it can
be related to stated references, usually national or international standards, through an unbroken
chain of comparisons all having stated uncertainties.

Metrological traceability: A property of a measurement result whereby the result can be related
to a reference through a documented unbroken chain of calibrations, each contributing to the
measurement uncertainty.

Calibration: Operation that, under specified conditions, in a first step, establishes a relation
between the quantity values with measurement uncertainties provided by measurement
standards and corresponding indications with associated measurement uncertainties and, in a
second step, uses this information to establish a relation for obtaining a measurement result from
an indication.

1. A calibration may be expressed by a statement, calibration function, calibration diagram, calibration curve, or
calibration table. In some cases, it may consist of an additive or multiplicative correction of the indication with
associated measurement uncertainty.
2. Calibration should not be confused with adjustment of a measuring system, often mistakenly called self-
calibration, nor with verification of calibration.

1.5.2 Procedures for standardization

In order to control effectively the standardization of meteorological instruments on a national

and international scale, a system of national and regional standards has been adopted by
WMO. The standardization of meteorological and related environmental measurements and
assurance of the traceability of individual Members' standards to the International System of
Units (SI) can be supported by Regional Instrument Centres (Annex1.A). The locations of the
regional standards for pressure and radiation are given in PartI, Chapter3 (Annex3.B), and
PartI, Chapter7 (Annex7.C), respectively. In general, regional standards are designated by
the regional associations, and national standards by the individual Members. Unless otherwise
specified, instruments designated as regional and national standards should be compared by
means of travelling standards at least once every five years. It is not essential for the instruments
used as travelling standards to possess the uncertainty of primary or secondary standards; they
should, however, be sufficiently robust to withstand transportation without changing their

Similarly, the instruments in operational use at a Service should be periodically compared

directly or indirectly with the national standards. Comparisons of instruments within a Service
should, as far as possible, be made at the time when the instruments are issued to a station and
subsequently during each regular inspection of the station, as recommended in section1.3.5.
Portable standard instruments used by inspectors should be checked against the standard
instruments of the Service before and after each tour of inspection.

Comparisons should be carried out between operational instruments of different designs (or
principles of operation) to ensure homogeneity of measurements over space and time (see

1.5.3 Symbols, units and constants Symbols and units

Instrument measurements produce numerical values. The purpose of these measurements is

to obtain physical or meteorological quantities representing the state of the local atmosphere.
For meteorological practices, instrument readings represent variables, such as atmospheric
pressure, air temperature or wind speed. A variable with symbol a is usually represented in
the form a = {a}[a], where {a} stands for the numerical value and [a] stands for the symbol for
the unit. General principles concerning quantities, units and symbols are stated in ISO (2009)
and IUPAP (1987). The International System of Units should be used as the system of units
for the evaluation of meteorological elements included in reports for international exchange.
This system is published and updated by BIPM (2006). Guides for the use of SI are issued by
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, 2008) and ISO (2009). Variables
not defined as an international symbol by the International System of Quantities (ISQ), but
commonly used in meteorology can be found in the International Meteorological Tables (WMO,
1966) and relevant chapters in this Guide.

The following units should be used for meteorological observations:

(a) Atmospheric pressure, p, in hectopascals (hPa);5

The unit pascal is the principal SI derived unit for the pressure quantity. The unit and symbol bar is a unit outside
the SI system; in every document where it is used, this unit (bar) should be defined in relation to the SI. Its continued
use is not encouraged. By definition, 1mbar (millibar)=1hPa (hectopascal).

(b) Temperature, t, in degrees Celsius (C) or T in kelvins (K);

Note: The Celsius and kelvin temperature scales should conform to the actual definition of the International
Temperature Scale (ITS-90, see BIPM, 1990).

(c) Wind speed, in both surface and upper-air observations, in metres per second (ms1);

(d) Wind direction in degrees clockwise from true north or on the scale 036, where 36 is the
wind from true north and 09 the wind from true east ();

(e) Relative humidity, U, in per cent (%);

(f) Precipitation (total amount) in millimetres (mm) or kilograms per square metre (kgm2);6

(g) Precipitation intensity, Ri, in millimetres per hour (mmh1) or kilograms per square metre
per second (kgm2s1);7

(h) Snow water equivalent in kilograms per square metre (kg m2);

(i) Evaporation in millimetres (mm);

(j) Visibility in metres (m);

(k) Irradiance in watts per square metre and radiant exposure in joules per square metre
(Wm2, Jm2);

(l) Duration of sunshine in hours (h);

(m) Cloud height in metres (m);

(n) Cloud amount in oktas;

(o) Geopotential, used in upper-air observations, in standard geopotential metres (m).

Note: Height, level or altitude are presented with respect to a well-defined reference. Typical references are Mean
Sea Level (MSL), station altitude or the 1013.2hPa plane.

The standard geopotential metre is defined as 0.980665 of the dynamic metre; for levels in the
troposphere, the geopotential is close in numerical value to the height expressed in metres. Constants

The following constants have been adopted for meteorological use:

(a) Absolute temperature of the normal ice point T0 = 273.15 K (t = 0.00 C);

(b) Absolute temperature of the triple point of water T = 273.16 K (t = 0.01 C), by definition of

(c) Standard acceleration of gravity (gn) = 9.806 65 m s2;

(d) Density of mercury at 0 C = 1.359 51 10 4 kg m3.

The values of other constants are given in WMO (1966, 2011b).

Assuming that 1mm equals 1kgm2 independent of temperature.
Recommendation3 (CBSXII), Annex1, adopted through Resolution4 (ECLIII).


1.6.1 Meteorological measurements General

This section deals with definitions that are relevant to the assessment of accuracy and the
measurement of uncertainties in physical measurements, and concludes with statements of
required and achievable uncertainties in meteorology. First, it discusses some issues that arise
particularly in meteorological measurements.

The term measurement is carefully defined in section 1.6.2, but in most of this Guide it is used
less strictly to mean the process of measurement or its result, which may also be called an
observation. A sample is a single measurement, typically one of a series of spot or instantaneous
readings of a sensor system, from which an average or smoothed value is derived to make an
observation. For a more theoretical approach to this discussion, see PartIV, Chapters2 and 3.

The terms accuracy, error and uncertainty are carefully defined in section1.6.2, which explains
that accuracy is a qualitative term, the numerical expression of which is uncertainty. This is good
practice and is the form followed in this Guide. Formerly, the common and less precise use of
accuracy was as in an accuracy of x, which should read an uncertainty of x. Sources and estimates of error

The sources of error in the various meteorological measurements are discussed in specific detail
in the following chapters of this Guide, but in general they may be seen as accumulating through
the chain of traceability and the measurement conditions.

It is convenient to take air temperature as an example to discuss how errors arise, but it is not
difficult to adapt the following argument to pressure, wind and other meteorological quantities.
For temperature, the sources of error in an individual measurement are as follows:

(a) Errors in the international, national and working standards, and in the comparisons made
between them. These may be assumed to be negligible for meteorological applications;

(b) Errors in the comparisons made between the working, travelling and/or check standards
and the field instruments in the laboratory or in liquid baths in the field (if that is how the
traceability is established). These are small if the practice is good (say 0.1K uncertainty at
the 95% confidence level, including the errors in (a) above), but may quite easily be larger,
depending on the skill of the operator and the quality of the equipment;

(c) Non-linearity, drift, repeatability and reproducibility in the field thermometer and its
transducer (depending on the type of thermometer element);

(d) The effectiveness of the heat transfer between the thermometer element and the air in the
thermometer shelter, which should ensure that the element is at thermal equilibrium with
the air (related to system time-constant or lag coefficient). In a well-designed aspirated
shelter this error will be very small, but it may be large otherwise;

(e) The effectiveness of the thermometer shelter, which should ensure that the air in the shelter
is at the same temperature as the air immediately surrounding it. In a well-designed case
this error is small, but the difference between an effective and an ineffective shelter may be
3C or more in some circumstances;

(f) The exposure, which should ensure that the shelter is at a temperature which is
representative of the region to be monitored. Nearby sources and heat sinks (buildings,
other unrepresentative surfaces below and around the shelter) and topography (hills, land-

water boundaries) may introduce large errors. The station metadata should contain a good
and regularly updated description of exposure (see Annex1.C) to inform data users about
possible exposure errors.

Systematic and random errors both arise at all the above-mentioned stages. The effects of the
error sources (d) to (f) can be kept small if operations are very careful and if convenient terrain
for siting is available; otherwise these error sources may contribute to a very large overall error.
However, they are sometimes overlooked in the discussion of errors, as though the laboratory
calibration of the sensor could define the total error completely.

Establishing the true value is difficult in meteorology (Linacre, 1992). Well-designed instrument
comparisons in the field may establish the characteristics of instruments to give a good estimate
of uncertainty arising from stages (a) to (e) above. If station exposure has been documented
adequately, the effects of imperfect exposure can be corrected systematically for some
parameters (for example, wind; see WMO, 2002) and should be estimated for others.

Comparing station data against numerically analysed fields using neighbouring stations is
an effective operational quality control procedure, if there are sufficient reliable stations in
the region. Differences between the individual observations at the station and the values
interpolated from the analysed field are due to errors in the field as well as to the performance
of the station. However, over a period, the average error at each point in the analysed field may
be assumed to be zero if the surrounding stations are adequate for a sound analysis. In that case,
the mean and standard deviation of the differences between the station and the analysed field
may be calculated, and these may be taken as the errors in the station measurement system
(including effects of exposure). The uncertainty in the estimate of the mean value in the long
term may, thus, be made quite small (if the circumstances at the station do not change), and this
is the basis of climate change studies.

1.6.2 Definitions of measurements and measurement errors

The following terminology relating to the accuracy of measurements is based on JCGM (2012),
which contains many definitions applicable to the practices of meteorological observations.
Very useful and detailed practical guidance on the calculation and expression of uncertainty in
measurements is given in ISO/IEC(2008)/ JCGM(2008).

Measurement: The process of experimentally obtaining one or more quantity values that can
reasonably be attributed to a quantity.

Note: The operations may be performed automatically.

Result of a measurement: A set of quantity values being attributed to a measurand together with
any other available relevant information.

1. When a result is given, it should be made clear whether it refers to the indication, the uncorrected result or the
corrected result, and whether several values are averaged.
2. A complete statement of the result of a measurement includes information about the uncertainty of the

Corrected result: The result of a measurement after correction for systematic error.

Value (of a quantity): A number and reference together expressing the magnitude of a quantity.

Example: Length of a rod: 5.34 m

True value (of a quantity): The quantity value consistent with the definition of a quantity.
< true value > = < measured value > < uncertainty >

1. This is a value that would be obtained by a perfect measurement.
2. True values are by nature indeterminate.

Accuracy (of a measurement): A qualitative term referring to the closeness of agreement between
a measured quantity value and a true quantity value of a measurand. The accuracy of a
measurement is sometimes understood as the closeness of agreement between measured
quantity values that are being attributed to the measurand. It is possible to refer to an instrument
or a measurement as having a high accuracy, but the quantitative measure of the accuracy is
expressed in terms of uncertainty.

Uncertainty: A non-negative parameter characterizing the dispersion of the quantity values being
attributed to a measurand, based on the information used.

Repeatability: The closeness of agreement between indications or measured quantity values

obtained on the same or similar objects under a set of conditions that includes the same
measurement procedure, same operators, same measuring system, same operating conditions
and same location, and replicate measurements over a short period of time.

Note: Relevant statistical terms are given in ISO (1994a) and ISO (1994b).

Reproducibility: The closeness of agreement between indications or measured quantity values

obtained on the same or similar objects under a set of conditions that includes different locations,
operators and measuring systems, and replicate measurements.

Error (of measurement): Measured quantity value minus a reference quantity value.

Instrumental bias: Average of replicate indications minus a reference quantity value.

Random error: The component of measurement error that in replicate measurements varies in an
unpredictable manner.

1. Random measurement error equals measurement error minus systematic measurement error.
2. A reference quantity value for a random measurement error is the average that would ensue from an infinite
number of replicate measurements of the same measurand.

Systematic error: The component of measurement error that in replicate measurements remains
constant or varies in a predictable manner.

1. Systematic measurement error equals measurement error minus random measurement error.
2. Like true value, systematic error and its causes cannot be completely known.

Correction: Compensation for an estimated systematic effect.

Some definitions are also repeated in Part IV, Chapter 4 for convenience.

1.6.3 Characteristics of instruments

Some other properties of instruments which must be understood when considering their
uncertainty are taken from JCGM (2012).

Sensitivity: Quotient of the change in an indication of a measuring system and the corresponding
change in a value of a quantity being measured.

Note: The sensitivity of a measuring system can depend on the value of the quantity being measured.

Discrimination threshold: The largest change in a value of a quantity being measured that causes
no detectable change in the corresponding indication.

Resolution: The smallest change in a quantity being measured that causes a perceptible change in
the corresponding indication.

Hysteresis: The property of a measuring instrument whereby its response to a given stimulus
depends on the sequence of preceding stimuli.

Stability (of an instrument): The property of a measuring instrument whereby its metrological
properties remain constant in time.

Drift: A continuous or incremental change over time in indication due to changes in metrological
properties of a measuring instrument.

Step response time: The duration between the instant when an input quantity value of a measuring
instrument or measuring system is subjected to an abrupt change between two specified
constant quantity values and the instant when a corresponding indication settles within specified
limits around its final steady value.

The following other definitions are used frequently in meteorology:

Statements of response time: The time for 90% of the step change is often given. The time for 50%
of the step change is sometimes referred to as the half-time.

Calculation of response time: In most simple systems, the response to a step change is:

( )
Y = A 1 e t / (1.1)

where Y is the change after elapsed time t; A is the amplitude of the step change applied; t is the
elapsed time from the step change; and is a characteristic variable of the system having the
dimension of time.

The variable is referred to as the time constant or the lag coefficient. It is the time taken, after a
step change, for the instrument to reach 1/e of the final steady reading.

In other systems, the response is more complicated and will not be considered here (see also
PartIV, Chapter2).

Lag error: The error that a set of measurements may possess due to the finite response time of the
observing instrument.

1.6.4 The measurement uncertainties of a single instrument

ISO/IEC (2008) / JCGM (2008) should be used for the expression and calculation of
uncertainties. It gives a detailed practical account of definitions and methods of reporting, and a
comprehensive description of suitable statistical methods, with many illustrative examples. The statistical distributions of observations

To determine the uncertainty of any individual measurement, a statistical approach is to

be considered in the first place. For this purpose, the following definitions are stated (ISO/
IEC(2008)/ JCGM(2008); JCGM, 2012):

(a) Standard uncertainty;

(b) Expanded uncertainty;

(c) Variance, standard deviation;

(d) Statistical coverage interval.



Figure 1.2. The distribution of data in an instrument comparison

If n comparisons of an operational instrument are made with the measured variable and all other
significant variables held constant, if the best estimate of the true value is established by use of a
reference standard, and if the measured variable has a Gaussian distribution,8 the results may be
displayed as in Figure1.2.

In this figure, T is the true value, is the mean of the n values O observed with one instrument,
and is the standard deviation of the observed values with respect to their mean values.

In this situation, the following characteristics can be identified:

(a) The systematic error, often termed bias, given by the algebraic difference T. Systematic
errors cannot be eliminated but may often be reduced. A correction factor can be applied
to compensate for the systematic effect. Typically, appropriate calibrations and adjustments
should be performed to eliminate the systematic errors of sensors. Systematic errors due to
environmental or siting effects can only be reduced;

(b) The random error, which arises from unpredictable or stochastic temporal and spatial
variations. The measure of this random effect can be expressed by the standard deviation
determined after nmeasurements, where n should be large enough. In principle, is a
measure for the uncertainty of ;

(c) The accuracy of measurement, which is the closeness of the agreement between the
result of a measurement and a true value of the measurand. The accuracy of a measuring
instrument is the ability to give responses close to a true value. Note that accuracy is a
qualitative concept;

(d) The uncertainty of measurement, which represents a parameter associated with the
result of a measurement, that characterizes the dispersion of the values that could be
reasonably attributed to the measurand. The uncertainties associated with the random and
systematic effects that give rise to the error can be evaluated to express the uncertainty of
measurement. Estimating the true value

In normal practice, observations are used to make an estimate of the true value. If a systematic
error does not exist or has been removed from the data, the true value can be approximated by
taking the mean of a very large number of carefully executed independent measurements. When
fewer measurements are available, their mean has a distribution of its own and only certain

However, note that several meteorological variables do not follow a Gaussian distribution. See section1.

limits within which the true value can be expected to lie can be indicated. In order to do this, it
is necessary to choose a statistical probability (level of confidence) for the limits, and the error
distribution of the means must be known.

A very useful and clear explanation of this notion and related subjects is given by Natrella (1966).
Further discussion is given by Eisenhart (1963). Estimating the true value n large

When the number of n observations is large, the distribution of the means of samples is Gaussian,
even when the observational errors themselves are not. In this situation, or when the distribution
of the means of samples is known to be Gaussian for other reasons, the limits between which the
true value of the mean can be expected to lie are obtained from:

LU = X + k
Upper limit: n (1.2)

Lower limit: LL = X k (1.3)
where X is the average of the observations corrected for systematic error; is the standard
deviation of the whole population; and k is a factor, according to the chosen level of confidence,
which can be calculated using the normal distribution function.

Some values of k are as follows:

Level of confidence 90% 95% 99%

k 1.645 1.960 2.575

The level of confidence used in the table above is for the condition that the true value will not
be outside the one particular limit (upper or lower) to be computed. When stating the level of
confidence that the true value will lie between both limits, both the upper and lower outside
zones have to be considered. With this in mind, it can be seen that k takes the value 1.96 for a
95% probability, and that the true value of the mean lies between the limits LU and LL . Estimating the true value n small

When n is small, the means of samples conform to Students t distribution provided that the
observational errors have a Gaussian or near-Gaussian distribution. In this situation, and for a
chosen level of confidence, the upper and lower limits can be obtained from:

LU X + t
Upper limit: n (1.4)

Lower limit: LL X t (1.5)
where t is a factor (Students t) which depends upon the chosen level of confidence and the
number n of measurements; and is the estimate of the standard deviation of the whole
population, made from the measurements obtained, using:

i =1 ( X i X )
n 2
= 02 (1.6)
n 1 n 1
where Xi is an individual value Oi corrected for systematic error.

Some values of t are as follows:

Level of
90% 95% 99%

1 6.314 12.706 63.657

4 2.132 2.776 4.604

8 1.860 2.306 3.355

60 1.671 2.000 2.660

where df is the degrees of freedom related to the number of measurements by df = n 1. The

level of confidence used in this table is for the condition that the true value will not be outside the
one particular limit (upper or lower) to be computed. When stating the level of confidence that
the true value will lie between the two limits, allowance has to be made for the case in which n is
large. With this in mind, it can be seen that t takes the value 2.306 for a 95% probability that the
true value lies between the limits LU and LL , when the estimate is made from nine measurements
(df = 8).

The values of t approach the values of k as n becomes large, and it can be seen that the values of
k are very nearly equalled by the values of t when df equals 60. For this reason, tables of k (rather
than tables of t) are quite often used when the number of measurements of a mean value is
greater than 60 or so. Estimating the true value additional remarks

Investigators should consider whether or not the distribution of errors is likely to be Gaussian.
The distribution of some variables themselves, such as sunshine, visibility, humidity and ceiling, is
not Gaussian and their mathematical treatment must, therefore, be made according to rules valid
for each particular distribution (Brooks and Carruthers, 1953).

In practice, observations contain both random and systematic errors. In every case, the observed
mean value has to be corrected for the systematic error insofar as it is known. When doing this,
the estimate of the true value remains inaccurate because of the random errors as indicated by
the expressions and because of any unknown component of the systematic error. Limits should
be set to the uncertainty of the systematic error and should be added to those for random errors
to obtain the overall uncertainty. However, unless the uncertainty of the systematic error can
be expressed in probability terms and combined suitably with the random error, the level of
confidence is not known. It is desirable, therefore, that the systematic error be fully determined. Expressing the uncertainty

If random and systematic effects are recognized, but reduction or corrections are not possible or
not applied, the resulting uncertainty of the measurement should be estimated. This uncertainty
is determined after an estimation of the uncertainty arising from random effects and from
imperfect correction of the result for systematic effects. It is common practice to express the
uncertainty as expanded uncertainty in relation to the statistical coverage interval. To be
consistent with common practice in metrology, the 95% confidence level, or k = 2, should be used
for all types of measurements, namely:
< expanded uncertainty > = k = 2 (1.7)
As a result, the true value, defined in section 1.6.2, will be expressed as:
< true value > = < measured value > < expanded uncertainty > = < measured value > 2
CHAPTER 1. GENERAL 25 Measurements of discrete values

While the state of the atmosphere may be described well by physical variables or quantities,
a number of meteorological phenomena are expressed in terms of discrete values. Typical
examples of such values are the detection of sunshine, precipitation or lightning and freezing
precipitation. All these parameters can only be expressed by yes or no. For a number of
parameters, all of which are members of the group of present weather phenomena, more than
two possibilities exist. For instance, discrimination between drizzle, rain, snow, hail and their
combinations is required when reporting present weather. For these practices, uncertainty
calculations like those stated above are not applicable. Some of these parameters are related to a
numerical threshold value (for example, sunshine detection using direct radiation intensity), and
the determination of the uncertainty of any derived variable (for example, sunshine duration) can
be calculated from the estimated uncertainty of the source variable (for example, direct radiation
intensity). However, this method is applicable only for derived parameters, and not for the typical
present weather phenomena. Although a simple numerical approach cannot be presented, a
number of statistical techniques are available to determine the quality of such observations.
Such techniques are based on comparisons of two datasets, with one set defined as a reference.
Such a comparison results in a contingency matrix, representing the cross-related frequencies
of the mutual phenomena. In its most simple form, when a variable is Boolean (yes or no),
such a matrix is a two by two matrix with the number of equal occurrences in the elements of
the diagonal axis and the missing hits and false alarms in the other elements. Such a matrix
makes it possible to derive verification scores or indices to be representative for the quality of the
observation. This technique is described by Murphy and Katz (1985). An overview is given by
Kok (2000).

1.6.5 Accuracy requirements General

The uncertainty with which a meteorological variable should be measured varies with the
specific purpose for which the measurement is required. In general, the limits of performance
of a measuring device or system will be determined by the variability of the element to be
measured on the spatial and temporal scales appropriate to the application.

Any measurement can be regarded as made up of two parts: the signal and the noise. The signal
constitutes the quantity which is to be determined, and the noise is the part which is irrelevant.
The noise may arise in several ways: from observational error, because the observation is not
made at the right time and place, or because short-period or small-scale irregularities occur in
the observed quantity which are irrelevant to the observations and need to be smoothed out.
Assuming that the observational error could be reduced at will, the noise arising from other
causes would set a limit to the accuracy. Further refinement in the observing technique would
improve the measurement of the noise but would not give much better results for the signal.

At the other extreme, an instrument the error of which is greater than the amplitude of the
signal itself can give little or no information about the signal. Thus, for various purposes, the
amplitudes of the noise and the signal serve, respectively, to determine:

(a) The limits of performance beyond which improvement is unnecessary;

(b) The limits of performance below which the data obtained would be of negligible value.

This argument, defining and determining limits (a) and (b) above, was developed extensively
for upper-air data by WMO (1970). However, statements of requirements are usually derived
not from such reasoning but from perceptions of practically attainable performance, on the one
hand, and the needs of the data users, on the other.
26 PART I. MEASUREMENT OF METEOROLOGICAL VARIABLES Required and achievable performance

The performance of a measuring system includes its reliability, capital, recurrent and lifetime
cost, and spatial resolution, but the performance under discussion here is confined to uncertainty
(including scale resolution) and resolution in time.

Various statements of requirements have been made, and both needs and capability change with
time. The statements given in Annex1.E are the most authoritative at the time of writing, and
may be taken as useful guides for development, but they are not fully definitive.

The requirements for the variables most commonly used in synoptic, aviation and marine
meteorology, and in climatology are summarized in Annex1.E.9 It gives requirements only for
surface measurements that are exchanged internationally. Details on the observational data
requirements for Global Data-processing and Forecasting System Centres for global and regional
exchange are given in WMO (2010d). The uncertainty requirement for wind measurements is
given separately for speed and direction because that is how wind is reported.

The ability of individual sensors or observing systems to meet the stated requirements is
changing constantly as instrumentation and observing technology advance. The characteristics
of typical sensors or systems currently available are given in Annex1.E.10 It should be noted that
the achievable operational uncertainty in many cases does not meet the stated requirements.
For some of the quantities, these uncertainties are achievable only with the highest quality
equipment and procedures.

Uncertainty requirements for upper-air measurements are dealt with in Part I, Chapter 12.

Established by the CBS Expert Team on Requirements for Data from Automatic Weather Stations (2004) and
approved by the president of CIMO for inclusion in this Guide after consultation with the presidents of the other
technical commissions.
Established by the CIMO Expert Team on Surface Technology and Measurement Techniques (2004) and confirmed
for inclusion in this Guide by the president of CIMO.

1. Considering the need for the regular calibration and maintenance of meteorological
instruments to meet the increasing needs for high-quality meteorological and hydrological
data, the need for building the hierarchy of the traceability of measurements to the International
System of Units (SI) standards, Members requirements for the standardization of meteorological
and related environmental instruments, the need for international instrument comparisons and
evaluations in support of worldwide data compatibility and homogeneity, the need for training
instrument experts and the role played by Regional Instrument Centres (RICs) in the Global
Earth Observing System of Systems, the Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Programme
and other WMO cross-cutting programmes, it has been recommended that:1

A. Regional Instrument Centres with full capabilities and functions should have the
following capabilities to carry out their corresponding functions:


(a) A RIC must have, or have access to, the necessary facilities and laboratory equipment
to perform the functions necessary for the calibration of meteorological and related
environmental instruments;

(b) A RIC must maintain a set of meteorological standard instruments and establish the
traceability of its own measurement standards and measuring instruments to the SI;

(c) A RIC must have qualified managerial and technical staff with the necessary experience to
fulfil its functions;

(d) A RIC must develop its individual technical procedures for the calibration of meteorological
and related environmental instruments using calibration equipment employed by the RIC;

(e) A RIC must develop its individual quality assurance procedures;

(f) A RIC must participate in, or organize, inter-laboratory comparisons of standard calibration
instruments and methods;

(g) A RIC must, when appropriate, utilize the resources and capabilities of the Region according
to the Regions best interests;

(h) A RIC must, as far as possible, apply international standards applicable for calibration
laboratories, such as ISO/IEC17025;

(i) A recognized authority must assess a RIC, at least every five years, to verify its capabilities
and performance;

Corresponding functions:

(j) A RIC must assist Members of the Region in calibrating their national meteorological
standards and related environmental monitoring instruments;

(k) A RIC must participate in, or organize, WMO and/or regional instrument intercomparisons,
following relevant CIMO recommendations;

(l) According to relevant recommendations on the WMO Quality Management Framework, a

RIC must make a positive contribution to Members regarding the quality of measurements;

Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its fourteenth session, held in

(m) A RIC must advise Members on enquiries regarding instrument performance, maintenance
and the availability of relevant guidance materials;

(n) A RIC must actively participate, or assist, in the organization of regional workshops on
meteorological and related environmental instruments;

(o) The RIC must cooperate with other RICs in the standardization of meteorological and
related environmental measurements;

(p) A RIC must regularly inform Members and report, 2 on an annual basis, to the president of
the regional association and to the WMO Secretariat on the services offered to Members
and activities carried out.

B. Regional Instrument Centres with basic capabilities and functions should have the
following capabilities to carry out their corresponding functions:


(a) A RIC must have the necessary facilities and laboratory equipment to perform the functions
necessary for the calibration of meteorological and related environmental instruments;

(b) A RIC must maintain a set of meteorological standard instruments3 and establish the
traceability of its own measurement standards and measuring instruments to the SI;

(c) A RIC must have qualified managerial and technical staff with the necessary experience to
fulfil its functions;

(d) A RIC must develop its individual technical procedures for the calibration of meteorological
and related environmental instruments using calibration equipment employed by the RIC;

(e) A RIC must develop its individual quality assurance procedures;

(f) A RIC must participate in, or organize, inter-laboratory comparisons of standard calibration
instruments and methods;

(g) A RIC must, when appropriate, utilize the resources and capabilities of the Region according
to the Regions best interests;

(h) A RIC must, as far as possible, apply international standards applicable for calibration
laboratories, such as ISO/IEC17025;

(i) A recognized authority must assess a RIC, at least every five years, to verify its capabilities
and performance;

Corresponding functions:

(j) A RIC must assist Members of the Region in calibrating their national standard
meteorological and related environmental monitoring instruments according to
Capabilities (b);

(k) According to relevant recommendations on the WMO Quality Management Framework, a

RIC must make a positive contribution to Members regarding the quality of measurements;

A Web-based approach is recommended.
For calibrating one or more of the following variables: temperature, humidity, pressure or others specified by the

(l) A RIC must advise Members on enquiries regarding instrument performance, maintenance
and the availability of relevant guidance materials;

(m) The RIC must cooperate with other RICs in the standardization of meteorological and
related environmental instruments;

(n) A RIC must regularly inform Members and report,4 on an annual basis, to the president of
the regional association and to the WMO Secretariat on the services offered to Members
and activities carried out.

2. The following RICs have been designated by the regional associations (RAs)
concerned: Algiers (Algeria), Cairo (Egypt), Casablanca (Morocco), Nairobi (Kenya) and
Gaborone (Botswana) for RAI (Africa); Beijing (China) and Tsukuba (Japan) for RAII (Asia);
Buenos Aires (Argentina) for RAIII (South America); Bridgetown (Barbados) and San Jos (Costa
Rica) for RAIV (North America, Central America and the Caribbean); Manila (Philippines) and
Melbourne (Australia) for RAV (South-West Pacific); Bratislava (Slovakia), Ljubljana (Slovenia)
and Toulouse (France) for RAVI (Europe).

A Web-based approach is recommended.

(The text of the common ISO/WMO standard 19289:2014(E))


The environmental conditions of a site1 may influence measurement results. These conditions
must be carefully analysed, in addition to assessing characteristics of the instrument itself, so as
to avoid distorting the measurement results and affecting their representativeness, particularly
when a site is supposed to be representative of a large area (i.e. 100 to 1000km2).


This annex 2 indicates exposure rules for various sensors. But what should be done when these
conditions are not fulfilled?

There are sites that do not respect the recommended exposure rules. Consequently, a
classification has been established to help determine the given sites representativeness on a
small scale (impact of the surrounding environment). Hence, a class1 site can be considered as a
reference site. A class5 site is a site where nearby obstacles create an inappropriate environment
for a meteorological measurement that is intended to be representative of a wide area (at least
tens of km2). The smaller the siting class, the higher the representativeness of the measurement
for a wide area. In a perfect world, all sites would be in class1, but the real world is not perfect
and some compromises are necessary. A site with a poor class number (large number) can still
be valuable for a specific application needing a measurement in this particular site, including its
local obstacles.

The classification process helps the actors and managers of a network to better take into
consideration the exposure rules, and thus it often improves the siting. At least, the siting
environment is known and documented in the metadata. It is obviously possible and
recommended to fully document the site, but the risk is that a fully documented site may increase
the complexity of the metadata, which would often restrict their operational use. That is why this
siting classification is defined to condense the information and facilitate the operational use of
this metadata information.

A site as a whole has no single classification number. Each parameter being measured at a site
has its own class, and is sometimes different from the others. If a global classification of a site is
required, the maximum value of the parameters classes can be used.

The rating of each site should be reviewed periodically as environmental circumstances can
change over a period of time. A systematic yearly visual check is recommended: if some aspects
of the environment have changed, a new classification process is necessary.

A complete update of the site classes should be done at least every five years.

In the following text, the classification is (occasionally) completed with an estimated uncertainty
due to siting, which has to be added in the uncertainty budget of the measurement. This
estimation is coming from bibliographic studies and/or some comparative tests.

The primary objective of this classification is to document the presence of obstacles close to the
measurement site. Therefore, natural relief of the landscape may not be taken into account, if far

A site is defined as the place where the instrument is installed.
Whereas this is referred to as an annex in the WMO Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation
(WMO-No.8), it is referred to as a standard in the ISO document.

away (i.e. > 1km). A method to judge if the relief is representative of the surrounding area is the
following: does a move of the station by 500m change the class obtained? If the answer is no,
the relief is a natural characteristic of the area and is not taken into account.

Complex terrain or urban areas generally lead to high class numbers. In such cases, an additional
flag S can be added to class numbers 4 or 5 to indicate specific environment or application


2.1 General

Sensors situated inside a screen should be mounted at a height determined by the

meteorological service (within 1.25 to 2m as indicated in the WMO Guide to Meteorological
Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO-No.8)). The height should never be less than
1.25m. The respect of the higher limit is less stringent, as the temperature gradient versus
height is decreasing with height. For example, the difference in temperature for sensors located
between 1.5 and 2m is less than 0.2C.

The main discrepancies are caused by unnatural surfaces and shading:

(a) Obstacles around the screen influence the irradiative balance of the screen. A screen close
to a vertical obstacle may be shaded from the solar radiation or protected against the
night radiative cooling of the air, by receiving the warmer infrared radiation from this
obstacle or influenced by reflected radiation;

(b) Neighbouring artificial surfaces may heat the air and should be avoided. The extent of
their influence depends on the wind conditions, as wind affects the extent of air exchange.
Unnatural or artificial surfaces to take into account are heat sources, reflective surfaces
(for example buildings, concrete surfaces, car parks) and water or moisture sources (for
example, ponds, lakes, irrigated areas).

Shading by nearby obstacles should be avoided. Shading due to natural relief is not taken into
account for the classification (see above).

The indicated vegetation growth height represents the height of the vegetation maintained in
a routine manner. A distinction is made between structural vegetation height (per type of
vegetation present on the site) and height resulting from poor maintenance. Classification of the
given site is therefore made on the assumption of regular maintenance (unless such maintenance
is not practicable).

2.2 Class 1

(a) Flat, horizontal land, surrounded by an open space, slope less than (19);

(b) Ground covered with natural and low vegetation (< 10 cm) representative of the region;

(c) Measurement point situated:

(i) At more than 100 m from heat sources or reflective surfaces (buildings, concrete
surfaces, car parks, etc.);

(ii) At more than 100 m from an expanse of water (unless significant of the region);

(iii) Away from all projected shade when the sun is higher than 5.

A source of heat (or expanse of water) is considered to have an impact if it occupies more than
10% of the surface within a circular radius of 100m surrounding the screen, makes up 5% of an
annulus of 1030m, or covers 1% of a 10m radius area.

S = surface of heat sources sources
(building, car parks,
concrete surface)
S 5%
Low vegetation < 10 cm 100 m
100 m 10 m
S 1% Lake...
30 m

S 10%
100 m

Figure1.B.1. Criteria for air temperature and humidity for class 1 sites

2.3 Class 2

(a) Flat, horizontal land, surrounded by an open space, slope inclination less than (19);

(b) Ground covered with natural and low vegetation (< 10 cm) representative of the region;

(c) Measurement point situated:

(i) At more than 30 m from artificial heat sources or reflective surfaces (buildings,
concrete surfaces, car parks, etc.);

(ii) At more than 30 m from an expanse of water (unless significant of the region);

(iii) Away from all projected shade when the sun is higher than 7.

A source of heat (or expanse of water) is considered to have an impact if it occupies more than
10% of the surface within a radius of 30m surrounding the screen, makes up 5% of an annulus of
510m, or covers 1% of a 5m radius area.

S = surface of heat sources Heat

(building, car parks,
concrete surface)
S 5% 19

Vegetation < 10 cm 30 m
30 m
S 1%
10 m Lake...

S 10%
30 m

Figure1.B.2. Criteria for air temperature and humidity for class 2 sites

2.4 Class 3 (additional estimated uncertainty added by siting up to 1 C)

(a) Ground covered with natural and low vegetation (< 25 cm) representative of the region;

(b) Measurement point situated:

(i) At more than 10 m from artificial heat sources and reflective surfaces (buildings,
concrete surfaces, car parks, etc.);

(ii) At more than 10 m from an expanse of water (unless significant of the region);

(iii) Away from all projected shade when the sun is higher than 7.

A source of heat (or expanse of water) is considered to have an impact if it occupies more than
10% of the surface within a radius of 10m surrounding the screen or makes up 5% of a 5m radius

S = surface of heat sources Heat

sources Lake...
(building, car parks,
concrete surface)

Vegetation < 25 cm 10 m 10 m
S 5%


S 10%
10 m

Figure1.B.3.Criteria for air temperature and humidity for class 3 sites

2.5 Class 4 (additional estimated uncertainty added by siting up to 2 C)

(a) Close, artificial heat sources and reflective surfaces (buildings, concrete surfaces, car parks,
etc.) or expanse of water (unless significant of the region), occupying:

(i) Less than 50% of the surface within a 10 m radius around the screen;

(ii) Less than 30% of the surface within a 3 m radius around the screen;

(b) Away from all projected shade when the sun is higher than 20.

S = surface of heat sources

(building, car parks,
concrete surface)

S 30% 20

3m < 10 m

S 50%

10 m

Figure1.B.4.Criteria for air temperature and humidity for class 4 sites

2.6 Class 5 (additional estimated uncertainty added by siting up to 5 C)

Site not meeting the requirements of class 4.



3.1 General

Wind is the greatest source of disturbance in precipitation measurements, due to the effect of the
instrument on the airflow. Unless raingauges are artificially protected against wind, for instance
by a wind shield, the best sites are often found in clearings within forests or orchards, among
trees, in scrub or shrub forests, or where other objects act as an effective windbreak for winds
from all directions. Ideal conditions for the installation are those where equipment is set up in
an area surrounded uniformly by obstacles of uniform height. An obstacle is an object with an
effective angular width of 10 or more.

The choice of such a site is not compatible with constraints in respect of the height of other
measuring equipment. Such conditions are practically unrealistic. If obstacles are not uniform,
they are prone to generate turbulence, which distorts measurements; this effect is more
pronounced for solid precipitation. This is the reason why more realistic rules of elevation
impose a certain distance from any obstacles. The orientation of such obstacles with respect to
prevailing wind direction is deliberately not taken into account. Indeed, heavy precipitation is
often associated with convective factors, whereby the wind direction is not necessarily that of the
prevailing wind. Obstacles are considered of uniform height if the ratio between the highest and
lowest height is less than 2.

Reference for the heights of obstacles is the catchments height of the raingauge.

3.2 Class 1

(a) Flat, horizontal land, surrounded by an open area, slope less than (19). The raingauge
shall be surrounded by low obstacles of uniform height, that is subtending elevation angles
between 14 and 26 (obstacles at a distance between 2 and 4times their height);

(b) Flat, horizontal land, surrounded by an open area, slope less than (19). For a raingauge
artificially protected against wind, the instrument does not necessarily need to be protected
by obstacles of uniform height. In this case, any other obstacles must be situated at a
distance of at least 4times their height.

26.5 14
d2h d4h



h Obstacle

(site < 14)

Figure1.B.5.Criteria for precipitation for class 1 sites


3.3 Class 2 (additional estimated uncertainty added by siting up to 5%)

(a) Flat, horizontal land, surrounded by an open area, slope less than (19);

(b) Possible obstacles must be situated at a distance at least twice the height of the obstacle
(with respect to the catchments height of the raingauge).

h Obstacle
(site 26.5)

Figure1.B.6.Criteria for precipitation for class 2 sites

3.4 Class 3 (additional estimated uncertainty added by siting up to 15%)

(a) Land is surrounded by an open area, slope less than ( 30);

(b) Possible obstacles must be situated at a distance greater than the height of the obstacle.

Site h


(site 45)

Figure1.B.7.Criteria for precipitation for class 3 sites

3.5 Class 4 (additional estimated uncertainty added by siting up to 25%)

(a) Steeply sloping land (> 30);

(b) Possible obstacles must be situated at a distance greater than one half () the height of the


> 30

(site > 45)

Figure1.B.8.Criteria for precipitation for class 4 sites

3.6 Class 5 (additional estimated uncertainty added by siting up to 100%)

Obstacles situated closer than one half () their height (tree, roof, wall, etc.).

Figure1.B.9.Criteria for precipitation for class 5 sites


4.1 General

Conventional elevation rules stipulate that sensors should be placed 10 m above ground surface
level and on open ground. Open ground here represents a surface where obstacles are situated
at a minimum distance equal to at least 10times their height.

4.2 Roughness

Wind measurements are disturbed not only by surrounding obstacles; terrain roughness also
plays a role. WMO defines wind blowing at a geometrical height of 10m and with a roughness
length of 0.03m as the surface wind for land stations.

This is regarded as a reference wind for which exact conditions are known (10m height and
roughness length of 0.03m).

Therefore, roughness around the measuring site has to be documented. Roughness should be
used to convert the measuring wind to the reference wind, but this procedure can be applied
only when the obstacles are not too close. Roughness-related matters and correction procedure
are described in the WMO Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO-
No.8), PartI, Chapter5.

The roughness classification, reproduced from the annex in the WMO Guide to Meteorological
Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO-No.8), PartI, Chapter5, is recalled here:

Terrain classification from Davenport (1960) adapted by Wieringa (1980b)

in terms of aerodynamic roughness lengthz0

Short terrain description z0 (m)
1 Open sea, fetch at least 5 km 0.000 2

2 Mud flats, snow; no vegetation, no 0.005


3 Open flat terrain; grass, few isolated 0.03


4 Low crops; occasional large obstacles, 0.10

x/H > 20

Short terrain description z0 (m)
5 High crops; scattered obstacles, 0.25
15 < x/H < 20

6 Parkland, bushes; numerous obstacles, 0.5

x/H 10

7 Regular large obstacle coverage (suburb, 1.0


8 City centre with high- and low-rise 2

Note: Here x is a typical upwind obstacle distance and H is the height of
the corresponding major obstacles. For more detailed and updated terrain
class descriptions see Davenport et al. (2000).

4.3 Environment classification

The presence of obstacles, including vegetation, (almost invariably) means a reduction in

average wind readings, but less significantly affects wind gusts.

The following classification assumes measurement at 10m, which is the standard elevation for
meteorological measurement.

When measurements are carried out at lower height (such as measurements carried out at 2m,
as is sometimes the case for agroclimatological purposes), a class4 or 5 (see below) is to be used,
with flag S (Specific situation).

Where numerous obstacles higher than 2 m are present, it is recommended that sensors be
placed 10m above the average height of the obstacles. This method allows the influence of the
adjacent obstacles to be minimized. This method represents a permanent solution for partly
eliminating the influence of certain obstacles. It inconveniently imposes the necessity for higher
masts that are not standard and consequently are more expensive. It must be considered for
certain sites and where used, the height of obstacles to be taken into account is that above the
level situated 10m below the sensors (e.g. for an anemometer installed at a 13m height, the
reference ground level of the obstacles is at a 3m height; an obstacle of 7m is considered to
have an effective height of 4m).

In the following, an object is considered to be an obstacle if its effective angular width is over
10. Tall, thin obstacles, that is with an effective angular width less than 10 and a height greater
than 8m, also need to be taken into account when considering class1 to 3, as mentioned below.
Under some circumstances, a cluster of tall, thin obstacles will have a similar effect to a single
wider obstacle and will need to be considered as such.

Changes of altitude (positive or negative) in the landscape which are not representative of the
landscape are considered as obstacles.

4.4 Class 1

(a) The mast should be located at a distance equal to at least 30 times the height of
surrounding obstacles;

(b) Sensors should be situated at a minimum distance of 15 times the width of thin obstacles
(mast, thin tree) higher than 8m;

Single obstacles lower than 4 m can be ignored.

Roughness class index is less than or equal to 4 (roughness length 0.1 m).


d 30 h (site 1.9)

Large obstacle Thin obstacle > 8 m



15 Width

Obstacles lower than 4 m ignored

Figure1.B.10.Criteria for surface wind for class 1 sites

4.5 Class 2 (additional estimated uncertainty added by siting up to 30%,

possibility to apply correction)

(a) The mast should be located at a distance of at least 10 times the height of the surrounding

(b) Sensors should be situated at a minimum distance of 15 times the width of thin obstacles
(mast, thin tree) over 8m high;

Single obstacles lower than 4 m can be ignored.

Roughness class index is less than or equal to 5 (roughness length 0.25 m).

Thin obstacle > 8 m



d 10 h (site 5.7)
15 Width

Obstacles lower than 4 m ignored


Figure1.B.11.Criteria for surface wind for class 2 sites

Note: When the mast is located at a distance of at least 20 times the height of the surrounding obstacles, a
correction (see the WMO Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO-No.8), PartI, Chapter5)
can be applied. For nearer obstacles, a correction may be applied in some situations.

4.6 Class 3 (additional estimated uncertainty added by siting up to 50%,

correction cannot be applied)

(a) The mast should be located at a distance of at least 5 times the height of surrounding

(b) Sensors should be situated at a minimum distance of 10 times the width of thin obstacles
(mast, thin tree) higher than 8m.

Single obstacles lower than 5 m can be ignored.



Site >8m Obstacles lower than 5 m ignored

d 5 h (site 11.3)
10 Width

Figure1.B.12.Criteria for surface wind for class 3 sites

4.7 Class 4 (additional estimated uncertainty added by siting greater


(a) The mast should be located at a distance of at least 2.5 times the height of surrounding

(b) No obstacle with an angular width larger than 60 and a height greater than 10m, within a
40m distance.

Single obstacles lower than 6 m can be ignored, only for measurements at 10 m or above.


h > 10 m
> 60
d 2.5 h (site 21.8) 40 m
Obstacles lower than 6 m ignored

Figure1.B.13.Criteria for surface wind for class 4 sites

4.8 Class 5 (additional estimated uncertainty cannot be defined)

Site not meeting the requirements of class 4.


5.1 General

Close obstacles have to be avoided. Shading due to the natural relief is not taken into account for
the classification. Non-reflecting obstacles below the visible horizon can be neglected.

An obstacle is considered as reflecting if its albedo is greater than 0.5.

The reference position for elevation angles is the sensitive element of the instrument.

5.2 Class 1

(a) No shade projected onto the sensor when the sun is at an angular height of over 5. For
regions with latitude 60, this limit is decreased to 3;

(b) No non-shading reflecting obstacles with an angular height above 5 and a total angular
width above 10.


5 5

No shade No non-shading obstacles with

total angular width > 10

Figure1.B.14.Criteria for global and diffuse radiation for class 1 sites

5.3 Class 2

(a) No shade projected onto the sensor when the sun is at an angular height of over 7. For
regions with latitude 60, this limit is decreased to 5;

(b) No non-shading reflecting obstacles with an angular height above 7 and a total angular
width above 20.


7 7

No non-shading obstacles with

total angular width > 20

Figure1.B.15.Criteria for global and diffuse radiation for class 2 sites

5.4 Class 3

(a) No shade projected onto the sensor when the sun is at an angular height of over 10. For
regions with latitude 60, this limit is decreased to 7;

(b) No non-shading reflecting obstacles with an angular height above 15 and a total angular
width above 45.


10 15

No non-shading obstacles with

total angular width > 45

Figure1.B.16.Criteria for global and diffuse radiation for class 3 sites

5.5 Class 4

No shade projected during more than 30% of the daytime, for any day of the year.

30% of daytime

No shade projected for more than 30% of daytime

Figure1.B.17.Criteria for global and diffuse radiation for class 4 sites


5.6 Class 5

Shade projected during more than 30% of the daytime, for at least one day of the year.


6.1 General

Close obstacles have to be avoided. Shading due to the natural relief is not taken into account for
the classification. Obstacles below the visible horizon can be neglected.

The reference position for angles is the sensitive element of the instrument.

6.2 Class 1

No shade projected onto the sensor when the sun is at an angular height of over 3.

Figure1.B.18.Criteria for direct radiation and sunshine duration for class 1 sites

6.3 Class 2

No shade projected onto the sensor when the sun is at an angular height of over 5.

Figure1.B.19.Criteria for direct radiation and sunshine duration for class 2 sites

6.4 Class 3

No shade projected onto the sensor when the sun is at an angular height of over 7.

Figure1.B.20.Criteria for direct radiation and sunshine duration for class 3 sites

6.5 Class 4

No shade projected during more than 30% of the daytime, for any day of the year.

30% of daytime

No shade for more than 30% of daytime

Figure1.B.21.Criteria for direct radiation and sunshine duration for class 4 sites

6.6 Class 5

Shade projected during more than 30% of the daytime, for at least one day of the year.

The accuracy with which an observation describes the state of a selected part of the atmosphere
is not the same as the uncertainty of the instrument, because the value of the observation also
depends on the instruments exposure to the atmosphere. This is not a technical matter, so its
description is the responsibility of the station observer or attendant. In practice, an ideal site with
perfect exposure is seldom available and, unless the actual exposure is adequately documented,
the reliability of observations cannot be determined (WMO, 2002).

Station metadata should contain the following aspects of instrument exposure:

(a) Height of the instruments above the surface (or below it, for soil temperature);

(b) Type of sheltering and degree of ventilation for temperature and humidity;

(c) Degree of interference from other instruments or objects (masts, ventilators);

(d) Microscale and toposcale surroundings of the instrument, in particular:

(i) The state of the enclosures surface, influencing temperature and humidity; nearby
major obstacles (buildings, fences, trees) and their size;

(ii) The degree of horizon obstruction for sunshine and radiation observations;

(iii) Surrounding terrain roughness and major vegetation, influencing the wind;

(iv) All toposcale terrain features such as small slopes, pavements, water surfaces;

(v) Major mesoscale terrain features, such as coasts, mountains or urbanization.

Most of these matters will be semi-permanent, but any significant changes (growth of
vegetation, new buildings) should be recorded in the station logbook, and dated.

For documenting the toposcale exposure, a map with a scale not larger than 1:25 000 showing
contours of 1m elevation differences is desirable. On this map the locations of buildings and
trees (with height), surface cover and installed instruments should be marked. At map edges,
major distant terrain features (for example, built-up areas, woods, open water, hills) should be
indicated. Photographs are useful if they are not merely close-ups of the instrument or shelter,
but are taken at sufficient distance to show the instrument and its terrain background. Such
photographs should be taken from all cardinal directions.

The necessary minimum metadata for instrument exposure can be provided by filling in the
template given on the next page for every station in a network (see the figure below). An
example of how to do this is shown in WMO (2003). The classes used here for describing terrain
roughness are given in PartI, Chapter5, of the Guide. A more extensive description of metadata
matters is given in WMO (2010c).

Station Update
Elevation Latitude Longitude

0 200 m



x xx Trees, bushes

(12) Height (m)

of obstacle

+3 Elevation

Radiation horizon

1: 6 8
1: 10 4
1: 20
Temperature and humidity: Sensor height
Artificial ventilation? yes/no
Surface cover under screen
Soil under screen

Precipitation: Gauge rim height

Wind: Anemometer height Free-standing? yes/no

(if no above: building height , width , length

Terrain roughness class: to N ,to E , to S, to W


General template for station exposure metadata


1. Extreme winds (tornadoes, hurricanes)

Aerodynamic shapes can be used to improve the survivability of instruments and structures.
Weighted shaped disks on the ground can help keep instrumentation in place during tornadoes.
Shaped balloons can enable tethersonde operation in hurricane-force winds.

Masts can have additional stays fitted. All cabling should be well tied down and supported.
Shielding should be put in place to protect equipment from wind-blown debris, including large
objects (that can cause impact damage) and smaller particles like dust and sand (that can cause
erosive damage).

Sensors that can survive high wind speeds should be selected. Wind sensors using the
measurement principle of pressure difference (pitot tubes), the principle of sound propagation
(ultrasonic wind sensors) or thermal cooling eliminate the vulnerabilities associated with moving
parts. Nevertheless, some cup anemometers, wind vanes and propeller anemometers have been
designed to operate during extreme wind events.

2. Floods and storm surges

Low-lying areas should be avoided as site locations. Sensors can be raised on pilings to prevent
damage due to surface-water flow and debris. Foundations should be constructed using resilient
materials and oriented parallel to any expected surface flow to minimize hydrostatic pressures.
Electrical connections should be raised above predicted flood levels or contained within suitable
waterproof housings (designed to suitable Ingress Protection (IP) ratings).

3. Fire

Non-combustible materials, generally metal and concrete, should be used wherever practicable.
Equipment openings should include screening to prevent sparks from entering cavities as long
as measurement exposure is not compromised.

4. Icing

Heat and/or airflow over sensors is commonly used to keep sensors free of ice. Some
manufacturers include built-in sensor heating with varying heat amounts depending on
expected icing severity. Sensors without built-in heating can still be heated by applying heat
tape directly to surfaces (electrical resistance elements embedded in a flexible sheet or by use
of nichrome wire). Note that for wind sensors, it is generally easier to heat those with no moving
parts (such as ultrasonic wind sensors). Another method is to spray a low freezing-point fluid
(such as ethanol) on sensors during icing events. In heavy icing conditions, none of these
methods may prevent ice build-up.

Icing on mounting structures can disturb the airflow and measurement environment even when
the sensors themselves are ice-free. Minimizing the surface area of these structures can help. De-
icing them also may be necessary.

The method used to mitigate ice accretion should not affect the sensor measurement or the
measurements being made by adjacent sensors. For example, the heating of a sensor must not
affect nearby air temperature or relative humidity measurements. One approach is to heat for a
period, let the sensor cool, take a measurement and repeat.

5. Solar radiation heating and erosion

In locations where sensors, cabinets and cabling receive high levels of solar radiation, and in
particular high levels of ultraviolet (UV) exposure, some materials will break down and lose
structural integrity. The use of alternative materials like metals, hardwoods and UV-stabilized
plastics will often lead to much longer equipment and structure lifetimes.

In warmer climates and where there are high levels of solar radiation, cabinets can heat up
internally to levels that exceed the operating specifications of equipment, thereby compromising
data values and equipment reliability. Vents and/or forced venting (with appropriate filters) or
small air-conditioning systems can be employed to reduce heat build-up. Peltier coolers also can
be used to transfer heat out of enclosures without exposing the contents to external airflow.

Solar shades, cable conduits or simply burying equipment can also be used where sensor
measurement exposure will not be compromised.

6. Electrical transients (lightning)

Lightning protection systems generally involve four components a collector exposed at the
highest point of the structure, a conduction path to earth, a discharge system of the current into
the ground and a surge protection device for sensitive equipment.

Different types of collectors may be used effectively. Two common types are the Franklin Rod and
the Spline Ball. The Franklin Rod encourages a lightning strike to follow a predetermined path to
the ground. The Spline Ball prevents a direct strike before it occurs by dissipating charge build-
up. Both approaches work. Depending on the size and height of the structure to be protected,
one or more collectors and conduction paths may be needed, with generally one set for each
vertical face of the structure.

The grounding path to earth should be made of highly conductive material (often copper) of
sufficient capacity to handle the extremely high but brief currents involved in a lightning strike.
Each element of this path, including connections, must have this capacity. Every attempt should
be made to minimize the electrical resistance of the connection to earth ground. Bends in the
path should be minimized and should never be more than 45degrees. Even if the structure itself
is metal and grounded, a separate low impedance ground conductor is recommended.

The discharge system can be a simple pole (usually a copper alloy) introduced vertically into the
ground for soils with sufficient electrical conductivity. Salts may be added to increase the local
soil's conductivity. Contact with the water table is desirable. In extreme cases, such as surfaces
of rock or sand, a horizontal web of conductive material may be placed on or under the surface
surrounding the structure.

Surge protection for sensitive equipment is desirable. There are many varieties of devices and
they must be used in accordance with manufacturer specifications. Both differential-mode
(between wires) and common-mode (between wires/equipment and earth ground) protection
devices are available. Common-mode protection relies on a high-quality earth ground.
These surges are generally most destructive and characterized by elevated voltages on wires/
equipment with respect to the earth ground. It is also possible for a nearby strike to propagate
through the earth itself, raising its potential above the equipment. These are more likely where
there are poor earth grounds and grounding materials. Isolating working grounds from earth
grounds is advantageous. In some cases, inductive arrays between working and earth grounds
can help protect against these problems. Shielded data cables, connected to ground only at one
end, should be used to reduce the likelihood of induced transients in signal lines.

For equipment that connects to third-party infrastructure such as telephone lines and mains
power lines, uses power from generators or has long cable runs between sensors and modules,
there is a risk of direct or induced electrical transients in cables. Appropriate transient protection

and/or isolation devices placed where cables enter equipment and at both ends of long cables
are recommended. Careful attention must be paid when earthing transient protection devices so
that earth potential equalization is achieved for each system being protected.

7. Corrosion (high salt, geothermal and humid environments)

Equipment installed in locations with high or moderate corrosive atmospheres can suffer from
data errors due to sensor malfunction and reduction in equipment reliability.

Common problems include:

(a) Foreign chemical build-up on sensing elements, such as relative humidity sensing elements;

(b) High friction in sensor bearings;

(c) Seized bearings, hinges, latches, screws and terminals;

(d) Mould and corrosion on circuit boards;

(e) High-resistance terminal connections;

(f) Structural failure of mounts and clamps.

Mitigating strategies should include:

(a) Use of suitable materials such as stainless steel, galvanized steel and appropriate plastics;

(b) Protection of connectors and clamps using grease/oil impregnated tape or similar;

(c) Careful selection of metal types at joints or use of isolating separators and lubricants (high
viscosity grease) to ensure that electrolysis is minimized.

8. Security (against human or wildlife interference)

Tampering and theft of equipment can be minimized by installing appropriate security structures
such as protective fences, or by installing non-removable fittings so that high-value modules like
solar panels cannot be removed without the appropriate keys or tools.

Some soft infrastructure like plastics and cable sheaths can be easily damaged by wildlife, for
example by birds chewing through cable. This can be mitigated by using armoured cables or
enclosing cables in toughened conduit.

Physical crushing or misalignment of sensors due to the rubbing of sensors and structures by
large animals can be mitigated by setting up appropriate livestock fencing.

9. Loss of infrastructure

During extreme weather and geophysical events, mains power may become unavailable for
many days. An appropriate battery backup design should be made so that equipment continues
to operate until power is restored or workers can visit the site and replace batteries.

Furthermore, during extreme weather and geophysical events, telecommunications networks

may become inoperative or overloaded for many days. Outages may only affect one operator,
so using various operators and communications paths may be a useful option, such as having
both cellular and satellite communications at a station. Similarly, redundant and/or quick-deploy
systems can help minimize damage from extreme events.

10. General

Regular maintenance as described in Part I, Chapter 1, 1.3.5 will increase the resilience of
structures to extreme events.

Characterization of instrument response to extreme events may enable data to be used even
when operating beyond manufacturer specifications and is to be encouraged whenever possible.
Post-calibration of damaged sensors may enable recovery of data recorded during extreme

Adherence to these guidelines does not guarantee network operation through extreme events.
Human operators can reduce data loss, though extreme conditions are often associated with
high risk to human life. Some amount of data loss in these conditions is expected.

(See explanatory notes at the end of the table; numbers in the top row indicate column numbers.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Variable Range Reported Mode of Required Sensor Output Achievable Remarks
resolution measurement/ measurement time- averaging measurement
observation uncertainty constant time uncertainty
1. Temperature

1.1 Air temperature 80 +60 C 0.1 K I 0.3 K for 40 C 20 s 1 min 0.2 K Achievable uncertainty
0.1 K for > 40 C and effective time-
and +40 C constant may be affected
0.3 K for > +40 C by the design of the
thermometer solar
radiation screen
Time constant depends on
the airflow over the sensor

1.2 Extremes of air 80 +60 C 0.1 K I 0.5 K for 40 C 20 s 1 min 0.2 K

temperature 0.3 K for > 40 C
and +40 C
0.5 K for > +40 C

1.3 Sea-surface 2 +40 C 0.1 K I 0.1 K 20 s 1 min 0.2 K


1.4 Soil temperature 50 +50 C 0.1 K I 20 s 1 min 0.2 K


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Variable Range Reported Mode of Required Sensor Output Achievable Remarks
resolution measurement/ measurement time- averaging measurement
observation uncertainty constant time uncertainty
2. Humidity

2.1 Dewpoint 80 +35 C 0.1 K I 0.1 K 20 s 1 min 0.25 K Measurement

temperature uncertainty depends on
the deviation from air

Wet-bulb temperature (psychrometer)

2.2 Relative 0 100% 1% I 1% 20 s 1 min 0.2 K If measured directly and

humidity in combination with air
temperature (dry bulb)
Large errors are possible
due to aspiration and
cleanliness problems
(see also note 11)
Threshold of 0C to be
noticed for wet bulb

Solid state and others

40 s 1 min 3% Time constant and

achievable uncertainty
of solid-state sensors
may show significant
temperature and
humidity dependence

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Variable Range Reported Mode of Required Sensor Output Achievable Remarks
resolution measurement/ measurement time- averaging measurement
observation uncertainty constant time uncertainty
3. Atmospheric pressure

3.1 Pressure 500 1080 hPa 0.1 hPa I 0.1 hPa 2s 1 min 0.15 hPa Both station pressure
and MSL pressure
uncertainty is seriously
affected by dynamic
pressure due to wind if
no precautions are taken
Inadequate temperature
compensation of the
transducer may affect
the measurement
uncertainty significantly
MSL pressure is affected
by the uncertainty in
altitude of the barometer
for measurements
onboard ships

3.2 Tendency Not specified 0.1 hPa I 0.2 hPa 0.2 hPa Difference between
instantaneous values

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Variable Range Reported Mode of Required Sensor Output Achievable Remarks
resolution measurement/ measurement time- averaging measurement
observation uncertainty constant time uncertainty
4. Clouds

4.1 Cloud amount 0/8 8/8 1/8 I 1/8 n/a 2/8 Period clustering
algorithms may be used
to estimate low cloud
amount automatically

4.2 Height of cloud 0 m 30 km 10 m I 10 m for 100 m n/a ~10 m Achievable measurement

base 10% for > 100 m uncertainty can be
determined with a hard
target. No clear definition
exists for instrumentally
measured cloud-base
height (e.g. based on
penetration depth or
significant discontinuity in
the extinction profile)
Significant bias during

4.3 Height of cloud Not available


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Variable Range Reported Mode of Required Sensor Output Achievable Remarks
resolution measurement/ measurement time- averaging measurement
observation uncertainty constant time uncertainty
5. Wind

5.1 Speed 0 75 m s1 0.5 m s1 A 0.5 m s1 for Distance 2 and/or 0.5 m s1 for 5 m s1 Average over 2 and/or
5 m s1 constant 10 min 10% for > 5 m s1 10min
10% for > 5 m s1 25m Non-linear devices. Care
needed in design of
5.2 Direction 0 360 1 A 5 Damping 2 and/or 5 averaging process
ratio > 0.3 10 min Distance constant is usually
expressed as response
Averages computed over
Cartesian components (see
PartIV, Chapter3, 3.6 of
this Guide)
When using ultrasonic
anemometers, no distance
constant or time constant is
For moving mobile stations,
the movement of the
station needs to be taken
into account, inclusive of its

5.3 Gusts 0.1 150 m s1 0.1 m s1 A 10% 3s 0.5 m s1 for 5 m s1 Highest 3 s average should
10% for > 5 m s1 be recorded

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Variable Range Reported Mode of Required Sensor Output Achievable Remarks
resolution measurement/ measurement time- averaging measurement
observation uncertainty constant time uncertainty
6. Precipitation

6.1 Amount (daily) 0 500 mm 0.1 mm T 0.1 mm for 5 mm n/a n/a The larger of Quantity based on daily
2% for > 5 mm 5% or 0.1 mm amounts
uncertainty depends on
aerodynamic collection
efficiency of gauges and
evaporation losses in
heated gauges

6.2 Depth of snow 0 25 m 1 cm I 1 cm for 20 cm < 10 s 1 min 1 cm Average depth over an

5% for > 20 cm area representative of the
observing site

6.3 Thickness of ice Not specified 1 cm I 1 cm for 10 cm

accretion on 10% for > 10 cm

6.4 Precipitation 0.02 mm h1 0.1 mm h1 I (trace): n/a for < 30 s 1 min Under constant Uncertainty values for
intensity 2000 mm h1 0.02 0.2 mm h1 flow conditions in liquid precipitation only
0.1 mm h1 for laboratory, Uncertainty is seriously
0.2 2 mm h1 5% above 2 mm/h, affected by wind
5% for > 2 mm h1 2% above 10mm/h Sensors may show
In field, 5mm/h and significant non-linear
5% above 100mm/h behaviour
For < 0.2mmh1:
detection only (yes/no)
sensor time-constant
is significantly affected
during solid precipitation
using catchment type of

6.5 Precipitation 0 24 h 60 s T n/a 60 s Threshold value of

duration (daily) 0.02mm/h

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Variable Range Reported Mode of Required Sensor Output Achievable Remarks
resolution measurement/ measurement time- averaging measurement
observation uncertainty constant time uncertainty
7. Radiation

7.1 Sunshine duration 0 24 h 60 s T 0.1 h 20 s n/a The larger of

(daily) 0.1 h or 2%

7.2 Net radiation, Not specified 1 J m2 T 0.4 MJ m2 20 s n/a 15% Radiant exposure
radiant exposure for 8 MJ m2 expressed as daily
(daily) 5% for > 8 MJ m2 sums (amount) of
(net) radiation
Best achievable
uncertainty is
obtained by
combining the
measurements of two
pyranometers and two

7.3 Global downward/ Not specified 1 J m2 T 2% 20 s n/a 5% (daily) Daily total exposure
upward solar 8% (hourly)

7.4 Downward/ Not specified 1 J m2 T 5% 20 s n/a 10%

upward long-wave
radiation at Earth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Variable Range Reported Mode of Required Sensor Output Achievable Remarks
resolution measurement/ measurement time- averaging time measurement
observation uncertainty constant uncertainty
8. Visibility

8.1 Meteorological 10 m 100 km 1m I 50 m for 600 m < 30 s 1 and 10 min The larger of Achievable measurement
optical range 10% for > 600 m 20 m or 20% uncertainty may
(MOR) 1500 m depend on the cause of
20% for > 1 500 m obscuration
Quantity to be averaged:
extinction coefficient
(see PartIV, Chapter3,
3.6 of this Guide).
Preference for averaging
logarithmic values

8.2 Runway visual 10 m 2 000 m 1m A 10 m for 400 m < 30 s 1 and 10min The larger of In accordance with
range (RVR) 25 m for > 400 m 20m or 20% WMO-No.49, VolumeII,
800m AttachmentA (2004ed.)
10% for > 800 m and ICAO Doc9328-
AN/908 (seconded.,
New versions of these
documents may exist,
specifying other values.

8.3 Background 0 40 000 cd m2 1 cd m2 I 30 s 1 min 10% Related to 8.2 RVR


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Variable Range Reported Mode of Required Sensor Output Achievable Remarks
resolution measurement/ measurement time- averaging measurement
observation uncertainty constant time uncertainty
9. Waves

9.1 Significant wave 0 50 m 0.1 m A 0.5 m for 5 m 0.5 s 20 min 0.5 m for 5 m Average over 20min
height 10% for > 5 m 10% for > 5 m for instrumental

9.2 Wave period 0 100 s 1s A 0.5 s 0.5 s 20 min 0.5 s Average over 20min
for instrumental

9.3 Wave direction 0 360 1 A 10 0.5 s 20 min 20 Average over 20min

for instrumental

10. Evaporation

10.1 Amount of pan 0 100 mm 0.1 mm T 0.1 mm for 5 mm n/a

evaporation 2% for > 5 mm
1. Column 1 gives the basic variable.
2. Column 2 gives the common range for most variables; limits depend on local climatological conditions.
3. Column 3 gives the most stringent resolution as determined by the Manual on Codes (WMO-No.306).
4. In column 4:
I = Instantaneous: In order to exclude the natural small-scale variability and the noise, an average value over a period of 1min is considered as a minimum and most suitable; averages
over periods of up to 10min are acceptable.
A = Averaging: Average values over a fixed period, as specified by the coding requirements.
T = Totals: Totals over a fixed period, as specified by coding requirements.
5. Column 5 gives the recommended measurement uncertainty requirements for general operational use, i.e. of Level II data according to FM12, 13, 14, 15 and its BUFR equivalents.
They have been adopted by all eight technical commissions and are applicable for synoptic, aeronautical, agricultural and marine meteorology, hydrology, climatology, etc. These
requirements are applicable for both manned and automatic weather stations as defined in the Manual on the Global Observing System (WMO-No.544). Individual applications may
have less stringent requirements. The stated value of required measurement uncertainty represents the uncertainty of the reported value with respect to the true value and indicates
the interval in which the true value lies with a stated probability. The recommended probability level is 95% (k = 2), which corresponds to the 2 level for a normal (Gaussian)
distribution of the variable. The assumption that all known corrections are taken into account implies that the errors in reported values will have a mean value (or bias) close to
zero. Any residual bias should be small compared with the stated measurement uncertainty requirement. The true value is the value which, under operational conditions, perfectly
characterizes the variable to be measured/observed over the representative time interval, area and/or volume required, taking into account siting and exposure.

Notes (cont.)

6. Columns 2 to 5 refer to the requirements established by the CBS Expert Team on Requirements for Data from Automatic Weather Stations in 2004.
7. Columns 6 to 8 refer to the typical operational performance established by the CIMO Expert Team on Surface Technology and Measurement Techniques in 2004.
8. Achievable measurement uncertainty (column 8) is based on sensor performance under nominal and recommended exposure that can be achieved in operational practice. It should be
regarded as a practical aid to users in defining achievable and affordable requirements.
9. n/a = not applicable.
10. The term uncertainty has preference over accuracy (i.e. uncertainty is in accordance with ISO/IEC/JCGM standards on the uncertainty of measurements (ISO/IEC(2008)/ JCGM(2008)).
11. Dewpoint temperature, relative humidity and air temperature are linked, and thus their uncertainties are linked. When averaging, preference is given to absolute humidity as the
principal variable.

Brooks, C.E.P. and N. Carruthers, 1953: Handbook of Statistical Methods in Meteorology. MO 538,
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Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, 2006: The International System of Units (SI). BIPM, Svres/Paris.
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures/Comit Consultatif de Thermomtrie, 1990: The International
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Eisenhart, C., 1963: Realistic evaluation of the precision and accuracy of instrument calibration systems.
National Bureau of StandardsC, Engineering and Instrumentation, Journal of Research, 67C(2).
International Civil Aviation Organization, 2002: World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84) Manual. ICAO
Doc9674AN/946, Quebec.
International Organization for Standardization, 1994a: Accuracy (Trueness and Precision) of Measurement
Methods and Results Part1: General Principles and Definitions, ISO5725-1:1994/Cor.1:1998.
, 1994b: Accuracy (Trueness and Precision) of Measurement Methods and Results Part2: Basic Method for
the Determination of Repeatability and Reproducibility of a Standard Measurement Method,
ISO5725-2:1994/Cor.1:2002. Geneva.
, 2009: Quantities and Units Part 1: General, ISO 80000-1:2009. Geneva.
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Uncertainty of Measurement Part3: Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, ISO/IEC
Guide98-3:2008, Incl. Suppl.1:2008/Cor 1:2009, Suppl.1:2008, Suppl.2:2011. Geneva.
(equivalent to: Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology, 2008: Evaluation of Measurement Data
Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, JCGM100:2008, Corrected in 2010).
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, 1987: Symbols, Units, Nomenclature and Fundamental
Constants in Physics. SUNAMCO DocumentIUPAP-25 (E.R. Cohen and P.Giacomo), reprinted
from Physica 146A, pp.168.
Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology, 2012: International Vocabulary of Metrology Basic and General
Concepts and Associated Terms (VIM). JCGM200:2012.
Kok, C.J., 2000: On the Behaviour of a Few Popular Verification Scores in Yes/No Forecasting. Scientific Report.
WR-2000-04. KNMI, De Bilt.
Linacre, E., 1992: Climate Data and Resources A Reference and Guide. Routledge, London.
Murphy, A.H. and R.W. Katz (eds.), 1985: Probability, Statistics and Decision Making in the Atmospheric Sciences.
Westview Press, Boulder.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2008: Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI)
(A. Thompson and B.N. Taylor). NIST Special Publication No.811, Gaithersburg, United States
of America.
Natrella, M.G., 1966: Experimental Statistics. National Bureau of Standards Handbook91, Washington DC.
Orlanski, I., 1975: A rational subdivision of scales for atmospheric processes. Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society, 56:527530.
World Meteorological Organization, 1966: International Meteorological Tables (S. Letestu, ed.)
(1973amendment). (WMO-No.188, TP.94). Geneva.
, 1970: Performance Requirements of Aerological Instruments: an Assessment Based on Atmospheric
Variability (C.L. Hawson). Technical Note No.112 (WMO-No.267, TP.151). Geneva.
, 1992: International Meteorological Vocabulary (WMO-No.182). Geneva.
, 1993: Siting and Exposure of Meteorological Instruments (J. Ehinger). Instruments and Observing
Methods Report No.55 (WMO/TD-No.589). Geneva.
, 2001: Lecture Notes for Training Agricultural Meteorological Personnel (J. Wieringa and J. Lomas) (WMO-
No.551). Geneva.
, 2002: Station exposure metadata needed for judging and improving the quality of observations of
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, 2010a: Abridged Final Report with Resolutions and Recommendations of the Third Session of the Joint WMO/
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, 2010b: Guide to Agricultural Meteorological Practices (WMO-No.134). Geneva.

, 2010c: Guide to the Global Observing System (WMO-No.488). Geneva.

, 2010d: Manual on the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (WMO-No.485), VolumeI,
AppendixII-2. Geneva.
, 2010e: Manual on the Global Observing System (WMO-No.544), VolumeI. Geneva.
, 2010f: Weather Reporting (WMO-No.9), VolumeA. Geneva.
, 2011a: Guide to Climatological Practices (WMO-No.100). Geneva.
, 2011b: Technical Regulations (WMO-No.49), VolumeI, AppendixA. Geneva.
, 2014: Guide to Meteorological Observing and Information Distribution Systems for Aviation Weather Services
(WMO-No.731). Geneva.

CHAPTER 2. MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  63

2.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  63
2.1.1 Definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  63
2.1.2 Units and scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  63
2.1.3 Meteorological requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  64 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  64 Accuracy requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  64 Response times of thermometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  65 Recording the circumstances in which measurements are taken. . . .  65
2.1.4 Measurement methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  65 Thermometer exposure and siting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  65 Temperature standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  66
2.2 Liquid-in-glass thermometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  67
2.2.1 General description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  67 Ordinary (station) thermometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  68 Maximum thermometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  68 Minimum thermometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  68 Soil thermometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  68
2.2.2 Measurement procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  69 Reading ordinary thermometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  69 Measuring grass minimum temperatures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  69 Measuring soil temperatures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  69
2.2.3 Thermometer siting and exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70
2.2.4 Sources of error in liquid-in-glass thermometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70 Elastic errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70 Errors caused by the emergent stem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  71 Parallax and gross reading errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  71 Errors due to differential expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  71 Errors associated with spirit thermometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  71
2.2.5 Comparison and calibration in the field and laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  72 Laboratory calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  72 Field checks and calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  72
2.2.6 Corrections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  73
2.2.7 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74 Breakage in the liquid column. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74 Scale illegibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74
2.2.8 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74
2.3 Mechanical thermographs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74
2.3.1 General description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74 Bimetallic thermograph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  75 Bourdon-tube thermograph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  75
2.3.2 Measurement procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  75
2.3.3 Exposure and siting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  75
2.3.4 Sources of error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  75
2.3.5 Comparison and calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  75 Laboratory calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  75 Field comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  76
2.3.6 Corrections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  76
2.3.7 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  76
2.4 Electrical thermometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  76
2.4.1 General description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  76 Electrical resistance thermometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  76 Semiconductor thermometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  77 Thermocouples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  78
2.4.2 Measurements procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  79 Electrical resistance thermometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  79 Thermocouples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  79
2.4.3 Exposure and siting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  79


2.4.4 Sources of error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  80 Electrical resistance thermometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  80 Thermocouples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  80
2.4.5 Comparison and calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  81 Electrical resistance thermometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  81 Thermocouples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  81
2.4.6 Corrections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  81
2.4.7 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  82
2.5 Radiation shields. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  82
2.5.1 Louvred screens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  83
2.5.2 Other artificially ventilated shields. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  84


SCALE OF 1990. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  85

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  87



2.1.1 Definition

WMO (1992) defines temperature as a physical quantity characterizing the mean random
motion of molecules in a physical body. Temperature is characterized by the behaviour whereby
two bodies in thermal contact tend to an equal temperature. Thus, temperature represents the
thermodynamic state of a body, and its value is determined by the direction of the net flow of
heat between two bodies. In such a system, the body which overall loses heat to the other is
said to be at the higher temperature. Defining the physical quantity temperature in relation
to the state of a body however is difficult. A solution is found by defining an internationally
approved temperature scale based on universal freezing and triple points.1 The current such
scale is the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90), 2 in which temperature is expressed
as t90(Celsius temperature) orT90(kelvin temperature). For the meteorological range (95C
to +60C), t90 is defined by means of a well-specified set of platinum resistance thermometers
calibrated at a series of defining fixed points and using specified interpolation procedures (BIPM,
1989, 1990).

For meteorological purposes, temperatures are measured for a number of media. The most
common variable measured is air temperature (at various heights). Other variables are ground,
soil, grass minimum and seawater temperature. WMO (1992) defines air temperature as the
temperature indicated by a thermometer exposed to the air in a place sheltered from direct
solar radiation. Although this definition cannot be used as the definition of the thermodynamic
quantity itself, it is suitable for most applications.

2.1.2 Units and scales

The thermodynamic temperature (T), with units of kelvin (K) (also defined as kelvin
temperature), is the basic temperature. The kelvin is the fraction 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic
temperature of the triple point of water. The temperature (t), in degrees Celsius (or Celsius
temperature) defined by equation2.1, is used for most meteorological purposes (from the ice-
point secondary reference in Table2.A.2 in the annex):
t C = T K 273.15 (2.1)
A temperature difference of one degree Celsius (C) unit is equal to one kelvin (K) unit. Note that
the unit K is used without the degree symbol.

In the thermodynamic scale of temperature, measurements are expressed as differences from

absolute zero (0K), the temperature at which the molecules of any substance possess no kinetic
energy. The scale of temperature in general use since 1990 is the ITS-90 (see the annex), which
is based on assigned values for the temperatures of a number of reproducible equilibrium
states (see Table2.A.1 in the annex) and on specified standard instruments calibrated at those
temperatures. The ITS was chosen in such a way that the temperature measured against it is
identical to the thermodynamic temperature, with any difference being within the present limits
of measurement uncertainty. In addition to the defining fixed points of the ITS, other secondary
reference points are available (see Table2.A.2 in the annex). Temperatures of meteorological
interest are obtained by interpolating between the fixed points by applying the standard
formulae in the annex.

The authoritative body for this scale is the International Bureau of Weights and Measures/Bureau International des
Poids et Mesures (BIPM), Svres (Paris); see http://w ww.bipm.org. BIPMs Consultative Committee for Thermometry
(CCT) is the executive body responsible for establishing and realizing the ITS.
Practical information on ITS-90 can be found on the ITS-90 website: http://w ww.its-9 0.com.

2.1.3 Meteorological requirements General

Meteorological requirements for temperature measurements primarily relate to the following:

(a) The air near the Earths surface;

(b) The surface of the ground;

(c) The soil at various depths;

(d) The surface levels of the sea and lakes;

(e) The upper air.

These measurements are required, either jointly or independently and locally or globally, for
input to numerical weather prediction models, for hydrological and agricultural purposes, and
as indicators of climatic variability. Local temperature also has direct physiological significance
for the day-to-day activities of the worlds population. Measurements of temperature may be
required as continuous records or may be sampled at different time intervals. This chapter deals
with requirements relating to (a), (b) and (c). Accuracy requirements

The range, reported resolution and required uncertainty for temperature measurements are
detailed in PartI, Chapter1, of this Guide. In practice, it may not be economical to provide
thermometers that meet the required performance directly. Instead, cheaper thermometers,
calibrated against a laboratory standard, are used with corrections being applied to their
readings as necessary. It is necessary to limit the size of the corrections to keep residual errors
within bounds. Also, the operational range of the thermometer will be chosen to reflect the local
climatic range. As an example, the table below gives an acceptable range of calibration and
errors for thermometers covering a typical measurement range.

Example of possible thermometer characteristics

Thermometer type Ordinary Maximum Minimum

Span of scale (C) 30 to 45 30 to 50 40 to 40

Range of calibration (C) 30 to 40 25 to 40 30 to 30

Maximum error < 0.2 K 0.2 K 0.3 K

Maximum difference between 0.2 K 0.3 K 0.5 K

maximum and minimum
correction within the range

Maximum variation of correction 0.1 K 0.1 K 0.1 K

within any interval of 10C

All temperature-measuring instruments should be issued with a certificate confirming

compliance with the appropriate uncertainty or performance specification, or a calibration
certificate that gives the corrections that must be applied to meet the required uncertainty.
This initial testing and calibration should be performed by an accredited calibration laboratory.
Temperature-measuring instruments should also be checked subsequently at regular intervals,
the exact apparatus used for this calibration being dependent on the instrument or sensor to be
CHAPTER 2. MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE 65 Response times of thermometers

For routine meteorological observations there is no advantage in using thermometers with a

very small time-constant or lag coefficient, since the temperature of the air continually fluctuates
up to one or two degrees within a few seconds. Thus, obtaining a representative reading
with such a thermometer would require taking the mean of a number of readings, whereas a
thermometer with a larger time-constant tends to smooth out the rapid fluctuations. Too long
a time constant, however, may result in errors when long-period changes of temperature occur.
It is recommended that the time constant, defined as the time required by the thermometer to
register 63.2% of a step change in air temperature, should be 20s. The time constant depends on
the airflow over the sensor. Recording the circumstances in which measurements are taken

Temperature is one of the meteorological quantities whose measurements are particularly

sensitive to exposure. For climate studies in particular, temperature measurements are affected
by the state of the surroundings, by vegetation, by the presence of buildings and other objects,
by ground cover, by the condition of, and changes in, the design of the radiation shield or screen,
and by other changes in equipment (WMO, 2011). It is important that records should be kept
not only of the temperature data, but also of the circumstances in which the measurements are
taken. Such information is known as metadata (data about data; see PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.C).

2.1.4 Measurement methods

In order to measure the temperature of an object, a thermometer can be brought to the

same temperature as the object (namely, into thermodynamic equilibrium with it), and the
temperature of the thermometer itself can then be measured. Alternatively, the temperature can
be determined by a radiometer without the need for thermal equilibrium.

Any physical property of a substance which is a function of temperature can be used as the basis
of a thermometer. The properties most widely used in meteorological thermometers are thermal
expansion and the change in electrical resistance with temperature. Radiometric thermometers
operate in the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum and are used, among other
applications, for temperature measurements from satellites. A special technique to determine the
air temperature using ultrasonic sampling, developed to determine air speeds, also provides the
average speeds of the air molecules, and as a consequence its temperature (WMO, 2002a).

Thermometers which indicate the prevailing temperature are often known as ordinary
thermometers, while those which indicate extreme temperature over a period of time are called
maximum or minimum thermometers.

There are various standard texts on instrument design and laboratory practice for the
measurement of temperature thermometry, such as Jones (1992) and Middleton and Spilhaus
(1960). Considering the concepts of thermometry, care should be taken that, for meteorological
applications, only specific technologies are applicable because of constraints determined by the
typical climate or environment. Thermometer exposure and siting

Radiation from the sun, clouds, the ground and other surrounding objects passes through the
air without appreciably changing its temperature, but a thermometer exposed freely in the
open can absorb considerable radiation. As a consequence, its temperature may differ from the
true air temperature, with the difference depending on the radiation intensity and on the ratio
of absorbed radiation to dissipated heat. For some thermometer elements, such as the very fine
wire used in an open-wire resistance thermometer, the difference may be very small or even
negligible. However, with the more usual operational thermometers the temperature difference
may reach 25K under extremely unfavourable conditions. Therefore, in order to ensure that the

thermometer is at true air temperature it is necessary to protect the thermometer from radiation
by a screen or shield that also serves to support the thermometer. This screen also shelters it from
precipitation while allowing the free circulation of air around it, and prevents accidental damage.
Precipitation on the sensor will, depending on the local airflow, depress the sensor temperature,
causing it to behave as a wet-bulb thermometer. Maintaining free circulation may, however, be
difficult to achieve under conditions of rime ice accretion. Practices for reducing observational
errors under such conditions will vary and may involve the use of special designs of screens or
temperature-measuring instruments, including artificial ventilation. Nevertheless, in the case
of artificial ventilation, care should be taken to avoid unpredictable influences caused by wet
deposition in combination with evaporation during precipitation, drizzle, fog, and the like. An
overview of concepts of temperature measurement applicable for operational practices is given
by Sparks (1970).

In order to achieve representative results when comparing thermometer readings at different

places and at different times, a standardized exposure of the screen and, hence, of the
thermometer itself is also indispensable. For general meteorological work, the observed air
temperature should be representative of the free air conditions surrounding the station over as
large an area as possible, at a height of between 1.25 and 2m above ground level. The height
above ground level is specified because large vertical temperature gradients may exist in the
lowest layers of the atmosphere. The best site for the measurements is, therefore, over level
ground, freely exposed to sunshine and wind and not shielded by, or close to, trees, buildings
and other obstructions. Sites on steep slopes or in hollows are subject to exceptional conditions
and should be avoided. In towns and cities, local peculiarities are expected to be more marked
than in rural districts. Temperature observations on the top of buildings are of doubtful
significance and use because of the variable vertical temperature gradient and the effect of the
building itself on the temperature distribution.

The siting classification for surface observing stations on land (see PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.B
of this Guide) provides additional guidance on the selection of a site and the location of a
thermometer within a site to optimize representativeness. Temperature standards

Laboratory standards

Primary standard thermometers will be held and maintained at national standards laboratories.
A national meteorological or other accredited calibration laboratory will have, as a working
standard, a high-grade platinum resistance thermometer, traceable to the national standard.
The uncertainty of this thermometer may be checked periodically in a water triple-point cell.
The triple point of water is defined exactly and can be reproduced in a triple-point cell with an
uncertainty of 110 4K.

Field standards

The WMO reference psychrometer (WMO, 1992) is the reference instrument for determining the
relationship between the air temperature measured by conventional surface instruments and the
true air temperature. This instrument has been designed to be used as a free-standing instrument
and not for deployment within a screen or shelter; it is the most accurate instrument available for
evaluating and comparing instrument systems. It is not intended for continuous use in routine
meteorological operations and is capable of providing a temperature measurement with an
uncertainty of 0.04K (at the 95% confidence level). See PartI, Chapter4, for further information.


2.2.1 General description

For routine observations of air temperature, including maximum, minimum and wet-bulb
temperatures, liquid-in-glass thermometers are still commonly used. Such thermometers make
use of the differential expansion of a pure liquid with respect to its glass container to indicate the
temperature. The stem is a tube which has a fine bore attached to the main bulb; the volume of
liquid in the thermometer is such that the bulb is filled completely but the stem is only partially
filled at all temperatures to be measured. The changes in volume of the liquid with respect to its
container are indicated by changes in the liquid column; by calibration with respect to a standard
thermometer, a scale of temperature can be marked on the stem, or on a separate scale tightly
attached to the stem.

The liquid used depends on the required temperature range; mercury3 is generally used for
temperatures above its freezing point (38.9C), while ethyl alcohol or other pure organic
liquids are used for lower temperatures. The glass should be one of the normal or borosilicate
glasses approved for use in thermometers. The glass bulb is made as thin as is consistent with
reasonable strength to facilitate the conduction of heat to and from the bulb and its contents. A
narrower bore provides greater movement of liquid in the stem for a given temperature change,
but reduces the useful temperature range of the thermometer for a given stem length. The
thermometer should be suitably annealed before it is graduated in order to minimize the slow
changes that occur in the glass with ageing.

There are four main types of construction for meteorological thermometers, as follows:

(a) The sheathed type with the scale engraved on the thermometer stem;

(b) The sheathed type with the scale engraved on an opal glass strip attached to the
thermometer tube inside the sheath;

(c) The unsheathed type with the graduation marks on the stem and mounted on a metal,
porcelain or wooden back carrying the scale numbers;

(d) The unsheathed type with the scale engraved on the stem.

The stems of some thermometers are lens-fronted to provide a magnified image of the mercury

Types (a) and (b) have the advantage over types (c) and (d) that their scale markings are
protected from wear. For types (c) and (d), the markings may have to be reblackened from time
to time; on the other hand, such thermometers are easier to make than types (a) and (b). Types
(a) and (d) have the advantage of being less susceptible to parallax errors (see section2.2.4).
An overview of thermometers, designed for use in meteorological practices is given by HMSO

Whichever type is adopted, the sheath or mounting should not be unduly bulky as this would
keep the heat capacity high. At the same time, the sheath or mounting should be sufficiently
robust to withstand the normal risks associated with handling and transit.

For mercury-in-glass thermometers, especially maximum thermometers, it is important that the

vacuum above the mercury column be nearly perfect. All thermometers should be graduated
for total immersion, with the exception of thermometers for measuring soil temperature. The
special requirements of thermometers for various purposes are dealt with hereafter under the
appropriate headings.

Advice concerning the safe use of mercury is given in Part I, Chapter3, 3.2.7. The Minamata Convention on Mercury
of the United Nations Environment Programme entered into force in October2013 and will have a significant impact
on the use of mercury for meteorological applications.

This is the most accurate instrument of all meteorological thermometers. Usually it is a mercury-
in-glass-type thermometer. Its scale markings have an increment of 0.2K or 0.5K, and the scale is
longer than that of the other meteorological thermometers.

The ordinary thermometer is used in a thermometer screen to avoid radiation errors. A support
keeps it in a vertical position with the bulb at the lower end. The form of the bulb is that of a
cylinder or an onion.

A pair of ordinary thermometers can be used as a psychrometer if one of them is fitted with a
wet-bulb4 sleeve. Maximum thermometers

The recommended type for maximum thermometers is a mercury-in-glass thermometer with

a constriction in the bore between the bulb and the beginning of the scale. This constriction
prevents the mercury column from receding with falling temperatures. However, observers
can reset by holding it firmly, bulb-end downwards, and swinging their arm until the mercury
column is reunited. A maximum thermometer should be mounted at an angle of about 2 from
the horizontal position, with the bulb at the lower end to ensure that the mercury column rests
against the constriction without gravity forcing it to pass. It is desirable to have a widening of the
bore at the top of the stem to enable parts of the column which have become separated to be
easily united. Minimum thermometers

As regards minimum thermometers, the most common instrument is a spirit thermometer with
a dark glass index, about 2cm long, immersed in the spirit. Since some air is left in the tube of a
spirit thermometer, a safety chamber should be provided at the upper end which should be large
enough to allow the instrument to withstand a temperature of 50C without being damaged.
Minimum thermometers should be supported in a similar manner to maximum thermometers, in
a near-horizontal position. Various liquids can be used in minimum thermometers, such as ethyl
alcohol, pentane and toluol. It is important that the liquid should be as pure as possible since the
presence of certain impurities increases the tendency of the liquid to polymerize with exposure
to light and after the passage of time; such polymerization causes a change in calibration. In the
case of ethyl alcohol, for example, the alcohol should be completely free of acetone.

Minimum thermometers are also exposed to obtain grass minimum temperature. Soil thermometers

For measuring soil temperatures at depths of 20cm or less, mercury-in-glass thermometers, with
their stems bent at right angles, or any other suitable angle, below the lowest graduation, are in
common use. The thermometer bulb is sunk into the ground to the required depth, and the scale
is read with the thermometer in situ. These thermometers are graduated for immersion up to
the measuring depth. Since the remainder of the thermometer is kept at air temperature, a safety
chamber should be provided at the end of the stem for the expansion of the mercury.

For measuring temperature at depths of over 20cm, mercury-in-glass thermometers, mounted

on wooden, glass or plastic tubes, with their bulbs embedded in wax or metallic paint, are
recommended. The thermometer-tube assemblies are then suspended or slipped in thin-walled
metal or plastic tubes sunk into the ground to the required depth. In cold climates, the tops of
the outer tubes should extend above the ground to a height greater than the expected depth of
snow cover.

Wet-bulb temperatures are explained in Part I, Chapter4.

The technique of using vertical steel tubes is unsuitable for measuring the diurnal variation of soil
temperature, particularly in dry soil, and calculations of soil thermal properties based on such
measurements could be significantly in error because they will conduct heat from the surface

The large time-constant due to the increased heat capacity enables the thermometers to be
removed from the outer tubes and read before their temperature has had time to change
appreciably from the soil temperature.

When the ground is covered by snow, and in order that the observer may approach the line of
thermometers without disturbing the snow cover, it is recommended that a lightweight bridge
be constructed parallel to the line of thermometers. The bridge should be designed so that the
deck can be removed between readings without affecting the snow cover.

2.2.2 Measurement procedures Reading ordinary thermometers

Thermometers should be read as rapidly as possible in order to avoid changes of temperature

caused by the observers presence. Since the liquid meniscus, or index, and the thermometer
scale are not on the same plane, care must be taken to avoid parallax errors. These will occur
unless the observer ensures that the straight line from his/her eye to the meniscus, or index, is at
a right angle to the thermometer stem. Since thermometer scales are not normally subdivided to
less than one fifth of a degree, readings to the nearest tenth of a degree, which are essential in
psychrometry, must be made by estimation. Corrections for scale errors, if any, should be applied
to the readings. Maximum and minimum thermometers should be read and set at least twice
daily. Their readings should be compared frequently with those of an ordinary thermometer in
order to ensure that no serious errors develop. Measuring grass minimum temperatures

The grass minimum temperature is the lowest temperature reached overnight by a thermometer
freely exposed to the sky just above short grass. The temperature is measured with a minimum
thermometer such as that described in section2.2.1.3. The thermometer should be mounted
on suitable supports so that it is inclined at an angle of about 2 from the horizontal position,
with the bulb lower than the stem, 25 to 50mm above the ground and in contact with the tips
of the grass. When the ground is covered with snow, the thermometer should be supported
immediately above the surface of the snow, as near to it as possible without actually touching it.

Normally, the thermometer is exposed at the last observation hour before sunset, and the
reading is taken the next morning. The instrument is kept within a screen or indoors during the
day. However, at stations where an observer is not available near sunset, it may be necessary
to leave the thermometer exposed throughout the day. In strong sunshine, exposing the
thermometer in this way can cause the spirit to distil and collect in the top of the bore. This
effect can be minimized by fitting a cotton sock on a black metal shield over the safety chamber
end of the thermometer; this shield absorbs more radiation and consequently reaches a higher
temperature than the rest of the thermometer. Thus, any vapour will condense lower down the
bore at the top of the spirit column. Measuring soil temperatures

The standard depths for soil temperature measurements are 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100cm below the
surface; additional depths may be included. The site for such measurements should be a level
plot of bare ground (about 75cm2) and typical of the surrounding soil for which information
is required. If the surface is not representative of the general surroundings, its extent should

not be less than 100m2. When the ground is covered with snow, it is desirable to measure the
temperature of the snow cover as well. Where snow is rare, the snow may be removed before
taking the readings and then replaced.

When describing a site for soil temperature measurements, the soil type, soil cover and the
degree and direction of the grounds slope should be recorded. Whenever possible, the physical
soil constants, such as bulk density, thermal conductivity and the moisture content at field
capacity, should be indicated. The level of the water table (if within 5m of the surface) and the
soil structure should also be included.

At agricultural meteorological stations, the continuous recording of soil temperatures and air
temperatures at different levels in the layer adjacent to the soil (from ground level up to about
10m above the upper limit of prevailing vegetation) is desirable.

2.2.3 Thermometer siting and exposure

Both ordinary thermometers and maximum and minimum thermometers are always exposed
in a thermometer screen placed on a support. Extreme thermometers are mounted on suitable
supports so that they are inclined at an angle of about 2 from the horizontal position, with the
bulb being lower than the stem.

The siting and exposure of grass minimum thermometers is as prescribed in section At a
station where snow is persistent and of varying depth, it is possible to use a support that allows
the thermometers to be raised or lowered to maintain the correct height above the snow surface.

2.2.4 Sources of error in liquid-in-glass thermometers

The main sources of error common to all liquid-in-glass thermometers are the following:

(a) Elastic errors;

(b) Errors caused by the emergent stem;

(c) Parallax and gross reading errors;

(d) Changes in the volume of the bulb produced by exterior or interior pressure;

(e) Capillarity;

(f) Errors in scale division and calibration;

(g) Inequalities in the expansion of the liquid and glass over the range considered.

The last three errors can be minimized by the manufacturer and included in the corrections to
be applied to the observed values. Some consideration needs to be given to the first three errors.
Error (d) does not usually arise when the thermometers are used for meteorological purposes. Elastic errors

There are two kinds of elastic errors, namely reversible and irreversible errors. The first is of
importance only when a thermometer is exposed to a large temperature range in a short period
of time. Thus, if a thermometer is checked at the steam point and shortly afterwards at the ice
point, it will read slightly too low at first and then the indicated temperature will rise slowly to
the correct value. This error depends on the quality of the glass employed in the thermometer,
and may be as much as 1K (with glass of the highest quality it should be only 0.03K) and would
be proportionately less for smaller ranges of temperature. The effect is of no importance in
meteorological measurements, apart from the possibility of error in the original calibration.

The irreversible changes may be more significant. The thermometer bulb tends to contract slowly
over a period of years and, thus, causes the zero to rise. The greatest change will take place in the
first year, after which the rate of change will gradually decrease. This alteration can be reduced
by subjecting the bulb to heat treatment and by using the most suitable glass. Even with glass
of the highest quality, the change may be about 0.01K per year at first. For accurate work,
and especially with inspector or check thermometers, the zero should be redetermined at the
recommended intervals and the necessary corrections applied. Errors caused by the emergent stem

A thermometer used to measure air temperature is usually completely surrounded by air at an

approximately uniform temperature, and is calibrated by immersing the thermometer either
completely or only to the top of the mercury column (namely, calibrated by complete or partial
immersion). When such a thermometer is used to determine the temperature of a medium which
does not surround the stem, so that the effective temperature of the stem is different from that of
the bulb, an error will result.

For meteorological applications, the most likely circumstance where this might be encountered is
when checking the calibration of an ordinary thermometer in a vessel containing another liquid
at a temperature significantly different from ambient temperature and only the bulb or lower
part of the stem is immersed. Parallax and gross reading errors

If the thermometer is not viewed on the plane that is perpendicular to the stem of the
thermometer, parallax errors will arise. The error increases with the thickness of the thermometer
stem and the angle between the actual and the correct line of sight. This error can be avoided
only by taking great care when making an observation. With mercury-in-glass thermometers
suspended vertically, as in an ordinary screen, the thermometer must be viewed at the horizontal
level of the top of the mercury column.

Errors can also occur because observers usually disturb the surroundings in some way when they
approach to read the thermometer. It is, therefore, necessary for observers to take the readings to
the nearest tenth of a degree as soon as possible. Gross reading errors are usually 1, 5 or 10 in
magnitude. Such errors will be avoided if observers recheck the tens and units figure after taking
their initial reading. Errors due to differential expansion

The coefficient of cubical expansion of mercury is 1.8210 4K1, and that of most glass lies
between 1.010 5 and 3.010 5K1. The expansion coefficient of the glass is, thus, an important
fraction of that of mercury and cannot be neglected. As neither the coefficients of cubical
expansion of mercury and glass nor the cross-sectional area of the bore of the stem are strictly
constant over the range of temperature and length of the stem being used, the scale value of
unit length of the stem varies along the stem, and the thermometer has to be calibrated by the
manufacturer against a standard thermometer before it can be used. Errors associated with spirit thermometers

The expansion coefficients of the liquids used in spirit thermometers are very much larger than
those of mercury, and their freezing points are much lower (ethyl alcohol freezes at 115C).
Spirit is used in minimum thermometers because it is colourless and because its larger expansion
coefficient enables a larger bore to be used. Spirit thermometers are less accurate than mercury
thermometers of similar cost and quality. In addition to having the general disadvantages of
liquid-in-glass thermometers, spirit thermometers have some peculiarities to themselves:

(a) Adhesion of the spirit to the glass: Unlike mercury, organic liquids generally wet the glass.
Therefore, when the temperature falls rapidly, a certain amount of the liquid may remain
on the walls of the bore, causing the thermometer to read low. The liquid gradually drains
down the bore if the thermometer is suspended vertically;

(b) Breaking of the liquid column: Drops of the liquid often form in the upper part of the
thermometer stem by a process of evaporation and condensation. These can be reunited
with the main column, but errors may be caused at the beginning of the process before it
is noticed. The column is also often broken during transport. This error is reduced during
manufacture by sealing off the thermometer at its lowest temperature so that it contains the
maximum amount of air in the stem;

(c) Slow changes in the liquid: The organic liquids used tend to polymerize with age and
exposure to light, with a consequent gradual diminution in liquid volume. This effect is
speeded up by the presence of impurities; in particular, the presence of acetone in ethyl
alcohol has been shown to be very deleterious. Great care has therefore to be taken over the
preparation of the liquid for the thermometers. This effect may also be increased if dyes are
used to colour the liquid to make it more visible.

The reduction of errors caused by breakage in the liquid column and the general care of spirit
thermometers are dealt with later in this chapter.

2.2.5 Comparison and calibration in the field and laboratory Laboratory calibration

Laboratory calibrations of thermometers should be carried out by accredited calibration

laboratories. For liquid-in-glass thermometers, a liquid bath should be employed, within which
it should be possible to maintain the temperature at any desired values within the required
range. The rate of temperature change within the liquid should not exceed the recommended
limits, and the calibration apparatus should be provided with a means of stirring the liquid.
The reference thermometers and thermometers being calibrated should be suspended
independently of the container and fully immersed, and should not touch the sides.

Sufficient measurements should be taken to ensure that the corrections to be applied represent
the performance of the thermometer under normal conditions, with errors due to interpolation
at any intermediate point not exceeding the non-systematic errors (see PartIV, Chapter4). Field checks and calibration

All liquid-in-glass thermometers experience gradual changes of zero. For this reason, it
is desirable to check them at regular intervals, usually about once every two years. The
thermometers should be stored in an upright position at room temperature for at least 24h
before the checking process begins.

The ice point may be checked by almost filling a Dewar flask with crushed ice made from distilled
water and moistening it with more distilled water. The space between the ice pieces as well as
the bottom of the vessel should be free from air. The water should remain 2cm beneath the ice
surface. An ordinary Thermos flask will accommodate the total immersion of most thermometers
up to their ice point. The thermometers should be inserted so that as little of the mercury or spirit
column as possible emerges from the ice. An interval of at least 15min should elapse to allow
the thermometer to take up the temperature of the melting ice before a reading of the indicated
temperature is taken. Each thermometer should be moved backwards and forwards through
the mixture and immediately read to a tenth part of the scale interval. Further readings at 5min
intervals should be taken and a mean value computed.

Other points in the range can be covered by reference to a travelling standard or inspector
thermometer. Comparison should be made by immersing the reference thermometer and the

thermometer, or thermometers, to be calibrated in a deep vessel of water. It is generally better to

work indoors, especially if the sun is shining, and the best results will be obtained if the water is
at, or close to, ambient temperature.

Each thermometer is compared with the reference thermometer; thermometers of the same
type can be compared with each other. For each comparison, the thermometers are held
with their bulbs close together, moved backwards and forwards through the water for about
1min, and then read. It must be possible to read both thermometers without changing the
depth of immersion; subject to this, the bulbs should be as deep in the water as possible. Most
meteorological thermometers are calibrated for total immersion; provided that the difference
between the water and air temperature is not more than 5K, the emergent stem correction
should be negligible. Often, with the bulbs at the same depth, the tops of the columns of
mercury (or other liquid) in the reference thermometer and the thermometer being checked will
not be very close together. Particular care should therefore be taken to avoid parallax errors.

These comparisons should be made at least three times for each pair of thermometers. For
each set of comparisons, the mean of the differences between readings should not exceed the
tolerances specified in the table in section2.1.3.2.

Soil thermometers may be calibrated in this manner, but should be left in the water for at least
30min to allow the wax in which the bulbs are embedded to take up the temperature of the
water. The large time-constant of the soil thermometer makes it difficult to conduct a satisfactory
check unless the temperature of the water can be kept very steady. If the calibration is carefully
carried out in water whose temperature does not change by more than 1K in 30min, the
difference from the corrected reading of the reference thermometer should not exceed 0.25K.

2.2.6 Corrections

When initially issued, thermometers identified by a serial number should be provided with
either a dated certificate confirming compliance with the uncertainty requirement, or a dated
calibration certificate giving the corrections that should be applied to the readings to achieve the
required uncertainty.

In general, if the errors at selected points in the range of a thermometer (for example, 0C,
10C, 20C) are all within 0.05K, no corrections will be necessary and the thermometers can
be used directly as ordinary thermometers in naturally ventilated screens and as maximum,
minimum, soil or grass minimum thermometers. If the errors at these selected points are greater
than 0.05K, a table of corrections should be available to the observer at the place of reading,
together with unambiguous instructions on how these corrections should be applied.

Thermometers for which certificates would normally be issued are those:

(a) For use in ventilated psychrometers;

(b) For use by inspectors as travelling standards;

(c) For laboratory calibration references;

(d) For special purposes for which the application of corrections is justified.

For psychrometric use, identical thermometers should be selected.


2.2.7 Maintenance Breakage in the liquid column

The most common fault encountered is the breaking of the liquid column, especially during
transit. This is most likely to occur in spirit (minimum) thermometers. Other problems associated
with these thermometers are adhesion of the spirit to the glass and the formation by distillation
of drops of spirit in the support part of the bore.

A broken liquid column can usually be reunited by holding the thermometer bulb-end
downward and tapping the thermometer lightly and rapidly against the fingers or something
else which is elastic and not too hard. The tapping should be continued for some time (5min
if necessary), and afterwards the thermometer should be hung, or stood, upright in a suitable
container, bulb downward, for at least 1h to allow any spirit adhering to the glass to drain down
to the main column. If such treatment is not successful, a more drastic method is to cool the bulb
in a freezing mixture of ice and salt, while keeping the upper part of the stem warm; the liquid
will slowly distil back to the main column. Alternatively, the thermometer may be held upright
with its bulb in a vessel of warm water, while the stem is tapped or shaken from the water as
soon as the top of the spirit column reaches the safety chamber at the top of the stem. Great care
must be taken when using this method as there is a risk of bursting the thermometer if the spirit
expands into the safety chamber. Scale illegibility

Another shortcoming of unsheathed liquid-in-glass thermometers is that with time their scale
can become illegible. This can be corrected at the station by rubbing the scale with a dark crayon
or black lead pencil.

2.2.8 Safety

Mercury, which is the liquid most commonly used in liquid-in-glass thermometers, is poisonous
if swallowed or if its vapour is inhaled. If a thermometer is broken and the droplets of mercury
are not removed there is some danger to health, especially in confined spaces. (Advice on
cleaning up after a breakage is given in PartI, Chapter3, in section3.2 on mercury barometers.)
There may also be restrictions on the carriage of mercury thermometers on aircraft, or special
precautions that must be taken to prevent the escape of mercury in the event of a breakage. The
advice of the appropriate authority or carrier should be sought.


2.3.1 General description

The types of mechanical thermographs still commonly used are supplied with bimetallic or
Bourdon-tube sensors since these are relatively inexpensive, reliable and portable. However,
they are not readily adapted for remote or electronic recording. Such thermographs incorporate
a rotating chart mechanism common to the family of classic recording instruments. In general,
thermographs should be capable of operating over a range of about 60K or even 80K if they are
to be used in continental climates. A scale value is needed such that the temperature can be read
to 0.2K without difficulty on a reasonably sized chart. To achieve this, provisions should be made
for altering the zero setting of the instrument according to the season. The maximum error of a
thermograph should not exceed 1K.

In bimetallic thermographs, the movement of the recording pen is controlled by the change in
curvature of a bimetallic strip or helix, one end of which is rigidly fixed to an arm attached to the
frame. A means of finely adjusting this arm should be provided so that the zero of the instrument
can be altered when necessary. In addition, the instrument should be provided with a means of
altering the scale value by adjusting the length of the lever that transfers the movement of the
bimetal to the pen; this adjustment is best left to authorized personnel. The bimetallic element
should be adequately protected from corrosion; this is best done by heavy copper, nickel or
chromium plating, although a coat of lacquer may be adequate in some climates. A typical time-
constant of about 25s is obtained at an air speed of 5ms1. Bourdon-tube thermograph

The general arrangement is similar to that of the bimetallic type but its temperature-sensitive
element is in the form of a curved metal tube of flat, elliptical section, filled with alcohol. The
Bourdon tube is less sensitive than the bimetallic element and usually requires a multiplying level
mechanism to give sufficient scale value. A typical time-constant is about 6s at an air speed of

2.3.2 Measurement procedures

In order to improve the resolution of the reading, thermographs will often be set, in different
seasons, to one of two different ranges with corresponding charts. The exact date for changing
from one set of charts to the other will vary according to the locality. However, when the change
is made the instrument will need to be adjusted. This should be done either in the screen on a
cloudy, windy day at a time when the temperature is practically constant or in a room where the
temperature is constant. The adjustment is made by loosening the screw holding the pen arm to
the pen spindle, moving the pen arm to the correct position and retightening, the screws. The
instrument should then be left as is before rechecking, and any further adjustments made as

2.3.3 Exposure and siting

These instruments should be exposed in a large thermometer screen.

2.3.4 Sources of error

In the thermograph mechanism itself, friction is the main source of error. One cause of this is
bad alignment of the helix with respect to the spindle. Unless accurately placed, the helix acts
as a powerful spring and, if rigidly anchored, pushes the main spindle against one side of the
bearings. With modern instruments this should not be a serious problem. Friction between the
pen and the chart can be kept to a minimum by suitably adjusting the gate suspension.

2.3.5 Comparison and calibration Laboratory calibration

There are two basic methods for the laboratory calibration of bimetallic thermographs. They
may be checked by fixing them in a position with the bimetallic element in a bath of water.
Alternatively, the thermograph may be placed in a commercial calibration chamber equipped
with an air temperature control mechanism, a fan and a reference thermometer.

Comparisons should be made at two temperatures; from these, any necessary changes in the
zero and magnification can be found. Scale adjustments should be performed by authorized
personnel, and only after reference to the appropriate manufacturers instrument handbook. Field comparison

The time constant of the instrument may be as low as one half that of the ordinary mercury
thermometer, so that routine comparisons of the readings of the dry bulb and the thermograph
at fixed hours will, in general, not produce exact agreement even if the instrument is working
perfectly. A better procedure is to check the reading of the instrument on a suitable day at a
time when the temperature is almost constant (usually a cloudy, windy day) or, alternatively,
to compare the minimum readings of the thermograph trace with the reading of the minimum
thermometer exposed in the same screen. Any necessary adjustment can then be made by
means of the setting screw.

2.3.6 Corrections

Thermographs would not normally be issued with correction certificates. If station checks show
an instrument to have excessive errors, and if these cannot be adjusted locally, the instrument
should be returned to an appropriate calibration laboratory for repair and recalibration.

2.3.7 Maintenance

Routine maintenance will involve an inspection of the general external condition, the play in
the bearings, the inclination of the recording arm, the set of the pen, and the angle between
the magnification arm and recording arm, and a check of the chart-drum clock timing.
Such examinations should be performed in accordance with the recommendations of the
manufacturer. In general, the helix should be handled carefully to avoid mechanical damage and
should be kept clean. The bearings of the spindle should also be kept clean and oiled at intervals
using a small amount of clock oil. The instrument is mechanically very simple and, provided that
precautions are taken to keep the friction to a minimum and prevent corrosion, it should give
good service.


2.4.1 General description

Electrical instruments are in widespread use in meteorology for measuring temperatures. Their
main virtue lies in their ability to provide an output signal suitable for use in remote indication,
recording, storage, or transmission of temperature data. The most frequently used sensors are
electrical resistance elements, semiconductor thermometers (thermistors) and thermocouples. Electrical resistance thermometers

A measurement of the electrical resistance of a material whose resistance varies in a known

manner with the temperature of the material can be used to represent the temperature.

For small temperature changes, the increase in resistance of pure metals is proportional to the
change in temperature, as expressed in equation2.2:

RT = R0 1 + (T T0 ) (2.2)

where (T T0) is small; RT is the resistance of a fixed amount of the metal at temperature T; R0 is
its resistance at a reference temperature T0, and is the temperature coefficient of resistance in
the vicinity of T0.

With 0C as the reference temperature, equation2.2 becomes:

RT = R0 (1 + t ) (2.3)

For larger temperature changes and for certain metallic alloys, equation2.4 expresses the
relationship more accurately:

RT = R0 1 + (T T0 ) + (T T0 ) (2.4)

With 0 C as the reference temperature, equation 2.4 becomes:

( )
RT = R0 1 + t + t 2 (2.5)

These equations give the proportional change in resistance of an actual thermometer, so that
values for the coefficients and can be found by calibration of the thermometer concerned.
Based on these results, the inverse function, namely, t as a function of R, can be derived. Such a
function may be expressed in terms of a power series of (R0 RT), namely, t= t (R0 RT) = c1 (R0
RT) + c 2 (R0 RT)2 +

A good metal resistance thermometer will satisfy the following requirements:

(a) Its physical and chemical properties will remain the same through the temperature
measurement range;

(b) Its resistance will increase steadily with increasing temperature without any discontinuities
in the range of measurement;

(c) External influences such as humidity, corrosion or physical deformations will not alter its
resistance appreciably;

(d) Its characteristics will remain stable over a period of two years or more;

(e) Its resistance and thermal coefficient should be large enough to be useful in a measuring

Pure platinum best satisfies the foregoing requirements. Thus, it is used for the primary standard
thermometers needed for transferring the ITS-90 between instrument locations. Platinum
thermometers are also used for secondary standards and for operational sensors.

Practical thermometers are artificially aged before use and are commonly made from platinum
alloys, nickel and occasionally tungsten for meteorological purposes. Usually they are
hermetically sealed in a ceramic sheath. Their time constant is smaller than that of liquid-in-glass
thermometers. Semiconductor thermometers

Another type of resistance element in common use is the thermistor. This is a semiconductor with
a relatively large temperature coefficient of resistance, which may be either positive or negative
depending upon the actual material. Mixtures of sintered metallic oxides are suitable for making
practical thermistors, which usually take the form of small discs, rods or spheres and are often
glass-coated. The general expression for the temperature dependence of the resistance, R, of the
thermistor is given in equation2.6:
R = a exp ( b T ) (2.6)

where a and b are constants and T is the temperature of the thermistor in kelvins.

The advantages of thermistors from a thermometric point of view are as follows:

(a) The large temperature coefficient of resistance enables the voltage applied across a
resistance bridge to be reduced while attaining the same sensitivity, thus reducing or even
eliminating the need to account for the resistance of the leads and its changes;

(b) The elements can be made very small, so their very low thermal capacities can yield a small
time-constant. However, very small thermistors with their low thermal capacity have the
disadvantage that, for a given dissipation, the self-heating effect is greater than for large
thermometers. Thus, care must be taken to keep the power dissipation small.

A typical thermistor has a resistance which varies by a factor of 100 or 200 over the temperature
range 40C to 40C. Thermocouples

In 1821 Seebeck discovered that a very small contact electromotive force was set up at the place
where two different metals touched. If a simple circuit is made with two metals and with the
conjunction at the same temperature, there will be no resultant electromotive force in the circuit
because the two electromotive forces, one at each junction, will exactly oppose and cancel one
another. If the temperature of one junction is altered, the two electromotive forces no longer
balance and there is a net electromotive force set up in the circuit; a current will then flow. When
there are several junctions, the resultant electromotive force is the algebraic sum of the individual
electromotive forces. The magnitude and sign of the contact electromotive force set up at any
one junction depend on the types of metals joined and the temperature of the junction point,
and may be empirically represented for any two metals by the expression:

( ET ES ) = (T TS ) + (T TS )2 (2.7)
where ET is the contact electromotive force at a temperature T and Es is the electromotive
force at some standard temperature Ts, and being constants. If there are two junctions at
temperatures T1 and T2, the net electromotive force En (the thermal electromotive force) is
given by (E1 E2), where E1 is the electromotive force at temperature T1 and E2 is the contact
electromotive force temperature T2. En can also be represented by a quadratic formula of the type
given for (ET Es) to a good approximation:
En = E1 E2 (2.8)
En = a ( T1 T2 ) + b ( T1 T2 ) (2.9)

where a and b are constants for the two metals concerned. For most meteorological purposes, it
is often possible to neglect the value of b, as it is always small compared with a.

Thermocouples are made by welding or soldering together wires of the metals concerned. These
junctions can be made very small and with negligible heat capacity.

When used to measure temperature, a measurement is taken of the electromotive force set up
when one junction is maintained at a standard known temperature and the other junction is
allowed to take the temperature whose value is required. This electromotive force can be directly
related to the difference in temperature between the two junctions by previous calibration of the
system, and thus the unknown temperature is found by adding this difference algebraically to
the known standard temperature.

In meteorology, thermocouples are mostly used when a thermometer of very small time-
constant, of the order of 1 or 2s, and capable of remote reading and recording is required,
usually for special research tasks. A disadvantage, if the absolute temperature is required, is the
necessity for a constant-temperature enclosure for both the cold junction and ancillary apparatus
for the measurements of the electromotive force that has been set up; thermocouples are best
suited for the measurement of differential temperatures, since this complication does not arise.
Very high accuracy can be achieved with suitably sensitive apparatus, but frequent calibration is

necessary. Copper-constantan or iron-constantan combinations are suitable for meteorological

work, as the electromotive force produced per degree Celsius is higher than with rarer and more
expensive metals, which are normally used at high temperatures.

2.4.2 Measurements procedures Electrical resistance thermometers

Electrical resistance thermometers may be connected to a variety of electrical measurement

circuits, many of which are variations of resistance bridge circuits in either balanced or
unbalanced form. In a balanced bridge, an accurate potentiometer is adjusted until no
current flows in an indicator, with the position of the potentiometer arm being related to the
temperature. In an unbalanced bridge, the out-of-balance current may be measured by a
galvanometer; however, this current is not simply a function of the temperature and depends
in part on other effects. An alternative which avoids this situation is to use a constant current
source to power the bridge and to measure the out-of-balance voltage to obtain the temperature

In the case of remote measuring, it should be taken into consideration that the wire between
the resistance thermometer and the bridge also forms a resistance that alters depending on the
temperature. Suitable precautions can be taken to avoid such errors.

Digital voltmeters can be used in conjunction with a constant current source to measure the
temperature-dependent voltage drop across the thermometer element; the output can be
scaled directly in temperature. Also, the digital output can be stored or transmitted without loss
of accuracy and, thus, be available for further use. The digital output of the digital voltmeters
can be subsequently converted back to an analogue voltage, if desired, to feed a recorder, for
example. Thermocouples

There are two main methods of measuring the electromotive force produced by thermocouples:

(a) By measuring the current produced in the circuit with a sensitive galvanometer;

(b) By balancing the thermoelectric electromotive force with a known electromotive force, so
that no current actually flows through the thermocouples themselves.

In method (a), the galvanometer is connected directly in series with the two junctions.
Method(b) will generally be used if a measuring uncertainty of better than 0.5% is required.
This procedure does not depend on the magnitude of, or changes in, the line resistance since no
current flows in the balanced condition.

2.4.3 Exposure and siting

The requirements relating to the exposure and siting of electrical thermometers will, in general,
be the same as those for liquid-in-glass thermometers (see section2.2.3). Exceptions include the

(a) The measurement of extreme values: Separate maximum and minimum thermometers
may no longer be required if the electrical thermometer is connected to a continuously
operating data recording system;

(b) The measurement of surface temperatures: The radiative properties of electrical

thermometers will be different from liquid-in-glass thermometers. Electrical thermometers

exposed as grass minimum (or other surface) thermometers will, therefore, record different
values from similarly exposed conventional thermometers. These differences may be
minimized by placing the electrical thermometer within a glass sheath;

(c) The measurement of soil temperatures: The use of mercury-in-glass thermometers in

vertical steel tubes is quite unsuitable for the measurement of the diurnal variation of soil
temperature because of heat conduction from the surface. It is possible to obtain readings
that are much more representative by deploying electrical thermometers in brass plugs,
inserted at the required depth into an undisturbed vertical soil face, the latter having been
exposed by trenching. Electrical connections are brought out through plastic tubes via the
trench, which is then refilled in such a way to restore, as far as possible, the original strata
and drainage characteristics.

2.4.4 Sources of error Electrical resistance thermometers

The main sources of error in a temperature measurement taken with electrical resistance
thermometers are the following:

(a) Self-heating of the thermometer element;

(b) Inadequate compensation for lead resistance;

(c) Inadequate compensation for non-linearities in the sensor or processing instrument;

(d) Sudden changes in switch contact resistances.

Self-heating occurs because the passage of a current through the resistance element produces
heat and, thus, the temperature of the thermometer element becomes higher than that of the
surrounding medium.

The resistance of the connecting leads will introduce an error in the temperature reading. This
will become more significant for long leads, for example, when the resistance thermometer is
located at some distance from the measuring instrument; the reading errors will also vary as
the temperature of the cables changes. These errors can be compensated for by using extra
conductors, ballast resistors and an appropriate bridge network. To reduce errors, it is highly
recommended to use four-wire platinum resistance thermometers.

Neither the electrical resistance thermometer nor the thermistor is linear over an extended
temperature range but may approximate a linear output if the range is limited. Provision must,
therefore, be made to compensate for such non-linearities. This is most likely to be required for
thermistors, to achieve a usable meteorological range of measurement.

Sudden changes in switch contact resistance can occur as switches age. They may be
variable and can go undetected unless regular system calibration checks are performed (see
section2.4.5). Thermocouples

The main sources of error in the measurement of temperature using thermocouples are the

(a) Changes in the resistances of the connecting leads with temperature. This effect may be
minimized by keeping all the leads as short and compact as possible, and well insulated;

(b) Conduction along the leads from the junction when there is a temperature gradient in the
vicinity of the temperature measuring point;

(c) Stray secondary thermal electromotive forces due to the use of metals that are different
from the thermocouple metals in the connecting circuit. The temperature differences in
the remainder of the circuit must, therefore, be kept as low as possible; this is especially
important when the electromotive forces to be measured are small (periodical recalibration
will be necessary to allow for this);

(d) Leakage currents can occur from neighbouring power circuits. This can be minimized by
suitable screening of the leads;

(e) Galvanic currents can be set up if any leads or junctions are allowed to get wet;

(f) Changes in temperature in the galvanometer alter its characteristics (chiefly by changing
its resistance). This will not affect the readings by the potentiometric method to any
degree, but will affect direct-reading instruments. This effect can be minimized by keeping
the temperature of the galvanometer as near as possible to that at which the circuit was

(g) In the potentiometric measurement, changes in the electromotive force of the standard
cell against which the potentiometer current is adjusted and changes in the potentiometer
current between adjustments will cause corresponding errors in the measured
electromotive force. These errors will normally be small, provided that the standard cell is
treated correctly, and that adjustments of the potentiometer current are made just before
taking a temperature measurement.

Errors (a) and (f) emphasize the superiority of the potentiometric method when a very high
degree of accuracy is required.

2.4.5 Comparison and calibration Electrical resistance thermometers

The basic techniques and procedures for the laboratory calibration and field checking of
electrical thermometers will be the same as for liquid-in-glass thermometers (see section2.2.5).
In general, however, it will not be possible to bring a resistance thermometer indoors since
checks should include the thermometers normal electrical leads. Checks will therefore have
to be carried out with the thermometers in the screen. Accurate comparative measurements
of the temperatures indicated by the electrical thermometer and a reference mercury-in-glass
or local indicating resistance thermometer will be difficult to achieve unless two observers are
present. Since the measurement instrument is an integral part of the electrical thermometer, its
calibration may be checked by substituting the resistance thermometer by an accurate decade
resistance box and by applying resistances equivalent to fixed 5K temperature increments over
the operational temperature range. The error at any point should not exceed 0.1K. This work
would normally be performed by a servicing technician. Thermocouples

The calibration and checking of thermocouples require the hot and cold junctions to be
maintained at accurately known temperatures. The techniques and instrumentation necessary to
undertake this work are generally very specialized and will not be described here.

2.4.6 Corrections

When initially issued, electrical thermometers (which have a serial number) should be provided
with either:

(a) A dated certificate confirming compliance with the appropriate standard; or


(b) A dated calibration certificate giving the actual resistance at fixed points in the temperature
range. These resistances should be used when checking the uncertainty of the measuring
instrument or system interface before and during operation. The magnitude of the
resistance difference from the nominal value should not, in general, be greater than an
equivalent temperature error of 0.1 or 0.2K.

2.4.7 Maintenance

The regular field checks should identify any changes in system calibration. These may occur as
a result of long-term changes in the electrical characteristics of the thermometer, degradation
of the electrical cables or their connections, changes in the contact resistance of switches or
changes in the electrical characteristics of the measuring equipment. Identification of the exact
source and correction of such errors will require specialized equipment and training and should
be undertaken only by a maintenance technician.


A radiation shield or screen should be designed to provide an enclosure with an internal

temperature that is both uniform and the same as that of the outside air. It should completely
surround the thermometers and exclude radiant heat, precipitation and other phenomena that
might influence the measurement.

Screens with forced ventilation, in which air is drawn over the thermometer element by a fan,
may help to avoid biases when the microclimate inside the screen deviates from the surrounding
air mass. Such a deviation only occurs when the natural wind speed is very low (< 1ms1). When
such artificial ventilation is used, care should be taken to prevent the deposition of aerosols and
rain droplets on the sensor which decrease its temperature towards the wet-bulb temperature.
Manufacturers of artificially ventilated radiation shields are encouraged to provide a clear
indication (such as an LED light) of the fan status directly on the screen or on the control unit or
data logger to allow maintenance staff to check whether the fan is functioning properly by visual
inspection. Additionally, the fan status and preferably the fan speed should be provided in the
data output for automatic monitoring purposes.

As a shield material, highly polished, non-oxidized metal is favourable because of its high
reflectivity and low heat absorption. Nevertheless, thermally insulating plastic-based material is
preferable because of its simple maintenance requirements. Thermally insulating material must
be used if the system relies on natural ventilation.

The performance of a screen (response behaviour and microclimate effects introducing

unwanted biases) depends predominantly on its design, in which care must be taken to ensure
both radiation protection and sufficient ventilation. Since the start of meteorological temperature
measurements, very diverse types of screens have been designed. Following the introduction
of temperature measurements taken in automatic weather stations, the variety of these designs
has increased significantly (see WMO, 1998a). Because of differences in specific applications, the
degree of automation and climatology, it is difficult to recommend one specific type of design
suitable for worldwide measurements. Nevertheless, many investigations and intercomparisons
on designs and their performance have been carried out. A clear overview of screen designs
is given by WMO (1972). Results of thermometer screen intercomparisons are reported by
Andersson and Mattison (1991), Sparks (2001), WMO (1998b, 1998c, 1998d, 2000a, 2000b,
2002b, 2002c, 2002d, 2011) and Zanghi (1987).

An international standard (ISO/DIS 17714) defines most relevant screen types and describes the
methods to determine or compare screen performances (ISO, 2007).

2.5.1 Louvred screens

Most of the numerous varieties of louvred screen rely on natural ventilation. The walls of such a
screen should preferably be double-louvred and the floor should be made of staggered boards,
but other types of construction may be found to meet the above requirements. The roof should
be double-layered, with provisions for ventilation of the space between the two layers. In cold
climates, owing to the high reflectivity of snow (up to 88%), the screen should also have a double
floor. At the same time, however, the floor should easily drop or tilt so that any snow entering the
screen during a storm can be removed.

The size and construction of the screen should be such that it keeps the heat capacity as low as
practicable and allows ample space between the instruments and the walls. The latter feature
excludes all possibility of direct contact between the thermometer sensing elements and the
walls, and is particularly important in the tropics where insolation may heat the sides to the
extent that an appreciable temperature gradient is caused in the screen. Direct contact between
the sensing elements and the thermometer mounting should also be avoided. The screen should
be painted both inside and outside with white, non-hygroscopic paint.

When double walls are provided, the layer of air between them serves to reduce the amount of
heat that would otherwise be conducted from the outer wall to the inner enclosure, especially in
strong sunshine. When the wind is appreciable, the air between the walls is changed continually
so that the conduction of heat inwards from the outer walls is further decreased.

The free circulation of air throughout the screen helps the temperature of the inner wall adapt
to ambient air changes. In this way, the influence of the inner wall upon the temperature of
the thermometer is reduced. Also, the free circulation of air within the screen enables the
thermometer to follow the ambient air changes more quickly than if radiative exchanges
alone were operative. However, the air circulating through the screen spends a finite time in
contact with the outer walls and may have its temperature altered thereby. This effect becomes
appreciable when the wind is light and the temperature of the outer wall is markedly different
from the air temperature. Thus, the temperature of the air in a screen can be expected to be
higher than the true air temperature on a day of strong sunshine and calm wind, and slightly
lower on a clear, calm night, with errors perhaps reaching 2.5 and 0.5K, respectively, in
extreme cases. Additional errors may be introduced by cooling due to evaporation from a wet
screen after rain. All these errors also have a direct influence on the readings of other instruments
inside the screen, such as hygrometers, evaporimeters, and the like.

Errors due to variations in natural ventilation can be reduced if the screen is fitted with a suitably
designed forced ventilation system that maintains a constant and known ventilation rate, at least
at low wind speeds. Care should be taken in the design of such systems to ensure that heat from
the fan or an electrical motor does not affect the screen temperature.

In general, only one door is needed, with the screen being placed so that the sun does not shine
on the thermometers when the door is open at the times of observation. In the tropics, two
doors are necessary for use during different periods of the year. Likewise, in polar regions (where
the sun is at a low angle) precautions should be taken to protect the inside of the screen from the
direct rays of the sun either by a form of shading or by using a screen which is mounted so that it
can be turned to an appropriate angle while the door is open for readings.

Although most screens are still made of wood, some recent designs using plastic materials offer
greater protection against radiation effects because of an improved louvre design that provides
a better airflow. In any case, the screen and stand should be constructed of sturdy materials
and should be firmly installed so that errors in maximum and minimum thermometer readings
caused by wind vibration are kept to a minimum. In some areas where wind vibration cannot be
entirely damped, elastic mounting brackets are recommended. The ground cover beneath the
screen should be grass or, in places where grass does not grow, the natural surface of the area.

The screen should be kept clean and repainted regularly; in many places, repainting the screen
once every two years is sufficient, but in areas subject to atmospheric pollution it may be
necessary to repaint it at least once a year.

2.5.2 Other artificially ventilated shields

The main alternative to exposure in a louvred screen, which is either naturally or artificially
ventilated, is to shield the thermometer bulb from direct radiation by placing it on the axis of
two concentric cylindrical shields and drawing a current of air (with a speed between 2.5 and
10ms1) between the shields and past the thermometer bulb. This type of exposure is normal
in aspirated psychrometers (see PartI, Chapter4). In principle, the shields should be made of
a thermally insulating material, although in the Assmann psychrometer the shields are made
of highly polished metal to reduce the absorption of solar radiation. The inner shield is kept in
contact with a moving stream of air on both sides so that its temperature, and consequently
that of the thermometer, can approximate very closely to that of the air. Such shields are usually
mounted with their axes in a vertical position. The amount of direct radiation from the ground
entering through the base of such shields is small and can be reduced by extending the base of
the shields appreciably below the thermometer bulb. When the artificial ventilation is provided
by an electrically driven fan, care should be taken to prevent any heat from the motor and fan
from reaching the thermometers.

The design of the WMO reference psychrometer takes careful account of the effects of radiation
and the use of artificial ventilation and shielding to ensure that the thermometer element is at
equilibrium at the true air temperature (see PartI, Chapter4).

The fixed points of the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) of interest to
meteorological measurements are contained in Table2.A.1, while secondary reference points of
interest to meteorological measurements are contained in Table2.A.2.

The standard method of interpolating between the fixed points uses formulae to establish the
relation between indications of the standard instruments and the values of the ITS-90 (BIPM,
1990). The standard instrument used from 259.34C to 961.78C is a platinum resistance

An alternative practical method for ITS-90 approximation in platinum resistance thermometer

calibration (determination of R0, A , B and C, see equation below) is to obtain resistance-
temperature data by making a comparison with a calibrated standard platinum resistance
thermometer at numerous temperatures in the range of interest and then fit a polynomial to the
data by a least-squares technique.

The relationship between the resistance of the platinum resistance thermometer under
calibration and the temperature measured with a reference thermometer is described with
an interpolation equation. The CallendarVan Dusen equation is generally accepted as the
interpolation equation for industrial platinum resistance thermometers (defined in the IEC60751,
see IEC (2008)) rather than for standard platinum resistance thermometers:

( )
Rt = R0 1 + A t + B t 2 + C ( t 100 ) t 3

where Rt is the resistance at temperature t of a platinum wire, R0 is its resistance at 0C (ice

point) and A, B and C (C = 0 for t > 0 C) are constants which are found using the least-squares
method on the data acquired during the calibration.

Table 2.A.1. Defining fixed points on the ITS-90

Assigned value of ITS

Equilibrium state
Equilibrium between the solid, liquid and vapour phases of argon 83.805 8 189.344 2
(triple point of argon)

Equilibrium between the solid, liquid and vapour phases of mercury 234.315 6 38.834 4
(triple point of mercury)

Equilibrium between the solid, liquid and vapour phases of water 273.160 0 0.01
(triple point of water)

Equilibrium between the solid and liquid phases of gallium 302.914 6 29.764 6
(melting point of gallium)

Equilibrium between the solid and liquid phases of indium 429.748 5 156.598 5
(freezing point of indium)

Table 2.A.2. Secondary reference points and their temperatures on the ITS-90

Assigned value of ITS

Equilibrium state
Equilibrium between the solid and vapour phases of carbon dioxide
(sublimation point of carbon dioxide) at standard atmospheric
pressure p 0 (1013.25hPa).

The temperature t as a function of the vapour pressure of carbon

dioxide is given by the equation:

t = [1.210 36 10 2 (p p 0) 8.912 26 10 6(p p 0)2 78.464] C

where p is the atmospheric pressure in hPa, in the temperature range

194 to 195K 194.686 78.464

Equilibrium between the solid and liquid phases of mercury (freezing 234.296 38.854
point of mercury) at standard atmospheric pressure

Equilibrium between ice and air-saturated water (ice-point) at 273.150 0.00

standard atmospheric pressure

Equilibrium between the solid, liquid and vapour phases of 300.014 26.864
phenoxybenzene (diphenyl ether) (triple point of phenoxybenzene)

Andersson, T. and I. Mattison, 1991: A Field Test of Thermometer Screens. SMHI Report No.RMK62,
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, 1989:Procs-Verbaux du Comit International des Poids et Mesures,
78th meeting, 1989, Paris (available from http://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/its-90/
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures/Comit Consultatif de Thermomtrie, 1990: The International
Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) (H. Preston-Thomas). Metrologia, 27:310 (amended
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International Electrotechnical Commission, 2008: Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometers and Platinum
Temperature Sensors, IEC60751:2008. Geneva.
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Methods for Comparing the Performance of Thermometer Shields/Screens and Defining Important
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Jones, E.B., 1992: Jones Instrument Technology. Volume 2: Measurement of temperature and chemical
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, 2001: Field trial of Metspec screens. Technical Report TR19, Met Office/OD, Wokingham, United
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, 1992: Measurement of Temperature and Humidity: Specification, Construction, Properties and Use of the
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, 1998a: Recent Changes in Thermometer Screen Design and their Impact (A.Barnett, D.B.Hatton and
D.W. Jones). Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.66 (WMO/TD-No.871). Geneva.
, 1998b: An investigation of temperature screens and their impact on temperature measurements
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CHAPTER 3. MEASUREMENT OF ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  91

3.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  91
3.1.1 Definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  91
3.1.2 Units and scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  91
3.1.3 Meteorological requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  92
3.1.4 Methods of measurement and observation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  92
3.2 Mercury barometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  94
3.2.1 Construction requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  94
3.2.2 General requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  94
3.2.3 Standard conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  95 Standard temperature and density of mercury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  95 Standard gravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  95
3.2.4 Reading mercury barometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  95 Accuracy of readings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  95 Changes in index correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  96 Permissible changes in index correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  96
3.2.5 Correction of barometer readings to standard conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  97
3.2.6 Errors and faults with mercury barometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  97 Uncertainties as to the temperature of the instrument. . . . . . . . . . . . .  97 Defective vacuum space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  97 The capillary depression of the mercury surfaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  98 Lack of verticality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  98 General accuracy of the corrected pressure readings. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  98
3.2.7 Safety precautions for the use of mercury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  98 Spillages and disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  99 Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  100 Transportation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  100
3.3 Electronic barometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  100
3.3.1 Aneroid displacement transducers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  101
3.3.2 Digital piezoresistive barometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  102
3.3.3 Cylindrical resonator barometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  102
3.3.4 Reading electronic barometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  103
3.3.5 Errors and faults with electronic barometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  103 Calibration drift. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  103 Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Electrical interference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  104 Nature of operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  104
3.4 Aneroid barometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  104
3.4.1 Construction requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  104
3.4.2 Accuracy requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  104
3.4.3 Reading aneroid barometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  105 Accuracy of readings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  105 Corrections applied to aneroid barometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  105
3.4.4 Errors and faults with aneroid barometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  105 Incomplete compensation for temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  105 Elasticity errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  105
3.5 Barographs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  106
3.5.1 General requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  106
3.5.2 Construction of barographs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  106
3.5.3 Sources of error and inaccuracy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  107
3.5.4 Instruments with data-processing capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  107
3.5.5 Reading a barograph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  107 Accuracy of readings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  107 Corrections to be applied to barograph readings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  107
3.6 Bourdon-tube barometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  107
3.7 Barometric change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  108
3.8 General exposure requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  108
3.8.1 The effect of wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  108


3.8.2 The effects of air conditioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  109

3.9 Barometer exposure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  109
3.9.1 Exposure of mercury barometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  109
3.9.2 Exposure of electronic barometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  109
3.9.3 Exposure of aneroid barometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  110
3.9.4 Exposure of barographs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  110
3.10 Comparison, calibration and maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  110
3.10.1 General requirements of a barometer comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  110
3.10.2 Equipment used for barometer comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  111 Primary standard barometer (A). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  111 Working standard barometer (B). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  111 Travelling standard barometer (C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  112 Specifications of portable mercury barometers (P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  112 Specifications of portable electronic barometers (Q). . . . . . . . . . . . . .  112
3.10.3 Barometer comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  113 International barometer comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  113 Inspection of station barometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  113 Procedure for the comparison of mercury barometers. . . . . . . . . . . . .  113 Checking electronic barometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  114
3.10.4 General procedure recommended for the comparison of barometers
at different locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  114
3.10.5 Regional barometer comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  115 Nomenclature and symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  115 System of interregional comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  116 System of international comparison within a Region. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  116
3.11 Adjustment of barometer readings to other levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  117
3.11.1 Standard levels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  117
3.11.2 Low-level stations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  117
3.12 Pressure tendency and pressure tendency characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  118


ANNEX 3.B. REGIONAL STANDARD BAROMETERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  123

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  124



3.1.1 Definition

The atmospheric pressure on a given surface is the force per unit area exerted by virtue of the
weight of the atmosphere above. The pressure is thus equal to the weight of a vertical column of
air above a horizontal projection of the surface, extending to the outer limit of the atmosphere.

Apart from the actual pressure, pressure trend or tendency has to be determined as well. Pressure
tendency is the character and amount of atmospheric pressure change for a 3h or other specified
period ending at the time of observation. Pressure tendency is composed of two parts, namely
the pressure change and the pressure characteristic. The pressure change is the net difference
between pressure readings at the beginning and end of a specified interval of time. The pressure
characteristic is an indication of how the pressure has changed during that period of time, for
example, decreasing then increasing, or increasing and then increasing more rapidly.

3.1.2 Units and scales

The basic unit for atmospheric pressure measurements is the pascal (Pa) (or newton per square
metre). It is accepted practice to add the prefix hecto to this unit when reporting pressure
for meteorological purposes, making the hectopascal (hPa), equal to 100Pa, the preferred
terminology. This is largely because one hectopascal equals one millibar (mbar), the formerly
used unit.

The scales of all barometers used for meteorological purposes should be graduated in hPa. Some
barometers are graduated in millimetres or inches of mercury under standard conditions,
(mmHg)n and (in Hg)n, respectively. When it is clear from the context that standard conditions
are implied, the briefer terms millimetre of mercury or inch of mercury may be used. Under
these standard conditions, a column of mercury having a true scale height of 760(mmHg)n
exerts a pressure of 1013.250hPa.

The following conversion factors will then apply:

1 hPa = 0.750 062 (mm Hg)n

1 (mm Hg)n = 1.333 224 hPa

In the case where the conventional engineering relationship between the inch and the millimetre
is assumed, namely 1in = 25.4mm, the following conversion factors are obtained:

1 hPa = 0.029 530 (in Hg)n

1 (in Hg)n = 33.863 9 hPa
1 (mm Hg)n = 0.039 370 08 (in Hg)n

Scales on mercury barometers for meteorological purposes should be so graduated that they
yield true pressure readings directly in standard units when the entire instrument is maintained
at a standard temperature of 0C and the standard value of gravity is 9.80665ms2.

Barometers may have more than one scale engraved on them, for example, hPa and mm Hg, or
hPa and in Hg, provided that the barometer is correctly calibrated under standard conditions.

Pressure data should be expressed in hectopascals. Hereafter in this chapter only the unit
hectopascal will be used.

3.1.3 Meteorological requirements

Analysed pressure fields are a fundamental requirement of the science of meteorology. It

is imperative that these pressure fields be accurately defined as they form the basis for all
subsequent predictions of the state of the atmosphere. Pressure measurements must be as
accurate as technology will allow, within realistic financial constraints, and there must be
uniformity in the measurement and calibration procedures across national boundaries.

The level of accuracy needed for pressure measurements to satisfy the requirements of various
meteorological applications has been identified by the respective WMO commissions and
is outlined in PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.E, which is the primary reference for measurement
specifications in this Guide. The requirements are as follows:

Measuring range: 500 1080 hPa (both station pressure and mean sea-level pressure)
Required target uncertainty: 0.1 hPa
Reporting resolution: 0.1 hPa
Sensor time-constant: 20 s (for most modern barometers, 2s is achievable see PartI,
Chapter1, Annex1.E)
Output averaging time: 1 min

The above requirements should be considered achievable for new barometers in a strictly
controlled environment, such as those available in a properly equipped laboratory. They provide
an appropriate target accuracy for barometers to meet before their installation in an operational

For barometers installed in an operational environment, practical constraints will require well-
designed equipment for a National Meteorological Service to maintain this target accuracy. Not
only the barometer itself, but the exposure also requires special attention. Nevertheless, the
performance of the operational network station barometer, when calibrated against a standard
barometer whose index errors are known and allowed for, should not be below the stated

3.1.4 Methods of measurement and observation

For meteorological purposes, atmospheric pressure is generally measured with electronic

barometers, mercury barometers, aneroid barometers or hypsometers. The latter class of
instruments, which depends on the relationship between the boiling point of a liquid and the
atmospheric pressure, has so far seen only limited application and will not be discussed in depth
in this publication. A very useful discussion of the performance of digital barometers (which
mostly have electronic read-out) is found in WMO (1992).

Meteorological pressure instruments (barometers) are suitable for use as operational instruments
for measuring atmospheric pressure if they meet the following requirements:

(a) The instruments must be calibrated or controlled regularly against a (working) standard
barometer using approved procedures. The period between two calibrations must be
short enough to ensure that the total absolute measurement error will meet the accuracy
requirements defined in this chapter;

(b) Any variations in the accuracy (long-term and short-term) must be much smaller than
the tolerances outlined in section3.1.3. If some instruments have a history of a drift in
calibration, they will be suitable operationally only if the period between calibrations is
short enough to ensure the required measurement accuracy at all times;

(c) Instrument readings should not be affected by temperature variations. Instruments are
suitable only if:

(i) Procedures for correcting the readings for temperature effects will ensure the required
accuracy; and/or

(ii) The pressure sensor is placed in an environment where the temperature is stabilized so
that the required accuracy will be met.

Some instruments measure the temperature of the pressure sensor in order to compensate
for temperature effects. It is necessary to control and calibrate these temperature-
compensating functions as part of the standard calibration activity;

(d) The instrument must be placed in an environment where external effects will not lead
to measurement errors. These effects include wind, radiation/temperature, shocks and
vibrations, fluctuations in the electrical power supply and pressure shocks. Great care must
be taken when selecting a position for the instrument, particularly for mercury barometers.

It is important that every meteorological observer should fully understand these effects
and be able to assess whether any of them are affecting the accuracy of the readings of the
barometer in use;

(e) The instrument should be quick and easy to read. Instruments must be designed so that the
standard deviation of their readings is less than one third of the stated absolute accuracy;

(f) If the instrument has to be calibrated away from its operational location, the method
of transportation employed must not affect the stability or accuracy of the barometer.
Effects which may alter the calibration of the barometer include mechanical shocks and
vibrations, and displacement from the vertical and large pressure variations such as may be
encountered during transportation by air.

Most barometers with recent designs make use of transducers which transform the sensor
response into pressure-related quantities. These are subsequently processed by using
appropriate electrical integration circuits or data-acquisition systems with appropriate
smoothing algorithms. A time constant of about 10s (and definitely no greater than 20s) is
desirable for most synoptic barometer applications. For mercury barometers, the time constant is
generally not important.

There are several general methods for measuring atmospheric pressure which will be outlined in
the following paragraphs.

Historically, the most extensively used method for measuring the pressure of the atmosphere
involves balancing it against the weight of a column of liquid. For various reasons, the required
accuracy can be conveniently attained only if the liquid used is mercury. Mercury barometers are,
in general, regarded as having good long-term stability and accuracy, but are now losing favour
to equally accurate electronic barometers, which are easier to read.

A membrane of elastic substance, held at the edges, will be deformed if the pressure on one
side is greater than on the other. In practice, this is achieved by using a completely or partially
evacuated closed metal capsule containing a strong metal spring to prevent the capsule from
collapsing due to external atmospheric pressure. Mechanical or electrical means are used to
measure the deformation caused by the pressure differential between the inside and outside of
the capsule. This is the principle of the well-known aneroid barometer.

Pressure sensor elements comprising thin-walled nickel alloy cylinders, surrounded by a vacuum,
have been developed. The natural resonant frequency of these cylinders varies as a function of
the difference in pressure between the inside of the cylinder, which is at ambient atmospheric
pressure, and the outside of the cylinder, which is maintained as a vacuum.

Absolute pressure transducers, which use a crystalline quartz element, are becoming more
commonly used. Pressure exerted via flexible bellows on the crystal face causes a compressive
force on the crystal. On account of the crystals piezoresistive properties, the application of
pressure alters the balance of an active Wheatstone bridge. Balancing the bridge enables
accurate determination of the pressure. These types of pressure transducers are virtually free of
hysteresis effects.

The boiling point of a liquid is a function of the pressure under which it boils. Once this function
has been determined, the temperature at which the liquid boils may be used in a hypsometer to
determine the atmospheric pressure.


There is an increasing move away from the use of mercury barometers because mercury vapour
is highly toxic; free mercury is corrosive to the aluminium alloys used in air frames (for these
reasons there are regulations proscribing the handling or carriage of mercury barometers
in some countries); special lead glass is required for the tube; the barometer is very delicate
and difficult to transport; it is difficult to maintain the instrument and to clean the mercury;
the instrument must be read and corrections applied manually; and other pressure sensors of
equivalent accuracy and stability with electronic read-out are now commonly available.

3.2.1 Construction requirements

The basic principle of a mercury barometer is that the pressure of the atmosphere is balanced
against the weight of a column of mercury. In some barometers, the mercury column is weighed
on a balance, but, for normal meteorological purposes, the length of the mercury column is
measured against a scale graduated in units of pressure.

There are several types of mercury barometers in use at meteorological stations, with the fixed
cistern and the Fortin types being the most common. The length to be measured is the distance
between the top of the mercury column and the upper surface of the mercury in the cistern. Any
change in the length of the mercury column is, of course, accompanied by a change in the level
of the mercury in the cistern. In the Fortin barometer, the level of the mercury in the cistern can
be adjusted to bring it into contact with an ivory pointer, the tip of which is at the zero of the
barometer scale. In the fixed-cistern barometer, often called the Kew-pattern barometer, the
mercury in the cistern does not need to be adjusted as the scale engraved on the barometer is
constructed to allow for changes in the level of the mercury in the cistern.

3.2.2 General requirements

The main requirements of a good mercury station barometer include the following:

(a) Its accuracy should not vary over long periods. In particular, its hysteresis effects should
remain small;

(b) It should be quick and easy to read, and readings should be corrected for all known effects.
The observers employing these corrections must understand their significance to ensure
that the corrections applied are correct and not, in fact, causing a deterioration in the
accuracy of the readings;

(c) It should be transportable without a loss of accuracy;

(d) The bore of the tube should not be less than 7mm and should preferably be 9mm;

(e) The tube should be prepared and filled under vacuum. The purity of the mercury is of
considerable significance. It should be double-distilled, degreased, repeatedly washed, and

(f) The actual temperature for which the scale is assumed to give correct readings, at standard
gravity, should be engraved upon the barometer. The scale should preferably be calibrated
to give correct readings at 0C;

(g) The meniscus should not be flat unless the bore of the tube is large (greater than 20mm);

(h) For a marine barometer, the error at any point should not exceed 0.5hPa.

The response time for mercury barometers at land stations is usually very small compared with
that of marine barometers and instruments for measuring temperature, humidity and wind.

3.2.3 Standard conditions

Given that the length of the mercury column of a barometer depends on other factors, especially
on temperature and gravity, in addition to the atmospheric pressure, it is necessary to specify
the standard conditions under which the barometer should theoretically yield true pressure
readings. The following standards are laid down in the international barometer conventions. Standard temperature and density of mercury

The standard temperature to which mercury barometer readings are reduced to remove errors
associated with the temperature-induced change in the density of mercury is 0C.

The standard density of mercury at 0 C is taken to be 1.359 51 10 4kgm3 and, for the purpose
of calculating absolute pressure using the hydrostatic equation, the mercury in the column of a
barometer is treated as an incompressible fluid.

The density of impure mercury is different from that of pure mercury. Hence, a barometer
containing impure mercury will produce reading errors as the indicated pressure is proportional
to the density of mercury. Standard gravity

Barometric readings have to be reduced from the local acceleration of gravity to standard
(normal) gravity. The value of standard gravity (gn) is regarded as a conventional constant,

Note: The need to adopt an arbitrary reference value for the acceleration of gravity is explained in WMO (1966).
This value cannot be precisely related to the measured or theoretical value of the acceleration of gravity in specified
conditions, for example, sea level at latitude 45, because such values are likely to change as new experimental data
become available.

3.2.4 Reading mercury barometers

When making an observation with a mercury barometer, the attached thermometer should
be read first. This reading should be taken as quickly as possible, as the temperature of the
thermometer may rise owing to the presence of the observer. The barometer should be tapped
a few times with the finger in two places, one adjacent to the meniscus and the other near the
cistern, so as to stabilize the mercury surfaces. If the barometer is not of a fixed-cistern type,
the necessary adjustment should be made to bring the mercury in the cistern into contact with
the fiducial pointer. Lastly, the vernier should be set to the meniscus and the reading taken. The
vernier is correctly adjusted when its horizontal lower edge appears to be touching the highest
part of the meniscus; with a magnifying glass it should be possible to see an exceedingly narrow
strip of light between the vernier and the top of the mercury surface. Under no circumstances
should the vernier cut off the top of the meniscus. The observers eye should be in such a
position that both front and back lower edges of the vernier are in the line of vision. Accuracy of readings

The reading should be taken to the nearest 0.1hPa. Usually it is not possible to read the vernier to
any greater accuracy.

Optical and digital systems have been developed to improve the reading of mercury barometers.
Although they normally ease the observations, such systems may also introduce new sources of
error, unless they have been carefully designed and calibrated. Changes in index correction

Any change in the index correction shown during an inspection should be considered on its
merits, keeping in mind the following:

(a) The history of the barometer;

(b) The experience of the inspector in comparison work;

(c) The magnitude of the observed change;

(d) The standard deviation of the differences;

(e) The availability of a spare barometer at the station, the correction of which is known with

(f) The behaviour of travelling standards during the tour;

(g) The agreement, or otherwise, of the pressure readings of the station with those of
neighbouring stations on the daily synoptic chart if the change is accepted;

(h) Whether or not the instrument was cleaned before comparison.

Changes in index errors of station barometers, referred to as drift, are caused by:

(a) Variations in the capillary depression of the mercury surfaces due to contamination of
the mercury. In areas of severe atmospheric pollution from industrial sources, mercury
contamination may constitute a serious problem and may require relatively frequent
cleaning of the mercury and the barometer cistern;

(b) The rise of air bubbles through the mercury column to the space above.

These changes may be erratic, or consistently positive or negative, depending on the cause.

Changes in index correction are also caused by:

(a) Observer error resulting from failure to tap the barometer before taking the reading and
improper setting of the vernier and fiducial point;

(b) Lack of temperature equilibrium in either the station barometer or the travelling standard;

(c) Non-simultaneity of readings when the pressure is changing rapidly.

Such changes can be caused by accidental displacement of the adjustable scale and the
shrinkage or loosening of fiducial points in Fortin-type barometers. Permissible changes in index correction

Changes in index correction should be treated as follows:

(a) A change in correction within 0.1 hPa may be neglected unless persistent;

(b) A change in correction exceeding 0.1 hPa but not exceeding 0.3hPa may be provisionally
accepted unless confirmed by at least one subsequent inspection;

(c) A change in correction exceeding 0.3 hPa may be accepted provisionally only if the
barometer is cleaned and a spare barometer with known correction is not available.
This barometer should be replaced as soon as a correctly calibrated barometer becomes

Barometers with changes in index correction identified in (b) and (c) above warrant close
attention. They should be recalibrated or replaced as soon as practicable.

The same criteria apply to changes in the index corrections of the travelling standards as those
applied as to station barometers. A change in correction of less than 0.1hPa may be neglected
unless persistent. A larger change in correction should be confirmed and accepted only after
repeated comparisons. The before and after tour index corrections of the travelling standard
should not differ by more than 0.1hPa. Only barometers with a long history of consistent
corrections should, therefore, be used as travelling standards.

3.2.5 Correction of barometer readings to standard conditions

In order to transform barometer readings taken at different times and different places into usable
atmospheric pressure values, the following corrections should be made:

(a) Correction for index error;

(b) Correction for gravity;

(c) Correction for temperature.

For a large number of operational meteorological applications, it is possible to obtain acceptable

results by following the barometer manufacturers instructions, provided that it is clear that these
procedures give pressure readings of the required uncertainty. However, if these results are not
satisfactory or if higher precision is required, detailed procedures should be followed to correct
for the above factors; these procedures are described in Annex3.A.

3.2.6 Errors and faults with mercury barometers Uncertainties as to the temperature of the instrument

The temperature indicated by the attached thermometer will not usually be identical to the
mean temperature of the mercury, the scale and the cistern. The resultant error can be reduced
by favourable exposure and by using a suitable observation procedure. Attention is drawn to the
frequent existence of a large, stable vertical temperature gradient in a room, which may cause a
considerable difference between the temperature of the upper and lower parts of the barometer.
An electric fan can prevent such a temperature distribution but may cause local pressure
variations and should be switched off before an observation is made. Under normal conditions,
the error associated with the temperature reduction will not exceed 0.1hPa if such precautions
are taken. Defective vacuum space

It is usually assumed that there is a perfect vacuum, or only a negligible amount of gas, above the
mercury column when the instrument is calibrated. Any change in this respect will cause an error
in pressure readings. A rough test for the presence of gas in the barometer tube can be made by
tilting the tube and listening for the click when the mercury reaches the top, or by examining
the closed end for the presence of a bubble, which should not exceed 1.5mm in diameter when
the barometer is inclined. The existence of water vapour cannot be detected in this way, as it is
condensed when the volume decreases. According to Boyles Law, the error caused by air and

unsaturated water vapour in the space will be inversely proportional to the volume above the
mercury. The only satisfactory way to overcome this error is by conducting a recalibration over
the entire scale; if the error is large, the barometer tube should be refilled or replaced. The capillary depression of the mercury surfaces

The height of the meniscus and the capillary depression,1 for a given tube, may change with the
ageing of the glass tube, mercury contamination, pressure tendency, and the position of the
mercury in the tube. As far as is practicable, the mean height of the meniscus should be observed
during the original calibration and noted on the barometer certificate. No corrections should
be made for departures from the original meniscus height, and the information should be used
only as an indication of the need, or otherwise, to overhaul or recalibrate the barometer. A 1mm
change in the height of the meniscus (from 1.8 to 0.8mm) for an 8mm tube may cause an error
of about 0.5hPa in the pressure readings.

It should be noted that large variations in the angle of contact between the mercury and the wall
of the cistern in a fixed-cistern barometer may cause small but appreciable errors in the observed
pressure. Lack of verticality

If the bottom of a symmetrical barometer of normal length (about 90cm), which hangs freely, is
displaced by about 6mm from the vertical position, the indicated pressure will be about 0.02hPa
too high. Such barometers generally hang more truly vertical than this.

In the case of an asymmetrical barometer, however, this source of error is more critical. For
example, if the fiducial pointer in the cistern is about 12mm from the axis, the cistern needs to be
displaced by only about 1mm from the vertical to cause an error of 0.02hPa. General accuracy of the corrected pressure readings

The standard deviation of a single, corrected barometer reading at an ordinary meteorological

station should be within 0.1hPa. This error will mainly be the result of the unavoidable
uncertainty in the instrument correction, the uncertainty concerning the temperature of the
instrument, and the error caused by the pumping effect of wind gusts on the mercury surface.

3.2.7 Safety precautions for the use of mercury

Mercury is used in relatively large quantities in barometers and, because it is poisonous, must be
handled with care. Elemental mercury is a liquid at temperatures and pressures experienced at
the Earths surface. Mercury vapour forms in the air whenever liquid mercury is present. Mercury
can be absorbed through the skin in both liquid and gaseous states and can be inhaled as a
vapour. The properties of mercury are described by Sax (1975). In many countries, precautions
for its use are prescribed by regulations governing the handling of hazardous goods. The
Minamata Convention on Mercury of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
entered into force in October2013 and will have a significant impact on the use of mercury for
meteorological applications.

A large dose of mercury may cause acute poisoning. It can also accumulate in the bodys hard
and soft tissues and prolonged exposure to even a low dose can cause long-term damage to
organs, or even death. Mercury mainly affects the central nervous system, and the mouth and
gums, with symptoms that include pain, loosening of teeth, allergic reactions, tremors and
psychological disturbance.

Capillary depression is a reduction in height of the meniscus of a liquid contained in a tube where the liquid (such as
mercury) does not wet the walls of the tube. The meniscus is shaped convex upward.

For barometric applications, the main risks occur in laboratories where barometers are frequently
emptied or filled. There may also be problems in meteorological stations if quantities of mercury,
for example from a broken barometer, are allowed to remain in places where it may continuously
vaporize into an enclosed room where people work.

A danger exists even if the mercury is properly contained and if it is cleaned up after an accident.
The following points must be considered when using mercury:

(a) Vessels containing mercury must be well sealed and not likely to leak or easily break, and
must be regularly inspected;

(b) The floor of a room where mercury is stored or used in large quantities should have a
sealed, impervious and crack-free floor covering, such as PVC. Small cracks in the floor, such
as those between floor tiles, will trap mercury droplets. It is preferable to have the flooring
material curving up the walls by approximately 10cm, leaving no joint between the floor
and the walls at floor level;

(c) Mercury must not be stored in a metal container as it reacts with almost all metals, except
iron, forming an amalgam which may also be hazardous. Mercury should not come into
contact with any other metallic object;

(d) Mercury must not be stored with other chemicals, especially amines, ammonia or acetylene;

(e) Large quantities of mercury should always be stored and handled in a well-ventilated room.
The raw material should be handled in a good-quality fume cupboard;

(f) Mercury should never be stored near a heat source of any kind as it has a relatively low
boiling point (357C) and may produce hazardous concentrations of toxic vapour,
especially during a fire;

(g) If mercury is handled, the room where it is used and the personnel using it should be
regularly tested to determine if hazardous quantities of mercury are being encountered.

Under the Minamata Convention, imports and exports of mercury will no longer be allowed.
In this context, the production, import and export of mercury-added products such as
thermometers will be stopped by 2020. The Convention states that [e]ach party shall not allow,
by taking appropriate measures, the manufacture, import or export of mercury-added products
listed in PartI of AnnexA [of the Convention] after the phase-out date specified for those
products (UNEP, 2013). More specifically, this list includes:

The following non-electronic measuring devices except non-electronic

measuring devices installed in large-scale equipment or those used for high
precision measurement, where no suitable mercury-free alternative is available:

(a) barometers;

(b) hygrometers;

(c) manometers;

(d) thermometers;

(e) sphygmomanometers. Spillages and disposal

The two common methods of cleaning up mercury spillages are either with a suitable aspirated
pick-up system, as outlined below, or by adsorption/amalgamation of the mercury onto a

Mercury should be cleaned up immediately. The operator should wear PVC gloves or gauntlets,
safety goggles and, for significant spills, a respirator fitted with a mercury vapour cartridge.

Depending upon how large the spillage is, the mercury will be picked up by using a vacuum
system; an adsorption kit should then be used to clean up the small droplets. The use of an
adsorption kit is imperative because, during a spillage, dozens of small droplets of less than
0.02mm in diameter will adhere to surfaces and cannot be efficiently removed with a vacuum

In an aspirated pick-up system, the mercury is drawn through a small-diameter plastic tube into
a glass flask with approximately 3cm of water in the bottom, with the tube opening being below
the water line in the flask. One end of a larger diameter plastic tube is connected to the air space
above the water in the flask, and the other end is connected to a vacuum cleaner or vacuum
pump. The water prevents the mercury vapour or droplets from being drawn into the vacuum
cleaner or pump. The slurry is then placed in a clearly labelled plastic container for disposal.

By using adsorption material, a variety of compounds can be used to adsorb or amalgamate

mercury. These include zinc powder, sulphur flour or activated carbon. Commercial kits are
available for cleaning up mercury spills. The powder is sprinkled on the spill and allowed to
adsorb or amalgamate the mercury. The resulting powder is swept up and placed in a clearly
labelled plastic container for disposal.

The collected mercury can be either disposed of or recovered. Details on how to dispose of
mercury can be obtained from local authorities and/or the supplier. The supplier can also advise
on recovery and purification. Fire

Mercury will not burn but does give off significant concentrations of toxic fumes. After a fire, the
mercury vapour will condense on the nearest cool surfaces, contaminating large areas and being
adsorbed onto open surfaces, such as carbonized timber. During a fire, evacuate the area and
remain upwind of any fumes. Advise the fire authorities of the location and quantity of mercury
involved. Transportation

The transportation by air of mercury or instruments containing mercury is regulated by the

International Air Transport Association. Airlines will provide the specific conditions for such
transport upon request. Transportation by rail or road is usually governed by the hazardous
material regulations in each country.

In general, metallic mercury must be packed in glass or plastic containers. The containers
should be packed with sufficient cushioning to prevent breakage and should be clearly labelled.
Mercury-containing instruments should be packed in a strong cushioned case which is leak-proof
and impervious to mercury.


Most barometers with recent designs make use of transducers which transform the sensor
response into a pressure-related electrical quantity in the form of either analogue signals, for
example, voltage (DC or AC with a frequency related to the actual pressure), or digital signals, for
example, pulse frequency or with standard data communication protocols such as RS232, RS422,
RS485 or IEEE488. Analogue signals can be displayed on a variety of electronic meters. Monitors
and data-acquisition systems, such as those used in automatic weather stations, are frequently
used to display digital outputs or digitized analogue outputs.

Current digital barometer technology employs various levels of redundancy to improve the long-
term stability and accuracy of the measurements. One technique is to use three independently
operating sensors under centralized microprocessor control. Even higher stability and

reliability can be achieved by using three completely independent barometers, incorporating

three sets of pressure transducers and microprocessors. Each configuration has automatic
temperature compensation from internally mounted temperature sensors. Triple redundancy
ensures excellent long-term stability and measurement accuracy, even in the most demanding
applications. These approaches allow for continuous monitoring and verification of the individual
sensor performances.

The use of digital barometers introduces some particular operational requirements, especially
when they are used with automatic weather stations, and formal recommendations exist to
ensure good practice (see the Abridged Final Report of the Eleventh Session of the Commission
for Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO-No.807), AnnexVII). Meteorological
organizations should:

(a) Control or re-adjust the calibration setting of digital barometers upon receipt and repeat
these operations regularly (annually, until the rate of drift is determined);

(b) Ensure regular calibration of digital barometers and investigate the possibility of using
calibration facilities available nationally for this purpose;

(c) Consider that certain types of digital barometers may be used as travelling standards
because of their portability and good short-term stability;

(d) Consider that the selection of a specific type of digital barometer should not only be based
on stated instrument specifications but also on environmental conditions and maintenance

Manufacturers should:

(a) Improve the temperature independence and the long-term stability of digital barometers;

(b) Use standardized communication interfaces and protocols for data transmission;

(c) Enable the power supply of a digital barometer to function over a large range of DC
voltages (for example, 5 to 28VDC).

3.3.1 Aneroid displacement transducers

Contact-free measurement of the displacement of the aneroid capsule is a virtual necessity

as regards precision pressure-measuring instruments for meteorological applications. A
wide variety of such transducers are in use, including capacitive displacement detectors,
potentiometric displacement detectors, strain gauges placed at strategic points on the sensor,
and force-balanced servo-systems which keep the sensor dimensions constant regardless of

All sensitive components must be encased in a die-cast housing. This housing must be kept at
a constant temperature by an electronically controlled heater. Condensation of water must be
completely prevented. An effective technique is to put a hygroscopic agent, such as silica gel
crystals, into the die-cast housing and to prevent water vapour diffusion into the housing by
connecting a long plastic tube (approximately 25m) with a bore of 2mm or less between the
pressure port and a static head (see section3.8.1).

The pressure-sensor housing must be airtight, allowing external connection to the compartment
where the pressure is to be measured.

3.3.2 Digital piezoresistive barometers

Measurements of atmospheric pressure have become possible by utilizing the piezoelectric

(piezoresistive) effect. A common configuration features four measuring resistors placed onto the
flexible surface of a monolithic silicon substratum interconnected to form a Wheatstone bridge

Axially loaded crystalline quartz elements are used in digital piezoresistive barometers and
are a type of absolute pressure transducer. Crystalline quartz has been chosen because of its
piezoelectric properties, stable frequency characteristics, small temperature effects and precisely
reproducible frequency characteristics. Pressure applied to an inlet port causes an upward axial
force by means of flexible bellows, thus resulting in a compressive force on the quartz crystal
element. Since the crystal element is a substantially rigid membrane, the entire mechanical
structure is constrained to minute deflections, thereby virtually eliminating mechanical

The fully active Wheatstone bridge mentioned above may consist either of semiconductor
strain gauges or piezoresistive gauges. The strain gauges are either bonded to a thin circular
diaphragm, which is clamped along its circumference, or atomically diffused into a silicon
diaphragm configuration. In the case of diffused devices, the silicon integrated chip itself is
the diaphragm. Applied pressure presents a distributed load to the diaphragm which, in turn,
provides bending stress and resultant strains to which the strain gauges react. This stress creates
a strain that is proportional to the applied pressure and which results in a bridge imbalance. The
bridge output is then proportional to the net difference in pressure acting upon the diaphragm.

This mode of operation is based on the fact that the atmospheric pressure acts on the sensor
element covering a small evacuated cell, through which the resistors are submitted to
compressive and tensile stresses. By the piezoelectric effect, the values of resistance change
proportionally with atmospheric pressure. To eliminate temperature errors, the sensor often
incorporates a built-in thermostat.

The output from the Wheatstone bridge, which is fed from a direct-current source, is transduced
into a standard signal by an appropriate amplifier. A light-emitting diode or liquid crystal display
usually presents the measured pressure values.

In a modern version of the pressure transducer using a piezoelectric transducer, two resonance
frequencies of the piezoelectric element are determined. By calculating a linear function of these
frequencies and with an appropriate set of variables obtained after calibration, a pressure is
calculated by a microprocessor which is independent of the temperature of the sensor.

3.3.3 Cylindrical resonator barometers

Cylindrical resonator barometers use a sensing element which is a thin-walled cylinder of nickel
alloy. This is electromagnetically maintained in a hoop mode of vibration. The input pressure is
sensed by the variation it produces in the natural resonant frequency of the vibrating mechanical
system. Cylinder wall movement is sensed by a pick-up coil whose signal is amplified and fed
back to a drive coil. The air pressure to be measured is admitted to the inside of the cylinder,
with a vacuum reference maintained on the outside. The natural resonant frequency of vibration
then varies precisely with the stress set up in the wall due to the pressure difference across it. An
increase in pressure gives rise to an increase in frequency.

The thin cylinder has sufficient rigidity and mass to cater for the pressure ranges over which it is
designed to operate, and is mounted on a solid base. The cylinder is placed in a vacuum chamber
and its inlet is connected to the free atmosphere for meteorological applications. Since there is a
unique relationship between the natural resonant frequency of the cylinder and the pressure, the
atmospheric pressure can be calculated from the measured resonant frequency. However, this
relationship, determined during calibration, depends on the temperature and the density of the
gas. Temperature compensation is therefore required and the air should be dried before it enters
the inlet.

3.3.4 Reading electronic barometers

An electronic barometer measures the atmospheric pressure of the surrounding space or any
space that is connected to it via a tube. In general, the barometer should be set to read the
pressure at the level of the instrument. On board a ship or at low-level land stations, however,
the instrument may be set to indicate the pressure at mean sea level, provided that the difference
between the station pressure and the sea-level pressure can be regarded as constant.

Electronic barometers give accurate readings on a digital read-out, normally scaled in hPa but
readily adaptable to other units, if required. Provision can usually be made for digital recording.
Trend in pressure changes can be presented if the unit is microprocessor-controlled.

The accuracy of electronic barometers depends on the accuracy of the barometers calibration,
the effectiveness of the barometers temperature compensation (residual air method,
temperature measurement and correction, use of a thermostat) and the drift with time of the
barometers calibration.

Circuits may be attached to primary transducers which correct the primary output for sensor
non-linearities and temperature effects and which convert output to standard units. Standard
modern barometer versions comprise the barometer sensor, the microcomputer unit (including
the display) and an interface circuit to communicate with any data logger or automatic weather

Electronic barometers which have more than one transducer or sensing element generally
calculate a weighted mean of the outputs from each of the sensors and establish the resultant
pressure with a resolution of 0.1hPa. During calibration, each of the sensing elements can be
checked with a resolution of 0.01hPa. This should not lead operators to believe that the sensor
accuracy is better than 0.1hPa (see section3.10.3.4).

3.3.5 Errors and faults with electronic barometers Calibration drift

Calibration drift is one of the key sources of error with electronic barometers. It is often greater
when the barometer is new and decreases with the passage of time. Step jumps in calibration
may occur.

In order to maintain the acceptable performance of a barometer, the calibration corrections

applied to the readings must be checked at relatively frequent intervals, for example, annually,
for early detection and replacement of defective sensors.

The need to check frequently the calibration of electronic barometers imposes an additional
burden on National Meteorological Services, particularly on those with extensive barometer
networks. The ongoing cost of calibration must be taken into consideration when planning to
replace mercury barometers with electronic barometers. Temperature

Electronic barometers must be kept at a constant temperature if the calibration is to be

maintained. It is also preferable that the temperature be near the calibration temperature.
However, many commercially available electronic barometers are not temperature-controlled
and are prone to greater error. Most depend on accurate temperature measurement of the
sensing element and electronic correction of the pressure. This assumes that there are no thermal
gradients within the sensing element of the barometer. In situations where the temperature
changes reasonably quickly, this can result in short-term hysteresis errors in the measured

The change in calibration is also highly dependent on the thermal history of the barometer.
Prolonged exposure to temperatures that differ from the calibration temperature can result in
medium to long-term calibration shifts.

The electronics of the barometer can also introduce errors if it is not held at the same temperature
as the sensor element. Electronic barometers are very often used in extreme climatic conditions,
especially in automatic weather stations. In these situations, the barometer can be exposed to
temperatures well in excess of its manufacturers design and calibration specifications. Electrical interference

As with all sensitive electronic measurement devices, electronic barometers should be shielded
and kept away from sources of strong magnetic fields, such as transformers, computers, radar,
and so forth. Although this is not often a problem, it can cause an increase in noise, with a
resultant decrease in the precision of the device. Nature of operation

Apparent changes in the calibration of an electronic barometer can be caused by differences in

the way in which the barometer is operated during calibration, as compared with its operational
use. A pressure read on a barometer that is run continuously and, therefore, warmed up will read
differently from that read in a pulsed fashion every few seconds.


3.4.1 Construction requirements

The greatest advantages of conventional aneroid barometers over mercury barometers are their
compactness and portability, which make them particularly convenient for use at sea or in the
field. The principal components are a closed metal chamber, completely or partly evacuated,
and a strong spring system that prevents the chamber from collapsing under the external
atmospheric pressure. At any given pressure, there will be an equilibrium between the force
caused by the spring and that of the external pressure.

The aneroid chamber may be made of materials (steel or beryllium copper) that have elastic
properties such that the chamber itself can act as a spring.

A means is required to detect and display the changes in deflection which occur. This may be
a system of levers that amplify the deflections and drive a pointer over a scale graduated to
indicate the pressure. Alternatively, a ray of light may be deviated over the scale. Instead of these
mechanical analogue techniques, certain barometers are provided with a manually operated
micrometer whose counter indicates the pressure directly in tenths of a hectopascal. A reading
is taken when a luminous indicator signals that the micrometer has just made contact with the
aneroid. This type of aneroid is portable and robust.

3.4.2 Accuracy requirements

The chief requirements of a good aneroid barometer are as follows:

(a) It should be compensated for temperature so that the reading does not change by more
than 0.3hPa for a change in temperature of 30K;

(b) The scale errors at any point should not exceed 0.3hPa and should remain within this
tolerance over periods of at least one year, when in normal use;

(c) The hysteresis should be sufficiently small to ensure that the difference in reading before
a change in pressure of 50hPa and after a return to the original value does not exceed

(d) It should be capable of withstanding ordinary transit risks without introducing inaccuracies
beyond the limits specified above.

3.4.3 Reading aneroid barometers Accuracy of readings

An aneroid barometer should always be read in the same orientation (vertical or horizontal) as
during calibration. It should be tapped lightly before being read. As far as possible, it should be
read to the nearest 0.1hPa. Optical and digital devices are available for improving the reading
accuracy and reducing the errors caused by mechanical levers. Corrections applied to aneroid barometers

In general, aneroid barometers should be set to read the pressure at the level of the instrument.
On board a ship or at low-lying land stations, however, the instrument may be set to indicate
the pressure at mean sea level, provided that the difference between the station pressure
and the sea-level pressure can be regarded as constant. The readings should be corrected for
instrumental errors, but the instrument is usually assumed to be sufficiently compensated for
temperature, and it needs no correction for gravity.

3.4.4 Errors and faults with aneroid barometers Incomplete compensation for temperature

In an aneroid barometer, if the spring is weakened by an increase in temperature, the pressure

indicated by the instrument will be too high. This effect is generally compensated for in one of
the following ways:

(a) By means of a bimetallic link in the lever system; or

(b) By leaving a certain amount of gas inside the aneroid chamber.

In most ordinary aneroid barometers, the compensation obtained by these methods is complete
only at one particular compensation pressure. It is desirable that all aneroid barometers and
barographs used at meteorological stations should be properly compensated for temperatures
over the full range of pressure. In digital read-out systems suitable for automation, such complete
corrections can be applied as part of the electronic system. Elasticity errors

An aneroid barometer may be subjected to a large and rapid change in pressure. For example,
a strong gust of wind would cause an aneroid barometer to experience a rapid increase in
pressure followed by a more gradual return to the original value. In such circumstances, the
instrument will, owing to hysteresis, indicate a slightly different reading from the true pressure; a
considerable time may elapse before this difference becomes negligible. However, since aneroids
and barographs at surface stations are not usually directly exposed to such pressure changes,
their hysteresis errors are not excessive.

There is also a secular error caused by slow changes in the metal of the aneroid capsule. This
effect can be allowed for only by comparison at regular intervals, for example, annually, with
a standard barometer. A good aneroid barometer should retain an accuracy of 0.1hPa over

a period of one year or more. In order to detect departures from this accuracy by individual
barometers, a regular inspection procedure with calibration and adjustment as necessary should
be instituted.


3.5.1 General requirements

Of the various types of barographs, only the aneroid barograph will be dealt with in detail here.
For synoptic purposes, it is recommended that charts for barographs:

(a) Be graduated in hPa;

(b) Be readable to 0.1 hPa;

(c) Have a scale factor of 10 hPa to 1.5 cm on the chart.

In addition, the following requirements are desirable:

(a) The barograph should employ a first-class aneroid unit (see section3.5.2);

(b) The barograph should be compensated for temperature, so that the reading does not
change by more than 1hPa for a 20K change in temperature;

(c) Scale errors should not exceed 1.5 hPa at any point;

(d) Hysteresis should be sufficiently small to ensure that the difference in reading before a
change in pressure of 50hPa and after a return to the original value does not exceed 1hPa;

(e) There should be a time-marking arrangement that allows the marks to be made without
lifting the cover;

(f) The pen arm should be pivoted in a gate, the axis of which should be inclined in such a
way that the pen rests on the chart through the effects of gravity. A means of adjustment
should be provided for setting the position of the pen.

Marine barographs are subject to special requirements, which are considered in PartII,

3.5.2 Construction of barographs

The principle of the aneroid barograph is similar to that of the aneroid barometer, except that a
recording pen is used instead of a pointer. This involves some change in the design of the capsule
stack, and usually means a decrease in the overall magnification and an increase in the number
and size of the capsules used.

The control of the barograph may be expressed as the force required to move the pointer over
one unit of the scale (1hPa) and is, thus, equal to the force required to prevent the pen from
moving when the pressure changes by 1hPa. It is a measure of the effect that friction is likely to
have on the details of the record.

The force required to overcome the movement of the capsule when the pressure changes
by 1hPa is 100Anewtons, where A is the effective cross-sectional area of the capsule in
square metres. If the magnification is X, the force necessary to keep the pen from moving is
100A/Xnewtons and varies as A/X. For a given type of capsule and scale value, the value of X will
be largely independent of A, so that the control of a barograph pen may be considered to vary
approximately with the effective cross-sectional area of the capsule.

3.5.3 Sources of error and inaccuracy

In addition to the sources of error mentioned for the aneroid (see section3.4.4), the friction
between the pen and the paper is important. The control of the pen depends largely on the
effective cross-section of the aneroid. In a well-made barograph, the friction of the pen is
appreciably greater than the total friction at all the pivots and bearings of the instrument; special
attention should, therefore, be given to reduce such errors, for example, by having a sufficiently
large aneroid capsule.

A first-class barograph should be capable of an uncertainty of about 0.2hPa after corrections

have been applied and should not alter for a period of one or two months. The barometric
change read from such a barograph should usually be obtained within the same limits.

3.5.4 Instruments with data-processing capability

A barometer suitable for automated reading can be linked to a computer, typically a

microprocessor, which can be programmed to provide suitably sampled data. These data, in
turn, can be presented graphically to provide records similar to those supplied by a barograph.
Models are available that print their own scales, thereby eliminating one source of error.

3.5.5 Reading a barograph

The barograph should be read without touching the instrument. The time mark and any
inspection of the instrument involving lifting the cover, and so on, should always be made after
the reading is completed. Accuracy of readings

The chart should be read to the nearest 0.1hPa. The barometric change should be obtained
within the same resolution limits. Corrections to be applied to barograph readings

The temperature compensation of each individual instrument should be tested before the
instrument is used, and the scale factor should be adjusted by testing in a vacuum chamber. If
the barograph is used only to find the barometric change, the corrections are not usually applied
to the readings. In this case, the accurate setting of the pen position is not important. When
absolute pressure values are required from the barograph, the record should be compared with
the corrected readings of a mercury barometer or a good aneroid barometer at least once every
24h and the desired values found by interpolation.


Bourdon-tube barometers usually consist of a sensor element that, as for an aneroid capsule,
changes its shape under the influence of pressure changes (pressure transducers) and a
transducer that transforms the changes into a form directly usable by the observer. The display
may be remote from the sensor. Precise and stable digital instruments with quartz Bourdon
tubes are used as working reference barometers in calibration laboratories.


Two methods are available to stations making observations at least every 3h as follows:

(a) The change can be read from the barograph; or

(b) The change can be obtained from appropriate readings of the barometer, corrected to
station level. If the choice is between an ordinary mercury barometer and a first-class open-
scale barograph, the latter should be selected for the reasons outlined below.

The error of a single barometric reading is mainly random, assuming that the barometer
functions perfectly. Therefore, when two independent readings are subtracted to find the
amount of change, the errors may be cumulative. Barograph errors are partly systematic in
nature, so that in the relatively short period of 3h, the errors are likely to have the same sign and
would, therefore, be diminished by subtraction.

A further reason for using the barograph is the convenience of avoiding the need to correct
barometric readings to station level. In any case, the barograph must be used to ascertain the
characteristic of the barometric change.

Barometers with digital displays are also very suitable for determining the magnitude and
character of a pressure change.


It is important that the location of barometers at observation stations be selected with great care.
The main requirements of the place of exposure are uniform temperature, good light, a draught-
free environment, a solid and vertical mounting, and protection against rough handling. The
instrument should, therefore, be hung or placed in a room in which the temperature is constant,
or changes only slowly, and in which gradients of temperature do not occur. The barometer
should be shielded from direct sunshine at all times and should not be placed near any heating
apparatus or where there is a draught.

3.8.1 The effect of wind

It should be noted that the effects of wind apply to all types of barometers. More information on
wind effects is found in Liu and Darkow (1989).

A barometer will not give a true reading of the static pressure if it is influenced by gusty wind. Its
reading will fluctuate with the wind speed and direction and with the magnitude and sign of the
fluctuations, depending also on the nature of the rooms openings and their position in relation
to the direction of the wind. At sea, error is always present due to the ships motion. A similar
problem will arise if the barometer is installed in an air-conditioned room.

Wind can often cause dynamic changes of pressure in the room where the barometer is placed.
These fluctuations are superimposed on the static pressure and, with strong and gusty wind,
may amount to 2 or 3hPa. It is usually impractical to correct for such fluctuations because the
pumping effect on the mercury surface is dependent on both the direction and the force of
the wind, as well as on the local circumstances of the barometers location. Thus, the mean
value does not only represent the true static pressure. When comparing barometers in different
buildings, the possibility of a difference in readings due to the wind effect should be borne in

It is possible to overcome this effect to a very large extent by using a static head between the
exterior atmosphere and the inlet port of the sensor. Details concerning the operating principles
of static heads can be found in several publications (Miksad, 1976; United States Weather Bureau,
1963). For a mercury barometer, the barometer cistern must be made airtight except for a lead

to a special head exposed to the atmosphere and designed to ensure that the pressure inside is
true static pressure. Aneroid and electronic barometers usually have simple connections to allow
for the use of a static head, which should be located in an open environment not affected by
the proximity of buildings. The design of such a head requires careful attention. Static pressure
heads are commercially available, but there is no published literature on intercomparisons to
demonstrate their performance.

3.8.2 The effects of air conditioning

Air conditioning may create a significant pressure differential between the inside and outside of a
room. Therefore, if a barometer is to be installed in an air-conditioned room, it is advisable to use
a static head with the barometer which will couple it to the air outside the building.


3.9.1 Exposure of mercury barometers

The general exposure requirements of mercury barometers have been outlined in the preceding
sections. Mercury barometers have additional exposure requirements above those already
mentioned. It is always preferable to hang the mercury barometer on an inside wall. For very
accurate work, the best position would be in an unheated basement room with no windows and
with a small electric fan to prevent any stratification of temperature.

In order to obtain uniform lighting conditions for reading the barometer, it is advisable to use
artificial lighting for all observations. For this purpose, some sort of illuminator which can
provide a white and slightly luminous background for the mercury meniscus and, if necessary, for
the fiducial point may be provided. If no illuminator is used, care should be taken to provide the
meniscus and the fiducial point with a light background, by such means as pieces of milk glass,
white celluloid, or a sheet of white paper. Artificial light should also be provided for reading the
barometer scale and the attached thermometer. Care should, however, be taken to guard against
heating the barometer with artificial light during a barometer reading.

The barometer should be mounted in a place where it is not subject to vibration, preferably on
a solid wall. The instrument must be mounted with the mercury column in a vertical position.
Errors due to departure from verticality are more critical for asymmetric barometers. Such
barometers should be mounted with their longest axis vertical in order that a true setting of the
mercury surface to the fiducial point remains correct even when the instruments are tilted from
the vertical.

To protect the barometer from rough handling, dust and air currents, it is recommended that
the instrument be placed in a box furnished with a hinged door with provisions for sufficient
ventilation to prevent stratification of the air inside.

Great care should be taken when transporting a mercury barometer. The safest method is to
carry the barometer upside down in a wooden case furnished with a sling. If the barometer
cannot be accompanied by a responsible person, it ought to be transported in a suitable sprung
crate with the cistern uppermost. The barometer should not be subject to violent movements
and must always be turned over very slowly. Special precautions must be taken for some
individual types of barometers before the instrument is turned over.

3.9.2 Exposure of electronic barometers

Electronic barometers require a clean, dry atmosphere that is free of corrosive substances. The
barometer should also be kept at a constant temperature (see section3.3.5.2). The instrument

should be mounted in such a manner as to avoid mechanical shock and vibration. It should also
be mounted away from electromagnetic sources, where this is not possible, the wires and casing
should be shielded.

Barometers with digital read-outs should be mounted where there is good general lighting, but
should not face a window or other strong light sources.

3.9.3 Exposure of aneroid barometers

The exposure requirements for aneroid barometers are similar to those for mercury barometers
(see section3.9.1) owing to the fact that such instruments may not be perfectly compensated
for the effects of temperature. The place selected for mounting the device should preferably
have a fairly uniform temperature throughout the day. Therefore, a location is required where
the barometer is shielded from the direct rays of the sun and from other sources of either heat or
cold, which can cause abrupt and marked changes in its temperature.

At land stations, it is an advantage to have the aneroid barometer installed in the vicinity of a
mercury barometer for cross-checking and standardization purposes (see section3.10).

3.9.4 Exposure of barographs

The barograph should be installed where it is protected from sudden changes in temperature
and from vibration and dust. It should not be exposed to direct sunshine. The barograph should
also be placed at a location where it is unlikely to be tampered with by unauthorized persons.
Mounting the barograph on a sponge rubber cushion is a convenient means of reducing the
effects of vibration. The site selected should be clean and dry. The air should also be relatively
free of substances which would cause corrosion, fouling of the mechanism, and the like.

It is important to mount the instrument so that its face will be at a convenient height to be read
at eye-level under normal operating conditions with a view to minimizing the effects of parallax.
The exposure ought to be such that the barometer is uniformly illuminated, with artificial lighting
being provided if necessary.

If a barograph has to be transported by air or transported at a high altitude, the pen arm should
be disconnected and precautions should be taken to ensure that the mechanism is able to
withstand the overload caused by exceeding the normal measuring range of the instrument.


3.10.1 General requirements of a barometer comparison

In view of the importance of accurate pressure observations, especially for aeronautical and
synoptic purposes, and of the various possible errors to which barometers are subject, all station
barometers should be checked regularly by an inspector. Some guidance is given in the following
sections regarding the equipment to be used for checks, the frequency with which these should
be carried out, and other related topics. Where precision aneroid barometers are used as station
barometers, they should be checked frequently (at least once every week) against a mercury or
digital barometer, and a permanent record of all such checks should be kept on a suitable card or
in a special logbook.

Alternatively, mercury barometers can be dispensed with if a daily comparison, both with a
second aneroid barometer kept at the station and with analysed pressures in the vicinity, is
undertaken. This should be supported by six monthly checks with a travelling standard.

The following symbols may be used to denote various categories of barometers in a National
Meteorological Service:

A: A primary or secondary standard barometer capable of independent determination of

pressure to an uncertainty of 0.05hPa or less;

B: A working standard barometer of a design suitable for routine pressure comparisons

and with known errors, which have been established by comparison with a primary or
secondary standard;

C: A reference standard barometer used for comparisons of travelling standard and station
barometers at field supervising stations of a National Meteorological Service;

S: A barometer (mercury, aneroid, electronic) located at an ordinary meteorological station;

P: A mercury barometer of good quality and accuracy, which may be carried from one station
to another and still retain calibration;

N: A portable precision aneroid barometer of first quality;

Q: A portable precision digital barometer of first quality, to be used as a travelling standard

(Qstands for quality);

M: A portable microbarograph of good quality and accuracy.

In order that barometer correction programmes be conducted on the same basis by all National
Meteorological Services, it is desirable that uniform practices be followed in the quality of the
equipment used, the frequency of comparisons, the procedures to be followed, the permissible
changes in index correction, and the criteria for remedial action.

3.10.2 Equipment used for barometer comparisons Primary standard barometer (A)

There are different opinions regarding the best type of primary standard barometer (WMO,
2010c). Two types are outlined in the following paragraphs.

One possible primary standard for atmospheric pressure consists of a precision dead weight
tester that produces a calibrated pressure related to the precision weights used and the local
gravity field. This type of barometer is relatively simple and does not suffer from the problem of
excessive drift experienced by mercury barometers in a polluted environment.

The primary standard barometer may well be a high-quality mercury barometer specially
designed for that purpose. The primary standard mercury barometer must have a high vacuum,
contain very pure mercury with a well-known density maintained at a constant temperature, and
be located in an environment where pollution effects are prevented. The barometer also needs
a calibrated measure (scale) and an optical read-out facility. These types of barometers measure
absolute pressure with high absolute accuracy, while dead weight testers are gauge pressure
measuring instruments.

Considering the cost of such primary standards and the constraints on their use and
maintenance, these barometers are most frequently used in high-level calibration laboratories. Working standard barometer (B)

The working and reference standards, and the travelling standards used to compare barometers,
should have high stability over long periods. These standards may be either mercury or
electronic barometers. In the case of mercury barometers, they should have a tube with at least

a 12mm bore. It is also desirable that barometers be instruments in which the vacuum can be
checked. They should be fully and carefully corrected for all known errors, which should have
been established by two or more recent comparisons with barometers of a higher category. Travelling standard barometer (C)

A reliable travelling standard barometer must retain its index correction during transit to within
0.1hPa. It should be standardized with reference to the working or reference standard before
and after each tour. Once standardized, it should on no account be opened or adjusted in any
fashion until after the final comparison at the station of origin of the tour. A travelling standard
barometer needs to be carried in a high-quality, cushioned travelling case to protect it during

Considering the restrictions on mercury transportation and the ongoing development of digital
barometers, National Meteorological Services may use an appropriate high-precision digital
barometer as a travelling standard barometer. In this case, the National Meteorological Service
should regularly control the drift of such instruments by conducting regular comparisons with
working or reference standards.

If a mercury travelling standard is used, before the beginning of a tour it should be examined
carefully and checked to ensure that the mercury in the tube and cistern is clean, that there
are no bubbles in the tube, and that the vacuum above the mercury in the tube is good. Every
care should be taken in handling, packing and transporting travelling standards so that there
is the least possible cause for any change, however slight, in their index correction. Quick, jerky
movements which might cause air bubbles from the tube cistern to rise in the tube should be
avoided. Mercury travelling standards should be carried in a suitably cushioned leather or metal
case, with the cistern end always higher than the tube. Specifications of portable mercury barometers (P)

If a mercury barometer is to be used as a category P barometer, it must be designed so that the

vacuum can be checked or so that a good degree of vacuum can be established at the top of the
tube with a vacuum pump. A check valve for sealing the tube is essential. It should also have the
property of high stability over long periods and have a tube with at least a 12mm bore. Another
desirable feature is a means of determining whether the quantity of mercury in the fixed cistern
has remained constant since the original filling.

Also, a well-built Fortin-type barometer with a tube bore of at least 9mm, but preferably
12mm, can be used as a travelling standard. The degree of accuracy (as regards repeatability)
considered necessary for a travelling standard is about 0.1hPa. Category P barometers should be
calibrated over a wide pressure and temperature range, covering all possible values likely to be
encountered. Specifications of portable electronic barometers (Q)

Portable electronic barometers have now reached the level of development and reliability
to allow them to be used as a category Q barometer. The barometer must have a history of
reliability with low drift corrections, as determined by several comparisons with a standard
barometer both over a period of one year or more and over the maximum pressure range in
which the barometer must be expected to operate.

Electronic barometers with multiple pressure transducers under independent microprocessor

control are preferred. The temperature-compensation mechanism for the barometer must be
proven to be accurate. The method for taking measurements from the pressure transducer must
be contact-free and the barometer itself sufficiently robust to withstand the type of shock that
may be encountered during transportation.

3.10.3 Barometer comparison International barometer comparison

Great importance is attached to international barometer comparisons. The WMO Automatic

Digital Barometer Intercomparison was carried out in De Bilt (Netherlands) from 1989 to
1991. Only by such comparisons is it possible to ensure consistency in the national standards
of pressure-measuring instruments and thus prevent discontinuities in pressure data across
international boundaries. The recommended procedure for such comparisons is given in

The programme of comparisons includes the following:

(a) Comparison of national working standard B with primary or secondary standard

barometerA, at least once every two years. If barometers A and B are located at the same
centre, no travelling standards are required;

(b) Comparison of reference standard C with national working standard B, at least once every
two years by means of travelling standards;

(c) Comparison of station barometer S with reference standard C, at least once every year, by
means of travelling standards, or by comparison with the working standard B, every one to
two years, depending upon the known characteristics of the barometers being used. It is
a matter of policy whether the comparison occurs at the station or at a central calibration
facility. In the latter case, travelling standards are not required.

It should be understood that the error of each barometer at the end of any link in a chain of
comparison is determined with respect to the primary or secondary standard barometer A, so
that the results of corrected barometric pressure readings are on an absolute basis at each stage. Inspection of station barometers

For the inspection of station barometers, Fortin barometers with a tube bore of 9mm are
suitable; however, note section3.2.7.3 on restrictions on the carriage of mercury instruments.
Electronic barometers may also be used as travelling standards, provided that they have the
necessary stability and accuracy. Procedure for the comparison of mercury barometers

The instructions given in previous sections should be generally followed. All normal precautions
necessary while setting and reading barometers should be enforced with great care.
Investigations show that readings averaging within 0.05hPa can normally be achieved in a
barometer comparison if adequate precautions are taken.

Comparative readings of the barometers should be entered in appropriate forms. A permanent

record of all checks should be attached to the instrument and should include such information as
the date of the check, the temperature and pressure at which the comparison was made, and the
correction obtained.

Reports of barometer comparisons should be forwarded to the National Meteorological Service

for evaluating errors, computing and issuing corrections, and determining the need for remedial
action. Continuous records of the comparison data should be kept for each station barometer for
a study of its performance over a period of years and for the detection of defects. Tabular and/or
graphical records are useful visual tools for a barometer quality control programme.

At the current state of development, it is important to calibrate electronic barometers at intervals

of about one year. It is standard procedure to calibrate an electronic barometer at a calibration
facility immediately before its dispatch to a meteorological observation station. At the station, a
number of comparison readings of pressure between the electronic barometer and the travelling
standard should be taken at different pressures (either over an adequate period of time or using a
pressure generator). The readings should be taken with all barometers at the same height, when
the wind speed is less than 12ms1 and when the pressure is either steady or changing by less
than 1hPah1. Any electronic barometer whose mean difference from the travelling standard
exceeds 0.25hPa should be regarded as unserviceable and returned to the calibration facility for

If at all possible, it is advisable to install two independent electronic barometers at a

meteorological observing station, with one barometer preferably having a history of low drift.
This barometer is identified by the calibration facility staff from its calibration history and is
identified as a low-drift barometer. With the arrival of each new barometer at a station, a set
of comparison readings are taken, as described above, and the mean difference between the
low-drift barometer and the new barometer is established. Once this is accomplished, daily
readings from both barometers should be taken and a running sum of 25differences calculated.
If the new barometer and the low-drift barometer exhibit different rates of drift, the sums of the
25differences will change. If a station has one mercury barometer and one electronic barometer,
it would be normal for the mercury barometer to be the low-drift barometer. The low drift of the
mercury barometer should still be verified by regular calibration checks.

These checks do not represent an inspection or a new calibration of the electronic barometer.
Every National Meteorological Service should establish detailed inspection and calibration
procedures for its electronic barometers, with the above method being used as a practical guide.

3.10.4 General procedure recommended for the comparison of barometers at

different locations

The comparison of barometers is essential and should be undertaken in the following ways:

(a) If barometer 1 is to be compared with barometer 2, a qualified person should carry

the travelling standard(s), preferably of the P or Q category, from barometer1 to
barometer2, and then return to 1, thus closing the circuit. This procedure is applicable
both between and within countries. Barometer1 is usually at the central laboratory of a
national standards organization or at the laboratory of a National Meteorological Service.
Barometer2 is at some other location. The carrying of category N and M standards is
optional, and M may be omitted if microbarographs of good quality are installed at the two

(b) For standardization purposes, the travelling standards should be placed next to the
barometer to be compared and all the instruments given equal exposure for at least 24h
before official comparative readings are begun. An air current from an electric fan played
on the instruments will aid in equalizing their temperature. The temperature of the room
should be kept as uniform as practicable;

Note: The fan should be turned off before comparisons are made.

(c) Comparative readings should not be taken if category M standards show the pressure to be
fluctuating rapidly. Preference should be given to barometrically quiet periods (pressure
steady or changing only slowly) for making the comparisons;

(d) Comparative readings should be taken at uniform intervals of no less than 15min in

(e) Experience indicates that at least five comparative readings are required for category S
barometers at ordinary stations. At least 10comparative barometer readings are required
for barometers in categories A, B or C for standardization purposes;

(f) If meteorological conditions permit, the comparative readings in the latter cases should be
taken at different pressures covering both high and low pressures;

(g) Records should include the attached thermometer observations, the readings of the
travelling standards and barometers being compared, the wind speed, direction and
gustiness, the corrections for gravity, temperature and instrumental error, the actual
elevation above sea level of the zero point of the barometers, and the latitude, longitude,
place name and date and time of observations;

(h) The readings of category N barometers, if used, should include the readings of two or more
precision aneroid barometers, corrected to a common reference, if standardization against
instruments of category A or B shows them to differ in calibration. The correct readings
of the aneroid barometers must be in agreement within tolerances appropriate to the
instrument, otherwise the comparisons will be regarded as invalid;

(i) With respect to comparisons using travelling standards, barometer1 must be the
highest class of standard barometer available at the point of departure. Barometer1
should be of category A, B or Br (see section3.10.5.1), with category C being the lowest
acceptable quality. Two sets of comparisons of the travelling standards are necessary with
barometer1, at the following points in time:

(i) Before the travelling standards are carried by hand from where barometer1 is
located to the place where barometer2 is located;

(ii) After the return of the travelling standards to their point of origin, following transit
to and from the location of barometer2. The before and after comparisons
should be checked against each other. If agreement with barometer1 is within
satisfactory tolerances for each of the instruments involved, it can be assumed that
the comparisons between the travelling standards and barometer2 are also within
the required tolerances, provided that due care has been taken during all phases of
the comparison process. However, if there is a significant disagreement or if a known
mishap has occurred which might have affected the instruments, or if the validity of
the comparison data is in question for any reason, the comparison exercise is deemed
invalid and the whole process must be repeated;

(j) As far as practical, all discrepancies should finally be expressed with respect to a primary
or secondary reading of a category A barometer. This will ensure a common basis for all
comparisons. In each case, the report of comparisons should indicate the standard used;

Note: When a programme involving the elimination of residual barometric errors is adopted, there will be a
homogeneous system of barometric observational data conforming to a single standard, which will permit the
elimination of errors in horizontal pressure gradients from instrumental sources.

(k) Comparisons are necessary both before and after the relocation of barometers at a
laboratory or a station, or the cleaning of the mercury, to ensure early detection of the
development of a defect.

3.10.5 Regional barometer comparison Nomenclature and symbols

Symbols denoting barometer categories are as follows:

Ar: A barometer of category A which has been selected by regional agreement as a reference
standard for barometers of that Region;

Br: A barometer of category B which the National Meteorological Services of the Region
agree to use as the standard barometer for that Region, in the event that the category A
barometer is unavailable in the Region.

Annex 3.B contains the list of regional standard barometers. System of interregional comparison

The following measures must be considered when planning interregional comparisons:

(a) Member countries in each Region will designate a primary or secondary standard
barometerA to serve as Ar for the Region. If a primary or secondary barometer is not
available within the Region, a categoryB barometer will be designated jointly as the
regional standard barometer for that Region, with the barometer so chosen being denoted
by the symbol Br. Relative costs will determine whether a Region may deem it advantageous
to designate more than one standard barometer;

(b) A competent person carrying travelling standard barometers will travel from a central
station equipped with a barometer of category Ar to a nearby Region equipped with a
barometer of at least category B or Br. A comparison of the barometers should then be
performed. When the comparison is made in ambient conditions, it should be done in
accordance with the method outlined in section3.10.3. Otherwise, in presence of a pressure
generator, the comparison may be made for several pressure calibration points covering
the whole range and over several cycles. This makes it possible to define the accuracy of
the standards at different pressure levels and determine some metrological characteristics
such as hysteresis, repeatability and reproducibility. For the purposes of verification and
intercomparison, it is sometimes desirable to repeat the process by comparing the Br
barometer with a barometer of category Ar from a different Region;

(c) Copies of the comparison records should be transmitted to each of the central stations
equipped with a category A barometer and to the station where the barometer B or Br
compared is located. Summaries of the comparison results should be forwarded to all
National Meteorological Services in the Region where the barometer B or Br is located. System of international comparison within a Region

The following measures must be considered when planning international comparisons:

(a) Each National Meteorological Service will compare its category B barometer with the
category A barometer within the Region, if available, using the system outlined in
section3.10.4. Where possible, preference should be given to the category A barometer for
the Region as the standard instrument for the area;

(b) When a category A barometer is not available in the Region, the category B barometers of
the respective National Meteorological Service of the Region will be compared with the
category Br barometer for the Region, in accordance with section3.10.4;

(c) When a competent person is engaged in the execution of the programme to compare
barometers of categories B with Br, it is desirable that additional en route comparisons be
made with barometers of categories B and C, while the person is travelling both to and
from the station where the instrument Br for the Region is located;

(d) Copies of records and summaries of comparisons will be prepared and forwarded to
interested agencies as outlined in paragraph3.10.5.2 (c).


In order to compare barometer readings taken at stations at different altitudes, it is necessary to

reduce them to the same level. Various methods are in use for carrying out this reduction, but
WMO has not yet recommended a particular method, except in the case of low-level stations.

The recommended method is described in WMO (1954, 1964, 1968). WMO (1966) contains a
comprehensive set of formulae that may be used for calculations involving pressure.

3.11.1 Standard levels

The observed atmospheric pressure should be reduced to mean sea level (see PartI, Chapter1)
for all stations where this can be done with reasonable accuracy. Where this is not possible, a
station should, by regional agreement, report either the geopotential of an agreed constant
pressure level or the pressure reduced to an agreed datum for the station. The level chosen for
each station should be reported to the WMO Secretariat for promulgation.

Reduction formula for sea-level pressure feasible for stations below 750m (from WMO, 1964,
p.22, equation2):
p0 K p H p Kp Hp
log10 = = (3.1)
ps Tmv aHp
Ts + + es Ch
where p0 is the pressure reduced to sea level in hPa; pS is the station pressure in hPa; Kp is
the constant = 0.0148275K/gpm; Hp is the station elevation in gpm; Tmv is the mean virtual
temperature of the fictitious air column below station level in K, (Tmv = TS + (a Hp)/2 + eS Ch); TS
is the station temperature in K; TS = 273.15 + t, t is the station temperature in C; a is the assumed
lapse-rate in the fictitious air column extending from sea level to the level of the station elevation
level = 0.0065K/gpm; eS is the vapour pressure at the station in hPa; and Ch is the coefficient =

The same formula is often used in the exponential form:

p0 = ps exp R (3.2)
T + a H p + e C
s s h
where gn is the standard acceleration of gravity = 9.80665ms2 and R is the gas constant of dry
air = 287.05J/kg/K.

3.11.2 Low-level stations

At low-level stations (namely, those at a height of less than 50m above mean sea level), pressure
readings should be reduced to mean sea level by adding to the station pressure a reduction
constant C given by the following expression:
C = pHp ( 29.27 Tv ) (3.3)
where p is the observed station pressure in hectopascals; Hp is the station elevation in metres;
and Tv is the mean annual normal value of virtual temperature at the station in kelvins.

Note: The virtual temperature of damp air is the temperature at which dry air of the same pressure would have the
same density as the damp air. WMO (1966) contains virtual temperature increments of saturated moist air for various
pressures and temperatures.

This procedure should be employed only at stations of such low elevation that when the absolute
extreme values of virtual temperature are substituted for Tv in the equation, the deviation of the
result due to the other approximations of the equation (used for height rather than standard
geopotential, and with C to be small compared with p) is negligible in comparison.


At surface synoptic observing stations, pressure tendency and the pressure tendency
characteristic should be derived from pressure observations from the last 3h (over 24h in
tropical regions). Typically, the pressure tendency characteristic can be expressed by the shape
of the curve recorded by a barograph during the 3h period preceding an observation (WMO,
2010b). In the case of hourly observations, the amount and characteristic can be based on only
four observations, and misinterpretations may result. Therefore, it is recommended that the
characteristic should be determined on a higher frequency of observations, for example with
10min intervals (WMO, 1985). Nine types of pressure tendency characteristics are defined (see
WMO, 2010a, p.II-4-8).

Correction for index error

The residual errors in the graduation of the scale of a barometer should be determined by
comparison with a standard instrument. They may include errors due to inaccurate positioning
or subdividing of the scale, capillarity and imperfect vacuum. Certificates of comparison with the
standard should state the corrections to be applied for index error at no fewer than four points of
the scale, for example, at every 50hPa. In a good barometer, these corrections should not exceed
a few tenths of a hectopascal.

Corrections for gravity

The reading of a mercury barometer at a given pressure and temperature depends upon the
value of gravity, which in turn varies with latitude and altitude. Barometers for meteorological
applications are calibrated to yield true pressure readings at the standard gravity of
9.80665ms2 and their readings at any other value of gravity must be corrected. The following
method is recommended for reducing such barometer readings to standard gravity. Let B be
the observed reading of the mercury barometer, Bt the barometer reading reduced to standard
temperature but not to standard gravity, and corrected for instrumental errors, Bn be the
barometer reading reduced to standard gravity and standard temperature, and corrected for
instrumental errors, Bca be the climatological average of Bt at the station, gH the local acceleration
of gravity (in ms2) at a station at latitude and elevation H above sea level, and gn the standard
acceleration of gravity, 9.80665ms2.

The following relations are appropriate:

( )
Bn = Bt g H g n (3.A.1)


( )
Bn = Bt + Bt g H g n 1 (3.A.2)

The approximate equation 3.A.3 may be used, provided that the results obtained do not differ by
more than 0.1hPa from the results that would be obtained with the aid of equation3.A.2:

( )
Bn = Bt + Bca g H g n 1 (3.A.3)

The local acceleration of gravity gH should be determined by the procedure outlined in the
following section. The values so derived should be referred to as being on the International
Gravity Standardization Net 1971 (IGSN71).

Determining local acceleration of gravity

In order to determine the local value of the acceleration of gravity at a station to a satisfactory
degree of precision, one of two techniques should be used. These techniques involve, in the first
case, the use of a gravimeter (an instrument for measuring the difference between the values
of the acceleration of gravity at two points) and, in the second case, the use of the so-called
Bouguer anomalies. Preference should be given to the gravimeter method. If neither of these
methods can be applied, the local acceleration of gravity may be calculated using a simple model
of the Earth.

Use of a gravimeter

Suppose g1 represents the known local acceleration of gravity at a certain point O, usually
a gravity base station established by a geodetic organization, where g1 is on the IGSN71,
and suppose further that g represents the unknown local acceleration of gravity on the
meteorological gravity system at some other point X for which the value g is desired. Let g
denote the difference in gravity acceleration at the two places, as observed by means of a
gravimeter. That is, g is the value at point X minus the value at point O on a consistent system.
Then, g is given by equation 3.A.4:
g = g1 + g (3.A.4)

Use of Bouguer anomalies

If a gravimeter is not available, interpolated Bouguer anomalies (A B) may be used to obtain g at a

given point. It is necessary that a contour chart of these anomalies be available from a geodetic
organization or from a network of gravity stations spaced at a density of at least one station per
10000km2 (no more than a 100km distance between stations) in the vicinity of the point.

Gravity networks of somewhat less density can be used as a basis provided that a geodetic
organization considers that this method is expected to yield more reliable results than those that
could be obtained by using a gravimeter.

The definition of the Bouguer anomaly (A B) is derivable from equation 3.A.5:

( )
g s = g ,0 s C H + AB (3.A.5)

where (g,0)s is the theoretical value of the acceleration of gravity at latitude at sea level, as
given by the formula actually used in computing the Bouguer anomaly. This formula expresses
the value as a function of latitude in some systems. H is the elevation of the station (in metres)
above sea level at which gs is measured, gsis the observed value of the acceleration of gravity
(in ms2); A B is the Bouguer anomaly (in ms2); and C is the elevation correction factor used in
computing the Bouguer anomaly (for example, using a crustal specific gravity of 2.67, this factor
is 0.000001968ms2).

When g is desired for a given station and has not been measured, the value of gs should be
computed by means of equation 3.A.5, provided that the appropriate value of A B for the
locality of the station can be interpolated from the aforementioned contour charts or from
data representing the Bouguer anomalies supplied by a suitable network of gravity stations, as

Calculating local acceleration of gravity

If neither of the preceding methods can be applied, the local value may be calculated less
accurately according to a simple model. According to the Geodetic Reference System 1980, the
theoretical value (g,0) of the acceleration of gravity at mean sea level at geographic latitude, , is
computed by means of equation3.A.6:

( )
g ,0 = 9.806 20 1 0.002 644 2 cos 2 + 0.000 005 8 cos2 2 (3.A.6)

The local value of the acceleration of gravity at a given point on the surface of the ground at a
land station is computed by means of equation3.A.7:
g = g ,0 0.000 003 086 H + 0.000 001118 ( H H ' ) (3.A.7)

where g is the calculated local value of the acceleration of gravity, in ms2, at a given point; g,0
is the theoretical value of the acceleration of gravity in ms2 at mean sea level at geographic
latitude , computed according to equation3.A.6 above; H is the actual elevation of the given
point, in metres above mean sea level; and H is the absolute value in metres of the difference
between the height of the given point and the mean height of the actual surface of the terrain
included within a circle whose radius is about 150km, centred at the given point.

The local value of the acceleration of gravity at a given point within height H above mean sea
level of not more than about 10km, and where that point lies over the sea water surface, is
computed by means of equation3.A.8:
g = g ,0 0.000 003 086 H 0.000 006 88 ( D D ' ) (3.A.8)

where D is the depth of water in metres below the given point; and D is the mean depth of
water, in metres, included within a circle whose radius is about 150km centred at the given

At stations or points on or near the coast, the local value of acceleration of gravity should be
calculated, so far as practicable, through the use of equations3.A.7 and 3.A.8 on a pro rata basis,
weighting the last term of equation3.A.7 according to the relative area of land included within
the specified circle, and weighting the last term of equation3.A.8 according to the relative area
of the sea included within the circle. The values thus obtained are then combined algebraically to
obtain a correction which is applied to the final term in the right-hand side of both equations, as
shown in equation3.A.9:
g = g ,0 0.000 003 086 H + 0.000 001118
( H H ' ) 0.000 006 88 (1 ) ( D D ' )
where is the fraction of land area in the specified area, and H and D refer to the actual land
and water areas, respectively.

Corrections for temperature

Barometer readings must be corrected to the values that would have been obtained if the
mercury and the scale had been at their standard temperatures. The standard temperature for
mercury barometers is 0C. With reference to scales, some barometers have scales which read
accurately at this same temperature, but some read accurately at 20C.

The temperature correction necessary for adjustable cistern barometers (Fortin-type barometers)
is different from that required for fixed-cistern barometers, though the principle reasons leading
to the necessity for temperature corrections are the same for both types, namely, the fact that
the coefficient of cubic thermal expansion of mercury is different from the coefficient of linear
thermal expansion of the scale. Thus, a certain correction term is required for both types of
mercury barometer.

A fixed-cistern barometer requires an additional correction. The reason for this is that an increase
in temperature of the instrument causes an increase both in the volume of the mercury and in the
cross-sectional areas of the (iron) cistern and the (glass) tube. Owing to these area changes, the
apparent rise of the mercury resulting from a temperature increase is less than would be the case
if the areas remained constant. This is because some of the mercury from the barometer goes to
occupy the capacity increment produced by the expansion of the cistern and tube.

The scale of a fixed-cistern barometer must, for a variety of reasons, undergo a calibration check
against a primary standard barometer of the adjustable-cistern type. Some manufacturers
decrease the volume of mercury by such an amount that the readings of the test barometer agree
with the readings of the standard barometer at 20C. Correction tables can be generated for
fixed-cistern barometers using the readings from a primary standard barometer whose scales are
accurate when 20C is used as the reference temperature.

Temperature corrections for mercury barometers

Researchers have conducted exhaustive studies for temperature corrections for mercury
barometers, the results of which are summarized below:

1. (a) Scale correct at 0 C and additionally Ct = B ( ) t

(b) Hg volume correct at 0 C Ct,V = B ( ) t ( 3) t 4V/3A

2. Scale correct at 0 C and

Hg volume correct at 20 C Ct,V = B ( ) t ( 3) (t 20) 4V/3A

3. (a) Scale correct at 20 C Ct = B [ t (t 20)]

(b) Hg volume correct at 0 C Ct,V = B [ t (t 20)] ( 3) t (4V/3A)
(c) Hg volume decreasing by an amount
equivalent to 0.36hPa Ct,V = B ( ) t ( 3) t (4V/3A)

4. Scale correct at 20 C and

(a) Hg volume correct at 20 C Ct,V = B [ t (t 20)] ( 3) (t 20) (4V/3A)
(b) Hg volume decreasing by an amount
equivalent to 0.36hPa Ct,V = B ( ) t ( 3) (t 20) (4V/3A)


Ct = temperature correction;

Ct,V = additional correction for fixed-cistern barometers;

B = observed barometer reading;

V = total volume of mercury in the fixed-cistern barometer;

A = effective cross-sectional area of the cistern;

t = temperature;

= cubic thermal expansion of mercury;

= coefficient of linear thermal expansion of the scale;

= coefficient of linear thermal expansion of the cistern.


WMO Region Location Categorya

I Cairo, Egypt Ar
Casablanca, Morocco Ar
Dakar, Senegal Ar
Douala, Cameroon Ar
Kinshasa/Binza, Democratic Republic of the Congo Ar
Nairobi, Kenya Ar
Oran, Algeria Ar

II Calcutta, India Br

III Buenos Aires, Argentina Br

Maracay, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Br
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Ar

IV Miami, Florida, United States (subregional) Ar

San Juan, Puerto Rico (subregional) Ar
Toronto, Canada (subregional) Ar
Washington DC (Gaithersburg, Maryland), Ar
United States

V Melbourne, Australia Ar

VI Hamburg, Germany Ar
London, United Kingdom Ar
St Petersburg, Russian Federation Ar
Toulouse, France Ar
a For category definitions, see section

Liu, H. and G. Darkow, 1989: Wind effect on measured atmospheric pressure. Journal of Atmospheric and
Oceanic Technology, 6(1):512.
Miksad, R., 1976: An omni-directional static pressure probe. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 15:12151225.
Sax, N.I., 1975: Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York.
United Nations Environment Programme, 2013: Minamata Convention on Mercury. Geneva, United Nations.
United States Weather Bureau, 1963: Manual of Barometry (WBAN). 1, US Government Printing Office,
Washington DC.
World Meteorological Organization, 1954: Reduction of Atmospheric Pressure: Preliminary Report on Problems
Involved. Technical Note No.7 (WMO-No.36, TP.12). Geneva.
, 1964: Note on the Standardization of Pressure Reduction Methods in the International Network of Synoptic
Stations: Report of a Working Group of the Commission for Synoptic Meteorology. Technical Note
No.61 (WMO-No.154, TP.74). Geneva.
, 1966: International Meteorological Tables (S. Letestu, ed.) (1973amendment). (WMO-No.188, TP.94).
, 1968: Methods in Use for the Reduction of Atmospheric Pressure. Technical Note No.91 (WMO-No.226,
TP.120). Geneva.
, 1985: Pressure tendency and discontinuity in wind discussion of two algorithms used in
Swedish automatic weather stations (L. Bergman, T.Hovberg and H. Wibeck). Papers Presented
at the Third WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation (TECIMO-III).
Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.22 (WMO/TD-No.50). Geneva.
, 1992: The WMO Automatic Digital Barometer Intercomparison (J.P. van der Meulen). Instruments and
Observing Methods Report No.46 (WMO/TD-No.474). Geneva.
, 2010a: Manual on the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (WMO-No.485), VolumeI.
, 2010b: Manual on the Global Observing System (WMO-No.544), VolumeI. Geneva.
, 2010c: Guidance on Instrumentation for Calibration Laboratories, Including RICs (D. Groselj). Instruments
and Observing Methods Report No.101 (WMO/TD-No.1543). Geneva.
, 2014: Guide to Meteorological Observing and Information Distribution Systems for Aviation Weather Services
(WMO-No.731). Geneva.

CHAPTER 4. MEASUREMENT OF HUMIDITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  127

4.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  127
4.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  127
4.1.2 Units and scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  127
4.1.3 Meteorological requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  128
4.1.4 Measurement methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  128 Hygrometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  128 Exposure: general comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  128 Sources of error: general comments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  129 Gravimetric hygrometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  129 Condensation methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  129 The psychrometric method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  130 Sorption methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  130 Absorption of electromagnetic radiation by water vapour
(ultraviolet and infrared absorption hygrometers). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  131 Time constants of humidity sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  131 Maintenance: general comments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  132 Protective filters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  133
4.2 The psychrometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  133
4.2.1 General considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  133 Psychrometric formulae and tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  133 The specification of a psychrometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  134 The wet-bulb sleeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  134 Operation of the wet bulb below freezing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  135 General procedure for making observations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  136 Use of electrical resistance thermometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  136 Sources of error in psychrometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  136
4.2.2 The Assmann aspirated psychrometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  137 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  137 Observation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  138 Exposure and siting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  138 Calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  139 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  139
4.2.3 Screen psychrometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  139 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  139 Special observation procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  140 Exposure and siting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  140
4.2.4 Sling or whirling psychrometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  140 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  140 Observation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  140
4.2.5 Heated psychrometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  140 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  140 Observation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  141 Exposure and siting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  141
4.2.6 The WMO reference psychrometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  141
4.3 The hair hygrometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  142
4.3.1 General considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  142
4.3.2 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  142
4.3.3 Observation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  143
4.3.4 Exposure and siting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  143
4.3.5 Sources of error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  143 Changes in zero offset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  143 Errors due to contamination of the hair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  144 Hysteresis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  144
4.3.6 Calibration and comparisons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  144
4.3.7 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  144
4.4 The chilled-mirror dewpoint hygrometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  145
4.4.1 General considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  145

Page Theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  145 Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  145
4.4.2 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  145 Sensor assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  145 Optical detection assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  146 Thermal control assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  146 Temperature display system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  146 Auxiliary systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  147
4.4.3 Observation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  147
4.4.4 Exposure and siting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  147
4.4.5 Calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  148
4.5 The lithium chloride heated condensation hygrometer (dewcell). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  148
4.5.1 General considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  148 Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  148 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  149 Sensors with direct heating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  149 Sensors with indirect heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  150
4.5.2 Operational procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  150
4.5.3 Exposure and siting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  151
4.5.4 Sources of error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  151
4.5.5 Field inspection and calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  151
4.5.6 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  151
4.6 Electrical resistive and capacitive hygrometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  151
4.6.1 General considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  151
4.6.2 Electrical resistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  152
4.6.3 Electrical capacitance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  152
4.6.4 Observation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  152
4.6.5 Exposure and siting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  152
4.6.6 Field inspection and calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  152
4.6.7 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  153
4.7 Hygrometers using absorption of electromagnetic radiation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  153
4.8 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  153
4.9 Standard instruments and calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  154
4.9.1 Principles involved in the calibration of hygrometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  154
4.9.2 Calibration intervals and methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  155
4.9.3 Laboratory calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  156
4.9.4 Primary standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  156 Gravimetric hygrometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  156 Dynamic two-pressure standard humidity generator . . . . . . . . . . . . .  156 Dynamic two-temperature standard humidity generator. . . . . . . . . .  157
4.9.5 Secondary standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  157
4.9.6 Working standards (and field reference instruments) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  157
4.9.7 The WMO reference psychrometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  157
4.9.8 Salt solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  158


ATMOSPHERE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  159


REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  165



The measurement of atmospheric humidity, and often its continuous recording, is an important
requirement in most areas of meteorological activity. This chapter deals with the measurement
of humidity at or near the Earths surface. There are many different methods in use, and there is
extensive literature on the subject. An old but still useful wide-ranging account of the techniques
is given in Wexler (1965).

4.1.1 Definitions

The definitions of the terms used in this chapter follow those given in the WMO Technical
Regulations (WMO 2011a, AppendixB), the text of which is reproduced in Annex4.A.

The simple definitions of the most frequently used quantities in humidity measurements are as

Mixing ratio r: The ratio between the mass of water vapour and the mass of dry air;

Specific humidity q: The ratio between the mass of water vapour and the mass of moist air;

Dewpoint temperature Td: The temperature at which moist air saturated with respect to water at a
given pressure has a saturation mixing ratio equal to the given mixing ratio;

Relative humidity U: The ratio in % of the observed vapour pressure to the saturation vapour
pressure with respect to water at the same temperature and pressure;

Vapour pressure e: The partial pressure of water vapour in air;

Saturation vapour pressures ew and ei: Vapour pressures in air in equilibrium with the surface of
water and ice, respectively.

Annex 4.B provides the formulae for the computation of various measures of humidity. These
versions of the formulae and coefficients were adopted by WMO in 1990.1 They are convenient
for computation and sufficiently accurate for all normal meteorological applications (WMO,

More accurate and detailed formulations of these and other quantities may be found in Sonntag
(1990, 1994). Other detailed formulations2 are presented in WMO (1966, introductions to
tables4.810) and WMO (2011a, AppendixA).

4.1.2 Units and scales

The following units and symbols are normally used for expressing the most commonly used
quantities associated with water vapour in the atmosphere:

(a) Mixing ratio r and specific humidity q (in kg kg1);

(b) Vapour pressure in air e, ew, ei and pressure p (in hPa);

Adopted by the Executive Council at its forty-second session through Resolution6 (ECXLII).
Adopted by the Fourth Congress through Resolution19 (CgIV).

(c) Temperature T, wet-bulb temperature Tw, dewpoint temperature Td, and frost-point
temperature Tf (in K);

(d) Temperature t, wet-bulb temperature t w, dewpoint temperature td, and frost-point

temperature t f (in C);

(e) Relative humidity U (in %).

4.1.3 Meteorological requirements

Humidity measurements at the Earths surface are required for meteorological analysis and
forecasting, for climate studies, and for many special applications in hydrology, agriculture,
aeronautical services and environmental studies, in general. They are particularly important
because of their relevance to the changes of state of water in the atmosphere.

General requirements for the range, resolution and accuracy of humidity measurements are
given in PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.E. The achievable uncertainties listed in the table refer to good
quality instruments that are well operated and maintained. In practice, these are not easy to
achieve. In particular, the psychrometer in a thermometer shelter without forced ventilation, still
in widespread use, may have significantly lower performance.

For most purposes, time constants of the order of 1min are appropriate for humidity
measurements. The response times readily available with operational instruments are discussed
in section4.1.4.9.

4.1.4 Measurement methods

A general review of the state of the art in the field of hygrometry is given by Sonntag (1994). Hygrometers

Any instrument for measuring humidity is known as a hygrometer. The physical principles most
widely employed for hygrometry are given in sections4.1.4.4 to More information on the
different methods is found in Wexler (1965). The report of a WMO international comparison of
various hygrometers is given in WMO (1989b). Exposure: general comments

The general requirements for the exposure of humidity sensors are similar to those for
temperature sensors, and a suitably positioned thermometer screen may be used for that
purpose. Particular requirements include:

(a) Protection from direct solar radiation, atmospheric contaminants, rain and wind;

(b) Avoidance of the creation of a local microclimate within the sensor housing structure or
sampling device. Note that wood and many synthetic materials will adsorb or desorb water
vapour according to the atmospheric humidity.

Exposures appropriate to particular instruments are described in sections4.2 to 4.7.

The siting classification for surface observing stations on land (see PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.B
of this Guide) provides additional guidance on the selection of a site and the location of a
hygrometer within a site to optimize representativeness.
CHAPTER 4. MEASUREMENT OF HUMIDITY 129 Sources of error: general comments

Errors in the measurement of humidity may be caused by the following:

(a) Modification of the air sample, for example, by heat or water-vapour source or sink;

(b) Contamination of the sensor, for example, by dirt, sea spray;

(c) Calibration error, including pressure correction, temperature coefficient of sensor, and
electrical interface;

(d) Inappropriate treatment of water/ice phase;

(e) Poor instrument design, for example, stem heat conduction in the wet-bulb thermometer;

(f) Incorrect operation, for example, failure to achieve stable equilibrium;

(g) Inappropriate sampling and/or averaging intervals.

The time constant of the sensor, the time-averaging of the output and the data requirement
should be consistent.

The different types of humidity sensors vary in their susceptibility to, and the significance of, each
of the above; further discussion will be found in the appropriate sections of this chapter. Gravimetric hygrometry

This method uses the absorption of water vapour by a desiccant from a known volume of air
(gravimetric hygrometer; used for primary standards only). Some details are given in section4.9.

The gravimetric method yields an absolute measure of the water-vapour content of an air sample
in terms of its humidity mixing ratio. This is obtained by first removing the water vapour from the
sample. The mass of the water vapour is determined by weighing the drying agent before and
after absorbing the vapour. The mass of the dry sample is determined either by weighing or by
measuring its volume.

The method is restricted to providing an absolute calibration reference standard, and such
apparatus is found mostly in national calibration standards laboratories. Condensation methods Chilled-mirror method (dewpoint or frost-point hygrometer)

When moist air at temperature T, pressure p and mixing ratio r w (or ri) is cooled, it eventually
reaches its saturation point with respect to water (or to ice at lower temperatures) and a deposit
of dew (or frost) can be detected on a solid non-hygroscopic surface. The temperature of this
saturation point is the dewpoint temperature Td (or the frost-point Tf).

The chilled-mirror hygrometer are used to measure Td or Tf. The most widely used systems
employ a small polished-metal reflecting surface, cooled electrically by using a Peltier-effect
device, and sense condensation with an optical detector.

Instruments using condensation method are used for observational purposes and might also be
used as working standards and/or reference standards (see section4.4).
130 PART I. MEASUREMENT OF METEOROLOGICAL VARIABLES Heated salt-solution method (vapour equilibrium hygrometer, known as the

dew cell)

The equilibrium vapour pressure at the surface of a saturated salt solution is less than that for a
similar surface of pure water at the same temperature. This effect is exhibited by all salt solutions
but particularly by lithium chloride, which has an exceptionally low equilibrium vapour pressure.

An aqueous salt solution (whose equilibrium vapour pressure is below the ambient vapour
pressure) may be heated until a temperature is reached at which its equilibrium vapour pressure
exceeds the ambient vapour pressure. At this point, the balance will shift from condensation
to evaporation and eventually there will be a phase transition from the liquid solution to a
solid hydrate (crystalline) form. The transition point may be detected through a characteristic
decrease in the electrical conductivity of the solution as it crystallizes. The temperature of the
solution at which the ambient vapour pressure is reached provides a measure of the ambient
vapour pressure. For this purpose, a thermometer is placed in good thermal contact with the
solution. The ambient dewpoint (namely, with respect to a plane surface of pure water) may be
determined by using empirical data relating vapour pressure to temperature for pure water and
for salt solutions. The most frequently used salt solution for this type of sensor is lithium chloride.

This method is used for observational purposes, especially for automatic weather stations (see
section4.5). The psychrometric method

A psychrometer consists essentially of two thermometers exposed side by side, with the surface
of the sensing element of one being covered by a thin film of water or ice and termed the wet or
ice bulb, as appropriate. The sensing element of the second thermometer is simply exposed to
the air and is termed the dry bulb. This method is still widely used and is described in detail in

Owing to evaporation of water from the wet bulb, the temperature measured by the wet-bulb
thermometer is generally lower than that measured by the dry bulb. The difference in the
temperatures measured by the pair of thermometers is a measure of the humidity of the air; the
lower the ambient humidity, the greater the rate of evaporation and, consequently, the greater
the depression of the wet-bulb temperature below the dry-bulb temperature. The size of the wet-
bulb depression is related to the ambient humidity by a psychrometer formula.

This method is in widespread use for observational purposes. Instruments using the
psychrometric method are also commonly used as working standards. Sorption methods

Certain materials interact with water vapour and undergo a change in a chemical or physical
property that is sufficiently reversible for use as a sensor of ambient humidity. Water vapour
may be adsorbed or absorbed by the material, adsorption being the taking up of one substance
at the surface of another and absorption being the penetration of a substance into the body of
another. A hygroscopic substance is one that characteristically absorbs water vapour from the
surrounding atmosphere, by virtue of having a saturation vapour pressure that is lower than that
of the surrounding atmosphere. For absorption to take place, a necessary condition requires that
the ambient vapour pressure of the atmosphere exceeds the saturation vapour pressure of the
substance. The following are two properties of sorption:

(a) Changes in the dimensions of hygroscopic materials: Certain materials vary dimensionally
with humidity. Natural fibres tend to exhibit the greatest proportional change and,
when coupled to a mechanical lever system, can be incorporated into an analogue linear
displacement transducer. Such a transducer may be designed to move a pointer over a scale
to provide a visual display, or be an electromechanical device which provides an electrical

Human hair is the most widely used material for this type of humidity sensor. Synthetic
fibres may be used in place of human hair. Because of the very long lag time for synthetic
fibres, such sensors should never be used below 10C. The hair hygrometer is described in

Goldbeaters skin (an organic membrane obtained from the gut of domestic animals) has
properties similar to those of human hair and has been used for humidity measurements,
though most commonly in devices for taking upper-air measurement.

(b) Changes in electrical properties of hygroscopic materials: Certain hygroscopic materials

exhibit changes in their electrical properties in response to a change in the ambient relative
humidity with only a small temperature dependence. Commonly used methods making use
of these properties are described in section4.6.

Electrical relative humidity sensors are increasingly used for remote-reading applications,
particularly where a direct display of relative humidity is required.

Properties commonly exploited in the measurement of relative humidity include sensors

made from chemically treated plastic material having an electrically conductive surface
layer (electrical resistance) and sensors based upon the variation of the dielectric properties
of a solid, hygroscopic material in relation to the ambient relative humidity (electrical
capacitance). Absorption of electromagnetic radiation by water vapour (ultraviolet and

infrared absorption hygrometers)

The water molecule absorbs electromagnetic radiation in a range of wavebands and discrete
wavelengths; this property can be exploited to obtain a measure of the molecular concentration
of water vapour in a gas. The most useful regions of the electromagnetic spectrum for this
purpose lie in the ultraviolet and infrared regions, and the principle of the method is to
determine the attenuation of radiation in a waveband that is specific to water-vapour absorption,
along the path between a source of the radiation and a receiving device. There are two principal
methods for determining the degree of attenuation of the radiation, namely:

(a) The transmission of narrowband radiation at a fixed intensity to a calibrated receiver;

(b) The transmission of radiation at two wavelengths, one of which is strongly absorbed by
water vapour and the other is either not absorbed or only very weakly absorbed.

Both types of instruments require frequent calibration and are more suitable for measuring
changes in vapour concentration rather than absolute levels. Their use remains restricted to
research activities; a brief account of these instruments is given in section4.7. Time constants of humidity sensors

The specification of the time constant for a humidity sensor implies that the response of the
sensor to a step change in humidity is consistent with a known function. In general usage,
the term refers to the time taken for the sensor to indicate 63.2% (1/e) of a step change in the
measurand (in this case humidity), and assumes that the sensor has a first-order response to
changes in the measurand (namely, the rate of change of the measurement is proportional to
the difference between the measurement and the measurand). It is then possible to predict that
99.3% of the change will take place after a period of five time constants in duration.

Table 4.1 gives 1/e time-constant values typical for various types of humidity sensor.

Table 4.1. Time constants for humidity sensors

85% relative humidity 1/e time constant (s)

Sensor type 20 C 0 C 20 C
Ordinary human hair 32 75 440

Rolled hair 10 10 12

Goldbeaters skin 10 16 140

Electrical capacitance 110 110 110

Electrical resistance 110

Assmann psychrometer

Condensation hygrometers 3050 3050 3050

Electrolytic hygrometers

Optical hygrometer < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01

Note: The first-order relation does not hold particularly well for sorption sensors
since the forcing agent for vapour equilibrium, the local gradient of vapour
pressure, is dependent upon the local migration of water vapour molecules
within the body of a solid humidity element. In general, a first-order response will
be most closely exhibited by those sensors having a thin active element. Maintenance: general comments

The following maintenance procedures should be considered:

(a) Cleanliness: Sensors and housings should be kept clean. Some sensors, for example, chilled-
mirror and hair hygrometers, may be cleaned with distilled water and this should be carried
out regularly. Others, notably those having some form of electrolyte coating, but also some
with a polymeric substrate, may on no account be treated in this way. The provision of clear
instructions for observers and maintenance staff is vital;

(b) Checking and calibration of field instruments: Regular calibration is required for all
humidity sensors in the field. For psychrometers and dewpoint hygrometers, which use a
temperature detector, the calibration of the detector can be checked whenever the regular
maintenance routine is performed. A comparison with a working reference hygrometer,
such as an Assmann psychrometer, should also be performed at least once a month.

Saturated salt solutions have applications with sensors that require only a small sample volume.
A very stable ambient temperature is required and it is difficult to be confident about their use in
the field.

The use of a standard type of aspirated psychrometer, such as the Assmann, as a field reference
has the advantage that its own integrity can be verified by comparing the dry- and wet-bulb
thermometers, and that adequate aspiration may be expected from a healthy sounding fan. The
reference instrument should itself be calibrated at intervals that are appropriate to its type.

It is important to check the calibration of electrical interfaces regularly and throughout their
operational range. A simulator may be used in place of the sensor for this purpose. However,
it will still be necessary to calibrate the ensemble at selected points, since the combination of
calibration errors for sensor and interface which are individually within specification may be
outside the specification for the ensemble.

Detailed maintenance requirements specific to each class of hygrometer described in this chapter
are included in the appropriate section.

A protective filter is commonly used to protect a humidity sensor from contaminants that may
adversely affect its performance. Where a sensor is not artificially aspirated, the use of a filter
tends to slow the response rate of the sensor by preventing the bulk movement of air and by
relying upon molecular diffusion through the filter material. Although the diffusion of water
vapour through some materials, such as some cellulose products, is theoretically more rapid than
for still air, porous hydrophobic membranes achieve better diffusion rates in practice. The pore
size should be sufficiently small to trap harmful aerosol particles (in a maritime environment
sea-salt particles may be present in significant quantity down to a diameter of 0.1m) and the
porosity should be sufficient to allow an adequate diffusion rate.

The size of the filter, as well as its porosity, affects the overall diffusion rate. Diffusion will be
enhanced by aspiration, but it must be remembered that this technique relies upon maintaining
low air pressure on the sensing side of the filter, and that this can have a significant effect on the

Non-aspirated sensors should, in general, be protected using a hydrophobic, inert material.

High-porosity polymer membranes made from an expanded form of polytetrafluoroethylene
have been used successfully for this purpose in a variety of situations and are fairly robust.

Sintered metal filters may be used, but they should be heated to avoid problems with
condensation within the material. This is not normally appropriate for a relative humidity
sensor, but is quite acceptable for a dewpoint sensor. Sintered metal filters are robust and well
suited for aspirated applications, which allow the use of a filter having a large surface area and,
consequently, an acceptably small pressure differential.

Where diffusion is not enhanced by artificial aspiration, the relation of the surface area of the filter
to the volume of the air being sampled by the sensor must be considered. In the case of a typical
sorption sensor composed of a flat substrate, a flat membrane positioned close to the sensor
surface will provide the optimum configuration. In the case of a cylindrical sensing surface, a
cylindrical filter is appropriate.


4.2.1 General considerations Psychrometric formulae and tables

The following paragraphs summarize the existing practice in drawing up psychrometric tables.

The usual practice is to derive the vapour pressure e under the conditions of observation from
the following semi-empirical psychrometric formulae:
e' = e' w ( p, Tw ) Ap (T Tw ) (4.1)

e' = e'i ( p, Ti ) Ap (T Ti ) (4.2)

where ew is the saturation vapour pressure with respect to water at temperature Tw and
pressurep of the wet bulb; ei is the saturation vapour pressure with respect to ice at temperature
Ti and pressure p of the ice bulb; p is the pressure of the air; T the temperature of the dry
bulb; and A is the psychrometer coefficient. (The latter is preferred to the term psychrometer
constant, which is a misnomer.)

The wet-bulb thermometer temperature Tw for most instruments is not identical to the
thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature, defined in Annex4.A, which depends only upon
p, T andr(the humidity mixing ratio). The temperature measured by a practical wet-bulb

thermometer depends also upon a number of variables that are influenced by the dynamics of
heat transfer across a liquid/gas interface (in which the gas must be characterized in terms of
its component laminar and turbulent layers). The description of a satisfactory thermodynamic
model is beyond the scope of this publication. The inequality of the thermodynamic and
measured wet-bulb temperatures is resolved in practice through the empirical determination of
the psychrometer coefficient A (see section4.2.6).

In general, the coefficient A depends upon the design of the psychrometer (in particular the
wet-bulb system), the rate of airflow past the wet bulb (termed the ventilation rate), and the
air temperature and its humidity. At low rates of ventilation, A depends markedly upon the
ventilation rate. However, at ventilation rates of 3 to 5ms1 (for thermometers of conventional
dimensions) or higher, the value of A becomes substantially independent of the ventilation rate
and is practically the same for well-designed psychrometers. The value of A does not, then,
depend very much on temperature or humidity and its dependence on these variables is usually
considered unimportant. A is smaller when the wet bulb is coated with ice than when it is
covered with water.

The formulae and coefficients appropriate for the various forms of psychrometer are discussed in
the following sections. The specification of a psychrometer

The equipment used for psychrometric observations should, as far as practicable, conform with
the following recommendations (see sections4.2.3 and 4.2.6):

(a) At sea level, and in the case where the thermometers are of the types ordinarily used at
meteorological stations, air should be drawn past the thermometer bulbs at a rate of no
less than 2.2ms1 and no greater than 10ms1. For appreciably different altitudes, these air
speed limits should be adjusted in inverse proportion to the density of the atmosphere;

(b) The wet and dry bulbs must be protected from radiation, preferably by a minimum of two
shields. In a psychrometer with forced ventilation, such as the Assmann, the shields may
be of polished, unpainted metal, separated from the rest of the apparatus by insulating
material. Thermally insulating material is preferable in principle and must be used in
psychrometers which rely on natural ventilation;

(c) If the psychrometer is exposed in a louvred screen with forced ventilation, separate
ventilation ducts should be provided for the two thermometers. The entrance to the ducts
should be located so as to yield a measurement of the true ambient temperature, and the
air should be exhausted above the screen in such a way as to prevent recirculation;

(d) The greatest care should be taken to prevent the transfer of significant amounts of heat from
an aspirating motor to the thermometers;

(e) The water reservoir and wick should be arranged in such a way that the water will reach the
bulb with sensibly the wet-bulb temperature, so as not to affect the temperature of the dry
bulb. The wet-bulb sleeve

The wet bulb usually has a cotton wick, or similar fabric, fitting closely around the sensing
element in order to maintain an even covering of water, which is either applied directly or by
some form of capillary feed from a reservoir. The wick commonly takes the form of a sleeve that
has a good fit around the bulb and extends at least 2cm up the stem of the thermometer.

The fabric used to cover the wet bulb should be thin but closely woven. Before installation, it
should be washed thoroughly in an aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), at a
dilution of 5g per litre, and rinsed several times in distilled water. Alternatively, a solution of pure
detergent in water may be used. If a wick is to be employed, it should be similarly treated.

Any visible contamination of the wick or the wet-bulb sleeve should be considered an absolute
indication of the necessity for its replacement. Great care should be exercised in handling the
sleeve and wick to prevent contamination from hands. Distilled water should be used for the wet

The proper management of the wet bulb is particularly important. Observers should be
encouraged to change the wet-bulb sleeve and wick regularly. These should be replaced at least
once a week for all psychrometers that are continuously exposed. At places near the sea and in
dusty or industrialized districts it may be necessary to replace these items more frequently. The
water supply should be checked frequently and replaced or replenished as required.

Under hot, dry conditions, it can be an advantage to wet the covering with water from a porous
vessel. This will cause the water to be pre-cooled by evaporation from the porous surface. The
vessel should be kept in the shade, but not in the immediate vicinity of the psychrometer. Operation of the wet bulb below freezing

The psychrometer is difficult to operate at temperatures below freezing, but it is used in climates
where such temperatures occur. A wick cannot be used to convey water from a reservoir to the
wet-bulb sleeve by capillary action when the wet-bulb temperature is below 0C. Under these
conditions, care should be taken to form only a thin layer of ice on the sleeve. It is an absolute
necessity that the thermometers be artificially ventilated; if they are not, the management of the
wet bulb will be extremely difficult.

The water should, as far as possible, have a temperature close to freezing point. If a button of ice
forms at the lowest part of the bulb, it should be immersed in water long enough to melt the ice.

The time required for the wet bulb to reach a steady reading after the sleeve is wetted depends
on the ventilation rate and the actual wet-bulb temperature. An unventilated thermometer
usually requires from 15 to 45min, while an aspirated thermometer will require a much shorter
period. It is essential that the formation of a new ice film on the bulb be made at an appropriate
time. If hourly observations are being made with a simple psychrometer, it will usually be
preferable to form a new coating of ice just after each observation. If the observations are made
at longer intervals, the observer should visit the screen sufficiently in advance of each observation
to form a new ice film on the bulb. The wet bulb of the aspirated and sling psychrometers should
be moistened immediately before use.

The evaporation of an ice film may be prevented or slowed by enclosing the wet bulb in a small
glass tube, or by stopping the ventilation inlet of the wet bulb between intervals. (Note that the
latter course should not be taken if the circumstances are such that the ventilating fan would

The effect of supercooled water on the wet bulb may be dealt with in two ways:

(a) By using different tables when the wet bulb is coated with ice and with supercooled water,
respectively. To find out which table should be used, the wet bulb should be touched with
a snow crystal, a pencil or other object, just after each observation is completed. If the
temperature rises towards 0C, and then commences to fall again, it can be assumed that
the water on the wet bulb was supercooled at the time of the observation;

(b) By using a table appropriate for an ice-covered wet bulb and inducing the freezing of
supercooled water in the same way as for method (a). In order to save time and to ensure
that the wet bulb is ice-covered, the observer should make a point of initiating the freezing
of the water at each observation as soon as possible after moistening the bulb. From the

behaviour of the wetted thermometer at the freezing point it may usually be determined
whether the bulb is covered by ice or by supercooled water. The recommended procedure,
however, is to initiate the freezing of the water at each observation when the wet-bulb
temperature is assumed to be below 0C, regardless of whether the behaviour of the
thermometer after moistening has been observed or not.

Although the first method is usually the quickest, it requires two tables and this may cause some
confusion. General procedure for making observations

The procedures outlined in Part I, Chapter 2, for the measurement of temperature should be
followed, in addition to the following procedures:

(a) If the wet-bulb sleeve, wick or water has to be changed, this should be done sufficiently in
advance of the observation. The period required for the correct wet-bulb temperature to be
attained will depend upon the type of psychrometer;

(b) The thermometers should be read to the nearest tenth of a degree;

(c) When making an observation, the readings of the two thermometers should, as far as
possible, be taken simultaneously, and it should be ascertained that the wet bulb is
receiving a sufficient water supply. Use of electrical resistance thermometers

Precision platinum electrical resistance thermometers are widely used in place of mercury-in-
glass thermometers, in particular where remote reading and continuous measurements are
required. It is necessary to ensure that the devices, and the interfacing electrical circuits selected,
meet the performance requirements. These are detailed in PartI, Chapter2. Particular care
should always be taken with regard to self-heating effects in electrical thermometers.

The psychrometric formulae in Annex 4.B used for Assmann aspiration psychrometers are also
valid if platinum resistance thermometers are used in place of the mercury-in-glass instruments,
with different configurations of elements and thermometers. The formula for water on the wet
bulb is also valid for some transversely ventilated psychrometers (WMO, 1989a). Sources of error in psychrometry

The following main sources of error must be considered:

(a) Index errors of the thermometers: It is very important in psychrometric measurements that
the index errors of the thermometers be known over the actual temperature range and that
corrections for these errors be applied to the readings before the humidity tables are used.

Any other errors in the wet-bulb or ice-bulb temperature caused by other influences will
appear in the same way as index errors.

Table 4.2 shows the error in relative humidity (U), derived from wet- and ice-bulb
measurements having errors (t x), where x is water for t > 0 C and ice for t < 0 C,
respectively of 0.5 and 0.1K, for a relative humidity U of 50% and a range of true air
temperatures (where the dry-bulb reading is assumed to give the true air temperature).

(b) Thermometer lag coefficients: To obtain the highest accuracy with a psychrometer it
is desirable to arrange for the wet and dry bulbs to have approximately the same lag
coefficient; with thermometers having the same bulb size, the wet bulb has an appreciably
smaller lag than the dry bulb.

Table 4.2. Error in derived relative humidity resulting from wet- and
ice-bulb index errors (t x) for U = 50%

Error in relative humidity, (U) in

Air temperature % due to an error in wet- or ice-
in C bulb temperature
(t x) = 0.5 K (t x) = 0.1 K
30 60 12

20 27 5

10 14 3

0 8 2

10 5 1

20 4 0.5

30 3 0.5

40 2 0.5

50 2 0

(c) Errors relating to ventilation: Errors due to insufficient ventilation become much more
serious through the use of inappropriate humidity tables (see sections covering individual
psychrometer types).

(d) Errors due to excessive covering of ice on the wet bulb: Since a thick coating of ice will
increase the lag of the thermometer, it should be removed immediately by dipping the bulb
into distilled water.

(e) Errors due to contamination of the wet-bulb sleeve or to impure water: Large errors may be
caused by the presence of substances that alter the vapour pressure of water. The wet bulb
with its covering sleeve should be washed at regular intervals in distilled water to remove
soluble impurities. This procedure is more frequently necessary in some regions than
others, for example, at or near the sea or in areas subject to air pollution.

(f) Errors due to heat conduction from the thermometer stem to the wet-bulb system: The
conduction of heat from the thermometer stem to the wet bulb will reduce the wet-bulb
depression and lead to determinations of humidity that are too high. The effect is most
pronounced at low relative humidity but can be effectively eliminated by extending the
wet-bulb sleeve at least 2cm beyond the bulb up the stem of the thermometer.

4.2.2 The Assmann aspirated psychrometer Description

Two mercury-in-glass thermometers, mounted vertically side by side in a chromium- or nickel-

plated polished metal frame, are connected by ducts to an aspirator. The aspirator may be driven
by a spring or an electric motor. One thermometer bulb has a well-fitted muslin wick which,
before use, is moistened with distilled water. Each thermometer is located inside a pair of coaxial
metal tubes, highly polished inside and out, which screen the bulbs from external thermal
radiation. The tubes are all thermally insulated from each other.

A WMO international intercomparison of Assmann-type psychrometers from 10 countries

(WMO, 1989a) showed that there is good agreement between dry- and wet-bulb temperatures
of psychrometers with the dimensional specifications close to the original specification, and with
aspiration rates above 2.2ms1. Not all commercially available instruments fully comply. A more

detailed discussion is found in WMO (1989a). The performance of the Assmann psychrometer in
the field may be as good as the achievable accuracy stated in PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.E of this
Guide, and with great care it can be significantly improved.

Annex 4.B lists standard formulae for the computation of measures of humidity using an
Assmann psychrometer,3 which are the bases of some of the other artificially ventilated
psychrometers, in the absence of well-established alternatives. Observation procedure

The wick, which must be free of grease, is moistened with distilled water. Dirty or crusty wicks
should be replaced. Care should be taken not to introduce a water bridge between the wick and
the radiation shield.

The mercury columns of the thermometers should be inspected for breaks, which should be
closed up or the thermometer should be replaced.

The instrument is normally operated with the thermometers held vertically. The thermometer
stems should be protected from solar radiation by turning the instrument so that the lateral
shields are in line with the sun. The instrument should be tilted so that the inlet ducts open
into the wind, but care should be taken so that solar radiation does not fall on the thermometer
bulbs. A wind screen is necessary in very windy conditions when the rotation of the aspirator is
otherwise affected.

The psychrometer should be in thermal equilibrium with the surrounding air. At air temperatures
above 0C, at least three measurements at 1min intervals should be taken following an
aspiration period. Below 0C it is necessary to wait until the freezing process has finished, and to
observe whether there is water or ice on the wick. During the freezing and thawing processes the
wet-bulb temperature remains constant at 0C. In the case of outdoor measurements, several
measurements should be taken and the average taken. Thermometer readings should be made
with a resolution of 0.1K or better.

A summary of the observation procedure is as follows:

(a) Moisten the wet bulb;

(b) Wind the clockwork motor (or start the electric motor);

(c) Wait 2 or 3 min or until the wet-bulb reading has become steady;

(d) Read the dry bulb;

(e) Read the wet bulb;

(f) Check the reading of the dry bulb. Exposure and siting

Observations should be made in an open area with the instrument either suspended from a
clamp or attached using a bracket to a thin post, or held with one hand at arms length with the
inlets slightly inclined into the wind. The inlets should be at a height of 1.25 to 2m above ground
for normal measurements of air temperature and humidity.

Great care should be taken to prevent the presence of the observer or any other nearby sources of
heat and water vapour, such as the exhaust pipe of a motor vehicle, from having an influence on
the readings.

Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its tenth session (1989).

The ventilation system should be checked regularly, at least once per month.

The calibration of the thermometers should also be checked regularly. The two may be compared
together, with both thermometers measuring the dry-bulb temperature. Comparison with a
certified reference thermometer should be performed at least once a year. Maintenance

Between readings, the instrument should be stored in an unheated room or be otherwise

protected from precipitation and strong insolation. When not in use, the instrument should be
stored indoors in a sturdy packing case such as that supplied by the manufacturer.

4.2.3 Screen psychrometer Description

Two mercury-in-glass thermometers are mounted vertically in a thermometer screen. The

diameter of the sensing bulbs should be about 10mm. One of the bulbs is fitted with a wet-bulb
sleeve, which should fit closely to the bulb and extend at least 20mm up the stem beyond it. If a
wick and water reservoir are used to keep the wet-bulb sleeve in a moist condition, the reservoir
should preferably be placed to the side of the thermometer and with the mouth at the same level
as, or slightly lower than, the top of the thermometer bulb. The wick should be kept as straight
as possible and its length should be such that water reaches the bulb with sensibly the wet-bulb
temperature and in sufficient (but not excessive) quantity. If no wick is used, the wet bulb should
be protected from dirt by enclosing the bulb in a small glass tube between readings.

It is recommended that screen psychrometers be artificially aspirated. Both thermometers should

be aspirated at an air speed of about 3ms1. Both spring-wound and electrically driven aspirators
are in common use. The air should be drawn in horizontally across the bulbs, rather than
vertically, and exhausted in such a way as to avoid recirculation.

The performance of the screen psychrometer may be much worse than that shown in PartI,
Chapter1, Annex1.E of this Guide, especially in light winds if the screen is not artificially

The psychrometric formulae given in section apply to screen psychrometers, but the
coefficients are quite uncertain. A summary of some of the formulae in use is given by Bindon
(1965). If there is artificial ventilation at 3ms1 or more across the wet bulb, the values given in
Annex4.B may be applied, with a psychrometer coefficient of 6.53 10 4 K1 for water. However,
values from 6.50 to 6.78 10 4 are in use for wet bulbs above 0C, and 5.70 to 6.5310 4
for below 0C. For a naturally ventilated screen psychrometer, coefficients in use range from
7.7 to 8.0 10 4 above freezing and 6.8 to 7.2 10 4 for below freezing when there is some
air movement in the screen, which is probably nearly always the case. However, coefficients
up to 1210 4 for water and 10.6 10 4 for ice have been advocated for when there is no air

The psychrometer coefficient appropriate for a particular configuration of screen, shape of wet
bulb and degree of ventilation may be determined by comparison with a suitable working or
reference standard, but there will be a wide scatter in the data, and a very large experiment
would be necessary to obtain a stable result. Even when a coefficient has been obtained by such
an experiment, the confidence limits for any single observation will be wide, and there would be
little justification for departing from established national practices.

The procedures described in section4.2.1.5 apply to the screen psychrometer. In the case of a
naturally aspirated wet bulb, provided that the water reservoir has about the same temperature
as the air, the correct wet-bulb temperature will be attained approximately 15min after fitting a
new sleeve; if the water temperature differs substantially from that of the air, it may be necessary
to wait for 30min. Exposure and siting

The exposure and siting of the screen are described in PartI, Chapter2.

4.2.4 Sling or whirling psychrometers Description

A small portable type of whirling or sling psychrometer consists of two mercury-in-glass

thermometers mounted on a sturdy frame, which is provided with a handle and spindle, and
located at the furthest end from the thermometer bulbs, by means of which the frame and
thermometers may be rotated rapidly about a horizontal axis.

The wet-bulb arrangement varies according to individual design. Some designs shield the
thermometer bulbs from direct insolation, and these are to be preferred for meteorological

The psychrometric formulae in Annex4.B may be used. Observation procedure

The following guidelines should be applied:

(a) All instructions with regard to the handling of Assmann aspirated psychrometers apply also
to sling psychrometers;

(b) Sling psychrometers lacking radiation shields for the thermometer bulbs should be shielded
from direct insolation in some other way;

(c) Thermometers should be read at once after aspiration ceases because the wet-bulb
temperature will begin to rise immediately, and the thermometers are likely to be subject to
insolation effects.

4.2.5 Heated psychrometer

The principle of the heated psychrometer is that the water-vapour content of an air mass does not
change if it is heated. This property may be exploited to the advantage of the psychrometer by
avoiding the need to maintain an ice bulb under freezing conditions. Description

Air is drawn into a duct where it passes over an electrical heating element and then into a
measuring chamber containing both dry- and wet-bulb thermometers and a water reservoir.
The heating element control circuit ensures that the air temperature does not fall below a certain
level, which might typically be 10C. The temperature of the water reservoir is maintained in
a similar way. Thus, neither the water in the reservoir nor the water at the wick should freeze,
provided that the wet-bulb depression is less than 10K, and that the continuous operation of

the psychrometer is secured even if the air temperature is below 0C. At temperatures above
10C the heater may be automatically switched off, when the instrument reverts to normal
psychrometric operation.

Electrical thermometers are used so that they may be entirely enclosed within the measuring
chamber and without the need for visual readings.

A second dry-bulb thermometer is located at the inlet of the duct to provide a measurement of
the ambient air temperature. Thus, the ambient relative humidity may be determined.

The psychrometric thermometer bulbs are axially aspirated at an air velocity in the region
of3ms1. Observation procedure

A heated psychrometer would be suitable for automatic weather stations. Exposure and siting

The instrument itself should be mounted outside a thermometer screen. The air inlet, where
ambient air temperature is measured, should be inside the screen.

4.2.6 The WMO reference psychrometer

The reference psychrometer and procedures for its operation are described in WMO (1992).
The wet- and dry-bulb elements are enclosed in an aspirated shield, for use as a free-standing
instrument. Its significant characteristic is that the psychrometer coefficient is calculable from the
theory of heat and mass exchanges at the wet bulb, and is different from the coefficient for other
psychrometers, with a value of 6.53 10 4 K1 at 50% relative humidity, 20C and 1000hPa.
Its wet-bulb temperature is very close to the theoretical value (see Annex4.A, paragraphs18
and 19). This is achieved by ensuring that the evaporation at the wet bulb is very efficient and
that extraneous heating is minimized. The nature of the airflow over the wet bulb is controlled
by careful shaping of the duct and the bulb, and by controlling the ventilation rate. The double
shield is highly reflective externally, and blackened on the inside, and the thermometer elements
are insulated and separated by a shield. The shields and the wet-bulb element (which contains
the thermometer) are made of stainless steel to minimize thermal conduction.

The procedures for the use of the reference psychrometer ensure that the wet bulb is completely
free of grease, even in the monomolecular layers that always arise from handling any part of
the apparatus with the fingers. This is probably the main reason for the close relation of the
coefficient to the theoretical value, and its difference from the psychrometer coefficients of other

The reference psychrometer is capable of great accuracy, 0.38% uncertainty in relative

humidity at 50% relative humidity and 20C. It has also been adopted as the WMO reference
thermometer. It is designed for use in the field but is not suitable for routine use. It should
be operated only by staff accustomed to very precise laboratory work. Its use as a reference
instrument is discussed in section4.9.7.


4.3.1 General considerations

Any absorbing material tends to equilibrium with its environment in terms of both temperature
and humidity. The water-vapour pressure at the surface of the material is determined by the
temperature and the amount of water bound by the material. Any difference between this
pressure and the water-vapour pressure of the surrounding air will be equalized by the exchange
of water molecules.

The change in the length of hair has been found to be a function primarily of the change in
relative humidity with respect to liquid water (both above and below an air temperature of 0C),
with an increase of about 2% to 2.5% when the humidity changes from 0% to 100%. By rolling
the hairs to produce an elliptical cross-section and by dissolving out the fatty substances with
alcohol, the ratio of the surface area to the enclosed volume increases and yields a decreased
lag coefficient which is particularly relevant for use at low air temperatures. This procedure also
results in a more linear response function, although the tensile strength is reduced. For accurate
measurements, a single hair element is to be preferred, but a bundle of hairs is commonly used
to provide a degree of ruggedness. Chemical treatment with barium (BaS) or sodium sulphide
(Na2S) yields further linearity of response.

The hair hygrograph or hygrometer is considered to be a satisfactory instrument for use in

situations or during periods where extreme and very low humidities are seldom or never found.
The mechanism of the instrument should be as simple as possible, even if this makes it necessary
to have a non-linear scale. This is especially important in industrial regions, since air pollutants
may act on the surface of the moving parts of the mechanism and increase friction between

The rate of response of the hair hygrometer is very dependent on air temperature. At 10C
the lag of the instrument is approximately three times greater than the lag at 10C. For air
temperatures between 0C and 30C and relative humidities between 20% and 80% a good
hygrograph should indicate 90% of a sudden change in humidity within about 3min.

A good hygrograph in perfect condition should be capable of recording relative humidity at

moderate temperatures with an uncertainty of 3%. At low temperatures, the uncertainty will be

Using hair pre-treated by rolling (as described above) is a requirement if useful information is to
be obtained at low temperatures.

4.3.2 Description

The detailed mechanism of hair hygrometers varies according to the manufacturer. Some
instruments incorporate a transducer to provide an electrical signal, and these may also provide
a linearizing function so that the overall response of the instrument is linear with respect to
changes in relative humidity.

The most commonly used hair hygrometer is the hygrograph. This employs a bundle of hairs held
under slight tension by a small spring and connected to a pen arm in such a way as to magnify
a change in the length of the bundle. A pen at the end of the pen arm is in contact with a paper
chart fitted around a metal cylinder and registers the angular displacement of the arm. The
cylinder rotates about its axis at a constant rate determined by a mechanical clock movement.
The rate of rotation is usually one revolution either per week or per day. The chart has a scaled
time axis that extends round the circumference of the cylinder and a scaled humidity axis parallel
to the axis of the cylinder. The cylinder normally stands vertically.

The mechanism connecting the pen arm to the hair bundle may incorporate specially designed
cams that translate the non-linear extension of the hair in response to humidity changes into a
linear angular displacement of the arm.

The hair used in hygrometers may be of synthetic fibre. Where human hair is used it is normally
first treated as described in section4.3.1 to improve both the linearity of its response and the
response lag, although this does result in a lower tensile strength.

The pen arm and clock assembly are normally housed in a box with glass panels which allow the
registered humidity to be observed without disturbing the instrument, and with one end open
to allow the hair element to be exposed in free space outside the limits of the box. The sides of
the box are separate from the solid base, but the end opposite the hair element is attached to
it by a hinge. This arrangement allows free access to the clock cylinder and hair element. The
element may be protected by an open mesh cage.

4.3.3 Observation procedure

The hair hygrometer should always be tapped lightly before being read in order to free any
tension in the mechanical system. The hygrograph should, as far as possible, not be touched
between changes of the charts except in order to make time marks.

Both the hygrometer and the hygrograph can normally be read to the nearest 1% of relative
humidity. Attention is drawn to the fact that the hair hygrometer measures relative humidity with
respect to saturation over liquid water even at air temperatures below 0C.

The humidity of the air may change very rapidly and, therefore, accurate setting of time marks on
a hygrograph is very important. In making the marks, the pen arm should be moved only in the
direction of decreasing humidity on the chart. This is done so that the hairs are slackened by the
displacement and, to bring the pen back to its correct position, the restoring force is applied by
the tensioning spring. However, the effect of hysteresis may be evidenced in the failure of the pen
to return to its original position.

4.3.4 Exposure and siting

The hygrograph or hygrometer should be exposed in a thermometer screen. Ammonia is very

destructive to natural hair. Exposure in the immediate vicinity of stables and industrial plants
using ammonia should be avoided.

When used in polar regions, the hygrograph should preferably be exposed in a special
thermometer screen which provides the instrument with sufficient protection against
precipitation and drifting snow. For example, a cover for the thermometer screen can be made
of fine-meshed net (Mullergas) as a precautionary measure to prevent the accumulation of snow
crystals on the hairs and the bearing surfaces of the mechanical linkage. This method can be
used only if there is no risk of the net being wetted by melting snow crystals.

4.3.5 Sources of error Changes in zero offset

For various reasons which are poorly understood, the hygrograph is liable to change its zero.
The most likely cause is that excess tension has been induced in the hairs. For instance, the hairs
may be stretched if time marks are made in the direction of increasing humidity on the chart or if
the hygrograph mechanism sticks during decreasing humidity. The zero may also change if the
hygrograph is kept in very dry air for a long time, but the change may be reversed by placing the
instrument in a saturated atmosphere for a sufficient length of time.
144 PART I. MEASUREMENT OF METEOROLOGICAL VARIABLES Errors due to contamination of the hair

Most kinds of dust will cause appreciable errors in observations (perhaps as much as 15% relative
humidity). In most cases this may be eliminated, or at least reduced, by cleaning and washing
the hairs. However, the harmful substances found in dust may also be destructive to hair (see
section4.3.4). Hysteresis

Hysteresis is exhibited both in the response of the hair element and in the recording mechanism
of the hair hygrometer. Hysteresis in the recording mechanism is reduced through the use of a
hair bundle, which allows a greater loading force to overcome friction. It should be remembered
that the displacement magnification of the pen arm lever applies also to the frictional force
between the pen and paper, and to overcome this force it requires a proportionately higher
tension in the hair. The correct setting of the tensioning spring is also required to minimize
hysteresis, as is the correct operation of all parts of the transducing linkage. The main fulcrum
and any linearizing mechanism in the linkage introduce much of the total friction.

Hysteresis in the hair element is normally a short-term effect related to the absorption
desorption processes and is not a large source of error once vapour pressure equilibrium is
established (see section4.3.5.1 in respect of prolonged exposure at low humidity).

4.3.6 Calibration and comparisons

The readings of a hygrograph should be checked as frequently as is practical. In the case where
wet- and dry-bulb thermometers are housed in the same thermometer screen, these may be
used to provide a comparison whenever suitable steady conditions prevail, but otherwise field
comparisons have limited value due to the difference in response rate of the instruments.

Accurate calibration can only be obtained through the use of an environmental chamber and by
comparison with reference instruments.

The 100% humidity point may be checked, preferably indoors with a steady air temperature,
by surrounding the instrument with a saturated cloth (though the correct reading will not be
obtained if a significant mass of liquid water droplets forms on the hairs).

The ambient indoor humidity may provide a low relative humidity checkpoint for comparison
against a reference aspirated psychrometer. A series of readings should be obtained.

Long-term stability and bias may be appraised by presenting comparisons with a reference
aspirated psychrometer in terms of a correlation function.

4.3.7 Maintenance

Observers should be encouraged to keep the hygrometer clean.

The hair should be washed at frequent intervals using distilled water on a soft brush to remove
accumulated dust or soluble contaminants. At no time should the hair be touched by fingers.
The bearings of the mechanism should be kept clean and a small amount of clock oil should be
applied occasionally. The bearing surfaces of any linearizing mechanism will contribute largely to
the total friction in the linkage, which may be minimized by polishing the surfaces with graphite.
This procedure may be carried out by using a piece of blotting paper rubbed with a lead pencil.

With proper care, the hairs may last for several years in a temperate climate and when not subject
to severe atmospheric pollution. Recalibration and adjustment will be required when hairs are


4.4.1 General considerations Theory

The dewpoint (or frost-point) hygrometer is used to measure the temperature at which moist
air, when cooled, reaches saturation and a deposit of dew (or ice) can be detected on a solid
surface, which usually is a mirror. The deposit is normally detected optically. The principle of the
measurement is described in section4.1.4.5 and below.

The thermodynamic dewpoint is defined for a plane surface of pure water. In practice, water
droplets have curved surfaces, over which the saturation vapour pressure is higher than for the
plane surface (known as the Kelvin effect). Hydrophobic contaminants will exaggerate the effect,
while soluble ones will have the opposite effect and lower the saturation vapour pressure (the
Raoult effect). The Kelvin and Raoult effects (which, respectively, raise and lower the apparent
dewpoint) are minimized if the critical droplet size adopted is large rather than small; this
reduces the curvature effect directly and reduces the Raoult effect by lowering the concentration
of a soluble contaminant. Principles

When moist air at temperature T, pressure p and mixing ratio r w (or ri) is cooled, it eventually
reaches its saturation point with respect to a free water surface (or to a free ice surface at lower
temperatures) and a deposit of dew (or frost) can be detected on a solid non-hygroscopic
surface. The temperature of this saturation point is called the thermodynamic dewpoint
temperature Td (or the thermodynamic frost-point temperature Tf). The corresponding saturation
vapour pressure with respect to water ew (or ice ei) is a function of Td (or Tf), as shown in the
following equations:
r p
e' w ( p, Td ) = f ( p ) ew (Td ) = (4.3)
0.621 98 + r
r p
( ) ( )
e'i p, T f = f ( p ) ei T f =
0.621 98 + r

The hygrometer measures Td or Tf . Despite the great dynamic range of moisture in the
troposphere, this instrument is capable of detecting both very high and very low concentrations
of water vapour by means of a thermal sensor alone.

Cooling using a low-boiling-point liquid has been used but is now largely superseded except for
very low water-vapour concentrations.

It follows from the above that it must also be possible to determine whether the deposit is
supercooled liquid or ice when the surface temperature is at or below freezing point.

The chilled-mirror hygrometer is used for meteorological measurements and as a reference

instrument both in the field and in the laboratory.

4.4.2 Description Sensor assembly

The most widely used systems employ a small polished-metal reflecting surface, cooled
electrically using a Peltier-effect device. The sensor consists of a thin metallic mirror of small
(2to5mm) diameter that is thermally regulated using a cooling assembly (and possibly a
heater), with a temperature sensor (thermocouple or platinum resistance thermometer)
embedded on the underside of the mirror. The mirror should have a high thermal conductance,

optical reflectivity and corrosion resistance combined with a low permeability to water vapour.
Suitable materials used include gold, rhodium-plated silver, chromium-plated copper and
stainless steel.

The mirror should be equipped with a (preferably automatic) device for detecting contaminants
that may increase or decrease the apparent dewpoint (see section4.4.2.2), so that they may be
removed. Optical detection assembly

An electro-optical system is usually employed to detect the formation of condensate and to

provide the input to the servo-control system to regulate the temperature of the mirror. A narrow
beam of light is directed at the mirror at an angle of incidence of about 55. The light source may
be incandescent but is now commonly a light-emitting diode. In simple systems, the intensity of
the directly reflected light is detected by a photodetector that regulates the cooling and heating
assembly through a servo-control. The specular reflectivity of the surface decreases as the
thickness of the deposit increases; cooling should cease while the deposit is thin, with a reduction
in reflectance in the range of 5% to 40%. More elaborate systems use an auxiliary photodetector
which detects the light scattered by the deposit; the two detectors are capable of very precise
control. A second, uncooled, mirror may be used to improve the control system.

Greatest precision is obtained by controlling the mirror to a temperature at which condensate

neither accumulates nor dissipates; however, in practice, the servo-system will oscillate around
this temperature. The response time of the mirror to heating and cooling is critical in respect
of the amplitude of the oscillation, and should be of the order of 1 to 2s. The airflow rate is
also important for maintaining a stable deposit on the mirror. It is possible to determine the
temperature at which condensation occurs with a precision of 0.05K.

It is feasible, but a time-consuming and skilled task, to observe the formation of droplets by using
a microscope and to regulate the mirror temperature under manual control. Thermal control assembly

A Peltier-effect thermo-junction device provides a simple reversible heat pump; the polarity
of direct current energization determines whether heat is pumped to, or from, the mirror. The
device is bonded to, and in good thermal contact with, the underside of the mirror. For very low
dewpoints, a multistage Peltier device may be required.

Thermal control is achieved by using an electrical servo-system that takes as input the signal from
the optical detector subsystem. Modern systems operate under microprocessor control.

A low-boiling-point fluid, such as liquid nitrogen, may be used to provide cooling, but this
technique is no longer widely used. Similarly, electrical resistance wire may be used for heating
but has now been superseded with the advent of small Peltier devices. Temperature display system

The mirror temperature, as measured by the electrical thermometer embedded beneath the
mirror surface, is presented to the observer as the dewpoint of the air sample. Commercial
instruments normally include an electrical interface for the mirror thermometer and a digital
display, but may also provide digital and analogue electrical outputs for use with data-logging
equipment. A chart recorder is particularly useful for monitoring the performance of the
instrument in the case where the analogue output provides a continuous registration of the
mirror thermometer signal but the digital display does not.

A microscope may be incorporated to provide a visual method to discriminate between

supercooled water droplets and ice crystals for mirror temperatures below 0C. Some
instruments have a detector mounted on the mirror surface to provide an automatic procedure
for this purpose (for example, capacitive sensor), while others employ a method based on

A microprocessor-based system may incorporate algorithms to calculate and display relative

humidity. In this case, it is important that the instrument should discriminate correctly between a
water and an ice deposit.

Many instruments provide an automatic procedure for minimizing the effects of contamination.
This may be a regular heating cycle in which volatile contaminants are evaporated and removed
in the air stream. Systems with a wiper to automatically clean the mirror by means of a wiper are
also in use.

For meteorological measurements, and in most laboratory applications, a small pump is required
to draw the sampled air through the measuring chamber. A regulating device is also required to
set the flow at a rate that is consistent with the stable operation of the mirror temperature servo-
control system and at an acceptable rate of response to changes in humidity. The optimum flow
rate is dependent upon the moisture content of the air sample and is normally within the range
of 0.25 to 1lmin1.

4.4.3 Observation procedure

The correct operation of a dewpoint hygrometer depends upon achieving an appropriate volume
airflow rate through the measuring chamber. The setting of a regulator for this purpose, usually
a throttling device located downstream of the measuring chamber, is likely to require adjustment
to accommodate diurnal variations in air temperature. Adjustment of the airflow will disturb
the operation of the hygrometer, and it may even be advisable to initiate a heating cycle. Both
measures should be taken with sufficient time in order for a stable operation to be achieved
before a reading is taken. The amount of time required will depend upon the control cycle of
the individual instrument. The manufacturers instructions should be consulted to provide
appropriate guidance on the airflow rate to be set and on details of the instruments control

The condition of the mirror should be checked frequently; the mirror should be cleaned as
necessary. The stable operation of the instrument does not necessarily imply that the mirror
is clean. It should be washed with distilled water and dried carefully by wiping it with a soft
cloth or cotton dabstick to remove any soluble contaminant. Care must be taken not to scratch
the surface of the mirror, most particularly where the surface has a thin plating to protect the
substrate or where an ice/liquid detector is incorporated. If an air filter is not in use, cleaning
should be performed at least daily. If an air filter is in use, its condition should be inspected at
each observation. The observer should take care not to stand next to the air inlet or to allow the
outlet to become blocked.

For readings at, or below, 0 C the observer should determine whether the mirror condensate is
supercooled water or ice. If no automatic indication is given, the mirror must be observed. From
time to time the operation of any automatic system should be verified.

An uncertainty of 0.3 K over a wide dewpoint range (60C to 50C) is specified for the best

4.4.4 Exposure and siting

The criteria for the siting of the sensor unit are similar to those for any aspirated hygrometer,
although less stringent than for either a psychrometer or a relative humidity sensor, considering

the fact that the dew or frost point of an air sample is unaffected by changes to the ambient
temperature provided that it remains above the dewpoint at all times. For this reason, a
temperature screen is not required. The sensor should be exposed in an open space and may be
mounted on a post, within a protective housing structure, with an air inlet at the required level.

An air-sampling system is required. This is normally a small pump that must draw air from the
outlet port of the measuring chamber and eject it away from the inlet duct. Recirculation of the
airflow should be avoided as this represents a poor sampling technique, although under stable
operation the water-vapour content at the outlet should be effectively identical to that at the
inlet. Recirculation may be avoided by fixing the outlet above the inlet, although this may not
be effective under radiative atmospheric conditions when a negative air temperature lapse rate

An air filter should be provided for continuous outdoor operations. It must be capable of
allowing an adequate throughflow of air without a large blocking factor, as this may result in
a significant drop in air pressure and affect the condensation temperature in the measuring
chamber. A sintered metal filter may be used in this application to capture all but the smallest
aerosol particles. A metal filter has the advantage that it may be heated easily by an electrical
element in order to keep it dry under all conditions. It is more robust than the membrane-type
filter and more suited to passing the relatively high airflow rates required by the chilled-mirror
method as compared with the sorption method. On the other hand, a metallic filter may be more
susceptible to corrosion by atmospheric pollutants than some membrane filters.

4.4.5 Calibration

Regular comparisons against a reference instrument, such as an Assmann psychrometer or

another chilled-mirror hygrometer, should be made as the operation of a field chilled mirror
is subject to a number of influences which may degrade its performance. An instrument
continuously in the field should be the subject of weekly check measurements. As the
opportunity arises, its operation at both dew and frost points should be verified. When the
mirror temperature is below 0C the deposit should be inspected visually, if this is possible, to
determine whether it is of supercooled water or ice.

A useful check is to compare the mirror temperature measurement with the air temperature while
the thermal control system of the hygrometer is inactive. The instrument should be aspirated,
and the air temperature measured at the mouth of the hygrometer air intake. This check is best
performed under stable, non-condensing conditions. In bright sunshine, the sensor and duct
should be shaded and allowed to come to equilibrium. The aspiration rate may be increased for
this test.

An independent field calibration of the mirror thermometer interface may be performed by

simulating the thermometer signal. In the case of a platinum resistance thermometer, a standard
platinum resistance simulation box, or a decade resistance box and a set of appropriate tables,
may be used. A special simulator interface for the hygrometer control unit may also be required.



4.5.1 General considerations Principles

The physical principles of the heated salt-solution method are discussed in section4.
The equilibrium vapour pressure at the surface of a saturated lithium chloride solution is
exceptionally low. As a consequence, a solution of lithium chloride is extremely hygroscopic
under typical conditions of surface atmospheric humidity; if the ambient vapour pressure

exceeds the equilibrium vapour pressure of the solution, water vapour will condense over it (for
example, at 0C water vapour condenses over a plane surface of a saturated solution of lithium
chloride to only 15% relative humidity).

A thermodynamically self-regulating device may be achieved if the solution is heated directly by

passing an electrical current through it from a constant-voltage device. An alternating current
should be used to prevent polarization of the solution. As the electrical conductivity decreases,
so will the heating current, and an equilibrium point will be reached whereby a constant
temperature is maintained; any cooling of the solution will result in the condensation of water
vapour, thus causing an increase in conductivity and an increase in heating current, which
will reverse the cooling trend. Heating beyond the balance point will evaporate water vapour
until the consequent fall in conductivity reduces the electrical heating to the point where it is
exceeded by heat losses, and cooling ensues.

It follows from the above that there is a lower limit to the ambient vapour pressure that may be
measured in this way at any given temperature. Below this value, the salt solution would have to
be cooled in order for water vapour to condense. This would be equivalent to the chilled-mirror
method except that, in the latter case, condensation takes place at a lower temperature when
saturation is achieved with respect to a pure water surface, namely, at the ambient dewpoint.

A degree of uncertainty is inherent in the method due to the existence of four different hydrates
of lithium chloride. At certain critical temperatures, two of the hydrates may be in equilibrium
with the aqueous phase, and the equilibrium temperature achieved by heating is affected
according to the hydrate transition that follows. The most serious ambiguity for meteorological
purposes occurs for ambient dewpoint temperatures below 12C. For an ambient dewpoint
of 23C, the potential difference in equilibrium temperature, according to which one of the
two hydrate-solution transitions takes place, results in an uncertainty of 3.5K in the derived
dewpoint value. Description

The dew-cell hygrometer measures the temperature at which the equilibrium vapour pressure for
a saturated solution of lithium chloride is equal to the ambient water-vapour pressure. Empirical
transformation equations, based on saturation vapour pressure data for lithium chloride solution
and for pure water, provide for the derivation of the ambient water vapour and dewpoint with
respect to a plane surface of pure water. The dewpoint temperature range of 12C to 25C
results in dew-cell temperatures in the range of 17C to 71C. Sensors with direct heating

The sensor consists of a tube, or bobbin, with a resistance thermometer fitted axially within. The
external surface of the tube is covered with a glass fibre material (usually tape wound around and
along the tube) that is soaked with an aqueous solution of lithium chloride, sometimes combined
with potassium chloride. Bifilar silver or gold wire is wound over the covering of the bobbin,
with equal spacing between the turns. An alternating electrical current source is connected to
the two ends of the bifilar winding; this is commonly derived from the normal electrical supply
(50 or 60Hz). The lithium chloride solution is electrically conductive to a degree determined
by the concentration of solute. A current passes between adjacent bifilar windings, which act
as electrodes, and through the solution. The current heats the solution, which increases in

Except under conditions of extremely low humidity, the ambient vapour pressure will be
higher than the equilibrium vapour pressure over the solution of lithium chloride at ambient air
temperature, and water vapour will condense onto the solution. As the solution is heated by the
electrical current, a temperature will eventually be reached above which the equilibrium vapour
pressure exceeds the ambient vapour pressure, evaporation will begin, and the concentration of
the solution will increase.

An operational equilibrium temperature exists for the instrument, depending upon the ambient
water-vapour pressure. Above the equilibrium temperature, evaporation will increase the
concentration of the solution, and the electrical current and the heating will decrease and allow
heat losses to cause the temperature of the solution to fall. Below the equilibrium temperature,
condensation will decrease the concentration of the solution, and the electrical current and
the heating will increase and cause the temperature of the solution to rise. At the equilibrium
temperature, neither evaporation nor condensation occurs because the equilibrium vapour
pressure and the ambient vapour pressure are equal.

In practice, the equilibrium temperature measured is influenced by individual characteristics

of sensor construction and has a tendency to be higher than that predicted from equilibrium
vapour-pressure data for a saturated solution of lithium chloride. However, reproducibility is
sufficiently good to allow the use of a standard transfer function for all sensors constructed to a
given specification.

Strong ventilation affects the heat transfer characteristics of the sensor, and fluctuations in
ventilation lead to unstable operation.

In order to minimize the risk of excessive current when switching on the hygrometer (as the
resistance of the solution at ambient temperature is rather low), a current-limiting device, in
the form of a small lamp, is normally connected to the heater element. The lamp is chosen so
that, at normal bobbin-operating currents, the filament resistance will be low enough for the
hygrometer to function properly, while the operating current for the incandescent lamp (even
allowing for a bobbin-offering no electrical resistance) is below a value that might damage the
heating element.

The equilibrium vapour pressure for saturated lithium chloride depends upon the hydrate being
in equilibrium with the aqueous solution. In the range of solution temperatures corresponding
to dewpoints of 12C to 41C monohydrate normally occurs. Below 12C, dihydrate forms,
and above 41C, anhydrous lithium chloride forms. Close to the transition points, the operation
of the hygrometer is unstable and the readings ambiguous. However, the 12C lower dewpoint
limit may be extended to 30C by the addition of a small amount of potassium chloride (KCl). Sensors with indirect heating

Improved accuracy, compared with the arrangement described in section4.5.1.2, may be

obtained when a solution of lithium chloride is heated indirectly. The conductance of the solution
is measured between two platinum electrodes and provides control of a heating coil.

4.5.2 Operational procedure

Readings of the equilibrium temperature of the bobbin are taken and a transfer function applied
to obtain the dewpoint temperature.

Disturbing the sensor should be avoided as the equilibrium temperature is sensitive to changes
in heat losses at the bobbin surface.

The instrument should be energized continuously. If allowed to cool below the equilibrium
temperature for any length of time, condensation will occur and the electrolyte will drip off.

Check measurements with a working reference hygrometer must be taken at regular intervals
and the instrument must be cleaned and retreated with a lithium chloride solution, as necessary.

A current-limiting device should be installed if not provided by the manufacturer, otherwise the
high current may damage the sensor when the instrument is powered-up.

4.5.3 Exposure and siting

The hygrometer should be located in an open area in a housing structure which protects it from
the effects of wind and rain. A system for providing a steady aspiration rate is required.

The heat from the hygrometer may affect other instruments; this should be taken into account
when choosing its location.

The operation of the instrument will be affected by atmospheric pollutants, particularly

substances which dissociate in solutions and produce a significant ion concentration.

4.5.4 Sources of error

An electrical resistance thermometer is required for measuring the equilibrium temperature; the
usual sources of error for thermometry are present.

The equilibrium temperature achieved is determined by the properties of the solute, and
significant amounts of contaminant will have an unpredictable effect.

Variations in aspiration affect the heat exchange mechanisms and, thus, the stability of operation
of the instrument. A steady aspiration rate is required for a stable operation.

4.5.5 Field inspection and calibration

A field inspection should be performed at least once a month, by means of comparison with a
working standard instrument. Calibration of the bobbin thermometer and temperature display
should be performed regularly, as for other operational thermometers and display systems.

4.5.6 Maintenance

The lithium chloride should be renewed regularly. This may be required once a month, but will
depend upon the level of atmospheric pollution. When renewing the solution, the bobbin should
be washed with distilled water and fresh solution subsequently applied. The housing structure
should be cleaned at the same time.

Fresh solution may be prepared by mixing five parts by weight of anhydrous lithium chloride
with 100parts by weight of distilled water. This is equivalent to 1g of anhydrous lithium chloride
to 20ml of water.

The temperature-sensing apparatus should be maintained in accordance with the

recommendations for electrical instruments used for making air temperature measurements, but
bearing in mind the difference in the range of temperatures measured.


4.6.1 General considerations

Certain hygroscopic materials exhibit changes in their electrical properties in response to a

change in the ambient relative humidity with only a small temperature dependence.

Electrical relative humidity sensors are increasingly used for remote-reading applications,
particularly where a direct display of relative humidity is required. Since many of them have very
non-linear responses to changes in humidity, the manufacturers often supply them with special
data-processing and display systems.

4.6.2 Electrical resistance

Sensors made from chemically treated plastic material having an electrically conductive surface
layer on the non-conductive substrate may be used for meteorological purposes. The surface
resistivity varies according to the ambient relative humidity. The process of adsorption, rather
than absorption, is dominant because the humidity-sensitive part of such a sensor is restricted to
the surface layer. As a result, this type of sensor is capable of responding rapidly to a change in
ambient humidity.

This class of sensor includes various electrolytic types in which the availability of conductive ions
in a hygroscopic electrolyte is a function of the amount of adsorbed water vapour. The electrolyte
may take various physical forms, such as liquid or gel solutions, or an ion-exchange resin. The
change in impedance to an alternating current, rather than to a direct current, is measured in
order to avoid polarization of the electrolyte. Low-frequency supply can be used, given that the
DC resistance is to be measured, and therefore it is possible to employ quite long leads between
the sensor and its electrical interface.

4.6.3 Electrical capacitance

The method is based upon the variation of the dielectric properties of a solid, hygroscopic
material in relation to the ambient relative humidity. Polymeric materials are most widely used for
this purpose. The water bound in the polymer alters its dielectric properties owing to the large
dipole moment of the water molecule.

The active part of the humidity sensor consists of a polymer foil sandwiched between two
electrodes to form a capacitor. The electrical impedance of this capacitor provides a measure
of relative humidity. The nominal value of capacitance may be only a few or several hundred
picofarads, depending upon the size of the electrodes and the thickness of the dielectric. This
will, in turn, influence the range of excitation frequency used to measure the impedance of the
device, which is normally at least several kilohertz and, thus, requires that short connections be
made between the sensor and the electrical interface to minimize the effect of stray capacitance.
Therefore, capacitance sensors normally have the electrical interface built into the probe, and it is
necessary to consider the effect of environmental temperature on the performance of the circuit

4.6.4 Observation procedure

Sensors based on changes in the electronic properties of hygroscopic materials are frequently
used for the remote reading of relative humidity and also for automatic weather stations.

4.6.5 Exposure and siting

The sensors should be mounted inside a thermometer screen. The manufacturers advice
regarding the mounting of the actual sensor should be followed. The use of protective filters
is mandatory. Direct contact with liquid water will seriously harm sensors using hygroscopic
electrolyte as a sensor element. Great care should be taken to prevent liquid water from reaching
the sensitive element of such sensors.

4.6.6 Field inspection and calibration

Field inspections and laboratory calibrations should be carried out as for hair hygrometers.
Suitable auxiliary equipment to enable checks by means of salt solutions is available for most
sensors of this type.

4.6.7 Maintenance

Observers should be encouraged to maintain the hygrometer in clean conditions (see



The water molecule absorbs electromagnetic radiation (EMR) in a range of wavebands and
discrete wavelengths; this property can be exploited to obtain a measure of the molecular
concentration of water vapour in a gas. The most useful regions of the electromagnetic spectrum,
for this purpose, lie in the ultraviolet and infrared regions. Therefore, the techniques are often
classified as optical hygrometry or, more correctly, EMR absorption hygrometry.

The method makes use of measurements of the attenuation of radiation in a waveband specific
to water-vapour absorption, along the path between a source of the radiation and a receiving
device. There are two principal methods for determining the degree of attenuation of the
radiation as follows:

(a) Transmission of narrowband radiation at a fixed intensity to a calibrated receiver: The most
commonly used source of radiation is hydrogen gas; the emission spectrum of hydrogen
includes the Lyman-Alpha line at 121.6nm, which coincides with a water-vapour absorption
band in the ultraviolet region where there is little absorption by other common atmospheric
gases. The measuring path is typically a few centimetres in length;

(b) Transmission of radiation at two wavelengths, one of which is strongly absorbed by water
vapour and the other being either not absorbed or only very weakly absorbed: If a single
source is used to generate the radiation at both wavelengths, the ratio of their emitted
intensities may be accurately known, so that the attenuation at the absorbed wavelength
can be determined by measuring the ratio of their intensities at the receiver. The most
widely used source for this technique is a tungsten lamp, filtered to isolate a pair of
wavelengths in the infrared region. The measuring path is normally greater than 1m.

Both types of EMR absorption hygrometers require frequent calibration and are more suitable
for measuring changes in vapour concentration than absolute levels. The most widespread
application of the EMR absorption hygrometer is to monitor very high frequency variations in
humidity, since the method does not require the detector to achieve vapour-pressure equilibrium
with the sample. The time constant of an optical hygrometer is typically just a few milliseconds.
The use of optical hygrometers remains restricted to research activities.


Chemical agents are widely used in the measurement of humidity. The properties of such agents
should always be made known to the personnel handling them. All chemicals should be kept in
secure and clearly labelled containers and stored in an appropriate environment. Instructions
concerning the use of toxic materials may be prescribed by local authorities.

Saturated salt solutions are widely used in the measurement of humidity. The notes that follow
give some guidance for the safe use of some commonly used salts:

(a) Barium chloride (BaCl2): Colourless crystals; very soluble in water; stable, but may emit
toxic fumes in a fire; no hazardous reaction with water, acids, bases, oxidizers or with
combustible materials; ingestion causes nausea, vomiting, stomach pains and diarrhoea;
harmful if inhaled as dust and if it comes into contact with the skin; irritating to eyes; treat
with copious amounts of water and obtain medical attention if ingested;

(b) Calcium chloride (CaCl2): Colourless crystals; deliquescent; very soluble in water, dissolves
with increase in heat; will initiate exothermic polymerization of methyl vinyl ether; can
react with zinc to liberate hydrogen; no hazardous reactions with acids, bases, oxidizers or
combustibles; irritating to the skin, eyes and respiratory system; ingestion causes gastric
irritation; ingestion of large amounts can lead to hypercalcaemia, dehydration and renal
damage; treat with copious amounts of water and obtain medical attention;

(c) Lithium chloride (LiCl): Colourless crystals; stable if kept dry; very soluble in water; may
emit toxic fumes in a fire; ingestion may affect ionic balance of blood leading to anorexia,
diarrhoea, vomiting, dizziness and central nervous system disturbances; kidney damage
may result if sodium intake is low (provide plenty of drinking water and obtain medical
attention); no hazardous reactions with water, acids, bases, oxidizers or combustibles;

(d) Magnesium nitrate (Mg(NO3)2): Colourless crystals; deliquescent; very soluble in water;
may ignite combustible material; can react vigorously with deoxidizers, can decompose
spontaneously in dimethylformamide; may emit toxic fumes in a fire (fight the fire with a
water spray); ingestion of large quantities can have fatal effects (provide plenty of drinking
water and obtain medical attention); may irritate the skin and eyes (wash with water);

(e) Potassium nitrate (KNO3): White crystals or crystalline powder; very soluble in water; stable
but may emit toxic fumes in a fire (fight the fire with a water spray); ingestion of large
quantities causes vomiting, but it is rapidly excreted in urine (provide plenty of drinking
water); may irritate eyes (wash with water); no hazardous reaction with water, acids, bases,
oxidizers or combustibles;

(f) Sodium chloride (NaCl): Colourless crystals or white powder; very soluble in water; stable;
no hazardous reaction with water, acids, bases, oxidizers or combustibles; ingestion of
large amounts may cause diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, deep and rapid breathing and
convulsions (in severe cases obtain medical attention).

Advice concerning the safe use of mercury is given in PartI, Chapter3, 3.2.7.


4.9.1 Principles involved in the calibration of hygrometers

Precision in the calibration of humidity sensors entails special problems, to a great extent owing
to the relatively small quantity of water vapour which can exist in an air sample at normal
temperatures, but also due to the general difficulty of isolating and containing gases and, more
particularly, vapour. An ordered hierarchy of international traceability in humidity standards is
only now emerging.

An absolute standard for humidity (namely, a realization of the physical definition for the
quantity of humidity) can be achieved by gravimetric hygrometry. The reference psychrometer
(within its limited range) is also a form of primary standard, in that its performance is calculable.
The calibration of secondary, reference and working standards involves several steps. Table4.3
shows a summary of humidity standard instruments and their performances.

A practical field inspection is most frequently done by means of well-designed aspirated

psychrometers and dewpoint sensors or capacitive hygrometers as working standards. These
specific types of standards must be traceable to the higher levels of standards by careful
calibrations. Any instrument used as a standard must be individually calibrated for all variables
involved in calculating humidity (air temperature, wet-bulb temperature, dewpoint temperature,
and so forth). Other factors affecting performance, such as airflow, must also be checked.

Table 4.3. Standard instruments for the measurement of humidity

Dewpoint temperature Relative humidity (%)

Standard instrument
Range (C) Uncertainty (K) Range Uncertainty
Primary standard

Requirement 60 to 15 0.3 5 to 100 0.2

15 to 40 0.1 5 to 100 0.2

Gravimetric hygrometer 60 to 35 0.25

35 to 35 0.03
35 to 60 0.25

Standard two- 75 to 15 0.25

temperature humidity 15 to 30 0.1
generator 30 to 80 0.2

Standard two-pressure 75 to 30 0.2

humidity generator

Secondary standard

Requirement 80 to 15 0.75 5 to 100 0.5

15 to 40 0.25

Chilled-mirror 60 to 40 0.15

Reference psychrometer 5 to 100 0.6

Reference standard

Requirement 80 to 15 1.0 5 to 100 1.5

15 to 40 0.3

Reference psychrometer 5 to 100 0.6

Chilled-mirror 60 to 40 0.3

Working standard

Requirement 15 to 40 0.5 5 to 100 2

Assmann psychrometer 10 to 25 40 to 90 1

Chilled-mirror 10 to 30 0.5

4.9.2 Calibration intervals and methods

Regular calibration is required for all humidity sensors in the field. For psychrometers and
dewpoint hygrometers that use a temperature detector, calibration can be checked whenever
a regular maintenance routine is performed. Comparison with a working standard, such as an
Assmann psychrometer, should be performed at least once a month.

The use of a standard type of aspirated psychrometer, such as the Assmann, as a working
standard has the advantage that its integrity can be verified by comparing the dry- and wet-bulb
thermometers, and that adequate aspiration may be expected from a healthy sounding fan. The
reference instrument should itself be calibrated at an interval appropriate to its type.

Saturated salt solutions can be applied with sensors that require only a small-volume sample.
A very stable ambient temperature is required and it is difficult to be confident about their use
in the field. When using salt solutions for control purposes, it should be borne in mind that the
nominal humidity value given for the salt solution itself is not traceable to any primary standard.

4.9.3 Laboratory calibration

Laboratory calibration is essential for maintaining accuracy in the following ways:

(a) Field and working standard instruments: Laboratory calibration of field and working
standard instruments should be carried out on the same regular basis as for other
operational thermometers. For this purpose, the chilled-mirror sensor device may be
considered separately from the control unit. The mirror thermometer should be calibrated
independently and the control unit should be calibrated on the same regular basis as other
items of precision electronic equipment. The calibration of a field instrument in a humidity
generator is not strictly necessary if the components have been calibrated separately, as
described previously.

The correct operation of an instrument may be verified under stable room conditions by
comparison with a reference instrument, such as an Assmann psychrometer or a standard
chilled-mirror hygrometer. If the field instrument incorporates an ice detector, the correct
operation of this system should be verified.

(b) Reference and standard instruments: Laboratory calibration of reference and standard
instruments requires a precision humidity generator and a suitable transfer standard
hygrometer. Two-pressure and two-temperature humidity generators are able to deliver
a suitable controlled flow of air at a predetermined temperature and dewpoint. The
calibration should be performed at least every 12months and over the full range of the
reference application for the instrument. The calibration of the mirror thermometer and
the temperature display system should be performed independently at least once every

4.9.4 Primary standards Gravimetric hygrometry

The gravimetric method yields an absolute measure of the water-vapour content of an air sample
in terms of its humidity mixing ratio. This is obtained by first removing the water vapour from
the sample using a known mass of a drying agent, such as anhydrous phosphorous pentoxide
(P2O5) or magnesium perchlorate (Mg(ClO4)2). The mass of the water vapour is determined
by weighing the drying agent before and after absorbing the vapour. The mass of the dry
sample is determined either by weighing (after liquefaction to render the volume of the sample
manageable) or by measuring its volume (and having knowledge of its density).

The complexity of the apparatus required to accurately carry out the procedure described limits
the application of this method to the laboratory environment. In addition, a substantial volume
sample of air is required for accurate measurements to be taken and a practical apparatus
requires a steady flow of the humid gas for a number of hours, depending upon the humidity, in
order to remove a sufficient mass of water vapour for an accurate weighing measurement. As a
consequence, the method is restricted to providing an absolute calibration reference standard.
Such an apparatus is found mostly in national calibration standards laboratories. Dynamic two-pressure standard humidity generator

This laboratory apparatus serves to provide a source of humid gas whose relative humidity is
determined on an absolute basis. A stream of the carrier gas is passed through a saturating
chamber at pressure P1 and allowed to expand isothermally in a second chamber at a lower
pressure P2. Both chambers are maintained at the same temperature in an oil bath. The relative
humidity of the water vapour-gas mixture is straightforwardly related to the total pressures in
each of the two chambers through Daltons law of partial pressures; the partial pressure e of
the vapour in the low-pressure chamber will have the same relation to the saturation vapour
pressure ew as the total pressure in the high-pressure saturator has to the total pressure in the
low-pressure chamber. Thus, the relative humidity Uw is given by:

U w = 100 e' e' w = 100 P1 P2 (4.5)

The relation also holds for the solid phase if the gas is saturated with respect to ice at pressure P1:
U i = 100 e' e'i = 100 P1 P2 (4.6) Dynamic two-temperature standard humidity generator

This laboratory apparatus provides a stream of humid gas at temperature T1 having a dew-
or frost-point temperature T2. Two temperature-controlled baths, each equipped with heat
exchangers and one with a saturator containing either water or ice, are used first to saturate
the air-stream at temperature T1 and then to heat it isobarically to temperature T2. In practical
designs, the air-stream is continuously circulated to ensure saturation. Test instruments draw off
air at temperature T2 and a flow rate that is small in proportion to the main circulation.

4.9.5 Secondary standards

A secondary standard instrument should be carefully maintained and removed from the
calibration laboratory only for the purpose of calibration with a primary standard or for
intercomparison with other secondary standards. Secondary standards may be used as transfer
standards from the primary standards.

A chilled-mirror hygrometer may be used as a secondary standard instrument under controlled

conditions of air temperature, humidity and pressure. For this purpose, it should be calibrated
from a recognized accredited laboratory, giving uncertainty limits throughout the operational
range of the instrument. This calibration must be directly traceable to a primary standard and
should be renewed at an appropriate interval (usually once every 12months).

General considerations for chilled-mirror hygrometers are discussed in section4.4. This method
presents a fundamental technique for determining atmospheric humidity. Provided that the
instrument is maintained and operated correctly, following the manufacturers instructions, it
can provide a primary measurement of dew or frost point within limits of uncertainty determined
by the correspondence between the mirror surface temperature at the appropriate point of the
condensation/evaporation cycle and the temperature registered by the mirror thermometer at
the observation time. The Kelvin and Raoult effects upon the condensation temperature must
be taken into consideration, and any change of the air pressure resulting from the sampling
technique must be taken into account by using the equations given in section4.4.1.2.

4.9.6 Working standards (and field reference instruments)

A chilled-mirror hygrometer or an Assmann psychrometer may be used as a working standard

for comparisons under ambient conditions in the field or the laboratory. For this purpose,
it is necessary to have performed comparisons at least at the reference standard level. The
comparisons should be performed at least once every 12months under stable room conditions.
The working standard will require a suitable aspiration device to sample the air.

4.9.7 The WMO reference psychrometer

This type of psychrometer is essentially a primary standard because its performance is calculable.
However, its main use is as a highly accurate reference instrument, specifically for type-testing
other instrument systems in the field. It is intended for use as a free-standing instrument,
alongside the screen or other field instruments, and must be made precisely to its general
specification and operated by skilled staff experienced in precise laboratory work; careful
attention should be given to aspiration and to preventing the wet bulb from being contaminated
by contact with fingers or other objects. There are, however, simple tests by which the readings
may be validated at any time, and these should be used frequently during the operation. The
psychrometers description and operating instructions are given in WMO (1992).

4.9.8 Salt solution

A salt solution creates characteristic values of the relative humidity in the air above it. The values
of relative humidity are dependent on the chemical structure of the salt, the salt concentration
and the temperature. Two types of salt solutions are available:

(a) Unsaturated salt solution, which comes in the form of ampoules of solution, generates an
atmosphere with a certain relative humidity. These ampoules are generally used to soak a
pad in a housing designed for exposing a sensor to the humidity produced.

(b) Saturated salt solution maintains a stable concentration of relative humidity if both phases
of the salt exist: if the solution is saturated with salt and some salt remains in the solid
phase. In this case, the vapour pressure depends only on temperature.

Vessels containing saturated solutions of appropriate salts may be used to calibrate relative
humidity sensors. Commonly used salts and their saturation relative humidities at 25C are as

Barium chloride (BaCl2): 90.3%

Sodium chloride (NaCl): 75.3%
Magnesium nitrate (Mg(NO3)2): 52.9%
Calcium chloride (CaCl2): 29.0%
Lithium chloride (LiCl): 11.1%

It is important that the surface area of the solution is large compared to that of the sensor
element and the enclosed volume of air so that equilibrium may be achieved quickly; an airtight
access port is required for the test sensor. The temperature of the vessel should be measured
and maintained at a constant level as the saturation humidity for most salts has a significant
temperature coefficient.

Care should be taken when using saturated salt solutions. The degree of toxicity and corrosivity
of salt solutions should be known to the personnel dealing with them. The salts listed above may
all be used quite safely, but it is nevertheless important to avoid contact with the skin, and to
avoid ingestion and splashing into the eyes. The salts should always be kept in secure and clearly
labelled containers which detail any hazards involved. Care should be taken when dissolving
calcium chloride crystals in water, as much heat is evolved. Section4.8 deals with chemical
hazards in greater detail.

Saturated salt solutions provide a practical method for adjusting a certain type of hygrometer
(capacitive), but for calibration purposes a reference instrument should also be used.

(adapted from the Technical Regulations (WMO-No.49), VolumeI, AppendixB)

(1) The mixing ratio r of moist air is the ratio of the mass mv of water vapour to the mass
ma of dry air with which the water vapour is associated:
r= (4.A.1)
(2) The specific humidity, mass concentration or moisture content q of moist air is the ratio
of the mass mv of water vapour to the mass mv + ma of moist air in which the mass of water vapour
mv is contained:
q= (4.A.2)
mv + ma
(3) Vapour concentration (density of water vapour in a mixture) or absolute humidity: For
a mixture of water vapour and dry air the vapour concentration v is defined as the ratio of the
mass of vapour mv to the volume V occupied by the mixture:
v = (4.A.3)
(4) Mole fraction of the water vapour of a sample of moist air: The mole fraction xv of the
water vapour of a sample of moist air, composed of a mass ma of dry air and a mass mv of water
vapour, is defined by the ratio of the number of moles of water vapour (nv = mv/Mv) to the total
number of moles of the sample nv + na, where na indicates the number of moles of dry air (na =
ma/Ma) of the sample concerned. This gives:
xv = (4.A.4)
na + nv
xv = (4.A.5)
0.621 98 + r
where r is merely the mixing ratio (r = mv/ma) of the water vapour of the sample of moist air.

(5) The vapour pressure e of water vapour in moist air at total pressure p and with
mixing ratio r is defined by:
e' = p = xv p (4.A.6)
0.621 98 + r
(6) Saturation: Moist air at a given temperature and pressure is said to be saturated if
its mixing ratio is such that the moist air can coexist in neutral equilibrium with an associated
condensed phase (liquid or solid) at the same temperature and pressure, the surface of
separation being plane.

(7) Saturation mixing ratio: The symbol r w denotes the saturation mixing ratio of moist
air with respect to a plane surface of the associated liquid phase. The symbol ri denotes the
saturation mixing ratio of moist air with respect to a plane surface of the associated solid phase.
The associated liquid and solid phases referred to consist of almost pure water and almost pure
ice, respectively, there being some dissolved air in each.

(8) Saturation vapour pressure in the pure phase: The saturation vapour pressure e w
of pure aqueous vapour with respect to water is the pressure of the vapour when in a state of
neutral equilibrium with a plane surface of pure water at the same temperature and pressure;
similarly for ei with respect to ice; e w and ei are temperature-dependent functions only, namely:
ew = ew (T ) (4.A.7)
ei = ei (T ) (4.A.8)

(9) Mole fraction of water vapour in moist air saturated with respect to water: The
mole fraction of water vapour in moist air saturated with respect to water, at pressure p and
temperature T, is the mole fraction xvw of the water vapour of a sample of moist air, at the same
pressure p and the same temperature T, that is in stable equilibrium in the presence of a plane
surface of water containing the amount of dissolved air corresponding to equilibrium. Similarly,
xvi will be used to indicate the saturation mole fraction with respect to a plane surface of ice
containing the amount of dissolved air corresponding to equilibrium.

(10) Saturation vapour pressure of moist air: The saturation vapour pressure with respect
to water ew of moist air at pressure p and temperature T is defined by:
e' w = p = xvw p (4.A.9)
0.621 98 + rw
Similarly, the saturation vapour pressure with respect to ice ei of moist air at pressure p and
temperature T is defined by:
e'i = p = xvi p (4.A.10)
0.621 98 + ri
(11) Relations between saturation vapour pressures of the pure phase and of moist air: In
the meteorological range of pressure and temperature the following relations hold with an error
of 0.5% or less:
e' w = ew (4.A.11)
e'i = ei (4.A.12)
(12) The thermodynamic dewpoint temperature Td of moist air at pressure p and with
mixing ratio r is the temperature at which moist air, saturated with respect to water at the given
pressure, has a saturation mixing ratio r w equal to the given mixing ratio r.

(13) The thermodynamic frost-point temperature Tf of moist air at pressure p and mixing
ratio r is the temperature at which moist air, saturated with respect to ice at the given pressure,
has a saturation mixing ratio ri equal to the given ratio r.

(14) The dewpoint and frost-point temperatures so defined are related to the mixing ratio r
and pressure p by the respective equations:
r p
e' w ( p, Td ) = f ( p ) ew (Td ) = xv p = (4.A.13)
0.621 98 + r
r p
( ) ( )
e'i p, T f = f ( p ) ei T f = xv p =
0.621 98 + r

(15)1 The relative humidity Uw with respect to water of moist air at pressure p and
temperature T is the ratio in% of the vapour mole fraction xv to the vapour mole fraction xvw
which the air would have if it were saturated with respect to water at the same pressure p and
temperature T. Accordingly:
x pxv e'
U w = 100 v = 100 = 100 (4.A.15)
xvw p,T pxvw p,T e' w p,T
where subscripts p, T indicate that each term is subject to identical conditions of pressure
and temperature. The last expression is formally similar to the classic definition based on the
assumption of Daltons law of partial pressures.

Uw is also related to the mixing ratio r by:

r 0.621 98 + rw
U w = 100 (4.A.16)
rw 0.621 98 + r
where r w is the saturation mixing ratio at the pressure and temperature of the moist air.

(16)1 The relative humidity Ui with respect to ice of moist air at pressure p and
temperature T is the ratio in % of the vapour mole fraction xv to the vapour mole fraction xvi
which the air would have if it were saturated with respect to ice at the same pressure p and
temperature T. Corresponding to the defining equation in paragraph15:
x px e'
U i = 100 v = 100 v = 100 (4.A.17)
xvi p,T pxvi p,T e'i p,T
(17) Relative humidity at temperatures less than 0 C is to be evaluated with respect to
water. The advantages of this procedure are as follows:

(a) Most hygrometers which are essentially responsive to the relative humidity indicate relative
humidity with respect to water at all temperatures;

(b) The majority of clouds at temperatures below 0 C consist of water, or mainly of water;

(c) Relative humidities greater than 100% would in general not be observed. This is of
particular importance in synoptic weather messages, since the atmosphere is often
supersaturated with respect to ice at temperatures below 0C;

(d) The majority of existing records of relative humidity at temperatures below 0C are
expressed on a basis of saturation with respect to water.

(18) The thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature of moist air at pressure p, temperature T

and mixing ratio r is the temperature Tw attained by the moist air when brought adiabatically to
saturation at pressure p by the evaporation into the moist air of liquid water at pressure p and
temperature Tw and containing the amount of dissolved air corresponding to equilibrium with
saturated air of the same pressure and temperature. Tw is defined by the equation:

h ( p, T , r ) + rw ( p, Tw ) r hw ( p, Tw ) = h ( p, Tw , rw ( p, Tw ) ) (4.A.18)

where r w(p,Tw) is the mixing ratio of saturated moist air at pressure p and temperature Tw; hw(p,Tw)
is the enthalpy2 of 1gram of pure water at pressure p and temperature Tw; h(p,T,r) is the enthalpy
of 1 + r wgrams of moist air, composed of 1gram of dry air and r grams of water vapour, at
pressure p and temperature T; and h(p,Tw,r w (p,Tw)) is the enthalpy of 1 + r w grams of saturated air,
composed of 1gram of dry air and r w grams of water vapour, at pressure p and temperature Tw.
(This is a function of p and Tw only and may appropriately be denoted by hsw(p,Tw).)

If air and water vapour are regarded as ideal gases with constant specific heats, the above
equation becomes:

rw ( p, Tw ) r Lv ( Tw )
T Tw = (4.A.19)
c pa + rc pv
where Lv(Tw) is the heat of vaporization of water at temperature Tw, cpa is the specific heat of dry
air at constant pressure; and cpv is the specific heat of water vapour at constant pressure.

Note: Thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature as here defined has for some time been called temperature of
adiabatic saturation by air-conditioning engineers.

(19) The thermodynamic ice-bulb temperature of moist air at pressure p, temperature T and
mixing ratio r is the temperature Ti at which pure ice at pressure p must be evaporated into the
moist air in order to saturate it adiabatically at pressure p and temperature Ti. The saturation is
with respect to ice. Ti is defined by the equation:

h ( p, T , r ) + ri ( p, Ti ) r hi ( p, Ti ) = h ( p, Ti , ri ( p, Ti ) ) (4.A.20)

Equations 4.A.15 and 4.A.17 do not apply to moist air when pressurep is less than the saturation vapour pressure of
pure water and ice, respectively, at temperatureT.
The enthalpy of a system in equilibrium at pressurep and temperatureT is defined as E + pV, where E is the internal
energy of the system and V is its volume. The sum of the enthalpies of the phases of a closed system is conserved in
adiabatic isobaric processes.

where ri(p,Ti) is the mixing ratio of saturated moist air at pressure p and temperature Ti; hi(p,Ti)
is the enthalpy of 1gram of pure ice at pressure p and temperature Ti; h(p,T,r) is the enthalpy of
1 + r grams of moist air, composed of 1gram of dry air and r grams of water vapour, at pressure p
and temperature T; and h(p,Ti,ri (p,Ti)) is the enthalpy of 1 + ri grams of saturated air, composed
of 1gram of dry air and ri grams of water vapour, at pressure p and temperature Ti. (This is a
function of p and Ti only, and may appropriately be denoted by hsi(p,Ti).)

If air and water vapour are regarded as ideal gases with constant specific heats, the above
equation becomes:

ri ( p, Ti ) r Ls (Ti )
T Ti = (4.A.21)
c p + rc pv
where Ls(Ti) is the heat of sublimation of ice at temperature Ti.

The relationship between Tw and Ti as defined and the wet-bulb or ice-bulb temperature as
indicated by a particular psychrometer is a matter to be determined by carefully controlled
experiment, taking into account the various variables concerned, for example, ventilation, size of
thermometer bulb and radiation.

(see also section 4.1.2)

Saturation vapour pressure:

e w(t) = 6.112 exp [17.62 t/(243.12 + t)] Water (45C to 60C) (pure

ew (p,t) = f (p) e w(t) Moist air

ei(t) = 6.112 exp [22.46 t/(272.62 + t)] Ice (65C to 0C) (pure phase)

ei(p,t) = f (p) ei(t) Moist air

f (p) = 1.001 6 + 3.15 10 6 p 0.074 p1 [see note]

Dewpoint and frost point:

243.12 ln e' / 6.112 f ( p )
td = Water (45C to 60C)
17.62 ln e' / 6.112 f ( p )

272.62 ln e' / 6.112 f ( p ) Ice (65C to 0C)

tf =
22.46 ln e' / 6.112 f ( p )

Psychrometric formulae for the Assmann psychrometer:

e = ew (p,t w) 6.53 10 4 (1 + 0.000 944 t w) p (t t w) Water

e = ei (p,ti) 5.75 10 4 p (t ti) Ice

Relative humidity:

U = 100 e/ew (p,t) %

U = 100 ew (p,td)/ew (p,t) %

Units applied:

t = air temperature (dry-bulb temperature);

tw = wet-bulb temperature;

ti = ice-bulb temperature;

td = dewpoint temperature;

tf = frost-point temperature;

p = pressure of moist air;

e w(t) = saturation vapour pressure in the pure phase with regard to water at the dry-bulb

e w(t w) = saturation vapour pressure in the pure phase with regard to water at the wet-bulb

ei(t) = saturation vapour pressure in the pure phase with regard to ice at the dry-bulb

ei(ti) = saturation vapour pressure in the pure phase with regard to ice at the ice-bulb

ew (t) = saturation vapour pressure of moist air with regard to water at the dry-bulb

ew (t w) = saturation vapour pressure of moist air with regard to water at the wet-bulb

ei (t) = saturation vapour pressure of moist air with regard to ice at the dry-bulb temperature;

ei (ti) = saturation vapour pressure of moist air with regard to ice at the ice-bulb temperature;

U = relative humidity.
Note: In fact, f is a function of both pressure and temperature, i.e. f = f (p, t), as explained in WMO (1966) in the
introduction to Table4.10. In practice, the temperature dependency (0.1%) is much lower with respect to pressure
(0% to +0.6%). Therefore, the temperature dependency may be omitted in the formula above (see also WMO (1989a),
Chapter10). This formula, however, should be used only for pressure around 1000hPa (i.e. surface measurements) and
not for upper-air measurements, for which WMO (1966), Table4.10 should be used.

Anderson, P.S., 1995: Mechanism for the behavior of hydroactive materials used in humidity sensors.
J.Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 12:662667.
Bindon, H.H., 1965: A critical review of tables and charts used in psychrometry. In: Humidity and Moisture
(A.Wexler, ed.), Reinhold, New York, 1:315.
Ingleby, B., D. Moore, C. Sloan and R. Dunn, 2013: Evolution and Accuracy of Surface Humidity Reports.
J.Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 30:20252043.
Sonntag, D., 1990: Important new values of the physical constants of 1986, vapour pressure formulations
based on the ITS-90 and psychrometer formulae. Zeitschrift fr Meteorologie, 40(5):340344.
, 1994: Advancements in the field of hygrometry. Zeitschrift fr Meteorologie, 3(2):5166.
Wexler, A. (ed.), 1965: Humidity and Moisture. Volumes1 and 3, Reinhold, New York.
World Meteorological Organization, 1966: International Meteorological Tables (S. Letestu, ed.)
(1973amendment). (WMO-No.188, TP.94). Geneva.
, 1989a: WMO Assmann Aspiration Psychrometer Intercomparison (D.Sonntag). Instruments and
Observing Methods Report No.34 (WMO/TD-No.289). Geneva.
, 1989b: WMO International Hygrometer Intercomparison (J.Skaar, K. Hegg, T. Moe and K.Smedstud).
Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.38 (WMO/TD-No.316). Geneva.
, 1992: Measurement of Temperature and Humidity: Specification, Construction, Properties and Use of the
WMO Reference Psychrometer (R.G.Wylie and T. Lalas). Technical Note No.194 (WMO-No.759).
, 2011a: Technical Regulations (WMO-No.49), VolumeI. Geneva.
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(M. Lacombe, D. Bousri, M. Leroy and M. Mezred). Instruments and Observing Methods
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CHAPTER 5. MEASUREMENT OF SURFACE WIND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  167

5.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  167
5.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  167
5.1.2 Units and scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  168
5.1.3 Meteorological requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  168
5.1.4 Methods of measurement and observation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  169
5.2 Estimation of wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  170
5.2.1 Wind speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  170
5.2.2 Wind direction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  171
5.2.3 Wind fluctuations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  171
5.3 Simple instrumental methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  171
5.3.1 Wind speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  171
5.3.2 Wind direction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  171
5.4 Cup and propeller sensors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  171
5.5 Wind-direction vanes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  172
5.6 Other wind sensors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  173
5.7 Sensors and sensor combinations for component resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  173
5.8 Data-processing methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  174
5.8.1 Averaging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  174
5.8.2 Peak gusts and standard deviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  175
5.8.3 Recommendations for the design of wind-measuring systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  176
5.9 Exposure of wind instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  176
5.9.1 General problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  176
5.9.2 Anemometers over land. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  177
5.9.3 Anemometers at sea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  178
5.9.4 Exposure correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  178
5.10 Calibration and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  180

ANNEX. THE EFFECTIVE ROUGHNESS LENGTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  181

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  183



5.1.1 Definitions

The following definitions are used in this chapter (see Mazzarella, 1972, for more details).

Wind velocity is a three-dimensional vector quantity with small-scale random fluctuations in

space and time superimposed upon a larger-scale organized flow. It is considered in this form
in relation to, for example, airborne pollution and the landing of aircraft. For the purpose of this
Guide, however, surface wind will be considered mainly as a two-dimensional vector quantity
specified by two numbers representing direction and speed. The extent to which wind is
characterized by rapid fluctuations is referred to as gustiness, and single fluctuations are called

Most users of wind data require the averaged horizontal wind, usually expressed in polar
coordinates as speed and direction. More and more applications also require information on the
variability or gustiness of the wind. For this purpose, three quantities are used, namely the peak
gust and the standard deviations of wind speed and direction.

Averaged quantities are quantities (for example, horizontal wind speed) that are averaged over a
period of 10 to 60min. This chapter deals mainly with averages over 10min intervals, as used for
forecasting purposes. Climatological statistics usually require averages over each entire hour, day
and night. Aeronautical applications often use shorter averaging intervals (see PartII, Chapter2).
Averaging periods shorter than a few minutes do not sufficiently smooth the usually occurring
natural turbulent fluctuations of wind; therefore, 1min averages should be described as long

Peak gust is the maximum observed wind speed over a specified time interval. With hourly
weather reports, the peak gust refers to the wind extreme in the last full hour.

Gust duration is a measure of the duration of the observed peak gust. The duration is determined
by the response of the measuring system. Slowly responding systems smear out the extremes
and measure long smooth gusts; fast response systems may indicate sharp wave-front gusts with
a short duration.

For the definition of gust duration an ideal measuring chain is used, namely a single filter that
takes a running average over t0 seconds of the incoming wind signal. Extremes detected behind
such a filter are defined as peak gusts with duration t0. Other measuring systems with various
filtering elements are said to measure gusts with duration t0 when a running average filter with
integration time t0 would have produced an extreme with the same height (see Beljaars, 1987;
WMO, 1987 for further discussion).

Standard deviation is:

su =
(( ) 2
= ui 2 ( ui ) / n / n (5.1)
( ui U )2

where u is a time-dependent signal (for example, horizontal wind speed) with average U
and an overbar indicates time-averaging over n samples ui. The standard deviation is used to
characterize the magnitude of the fluctuations in a particular signal.

Time constant (of a first-order system) is the time required for a device to detect and indicate
about 63% of a step-function change.

Response length is approximately the passage of wind (in metres) required for the output of a
wind-speed sensor to indicate about 63% of a step-function change of the input speed.

Critical damping (of a sensor such as a wind vane, having a response best described by a second-
order differential equation) is the value of damping which gives the most rapid transient
response to a step change without overshoot.

Damping ratio is the ratio of the actual damping to the critical damping.

Undamped natural wavelength is the passage of wind that would be required by a vane to go
through one period of an oscillation if there were no damping. It is less than the actual damped
wavelength by a factor (1-D2) if D is the damping ratio.

Variable wind with no mean wind direction is wind where the total variation from the mean wind
direction during the previous 10minutes is 60 or more, and less than 180, and the wind speed
is less than 6km/h (3kt), or when the total variation is 180 or more.

5.1.2 Units and scales

Wind speed should be reported to a resolution of 0.5 m s1 or in knots (0.515ms1) to the nearest
unit, and should represent, for synoptic reports, an average over 10min. Averages over a shorter
period are necessary for certain aeronautical purposes (see PartII, Chapter2).

In traditional codes, wind direction should be reported in degrees true to the nearest 10, using
a 01...36code (for example, code2 means that the wind direction is between 15 and 25), and
should represent an average over 10min (see PartII, Chapter2). In BUFR code, wind direction
should be reported in degrees true, with resolution 1. Wind direction is defined as the direction
from which the wind blows, and is measured clockwise from geographical north, namely, true
north (based on the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84) and its Earth Geodetic Model 1996

Calm should be reported when the average wind speed is less than 1kt. The direction in this
case is coded as 00.

Wind direction at stations within 1 of the North Pole or 1 of the South Pole should be measured
so that the azimuth ring should be aligned with its zero coinciding with the Greenwich 0

5.1.3 Meteorological requirements

Wind observations or measurements are required for weather monitoring and forecasting, for
wind-load climatology, for probability of wind damage and estimation of wind energy, and as
part of the estimation of surface fluxes, for example, evaporation for air pollution dispersion and
agricultural applications. Performance requirements are given in PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.E.
An accuracy for horizontal speed of 0.5ms1 below 5ms1 and better than 10% above 5ms1
is usually sufficient. Wind direction should be measured with an accuracy of 5. Apart from
mean wind speed and direction, many applications require standard deviations and extremes
(see section5.8.2). The required accuracy is easily obtained with modern instrumentation.
The most difficult aspect of wind measurement is the exposure of the anemometer. Since it is
nearly impossible to find a location where the wind speed is representative of a large area, it is
recommended that estimates of exposure errors be made (requirements on siting and exposure
are provided in section5.9 and in PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.B).

Many applications require information about the gustiness of the wind. Such applications
provide nowcasts for aircraft take-off and landing, wind-load climatology, air pollution
dispersion problems and exposure correction. Two variables are suitable for routine reading,
namely the standard deviation of wind speed and direction and the 3s peak gust (see
Recommendations3 and 4 (CIMOX) (WMO, 1990)).

5.1.4 Methods of measurement and observation

Surface wind is usually measured by a wind vane and cup or propeller anemometer. When
the instrumentation is temporarily out of operation or when it is not provided, the direction
and force of the wind may be estimated subjectively (Tables5.1 and 5.2 provide wind speed
equivalents in common use for estimations).

The instruments and techniques specifically discussed here are only a few of the more convenient
ones available and do not comprise a complete list. The references and further reading at the end
of this chapter provide a good literature on this subject.

The sensors briefly described below are cup-rotor and propeller anemometers, and direction
vanes. Cup and vane, propeller and vane, and propellers alone are common combinations.
Other classic sensors, such as the pitot tube, are less used now for routine measurements but can
perform satisfactorily, while new types being developed or currently in use as research tools may
become practical for routine measurement with advanced technology.

Table 5.1. Wind speed equivalents

Beaufort scale Wind speed equivalent at a standard height

of 10m above open flat ground Specifications for estimating speed
number and
over land
description (kt) (m s1) (km h 1) (mi h 1)
0 Calm <1 0 0.2 <1 <1 Calm; smoke rises vertically

1 Light air 13 0.3 1.5 15 13 Direction of wind shown by smoke-

drift but not by wind vanes

2 Light breeze 46 1.6 3.3 6 11 47 Wind felt on face; leaves rustle;

ordinary vanes moved by wind

3 Gentle breeze 7 10 3.4 5.4 12 19 8 12 Leaves and small twigs in constant

motion; wind extends light flag

4 Moderate 11 16 5.5 7.9 20 28 13 18 Raises dust and loose paper; small

breeze branches are moved

5 Fresh breeze 17 21 8.0 10.7 29 38 19 24 Small trees in leaf begin to sway,

crested wavelets form on inland

6 Strong breeze 22 27 10.8 13.8 39 49 25 31 Large branches in motion; whistling

heard in telegraph wires; umbrellas
used with difficulty

7 Near gale 28 33 13.9 17.1 50 61 32 38 Whole trees in motion;

inconvenience felt when walking
against the wind

8 Gale 34 40 17.2 20.7 62 74 39 46 Breaks twigs off trees; generally

impedes progress

9 Strong gale 41 47 20.8 24.4 75 88 47 54 Slight structural damage occurs

(chimney-pots and slates removed)

10 Storm 48 55 24.5 28.4 89 102 55 63 Seldom experienced inland; trees

uprooted; considerable structural
damage occurs

11 Violent storm 56 63 28.5 32.6 103 117 64 72 Very rarely experienced;

accompanied by widespread

12 Hurricane 64 and 32.7 and 118 and 73 and

over over over over

Table 5.2. Wind speed equivalents for arctic areas and areas where there is no vegetation

Beaufort scale Wind speed equivalent at a standard height Specifications for estimating speed for
number and of 10m above open flat ground arctic areas and areas where there is no
description (kt) (m s1) (km h 1) (mi h 1) vegetation

0 Calm <1 0 0.2 <1 <1

1 Light air 13 0.3 1.5 15 13 No noticeable wind; smoke rises

nearly vertically

2 Light breeze 46 1.6 3.3 6 11 47 Wind felt on face, leaves rustle

3 Gentle breeze 7 10 3.4 5.4 12 19 8 12 Hair is disturbed, clothing flaps

4 Moderate 11 16 5.5 7.9 20 28 13 18 Dust and loose paper raised, hair

breeze disarranged

5 Fresh breeze 17 21 8.0 10.7 29 38 19 24 Force of wind felt on body; limit of

agreeable wind on land

6 Strong breeze 22 27 10.8 13.8 39 49 25 31 Some inconvenience in walking

7 Near gale 28 33 13.9 17.1 50 61 32 38 Difficulty when walking against wind

8 Gale 34 40 17.2 20.7 62 74 39 46 Difficulty with balance in walking

9 Strong gale 41 47 20.8 24.4 75 88 47 54 Danger in being blown over

10 Storm 48 55 24.5 28.4 89 102 55 63 Trees uprooted, considerable

structural damage

11 Violent storm 56 63 28.5 32.6 103 117 64 72

12 Hurricane 64 and 32.7 and 118 and 73 and

over over over over

For nearly all applications, it is necessary to measure the averages of wind speed and direction.
Many applications also need gustiness data. A wind-measuring system, therefore, consists not
only of a sensor, but also of a processing and recording system. The processing takes care of the
averaging and the computation of the standard deviations and extremes. In its simplest form, the
processing can be done by writing the wind signal with a pen recorder and estimating the mean
and extreme by reading the record.


In the absence of equipment for measuring wind, the observations must be made by estimation.
The errors in observations made in this way may be large, but, provided that the observations
are used with caution, the method may be justified as providing data that would otherwise not
be available in any way. If either temporarily or permanently the wind data of some stations
are obtained by estimation instead of measurement, this fact should be documented in station
records made accessible to data users.

5.2.1 Wind speed

Estimates are based on the effect of the wind on movable objects. Almost anything which
is supported so that it is free to move under the influence of the wind can be used, but the
descriptive specifications given in the Beaufort scale of wind force, as reproduced in the tables,
will be found especially useful.

In order to make the estimates, the observer (and the wind-susceptible object) must stand on flat
open terrain as far as possible from obstructions. It must always be remembered that even small
obstructions cause serious changes in wind speed and deviations in wind direction, especially at
their lee side.

5.2.2 Wind direction

In the case of an absence of instruments, or when the instrumental equipment is unserviceable,

the direction should be estimated by observing the drift of smoke from an elevated chimney,
the movement of leaves, and so on, in an open situation, or a streamer or pennant fixed to a
tall flagstaff. In addition, the wind drogue at an airport may be used when the wind speed is
sufficient to move such a device.

Whichever of these aids is used, errors due to perspective are liable to be made unless the
observer stands vertically below the indicator. Care should be taken to guard against mistaking
local eddies caused by buildings, and the like, for the general drift of the wind.

In an open location, the surface wind direction can be estimated rather accurately by facing the
wind. The direction of the movement of clouds, however low, should not be taken into account.

5.2.3 Wind fluctuations

No attempt should be made to estimate peak gusts or standard deviations without proper
instruments and recording devices.


At stations where orthodox anemometers cannot be installed it may be possible to provide some
very low-cost, simple instruments that help the observer take measurements that are somewhat
more reliable than those obtained by unaided estimation.

5.3.1 Wind speed

Simple hand-held anemometers, if they are used, should be set up and read in accordance
with the makers instructions. The measurement should be taken from a point well exposed to
the wind, and not in the lee of obstructions such as buildings, trees and hillocks. If this is not
possible, the measurement point should be a good distance from obstructions, namely at least
10times the obstruction height and upwind or sideways by at least twice the obstruction height.

5.3.2 Wind direction

Direction may be estimated from a vane (or banner) mounted on a pole that has pointers
indicating the principal points of the compass. The vane is observed from below, and wind
direction may be estimated to the nearest of the 16points of the compass. If the vane oscillates
in the wind, the wind direction must be estimated as the average direction about which the
oscillations occur.


Cup and propeller anemometers are commonly used to determine wind speed and consist of
two sub-assemblies: the rotor and the signal generator. In well-designed systems, the angular
velocity of the cup or propeller rotor is directly proportional to the wind speed, or, more

precisely, in the case of the propeller rotor, to the component of the wind speed parallel to the
axis of rotation. Also, in well-designed anemometers, the calibration linearity is independent
of air density, has good zero and range stability, and is easily reproduced in a manufacturing
process. Near the starting threshold, say for wind speeds of less than 4ms1, the calibration of
cup anemometers can deviate substantially from linearity, if the arm connecting the cup to the
rotation axis is much longer than the diameter of the cup (Patterson, 1926).

The nature of the response of the cup and propeller-type wind-speed sensors to changes in wind
speed can be characterized by a response length, the magnitude of which is directly proportional
to the moment of inertia of the rotor and, in addition, depends on a number of geometric factors
(Busch and Kristensen, 1976; Coppin, 1982).

For almost all cup and propeller-type wind sensors, the response is faster for acceleration than
for deceleration, so that the average speed of these rotors overestimates the actual average wind
speed. Moreover, vertical velocity fluctuations can cause overspeeding of cup anemometers as
a result of reduced cup interference in oblique flow (MacCready, 1966). The total overspeeding
can be as much as 10% for some designs and turbulent wind conditions (cup anemometers at
10m height with a response length of 5m over very rough terrain; Coppin, 1982). This effect
can be minimized by choosing fast-response anemometers, either cup anemometers of a design
verified as having a good cosine response or propeller vanes that have virtually no vertical
component of overspeeding. In case that performance cannot be investigated in a wind tunnel,
operational anemometers can be compared in the field with a calibrated anemometer (Albers et
al., 2000).

Since both cup and propeller rotors turn with an angular velocity that is directly proportional
to speed or to the axial component, they are particularly convenient for driving a wide variety
of signal generators. Alternating and direct current generators, optical and magnetic pulse
generators, and turn-counting dials and registers have been used (WMO, 2001). The choice of
signal generator or transducer depends largely on the type of data processor and read-out to be
used. Care should be taken to ensure that the bearings and signal generator have low starting
and running frictional torques, and that the moment of inertia of the signal generator does not
reduce the response too much. In cases of long-distance transmission, voltage signals decrease
due to cable resistance losses and are therefore inferior to pulse frequency signals, which are not
so affected during transmission.

The required and achievable characteristics for wind-speed sensors are included in PartI,
Chapter1, Annex1.E.


For the purpose of obtaining a satisfactory measurement, a wind vane will be suitable if it is well
balanced so as not to have a preferred position in case the axis is not vertical. Multiple vane fins
should preferably be parallel to the vane axis, because a vane with two fins at angles >10 to its
axis has two equilibrium positions which each differ significantly from the real wind direction
(Wieringa and van Lindert, 1971).

The response of the usual underdamped wind vane to a sudden change in wind direction is
normally characterized by overshoot and oscillation about its true position, with the amplitude
decreasing approximately exponentially. Two variables are used to define this response: the
undamped natural frequency or wavelength and the damping ratio, the ratio of the actual
damping to the critical damping (MacCready, 1966; Mazzarella, 1972). A damping ratio between
0.3 and 0.7 is considered to be good and as having not too much overshoot, and a reasonably
fast response (Wieringa, 1967). Where a relatively long period average is to be computed from
data captured at short intervals, it is self-evident that lower damping ratios may be acceptable.

The signal generator is essentially a shaft-angle transducer, and many varieties have been
employed. Potentiometers, alternating and direct current synchros, digital angle-encoder discs,
direct reading dials and rotary switches have been used to advantage. The choice of signal

generator is largely a matter of the type of data processor and read-out used. Care should be
taken to ensure that the bearings and signal generator have low starting and running frictional
torques. The simplest recording method is to have a sheet mounted around a cylinder rotating
with the vane axis, on which a writing instrument slowly travels downward.

The absolute accuracy of direction measurement also depends on the care with which the
instrument has been aligned to true north. The required and achievable characteristics for wind-
direction vanes are included in PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.E.


Many physical principles can be used to measure wind speed and direction, all of which have
their own merits and problems. New systems often have been developed for specific purposes,
such as small-scale fluctuations and air pollution studies (see for example, Smith (1980)). The
following are other types of sensors:

(a) Pitot tube anemometers, which measure the overpressure in a tube that is kept aligned
with the wind vector by means of a direction vane (see Gold (1936) and WMO (1984a) for
a description of the Dines anemometer). The Dines linearizing recording system deals with
the speed averaging problem caused by the quadratic relation between wind speed and
pressure, and it also provides useful gustiness records without requiring electrical power;

(b) Sonic anemometers, which measure the time between emission and reception of an
ultrasonic pulse travelling over a fixed distance (Kaimal, 1980). Because sonic anemometers
have no moving parts owing to their principle, they have high durability and little accuracy

(c) Hot-disc anemometers are recently developed solid-state instruments which measure
the temperature gradient across a chip arrangement. This provides both wind speed
and direction at accuracies within the specification of PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.E (Van
Oudheusden and Huijsing, 1991; Makinwa et al., 2001). They are sturdy, and steady in
calibration, but operational experience is limited so far;

(d) Hot-wire anemometers measure the cooling of thin heated wires. Operationally they
are rather unreliable, both because of excessive fragility and because their calibration
changes rather fast in unclean or wet surroundings. They are not recommended for use in

(e) Antique swinging-plate vanes are a little better than no instrument at all;

(f) Remote wind-sensing techniques with sound (sodar), light (lidar) or electromagnetic waves
(radar) are uncommon in routine meteorological networks and will not be discussed in this
Guide. Details are provided in Lenschow (1986).


Propellers which respond only to the wind speed component that is parallel to the axis of
rotation of the rotor can be mounted orthogonally to produce two read-outs which are directly
proportional to the components in the axis directions. Other sensors, such as twin-axis sonic
anemometers, perform the same function at the expense of more sophisticated electronic
adjuncts. Orthogonal propellers have the disadvantage that exact cosine response (namely, pure
component sensitivity) is difficult to attain. A cup anemometer/vane combination or a propeller
vane can also be used as a component device when the velocity components are computed from
the measured wind speed and direction.


Signals from anemometer/vane combinations can be processed and averaged in many different
ways. Before considering the aspects of the entire wind-measuring chain (exposure, sensing,
transmission, filtering, recording and processing), it is useful to discuss the problem of averaging.
This Guide deals with the following outputs: averaged horizontal wind (components or speed/
direction), standard deviations and peak gust.

5.8.1 Averaging

The averaging of wind vectors or their components is straightforward in principle, but there are
a few problems associated with it. The first is that the mean vector speed in the average wind
direction U is less than the average of all instantaneous wind speeds by a small amount, generally
a few % (MacCready, 1966; Wieringa, 1980a). If necessary, this may be corrected if the standard
deviation of wind direction sd is measured; for the ratio of U, and the averaged instantaneous
wind speeds is (Frenkiel, 1951):

U (ui2 + vi2 ) = 1 sd 2 / 2 (5.2)

This effect of crosswind turbulence is often confused with the overestimation (overspeeding),
causing distortion in the standard deviation su (see section5.4).

The second problem is the discontinuity of the wind direction between 0 and 360. This
problem can be solved either by recording on a cylinder or by extending the recorder range
(for example to 540 with an automatic device switching the range from 0 to 360 and from 540
to 180), or by a computer algorithm that makes successive samples continuous by adding or
subtracting 360 when necessary. The fact that the first-order response of a cup anemometer
and the second-order response of a vane cannot be fully matched is a problem of minor
importance, because the response differences are reflected only in the high-frequency part of the

From the fundamental point of view, component averaging is preferable over the independent
averaging of speed and direction. However, the differences are very small and, for most
applications, component averages can easily be derived from average speed and direction.
This also applies to the corresponding standard deviations. From the technical point of view,
the independent treatment of speed and direction is preferable for a number of reasons. First of
all, the processing of the signal for speed and direction is independent, which implies that the
operation of one instrument can continue even when the other drops out. Secondly, this data
reduction is simpler than in those cases where components have to be computed. Lastly, the
independent treatment of speed and direction is compatible with common usage (including
SYNOP and SHIP coding).

The averages of horizontal wind speed can be obtained with a number of both mechanical and
electrical devices. Perhaps the simplest example is a mechanical rotation-counting register on
a cup anemometer commonly used to measure the passage of wind during a chosen averaging
time interval. At the other end of the complexity spectrum, electrical pulse generators drive
special-purpose digital processors, which can easily calculate averages, peak gusts and standard

If wind speed and direction are recorded as continuous graphs, an observer can estimate 10min
averages fairly accurately from a pen recording. The recorded wind trace can also be used to read
peak gusts. The reading of dials or meters gives a feel for the wind speed and its variability, but
is subject to large errors when averages are needed. Instantaneous read-outs are, therefore, less
suitable to obtain 10min averages for standard weather reports.

5.8.2 Peak gusts and standard deviations

The computation or recording of wind fluctuations is extremely sensitive to the dynamic

response of all the elements of the measuring chain, including response length and damping
ratio of the sensors. Additionally, the dynamic response of the system as a whole determines the
duration of peak gusts, as defined in section5.1.1. Slowly responding systems spread out the
extremes and indicate wide gusts with small amplitude, whereas fast-response systems record
high and narrow peaks (gusts of short duration). It is clear that the dynamic response of wind
systems has to be carefully designed to obtain gusts or standard deviations that are accurate,
reliable and compatible between stations.

Before specifying the appropriate response characteristics of wind-measuring systems, it is

necessary to define the gust duration as required by the application. Wind extremes are mainly
used for warning purposes and for the climatology of extreme loads on buildings, constructions
and aircraft. It is important to realize that the shortest gusts have neither the time nor the
horizontal extent to exert their full damaging effect on large constructions. WMO (1987)
concludes that a gust duration of about 3s accommodates most potential users. Gusts that
persist for about 3s correspond to a wind run (duration multiplied by the average wind speed)
of the order of 50 to 100m in strong wind conditions. This is sufficient to engulf structures of
ordinary suburban/urban size and to expose them to the full load of a potentially damaging gust.

The standard deviation of wind direction and wind speed can easily be computed with
microcomputer-based equipment by taking samples of the signals at intervals of about 1s.
Sampling frequencies should not be too great, because the sensor itself provides smoothing over
a multiple of its response distance (Wieringa, 1980b). A sampling frequency of 0.25Hz is suitable
in most cases, but depends on the response distance of the sensor and the wind speed. PartIV,
Chapter2, includes a detailed discussion of the theory of sampling sensor signals.

Simultaneous computation of the standard deviation of the horizontal wind speed over
10min together with the detection of gusts with a duration of a few seconds gives interesting
requirements for electronic filters. The gusts are most critical with regard to filtering, so in
practice the system is optimized for them. Any low-pass filter used for the detection of peak
gusts measured by fast anemometers, smoothing over a few seconds, may reduce the standard
deviation by up to 10%. This can be corrected if the filtering variables in the measuring chain
are well documented. Often, in practice, the reduction is less because the standard deviation
increases if the average wind speed shows a positive or negative trend. Alternatively, the
unfiltered signal can be recorded separately for the purpose of measuring an unbiased standard
deviation. In the next section, recommendations are made for wind-measuring systems with
exact values for the filter variables.

In order to determine peak gusts accurately, it is desirable to sample the filtered wind signal
every 0.25s (frequency 4Hz). Lower sampling frequencies can be used, but it should be realized
that the estimate of the extreme will generally be lower as the extreme in the filtered signal may
occur between samples.

Apart from the wind vane inertial damping, any further filtering should be avoided for wind
direction. This means that the standard deviation of wind direction can be determined within 2%
with most wind vanes.

Accurate computation of the standard deviation of wind direction requires a minimum resolution
of the digitization process, which is often done on the shaft of the vane by means of a digital
encoder. A 7bit resolution is quite sufficient here because then a 5unit for the standard
deviation can still be measured with an accuracy of 1% (WMO, 1987).

5.8.3 Recommendations for the design of wind-measuring systems1

Wind-measuring systems can be designed in many different ways; it is impossible to cover all
design options in this Guide. Two common examples are given here, one with mainly analogue
signal treatment and the other with digital signal processing (WMO, 1987).

The first system consists of an anemometer with a response length of 5m, a pulse generator that
generates pulses at a frequency proportional to the rotation rate of the anemometer (preferably
several pulses per rotation), a counting device that counts the pulses at intervals of 0.25s,
and a microprocessor that computes averages and standard deviation over 10min intervals
on the basis of 0.25s samples. The extreme has to be determined from 3s averages, namely,
by averaging over the last 12samples. This averaging has to be done every 0.25s (namely,
overlapping 3s averages every 0.25s). The wind direction is measured with a vane that has an
undamped wavelength of 5m, a damping ratio of 0.3, and a 7bit digital encoder that is sampled
every second. Averages and standard deviations are computed over 10min intervals, where
successive samples are checked for continuity. If two successive samples differ by more than
180, the difference is decreased by adding or subtracting 360 from the second sample. With
response lengths of 5m for the anemometer and the wind vane (damping ratio 0.3, undamped
wavelength 10m), the standard deviations of wind speed and wind direction are reduced by
about 7% and 2%, respectively. The gust duration corresponding to the entire measuring chain
(as defined in section5.1.1) is about 3s.

The second system consists of an anemometer with a response length of 5m, a voltage generator
producing a voltage proportional to the rotation rate of the anemometer, analogue-to-digital
conversion every second, and the digital processing of samples. The wind-direction part
consists of a vane with an undamped wavelength of 5m and a damping ratio of 0.3, followed
by analogue-to-digital conversion every second and digital computation of averages and
standard deviations. To determine peak gusts the voltage is filtered with a first-order filter with
a time constant of 1s and analogue-to-digital conversion every 0.25s. With regard to filtering,
this system is slightly different from the first one in that standard deviations of wind speed and
direction are filtered by 12% and 2%, respectively, while again the gust duration is about 3s. This
system can also be operated with a pen recorder connected to the analogue output instead of
the analogue-to-digital converter. Only averages and extremes can be read now, and the gust
duration is about 3s, unless the pen recorder responds more slowly than the first-order filter.

The signal-processing procedure, as described above, is in accordance with Recommendation3

(CIMOX) (WMO, 1990) and guarantees optimal accuracy. The procedure, however, is fairly
complicated and demanding as it involves overlapping averages and a relatively high sampling
frequency. For many applications, it is quite acceptable to reduce the sampling rate down to one
sample every 3s, provided that the wind signal has been averaged over 3s intervals (namely,
non-overlapping averaging intervals). The resulting gust duration is about 5s and the reduction
in standard deviation is 12% (Beljaars, 1987; WMO, 1987).


5.9.1 General problems

Wind speed increases considerably with height, particularly over rough terrain. For this reason, a
standard height of 10m above open terrain is specified for the exposure of wind instruments. For
wind direction, the corresponding shift over such a height interval is relatively small and can be
ignored in surface wind measurements. An optimum wind observation location is one where the
observed wind is representative of the wind over an area of at least a few kilometres, or can easily
be corrected to make it representative.

For terrain that is uneven, contains obstacles, or is non-homogeneous in surface cover, both wind
speed and direction can be affected considerably. Corrections are often possible, and the tools

Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its tenth session (1989).

to compute such corrections are becoming available. To improve the applicability of wind data,
essential information to perform such corrections should be transmitted to the users in addition
to the direct measurements.

5.9.2 Anemometers over land

The standard exposure of wind instruments over level, open terrain is 10m above the ground.
Open terrain is defined as an area where the distance between the anemometer and any
obstruction is at least 10times the height of the obstruction. Wind measurements that are taken
in the direct wake of tree rows, buildings or any other obstacle are of little value and contain
little information about the unperturbed wind. Since wakes can easily extend downwind to
12 or 15times the obstacle height, the requirement of 10obstruction heights is an absolute
minimum. In practice, it is often difficult to find a good or even acceptable location for a wind
station. The importance of optimizing the location can hardly be overstressed; nonetheless, it is
difficult to give universal guidelines. In some cases, however, the data can be largely corrected
for obstructions, as follows:

(a) Obstacles at a distance of more than 30 times their height: no correction needs
to be applied;

(b) Obstacles at a distance of more than 20 times their height: correction can be applied;

(c) Obstacles at a distance of more than 10 times their height: correction may be applied in
some situations, taking special care.

It should be noted that when the distance is less than 20 times the height of the obstacle, the
measured value before correction can be erroneous by up to 25%; when the distance is about
10times the height of the obstacle, the measured value can in some cases even indicate the
opposite direction.

Detailed information on the exposure correction is provided in paragraph5.9.4.

In Table 5.3, the classification of wind observing sites based on siting and exposure is
summarized. Full details on the siting classification for surface observing stations on land, which
provides additional guidance on the selection of a site and the location of a wind sensor within a
site to optimize representativeness, can be found in PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.B of this Guide.

Table 5.3. Classification of wind observing sites based on siting and exposure

Distance of mast to Distance of sensors to

Roughness class Ignore single
Class surrounding obstaclesa thin obstaclesb
indexc obstacles below x m
(with height h) (with height > 8 m, width w)
1 30 h 15 w 2 4 (roughness x=4
length 0.1m)

2 10 h 15 w 2 5 (roughness x=4
length 0.25m)

3 5h 10 w x=5

4 2.5 h No obstacle with angular x = 6,

width >60 and height > 10m if measurement
within 40m distance at 10m

5 Not meeting requirements of any other class

a An obstacle is defined as an object having an angular width > 10.
b A thin obstacle is for instance a mast, thin tree or lamp post.
c Roughness is defined in the annex of this chapter.

Two aspects are very important. First, the sensors should be kept away from local obstructions
as much as possible. When wind measurements are taken on the side of masts or towers
rather than at their top, the instruments should be placed on booms with a length of at least
three mast or tower widths (Gill et al., 1967). When wind instruments are placed on top of a
building, they should be raised at least one building width above the top. Secondly, the local
situation should be well documented (Wieringa, 1983). There should at least be a map of the
station surroundings within a radius of 2km, documenting obstacle and vegetation locations
and height, terrain elevation changes, and so forth. Changes in the surroundings, such as the
construction of buildings or growth of trees nearby, should be explicitly recorded in station
logbooks. Station instrumentation should be specified in detail.

Where standard exposure is unobtainable, the anemometer may be installed at such a height
that its indications should not be too much affected by local obstructions and represent as far as
possible how the wind at 10m would be if there were no obstructions in the vicinity. If the terrain
varies little with azimuth, this may be effected by placing the anemometer at a height exceeding
10m by an amount depending on the effective surface roughness length z0 of the surroundings
(see the annex): about 13m if z0=0.1m, and about 19m if z0=0.5m. Wieringa (1980b) shows
that the strategy of anemometer height increase does not work well if local sheltering varies
strongly with azimuth. Simple calculation procedures now exist to determine the effect of local
topography (Walmsley et al., 1990), and the climatology of the gustiness records can be used
to determine exposure corrections in inhomogeneous surroundings (Verkaik, 2000). Evans and
Lee (1981) and Grimmond et al. (1998) discuss the problem in urban areas (see also PartII,

In freezing weather, special precautions must be taken to keep the wind sensors free from sleet
and ice accumulations. In some localities it may be desirable to provide some form of artificial
heating for the exposed parts such as a thermostatically controlled infrared radiator. Sleet and ice
shields have been designed for particular types of wind equipment (see Curran et al., 1977).

5.9.3 Anemometers at sea

There is an increasing requirement for instrumental measurements of wind over the sea,
especially by means of automatic unattended systems (see also PartII, Chapter4). This task
presents special problems since the standard exposure height of 10m specified for land use
cannot always be achieved in a marine environment owing to the state of the sea and/or tidal
height variation. The obvious extrapolation of the exposure criteria for land sites leads to the
idea that, on moored buoys, the anemometer should be mounted 10m above the waterline
of the buoy. However, other sources of error are often more significant than those arising from
different exposure heights (for a review, see WMO, 1981). On fixed platforms and ships, it is of
the utmost importance that wind sensors be exposed sufficiently high above the platform and its
superstructure to avoid the often extensive influence of the platform on the local wind structure.
In general, it is never safe to assume that a wind sensor is unaffected by the platform structure,
even if it is exposed at least 10m above the height of the tallest obstruction on the platform,
unless the platform is relatively small. WMO (1981) concludes that, at sea, good exposure should
have higher priority in obtaining accurate and useful measurements than standardization of the
measurements at 10m (WMO, 1989). Despite careful siting, it is often impossible in practice
to avoid exposure errors. In order to allow height and flow distortion corrections to be made,
it is very important to keep a record and detailed information about anemometer location and
platform or ship type (shape, dimension). If wind speed is measured at a height significantly
greater than 10m (namely, when the appropriate reduction factor would be >1.2), a reduction
to the 10m level should be performed according to the procedures recommended in the
following paragraph, and using the constant for open sea in the table of the annex.

5.9.4 Exposure correction

Surface wind measurements without exposure problems hardly exist. The requirement of open,
level terrain is difficult to meet, and most wind stations over land are perturbed by topographic
effects or surface cover, or by both (WMO, 1987; Wieringa, 1996).

It is clear that exposure errors pose problems to users of wind data and often make the data
useless. This problem is particularly serious in numerical forecast models where there is a
tendency to analyse the wind and pressure fields separately. Surface winds, however, can be
used for initialization only if they are representative of a large area. This means that errors due to
local exposure and/or non-standard measurement height must be removed.

The correction of wind readings for local exposure can be performed only with measurements
of reasonable quality at locations that are not too rough (z00.5m) and reasonably level. No
attempt should be made to correct measurements that have hardly any relation to a regional
average. For example, a wind station in a deep valley, where the flow is dominated by katabatic
effects, may be important for local forecasts, but cannot be used as a regionally representative

If U is the wind speed measured at height z, the corrected wind speed Uc which would be
indicated locally at 10m above terrain with roughness z0 follows from:
ln (10 / z0u ) ln ( 60 / z0u ) ln (10 / z0 )
U c = U CF CT (5.3)
ln ( z / z0u ) ln (10 / z0u ) ln ( 60 / z0 )
where CF is the flow distortion correction; CT is the correction factor due to topographic effects;
z0u is the effective roughness length of the terrain upstream of the measurement station, and
z0 is roughness length in the application (for example, a grid box value in a numerical forecast
model). In this expression, z, z0 and z0u are specified in metres. The different correction terms
represent the following:

(a) Flow distortion: The correction factor CF accounts for flow distortion by nearby big objects.
This is particularly important for anemometers on buildings, ships, and platforms at sea.
The best way of finding CF as a function of wind direction is by means of model simulation
in a wind tunnel (Mollo-Christensen and Seesholtz, 1967). Estimates based on potential
flow around simple configurations can also be applied (Wyngaard, 1981; WMO, 1984b). For
measurements on top of a free-standing mast, flow distortion is negligible (CF=1).

(b) Topographic correction: This correction accounts for terrain height effects around the wind
station. CT is the ratio of the regionally averaged wind speed (averaged over ridges and
valleys at 10m above local terrain) and the wind speed measured at the wind station. In
the example of an isolated hill with a station at the top of the hill, CT should be less than
1 to correct for the speed-up induced by the hill, to make the result representative of the
area rather than of the hill top only. CT equals 1 for flat terrain. For isolated hills and ridges,
estimates of CT can be made with the help of simple guidelines (Taylor and Lee, 1984). In
more complicated topography, model computations are needed on the basis of detailed
height contour maps of the terrain surrounding the wind stations (Walmsley et al., 1990).
Such computations are fairly complicated but need to be done only once for a single station
and lead to a semi-permanent table of CT as a function of wind direction.

(c) Non-standard measurement height: This effect is simply included in the Uc formula by
assuming a logarithmic profile combined with the roughness length z0u of the upstream
terrain. For stations over sea, this reduction to standard height can be important, but
stability corrections are relatively small there, justifying the logarithmic form of the

(d) Roughness effects: Upstream roughness effects as well as the effects of surface obstacles
can be corrected by extrapolating the wind speed logarithmic profile to a height of 60m
with the station specific effective roughness length z0u and by interpolating back to 10m
with the roughness length z0 necessary for the application. The roughness length z0u should
be representative of a 2km fetch upwind of the wind station; the value usually depends on
wind direction. The annex discusses how to estimate z0u.

If flow distortion and topography problems are negligible or have been corrected, apply the
(c) to (d) exposure correction by formula5.3 towards z=10m and z0=0.03m. Corrected wind
speeds then will be equivalent to those which would have been measured at a local hypothetical
wind station conforming fully with WMO requirements (10m over open terrain). Wind speeds

corrected in this way are called potential wind speeds (WMO, 2001). Two comments are
appropriate here. First, the extrapolation height of 60m should not be seen as a very firm value.
Heights between 40 and 80m would have been acceptable; 60m is about the correct magnitude
in relation to the 2km fetch for which z0u is representative and has proved to give satisfactory
results (Wieringa, 1986). Secondly, stability-related changes in the wind profile cannot be
neglected over the height range from 10 to 60m, but the effect of stability is relatively small in
the present formulation because the stability corrections in the transformations upwards and
downwards cancel out. A practical example of the application of wind measurement correction
in an operational context is given in WMO (2000) and WMO (2001). Although most of the
exposure correction can be directly applied to the measurements, both unadjusted (LevelI) data
and adjusted (LevelII) data are to be disseminated.


A fully reliable calibration of cup, propeller and vane anemometers is possible only in a wind
tunnel; the performance of such instruments is now well known and the manufacturers
calibration can be relied upon for most purposes, when the instrument is in good condition.
Wind-tunnel tests are useful for special projects or for type-testing new models. For more
information, see the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards
(ISO16622:2002 and ISO17713-1:2007).

In the field, anemometers are prone to deterioration and regular inspections are advisable. A
change in sensor characteristics leading to a deterioration in wind data quality may occur as
a result of physical damage, an increase in bearing friction from the ingress of dust, corrosion,
or degradation of the transduction process (for example, a reduction in the output of a cup or
propeller generator as a result of brush wear).

The inspection of analogue traces will show faults as indicated by incorrect zero, stepped traces
due to friction, noise (which may be evident at low wind speeds), low sensitivity (at low speeds),
and irregular or reduced variability of recorded wind.

Instruments should be inspected for physical damage, by checking the zero of the anemometer
system by holding the cups or propeller, and by checking vane orientation by holding it fixed
in a predetermined position or positions. Repairs to the sensors are usually only practicable in a

System checks should regularly be carried out on the electrical and electronic components of
electrical recording or telemetering instruments. Zero and range checks should be made on both
the speed and direction systems.

For the purpose of exposure correction, a roughness length z0 that represents the terrain over
2km of upstream fetch is needed as a function of wind direction. The quality of the roughness
correction is very much dependent on the accuracy of this roughness length.

Over sea, the task is relatively simple because of the uniform fetch. The so-called Charnock
relation can be applied. It expresses the sea surface roughness to the friction velocity u* and
the gravitational acceleration g by means of z0u= u*2/g, where is an empirical constant
approximately equal to 0.014. The friction velocity relates to the neutral wind profile by means
of U(z)=(u*/) ln (z/z0u), where is the Von Karman constant (0.4) and z is the measurement
height. These two equations have to be solved iteratively, which can be done by starting with
z0u=0.0001, computing u* from the log-profile, evaluating z0u again, and repeating this a few

The surface roughness length over land depends on the surface cover and land use and is
often difficult to estimate. A subjective way of determining z0u is by a visual survey of the terrain
around the wind station with the help of the table below, the validity of which has been recently
corroborated (Davenport et al., 2000). Choosing wind direction sectors of 30 up to a distance of
2km is most convenient. With very non-homogeneous fetch conditions, an effective roughness
should be determined by averaging ln (z0u) rather than z0u itself.

The best way of determining z0u is with the help of about one year of climatology of the
standard deviations. The standard deviations of wind speed and wind direction are related to
the upstream roughness over a few kilometres and can be used for an objective estimate of z0u.
Both the standard deviation of wind speed su and the standard deviation of wind direction sd (in
radians) can be employed by means of the following formulae:
su U = cu ln ( z z0u ) 5.A.1
sd U = cv ln ( z z0u ) 5.A.2

where cu = 2.2 and c v = 1.9 and = 0.4 for unfiltered measurements of su and sd. For the measuring
systems described in section5.8.3, the standard deviation of wind speed is filtered by about 12%,
and that of wind direction by about 2%, which implies that cu and c v reduce to 1.94 and 1.86,
respectively. In order to apply the above equations, it is necessary to select strong wind cases
(U>4ms1) and to average su/U and/or sd over all available data per wind sector class (30 wide)
and per season (surface roughness depends, for example, on tree foliage). The values of z0u can
now be determined with the above equations, where comparison of the results from su and sd
give some idea of the accuracy obtained.

In cases where no standard deviation information is available, but the maximum gust is
determined per wind speed averaging period (either 10min or 1h), the ratios of these maximum
gusts to the averages in the same period (gust factors) can also be used to determine z0u
(Verkaik, 2000). Knowledge of system dynamics, namely, the response length of the sensor and
the response time of the recording chain, is required for this approach.

Terrain classification from Davenport (1960) adapted by Wieringa (1980b)

in terms of aerodynamic roughness length z0

Short terrain description z0 (m)
1 Open sea, fetch at least 5 km 0.000 2

2 Mud flats, snow; no vegetation, no obstacles 0.005

3 Open flat terrain; grass, few isolated obstacles 0.03

4 Low crops; occasional large obstacles, x/H > 20 0.10

5 High crops; scattered obstacles, 15 < x/H < 20 0.25

6 Parkland, bushes; numerous obstacles, x/H10 0.5

7 Regular large obstacle coverage (suburb, forest) 1.0

8 City centre with high- and low-rise buildings 2

Note: Here x is a typical upwind obstacle distance and H is the height of the
corresponding major obstacles. For more detailed and updated terrain class
descriptions see Davenport et al. (2000) (see also PartII, Chapter9, Table9.2).

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measurements. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 20:784794.

CHAPTER 6. MEASUREMENT OF PRECIPITATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  186

6.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  186
6.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  186
6.1.2 Units and scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  186
6.1.3 Meteorological and hydrological requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  187
6.1.4 Measurement methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  187 Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  187 Reference gauges and intercomparisons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  188 Documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  188
6.2 Siting and exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  189
6.3 Non-recording precipitation gauges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  190
6.3.1 Ordinary gauges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  190 Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  190 Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  192 Calibration and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  192
6.3.2 Storage gauges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  192
6.4 Precipitation gauge errors and corrections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  193
6.5 Recording precipitation gauges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  196
6.5.1 Weighing-recording gauge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  196 Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  196 Errors and corrections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  197 Calibration and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  197
6.5.2 Tipping-bucket gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  198 Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  198 Errors and corrections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  199 Calibration and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  200
6.5.3 Float gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  201
6.6 Measurement of dew, ice accumulation and fog precipitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  201
6.6.1 Measurement of dew and leaf wetness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  201
6.6.2 Measurement of ice accumulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  202 Measurement methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  203 Ice on pavements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  204
6.6.3 Measurement of fog precipitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  204
6.7 Measurement of snowfall and snow cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  205
6.7.1 Snowfall depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  205
6.7.2 Direct measurements of snow cover depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  206
6.7.3 Direct measurements of snow water equivalent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  206
6.7.4 Snow pillows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  207
6.7.5 Radioisotope snowgauges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  207
6.7.6 Natural gamma radiation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  208
6.7.7 Cosmic-Ray Snow Sensor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  208

ANNEX 6.A. PRECIPITATION INTERCOMPARISON SITES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  209


MEASUREMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  210

ANNEX 6.C. STANDARD REFERENCE RAINGAUGE PIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  211


CATCHMENT TYPE RAINFALL INTENSITY GAUGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  212


RAINFALL INTENSITY GAUGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  215

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  217



This chapter describes the well-known methods of precipitation measurements at ground


It also addresses precipitation intensity measurements (in particular the rate of rainfall or rainfall
intensity) due to the rapidly increasing need for such measurements for the interpretation of
rainfall patterns, rainfall event modelling and forecasts.

This chapter does not discuss measurements which attempt to define the structure and
character of precipitation, or which require specialized instrumentation, which are not standard
meteorological observations (such as drop size distribution). Marine and radar measurements
are discussed in PartII, Chapters4 and 7 respectively, while space-based observations are
discussed in PartIII.

Information on precipitation measurements which includes, in particular, more detail on snow

cover measurements can also be found in WMO (1992a, 1998).

The general problem of representativeness is particularly acute in the measurement of

precipitation. Precipitation measurements are particularly sensitive to exposure, wind and
topography, and metadata describing the circumstances of the measurements are particularly
important for users of the data.

The analysis of precipitation data is much easier and more reliable if the same gauges and siting
criteria are used throughout the networks. This should be a major consideration in designing

6.1.1 Definitions

Precipitation is defined as the liquid or solid products of the condensation of water vapour falling
from clouds or deposited from air onto the ground. It includes rain, hail, snow, dew, rime, hoar
frost and fog precipitation. The total amount of precipitation which reaches the ground in a
stated period is expressed in terms of the vertical depth of water (or water equivalent in the case
of solid forms) to which it would cover a horizontal projection of the Earths surface. Snowfall is
also expressed by the depth of fresh, newly fallen snow covering an even horizontal surface (see

Precipitation intensity is defined as the amount of precipitation collected per unit time interval.
According to this definition, precipitation intensity data can be derived from the measurement of
precipitation amount using an ordinary precipitation gauge. In that sense, precipitation intensity
is a secondary parameter, derived from the primary parameter precipitation amount. However,
precipitation intensity can also be measured directly (see section6.1.4.1).

6.1.2 Units and scales

The unit of precipitation is linear depth, usually in millimetres (volume/area), or kgm2 (mass/
area) for liquid precipitation. Daily amounts of precipitation should be read to the nearest
0.2mm and, if feasible, to the nearest 0.1mm; weekly or monthly amounts should be read to
the nearest 1mm (at least). Daily measurements of precipitation should be taken at fixed times
common to the entire network or networks of interest. Less than 0.1mm (0.2mm in the United
States) is generally referred to as a trace.

Snowfall measurements are taken in units of centimetres and tenths, to the nearest 0.2cm. Less
than 0.2cm is generally called a trace. The depth of snow on the ground is usually measured
daily in whole centimetres.

The measurement unit of rainfall intensity is linear depth per hour, usually in millimetres per hour
(mmh1). Rainfall intensity is normally measured or derived over one-minute time intervals due
to the high variability of intensity from minute to minute.

6.1.3 Meteorological and hydrological requirements

Part I, Chapter 1, Annex 1.E gives a broad statement of the requirements for accuracy, range and
resolution for precipitation measurements. It gives the larger of 5% or 0.1mm as the achievable
measurement uncertainty of daily amounts, 1cm as the achievable uncertainty of depth of snow,
and 5mmh1 for rates of up to 100mmh1 and 5% for rates above 100mmh1 as the achievable
uncertainties of precipitation intensity in the field (all uncertainties at the 95% confidence
level). In addition, for precipitation intensity, PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.E gives the achievable
uncertainties under constant flow conditions in the laboratory (5% above 2mmh1 or 2% above

The common observation times are hourly, three-hourly and daily, for synoptic, climatological
and hydrological purposes. For some purposes, such as the design and management of urban
drainage systems, forecasting and mitigation of flash floods, transport safety measures, and in
general most of the applications where rainfall data are sought in real time, a much greater time
resolution is required to measure very high rainfall rates over very short periods (typically 1min
for rainfall intensity). For some other applications, storage gauges are used with observation
intervals of weeks or months or even a year in mountains and deserts.

6.1.4 Measurement methods Instruments

Precipitation gauges (or raingauges if only liquid precipitation can be measured) are the most
common instruments used to measure precipitation. Generally, an open receptacle with vertical
sides is used, usually in the form of a right cylinder, with a funnel if its main purpose is to measure
rain. Since various sizes and shapes of orifice and gauge heights are used in different countries,
the measurements are not strictly comparable (WMO, 1989a). The volume or weight of the catch
is measured, the latter in particular for solid precipitation. The gauge orifice may be at one of
many specified heights above the ground or at the same level as the surrounding ground. The
orifice must be placed above the maximum expected depth of snow cover, and above the height
of significant potential in-splashing from the ground. For solid precipitation measurement,
the orifice is above the ground and an artificial shield should be placed around it. The most
commonly used elevation height in more than 100countries varies between 0.5 and 1.5m
(WMO, 1989a).

The measurement of precipitation is very sensitive to exposure, and in particular to wind.

Section6.2 discusses exposure, while section6.4 discusses at some length the errors to which
precipitation gauges are prone, and the corrections that may be applied.

Rainfall intensity can be either derived from the measurement of precipitation amount using a
recording raingauge (see section6.5) or measured directly. The latter can be done, for example,
by using a gauge and measuring the flow of the captured water, measuring the accretion
of collected water as a function of time, or using some optical principles of measurement. A
number of techniques for determining precipitation amount are based on these direct intensity
measurements by integrating the measured intensity over a certain time interval.

This chapter also describes some other special techniques for measuring other types of
precipitation (dew, ice, and the like) and snow cover. Some new techniques which are appearing
in operational use are not described here, for example, the optical raingauge, which makes

use of optical scattering. Useful sources of information on new methods under development
are the reports of recurrent conferences, such as the international workshops on precipitation
measurement (Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
1993; WMO, 1989b) and the Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental
Instruments and Methods of Observation (TECO), and the instrument intercomparisons
organized by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO, 1998).

Point measurements of precipitation serve as the primary source of data for areal analysis.
However, even the best measurement of precipitation at one point is only representative of
a limited area, the size of which is a function of the length of the accumulation period, the
physiographic homogeneity of the region, local topography and the precipitation-producing
process. Radar and, more recently, satellites are used to define and quantify the spatial
distribution of precipitation. In principle, a suitable integration of all three sources of areal
precipitation data into national precipitation networks (automatic gauges, radar, and satellite)
can be expected to provide sufficiently accurate areal precipitation estimates on an operational
basis for a wide range of precipitation data users.

Instruments that detect and identify precipitation, as distinct from measuring it, may be used as
present weather detectors, and are referred to in PartI, Chapter14. Reference gauges and intercomparisons

Several types of gauges have been used as reference gauges. The main feature of their design
is that of reducing or controlling the effect of wind on the catch, which is the main reason for
the different behaviours of gauges. They are chosen also to reduce the other errors discussed in

Ground-level gauges are used as reference gauges for liquid precipitation measurement. Because
of the absence of wind-induced error, they generally show more precipitation than any elevated
gauge (WMO, 1984, 2009). The gauge is placed in a pit with the gauge rim at ground level,
sufficiently distant from the nearest edge of the pit to avoid in-splashing. A strong plastic or
metal anti-splash grid with a central opening for the gauge should span the pit. Provision should
be made for draining the pit. A description and drawings of a standard pit gauge are given in
Annex6.C and more details are provided in WMO (2009) and the EN13798:2010 standard (CEN,

The reference gauge for solid precipitation is the gauge known as the Double Fence
Intercomparison Reference. It has octagonal vertical double fences surrounding a Tretyakov
gauge, which itself has a particular form of wind-deflecting shield. Drawings and a description
are given by Goodison et al. (1989) and in WMO (1985, 1998).

Recommendations for comparisons of precipitation gauges against the reference gauges are
given in Annex6.A. Documentation

The measurement of precipitation is particularly sensitive to gauge exposure, so metadata about

the measurements must be recorded meticulously to compile a comprehensive station history, in
order to be available for climate and other studies and quality assurance.

Section 6.2 discusses the site information that must be kept, namely detailed site descriptions,
including vertical angles to significant obstacles around the gauge, gauge configuration, height
of the gauge orifice above ground and height of the wind speed measuring instrument above

Changes in observational techniques for precipitation, mainly the use of a different type of
precipitation gauge and a change of gauge site or installation height, can cause temporal
inhomogeneities in precipitation time series (see PartIV, Chapter2). The use of differing types

of gauges and site exposures causes spatial inhomogeneities. This is due to the systematic errors
of precipitation measurement, mainly the wind-induced error. Since adjustment techniques
based on statistics can remove the inhomogeneities relative to the measurements of surrounding
gauges, the correction of precipitation measurements for the wind-induced error can reduce the
bias of measured values.

The following sections (especially section6.4) on the various instrument types discuss the
corrections that may be applied to precipitation measurements. Such corrections have
uncertainties, and the original records and the correction formulae should be kept.

Any changes in the observation methods should also be documented.


All methods for measuring precipitation should aim to obtain a sample that is representative of
the true amount falling over the area which the measurement is intended to represent, whether
on the synoptic scale, mesoscale or microscale. The choice of site, as well as the systematic
measurement error, is, therefore, important. For a discussion of the effects of the site, see Sevruk
and Zahlavova (1994).

The location of precipitation stations within the area of interest is important, because the
number and locations of the gauge sites determine how well the measurements represent the
actual amount of precipitation falling in the area. Areal representativeness is discussed at length
in WMO (1992a), for rain and snow. WMO (2008) gives an introduction to the literature on the
calculation of areal precipitation and corrections for topography.

The effects on the wind field of the immediate surroundings of the site can give rise to local
excesses and deficiencies in precipitation. In general, objects should not be closer to the gauge
than a distance of twice their height above the gauge orifice. For each site, the average vertical
angle of obstacles should be estimated, and a site plan should be made. Sites on a slope or the
roof of a building should be avoided. Sites selected for measuring snowfall and/or snow cover
should be in areas sheltered as much as possible from the wind. The best sites are often found
in clearings within forests or orchards, among trees, in scrub or shrub forests, or where other
objects act as an effective wind-break for winds from all directions.

Preferably, however, the effects of the wind, and of the site on the wind, can be reduced by using
a ground-level gauge for liquid precipitation or by making the airflow horizontal above the
gauge orifice using the following techniques (listed in order of decreasing effectiveness):

(a) In areas with homogeneous dense vegetation; the height of such vegetation should be kept
at the same level as the gauge orifice by regular clipping;

(b) In other areas, by simulating the effect in (a) through the use of appropriate fence

(c) By using windshields around the gauge.

The surface surrounding the precipitation gauge can be covered with short grass, gravel or
shingle, but hard, flat surfaces, such as concrete, should be avoided to prevent excessive in-

A classification of measurement sites has been developed in order to quantify and document the
influence of the surrounding environment (see PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.B of this Guide). This
classification uses a relatively simple description of the (land-based) sites.


6.3.1 Ordinary gauges Instruments

The commonly used precipitation gauge consists of a collector placed above a funnel leading
into a container where the accumulated water and melted snow are stored between observation
times. Different gauge shapes are in use worldwide as shown in Figure6.1. Where solid
precipitation is common and substantial, a number of special modifications are used to improve
the accuracy of measurements. Such modifications include the removal of the raingauge funnel
at the beginning of the snow season or the provision of a special snow fence (see WMO, 1998)
to protect the catch from blowing out. Windshields around the gauge reduce the error caused
by deformation of the wind field above the gauge and by snow drifting into the gauge. They are
advisable for rain and essential for snow. A wide variety of gauges are in use (see WMO, 1989a).

The stored water is either collected in a measure or poured from the container into a measure,
or its level in the container is measured directly with a graduated stick. The size of the collector
orifice is not critical for liquid precipitation, but an area of at least 200cm2 is required if solid
forms of precipitation are expected in significant quantity. An area of 200 to 500cm2 will
probably be found most convenient. The most important requirements of a gauge are as follows:

(a) The rim of the collector should have a sharp edge and should fall away vertically on the
inside, and be steeply bevelled on the outside; the design of gauges used for measuring
snow should be such that any narrowing of the orifice caused by accumulated wet snow
about the rim is small;

1 2 3

4 5 6

Figure 6.1. Different shapes of standard precipitation gauges. The solid lines show
streamlines and the dashed lines show the trajectories of precipitation particles. The first
gauge shows the largest wind field deformation above the gauge orifice, and the last gauge
the smallest. Consequently, the wind-induced error for the first gauge is larger
than for the last gauge.
Source: Sevruk and Nespor (1994)

(b) The area of the orifice should be known to the nearest 0.5%, and the construction should be
such that this area remains constant while the gauge is in normal use;

(c) The collector should be designed to prevent rain from splashing in and out. This can be
achieved if the vertical wall is sufficiently deep and the slope of the funnel is sufficiently
steep (at least 45%). Suitable arrangements are shown in Figure6.2;

(d) The construction should be such as to minimize wetting errors. This can be done by
choosing the proper material and minimizing the total inner surface of the collector;

(e) The container should have a narrow entrance and be sufficiently protected from radiation
to minimize the loss of water by evaporation. Precipitation gauges used in locations
where only weekly or monthly readings are practicable should be similar in design to the
type used for daily measurements, but with a container of larger capacity and stronger

The measuring cylinder should be made of clear glass or plastic which has a suitable coefficient
of thermal expansion and should be clearly marked to show the size or type of gauge with which
it is to be used. Its diameter should be less than 33% of that of the rim of the gauge; the smaller
the relative diameter, the greater the precision of measurement. The graduations should be
finely engraved; in general, there should be marks at 0.2mm intervals and clearly figured lines
at each whole millimetre. It is also desirable that the line corresponding to 0.1mm be marked.
The maximum error of the graduations should not exceed 0.05mm at or above the 2mm
graduation mark and 0.02mm below this mark.

To measure small precipitation amounts with adequate precision, the inside diameter of the
measuring cylinder should taper off at its base. In all measurements, the bottom of the water
meniscus should define the water level, and the cylinder should be kept vertical when reading, to
avoid parallax errors. Repetition of the main graduation lines on the back of the measure is also
helpful for reducing such errors.

Dip-rods should be made of cedar wood, or another suitable material that does not absorb water
appreciably and possesses only a small capillary effect. Wooden dip-rods are unsuitable if oil has
been added to the collector to suppress evaporation. When this is the case, rods made of metal
or other materials from which oil can be readily cleaned must be used. Non-metallic rods should
be provided with a brass foot to avoid wear and be graduated according to the relative areas of
cross-section of the gauge orifice and the collector; graduations should be marked at least every
10mm and include an allowance for the displacement caused by the rod itself. The maximum
error in the dip-rod graduation should not exceed 0.5mm at any point. A dip-rod measurement
should be checked using a volumetric measure, wherever possible.

These lines
must intersect
the vertical
90 wall below the
rim of the


Figure 6.2. Suitable collectors for raingauges


The measuring cylinder must be kept vertical when it is being read, and the observer must be
aware of parallax errors. Snow collected in non-recording precipitation gauges should be either
weighed or melted immediately after each observation and then measured using a standard
graduated measuring cylinder. It is also possible to measure precipitation catch by accurate
weighing, a procedure which has several advantages. The total weight of the can and contents is
measured and the known weight of the can is subtracted. There is little likelihood of spilling the
water and any water adhering to the can is included in the weight. The commonly used methods
are, however, simpler and cheaper. Calibration and maintenance

The graduation of the measuring cylinder or stick must, of course, be consistent with the chosen
size of the collector. The calibration of the gauge, therefore, includes checking the diameter of
the gauge orifice and ensuring that it is within allowable tolerances. It also includes volumetric
checks of the measuring cylinder or stick.

Routine maintenance should include, at all times, keeping the gauge level in order to prevent
an out-of-level gauge (see Rinehart, 1983; Sevruk, 1984). As required, the outer container of
the gauge and the graduate should be kept clean at all times both inside and outside by using
a long-handled brush, soapy water and a clean water rinse. Worn, damaged or broken parts
should be replaced, as required. The vegetation around the gauge should be kept trimmed to
5cm (where applicable). The exposure should be checked and recorded.

6.3.2 Storage gauges

Storage gauges are used to measure total seasonal precipitation in remote and sparsely inhabited
areas. Such gauges consist of a collector above a funnel, leading into a container that is large
enough to store the seasonal catch (or the monthly catch in wet areas). A layer of no less than
5mm of a suitable oil or other evaporation suppressant should be placed in the container to
reduce evaporation (WMO, 1972). This layer should allow the free passage of precipitation into
the solution below it.

An antifreeze solution may be placed in the container to convert any snow which falls into the
gauge into a liquid state. It is important that the antifreeze solution remain dispersed. A mixture
of 37.5% by weight of commercial calcium chloride (78% purity) and 62.5% water makes a
satisfactory antifreeze solution. Alternatively, aqueous solutions of ethylene glycol or of an
ethylene glycol and methanol mixture can be used. While more expensive, the latter solutions
are less corrosive than calcium chloride and give antifreeze protection over a much wider range
of dilution resulting from subsequent precipitation. The volume of the solution initially placed in
the container should not exceed 33% of the total volume of the gauge.

In some countries, this antifreeze and oil solution is considered toxic waste and, therefore,
harmful to the environment. Guidelines for the disposal of toxic substances should be obtained
from local environmental protection authorities.

The seasonal precipitation catch is determined by weighing or measuring the volume of the
contents of the container (as with ordinary gauges; see section6.3.1). The amount of oil and
antifreeze solution placed in the container at the beginning of the season and any contraction in
the case of volumetric measurements must be carefully taken into account. Corrections may be
applied as with ordinary gauges.

The operation and maintenance of storage gauges in remote areas pose several problems,
such as the capping of the gauge by snow or difficulty in locating the gauge for recording the
measurement, and so on, which require specific monitoring. Particular attention should be paid
to assessing the quality of data from such gauges.


It is convenient to discuss at this point the errors and corrections that apply in some degree to
most precipitation gauges, whether they are recording or non-recording gauges. The particular
cases of recording gauges are discussed in section6.5.

Comprehensive accounts of errors and corrections can be found in WMO (1982, 1984, 1986;
specifically for snow, 1998; and specifically for rainfall intensity, 2006, 2009). Details of the
models currently used for adjusting raw precipitation data in Canada, Denmark, Finland, the
Russian Federation, Switzerland and the United States are given in WMO (1982). WMO (1989a)
gives a description of how the errors occur. There are collected conference papers on the
topic in WMO (1986, 1989b). Details on the improvement of the reliability of rainfall intensity
measurements as obtained by traditional tipping-bucket gauges, weighing gauges and other
types of gauges (optical, floating/siphoning, etc.) are given in WMO (2006, 2009).

The amount of precipitation measured by commonly used gauges may be less than the actual
precipitation reaching the ground by up to 30% or more. Systematic losses will vary by type of
precipitation (snow, mixed snow and rain, and rain). The systematic error of solid precipitation
measurements is commonly large and may be of an order of magnitude greater than that
normally associated with liquid precipitation measurements.

For many hydrological purposes it is necessary first to make adjustments to the data in order
to allow for the error before making the calculations. The adjustments cannot, of course, be
exact (and may even increase the error). Thus, the original data should always be kept as the
basic archives both to maintain continuity and to serve as the best base for future improved
adjustments if, and when, they become possible.

The traditional assessment of errors in precipitation gauges refers to so-called weather-related

errors. It is well recognized that the measurement of liquid precipitation at the ground is
affected by different sources of systematic and random errors, mainly due to wind-, wetting- and
evaporation-induced losses (see WMO, 1982) which make the measurement of light to moderate
rainfall scarcely reliable in the absence of an accurate calibration. Wind-induced errors still have
an influence on rainfall intensities of the order of 2050mmh1 with an incidence of about 5%
observed in some intercomparison stations in central Europe (WMO, 1984). Sampling errors
due to the discrete nature of the rain measurement are also recognized to be dependent on the
bucket size (for tipping-bucket gauges) and sampling interval or instrument response time,
though not on precipitation intensity, and can be analytically evaluated (Colli et al., 2013a).

The true amount of precipitation may be estimated by correcting for some or all of the various
error terms listed below:

(a) Error due to systematic wind field deformation above the gauge orifice: typically 2% to 10%
for rain and 10% to 50% for snow;

(b) Error due to the wetting loss on the internal walls of the collector;

(c) Error due to the wetting loss in the container when it is emptied: typically 2% to 15% in
summer and 1% to 8% in winter, for (b) and (c) together;

(d) Error due to evaporation from the container (most important in hot climates): 0% to 4%;

(e) Error due to blowing and drifting snow;

(f) Error due to the in- and out-splashing of water: 1% to 2%;

(g) Systematic mechanical and sampling errors, and dynamic effects errors (i.e. systematic
delay due to instrument response time): typically 5% to 15% for rainfall intensity, or even
more in high-rate events (see WMO, 2009);

(h) Random observational and instrumental errors, including incorrect gauge reading times.

The first seven error components are systematic and are listed in order of general importance.
The net error due to blowing and drifting snow and to in- and out-splashing of water can be
either negative or positive, while net systematic errors due to the wind field and other factors are
negative. Since the errors listed as (e) and (f) above are generally difficult to quantify, the general
model for adjusting data from most gauges, originally proposed by WMO (1982) and later
modified by Legates and Willmott (1990), can be written as:

( ) ( )
Pk = kr Pcr + k s Pcs = kr Pgr + P1r + P2 r + P3r + P4 r + k s Pgs + P1s + P2 s + P3s + P4 s (6.1)

where subscripts r and s refer to liquid (rain) and solid (snow) precipitation, respectively; Pk is
the adjusted precipitation amount; k (see Figure6.3) is the adjustment factor for the effects of
wind field deformation; Pc is the amount of precipitation caught by the gauge collector; Pg is the
measured amount of precipitation in the gauge; P1 is the adjustment for the wetting loss on
the internal walls of the collector; P2 is the adjustment for wetting loss in the container after
emptying; P3 is the adjustment for evaporation from the container; and P4 is the adjustment for
systematic mechanical errors.

Errors due to the weather conditions at the collector, as well as those related to wetting,
splashing and evaporation, are typically referred to as catching errors. They indicate the ability of
the instrument to collect the exact amount of water according to the definition of precipitation
at the ground, that is, the total water falling over the projection of the collector's area over the
ground. Systematic mechanical and sampling errors, typically referred to as quantification errors,
are related to the ability of the instrument to sense correctly the amount of water collected by
the instrument. The WMO laboratory and field intercomparisons on rainfall intensity gauges
(WMO 2006, 2009) both contributed to the assessment of quantification errors and documented

k uhp = 3.0 m s-1 uhp = 3.0 m s-1
uhp = 3.0 m s-1 uhp = 3.0 m s-1
1.10 uhp = 1.0 m s-1 uhp = 1.0 m s-1
uhp = 1.0 m s-1 uhp = 1.0 m s-1


0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
i (mm h-1) i (mm h-1)
k uhp = 3.0 m s-1
uhp = 3.0 m s-1
1.8 uhp = 2.0 m s-1
uhp = 2.0 m s-1
uhp = 1.5 m s-1
uhp = 1.5 m s-1
1.6 uhp = 1.0 m s-1
uhp = 1.0 m s-1



0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
i (mm h-1) i (mm h-1)

Figure 6.3. Conversion factor k defined as the ratio of correct to measured precipitation for
rain (top) and snow (bottom) for two unshielded gauges in dependency of wind speed uhp,
intensity i and type of weather situation according to Nespor and Sevruk (1999). On the left
is the German Hellmann manual standard gauge, and on the right the recording, tipping-
bucket gauge by Lambrecht. Void symbols in the top diagrams refer to orographic rain, and
black ones to showers. Note the different scales for rain and snow. For shielded gauges, k can
be reduced to 50% and 70% for snow and mixed precipitation, respectively (WMO, 1998).
The heat losses are not considered in the diagrams (in Switzerland they vary with altitude
between 10% and 50% of the measured values of fresh snow).

laboratory and field calibration methods for identifying and/or correcting quantification errors
in rainfall intensity measurements. Obviously, these errors may derive from very different
aspects of the sensing phase since the instruments may differ in the measuring principle applied,
construction details, operational solutions and so forth.

The corrections of precipitation measurement errors are applied to daily or monthly totals or, in
some practices, to individual precipitation events.

When dealing with precipitation intensity measurements, systematic mechanical errors can
be properly corrected through a standardized laboratory calibration referred to as a dynamic
calibration in steady-state conditions of the reference flow rate (Niemczynowicz, 1986; WMO,
2009). For more details, see Annex6.D.

In general, the supplementary data needed to make adjustments related to weather conditions
include the wind speed at the gauge orifice during precipitation, drop size, precipitation
intensity, air temperature and humidity, and the characteristics of the gauge site. Although
temperature has some effect on gauge undercatch, the effect is significantly less than the
effects of wind speed at gauge height (Yang et al., 1993; Yang et al., 1995). Wind speed and
precipitation type or intensity may be sufficient variables to determine the corrections. Wind
speed alone is sometimes used. At sites where such observations are not made, interpolation
between the observations made at adjacent sites may be used for making such adjustments, but
with caution, and for monthly rainfall data only.

For most precipitation gauges, wind speed is the most important environmental factor
contributing to the under-measurement of solid precipitation. These data must be derived
from standard meteorological observations at the site in order to provide daily adjustments.
In particular, if wind speed is not measured at gauge orifice height, it can be derived by using
a mean wind speed reduction procedure after having knowledge of the roughness of the
surrounding surface and the angular height of surrounding obstacles. A suggested scheme
is shown in Annex6.B.1 This scheme is very site-dependent, and estimation requires a good
knowledge of the station and gauge location. Shielded gauges catch more precipitation than
their unshielded counterparts, especially for solid precipitation. Therefore, gauges should
be shielded either naturally (for example, forest clearing) or artificially (for example, Alter,
Canadian Nipher type, Tretyakov windshield) to minimize the adverse effect of wind speed on
measurements of solid precipitation (for some information on shield design, refer to WMO, 1998,
2008). The type of windshield configuration, as well as gauge type, will alter the relationship
between wind speeds and catch efficiency and have implications on data homogeneity.

Wetting loss (Sevruk, 1974a) is another cumulative systematic loss from manual gauges which
varies with precipitation and gauge type; its magnitude is also a function of the number of times
the gauge is emptied. Average wetting loss can be up to 0.2mm per observation. At synoptic
stations where precipitation is measured every 6h, this can become a very significant loss. In
some countries, wetting loss has been calculated to be 15% to 20% of the measured winter
precipitation. Correction for wetting loss at the time of observation is a feasible alternative.
Wetting loss can be kept low in a well-designed gauge. The methodology to determine the
wetting loss of manual gauges (WMO, 1998) would suffice. It is recommended that the wetting
loss for manual gauges be re-examined periodically (for example, every 5years) as it tends to
change with the age of the collector. The internal surfaces should be of a material which can be
kept smooth and clean; paint, for example, is unsuitable, but baked enamel is satisfactory. Seams
in the construction should be kept to a minimum.

Evaporation losses (Sevruk, 1974b) vary by gauge type, climatic zone and time of year.
Evaporation loss is a problem with gauges that do not have a funnel device in the bucket,
especially in late spring at mid-latitudes. Losses of over 0.8mm per day have been reported.
Losses during winter are much less than during comparable summer months, ranging from 0.1
to 0.2mm per day. These losses, however, are cumulative. In a well-designed gauge, only a small

A wind reduction scheme recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its
eleventh session (1994).

water surface is exposed, its ventilation is minimized, and the water temperature is kept low by
a reflective outer surface. In storage and accumulating recording gauges, errors associated with
evaporation can be virtually eliminated through the use of oil in the collector.

It is clear that, in order to achieve data compatibility when using different gauge types and
shielding during all weather conditions, corrections to the actual measurements are necessary.
In all cases where precipitation measurements are adjusted in an attempt to reduce errors, it is
strongly recommended that both the measured and adjusted values be published.


Recording precipitation automatically has the advantage that it can provide better time
resolution than manual measurements, and it is possible to reduce the evaporation and wetting
losses. These readings are of course subject to the wind effects discussed in section6.4.

Three types of automatic precipitation recorders are in general use, namely the weighing-
recording type, the tilting or tipping-bucket type, and the float type. Only the weighing type
is satisfactory for measuring all kinds of precipitation, the use of the other two types being
for the most part limited to the measurement of rainfall. Some new automatic gauges that
measure precipitation without using moving parts are available. These gauges use devices such
as capacitance probes, pressure transducers, and optical or small radar devices to provide an
electronic signal that is proportional to the precipitation equivalent. The clock device that times
intervals and dates the time record is a very important component of the recorder.

Because of the high variability of precipitation intensity over a 1min timescale, a single 1min
rainfall intensity value is not representative of a longer time period. Therefore, 1min rainfall
intensity should not be used in a temporal sampling scheme, such as one synoptic measurement
every one or three hours. Very good time synchronization, better than 10s, is required between
the reference time and the different instruments of the observing station.

6.5.1 Weighing-recording gauge Instruments

In these instruments, the weight of a container, together with the precipitation accumulated
therein, is recorded continuously, either by means of a spring mechanism or with a system of
balance weights. All precipitation, both liquid and solid, is recorded as it falls. This type of gauge
normally has no provision for emptying itself; the capacity (namely, the maximum accumulation
between recharge) ranges from 250 to 1500mm depending on the model. Low-capacity
models should be avoided in areas where the maximum accumulation could occur over short
periods of time. The gauges must be maintained to minimize evaporation losses, which can be
accomplished by adding sufficient oil or other evaporation suppressants inside the container
to form a film over the water surface. Any difficulties arising from oscillation of the balance in
strong winds can be reduced by suitably programming a microprocessor to eliminate this effect
on the readings. Such weighing gauges are particularly useful for recording snow, hail, and
mixtures of snow and rain, since the solid precipitation does not need to be melted before it
can be recorded. For winter operation, the catchment container is charged with an antifreeze
solution (see section6.3.2) to dissolve the solid contents. The amount of antifreeze depends on
the expected amount of precipitation and the minimum temperature expected at the time of
minimum dilution. These instruments do not use any moving mechanical parts in the weighing
mechanism; only elastic deformation occurs. Therefore, mechanical degradation and the
resulting need for maintenance are significantly reduced.

The digitized output signal is generally averaged and filtered. Precipitation intensity can also
be calculated from the differences between two or more consecutive weight measurements.
The accuracy of these types of gauges is related directly to their measuring and/or recording
characteristics, which can vary with manufacturer.

Many instruments have data output that contain diagnostic parameters which are very useful for
further evaluations of measured data and for data quality control. Errors and corrections

Except for error due to the wetting loss in the container when it is emptied, weighing-recording
gauges are susceptible to all of the other sources of error discussed in section6.4. It should
also be noted that automatic recording gauges alone cannot identify the type of precipitation.
A significant problem with this type of gauge is that precipitation, particularly freezing rain
or wet snow, can stick to the inside of the gauge orifice and not fall into the bucket until later.
This severely limits the ability of weighing-recording gauges to provide accurate timing of
precipitation events. Another common fault with weighing-type gauges is wind pumping.
This usually occurs during high winds when turbulent air currents passing over and around the
catchment container cause oscillations in the weighing mechanism. Errors associated with such
anomalous recordings can be minimized by averaging readings over short time intervals usually
ranging from 1 to 5min. Timing errors in the instrument clock may assign the catch to the wrong
period or date. Some weighing-recording gauges may also exhibit some temperature sensitivity
in the weighing mechanism that adds a component to the output which is proportional to the
diurnal temperature cycle.

Some potential errors in manual methods of precipitation measurement can be eliminated or at

least minimized by using weighing-recording gauges. Random measurement errors associated
with human observer error and certain systematic errors, particularly evaporation and wetting
loss, are minimized. In some countries, trace observations are officially given a value of zero, thus
resulting in a biased underestimate of the seasonal precipitation total. This problem is minimized
with weighing-type gauges, since even very small amounts of precipitation will accumulate over

A fundamental characteristic of weighing-recording gauges when measuring precipitation

intensity is the response time (filtering process included), which leads to measurement errors
(systematic delay). The response times, available in operation manuals or evaluated during a
previous WMO intercomparison (WMO, 2009), are of the order of six seconds to a few minutes
depending on the gauge's design and model. The 1min precipitation intensity resolution of
weighing-recording gauges can be very different from gauge to gauge and depends on the
transducer resolution. Such gauges may also exhibit a limit or discrimination threshold for
precipitation intensity.

The correction of weighing gauge data on an hourly or daily basis may be more difficult than on
longer time periods, such as monthly climatological summaries. Ancillary data from automatic
weather stations, such as wind at gauge height, air temperature, present weather or snow depth,
will be useful in interpreting and correcting accurately the precipitation measurements from
automatic gauges. Calibration and maintenance

Weighing-recording gauges usually have few moving parts and, therefore, should seldom
require calibration. Calibration commonly involves the use of a series of weights which, when
placed in the bucket or catchment container, provide a predetermined value equivalent to an
amount of precipitation. Calibrations should normally be done in a laboratory setting and should
follow the manufacturers instructions.

An alternative procedure for calibrating weighing-recording gauges when dealing with

precipitation intensity measurements is given in Annex6.D. This calibration, referred to as
a dynamic calibration in steady-state conditions of the reference flow rates, is performed to
evaluate the measurement errors of the weighing gauge. This procedure can also be used to
assess the dynamic response of the weighing gauge by performing the classic step-response test,
that is, by providing the instrument with a reference flow rate showing a single abrupt change
from zero to a given equivalent rainfall rate. Moreover, the repeating of the dynamic calibration

in unsteady conditions (time-varying reference flow rates as a simulation of real-world events)

permits a finer calibration of weighing gauges (especially for systematic delays due to the
instruments response time) and could lead to improved dynamic performance and accuracy in
real-world events (Colli et al., 2013b).

Routine maintenance should be conducted every three to four months, depending on

precipitation conditions at the site. Both the exterior and interior of the gauge should be
inspected for loose or broken parts and to ensure that the gauge is level. Any manual read-out
should be checked against the removable data record to ensure consistency before removing
and annotating the record. The bucket or catchment container should be emptied, inspected,
cleaned, if required, and recharged with oil for rainfall-only operation or with antifreeze and oil
if solid precipitation is expected (see section6.3.2). The recording device should be set to zero
in order to make maximum use of the gauge range. The digital memory as well as the power
supply should be checked and replaced, if required. Timing intervals and dates of record must be

A proper field calibration, and field calibration check or field inspection should also be conducted
on a regular basis as part of the routine maintenance and check, taking into account site and
operational constraints. For rainfall intensity gauges, a recommended procedure by means of a
portable device for reference flow rates is given in Annex6.E.

6.5.2 Tipping-bucket gauge

The tipping-bucket raingauge is used for measuring accumulated totals and the rate of rainfall.
Suitable intensity-dependent corrections (see section6.5.2.2) should be applied to improve
the accuracy of the intensity measurements and to overcome the underestimation of intensity
for high rainfall rates and the overestimation of intensity for low rainfall rates, both of which are
typical in non-corrected tipping-bucket gauges. Instruments

The principle behind the operation of this instrument is simple. A tipping-bucket raingauge uses
a metallic or plastic twin bucket balance to measure the incoming water in portions of equal
weight. When one bucket is full, its centre of mass is outside the pivot and the balance tips,
dumping the collected water and bringing the other bucket into position to collect. The bucket
compartments are shaped in such a way that the water is emptied from the lower one. The
water mass content of the bucket is constant (m [g]). Therefore, by using the density of water
( = 1g/cm3), the corresponding volume (V [cm3]) is derived from the weight of the water and,
consequently, the corresponding accumulation height (h [mm]) is retrieved by using the area of
the collector (S[cm2]). The equation is:
V = m = h S (6.2)
Thus, by using the density of water, h is calculated, where 1mm corresponds to 1g of water
over an area of 10cm2 . To have detailed records of precipitation, the amount of rain should not
exceed 0.2mm. For a gauge area of 1000cm2, this corresponds to a bucket content of 20g of

The raw output is a contact closure (reed switch or relay contact), so each tip produces an
electrical impulse as a signal output which must be recorded by a data logger or an analogue-
to-digital converter (data acquisition system equipped with reed switch reading ports). This
mechanism provides a continuous measurement without manual interaction.

The rainfall intensity of non-corrected tipping-bucket gauges is calculated based on the number
of tips in a periodic sampling rate (typically 6 or 10s) and averaged over a chosen time interval
(for example, 1min). In this way, an intensity value is available every minute that represents the
intensity of the past minute or minutes. This sampling scheme reduces the uncertainty of the
average. In addition, the rainfall intensity resolution depends on the size of the bucket and the

chosen time interval. For example, a tip equivalent to 0.2mm leads to a 1min rainfall intensity
resolution of 12mmh1 which is constant over the measurement range of the gauge if no
intensity-dependent corrections are applied.

The bucket takes a small but finite time to tip and, during the first half of its motion, additional
rain may enter the compartment that already contains the calculated amount of rainfall. The
water losses during the tipping movement indicate a systematic mechanical error that is rather
a function of the intensity itself and can be appreciable during heavy rainfall (> 100mmh1).
However, this can be corrected by using a calibration procedure as given in Annex6.D and
applying a correction curve or algorithm (see section6.4). An alternative simple method is to use
a device like a siphon at the foot of the funnel to direct the water to the buckets at a controlled
rate. This smoothes out the intensity peaks of very short-period rainfall. Alternatively, a device
can be added to accelerate the tipping action; essentially, a small blade is impacted by the water
falling from the collector and is used to apply an additional force to the bucket, varying with
rainfall intensity.

The tipping-bucket gauge is particularly convenient for automatic weather stations because it
lends itself to digital methods. The pulse generated by a contact closure can be monitored by
a data logger, preferably including the time the tips occurred, to calculate a corrected rainfall
intensity, which can then be used to retrieve the precipitation amount over selected periods. It
may also be used with a chart recorder. Errors and corrections

Since the tipping-bucket raingauge has sources of error which differ somewhat from those of
other gauges, special precautions and corrections are advisable. Some sources of error include
the following:

(a) The loss of water during the tipping action in heavy rain; this can be considerably reduced
by conducting a dynamic calibration (see Annex6.D) and applying an intensity-dependent

(b) With the usual bucket design, the exposed water surface is large in relation to its volume,
meaning that appreciable evaporation losses can occur, especially in hot regions. This error
may be significant in light rain;

(c) The discontinuous nature of the record may not provide satisfactory data during light
drizzle or very light rain. In particular, the time of onset and cessation of precipitation
cannot be accurately determined;

(d) Water may adhere to both the walls and the lip of the bucket, resulting in rain residue in the
bucket and additional weight to be overcome by the tipping action. Tests on waxed buckets
produced a 4% reduction in the volume required to tip the balance compared with non-
waxed buckets. Volumetric calibration can change, without adjustment of the calibration
screws, by variation of bucket wettability through surface oxidation or contamination by
impurities and variations in surface tension;

(e) The stream of water falling from the funnel onto the exposed bucket may cause over-
reading, depending on the size, shape and position of the nozzle;

(f) The instrument is particularly prone to bearing friction and to having an improperly
balanced bucket because the gauge is not level;

(g) The limited repeatability at various rainfall intensities of the inter-tip time interval due
to low stability of the mechanics of the buckets (i.e. bucket movement) degrades the
measurements; this systematic mechanical effect can be investigated by means of specific
tests recording a series of inter-tip time intervals that make it possible to estimate the
mechanical precision of the bucket (see Colli et al., 2013b); such errors may be reduced by
improving the construction quality of the gauges;

(h) The sampling errors of tipping-bucket gauges (Habib et al., 2001) have an additional strong
impact on field performance under light precipitation regimes; these errors consist in a
delay of the tipping-bucket mechanism in assigning the collected amount of water to the
corresponding time interval; different calculation techniques exist for reducing the impact
of sampling errors and providing rainfall intensity measurements at a higher resolution than
the tipping-bucket gauges' sensitivity would allow (see Colli et al., 2013a).

Careful calibration can provide corrections for the systematic parts of these errors. Effective
corrections for improving the measurement of rainfall intensity (WMO, 2009), and consequently
the corresponding accumulated amount, consist in performing a dynamic calibration and
applying correction curves (see section6.4), for example by applying a software correction
or an algorithm in the data acquisition system. Alternatively, they can involve conducting
a linearization procedure in the instruments electronics circuit (generating an intensity-
dependent emission of extra pulses) or through a mechanism (for example, small deflectors that
induce a dynamic pressure which increases with intensity, allowing the tip to occur before the
bucket is full). In WMO (2009), it is shown that linearization by extra electronic pulses is well
suited for measuring precipitation amount but less so for measuring intensity. On the other hand,
mechanical linearization compensates for the loss of water during the movement of the balance
and greatly minimizes the intensity underestimation during high-rate events. The software
correction (correction curve or algorithm) resulted in being the most effective method for
correcting systematic mechanical errors.

The measurements from tipping-bucket raingauges may be corrected for effects of exposure in
the same way as other types of precipitation gauge.

Heating devices can be used to allow for measurements during the cold season, particularly
of solid precipitation. However, the performance of heated tipping-bucket gauges has been
found to be very poor as a result of large errors due to both wind and evaporation of melting
snow. Therefore, these types of gauges are not recommended for use in winter precipitation
measurement in regions where temperatures fall below 0C for prolonged periods. Calibration and maintenance

Calibration of the tipping bucket is usually accomplished by passing a known amount of water
through the tipping mechanism at various rates and by adjusting the mechanism to the known
volume. This procedure should be followed under laboratory conditions. The recommended
calibration procedure for these gauges is available in Annex6.D.

A proper field calibration, and field calibration check or field inspection should also be conducted
on a regular basis as part of the routine maintenance and check, taking into account site and
operational constraints. For catchment type rainfall intensity gauges, a recommended procedure
by means of a portable device for reference flow rates is given in Annex6.E.

Owing to the numerous error sources, the collection characteristics and calibration of tipping-
bucket raingauges are a complex interaction of many variables. Daily comparisons with the
standard raingauge can provide useful correction factors, and is good practice. The correction
factors may vary from station to station. Correction factors are generally greater than 1.0 (under-
reading) for low-intensity rain, and less than 1.0 (over-reading) for high-intensity rain. The
relationship between the correction factor and intensity is not linear but forms a curve.

Routine maintenance should include cleaning the accumulated dirt and debris from funnel and
buckets, as well as ensuring that the gauge is level. It is highly recommended that the tipping
mechanism be replaced with a newly calibrated unit on an annual basis. Timing intervals and
dates of records must be checked.

6.5.3 Float gauge

In this type of instrument, the rain passes into a float chamber containing a light float. As the
level of the water within the chamber rises, the vertical movement of the float is transmitted, by
a suitable mechanism, to the movement of a pen on a chart or a digital transducer. By suitably
adjusting the dimensions of the collector orifice, the float and the float chamber, any desired
chart scale can be used.

In order to provide a record over a useful period (24 h are normally required) either the float
chamber has to be very large (in which case a compressed scale on the chart or other recording
medium is obtained), or a mechanism must be provided for emptying the float chamber
automatically and quickly whenever it becomes full, so that the chart pen or other indicator
returns to zero. Usually a siphoning arrangement is used. The actual siphoning process should
begin precisely at the predetermined level with no tendency for the water to dribble over at
either the beginning or the end of the siphoning period, which should not be longer than 15s.
In some instruments, the float chamber assembly is mounted on knife edges so that the full
chamber overbalances; the surge of the water assists the siphoning process, and, when the
chamber is empty, it returns to its original position. Other rain recorders have a forced siphon
which operates in less than 5s. One type of forced siphon has a small chamber that is separate
from the main chamber and accommodates the rain that falls during siphoning. This chamber
empties into the main chamber when siphoning ceases, thus ensuring a correct record of total

A heating device (preferably controlled by a thermostat) should be installed inside the gauge
if there is a possibility that water might freeze in the float chamber during the winter. This will
prevent damage to the float and float chamber and will enable rain to be recorded during that
period. A small heating element or electric lamp is suitable where a mains supply of electricity
is available, otherwise other sources of power may be employed. One convenient method uses
a short heating strip wound around the collecting chamber and connected to a large-capacity
battery. The amount of heat supplied should be kept to the minimum necessary in order to
prevent freezing, because the heat may reduce the accuracy of the observations by stimulating
vertical air movements above the gauge and increasing evaporation losses.

A large undercatch by unshielded heated gauges, caused by the wind and the evaporation of
melting snow, has been reported in some countries, as is the case for weighing gauges (see

Apart from the fact that calibration is performed using a known volume of water, the
maintenance procedures for this gauge are similar to those of the weighing-recording gauge (see


6.6.1 Measurement of dew and leaf wetness

The deposition of dew is essentially a nocturnal phenomenon and, although relatively small in
amount and locally variable, is of much interest in arid zones; in very arid regions, it may be of
the same order of magnitude as the rainfall. The exposure of plant leaves to liquid moisture from
dew, fog and precipitation also plays an important role in plant disease, insect activity, and the
harvesting and curing of crops.

In order to assess the hydrological contribution of dew, it is necessary to distinguish between

dew formed:

(a) As a result of the downward transport of atmospheric moisture condensed on cooled

surfaces, known as dew-fall;

(b) By water vapour evaporated from the soil and plants and condensed on cooled surfaces,
known as distillation dew;

(c) As water exuded by leaves, known as guttation.

All three forms of dew may contribute simultaneously to the observed dew, although only the
first provides additional water to the surface, and the latter usually results in a net loss. A further
source of moisture results from fog or cloud droplets being collected by leaves and twigs and
reaching the ground by dripping or by stem flow.

The amount of dew deposited on a given surface in a stated period is usually expressed in units
of kgm2 or in millimetres depth of dew. Whenever possible, the amount should be measured to
the nearest tenth of a millimetre.

Leaf wetness may be described as light, moderate or heavy, but its most important measures are
the time of onset or duration.

A review of the instruments designed for measuring dew and the duration of leaf wetness, as
well as a bibliography, is given in WMO (1992b).

The following methods for the measurement of leaf wetness are considered.

The amount of dew depends critically on the properties of the surface, such as its radiative
properties, size and aspect (horizontal or vertical). It may be measured by exposing a plate or
surface, which can be natural or artificial, with known or standardized properties, and assessing
the amount of dew by weighing it, visually observing it, or making use of some other quantity
such as electrical conductivity. The problem lies in the choice of the surface, because the results
obtained instrumentally are not necessarily representative of the dew deposit on the surrounding
objects. Empirical relationships between the instrumental measurements and the deposition of
dew on a natural surface should, therefore, be established for each particular set of surface and
exposure conditions; empirical relationships should also be established to distinguish between
the processes of dew formation if that is important for the particular application.

A number of instruments are in use for the direct measurement of the occurrence, amount
and duration of leaf wetness and dew. Dew-duration recorders use either elements which
themselves change in such a manner as to indicate or record the wetness period, or electrical
sensors in which the electrical conductivity of the surface of natural or artificial leaves changes
in the presence of water resulting from rain, snow, wet fog or dew. In dew balances, the
amount of moisture deposited in the form of precipitation or dew is weighed and recorded. In
most instruments providing a continuous trace, it is possible to distinguish between moisture
deposits caused by fog, dew or rain by considering the type of trace. The only certain method
of measuring net dew-fall by itself is through the use of a very sensitive lysimeter (see PartI,

In WMO (1992b) two particular electronic instruments for measuring leaf wetness are advocated
for development as reference instruments, and various leaf-wetting simulation models
are proposed. Some use an energy balance approach (the inverse of evaporation models),
while others use correlations. Many of them require micrometeorological measurements.
Unfortunately, there is no recognized standard method of measurement to verify them.

6.6.2 Measurement of ice accumulation

Ice can accumulate on surfaces as a result of several phenomena. Ice accumulation from freezing
precipitation, often referred to as glaze, is the most dangerous type of icing condition. It may
cause extensive damage to trees, shrubs and telephone and power lines, and create hazardous
conditions on roads and runways. Hoar frost (commonly called frost) forms when air with a
dewpoint temperature below freezing is brought to saturation by cooling. Hoar frost is a deposit
of interlocking ice crystals formed by direct sublimation on objects, usually of small diameter,

such as tree branches, plant stems, leaf edges, wires, poles, and so forth. Rime is a white or milky
and opaque granular deposit of ice formed by the rapid freezing of supercooled water drops as
they come into contact with an exposed object. Measurement methods

At meteorological stations, the observation of ice accumulation is generally more qualitative than
quantitative, primarily due to the lack of a suitable sensor. Ice accretion indicators, usually made
of anodized aluminium, are used to observe and report the occurrence of freezing precipitation,
frost or rime icing.

Observations of ice accumulation can include both the measurement of the dimensions and the
weight of the ice deposit as well as a visual description of its appearance. These observations are
particularly important in mountainous areas where such accumulation on the windward side of
a mountain may exceed the normal precipitation. A system consisting of rods and stakes with
two pairs of parallel wires (one pair oriented north-south and the other east-west) can be used to
accumulate ice. The wires may be suspended at any level, and the upper wire of each pair should
be removable. At the time of observation, both upper wires are removed, placed in a special
container, and taken indoors for melting and weighing of the deposit. The cross-section of the
deposit is measured on the permanently fixed lower wires.

Recording instruments are used in some countries for continuous registration of rime. A vertical
or horizontal rod, ring or plate is used as the sensor, and the increase in the amount of rime
with time is recorded on a chart. A simple device called an ice-scope is used to determine the
appearance and presence of rime and hoar frost on a snow surface. The ice-scope consists of a
round plywood disc, 30cm in diameter, which can be moved up or down and set at any height
on a vertical rod fixed in the ground. Normally, the disc is set flush with the snow surface to
collect the rime and hoar frost. Rime is also collected on a 20cm diameter ring fixed on the rod,
20cm from its upper end. A wire or thread 0.2 to 0.3mm in diameter, stretched between the ring
and the top end of the rod, is used for the observation of rime deposits. If necessary, each sensor
can be removed and weighed.

In the ISO 12494:2001 standard (ISO, 2001), which applies to ice accretion on all kinds of
structures except electrical overhead line conductors, a standard ice-measuring device is
described as follows:

(a) A smooth cylinder with a diameter of 30 mm placed with the axis vertical and rotating
around the axis. The cylinder length should be a minimum of 0.5m, but, if heavy ice
accretion is expected, the length should be 1m;

(b) The cylinder is placed 10m above terrain;

(c) Recordings of ice weight may be performed automatically.

In Fikke et al. (2007), several types of ice detectors are identified, some of which are used for
the start and end of icing periods while others are also able to quantify the ice accretion rate
(usually expressed in kgm2h1). Many sensors are based on the measurement of the ice mass on
a vertical tube used as a target for icing. An optical sensor (infrared beam) detects the change
of reflecting properties of a target tube when covered with ice. Another sensor, widely used for
freezing rain, consists of a vibrating probe. Ice accreted on this probe changes the vibrating
frequency, which allows both the detection of icing conditions and an estimate of the ice
accretion rate. An internal probe heater is applied to melt the ice and keep the sensor within its
operational limits.

Sensors have been developed and are in operation to detect and describe ice on roads and
runways, and to support warning and maintenance programmes. PartII, Chapter10 provides
more specific information on this subject.

With a combination of measurements, it is possible to detect dry and wet snow and various
forms of ice. One sensor using two electrodes embedded in the road, flush with the surface,
measures the electrical conductivity of the surface and readily distinguishes between dry and
wet surfaces. A second measurement, of ionic polarizability, determines the ability of the surface,
to hold an electrical charge; a small charge is passed between a pair of electrodes for a short
time, and the same electrodes measure the residual charge, which is higher when there is an
electrolyte with free ions, such as salty water. The polarizability and conductivity measurements
together can distinguish between dry, moist and wet surfaces, frost, snow, white ice and some
de-icing chemicals. However, because the polarizability of the non-crystalline black ice is
indistinguishable from water under some conditions, the dangerous black ice state can still not
be detected with the two sensors. In at least one system, this problem has been solved by adding
a third specialized capacitive measurement which detects the unique structure of black ice.

The above method is a passive technique. There is an active in situ technique that uses either
a heating element, or both heating and cooling elements, to melt or freeze any ice or liquid
present on the surface. Simultaneous measurements of temperature and of the heat energy
involved in the thaw-freeze cycle are used to determine the presence of ice and to estimate the
freezing point of the mixture on the surface.

Most in situ systems include a thermometer to measure the road surface temperature. The
quality of the measurement depends critically on the mounting (especially the materials) and
exposure, and care must be taken to avoid radiation errors.

There are two remote-sensing methods under development which lend themselves to car-
mounted systems. The first method is based on the reflection of infrared and microwave
radiation at several frequencies (about 3000nm and 3GHz, respectively). The microwave
reflections can determine the thickness of the water layer (and hence the risk of aquaplaning),
but not the ice condition. Two infrared frequencies can be used to distinguish between dry,
wet and icy conditions. It has also been demonstrated that the magnitude of reflected power at
wavelengths around 2000nm depends on the thickness of the ice layer.

The second method applies pattern recognition techniques to the reflection of laser light from
the pavement, to distinguish between dry and wet surfaces, and black ice.

6.6.3 Measurement of fog precipitation

Fog consists of minute water droplets suspended in the atmosphere to form a cloud at the Earths
surface. Fog droplets have diameters from about 1 to 40m and fall velocities from less than 1 to
approximately 5cms1. In fact, the fall speed of fog droplets is so low that, even in light winds,
the drops will travel almost horizontally. When fog is present, horizontal visibility is less than
1km; it is rarely observed when the temperature and dewpoint differ by more than 2C.

Meteorologists are generally more concerned with fog as an obstruction to vision than as a form
of precipitation. However, from a hydrological standpoint, some forested high-elevation areas
experience frequent episodes of fog as a result of the advection of clouds over the surface of
the mountain, where the consideration of precipitation alone may seriously underestimate the
water input to the watershed (Stadtmuller and Agudelo, 1990). More recently, the recognition
of fog as a water supply source in upland areas (Schemenauer and Cereceda, 1994a) and as a
wet deposition pathway (Schemenauer and Cereceda, 1991; Vong et al., 1991) has led to the
requirement for standardizing methods and units of measurement. The following methods for
the measurement of fog precipitation are considered.

Although there have been a great number of measurements for the collection of fog by trees
and various types of collectors over the last century, it is difficult to compare the collection rates
quantitatively. The most widely used fog-measuring instrument consists of a vertical wire mesh
cylinder centrally fixed on the top of a raingauge in such a way that it is fully exposed to the free
flow of the air. The cylinder is 10cm in diameter and 22cm in height, and the mesh is 0.2cm by
0.2cm (Grunow, 1960). The droplets from the moisture-laden air are deposited on the mesh and
drop down into the gauge collector where they are measured or registered in the same way as
rainfall. Some problems with this instrument are its small size, the lack of representativeness with
respect to vegetation, the storage of water in the small openings in the mesh, and the ability of
precipitation to enter directly into the raingauge portion, which confounds the measurement of
fog deposition. In addition, the calculation of fog precipitation by simply subtracting the amount
of rain in a standard raingauge (Grunow, 1963) from that in the fog collector leads to erroneous
results whenever wind is present.

An inexpensive, 1 m2 standard fog collector and standard unit of measurement is proposed

by Schemenauer and Cereceda (1994b) to quantify the importance of fog deposition to
forested high-elevation areas and to measure the potential collection rates in denuded or
desert mountain ranges. The collector consists of a flat panel made of a durable polypropylene
mesh and mounted with its base 2m above the ground. The collector is coupled to a tipping-
bucket raingauge to determine deposition rates. When wind speed measurements are taken in
conjunction with the fog collector, reasonable estimates of the proportions of fog and rain being
deposited on the vertical mesh panel can be taken. The output of this collector results in litres of
water. Since the surface area is 1m2, this gives a collection in lm2.


The authoritative texts on this topic are WMO (2008) and WMO (1992a), which cover the
hydrological aspects, including the procedures, for snow surveying on snow courses. The
following is a brief account of some simple and well-known methods, and a brief review of the

Snowfall is the depth of freshly fallen snow deposited over a specified period (generally 24h).
Thus, snowfall does not include the deposition of drifting or blowing snow. For the purposes of
depth measurements, the term snow should also include ice pellets, glaze, hail, and sheet ice
formed directly or indirectly from precipitation. Snow depth usually means the total depth of
snow on the ground at the time of observation.

The water equivalent of a snow cover is the vertical depth of the water that would be obtained by
melting the snow cover.

6.7.1 Snowfall depth

Direct measurements of the depth of fresh snow on open ground are taken with a graduated
ruler or scale. A sufficient number of vertical measurements should be made in places where
drifting is considered absent in order to provide a representative average. Where the extensive
drifting of snow has occurred, a greater number of measurements are needed to obtain a
representative depth. Special precautions should be taken so as not to measure any previously
fallen snow. This can be done by sweeping a suitable patch clear beforehand or by covering the
top of the old snow surface with a piece of suitable material (such as wood with a slightly rough
surface, painted white) and measuring the depth accumulated on it. On a sloping surface (to
be avoided, if possible) measurements should still be taken with the measuring rod vertical. If
there is a layer of old snow, it would be incorrect to calculate the depth of the new snow from the
difference between two consecutive measurements of total depth of snow since lying snow tends
to become compressed and to suffer ablation.

6.7.2 Direct measurements of snow cover depth

Depth measurements of snow cover or snow accumulated on the ground are taken with a snow
ruler or similar graduated rod which is pushed down through the snow to the ground surface. It
may be difficult to obtain representative depth measurements using this method in open areas
since the snow cover drifts and is redistributed under the effects of the wind, and may have
embedded ice layers that limit penetration with a ruler. Care should be taken to ensure that the
total depth is measured, including the depth of any ice layers which may be present. A number of
measurements are taken and averaged at each observing station.

A number of snow stakes, painted with rings of alternate colours or another suitable scale,
provide a convenient means of measuring the total depth of snow on the ground, especially in
remote regions. The depth of snow at the stake or marker may be observed from distant ground
points or from aircraft by means of binoculars or telescopes. The stakes should be painted white
to minimize the undue melting of the snow immediately surrounding them. Aerial snow depth
markers are vertical poles (of variable length, depending on the maximum snow depth) with
horizontal cross-arms mounted at fixed heights on the poles and oriented according to the point
of observation.

The development of an inexpensive ultrasonic ranging device to provide reliable snow depth
measurements at automatic stations has provided a feasible alternative to the standard
observation, both for snow depth and fresh snowfall (Goodison et al., 1988). Several ultrasonic
models exist on the market and are commonly used with automatic systems. This type of sensor
can also be utilized to control the quality of automatic recording gauge measurements by
providing additional details on the type, amount and timing of precipitation. It is capable of an
uncertainty of 1cm.

The temperature correction formula for ultrasonic snow depth measurement is:

d = dr (6.3)
where d is the snow depth in cm; dr is the raw value of snow depth in cm; T is the air temperature
in K; and T = 273.15 + t, t is the air temperature in C.

Another recent new design uses a modulated visible laser beam and determines the distance to
the ground by comparing phase information. The measurement of the distance is independent
of air temperature, but may depend on the penetration of the laser beam in the snow surface
according to the type of snow. The laser spot is also very small, increasing the importance of
ground surface representativeness.

Selecting an area with natural vegetation can create issues, so it may be better to use a stable
and controlled surface, such as an artificial lawn, in good thermal contact with the ground. Some
National Meteorological and Hydrological Services have reported good results from using a
snow plate (see WMO, 2010).

6.7.3 Direct measurements of snow water equivalent

The standard method of measuring water equivalent is by gravimetric measurement using a

snow tube to obtain a sample core. This method serves as the basis for snow surveys, a common
procedure in many countries for obtaining a measure of water equivalent. The method consists of
either melting each sample and measuring its liquid content or by weighing the frozen sample. A
measured quantity of warm water or a heat source can be used to melt the sample.

Cylindrical samples of fresh snow may be taken with a suitable snow sampler and either weighed
or melted. Details of the available instruments and sampling techniques are described in WMO
(2008). Often a standard raingauge overflow can be used for this method.

Snowgauges measure snowfall water equivalent directly. Essentially, any non-recording

precipitation gauges can also be used to measure the water equivalent of solid precipitation.

Snow collected in these types of gauges should be either weighed or melted immediately after
each observation, as described in section6.3.1.2. The recording-weighing gauge will catch
solid forms of precipitation as well as liquid forms, and record the water equivalent in the same
manner as liquid forms (see section6.5.1).

The water equivalent of solid precipitation can also be estimated using the depth of fresh
snowfall. This measurement is converted to water equivalent by using an appropriate specific
density. Although the relationship stating that 1cm of fresh snow equals the equivalent of 1mm
of water may be used with caution for long-term average values, it may be highly inaccurate for a
single measurement, as the specific density ratio of snow may vary between 0.03 and 0.4.

6.7.4 Snow pillows

Snow pillows of various dimensions and materials are used to measure the weight of the snow
that accumulates on the pillow. The most common pillows are flat circular containers (with a
diameter of 3.7m) made of rubberized material and filled with an antifreeze mixture of methyl
alcohol and water or a methanol-glycol-water solution. The pillow is installed on the surface
of the ground, flush with the ground, or buried under a thin layer of soil or sand. In order to
prevent damage to the equipment and to preserve the snow cover in its natural condition, it is
recommended that the site be fenced in. Under normal conditions, snow pillows can be used for
10years or more.

Hydrostatic pressure inside the pillow is a measure of the weight of the snow on the pillow.
Measuring the hydrostatic pressure by means of a float-operated liquid-level recorder or a
pressure transducer provides a method of continuous measurement of the water equivalent of
the snow cover. Variations in the accuracy of the measurements may be induced by temperature
changes. In shallow snow cover, diurnal temperature changes may cause expansion or
contraction of the fluid in the pillow, thus giving spurious indications of snowfall or snow melt. In
deep mountain areas, diurnal temperature fluctuations are unimportant, except at the beginning
and end of the snow season. The access tube to the measurement unit should be installed in a
temperature-controlled shelter or in the ground to reduce the temperature effects.

In situ and/or telemetry data-acquisition systems can be installed to provide continuous

measurements of snow water equivalent through the use of charts or digital recorders.

Snow pillow measurements differ from those taken with standard snow tubes, especially during
the snow-melt period. They are most reliable when the snow cover does not contain ice layers,
which can cause bridging above the pillows.

A comparison of the water equivalent of snow determined by a snow pillow with measurements
taken by the standard method of weighing shows that these may differ by 5% to 10%.

6.7.5 Radioisotope snowgauges

Nuclear gauges measure the total water equivalent of the snow cover and/or provide a density
profile. They are a non-destructive method of sampling and are adaptable to in situ recording
and/or telemetry systems. Nearly all systems operate on the principle that water, snow or ice
attenuates radiation. As with other methods of point measurement, siting in a representative
location is critical for interpreting and applying point measurements as areal indices.

The gauges used to measure total water content consist of a radiation detector and a source,
which is either natural or artificial. One part (for example, the detector/source) of the system
is located at the base of the snowpack, and the other at a height greater than the maximum
expected snow depth. As snow accumulates, the count rate decreases in proportion to the water
equivalent of the snowpack. Systems using an artificial source of radiation are used at fixed
locations to obtain measurements only for that site. A system using naturally occurring uranium
as a ring source around a single pole detector has been successfully used to measure packs of up
to 500mm of water equivalent, or a depth of 150cm.

A profiling radioactive snowgauge at a fixed location provides data on total snow water
equivalent and density and permits an accurate study of the water movements and density
changes that occur with time in a snowpack (Armstrong, 1976). A profiling gauge consists of
two parallel vertical access tubes, spaced approximately 66cm apart, which extend from a
cement base in the ground to a height above the maximum expected depth of snow. A gamma
ray source is suspended in one tube, and a scintillation gamma-ray detector, attached to a
photomultiplier tube, in the other. The source and detector are set at equal depths within the
snow cover and a measurement is taken. Vertical density profiles of the snow cover are obtained
by taking measurements at depth increments of about 2cm. A portable gauge (Young, 1976)
which measures the density of the snow cover by backscatter, rather than transmission of the
gamma rays, offers a practical alternative to digging deep snow pits, while instrument portability
makes it possible to assess areal variations of density and water equivalent.

6.7.6 Natural gamma radiation

The method of gamma radiation snow surveying is based on the attenuation by snow of gamma
radiation emanating from natural radioactive elements in the top layer of the soil. The greater the
water equivalent of the snow, the more the radiation is attenuated. Terrestrial gamma surveys
can consist of a point measurement at a remote location, a series of point measurements, or a
selected traverse over a region (Loijens, 1975). The method can also be used on aircraft. The
equipment includes a portable gamma-ray spectrometer that utilizes a small scintillation crystal
to measure the rays in a wide spectrum and in three spectral windows (namely, potassium,
uranium and thorium emissions). With this method, measurements of gamma levels are required
at the point, or along the traverse, prior to snow cover. In order to obtain absolute estimates
of the snow water equivalent, it is necessary to correct the readings for soil moisture changes
in the upper 10 to 20cm of soil for variations in background radiation resulting from cosmic
rays, instrument drift and the washout of radon gas (which is a source of gamma radiation)
in precipitation with subsequent build-up in the soil or snow. Also, in order to determine the
relationship between spectrometer count rates and water equivalent, supplementary snow
water equivalent measurements are initially required. Snow tube measurements are the common
reference standard.

The natural gamma method can be used for snowpacks which have up to 300mm water
equivalent; with appropriate corrections, its precision is 20mm. The advantage of this method
over the use of artificial radiation sources is the absence of a radiation risk.

6.7.7 Cosmic-Ray Snow Sensor

The Cosmic-Ray Snow Sensor provides a real-time measurement of the snow water equivalent by
measuring the absorption of the cosmic-ray neutrons by the snowpack water. These neutrons are
produced by the interaction of cosmic rays with the atmosphere and water. The incoming cosmic
ray may fluctuate, up to 20%, over periods of a few days to a few months. A 20% variation of the
incoming flux has approximately the same effect as the absorption of about 250mm of water.
Therefore, a snow-free reference signal is necessary to account for the natural variations of the
cosmic ray. A single reference measurement may be used for a close network of sensors.

A local calibration of each device with on-site snow gauge measurements appears to be
essential. With these precautions, the accuracy and reliability of the Cosmic-Ray Snow Sensor
measurement are fully satisfying (Paquet and Laval, 2006).

The following text regarding precipitation intercomparison sites is based on statements made by
the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its eleventh session in 1994 and
updated following its fifteenth session in 2010:

The Commission recognized the benefits of national precipitation sites or centres where past,
current and future instruments and methods of observation for precipitation can be assessed on
an ongoing basis at evaluation stations. These stations should:

(a) Operate the WMO recommended gauge configurations for rain (Reference Raingauge Pit)
and snow (Double Fence Intercomparison Reference (DFIR)). Installation and operation will
follow specifications of the WMO precipitation intercomparisons. A DFIR installation is not
required when only rain is observed;

(b) Operate past, current and new types of operational precipitation gauges or other methods
of observation according to standard operating procedures and evaluate the accuracy and
performance against WMO recommended reference instruments;

(c) Take auxiliary meteorological measurements which will allow the development and tests for
the application of precipitation correction procedures;

(d) Provide quality control of data and archive all precipitation intercomparison data, including
the related meteorological observations and the metadata, in a readily acceptable format,
preferably digital;

(e) Operate continuously for a minimum of 10 years;

(f) Test all precipitation correction procedures available (especially those outlined in the final
reports of the WMO intercomparisons) on the measurement of rain and solid precipitation;

(g) Facilitate the conduct of research studies on precipitation measurements. It is not expected
that the centres provide calibration or verification of instruments. They should make
recommendations on national observation standards and should assess the impact of
changes in observational methods on the homogeneity of precipitation time series in the
region. The site would provide a reference standard for calibrating and validating radar or
remote-sensing observations of precipitation.

The following text regarding the correction procedures for precipitation measurements is based
on statements made by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its
eleventh session in 1994:

The correction methods are based on simplified physical concepts as presented in WMO (1987).
They depend on the type of precipitation gauge applied. The effect of wind on a particular type
of gauge has been assessed by using intercomparison measurements with the WMO reference
gauges the pit gauge for rain and the Double Fence Intercomparison Reference (DFIR) for snow
as is shown in WMO (1984) and by the results of the WMO Solid Precipitation Measurement
Intercomparison (WMO, 1998). The reduction of wind speed to the level of the gauge orifice
should be made according to the following formula:

( )( )
uhp = log hz01 log Hz01 (1 0.024 ) u H

where uhp is the wind speed at the level of the gauge orifice; h is the height of the gauge orifice
above ground; z0 is the roughness length (0.01m for winter and 0.03m for summer); H is the
height of the wind speed measuring instrument above ground; uH is the wind speed measured at
the height H above ground; and is the average vertical angle of obstacles around the gauge.

The latter depends on the exposure of the gauge site and can be based either on the average
value of direct measurements, on one of the eight main directions of the wind rose of the vertical
angle of obstacles (in 360) around the gauge, or on the classification of the exposure using
metadata as stored in the archives of Meteorological Services. The classes are as follows:

Class Angle Description

Exposed site 05 Only a few small obstacles such as bushes, group of trees, a house

Mainly exposed 612 Small groups of trees or bushes or one or two houses

Mainly protected 1319 Parks, forest edges, village centres, farms, group of houses, yards

Protected site 2026 Young forest, small forest clearing, park with big trees, city centres,
closed deep valleys, strongly rugged terrain, leeward of big hills

Wetting losses occur with the moistening of the inner walls of the precipitation gauge. They
depend on the shape and the material of the gauge, as well as on the type and frequency of
precipitation. For example, for the Hellmann gauge they amount to an average of 0.3mm on a
rainy and 0.15mm on a snowy day; the respective values for the Tretyakov gauge are 0.2mm and
0.1mm. Information on wetting losses for other types of gauges can be found in WMO (1982).

Reference raingauges are installed in a well-drained pit according to the design and
specifications reported in the EN13798:2010 standard (CEN, 2010) to minimize environmental
interference on measured rainfall intensities and protect against in-splash by a metal or plastic
grating. The buried or sunken gauge (see Koschmider, 1934; Sieck et al., 2007) is expected to
show a higher rainfall reading than a gauge above ground, with possible differences of 10% or
more, when both instruments are working perfectly and accurately. Pits are preferably sited on
ground level to avoid possible surface runoff (see general configuration in Figure6.C.1). The
pit should be deep enough to accommodate the raingauge and to level the gauge's collector
with the top of the grating (ground level) and centre it. The design of the pit takes into account
dimensions of the raingauge and its method of installation. The base of the pit should have a
recess (extra pit) to allow water to be drained. The square space of the grating is also adapted
according to the raingauge collector's diameter in order to satisfy the standard requirements
reported in CEN (2010). The sides of the pit are formed of bricks and concrete and are supported
to prevent collapse. Supporting walls are built around the edges and a grating of approximately
1875 x 1875 x 120mm (L x W x H) is installed on the pit walls with the possibility to be lifted
to give access to the raingauge for checks and maintenance operations. The grating distance
is approximately 120125mm. The grating is strong enough to walk on, to maintain its shape
without distortion. To prevent in-splash from the top surface of the grating, the strips of the
grating are at least 2mm thick and the distance between the edge of the central square and the
ground is greater than 600mm (for further details see CEN, 2010). In Figure6.C.2, an example of
a realization of four standard reference raingauge pits is provided, as reported in WMO (2009).

Figure6.C.1. A raingauge pit and its grating (ground level configuration)

Figure6.C.2. Realization of the reference raingauge pits at Vigna di Valle, Italy (2007)
during the WMO Field Intercomparison of Rainfall Intensity Gauges

1. Principles

The calibration laboratory should be well prepared to perform calibrations of instruments to

be used for operational practices. Apart from a well-designed reference system, the calibration
procedures should be documented in full detail and set-up and staff should be well prepared
before starting any calibration activity (see the ISO/IEC17025 standard (ISO/IEC, 2005) for
details). The result of any calibration will be a calibration certificate presenting the results of the
calibration (including corrections to be applied), allowing a compliance check with the relevant
WMO recommendations.

This certificate should also contain the measurement uncertainty for rainfall intensity. It should
document the traceability of the rainfall intensity reference, the environmental conditions, such
as temperature, and the applied time-averaging method.

Rainfall intensity gauges should be calibrated using a calibration system that:

(a) Has the capability of generating a constant water flow at various flow rates corresponding
to the entire operational range of measurement (recommended range: from 0.2mmh1 up
to 2000mmh1);

(b) Is able to measure the flow by weighing the amount of water over a given period of time;

(c) Is able to measure the output of the calibrated instrument at regular intervals or when a
pulse occurs, which is typical for the majority of tipping-bucket raingauges.

2. Requirements

(a) The calibration system should be designed to obtain uncertainties less than 1% for the
generated rainfall intensity, and such performances should be reported and detailed;

(b) In case of tipping-bucket raingauges, correct and suitable balancing of the buckets should
be verified in order to guarantee a minimal variance of the tipping duration during the
measurement process;

(c) At least five reference intensities suitably spaced to cover the whole operating range of the
instrument should be used;

(d) The number of rainfall intensity reference setting points should be large enough to be able
to determine a fitting curve by interpolation. The reference setting should be selected and
well spaced so that the calibration curve can be established by interpolation in such a way
that the uncertainty of the fitting curve is less than the required measurement uncertainty
for the full range;

(e) The calculation of flow rate is based on the measurements of mass and time;

(f) The measurement of mass is better than 0.1%;

(g) The duration of any test should be long enough to guarantee an uncertainty of less than 1%
on the generated intensity;

(h) The maximum time resolution for the measurement of rainfall intensities should be 1s;

(i) The following issues must be considered for any related laboratory activity in addressing
possible error sources:

(i) The water quality/purity used for calibration should be well defined;

(ii) The reproducibility of the calibration conditions should be a priority;

(iii) Suitable control and recording equipment should be used (such as PC-controlled);

(iv) All acquisition systems must comply with electromagnetic compatibility to avoid
parasitic pulses;

(j) The quantity, for which measurements of precipitation are generally reported, is height
expressed in millimetres although weighing gauges measure mass. Since the density of rain
depends on ambient temperature, the relationship between mass and the equivalent height
of rainfall introduces an inaccuracy that must be taken into account during calibration and
uncertainty calculation;

(k) The environmental conditions during each calibration must be noted and recorded:

(i) Date and hour (start/end);

(ii) Air temperature [C];

(iii) Water temperature [C];

(iv) Atmospheric pressure [hPa];

(v) Ambient relative humidity [%];

(vi) Any special condition that may be relevant to calibration (for example, vibrations);

(vii) Evaporation losses must be estimated [mm];

(l) The number of tests performed for each instrument, their description in terms of time units
and/or number of tips must be documented.

3. Procedure from data interpretation

(a) The results should be presented in the form of a graph where the relative error is plotted
against the reference intensity. The relative error is evaluated for each reference flow rate as:
Im Ir
e= 100%
where Im is the intensity measured by the instrument and Ir the actual reference intensity
provided to the instrument;

(b) Ideally five tests, but a minimum of three, should be performed for each set of reference
intensities, so that five error figures are associated with each instrument. The average
error and the average values of Ir and Im are obtained by discarding the minimum and the
maximum value of e obtained for each reference flow rate, then evaluating the arithmetic
mean of the three remaining errors and reference intensity values. For each reference
intensity, an error bar encompassing all the five error values used to obtain the average
figures should be reported;

(c) In addition, Ir versus Im can be plotted, where Im and Ir are average values, calculated as
indicated above; all data are fitted with an interpolating curve, obtained as the best fit
(linear, power law or second order polynomial are acceptable);

(d) In the graphs presenting the results, the 5% limits must be drawn to allow an easy
comparison of the results with the WMO recommendations;

(e) In case water storage should occur for an intensity below the maximum declared intensity,
the intensity at which water storage begins should be documented in the calibration
certificate and intensities above this limit should not be considered;

(f) In addition to measurements based on constant flow rates, the step response of each non-
tipping-bucket raingauge instrument should be determined. The step response should
be measured by switching between two different constant flows, namely from 0mmh1
to the reference intensity and back to 0mmh1. The constant flow should be applied
until the output signal of the instrument is stabilized, that is, when the further changes or
fluctuation in the established rainfall intensity can be neglected with respect to the stated
measurement uncertainty of the reference system. The sampling rate must be at least one
per minute for those instruments that allow it. The time before stabilization is assumed
as a measure of the delay of the instrument in measuring the reference rainfall intensity.
Less than one minute delay is required for accurate rainfall intensity measurements. The
response time should always be documented in the calibration certificate.

4. Uncertainty calculation

The following sources of the measurement uncertainty should be considered and quantified:

(a) Flow generator: Uncertainty on the flow steadiness deriving from possible variations in the
constant flow generation mechanism, including pressure difference inside water content
and in distribution pipes;

(b) Flow measuring devices (both reference and device under calibration): Uncertainties
due to the weighing apparatus, to time measurement and delays in acquisition and
data processing and to the variation of experimental and ambient conditions such as
temperature and relative humidity.

These two sources of uncertainty are independent from each other; therefore a separate analysis
can be performed, and results can be then combined into the uncertainty budget.

The field calibration is part of a routine field maintenance and check and should be performed
on a regular basis. Its main purpose is to verify the operational status of precipitation gauges:
to detect malfunctions, output anomalies and calibration drifts over time or between two
laboratory calibrations. Field calibrations also provide valuable insight for data analysis and
interpretation. The procedure is based on the same principles as laboratory calibration (given
in Annex6.D), using the generation of constant intensity (stationary reference flow) within the
gauges range of operational use.

A field calibrator is typically composed of a cylindrical water tank of suitable capacity, a

combination of air intakes and output nozzles for different rainfall intensities, and an electronic
system to calculate the emptying time (see figure below). A suitable combination of air intakes
and nozzles must be selected based on the precipitation gauge collector size and the intensity
value chosen for the calibration. By opening the top tap and bottom nozzle, a constant flow is
conveyed to the funnel of the gauge and, through the time of emptying and the conversion table
(volumetimeintensity), it is possible to retrieve the reference intensity. Air intakes provide the
pressure compensation, thus maintaining a constant push.

From an operational viewpoint, the portable field calibrator permits rapid tests due to its very
simple operation. The calibrator does not contain any sophisticated components and therefore
provides a cost-effective solution for the metrological verification of precipitation intensity

The repeatability of the field calibrator (and its accuracy) should be rigorously assessed in a
laboratory before the operational use. The uncertainty should preferably be expressed as relative
expanded uncertainty in relation to the statistical coverage interval (95% confidence level, k = 2)
and should be lower than 2%.

A statistical analysis of relative errors with respect to the field reference flow of the calibrator
should be conducted for each field-calibrated precipitation gauge. At least 2530 data points
(normally 1min intensity values in mmh1) should be recorded for each reference intensity
(selected by the field calibrator). This makes it possible to assume a normal distribution of the
data around the mean value and to better estimate the average and improve the accuracy of
the results (central limit theorem). All tests must be performed in environmental conditions
without precipitation or fog and with low wind flows (to avoid dynamic pressure perturbations
to air intakes). The reference intensity should always be started at the beginning of a minute
synchronized with the instrument clock or data-logger timer (official/station time-stamp).

Air intake

for emptying

Electronic timer
Rainfall intensity (mm/h) = const

A simplified scheme of a portable field calibrator


The minimum set of statistical parameters and metadata to be reported after each field
calibration is listed below:

(a) Date and time;

(b) Reference intensity in mmh1 (Iref ): constant intensity generated by the field calibrator;

(c) Average (avgI) of intensity values (I1min) in mmh1 of the precipitation gauge during the
calibration, calculated as follows:
avgI =
N ( I1min
j =1
) (6.E.1)
(d) Extremes (namely I+CL95% , ICL95%) of an interval [avgI (95%); avgI + (95%)] = [I+CL95%;
ICL95%] corresponding to the 95% confidence level. The amplitude (95%) is the half-width
of the confidence interval calculated according to a normal or Students t probability
distribution of samples (it includes a calculation of the standard deviation);

(e) Relative error in percentage of the average intensity, calculated as follows:

avgI I ref
REavgI = 100 (6.E.2)
I ref
(f) Relative errors in percentage of I+CL95% and ICL95%, calculated as follows:
RE+CL95% = 100 +CL95% ref (6.E.3)
I ref
I CL95% I ref

RECL95% = 100 (6.E.4)
I ref
The last three statistical parameters are used to calculate the gauges relative errors with regard
to intensity with an uncertainty interval at the 95% confidence level for each reference intensity
used during the calibration. The regular repetition of the field calibration and the comparison of
results makes it possible to evaluate the stability of the calibration status and possible anomalies.

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CHAPTER 7. MEASUREMENT OF RADIATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  222

7.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  222
7.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  222
7.1.2 Units and scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  223 Units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  223 Standardization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  223
7.1.3 Meteorological requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  224 Data to be reported. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  224 Uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  225 Sampling and recording. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  225 Times of observation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  225
7.1.4 Measurement methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  225
7.2 Measurement of direct solar radiation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  227
7.2.1 Direct solar radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  228 Primary standard pyrheliometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  228 Secondary standard pyrheliometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  229 Field and network pyrheliometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  230 Calibration of pyrheliometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  231
7.2.2 Exposure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  232
7.3 Measurement of global and diffuse sky radiation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  232
7.3.1 Calibration of pyranometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  232 By reference to a standard pyrheliometer and a shaded
reference pyranometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  234 By reference to a standard pyrheliometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  235 Alternate calibration using a pyrheliometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 By comparison with a reference pyranometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  236 By comparison in the laboratory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  237 Routine checks on calibration factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  237
7.3.2 Performance of pyranometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  238 Sensor levelling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  238 Change of sensitivity due to ambient temperature variation. . . . . . . .  238 Variation of response with orientation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  238 Variation of response with angle of incidence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  239 Uncertainties in hourly and daily totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  239
7.3.3 Installation and maintenance of pyranometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  239 Correction for obstructions to a free horizon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  240 Installation of pyranometers for measuring global radiation . . . . . . .  240 Installation of pyranometers for measuring diffuse sky radiation. . . .  241 Installation of pyranometers for measuring reflected radiation . . . . .  242 Maintenance of pyranometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  242 Installation and maintenance of pyranometers on special platforms.  242
7.4 Measurement of total and long-wave radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  243
7.4.1 Instruments for the measurement of long-wave radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  243
7.4.2 Instruments for the measurement of total radiation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  244
7.4.3 Calibration of pyrgeometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  246
7.4.4 Installation of pyrradiometers and pyrgeometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  247
7.4.5 Recording and data reduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  248
7.5 Measurement of special radiation quantities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  248
7.5.1 Measurement of daylight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  248 Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  249 Calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  250 Recording and data reduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  250
7.6 Measurement of UV radiation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  250
7.6.1 Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  252 Broadband sensors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  252 Narrowband sensors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  254 Spectroradiometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  255
7.6.2 Calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  256





RADIATION CENTRES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  262

ANNEX 7.D. USEFUL FORMULAE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  266


REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  271



The various fluxes of radiation to and from the Earths surface are among the most important
variables in the heat economy of the Earth as a whole and at any individual place at the Earths
surface or in the atmosphere. Radiation measurements are used for the following purposes:

(a) To study the transformation of energy within the Earthatmosphere system and its variation
in time and space;

(b) To analyse the properties and distribution of the atmosphere with regard to its constituents,
such as aerosols, water vapour, ozone, and so on;

(c) To study the distribution and variations of incoming, outgoing and net radiation;

(d) To satisfy the needs of biological, medical, agricultural, architectural and industrial activities
with respect to radiation;

(e) To verify satellite radiation measurements and algorithms.

Such applications require a widely distributed regular series of records of solar and terrestrial
surface radiation components and the derivation of representative measures of the net radiation.
In addition to the publication of serial values for individual observing stations, an essential
objective must be the production of comprehensive radiation climatologies, whereby the daily
and seasonal variations of the various radiation constituents of the general thermal budget may
be more precisely evaluated and their relationships with other meteorological elements better

A very useful account of the operation and design of networks of radiation stations is
contained in WMO (1986). PartIV of this CIMO Guide describes the scientific principles of the
measurements and gives advice on quality assurance, which is most important for radiation
measurements. The Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) Operations Manual (WMO, 1998)
gives an overview of the latest state of radiation measurements.

Following normal practice in this field, errors and uncertainties are expressed in this chapter
as a 66% confidence interval of the difference from the true quantity, which is similar to a
standard deviation of the population of values. Where needed, specific uncertainty confidence
intervals are indicated and uncertainties are estimated using the International Organization for
Standardization method (ISO/IEC, 2008/ JCGM, 2008). For example, 95% uncertainty implies
that the stated uncertainty is for a confidence interval of 95%.

7.1.1 Definitions

Annex 7.A contains the nomenclature of radiometric and photometric quantities. It is based
on definitions recommended by the International Radiation Commission of the International
Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences and by the International Commission
on Illumination (CIE). Annex7.B gives the meteorological radiation quantities, symbols and

Radiation quantities may be classified into two groups according to their origin, namely solar
and terrestrial radiation. In the context of this chapter, radiation can imply a process or apply
to multiple quantities. For example, solar radiation could mean solar energy, solar exposure or
solar irradiance (see Annex7.B).

Solar energy is the electromagnetic energy emitted by the sun. The solar radiation incident
on the top of the terrestrial atmosphere is called extraterrestrial solar radiation; 97% of which
is confined to the spectral range 290 to 3000nm is called solar (or sometimes short-wave)
radiation. Part of the extra-terrestrial solar radiation penetrates through the atmosphere to
the Earths surface, while part of it is scattered and/or absorbed by the gas molecules, aerosol
particles, cloud droplets and cloud crystals in the atmosphere.

Terrestrial radiation is the long-wave electromagnetic energy emitted by the Earths surface
and by the gases, aerosols and clouds of the atmosphere; it is also partly absorbed within the
atmosphere. For a temperature of 300K, 99.99% of the power of the terrestrial radiation has a
wavelength longer than 3000nm and about 99% longer than 5000nm. For lower temperatures,
the spectrum is shifted to longer wavelengths.

Since the spectral distributions of solar and terrestrial radiation overlap very little, they can very
often be treated separately in measurements and computations. In meteorology, the sum of both
types is called total radiation.

Light is the radiation visible to the human eye. The spectral range of visible radiation is defined
by the spectral luminous efficiency for the standard observer. The lower limit is taken to be
between 360 and 400nm, and the upper limit between 760 and 830nm (CIE, 1987). The
radiation of wavelengths shorter than about 400nm is called ultraviolet (UV), and longer than
about 800nm, infrared radiation. The UV range is sometimes divided into three sub-ranges (IEC,

UV-A: 315400 nm
UV-B: 280315 nm
UV-C: 100280 nm

7.1.2 Units and scales Units

The International System of Units (SI) is to be preferred for meteorological radiation variables. A
general list of the units is given in Annexes7.A and 7.B. Standardization

The responsibility for the calibration of radiometric instruments rests with the World, Regional
and National Radiation Centres, the specifications for which are given in Annex7.C. Furthermore,
the World Radiation Centre (WRC) at Davos is responsible for maintaining the basic reference,
the World Standard Group (WSG) of instruments, which is used to establish the World
Radiometric Reference (WRR). During international comparisons, organized every five years,
the standards of the regional centres are compared with the WSG, and their calibration factors
are adjusted to the WRR. They, in turn, are used to transmit the WRR periodically to the national
centres, which calibrate their network instruments using their own standards.

Definition of the World Radiometric Reference

In the past, several radiation references or scales have been used in meteorology, namely the
ngstrm scale of 1905, the Smithsonian scale of 1913, and the international pyrheliometric scale
of 1956 (IPS 1956). The developments in absolute radiometry in recent years have very much
reduced the uncertainty of radiation measurements. With the results of many comparisons of
15individual absolute pyrheliometers of 10 different types, a WRR has been defined. The old
scales can be transferred into the WRR using the following factors:

= 1.026
Angstrom scale 1905
= 0.977
Smithsonian scale 1913
= 1.022
IPS 1956
The WRR is accepted as representing the physical units of total irradiance within 0.3% (99%
uncertainty of the measured value).

Realization of the World Radiometric Reference: World Standard Group

In order to guarantee the long-term stability of the new reference, a group of at least four
absolute pyrheliometers of different design is used as the WSG. At the time of incorporation into
this group, the instruments are given a reduction factor to correct their readings to the WRR. To
qualify for membership of this group, a radiometer must fulfil the following specifications:

(a) Stability must be better than 0.2% of the measured value over timescales of decades;

(b) The 95% uncertainty of the series of measurements with the instrument must lie within the
limits of the uncertainty of the WRR;

(c) The instrument has to have a different design from the other WSG instruments.

To meet the stability criteria, the instruments of the WSG are the subjects of an intercomparison
at least once a year, and, for this reason, WSG is kept at the WRC Davos.

Computation of world radiometric reference values

In order to calibrate radiometric instruments, the reading of a WSG instrument, or one that is
directly traceable to the WSG, should be used. During international pyrheliometer comparisons
(IPCs), the WRR value is calculated from the mean of at least three participating instruments
of the WSG. To yield WRR values, the readings of the WSG instruments are always corrected
with the individual reduction factor, which is determined at the time of their incorporation into
the WSG. Since the calculation of the mean value of the WSG, serving as the reference, may be
jeopardized by the failure of one or more radiometers belonging to the WSG, the Commission for
Instruments and Methods of Observation resolved1 that at each IPC an ad hoc group should be
established comprising the Rapporteur on Meteorological Radiation Instruments (or designate)
and at least five members, including the chairperson. The director of the comparison must
participate in the groups meetings as an expert. The group should discuss the preliminary
results of the comparison, based on criteria defined by the WRC, evaluate the reference and
recommend the updating of the calibration factors.

7.1.3 Meteorological requirements Data to be reported

Irradiance and radiant exposure are the quantities most commonly recorded and archived,
with averages and totals of over 1h. There are also many requirements for data over shorter
periods, down to 1min or even tens of seconds (for some energy applications). Daily totals
of radiant exposure are frequently used, but these are expressed as a mean daily irradiance.
Measurements of atmospheric extinction must be made with very short response times to reduce
the uncertainties arising from variations in air mass.

Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its eleventh session (1994).

For radiation measurements, it is particularly important to record and make available information
about the circumstances of the observations. This includes the type and traceability of the
instrument, its calibration history, and its location in space and time, spatial exposure and
maintenance record. Uncertainty

There are no formally agreed statements of required uncertainty for most radiation quantities,
but uncertainty is discussed in the sections of this chapter dealing with the various types of
measurements, and best practice uncertainties are stated for the Global Climate Observing
Systems Baseline Surface Radiation Network (see WMO, 1998). It may be said generally that
good quality measurements are difficult to achieve in practice, and for routine operations they
can be achieved only with modern equipment and redundant measurements. Some systems
still in use fall short of best practice, the lesser performance having been acceptable for many
applications. However, data of the highest quality are increasingly in demand.

Statements of uncertainty for net radiation and radiant exposure are given in PartI, Chapter1,
Annex1.E. The required 95% uncertainty for radiant exposure for a day, stated by WMO for
international exchange, is 0.4MJm2 for 8MJm2 and 5% for >8MJm2. Sampling and recording

The uncertainty requirements can best be satisfied by making observations at a sampling period
less than the 1/e time constant of the instrument, even when the data to be finally recorded are
integrated totals for periods of up to 1h, or more. The data points may be integrated totals or an
average flux calculated from individual samples. Digital data systems are greatly to be preferred.
Chart recorders and other types of integrators are much less convenient, and the resultant
quantities are difficult to maintain at adequate levels of uncertainty. Times of observation

In a worldwide network of radiation measurements, it is important that the data be

homogeneous not only for calibration, but also for the times of observation. Therefore, all
radiation measurements should be referred to what is known in some countries as local apparent
time, and in others as true solar time. However, standard or universal time is attractive for
automatic systems because it is easier to use, but is acceptable only if a reduction of the data to
true solar time does not introduce a significant loss of information (that is to say, if the sampling
and storage rates are high enough, as indicated in section7.1.3.3 above). See Annex7.D for
useful formulae for the conversion from standard to solar time.

7.1.4 Measurement methods

Meteorological radiation instruments are classified using various criteria, namely the type of
variable to be measured, the field of view, the spectral response, the main use, and the like.
The most important types of classifications are listed in Table7.1. The quality of the instruments
is characterized by items (a) to (h) below. The instruments and their operation are described
in sections7.2 to 7.4 below. WMO (1986) provides a detailed account of instruments and the
principles according to which they operate.

Absolute radiometers are self-calibrating, meaning that the irradiance falling on the sensor is
replaced by electrical power, which can be accurately measured. The substitution, however,
cannot be perfect; the deviation from the ideal case determines the uncertainty of the radiation

Table 7.1. Meteorological radiation instruments

Instrument Viewing angle (sr)

Parameter to be measured Main use
classification (see Figure 7.1)
Absolute Direct solar radiation Primary standard 5 x 10 3
pyrheliometer (approx. 2.5 half angle)

Pyrheliometer Direct solar radiation (a) Secondary standard 5 x 10 3

for calibrations to 2.5 x 10 2
(b) Network

Spectral Direct solar radiation in broad Network 5 x 10 3

pyrheliometer spectral bands (e.g. with to 2.5 x 10 2
OG530, RG630, etc. filters)

Sunphotometer Direct solar radiation in (a) Standard 1 x 10 3

narrow spectral bands (e.g.at (b) Network to 1 x 10 2
5002.5nm, 368 2.5nm) (approx. 2.3 full angle)

Pyranometer (a) Global (solar) radiation (a) Working standard 2

(b) Diffuse sky (solar) (b) Network
(c) Reflected solar radiation

Spectral Global (solar) radiation in Network 2

pyranometer broadband spectral ranges
(e.g. with OG530, RG630, etc.

Net pyranometer Net global (solar) (a) Working standard 4

radiation (b) Network

Pyrgeometer (a) Upward long-wave Network 2

radiation (downward-
(b) Downward long-wave
radiation (upward-

Pyrradiometer Total radiation Working standard 2

Net Net total radiation Network 4


Most radiation sensors, however, are not absolute and must be calibrated against an absolute
instrument. The uncertainty of the measured value, therefore, depends on the following factors,
all of which should be known for a well-characterized instrument:

(a) Resolution, namely, the smallest change in the radiation quantity which can be detected by
the instrument;

(b) Drifts of sensitivity (the ratio of electrical output signal to the irradiance applied) over time;

(c) Changes in sensitivity owing to changes of environmental variables, such as temperature,

humidity, pressure and wind;

(d) Non-linearity of response, namely, changes in sensitivity associated with variations in


(e) Deviation of the spectral response from that postulated, namely the blackness of the
receiving surface, the effect of the aperture window, and so on;

(f) Deviation of the directional response from that postulated, namely cosine response and
azimuth response;

(g) Time constant of the instrument or the measuring system;

(h) Uncertainties in the auxiliary equipment.

Instruments should be selected according to their end-use and the required uncertainty of the
derived quantity. Certain instruments perform better for particular climates, irradiances and solar


Direct solar radiation is measured by means of pyrheliometers, the receiving surfaces of which
are arranged to be normal to the solar direction. By means of apertures, only the radiation from
the sun and a narrow annulus of sky is measured, the latter radiation component is sometimes
referred to as circumsolar radiation or aureole radiation. In modern instruments, this extends
out to a half-angle of about 2.5 on some models, and to about 5 from the suns centre
(corresponding, respectively, to 610 3 and 2.410 2sr). The pyrheliometer mount must allow
for the rapid and smooth adjustment of the azimuth and elevation angles. A sighting device is
usually included in which a small spot of light or solar image falls upon a mark in the centre of
the target when the receiving surface is exactly normal to the direct solar beam. For continuous
recording, it is advisable to use automatic sun-following equipment (sun tracker).

For all new designs of direct solar radiation instruments it is recommended that the opening
halfangle be 2.5 (610 3sr) and the slope angle 1. For the definition of these angles refer to

During the comparison of instruments with different view-limiting geometries, the aureole
radiation influences the readings more significantly for larger slope and aperture angles. The
difference can be as great as 2% between the two apertures mentioned above for an air mass of
1.0. In order to enable climatological comparison of direct solar radiation data during different
seasons, it may be necessary to reduce all data to a mean SunEarth distance:

E N = E / R 2 (7.1)

where EN is the solar radiation, normalized to the mean SunEarth distance, which is defined to
be one astronomical unit (AU) (see Annex7.D); E is the measured direct solar radiation; and R is
the SunEarth distance in astronomical units.

Front aperture

Receiving surface

Figure 7.1. View-limiting geometry: The opening half-angle is arctan R/d;

the slope angle is arctan (Rr)/d.

7.2.1 Direct solar radiation

Some of the characteristics of operational pyrheliometers (other than primary standards) are
given in Table7.2 (adapted from ISO, 1990a), with indicative estimates of the uncertainties of
measurements made with them if they are used with appropriate expertise and quality control.
Cheaper pyrheliometers are available (see ISO, 1990a), but without effort to characterize their
response the resulting uncertainties reduce the quality of the data, and, given that a sun tracker
is required, in most cases the incremental cost for a good pyrheliometer is minor. The estimated
uncertainties are based on the following assumptions:

(a) Instruments are well-maintained, correctly aligned and clean;

(b) 1 min and 1 h figures are for clear-sky irradiances at solar noon;

(c) Daily exposure values are for clear days at mid-latitudes. Primary standard pyrheliometers

An absolute pyrheliometer can define the scale of total irradiance without resorting to reference
sources or radiators. The limits of uncertainty of the definition must be known; the quality of this

Table 7.2. Characteristics of operational pyrheliometers

High Good
qualitya qualityb
Response time (95% response) < 15 s < 30 s

Zero offset (response to 5 K h1 change in ambient temperature) 2 W m2 4 W m2

Resolution (smallest detectable change in W m2) 0.51 1

Stability (percentage of full scale, change/year) 0.1 0.5

Temperature response (percentage maximum error due to change of 1 2

ambient temperature within an interval of 50K)

Non-linearity (percentage deviation from the responsivity at 0.2 0.5

500Wm2 due to the change of irradiance within 100Wm2 to

Spectral sensitivity (percentage deviation of the product of spectral 0.5 1.0

absorptance and spectral transmittance from the corresponding
mean within the range 300 to 3000nm)

Tilt response (percentage deviation from the responsivity at 0 tilt 0.2 0.5
(horizontal) due to change in tilt from 0 to 90 at 1000Wm2)

Achievable uncertainty, 95% confidence level (see above)

1 min totals % 0.9 1.8

kJ m2 0.56 1

1 h totals % 0.7 1.5

kJ m2 21 54

Daily totals % 0.5 1.0

kJ m2 200 400
a Near state of the art; suitable for use as a working standard; maintainable only at stations with special facilities
and staff.
b Acceptable for network operations.

knowledge determines the reliability of an absolute pyrheliometer. Only specialized laboratories

should operate and maintain primary standards. Details of their construction and operation are
given in WMO (1986). However, for the sake of completeness, a brief account is given here.

All absolute pyrheliometers of modern design use cavities as receivers and electrically calibrated,
differential heat-flux meters as sensors. At present, this combination has proved to yield the
lowest uncertainty possible for the radiation levels encountered in solar radiation measurements
(namely, up to 1.5kWm2).

Normally, the electrical calibration is performed by replacing the radiative power by electrical
power, which is dissipated in a heater winding as close as possible to where the absorption of
solar radiation takes place.

The uncertainties of such an instruments measurements are determined by a close examination

of the physical properties of the instrument and by performing laboratory measurements and/
or model calculations to determine the deviations from ideal behaviour, that is, how perfectly
the electrical substitution can be achieved. This procedure is called characterization of the

The following specification should be met by an absolute pyrheliometer (an individual

instrument, not a type) to be designated and used as a primary standard:

(a) At least one instrument out of a series of manufactured radiometers has to be fully
characterized. The 95% uncertainty of this characterization should be less than 2Wm2
under the clear-sky conditions suitable for calibration (see ISO, 1990a). The 95% uncertainty
(for all components of the uncertainty) for a series of measurements should not exceed
4Wm2 for any measured value;

(b) Each individual instrument of the series must be compared with the one which has been
characterized, and no individual instrument should deviate from this instrument by more
than the characterization uncertainty as determined in (a) above;

(c) A detailed description of the results of such comparisons and of the characterization of the
instrument should be made available upon request;

(d) Traceability to the WRR by comparison with the WSG or some carefully established
reference with traceability to the WSG is needed in order to prove that the design is within
the state of the art. The latter is fulfilled if the 95% uncertainty for a series of measurements
traceable to the WRR is less than 1Wm2. Secondary standard pyrheliometers

An absolute pyrheliometer which does not meet the specification for a primary standard
or which is not fully characterized can be used as a secondary standard if it is calibrated by
comparison with the WSG with a 95% uncertainty for a series of measurements less than 1Wm2.

Other types of instruments with measurement uncertainties similar or approaching those for
primary standards may be used as secondary standards.

The ngstrm compensation pyrheliometer has been, and still is, used as a convenient secondary
standard instrument for the calibration of pyranometers and other pyrheliometers. It was
designed by K. ngstrm as an absolute instrument, and the ngstrm scale of 1905 was
based on it; now it is used as a secondary standard and must be calibrated against a standard

The sensor consists of two platinized manganin strips, each of which is about 18mm long,
2mm wide and about 0.02mm thick. They are blackened with a coating of candle soot or with
an optical matt black paint. A thermo-junction of copper-constantan is attached to the back of

Table 7.3. View-limiting geometry of ngstrm pyrheliometers

Angle Vertical Horizontal

Opening half-angle 5 8 ~2

Slope angle 0.7 1.0 1.2 1.6

each strip so that the temperature difference between the strips can be indicated by a sensitive
galvanometer or an electrical micro-voltmeter. The dimensions of the strip and front diaphragm
yield opening halfangles and slope angles as listed in Table7.3.

The measurement set consists of three or more cycles, during which the left- or right-hand strip
is alternately shaded from or exposed to the direct solar beam. The shaded strip is heated by an
electric current, which is adjusted in such a way that the thermal electromagnetic force of the
thermocouple and, hence, the temperature difference between the two strips approximate zero.
Before and after a measuring sequence, the zero is checked either by shading or by exposing
both strips simultaneously. Depending on which of these methods is used and on the operating
instructions of the manufacturer, the irradiance calculation differs slightly. The method adopted
for the IPCs uses the following formula:
E = K iL iR (7.2)
where E is the irradiance in W m ; K is the calibration constant determined by comparison with

a primary standard (Wm2A2); and iLiR is the current in amperes measured with the left- or
righthand strip exposed to the direct solar beam, respectively.

Before and after each series of measurements, the zero of the system is adjusted electrically
by using either of the foregoing methods, the zeros being called cold (shaded) or hot
(exposed), as appropriate. Normally, the first reading, say iR, is excluded and only the following
iLiR pairs are used to calculate the irradiance. When comparing such a pyrheliometer with other
instruments, the irradiance derived from the currents corresponds to the geometric mean of the
solar irradiances at the times of the readings of iL and iR.

The auxiliary instrumentation consists of a power supply, a current-regulating device, a nullmeter

and a current monitor.

The sensitivity of the nullmeter should be about 0.05 10 6 A per scale division for a low-
input impedance (<10), or about 0.5V with a high-input impedance (>10k). Under
these conditions, a temperature difference of about 0.05K between the junction of the
copperconstantan thermocouple causes a deflection of one scale division, which indicates that
one of the strips is receiving an excess heat supply amounting to about 0.3%.

The uncertainty of the derived direct solar irradiance is highly dependent on the qualities of the
current-measuring device, whether a moving-coil milliammeter or a digital multimeter which
measures the voltage across a standard resistor, and on the operators skill. The fractional error in
the output value of irradiance is twice as large as the fractional error in the reading of the electric
current. The heating current is directed to either strip by means of a switch and is normally
controlled by separate rheostats in each circuit. The switch can also cut the current off so that
the zero can be determined. The resolution of the rheostats should be sufficient to allow the
nullmeter to be adjusted to within one half of a scale division. Field and network pyrheliometers

These pyrheliometers generally make use of a thermopile as the detector. They have similar
viewlimiting geometry as standard pyrheliometers. Older models tend to have larger fields of
view and slope angles. These design features were primarily designed to reduce the need for
accurate sun tracking. However, the larger the slope (and opening) angle, the larger the amount
of aureole radiation sensed by the detector; this amount may reach several % for high optical
depths and large limiting angles. With new designs of sun trackers, including computer-assisted

trackers in both passive and active (sun-seeking) configurations, the need for larger slope angles
is unnecessary. However, a slope angle of 1 is still required to ensure that the energy from the
direct solar beam is distributed evenly on the detector; and allows for minor sun tracker pointing
errors of the order of 0.1.

The intended use of the pyrheliometer may dictate the selection of a particular type of
instrument. Some manually oriented models, such as the Linke Fuessner Actinometer, are used
mainly for spot measurements, while others such as the EKO, Eppley, Kipp and Zonen, and
Middleton types are designed specifically for the long-term monitoring of direct irradiance.
Before deploying an instrument, the user must consider the significant differences found among
operational pyrheliometers as follows:

(a) The field of view of the instrument;

(b) Whether the instrument measures both the long-wave and short-wave portion of the
spectrum (namely, whether the aperture is open or covered with a glass or quartz window);

(c) The temperature compensation or correction methods;

(d) The magnitude and variation of the zero irradiance signal;

(e) If the instrument can be installed on an automated tracking system for long-term

(f) If, for the calibration of other operational pyrheliometers, differences (a) to (c) above are
the same, and if the pyrheliometer is of the quality required to calibrate other network
instruments. Calibration of pyrheliometers

All pyrheliometers, other than absolute pyrheliometers, must be calibrated by comparison

using the sun as the source with a pyrheliometer that has traceability to the WSG and a likely
uncertainty of calibration equal to or better than the pyrheliometer being calibrated.

As all solar radiation data must be referred to the WRR, absolute pyrheliometers also use a factor
determined by comparison with the WSG and not their individually determined one. After such
a comparison (for example, during the periodically organized IPCs) such a pyrheliometer can
be used as a standard to calibrate, again by comparison with the sun as a source, secondary
standards and field pyrheliometers. Secondary standards can also be used to calibrate field
instruments, but with increased uncertainty.

The quality of sun-source calibrations may depend on the aureole influence if instruments with
different view-limiting geometries are compared. Also, the quality of the results will depend
on the variability of the solar irradiance, if the time constants and zero irradiance signals of the
pyrheliometers are significantly different. Lastly, environmental conditions, such as temperature,
pressure and net long-wave irradiance, can influence the results. If a very high quality of
calibration is required, only data taken during very clear and stable days should be used.

The procedures for the calibration of field pyrheliometers are given in an ISO standard (ISO,

From recent experience at IPCs, a period of five years between traceable calibrations to the WSG
should suffice for primary and secondary standards. Field pyrheliometers should be calibrated
every one to two years; the more prolonged the use and the more rigorous the conditions, the
more often they should be calibrated.

7.2.2 Exposure

For continuous recording and reduced uncertainties, an accurate sun tracker that is not
influenced by environmental conditions is essential. Sun tracking to within 0.2 is required,
and the instruments should be inspected at least once a day, and more frequently if weather
conditions so demand (with protection against adverse conditions).

The principal exposure requirement for monitoring direct solar radiation is freedom from
obstructions to the solar beam at all times and seasons of the year. Furthermore, the site should
be chosen so that the incidence of fog, smoke and airborne pollution is as typical as possible of
the surrounding area.

For continuous observations, typically a window is used to protect the sensor and optical
elements against rain, snow, and so forth. Care must be taken to ensure that such a window is
kept clean and that condensation does not appear on the inside.


The solar radiation received from a solid angle of 2sr on a horizontal surface is referred to as
global radiation. This includes radiation received directly from the solid angle of the suns disc, as
well as diffuse sky radiation that has been scattered in traversing the atmosphere.

The instrument needed for measuring solar radiation from a solid angle of 2sr into a plane
surface and a spectral range from 300 to 3000nm is the pyranometer. The pyranometer is
sometimes used to measure solar radiation on surfaces inclined in the horizontal and in the
inverted position to measure reflected global radiation. When measuring the diffuse sky
component of solar radiation, the direct solar component is screened from the pyranometer by a
shading device (see section7.3.3.3).

Pyranometers normally use thermo-electric, photoelectric, pyro-electric or bimetallic elements

as sensors. Since pyranometers are exposed continually in all weather conditions they must
be robust in design and resist the corrosive effects of humid air (especially near the sea). The
receiver should be hermetically sealed inside its casing, or the casing must be easy to take off so
that any condensed moisture can be removed. Where the receiver is not permanently sealed, a
desiccator is usually fitted in the base of the instrument. The properties of pyranometers which
are of concern when evaluating the uncertainty and quality of radiation measurement are:
sensitivity, stability, response time, cosine response, azimuth response, linearity, temperature
response, thermal offset, zero irradiance signal and spectral response. Further advice on the use
of pyranometers is given in ISO (1990c) and WMO (1998).

Table 7.4 (adapted from ISO, 1990a) describes the characteristics of pyranometers of various
levels of performance, with the uncertainties that may be achieved with appropriate facilities,
well-trained staff and good quality control under the sky conditions outlined in 7.2.1.

7.3.1 Calibration of pyranometers

The calibration of a pyranometer consists of the determination of one or more calibration factors
and the dependence of these on environmental conditions, such as:

(a) Angular distribution of irradiance;

(b) Calibration methods;

(c) Directional response of the instrument;

(d) Inclination of instrument;


(e) Irradiance level;

(f) Net long-wave irradiance for thermal offset correction;

(g) Spectral distribution of irradiance;

(h) Temperature;

(i) Temporal variation.

The users of pyranometers must recognize that the uncertainty of observations will increase
when the sensor exposure conditions deviate from the conditions in which the pyranometer was

Normally, it is necessary to specify the test environmental conditions, which can be quite
different for different applications. The method and conditions must also be given in some detail
in the calibration certificate.

Table 7.4. Characteristics of operational pyranometers

Characteristic High qualitya Good qualityb Moderate qualityc

Response time (95% response) < 15 s < 30 s < 60 s

Zero offset:
(a) Response to 200 W m2 net thermal radiation 7 W m2 15 W m2 30 W m2
(b) Response to 5 K h1 change in ambient 2 W m2 4 W m2 8 W m2

Resolution (smallest detectable change) 1 W m2 5 W m2 10 W m2

Stability (change per year, percentage of full scale) 0.8 1.5 3.0

Directional response for beam radiation (the range 10 W m2 20 W m2 30 W m2

of errors caused by assuming that the normal
incidence responsivity is valid for all directions
when measuring, from any direction, a beam
radiation whose normal incidence irradiance is

Temperature response (percentage maximum error 2 4 8

due to any change of ambient temperature within
an interval of 50K)

Non-linearity (percentage deviation from the 0.5 1 3

responsivity at 500Wm2 due to any change of
irradiance within the range 100 to 1000Wm2)

Spectral sensitivity (percentage deviation of the 2 5 10

product of spectral absorptance and spectral
transmittance from the corresponding mean within
the range 300 to 3000nm)

Tilt response (percentage deviation from the 0.5 2 5

responsivity at 0 tilt (horizontal) due to change in
tilt from 0 to 90 at 1000Wm2)

Achievable uncertainty (95% confidence level):

Hourly totals 3% 8% 20%
Daily totals 2% 5% 10%
a Near state of the art; suitable for use as a working standard; maintainable only at stations with special facilities
and staff.
b Acceptable for network operations.
c Suitable for low-cost networks where moderate to low performance is acceptable.

There are a variety of methods for calibrating pyranometers using the sun or laboratory sources.
These include the following:

(a) By comparison with a standard pyrheliometer for the direct solar irradiance and a calibrated
shaded pyranometer for the diffuse sky irradiance;

(b) By comparison with a standard pyrheliometer using the sun as a source, with a removable
shading disc for the pyranometer;

(c) With a standard pyrheliometer using the sun as a source and two pyranometers to be
calibrated alternately measuring global and diffuse irradiance;

(d) By comparison with a standard pyranometer using the sun as a source, under other natural
conditions of exposure (for example, a uniform cloudy sky and direct solar irradiance not
statistically different from zero);

(e) In the laboratory, on an optical bench with an artificial source, either normal incidence
or at some specified azimuth and elevation, by comparison with a similar pyranometer
previously calibrated outdoors;

(f) In the laboratory, with the aid of an integrating chamber simulating diffuse sky radiation, by
comparison with a similar type of pyranometer previously calibrated outdoors.

These are not the only methods; (a), (b) and (c) and (d) are commonly used. However, it is
essential that, except for (b), either the zero irradiance signals for all instruments are known or
pairs of identical model pyranometers in identical configurations are used. Ignoring these offsets
and differences can bias the results significantly.

Method (c) is considered to give very good results without the need for a calibrated

It is difficult to determine a specific number of measurements on which to base the calculation of

the pyranometer calibration factor. However, the standard error of the mean can be calculated
and should be less than the desired limit when sufficient readings have been taken under
the desired conditions. The principal variations (apart from fluctuations due to atmospheric
conditions and observing limitations) in the derived calibration factor are due to the following:

(a) Departures from the cosine law response, particularly at solar elevations of less than 10
(for this reason it is better to restrict calibration work to occasions when the solar elevation
exceeds 30);

(b) The ambient temperature;

(c) Imperfect levelling of the receiver surface;

(d) Non-linearity of instrument response;

(e) The net long-wave irradiance between the detector and the sky.

The pyranometer should be calibrated only in the position of use.

When using the sun as the source, the apparent solar elevation should be measured or computed
(to the nearest 0.01) for this period from solar time (see Annex7.D). The mean instrument or
ambient temperature should also be noted. By reference to a standard pyrheliometer and a shaded reference pyranometer

In this method, described in ISO (1993), the pyranometers response to global irradiance is
calibrated against the sum of separate measurements of the direct and diffuse components.

Periods with clear skies and steady radiation (as judged from the record) should be selected. The
vertical component of the direct solar irradiance is determined from the pyrheliometer output,
and the diffuse sky irradiance is measured with a second pyranometer that is continuously
shaded from the sun. The direct component is eliminated from the diffuse sky pyranometer
by shading the whole outer dome of the instrument with a disc of sufficient size mounted on
a slender rod and held some distance away. The diameter of the disc and its distance from the
receiver surface should be chosen in such a way that the screened angle approximately equals
the aperture angles of the pyrheliometer. Rather than using the radius of the pyranometer sensor,
the radius of the outer dome should be used to calculate the slope angle of the shading disc and
pyranometer combination. This shading arrangement occludes a close approximation of both
the direct solar beam and the circumsolar sky irradiance as sensed by the pyrheliometer.

On a clear day, the diffuse sky irradiance is less than 15% of the global irradiance; hence, the
calibration factor of the reference pyranometer does not need to be known very accurately.
However, care must be taken to ensure that the zero irradiance signals from both pyranometers
are accounted for, given that for some pyranometers under clear sky conditions the zero
irradiance signal can be as high as 15% of the diffuse sky irradiance.

The calibration factor is then calculated according to:

E sin h + Vs ks = V k (7.3)
k = ( E sin h + Vs ks ) / V (7.4)
where E is the direct solar irradiance measured with the pyrheliometer (Wm2), V is the global
irradiance output of the pyranometer to be calibrated (V); Vs is the diffuse sky irradiance
output of the shaded reference pyranometer (V), h is the apparent solar elevation at the time
of reading; kis the calibration factor of the pyranometer to be calibrated (Wm2V1); and ks
is the calibration factor of the shaded reference pyranometer (Wm2V1), and all the signal
measurements are taken simultaneously.

The direct, diffuse and global components will change during the comparison, and care must
be taken with the appropriate sampling and averaging to ensure that representative values are
used. By reference to a standard pyrheliometer

This method, described in ISO (1993), is similar to the method of the preceding paragraph,
except that the diffuse sky irradiance signal is measured by the same pyranometer. The direct
component is eliminated temporarily from the pyranometer by shading the whole outer dome
of the instrument as described in section7.3.1.1. The period required for occulting depends on
the steadiness of the radiation flux and the response time of the pyranometer, including the
time interval needed to bring the temperature and long-wave emission of the glass dome to
equilibrium; 10 times the thermopile 1/e time constant of the pyranometer should generally be

The difference between the representative shaded and unshaded outputs from the pyranometer
is due to the vertical component of direct solar irradiance E measured by the pyrheliometer. Thus:
E sin h = (Vun Vs ) k (7.5)
k = ( E sin h ) / (Vun Vs ) (7.6)
where E is the representative direct solar irradiance at normal incidence measured by the
pyrheliometer (Wm2); Vun is the representative output signal of the pyranometer (V) when in
unshaded (or global) irradiance mode; Vs is the representative output signal of the pyranometer
(V) when in shaded (or diffuse sky) irradiance mode; h is the apparent solar elevation, and k is
the calibration factor (Wm2V1), which is the inverse of the sensitivity (VW1m2).

Both the direct and diffuse components will change during the comparison, and care must be
taken with the appropriate sampling and averaging to ensure that representative values of the
shaded and unshaded outputs are used for the calculation. To reduce uncertainties associated
with representative signals, a continuous series of shade and un-shade cycles should be
performed and time-interpolated values used to reduce temporal changes in global and diffuse
sky irradiance. Since the same pyranometer is being used in differential mode, and the difference
in zero irradiance signals for global and diffuse sky irradiance is negligible, there is no need to
account for zero irradiances in equation7.6. Alternate calibration using a pyrheliometer

This method uses the same instrumental set-up as the method described in section7.3.1.1,
but only requires the pyrheliometer to provide calibrated irradiance data (E), and the two
pyranometers are assumed to be un-calibrated (Forgan, 1996). The method calibrates both
pyranometers by solving a pair of simultaneous equations analogous to equation7.3. Irradiance
signal data are initially collected with the pyrheliometer and one pyranometer (pyranometer A)
measures global irradiance signals (VgA) and the other pyranometer (pyranometer B) measures
diffuse irradiance signals (VdB) over a range of solar zenith angles in clear sky conditions. After
sufficient data have been collected in the initial configuration, the pyranometers are exchanged
so that pyranometer A, which initially measured the global irradiance signal, now measures the
diffuse irradiance signal (VdA), and vice versa with regard to pyranometer B. The assumption is
made that for each pyranometer the diffuse (kd) and global (kg) calibration coefficients are equal,
and the calibration coefficient for pyranometer A is given by:
kA k=
= gA kdA (7.7)
with an identical assumption for pyranometer B coefficients. Then for a time t0 in the initial
period a modified version of equation7.3 is:
E (t0 ) sin( h(t0 )) = kAVgA (t0 ) k BVdB (t0 ) (7.8)
For time t1 in the alternate period when the pyranometers are exchanged:
E (t1 ) sin( h(t1 )) = k BVgB (t1 ) kAVdA (t1 ) (7.9)
As the only unknowns in equations 7.8 and 7.9 are k A and kB, these can be solved for any pair of
times (t0, t1). Pairs covering a range of solar elevations provide an indication of the directional
response. The resultant calibration information for both pyranometers is representative of the
global calibration coefficients and produces almost identical information to method, but
without the need for a calibrated pyranometer.

As with method, to produce coefficients with minimum uncertainty this alternate
method requires that the irradiance signals from the pyranometers be adjusted to remove any
estimated zero irradiance offset. To reduce uncertainties due to changing directional response it
is recommended to use a pair of pyranometers of the same model and observation pairs when
sinh(t0) ~ sin h (t1).

The method is ideally suited to automatic field monitoring situations where three solar irradiance
components (direct, diffuse and global) are monitored continuously. Experience suggests that
the data collection necessary for the application of this method may be conducted during as little
as one day with the exchange of instruments taking place around solar noon. However, at a field
site, the extended periods and days either side of the instrument change may be used for data
selection, provided that the pyrheliometer has a valid calibration. By comparison with a reference pyranometer

As described in ISO (1992), this method entails the simultaneous operation of two pyranometers
mounted horizontally, side by side, outdoors for a sufficiently long period to acquire
representative results. If the instruments are of the same model and monitoring configuration,
only one or two days should be sufficient. The more pronounced the difference between the
types of pyranometer configurations, the longer the period of comparison required. A long

period, however, could be replaced by several shorter periods covering typical conditions
(clear, cloudy, overcast, rainfall, snowfall, and so on). The derivation of the instrument factor is
straightforward, but, in the case of different pyranometer models, the resultant uncertainty is
more likely to be a reflection of the difference in model, rather than the stability of the instrument
being calibrated. Data selection should be carried out when irradiances are relatively high and
varying slowly. Each mean value of the ratio R of the response of the test instrument to that of
the reference instrument may be used to calculate k=Rkr, where kr is the calibration factor of
the reference, and k is the calibration factor being derived. During a sampling period, provided
that the time between measurements is less than the 1/e time constant of the pyranometers, data
collection can occur during times of fluctuating irradiance.

The mean temperature of the instruments or the ambient temperature should be recorded
during all outdoor calibration work to allow for any temperature effects. By comparison in the laboratory

There are two methods which involve laboratory-maintained artificial light sources providing
either direct or diffuse irradiance. In both cases, the test pyranometer and a reference standard
pyranometer are exposed under the same conditions.

In one method, the pyranometers are exposed to a stabilized tungsten-filament lamp installed
at the end of an optical bench. A practical source for this type of work is a 0.5 to 1.0kW halogen
lamp mounted in a water-cooled housing with forced ventilation and with its emission limited
to the solar spectrum by a quartz window. This kind of lamp can be used if the standard and
the instrument to be calibrated have the same spectral response. For general calibrations, a
highpressure xenon lamp with filters to give an approximate solar spectrum should be used.
When calibrating pyranometers in this way, reflection effects should be excluded from the
instruments by using black screens. The usual procedure is to install the reference instrument and
measure the radiant flux. The reference is then removed and the measurement repeated using
the test instrument. The reference is then replaced and another determination is made. Repeated
alternation with the reference should produce a set of measurement data of good precision
(about 0.5%).

In the other method, the calibration procedure uses an integrating light system, such as a
sphere or hemisphere illuminated by tungsten lamps, with the inner surface coated with highly
reflective diffuse-white paint. This offers the advantage of simultaneous exposure of the reference
pyranometer and the instrument to be calibrated. Since the sphere or hemisphere simulates a
sky with an approximately uniform radiance, the angle errors of the instrument at 45 dominate.
As the cosine error at these angles is normally low, the repeatability of integrating-sphere
measurements is generally within 0.5%. As for the source used to illuminate the sphere, the same
considerations apply as for the first method. Routine checks on calibration factors

There are several methods for checking the constancy of pyranometer calibration, depending
upon the equipment available at a particular station. Every opportunity to check the
performance of pyranometers in the field must be seized.

At field stations where carefully preserved standards (either pyrheliometers or pyranometers) are
available, the basic calibration procedures described above may be employed. Where standards
are not available, other techniques can be used. If there is a simultaneous record of direct solar
radiation, the two records can be examined for consistency by the method used for direct
standardization, as explained in section7.3.1.2. This simple check should be applied frequently.

If there are simultaneous records of global and diffuse sky radiation, the two records should be
frequently examined for consistency. In periods of total cloud the global and diffuse sky radiation
should be identical, and these periods can be used when a shading disc is used for monitoring

diffuse sky radiation. When using shading bands it is recommended that the band be removed so
that the diffuse sky pyranometer is measuring global radiation and its data can be compared to
simultaneous data from the global pyranometer.

The record may be verified with the aid of a travelling working standard sent from the central
station of the network or from a nearby station. Lastly, if calibrations are not performed at the
site, the pyranometer can be exchanged for a similar one sent from the calibration facility. Either
of the last two methods should be used at least once a year. Pyranometers used for measuring
reflected solar radiation should be moved into an upright position and checked using the
methods described above.

7.3.2 Performance of pyranometers

Considerable care and attention to details are required to attain the desirable standard of
uncertainty. A number of properties of pyranometers and measurement systems should be
evaluated so that the uncertainty of the resultant data can be estimated. For example, it has been
demonstrated that, for a continuous record of global radiation without ancillary measurements
of diffuse sky and direct radiation, an uncertainty better than 5% in daily totals represents the
result of good and careful work. Similarly, when a protocol similar to that proposed by WMO
(1998) is used, uncertainties for daily total can be of the order of 2%. Sensor levelling

For accurate global radiation measurements with a pyranometer it is essential that the spirit level
indicate when the plane of the thermopile is horizontal. This can be tested in the laboratory on
an optical levelling table using a collimated lamp beam at about a 20 elevation. The levelling
screws of the instrument are adjusted until the response is as constant as possible during rotation
of the sensor in the azimuth. The spirit-level is then readjusted, if necessary, to indicate the
horizontal plane. This is called radiometric levelling and should be the same as physical levelling
of the thermopile. However, this may not be true if the quality of the thermopile surface is not
uniform. Change of sensitivity due to ambient temperature variation

Thermopile instruments exhibit changes in sensitivity with variations in instrument temperature.

Some instruments are equipped with integrated temperature compensation circuits in an effort
to maintain a constant response over a large range of temperatures. The temperature coefficient
of sensitivity may be measured in a temperature-controlled chamber. The temperature in the
chamber is varied over a suitable range in 10C steps and held steady at each step until the
response of the pyranometers has stabilized. The data are then fitted with a smooth curve. If
the maximum percentage difference due to temperature response over the operational ambient
range is 2% or more, a correction should be applied on the basis of the fit of the data.

If no temperature chamber is available, the standardization method with pyrheliometers (see

section7.3.1.1, or can be used at different ambient temperatures. Attention should
be paid to the fact that not only the temperature, but also, for example, the cosine response
(namely, the effect of solar elevation) and non-linearity (namely, variations of solar irradiance)
can change the sensitivity. Variation of response with orientation

The calibration factor of a pyranometer may very well be different when the instrument is used in
an orientation other than that in which it was calibrated. Inclination testing of pyranometers can
be conducted in the laboratory or with the standardization method described in section7.3.1.1

or It is recommended that the pyranometer be calibrated in the orientation in which it

will be used. A correction for tilting is not recommended unless the instruments response has
been characterized for a variety of conditions. Variation of response with angle of incidence

The dependence of the directional response of the sensor upon solar elevation and azimuth
is usually known as the Lambert cosine response and the azimuth response, respectively.
Ideally, the solar irradiance response of the receiver should be proportional to the cosine of
the zenith angle of the solar beam, and constant for all azimuth angles. For pyranometers, it
is recommended that the cosine error (or percentage difference from ideal cosine response)
be specified for at least two solar elevation angles, preferably 30 and 10. A better way of
prescribing the directional response is given in Table7.4, which specifies the permissible error for
all angles.

Only lamp sources should be used to determine the variation of response with the angle of
incidence, because the spectral distribution of the sun changes with the angle of elevation.
Using the sun as a source, an apparent variation of response with solar elevation angle could be
observed which, in fact, is a variation due to non-homogeneous spectral response. Uncertainties in hourly and daily totals

As most pyranometers in a network are used to determine hourly or daily exposures (or
exposures expressed as mean irradiances), it is evident that the uncertainties in these values are

Table 7.4 lists the expected maximum deviation from the true value, excluding calibration errors.
The types of pyranometers in the third column of Table7.4 (namely, those of moderate quality)
are not suitable for hourly or daily totals, although they may be suitable for monthly and yearly

7.3.3 Installation and maintenance of pyranometers

The site selected to expose a pyranometer should be free from any obstruction above the plane
of the sensing element and, at the same time, should be readily accessible. If it is impracticable
to obtain such an exposure, the site must be as free as possible of obstructions that may shadow
it at any time in the year. The pyranometer should not be close to light-coloured walls or other
objects likely to reflect solar energy onto it; nor should it be exposed to artificial radiation

In most places, a flat roof provides a good location for mounting the radiometer stand. If such
a site cannot be obtained, a stand placed some distance from buildings or other obstructions
should be used. If practicable, the site should be chosen so that no obstruction, in particular
within the azimuth range of sunrise and sunset over the year, should have an elevation exceeding
5. Other obstructions should not reduce the total solar angle by more than 0.5sr. At stations
where this is not possible, complete details of the horizon and the solid angle subtended should
be included in the description of the station.

A site survey should be carried out before the initial installation of a pyranometer whenever its
location is changed or if a significant change occurs with regard to any surrounding obstructions.
An excellent method of doing this is to use a survey camera that provides azimuthal and
elevation grid lines on the negative. A series of exposures should be made to identify the angular
elevation above the plane of the receiving surface of the pyranometer and the angular range in
azimuth of all obstructions throughout the full 360 around the pyranometer. If a survey camera
is not available, the angular outline of obscuring objects may be mapped out by means of a
theodolite or a compass and clinometer combination.

The description of the station should include the altitude of the pyranometer above sea level
(that is, the altitude of the station plus the height of pyranometer above the ground), together
with its geographical longitude and latitude. It is also most useful to have a site plan, drawn to
scale, showing the position of the recorder, the pyranometer, and all connecting cables.

The accessibility of instrumentation for frequent inspection is probably the most important single
consideration when choosing a site. It is most desirable that pyranometers and recorders be
inspected at least daily, and preferably more often.

The foregoing remarks apply equally to the exposure of pyranometers on ships, towers and
buoys. The exposure of pyranometers on these platforms is a very difficult and sometimes
hazardous undertaking. Seldom can an instrument be mounted where it is not affected
by at least one significant obstruction (for example, a tower). Because of platform motion,
pyranometers are subject to wave motion and vibration. Precautions should be taken, therefore,
to ensure that the plane of the sensor is kept horizontal and that severe vibration is minimized.
This usually requires the pyranometer to be mounted on suitably designed gimbals. Correction for obstructions to a free horizon

If the direct solar beam is obstructed (which is readily detected on cloudless days), the record
should be corrected wherever possible to reduce uncertainty.

Only when there are separate records of global and diffuse sky radiation can the diffuse sky
component of the record be corrected for obstructions. The procedure requires first that the
diffuse sky record be corrected, and the global record subsequently adjusted. The fraction
of the sky itself which is obscured should not be computed, but rather the fraction of the
irradiance coming from that part of the sky which is obscured. Since the diffuse sky radiation
from elevations below 5 contributes less than 1% to the diffuse sky radiation, it can normally be
neglected. Attention should be concentrated on objects subtending angles of 10 or more, as
well as those which might intercept the solar beam at any time. In addition, it must be borne in
mind that lightcoloured objects can reflect solar radiation onto the receiver.

Strictly speaking, when determining corrections for the loss of diffuse sky radiation due to
obstacles, the variance in sky radiance over the hemisphere should be taken into account.
However, the only practical procedure is to assume that the radiance is isotropic, that is, the same
from all parts of the sky. In order to determine the relative reduction in diffuse sky irradiance for
obscuring objects of finite size, the following expression may be used:

Esky = 1 sin cos d d (7.10)

where is the angle of elevation; is the azimuth angle, is the extent in elevation of the object;
and is the extent in azimuth of the object.

The expression is valid only for obstructions with a black surface facing the pyranometer. For
other objects, the correction has to be multiplied by a reduction factor depending on the
reflectivity of the object. Snow glare from a low sun may even lead to an opposite sign for the
correction. Installation of pyranometers for measuring global radiation

A pyranometer should be securely attached to whatever mounting stand is available, using the
holes provided in the tripod legs or in the baseplate. Precautions should always be taken to avoid
subjecting the instrument to mechanical shocks or vibration during installation. This operation
is best effected as follows. First, the pyranometer should be oriented so that the emerging
leads or the connector are located poleward of the receiving surface. This minimizes heating
of the electrical connections by the sun. Instruments with Moll-Gorcynski thermopiles should
be oriented so that the line of thermo-junctions (the long side of the rectangular thermopile)
points east-west. This constraint sometimes conflicts with the first, depending on the type of

instrument, and should have priority since the connector could be shaded, if necessary. When
towers are nearby, the instrument should be situated on the side of the tower towards the
Equator, and as far away from the tower as practical.

Radiation reflected from the ground or the base should not be allowed to irradiate the
instrument body from underneath. A cylindrical shading device can be used, but care should be
taken to ensure that natural ventilation still occurs and is sufficient to maintain the instrument
body at ambient temperature.

The pyranometer should then be secured lightly with screws or bolts and levelled with the aid of
the levelling screws and spirit-level provided. After this, the retaining screws should be tightened,
taking care that the setting is not disturbed so that, when properly exposed, the receiving
surface is horizontal, as indicated by the spirit-level.

The stand or platform should be sufficiently rigid so that the instrument is protected from severe
shocks and the horizontal position of the receiver surface is not changed, especially during
periods of high winds and strong solar energy.

The cable connecting the pyranometer to its recorder should have twin conductors and be
waterproof. The cable should be firmly secured to the mounting stand to minimize rupture or
intermittent disconnection in windy weather. Wherever possible, the cable should be properly
buried and protected underground if the recorder is located at a distance. The use of shielded
cable is recommended; the pyranometer, cable and recorder being connected by a very low
resistance conductor to a common ground. As with other types of thermo-electric devices, care
must be exercised to obtain a permanent copper-to-copper junction between all connections
prior to soldering. All exposed junctions must be weatherproof and protected from physical
damage. After identification of the circuit polarity, the other extremity of the cable may be
connected to the datacollection system in accordance with the relevant instructions. Installation of pyranometers for measuring diffuse sky radiation

For measuring or recording separate diffuse sky radiation, the direct solar radiation must be
screened from the sensor by a shading device. Where continuous records are required, the
pyranometer is usually shaded either by a small metal disc held in the suns beam by a sun
tracker, or by a shadow band mounted on a polar axis.

The first method entails the rotation of a slender arm synchronized with the suns apparent
motion. If tracking is based on sun-synchronous motors or solar almanacs, frequent inspection
is essential to ensure proper operation and adjustment, since spurious records are otherwise
difficult to detect. Sun trackers with sun-seeking systems minimize the likelihood of such
problems. The second method involves frequent personal attention at the site and significant
corrections to the record on account of the appreciable screening of diffuse sky radiation by the
shading arrangement. Assumptions about the sky radiance distribution and band dimensions are
required to correct for the band and increase the uncertainty of the derived diffuse sky radiation
compared to that using a sun-seeking disc system. Annex7.E provides details on the construction
of a shading ring and the necessary corrections to be applied.

A significant error source for diffuse sky radiation data is the zero irradiance signal. In clear
sky conditions the zero irradiance signal is the equivalent of 5 to 10Wm2 depending on the
pyranometer model, and could approach 15% of the diffuse sky irradiance. The Baseline Surface
Radiation Network (BSRN) Operations Manual (WMO, 1998) provides methods to minimize the
influence of the zero irradiance signal.

The installation of a diffuse sky pyranometer is similar to that of a pyranometer which measures
global radiation. However, there is the complication of an equatorial mount or shadow-band
stand. The distance to a neighbouring pyranometer should be sufficient to guarantee that the
shading ring or disc never shadows it. This may be more important at high latitudes where the
sun angle can be very low.

Since the diffuse sky radiation from a cloudless sky may be less than one tenth of the global
radiation, careful attention should be given to the sensitivity of the recording system. Installation of pyranometers for measuring reflected radiation

The height above the surface should be 1 to 2m. In summer time, the ground should be covered
by grass that is kept short. For regions with snow in winter, a mechanism should be available
to adjust the height of the pyranometer in order to maintain a constant separation between
the snow and the instrument. Although the mounting device is within the field of view of the
instrument, it should be designed to cause less than 2% error in the measurement. Access to the
pyranometer for levelling should be possible without disturbing the surface beneath, especially if
it is snow. Maintenance of pyranometers

Pyranometers in continuous operation should be inspected at least once a day and perhaps
more frequently, for example when meteorological observations are being made. During these
inspections, the glass dome of the instrument should be wiped clean and dry (care should be
taken not to disturb routine measurements during the daytime). If frozen snow, glazed frost,
hoar frost or rime is present, an attempt should be made to remove the deposit very gently (at
least temporarily), with the sparing use of a de-icing fluid, before wiping the glass clean. A daily
check should also ensure that the instrument is level, that there is no condensation inside the
dome, and that the sensing surfaces are still black.

In some networks, the exposed dome of the pyranometer is ventilated continuously by a blower
to avoid or minimize deposits in cold weather, and to minimize the temperature difference
between the dome and the case. The temperature difference between the ventilating air and the
ambient air should not be more than about 1K. If local pollution or sand forms a deposit on the
dome, it should be wiped very gently, preferably after blowing off most of the loose material or
after wetting it a little, in order to prevent the surface from being scratched. Such abrasive action
can appreciably alter the original transmission properties of the material. Desiccators should be
kept charged with active material (usually a colour-indicating silica gel). Installation and maintenance of pyranometers on special platforms

Very special care should be taken when installing equipment on such diverse platforms as ships,
buoys, towers and aircraft. Radiation sensors mounted on ships should be provided with gimbals
because of the substantial motion of the platform.

If a tower is employed exclusively for radiation equipment, it may be capped by a rigid platform
on which the sensors can be mounted. Obstructions to the horizon should be kept to the side
of the platform farthest from the Equator, and booms for holding albedometers should extend
towards the Equator.

Radiation sensors should be mounted as high as is practicable above the water surface on ships,
buoys and towers, in order to keep the effects of water spray to a minimum.

Radiation measurements have been taken successfully from aircraft for a number of years. Care
must be exercised, however, in selecting the correct pyranometer and proper exposure.

Particular attention must be paid during installation, especially for systems that are difficult to
access, to ensure the reliability of the observations. It may be desirable, therefore, to provide a
certain amount of redundancy by installing duplicate measuring systems at certain critical sites.


The measurement of total radiation includes both short wavelengths of solar origin (300 to
3000nm) and longer wavelengths of terrestrial and atmospheric origin (3000 to 100000nm).
The instruments used for this purpose are pyrradiometers. They may be used for measuring
either upward or downward radiation flux components, and a pair of them may be used
to measure the differences between the two, which is the net radiation. Single-sensor
pyrradiometers, with an active surface on both sides, are also used for measuring net radiation.
Pyrradiometer sensors must have a constant sensitivity across the whole wavelength range from
300 to 100000nm.

The measurement of long-wave radiation can be accomplished either directly using

pyrgeometers, or indirectly by subtracting the measured global radiation from the total radiation
measured. Most pyrgeometers eliminate the short wavelengths by means of filters which have
approximately constant transparency to long wavelengths while being almost opaque to the
shorter wavelengths (300 to 3000nm). Some pyrgeometers either without filters or filters that
do not eliminate radiation below 3000nm can be used only during the night.

The long-wave flux L measured by a pyrgeometer or a pyrradiometer has two components, the
black-body flux from the surface temperature of the sensing element and the net radiative flux
measured by the receiver:

L = L* + Ts4 (7.11)

is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.6704 10 8 W m2 K1); Ts is the underlying surface

temperature (K); L is the irradiance measured either by a reference pyrgeometer or calculated
from the temperature of the black-body cavity capping the upper receiver (Wm2); L* is the
net radiative flux at the receiver (Wm2). Measuring the short-wave component measured by a
pyrradiometer follows the description in 7.3.

7.4.1 Instruments for the measurement of long-wave radiation

Over the last decade, significant advances have been made in the measurement of terrestrial
radiation by pyrgeometers particularly with the advent of the silicon domed pyrgeometer, and
as a result pyrgeometers provide the highest accuracy measurements of terrestrial radiation.
Nevertheless, the measurement of terrestrial radiation is still more difficult and less understood
than the measurement of solar irradiance, Table7.5 provides an analysis of the sources of errors.

Pyrgeometers have developed in two forms. In the first form, the thermopile receiving surface is
covered with a hemispheric dome inside which an interference filter is deposited. In the second
form, the thermopile is covered with a flat plate on which the interference filter is deposited. In
both cases, the surface on which the interference filter is deposited is made of silicon. The first
style of instrument provides a full hemispheric field of view, while for the second a 150 field of
view is typical and the hemispheric flux is modelled using the manufacturers procedures. The
argument used for the latter method is that the deposition of filters on the inside of a hemisphere
has greater imprecision than the modelling of the flux below 30 elevations. Both types of
instruments are operated on the principle that the measured output signal is the difference
between the irradiance emitted from the source and the black-body radiative temperature of
the instrument. In general, pyrgeometer derived terrestrial radiation can be approximated by a
modification to equation7.11:

( )
L = L* + k2 Ts4 + k3 Td4 Ts4 (7.12)

where k2 takes into account the emission properties of the thermopile and uncertainties of the
temperature measurement of the cold surface of the thermopile; k3 is the instrument dome
sensitivity to infrared irradiance (V/(Wm2)); and Td is the detector temperature (K).

The net radiative flux measured by the receiver, L*, is defined as:

( )
L* = U C 1 + k1 Ts4 (7.13)

where C is the sensitivity of the receiver (V/(W m2)), and k1 is a residual temperature coefficient
of the receiver. While state-of-the-art pyrgeometers have a temperature correction circuitry
implemented in their receiver to bring k1 very close to zero (as described in section7.3.2.2), it is
still recommended to determine k1 by a laboratory characterization as described in section7.4.3.

Several recent comparisons have been made using instruments of similar manufacture in a
variety of measurement configurations. These studies have indicated that, following careful
calibration, fluxes measured at night agree to within 1Wm2, but in periods of high solar energy
the difference between unshaded instruments can be significant. The reason for the differences
is that the silicon dome and the associated interference filter may transmit solar radiation and is
not a perfect reflector of solar energy. Thus, a solar contribution may reach the sensor and solar
heating of the dome occurs. By shading the instrument similarly to that used for diffuse solar
measurements, ventilating it as recommended by ISO (1990a), and measuring the temperature
of the dome and the instrument case, this discrepancy can be reduced to 2Wm2. Based
upon these and other comparisons, the following recommendations should be followed for the
measurement of long-wave radiation:

(a) When using pyrgeometers that have a built-in battery circuit to emulate the black-body
condition of the instrument, extreme care must be taken to ensure that the battery is
well maintained. Even a small change in the battery voltage will significantly increase the
measurement error. If at all possible, the battery should be removed from the instrument,
and the case and dome temperatures of the instrument should be measured according to
the manufacturers instructions;

(b) Where possible, both the case and dome temperatures of the instrument should be
measured and used in the determination of irradiance;

(c) The instrument should be ventilated;

(d) For best results, the instrument should be shaded from direct solar irradiance by a small
suntracking disc as used for diffuse sky radiation measurement.

These instruments should be calibrated at national or regional calibration centres by using

reference pyrgeometers traceable to the World Infrared Standard Group of Pyrgeometers (WISG)
of the WRC Davos.

7.4.2 Instruments for the measurement of total radiation

One problem with instruments for measuring total radiation is that there are no absorbers which
have a completely constant sensitivity over the extended range of wavelengths concerned.
Similarly, it is difficult to find suitable filters that have constant transmission between 300 and
100000nm. Therefore, the recommended practice for measuring total radiation is to perform
simultaneous separate measurements of short- and long-wave radiation using a pyranometer
and a pyrgeometer, respectively.

The use of thermally sensitive sensors requires a good knowledge of the heat budget of the
sensor. Otherwise, it is necessary to reduce sensor convective heat losses to near zero by
protecting the sensor from the direct influence of the wind. The technical difficulties linked with
such heat losses are largely responsible for the fact that net radiative fluxes are determined less
precisely than global radiation fluxes. In fact, different laboratories have developed their own
pyrradiometers on technical bases which they consider to be the most effective for reducing the
convective heat transfer in the sensor. During the last few decades, pyrradiometers have been
built which, although not perfect, embody good measurement principles. Thus, there is a great
variety of pyrradiometers employing different methods for eliminating, or allowing for, wind
effects, as follows:

(a) No protection, in which case empirical formulae are used to correct for wind effects;

(b) Determination of wind effects by the use of electrical heating;


(c) Stabilization of wind effects through artificial ventilation;

(d) Elimination of wind effects by protecting the sensor from the wind.

The long-wave component of a pyrradiometer is described in equation7.11.

Table 7.5 provides an analysis of the sources of error arising in pyrradiometric measurements and
proposes methods for determining these errors.

Table 7.5. Sources of error in pyrradiometric measurements

Elements Nature of influence on pyrradiometers

Effects on the precision Methods for determining
influencing the
with domes without domes of measurements these characteristics
Screening Spectral None (a) Spectral (a) Determine
properties characteristics of variations in spectrally the
transmission calibration extinction in the
coefficient screen
(b) The effect of (b) Measure the
reduced incident effect of diffuse
radiation on the sky radiation or
detector due measure the effect
to short-wave with a varying
diffusion in the angle of incidence
domes (depends (c) Spectral analysis:
on thickness) compare with
(c) Ageing and a new dome;
other variations determine the
in the sensors extinction of the

Convection Changes Changes Uncontrolled Study the dynamic

effects due to non- due to non- changes due to behaviour of
radiative energy radiative energy wind gusts are the instrument
exchanges: exchanges: critical in computing as a function of
sensor-dome sensor-air the radiative flux temperature and speed
environment (variation in divergence in the in a wind tunnel
(thermal areal exchange lowest layer of the
resistance) coefficient) atmosphere

Effects of Variation of Variation of Changes due Study the influence of

hydrometeors the spectral the spectral to variations forced ventilation on
(rain, snow, fog, transmission plus character of the in the spectral the effects
dew, frost) and the non-radiative sensor and of characteristics of
dust heat exchange by the dissipation the sensor and to
conduction and of heat by nonradiative energy
change evaporation transfers

Properties of the Depends on the spectral absorption Changes in (a) Spectrophoto-

sensor surface of the blackening substance on the calibration metric analysis
(emissivity) sensor coefficient of the calibration
(a) As a function of the absorbing
of spectral surfaces
response (b) Measure the
(b) As a function sensors sensitivity
of intensity variability with the
and azimuth angle of incidence
of incident
(c) As a function
of temperature

Elements Nature of influence on pyrradiometers

Effects on the precision Methods for determining
influencing the
with domes without domes of measurements these characteristics
Temperature Non-linearity of the sensor as a A temperature Study the influence of
effects function of temperature coefficient is required forced ventilation on
these effects

Asymmetry (a) Differences between the thermal (a) Influence on the (a) Control the
effects capacities and resistance of the time constant of thermal capacity
upward- and downward-facing the instrument of the two sensor
sensors (b) Error in the surfaces
(b) Differences in ventilation of the determination of (b) Control the
upward- and downward-facing the calibration time constant
sensors factors for the over a narrow
(c) Control and regulation of sensor two sensors temperature range

It is difficult to determine the uncertainty likely to be obtained in practice. In situ comparisons at

different sites between different designs of pyrradiometer yield results manifesting differences
of up to 5% to 10% under the best conditions. In order to improve such results, an exhaustive
laboratory study should precede the in situ comparison in order to determine the different effects

Deriving total radiation by independently measuring the short-wave and long-wave components
achieves the highest accuracies and is recommended over the pyrradiometer measurements.
Shortwave radiation can be measured using the methods outlined in 7.2 and 7.3, while
longwave radiation can be measured with pyrgeometers.

Table 7.6 lists the characteristics of pyrradiometers of various levels of performance, and the
uncertainties to be expected in the measurements obtained from them.

7.4.3 Calibration of pyrgeometers

Pyrradiometers and net pyrradiometers can be calibrated for short-wave radiation using the
same methods as those used for pyranometers (see section7.3.1) using the sun and sky as the
source. In the case of one-sensor net pyrradiometers, the downward-looking side must be
covered by a cavity of known and steady temperature.

Table 7.6. Characteristics of operational pyrradiometers

Characteristic High qualitya Good qualityb Moderate qualityc

Resolution (W m2) 1 5 10

Stability (annual change; % of full scale) 2% 5% 10%

Cosine response error at 10 elevation 3% 7% 15%

Azimuth error at 10 elevation (additional to 3% 5% 10%

cosine error) (deviation from mean)

Temperature dependence (20 C to 40 C) 1% 2% 5%

(deviation from mean)

Non-linearity (deviation from mean) 0.5% 2% 5%

Variation in spectral sensitivity integrated over 2% 5% 10%

200nm intervals from 300 to 75000nm
a Near state of the art; maintainable only at stations with special facilities and specialist staff.
b Acceptable for network operations.
c Suitable for low-cost networks where moderate to low performance.

Long-wave radiation calibration of reference radiometers is best done in the laboratory with
blackbody cavities, but night-time comparison to reference instruments is preferred for network
measurements. In the case of calibration of the sensor the downward flux L is measured
separately by using a pyrgeometer or provided by a black-body cavity. In which case, signal V
from the net radiative flux received by the instrument (via equation7.11) amounts to:

V = L K or K = V L (7.14)

where V is the output of the instrument (V); and K is sensitivity (V/(Wm2)).

The instrument sensitivities should be checked periodically in situ by careful selection of

welldescribed environmental conditions with slowly varying fluxes. Pyrgeometers should also
be checked periodically to ensure that the transmission of short-wave radiation has not changed.

The symmetry of net pyrradiometers requires regular checking. This is done by inverting the
instrument, or the pair of instruments, in situ and noting any difference in output. Differences
of greater than 2% of the likely full scale between the two directions demand instrument
recalibration because either the ventilation rates or absorption factors have become significantly
different for the two sensors. Such tests should also be carried out during calibration or

7.4.4 Installation of pyrradiometers and pyrgeometers

Pyrradiometers and pyrgeometers are generally installed at a site which is free from obstructions,
or at least has no obstruction with an angular size greater than 5 in any direction, and which has
a low sun angle at all times during the year.

A daily check of the instruments should ensure that:

(a) The instrument is level;

(b) Each sensor and its protection devices are kept clean and free from dew, frost, snow
and rain;

(c) The domes do not retain water (any internal condensation should be dried up);

(d) The black receiver surfaces have emissivities very close to 1.

Since it is not generally possible to directly measure the reflected solar radiation and the upward
long-wave radiation exactly at the surface level, it is necessary to place the pyrradiometers,
or pyranometers and pyrgeometers at a suitable distance from the ground to measure these
upward components. Such measurements integrate the radiation emitted by the surface beneath
the sensor. For those instruments which have an angle of view of 2sr and are installed 2m
above the surface, 90% of all the radiation measured is emitted by a circular surface underneath
having a diameter of 12m (this figure is 95% for a diameter of 17.5m and 99% for one of 39.8m),
assuming that the sensor uses a cosine detector.

This characteristic of integrating the input over a relatively large circular surface is advantageous
when the terrain has large local variations in emittance, provided that the net pyrradiometer can
be installed far enough from the surface to achieve a field of view which is representative of the
local terrain. The output of a sensor located too close to the surface will show large effects caused
by its own shadow, in addition to the observation of an unrepresentative portion of the terrain.
On the other hand, the readings from a net pyrradiometer located too far from the surface can be
rendered unrepresentative of the fluxes near that surface because of the existence of undetected
radiative flux divergences. Usually a height of 2m above short homogeneous vegetation is
adopted, while in the case of tall vegetation, such as a forest, the height should be sufficient to
eliminate local surface heterogeneities adequately.

7.4.5 Recording and data reduction

In general, the text in section 7.1.3 applies to pyrradiometers and pyrgeometers. Furthermore,
the following effects can specifically influence the readings of these radiometers, and they should
be recorded:

(a) The effect of hydrometeors on non-protected and non-ventilated instruments (rain, snow,
dew, frost);

(b) The effect of wind and air temperature;

(c) The drift of zero of the data system. This is much more important for pyrradiometers, which
can yield negative values, than for pyranometers, where the zero irradiance signal is itself a
property of the net irradiance at the sensor surface.

Special attention should be paid to the position of instruments if the derived long-wave radiation
requires subtraction of the solar irradiance component measured by a pyranometer; the
pyrradiometer and pyranometer should be positioned within 5m of each other and in such a
way that they are essentially influenced in the same way by their environment.


7.5.1 Measurement of daylight

Illuminance is the incident flux of radiant energy that emanates from a source with wavelengths
between 380 and 780nm and is weighted by the response of the human eye to energy in this
wavelength region. The CIE has defined the response of the human eye to photons with a peak
responsivity at 555nm. Figure7.2 and Table7.7 provide the relative response of the human
eye normalized to this frequency. Luminous efficacy is defined as the relationship between
radiant emittance (Wm2) and luminous emittance (lm). It is a function of the relative luminous
sensitivity V() of the human eye and a normalizing factor Km (683) describing the number
of lumens emitted per watt of electromagnetic radiation from a monochromatic source of
555.19nm (the freezing point of platinum), as follows:
v = Km ( )V ( ) d (7.15)
where v is the luminous flux (lmm2 or lx); () is the spectral radiant flux (Wm2nm1); V()
is the sensitivity of the human eye; and Km is the normalizing constant relating luminous to
radiation quantities. Thus, 99% of the visible radiation lies between 400 and 730nm.

Quantities and units for luminous variables are given in Annex7.A.


Relative response




400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750

Wavelength (nm)

Figure 7.2. Relative luminous sensitivity V() of the human eye for photopic vision

Table 7.7. Photopic spectral luminous efficiency values

(unity at wavelength of maximum efficacy)

Wavelength Photopic Wavelength Photopic

(nm) V() (nm) V()
380 0.000 04 590 0.757

390 0.000 12 600 0.631

400 0.000 4 610 0.503

410 0.001 2 620 0.381

420 0.004 0 630 0.265

430 0.011 6 640 0.175

440 0.023 650 0.107

450 0.038 660 0.061

460 0.060 670 0.032

470 0.091 680 0.017

480 0.139 690 0.008 2

490 0.208 700 0.004 1

500 0.323 710 0.002 1

510 0.503 720 0.001 05

520 0.710 730 0.000 52

530 0.862 740 0.000 25

540 0.954 750 0.000 12

550 0.995 760 0.000 06

560 0.995 770 0.000 03

570 0.952 780 0.000 015

580 0.870 Instruments

Illuminance meters comprise a photovoltaic detector, one or more filters to yield sensitivity
according to the V() curve, and often a temperature control circuit to maintain signal stability.
The CIE has developed a detailed guide to the measurement of daylight (CIE, 1994) which
describes expected practices in the installation of equipment, instrument characterization,
dataacquisition procedures and initial quality control.

The measurement of global illuminance parallels the measurement of global irradiance. However,
the standard illuminance meter must be temperature controlled or corrected from at least 10C
to 40C. Furthermore, it must be ventilated to prevent condensation and/or frost from coating
the outer surface of the sensing element. Illuminance meters should normally be able to measure
fluxes over the range 1 to 20000lx. Within this range, uncertainties should remain within the
limits of Table7.8. These values are based upon CIE recommendations (CIE, 1987), but only for
uncertainties associated with high-quality illuminance meters specifically intended for external
daylight measurements.

Table 7.8. Specification of illuminance meters

Specification Uncertainty percentage

V() match 2.5

UV response 0.2

IR response 0.2

Cosine response 1.5

Fatigue at 10 klx 0.1

Temperature coefficient 0.1 K1

Linearity 0.2

Settling time 0.1 s

Diffuse sky illuminance can be measured following the same principles used for the
measurement of diffuse sky irradiance. Direct illuminance measurements should be taken with
instruments having a field of view whose open half-angle is no greater than 2.85 and whose
slope angle is less than 1.76. Calibration

Calibrations should be traceable to a Standard Illuminant A following the procedures outlined

in CIE (1987). Such equipment is normally available only at national standards laboratories.
The calibration and tests of specification should be performed yearly. These should also include
tests to determine ageing, zero setting drift, mechanical stability and climatic stability. It is also
recommended that a field standard be used to check calibrations at each measurement site
between laboratory calibrations. Recording and data reduction

The CIE has recommended that the following climatological variables be recorded:

(a) Global and diffuse sky daylight illuminance on horizontal and vertical surfaces;

(b) Illuminance of the direct solar beam;

(c) Sky luminance for 0.08 sr intervals (about 1010) all over the hemisphere;

(d) Photopic albedo of characteristic surfaces such as grass, earth and snow.

Hourly or daily integrated values are usually needed. The hourly values should be referenced to
true solar time. For the presentation of sky luminance data, stereographic maps depicting isolines
of equal luminance are most useful.


Measurements of solar UV radiation are in demand because of its effects on the environment
and human health, and because of the enhancement of radiation at the Earths surface as a result
of ozone depletion (Kerr and McElroy, 1993) and changes in other parameters like clouds and
aerosols. The UV spectrum is conventionally divided into three parts, as follows:

(a) UV-A is the band with wavelengths of 315 to 400 nm, namely, just outside the visible
spectrum. It is usually2 less biologically active, and its intensity at the Earths surface does
not vary significantly with atmospheric ozone content;

(b) UV-B is defined as radiation in the 280 to 315 nm band. It is biologically active and its
intensity at the Earths surface depends on the atmospheric ozone column, depending on
wavelength. A frequently used expression of its biological activity is its erythemal effect,
which is the extent to which it causes the reddening of human skin;

(c) UV-C, in wavelengths of 100 to 280 nm, is completely absorbed in the atmosphere and does
not occur naturally at the Earths surface.

UV-B is the band on which most interest is centred for measurements of UV radiation. An
alternative, but now non-standard, definition of the boundary between UV-A and UV-B is 320nm
rather than 315nm.

Measuring UV radiation is difficult because of the small amount of energy reaching the Earths
surface, the variability due to changes in stratospheric ozone levels, and the rapid increase in the
magnitude of the flux with increasing wavelength. Figure7.3 illustrates changes in the spectral
irradiance between 290 and 325nm at the top of the atmosphere and at the surface in
Wm2nm1. Global UV irradiance is strongly affected by atmospheric phenomena such as clouds,
and to a lesser extent by atmospheric aerosols.

The influence of surrounding surfaces is also significant because of multiple scattering. This is
especially the case in snow-covered areas.

Difficulties in the standardization of UV radiation measurement stem from the variety of

uses to which the measurements are put (WMO, 2003, 2011). Unlike most meteorological
measurements, standards based upon global needs have not yet been reached. In many
countries, measurements of UV radiation are not taken by Meteorological Services, but by health
or environmental protection authorities. This leads to further difficulties in the standardization of
instruments and methods of observation. Standards are necessary for compatible observations,
quality assurance and quality control of measurements, and data archiving, as well as for
connecting measurements with the user communities (WMO, 2003).



Irradiance (W m2 nm1)



1.0E-4 Extra-terrestrial irradiance

Surface irradiance
(250 milliatmosphere centimetre ozone)
Surface irradiance
(300 milliatmosphere centimetre ozone)
Surface irradiance
(350 milliatmosphere centimetre ozone)

280.00 290.00 300.00 310.00 320.00 330.00

Wavelength (nm)

Figure 7.3. Model results illustrating the effect of increasing ozone levels on the transmission
of UV-B radiation through the atmosphere

The phytoplankton photosynthesis action spectrum, for example, has an important component in the UV-A.

Guidelines and standard procedures have been developed on how to characterize and calibrate
UV broadband instruments, spectroradiometers and filter radiometers used to measure solar
UV irradiance (see WMO, 1996, 1999a, 1999b, 2001, 2008, 2010a). Although not available
commercially yet, guides and standard procedures have also been developed for array
spectroradiometers (WMO, 2010b). Application of the recommended procedures for data
quality assurance performed at sites operating instruments for solar UV radiation measurements
will ensure a valuable UV radiation database. This is needed to derive a climatology of solar UV
irradiance in space and time for studies of the Earths climate. Recommendations for measuring
sites and instrument specifications are also provided in these documents. Requirements for
UVB measurements were put forward in the WMO GAW Programme (WMO, 1993, 2001, 2003,
2010a, 2010b, 2011). For UV-B global spectral irradiance, requirements depend on the objective.
Specifications for less demanding objectives are reproduced in Table7.9 (WMO, 2001).

The following instrument descriptions are provided for general information and for assistance in
selecting appropriate instrumentation.

7.6.1 Instruments

Three general types of instruments are available commercially for the measurement of UV
radiation. The first class of instruments use broadband filters. These instruments integrate over
either the UV-B or UV-A spectrum or the entire broadband UV region responsible for affecting
human health. The second class of instruments use one or more interference filters to integrate
over discrete portions of the UV-A and/or UV-B spectrum. The third class of instruments are
spectroradiometers that measure across a pre-defined portion of the spectrum sequentially, or
simultaneously, using a fixed passband. Broadband sensors

Most, but not all, broadband sensors are designed to measure a UV spectrum that is weighted by
the erythemal function proposed by McKinlay and Diffey (1987) and reproduced in Figure7.4.
Another action spectrum found in some instruments is that of Parrish et al. (1982). Two methods
(and their variations) are used to accomplish this hardware weighting.

One of the means of obtaining erythemal weighting is to first filter out nearly all visible
wavelength light using UV-transmitting, black-glass blocking filters. The remaining radiation
then strikes a UV-sensitive phosphor. In turn, the green light emitted by the phosphor is filtered
again by using coloured glass to remove any non-green visible light before impinging on a
gallium arsenic or a gallium arsenic phosphorus photodiode. The quality of the instrument
is dependent on such items as the quality of the outside protective quartz dome, the cosine
response of the instrument, the temperature stability, and the ability of the manufacturer to
match the erythemal curve with a combination of glass and diode characteristics. Instrument
temperature stability is crucial, both with respect to the electronics and the response of the
phosphor to incident UV radiation. Phosphor efficiency decreases by approximately 0.5%K1
and its wavelength response curve is shifted by approximately 1nm longer every 10K. This
latter effect is particularly important because of the steepness of the radiation curve at these

More recently, instruments have been developed to measure erythemally weighted UV

irradiance using thin film metal interference filter technology and specially developed silicon
photodiodes. These overcome many problems associated with phosphor technology, but must
contend with very low photodiode signal levels and filter stability.

Other broadband instruments use one or the other measurement technology to measure
the complete spectra by using either a combination of glass filters or interference filters. The
bandpass is as narrow as 20nm full-width half-maximum (FWHM) to as wide as 80nm FWHM
for instruments measuring a combination of UV-A and UV-B radiation. Some manufacturers
of these instruments provide simple algorithms to approximate erythemal dosage from the
unweighted measurements.

Table 7.9. GAW Programme requirements for UV-B global spectral irradiance measurements

Characteristic Requirements
Cosine error a
(a) < 10% for incidence angles < 60
(b) < 10% for integrated isotropic radiance

Minimum spectral range 290325 nmb

Bandwidth (FWHM) < 1 nm

Wavelength precision < 0.05 nm

Wavelength accuracy < 0.1 nm

Slit function < 10 3 of maximum at 2.5 FWHM away from centre

Sampling wavelength interval < FWHM

Maximum irradiance > 1 W m2 nm1 at 325 nm and, if applicable,

2 W m2 nm1 at 400 nm (noon maximum)

Detection threshold < 5 10 5 W m2 nm1 (for signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) = 1 at 1nm FWHM)

Stray light < 5 10 4 W m2 nm1 when the instrument is exposed to the sun at
minimum solar zenith angle

Instrument temperature Monitored and sufficiently stable to maintain overall instrument stability

Scanning duration < 10 min per spectrum, e.g. for ease of comparison with models

Overall calibration < 10% (unless limited by detection threshold)


Scan date and time Recorded with each spectrum such that timing is known to within 10s at
each wavelength

Ancillary measurements Direct normal spectral irradiance or diffuse spectral irradiance

required Total ozone column, e.g. derived from measurements of direct normal
spectral irradiance
Erythemally weighted irradiance, measured with a broadband
Atmospheric pressure
Cloud amount
Illuminance, measured with a luxmeter
Direct irradiance at normal incidence measured with a pyrheliometer

Data frequency At least one scan per hour and additionally a scan at local solar noon
a Smaller cosine errors would be desirable, but are unrealistic for the majority of the instruments that are currently
in use.
b The overall calibration uncertainty is expressed at 95% confidence level and includes all uncertainties associated
with the irradiance calibration (for example, uncertainty of the standard lamps, transfer uncertainties, alignment
errors during calibration, and drift of the instrument between calibrations). For more details, see Bernhard and
Seckmeyer (1999), Cordero et al. (2008), and Cordero et al. (2013).
c An extension to longer wavelengths is desirable for the establishment of a UV climatology with respect to
biological applications, see WMO (2001, 2010b).

The basic maintenance of these instruments consists of ensuring that the domes are cleaned,
the instrument is levelled, the desiccant (if provided) is active, and the heating/cooling system
is working correctly, if so equipped. Quality control and quality assurance as well as detailed
maintenance should be done by well-experienced staff.


McKinlay and Diffey (1987)
Parrish et al. (1982)
normalized to 1 at 250 nm

Erythemal action spectra




250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00

Wavelength (nm)

Figure 7.4. Erythemal curves

Source: Parrish et al. (1982) and McKinlay and Diffey (1987) Narrowband sensors

The definition of narrowband for this classification of instrument is vague. The widest bandwidth
for instruments in this category is 10nm FWHM. The narrowest bandwidth at present for
commercial instruments is of the order of 2nm FWHM (WMO, 2010a).

These sensors use one or more interference filters to obtain information about a portion of
the UV spectra. The simplest instruments consist of a single filter, usually at a wavelength that
can be measured by a good-quality, UV enhanced photodiode, although more than one filter
is desirable. Specifications required for this type of instrument (WMO, 2010a) are given in
Table7.10. Wavelengths near 305nm are typical for such instruments. The out-of-band rejection
of such filters should be equal to, or greater than, 10 6 throughout the sensitive region of the
detector. Higher quality instruments of this type either use Peltier cooling to maintain a constant
temperature near 20C or heaters to increase the instrument filter and diode temperatures
to above normal ambient temperatures, usually 40C. However, the latter alternative
markedly reduces the life of interference filters. A modification of this type of instrument uses a
photomultiplier tube instead of the photodiode. This allows the accurate measurement of energy
from shorter wavelengths and lower intensities at all measured wavelengths.

Manufacturers of instruments that use more than a single filter often provide a means of
reconstructing the complete UV spectrum and determining biologically effective doses for
a variety of action spectra, the total column ozone amount and cloud attenuation, through
modelled relationships developed around the measured wavelengths (WMO, 2010a). Single
wavelength instruments are used similarly to supplement the temporal and spatial resolution
of more sophisticated spectrometer networks or for long-term accurate monitoring of specific
bands to detect trends in the radiation environment.

The construction of the instruments must be such that the radiation passes through the filter
close to normal incidence so that wavelength shifting to shorter wavelengths is avoided. For
example, a 10 departure from normal incidence may cause a wavelength shift of 1.5nm,
depending on the refractive index of the filter. The effect of temperature can also be significant in
altering the central wavelength by about 0.012nmK1 on very narrow filters (< 1nm).

Maintenance for simple one-filter instruments is similar to that of the broadband instruments.
For instruments that have multiple filters in a moving wheel assembly, maintenance will include

Table 7.10. Requirements for UV-B global narrowband irradiance measurements

Characteristic Requirements
Stray light including sensitivity < 1% contribution to the signal of wavelengths outside 2.5 FWHM for
to visible and infrared radiation a solar zenith angle less than 70

Stability over time on timescales Signal change:

up to a year Currently in use: better than 5%
Desired: 2%

Minimum number of channels At least one channel with centre wavelength < 310nm and at least
one with centre wavelength > 330nm

Maximum irradiance Signal of the instruments must not saturate at radiation levels
encountered on the Earths surface

Detection threshold SNR = 3 for irradiance at solar zenith angle of 80 and total ozone
column of 300Dobson units

Instrument temperature Monitored and sufficiently stable to maintain overall instrument


Response time <1s

Multiplexing time <1s

Accuracy of time Better than 10 s

Sampling frequency 1 min

Levelling < 0.2

Calibration uncertainty < 10% (unless limited by detection threshold)

determining whether or not the filter wheel is properly aligned. Regular testing of the high-
voltage power supply for photomultiplier-equipped instruments and checking the quality of the
filters are also recommended. Spectroradiometers

The most sophisticated commercial instruments are those that use either ruled or holographic
gratings to disperse the incident energy into a spectrum. The low energy of the UV radiation
compared with that in the visible spectrum necessitates a strong out-of-band rejection. This
is achieved by using a double monochromator or by blocking filters, which transmit only
UV radiation, in conjunction with a single monochromator. A photomultiplier tube is most
commonly used to measure the output from the monochromator (WMO, 2001). Some less
expensive instruments use photodiode or charge-coupled detector arrays (WMO, 2010b),
enabling the measurement of an entire spectral region of interest at the same time. These
instruments are unable to measure energy in the shortest wavelengths of the UV-B radiation and
generally have more problems associated with stray light.

Monitoring instruments are now available with several self-checking features. Electronic tests
include checking the operation of the photomultiplier and the analogue to digital conversion.
Tests to determine whether the optics of the instrument are functioning properly include testing
the instrument by using internal mercury lamps and standard quartz halogen lamps. While these
do not give absolute calibration data, they provide the operator with information on the stability
of the instrument both with respect to spectral alignment and intensity.

Commercially available instruments are constructed to provide measurement capabilities from

approximately 290nm to the mid-visible wavelengths, depending upon the type of construction
and configuration. The bandwidth of the measurements is usually between 0.5 and 2.0nm. The
time required to complete a full scan across the grating depends upon both the wavelength
resolution and the total spectrum to be measured. Scan times to perform a spectral scan across

the UV region and part of the visible region (290 to 450nm) with small wavelength steps range
from less than 1min per scan with modern fast scanning spectroradiometers to about 10min for
some types of conventional high-quality spectroradiometers.

For routine monitoring of UV radiation it is recommended that the instrument either be

environmentally protected or developed in such a manner that the energy incident on a receiver
is transmitted to a spectrometer housed in a controlled climate. In both cases, care must be
taken in the development of optics so that uniform responsivity is maintained down to low solar

The maintenance of spectroradiometers designed for monitoring UV-B radiation requires

welltrained on-site operators who will care for the instruments. It is crucial to follow the
manufacturers maintenance instructions because of the complexity of this instrument.

7.6.2 Calibration

The calibration of all sensors in the UV-B is both very important and difficult. Guidelines
on the calibration of UV spectroradiometers and UV filter radiometers have been given in
WMO (1996, 1999a, 1999b, 2001, 2008, 2010a, 2010b) and in the relevant scientific literature.
Spectroradiometers must be calibrated against standard lamps, which have to be traceable
to national standards laboratories. Many countries do not have laboratories capable of
characterizing lamps in the UV. In these countries, lamps are usually traceable to the National
Institute of Standards and Technology in the United States or to the Physikalisch-Technische
Bundesanstalt in Germany.

It is estimated that a 5% uncertainty in spot measurements at 300nm can be achieved only under
the most rigorous conditions at the present time. The uncertainty of measurements of daily
totals is about the same, using best practice. Fast changes in cloud cover and/or cloud optical
depths at the measuring site require fast spectral scans and small sampling time steps between
subsequent spectral scans, in order to obtain representative daily totals of spectral UV irradiance.
Measurements of erythemal irradiance would have uncertainties typically in the range 5%
to 20%, depending on a number of factors, including the quality of the procedures and the
equipment. The sources of error are discussed in the following paragraphs and include:

(a) Uncertainties associated with standard lamps;

(b) The stability of instruments, including the stability of the spectral filter and, in older
instruments, temperature coefficients;

(c) Cosine error effects;

(d) The fact that the calibration of an instrument varies with wavelength, and that:

(i) The spectrum of a standard lamp is not the same as the spectrum being measured;

(ii) The spectrum of the UV-B irradiance being measured varies greatly with the solar
zenith angle.

The use of standard lamps as calibration sources leads to large uncertainties at the shortest
wavelengths, even if the transfer of the calibration is perfect. For example, at 350nm the
uncertainty associated with the standard irradiance is of the order of 1.3%; when transferred to
a standard lamp, another 0.7% uncertainty is added. Uncertainties in calibration decrease with
increasing wavelength. Consideration must also be given to the set-up and handling of standard
lamps. Even variations as small as 1% in the current, for example, can lead to errors in the UV flux
of 10% or more at the shortest wavelengths. Inaccurate distance measurements between the
lamp and the instrument being calibrated can also lead to errors in the order of 1% as the inverse
square law applies to the calibration. Webb et al. (1994) discuss various aspects of uncertainty as
related to the use of standard lamps in the calibration of UV or visible spectroradiometers.

The problems associated with broadband instruments stem from: (a) the complex set of
filters used to integrate the incoming radiation into the erythemal signal; and (b) the fact that
the spectral nature of the atmosphere changes with air mass and ozone amount. Even if the
characterization of the instrument by using calibrated lamp sources is perfect, the difference
between the measured solar spectrum and the lamp spectrum affects the uncertainty of the
final measurements. The use of high-output deuterium lamps, a double monochromator and
careful filter selection will help in the characterization of these instruments, but the number
of laboratories capable of calibrating these devices is extremely limited. Different calibration
methods for broadband instruments are described in WMO (2008).

Trap detectors could potentially be used effectively for narrowband sensors, but have been used
only in research projects to date. In recalibrating these instruments, whether they have a single
filter or multiple filters, care must be taken to ensure that the spectral characteristics of the filters
have not shifted over time. Different methods for calibrating narrowband sensors, as well as their
advantages and disadvantages, are described in WMO (2010a).

Spectroradiometers should be calibrated in the same position as that in which the measurements
are to be taken, as many spectroradiometers are adversely affected by changes in orientation.
The calibration of a spectroradiometer should also include testing the accuracy of the
wavelength positioning of the monochromator, checking for any changes in internal optical
alignment and cleanliness, and an overall test of the electronics. The out-of-band rejection needs
to be characterized, possibly by scanning a helium cadmium laser (=325nm), only once, as it
usually does not change with time.

Most filter instrument manufacturers indicate a calibration frequency of once a year.

Spectroradiometers should be calibrated at least twice a year and more frequently if they do
not have the ability to perform self-checks on the photomultiplier output or the wavelength
selection. In all cases, absolute calibrations of the instruments should be performed by qualified
technicians at the sites on a regular time schedule. The sources used for calibration must
guarantee that the calibration can be traced back to absolute radiation standards kept at national
metrological institutes. If the results of quality assurance routines applied at the sites indicate a
significant change in an instruments performance or changes of its calibration level over time,
an additional calibration may be needed in between two regular calibrations. All calibrations
should be based on expertise and documentation available at the site and on the guidelines and
procedures such as those published in WMO (1996, 1999a, 1999b, 2001, 2008, 2010a, 2010b). In
addition to absolute calibrations of instruments, intercomparisons between the sources used for
calibration, for example, calibration lamps, and the measuring instruments are useful to detect
and remove inconsistencies or systematic differences between station instruments at different

(1) Radiometric quantities

Name Symbol Unit Relation Remarks

Radiant energy Q, (W) J=Ws

Radiant flux , (P) W = Power

Radiant flux density (M), (E) W m2 d d 2Q Radiant flux of any origin crossing
= an area element
dA dA dt

d Radiant flux of any origin

Radiant exitance M W m2 M= emerging from an area element

d Radiant flux of any origin incident

Irradiance E W m2 E= onto an area element

Radiance L W m2 sr1 d 2 The radiance is a conservative

L= quantity in an optical system
d dA cos

dQ 2 May be used for daily sums of
Radiant exposure H J m2 H=
= Edt global radiation, etc.

d May be used only for radiation

Radiant intensity I W sr1 I= outgoing from point sources

(2) Photometric quantities

Name Symbol Unit

Quantity of light Qv lm s

Luminous flux v lm

Luminous exitance Mv lm m2

Illuminance Ev lm m2 = lx

Light exposure Hv lm m2 s = lx s

Luminous intensity Iv lm sr1 = cd

Luminance Lv lm m2 s r1 = cdm2

Luminous flux density (Mv ; Ev) lm m2


(3) Optical characteristics

Characteristic Symbol Definition Remarks

Emissivity = = 1 for a black-body
M =1

a a and i are the absorbed and incident

Absorptance =
i radiant flux, respectively

Reflectance = r is the reflected radiant flux

t t is the radiant flux transmitted through a

Transmittance =
i layer or a surface

In the atmosphere, is defined in the vertical.

Optical depth = e Optical thickness equals /cos , where is
the apparent zenith angle

Quantity Symbol Relation Definitions and remarks Units

Downward radiation a = g + l Downward radiant flux W

Q Q = Qg + Ql radiant energy J (W s)

M M = Mg + Ml radiant exitanceb W m2

E E = Eg + El irradiance W m2

L L = Lg + Ll radiance W m2 sr1

H H = Hg + Hl radiant exposure for a J m2 per

(g = global) specified time interval time interval
(l = long wave)

Upward radiation a = r + l Upward radiant flux W

Q Q = Qr + Ql radiant energy J (W s)

M M = Mr + Ml radiant exitance W m2

E E = Er + El irradiance W m2

L L = Lr + Ll radiance W m2 sr1

H H = Hr + Hl radiant energy per unit area J m2 per

for a specified time interval time interval

Global radiation Eg Eg = E cos + Ed Hemispherical irradiance on a W m2

horizontal surface ( = apparent
solar zenith angle)c

Sky radiation: d Subscript d = diffuse As for

downward diffuse downward
solar radiation Qd radiation




Upward/downward l, l Subscript l = long wave. If only As for

long-wave radiation atmospheric radiation is downward
Ql, Ql considered, the subscript a may radiation
be added, e.g., l,a
Ml, Ml

El, El

Hl, Hl

Quantity Symbol Relation Definitions and remarks Units

Reflected solar r Subscript r = reflected As for
radiation (the subscript s (specular) downward
Qr and d (diffuse) may be used, radiation
if a distinction is to be made
between these two components)



Net radiation * * = The subscript g or l is to be As for

added to each of the symbols if downward
Q* Q* = Q Q only short-wave or long-wave radiation
net radiation quantities are
M* M* = M M
E* E* = E E

L* L* = L L

H* H* = H H

Direct solar radiation E E = E0 = atmospheric transmittance W m2

= optical depth (vertical)
= e cos

Solar constant E0 Solar irradiance, normalized to W m2

mean SunEarth distance
a The symbols or + could be used instead of or (e.g., + = ).
b Exitance is radiant flux emerging from the unit area; irradiance is radiant flux received per unit area. For flux
density in general, the symbol M or E can be used. Although not specifically recommended, the symbol F, defined
as /area, may also be introduced.
c In the case of inclined surfaces, is the angle between the normal to the surface and the direction to the sun.

World Radiation Centres

The World Radiation Centres were designated by the Executive Committee at its thirtieth session
in 1978 through Resolution11 (ECXXX) to serve as centres for the international calibration of
meteorological radiation standards within the global network and to maintain the standard
instruments for this purpose.

A World Radiation Centre shall fulfil the following requirements. It shall either:

(a) Possess and maintain a group of at least three stable absolute pyrheliometers, with a
traceable 95% uncertainty of less than 1Wm2 to the World Radiometric Reference, and
in stable, clear sun conditions with direct irradiances above 700Wm2, 95% of any single
measurements of direct solar irradiance will be expected to be within 4Wm2 of the
irradiance. The World Radiation Centre Davos is requested to maintain the World Standard
Group for realization of the World Radiometric Reference;

(b) It shall undertake to train specialists in radiation;

(c) The staff of the centre should provide for continuity and include qualified scientists with
wide experience in radiation;

(d) It shall take all steps necessary to ensure, at all times, the highest possible quality of its
standards and testing equipment;

(e) It shall serve as a centre for the transfer of the World Radiometric Reference to the regional

(f) It shall have the necessary laboratory and outdoor facilities for the simultaneous
comparison of large numbers of instruments and for data reduction;

(g) It shall follow closely or initiate developments leading to improved standards and/or
methods in meteorological radiometry;

(h) It shall be assessed by an international agency or by CIMO experts, at least every five years,
to verify traceability of the direct solar radiation measurements;


(a) Provide and maintain an archive for solar radiation data from all the Member States of

(b) The staff of the centre should provide for continuity and include qualified scientists with
wide experience in radiation;

(c) It shall take all steps necessary to ensure, at all times, the highest possible quality of, and
access to, its database;

(d) It shall be assessed by an international agency or by CIMO experts, at least every five years.

Regional Radiation Centres

A Regional Radiation Centre is a centre designated by a regional association to serve as a centre

for intraregional comparisons of radiation instruments within the Region and to maintain the
standard instrument necessary for this purpose.

A Regional Radiation Centre shall satisfy the following conditions before it is designated as such
and shall continue to fulfil them after being designated:

(a) It shall possess and maintain a standard group of at least three stable pyrheliometers,
with a traceable 95% uncertainty of less than 1Wm2 to the World Standard Group, and
in stable, clear sun conditions with direct irradiances above 700Wm2, 95% of any single
measurements of direct solar irradiance will be expected to be within 6Wm2 of the

(b) One of the radiometers shall be compared through a WMO/CIMO sanctioned comparison,
or calibrated, at least once every five years against the World Standard Group;

(c) The standard radiometers shall be intercompared at least once a year to check the stability
of the individual instruments. If the mean ratio, based on at least 100measurements,
and with a 95% uncertainty less than 0.1%, has changed by more than 0.2%, and if the
erroneous instrument cannot be identified, a recalibration at one of the World Radiation
Centres must be performed prior to further use as a standard;

(d) It shall have, or have access to, the necessary facilities and laboratory equipment for
checking and maintaining the accuracy of the auxiliary measuring equipment;

(e) It shall provide the necessary outdoor facilities for simultaneous comparison of national
standard radiometers from the Region;

(f) The staff of the centre should provide for continuity and include a qualified scientist with
wide experience in radiation;

(g) It shall be assessed by a national or international agency or by CIMO experts, at least every
five years, to verify traceability of the direct solar radiation measurements.

National Radiation Centres

A National Radiation Centre is a centre designated at the national level to serve as a centre for
the calibration, standardization and checking of the instruments used in the national network
of radiation stations and for maintaining the national standard instrument necessary for this

A National Radiation Centre shall satisfy the following requirements:

(a) It shall possess and maintain at least two pyrheliometers for use as a national reference for
the calibration of radiation instruments in the national network of radiation stations with a
traceable 95% uncertainty of less than 4Wm2 to the regional representation of the World
Radiometric Reference, and in stable, clear sun conditions with direct irradiances above
700Wm2, 95% of any single measurements of direct solar irradiance will be expected to be
within 20Wm2 of the irradiance;

(b) One of the national standard radiometers shall be compared with a regional standard at
least once every five years;

(c) The national standard radiometers shall be intercompared at least once a year to
check the stability of the individual instruments. If the mean ratio, based on at least

100measurements, and with a 95% uncertainty less than 0.2%, has changed by more than
0.6% and if the erroneous instrument cannot be identified, a recalibration at one of the
Regional Radiation Centres must be performed prior to further use as a standard;

(d) It shall have or, have access to, the necessary facilities and equipment for checking the
performance of the instruments used in the national network;

(e) The staff of the centre should provide for continuity and include a qualified scientist with
experience in radiation.

National Radiation Centres shall be responsible for preparing and keeping up to date all
necessary technical information for the operation and maintenance of the national network of
radiation stations.

Arrangements should be made for the collection of the results of all radiation measurements
taken in the national network of radiation stations, and for the regular scrutiny of these results
with a view to ensuring their accuracy and reliability. If this work is done by some other body, the
National Radiation Centre shall maintain close liaison with the body in question.

List of World and Regional Radiation Centres

World Radiation Centres

Davos (Switzerland)
St Petersburg (see note) (Russian Federation)

Regional Radiation Centres

Region I (Africa):

Cairo (Egypt)
Khartoum (Sudan)
Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Lagos (Nigeria)
Tamanrasset (Algeria)
Tunis (Tunisia)

Region II (Asia):

Pune (India)
Tokyo (Japan)

Region III (South America):

Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Santiago (Chile)
Huayao (Peru)

Region IV (North America, Central America and


Toronto (Canada)
Boulder (United States)
Mexico City/Colima (Mexico)

Region V (South-West Pacific):

Melbourne (Australia)

Region VI (Europe):

Budapest (Hungary)
Davos (Switzerland)
St Petersburg (Russian Federation)
Norrkping (Sweden)
Toulouse/Carpentras (France)
Uccle (Belgium)
Lindenberg (Germany)

Note: The Centre in St Petersburg is mainly operated as a World Radiation Data Centre under the Global Atmosphere
Watch Strategic Plan.


All astronomical data can be derived from tables in the nautical almanacs or ephemeris tables.
However, approximate formulae are presented for practical use. Michalsky (1988a, 1988b)
compared several sets of approximate formulae and found that the best are the equations
presented as convenient approximations in the Astronomical Almanac (United States Naval
Observatory, 1993). They are reproduced here for convenience.

The position of the sun

To determine the actual location of the sun, the following input values are required:

(a) Year;

(b) Day of year (for example, 1 February is day 32);

(c) Fractional hour in universal time (UT) (for example, hours + minute/60 + number of hours
from Greenwich);

(d) Latitude in degrees (north positive);

(e) Longitude in degrees (east positive).

To determine the Julian date (JD), the Astronomical Almanac determines the present JD from a
prime JD set at noon 1 January 2000 UT. This JD is 2451545.0. The JD to be determined can be
found from:
JD = 2 432 917.5 + delta 365 + leap + day + hour 24

delta = year 1949

leap = integer portion of (delta/4)

The constant 2432917.5 is the JD for 0000 1 January 1949 and is simply used for convenience.

Using the above time, the ecliptic coordinates can be calculated according to the following steps
(L,g and l are in degrees):

(a) n = JD 2 451 545;

(b) L (mean longitude) = 280.460 + 0.985 647 4 n (0 L < 360);

(c) g (mean anomaly) = 357.528 + 0.985 600 3 n (0 g < 360);

(d) l (ecliptic longitude) = L + 1.915 sin (g) + 0.020 sin (2g) (0 l < 360);

(e) ep (obliquity of the ecliptic) = 23.439 0.000 000 4 n (degrees).

It should be noted that the specifications indicate that all multiples of 360 should be added or
subtracted until the final value falls within the specified range.

From the above equations, the celestial coordinates can be calculated the right ascension (ra)
and the declination (dec) by:
tan ( ra ) = cos ( ep ) sin ( l ) cos ( l )
sin ( dec ) = sin ( ep ) sin ( l )

To convert from celestial coordinates to local coordinates, that is, right ascension and declination
to azimuth (A) and altitude (a), it is convenient to use the local hour angle (h). This is calculated
by first determining the Greenwich mean sidereal time (GMST, in hours) and the local mean
sidereal time (LMST, in hours):
GMST = 6.697 375 + 0.065 709 824 2 n + hour ( UT )

where: 0 GMST < 24h

LMST = GMST + ( east longitude ) 15 h 1 ( )

From the LMST, the hour angle (ha) is calculated as (ha and ra are in degrees):
ha = 15 LMST ra (12 ha < 12h)
Before the sun reaches the meridian, the hour angle is negative. Caution should be observed
when using this term, because it is opposite to what some solar researchers use.

The calculations of the solar elevation (el) and the solar azimuth (az) follow (az and el are in
sin ( el ) = sin ( dec ) sin ( lat ) + cos ( dec ) cos ( lat ) cos ( ha )

sin ( az ) = cos ( dec ) sin ( ha ) cos ( el )
cos ( az ) = ( sin ( dec ) sin ( el ) sin ( lat ) ) ( cos ( el ) cos ( lat ) )

where the azimuth is from 0 north, positive through east.

To take into account atmospheric refraction, and derive the apparent solar elevation (h) or the
apparent solar zenith angle, the Astronomical Almanac proposes the following equations:

(a) A simple expression for refraction r for zenith angles less than 75:
r = 0 .004 52 P tan z ( 273 + T )

where z is the zenith distance in degrees; P is the pressure in hectopascals; and T is the
temperature in C.

(b) For zenith angles greater than 75 and altitudes below 15, the following approximate
formula is recommended:

P 0.159 4 + 0.019 6a + 0.000 02a 2 )
( 273 + T ) 1 + 0.505a + 0.084 5a 2
where a is the elevation (90 z) where h = el + r and the apparent solar zenith angle

SunEarth distance

The present-day eccentricity of the orbit of the Earth around the Sun is small but significant to
the extent that the square of the SunEarth distance R and, therefore, the solar irradiance at the
Earth, varies by 3.3% from the mean. In astronomical units (AU), to an uncertainty of 10 4:
R = 1.000 14 0.016 71 cos ( g ) 0.000 14 cos ( 2 g )

where g is the mean anomaly and is defined above. The solar eccentricity is defined as the mean
SunEarth distance (1 AU, R0) divided by the actual SunEarth distance squared:

E0 = ( R0 R )

Air mass

In calculations of extinction, the path length through the atmosphere, which is called the
absolute optical air mass, must be known. The relative air mass for an arbitrary atmospheric
constituent, m, is the ratio of the air mass along the slant path to the air mass in the vertical
direction; hence, it is a normalizing factor. In a plane parallel, non-refracting atmosphere m is
equal to 1/sin h0 or 1/cosz0.

Local apparent time

The mean solar time, on which our civil time is based, is derived from the motion of an imaginary
body called the mean sun, which is considered as moving at uniform speed in the celestial
equator at a rate equal to the average rate of movement of the true sun. The difference between
this fixed time reference and the variable local apparent time is called the equation of time, Eq,
which may be positive or negative depending on the relative position of the true mean sun. Thus:
LAT = LMT + Eq = CT + LC + Eq
where LAT is the local apparent time (also known as TST, true solar time), LMT is the local mean
time; CT is the civil time (referred to a standard meridian, thus also called standard time); and
LCis the longitude correction (4min for every degree). LC is positive if the local meridian is east
of the standard and vice versa.

For the computation of Eq, in minutes, the following approximation may be used:
Eq = 0.017 2 + 0.428 1 cos 0 7.351 5 sin 0 3.349 5 cos 20 9.361 9 sin 20
where 0 = 2 dn/365 in radians or 0 = 360 dn/365 in degrees, and where dn is the day number
ranging from 0 on 1January to 364 on 31December for a normal year or to 365 for a leap year.
The maximum error of this approximation is 35s (which is excessive for some purposes, such as
air-mass determination).

The shading ring is mounted on two rails oriented parallel to the Earths axis, in such a way that
the centre of the ring coincides with the pyranometer during the equinox. The diameter of the
ring ranges from 0.5 to 1.5m and the ratio of the width to the radius b/r ranges from 0.09 to
0.35. The adjustment of the ring to the solar declination is made by sliding the ring along the
rails. The length of the shading band and the height of the mounting of the rails relative to the
pyranometer are determined from the solar position during the summer solstice; the higher the
latitude, the longer the shadow band and the lower the rails.

Several authors, for example, Drummond (1956), Dehne (1980) and Le Baron et al. (1980), have
proposed formulae for operational corrections to the sky radiation accounting for the part not
measured due to the shadow band. For a ring with b/r < 0.2, the radiation Dv lost during a day
can be expressed as:
Dv cos3
r L ( t ) sin h ( t ) dt

where is the declination of the sun; t is the hour angle of the sun; trise and tset are the hour angle
at sunrise and sunset, respectively, for a mathematical horizon ( being the geographic latitude,
trise= tset and cos trise= tan tan ); L(t) is the sky radiance during the day; and h is the solar

With this expression and some assumptions on the sky radiance, a correction factor f can be
f =
1 v
D being the unobscured sky radiation. In the figure below, an example of this correction factor
is given for both a clear and an overcast sky, compared with the corresponding empirical curves.
It is evident that the deviations from the theoretical curves depend on climatological factors of
the station and should be determined experimentally by comparing the instrument equipped
with a shading ring with an instrument shaded by a continuously traced disc. If no experimental
data are available for the station, data computed for the overcast case with the corresponding b/r
should be used. Thus:
Dv b
= cos3 ( tset trise ) sin sin + cos cos ( sin tset sin trise )
Dovercast r
where is the declination of the sun; is the geographic latitude; and trise and tset are the solar
hour angle for set and rise, respectively (for details, see above).


F clear

Correction factor
f clear
f overcast


F overcast
23.520 10 0 10 20 23.5

Comparison of calculated and empirically determined correction factors for a shading ring,
with b/r = 0.169; f indicates calculated curves and F indicates empirical ones.
Source: Dehne (1980)

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, 2001: Instruments to Measure Solar Ultraviolet Radiation. Part1: Spectral Instruments. Global Atmosphere
Watch Report No.125 (WMO/TD-No.1066). Geneva.
, 2003: Quality Assurance in Monitoring Solar Ultraviolet Radiation: the State of the Art. Global Atmosphere
Watch Report No.146 (WMO/TD-No.1180). Geneva.
, 2005: WMO/GAW Experts Workshop on a Global Surface-based Network for Long Term Observations of
Column Aerosol Optical Properties (Davos, Switzerland, 810March2004). Global Atmosphere
Watch Report No.162 (WMO/TD-No.1287). Geneva.
, 2008: Instruments to Measure Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Part2: Broadband Instruments Measuring
Erythemally Weighted Solar Irradiance. Global Atmosphere Watch Report No.164 (WMO/
TD-No.1289). Geneva.
, 2010a: Instruments to Measure Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Part3: Multi-channel Filter Instruments. Global
Atmosphere Watch Report No.190 (WMO/TD-No. 1537). Geneva.
, 2010b: Instruments to Measure Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Part4: Array Spectroradiometers. Global
Atmosphere Watch Report No.191 (WMO/TD-No.1538). Geneva.
, 2011: Data Quality Objectives (DQO) for Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Measurements PartI (Addendum to
Quality Assurance in Monitoring Solar Ultraviolet Radiation: State of the Art, GAW Report No.146).
Global Atmosphere Watch Report No.198. Geneva.

CHAPTER 8. MEASUREMENT OF SUNSHINE DURATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  274

8.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  274
8.1.1 Definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  274
8.1.2 Units and scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  274
8.1.3 Meteorological requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  275 Application of sunshine duration data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  275 Correlations to other meteorological variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  275 Requirement of automated records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  276
8.1.4 Measurement methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  276
8.2 Instruments and sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  277
8.2.1 Pyrheliometric method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  277 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  277 Sources of error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  277
8.2.2 Pyranometric method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  278 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  278 Sources of error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  279
8.2.3 The Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder (burn method). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  279 Adjustments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  279 Evaluation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  280 Special versions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  281 Sources of error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  281
8.2.4 Contrast-evaluating devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  281
8.2.5 Contrast-evaluating and scanning devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  281 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  281 Sources of error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  281
8.3 Exposure of sunshine detectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  282
8.4 General sources of error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  282
8.5 Calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  283
8.5.1 Outdoor methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  283 Comparison of sunshine duration data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  283 Comparison of analogue signals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  284 Mean effective irradiance threshold method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  284
8.5.2 Indoor method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  284
8.6 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  285


GLOBAL IRRADIANCE MEASUREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  286


GLOBAL IRRADIANCE MEASUREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  287

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  288



The term sunshine is associated with the brightness of the solar disc exceeding the background
of diffuse sky light, or, as is better observed by the human eye, with the appearance of shadows
behind illuminated objects. As such, the term is related more to visual radiation than to energy
radiated at other wavelengths, although both aspects are inseparable. In practice, however,
the first definition was established directly by the relatively simple Campbell-Stokes sunshine
recorder (see section8.2.3), which detects sunshine if the beam of solar energy concentrated
by a special lens is able to burn a special dark paper card. This recorder was already introduced
in meteorological stations in 1880 and is still used in many networks. Since no international
regulations on the dimensions and quality of the special parts were established, applying
different laws of the principle gave different sunshine duration values.

In order to homogenize the data of the worldwide network for sunshine duration, a special
design of the Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder, the so-called interim reference sunshine
recorder (IRSR), was recommended as the reference (WMO, 1962). The improvement made
by this hardware definition was effective only during the interim period needed for finding
a precise physical definition allowing for both designing automatic sunshine recorders and
approximating the scale represented by the IRSR as near as possible. With regard to the latter,
the settlement of a direct solar threshold irradiance corresponding to the burning threshold of
the Campbell-Stokes recorders was strongly advised. Investigations at different stations showed
that the threshold irradiance for burning the card varied between 70 and 280Wm2 (Bider,
1958; Baumgartner, 1979). However, further investigations, especially performed with the IRSR
in France, resulted in a mean value of 120Wm2, which was finally proposed as the threshold of
direct solar irradiance to distinguish bright sunshine.1 With regard to the spread of test results,
a threshold accuracy of 20% in instrument specifications is accepted. A pyrheliometer was
recommended as the reference sensor for the detection of the threshold irradiance. For future
refinement of the reference, the settlement of the field-of-view angle of the pyrheliometer seems
to be necessary (see PartI, Chapter7, 7.2 and

8.1.1 Definition

According to WMO (2010), 2 sunshine duration during a given period is defined as the sum of the
time for which the direct solar irradiance exceeds 120Wm2.

8.1.2 Units and scales

The physical quantity of sunshine duration (SD) is, evidently, time. The units used are seconds
or hours. For climatological purposes, derived terms such as hours per day or daily sunshine
hours are used, as well as percentage quantities, such as relative daily sunshine duration,
where SD may be related to the extra-terrestrial possible, or to the maximum possible, sunshine
duration (SD 0 and SDmax, respectively). The measurement period (day, decade, month, year, and
so on) is an important addendum to the unit.

Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its eighth session (1981) through
Recommendation10 (CIMOVIII).
Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its tenth session (1989) through
Recommendation16 (CIMOX).

8.1.3 Meteorological requirements

Performance requirements are given in PartI, Chapter1. Hours of sunshine should be measured
with an uncertainty of 0.1h and a resolution of 0.1h.

Since the number and steepness of the threshold transitions of direct solar radiation determine
the possible uncertainty of sunshine duration, the meteorological requirements on sunshine
recorders are essentially correlated with the climatological cloudiness conditions (WMO, 1985).

In the case of a cloudless sky, only the hourly values at sunrise or sunset can (depending on
the amount of dust) be erroneous because of an imperfectly adjusted threshold or spectral

In the case of scattered clouds (cumulus, stratocumulus), the steepness of the transition is high
and the irradiance measured from the cloudy sky with a pyrheliometer is generally lower than
80Wm2; that means low requirements on the threshold adjustment. But the field-of-view angle
of the recorder can influence the result if bright cloud clusters are near the sun.

The highest precision is required if high cloud layers (cirrus, altostratus) with small variations of
the optical thickness attenuate the direct solar irradiance around the level of about 120Wm2.
The field-of-view angle is effective as well as the precision of the threshold adjustment.

The requirements on sunshine recorders vary, depending on site and season, according to
the dominant cloud formation. The latter can be roughly described by three ranges of relative
daily sunshine duration SD/SD 0 (see section8.1.2), namely cloudy sky by (0SD/SD 0<0.3),
scattered clouds by (0.3SD/SD 0<0.7) and fair weather by (0.7SD/SD 01.0). The
results for dominant clouded sky generally show the highest percentage of deviations from the
reference. Application of sunshine duration data

One of the first applications of SD data was to characterize the climate of sites, especially of
health resorts. This also takes into account the psychological effect of strong solar light on human
well-being. It is still used by some local authorities to promote tourist destinations.

The description of past weather conditions, for instance of a month, usually contains the course
of daily SD data.

For these fields of application, an uncertainty of about 10% of mean SD values seemed to be
acceptable over many decades. Correlations to other meteorological variables

The most important correlation between sunshine duration and global solar radiation G is
described by the so-called ngstrm formula:
G G0 = a + b ( SD SD0 ) (8.1)

where G/G 0 is the so-called clearness index (related to the extra-terrestrial global irradiation),
SD/SD 0 is the corresponding sunshine duration (related to the extra-terrestrial possible SD value),
and a and b are constants which have to be determined monthly. The uncertainty of the monthly
means of daily global irradiation derived in this way from Campbell-Stokes data was found to
be lower than 10% in summer, and rose up to 30% in winter, as reported for German stations
(Golchert, 1981).

The ngstrm formula implies the inverse correlation between cloud amount and sunshine
duration. This relationship is not fulfilled for high and thin cloudiness and obviously not for
cloud fields which do not cover the sun, so that the degree of inverse correlation depends first

of all on the magnitude of the statistical data collected (Stanghellini, 1981; Angell, 1990). The
improvement of the accuracy of SD data should reduce the scattering of the statistical results, but
even perfect data can generate sufficient results only on a statistical basis. Requirement of automated records

Since electrical power is available in an increasing number of places, the advantage of the
Campbell-Stokes recorder of being self-sufficient is of decreasing importance. Furthermore, the
required daily maintenance requirement of replacing the burn card makes the use of Campbell-
Stokes recorders problematic at either automatic weather stations or stations with reduced
numbers of personnel. Another essential reason to replace Campbell-Stokes recorders by new
automated measurement procedures is to avoid the expense of visual evaluations and to obtain
more precise results on data carriers permitting direct computerized data processing.

8.1.4 Measurement methods

The principles used for measuring sunshine duration and the pertinent types of instruments are
briefly listed in the following methods:

(a) Pyrheliometric method: Pyrheliometric detection of the transition of direct solar irradiance
through the 120Wm2 threshold (according to Recommendation10 (CIMO-VIII)).
Duration values are readable from time counters triggered by the appropriate upward and
downward transitions.

Type of instrument: Pyrheliometer combined with an electronic or computerized threshold

discriminator and a time-counting device.

(b) Pyranometric method:

(i) Pyranometric measurement of global (G) and diffuse (D) solar irradiance to derive the
direct solar irradiance as the WMO threshold discriminator value and further as in (a)

Type of instrument: Radiometer systems of two fitted pyranometers and one sunshade
device combined with an electronic or computerized threshold discriminator and a
time-counting device.

(ii) Pyranometric measurement of global (G) solar irradiance to estimate sunshine


Type of instrument: A pyranometer combined with an electronic or computerized

device which is able to deliver 10min means as well as minimum and maximum global
(G) solar irradiance within those 10min, or alternatively to deliver 1min means of
global (G) solar irradiance.

(c) Burn method: Threshold effect of burning paper caused by focused direct solar radiation
(heat effect of absorbed solar energy). The duration is read from the total burn length.

Type of instrument: Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorders, especially the recommended

version, namely the IRSR (see section8.2).

(d) Contrast method: Discrimination of the insolation contrasts between some sensors in
different positions to the sun with the aid of a specific difference of the sensor output signals
which corresponds to an equivalent of the WMO recommended threshold (determined by
comparisons with reference SD values) and further as in (b) above.

Type of instrument: Specially designed multi-sensor detectors (mostly equipped with

photovoltaic cells) combined with an electronic discriminator and a time counter.

(e) Scanning method: Discrimination of the irradiance received from continuously scanned,
small sky sectors with regard to an equivalent of the WMO recommended irradiance
threshold (determined by comparisons with reference SD values).

Type of instrument: One-sensor receivers equipped with a special scanning device (rotating
diaphragm or mirror, for instance) and combined with an electronic discriminator and a
time-counting device.

The sunshine duration measurement methods described in the following paragraphs are
examples of ways to achieve the above-mentioned principles. Instruments using these methods,
with the exception of the Foster switch recorder, participated in the WMO Automatic Sunshine
Duration Measurement Comparison in Hamburg from 1988 to 1989 and in the comparison of
pyranometers and electronic sunshine duration recorders of Regional AssociationVI in Budapest
in 1984 (WMO, 1986).

The description of the Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder in section8.2.3 is relatively detailed

since this instrument is still widely used in national networks, and the specifications and
evaluation rules recommended by WMO should be considered (however, note that this method
is no longer recommended,3 since the duration of bright sunshine is not recorded with sufficient

A historical review of sunshine recorders is given in Coulson (1975), Hameed and Pittalwala
(1989) and Sonntag and Behrens (1992).


8.2.1 Pyrheliometric method General

This method, which represents a direct consequence of the WMO definition of sunshine (see
section8.1.1) and is, therefore, recommended to obtain reference values of sunshine duration,
requires a weatherproof pyrheliometer and a reliable solar tracker to point the radiometer
automatically or at least semi-automatically to the position of the sun. The method can be
modified by the choice of pyrheliometer, the field-of-view angle of which influences the
irradiance measured when clouds surround the sun.

The sunshine threshold can be monitored by the continuous comparison of the pyrheliometer
output with the threshold equivalent voltage Vth=120Wm2 RVW1m2, which is calculable
from the responsivity R of the pyrheliometer. A threshold transition is detected if V=VVth
changes its sign. The connected time counter is running when V>0. Sources of error

The field-of-view angle is not yet settled by agreed definitions (see PartI, Chapter7, 7.2 and Greater differences between the results of two pyrheliometers with different field-of-
view angles are possible, especially if the sun is surrounded by clouds. Furthermore, typical
errors of pyrheliometers, namely tilt effect, temperature dependence, non-linearity and zero-
offset, depend on the class of the pyrheliometer. Larger errors appear if the alignment to the sun
is not precise or if the entrance window is covered by rain or snow.

See Recommendation10 (CIMO-VIII).

8.2.2 Pyranometric method General

The pyranometric method to derive sunshine duration data is based on the fundamental
relationship between the direct solar radiation (I) and the global (G) and diffuse (D) solar
I cos = G D (8.2)
where is the solar zenith angle and I cos is the horizontal component of I. To fulfil
equation8.2 exactly, the shaded field-of-view angle of the pyranometer for measuring D must
be equal to the field-of-view angle of the pyrheliometer (see PartI, Chapter7). Furthermore, the
spectral ranges, as well as the time constants of the pyrheliometers and pyranometers, should be
as similar as possible.

In the absence of a sun-tracking pyrheliometer, but where computer-assisted pyranometric

measurements of G and D are available, the WMO sunshine criterion can be expressed according
to equation8.2 by:

(G D ) cos > 120 W m 2 (8.3)

which is applicable to instantaneous readings.

The modifications of this method in different stations concern first of all:

(a) The choice of pyranometer;

(b) The shading device applied (shade ring or shade disc with solar tracker) and its shade
geometry (shade angle);

(c) The correction of shade-ring losses.

As a special modification, the replacement of the criterion in equation8.3 by a statistically

derived parameterization formula (to avoid the determination of the solar zenith angle) for
applications in more simple data-acquisition systems should be mentioned (Sonntag and
Behrens, 1992).

Different algorithms, based on different assumptions, can be used to estimate sunshine duration
from the measurement of only one pyranometer.

The Slob and Monna method (Slob and Monna, 1991) is based on two assumptions on the
relation between irradiance and cloudiness, as follows:

(a) A rather accurate calculation of the potential global irradiance at the Earths surface based
on the calculated value of the extra-terrestrial irradiation (G 0) by taking into account
extinction in the atmosphere. The attenuation factor depends on the solar elevation h and
the turbidity T of the atmosphere. The ratio between the measured global irradiance and
this calculated value of the clear sky global irradiance is a good measure for the presence of

(b) An evident difference between the minimum and maximum value of the global irradiance,
measured during a 10min interval, presumes a temporary eclipse of the sun by clouds.
On the other hand, in the case of no such difference, there is no sunshine or continuous
sunshine during the 10min interval (namely, SD=0 or SD=10min).

Based on these assumptions, an algorithm can be used (Slob and Monna, 1991) to calculate
the daily SD from the sum of 10min SD. Within this algorithm, SD is determined for succeeding
10min intervals (namely, SD10=10min, where is the fraction of the interval with sunshine,
01). The attenuation factor largely depends on the optical path of the sunlight travelling
through the atmosphere. Because this path is related to the elevation of the sun, h=90z,
the algorithm discriminates between three time zones. Although usually =0 or =1, special

attention is given to 0<<1. This algorithm is given in Annex8.A. The uncertainty is about
0.6h for daily sums, though recent work (Hinssen and Knap, 2007; WMO, 2012) showed that the
expanded uncertainty (k=2) on daily totals can exceed 1h.

The Carpentras method assumes the possibility of parameterizing and calculating over 1min
intervals an irradiance threshold (Gthr) of G as a function of the most frequent in situ conditions
of atmospheric turbidity and solar elevation (h). The corresponding algorithm of this method is
given in Annex8.B. The achievable expanded uncertainty (k=2) for daily totals is about 0.7h
(WMO, 2012).

The application of the Carpentras method can be optimized by using 1min average global and
direct irradiances (used as reference) for a few consecutive years (at least four), which makes it
possible to determine the coefficients for the parameterization of the 1min Gthr for the specific
location. This minimizes the total relative error of daily SD calculated by the Carpentras method
over a long period of time (years) by using the SD cumulative differences, and also provides an
evaluation of the achievable uncertainty of the Carpentras method (Morel et al., 2012). Sources of error

According to equation8.3, the measuring errors in global and diffuse solar irradiance are
propagated by the calculation of direct solar irradiance and are strongly amplified with
increasing solar zenith angles. Therefore, the accuracy of corrections for losses of diffuse solar
energy by the use of shade rings (WMO, 1984a) and the choice of pyranometer quality is of
importance to reduce the uncertainty level of the results.

8.2.3 The Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder (burn method)

The Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder consists essentially of a glass sphere mounted

concentrically in a section of a spherical bowl, the diameter of which is such that the suns rays
are focused sharply on a card held in grooves in the bowl. The method of supporting the sphere
differs according to whether the instrument is operated in polar, temperate or tropical latitudes.
To obtain useful results, both the spherical segment and the sphere should be made with great
precision, the mounting being so designed that the sphere can be accurately centred therein.
Three overlapping pairs of grooves are provided in the spherical segment so that the cards
can be suitable for different seasons of the year (one pair for both equinoxes), their length and
shape being selected to suit the geometrical optics of the system. It should be noted that the
aforementioned problem of burns obtained under variable cloud conditions indicates that this
instrument, and indeed any instrument using this method, does not provide accurate data of
sunshine duration.

The table below summarizes the main specifications and requirements for a Campbell-Stokes
sunshine recorder of the IRSR grade. Adjustments

In installing the recorder, the following adjustments are necessary:

(a) The base must be levelled;

(b) The spherical segment should be adjusted so that the centre line of the equinoctial card
lies in the celestial equator (the scale of latitude marked on the bowl support facilitates this

(c) The vertical plan through the centre of the sphere and the noon mark on the spherical
segment must be in the plane of the geographic meridian (north-south adjustment).

A recorder is best tested for (c) above by observing the image of the sun at the local apparent
noon; if the instrument is correctly adjusted, the image should fall on the noon mark of the
spherical segment or card.

Campbell-Stokes recorder (IRSR grade) specifications

Glass sphere Spherical segment Record cards

Shape: Uniform Material: Gunmetal or Material: Good quality pasteboard
equivalent durability not affected appreciably by moisture

Diameter: 10 cm Radius: 73 mm Width: Accurate to within 0.3mm

Colour: Very pale or Additional specifications: Thickness: 0.4 0.05 mm

(a) Central noon line engraved Moisture effect: Within 2%
Refractive index: 1.52 0.02 transversely across inner
surface Colour: Dark, homogeneous, no
Focal length: 75 mm for (b) Adjustment for inclination difference detected in diffuse daylight
sodium D light of segment to horizontal
according to latitude Graduations: Hour-lines printed in
(c) Double base with provision black
for levelling and azimuth
setting Evaluation

In order to obtain uniform results from Campbell-Stokes recorders, it is especially important

to conform closely to the following directions for measuring the IRSR records. The daily total
duration of bright sunshine should be determined by marking off on the edge of a card of the
same curvature the lengths corresponding to each mark and by measuring the total length
obtained along the card at the level of the recording to the nearest tenth of an hour. The
evaluation of the record should be made as follows:

(a) In the case of a clear burn with round ends, the length should be reduced at each end by
an amount equal to half the radius of curvature of the end of the burn; this will normally
correspond to a reduction of the overall length of each burn by 0.1h;

(b) In the case of circular burns, the length measured should be equal to half the diameter of
the burn. If more than one circular burn occurs on the daily record, it is sufficient to consider
two or three burns as equivalent to 0.1h of sunshine; four, five, six burns as equivalent to
0.2h of sunshine; and so on in steps of 0.1h;

(c) Where the mark is only a narrow line, the whole length of this mark should be measured,
even when the card is only slightly discoloured;

(d) Where a clear burn is temporarily reduced in width by at least a third, an amount of 0.1h
should be subtracted from the total length for each such reduction in width, but the
maximum subtracted should not exceed one half of the total length of the burn.

In order to assess the random and systematic errors made while evaluating the records
and to ensure the objectivity of the results of the comparison, it is recommended that the
evaluations corresponding to each one of the instruments compared be made successively and
independently by two or more persons trained in this type of work.

Since the standard Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder does not record all the sunshine received
during the summer months at stations with latitudes higher than about 65, some countries use
modified versions.

One possibility is to use two Campbell-Stokes recorders operated back to back, one of them
being installed in the standard manner, while the other should be installed facing north.

In many climates, it may be necessary to heat the device to prevent the deposition of frost
and dew. Comparisons in climates like that of northern Europe between heated and normally
operated instruments have shown that the amount of sunshine not measured by a normal
version, but recorded by a heated device, is about 1% of the monthly mean in summer and about
5% to 10% of the monthly mean in winter. Sources of error

The errors of this recorder are mainly generated by the dependence on the temperature and
humidity of the burn card as well as by the overburning effect, especially in the case of scattered
clouds (Ikeda et al., 1986).

The morning values are frequently affected by dew or frost at middle and high latitudes.

8.2.4 Contrast-evaluating devices

The Foster sunshine switch is an optical device that was introduced operationally in the network
of the United States in 1953 (Foster and Foskett, 1953). It consists of a pair of selenium photocells,
one of which is shielded from direct sunshine by a shade ring. The cells are corrected so that in
the absence of the direct solar beam no signal is produced. The switch is activated when the
direct solar irradiance exceeds about 85Wm2 (Hameed and Pittalwala, 1989). The position of
the shade ring requires adjustments only four times a year to allow for seasonal changes in the
suns apparent path across the sky.

8.2.5 Contrast-evaluating and scanning devices General

A number of different opto-electronic sensors, namely contrast-evaluating and scanning

devices (see, for example, WMO, 1984b), were compared during the WMO Automatic Sunshine
Duration Measurement Comparison at the Regional Radiation Centre of Regional AssociationVI
in Hamburg (Germany) from 1988 to 1989. The report of this comparison contains detailed
descriptions of all the instruments and sensors that participated in this event. Sources of error

The distribution of cloudiness over the sky or solar radiation reflected by the surroundings
can influence the results because of the different procedures to evaluate the contrast and the
relatively large field-of-view angles of the cells in the arrays used. Silicon photovoltaic cells
without filters typically have the maximum responsivity in the near-infrared, and the results,
therefore, depend on the spectrum of the direct solar radiation.

Since the relatively small, slit-shaped, rectangular field-of-view angles of this device differ
considerably from the circular-symmetrical one of the reference pyrheliometer, the cloud
distribution around the sun can cause deviations from the reference values.

Because of the small field of view, an imperfect glass dome may be a specific source of
uncertainty. The spectral responsivity of the sensor should also be considered in addition to solar
elevation error. At present, only one of the commercial recorders using a pyroelectric detector is
thought to be free of spectral effects.


The three essential aspects for the correct exposure of sunshine detectors are as follows:

(a) The detectors should be firmly fixed to a rigid support. This is not required for the SONI
(WMO, 1984b) sensors that are designed also for use on buoys;

(b) The detector should provide an uninterrupted view of the sun at all times of the year
throughout the whole period when the sun is more than 3 above the horizon. This
recommendation can be modified in the following cases:

(i) Small antennas or other obstructions of small angular width (2) are acceptable if
no alternative site is available. In this case, the position, elevation and angular width
of obstructions should be well documented and the potential loss of sunshine hours
during particular hours and days should be estimated by the astronomical calculation
of the apparent solar path;

(ii) In mountainous regions (valleys, for instance), natural obstructions are acceptable as a
factor of the local climate and should be well documented, as mentioned above;

(c) The site should be free of surrounding surfaces that could reflect a significant amount of
direct solar radiation to the detector. Reflected radiation can influence mainly the results of
the contrast-measuring devices. To overcome this interference, white or gloss paint should
be avoided and nearby surfaces should either be kept free of snow or screened.

The adjustment of the detector axis is mentioned above. For some detectors, the manufacturers
recommend tilting the axis, depending on the season.

The siting classification for surface observing stations on land (see PartI, Chapter 1, Annex1.B of
this Guide) provides additional guidance on the selection of a site and the location of a sunshine
detector within a site in order to optimize representativeness.


The uncertainty of sunshine duration recorded using different types of instrument and methods
was demonstrated as deviations from reference values in WMO for the weather conditions of
Hamburg (Germany) in 19881989.

The reference values are also somewhat uncertain because of the uncertainty of the calibration
factor of the pyrheliometer used and the dimensions of its field-of-view angle (dependency on
the aureole). For single values, the time constant should also be considered.

General sources of uncertainty are as follows:

(a) The calibration of the recorder (adjustment of the irradiance threshold equivalent (see

(b) The typical variation of the recorder response due to meteorological conditions (for
example, temperature, cloudiness, dust) and the position of the sun (for example, errors of
direction, solar spectrum);

(c) The poor adjustment and instability of important parts of the instrument;

(d) The simplified or erroneous evaluation of the values measured;

(e) Erroneous time-counting procedures;

(f) Dirt and moisture on optical and sensing surfaces;

(g) Poor quality of maintenance.


The following general remarks should be made before the various calibration methods are

(a) No standardized method to calibrate SD detectors is available;

(b) For outdoor calibrations, the pyrheliometric method has to be used to obtain reference

(c) Because of the differences between the design of the SD detectors and the reference
instrument, as well as with regard to the natural variability of the measuring conditions,
calibration results must be determined by long-term comparisons (some months);

(d) Generally the calibration of SD detectors requires a specific procedure to adjust their
threshold value (electronically for opto-electric devices, by software for pyranometric

(e) For opto-electric devices with an analogue output, the duration of the calibration period
should be relatively short;

(f) The indoor method (using a lamp) is recommended primarily for regular testing of the
stability of field instruments.

8.5.1 Outdoor methods Comparison of sunshine duration data

Reference values SDref have to be measured simultaneously with the sunshine duration values
SDcal of the detector to be calibrated. The reference instrument used should be a pyrheliometer
on a solar tracker combined with an irradiance threshold discriminator (see section8.1.4).
Alternatively, a regularly recalibrated sunshine recorder of selected precision may be used. Since
the accuracy requirement of the sunshine threshold of a detector varies with the meteorological
conditions (see section8.1.3), the comparison results must be derived statistically from datasets
covering long periods.

If the method is applied to the total dataset of a period (with typical cloudiness conditions), the
first calibration result is the ratio qtot=totSDref /totSDcal.

For q > 1 or q < 1, the threshold equivalent voltage has to be adjusted to lower and higher values,
respectively. Since the amount of the required adjustment is not strongly correlated to qtot, further
comparison periods are necessary to validate iteratively the approach to the ideal threshold by
approximation of qtot=1. The duration of a total calibration period may be three to six months at
European mid-latitudes. Therefore, the facilities to calibrate network detectors should permit the
calibration of several detectors simultaneously. (The use of qtot as a correction factor for the SD
values gives reliable results only if the periods to be evaluated have the same cloud formation as
during the calibration period. Therefore, this method is not recommended.)

If the method is applied to datasets which are selected according to specific measurement
conditions (for example, cloudiness, solar elevation angle, relative sunshine duration, daytime),
it may be possible, for instance, to find factors qsel=selSDref /selSDcal statistically for different
types of cloudiness. The factors could also be used to correct datasets for which the cloudiness is
clearly specified.

On the other hand, an adjustment of the threshold equivalent voltage is recommended,

especially if qsel values for worse cloudiness conditions (such as cirrus and altostratus) are
considered. An iterative procedure to validate the adjustment is also necessary; depending on
the weather, some weeks or months of comparison may be needed. Comparison of analogue signals

This method is restricted to SD detectors which have an analogue output that responds linearly
to the received direct solar irradiance, at least in the range <500Wm2. The comparison between
the reference irradiance measured by a pyrheliometer and the simultaneously measured
analogue output should be performed at cloudless hours or other intervals with slowly variable
direct solar irradiance below 500Wm2.

The linear regression analysis of such a dataset generates a best-fit line from which the threshold
equivalent voltage at 120Wm2 can be derived. If this calibration result deviates from the
certified voltage by more than 20%, the threshold of the detector should be adjusted to the
new value.

For detectors with a pronounced spectral response, the measured data at low solar elevation
angles around 120Wm2 should be eliminated because of the stronger non-linearity caused
by the spectrum, unless the threshold voltage at sunrise and sunset is of special interest. The
threshold equivalent voltage has to be extrapolated from higher irradiance values. Mean effective irradiance threshold method

The so-called mean effective irradiance threshold (MEIT) method is based on the determination
of an hourly mean effective irradiance threshold Im for the detector to be calibrated.

As a first step of this method, SD values SDref (hk, I(n)) have to be determined from computer-
controlled pyrheliometric measurements for hours hk and fictitious threshold irradiances I(n)
between 60 and 240Wm2 (this means that I(n)=(60+n)Wm2 with n = 0, 1, 2, ... 180). As a
second step, the hourly SD value SD(hk) of the detector must be compared with the SDref (hk, I(n))
to find the n=nk for which SD(hk) equals SDref (hk, I(nk)). I(nk) represents the MEIT value of the
hour hk: Im(hk)=(60+nk)Wm2. If nk is not found directly, it has to be interpolated from adjacent

The third step is the adjustment of the threshold equivalent voltage of the recorder if the relative
deviation between a MEIT value Im and the ideal threshold 120Wm2 is larger than 20%.
The mean value should be a monthly average, for instance, because of the large spread of the
deviations of hourly MEIT values.

The method is not applicable to hours with dominant fast threshold transitions; the average
gradient of an hour should be lower than 5Wm2s1. The MEIT values are not representative of
the total dataset of the calibration period.

8.5.2 Indoor method

Since the simulation of the distribution of direct and diffuse solar fluxes is difficult indoors,
only a spare calibration can be recommended which is applicable for SD detectors with an
adjustable threshold equivalent voltage. The laboratory test equipment consists of a stabilized

radiation source (preferably with an approximated solar spectrum) and a stand for a precise local
adjustment of the SD detector as well as of an SD detector (carefully calibrated outdoors) which
is used as reference. Reference and test detectors should be of the same model.

At the beginning of the test procedure, the reference detector is positioned precisely in the
beam of the lamp so that 120Wm2 is indicated by an analogue output or by the usual sunshine
switch. Afterwards, the reference device is replaced precisely by the test device, whose
threshold voltage must be adjusted to activate the switch, or to get a 120Wm2 equivalent. The
repeatability of the results should be tested by further exchanges of the instruments.


The required maintenance routine for technicians consists of the following:

(a) Cleaning: The daily cleaning of the respective entrance windows is necessary for all
detectors, especially for scanning devices with small field-of-view angles. Instruments
without equipment to prevent dew and frost should be cleared more than once on certain

(b) Checking: The rotation of special (scanning) parts as well as the data-acquisition system
should be checked daily;

(c) Exchange of record: In Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorders, the burn card must be
exchanged daily; in other devices, the appropriate data carriers have to be replaced

(d) Adjustments: Adjustments are required if a seasonal change of the tilt of the detector is
recommended by the manufacturer, or possibly after severe storms.

Special parts of the detectors and of the data-acquisition systems used should undergo
maintenance by trained technicians or engineers according to the appropriate instruction

(see Slob and Monna, 1991)

The estimation of the daily SD is based on the sum of the fractions of 10min intervals, namely,
SD=SD10, where SD10=10min. In practice =0 (no sunshine at all, overcast) or 1 (only
sunshine, no clouds), but special attention is given to 0<<1 (partly sunshine, part clouded).
Because the correlation between SD and the global irradiation, measured horizontally, depends
on the elevation of the sun (h), discrimination is made in the first place in terms of sin (h).

The following variables are applicable:

h Elevation angle of the sun in degrees

G Global irradiance on a horizontal surface in W m2
I Direct irradiance on a surface perpendicular to the direction of the sun in W m2
D Diffuse radiation on a horizontal surface in W m2
T L Linke turbidity (dimensionless)

For the measured values of G it holds that:

G represents a 10 min average of the measured global irradiance

Gmin represents the minimum value of the global irradiance, measured during the 10min interval
Gmax represents the maximum value of the global irradiance, measured during the 10min
interval (GminGGmax)

Equations used:

G 0 = I0 sin (h), I0 = 1 367 W m2 (for extra-terrestrial irradiance)

I = I0 exp (T L/(0.9 + 9.4 sin (h))), I0 = 1 367 W m2
c = (G D)/(I sin (h)), where
T L = 4 and
D = 1.2 Gmin if (1.2 Gmin < 0.4) else
D = 0.4

Sun sin (h)<0.1, 0.1 sin (h) 0.3, sin (h) 0.3,
elevation h < 5.7 5.7 h 17.5 h 17.5
Other No further Is G/G 0 {0.2 + sin Is Gmax/G 0 < 0.4?
criteria decision (h)/3 + exp (T L/(0.9 If yes If no
criteria + 9.4 sin (h)))}
with T L = 6? Is Gmin/G 0 > {0.3 + exp (T L/(0.9 + 9.4 sin(h)))}
with T L = 10?
If yes If no If yes If no
Is Gmax/G 0 > {0.3 + exp (T L/(0.9 +
9.4sin (h)))} and Gmax Gmin < 0.1 G 0
with T L = 10?
If yes If no
c<0 0c1 c>1
Result =0 =0 =1 =0 =1 =1 =0 =c =1

(Carpentras method; see WMO, 1998, 2012)

This method, developed at the WMO Regional Radiation Centre of Carpentras (France) and
described by Oliviri (WMO, 1998), consists of an algorithm that calculates the SD every minute
through the measurement of 1min means of global irradiance (G) compared with a threshold
value (Gthr) that is parameterized by two coefficients (A, B) and the solar elevation h (specifically

The following variables are applicable:

h Elevation angle of the sun in degrees (see PartI, Chapter7, Annex7.D)

G Global irradiance on a horizontal surface in Wm2 (1 s sampled, 1min averaged)

Equations used:

Gthr = Fc x Mod
Mod = 1 080 (sin (h))1.25
Fc = A + B cos (2d/365)

where Mod represents the global irradiance obtained from a cloudless day model (clear sky and
mean value of turbidity); Fc represents a factor, the empirical value of which is close to 0.7; and d
is the day number of the annual sequence.

The Fc factor, generally varying between 0.5 and 0.8, depends on the climatic conditions of
the location, and the A, B coefficients can be empirically calculated by long-term comparison
between SD and pyrheliometer measurements (Morel et al., 2012). Alternatively, the presence
of near or, even better, co-located instruments for atmospheric turbidity permits an improved
determination of the Fc factor. A variability of the A and B coefficients has been observed in
relation to latitude (B tends towards negative values for the southern hemisphere, while A
decreases with latitude).

The algorithm is run every minute and can be expressed as follows:

Sun elevation h < 3 h 3

Criteria No Is G Gthr?
decision If yes If no
Result SD = 0 min SD = 1 min SD = 0 min

The solar elevation must be calculated every minute contemporarily to the sun hour angle, right
ascension and geocentric declination according to the astronomical formulae reported in PartI,
Chapter7, Annex7.D.

The data filtering (h 3) is applied before the execution of the main test and permits the
filtering of errors due to the imperfection of the model, the height of the sun (low heights) and
the atmospheric refraction. A tolerance of 3 above the horizon is accepted for the requirement
that the SD detectors have an uninterrupted view of the sun at all times of the year. The errors
introduced by the data filtering on h produce a small underestimation that, due to their
systematic nature, can be corrected after a long period of measurements. A comparison of this
method with other methods and with reference SD data is reported in WMO (2012).

Angell, J.K., 1990: Variation in United States cloudiness and sunshine duration between 1950 and the
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2012). Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.109. Geneva.

CHAPTER 9. MEASUREMENT OF VISIBILITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  291

9.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  291
9.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  291
9.1.2 Units and scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  292
9.1.3 Meteorological requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  292
9.1.4 Measurement methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  293
9.2 Visual estimation of meteorological optical range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  296
9.2.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  296
9.2.2 Estimation of meteorological optical range by day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  296
9.2.3 Estimation of meteorological optical range at night. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
9.2.4 Estimation of meteorological optical range in the absence of distantobjects .  299
9.2.5 Accuracy of visual observations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  299
9.3 Instrumental measurement of the meteorological opticalrange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  300
9.3.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  300
9.3.2 Instruments measuring the extinction coefficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  300
9.3.3 Instruments measuring the scatter coefficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  303
9.3.4 Instrument exposure and siting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  305
9.3.5 Calibration and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  305
9.3.6 Sources of error in the measurement of meteorological optical range
and estimates of accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  306

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  309



9.1.1 Definitions

Visibility was first defined for meteorological purposes as a quantity to be estimated by a

human observer, and observations made in that way are widely used. However, the estimation
of visibility is affected by many subjective and physical factors. The essential meteorological
quantity, which is the transparency of the atmosphere, can be measured objectively and is
represented by the meteorological optical range (MOR).

The meteorological optical range is the length of path in the atmosphere required to reduce
the luminous flux in a collimated beam from an incandescent lamp, at a colour temperature
of 2700K, to 5% of its original value, the luminous flux being evaluated by means of the
photometric luminosity function of the International Commission on Illumination (CIE).

Visibility, meteorological visibility (by day) and meteorological visibility at night1 are defined as the
greatest distance at which a black object of suitable dimensions (located on the ground) can be
seen and recognized when observed against the horizon sky during daylight or could be seen
and recognized during the night if the general illumination were raised to the normal daylight
level (WMO, 1992a, 2010a).

Visual range (meteorological): Distance at which the contrast of a given object with respect to its
background is just equal to the contrast threshold of an observer (WMO, 1992a).

Airlight is light from the sun and the sky which is scattered into the eyes of an observer by
atmospheric suspensoids (and, to a slight extent, by air molecules) lying in the observers cone
of vision. That is, airlight reaches the eye in the same manner as diffuse sky radiation reaches
the Earths surface. Airlight is the fundamental factor limiting the daytime horizontal visibility
for black objects, because its contributions, integrated along the cone of vision from eye to
object, raise the apparent luminance of a sufficiently remote black object to a level which is
indistinguishable from that of the background sky. Contrary to subjective estimates, most of the
airlight entering observers eyes originates in portions of their cone of vision lying rather close to

The following four photometric qualities are defined in detail in various standards, such as by the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC, 1987):

(a) Luminous flux (symbol: F (or ); unit: lumen) is a quantity derived from radiant flux by
evaluating the radiation according to its action upon the International Commission on
Illumination standard photometric observer;

(b) Luminous intensity (symbol: I; unit: candela or lm sr1) is luminous flux per unit solid angle;

(c) Luminance (symbol: L; unit: cd m2) is luminous intensity per unit area;

(d) Illuminance (symbol: E; unit: lux or lm m2) is luminous flux per unit area.

To avoid confusion, visibility at night should not be defined in general as the greatest distance at which lights of
specified moderate intensity can be seen and identified (see the Abridged Final Report of the Eleventh Session of the
Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMONo.807)). If visibility should be reported based on the
assessment of light sources, it is recommended that a visual range should be defined by specifying precisely the
appropriate light intensity and its application, like runway visual range. Nevertheless, at its eleventh session CIMO
agreed that further investigations were necessary in order to resolve the practical difficulties of the application of
this definition.

The extinction coefficient (symbol ) is the proportion of luminous flux lost by a collimated beam,
emitted by an incandescent source at a colour temperature of 2700K, while travelling the length
of a unit distance in the atmosphere. The coefficient is a measure of the attenuation due to both
absorption and scattering.

The luminance contrast (symbol C) is the ratio of the difference between the luminance of an
object and its background and the luminance of the background.

The contrast threshold (symbol ) is the minimum value of the luminance contrast that the
human eye can detect, namely, the value which allows an object to be distinguished from its
background. The contrast threshold varies with the individual.

The illuminance threshold (symbol Et) is the smallest illuminance, required by the eye, for the
detection of point sources of light against a background of specified luminance. The value of Et,
therefore, varies according to lighting conditions.

The transmission factor (symbol T) is defined, for a collimated beam from an incandescent source
at a colour temperature of 2700K, as the fraction of luminous flux which remains in the beam
after traversing an optical path of a given length in the atmosphere. The transmission factor is
also called the transmission coefficient. The terms transmittance or transmissive power of the
atmosphere are also used when the path is defined, that is, of a specific length (for example, in
the case of a transmissometer). In this case, T is often multiplied by 100 and expressed in %.

An aerodrome is a defined area on land or water (including any buildings, installations and
equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface
movement of aircraft (International Civil Aviation Organization, 2013).

9.1.2 Units and scales

The meteorological visibility or MOR is expressed in metres or kilometres. The measurement

range varies according to the application. While for synoptic meteorological requirements, the
scale of MOR readings extends from below 100m to more than 70km, the measurement range
may be more restricted for other applications. This is the case for civil aviation, where the upper
limit may be 10km. This range may be further reduced when applied to the measurement
of runway visual range representing landing and take-off conditions in reduced visibility.
Runway visual range is required only between 50 and 1500m (see PartII, Chapter2). For other
applications, such as road or sea traffic, different limits may be applied according to both the
requirements and the locations where the measurements are taken.

The errors of visibility measurements increase in proportion to the visibility, and measurement
scales take this into account. This fact is reflected in the code used for synoptic reports by the use
of three linear segments with decreasing resolution, namely, 100 to 5000m in steps of 100m,
6to 30km in steps of 1km, and 35 to 70km in steps of 5km. This scale allows visibility to be
reported with a better resolution than the accuracy of the measurement, except when visibility is
less than about 1000m.

9.1.3 Meteorological requirements

The concept of visibility is used extensively in meteorology in two distinct ways. First, it is
one of the elements identifying air-mass characteristics, especially for the needs of synoptic
meteorology and climatology. Here, visibility must be representative of the optical state of the
atmosphere. Secondly, it is an operational variable which corresponds to specific criteria or
special applications. For this purpose, it is expressed directly in terms of the distance at which
specific markers or lights can be seen.

One of the most important special applications is found in meteorological services to aviation
(see PartII, Chapter2).

The measure of visibility used in meteorology should be free from the influence of extra-
meteorological conditions; it must be simply related to intuitive concepts of visibility and to the
distance at which common objects can be seen under normal conditions. MOR has been defined
to meet these requirements, as it is convenient for the use of instrumental methods by day and
night, and as the relations between MOR and other measures of visibility are well understood.
MOR has been formally adopted by WMO as the measure of visibility for both general and
aeronautical uses (WMO, 2014). It is also recognized by the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC, 1987) for application in atmospheric optics and visual signalling.

MOR is related to the intuitive concept of visibility through the contrast threshold. In 1924,
Koschmieder, followed by Helmholtz, proposed a value of 0.02 for . Other values have been
proposed by other authors. They vary from 0.0077 to 0.06, or even 0.2. The smaller value yields a
larger estimate of the visibility for given atmospheric conditions. For aeronautical requirements,
it is accepted that is higher than 0.02, and it is taken as 0.05 since, for a pilot, the contrast of
an object (runway markings) with respect to the surrounding terrain is much lower than that of
an object against the horizon. It is assumed that, when an observer can just see and recognize
a black object against the horizon, the apparent contrast of the object is 0.05, and, as explained
below, this leads to the choice of 0.05 as the transmission factor adopted in the definition of

Accuracy requirements are discussed in Part I, Chapter 1.

9.1.4 Measurement methods

Visibility is a complex psycho-physical phenomenon, governed mainly by the atmospheric

extinction coefficient associated with solid and liquid particles held in suspension in the
atmosphere; the extinction is caused primarily by scattering rather than by absorption of the
light. Its estimation is subject to variations in individual perception and interpretative ability, as
well as the light source characteristics and the transmission factor. Thus, any visual estimate of
visibility is subjective.

When visibility is estimated by a human observer it depends not only on the photometric and
dimensional characteristics of the object which is, or should be, perceived, but also on the
observers contrast threshold. At night, it depends on the intensity of the light sources, the
background illuminance and, if estimated by an observer, the adaptation of the observers eyes
to darkness and the observers illuminance threshold. The estimation of visibility at night is
particularly problematic. The first definition of visibility at night in section9.1.1 is given in terms
of equivalent daytime visibility in order to ensure that no artificial changes occur in estimating
the visibility at dawn and twilight. The second definition has practical applications especially for
aeronautical requirements, but it is not the same as the first and usually gives different results.
Both are evidently imprecise.

Instrumental methods measure the extinction coefficient from which the MOR may be
calculated. The visibility may then be calculated from knowledge of the contrast and illuminance
thresholds, or by assigning agreed values to them. It has been pointed out by Sheppard (1983)

[s]trict adherence to the definition (of MOR) would require mounting a

transmitter and receiver of appropriate spectral characteristics on two
platforms which could be separated, for example along a railroad, until the
transmittance was 5per cent. Any other approach gives only an estimate of

However, fixed instruments are used on the assumption that the extinction coefficient is
independent of distance. Some instruments measure attenuation directly and others measure the
scattering of light to derive the extinction coefficient. These are described in section9.3. The brief
analysis of the physics of visibility in this chapter may be useful for understanding the relations
between the various measures of the extinction coefficient, and for considering the instruments
used to measure it.


Relative luminous efficiency





400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750

Wavelength (nm)

Figure 9.1. Relative luminous efficiency of the human eye for monochromatic radiation. The
continuous line indicates daytime vision, while the broken line indicates night-time vision.

Visual perception photopic and scotopic vision

The conditions of visual perception are based on the measurement of the photopic efficiency of
the human eye with respect to monochromatic radiation in the visible light spectrum. The terms
photopic vision and scotopic vision refer to daytime and night-time conditions, respectively.

The adjective photopic refers to the state of accommodation of the eye for daytime conditions
of ambient luminance. More precisely, the photopic state is defined as the visual response of
an observer with normal sight to the stimulus of light incident on the retinal fovea (the most
sensitive central part of the retina). The fovea permits fine details and colours to be distinguished
under such conditions of adaptation.

In the case of photopic vision (vision by means of the fovea), the relative luminous efficiency of
the eye varies with the wavelength of the incident light. The luminous efficiency of the eye in
photopic vision is at a maximum for a wavelength of 555nm. The response curve for the relative
efficiency of the eye at the various wavelengths of the visible spectrum may be established by
taking the efficiency at a wavelength of 555nm as a reference value. The curve in Figure9.1,
adopted by the International Commission on Illumination for an average normal observer, is
therefore obtained.

Night-time vision is said to be scotopic (vision involving the rods of the retina instead of the
fovea). The rods, the peripheral part of the retina, have no sensitivity to colour or fine details, but
are particularly sensitive to low light intensities. In scotopic vision, maximum luminous efficiency
corresponds to a wavelength of 507nm.

Scotopic vision requires a long period of accommodation, up to 30min, whereas photopic vision
requires only 2min.

Basic equations

The basic equation for visibility measurements is the Bouguer-Lambert law:

F = F0 e x (9.1)

where F is the luminous flux received after a length of path x in the atmosphere and F0 is the flux
for x=0. Differentiating, we obtain:
dF 1
= (9.2)
F dx

Note that this law is valid only for monochromatic light, but may be applied to a spectral flux to a
good approximation. The transmission factor is:
T = F F0 (9.3)
Mathematical relationships between MOR and the different variables representing the optical
state of the atmosphere may be deduced from the Bouguer-Lambert law. The relationship
between the transmission factor and MOR is valid for fog droplets, but when visibility is reduced
by other hydrometeors (such as rain or snow) or lithometeors (such as blowing sand), MOR
values should be treated with more care.

From equations 9.1 and 9.3 we may write:

T = F / F0 = e x (9.4)

If this law is applied to the MOR definition T=0.05, then x=P and the following may be written:

T = 0.05 = e P (9.5)

Hence, the mathematical relation of MOR to the extinction coefficient is:

P = (1 ) ln (1 0.05) 3 (9.6)

where ln is the log to base e or the natural logarithm. When combining equation9.4, after being
deduced from the Bouguer-Lambert law, and equation9.6, the following equation is obtained:
P = x ln ( 0.05) ln (T ) (9.7)

This equation is used as a basis for measuring MOR with transmissometers where x is, in this case,
equal to the transmissometer baseline a in equation9.14.

Meteorological visibility in daylight

The contrast of luminance is:

Lb Lh
C= (9.8)
where Lh is the luminance of the horizon, and Lb is the luminance of the object.

The luminance of the horizon arises from the airlight scattered from the atmosphere along the
observers line of sight.

It should be noted that, if the object is darker than the horizon, C is negative, and that, if the
object is black (Lb=0), C=1.

In 1924, Koschmieder established a relationship, which later became known as Koschmieders

law, between the apparent contrast (Cx) of an object, seen against the horizon sky by a distant
observer, and its inherent contrast (C 0), namely, the contrast that the object would have against
the horizon when seen from very short range. Koschmieders relationship can be written as:

C x = C0 e x (9.9)

This relationship is valid provided that the scatter coefficient is independent of the azimuth angle
and that there is uniform illumination along the whole path between the observer, the object
and the horizon.

If a black object is viewed against the horizon (C 0=1) and the apparent contrast is 0.05,
equation9.9 reduces to:

0.05 = e x (9.10)

Comparing this result with equation9.5 shows that when the magnitude of the apparent
contrast of a black object, seen against the horizon, is 0.05, that object is at MOR (P).

Meteorological visibility at night

The distance at which a light (a night visibility marker) can be seen at night is not simply related
to MOR. It depends not only on MOR and the intensity of the light, but also on the illuminance at
the observers eye from all other light sources.

In 1876, Allard proposed the law of attenuation of light from a point source of known intensity
(I) as a function of distance (x) and extinction coefficient (). The illuminance (E) of a point light
source is given by:

E = I x 2 e x (9.11)

When the light is just visible, E=Et and the following may be written:

{ ( E x )} (9.12)
= (1 x ) ln I t

Noting that P=(1/)ln(1/0.05) in equation9.6, we may write:

( ( E x )) (9.13)
P = x ln (1 0.05) ln I t

The relationship between MOR and the distance at which lights can be seen is described
in section9.2.3, while the application of this equation to visual observations is described in


9.2.1 General

A meteorological observer can make a visual estimation of MOR using natural or man-made
objects (groups of trees, rocks, towers, steeples, churches, lights, and so forth).

Each station should prepare a plan of the objects used for observation, showing their distances
and bearings from the observer. The plan should include objects suitable for daytime
observations and objects suitable for night-time observations. The observer must also give
special attention to significant directional variations of MOR.

Observations should be made by observers who have normal vision and have received
suitable training. The observations should normally be made without any additional optical
devices (binoculars, telescope, theodolite, and the like) and, preferably, not through a window,
especially when objects or lights are observed at night. The eye of the observer should be at a
normal height above the ground (about 1.5m); observations should, thus, not be made from
the upper storeys of control towers or other high buildings. This is particularly important when
visibility is poor.

When visibility varies in different directions, the value recorded or reported may depend on the
use to be made of the report. In synoptic messages, the lower value should be reported, but in
reports for aviation the guidance in WMO (2014) should be followed.

9.2.2 Estimation of meteorological optical range by day

For daytime observations, the visual estimation of visibility gives a good approximation of the
true value of MOR.

Provided that they meet the following requirements, objects at as many different distances as
possible should be selected for observation during the day. Only black, or nearly black, objects
which stand out on the horizon against the sky should be chosen. Light-coloured objects or
objects located close to a terrestrial background should be avoided as far as possible. This is
particularly important when the sun is shining on the object. Provided that the albedo of the

object does not exceed about 25%, no error larger than 3% will be caused if the sky is overcast,
but it may be much larger if the sun is shining. Thus, a white house would be unsuitable, but
a group of dark trees would be satisfactory, except when brightly illuminated by sunlight. If
an object against a terrestrial background has to be used, it should stand well in front of the
background, namely, at a distance at least half that of the object from the point of observation. A
tree at the edge of a wood, for example, would not be suitable for visibility observations.

For observations to be representative, they should be made using objects subtending an angle
of no less than 0.5 at the observers eye. An object subtending an angle less than this becomes
invisible at a shorter distance than would large objects in the same circumstances. It may be
useful to note that a hole of 7.5mm in diameter, punched in a card and held at arms length,
subtends this angle approximately; a visibility object viewed through such an aperture should,
therefore, completely fill it. At the same time, however, such an object should not subtend an
angle of more than 5.

9.2.3 Estimation of meteorological optical range at night

Methods which may be used to estimate MOR at night from visual observations of the distance of
perception of light sources are described below.

Any source of light may be used as a visibility object, provided that the intensity in the direction
of observation is well defined and known. However, it is generally desirable to use lights which
can be regarded as point sources, and whose intensity is not greater in any one more favoured
direction than in another and not confined to a solid angle which is too small. Care must be taken
to ensure the mechanical and optical stability of the light source.

A distinction should be made between sources known as point sources, in the vicinity of which
there is no other source or area of light, and clusters of lights, even though separated from each
other. In the latter case, such an arrangement may affect the visibility of each source considered
separately. For measurements of visibility at night, only the use of suitably distributed point
sources is recommended.

It should be noted that observations at night, using illuminated objects, may be affected
appreciably by the illumination of the surroundings, by the physiological effects of dazzling,
and by other lights, even when these are outside the field of vision and, more especially, if the
observation is made through a window. Thus, an accurate and reliable observation can be made
only from a dark and suitably chosen location.

Furthermore, the importance of physiological factors cannot be overlooked, since these are an
important source of measurement dispersion. It is essential that only qualified observers with
normal vision take such measurements. In addition, it is necessary to allow a period of adaptation
(usually from 5 to 15min) during which the eyes become accustomed to the darkness.

For practical purposes, the relationship between the distance of perception of a light source at
night and the value of MOR can be expressed in two different ways, as follows:

(a) For each value of MOR, by giving the value of luminous intensity of the light, so that there
is a direct correspondence between the distance where it is barely visible and the value of

(b) For a light of a given luminous intensity, by giving the correspondence between the
distance of perception of the light and the value of MOR.

The second relationship is easier and also more practical to use since it would not be an easy
matter to install light sources of differing intensities at different distances. The method involves
using light sources which either exist or are installed around the station and replacing I, x and
Et in equation9.13 by the corresponding values of the available light sources. In this way, the
Meteorological Services can draw up tables giving values of MOR as a function of background

luminance and the light sources of known intensity. The values to be assigned to the illuminance
threshold Et vary considerably in accordance with the ambient luminance. The following values,
considered as average observer values, should be used:

(a) 10 6.0 lux at twilight and at dawn, or when there is appreciable light from artificial sources;

(b) 10 6.7 lux in moonlight, or when it is not yet quite dark;

(c) 10 7.5 lux in complete darkness, or with no light other than starlight.

Tables 9.1 and 9.2 give the relations between MOR and the distance of perception of light sources
for each of the above methods for different observation conditions. They have been compiled
to guide Meteorological Services in the selection or installation of lights for night visibility
observations and in the preparation of instructions for their observers for the computation of
MOR values.

Table 9.1. Relation between MOR and intensity of a just-visible point source for
three values of Et

Luminous intensity (candela) of lamps only

just visible at distances given in columnP
P Twilight Moonlight Complete darkness
(m) (Et = 10 6.0) (Et = 10 6.7) (Et = 10 7.5)
100 0.2 0.04 0.006

200 0.8 0.16 0.025

500 5 1 0.16

1 000 20 4 0.63

2 000 80 16 2.5

5 000 500 100 16

10 000 2 000 400 63

20 000 8 000 1 600 253

50 000 50 000 10 000 1 580

Table 9.2. Relation between MOR and the distance at which a 100cd point source is just
visible for three values of Et

Distance of perception (metres) of a lamp of 100cd as

a function of MOR value
P Twilight Moonlight Complete darkness
(m) (Et = 10 6.0) (Et = 10 6.7) (Et = 10 7.5)
100 250 290 345

200 420 500 605

500 830 1 030 1 270

1 000 1 340 1 720 2 170

2 000 2 090 2 780 3 650

5 000 3 500 5 000 6 970

10 000 4 850 7 400 10 900

20 000 6 260 10 300 16 400

50 000 7 900 14 500 25 900


An ordinary 100W incandescent bulb provides a light source of approximately 100cd.

In view of the substantial differences caused by relatively small variations in the values of the
visual illuminance threshold and by different conditions of general illumination, it is clear that
Table9.2 is not intended to provide an absolute criterion of visibility, but indicates the need for
calibrating the lights used for night-time estimation of MOR so as to ensure as far as possible that
night observations made in different locations and by different Services are comparable.

9.2.4 Estimation of meteorological optical range in the absence of


At certain locations (open plains, ships, and so forth), or when the horizon is restricted (valley or
cirque), or in the absence of suitable visibility objects, it is impossible to make direct estimations,
except for relatively low visibilities. In such cases, unless instrumental methods are available,
values of MOR higher than those for which visibility points are available have to be estimated
from the general transparency of the atmosphere. This can be done by noting the degree of
clarity with which the most distant visibility objects stand out. Distinct outlines and features,
with little or no fuzziness of colours, are an indication that MOR is greater than the distance
between the visibility object and the observer. On the other hand, indistinct visibility objects are
an indication of the presence of haze or of other phenomena reducing MOR.

9.2.5 Accuracy of visual observations


Observations of objects should be made by observers who have been suitably trained and have
what is usually referred to as normal vision. This human factor has considerable significance in
the estimation of visibility under given atmospheric conditions, since the perception and visual
interpretation capacity vary from one individual to another.

Accuracy of daytime visual estimates of meteorological optical range

Observations show that estimates of MOR based on instrumental measurements are in

reasonable agreement with daytime estimates of visibility. Visibility and MOR should be equal
if the observers contrast threshold is 0.05 (using the criterion of recognition) and the extinction
coefficient is the same in the vicinity of both the instrument and the observer.

Middleton (1952) found, from 1 000 measurements, that the mean contrast ratio threshold for
a group of 10young airmen trained as meteorological observers was 0.033 with a range, for
individual observations, from less than 0.01 to more than 0.2. Sheppard (1983) has pointed out
that when the Middleton data are plotted on a logarithmic scale they show good agreement
with a Gaussian distribution. If the Middleton data represent normal observing conditions,
we must expect daylight estimates of visibility to average about 14% higher than MOR with a
standard deviation of 20% of MOR. These calculations are in excellent agreement with the results
from the First WMO Intercomparison of Visibility Measurements (WMO, 1990), where it was
found that, during daylight, the observers estimates of visibility were about 15% higher than
instrumental measurements of MOR. The interquartile range of differences between the observer
and the instruments was about 30% of the measured MOR. This corresponds to a standard
deviation of about 22%, if the distribution is Gaussian.

Accuracy of night-time visual estimates of meteorological optical range

From Table 9.2 in section 9.2.3, it is easy to see how misleading the values of MOR can be if based
simply on the distance at which an ordinary light is visible, without making due allowance for
the intensity of the light and the viewing conditions. This emphasizes the importance of giving
precise, explicit instructions to observers and of providing training for visibility observations.

Note that, in practice, the use of the methods and tables described above for preparing plans
of luminous objects is not always easy. The light sources used as objects are not necessarily well
located or of stable, known intensity, and are not always point sources. With respect to this last
point, the lights may be wide- or narrow-beam, grouped, or even of different colours to which
the eye has different sensitivity. Great caution must be exercised in the use of such lights.

The estimation of the visual range of lights can produce reliable estimates of visibility at night
only when lights and their background are carefully chosen; when the viewing conditions of the
observer are carefully controlled; and when considerable time can be devoted to the observation
to ensure that the observers eyes are fully accommodated to the viewing conditions. Results
from the First WMO Intercomparison of Visibility Measurements (WMO, 1990) show that,
during the hours of darkness, the observers estimates of visibility were about 30% higher than
instrumental measurements of MOR. The interquartile range of differences between the observer
and the instruments was only slightly greater than that found during daylight (about 35% to 40%
of the measured MOR).



9.3.1 General

The adoption of certain assumptions allows the conversion of instrumental measurements into
MOR. It is not always advantageous to use an instrument for daytime measurements if a number
of suitable visibility objects can be used for direct observations. However, a visibility-measuring
instrument is often useful for night observations or when no visibility objects are available, or for
automatic observing systems. Instruments for the measurement of MOR may be classified into
one of the following two categories:

(a) Those measuring the extinction coefficient or transmission factor of a horizontal cylinder of
air: Attenuation of the light is due to both scattering and absorption by particles in the air
along the path of the light beam;

(b) Those measuring the scatter coefficient of light from a small volume of air: In natural fog,
absorption is often negligible and the scatter coefficient may be considered as being the
same as the extinction coefficient.

Both of the above categories include instruments used for visual measurements by an observer
and instruments using a light source and an electronic device comprising a photoelectric cell or a
photodiode to detect the emitted light beam. The main disadvantage of visual measurements is
that substantial errors may occur if observers do not allow sufficient time for their eyes to become
accustomed to the conditions (particularly at night).

The main characteristics of these two categories of MOR-measuring instruments are described

9.3.2 Instruments measuring the extinction coefficient

Telephotometric instruments

A number of telephotometers have been designed for daytime measurement of the extinction
coefficient by comparing the apparent luminance of a distant object with that of the sky
background (for example, the Lohle telephotometer), but they are not normally used for routine
measurements since, as stated above, it is preferable to use direct visual observations. These
instruments may, however, be useful for extrapolating MOR beyond the most distant object.

Visual extinction meters

A very simple instrument for use with a distant light at night takes the form of a graduated
neutral filter, which reduces the light in a known proportion and can be adjusted until the light
is only just visible. The meter reading gives a measure of the transparency of the air between the
light and the observer, and, from this, the extinction coefficient can be calculated. The overall
accuracy depends mainly on variations in the sensitivity of the eye and on fluctuations in the
radiant intensity of the light source. The error increases in proportion to MOR.

The advantage of this instrument is that it enables MOR values over a range from 100m to 5km
to be measured with reasonable accuracy, using only three well-spaced lights, whereas without
it a more elaborate series of lights would be essential if the same degree of accuracy were to
be achieved. However, the method of using such an instrument (determining the point at
which a light appears or disappears) considerably affects the accuracy and homogeneity of the


The use of a transmissometer is the method most commonly used for measuring the mean
extinction coefficient in a horizontal cylinder of air between a transmitter, which provides
a modulated flux light source of constant mean power, and a receiver incorporating a
photodetector (generally a photodiode at the focal point of a parabolic mirror or a lens). The
most frequently used light source is a halogen lamp or xenon pulse discharge tube. Modulation
of the light source prevents disturbance from sunlight. The transmission factor is determined
from the photodetector output and this allows the extinction coefficient and the MOR to be

Since transmissometer estimates of MOR are based on the loss of light from a collimated beam,
which depends on scatter and absorption, they are closely related to the definition of MOR. A
good, well-maintained transmissometer working within its range of highest accuracy provides a
very good approximation to the true MOR.

There are two types of transmissometer:

(a) Those with a transmitter and a receiver in different units and at a known distance from each
other, as illustrated in Figure9.2;

(b) Those with a transmitter and a receiver in the same unit, with the emitted light being
reflected by a remote mirror or retroreflector (the light beam travelling to the reflector and
back), as illustrated in Figure9.3.
source Baseline Photodetector

Transmitter unit Receiver unit

Figure 9.2. Double-ended transmissometer

source Folded baseline Retroreflector

Transmitter-receiver unit

Figure 9.3. Single-ended transmissometer


The distance covered by the light beam between the transmitter and the receiver is commonly
referred to as the baseline and may range from a few metres to 150m (or even 300m) depending
on the range of MOR values to be measured and the applications for which these measurements
are to be used.

As seen in the expression for MOR in equation 9.7, the relation:

P = a ln ( 0.05) ln (T ) (9.14)

where a is the transmissometer baseline, is the basic formula for transmissometer measurements.
Its validity depends on the assumptions that the application of the Koschmieder and Bouguer-
Lambert laws is acceptable and that the extinction coefficient along the transmissometer baseline
is the same as that in the path between an observer and an object at MOR.

If the measurements are to remain acceptable over a long period, the luminous flux must remain
constant during this same period. When halogen light is used, the problem of lamp filament
ageing is less critical and the flux remains more constant. However, some transmissometers use
feedback systems (by sensing and measuring a small portion of the emitted flux) giving greater
homogeneity of the luminous flux with time or compensation for any change.

As will be seen in the section dealing with the accuracy of MOR measurements, the value
adopted for the transmissometer baseline determines the MOR measurement range. It is
generally accepted that this range is between about 1 and 25times the baseline length. Modern
opto-electronics, however, may provide more accurate results with an extended range (see
section9.3.6 and WMO, 1992b).

A further refinement of the transmissometer measurement principle is to use two receivers or

retroreflectors at different distances to extend both the lower limit (short baseline) and the
upper limit (long baseline) of the MOR measurement range. These instruments are referred to as
double baseline instruments.

Many state-of-the-art transmissometers use LEDs as light sources. It is generally recommended

that polychromatic light in the visible spectrum be used to obtain a representative extinction

Visibility lidars

The lidar (light detection and ranging) technique as described for the laser ceilometer in PartI,
Chapter15, may be used to measure visibility when the beam is directed horizontally. The range-
resolved profile of the backscattered signal S depends on the output signal S 0, the distance x, the
backscatter coefficient , and transmission factor T, such that:

S ( x ) S0 1 x 2 ( x ) T 2 where T = ( x ) dx (9.15)

Under the condition of horizontal homogeneity of the atmosphere, and are constant and the
extinction coefficient is determined from only two points of the profile:

( )
ln S ( x ) x 2 S0 ln 2 x (9.16)

In an inhomogeneous atmosphere the range-dependent quantities of (x) and (x) may be

separated with the Klett Algorithm (Klett, 1985).

As MOR approaches 2 000 m, the accuracy of the lidar method becomes poor.

More information on the requirements for performing visual-range lidar measurements

to determine the direction-dependent meteorological optical range can be found in the
International Organization for Standardization standard, ISO28902-1:2012 (ISO, 2012).


Sampling volume


Figure 9.4. Visibility meter measuring backscatter

9.3.3 Instruments measuring the scatter coefficient

The attenuation of light in the atmosphere is due to both scattering and absorption. The
presence of pollutants in the vicinity of industrial zones, ice crystals (freezing fog) or dust may
make the absorption term significant. However, in general, the absorption factor is negligible
and the scatter phenomena due to reflection, refraction, or diffraction on water droplets
constitute the main factor reducing visibility. The extinction coefficient may then be considered
as equal to the scatter coefficient, and an instrument for measuring the latter can, therefore, be
used to estimate MOR.

Measurements are most conveniently taken by concentrating a beam of light on a small volume
of air and by determining, through photometric means, the proportion of light scattered in a
sufficiently large solid angle and in directions which are not critical. Provided that it is completely
screened from interference from other sources of light, or that the light source is modulated, an
instrument of this type can be used during both the day and night. The scatter coefficient b is a
function that may be written in the following form:

b= I ( ) sin ( ) d (9.17)
where v is the flux entering the volume of air V and I() is the intensity of the light scattered in
direction with respect to the incident beam.

Note that the accurate determination of b requires the measurement and integration of light
scattered out of the beam over all angles. Practical instruments measure the scattered light over a
limited angle and rely on a high correlation between the limited integral and the full integral.

Three measurement methods are used in these instruments: backscatter, forward scatter, and
scatter integrated over a wide angle.

(a) Backscatter: In these instruments (Figure 9.4), a light beam is concentrated on a small
volume of air in front of the transmitter, the receiver being located in the same housing
and below the light source where it receives the light backscattered by the volume of air
sampled. Several researchers have tried to find a relationship between visibility and the
coefficient of backscatter, but it is generally accepted that that correlation is not satisfactory.

(b) Forward scatter: The profile of light scattered by small particles (aerosols, small droplets)
is angular dependent. Moreover, the angular dependency (i.e. the scattered light profile)
depends on the chemical composition (e.g. salt concentration), type of nucleus (sand, dust)
and size of the particles. As a consequence, a scattering angle should be chosen so that the
angular dependency is minimal. Several authors have shown that the best angle is between
20 and 50 (Kneizys et al., 1983; Jia and L, 2014; Barteneva, 1960; Van de Hulst, 1957).
The instruments, therefore, comprise a transmitter and a receiver, the angle between the
beams being 20 to 50. Another arrangement involves placing either a single diaphragm

Transmitter Sampling volume

Sampling volume

Transmitter Receiver

Figure 9.5. Two configurations of visibility meters measuring forward scatter

half-way between a transmitter and a receiver or two diaphragms each a short distance
from either a transmitter or a receiver. Figure9.5 illustrates the two configurations that have
been used.

(c) Scatter over a wide angle: Such an instrument, illustrated in Figure9.6, which is usually
known as an integrating nephelometer, is based on the principle of measuring scatter
over as wide an angle as possible, ideally 0 to 180, but in practice about 0 to 120. The
receiver is positioned perpendicularly to the axis of the light source which provides light
over a wide angle. Although, in theory, such an instrument should give a better estimate of
the scatter coefficient than an instrument measuring over a small range of scattering angles,
in practice it is more difficult to prevent the presence of the instrument from modifying the
extinction coefficient in the air sampled. Integrating nephelometers are not widely used for
measuring MOR, but this type of instrument is often used for measuring pollutants.

In all the above instruments, as for most transmissometers, the receivers comprise photodetector
cells or photodiodes. The light used is pulsed (for example, high-intensity discharge into xenon).

These types of instruments require only limited space (1 to 2m in general). They are, therefore,
useful when no visibility objects or light sources are available (on board ships, by roadsides, and
so forth). Since the measurement relates only to a very small volume of air, the representativeness
of measurements for the general state of the atmosphere at the site may be open to question.
However, this representativeness can be improved by averaging a number of samples or
measurements. In addition, smoothing of the results is sometimes achieved by eliminating
extreme values.

The use of these types of instruments has often been limited to specific applications (for example,
highway visibility measurements, or to determine whether fog is present) or when less precise
MOR measurements are adequate. These instruments are now being used in increasing numbers
in automatic meteorological observation systems because of their ability to measure MOR over a
wide range and their relatively low susceptibility to pollution compared with transmissometers.
Light source

Receiver Black hole

Figure 9.6. Visibility meter measuring scattered light over a wide angle

9.3.4 Instrument exposure and siting

Measuring instruments should be located in positions which ensure that the measurements are
representative for the intended purpose. Thus, for general synoptic purposes, the instruments
should be installed at locations free from local atmospheric pollution, for example, smoke,
industrial pollution, dusty roads.

The volume of air in which the extinction coefficient or scatter coefficient is measured should
normally be at the eye level of an observer, about 1.5m above the ground.

It should be borne in mind that transmissometers and instruments measuring the scatter
coefficient should be installed in such a way that the sun is not in the optical field at any time of
the day, either by mounting with a north-south optical axis (to 45) horizontally, for latitudes up
to 50, or by using a system of screens or baffles.

For aeronautical purposes, measurements are to be representative of conditions at the

aerodrome. These conditions, which relate more specifically to aerodrome operations, are
described in PartII, Chapter2.

The instruments should be installed in accordance with the directions given by the
manufacturers. Particular attention should be paid to the correct alignment of transmissometer
transmitters and receivers and to the correct adjustment of the light beam. The poles on which
the transmitter/receivers are mounted should be mechanically firm (while remaining frangible
when installed at aerodromes) to avoid any misalignment due to ground movement during
freezing and, particularly, during thawing. In addition, the mountings must not distort under the
thermal stresses to which they are exposed.

9.3.5 Calibration and maintenance

In order to obtain satisfactory and reliable observations, instruments for the measurement of
MOR should be operated and maintained under the conditions prescribed by the manufacturers,
and should be kept continuously in good working order. Regular checks and calibration in
accordance with the manufacturers recommendations should ensure optimum performance.

Calibration in very good visibility (over 10 to 15km) should be carried out regularly. Atmospheric
conditions resulting in erroneous calibration must be avoided. When, for example, there are
strong updraughts, or after heavy rain, considerable variations in the extinction coefficient are
encountered in the layer of air close to the ground; if several transmissometers are in use on the
site (in the case of aerodromes), dispersion is observed in their measurements. Calibration should
not be attempted under such conditions.

Note that in the case of most transmissometers, the optical surfaces must be cleaned regularly,
and daily servicing must be planned for certain instruments, particularly at aerodromes. The
instruments should be cleaned during and/or after major atmospheric disturbances, since rain
or violent showers together with strong wind may cover the optical systems with a large number
of water droplets and solid particles resulting in major MOR measurement errors. The same is
true for snowfall, which could block the optical systems. Heating systems are often placed at
the front of the optical systems to improve instrument performance under such conditions. Air-
blowing systems are sometimes used to reduce the above problems and the need for frequent
cleaning. However, it must be pointed out that these blowing and heating systems may generate
air currents warmer than the surrounding air and may adversely affect the measurement of the
extinction coefficient of the air mass. In arid zones, sandstorms or blowing sand may block the
optical system and even damage it.

9.3.6 Sources of error in the measurement of meteorological optical range and

estimates of accuracy


All practical operational instruments for the measurement of MOR sample a relatively small
region of the atmosphere compared with that scanned by a human observer. Instruments can
provide an accurate measurement of MOR only when the volume of air that they sample is
representative of the atmosphere around the point of observation out to a radius equal to MOR.
It is easy to imagine a situation, with patchy fog or a local rain or snow storm, in which the
instrument reading is misleading. However, experience has shown that such situations are not
frequent and that the continuous monitoring of MOR using an instrument will often lead to the
detection of changes in MOR before they are recognized by an unaided observer. Nevertheless,
instrumental measurements of MOR must be interpreted with caution.

Another factor that must be taken into account when discussing representativeness of
measurements is the homogeneity of the atmosphere itself. At all MOR values, the extinction
coefficient of a small volume of the atmosphere normally fluctuates rapidly and irregularly, and
individual measurements of MOR from scatter meters and short baseline transmissometers,
which have no in-built smoothing or averaging system, show considerable dispersion. It
is, therefore, necessary to take many samples and to smooth or average them to obtain a
representative value of MOR. The analysis of the results from the First WMO Intercomparison of
Visibility Measurements (WMO, 1990) indicates that, for most instruments, no benefit is gained
by averaging over more than 1min, but for the noisiest instruments an averaging time of 2min
is preferable.

Accuracy of telephotometers and visual extinction meters

Visual measurements based on the extinction coefficient are difficult to take. The main source of
error is the variability and uncertainty of the performance of the human eye. These errors have
been described in the sections dealing with the methods of visual estimation of MOR.

Accuracy of transmissometers

The sources of error in transmissometer measurements may be summarized as follows:

(a) Incorrect alignment of transmitters and receivers;

(b) Insufficient rigidity and stability of transmitter/receiver mountings (freezing and thawing of
the ground, thermal stress);

(c) Ageing and incorrect centring of lamps;

(d) Calibrating error (visibility too low or calibration carried out in unstable conditions affecting
the extinction coefficient);

(e) Instability of system electronics;

(f) Remote transmission of the extinction coefficient as a low-current signal subject to

interference from electromagnetic fields (particularly at aerodromes). It is preferable to
digitize the signals;

(g) Disturbance due to rising or setting of the sun, and poor initial orientation of the

(h) Atmospheric pollution dirtying the optical systems;



Relative error in MOR for 1% error in transmittance

Transmissometer baseline 75 m




20% MOR 55 m to 4 000 m

10% MOR 65 m to 2 000 m

MOR 95 m to 800 m

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%

Figure 9.7. Error in measurements of meteorological optical range as a function of

a 1% error in transmittance

(i) Local atmospheric conditions (for example, rain showers and strong winds, snow) giving
unrepresentative extinction coefficient readings or diverging from the Koschmieder law
(snow, ice crystals, rain, and so forth). Extra absorption by sand and dust affects visibility
and its measurement. This is taken into account by the transmissometer measurement
principle. (Scatterometer measurements cannot take into account the effect of extra
absorption due to the nature of the measurement principle.) Large-particle scattering
and reflection creates a small amount of unwanted forward scatter in transmissometer
measurements. This may affect the measurement uncertainty of transmissometer
measurements, depending on the transmitter divergence and the receivers field of view.

The use of a transmissometer that has been properly calibrated and well maintained should give
good representative MOR measurements if the extinction coefficient in the optical path of the
instrument is representative of the extinction coefficient everywhere within the MOR. However,
a transmissometer has only a limited range over which it can provide accurate measurements of
MOR. A relative error curve for MOR may be plotted by differentiating the basic transmissometer
formula (see equation9.7). Figure9.7 shows how the relative error varies with transmission,
assuming that the measurement accuracy of the transmission factor T is 1%.

This 1% value of transmission error, which may be considered as correct for many older
instruments, does not include instrument drift, dirt on optical components, or the scatter of
measurements due to the phenomenon itself. If the accuracy drops to around 2% to 3% (taking
the other factors into account), the relative error values given on the vertical axis of the graph
must be multiplied by the same factor of 2 or 3. Note also that the relative MOR measurement
error increases exponentially at each end of the curve, thereby setting both upper and lower
limits to the MOR measurement range. The example shown by the curve indicates the limit of the
measuring range if an error of 5%, 10% or 20% is accepted at each end of the range measured,
with a baseline of 75m. It may also be deduced that, for MOR measurements between the
limits of 1.25 and 10.7times the baseline length, the relative MOR error should be low and of
the order of 5%, assuming that the error of T is 1%. The relative error of MOR exceeds 10% when
MOR is less than 0.87times the baseline length or more than 27times this length. When the
measurement range is extended further, the error increases rapidly and becomes unacceptable.
However, since contemporary transmissometers produce transmission errors that are clearly
lower than the exemplary 1%, the usable measurement range may be extended accordingly.

Already results from the First WMO Intercomparison of Visibility Measurements (WMO, 1990)
show that the best transmissometers, when properly calibrated and maintained, can provide
measurements of MOR with a standard error of about 10% when MOR is up to 60times their

Accuracy of scatter meters

The principal sources of error in measurements of MOR taken with scatter meters are as follows:

(a) Calibration error (visibility too low or calibration carried out in unstable conditions affecting
the extinction coefficient);

(b) Lack of repeatability in terms of procedure or materials when using opaque scatterers for

(c) Instability of system electronics;

(d) Remote transmission of the scatter coefficient as a low-current or voltage signal subject to
interference from electromagnetic fields (particularly at aerodromes). It is preferable to
digitize the signals;

(e) Disturbance due to rising or setting of the sun, and poor initial orientation of the

(f) Atmospheric pollution dirtying the optical systems (these instruments are much less
sensitive to dirt on their optics than transmissometers, but heavy soiling does have an

(g) Atmospheric conditions (for example, rain, snow, ice crystals, sand, local pollution) giving a
scatter coefficient that differs from the extinction coefficient.

Results from the First WMO Intercomparison of Visibility Measurements (WMO, 1990) show that
scatter meters are generally less accurate than transmissometers at low values of MOR and show
greater variability in their readings. There was also evidence that scatter meters, as a class, were
more affected by precipitation than transmissometers. However, the best scatter meters showed
little or no susceptibility to precipitation and provided estimates of MOR with standard deviation
of about 10% over a range of MOR from about 100m to 50km. Almost all the scatter meters in
the intercomparison exhibited significant systematic error over part of their measurement range.
Scatter meters showed very low susceptibility to contamination of their optical systems.

An overview of the differences between scatter meters and transmissometers is given by WMO

Barteneva, O.D., 1960: Scattering functions of light in the atmospheric boundary layer. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSR,
Ser. Geofiz. [Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Geophysics Series], 12:12371244.
International Civil Aviation Organization, 2013: Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation, Annex3
to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. Eighteenth edition. Montreal.
International Electrotechnical Commission, 1987: International Electrotechnical Vocabulary, Chapter845:
Lighting, IEC60050-845. Geneva.
International Organization for Standardization, 2012: Air Quality Environmental Meteorology Part1:
Ground-based Remote Sensing of Visual Range by Lidar, ISO28902-1:2012. Geneva.
Jia S-J. and D-R. L, 2014: Optimal forward-scattering angles of atmospheric aerosols in North China.
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 7(3):236242.
Klett, J.D., 1985: Lidar inversion with variable backscatter/extinction ratios. Applied Optics,
Kneizys, F.X., E.P. Shettle, W.O. Gallery, J.H. Chetwynd, L.W. Abreu, J.E.A. Selby, S.A. Clough and
R.W.Fenn, 1983: Atmospheric Transmittance/Radiance: Computer Code LOWTRAN 6, Appendix D.
AFGL-TR-83-0187, Environmental Research Papers No.846. Air Force Geophysics Laboratory,
Middleton, W.E.K., 1952: Vision Through the Atmosphere. University of Toronto Press, Toronto.
Sheppard, B.E., 1983: Adaptation to MOR. Preprints of the Fifth Symposium on Meteorological Observations and
Instrumentation (Toronto, 1115April 1983), pp.226269.
Van de Hulst, H.C., 1957: Light Scattering by Small Particles. Wiley & Sons, New York (repr. Dover Books on
Physics, 1981).
World Meteorological Organization, 1990: The First WMO Intercomparison of Visibility Measurements: Final
Report (D.J. Griggs, D.W. Jones, M. Ouldridge and W.R. Sparks). Instruments and Observing
Methods Report No.41 (WMO/TD-No.401). Geneva.
, 1992a: International Meteorological Vocabulary (WMO-No.182). Geneva.
, 1992b: Visibility measuring instruments: Differences between scatterometers and transmissometers
(J.P. van der Meulen). Papers Presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and
Methods of Observation (TECO-92) (Vienna, Austria, 1115May1992), Instruments and
Observing Methods Report No.49 (WMO/TD-No.462). Geneva.
, 2010a: Manual on the Global Observing System (WMO-No.544), VolumeI. Geneva.
, 2010b: Guide to the Global Observing System (WMO-No.488). Geneva.
, 2014: Guide to Meteorological Observing and Information Distribution Systems for Aviation Weather Services
(WMO-No.731). Geneva.

CHAPTER 10. MEASUREMENT OF EVAPORATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  311

10.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  311
10.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  311
10.1.2 Units and scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  311
10.1.3 Meteorological requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  311
10.1.4 Measurement methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  312
10.2 Atmometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  313
10.2.1 Instrument types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  313
10.2.2 Measurement taken by atmometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  313
10.2.3 Sources of error in atmometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  313
10.3 Evaporation pans and tanks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  313
10.3.1 United States Class A pan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  314
10.3.2 Russian GGI-3000 pan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  314
10.3.3 Russian 20 m2 tank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  314
10.3.4 Measurements taken by evaporation pans and tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  314
10.3.5 Exposure of evaporation pans and tanks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  315
10.3.6 Sources of error in evaporation pans and tanks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  315
10.3.7 Maintenance of evaporation pans and tanks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  316
10.4 Evapotranspirometers (lysimeters). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  317
10.4.1 Measurements taken by lysimeters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  317
10.4.2 Exposure of evapotranspirometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  318
10.4.3 Sources of error in lysimeter measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  318
10.4.4 Lysimeters maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  319
10.5 Estimation of evaporation from natural surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  319

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  322



10.1.1 Definitions

The International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO/UNESCO, 2012) and the International Meteorological
Vocabulary (WMO, 1992) present the following definitions (but note some differences):

(Actual) evaporation: Quantity of water evaporated from an open water surface or from the

Transpiration: Process by which water from vegetation is transferred into the atmosphere in the
form of vapour.

(Actual) evapotranspiration (or effective evapotranspiration): Quantity of water vapour evaporated

from the soil and plants when the ground is at its natural moisture content.

Potential evaporation (or evaporativity): Quantity of water vapour which could be emitted by a
surface of pure water, per unit surface area and unit time, under existing atmospheric conditions.

Potential evapotranspiration: Maximum quantity of water capable of being evaporated in a given

climate from a continuous expanse of vegetation covering the whole ground and well supplied
with water. It includes evaporation from the soil and transpiration from the vegetation from a
specific region in a specific time interval, expressed as depth of water.

If the term potential evapotranspiration is used, the types of evaporation and transpiration
occurring must be clearly indicated. For more details on these terms refer to WMO (2008),

10.1.2 Units and scales

The rate of evaporation is defined as the amount of water evaporated from a unit surface area
per unit of time. It can be expressed as the mass or volume of liquid water evaporated per area
in unit of time, usually as the equivalent depth of liquid water evaporated per unit of time from
the whole area. The unit of time is normally a day. The amount of evaporation should be read in
millimetres (WMO, 2010). Depending on the type of instrument, the usual measuring accuracy is
0.1 to 0.01mm.

10.1.3 Meteorological requirements

Estimates both of evaporation from free water surfaces and from the ground and of
evapotranspiration from vegetation-covered surfaces are of great importance to hydrological
modelling and in hydrometeorological and agricultural studies, for example, for the design and
operation of reservoirs and irrigation and drainage systems.

Performance requirements are given in PartI, Chapter1. For daily totals, an extreme outer range
is 0 to 100mm, with a resolution of 0.1mm. The uncertainty, at the 95% confidence level, should
be 0.1mm for amounts of less than 5mm, and 2% for larger amounts. A figure of 1mm has
been proposed as an achievable accuracy. In principle, the usual instruments could meet these
accuracy requirements, but difficulties with exposure and practical operation cause much larger
errors (WMO, 1976).

Factors affecting the rate of evaporation from any body or surface can be broadly divided into
two groups, meteorological factors and surface factors, either of which may be rate-limiting.

The meteorological factors may, in turn, be subdivided into energy and aerodynamic variables.
Energy is needed to change water from the liquid to the vapour phase; in nature, this is largely
supplied by solar and terrestrial radiation. Aerodynamic variables, such as wind speed at the
surface and vapour pressure difference between the surface and the lower atmosphere, control
the rate of transfer of the evaporated water vapour.

It is useful to distinguish between situations where free water is present on the surface and those
where it is not. Factors of importance include the amount and state of the water and also those
surface characteristics which affect the transfer process to the air or through the body surface.
Resistance to moisture transfer to the atmosphere depends, for example, on surface roughness;
in arid and semi-arid areas, the size and shape of the evaporating surface is also extremely
important. Transpiration from vegetation, in addition to the meteorological and surface factors
already noted, is largely determined by plant characteristics and responses. These include,
for example, the number and size of stomata (openings in the leaves), and whether these are
open or closed. Stomatal resistance to moisture transfer shows a diurnal response but is also
considerably dependent upon the availability of soil moisture to the rooting system.

The availability of soil moisture for the roots and for the evaporation from bare soil depends on
the capillary supply, namely, on the texture and composition of the soil. Evaporation from lakes
and reservoirs is influenced by the heat storage of the water body.

Methods for estimating evaporation and evapotranspiration are generally indirect; either
by point measurements by an instrument or gauge, or by calculation using other measured
meteorological variables (WMO, 1997).

10.1.4 Measurement methods

Direct measurements of evaporation or evapotranspiration from extended natural water or land

surfaces are not practicable at present. However, several indirect methods derived from point
measurements or other calculations have been developed which provide reasonable results.

The water loss from a standard saturated surface is measured with evaporimeters, which may
be classified as atmometers and pan or tank evaporimeters. These instruments do not directly
measure either evaporation from natural water surfaces, actual evapotranspiration or potential
evapotranspiration. The values obtained cannot, therefore, be used without adjustment to
arrive at reliable estimates of lake evaporation or of actual and potential evapotranspiration from
natural surfaces.

An evapotranspirometer (lysimeter) is a vessel or container placed below the ground surface

and filled with soil, on which vegetation can be cultivated. It is a multi-purpose instrument
for the study of several phases of the hydrological cycle under natural conditions. Estimates
of evapotranspiration (or evaporation in the case of bare soil) can be made by measuring and
balancing all the other water budget components of the container, namely, precipitation,
underground water drainage, and change in water storage of the block of soil. Usually, surface
runoff is eliminated. Evapotranspirometers can also be used for the estimation of the potential
evaporation of the soil or of the potential evapotranspiration of plant-covered soil, if the soil
moisture is kept at field capacity.

For reservoirs or lakes, and for plots or small catchments, estimates may be made by water
budget, energy budget, aerodynamic and complementarity approaches. The latter techniques
are discussed in section10.5.

It should also be emphasized that different evaporimeters or lysimeters represent physically

different measurements. The adjustment factors required for them to represent lake or actual or
potential evaporation and evapotranspiration are necessarily different. Such instruments and
their exposure should, therefore, always be described very carefully and precisely, in order to
understand the measuring conditions as fully as possible.

More details on all methods are found in WMO (2008), VolumesI and II.


10.2.1 Instrument types

An atmometer is an instrument that measures the loss of water from a wetted, porous surface.
The wetted surfaces are either porous ceramic spheres, cylinders, plates, or exposed filter-paper
discs saturated with water. The evaporating element of the livingstone atmometer is a ceramic
sphere of about 5cm in diameter, connected to a water reservoir bottle by a glass or metal tube.
The atmospheric pressure on the surface of the water in the reservoir keeps the sphere saturated
with water. The Bellani atmometer consists of a ceramic disc fixed in the top of a glazed ceramic
funnel, into which water is conducted from a burette that acts as a reservoir and measuring
device. The evaporating element of the Piche evaporimeter is a disc of filter paper attached to the
underside of an inverted graduated cylindrical tube, closed at one end, which supplies water to
the disc. Successive measurements of the volume of water remaining in the graduated tube will
give the amount lost by evaporation in any given time.

10.2.2 Measurement taken by atmometers

Although atmometers are frequently considered to give a relative measure of evaporation from
plant surfaces, their measurements do not, in fact, bear any simple relation to evaporation from
natural surfaces.

Readings from Piche evaporimeters with carefully standardized shaded exposures have been
used with some success to derive the aerodynamic term, a multiplication of a wind function
and the saturation vapour pressure deficit, required for evaporation estimation by, for example,
Penmans combination method after local correlations between them were obtained.

While it may be possible to relate the loss from atmometers to that from a natural surface
empirically, a different relation may be expected for each type of surface and for differing
climates. Atmometers are likely to remain useful in small-scale surveys. Their great advantages
are their small size, low cost and small water requirements. Dense networks of atmometers can
be installed over a small area for micrometeorological studies. The use of atmometers is not
recommended for water resource surveys if other data are available.

10.2.3 Sources of error in atmometers

One of the major problems in the operation of atmometers is keeping the evaporating surfaces
clean. Dirty surfaces will affect significantly the rate of evaporation, in a way comparable to the
wet bulb in psychrometry.

Furthermore, the effect of differences in their exposure on evaporation measurements is often

remarkable. This applies particularly to the exposure to air movement around the evaporating
surface when the instrument is shaded.


Evaporation pans or tanks have been made in a variety of shapes and sizes and there are different
modes of exposing them. Among the various types of pans in use, the United States Class
A pan, the Russian GGI-3000 pan and the Russian 20m2 tank are described in the following
subsections. These instruments are now widely used as standard network evaporimeters and
their performance has been studied under different climatic conditions over fairly wide ranges of
latitude and elevation. The pan data from these instruments possess stable, albeit complicated
and climate-zone-dependent, relationships with the meteorological elements determining
evaporation, when standard construction and exposure instructions have been carefully

The adoption of the Russian 20 m2 tank as the international reference evaporimeter has been

10.3.1 United States Class A pan

The United States Class A pan is of cylindrical design, 25.4cm deep and 120.7cm in diameter.
The bottom of the pan is supported 3 to 5cm above the ground level on an open-frame wooden
platform, which enables air to circulate under the pan, keeps the bottom of the pan above
the level of water on the ground during rainy weather, and enables the base of the pan to be
inspected without difficulty. The pan itself is constructed of 0.8mm thick galvanized iron, copper
or monel metal, and is normally left unpainted. The pan is filled to 5cm below the rim (which is
known as the reference level).

The water level is measured by means of either a hookgauge or a fixed-point gauge. The
hookgauge consists of a movable scale and vernier fitted with a hook, the point of which touches
the water surface when the gauge is correctly set. A stilling well, about 10cm across and about
30cm deep, with a small hole at the bottom, breaks any ripples that may be present in the tank,
and serves as a support for the hookgauge during an observation. The pan is refilled whenever
the water level, as indicated by the gauge, drops by more than 2.5cm from the reference level.

10.3.2 Russian GGI-3000 pan

The Russian GGI-3000 pan is of cylindrical design, with a surface area of 3000cm2 and a depth of
60cm. The bottom of the pan is cone-shaped. The pan is set in the soil with its rim 7.5cm above
the ground. In the centre of the tank is a metal index tube upon which a volumetric burette is
set when evaporation observations are made. The burette has a valve, which is opened to allow
its water level to equalize that in the pan. The valve is then closed and the volume of water in
the burette is accurately measured. The height of the water level above the metal index tube is
determined from the volume of water in, and the dimensions of, the burette. A needle attached
to the metal index tube indicates the height to which the water level in the pan should be
adjusted. The water level should be maintained so that it does not fall more than 5mm or rise
more than 10mm above the needle point. A GGI-3000 raingauge with a collector that has an
area of 3000cm2 is usually installed next to the GGI-3000 pan.

10.3.3 Russian 20 m2 tank

This tank has a surface of 20 m2 and a diameter of about 5m; it is cylindrical with a flat bottom
and is 2m deep. It is made of 4 to 5mm thick welded iron sheets and is installed in the soil with
its rim 7.5cm above the ground. The inner and exposed outer surfaces of the tank are painted
white. The tank is provided with a replenishing vessel and a stilling well with an index pipe
upon which the volumetric burette is set when the water level in the tank is measured. Inside
the stilling well, near the index pipe, a small rod terminating in a needle point indicates the
height to which the water level is to be adjusted. The water level should always be maintained
so that it does not fall more than 5mm below or rise more than 10mm above the needle point.
A graduated glass tube attached laterally to the replenishing tank indicates the amount of water
added to the tank and provides a rough check of the burette measurement.

10.3.4 Measurements taken by evaporation pans and tanks

The rate of evaporation from a pan or tank evaporimeter is measured by the change in level of
its free water surface. This may be done by such devices as described above for ClassA pans and
GGI-3000 pans.

Several types of automatic evaporation pans are in use. The water level in such a pan is kept
constant by releasing water into the pan from a storage tank or by removing water from the pan

when precipitation occurs. The amount of water added to, or removed from, the pan is recorded.
In some tanks or pans, the level of the water is also recorded continuously by means of a float in
the stilling well. The float operates a recorder.

Measurements of pan evaporation are the basis of several techniques for estimating evaporation
and evapotranspiration from natural surfaces whose water loss is of interest. Measurements
taken by evaporation pans are advantageous because they are, in any case, the result of the
impact of the total meteorological variables, and because pan data are available immediately
and for any period required. Pans are, therefore, frequently used to obtain information about
evaporation on a routine basis within a network.

10.3.5 Exposure of evaporation pans and tanks

Three types of exposures are mainly used for pans and tanks as follows:

(a) Sunken, where the main body of the tank is below ground level, the evaporating surface
being at or near the level of the surrounding surface;

(b) Above ground, where the whole of the pan and the evaporation surface are at some small
height above the ground;

(c) Mounted on moored floating platforms on lakes or other water bodies.

Evaporation stations should be located at sites that are fairly level and free from obstructions
such as trees, buildings, shrubs or instrument shelters. Such single obstructions, when small,
should not be closer than 5times their height above the pan; for clustered obstructions, this
becomes 10times. Plots should be sufficiently large to ensure that readings are not influenced
by spray drift or by upwind edge effects from a cropped or otherwise different area. Such effects
may extend to more than 100m. The plot should be fenced off to protect the instruments and to
prevent animals from interfering with the water level; however, the fence should be constructed
in such a way that it does not affect the wind structure over the pan.

The ground cover at the evaporation station should be maintained as similar as possible to the
natural cover common to the area. Grass, weeds, and the like should be cut frequently to keep
them below the level of the pan rim with regard to sunken pans (7.5cm). Preferably this same
grass height of below 7.5cm applies also to ClassA pans. Under no circumstance should the
instrument be placed on a concrete slab or asphalt, or on a layer of crushed rock. This type of
evaporimeter should not be shaded from the sun.

10.3.6 Sources of error in evaporation pans and tanks

The mode of pan exposure leads both to various advantages and to sources of measurement

Pans installed above the ground are inexpensive and easy to install and maintain. They stay
cleaner than sunken tanks as dirt does not, to any large extent, splash or blow into the water
from the surroundings. Any leakage that develops after installation is relatively easy to detect and
rectify. However, the amount of water evaporated is greater than that from sunken pans, mainly
because of the additional radiant energy intercepted by the sides. Adverse side-wall effects can
be largely eliminated by using an insulated pan, but this adds to the cost, would violate standard
construction instructions and would change the stable relations mentioned in section10.3.

Sinking the pan into the ground tends to reduce objectionable boundary effects, such as
radiation on the side walls and heat exchange between the atmosphere and the pan itself. But
the disadvantages are as follows:

(a) More unwanted material collects in the pan, with the result that it is difficult to clean;

(b) Leaks cannot easily be detected and rectified;

(c) The height of the vegetation adjacent to the pan is somewhat more critical. Moreover,
appreciable heat exchange takes place between the pan and the soil, and this depends on
many factors, including soil type, water content and vegetation cover.

A floating pan approximates more closely evaporation from the lake than from an onshore pan
exposed either above or at ground level, even though the heat-storage properties of the floating
pan are different from those of the lake. It is, however, influenced by the particular lake in which
it floats and it is not necessarily a good indicator of evaporation from the lake. Observational
difficulties are considerable and, in particular, splashing frequently renders the data unreliable.
Such pans are also costly to install and operate.

In all modes of exposure it is most important that the tank should be made of non-corrosive
material and that all joints be made in such a way as to minimize the risk of the tank developing

Heavy rain and very high winds are likely to cause splash-out from pans and may invalidate the

The level of the water surface in the evaporimeter is important. If the evaporimeter is too full,
as much as 10% (or more) of any rain falling may splash out, leading to an overestimate of
evaporation. Too low a water level will lead to a reduced evaporation rate (of about 2.5% for each
centimetre below the reference level of 5cm, in temperate regions) due to excessive shading
and sheltering by the rim. If the water depth is allowed to become very shallow, the rate of
evaporation rises due to increased heating of the water surface.

It is advisable to restrict the permitted water-level range either by automatic methods, by

adjusting the level at each reading, or by taking action to remove water when the level reaches
an upper-limit mark, and to add water when it reaches a lower-limit mark.

10.3.7 Maintenance of evaporation pans and tanks

An inspection should be carried out at least once a month, with particular attention being paid
to the detection of leaks. The pan should be cleaned out as often as necessary to keep it free from
litter, sediment, scum and oil films. It is recommended that a small amount of copper sulphate, or
of some other suitable algacide, be added to the water to restrain the growth of algae.

If the water freezes, all the ice should be broken away from the sides of the tank and the
measurement of the water level should be taken while the ice is floating. Provided that this is
done, the fact that some of the water is frozen will not significantly affect the water level. If the
ice is too thick to be broken the measurement should be postponed until it can be broken, the
evaporation should then be determined for the extended period.

It is often necessary to protect the pan from birds and other small animals, particularly in arid and
tropical regions. This may be achieved by the use of the following:

(a) Chemical repellents: In all cases where such protection is used, care must be taken not to
change significantly the physical characteristics of the water in the evaporimeter;

(b) A wire-mesh screen supported over the pan: Standard screens of this type are in routine
use in a number of areas. They prevent water loss caused by birds and animals, but also
reduce the evaporation loss by partly shielding the water from solar radiation and by
reducing wind movement over the water surface. In order to obtain an estimate of the
error introduced by the effect of the wire-mesh screen on the wind field and the thermal
characteristics of the pan, it is advisable to compare readings from the protected pan
with those of a standard pan at locations where interference does not occur. Tests with a

protective cylinder made of 25mm hexagonal-mesh steel wire netting supported by an

8mm steel-bar framework showed a consistent reduction of 10% in the evaporation rate at
three different sites over a two-year period.


Several types of lysimeters have been described in the technical literature. Details of the design of
some instruments used in various countries are described in WMO (1966, 2008 (VolumeI)).

In general, a lysimeter consists of the soil-filled inner container and retaining walls or an outer
container, as well as special devices for measuring percolation and changes in the soil-moisture

There is no universal international standard lysimeter for measuring evapotranspiration. The

surface area of lysimeters in use varies from 0.05 to some 100m2 and their depth varies from 0.1
to 5m. According to their method of operation, lysimeters can be classified into non-weighable
and weighable instruments. Each of these devices has its special merits and drawbacks, and the
choice of any type of lysimeter depends on the problem to be studied.

Non-weighable (percolation-type) lysimeters can be used only for long-term measurements,

unless the soil-moisture content can be measured by some independent and reliable technique.
Large-area percolation-type lysimeters are used for water budget and evapotranspiration studies
of tall, deep-rooting vegetation cover, such as mature trees. Small, simple types of lysimeters in
areas with bare soil or grass and crop cover could provide useful results for practical purposes
under humid conditions. This type of lysimeter can easily be installed and maintained at a low
cost and is, therefore, suitable for network operations.

Weighable lysimeters, unless of a simple microlysimeter-type for soil evaporation, are much
more expensive, but their advantage is that they secure reliable and precise estimates of short-
term values of evapotranspiration, provided that the necessary design, operation and siting
precautions have been taken.

Several weighing techniques using mechanical or hydraulic principles have been developed.
The simpler, small lysimeters are usually lifted out of their sockets and transferred to mechanical
scales by means of mobile cranes. The container of a lysimeter can be mounted on a permanently
installed mechanical scale for continuous recording. The design of the weighing and recording
system can be considerably simplified by using load cells with strain gauges of variable electrical
resistance. The hydraulic weighing systems use the principle of fluid displacement resulting from
the changing buoyancy of a floating container (so-called floating lysimeter), or the principle of
fluid pressure changes in hydraulic load cells.

The large weighable and recording lysimeters are recommended for precision measurements
in research centres and for standardization and parameterization of other methods of
evapotranspiration measurement and the modelling of evapotranspiration. Small weighable
types of lysimeters are quite useful and suitable for network operation. Microlysimeters for soil
evaporation are a relatively new phenomenon.

10.4.1 Measurements taken by lysimeters

The rate of evapotranspiration may be estimated from the general equation of the water budget
for the lysimeter containers. Evapotranspiration equals precipitation/irrigation minus percolation
minus change in water storage.

Hence, the observational programme on lysimeter plots includes precipitation/irrigation,

percolation and change in soil water storage. It is useful to complete this programme through
observations of plant growth and development.

Precipitation and irrigation, if any is preferably measured at ground level by standard

methods. Percolation is collected in a tank and its volume may be measured at regular intervals
or recorded. For precision measurements of the change in water storage, the careful gravimetric
techniques described above are used. When weighing, the lysimeter should be sheltered to avoid
wind-loading effects.

The application of the volumetric method is quite satisfactory for estimating long-term values of
evapotranspiration. With this method, measurements are taken of the amount of precipitation
and percolation. It is assumed that a change in water storage tends to zero over the period of
observation. Changes in the soil moisture content may be determined by bringing the moisture
in the soil up to field capacity at the beginning and at the end of the period.

10.4.2 Exposure of evapotranspirometers

Observations of evapotranspiration should be representative of the plant cover and moisture

conditions of the general surroundings of the station (WMO, 2010). In order to simulate
representative evapotranspiration rates, the soil and plant cover of the lysimeter should
correspond to the soil and vegetation of the surrounding area, and disturbances caused by the
existence of the instrument should be minimized. The most important requirements for the
exposure of lysimeters are given below.

In order to maintain the same hydromechanical properties of the soil, it is recommended that the
lysimeter be placed into the container as an undisturbed block (monolith). In the case of light,
rather homogenous soils and a large container, it is sufficient to fill the container layer by layer in
the same sequence and with the same density as in the natural profile.

In order to simulate the natural drainage process in the container, restricted drainage at the
bottom must be prevented. Depending on the soil texture, it may be necessary to maintain the
suction at the bottom artificially by means of a vacuum supply.

Apart from microlysimeters for soil evaporation, a lysimeter should be sufficiently large and
deep, and its rim as low as practicable, to make it possible to have a representative, free-growing
vegetation cover, without restriction to plant development.

In general, the siting of lysimeters is subject to fetch requirements, such as that of evaporation
pans, namely, the plot should be located beyond the zone of influence of buildings, even single
trees, meteorological instruments, and so on. In order to minimize the effects of advection,
lysimeter plots should be located at a sufficient distance from the upwind edge of the
surrounding area, that is, not less than 100 to 150m. The prevention of advection effects is of
special importance for measurements taken at irrigated land surfaces.

10.4.3 Sources of error in lysimeter measurements

Lysimeter measurements are subject to several sources of error caused by the disturbance of the
natural conditions by the instrument itself. Some of the major effects are as follows:

(a) Restricted growth of the rooting system;

(b) Change of eddy diffusion by discontinuity between the canopy inside the lysimeter and
in the surrounding area. Any discontinuity may be caused by the annulus formed by the
containing and retaining walls and by discrepancies in the canopy itself;

(c) Insufficient thermal equivalence of the lysimeter to the surrounding area caused by:

(i) Thermal isolation from the subsoil;

(ii) Thermal effects of the air rising or descending between the container and the
retaining walls;

(iii) Alteration of the thermal properties of the soil through alteration of its texture and its
moisture conditions;

(d) Insufficient equivalence of the water budget to that of the surrounding area caused by:

(i) Disturbance of soil structure;

(ii) Restricted drainage;

(iii) Vertical seepage at walls;

(iv) Prevention of surface runoff and lateral movement of soil water.

Some suitable arrangements exist to minimize lysimeter measurement errors, for example,
regulation of the temperature below the container, reduction of vertical seepage at the walls by
flange rings, and so forth. In addition to the careful design of the lysimeter equipment, sufficient
representativeness of the plant community and the soil type of the area under study is of great
importance. Moreover, the siting of the lysimeter plot must be fully representative of the natural
field conditions.

10.4.4 Lysimeters maintenance

Several arrangements are necessary to maintain the representativeness of the plant cover inside
the lysimeter. All agricultural and other operations (sowing, fertilizing, mowing, and the like) in
the container and surrounding area should be carried out in the same way and at the same time.
In order to avoid errors due to rainfall catch, the plants near and inside the container should be
kept vertical, and broken leaves and stems should not extend over the surface of the lysimeter.

The maintenance of the technical devices is peculiar to each type of instrument and cannot be
described here.

It is advisable to test the evapotranspirometer for leaks at least once a year by covering its surface
to prevent evapotranspiration and by observing whether, over a period of days, the volume of
drainage equals the amount of water added to its surface.


Consideration of the factors which affect evaporation, as outlined in section10.1.3, indicates that
the rate of evaporation from a natural surface will necessarily differ from that of an evaporimeter
exposed to the same atmospheric conditions, because the physical characteristics of the two
evaporating surfaces are not identical.

In practice, evaporation or evapotranspiration rates from natural surfaces are of interest, for
example, reservoir or lake evaporation, crop evaporation, as well as areal amounts from extended
land surfaces such as catchment areas.

In particular, accurate areal estimates of evapotranspiration from regions with varied surface
characteristics and land-use patterns are very difficult to obtain (WMO, 1966, 1997).

Suitable methods for the estimation of lake or reservoir evaporation are the water budget, energy
budget and aerodynamic approaches, the combination method of aerodynamic and energy-
balance equations, and the use of a complementarity relationship between actual and potential
evaporation. Furthermore, pan evaporation techniques exist which use pan evaporation for the
establishment of a lake-to-pan relation. Such relations are specific to each pan type and mode
of exposure. They also depend on the climatic conditions (see WMO, 1985, 2008 (VolumeI,

The water non-limiting point or areal values of evapotranspiration from vegetation-covered land
surfaces may be obtained by determining such potential (or reference crop) evapotranspiration
with the same methods as those indicated above for lake applications, but adapted to vegetative
conditions. Some methods use additional growth stage-dependent coefficients for each type of
vegetation, such as crops, and/or an integrated crop stomatal resistance value for the vegetation
as a whole.

The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute employs the following procedure established by
G.F. Makkink (Hooghart, 1971) for calculating the daily (24h) reference vegetation evaporation
from the averaged daily air temperature and the daily amount of global radiation as follows:

Saturation vapour pressure at air temperature T:

es (T ) = 6.107 10 237.3+T hPa
Slope of the curve of saturation water vapour pressure versus temperature at T:
7.5 237.3
(T ) = ln (10 ) es (T ) hPa/C
( 237.3 + T )2
Psychrometric constant:
(T ) = 0.646 + 0.0006T hPa/C

Specific heat of evaporation of water:

(T ) = 1 000 ( 2 501 2.38 T ) J/kg

Density of water:
= 1 000 kg/m3
Global radiation (24 h amount):
Q J/m2
Air temperature (24 h average):
Daily reference vegetation evaporation:1
1000 0.65 (T )
Er = Q mm
{ (T ) + (T )} (T )
By relating the measured rate of actual evapotranspiration to estimates of the water non-
limiting potential evapotranspiration and subsequently relating this normalized value to the soil
water content, soil water deficits, or the water potential in the root zone, it is possible to devise
coefficients with which the actual evapotranspiration rate can be calculated for a given soil water

Point values of actual evapotranspiration from land surfaces can be estimated more directly
from observations of the changes in soil water content measured by sampling soil moisture on
a regular basis. Evapotranspiration can be measured even more accurately using a weighing
lysimeter. Further methods make use of turbulence measurements (for example, eddy-correlation
method) and profile measurements (for example, in boundary-layer data methods and, at two
heights, in the Bowen-ratio energy-balance method). They are much more expensive and require
special instruments and sensors for humidity, wind speed and temperature. Such estimates,
valid for the type of soil and canopy under study, may be used as reliable independent reference
values in the development of empirical relations for evapotranspiration modelling.

The difficulty in determining basin evapotranspiration arises from the discontinuities in

surface characteristics which cause variable evapotranspiration rates within the area under

The constant 1 000 is for conversion from metres to millimetres; the constant 0.65 is a typical empirical constant.

consideration. When considering short-term values, it is necessary to estimate evapotranspiration

by using empirical relationships. Over a long period (in order to minimize storage effects) the
water-budget approach can be used to estimate basin evapotranspiration (see WMO, 1971). One
approach, suitable for estimates from extended areas, refers to the atmospheric water balance
and derives areal evapotranspiration from radiosonde data. WMO (2008, VolumeI, Chapter4)
describes the above-mentioned methods, their advantages and their application limits.

The measurement of evaporation from a snow surface is difficult and probably no more accurate
than the computation of evaporation from water.

Evaporimeters made of polyethylene or colourless plastic are used in many countries for the
measurement of evaporation from snow-pack surfaces; observations are made only when there is
no snowfall.

Estimates of evaporation from snow cover can be made from observations of air humidity and
wind speed at one or two levels above the snow surface and at the snow-pack surface, using
the turbulent diffusion equation. The estimates are most reliable when evaporation values are
computed for periods of five days or more.

Hooghart, J.C. (ed.), 1971: Evaporation and Weather. TNO Committee of Hydrological Research, Technical
Meeting44, Proceedings and Information No.39, TNO, The Hague.
World Meteorological Organization, 1966: Measurement and Estimation of Evaporation and Evapotranspiration.
Technical Note No.83 (WMO-No.201, TP.105). Geneva.
, 1971: Problems of Evaporation Assessment in the Water Balance (C.E. Hounam). WMO/IHD Report
No.13 (WMO-No.285). Geneva.
, 1973: Atmospheric Vapour Flux Computations for Hydrological Purposes (J.P. Peixoto). WMO/IHD Report
No.20 (WMO-No.357). Geneva.
, 1976: The CIMO International Evaporimeter Comparisons (WMO-No.449). Geneva.
, 1977: Hydrological Application of Atmospheric Vapour-Flux Analyses (E.M. Rasmusson). Operational
Hydrology Report No.11 (WMO-No.476). Geneva.
, 1985: Casebook on Operational Assessment of Areal Evaporation. Operational Hydrology Report No.22
(WMO-No.635). Geneva.
, 1992: International Meteorological Vocabulary (WMO-No.182). Geneva.
, 1997: Estimation of Areal Evapotranspiration. Technical Reports in Hydrology and Water Resources
No.56 (WMO/TD-No.785). Geneva.
, 2008: Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No.168), VolumesI and II. Geneva.
, 2010: Manual on the Global Observing System (WMO-No.544), VolumeI. Geneva.
World Meteorological Organization/United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,
2012: International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No.385). Geneva.

CHAPTER 11. MEASUREMENT OF SOIL MOISTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  324

11.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  324
11.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  324
11.1.2 Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  325
11.1.3 Meteorological requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  326
11.1.4 Measurement methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  326
11.2 Gravimetric direct measurement of soil water content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  327
11.3 Soil water content: indirect methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  328
11.3.1 Radiological methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  328 Neutron scattering method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  329 Gamma-ray attenuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  329
11.3.2 Soil water dielectrics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  330 Time-domain reflectometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  330 Frequency-domain measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  330
11.4 Soil water potential instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  331
11.4.1 Tensiometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  331
11.4.2 Resistance blocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  332
11.4.3 Psychrometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  332
11.5 Site selection and sample size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  333
11.6 Remote-sensing of soil moisture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  334
11.6.1 Microwave remote-sensing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  334 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  334 Multi-frequency radiometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  335 Scatterometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  336 Synthetic aperture radars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  337 Dedicated L-band missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  337 Soil moisture retrieval. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  337
11.6.2 Thermal infrared remote-sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  340

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  341



Soil moisture is an important component in the atmospheric water cycle, both on a small
agricultural scale and in large-scale modelling of land/atmosphere interaction. Vegetation
and crops always depend more on the moisture available at root level than on precipitation
occurrence. Water budgeting for irrigation planning, as well as the actual scheduling of irrigation
action, requires local soil moisture information. Knowledge of the degree of soil wetness helps
to understand the initiation of convective events and to forecast the risk of flash floods or the
occurrence of fog.

Nevertheless, soil moisture has been seldom observed routinely at meteorological stations.
Documentation of soil wetness was usually restricted to the description of the state of the
ground by means of WMO Code Tables0901 and 0975, and its measurement was left to
hydrologists, agriculturalists and other actively interested parties. Around 1990, the interest
of meteorologists in soil moisture measurement increased. This was partly because, after the
pioneering work by Deardorff (1978), numerical atmosphere models at various scales became
more adept at handling fluxes of sensible and latent heat in soil surface layers. Moreover, newly
developed soil moisture measurement techniques are more feasible for meteorological stations
than most of the classic methods.

To satisfy the increasing need for determining soil moisture status, the most commonly used
methods and instruments will be discussed, including their advantages and disadvantages.
Some less common observation techniques are also mentioned. This chapter discusses both
in situ and remote-sensing soil moisture measurements. Space-based remote-sensing is also
included, complemented by information in PartIII of this Guide.

11.1.1 Definitions

Soil moisture determinations measure either the soil water content or the soil water potential.

Soil water content

Soil water content is an expression of the mass or volume of water in the soil, while the soil water
potential is an expression of the soil water energy status. The relation between content and
potential is not universal and depends on the characteristics of the local soil, such as soil density
and soil texture.

Soil water content on the basis of mass is expressed in the gravimetric soil moisture content, g,
defined by:
g = M water M soil (11.1)
where Mwater is the mass of the water in the soil sample and Msoil is the mass of dry soil that is
contained in the sample. Values of g in meteorology are usually expressed in %.

Because precipitation, evapotranspiration and solute transport variables are commonly

expressed in terms of flux, volumetric expressions for water content are often more useful. The
volumetric soil moisture content of a soil sample, v, is defined as:
v = Vwater Vsample (11.2)
where Vwater is the volume of water in the soil sample and Vsample is the total volume of dry soil
+ air + water in the sample. Again, the ratio is usually expressed in %, although many research
communities are now adopting volumetric water content (m3/m3) as the standard for expressing
soil moisture. The relationship between gravimetric and volumetric moisture contents is:

v = g ( b w ) (11.3)
where b is the dry soil bulk density and w is the soil water density.

The basic technique for measuring soil water content is the gravimetric method, described in
section11.2. Because this method is based on direct measurements, it is the standard with which
all other methods are compared. Unfortunately, gravimetric sampling is destructive, rendering
repeat measurements on the same soil sample impossible. Because of the difficulties of accurately
measuring dry soil and water volumes, volumetric water contents are not usually determined

Soil water potential

Soil water potential describes the energy status of the soil water and is an important parameter
for water transport analysis, water storage estimates and soil-plant-water relationships. A
difference in water potential between two soil locations indicates a tendency for water flow, from
high to low potential. When the soil is drying, the water potential becomes more negative and
the work that must be done to extract water from the soil increases. This makes water uptake
by plants more difficult, so the water potential in the plant drops, resulting in plant stress and,
eventually, severe wilting.

Formally, the water potential is a measure of the ability of soil water to perform work, or, in the
case of negative potential, the work required to remove the water from the soil. The total water
potential t, the combined effect of all force fields, is given by:
t = z + m + o + p (11.4)
where z is the gravitational potential based on elevation above the mean sea level; m is the
matric potential, suction due to attraction of water by the soil matrix; o is the osmotic potential,
due to energy effects of solutes in water; and p is the pressure potential, the hydrostatic pressure
below a water surface.

The potentials which are not related to the composition of water or soil are together called
hydraulic potential, h. In saturated soil, this is expressed as h = z + p, while in unsaturated soil,
it is expressed as h = z + m. When the phrase water potential is used in studies, sometimes
with the notation w, it is advisable to check the authors definition because this term has been
used for m + z as well as for m + o.

The gradients of the separate potentials will not always be significantly effective in inducing
flow. For example, o requires a semi-permeable membrane to induce flow, and p will exist in
saturated or ponded conditions, but most practical applications are in unsaturated soil.

11.1.2 Units

In solving the mass balance or continuity equations for water, it must be remembered that the
components of water content parameters are not dimensionless. Gravimetric water content is the
weight of soil water contained in a unit weight of soil (kg water/kg dry soil). Likewise, volumetric
water content is a volume fraction (m3 water/m3 soil).

The basic unit for expressing water potential is energy (in joules=kgm2s2) per unit mass,
Jkg1. Alternatively, energy per unit volume (Jm3) is equivalent to pressure, expressed in
pascals (Pa=kgm1s2). Units encountered in older literature are bar (=100kPa), atmosphere
(=101.32kPa), or pounds per square inch (=6.895kPa). A third class of units are those of pressure
head in (centi)metres of water or mercury, energy per unit weight. The relation of the three
potential unit classes is:

( )
J kg-1 = ( Pa ) = ( m ) g (11.5)

where = 103kgm3 (density of water) and g=9.81ms2 (gravity acceleration). Because the soil
water potential has a large range, it is often expressed logarithmically, usually in pressure head of
water. A common unit for this is called pF, and is equal to the base 10logarithm of the absolute
value of the head of water expressed in centimetres.

11.1.3 Meteorological requirements

Soil consists of individual particles and aggregates of mineral and organic materials, separated
by spaces or pores which are occupied by water and air. The relative amount of pore space
decreases with increasing soil grain size (intuitively one would expect the opposite). The
movement of liquid water through soil depends upon the size, shape and generally the geometry
of the pore spaces.

If a large quantity of water is added to a block of otherwise dry soil, some of it will drain away
rapidly by the effects of gravity through any relatively large cracks and channels. The remainder
will tend to displace some of the air in the spaces between particles, the larger pore spaces first.
Broadly speaking, a well-defined wetting front will move downwards into the soil, leaving an
increasingly thick layer retaining all the moisture it can hold against gravity. That soil layer is then
said to be at field capacity, a state that for most soils occurs about m33J/kg, with a range
of values from 1J/kg for organic soils to 100J/kg for heavy clay soils. A value of 10J/kg (pF2)
can be assigned for a loamy sand soil. This state must not be confused with the undesirable
situation of saturated soil, where all the pore spaces are occupied by water. After a saturation
event, such as heavy rain, the soil usually needs at least 24h to reach field capacity. When
moisture content falls below field capacity, the subsequent limited movement of water in the soil
is partly liquid, partly in the vapour phase by distillation (related to temperature gradients in the
soil), and sometimes by transport in plant roots.

Plant roots within the block will extract liquid water from the water films around the soil particles
with which they are in contact. The rate at which this extraction is possible depends on the soil
moisture potential. A point is reached at which the forces holding moisture films to soil particles
cannot be overcome by root suction, and plants are starved of water and lose turgidity: soil
moisture has reached the wilting point, which in most cases occurs at a soil water potential of
1.5MPa (pF=4.2). In agriculture, the soil water available to plants is commonly taken to be the
quantity between field capacity and the wilting point, and this varies highly between soils: in
sandy soils it may be less than 10volume per cent, while in soils with much organic matter it can
be over 40volume per cent.

Usually it is desirable to know the soil moisture content and potential as a function of depth.
Evapotranspiration models concern mostly a shallow depth (tens of centimetres); agricultural
applications need moisture information at root depth (order of a metre); and atmospheric
general circulation models incorporate a number of layers down to a few metres. For
hydrological and water-balance needs such as catchment-scale runoff models, as well as
for effects upon soil properties such as soil mechanical strength, thermal conductivity and
diffusivity information on deep soil water content is needed. The accuracy needed in water
content determinations and the spatial and temporal resolution required vary by application. An
often-occurring problem is the inhomogeneity of many soils, meaning that a single observation
location cannot provide absolute knowledge of the regional soil moisture, but only relative
knowledge of its change.

11.1.4 Measurement methods

The methods and instruments available to evaluate soil water status may be classified in
three ways. First, a distinction is made between the determination of water content and the
determination of water potential. Second, a so-called direct method requires the availability
of sizeable representative terrain from which large numbers of soil samples can be taken for
destructive evaluation in the laboratory. Indirect methods use an instrument placed in the soil
to measure some soil property related to soil moisture. Third, methods can be ranged according
to operational applicability, taking into account the regular labour involved, the degree of

dependence on laboratory availability, the complexity of the operation and the reliability of the
result. Moreover, the preliminary costs of acquiring instrumentation must be compared with the
subsequent costs of local routine observation and data processing.

Reviews such as WMO (1968, 1989, 2001) and Schmugge et al. (1980) are very useful for learning
about practical problems, but dielectric measurement methods were only developed well after
1980, so too-early reviews should not be relied on much when choosing an operational method.

There are five operational alternatives for the determination of soil water content. First, there is
classic gravimetric moisture determination, which is a simple direct method. Second, there is
lysimetry, a non-destructive variant of gravimetric measurement. A container filled with soil is
weighed either occasionally or continuously to indicate changes in total mass in the container,
which may in part or totally be due to changes in soil moisture (lysimeters are discussed in
more detail in PartI, Chapter10). Third, water content may be determined indirectly by various
radiological techniques, such as neutron scattering and gamma absorption. Fourth, water
content can be derived from the dielectric properties of soil, for example, by using time-domain
reflectometry. Lastly, soil moisture can be inferred on a global scale from remotely sensed
measurements of the Earths thermal or reflective properties.

Soil water potential measurement can be performed by several indirect methods, in particular
using tensiometers, resistance blocks and soil psychrometers. None of these instruments is
effective at this time over the full range of possible water potential values. For extended study of
all methods of various soil moisture measurements, up-to-date handbooks are provided by Klute
(1986), Dirksen (1999), Gardner et al. (2001) and Mullins (2001).


The gravimetric soil moisture content g is typically determined directly. Soil samples of about
50g are removed from the field with the best available tools (shovels, spiral hand augers, bucket
augers, perhaps power-driven coring tubes), disturbing the sample soil structure as little as
possible (Dirksen, 1999). The soil sample should be placed immediately in a leak-proof, seamless,
pre-weighed and identified container. As the samples will be placed in an oven, the container
should be able to withstand high temperatures without melting or losing significant mass.
The most common soil containers are aluminium cans, but non-metallic containers should be
used if the samples are to be dried in microwave ovens in the laboratory. If soil samples are to
be transported for a considerable distance, tape should be used to seal the container to avoid
moisture loss by evaporation.

The samples and container are weighed in the laboratory both before and after drying, the
difference being the mass of water originally in the sample. The drying procedure consists in
placing the open container in an electrically heated oven at 105C until the mass stabilizes at a
constant value. The drying times required usually vary between 16 and 24h. Note that drying at
1055C is part of the usually accepted definition of soil water content, originating from the
aim to measure only the content of free water which is not bound to the soil matrix (Gardner et
al., 2001).

If the soil samples contain considerable amounts of organic matter, excessive oxidation may
occur at 105C and some organic matter will be lost from the sample. Although the specific
temperature at which excessive oxidation occurs is difficult to specify, lowering the oven
temperature from 105C to 70C seems to be sufficient to avoid significant loss of organic
matter, but this can lead to water content values that are too low. Oven temperatures and drying
times should be checked and reported.

Microwave oven drying for the determination of gravimetric water contents may also be used
effectively (Gee and Dodson, 1981). In this method, soil water temperature is quickly raised to
boiling point, then remains constant for a period due to the consumption of heat in vaporizing
water. However, the temperature rapidly rises as soon as the energy absorbed by the soil water

exceeds the energy needed for vaporizing the water. Caution should be used with this method,
as temperatures can become high enough to melt plastic containers if stones are present in the
soil sample.

Gravimetric soil water contents of air-dry (25C) mineral soil are often less than 2%, but, as the
soil approaches saturation, the water content may increase to values between 25% and 60%,
depending on soil type. Volumetric soil water content, v, may range from less than 10% for air-
dry soil to between 40% and 50% for mineral soils approaching saturation. Soil v determination
requires measurement of soil density, for example, by coating a soil clod with paraffin and
weighing it in air and water, or some other method (Campbell and Henshall, 2001).

Water contents for stony or gravelly soils can be grossly misleading. When rocks occupy an
appreciable volume of the soil, they modify direct measurement of soil mass, without making a
similar contribution to the soil porosity. For example, gravimetric water content may be 10% for
a soil sample with a bulk density of 2000kgm3; however, the water content of the same sample
based on finer soil material (stones and gravel excluded) would be 20% if the bulk density of fine
soil material was 1620kgm3.

Although the gravimetric water content for the finer soil fraction, g,fines, is the value usually used
for spatial and temporal comparison, there may also be a need to determine the volumetric water
content for a gravelly soil. The latter value may be important in calculating the volume of water in
a root zone. The relationship between the gravimetric water content of the fine soil material and
the bulk volumetric water content is given by:
v,stony = g,fines ( b w ) (1 + M stones M fines ) (11.6)

where v,stony is the bulk volumetric water content of soil containing stones or gravel and Mstones
and Mfines are the masses of the stone and fine soil fractions (Klute, 1986).


The capacity of soil to retain water is a function of soil texture and structure. When removing a
soil sample, the soil being evaluated is disturbed, so its water-holding capacity is altered. Indirect
methods of measuring soil water are helpful as they allow information to be collected at the
same location for many observations without disturbing the soil water system. Moreover, most
indirect methods determine the volumetric soil water content without any need for soil density

11.3.1 Radiological methods

Two different radiological methods are available for measuring soil water content. One is
the widely used neutron scatter method, which is based on the interaction of high-energy
(fast) neutrons and the nuclei of hydrogen atoms in the soil. The other method measures the
attenuation of gamma rays as they pass through soil. Both methods use portable equipment
for multiple measurements at permanent observation sites and require careful calibration,
preferably with the soil in which the equipment is to be used.

When using any radiation-emitting device, some precautions are necessary. The manufacturer
will provide a shield that must be used at all times. The only time the probe leaves the shield
is when it is lowered into the soil access tube. When the guidelines and regulations regarding
radiation hazards stipulated by the manufacturers and health authorities are followed, there
is no need to fear exposure to excessive radiation levels, regardless of the frequency of use.
Nevertheless, whatever the type of radiation-emitting device used, the operator should wear
some type of film badge that will enable personal exposure levels to be evaluated and recorded
on a monthly basis.
CHAPTER 11. MEASUREMENT OF SOIL MOISTURE 329 Neutron scattering method

In neutron soil moisture detection (Visvalingam and Tandy, 1972; Greacen, 1981), a probe
containing a radioactive source emitting high-energy (fast) neutrons and a counter of slow
neutrons is lowered into the ground. The hydrogen nuclei, having about the same mass as
neutrons, are at least 10times as effective for slowing down neutrons upon collision as most
other nuclei in the soil. Because in any soil most hydrogen is in water molecules, the density of
slow thermalized neutrons in the vicinity of the neutron probe is nearly proportional to the
volumetric soil water content.

Some fraction of the slowed neutrons, after a number of collisions, will again reach the probe and
its counter. When the soil water content is large, not many neutrons are able to travel far before
being thermalized and ineffective, and then 95% of the counted returning neutrons come from
a relatively small soil volume. In wet soil, the radius of influence may be only 15cm, while in
dry soil that radius may increase to 50cm. Therefore, the measured soil volume varies with water
content, and thin layers cannot be resolved. This method is hence less suitable to localize water-
content discontinuities, and it cannot be used effectively in the top 20cm of soil on account of
the soil air discontinuity.

Several source and detector arrangements are possible in a neutron probe, but it is best to have
a probe with a double detector and a central source, typically in a cylindrical container. Such an
arrangement allows for a nearly spherical zone of influence and leads to a more linear relation of
neutron count to soil water content.

A cable is used to attach a neutron probe to the main instrument electronics, so that the probe
can be lowered into a previously installed access tube. The access tube should be seamless and
thick enough (at least 1.25mm) to be rigid, but not so thick that the access tube itself slows
neutrons down significantly. The access tube must be made of non-corrosive material, such as
stainless steel, aluminium or plastic, although polyvinylchloride should be avoided as it absorbs
slow neutrons. Usually, a straight tube with a diameter of 5cm is sufficient for the probe to be
lowered into the tube without a risk of jamming. Care should be taken in installing the access
tube to ensure that no air voids exist between the tube and the soil matrix. At least 10cm of the
tube should extend above the soil surface, in order to allow the box containing the electronics to
be mounted on top of the access tube. All access tubes should be fitted with a removable cap to
keep rainwater from entering the tubes.

In order to enhance experimental reproducibility, the soil water content is not derived directly
from the number of slow neutrons detected, but rather from a count ratio (CR), given by:
CR = Csoil Cbackground (11.7)
where Csoil is the count of thermalized neutrons detected in the soil and Cbackground is the count
of thermalized neutrons in a reference medium. All neutron probe instruments now come with
a reference standard for these background calibrations, usually against water. The standard in
which the probe is placed should be at least 0.5m in diameter so as to represent an infinite
medium. Calibration to determine Cbackground can be done by a series of ten 1min readings, to
be averaged, or by a single 1h reading. Csoil is determined from averaging several soil readings
at a particular depth/location. For calibration purposes, it is best to take three samples around
the access tube and to average the water contents corresponding to the average CR calculated
for that depth. A minimum of five different water contents should be evaluated for each depth.
Although some calibration curves may be similar, a separate calibration for each depth should be
conducted. The lifetime of most probes is more than 10years. Gamma-ray attenuation

Whereas the neutron method measures the volumetric water content in a large sphere, gamma-
ray absorption scans a thin layer. The dual-probe gamma device is nowadays mainly used in the
laboratory since dielectric methods became operational for field use. Another reason for this is
that gamma rays are more dangerous to work with than neutron scattering devices, as well as the
fact that the operational costs for the gamma rays are relatively high.

Changes in gamma attenuation for a given mass absorption coefficient can be related to
changes in total soil density. As the attenuation of gamma rays is due to mass, it is not possible to
determine water content unless the attenuation of gamma rays due to the local dry soil density
is known and remains unchanged with changing water content. Determining accurately the
soil water content from the difference between the total and dry density attenuation values is
therefore not simple.

Compared to neutron scattering, gamma-ray attenuation has the advantage of allowing accurate
measurements at a few centimetres below the air-surface interface. Although the method has a
high degree of resolution, the small soil volume evaluated will exhibit more spatial variation due
to soil heterogeneities (Gardner and Calissendorff, 1967).

11.3.2 Soil water dielectrics

When a medium is placed in the electric field of a capacitor or waveguide, its influence on the
electric forces in that field is expressed as the ratio between the forces in the medium and the
forces which would exist in vacuum. This ratio, called permittivity or dielectric constant, is
for liquid water about 20times larger than that of average dry soil, because water molecules
are permanent dipoles. The dielectric properties of ice, and of water bound to the soil matrix,
are comparable to those of dry soil. Therefore, the volumetric content of free soil water can
be determined from the dielectric characteristics of wet soil by reliable, fast, non-destructive
measurement methods, without the potential hazards associated with radioactive devices.
Moreover, such dielectric methods can be fully automated for data acquisition. At present, two
methods which evaluate soil water dielectrics are commercially available and used extensively,
namely time-domain reflectometry and frequency-domain measurement. Time-domain reflectometry

Time-domain reflectometry is a method which determines the dielectric constant of the soil by
monitoring the travel of an electromagnetic pulse, which is launched along a waveguide formed
by a pair of parallel rods embedded in the soil. The pulse is reflected at the end of the waveguide
and its propagation velocity, which is inversely proportional to the square root of the dielectric
constant, can be measured well by actual electronics.

The most widely used relation between soil dielectrics and soil water content was experimentally
summarized by Topp et al. (1980) as follows:

v = 0.053 + 0.029 5.5 104 2 + 4.3 106 3 (11.8)

where is the dielectric constant of the soil water system. This empirical relationship has proved
to be applicable in many soils, roughly independent of texture and gravel content (Drungil et
al., 1989). However, soil-specific calibration is desirable for soils with low density or with a high
organic content. For complex soil mixtures, the De Loor equation has proved useful (Dirksen and
Dasberg, 1993).

Generally, the parallel probes are separated by 5 cm and vary in length from 10 to 50cm; the
rods of the probe can be of any metallic substance. The sampling volume is essentially a cylinder
of a few centimetres in radius around the parallel probes (Knight, 1992). The coaxial cable from
the probe to the signal-processing unit should not be longer than about 30m. Soil water profiles
can be obtained from a buried set of probes, each placed horizontally at a different depth, linked
to a field data logger by a multiplexer. Frequency-domain measurement

While time-domain reflectometry uses microwave frequencies in the gigahertz range, frequency-
domain sensors measure the dielectric constant at a single microwave megahertz frequency.
The microwave dielectric probe utilizes an open-ended coaxial cable and a single reflectometer
at the probe tip to measure amplitude and phase at a particular frequency. Soil measurements

are referenced to air, and are typically calibrated with dielectric blocks and/or liquids of known
dielectric properties. One advantage of using liquids for calibration is that a perfect electrical
contact between the probe tip and the material can be maintained (Jackson, 1990).

As a single, small probe tip is used, only a small volume of soil is ever evaluated, and soil contact
is therefore critical. As a result, this method is excellent for laboratory or point measurements, but
is likely to be subject to spatial variability problems if used on a field scale (Dirksen, 1999).


The basic instruments capable of measuring matric potential are sufficiently inexpensive and
reliable to be used in field-scale monitoring programmes. However, each instrument has a
limited accessible water potential range. For example, tensiometers work well only in wet soil,
while resistance blocks do better in moderately dry soil.

11.4.1 Tensiometers

The most widely used and least expensive water potential measuring device is the tensiometer.
Tensiometers are simple instruments, usually consisting of a porous ceramic cup and a sealed
plastic cylindrical tube connecting the porous cup to some pressure-recording device at the top
of the cylinder. They measure the matric potential, because solutes can move freely through the
porous cup.

The tensiometer establishes a quasi-equilibrium condition with the soil water system. The
porous ceramic cup acts as a membrane through which water flows, and therefore must remain
saturated if it is to function properly. Consequently, all the pores in the ceramic cup and the
cylindrical tube are initially filled with de-aerated water. Once in place, the tensiometer will
be subject to negative soil water potentials, causing water to move from the tensiometer into
the surrounding soil matrix. The water movement from the tensiometer will create a negative
potential or suction in the tensiometer cylinder which will register on the recording device. For
recording, a simple U-tube filled with water and/or mercury, a Bourdon-type vacuum gauge or a
pressure transducer (Marthaler et al., 1983) is suitable.

If the soil water potential increases, water moves from the soil back into the tensiometer, resulting
in a less negative water potential reading. This exchange of water between the soil and the
tensiometer, as well as the tensiometers exposure to negative potentials, will cause dissolved
gases to be released by the solution, forming air bubbles. The formation of air bubbles will alter
the pressure readings in the tensiometer cylinder and will result in faulty readings. Another
limitation is that the tensiometer has a practical working limit of 85kPa. Beyond 100kPa
(1atm), water will boil at ambient temperature, forming water vapour bubbles which destroy
the vacuum inside the tensiometer cylinder. Consequently, the cylinders occasionally need to be
de-aired with a hand-held vacuum pump and then refilled.

Under drought conditions, appreciable amounts of water can move from the tensiometer to the
soil. Thus, tensiometers can alter the very condition they were designed to measure. Additional
proof of this process is that excavated tensiometers often have accumulated large numbers of
roots in the proximity of the ceramic cups. Typically, when the tensiometer acts as an irrigator,
so much water is lost through the ceramic cups that a vacuum in the cylinder cannot be
maintained, and the tensiometer gauge will be inoperative.

Before installation, but after the tensiometer has been filled with water and degassed, the
ceramic cup must remain wet. Wrapping the ceramic cup in wet rags or inserting it into a
container of water will keep the cup wet during transport from the laboratory to the field. In
the field, a hole of the appropriate size and depth is prepared. The hole should be large enough
to create a snug fit on all sides, and long enough so that the tensiometer extends sufficiently
above the soil surface for de-airing and refilling access. Since the ceramic cup must remain in
contact with the soil, it may be beneficial in stony soil to prepare a thin slurry of mud from the

excavated site and to pour it into the hole before inserting the tensiometer. Care should also be
taken to ensure that the hole is backfilled properly, thus eliminating any depressions that may
lead to ponded conditions adjacent to the tensiometer. The latter precaution will minimize any
water movement down the cylinder walls, which would produce unrepresentative soil water

Only a small portion of the tensiometer is exposed to ambient conditions, but its interception
of solar radiation may induce thermal expansion of the upper tensiometer cylinder. Similarly,
temperature gradients from the soil surface to the ceramic cup may result in thermal expansion
or contraction of the lower cylinder. To minimize the risk of temperature-induced false water
potential readings, the tensiometer cylinder should be shaded and constructed of non-
conducting materials, and readings should be taken at the same time every day, preferably in the
early morning.

A new development is the osmotic tensiometer, where the tube of the meter is filled with a
polymer solution in order to function better in dry soil. For more information on tensiometers see
Dirksen (1999) and Mullins (2001).

11.4.2 Resistance blocks

Electrical resistance blocks, although insensitive to water potentials in the wet range, are
excellent companions to the tensiometer. They consist of electrodes encased in some type of
porous material that within about two days will reach a quasi-equilibrium state with the soil. The
most common block materials are nylon fabric, fibreglass and gypsum, with a working range
of about 50kPa (for nylon) or 100kPa (for gypsum) up to 1500kPa. Typical block sizes are
4cm 4cm 1cm. Gypsum blocks last a few years, but less in very wet or saline soil (Perrier and
Marsh, 1958).

This method determines water potential as a function of electrical resistance, measured with
an alternating current bridge (usually 1000Hz) because direct current gives polarization
effects. However, resistance decreases if soil is saline, falsely indicating a wetter soil. Gypsum
blocks are less sensitive to soil saltiness effects because the electrodes are consistently exposed
to a saturated solution of calcium sulphate. The output of gypsum blocks must be corrected for
temperature (Aggelides and Londra, 1998).

Because resistance blocks do not protrude above the ground, they are excellent for semi-
permanent agricultural networks of water potential profiles, if installation is careful and
systematic (WMO, 2001). When installing the resistance blocks it is best to dig a small trench for
the lead wires before preparing the hole for the blocks, in order to minimize water movement
along the wires to the blocks. A possible field problem is that shrinking and swelling soil may
break contact with the blocks. On the other hand, resistance blocks do not affect the distribution
of plant roots.

Resistance blocks are relatively inexpensive. However, they need to be calibrated individually.
This is generally accomplished by saturating the blocks in distilled water and then subjecting
them to a predetermined pressure in a pressure-plate apparatus (Wellings et al., 1985), at least
at five different pressures before field installation. Unfortunately, the resistance is less on a drying
curve than on a wetting curve, thus generating hysteresis errors in the field because resistance
blocks are slow to equilibrate with varying soil wetness (Tanner and Hanks, 1952). As resistance-
block calibration curves change with time, they need to be calibrated before installation and to
be checked regularly afterwards, either in the laboratory or in the field.

11.4.3 Psychrometers

Psychrometers are used in laboratory research on soil samples as a standard for other techniques
(Mullins, 2001), but a field version is also available, called the Spanner psychrometer (Rawlins
and Campbell, 1986). This consists of a miniature thermocouple placed within a small chamber
with a porous wall. The thermocouple is cooled by the Peltier effect, condensing water on a

wire junction. As water evaporates from the junction, its temperature decreases and a current is
produced which is measured by a meter. Such measurements are quick to respond to changes in
soil water potential, but are very sensitive to temperature and salinity (Merrill and Rawlins, 1972).

The lowest water potential typically associated with active plant water uptake corresponds to
a relative humidity of between 98% and 100%. This implies that, if the water potential in the
soil is to be measured accurately to within 10kPa, the temperature would have to be controlled
to better than 0.001K. This means that the use of field psychrometers is most appropriate for
low matric potentials, of less than 300kPa. In addition, the instrument components differ in
heat capacities, so diurnal soil temperature fluctuations can induce temperature gradients in
the psychrometer (Brunini and Thurtell, 1982). Therefore, Spanner psychrometers should not
be used at depths of less than 0.3m, and readings should be taken at the same time each day,
preferably in the early morning. In summary, soil psychrometry is a difficult and demanding
method, even for specialists.


There is no standard depth or measurement interval at which soil moisture observations are
taken, since this strongly depends on the research objectives for which the sensors are installed.
The International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN; Dorigo et al., 2011) provides an extensive
database with harmonized in situ soil moisture time series of networks all over the world.
Here the data are harmonized to a half-hourly measurement interval whenever possible. Most
networks and stations in the ISMN measure soil moisture at several depths, from 0.05m up to
0.50m or 1m. As a result, the behaviour of soil moisture at different depths can be compared
and used to validate measurements. Measurements of other meteorological parameters are very
valuable for determining soil moisture. For example, precipitation data at the measurement site
can help validate the soil moisture data.

The representativeness of any soil moisture observation point is limited because there are likely to
be significant variations, both horizontally and vertically, in the soil structure (porosity, density,
chemical composition), land cover and relief. It is pivotal that soil moisture and its variability be
captured on the scale necessary for conducting studies on hydrological processes and for satellite
validation. Gravimetric water content determinations or indirect measurements of soil moisture
are only reliable at the point of measurement, making it necessary to collect a large number of
samples to adequately describe the sites soil moisture status. In order to estimate the number of
samples n needed at a local site to determine soil water content at an observed level of accuracy
(L), the following equation can be used:

( )
n = 4 2 L2 (11.9)

where 2 is the sample variance generated from a preliminary sampling experiment. For
example, suppose that a preliminary sample yielded a (typical) 2 of 25% and the accuracy level
needed to be within 3%, 12samples would be required from the site (if it can be assumed that
water content is normally distributed across the site). A study by Brocca et al. (2007) showed that
the minimum number of point samples needed for an area in central Italy with an extent of about
9 to 8800m2 varied between 15 and 35. The higher number of samples was needed for sites with
more significant relief. Famiglietti et al. (2008) found that 30samples are sufficient for a footprint
of 50km, assuming that the data are independent and spatially uncorrelated.

Upscaling the point measurements obtained by gravimetric water content determination or

indirect measurements with in situ sensors has been the subject of many studies. Upscaling
methods vary from relatively straightforward interpolation and time/rank stability techniques
to more complicated techniques such as statistical transformations and land surface modelling.
The widely used time/rank stability analysis developed by Vachaud et al. (1985) assesses whether
a single soil moisture sensor location can be used to estimate the average over the site. A new
method was presented by Friesen et al. (2008) and applied by Bircher et al. (2011), where
soil moisture sampling was based on landscape units with internally consistent hydrological
behaviour. This method ensures statistically reliable validation via the reduction of the footprint
variance and reduces the chance of sampling bias.


As mentioned earlier in this chapter, a single observation location cannot provide absolute
knowledge of regional soil moisture. Soil moisture is highly variable in both space and time,
rendering it difficult to measure on the continental or global scale needed by researchers
(Seneviratne et al., 2010). Space-based remote-sensing of soil moisture accommodates these
needs by providing surface soil moisture observations on a global scale every one to two days
under a variety of conditions.

In general, remote-sensing aims to measure properties of the Earth's surface by analysing the
interactions between the ground and electromagnetic radiation. This can be done by recording
the naturally emitted radiation (passive systems) or by illuminating the ground and recording the
reflecting signal (active systems). Soil moisture is usually assessed through its effects on the soil's
electric or thermal properties. While microwave remote-sensing observations are sensitive to the
soil's dielectric constant, infrared remote-sensing systems are sensitive to its thermal conditions.
Information about space-based observations can be found in PartIII, Chapter5, 5.6.2 and 5.6.3,
where the basic principles of soil moisture observation are included within the context of many
observed geophysical variables. In the section here, additional detail and practical information is

Over the last decades, many soil moisture datasets have been developed from various space-
borne instruments using different retrieval algorithms (Owe et al., 2001; Njoku et al., 2003;
Naeimi et al., 2009). Recently, several of these datasets from both active and passive microwave
remote-sensing observations have been combined (Liu et al., 2011), generating a global soil
moisture dataset covering the last 30years (Liu et al., 2012).

Although remote-sensing has proven to be a valuable tool to measure soil moisture on a global
scale, in situ measurements are imperative for the calibration and validation of satellite-based
soil moisture retrievals. The International Soil Moisture Network, a global in situ soil moisture
database, was mainly developed for the validation of satellite products. Many validation
efforts have been undertaken to assess the quality of remote-sensing products using in situ
measurements (Albergel et al., 2012; Matgen et al., 2012; Pathe et al., 2009; Su et al., 2013;
Wagner et al., 2008). In addition, many studies have focused on error characterization of the
different soil moisture products (Dorigo et al., 2010; Draper et al., 2013). These studies show that
most soil moisture products from remote-sensing are capable of depicting seasonal and short-
term soil moisture changes quite well. However, biases in the absolute value and dynamic range
may be large when compared to in situ and modelled soil moisture data.

The following paragraphs will give an overview of the theoretical background behind the
different remote-sensing techniques, space-borne instruments and algorithms in use.

11.6.1 Microwave remote-sensing Introduction

Microwave remote-sensing uses electromagnetic waves with wavelengths of 1m to 1cm, which

corresponds to frequencies of 0.3 to 300GHz. An important quality of these microwaves is that
they can travel through the Earths atmosphere undisturbed and thus allow observations to be
made independent from cloud coverage. Furthermore, since they are not bound to illumination
by the sun, microwave measurements are operable all day long.

When applied to remote-sensing of the Earths surface, Kirchhoffs radiation law states that the
emission of a body is equal to one minus its reflectivity. This means that emission and reflection
are complementary, and thus that surfaces that are good scatters are weak emitters and vice
versa. As a result, active and passive microwave systems are influenced inversely by the same
physical phenomena on the ground. Fresnels reflection law describes the relationship between
the dielectric constant and reflectivity (and thus emissivity), where a higher dielectric constant
yields a higher rate of reflection (and smaller emissivity). At microwave lengths, the dielectric
constant of water is of an order of magnitude larger than that of dry soils. Therefore, the dielectric



Dielectric constant


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Soil moisture volume

Figure 11.1. The relationship between the complex dielectric constant ( and are
magnitudes of the real and imaginary parts, respectively) and volumetric soil moisture for a
loamy soil at a frequency of 5GHz (after Hallikainen et al., 1985)

constant of soils rises with increasing soil moisture (see Figure11.1). With these physical relations,
it is possible to retrieve soil moisture of the Earths surface from passive as well as from active
microwave remote-sensing systems.

Microwave beams are able to interact to some extent with the volumes of targets since their
waves are longer and are not reflected immediately at the surface. Thus, information about the
inner conditions of vegetation or soils, for example, can be gained. As a rule of thumb, the longer
the wavelength, the deeper the radiation penetrates into volumes. In contrast, optical waves
only interact with surfaces and tell us about the visible colour and brightness.

When observed from above the canopy, vegetation affects the microwave emission in two ways:
first, vegetation absorbs or scatters the radiation emitted from the soil; second, the vegetation
also emits its own radiation. Under a sufficiently dense canopy, the emitted soil radiation will
become totally masked and the observed radiation will be mostly due to vegetation. Generally,
all frequency bands used in microwave remote-sensing of soil moisture are sensitive to
vegetation and require some correction in the data for this. Higher-frequency bands are more
vulnerable to vegetation influences. Multi-frequency radiometers

Passive systems like radiometers record the brightness temperature of the Earths surface.
Brightness temperatures are related to the amount of emissivity (and thus reflection)
described by the RayleighJeans approximation of Plancks law. This law states that brightness
temperatures are a function of the physical temperature and emissivity. The amount of emission
depends on the dielectric constant of the emitting body as described by Fresnels reflection law.

Since 1978, instruments have been providing global passive data over land and oceans
(Figure11.2), beginning with the Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR,
19781987), the Special Sensor Microwave - Imager (SSM/I, since 1987), the Tropical Rainfall
Measuring Mission (TRMM, since 1997) and, more recently, the Advanced Microwave
Radiometers (AMSR-E, 20022011 and AMSR-2 since 2012), the Coriolis WindSat (since 2003)
and the Chinese satellites FengYun-3 (since 2010). Initially these instruments were not designed
for soil moisture observations but for precipitation, evaporation, sea-surface temperatures and
cryospheric parameters. However, in the 1970s studies already showed the potential of retrieving



Figure 11.2. Active and passive microwave sensors used for soil moisture retrieval

soil moisture from brightness temperatures at these frequencies (Schmugge, 1976). The big
advantage of radiometers is that data are available from multiple multi-frequency microwave
radiometers since 1978, providing a long-term dataset to investigate trends and anomalies.

The instruments used for soil moisture remote-sensing have frequencies varying from 6.6 to
10.7GHz. It has to be taken into account that a higher microwave frequency leads to less accurate
estimates of soil moisture since attenuation due to vegetation increases and penetration ability
decreases. Therefore, retrievals from SMMR (6.6GHz), AMSR-E (6.9GHz), WindSat (6.8GHz) and
AMSR-2 (6.9GHz) tend to be more accurate. Another advantage of these sensors is that spatial
resolution and radiometric accuracy are much improved. The spatial resolution of AMSR-E is
56km where the soil moisture products are provided at a spatial resolution of 0.25. Scatterometers

A scatterometer is an active microwave instrument that continuously transmits short directional

pulses of energy towards the Earths surface and detects the returned energy. The amount
of energy returned to the instrument depends upon geometric and dielectric properties of
the surface and is often referred to as normalized radar cross-section or backscatter (sigma
nought, 0). Sacrificing range and spatial resolution, scatterometers surpass other types of
radars in accuracy and stability for measuring the radar cross-section of a target. Space-borne
scatterometers were initially developed and designed to derive wind speed and direction over
the oceans. Nevertheless, a number of studies acknowledge the capacity of scatterometers for
land applications such as soil moisture monitoring (Magagi and Kerr, 1997; Pulliainen et al., 1998;
Wagner et al., 1999). Since European scatterometers operate in longer wavelengths (5.3GHz)
than US scatterometers (14GHz), they are more suitable for soil moisture retrieval.

The unique instrument design of the European scatterometers on board the European Remote-
sensing (ERS) satellites and the Meteorological Operational (Metop) satellites enables soil
moisture retrieval on a global scale with almost daily coverage. Both scatterometers, the Active
Microwave Instrument (AMI) in wind mode on board ERS (Attema, 1991) and the Advanced
Scatterometer (ASCAT) on board Metop (Figa-Saldaa et al., 2002), operate in C-band
(5.3GHz) with a wavelength of approximately 5.6cm. The major differences between these two
scatterometers are the number of sideways-looking antennas and the range of the incidence
angles observed. The spatial resolution of the AMI is approximately 50km while the ASCAT
product is provided at spatial resolutions of 25km and 50km.
CHAPTER 11. MEASUREMENT OF SOIL MOISTURE 337 Synthetic aperture radars

Space- or airborne synthetic aperture radars (SAR) are active microwave sensor systems that
offer a higher spatial resolution than scatterometers due to advanced signal processing. As side-
looking imaging radars, they operate similarly to scatterometers and use the same frequency
domain. Besides hydrological applications, SAR systems can be used for the accurate retrieval of
three-dimensional geometries, as they enable interferometry.

As a side-looking imaging radar moves along its path on the ground, it accumulates data.
The spatial resolution of radars is dependent on the (limited) physical size of its antenna, the
aperture. Taking advantage of the along-track motion of the carrier, an SAR system simulates a
bigger synthetic aperture as it records amplitude and phase of the ground targets continuously
while they are visible to the SAR. These multiple measurements of each target are then summed
up coherently. Smaller objects are subsequently resolved on the ground. However, higher energy
consumption and a smaller footprint result in a longer revisit time on individual locations and
thus the temporal resolution of SARs is inferior to other microwave systems these days.

The higher complexity of soil and surface properties at the scale below 10km introduces
additional error and uncertainty sources. As a consequence, SAR systems are not yet employed in
operational soil moisture services but instead are used for pre-operational services and scientific
products (Doubkova et al., 2009; Pathe et al., 2009). Nonetheless, upcoming SAR satellite
missions such as the European Space Agency (ESA) Sentinel-1 programme (Attema et al., 2007)
promise improved temporal and radiometric resolution and a suggestion has been made to use
SARs for operational soil moisture services on a local scale (Hornacek et al., 2012). Dedicated L-band missions

As stated before, lower frequencies tend to be less sensitive to vegetation interactions and are
therefore thought to be more suitable for soil moisture retrieval. Hence, the first two space-borne
missions specifically designed for soil moisture retrieval operate in the L-band channel (1.4GHz).
The aim of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and the Soil Moisture Active Passive
(SMAP) missions is to provide absolute soil moisture with a maximum root mean square error of

The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission of the European Space Agency was launched
successfully on 2November 2009. The instrument on board the SMOS satellite has a unique
design to provide the spatial resolution needed for measuring soil moisture. The so-called
Microwave Imaging Radiometer using Aperture Synthesis (MIRAS) is a 2D interferometric
radiometer, on which the size of the antenna needed for measuring at the required spatial
resolution is simulated through 69small antennas. MIRAS provides brightness temperatures with
a spatial resolution varying between 30 and 50km. Global coverage is achieved every 23days.

The Soil Moisture Active Passive mission, run by the US National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA), is planned for launch on 31January 2015. Like SMOS, the passive
microwave instrument operates in L-band to enhance the sensitivity to soil moisture. However,
the instrument design for SMAP is very different from SMOS. SMAP uses a real aperture antenna
in the shape of a large (6m) parabolic reflector that rotates. Measurements are made with a
spatial resolution of 40km. In addition to the passive measurements, SMAP also carries a radar
that makes concurrent measurements at a spatial resolution of 13km. By combining active and
passive measurements, SMAP provides a soil moisture product with a spatial resolution of 10km. Soil moisture retrieval

For retrieving soil moisture it is necessary to have models that are capable of accounting
for vegetation and surface roughness effects on the microwave signal and then to convert
accordingly the received intensity to soil moisture values. Again, it should be noted that
a shorter wavelength leads to inferior performance due to vegetation scattering and less
penetration depth. Soil moisture retrieval is not possible over densely vegetated areas such as

tropical rainforests due to the lack of penetration of the L-band and C-band waves through the
vegetation canopy. Additionally, retrieved estimates of soil moisture are only reasonable over
snow-free and non-frozen soils.

Passive systems measure the microwave brightness temperature and derive indirectly the
emissivity, which is then ingested into a radiative transfer model. Data on soil temperature,
roughness, texture and other parameters of the observed area are necessary ancillary
information. Data from passive microwave observations are available from AMSR-E using either
the VUANASA retrieval algorithm developed by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VUA) and NASA
and based on the Land Parameter Retrieval Model (LPRM) as described by Owe et al. (2001),
the official NASA AMSR-E product (Njoku et al., 2003; Njoku, 2004) or the retrieval algorithm
from the University of Montana (Jones et al., 2009; Jones and Kimball, 2010). All of these retrieval
algorithms are based on radiative transfer equations. However, the retrieval algorithms vary
significantly and generate quite different soil moisture values. The VUANASA retrieval algorithm
solves for vegetation optical depth and the soil dielectric constant simultaneously. Soil moisture
is calculated using the WangSchmugge mixing model (Wang and Schmugge, 1980).

The SMOS instrument provides an operational soil moisture product (Kerr et al., 2012). The
SMOS retrieval algorithm uses an iterative approach to minimize the cost function between
modelled brightness temperatures and the direct measurements. In this way the best set of
parameters is found, including the soil moisture and vegetation. SMOS Level2 soil moisture data
can be downloaded via ESA Earthnet Online (https://earth.esa.int/web/guest/-/how-to-obtain-

Active instruments measure the backscattered intensity, which is a function of roughness,

incidence angle and dielectric properties of the surface. Again, vegetation and other influences
contribute to the signal, which is used to determine the backscatter coefficient. Soil moisture
retrieval provided as an operational product from the ASCAT instrument and as a scientific
product from the AMI in wind mode relies on a semi-empirical change-detection method. This
method, the TU Wien change detection algorithm, is tailored to the unique instrument design.
Assuming a linear relationship between radar backscatter and soil moisture, in the decibel
domain, a relative measure of moisture in the first few centimetres of soil can be obtained,
representing the degree of saturation (0%100%). In very dry regions, particularly over sand
deserts, the retrieval approach fails, seemingly due to a complex mechanism of surface, volume
and sub-surface scattering. Soil moisture data from the TU Wien change detection algorithm
are freely available on the website of the Technische Universitt Wien (http://rs.geo.tuwien.ac.
at/products/) or the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
(EUMETSAT; http://www.eumetsat.int/website/home/Data/Products/L and/index.html).

An overview of operational soil moisture products is given in the table below.

Operational soil moisture products and their characteristics

Product reference SMOS AMSR-E ASCAT


Name SMOS Aqua Metop-A/B


a b

Lifetime Since 2.11.09 4.5.02 4.10.11 Since 19.10.06

Orbit Polar Polar Polar

Altitude 758 km 705 km 837 km

Period 100 min 99 min 100 min

Equator crossing 6 a.m. (ascending) 1.30 p.m. (ascending) 9.30 p.m. (ascending)
time 6 p.m. (descending) 1.30 a.m. (descending) 9.30 a.m. (descending)

Type Research satellite Research satellite Operational (3 satellites)


Product reference SMOS AMSR-E ASCAT



Type Synthetic aperture Multi-frequency real Real aperture

radiometer aperture radiometer scatterometer

Swath 1 000 km 1 450 km 2 x 550 km

Scanning principle Forward looking Rotating parabolic 6 side-looking fan beam

2D interferometer reflector antennas

Incidence angle 0 55 55 25 53 (mid beam);

range 34 64 (fore and aft

Frequency 1.4 GHz 6.9, 10.7, 18.7, 23.8, 36.5, 5.3 GHz
and 89 GHz

Polarization H and V (polarimetric H and V VV

mode optional)

Spatial resolution 3050 km 75 x 43 km at 6.9 GHz 25/50 km

Daily global ~82% ~90% ~82%



Model name L-MEB LPRM WARP

Forward model Radiative transfer model Radiative transfer model Semi-empirical change-

Model complexity High Medium Low

Inversion approach Iterative least-square Iterative least-square Direct inversion

matching matching

Concurrent Soil temperature, Soil temperature, None

retrievals vegetation optical vegetation optical depth
depth, roughness

Model calibration None None Based on long-term

time series

Need for auxiliary High Medium Low


Error propagation Not available Available Available



Target quantity Volumetric soil moisture Volumetric soil moisture Degree of saturation

Units m3 m3 m3 m3 01 or %

Grid Fixed ISEA4-9 Discrete Regular grid Swath geometry

Global Grid

Pixel spacing 15 km 0.25 12.5 km

Data latency Within a few days after Irregular updates Within 130 min after
sensing sensing
a National Centre for Space Studies (France)
b Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnolgico Industrial (Spain)

11.6.2 Thermal infrared remote-sensing

All bodies with a temperature above absolute zero emit electromagnetic energy in the thermal
infrared domain. By detecting the thermal properties of the Earths surface, soil moisture can be
derived based on the distinct differences in thermal properties of soil and water (Idso et al., 1975;
Van de Griend et al., 1985). Thermal infrared remote-sensing has been used in an increasing
number of studies for the derivation of soil moisture. The advantage of thermal infrared remote-
sensing is that it can provide soil moisture information on a spatial resolution down to a few
metres. Furthermore, it can provide soil moisture information over dense vegetation, which
is one of the limitations of microwave remote-sensing. The disadvantages of thermal infrared
remote-sensing are that it is unable to measure soil moisture when cloud cover is present and
it is considerably affected by atmospheric phenomena. Therefore, complex noise-removal
mechanisms are needed in most cases. Thermal infrared remote-sensing of soil moisture is not as
straightforward as microwave remote-sensing since there is no direct link between temperature
data and soil moisture. Nevertheless, several approaches exist to indirectly retrieve soil moisture
data using thermal infrared observations from the geostationary operational environmental
satellite (GOES), advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR), moderate resolution
imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS), Landsat and others.

The first approach is called the triangle approach and is based on the empirical relationship
between soil moisture, soil temperature and fractional vegetation cover. This relationship was
demonstrated by Price(1990) and resulted in a triangular scatterplot of surface temperatures
and the remotely sensed normalized difference vegetation index. The triangle approach was later
used in several studies to estimate soil moisture, namely by Sandholt et al. (2002) and Carlson et
al. (1994) among others.

The second approach makes use of the differences in thermal properties between water and soils.
Water differs from many other matters in its relatively large heat capacity and thermal inertia.
Thermal inertia is defined as the resistance of an object against its heating for 1K. The thermal
inertia of water is relatively high, which indicates a high resistance to temperature changes. It has
been shown that the behaviour of land surface temperature in the morning strongly depends
on soil moisture in the soil, since the water will heat up more slowly. One of the approaches that
uses this behaviour is the calculation of the apparent thermal inertia (ATI), which can be done
when measuring the difference between maximum and minimum temperatures over one day. It
is described as:
ATI = (1 A) / T (11.10)
where A is the albedo of the pixel in the visible band and T the difference between the
minimum and maximum temperature. Many studies have already assessed the potential of ATI
to describe soil moisture and its spatial and temporal variability (e.g. Verstraeten et al., 2006; Van
doninck et al., 2011).

Another method to retrieve soil moisture using thermal infrared remote-sensing is by integrating
the data into land surface models. Soil moisture controls latent heat fluxes by way of both
evaporation and transpiration, where wet soil conditions lead to increased evaporation and
transpiration. The atmosphereland exchange inversion model (ALEXI) uses the relationship
between evaporation, transpiration and soil moisture to derive soil moisture data. All major
components, including the latent heat flux, of the energy budget are estimated from net
radiation and vegetation parameters retrieved from AVHRR and GOES. Accordingly, soil moisture
can be derived from latent heat fluxes by using a soil water stress function (Anderson et al.,
1997; Anderson et al., 2007; Hain et al., 2011). An intercomparison of soil moisture retrieved from
microwave remote-sensing and ALEXI showed that the two datasets are complementary: ALEXI
is better at estimating soil moisture over dense vegetation and microwave remote-sensing shows
more reliable results over low to moderate vegetation (Hain et al., 2011).

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12.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  347
12.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  347
12.1.2 Units used in upper-air measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  347
12.1.3 Meteorological requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  348 Radiosonde data for meteorological operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  348 Relationships between satellite and radiosonde upper-air
measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  350 Maximum height of radiosonde observations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  352
12.1.4 Accuracy requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  352 Geopotential height: requirements and performance. . . . . . . . . . . . .  353 Temperature: requirements and performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  354 Relative humidity: requirements and performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  354
12.1.5 Methods of measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  354 Constraints on radiosonde design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  354 Radio frequency used by radiosondes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  355
12.1.6 Radiosonde errors: general considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  356 Types of error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  356 Potential references. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  357 Sources of additional error during radiosonde operations . . . . . . . . .  357
12.2 Radiosonde electronics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  358
12.2.1 General features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  358
12.2.2 Power supply for radiosondes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  358
12.2.3 Methods of data transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  359 Radio transmitter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  359
12.3 Pressure sensors (including height measurements). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  359
12.3.1 General aspects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  359
12.3.2 Aneroid capsules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  360
12.3.3 Aneroid capsule (capacitive). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  360
12.3.4 Silicon sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  361
12.3.5 Pressure sensor errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  361 Relationship of geopotential height errors to pressure errors . . . . . . .  362
12.3.6 Use of geometric height observations instead of pressure sensor
observations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  364 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  364 Method of calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  364
12.3.7 Sources of error in direct height measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  366 In GPS geometric height measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  366 In radar height measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  367
12.4 Temperature sensors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  367
12.4.1 General requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  367
12.4.2 Thermistors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  368
12.4.3 Thermocapacitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  369
12.4.4 Thermocouples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  369
12.4.5 Scientific sounding instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  369
12.4.6 Exposure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  370
12.4.7 Temperature errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  370 Calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  370 Thermal lag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  372 Radiative heat exchange in the infrared. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  372 Heating by solar radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  372 Deposition of ice or water on the sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  375 Representativeness issues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  375
12.5 Relative humidity sensors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  375
12.5.1 General aspects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  375
12.5.2 Thin-film capacitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  379
12.5.3 Carbon hygristors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  381
12.5.4 Goldbeaters skin sensors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  381


12.5.5 Scientific sounding instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  382

12.5.6 Exposure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  383
12.5.7 Relative humidity errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  383 General considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  384 Relative humidity at night for temperatures above 20C . . . . . . . . .  385 Relative humidity in the day for temperatures above 20C . . . . . . .  386 Relative humidity at night for temperatures between 20C
and 50C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  387 Relative humidity in the day for temperatures between
20C and 50C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  388 Relative humidity at night for temperatures between 50C
and 70C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  388 Relative humidity in the day for temperatures between
50C and 70C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  390 Wetting or icing in cloud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  391 Representativeness issues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  391
12.6 Ground station equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  391
12.6.1 General features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  391
12.6.2 Software for data processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  392
12.7 Radiosonde operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  393
12.7.1 Control corrections immediately before use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  393
12.7.2 Deployment methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  394
12.7.3 Radiosonde launch procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  394
12.7.4 Radiosonde suspension during flight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  395
12.7.5 Public safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  395
12.8 Comparison, calibration and maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  396
12.8.1 Comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  396 Quality evaluation using short-term forecasts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  396 Quality evaluation using atmospheric time series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  397 Comparison of water vapour measurements with remote-sensing . .  397 Radiosonde comparison tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  397
12.8.2 Calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  398
12.8.3 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  399
12.9 Computations and reporting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  400
12.9.1 Radiosonde computations and reporting procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  400
12.9.2 Corrections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  401
12.10 Procurement Issues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  402
12.10.1 Use and update of the results from the WMO Intercomparison of High
Quality Radiosonde Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  402
12.10.2 Some issues to be considered in procurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  402


REQUIREMENTS FOR RADIOSONDE MEASUREMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  404


REQUIREMENTS FOR UPPER-AIR OBSERVATIONS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  405


AND FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TEST SITES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  409

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  416



12.1.1 Definitions

The following definitions based on WMO (1992, 2010a) are relevant to upper-air measurements
using a radiosonde:

Radiosonde: Instrument intended to be carried by a balloon through the atmosphere, equipped

with devices to measure one or several meteorological variables (pressure, temperature,
humidity, etc.), and provided with a radio transmitter for sending this information to the
observing station.

Radiosonde observation: An observation of meteorological variables in the upper air, usually

atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity and, often, horizontal wind, by means of a

Note: The radiosonde may be attached to a balloon (or another slow-moving unmanned aircraft), or the design
adjusted to be dropped (as a dropsonde) from an aircraft or rocket.

Radiosonde station: A station at which observations of atmospheric pressure, temperature,

humidity and usually horizontal wind in the upper air are made by electronic means.

Upper-air observation: A meteorological observation made in the free atmosphere, either directly
or indirectly.

Upper-air station, upper air synoptic station, aerological station: A surface location from which upper-
air observations are made.

Sounding: Determination of one or several upper-air meteorological variables by means of

instruments carried aloft by balloon, aircraft, kite, glider, rocket, and so on.

This chapter deals with radiosonde systems. Measurements using special platforms, specialized
equipment, and aircraft, or made indirectly by remote-sensing instruments such as microwave
radiometers and Raman water vapour lidars in the boundary layer and troposphere, are
discussed in other chapters of PartII of this Guide. Radiosonde systems are normally used to
measure pressure, temperature and relative humidity. At most operational sites, the radiosonde
system is also used for upper-wind determination (see PartI, Chapter13). In addition, some
radiosondes are flown with sensing systems for atmospheric constituents, such as ozone
concentration or radioactivity. These additional measurements are not discussed in any detail in
this chapter.

12.1.2 Units used in upper-air measurements

The units of measurement for the meteorological variables of radiosonde observations are
hectopascals for pressure, degrees Celsius for temperature, and per cent for relative humidity.
Relative humidity is reported relative to saturated vapour pressure over a water surface, even at
temperatures less than 0C.

The unit of geopotential height used in upper-air observations is the standard geopotential metre
(gpm), defined as 0.980665dynamic metres. The relationship between geopotential height and
geometric height is shown in section12.3.6.2. Differences in the lower troposphere are not very
large but get larger as the height increases.

The values of the physical functions and constants adopted by WMO (2011a) should be used in
radiosonde computations.

12.1.3 Meteorological requirements Radiosonde data for meteorological operations

Upper-air measurements of temperature, relative humidity and wind are three of the basic
measurements used in the initialization of the analyses of numerical weather prediction (NWP)
models for operational weather forecasting. Radiosondes provide most of the in situ temperature
and relative humidity measurements over land, while radiosondes launched from remote
islands or ships can, in practice, provide a very limited but important coverage over the oceans.
Temperatures with resolution in the vertical similar to radiosondes can be observed by aircraft
either during ascent, descent, or at cruise levels. Aircraft observations during ascent and descent
are used to supplement radiosonde observations over land and in some cases may be used to
replace the radiosondes at a given site. Aircraft observations at cruise level give measurements
over both land and oceans. Nadir-viewing satellite observations of temperature and water vapour
distribution have lower vertical resolution than radiosonde or aircraft measurements. Satellite
observations have a large impact on numerical weather prediction analyses over the oceans and
other areas of the globe where radiosonde and aircraft observations are sparse or unavailable.

Accurate measurements of the vertical structure of temperature and water vapour fields in the
troposphere are extremely important for all types of forecasting, especially regional and local
forecasting and nowcasting. Atmospheric temperature profiles have discontinuities in the
vertical, and the changes in relative humidity associated with the temperature discontinuities
are usually quite pronounced (see Figure12.1). The measurements indicate the typical structure
of cloud or fog layers in the vertical. This vertical structure of temperature and water vapour
determines the stability of the atmosphere and, subsequently, the amount and type of cloud that
will be forecast. Radiosonde measurements of the vertical structure can usually be provided with
sufficient accuracy to meet most user requirements.

High-resolution measurements of the vertical structure of temperature and relative humidity

are important for environmental pollution studies (for instance, identifying the depth of the
atmospheric boundary layer). This high vertical resolution is also necessary for computing the
effects of atmospheric refraction on the propagation of electromagnetic radiation or sound
waves. The time resolution should be as high as possible, for instance 1s, but not more than 5s.
Besides that, information on the time and position of the radiosonde at each level is required to
obtain the correct description of the atmosphere.

Civil aviation, artillery and other ballistic applications, such as space vehicle launches, have
operational requirements for detailed measurements of the density of air at given pressures
(derived from radiosonde temperature and relative humidity measurements).

Radiosonde observations are also important for studies of upper-air climate change. Hence,
it is necessary to keep adequate records of the systems, including the software version and
corrections, and consumables used for measurements, as well as the methods of observation
(e.g. suspension length from the balloon) used with the systems. Climatologists would prefer
that raw data be archived in addition to processed data and made available for subsequent
climatological studies. It is essential to record any changes in the methods of observation
introduced over time. In this context, it has proved essential to establish the changes in
radiosonde instruments and practices that have taken place since radiosondes were used on
a regular basis (see for instance WMO, 1993a). Climate change studies based on radiosonde
measurements require extremely high stability in the systematic errors of the radiosonde
measurements. However, the errors in early radiosonde measurements of some meteorological
variables, particularly relative humidity and pressure, were too high and complex to
generate meaningful corrections at all the heights required for climate change studies. Thus,
improvements and changes in radiosonde design were necessary. Furthermore, expenditure
limitations on meteorological operations require that radiosonde consumables remain cheap if
widespread radiosonde use is to continue.

Temperature Humidity

Height (km)

25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 C 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80%

(a) Example of daytime temperature and humidity profiles from the WMO
Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems, Yangjiang, China (22N).
The grey sounding was made 8 h after the black. Relatively small shifts in
the rate of temperature change in the vertical were associated with rapid
drops in relative humidity (near 0.7, 1.6, 3.5, 5.5 and 8 km).

Temperature Humidity

Height (km)

25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 C 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95%

(b) Example of temperature and relative humidity in summer at 0600 UTC in

the United Kingdom (50N), showing a shallow layer of 100% relative humidity
in fog near the ground and very rapid drops in relative humidity in the
temperature inversion layers between 1.5 and 2 km and at 3.8 km.

Figure 12.1. Examples of temperature and relative humidity profiles in

the lower and middle troposphere

When new radiosonde designs are introduced, it is essential that enough testing be conducted
of the performance of the new radiosonde relative to the old, so that time series of observations
at a station can be harmonized based on comparison data. This harmonization should not
result in the degradation of good measurements generated by the improved radiosonde in
order to make them compatible with the poorer measurements of an earlier design. It should
also be recognized that in some cases the errors in the earlier measurements were too large for
use in climatological studies (this is particularly true with respect to recent relative humidity
measurements, see section12.5.7).

Certain compromises in system measurement accuracy have to be accepted by users, taking

into account that radiosonde manufacturers are producing systems that need to operate over an
extremely wide range of meteorological conditions:

1 050 to 5 hPa for pressure

50 C to 95 C for temperature
100% to 1% for relative humidity
30 hPa at the surface to 10 4 hPa at the tropopause for water vapour pressure in the tropics

Systems also need to be able to sustain continuous reliable operation when operating in heavy
rain, in the vicinity of thunderstorms, and in severe icing conditions.

The coldest temperatures are most often encountered near the tropical and subtropical
tropopause, although in winter very cold temperatures can also be observed at higher levels
in the stratospheric polar vortex. Figure12.2 shows examples of profiles from the subtropics:
example (a) in Yangjiang, China (22N) in summer, and example (b) at 50N in summer and
winter in the United Kingdom. The colder temperatures near the tropopause in the tropics pose
a major challenge for operational relative humidity sensors, because few currently respond very
rapidly at temperatures below 70C (see sections12.5.7.6 and Thus, radiosondes that
can perform well throughout the troposphere at mid-latitudes may have less reliable relative
humidity measurements in the upper troposphere in the tropics.

A radiosonde measurement is close to an instant sample of a given layer of the atmosphere

(a radiosonde usually ascends 300m in 1min). When short-term fluctuations in atmospheric
temperature from gravity waves and turbulence are small, the radiosonde measurement can
represent the situation above a location very effectively for many hours. On the other hand,
when the atmosphere is very variable (for example, a convective atmospheric boundary layer),
the instant sample may not be valid for longer than a minute and may not represent a good
average value above the location, even for an hour. In Figure12.2(a), radiosonde temperatures
in the troposphere were more reproducible with time than in the stratosphere because of the
larger influence of gravity waves in the stratosphere. These larger differences at upper levels were
not the result of instrument error. Similarly, the variation of temperatures in the vertical in the
stratosphere in Figure12.2(b) was not the result of instrument error, as the same structure was
measured by two different radiosonde types on the test flights. Relationships between satellite and radiosonde upper-air measurements

Nadir-viewing satellite observing systems do not measure vertical structure with the same
accuracy or degree of confidence as radiosonde or aircraft systems. The current satellite
temperature and water vapour sounding systems either observe upwelling radiances from
carbon dioxide or water vapour emissions in the infrared, or alternatively oxygen or water vapour
emissions at microwave frequencies (see PartIII, Chapter3). Both infrared and microwave
sounding measurements are essential for current operational numerical weather prediction. The
radiance observed by a satellite channel is composed of atmospheric emissions from a range of
heights in the atmosphere. This range is determined by the distribution of emitting gases in the
vertical and the atmospheric absorption at the channel frequencies. Most radiances from a single
satellite temperature channel approximate the mean layer temperature of a layer at least 10km
thick. However, much finer vertical resolution has been achieved by the recent Fourier-transform
interferometers operating in the infrared, using information from a much larger number of
channels with slightly different absorption characteristics. The height distribution (weighting
function) of the observed temperature channel radiance will vary with geographical location
to some extent. This is because the radiative transfer properties of the atmosphere have a small
dependence on temperature. The concentrations of the emitting gas may vary to a small extent
with location and cloud; aerosol and volcanic dust may also modify the radiative heat exchange.
Hence, basic satellite temperature sounding observations provide good horizontal resolution and
spatial coverage worldwide for relatively thick layers in the vertical, but the precise distribution
in the vertical of the atmospheric emission observed may be more difficult to specify at any given


Height (km)
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 C

(a) July, Yangjiang, China (3 ascents in 8 h)

Height (km)


70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 C

(b) United Kingdom, summer (black) and winter (grey)

Figure 12.2. Examples of complete individual temperature profiles made with large balloons
suitable for climate observations

Most radiances observed by nadir-viewing satellite water vapour channels in the troposphere
originate from layers of the atmosphere about 4 to 5km thick. The pressures of the atmospheric
layers contributing to the radiances observed by a water vapour channel vary with location
to a much larger extent than for the temperature channels. This is because the thickness and
central pressure of the layer observed depend heavily on the distribution of water vapour in the
vertical. For instance, the layers observed in a given water vapour channel will be lowest when
the upper troposphere is very dry. The water vapour channel radiances observed depend on
the temperature of the water vapour. Therefore, water vapour distribution in the vertical can be
derived only once suitable measurements of vertical temperature structure are available.

Limb-viewing satellite systems can provide measurements of atmospheric structure with higher
vertical resolution than nadir-viewing systems; an example of this type of system is temperature
and water vapour measurement derived from global positioning system (GPS) radio occultation.
In this technique, vertical structure is measured along paths in the horizontal of at least 200km

(Kursinski et al., 1997). The technique is now in widespread use as it provides improved
measurements of vertical temperature structure, particularly around the tropopause where
radiosondes are not available.

Thus, the techniques developed for using satellite sounding information in numerical weather
prediction models incorporate information from other observing systems, mainly radiosondes
and aircraft, or from the numerical weather prediction model fields themselves. The radiosonde
information may be contained in an initial estimate of vertical structure at a given location, which
is derived from forecast model fields or is found in catalogues of possible vertical structure based
on radiosonde measurements typical of the geographical location or air mass type. In addition,
radiosonde measurements are used to cross-reference the observations from different satellites or
the observations at different view angles from a given satellite channel. The comparisons may be
made directly with radiosonde observations or indirectly through the influence from radiosonde
measurements on the vertical structure of numerical forecast fields.

Hence, radiosonde and satellite sounding systems, together with aircraft, are complementary
observing systems and provide a more reliable global observation system when used together.
Radiosonde and aircraft observations improve numerical weather prediction, even given the
much larger volume of satellite measurements available. Maximum height of radiosonde observations

Radiosonde observations are used regularly for measurements up to heights of about 35km (see,
for example, Figure12.2). However, many observations worldwide will not be made to heights
greater than about 25km, because of the higher cost of the balloons and gas necessary to lift the
equipment to the lowest pressures. Temperature errors tend to increase with height, but the rate
of increase with modern radiosondes is not that high and useful measurements can be made up
to 35km, particularly at night.

When planning radiosonde measurements for climate monitoring, it is necessary to ensure that
a sufficient number of large balloons are procured to obtain measurements up to 30km on a
regular basis in each region.

The problems associated with the contamination of sensors during flight and very long time-
constants of sensor response at low temperatures and pressures currently limit the usefulness of
quality radiosonde relative humidity measurements to the troposphere.

12.1.4 Accuracy requirements

This section summarizes the requirements for uncertainty (always stated in terms of k = 2,
see PartI, Chapter1 of this Guide) of the meteorological variables measured by radiosondes
and compares them with typical operational performance. A more detailed discussion of
performance and sources of errors is given in detail in the later sections dealing with the
individual meteorological variable (see sections12.3.5, 12.3.7, 12.4.7 and 12.5.7 for pressure,
height, temperature and relative humidity, respectively). The definition of uncertainty, systematic
bias and so on can be found in PartI, Chapter1 of this Guide.

Estimates of achievable optimum uncertainty for radiosonde observations, as of 2012, are

included in Annex12.A. This annex was generated following the WMO Intercomparison of
High Quality Radiosonde Systems in Yangjiang, China (WMO, 2011b). It describes the optimum
performance that can currently be obtained from operational radiosondes.

A summary of requirements for uncertainty and vertical resolution limits for radiosonde
observations extracted from WMO documents is presented in Annex12.B. These tables include
information from the WMO observing requirements database (OSCAR/Requirements; see WMO,
2014), the observation requirement targets published by WMO (2009) for the Global Climate
Observing System (GCOS) Reference Upper-Air Network (GRUAN), and limited information from
atmospheric variability studies in WMO (1970).

The WMO observing requirements database includes three limits for most meteorological

(a) The goal: an ideal requirement;

(b) The threshold: the minimum requirement to be met to ensure that data are useful;

(c) A breakthrough: an intermediate level between threshold and goal which, if achieved,
would result in a significant improvement for the target application.

Tables 12.B.1, 12.B.2 and 12.B.3 in Annex 12.B are based mainly on the requirements of the high-
resolution numerical weather prediction application area, although information on goals derived
from atmospheric variability studies are also shown when the goals differ from those established
in the WMO observing requirements database. Climate requirements are based on the GRUAN
requirements and those in the section of the observing requirements database for AOPC or
SPARC activities. Again, when there are significant differences between the goals from the two
databases, these are indicated in the tables. Requirements for geopotential height in Table12.B.4
were derived as described in Annex12.B.

A radiosonde meeting the less stringent breakthrough requirements, as summarized in

Annex12.A, should provide measurements that give good value for money in terms of national
targeted use. However, the less stringent accuracy requirements will not meet the expectations
of some users, for instance for primary sites used to detect climate change. Thus, an operational
decision has to be made as to the quality of the observation required by the national network,
taking into account that the use of such data in forecasts will improve forecast quality across the
country if the observation meets the breakthrough targets.

The requirements for spacing between observations in the horizontal from the WMO observing
requirements database have not been shown here, but these clearly show that radiosonde
observations on their own cannot meet the minimum requirements of the WMO Integrated
Global Observing System (WIGOS), and must be supplemented by temperature, relative
humidity and wind measurements from other observing systems. Geopotential height: requirements and performance

Modern radiosonde systems can have systematic pressure bias a little larger than 1hPa near
the surface, but systematic errors as large as this at pressures lower than 100hPa are now rare
(see Table12.4). The radiosondes still using the best pressure sensors can measure heights near
10hPa with a random error (k = 2) between 300 and 400m, that is, with a random error in
pressure of about 0.6hPa.

Thus, the uncertainty goal for height measurements for numerical weather prediction can be met
by most radiosondes using a pressure sensor up to 100hPa. However, it requires a radiosonde
measuring height with GPS technology to measure up to 30km with a random error of only
20m, which is equivalent to a random error less than or equal to 0.05hPa in pressure, depending
on the uncertainty of the radiosonde temperature measurements.

The uncertainty goal for cloud-base heights in the lower troposphere in Table12.B.4 of
Annex12.B requires pressure uncertainties (k = 2) of only 3hPa associated with the cloud-base
height. Most modern radiosondes can come close to this requirement.

Ozone concentrations in the stratosphere have pronounced gradients in the vertical, and
height assignment errors from even relatively small pressure sensor errors introduce significant
inaccuracies into the ozonesonde profile reports at all latitudes. This has proved to be one of
the limiting factors in these measurements when using the older type of radiosonde with larger
pressure errors in the stratosphere.
354 PART I. MEASUREMENT OF METEOROLOGICAL VARIABLES Temperature: requirements and performance

Most modern radiosonde systems (introduced since 2000) measure temperature in the
troposphere and stratosphere up to a height of about 31km with an uncertainty (k = 2) between
0.4 and 1K. This is usually close to the optimum performance for numerical weather prediction
suggested in Table12.B.2 of Annex12.B. However, uncertainty well in excess of 2K can still be
found in some national radiosonde networks in tropical regions. If used, measurements with
such large errors damage numerical weather prediction forecasts.

In the stratosphere, radiosonde temperature uncertainties can be close to the goal for numerical
weather prediction, but require some improvement in daytime conditions to be optimized for
climate requirements.

As the goals for climate temperatures are more demanding than for numerical weather
prediction, the GRUAN Lead Centre continues to work with manufacturers and operators
to reduce the uncertainty of the current operational measurements in the troposphere and
stratosphere. In this case, it is extremely important that systematic bias be as near constant
with time as possible, requiring tighter limits on the methods of observation than at standard
operational sites. To obtain the most useful performance, operators must take care to prepare
and operate the radiosondes according to the instructions, whether from this Guide, the
manufacturer or at GRUAN stations, according to the procedures agreed with the GRUAN Lead
Centre. In the case of GRUAN, the details of the radiosonde preparation must be noted and
archived as part of the metadata associated with the measurement (Immler et al., 2010). Relative humidity: requirements and performance

The uncertainties in modern relative humidity sensor measurements at temperatures higher

than 50C fall mostly within the range of 5% to 14% relative humidity (RH). Thus, the
measurements mostly meet the breakthrough limit for numerical weather prediction, but many
need improvement to meet the breakthrough limit for climate measurements (see Annex12.B,

At temperatures lower than 50C, the uncertainties increase, with the best operational
radiosonde sensors having an uncertainty of about 16% relative humidity at 70C, i.e. close
to the breakthrough for numerical weather prediction and not meeting the breakthrough
for climate requirements. However, most modern sensors have uncertainties of about 24%
relative humidity at the lowest temperatures. Several problems were identified in the WMO
Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems in Yangjiang, China (WMO, 2011b). It is
expected that the uncertainties in upper troposphere relative humidity will improve with time as
these are rectified.

12.1.5 Methods of measurement

This section discusses radiosonde methods in general terms. Details of instrumentation and
procedures are given in other sections. Constraints on radiosonde design

Certain compromises are necessary when designing a radiosonde:

(a) Temperature measurements are found to be most reliable when sensors are exposed
unprotected above the top of the radiosonde, but this also leads to direct exposure to solar
radiation. In most modern radiosondes, coatings are applied to the temperature sensor to
minimize solar heating and heat exchange in the infrared. The radiation corrections work
most reliably if the temperature sensor and its supports are designed so that the solar
heating does not vary significantly as the radiosonde rotates in flight relative to the sun.
Software corrections for the residual solar heating are then applied during data processing.

(b) Nearly all relative humidity sensors require some protection from rain. A protective cover or
duct reduces the ventilation of the sensor and hence the speed of response of the sensing
system as a whole. The cover or duct also provides a source of contamination after passing
through cloud. However, in practice, the requirement for protection from rain or ice is
usually more important than perfect exposure to the ambient air. Thus, protective covers or
ducts are used mostly with a relative humidity sensor. One of the alternatives is to have two
sensors which alternate: one is heated to drive off contamination while the other reports
the relative humidity; then the second sensor is heated while the first reports the relative
humidity, and so on. Humidity sensors are often placed close to the temperature sensor
since, until recent years, the humidity sensor was assumed to be at the same temperature as
the temperature sensor. However, many radiosondes now measure the temperature of the
humidity sensor directly, as the humidity sensors temperature is rarely exactly the same as
the air temperature reported by the radiosonde. If this is done, the relative humidity sensor
may be given an improved exposure away from contamination from the main temperature
sensor and its supports.

(c) Pressure sensors are usually mounted internally to minimize the temperature changes in the
sensor during flight and to avoid conflicts with the exposure of the temperature and relative
humidity sensors.

(d) In many modern radiosondes a pressure sensor is not used, and geometric height is
measured using GPS technology and then converted into geopotential height based on
knowledge of the gravitational fields at the location.

Other important features required in radiosonde design are reliability, robustness, and light
weight and small dimensions to facilitate the launch. With modern electronic multiplexing
readily available, it is also important to sample the radiosonde sensors at a high rate. If possible,
this rate should be about once per second, corresponding to a minimum sample separation of
about 5m in the vertical. Since radiosondes are generally used only once, or not more than a few
times, they must be designed for mass production at low cost. Ease and stability of calibration is
very important, since radiosondes must often be stored for long periods (more than a year) prior
to use. (Many of the most important Global Climate Observing System stations, for example, in
Antarctica, are on sites where radiosondes cannot be delivered more than once per year.)

A radiosonde should be capable of transmitting an intelligible signal to the ground receiver over
a slant range of at least 200km. The voltage of the radiosonde battery varies with both time and
temperature. Therefore, the radiosonde must be designed to accept battery variations without a
loss of measurement accuracy or an unacceptable drift in the transmitted radio frequency. Radio frequency used by radiosondes

The radio frequency spectrum bands currently used for most radiosonde transmissions are
shown in Table12.1. These correspond to the meteorological aids allocations specified by the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radiocommunication Sector radio regulations.

The radio frequency actually chosen for radiosonde operations in a given location will depend on
various factors. At sites where strong upper winds are common, slant ranges to the radiosonde

Table 12.1. Primary frequencies used by radiosondes in the meteorological aids bands

Radio frequency band

Status ITU Regions
400.15 406 Primary All

1 668.4 1 700 Primary All

Note: Some secondary radar systems manufactured and deployed
in the Russian Federation may still operate in a radio frequency band
centred at 1780MHz.

are usually large and balloon elevations are often very low. Under these circumstances, the
400-MHz band will normally be chosen for use since a good communication link from the
radiosonde to the ground system is more readily achieved at 400MHz than at 1680MHz. When
upper winds are not so strong, the choice of frequency will, on average, be usually determined
by the method of upper-wind measurement used (see PartI, Chapter13). The frequency band
of 400MHz is usually used when navigational aid windfinding is chosen, and 1680MHz when
radiotheodolites or a tracking antenna are to be used with the radiosonde system.

The radio frequencies listed in Table 12.1 are allocated on a shared basis with other services.
In some countries, the national radiocommunication authority has allocated part of the bands
to other users, and the whole of the band is not available for radiosonde operations. In other
countries, where large numbers of radiosonde systems are deployed in a dense network, there
are stringent specifications on radio frequency drift and bandwidth occupied by an individual

Any organization proposing to fly radiosondes should check that suitable radio frequencies are
available for their use and should also check that they will not interfere with the radiosonde
operations of the National Meteorological Service.

There are now strong requirements from governments to improve the efficiency of radio
frequency use. Therefore, radiosonde operations will have to share with a greater range of users
in the future. Wideband radiosonde systems occupying most of the available spectrum of the
meteorological aids bands will become impracticable in many countries. Therefore, preparations
for the future in most countries should be based on the principle that radiosonde transmitters
and receivers will have to work with bandwidths of much less than 1MHz in order to avoid
interfering signals. Transmitter stability will have to be better than 5kHz in countries with dense
radiosonde networks, and not worse than about 200kHz in most of the remaining countries.

National Meteorological Services need to maintain contact with national radiocommunication

authorities in order to keep adequate radio frequency allocations and to ensure that their
operations are protected from interference. Radiosonde operations will also need to avoid
interference with, or from, data collection platforms transmitting to meteorological satellites
between 401 and 403MHz, with the downlinks from meteorological satellites between 1690
and 1700MHz and with the command and data acquisition operations for meteorological
satellites at a limited number of sites between 1670 and 1690MHz.

12.1.6 Radiosonde errors: general considerations Types of error

This section contains a detailed discussion of the errors encountered with radiosonde sensors.

Measurement errors by radiosondes may be classified into three types (WMO, 1975):

(a) Systematic errors characteristic of the type of radiosonde in general;

(b) Sonde error, representing the variation in errors that persist through thick layers in the
vertical for a particular type of radiosonde from one flight to the next;

(c) Random errors in individual observations, producing the scatter superimposed on the
sonde error through a given ascent.

However, for many users it is also helpful to take note of the magnitude of the representativeness
errors that are associated with a measurement (see Kitchen, 1989, and PartI, Chapter1 of
this Guide). For instance, radiosonde temperature observations are assigned an error in data
assimilation schemes, and this has more to do with a representativeness error than the small
instrumentation errors identified in section12.4.7. These errors differ depending on the
atmospheric situation and also on the use made of the measurement. For example, as the
scales of motion represented in a numerical weather prediction model increase, the radiosonde

representativeness errors ought to decrease because the model represents more of what the
radiosonde measures. On the other hand, a climatologist wants measurements that are close
to a longer-term average, representing a significant area around the launch site. The structure
introduced by localized small-scale fluctuations in the radiosonde measurement is undesirable
for this purpose. Potential references

High-precision tracking radar measurements or GPS height measurements can allow systematic
errors in geopotential height measurements to be quantified. These results can then be used
to identify systematic errors in radiosonde pressure sensor measurements, given that errors in
temperature measurements are known to be relatively small.

Most newly developed radiosondes measure temperatures at night which fall within a range
of 0.2K at a height of 30km (WMO, 2006a, 2011b). Thus, at night, it is possible to identify
systematic errors that bias radiosonde measurements away from this consensus.

However, interpreting daytime temperature comparisons with similar uncertainty is still not
feasible. For instance, average temperatures in the same tests fall within about 0.5K at a height
of 30km. When used in big international tests, the scientific sounding instrumentation has not
yet achieved the required performance in daytime to be able to identify correct measurements
with the same uncertainty as at night.

Relative humidity measurements can be checked at high humidity when the radiosondes pass
through clouds. Here, laser ceilometer and cloud radars can provide better evidence on the cloud
observed by the radiosonde during its ascent. The vertical structure in relative humidity reported
by radiosondes, including the presence of very dry layers, can be validated by comparison with
Raman lidar measurements.

In most radiosonde comparison tests, the results from one radiosonde design are compared with
those of another to provide an estimate of their systematic differences. The values of sonde error
and random errors can usually be estimated from the appropriate method of computing the
standard deviations of the differences between the two radiosonde types. The most extensive
series of comparison tests performed since 1984 have been those of the WMO international
radiosonde comparisons (WMO, 1987, 1991, 1996a, 2006b) and the tests performed in Brazil
(WMO, 2006c), Mauritius (WMO, 2006a) and Yangjiang, China (WMO, 2011b). Results from
these and other tests using the same standards in the United Kingdom (see results from the
Camborne Met Office (WMO, 2010b)), the United States and Switzerland will sometimes be
quoted in the subsequent sections.

There are several national facilities in which the performance of radiosonde sensors can be tested
at different pressures and temperatures in the laboratory. The WMO Radiosonde Humidity
Sensor Intercomparison (WMO, 2006b) contains results from laboratory comparisons with
humidity standards in the Russian Federation. These results can be helpful in identifying some,
but not all, of the problems identified when flying in the atmosphere. Sources of additional error during radiosonde operations

It is extremely important to perform pre-flight radiosonde checks very carefully, since mistakes
in measuring values for control data used to adjust calibrations can produce significant errors in
measurement during the ascent. Observation errors in the surface data obtained from a standard
screen and then included in the radiosonde message must also be avoided. An error in surface
pressure will affect all the computed geopotential heights. For the same reason, it is important
that the surface pressure observation should correspond to the official station height.

Random errors in modern radiosonde measurements are now generally small. This is the result
of improved radiosonde electronics and multiplexing, providing more reliable data telemetry
links between the ground station, and reliable automated data processing in the ground station.

Thus, the random errors are usually less significant than systematic radiosonde errors and flight-
to-flight variation in sensor performance and calibration (sonde error). However, random errors
may become large if there is a partial radiosonde failure in flight, if interference is caused by
another radiosonde using a similar transmission frequency, or if the radiosondes are at long slant
ranges and low elevations that are incompatible with the specifications of the ground system
receiver and aerials.

Thus, errors in radiosonde measurements may be caused not only by the radiosonde sensor
design and problems with calibration in the factory during manufacture, but also by problems
in the reception of the radiosonde signal at the ground and the effect on subsequent data
processing. When signal reception is poor, data-processing software will often interpolate values
between the occasional measurements judged to be valid. Under this circumstance, it is vital that
the operator is aware of the amount of data interpolation occurring. Data quality may be so poor
that the flight should be terminated and a replacement radiosonde launched.

Software errors in automated systems often occur in special circumstances that are difficult to
identify without extensive testing. Usually, the errors result from an inadvertent omission of a
routine procedure necessary to deal with a special situation or combination of events normally
dealt with instinctively by an expert human operator.


12.2.1 General features

A basic radiosonde design usually comprises three main parts as follows:

(a) The sensors plus references;

(b) An electronic transducer, converting the output of the sensors and references into electrical

(c) The radio transmitter.

In rawinsonde systems (see PartI, Chapter13), there are also electronics associated with the
reception and retransmission of radionavigation signals, or transponder system electronics for
use with secondary radars.

Radiosondes are usually required to measure more than one meteorological variable. Reference
signals are used to compensate for instability in the conversion between sensor output and
transmitted telemetry. Thus, a method of switching between various sensors and references in
a predetermined cycle is required. Most modern radiosondes use electronic switches operating
at high speed with one measurement cycle lasting typically between 1 and 2s. This rate of
sampling allows the meteorological variables to be sampled at height intervals of between 5 and
10m at normal rates of ascent.

12.2.2 Power supply for radiosondes

Radiosonde batteries should be of sufficient capacity to power the radiosonde for the required
flight time in all atmospheric conditions. For radiosonde ascents to 5hPa, radiosonde batteries
should be of sufficient capacity to supply the required currents for up to three hours, given that
the radiosonde launch may often be delayed and that flight times may be as long as two hours.
Three hours of operation would be required if descent data from the radiosonde were to be
used. Batteries should be as light as practicable and should have a long storage life. They should
also be environmentally safe following use. Many modern radiosondes can tolerate significant
changes in output voltage during flight. Two types of batteries are in common use, the dry-cell
type and water-activated batteries.

The use of dry-cell batteries has increased rapidly as these have the advantages of being widely
available at very low cost because of the high volume of production worldwide and of posing
less risk in terms of occupational health and safety (and environmental impact). However, they
may have the disadvantage of having limited shelf life. Also, their output voltage may vary more
during discharge than that of water-activated batteries.

Water-activated batteries usually use a cuprous chloride and sulphur mixture. The batteries
can be stored for long periods. The chemical reactions in water-activated batteries generate
internal heat, reducing the need for thermal insulation and helping to stabilize the temperature
of the radiosonde electronics during flight. These batteries are not manufactured on a large
scale for other users. Therefore, they are generally manufactured directly by the radiosonde

Care must be taken to ensure that batteries do not constitute an environmental hazard once the
radiosonde falls to the ground after the balloon has burst.

12.2.3 Methods of data transmission Radio transmitter

A wide variety of transmitter designs are in use. Solid-state circuitry is mainly used up to 400MHz
and valve (cavity) oscillators may be used at 1680MHz. Modern transmitter designs are usually
crystal-controlled to ensure a good frequency stability during the sounding. Good frequency
stability during handling on the ground prior to launch and during flight are important. At
400MHz, widely used radiosonde types are expected to have a transmitter power output lower
than 250mW. At 1680MHz the most widely used radiosonde type has a power output of about
330mW. The modulation of the transmitter varies with radiosonde type. It would be preferable
in the future if radiosonde manufacturers could agree on a standard method and format
for transmission of data from the radiosonde to the ground station, which would allow user
interoperability between radiosonde types without the need to modify the ground reception
hardware and software each time. In any case, the radiocommunication authorities in many
regions of the world will require that radiosonde transmitters meet certain specifications in the
future, so that the occupation of the radio-frequency spectrum is minimized and other users can
share the nominated meteorological aids radio-frequency bands (see section12.1.5.2).


12.3.1 General aspects

Radiosonde pressure sensors must sustain accuracy over a very large dynamic range from 3 to
1000hPa, with a resolution of 0.1hPa over most of the range and a resolution of 0.01hPa for
pressures less than 100hPa. Changes in pressure are usually identified by a small electrical or
mechanical change. For instance, the typical maximum deflection of an aneroid capsule is about
5mm, so that the transducer used with the sensor has to resolve a displacement of about 0.5m.
Changes in calibration caused by sensor temperature changes during the ascent must also be
compensated. These temperature changes may be as large as several tens of degrees, unless the
pressure sensor is mounted in a stabilized environment.

Thus, pressure sensors are usually mounted internally within the radiosonde body to minimize
the temperature changes that occur. In some cases, the sensor is surrounded by water bags to
reduce cooling. When water-activated batteries are used, the heat generated by the chemical
reaction in the battery is used to compensate the internal cooling of the radiosonde. However,
even in this case, the radiosonde design needs to avoid generating temperature gradients
across the sensor and its associated electrical components. If a pressure sensor has an actively
controlled temperature environment, the sensor assembly should be mounted in a position on
the radiosonde where heat contamination from the pressure sensor assembly cannot interfere
with the temperature or relative humidity measurements.

The pressure sensor and its transducer are usually designed so that sensitivity increases as
pressure decreases. The time constant of response of radiosonde pressure sensors is generally
very small, and errors from sensor lag are not significant.

Historically, when reliable pressure sensors for low pressure were being manufactured, sensors
with poor performance were replaced by pressure measurements deduced from radar heights,
as in the United Kingdom before 1978. In some countries of the Commonwealth of Independent
States, very accurate secondary radars are used to measure geometric heights instead of using a
pressure sensor on the radiosonde.

Today, many modern radiosonde systems use GPS navigation signals to locate the position of the
radiosonde and have dispensed with the use of a pressure sensor on the radiosonde (to save on
consumable costs). As a result, geometric height, and hence geopotential height, is measured
directly (see section12.3.6), with the pressure changes in flight computed from the radiosonde
temperature and humidity measurements.

12.3.2 Aneroid capsules

Aneroid capsules have been used as the pressure sensor in the majority of radiosondes. In the
older radiosonde designs, the capsules were usually about 50 to 60mm in diameter. The sensors
were made from a metal with an elastic coefficient that is independent of temperature. The
measurement of the deflection of the aneroid capsule can be achieved either by an external
device requiring a mechanical linkage between the capsule and the radiosonde transducer or by
an internal device (see section12.3.3).

Aneroid sensitivity depends mainly on the effective surface area of the capsule and its elasticity.
Capsules can be designed to give a deflection that is linearly proportional to the pressure or to
follow some other law, for example, close to a logarithmic dependence on pressure. The long-
term stability of the capsule calibration is usually improved by seasoning the capsules. This is
achieved by exercising the capsules through their full working range over a large number of
cycles in pressure and temperature.

When the aneroid is used with a mechanical linkage to a transducer, the sensor usually suffers
from a hysteresis effect of about 1 to 2hPa. This hysteresis must be taken into account during
the sensor calibration. The change in pressure during calibration must be of the same sense as
that found in actual sounding conditions. The mechanical linkage to the radiosonde transducer
often consists of a system amplifying the movement of the capsule to a pointer operating switch
contacts or resistive contacts. A successful operation requires that friction be minimized to avoid
both discontinuous movements of the pointer and hysteresis in the sensor system.

12.3.3 Aneroid capsule (capacitive)

Many modern radiosonde designs use aneroid capsules of smaller diameter (30mm or less in
diameter) with the deflection of the capsule directly measured by an internal capacitor. A parallel
plate capacitor used for this purpose is formed by two plates each fixed directly to one side of the
capsule. The capacitance, C, is then:
C =S / e (12.1)
where S is the surface area of each plate, e is the distance between the plates and is the
dielectric constant. As e is a direct function of the deflection of the capsule, the capacitance C is a
direct electrical measurement of the deflection. In many radiosonde sensors, each capacitor plate
is fixed to the opposite side of the capsule by mounts passing through holes in the other plate.
With this configuration, e decreases when the pressure lowers. The sensitivity of the capacitive
sensor is:

S / e2 de / dp (12.2)

This will be greatest when e is small and the pressure is smallest. The capacitive sensor described
is more complicated to manufacture but is best suited for upper-air measurements, as the
sensitivity can be 10times greater at 10hPa than at 1000hPa. The value of the capacitance is
usually close to 6pF.

Capacitive aneroid capsules are usually connected to a resistance-capacitance electronic

oscillator with associated reference capacitors. This arrangement needs to measure very small
variations of capacity (for example, 0.1% change in a maximum of 6pF) without any significant
perturbation of the oscillator from changes in temperature, power supply or ageing. Such high
stability in an oscillator is difficult to achieve at a low price. However, one solution is to multiplex
the input to the oscillator between the pressure sensor and two reference capacitors. A reference
capacitor C1 is connected alone to the oscillator, then in parallel with Cp, the pressure sensor
capacitor, and then in parallel with a second reference C2 to provide a full-scale reference.

The calibration of an aneroid capacitive sensor will usually have significant temperature
dependence. This can be compensated either by referencing to an external capacitor which has
a temperature coefficient of similar magnitude or during data processing in the ground system
using calibration coefficients from factory calibrations. The correction applied during processing
will depend on the internal temperature measured close to the pressure sensor. In practice, both
of these compensation techniques may be necessary to achieve the required accuracy.

12.3.4 Silicon sensors

Following rapid developments in the use of silicon, reliable pressure sensors can now be made
with this material. A small cavity is formed from a hole in a thick semiconductor layer. This hole is
covered with a very thin layer of silicon, with the cavity held at a very low pressure. The cavity will
then perform as a pressure sensor, with atmospheric pressure sensed from the deflection of the
thin silicon cover.

A method of detecting the deflection of the silicon is to use a capacitive sensor. In this case, the
thin silicon layer across the cavity is coated with a thin metallic layer, and a second metallic layer
is used as a reference plate. The deflection of the silicon cover is measured by using the variation
in the capacitance between these two layers. This type of sensor has a much lower temperature
dependence than the strain gauge sensor and is now in widespread use. Because the sensor is
very small, it is possible to avoid the calibration errors of the larger capacitive aneroid sensors
introduced by changes in temperature gradients across the aneroid sensor and associated
electronics during an ascent.

12.3.5 Pressure sensor errors

Systematic errors and the radiosonde error (flight-to-flight variation at k = 2) have been estimated
from the WMO international radiosonde comparisons for selected radiosonde types. The results
are shown in Table12.2. The range of values of systematic error usually represents the spread of
results from several tests.

Aneroid capsules were liable to change calibration unless they had been well seasoned through
many pressure cycles over their working range before use. Software corrections applied during
data processing, but based on ground control readings before launch, went some way toward
reducing these errors. Nevertheless, corrections based on ground checks relied on a fixed
error correction pattern across the working range. In practice, the change in pressure sensor
calibration was more variable over the working range.

The MRZ secondary radar system was introduced into the Russian Federation in the mid-
1980s, with the results shown obtained in 1989. There is no pressure sensor in this system. The
pressure is computed from measurements of geometric height which are then converted to
geopotential height as shown in section12.3.6. The quality of the measurements depended on
the performance of each individual secondary radar.

The VIZ MKII and Meisei RS2-91 radiosondes had capacitive aneroid sensors, but of differing
design. Overall uncertainties (k = 2) for the capacitive aneroids were usually lower than 2hPa
at most pressures. However, these capacitive aneroid capsules could have significant systematic
errors, particularly when the internal temperature of the radiosonde changed and temperature
gradients developed across the sensor and its associated electronics. Systematic errors with
capacitive aneroids were usually not larger than 1hPa. However, errors could be larger if the
pressure sensors experienced very large thermal shock during the launch.

The Vaisala RS92 uses a silicon sensor. The performance of these sensors did not show the effects
of thermal shock, and the uncertainties obtained with the systems were even better than with
the capacitative aneroids.

The consequences of the pressure errors in Table 12.2 on reported temperatures would be as
follows: a 1hPa pressure error will produce a temperature error, on average, of 0.1K at 900hPa,
0.3K in the upper troposphere (at 200hPa in the tropics), 0.5K at 30hPa (varying between
summer and winter conditions at about 55N) and up to at least 1K for most situations at 10hPa. Relationship of geopotential height errors to pressure errors

The error, z (t1), in the geopotential height at a given time into flight is given by:
p1 p1 + p ( p1 )
R T dp R T dp
z ( t1 ) = T ( p ) p p ( p ) p + g Tv ( p ) + T ( p ) p p ( p ) p (12.3)
p0 p1
where p0 is the surface pressure; p1 is the true pressure at time t1; p1 + p (p1) is the actual
pressure indicated by the radiosonde at time t1; T (p) and p (p) are the errors in the radiosonde
temperature and pressure measurements, respectively, as a function of pressure; Tv(p) is the
virtual temperature at pressure p; and R and g are the gas and gravitational constants as specified
in WMO (2011a).

Table 12.2. Range of systematic error and radiosonde error (flight to flight, k = 2) and overall
uncertainty in pressure from the WMO international radiosonde comparisons
and associated tests

Systematic error Sonde error Uncertainty
Pressure level
850 100 10 850 100 10 850 100 10
MRZa (Russian
1.5 to 0.5 1.2 to 0.8 0 0.2 7 3.5 0.5 8 4 0.7

Meisei RS2-91 0.2 1 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.2 1 0.6 0.6 2 1.1 0.8

VIZ MKII 01 0.7 1.1 0.3 0.7 1.6 0.6 0.4 2.5 1.6 1

Vaisala RS92,
< 0.5 < 0.3 < 0.2 0.8 0.4 0.2 1 0.6 0.4
silicon sensor

0.8 to 0.4 < 0.1 < 0.05 1.2 0.4 0.03 1.6 0.4 0.05

Vaisala RS92a < 0.5 < 0.1 < 0.05 1.2 0.4 0.03 1.6 0.4 0.05

Sippican < 0.5 < 0.1 < 0.05 1.2 0.4 0.03 1.2 0.4 0.05
a Does not use a pressure sensor but computes pressure from geopotential height measurements;
see section12.3.6.

Table 12.3. Systematic errors in geopotential height (gpm) from given pressure and
temperature errors

T,T error p, P error

Latitude 300 hPa 100 hPa 30 hPa 10 hPa
(K) (hPa)
Standard pressure
0.25 0 All 9 17 26 34
height, T error

Standard pressure
0 1 25N 3 12 2 24
height, p error

Standard pressure 50N

0 1 3 5 1 20
height, p error summer

Standard pressure 50N

0 1 3 5 6 4
height, p error winter

Significant level
0 1 25N 27 72 211 650
height, p error

Significant level 50N

0 1 26 72 223 680
height, p error summer

Significant level 50N

0 1 26 70 213 625
height, p error winter

For a specified standard pressure level, ps, the second term in equation 12.3 disappears because
there is no error in ps, and so the error in the standard pressure level geopotential height is
R T dp
z ( ps ) = T ( p ) p p ( p ) (12.4)
g p

And for radiosondes without a pressure sensor using a radar:

z ps
z ( ps ) = Tv ( ps ) g /T
T ( z ) + z ( Range, ) dTv / dz (12.5)
where Zps is the geopotential height of the specified pressure level ps, and the error in
geopotential height for a radar is a function of slant range and elevation angle (), and will vary
from flight to flight according to the wind conditions.

Table 12.3 shows the errors in geopotential height that are caused by radiosonde sensor errors
for typical atmospheres. The geopotentials of given pressure levels have small errors, whether
caused by a radiosonde temperature or pressure error. The pressure error has a slightly different
effect at different latitudes because the typical temperature profile structure varies with latitude.
However, the same pressure sensor errors produce much larger errors at the heights of specific
structures, such as temperature inversions, including at the tropopause, and cloud tops and

The importance of equations 12.4 and 12.5 is that the errors in standard pressure level
geopotentials are primarily related to the temperature errors, and so if geopotential heights
are compared against collocated NWP first-guess forecast fields, the height anomalies give an
indication of the relative temperature performance at the two sites (see WMO, 2003).

12.3.6 Use of geometric height observations instead of pressure sensor

observations General

Geometric height observations can now be provided by GPS radiosondes that decode global
positioning satellite signals, as opposed to the early GPS radiosondes that did not decode
the signals. The geometric height observations have small enough uncertainty (between 10
and 20m) to be used to compute pressure at a given time into flight, using surface pressure
and temperature and relative humidity observations (see equations12.12 and 12.13). In the
stratosphere, the computed pressures are found to have smaller uncertainty than measurements
provided by the best radiosonde pressure sensors (see Table12.2).

The elimination of the pressure sensor from GPS radiosondes provides a considerable saving
in terms of the cost of some radiosondes, but it is also necessary to check user requirements
for the non-hydrostatic numerical weather prediction models that are being introduced, since
direct measurements of pressure and geopotential height in the troposphere may be of some
advantage when hydrostatic balance does not represent atmospheric conditions. Method of calculation

The conversion from geometric height measured with a GPS radiosonde to geopotential height
is purely a function of the gravitational field at a given location and does not depend on the
temperature and humidity profile at the location. The gravitational potential energy (1) of a unit
mass of anything is the integral of the normal gravity from mean sea level (z = 0) to the height of
the radiosonde (z = z1), as given by equation12.6:
1 = ( z, ) dz (12.6)

where (z, ) is the normal gravity above the geoid. This is a function of geometric altitude, z,
and the geodetic latitude .

This geopotential is divided by the normal gravity at 45 latitude to give the geopotential height
used by WMO, as:
Z1 = 1 / 45 (12.7)
where 45 was taken in the definition as 9.806 65ms2. Note that surface gravity is greatest at the
poles (9.83218ms2) and least at the Equator (9.78033ms2).

The variation of gravity with height must take into account the ellipsoidal shape of the Earth
and the Earths rotation. However, when the variation of with height was taken into account,
the geopotential height, Z1, at geometric height, z1, was approximated using the Smithsonian
meteorological tables (List, 1968) as:

Z1 ( z1 , ) = ( SMT ( ) 45 ) ( RSMT ( ) z1 ) ( RSMT ( ) + z1 ) ) (12.8)
where RSMT() is an effective radius of the Earth for latitude () and is the value in the
Smithsonian tables which was chosen to take account of the actual changes with geometric
height in the combined gravitational and centrifugal forces. It is not the actual radius of the Earth
at the given latitude. This is shown in Figure12.3, where the Smithsonian radius increases from
the Equator to high latitudes, but the actual radius of the Earths ellipsoid is largest at the Equator
and smallest at the poles.

As the values for RSMT() in the Smithsonian tables were obtained around 1949, the International
Ellipsoid1935 was used in the computations rather than the World Geodetic System1984 (WGS-
84) currently used with GPS receivers. Also, the Smithsonian tables used a value for SMT() of:

SMT ( ) = 9.806 16 1 0.002 637 3 cos ( 2 ) + 0.000 005 9 cos ( 2 )
) m s 2


6 390

6 380

Radius of the Earth (km)

6 370

6 360

6 350

6 340 Radius of ellipsoid of the Earth

6 330 Effective radius of the Earth from

the Smithsonian table (for use in
equation 12.9)
6 320
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Latitude (degrees)

Figure 12.3. Variation of the Earths radius with latitude compared to the variation of the
Smithsonian table radius used in equation12.8

This formula was not explicitly derived in the published scientific literature, although it was
recommended for meteorological use by the International Association of Geodesy in 1949.

An alternative expression for the relationship in equation12.8 has been proposed by Mahoney
(personal communication), based on the WGS-84 geoid. Then, geopotential height for
geometric height, z1, becomes:

Z1 ( z1 , ) = ( s ( ) 45 ) ( R ( ) z1 ) ( R ( ) + z1 ) ) (12.10)
where s() is the normal gravity on the surface of an ellipsoid of revolution, and where:

s ( ) = 9.780 325 1 + 0.001 931 85 sin ( )
) (1 0.006 694 35 sin ( ) ) 2 0.5

with the radius R() = 6 378.137/(1.006 803 0.006 706 sin()2), giving results for R similar to
the values in the Smithsonian tables.

If the geopotential height for a geometric height of 30 km is computed, it ranges from

29.7785km at the Equator to 29.932km at 80N, whether equations12.8 and 12.9 or 12.10
and 12.11 are used. Differences between the geopotential height values obtained by the two
methods are less than 1m, and as such are not critical for meteorologists.

The difference between geometric height and geopotential height increases with height above
the Earths surface. An example of typical differences taken from measurements in the WMO
Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems in Yangjiang, China, at 22N is shown in

Table 12.4. Differences between geopotential and geometric height measured at the WMO
Radiosonde Intercomparison in Yangjiang, China, at 22N

Geopotential height Geopotential geometric height

8 000 25

16 000 70

24 000 135

32 000 220

Once the variation of the geopotential heights with respect to temperature and relative humidity
has been established, the pressures can be computed integrating upwards from the measured
surface pressure, using the hypsometric relationship, in a discrete form:

Ln ( pi +1 pi ) = 9.806 65 dZ R Tv (12.12)

where p is the pressure in hPa; R* is the gas constant for dry air; Tv is the mean virtual
temperature for the layer in degrees K; dZ is the layer thickness in geopotential height;
and i refers to the lower boundary of this layer.

The virtual temperature Tv is computed from:

( )
Tv = T 1 (U 100 ) ( es (T ) p ) (1 a ) (12.13)

where U is the relative humidity of the air, es is the saturation vapour pressure for water vapour
and a the ratio of the molecular weight of wet and dry air, with a = 0.622.

It has to be emphasized again that the radiosonde temperature and relative humidity are
used only in the computation of the pressures with systems using GPS geometric height
measurements, as the geopotential values come purely from the geometric heights and the
Earths gravitational fields.

The algorithms for computing geometric height from windfinding radar observations of slant
range and elevation and for the conversion of geometric heights to geopotential heights are
included in WMO (1986). The actual algorithm used with secondary radar systems in the Russian
Federation can be found in WMO (1991). If radar height observations are used as a replacement
for pressure sensor observations, the heights need to be corrected for the effects of the Earths
curvature and radio-wave refraction before pressure is computed. Corrections for refraction can
be made using seasonal averages of atmospheric profiles, but better pressure accuracy might
require height corrections for the conditions encountered in individual flights.

12.3.7 Sources of error in direct height measurements In GPS geometric height measurements

As long as there is no local interference at GPS navigation signal frequencies, most modern
radiosonde systems are able to generate heights with good accuracy relative to the height where
GPS lock occurs in flight. However, the software has to be able to interpolate reliably back to the
surface (taking into account changes in the balloon rate of ascent just after launch) in order to
ensure best performance in GPS measurements. In the WMO Intercomparison of High Quality
Radiosondes in Yangjiang, China (WMO, 2011b), some of these interpolation software modules
worked better than others, and systematic errors larger than 10m resulted in the worst cases,
persisting throughout the flight of a given radiosonde type.

It is essential to check the height of the local GPS antenna relative to the surface pressure
sensor and ensure that this is used correctly in the radiosonde system software computations.
Remember that a mismatch (or pressure error) of 1hPa in the pressure at the antenna relative to
the surface pressure sensor at the radiosonde station will result in a 10m height bias throughout
the flight.

In-flight processing must be able to cope with significant variations (positive and negative) in the
rates of ascent of the balloons lifting the radiosonde. Errors in temperature and relative humidity
will only affect the pressure computation from the geopotential heights (see equations12.12 and
12.13). The effect of temperature errors on pressure computations can be judged from the values
of height errors in Table12.3 resulting from a 0.25K temperature error throughout the profile.
This temperature error would lead to pressure errors of 0.4, 0.3, 0.13 and 0.05hPa at nominal
pressures of 300, 100, 30 and 10hPa, respectively.

Thus, in the stratosphere, GPS geometric heights are able to deliver much more reliable height
measurements than any other operational height measuring system. Near the surface, GPS

height measurements must be performed with care to be of similar quality to the best pressure
sensors. The breakthrough requirements for pressure in Annex12.A can be achieved with GPS
radiosondes at all pressures. However, it is not obvious that all GPS radiosonde systems can
achieve the optimum pressure sensor requirements at low levels, while at pressures lower than
100hPa, optimum requirements could be achieved as long as temperature errors are low. In radar height measurements

The effect of radar observational errors upon windfinding is considered in PartI, Chapter13.
However, for radar heights (random and systematic) errors in elevation are much more
significant than for winds. Systematic bias in slant range is also more critical for height than
for wind measurements. Therefore, radars providing satisfactory wind measurements often
have errors in elevation and slant range that prevent best quality height (and hence pressure)

Small but significant systematic errors in elevation may arise from a variety of sources as follows:

(a) Misalignment of the axes of rotation of azimuth and elevation of the radar during
manufacture. If this is to be avoided, the procurement specification must clearly state the
accuracy required;

(b) Errors in levelling the radar during installation and in establishing the zero elevation datum
in the horizontal;

(c) Differences between the electrical and mechanical axes of the tracking aerials, possibly
introduced when electrical components of the radar are repaired or replaced.

Errors may arise from errors introduced by the transducer system measuring the radar elevation
angle from the mechanical position of the tracking aerial.

Systematic errors in slant range may arise from the following:

(a) A delay in triggering the range-timing circuit or incorrect compensation for signal delay in
the radar detection electronics;

(b) Error in the frequency of the range calibrator.

Thus, radiosonde systems operating without pressure sensors and relying solely on radar height
measurements require frequent checks and adjustments of the radars as part of routine station
maintenance. These systems are not suitable for use in countries where technical support
facilities are limited.


12.4.1 General requirements

The best modern temperature sensors have a speed of response to changes of temperature
which is fast enough to ensure that systematic bias from thermal lag during an ascent, the typical
rate of ascent being 5 to 6ms1, remains less than 0.1K through any layer of depth of 1km in
the troposphere and less than 0.2K through any layer of similar depth in the stratosphere. This
is achieved in most locations using a sensor with a time constant of response faster than 1s in
the early part of the ascent. In addition, the temperature sensors should be designed to be as
free as possible from radiation errors introduced by direct or backscattered solar radiation. There
must be as small a variation as possible in the area of cross-section for solar heating as the sensor
rotates relative to the sun during ascent. Heat exchange in the infrared needs to be avoided by
using sensor coatings that have low emissivity in the infrared.

Temperature sensors also need to be sufficiently robust to withstand buffeting during launch and
sufficiently stable to retain accurate calibration over several years. The main types of temperature
sensors in routine use are resistive sensors (for example, thermistors made of ceramic resistive
semiconductors or metal resistors), capacitive sensors and thermocouples.

The rate of response of the sensor is usually measured in terms of the time constant of response,
. This is defined (as in PartI, Chapter 1, 1.6.3) by:
dTe dt = 1 (Te T ) (12.14)

where Te is the temperature of the sensor and T is the true air temperature.

Thus, the time constant is defined as the time required to respond by 63% to a sudden change
of temperature. The time constant of the temperature sensor is proportional to thermal capacity
and inversely proportional to the rate of heat transfer by convection/diffusion from the sensor.
Thermal capacity depends on the volume and composition of the sensor, whereas the heat
transfer from the sensor depends on the sensor surface area, the heat transfer coefficient and the
rate of the air mass flow over the sensor. The heat transfer coefficient has a weak dependence on
the diameter of the sensor. Thus, the time constants of response of temperature sensors made
from a given material are approximately proportional to the ratio of the sensor volume to its
surface area. Consequently, thin sensors of large surface area are the most effective for obtaining
a fast response. The variation of the time constant of response with the mass rate of airflow can
be expressed as:
= 0 ( v ) (12.15)
where is the air density, v the air speed over the sensor, and n a constant.

The value of n varies between 0.4 and 0.8, depending on the shape of the sensor and on the
nature of the airflow (laminar or turbulent). A selection of the time constants of response of both
older and modern types of temperature sensors is shown in Table12.5. These are for pressures
of 1000, 100 and 10hPa, with a rate of ascent of 5ms1. The values were derived from a
combination of laboratory testing and comparisons with very fast response sensors during ascent
in radiosonde comparison tests.

Modern bead thermistors, wire thermocapacitors and thermocouples have a very fast response,
so the systematic errors from thermal lag are expected to be less than 0.05K in the upper
troposphere for the better sensors, and less than 0.1K in the upper stratosphere.

WMO (2011b) shows examples in which the response speeds of most of the bead thermistors
used by radiosondes in the test were similar or slightly faster than those of the chip thermistor
included in Table 12.5.

12.4.2 Thermistors

Thermistors are usually made of a ceramic material whose resistance changes with temperature.
The sensors have a high resistance that decreases with absolute temperature. The relationship
between resistance, R, and temperature, T, can be expressed approximately as:
R = A exp ( B T ) (12.16)

where A and B are constants. Sensitivity to temperature changes is very high, but the response
to temperature changes is far from linear since the sensitivity decreases roughly with the square
of the absolute temperature. As thermistor resistance is very high, typically tens of thousands
of ohms, self-heating from the voltage applied to the sensor is negligible. It is possible to
manufacture very small thermistors and, thus, fast rates of response can be obtained. Solar
heating of a modern chip thermistor is about 1K at 10hPa.

Table 12.5. Typical time-constants of response of radiosonde temperature sensors

Temperature sensor Operational use (1 000 hPa) (100 hPa) (10 hPa)
Chip thermistor, a
2003 1 3 10
0.4 x 0.8 x 0.8 mm

thermocapacitor,a 2002 0.4 1.1 3
diameter 0.1 mm

thermocouple,a 1991 < 0.3 < 0.8 2
diameter 0.06 mm

Other modern bead

2005 1 4 5 12
a The time constants of response at 10 hPa of the chip thermistors in Yangjiang, China, were larger than those of the
Copper-constantan thermocouple by about 4s. The other small bead thermistors had time constants of response
between 3 and 10s larger than the Copper-constantan thermocouple. The wire thermocapacitor showed time
constants of response of at least 4s, a little larger than the results from the laboratory test cited above. This may
be because the diameter of the wire thermocapacitor in the Vaisala RS92 radiosondes had been increased in 2007
by incorporating a quartz support fibre, and may also be a consequence of the software used with the sensor in

12.4.3 Thermocapacitors

Thermocapacitors are usually made of a ceramic material whose permittivity varies with
temperature. The ceramic used is usually barium-strontium titanate. This ferro-electric material
has a temperature coefficient of permittivity of the order of 10 2 per K. The temperature
coefficient is positive at temperatures below the Curie point and negative at temperatures above
the Curie point. Sensors can now have a diameter of about 0.1mm. The wire thermocouple
measures the change in capacitance between two fine platinum wires separated by a glass
ceramic (see Turtiainen et al., 1995). This sensor gives improved speed of response, and solar
heating errors are less than 1K at 10hPa.

12.4.4 Thermocouples

Copper-constantan thermocouple junctions are also used as a temperature sensor in one

national radiosonde (WMO, 1989a). Wires of 0.05mm in diameter are used to form the external
thermocouple junction and these provide a sensor with a very fast response. The relationship
between the thermal electromotive force and the temperature difference between the sensor
and its reference is an established physical relationship. The thermocouple reference is mounted
internally within the radiosonde in a relatively stable temperature environment. A copper resistor
is used to measure this reference temperature. In order to obtain accurate temperatures, stray
electromotive force introduced at additional junctions between the sensor and the internal
references must also be compensated.

12.4.5 Scientific sounding instruments

Two specialized scientific temperature sounding sensors were deployed during the WMO
Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems in Yangjiang, China (WMO, 2011b):

(a) The MTR temperature sensor uses an ultrathin tungsten wire as a sensor. The wire is
0.01mm in diameter, 44cm long and wound into a helical coil with a diameter of 0.2mm
and a pitch of 0.1mm. The wire is coated with aluminium to improve reflectivity and
thus reduce solar heating (see Shimizu and Hasebe, 2010). This sensor has smaller time-
constants of response than the Copper-constantan thermocouple;

(b) The multithermistor radiosonde in Yangjiang was an independent instrument based on the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Accurate Temperature Measuring
(ATM) multithermistor radiosonde (see Schmidlin et al., 1995; WMO, 2006d). The system
made measurements with three aluminized thermistors and one white and one black
thermistor. In Yangjiang, the time constants of response were similar to those of the modern
bead thermistors. With the measurements from the five sensors and an exact knowledge
of the optical properties of the different sensor coatings, a reference temperature is derived
as well as estimates of the solar and infrared radiation environments. This estimated
temperature does not depend on any assumption about the backscattering from the
surface and clouds, unlike other radiosonde temperature correction schemes.

The reliability of the absolute calibration and daytime corrections of these scientific systems did
not prove to be better than those of the good operational radiosondes in the Yangjiang test.

12.4.6 Exposure

Radiosonde temperature sensors are best exposed in a position above the main body of the
radiosonde (but below the body of a dropsonde). Thus, air heated or cooled by contact with the
radiosonde body or sensor supports cannot subsequently flow over the sensor. This is usually
achieved by mounting the sensor on an arm or outrigger that holds the sensor in the required
position during flight. For long-term stability of operation, this position needs to be reproducible
and must not vary from flight to flight. For good exposure at low pressures, the supports and
electrical connections to the sensor should be thin enough so that heating or cooling errors from
thermal conduction along the connections are negligible.

With this method of exposure, the radiosonde temperature sensors are exposed directly to solar
radiation and to the infrared environment in the atmosphere. The sensors receive solar radiation
during daytime soundings and will exchange long-wave radiation with the ground and the sky
at all times. The magnitude of radiation errors is only weakly dependent on the size and shape
of the sensors, since convective heat transfer coefficients are only weakly dependent on sensor
size. Thus, small radiation errors may be obtained with small sensors, but only when the sensor
coating is chosen to provide low absorption for both solar and long-wave radiation. The required
coating can be achieved by the deposition of a suitable thin metallic layer. Many white paints
have high absorption in the infrared and are not an ideal coating for a radiosonde sensor.

An additional consequence of exposing the temperature sensor above the radiosonde body
is that, when ascending during precipitation or through cloud, the sensor may become
coated with water or ice. It is extremely important that the sensor design sheds water and ice
efficiently. Evaporation of water or ice from the sensor when emerging from a cloud into drier
layers will cool the sensor below true ambient temperature. The absorptivity in the infrared of a
temperature sensor that remains coated with ice throughout a flight differs from usual. Thus, an
abnormal systematic bias from infrared heat exchange will be introduced into the iced sensor
measurements, particularly at low pressures.

12.4.7 Temperature errors

Errors in older radiosonde types widely used in the period 19802000 are discussed in more
detail in WMO (2015). Calibration

Temperature errors related to calibration during an ascent may result from:

(a) Errors in factory calibration. This can occur from time to time and is one of the reasons the
radiosonde measurements should be checked on the ground before launch;

Table 12.6. Systematic error, sonde error and uncertainty (k = 2) at night from the WMO
international radiosonde comparisons and other associated tests (using the NASA-ATM
multithermistor reference as an arbitrary reference for systematic offsets where available)

Temperature System error Sonde Uncertainty

sensor (K) error (k = 2)
Pressure (hPa) 300 100 30 10 30 10 100 30 10
white paint, 0.20.5 0.20.5 0.30.7 0.80.7 1 1 11.7 12 1.12.5
MRZ (Russian

thermocouple, 0.10.1 00.1 0.10.2 0.10.2 0.3 0.4 0.30.4 0.30.6 0.40.7

Wire thermo-
0.050.1 0.050.1 0.070.2 0.070.2 0.2 0.3 0.20.4 0.20.5 0.30.6
Vaisala RS92

Lockheed 00.1 0.050.2 0.070.2 0.070.2 0.2 0.3 0.20.4 0.20.5 0.30.6
Sippican (USA)

thermistor, 00.2 0.10.2 0.10.2 0.20.2 0.2 0.4 0.20.5 0.20.5 0.40.8

thermistors, Bias assumed to be within 0.1 K 0.2 0.2 0.20.3 0.20.3 0.20.3
used by

(b) Small changes in the sensor, such as the stray capacitance associated with a capacitative
sensor or in the electrical connections to the sensor;

(c) Instabilities in the radiosonde transducer system and references. This is possible during
storage or during the ascent. Sensor or transducer drift during storage can usually be
partially corrected during data processing, using adjustments based on pre-flight ground

Table 12.6 summarizes the relative performance of temperature sensors at night for different
temperature sensors in operation in 2013. The results represent the typical performance
averaged over a minimum of at least 15test flights. The absolute uncertainty of the reference
at night was probably better than 0.3K, with NASA and Sippican multithermistor radiosondes
agreeing as well as can be expected from the error analysis.

Where a range of systematic errors has been attributed to a radiosonde type, the range
represents the spread in systematic difference found in a number of tests and also takes into
account the range of likely performance up to 30hPa estimated from radiosonde monitoring
(WMO, 2003). As modern sensors have aluminized coatings, infrared errors are very small,
and any spread in the performance is mainly down to the long-term consistency of factory
calibration, small instabilities in the sensors, perhaps depending on the atmospheric structure
and internal temperature of the radiosonde electronics, and so on. It is difficult to differentiate
between the best systems in Table12.6 as similar errors have been attributed to the sensors.

The reproducibility of the temperature measurements can be measured relatively easily, but it is
not currently possible to ascertain the systematic bias better than the limits shown in the table.
Large-scale tests in the tropics have not given the same results for systematic bias as those in
Europe, so the values shown are an average between the two conditions with the range of values
necessary to encompass both sets of results.

Sonde errors are only quoted for pressures of 30hPa and 10hPa in Table12.6 since, for most
modern temperature sensors, sonde errors show little variation between the surface and 30hPa,
although some systems had problems near the tropopause (WMO, 2011b).

The Indian MKIII radiosondes have not performed good-quality temperature measurements
for many years, but in this case, the poor reproducibility was not just the result of sensor
performance, but also of instability in the radiosonde electronics during the ascent, resulting in
effective changes in sensor calibration so that the data were degraded by the radiosonde system
itself. Sonde errors for this radiosonde at 100hPa have been in the range of 2 to 4K for many
years (WMO, 2003), although the uncertainties found from the sensors in PhaseII of the WMO
Radiosonde Comparison (WMO, 1987) were very much smaller than this. Thermal lag

Most modern radiosonde temperature sensors are fast enough to not require significant
correction for thermal lag errors in the troposphere and lower stratosphere. Radiative heat exchange in the infrared

Most white paints used on radiosonde sensors have relatively high emissivity in the infrared
(>0.8). Heat exchange with the infrared background is then capable of producing significant
errors in temperature measurements. For a given vertical temperature structure, the infrared
fluxes will also vary significantly from flight to flight depending on the cloud present in the
vicinity of the ascent. Luers and Eskridge (1998) provide a good example of users who tried to
model the solar and infrared radiation errors on radiosondes in use in the 1990s.

Infrared errors affect both day and night observations. The effects of infrared heat exchange
errors at night can be seen in the measurements of the rod thermistors (used on the Russian
radiosonde) in Table12.6. At high pressures, these sensors give temperatures close to the
reference, but at low pressures the temperatures reported are much colder than the reference.
At pressures lower than 30hPa, the radiative equilibrium temperature at night was usually
significantly lower than the actual atmospheric temperatures. Therefore, the infrared radiation
emitted by the temperature sensor exceeded the infrared radiation absorbed by the sensor
from the atmospheric environment, and the sensor cooled to a temperature lower than truth.
Additional information on the effects of infrared errors in the past can be found in WMO (2015).

The use of white paint on the temperature sensor should be discontinued as soon as possible so
that variation in systematic temperature error from infrared errors will then be negligible across
the radiosonde network. Heating by solar radiation

All radiosonde temperature sensors will have heating errors in daytime caused by incident solar
radiation, including backscattered radiation from clouds and the surface. Table 12.7 shows
the daynight differences associated with the temperature measurements of the radiosondes
considered in Table 12.6. These values were derived mostly from the software corrections used
for daytime temperatures by each system for solar elevations between 30 and 80. Temperature
sensors of the Russian radiosonde had relatively poor thermal isolation from supporting
structures, which could often be heated more than the sensor itself, and so the Russian
radiosondes also had large daynight differences at upper levels.

Table 12.7. Daynight differences for selected temperature sensors from the WMO
international radiosonde comparisons and other associated tests

Temperature sensor Systematic error (K)

Pressure (hPa) 300 100 30 10
Rod thermistor, white
paint, MRZ (Russian 1 1.8 3.3 5.1

thermocouple, 0.5a 0.75a 1.1a 1.8a
Meteolabor 0.3b 0.5b 0.75b 1b

Chip thermistor,
Lockheed Martin 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.95
Sippican (USA)

Wire thermocapacitor,
0.15 0.3 0.5 0.8
Vaisala (Finland)

Bead thermistor,c
0.2 0.5 0.3 1.1 0.4 1.5 0.6 2.3
a As used in WMO (2011b)
b As revised in subsequent tests (Philipona et al., 2013)
c Summary of the range of results from other radiosonde systems using bead thermistors in
the Yangjiang comparison (WMO, 2011b). See WMO (2015) for details of the individual
radiosonde types at Yangjiang.

In all modern operational radiosonde systems, software corrections are applied during data
processing to compensate for the solar heating (see Table12.7). These correction schemes are
usually derived from special investigations of daynight differences in temperature (taking
into account real diurnal variation in temperature caused by atmospheric tides) coupled with
solar heating models, and possibly laboratory testing. The correction is then expressed as a
function of solar elevation during the ascent. The correction may also take into account the
actual rates of ascent, since ventilation and heating errors will change if the rate of ascent differs
from the standard test conditions. At low solar elevations (less than 10) the heating errors
are extremely sensitive to changes in solar elevation. Thus, if the correction software does not
update solar elevation during flight, significant errors will be generated when correcting sunrise
or sunset flights. A simple correction scheme will work effectively only for certain cloud and
surface conditions and cannot provide adequate correction for all flight conditions that might
be encountered. For instance, in many ascents from coastal sites the radiosonde proceeds out
to sea. In clear sky conditions, the low surface albedo of the sea will reduce backscattered solar
radiation by a factor of two or three compared with average atmospheric conditions during
flight. In such circumstances, software corrections based on average conditions will be up to 30%
too large. On the other hand, in ascents over thick upper cloud with very high albedo or over
desert conditions, backscattering may be much larger than usual and the software correction will
underestimate the required correction.

Table 12.8 contains a review of the systematic and sonde errors in most modern radiosonde
types. In the systematic errors derived from the test in Yangjiang, China (WMO, 2011b), it was
assumed that zero systematic bias in Yangjiang was halfway between Vaisala/MODEM and LMS/
multithermistor at 30 and 10hPa. This is because subsequent testing in the United States has not
shown significant errors in the multithermistor system used in Yangjiang, that is to say, there was
some real atmospheric diurnal variation in temperature between 30 and 10hPa in Yangjiang,
with a probable amplitude of about 0.15K. In the estimates of the range of systematic error in
Table12.8, it has been assumed that the standardized software correction schemes produce
a range of possible systematic bias of 30%. During a particular radiosonde test, the radiative

Table 12.8. Systematic error, sonde error and uncertainty (k = 2) for selected temperature
sensors in the day from WMO international radiosonde comparisons and other associated
tests, and from operational monitoring as in WMO (2003)

Systematic error (K) Sonde error Uncertainty (k = 2)
Pressure (hPa) 100 30 10 100 30 10 100 30 10
white paint, 0.70.5 0.51 0.71.3 1 1.2 1.5 1.22.2 1.22.7 1.53.5
MRZ (Russian

thermo- 0.2a 0.5a 0.8a
0.4 0.4 0.8 0.6 0.9 1.5
couple, 0.05b 0.2b 0b

Wire thermo-
00.2 0.20.2 0.30.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.40.7 0.40.9 0.40.9

0.10.2 0.20.2 0.30.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.30.6 0.30.8 0.41.0

0.4 0.4
thermistor,c 0.10.2 00.3 00.5 0.41.7 0.51.0 0.81.6 0.42.3
0.8 1.3

0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.30.5 0.40.6 0.40.7
a As used in WMO (2011b)
b As revised in subsequent tests (Philipona et al., 2013)
c Summary of the range of results from other radiosonde systems using bead thermistors in the Yangjiang
comparison (WMO, 2011b). See WMO (2015) for details of the individual radiosonde types at Yangjiang.

conditions (cloud, surface albedo) do not usually change much, so the illusion is given that the
systematic bias obtained has low errors. However, a test performed at another location can give
systematic errors that differ by much more than the sonde error found in the individual test.

The sonde errors for all radiosondes are larger in daytime than in night-time conditions (see
Tables12.6 and 12.8). During ascent, radiosondes swing and rotate like a pendulum suspended
from the balloon, so the absorption cross-sections of the sensor change as the sensor rotates.
Also, air heated by contact with either the sensor supports or the radiosonde body may flow
over the external sensor from time to time. If these possibilities have not been prevented in
the design (for example, if the temperature sensor is mounted close to the radiosonde body,
perhaps halfway between the top and the bottom), much larger sonde errors will result in
daytime. Backscattered radiation varies from flight to flight with changing cloud cover and also
contributes to the increase in daytime sonde errors.

When a support frame surrounds the temperature sensor, air heated by contact with the frame
passes over the sensor in part of the pendulum cycle, producing positive pulses in the reported
temperature as the radiosonde moves around in flight. These pulses can be as large as 1K at
10hPa. The heating pulses can be readily recognized when flying radiosondes on the rigs used in

WMO radiosonde comparisons since the radiosondes rotate in a very regular fashion during the
flight. In this situation, suitable raw data filtering can remove the positive pulses to some extent.
Thus, the filtering applied to the basic observations of several systems must also be taken into
account when investigating daytime radiosonde temperature errors.

The range of systematic errors in daytime measurements shown in Table12.8 should be

smallest for the radiosonde systems with smallest daynight differences. Given that most of the
increase in uncertainty relative to night-time measurements comes from poor sensor position
relative to the radiosonde body and from poor design of the sensor supports, it is hoped that
most of the modern radiosondes with the larger errors and daynight differences in Table12.7
will be improved within a few years of the Yangjiang intercomparison. Thus, the results of
Yangjiang represent a snapshot of performance at the time, and radiosondes with significant
systematic errors in Yangjiang will all have been modified to some extent within a couple of
years of completion of the test. For example, the radiation errors of the Swiss radiosonde have
been revised through additional testing and the solar heating correction is now reduced as
shown. This would eliminate the negative bias seen in the daytime results in WMO (2011b) as
represented in Table12.8.

The WMO intercomparison tests were performed with the radiosondes suspended at least 30m
and most commonly 40m under the balloon. However, many national networks, such as China,
Japan and the Russian Federation, have used much shorter suspensions which will produce
additional daytime bias and increased sonde errors compared to those quoted in Tables12.7 and
12.8, especially at pressures lower than 30hPa. Deposition of ice or water on the sensor

Another source of temperature error is the deposition of water or ice on the temperature sensor.
This will lead to psychrometric cooling (from the wet-bulb effect) of the temperature sensor,
once atmospheric relative humidity drops to less than 100% later in the ascent. If the sensor tends
to collect water or ice, rather than rapidly shed the precipitation, large parts of the temperature
measurements during the ascent may be corrupted. At night, a coating of ice will cause an
aluminized sensor to act like a black sensor in the infrared, leading to large cooling at low
pressures in commonly encountered conditions.

Furthermore, if water deposited on the sensor freezes as the sensor moves into colder air, the
latent heat released will raise the temperature towards 0C. If a sensor becomes coated with ice
and then moves into a warmer layer, the temperature will not rise above 0C until the ice has
melted. Thus, isothermal layers reported close to 0C in wet conditions should be treated with
some caution. Representativeness issues

Representativeness issues are discussed in WMO (2015).


12.5.1 General aspects

Operational relative humidity measurements worldwide have a wide range of performance

(from good to poor) as all the sensor types listed in Table12.10 are still in use in some national
networks in 2013. The most widely used sensor is the heated twin thin-film capacitor. This sensor
is mounted externally, without a cover, on a boom which holds it above the top of the radiosonde
body. The other modern thin-film capacitors are usually deployed externally on a boom with an
aluminized cover to protect against contamination from precipitation and minimize solar heating
of the humidity sensor. Carbon hygristor sensors are usually mounted in some type of protective
duct in the radiosonde. The use of carbon hygristors is decreasing. Goldbeaters skin sensors are

Table 12.9. Variation of saturation vapour pressure over a water surface as a function of
temperature after Sonntag (1994)

Temperature Saturation vapour pressure

(C) (hPa)
40 73.9

30 42.5

15 17.1

0 6.1

15 1.92

30 0.51

45 0.112

60 0.019 5

75 0.002 5

90 0.000 23

100 0.000 036

too inaccurate and limited in coverage in the vertical to meet the requirements of modern users,
but are still in use in one national network. The goldbeaters skin is also mounted in some type of
protective duct.

A good modern radiosonde relative humidity sensor should be able to measure relative humidity
to a useful accuracy at all temperatures from 40C down to about 70C. Temperatures are
lower than this near the tropical and subtropical tropopause, and radiosonde sensors can make
useful measurements at these temperatures provided that certain corrections are applied (see
below). However, the most reliable practical method of measuring water vapour at these lowest
temperatures is with a frost-point hygrometer (see Vmel et al. (2007a) and the results from the
WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems (WMO, 2011b)). Table12.9 shows
the range of saturated water vapour pressures with respect to a water surface that must be
resolved to provide relative humidity measurements at all levels. At temperatures below 0C,
relative humidity sensors should be calibrated to report relative humidity with respect to a water

The saturation with respect to water cannot be measured much below 50C, so manufacturers
should use one of the following expressions for calculating saturation vapour pressure relative
to water at the lowest temperatures Wexler (1976, 1977), Hyland and Wexler (1983) or
Sonntag (1994) and not the Goff-Gratch equation recommended in earlier WMO publications.
Saturation vapour pressure in ice clouds at the lowest temperatures in the tropical upper
troposphere will be about 50% of the saturation vapour pressure with respect to a water surface
in Table12.9.

Satisfactory relative humidity sensor operation becomes extremely difficult at very low
temperatures and pressures. The free exchange of water molecules between the sensor and the
atmosphere becomes more difficult as the temperature falls. Also, contamination of the sensor
from high water vapour concentrations earlier in the ascent may cause substantial systematic
bias in sensor measurements at the lowest temperatures. For instance, if a positive systematic
bias of 5% relative humidity is caused by contamination at 60 C, this would become a positive
systematic bias of 40% relative humidity at 75C unless the contamination is ventilated away.

In the lower stratosphere and upper troposphere, water vapour measurements should be
evaluated in terms of mixing ratio as well as relative humidity. Figure12.4 shows the variation
of temperature, relative humidity and mixing ratio with height, measured by four different
radiosonde sensors in the WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems (WMO,

Temperature Humidity Water vapour mixing ratio

60:00 60:00
59:00 59:00
58:00 58:00
57:00 57:00
56:00 56:00
55:00 55:00
54:00 54:00

Elapsed time
Elapsed time

53:00 53:00
52:00 52:00
51:00 51:00
50:00 50:00
49:00 49:00
48:00 48:00
47:00 47:00
46:00 46:00
45:00 45:00
44:00 44:00
82 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 64 C 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60% 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 g/kg

Figure 12.4. Temperature, relative humidity and water vapour mixing ratio presented as a
function of time into flight, from flight56 of the WMO Intercomparison of High Quality
Radiosonde Systems. The grey measurements are from radiosondes with capacitative
sensors, uncorrected for slow response time. The black measurements are from a heated twin
capacitor sensor (corrected for time constant of response) and a frost-point hygrometer. (The
frost-point hygrometer shows more variation with time in relative humidity and mixing ratio
than the heated twin capacitor.)

2011b). Just under the tropopause, relative humidity was slightly higher than saturation, but the
water vapour mixing ratio was close to the minimum, having dropped rapidly with temperature,
as would be expected from Table12.9. Where the temperature rises above the tropopause, the
two relative humidity sensors with slower response (grey) show much higher water vapour
mixing ratio than is realistic. The corrected sensor and the chilled-mirror hygrometer (black)
show a short-lived maximum in water vapour mixing ratio immediately above the tropopause.
This is unlikely to be real and suggests that the relative humidity reported by the black sensors in
this layer between minutes48.4 and 50 are too high by up to a factor of 2.5. This is probably the
result of contamination of the payload or the radiosonde sensing area, and not a calibration issue.
Contamination could have occurred earlier in the flight between minutes33 and 38 after passing
through a thick layer of cirrus cloud detected by the cloud radar (not shown in Figure12.4).

The rate of response of the relative humidity sensors can be defined as:
dU e dt = 1 (U e U ) (12.17)

where Ue is the relative humidity reported by the sensor, U is the actual relative humidity and is
the time constant of response.

A further complication is that the relative humidity sensor reports relative humidity for the
temperature of the sensor itself. If this differs from the true atmospheric temperature, then an
additional error is introduced because of the thermal lag of the humidity sensor relative to the air
temperature. Modern humidity sensors have become much smaller than in the older radiosonde
types to minimize this problem, and the temperature of the sensor is in any case measured
directly in many, but not all, widely used modern radiosondes.

The time constant of response of a relative humidity sensor increases much more rapidly during
a radiosonde ascent than the time constant of response of a temperature sensor. This can be
seen in Table12.10, where approximate values of the time constant of response of two older and
three modern sensor types are shown. In the case of the goldbeaters skin, the time constant
of response quoted is for changes between about 70% and 30% relative humidity. The time
constants of response of the goldbeaters skin sensors are much larger at a given temperature
if measuring high or low relative humidity. The values for the twin thin-film capacitor (Vaisala
RS92) in this table differ from those in Miloshevich et al. (2004) and were taken from updated
information supplied by the manufacturer.

Table 12.10. Time constants of response (in seconds) of relative humidity sensors

Humidity sensor In use at 20 C at 0 C at 20 C at 40 C at 70 C

Heated twin
2004 < 0.15 0.4 2 10 80

Other single
capacitors 2000 0.1 0.6 0.6 0.9 46 15 20 150 300a
covered with

1960 0.3 1.5 9 20 Not reliable

1950 6 20 100 > 300 Not usable

hygrometer, < 2b < 4b < 25
for science

hygrometer, 1996
< 2b < 4b < 25
Snow White at for science
a Values derived from a comparison with hygrometers, from the WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde
Systems (WMO, 2011b); may include problems with the ventilation of the caps covering the sensor.
b Value estimated from an in-flight comparison with best quality radiosonde relative humidity sensors, from WMO

Two profiles of radiosonde temperature and relative humidity are shown in Figures12.5. and
12.6. Figure12.5 is an example of a radiosonde ascent in the United Kingdom, where the
measurements from two different sensors were combined. Sudden changes in relative humidity
with height occur on many flights and were observed here by both radiosonde types. The very
dry layers in particular are associated with temperature inversions. The existence of these very
dry layers is accepted as correct, but in the past they were considered erroneous because the
earlier sensors could not measure them well. In this case, the rate of change of relative humidity
with height above the lowest inversion was 6% relative humidity per second. Thus, modern
sensors offer advantages to those who need a detailed knowledge of the variation of atmospheric
refractive index with height, which is significant for radio propagation. At mid-levels, rates of
change of 3% relative humidity per second are often found.

Miloshevich et al. (2004) proposed a method for correcting the slow time-constant of response
in humidity measurements based on the equation:
U = U e ( t2 ) U e ( t1 ) X (1 X ) (12.18)

where U is the true ambient relative humidity, Ue is the reported relative humidity for times t1 and
t2, U is assumed not to change significantly between t1 and t2 (limiting the size of the time step
used), and X = e ( 2 1 ) , where is the time constant of response of the relative humidity sensor.
t t /

For the algorithm to give satisfactory results, the data used must be as free as possible of
anomalous data, noise and so on. Therefore, some form of quality control has to be applied to
the basic observations and to other corrections (such as for solar heating of the humidity sensor)
before the time constant of response correction is attempted. This correction cannot retrieve
exact detail of the vertical profile of relative humidity at a much higher temporal resolution
than the time constant of response of the sensor. It generates a smoothed vertical profile, with
higher rates of change of relative humidity than in the original measurements, but any detail

Temperature (mean) Humidity (mean)



Elapsed time






60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 C 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90%

Figure 12.5. Average of simultaneous measurements at first intervals by two radiosondes

suspended together under one balloon, with measurements made at night

in the profile at time steps much smaller than the time constant of response should be treated
with caution. As seen in Miloshevich et al. (2004), for a given original measurement there are
quite a few possible answers, consistent with the known time-constants of response. The type of
smoothing applied to the original data influences the retrieved profile, so the smoothing used
needs to be well documented and the assumptions made in the use of the algorithm need to be
explained to the users.

From the examples seen in Yangjiang (WMO, 2011b, Annex D), it was concluded that to report
the relative humidity structure near the tropical tropopause, the humidity sensing system should
have a time constant of response of 3min or better, so that the adjustments for a slow time-
constant of response are not too large and are not merely amplifying errors from noise in the
measurements or from water/ice contamination.

Figure 12.6 illustrates the magnitude of the adjustments in a relative humidity profile for a sensor
with a time constant of response of about 80s at 70C and which was observing in the tropical
upper troposphere during the WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems in
Yangjiang, China (WMO, 2011b). The corrected profile in Figure12.6 is clearly much smoother
than the relative humidity profiles measured in the upper troposphere by the chilled-mirror
hygrometers in Figure12.4. In Yangjiang, where corrections for slow response were applied, the
result looked reasonable in about 65% of the cases and quite wrong the rest of the time. Further
testing of this type of adjustment and the type of smoothing applied seems to be justified at this

During the Yangjiang test, the highest rates of change observed in the troposphere/stratosphere
transition were about 30% relative humidity over about 30seconds. Thus, at the moment even
the fastest operational radiosonde relative humidity sensor cannot define the true height of the
rapid drop in humidity at the tropical tropopause without correction. Corrections to the height of
the top of the humid layer in Yangjiang were found to be in the range of 200 to 500m. However,
the two scientific sounding instruments in Yangjiang had faster response and could resolve this
height better when the instruments were functioning correctly (see Table12.10).

12.5.2 Thin-film capacitors

Capacitive thin-film sensors are now used in nearly all modern radiosonde designs. These sensors
rely on the variation of the dielectric constant of a polymer film with ambient water vapour
pressure. The dielectric constant is proportional to the number of water molecules captured at
binding sites in the polymer structure. The lower electrode of the capacitor is usually formed by
etching a metal-coated glass plate, with dimensions of either 5 by 3mm or 4 by 1.5mm and a

Temperature Humidity
48:00 Corrected
Elapsed time

80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 C 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60%

Figure 12.6. Twin thin-film capacitor measurement in the upper troposphere at night in
Yangjiang, China, presented as a function of time into flight, showing the humidity profile
measured directly by the sensor (black) and then corrected for time constant of
response errors (grey)

thickness of 0.55 or 0.2mm. There is often a trade-off in thickness, with a thinner film having a
faster time-constant of response at low temperatures but perhaps less stability in performance
over time. The upper electrode is vacuum-evaporated onto the polymer surface and is permeable
to water vapour. Sensor capacitance is usually a nearly linear function of relative humidity, and
the temperature dependence of calibration is not large. These sensors are always mounted on a
supporting boom which should expose the sensor above the top of the radiosonde or a long way
away from the radiosonde body to the side.

The calibration of these relative humidity sensors is temperature dependent. The correction for
this dependence must be applied during data processing by the ground system if the accuracy
claimed for the sensor at room temperatures in the laboratory is to be obtained throughout most
of the troposphere.

Contamination from rain, water drops in clouds or ice accretion has to be driven off if no
protective cap is used with the sensor. This can be achieved by heating the sensor well above
ambient temperature. Twin sensors are used, with one sensor measuring while the other is
heated and then cooled back to normal operation (Paukkunen, 1995). The twin sensors are
mounted about 1cm apart. These particular sensors also have a thin hydrophobic coating to
minimize contamination from liquid water. As the sun shines directly on the sensors and their
supports, the humidity sensors warm up relative to the correct temperature, particularly in the
upper troposphere. This warming effect needs to be compensated in order to achieve accurate
humidity measurements. One method is to directly measure the temperature of the humidity
sensor and use this information for the compensation. In early versions of this sensor system,
the surrounding printed circuit board was not coated with a highly reflective surface, and the
humidity sensor was warming too much in the upper troposphere in daytime. So, all the support
surfaces were then aluminized, and this was first tested in Mauritius (WMO, 2006a) and then as
an operational product in Yangjiang, China (WMO, 2011b). Initially, the manufacturer advised
users to use this sensor with correction software for slow time-constants of response at low
temperatures and a correction for solar heating of the sensor in the daytime. However, the most
recent version of the manufacturers system software applies these corrections automatically by

Four radiosondes in the WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems (WMO,
2011b) used another sensor, manufactured by E+EElektronik. This sensor was always deployed
with a protective cap to minimize contamination. This cap usually has a highly reflective coating,
so the sensor does not warm up too much in the daytime in the upper troposphere. Also,
the sensor supports and the cap must not be hygroscopic, otherwise outgassing from these

surfaces will cause significant errors. Some of the manufacturers apply corrections for slow time-
constants. With this sensor, the errors from a slow time-constant are larger than with the twin
sensor. Most of the radiosondes using this sensor used an additional thermistor to measure the
temperature of the humidity sensor directly, rather than assuming the humidity sensor was at the
same temperature as the corrected temperature sensor.

12.5.3 Carbon hygristors

Carbon hygristor sensors are made by suspending finely divided carbon particles in a
hygroscopic film. A modern version of the sensor consists of a polystyrene strip (of approximately
1mm thick, 60mm long and 18mm wide) coated with a thin hygroscopic film containing
carbon particles. Electrodes are coated along each side of the sensor. Changes in the ambient
relative humidity lead to dimensional changes in the hygroscopic film such that the resistance
increases progressively with humidity. The resistance at 90% relative humidity is about 100times
as large as the resistance at 30% relative humidity. Corrections can be applied for temperature
dependence during data processing. The sensors are usually mounted on a duct within the
radiosonde body to minimize the influence of precipitation wash and to prevent direct solar
heating of the sensor.

The implementation of this sensor type requires a manufacturing process that is well controlled
so that the temperature dependence of the sensors does not have to be determined individually.
The hygristors will normally be subjected to many seasoning cycles over a range of relative
humidity at room temperatures in the factory to reduce subsequent hysteresis in the sensor
during the radiosonde ascent. The resistance of the sensor can be adjusted to a standard value
during manufacture by scratching part of the carbon film. In this case, the variables can be issued
with the appropriate standard resistance value for the specified conditions, and the sensors can
be made interchangeable between radiosondes without further calibration. The sensor must be
kept sealed until just before it is used, and the hygroscopic surface must not be handled during
insertion into the sensor mount on the radiosonde.

It should be noted that the sensors do not seem to have stable calibration at high humidity, and
the reproducibility of the sensor measurements at lower humidity is often poor. In the WMO
Radiosonde Humidity Sensor Intercomparison (WMO, 2006b), it was shown that if the sensors
(supplied by the main hygristor manufacturer) were kept at a high humidity for several hours,
the calibration of the sensor changed irreversibly. Also, the sensors did not measure low humidity
(less than 20%) in a reproducible fashion (see Wade, 1995), and measurements from these
sensors misled many meteorologists into thinking that relative humidity lower than about 20%
did not occur in the lower troposphere.

12.5.4 Goldbeaters skin sensors

Goldbeaters skin (beef peritoneum) is still being used. The length of a piece of goldbeaters
skin changes by between 5% to 7% for a change in humidity from 0% to 100%. While useful
measurements can be obtained at temperatures higher than 20C, sensor response becomes
extremely slow at temperatures lower than this (see Table12.10). Goldbeaters skin sensors also
suffer from significant hysteresis following exposure to low humidity.

The goldbeaters skin used for humidity variables should be single-ply and unvarnished, with a
thickness of about 0.03mm. The skin should be mounted with a tension of about 20gcm1 width
and should be seasoned for several hours, in a saturated atmosphere, while subjected to this
tension. To minimize hysteresis, it is advisable to condition the sensor by keeping it in a saturated
atmosphere for 20min both before calibration and before use. Calibration should be carried out
during a relative humidity cycle from damp to dry conditions. The sensor must be protected from
rain during flight.

The time constant of response of the sensor is much higher than the values quoted in Table12.10
at very high and very low humidity (McIlveen and Ludlam, 1969). Thus, it is difficult to avoid
large bias in goldbeaters skin measurements during an ascent (low bias at high humidity, high
bias at low humidity) even in the lower troposphere.

12.5.5 Scientific sounding instruments

Two specialized scientific water vapour sounding instruments were successfully deployed during
the WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems in Yangjiang, China (WMO,
2011b). These systems were not as inherently reliable as the operational radiosondes, but when
they worked correctly they were extremely useful in identifying the limitations of the operational

(a) The Cryogenic Frost-point Hygrometer (CFH) (Vmel et al., 2007a) is a chilled-mirror
hygrometer. The CFH uses a feedback loop that actively regulates the temperature of a small
mirror, which is coated with ice (or dew in the lower troposphere). In the feedback loop, an
optical detector senses the amount of ice covering the mirror, and the feedback controller
regulates the temperature of the mirror such that the amount of ice remains constant.

When the feedback controller is operating correctly, the mirror temperature is equal to
the frost-point temperature, and if there is no internal ice/water contamination, then the
frost-point temperature of the atmosphere. The inlet tubes to the CFH are stainless steel and
17cm long with a diameter of 2.5cm, mounted directly above and below the hygrometer.
This is intended to ensure that contamination from the air passing through the hygrometer
is minimal, and the test results in Yangjiang confirmed that the CFH contamination was
lower than experienced by the Snow White chilled-mirror hygrometer in the upper
troposphere and lower stratosphere.

Time constants of response vary from a few seconds in the lower troposphere and increase
with height up to about 20 to 30s in the stratosphere. Thus, in the lower troposphere, the
CFH time constant of response is not distinguishable from the best operational radiosondes.
However, in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, it is faster in response than the
best operational radiosondes. The main measurement uncertainty in CFH measurements is
the stability and drift of the feedback controller. Thus, the total measurement uncertainty
is estimated to be about 0.5K in dewpoint or frost-point temperature, corresponding
approximately to about 9% relative humidity at the tropical tropopause and 4% relative
humidity in the lower troposphere.

The CFH uses a cold liquid at temperatures below 100C to cool the mirror during flight.
Preparation and handling of this coolant before flight requires training and special handling
procedures to avoid personal injury.

Correction schemes (solar heating, time constant) applied to the operational radiosonde
relative humidity in the upper troposphere have benefited from comparisons with
CFH measurements, for example the unpublished comparisons of the LAPBIAT Upper
Troposphere Lower Stratosphere Water Vapour Validation Project (LAUTLOS-WAVVAP)
in Sodankyla, Finland (2004), and the Lindenberg Upper-air Methods Intercomparison
(LUAMI) in Lindenberg, Germany (2008).

(b) The Snow White hygrometer also uses the chilled-mirror principle for sensing water vapour
(see Fujiwara et al., 2003). However, this uses a Peltier cooler to cool its mirror. There are
two versions of the sensing system. The daytime mirror hygrometer was mounted in an
internal duct in the sensing system. This configuration did not prevent contamination, thus
affecting the accuracy of the measurements below temperatures of about 50C, and was
only used on a few flights in Yangjiang. In the night-time version, the mirror hygrometer
was mounted above the radiosonde body. Thus, the night-time mirror hygrometer had
little direct protection against contamination, but a very good exposure to ambient
conditions. In Yangjiang, the Snow White night-time system was able to measure dewpoint
temperatures down to below 75C on 70% of the night-time flights. Two daytime flights

suffered bad contamination near thunderstorms in the afternoon, but night-time Snow
White sensing systems were not significantly contaminated in upper cloud because on
this occasion ascent conditions were favourable to the Snow White operation. However,
contamination around the hygrometer structure limited the use of Snow White to heights
less than 18km, just above the tropical tropopause in Yangjiang. Snow White has the same
advantage as CFH in terms of the time constants of response that are much smaller than the
operational humidity sensors in the upper troposphere.

It is necessary to have a skilled operator who can recognize when the mirror film changes
phase from water to ice (Snow White must also be flown with a good operational humidity
sensor). The operator must also be able to detect possible failure modes (such as the mirror
losing its ice film) in the middle and upper troposphere. Identifying when contamination
has corrupted the hygrometer measurements is a skill required for both Snow White and

The two chilled-mirror hygrometers have the advantage over operational relative humidity
sensors of being sensitive in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere down to
the lowest temperatures, provided that contaminated measurements are recognized
and excluded. Their measurements also do not have significant daynight differences in
performance. Therefore, as working references, their measurements have proved to be
the best method of identifying these differences. Comparison with the chilled-mirror
measurements has allowed the development of correction procedures or changes in
operational procedures to produce better-quality operational measurements in the middle
and upper troposphere.

Sensors in ducts do not provide the best method of observing relative humidity structure
through rain and low cloud, so it is unwise to treat the chilled mirrors as more reliable than
the best operational radiosonde sensors in the lower troposphere.

12.5.6 Exposure

Rapid changes in relative humidity greater than 25% are common during radiosonde ascents.
Accurate measurements of these changes are significant for some users. Accurate measurements
require that the humidity sensor is well ventilated, but the sensor also needs to be protected as
far as possible from the deposition of water or ice onto the surface of the sensor or its supports,
and also from solar heating.

Thus, the smaller relative humidity sensors, such as thin-film capacitors, are mounted on an
external outrigger. The sensor may be covered by a small protective cap, or the sensors may be
heated periodically to drive off contamination from water or ice in cloud or fog. The design of
the protective cap may be critical, and it is essential to ensure that the cap design is such that the
humidity sensor is well ventilated during the radiosonde ascent.

Larger sensors were usually mounted in an internal duct or a large protective duct on the top
or side of the radiosonde body. The duct design should be checked to ensure that airflow into
the duct guarantees adequate sensor ventilation during the ascent. The duct should also be
designed to shed ice or water, encountered in cloud or heavy precipitation, as quickly as possible.
The duct should protect the sensor from incident solar radiation and should not allow significant
backscattering of solar radiation onto the sensor. Particular care is required in duct design if
contamination in upper cloud is to be avoided.

Protective covers or duct coatings should not be hygroscopic. For examples, see the stainless
steel inlet pipes used by CFH or the aluminized sensor mounts of some operational radiosondes.

12.5.7 Relative humidity errors

Errors in older radiosonde types widely used between 1980 and 2000 are discussed in more
detail in WMO (2015).

Operational relative humidity sensors have improved greatly compared to the sensors in use
before the 1980s, especially at low temperatures in the middle and upper troposphere. Relative
humidity observations at temperatures lower than 40C were not reported in most of the early
radiosonde systems, and relative humidity reports at such temperatures were not in significant
use until about 2000.

Real-time operational assessment of radiosonde relative humidity measurements by users

is not very extensive, and methods need to be developed for providing information to the
manufacturers on the calibration performance of the sensors. For example, records could be
provided of the relative humidity reported when the radiosonde was known to pass through
low cloud, or statistics could be sent of the pre-flight ground checks. When testing radiosondes,
it should not be assumed that the uncertainty in the measurements is the same for all relative
humidity bands. Non-uniform performance across the relative humidity range was still found for
many systems in the WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems (WMO, 2011b).
However, the better systems are now much closer to uniformity at all relative humidity than what
was found at the start of the WMO radiosonde comparison series in 1984. During manufacture,
calibrations on individual sensors are often performed only at a few (less than three) pre-set
relative humidity points, and possibly only at one temperature (see, for example, Wade, 1995). In
many cases, the temperature dependence of the sensor calibration is not checked individually, or
in batches, but is again assumed to follow curves determined in a limited number of tests. Sensor
calibrations have often varied by several per cent in relative humidity from batch to batch, as can
be seen from measurements in low-level cloud (Nash et al., 1995). This may be a consequence
of faulty calibration procedures during manufacture. For instance, actual sensor performance in
a given batch may differ from the standardized calibration curves fitted to the pre-set humidity
checks. On the other hand, it could be the result of batch variation in the stability of the sensors
during storage. In addition, the thickness of the film in some thin-film capacitors is not always
the same, so the thicker sensors are sometimes quite unresponsive to humidity changes at low
temperatures, while the majority of the sensors of the same type respond well in the same

In the following sections, errors are first considered for temperatures greater than 20C,
where both older and newer sensors were expected to work reliably. Before 1990, most of
the radiosondes in use had significant problems with measurements at temperatures lower
than 30C. Thus, only the errors of the more modern sensor types are considered for the
temperature bands between 20C and 50C, where such sensors work more reliably, and
then for temperatures between 50C and 70C, where only the newest relative humidity
sensors could respond quickly enough to make useful measurements. The analysis is then
further divided into night-time and daytime performance. Night-time measurements may not
necessarily be more reliable than those in the daytime because, in many cases, there seems to be
a greater chance of contamination around the sensor at night if its ventilation is poor, while solar
heating of the sensor surroundings drives off more of the contamination in the day or produces a
compensating low bias in the daytime humidity.

Water vapour pressure is obtained by multiplying the saturation vapour pressure computed
from the radiosonde temperature by the radiosonde relative humidity measurement. If the
temperature of the relative humidity sensor does not correspond to the temperature reported by
the radiosonde, the reported water vapour (and hence any derived dewpoint) will be in error. In
a region of the troposphere where temperature is decreasing with height, the humidity sensor
temperature will be higher than the air temperature reported. If the humidity sensor temperature
is higher than true temperature by 0.5K at a temperature close to 20C, the relative humidity
reported by the sensor will be about 97% of the true relative humidity. This will result in an error
of 1.5% at a relative humidity of 50%. As temperature decreases to 10C and then to 30C,
the same temperature lag in the sensor causes the reported relative humidity to decrease to 96%
and then to 95% of the true value.

Systematic errors in relative humidity measurements may occur because of changes in

calibration during storage. This may simply be due to sensor ageing or the build-up of
chemical contamination, where contamination occupies sites that normally would be open

for water vapour molecules. The rate of contamination may depend on the chemicals used
in manufacturing the radiosonde body or the packaging, and cannot be assumed to be the
same when the manufacturing of the radiosonde body or printed circuit boards changes with
time. The manufacturers instructions regarding the storage of the sensors and preparations
for use must be applied carefully. For instance, it is essential that the ground check process
be performed with the VaisalaRS92 sensor before launch, since this drives off any build-up of
chemical contamination and hence low bias early in the ascent. Relative humidity at night for temperatures above 20C

Table 12.11 summarizes night-time systematic differences in relative humidity at temperatures

higher than 20C for the most widely used sensors tested during the WMO International
Radiosonde Comparison. The results shown in Table12.11 have been limited to night flights
to eliminate complications caused by solar heating. More detailed results on the earlier tests
may be found in Nash et al. (1995). From 1984 until 2000, the performance of the Vaisala RS80
A-Humicap was used as an arbitrary reference linking the earlier tests in the WMO Radiosonde
Comparison. More recent tests in Brazil and Mauritius have also used the Meteolabor
Snow White chilled-mirror hygrometer as a working standard. Both Snow White and CFH
measurements were used in the WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems
in Yangjiang, China, and the systematic error in the reference used in these tests was probably
somewhere in the range of 2% for the temperature range in Table12.11.

Table 12.11. Systematic differences, sonde error and uncertainty (k = 2) of radiosonde relative
humidity measurements at night for temperatures higher than 20 C

Humidity sensor System bias Sonde error Uncertainty

(% RH) (k = 2)
Relative humidity
8090 4060 1020 8090 4060 1020 8090 4060 1020
(% RH)
Goldbeaters skin,
MRZ (Russian
8 1 9 12 18 16 20 19 25
and RS3 (UK)a

Carbon hygristor,
410 44 2010 10 416 620 1420 420 640

Twin thin-film
capacitor, Vaisala 12d 02 02 3 5 3 36 58 35
RS92 (Finland)

Thin-film capacitor,
12 13 22 3 5 3 46 69 59
used in LMS-6b (USA)

Other thin-film
32 63 22 4 5 3 59 814 37

Snow White,
Meteolabor 1 1 1 4 5 3 5 6 4

CFH (USA/Germany) 4e 3e 0 8 7 2 13 10 2
a Data from dry conditions only were used in the analysis.
b Uses E+E Elektronik sensor from Austria.
c Summary of the range of results from other radiosonde systems without major design faults in the Yangjiang
comparison (WMO, 2011b). See WMO (2015) for details of the individual radiosonde types at Yangjiang.
d Uses information from Miloshevich et al. (2009) as well as other WMO and UK tests.
e CFH seemingly had positive bias at low levels in WMO (2011b), similar to the situation in Miloshevich et al. (2009).

In the comparisons in Table 12.11, the time constants of response of most thin-film capacitors and
the carbon hygristor were similar and fast enough to avoid significant systematic bias from slow
sensor response. Goldbeaters skin is able to respond reasonably well to rapid changes in mid-
range relative humidity at these temperatures. Nonetheless, the very slow response of this sensor
at high and low humidity contributes to the large systematic differences in Table12.11, with
measurements too low at high relative humidity and too high at low relative humidity.

The results quoted for the VIZ MKII carbon hygristor show very wide ranges in uncertainty,
especially at very low humidity. The results were different according to whether the conditions
were dry or generally very moist (especially with liquid water present in cloud or rain). This
seemed to be because the calibration of this newer hygristor sensor also changed when
conditions were very moist (in cloud), giving a significant dry bias at lower humidities. Proposed
changes in algorithms, especially at low humidity, did not result in any consistent improvement
in the measurement quality. The LMS-6 radiosonde, successor to the VIZ MKII, now uses a
capacitor sensor. Carbon hygristors have been in use in India and China in the last decade.

Since 2005, the majority of the modern humidity sensors have shown improved stability and
protection against water contamination in cloud (contamination effects normally being short
lived and not resulting in permanent offsets during the ascent), and improved reproducibility
from batch to batch. Thus, the results from dry and wet conditions can now be combined,
apart from in very heavy rain when no system performs reliably. Thus, for the better sensor
types, uncertainties (k = 2) in the range of 5% to 10% seem achievable across the whole relative
humidity range. Relative humidity in the day for temperatures above 20C

Table 12.12 contains the summary of daytime systematic differences, sonde error and uncertainty
of the radiosonde relative humidity measurements for temperatures higher than 20C. This
table only includes information on the modern humidity sensor designs.

Comparison with collocated remote-sensing observations (microwave radiometers or GPS

water vapour) has confirmed that there is a daynight difference in modern radiosonde relative
humidity measurements (for examples, see Turner et al., 2003; and WMO, 2006a, 2011b). The
daynight difference can also be estimated independently from comparisons with the Snow
White hygrometer, as Snow White measurements are relatively consistent between day and night
at temperatures higher than 40C.

The situation with the Vaisala RS92 changed in 2006 when significant developments in sensor
support designs led to changes in performance in daytime measurements. Early versions had
a bare printed circuit board as part of the sensor supports. These supports heated up much
more than the aluminized surfaces, and thus led to higher heating of the air passing over
the humidity sensors. This was recognized as causing a problem and, by the time the WMO
radiosonde comparison in Mauritius (WMO, 2006a) was conducted, the sensor supports had
been fully aluminized, with the results corresponding to footnote d in Table12.12. Thus, the
measurements reported by Vmel et al. (2007b), performed with the original RS92 version
(footnote c), show larger dry biases than those observed in Mauritius. This aluminization did
not eliminate the solar heating problem, but did reduce the magnitude of the effect. As can be
seen, this represents the main step forward in reducing the uncertainty of the Vaisala daytime
relative humidity measurements at higher temperatures. In the WMO Intercomparison of High
Quality Radiosonde Systems in Yangjiang, China (WMO, 2011b), software was used to correct the
daytime negative bias from solar heating.

Thus, the daytime twin thin-film capacitor measurements were optimized only after the software
used in the Yangjiang comparison was introduced operationally worldwide, and the uncertainty
in the daytime measurements was much worse than in the night-time measurements until the
hardware and software modifications were introduced after 2006.

Table 12.12. Systematic differences, sonde error and uncertainty (k = 2) of radiosonde relative
humidity measurements in the day for temperatures higher than 20C

Humidity sensor System bias Sonde error Uncertainty

(% RH) (k = 2)
Relative humidity
8090 4060 1020 8090 4060 1020 8090 4060 1020
(% RH)
Carbon hygristor,
24 36 010 7 7 10 713 716 1020

Twin thin-film 92c 4 4 2 1115

capacitor, Vaisala 32d 32d 12d 4 4 2 59 59 35
RS92 (Finland) 12e 02e 12e 4 4 2 57 46 35

Thin-film capacitor,
32 03 02 4 4 2 79 47 24
LMS-6a (USA)

Other thin-film
12 22 02 4 4 3 47 48 35

Snow White,
Meteolabor 1 1 1 4 8 4 5 9 5

1 1 0 8 8 2 9 9 2
a Uses E+E Elektronik sensor from Austria.
b Summary of the range of results from other radiosonde systems without major design faults in the Yangjiang
comparison (WMO, 2011b). See WMO (2015) for details of the individual radiosonde types at Yangjiang.
c Vaisala RS92 original with a bare printed board as part of support for relative humidity sensors; values for tropics
from Vmel et al. (2007b).
d Vaisala RS92 with fully aluminized supports but no correction for solar heating (WMO, 2006a).
e Vaisala RS92 with fully aluminized sensor support and correction for solar heating, in the tropics (WMO, 2011b).

However, in general, uncertainties (k = 2) for the better sensor types in the range of 5% to
10% seem achievable across the whole relative humidity range, and daynight differences in
systematic error are not usually large in this temperature range. Relative humidity at night for temperatures between 20C and 50C

Table 12.13 contains a summary of night-time systematic differences, sonde error and uncertainty
of the radiosonde relative humidity measurements for temperatures between 20C and 50C.
For most radiosonde systems designed before 2000, the relative humidity sensor performance
was usually influenced by the conditions experienced earlier in the flight, so the values obtained
in early tests in this temperature range were not very reproducible, even when thick cloud and
rainy conditions were excluded and are not considered here.

Whereas the twin thin-film capacitor and LMS capacitor had small systematic errors, this was
not true of all the remaining radiosonde types in Yangjiang, where poor ventilation of the
sensor under the protective cap gave rise to increased positive bias in the measurements at
high and mid-range relative humidity. Not all the humidity sensors in Yangjiang could provide
uncertainties (k = 2) in the range of 5% to 10% relative humidity in the humid conditions
experienced in this temperature range.

Table 12.13. Systematic differences, sonde error and uncertainty (k = 2) of radiosonde relative
humidity measurements at night for temperatures between 20C and 50C

Humidity sensor System bias Sonde error Uncertainty

(% RH) (k = 2)
Relative humidity
6080 4060 1020 6080 4060 1020 6080 4060 1020
(% RH)
Carbon hygristor,
50 10 to 4 2010 10 8 7 1015 1218 1727

Twin thin-film
capacitor, Vaisala 13d 03 02 6 6 4 610 69 46
RS92 (Finland)

Thin-film capacitor,
12 13 22 6 6 4 69 610 48
used in LMS-6b (USA)

Other thin-film
310 78 44 6 8 4 619 823 48

Snow White,
Meteolabor 2 1 3 6 8 4 8 9 7

CFH (USA/Germany) 2 1 0 5 5 5 7 6 5
a Data from dry conditions only were used in the analysis.
b Uses E+E Elektronik sensor from Austria.
c Summary of the range of results from other radiosonde systems with low sonde errors in the Yangjiang
comparison (WMO, 2011b). See WMO (2015) for details of the individual radiosonde types at Yangjiang.
d Uses information from Miloshevich et al. (2009) as well as other WMO and UK tests. Relative humidity in the day for temperatures between 20C and 50C

Table 12.14 contains a summary of daytime systematic differences, sonde error and uncertainty of
the radiosonde relative humidity measurements for temperatures between 20C and 50C.

The systematic errors in the twin thin-film capacitor measurements in daytime had larger
negative biases than at the higher temperatures in Table12.12. Thus, it took until about 2011
before the erroneous dry biases were removed from the daytime twin thin-film capacitor
measurements and the large uncertainties in these measurements were reduced to the values
found at night in Table12.13.

In the daytime, the other sensors in the Yangjiang test did not have the significant positive biases
relative to the LMS capacitor that were seen at night in Table12.13. However, it was more difficult
in this daytime temperature band to ensure that the operational radiosondes were able to
measure with an uncertainty (k = 2) of between 5% and 10% under all conditions.

Two of the radiosonde systems in Yangjiang had very large sonde errors both day and night
because of problems with sensor design, and one more system had large sonde errors in daytime
only, because of poor positioning of the humidity sensor. So, obtaining good performance in
this band requires significant testing and elimination of design problems that do not necessarily
affect the measurements at higher temperatures very much (see WMO, 2015). Relative humidity at night for temperatures between 50C and 70C

Table 12.15 shows the systematic differences, sonde error and uncertainty (k = 2) for night-
time measurements at temperatures between 50C and 70C for the modern sensors only.
These sensors/sensing systems differ in terms of time constant of response. All have longer than
optimum time-constants in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere in the tropics, with some

Table 12.14. Systematic differences, sonde error and uncertainty (k = 2) of radiosonde relative
humidity measurements in daytime for temperatures between 20C and 50C

Humidity sensor System bias Sonde error Uncertainty

(% RH) (k = 2)
Relative humidity
6080 4060 1020 6080 4060 1020 6080 4060 1020
(% RH)
Carbon hygristor,
8 9 10 10 8 7 18 17 717

Twin thin-film 164d 6 4 2 1624

capacitor, Vaisala 72e 52e 32e 6 4 2 1115 711 37
RS92 (Finland) 22f 32f 12f 6 4 2 610 59 25

Thin-film capacitor,
22 33 02 6 8 2 610 814 26
used in LMS-6b (USA)

Other thin-film
32 03 13 7 6 4 712 69 48

Snow White,
Meteolabor 0 1 1 6 8 4 8 9 7

CFH (USA/Germany) 2 1 0 5 5 5 7 6 5
a Data from dry conditions only were used in the analysis.
b Uses E+E Elektronik sensor from Austria.
c Summary of the range of results from other radiosonde systems with low sonde errors in the Yangjiang
comparison (WMO, 2011b). See WMO (2015) for details of the individual radiosonde types at Yangjiang.
d Vaisala RS92 original with a bare printed board as part of support for relative humidity sensors; values for tropics
from Vmel et al. (2007b).
e Vaisala RS92 with fully aluminized supports but no correction for solar heating (WMO, 2006a).
f Vaisala RS92 with fully aluminized sensor support and correction for solar heating, in the tropics (WMO, 2011b).

becoming slow at 60C and others at 80C. The chilled-mirror hygrometers are capable of
working reasonably quickly at these low temperatures and have thus provided evidence on the
speed of response of the operational sensors.

The sonde errors in Table 12.15 at 60 C are generally about twice as large as those at
temperatures higher than 20C in Table12.11, the exception being the CFH with more
reproducible measurements at upper levels than in the lower troposphere. The reference used in
Table12.15 for systematic errors cannot be defined better than 4%, as all the sensors including
CFH (due to possible contamination) have limitations. The time constant of response corrections
applied to Vaisala RS92 in 2011 only changed the systematic bias by +0.5% RH in the 40% to 60%
relative humidity band and 1.2% RH in the 20% to 40% band. In analysing the results from the
WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems, some CFH and Snow White flights
had to be flagged out because of technical problems. Remember that the systematic errors
in Table12.15 are straightforward difference in relative humidity and are not presented as a
percentage ratio of the relative humidity being measured.

Table 12.15 shows that probably only two radiosonde systems were capable of providing relative
humidity measurements with uncertainty in the range of 6% to 12% at night and at temperatures
between 50C and 70C, whether cloud was present or not. WMO (2015) showed that
another four were capable of providing measurements in the range of 10% to 20%.

At very low humidity in the stratosphere, the expected sonde error of CFH becomes about
2% when measuring 10% relative humidity, and 0.4% when measuring 2% relative humidity,
whereas operational radiosonde errors will stay near the values quoted in Table12.15 and are
thus not suitable for stratospheric measurements where fractions of a per cent relative humidity
make a significant difference to the water vapour mixing ratio reported.

Table 12.15. Systematic differences, sonde error and uncertainty (k = 2) of radiosonde relative
humidity measurements at night for temperatures between 50C and 70C
in the troposphere

Humidity sensor System bias Sonde error Uncertainty

(% RH) (k = 2)
Relative humidity
40 60 20 40 40 60 20 40 40 60 20 40
(% RH)
Twin thin-film capacitor,
0 4c 13 7 4 7 11 48
Vaisala RS92 (Finland)

Thin-film capacitor,
14 1 3 12 14 12 17 14 18
used in LMS-6a (USA)

Other thin-film
46 54 12 8 12 8 6 30 5 29

Snow White, Meteolabor

3 3 2 9 8 9 15 10

CFH (USA/Germany) 2 2 5 3 7 5
a Uses E+E Elektronik sensor from Austria.
b Summary of the range of results from other radiosonde systems known to be in operational use from
the Yangjiang comparison (WMO, 2011b). See WMO (2015) for details of the individual radiosonde
types at Yangjiang.
c Uses information from Miloshevich et al. (2009) as well as other WMO and UK tests. Relative humidity in the day for temperatures between 50C and 70C

Table 12.16 shows the systematic biases, sonde errors and uncertainty for daytime humidity
measurements centred at a temperature of 60C. The daytime sonde errors were similar
or slightly smaller than the night-time sonde errors. Thus, any increase in sonde error from
solar heating was balanced by a decrease in some of the other sources of error at night, such
as contamination. It appeared that the structures in the vertical were similar between day
and night, but it is possible that time constant of response errors were bigger in night-time
conditions, which may have influenced the difference in the sonde errors between day and night.

The system with the most pronounced negative bias in daytime was the Vaisala RS92 in its
original form. The temperature sensors were heated both directly by solar heating of the
humidity sensor and by air which is heated by the bare copper surfaces on the supports near
the sensor and then passes over the sensor. The other systems mostly have aluminized covers,
so direct solar heating is not primarily the problem. However, air heated by passing over the
supports and plastic does affect the humidity sensor temperature. Some manufacturers, such as
Lockheed Martin Sippican and InterMet, measure the temperature of the humidity sensor with a
dedicated sensor. In the most recent tests, the Vaisala RS92 had a software correction for heating,
as did the Graw system (see WMO, 2011b, Annex D). Values reported in cloud at very low
temperatures for both systems seemed higher in the daytime than at night and much higher than
was shown by Snow White or CFH. Thus, at this stage it is probable that the corrections applied
to the operational radiosondes may have errors, especially in cloudy conditions, although
the corrections probably bring the systematic bias closer to the correct values compared to
measurements without the correction (see the Vaisala results).

Table 12.16 shows that in 2011, probably only two radiosonde systems were capable of providing
relative humidity measurements with uncertainty in the range of 6% to 12% in daytime at
temperatures between 50C and 70C, whether cloud was present or not (given that the twin
thin-film capacitor had the complete set of corrections used in Yangjiang). WMO (2015) shows
another four capable of providing measurements in the uncertainty range of 10% to 20%.

Most of the test data used for Tables12.15 and 12.16 have been obtained in the tropics,
where the temperature band centred on 60C may be 4km higher than at higher latitudes

Table 12.16. Systematic differences, sonde error and uncertainty (k = 2) of radiosonde relative
humidity measurements in the day for temperatures between 50C and 70C
in the troposphere

Humidity sensor System bias Sonde error Uncertainty

(% RH) (k = 2)
Relative humidity
40 60 20 40 40 60 20 40 40 60 20 40
(% RH)
22 4c 14 4 5 3 23 31 13 21
Twin thin-film capacitor,
12 3d 7 3 5 3 14 20 7 13
Vaisala RS92 (Finland)
3 3e 03 5 3 5 11 36

Thin-film capacitor,
4 3 3 3 8 10 9 15 10 16
used in LMS-6a (USA)

Other thin-film
2 6 1 5 93 11 2 6 20 9 19

CFH (USA/Germany) 2 1 5 5 7 6
a Uses E+E Elektronik sensor from Austria.
b Summary of the range of results from other radiosonde systems known to be in operational use from
the Yangjiang comparison (WMO, 2011b). See WMO (2015) for details of the individual radiosonde
types at Yangjiang.
c Vaisala RS92 original with a bare printed board as part of support for relative humidity sensors; values
for tropics from Vmel et al. (2007b).
d Vaisala RS92 with fully aluminized supports but no correction for solar heating (WMO, 2006a).
e Vaisala RS92 with fully aluminized sensor support and correction for solar heating (WMO, 2011b).

(seeFigure12.2). The systematic biases for heating error for a given temperature can be
expected to have a range of values, with the lower negative biases associated with the mid-
latitude operation in cloudy conditions at higher pressures and the large negative biases
associated with tropical operations in clear situations. Wetting or icing in cloud

Modern humidity sensors can get contaminated when passing through cloud, but normally the
main effects of positive bias are short-lived and contamination ventilates away or, on the twin
thin-film capacitor, is heat-pulsed away in the next heating cycle of the sensor. Icing in cloud
can occur at temperatures much lower than 40C; this may not ventilate away as quickly as the
contamination in the lower troposphere. Representativeness issues

Representativeness issues are discussed in WMO (2015).


12.6.1 General features

The detailed design of the ground equipment of a radiosonde station will depend on the type of
radiosonde that is used. However, the ground station will always include the following:

(a) An aerial and radio receiver for receiving the signals from the radiosonde;

(b) Equipment to decode the radiosonde signals and to convert the signals to meteorological

(c) Equipment to present the meteorological measurements to the operator so that the
necessary messages can be transmitted to users, as required.

Other equipment may be added to provide wind measurements when required (for example,
radar interface, and LORAN-C or GPS trackers).

The output of the decoder should usually be input to a computer for archiving and subsequent
data processing and correction.

Modern ground station systems can be either purchased as an integrated system from a given
manufacturer, or may be built up from individual modules supplied from a variety of sources.
If maintenance support will mainly be provided by the manufacturer or its agents, and not
by the operators, an integrated system may be the preferred choice. A system composed of
individual modules may be more readily adapted to different types of radiosonde. This could
be achieved by adding relevant decoders, without the extra cost of purchasing the remainder
of the integrated ground system offered by each manufacturer. A modular type of system may
be the preferred option for operators with their own technical and software support capability,
independent of a given radiosonde manufacturer. Systems built from modules have encountered
problems in the last 10years because of the complexity of testing such systems and the problems
introduced when adapting manufacturers standard correction software to non-standard use by
another processing system.

Note: The rate of development in modern electronics is such that it will prove difficult for manufacturers to provide
in-depth support to particular integrated systems for longer than 10 to 15years. Thus replacement cycles for integrated
ground systems should be taken as about 10years when planning long-term expenditure.

12.6.2 Software for data processing

Satisfactory software for a radiosonde ground system is much more complicated than that
needed merely to evaluate, for example, standard level geopotential heights from accurate
data. Poor quality measurements need to be rejected and interpolation procedures developed
to cope with small amounts of missing data. There is a serious risk that programmers not
thoroughly versed in radiosonde work will make apparently valid simplifications that introduce
very significant errors under some circumstances. For instance, if reception from the radiosonde
is poor, it is counterproductive to allow too much interpolation of data using mathematical
techniques that will be quite stable when data quality is generally good, but will become
unstable when data quality is generally poor. A good example of an algorithm that can become
unstable when signal quality is poor is the time constant of response correction used by some
manufacturers for temperature.

In the past, certain problems with signal reception and pressure errors near the launch were
sometimes compensated by adjusting the time associated with incoming data. This may not
cause significant errors to reported measurements, but can make it almost impossible to check
radiosonde sensor performance in radiosonde comparison tests.

Thus, it is essential to use the services of a radiosonde specialist or consultant to provide

overall control of the software design.1 The specialist skills of a professional programmer will
usually be necessary to provide efficient software. This software will include the display and
interactive facilities for the operator which are required for operational use. The software must
be robust and not easily crashed by inexpert operators. In the last decade, most software for
commercial radiosonde ground systems has required at least two or three years of development
in collaboration with testing by National Meteorological Services. This testing was performed
by highly skilled operators and test staff, until the software had become thoroughly reliable
in operation. The ground system software was then suitable for use by operators without any
significant specialized computing skills.

As recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its twelfth session (1998),
through Recommendation2 (CIMOXII).

The software in the ground system should be well documented and should include clear
descriptions of the algorithms in use.2 The overall system should be designed to allow sounding
simulations for testing and comparison purposes. It is proposed that sets of a suitable range of
raw pressure, temperature and humidity data records should be used to check the reliability of
newly developed software. Software errors are often the limiting factors in the accuracy of data
reports from the better radiosonde types.


12.7.1 Control corrections immediately before use

It is recommended that radiosonde measurement accuracy should always be checked in a

controlled environment before the radiosonde is launched. These control checks should be made
when the radiosonde is ready for flight, and should take place a few minutes before release.
The aim is to prevent the launch of faulty radiosondes. A further aim is to improve calibration
accuracy by adjusting for small changes in calibration that may have occurred when the
radiosonde was transported to the launch site and during storage.

These control checks are usually performed indoors. They can be conducted in a ventilated
chamber with a reference temperature and relative humidity sensors of suitable accuracy to meet
user specifications. Relative humidity can then be checked at ambient humidity and lower and
higher humidity, if necessary. If no reference psychrometer is available, known humidity levels
can be generated by saturated saline solutions or silica gel.

The differences between the radiosonde measurements and the control readings can be used
to adjust the calibration curves of the sensors prior to flight. The sensors used for controlling the
radiosonde must be checked regularly in order to avoid long-term drifts in calibration errors. A
suitable software adjustment of radiosonde calibration normally improves the reproducibility
of the radiosonde measurements in flight to some extent. The type of adjustment required will
depend on the reasons for calibration shift following the initial calibration during manufacture
and will vary with radiosonde type.

If there are large discrepancies relative to the control measurements, the radiosonde may have
to be rejected as falling outside the manufacturers specification and returned for replacement.
Maximum tolerable differences in ground checks need to be agreed upon with the manufacturer
when purchasing the radiosondes.

It is also wise to monitor the performance of the radiosonde when it is taken to the launch
area. The reports from the radiosonde should be checked for compatibility with the surface
observations at the station immediately before launch.

In view of the importance of this stage of the radiosonde operation, the Commission for
Instruments and Methods of Observation recommends that:3

(a) The performance of the radiosonde pressure, temperature and relative humidity sensors
should be checked in a controlled environment, such as a calibration cabinet or baseline
check facility prior to launch;

(b) The baseline check should be automated as far as possible to eliminate the possibility of
operator error;

(c) The temperature and relative humidity observations should also be checked against the
standard surface temperature and relative humidity observations at the station immediately
before the launch;

See Recommendation2 (CIMO-XII).
As recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its eleventh session, held in
1994, through Recommendation9 (CIMOXI).

(d) The sensors used as the reference should be at least as accurate as the radiosonde sensors
and be calibrated regularly according to the manufacturers instructions.

12.7.2 Deployment methods

Radiosondes are usually carried by balloons rising with a rate of ascent of between 5 and 8ms1,
depending on the specifications and characteristics of the balloon in use (see PartII, Chapter8).
These rates of ascent allow the measurements to be completed in a timely fashion i.e. about
40min to reach 16km and about 90min to reach heights above 30km so that the information
can be relayed quickly to the forecast centres. The designs and positioning of the temperature
and relative humidity sensors on the radiosonde are usually intended to provide adequate
ventilation at an ascent rate of about 6ms1. Corrections applied to temperature for solar heating
errors will usually only be valid for the specified rates of ascent.

A radiosonde transmits information to a ground station that is usually at a fixed location.

However, advances in modern technology mean that fully automated radiosonde ground
systems are now very small. Therefore, the ground systems are easily deployed as mobile systems
on ships or in small vans or trailers on land.

Dropsondes deployed from research aircraft use parachutes to slow the rate of descent.
Temperature sensors are mounted at the bottom of the dropsonde. Rates of descent are often
about 12ms1 to allow the dropsonde measurement to be completed in about 15min. The
high descent rate allows one aircraft to deploy sufficient dropsondes at a suitable spacing in
the horizontal for mesoscale research (less than 50km). The dropsonde transmissions will be
received and processed on the aircraft. Systems under development will be able to take and
transmit direct readings and operate automatically under programme control. Systems are also
under development to use remotely piloted vehicles to deploy dropsondes.

12.7.3 Radiosonde launch procedures

Once a radiosonde is prepared for launch, the meteorological measurements should be checked
against surface measurements either in an internal calibration chamber or externally against
surface observations in a ventilated screen. This is necessary since the radiosonde may have
been damaged during shipment from the factory, manufacture may have been faulty, or sensor
calibrations may have drifted during storage. Radiosondes producing measurements with
errors larger than the limits specified in the procurement contract should be returned to the
manufacturer for replacement.

Radiosondes are usually launched by hand or using a launch aid from a shed or shelter. The
complexity of the shed and the launch procedures will depend on the gas used to fill the balloon
(see PartII, Chapter8) and on the strength and direction of the surface winds at the site. Even
over the last decade there have been fatal accidents in the global radiosonde network through
careless use of hydrogen gas. Managers of radiosonde stations using hydrogen gas must be
aware of the dangers of an explosion and must ensure that all staff are properly informed
and trained in the use of hydrogen. It is essential that equipment for generating and storing
hydrogen is well maintained. Faulty equipment shall not be used. The balloon filling equipment
must be grounded to earth to prevent static discharge.

In strong winds the launching procedure is aided by the use of unwinders that allow the
suspension cord for the radiosonde to deploy slowly following the launch. Very strong surface
winds require unwinders that deploy the suspension cord at rates as low as 0.5 to 1ms1.

Automatic launch systems for radiosondes are commercially available. These may offer cost
advantages at radiosonde stations where staff are used solely for radiosonde operations. These
systems may not be suitable for operations in very exposed conditions where very strong surface
winds are common.

If users require accurate vertical structure in the atmospheric boundary layer, the surface
observations incorporated in the upper-air report should be obtained from a location close
to the radiosonde launch site. The launch site should also be representative of the boundary
layer conditions relevant to the surface synoptic network in the area. It is preferable that the
operator (or automated system) should make the surface observation immediately after the
balloon release rather than prior to the release. The operator should be aware of inserting
surface observations into the ground system prior to launch, as meteorological conditions may
change before the launch actually takes place when a significant delay in the launch procedure
occurs (for instance, a balloon burst prior to launch, or air traffic control delay). It is particularly
important to ensure that the surface pressure measurement inserted into the ground system is
accurate if the radiosonde systems pressure measurements are GPS-based.

The speed of response of the radiosonde sensors is such that conditioning the radiosonde before
launch is less critical than in the past. However, when it is raining, it will be necessary to provide
some protection for the radiosonde sensors prior to launch.

12.7.4 Radiosonde suspension during flight

The radiosonde must not be suspended too close to the balloon when in flight. This is
because the balloon is a source of contamination for the temperature and relative humidity
measurements. A wake of air, heated from contact with the balloon surface during the day, and
cooled to some extent during the night, is left behind the balloon as it ascends. The balloon
wake may also be contaminated with water vapour from the balloon surface after ascent
through clouds. The length of suspension needed to prevent the radiosonde measurements from
suffering significant contamination from the balloon wake varies with the maximum height of
observation. This is because the balloon wake is heated or cooled more strongly at the lowest
pressures. A suspension length of 20m may be sufficient to prevent significant error for balloons
ascending only to 20km. However, for balloons ascending to 30km or higher, a suspension
length of about 40m is more appropriate (see, for instance, WMO, 1994).

Note: When investigating the influence of the balloon wake on radiosonde measurements, it is vital to ensure that
the sensors on the radiosonde used for the investigation are correctly exposed. The sensors must be mounted so that
it is impossible for air that has had contact with other surfaces on the radiosonde to flow over the radiosonde sensor
during ascent. Possible sources of heat or water vapour contamination from the radiosondes are the internal surfaces of
protective ducts, the mounts used for the sensor, or the external surfaces of the radiosonde body.

12.7.5 Public safety

The radiosonde design must fall well within existing air traffic safety regulations as to size, weight
and density. These should ensure that the radiosonde should not cause significant damage if it
collides with an aircraft or if ingested by the aircraft engine. In many countries, the national air
traffic authority issues regulations governing the use of free flight balloons. Balloon launch sites
must often be registered officially with the air traffic control authorities. Balloon launches may
be forbidden or possible only with specific authorization from the air traffic controllers in certain
locations. The situation with respect to flight authorization must be checked before new balloon
launch locations are established.

In some countries, safety regulations require that a parachute or other means of reducing the
rate of descent after a balloon burst must also be attached to the radiosonde suspension. This
is to protect the general public from injury. The parachute must reduce the rate of descent near
the surface to less than about 6ms1. The remains of the balloon following a burst usually limit
the rate of descent at lower levels. However, on occasion, most of the balloon will be detached
from the flight rig following a burst and the rates of descent will be too high unless a parachute is

It is important that radiosondes should be environmentally safe after returning to Earth or after
falling in the sea, whether picked up by the public or by an animal, or left to decay.


12.8.1 Comparisons

The overall quality of operational measurements of geopotential height by radiosonde (and

hence temperature measurements averaged through thick layers) is monitored at particular
forecast centres by comparison to geopotential heights at standard pressures with short-term
(6h) forecasts from global numerical weather prediction models for the same location. The
statistics are summarized into monthly averages that are used to identify both substandard
measurement quality and significant systematic changes in radiosonde performance. The
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, in Reading (United Kingdom), is the
lead centre currently designated by the Commission for Basic Systems for this work, but other
national forecast centres also produce similar statistics.

Random errors in geopotential height (and hence temperature) measurements can also be
identified at individual stations from analyses of the changes in the time series of measurements
of geopotential height, at 100hPa or lower pressures, where atmospheric variability is usually
small from day to day. Examples of the compatibility between the results from this method and
those from comparison with short-term forecast fields are provided in Nash (1984) and WMO
(1989b, 1993b, 1998, 2003).

Statistics of the performance of the relative humidity sensors are also generated by the numerical
weather prediction centres, and are also compared with satellite observations.

The performance of radiosondes or radiosonde sensors can be investigated in the laboratory

with suitably equipped test chambers, where temperature and pressure can be controlled to
simulate radiosonde flight conditions.

Detailed investigations of temperature, pressure and relative humidity sensor performance in

flight are best performed using radiosonde comparison tests, where several radiosonde types
are flown together on the same balloon ascent. Annex12.C gives guidelines for organizing
radiosonde intercomparisons and for the establishment of test sites. When testing a new
radiosonde development, it is advisable to have at least two other types of radiosonde with
which to compare the newly developed design. The error characteristics of the other radiosondes
should have been established in earlier tests. An ideal comparison test site would have an
independent method of measuring the heights of the radiosondes during flight. This can now be
achieved by using measurements taken from two different well-tested GPS radiosondes. Quality evaluation using short-term forecasts

For the better global numerical weather prediction models, the random error in short-term
(6h) forecasts of 100hPa geopotential heights is between 10 and 20m in most areas of the
world. These errors correspond to a mean layer temperature error from the surface to 100hPa of
between 0.15 and 0.3K. Thus, the comparison with the forecast fields provides good sensitivity
in detecting sonde errors in temperature, if sonde errors are greater than about 0.3K. Forecast
fields, rather than analysis fields, are used as the reference in this comparison. Forecast fields
provide a reference that is less influenced by the systematic errors in geopotential heights of
the radiosonde measurements in the area than the meteorological analysis fields. However, 6h
forecast fields will have small systematic errors and should not be considered as an absolute
reference. Uncertainty in the systematic error of the forecast field is at least 10m at 100hPa. The
systematic differences of forecasts from the measurements of a given radiosonde station vary
between forecast centres by at least this amount. In addition, systematic errors in forecast fields
may also change with time by similar amounts, when forecast models and data assimilation
techniques are improved. Nonetheless, comparisons with the forecast fields at the lead centres
for operational monitoring give clear indications of those radiosonde stations and radiosonde
types where there are large systematic errors in the radiosonde reports. Reference WMO (2003)
provides the most recent reported review of radiosonde errors in the global network for heights
up to 30 hPa, and subsequent monitoring statistics can be found on the WMO website at http://
CHAPTER 12. MEASUREMENT OF UPPER-AIR PRESSURE, TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY 397 Quality evaluation using atmospheric time series

Random errors in radiosonde measurements can be estimated from the time series of closely
spaced measurements of geopotential heights, at pressure levels where the geopotential heights
change only slowly with time. Suitable pressure levels are 100, 50, or 30hPa. For radiosonde
observations made at 12h intervals, this is achieved by computing the difference between the
observation at +12h, and a linear interpolation in time between the observations at 0 and +24h.
Further differences are subsequently computed by incrementing in steps of 24h through the
time series. An estimate of the random errors in the radiosonde measurements can then be
derived from the standard deviation of the differences. For much of the year, the sensitivity of this
procedure is similar to the comparison made with forecast fields. One exception may be during
winter conditions at middle and high latitudes, when the geopotential heights at 100 and up to
30hPa will sometimes change very rapidly over a short time.

The average values of the differences from the time series may provide information on the day
night differences in radiosonde temperature measurements. The interpretation of daynight
differences must allow for real daily variation in geopotential height caused by diurnal and
semidiurnal tides. Real daynight differences at mid-latitudes for 100hPa geopotential heights
can be as large as 30m between observations at 1800 and 0600 local time (Nash, 1984), whereas
real daynight differences between observations at 1200 and 0000 local time will usually be in
the range 0 10m.

It is beneficial if individual radiosonde stations keep records of the variation in the time series of
geopotential height measurements at 100hPa and in the geopotential height increment, 100
30hPa. This allows the operators to check for large anomalies in measurements as the ascent is in
progress. Comparison of water vapour measurements with remote-sensing

Given that many radiosonde stations now have collocated GPS water vapour sensors and some
scientific sites have collocated microwave radiometers, it is practical to use the integrated
water vapour measurements from these two systems to check the quality of the radiosonde
water vapour measurements, primarily at low levels. Comparison with GPS measurements was
performed during the last two WMO radiosonde comparisons (WMO, 2006a, 2011b), where
the GPS measurements were used to quantify daynight differences in the radiosonde relative
humidity measurements. A more extensive global study was performed by Wang and Zhang
(2008). The use of microwave radiometers to check daynight differences is illustrated in Turner
et al. (2003).

Although identification of daynight differences with integrated water vapour measurements

seems relatively reliable, this does not mean that all the differences seen between radiosonde and
remotely sensed water vapour are due to errors in the radiosonde water vapour, since both the
GPS water vapour and microwave radiometer measurements have errors that are not necessarily
constant with time. Radiosonde comparison tests

Radiosonde comparison tests allow the performance of the pressure, temperature and relative
humidity sensors on the radiosonde to be compared independently as a function of time.
However, it is important to design the support rig for the radiosondes so that the motion of the
radiosondes under the supports is not too dissimilar from the motion on an individual balloon,
and to ensure that in daylight the support rig (including the balloon) does not shed warmer air
onto some of the sensors from time to time.

Laboratory tests should be performed in facilities similar to those required for the detailed
calibration of the radiosondes by the manufacturer. These tests can be used to check the
adequacy of radiosonde calibration, for example, the dependence of calibration on sensor

temperature. However, in the laboratory, it is difficult to simulate real atmospheric conditions for
radiative errors and wetting or icing of sensors. Errors from these sources are best examined in
comparisons made during actual ascents.

In order to compare measurements taken during actual ascents, the timing of the samples for the
different systems must be synchronized as accurately as possible, ideally to better than 1s. In
recent years, software packages have been developed to support WMO radiosonde comparison
tests (WMO, 1996b). These allow all the radiosonde samples to be stored in a comparison
database and to be compared by the project scientists immediately following a test flight. It is
important that comparison samples are reviewed very quickly during a test. Any problem with
the samples caused by test procedures (for example, interference between radiosondes) or faults
in the radiosondes can then be identified very quickly and suitable additional investigations
initiated. The software also allows the final radiosonde comparison statistics to be generated in a
form that is suitable for publication.

Initial tests for new radiosonde designs may not merit large numbers of comparison flights,
since the main faults can be discovered in a small number of flights. However, larger-scale
investigations can be justified once systems are more fully developed. As the reproducibility of
the measurements of most modern radiosondes has improved, it has become possible to obtain
useful measurements of systematic bias in temperature and pressure from about 10 to 15flights
for one given flight condition (i.e., one time of day). Since it is unwise to assume that daytime
flights at all solar elevations will have the same bias, it is preferable to organize tests that produce
at least 10 to 15comparison flights at a similar solar elevation. The measurements of temperature
sensor performance are best linked to other test results by comparisons performed at night.
The link should be based on measurements from radiosondes with wire or aluminized sensors
and not from sensors with significant infrared heat exchange errors. If a continuous series of
comparison flights (alternating between day and night) can be sustained, it is possible to use
the atmospheric time-series technique to estimate the magnitude of daynight differences in
temperature measurements.

As noted earlier, the most extensive series of comparison tests performed in recent years were
those of the WMO International Radiosonde Comparison. Initial results have been published in
WMO (1987, 1991, 1996a, 2006a, 2006b, 2006c, 2011b). The results from these tests were the
basis of the information provided in Tables12.2 and 12.6 to 12.8.

The first international comparison of radiosondes was held at Payerne (Switzerland) in 1950.
Average systematic differences between radiosonde pressures and temperatures (at pressures
higher than 100hPa) were 4hPa and 0.7K, with random errors (two standard deviations) of
14hPa and 2K. These values should be compared with the results for modern systems shown in
Tables12.2 and 12.6 to 12.8. The results from a second comparison carried out at the same site in
1956 showed that accuracy needed to be improved by the application of radiation corrections to
the temperature readings. The errors in pressure and temperature at the 50-hPa level were quite
large for most radiosondes and increased rapidly at higher levels, especially during daylight. In
1973, a regional comparison was held in Trappes (France). This identified significant calibration
errors in some radiosondes, with one bimetallic temperature sensor having a radiation error as
large as 10K.

12.8.2 Calibration

The calibration methods used by manufacturers should be identified before purchasing

radiosondes in large numbers. The quality control procedures used to ensure that measurement
accuracy will be sustained in mass production must also be checked for adequacy. Purchasers
should bear in mind that certain specified levels of error and product failure may have to be
tolerated if the cost of the radiosonde is to remain acceptable. However, the in-flight failure rate
of radiosondes from reliable manufacturers should not be higher than 1% or 2%.

Unless radiosonde sensors can be produced in large batches to give the reproducibility and
accuracy required by users, it is necessary to calibrate the instruments and sensors individually.
Even if the sensors can be produced in large batches to meet an agreed set of standardized

performance checks, it is necessary for representative samples, selected at random, to be

checked in more detail. The calibration process should, as far as possible, simulate flight
conditions of pressure and temperature. Calibrations should normally be performed with falling
pressure and temperature. Relative humidity will probably be checked in a separate facility. The
reference sensors used during calibration should be traceable to national standards and checked
at suitable intervals in standards laboratories. The references should be capable of performing
over the full temperature range required for radiosonde measurements.

The design of the calibration apparatus depends largely on whether the complete radiosonde
must be calibrated as a unit or on whether the meteorological units can be tested while
separated from the radiosonde transmitter. In the latter case, a much smaller apparatus can be
used. The calibration facility should be able to cover the range of pressures and temperatures
likely to be encountered in actual soundings. It should be possible to maintain the conditions
in the calibration chamber stable at any desired value better than 0.2hPamin1 for pressure,
0.25Kmin1 for temperature and 1% relative humidity per minute. The conditions in the
calibration chamber should be measured with systematic errors less than 0.2hPa for pressure,
0.1K for temperature and 1% relative humidity. Reference thermometers should be positioned
in the calibration chamber in order to identify the range of temperatures in the space occupied
by the sensors under calibration. The range of temperatures should not exceed 0.5K. Sufficient
measurements should be taken to ensure that the calibration curves represent the performance
of the sensors to the accuracy required by the users. Pressure sensors which are not fully
compensated for temperature variations must be calibrated at more than one temperature. Thus,
it may be an advantage if the temperature calibration chamber is also suitable for the evaluation
of the pressure units.

Humidity calibration is usually carried out in a separate apparatus. This can take place in a
chamber in which a blower rapidly circulates air past a ventilated psychrometer or dewpoint
hygrometer and then through one of four vessels containing, respectively, warm water, saturated
solutions of sodium nitrate and calcium chloride, and silica gel. Any one of these vessels can be
introduced into the circulation system by means of a multiple valve, so that relative humidities of
100%, 70%, 40% and 10% are readily obtained. The standard deviation of the variation in relative
humidity should not exceed 1% in the space occupied by the units under calibration.

An alternative arrangement for humidity calibration is a duct or chamber ventilated with a

mixture of air from two vessels, one of which is kept saturated with water while the other is dried
by silica gel, with the relative humidity of the mixture being manually controlled by a valve which
regulates the relative amounts passing into the duct.

Because of the importance of the type or batch calibration of radiosondes, the Commission
for Instruments and Methods of Observation urges Members to test, nationally or regionally,
selected samples of radiosondes under laboratory conditions in order to ensure that the
calibrations supplied by the manufacturer are valid.4

12.8.3 Maintenance

Failure rates in the ground system should be low for radiosonde systems based on modern
electronics, as long as adequate protection is provided against lightning strikes close to the
aerials. The manufacturer should be able to advise on a suitable set of spares for the system. A
faulty module in the ground system would normally be replaced by a spare module while it is
returned to the manufacturer for repair.

The maintenance requirements for radiosonde systems relying on radar height measurements
to replace radiosonde pressure measurements are quite different. In this case, local maintenance
should be readily available throughout the network from staff with good technical capabilities
(both mechanical and electrical). This will be essential if accurate tracking capability is to be
retained and if long-term drifts in systematic height errors are to be avoided.

As recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its eleventh session held in
1994, through Recommendation9 (CIMOXI).


There are no prescribed standardized procedures for the computation of radiosonde

observations. The main issue is the selection of levels or the provision of measurements in
sufficient detail to reproduce accurately and efficiently the temperature and humidity profile
(such as the heights of temperature inversions) against geopotential from the radiosonde data.
Guidance is given in WMO (1986) and in the coding procedures agreed by WMO (2011c)
(CodeFM35XI Ext. TEMP). However, the accuracy of this reporting method was suitable for
the performance of radiosondes in 1970, but not for today. In order to justify the cost of the
radiosonde, it is essential that the radiosonde information be reported more accurately and
in more detail than in the TEMP code using relevant BUFR codes. In some cases, the use of
BUFR code has involved only retaining the description of the ascent as contained in the TEMP
code. This is not the intention of this Guide: a BUFR template should be used allowing a more
detailed representation of the vertical structure of the meteorological variables, reported with a
resolution that does not generate additional uncertainty in the measurements of these variables.

12.9.1 Radiosonde computations and reporting procedures

Upper-air measurements are usually input into numerical weather forecasts as a series of
levels as reported or layer averages, with the thickness of the layers depending on the scales
of atmospheric motion relevant to the forecast. The layers will not necessarily be centred at
standard pressures or heights, but will often be centred at levels that vary as the surface pressure
changes. Thus, the variation in temperature and relative humidity between the standard levels
in the upper-air report must be reported to sufficient accuracy to ensure that the layer averages
used in numerical forecasts are not degraded in accuracy by the reporting procedure.

Prior to 1980, most radiosonde measurements were processed manually by the operators by
using various computational aids. These methods were based on the selection of a limited
number of significant levels to represent the radiosonde measurement, possibly about
30significant levels for a flight up to 30km. The WMO codes reflected the difficulties of
condensing a large amount of information on vertical structure into a short message by manual
methods. The coding rules allowed linear interpolations in height between significant levels to
differ from the original measurements by up to 1K for temperature and up to 15% for relative
humidity in the troposphere and up to 2K for temperature in the stratosphere. It was expected
that operators would not allow large interpolation errors to persist over deep layers in the

In modern radiosonde ground systems, the use of cheap but powerful computing systems
means that much higher sampling rates can be used for archiving and processing the radiosonde
measurements than is possible with manual computations. The manual processing of radiosonde
measurements nearly always introduces unnecessary errors in upper-air computations and
should be eliminated.

The available algorithms for automated upper-air TEMP message generation often have
significant flaws. For instance, when there are few pronounced variations in relative humidity in
the vertical, automated systems often allow large temperature interpolation errors to extend over
several kilometres in the vertical. Furthermore, the algorithms often allow large systematic bias
between the reported relative humidity structure and the original measurements over layers as
thick as 500m. This is unacceptable to users, particularly in the atmospheric boundary layer and
when the radiosonde passes through clouds. Interpolation between significant cloud levels must
fit close to the maximum relative humidity observed in the cloud.

Therefore, reports from automated systems need to be checked by operators to establish

whether reporting procedures are introducing significant systematic bias between the upper-
air report and the original radiosonde measurements. Additional significant levels may have
to be inserted by the operator to eliminate unnecessary bias. TEMP messages with acceptable
systematic errors are often produced more easily by adopting a national practice of reducing
the WMO temperature fitting limits to half the magnitude cited above. Today, the advent of

improved meteorological communications should allow the approximation in reporting upper-

air observations to be reduced by reporting measurements in detail using the appropriate BUFR
code message.

Given the large amount of money spent each year on radiosonde consumables, radiosonde
operators should migrate urgently to BUFR (or equivalent) codes, to enable them to report
accurately all the information that is measured and is needed by the user community.

12.9.2 Corrections

It should be clear from earlier sections that the variation in radiosonde sensor performance
caused by the large range of conditions encountered during a radiosonde ascent is too large to
be represented by a simple calibration obtained at a given temperature. Modern data processing
allows more complex calibration algorithms to be used. These have provided measurements
of better accuracy than that achieved with manual systems. It is vital that these algorithms
are adequately documented. Users should be informed of any significant improvements or
modifications to the algorithms. Records archived in radiosonde stations should include the
model numbers of radiosondes in use and an adequate reference to the critical algorithms used
for data processing.

All radiosonde temperature measurements have radiation errors. Therefore, it is recommended

that a radiation correction (based on expected sensor performance in usual conditions) should
always be applied during data processing, if known. The details of this radiation correction
should be recorded and kept with the station archive, along with an adequate archive of the
original raw radiosonde observations, if required by national practice.

Errors from infrared heat exchange pose a particular problem for correction, since these errors
are not independent of atmospheric temperature. Thus, it is preferable to eliminate as soon as
possible the use of white paint with high emissivity in the infrared as a sensor coating, rather
than to develop very complex correction schemes for infrared heat exchange errors.

Similarly, it is unwise to attempt to correct abnormally high solar radiation heating errors using
software, rather than to eliminate the additional sources of heating by positioning the sensor
correctly with respect to its supports, connecting leads and radiosonde body.

Relative humidity measurements may have corrections applied for slow time-constants of
response and for daytime heating of the humidity sensor system. As with temperature, the
records of corrections and changes to the correction procedures need to be known by the user
and retained in the station archive of observations, preferably along with a raw data archive. The
details of these algorithms need to be clear to those purchasing new systems.

Considering the importance of the ways in which corrections are applied, the Commission for
Instruments and Methods of Observation5 urges Members to:

(a) To correct and make available the corrected upper-air data from the various Global
Observing System upper-air stations;

(b) To make users of the data aware of changes in the methodology used to correct reports, so
that they may be adjusted, if desired;

(c) To archive both the corrected and uncorrected upper-air observations and produce records
for climatological applications of the correction applied. The method used should be
determined nationally;

(d) To inform WMO of the method of correction applied.

As recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its eleventh session, held in
1994, through Recommendation8 (CIMOXI).


12.10.1 Use and update of the results from the WMO Intercomparison of High
Quality Radiosonde Systems

The results of the WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems (WMO, 2011b)
were published to provide a snapshot in 2010 of the relative performance of the different systems
in tropical conditions. The report includes an assessment of the operational performance of
the radiosonde systems (see WMO, 2011b, Table12.1). While many of the systems performed
well, some radiosondes had limitations in their measurements, mostly in daytime temperature
but also in night-time relative humidity measurements at temperatures higher than 40C and
in daytime relative humidity measurements in the upper troposphere at temperatures lower

Table 12.1 of the report is intended to help manufacturers identify where the most critical
problems lie. Once these deficiencies have been identified, it is probable that many can and
will be improved within a year or two, as was done with the MODEM temperature after
non-optimum performance at night was observed in the WMO Radiosonde Comparison in
Mauritius (WMO, 2006a). Therefore, WMO recommends that manufacturers, especially those
with markings below 3 in Table12.1, arrange for a limited number of independent tests to be
conducted to provide evidence to WMO that the performance has been improved once the
problem has been rectified. Otherwise, manufacturers with promising products may be rejected
inappropriately in the procurement process.

WMO (2015) contains individual radiosonde values for Tables12.5 to 12.16 from the test in
Yangjiang, China, and these can also be used as a guide to the systems with low systematic bias
and fast enough time constants of response leading to small sonde error in relative humidity. Low
and stable systematic bias is very desirable for radiosonde measurements for climate records.

12.10.2 Some issues to be considered in procurement

The first stage in the procurement process should be to determine what quality of radiosonde
is necessary for use in a given network. Here, it is recommended that any radiosonde used
should be capable of meeting the breakthrough requirements indicated in Annex12.A in the
climate of that country. If the radiosonde station is considered important for climate records,
then a radiosonde performing closer to the optimum requirement should be considered. Ideally
the procurement should be competitive. This may mean cooperating with other countries in
a similar region to procure larger numbers together and to try and set up a system where the
radiosondes are procured on a regular basis, for instance each year or every two years. It should
be remembered that systems that differ only slightly in their performance would probably come
out in a different order if the tests were repeated. Thus, only marked differences in performance
should be treated as significant and not small differences in the relative marking.

Experience from consultations in regional training workshops suggests that there are some issues
which need to be considered when procuring equipment:

(a) Equipment must be sustainable over the long term. In other words, in addition to
purchasing the hardware and software, arrangements must be made for the long-term
support of the system, either by the manufacturer or the local staff, or a mixture of both.

(b) Make sure that the ground antenna is sufficiently sensitive to receive signals under all
conditions at the site, whether upper winds are very weak or very strong. Do not try to save
money by buying a cheap antenna which is inadequate in some conditions.

(c) Decide whether local staff can maintain a secondary radar and thus use cheaper non-
GPS radiosondes, or whether a fully automated GPS radiosonde system is more likely
to be successful and run successfully in the long term. Note also that the use of radar-

derived wind measurements will result in lower-accuracy wind measurements than those
obtained by GPS radiosondes. Therefore, one must also decide whether the reduced wind
measurement accuracy is tolerable if opting for non-GPS radiosondes.

(d) If a GPS radiosonde system is to be procured, check whether there is any source of local
radio-frequency interference likely to cause problems.

(e) Decide what altitude performance is required and determine which sondes and balloon size
will suit (if the radiosondes are not to be used at pressures lower than 30hPa, then there is a
wider range of suitable radiosondes available; see Tables12.5 to 12.8).

(f) Decide what relative humidity sensor performance is required (for example, a GRUAN or
GUAN (GCOS Upper-Air Network) station has a higher standard required than a routine
Global Observing System station) basing the requirement on Table12.1 of WMO (2011b)
and Tables12.11 to 12.16 of this Guide.

(g) If conditions are often wet and cloudy, specify that radiosonde sensors need to have some
protection against wetting and contamination, and ask for evidence on how this works.

(h) Ask for a compensation agreement if too many radiosondes fail in flight.

(i) Ask for evidence that the manufacturer has reliably supplied radiosondes to other users on
the scale that will be used at the station.

(j) Make sure that the ground equipment can produce messages which allow higher resolution
data to be reported compared to the old TEMP message. This message must be suitable for
the communications available from the site and meet user requirements for data with good
vertical resolution.

(k) Ensure that the ground equipment computers are compatible with the local
telecommunication system (including internet links, if required).

Note: The requirements are based on current technological capability as assessed in the eighth WMO international
radiosonde intercomparison, in Yangjiang, China (WMO, 2011b). They apply to radiosonde measurements in synoptic
and climate meteorology.

Variable Height (km) Breakthrough Optimum uncertainty

(temperature (C) in uncertainty requirementb
the case of humidity) requirementa,b
Pressure 1 3 hPa 2 hPa

10 3 hPa 1 hPa

16 2 hPa 0.6 hPa

24 1 hPa 0.2 hPa

32 0.4 hPa 0.1 hPa

Temperature 0 to 16 1K 0.4 K

Above 16 2K 0.8 K

Relative humidity 0 to 12 15% RH 6% RH

(40 C to 50 C)c

(Troposphere only) 12 to 17 30% RH 10% RH

(50 C to 90 C)c

Mixing ratio, lower stratosphere 12 to 25 20% ppmvd 4% ppmv

(specialized systems)

Wind direction 0 to 16 10, speed < 10 m s1 5, speed < 10 m s1

4 at higher speeds 2 at higher speeds

Above 16 20, speed < 10 m s1 5, speed < 10 m s1

8 at higher speeds 2 at higher speeds

Wind speed 0 to 16 2 m s1 1 m s1

Above 16 4 m s1 1 m s1

Wind components 0 to 16 2 m s1 1 m s1

Above 16 3 m s1 1 m s1

Geopotential height of 1 30 gpm 20 gpm

significant level
5 40 gpm 20 gpm

10 60 gpm 20 gpm

16 120 gpm 40 gpm

20 200 gpm 40 gpm

32 240 gpm 60 gpm

a Values derived for the main targeted applications for radiosondes.
b Expressed as expanded uncertainties (k = 2), which encompass approximately 95% of the variation of results in
sounding conditions including all significant sources of uncertainty (e.g. dynamic and radiative conditions).
c Change in expected relative humidity sensor performance corresponds better with temperature than with
altitude in the troposphere.
d ppmv = parts per million by volume

(a) The goal is an ideal requirement above which further improvements are not necessary.

(b) The breakthrough is an intermediate level between threshold and goal which, if achieved,
would result in a significant improvement for the targeted application. The breakthrough
level may be considered as an optimum, from a cost-benefit point of view, when planning
or designing observing systems.

(c) The threshold is the minimum requirement to be met to ensure that data are useful.

It is recommended that expenditure on radiosondes be considered as justified when the accuracy

and vertical resolution obtained is equal to or better than the threshold and as close to the goal
as is affordable.

Table 12.B.1. Summary of WMO/GCOS limits for uncertainty (root-mean-square vector

error,k=2) and vertical resolution for upper wind measurements

Goal for Goal for Breakthrough Breakthrough Threshold Threshold

NWP climate for NWP for climate for NWP for climate
Lower Uncertainty 1a 1.4b 4 m s1 6 m s1 10 m s1 10 m s1
troposphere 2 m s1 4c m s1

Lower Vertical 200 m 50b 300 m 800 m 500 m 2 km

troposphere resolution 500c m

Upper Uncertainty 1b 1.4b 4 m s1 6 m s1 10 m s1 10 m s1

troposphere 2 m s1
4c m s1

Upper Vertical 500 m 50b 700 m 800 m 1 km 2 km

troposphere resolution 500c m

Lower Uncertainty 2 m s1 1.4b 4 m s1 6 m s1 10 m s1 10 m s1

stratosphere 4c m s1

Lower Vertical 1 km 250b 2 km 800 m 3 km 2 km

stratosphere resolution 500c m

Upper Uncertainty 2 m s1 1.4b 6 m s1 8 m s1 16 m s1 10 m s1

stratosphere 4c m s1

Upper Vertical 1 km 250b 2 km 800 m 3 km 2 km

stratosphere resolution 500c m

Long-term 0.1 m s1 in
stability 10years
a Limit derived from atmospheric variability studies (WMO, 1970).
b Limit derived from the GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network observation requirements (WMO, 2009).
c Limit derived from the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) Rolling Review of Requirements WMO observing
requirements database (OSCAR/Requirements; see WMO, 2014), sampled August2011.

Table 12.B.2. Summary of WMO/GCOS uncertainty (k = 2) and vertical resolution limits for
upper-air temperature measurements (Note: These limits are for temperatures at a given
height and may be different to those when temperatures are integrated over relatively deep
layers, e.g. see Table12.B.4 for breakthrough limits derived from requirements for 100hPa
geopotential height.)

Goal for Goal for Breakthrough Breakthrough Threshold for Threshold

NWP climate for NWP for climate NWP for climate
Lower Uncertainty 0.6a 0.2b 1.8 K 1.2 K 6c K 2K
troposphere 1c K 1c K (extratropics)
3a K (tropics)

Lower Vertical 100 m 100 m 200 m 800 m 1 km 2 km

troposphere resolution

Upper Uncertainty 0.6a 0.2b 1.8 K 1.2 K 6c K 2K

troposphere 1c K 1c K (extratropics)
3a K (tropics)

Upper Vertical 300 m 100 m 400 m 800 m 1 km 2 km

troposphere resolution

Lower Uncertainty 1c K 0.4b 1.8 K 1.2 K 6c K 2K

stratosphere 1c K (extratropics)
3a K (tropics)

Lower Vertical 1 km 100b 1.5 km 800 m 3 km 2 km

stratosphere resolution 500c m

Upper Uncertainty 1c K 0.4b 2.8 K 1.2 K 6K 2K

stratosphere 1c K

Upper Vertical 1 km 100b 1.5 km 800 m 3 km 2 km

stratosphere resolution 500c m

Long-term 0.05 K in
stability 10yearsb
a Limit derived from atmospheric variability studies (WMO, 1970).
b Limit derived from the GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network observation requirements (WMO, 2009).
c Limit derived from the CBS Rolling Review of Requirements WMO observing requirements database (OSCAR/
Requirements; see WMO, 2014), sampled August2011.

Table 12.B.3. Summary of WMO/GCOS performance limits for aerological instruments

measuring humidity

Goal for Goal for Breakthrough Breakthrough Threshold Threshold

NWP climate for NWP for climate for NWP for climate
Lower Uncertainty 2a 4% RH 16% RH 6% RH 40% RH 10% RH
troposphere 4 %RH

Lower Vertical 100 m 50b 200 m 800 m 1 km 2 km

troposphere resolution 500cm

Upper Uncertainty 4% RH 4% RH 16% RH 6% RH 40% RH 10% RH


Goal for Goal for Breakthrough Breakthrough Threshold Threshold

NWP climate for NWP for climate for NWP for climate
Upper Vertical 300 m 100b 500 m 800 m 1 km 2 km
troposphere resolution 500cm

Lower Uncertainty 10% 4% 16% mixing 6% mixing 40% mixing 10%

stratosphere mixing mixing ratio ppmv ratio ppmv ratio ppmv mixing
ratio ratio ratio
ppmv ppmv ppmv

Lower Vertical 1 km 100b 1.5 km 800 m 3 km 2 km

stratosphere resolution 500cm

Upper Uncertainty Not 4% Not stated 6% mixing Not stated 10%

stratosphere stated mixing ratio ppmv mixing
ratio ratio
ppmv ppmv

Upper Vertical Not 100b Not stated 800 m Not stated 2 km

stratosphere resolution stated 500cm

Long-term 0.3% in
stability 10yearsb
a Limit derived from atmospheric variability studies (WMO, 1970).
b Limit derived from the GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network observation requirements (WMO, 2009).
c Limit derived from the CBS Rolling Review of Requirements WMO observing requirements database (OSCAR/
Requirements; see WMO, 2014), sampled August2011.

Note: The Rolling Requirement and GCOS requirement refer to specific humidity, but this leads to far too stringent
limits on uncertainty in layers where relative humidity is very low in the lower and middle troposphere. So values are
shown as approximately equivalent relative humidity, and mixing ratio should be used at very low temperatures or in
the stratosphere.

Table 12.B.4. Summary of uncertainty (k = 2) and vertical resolution limits for geopotential
heights of 100hPa and significant levels, consistent with WMO/GCOS limits for
upper-air temperature

Layer Goal for NWP Goal for climate Breakthrough for NWP
Surface to Uncertainty 24 gpm (= to 0.4K 12 gpm (= to 0.2K 50 gpm (= to 0.8K
100hPa temperature layer) temperature layer) temperature layer)

Lower Uncertainty for 40 gpm 16 gpm on average 120 gpm

troposphere temperaturea

Lower Uncertainty for 30 gpm

troposphere cloud baseb

Upper Uncertainty for 40 gpm 14 gpm on average 120 gpm

troposphere temperaturea

Lower Uncertainty for 70 gpm 48 gpm 200 gpm

stratosphere temperaturea

Layer Goal for NWP Goal for climate Breakthrough for NWP
Lower Uncertainty for 100 gpm 68 gpm 300 gpm
stratosphere temperaturea

Upper Uncertainty for 80 gpm 60 gpm 240 gpm

stratosphere temperaturea

Long-term 4 8 gpm in 10years

a Limit for height error produces a typical temperature error of half the magnitude specified for the limits for
temperature in Table12.B.2.
b Limit derived to be compatible with measurements from operational laser ceilometers in the lower troposphere.


1. Introduction

1.1 These guidelines assume that procedures that may be established by various
test facilities are consistent with procedures established by other national and international
organizations. They also assume that an Organizing Committee will be formed of participants
(Members) interested in comparing radiosondes and that at least one non-participant will be
included with ability to provide guidance for conducting the intercomparison. The involvement
of an independent non-participant is important in order to avoid bias during the planning of
the intercomparison. Consideration must also be given to whether radiosonde manufacturers
personnel should actively participate or whether independent operational personnel of the host
should prepare and launch such radiosondes.

1.2 All intercomparisons differ from each other to some extent; therefore, these
guidelines are to be construed only as a generalized checklist of tasks needing to be
accomplished. Modifications should be made by the Organizing Committee, as required, but the
validity of the results and scientific evaluation should not be compromised.

1.3 Final reports of previous intercomparisons and organizational meeting reports of

other Organizing Committees may serve as an example of the methods that can be adopted for
the intercomparison. These previous reports should be maintained and made available by the
WMO Secretariat.

2. Objectives of intercomparisons

2.1 The intercomparison objectives must be clear, must list what is expected from the
intercomparisons and identify how results will be disseminated. The Organizing Committee is
tasked to examine the achievements to be expected from the radiosonde intercomparison and
to identify and anticipate any potential problem. The Organizing Committees role is to provide
guidance, but it must also prepare clear and detailed statements of the main objectives and
agree on the criteria to be used in evaluating the results. The Organizing Committee should also
determine how best to guarantee the success of the intercomparison by drawing on background
knowledge and accumulated experience from previous intercomparisons.

3. Place, date and duration of intercomparison

3.1 The host facility should provide to the Organizing Committee and to the participants
a description of the proposed intercomparison site and facilities (locations, etc.), environmental
and climatological conditions, and site topography. The host facility should also name a Project
Leader or Project Manager who will be responsible for the day-to-day operation and act as the
facility point of contact.

3.2 The Organizing Committee should visit the proposed site to determine the suitability
of its facilities and to propose changes, as necessary. After the Organizing Committee agrees that
the site and facilities are adequate, a site and environmental description should be prepared by

Based on the Abridged Final Report with Resolutions and Recommendations of the Twelfth Session of the Commission for
Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMONo.881), AnnexII, and updated thereafter.

the Project Leader for distribution to the participants. The Project Leader, who is familiar with
his facilitys schedule, must decide the date for the start of the intercomparison, as well as its
duration. A copy of this schedule shall be delivered to the Organizing Committee.

3.3 In addition to the starting date of the intercomparisons, the Project Leader
should propose a date when his facility will be available for the installation of the participants
equipment and arrange for connections to the data acquisition system. Time should be allowed
for all of the participants to check and test equipment prior to starting the intercomparison and
to allow additional time to familiarize the operators with the procedures of the host facility.

4. Participation

4.1 As required, the Project Leader and/or Organizing Committee should invite, through
the Secretary-General of WMO, participation of Members. However, once participants are
identified, the Project Leader should handle all further contacts.

4.2 The Project Leader should draft a detailed questionnaire to be sent by the
Secretary-General to each participant in order to obtain information on each instrument type
proposed to be intercompared. Participants are expected to provide information on their space,
communication, unique hardware connection requirements, and software characteristics.
They also should provide adequate documentation describing their ground and balloon-borne

4.3 It is important that participants provide information about their radiosonde

calibration procedures against recognized standards. Although it is expected that operational
radiosondes will be intercompared, this may not always be the case; new or research-type
radiosondes may be considered for participation with the agreement of all of the participants,
the Project Leader, and the Organizing Committee.

5. Responsibilities

5.1 Participants

5.1.1 The participants shall be responsible for the transportation of their own equipment
and costs associated with this transportation.

5.1.2 The participants should install and remove their own equipment with the
cognizance of the Project Leader. The host facility shall assist with unpacking and packing, as

5.1.3 The participants shall provide all necessary accessories, mounting hardware for
ground equipment, signal and power cables, spare parts and expendables unique to their
system. The participants shall have available (in the event that assistance from the host facility
should become necessary) detailed instructions and manuals needed for equipment installation,
operation, maintenance and, if applicable, calibration.

5.1.4 The participants should sign the data protocol agreement of the intercomparison.

5.2 Host facility

5.2.1 The host facility should assist participants in the unpacking and installation of
equipment as necessary, and provide storage capability to house items such as expendables,
spare parts and manuals.

5.2.2 The host facility should provide auxiliary equipment as necessary, if available.

5.2.3 The host facility should assist the participants with connections to the host facilitys
data acquisition equipment, as necessary.

5.2.4 The host shall insure that all legal obligations relating to upper-air measurements
(for example, the host countrys aviation regulations and frequency utilization) are properly met.

5.2.5 The host facility may provide information on items such as accommodation, local
transportation and daily logistics support, but is not obligated to subsidize costs associated with
personnel accommodation.

6. Rules during the intercomparison

6.1 The Project Leader shall exercise control of all tests and will keep a record of each
balloon launch, together with all the relevant information on the radiosondes used in the flight
and the weather conditions.

6.2 Changes in equipment or software will be permitted with the cognizance and
concurrence of the Project Leader. Notification to the other participants is necessary. The
Project Leader shall maintain a log containing a record of all the equipment participating in the
comparison and any changes that occur.

6.3 Minor repairs (for example, fuse replacement, etc.) not affecting instrumentation
performance are allowed. The Project Leader should be made aware of these minor repairs and
also submit the information to the record log.

6.4 Calibration checks and equipment servicing by participants requiring a specialist or

specific equipment will be permitted after notification to the Project Leader.

6.5 Any problem that compromises the intercomparison results or the performance of
any equipment shall be addressed by the Project Leader.

7. Data acquisition

7.1 The Organizing Committee should agree on appropriate data acquisition

procedures such as measurement frequency, sampling intervals, data averaging, data reduction
(this may be limited to an individual participants capability), data formats, real-time quality
control, post-analysis quality control and data reports.

7.2 The initial international Organizing Committee shall decide on the data acquisition
hardware and software for the test. This should be well tested before commencement of the
intercomparison, and the use of an established processing package such as described in WMO
(1996b) is to be preferred.

7.3 The time delay between observation and delivery of data to the Project Leader shall
be established by the Project Leader and agreed by the participants. One hour after the end of
the observation (balloon burst) should be considered adequate.

7.4 The responsibility for checking data prior to analysis, the quality control steps to
follow, and delivery of the final data rests with the Project Leader.

7.5 Data storage media shall be the Project Leaders decision after taking into
consideration the capability of the host facility, but the media used to return final test data to
participants may vary in accordance with each of the participants computer ability. The Project
Leader should be cognizant of these requirements.

7.6 The Project Leader has responsibility for providing final data to all participants and,
therefore, the host facility must be able to receive all individual data files from each participant.

8. Data processing and analysis

8.1 Data analysis

8.1.1 A framework for data analysis should be encouraged and decided upon even prior
to beginning the actual intercomparison. This framework should be included as part of the
experimental plan.

8.1.2 There must be agreement among the participants as to methods of data conversion,
calibration and correction algorithms, terms and abbreviations, constants, and a comprehensive
description of proposed statistical analysis methods. It is essential that the data processing be
performed by experienced experts, nominated by WMO.

8.1.3 The Organizing Committee should verify the appropriateness of the analysis
procedures selected.

8.1.4 The results of the intercomparisons should be reviewed by the Organizing

Committee, who should consider the contents and recommendations given in the final report.

8.2 Data processing and database availability

8.2.1 All essential meteorological and environmental data shall be stored in a database
for further use and analysis by the participants. The Project Leader shall exercise control of these

8.2.2 After completion of the intercomparison, the Project Leader shall provide a complete
set of all of the participants data to each participant.

9. Final report of the intercomparison

9.1 The Project Leader shall prepare the draft final report which shall be submitted
to the Organizing Committee and to the participating members for their comments and
amendments. A time limit for reply should be specified.

9.2 Comments and amendments should be returned to the Project Leader with copies
also going to the Organizing Committee.

9.3 When the amended draft final report is ready, it should be submitted to the
Organizing Committee, who may wish to meet for discussions, if necessary, or who may agree to
the final document.

9.4 After the Organizing Committee approves the final document for publication, it
should be sent to the Secretariat for publication and distribution by WMO.

9.5 Reproduction for commercial purposes of any plots or tables from the final report
should not be allowed without specific permission from WMO.

10. Final comments

10.1 The Organizing Committee may agree that intermediate results may be presented
only by the Project Leader, and that participants may present limited data at technical
conferences, except that their own test data may be used without limitation. Once the WMO
Secretariat has scheduled the final report for publication, WMO shall make the data available to
all Members who request them. The Members are then free to analyse the data and present the
results at meetings and in publications.


1. Introduction

1.1 In order to support the long-term stability of the global upper-air observing system,
it is essential to retain the capability of performing quantitative radiosonde comparisons. Current
and new operational radiosonde systems must be checked against references during flight on
a regular basis. Members must ensure that a minimum number of test sites with the necessary
infrastructure for performing radiosonde comparison tests are retained.

1.2 Experience with the series of WMO Radiosonde Intercomparisons since 1984 has
shown that it is necessary to have a range of sites in order to compare the radiosondes over a
variety of flight conditions.

1.3 Relative humidity sensor performance is particularly dependent on the conditions

during a test, for example, the amount of cloud and rain encountered during ascents, or whether
surface humidity is high or low.

1.4 Daytime temperature errors depend on the solar albedo, and hence the surface
albedo and cloud cover. Thus, temperature errors found at coastal sites may differ significantly
from continental sites. Infrared errors on temperature sensors will not only depend on surface
conditions and cloud distribution, but also on atmospheric temperature. Thus, infrared
temperature errors in the tropics (for instance near the tropopause) will be quite different from
those at mid-latitudes.

1.5 The errors of many upper-wind observing systems depend on the distance the
balloon travels from the launch site (and also the elevation of the balloon from the launch site).
Thus, comparison tests must cover situations with weak upper winds and also strong upper

2. Facilities required at locations

2.1 Locations suitable for testing should have enough buildings/office space to provide
work areas to support the operations of at least four different systems.

2.2 The site should have good quality surface measurements of temperature, relative
humidity, pressure and wind, measured near the radiosonde launch sites. Additional reference
quality measurements of temperature, pressure and relative humidity would be beneficial.

2.3 The test site should have a method of providing absolute measurements of
geopotential height during test flights (probably using a Global Positioning System (GPS)
radiosonde capable of producing accurate heights).

2.4 The test site should have a well-established surface-based GPS sensor for measuring
integrated water vapour, or ground-based radiometers and interferometers.

2.5 Cloud observing systems at the test site, such as laser ceilometers and cloud radars,
are desirable.

2.6 Aerosol lidars and relative humidity lidars may also prove useful at the test site.

2.7 The site must be cleared by the national air traffic control authorities for launching
larger balloons (3000g) with payloads of up to 5kg. Balloon sheds must be able to cope with
launching these large balloons.

3. Suggested geographical locations

3.1 In order to facilitate testing by the main manufacturers, it is suggested that test sites
should be retained or established in mid-latitudes in North America, Europe and Asia. Ideally,
each of these regions would have a minimum of two sites, one representing coastal (marine)
conditions, and another representing conditions in a mid-continent location.

3.2 In addition, it is suggested that a minimum of two test locations should be identified
in tropical locations, particularly for tests of relative humidity sensors.

3.3 If the main test sites noted above do not provide adequate samples of extreme
conditions for relative humidity sensors (for example, very dry low-level conditions), it may be
necessary to identify further test sites in an arid area, or where surface temperatures are very
cold (below 30C in winter). It is possible that some of these could be selected from established
GRUAN sites.


1. Introduction

1.1 The major WMO radiosonde comparisons are organized about every 5 to 6years,
when a large group of manufacturers can benefit from a large-scale test, with systems that have
already been through prototype testing. For new designs or for those manufacturers rectifying
problems identified in the WMO radiosonde comparisons, there is a need to perform smaller, less
expensive tests.

1.2 It is probably best for manufacturers trying to demonstrate that a problem has been
resolved to have the tests done at one of the designated CIMO test sites.

1.3 On the other hand, the development and selection of new national radiosonde
designs merits prototype testing at suitable national locations.

2. Recommended procedures

2.1 Testing to prove that problems have been rectified needs to be done to similar
standards and methods used in the WMO radiosonde comparisons. This requires that any CIMO
test site must have staff who are fully conversant with the procedures and techniques of the
WMO radiosonde comparisons, and also requires the use of two radiosonde types of known
good quality as working references/link radiosondes to the WMO radiosonde comparison

2.2 With national prototype testing it is essential to compare measurements with

radiosondes flown together under one balloon. Ideally the radiosondes should be suspended
in such a way that they are free to rotate in flight, as this is what happens on individual ascents.
The radio-frequency performance of the new radiosonde needs to be good enough to ensure
that the frequency does not drift and cause interference to the radiosonde with which it is being
compared. Comparison of results should be performed as a function of time into flight, since
it is unwise to assume that height/pressure assignments to temperature and relative humidity
measurements have negligible errors. The number of initial test flights may be quite small since
some initial errors are often large and can be quickly identified even by comparison with a lower
quality national radiosonde.

2.3 However, once the aim is to improve the new national radiosonde design so that
its measurement quality comes close to that of the high-quality radiosondes tested in the WMO
Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems, then it will be necessary to use one of
the better quality radiosondes as a test reference. Always follow the manufacturers instructions

when preparing the better quality radiosonde for the test flights. Testing must be performed
both day and night, since the sonde errors for daytime temperatures need to be identified and at
night the errors in relative humidity are often worse than in daytime.

2.4 Final prototype tests need to be performed at a time of year when the variation of
relative humidity in the vertical and with time is high at all levels in the troposphere.

3. Archiving of results

3.1 Results of tests at CIMO test centres need to be forwarded to the relevant CIMO
expert team for checking and display on the CIMO websites.

3.2 Once a new national development becomes mature, it would also be helpful for the
future to forward comparison test results to the relevant CIMO expert team.

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(WMO/TD-No.1303). Geneva.
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N.Krestyannikova (PhaseI, Russian Federation) and F. Schmidlin (PhaseII, USA)). Instruments
and Observing Methods Report No.85 (WMO/TD-No.1305). Geneva.
, 2006c: WMO Intercomparison of GPS Radiosondes Alcntara (Brazil), 2001 (R. da Silveira, G.F. Fisch,
L.A.T. Machado, A.M. DallAntonia, L.F. Sapucci, D. Fernandes, R. Marques and J. Nash).
Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.90 (WMO/TD-No.1314). Geneva.

, 2006d: Recent application of the Accurate Temperature Measuring (ATM) radiosonde

(F.J.Schmidlin). Papers and posters presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Meteorological
and Environmental Instruments and Methods of Observation (TECO-2006). Instruments and
Observing Methods Report No.94 (WMO/TD-No.1354). Geneva.
, 2009: GRUAN Implementation Plan 20092013. GCOS-134 (WMO/TD-No.1506). Geneva.
, 2010a: Manual on the Global Observing System (WMO-No.544), VolumeI. Geneva.
, 2010b: A new operational radiosonde for the UK. Procurement testing at Camborne Met Office,
SeptemberOctober 2009 (J. Nash, M. Smees et al.). Papers and posters presented at the WMO
Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental Instruments and Methods of Observation
(TECO-2010). Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.104 (WMO/TD-No.1546).
, 2011a: Technical Regulations (WMO-No.49), VolumeI, AppendixA. Geneva.
, 2011b: WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems Yangjiang (China), 2010 (J.Nash,
T.Oakley, H. Vmel and L. Wei). Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.107 (WMO/
TD-No.1580). Geneva.
, 2011c: Manual on Codes (WMO-No.306), VolumeI.1. Geneva.
, 2014: Observing Systems Capability Analysis and Review Tool (OSCAR): user requirements for
observation, http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/observingrequirements.
, 2015: Measurement of Upper-air Pressure, Temperature and Humidity (J. Nash). Instruments and
Observing Methods Report No.121. Geneva.

CHAPTER 13. MEASUREMENT OF UPPER WIND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  420

13.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  420
13.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  420
13.1.2 Units of measurement of upper wind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  420
13.1.3 Meteorological requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  421 Uses in meteorological operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  421 Improvements in reporting procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  421 Accuracy requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  422 Maximum height requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  424
13.1.4 Methods of measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  424 Tracking using radionavigation signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  425 Tracking using a directional aerial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  426
13.2 Upper-wind sensors and instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  426
13.2.1 Optical theodolite. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  426
13.2.2 Radiotheodolite. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  427
13.2.3 Radar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  428 Primary radars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  428 Secondary radars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  428
13.2.4 Navaid tracking systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  429 Availability of navaid signals in the future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  429 Global positioning system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  430 LORAN-C chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  431
13.3 Measurement methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  432
13.3.1 General considerations concerning data processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  432
13.3.2 Pilot-balloon observations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  432
13.3.3 Observations using a directional aerial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  433
13.3.4 Observations using radionavigation systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  433
13.4 Exposure of ground equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  434
13.5 Sources of error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  435
13.5.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  435 Target tracking errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  435 Height assignment errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  435 Target motion relative to the atmosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  436
13.5.2 Errors in pilot-balloon observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  436
13.5.3 Errors of systems using a directional aerial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  436
13.5.4 Errors in the global positioning system windfinding systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  439
13.5.5 Errors in ground-based LORAN-C radionavigation systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  442
13.5.6 Representativeness errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  443
13.6 Comparison, calibration and maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  444
13.6.1 Comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  444 Operational monitoring by comparison with forecast fields. . . . . . . .  444 Comparison with other windfinding systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  445
13.6.2 Calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  445
13.6.3 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  446
13.7 Corrections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  446

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  447



13.1.1 Definitions

The following definitions are taken from the Manual on the Global Observing System (WMO, 2010):

Pilot-balloon observation: A determination of upper winds by optical tracking of a free balloon.

Radiowind observation: A determination of upper winds by tracking of a free balloon by electronic


Rawinsonde observation: A combined radiosonde and radiowind observation.

Upper-air observation: A meteorological observation made in the free atmosphere either directly
or indirectly.

Upper-wind observation: An observation at a given height or the result of a complete sounding of

wind direction and speed in the atmosphere.

This chapter will deal primarily with radiowind and pilot-balloon observations. Balloon
techniques, and measurements using special platforms, specialized equipment, or made
indirectly by remote-sensing methods are discussed in various chapters of PartII. Large numbers
of observations are now received from commercial aircraft and also from wind profiler and
weather radars. Data from balloons are mainly acquired by using rawinsonde techniques,
although pilot-balloon and radiowind observations may be used when additional upper wind
data are required without the expense of launching a radiosonde.

13.1.2 Units of measurement of upper wind

The speed of upper winds is usually reported in metres per second or knots, but kilometres per
hour are also used. The direction from which the airflow arrives is reported in degrees from
north: 90 represents a wind arriving from the east, 180 from the south, 270 from the west
and 0/360 from the north. In TEMP reports, the wind direction is rounded to the nearest 5.
Reporting to this resolution degrades the accuracy achievable by the best modern windfinding
systems, particularly when upper winds are strong. Data from these systems encoded in BUFR
provide more accurate information on the direction and speed of upper wind.

Within 1 latitude of the North or South Pole, surface winds are reported using a direction
where the azimuth ring is aligned with its zero coinciding with the Greenwich 0 meridian.
This different coordinate system should be used by all fixed and mobile upper-air stations
located within 1 latitude of the North or South Pole for wind direction at all levels of the entire
sounding, even if the balloon moves farther away than 1 latitude from the pole. The reporting
code for these measurements should indicate that a different coordinate system is being used in
this upper-air report, in particular if encoded in traditional alphanumeric codes; the location of
the station in BUFR automatically indicates usage of this different coordinate system.

The height used in reporting radiowind/rawinsonde measurements is geopotential height so that

the wind measurements are at the same heights as the radiosonde measurements of temperature
and relative humidity (see PartI, Chapter12, 12.3.6). The conversion from geometric height,
as measured with a GPS radiosonde or radar, to geopotential height is purely a function of the
gravitational field at a given location and does not depend on the temperature and humidity
profile at the location. The gravitational potential energy () of a unit mass of anything is
the integral of the normal gravity from mean sea level (zgeometric = 0) to the height of the mass
(zgeometric=Z), as given by equation13.1.

= ( z geometric , )dzgeometric (13.1)
where (zgeometric, ) is the normal gravity above the geoid. This is a function of geometric altitude,
zgeometric, and the geodetic latitude .

This geopotential is divided by the normal gravity at 45 latitude to give the geopotential height
used by WMO, as:
( ) ( ) ( )
z zgeometric , = zgeometric , / 45 = ( zgeometric , dzgeometric ) / 45 (13.2)
where 45 was taken in the definition as 9.80665ms2 .

Thus, the unit of height is the standard geopotential metre. In the troposphere, the value of
geopotential height is a close approximation to the geometric height expressed in metres (see,
for example, PartI, Chapter12, Table12.4). The geopotential heights used in upper-wind reports
are reckoned from sea level, although in many systems the computations of geopotential height
will initially be performed in terms of height above the station level.

The conversion of geometric height to geopotential height is derived in fuller detail in PartI,
Chapter12, with suitable expressions given for the dependence of the gravitational field on
height and latitude.

13.1.3 Meteorological requirements Uses in meteorological operations

Observations of upper winds are essential for operational weather forecasting on all
scales globally, and are often most effective when used in conjunction with simultaneous
measurements of mass field (temperature and relative humidity).

(a) In the boundary layer, upper winds providing reliable measurements of vertical wind shear
are essential for environmental pollution forecasting;

(b) They are vital to the safety and economy of aircraft operations;

(c) Accurate upper wind and vertical wind shear measurements are critical for the launching of
space vehicles and other types of rocket;

(d) Uncertainties in upper winds are the limiting factor in the accuracy of modern artillery, and
reliable wind measurements are therefore important for safety in military operations;

(e) Upper winds are one of the essential climate variables. Improvements in reporting procedures

Upper winds are normally input into numerical weather forecasts as layer averages, the thickness
of the layers depending on the scales of atmospheric motion relevant to the forecast. The values
are not usually input at standard pressures or heights, but will usually be centred at pressure
heights that vary as the surface pressure changes at the location of the observation. Thus, it is of
primary importance that the variation in winds between standard levels is accurately represented
in upper-wind reports. This is in addition to ensuring that accurate winds are reported at the
standard levels.

In modern radiowind systems, computers have the capability of readily providing all the detailed
structure relevant to meteorological operations and scientific research. The upper-wind reports
should contain enough information to define the vertical wind shear across the boundaries

between the various layers in the mass fields. For instance, wind shear across temperature
inversions or significant wind shear associated with large changes in relative humidity in the
vertical should be reported whenever possible.

When upper winds are reported using either the FM 35XI Ext. TEMP code or the FM 32XI Ext.
PILOT code (WMO, 2011a), wind speeds are allowed to deviate by as much as 5ms1 from the
linear interpolation between significant levels. The use of automated algorithms with this fitting
limit can produce errors in reported messages which are much larger than the observational
errors. On occasion, the coding procedure may also degrade the accuracy outside the accuracy
requirements outlined in PartI, Chapter12.

This should be prevented, as soon as possible, by submitting reports in a suitable BUFR code
that allows reporting of high-resolution vertical wind data in addition to the significant levels to
fulfil user requirements. However, until this is achieved, a fitting limit for a wind speed of 3ms1
instead of 5ms1 can be implemented as a national practice for TEMP and PILOT messages. The
tightening of the fitting limit should lead, on average, to about one significant level wind report
per kilometre in the vertical. The TEMP or PILOT report should be visually checked against the
detailed upper-wind measurement, and the reported messages should be edited to eliminate
unacceptable fitting errors before issue.

In earlier years, upper winds were generally processed manually or with a small calculator, and
it was impractical to produce detailed reports of the vertical wind structure hence the use of
significant levels and the relatively crude fitting limits, which are not appropriate for the quality
of observation produced by modern rawinsonde systems. Accuracy requirements

Accuracy requirements for upper-wind measurements are presented in terms of wind speed and
direction and also orthogonal wind components in PartI, Chapter12, Annex12.A. Most upper-
wind systems should be capable of measuring winds over a range from 0 to 100ms1. If systems
are designed to provide winds at low levels, they may not need to cope with such a large range.
Systematic errors in wind direction must be kept as small as possible and certainly much less
than 5, especially at locations where upper winds are usually strong. In the 1990s, most well-
maintained operational windfinding systems provided upper winds with a standard vector error
(2) that was better than or equal to 3ms1 in the lower troposphere and 5 to 6ms1 in the upper
troposphere and stratosphere (Nash, 1994). The advent of very reliable GPS windfinding systems
means that many modern systems are capable of even better performance than this, with a
standard vector error (k = 2) less than 1ms1 with little degradation of the measurement quality
in the vertical (see the results of the WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems
in Yangjiang, China (WMO, 2011b)).

Examples of vertical profiles of horizontal wind from Yangjiang, China, and the United Kingdom
are shown in Figure13.1. These measurements were made with a vertical resolution better than
150m. Figure13.1(a) shows two measurements from Yangjiang spaced six hours apart. The fine
structure in the vertical is not the result of noise, but is the real structure in the atmosphere also
measured by the other rawinsonde systems on the respective flights. During this test, there were
very strong easterly winds at upper levels in the stratosphere (associated with the easterly phase
of the quasi-biennial oscillation). The stronger northerly winds associated with the jet at about
16km extend up to about 21km and thus through the tropopause at 17.5km. The detailed wind
structure in the stratosphere between 22 and 34km mostly persists over seven hours, illustrating
that much of the detailed structure is not transient and thus merits archiving and reporting.

Figure 13.1(b) is from early winter in the United Kingdom, with the tropopause much lower at
about 11km, but again the stronger winds associated with the upper troposphere jet extend
up to at least 16km. The large perturbations in wind caused by the gravity waves immediately
above the tropopause would not be resolved at 1km vertical resolution. On this occasion,
there is another jet associated with circulation around the polar vortex at heights above 30km.
Figure13.1(c) is from UK summertime conditions. In this case there is significant wind shear

NS wind EW wind

Height (km)
20 15 10 5 0 5 10 m/sec 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 m/sec

(a) Flight 1 at 0800 hours (black) and flight 3 at 1448 hours (grey)
on 14 July 2010, from the WMO Intercomparison of High Quality
Radiosonde Systems in Yangjiang, China
EW wind NS wind
Height (km)

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 m/sec 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 m/sec

(b) November measurement made at Camborne, United Kingdom;

data from two different radiosonde types are superimposed.
(Note: In this frame, the zonal and meridional wind components
are reversed, i.e. the zonal component is displayed on the left.)
NS wind EW wind
Height (km)

20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 m/sec 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 m/sec

(c) July measurement made at Camborne, United Kingdom; data from two different
radiosonde types are superimposed.

Figure 13.1. Examples of vertical profiles of horizontal wind measured at about 150m vertical
resolution in Yangjiang, China, and in early winter and summer in the United Kingdom;
horizontal grey line shows tropopause height.

across the tropopause. Easterly winds predominate in the stratosphere above about 16km, and
these are not as strong as the westerly winds in the winter. However, between 20 and 32km,
there are again significant perturbations in the winds in summertime.

Thus, although the user requirement for vertical resolution quoted for upper-wind measurements
in PartI, Chapter12, Annex12.B, Table12.B.1 is 200 to 500m in the troposphere and 1km in
the stratosphere, in practice there is information in the rawinsonde measurement which should

be archived and reported for reasons other than numerical weather prediction analyses. So, it
is recommended that, where possible, systems should use the higher resolution now available,
with vertical resolution better than or equal to 200m in the lower troposphere, and better than
300m in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. As can be seen, there are strong shears
near the jet maximum, and to resolve these reliably requires a vertical resolution better than the
500m quoted in Table12.B.1.

A vertical resolution of 50 to 150m can prove beneficial for general meteorological operations
in the atmospheric boundary layer (up to 2km above the surface). However, the tracking system
used must be able to sustain acceptable wind measurement accuracy at the higher vertical
resolution if the increased resolution is to be useful.

Very high-accuracy upper-wind measurements are often specified for range operations such
as rocket launches. In this case, special balloons with sculptured surfaces which follow the
winds more closely than standard meteorological balloons must be used. The observing
schedules required to meet a very high-accuracy specification need careful planning since the
observations must be located close to the required site and within a given time frame. The
following characteristic of atmospheric variability should be noted. The root-mean-square vector
differences between two error-free upper-wind observations at the same height (sampled at the
300m vertical resolution) will usually be less than 1.5ms1 if the measurements are simultaneous
and separated by less than about 5km in the horizontal. This will also be the case if the
measurements are at the same location, but separated by an interval of less than about 10min
(derived from similar, smaller-scale studies to the representativeness studies of Kitchen (1989)). Maximum height requirements

Upper winds measured from balloon-borne equipment, as considered in this chapter, can be
required at heights up to and above 35km at some sites, especially those designated as part of
the Global Climate Observing System. The balloons necessary to reach these heights may be
more expensive than the cheap, small balloons that will lift the rawinsonde systems to heights
between 20 and 25km.

An ideal upper-wind observing network must adequately sample all scales of motion, from
planetary scale to mesoscale, in the troposphere and lower stratosphere. The observing network
will also identify significant small-scale wind structures using high temporal resolution remote-
sensing systems. However, in the middle and upper stratosphere, the predominant scales of
motion observed for meteorological operations are larger, primarily the planetary scale and
larger synoptic scales. Thus, all the upper-air observing sites in a national network with network
spacing being optimized for tropospheric observations may not need to measure to heights
above 25km. Overall operating costs may be less if a mix of the observing systems described
in this chapter with the sensing systems described in PartII is used. If this is the case, national
technical infrastructure must be able to provide adequate maintenance for the variety of systems

13.1.4 Methods of measurement

Data on upper winds from balloon-borne systems are mainly acquired by using rawinsonde
techniques, although pilot-balloon and radiowind observations may be used when additional
upper wind data are required without the expense of launching a radiosonde. Observations
from the upper-air stations in the Global Observing System are supplemented over land by
measurements from aircraft, wind profilers and Doppler weather radars. In areas with high
levels of aircraft operations, the information available from aircraft and radars dominates that
available from radiosondes up to heights of about 12km. Over the sea, upper winds are mainly
produced by civilian aircraft at aircraft cruise levels. These are supplemented with vertical profiles
from rawinsondes launched from ships or remote islands, and also by tracking clouds or water
vapour structures observed from geostationary meteorological satellites. In the future, wind
measurements from satellite-borne lidars (light detection and ranging) and radars are expected
to improve the global coverage of the current observing systems. Sodars (sound detection

and ranging), lidars and kite anemometers are also used to provide high temporal resolution
winds for specific applications. Low-cost pilotless aircraft technology is being developed for
meteorological applications.

Rawinsonde methods for measuring the speed and direction of the wind in the upper air
generally depend upon the observation of either the movement of a free balloon ascending at a
more or less uniform rate or an object falling under gravity, such as a dropsonde on a parachute.
Given that the horizontal motion of the air is to be measured, the target being tracked should
not have any significant horizontal motion relative to the air under observation. The essential
information required from direct tracking systems includes the height of the target and the
measurements of its plan position or, alternatively, its horizontal velocity at known time intervals.
The accuracy requirements in PartI, Chapter12, Annex12.A, include the effect of errors in the
height or pressure assigned to the wind measurement. It is unlikely that the usual operational
accuracy requirements can be met for levels above the atmospheric boundary layer with any
tracking method that needs to assume a rate of ascent for the balloon, rather than using a
measurement of height from the tracking system or from the radiosonde attached to the target.

Remote-sensing systems measure the motion of the atmosphere by scattering electromagnetic

radiation or sound from one or more of the following targets: hydrometeors, dust, aerosol, or
inhomogeneities in the refractive index caused by small-scale atmospheric turbulence or the air
molecules themselves.

The direct windfinding methods considered in this chapter use targets whose position can be
tracked continuously. While the targets can be tracked by a large number of methods, only two
widely used types of methods will be considered here. Tracking using radionavigation signals

A radiosonde with the capability of receiving signals from a system of navigational radio
transmitters is attached to a target (either an ascending balloon or dropsonde parachute). The
most widely used system is to use signals from navigation satellites. In practice, for the moment,
this means using the NAVSTAR GPS signals, although other, more recently introduced satellite
radionavigation services may be used in the future. The signals from the satellites are received by
a dedicated antenna on the radiosonde. The system will also have a GPS antenna on the ground
to receive signals for reference. A GPS engine, either on the ground or in the radiosonde, will
decode the signals or allow computation of the radiosonde position in three dimensions as a
function of time.

Tracking using radionavigation signals was first achieved on a large scale with the surface-based
Omega navigation chain, but once this service was closed most of these radiosonde operators
changed to GPS windfinding. Surface-based long-range navigation signals were also used from
the LORAN system, described in WMO (1985). The coverage offered by LORAN-C coupled with
the Russian Chayka system has decreased in recent years, and now operational use is mainly
limited to eastern Europe at the times that Chayka is operational.

The use of GPS navaid tracking has increased in routine meteorological operations because of the
high degree of automation that can be achieved with this type of windfinding system. The level
of maintenance required by navaid ground equipment is also very low. Height measurements
from the GPS radiosonde provide the best method for assigning heights for accurate
stratospheric temperatures in climate studies.

Early GPS radiosondes all used the meteorological aids (MetAids) frequency band centred at
403MHz for transmitting data to the ground, but there are a few countries where large-scale
civilian radiosonde operation in this band is not feasible, and GPS radiosondes using the higher
frequency MetAids band centred at 1680MHz have also been developed.
426 PART I. MEASUREMENT OF METEOROLOGICAL VARIABLES Tracking using a directional aerial

In many large national networks the higher cost of GPS radiosonde consumables has meant
that non-GPS radiosondes continue to be used with a ground system that tracks the target with
a directional aerial measuring azimuth, plus any two of the following parameters: elevation
angle, slant range, and height. Measurements are mostly achieved using a radiotheodolite or
secondary radar (see section13.2.3.2) to track a radiosonde carried by a balloon. In some cases,
an optical theodolite is used to track the balloon. A primary radar (see section13.2.3.1) can also
track a reflecting target carried by the balloon, but although this system was quite widely used
in the past, it is not in common use now. The difference between primary and secondary radars
is that the primary radar detects pulses reflected from its target, while the secondary radar only
transmits pulses and does not look for reflections. With a secondary radar, the radiosonde/
transponder attached to the balloon receives the radar pulses and then transmits information on
the time of receipt back to the radar ground station. Radar and radiotheodolite systems usually
have a tracking accuracy for elevation and azimuth of about 0.1, while for radar systems, the
range error should normally be less than 30m.

Modern radiotheodolite systems with antenna dimensions of less than 2m are best suited for
upper-wind measurements when balloon elevations stay above 10 to 15. Secondary radar
systems continue to be used in national networks where sufficient radio-frequency spectrum in
the meteorological aids bands is available. Successful directional antennas are operated mostly in
the 1680MHz band, as the antenna size required for directional tracking at 403MHz is too large
for most modern operational practice.

The choice between using a radiotheodolite or GPS radiosonde for upper-wind measurements
will be partly influenced by the maximum slant range expected at the observation site. The GPS
windfinding system will provide good measurement accuracy at very long ranges. The maximum
range varies considerably with latitude, with 70km being adequate in equatorial and polar
regions, but with ranges of up to at least 200km being possible in some mid-latitude temperate
zones. Table13.1 shows the proportion of occasions when certain slant ranges were exceeded
for a balloon at 30km. The data are for stations located in Europe between 50N and 60N.
The proportions are given for a whole year, but it should be noted that the soundings which
exceeded the limits were centred in the winter season.


Radiowind systems were originally introduced to allow measurements of upper wind in the
presence of clouds. The systems were also capable of high measurement accuracy at long
ranges when balloons were tracked up to heights of 30km. The use of these systems is now
essential to satisfy the majority of modern upper-wind accuracy requirements. The high degree
of automation possible with most modern rawinsonde systems has eliminated the need for
operator intervention in most of the measurement cycle. This has major advantages in reducing
costs for meteorological operations.

13.2.1 Optical theodolite

Optical theodolites may be used for tracking balloons when the expense of radiowind
measurements cannot be met, for example at intermediate times between main ascents or
at other locations in a country to fill gaps in the network at lower levels (see WMO, 2008).

Table 13.1. Proportion of occasions when certain slant ranges were exceeded
(balloon at 30km altitude)

Slant range exceeded (km) 140 160 175 190

Proportion of occasions (%) 5 2 1 0.5


Operators need significant training and skill if upper-wind measurement errors are not to
increase rapidly as the balloon ascends above the boundary layer, but useful periods of
observation have been achieved in parts of South America and Africa.

The optical system of the pilot balloon theodolite should be such that the axis of the eyepiece
remains horizontal irrespective of the direction in which the telescope is pointed. A pentagonal
prism is preferable to a right-angled prism since a slight displacement of the former does not
affect the perpendicularity of the two parts of the optical axis.

The focusing eyepiece of the telescope should be fitted with cross-wires or a graticule and should
have a magnification of between 20 and 25times and a field of view of no less than 2. The
mounting of the theodolite should be of robust construction. It should be possible to turn the
theodolite rapidly by hand or slowly by friction or worm gearing on the azimuth and elevation
circles. These circles should be subdivided into sections no larger than 1 and should be provided
with verniers or micrometer hand wheels allowing the angles to be read to 0.05, with estimation
possible to 0.01. The scales should be arranged and illuminated so that readings can be taken
by day and night. Backlash in the gearing of the circles should not exceed 0.025. Errors in
horizontal and vertical collimation should not exceed 0.1.

The theodolite should be fitted with open sights to facilitate the tracking of a rapidly moving
balloon. A secondary telescope with a wide field of view of no less than 8 is also useful for this

The base of the theodolite should be designed to fit into a standard tripod or other support and
should incorporate some means of adjustment to allow accurate levelling. It should be possible
to adjust the supports to suit the height of the observer. The theodolite should be of robust
construction and should be protected against corrosion.

The system should be used with a suitable computer programme for inputting and checking the
observational data for errors.

13.2.2 Radiotheodolite

Radiotheodolite windfinding is best suited to situations where the balloon elevations from
the ground station remain high throughout the flight. If the balloon elevations remain above
about 16, most of the upper-wind accuracy requirements in PartI, Chapter12, can be met
with relatively small tracking aerials. At low balloon elevations, the measurement errors with
radiotheodolites increase rapidly with decreasing elevation, even with larger tracking aerials (see
section13.5.3). It is extremely difficult to satisfy the accuracy requirements of PartI, Chapter12,
with a radiotheodolite if upper winds are consistently very strong, unless a transponder is used to
provide a measurement of the slant range (see section13.2.3.2).

A radiotheodolite is usually used to track the emissions from a radiosonde suspended beneath a
weather balloon. A directional aerial coupled to a radio receiver is rotated around the vertical and
horizontal axes to determine maximum signal strength using suitable servo-mechanisms. The
radio frequency employed is usually 1680MHz. A good aerial design with a diameter of about
2m should have low sensitivity in its side lobes relative to the main beam; with this size, angular
tracking of 0.1 accuracy can be achieved. If this is the case, the radiotheodolite should be able to
track at elevations as low as 6 to 10 without interference between signals received directly from
the radiosondes and those received by reflection from adjacent surfaces. Interference between
direct and reflected signals is termed multipath interference and is usually the limiting factor
in radiotheodolite tracking capability at low elevations. The amount of multipath interference
depends very critically on the positioning of the antenna relative to adjacent reflecting surfaces,
whether the radiotheodolite is positioned on a roof or on the ground.

Detailed descriptions of the radiotheodolite aerial performance, detection system, servo-

controls, and data-processing algorithms should be obtained from the manufacturer prior
to purchase. Modern portable radiotheodolites with aerial dimensions of less than 2m can
encounter multipath interference problems at elevations as high as 16. When multipath

interference occurs, the maximum signal will not usually be found in the direction of the balloon.
The elevation error varies with time as the multi-path interference conditions change as the
radiosonde moves; this can lead to large systematic errors in wind data (greater than 10ms1).

While the radiotheodolite is tracking the radiosonde, the observed azimuth and elevation
angles are transmitted from the radiotheodolite to the ground system computer. The incoming
radiosonde measurements give, with time, the variation of geopotential height corresponding
to the observed directions. The rates for the change in the position of the balloon can then be
derived. The computer should display the upper-wind measurements in tabular or graphical
form. The continuity of winds in the vertical will allow the operator to check for faulty tracking.
Once the operator is satisfied that tracking is adequate, a suitable upper-wind report can be
issued to users.

Balloons will sometimes reverse direction shortly after launch because of marked wind shear
just above the surface. The balloon will fly back over the radiotheodolite even though it is
launched so that it should move away from the radiotheodolite. If the radiotheodolite is to
sustain accurate automated tracking when this happens, it must be capable of very high scan
rates in azimuth and elevation. This leads to a more demanding mechanical specification than is
necessary for the majority of the flights when the balloon is at longer ranges. In order to reduce
the mechanical specification needed for accurate tracking, several modern radiotheodolite
designs incorporate interferometric tracking. In these systems, the interferometer compares the
phase of the signals arriving at different sections of its tracking aerial in order to determine the
position of the transmitting source relative to the aerial orientation. In practice, the phase data
are sampled at a high rate using microprocessors, while a simple servo-mechanism orientates
the aerial approximately in the direction of the radiosonde. The approximate orientation of
the aerial is necessary to provide a good signal-to-noise ratio for the interferometer and to
minimize the reflections received from the ground. The elevation and azimuth are then derived
from a combination of aerial positions, while the direction to the source is deduced by the
interferometer from the phase measurements. The measurement accuracy achieved is similar
to that of the better standard radiotheodolites. The interferometric radiotheodolite systems are
often more reliable and cheaper to maintain.

13.2.3 Radar Primary radars

The essential feature of the radar-tracking technique compared to the radiotheodolite method is
that slant range is measured directly together with azimuth and elevation. A primary radar relies
on the detection of pulses of ultra-short radio waves reflected from a suitable target carried by
the balloon. With a reliable primary radar, the accuracy requirements for upper winds outlined
in PartI, Chapter12, can be met in almost all circumstances. Very high-accuracy specifications
for upper winds can be met with high-precision tracking radars, but in practice these are
very expensive to use. For measurement accuracy better than about 1ms1 it is essential to
use balloons with sculptured surfaces (which are also very expensive) rather than standard
meteorological balloons.

A radiosonde does not have to be used in order to determine winds with a primary radar, a
suitable reflector is enough. Substantial savings from minimizing expenditure on radiosondes
might be possible as long as there is a technical support structure to maintain the radar and staff
costs are very low. However, the use of primary radar as a windfinding tool to provide cheap
operational measurements has not been successful in developing countries, with equipment
rarely being maintained; in most countries, GPS radiosondes or radiotheodolites are now used. Secondary radars

In secondary radar systems, pulses of energy transmitted from the ground station are received by
a responder system carried by the balloon. This can either be a separate transponder package or
a feature that is incorporated in the basic radiosonde design. The frequency of the return signal

does not necessarily have to be the same as that of the outgoing signal. The time taken between
the transmission of the pulse and the response from the responder allows the slant range to be
measured directly. This type of system is still in widespread use in large national networks.

The advantage of this technique over a primary radar is that tracking can be sustained to longer
ranges for a given power output from the ground transmitter. This is because the energy
transmitted by the responder is independent and usually larger than the energy received from
the ground transmitter. Thus, the energy received at the ground receiver is inversely proportional
to the square of the slant range of the target. The energy received is inversely proportional to the
fourth power of the slant range in the case of a primary radar.

The complexity of the system and the maintenance requirements of a secondary radar system
usually fall between that of radiotheodolites and primary radars. The network managers must be
able to ensure that the systems are well maintained. For instance, in the Russian Federation some
older systems (see Table13.4) of good tracking performance and which are in widespread use
but difficult to maintain are now being replaced by improved ground tracking systems, which are
relatively easy to maintain (see WMO, 2005).

13.2.4 Navaid tracking systems

In navaid tracking systems, the radiosonde incorporates an aerial system which receives the
signals from a radionavigation system. This radionavigation system will be operated by agencies
independent of the national weather Services. The navaid systems currently used operationally
for windfinding are the satellite-based GPS giving global coverage, and LORAN systems using
ground-based transmitters with very limited area of coverage.

One of the main advantages of navaid systems is the simplicity of the ground system, which does
not consist of moving parts and does not need very accurate alignment of tracking aerials. This
makes the systems suitable for deployment from aircraft and ships, as well as from land-based

In order to keep the costs of signal processing in the radiosonde to a minimum, the majority
of the processing to produce wind measurements from LORAN signals is performed after the
radiosonde has relayed the navaid signals back to the ground system. Thus, good reception
from the radiosonde is essential for this windfinding system; the siting of the ground system
aerials must provide a good line of sight to the radiosondes in all directions. As the cost of GPS
engines which process the GPS signals reduces, it is possible to perform much of the processing
of the GPS signals on the radiosonde, although some processing on the ground is required to
incorporate the information from the GPS reference signals received by a local ground-based
antenna. In normal operation, the accuracy of GPS radiosonde position measurements does not
reduce significantly with range from the ground stations (see WMO, 2011b).

The main operational problems with modern operational GPS radiosondes have been when
there are radio transmitters in the vicinity at frequencies which cause interference to the
reception of GPS signals by the radiosonde.

Height is assigned to upper-wind measurements using the radiosonde geopotential height

measurements. It is vital that time stamping of the processed navaid wind data by the ground
system is accurately aligned with the time stamping of the radiosonde height measurements. Availability of navaid signals in the future

International navigational operations have mainly moved to navigation using signals from the
array of GPS navigational satellites orbiting the Earth. These satellite signals have largely replaced
reliance on signals from fixed terrestrial transmitters. The other global satellite navigation service
in operation is GLONASS, in the Russian Federation. BeiDou (COMPASS), in China, and Galileo,
in Europe, are also in early stages of operation, in preparation for use as global services before
2020. A limited number of countries have chosen to persist with LORAN terrestrial navigational

systems for regional or national navigational networks. Navigation authorities must be consulted
as to the future availability of signals before any long-term investment in a given system is

Although the computation of winds using GPS navigation is more complex than with navaid
signals from terrestrial transmitters because the satellites move continuously relative to the
radiosondes, the development of the GPS radiosonde systems is now mature, and 11 commercial
systems were thus able to be tested in Yangjiang, China (see WMO, 2011b). Very few designs had
any significant problems, with most having adequate signal reception (signals from between five
and eight satellites received at a given time) and suitable processing algorithms relating the GPS
signals received by the radiosonde to the signals received by a reference antenna at the ground
station. Global positioning system

GPS radiosondes are now used at about half of the active global radiosonde network stations.

NAVSTAR GPS is a very high-accuracy radionavigation system based on radio signals transmitted
from a constellation of 25satellites orbiting the Earth in six planes. Each of the orbital planes
intersects the Equator at a spacing of 60, with the orbit planes inclined at 55 to the polar
axis. An individual satellite orbits during a period of about 11h and 58min. The constellation
of satellites is configured so that in any location worldwide a minimum of four satellites appear
above the horizon at all times, but, in some situations, up to eight satellites may be visible from
the ground.

The signals transmitted from the satellites are controlled by atomic frequency standards intended
to provide a frequency stability of better than 1 10 13. Each satellite transmits two unique
pseudo-random digital ranging codes, along with other information including constellation
almanac, ephemeris, UTC time and satellite performance. The ranging codes and system data are
transmitted using biphase digital spread spectrum technology. The power level of the ranging
code signals is 130dBm, well below thermal background noise.

The following codes are taken into consideration:

(a) The coarse acquisition code is transmitted on a carrier at 1575.42MHz. This is modulated
by a satellite-specific pseudo-random noise code with a chipping rate of 1.023MHz. This
modulation effectively spreads the coarse acquisition spectrum width to 2MHz;

(b) The precision code may be replaced by a military controlled Y-code during periods when
anti-spoofing is active. The precision code and system data are transmitted coherently on
carriers L1 (1575MHz) and L2 (1228MHz).

The wavelengths of the GPS signals are very much shorter than for LORAN. The much smaller
aerial used for receiving the GPS signals is positioned at the top of the radiosonde body and
should be free of obstructions in all directions towards the horizon. The small aerial is better
protected from the damaging effects of atmospheric electricity than LORAN aerials. Although
the siting of the GPS aerial could cause a conflict with siting of the temperature sensor on the
radiosonde, this has now been overcome in the designs available.

The GPS signals need to be pre-processed on the radiosonde to reduce the GPS information to
signals that can be transmitted to the ground station on the radiosonde carrier frequency (either
as analogue information, as used for LORAN, or as a digital data stream). The pre-processing
can be carried out by a variety of techniques. Modern GPS radiosondes use the precision code
in a differential mode. This requires simultaneous reception of the GPS signals by a receiver
at the ground station as well as the receiver on the radiosonde. Accurate wind computations
require signals from a minimum of four satellites. In a differential mode, the phase of the signals
received at the radiosonde is referenced to those received at the ground station. This is especially

beneficial when the radiosonde is near the ground station, since location errors introduced by
propagation delays from the spacecraft to the receivers or by anti-spoofing are similar in both
receivers and can be eliminated to a large extent.

GPS tracking systems are able to track accurately at a very high sample rate (rates of a few
seconds). Thus, it is possible to measure the modulation of apparent horizontal velocity when the
radiosonde swings as a pendulum under the balloon during a period of about 10 to 15s. Most of
the small differences found between GPS radiosonde wind measurements in Yangjiang, China,
resulted from the use of different algorithms to filter out the balloon motion, with the algorithm
often tuned to suit a particular configuration of radiosonde suspension and not that used in the
radiosonde comparison test (WMO, 2011b).

One of the practical considerations with GPS radiosondes is the time taken for the GPS tracker
on the radiosonde to synchronize with the signals being received from the satellite. It is unwise
to launch the radiosonde before this synchronization has been achieved. This may require
placing the radiosonde outside for several minutes before launch or, alternatively, a method for
transmitting GPS signals to the radiosonde at the location where it is being prepared. LORAN-C chains

The LORAN-C system is a relatively long-range navaid operating in the low frequency band
centred on 100kHz (wavelength 3km). Because its primary purpose was for marine navigation,
particularly in coastal and continental shelf areas, LORAN-C coverage was provided only in
certain parts of the world. These were mostly in maritime areas of the northern hemisphere.
Some of the chains have been refurbished under new ownership to provide regional or national
marine navigational networks.

A LORAN-C transmission consists of groups of eight or nine pulses of the 100kHz carrier, each
being some 150s in duration. Each chain of transmitters consists of one master station and
two or more slaves. In principle, chain coherence is established by reference to the master
transmission. Each slave transmits its groups of pulses at fixed intervals after the master, at a rate
that is specific to a given chain. Typically this rate is once every 100s.

The LORAN-C signals propagate both as ground and sky waves reflected from the ionosphere.
The ground waves are relatively stable in propagation. There are only very small phase
corrections which are dependent on whether the signals are propagating across land or sea. The
rate of change of the phase corrections as the radiosonde position changes is not usually large
enough to affect wind measurement accuracy. Sky wave propagation is more variable since
it depends on the position of the ionosphere and will change with time of day. Ground wave
signals from the transmitter are much stronger than sky waves, but sky waves attenuate much
less rapidly than ground waves. Thus, the best situation for LORAN-C windfinding is obtained
when the signals received at the radiosonde from all the transmitters are dominated by ground
waves. This can be achieved in parts of the LORAN-C service areas, but not at all locations within
the theoretical coverage.

The LORAN-C radiosonde receives the signals through its own aerial and then modulates
the radiosonde carrier frequency in order to transmit the signals to the radiosonde receiver.
The LORAN tracker used to detect the times of arrival of the LORAN pulses should be able to
differentiate between ground and sky wave signals to some extent. This is achieved by detecting
the time of arrival from the leading sections of the pulses. Modern LORAN trackers are able
to operate in cross-chain mode, so that signals from more than one LORAN chain can be used
together. This facility is essential for good-quality wind measurements in many parts of the
LORAN-C service areas. Winds are computed from the rates of change in the time of arrival
differences between pairs of LORAN-C transmitters. The computations use all the reliable
LORANC signals available, rather than a bare minimum of three.

The use of LORAN navigation for operational radiosondes is now very limited.


13.3.1 General considerations concerning data processing

Modern tracking sensors can take readings much more frequently than at the 1min intervals
commonly used with earlier manual systems. The processing of the winds will normally be fully
automated using an associated ground system computer. The upper winds will be archived and
displayed by the operator for checking before the information is issued to users.

Thus, the sampling of tracking data is optimal at intervals of 10s or less. Sampling should be at
the highest rate considered useful from the tracking system. High sampling rates make it easier
to control the quality of the data with automated algorithms. After editing, the tracking data can
then be smoothed by statistical means and used to determine the variation in position with time,
if required. The smoothing applied will determine the thickness of the atmospheric layer to which
the upper-wind measurement applies. The smoothing will often be changed for different parts
of the flight to account for the differing user requirements at different heights and the tracking
limitations of the upper-wind system used. If measurement accuracy drops too low at higher
levels, the vertical resolution of the measurement may have to be reduced below the optimum
requirement to keep the wind measurement errors within acceptable limits.

Effective algorithms for editing and smoothing may use low-order polynomials (Acheson, 1970),
or cubic splines (de Boor, 1978). Algorithms for computing winds from radar and radiotheodolite
observations can be found in WMO (1986). In general, winds may either be derived from
differentiating positions derived from the tracking data, or from the rates of change of the
smoothed engineering variables from the tracking system (see Passi, 1978). Many modern
systems use this latter technique, but the algorithms must then be able to cope with some
singularities in the engineering variables, for instance when a balloon transits back over the
tracking site at high elevation.

When the winds computed from the tracking data are displayed for checking, it is important to
indicate those regions of the flight where tracking data were missing or judged too noisy for use.
Some of the algorithms used for interpolation may not be very stable when there are gaps in the
tracking data. It is important to differentiate between reliable measurements of vertical wind
shear and shears that are artefacts of the automated data processing when tracking data are
absent. Tracking data are often of poor quality early in a balloon ascent. If the upper-wind system
is unable to produce a valid wind measurement shortly after launch, it is preferable to leave a
gap in the reported winds until valid tracking data are obtained. This is because interpolation
between the surface and the first levels of valid data often requires interpolation across layers of
marked wind shear in the vertical. The automated algorithms rarely function adequately in these

13.3.2 Pilot-balloon observations

The accurate levelling and orientation of the optical theodolite with respect to the true north
are an essential preliminary to observing the azimuth and elevation of the moving balloon.
Readings of azimuth and elevation should be taken at intervals of no less than 1min. Azimuth
angles should be read to the nearest tenth of a degree. In a pilot-balloon ascent, the elevation
angles should be read to the nearest tenth of a degree whenever the angles are 15 or greater. It
is necessary to measure elevation to the nearest 0.05 whenever the angles are less than 15.

If a radiosonde ascent is being followed by optical theodolite, a higher upper-wind measurement

accuracy can be achieved at lower elevations. Thus, the elevation angles should be read to
the nearest tenth of a degree whenever the angles are greater than 20, to the nearest 0.05
whenever the angles are 20 or less, but greater than 15, and to the nearest 0.01 whenever
the angles are 15 or less. Timing may be accomplished by either using a stop-watch or a single
alarm clock which rings at the desired intervals.

In single-theodolite ascents, the evaluation of wind speed and direction involves the
trigonometric computation of the minute-to-minute changes in the plane position of the
balloon. This is best achieved by using suitable computer software.

If higher accuracy is required, the double-theodolite technique should be used. The baseline
between the instruments should be at least 2km long, preferably in a direction nearly at right
angles to that of the wind prevailing at the time. Computations are simplified if the two tracking
sites are at the same level. Communication between the two sites by radio or land-line should
help to synchronize the observations from the two sites. Synchronization is essential if good
measurement accuracy is to be achieved. Recording theodolites, with the readings logged
electronically, will be helpful in improving the measurement accuracy achieved.

For multiple-theodolite tracking, alternative evaluation procedures can be used. The redundancy
provided by all the tracking data allows improved measurement accuracy, but with the added
complication that the calculations must be performed on a personal computer (see Lange, 1988;
Passi, 1978).

13.3.3 Observations using a directional aerial

Windfinding systems that track using directional aerials require very careful installation and
maintenance procedures. Every effort must be made to ensure the accuracy of elevation
and azimuth measurements. This requires accurate levelling of the installation and careful
maintenance to ensure that the orientation of the electrical axis of the aerial remains close to
the mechanical axis. This may be checked by various methods, including tracking the position
of local transmitters or targets of known position. Poor alignment of the azimuth has caused
additional errors in wind measurement at many upper-air stations in recent years.

The calibration of the slant range of a primary radar may be checked against known stationary
targets, if suitable targets exist. The tracking of the radar in general may be checked by
comparing radar geopotential heights with simultaneous radiosonde measurements. The
corrections to the radar height measurements for tracking errors introduced by atmospheric
refraction are discussed in section13.7.

The comparison of radar height measurements with GPS radiosonde geopotential heights may
be used to identify radar tracking which fails to meet the standards. Furthermore, if the radar
slant range measurements are known to be reliable, it is possible to identify small systematic
biases in elevation by comparing radar heights with radiosonde heights as a function of
the cotangent of elevation. The typical errors in GPS radiosonde geopotential heights were
established for the most widely used radiosondes by WMO (2011b).

Both radar and radiotheodolite systems can encounter difficulties when attempting to follow
a target at close ranges. This is because the signal strength received by a side lobe of the aerial
may be strong enough to sustain automated tracking at short ranges; however, when tracking
on a side lobe, the signal strength received will then drop rapidly after a few minutes and the
target will apparently be lost. Following target loss, it may be difficult to recover tracking with
some systems when low cloud, rain or fog is present at the launch site. Thus, it is necessary to
have a method to check that the target is centred in the main beam early in flight. This check
could be performed by the operator using a bore-sight, telescope or video camera aligned with
the axis of the aerial. The tracking alignment is more difficult to check with an interferometric
radiotheodolite, where the mechanical tracking of the radiotheodolite will not necessarily
coincide exactly with the observed direction of travel of the balloon.

13.3.4 Observations using radionavigation systems

The development of observations using GPS winds was first reported by Call (WMO, 1994) and
Kaisti (1995). These systems did not decode the GPS signals received, but they have now been
superseded by GPS radiosondes that do decode the signals.

The geometry for using satellite navigation signals is such that GPS windfinding algorithms seem
to work most reliably when signals are received from at least five satellites during the ascent.
The GPS almanac can be used to identify times when satellite geometry is weak for windfinding.
In practice, this rarely occurs with the current satellite configuration and the good satellite
reception antenna used with modern radiosondes.

When making upper-wind measurements with navaid tracking systems, the ground system
navaid tracker should be accurately synchronized to the navaid transmissions prior to launch.
Synchronization is usually achieved by using signals received by a local aerial connected to
the ground system receiver. This aerial should be capable of receiving adequate signals for
synchronization in all the weather conditions experienced at the site. The ground system should
provide clear indications to the operator of the navaid signals available for windfinding prior to
launch and also during the radiosonde flight. Where the GPS radiosonde is being used to make
height measurements for the operational ascent, it is essential that the height of the local GPS
antenna relative to the surface is accurately determined and entered into the ground station
processing software.

Once launched, the navaid windfinding systems are highly automated. However, estimates of
the expected measurement errors based on the configuration and quality of the navaid signals
received would be helpful to the operators. During flight, the operator must be able to identify
faulty radiosondes with poor receiver or transmitter characteristics which are clearly providing
below-standard observations. These observations need to be suppressed and a re-flight
attempted, where necessary.

Satisfactory upper-wind measurements from LORAN radionavigation systems require the

radiosonde to receive signals from at least three LORAN stations. The difference in the time of
arrival of the navigation signals received by the radiosonde, after coherent transmission from
two locations, defines a locus or line of position (see WMO,1985). This will have the shape of
a hyperbola on a plane (but becomes an ellipse on the surface of a sphere). Thus, navigational
systems using this technique are termed hyperbolic systems. Two intersecting lines of position
are sufficient to define plan positions. However, there may be a large error in position associated
with a small error in time of arrival if the lines of position are close to parallel when they intersect.
With LORAN navaid upper-wind systems, it has been clearly demonstrated that all available
navaid signals of a given type (usually at least four or five) should be used to improve tracking
reliability. One type of algorithm used to exploit all the navaid signals available was outlined in
Karhunen (1983).


An appropriate site for a radiotheodolite or radar is on high ground, with the horizon being as
free from obstructions as possible. There should be no extensive obstructions subtending an
angle exceeding 6 at the observation point. An ideal site would be a symmetrical hill with a
downward slope of about 6 for a distance of 400m, in a hollow surrounded by hills rising to a
1or2 elevation.

The tracking system should be provided with a firm foundation on which the equipment can be
mounted. Good reception of signals by a local navaid aerial and by the ground system aerial for
the radiosonde is essential if the navaid measurements are to be successful. These aerials should
be mounted in positions on the upper-air site where there is a good horizon for reception in all

Upper-wind measurements are usually reported in association with surface-wind measurements.

It is preferable that surface wind be obtained from a site close to the balloon launch site. The
launch site should be chosen to provide winds that are appropriate to the purpose of the
upper-wind measurement. For example, if the upper-wind measurement is required to detect a
localized effect influencing an airfield, the optimum location might differ from a site needed to
observe mesoscale and synoptic scale motions over a larger area.


13.5.1 General

Errors in upper-wind measurements are a combination of the errors resulting from imperfect
tracking of the horizontal motion of the target, the errors in the height assigned to the target,
and the differences between the movement of the target and the actual atmospheric motion. Target tracking errors

The relationship between wind errors and tracking errors differs according to the method of
observation. For some systems, such as radiotheodolites, the wind errors vary markedly with
range, azimuth and elevation, even when the errors of these tracking parameters remain
constant with time. On the other hand, wind errors from systems using navaid tracking do not
usually vary too much with range or height.

The uncertainties caused by the manual computation of wind were evaluated in WMO (1975).
It was concluded that the risks of introducing significant errors by using manual methods for
wind computations (such as plotting tables, slide rules, etc.) were too great, and that upper-wind
computations should be automated as far as possible.

The measurement accuracy of all upper-wind systems varies from time to time. This variation
may occur for short periods during a given target flight, when tracking temporarily degrades, or
during an entire flight, for instance if the transmitted signals from a navaid radiosonde are faulty.
At some locations, the accuracy of upper-wind tracking may gradually degrade with time over
several months because of either instability in the tracking capability or the set-up of the ground
system. In all cases, it would be helpful if estimates of wind measurement accuracy were derived
by the upper-wind systems in real time to supplement the reported upper-wind measurements.
The reported errors would allow poorer quality measurements to be identified and less weight
would be given in numerical analyses. The reporting of errors could be achieved in practice by
using the appropriate TEMP or PILOT codes and BUFR tables (WMO, 2011a).

When errors in target tracking start to introduce unacceptable wind errors at a given vertical
resolution, the situation is usually compensated by computing the winds at a lower vertical

The practice of reducing the vertical resolution of upper-wind measurements in steps through
the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere was mainly adopted to overcome the tracking
limitations of radiotheodolites. This practice is not justified by the actual vertical structure
observed in the atmosphere. Many of the larger vertical wind shears are found in the upper
levels of jet streams at heights between 10 and 18km (see, for instance, the detailed vertical wind
profiles presented in Nash,1994). Height assignment errors

Height assignment errors for rawinsonde winds in the troposphere and lower stratosphere will
be the same as those discussed for height measurements in PartI, Chapter12. These errors will
be highest for radiosondes using pressure sensors in the upper stratosphere, and would be most
significant for numerical weather prediction or climate studies if there were significant wind
shear in the vertical, such as in the polar-night vortex (see Figure13.1(b)).

For pilot balloons tracked with a single theodolite, height is derived from time into flight, and
the rate of ascent for the balloon is assumed. In practice, it is difficult to launch balloons with a
precisely determined rate of ascent. Thus, where there is significant vertical shear in the vertical
at low levels, possibly associated with significant differences in vertical velocity from thermals,
pilot-balloon measurements could be adversely affected by the height assignment errors.

Prototype testing of fully automated upper-wind systems often reveals discrepancies between
the times assigned to wind observations and those assigned to the associated radiosonde
measurements. In some cases, the wind timing is not initiated at the same time as that of the
radiosonde, in others synchronization is lost during flight for a variety of reasons. Times assigned
to the reported winds are not always those corresponding to the data sample used to compute
the wind, but rather to the time at the beginning or end of the sample. All types of timing error
could produce large errors in the heights assigned to wind measurements and need to be
eliminated during prototype testing if reliable operations are to be achieved. Target motion relative to the atmosphere

The motion of the target relative to the air matters most for systems with the highest tracking
accuracy and highest vertical resolution. For instance, the swinging of the GPS radiosonde under
a balloon is clearly visible in the GPS tracking measurements and must be filtered out as far as

The balloon motion relative to the atmosphere, introduced by the shedding of vortices by the
balloon wake, may result in errors as large as 1 to 2ms1 (2 level) when tracking small pilot
balloons (50g weight) at vertical resolutions of 50m. Balloon motion errors are less significant
in routine operational measurements (vertical resolutions of about 300m) where measurements
are obtained by tracking larger balloons (weight exceeding 350g).

The horizontal slip of the dropsonde parachutes relative to the atmosphere may also be the
limiting factor in the accuracy of GPS dropsonde measurements. The descent rates used in
dropsonde deployments are usually about twice the ascent rate of operational radiosonde

13.5.2 Errors in pilot-balloon observations

The instrumental errors of a good optical theodolite are not likely to exceed 0.05. The errors
may vary slowly with azimuth or elevation but are small compared with the errors introduced by
the observer. Errors of reading scales should not exceed 0.1. These errors become increasingly
important at long ranges and when working at low elevations.

In single-theodolite ascents, the largest source of error is the uncertainty in the balloon rate of
ascent. This uncertainty arises from variations in filling the balloon with gas, in the shape of the
balloon, and in the vertical velocity of the atmosphere through which the balloon ascends. A
given proportional error in the rate of ascent results in a proportional error in the height of the
balloon and, hence, as modified by elevation angle, a proportional error in wind speed.

In double-theodolite ascents, the effect of system errors depends upon the method of evaluation
adopted. Error analyses have been provided by Schaefer and Doswell (1978).

13.5.3 Errors of systems using a directional aerial

The relationship between vector wind errors and the errors of the actual tracking measurements
can be expressed as an approximate function of height and mean wind (or ratio of the latter to
the mean rate of ascent of the balloon). The relationships for random errors in primary radar and
radiotheodolite wind measurements are as follows:

(a) Primary or secondary radar measuring slant range, azimuth and elevation:

( )
v 2 = 2 r 2 Q 2 Q 2 + 1 + 2 h 2 + 2 h 2 Q 2 2 (13.3)


(b) Optical theodolite or radiotheodolite and radiosonde measuring azimuth, elevation angle
and height:

( )
v 2 = 2 h 2 Q 2 + 2 h 2 Q 2 + 1 + 2 h 2 Q 2 2 (13.4)

where v is the vector error in computed wind; r is the random error in the measurement of slant
range; is the random error in the measurement of elevation angle; is the random error in the
measurement of azimuth; h is the random error in height (derived from pressure measurement);
Q is the magnitude of mean vector wind up to height h divided by the mean rate of ascent of the
balloon up to height h; and is the time interval between samples.

Table 13.2 illustrates the differences in vector wind accuracy obtained with these two methods
of upper-wind measurement. The mean rate of ascent used in upper-wind measurements
will usually be in the range of 5 to 8ms1. The vector wind error values are derived from
equations13.3 and 13.4 for various heights and values of Q, for a system tracking with the
following characteristics: r 20 m; 0.1; 0.1; h height error equivalent to a pressure error of
1hPa; 1min.

Table 13.2 demonstrates that measurements with a radio (or optical) theodolite clearly produce
less accurate winds for a given tracking accuracy than primary or secondary radars.

In the expressions for vector error in the computed winds in equations13.3 and 13.4, the first two
terms within the square brackets represent the radial error and the error in the winds observed
with the same azimuth as the tracking aerial. The third term in the square brackets represents
the tangential error, the error in winds observed at right angles to the azimuth of the tracking
aerial. With these types of upper-wind systems, the error distribution is not independent of the
directions and cannot be adequately represented by a single parameter. Thus, the values in
Table13.2 indicate the size of the errors but not the direction in which they act.

When the tangential and radial errors are very different in size, the error distribution is highly
elliptic and the combined errors tend to concentrate either parallel to the axis of the tracking
antenna or perpendicular to the axis. Table13.3 shows the ratio of some of the tangential and
radial errors that are combined to give the vector errors in Table13.2. Values above 3 in Table13.3
indicate situations where the tangential error component dominates. Thus, in radar windfinding,
the tangential errors dominate at longer ranges (high mean winds and hence high Q values, plus
largest heights). With radiotheodolite windfinding, the radial errors dominate at longer ranges

Table 13.2. 90% vector error (m s 1) as a function of height and ratio Q of mean wind
to rate of ascent

Radar Radiotheodolite
v v v v v v v v v v v v
5 km 10 km 15 km 20 km 25 km 30 km 5 km 10 km 15 km 20 km 25 km 30 km
1 1 1 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 1 1.5 3 5.5 9 25

2 1 1.5 2.5 3 4 4 5 4 6.5 11 19 49

3 1.5 2.5 3 4 5 6 4 7 11 19 30 76

5 1.5 3 5 6 8 10 9 18 27 42 59 131

7 2.5 5 7 9 11 13 18 34 51 72 100 194

10 3 6.5 10 13 16 19 34 67 100 139 182 310

a This table does not include the additional errors introduced by multipath interference on radiotheodolite
observations. Additional errors can be expected from these effects for values of Q between 7 and 10.
b In practice, radiotheodolite wind observations are smoothed over thicker layers than indicated in these
calculations at all heights apart from 5km. Thus, at heights of 15km and above, the radiotheodolite errors should
be divided by at least a factor of four to correspond to operational practice.

Table 13.3. Ratio of upper-wind error components (v = tangential error/radial error)

Radar Radiotheodolite
v v v v v v v v v v v v
5 km 10 km 15 km 20 km 25 km 30 km 5 km 10 km 15 km 20 km 25 km 30 km
1 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1/3 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/13

2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/4 1/6 1/13

3 1 2 2 3 3 3 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/13

5 1 3 4 4 5 5 1/5 1/5 1/6 1/6 1/7 1/14

7 3 5 5 6 6 7 1/7 1/7 1/7 1/7 1/9 1/14

10 4 7 8 9 9 9 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/11 1/11 1/16

and the ratios become very much smaller than 1. Errors in elevation angle produce the major
contribution to the radiotheodolite radial errors. However, random errors in the radiosonde
height make the most significant contribution at high altitudes when values of Q are low.

The results in Tables 13.2 and 13.3 are based on a theoretical evaluation of the errors from
the different types of systems. However, it is assumed that winds are computed from a
simple difference between two discrete samples of tracking data. The computations take no
account of the probable improvements in accuracy from deriving rates of change of position
from large samples of tracking information obtained at high temporal resolution. Table13.4
contains estimates of the actual measurement accuracy achieved by a variety of radars and
radiotheodolites in the four phases of the WMO International Radiosonde Comparison (see
section13.6.1.2 for references to the tests).

Table 13.4. Estimates of the typical random vector errors (2 level, unit: ms 1) in upper-wind
measurements obtained during the WMO International Radiosonde Comparison (estimates
of typical values of Q and v for each of the four phases are included)

v v Q v v Q v v Q
System Test site
3 km 3 km 3 km 18 km 18 km 18 km 28 km 28 km 28 km
radar (United 1.1 1 3.5 2.1 1.3 5 2.7 1.6 5

Radiotheodolite United
2.1 1 1.5 4.8 1 2.5 5.2 1 1
(United States) Kingdom

Radiotheodolite United
2.8 1 2.5 10.4 0.4 6 9 0.33 4
(United States) States

1.5 1 <1 4.8 1 3 5.8 1 1.5 Kazakhstan

2.2 1 1.5 12 0.31 5.5 9 0.23 4 Japan

1.7 1 1.5 6.4 0.48 5.5 4.7 0.48 4 Japan

Secondary radar
(AVK, Russian 1.5 1 <1 2.6 1 3 2.6 1 1.5 Kazakhstan

1.5 1 <1 3.8 1 3 3.4 1 1.5 Kazakhstan
radar (China)
a Data obtained in the United Kingdom test following PhaseI of the WMO International Radiosonde Comparison
(See Edge et al., 1986)

Of the three radiotheodolites tested in the WMO International Radiosonde Comparison, the
Japanese system coped best with high Q situations, but this system applied a large amount
of smoothing to elevation measurements and did not measure vertical wind very accurately
in the upper layers of the jet streams. The smaller portable radiotheodolite deployed by the
United States in Japan had the largest wind errors at highQ because of problems with multipath

The ellipticity of the error distributions for radar and radiotheodolite observations showed the
tendencies predicted at high values of Q. However, the ellipticity in the errors was not as high
as that shown in Table13.3, probably because the random errors in the rates of change of the
azimuth and elevation were, in practice, smaller than those taken for Table13.3.

In the WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems in Yangjiang, China (WMO,
2011b), China used a modern secondary radar operating at 1 680 MHz with the Daqiao
radiosonde system. When winds were strong in the lower troposphere, values of Q at a height
of about 4km were between 2 and 3, range was about 15km, and the root-mean-square (RMS)
vector errors (k = 2) in the winds were about 1 to 1.2ms1 with an ellipticity between 1 and 1.3.
Towards the ends of the flights in the stratosphere, Q was again about 2.5 on average, but at
the longer ranges of 70 to 100km, v for k = 2 was about 2.7ms1 and the ellipticity was 2. The
reference winds in Yangjiang were GPS winds at a high vertical resolution, better than 150m,
whereas the vertical resolution of the working reference in Kazakhstan was 300m at the best.
Thus, the modern Chinese secondary radar was working well and is an improvement on the
previous 403MHz system.

13.5.4 Errors in the global positioning system windfinding systems

In theory, GPS windfinding systems using coarse acquisition ranging codes in a differential mode
should be capable of measuring winds to an uncertainty of 0.2ms1. The estimates of accuracy in
Table13.5 were made on the basis of recent WMO tests of GPS radiosondes. The main difference
between systems comes from the filtering applied to the winds to remove the motion of the
radiosonde relative to the balloon. This motion is partly a regular pendulum of the radiosondes
under the balloon, and partly some additional irregular rotation and displacement in reaction
to differences between the winds experienced by the balloon and the radiosonde as the balloon
ascent progresses.

Examples of simultaneous observations of winds obtained in the upper troposphere from the
GPS radiosondes in the WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems are shown in
Figure13.2. Only excerpts from the flights are shown because it is only when looking at a short
sample of data from the flights that the differences can be seen, as the general agreement is
much better than what the standard has been for earlier operational wind measurements.

The extracts in Figure 13.2 show that nearly all the systems agree well in resolving vertical
structure with peaks in the wave structures separated by about 90s, but not to the same extent
for fluctuations where the peaks were separated by 40s or less. Thus, the vertical wavelengths
that generally resolved without any ambiguity were 600m, but those where there was
considerable ambiguity corresponded to 200m or less. One system in Figure13.2(a) was over-
smoothed compared to the others, while one system in Figure13.2(b) attempted to fit straight
lines to the GPS measurements; both behaviours lead to outliers from the correct values on

These extracts, representing neither the best nor the worst, suggest that the processing of GPS
wind measurements is relatively mature and that a large number of manufacturers have achieved
satisfactory results. This was confirmed when the statistics from the 60flights performed with
operational GPS radiosondes in Yangjiang were generated (see Table13.5). In this table, the
wind differences (obtained from about 30comparison flights) were averaged over either 2min,
30s or 10s, and the best performance was attributed to the two systems with the lowest RMS
vector differences. The errors found in Table13.5 are good enough to meet the optimum user
requirement for winds stated in PartI, Chapter12, Annex12.A.

EW wind (including mean) NS wind (including mean)



Elapsed time



15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 m/sec 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 m/sec

(a) Flight 33: Jinyang, InterMet, Lockheed Martin Sippican, MODEM and Vaisala

EW wind (including mean) NS wind (including mean)


Elapsed time




14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 m/sec 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 m/sec

(b) Flight 34: Changfeng, Graw, Huayun, Meisei and Meteolabor

Figure 13.2. Extracts from intercomparison flights of GPS winds made at Yangjiang, China,
during the WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems (WMO, 2011b)

In time, the differences in the filtering of the GPS position measurements to minimize the effects
of the radiosonde measurements relative to the balloon will probably reduce compared to the
ranges indicated in Table13.5. However, the irregular movements (as opposed to the relatively
smooth pendulum motion) of the radiosonde relative to the balloon will limit the agreement
that can be obtained between two radiosondes in a test flight. For the same reason, the error in
an individual radiosonde measurement can be expected to be larger than might be computed
given the expected accuracy of radiosonde position that can be obtained with the satellite
radionavigation systems.

The external balloon of the double balloons used in China often burst near 16km, and the
resulting perturbations on the stability of the radiosonde motion may have led to the largest RMS
vector errors near 16km in Table13.5. In UK tests (60flights), conducted over several seasons in
2009/2010 on GPS radiosondes from two different manufacturers present in Yangjiang, results
in the lower troposphere and the stratosphere were similar to those in Table13.5. However,RMS

Table 13.5. Random vector error (k = 2) and systematic bias for good quality GPS navaid
windfinding systems during the WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems
in Yangjiang, China

Systematic RMS vector error RMS vector error RMS vector error
bias at 2km vertical at 300m vertical at 100m vertical
Height range
resolution resolution resolution
(ms1) (ms1) (ms1) (ms1)
Lower troposphere Up to 0.05 0.06 0.15 0.12 0.50 0.3 0.7
08 km

Upper troposphere Up to 0.10 0.1 0.4a 0.3 0.9a 0.4 1.4a

817 km

Stratosphere Up to 0.15 0.15 0.40b 0.3 0.8b 0.4 1.1b

1734 km
a Poorest performance found at heights near 16 km
b Poorest performance found at heights greater than 28 km

vector wind errors in the upper troposphere were in the range 0.3 to 0.6ms1 at a vertical
resolution of 100m, and 0.2 to 0.5ms1 at a vertical resolution of 300m. Thus, for these two
systems the fine structure in the wind measurements in the United Kingdom in the upper
troposphere agreed more closely than for the systems in Yangjiang.

On occasion, a GPS radiosonde malfunctions and does not report winds throughout a flight
when reporting temperature and humidity until the balloon bursts. On some occasions,
radio-frequency interference from an external source causes problems, and winds may have
larger errors. The processing software needs to be able to inform the operator when problems
like these are present, as it is difficult to distinguish between real atmospheric structure and
measurements with large random errors (for example, see the wind profile in Figure13.3).

Unlike the ground-based LORAN-C, the performance of the GPS winds will not vary significantly
with conditions in the ionosphere.
NS wind EW wind




Elapsed time







14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 m/sec 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 m/sec

Figure 13.3. Example of a vertical wind profile measured independently by GPS radiosondes
from two different manufacturers at Camborne, United Kingdom, and showing the small-
scale structure which is present in many correct measurements. The radiosonde processing
software needs to indicate which parts of a flight are less reliable when the reception of GPS
signals is clearly not as reliable as usual.

13.5.5 Errors in ground-based LORAN-C radionavigation systems

Navaid system errors depend on the phase stability of navaid signals received at the radiosonde
and upon the position of the radiosonde relative to the navaid network transmitters. However,
the quality of the telemetry link between the radiosonde and the ground receiver cannot be
ignored. In tests where radiosondes have moved out to longer ranges (at least 50 to 100km),
wind errors from the navaid windfinding systems are found to increase at the longer ranges,
but usually at a rate similar to or less than the increase with the range for a primary radar. Signal
reception from a radiosonde immediately after launch is not always reliable. LORAN-C wind
measurements have larger errors immediately after launch than when the radiosonde has settled
down to a stable motion several minutes into flight.

LORAN-C navaid wind measurement accuracy is mainly limited by the signal-to-noise ratios
in the signals received at the radiosonde. Integration times used in practice to achieve reliable
windfinding vary from 30s to 2min for LORAN-C signals. Signal strength received at a given
location from some LORAN-C transmitters may fluctuate significantly during the day. This is
usually because, under some circumstances, the diurnal variations in the height and orientation
of the ionospheric layers have a major influence on signal strength. The fluctuations in signal
strength and stability can be so large that successful wind measurement with LORAN-C may not
be possible at all times of the day.

A second major influence on LORAN-C measurement accuracy is the geometric dilution of

precision of the navigation system accuracy, which depends on the location of the radiosonde
receiver relative to the navaid transmitters. When the radiosonde is near the centre of the
baseline between the two transmitters, a given random error in the time of arrival difference
from two transmitters will result in a small random positional error in a direction that is parallel
to the baseline between the transmitters. However, the same random error in the time of arrival
difference will produce a very large positional error in the same direction if the radiosonde
is located on the extension of the baseline beyond either transmitter. The highest accuracy
for horizontal wind measurements in two dimensions requires at least two pairs of navaid
transmitters with their baselines being approximately at right angles, with the radiosonde
located towards the centre of the triangle defined by the three transmitters. In practice, signals
from more than two pairs of navaid transmitters are used to improve wind measurement
accuracy whenever possible. Techniques using least squares solutions to determine the
consistency of the wind measurements obtained prove useful in determining estimates of the
wind errors.

Disturbance in the propagation of the signals from the navaid network transmitters is another
source of error.

Passi and Morel (1987) performed an early study on LORAN wind errors. Commercially available
systems could produce wind data of good quality, as illustrated in Table13.6. The measurement
quality obtained when working with mainly ground-wave signals was derived from installation
tests in the British Isles as reported by Nash and Oakley (1992). The measurement quality
obtained when working with transmitters at longer ranges, where sky waves are significant,
was estimated from the results of PhaseIV of the WMO International Radiosonde Comparison
in Japan (see WMO, 1996). In the United Kingdom, LORAN-C windfinding was discontinued
because of uncertainty about the future of LORAN-C in north-west Europe and was replaced by
GPS windfinding at all operational sites.

Table 13.6. Random error (k = 2) and systematic bias expected from LORAN-C navaid
windfinding systems in areas where the coverage is close to optimum

System Averaging time (s) Systematic bias (ms1) Random error (ms1)
LORAN-C (ground wave) 30 60 Up to 0.2 0.6 3

LORAN-C (sky wave) 60 120 Up to 0.2 1.6 4


13.5.6 Representativeness errors

Most modern radiowind measurements observe small-scale variations in wind in the atmosphere
which are not represented in current numerical weather prediction models. Thus, for instance,
when GPS wind component profiles are compared directly with numerical model output from
global models, the standard deviation of observation/numerical model output (k = 2) in mid-
latitudes is usually between 4 and 6ms1 in the lower troposphere, and between 4 and 9ms1
in the upper troposphere, that is, it is always much larger than the instrumental vector errors
quoted in Table13.5 for a vertical resolution of 300m. Some of this discrepancy will result from
the poor accuracy of the reported winds as noted earlier in section13.1.3.2.

Root-mean-square vector differences between radiosonde upper-wind measurements 2, 6, 18

and 54h apart have been computed from the time series of measurements produced in the
WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems in Yangjiang, China (WMO, 2011b),
applying the technique used by Kitchen (1989). The results are shown as a function of height in

The RMS vector error in wind can then be expected to relate to time separation using the
relationship, after Kitchen (1989):

( ) + ( v(small scale) ( t )) (13.5)

( v ( t ) )
= bv t

where V(t) is the RMS vector difference between wind measurements separated by the time
separation t; and b V t is the structure function representing the RMS deviation due to synoptic
scale and mesoscale changes with time, with b V a constant and a constant. In Yangjiang, had
a value of between 0.5 and 0.6 for wind measurements in the troposphere at time separations
between 6 and 54h. Finally, V(small scale) (t) is the RMS vector difference in upper wind from small-
scale structures, such as quasi-inertial gravity waves, turbulent layers or cloud-scale structure.

In the troposphere in Yangjiang, the small-scale structure RMS vector difference was about
2ms1 0.5ms1, while the synoptic and mesoscale RMS vector difference was between

30 RMS, t = 130 min
28 RMS, t = 380 min
RMS, t = 18 h
22 RMS, t = 54 h
Height (km)

1 1.5 3 6 10 20
Root-mean-square vector wind difference for given time separations (m s )

Figure 13.4. Root-mean-square vector wind differences (k = 1) for time separations of 2, 6, 18

and 54h for 11pairs of observations, with vertical resolution of 1km, from the WMO
Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems in Yangjiang, China, in July 2010. The
contributions from instrumental error have been removed from the differences.

2and3ms1 at a time separation of 2h, increasing to about 7ms1 at a time separation of 18h.
These values are of similar magnitude to the values found by Kitchen (1989) in the lower and
middle troposphere in the United Kingdom. The RMS vector differences were higher in the upper
troposphere in the United Kingdom because of the synoptic scale variations associated with mid-
latitude jet streams. Whereas the synoptic and mesoscale vector difference might be expected
to fall to lower than 1ms1 at a time separation of 40min in Yangjiang, there is no information
on the time separations necessary to reduce the small-scale RMS vector difference to a value
less than 1ms1. This is why, to get close agreement between wind measurements, or for the
measurement to represent the conditions in the atmosphere at a given time with high accuracy,
the measurement needs to be performed at a time separation much lower than 20min, as stated
in section13.1.3.3.

In Yangjiang, the small-scale fluctuations associated with quasi-inertial gravity waves dominate
the variation of RMS vector difference with time, and it is not possible to fit a structure function
for synoptic and mesoscale variation with time, as was also found in the United Kingdom in
summertime conditions by Kitchen. The RMS vector differences at 18-hour time separation in
Yangjiang were in the range 5 to 9ms1, values of similar magnitude to those found in the United

Thus, representativeness errors in the winds will normally be most influenced by the small-scale
variations, with synoptic and mesoscale variations most likely to be significant in association
with the structures found with jet streams in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. As
a result, there will be variation between different sites, and the values discussed here are only a
snapshot of one type of location and synoptic condition, which did include measurements with
typhoons approaching and leaving the area.


13.6.1 Comparison

Upper-wind systems are usually fairly complex, with a number of different failure modes. It is
not uncommon for the systems to suffer a partial failure, while still producing a vertical wind
structure that appears plausible to the operators. Many of the systems need careful alignment
and maintenance to maintain tracking accuracy.

The wind measurement accuracy of operational systems can be checked by reference to

observation monitoring statistics produced by numerical weather prediction centres. The
monitoring statistics consist of summaries of the differences between the upper-wind
measurements from each site and the short-term forecast (background) fields for the same
location. With current data assimilation and analysis techniques, observation errors influence the
meteorological analysis fields to some extent. Thus, it has been shown that observation errors are
detected most reliably by using a short-term forecast from an analysis performed 6h before the
observation time.

The performance of upper-wind systems can also be compared with other systems of known
measurement quality in special tests. These tests can allow tracking errors to be evaluated
independently of height assignment errors.

Both types of comparisons may be interpreted using the statistical methods proposed in WMO
(1989). Operational monitoring by comparison with forecast fields

The statistics for daily comparisons between operational wind measurements and short-
term forecast fields of numerical weather prediction models can be made available to system
operators through the lead centres designated by the WMO Commission for Basic Systems.

Interpretation of the monitoring statistics for upper winds is not straightforward. The random
errors in the forecast fields are of similar magnitude or larger than those in the upper-wind
system if it is functioning correctly. The forecast errors vary with geographical location, and
guidance for their interpretation from the numerical weather prediction centre may be necessary.
However, it is relatively easy to identify upper-wind systems where the random errors are much
larger than normal. In recent years, about 6% of the upper-wind systems in the global network
have been identified as faulty. The system types associated with faulty performance have mainly
been radiotheodolites and secondary radar systems.

Summaries of systematic biases between observations and forecast fields over several months
or for a whole year are also helpful in identifying systematic biases in wind speed and wind
direction for a given system. Small misalignments of the tracking aerials of radiotheodolites or
radars are a relatively common fault. Comparison with other windfinding systems

Special comparison tests between upper-wind systems have provided a large amount of
information on the actual performance of the various upper-wind systems in use worldwide. In
these tests, a variety of targets are suspended from a single balloon and tracked simultaneously
by a variety of ground systems. The timing of the wind reports from the various ground stations
is synchronized to better than 1s. The wind measurements can then be compared as a function
of time into flight, and the heights assigned to the winds can also be compared independently.
The interpretation of the comparison results will be more reliable if at least one of the upper-wind
systems produces high-accuracy wind measurements with established error characteristics.

A comprehensive series of comparison tests was performed between 1984 and 1993 as part of
the WMO International Radiosonde Comparison. PhasesI and II of the tests were performed
in the United Kingdom and United States, respectively (WMO, 1987). PhaseIII was performed
by the Russian Federation at a site in Kazakhstan (WMO, 1991), and PhaseIV was performed in
Japan (WMO, 1996). Further tests in Brazil in 2001 (WMO, 2006a) were performed specifically
to identify problems in GPS windfinding in the tropics, and this led to improved GPS radiosonde
systems which were also tested in Mauritius in 2005 (WMO, 2006b) and most comprehensively
in Yangjiang, China in 2010 (WMO, 2011b).

The information in Tables13.4, 13.5 and 13.6 was primarily based on results from the WMO
International Radiosonde Comparison and additional tests performed to the same standard as
the WMO tests.

Now that the development of GPS windfinding systems is mature, most of these systems can be
used as reliable travelling standards for upper-wind comparison tests in more remote areas of the

13.6.2 Calibration

The calibration of slant range should be checked for radars using signal returns from a distant
object whose location is accurately known. Azimuth should also be checked in a similar fashion.

The orientation of the tracking aerials of radiotheodolites or radars should be checked regularly
by comparing the readings taken with an optical theodolite. If the mean differences between the
theodolite and radar observations of elevation exceed 0.1, the adjustment of the tracking aerial
should be checked. When checking azimuth using a compass, the conversion from geomagnetic
north to geographical north must be performed accurately.

With navaid systems, it is important to check that the ground system location is accurately
recorded in the ground system computer. The navaid tracking system needs to be configured
correctly according to the manufacturers instructions and should be in stable operation prior to
the radiosonde launch.

13.6.3 Maintenance

Radiotheodolites and radars are relatively complex and usually require maintenance by an
experienced technician. The technician will need to cope with both electrical and mechanical
maintenance and repair tasks. The level of skill and frequency of maintenance required will
vary with the system design. Some modern radiotheodolites have been engineered to improve
mechanical reliability compared with the earlier types in use. The cost and feasibility of
maintenance support must be considered important factors when choosing the type of upper-
wind system to be used.

Electrical faults in most modern navaid tracking systems are repaired by the replacement of
faulty modules. Such modules would include, for instance, the radiosonde receivers or navaid
tracker systems. There are usually no moving parts in the navaid ground system and mechanical
maintenance is negligible, though antenna systems, cables and connectors should be regularly
inspected for corrosion and other weathering effects. Provided that sufficient spare modules are
purchased with the system, maintenance costs can be minimal.


When radiowind observations are produced by a radar system, the radar tracking information is
used to compute the height assigned to the wind measurements. These radar heights need to be
corrected for the curvature of the Earth using the following:

zcurvature = 0.5 ( rs cos ) ( Rc + rs sin ) (13.6)


where rs is the slant range to the target; is the elevation angle to the target; and Rc is the radius
of the Earth curvature at the ground station.

In addition, the direction of propagation of the radar beam changes since the refractive index
of air decreases on average with height, as temperature and water vapour also decrease with
height. The changes in refractive index cause the radar wave to curve back towards the Earth.
Thus, atmospheric refraction usually causes the elevation angle observed at the radar to be larger
than the true geometric elevation of the target.

Typical magnitudes of refraction corrections, zrefraction, are shown in Table13.7. These were
computed by Hooper (1986). With recent increases in available processing power for ground
system computers, algorithms for computing refractive index corrections are more readily
available for applications with high-precision tracking radars. The corrections in Table13.7 were
computed from five-year climatological averages of temperature and water vapour for a variety
of locations. On days when refraction errors are largest, the correction required could be larger
than the climatological averages in Table13.7 by up to 30% at some locations.

Table 13.7. Examples of corrections to radar height observations for Earth curvature
and typical refraction

Plan range (km) Altitude (km) zcurvature zrefraction zrefraction zrefraction

60N 01W 36N 14E 1S 73E

25 10 49 9 10 12

50 15 196 31 34 39

100 20 783 106 117 133

150 25 1 760 211 231 262

200 30 3 126 334 363 427


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14.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  450
14.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  450
14.1.2 Units and scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  450
14.1.3 Meteorological requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  451
14.1.4 Observation methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  451
14.2 Observation of present and past weather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  451
14.2.1 Precipitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  452 Objects of observation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  452 Instruments and measuring devices: precipitation type . . . . . . . . . . .  452 Instruments and measuring devices: precipitation intensity
and character. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  454 Instruments and measuring devices: multi-sensor approach . . . . . . .  455
14.2.2 Atmospheric obscurity and suspensoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  455 Objects of observation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  455 Instruments and measuring devices for obscurity and
suspensoid characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  455
14.2.3 Other weather events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  456 Objects of observation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  456 Instruments and measuring devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  457
14.2.4 State of the sky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  457 Objects of observation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  457 Instruments and measuring devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  457
14.3 Observation of state of the ground. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  458
14.3.1 Objects of observation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  458
14.3.2 Instruments and measuring devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  458
14.4 Observation of special phenomena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  458
14.4.1 Electrical phenomena. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  458
14.4.2 Optical phenomena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  459


REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  462



14.1.1 Definitions

In observational practice the term weather is regarded as covering those observations of the
state of the atmosphere, and of phenomena associated with it, which were initially not intended
to be measured quantitatively. These observations are qualitative descriptions of phenomena
observed in the atmosphere or on the Earths surface, such as precipitation (hydrometeor falling
through the atmosphere), suspended or blowing particles (hydrometeors and lithometeors),
or other specially designated optical phenomena (photometeor) or electrical manifestations
(electrometeor). Detailed descriptions can be found in WMO (1975).

A hydrometeor is an ensemble of liquid or solid water particles suspended in, or falling through,
the atmosphere, blown by the wind from the Earths surface, or deposited on objects on the
ground or in free air.

A lithometeor is an ensemble of particles most of which are solid and non-aqueous. The particles
are more or less suspended in the air, or lifted by the wind from the ground.

A photometeor is a luminous phenomenon produced by the reflection, refraction, diffraction or

interference of light from the sun or the moon.

An electrometeor is a visible or audible manifestation of atmospheric electricity.

A special class of weather phenomena are localized weather events. Definitions of such events
can be found in WMO (1992). Specific events such as dust whirls and funnel clouds are defined
and described in section14.2.3.

In meteorological observations, weather is reported in two forms. Present weather (PW) is a

description of the weather phenomena present at the time of observation. Past weather is used to
describe significant weather events occurring during the previous hour, but not occurring at the
time of observation.

This chapter also describes the methods of observing a related item, namely the state of the
ground. State of the ground refers to the condition of the Earths surface resulting from the recent
climate and weather events, in terms of the amount of moisture or description of any layers of
solid, or aqueous or non-aqueous particles covering the normal surface.

14.1.2 Units and scales

At manned stations, the observations identified as present weather, past weather and state of the
ground are reported together with quantitative data. Such observations have been standardized
on scales that enable the observer to select an appropriate term from a large number of
descriptions derived from the perceptions of human observers and laid down in WMO (2011).

Since 1990, the introduction of automated weather stations has created the need to quantify
the functions previously performed by observers. In order to accommodate the varying levels
of sophistication and effectiveness of automated meteorological stations in observing present
and past weather, specific coding directives have been included in WMO (2011). Because of the

complexity of reporting data on present and past weather determined by sophisticated present
weather systems, such data should be reported as quantities in binary code format given that the
alphanumeric code format suffers from many restrictions in comprehensive reporting.1

14.1.3 Meteorological requirements

Present and past weather, as well as the state of the ground, are primarily meant to serve as a
qualitative description of weather events. They are required basically because of their impact
on human activities and transport safety, as well as for their significance for understanding and
forecasting synoptic weather systems. Several other chapters in this Guide deal with related
topics. The quantitative measurement of precipitation amounts is described in PartI, Chapter6,
and cloud observations are described in PartI, Chapter15. PartII addresses topics that are
specific to aeronautical and marine observations, automated systems, radar and atmospherics.

In this chapter, weather observations of interest in the determination of present and past weather
are categorized into three types, namely precipitation (falling hydrometeors), atmospheric
obscurity and suspensoids (lithometeors and suspended or blowing hydrometeors), and other
weather events (such as funnel clouds, squalls and lightning). Liquid precipitation or fog which
leave frozen deposits on surfaces are included in the appropriate precipitation and suspended
hydrometeor category.

Other phenomena, such as those of an optical nature (photometeors) or electrometeors other

than lightning, are indicators of particular atmospheric conditions and may be included in the
running record maintained at each station of the weather sequence experienced. However, they
are of no significance in the determination of present and past weather when coding standard
meteorological observations, and are included here only for completeness.

14.1.4 Observation methods

The only current capability for observing all of the different forms of weather are the visual and
auditory observations of a trained human observer. However, given the high cost of maintaining
a significant staff of trained observers, a number of Meteorological Services are increasing their
use of automated observing systems in primary observing networks, as well as continuing their
use for supplementing manned networks with automated observations from remote areas.

Basic research (Bespalov et al., 1983) has confirmed the possibility that weather phenomena may
be determined by the logical analysis of a group of data variables. No single sensor is currently
available which classifies all present weather; rather, data from a variety of sensors are used (such
as visibility, temperature, dewpoint, wind speed and the differentiation of rain versus snow) to
make such determinations. Automated observing systems have the capability to perform this
logical analysis, but they vary in their ability to observe the required weather phenomenon,
based on the instrumentation included in the system and the sophistication of the algorithms.
While automated systems cannot observe all types of weather event, those of significance can be
observed, making such systems cost-effective alternatives to the fully trained human observer.


The observations to be recorded under the present weather and past weather headings include
the phenomena of precipitation (rain, drizzle, snow, ice pellets, snow grains, diamond dust and
hail), atmospheric obscurity and suspensoids (haze, dust, smoke, mist, fog, drifting and blowing
snow, dust or sandstorms, dust devils), funnel clouds, squalls and lightning.

Recommendation3 (CBS-XII) refers to the requirement to report observed quantities rather than qualitative
parameters for present weather in observation from automatic stations in FM94 BUFR and FM95 CREX.

When observing present weather, it is necessary to note the various phenomena occurring at
the station or in sight of the station at the time of observation. In synoptic reports, if there is no
precipitation at the time of observation, account is taken of the conditions during the last hour in
selecting the code figure.

14.2.1 Precipitation Objects of observation

The character of precipitation can be defined as being one of three forms, namely showers,
intermittent precipitation and continuous precipitation. Showers are the precipitation events
associated with physically separated convective clouds. Observers (or instruments replacing
humans) also have to classify precipitation into the three intensity categories, namely light,
moderate and heavy, according to the rates of precipitation fall or other related factors (such as

The type of precipitation (rain, drizzle, snow, hail) is the third major observable of precipitation.
Observations of rain or drizzle at low temperatures should distinguish whether or not the
precipitation is freezing. By definition, frozen rain or drizzle causes glazed frost by freezing on
coming into contact with solid objects. Solid precipitation can occur in the form of diamond
dust, snow grains, isolated star-like snow crystals, ice pellets and hail, full descriptions of which
are given in WMO (1975).

The precipitation character (intermittent, continuous, showery) and type (rain, drizzle, snow,
hail) affect the definition of scales of precipitation intensity. Several combined Commission for
Instruments and Methods of Observation/Commission for Basic Systems expert team meetings
have developed tables to obtain a more universal relation between the qualitative and subjective
interpretation by an observer and the measured quantities obtained by a present-weather
system. For an example of these tables and other relations, see the annex. Instruments and measuring devices: precipitation type

One major area of instrumentation involves the identification of the type of precipitation.
Systems which are currently under evaluation, or in operational use, generally involve optical
methods or radar (van der Meulen, 2003). Field tests (WMO, 1998) have shown that all of these
systems are capable of detecting major precipitation types except for the very lightest snow
or drizzle in over 90% of occurrences compared to a trained observer. The percentage of
detection of very light precipitation is usually much lower.2 Sophisticated algorithms are required
to differentiate between several of the precipitation types. For example, wet or melting snow is
difficult to distinguish from rain. Sensors detecting precipitation type are listed below.

Forward-scatter/backscatter present weather sensor

A variety of scatter sensors are used to report present weather, in particular precipitation type.
In general, scatter of a light source by the precipitation particles is observed under a fixed angle.
This gives information on the size of the particles. Additional measurements (such as water
content of the particles, fall speed, temperature) help determine the nature of the particles. For
example, large particles with small water content will be classified as snow. Some sensors report
unidentified precipitation when the precipitation type cannot be properly determined by the
system. This mainly occurs at low precipitation intensities and during the start and cessation
of precipitation events. Apart from precipitation type, these sensors may (depending on the
sensor type) also provide precipitation intensity, precipitation duration (thus able to indicate
intermittent precipitation) and visibility.

The threshold for the detection of rain intensity is 0.02mmh1 (see PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.E).

These sensors are widely in use and generally give acceptable results for common precipitation
types (rain, snow), with 70%90% detection rates (WMO, 1998), depending on the exact test set
up and the specific instrument. Other precipitation types are not so well observed, particularly
mixed precipitation (rain and snow) and hail. Thresholds for light precipitation may vary.

Optical disdrometer

Optical disdrometers are also used to determine precipitation type. These instruments use
the extinction of a horizontal (infrared) light sheet to detect hydrometeors. When a particle
falls through the light sheet, the receiver intensity is reduced. The amplitude of this reduction
correlates with the particle size, and the duration correlates with the particle fall speed. The
type of precipitation is determined by comparing the particle fall speed distribution of a series
of detected particles against known relationships for different types of liquid, mixed and solid

These sensors also generally give acceptable results for common precipitation types. Detection
rates compared to human observers are similar to those found for scatter sensors (WMO, 2005a).
Again, mixed precipitation types and hail are difficult to detect.

Doppler radar

Specific Doppler radars can also be used to determine precipitation type. The (vertically) emitted
beam from the radar is backscattered by the falling hydrometeors. From the Doppler shift of
the backscattered signal, the particle fall speeds can be determined. Near the ground, these
are terminal fall velocities and correspond with the particle sizes. Some instruments have a
measuring volume above the sensor; others determine the fall speeds at different altitudes above
the sensor to determine precipitation type. Additional measurements (for example, surface
temperature) are also used.

Different types of Doppler radar are available for detection of precipitation type. They tend to
be insensitive to small particles, like all radar-based detection techniques. Some types show
similar results compared with forward-scatter/backscatter sensors and disdrometers, that is, they
produce decent results for rain and for snow, but not for mixtures. Hail is not observed.

Impact detector

This type of sensor consists of a piezoelectric material which is capable of detecting the impact
of the individual hydrometeors. The difference between the impact of hail and rain differs
sufficiently to distinguish these two precipitation types. Other precipitation types are not

Since only rain and hail can be reported, this sensor is not a fully operational present-weather
sensor. The hail detection part may, however, be helpful to some users, since this is generally a
weak point of other present weather sensors.

Acoustic detector

The acoustic detector senses the sound of the falling hydrometeors. This is related to the
precipitation type. The sensor was developed to supplement a forward-scatter/backscatter PW
sensor, in particular to improve the detection of hail and ice pellets.

Initial results of the sensor were promising (Wade, 2003; Loeffler-Mang, 2009).

Other methods

Cameras can also be used to monitor precipitation type. An observer/operator can then monitor
the various cameras from a central facility. A proper background needs to be selected in order to
observe the precipitation. Since this type of measurement requires an observer/operator, it is not
an automatic measurement of present/past weather.

A sensor specifically designed to detect freezing rain or glaze is in operational use (Starr and van
Cauwenberghe, 1991). It senses the amount of ice accumulation on a probe. The probe vibrates
at a frequency that is proportional to the mass of the probe. When ice freezes on the probe, its
mass changes and the vibration frequency decreases. A heater is built into the sensor to de-ice
the probe when required. The sensor has also been found effective for identifying wet snow.

Icing detectors may be used to identify freezing precipitation. Various methods exist. For
instance, the weight of ice on a pole can be measured. Another method uses a probe that
vibrates ultrasonically and the frequency of this probe changes when ice is formed on it. An
extensive test has recently been performed (Fikke et al., 2007). Results from PW sensors improve
by including data from icing detectors, particularly freezing rain (Sheppard and Joe, 2000).
Automated Weather Observing Systems (AWOSs) use this technique. Instruments and measuring devices: precipitation intensity and character

Present weather reports include an indication for the intensity of precipitation and thus of the
precipitation character (that is, showers, intermittent precipitation or continuous precipitation).
In many cases, these parameters are measured by the same sensor that determines the
precipitation type. But it is also possible to employ a different sensor for this purpose. Measuring
intensity also allows for the determination of intermittent precipitation (for example, snow
showers). A laboratory and field intercomparison for precipitation intensity measurements has
recently been completed (WMO, 2006a, 2009). This intercomparison included many different
instruments using a variety of measurement techniques for collecting precipitation. Automatic
measurement methods to provide an indication of precipitation intensity are listed below.

Forward-scatter/backscatter present weather sensor

The sensor is described in section By combining the particle size distribution, number of
particles and precipitation type, the intensity of the precipitation is calculated. The precipitation
intensity determined in this manner is usually less accurate than using conventional methods
(for example, weighing raingauges, tipping-bucket raingauges). Calibration of the precipitation
intensity is also a problem. For a coarse indication of precipitation intensity (light, heavy, etc.),
this method is usable. Manufacturers are working on refining the precipitation intensity output.

Optical disdrometer

This sensor type is also described in section By combining the particle size distribution,
number of particles and precipitation type, the intensity of the precipitation is calculated. Work is
being done to refine the precipitation intensity output (see, for example, WMO, 2006b).

Doppler radar

The sensor is described in section By combining the particle size distribution, number
of particles and precipitation type, the intensity of the precipitation is calculated. Precipitation
intensity results have shown decent correlations ( = 0.9) with conventional raingauges when
30min intervals are considered (see Peters et al., 2002).


There are many different types of conventional raingauges. These are based on several
different measurement methods and described in PartI, Chapter6. They are generally designed
to measure precipitation amount, although some (smaller) instruments are also specifically
designed to give (an indication of) precipitation intensity. Those raingauges designed for
precipitation amount tend to be less accurate in reporting precipitation intensity. However,
an indication of precipitation intensity, which is required for the present weather reporting, is
generally satisfactory. Also, many manufacturers are improving these instruments with respect to
the precipitation intensity (WMO, 2006a, 2009). Instruments and measuring devices: multi-sensor approach

To determine present weather characteristics and quantities of precipitation, observing systems

use a variety of sensors in combination with algorithms. This multi-sensor approach creates a
constraint on the techniques involved. Typical observations also involved are the measurement
of precipitation, visibility, air temperature, dewpoint and cloud base. The algorithms are
characterized by filtering (for example, liquid precipitation only if the air temperature is above
6C). Combining numerous sensors to determine present weather is also used in road-weather
systems (see also section14.3).

14.2.2 Atmospheric obscurity and suspensoids Objects of observation

In reports taking into account the atmospheric conditions during the last hour, haze should be
distinguished from mist or water fog. With haze, the air is relatively dry, whereas with mist or
water fog, there is usually evidence of high humidity in the form of water droplets or rime on
grass, leaves, etc. If the station is equipped with measuring instruments, it is fairly safe to assume
that the obscurity is haze if the relative humidity is less than a certain percentage, for example
80%, and if the visibility is within certain limit values, for example, greater than 1km in the
horizontal, and greater than 2km in the vertical. Mist is to be reported at high humidity values
and at a visibility of 1km or more. In synoptic reporting, fog is regarded as applying to water
or ice fogs, generally reducing the horizontal visibility at the Earths surface to less than 1km.
Wherever the term fog occurs in present weather and past weather codes, it should be read in
this sense. In climatological summaries, however, all occasions of visibility of less than 1km are
regarded as fog.

Rime deposit is caused by the solidification into ice of water droplets in fog on coming into
contact with solid objects at a temperature below freezing point. The present and past weather
codes do not distinguish between different types of rime.

Drifting or blowing snow is snow blown off the ground into the air after it has already fallen. In
the present weather code, drifting and blowing snow are distinguished separately, the former
referring to snow not raised above the observers eye level.

Other meteorological phenomena to be identified include widespread dust in suspension in the

air, dust or sand raised by wind, a duststorm and sandstorm caused by turbulent winds raising
large quantities of dust or sand into the air and reducing visibility severely, dust whirls or sand
whirls and, occasionally, funnel clouds.

WMO (1975) should be at the observers disposal as an auxiliary means. Instruments and measuring devices for obscurity and suspensoid characteristics

A possible approach for the identification of obscurity and suspensoid characteristics is the
complex processing of measured values which can act as predictors. This approach requires

researching the meteorological quantities that accompany the formation, intensification and
disappearance of the phenomenon, as well as determining the limiting conditions. The problem
of identifying fog, mist, haze, snowstorms and duststorms is reported in Goskomgidromet (1984)
and WMO (1985). The meteorological visual range serves as the most important indicating
element. Of the remaining variables, wind velocity, humidity, temperature and dewpoint have
proved to be important identifying criteria.

Instruments measuring visibility can be used to determine the meteorological visual range, as
described in PartI, Chapter9, particularly section9.3. Note that for the determination of fog,
mist and haze, however, the range of these instruments can be limited to a few kilometres. Three
types of visibility instruments used in the determination of fog, haze and mist are described


Transmissometers measure the extinction of a light source over a known distance. Usually, the
light of a flash lamp is detected at a distance of between 10 and 200m. The visibility is calculated
from the extinction of this light. In order to increase the range of detection, two detectors at
different distances can be used (a so-called double-baseline transmissometer). Transmissometers
are well suited to measure visibility, and are widely in use, particularly at airports. For larger
visibilities, the uncertainty in the measurement increases with an increase in visibility (for further
details, see PartI, Chapter9). They are relatively expensive to install and to maintain, as they
require regular cleaning. Some transmissometers are capable of maintaining their operational
accuracy significantly longer due to automatic calibration and automatic compensation of
contamination effects.

Forward-scatter sensor

This sensor is described in section14.2.1.2. Apart from precipitation type, visibility can also
be measured using this instrument. The amount of scatter is related to the optical extinction.
This is determined empirically in the calibration process by comparing the output with a
transmissometer. Forward-scatter sensors are also well suited for measuring visibility and are
being used increasingly. Compared to the transmissometer, the forward-scatter sensor can be
generally used for a larger visibility range. One drawback is that its calibration is not trivial and
needs attention. The instrument is relatively inexpensive to install and to maintain, as it does not
require cleaning as often as transmissometers. Certain sensors can further extend the cleaning
interval by automatic compensation of the optical impact of contamination.


A relatively small lidar system can also be used to determine the visibility used in the
determination of fog. A diode laser emits light pulses, and the light reflected back by the fog/
haze particles (if present) is measured. The visibility is determined from the intensity of the
reflected light and its time-of-flight. The visibility range measured by a lidar is limited, but for the
determination of fog and haze and similar phenomena, a large visibility range is not required.

14.2.3 Other weather events Objects of observation

One event of critical importance in the protection of life and property is the recognition and
observation of funnel clouds.

Funnel cloud (tornado or waterspout): A phenomenon consisting of an often violent whirlwind,

revealed by the presence of a cloud column or inverted cloud cone (funnel cloud), protruding
from the base of a cumulonimbus. The cloud may extend all the way down to the Earths surface,

but not necessarily reaching the ground, in which case water, dust, sand or litter may be raised,
producing a bush around the tip of the funnel. The diameter can vary from a few metres to
some hundreds of metres. A funnel cloud is considered well developed if the violent rotating
column of air touches the ground or water surface. A well-developed funnel cloud is considered a
tornado when over ground, and a waterspout when over water. The most violent tornadoes can
have associated wind speeds of up to 150ms1.

Dust/sand whirls (dust devils): A rapidly rotating column of air usually over dry and dusty or sandy
ground which carries dust and other light material picked up from the ground. Dust or sand
whirls are a few metres in diameter. Normally, in the vertical they extend no higher than 60 to
90m (dust devils). Well-developed dust/sand whirls in very hot desert regions may reach 600m.

Squall: A strong wind that rises suddenly, lasts for a few minutes, then passes away. Squalls
are frequently associated with the passage of cold fronts. In such circumstances, they occur in
a line and are typically accompanied by a sharp fall in temperature, veering wind (northern
hemisphere) or backing wind (southern hemisphere), a rise in relative humidity, and a roll-
shaped cloud with a horizontal axis (line squall).

The definition of a thunderstorm (see WMO, 1992) is an example of deriving the description
exclusively from the perception of human observers. The event should be considered as a
thunderstorm when thunder is heard (even if lightning is not observed). Instruments and measuring devices

The presence of funnel clouds, or tornadoes, can often be determined with the use of weather
radar (see PartII, Chapter7). Modern Doppler weather radars have become quite effective in the
recognition of mesocyclones, thus providing more detailed and advanced information about this
severe weather phenomenon than visual observation alone.

Squalls can be determined from the discrete succession of measured values of wind velocity. If
the output of a wind velocity measuring device is combined with that of a wind direction sensor,
a thermometer or a humidity sensor, the identification of a line squall seems to be possible.

Thunderstorms are mainly detected through the use of lightning counters. On the basis of
the instructions provided to observers and issued by different Services, a certain number of
lightning strokes per interval of time must be selected which can be used in combination with
precipitation rates or wind speeds to define slight, moderate and heavy thunderstorms (see
PartII, Chapter6).

14.2.4 State of the sky Objects of observation

The specifications of the state of the sky are used to describe the progressive changes that have
occurred in the sky during a given time. Changes in the total amount of clouds, in the height of
the cloud base and in the type of cloud are to be considered likewise. Instruments and measuring devices

Cloud amount characteristics (total cloud cover in oktas, height of cloud base, and total cloud
cover in various cloud layers) can be approximated from the variation of cloud-base height
measured by a cloud-base optical measuring system by the application of statistical methods
(see also PartI, Chapter15). Obviously, this is limited to cloud layers within the vertical range of
the cloud-base measuring system (Persin, 1987; US NOAA, 1988; ICEAWS, 1999).


14.3.1 Objects of observation

State of the ground refers to the condition of the surface resulting from recent weather events in
terms of amount of moisture or a description of solid, aqueous or non-aqueous particles covering
the natural surface. Observations of the state of the ground (symbolic letters E and E) should be
made in accordance with the specifications given in WMO (2011).

Reporting state of the ground is also a part of present weather reporting, which, until recently,
was carried out solely by human observers. Automatic measurement of state of the ground
is still relatively new (for example, see Stacheder et al., 2008) and not widely in use. Some
meteorological institutes are working on standardizing the surface(s) to be observed.

14.3.2 Instruments and measuring devices

Research has shown that it is possible to discriminate main states of soil by means of reflecting
and scattering phenomena (dry, humid, wet, snow-covered, rimed or iced) (Gaumet et al., 1991).
Methods in use are briefly described below.

Scatter sensor: These sensors have an optical design that uses the reflecting and scattering
properties of the surface. Various light sources may be used. For example, flux from a white light
source reflected from a reference tile will depend on the state of this surface. Other
(road-) sensors analyse reflection of an infrared light source on a road surface. Here the
wavelength of the reflected light depends on the state of the surface. Not all these sensors are
suited for meteorological purposes, as they may be designed for surfaces other than natural
surfaces. Sensors are currently being improved.

Capacitive sensor: A new, capacitive sensor is currently being developed and tested. A grid mat
with conductive strips is placed on the (natural) surface. It is basically a capacitor with the natural
ground as the dielectric. The dielectric constant for dry and wet earth differs considerably. The
capacitance thus depends on the humidity of surface and, by measuring the absolute values and
phase of the emitted signals at two frequencies, the state of the ground can be determined. The
first results of the tests look promising, but this sensor is still under development.

Combination of sensors: Particularly for road surfaces, a combination of sensors may be used to
determine the surface state. For example, optical detection may determine the surface coverage;
a conductivity measurement may determine the presence of chemical substances, surface
temperature and ground temperature, and so forth. All these measurements, combined with
atmospheric data, can be used in determining road condition. However, state of the ground is
defined as the state on the natural surface present; this method thus determines not the exact
state of the ground, but a related property.

Cameras (and observer): Cameras are also used to determine state of the ground. They can be
pointed at various surfaces and an observer/operator determines the state of the ground. As this
method is basically a manual method of observation, it is not analysed here.


14.4.1 Electrical phenomena

Electrometeors either correspond to discontinuous electrical discharges (lightning, thunder) or

occur as more or less continuous phenomena (Saint Elmos fire, polar aurora). Full descriptions of
electrometeors are given in WMO (1975).

Special records of lightning should include information regarding its type and intensity, the
frequency of flashes and the range of azimuth over which discharges are observed; the lapse of

time between lightning and the corresponding thunder should be noted. Care should be taken
to distinguish between the actual lightning flash and its possible reflection on clouds or haze.
Automatic detection systems for lightning location are in operational use in many countries.
PartII, Chapter6, contains more information on this topic.

Exceptional polar aurora should be described in detail. Light filters, where available, may be
used as a means of increasing the sensitivity of the observations, and theodolites or clinometers
(alidades) may be used to increase the accuracy of the angular measurements.

14.4.2 Optical phenomena

A photometeor is a luminous phenomenon produced by the reflection, refraction, diffraction

or interference of light from the sun or moon. Photometeors may be observed in more or less
clear air (mirage, shimmer, scintillation, green flash, twilight colours), on or inside clouds (halo
phenomena, corona, irisation, glory) and on or inside certain hydrometeors or lithometeors
(glory, rainbow, fog bow, Bishops ring, crepuscular rays).

Observers should take careful note of any optical phenomena that occur. A written description
should be accompanied by drawings and photographs, if possible. Full descriptions of these
phenomena are given in WMO (1975). Concise instructions for observing the more common
phenomena are given in some observers handbooks, for example, the United Kingdom
Meteorological Office (1982).

A theodolite is a very suitable instrument for precise measurements. However, when one is not
available, a graduated stick held at arms length is useful; with the occurrence of a mock sun, the
position may be determined by noting its relation to fixed landmarks. The diameter of a corona
may be estimated by taking the angular diameter of the sun or moon as approximately half a

(Light, moderate and heavy precipitation defined with respect to the type of precipitation and to
intensity, i)a

Variable Range Intensity

Drizzle i < 0.1 mm h 1
0.1 i < 0.5 mm h1 Moderate
i 0.5 mm h1 Heavy

Rain (also showers) i < 2.5 mm h1 Light

2.5 i < 10.0 mm h1 Moderate
10.0 i < 50.0 mm h1 Heavy
i 50.0 mm h1 Violentb

Snow (also showers) i < 1.0 mm h1 (water equivalent) Light

1.0 i < 5.0 mm h1 (water equivalent) Moderate
i 5.0 mm h1 (water equivalent) Heavy
a Intensity values based on a 3min measurement period.
b The term violent, as it pertains to precipitation rate, is inconsistent with the other categories and is confusing.
Aterm such as intense or extreme may be more appropriate.

Mixed precipitation of rain and snow

The same as for snow (since the rain/snow ratio is not subject to any measurement, a simple
choice should be made).

Hail: The same as for rain.

Ice pellets and snow pellets: The same as for snow.

Freezing phenomena: The same as for the non-freezing phenomena.

Guide for approximating the intensity of snow

Light: Snowflakes small and sparse; in the absence of other obscuring phenomena, snow at this
intensity generally reduces visibility, but to no less than 1000m.

Moderate: Larger, more numerous flakes generally reducing visibility to between 400 and

Heavy: Numerous flakes of all sizes generally reducing visibility to below 400m.

Showers or intermittent precipitation

Automated systems should report showers or intermittent precipitation. Intermittent can be

defined as no precipitation within 10min of two consecutive precipitation events, i.e. if there is
period of 10min of no precipitation in a running 10min average of precipitation within the last
hour, it should be reported as intermittent.

Recommended by the WMO Expert Meeting on Automation of Visual and Subjective Observations (Trappes/Paris,
France, 1416May 1997) and the Working Group on Surface Measurements (Geneva, 2731August 2001).

Representativeness of present weather events

A present weather event may be well defined by a 3min observing period. The highest running
3min average in the 10min period should be reported for present weather.

Bespalov, S.M. et al., 1983: Osnovnyje voprosy razrabotki setevoj avtomaticeskoj gidrometeorologiceskoj stancii
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Measurements and data collection on icing: State of the Art, MeteoSwiss, No.75.
Gaumet, J.L., P. Salomon and R. Paillisse, 1991: Automatic observations of the state of the soil for
meteorological applications. Preprints of the Seventh Symposium on Meteorological Observations
and Instrumentation: Special Sessions on Laser Atmospheric Studies, American Meteorological
Society (New Orleans, 1418January 1991), pp.J191J193.
Goskomgidromet, 1984: Opredelenije atmosfernych javlenij po dannym avtomaticeskich stancij, soveqanije
gruppy ekspertov GMS/MS socialisticeskich stran po teme 9.1. KR GMS/MS [Identification of
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CHAPTER 15. OBSERVATION OF CLOUDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  465

15.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  465
15.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  465
15.1.2 Units and scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  466
15.1.3 Meteorological requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  466
15.1.4 Observation and measurement methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  467 Cloud amount. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  467 Cloud-base height. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  467 Cloud type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  467
15.2 Estimation and observation of cloud amount, cloud-base height and cloud
type by human observer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  468
15.2.1 Making effective estimations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  468
15.2.2 Estimation of cloud amount. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  468
15.2.3 Estimation of cloud-base height. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  468
15.2.4 Observation of cloud type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  469
15.3 Instrumental measurements of cloud amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  470
15.3.1 Using a laser ceilometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  470
15.3.2 Using a pyrometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  471
15.3.3 Using a sky camera. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  471
15.4 Instrumental measurement of cloud-base height. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  472
15.4.1 Using a laser ceilometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  472 Measurement method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  472 Exposure and installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  473 Sources of error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  473 Calibration and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  473
15.4.2 Using a rotating beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  474 Measurement method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  474 Exposure and installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  474 Sources of error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  475 Calibration and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  475
15.4.3 Using a searchlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  475 Measurement method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  475 Exposure and installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  476 Sources of error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  476 Calibration and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  476
15.4.4 Using a balloon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  477 Measurement method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  477 Sources of error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  478
15.5 Instrumental measurement of cloud type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  478
15.6 Other cloud-related properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  478
15.6.1 Vertical visibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  478

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  479



The observation of clouds and the estimation or measurement of the height of their bases above
the Earths surface are important for many purposes, especially for aviation and other operational
applications of meteorology. This chapter describes the methods in widespread use. Important
further information is to be found in WMO (1975, 1987), which contain scientific descriptions of
clouds and illustrations to aid in the identification of cloud types. Information on the practices
specific to aeronautical meteorology is given in WMO (2014).

15.1.1 Definitions

Cloud: An aggregate of very small water droplets, ice crystals, or a mixture of both, with its base
above the Earths surface, which is perceivable from the observation location. The limiting liquid
particle diameter is of the order of 200m; drops larger than this comprise drizzle or rain.

With the exception of certain rare types (for example, nacreous and noctilucent) and the
occasional occurrence of cirrus in the lower stratosphere, clouds are confined to the troposphere.
They are formed mainly as the result of condensation of water vapour on condensation nuclei
in the atmosphere. Cloud formation takes place in the vertical motion of air, in convection, in
forced ascent over high ground, or in the large-scale vertical motion associated with depressions
and fronts. Clouds may result, in suitable lapse-rate and moisture conditions, from low-level
turbulence and from other minor causes. Human activity, such as aviation or industry, can also
result in cloud formation, by adding condensation nuclei to the atmosphere.

At temperatures below 0 C, cloud particles frequently consist entirely of water droplets

supercooled down to about 10C in the case of layer clouds and to about 25C in the case
of convective clouds. At temperatures below these very approximate limits and above about
40C, many clouds are mixed, with ice crystals predominating in the lower part of the
temperature range.

Cloud amount: The amount of sky estimated to be covered by a specified cloud type (partial cloud
amount), or by all cloud types (total cloud amount). In either case, the estimate is made to the
nearest okta (eighth) and is reported on a scale which is essentially one of the nearest eighth,
except that figures 0 and 8 on the scale signify a completely clear and cloudy sky, respectively,
with consequent adjustment to other figures near either end of the scale.

Cloud base: The lowest zone in which the obscuration corresponding to a change from clear air or
haze to water droplets or ice crystals causes a significant change in the profile of the backscatter
extinction coefficient. In the air below the cloud, the particles causing obscuration show some
spectral selectivity, while in the cloud itself, there is virtually no selectivity; the difference is due
to the different droplet sizes involved. The height of the cloud base is defined as the height above
ground level. For an aeronautical meteorological station, the ground (surface) level is defined as
the official aerodrome elevation.

Cloud type (classification): Various methods of cloud classification are used, as follows:

(a) In WMO (1975), division is made into cloud genera with 10basic characteristic forms, with
further subdivision, as required, into:

(i) Cloud species (cloud shape and structure);

(ii) Cloud varieties (cloud arrangement and transparency);


(iii) Supplementary features and accessory clouds (for example, incus, mamma, virga,
praecipitatio, arcus, tuba, pileus, velum and pannus);

(iv) Growth of a new cloud genus from a mother-cloud, indicated by the addition of
genitus to the new cloud and mother-cloud genera in that order, if a minor part of
the mother-cloud is affected and of mutatus if much or all of the mother-cloud is
affected, for example, stratocumulus cumulogenitus, or stratus stratocumulomutatus;

(b) A classification is made in terms of the level high, middle or low at which the various
cloud genera are usually encountered. In temperate regions, the approximate limits
are: high, 612km (2000040000ft); middle, surface6km (020000ft); and low,
surface1.5km (05000ft). The high clouds are cirrus, cirrocumulus and cirrostratus;
the middle clouds are altocumulus and altostratus (the latter often extending higher)
and nimbostratus (usually extending both higher and lower); and the low clouds are
stratocumulus, stratus, cumulus and cumulonimbus (the last two often also reaching
middle and high levels);

For synoptic purposes, a nine-fold cloud classification is made in each of these three latter
divisions of cloud genera, the corresponding codes being designated CH, CM and CL,
respectively. The purpose is to report characteristic states of the sky rather than individual
cloud types;

(c) Less formal classifications are made as follows:

(i) In terms of the physical processes of cloud formation, notably into heap clouds and
layer clouds (or sheet clouds);

(ii) In terms of cloud composition, namely ice-crystal clouds, water-droplet clouds and
mixed clouds.

Most of these forms of cloud are illustrated with photographs in WMO (1987).

Vertical visibility: The maximum distance at which an observer can see and identify an object
on the same vertical as him/herself, above or below. Vertical visibility can be calculated from
the measured extinction profile, (h), as stated by WMO (2010). The relationship, however, is
less simple than for horizontal visibility, because may not be regarded as a constant value.
Nevertheless, the I(h = VV)/II0 = 5% rule can be applied. Taking into account this assumption, the
vertical visibility can be expressed in a relation with (h), in which VV is represented intrinsically,
h =VV

( h ) dh = ln (5% ) 3 (15.1)
h =0

See also Part II, Chapter 2, equations 2.6 and 2.7.

15.1.2 Units and scales

The unit of measurement of cloud height is the metre or, for some aeronautical applications, the
foot. The unit of cloud amount is the okta, which is an eighth of the sky dome covered by cloud.

15.1.3 Meteorological requirements

For meteorological purposes, observations are required for cloud amount, cloud type and height
of cloud base. For synoptic observations, specific coding requirements are stated in WMO (2011),
which is designed to give an optimum description of the cloud conditions from the surface to
high levels. From space, observations are made of cloud amount and temperature (from which
the height of the cloud top is inferred). Measurements from space can also be used to follow
cloud and weather development.

Accuracy requirements are stated in PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.E.

15.1.4 Observation and measurement methods Cloud amount

Traditionally, measurements of cloud amount were made by visual observation. Instrumental

methods are now widely accepted and are used operationally in many applications for
determination of cloud amount and height. The cloud amount in each identified layer and the
total cloud amount in view of the observation point are determined.

The total cloud amount, or total cloud cover, is the fraction of the celestial dome covered by all
clouds visible. The assessment of the total amount of cloud, therefore, consists in estimating how
much of the total apparent area of the sky is covered with clouds.

The partial cloud amount is the amount of sky covered by each type or layer of clouds as if it were
the only cloud type in the sky. The sum of the partial cloud amounts may exceed both the total
cloud amount and eight oktas.

The scale for recording the amount of cloud is that given in Code table2700 in WMO (2011),
which is reproduced below:

0 0 0
1 1 okta or less, but not zero 1/10 or less, but not zero
2 2 oktas 2/103/10
3 3 oktas 4/10
4 4 oktas 5/10
5 5 oktas 6/10
6 6 oktas 7/108/10
7 7 oktas or more, but not 8 oktas 9/10 or more, but not 10/10
8 8 oktas 10/10
9 Sky obscured by fog and/or other meteorological phenomena
/ Cloud cover is indiscernible for reasons other than fog or other
meteorological phenomena, or observation is not made Cloud-base height

The height of the cloud base lends itself to instrumental measurement, which is now widely used
at places where cloud height is operationally important. However, the estimation of cloud-base
height by human observer is still widespread.

Several types of instruments are in routine operational use, as described in this chapter. An
international comparison of several types of instruments was conducted by WMO in 1986,
and is reported in WMO (1988). The report contains a useful account of the accuracy of the
measurements and the performance of the instruments.

Instrumental measurement of cloud-base height is common and important for aeronautical

meteorological services. This is discussed further in PartII, Chapter2. Cloud type

At present, the only method for observing most cloud types is visual. Pictorial guides and
coding information are available from many sources, such as WMO (1975, 1987), as well as from
publications of National Meteorological Services.



15.2.1 Making effective estimations

The site used when estimating cloud variables should be one which commands the widest
possible view of the sky, and it should not be affected by fixed lighting which would interfere
with observations at night. In making observations at night, it is very important that the observer
should allow sufficient time for the eyes to adjust to the darkness.

There are, of course, occasions when it is very difficult to estimate cloud amount, especially at
night. The previous observation of cloud development and general knowledge of cloud structure
will help the observer to achieve the best possible result. Access to reports from aircraft, if
available, can also be of assistance.

15.2.2 Estimation of cloud amount

The observer should give equal emphasis to the areas overhead and those at the lower angular
elevations. On occasions when the clouds are very irregularly distributed, it is useful to consider
the sky in separate quadrants divided by diameters at right angles to each other. The sum of the
estimates for each quadrant is then taken as the total for the whole sky.

Code figure 9 is reported when the sky is invisible owing to fog, falling snow, etc. or when the
observer cannot estimate cloud amount owing to darkness or extraneous lighting. During
moonless nights, it should usually be possible to estimate the total amount by reference to the
proportion of the sky in which the stars are dimmed or completely hidden by clouds, although
haze alone may blot out stars near the horizon.

The observer must also estimate the partial cloud amount. There are times, for example, when
a higher layer of cloud is partially obscured by lower clouds. In these cases, an estimate of the
extent of the upper cloud can be made with comparative assurance in daylight by watching
the sky for a short time. Movement of the lower cloud relative to the higher cloud should reveal
whether the higher layer is completely covering the sky or has breaks in it.

It should be noted that the estimation of the amount of each different type of cloud is made
independently of the estimate of total cloud amount. The sum of separate estimates of partial
cloud amounts often exceeds both the total cloud amount, as well as eight eighths.

15.2.3 Estimation of cloud-base height

At stations not provided with measuring equipment, the values of cloud-base height can only
be estimated. In mountainous areas, the height of any cloud base which is lower than the tops of
the hills of the mountains around the station can be estimated by comparison with the heights of
well-marked topographical features as given in a contour map of the district. It is useful to have,
for permanent display, a diagram detailing the heights and bearings of hills and the landmarks
which might be useful in estimating cloud height. Owing to perspective, the cloud may appear
to be resting on distant hills, and the observer must not necessarily assume that this reflects the
height of the cloud over the observation site. In all circumstances, the observer must use good
judgment, taking into consideration the form and general appearance of the cloud.

The range of cloud-base heights above ground level which are applicable to various genera of
clouds in temperate regions is given in the table below and refers to a station level of not more
than 150m (500ft) above mean sea level. For observing sites at substantially greater heights, or
for stations on mountains, the height of the base of the low cloud above the stations will often be
less than indicated in the table below.

In other climatic zones, and especially under dry tropical conditions, cloud-base heights may
depart substantially from the given ranges. The differences may introduce problems of cloud

classification and increase the difficulty of estimating the height. For instance, when reports
on tropical cumulus clouds of an obviously convective origin, with a base well above 2400m
(8000ft) or even as high as 3600m (12000ft), have been confirmed by aircraft observations. It
is noteworthy that, in such cases, surface observers frequently underestimate cloud heights to a
very serious degree. These low estimates may be due to two factors, namely either the observer
expects the cumulus cloud to be a low cloud with its base below 2000m (6500ft) and usually
below 1500m (5000ft), or the atmospheric conditions and the form of the cloud combine to
produce an optical illusion.

When a direct estimate of cloud-base height is made at night, success depends greatly on the
correct identification of the form of the cloud. General meteorological knowledge and close
observation of the weather are very important in judging whether a cloud base has remained
substantially unchanged or has risen or fallen. A most difficult case, calling for great care and
skill, occurs when a sheet of altostratus covers the sky during the evening. Any gradual lowering
of such a cloud sheet may be very difficult to detect, but, as it descends, the base is rarely quite
uniform and small contrasts can often be discerned on all but the darkest nights.

Cloud-base height genera above ground level in temperate regions

Wider range of height of base sometimes

Cloud genera Usual range of height of basea
observed, and other remarks
(m) (ft) (m) (ft)

Stratus Surface600 Surface2 000 Surface1 200 Surface4 000

Stratocumulus 3001 350 1 0004 500 3002 000 1 0006 500

Cumulus 3001 500 1 0005 000 3002 000 1 0006 500

Cumulonimbus 6001 500 2 0005 000 3002 000 1 0006 500

Middle (km)

Nimbostratus Surface3 Surface10 000 Nimbostratus is considered a middle cloud for

synoptic purposes, although it can extend to
other levels

Altostratus 26 6 50020 000 Altostratus may thicken with progressive

lowering of the base to become nimbostratus



Cirrus Cirrus from dissipating cumulonimbus may

occur well below 6km (20000ft) in winter

Cirrostratus 612 20 00040 000 Cirrostratus may develop into altostratus

a For stations over 150 m above sea level, the base of low-level clouds will often be less than indicated.

15.2.4 Observation of cloud type

Observation of cloud type is still widely performed by human observers. Pictorial guides and
coding information are available from many sources, such as WMO (1975, 1987), as well as from
publications of National Meteorological Services.


Multiple types of ground-based operational sensors are available to measure total cloud amount.
Measurements from space-borne radiometers in the visible band, supplemented by infrared
images, can be used to estimate cloud amounts over wide areas, even though difficulties
are often experienced, for example, the inability to distinguish between low stratus and fog.
Amounts of low cloud within the range of a ceilometer can be estimated by measuring the
proportion of elapsed time occupied by well-identified layers and assuming that these time-
averaged results are representative of the spatial conditions around the observing site. For
synoptic meteorology, this technique is satisfactory in many cases but for airfield observations it
can lead to significant errors in the estimation of cloud amount over the airfield. For automatic
weather stations in the United States, a clustering technique has been developed using data
from ceilometers. Other countries, like Sweden (Larsson and Esbjrn, 1995) and the Netherlands
(Wauben, 2002), have introduced similar techniques in their operational observations. Other
instruments used to measure cloud amount are pyrometers which may sample in multiple fixed
directions and/or scan the sky, and sky cameras that are designed specifically for this purpose.

15.3.1 Using a laser ceilometer

Several meteorological services use time series of cloud-base measurements from laser
ceilometers (see section15.4.1) to determine cloud amount. This method has some advantages
compared to manual observations. Using a ceilometer gives more consistent results. Also, output
can be generated more frequently and there are no problems during night-time. However, there
are also some drawbacks and large deviations can occur in situations with high, thin cirrus clouds
when the performance of the ceilometer is reduced; when a moist layer is reported as a cloud
base by the ceilometer; when a ceilometer detects no cloud base or at the wrong height during
precipitation; and when the ceilometer reports a cloud base at the lowest elevation during
shallow fog. This method relies on the clouds to move over the field of view of the instrument.
Clouds do not always move in that way. Even if clouds do move across the field of view of the
ceilometer, these clouds may not be representative of the total sky. Thus, the time series of the
cloud base may not always represent the total sky, on which the reporting of cloud cover should
be based. Agreements (within 2 okta) between this method and manual observation of total
cloud amounts are typically 80%90%, as found for coastal stations at mid-latitudes (WMO,
2006a). However, most differences can be attributed to the limited spatial representativeness of a
ceilometer sampling only a small area directly overhead.

Some airports are equipped with several ceilometers and a multiple-ceilometer sky condition
algorithm. However, evaluation at an airport has shown only small improvements when using
three ceilometers compared to one (Wauben, 2002). This indicates that monitoring three points
instead of one is still not sufficient to get a representative value for the entire sky.

In the United States National Weather Services Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS),
the cloud height indicator (laser ceilometer see section15.4.1) compiles samples of backscatter
return signals every 30s and determines the height of valid cloud hits. Every minute, the last
30min of 30s data are processed to give double weighting to the last 10min in order to be more
responsive to recent changes in sky condition. The data are then sorted into height bins.

Each minute, if more than five height bin values have been recorded (during the last 30min),
the cloud heights are clustered into layers using a least-square statistical procedure until there
are only five bins remaining (each bin may have many hits in it). These bins, or clusters, are then
ordered from lowest to highest height. Following this clustering, the ASOS determines whether
clusters can be combined and rounded, depending on height, into meteorologically significant
height groups. The resulting bins now are called layers and the algorithm selects up to three
of these layers to be reported in the METAR/SPECI in accordance with the national cloud layer
reporting priority.

The amount of sky cover is determined by adding the total number of hits in each layer and
computing the ratio of those hits to the total possible. If there is more than one layer, the hits

in the first layer are added to the second (and third) to obtain overall coverage. For reporting
purposes, the ASOS-measured cloud amount for each layer is then converted to a statistical
function equivalent to a human observation.

The algorithm also tests for total sky obscuration based on criteria of low surface visibility and a
high percentage of unknown hits at low levels.

A sky condition algorithm has also been developed for use where cloud formation (or advection)
typically occurs in (or from) a known location and results in significant concurrent differences
in sky conditions over an airport. This meteorological discontinuity algorithm uses input from
two cloud-height indicator sensors. The primary sensor is sited near the touchdown zone of the
primary instrument runway. The second sensor is typically sited 3 to 6km (2 to 4miles) from the
primary sensor, upwind in the most likely direction of the advection, or closer to the fixed source
of the unique sky condition. The second cloud-height indicator serves to detect operationally
significant differences in sky conditions.

Further details on the ASOS sky condition algorithm and its verification are provided by NOAA
(1988) and the United States Government (1999).

15.3.2 Using a pyrometer

Pyrometers, or passive infrared radiometers, are basically remote-sensing infrared thermometers

(814m). These can be used to observe elementary solid angles of the sky either by using
multiple fixed sensors (for example, four fixed sensors used to sample the whole sky), by
scanning the entire sky dome with a single sensor, or by a combination of the two methods
(one manufacturers design has 14sensors across 180degrees of elevation from one horizon to
the opposite horizon, and a physical mechanism scans the azimuth). The downward thermal
emission from the clouds and from the air column between clouds and the instrument is
measured and the temperature of each sampled solid angle is derived from a combination of the
Planck and the Stefan-Boltzmann laws. The infrared temperature can then be used to provide an
indication of cloud presence in each sampled solid angle. The total proportion of sky containing
cloud can then be derived and reported as the cloud cover.

Scanning pyrometers avoid the problems of representativeness of the measurement that

is present in other methods, depending on the number of points sampled. Also, nocturnal
observations are possible. A disadvantage is that fractioned and/or transparent pixels are
difficult to classify.

15.3.3 Using a sky camera

Cameras specifically designed to measure cloud amount exist. They view the total sky using, for
example, curved mirrors. The image from the sky is analysed by an algorithm that determines
whether a cloud is present in each pixel using the measured colour. The sum of all pixels results in
cloud amount.

This method avoids the problems of representativeness of the measurement that can be present
in some other methods. Some cameras use daylight and are thus not applicable at night.
Cameras measuring in the infrared do not have this disadvantage, but these have a smaller
field-of-view and are more expensive. Sky cameras require frequent maintenance in the form of
cleaning of the optical surfaces.


Several methods exist for measuring cloud-base height. They are: using a laser ceilometer, using
a rotating beam ceilometer, using a searchlight and using a balloon. The method currently most
used is the laser ceilometer. This technique has great advantages over other technologies and
should therefore be considered as the most appropriate.

15.4.1 Using a laser ceilometer Measurement method

With the laser ceilometer, the height of the cloud base is determined by measuring the time
taken for a pulse of coherent light to travel from a transmitter to the cloud base and to return
to a receiver (principle: light detection and ranging, lidar). The output from a laser is directed
vertically upwards to where, if there is cloud above the transmitter, the radiation is scattered by
the hydrometeors forming the cloud. The major portion of the radiation is scattered upward but
some is scattered downward and is focused in the receiver onto a photoelectric detector. The
radiant flux backscattered to the receiver decreases with range according to an inverse-square
law. The ceilometer (Figure15.1) generally comprises two units, a transmitter-receiver assembly
and a recording unit.

The transmitter and receiver are mounted in a single housing, together with signal detection and
processing electronics. The light source is generally a semiconductor laser with a wavelength
in the near infrared. The optics of the transmitter are arranged to place the laser source and
receiver detector at the focus of a conventional or Newtonian telescope system. The surfaces of
the lens are given a suitable quarter-wavelength coating to reduce reflection and to provide high
transmission of light. The transmitter aperture is sealed by a glass window that is anti-reflection,
coated on its inner surface and angled so that rain will run off it.

The receiver is of similar construction to the transmitter, except that the light source is replaced
by a photodiode, and a narrowband optical filter is incorporated. The filter excludes most of the
background diffuse solar radiation, thus improving the detection of the scattered laser radiation
by day.

The transmitter and receiver can be mounted side-by-side so that the transmitter beam and the
receiver field of view begin to overlap at about 5m above the assembly and are fully overlapped
at a few hundred metres. Some systems use the same lens for the transmitted and received
radiation, so that this problem is avoided.



Rx Tx

Recorder Processor

Figure 15.1. Typical laser ceilometer


The housing is provided with heaters to prevent condensation from forming on the optical
surfaces, and the humidity within the housing can be reduced by the use of a desiccator. The
top of the housing is fitted with a cover hood incorporating optical baffles that exclude direct

The output from the detector is separated into sequential range gates, each range gate
representing the minimum detectable height increment. A threshold is incorporated so that the
probability of the instrument not seeing cloud, or seeing non-existent cloud, is remote. Exposure and installation

The unit should be mounted on a firm base, with a clear view overhead within a cone of
approximately 30 about the vertical. If necessary, a rooftop site can be used with suitable
adjustment of reported heights to ground level. Although laser ceilometers in operational use
are designed to be eye safe, care should be taken to prevent the casual observer from looking
directly into the transmitted beam.

To reduce the impact of strong reflecting raindrops, the beam with the telescope can be aligned
about 5 from the vertical. Sources of error

There are four main sources of error as follows:

(a) Ranging errors: These can occur if the main timing oscillator circuits develop faults, but, in
normal operation, errors due to this source can be ignored;

(b) Verticality of the transmitted/received beams: Provided that the instrument is aligned with
the beam at better than 5 from the vertical, errors from this source can be ignored;

(c) Errors due to the signal-processing system: Because a cloud base is generally diffuse and
varies greatly in time and distance, complex algorithms have been developed to estimate a
representative cloud-base height from the returned cloud signal. In conditions of fog (with
or without cloud above) and during precipitation, serious errors can be generated. Thus,
it is important to have an awareness of visibility and precipitation conditions to assess the
value of ceilometer information. In conditions of well-defined stratiform cloud (for example,
low stratocumulus), measurement errors are controlled solely by the cloud threshold
algorithms and can be assumed to be consistent for a particular make of ceilometer;

(d) Measurement range: Due to the limited power available from the laser, reflected radiation
from high altitudes may have such low intensity that it cannot be detected. Therefore,
cloud-base height from cirrus clouds may not always be observed.

In operational use and conditions of uniform cloud base, laser ceilometer measurements can be
compared routinely with pilot balloon ascents, aircraft measurements and, at night, with cloud
searchlight measurements. Intercomparisons of laser ceilometers of different manufacturers
have been carried out extensively. During the WMO International Ceilometer Intercomparison
(WMO, 1988), for example, several designs of ceilometer were intercompared and comparisons
made with rotating-beam ceilometers and pilot-balloon observations. The international
intercomparison revealed that, using current technology, laser ceilometers provided the most
accurate, reliable and efficient means of measuring cloud-base height from the ground when
compared with alternative equipment. Calibration and maintenance

Most laser ceilometers are provided with a built-in capability to monitor transmitted output
power and guard against serious timing errors. Calibration checks are normally confined


50 ft (15 m)
Zero dot beam

350 ft (107 m)

Figure 15.2. A typical rotating-beam ceilometer

to checking both the master oscillator frequency and stability, using external high-quality
frequency standards and the output power of the transmitter. Calibration may also be performed
by intercomparison (WMO, 1988). Pointing the ceilometer to a target at a known distance
(for example, a tower) can be used to confirm the distance measurement of the instrument.
Routine maintenance consists typically of cleaning the exposed optics and external covers and of
replacing air filters when cooling blowers are provided.

15.4.2 Using a rotating beam Measurement method

The rotating-beam ceilometer (RBC) involves the measurement of the angle of elevation of a light
beam scanning in the vertical plane, at the instant at which a proportion of the light scattered by
the base of the cloud is received by a photoelectric cell directed vertically upwards at a known
distance from the light source (see Figure15.2). The equipment comprises a transmitter, a
receiver and a recording unit.

The transmitter emits a narrow light beam of a 2 divergence, with most of the emitted radiation
on the near infrared wavelengths, that is, from 1 to 3m. Thus, the wavelength used is small in
comparison with the size of the water droplets in clouds. The light beam is swept in a vertical arc
extending typically from 8 to 85 and is modulated at approximately 1kHz so that, through the
use of phase-sensitive detection methods, the signal-to-noise ratio in the receiver is improved.

The receiving unit comprises a photoelectric cell and an angle-of-view restrictor; the restrictor
ensures that only light that falls vertically downwards can reach the photoelectric cell. A pen in
the recording unit, moving simultaneously with the transmitter beam, records when a cloud
signal is received. Exposure and installation

The transmitter and receiver should be sited on open, level ground separated by some 100 to
300m and mounted on firm and stable plinths. It is extremely important that the transmitter
scan in the same plane as the receiver. This is achieved by the accurate alignment of the optics
and by checking the plane of the transmitter beam in suitable conditions at night.
CHAPTER 15. OBSERVATION OF CLOUDS 475 Sources of error

Errors in the measurement of cloud-base height using an RBC may be due to the following:

(a) Beamwidth;

(b) Optical misalignment;

(c) Mechanical tolerances in moving parts;

(d) Receiver response.

Since in most designs the volume of intersection of the transmitter and receiver cone is very
significant with a cloud height above 500m, beamwidth-induced errors are generally the most
serious. The definition of cloud base given in section15.1.1 is not an adequate basis for the
objective design of ceilometers, thus the algorithms in current use are based on experimental
results and comparisons with other methods of estimation. Some RBCs use a threshold
technique to determine the presence of cloud, while others use a peak signal detection
scheme. In either case, receiver sensitivity will affect reported cloud heights, giving rise to large
errors in excess of stated operational requirements in some circumstances (Douglas and Offiler,
1978). These errors generally increase with indicated height.

Rotating-beam ceilometers are very sensitive to the presence of precipitation. In moderate or

heavy precipitation, the instrument can either indicate low cloud erroneously or fail to detect
clouds at all. In foggy conditions, the light beam may be dissipated at a low level and the
ceilometer can fail to give any useful indication of clouds, even when a low cloud sheet is present.

Comparisons of RBCs and laser ceilometers have been carried out and widely reported (WMO,
1988). These have shown good agreement between the two types of ceilometers at indicated
heights up to some 500m, but the detection efficiency of the RBC in precipitation is markedly
inferior. Calibration and maintenance

The only maintenance normally undertaken by the user is that of cleaning the transmitter and
receiver windows and changing the chart. The outside of the plastic windows of the transmitter
and receiver should be cleaned at weekly intervals. A soft, dry cloth should be used and care
should be taken not to scratch the window. If the transmitter lamp is replaced, the optical
alignment must be checked. The transmitter and receiver levelling should be checked and
adjusted, as necessary, at intervals of about one year.

15.4.3 Using a searchlight Measurement method

Using this method, illustrated in Figure 15.3, the angle of elevation, E, of a patch of light formed
on the base of the cloud by a vertically-directed searchlight beam is measured by an alidade from
a distant point. If L is the known horizontal distance in metres (feet) between the searchlight
and the place of observation, the height, h, in metres (feet) of the cloud base above the point of
observation is given as the following:
h = L tan E (15.2)
The optimum distance of separation between the searchlight and the place of observation is
about 300m (1000ft). If the distance is much greater than this, then the spot of light may be
difficult to see; if it is much less, the accuracy of measuring a height above about 600m (2000ft)
suffers. A distance of 250550m (8001800ft) is usually acceptable.

Spot of light

Light source Alidade

Figure 15.3. Principle of the cloud searchlight method Exposure and installation

It is desirable to have a clear line of sight between the searchlight and the alidade, both of which
should be mounted on firm, stable stands. Where there is a difference in the height above the
ground between the searchlight and the alidade, a correction must be incorporated in the
calculated heights. If a clear line of sight is not possible, any obstruction between the searchlight
beam and the alidade should not be higher than 100feet. Sources of error

The largest source of error is due to uncertainty in the measured angle of elevation. Height errors
due to small errors of verticality are insignificant.

The absolute error h in the derived cloud height due to an error E in the measured elevation is
given by the following (L is assumed to be an accurately measured constant):

( )
h = L 1 cos2 E E = L sec2 E E (15.3)
with E in radians (1 = /180rad). Note that h tends to infinity when E 90. If L = 1000ft
(300m) and E = 1, the value of h is 17ft (6m) when h = 1000ft (300m), and h is about
450ft (140m) when h = 5000ft (1500m). The relative error in h is given by:
h h = 1 ( sin E cos E ) E (15.4)

with E in radians. h/h is minimal when E = 45 (or h = L). Calibration and maintenance

The focusing and verticality of the beam, should, if possible, be checked about once a month
because the lamp filament is liable to undergo slight changes in shape with time. When a lamp is
replaced, the adjustment for lamp position should be carried out since not all lamps are identical.

The verticality of the beam should be checked during an overcast night with the aid of a
theodolite. The check should be made from two positions, one near the alidade and the other
at about the same distance away from the searchlight in a direction at right angles to the line
joining the searchlight and the alidade (Figure15.4). The azimuths of the searchlight and of
the spot of light on the cloud should be measured as accurately as possible, together with the
elevation of the spot of light. If the difference between the azimuth readings is A and the angle of
elevation is E, the deviation of the beam from the vertical is given by:

= arctan ( tan A tan E ) A tan E

( for A 1 or less )
If the value of is more than 1 when viewed from the alidade, or more than 0.5 in the other
position, these adjustments should be repeated until the necessary accuracy is obtained.

Focusing can be checked and adjusted on an overcast night by observing the diameter of the
light spot on the highest cloud above the instrument. If necessary, the focus should be adjusted
to minimize the spot diameter.

15.4.4 Using a balloon Measurement method

Cloud height may be measured in daylight by determining the time taken by a small rubber
balloon, inflated with hydrogen or helium, to rise from ground level to the base of the cloud. The
base of the cloud should be taken as the point at which the balloon appears to enter a misty layer
before finally disappearing.

The rate of ascent of the balloon is determined mainly by the free lift of the balloon and can be
adjusted by controlling the amount of hydrogen or helium in the balloon. The time of travel
between the release of the balloon and its entry into the cloud is measured by means of a stop-
watch. If the rate of ascent is n metres per minute and the time of travel is tminutes, the height
of the cloud above ground is n tmetres, but this rule must not be strictly followed. Eddies near
the launch site may prevent the balloon from rising until some time after it is released. Normally
the stop-watch is started on the release of the balloon and, therefore, the elapsed time between
when the balloon is released and the moment when it is observed to have left the eddies will
need to be subtracted from the total time before determining the cloud height. Apart from eddy
effects, the rate of ascent in the lowest 600m (2000ft) or so is very variable.

Although the height of the base of a cloud at middle altitude is sometimes obtained as a by-
product of upper wind measurements taken by pilot balloons, the balloon method is mainly
applicable to low clouds. Where no optical assistance is available in the form of binoculars,
telescope or theodolite, the measurement should not be attempted if the cloud base is judged to
be higher than about 900m (3000ft), unless the wind is very light. In strong winds, the balloon
may pass beyond the range of unaided vision before it enters the cloud.

Precipitation reduces the rate of ascent of a balloon and measurements of cloud height taken by
a pilot balloon should not be attempted in other than light precipitation.

This method can be used at night by attaching an electric light to the balloon. For safety reasons,
the use of candle lanterns is strongly discouraged.

Spot of light

True vertical

Actual beam



L 90
Alidade position
Angle A

Figure 15.4. Checking the verticality of the searchlight beam


Measurements of cloud-base taken using a height balloon must be used with caution, since
the mean rate of ascent of a balloon, especially in the first few hundred metres, may differ
appreciably from the assumed rate of ascent (owing to the effects of vertical currents, the shape
of the balloon, precipitation and turbulence).


Observation of cloud type is still generally performed by human observers. Only one automatic
method to observe cloud type is known, which is specifically for detecting cumulonimbus/
towering cumulus. In this method, data from a precipitation radar and lightning detection
network are used. The radar-reflectivity classes and the number of lightning discharges within
a certain area are combined to give information on the presence of cumulonimbus and/or
towering cumulus.

This is a new method which is used by a few Meteorological Services. The false alarm rate is
relatively high (see WMO, 2006b).


15.6.1 Vertical visibility

Vertical visibility is defined as the maximum distance at which an observer can see and identify
an object on the same vertical as him/herself. It can be calculated from the extinction profile
of the atmosphere (WMO, 2010). Ceilometers (see sections15.4.1 and 15.4.2) may provide an
estimate of vertical visibility, based on the integrated backscatter energy with range. WMO
(1988) showed that this method frequently produces unreliable results. In practice, a vertical
visibility report is often given by a ceilometer when the cloud-base requirements are not met, but
when reflected light is received from a certain altitude.

Douglas, H.A. and D. Offiler, 1978: The Mk3 cloud base recorder: A report on some of the potential
accuracy limitations of this instrument. Meteorological Magazine, 107:2332.
Larsson, B. and E. Esbjrn, 1995: Cloud Cover Algorithm. SMHI IO-BN1995-01-11, SMHI, Norrkping,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 1988: Federal Standard Algorithms for Automated
Weather Observing Systems Used for Aviation Purposes. Office of the Federal Coordinator for
Meteorological Services and Supporting Research, United States Department of Commerce,
FCM-S5-1988, Silver Spring, MD, United States.
United States Government, 1999: Automated Surface Observing System. Air Force Operational Test and
Evaluation Center: Final Assessment Report for the Federal Aviation Administration, California,
United States.
Wauben, W.M.F., 2002: Automation of visual observations at KNMI: (II) Comparison of automated cloud
reports with routine visual observations. In: Symposium on Observations, Data Assimilation and
Probabilistic Prediction. AMS Annual Meeting, 2002 Report, Orlando, FL, United States.
World Meteorological Organization, 1975: International Cloud Atlas: Manual on the Observation of Clouds and
Other Meteors (WMO-No.407), VolumeI. Geneva.
, 1987: International Cloud Atlas (WMO-No.407), VolumeII. Geneva.
, 1988: WMO International Ceilometer Intercomparison (D.W. Jones, M. Ouldridge and D.J. Painting).
Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.32 (WMO/TD-No.217). Geneva.
, 2006a: Status, evaluation and new developments of the automated cloud observations in the
Netherlands (W. Wauben, H. Klein Baltink, M. de Haij, N. Maat and H. The). Paper presented at
the WMO Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental Instruments and Methods of
Observation (TECO-2006). Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.94 (WMO/TD-
No.1354). Geneva.
, 2006b: Status of the automatic observation on aerodrome and ongoing improvements in France
(M.Leroy). Paper presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental
Instruments and Methods of Observation (TECO-2006). Instruments and Observing Methods
Report No.94 (WMO/TD-No.1354). Geneva.
, 2010: Manual on the Global Observing System (WMO-No.544), VolumeI. Geneva.
, 2011: Manual on Codes (WMO-No.306), VolumeI.1. Geneva.
, 2014: Guide to Meteorological Observing and Information Distribution Systems for Aviation Weather Services
(WMO-No.731). Geneva.

CHAPTER 16. MEASUREMENT OF ATMOSPHERIC COMPOSITION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  481

16.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  481
16.1.1 Definitions/descriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  482
16.1.2 Units and scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  482
16.1.3 Measurement principles and techniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  484
16.1.4 Quality assurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  485
16.2 (Stratospheric) ozone measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  486
16.2.1 Ozone total column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  486
16.2.2 Ozone profile measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  487 Umkehr method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  487 Ozonesonde measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  488 Other measurement techniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  488
16.2.3 Aircraft and satellite observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  488
16.3 Greenhouse gases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  489
16.3.1 Carbon dioxide (including 14C, 13C and 18O in CO2, and O2/N2 ratios) . . . . .  489
16.3.2 Methane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  491
16.3.3 Nitrous oxide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  491
16.3.4 Halocarbons and SF6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  492
16.3.5 Remote-sensing of greenhouse gases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  492
16.4 Reactive gases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  492
16.4.1 Tropospheric (surface) ozone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  493 In situ techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  493 Remote-sensing techniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  494
16.4.2 Carbon monoxide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  494
16.4.3 Volatile organic compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  495
16.4.4 Nitrogen oxide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  498
16.4.5 Sulphur dioxide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  499
16.4.6 Molecular hydrogen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  500
16.5 Atmospheric wet deposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  500
16.5.1 Sample collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  501
16.5.2 Chemical analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  502
16.6 Aerosols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  505
16.6.1 Aerosol chemical measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  506
16.6.2 In situ measurements of aerosol radiative properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  509
16.6.3 Particle number concentration and size distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  511
16.6.4 Cloud condensation nuclei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  511
16.6.5 Aerosol optical depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  511
16.6.6 GAW aerosol lidar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  512
16.7 Natural radioactivity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  516

ANNEX. GAW CENTRAL FACILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  517

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  519



The main purpose of this chapter is to introduce readers (particularly those who are new to these
measurements) to methods and specific techniques used for measuring various components
of atmospheric composition and a number of related physical parameters. This is often
accompanied by measurements of basic meteorological variables, as introduced in the preceding
chapters. Within WMO, the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme was established to
coordinate atmospheric composition and related physical parameter measurements taken by
WMO Member countries. For further practical details on measurement activities, see the GAW
reports and other references listed at the end of the chapter.

The need to understand and identify scientifically sound measures to control the increasing
influence of human activity on the global atmosphere forms the rationale of the GAW
Programme (WMO, 2007b). The grand challenges addressed by GAW include:

(a) Stratospheric ozone depletion and the increase of ultraviolet (UV) radiation at the Earths

(b) Changes in the weather and climate related to human influence on atmospheric
composition, particularly greenhouse gases, and the impact on ozone and aerosols, due
also to natural processes;

(c) Risk reduction of air pollution on human health and issues involving long-range transport
and deposition of air pollution.

In addition, measurements of atmospheric composition are essential for understanding the

radiation budget of the atmosphere and improving numerical weather prediction.

The GAW monitoring system focuses on six classes of variables:

(a) Ozone: column (total) ozone and ozone vertical profiles with a focus on the stratosphere
and upper troposphere;

(b) Greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide CO2 (including 14C, 13C and 18O in CO2, and oxygen/
nitrogen (O2/N2) ratios), methane CH4 (including 13C and D in CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O)
and halogenated compounds (SF6);

(c) Reactive gases: surface and tropospheric ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile
organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and molecular
hydrogen (H2);

(d) Atmospheric wet deposition (focused largely on major ions);

(e) Ultraviolet radiation;

(f) Aerosols (including physical properties, size distribution and chemical composition).

A number of ancillary parameters are recommended for measurement at GAW stations:

(a) Solar radiation;

(b) Major meteorological parameters;

(c) Natural radioactivity including krypton-85, radon and some other radionuclides.

Due to the low mixing ratios of atmospheric trace constituents, the instruments and methods
used for the quantitative and qualitative determination of atmospheric constituents are complex
and sometimes difficult to operate. Small errors, for example in spectral signatures, or cross-
sensitivities to other compounds can easily confound the accuracy of atmospheric composition
measurements. Therefore, besides correct operation, regular calibration of the equipment,
participation in intercomparison exercises, station audits and personnel training are essential
for accurate and reliable measurements. Obtaining reliable and high-quality results for most of
the measurements described here is not feasible without the close involvement of specialist staff
at a professional level. The main principles of the quality assurance of atmospheric composition
observations within GAW are described in section16.1.4.

16.1.1 Definitions/descriptions

Depending on the measurement principle and instrument platform, three types of

measurements are routinely performed and reported, namely:

(a) Near-surface atmospheric content (from monitoring stations or mobile platforms such as
ships, cars or trains);

(b) Total atmospheric column content (from surface- or space-based remote-sensing);

(c) Vertical concentration profiles (from aircraft, balloons, rockets, surface-based remote-
sensing or satellite instruments).

Near-surface atmospheric content refers to the results of (continuous or discrete) measurements of a

particular components quantity in an atmospheric layer of a few tens of metres above the surface
at a particular location on the Earths surface. Results of surface measurements are commonly
given in units of partial pressure, concentration, mixing ratio or mole fraction. The use of units
that are not part of the International System of Units (SI) is strongly discouraged.

Total atmospheric column refers to the total amount of a particular substance contained in a
vertical column extending from the Earths surface to the upper edge of the atmosphere.
Commonly used units of total ozone are (i) column thickness of a layer of pure ozone at standard
temperature and pressure conditions of 273.15K and 101.325kPa, respectively, and (ii) vertical
column density (total number of molecules per unit area in an atmospheric column). For the
other atmospheric constituents, vertical column density or column-averaged abundances are
used. It is also common to report the partial column content of a substance, for example the
tropospheric column content of NOx. Here, the vertical column that is integrated extends from
the Earths surface to the tropopause.

The vertical concentration profile expresses the variation of the content of a trace compound
in the atmosphere (given in the same units as near-surface content, namely partial pressure,
concentration, number density, mixing ratio or mole fraction) as a function of height or ambient

Observations of atmospheric composition include gaseous composition, aerosol and

precipitation chemistry. The characteristics of the precipitation chemical composition are given
in section16.5. The variables describing aerosols (physical and chemical properties) are listed in

16.1.2 Units and scales

The following units are used to express the results of atmospheric trace compound observations:

Number of molecules per unit area: represents the column abundance of atmospheric trace
compounds. Still widely used is the Dobson unit (DU), which corresponds to the number of

molecules of ozone required to create a layer of pure ozone 10 5m thick at standard temperature
and pressure (STP). Expressed another way, 1DU represents a column of air containing about
2.68681016 ozone molecules for every square centimetre of area at the base of the column.

Milliatmosphere centimetre (m-atm-cm): A measure of total ozone equal to a thickness of 10 3cm of

pure ozone at STP (1m-atm-cm is equivalent to 1DU).

Mole fractions of substances in dry air (dry air includes all gaseous species except water vapour

mol/mol = 10 6 mole of trace substance per mole of dry air

nmol/mol = 10 9 mole of trace substance per mole of dry air
pmol/mol = 10 12 mole of trace substance per mole of dry air

Dry mole fraction requires either drying air samples prior to measurement or correcting
the measurement for water vapour. When drying is impossible or the correction would add
substantial uncertainty to the measurement, wet mole fractions can be reported instead. This
must be clearly indicated in the metadata of the observational record.

The appropriate unit for expressing amount of substance is dry-air mole fraction, reported as
ppm (parts per million, i.e. mol/mol), ppb (parts per billion, i.e. nmol/mol) or ppt (parts per
trillion, i.e. pmol/mol). A v has often been appended to these units to indicate mixing ratio by
volume. When reporting mole fractions as volume mixing ratios, one assumes the atmosphere
to be an ideal gas. Deviations from the ideal under GAW conditions can be large (such as for
CO2), so the use of mole fraction is strongly preferred because it does not require an implicit
assumption of ideality of the gases and, more importantly, because it is also applicable to
condensed-phase species. In general, the use of SI units is highly recommended.

Isotope or molecular ratios:

Atmospheric molecules can be present in different isotopic configurations.1 Isotope ratio data are
expressed as deviations from an agreed upon reference standard using the delta notation:

( )
= Rsample Rreference 1 , with R = [ heavy isotope ] [light isotope ] (16.1)

-Values are expressed in multiples of 1000 ( or per mil).

The international reference scale (i.e. the primary scale) for 13C is Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite
(VPDB). NBS19 and LSVEC (Coplen et al., 2006) are the primary international reference materials
defining the VPDB scale. For 18O, multiple scales are in use (VPDB, Vienna Standard Mean Ocean
Water (VSMOW), air-O2).

The delta notation is also used to express relative abundance variations of O2/N2 (and argon/
nitrogen (Ar/N2)) ratios in air:

( )
( O2 N 2 ) = Rsample Rstandard 1 , with R = O2 N 2 (16.2)

The respective international air standard is not yet established. The Scripps Institution of
Oceanography (SIO) local O2/N2 scale, based on a set of cylinders filled at the Scripps Pier, is the
most widely used scale.

(O2/N2) values are expressed in multiples of 106 or per meg.

Precipitation chemistry observations include measurements of several parameters which are

described in more detail in section16.5. The following units are used:

CO2, for example, mostly consists of 12C16O16O, while the smaller abundance higher-mass isotopologues from
mass45 up to mass49 (13C16O16O, 14C16O16O, or 12C18O16O, the corresponding 17O siblings and the mixed-isotope
species) are also found in the atmosphere.

(a) pH measurements are expressed in units of acidity defined as: pH = log10 [H+], where [H+]
is expressed in mole L1 ;

(b) Conductivity is expressed in Scm1 (microsiemens per centimetre), a unit commonly used
for measuring electric conductivity;

(c) Acidity/alkalinity is expressed in moleL1 (micromole per litre);

(d) Major ions content is expressed in mgL1 (milligram per litre).

Aerosol observations of volumetric quantities, i.e. the amount of substance in a volume of

air, are reported for STP. These may refer to a particle number concentration (cm3), an area
concentration (m2m3, or m1) or a mass concentration (gm3). Aerosol optical depth is a
dimensionless quantity.

16.1.3 Measurement principles and techniques

The existing techniques for atmospheric chemical composition measurements can be separated
into three main groups: passive sampling, active sampling and remote-sensing techniques.
Essentially, active techniques draw the air sample through the detector or sampling device by
a pump, whereas passive techniques use the diffusion of air to the sampling device. In remote-
sensing techniques, the analysed air volume and the detector are at different locations. Total or
partial column measurements are possible only with remote-sensing techniques.

In the case of active sampling, measurements can either be done continuously (or at least quasi-
continuously with short integration times)2 or samples can be collected or specially prepared
(in glass or stainless steel cylinders, on sorbent substrates or filters) and analysed offline in
specialized laboratories. The collection of discrete samples entails the storage of samples.
During this time, flask properties may influence the composition of the sample due to chemical
or surface effects or permeation through sealing polymers. This demands careful tests of the
sampling containers.

The analytical techniques most commonly used (and recommended in the GAW Programme) for
detecting and quantifying atmospheric trace constituents can be summarized as follows:

(a) Spectroscopic methods refer to the measurement of changes in radiation intensity due to
absorption, emission, photoconductivity or Raman scattering of a molecule or aerosol
particle as a function of wavelength. Spectral measurement devices are referred to
as spectrometers, spectrophotometers, spectrographs or spectral analysers. Spectral
measurements can be performed in different parts of a spectrum depending on the
component to be measured, or on several individual wavelengths. As absorption lines are
different for molecules with different isotopic composition, and line shapes depend on
the bulk composition of the gas, care should be taken to ensure that reference gases have
similar properties to the analysed atmospheric air.

(b) Gas chromatography (GC) is a physical method of separation that distributes components
to separate between two phases, one stationary (stationary phase), the other (the mobile
phase) moving in a definite direction. There are numerous chromatographic techniques
and corresponding instruments. To be suitable for GC analysis, a compound must have
sufficient volatility and thermal stability. Gas chromatography involves a sample being
vapourized and injected onto the head of the chromatographic column. The sample is
transported through the column by the flow of inert, gaseous mobile phase. The column
itself contains a liquid stationary phase which is adsorbed onto the surface of an inert
solid. A chromatography detector is a device used to visualize components of the mixture
being eluted off the chromatography column. There are two general types of detectors:
destructive and non-destructive. The destructive detectors, such as a flame ionization
detector (FID), perform continuous transformation of the column effluent (burning,

This is, for example, common practice in gas chromatography measurements.

evaporation or mixing with reagents) with subsequent measurement of some physical

property of the resulting material (plasma, aerosol or reaction mixture). The non-
destructive detectors, such as an electron capture detector (ECD), are directly measuring
some property of the column effluent (for example UV absorption) and thus allow for the
further analyte recovery.

(c) Mass spectrometry(MS) is an analytical technique that produces spectra of the masses
of the molecules comprising a sample of material. The spectra are used to determine
the elemental composition of a sample, the masses of particles and of molecules, and
to elucidate the chemical structures of molecules. Mass spectrometry works by ionizing
chemical compounds to generate charged molecules or molecule fragments and measuring
their mass-to-charge ratios. In a number of instruments mass spectrometry can be used as a
detector method for gas chromatography.

Detection methods of gases and aerosols can be different and based on different physical
phenomena. Details on the detection methods applicable to different gases and aerosol
properties are summarized in the sections below.

The measurement techniques of the main compounds observed under the GAW Programme
are briefly described in this chapter, while comprehensive measurement guidelines can be
found in the specialized GAW reports, cited in individual sections. In the cases where GAW
measurement guidelines or standard operating procedures are not available, links are provided
to the information necessary to carry out the respective measurements. The background for the
measurements of individual components can be found in the WMO Global Atmosphere Watch
(GAW) Strategic Plan: 20082015 (WMO, 2007b) and its addendum (WMO, 2011b).

Satellite remote-sensing of the atmospheric species mentioned below is treated separately in

PartIII, Chapter5.

16.1.4 Quality assurance

The objectives of the GAW quality assurance (QA) system are to ensure that data reported by
stations are consistent, of known and adequate quality, supported by comprehensive metadata,
and regionally or globally representative with respect to spatial and temporal distribution.

The principles of the GAW QA system apply to each measured variable and include:

(a) Defined data quality objectives (including tolerable levels of uncertainty in the data,
completeness, compatibility requirements, etc.);

(b) Establishment of harmonized recommendations on measurement techniques and quality

control (QC) procedures to reach data quality objectives (measurement guidelines and
standard operating procedures);

(c) Network-wide use of only one reference standard or scale (primary standard). In
consequence, there is only one institution that is responsible for this standard;

(d) Traceability to the primary standard of all measurements made by GAW stations;

(e) Use of detailed logbooks for each parameter containing comprehensive meta information
related to the measurements, maintenance, and quality control actions;

(f) Regular independent assessments (including audits and comparison campaigns);

(g) Timely submission of data and associated metadata to the responsible World Data Centre as
a means of permitting independent review of data by a wider community.

The following Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) monitoring principles apply also to the
GAW observations:

(a) The impact of new systems or changes to existing systems should be assessed prior to

(b) A suitable period of overlap for new and old observing systems should be required;

(c) Uninterrupted station operations and observing systems should be maintained.

The GAW QA system further recommends the adoption and use of internationally accepted
methods and vocabulary to describe uncertainty in measurements.

Five types of central facilities (see the annex) dedicated to the six groups of measurement
variables (see section16.1) are operated by WMO Members and form the basis of the quality
assurance and data archiving system. These include:

(a) Central Calibration Laboratories (CCLs), which host primary standards and scales;

(b) World/Regional Calibration Centres (WCCs/RCCs), which coordinate intercomparison

campaigns, help with instrument calibration and perform station/lab audits;

(c) Quality Assurance/Science Activity Centres (QA/SACs), which provide technical and
scientific support and coordinate cooperation between the central facilities and GAW

(d) World Data Centres (WDCs), which mainly ensure dissemination and easy access of GAW
data and secure the data through appropriate data archiving.

The work of the central facilities on the quality assurance of the GAW observations is supported
by respective scientific advisory groups, whose tasks include assisting in the development of
measurement procedures and guidelines, data quality objectives and, when applicable, standard
operating procedures, reviewing new measurement techniques and making recommendations
about their applicability for the GAW observations.


16.2.1 Ozone total column

Measurements of total ozone are possible using remote-sensing techniques only. The most
precise information on total ozone and its changes at individual sites can be obtained by
measurements from the ground, for example by solar spectroscopy in the wavelength region of
300340nm. Within the GAW Programme, Dobson spectrophotometers (designed for manual
operation) and Brewer spectrophotometers (designed for automatic operation) are used as the
instruments for routine total ozone observations, thus providing two independent networks.

Details of the total ozone measurements with the Dobson spectrometer and their quality
assurance are provided in WMO (2008c). Total ozone observations are made with this instrument
by measuring the relative intensities of selected pairs of ultraviolet wavelengths, called the A, B*,
C, C', and D wavelength pairs, emanating from the sun, moon or zenith sky. The A wavelength
pair, for example, consists of the 3055 (ngstrm units, 1=0.1nm) wavelength that is
highly absorbed by ozone, and the more intense 3254 wavelength that is relatively unaffected
by ozone. Outside the Earth's atmosphere, the relative intensity of these two wavelengths
remains essentially fixed. In passing through the atmosphere to the instrument, however, both
wavelengths lose intensity because of scattering of the light by air molecules and dust particles;
additionally, the 3055 wavelength is strongly attenuated while passing through the ozone
layer whereas the attenuation of the 3254 wavelength is relatively weak. Therefore, the
relative intensity of the A wavelength pair as seen by the instrument varies with the amount of

ozone present in the atmosphere since, as the ozone amount increases, the observed intensity
of the 3055 wavelength decreases, whereas the intensity of the 3254 wavelength remains
practically unaltered. Thus, by measuring the relative intensities of suitably selected pair
wavelengths with the Dobson instrument, it is possible to determine how much ozone is present
in a vertical column of air extending from ground level to the top of the atmosphere in the
neighbourhood of the instrument. The result is expressed in terms of a thickness of a layer of pure
ozone at STP.

The measurement principle of the Brewer spectrometer is similar to that of the Dobson
instrument. The operating procedures are provided by the producing company at http://
www.kippzonen.com/?productgroup/26142/Brewer+Spectrophotometer.aspx. The
recommendations for the GAW network are available from the World Ozone and Ultraviolet
Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC) at http://woudc.org/archive/Documentation/SOP_Documents/

Results of comparisons of Brewer and Dobson instruments, as well as recommendations on

the operation of the Brewer instruments, are provided in the reports of the biennial WMO
consultations on Brewer ozone and UV spectrometer operation, calibration and data processing
(for example, see WMO, 2008a).

The world (primary) standard instruments of Brewer and Dobson networks are calibrated by
the Langley plot method performed at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii (every 24years);
regional standards are calibrated against the primary standard every 23years; and the
station instruments are calibrated by side-by-side calibration with the standard instruments
every 4years. An extension of these calibration cycles up to 56years for station instruments
is currently in the pipeline. In addition, three successful Langley plot campaigns at the Izaa
Atmospheric Observatory on Tenerife with primary and regional standard Dobson instruments
have proved the suitability of that location and facility for this absolute calibration method.

Complementary measurements of total ozone are provided by the differential optical

absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) type UV/visible spectrometers that also allow detection of
various minor trace gases (such as NO2 and BrO). The French instrument is called Systme
d'Analyse parObservationsZnithales (SAOZ), but it is based on the same principle as DOAS.
These instruments are part of the measurement suites within the Network for the Detection of
Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC, http://www.ndsc.ncep.noaa.gov/instr/). Compared
to the more established Brewer/Dobson network, the measurement and analysis procedures for
DOAS type instruments are less standardized, but regular comparison campaigns have been
carried out. Other instruments providing total ozone measurements from the ground (Russian
filter instruments or those of the DOAS/SAOZ type) are not operated under the same data QA/QC
programme as Dobson and Brewer instruments. The Russian and other filter instruments are not
independently calibrated, but are tied to either Dobson or Brewer instruments. Data quality of all
individual total ozone series deposited at WOUDC needs to be documented for the users.

16.2.2 Ozone profile measurements

Measurements of the vertical ozone distribution are possible by both active and remote-sensing
methods. Umkehr method

Dobson and Brewer spectrometers can be used for the measurement of vertical ozone
distribution utilizing the Umkehr method (WMO, 2008c). The reduction of the Umkehr
measurement to an ozone profile requires a complex algorithm that includes knowledge of
the radiative properties of the real atmosphere. As this knowledge changes, the algorithm will
change. A standard Umkehr observation consists of a series of C-pair wavelength measurements
made on a clear zenith sky during morning or afternoon. The measurements are commenced a
few minutes before sunrise and continued until the sun is at an elevation of not less than about
20degrees, or commenced in the afternoon when the sun is at an elevation of not less than

about 20degrees and continued until shortly after sunset. The zenith sky must be free from
clouds for a period of 30min to 1h near sunrise or sunset. This is especially true at low latitude
stations where the sun rises or sets rapidly. At other times, it is desirable that the zenith sky be
cloudless, but permissible that clouds cross it periodically when measurements are not made.
Umkehr observations cannot be made at a polar station or at high latitude stations during
summertime when the sun does not sink below the horizon.

To be able to compute the vertical distribution of ozone, it is necessary to know the total amount
of ozone present at the time of observation. Several total ozone measurements must, therefore,
be made during the morning or afternoon, particularly if the ozone amount is changing fairly

The resulting ozone profile derived from reduction of these measurements is quite dependent
on the algorithm used. The method of Umkehr data analysis was originally developed by Gtz et
al. (1934). Later the method was refined by Ramanathan and Dave (1957), Mateer and Dtsch
(1964), and Mateer and DeLuisi (1992). The Umkehr algorithm is described by Petropavlovskikh
et al. (2005), and updated information is available from http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ozwv/
umkehr/. Ozonesonde measurements

Ozone measurement from light balloons (ozonesondes) is an active method for measuring the
ozone vertical distribution in the atmosphere. Other active methods for ozone mole fraction
measurements (that are used on aircraft platforms) are described in the section on reactive gases
(see section16.4.1).

Ozonesondes are small, lightweight and compact balloon-borne instruments, developed for
measuring the vertical distribution of atmospheric ozone up to an altitude of about 3035km.
The sensing device is interfaced to a standard meteorological radiosonde for data transmission
to the ground station and can be flown on a small rubber balloon. Three major types of
ozonesondes the Brewer-Mast sonde, the electrochemical concentration cell and the carbon
iodine cell are nowadays in use. Each sonde type has its own specific design.

The flight package typically weighs about 1 kg in total and can be flown on small weather
balloons. Normally data are taken during ascent, at a rise rate of about 5m/s, to a balloon burst
altitude of 3035km. The inherent response time of the ozonesonde is 2030s such that the
effective height resolution of the measured vertical ozone profile is typically 100150m.

The principles of ozonesonde operations and an overview of the different aspects of quality
assurance and quality control for ozonesonde measurements in GAW are given in detail in WMO
(2014). Other measurement techniques

Ozone profile measurements can also be obtained by other instruments operated under
the umbrella of NDACC. Lidar and microwave measurements are part of the NDACC suite of
measurements and are valuable for assessing ozone trends in the upper stratosphere and for
validating satellite measurements in the upper atmosphere. The disadvantage of microwave
ozone measurements is the rather poor vertical resolution, but they have a potential to measure
up to the mesopause region. The combination of sonde, Umkehr, lidar and microwave data from
the ground is important for assessing the quality of the ozone profile measurements from space.

16.2.3 Aircraft and satellite observations

Ozone in the atmosphere is also measured by instruments located on board aircraft and space
satellites. The airborne observations are usually made by in situ photometers sampling the air
in the troposphere and lower stratosphere during a flight. The measurements are used mostly

in research campaigns on atmospheric chemistry, but there have also been long-term projects
using commercial aircraft, such as MOZAIC (measurement of ozone, water vapour, carbon
monoxide and nitrogen oxides aboard airbus in-service aircraft), CARIBIC (Civil Aircraft for the
Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container, http://www.caribic-
atmospheric.com/), and recently IAGOS (In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System).

Large-scale monitoring of atmospheric ozone is performed by remote-sensing instruments from

satellites. These programmes can be divided according to lifetime: the long-term operational
monitoring systems that generate large (global) datasets used for trend analyses and for
operational mapping of ozone, and the temporary experimental missions.

Satellite observations can be grouped according to the radiation-detection technology used for
the instruments and the retrieval schemes applied for the derivation of ozone column density or
concentration from the measured radiances. While nadir-viewing instruments are primarily used
for column observations and coarse vertical profiling, limb sounding instruments are able to
measure vertical profiles of ozone at high vertical resolution by solar, lunar or stellar occultation
or by observing limb scatter and emission through the atmospheric limb (Tegtmeier et al., 2013;
Sofieva et al., 2013).


All greenhouse gases are reported in dry mole fractions on the most recent scales summarized
in WMO (2012b) (status as of 2013) and reviewed every two years at the WMO/IAEA Meetings
on Carbon Dioxide, Other Greenhouse Gases and Related Measurement Techniques (GGMT).
The primary reference for greenhouse gases is a set of cylinders of natural air with known mole
fractions of the studied gases. The primary scale is transferred to station working standards
through secondary and tertiary gas standards in cylinders.

16.3.1 Carbon dioxide (including 14C, 13C and 18O in CO2, and O2/N2 ratios)

Carbon dioxide is usually measured by active methods in the atmospheric boundary layer.

Most of historical background atmospheric CO2 measurements are made with non-dispersive
infrared (NDIR) gas analysers, but a few programmes use a gas chromatographic method.
The GC method requires separation of CO2 from other gases in the air sample, reduction of
this CO2 over a catalyst with H2 to CH4, and detection of the CO2-derived CH4 using a flame
ionization detector. Chromatographic peak responses from samples are compared to those from
standards with known CO2 mole fractions to calculate the CO2 mole fraction in the sample. Gas
chromatography techniques are limited to a measurement frequency of one sample every few
minutes. Non-dispersive infrared instruments are based on the same principle that makes CO2
a greenhouse gas: its ability to absorb infrared radiation. They measure the intensity of infrared
radiation passing through a sample cell relative to radiation passing through a reference cell. It is
not necessary to know the CO2 mole fraction of the reference cell gas. Sample air, pumped from
inlets mounted well away from the measurement building, and standard gas flow alternately
through the sample cell. A difference in CO2 concentration between sample and reference gases
(or standard and reference gases) contained in the two cells results in a voltage that is recorded
by the data acquisition system.

Most of the new instalments are performing the measurements of CO2 with laser-based optical
spectroscopic methods, like Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) absorption spectroscopy or high-
finesse cavity absorption spectroscopy, which includes cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS)
and off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (ICOS). Advantageous properties of these
techniques are reduced calibration demands due to better linearity and detector response

Carbon dioxide abundances are reported in dry-air mole fraction, molmol1, abbreviated ppm,
on the WMO CO2 Mole Fraction Scale (WMO CO2 X2007 scale, status as of 2013). Watervapour

affects the measurement of CO2 in two ways: (i) H2O also absorbs infrared radiation and can
interfere with the measurement of CO2; (ii) H2O occupies volume in the sample cell, while
standards are dry. At warm, humid sites, 3% of the total volume of air can be H2O vapour. The
impact of water vapour on the CO2 measurement must therefore be considered. Drying to
a dewpoint of 50C is sufficient to eliminate interferences. The novel optical spectroscopic
methods often allow simultaneous determination of the H2O vapour content, making it, in
principle, possible to correct for dilution due to H2O and spectroscopic effects. However, current
best practice (see WMO, 2012b) still recommends sample drying while the determination of dry-
air mole fractions without sample drying and the subsequent correction are under review.

An alternative method of CO2 measurement that is generally applicable to many other trace
gases is the collection of discrete air samples in vacuum-tight flasks. These flasks are returned to
a central laboratory where CO2 is determined by a NDIR, GC or other instrument. This method is
used where low-frequency sampling (for example, once a week) is adequate to define CO2 spatial
and temporal gradients, and for comparison with in situ measurements as a quality-control step.
This sampling strategy has the advantage that many species can be determined from the same

Measurements of O2/N2 ratios and stable isotopes of CO2 (13C and 18O) help to partition carbon
sources and sinks between the ocean and biosphere. Isotopic measurements are often made
from the same discrete samples used for CO2 mole fraction measurements. Isotopic standards are
maintained by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), but measurement sites are part of
the GAW CO2 network.

A measurement method for stable isotope determination is isotope ratio mass

spectrometry(IRMS), a specialization of mass spectrometry in which mass spectrometric
methods are used to measure the relative abundance of isotopes in a given sample. The
measurement set-up is described by the GAW Central Calibration Laboratory for stable isotopes
at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena, Germany (http://www.bgc-jena.mpg.
de/service/iso_gas_lab/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/IsoLab/Co2InAir). In recent years, optical analysers
that report mole fractions of individual isotopologues have become increasingly available and
are now in routine use. Many of these instruments can provide isotopic ratios with a repeatability
of about 0.05 for 13C of atmospheric CO2 and are valuable for continuous measurements.
Unlike with mass spectrometric techniques, values from such instruments are often calculated
from the ratio of individual measured mole fractions using tabulated absorption line strengths
and are not from direct measurements of a standard material. The reference isotopic abundance
is normally taken from a spectral parameter database (typically the high-resolution transmission
molecular absorption database, HITRAN) that is used in the analysis, and this does not provide
a common scale such as VPDB or the Jena Reference Air Set (JRAS). Some corrections applicable
to mass spectrometric methods, such as those for 17O and N2O, are not required, but other
corrections, such as for interference from other atmospheric components and instrument
fluctuations, may be required depending on the method used to calculate the isotopic values
from individual mole fractions. It is important to realize compatibility between the techniques
before measurement results are made public.

Measurements of the changes in atmospheric O2/N2 ratio are useful for constraining sources
and sinks of CO2 and testing land and ocean biogeochemical models. The relative variations
in O2/N2 ratio are very small but can now be observed by at least six analytical techniques.
These techniques can be grouped into two categories: (i) those which measure O2/N2 ratios
directly (mass spectrometry and gas chromatography), and (ii) those which effectively
measure the O2 mole fraction in dry air (interferometric, paramagnetic, fuel cell, vacuum-
ultraviolet photometric). A convention has emerged to convert the raw measurement signals,
regardless of technique, into equivalent changes in mole ratio of O2 to N2. For mole-fraction
type measurements, this requires accounting for dilution due to variations in CO2 and possibly
other gases. If synthetic air is used as a reference material, corrections may also be needed for
differences in Ar/N2 ratio. There are currently about 10laboratories measuring O2/N2 ratios.
The O2/N2 reference is typically tied to natural air delivered from high-pressure gas cylinders.
As there is no common source of reference material, each laboratory has employed its own

reference. There is currently no CCL for O2/N2. Hence it has not been straightforward to
report measurements on a common scale, but several laboratories report results on a local
implementation of the Scripps scale. There are no named versions yet.

The practice of basing O2/N2 measurements on natural air stored in high-pressure cylinders
appears acceptable for measuring changes in background air, provided the cylinders are handled
according to certain best practices, including orienting cylinders horizontally to minimize
thermal and gravitational fractionation. Nevertheless, improved understanding of the source of
variability of measured O2/N2 ratios delivered from high-pressure cylinders is an important need
of the community. An independent need is the development of absolute standards for O2/N2
calibration scales to the level of 5per meg or better.

Atmospheric 14CO2 measurements are usually reported in 14C notation, the per mil deviation
from the absolute radiocarbon reference standard, corrected for isotopic fractionation and for
radioactive decay since the time of collection. For atmospheric measurements of 14C in CO2,
two main sampling techniques are used: high-volume CO2 absorption in basic solution or by
molecular sieve, and whole-air flask sampling (typically 1.55L flasks). Two methods of analysis
are used: conventional radioactive counting and accelerator mass spectrometry. The current level
of measurement uncertainty for 14C in CO2 is 25, with a few laboratories at slightly better
than 2. Recommendations on calibration are provided in WMO (2012b).

Recommendations on quality assurance of CO2 measurements (including 14C, 13C and 18O
in CO2, and O2/N2 ratios) are reviewed every two years at the WMO/IAEA Meeting on Carbon
Dioxide, Other Greenhouse Gases and Related Measurement Techniques. The report (WMO,
2012b) can be used as the most recent reference regarding calibration and measurement quality

16.3.2 Methane

Methane is usually measured quasi-continuously or from discrete samples by active methods in

the atmosphere. Recommendations for CH4 measurements are provided in WMO (2009a).

For CH4 measurements at GAW stations, GC-FID is typically used. The analytical set-up can vary
greatly depending on details such as type (manufacturer) of GC, chromatographic separation
scheme used, carrier gas (such as N2 or helium (He)), data acquisition, system control hardware
and software, and peak integration system. Consequently, operating procedures for the
individual systems will vary.

New analysers for atmospheric measurements of CH4 based on optical methods give better
repeatability than GC methods, but their long-term reliability is still being assessed. They are
also difficult to repair in the field, and they often need to be returned to the factory for repairs.
Although these instruments, which also measure water vapour, often come advertised as not
needing calibration or sample drying, attendees at the 13th meeting of CO2 experts (WMO,
2006) strongly recommend that the analysers be calibrated routinely and that air samples be
dried to a dewpoint of 40C.

16.3.3 Nitrous oxide

Nitrous oxide is usually measured by active methods in the atmospheric boundary layer.
Recommendations for N2O measurements are provided in WMO (2009a).

A gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector (GC-ECD) is widely used to
separate and detect N2O in ambient air. This technique offers good repeatability, but it can be
difficult to implement. Because the N2O lifetime is long and its fluxes small, spatial gradients
are small; therefore, their quantification requires very precise measurements. The digitized ECD
signal is recorded and integrated to quantify peak heights and areas. Collecting discrete samples
of air in flasks is an alternative method of monitoring N2O. Flasks should be returned to a central
laboratory for analysis by GC. Typical sampling frequencies are weekly or bi-weekly.

Updated recommendations on the measurement calibration and quality control are provided in
WMO (2012b).

Very recently, optical analysers including high-finesse cavity absorption spectrometers with near-
infrared laser sources, FTIR analysers and off-axis ICOS analysers with mid-infrared laser sources
became commercially available for N2O. These exceed the precision of gas chromatography and
should allow the data quality objectives to be reached. First experiments typically show excellent
performance; however, no recommendations can be made since the assessment of their long-
term applicability is still in progress.

16.3.4 Halocarbons and SF6

Halocarbons and SF6 are usually measured quasi-continuously or from discrete air samples by
active methods in the atmospheric boundary layer. Measurement guidelines for these species are
not formalized yet in the GAW Programme.

SF6 is typically measured using GC-ECD techniques on the same channel as N2O.

Global measurements of halocarbons are currently performed by the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment
(AGAGE). The measurement histories for both NOAA and AGAGE extend back to the late
1970s. Both groups measure halocarbons using GC-ECD and gas chromatography with mass
spectrometry (GC-MS) techniques. Halocarbons measured include chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs),
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), chlorinated solvents such as CCl4 and CH3CCl3, halons,
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), methyl halides and SF6. For many halocarbons, measurement
of mole fractions in the background troposphere requires sample pre-concentration. The
AGAGE group operates a network of in situ systems, while the NOAA group operates in situ
systems (for a limited number of gases) and a flask-based programme. For more information on
instrumentation and sampling sites, see: http://agage.eas.gatech.edu, http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/

16.3.5 Remote-sensing of greenhouse gases

There are several techniques used for remote-sensing of greenhouse gases. The Total Carbon
Column Observing Network (TCCON, https://tccon-wiki.caltech.edu/) is a network of surface-
based Fourier transform spectrometers recording direct solar spectra in the near-infrared spectral
region. From these spectra, column-averaged abundances of CO2, CH4, N2O, HF, CO, H2O and
HDO are retrieved. Observations in the mid-infrared (in the NDACC network, http://www.acom.
ucar.edu/irwg/) allow for accurate measurements of column-averaged abundances of CH4, N2O
and CO.


The reactive gases considered in the GAW Programme include surface and tropospheric ozone,
carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, oxidized nitrogen compounds and sulphur
dioxide. All of these compounds play a major role in the chemistry of the atmosphere and, as
such, are heavily involved in interrelations between atmospheric chemistry and climate, either
through control of ozone and the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere, or through the formation
of aerosols. The global measurement base for most of them is entirely unsatisfactory, the only
exceptions being surface ozone and carbon monoxide.

Different reference standards and methods are used in the group of reactive gases. For more
stable gases, the reference material can be prepared as a cylinder filled with the air/other matrix
with known gas mole fraction (for example, for CO, non-methane hydrocarbons and terpenes),
while for others (such as ozone or oxidized nitrogen compounds) only reference methods/
instruments are possible.

16.4.1 Tropospheric (surface) ozone

The detailed measurement guidelines for measuring tropospheric ozone (surface ozone is a part
of tropospheric ozone measured at the Earths surface) are provided in WMO (2013).

The mole fraction most appropriate to the chemical and physical interpretation of ozone
measurements is the mole fraction of ozone in dry air. However, ozone measurements are
usually made without sample drying, because an efficient system for drying air and leaving the
ozone content of the air unchanged has not been developed. It is recommended that ozone
measurements be accompanied by measurements of water vapour mole fraction of sufficient
precision that the ozone measurements could be converted to mole fractions with respect to dry
air without loss of precision.

A number of techniques are used for measurements of ozone in the background atmosphere.
These include:

Ultraviolet absorption techniques

Chemiluminescence techniques
Electrochemical techniques
Cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) with NO titration
Differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS)
Multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy (MAxDOAS)
Tropospheric ozone lidar

A review of each of these techniques, along with information on their applicability for use at
GAW stations, is provided in WMO (2013). Note that only the first four of these techniques
(those conducted in situ) can be traceable via a chain of calibrations to the primary standard as
recommended by GAW. In situ techniques

The main principle of the UV method is based on the absorption of light in the UV region by the
ozone molecule. The broad UV spectrum of ozone shows its maximum around 254nm. This
wavelength represents exactly the strongest emission line of an Hg lamp and the highest spectral
sensitivity of a UV detector, which is a caesium-telluride vacuum UV diode or UV-sensitive
photomultiplier tube (PMT). The instrument measures the relative light attenuation between an
air sample which remains unchanged (i.e. containing ozone) and one in which ozone has been
removed. The ozone mole fraction is calculated via the Lambert-Beer law. Though UV absorption
is an absolute measuring method, calibration is necessary, at least to determine the scrubber
efficiency. Details of this measurement technique are given in WMO (2013).

Because of its high accuracy and precision, low detection limit, long-term stability, sufficient
time resolution and ease of operation (almost no consumables), the UV absorption technique is
recommended for use for routine surface ozone measurements at all GAW stations.

The advantages of the chemiluminescence methods (or chemiluminescence detection CLD)

for ozone measurements are their fast response times and high sensitivity relative to the UV
method. This makes the chemiluminescence suitable for ambient air measurements which
require high time resolution (such as airborne measurements). Since CLD is not an absolute
method, calibrations are necessary. Due to its relative complexity, chemiluminescence is
not recommended for routine surface ozone measurements at GAW stations. However, the
chemiluminescence method is appropriate for experimental studies of ozone at GAW stations
with extended programmes, as backup or for QA/QC reasons, since both instruments produce
different artefacts.

All electrochemical techniques use the oxidation of iodide to iodine by O3:

2 I + O3 + H 2O I 2 + 2 OH + O2

Depending on the approach, the formed iodine is stabilized by former reactions or reduced
at the surface of a cathode where the electrical current is measured. Like UV absorption, it is
an absolute measuring method in principle. However, due to some sources of error, such as
overvoltage or zero current, calibration is necessary.

The cavity ring-down spectroscopy with NO titration is an experimental method with promise
for future observations and should be incorporated into experimental studies of ozone
measurements at selected GAW stations where appropriate. Remote-sensing techniques

Remote-sensing techniques (DOAS, MAxDOAS, lidar) would require a similar traceability chain
as in situ measurements, which is theoretically possible via the knowledge of the ozone cross-
sections at the particular wavelengths used in the instruments. This issue is currently under
consideration by the Absorption Cross Sections of Ozone (ACSO) committee.

Differential optical absorption spectroscopy is a surface-based remote-sensing method suitable

for observations of several trace substances. The instrument consists of a light source, a long
ambient air open optical path generally between 100m and several km, a retro-reflector and
a spectrometer with a telescope, housed with the light source. The spectrometer observes the
light source via the retro-reflector. The DOAS system uses Beers law to determine the ozone
concentration (averaged over the light path). In principle, DOAS should be a sensitive technique,
but this is confounded by the inability of the system to regularly measure a definitive zero and
determine the contribution of other UV absorbing gases and aerosols to the observed signal. The
DOAS may be used as an experimental technique.

Multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy is a surface-based remote-sensing method

for observations of several trace substances. While this method is suitable for stratospheric
monitoring, it is also possible to apply it for trace gas profile measurements in the upper and
lower troposphere. However, since the retrieval procedures, as well as possible tropospheric
interferences, are more complicated in the lower troposphere, it needs highly experienced
personnel for extracting and calculating the mole fractions for the respective trace gases out
of the various spectra. MAxDOAS measurements of ozone, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde,
bromine monoxide (BrO) and other species are recommended especially for providing a link
between surface-based and satellite measurements at selected GAW stations with extended
research programmes.

Lidar (light detection and ranging) is a surface-based remote-sensing method for observations
of several trace substances. For tropospheric ozone measurements, a lidar typically uses two or
more wavelengths between 266nm and 295nm. The chosen wavelengths are shorter than the
ones used for stratospheric ozone detection (typically between 308 and 353nm). Compared to
in the stratosphere, higher ozone absorption efficiency is necessary in the troposphere in order
to get enough sensitivity because of the lower ozone mixing ratios in the troposphere. Too much
absorption means that most light is extinguished at lower elevations, making it difficult to collect
measurement signals from higher elevations. The extreme dynamic range of the backscattering
signal over the troposphere (some decades over a few kilometres of height) is a major technical
problem. Lidar tropospheric ozone measurements are recommended especially for providing a
link between surface-based and satellite measurements at selected GAW stations with extended
research programmes.

16.4.2 Carbon monoxide

The detailed measurement guidelines for carbon monoxide measurements are provided in WMO
(2010). The carbon monoxide scale is evaluated every two years together with the scales of the
major greenhouse gases. For the most recent scale, please consult WMO (2012b).

Measurements of CO are possible both in situ and by flask collection with subsequent analysis
in the laboratory. In situ continuous observations provide information about CO variability on
a timescale ranging from seconds to one hour depending on the measurement technique. In
contrast to flask sampling, continuous measurements allow for near-real-time data delivery.

In situ observations can be made using a broad variety of analytical techniques. Non-dispersive
infrared radiometry is based on spectral absorption at 4.7m. It is frequently used for
continuous measurements at remote locations; however, instrument drift, limited precision
and long averaging times are factors limiting the achievable data quality. Gas chromatography,
when coupled with a number of different detectors (such as flame ionization (GC-FID) or hot
mercuric oxide reduction/UV absorption (GC-HgO)) can provide high-precision and adequate
detection limits. The HgO-reduction detector tends to have a non-linear response over the range
of atmospheric CO, and requires careful, repeated multipoint characterization of the detector
response. The GC-FID technique requires catalytic conversion of CO to CH4. For confidence in
the results, the catalytic conversion efficiency must be determined on a regular basis. This type
of issue complicates efforts to properly maintain instrument calibration and provide accurate
measurements. Gas chromatography measurements are quasi-continuous in nature and
therefore may not detect fast changes of mole fractions that can be captured by high-frequency

Several new measurement techniques have recently become available. The most established
technique is based on resonance fluorescence of CO (induced by a high-frequency discharge)
in the vacuum ultraviolet (VURF). This method provides low detection limits with excellent
precision in the range of atmospheric mixing ratios. A commercially available instrument based
on VURF is used in several research laboratories, field sites and on other platforms, for example in
the CARIBIC project.

Spectroscopic techniques based on CRDS and cavity-enhanced quantum cascade laser (QCL)
spectroscopy have become available. The CRDS technique operates using lasers in the near-
infrared and was previously mainly used for measurements of carbon dioxide, methane and
ammonia. The QCL technique measures in the mid-infrared, and commercial instruments
are available that can determine both CO and N2O with a single laser. Both CRDS and QCL
techniques provide CO measurements with low detection limits and excellent reproducibility.
Tests of their long-term applicability for routine measurements at the GAW stations are
still ongoing. An additional alternative with similar performance that has recently been
commercialized is Fourier transform infrared absorption spectroscopy.

Remote-sensing of CO column from the ground is done in the TCCON network using surface-
based Fourier transform spectrometers in the near-infrared spectral region.

16.4.3 Volatile organic compounds

The measurement of VOCs is complex due to the many different molecules present in the
atmosphere. While systematic surveying of many of these species is important for air quality
purposes, the low concentrations of VOCs away from their sources imply that only a few
molecules can be measured routinely in the background atmosphere. A core set of molecules
recommended for measurement in the GAW Programme with suggested measurement methods
is provided in Table16.1.

The measurement guidelines for VOCs are currently under development in collaboration with
the ACTRIS (Aerosols, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure) network (http://www.
actris.eu). A standard operating procedure for taking air samples with stainless steel canisters
is available in WMO (2012a). General recommendations on VOC measurements can be found
in WMO (2007a). Regular GAW VOC workshops review the status of VOC measurements in the
GAW Programme (http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/arep/gaw/4VOC_expert_meeting2012.
html) and provide further guidance on the development of measurement techniques, quality
assurance and gas standards.

Table 16.1. List of the priority VOCs in the GAW Programme

(assuming OH Steel Glass Analysis
Molecule Importance to GAW
concentration flaska flask methodb
is 106cm 3)
1. Ethane 1.5 months Source of methane GC-FID
Natural sources
Biomass burning
Fossil fuel
Ocean production (southern
Trend in size of seasonal cycle
Indicator of halogen chemistry

2. Propane 11 days Source of methane GC-FID

Natural sources
Biomass burning
Fossil fuel
Ocean production (southern

3. Acetylene 15 days Motor vehicle tracer GC-FID

Biomass burning tracer
Ratios to the other hydrocarbons

4. Isoprene 3 hours Biosphere product ? ? GC-FID

Sensitive to temperature/land PTR-MS
Used for climate change
O3 precursor
Oxidizing capacity
Precursor to formaldehyde

5. Formaldehyde 1 day Indicator of isoprene oxidation DOAS

Biomass burning
Comparison with satellites

6. Terpenes 15 hours Precursors to organic aerosols GC-MS


7. Acetonitrile 0.51 year Biomass burning indicator ? GC-MS

Biofuel burning indicator PTR-MS

8. Methanol 12 days Sources in the biosphere (methane ? GC-FID

oxidation) PTR-MS
Abundant oxidation product

9. Ethanol 4 days Tracer of alternative fuel usage ? GC-FID


10. Acetone 1.7 months Abundant oxidation product ? ? GC-FID

Free radical source in the upper PTR-MS

11. Dimethyl 2 days Major natural sulphur source ? ? GC-FID

sulphide Sulphate aerosol precursor PTR-MS
Tracer of marine bioproductivity

12. Benzene 10 days Tracer of combustion ? GC-FID

Biomass burning indicator GC-MS

13. Toluene 2 days Ratio to benzene used for airmass age ? GC-FID
Precursor to particulates GC-MS

14. Iso/normal 5 days Chemical processing indicator GC-FID

butane Lifetime/ozone production GC-MS

(assuming OH Steel Glass Analysis
Molecule Importance to GAW
concentration flaska flask methodb
is 106cm 3)
15. Iso/normal 3 days Ratio provides impact of NO3 GC-FID
pentane chemistry GC-MS
a indicates state of current practice
b GC-FID = gas chromatography flame ionization detection; GC-MS = gas chromatography mass spectrometry;
DOAS = differential optical absorption spectroscopy; PTR-MS = proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry

Measurements of low molecular weight aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons (C2C9) have
been made successfully for many years, predominantly in short-term regional experiments. The
preferred analytical method for these compounds, which include the molecules 14 and 1215
of Table16.1, is GC-FID. Air samples, from flasks or in situ, are normally pre-concentrated using
cryogenic methods or solid adsorbents. An alternative technique is GC-MS. Although GC-MS is
potentially the more sensitive method, it is typically subject to greater analytical uncertainties
(changes in instrument response over time, detection of common, low-mass fragments).
However, GC-MS may be valuable for the detection of certain hydrocarbons in very remote
locations where ambient levels may be below the detection limit of a typical GC-FID.

The recommended analytical technique for monoterpenes is GC-MS. Although it is possible to

measure some terpenes using an FID, the complexity of the chromatographic analysis (co-eluting
peaks, particularly with aromatics) makes peak identification and quantification difficult. The
GCMS method gives better sensitivity.

Oxygenated hydrocarbons, including the target compounds 810 (Table16.1), can also be
measured using GC-FID or GC-MS. Particular care should be taken with sample preparation
(including water removal), and inlet systems must be designed to minimize artefacts and
component losses commonly encountered with oxygenate analysis. Acetone and methanol can
also be measured using proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS). An advantage
of PTR-MS is that it is an online method that does not require the pre-concentration of samples.
However, it is less sensitive than GC methods, and there are potential interferences from isobaric
compounds, such as O2H+ and methanol. As the stability of oxygenated VOCs in grab samples
(stainless steel or glass flasks) remains highly uncertain, it is suggested that these species be
measured primarily by online methods at a selection of surface-based measurement stations. The
successful storage of acetone in certain flasks has been reported, so the possibility of analysing
this compound in the glass or stainless steel flask network should be investigated.

Formaldehyde (HCHO) is not stable in flasks and has to be measured in situ. Methods of analysis
include the Hantzsch fluorometric (wet chemical) method or DOAS. Both are relatively complex
and would require specialist training for potential operators. It is unlikely, therefore, to be able to
make measurements at more than a few ground stations. Formaldehyde is routinely detected by
satellites. Satellite retrievals yield total vertical column amount, and an important objective of the
GAW Programme would be to provide periodic surface-based measurements at selected sites for
comparison/calibration purposes (ground truthing).

The feasibility of HCHO measurements with PTR-MS (Wisthaler et al., 2008; Warneke et al.,
2011) and QCL (Herndon et al., 2007) was shown during limited measurement campaigns. Their
applicability for long-term routine HCHO measurements has not yet been tested.

Acetonitrile is preferably measured with GC-MS, because this compound is relatively insensitive
to FID detection. Measurements of acetonitrile have also been reported using various reduced
gas and nitrogen-specific detectors. Many recently reported atmospheric measurements of
acetonitrile have been made using PTR-MS or atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass
spectrometry (AP-CIMS). The stability of acetonitrile in grab samples is highly uncertain, so grab
sampling is not acceptable in the framework of GAW and measurements may be limited to a few
selected comprehensive measurement sites.

Dimethyl sulphide (DMS) can be measured by GC-FID, gas chromatography using a flame
photometric detector (GC-FPD), GC-MS and PTR-MS. However, as DMS concentrations can be
measured routinely as part of a standard non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) analysis, GC-FID
analysis of the whole air samples would be the simplest choice of measurement strategy. There is
evidence in the literature that DMS is stable in some flasks, so its measurement as a component of
a flask network is quite feasible. It is also desirable to make in situ measurements of DMS at least
in the early stage of operation of the flask network to ensure method compatibility.

16.4.4 Nitrogen oxide

The sum of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) has traditionally been called NOx.
The sum of all nitrogen oxides with an oxidation number greater than 1 is called NOy. Their
measurement in the global atmosphere is very important since NO has a large influence on
both ozone and the hydroxyl radical (OH). NO2 is now being measured globally from satellites,
and these measurements suggest that substantial concentrations of this gas are present over
most of the continents. A large reservoir of fixed nitrogen is present in the atmosphere as NOy.
The influence of the deposition of this reservoir on the biosphere is not well known at present
but could be substantial. There are efficient in situ measurement techniques for NO and NO2,
whereas the reliability of NOy measurement techniques still needs to be improved. The widely
used CLD technique with molybdenum (Mo) converters gives a signal between NO2 and NOy
and should be named NO2(Mo) or NO2+ (see below).

Detailed measurement guidelines for reactive nitrogen measurements are currently being
developed in collaboration with the ACTRIS network. The focus here is mostly on NO and
NO2 because their measurements are presently more extensive and robust and allow for
implementation of a complete quality assurance system. Recommendations on NO and NO2
measurements can be found in WMO (2011a).

Nitrogen oxide (NO and NO2) measurements can be done by passive, active and remote-
sensing techniques. The active techniques can be divided into integrating and in situ techniques:
integrating techniques consist of a sampling step usually involving liquid-phase sample
collection and offline analysis, whereas in situ (continuous) measurements directly analyse the
sample air. Passive methods are always integrating. Active integrating methods comprise the
Saltzman method and related methods like the Griess or sodium iodide method. The latter is
being used, for example, in the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the
Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe (EMEP, http://www.emep.int) network. Due
to the high reactivity of NOx, flask sampling is impossible.

Ozone-induced chemiluminescence detection is the most widely used among the in situ
techniques. These instruments are typically very sensitive to NO; however, they cannot measure
NO2. Thus, NO2 must be converted to NO before detection. The instrument makes measurements
in an NO mode and then an NO+NO2 mode. The difference, when conversion efficiency
is determined carefully, gives the NO2 mixing ratio. Thus, a high time resolution (< 10min)
is recommended to ensure sampling of the same airmass during subsequent NO and NOx
measurements. The conversion of NO2 to NO is achieved by photolysis of NO2 at wavelengths
320<<420 nm using a photolytic converter (PLC) with an arc lamp or a blue-light converter
(BLC) with light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Advantages of LEDs are the substantially longer lifetime
and nearly constant conversion efficiencies, the mechanical simplicity and the simple on/off
characteristic of the LED (no additional valves/dead volumes). The disadvantage is the small
conversion efficiency. However, new LED-based converters provide efficiencies equal to or even
greater than traditional arc-lamp systems. The use of UV-LED converters is thus recommended for
GAW NO2 measurements.

The use of molybdenum converters for NO2 to NO conversion is strictly discouraged, as this
conversion technique is not selective of NO2 but also converts other oxidized nitrogen species
in different quantities. Already existing measurements with Mo converters should be marked as
NO2(Mo) or NO2+.

The luminol-CLD method measures NO2 directly and NO indirectly after oxidation. Since the
sensitivity depends strongly on the quality of the luminol solution, which decreases during use
due to ageing, frequent re-calibration is needed.

In addition to these methods, optical absorption techniques for NO2 detection have been
developed, including tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS), differential optical
absorption spectroscopy, laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), Fourier transform infrared absorption
spectroscopy and cavity ring-down spectroscopy. They all measure NO2 directly. Recent
developments in CRDS for the measurement of NO2 and of NO as NO2 after oxidation by ozone
show some promise, but the measurements still suffer from uncertainties in the zero level.

Recently, the suitability of research-type quantum cascade laser instrumentation for continuous
and direct measurements of NO and NO2 was shown (Tuzson et al., 2013). This technique may
become an alternative standard method in the future.

Also recently, a cavity attenuated phase shift (CAPS) monitor has become commercially available.
A side-by-side intercomparison experiment at ACTRIS showed excellent results. However, the
lower detection limit (LDL) is some 50ppt. Therefore, the instrument is very good for rural or
anthropogenic-influenced sites but not suitable for remote ones with typical NO2 mole fractions
below 50ppt.

At present, there is no mature technique that can compete with the ozone-induced
chemiluminescence detection measurement of NO at remote locations. Passive and active
integrating methods are not accepted in the GAW Programme due to their poor selectivity and
time resolution.

16.4.5 Sulphur dioxide

Measurement guidelines for SO2 observations are so far not available in the GAW Programme.
General recommendations are given in WMO (2001). However, the GAW Scientific Advisory
Group for Reactive Gases is planning to establish the same quality assurance system for SO2
(including measurement guidelines and central facilities) as it is doing at present for nitrogen
oxides after that item is solved.

There are various measurement techniques for determining atmospheric SO2. EMEP is using
integrating techniques, such as an alkaline-impregnated filter (pack) or coated annular denuder,
both followed by ion chromatography in a central laboratory. These methods yield potentially
more accurate results, but with a lower time resolution of usually one sample per day, as is typical
for integrative techniques. Additionally, they require frequent attention, and personnel costs for
filter analysis are high.

In the group of in situ measurements, the TCM (photometry after reaction of SO2 with
tetrachloromercurate) and the pulse fluorescence methods are widely used. The first one
has a high accuracy but high LDL, and the handling of mercury in the laboratory could be
harmful. Even though the response of the pulsed-fluorescence sensor is slower, its ease of
calibration, dependability, accuracy and SO2 specificity make it preferable. More sensitive gas
chromatographic techniques are also available. However, they require significant technical
expertise and regular attention. In order to enhance the sensitivity, some fluorescence analysers
are equipped with more selective excitation filters. For example, two mirror assemblies are
connected in series and specially selected PMTs are employed. Numerical corrections of
interfering substances could be done; however, this is not necessary in rural or remote areas. The
typical LDL which can be reached with these provisions is some 50ppt. A further enhancement
of sensitivity may be possible by means of a second channel in which only SO2 is removed,
leading to a highly specific read-out after subtraction of both channels.

Since SO2 has a short atmospheric lifetime, understanding the sulphur cycle requires knowledge
of the source and sink terms. This is best accomplished with sampling frequencies of less than
1h. Therefore, the best technique for long-term monitoring of SO2 today is a combination of the
pulsed-fluorescence analyser and filter sampling. Filter samples should be exposed at intervals,
but often enough to act as a quality control for the continuous analyser.

More detailed recommendations can be found in EMEP (2014), available at http://www.nilu.no/


16.4.6 Molecular hydrogen

The detailed measurement guidelines for molecular hydrogen are currently not available in the
GAW Programme.

Molecular hydrogen is reported as dry mole fraction on the most recent scale (WMO, 2012b).
Measurements of H2 are possible both in situ and by flask collection with subsequent analysis
in the laboratory. An example of the measurement system set up at the GAW global stations is
given in Grant et al. (2010).

Molecular hydrogen measurements are performed with gas chromatography followed by

hot mercuric oxide reduction/UV absorption detection. An alternative GC set-up with pulsed-
discharge detectors (PDD) has a more linear detector response and provides better repeatability
for molecular hydrogen measurements.

Problems with instability of H2 in reference gases have frequently been experienced. Therefore,
recommendations on calibration and quality assurance of H2 measurements available in WMO
(2012b) should be consulted.


Atmospheric wet deposition refers to the gases and particles deposited by precipitation on
the Earths surface. These gases and particles have a wide variety of sources and compositions
and generally are present in trace amounts in the atmosphere and in precipitation. These
trace materials are captured by precipitation as it forms in the atmosphere and falls to the
Earth. The deposited materials constitute an important contribution to the mass balance of
pollutants associated with long-range transport. These materials not only affect the chemistry
of precipitation but also can affect the chemistry of the terrestrial and aquatic surfaces on which
they are deposited. The effects can be harmful or beneficial, and they can be direct or indirect.
For example, acidic wet deposition is an environmental problem that results from combustion
of fossil fuels. It occurs when oxides of sulphur and nitrogen, emitted during combustion, are
transformed in the atmosphere and become acidic sulphate and nitrate in precipitation. Other
trace materials that occur in wet deposition include sea salt, nutrients, chemicals found in soil
particles, toxic organic and inorganic chemicals, organic acids, etc. Research has shown that
some wet-deposited chemicals can stimulate marine biotic production, potentially linking
atmospheric wet deposition to the carbon cycle and climate change.

Measuring the chemistry of precipitation tells us what trace materials are present in wet
deposition and in what amounts. This information can be used to evaluate air quality and to
identify and track changes in gaseous and particulate emissions to the atmosphere. In short,
precipitation chemistry measurements provide information on the exchange of trace materials
between the atmosphere and the land/oceans, and hence are important in furthering our
understanding of the chemical cycles of these materials, especially those that can result in
damage to terrestrial and aquatic systems or affect our climate.

Special care is required when planning precipitation chemistry measurements to ensure that
they are representative. Though the measurements are made at a particular location, on
average they should represent measurements in the surrounding region. In general, the sample

collection site should be characteristic of the land use in the region. For example, the site in
an area dominated by agricultural activities should have an agricultural setting. This quality
of spatial representativeness should extend across seasons and even over years. Ideally, a site
would be both spatially and temporally representative. Contamination of localized nature from
agricultural, industrial or other human activities must be avoided, as must the local impact of
natural sources, such as oceanic shores, volcanoes or fumaroles. Sample collection should not
be impacted by trees or other vegetation, and the on-site topography should be level and the
exposure relatively unaffected by wind patterns that may result in an unrepresentative catch
of rain and snow. Human contact with the sample or contact with anything that might change
the sample chemistry must be avoided as well. Ensuring representative precipitation chemistry
measurements entails strict adherence to requirements for site location, site conditions,
equipment installation and site operational protocols and maintenance. These requirements are
documented in WMO (2004b).

Precipitation chemistry monitoring can be divided into sample collection activities and chemical
analysis activities.

16.5.1 Sample collection

The primary goal of the GAW Precipitation Chemistry Programme is to collect wet-only
deposition samples. This means that the samplers are exposed only during precipitation and
trace materials in the samples are deposited only by precipitation. The trace materials from dust
or fine particles or gases deposited during dry weather are excluded. This makes it possible to
study precipitation chemistry without contamination from dry deposition. More importantly, the
equipment and methods for collecting a representative wet deposition sample are inappropriate
for collecting a representative dry deposition sample. The physical and chemical processes
affecting wet and dry deposition are distinctly different.

The best way to ensure collection of a wet-only sample is to employ an automated sampler that
is open only during precipitation. A typical automated, wet-only deposition sampler has the
following components: a precipitation sample container (funnel-and-bottle, bucket, etc.), a
lid that opens and closes over the sample container orifice, a precipitation sensor, a motorized
drive mechanism with associated electronic controls and a support structure to house the
components. The containers should have sufficient volume to hold all precipitation collected
during the sampling period. A system that can be activated manually for testing, cleaning and
routine maintenance is recommended. A modular design that allows removal of individual
components, such as the sensor, facilitates rapid repair with a minimum of tools and expertise.
An alternative to using an automated sampler is to collect samples by manually exposing a
sample container at the very onset of precipitation and closing it as soon as precipitation ceases.
This requires diligent round-the-clock observers alert to weather conditions; as a consequence,
manual sample collection is very labour-intensive.

To complement the collection of wet-only deposition samples, the GAW Precipitation Chemistry
Programme requires every site to measure precipitation depths using the standard precipitation
gauge designated by National Meteorological and Hydrological Services or its equivalent (see
PartI, Chapter6 of this Guide). Manual gauges are preferred. Precipitation depths are used to
calculate the mass of a chemical deposited by precipitation on an area of the Earths surface
(called the wet deposition flux or loading). Standard precipitation gauges are designed to be the
most accurate and representative means of measuring precipitation depths. Thus, each site must
operate a precipitation gauge in parallel with its precipitation chemistry sampler. Precipitation
chemistry sampler volumes are used to calculate wet deposition fluxes only when the standard
gauge fails or is temporarily out of service. The data record should document such cases.

The highest priority of the GAW Precipitation Chemistry Programme is to collect a wet-only
sample on a daily (24h) basis with sample removal set at a fixed time each day, preferably
0900local time. Should the resources be inadequate to collect and analyse daily samples,
multi-day sampling periods up to one week is the next highest priority. Alternative sampling
protocols are described in WMO (2004b). Collecting samples daily reduces the potential for the
degradation of labile chemical species and for other physical and chemical changes in the sample

while it is held in the field sampler. Not only is the sample integrity less likely to be compromised
by a daily sampling protocol but the data have greater value as well. Storm trajectory analyses
and source-receptor models are much less complicated when precipitation is more likely to
have come from a single event or storm. Multi-day and one-week samples are much more likely
to contain precipitation from several storms, each occurring under different meteorological
settings. Further, daily data can be integrated mathematically to determine weekly or longer-
term averages, but weekly data cannot be differentiated into daily components without making
substantial assumptions.

Containers used to collect, store and ship samples should be unbreakable and sealable against
leakage of liquids or gases. High-density polyethylene containers are recommended. All sample
containers must be cleaned with deionized water of known and assured quality. The report
(WMO, 2004b) contains detailed descriptions of the procedures for cleaning containers and
ensuring that cleanliness standards are maintained throughout the collection, storage and
shipment of samples.

16.5.2 Chemical analysis

The following chemical parameters are recommended for analysis in GAW precipitation samples:
pH, conductivity, sulphate, nitrate, chloride, ammonium, sodium, potassium, magnesium and
calcium. Analyses for formate and acetate are recommended for areas suspected of having
high organic acid concentrations. Nitrite, phosphate and fluoride concentrations also may
be important in certain areas, although their analyses are not required by GAW at this time.
Preferred analytical methods are given in Table16.2.

Past experience from regional networks and laboratory intercomparisons has shown that
measuring pH in precipitation is difficult due mainly to the low ionic strength of the samples.
Samples may also degrade due to biological activities and should therefore be kept refrigerated
until the time of analysis, when they are brought to room temperature. The pH measurements
should be carried out within two days of sample arrival in the laboratory.

Commercial pH meters are available with different specifications and options. A pH meter should
have both an intercept and slope adjustment and should be capable of measuring to within

Table 16.2. Chemical parameters required for analysis in the GAW Precipitation Chemistry
Programme with recommended analytical methods

Analyte Status Preferred methodsa

pH Required Glass electrode

Conductivity Required Conductivity cell

Alkalinity Optional Titration

Cl, NO3 , SO 42 Required IC

NH4+ Required IC, AC

Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ Required IC, ICP, AAS/AES

Organic acidsb Optional IEC, IC

NO2, F Optional IC

PO 43 Optional IC, AC
a IC = ion chromatography; AC = automated colorimetry; ICP = inductively
coupled plasma spectrometry; IEC = ion exclusion chromatography;
AAS=atomic absorption spectrometry; AES = atomic emission spectrometry
b For areas with high organic acid concentrations, formate and acetate analyses
are recommended.

0.01pH unit. Combination electrodes containing both measuring and reference functions are
often preferred since they require smaller amounts of a sample, but a set of two electrodes may
also be used with the pH meter. The measuring glass electrode is sensitive to hydrogen ions and
the reference electrode can be calomel, or silver/silver chloride. Low ionic strength electrodes
are now available commercially. Other reference electrodes can also be used as long as they
have a constant potential. When selecting any electrode, confirm its ability to measure low ionic
strength solutions by measuring a certified reference material. Response time should be less than
1min and the addition of potassium chloride (KCl) should not be needed.

The conductivity of a solution is the reciprocal value of its specific resistance and can be directly
measured using a conductivity bridge with a measuring cell. Conductivity varies with the
temperature of the solution and is proportional to the concentration and the species of free
ions present in the solution. Since the conductivity also depends on the electrode area and its
spacing, the measuring apparatus has to be calibrated to obtain the cell constant or to adjust
the meter. A KCl solution of known concentration and conductivity is used for calibration.
Conductivity is measured and expressed in units of microsiemens per centimetre (Scm1),
corrected to 25C. The conductivity range of precipitation samples is 5 to 1000Scm1. In case
of small sample volumes, the aliquot that is used for conductivity measurement can be used for
pH determination. If this is done, the conductivity should be measured first to avoid any possible
error due to salt contamination from the pH electrode.

The apparatus for conductivity measurements consists of:

(a) A conductivity meter (with operating range of 0.1 to 1000Scm1; or, better, 0.01 to
1000Scm1). Precision has to be within 0.5% of the range and accuracy at 1% of the

(b) A conductivity cell (if the values in precipitation samples are expected to be mainly very low
(<20S cm1), use special conductivity cells, with a low cell constant);

(c) A thermometer (0 C to 40 C / 0.1 C);

(d) A water bath at 25 C;

(e) A polyethylene or glass vessel corresponding to the diameter of the cell used.

Ion chromatography (IC) has been widely used in recent years to analyse major anions and
cations in precipitation, mainly in combination with electrochemical detection.

Sulphate, nitrate, chloride as well as other anions in precipitation are separated on an ion
exchange column because of their different affinities for the exchange material. The material
commonly used for anion separation is a polymer coated with quaternary ammonium active
sites. After separation, the anions pass through a suppressor that exchanges all cations for
H+ ions. Instead of strong acid cation exchange columns, today micro membrane and self-
regenerating suppressors with chemical or electrochemical regeneration are used. As a result
of the suppression reaction, corresponding acids of the eluent ions and of chloride, nitrate
and sulphate will reach the conductivity detector. A decreased basic conductivity and higher
analytical signals now allow the detection of anions also in the lower gL1 range.

There are several anion exchangers with different properties available on the market. The time for
one analysis and the quality of separation of single signals are dependent on the type of column
and eluent, and on the concentration and flow rate of the eluent.

Any anions with a retention time similar to that of the main anions in the solution can cause an
interference. For example, when NO2 is present, it elutes just after Cl, which can cause the peak
to be asymmetric. In rare cases, when the concentration of Cl is very high compared with NO3 ,
it can also influence the determination of NO3 . The manual should be consulted to see how
different integration programmes handle this problem.

With care, up to several thousand analyses can be performed with the same anion separator
column. The most effective method of protecting the separator column is to use a pre-column in
front of it. Details are provided by the manufacturers in the manuals for the columns.

The principle of cation measurements is the same as that of anion determination except that
different column materials are used and the suppressor column is often omitted. The material
commonly used for cation separation is a cation exchange resin with active surface groups.
Sodium, ammonium, potassium, calcium and magnesium ions are detected by a conductivity
detector, without changing the eluent when certain columns are used. In other columns,
monovalent cations (Na+, NH4+, K+) are determined using one eluent and divalent cations (Mg2+
and Ca2+) with another eluent (because of their higher affinity to the resin).

Any cation with a retention time similar to that of the main cations may cause interference. For
example, in samples with high concentrations of Na+, the peak of NH4+ becomes asymmetrical
and often causes significant error. In this case, measurement using more dilute eluent could
improve the separation of peaks.

Sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium in precipitation are often analysed by atomic
spectroscopic methods. Both flame (atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and atomic emission
spectrometry (AES)) and plasma (inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
(ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)) based methods can
be used. For these ions, ion chromatography has no special advantage in terms of sensitivity,
precision and accuracy over the spectroscopic methods, although analysis of all ions in one
sample run is not possible with flame AAS or AES (single element methods).

The ions in the sample solution are transformed to neutral atoms in an air/acetylene flame. Light
from a hollow cathode or an electrodeless discharge lamp (EDL) is passed through the flame. In
the AAS mode, light absorption of the atoms in the flame is measured by a detector following a
monochromator set at the appropriate wavelength. Light absorption is proportional to the ion
concentration in the sample. In the AES mode, the light emitted from the atoms excited in the
flame is measured. Most commercial instruments can be run in both modes. Atomic emission
spectrometry is the preferred mode for sodium measurements.

In atomic absorption spectrometry, both ionization and chemical interferences may occur. These
interferences are caused by other ions in the sample, which reduce the number of neutral atoms
in the flame. Ionization interference is avoided by adding a relatively high amount of an easily
ionized element to the samples and calibration solutions. For the determination of sodium and
potassium, caesium is added. For the elimination of chemical interferences from aluminium and
phosphate, lanthanum can be added to the samples and calibration solutions for calcium and

Formic and acetic acids (HCOOH and CH3COOH, respectively) are major chemical constituents
of precipitation in both continental and marine regions. Available evidence suggests that these
compounds originate primarily from natural biogenic sources; both direct emissions (over
continents) and emissions of precursor compounds appear to be important. Biomass and fossil
fuel combustion also result in the emission of carboxylic acids and/or their precursors to the

Carboxylic acids in precipitation are very unstable and rapidly disappear from unpreserved
samples. To generate reliable data, precipitation must be sampled on a daily or event basis and
immediately preserved with the addition of a biocide such as chloroform (CHCl3). Typically,
250ml aliquots of sample (or less for low volume events) are treated with 0.5ml of CHCl3.
Samples are then tightly sealed and refrigerated until analysis.

Carboxylic species can be analysed by both IC (using a dilute eluent) and ion exclusion
chromatography (IEC). However, acetate and propionate typically co-elute when analysed by IC
and are thus impossible to resolve quantitatively. The IEC method exhibits fewer interferences
associated with co-eluting species and is thus preferred for analysis of precipitation samples.

For analysis by IEC, samples are added to a hydrochloric acid (HCl) eluent which then flows
through a separator column, a suppressor column and a detector. Resin in the separator column
partitions anions using the principle of Donnan exclusion; anions are retained and sequentially
separated based on their respective pKas and van der Waals interactions with the resin. Anions
of stronger acids with lower pKas, such as H2SO4, HNO3 and HCl, are effectively excluded and
co-elute early in the chromatogram; those of weaker acids with higher pKas, such as HCOOH
and CH3COOH, elute later in the chromatogram. The suppressor column incorporates a cation
exchange resin with silver added to the exchange sites; H+ exchanges with the silver; the released
silver subsequently reacts with Cl in the eluent to form silver chloride (AgCl), which precipitates
within the column. Acid analytes exit the suppressor in a stream of deionized water. Detection is
by conductivity.


Atmospheric aerosols are important for a diverse range of issues including global climate change,
acidification, regional and local scale air quality, and human health. The climate impact of
aerosols is a result of direct radiative effects and indirect effects on cloud properties. Regional
problems include potential impacts on human health and mortality and environmental impacts
such as visibility impairment. Major sources of aerosols include urban/industrial emissions, smoke
from biomass burning, secondary formation from gaseous aerosol precursors, sea salt and dust.
Outstanding problems include determining the natural sources of aerosols and the organic

Table 16.3 provides a list of aerosol parameters recommended for measurement in the GAW
Programme. Comprehensive measurement guidelines for aerosol measurements are provided in
WMO (2003b) and WMO (2011c), which are currently under review.3

Table 16.3. List of comprehensive aerosol variables recommended for long-term

measurements in the global network

Frequency of
Multiwavelength aerosol optical depth Continuous

Mass concentration in two size fractions (fine, coarse) Continuous

Mass concentration of major chemical components in two size Continuous


Light absorption coefficient at various wavelengths Continuous

Light scattering and hemispheric backscattering coefficient at Continuous

various wavelengths

Aerosol number concentration Continuous

Aerosol number size distribution Continuous

Cloud condensation nuclei number concentration at various Continuous


Vertical distribution of aerosol backscattering and extinction Continuous

Detailed size fractionated chemical composition Intermittent

Dependence of aerosol variables on relative humidity, especially Intermittent

aerosol number size distribution and light scattering coefficient
Source: WMO (2011b)

For the latest versions, see the GAW publications (available from http://w ww.wmo.int/pages/prog/arep/gaw/

16.6.1 Aerosol chemical measurements

At present, filter collection of ambient aerosol, followed by laboratory analyses, still remains
the most commonly used and cost-efficient method for the determination of aerosol chemical
composition despite well-documented artefacts. Artefacts are very often linked to the presence
of semi-volatile species that can either condense upon sampling (positive artefact) or evaporate
from the filter media after sampling (negative artefact). A number of methods have been
proposed to limit these artefacts, but none of them will satisfactorily apply to all chemical
substances present in aerosol.

The optimal set-up for the characterization of chemical properties of aerosol would be composed
of a series of denuders to remove condensable species present in the gas phase (limiting positive
artefact) and a filter pack collecting both particles and condensable species re-emitted from
the first filter (accounting for negative artefact). Filter packs have been developed, consisting
of a sandwich of filters and collection media of various types in series, to collect aerosols and
selectively trap gases and aerosol volatilization products. Ideally, sampling for inorganic and
carbonaceous species is performed with two different sampling lines since different kinds of
denuders and filter media are required for analyses of elemental and organic carbon (EC/OC),
and inorganic species. A third line could be implemented for sampling and analysis of elemental
aerosol composition.

Clearly, methods for artefact limitation can be rather impractical and are relatively expensive. For
GAW purposes, considering remoteness and the availability of resources in a number of sites, the
use of denuders should be seen as a simple recommendation and not a requirement. This means,
however, that sampling artefacts do exist for a number of semi-volatile species, in particular
when temperatures in the sampling system exceed 20C. This should be accounted for when
reporting data to the World Data Centre for Aerosols.

High-volume and low-volume sampling lines are accepted in the context of GAW. For simplicity,
it is suggested that a differencing technique be utilized to separate the coarse fraction from the
fine fraction. Specifically, one filter should be run behind the 10m aerodynamic diameter cut
inlet. A parallel filter should be run behind the inlet suitable for the fine fraction (i.e. 2.5m
aerodynamic diameter at ambient relative humidity or 1.0m in dry air). While the second filter
will yield the fine fraction, the difference between the two filters will yield the coarse fraction. For
high-volume sampling, use of dichotomous samplers is an interesting alternative to differentiate
fine and coarse aerosol fractions.

Low-volume samplers are more easily implemented than high-volume samplers. For the routine
long-term aerosol measurements at GAW stations, it is recommended that up to three sets of
47mm diameter filters be collected in parallel by low-volume samplers. If financial constraints are
limiting, the priorities for filter sampling are: (i) Teflon filters for gravimetric and ionic analyses;
(ii) quartz-fibre filters for carbonaceous aerosol analyses; and (iii) Teflon filters for elemental
analyses. Each set would consist, ideally, of two filters, one for total mass below 10m diameter
and one for the fine fraction. The separation would be achieved by running the filters behind the
size-selective inlets. High-volume samplers are usually more expensive, and running more than
one set of sampler in parallel is often unpractical. For that reason, it is recommended that high-
volume samplers be operated with quartz fibre filters for both inorganic and EC/OC analyses. It
should be noted that denuders for high-volume samplers are not commercially available.

There is no recommendation for determining sampling time as this will highly depend upon the
sites. In general, short sampling time (24 to 48h) provides information that is more easily used in
models and should be preferred over week-long sampling, even if discontinuous. Filters should
be removed from the sampling unit shortly after collection and stored between 0C and 5C
if analyses cannot be performed immediately. Regular blanks should be performed in order to
control for contamination. Ideally, blanks are prepared by mounting filters into the sampling unit
with the pump off. We recommend that one blank be performed every 10samples.

For each GAW aerosol station, a list of core aerosol chemical measurements is strongly
recommended: (i) mass; (ii) major ionic species; (iii) carbonaceous components, and (iv) dust

The mass concentration of atmospheric aerosols is clearly a fundamental parameter in the GAW
measurement programme. It is recommended that this be done gravimetrically on Teflon filters.
It is expressed in units of gm3, where the volume is related to STP. Updated measurement
guidelines on mass concentration measurements using gravimetric analysis of Teflon filters are
provided in WMO (2011c).

The tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) has been widely used for aerosol mass
measurements. The instrument provides continuous measurements and can produce high time
resolution data. The original TEOM has a recommended temperature setting of 50C. There is
evidence that semi-volatile components of aerosols are lost from the TEOM measurements at
this temperature. The most likely explanation is that semi-volatile organic compounds, nitrates
and water are lost from the aerosols during sampling. In newer TEOM models, the operating
temperature has been lowered to 30C to reduce losses of the semi-volatile components. In
addition, sudden changes in ambient relative humidity may cause negative mass readings
from the instrument. New modifications have been made to dry the aerosol particles before
measurement to reduce the effect of ambient relative humidity.

A different type of instrument for continuous mass measurements, the -meter, has also been
commercialized. It operates on the principle of -ray attenuation by a layer of aerosol. The -ray
source is usually 14C or 85Kr decay, and the attenuation can be calibrated with a known mass.
Sampling can be done with individual filters or filter tapes, and the -ray that passes through
the filter is continuously monitored. The -meters have the same inherent difficulties concerning
volatilization as the TEOM. However, comparison with gravimetric methods usually produces
reasonable agreement. Updated guidelines on the mass concentration measurements with beta
attenuation (with the Met One Instruments model BAM-1020) are provided in WMO (2011c).

The concentration of major inorganic species is one of the core pieces of information recommended
for the GAW stations. Major ionic species include sulphate, nitrate, chloride, sodium, ammonium,
potassium, magnesium and calcium. This selection is based on the fact that analytical procedures
for these species have become well established. More importantly, under most atmospheric
conditions, this set of ions is expected to account for a major part of the aerosol mass, and the
measurements here are an important step towards mass closure of the aerosols. As mentioned
above, quantitative measurements of nitrate with a filter technique remain problematic and are
associated with high uncertainties.

In the GAW Programme, it is recommended that analyses be done using ion chromatography
for the most cost-effective approach. The IC technique has the advantage of chemical speciation
and relatively low cost per analysis, and has matured to the degree that the sensitivities for
each ionic species, the cost and the maintenance are all reasonably well known. If IC is set up
properly, all the recommended ionic species can be analysed in one single sample injection.
Alternative analytical techniques exist but their use may introduce systematic differences among
GAW stations. It is part of each laboratorys responsibility to document the equivalence of these
alternative techniques, such as AAS or ICP-MS, with IC whenever they are used. Calibration
of IC instruments is an integral part of every laboratorys standard operating procedures, and
each laboratory must implement quality control procedures that guarantee the accuracy of
calibrations. Recommendations for GAW are similar to those reported in WMO (2004b) for
precipitation chemistry. In addition, protocols for filter extraction should be well documented.

Instruments are emerging on the scene for continuous and semi-continuous measurement
of sulphate, nitrate, and organic carbon in aerosols. In particular, progress in aerosol mass
spectrometry (AMS) has led to the development of instruments that can be used for monitoring
purposes, providing quantitative measurements of the total mass and size distribution of non-
refractory chemical composition in the submicron-size range. For example, the aerosol chemical
speciation monitor (ACSM) is a simple version of AMS that can provide chemically speciated
mass loadings and aerosol mass spectra with one-hour time resolution. No standard operating
procedures exist yet for ACSM or other AMS instruments, but the methods suitability for long-
term monitoring is clear and will undoubtedly bring revision of aerosol chemical speciation
procedures in the future.

The concentration of carbonaceous species (with both elemental and organic fractions) is also one
of the core pieces of information recommended at GAW stations. Carbonaceous species are
still the least understood and most difficult to characterize of all aerosol chemical components.
Total aerosol carbon mass can be divided into three fractions: inorganic carbonates, organic
carbon (OC), and a third fraction ambiguously called elemental carbon (EC), black carbon
(BC), soot or refractory carbon in the scientific literature with no clear definition of the terms.
Recommendations for proper use of terminology for BC-related species have been proposed
by Petzold et al. (2013) to clarify the terms used in atmospheric research; they recommend
that the term black carbon be used only in a qualitative sense, and that terms related to
the measurement technique be used when reporting quantitative results. According to this
terminology, thermo-optical methods can be used to derive total carbon (TC) and OC/
EC fraction in atmospheric aerosol filters. When using optical methods, the light-absorbing
component is called equivalent black carbon (EBC), even though the optical method is not
specific for carbon.

It is recommended that TC, OC and EC be measured in the GAW Programme, leaving out the
relatively minor and difficult inorganic carbon component and the more complicated issue of
organic carbon speciation. Sampling of aerosol carbonaceous materials is recommended using
quartz filters, pre-fired at 350C to 400C for 2h, and at the same sampling frequency as the
Teflon filters. The quartz filter can be analysed for TC using the thermal evolution technique. The
mass concentration of the total carbon is obtained by thermal oxidation of the carbon, usually
at 750C in the presence of a catalyst, to measurable carbon dioxide. Detection of the evolved
carbon dioxide is done in one of two ways: either by reduction to methane in the presence of a
catalyst, and then FID, or by direct detection by NDIR detectors.

The measurement of the TC components OC and EC is more difficult than the measurement
of TC (Schmid et al., 2001). The distinction between the fractions is made by temperature-
controlled volatilization/pyrolysis. This is followed by catalysed oxidation to CO2 and detection
by NDIR, or in some instruments, further catalysed reduction of the CO2 to CH4 and final
detection by FID. There are different temperature-control programmes in use. At present, GAW
recommends the use of one of three thermo-optical techniques: the IMPROVE (Interagency
Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments) protocol (Chow et al., 1993; Chow et al., 2005),
NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) protocol (Birch and Cary, 1996)
and EUSAAR-2 (European Supersites for Atmospheric Aerosol Research) protocol (Cavalli et al.,
2010). Relatively good agreement is obtained between the IMPROVE, NIOSH and EUSAAR-2
protocols for TC determination, while they strongly differ for EC determination (Chow et al.,
2001). Because EC represents a relatively small fraction of TC, OC determination by the three
protocols is also comparable. It is accepted that the IMPROVE and EUSAAR-2 protocols are most
suited for non-urban background sites, while the NIOSH is applied to samples from urban sites in
the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The use of IMPROVE or EUSAAR-2 may therefore
be preferred over NIOSH for global remote GAW stations. Use of the EUSAAR-2 and IMPROVE
protocols for EC determination may lead to different results but should be preferred over any
alternative techniques. Whenever an alternative approach is used for OC measurements, it is
recommended that a periodic determination of OC using one of the thermo-optical methods
be conducted so that results can be compared. This is also true for AMS techniques before a
standardized protocol is well established.

The use of optical methods for estimating EBC involves measuring the change in optical
transmission of a deposit of particles on a filter (absorption) and applying a site-specific and
instrument type-specific mass absorption efficiency to derive EBC. Two key assumptions are
required to derive the equivalent black carbon mass concentration from light absorption
measurements: (i) black carbon is the only species responsible for the aerosol light absorption,
and (ii) the sampled black carbon has the same mass absorption efficiency as the standards used
in laboratory calibrations of the absorption instrument. These assumptions can be evaluated
by experimentally determining the mass absorption efficiency by simultaneously making
light absorption measurements and EC measurements as described above. At sites where EC
concentrations are not routinely determined on quartz-fibre filters, less frequent filter collections
can be used to derive site- and season-specific values of the mass absorption efficiency. Thus,for

GAW measurements of EBC, experimentally derived values of the mass absorption efficiency
at a site are essential when estimating black carbon mass concentration from light absorption

The use of incandescent methods, such as single-particle soot photometers, or volatility

techniques, such as volatility scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), can provide information
on refractory material present in aerosol, but their use in monitoring activities at GAW stations
remains problematic given the lack of standardized protocols and of consistent intercomparison
with thermo-optical techniques.

Dust aerosols can be sampled relatively easily without the problems posed by more semi-
volatile aerosol components such as organics and ammonium nitrate. For GAW stations, it is
recommended that a multi-elemental analysis approach be used to determine the mineral dust
component. Teflon filters should be analysed for at least four of the major crustal elements,
aluminium (Al), silicon (Si), iron (Fe), titanium (Ti) and scandium (Sc), and the related elements,
sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K) and calcium (Ca). No specific analytical technique
is recommended as there is a good selection available, including proton-induced X-ray emission
(PIXE), instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), AAS and
ICPMS. These techniques usually have high sensitivities for the crustal elements. Not all
techniques can provide all the required elements, and depending on availability, a combination
of two or more techniques may be necessary.

16.6.2 In situ measurements of aerosol radiative properties

The following aerosol radiative properties are needed for climate studies, all at multiple
wavelengths across the visible spectrum:

(a) The aerosol light extinction coefficient (ep) and its two components (scattering and

(b) The aerosol optical depth (, see 16.6.5), defined as the integral over the vertical column of
the aerosol light extinction coefficient.

(c) The aerosol single-scattering albedo (o), defined as sp/(ap+sp), describes the relative
contributions of scattering and absorption to the total light extinction. Purely scattering
aerosols (such as sulphuric acid) have values of 1, while very strong absorbers (such as black
carbon) have values of about 0.3.

(d) Radiative transfer models commonly require one of two integral properties of the angular
distribution of scattered light (phase function): the asymmetry factor (g) or the upscatter
fraction (). The asymmetry factor is the cosine-weighted average of the phase function,
ranging from a value of 1 for entirely backscattered light to +1 for entirely forward-
scattered light. The upscatter fraction gives the fraction of sunlight scattered in the
upwards direction (back to space), which depends on the solar zenith angle as well as the
size distribution and chemical composition of the particles. It can be estimated from the
hemispheric backscatter fraction (b).

(e) The mass scattering efficiency for species i, (si), is used in chemical transport models to
evaluate the radiative effects of each chemical species forecast by the model. It is often
calculated as the slope of the linear regression line relating the aerosol light scattering
coefficient (sp) and the mass concentration of the chemical species (though multiple linear
regression is preferred, to deal with covariance of some chemical species). This parameter
has units of m2g1.

(f) The mass absorption efficiency for species i, (ai), is used in chemical transport models to
evaluate the radiative effects of each chemical species forecast by the model. It is often
calculated as the slope of the linear regression line relating the aerosol light absorption

coefficient (ap) and the mass concentration of the chemical species (though multiple linear
regression is preferred, to deal with covariance of some chemical species). This parameter
has units of m2g1.

(g) The functional dependence of components of the aerosol light extinction coefficient (ep,
sp, ap) on relative humidity, f(RH), expressed as a multiple of the value at a low reference
relative humidity (typically <40%).

The aerosol light scattering coefficient is measured with an integrating nephelometer. Integrating
nephelometers have been operated at baseline monitoring stations since the deployment of
a four-wavelength instrument at the NOAA Mauna Loa Observatory in 1974. At present, there
are about four dozen sites monitoring sp routinely around the globe as part of the GAW global
network. A few of these are operating single-wavelength units, but most are measuring sp at
three wavelengths. The multiwavelength integrating nephelometer TSI model3563 operates
at wavelengths of 450, 550 and 700nm, and has the added feature of being able to measure sp
over two angular ranges: total scattering (7170) and hemispheric backscattering (90170,
denoted as bsp). The Aurora3000 integrating nephelometer, manufactured by Ecotech, makes
comparable measurements. While instruments do not exist for direct determination of g or ,
the ratio b= bsp/sp can be used to estimate either of these parameters (updated measurement
guidelines are available in WMO (2011c)). Simpler, less expensive and less sensitive one-
wavelength instruments are also commercially available. These instruments can provide useful
information on the aerosol light scattering coefficient at regional sites where aerosol loadings
allow the use of a less sensitive instrument.

Instruments capable of high time-resolution determination of the aerosol light absorption

coefficient are commercially available. They are based on the rate of change of transmission
through a fibre filter as particles are deposited on the filter. Calibration of these filter-based
methods is difficult but required because the relationship between the change in light
transmission and aerosol absorption optical depth on the filter depends on many factors,
including the particular filter medium and the light-scattering nature of the particles.

One instrument in common use is the aethalometer. Originally, this instrument was calibrated in
terms of an equivalent mass of black carbon rather than the fundamental property that provides
the instrumental response: aerosol light absorption. Early models of the aethalometer have a very
broad wavelength response, while newer versions offer narrowband measurements at multiple

Another commercial, filter-based instrument for determining ap is the particle soot absorption
photometer (PSAP) that measures laboratory aerosols with different single-scattering albedos,
using a calibration standard based on the difference between ep, measured with a long-path
extinction cell, and sp, measured with an integrating nephelometer. Updated measurement
guidelines for PSAP instruments are provided in WMO (2011c).

Yet another filter-based instrument is the multi-angle absorption photometer (MAAP). The MAAP
uses a different optical configuration than the aethalometer and PSAP, with measurements of
the filter reflectivity at two different angles in addition to the filter transmission measurement.
The two reflectivity measurements allow correction for multiple scattering processes involving
the deposited particles and the filter matrix. This approach eliminates the need for a correction
scheme based on independent measurements of the aerosol light scattering coefficient. The
MAAP operates at a wavelength of 670nm. Updated measurement guidelines for MAAP
instruments are provided in WMO (2011c).

Recent improvements in a different approach to determining the aerosol light absorption

coefficient, called photoacoustic spectroscopy, offer a promising alternative to filter-based
methods. Although not as sensitive, the photoacoustic method allows determination of the
aerosol light absorption coefficient while the particles are suspended in air, eliminating the
artefacts introduced by depositing the particles on a filter. The photoacoustic method can be
used in regions where light absorption levels are moderately high, and as a calibration standard
for filter-based instruments.

16.6.3 Particle number concentration and size distribution

Condensation nuclei (CN) can be detected after the condensation of water or other condensable
vapour (often an alcohol such as butanol) from a supersaturated atmosphere onto the
particle. The supersaturation in condensation nuclei counters (CNCs), which are also known
as condensation particle counters (CPCs), is typically quite large, about 150%, allowing the
detection of particles as small as a few nanometres in diameter.

Optical methods are usually used to detect the resulting droplets. Early counters relied on
manual counting, either in situ or after photography. The Nolan-Pollak counter and its derivatives
(such as the Gardner counter) rely on determination of the optical extinction of the resulting
cloud. Photometric observation of light scattered by the droplets is used in some counters. The
most satisfactory method is individual counting of particles condensed in a continuous flow, as
employed in the family of CNCs that have developed from the design of Bricard et al. (1976). This
procedure is employed in most modern commercial CNCs. It has the advantage of giving a direct
determination of CN concentrations up to about 105cm3 (although this limit is not generally
reached by simpler, lower-cost counters).

Because of the complexity of the particle number size distribution measurement, it is

recommended that number size distribution determinations be undertaken only at GAW stations
with more highly developed aerosol programmes. Many commercial instruments are available
to do this. They utilize a wide range of physical principles to classify particles according to size.
Some of the better-known approaches use the electrical mobility of particles, aerodynamic size,
or optical size determined by light scattering. This latter class includes a number of relatively
small, low-cost instruments utilizing laser diodes. While any of these measurement approaches
has the potential to add useful data to the overall GAW aerosol measurement programme, it
is assumed that stations operating such instrumentation will have a highly developed aerosol
programme that includes documentation, calibration and quality control measures.

16.6.4 Cloud condensation nuclei

Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) measurements are made to determine the concentration and
establish climatologies of those particles that have the potential to produce cloud droplets at
supersaturations typical of natural clouds, that is, less than about 1%. Because of the complexity
of the measurement, it is recommended that CCN determinations be undertaken at GAW
stations with more highly developed aerosol programmes. Past CCN measurements in the GAW
Programme have been made predominantly using static thermal-gradient chambers, which are
well suited to relatively low-frequency sampling and low-resolution (differential) CCN spectrum
determination. Instruments utilizing continuous flow offer another approach, and a commercial
instrument using this approach is being deployed at a growing number of GAW stations.
Measurement methods that have available droplet growth times comparable to real clouds are

16.6.5 Aerosol optical depth

Aerosol optical depth (AOD) is retrieved from observations of atmospheric spectral transmission.
The solar spectral irradiance I at a given wavelength can be expressed as:
I = I 0 exp ( m ) (16.3)

with I0 being the extraterrestrial (top of the atmosphere) irradiance of the sun, m the optical
airmass and the total optical depth. The optical airmass equals 1 for a vertical path through
the atmosphere and is roughly proportional to 1/cosz, with z being the zenith angle of the sun
during the observation. The total optical depth at a given wavelength is composed of several
components, such as scattering by gas molecules R (Rayleigh scattering), extinction by aerosol
particles A, absorption of trace gases G (ozone, nitrogen dioxide, etc.), and possible cloud
contamination. Thus, the AOD can be obtained from the total optical depth by subtracting
modelled estimates of the other components A= R G.

Because AOD is essentially a difference between two larger numbers, it is sensitive to

small calibration errors and, to a minor degree, to the methods chosen to model the other
components. A traceable calibration uncertainty of 1.5%, corresponding to an uncertainty of
0.015optical depths at unit optical airmass, should be maintained for AOD observations (WMO,

Wavelengths and bandpasses specifically for AOD that are largely free of variable extinction
components (water vapour and NOx) and strong ozone extinction have been recommended
in WMO (2003a). The Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) and GAW-PFR (a network of
aerosol optical depth observations with precision filter radiometers) are using four AOD channels
at 368, 412, 500 and 862nm. While some other networks have selected different wavelengths
based on their specific needs (validation of satellite sensors, modelling efforts), measurements at
5003nm and 8655nm are typically available in most networks.

Measurements of the solar spectral irradiance are traditionally taken by sun-pointing radiometers
(sun photometers) mounted on a two-axis solar tracker, with a sampling rate of once every
minute to allow for objective quality control and cloud filtering algorithms. Homogeneous
quality control is more difficult to achieve with handheld sun photometers.

Rotating shadow-band filter radiometers measure global and diffuse spectral irradiance at
several wavelength bands. Direct normal irradiance obtained as the difference between global
and diffuse radiation, normalized by the solar zenith angle, can be used to retrieve AOD the same
way as with sun photometers.

More advanced instruments like sky-scanning radiometers can be used to infer additional
column aerosol optical properties, including size distribution, single-scattering albedo or phase
function, through sophisticated mathematical inversion models.

Sun photometers and shadow-band and sky-scanning radiometers are commercially available
from several manufacturers. Centralized data evaluation and calibration services4 are offered for
standardized instruments by global networks, such as the AerosolRoboticNetwork (AERONET),
GAW-PFR or SKYNET (WMO, 2005).

16.6.6 GAW aerosol lidar

The basic lidar principle is the following: a laser pulse is transmitted into the atmosphere where
it encounters gas molecules and particles; a small amount of this energy is backscattered in the
direction of the receiver system, typically a telescope, and transferred to a photodetector as a
photomultiplier. The resulting electrical signal is proportional to the optical power received,
which depends on the presence, range and concentration of atmospheric scatterers and
absorbers in the light path volume. Lidar techniques are able to characterize atmospheric
aerosols in terms of vertical profiles of extinction and backscatter coefficients, lidar ratio, optical
depth and microphysical properties such as shape, refractive index and size distribution, on
timescales as short as minutes and vertical scales as short as metres.

Lidar observations are much more powerful if used in coordinated networks. Lidar networks
are fundamental to studying aerosols on a large spatial scale and to investigating transport
and modification phenomena. There are several research lidar networks that contribute to
GAW: the Asian Dust and Aerosol Lidar Observation Network (AD-NET), Latin American Lidar
Network (LALINET or ALINE), Commonwealth of Independent States Lidar Network (CIS-LINET),
European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET), Micro Pulse Lidar Network (MPLNET),
NDACC, and the NOAA Cooperative Remote Sensing Science and Technology (CREST) Lidar
Network. These networks are coordinated within the GAW Aerosol Lidar Observation Network
(GALION; WMO, 2008b).

For more details, see the World Optical Depth Research and Calibration Centre website (at http://w ww.pmodwrc.

Several different lidar techniques exist, depending on the specific instrument design and mainly
on the specific laser-atmosphere scattering process.

Elastic backscatter lidar

This is the simplest type of aerosol lidar: the backscattered wavelength is identical to the
transmitted wavelength, and the magnitude of the received signal at a given range depends
on the backscatter cross-section of scatterers along the path to that range. Typical operating
wavelengths are 355, 532 and 1064nm. The typical product of a backscatter lidar is the vertical
profile of the aerosol backscatter coefficient obtained assuming a lidar ratio, i.e. the extinction-
to-backscatter ratio, that is mostly constant throughout the profile and usually derived from an
existing climatology obtained with measurements from a Raman lidar, described later. In this
sense, it is necessary to underline that without an a priori assumption about the lidar ratio, this
kind of lidar system cannot provide quantitative aerosol backscatter data.

Depolarization lidar

These are elastic backscatter lidars equipped with channels for the detection of the two parallel
and cross-polarized components of the backscattered radiation. This provides quantitative
information about particle shape, strongly contributing to aerosol typing as well as to the
identification of thin clouds contaminating the profiles. A depolarization channel allows
discrimination of volcanic ash and other aerosol particles. Typical operating wavelengths are
355and 532nm. Depolarization lidar systems need accurate calibration.

Raman lidar

The Raman lidar technique operates by measuring the inelastic Raman scattering by a specific
gas. The Raman backscattered radiation from molecular nitrogen (or oxygen) is typically used for
retrieving the vertical profile of the aerosol extinction coefficient that, coupled with the elastic
scattering collected at the same emission wavelength, provides also the vertical profile of the
aerosol backscatter coefficient without assuming a lidar ratio. Typical operating wavelengths
are 355 and 532nm. Most of the existing Raman lidar instruments are also equipped with a
depolarization channel providing data on the particle linear depolarization ratio. Advanced
multiwavelength Raman aerosol lidar techniques have been demonstrated to be the only
technique capable of providing range-resolved aerosol microphysical properties. Moreover,
rotational Raman lidar systems can be designed for optimizing extinction measurements in
daytime conditions.

High spectral resolution lidar

The high spectral resolution lidar (HSRL) technique provides calibrated measurements of
aerosol optical depth, extinction and backscatter. Measurements are computed from ratios
of the particulate scattering to the measured molecular scattering. This provides absolute
calibration and makes the calibration insensitive to dirt or precipitation on the output window.
A very narrow, angular field-of-view reduces contamination from spurious sources, like multiple
scattering contributions. The small field-of-view, coupled with a narrow optical bandwidth,
nearly eliminates noise due to scattered sunlight, improving the signal-to-noise ratio also during
daytime operations.


Ceilometers are basically elastic backscatter lidars that employ a diode laser source emitting at
infrared wavelengths (typically 905 or 1064nm) using a low energy but a high repetition rate
(in units of J of energy per pulse and kHz for the rate) and that detect the elastic backscattered
radiation by clouds and precipitation. Ceilometers are a self-contained, turnkey, surface-based,

active, remote-sensing device designed to measure cloud-base height and potentially the
backscatter signals by aerosols. Ceilometers can provide qualitative information about aerosol
vertical distribution. Generally, older and typically less powerful instruments are barely able to
detect aerosol layers in the atmosphere, while newer instruments are quite useful for volcanic
ash/dust detection and ash/dust plume tracking.

All of these lidar techniques can provide data products suitable for monitoring the spatial and
temporal distribution of aerosol up to the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere region and can
characterize them from a dynamical and microphysical point of view. The main lidar limitation is
related to the presence of rain, dense fog and thick clouds (optical depths larger than 23) that
do not allow monitoring of the atmosphere above the cloud-base region. The altitude range
covered by lidars is limited at the bottom by the overlap height (altitude where there is a full
overlap between the transmitter and the receiver) that is typically about 250500m above the
ground level but could be also up to 2km above the ground depending on the specific design.
The maximum altitude range strongly depends on the laser power and optical design, but can be
up to 2530km for high-power systems. It is difficult to provide general estimates of the accuracy
of the different lidar products because these strongly depend on the specific system and on the
meteorological conditions. On average, uncertainties for extinction and backscatter coefficient
are about 20% (in the case of Raman lidar or HSRL). The retrieval of microphysical properties is
possible only if optical data have uncertainties lower than 20%30%.

Aerosol lidar products (see Table16.4 for more details):

(a) Geometrical properties:

(i) Layer identification (top, bottom and centre of mass);

(b) Profiles of optical properties:

(i) Extensive optical parameters: aerosol backscatter coefficient (a), aerosol extinction
coefficient (a);

(ii) Intensive optical parameters: lidar ratio, particle linear depolarization ratio (a),
ngstrm backscatter-related exponent ( ), ngstrm extinction-related exponent
( );

(c) Optical properties in the identified layer:

(i) Integrated backscatter, aerosol optical depth;

(ii) Mean intensive optical parameters (lidar ratio, particle linear depolarization ratio,
ngstrm backscatter-related exponent, ngstrm extinction-related exponent);

(d) Aerosol typing classification;

(e) Mass concentration estimate;

(f) Microphysical properties retrieved.


Table 16.4. Lidar products related to specific surface-based lidar techniques

(note that (d) = daytime only)

Surface-based lidar Geometrical Lidar Microphysical

a a AOD Type b
techniques properties ratioa properties
Ceilometerc d

Ceilometer + (d)f (d)

sun photometer

Ceilometer + (d)f (d)

sun photo. + (limited)
depolarization lidar

1-wavelength (1-)
backscatter lidar

1- backscatter lidar (d)f (d)

+ sun photometer

1- backscatter (d)f (d) (d)

lidar + sun photo. + (limited)
depolarization lidar

(m-)e backscatter

M-e backscatter (d)f (d) (d)f (d)f

lidar + sun

M-e backscatter (d)f (d) (d)f (d)f

lidar + sun photo. +
depolarization lidar

1- Raman lidar/ g g g g
HSRL (limited)

1- Raman lidar/ g g g (d)f (d)f (d)f

HSRL + sun (limited)

1- Raman lidar/ g g g (d)f (d)f (d)f

HSRL + sun photo. +
depolarization lidar

M-e Raman lidar g g g g g g

M-e Raman lidar + g g g g g

sun photometer

M-e Raman lidar + g g g g g

sun photo. +
depolarization lidar
a From two independent measurements
b Identification of scattering type (aerosol particles, cloud droplets, ice crystals, some aerosol type information)
c A ceilometer is a single-wavelength, low-power lidar, with lower signal-to-noise ratio.
d If calibrated
e m > 2
f Estimate only
g Most Raman lidar systems operate during night-time. Some 24-h Raman lidar systems exist and their operability
has been proved. However, few systems nowadays operate Raman channels also during daytime; HSRL is
independent of daytime.


The global distributions of the source/sink terms of the naturally occurring radionuclides (7Be,
Be, 210Pb and 222Rn) and the anthropogenic radionuclides (85Kr) are reasonably well known.
Be and 10Be are produced by cosmic-ray interactions in the upper troposphere and lower
stratosphere. 222Rn is exhaled from the Earths land surface as a result of uranium decay in
soil. 210Pb is produced in the lower troposphere from the decay of 222Rn. Most of the 85Kr in the
atmosphere is released during nuclear fuel reprocessing. Atoms of 7Be, 10Be and 210Pb attach
themselves to submicron-size aerosol particles, and therefore act as aerosol-borne tracers in the
atmosphere. 222Rn and 85Kr, which are chemically and physically inert, act as noble gases in the

Measurements of radionuclides are not a priority area within the GAW Programme. Some
general recommendations can be found in WMO (2001) and WMO (2004a).

List of GAW central facilities and host institutions as of September 2013; the World Central
Facilities have assumed global responsibilities, unless indicated.

Quality Calibration World
World Calibration Regional
Variable Assurance/Science Laboratory Data
Centre Calibration Centre
Activity Centre (host of primary Centre
(round robin)
Empa (audits)

Carbon isotopes MPI-BGC JMA

CH4 Empa (Am, E/A) a

NOAA-ESRL Empa (Am, E/A) a
JMA (A/O)a JMA (A/O)a






Total ozone JMA (A/O)a NOAA-ESRL,b ECc NOAA-ESRL,b ECc BoM,b NOAA- EC,f DLRg
b c

JMA,b MOHp,b

Ozonesondes IEK-8 IEK-8 IEK-8 EC

Surface ozone Empa NIST Empa OCBA JMA


chemistry ARL





Aerosol UBA (physical TROPOS NILU,f

properties) (physical DLRg



(Am),a EUVC/

Solar radiation PMOD/WRC PMOD/WRC MGO

a Am = Americas; E/A = Europe and Africa; A/O = Asia and the South-West Pacific
b Dobson
c Brewer
d Filter instruments
e Precision filter radiometers
f Surface-based
g Space-based

Host institutions

BoM Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia

BSRN Baseline Surface Radiation Network, Federal Institute of Technology (ETH),
Zrich, Switzerland
DLR German Aerospace Centre, Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling, Germany
EC Environment Canada, Toronto, Canada
Empa Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research,
Dbendorf, Switzerland
EUVC European Ultraviolet Calibration Centre (see PMOD/WRC)
IEK-8 Institute of Energy and Climate Research: Troposphere (IEK-8), Research Centre
Jlich GmbH, Jlich, Germany
TROPOS Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany
IMK-IFU Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Meteorology and Climate
Research Atmospheric Environmental Research, Garmisch-Partenkirchen,
ISWS Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, IL, United States
IZO Izaa Observatory, Tenerife, Spain
JMA Japan Meteorological Agency, Tokyo, Japan
KMA Korea Meteorological Administration, Seoul, the Republic of Korea
MGO A.I. Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory, Russian Federal Service for
Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, St. Petersburg,
the Russian Federation
MPI-BGC Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany
MOHp Meteorologisches Observatorium Hohenpeissenberg, Hohenpeissenberg,
NOAA-ARL National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Air Resources Laboratory,
Silver Spring, MD, United States
NOAA-ESRL National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Earth System Research
Laboratory, Global Monitoring Division, Boulder, CO, United States
NILU Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Kjeller, Norway
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, United States
NPL National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, United Kingdom
OCBA Observatorio Central de Buenos Aires, Argentina
PMOD/WRC Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos/World Radiation Centre,
Davos, Switzerland
SAWS South African Weather Service, Pretoria, South Africa
SOO-HK Solar and Ozone Observatory, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
UBA German Environmental Protection Agency, Berlin, Germany

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PART II. OBSERVING SYSTEMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  523

CHAPTER 1. MEASUREMENTS AT AUTOMATIC WEATHER STATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  526

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  551


METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  553

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  573

CHAPTER 3. AIRCRAFT-BASED OBSERVATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  575

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  592

CHAPTER 4. MARINE OBSERVATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  595

ANNEX 4.A. WMO/IOC REGIONAL MARINE INSTRUMENT CENTRES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  629


OBSERVERS OF PRESENT WEATHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  631


MANUALLY REPORTING SHIPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  633

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  634


THE TROPOSPHERE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  639

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  653


REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  676

CHAPTER 7. RADAR MEASUREMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  680


FREQUENCY SHARED SPECTRUM USE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  741


REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  745

CHAPTER 8. BALLOON TECHNIQUES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  752

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  763

CHAPTER 9. URBAN OBSERVATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  765

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  792

CHAPTER 10. ROAD METEOROLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  795

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  806


CHAPTER 1. MEASUREMENTS AT AUTOMATIC WEATHER STATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  526

1.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  526
1.1.1 Definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  526
1.1.2 Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  526
1.1.3 Meteorological requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  526
1.1.4 Climatological requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  528
1.1.5 Types of automatic weather stations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  529
1.1.6 Networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  529
1.2 Automatic weather station hardware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  530
1.2.1 Sensors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  530
1.2.2 Central processing unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  533 Data acquisition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  534 Data processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  536 Data transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  536
1.2.3 Peripheral equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  536
1.3 Automatic weather station software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  537
1.3.1 System software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  538
1.3.2 Application software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  538 Initialization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  538 Sampling and filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  539 Raw-data conversion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  539 Instantaneous meteorological values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  540 Manual entry of observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  540 Data reduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  540 Message coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  541 Quality control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  541 Data storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  543 Data transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  543 Maintenance and calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  545 Data display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  545
1.4 Automatic weather station siting considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  546
1.5 Central network data processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  546
1.5.1 Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  546
1.5.2 Quality management of network data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  547
1.6 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  547
1.7 Calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  549
1.8 Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  550

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  551



1.1.1 Definition

An automatic weather station (AWS) is defined as a meteorological station at which

observations are made and transmitted automatically (WMO, 1992a).

At an AWS, the instrument measurements are read out or received by a central data-acquisition
unit. The collected data from the autonomous measuring devices can be processed locally at
the AWS or elsewhere, for example, at the central processor of the network (WMO, 2010a).
Automatic weather stations may be designed as an integrated concept of various measuring
devices in combination with the data-acquisition and processing units. Such a combined system
of instruments, interfaces and processing and transmission units is usually called an automated
weather observing system (AWOS) or automated surface observing system (ASOS). It has
become common practice to refer to such a system as an AWS, although it is not a station fully
in line with the stated definition. Nevertheless, throughout this chapter, an AWS may refer to just
such a system.

1.1.2 Purpose

Automatic weather stations are used for increasing the number and reliability of surface
observations. They achieve this by:

(a) Increasing the density of an existing network by providing data from new sites and from
sites that are difficult to access and inhospitable;

(b) Supplying, for manned stations, data outside the normal working hours;

(c) Increasing the reliability of measurements by using sophisticated technology and modern,
digital measurement techniques;

(d) Ensuring the homogeneity of networks by standardizing the measuring techniques;

(e) Satisfying new observational needs and requirements;

(f) Reducing human errors;

(g) Lowering operational costs by reducing the number of observers;

(h) Measuring and reporting with high frequency or continuously.

1.1.3 Meteorological requirements

The general requirements, types, location and composition, frequency and timing of
observations are described in WMO (2010b, 2011c).

Considering that AWSs are fully accepted as meteorological stations when providing data with
accuracy comparable to that of conventional stations, the accuracy requirements given in PartI,
Chapter1 of the Guide may also be applied, as appropriate, to AWSs.

The guidance provided in this chapter must be used in conjunction with the chapters on
measurements of the various meteorological variables in PartI and, in particular, with the
chapters on quality management (Chapter1), sampling (Chapter2) and data reduction
(Chapter3) in PartIV.

The development and installation of AWSs should be the result of a definite, coordinated
plan for getting data to users in the format required. To achieve this, negotiations should first
be undertaken with the users to draw up a list of all functional requirements and to develop
practical means of fulfilling them.

Furthermore, it is not always satisfactory to rely on equipment suppliers to determine operational

requirements. The Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation (CIMO) gives the
following advice to Members of WMO and, by inference, to any Service taking meteorological

When considering the introduction of new AWS instrument systems, Meteorological Services

(a) Introduce into service only those systems that are sufficiently well documented so as to
provide adequate knowledge and understanding of their capabilities, characteristics and
any algorithms used;1

(b) Retain or develop sufficient technical expertise to enable them to specify system
requirements and to assess the appropriateness of the capabilities and characteristics of
such systems and algorithms used therein;2

(c) Explore fully user requirements and engage users in system design of AWSs;

(d) Engage users in validation and evaluation of the new automated systems;

(e) Engage manufacturers in the system assessment and need for improvements in

(f) Develop detailed guides and documentation on the systems to support all users;

(g) Develop adequate programmes for maintenance and calibration support of the AWSs;

(h) Consult and cooperate with users, such as aeronautical authorities, throughout the process
from AWS design, to implementation, to operational use;

(i) Develop and apply reporting methods for national use to accommodate both observations
generated by traditional and automated systems.

With respect to the automation of traditional visual and subjective observations, and future
changes in reporting code, Meteorological Services should improve their definition of
requirements with respect to:3

(a) Areas of application for which data are no longer required;

(b) Areas of application for which different or new data are needed;

(c) Prioritizing the requirements for data to be provided by AWSs.

Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its twelfth session (1998)
through Recommendation2 (CIMOXII).
Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its twelfth session (1998)
through Recommendation2 (CIMOXII).
Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its twelfth session (1998)
through Recommendation5 (CIMOXII).

When considering the development and application of algorithms for AWSs, Meteorological
Services should:4

(a) Encourage instrument and system designers to work closely with relevant users to
understand fully user requirements and concerns;

(b) Work together with system designers to publish and disseminate, for widespread use and
possible standardization, descriptions of the data-processing algorithms used in their
systems to derive meteorological variables;

(c) Test and evaluate thoroughly new algorithms and systems being introduced and
disseminate the test results in the form of performance characteristics to users of the

(d) Evaluate thoroughly, through field testing and intercomparison, the relationship of new
algorithms and systems to previous methods, and establish transfer functions for use in
providing data continuity and homogeneity, and disseminate these data to users.

1.1.4 Climatological requirements5

Where a proposed automatic station has a role in providing data for climatological records, it is
important for the integrity, homogeneity and utility of the climate datasets that the following
areas be considered for action (see WMO, 1993):

(a) In cases where an AWS replaces a manual observing system that has been in operation
for a long time, a sufficient overlap in observation systems to facilitate maintaining the
homogeneity of the historical record must be assured.6 The overlap time is dependent on
the different measured variables and on the climate region. In tropical regions and islands,
the overlap time could be shorter than in extratropical and mountainous regions. The
following general guidelines are suggested for a sufficient operational overlap between
existing and new automated systems:

(i) Wind speed and direction: 12 months

(ii) Temperature, humidity, sunshine, evaporation: 24 months

(iii) Precipitation: 60 months

(It will often be advantageous to have an ombrometer operated in parallel with the
automatic raingauge.)

A useful compromise would be an overlap period of 24 months (i.e. two seasonal cycles);

(b) Accurate metadata should be maintained for each AWS installation;7

(c) Procedures should be standardized for quality assurance and processing of data from AWSs
(see section1.3.2.8);

(d) The existing and future requirements of climate data users should be defined precisely and
considered in developing statements of requirement for automated observations by AWSs;8

Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its twelfth session (1998)
through Recommendation2 (CIMOXII).
Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its twelfth session (1998)
through Recommendation3 (CIMOXII).
Note also WMO (2010a), section3. one year of parallel measurements does not suffice; preference is
given to at least two years, depending on the climatic region.
See Part I, Chapter 1, section 1.1.3.
See Part I, Chapter 1, Annex 1.E.

(e) Climate users should be trained in the most effective use of AWS data;9

(f) Specifications for a standardized climatological AWS should be developed which would
record a basic set of climate variables such as temperature, precipitation, pressure and
wind. Standardized water vapour measurements should be included due to the significance
of this parameter in climate-change studies. Extreme values of all variables should be
accurately and consistently recorded in a way that can be precisely related to older,
manually-observed, data.10

1.1.5 Types of automatic weather stations

Automatic weather stations are used to satisfy several needs, ranging from a simple aid-to-the-
observer at manned stations to complete replacement of observers at fully automatic stations.
It is possible to classify AWSs into a number of functional groups; these frequently overlap each
other, however, and the classification then begins to break down. A general classification could
include stations that provide data in real time and those that record data for non-real-time or off-
line analysis. It is not unusual, however, for both of these functions to be discharged by the same

Real-time AWS: A station providing data to users of meteorological observations in real time,
typically at programmed times, but also in emergency conditions or upon external request.
Typical real-time use of an AWS is the provision of synoptic data and the monitoring of critical
warning states such as storms and river or tide levels.

Off-line AWS: A station recording data on site on internal or external data storage devices possibly
combined with a display of actual data. The intervention of an observer is required to send stored
data to the remote data user. Typical stations are climatological and simple aid-to-the-observer

Both types of stations can optionally be set up with means both for manual entry and for the
editing of visual or subjective observations that cannot yet be made fully automatically. This
includes present and past weather or observations that involve high costs, such as cloud height
and visibility. Such a station could be described as partially or semi-automated.

Since AWSs can be very expensive, the stations facilities can also be used to satisfy the common
and specific needs and requirements of several applications, such as synoptic, aeronautical
and agricultural meteorology, hydrology and climatology. They may also be used for special
purposes, such as nuclear power safety, air and water quality, and road meteorology. Some AWSs
are, therefore, multipurpose AWSs.

1.1.6 Networking

An AWS usually forms part of a network of meteorological stations, each transmitting its
processed data to a central network processing system by various data transmission means. As
the tasks to be executed by this central system are strongly related, and often complementary, to
the tasks of the AWSs, the functional and technical requirements of both the central system and
the AWSs should be very well coordinated.

When planning the installation and operation of a network of AWSs, it is of the utmost
importance to consider the various problems associated with maintenance and calibration
facilities, their organization and the training and education of technical staff. Network density
considerations are beyond the scope of this Guide as they depend on the specific applications.
However, the optimum siting and exposure of stations have an important influence on the
performance of the stations and must be studied before they are installed.

For example, see WMO (1997), especially Part II Implementation and user training considerations.


An AWS may consist of an integrated AWOS (and data-acquisition system) or a set of autonomous
measuring devices connected to a data-collection and transmission unit. The layout of an AWS
typically consists of the following:

(a) On a standard observing area, preferably no smaller than 25m x 25m (PartI, Chapter1,
and WMO, 2010a), a series of automated sensors sited at the recommended positions and
interconnected to one or more data collection units using interfaces, or for an AWOS, a set
of sensors installed in close combination, but not affecting each other, directly connected to
a central processing unit (CPU) by means of shielded cables, fibre optics, or radio links;

(b) A CPU for sensor data-acquisition and conversion into a computer-readable format, proper
processing of data by means of a microprocessor-based system in accordance with specified
algorithms, the temporary storage of processed data, and their transmission to remote
users of meteorological information;

(c) Peripheral equipment such as a stabilized power supply providing power to the various
parts of the station, a real-time clock, and built-in test equipment for automatic monitoring
of the status of vital parts of the station. For specific applications, local terminals for the
manual entry and editing of data, display devices and printers, or recorders are added to
the station.

The growing interaction between society and the atmosphere results in changing and
growing requirements, such as demands for more stations and more variables to be measured,
transmission at more frequent intervals, new formats and better performance. As a consequence,
existing AWS hardware and software have to be adapted to new requirements. This can be
carried out only if the AWS is well planned on a modular basis. Adaptation processes and tests
are often more complicated than expected. A well-planned AWS includes pre-tested options
that allow changes in the configuration and the system parameters. Other desirable features
include spare power capacity, space in installation frames, spare communication interfaces, spare
processing capacity and a flexible software environment. Guidance on preparing a functional
specification for the AWS system is available in PartI of WMO (1997).

1.2.1 Sensors

The meteorological requirements for sensors used at AWSs are not very different from those
of sensors at manual observation stations. See also the recommendations in the relevant
chapters in PartI of this Guide. Because measurements at most AWSs are controlled from long
distances, these sensors must be robust, fairly maintenance-free and should have no intrinsic
bias or uncertainty in the way in which they sample the variables to be measured. In general, all
sensors with an electrical output are suitable. A large number of sensors of varying performance
and quality (and price) are suitable for use with automatic data-acquisition systems. There are
frequent new developments, some enhancing the performance of existing sensors, while others
are often based on new physical principles. Depending on their output characteristics, sensors
can be classified as analogue, digital and intelligent sensors.

Analogue sensors: Sensor output is commonly in the form of voltage, current, charge, resistance or
capacitance. Signal conditioning converts these basic signals into voltage signals.

Digital sensors: Sensors with digital signal outputs with information contained in a bit or group of
bits, and sensors with pulse or frequency output.

Intelligent sensors/transducers: Sensors including a microprocessor performing basic data-

acquisition and processing functions and providing an output in serial digital or parallel form.

With regard to meteorological sensors, PartI of this Guide gives a full description of general
aspects, types of sensors, methods of measurement, units, scales, exposure, sources of error,
calibration and maintenance. CIMO assists Members through the regular organization of

international instrument intercomparisons. The results can be very valuable for evaluating
different measuring approaches. Since 1968, CIMO has been using questionnaires to obtain
information on instrument development, and a report, entitled the Instrument Development
Inquiry, is published every four years. The reports contain information on both instruments under
development and instruments put into operational use. Information on new developments and
operational experience can be found in the proceedings of national symposiums, magazines
and journals, and also in the proceedings of the technical conferences organized regularly
by CIMO. These technical conferences are accompanied by an exhibition of meteorological
instrumentation where manufacturers present their latest developments. The results of CIMO
intercomparisons, the Instrument Development Inquiry reports and the proceedings of CIMO
technical conferences are published by WMO in the Instruments and Observing Methods reports
series. The direct exchange of experience between operators of AWS networks, in particular
those operating stations in similar environmental conditions, is recommended as another way of
obtaining information.

Some specific considerations concerning AWS sensors are given in the following paragraphs.
Achievable operational accuracies are given in PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.E11 of the Guide. As
experimental results become available, these estimates will be updated by CIMO, as appropriate.
Sensor (laboratory) calibration accuracy should be better by a factor of at least two allowing for
transformation to linear response functions. Sensor resolution should be better by a factor of
about three than the stated requirement (which includes the performance of the interface).

Atmospheric pressure: A wide variety of devices exists, mostly based upon the use of an aneroid
capsule, vibrating wire, or quartz crystal which provide an output in electrical analogue or
digital form. For digital sensors, reference is made to WMO (1992b). The main problems
to be carefully considered by the designer or specifier of an AWS are the adverse effects of
temperature, long-term drift, vibration and exposure. Temperature effects are severe and are
not always fully compensated by built-in temperature compensation circuits. AWS pressure
sensors have an intrinsic long-term drift in accuracy, typically less than 0.2 to 0.3hPa every six
months, and therefore require regular calibration. The effects of vibration and mechanical shocks
on the output of pressure sensors are important, especially where marine AWS applications are
concerned. Because of the vulnerability of most readily available pressure sensors to the effects
of external exposure, it is common practice to house the pressure instrument within a sealed and
thermo-stabilized small box inside the CPU enclosure. In some countries, the sensor is connected
to the outside of the box via a tube equipped with a static pressure head. For aeronautical
applications or at remote stations, where a high degree of accuracy and reliability are required,
two or more pressure sensors are incorporated in the station.

Part I, Chapter 3 gives guidelines on the use of digital barometers with AWSs.

Temperature: The most common types of thermometers used in an AWS are pure metal resistance
thermometers or thermistors. The platinum resistance thermometer (100 at 0C) shows very
good long-term stability and can be considered as the preferred type of sensor.

Electrical thermometers usually have a short time-constant and, when sampled by fast electronic
circuits, their output reflects high-frequency low amplitude fluctuations of the local temperature.
This problem can be avoided by using sensors with a long time-constant, by artificially
damping the response with a suitable circuit to increase the time constant of the output signal,
or by averaging digitally the sampled outputs in the CPU. Resistance thermometers require
linearization. This can be obtained by appropriate circuits in signal conditioning modules, or
by software algorithms. It is highly recommended that the thermistor characteristics should be
linearized. Of great concern is the proper protection of the sensor against the effects of radiation.
Radiation shields adjusted to the size of the sensor are widely used and replace the common
naturally ventilated Stevenson screen in an AWS. For accurate measurements, the radiation
shields should be artificially ventilated with an air speed of about 3ms1, but precautions should
be taken to prevent the entry of aerosols and drizzle in order to avoid wet-bulb effects.

As specified by the Meeting of Experts on Operational Accuracy Requirements (1991) and approved by the
forty-fourth session of the Executive Council (1992) for inclusion in this Guide.

Humidity: A very comprehensive overview of humidity sensors for use in an AWS can be found in
WMO (1989a).

Although relatively low-cost resistance and capacitive sensors for direct relative humidity
measurements are widely employed in AWSs, they are still susceptible to poor performance in
the presence of pollutants and require special protection filters. Intercomparisons reveal that
additional corrections have to be applied for measurements below 0C, even if the sensors
incorporate temperature compensation circuits and if hysteresis problems occur when exposed
to saturated conditions.

Dewpoint meters, such as the saturated lithium chloride sensor and the chilled-mirror sensor, are
also used in an AWS. The major drawback of lithium chloride sensors is their sensitivity to power
failures; they require field interventions after a power interruption. The optical dewpoint meter is
considered as the most promising technique, but further investigations are required in order to
develop a good automatic mirror-cleaning device.

The problems associated with the short time-constant of many humidity sensors are more
critical than for temperature sensors. As for temperature measurements, all types of sensors
have to be installed in proper radiation shields. Preference should be given to aspirated or well-
ventilated radiation shields. Shields may be similar in construction to those used for temperature
measurements. Large errors can occur due to aspiration and cleaning problems.

Wind: The use of conventional cup or propeller anemometers with pulse or frequency output is
widespread and presents no particular technical problem other than that associated with icing
in severe conditions. This complication can be overcome by heating the sensor in moderate
icing conditions, but this results in a significant increase in electrical power consumption. It is
recommended that, for new cup and propeller anemometers, the response length should be
smaller than 5m and that, in new digital systems, the sampling frequency must be compatible
with the filtering applied. In counting devices, this implies that the number of pulses over one
counting interval is considered as one sample.

The use of conventional analogue instruments equipped with a potentiometer for wind direction
measurements is also widespread in AWSs. Wind-vane devices with digital angle encoders,
usually in one or other form of Gray code, are increasingly used. Wind vanes with an undamped
natural response length smaller than 10m and a damping ratio between 0.3 and 0.7 are
recommended. For vanes with digital encoders, a minimum resolution of 7bits is required.

CIMO also recommends that, for new systems, it should be possible to report standard
deviations of wind speed and direction with a resolution of 0.1ms1 and 10, respectively.

A wind system with a serial digital output and one or more digital displays providing a direct
visualization of the operational variables (wind peak, wind averages over two and 10min, wind
direction and extremes) is a typical example of an intelligent sensor.

Precipitation: The most common rainfall-measuring equipment in an AWS is the tipping-

bucket raingauge. Gauges are rapidly clogged by debris such as leaves, sand or bird
droppings; therefore, care must be taken with AWSs used for long unattended operations. For
measurements of rain and snowfall below 0C, different parts of the gauge must be heated
properly. This can give rise to serious electrical power problems, in particular for battery-
operated AWSs. Care should be taken since heated gauges introduce errors due to evaporation
losses. An achievable observing accuracy of 5% to 10% is considered to be excellent. Accuracy
can be improved by surrounding the raingauge with a proper windshield (for example, a Nipher
shield) (see WMO, 1994, for a comparison of precipitation sensors).

Sunshine: A number of sunshine duration recorders with electrical output are available. Reference
is made to WMO (1989b). WMO has adopted a threshold value of 120Wm2 for bright sunshine
of direct solar irradiance, thus solving a long-term problem. A drawback of a sunshine sensor for
unattended use over long periods of time is that dirt accumulates on the front aperture which
results in apparent changes in threshold.

Radiation: Most of the sensors used for these measurements at conventional stations can, in
principle, be connected to an automatic system. The main technical problem is that these sensors
are usually analogue devices that produce very small, continuously variable voltages as signal
output. These voltages are very vulnerable to electromagnetic interference on the signal cables
and adequate measurements have to be taken. The problem of contamination of the front
aperture is even more severe for radiation measurements (which are absolute measurements)
than for bright sunshine. Dust deposits on uncleaned pyranometer domes are considered to
give a 2% loss of accuracy (excluding days with frost and dew). As a result, the effective use
of radiation instruments at sites that are unattended for several days is hard to envisage. An
achievable observing accuracy (daily mean) is of the order of 5%.

Cloud height: The measurement of cloud height at an AWS is now mostly accomplished with
the aid of (laser) ceilometers. Reference is made to WMO (1988) for an evaluation of current
systems. Difficulties are still experienced in processing automatically the signals from the
sensors in order to produce accurate measurements of cloud-base height under the wide range
of conditions encountered in nature, in particular rain and snow. Another difficulty is that the
sensors sample the cloud height only over a very small area of sky directly above the detector.
When provided to a remote user, such information can present a dangerously incorrect picture
of the state or coverage of the sky, especially if the data are to be used for aviation purposes. This
may be overcome by the use of algorithms to estimate cloud cover during a 30min processing
interval. In some countries, the role of the ceilometer is, however, that of an aid to the observer
who is watching the sky. Ceilometers normally require a significant amount of electrical power
and cannot generally be used unless a conventional supply is available. Furthermore, their
performance may be reduced or distorted by the accumulation of snow, dust or other forms of
contamination on the window of the exit and front apertures of the optical or infrared beam.

Visibility: A wide variety of instruments is readily available for making visibility measurements at
AWSs. Refer to WMO (1990).

A distinction can be made between transmissometers and visibility meters. High accuracy
transmissometers are mostly used at airports, while lower accuracy (and less expensive)
backward, forward or integrated visibility meters are more common for other AWSs. Both types
are available in versions which can be battery-powered and which can, therefore, be used at
remote sites where primary alternating current or mains power is not available. However, they
consume a considerable amount of electrical power and, unless supported by an auxiliary power
source, it is not normally feasible to operate them for more than a few weeks without battery

1.2.2 Central processing unit

The core of an AWS is its CPU. Its hardware configuration depends on the complexity and
magnitude of the functions it has to perform and on whether a unique hardware solution exists.
In general, the main functions of the CPU are data acquisition, data processing, data storage and
data transmission.

In the majority of existing AWSs, all of these functions are carried out by one microprocessor-
based system installed in a weather-proof enclosure as close as possible to the sensors, or at
some local indoor location. If the unit is located near the sensors, on-site processing reduces the
amount of data which must be transmitted and enables those data to be presented in a form
suitable for direct connection to communication channels. In such cases, however, the CPU is
vulnerable to power-supply failure and must be protected against the outdoor environment
in which it must operate. If the unit can be located indoors, it can usually be connected to a
mains supply and operated as if it were located in a normal office environment. However, such
a configuration results in an increased number of long signal cables and appropriate signal

Depending on local circumstances and requirements, the different functions of the CPU may
also be executed by different units. In such cases, each unit has its own microprocessor and
relevant software, can be installed at different places in the station, and can communicate with

each other through well-established inter-processor data transfer links and procedures. They
operate in a dependency relation, the data-processing unit being the independent unit. An
example is the installation of one or more data-acquisition units in the field close to the sensors
that are connected to the data processing or transmission unit of the CPU by means of one or
more telephone lines using digital data transmission. These units can consist of one sensor
(for example, an intelligent sensor such as a laser ceilometer), a number of similar sensors (for
example, thermometers), or a number of different sensors.

The rapid technological evolution of modern industrial data-acquisition and process-control

systems opens up new possibilities for meteorological applications. The high degree of input/
output modulation and flexibility, the drastically increased operating speed of microprocessors
and, in particular, the availability of dedicated data-acquisition, process-control and
telecommunications software make it possible to develop AWSs which can meet the diverse
observation needs and requirements of various users. As a consequence, any description of an
AWS can be soon out of date and has to be considered with reservation. With this in mind, the
following paragraphs give a general idea of the state of the art. Data acquisition

In general, the data-acquisition hardware is composed of:

(a) Signal-conditioning hardware for preventing unwanted external sources of interference

from influencing the raw sensor signals, for protecting the CPU electronics, and for
adapting signals to make them suitable for further data processing;

(b) Data-acquisition electronics with analogue and digital input channels and ports, scanning
equipment and data conversion equipment to enter the signals into the CPU memory.

Signal conditioning

Signal conditioning is a vital function in the data-acquisition process and starts with the proper
selection of cables and connectors for connecting the sensor to the data-acquisition electronics.
It is further accomplished by means of different hardware modules. Taken over from industrial
process control, several conditioning functions are now integrated into one removable module.
The most convenient and, hence, most common location for installing these modules is on
the terminal panels of sensor cables in the same waterproof enclosure as the data-acquisition
electronics. Depending on the sensor and local circumstances, various signal-conditioning
techniques are available.

Sensor cables: Electrical signals from the sensors entering a data-acquisition system might include
unwanted noise. Whether this noise is troublesome depends upon the signal-to-noise ratio and
the specific application. Digital signals are relatively immune to noise because of their discrete
(and high-level) nature. In contrast, analogue signals are directly influenced by relatively low-
level disturbances. The major noise transfer mechanisms include capacitive and inductive
coupling. A method of reducing errors due to capacitive coupling is to employ shielded cables
for which a conductive material (at ground potential) is placed between the signal cables and the
interference source. The additional use of a pair of wires that are entwined is effective in reducing
electromagnetic coupling.

Surge protection: When an AWS could be subject to unintentional high-voltage inputs, the
installation of a protection mechanism is indispensable to avoid possible destruction of the
equipment. High-voltage input can be induced from magnetic fields, static electricity and,
especially, from lightning.

Two-wire transmitters: It is sometimes desirable to pre-amplify low-level signals close to the

sensor to maintain a maximum signal-to-noise ratio. One way of performing this kind of signal
conditioning is to use a two-wire transmitter. These transmitters not only amplify the input
signal, but also provide isolation and conversion to a high-current level (typically 4 to 20mA).
Current transmission allows signals to be sent to a distance of up to about 1500m.

Digital isolation: Electrical modules are used to acquire digital input signals while breaking the
galvanic connection between the signal source and the measuring equipment. The modules not
only isolate, but also convert the inputs into standard voltage levels that can be read by the data-
acquisition equipment.

Analogue isolation: Analogue isolation modules are used to protect equipment from contact with
high voltages, the breaking of ground loops and the removal of large common-mode signals.
Three types of analogue isolation are in wide use today: the low-cost capacitive coupling or
flying capacitor, the good performance and moderate cost optical coupling, and the high-
isolation and accurate, but higher-cost, transformer coupling.

Low-pass filtering: Filters are used to separate desired signals from undesirable signals.
Undesirable signals are noise, alternating current line frequency pick-up, radio or television
station interference, and signal frequencies above half the sampling frequency. Generally, a low-
pass filter is employed to control these unwanted sources of error, excluding that portion of the
frequency spectrum where desired signals do not exist.

Amplifiers: Analogue sensor signals can vary in amplitude over a wide range. The analogue-to-
digital (A/D) converter, however, requires a high-level signal in order to perform best. In many
cases, an amplifier module is used to boost possible low-level signals to the desired amplitude.
Amplifier modules are also employed to standardize the voltage output of all sensors to a
common voltage, for example 05voltage direct current.

Resistances: Special modules are used to convert resistances, such as platinum thermometers,
into a linearized output voltage signal and to provide the necessary output current for this
conversion. It should be noted that the conversion to a linear signal can introduce inaccuracies,
which can be critical for some applications.

Data-acquisition function

The data-acquisition function consists of scanning the output of sensors or sensor-conditioning

modules at a predetermined rate, and translating the signals into a computer-readable format.

To accommodate the different types of meteorological sensors, the hardware for this function
is composed of different types of input/output channels, covering the possible electrical output
characteristics of sensors or signal-conditioning modules. The total number of channels of each
type depends on the output characteristics of the sensors and is determined by the type of

Analogue inputs: The number of analogue channels is usually between 4 and 32. In general,
a basic configuration can be extended by additional modules that provide more input
channels. Analogue input channels are of particular significance as most of the commonly used
meteorological sensors, such as temperature, pressure and humidity sensors, deliver a voltage
signal either directly or indirectly through the sensor-conditioning modules.

The data-acquisition tasks are the scanning of the channels and their A/D conversion. A scanner is
simply a switch arrangement that allows many analogue input channels to be served by one A/D
converter. Software can control these switches to select any one channel for processing at a given
time. The A/D converter transforms the original analogue information into computer readable
data (digital, binary code). The A/D resolution is specified in terms of bits. An A/D resolution of
12bits corresponds to approximately 0.025%, 14bits to 0.006%, and 16bit to 0.0015% of the
A/D full range or scale.

Parallel digital input/output: The total number of individual channels is mostly grouped in blocks
of 8 out of 16bits with extension possibilities. They are used for individual bit or status sensing or
for input of sensors with parallel digital output (for example, wind vanes with Gray code output).

Pulses and frequencies: The number of channels is generally limited to two or four. Typical sensors
are wind speed sensors and (tipping-bucket) raingauges. Use is made of low- and high-speed
counters accumulating the pulses in CPU memories. A system that registers pulses or the on-off
status of a transducer is known as an event recorder.

Serial digital ports: These are individual asynchronous serial input/output channels for
data communication with intelligent sensors. The ports provide conventional inter-device
communications over short (RS232, several metres) to long (RS422/485, several kilometres)
distances. Different sensors or measuring systems can be on the same line and input port, and
each of the sensors is addressed sequentially by means of coded words. Data processing

The data-processing hardware is the heart of the CPU and its main functions are to act as the
master control of the input/output of data to, and from, the CPU and to carry out the proper
processing of all incoming data by means of the relevant software.

The hardware is operated by a microprocessor. Microprocessors do not change the principles of

meteorological measurements or observing practices but they do allow the instrument designer
to perform technical functions in a new way to make measurements easier, faster and more
reliable, and to provide the instrument with higher capabilities, especially in data handling.
The adoption of microprocessors considerably reduces hardware costs for some applications. It
must be noted, however, that the expanded expectations which may be met by this device will
lead very often to a fast-growing and considerably underestimated cost of the development of

Existing AWOSs are equipped with 8-bit microprocessors and limited memory (32 to 64kbytes).
New systems using 16- or 32-bit microprocessors surrounded by a considerable amount of
solid-state memory (up to 1Mbyte) are becoming standard. These AWOSs provide more input/
output facilities which operate at much higher processing speeds and are capable of performing
complex computations. Together with new hardware, sophisticated software is applied which
was, some years ago, available only in minicomputer systems. The unit can be equipped with
different types of memories such as random access memories (RAM) for data and program
storage, non-volatile programmable read-only memories (PROMs) for program storage
(programs are entered by means of a PROM programmer), and non-volatile electrically erasable
PROMs (EEPROMs) mostly used for the storage of constants which can be modified directly by
software. At most stations, the RAM memory is equipped with a battery backup to avoid loss
of data during power failures. At non-real-time stations without data transmission facilities,
data can be stored in external memories. Mechanical devices with tapes which were used for
this purpose for many years are now replaced by memory cards (RAM with battery backup,
EEPROMs, etc.), which have a much higher reliability. Data transmission

The data transmission part of the CPU forms the link with the outside world, which may be
the local observer or the maintenance personnel, the central network processing system of the
National Meteorological and Hydrological Service, or even directly the users of meteorological
information. The equipment is interfaced to the CPU by using commonly available serial and
parallel input/output ports. The most suitable means of data transmission depends mainly on
the site in question and the readily available transmission equipment. No single solution can
be regarded as universally superior, and sometimes the transmission chain requires the use of
several means (see section1.3.2.10).

1.2.3 Peripheral equipment

Power supply: The design and capability of an AWS depend critically upon the method used to
power it. The most important characteristics of an AWS power supply are high stability and

interference-free operation. For safety reasons, and because of the widespread use and common
availability of 12V batteries in motor vehicles, consideration should be given to the use of 12V
direct current power. Where mains power is available, the 12V batteries could be float-charged
from the main supply. Such a system provides the advantage of automatic backup power in
the event of a mains power failure. Automatic weather stations deployed at remote sites where
no mains power is available must rely upon batteries that may, or may not, be charged by an
auxiliary power source, such as a diesel generator, wind- or water-driven generator, or solar
cells. However, such low-power systems cannot, in general, support the more complex sensors
required for cloud height and visibility measurements, which require large amounts of power.
Furthermore, AWSs with auxiliary equipment such as heaters (anemometers, raingauges)
and aspirators can also consume considerable power, thus restricting the installation of an
AWS to locations where mains power is available. If, because of the need for a versatile and
comprehensive system, only the mains can supply sufficient power for full operation, provision
should be made for support, from a backup supply, of at least the system clock, the processor and
any volatile memory that may contain recent data needed to restart the station automatically.

Real-time clock: An essential part of data processing is a 24h real-time clock powered by a battery,
which ensures that the time is kept even during power outages. Ensuring the accuracy of actual
AWS clocks requires special attention to guarantee correct read-outs, sample intervals and time
stamps. At some AWSs, devices are used to synchronize the clock with broadcast radio time
reference signals or the Global Positioning System.

Built-in test equipment: Vital parts of an AWS often include components whose faulty operation or
failure would seriously degrade or render useless the principal output. The inclusion of circuits to
monitor automatically these components status is an effective means of continuously controlling
their performance during operation. Examples are: a power-failure detector which restarts the
processor and continues the AWS function after a power failure; a watchdog timer to monitor
the proper operation of microprocessors; and test circuits for monitoring the operation of station
subsystems such as battery voltage and charger operation, aspirators (temperature and humidity
screens), A/D converters, heaters, etc. Status information can be automatically displayed on site
or input into the CPU for quality-control and maintenance purposes.

Local display and terminals: Operational requirements often require observations to be entered
or edited manually, for example at semi-automatic weather stations. Depending on the
requirements, and on the station designer, different types of local terminals are used for this
purpose, including a simple numerical light-emitting diode (LED) display with keyboard forming
an integral part of the CPU, a screen with keyboard, or even a small personal computer installed
at some distant indoor location. For maintenance purposes, special handheld terminals are
sometimes used which can be plugged directly into the station. For particular applications, such
as AWSs at airports or simple aid-to-the-observer stations, digital displays are connected for the
visualization of data at one or more places at the site. On request, a printer or graphical recorders
can be added to the station.


When designing or specifying an AWS it is a guiding principle that the cost of developing and
testing the software will be one of the largest financial elements in the package. Unless great care
is exercised in the preliminary design and strong discipline maintained while coding, complex
software readily become inflexible and difficult to maintain. Minor changes to the requirements
such as those often induced by the need for a new sensor, code changes, or changes in
quality-control criteria may often result in major and very expensive software revisions.

In general, a distinction can be made between application software consisting of algorithms

for the proper processing of data in accordance with user specifications, and system software
inherently related to the microprocessor configuration and comprising all software to develop
and run application programs.

Advice on the development of algorithms for AWSs is given in section1.1.3 above. Discussion
of the design of algorithms for synoptic AWSs is found in WMO (1987), and for the processing
of surface wind data in WMO (1991). Information on the algorithms used by Members can
be found in WMO (2003). For detailed information on sampling, data reduction and quality
management, the appropriate chapters in PartIV should be consulted.

1.3.1 System software

The software for many existing AWSs is developed by the manufacturer in accordance with
user requirements and is put into the CPU memory in a non-readable format for the user (so-
called firmware), thus turning the CPU into a sort of black box. The user can execute only
predetermined commands and, as a consequence, depends entirely on the manufacturer in the
event of malfunctions or modifications.

Fortunately, the increasing demand for data-acquisition systems for industrial process control
has opened up new possibilities. Users can now develop their own application software (or
leave it to a software company or even the manufacturer of the station) using programming
languages like Basic, Pascal or, in particular, C, and using readily available utility packages for
data acquisition, statistics, storage and transmission. The result is that the user acquires more
insight into, and control over, the different processes and becomes consequently less dependent
on the manufacturer of the station.

In recent systems, increasing use is made of well-proven real-time multitasking/multi-user

operating systems, which were available only for minicomputers in the past. They are real-time
because all operations are activated by hardware and software interrupts, multitasking because
different tasks can be executed quasi-simultaneously following a predetermined priority, and
multi-user because different users can have quasi-simultaneous access to the system. Software
developers can give their full attention to the development of application programs in the
language of their choice while leaving the very difficult and complex control and execution of
tasks to the operating system.

1.3.2 Application software

The processing functions that must be carried out either by the CPU, the sensor interfaces,
or a combination of both, depend to some extent on the type of AWS and on the purpose for
which it is employed. Typically, however, some or all of the following operations are required:
initialization, sampling of sensor output, conversion of sensor output to meteorological data,
linearization, averaging, manual entry of observations, quality control, data reduction, message
formatting and checking and data storage, transmission and display. The order in which these
functions are arranged is only approximately sequential. Quality-control may be performed at
different levels: immediately after sampling, after deriving meteorological variables, or after the
manual entry of data and message formatting. If there are no checks on data quality-control and
message content, the AWS data are likely to contain undetected errors. While linearization may
be inherent in the sensor or signal-conditioning module, it should always be carried out before
the calculation of an average value.

The execution of the application software is governed by a schedule that controls when specific
tasks must be executed. The overview of AWS application software in the following paragraphs is
limited to some practical aspects related to AWSs. Initialization

Initialization is the process that prepares all memories, sets all operational parameters and starts
running the application software. In order to be able to start normal operations, the software
first requires a number of specific parameters, such as, among others, those related to the station
(station code number, altitude, latitude and longitude); date and time; physical location of the
sensor in the data-acquisition section; type and characteristics of sensor-conditioning modules;

conversion and linearization constants for sensor output conversion into meteorological values;
absolute and rate of change limits for quality-control purposes; and data buffering file location.
Depending on the station, all or part of these parameters may be locally input or modified by
the user through interactive menus on a terminal. In the latest generation of AWSs, initialization
may be executed remotely, for instance, by the central network processing system or by a
remote personal computer. In addition to full initialization, a partial initialization should be
programmed. This automatically restores normal operation, without any loss of stored data, after
a temporary interruption caused by real-time clock setting, maintenance, calibration or power
failure. Sampling and filtering

Sampling can be defined as the process of obtaining a well-spaced sequence of measurements

of a variable. To digitally process meteorological sensor signals, the question arises of how
often the sensor outputs should be sampled. It is important to ensure that the sequence of
samples adequately represents significant changes in the atmospheric variable being measured.
A generally accepted rule of thumb is to sample at least once during the time constant of the
sensor. However, as some meteorological variables have high frequency components, proper
filtering or smoothing should be accomplished first by selecting sensors with a suitable time-
constant or by filtering and smoothing techniques in the signal-conditioning modules (see
PartIV, Chapter2).

Considering the need for the interchangeability of sensors and homogeneity of observed data, it
is recommended:12

(a) That samples taken to compute averages should be obtained at equally spaced time
intervals which:

(i) Do not exceed the time constant of the sensor; or

(ii) Do not exceed the time constant of an analogue low-pass filter following the
linearized output of a fast response sensor; or

(iii) Are sufficient in number to ensure that the uncertainty of the average of the samples is
reduced to an acceptable level, for example, smaller than the required accuracy of the

(b) That samples to be used in estimating extremes of fluctuations should be taken at least four
times as often as specified in (i) or (ii) above. Raw-data conversion

The conversion of raw sensor data consists of the transformation of the electrical output values
of sensors or signal-conditioning modules into meteorological units. The process involves the
application of conversion algorithms making use of constants and relations obtained during
calibration procedures.

An important consideration is that some sensors are inherently non-linear, namely their outputs
are not directly proportional to the measured atmospheric variables (for example, a resistance
thermometer), that some measurements are influenced by external variables in a non-linear
relation (for example, some pressure and humidity sensors are influenced by the temperature)
and that, although the sensor itself may be linear or incorporate linearization circuits, the
variables measured are not linearly related to the atmospheric variable of interest (for example,
the output of a rotating beam ceilometer with photo detector and shaft-angle encoder
providing backscattered light intensity as a function of angle is nonlinear in cloud height). As a

Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its tenth session (1989) through
Recommendation3 (CIMOX).

consequence, it is necessary to include corrections for non-linearity in the conversion algorithms

as far as this is not already done by signal-conditioning modules. Linearization is of particular
importance when mean values must be calculated over a certain time. Indeed, when the sensor
signal is not constant throughout the averaging period, the average then linearize sequence of
operations can produce different results from the linearize then average sequence. The correct
procedure is to only average linear variables. Instantaneous meteorological values

The natural small-scale variability of the atmosphere, the introduction of noise into the
measurement process by electronic devices and, in particular, the use of sensors with short time-
constants make averaging a most desirable process for reducing the uncertainty of reported

In order to standardize averaging algorithms it is recommended:13

(a) That atmospheric pressure, air temperature, air humidity, sea-surface temperature, visibility,
among others, be reported as 1 to 10min averages, which are obtained after linearization
of the sensor output;

(b) That wind, except wind gusts, be reported as 2 or 10min averages, which are obtained after
linearization of the sensor output.

These averaged values are to be considered as the instantaneous values of meteorological

variables for use in most operational applications and should not be confused with the raw
instantaneous sensor samples or the mean values over longer periods of time required from
some applications. One-minute averages, as far as applicable, are suggested for most variables
as suitable instantaneous values. Exceptions are wind (see (b) above) and wave measurements
(10 or 20min averages). Considering the discrepancy of observations between the peak gust
data obtained from wind measuring systems with different time responses, it is recommended
that the filtering characteristics of a wind measuring chain should be such that the reported peak
gust should represent a 3s average. The highest 3s average should be reported. In practice,
this entails sampling the sensor output and calculating the 3s running mean at least one to four
times a second.

Some specific quantities for which data conversion is necessary and averaging is required before
conversion are given in PartIV, Chapter2. Manual entry of observations

For some applications, interactive terminal routines have to be developed to allow an observer
to enter and edit visual or subjective observations for which no automatic sensors are provided
at the station. These typically include present and past weather, state of the ground and other
special phenomena. Data reduction

Beside instantaneous meteorological data, directly obtained from the sampled data after
appropriate conversion, other operational meteorological variables are to be derived and
statistical quantities calculated. Most of them are based on stored instantaneous values, while,
for others, data are obtained at a higher sampling rate, as for instance is the case for wind gust
computations. Examples of data reduction are the calculation of dewpoint temperature values
from the original relative humidity and air temperature measurements and the reduction of
pressure to mean sea level. Statistical data include data extremes over one or more time periods

Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its ninth session (1985) through
Recommendation6 (CIMOIX).

(for example, temperature), total amounts (for example, rain) over specific periods of time (from
minutes to days), means over different time periods (climatological data), and integrated values
(radiation). These variables or quantities can be computed at an AWS or at a central network
processing system where more processing power is normally available.

CIMO is involved in an extensive programme to survey and standardize algorithms for all
variables. The results are published in the WMO (2003).

Formal recommendations exist for the computation of pressure tendency14 and humidity
quantities15 (PartI, Chapter4, Annex4.B).

WMO investigated the methods for pressure reduction used by Members in 1952 (WMO, 1954)
and concluded that the international formula (using the formula of Laplace or Angots tables)
or some simplified methods are in practice (for example, for low-level stations16, see, PartI,
Chapter3). As a result of this inquiry, a study of the standardization of methods of reduction was
undertaken and one general equation of pressure reduction was recommended as standard17
(WMO, 1964). Nevertheless, this recommended method, the international formula and
methods using simplified formulae are still in common practice (WMO, 1968). Message coding

Functional requirements often stipulate the coding of meteorological messages in accordance

with WMO (2011b). Depending on the type of message and the elements to be coded, the
messages can be generated fully or semi-automatically. Generating fully automatic messages
implies that all elements to be coded are measurable data, while generating semi-automatic
messages involves the intervention of an observer for entering visual or objective observations,
such as present and past weather, the state of the ground, and cloud type. Message coding
algorithms should not be underestimated and require considerable efforts not only for their
development but also for updating when formats are altered by international, regional and
national regulations. They also occupy a considerable amount of memory that can be critical for
small performance stations. It should be noted that observational data could be transmitted to
the central network processing system, where more computer power is normally available for
message coding. Quality control

The purpose of quality-control at an AWS is to minimize automatically the number of inaccurate

observations and the number of missing observations by using appropriate hardware and
software routines. Both purposes are served by ensuring that each observation is computed
from a reasonably large number of quality-controlled data samples. In this way, samples with
large spurious errors can be isolated and excluded and the computation can still proceed,
uncontaminated by that sample.

Quality-control achieves assured quality and consistency of data output. It is achieved through a
carefully designed set of procedures focused on good maintenance practices, repair, calibration,
and data quality checks. Currently, there is no agreed set of procedures or standards for the
various AWS platforms. Such a set of procedures should be developed and documented.

In modern AWSs, the results of data quality-control procedures for sensors which reveal the
reasons why a measurement is suspect or erroneous, and the results of hardware self-checks

Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its ninth session (1985) through
Recommendation7 (CIMOIX).
Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its tenth session (1989) through
Recommendation7 (CIMOX).
Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its first session (1953) through
Recommendation13 (CIMOI) and adopted by EC-IV.
Based on the recommendations by the CIMO-I Working CommitteeII on Reduction of Pressure (WMO, 1954,

by built-in test equipment, are stored in appropriate housekeeping buffers. The visual display
of these status indicators forms a very handy tool during field maintenance. The transmission
of housekeeping buffers either as an appendix to the routine observational message, or as a
clocked or on-request housekeeping message, from a network of AWSs to a central network
processing system is a valuable possible approach to the maintenance of meteorological

Real-time procedures for the quality-control of AWS data are highly advisable, and detailed
recommendations exist in PartIV, Chapter1, and as basic quality-control procedures in WMO
(1993). The following is a practical elaboration of the recommendations.

Intra-sensor checks

Intra-sensor checks: This is when each sensor sample is checked at the earliest practical point in
the processing, taking into account sensor and signal-conditioning response functions, for a
plausible value and a plausible rate of change.

Plausible value: This is a gross check that the measured value lies within the absolute limits of
variability. These limits are related to the nature of the meteorological variable or phenomena
but depend also on the measuring range of selected sensors and data-acquisition hardware.
Additional checks against limits which are functions of geographical area, season and time of
year could be applied. Suggested limits for these additional checks are presented in
Tables6.36.9 in Chapter6 of WMO (1993). The checks provide information as to whether the
values are erroneous or suspect.

Plausible rate of change: This checks for a plausible rate of change from a preceding acceptable
level. The effectiveness of the check depends upon the temporal consistency or persistence of
the data and is best applied to data of high temporal resolution (high sampling rate) as the
correlation between adjacent samples increases with the sampling rate. One obvious difficulty is
determining how quickly an atmospheric variable can change taking into account the response
characteristics of the sensor in question. Additional time consistency checks using comparisons of
data between two consecutive reports can be made. WMO (1993) provides checking tolerances
for different time periods on the synoptic scales (1, 2, 3, 6, 12h) for air temperature, dewpoint,
and pressure tendency.

Inter-sensor checks

It is possible to make internal consistency checks of a variable against other variables, based upon
established physical and meteorological principles. Some examples are as follows: dewpoint
cannot exceed ambient temperature; precipitation without clouds overhead or just after they
have passed overhead is very unlikely; non-zero wind-speed and zero wind-direction variance
strongly suggest a wind-direction sensor problem; and zero average wind speed and non-zero
wind direction (variance) suggest a defective wind-speed sensor.

Observations entered manually

When a manually observed quantity is entered into the AWS, the inter- and intra-sensor checks
mentioned above can be conducted. Some special consistency checks are suggested in WMO
(1993) concerning present weather with visibility; present weather with cloud cover; cloud cover,
weather and cloud information; present weather with air temperature; present weather with
dewpoint temperature; height of clouds with types of clouds; and state of the sea with wind

Hardware checks

During operation, the performance of an AWS deteriorates with the ageing of hardware
components, exposure to untested situations, improper maintenance, product failure, and so on.
Therefore, it is important to implement and execute automatically and periodically internal self-
check features using built-in test equipment for AWS hardware and to make the results of these

tests available to appropriate personnel or to store the results in housekeeping buffers. These
buffers can be examined, and the information contained in them should be used to classify the
measurements as correct, erroneous or suspect.

Message checking

For AWSs equipped with software for coding messages and for transmitting the messages over
the Global Telecommunication System, it is of vital importance that all the above checks are
executed very carefully. In addition, compliance with regulations concerning character, number,
format, and so forth, should be controlled. Proper actions are to be considered in cases of values
that are classified as suspect. Data storage

Processed and manually observed data, including quality-control status information

(housekeeping data) must be buffered or stored for some time in the AWS. This involves a
relevant database that must be updated in real time. The number of database cells and memory
required is determined as a function of the maximum possible number of sensors, intermediate
data, derived quantities and the required autonomy of the station. In general, a circular memory
structure is adopted allowing the old data to be overwritten by new incoming data after a
predetermined time. The database structure should allow easy and selective access by means of
data transfer and transmission algorithms.

Depending on observational requirements and the type of station, the data can be transferred
at regular time intervals from the AWS main memory to other kinds of storage devices, such as a
removable memory. Data transmission

Dictated by operational requirements and data transmission facilities, data transmission between
an AWS and either local users or the central network processing system can operate in different
modes, as follows:

(a) In response to external commands, as this is the most common basic mode given that it
allows more control of the station, such as initialization, setting and resetting of the real-
time clock, inhibiting faulty sensors, selective database transfer, and so on. Upon reception
and after transmission control of an external command, a task schedule activates the
appropriate task or subroutine as requested by the command;

(b) At periodic time intervals controlled by the AWS time scheduler;

(c) In AWS emergency conditions when certain meteorological thresholds are crossed.

In general, readily available data transmission software packages can be used for proper data
transfer and control and for transmission protocols. As data transmission means are subject to
several interference sources, careful attention must be paid to adequate error coding, such as
parity bits and cyclical redundancy codes. A brief review of some telecommunications options for
establishing an AWS network follows.

One-way communications

A simple AWS network could use one-way communications where the remote stations operate
on a timed cycle to scan the sensor channels, or otherwise when alarm conditions are triggered,
to dial up over telephone lines the central control and data-acquisition computer, and having
established the link, deliver their data messages. Each AWS might have a serial interface to an
analogue modem, and data transmission would be at a rate, of say, 9600bits per second (bps)
using audio tones. The advantage of this point-to-point communications system is that it uses
well-established, simple technology and ordinary voice-grade telephone lines. The cost, which

should be modest, depends on a tariff formula including distance and connection time. The
drawbacks are that data security is only moderate; data volumes must be relatively low; no
powerful network architectures can be used; and telecommunications companies may restrict
future access to analogue data circuits as the technology moves inexorably to broadband digital

Two-way communications

A more powerful network has two-way communications so that the central computer may poll
the network stations, not only at the synoptic times, or hourly, but on a random access basis
when a forecaster or hydrologist wishes to obtain a current update on weather conditions at
a particular site or sites. The remote stations would initiate the procedure for sending their
own alarm messages in real time. Two-way communication also enables the remote station to
send command messages to change its mode of operation, or to have new operating software
downloaded onto its processor.

AWS network communication

The network might use landline or radio communications (especially for very remote sites) or
a combination of both. The advantage of using a telecommunications service provider is that
all responsibility for maintenance of the network service and probably the communications
interfaces lies with the provider, who should respond promptly to the AWS system managers
fault reports. Note the need to be able to determine on which side of the communications
interface (AWS or telecommunications circuits) the fault lies, which may be problematical.
AWS networks have often used dial-up circuits in the Public Switched Telephone Network
(PSTN), with costs related to distance and connect time, depending on the tariffs of the local
communications provider. The other option is to have a private network network based on
dedicated leased lines of defined quality. There is no switching delay in establishing the circuits,
higher transmission speeds are available, and there is a high certainty that the circuit will be
maintained. The leasing costs depend on the line distances, but not on the volume of data. Costs
are higher than for dial-up connections when the volume of data is fairly low.

Integrated services digital network

Many telecommunications authorities offer an integrated services digital network that provides
for voice, data and video transmission with pulse-code modulation over upgraded PSTN cables
and switches. A basic channel provides for 64kbps data, which may carry X.25 packet-switch or
frame-relay protocols. The digital circuits provide very high data security.

Wide area network communications

With the worldwide increase in data traffic and the use of modern communications protocols,
together with the increased computing and data-storage capability at remote terminals, it is
now common to view the remote AWS and the central control and data-acquisition computer
as nodes of a wide area network (WAN). The data or control message is divided into packets
according to rules (protocols) such as X.25 or the faster frame relay. Each data packet is
routed through the telecommunication providers switched data network and may arrive at
the destination by different routes (making efficient use of the network with other unrelated
packets). At the destination, the packets are reassembled under the protocol after variable delays
to reform the message. Error detection with the automatic resending of corrupted or lost packets
ensures reliable transmission. Note the contrast with ordinary PSTN based on circuit-switching
technology, in which a dedicated line is allocated for transmission between two parties. Circuit-
switching is ideal when real-time data (like live audio and video) must be transmitted quickly
and arrive in the same order in which it was sent. Packet switching is more efficient and robust for
data that can withstand some short delay in transmission. Message costs are related to connect
time and data volume. There should be a means to terminate the connection reliably when data
collection is finished, as a faulty AWS may keep the line open and incur unwanted costs.

Frame relay and asynchronous transfer mode

Frame relay is a packet-switching, networking protocol for connecting devices on a WAN,

operating at data speeds from 64kbps to 2Mbps or higher, depending on line quality. Unlike a
point-to-point private line, network switching occurs between the AWS and the central station.
In fact, there is a private line to a node on the frame relay network, and the remote location has
a private line to a nearby frame relay node. The user gets a virtual private network. Costs are
decreasing and are independent of the volume of data or the spent time connected. However,
frame relay is being replaced in some areas by newer, faster technologies, such as asynchronous
transfer mode (ATM). The ATM protocol attempts to combine the best of both worlds the
guaranteed delivery of circuit-switched networks and the robustness and efficiency of packet-
switching networks.

Transmission protocol

A de facto standard for transmission between computers over networks is the Transmission
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). The Internet Protocol (IP) specifies the format
of packets, called datagrams and the addressing scheme. The higher-level protocol TCP
establishes a virtual connection between source and destination so that two-way data streams
may be passed for a time and so that datagrams are delivered in the correct sequence with error
correction by retransmission. The TCP also handles the movement of data between software
applications. The functioning of the Internet is based on TCP/IP protocols, and the IP is also used
in WANs, where the nodes have processing capability and high volumes of data are exchanged
over the network. The IP enables the AWS data and road condition analyses performed in the
central station computer to be shared by national and regional road administrations over a
private Intranet.

Switched or dedicated circuits

It is necessary to decide whether to use cheaper switched data circuits where

telecommunications network access has to be shared with other users, or to lease much more
expensive dedicated circuits that provide reliable, high-speed, real-time communications.
The switched network will have some latency where there will be a delay of as much as a few
seconds in establishing the circuit, but packet-switch protocols handle this without difficulty.
The reliability consideration, the amount of data to be exchanged with each message or
special downloads to the remote stations, as well as the operational need for actual real-time
communications, will help determine the choice. The seasonal factor will also have a bearing
on the choice of communications. If the critical use of the road meteorological data is only for a
few months of the year, maintaining a year-round dedicated communications network imposes
a high overhead cost per message. Actual message costs will depend on the charging formulas
of the telecommunications company, and will include factors like data rate, distance of link,
connection time and whether the terminal modems are provided by the company. The local
telecommunications companies will be ready to offer guidance on the choice of their services. Maintenance and calibration

Specific software routines are incorporated in the application software allowing field
maintenance and calibration. Such activities generally involve running interactive programs
for testing a particular sensor, AWS reconfiguration after the replacement of sensors or models,
resetting of system parameters, telecommunication tests, entering new calibration constants,
and so on. In general, maintenance and calibration is conducted in an off-line mode of operation,
temporarily interrupting the normal station operation. Data display

In addition to data display routines for the different functions mentioned in the above
paragraphs, operational requirements often specify that selected data should be displayed

locally with periodic updating in real time or, on LED displays, existing terminals, or on special
screens. Examples of this are AWSs at airports and at environmental control sites. In some
countries, a printout of local data or a graphical display on pen recorders is required.


The siting of an AWS is a very difficult matter and much research remains to be done in this
area. The general principle is that a station should provide measurements that are, and remain,
representative of the surrounding area, the size of which depends on the meteorological
application. Existing guidelines for conventional stations are also valid for AWSs and are given in
PartI as well as in WMO (2010a, 2010b, 2014).

Some AWSs have to operate unattended for long periods at sites with difficult access both on
land and at sea. Construction costs can be high and extra costs can be necessary for servicing.
They may have to operate from highly unreliable power supplies or from sites at which no
permanent power supply is available. The availability of telecommunication facilities should
be considered. Security measures (against lightning, flooding, theft, vandalism, and so forth)
are to be taken into account and the stations must, of course, be able to withstand severe
meteorological conditions. The cost of providing systems capable of operating under all foreseen
circumstances at an automatic station is prohibitive; it is essential that, before specifying or
designing an AWS, a thorough understanding of the working environment anticipated for the
AWS be obtained. At an early stage of planning, there should be a detailed analysis of the relative
importance of the meteorological and technical requirements so that sites can be chosen and
approved as suitable before significant installation investment is made.


An AWS usually forms part of a network of meteorological stations and transmits its processed
data or messages to a central network processing system by various data telecommunication
means. The specification of the functional and, consequently, the technical requirements of
a central system is a complex and often underestimated task. It requires good cooperation
between AWS designers, specialists in telecommunication, software specialists, and data users.
Decisions have to be taken concerning the tasks that must be executed in the central system
and at the AWSs. In fact, depending on the application, certain functions at an AWS could
be transferred to the central system where more computer power and memory are available.
Examples are long mathematical calculations, such as the reduction of atmospheric pressure
and coding of meteorological messages. The AWS data buffers can be reduced to an operational
minimum when they are regularly transferred to the central system. It is good practice to first
arrange for an agreement on the functional requirements of both the central system and the
AWS before specifying their technical requirements.

1.5.1 Composition

The composition of a central network processing system depends considerably not only on the
functions to be accomplished, but also on local facilities. Use can be made of powerful personal
computers or workstations, operating in a real-time multitasking and multi-user environment.
However, existing telecommunication and processing systems are used. Central network
processing systems are increasingly integrated into a local area network allowing distribution
and execution of tasks at the most convenient place by the most appropriate people.

The main functions of a central network system are data acquisition, including decoding
of messages from the AWS network, remote control and housekeeping of AWSs, network
monitoring and data quality control, further processing of data to satisfy user requirements,

access to the network database, data display, and data transfer to internal or external users.
The latter may include the Global Telecommunication System if the data are exchanged

1.5.2 Quality management of network data

This topic is discussed further in Part IV, Chapter 1. It is recommended that operators of

(a) Establish and test near-real-time measurement monitoring systems in which reported
values are regularly tested against analysed fields corresponding to the same measurement

(b) Establish effective liaison procedures between the monitoring service and the appropriate
maintenance and calibration services to facilitate rapid response to fault or failure reports
from the monitoring system.

Automated quality-control procedures at an AWS have their limitations and some errors can
go undetected even with the most sophisticated controls, such as long-term drifts in sensors
and modules. Data transmission from an AWS adds another source of error. Therefore, it is
recommended that additional quality-control procedures should be executed by a network
monitoring system forming part of the central network system. Quality-control procedures of
prime importance in such a monitoring system include:

(a) Detecting data transmission errors; the required routines depend on the transmission
protocol and cyclic redundancy codes used;

(b) Checking the format and content of WMO coded messages (WMO, 1993);

(c) Further processing of data to exclude or otherwise deal with data flagged as erroneous or
suspect in the AWS housekeeping files.

Interactive display systems also allow complementary quality-control of incoming data. Time
series for one or more variables and for one or more stations can be displayed on colour screens;
statistical analysis can be used by trained and experienced personnel to detect short- and long-
term anomalies that are not always detected by fully automatic quality-control algorithms.

Monitoring algorithms, by which reported values are regularly tested in space and time against
an analysed numerical field, are very powerful ways to identify errors and to establish the need
for investigative or remedial action. The low level of turbulent fluctuations in atmospheric
pressure and the confidence with which local geographic influences can be removed by
normalizing all observations to a common reference level make atmospheric pressure a prime
candidate for this type of quality control. By averaging over space or time, observations with
other variables should be susceptible to this analysis as well. However, local orographic effects
must be carefully considered and taken into account.


The cost of servicing a network of automatic stations on land and, in particular, at sea can
greatly exceed the cost of their purchase. It is, therefore, of central importance that AWSs are
designed to have the greatest possible reliability and maintainability. Special protection against
environmental factors is often justified, even when initial costs are high.

Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its ninth session (1985) through
Recommendation5 (CIMOIX).

It is evident that any complex system requires maintenance support. Corrective maintenance is
required for component failures. Hardware components may fail for many reasons; computer
programs can also fail because of errors in design that can go undetected for a long time. To
minimize corrective maintenance and to increase the performance of an AWS, well-organized
preventive maintenance is recommended. Preventive maintenance is required for all system
components, not only cleaning and lubricating the mechanical parts. In view of the increasing
reliability of the electronic components of an AWS, preventive maintenance, including services
and sensor calibration, will become the controlling factor in maintenance.

Adaptive maintenance is required to take into account the rapid changes in technology and
the availability of spare parts after a few years. Indeed, costs for repair and components often
increase quite rapidly after a system is no longer in active distribution, making it necessary to
replace modules by new ones with different technology, as exact replacements are seldom
found. Examples include transferring data from one recording medium to another and
programs and operating systems from one processor to another, introducing modular changes
for system reliability, connecting with new telecommunication systems, and so on. In order to
reduce the costs for this kind of maintenance, it is desirable that widely accepted standards on
equipment and interfaces, as well as on software, be established and included in AWS technical

Since the maintenance of a network of automatic stations is often a grossly underestimated task,
it is essential to organize maintenance according to a rational plan that details all the functions
and arranges them so as to minimize costs without adversely affecting performance. The
modular structure of many modern automatic stations allows maintenance to take place in the
field, or at regional and national centres.

Field maintenance: In general, it is not advisable to repair AWS sensors or other modules in the
field because conditions do not favour effective work. Also, because of high staff costs and
relatively low equipment costs, it is more cost-effective to discard faulty modules rather than
to repair them. It is recommended that corrective maintenance in the field be carried out by
specialized technical personnel from a regional or national centre, depending on the size of the
country, and to leave simple preventive maintenance to the local observer (when available).
The periodic transmission of self-checking diagnostic information by the AWS is a very desirable
practice to ensure rapid response to failures.

Regional centre: At a regional centre, technical personnel should be available to replace or

repair modules and sensors which require the detection and elimination of simple defects. The
personnel should have good knowledge of the station hardware operation and must be trained
in the execution of software maintenance routines. Such regional centres should be equipped
with appropriate test equipment and sufficient spare modules and sensors to support the
maintenance of the stations in their area. These centres need adequate transportation facilities
for conducting field work. Care should be taken to plan and visit periodically the remote sites to
check for operational problems, vandalism, site conditions, changes, and so forth. Procedures for
emergency visits to the different stations must be established, based on priorities defined at the

National centre: A national centre requires more skilled technical personnel, who should
be capable of detecting and eliminating complex problems in sensors, modules and data
transmission means. The equipment necessary for checking and correcting all parts of an AWS
should be available and the work should be performed in the centre. Any recurring defects
should be referred to designers or suppliers in charge of correcting the design fault.

As software plays a very important role in each AWS and in the central network processing
system, personnel with a profound knowledge of the AWS and central network system software
are required. The necessary software development and test facilities should be available.
Moreover, the national centre should be able to execute all tasks associated with adaptive

With reference to the quality-control of network data, it is desirable to establish effective liaison
procedures between the monitoring service and the appropriate maintenance and calibration
service in order to facilitate rapid response to fault or failure reports from the monitoring system.

The scheme outlined above is suitable for big countries. For small countries, the tasks of the
regional centres could be taken over by the national centre. Developing countries could
consider establishing joint maintenance arrangements with neighbouring counties. A common
international maintenance centre could be envisaged in order to keep maintenance costs
reasonably low. However, such international cooperation would probably require the use
of similar equipment. If the Meteorological Service is unable to expand its staff or facilities,
contractor services could be used to perform many of the support functions. Such support could,
for example, be negotiated as part of the system procurement. However, a maintenance contract
should be extremely well prepared and the execution of the contract should be very carefully
verified by the appropriate staff.

Suggestions for quality-management techniques are given in PartIV, Chapter1.


Sensors, in particular AWS sensors with electrical outputs, show accuracy drifts in time and,
consequently, need regular inspection and calibration. In principle, the calibration interval is
determined by the drift specifications given by the manufacturer and the required accuracy.
WMO international instrument intercomparisons also provide some objective indications of
sensor accuracy drifts and desirable calibration intervals. As signal conditioning modules and
data-acquisition and transmission equipment also form a part of the measuring chain, their
stability and correct operation also have to be controlled or calibrated periodically. The summary
given below is limited to practical aspects related to AWSs. Refer to the different chapters of PartI
and to PartIV, Chapter4, for more detailed information on calibration techniques and methods.

Initial calibration: It is easy to overlook the requirement that appropriate calibration facilities and
instrumentation should be available prior to the procurement and installation of AWSs in order
to be able to verify the specifications given by the manufacturer, to test the overall performance
of the station and to verify that transportation did not affect the measuring characteristics of the

Field inspection: The periodic comparison of AWS sensors with travelling standards at the station is
an absolute requirement to monitor the performance of the sensors. Travelling standards having
similar filtering characteristics to the AWS measuring chain and with a digital read-out are to
be preferred. In many countries, two travelling standards of the same type are used to prevent
possible accuracy change problems due to transportation. In order to be able to detect small
drifts, the travelling standards should have an accuracy that is much better than the relevant
station sensor and should be installed during the comparison process in the same environmental
conditions as the sensors for a sufficiently long time. As signal conditioning modules and data-
acquisition equipment, such as the A/D converter, can also show performance drifts, appropriate
electrical reference sources and multimeters should be used to locate anomalies.

Before and after field inspections, the travelling standards and reference sources must be
compared with the working standards of the calibration laboratory. The maintenance service
must be informed as soon as possible when accuracy deviations are detected.

Laboratory calibration: Instruments at the end of their calibration interval, instruments showing
an accuracy deviation beyond allowed limits during a field inspection and instruments repaired
by the maintenance service should return to a calibration laboratory prior to their re-use. Sensors
should be calibrated in a conditioned environment (environmental chambers) by means of
appropriate working standards. These working standards should be compared and calibrated
periodically with secondary standards and be traceable to international standards.

Attention should also be paid to the calibration of the different components forming the
measuring and telemetry chain, in particular the signal-conditioning modules. This involves
appropriate voltage, current, capacitance and resistance standards, transmission test equipment
and high-accuracy digital multimeters. Highly accurate instruments or data-acquisition systems
are required for calibration. A computer is desirable for calculation of calibration constants. These
constants will accompany the sensor or module between calibrations and must be entered in the
AWS whenever a sensor or module is replaced or installed in an AWS during field maintenance.

A schedule should be set up to compare periodically the secondary standards of the calibration
laboratory with national, international or regional WMO primary standards.


As an AWS is based on the application of technology that differs considerably from the
equipment at conventional stations and networks, a comprehensive review of existing training
programmes and of the skills of the necessary technical staff is obviously required. Any new
training programme should be organized according to a plan that is geared to meeting user
needs. It should especially cover the maintenance and calibration outlined above and should
be adapted to the system. Requesting existing personnel to take on new functions, even if
they have many years of experience with conventional stations, is not always possible and
may create serious problems if they have no basic knowledge of electrical sensors, digital and
microprocessor techniques or computers. It could be necessary to recruit new personnel who
have such knowledge. Personnel competent in the different areas covered by automatic stations
should be present well before the installation of a network of AWSs (see WMO, 1997).

It is essential that AWS equipment manufacturers provide very comprehensive operational and
technical documentation together with operational and technical training courses. Generally,
two sets of documentation are required from the manufacturer: user manuals for operational
training and use of the system, and technical manuals with more complex documentation
describing in great technical detail the operating characteristics of the system, down to sub-unit
and even electronic component level and including maintenance and repair instructions. These
manuals can be considered as the basic documentation for training programmes offered by
the manufacturer and should be such that they can serve as references after the manufacturers
specialists are no longer available for assistance.

For some countries, it may be advisable to organize common training courses at a training centre
that serves neighbouring countries. Such a training centre would work best if it is associated
with a designated instrument centre and if the countries served have agreed on the use of similar
standardized equipment.

World Meteorological Organization, 1954: Reduction of Atmospheric Pressure. Technical Note No.7
(WMONo.36, TP.12). Geneva.
, 1964: Note on the Standardization of Pressure Reduction Methods in the International Network of Synoptic
Stations: Report of a Working Group of the Commission for Synoptic Meteorology. Technical Note
No.61 (WMO-No.154, TP.74). Geneva.
, 1968: Methods in Use for the Reduction of Atmospheric Pressure. Technical NoteNo.91 (WMONo.226,
TP.120). Geneva.
, 1987: Some General Considerations and Specific Examples in the Design of Algorithms for Synoptic Automatic
Weather Stations (D.T. Acheson). Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.19
(WMO/TD-No.230). Geneva.
, 1988: WMO International Ceilometer Intercomparison (United Kingdom, 1986) (D.W. Jones, M. Ouldridge
and D.J. Painting). Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.32
(WMO/TD-No.217). Geneva.
, 1989a: WMO International Hygrometer Intercomparison (J. Skaar, K. Hegg, T. Moe and K. Smedstud).
Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.38 (WMO/TD-No.316). Geneva.
, 1989b: Preliminary results of the WMO automatic sunshine duration measurement comparison
1988/89 in Hamburg (K. Dehne). Papers Presented at the Fourth WMO Technical Conference on
Instruments and Methods of Observation (TECIMO-IV). Instruments and Observing Methods
Report No.35 (WMO/TD-No.303). Geneva.
, 1990: The First WMO Intercomparison of Visibility Measurements: Final Report (United Kingdom 1988/1989)
(D.J. Griggs, D.W. Jones, M. Ouldridge and W.R. Sparks). Instruments and Observing Methods
Report No.41 (WMO/TD-No.401). Geneva.
, 1991: Guidance on the Establishment of Algorithms for Use in Synoptic Automatic Weather Stations:
Processing of Surface Wind Data (D.J. Painting). Instruments and Observing Methods Report
No.47 (WMO/TD-No.452). Geneva.
, 1992a: International Meteorological Vocabulary (WMO-No.182). Geneva.
, 1992b: The WMO Automatic Digital Barometer Intercomparison: Final Report (J.P. van der Meulen).
Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.46 (WMO/TD-No.474). Geneva.
, 1993: Guide on the Global Data-processing System (WMO-No.305). Geneva.
, 1994: WMO solid precipitation measurement intercomparison: Preliminary results (B.E. Goodison,
E. Elomaa, V. Golubev, T. Gunther and B. Sevruk). Papers Presented at the WMO Technical
Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation (TECO-94). Instruments and Observing
Methods Report No.57 (WMO/TD-No.588). Geneva.
, 1997: Guidance on Automatic Weather Systems and their Implementation. Instruments and Observing
Methods Report No.65 (WMO/TD-No.862). Geneva.
, 2000: Operation of automated surface observing systems in harsh climatological environments
(M.D. Gifford, G.M. Pearson and K. Hegg). Papers Presented at the WMO Technical Conference on
Meteorological and Environmental Instruments and Methods of Observation (TECO-2000).
Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.74 (WMO/TD-No.1028). Geneva.
, 2003: Algorithms Used in Automatic Weather Stations: Evaluation of Questionnaire (M.D. Gifford).
Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.78 (WMO/TD-No.1160). Geneva.
, 2010a: Guide to the Global Observing System (WMO-No.488). Geneva.
, 2010b: Manual on the Global Observing System (WMO-No.544), VolumeI. Geneva.
, 2011a: Guide to Climatological Practices (WMO-No.100). Geneva.
, 2011b: Manual on Codes (WMO-No.306), VolumesI.1 and I.2. Geneva.
, 2011c: Technical Regulations (WMO-No.49), VolumeI. Geneva.
, 2014: Guide to Meteorological Observing and Information Distribution Systems for Aviation Weather Services
(WMO-No.731). Geneva.


METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  553
2.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  553
2.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  553
2.1.2 Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  553
2.1.3 Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  553
2.1.4 Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  555
2.2 Surface wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  555
2.2.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  555
2.2.2 Instruments and exposure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  556
2.3 Visibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  556
2.3.1 Visibility for aeronautical purposes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  557
2.3.2 Prevailing visibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  558
2.4 Runway visual range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  558
2.4.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  558
2.4.2 Methods of observation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  558 Measurement by observers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  559 Measurement by video. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  559 Measurement by transmissometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  559 Measurement by forward-scatter or backscatter meters . . . . . . . . . . .  560
2.4.3 Instruments and exposure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  560 Transmissometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  561 Forward-scatter meters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  562 Background luminance sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  562
2.4.4 Instrument checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  562
2.4.5 Data display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  563
2.4.6 Accuracy and reliability of runway visual range measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . .  563
2.5 Present weather. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  563
2.6 Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  564
2.6.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  564
2.6.2 Observation methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  565
2.6.3 Accuracy of cloud-base height measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  565
2.7 Air temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  566
2.8 Dewpoint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  566
2.9 Atmospheric pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  567
2.9.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  567
2.9.2 Instruments and exposure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  568
2.9.3 Accuracy of and corrections to pressure measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  568
2.10 Other significant information at aerodromes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  569
2.10.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  569
2.10.2 Slant visual range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  569
2.10.3 Wind shear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  569
2.10.4 Marked temperature inversions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  570
2.11 Automated meteorological observing systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  570
2.12 Radar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  570
2.13 Ice sensor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  571
2.14 Lightning detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  571
2.15 Other relevant observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  571

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  573



2.1.1 Definitions

This chapter deals with the requirements for observations at aeronautical meteorological stations
and the instruments and methods that are used. Synoptic observations measure at one location
a representative value for a rather large area, but meteorological observations for aeronautical
purposes are often made at several locations at the aerodrome and in the surrounding area,
at more frequent intervals, to be representative of rather limited areas, such as the approach,
touchdown and take-off areas.

The meteorological measurements to be taken are for the most part essentially the same as those
taken for other applications, and described in other chapters in this Guide. The exceptions are
runway visual range (RVR), slant visual range and low level wind shear which are unique to this

2.1.2 Units

The units for measuring and reporting meteorological quantities for aeronautical purposes are
the same as for other applications, except that:

(a) Surface wind speed may be measured and reported in metres per second or knots;1 and
wind direction2 reported in degrees measured clockwise from geographic north3 (see

(b) Cloud-base height may be measured in metres or feet.

The choice of units is a matter for national practice, depending on the requirements of the
aviation regulatory bodies.

2.1.3 Requirements

The formal requirements for aeronautical observations are stated in the Technical Regulations,
Volume II (WMO, 2013). Detailed guidance on procedures and practices is found in WMO
(2014). Useful guidance on observing and monitoring meteorological conditions is contained
in WMO (2003). Special attention should be given to aeronautical meteorological stations
established on offshore structures in support of helicopter operations (ICAO, 1996).

The requirements for uncertainty, resolution and range, and for currently achievable
performance in meteorological measurements are given in PartI, Chapter1, and the
operationally desirable accuracies of some measurements are provided in the Technical
Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, AttachmentA.

Despite the excellent performance of modern aircraft, weather factors still have a marked effect
on their operation. The reliability and representativeness of aerodrome observations are very

The unit of wind speed used is determined by national decision. However, the primary unit prescribed by the
Technical Regulations, VolumeII (WMO, 2013) for wind speed is the metre per second, with the knot permitted for
use as a non-SI alternative unit (further information is given in ICAO, 2010).
Direction from which surface wind is blowing.
Because wind direction reported to aircraft for landing or take-off purposes may be converted into degrees
magnetic, the display at the air traffic service unit usually presents direction with respect to the magnetic north.

important in ensuring that landings and take-offs are made safely. The wind observation will
determine the runway to be used, and the maximum take-off and landing weights. Temperature
is also important and affects engine performance. Consequently, the load carried might have
to be reduced, or the take-off would require a longer runway, particularly at airports in hot

Routine observations are to be made at aeronautical meteorological stations, at times and

frequencies determined by the Member country to meet the needs of national and international
air navigation, giving due regard to regional air-navigation arrangements. Special and
other nonroutine observations are to be made on the same basis. Routine observations at
aerodromes should be made at hourly or half-hourly intervals, during all or part of each day, or as
necessitated by aircraft operations. Special observations must be made when specified changes
occur between routine observations in respect of surface wind, visibility, RVR, present weather
and/or cloud. These specified changes are set out in the Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII,
Appendix3, 2.3.2. These observations, in the form of coded reports of the METAR or SPECI types,
are exchanged internationally between aeronautical meteorological stations. Other types of
reports are intended only for aeronautical operations, and should be prepared in a form defined
jointly by the meteorological and airport authorities.

In view of the importance of meteorological observations for aircraft safety, it is essential that
observers be correctly trained and have good eyesight. Observer training should include basic
courses and regular refresher courses (for further information see the Technical Regulations,
Volume I, Part II, 4, and WMO, 2012).

Siting, installation and the nature of meteorological systems are specified in the Technical
Regulations, VolumeII, PartI, 4, with technical specifications and detailed criteria in the Technical
Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, Appendix3. These specifications are summarized below.

Special care is necessary in selecting appropriate sites for making observations, or for the
installation of instruments at aeronautical meteorological stations, to ensure that the values are
representative of the conditions at or near the aerodrome. In some instances, where information
over a large area is required, it may be necessary to provide multiple installations for some
instruments to ensure that values reported are representative of the entire area. For example, for
long runways or for large aerodromes with several runways, where approach, touchdown and
take-off areas may be as much as 2 to 5km apart, the values of various parameters such as wind,
cloud height, RVR, and so forth, measured at one end of a runway may be quite different from
the conditions prevailing elsewhere on that runway, or over other areas of the runway complex of
interest to aircraft operations.

At all aerodromes, the sites should be such that the measured values of the various
meteorological parameters are representative of the aerodrome itself and/or the appropriate
area of a particular runway or runway complex. At aerodromes where precision approach and
landing operations are not in practice (non-instrument or non-precision approach runways), this
criterion on representativeness is less restrictive than with precision approach runways (i.e. with
CategoryI, II or III runways (see WMO, 2014, and ICAO, 2011)).

In selecting locations for instruments at aerodromes, it is particularly important that, while the
site and exposure of the instruments meet operational requirements, the instruments or their
operation do not present hazards to air navigation; and that the presence or movement of aircraft
at the aerodrome (taxiing, take-off runs, landing, parking, etc.) and the various aerodrome
installations do not unduly influence the measured values.

The types of instruments to be used, their characteristics and the methods employed for the
presentation and reporting of the measured values of the parameters are equally important.
Meteorological instruments should be exposed, operated and maintained in accordance with the
practices, procedures and specifications promulgated in this Guide. Aeronautical meteorological
stations shall be inspected at sufficiently frequent intervals to ensure that a high standard of
observations is maintained, that instruments and all their indicators are functioning correctly,
and that the exposure of the instruments has not changed significantly (Technical Regulations,
VolumeII, PartI, 4.1.4).

Instrument design should permit remote indication, simultaneously at both the air traffic service
(ATS) units and at the meteorological stations and offices, of the appropriate values of surface
wind, temperature, dewpoint, atmospheric pressure, present weather, visibility, RVR (if the
runways are equipped for take-offs and landings in fog) and cloud height, all of which should
be representative of conditions in the touchdown and take-off areas concerned. Automatic
instrumental systems for measuring the height of the cloud base and RVR are particularly useful
at aeronautical stations.

At aerodromes where precision approaches and, in particular, where CategoryII, III A and
III B operations are affected, and/or at aerodromes with high levels of traffic, it is preferable
to use integrated automatic systems for acquisition, processing and dissemination/display in
real time of the meteorological parameters affecting landing and take-off operations. These
automatic systems should be capable of accepting the manual insertion of meteorological data
that cannot be measured by automatic means (Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartI, 4.1.7).
The requirements for automatic meteorological observing systems are specified in the Technical
Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, Appendix3.

2.1.4 Methods

The methods for taking meteorological measurements at aerodromes are essentially the same
as those for other meteorological applications and described in other chapters of this Guide.
This chapter describes some siting and sampling requirements, and some algorithms, which are
particular to the aeronautical application.


2.2.1 General

In aviation, measurements of airflow and low-level wind shear in the vicinity of the landing and
take-off areas are of primary interest. The regulations are described in the Technical Regulations,
VolumeII, PartI, 4.1, with details in PartII, Appendix3. At international aerodromes, ATS units,
air traffic control towers, and approach control offices are normally equipped with wind-speed
and wind-direction indicators, and air traffic controllers supply arriving and departing aircraft
with readings from these indicators. To ensure compatibility, the indicators at the ATS units and
the meteorological station should be connected to the same sensors.

The mean direction and speed of the wind are measured as well as gusts and specified significant
variations of direction and speed. Wind reports disseminated beyond the aerodrome (Technical
Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, Appendix3, 4.1.5) have the same content as those in synoptic
observations (10min means, and direction reported with respect to the geographic north),4
and the values transmitted should be representative of all runways. For local routine and special
reports and for wind indicator displays in ATS units (Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII,
Appendix3,, the averaging period is 2min for both speed and direction, and the values
should be representative of the runway in use. Although wind direction shall be reported with
respect to the geographic north, expressed in degrees true (Technical Regulations, VolumeII,
PartI, 4.6.1 and PartII, Appendix3,, it is still common practice that ATS personnel
report the aircraft with respect to the magnetic north (degree magnetic). Gusts should be
determined from 3s running means. PartI, Chapter5, and PartIV, Chapter2, of this Guide
should be consulted on the precautions to be taken for sampling the anemometer output to
measure the mean, gusts and variability of the wind speed and direction. Vector averaging is to
be preferred to scalar averaging.

Usually referred to as the true north, with the unit degree true. The word true in true north or degree true
should not be confused with the true wind (defined by WMO, 1992a). True wind is represented by the wind
vector in relation to the Earths surface. For a moving object like an aircraft, it is the vector sum of the apparent wind
(i.e. the wind vector relative to the moving object) and the velocity of the object.

The wind measurements needed at aerodromes, such as mean value, extreme values, and so
forth, should preferably be determined and displayed automatically, particularly when several
sensors are used on different runways. When several sensors are required, the indicators shall be
clearly marked to identify the runway and the section of runway monitored by each sensor.

2.2.2 Instruments and exposure

Wind-measuring instruments used at aeronautical stations are generally of the same type as
those described in PartI, Chapter5. The lag coefficients of direction and speed sensors should
comply with the requirements of that chapter.

Sensors for direction and speed should be exposed approximately 10m above the runway and
should provide measurements that are representative of the conditions at the average lift-off and
touchdown areas of the runway.

If wind sensors installed at aerodromes are to be representative of the conditions at take-off or

landing areas, any disturbance or turbulence due to the proximity and passage of the aircraft
themselves must be avoided (false gust indications due to landings and take-offs). For similar
reasons, they must not be placed too close to buildings or hills or located in areas subject to
microclimatic conditions (sea breeze, frequent storms, etc.). The preferred standard exposure
of wind instruments is in open terrain, defined as an area where the distance between the
anemometer and any obstruction is at least 10times the height of the obstruction.

It is recommended that back-up or standby equipment should be provided in case of failure of

the service instrument in order to avoid any interruption in the transmission of data to the ATS
units. Where local conditions so warrant, one or more sets of sensors should be installed for
each runway concerned. In such cases, the use of digital techniques is recommended since they
enable data from a large number of sensors to be transmitted by one or two telephone cable
pairs, and allow digital indicators to be used to display wind measurements using light-emitting
diodes of different colours. The displays should show the instantaneous wind speed and
direction (with a distance constant of 2 to 5m), the average wind speed and direction over 2 or
10min, and the minimum and maximum wind speeds. It is sometimes possible to select wind
readings for different measurement points on the same indicator (thus reducing the number of
indicators required).

When installing wind sensors at the aerodrome, particular attention must be paid to protecting
them against atmospheric storm discharge (by the use of lightning conductors, earthing of the
mast, and shielded or fibre optic cables); electronic data-processing equipment should also be

In order to maintain the required accuracy, wind-measuring instruments should be kept in good
order and regularly checked and recalibrated. Sensor performance must sometimes be checked
in the wind tunnel, particularly for analogue systems. The use of digital techniques with the built-
in testing of certain functions calls for fewer checks, but does not eliminate errors due to friction.
Regular checks are to be made to detect defective components and deterioration of certain parts
of the sensors.

The sources of error include friction, poor siting and problems with transmission or display
equipment. Errors may also be caused by the design of the sensors themselves and are noticed
particularly in light winds (rotation threshold too high, excessive inertia) or variable winds
(over- or underestimation of wind speed or incorrect direction due to excessive or inadequate


The definition of the meteorological optical range (MOR) and its estimation or instrumental
measurement are discussed in PartI, Chapter9. The measurement of visibility in aviation is

a specific application of MOR. However, the term MOR is not yet commonly used in aviation
and the term visibility has been retained in this chapter to describe operational requirements.
For aviation purposes, it is common practice to report visual ranges like the RVR and visibility
for aeronautical purposes (VIS-AERO). Note that the latter is used in reports and indicated as
visibility only, which differs from the common definition of visibility (see PartI, Chapter9).
Instruments used to measure MOR may also be used to measure RVR (see section2.4) and
VISAERO (see section2.3.1). The Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, Appendix3, 4.2 and 4.3
contain the formal descriptions for international aviation.

At international aerodromes, visibility observations made for reports disseminated beyond

the aerodrome should be representative of conditions pertaining to the aerodrome and
its immediate vicinity. Visibility observations made for reports for landing and take-off and
disseminated only within the aerodrome should be representative of the touchdown zone of the
runway, remembering that this area may be several kilometres from the observing station.

For aeronautical purposes, the measurement range for visibility is from 25m to 10km. Values
greater than or equal to 10km are indicated as 10km. A sensor must therefore be able to
measure values above 10km or indicate if the measurement is greater than or equal to 10km.
The operationally desirable measurement uncertainty is 50m up to 600m, 10% between 600m
and 1500m and 20% above 1500m (Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, AttachmentA). See
PartI, Chapters1 and 9, for advice on the accuracy of measurements.

In view of the meteorological minima governing the operational decisions on whether an aircraft
can or cannot land or take-off, precise, reliable information must be given whenever visibility
passes through certain limits, namely whenever visibility drops below or increases beyond
the limit values of 800, 1500 or 3000 and 5000m, in the case, for example, of the beginning,
cessation or change in fog or precipitation (Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, Appendix3,
2.3.3 (b)).

When there are significant directional variations in visibility, particularly when they affect take-off
and landing areas, this additional information should be given with indications of the direction of
observation, for example, VIS 2000 M TO S.

When visibility is less than 800m it shall be expressed in steps of 50m in the form VIS 350M;
when it is 800m or more but less than 5km in steps of 100m; when it is 5km or more but less
than 10km, in kilometre steps in the form VIS 7KM; and when it is 10km or more, it shall be given
as 10km, except when the conditions for the use of CAVOK (Ceiling and Visibility OK) apply
(Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, Appendix3,

The methods described in PartI, Chapter9, apply. Meteorological visibility observations are
to be made by an observer who has normal vision, viewing selected targets of specified
characteristics at known distances from the meteorological station. These observations may
also be made by using visibility-measuring instruments, such as transmissometers and scatter
coefficient meters. The location of the observing sites should be such as to permit continuous
viewing of the aerodrome, including all runways.

If a transmissometer is used for visibility measurements, a baseline length of 75m is suitable for
aeronautical operations. However, if the instrument is also to be used for measuring RVR, the
baseline length should be chosen after taking into account the operational categories in force at
the aerodrome.

2.3.1 Visibility for aeronautical purposes

The Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartI, 1.1 defines visibility. VIS-AERO is the greater of:

(a) The greatest distance at which a black object of suitable dimensions, situated near the
ground, can be seen and recognized when observed against a bright background;

(b) The greatest distance at which lights in the vicinity of 1000cd can be seen and identified
against an unlit background.

This VIS-AERO is in fact a visual range like RVR, involving subjective elements such as the
virtual performance of a human eye and artificial lights. Nevertheless, the word visibility is
commonly used without the addition for aeronautical purposes and confusion may arise with
the official definition of visibility as defined by WMO (see PartI, Chapter9) which is known as
the MOR (meteorological optical range). An optical range is purely based on the physical state of
the atmosphere and not on human or artificial elements, and is therefore an objective variable.
This visibility (for aeronautical purposes) shall be reported, as in METAR. Because an aeronautical
meteorological station may be combined with a synoptic station, visibility in SYNOP reports will
differ from visibility in METAR, although it is measured by the same equipment.

Visibility for aeronautical purposes can be measured and calculated similarly to RVR (see
section2.4 for details), except that for the intensity of the light source, I, a constant value of
1000cd shall be used. Note that this value holds for lights usually used for the assessment of
visibility, which are 10times more intense than lights of moderate intensity (i.e. 100cd, see PartI,

2.3.2 Prevailing visibility

Prevailing visibility is defined as the greatest visibility value, observed in accordance with the
definition of visibility (for aeronautical purposes), which is reached within at least half the
horizon circle or within at least half of the surface of the aerodrome. These areas could comprise
contiguous or non-contiguous sectors. This value may be assessed by human observation and/
or instrumented systems, but when instruments are installed, they are used to obtain the best
estimate of the prevailing visibility (Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartI, 1.1). Prevailing visibility
should be reported in METAR and SPECI code forms.


2.4.1 General

RVR is the range over which the pilot of an aircraft on the centre line of a runway can see the
runway surface markings or the lights delineating the runway or identifying its centre line.
It is discussed in the Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartI, 4.6.3 and PartII, Appendix3, 4.3.
Details on observing and reporting RVR are given in ICAO (2005). It is recommended that this
measurement be taken during periods when horizontal visibility is less than 1500m.

A height of approximately 5m is regarded as corresponding to the average eye-level of a pilot in

an aircraft on the centre line of a runway. Note that for wide-bodied aircraft, the pilots eye-level
may be at least 10m. In practice, RVR cannot be measured directly from the position of a pilot
looking at the runway centre line, but must be an assessment of what he or she would see from
this position. Nevertheless, RVR should be assessed at a height of approximately 2.5m above the
runway for instrumented systems or approximately 5m above the runway by a human observer
(Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, Appendix3,

The RVR should be reported to the ATS units whenever there is a change in RVR, according to the
reporting scale. The transmission of such reports should normally be completed within 15s of
termination of the observation. These reports are to be given in plain language.

2.4.2 Methods of observation

The RVR may be measured indirectly, by observers with or without supplementary equipment,
by instrumental equipment such as the transmissometer or sensors measuring scattered light,
or by video systems. At aerodromes, where precision approaches and, in particular, where

CategoryI, II, III A and III B operations are executed, RVR measurements should be made
continuously by using appropriate instruments, namely transmissometers or forward-scatter
meters (Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, Appendix3, for CategoryII and III, and
recommended for CategoryI in Appendix3,

The RVR can then be assessed for operational purposes using tables or, preferably, by automatic
equipment with digital read-out of RVR. It should be computed separately for each runway in
accordance with the Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, Appendix3, 4.3.5. Measurement by observers

The counting of runway lights visible in fog (or lights specially installed parallel to the runway
for that purpose) by observers can provide a simple and convenient method of determining RVR
(but for precision instrument landing, only if the instrumented system fails). The difficulty arising
with this method is related to the resolution capability of the human eye which, beyond a certain
distance (dependent on the observer), does not permit the runway lights to be distinguished and

Since the observers position when observing runway lights is not identical to that of the pilot,
the use of conversion curves to determine the true RVR is essential. Specially designed marker
boards, spaced out along the side of the runway, may also be used for RVR assessment during the
day. Measurement by video

To assess RVR using a video system, use is made of a video camera and receiver to observe
markers at known distances consisting of either runway lights, special lights, or markers
positioned alongside the runway. Such a system is also beneficial for detecting patchy or shallow
fog, which cannot be detected by the instruments. Measurement by transmissometer

The instrument most commonly used at present for making an assessment of RVR is the
transmissometer, which measures the transmission factor along a finite path through the
atmosphere (see PartI, Chapter9). RVR can be determined as follows:

(a) RVR when runway lights are dominant (RVR based on illumination threshold): The RVR
depends on the transmission factor of the air, on the intensity of the runway lights and
on the observers (and pilots) threshold of illuminance, which itself depends on the
background luminance. It can be computed from:

Et = I R 2 T R / a (2.1)

where Et is the visual threshold of illuminance of the observer (pilot), which depends on
the background luminance L; I is the effective intensity of centre-line or edge lights toward
the observer (pilot); T is the transmission factor, measured by the transmissometer; Ris
the RVR; and a is the transmissometer baseline or optical light path. Note that for the
illuminance E of the observer (pilot), it holds that E = I / R2. The requirements for the light
intensity characteristics of runway lights are given in ICAO (2013). In fact, it holds for both
centre-line and edge light that the illumination of the observer (pilot) is angular dependent
and as a consequence I depends on R. Therefore I = I(R) and E = E(I, R). The calculation of
R from equation2.1 can be done only iteratively, which is relatively easy with the help of a
simple calculator suitable for numerical mathematics. The value of Et is determined with the
help of a background luminance sensor (see section2.4.3.3);

(b) Assessment of RVR by contrast (RVR based on contrast threshold): When markers other than
lights are used to give guidance to pilots during landing and take-off, the RVR should be
based upon the contrast of specific targets against the background. A contrast threshold of
0.05 should be used as a basis for computations. The formula is:
ln 0.05
R=a (2.2)
ln T
where R is RVR by contrast. Because the contrast threshold level is 0.05, RVR by contrast is
identical to MOR, namely R = MOR. Note that RVR (based on illumination threshold) will
always supersede RVR (based on contrast threshold), or RVR MOR. Measurement by forward-scatter or backscatter meters

Instruments for measuring the forward-scatter or backscatter coefficient (sometimes known

as scatterometers) are discussed in PartI, Chapter9. Because of the physical principles of light
scattering by aerosols, the measurement uncertainty of a forward-scatter meter (scatter-angle
about 3132) is smaller than with backscatter meters. Therefore, a forward-scatter meter is to
be preferred. With these instruments the extinction coefficient can be determined, which is
the principal variable to calculate RVR. Experience and studies with forward-scatter meters have
demonstrated their capability to measure RVR for aeronautical applications (WMO, 1990, 1992b).

Since accuracy can vary from one instrument design to another, performance characteristics
should be checked before selecting an instrument for assessing RVR. Therefore, the calibration
of a forward-scatter meter has to be traceable and verifiable to a transmissometer standard, the
accuracy of which has been verified over the intended operational range (Technical Regulations,
VolumeII, PartII, Appendix3, 4.3.2).

A scatter meter determines, from the received scattered light, the extinction coefficient of the
atmosphere at the position of the optical volume (see PartI, Chapter9). Because is a direct
measure for the visibility, R can be determined relatively easily (from or MOR, where
MOR = ln 0.05/ 3/MOR). The RVR can be determined as follows:

(a) RVR when runway lights are dominant (RVR based on illumination threshold): RVR will be
calculated in a similar way as with a transmissometer except that is used and not T. It can
be computed from:

I (R)
R= (2.3)
E R2

where R is the runway visual range; is the extinction coefficient (or 3/MOR); Et is the
visual threshold of illuminance of the observer (pilot), which depends on the background
luminance; and I is the effective intensity of centre-line or edge lights toward the observer
(pilot). As with a transmissometer, R should be calculated iteratively;

(b) Assessment of RVR by contrast (RVR based on contrast threshold): When markers other than
lights are used to give guidance to pilots during landing and take-off, the RVR should be
based upon the contrast of specific targets against the background. A contrast threshold of
0.05 should be used as a basis for computations. The formula is:
R = ln 0.05 / = MOR (2.4)
where R is RVR by contrast. Note that RVR (based on illumination threshold) will always
exceed RVR (based on contrast threshold), namely RVR MOR.

2.4.3 Instruments and exposure

Instrumented systems may be based on transmissometers or forward-scatter meters to assess

RVR. Runway visual range observations should be carried out at a lateral distance of not more
than 120m from the runway centre line. The site for observations that are representative of
the touchdown zone should be located about 300m along the runway from the threshold.

The sites for observations that are representative of the middle and far sections of the runway
should be located at a distance of 1000 to 1500m along the runway from the threshold and
at a distance of about 300m from the other end of the runway (Technical Regulations, VolumeII,
PartII, Appendix3, The exact position of these sites and, if necessary, additional sites
(for long runways), should be determined after considering aeronautical, meteorological and
climatological factors, such as swamps and other fog-prone areas. Runway visual range should
be observed at a height of approximately 2.5m above the runway for instrumented systems
or approximately 5m above the runway by a human observer (Technical Regulations, VolumeII,
PartII, Appendix3,

The units providing air traffic and aeronautical information services for an aerodrome should be
informed without delay of changes in the serviceability status of the RVR observing system.

A computer is usually used to compute the RVR at several measurement points and to display the
measurements on screen with the time of observation, the transmission factors, the luminance
measured at one or more points on the aerodrome and the runway light intensity. The data are
sent to display panels at the ATS and meteorological and other units concerned, or to printers for

The runway light intensity should be entered automatically in the computer in accordance with
the procedure described in the Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, Appendix3, 4.3.5 or as
formally agreed upon between the ATS units and the local meteorological unit.

Analogue or digital graphic recorders (with time base) for transmission factors T and background
luminance L may also be used. A graphic display of the RVR should also properly show the record
of Et and I (see equation2.1). Transmissometers

A description of transmissometers, their installation on site and their maintenance and sources of
error is given in PartI, Chapter9, with references to other literature.

A transmissometer system consists of a projector that directs a light of known intensity onto a
photoelectric receiving device placed at a known distance from the projector. The variations
in atmospheric transmission, due to fog or haze, and so on, are continuously measured and
recorded. The instrument is calibrated to be direct-reading, giving the transmission factor in per

The transmitter and receiver must be mounted at the same height on rigid, secure and durable
stands, which, if possible, are not frangible and in such a way that shifting soil, frost, differential
heating of towers, and so forth, do not adversely affect the alignment of the two units. The height
of the optical path should not be less than 2.5m above the level of the runway.

In one type of transmissometer, the transmitter and receiver are incorporated in the same unit
(see PartI, Chapter9). In this case, a reflector (for example, mirror) is installed at the normal
receiver location. The light travels out and is reflected back, with the baseline length being twice
the distance between the transmitter/receiver and the reflector. The transmissometer may have a
single or double base, depending on whether one or two receivers or retro-reflectors, positioned
at different distances, are used.

The transmissometer baseline length, namely, the length of the optical path covered by the light
beam between transmitter and receiver, determines the RVR measurement range. For an RVR
between 50 and 1500m, the most commonly used baseline lengths are between 15 and 75m.

However, for shorter transmissometer baseline lengths, a higher transmission factor

measurement accuracy and better system linearity are necessary. If low RVRs must be measured
for Category II and III landing requirements, a short base transmissometer should be selected.
However, the maximum RVR that can be measured is then relatively low. A compromise must

be found. Double-base transmissometers exist, offering a wider measurement range by the

selection of one base or the other, but care must be taken when switching baselines to ensure
that the RVR measurements remain consistent with each other.

Higher RVR values can be measured by using longer transmissometer baseline lengths, but
greater luminous power is needed for transmission to compensate for light attenuation between
the transmitter and receiver in dense fog, and a narrower reception angle is required to avoid
scatter disturbance phenomena. The measurement of the weakest signals is also dependent on
background noise in the measuring equipment.

Transmissometers are generally aligned parallel to the runway. However, direct (or reflected)
sunlight should be avoided as this may cause damage. The optical axis should, therefore, be
positioned in an approximate north-south direction horizontally (for latitudes below 50).
Otherwise, a system of baffles should be used. Forward-scatter meters

Forward-scatter meters should be sited near the runway in a similar fashion to transmissometers.
The positioning of forward-scatter meters requires fewer precautions than for transmissometers.
Nevertheless, care should be taken to avoid direct or scattered sunlight which might influence (or
damage) the receiver. In particular, sunlight may influence the receiver after scattering by snow
cover, or lake or sea surface. Modern instruments compensate for contamination of the optical
components. Background luminance sensor

The threshold of illuminance Et must be known when computing the RVR. A background
luminance sensor should be placed at the end of the runway along which one or more
transmissometers or scatter meters have been installed. One or more luminance sensors may be
installed at the airport depending on the number of runways covered.

The background luminance sensor measures the luminance of the horizon or sky in the direction
opposite the sun. The illuminance thresholds are introduced in the RVR computation either
as a continuous or a step function (two to four steps). The curve for converting background
luminance to illumination threshold is given in the Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII,
AttachmentD, and in ICAO (2005). The recommended relation used for this curve is:

log10 Et = 0.05 ( log10 L ) + 0.573 log10 L 6.667 (2.5)


where L is the luminance of the horizon sky.

The background luminance sensor consists of a photodiode placed at the focal point of a lens
with an angular aperture of about 10 to 20, aligned in a north-south direction (to avoid direct
sunlight) and at an angle of elevation of approximately 30 to 45 to the horizon.

2.4.4 Instrument checks

It is essential that regular periodic checks be made on all components of the transmissometer
or scatter meter RVR system to ensure the proper operation and calibration of the system.
In general, the literature provided by the companies manufacturing and developing such
equipment will give detailed instructions for making such checks and will indicate the corrective
action to be taken when specified instrumental tolerances are not met. For a transmissometer,
when the visibility exceeds 10 to 15km, it is simple to check that the equipment indicates
a transmissivity of approximately 100% (see PartI, Chapter9). For scatter meters, scatter
plates may be used, which emulate certain extinction values. However, the calibration of a
forward-scatter meter should be traceable and verifiable to a transmissometer standard (see

Correct maintenance and calibration are necessary in order to:

(a) Prevent dirt from accumulating, on optical surfaces;

(b) Check variations in the light intensity of the transmitter;

(c) Avoid drift after calibration;

(d) Check the alignment of transmitters and receivers.

Frequent maintenance is necessary at heavily polluted sites. Care is to be taken so that not
all equipment is taken out of service at the same time during maintenance, and so that this
interruption of service is not of long duration, particularly during periods when fog is forecast.

When fog persists for several consecutive days, the projector should be checked to ensure that its
light intensity is steady and the equipment should be checked for drift. Checking optical settings
is difficult, if not impossible, in very dense fog; it is therefore vital that instruments should be
mechanically reliable and optically stable.

2.4.5 Data display

The RVR data display for the units concerned is updated according to the local agreements in
force: every 15 to 60s, and even every 2min on some occasions. Changes in RVR should normally
be transmitted within 15s after termination of the observation.

2.4.6 Accuracy and reliability of runway visual range measurements

If scattered light sensors are used, as distinct from transmissometers, the equations for RVR are
acceptable in the case of fine water droplets as fog, but not when visibility is reduced by other
hydrometeors such as freezing fog, rain, snow or lithometeors (sandstorms). In which case, MOR
and RVR measurements must be used with much caution since satisfactory relations for such
cases have not yet been accepted.

Divergence between the RVR for a pilot and the measured value may reach 15% to 20%, with
an assumed standard deviation of not more than 10%. In the case of observers, there are
divergences in visual threshold and in observing conditions that, together, can cause differences
in reported visual range amounting to 15% or 20%.

RVR measurements taken using transmissometers or scatter coefficient meters are representative
of only a small volume of the atmosphere. In view of the considerable fluctuations of fog
density in time, as well as in space, a mean value established over a large number of samples or
measurements is essential. Rapid changes in RVR may give rise to difficulties for the ATS units
when transmitting the information to aircraft. For these reasons, an averaging period of between
30s and 1min is recommended, computed as a mean or a sliding mean.

Operationally desirable accuracies of RVR measurement or observation are specified in the

Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, AttachmentA.


The observation and reporting of present weather is discussed in PartI, Chapter14, and the
procedures are described in the Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartI, 4.6.4 with details in PartII,
Appendix3, 4.4. For aviation, emphasis is placed upon observing and reporting the onset,
cessation, intensity and location of phenomena of significance to the safe operation of aircraft,
for example, thunderstorms, freezing precipitation and elements that restrict flight visibility.

For take-off and landing, present weather information should be representative, as far
as practicable, of the take-off and climb-out area, or the approach and landing area. For
information disseminated beyond the aerodrome, the observations of present weather should be
representative of the aerodrome and its immediate vicinity.

Most observations relating to present weather are made by visual means. Care should be taken
to select observing sites that afford adequate views in all directions from the station. Instruments
may be used to support the human observations, especially for measuring the intensity of

Detectors used to identify the type of precipitation (rain, snow, drizzle, etc.) or visibility-reducing
phenomena other than precipitation (fog, mist, smoke, dust, etc.) can assist the human observer
and this can help if done by automation. They are based essentially on the measurement of
the extinction coefficient or scintillation, and may also make use of relations between weather
phenomena and other quantities, such as humidity. At present, there is no international
agreement on the algorithms used for processing data to identify these phenomena. There is no
vital need for this equipment in aeronautical meteorology while human observers are required to
be present.

Descriptions of phenomena reported in present weather appear in PartI, Chapter14, as well as in

WMO (1975, 1987, 1992a, 2011a) and ICAO (2011).

Specifications for special reports regarding present weather are contained in the Technical
Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, Appendix3, 4.4.2. The abbreviations and code figures used in
METAR or SPECI plain language reports appear in the Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII,


2.6.1 General

Observations and measurements of clouds are discussed in PartI, Chapter15. For aviation
applications (see the Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartI, 4.6.5 and PartII, Appendix3,
4.5), cloud information (amount, base height, type) is required to be representative of the
aerodrome and its immediate vicinity and, in reports for landing, of the approach area. Where
cloud information is supplied to aircraft landing on precision approach runways, it should
be representative of conditions at the instrument landing system middle marker site, or, at
aerodromes where a middle marker beacon is not used, at a distance of 900 to 1200m from the
landing threshold at the approach end of the runway (Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII,
Appendix3, 4.5.1).

If the sky is obscured or not visible, the cloud-base height is replaced by a vertical visibility
in the local routine (MET REPORT) and local special (SPECIAL) reports (Technical Regulations,
VolumeII, PartI, 4.5.1(i)) and in weather reports METAR and SPECI (WMO, 2011a, FM15/FM16,
paragraph15.9). Vertical visibility is defined as the maximum distance at which an observer can
see and identify an object on the same vertical as himself or herself, above or below. Vertical
visibility can be derived from the optical extinction profile, determined by a LIDAR-based
ceilometer. Assuming that the total extinction at altitude h can be derived from the backscatter
extinction coefficient B at that altitude after appropriate calibration for the whole altitude range,
and assuming that a contrast threshold of 5% is applicable similar to MOR, it should hold for the
vertical visibility VV that:
I (VV )
( h ) dh = ln
= ln ( 0.05) = 3 (2.6)
I 0
Because LIDAR-based ceilometers determine the local extinction coefficient for fixed intervals h,
VV may be derived relatively easily from:

i h = 3, with hN = VV (2.7)
i =1
Typical code words like CAVOK, SKC (sky clear), NCD (no clouds detected) and NSC (nil
significant clouds) are used in reports when the state of the atmospheric or weather will not
affect the operations of take-off and landing; replacing the quantitative information with simple
acronyms is beneficial. Details on the use of these practices are given in the Technical Regulations,
VolumeII, PartII, Appendix3, 2.2 and For instance, CAVOK shall be used when cloud
and present weather is better than the prescribed values or conditions, but if the specified
conditions are met. Great care should be taken when using these abbreviations with automated
measuring systems, which are not capable of measuring clouds or vertical visibility within the
stated requirements.

The height of clouds bases shall be reported above aerodrome elevation. However, when a
precision approach runway is in use which has a threshold elevation of 15m or more below the
aerodrome elevation, local arrangements shall be made in order that the height of the clouds
reported to arriving aircraft shall refer to the threshold elevation.

2.6.2 Observation methods

The principal methods used for determining the height of the cloud base are:

(a) Cloud-base searchlight;

(b) Rotating-beam ceilometer;

(c) Laser ceilometer;

(d) Ceiling balloon;

(e) Visual estimation;

(f) Aircraft reports.

Cloud-base height should be obtained by measurement whenever possible. At busy or

international aerodromes with precision approach systems, cloud-base measurements should be
taken automatically so that this information and any changes can be available on a continuous

The ceiling-balloon method is too slow and too prone to errors to be a routine method for
measuring cloud-base height at aerodromes, and the visual method is also too prone to error,
especially at night, to be used where the observations are critical. Aircraft reports of cloud-
base height can provide the observer with useful supplementary information. Care should be
taken when interpreting pilots information due to the fact that the information may be several
kilometres from the surface observation point.

2.6.3 Accuracy of cloud-base height measurements

The ragged, diffuse and fluctuating nature of many cloud bases limit the degree of accuracy
with which cloud-base heights can be measured. Isolated or infrequent measurements, such as
those obtainable by the use of cloud-base height balloons, may be unrepresentative of the cloud
conditions as a whole. The best estimate requires the study of a quasi-continuous recording over
a period of several minutes provided by one of the instruments mentioned above.

The accuracy of instrumental measurements indicated by manufacturers is usually obtained by

using solid or artificial targets. Operational accuracy is, however, more difficult to achieve in view
of the fuzzy nature of the cloud base.


A general discussion of instruments and methods of observation for air temperature may be
found in PartI, Chapter2. For air navigation purposes (see the Technical Regulations, VolumeII,
PartI, 4.1 and 4.5.1(j)), it is necessary to know the air temperature over the runway. Normally,
data from well-sited, properly ventilated screens give sufficient approximations of the required
values. Rapid fluctuations in air temperature (2C to 3C per half-hour) should be notified
immediately to ATS units, principally in tropical and subtropical areas.

Temperature sensors should be exposed in such a way that they are not affected by moving
or parked aircraft, and should yield values that are representative of general conditions over
the runways. Thermometers with a time constant of 20s should preferably be used to avoid
excessively small fluctuations in temperature (average wind speed of 5ms1), or, in cases of
automatic measurements, an appropriate digital averaging or resistance/capacitance filtering
should be applied. Remote indicating and recording systems are an advantage. Moreover,
aerodromes with runways intended for CategoryII and III instrument approach and landing
operations, require automated measuring equipment and displays at the automatic retrieval
system site. Temperature measurements have become more integrated into automatic stations
or data acquisition systems, and are displayed in digital form. The displayed temperature should
represent an average value over 1 to 10min, obtained after linearization of the sensor output
signal. The value obtained should be rounded off to the nearest whole degree for aeronautical


Atmospheric moisture at aeronautical stations is usually expressed in terms of the dewpoint

temperature. The reading is rounded off to the nearest whole degree as in the case of air
temperature. The procedures are described in the Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartI, 4.1 and
4.5.1(j). Observation methods are described in PartI, Chapter4.

Modern humidity sensors allow the use of remote indicators and recorders. For manual
observations the psychrometer is commonly used. A psychrometer of the ventilated type is to be
preferred to meet the stated measurement uncertainty. The types of instruments commonly in
use are as follows:

(a) Capacitive sensors based on the measurement of a capacitors capacitance, in which the
value of the polymer dielectric varies as a function of the water vapour content of the
ambient air. In practice, the measured capacitance is fairly linear with relative humidity.
Dewpoint is calculated using the ambient air temperature (measured separately and at a
very short distance) (td = td(t, U)). The appropriate formulae are given in PartI, Chapter4,
Annex4.B. To avoid condensation, which may last long after U < 100% and which might be
trapped by the filter protecting the sensor, the sensor may be heated. For such a practice,
the ambient air temperature should not be used, rather a temperature value should be used
that represents the heated air around the sensor. In practice, the appropriate procedure can
only be achieved after careful calibration in well-designed climate chambers;

(b) Dewpoint hygrometers, measuring the temperature at which a very light deposit of dew
occurs on a mirror. The mirror is heated or cooled, most frequently by the Peltier effect,
to obtain the point of equilibrium at which dew is deposited. The mirror is used with
an associated photo-electronic dew-detection system. Although such systems deliver
dewpoint temperature directly, pollution and deterioration of the mirror may cause
significant biases. In particular, frost may destroy the mirror. At least every six months the
mirror should be inspected, but only by skilled personnel. Great care should be taken when
cleaning the mirror and the manufacturers instructions should be followed precisely.


2.9.1 General

A general discussion on the observations of atmospheric pressure may be found in PartI,

Chapter3, and that for aviation purposes is found in the Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartI,
4.6.7. Pressure measurements for setting aircraft altimeters are essential at an aeronautical
station. They are computed in tenths of hectopascals (0.1hPa). They are referred to in the Q code
as QFE and QNH, where:

(a) QFE (field elevation pressure) is defined as the pressure value at an elevation corresponding
to the official elevation of the aerodrome (Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII,
Appendix3, 4.7.2). Aerodrome reference point, elevation and runway elevation are
described in ICAO (2013);

(b) QNH (atmospheric pressure at nautical height) is defined as the pressure value at which an
aircraft altimeter is set so that it will indicate the official elevation of the aerodrome when
the aircraft is on the ground at that location. QNH is calculated using the value for QFE
and the pressure altitude relationship of the ICAO standard atmosphere. In fact, the ICAO
standard atmosphere is a sub-range of the International Standard Atmosphere, which is
documented by the ISO 2533:1975 standard and developed in liaison with the Committee
on Space Research, ICAO and WMO. This standard atmosphere is a static atmosphere, with
a fixed pressure and temperature at sea level and a fixed temperature gradient. Details
of the standard atmosphere and its predefined constants are given in WMO (1966) and
ICAO (1993). For the calculation of QNH from QFE, namely the reduction to mean sea
level, this virtual atmosphere is used, and not the current true state of the atmosphere. As a
consequence, QNH will differ from the reported atmospheric pressure reduced to sea level
as described in PartI, Chapter3, 3.11 and for which the actual temperature is used. The
calculation of QNH from QFE is based on a slide rule relationship (for stations below about
3000 to 4000m):
QNH = A + B QFE (2.8)
where A and B depend on the geopotential altitude of the station (for details, see WMO,
1966, Introduction to Table3.10). To derive QNH, the following three-step procedure
should be followed:

(i) Determine the pressure altitude of the station from the QFE (the pressure altitude is
calculated from QFE using the formulae of the standard atmosphere);

(ii) Subtract (or add for stations below mean sea level) from this pressure altitude the
elevation of the station with respect to mean sea level to give the pressure altitude at
mean sea level (may be positive or negative);

(iii) Derive from this pressure altitude the associated pressure value according to the
standard atmosphere, which will be QNH.

An example of this procedure to derive QNH from QFE is shown in the figure below. The
measured pressure and QNH and/or QFE values should be computed in tenths of a hectopascal.
In local reports and reports disseminated beyond the aerodrome, QNH and QFE values should
be included and the values should be rounded down to the nearest whole hectopascal. The ATS
units, should be notified of rapid major changes in pressure.

The curve represents the standard atmosphere (pressure altitude as a function of pressure).

1 500
850 hPa
Aerodrome altitude 272 m
and QFE 969 hPa
900 hPa give QNH = 1 001 hPa
1 000

Altitude (m)
950 hPa

375 m
Aerodrome altitude
h = 272 m
103 m 1 000 hPa
0 1 013.25 hPa
Mean sea level

800 850 900 950 QFE 1 000 1 050

(969 hPa) QNH = 1 001 hPa

Pressure (hPa)

The relation between QFE and QNH

2.9.2 Instruments and exposure

The instrumental equipment used at an aeronautical station for pressure measurement is

identical to that at a synoptic station, except that greater use is often made of precision automatic
digital barometers for convenience and speed of reading in routine observations. Aeronautical
stations should be equipped with one or more well-calibrated barometers traceable to a
standard reference. A regular schedule should be maintained for comparing the instruments
against this standard instrument. Both manual and automated barometers are suitable, provided
that temperature dependence, drift and hysteresis are sufficiently compensated. Details of
suitable barometers are given in PartI, Chapter3.

The exposure of barometers at an aeronautical station is the same as at a synoptic station. If

barometers have to be exposed inside a building, sensors should be vented to the outside,
using an appropriately located static-tube arrangement. Owing to wind impacts on a building,
pressure differences inside and outside the building may be larger than 1hPa. To prevent such
bias, which may extend to about plus or minus 3hPa with high wind speeds, the static-tube
should be placed sufficiently far away from this building. Also, air conditioning may have impacts
on pressure measurements, which will be avoided by using such a static tube.

Direct-reading instruments for obtaining QNH values are available and may be used in place
of the ordinary aneroid or mercury barometer, which require reference to tables in order to
obtain the QNH values. For such devices, correct values of A and B, which are a function of
the station geopotential altitude (see equation2.8), shall be entered. The readings given by
these instruments must be compared periodically with QNH values calculated on the basis of
measurements obtained using the mercury barometer.

2.9.3 Accuracy of and corrections to pressure measurements

Pressure values used for setting aircraft altimeters should have a measurement uncertainty
to 0.5hPa or better (Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, AttachmentA). All applicable
corrections should be applied to mercury barometer readings, and corrections established
through regular comparisons between the mercury and aneroid instruments routinely used in
observations must be applied to all values obtained from the latter instruments. Where aneroid

altimeters are used in ATS tower positions, corrections different from those used in the observing
station must be provided, for proper reduction to official aerodrome or runway level (Technical
Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, Appendix3, 4.7).

The pressure values used for setting altimeters must refer to the official elevation for the
aerodrome. For non-precision approach runways, the thresholds of which are 2m or more below
or above the aerodrome elevation, and for precision approach runways, the QFE, if required,
should refer to the relevant threshold elevation.


2.10.1 General

Observations made at aeronautical stations should also include any available information
on meteorological conditions in the approach and climb-out areas relating to the location of
cumulonimbus or thunderstorms, moderate or severe turbulence, horizontal and/or vertical
wind shear and significant variations in the wind along the flight path, hail, severe line squalls,
moderate or severe icing, freezing precipitation, marked mountain waves, sandstorms, dust
storms, blowing snow or funnel clouds (tornadoes or waterspouts), for example, SURFACE WIND

2.10.2 Slant visual range

Despite the development work carried out in various countries, no instrument for measuring
the slant visual range has been made operational. The rapid technological development of all-
weather landing systems has made it possible to reduce the set landing minima at aerodromes
(CategoriesII, IIIA and IIIB) and has gradually resulted in this parameter being considered less
important. No recommendation has been established for measuring this parameter.

2.10.3 Wind shear

Wind shear is a spatial change in wind speed and/or direction (including updraughts and
downdraughts). Wind shear intensity may be classified into light, moderate, strong or violent
according to its effect on aircraft. Low-level wind shear, that may affect landing and take-
off operations, may exist as a vertical wind gradient in the lower layers of a thermally stable
atmosphere, or it may be due to the effect of obstacles and frontal surfaces on wind flow,
the effect of land and sea breezes, and to wind conditions in and around convection clouds,
particularly storm clouds. Violent storms are by far the major cause of low-level wind shear, and a
cause of fatal accidents for aircraft both on approach and landing, and during take-off.

The preparation and issuing of wind-shear warnings for climb-out and approach paths are
described in the Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, Appendix3,

The measurement of vertical wind shear based on the information presented in PartI, Chapter5,
may be determined directly by anemometers on tall masts, which must be at a certain distance
from the airport. Remote-sensing systems include Doppler Radar, Lidar, Sodar and the wind
profiler. The Lidar uses laser light, the Sodar is based on acoustic radiation, and the wind
profiler radar employs electromagnetic radiation at a frequency of around 50MHz, 400MHz or

Horizontal wind shear is usually detected by a system of anemometers over the entire
aerodrome. This system is designated as a low-level wind shear alert system. Computer-
processed algorithms enable a wind-shear warning to be given. This system is used particularly
in tropical and subtropical regions where frequent, intense storm build-up occurs.

Global coverage of this subject is given in the ICAO Manual on Low-level Wind Shear (Doc.9817),
first edition, 2005.

Although wind shear may have a significant impact on aircraft operations, no recommendation
or criteria has yet been established. Nevertheless, details on wind-shear warnings are given in
ICAO (2011), Chapter4.

2.10.4 Marked temperature inversions

Information on marked temperature inversions exceeding 10C between the surface and levels
up to 300m should be provided, if available. Data are usually obtained from balloon-borne
radiosondes, remote-sensing, aircraft observations (for example, AMDAR) or by meteorological


Specially-designed instrument systems have become common practice at aeronautical

stations for measuring, processing, remotely indicating and recording values of the various
meteorological parameters representative of the approach, landing, take-off and general runway
conditions at the airport (Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartI, 4.1).

These automated systems comprise the following:

(a) An acquisition system for converting electrical analogue measurements (volts,

milliamperes, resistance, capacitance) to digital values in the appropriate units, and for the
direct introduction of digital data;

(b) A data pre-processing unit (averaging of readings over a time period of 1 to 10min
depending on the parameter measured and minimum, maximum and average values for
the various parameters);

(c) A computer, used, for example, to prepare SYNOP, METAR and SPECI reports, and
telecommunication software.

The observer should be able to include in these reports those parameters which are not
measured by the automatic station; these may include present weather, past weather, cloud
(type and amount) and, sometimes, visibility. For aviation purposes, these stations are, therefore,
often only an aid for acquiring meteorological data and cannot operate without observers.

Instruments at the automatic station should be checked and inspected regularly. Quality
checks are necessary and recommended in order to avoid major errors and equipment drift.
Measurements taken by automatic weather stations are dealt with in detail in PartII, Chapter1.
Quality assurance and other management issues can be found in PartIV, Chapter1. To guarantee
the stated performance of the automated instruments, a detailed evaluation plan should be
established with details on maintenance and calibration intervals, and with feedback procedures
to improve the observing system.

Recommendations on reporting meteorological information from automatic observing systems

are given in the Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, Appendix3, 4.

2.12 RADAR

At aerodromes with heavy traffic, weather radars have become indispensable since they provide
effective, permanent, real-time surveillance by producing additional observations to the usual

meteorological observations for landings and take-offs. A radar can provide information over a
wider area of up to 150 to 200km. It is also an aid to short-range forecasting within the hour or
a few hours following the observation (possible aid in preparing the TREND report).

The echoes received are interpreted to identify the type of precipitation around the station:
precipitation from stratus or convective clouds; isolated or line precipitation; or precipitation
due to storms and, under certain conditions, detection of precipitation in the form of snow
or hail. The image received enables the paths of squall lines or fronts to be followed and their
development (intensification or weakening) to be monitored. If the radar is equipped with a
Doppler system, the speed and direction of movement of these echoes can be computed.

The most widely used radars operate on wavelengths of 3, 5 or 10cm. The choice depends on the
region of the globe and the intended purpose, but the present general trend is towards the use
of a 5cm wavelength.

In certain regions, centralizing centres collect radar images from a series of radar stations in the
country or region and assemble a composite image. Images are also exchanged between the
various centres so that radar protection is provided over the largest possible area.

A general discussion on radar observations may be found in PartII, Chapter7.


This type of instrument, described in PartI, Chapter14, is installed at a number of aerodromes

to provide information on runway conditions in winter. The temperature at the surface and a
few centimetres below the runway, the presence of snow, water, clear ice or white ice and the
presence of salts or de-icing products, if any, are measured or detected. These sensors, in the
form of a compact unit, are placed at a certain number of points on the runways or taxiways
with their number depending on the size of the aerodrome and the number of runways to be
protected. Atmospheric sensors are also placed close to the runways for the measurement of air
temperature and humidity, wind and precipitation.

A data-acquisition and data-processing system displays the parameters measured and their
variations with time. Depending on the type of software used, warning systems alert the airport
authority responsible for aerodrome operations to the presence of clear ice or forecasts of
dangerous conditions for aircraft.


Systems for locating thunderstorms based on the detection of the low-frequency

electromagnetic radiation from lightning have been developed in recent years (see PartII,
Chapter6). These systems measure the time taken for the signal to arrive and/or the direction
from which it comes. Also, some systems analyse the characteristics of each radio impulse
to identify cloud-to-ground lightning strokes. In certain regions, a number of these units
are installed to measure and locate these phenomena in an area of 50 to 100km around the


Additional information should be provided if the atmosphere is affected by dangerous pollution,

for example, during volcanic eruptions. Information should also be provided to support rescue
operations, especially at off-shore stations. If relevant for aircraft operations during take-off
and landing, information on the state of the runway should be reported in METAR and SPECI,
provided by the appropriate airport authority.

Volcanic ash should be reported (in SIGMET reports) as part of the supplementary information
(Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII, Appendix3, 4.8). Details on observing volcanic ash,
radioactive material and toxic chemical clouds are given in ICAO (2004, 2007).

In METAR and SPECI, information on sea-surface temperature and the state of the sea or the
significant wave height should be included from aeronautical meteorological stations established
on offshore structures in support of helicopter operations (Technical Regulations, VolumeII, PartII,

Committee on Low-Altitude Wind Shear and its Hazard to Aviation, 1983: Low-Altitude Wind Shear and Its
Hazard to Aviation. National Academy Press, Washington DC (available from http://www.nap.
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), 1993: Manual of the ICAO Standard Atmosphere: extended to
80 kilometres (262 500 feet). Third edition, Doc.7488, Montreal.
, 1996: Manual on the Provision of Meteorological Service for International Helicopter Operations. Doc.9680,
, 2004: Handbook on the International Airways Volcano Watch (IAVW). Second edition, Doc.9766,
, 2005: Manual of Runway Visual Range Observing and Reporting Practices. Third edition, Doc.9328,
, 2007: Manual on Volcanic Ash, Radioactive Material and Toxic Chemical Clouds. Second edition,
Doc.9691, Montreal.
, 2010: Units of Measurement to be Used in Air and Ground Operations. ICAO Annex 5, Fifth edition,
, 2011: Manual of Aeronautical Meteorological Practice. Ninth edition, Doc.8896, Montreal.
, 2013: Aerodromes. ICAO Annex14, VolumeI, Sixth edition, Montreal.
World Meteorological Organization, 1966: International Meteorological Tables (S. Letestu, ed.) (1973
amendment). (WMO-No.188, TP94). Geneva.
, 1975: International Cloud Atlas: Manual on the Observation of Clouds and Other Meteors (WMONo.407),
VolumeI. Geneva.
, 1987: International Cloud Atlas (WMO-No.407), VolumeII. Geneva.
, 1990: The First WMO Intercomparison of Visibility Measurements: Final Report (United Kingdom 1988/1989)
(D.J. Griggs, D.W. Jones, M. Ouldridge and W.R. Sparks). Instruments and Observing Methods
Report No.41 (WMO/TD-No.401). Geneva.
, 1992a: International Meteorological Vocabulary (WMO-No.182). Geneva.
, 1992b: Visibility measuring instruments: Differences between scatterometers and transmissometers
(J.P.van der Meulen). Papers Presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and
Methods of Observation (TECO-92). Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.49
(WMO/TDNo.462). Geneva.
, 2003: Guide to Practices for Meteorological Offices Serving Aviation (WMO-No.732). Geneva.
, 2011a: Manual on Codes (WMO-No.306), VolumeI.1. Geneva.
, 2011b: Technical Regulations (WMO-No.49), VolumeI. Geneva.
, 2012: Manual on the Implementation of Education and Training Standards in Meteorology and Hydrology
(WMO-No.1083), VolumeI. Geneva.
, 2013: Technical Regulations (WMO-No.49), VolumeII. Geneva.
, 2014: Guide to Meteorological Observing and Information Distribution Systems for Aviation Weather Services
(WMO-No.731). Geneva.

CHAPTER 3. AIRCRAFT-BASED OBSERVATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  575

3.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  575
3.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  575
3.1.2 Aircraft meteorological sensors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  575
3.2 Pressure and Mach number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  576
3.2.1 Pitot-static probe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  576
3.2.2 Pressure altitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  577 Measurement uncertainty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  579
3.2.3 Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  579 Measurement uncertainty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  580
3.3 Air temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  580
3.3.1 Total air temperature probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  580 Measurement uncertainty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  581
3.4 Wind speed and direction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  581
3.4.1 Measurement uncertainty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  582
3.5 Humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  583
3.5.1 Measurement uncertainty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  584
3.6 Turbulence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  584
3.6.1 Turbulence from vertical acceleration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584 Measurement uncertainty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  584
3.6.2 Derived equivalent vertical gust velocity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  584 Measurement uncertainty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  585
3.6.3 Eddy dissipation rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  585 Vertical accelerometer-based EDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  585 Vertical wind-based EDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  586 True airspeed-based EDR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  586 Measurement uncertainty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  587 Relationship between EDR and DEVG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  587
3.7 Icing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  587
3.7.1 Measurement uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  587
3.8 Aircraft-based observing systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  587
3.8.1 Aircraft meteorological data relay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  588
3.8.2 Tropospheric Airborne Meteorological Data Reporting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  588 TAMDAR overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588 Relative humidity and temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  588 TAMDAR icing detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  590 TAMDAR turbulence detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  590
3.9 Other systems and sources of aircraft-based observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  590
3.9.1 ICAO Automatic Dependent Surveillance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  590
3.9.2 New and developing systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  591 Mode-S Enhanced Surveillance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  591 Mode-S Meteorological Routine Air Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  591

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  592



3.1.1 Definitions

This chapter describes the methods used for automatic meteorological measurements on
modern commercial aircraft, known collectively as aircraft-based observations. The principles
described here may be used for data processing on any adequately instrumented aircraft to
define and develop aircraft-based observing systems.

The WMO aircraft meteorological data relay (AMDAR) observing system is an aircraft-based
observing system that is specified in WMO (2013) so as to meet meteorological requirements
for reporting meteorological data from an aircraft platform. The AMDAR system is operated by
WMO Members in collaborative agreement with their partner airlines, and the resulting data are
transmitted on the WMO Global Telecommunication System. Additional information is available
in WMO (2003).

AMDAR and other aircraft-based observing systems are generally implemented on aircraft that
are equipped with sophisticated navigation and other sensing systems. There are sensors for
measuring airspeed, air temperature and air pressure. Other data relating to aircraft position,
acceleration and orientation are available from the aircraft navigation system. The aircraft
also carry airborne computers for the flight management and navigation systems, by which
navigation and meteorological data are computed continuously and are made available to
the aircrew at the flight deck. In aircraft-based observing systems, they are further processed
and fed automatically to the aircraft communication system for transmission to the ground, or,
alternatively, a dedicated processing package can be used on the aircraft to access raw data from
the aircraft systems and derive the meteorological variables independently.

In AMDAR systems, these facilities are used to compile and transmit meteorological reports in
real time. Normally, the messages contain wind speed and direction (in the horizontal plane),
air temperature, pressure altitude (altitude in the Standard Atmosphere related to a reference
pressure level), time of observation, phase of flight and the aircraft position. If the aircraft is
properly equipped, it may also report humidity or water vapour mixing ratio and a measure of

The source data for meteorological observations require significant correction and complex
processing to yield meteorological measurements that are representative of the free air-stream
in the aircraft vicinity. A full description of all the processes involved is beyond the scope of this
Guide, but an outline of the principles is given here, with references for further reading.

3.1.2 Aircraft meteorological sensors

The basic sensors carried on modern commercial aircraft comprise the pitot-static probe and the
total air temperature (TAT) probe. Data from these sensors, together with information from the
aircraft navigation system, usually provided by one or a combination of radio navaid systems
(Global Positioning System, GPS), distance-measuring equipment (DME), VHF omni-directional
radio range (VOR), an instrument landing system and in some cases an inertial navigation system
(INS), are processed to give the following meteorological elements:

(a) Pressure altitude Hp,1 horizontal position and time (PALT in Figure3.1);

(b) Static air temperature Ts (SAT in Figure3.1);

(c) Wind speed |V|;

(d) Wind direction Dw.

On some aircraft, additional processing for measuring turbulence is available or additional

sensors are available for measuring ice build-up on the front surfaces and/or for measuring
relative humidity or water vapour mixing ratior.

In order to appreciate the complexity of the processing system, the following description
is structured according to the process flow in a typical operational system. It will be noted
(Figure3.1) that the computed variables are highly interdependent.


3.2.1 Pitot-static probe

The pitot-static probe (Figure3.2) is exposed in the free air-stream beyond the aircraft boundary
layer and provides the total pressure (static pressure plus impact or dynamic pressure). Some
of these sondes can provide static pressure as well (i.e. free air-stream pressure, ideally the
undisturbed ambient pressure), but on most airliners normally in use for AMDAR, the static
pressure is provided via orifices on the side of the aircraft body. The pressure values are
measured by electronic transducers and passed to a central unit hosting the algorithms for the
aerodynamic adjustments (correction for the built-in error) and finally to the air data computer
(ADC). The ADC computes pressure altitude, static temperature and Mach number from these
two measurements.

Static pressure Calculated pressure

Pitot-static probe PALT
altitude (PALT)

Total pressure
Mach number (M)

Mach number
Calculate static
TAT probe air temperature (SAT)

Calculate true air speed

Navigation system Calculated WS
radio navaids wind speed (WS)
inertial reference Ground and wind
system direction (WD) WD

Figure 3.1. AMDAR sensor data processing

Pressure altitude is defined as a measure of height relative to the standard datum plane of 1013.2hPa. The variable
flight level (FL) equals the pressure altitude for all levels. Pressure altitude and flight level may not be interchanged
with indicated aircraft altitude, aircraft altitude, or aircraft height, for which other definitions apply. Because aircraft
may fly at pressure levels above 1013.2hPa (i.e. below the standard datum plane), pressure altitude (or flight level)
may be negative.


Figure 3.2. Typical configuration for the measurement of static pressure and pitot pressure on
aircraft. Static pressure is taken (see the mark S) either at ports on both sides of the
fuselage or at side ports of the pitot-static probe. Total pressure is taken at the forward-
headed orifice of the pitot probes or the pitot-static probes (see the mark P) mounted on
the fuselage a few metres behind the nose.

3.2.2 Pressure altitude

The static pressure measurement is not normally reported in AMDAR but is converted in the ADC
to the equivalent altitude based on the International Standard Atmosphere (ISO, 2007). The
Standard Atmosphere (see Figure3.3) assumes a linear decrease in temperature with height of
6.5C per km up to 11km or 36089ft, 2 and a mean sea-level temperature and pressure of 15C
and 1013.25hPa, respectively. From 11km to 20km the temperature is assumed constant at

60 000

50 000

40 000
Pressure altitude (ft)

30 000

20 000

10 000

10 000
0 200 400 600 800 1 000 60 40 20 0 20

Pressure (hPa) Temperature (C)

Figure 3.3. International Standard Atmosphere

Despite the general policy to use SI units, feet are used for altitude in this chapter, respecting common practice in
the aviation community.

For pressure altitude Hp equal to or less than 36089ft, static pressure (ps) is related to Hp by the
following expression:

( )
ps = 1 013.25 1 6.8756 106 H p (3.1)

with Hp in units of ft and ps in units of hPa. For example, if Hp is 30000ft, ps = 300.9hPa.

The above expression (3.1) can be used to calculate the static pressure from the reported
pressure altitude, provided that the on-board static pressure value was corrected only for
aerodynamically-induced effects (built-in error) and the aircraft altimeter sub-scale (zero-
reference) was set to ICAO standard mean sea level pressure (1013.25hPa). Navigational
procedures also provide for altimeter sub-scale settings at other reference levels. For example,
the setting can be aerodrome pressure (field elevation pressure, QFE) or QNH (QFE value
reduced to sea level by use of the Standard Atmosphere), which is a pressure reference on the
standard atmosphere scale such that aerodrome height is indicated at touchdown on a specific
airfield. The pressure altitude reported by the AMDAR on-board software should always be with
respect to ICAO mean sea level pressure only.

For use in the cockpit, the indicated altitude Hi (the pressure altitude above mean sea level
(MSL)) is given by the pressure altitude (Hp) minus the altitude of the altimeter sub-scale
reference on the standard atmosphere scale (Hr) plus the elevation of the reference pressure level
above MSL (ERef ). The general expression is:
H i = H p H r + ERef
0.190 26
H r = 1 r 145 442 (3.3)

1 013.25

with Hr, Hi, and ERef in units of ft, and pr in units of hPa; pr is the altimeter sub-scale setting, such

QNH, then ERef = 0ft above mean sea level


QFE, then ERef = field elevation above mean sea level

Note that Hr = 0 if pr = 1013.25hPa.

For example:

(a) If the sub-scale setting is a QNH value of 1000.0hPa and the indicated altitude is 9335ft,
Hp = 9335ft + 364ft = 9699ft and ps = 705hPa;

(b) If the sub-scale setting is a QFE value of 990hPa, the aerodrome height is 276ft and the
indicated altitude is9058ft, Hp = Hi + Hr (QFE) ERef = 9058ft + 641ft 276ft = 9423ft and
the QNH value would be 1000hPa.

However, for the purpose of AMDAR, the altitude parameter should be chosen which is solely
based on the aerodynamically clean static pressure without any reference to QNH or QFE.

If Hp is greater than 36089ft (11km), static pressure is given by:

36 089 H p

ps = 226.32 e 20 806
or (3.4)
H p = 36 089 20 806 ln
with Hp in units of ft, and ps in units of hPa. For example, if Hp is 40000ft, ps = 187.5hPa.
CHAPTER 3. AIRCRAFT-BASED OBSERVATIONS 579 Measurement uncertainty

Sources of uncertainty include:

(a) Calibration uncertainty;

(b) Short-term random instrument error;

(c) Calibration drift;

(d) Exposure uncertainty or static source uncertainty (built-in).

Because aircraft safety separations are critical, these uncertainties are corrected for as much
as possible in the ADC. Static source uncertainty, which is a function of probe location, Mach
number and aircraft weight, is determined empirically during flight-testing. Uncertainty of
pressure is inferred from reported heights.

A possible source of data latency with the AMDAR system is in the radio link between aircraft
and ground. This link process is regulated by international standards, such as ARINC620,
AOSFRS (AMDAR Onboard Software Functional Requirements Specification) or AAA, which
stands for ACMS (Aircraft Condition Monitoring System) ACARS AMDAR. In earlier versions of
these standards, the pressure altitudes were reported in hundreds of feet, equivalent at cruise
level to some 1.5hPa. This represents roughly 0.1% of the full scale pressure measurement.
With instrumental accuracy at best of the order of 1hPa, the uncertainty in static pressure at
cruise level derived from converting pressure altitude is about 2hPa. At zero reference level,
the resolution is equivalent to about 3.7hPa, leading to an uncertainty of some 4hPa. In recent
versions of the AMDAR on-board software, the altitude is reported in tens of feet, in which case
the uncertainty due to coding-related error is lower than the remainder of the measurement
uncertainty. AMDAR-equipped aircraft meet the rules and requirements of Reduced Vertical
Separation Minima (RVSM) as laid down by the approved authorities within Air Traffic
Management (ATM). The aircraft are required to maintain an altitude uncertainty of50m
(160ft), even in the altitude range of 30000 to 40000ft. Hence, the pressure uncertainty has to
be within the range of 1.5hPa and the quality control system of the airline must maintain this
level of accuracy.

3.2.3 Mach number

Mach number (M, the true airspeed divided by the speed of sound in the free air) is an important
element for aircraft operations. In AMDAR systems, it is used to correct air-temperature
measurements and airspeed measurements. In dry air, the speed of sound is proportional to the
square root of absolute (static) temperature Ts. Mach number only depends on two parameters:

(a) The impact pressure qc measured by the aircrafts pitot tubes; and

(b) The static pressure ps measured at specific locations on the side of the aircraft fuselage:
2 qc + ps
M2 = 1 (3.5)
1 ps

where qc + ps is the total pressure, and is the ratio of specific heats of dry air (Cp/Cv).

For further details, see the standard texts on aircraft aerodynamics such as Abbott and von
Doenhoff (1959) and Dommasch et al. (1958).
580 PART II. OBSERVING SYSTEMS Measurement uncertainty

The measurement uncertainty is determined almost entirely by the uncertainty of the

fundamental measurements of pressure. In normal operation, the derived Mach number
uncertainty should be lower than 0.2%.


3.3.1 Total air temperature probe

The TAT probe is exposed in the free air-stream and used to derive static (free air-stream)
temperature. The accurate measurement of air temperature is fundamental to the other derived
meteorological elements. For example, it is used in the calculation of true airspeed and thus
has an impact on the calculation of the wind velocity components. The ADC corrects the
temperature actually measured by the probe using the computed Mach number.

Most commercial aircraft are equipped with TAT probes of the immersion thermometer type.
Figure3.4 shows a typical example. The sensing element is a resistance thermometer. The
housing is designed to divert cloud and precipitation hydrometeors from the sensing element,
although it has been reported (Lawson and Cooper, 1990) that the sensing element becomes
wet in cumulus clouds. However, the main reason for the aerodynamic particle separation is to
protect the element against abrasive impacts.

The thermodynamically important part of the housings design is to achieve for the sampled air a
nearly complete adiabatic conversion of its kinetic energy into internal energy. The airspeed has
to be reduced to a leftover of a few m/s at the sensor. At this location, the air-stream getting in
contact with the sensitive element must have been kept free of heat exchange with the internal
walls. That is why all the different kinds of TAT housings are equipped/designed with holes in
the walls around the intake flow. These holes produce an aerodynamic sucking effect to curb the

Air flow

Air exit
to side ports Sensing


Figure 3.4. Typical example of an aircraft temperature sensor: a total air temperature probe.
The internal aerodynamics is designed to make the flow stagnate before touching the sensor.
The associated internal boundary-layer is kept small enough and away from the sensor
element to enable a pure adiabatic process. The flows curvature serves for

internal boundary layer. As a result, the heat exchange with the wall is kept sufficiently small to
maintain accuracy of the measurements. Even if the housings intake edge is heated for de-icing,
the associated increase of the measured temperature is below 0.5K at M>0.3.

The temperature (Tr) measured by the probe is close to the theoretical value of Tt that would
occur with perfect adiabatic compression of the free air-stream at an aerodynamically ideal
stagnation point. The static air temperature Ts, which is the temperature of the free air-stream, is
related to the measured temperature Tr by the expression (with T as absolute temperature):
Tr 1
= 1+ M 2 (3.6)
Ts 2
where is the probe recovery factor. Modern TAT probes show typical values of the probe
recovery factor around0.98 for Machnumbers between0.5 and0.9. It primarily includes the
effect of incomplete stagnation of air and, secondarily, that of a small frictional heat transfer
to the flow to be sampled. The value of this coefficient is slightly smaller than1. It depends on
the housings design but also on the Mach number. At cruise level at Mach0.85, the probe
temperature exceeds the ambient temperature by more than 30K.

Further details about TAT probes can be found in Stickney et al. (1990). Measurement uncertainty

The static temperature is a function of probe temperature and Mach number. As shown above,
the Mach number is derived from total pressure and static pressure, themselves independent
measurements from the pitot-static head. The uncertainty of measurement is therefore a function
of three error sources in addition to calibration uncertainties and other effects (for example,
probe de-icing).

The temperature uncertainty is about 0.4C at Mach0.8, reducing to 0.3C at low Mach
numbers. In the first version of the on-board software standard ARINC620, the temperature had
a resolution of 1K. Since 1994, it has been specified to be coded in 0.1K. If the sensor is wetted
in cloud, it will be cooled by evaporation leading to additional uncertainties up to 3C or so. At
very low airspeed (for example prior to take-off) there may be insufficient airflow over the sensor
to maintain the accuracy of measurement. Some aircraft employ aspirated sensors to overcome
this problem. Normally the on-board software should be configured so that a data transfer does
not begin before take-off. Despite the complexity of the data processing involved, operational
experience suggests that mean-temperature uncertainty at cruise height is about 1K.


The measurement of the three-dimensional wind vector uses data from the aircraft navigation
system (the complete combination or a subset of a radio navaid, inertial platform, magnetic
compass and GPS system) and the airspeed system (air data computer using pitot-static system
plus TAT probe). Using these data, it is possible to calculate to a high degree of accuracy the
velocity (Vg) of the aircraft, the ground speed with respect to the Earth and the aircraft velocity
with respect to the air (Va, true airspeed). The wind vector (V), therefore, is given by the vector

v = vg va (3.7)

The vectors vg and vamust be measured accurately since typical horizontal winds are small
(some10m/s) compared with aircraft ground speed and true airspeed (200to 300m/s). In early
AMDAR systems during long-range navigation the ground speed was derived solely from inertial
navigation systems without any support of ground-based navaids or GPS. Sometimes this may
have reduced the accuracy of the ground-speed vector and the wind vector by some m/s. This
has been improved with modern multi-sensor navigation systems in order to produce
operational quality data (Meteorological Service of Canada, 2003). However, the three-
dimensional solution of the vector (equation3.7) needs the measurements of aircraft pitch, roll

X Y Z = Meteorological axes
X' Y' Z' = Aircraft axes
(N) Z'
= Heading
= Angle of side-slip
X (E) = Angle of attack
Air-stream = Pitch
(N) = Roll

X, Y Plane

X, Y Plane


Figure 3.5. Angles between aircraft and the Earths coordinate system
as well as the air-stream

and yaw as well as the angle of attack and side-slip (Figure3.5). In normal level flight, pitch and
roll angle are very small and can be neglected. In the on-board system of a commercial aircraft,
the wind vector triangle is only calculated in the X-Y plane of the Earth coordinate system and the
angles of attack and side-slip are not measured.

The input data requirement reduces to true airspeed, heading and ground velocity. Heading and
ground velocity are taken from the navigation system. True airspeed must be calculated from the
Mach number and Ts. The components of the horizontal wind (u, v) are:

u = u g va sin

v = vg va cos (3.9)

where va is the magnitude of the true airspeed; is the heading relative to true north, positive
clockwise; and ug and vg are the components of the ground speed.

3.4.1 Measurement uncertainty

True airspeed is a function of the Mach number and Ts (SAT in Figure3.1):

va = 38.867 M Ts
va = 38.867 M (3.11)
1 + 0.194 M 2
Since uncertainties exist in both Mach number and Ts, the total uncertainty of the true airspeeds
magnitude is given by:

19.433 M Ts
va = 38.867 M Ts + (3.12)

with va in units of kt; Ts, Tr in units of K; M is the uncertainty of the Mach number; and Ts is the
uncertainty of the static temperature.

Note from equation3.5 that Mach uncertainty depends on the uncertainty of the pressure
measurements. Unless gross temperature errors exist, the Mach number uncertainty can be the
most significant. For example, with a Mach number uncertainty of 0.2% at cruise level, airspeed
uncertainty is some 1kt (0.5m/s). Thus, with zero uncertainty from the navigation system, wind
vector uncertainty of up to 0.5m/s is to be expected. Note, however, that gross temperature
errors will lead to gross wind errors.

Uncertainty in true airspeed combines with uncertainty from the inertial reference unit. The basic
calculations assume perfect alignment of the aircraft with the air-stream (no angle of side-slip)
and zero roll and perfect inertial platform alignment. At high roll angles, wind vector uncertainty,
which is proportional to true airspeed, can be significant. Roll angles of 10to 20degrees imply
that the actual angle of attack makes an angular deviation of the true airspeed by a couple of m/s.
So, wind data are usually excluded or at least flagged when the roll angle is above a threshold
(typically 3to 5degrees). At low wind speeds, vector uncertainty can lead to large errors in wind
direction. Thus, a more useful indication, considering all of the above uncertainty sources and
combining wind speed and direction uncertainty as vector uncertainty, would suggest a typical
uncertainty of 46kt (23m/s). These estimates are in line with operational experience (see, e.g.,
Nash, 1994).


Various sensor principles for the measurement of humidity are in use on research and operational
commercial aircraft. The range of technologies covers capacitative-absorption, chilled mirrors
and optical methods based on absorption or scattering. The instrument most widely used
within AMDAR operations is one based on a tunable diode laser (TDL) (May, 1998; Fleming,
2000, 2003) the Water Vapor Sensing System (WVSS-II). The TDL absorption spectroscopy
technology was originally designed by NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory for use on missions to
Mars, because it provides high accuracy and extreme stability of measurement over many years.
WVSS-II is designed specifically for commercial aviation use in support of AMDAR, using a special
relative narrowband absorption method at a suitable infrared line of the water vapour. The
intensity of radiation at the detector is related to the emitted radiation by Beers law such that:

I = I 0 e k x w (3.13)

where I is the received signal; I0 is the emitted signal; k is the mass attenuation coefficient; xis
the path length; and w is the absolute humidity (density of water vapour) in the sensing volume.
I0, k and x are known properties of the system. A local pressure and temperature measurement
enables the system to take account of the density of dryaird. The absorption is scanned over
a narrowband of wavelengths around the H2O line at1.37m. The absolute humidity in the
sampling volume is derived by use of the 2fmethod (MayandWebster, 1993). The systems
firmware finally converts the raw 2fsignal together with coincident temperature and pressure
measurements to the proper output parameter, the water vapour mass mixing ratio, m:
m= (3.14)
The sensor system is small enough for a manageable integration on commercial aircraft. Except
for during possible phase transitions, m is conserved during the pressure and temperature
shift from outside into the sensor probe. The generated value of the mixing ratio is suitable for
reporting without knowledge of local pressure and temperature values. This is also convenient
in numerical atmospheric models using specific humidity (numerically almost indistinguishable
from m) as the input variable.

3.5.1 Measurement uncertainty

Up to 2012, some climate chamber assessments as well as flight tests of this spectrometric
humidity measurement system have revealed two features of the instruments performance: at
measurement values above the detection limit of about 4mg/m3, the relative uncertainty is in
the range of 10%. At an altitude of 200hPa, the corresponding detection limit in the mixing
ratio is 0.02g/kg (or30ppmv). Comparison of this aircraft-based method with contemporary
radiosondes (see, e.g., Petersen et al., 2011), shows that the sensor appears to meet WMO
observational requirements across all specific humidity and relative humidity ranges, during
both ascent and descent.


Turbulence, especially clear-air turbulence (turbulence in the absence of clouds), is an important

and potentially dangerous phenomenon in aviation. Although for routine commercial operations
flight paths are designed to avoid turbulence, inevitably aircraft will experience unexpected
bumpiness and the departure from normal level flight can be measured by the aircraft

3.6.1 Turbulence from vertical acceleration

Vertical acceleration (normal to the aircraft horizontal reference plane) is measured in the
inertial reference unit. The data output is referenced and scaled to the acceleration due to
gravity and may be categorized as shown in the table. However, the severity of turbulence
affecting an aircraft depends principally on airspeed, the mass of the aircraft, the altitude and the
nature of the turbulence itself. Hence, reports of turbulence from an aircraft derived from peak
acceleration according to the crude relationships given in the table are of limited application and
are aircraft-specific because a given gust will have different effects on different aircraft.

Example of coding for the scale of turbulence, defined by peak acceleration

Turbulence category Peak accelerationa Code

None Less than 0.15g 0

Light 0.15g to, but not including, 0.5g 1

Moderate 0.5g to 1.0g 2

Severe Greater than 1.0g 3

a These accelerations, which may be positive or negative, are departures from
the normal acceleration of gravity (1.0g). Measurement uncertainty

There are two main sources of uncertainty in the aircraft instrumentation, namely the zero, or
reference, uncertainty and the output calibration (measurement) uncertainty. For most aircraft,
the reference value is nominally +1.0g, but this can vary typically by 3%. This uncertainty can
be virtually eliminated by correction when the aircraft is on the ground, leaving a residual
(including measurement) uncertainty of about 3% of measurement (Sherman, 1985).

3.6.2 Derived equivalent vertical gust velocity

An alternative indicator of turbulence is the derived equivalent vertical gust velocity (DEVG),
defined as the instantaneous vertical gust velocity, which, superimposed on a steady horizontal
wind, would produce the measured acceleration of the aircraft. The effect of a gust on an aircraft

depends on the mass and other characteristics, but these can be taken into account so that a gust
velocity can be calculated which is independent of the aircraft. The derived equivalent vertical
gust is given (Sherman, 1985) by:
U de = (3.15)
where Ude is the derived equivalent gust velocity; n is the modulus of the peak deviation of the
aircraft vertical acceleration from 1g in units of g; m is the total mass; Vc is the calibrated airspeed
at the time of the occurrence of the acceleration peak; and A is a parameter that depends on the
aircraft type, and weakly on the mass, the altitude and the Mach number. Measurement uncertainty

Uncertainties in each of the elements contributing to Ude have been estimated. These are
typically less than 3% maximum for each element in normal level flight and in the extreme could
lead to a total uncertainty of 10% to 12%. Assuming a random distribution of errors, a typical
uncertainty would be 3% or 4% of the final value of Ude. Aircraft manoeuvres can also lead to
large vertical accelerations of an aircraft, and, conversely, active control techniques can dampen
the acceleration due to gusts, leading to serious underestimation of vertical gust velocities.

3.6.3 Eddy dissipation rate

The eddy dissipation rate, , is a parameter that quantifies the turbulence intensity within a fluid.
In the context of aircraft turbulence, it is standard practice to refer to 1/3 as EDR. The advantage
of EDR is that it is an aircraft-independent measure of the atmospheric turbulence intensity. There
are several ways of estimating EDR (accelerometer-based versus wind-based), and they can be
estimated, in principle, along any direction (though usually either vertical or longitudinal (along-
track) is used). There are also different spectral models of turbulence that can be used for any of
the algorithms:
(1 + 2 L2 f 2 / Vt 2 )
Fv ( f ) = L
2 / 3 5/ 3 3
55Vt (1 + 4 2 L2 f 2 / Vt 2 )11/ 6

Equation 3.16 is the von Karman spectral model, where f is the frequency (Hz), Vt is the aircraft
true airspeed (m/s), is an empirical constant (taken here to be 1.6), and L is a length-scale
parameter of the turbulence.
24 5 / 3
Fk ( f ) = 2 / 3 ( 2 f / Vt ) (3.17)
Equation 3.17 is the Kolmogorov spectral model, which is just the high-frequency limit of
equation3.16. Both models attempt to describe the frequency power spectrum shape of wind
data. The von Karman model better represents the larger scales, especially of the vertical velocity,
though it is more complicated and includes the situation-dependent length scale L, in addition
to EDR (squared). Research aircraft measurements have shown values of L from about 300 to
2000m. For most of the algorithm implementations to date, a mid-range value of 669m is used. Vertical accelerometer-based EDR

This method, described in Cornman et al. (1995), is based on the vertical-acceleration parameter
available from the inertial navigation system. For this method, the following relation (Cornman
et al., 1995, equation21) is used:

1w/ 3 = (3.18)
1/ 2
0.7V 2 / 3 I ( f , f )
t l h

where  z is the variance of the bandpass filtered vertical acceleration, I is the integral of the
aircraft response bandpass filtered function H, and:

H zw ( f ) S w ( f )df (3.19)

I ( fl , f h ) =

where w is the assumed Kolmogorov spectral model with = 1. The von Karman model could
be substituted for the Kolmogorov. In the current implementation, f l (stopband cut-off) and f h
(passband cut-off) are set to 0.1Hz and 0.8Hz, respectively. The purpose of the bandpass filter is
to remove accelerations that are due to aircraft manoeuvres and wing bending mode frequencies
rather than turbulence.

The aircraft response integral is evaluated for a range of flight conditions and stored in look-up
tables, thus simplifying and reducing the on-board computation requirement. The algorithm
calculates the running root-mean-square of the filtered signal over ten-second windows. At an
8Hz sampling rate, this provides 480EDR estimates per minute, from which the median and
90th percentile (referred to as the peak) of these estimates are used for downlink. The EDR
measurement results are converted into reporting numbers by use of tables which are far more
detailed than that given in section3.6.1. Extensive descriptions of these tables are given in the
Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay (AMDAR) Reference Manual (WMO, 2003). Vertical wind-based EDR

This technique is briefly outlined in Cornman et al. (2004). The main idea is to compute the
vertical winds directly, and then estimate the EDR from those calculations. This method has the
advantage of not requiring the aircraft response function, which is difficult to obtain due to its
proprietary nature.

w = VT ( sin b cos cos cos b sin ) Z (3.20)

The above equation is used to compute the vertical winds, where b is the body-axis angle
of attack, is the pitch angle, is the roll angle, and is the inertial vertical velocity. EDR is
computed by:
1/ 2
kh S w k
( )


1/ 3 = (3.21)
kh kl + 1 k = k S w ( k )
where kl and kh are index bounds corresponding to frequency bounds of 0.5 and 3.5Hz
(respectively) for the current 8Hz implementations, Sw is the power spectrum of w
(equation3.20) after time-series processing, and w is the assumed von Karman spectral model
with =1, modified to account for various signal processing artefacts in Sw.

Nominally, the algorithm calculates EDR (1/3) over ten-second windows, every five seconds.
This provides 12EDR estimates per minute, from which the actual mean and peak of these
estimates are used for downlink. The mean and peak EDRs, along with quality-control metrics,
are converted into reporting numbers by use of encoding (see section5.3.13.5 in ARINC, 2012).
The reported precision of both the mean and peak EDR is 0.02, significantly higher than in the
accelerometer-based method. True airspeed-based EDR

This technique is similar to the vertical wind-based EDR (section3.6.3.2) except that the spectral
models are slightly different and true airspeed is used in place of w. The advantage of this method
is that it is simpler to implement, requiring only one parameter. The disadvantage is that it
estimates EDR mainly in the direction along the track, which has much less impact on the aircraft
than from turbulence in the vertical direction.
CHAPTER 3. AIRCRAFT-BASED OBSERVATIONS 587 Measurement uncertainty

As for DEVG, in the EDR there are potentially a large number of sources contributing to
measurement uncertainty. Based on the analysis for DEVG, in the accelerometer-based method
an uncertainty of some 5% to 10% can be expected for the mean, and somewhat larger for the
peak. Based on simulations, similar performance is expected from the other EDR algorithms.
A further complication arises over the choices of sampling interval and averaging time.
Examination of typical time series of vertical acceleration data often indicates high variability
of statistical properties over short distances. Variation of airspeed for a single aircraft alters the
sampling distances. Relationship between EDR and DEVG

Detailed field comparisons (Stickland, 1998) have been made between the accelerometer-based
EDR and DEVG. These have shown a high correlation between peak EDR and DEVG for the
same turbulence incidents. This result should be expected since the accelerometer-based EDR
is directly proportional to the standard deviation of vertical acceleration over the measurement
interval chosen. Hence, for a normal distribution, the extreme value will correlate closely with
the peak vertical gust (proportional to the peak deviation of vertical acceleration). Clearly, this
relationship will not apply to a singular event falling outside the assumed distribution, and the
EDR filter cut-off at 0.8Hz might well unduly attenuate very sharp gust events. For the vertical
wind- and true airspeed-based methods, little filtering is applied, and it is not significantly
susceptible to this last issue.


Several types of sensors may detect ice build-up on the flying surfaces. The following two types
are in use:

(a) A thin-film capacitive sensor attached to the airfoil;

(b) A mechanical (vibrating-transducer) sensor exposed to the air-stream in a probe adjacent to

the relevant flying surface.

3.7.1 Measurement uncertainty

The output of both sensors is essentially an ice/no ice signal, and uncertainty would be
described by false-alarm rate. At present, no data are available on false-alarm rates for these


There are a number of operational aircraft-based observing systems in current operation. AMDAR
is currently the major source of aircraft-based observations on the Global Telecommunication
System; however, additional observations derived from other aircraft-based observing systems
contribute significantly and are expected to provide increased data volumes in the future.

A number of AMDAR-like systems either have or are being developed which will improve global
coverage and increase the number of observations in the boundary layer and lower troposphere.
Some emphasis is being placed on recruiting smaller regional and general aviation aircraft to
install either conventional AMDAR systems or dedicated sensor and communication systems.
These aircraft operate from smaller airports that are not normally covered by existing AMDAR-
reporting aircraft from airlines participating in national and regional AMDAR programmes.

3.8.1 Aircraft meteorological data relay

The AMDAR observing system should be operated according to WMO specification and
standards (WMO, 2013). AMDAR is currently based and relies almost exclusively upon the
Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS). AMDAR systems report
data in profile (ascent/descent) mode as well as during level flight at cruise altitude.

For additional information on the regulatory requirements for establishment and operation of
an AMDAR programme and the provision of other aircraft-based observations, consult the WMO
Manual on the Global Observing System, PartIII, 2.5 (WMO, 2010a), and the WMO Guide to the
Global Observing System, PartIII, 3.4 (WMO, 2010b).

For current information on operational AMDAR programmes and additional resource and
guidance material, refer to the WMO AMDAR website: http://www.wmo.int/amdar.

3.8.2 Tropospheric Airborne Meteorological Data Reporting TAMDAR overview

Tropospheric Airborne Meteorological Data Reporting (TAMDAR) is a commercially developed,

deployed and operated system that derives and sells meteorological data derived from the
predominantly aircraft-independent sensing and communications probe. Unlike in the WMO
AMDAR observing system, in the TAMDAR system emphasis has been placed on equipping
primarily regional carriers, as these flights tend to (i) fly into more remote and diverse locations,
and (ii) be of shorter duration, thereby producing more daily vertical profiles and remaining
in the boundary layer for longer periods. Although TAMDAR is fully functional and regularly
operates above 40000ft, the aircraft that typically host the sensor often cruise below 25000ft.

TAMDAR collects measurements of relative humidity (RH), pressure, temperature, winds, icing
and turbulence, along with the corresponding location, time and geometric altitude from a built-
in GPS. These data are relayed via satellite in real time to a ground-based network operations
centre, where in-line quality control procedures are performed prior to distribution. The overall
humidity and temperature data quality is similar to that of radiosondes (Gao et al., 2012).
The wind observations are derived in a similar fashion as typical AMDAR winds, using aircraft
heading, true airspeed, and the ground track vector, which is provided by the internal GPS unit.

The TAMDAR sensor samples on a pressure-based interval on ascent and descent, and a time-
based interval in cruise, which also varies with altitude from 3min at lower altitudes to 7min at
higher altitudes. At present, on ascent and descent, the sensor reports every 10hPa; however,
this can be adjusted remotely in real time down to 1hPa (~30ft) depending on the rate of ascent
and descent. During cruise, if any metric changes above a set threshold, the sensor will send a
custom report, so turbulent flights through the cloud tops will generate far more observations
than a higher-altitude cruise in clear skies. Relative humidity and temperature

TAMDAR uses two capacitive sensing devices for redundancy to measure RH. The fundamental
physical parameter that the TAMDAR capacitive sensor technology responds to is the density of
H2O molecules. RH is a derived parameter, which takes into account temperature and pressure.
A custom hydrophobic membrane filter has been added to the devices, which significantly
increases the reliability and accuracy by preventing direct wetting of the sensor element (see
Mulally and Braid, 2009).

The reported RH value is a consensus value between the two devices that is determined by an
algorithm in the ground processing system described in Anderson (2006). The system considers
the value and quality of each sensor output. Typically, if both sensors are reporting similar values,

the consensus value is simply the average of the two. If the sensors disagree by more than 5%,
and one is determined to be faulty using methods described in Anderson (2006) and Gao et al.
(2012), then the errant sensor's value is flagged and not used in the mean RH calculation.

Certain corrections must be applied to the actual RH that the sensor is reporting. The primary
corrections are because of the Mach heating and the difference in air pressure between the
ambient conditions and the conditions observed by the sensor. The RH for a parcel of air with
a given water vapour concentration is a function of both temperature and pressure. There are
four major factors that contribute to the uncertainty of the measurement of true RH as is done in

(a) The measurement uncertainty of the RH sensor itself (RH);

(b) The uncertainty of the TAMDAR probe temperature (Tprobe) measurement via a platinum
resistance temperature device;

(c) The measurement uncertainty of the calculated static air temperature (Tstatic);

(d) The measurement uncertainty of the ratio of the static pressure (Pstatic) to the RH sensor
pressure (Pprobe).

The basic calculation necessary for static RH is described by:

RHstatic = RH probe static
esprobe Tprobe ) (3.22)
static (Tstatic )
Pprobe es

where RHstatic is the atmospheric RH, RHprobe is the actual RH measurement from the RH sensor
in the TAMDAR probe, Pstatic is the static air pressure, Pprobe is the air pressure at the RH sensor in
the probe, Tprobe is the temperature in the probe sensing cavity, Tstatic is the static air temperature,
es,probe is the probe saturation vapour pressure relative to water, and es,static is the static saturation
vapour pressure relative to water. The saturation pressure ratio is strictly a function of Tprobe and
Tstatic as shown above. The calculation for the pressure ratio (Pstatic/Pprobe) has been derived from
data from extensive wind tunnel testing (see Braid et al., 2011; Smith et al., 2012).

The relationship between Tprobe (essentially the recovered temperature) and Tstatic is:

Tprobe = Tstatic (1 + M 2 ) (3.23)

where M is the Mach number and is a constant approximately equal to 0.17. The actual RH
sensor measurement is the true value plus a sensor uncertainty, RH, thus:
RH probe = RH true + RH (3.24)
Substituting equation3.24 into equation3.22 illustrates an issue that needs consideration
when using the RH method. As the Mach number increases and the temperature decreases, the
saturation pressure ratio (es,probe/es,static) in equation3.22 increases rapidly, and, as a result, the
effect of the sensor uncertainty, RH, is amplified. The ground processing system estimates the
error in the RH based on temperature and Mach. This is used along with the known accuracy of
the RH sensor and the temperature accuracies to calculate an overall RH uncertainty, which is
reported along with the RH.

The range of RH that will be experienced by the RH sensor is also reduced due to the Mach
heating. At high speeds, the RH internal to the probe will generally be less than 10% due to the
Mach heating of the air. This effect is addressed in TAMDAR by the calibration process. Each
RH sensor is characterized over several RH and temperature conditions. Values are specifically
chosen at conditions which are error prone, in particular cold, dry conditions. This calibration
process results in an RH measurement capability that is useful even at high altitudes. It should
be mentioned that one effect of Mach heating is beneficial. Since the response of the capacitive
sensor slows down as temperature decreases, the Mach heating effect keeps the RH sensor
significantly warmer than ambient, resulting in a response time much faster than otherwise.

The TAMDAR sensor detects icing using two light-emitting diode (LED) and photo detector (PD)
pairs, each having an associated analogue-to-digital converted (AtDC) voltage output value.
When a TAMDAR sensor encounters conditions where icing is present, ice accumulates on the
surface of the foil gap in the area between the LED/PD pairs. As the thickness of the ice increases,
the infrared beams become obscured, dropping the AtDC values of the LED/PD pairs below half
of the nominal unblocked value, which results in a positive icing indication within the TAMDAR
sensor. Once the detection of ice is confirmed via algorithms that verify consistency of the
event with current environmental conditions (that is, T and RH), the TAMDAR probe heaters are
automatically activated to remove the ice. This process continues until the PD voltage values are
greater than half the nominal unblocked value.

All icing events experienced by TAMDAR are tracked in the data stream with the use of icing
flags. These flags track the initiation of the icing event, the time at which the heaters were
activated, the period of continued icing, the probe cool-down, and when icing is no longer
present. The AtDC values of the LED/PD pairs, which are used to detect the presence or absence
of icing, are used to calculate TAMDAR liquid water content (LWC). The resulting rate of change
in the TAMDAR AtDC voltage output is used to calculate accretion rate, and this is the basis
for obtaining LWC values. The temporal drop rate of AtDC values is used to calculate the icing
intensity or accretion rate. TAMDAR turbulence detection

Turbulence is reported as an eddy dissipation rate and is based on true airspeed (TAS) samples
which are calculated from the TAMDAR pitot and static port pressures and the TAMDAR
temperature. The report includes the mean and peak EDR, and the time of peak for each one
minute period. The EDR turbulence algorithm is independent of aircraft configuration and flight
condition. Thus, it does not depend on the type of aircraft or on load and flight capacity.

The TAMDAR methodology utilizes an estimate of the longitudinal wind via the TAS parameter
to calculate EDR. TAMDAR can obtain TAS via two sources: (i) from the TAMDAR static and pitot
pressure sensor measurements or (ii) from the aircrafts ARINC429 databus. Once the system
takes a measurement of the differential pressure between the pitot and static pressure, the
measure is then passed through a filter before TAS is calculated.

The MacCready method is used to estimate the EDR based on the expected 5/3power spectra
slope from the Kolmogorov model of the TAS signal. The filtering of the differential pressure
sensor uses a low-pass Butterworth anti-alias filter, with 4th order 5Hz 3decibel cut-off
frequencies. Windowing is completed prior to fast Fourier transformation (FFT) to make the
measurement more spectral (64point FFT). An EDR is calculated every 3s using a 6s block of
10.67Hz TAS data. EDR values can be averaged if desired for a smoother result; normally a 6s
average is used, but users have the ability to configure this averaging to match their needs. A
quality assurance filter is also employed.


3.9.1 ICAO Automatic Dependent Surveillance

The development of global air navigation systems is closely linked to developments in

communication systems. Thus, the Future Air Navigation System (FANS) is coupled with the
development of an Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) system which itself is dependent on
global satellite aircraft communication. The global aircraft communication system is migrating
to an open network under the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network project (Wells et al.,
1990). This will link the VHF and Satcom Systems into a common open network.

The successful weather routing of commercial aircraft, especially to provide flight safety,
minimize fuel consumption and airframe fatigue, and to ensure passenger comfort, demands
greater accuracy in aviation forecasts. Hence, automatic reports of aircraft position for ADS allow
for the inclusion of automated meteorological reports. The data to be included in these reports
are essentially the same as those of current AMDAR systems including allowance for turbulence
and humidity elements.

Data derived from the ICAO ADS contract (ADS-C) system are being transmitted on the WMO
Global Telecommunication System. These data are made available through the arrangement
established with ICAO as set out in ICAO Annex3 to the Convention on International Civil
Aviation, Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation, Chapter5 and Appendix4. ICAO
regulations stipulate that air traffic management centres are to transmit the ADS-C messages to
the World Area Forecast Centres (WAFCs), which are then responsible for transmission of the
data on the Global Telecommunication System (see Procedures for Air Navigation Services Air
Traffic Management, ICAO Doc.4444, 4.11.4).

3.9.2 New and developing systems Mode-S Enhanced Surveillance

Wind and temperature observations can also be inferred from surveillance data gathered for
air traffic control (ATC) purposes using a Mode-S(elective) Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) radar.
This radar interrogates every aircraft for specific information at a frequency rate of 4 to 20s,
depending on the ATC purposes of the radar. In designated airspace, all aircraft are obliged to
respond to the interrogation by the Mode-S EHS radar. The mandatory registers (BDS4,0, BDS5,0
and BDS6,0) contain information on aircraft identity, flight level, roll angle, magnetic heading,
airspeed, Mach number and ground track. Position of the aircraft can be obtained either from
the ATC radar or from the Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) data which are
transmitted continuously by the aircraft.

The derivation of wind from Mode-S EHS is similar to AMDAR, except that the true heading
has to be determined from the magnetic heading. Besides applying a magnetic variance table,
additional aircraft-dependent corrections need to be applied. Heading corrections may change
with time due to maintenance of the aircraft. At present these corrections are determined for
every aircraft based on comparison with numerical weather prediction (NWP) data. Next to
the heading correction, an airspeed correction is applied also based on long-term comparison
with NWP data (see de Haan, 2013). After corrections and quality control, the derived wind
information is of similar quality as from AMDAR (de Haan, 2011, 2013). The derivation of
temperature from Mode-S EHS observations is done by combining the Mach number and the
airspeed. The quality of the derived temperature is hampered by the reported resolution of the
Mach number and airspeed, and is clearly of less quality than AMDAR temperature (de Haan,
2011, 2013). Mode-S Meteorological Routine Air Report

A Mode-S EHS radar can also interrogate non-mandatory registers which may contain
meteorological information. An example is the Mode-S EHS BDS4,4 register, called
Meteorological Routine Air Report (MRAR). This register contains direct wind and temperature
information which is very close to the AMDAR wind and temperature information (Stranjar,
2012). Since the register BDS4,4 is not mandatory, only a fraction (about5%) of the aircraft
respond to the request with valuable meteorological information.

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CHAPTER 4. MARINE OBSERVATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  595

4.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  595
4.2 Observations from ships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  596
4.2.1 Operation of the WMO Voluntary Observing Ship Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  596
4.2.2 Voluntary Observing Ship observations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  597 Elements observed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  597 Equipment required. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  597 Automation of ship observations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  598 Times of observation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  598 Transmission of ship's observations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  599 Wind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  600 Atmospheric pressure, pressure tendency and characteristic
of pressure tendency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603 Air temperature and humidity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  605 Sea-surface temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  606 Clouds and weather. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  608 Visibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  609 Precipitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  610 Ocean waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  611 Ice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  615 Observations of special phenomena. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  619
4.3 Moored buoys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  620
4.3.1 Atmospheric pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  621
4.3.2 Wind measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  622
4.3.3 Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  623 Air temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  623 Water temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  623
4.3.4 Ocean wave estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  623
4.3.5 Non-directional ocean wave estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  624
4.3.6 Directional ocean wave estimates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  624
4.3.7 Water-column height for tsunami detection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  625
4.3.8 Relative humidity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  625
4.3.9 Ocean sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  625
4.3.10 Surface ocean currents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  625
4.3.11 Ocean current profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  625
4.3.12 Salinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  625
4.3.13 Precipitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  626
4.3.14 Solar radiation measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  626
4.3.15 Visibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  626
4.4 Unmanned light vessels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  626
4.5 Towers and platforms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  626
4.6 Drifting buoys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  627

ANNEX 4.A. WMO/IOC REGIONAL MARINE INSTRUMENT CENTRES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  629


OBSERVERS OF PRESENT WEATHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  631


MANUALLY REPORTING SHIPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  633

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  634



Marine observations in the broadest definition cover any meteorological and related
environmental observations at the airsea interface, below the sea surface and in the air above
the sea surface. Observations can be made using fixed or moving platforms, and be in situ or
remote, using surface- or space-based techniques. In situ measurements are essentially single-
point observations intended to be representative of the surrounding sea area, as for synoptic
meteorology. Remote-sensing techniques lead to large area or volume representation, which is
particularly appropriate for observations of sea ice.

This chapter discusses observations at the airsea interface made in situ, which include the usual
surface parameters that are also measured over land and discussed in that context in PartI of
this Guide. This chapter also considers other observations of importance to marine physics and
physical oceanography, including: sea-surface temperature; ocean waves; sea ice, icebergs
and ice accretion; and salinity. Upper-air measurements are taken using techniques that are
essentially the same over the sea and over land.

Detailed formal requirements for observations from sea stations are given in the Manual on
the Global Observing System (WMO, 2010, 2011a). Advice on requirements and procedures is
given in the Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (WMO, 2001). In situ marine measurements
or observations are made from a variety of platforms. They include ships recruited by WMO
Members to participate in the Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) Scheme, manned and
unmanned light vessels, moored buoys, drifting buoys, towers, oil and gas platforms and rigs,
island automatic weather stations (AWS), and ship-borne AWS systems. The type of platform
generally determines the range of elements measured and reported. Thus, ships of the VOS,
using both measured and manual observation techniques, report the full range of observations
required for synoptic meteorology. By contrast, the majority of drifting buoys report only up
to three parameters, namely, position, atmospheric pressure at sea surface, and sea-surface
temperature (SST). Observations from voluntary observing ships are most commonly compiled
and transmitted to shore in a nationally agreed ship-to-shore transmission format, and
then distributed internationally in appropriate WMO codes (for example, FM 94 BUFR as of
approximately 2012). WMO codes are documented in the Manual on Codes (WMO, 2011b, 2011c);
general information is found in VolumeI.2, PartB, and templates specific to particular types of
marine observations, such as the B/C10 template for SHIP reports, are documented in VolumeI.2,
PartC.1 Further information can be found in the proceedings of a 2009 meeting on the ocean
observing system (Hall et al., 2010), including information on VOS (Kent et al., 2010), research
vessels (Smith et al., 2010), ship-based oceanographic measurements (Goni et al., 2010), profiling
floats (Freeland et al., 2010), buoys (Meldrum et al., 2010; McPhaden et al., 2010; Send et al.,
2010; Dohan et al., 2010; Keeley et al., 2010), and waves and sea-level (Swail et al., 2010a; Swail et
al., 2010b; Merrifield et al., 2010).

On the recommendation of the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography

and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM), a network of WMO/Intergovernmental Oceanographic
Commission (IOC) Regional Marine Instrument Centres (RMICs) has been set up to facilitate
adherence of observational data, metadata, and processed observational products to higher
level standards for instruments and methods of observation, by providing (i) facilities for
the calibration and maintenance of marine instruments and the monitoring of instrument
performance; and (ii) assistance for instrument intercomparisons, as well as appropriate training
facilities complementing what the manufacturers are also providing. Their terms of reference and
locations are given in Annex 4.A.

The Manual on Codes, Volume I.1 also presently describes the traditional alphanumeric codes (TAC) that have been
used to circulate data for many years over the Global Telecommunication System (GTS), principally in the VOS
context referring to the FM13 SHIP code. WMO, however, is in the process of fully discontinuing the TAC for GTS
transmission. Therefore, the Manual on Codes may in the future be restructured to omit the first volume altogether.


This section contains detailed guidance and advice for taking measurements and making
observations on ships. Reference WMO (1991a) is another source. Details on surface observations
to be carried out within the framework of the WMO VOS Scheme are provided in WMO (2001),
Chapter6. WMO (2001) also includes information on the different classes of VOS. Studies of the
quality of observations from ships are given in WMO (1991b, 1999), Kent et al. (1993), WMO/IOC
(2003a, 2003b), Kent and Berry (2005), Ingleby (2010), and Kennedy et al. (2012). A discussion of
good observing practice from the research community is presented by Bradley and Fairall (2006)
and information on sensors used in the marine environment by Weller et al. (2008).

4.2.1 Operation of the WMO Voluntary Observing Ship Scheme

The VOS Scheme is operated by National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs)
under the guidance of the JCOMM Ship Observations Team (SOT) and in particular the SOT VOS
Panel (VOSP). Full information on the VOS Scheme is given in WMO (2001). VOS Programme
Managers work with Port Meteorological Officers (PMOs) who typically act as the link between
the VOS operator and the ship. An essential first step in recruiting VOS is to obtain the permission
of the owners and master of the vessel. When permission has been granted and the ship has
been identified, PMOs should do the following:

(a) Install calibrated instruments ensuring best exposure;

(b) Issue stationery or install electronic logbook software;

(c) Train observers on instrument care and operation;

(d) Train observers in all aspects of observing practices;

(e) Demonstrate use of electronic logbook software and compilation of the observation;

(f) Record the required ship metadata as required for WMO (1955);

(g) Demonstrate methods of report transmission;

(h) Explain NMHS marine forecast products.

Once a ship has been recruited, the PMO should ideally endeavour to visit it at least every three
months (subject to shipping movements and staff resources; if not practicable, less frequent
visits can be considered) to check the accuracy of the instruments and renew the supply of
forms, documents and so on. Automatic weather stations and digital sensors may allow a
longer checking period of one year. The PMO should take the opportunity to foster interest in
meteorology and explain the mutual value to seafarers and meteorologists of accurate weather

In some instances, a company (usually oil or gas) operating a ship or platform takes observations/
measurements for its own use and makes them available on the GTS without much participation
from a PMO. The installation, maintenance and training on the metocean equipment may be
done under contract. In cases where the vessel/station was not recruited by a PMO, efforts
should be made to ensure that the relevant metadata are made available through the appropriate
WMO channels.

4.2.2 Voluntary Observing Ship observations Elements observed

Ships participating in the VOS2 Scheme undertaking meteorological observations should ideally
observe the following elements:

(a) Ship position (from ship's navigation system);

(b) Ship course and speed (from ship's navigation system);

(c) Wind speed and direction (measured or visually estimated);

(d) Atmospheric pressure (measured);

(e) Pressure tendency and its characteristics (measured or estimated from barograph trace);

(f) Air temperature (measured);

(g) Humidity (measured);

(h) Sea-surface temperature (measured);

(i) Present and past weather, and weather phenomena (visually estimated);

(j) Cloud amount, type and base height (visually estimated);

(k) Precipitation (often visually estimated);

(l) Visibility (visually estimated);

(m) Ocean wind waves and swell, including height, period and direction (often visually

(n) Sea ice (often visually estimated) and/or ice accretion (often visually estimated) on board
ship, when appropriate;

(o) Special phenomena (visually estimated).

Some specially equipped ships, for example research or light vessels, may make instrumentally
measured observations and reports of precipitation, radiation, visibility, cloud parameters or
wave parameters.

In general, instrumental observations requiring the use of a light at night should be ideally made
after non-instrumental ones, so that the observers eyes can adapt to the darkness without being
impaired. Equipment required

The following instruments are suitable for use on ships:

(a) A precision aneroid, dial aneroid or electronic digital barometer (PartI, Chapter3);

(b) A barograph, preferably open scale (desirable but not mandated) or a digital barometer
that includes a barometric tendency trace (PartI, Chapter3);

http://w ww.bom.gov.au/jcomm/vos/resources.html

(c) A liquid-in-glass (mercury3 or alcohol) or electrical resistance thermometer (PartI,


(d) A hygrometer or psychrometer (PartI, Chapter4);

(e) A sea-temperature thermometer and suitable receptacle for obtaining a sample of seawater,
or a continuously immersed sensor or hull contact sensor with remote indicator.

The use of anemometers with suitable exposure as an alternative to the visual estimation of wind
force is encouraged, provided that such instruments are routinely checked to ensure that they
remain within calibration. Precipitation gauges are rarely provided for use on VOS.

The instruments used on ships should conform to the requirements laid down or recommended
in other chapters of this Guide, apart from the modifications described in the following sections
of this chapter. Instruments supplied to ships should be regularly tested and inspected by the
NMHSs concerned. Automation of ship observations

Automatic weather stations or partially automated systems are increasingly being used on
observing ships for both observation and data transmission purposes. Three basic modes of
operation are used, as follows:

(a) The observation is made manually, typically entered into an electronic logbook4 on a
computer, coded, as necessary, and formatted for automatic or manually initiated report

(b) The observation is made automatically using standard AWS techniques, as described in
PartII, Chapter1. The position, course and speed of a ship are taken from its navigation
system or computed independently using a satellite navigation system, usually the Global
Positioning System (GPS). The transmission of such observations can be either purely
automatic or initiated manually according to the communications facilities;

(c) The observations making up the marine report are a combination of automated and manual
observations, namely, automated observations augmented with visual observations entered
by the observer before transmission (i.e. adding visibility, weather codes, cloud amounts,
types and heights, wave heights, periods and directions, ice parameters and wind speed
and direction where not measured using an anemometer). Times of observation

When done manually, the observation of elements other than pressure should be made within
10min preceding the standard time for the synoptic observation. Atmospheric pressure,
however, should be read at the exact time or as close as possible to the standard time.

Surface observations on board ships are typically made as follows:

(a) Synoptic observations from manually reporting observing ships should be made at main
standard times: 0000, 0600, 1200 and 1800UTC. When additional observations are
required, they should be made at one or more of the intermediate standard times: 0300,
0900, 1500 and 2100UTC;

Advice concerning the safe use of mercury is given in PartI, Chapter3, 3.2.7. A United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) convention (the Minamata Convention on Mercury) entered into force in October2013 and will
have a significant impact on the use of mercury for meteorological applications.

(b) Hourly observations should be made when an automated system is used (using manual
input, ship observers may in addition provide complete synoptic observations at synoptic
times, including the additional visual elements);

(c) When operational difficulties on board ships make it impracticable to make the synoptic
observation at a main standard time, the actual time of observation should be as near as
possible to the main standard times;

(d) Observations should be made more frequently than at the main standard times whenever
storm conditions threaten or prevail;

(e) When sudden and dangerous weather developments are encountered, observations should
be made for immediate transmission without regard to the standard times of observation
(for example, within 300nautical miles of a named tropical system);

(f) Marine observations are just as valuable in coastal zones as in the open ocean and
observations should be continued during the whole journey. Transmission of ship's observations

Satellite communication systems are now in widespread use for disseminating ship observations.
Details are given in WMO (2001), section6.6. The following four methods are most commonly

(a) The International Data Collection System through the meteorological geosynchronous
(GOES, METEOSAT, MTSAT) satellites. This system, funded mainly by NMHSs, allows for
purely automatic data communication at predetermined time slots, once an hour. Data
transmission is one-way only and error rates can be significant. It is primarily used in
connection with moored buoys but is also used for some shipboard AWS systems;

(b) Commercial satellite systems through the INMARSAT-C system which is carried by most
ocean going ships for compliance with the International Convention for the Safety of Life
at Sea (SOLAS) and Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) requirements.
Weather observations are normally sent to a suitable Land Earth Station (LES) via a special
access code (SAC)41 message which allows the costs of the report to be borne by the
NMHS. A list of the acceptable LESs for SAC messages is maintained on the WMO website at
http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/amp/mmop/inmarsat_les.html. INMARSAT-C has near-
global coverage, but very high latitudes are not covered. However, other dedicated SACs
are now being set up to allow ship-to-shore messages to be sent in a compressed format,
thereby allowing National Meteorological Services to reduce the transmission costs of their
national observing fleets. The INMARSAT-C data reporting service is also used for sending
compressed meteorological data from certain AWS systems. INMARSAT-C is used by a
majority of non-automated manually reporting observing ships;

(c) Commercial satellite services such as Iridium are increasingly being used for shipboard
AWS systems. The Iridium Short Burst Data system using binary formatted messages can
significantly reduce transmission costs. Iridium has the advantage of providing global
satellite coverage and can also improve data timeliness;

(d) Service Argos: This system is primarily designed for location as well as data transmission
and is limited by the number and the orbital characteristics of the polar-orbiting satellites
carrying the Argos payload. The Argos system is used both for the communication and
for the processing of ship observations onto the GTS (WMO/IOC, 1995) but there can be
several hours of delay, depending on the location of the observing station and the land
receiving station. Costs can also be significant when compared to other satellite systems.
It is typically used for small drifting buoys, although it is increasingly being replaced by
Iridium. A few autonomous shipboard AWS systems also use Argos for data transmission.

Observations of wind speed and direction may be made either by visual estimates or by means
of anemometers or anemographs. Winds should be measured only if using a well-maintained
and recently calibrated instrument sited in a well-exposed location away from the influence of
the superstructure, mast and spars. Reports of wind speed can be recorded in either knots or
ms1; reporting in knots is preferred if the data are to be transmitted from the ship in a format not
allowing the recording of tenths. Visual observations

Visual estimates are based on the appearance of the sea surface. The wind speed is obtained by
reference to the Beaufort scale (see table below). The Beaufort number obtained by estimation
is converted into ms1 or knots by the use of the wind speed equivalent columns of the Beaufort
scale, so the wind speed is reported at a specific value in metres per second or knots according
to the best estimate of the observer from within those equivalent ranges. National instructions
may give guidance on preferred practice. The wind direction is determined by observing
the orientation of the crests of wind waves (that is, wind-driven waves, and not swell) or the
direction of streaks of foam which are blown in the direction of the wind. The specifications of
the Beaufort scale numbers refer to the conditions in the open sea. In practice, wind directions
made by visual methods are of good quality.

The wave height in itself is not always a reliable criterion since it depends not only on wind
speed, but also on the fetch and duration of the wind, the depth of shallow waters, and the
presence of swell running through a sea. The Beaufort scale, therefore, makes use of the relation
between the state of the sea and the wind speed. This relation is, however, affected by several
other factors which should, in principle, be taken into account in estimating wind speeds. These
factors are the lag between the wind increasing and the sea rising, the smoothing or damping
down of wind effects on the sea surface by heavy rain, and the effects of strong surface currents
(such as tidal currents) on the appearance of the sea. Sea criteria become less reliable in shallow
water or when close inshore, owing to the effect of tidal currents and the shelter provided by
the land. At these locations, or when the surface of the sea cannot be clearly seen (e.g. at night),
the Beaufort force of the relative wind on the ship may be estimated by noting wind effects on
sound, on ship-borne objects such as flags, and on funnel smoke. In the latter case, the direction
of the relative wind may also be estimated, for example, by observation of the funnel smoke.
From these estimates, the speed and direction of the true wind can be computed (United
Kingdom Meteorological Office, 1995). If no other means are available to estimate the wind
direction, low-level cloud movement can be a helpful tool. Measurements with instruments

If instruments for measuring wind are installed on ships, the equipment should give both wind
speed and direction and should be capable of minimizing roll effects (suitably designed cup
anemometers and damped wind vanes are capable of rendering the effects of pitch and roll
insignificant). The marine environment is harsh, so cup or propeller anemometers require regular
maintenance and calibration in order to produce reliable wind data. Ultrasonic anemometers
have no moving parts, require less maintenance, and are therefore increasingly being used on

Beaufort scale in operational use for WMO reports of estimated wind

referenced to 10m above sea level

Mean Probable
Beaufort Wind speed maximum
Descriptive equivalent Specifications for observations height of
number equivalent range height of
term wind speed waves
(force) waves
knots m s1 knots m s1 On board ship (open sea) m m
0 Calm 0 0 <1 00.2 Sea like a mirror

1 Light air 2 0.8 13 0.31.5 Ripples with the 0.1 0.1

appearance of scales are
formed, but without foam

2 Light 5 2.4 46 1.63.3 Small wavelets; still short 0.2 0.3

breeze but more pronounced;
crests have a glassy
appearance and do not

3 Gentle 9 4.3 710 3.45.4 Large wavelets; crests 1.6 1.0

breeze begin to break; foam of
glassy appearance; perhaps
scattered white horses

4 Moderate 13 6.7 1116 5.57.9 Small waves, becoming 1.0 1.5

breeze longer; fairly frequent
white horses

5 Fresh 19 9.3 1721 8.0 Moderate waves, taking 2.0 2.5

breeze 10.7 a more pronounced long
form; many white horses
are formed (chance of
some spray)

6 Strong 24 12.3 2227 10.8 Large waves begin to form; 3.0 4.0
breeze 13.8 the white foam crests are
more extensive everywhere
(probably some spray)

7 Near gale 30 15.5 2833 13.9 Sea heaps up and white 4.0 5.5
17.1 foam from breaking waves
begins to be blown in
streaks along the direction
of the wind

8 Gale 37 18.9 3440 17.2 Moderately high waves of 5.5 7.5

20.7 greater length; edges of
crests begin to break into
the spindrift; the foam
is blown in well marked
streaks along the direction
of the wind

9 Strong 44 22.6 4147 20.8 High waves; dense streaks 7.0 10.0
gale 24.4 of foam along the direction
of the wind; crests of waves
begin to topple, tumble
and roll over; spray may
affect visibility

Mean Probable
Beaufort Wind speed maximum
Descriptive equivalent Specifications for observations height of
number equivalent range height of
term wind speed waves
(force) waves
knots m s1 knots m s1 On board ship (open sea) m m
10 Storm 52 26.4 4855 24.5 Very high waves with 9.0 12.5
28.4 long overhanging crests;
the resulting foam, in
great patches, is blown
in dense white streaks
along the direction of the
wind; on the whole, the
surface of the sea takes
a white appearance; the
tumbling of the sea
becomes heavy and shock-
like; visibility affected

11 Violent 60 30.5 5663 28.5 Exceptionally high waves 11.5 16.0

storm 32.6 (small and medium-
sized ships might be for a
time lost to view behind
the waves); the sea is
completely covered with
long white patches of foam
lying along the direction
of the wind; everywhere
the edges of the wave
crests are blown into froth;
visibility affected

12 Hurricane 64 32.7 64 32.7 The air is filled with foam 14 and

and and and and and spray; sea completely over
over over over over white with driving spray;
visibility very seriously

Note that wave heights are indicated as a guide to show roughly what might be expected in the open sea. These wave
heights should never be used for logging or reporting the state of the sea. In enclosed waters, or when near land, with
an offshore wind, wave heights will be smaller and the waves steeper.

Source: OMI-CMI (1947)

It is difficult to obtain a good exposure for ship-borne wind instruments (WMO/IOC, 2003b;
Yelland et al., 2001; Moat et al., 2005; Moat et al., 2006). The local effects produced by the
superstructure, mast and spars should be minimized as much as possible by siting the instrument
as far forward and as high as practicable. If fitted on a yardarm, it may be preferable that the
speed and direction heads should form separate units, as a more even distribution of the weight
on the yardarm can be obtained, and it may then be possible to fit the instruments farther
outboard. Whether fitted on a yardarm or on a bracket fixed to the foremast, each unit should
be mounted in position at a distance of at least 10mast diameters away from the mast. If this
is impracticable, a good technique is to fit two instruments, one on each side of the foremast,
and always to use the one which is more freely exposed. The top of the foremast, if available, is
generally thought to be the best site for an anemometer. Ultrasonic wind sensors are efficient and
provide good accuracy when installed on the top of the main mast.

Various types of portable anemometers are on occasion used at sea (often to assist with ship
berthing). Their main disadvantage is that they can hardly be given representative exposure,
and, in practice, measurements taken with them show substantial scatter (Kent et al., 1993). Only
an observer who understands the nature of the airflow over the ship in different circumstances

would be able to choose the best place for making such observations and thus arrive at
satisfactory results. This method may be useful if visual estimates of wind force are difficult or
impossible, for example, with light winds at night.

When observations are taken from a moving ship, it is necessary to distinguish between the
relative and the true wind; for all meteorological purposes the true wind must be reported
(although for VOS Climate (VOSClim) class ships the apparent wind is also reported). The
procedure for the calculation of true wind speed and direction from relative wind speed, relative
wind direction, ship speed, course and heading is described in detail in WMO/IOC (2003c).
It should be noted that the ship's course and the ship's heading may be significantly different
particularly at low ship speeds or with large leeway. A simple vector diagram or a table may be
used for computing the true wind from observations of the relative wind and ship speed and
course (Bowditch, 2002). These additional elements are preferably obtained from a magnetic
compass and the ships speed information. They can also be obtained from the ship movement
derived from a GPS receiver, but in that case the drift is not taken into account. In the past, this
vector conversion was a frequent source of error in reported winds. However, increasing use of
electronic logbook software that computes true wind will have reduced this source of error. For
AWS, all of the required information is likely to be directly obtained from the anemometer and
ship's navigation system.

The reported wind speed and direction will be the mean speed and direction measured over
the 10min period immediately preceding the observation. However, when the 10min period
includes a discontinuity in the wind characteristics, only data obtained after the discontinuity
shall be used for reporting the mean values, and hence the period in these circumstances shall be
correspondingly reduced.

The recording of ship metadata for WMO (1955) is particularly important for wind observations
(Yelland et al., 2001). Metadata should be provided to indicate the instrumentation used, how it
is installed on board the ship (where on the ship and at what height), as well as details about the
type of vessel (Kent et al., 2007). Metadata are used in particular to interpret the data correctly
and increase data coherence (e.g. bias correction), and permit traceability to standards. Atmospheric pressure, pressure tendency and characteristic of pressure tendency Methods of observation

Pressure can be measured either by a precision aneroid, a dial aneroid or an electronic digital
barometer. The barometer reading shall be taken as close to the observation time as possible. In
a manual observation, the barometer will be read last and entered into the observation just prior
to completion of the report. Automatic systems should have an averaging period of 1min (PartI,
Chapter1, Annex1.E). Most ships should report pressure to one decimal place. However, on VOS
Auxiliary ships using coarse scale, uncalibrated ships barometers where the pressure cannot be
read to tenths of a hectopascal (hPa), the pressure should be recorded in whole hPa, ideally with
an associated indicator or other coding mechanism to clearly document the reduced precision
(for example, in the old FM13 SHIP code (WMO, 2011b) the tenths position was replaced by a
solidus to indicate the lower precision of the observation).

With manned observation, the characteristic and amount of the pressure tendency in the past 3h
are usually obtained from a marine barograph, preferably an open-scale instrument graduated
in divisions of 1hPa. However, digital barometers that include an LCD display of the pressure
tendency are increasingly being used.

With AWS, the characteristic and amount of the pressure tendency in the past 3h are calculated
from the four last hourly pressure values.

All barometers should conform to the general requirements given in PartI, Chapter3, and should
be supplied with a certificate giving the corrections (if any) that must be applied to the readings
of each individual instrument. Barometers should be capable of being read to 0.1hPa. The
operational measurement uncertainty requirements and instrument performance are stated in
PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.E. The required measurement uncertainty is better than 0.1hPa (after
reduction to sea level: < 0.2hPa). The achievable measurement uncertainty should never be
worse than 0.3hPa. Marine barographs should have a built-in damping device, for example, an
oil bath containing the aneroid box or a dash pot connected to the lever mechanism, to prevent
the wide trace produced by rapid pressure variations caused by gusty winds and movement of
the ship. Both the barometer and barograph should also be vented to the outside with a static
pressure head so that readings can be taken more accurately and are not affected by sealed
bridges or conditions inside. If this is not possible, instructions should be given to ensure that
the bridge wing doors are opened prior to taking an observation. This is especially important on
newer ships with pressurized accommodation blocks or on vessels that are carrying hazardous
cargoes where the wheelhouse may be hermetically sealed.

In general, most (but not all) NMHSs set their precision aneroid and electronic barometers to
station level pressure, and therefore the observations need to be corrected for the height of the
barometer to give a sea-level pressure output. This height correction is calculated automatically
with electronic logbook software. Dial aneroid barometers are typically set to indicate sea-level
pressure. Exposure and management

Digital and aneroid barometers and barographs

Barometers and barographs should be mounted on shock-absorbing material in a position

where they are least affected by concussion, vibration or movement of the ship. The best results
are generally obtained from a position as close to the centre of flotation as possible. Barographs
should be installed with the pen-arm oriented athwart ships (to minimize the risk of the arm
swinging off the chart). Corrections

Provision should be made for the application of the following corrections:

(a) Instrument error (bias);

(b) Reduction to sea level as appropriate;

(c) Temperature (if applicable and appropriate tables are provided).

Barometers should be adequately compensated for temperature, otherwise the instruments

should be provided with a temperature correction table and means should be provided for
measuring the temperature. A table for reducing to sea-level pressure should be supplied
when barometers are set to the station height, although this is not necessary for ships that use
electronic logbooks that are capable of automatically applying the height correction (Bowditch,
2002, Tables2934). Sources of error

Errors are discussed in PartI, Chapter3, but on ships in particular appreciable errors may be
caused by the effect of the wind on the pressure in the compartment in which the barometer is

placed. Where possible, these should be minimized by enclosing the instrument in a chamber
connected to a static pressure head or by connecting the device directly to this static pressure

On non-automated barometers, the most frequent (human) errors are due to an absence of
reduction to the sea level, a bad appreciation of the barometer height or a non-intentional
double correction (correction applied on a barometer which already gives sea-level pressure). Checking with standard instruments

Barometers and barographs should be checked, wherever possible, at approximately three-

monthly intervals against the standard barometer of a PMO or a Transfer Standard barometer.
However, as shipping movements can be highly dynamic this may not always be possible. A
report of all comparisons should be logged by the PMO, and a calibration label attached to the
barometer showing the barometer check date and the correction to be applied.

Digital barometers have a much better stability and the length of time between calibrations may
be as large as two years for some models. Air temperature and humidity

Temperature (Part I, Chapter 2) and humidity (PartI, Chapter4) observations are considered
together as they are often measured by psychrometric methods with paired wet- and dry-bulb
thermometers. With the increasing use of AWS, however, it is becoming more common for
these parameters to be measured independently with a thermometer and separate hygrometer.
Whichever method is used, the instruments should have good ventilation and be well exposed in
a stream of air, directly from the sea, which has not been in contact with, or passed over, the ship,
and should be adequately shielded from radiation, precipitation and spray.

For manned observations, if a louvred screen is to be used, two should be provided, one secured
on each side of the vessel, so that the observation can also be made from the windward side. In
this way, thermometers in the hygrometer can be completely exposed to the air-stream and are
uninfluenced by artificial sources of heat and water vapour. As an alternative, a single portable
louvred screen can be used, which is hung on whichever side is windward to gain the same
exposure. The muslin wick fitted to a wet-bulb thermometer in a louvred screen should be
changed at least once each week, and more often in stormy weather.

Sling or aspirated psychrometers exposed on the windward side of the bridge have been found
to be satisfactory. If manually operated psychrometers are used, the thermometers must be read
as soon as possible after ventilation has stopped. Handheld hygrometers require several minutes
to be acclimated to the open environment if they have been stored indoors before use.

For the general management of psychrometers, the recommendations of PartI, Chapter4 should
be followed. Distilled water should be used for the wet-bulb thermometer. If this is not readily
available, water from the condenser will generally be more suitable than ordinary freshwater.
Water polluted by traces of seawater should never be used because any traces of salt will affect
the wet-bulb temperature significantly.

With AWS or a distant digital display, a manual reading of the instruments inside the screen is
no longer necessary and a single screen typically can be installed far enough from the ships
structure to provide good exposure. This means, however, that the filling of wet-bulb reservoirs
becomes difficult, and consequently electronic temperature and relative humidity sensors
are typically used with AWS. These instruments require calibration at least annually. As noted
in PartI, Chapter4, accuracy for such relative humidity sensors is likely to be lower than for
psychrometric sensors, but there has not yet been a systematic assessment of the accuracy of
these sensors in the marine environment. The AWS should report both air temperature and
humidity as 1-min averages.

Humidity can be represented by several different variables, for example dewpoint temperature,
wet-bulb temperature or relative humidity (PartI, Chapter4) and should be recorded as the
variable measured. Any conversion between humidity variables adds uncertainty and will be
affected by any errors in other variables used and by truncation to fit transmission formats. For
psychrometric measurements, both dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperature should be recorded to
0.1 C precision. The dewpoint should be calculated using standard tables issued nationally or
using standard WMO formulae (PartI, Chapter4, Annexes4.A and 4.B) and the psychrometric
coefficient appropriate to the instrument being used. Dewpoint temperature should also be
reported to 0.1C precision. Conversion of measurements of wet-bulb or dewpoint temperature
to relative humidity recorded in whole per cent introduces significant uncertainty and should be

On VOS Auxiliary ships using coarse scale, uncalibrated ships thermometers where the
temperature cannot be read to tenths of a degree, the temperature should be recorded in whole
degrees, ideally with an associated indicator or other coding mechanism to clearly document the
reduced precision (for example, in the old FM13 SHIP code the tenths position was replaced by
a solidus to indicate the lower precision of the observation). All other ship observations should
report temperature to one decimal place. Sea-surface temperature

The routine measurement is to take the seawater temperature from near or just below the sea
surface. More rarely the radiometric temperature of the surface skin of the ocean is measured.

The sea-surface temperature should be very carefully measured. This is because, among other
things, it is used to obtain the difference with air temperature, which provides a measure of the
stratification of temperature and humidity and of other characteristics of the lower layers of
maritime airmasses. The temperature of the seawater thermometer should be read to 0.1C.

It has not been possible to adopt a standard device for observing sea-surface temperatures on
account of the great diversity in ship size and speed and because of cost, ease of operation and
maintenance considerations.

The SST may be observed by:

(a) Taking a sample of the sea-surface water with a specially designed sea bucket;

(b) Reading the temperature of the condenser intake water;

(c) Exposing an electrical thermometer to sea-water temperature either directly or through the
hull (for example, using an internally mounted hull contact sensor);

(d) Using an infrared radiometer mounted on the ship to look down on the sea surface;

(e) Using an expendable bathythermograph.5

The principal methods used for many years have been (a) and (b). Studies of the difference in
temperature provided by the two methods have been made (WMO, 1972) in which it is reported
that intake temperatures average 0.3C greater than those measured by sea-bucket samples.
More recent studies suggest that this warm bias has reduced over time (Kent and Taylor, 2006).
This study reported that the details of the intake temperature installation have a significant
impact on the quality of observation. In recent years, as the speed and height of ships have
increased, method (c), which gives the most consistent results, has been more widely used
(WMO, 1991b; Kent et al., 1993). The use of radiometers is rarely encountered on VOS but may
be used on some research vessels or on offshore platforms. Of all these methods, the condenser
intake technique is the least desirable because of the great care needed to obtain good results.

Not currently supported by WMO (1955)

A sea bucket is lowered over the side of the ship to obtain a sample of seawater. The bucket is
hauled back on board and a thermometer is then used to measure the temperature of the water.
The sample should be taken from the leeward side of the ship, and well forward of all outlets.
The thermometer should be read as soon as possible after it has attained the temperature of
the water sample, ensuring that it is read out of the direct sunlight. When not in use, the bucket
should be hung in the shade to drain.

A sea bucket should be designed to ensure that seawater can circulate through it during
collection and that the heat exchange due to radiation and evaporation is minimized. The
associated thermometer should have a quick response and be easy to read and should preferably
be fixed permanently in the bucket. If the thermometer must be withdrawn for reading, it should
have a small heat capacity and should be provided with a cistern around the bulb such that the
temperature of the water withdrawn with it does not vary appreciably during the reading. The
design of the bucket should be deemed adequate for its purpose by the organization recruiting
the ship for observations.

Measurements from sea buckets of good design can be expected to agree well over an extensive
range of conditions. However, sea buckets are less convenient to use than instruments attached
to the ship and their use is sometimes restricted by weather conditions or by the size or speed of
the ship. Intake and tank thermometers

The thermometer provided within the intake pipe when the ship is built is normally not suitable
for the measurement of SST to the required accuracy. Thus, the organization recruiting the ship
should ideally, with the permission of the shipping company concerned, install an appropriate
thermometer. The thermometer should preferably be mounted in a special tube providing
adequate heat conductivity between the thermometer bulb and surrounding seawater, and
positioned close to the water intake, although this may not always be practical.

When a direct-reading thermometer is installed in cramped conditions, the observer should

be warned of the possibility of reading errors due to parallax. A distant reading system with
the display elsewhere (for example, in the engine room or on the bridge) overcomes this
problem. The observer should also be aware that, for ships of deep draught, or when a marked
temperature gradient exists within the sea-surface layer, intake temperature readings usually
differ considerably from those close to the sea surface, and will vary according to the ships load
or ballast condition. Lastly, of course, the intake temperature should not be recorded when
the ship is stationary, otherwise the cooling water is not circulating. It should be noted that
the installation of retrofit intake, or hull contact SST sensor can often be time-consuming and
complicated, often forcing PMOs or technicians to work in a difficult environment (interior of
ships, with limited access, etc.).

The sea chest in the bottom of a ship is a cavity in which the intake pipes may terminate and
which may be used to observe the intake temperature. It is a favoured position for the sensor of a
distant-reading thermometer. The limitations already mentioned apply to such installations.

Although the majority of intake thermometers will only provide instantaneous temperature
readouts, some ships may be equipped with temperature probes that can sample the
measurements at a given frequency and average them over a period of time. In that case, and
in order to provide for measurements that are more representative of the SST, a modal filtration
algorithm may be used to exclude the extreme readings from the computed average. Hull-attached thermometers

Hull-attached thermometers provide a very convenient and accurate means of measuring SST.
They are necessarily distant-reading devices, the sensor being mounted either externally in direct

contact with the sea using a through-the-hull connection, or internally (the limpet type)
attached to the inside of the hull, except if the hull is a twin hull. Both types show very good
mutual agreement, with the through-the-hull type showing a slightly quicker response.

The sensors must be located forward of all discharges at a depth of 1 to 2m below the water line.
When large changes of draught can occur, more than one sensor may be needed. There can be
considerable problems of fitting and wiring, which is best done when the ship is being built. For
subsequent fitting, the limpet-type thermometer avoids the need for drydocking the ship. Trailing thermometers

Several means have been devised for trailing the sensor of a distant-reading thermometer in the
sea at a point from which a sea bucket would take its sample. The differences concern the way in
which the connecting cable is brought on board and the arrangement for exposing the sensor to
the sea. These devices provide readings that are in good agreement with those of an accurate sea
bucket and can be used readily. However, since experience is limited, no information is available
on their possible fouling by weeds, and so on. Thus, streaming and recovery may be necessary
on each occasion as for a sea bucket. Trailing thermistors are rarely used by the VOS but are more
common for research applications (Fairall et al., 1997; Bradley and Fairall, 2006; Weller et al.,
2008). Radiometers

Because of its temperature, any substance gives off heat energy as infrared radiation. The amount
of energy and the wavelength of the radiation depend upon the temperature of the substance
and its emissivity. Thus, radiometers which respond to infrared radiation can be used to measure
the temperature of a substance. When directed at the sea surface, a radiometer measures the
temperature of only the uppermost 1mm or so, because the emissivity of water is near unity. This
uppermost layer is often called the ocean skin. Large temperature gradients, with the coolest
temperature at the top, may exist in the first few centimetres of the ocean, especially in relatively
calm conditions.

Radiometers can be handheld (pointing forward and downward), mounted on the bow or on a
boom extending over the water. Radiometer measurements represent the evaporative surface-
skin temperature and are used on only a few ships (Barton et al., 2004; Donlon et al., 2008). Clouds and weather Amount of cloud and cloud type

Visual cloud observations should follow the same rules as those applicable to a land station (see
PartI, Chapter15). Detailed instructions should be provided by the PMO. Pictorial guides and
coding information are available from many sources, such as WMO (1975, 1987), as well as from
publications of NMHSs. Most electronic logbook software include extensive pictures of clouds to
assist with cloud type identification. Additionally, the template for reporting SHIP observations
(B/C10 in the Manual on Codes, VolumeI.2, PartC (WMO, 2011c)) provides specific information
on how to make and code VOS cloud reports.

The assessment of the total amount of cloud consists in estimating how much of the total sky
area is covered with cloud and should be reported in oktas. National instructions should provide
guidance on the conversion of observations in oktas to per cent (%) as required for transmission
in FM94 BUFR. The assessment of low cloud amount is performed in a similar way and reported
in oktas for both ship-to-shore transmission and onward transmission in FM94 BUFR. If no low
cloud is present, the amount of medium cloud is reported instead. The type of low, middle and
high cloud shall be determined as specified in the International Cloud Atlas, VolumeI (WMO,
1975), or by identifying the appropriate cloud type from the photographs displayed in the
electronic logbook software.
CHAPTER 4. MARINE OBSERVATIONS 609 Cloud-base height

The cloud-base height is normally estimated by the VOS. In order to improve their ability to do
this, observers should be encouraged to take every opportunity to check their estimates against
known heights, for example, when a cloud base is seen to intercept a mountainous coast,
although in such circumstances the cloud base may be lower at the mountain than out at sea.

Some specialized ships may have instruments installed to measure cloud-base height. The cloud-
base searchlight is of limited value on a ship because of the short baseline. An instrument which
does not require a baseline is to be preferred, such as a laser ceilometer (see PartI, Chapter15). It
should be installed so that it can be operated and read by the officer on watch on the navigation
bridge. Present and past weather

Present and past weather are primarily meant to serve as a qualitative description of weather
events. Most VOS reports of present and past weather are made by visual and auditory
observations and follow the same rules as those applicable to a land station (see PartI,
Chapter14). There are 100categories of present weather for VOS manual observations (the first
100codes in FM94 BUFR code table020003). Past weather is reported in 10categories (the first
10codes in FM94 BUFR code table020004 and 020005). Two past weather categories should
be reported which have been selected to give as complete a description of conditions over the
reporting interval as possible. As for clouds, detailed instructions should be provided by the
PMO. Template B/C10 (WMO, 2011c) provides specific information on how to make and code
VOS weather reports. For observers using electronic logbook software, further guidance is likely
to be available from the software.

Measurements, rather than manual observations, of present and past weather are rare at sea.
However, it is possible to use similar instrumentation as over land (PartI, Chapter14), and
the categories available for the report are different to the manual observations because of the
different nature of the observation (WMO, 2011c). Some instrumental measurements of present
and past weather may be made by fixed platforms under programmes which are not actively
coordinated at present by WMO. Visibility

At sea, the absence of suitable objects makes it impossible to estimate visibility as accurately as
at land stations. On a large ship, it is possible to make use of objects aboard the ship (e.g. the
foremast) for estimation when the visibility is very low, but it should be recognized that these
estimates may be in error since the ship may affect the air. For the higher ranges, the appearance
of the land when near the coast is a useful guide, and, if fixes can be obtained, the distance of
landmarks, just as when they are appearing or disappearing, may be measured from the chart.
Similarly, in open sea, when other ships are sighted and their distances known, for example, by
radar, the visibility may be estimated. In the absence of other objects, the appearance of the
horizon, as observed from different levels, may be used as a basis for the estimation. Although
abnormal refraction may introduce errors into such methods of estimation, these methods are
the only ones available in some circumstances. At night, the appearance of navigation lights can
give a useful indication of the visibility.

When the visibility is not uniform in all directions it should be estimated or measured in the
direction of least visibility and a suitable entry should be made in the log (excluding reduction of
visibility due to the ships exhaust).

Information about visibility meters is given in PartI, Chapter9. Only those types of visibility
meters which can be used with a baseline or light-path short enough to be practicable on a ship
are suitable. This is the case of forward-scatter meters. Unfortunately, the heating effect of the
ship, and its exhaust, may lead to unrepresentative measurements.

The VOS do not normally report information on precipitation within coded reports on weather
types (section4.2.2.10). However, precipitation measurements can be reported from fixed
stations or vessels equipped with a precipitation gauge. The measurement of precipitation at
sea is discussed in WMO (1962, 1981) and in the context of observations from research vessels
by Bradley and Fairall (2006) and Weller et al. (2008), who also describe newer measurement
systems, such as optical raingauges, not typically used for routine observations. As an aid to
observers on ships, descriptions of precipitation at sea, for use in reporting present weather, are
given in Annex4.B.

The complete measurement comprises the determination of both the amount and the duration
of precipitation. The amount of precipitation should be measured with a raingauge adapted for
use aboard a ship.

It is difficult to obtain reliable measurements of precipitation on board a ship, owing to the

aerodynamic effect of the superstructure of the ship, the influence of roll and pitch, the capture
of spray, and the changes in ship position. The equipment used on ships for the measurement
of precipitation should be constructed and exposed in such a manner that the first three effects
mentioned above are avoided or minimized as far as possible. For a shipboard raingauge, placing
the instrument as far forward and as high as practicable seems to be most effective. However,
other exposures may be found in particular cases to provide for easier management.

Precipitation measurements from moored or fixed stations (lightships, large buoys, towers, etc.)
are particularly valuable because the effect of ship speed is eliminated and the data can, thus,
be included in climatological analyses without reduction. However, any problems of platform
motion and salt contamination must still be considered.

Gimbal-mounted raingauge

The most common instrument used on board ships for the measurement of precipitation is
the gimbal-mounted raingauge, an arrangement that is not very effective, especially during
bad weather, as it is not able to keep the gauge horizontal at all times. An efficient gimbal
arrangement is very complicated and expensive and is used only aboard special ships. Generally,
when a raingauge is used, a fixed installation with a remote measurement arrangement seems to
be a better option.

Conical marine raingauge

The conical marine raingauge is normally fixed high up on a mast. A plastic tube leads the water
to a remotely placed collector on the deck, or in the wheelhouse. This can be a useful device for
measuring precipitation, provided that the installation precautions are taken into account. The
raingauge orifice should be fixed in a plane parallel to the ships deck.

Recording raingauge

Several types of recording raingauges have been developed for use at sea. In one type, the
collector is installed in the open while the recorder is mounted indoors. The rainwater is
channelled along a pipe from the collector to a reservoir near the recorder. A pen linked to a
float in the reservoir records the change of water level therein on a chart on a rotating drum. The
reservoir is emptied automatically by a siphon when the total collected corresponds to 20mm of

In the electrical contact type of raingauge, the connection between the gauge and the recorder
is made by electrical means. The rainwater caught by the collector is stored temporarily in a
reservoir. After an amount corresponding to 0.5mm of rainfall has been received, the rising
surface touches a needle to close an electric circuit. A motor then closes the inlet valve and
simultaneously opens a drain valve. After the water has drained away, the valves revert to their
original state and a single pulse is sent to the recorder. Errors occur when the motion of the ship
or buoy causes the water level to fluctuate rather than to rise steadily. This limitation can be

overcome by using a peristaltic pump. This device drains a fixed quantity of water (rather than all
the water available) each time the contact is made and, therefore, is less sensitive to fluctuations
in water level; there are also no valves to maintain.

The observation of precipitation by radar requires the use of narrow radar beams and calibrating
raingauges together with the addition of specialized equipment to monitor the state of the radar
and to apply corrections. Radars provided on board ships for other purposes do not have these
features and their use for the quantitative observation of precipitation is not normal practice.

A third type of recording raingauge is a specifically designed ship raingauge that uses a
horizontal and a vertical omnidirectional collector to allow for rainfall measurements at high
wind speeds (Hasse et al., 1998). By measuring the amount of water that is collected by the
vertical collector surface, a correction for the wind effect is possible by using the wind speed
measured simultaneously at the site of the instrument. Rainfall intensities and amounts are
measured and calculated separately for the top and the side collectors and corrected rainfall
values are obtained as a wind-speed-dependent weighted average. Ocean waves

The main topics of this section are the definitions and behaviour of waves and the visual methods
of observing them. Automated methods are briefly mentioned in section4.3 on moored buoys,
although they are applied on other types of platforms. Definitions and descriptions of waves

Fetch: Distance along a large water surface trajectory over which a wind of almost uniform
direction and speed blows.

Wind wave or wind sea: Waves raised by the wind blowing in the immediate neighbourhood of an
observation site at the time of observation.

Swell: Any system of water waves which has left its generating area (or observed when the wind
field that generated the waves no longer exists).

Wave length: Horizontal distance between successive crests or troughs. It is equal to the wave
period multiplied by the wave speed.

Wave height: Vertical distance between the trough and crest of a wave.

Wave period: Time between the passage of two successive wave crests past a fixed point. It is
equal to the wave length divided by the wave speed.

Wave speed: The distance travelled by a wave in a unit of time. It is equal to the wave length
divided by the wave period.

The observation should include the measurement or estimation of the following characteristics
of the wave motion of the sea surface in respect of each distinguishable system of waves, namely,
sea and swell (principal and secondary):

(a) Direction (from which the waves come) on the scale 0136 as for wind direction;

(b) Period in seconds;

(c) Height.

The following methods of observing wave characteristics of separate wave systems should be
used as a guide.


Interval 1 m
Interval 6 s

Figure 4.1. Typical sea and swell waves as shown by a wave-height recorder

Wind-generated ocean waves occur in large systems which are defined in connection with
the wind field that produced the waves and also with the relative position of the point of
observation. Bearing in mind the distinction between sea and swell, the observer should
differentiate between the recognizable wave systems on the basis of direction, appearance and
period of the waves.

Figure 4.1 shows a typical record drawn by a wave-height recorder. It shows the height of the sea
surface above a fixed point against time, namely, it represents the up-and-down movement of a
floating body on the sea surface as it is seen by the observer. It gives a representation of the sea
surface in its normal appearance when it is stirred by the wind to form a wind wave.

Waves invariably travel in irregular groups with areas of slight wave development of two or more
wave lengths between the groups. The irregularity is greater in the wind wave than in a swell.
Furthermore, and this cannot be shown by a wave record, groups consisting of two or more
well-formed waves in the sea can be seen to travel in directions which may differ as much as 20
or 30 from each other; as a result of interference of crossing waves, the crests of sea waves are
rather short. Swell waves have a more regular appearance. These waves travel in a rather regular
succession and well-defined direction with generally long and smooth crests. Undisturbed
typical swell waves may be observed in areas where there has been little or no wind over a
period of several hours to a day or more. In most areas, sea and swell are intermixed. Visual observations from merchant ships

In trying to observe the wave characteristics of each of the recognizable wave systems (sea and
swell) separately, the observer should be aware of the fact that the higher components of a wind
wave resemble swell waves by their comparatively long crests and large periods. It may seem
possible to split the assembly of waves of different heights, periods and directions (together
forming the system of a wind wave) into two different waves systems and consider the smaller
waves as wind waves and the larger waves as swell, but this may not be correct.

The distinction between wind waves and swell should be made on the basis of one of the
following criteria:

Wave direction: If the mean direction of all waves of more or less similar characteristics (in
particular, height and length) differs by 30 or more from the mean direction of waves of
different appearance (in particular, height and/or length), the two sets of waves should be
considered to belong to separate wave systems.

Appearance and period: When typical swell waves, characterized by their regular appearance and
long crestedness, arrive approximately, namely, within 20, from the direction of the wind, they
should be considered as a separate wave system if their period is at least 4s greater than the
period of the larger waves of the existing wind wave.

For measuring the mean period and height of a wave system, significant waves should be
considered only; these are the higher waves in the centre of each group of well-formed waves
(Figure4.1). The flat and badly formed waves (A) in the area between the groups must be
omitted from the record.

The mean period and the mean height of about 15 to 20well-formed waves from the centres of
the groups is actually required; of course, these waves cannot be consecutive. The smaller wave-
like disturbances (B) which can be seen clearly to be forming under the action of the wind on top
of the larger waves are also to be omitted from the record.

Occasionally, waves may be encountered which literally stand out above the environmental
waves (C). Such waves may occur singly or in a group of two or three. The observer should
not concentrate on these maximum waves only; in order to arrive at a measure for the mean
period and mean height of about 15 to 20waves, he or she should also consider groups of well-
formed waves of medium height. Consequently, the reported wave height will be smaller than
the maximum height obtained by the observed waves. On average, the actual height of 1out
of about 10waves will exceed the height to be reported. It is common practice to define the
significant wave height measured by wave height recorders as the average height of the highest
one third of the waves; it should approximate the wave height, which would be estimated by a
manual observer.

The observer must bear in mind that only measurements or quite good estimates are to be
recorded. Rough guesses have little value. The quality of the observations must have priority
over their quantity. If only two, or even only one, of the three elements (direction, period, height)
could be measured, or really well estimated, for example, at night, the report would still be of

The above considerations must be taken into account in all methods of observation described
below. More details on waves are provided in WMO (1998), sections4.4.1 and 4.4.2 of WMO
(2001), and sections4.3.4 to 4.3.6 of this chapter.

The direction from which the waves are coming is most easily found by sighting along the
wave crests and then turning 90 to face the advancing waves. The observer is then facing the
direction in which the waves are coming.

The recommended procedures for the reporting of swell by manually reporting ships are found
in Annex4.C.

Wave period

This is the only element that can actually be measured on board moving merchant ships. If a
stop-watch is available, only one observer is necessary; otherwise, two observers and a watch
with a second hand are required. The observer notes some small object floating on the water
at some distance from the ship: if nothing is available, a distinctive patch of foam can usually
be found which remains identifiable for the few minutes required for the observations. The
watch is started when the object appears at the crest of the wave. As the crest passes, the object
disappears into the trough, then reappears on the next crest, and so forth. The time at which
the object appears to be at the top of each crest is noted. The observations are continued for as
long as possible; they will usually terminate when the object becomes too distant to identify, on
account of the ships motion. Obviously, the longest period of observation will be obtained by
choosing an object initially on the bow as far off as it can be clearly seen.

Another method is to observe two or more distinct consecutive periods from an individual group
while the watch is running continuously; with the passage of the last distinct crest of a group
or the anticipated disappearance of the object, the watch is stopped, then restarted with the
passage of the first distinct crest of a new group. The observer keeps count of the total number of
periods until it reaches at least 15 or 20.

Observations can also be made by watching the pitch and roll of the ships bow. The observer
picks the point which is at the highest or lowest in the cycle and starts the timer from there.


(a) (b)

Figure 4.2. The effect of the ships roll on the estimation of wave height

When it returns to the same point, the observer records the time. By repeating this process
several times, a reliable observation can be determined. This also works during night-time
observation for which the observer feels the rise and fall within his or her body.

With observations of a period less than 5s and low wind velocity, the above observation may not
be easily made, but such waves are less interesting than those with longer periods.

Wave height

With some experience, fairly reliable wave height estimates can be made. For estimating the
height of waves having wave lengths much shorter than the ship, the observer should take
up a position as low down in the ship as possible, preferably amidships where the pitching is
least, and on the side of the ship from which the waves are coming. Use should be made of the
intervals which occur every now and then, when the rolling of the ship temporarily ceases.

In cases of waves longer than the ship, the preceding method fails because the ship as a whole
rises over the wave. Under these circumstances, the best results are obtained when the observer
moves up or down in the ship until, when the ship is in the wave trough and upright, the
oncoming waves appear just level with the horizon (Figure4.2). The wave height is then equal
to the height of the observer above the level of the water beneath him or her (a). If the ship is
rolling, care should be taken to ensure that the approaching wave is in line with the horizon at
the instant when the ship is upright, otherwise the height estimate will be too large (b).

By far the most difficult case is that in which the wave length exceeds the length of the ship, but
the wave height is small. The best estimate of height can be obtained by going as near to the
water as possible, but even then the observation can be only a rough estimate. Observations from ocean station vessels and other special ships

Ocean station vessels are normally provided with suitable recording instruments. However, if
visual observations are made, the above procedure should be followed; in addition, the ship
should heave with the waves coming directly from ahead. For measuring wave period, an object
can be thrown over the side of the vessel. For measuring wave height, marks should be painted
amidships on the ships side (half a metre apart).

Length can best be observed by streaming a buoy for such a distance astern that the crests of
two successive waves simultaneously pass the buoy and the observer. The distance between the
two is the wave length.

The velocity can be obtained by noting the time of the passage of a wave from the stern to the
buoy, with allowance being made for the ships speed.
CHAPTER 4. MARINE OBSERVATIONS 615 Waves in coastal waters

The following are additional definitions applying to sea surface in coastal waters:

Breaker: The collapse of a whole wave resulting from its running into very shallow water, of a
depth of the order of twice the wave height.

Surf: The broken water between the shoreline and the outermost line of the breakers.

Breaking sea: The partial collapse of the crest of a wave caused by the action of the wind;
steepening of waves due to their encountering a contrary current or tidal stream; or steepening
of waves due to their running into shoal water not shallow enough to cause a breaker.

Wave observations made from a coastal station cannot be expected to be representative of

conditions in the open sea. This is because the waves are affected by the depth of the water, by
tidal influence and by reflection from objects such as steep rocks and jetties. In addition, the
location may be sheltered by headlands or, less obviously, by shoals, both of which may affect
the height and direction of travel. An extensive account of these phenomena is given in WMO

When observations are to be made despite these difficulties, the waves should be chosen in the
same way as at sea. If they are required for wave research, the exact mean depth of water at the
time of observation and the time itself should both be stated. Terminology for sea and swell waves

The following terminology is recommended for uses other than the inclusion in coded messages,
such as supplying weather information and forecasts for shipping, publications, pilots, and so on:

For the length of swell waves:

Short 0100 m
Average 100200 m
Long over 200 m
For the height of swell waves:
Low 02 m
Moderate 24 m
Heavy over 4 m
For the height of sea waves:
Calm (glassy) 0m
Calm (rippled) 00.1 m
Smooth (wavelets) 0.10.5 m
Slight 0.51.25 m
Moderate 1.252.5 m
Rough 2.54 m
Very rough 46 m
High 69 m
Very high 914 m
Phenomenal over 14 m

In all cases, the exact bounding length or height is included in the lower category, namely, a sea
of 4m is described as rough. When the state of the sea surface is so confused that none of the
above descriptive terms can be considered appropriate, the term confused should be used. Ice

Several forms of floating ice may be encountered at sea. The most common is that which results
from the freezing of the sea surface, namely sea ice. The reporting of sea ice is discussed in WMO

The other forms are river ice and ice of land origin. River ice is encountered in harbours and
estuaries where it is kept in motion by tidal streams and normally presents only a temporary
hindrance to shipping. Ice of land origin in the form of icebergs is discussed separately below.

Both icebergs and sea ice can be dangerous to shipping and always have an effect on navigation.
Sea ice also affects the normal processes of energy exchange between the sea and the air above
it. The extent of sea-ice cover can vary significantly from year to year and has a great effect
both on adjacent ocean areas and on the weather over large areas of the world. Its distribution
is therefore of considerable interest to meteorologists and oceanographers. Broad-scale
observations of the extent of sea-ice cover have been revolutionized by satellite photography,
but observations from shore stations, ships and aircraft are still of great importance for detailed
observations and for establishing the ground truth of satellite observations.

At present, observations of floating ice depend almost entirely on visual estimation. The
only instrumental observations of floating ice are carried out by conventional radar and new
techniques, such as passive microwave sensors or sideways-looking airborne radar. However,
icebergs are poor reflectors of radar energy and cannot always be detected by this means. Observations of ice accretion

Ice accretion can be extremely hazardous because of its effects on small ships, particularly on
vessels of less than about 1000 gross tonnage. Even on larger ships, it can cause radio and radar
failures due to the icing of aerials. Visibility from the bridge may also be affected. Problems have
occurred due to icing on the deck cargoes of large container ships. Apart from its possible effect
on stability, it may cause difficulty in unloading cargo at the port of destination when containers
and their lashings are frozen solidly to the deck. Fishing vessels are particularly vulnerable to ice
accretion. Further information is given in WMO (1991b), while a detailed consideration of the
meteorological aspects appears in WMO (1974).

There are two main types of icing at sea: icing from seawater and icing from freshwater. Icing
from seawater may be due either to spray and seawater thrown up by the interaction between
the ship or installation and the waves, or to spray blown from the crests of the waves, or both.
Icing from freshwater may be due to freezing rain and/or drizzle, or occasionally when the
occurrence of wet snow is followed by a drop in temperature, or it may be due to freezing fog.
Both types may occur simultaneously.

The most important meteorological elements governing ice accretion at sea are wind speed
and air temperature. The higher the wind speed relative to the ship and the lower the air
temperature, the greater the rate of ice accretion. There appears to be no limiting air temperature
below which the icing risk decreases.

Provision is made in the WMO code form for ships (WMO, 2011b, 2011c), used for radio weather
reports from ships at sea, for the inclusion of reports of ice accretion. This may be done either
in code or in plain language. The coded form, in a single five-figure group, provides for reports
of the cause of icing, the ice thickness and the rate of accretion. Plain-language reports must be
preceded by the word ICING and are particularly encouraged for indicating features of the icing
which are dangerous to vessels. Formation and development of sea ice

Ice less than 30 cm thick

The first indication of ice formation is the appearance of small ice spicules or plates in the top
few centimetres of the water. These spicules, known as frazil ice, form in large quantities and
give the sea an oily appearance. As cooling continues the frazil ice coalesces to form grease ice,
which has a matt appearance. Under near-freezing, but as yet ice-free, conditions, snow falling
on the surface may result in the sea surface becoming covered by a layer of slush. These forms
may be regrouped by the action of wind and waves to form shuga and all are classified as new

ice. With further cooling, sheets of ice rind or nilas are formed, depending on the rate of cooling
and on the salinity of the water. Ice rind is formed when water of low salinity freezes into a
thin layer of brittle ice which is almost free of salt, whereas when water of high salinity freezes,
especially if the process is rapid and the wind is very light, the ice has an elastic property which is
characteristic of nilas. The latter form of ice is subdivided, according to its thickness, into dark and
light nilas; the second, more advanced form reaches a maximum thickness of 10cm.

The action of wind and waves may break up ice rind or nilas into pancake ice, which can later
freeze and thicken into grey ice and grey-white ice, the latter attaining a thickness of up to 30cm.
These forms of ice are referred to collectively as young ice. In rough conditions this ice may be
broken up into ice cakes or floes of various sizes.

Ice 30 cm to 2 m thick

The next stage of development is known as first-year ice and is subdivided into thin, medium
and thick categories. Thin first-year ice has a thickness of 30 to 70cm. Medium first-year ice has a
range of thickness from 70 to 120cm. In polar areas, thick first-year ice may attain a thickness of
approximately 2m at the end of the winter.

Old ice

Thick first-year ice may survive the summer melt season and is then classified as old ice. This
category is subdivided into second-year ice or multi-year ice, depending on whether the floes
have survived one or more summers. The thickness of old ice is normally in the range of 1.2 to
3m or more before the onset of the melt season. Towards the end of the summer melt season,
old ice may be considerably reduced in thickness. Old ice may often be recognized by a bluish
surface, in contrast to the greenish tint of first-year ice.

Snow cover

During winter, ice is usually covered with snow which insulates it from the air above and tends
to slow down its rate of growth. The thickness of the snow cover varies considerably from region
to region as a result of differing climatic conditions. Its depth may also vary considerably within
very short distances in response to variable winds and to ice topography.

Decay of sea ice

While the snow cover persists, almost 90% of the incoming radiation is reflected back into
space. Eventually, however, the snow begins to melt as air temperatures rise above 0C in early
summer, and the resulting freshwater forms puddles on the surface. These puddles absorb
about 90% of the incoming radiation and rapidly enlarge as they melt the surrounding snow
or ice. Eventually, the puddles penetrate to the bottom surface of the floes and are known as
thaw holes. This slow decay process is characteristic of ice in the Arctic Ocean and seas where
movement is restricted by the coastline or islands. Where ice is free to drift into warmer waters
(for example, the Antarctic, East Greenland and the Labrador Sea), decay is accelerated in
response to wave erosion as well as warmer air and sea temperatures.

Movement of sea ice

Sea ice is divided into two main types according to its mobility. One type is drift ice, which is
continually in motion under the action of the wind and current; the other is fast ice, attached to
the coast or islands, which does not move. When ice concentration is high, namely seven tenths
or more, drift ice may be replaced by the term pack ice.

Wind stress in the drift ice causes the floes to move in an approximately downwind direction.
The deflecting force due to the Earths rotation (Coriolis force) causes the floes to deviate about
30 to the right of the surface wind direction in the northern hemisphere. Since the surface
wind is itself deviated by a similar amount but in the opposite sense from the geostrophic wind
(measured directly from isobars), the direction of movement of the ice floes, due to the wind drift
alone, can be considered to be parallel to the isobars.

The rate of movement due to wind drift varies not only with the wind speed, but also with the
concentration of the drift ice and the extent of deformation (see subsection below). In very open
ice (1/103/10) there is much more freedom to respond to the wind than in close ice (7/108/10),
where free space is limited. Two per cent of the wind speed is a reasonable average for the rate of
ice drift caused by the wind in close ice, but much higher rates of ice drift may be encountered in
open ice. Since it is afloat, a force is exerted on drift ice by currents that are present in the upper
layers of the water, whether these are tidal in nature or have a more consistent direction due to
other forces. It is usually very difficult to differentiate between wind- and current-induced ice
drift, but in any case, where both are present, the resultant motion is always the vector sum of
the two. Wind stress normally predominates, particularly in offshore areas.

Deformation of sea ice

Where the ice is subject to pressure, its surface becomes deformed. On new and young ice,
this may result in rafting as one ice floe overrides its neighbour; in thicker ice, it leads to the
formation of ridges and hummocks according to the pattern of the convergent forces causing the
pressure. During the process of ridging and hummocking, when pieces of ice are piled up above
the general ice level, large quantities of ice are also forced downward to support the weight of
the ice in the ridge or hummock. The draught of a ridge can be three to five times as great as its
height, and these deformations are major impediments to navigation. Freshly formed ridges are
normally less difficult to navigate than older weathered and consolidated ridges. Icebergs

Icebergs are large masses of floating ice derived from glaciers, including ice shelves. The depth of
a berg under water, compared with its height above, varies widely with different shapes of bergs.
The underwater mass of an Antarctic iceberg derived from a floating ice shelf is usually less than
the underwater mass of icebergs derived from Greenland glaciers. A typical Antarctic tabular
berg, of which the uppermost 10 to 20m is composed of old snow, will show one part of its mass
above the water to five parts below. However, the ratio for an Arctic berg, composed almost
wholly of ice with much less snow, is typically 1:8.

Icebergs diminish in size in three different ways: by calving, melting and wave erosion. A berg is
said to calve when a piece breaks off; this disturbs its equilibrium and as a result it may drift at a
different angle or capsize. Large underwater projections, which may be difficult to observe, are
a usual feature of icebergs. In cold water, melting takes place mainly on the water-line, while, in
warm water, a berg melts mainly from below and calves frequently. It is particularly dangerous
to approach a berg melting in warm water for it is unstable and may fragment or overturn at any
time. There are likely to be many growlers and bergy bits around rapidly disintegrating icebergs,
thus forming a particular hazard to navigation.

Bergs are poor reflectors of radar energy and cannot always be detected by this means. Their
breakdown fragments (bergy bits and growlers) are even more difficult to detect with a ships
radar since they are often obscured by the background clutter from waves and swell. These
smaller fragments are especially dangerous to shipping. Despite their low profile, they contain
sufficient mass to damage a vessel which comes into contact with them at normal cruising speed.
Some growlers consisting of pure ice hardly break the sea surface and are extremely difficult to
detect. Observations of sea ice and icebergs

The key to good ice observing lies in familiarity with the nomenclature and experience. WMO
(1970), with its illustrations, is the best guide to the mariner for ice identification.

The four important features of sea ice which affect navigation are as follows:

(a) Thickness: the stage of development (i.e. new ice, young ice, first-year ice or old ice and
their subdivisions);

(b) Amount: concentration (estimated according to the tenths of the sea surface covered by

(c) The form of the ice, whether it is fast or drift ice and the size of the constituent floes;

(d) Movement: particularly with regard to its effect on deformation.

Since icebergs represent such a hazard to navigation, particularly at night or in poor visibility, it is
also important to report the number in sight at the time of the observation, especially in waters
where they are less frequently observed.

Sea ice can be reported in plain language or by the use of codes. WMO has adopted two sea-ice
codes for international use. The simplest is the ICE group appended to the SHIP code format.
The ICEAN code has been developed for specialist use for the transmission of sea-ice analysis and

There are two basic rules for observation from ships and shore stations:

(a) Obtain a large field of view by making the observation from the highest convenient point
above the sea surface (for example, the top of a lighthouse, the bridge or crows nest of a

(b) Do not attempt to report sea-ice conditions beyond a radius of more than half the distance
between the point of observation and the horizon.

WMO has developed a set of symbols for use on maps depicting actual or forecast sea-ice
conditions. These symbols are intended for the international exchange of sea-ice information and
for radio-facsimile transmission of ice data. Observations of special phenomena

Marine observers can make reports of natural phenomena using either traditional or some
electronic logbooks. However, such special observations cannot normally be circulated over the
GTS owing to international format limitations. The observations can take the form of written
descriptions, sketches or photographs, or a combination. A wide range of phenomena can be
reported, including:

(a) Astronomical phenomena (e.g. eclipses, comets, zodiacal light, sunspots and novae);

(b) Phenomena of the high atmosphere (e.g. high-frequency radio fadeouts or blackouts,
magnetic disturbances and storms, airglow, aurorae, meteors and fireballs, and noctilucent

(c) Phenomena of the lower atmosphere (e.g. abnormal refraction and mirages, glory or
brocken spectres, coloured suns and moons, coronae, St Elmo's Fire, crepuscular rays, dust
fall, the green flash, halo phenomena, iridescent cloud, lightning, rainbows, scintillation,
unusual sky colouration and waterspouts). Note that when describing waterspouts, the
direction of rotation should always be given as if seen from above;

(d) Sightings of marine mammals, birds, fish, invertebrates and mass plankton effects such as
bioluminescence, red tides and discoloured water;

(e) Other marine phenomena (e.g. abnormal occurrences of compass deviations, changes in
sea level or waves).

National publications, or information provided with electronic logbooks, provide information

about the kinds of phenomena that are of interest and the information that is required for
reporting particular types of phenomena.


Moored buoys come in a wide variety of configurations (e.g. in terms of mooring design,
sensor types, sampling schemes, mounting techniques and telemetry) serving a wide variety of
operational and research applications and disciplines. This section, which does not reflect the
wide variety of possibilities used in currently functioning systems, is focusing on requirements
for marine meteorological measurements from operational meteorological moored buoys.
Information regarding other systems addressing the requirements for research applications can
be found in other publications and websites, for example:

ATLAS tropical moored buoys: http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/tao/proj_over/mooring.shtml

Ocean Climate Stations: http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/OCS/

TRITON tropical western Pacific moored buoys: http://www.jamstec.go.jp/jamstec/


More recent Indian Ocean m-TRITON moored buoys: http://www.jamstec.go.jp/iorgc/


NOAA guide to making climate quality meteorological and flux measurements at sea
(Bradley and Fairall, 2006)

A typical moored buoy designed for deep ocean operation is equipped with sensors to measure
the following variables:

(a) Wind speed;

(b) Wind direction;

(c) Atmospheric pressure;

(d) Sea-surface temperature;

(e) Wave height and period;

(f) Air temperature;

(g) Dewpoint temperature or relative humidity.

Additional elements measured by some moored buoys are as follows:

(a) Maximum wind gust;

(b) Wave spectra (directional or non-directional);

(c) Solar radiation (downward short-wave radiation);

(d) Surface current or current profiles;

(e) Surface salinity;

(f) Subsurface temperature and salinity down to 500 m or 750 m;

(g) Atmospheric visibility;

(h) Precipitation;

(i) Surface CO2 concentration.


For waves, the following variables are generally measured or estimated using the following
definitions (see also section4.2.2.13 to complement these definitions):

Significant wave height: Estimate of the average height of the one-third highest waves;

Maximum wave height: The maximum single wave height which is observed in a certain time

Mean zero crossing wave period: The wave period corresponding to the number downward zero-
crossing of the surface elevation. It can also be estimated from the second frequency moment of
the wave energy spectrum;

Peak height: The wave height corresponding to the peak of the wave energy spectrum (the part of
the spectrum with the highest wave energy);

Peak period: The wave period corresponding to the peak height of the wave energy spectrum;

Spectral wave period: The wave period corresponding to the mean frequency of the spectrum.

In addition to the meteorological and oceanographic measurements, it is necessary to

monitor buoy location and various housekeeping parameters to aid data quality control and
maintenance. Moored-buoy technology has matured to the extent that it is expected to obtain
six months to as long as two years of unattended operation even in the most severe conditions.
Operational life is largely determined by the life of the sensors, with sensor exchanges often
carried out at 12 to 18month intervals.

The observations from moored buoys are now considered to be better quality than ship
observations with regard to the accuracy and reliability of measurements (Wilkerson and Earle,
1990; Ingleby, 2010). Indeed, moored buoys are generally regarded as providing the highest
quality observations of a wide range of marine meteorological variables and, in addition to their
use by forecasters and assimilation into numerical weather prediction models, the data are also
used to provide information on the climatology of oceanic areas, ground truth reference data
for satellite calibration/validation and estimates of surface fluxes (e.g. Bourras, 2006).

Typical measurement uncertainties obtained from operational buoys are as follows:

Wind speed 1 m s1 or 5% above 20ms1

Wind direction 10
Air temperature 0.2 C
Sea-level pressure 0.2 hPa
Sea-surface temperature 0.2 C
Dewpoint temperature 0.5
Significant wave height 10% or 0.2m
Wave direction 10
Wave period 1s

The standard suite of sensors on moored buoys samples wind speed, peak gust (e.g. 3 to
5second gust depending on national requirements); wind direction; barometric pressure; air
temperature; water temperature; and non-directional ocean wave energy spectra, from which
significant wave height and peak (or average) wave period are determined. For tsunameters,
water-column height is the standard measurement.

4.3.1 Atmospheric pressure

Atmospheric pressure and its variability in both time and space are crucially important for
numerical weather prediction and for analysis and forecasting. Most buoys measure atmospheric
pressure by means of digital aneroid barometers. Pressure is found from the electrical
capacitance across parallel pressure-sensitive plates. The capacitance between the plates
increases as pressure increases. The following pressure measurements are made:

(a) Station pressure is the actual measurement made by the barometer at the station elevation
in hPa. In some cases twobarometers may be used and their values averaged.

(b) Sea-level pressure is the pressure reduced to sea level from the station pressure in units of
hPa. For buoys deployed at sea this is very close to the station pressure. A large difference
is observed between sea-level pressure and station pressure from buoys deployed in lakes
at high elevations. The conversion to sea-level pressure is made using the procedures
described in WBAN (United States Weather Bureau, 1963).

Many buoys that are deployed in regions subject to hurricanes or intense low-pressure systems
have the capability of measuring supplemental 1 min average pressure data. These data are
recorded after the hourly pressure data fall below a predetermined threshold (e.g. 1008hPa in
the tropics). Supplemental pressure data are identified as follows:

(a) The minimum 1 min barometric pressure in hPa from the primary (and secondary if one is
installed) barometer is the minimum 1min mean barometric pressure for the entire hour;

(b) The time is the minute within the hour that the minimum pressure occurred.

4.3.2 Wind measurements

Wind measurements are one of the most important measurements made from moored buoys.
They are essential for the marine weather forecaster.


Wind direction is the direction from which the wind is blowing in degrees clockwise from true
north. It is a unit vector average of the record of wind direction;

Wind speed is the scalar average of the wind speed over the sampling interval (usually 10min);

Wind speed maximum is the highest wind speed in the wind record. Gusts are determined from
the highest running mean of the record over a short time interval (for example, 5s).

The wind measurements are generally made by a propeller-vane or a cup anemometer and a
wind wane. To avoid mechanical wear, ultrasonic wind speed and direction sensors with no
moving parts are starting to be used on moored buoys. Wind direction measurement is normally
associated with a compass so the buoy relative wind direction can be corrected to True.

Some Members typically use four-blade, impeller-driven, wind-vane sensor on their

meteorological moorings. The final measurements are statistical estimates of the wind from time
series of instantaneous wind samples taken at a minimum rate of 1Hertz (Hz) over a particular
length of time. The sampling rate is a function of the payload. Most moored buoys use an 8min
acquisition period. The following standard wind measurements are produced each hour.

Some Members have their meteorological moored buoys perform statistical processing at the
end of an acquisition period, and the output message is updated with the new statistics and six
10min segments. Statistical processing includes the calculation of the mean for both direction
and speed and the standard deviation of the speed. The hours data do not represent data from
minute 0 to min59. Rather, these represent the latest, complete six 10min segments before the
end of the last acquisition. The 10min segments are, however, bounded by minutes0, 10, 20, etc.

For the moored buoys of some Members, wind speeds at 10m above site elevation and 20m
above site elevation are derived from an algorithm (Liu et al., 1979) that uses the height of the
anemometer, the wind speed, a constant relative humidity of 85%, a constant sea-level pressure
of 1013.25 hPa, and the air and water temperature. If either the air or water temperature is
unavailable, then the neutral stability is assumed, taking into account that neutral stability can
introduce an error of up to 5%. If both are missing then neither 10 nor 20m wind speeds are

The United Kingdom, French and Irish K-series moored buoys have traditionally used a cup
anemometer and a self-referencing wind vane to measure the speed and direction over a 10min
acquisition period each hour. However, during operation, salt water permeates the seals and
eventually failure of the instruments occurs when salt crystals form in the lubricant leading
to mechanical failure of the moving parts. These moored buoys have dual wind systems to
provide increased resilience in the event of anemometer failure. To further improve reliability,
some Members are replacing these with a new wind system utilizing a sonic anemometer and
electronic compass.

4.3.3 Temperature

Temperature is one of the basic meteorological measurements. Electronic thermistors are

generally used to make all temperature measurements which are provided in degrees
Celsius(C). Temperature measurements can also be used for deriving sea-level pressure
and standard-height wind speed from non-standard height atmospheric pressure and wind
measurements, respectively. Air temperature

Air temperature measurements are generally very reliable; however, it is important to note that
the physical position of temperature sensors can adversely affect measurements. Air temperature
housings can lead to non-representative readings in low wind conditions. Air temperature is
sampled at some rate during the sampling period (typically 1Hz or 0.1Hz). Water temperature

While there are generally few problems with water temperature measurements, it should
be noted that the depth of water temperature sensors varies with buoy hull, and that the
temperature probes on buoys are attached to the inside of the hull. Since buoy hulls are highly
thermally conducting, the temperatures measured may reflect the average temperature of the
water around the submerged hull rather than the temperature of the water nearest the probe.
In highly stratified water, especially during afternoon hours in calm wind conditions, the water
temperature reported from a buoy may be 2C to 3C below the skin temperature of the water.

4.3.4 Ocean wave estimates

Sea-state estimates are probably the most complex measurements made from moored buoys
and are extremely important to marine forecasters, mariners, ocean engineers and scientists. On
a buoy, all of the basic wave measurements are derived in some way from the time series of the
buoys motion. NDBC (2003, 2009) provide for complete details on wave measurements made
by the United States National Data Buoy Center (NDBC).

Sea state is a description of the properties of sea-surface waves at a given time and place. This
might be given in terms of the wave spectrum, or more simply in terms of the significant wave
height and some measure of the wave period (AMS, 2000). Many moored buoys provide a
measurement of the spectral variance density (Frigaard et al., 1997), which will be referred to
as spectral wave density. Most buoys derive all non-directional wave parameters, heights and
periods, steepness, and so on, from spectral wave densities. Furthermore, many buoys measure
the directional wave spectrum and from that derive mean and principal wave directions, and first
and second normalized polar coordinates from the Fourier coefficients that centres disseminate
through the WMOFM-65 WAVEOB alphanumeric codes (WMO, 2011b, 2011c).

4.3.5 Non-directional ocean wave estimates

Most buoys use accelerometers to measure buoy heave motion. Accelerometers, fixed to remain
vertical relative to the hull or stabilized parallel to the earth vertical, are used in buoys and make
the vast majority of ocean wave measurements. Vertical stabilization, when used, is achieved
through use of heave, pitch and roll sensor which reference plane is mounted on a gravity-
stabilized platform and provides for a natural period in the order of 40s. This type of equipment
is expensive, and has a built-in mechanical system for keeping the accelerometer vertical as the
buoy and sensor tilt.

Operational non-directional wave measurement systems report estimates of acceleration

or displacement spectra. If not directly reported, displacement spectra are derived from
acceleration spectra as part of the calculations involved in the shore-side processing of the wave
data. From these spectra, average wave period, dominant wave period, significant wave height,
and steepness are calculated. These non-directional wave parameters are defined as follows.

Average wave period, in seconds, can be computed in different ways. It can be such that it
corresponds to the wave frequency that divides the wave spectrum into equal areas or it can be
based on the second frequency moment of the non-directional spectral density. It can also be
estimated using a zero crossing method.

Dominant wave period or peak wave period, in seconds, is the wave period corresponding to the
centre frequency of the frequency band with the maximum non-directional spectral density.

Significant wave height, Hm0, is estimated from the variance of the wave displacement record
obtained from the displacement spectrum according to following equation:
fu 2
H m0 = 4 S ( f ) df

where S(f ) is the spectral density of displacement; df is the width of the frequency band; f u is the
upper frequency limit; and f1 is the lower frequency limit.

4.3.6 Directional ocean wave estimates

Directional wave measurement systems require, in addition to the measurement of vertical

acceleration or heave (displacement), buoy azimuth, pitch and roll. These allow east-west slope
and north-south slope to be computed. Most buoys use several different methods and sensor
suites for the measurement of these angles.

It is recommended (Swail et al., 2010a; Swail et al., 2010b) that in order to serve the full range of
users, directional spectral wave measuring systems should reliably estimate the so-called First5
standard. Technically, this refers to five defining variables at a particular wave frequency (or wave
period). The first variable is the wave energy, which is related to the wave height, and the other
four are the first four coefficients of the Fourier series that defines the directional distribution of
that energy. At each frequency band, not only is the wave direction defined but also the spread
(second moment), skewness (third moment) and kurtosis (the fourth moment). The skewness
resolves how the directional distribution is concentrated (to the left or right of the mean) and the
kurtosis defines the peakedness of the distribution. Obtaining these three additional parameters
(spread, skewness and kurtosis) for each frequency band yields an improved representation of
the wave field.

Wave measurements from moored buoys are also used to validate wave measurements derived
from high-frequency radar instruments.

4.3.7 Water-column height for tsunami detection

Most buoy tsunameters report water level (actually water-column height) based on pressure and
temperature measurements made at the sea floor and converted to a water-column height by
multiplying the pressure by a constant 670mm per pound per square inch absolute.

4.3.8 Relative humidity

Humidity sensors used by buoys employ a circuit that measures humidity through the change
in capacitance of a thin polymer as it is exposed to variations in water vapour. A gas-permeable
membrane protects the electronic parts from spray and particulate matter but allows air to enter
the instrument housing. The sensor is temperature-sensitive and incorporates a temperature
probe to provide a temperature correction in the calculation of relative humidity. The sensor is
sampled at some rate during the sampling period (e.g. 1Hz for the United States and Canadian
meteorological moored buoys). For the United Kingdom, French and Irish K-series buoys, an
instantaneous value is taken from the electric hygrometric circuit element at the observing time.

4.3.9 Ocean sensors

In order to understand and predict the ocean, its properties must be monitored. Many buoys
help to monitor the ocean by also measuring surface currents, ocean current profiles,
near-surface temperature and water quality parameters. Included in the water quality
parameters can be turbidity, redox potential (Eh), pH, chlorophyll-a, and dissolved oxygen. Buoy
data are quality controlled in real time and where possible these data are distributed over the
Global Telecommunication System.

4.3.10 Surface ocean currents

Surface currents are collected to support commerce, safety of operation, search and rescue, oil
spill response, and currents near harbour entrances that have an impact on ocean transportation.
Surface currents measured from buoys are also used to validate surface currents derived from
high-frequency radar instruments. Most buoys acquire these measurements using buoy-
mounted acoustic Doppler samplers.

4.3.11 Ocean current profiles

Ocean current profiles provide the motion of the ocean at different levels in the water column.
This information is essential for assessing oil spill dispersal, search and rescue, stresses on offshore
platforms, and validation for ocean models. These data are currently acquired from downward-
looking, buoy- or cage-mounted systems. On offshore oil platforms, the current profiles may
be downward looking from a number of levels in the water column, or upward-looking from a
bottom-mounted system.

Most buoys use Doppler profiler technology as the primary sensor for collection of ocean current
profile data. They emit short-duration, high-frequency pulses of acoustic energy along narrow
beams. Scatterers (assumed to be passive nekton and plankton) within the water column return
the backscattered energy and the instruments resolve the along-beam Doppler frequency shifts
into orthogonal earth coordinates to obtain ocean currents at various levels in the water column.

4.3.12 Salinity

Salinity is required to initialize ocean models that provide ocean forecasts and predict ocean
circulations (which are largely density driven). Salinity is usually derived from measurements
of the conductivity of seawater. Some instruments provide the salinity directly (through
internal calculations) and others provide the conductivity, temperature and depth required

to calculate the salinity. Salinity measurements are based on the practical salinity scale using
the empirical relationship between the salinity and conductivity of seawater (although a new
international thermodynamic equation of seawater-2010 (TEOS-10) was recently endorsed
by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO through its Assembly
ResolutionXXV-7). The salinity units are reported in practical salinity units.

4.3.13 Precipitation

Siphon raingauges have been installed on some moored buoys.

4.3.14 Solar radiation measurements

Solar radiation is an important influence on physical, biological and chemical processes near
the airsea interface, and is therefore of interest to scientists and engineers. Solar radiation
measurements taken at the surface have been used to calibrate visible range radiometers aboard
satellites. The sensor is placed as high as possible on the platform to avoid shadows. Solar
radiative flux is measured in watts per square metre and photosynthetically active radiation is
measured in micromols per square metre per second.

4.3.15 Visibility

Visibility sensors have been placed on some stations where visibility is a critical concern for safe
navigation. The sensor measures the extinction of light across a small volume of air between an
emitter and a collector. It is important to note that these are measurements at a single point, and
that there are several similar but different definitions.


In most respects, these platforms are similar to moored buoys. However, because of their larger
dimensions and the feasibility of carrying a large instrument payload, it is more straightforward
to deploy additional sensors, such as visibility sensors. In severe weather, such sensors can be
affected by sea spray generated by the vessel itself. However, in most conditions, performance is
equal to that of instruments deployed on land-based automatic weather stations.


On towers (usually in relatively shallow waters close to shore), and on platforms in more remote
areas, it is possible to operate standard automatic weather stations, similar in design to land
automatic weather stations (see PartII, Chapter1). Additional sensors are often deployed, for
example, wave sensors and sensors for measuring mean water level above a reference point,
ceilometers and visiometers. Fixed platforms can include large gravity based structures, and
mobile jack-up rigs and semi-submersible rigs. Jack-up and semi-submersibles rigs, and drill
ships, could be considered stationary platforms as they are moored or dynamically positioned
to remain in one place while in operation. On manned platforms and rigs, measured data can
be supplemented by visual observations of cloud, visibility and weather, thus allowing full
synoptic reporting. Visual observations from oil/gas platforms should be made according to
the procedures recommended under section4.2. However, there are cases where different
procedures apply. For example, a platform may include wave data from a nearby moored wave
buoy, and sea-surface temperature from a nearby supply vessel.

Some manned fixed or stationary (offshore oil and gas) platforms may include significant wave
height and some measure of wave period in their weather report (using the same parts of the
FM13 SHIP code as the moored buoys), using output from a nearby wave buoy or from an on-
board wave radar.

Platforms and towers make convenient structures for mounting meteorological sensors.
Installation and maintenance can be less complicated and more economical than for a moored
buoy making data frequency and reliability better. Data quality is unaffected by ship or buoy
motion and is less susceptible to errors from sensors damaged by wave action.

However, temperature and humidity sensors need very careful positioning as often there are
heat and exhaust sources that will modify the local environment making values unrepresentative
of environmental conditions. Wind measurements might be taken at heights in excess of 100m
above mean sea level and require correction to the equivalent 10 m surface wind (note that
ideally it would be best to also have the actual observation and its height). In the case of towers
close inshore, tide height can significantly alter the effective height of the wind sensor.

In conclusion, therefore, fixed towers and offshore platforms can provide a cost-effective source
of data-releasing moored buoys to be used in more remote areas where there are no alternatives.


Drifting buoys have been used for many years in oceanography, principally for the measurement
of sea-surface currents. However, the development of reliable satellite tracking and data relay
systems (WMO/IOC, 1995) has led to a dramatic increase in the numbers of ocean drifting buoys
deployed, and significant development has taken place in the sensor capabilities of drifters for
meteorological and oceanographic purposes.

A description of drifting buoy systems and operations is given in UNESCO (1988). More recently,
the WMO/IOC Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP) published the Global Drifter Programme
Barometer Drifter Design Reference (WMO/IOC, 2009a). See also the annual reports and workshop
proceedings of the DBCP, such as WMO/IOC (2004a, 2004b).

The evolution of drifting buoy technology has been driven by the needs of oceanographic
research, on the one hand, and operational meteorology, on the other. Thus, three main distinct
types of buoys can be characterized as follows:

(a) For oceanographic research, and especially for the World Ocean Circulation Experiment
(Surface Velocity Programme, SVP, 19881993), a surface-current-following drifter
equipped also to measure sea-surface temperature has been developed and deployed in
large numbers over the worlds oceans;

(b) For operational meteorology, a drifting buoy design has evolved based on those developed
for the First Global Atmospheric Research Programme Global Experiment. These buoys
primarily measure air pressure, sea-surface temperature and air temperature;

(c) For polar applications, different ice floats have been designed to measure traditional
atmospheric variables as well as ice and snow conditions (ice/snow temperature and
temperature profiles in the ice, ice thickness, ice stress, water conditions below ice). By
tracking the buoy position on the ice it is possible to estimate ice motion. Efforts have been
made to develop buoys that meet the combined requirements of oceanographic research
and operational meteorology, which has resulted in the development of:

(i) The SVP-B drifter, which is essentially a surface-current-following drifter with an air
pressure sensor added;

(ii) The SVP-BW drifter (or Minimet), which is essentially an SVP-B drifter with wind-
measuring capability using Wind Observation Through Ambient Noise (WOTAN)

(iii) The wind and temperature profile buoy, which is basically a meteorological drifter
with added wind speed sensor and subsurface thermistor chain for the measurement
of temperature profile to depths of 100m or so. Wind direction is measured on these
buoys by orienting the whole buoy into the wind using a profiled mast or fixed wind

(iv) The addition of salinity sensors to SVP drifters.

Drifting buoys are expendable devices, thus performance is a compromise between the
requirements and the cost of ownership. As well as hardware costs, it should be noted
that the cost of data processing and dissemination throughout the Argos satellite system is
significant and can be a limiting factor, although the more recent use of an Iridium satellite data
telecommunication system is helping to resolve this problem. However, the performance of
drifting buoy sensors is adequate for the purposes of synoptic meteorology and oceanography,
as appropriate. Note that the quality of wind speed observations is questionable, resulting in
their non-use by operational centres (Ingleby, 2010).

The typical measurement uncertainties of operational systems are as follows:

Sea-surface temperature 0.21 Ca

Air pressure 0.84 hPab
Wind speed 3.5 m s1 or 10%abc
Wind direction 18.5b
Subsurface temperature 0.1 C
a Source: OCarroll et al. (2008).
b Source: buoy monitoring statistics, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,
January 2012.
c Because of the low sensor height (approximately 1m above sea level) these uncertainties
apply to low wind speed and low sea states only.

1. Considering the need for high-quality marine meteorology and oceanographic

measurements from the world oceans to address the requirements of WMO and UNESCO/IOC
programmes and co-sponsored programmes, the need for facilities for the regular calibration
and maintenance of marine instruments and the monitoring of instrument performance,
on a regional basis in order to address adherence of ocean observations and associated
metadata to high level standards for instruments and methods of observation, the need for
documenting methods of measurements, for understanding biases introduced by each type of
instrumentation, and for developing methods to correct such biases, in order to achieve delivery
and use of coherent datasets, it has been recommended that:1

Regional Marine Instrument Centres (RMICs) should have the following capabilities to carry out
their corresponding functions:


(a) An RMIC must have, or have access to, the necessary facilities and laboratory equipment
to perform the functions necessary for the calibration of meteorological and related
oceanographic instruments deployed to address the common requirements of WMO and
UNESCO/IOC marine-related programmes and co-sponsored programmes;2

(b) An RMIC must maintain a set of meteorological and oceanographic standard instruments or
references and establish the traceability of its own measurement standards and measuring
instruments to the International System of Units (SI);

(c) An RMIC must have qualified managerial and technical staff with the necessary experience
to fulfil its functions;

(d) An RMIC must develop its individual technical procedures for the calibration of
meteorological and related oceanographic instruments using its own calibration

(e) An RMIC must develop its individual quality assurance procedures;

(f) An RMIC must participate in, or organize, inter-laboratory comparisons of standard

calibration instruments and methods;

(g) An RMIC must utilize the resources and capabilities of its region of interest according to the
regions best interests, when appropriate;

(h) An RMIC must apply international standards applicable for calibration laboratories, such as
ISO/IEC17025, to the extent possible;

(i) A recognized authority3 must assess an RMIC, at least every five years, to verify its
capabilities and performance.

Corresponding functions:

(a) An RMIC must assist Members/Member States of its region in calibrating their national
meteorological standards and related oceanographic monitoring instruments according to
the RMIC capabilities;

Recommended by the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology at its
third session, held in 2009.
Basically in situ geophysical instruments deployed in the surface marine environment or subsurface.
JCOMM is the body that formally proposes new RMICs and proposes any authority to do evaluations.

(b) An RMIC must participate in, or organize, JCOMM and/or regional instrument
intercomparisons, following relevant JCOMM recommendations;

(c) An RMIC must make a positive contribution to Members/Member States regarding the
quality of measurements;

(d) An RMIC must advise Members/Member States on enquiries regarding instrument

performance, maintenance and the availability of relevant guidance materials;

(e) An RMIC must actively participate, or assist, in the organization of regional workshops on
meteorological and related oceanographic instruments and measurements;

(f) The RMIC must cooperate with other RMICs in the standardization of meteorological and
related oceanographic measurements and sensors;

(g) An RMIC must regularly inform Members/Member States and report, on an annual basis, to
the JCOMM Management Committee on the services offered to Members/Member States
and the activities carried out. JCOMM in turn should keep the Executive Councils of WMO
and UNESCO/IOC informed on the status and activities of the RMICs, and propose changes,
as required.

2. The mechanism for formal WMO and UNESCO/IOC designation of RMICs implies
the following:

(a) Governance for defining the functions and adoption of an RMIC is proposed by JCOMM
and endorsed by the WMO and UNESCO/IOC Executive Councils;

(b) A candidate RMIC is required to produce a statement of compliance, list capabilities of

the proposed centre, state the suite of instrument expertise offered, state the formal
commitment to voluntarily host the centre, and demonstrate capability to JCOMM;

(c) The establishment of RMICs is initiated by JCOMM, and the designation process is
coordinated by JCOMM and the WMO/IOC Secretariats according to the process endorsed
by JCOMM and documented in JCOMM Technical Report No.53;

(d) Where more than one RMIC is established within a WMO and/or IOC Region, there should
be coordination amongst the Centres.

3. The following centres have been designated as RMICs:

Region Centre Location

Asia-Pacific National Center of Ocean Tianjin, China
Standards and Metrology

North America, Central United States National Data Stennis Space Center,
America and the Caribbean Buoy Center Mississippi, United States

Precipitation occurs either in a more or less uniform manner (intermittent or continuous) or in


All precipitation other than showers must be reported as intermittent or continuous.

Non-showery precipitation usually falls from stratiform clouds (mainly altostratus and
nimbostratus). Showers fall from large convective clouds (mainly cumulonimbus or cumulus
of moderate or strong vertical development) and are usually characterized by their abrupt
beginning and ending and by variations in the intensity of the precipitation. Drops and solid
particles in a shower are generally larger than those occurring in non-showery precipitation.

The drops of precipitation can be supercooled (i.e. the temperature of the drops is below 0C).
On impact with a surface, drops of supercooled rain form a mixture of water and ice having a
temperature near 0C.

Forms of precipitation

The descriptions given below are compatible with the definitions given in the International Cloud
Atlas, VolumeI, PartIII.2 (WMO, 1975):

Drizzle: Fairly uniform precipitation in the form of very small drops of water. The diameter of the
drops is normally less than 0.5mm. The drops appear almost to float, thus making visible even
slight movements of the air. Drizzle falls from a continuous and fairly dense layer of stratiform
cloud, which is usually low, sometimes touching the surface (fog). For coding purposes, drizzle
must be classified as slight, moderate or heavy, which are defined as follows:

(a) Slight drizzle can be readily detected on the face of wheel-house windows, but produces
very little runoff from deck, roofs, and so on;

(b) Moderate drizzle causes windows, decks and superstructures to stream with moisture;

(c) Heavy drizzle: same as for moderate drizzle. It also reduces visibility to below 1000m.

Rain: Precipitation of drops of water, which falls from a cloud. The diameter and concentration
of raindrops vary considerably according to the intensity, and especially the nature, of the
precipitation (continuous rain, rain shower, downpour, etc.). Continuous rain usually falls from a
more or less uniform layer or layers of thick stratiform cloud. For coding purposes, rain must be
classified as slight, moderate or heavy. These terms are defined as follows:

(a) Slight rain may consist of scattered large drops or numerous smaller drops. The rate of
accumulation on a deck is low and puddles form very slowly;

(b) Moderate rain: Individual drops are not clearly identifiable. Rain spray is observable. Puddles
form rapidly. Sounds from roofs range from swishing to a gentle roar;

(c) Heavy rain: A downpour which makes a roaring noise on awnings and deckheads and forms
a misty spray of fine droplets by splashing on deck surfaces.

Snow: Precipitation of ice crystals, separately or agglomerated, which falls from a cloud. The
form, size and concentration of snow crystals vary considerably according to the conditions
prevailing at the time of the snowfall. The intensity is coded as slight, moderate or heavy.

Showers: These are characterized by their abrupt beginning and end, and by the generally rapid
and sometimes violent variations in the intensity of the precipitation. Drops and solid particles

falling in a shower are generally larger than those falling in non-showery precipitation. Whether
the precipitation (rain or snow) occurs as showers or not depends on the clouds in which it
originates. Showers fall from large convection clouds and are defined as follows:

(a) Rain and snow showers must be classified for coding purposes with regard to intensity as
either slight, moderate or heavy. The description is the same as for slight, moderate or
heavy rain or snow. It must be remembered, however, that the visibility in showery weather
shows a much greater variability than for the same category of continuous rain;

(b) Violent showers are exceptionally heavy or torrential rain showers. Such showers occur
mostly in tropical regions.

Snow pellets: Precipitation of white and opaque ice particles which falls from a cloud. These
particles are generally conical or rounded. Their diameter may attain 5mm. These grains, having
a snow-like structure, are brittle and easily crushed; when they fall on a hard surface they bounce
and often break up. In most cases, snow pellets fall as showers, often together with snowflakes,
normally when temperatures near the surface are close to 0C. For recording purposes, the
intensity of snow pellets, when they occur alone, is determined according to the visibility in the
same manner as for snow.

Hail: Precipitation of transparent, or partly or completely opaque, particles of ice (hailstones),

which are usually spherical, conical or irregular in form and have a diameter generally between 5
and 50mm (smaller particles of similar origin may be classified either as small hail or ice pellets),
and fall either separately or agglomerated into irregular lumps. Hail always occurs in the forms
of showers and is generally observed during heavy thunderstorms. For coding purposes, hail
must be classified as either slight, moderate or heavy. The intensity is determined by the rate of
accumulation of stones as follows:

(a) Slight hail: Few stones falling, no appreciable accumulation on flat surfaces;

(b) Moderate hail: Slow accumulation of stones. Fall sufficient to whiten the decks;

(c) Heavy hail: Rapid accumulation of stones. Rarely experienced in temperate latitudes at sea.

Small hail: Precipitation of translucent ice particles which falls from a cloud. These particles are
almost spherical and sometimes have conical tips. Their diameter may attain and even exceed
5mm. Usually, small hail is not easily crushable and when it falls on a hard surface it bounces
with an audible sound on impact. Small hail always occurs in showers. For coding purposes,
small hail must be classified as either slight, moderate or heavy. The intensity is determined by
using the accumulation rate given for hail.

Ice pellets: Precipitation of transparent ice particles which falls from a cloud. These particles are
usually spherical or irregular, rarely conical. Their diameter is less than 5mm. Usually, ice pellets
are not easily crushable, and when they fall on hard surfaces they generally bounce with an
audible sound on impact. Precipitation in the form of ice pellets generally falls from altostratus or
nimbostratus. The intensity of ice pellets is determined in the same manner as for hail.

Snow grains: Precipitation of very small opaque white particles of ice which falls from a cloud.
These particles are fairly flat or elongated; their diameter is generally less than 1mm. When the
grains hit a hard surface they do not bounce. They usually fall in small quantities, mostly from
stratus or from fog and never in the form of a shower. This precipitation corresponds to drizzle
and occurs when the temperature is approximately between 0C and 10C. As there is only
one code specification which refers to snow grains, it is not necessary to classify intensity.

The recommended procedures for the reporting of swell by manually reporting ships, as agreed
at the fifth session of the Ship Observations Team (SOT-V) in 2009 (WMO/IOC, 2009b), and
implemented with the agreement of the Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC; WMO/IOC,
2010), are given below:

(a) When swell is not determined, meaning no observation has been attempted, the swell
groups will be omitted from the observation;

(b) When no swell is observed owing to a calm sea, the direction of the main swell and the
direction of the secondary swell will be reported as calm. The period and height of the
main swell and secondary swell can then be omitted, because if a calm sea is reported it
is inferred that these elements will also be calm, in which case they provide no additional

(c) When the swell direction is indeterminate, confused swell is reported. When the period and
height of the swell are also confused, this will be included in the observation. The period
and height of the secondary swell can be omitted;

(d) When the swell is confused but the period and height can be estimated, the swell direction
is reported as confused, and the period and height of the primary swell is included in the
report. The period and height of the secondary swell can be omitted;

(e) When only one swell is observed, the direction, period and height of this swell is reported.
The period and height of the secondary swell can be omitted;

(f) When two swells are observed, both the swell direction and the period and height of each
are included in the observation.

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THE TROPOSPHERE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  639
5.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  639
5.2 Surface-based remote-sensing techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  639
5.2.1 Acoustic sounders (sodars) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  639
5.2.2 Wind profiler radars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  640
5.2.3 Radio acoustic sounding systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  642
5.2.4 Microwave radiometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  643
5.2.5 Laser radars (lidars). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  644
5.2.6 Global Navigation Satellite System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  645 Description of the Global Navigation Satellite System. . . . . . . . . . . . .  646 Tropospheric Global Navigation Satellite System signal . . . . . . . . . . .  647 Integrated water vapour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  647 Measurement uncertainties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  648
5.3 In situ measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  648
5.3.1 Balloon tracking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  648
5.3.2 Boundary layer radiosondes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  648
5.3.3 Instrumented towers and masts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  649
5.3.4 Instrumented tethered balloons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  650

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  653



Special profiling techniques have been developed to obtain data at high temporal and spatial
resolution which is needed for analysis, forecasting and research on the smaller meteorological
scales and for various special applications. This chapter gives a general overview of current
surface-based systems that can be used for these purposes. It is divided into two main parts:
remote-sensing and in situ direct measuring techniques. Some of these techniques can be used
for measurements over the whole troposphere, and others are used in the lower troposphere, in
particular in the planetary boundary layer.

Remote-sensing techniques are based on the interaction of electromagnetic or acoustic energy

with the atmosphere. The measuring instrument and the variable to be measured are spatially
separated, as opposed to on-site (in situ) sensing. For atmospheric applications, the technique
can be divided into passive and active techniques. Passive techniques make use of naturally
occurring radiation in the atmosphere (microwave radiometers). Active systems (sodars,
windprofilers, RASSs radio acoustic sounding systems and lidars) are characterized by the
injection of specific artificial radiation into the atmosphere. These surface-based profiling
techniques are described in section5.2. Other remote-sensing techniques relevant to this chapter
are discussed in PartII, Chapter7, and PartIII.

Section 5.3 describes in situ techniques with instruments located on various platforms to
obtain measurements directly in the boundary layer (balloons, boundary layer radiosondes,
instrumented towers and masts, instrumented tethered balloons). Chapters12 and 13 in PartI
describe the more widely used techniques using balloons to obtain profile measurements.

The literature on profiling techniques is substantial. For general discussions and comparisons see
Derr (1972), WMO (1980), Martner et al. (1993) and the special issue of the Journal of Atmospheric
and Oceanic Technology (Volume11, No.1, 1994; see http://journals.ametsoc.org/toc/atot/11/1).


5.2.1 Acoustic sounders (sodars)

Sodars (sound detection and ranging) operate on the principle of the scattering of acoustic
waves by the atmosphere. According to the theory of the scattering of sound, a sound pulse
emitted into the atmosphere is scattered by refractive index variations caused by small-scale
turbulent temperature and velocity fluctuations, which occur naturally in the air and are
particularly associated with strong temperature and humidity gradients present in inversions. In
the case of backscattering (180), only temperature fluctuations with a scale of one half of the
transmitting acoustic wavelength determine the returned echo, while, in other directions, the
returned echo is caused by both temperature and velocity fluctuations, except at an angle of 90,
where there is no scattering.

Useful references to acoustic sounding include Brown and Hall (1978), Neff and Coulter (1986),
Gaynor et al. (1990) and Singal (1990).

A number of different types of acoustic sounders have been developed, but the two most
common types considered for operational use are the monostatic sodar and the monostatic
Doppler sodar.

A monostatic sodar consists of a vertically pointed pulsed sound source and a collocated receiver.
A small portion of each sound pulse is scattered back to the receiver by the thermal fluctuations
which occur naturally in the air. The receiver measures the intensity of the returned sound. As in
a conventional radar, the time delay between transmitting and receiving an echo is indicative of
the targets range. In a bistatic sodar, the receiver is located some distance away from the sound
source to receive signals caused by velocity fluctuations.

As well as measuring the intensity of the return signal, a monostatic Doppler sodar also analyses
the frequency spectrum of the transmitted and received signals to determine the Doppler
frequency shift between transmitted and backscattered sound. This difference arises because
of the motion of the temperature fluctuations with the air, and provides a measure of the radial
wind speed of the air. A Doppler sodar typically uses three beams, one directed vertically and
two tilted from the vertical to determine wind components in three directions. The vertical and
horizontal winds are calculated from these components. The vector wind may be displayed on a
time-height plot at height intervals of about 30 to 50m.

The maximum height that can be reached by acoustic sounders is dependent on system
parameters, but also varies with the atmospheric conditions. Economical systems can routinely
reach heights of 600m or more with height resolutions of a few tens of metres.

A sodar might have the following characteristics:

Parameter Typical value

Pulse frequency 1500 Hz
Pulse duration 0.05 to 0.2s
Pulse repetition period 2 to 5s
Beam width 15
Acoustic power 100W

Monostatic sodars normally produce a time-height plot of the strength of the backscattered echo
signal. Such plots contain a wealth of detail on the internal structure of the boundary layer and
can, in principle, be used to monitor inversion heights, the depth of the mixing layer changes
in boundary stability and the depth of fog. The correct interpretation of the plots, however,
requires considerable skill and background knowledge, and preferably additional information
from in situ measurements and for the general weather situation.

Monostatic Doppler sodar systems provide measurements of wind profiles as well as intensity
information. Such systems are a cost-effective method of obtaining boundary layer winds and are
particularly suited to the continuous monitoring of inversions and winds near industrial plants
where pollution is a potential problem.

The main limitation of sodar systems, other than the restricted height coverage, is their sensitivity
to interfering noise. This can arise from traffic or as a result of precipitation or strong winds. This
limitation precludes their use as an all weather system. Sodars produce sound, the nature and
level of which is likely to cause annoyance in the near vicinity, and this may preclude their use in
otherwise suitable environments.

Some systems rely upon absorbent foam to reduce the effect of external noise sources and to
reduce any annoyance caused to humans. The physical condition of such foam deteriorates
with time and must be periodically replaced in order to prevent deterioration in instrument

5.2.2 Wind profiler radars

Wind profilers are very-high and ultra-high-frequency Doppler radars designed for measuring
wind profiles in all weather conditions. These radars detect signals backscattered from radio
refractive index irregularities associated with turbulent eddies with scales of one half of the
radar wavelength (the Bragg condition). As the turbulent eddies drift with the mean wind, their
translational velocity provides a direct measure of the mean wind vector. Unlike conventional

weather radars, they are able to operate in the absence of precipitation and clouds. Profilers
typically measure the radial velocity of the air in three or more directions vertically and
15off-vertical in the north and east direction and from these components they determine
the horizontal and vertical wind components. Simpler systems may only measure the radial
velocity in two off-vertical directions and, by assuming that the vertical air velocity is negligible,
determine the horizontal wind velocity. The four-beam profiler wind measurement technique
is more practical than the three-beam profiler technique in that its measurement is not affected
significantly by vertical wind (Adachi et al., 2005).

For further discussion see Gossard and Strauch (1983), Hogg et al. (1983), Weber et al. (1990),
Weber and Wuertz (1990) and WMO (1994).

The nature of the scattering mechanism requires wind profiler radars to function between 40 and
1300MHz. Performance deteriorates significantly at frequencies over 1300MHz. The choice of
operating frequency is influenced by the required altitude coverage and resolution. In practice,
systems are built for three frequency bands (around 50MHz, 400MHz and 1000MHz) and
these systems operate in low mode (shorter pulse: lower altitude) and high mode (longer pulse:
higher altitude) which trade vertical range for resolution. Typical characteristics are summarized
in the table below.

Profiler parameter Stratosphere Troposphere Lower troposphere Boundary layer

Frequency (MHz) 50 400 400 1 000

Peak power (kW) 500 40 2 1

Operating height range (km) 330 116 0.65 0.32

Vertical resolution (m) 150 150 150 50100

Yagi-array or Yagi-array or Dish or phased

Antenna type Yagi-array
Coco Coco array

Typical antenna size (m) 100100 1010 66 33

Effect of rain or snow Small Small in light rain Small in light rain Great

Profilers are able to operate unattended and to make continuous measurements of the wind
almost directly above the site. These features are the principal advantages that profilers have over
wind-measuring systems which rely on tracking balloons.

Any given profiler has both minimum and maximum ranges below and above which it cannot
take measurements. The minimum range depends on the length of the transmitted pulse, the
recovery time of the radar receiver and the strength of ground returns received from nearby
objects. Thus, care must be taken in siting profilers so as to minimize ground returns. Sites
in valleys or pits may be chosen so that only the ground at very short range is visible. These
considerations are most important for stratospheric profilers. The extent of the ground clutter
effects on higher frequency radars can be reduced by suitable shielding.

The signal received by profilers generally decreases with increasing height. This ultimately limits
the height to which a given profiler can take measurements. This maximum range is dependent
on the characteristics of the radar and increases with the product of the mean transmitter power
and the antenna aperture, but is subject to an absolute limit determined by the radar frequency
used. These factors mean that the large high-powered stratospheric profilers are able to take
measurements at the greatest heights. For a given profiler, however, the maximum height
varies considerably with the meteorological conditions; on occasions there may be gaps in the
coverage at lower heights.

Because it is important to take measurements at the maximum height possible, profilers gather
data for several minutes in order to integrate the weak signals obtained. Typically, a profiler may
take 6 or 12min to make the three sets of observations required to measure the wind velocity. In
many systems, a set of such observations is combined to give an hourly measurement.

Because profilers are made to be sensitive to the very weak returns from atmospheric
inhomogeneities, they can also detect signals from aircraft, birds and insects. In general,
such signals confuse the profilers and may lead to erroneous winds being output. In these
circumstances, a number of independent measurements will be compared or combined to give
either an indication of the consistency of the measurements or reject spurious measurements.

In the 1000 and 400MHz bands, precipitation is likely to present a larger target than the
refractive index inhomogeneities. Consequently, the measured vertical velocity is reflectivity-
weighted and is not operationally useful.

Large stratospheric profilers are expensive and require large antenna arrays, typically 100m
x 100m, and relatively high power transmitters. Because they are large, it can be difficult to
find suitable sites for them, and their height resolution and minimum heights are not good
enough for certain applications. They have the advantage of being able to take routinely wind
measurements to above 20km in height, and the measurements are unaffected by all but the
heaviest of rainfall rates.

Tropospheric profilers operating in the 400500MHz frequency band are likely to be the most
appropriate for synoptic and mesoscale measurements. They are of modest size and are relatively
unaffected by rain.

Boundary layer profilers are less expensive and use small antennas. Vertical velocity cannot be
measured in rain, but raindrops increase the radar cross-section and actually increase the useful
vertical range for the measurement of horizontal wind.

Profilers are active devices and obtaining the necessary frequency clearances is a serious problem
in many countries. However, national and international allocation of profiler frequencies is
actively being pursued.

5.2.3 Radio acoustic sounding systems

A radio acoustic sounding system is used to measure the virtual temperature profile in the lower
troposphere. The technique consists in tracking a short high-intensity acoustic pulse that is
transmitted vertically into the atmosphere by means of a collocated microwave Doppler radar.
The measuring technique is based on the fact that acoustic waves are longitudinal waves that
create density variations of the ambient air. These variations cause corresponding variations in
the local index of refraction of the atmosphere which, in turn, causes a backscattering of the
electromagnetic energy emitted by the microwave Doppler radar as it propagates through the
acoustic pulse. The microwave radar measures the propagation speed of these refractive index
perturbations as they ascend at the local speed of sound. The acoustic wavelength is matched to
one half of the microwave wavelength (the Bragg condition), so that the energy backscattered
from several acoustic waves adds coherently at the receiver, thus greatly increasing the return
signal strength. By measuring the acoustic pulse propagation speed, the virtual temperature
can be calculated as this is proportional to the square of the pulse propagation speed minus the
vertical air speed.

The extensive literature on this technique includes May et al. (1990), Lataitis (1992a, 1992b) and
Angevine et al. (1994).

A variety of experimental techniques have been developed to sweep the acoustic frequency and
then to obtain a virtual temperature profile. A number of RASSs have been developed by adding
an acoustic source and suitable processing to existing profiler radars of the type mentioned
above. For radar frequencies of 50, 400 and 1000MHz, acoustic frequencies of about 110,
900 and 2000Hz are required. At 2000Hz, acoustic attenuation generally limits the height
coverage to 1 to 2km. At 900Hz, practical systems can reach 2 to 4km. At 110Hz, by using large
50MHz profilers, maximum heights in the range of 4 to 8km can be achieved under favourable

Comparisons with radiosondes show that, under good conditions, virtual temperatures can be
measured to an accuracy of about 0.3C with height resolutions of 100 to 300m. However, the
measurements are likely to be compromised in strong winds and precipitation.

The RASS technique is a promising method of obtaining virtual temperature profiles, but further
investigation is required before it can be used operationally with confidence over a height range,
resolution and accuracy that respond to user requirements.

5.2.4 Microwave radiometers

Thermal radiation from the atmosphere at microwave frequencies originates primarily from
molecular oxygen, water vapour and liquid water and is dependent on their temperature
and spatial distribution. For a gas such as oxygen, whose density as a function of height is
well known, given the surface pressure, the radiation contains information primarily on the
atmospheric temperature. Vertical temperature profiles of the lower atmosphere can be obtained
by surface-based passive microwave radiometers measuring the microwave thermal emission by
oxygen in a spectral band near 60GHz. Spectral measurements in the 2230GHz upper wing of
the pressure broadened water vapour absorption band provide information on the integrated
amount of water vapour and liquid water, and the vertical distribution of water vapour. In
addition, spectral measurements in both bands, combined with infrared cloud-base temperature
measurements, provide information on the integrated amount and the vertical distribution of
liquid water. For further information, see Hogg et al. (1983), Westwater et al. (1990), Solheim et
al. (1998), Ware et al. (2003) and Westwater et al. (2005).

Individual downward-looking radiometers operating at different frequencies are maximally

sensitive to temperature at particular ranges of atmospheric pressure. The sensitivity as a
function of pressure follows a bell-shaped curve (the weighting function). The frequencies of
the radiometers are chosen so that the peaks in the weighting functions are optimally spread
over the heights of interest. Temperature profiles above the boundary layer are calculated by
means of numerical inversion techniques using measured radiations and weighting functions.
The relatively broad width of the weighting function curves, and radiation from the terrestrial
surface, precludes accurate temperature profiles from being obtained near the surface and in the
boundary layer when using space-based radiometer soundings.

The principles of upward-looking radiometric temperature and humidity sounding from

the terrestrial surface are well established. The temperature weighting functions of upward-
looking profiling radiometers have narrow peaks near the surface that decrease with height. In
addition, sensitivity to oxygen and water vapour emissions is not degraded by radiation from
the terrestrial surface. This allows accurate temperature and humidity profile retrievals with
relatively high resolution in the boundary layer and lower troposphere. Inversion techniques for
upward-looking radiometers are based on temperature and humidity climatology for the site
that is typically derived from radiosonde soundings. The scanning configuration of microwave
temperature profilers provides the highest resolution in the first few hundred metres. A
multichannel system with fixed angle gives a better response at height greater than 1km, but
with a much coarser resolution (Cadeddu et al., 2002).

Surface-based and space-based radiometers are highly complementary. Space-based

measurements provide coarse temporal and spatial resolution in the upper troposphere, and
surface-based measurements provide high temporal and spatial resolution in the boundary layer
and lower troposphere. Retrieved profiles from surface-based radiometers can be assimilated
into numerical weather models to improve short term (112h) forecasting by providing upper-air
data in the interval between radiosonde soundings. Alternatively, raw brightness temperature
from terrestrial radiometers can be assimilated directly into numerical weather models. This
approach improves results by avoiding errors inherent in the profile retrieval process. A similar
method, which assimilates raw satellite radiometer radiances directly into weather models,
demonstrated improved results years ago and is now widely used.

The main advantages of surface-based radiometers are their ability to produce continuous
measurements in time, and their ability to measure cloud liquid. Continuous upper-air

temperature, humidity and cloud liquid measurements can be used to improve nowcasting
and short-term precipitation forecasting. These continuous measurements can be also used to
detect the development or time of arrival of well-defined temperature changes (for studies of gas
emissions, air pollution, urban heat islands, severe weather forecasting and warnings) (Kadygrov
et al., 2003).

Profiling radiometer reliability and accuracy have been widely demonstrated during long-
term arctic, mid-latitude and tropical operations (Gldner and Spnkuch, 2001; Liljegren et al.,
2005). The result of the 13-month operation of the Radiometrics MP3000 (Gaffard and Hewison,
2003) shows that the root mean square value of the difference between the temperature
observed by the radiosonde and that retrieved by the microwave radiometer ranges from 0.5K
(near the surface) to 1.8K (at a height of 5km). Gldner and Spnkuch (2001), who operated
the Radiometrics TP/WVP-3000 for 18months and compared retrievals with four radiosonde
soundings daily, also shows a similar root mean square value from 0.6K (near the surface) to
1.6K (at a height of 7km in summer and 4km in winter). The root mean square value of water
vapour profile is not more than 1gm3 in all altitudes (Gaffard and Hewison, 2003; Gldner and
Spnkuch, 2001).

Terrestrial profiling radiometers demonstrate significant economic and practical advantage

whenever lower tropospheric temperature, humidity and cloud liquid measurements with
high temporal resolution are required, and where moderate vertical resolution is acceptable.
Commercial profiling radiometer prices have dropped significantly over the past several years,
and are now less than the typical annual cost of labour and materials for twice daily radiosonde

5.2.5 Laser radars (lidars)

Electromagnetic energy at optical and near-optical wavelengths (from ultraviolet through visible
to infrared) generated by lasers is scattered by atmospheric gas molecules and suspended
particles. Such scattering is sufficient to permit the application of the radar principle to make
observations of the atmosphere by means of lidar (light detection and ranging). Optical
scattering can generally be divided into inelastic and elastic. When the wavelength of the laser
energy, scattered by atmospheric constituents, differs in wavelength from the incident laser
wavelength, the process is called inelastic scattering. The most widely used inelastic scattering
process used in experimental atmospheric lidar systems is Raman scattering, which results from
an exchange of energy between incident photons and the molecular rotational and vibrational
states of the scattering molecules. In elastic scattering processes, the incident and the scattered
wavelengths are the same. This scattering may be Rayleigh or Mie scattering and depends on the
species and size of particles with respect to the incident laser wavelength (see PartII, Chapter7).
Both of these major scattering processes can occur simultaneously in the atmosphere.

For further reference see Hinkley (1976), WMO (1982), Thomas (1991) and Syed and Browell

The majority of lidars are operated in a monostatic mode, whereby the receiver is collocated
with the laser transmitter. A typical lidar system uses a pulsed laser to transmit pulses of coherent
light into the atmosphere. The average power of the laser used varies from a few milliwatts
to tens of watts. An optical telescope mounted adjacent to the laser is used to capture the
backscattered energy. The light collected by the telescope is focused onto a photomultiplier or
photoconductive diode. The received information is normally made available on a display for
real-time monitoring and is transferred to a computer for more detailed analysis.

The strength of the return signal is dependent both on the amount of scattering from the target
and on the two-way attenuation between the lidar and the target this attenuation depends
on the proportion of the beams energy scattered from its path and on the absorption by
atmospheric gases. The scattering and absorption processes are exploited in different lidars to
provide a variety of measurements.

Lidars based on elastic scattering (called Rayleigh or Mie lidars, or simply lidars), are mostly
used for studies on clouds and particulate matter. The measurement of cloud-base height by a
lidar is very straightforward; the rapid increase in the signal that marks the backscattered return
from the cloud base can be readily distinguished; the height of the cloud base is determined by
measuring the time taken for a laser pulse to travel from the transmitter to the cloud base and
back to the receiver (see PartI, Chapter15).

Lidars are also used to detect the suspended particles present in relatively clear air and to
map certain structural features such as thermal stability and the height of inversions. Natural
atmospheric particulate levels are sufficiently high in the lower atmosphere to allow lidars to
measure air velocities continuously in the absence of precipitation, like weather radars. They can
also be used to map and measure the concentration of man-made particulates, such as those
originating from industrial stacks.

Lidar observations have made very extensive and the best-documented contributions to the
study of stratospheric aerosol particulate concentration, which is strongly influenced by major
volcanic eruptions and is an important factor in the global radiation balance.

It is much more difficult to obtain quantitative data on clouds, because of the variations in shape
and distribution of droplets, water content, discrimination between water, ice and mixed phases,
and the properties of suspended particles and aerosols. Indeed, such measurements require
complex multiparameter research systems making several measurements simultaneously, using
hypotheses concerning the optical properties of the medium, and complex mathematical data-
reduction methods.

Differential absorption lidars (DIALs) work on the principle that the absorption coefficient of
atmospheric gases varies greatly with wavelength. A DIAL system normally uses a laser that
can be tuned between two closely-spaced frequencies, one which is strongly absorbed by a
particular gas, and one which is not. The differences in the measurements as a function of range
can be used to estimate the concentration of the gas under study. This is a most promising
remote-sensing technique for the measurement of atmospheric composition and has been
successfully used to measure concentrations of water, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and, in
particular, ozone.

The application of Raman scattering is of particular interest because the scattered radiation is
frequency shifted by an amount which depends on the molecular species (Stokes lines). The
strength of the backscattered signal is related to the species concentration. Raman lidars do not
require a particular wavelength or tuned laser; laser wavelengths can be selected in a spectral
region free from atmospheric absorption. By measuring the Raman spectrum, spatially resolved
measurements can be taken of preselected atmospheric constituents, which have been used
to obtain tropospheric profiles of water vapour, molecular nitrogen and oxygen, and minor
atmospheric constituents. The main disadvantages are the lack of sensitivity over long ranges
owing to the small scattering cross-sections and the requirement for high power lasers, which
can lead to eye-safety problems in practical applications.

Lidar systems have provided a great deal of useful information for research studies but have had
limited impact as operational tools. This is because they are relatively expensive and require very
skilled staff in order to be developed, set up and operated. In addition, certain lidars are able to
operate only under restricted conditions, such as in darkness or in the absence of precipitation.

5.2.6 Global Navigation Satellite System

The main purpose of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is positioning, but since an
atmospheric term influences the accuracy of the position estimate, meteorological content can
be inferred from the estimated error. The time delay experienced by a signal originating from a
satellite and measured by a receiver on Earth is related to the refractivity along the signal path,
and thus also to the temperature and humidity along this path.

Meteorological information inferred from ground-based GNSS requires a surface network of

GNSS receivers, a data connection and a processing facility. In general, a GNSS network of
receivers is installed for land surveying purposes, and as a result close collaboration with national
surveying institutes has been established in several countries. The collaboration is generally
based on sharing sites and/or sharing information.

Additional information on processing techniques is available in WMO (2006b). Description of the Global Navigation Satellite System

The GNSS consists of three segments: the space, the ground and the user segment. The space
segment comprises a number of satellites in orbit. Currently four systems are deployed or are
being deployed: GPS (United States), GLONASS (Russian Federation), Galileo (European Union)
and Compass (China). GNSS satellites transmit time coded signals in a number of carrier wave
frequencies which differ for different satellite systems.

The principle of GNSS is the same for all four systems. On-board atomic clocks control all signal
components in the satellites. The ground segment controls the satellites for orbit adjustment
and provides the broadcast ephemerides, which are disseminated to the user segment via the
navigation message of the GNSS signal. A GNSS antenna and receiver (surface-based or space-
borne) form the user segment. The receiver compares the time coded signal from the GNSS
satellites with its own internal clock, from which the receiver can compute the pseudo ranges (P)
to each satellite in view. When at least four pseudo ranges are observed the receiver can compute
its position and its clock error. The standard positioning technique using the time coded signals
has an accuracy of about 35m.

The GNSS main observables are pseudo range (P) and carrier phase (L). For example, the
GPS signals are broadcast at two different frequencies: namely L1 (1575.42MHz) and L2
(1227.60MHz). Both frequencies transmit P and L observables. Thus, for a dual-frequency
receiver, four observables are available per epoch. Equations5.1 and 5.2 present both P and L
expressed as a sum of all error contributions forming the GNSS measurement, that is:
P = + c ( dtrec dtsat ) + rel + Latm + I + K + M + tide + P (5.1)

L = + c ( dtrec dtsat ) + rel + Latm I + N L + K + M + tide + L (5.2)

where c is the speed of light, is the geometric distance between the satellite phase centre and
the receiver phase centre, dtsat is the satellite clock offset, dtrec is the receiver clock offset, L atm is
the tropospheric delay, or slant total delay, due to the refractive nature of the atmosphere, I is
the ionospheric delay along the ray path, rel is the relativistic error, K is the receiver instrumental
error, M is the multipath effect, tide is the receiver position error due to polar tide, solid Earth
tide and ocean loading, N is the ambiguity term (only relevant for carrier phase measurements,
equation5.2), L is one wavelength contribution due to circular polarization of the signal and is
the unmodelled noise error.

The observables have different uncertainty levels and different characteristics. In particular,
phase measurements have a noise level of a few millimetres and are very accurate in comparison
to pseudo range, which has an uncertainty of a few metres. Carrier phase is the primary and
most important observable for low uncertainty parameter estimation, but pseudo-range
observables are better suited for the observation and removal of specific receiver-related errors
(multipath, etc.). Linear combination of the same kind of observable (P or L) measured at the two
different frequencies is used to remove the first order of the ionosphere effect. Other techniques,
such as double differencing, can remove the satellite and receiver clock error. However, this
requires careful processing of the GNSS data.

The atmospheric excess path is caused by refraction and bending of the signal due to gradients
in refractive index n. According to Fermat's principle, this excess path is:

Latm = s n ds D + S s ( n 1) ds (5.3)

where D (= s ds) is the geometric distance and S the excess path due to bending; the latter can
be neglected for elevations larger than 10degrees. The refractivity N is defined as N = 106 (n 1)
and, according to Smith and Weintraub (1953) and Thompson et al. (1986),
N = k1 Rd + ( k2 Rv k1Rd + Rv / T k3 ) w
= Nh + N w
for the neutral atmosphere. Here, is air density (kgm3), w is water vapour density (kgm3),
T is temperature (K) and Rd = 287.05 J kg1 K1 and Rv = 461.51 J kg1 K1 are the gas constants
for dry air and water vapour. The empirical constants are k1 = 77.6 K hPa1, k2 = 70.4 K hPa1 and
k3=373900 K 2 hPa1 (Thayer, 1974). The first term in equation 5.4 is the hydrostatic refractivity,
Nh, and the second term is called the wet refractivity, Nw.

Within a so-called network solution of GNSS data, the tropospheric delay is mapped to the
zenith for all elevation and azimuth angles. In this way the number of unknowns is reduced and
the position of the receiver can be estimated accurately. The mapped slant total delay to the
zenith is called the zenith total delay (ZTD). When the precise position is estimated, an estimate
of the atmospheric part of the signal can be retrieved. The ZTD can be considered as the sum
of the zenith hydrostatic delay (ZHD) and the zenith wet delay (ZWD) (or, better, zenith non-
hydrostatic delay). The integrals in the zenith direction of the hydrostatic and wet refractivity
(expressed in metres) are:

ZHD = 106 z N h dz (5.5)

ZWD = 106 z N w dz (5.6) Integrated water vapour

Zenith hydrostatic delay is related to the dry part of the atmosphere and, due to its stationary
nature, can be estimated very accurately using the surface pressure measurements (ps) and the
location of the receiver (height h and latitude ), using for example the Saastamoinen (1972)
approximation, that is:

( )
ZHDsaas ( ps , h, ) = 2.2768 105 ps 1 2.66 103 cos ( 2 ) 2.8 107 h (5.7)

The ZHD represents approximately 90% of the entire tropospheric path delay. On the other hand,
the ZWD cannot be sufficiently well modelled by surface data acquisition due to the irregular
distribution of water vapour in the atmosphere. The ZWD can be rewritten as (following Davis et
al., 1985):

( ) ( z w dz )
ZWD = 106 k2 Rv k1Rd + k3 Rv z w T 1 dz z w dz (5.8)

and by defining the weighted mean temperature as:

( z w dz ) ( z w T 1 dz )
Tm = (5.9)


ZWD = k ' ( Tm ) z w dz = k ' (Tm ) IWV (5.10)

where IWV is the vertically integrated column of water vapour overlying the GPS receiver. Based
on, for example, radiosonde observations, the weighted mean temperature can be estimated

by the surface temperature (Ts), that is k(Tm) k(Ts) (Bevis et al., 1994). Thus, the IWV can be
estimated using the estimated ZTD, surface pressure (ps), antenna height (h) and latitude () of
the receiver:

IWV = k (Ts )
( ZTD ZHDsaas ( ps , h, ) ) (5.11)
The value of k(Ts) is approximately 6.5kgm3. Measurement uncertainties

Since ZTD is estimated, its accuracy depends on the method used, the accuracy of a priori
information used, the stability of the receiver position and many other things. For example,
the accuracy of the position of the satellite orbits will in general be higher after approximately
14days when the so-called final orbits are available. Therefore, a distinction has to be made
between near-real-time and post-processed estimates of ZTD. The accuracy of IWV is obviously
closely related to the accuracy of the ZTD estimate.

The measurement uncertainty of near-real-time estimates is about 10mm. For post-processed

estimates, this value is about 5 to 7mm. The measurement uncertainty of IWV is dependent on
the total amount of water vapour and is of the order of 5%10% (Elgered et al., 2004). The mean
values have a clear seasonal signature: at mid latitudes very low values can be observed in winter
(below 5kgm2) and values of 40kgm2 can be seen during summer. In the tropics, values
higher than 50kgm2 are not uncommon.


5.3.1 Balloon tracking

Balloon tracking is frequently used to obtain boundary layer winds and is usually performed
by optical theodolites or a tracking radar. PartI, Chapter13, gives a more general account of

When making lower tropospheric soundings, it is desirable to use a slow rate of balloon ascent
in order to give high vertical resolution. The reduced rate of ascent may be achieved either by
means of a brake parachute or by a reduced free lift.

For radar tracking, a small radar reflector is suspended below the balloon. For lower tropospheric
soundings, the radar should be able to provide data at ranges as short as 100m, and ideally the
launch point must be farther away in a downwind direction than this minimum range.

A basic wind measurement can be taken using a single optical theodolite, but, in order to obtain
reasonably accurate winds, a two-theodolite system is required. The baseline between the
theodolites should exceed 1km. In order to facilitate the sounding procedure and to ensure
height accuracy, the theodolites should be equipped with computer interfaces so that the
data can be logged and the necessary calculations performed in a timely manner. Under good
conditions, wind profiles can be obtained up to an altitude of 3000m. However, the technique
fails in adverse conditions such as precipitation, low cloud or fog.

It is, of course, possible to obtain additional wind data in the lower atmosphere using
conventional radiosondes by taking more frequent tracking measurements in the first few
minutes of a normal full sounding, for example, between 2 and 10per minute.

5.3.2 Boundary layer radiosondes

Conventional radiosonde systems are described in detail in PartI, Chapter12. Special

radiosondes have been designed specifically to make detailed observations of the boundary

layer and lower troposphere. They differ from conventional radiosondes in that the sensors have
greater sensitivity and faster response rates. Such radiosondes are used to measure temperature,
humidity and wind profiles in the layer from the surface to elevations of typically 3 to 5km.

The vertical ascent rate of these radiosondes is usually arranged to be between 150 and
200mmin1, which is rather slower than conventional radiosondes. The slower rate of ascent
allows more detailed vertical profiles to be produced. The rate of ascent is normally determined
by selecting an appropriately sized balloon, but may be modified by the use of a trailing brake

Because these instruments are required only to reach a limited height, they can normally be
carried by a pilot balloon. In other respects, the sounding procedures and data processing are
similar to those employed by standard radiosondes.

For soundings to an altitude of no more than 2000m, the pressure sensor is sometimes
dispensed with, which results in a simpler and less expensive radiosonde. Even simpler systems
are available which measure temperature only.

The basic requirements for boundary layer radiosondes are as follows:

Variable Operating range Resolution

Pressure 1050 to 500 hPa 0.5 hPa

Temperature +40 C to 40 C 0.1 K

Humidity 100% to 20 (or 10)% 2%

Wind speed 0.5 to 60 m s1 0.5 m s1

Wind direction 0 to 360 5

Measurements are typically taken at least every 30s to give a vertical resolution of 50 to 100m.

5.3.3 Instrumented towers and masts

Special instrumented towers and masts are used for many purposes, especially for the estimation
of the diffusion of atmospheric pollution. A discussion is provided by Panofsky (1973).

For some purposes, the height of the tower must be up to 100m, and for air-pollution
monitoring and control projects it should exceed the height of the important sources of pollution
by at least 50m.

Measurements of temperature, humidity and wind should be made at several (at least two
or three) levels, the lowest of which should be at the level of standard meteorological screen,
close to the tower or mast. The number of measuring levels depends upon both the task and
the height of the tower or mast. The use of just two levels provides no information on the shape
of the vertical profile of meteorological variables and is, thus, very limiting. The number of
measuring levels is usually greater for research projects than for routine use.

Usually, the data are processed and presented automatically together with differences between
the levels that are provided to characterize the meteorological conditions. If the data are to be
used directly by non-meteorological staff such as those concerned with keeping concentrations
of air pollutants within safe limits they are often processed further by computer to provide
derived data which are easily applied to the task in hand.

The sensors most commonly used for measurements on towers or masts are as follows:

(a) Temperature: electrical resistance or thermocouple thermometers in screens, with or

without aspiration;

(b) Humidity: psychrometers, electrochemical or electromechanical sensors in screens;

(c) Wind: cup and vane, propeller, sonic or hot-wire devices.

All sensors should have linear or linearized characteristics and their time constants should be
small enough to ensure that the data gathered will adequately reflect local changes in the
meteorological variables.

It is important that the structure of the tower or mast should not affect the sensors and their
measurements appreciably. For open structures, booms whether stationary or retractable
should be at least 2m long, and preferably long enough to keep the sensors at least 10tower
diameters removed from the tower or mast. For solid structures, or where the required
booms would not be practicable, a double system is required at each level, with booms on
opposite sides of the tower or mast extending for at least three times the structure diameter.
Measurements at a given time are then taken from the sensors exposed to the undisturbed wind.

Sometimes, in special situations, towers can be used to gather meteorological profile data
without the direct mounting of fixed sensors; rather, a simplified method of sounding is used. A
pulley is fastened at the highest possible point and a closed loop of rope extending to ground
level is used to carry a radiosonde up and down the levels required by means of a hand- or
motor-operated winch. The radiosonde, which is modified to include wind sensors, transmits
its data to an appropriate receiving system at ground level. Much more vertical detail is possible
than that provided by a boom installation, and the altitudes of significant features can be
determined. However, sustained observation is possible at only a single level.

For an accurate definition of the extent of pollution dispersion in certain weather conditions,
the tower height may be too limited. In such circumstances, unless a radiosonde station is
within about 50km, a special radiosonde is provided at the site of the tower or mast for making
local soundings up to an altitude of about 3000m. In addition to their main purpose, the data
obtained can be treated as complementary to those of the basic aerological network, and can
also be used in more detailed investigations of local weather phenomena.

Tower measuring equipment requires periodical checking by highly qualified instrument

maintenance staff who should pay special attention to the state and performance of sensors and
recorders and the connecting cables, sockets and plugs exposed to outdoor weather conditions.

5.3.4 Instrumented tethered balloons

Typical applications of instrumented tethered balloons include the measurement of temperature,

humidity and wind profiles (and their short-period changes) from the surface to an altitude
of about 1500m, and longer-period investigation of the meteorological conditions at one or
more selected levels. The sensors are suspended in one or more packages beneath the balloon,
or clamped to the tethering cable. The sensors response is normally telemetered to the ground
either by radio, or by conductors incorporated into the tethering cable. The techniques are
discussed by Thompson (1980).

Tethered-balloon systems tend to use either large (~600m3) or small (~10 to 100m3) balloons.
The small balloons are normally used to obtain profiles, and the larger ones to obtain
measurements at multiple levels. Tethered balloons should be designed for low drag and to ride
steadily. They are usually inflated with helium. Larger balloons should be able to carry a load of
up to 50kg (in addition to the tethering cable) to an altitude of 1500m. The balloon should be
capable of operation at wind speeds of up to 5ms1 at the surface and 15ms1 at altitudes within
the operational range. The tethering cable of a large balloon should be able to withstand a force
of 2000 to 3000kg to avoid a breakaway (200 to 300kg for smaller balloons).

Tethered-balloon flying is subject to national rules concerning aviation safety. For this reason and
for the convenience of the operating staff, the use of balloons which have distinct colours and
night-warning lights is highly recommended. An automatic device for the rapid deflation of the
balloon is mandatory, while a metallized radar target suspended below the balloon is optional.

The main factors limiting tethered-balloon operation are strong wind speed aloft, turbulence
near the surface and lightning risk.

The winch used to control the balloon may be operated electrically or by hand. At least two
speeds (e.g. 1 and 2ms1) should be provided for the cable run. In addition, the winch should
be equipped with a hand-brake, a cable-length counter and a tension gauge. The winch should
be electrically earthed, whether electrically operated or not, as protection against atmospheric

The use of conductors to convey the sensor signals back to the ground is undesirable for a
number of reasons. In general, it is preferable to use special radiosondes. Such radiosondes
will have better resolution than those normally employed for free flights. The temperature and
humidity sensors must have a horizontal shield to provide protection against solar radiation and
rainfall, while allowing for adequate ventilation. Extra sensors are needed for wind speed and

The basic requirements are the following:

Variable Operating range Resolution

Pressure 1050 to 850 hPa 0.5 hPa

Temperature +40 C to 20 C 0.1 K

Humidity 100% to 20 (or 10)% 2%

Wind speed 0.5 to 15 m s1 0.5 m s1

Wind direction 0 to 360 1

For telemetry, one of the standard radiosonde frequencies may be used; the 400MHz allocation
is a frequent choice. The maximum weight, including the battery, should be within the load
capability of the balloon; a limit of 5kg is reasonable. The radiosonde should be suspended at
least three balloon diameters below the balloon in a stable condition so that adequate shielding
and ventilation are maintained.

A major problem encountered in the measurement of turbulent, rather than mean, quantities is
the effect of cable vibration and balloon motion on the measurements. Special techniques have
to be used for such measurements.

The ground-based equipment must include a receiver and recorder. The data are usually
processed with the aid of a small computer.

Soundings can be performed during the ascent and descent of the balloon, either continuously
or with pauses at selected levels. For the lower levels, height can be estimated from the length
of the cable paid out, but at higher levels this method is no more than an approximation and an
alternative is necessary. This takes the form of a calculation by means of the hydrostatic equation,
using the observed distribution of pressure, temperature and humidity. Thus, the increment in
geopotential metres from level n to level n+1 is given by:
29.27 Tv ln ( pn / pn+1 ) (5.12)

where Tv is the mean of the virtual temperatures at levels n and n+1; and pn and pn+1 are the two
associated pressures. If conversion from geopotential to geometric height is required, this is
readily done by using the Smithsonian meteorological tables; however, this is unlikely to be
necessary. The height of the station barometer is taken as the datum for these calculations.

If the meteorological variables are observed using the level-by-level method, a few measuring
cycles should be taken at each level, with the time required for stabilization being 2 to 3min.
In this way, the whole sounding sequence could take from a half to one whole hour. As for all
radiosondes, a baseline check in a control screen should be made just before use, to establish
the differences with a barometer and an aspirated psychrometer. A similar check should also be

made just after the sounding is completed. Again, as for regular radiosonde ascents, the station-
level data should be obtained not from the radiosonde data, but from conventional instruments
in a standard station screen.

For the sounding data, pressure, temperature and humidity should be averaged at each level. For
wind speed, the average should be calculated for a period of 100 or 120s. If wind direction is not
measured directly, it can be roughly estimated from the orientation of the balloons longitudinal
axis with respect to the north. The uncertainty of this method is 30.

It should be stressed that operators must advise air traffic authorities of their plans and obtain
permission for each sounding or series of soundings using tethered balloons.

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6.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  657
6.2 Lightning discharge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  657
6.2.1 Lightning types, processes and parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  657
6.2.2 Lightning electromagnetic signatures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  660
6.2.3 Glossary of terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  662
6.3 Principles of lightning location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  664
6.3.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  664
6.3.2 Magnetic field direction finding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  665
6.3.3 Time-of-arrival technique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  666
6.3.4 Interferometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  667
6.4 Performance characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  668
6.5 Examples of modern lightning locating systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  669
6.5.1 Lightning Mapping Array, 6066MHz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670
6.5.2 US National Lightning Detection Network, 400Hz400kHz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  670
6.5.3 Lightning Detection Network, 1200kHz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  671
6.5.4 US Precision Lightning Network, 1.5400kHz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  671
6.5.5 Earth Networks Total Lightning Network, 1Hz12MHz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  672
6.5.6 World Wide Lightning Location Network, 618kHz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  672
6.5.7 Global Lightning Dataset, VLF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  673
6.5.8 Arrival Time Difference network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  673
6.6 Utilization of lightning location systems by meteorological services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  673
6.6.1 Storm recognition and alarms for severe weather. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674
6.6.2 Nowcasting, forecasting and derived products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  674
6.6.3 Lightning and climate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  675
6.6.4 Verification of lightning-induced ground damage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  675

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  676



There are many individual physical processes in cloud and ground lightning flashes. Each of
these processes is associated with characteristic electric and magnetic fields. Lightning is known
to emit significant electromagnetic energy in the radio-frequency range from below 1Hz to
near 300MHz, with a peak in the frequency spectrum near 5 to 10kHz for lightning at distances
beyond 50km or so. Further, electromagnetic radiation from lightning is detectable at even
higher frequencies, for example, in the microwave (300MHz to 300GHz) and, obviously, in
visible light (roughly 1014 to 1015Hz). At frequencies higher than that of the spectrum peak, the
spectral amplitude varies roughly inversely proportional to the frequency up to 10MHz or so
and inversely proportional to the square root of frequency from about 10MHz to 10GHz. Also,
lightning is known to produce X-rays (up to 1020Hz or more), although at ground level they are
usually not detectable beyond a kilometre or so from the source. In general, any observable
electromagnetic signal from a lightning source can be used to detect and locate the lightning
process that produced it. In addition to electromagnetic radiation, lightning produces the
acoustic radiation that can be also used for lightning location. The acoustic locating techniques,
acoustic signal time of arrival and acoustic ray tracing are not further discussed here.


Lightning can be defined as a transient, high-current (typically tens of kiloamperes) electric

discharge in air whose length is measured in kilometres. As for any discharge in air, lightning
channel is composed of ionized gas, that is, of plasma, whose peak temperature is typically
30000K, about five times higher than the temperature of the surface of the Sun. Lightning was
present on Earth long before human life evolved, and it may even have played a crucial role
in the evolution of life on our planet. The global lightning flash rate is some tens to a hundred
per second or so. Each year, some 25million cloud-to-ground lightning discharges (note that,
on average, about three quarters of lightning discharges are confined to the cloud, that is, do
not involve ground) occur in the United States alone, killing more people than tornadoes and
hurricanes. Lightning initiates many forest fires, and over 30% of all electric power line failures
are lightning related. Each commercial aircraft is struck by lightning on average once a year. A
lightning strike to an unprotected object or system can be catastrophic.

6.2.1 Lightning types, processes and parameters

About 90% or more of global cloud-to-ground lightning is accounted for by negative (negative
charge is effectively transported to the ground) downward (the initial process begins in the
cloud and develops in a downward direction) lightning. Other types of cloud-to-ground
lightning include positive downward, negative upward, and positive upward discharges. There
are also bipolar lightning discharges sequentially transferring both positive and negative charges
during the same flash. The basic elements of the negative downward lightning discharge
are termed component strokes or just strokes. Each discharge (or flash) typically contains
3 to 5strokes, the observed range being 1 to 26. Roughly half of all lightning discharges to
Earth strike ground at more than one point, with the spatial separation between the channel
terminations being up to many kilometres. The two major lightning processes comprising a
stroke are termed the leader and the return stroke, which occur as a sequence with the leader
preceding the return stroke. The following discussion considers lightning discharges in more
detail. Rakov and Uman (2003) and references therein contain more details.

Two photographs of a negative cloud-to-ground discharge are shown in Figures6.1(a) and

6.1(b). The image in Figure6.1(a) was obtained using a stationary camera, while the image in
Figure6.1(b) was captured with a separate camera that was moved horizontally during the

(a) (b)

Figure 6.1. Lightning flash which appears to have at least 7 (perhaps as many as 10) separate
ground strike points. Image (a) is a still photograph and image (b) a streaked photograph.
Some of the strike points are associated with the same stroke having separate branches
touching ground, while others are associated with different strokes taking different paths to
ground. Adapted from Hendry (1993)

time of the flash. As a result, the latter image is time resolved showing seven distinct luminous
channels between the cloud and ground. The dark intervals between these channels are typically
of the order of tens of milliseconds and explain why lightning often appears to the human eye to
flicker. Each luminous channel corresponds to an individual stroke, the first stroke being on the
far right (time advances from right to left). The first two strokes are branched, and the downward
direction of branches indicates that this is a downward lightning flash.

Sketches of still and time-resolved images of the three-stroke lightning flash are shown in
Figures6.2(a) and 6.2(b), respectively. A sketch of the corresponding current at the channel base
is shown in Figure 6.2(c). In Figure 6.2(b), time advances from left to right, and the timescale
is not continuous. Each of the three strokes in Figure 6.2(b), represented by its luminosity as a
function of height above ground and time, is composed of a downward-moving process, termed
a leader, and an upward-moving process, termed a return stroke (RS). The leader creates a
conducting path between the cloud charge source region and ground and distributes negative
charge from the cloud source region along this path. The return stroke traverses that path
moving from ground toward the cloud charge source region and neutralizes the negative leader
charge. Thus, both leader and return-stroke processes serve to effectively transport negative
charge from the cloud to ground. As seen in Figure 6.2(b), the leader initiating the first return
stroke differs from the leaders initiating the two subsequent strokes (all strokes other than the
first are termed subsequent strokes). In particular, the first-stroke leader appears optically to be
an intermittent process, hence the term stepped leader (SL), while the tip of a subsequent-stroke
leader appears to move continuously. The continuously moving subsequent-stroke leader tip
appears on streak photographs as a downward-moving dart, hence the term dart leader (DL).
The apparent difference between the two types of leaders is related to the fact that the stepped
leader develops in virgin air, while the dart leader follows the pre-conditioned path of the
preceding stroke or strokes. Sometimes a subsequent leader exhibits stepping while propagating
along a previously formed channel; in which case it is referred to as a dart-stepped leader. There
are also so-called chaotic subsequent-stroke leaders. All types of leaders produce bursts of X-ray
emission with energies typically up to 250keV (twice the energy of a chest X-ray) (Dwyer, 2005).



(a) 1 2 3


Time (c)

Figure 6.2. Drawing showing the luminosity of a three-stroke ground flash and the
corresponding current at the channel base. Figure (a) is a still-camera image, (b) a streak-
camera image, and (c) a channel-base current.

The electric potential difference between a downward-moving stepped-leader tip and ground
is probably some tens of megavolts, comparable to or a considerable fraction of that between
the cloud charge source and ground. The magnitude of the potential difference between two
points, one at the cloud charge source and the other on ground, is the line integral of electric
field intensity between those points. The upper and lower limits for the potential difference
between the lower boundary of the main negative charge region and ground can be estimated
by multiplying, respectively, the typical observed electric field in the cloud, 105V/m, and the
expected electric field at ground under a thundercloud immediately prior to the initiation of
lightning, 10 4V/m, by the height of the lower boundary of the negative charge centre above
ground, 5km or so. The resultant range is 50 to 500MV.

When the descending stepped leader attaches to the ground, the first return stroke begins. The
first return-stroke current measured at ground rises to an initial peak of about 30kA in some
microseconds and decays to half-peak value in some tens of microseconds. The return stroke
effectively lowers to ground the several coulombs of charge originally deposited on the stepped-
leader channel including all the branches, as well as any additional cloud charge that may enter
the return-stroke channel.

Once the bottom of the dart-leader channel is connected to the ground, the second (or any
subsequent) return-stroke wave is launched upward, which again serves to neutralize the leader
charge. The subsequent return-stroke current at ground typically rises to a peak value of 10 to
15kA in less than a microsecond and decays to half-peak value in a few tens of microseconds.

The high-current return-stroke wave rapidly heats the channel to a peak temperature near or
above 30000K and creates a channel pressure of 1MPa or more, resulting in channel expansion,
intense optical radiation and an outward propagating shock wave that eventually becomes the
thunder (sound wave) we hear at a distance.

The impulsive component of the current in a return stroke (usually subsequent) is often followed
by a continuing current which has a magnitude of tens to hundreds of amperes and a duration
of up to hundreds of milliseconds. Continuing currents with a duration in excess of 40ms are
traditionally termed long continuing currents. Between 30% and 50% of all negative cloud-to-
ground flashes contain long continuing currents. Current pulses superimposed on continuing
currents, as well as the corresponding enhancements in luminosity of the lightning channel, are
referred to as M-components.

There is a special type of lightning that is thought to be the most intense natural producer of
HF-VHF (3300MHz) radiation on Earth. It is referred to as compact intracloud discharge (CID).
Compact intracloud discharges were first reported by Le Vine (1980) and received their name
(Smith et al., 1999) due to their relatively small (hundreds of metres) spatial extent. They tend
to occur at high altitudes (mostly above 10km), appear to be associated with strong convection
(however, even the strongest convection does not always produce CIDs), tend to produce less

light than other types of lightning discharges, and produce single bipolar electric field pulses
(narrow bipolar pulses or NBPs) having typical full widths of 10 to 30s and amplitudes of the
order of 10V/m at 100km, which is comparable to or higher than for return strokes in cloud-to-
ground flashes. As an illustration of intensity of wideband electromagnetic signature of CIDs,
48CIDs examined in detail by Nag et al. (2010) were recorded by 4 to 22 (11 on average) stations
of the US National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN), whose average baseline is 300350km.

6.2.2 Lightning electromagnetic signatures

Both cloud-to-ground and cloud lightning discharges involve a number of processes that
produce characteristic electromagnetic field signatures. Salient characteristics of measured
electric and magnetic fields generated by various lightning processes at distances ranging
from tens to hundreds of kilometres are briefly reviewed below. The emphasis is put on those
processes which produce substantial microsecond- and submicrosecond-scale field variations.

The table below summarizes essentially all identifiable lightning radiation field signatures as
recorded at ground. Note that apparently there is no characteristic microsecond-scale field
signature associated with lightning K- and M- processes. Besides return strokes (the first row)
and compact intracloud discharges (the last row), the pulses produced by lightning processes
represented in the table occur in sequences with submillisecond-interpulse intervals. Leader
pulses (second and third rows) are presumably emitted by the lower portion of the channel
to ground just prior to the initiation of a return stroke, while both initial breakdown pulses
(fourth and fifth rows) and regular pulse bursts (sixth row) are produced by lightning processes
occurring inside the cloud. Characterization given below concerns both the overall pulse
sequences and individual pulses.

Negative ground flashes

The typical microsecond-scale pulse structure of naturally occurring negative ground discharges,
as observed at ground, includes an initial sequence of pulses (usually called initial or preliminary
breakdown pulses) followed, typically some milliseconds to some tens of milliseconds later,
by 3 to 5 relatively large return-stroke pulses spaced several tens of milliseconds apart. The
duration of the initial sequence of pulses is typically a few milliseconds. Individual pulse
waveforms characteristic of the preliminary breakdown in negative ground flashes are shown
in Figure6.3(a). The initial polarity of the preliminary breakdown pulses is usually the same
as that of the following return-stroke pulse. The initial breakdown pulses can have amplitudes
comparable to or even exceeding that of the corresponding return-stroke pulses. Just prior to
the first return-stroke pulse and prior to some subsequent return-stroke pulses there are pulse
sequences, in the former case associated with the stepped-leader process and in the latter case
with dart-stepped (regular pulse train) or chaotic (irregular pulse train) leader processes. These
pulse sequences have been observed to last for some tens of hundreds of microseconds, and the
pulse amplitudes are one to two orders of magnitude smaller than the corresponding return-
stroke pulse amplitude. The stepped-leader pulses are seen just prior to the return-stroke pulse in
Figure6.4(a), before t=0. A rather irregular pulse train, indicative of chaotic leader, is seen prior
to the subsequent return-stroke pulse (before t=0) in Figure6.4(b). Usually there is a relatively
quiet millisecond-scale gap between the preliminary breakdown pulse sequence and the
beginning of pronounced stepped-leader pulses. The intervals between the return-stroke pulses,
and the interval of some tens of milliseconds following the last return-stroke pulse, contain
regular pulse bursts of relatively small amplitude and some other, usually irregular, pulse activity.
Pulse peaks in regular pulse bursts are approximately two orders of magnitude smaller than
return-stroke initial field peaks in the same flash. As seen in the table, the regular pulse bursts are
very similar in their characteristics to the pulse sequences associated with dart-stepped leaders.
The geometric mean initial electric field peak normalized to 100km for negative first strokes,
about 6V/m, is about a factor of two larger than for negative subsequent strokes, about 3V/m.
The geometric mean time interval between return-stroke pulses is 60ms.

Characterization of microsecond-scale electric field pulses associated with various

lightningprocesses (adapted from Rakov, 1999)

Dominant polarity
Typical time
(atmospheric Typical total pulse
Type of pulses interval between Comments
electricity sign duration (s)
pulses (s)
Return stroke in Positive 3090 60 x 103 35 pulses per
negative ground flashes (zero-crossing time) flash

Stepped leader in Positive 12 1525 Within 200 s just

negative ground flashes prior to a return

Dart-stepped leader in Positive 12 68 Within 200 s just

negative ground flashes prior to a return

Initial breakdown in Positive 2040 70130 Some milliseconds

negative ground flashes to some tens
of milliseconds
before the first
return stroke

Initial breakdown in Negative 5080 600800 The largest pulses

cloud flashes in a flash

Regular pulse burst Both polarities 12 57 Occur later in a

in both cloud and are about equally flash; 2040pulses
negative ground flashes probable per burst

Compact intracloud Both polarities 1030 Typically not

discharge (narrow occur, with preceded or
bipolar event) negative being followed by any
more frequent other lightning
process within
hundreds of
a Polarity refers to the polarity of the initial half cycle in the case of bipolar pulses.
b According to the atmospheric electricity sign convention, a downward-directed electric field vector is assumed to
be positive.

Positive ground flashes

Positive flashes usually contain a single return stroke (although up to four strokes per flash have
been observed) whose microsecond-scale electric and magnetic field waveforms are similar to
those characteristic of negative first return strokes, except for the initial polarity. An example of
positive return-stroke electric field waveform is given in Figure6.4(c). Small pulses seen before
t=0 in Figure6.4(c) are indicative of a stepped-leader process. As opposed to negative first
strokes, these pulses are detected only in about one third of field waveforms. The mean initial
electric field peak normalized to 100km for positive first strokes is about a factor of two larger
than for negative first strokes. Positive strokes to ground can be initiated in a way similar to how
negative lightning flashes are initiated (see above) or they can be by-products of extensive cloud

Cloud flashes

The typical pulse structure that is observed in naturally occurring cloud discharges includes an
initial sequence (or sequences) of pulses of relatively large amplitude, spaced some hundreds of
microseconds apart and occurring within the first several to a few tens of milliseconds, followed
by a number of regular pulse bursts of significantly smaller amplitude. Pulses within the burst

10 (a)

E (V/m)
16 JUL 97 Flash 90
8 CG T = 21:30:16.609 Z
200 0 200 400 600 800 1 000
t (s)
4 (b)
E (V/m)

16 JUL 97 Flash 96
10 IC T = 21:33:11.880 Z
200 0 200 400 600 800 1 000

t (s)
E (V/m)


CID 16 JUL 97 Flash 102
T = 21:34:51.500 Z
200 0 200 400 600 800 1 000
t (s)

Figure 6.3. Examples of electric field (E) pulse waveforms characteristic of (a) the initial
breakdown in negative ground (CG) flashes, (b) the initial breakdown in cloud (IC) flashes,
and (c) compact intracloud discharges (CIDs). Positive electric field (atmospheric electricity
sign convention) deflects upward. (Adapted from Rakov, 1999)

are several microseconds apart, with each burst lasting for some hundreds of microseconds.
Individual pulse waveforms characteristic of the initial breakdown in cloud flashes are shown
in Figure6.3(b). The initial polarity of these pulses tends to be opposite to that of the initial
breakdown pulses in negative ground flashes. There are also microsecond-scale pulses, with
amplitudes appreciably lower than those of the initial breakdown pulses, which are dispersed, as
opposed to clustering in bursts, throughout the flash. Some of these smaller and often irregular
pulses are associated with step-like Kchanges (field signatures of K-processes). Kchanges
typically occur in the late stage of the cloud flash and are separated by many tens of milliseconds.

Compact intracloud discharges

An example of electric field signature of compact intracloud discharges (also called narrow
bipolar events) is given in Figure6.3(c). These pulses have peaks and peak time derivatives
comparable to those of return strokes in ground flashes.

6.2.3 Glossary of terms

Atmospheric electricity sign convention: Electric field sign convention according to which a
downward-directed field vector is defined as positive.

Bipolar lightning: Lightning discharges sequentially transferring both positive and negative
charges to ground during the same flash.

Cloud flash: Flash that does not contact the ground.


16 JUL 97 Flash 62
20 (a) T = 21:18:42.469 Z
NLDN IP = 84 kA
15 NLDN R = 132 km

E (V/m)

200 100 0 100 200 300 400 500

t (s)
(b) 16 JUL 97 Flash 31
T = 20:38:50.712 Z
NLDN IP = 30 kA
15 NLDN R = 54 km
E (V/m)


200 100 0 100 200 300 400 500

t (s)
2 (c)
E (V/m)

6 16 JUL 97 Flash 34
8 T = 20:43:22.095 Z
NLDN IP = 52 kA
10 NLDN R = 105 km
200 100 0 100 200 300 400 500

t (s)

Figure 6.4. Examples of electric field pulse waveforms for (a) the negative first stroke, (b) the
negative subsequent stroke, and (c) the positive first stroke. All three events have been
detected by the US National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN), and their NLDN-reported
characteristics (estimated peak current Ip, and distance R) are given on the plots. See also
caption of Figure6.3. (Adapted from Rakov, 1999)

Cloud-to-ground (CG) flash, ground flash: Flash that contains at least one return stroke.

Cloud lightning: Lightning discharges that do not involve ground.

Compact intracloud discharge (CID): A small-spatial-scale (typically hundreds of metres) lightning

discharge in the cloud that is thought to be the most intense natural producer of HF-VHF (3
300MHz) radiation on Earth.

Continuing current: A steady current immediately following some return-stroke current pulses.

Discharge: Often used synonymously with flash.

Downward cloud-to-ground lightning: Lightning discharges to ground initiated by descending

leaders from the cloud.

Event: Specific part of a flash, typically any isolated signal measured during a flash.

Flash, lightning flash: Complete neutralization process that involves many events (leaders, strokes,
K-processes, continuing currents, etc.) within a time interval of typically about 1s; refers to a
cloud flash or a ground flash.

Ground flash density: The number of ground flashes per unit area per unit of time (usually per
square kilometre per year).

K-processes: Transient processes occurring in a previously conditioned lightning channel that

is not connected (or lost its connection) to ground. They can occur in both ground and cloud

Leader: Lightning process that creates a conducting path between the cloud charge source
region and ground (in the case of downward cloud-to-ground lightning) and distributes charge
from the cloud source region along this path.

Lightning or lightning flash: It can be defined as a transient, high-current (typically tens of

kiloamperes) electric discharge in air whose length is typically measured in kilometres.

M-components: Transient processes occurring in a grounded lightning channel while it carries

continuing current.

Negative lightning: Lightning discharges that effectively lower negative charge from the cloud to

Positive lightning: Lightning discharges that effectively lower positive charge from the cloud to

Return stroke, cloud-to-ground stroke, strike: Lightning process that traverses the previously created
leader channel, moving from ground towards the cloud charge source region, and neutralizes
the leader charge.

Rocket-triggered lightning: Lightning discharges artificially initiated from natural thunderclouds

using the rocket-and-wire technique.

Sferic, or atmospheric: Signal from a lightning stroke that travels over long distances.

Strike, stroke: see return stroke.

Thunderstorm cell: A unit of convection, typically some kilometres in diameter, characterized by

relatively strong updraughts (>10m/s). The lifetime of an ordinary cell is of the order of 1h.

Upward cloud-to-ground lightning: Lightning discharges to ground initiated by ascending leaders

from grounded objects.


6.3.1 General

For the three most common multistation electromagnetic radio-frequency locating techniques
magnetic direction finding (MDF), time of arrival (TOA) and interferometry the type of locating
information obtained depends on the frequency f (or on the wavelength =c/f, where c is the
speed of light) of the radiation detected (Rakov and Uman, 2003). For detected signals whose
wavelengths are very short compared to the length of a radiating lightning channel, for example,
the very high-frequency (VHF) range where f=30 to 300MHz and =10 to 1m, the whole
lightning channel can, in principle, be imaged in two or three dimensions. For wavelengths
that exceed or are a significant fraction of the lightning channel length, for example, the very
low-frequency (VLF) range where f=3 to 30kHz and =100 to 10km and the low-frequency
(LF) range where f=30 to 300kHz and =10 to 1km, generally only one or a few locations can
be usefully obtained for each lightning channel. In the case of a single location for a cloud-to-
ground return stroke, it is usually interpreted as some approximation to the ground strike point.
The best electromagnetic channel imaging methods at VHF and the best ground-strike-point
locating techniques at VLF and LF have accuracies (actually location errors or uncertainties) of the
order of 100m. On the other end of the accuracy scale, long-range VLF systems which operate

in a narrow frequency band, usually somewhere between 5 and 10kHz, and detect lightning at
distances up to thousands of kilometres have uncertainties in locating individual lightning flashes
of the order of 10km or more. These latter systems are often called thunderstorm locators.

For those electromagnetic locating techniques involving the measurement of field change
amplitudes at multiple stations, the bandwidth of the measurement is not directly related to
the locating accuracy. It is only necessary to have a measurement system that can faithfully
reproduce the field changes of the process of interest. Hence, for example, from measuring
the electrostatic field change in the frequency range from a fraction of a hertz to a few hertz at
multiple stations, one can locate an average position for the charge source of a complete cloud-
to-ground flash. And with a system bandwidth from a few hertz to a few kilohertz, so as to be
able to resolve electrostatic field changes on a millisecond timescale, one can locate the charge
sources for individual strokes in the flash as well as for continuing current. Lightning location
using the return-stroke electric or magnetic radiation field peaks, similar to using the electrostatic
field change, only requires that the system faithfully reproduces those peaks. The electric and
magnetic field amplitude lightning locating techniques are not further discussed here.

Accurate lightning locating systems, whether they image the whole lightning channel or locate
only the ground strike points or the cloud-charge centres, necessarily employ multiple sensors.
Single station surface-based sensors, such as the lightning flash counters, detect the occurrence
of lightning, but cannot be used to locate it on an individual flash basis. Nor are they designed
to do so because of the wide range of amplitudes and wave shapes associated with individual
events. Nevertheless, with single-station sensors one can assign groups of flashes to rough
distance ranges if data are accumulated and averaged for some period of time. There are many
relatively simple, commercially available single-station devices that purport to locate lightning.
Most operate like AM radios, with the amplitude of the radio static being used to gauge the
distance to the individual lightning flashes a technique inherently characterized by large errors.
In addition to field amplitude detectors, some commercial single-station devices employ optical
detectors, magnetic direction finders and/or characteristics of lightning waveforms to allow
estimates of the distance of cloud-to-ground return strokes from the sensor.

Single-station optical sensors on Earth-orbiting satellites detect the light scattered by the
volume of cloud that produces the lightning and hence cannot locate to an accuracy better than
about 10km about the diameter of a small cloud. Additionally, satellite-based sensors cannot
distinguish between cloud and ground discharges. The next-generation series of Geostationary
Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES-R) is planned to carry a Geostationary Lightning
Mapper (GLM), which will monitor lightning continuously over a wide field of view. The launch
of the first GOES-R series satellite is scheduled for 2015.

The following subsections discuss how individual sensors measuring various properties of the
lightning electromagnetic radiation have been combined into systems to provide practical
lightning locating. More details can be found in the reviews by Rakov and Uman (2003) and
Cummins and Murphy (2009) and in the references therein.

6.3.2 Magnetic field direction finding

Two vertical and orthogonal loops with planes oriented north-south and east-west, each
measuring the magnetic field from a given vertical radiator, can be used to obtain the direction
to the source. This is because the output voltage of a given loop, by Faraday's law, is proportional
to the cosine of the angle between the magnetic field vector and the normal vector to the plane
of the loop. For a vertical radiator the magnetic field lines are circles that are coaxial with respect
to the source. Hence, for example, the loop whose plane is oriented north-south receives a
maximum signal if the source is north or south of the antenna, while the orthogonal east-west
loop receives no signal. In general, the ratio of the two signals from the loops is proportional to
the tangent of the angle between north and the source as viewed from the antenna.

Crossed-loop magnetic direction finders (DFs) used for lightning detection can be divided
into two general types: narrowband (tuned) DFs and gated wideband DFs. In both cases the

direction-finding technique involves an implicit assumption that the radiated electric field is
oriented vertically and the associated magnetic field is oriented horizontally and perpendicular
to the propagation path.

Narrowband DFs have been used to detect distant lightning since the 1920s. They generally
operate in a narrow frequency band with the centre frequency in the range of 5 to 10kHz, where
attenuation in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide is relatively low and where the lightning signal
energy is relatively high. Before the development of weather radars in the 1940s, lightning
locating systems were the primary means of identifying and mapping thunderstorms at medium
and long ranges.

A major disadvantage of narrowband DFs is that for lightning at ranges less than about 200km,
those DFs have inherent azimuthal errors, called polarization errors, of the order of 10. These
errors are caused by the detection of magnetic field components from non-vertical channel
sections, whose magnetic field lines form circles in a plane perpendicular to the non-vertical
channel section, and also by ionospheric reflections skywaves whose magnetic fields are
similarly improperly oriented for direction finding of the ground strike point.

To overcome the problem of large polarization errors at short ranges inherent in the operation
of narrowband DFs, gated wideband DFs were developed in the early 1970s. Direction finding is
accomplished by sampling (gating on) the north-south and east-west components of the initial
peak of the return-stroke magnetic field, that peak being radiated from the bottom hundred
metres or so of the channel in the first microseconds of the return stroke. Since the bottom
of the channel tends to be straight and vertical, the magnetic field is essentially horizontal.
Additionally, a gated DF does not record ionospheric reflections since those reflections arrive
long after the initial peak magnetic field is sampled. The operating bandwidth of the gated
wideband DF is typically from a few kilohertz to about 500kHz. Interestingly, although an
upper-frequency response of many megahertz is needed to assure accurate reproduction of the
incoming radiation field peak, particularly if the propagation is over saltwater, practical DFs only
need an upper-frequency response of a few hundred kilohertz in order to obtain an azimuthal
error of about 1. This is because the ratio of the peak signals in the two loops is insensitive to
the identical distortion produced by the identical associated electronic circuits of the two loops.
Similarly, with proper calibration and correction for propagation effects, practical DFs only
need an upper-frequency response of a few hundred kilohertz in order to obtain a peak current
estimation error of 15%20%. Thus, the gated wideband DF can operate at frequencies below
the AM radio band and below the frequencies of some aircraft navigational transmitters, either of
which could otherwise cause unwanted directional noise.

Gated wideband DFs, as well as narrowband DFs, are susceptible to site errors. Site errors are a
systematic function of direction but generally are time-invariant. These errors are caused by the
presence of unwanted magnetic fields due to non-flat terrain and nearby conducting objects,
such as underground and overhead power lines and structures, being excited to radiate by the
incoming lightning fields. In order to eliminate site errors completely, the area surrounding a DF
must be flat and uniform, and without significant conducting objects, including buried ones,
nearby. These requirements are usually difficult to satisfy, so it is often easier to measure the DF
site errors and to compensate for any that are found rather than to find a location characterized
by tolerably small site errors. Once corrections are made, the residual errors have been reported
(using independent optical data) to be usually less than 2 to 3.

Since it is not known a priori whether a stroke to ground lowers positive or negative charge, there
is a 180 ambiguity in stroke azimuth from the measurement of only the orthogonal magnetic
fields. That ambiguity is resolved in all wideband DF systems by the measurement of the
associated electric field whose polarity indicates the sign of the charge transferred to ground.

6.3.3 Time-of-arrival technique

A single time-of-arrival sensor provides the time at which some portion of the lightning
electromagnetic field signal arrives at the sensing antenna. Time-of-arrival systems for locating
lightning can be divided into three general types: (i) very short baseline (tens to hundreds of

metres), (ii) short baseline (tens of kilometres), and (iii) long baseline (hundreds to thousands
of kilometres). Very short- and short-baseline systems generally operate at VHF, that is, at
frequencies from 30 to about 300MHz, while long-baseline systems generally operate at VLF
and LF, 3 to 300kHz. It is generally thought that VHF radiation is associated with air breakdown
processes, while VLF signals are due to current flow in conducting lightning channels. Short-
baseline systems are usually intended to provide images of lightning channels and to study the
spatial and temporal development of discharges. Long-baseline systems are usually used to
identify the ground strike point, cloud lightning events in predominantly vertical channels, or the
average location of the flash.

A very short-baseline (tens to hundreds of metres) system is composed of two or more VHF
time-of-arrival receivers whose spacing is such that the time difference between the arrival of an
individual VHF pulse from lightning at those receivers is short compared to the time between
pulses, which is some microseconds to hundreds of microseconds. The locus of all source points
capable of producing a given time difference between two receivers is, in general, a hyperboloid,
but if the receivers are very closely spaced, the hyperboloid degenerates, in the limit, into a plane
on which the source is found. Two time differences from three very closely spaced receivers yield
two planes whose intersection gives the direction to the source, that is, its azimuth and elevation.
To find source location, as opposed to determining the direction to the source, two or more sets
of three closely spaced receivers, the sets being separated by tens of kilometres or more, must be
used. Each set of receivers is basically a TOA direction finder, and the intersection of two or more
direction vectors yields the location.

Short-baseline TOA systems are typically networks of 5 to 15stations that make use of time-of-
arrival information for three-dimensional (3D) mapping of lightning channels. A portable version
of such system has been developed by researchers at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and
Technology. This system is presently referred to as the Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) and has
recently become a major tool for both lightning research and operational applications. The short-
baseline VHF TOA systems provide electromagnetic images of the developing channels of any
type of lightning flash.

The first long-baseline (hundreds to thousands of kilometres) TOA systems operated at VLF/
LF. For example, one of them employed a pair of receiving stations in Massachusetts with a
bandwidth of 4 to 45kHz and separated by over 100km (the overall network was composed
of four stations) to compare differences in the times of arrival of the signals at each station
and hence determine directions to the causative lightning discharge in western Europe. The
two-station system was basically a direction finder similar to the very short-baseline systems
described above, but operating at lower frequencies and with a longer baseline. The resultant
directions compared favourably with the locations reported by the UK Met Office's narrowband
DF network which was operational at that time. Spherical geometry was used to account for
propagation over the Earth's surface in finding the locus of points for a constant measured arrival
time difference between receivers.

Another long-baseline TOA system, called the Lightning Position and Tracking System (LPATS),
was developed in the 1980s. The LPATS, operating at LF/VLF, used electric field whip antennas at
stations 200 to 400km apart to determine locations via the measured differences between signal
arrival times at the stations. In the frequency band used, return-stroke waveforms were generally
the largest and hence most easily identified. In principle, responses from four stations (three time
differences) are needed to produce a unique location since the hyperbolae on the Earths surface
from only two time differences can, in general, intersect at two different points. For cloud-to-
ground lightning near or within the network, there is often only one solution, in which case the
three-station approach suffices.

6.3.4 Interferometry

In addition to radiating isolated pulses, lightning also produces noise-like bursts of

electromagnetic radiation lasting tens to hundreds of microseconds. These bursts are hard to
locate using TOA techniques due to the difficulty in identifying the individual pulses. In the
case of interferometry, no identification of individual pulses is needed, since the interferometer

measures phase difference between narrowband signals corresponding to these noise-like bursts
received by two or more closely spaced sensors. The simplest lightning interferometer consists
of two antennas some metres apart, each antenna being connected via a narrowband filter
to a receiver. The antennas, filters and receivers are identical. The outputs of the two receivers
are sent to a phase detector that produces a voltage that is proportional to the difference in
phase between the two quasi-sinusoidal signals. The phase difference defines, as does the time
difference in very short-baseline TOA systems, a plane on which the source is located, that is, one
direction angle to the VHF source. To find the azimuth and elevation of a source, three receiving
antennas with two orthogonal baselines are needed at minimum. To locate the source in three
dimensions, two or more synchronized interferometers are needed, each effectively acting as
a direction finder and separated by a distance of the order of 10km or more. The principles of
interferometric lightning location are described in detail by Lojou et al. (2008).

Most interferometric systems operate over very narrow frequency bands (a few hundred
kilohertz to a few megahertz in the VHF/UHF bands), since this allows the system to have high
sensitivity in a specific quiet band of operation. However, it also makes the system performance
subject to local broadband interference, it may not provide the highest possible signal-to-noise
ratio and it places a specific limitation in the spacing of the antenna array elements to avoid
arrival-time (phase) ambiguity. There is a recent trend toward using broadband interferometry
(Shao et al., 1996; Mardiana and Kawasaki, 2000; Morimoto et al., 2004). This trend is made
possible by the advent of affordable broadband radio frequency and digital signal processing


Generally, a modern VLF-MF lightning locating system is expected to record (in separate
categories) and locate over a certain area all cloud-to-ground strokes of either polarity, as well
as cloud discharges. Also expected for each discharge is a measure of its intensity, usually in the
form of peak current inferred from measured electric or magnetic fields. Accordingly, the systems
performance can be evaluated using the following characteristics:

(a) Cloud-to-ground flash detection efficiency;

(b) Cloud-to-ground stroke detection efficiency;

(c) Cloud flash detection efficiency;

(d) Percentage of misclassified events (particularly cloud discharges assigned to the positive or
negative CG stroke category);

(e) Location accuracy (or location error);

(f) Peak current estimation error.

In general, the detection efficiency is the fraction (usually expressed in per cent) of the total
events occurred that are detected by the system and is ideally equal to 100%. While the CG
stroke detection efficiency can be readily defined (since these strokes involve a unique and
observable feature the luminous channel to ground and the total number of occurred
events can be determined), the cloud flash detection efficiency concept is rather uncertain.
Indeed, there are many cloud discharge processes (some of them poorly understood) occurring
on different spatial scales and timescales and apparently exhibiting no unique and readily
observable features. As a result, the total number of occurred events is generally unknown.
In practice, if all cloud discharge events are accepted as counts, the number of detected
cloud discharges may be largely determined by the local noise level and the systems signal
transmission rate limit.

In defining the CG flash detection efficiency, which is probably the most important performance
characteristic for lightning locating systems used for determining ground flash density, a flash is

considered to be detected if at least one stroke of the flash is detected. A similar approach could
be applied to cloud flashes, although one would need to decide if a single count constitutes a
flash and how to assign multiple counts to individual flashes.

The location error is the distance between the actual location and that reported by the system.
In general, the location error consists of random and systematic components. The latter in some
cases can be accounted for (e.g. site errors in MDF systems).

The peak current estimation error is the difference between the actual peak current value and
that reported by the system, and is usually expressed in per cent of the actual peak current. Peak
currents are estimated by lightning locating systems using either an empirical or model-based
field-to-current conversion equation. There are reasonable field-to-current conversion equations
for CG strokes, but not for cloud discharge processes.

In order to evaluate the performance characteristics listed above, independent (ground-truth)

data are needed. For example, discharges occurring at a precisely known location equipped with
a current-measuring device (tall tower or lightning-triggering facility) can be used for estimating
the location accuracy and peak current estimation error. Detection efficiencies and percentage of
misclassified events are usually estimated based on time-resolved optical recordings. Sometimes
lightning-related damage to various objects (buildings, trees, etc.) is used in estimating location
errors, although identification of the causative lightning event in this approach is uncertain due
to insufficient accuracy of timing information (usually not known within better than a minute).
Less definitive evaluations of lightning locating systems performance characteristics are possible
via modelling or comparison with a more accurate system operating in the same area. As of
today, only a limited number of ground-truth studies have been performed, particularly for first
strokes in negative CG flashes, positive CG flashes and cloud discharges.

In some applications (e.g. tracking of thunderstorm cells), the tracking ability may be more
important than detection of individual lightning discharges. Performance of the systems
intended primarily for such applications is often tested against radar or infrared satellite imagery,
with a good correspondence between detected lightning and regions of high radar reflectivity
or low cloud-top temperatures being viewed as the systems output validity criteria. For early
warning, the ability to detect the first lightning is probably the most important performance

It is not clear how to define the performance characteristics for VHF lightning channel imaging
systems. Surely, they cannot locate all the VHF sources in the cloud. Limitations in sensitivity
prevent these systems from regularly detecting and mapping positive leaders. Thus, the resultant
VHF images are necessarily partial. Further, supplementary information about return strokes is
usually needed to reliably distinguish between cloud and CG flashes, because the VHF radiation
directly associated with subsequent return strokes is limited and difficult to detect. Also, no peak
current estimates are possible. Nevertheless, VHF lightning channel imaging systems represent a
very valuable tool for studying detailed lightning morphology and evolution, particularly inside
the cloud, and are often used in testing other types of lightning locating systems.


One VHF lightning channel imaging system (LMA), three VLF/LF (NLDN, LINET and USPLN), one
ELF/VLF/LF/MF/HF (ENTLN), and three VLF (WWLLN, GLD360 and ATDnet) systems are briefly
reviewed here as representative examples of modern lightning locating systems. The systems
have been chosen because they are good examples of each type of system, but their inclusion
should not be taken to imply that they are better than others or are recommended over the use
of other systems not discussed here. Information about these and other systems can be found in
Rakov and Uman (2003), Cummins and Murphy (2009), Betz et al. (2009) and references therein.
There are more than 60lightning locating networks worldwide that operate in the VLF/LF range.

Besides a general characterization of each system, the available information on its performance
characteristics is given with emphasis on those based on formal ground-truth studies published
in the peer-reviewed literature. Generally, the amount of such information for older systems is
greater than for more recent ones.

6.5.1 Lightning Mapping Array, 6066MHz

Lightning Mapping Array networks typically consist of 1015stations separated by 1520km

and connected by wireless communication links to a central location (Thomas et al., 2004).
Each station receives the lightning signals (from both cloud and CG flashes) in a locally
unused television channel (usually TV channel3, 6066MHz). A typical time resolution (the
measurement time window) is 80100s. A larger time window, typically 400s, is used for real-
time processing and display.

The location accuracy of the New Mexico LMA has been investigated experimentally using
a sounding balloon carrying a VHF transmitter, airplane tracks, and observations of distant
storms (Thomas et al., 2004). Simple geometric models for estimating the location uncertainty
of sources both over and outside the network have also been developed. The model results
were found to be a good estimator of the observed errors. Sources over the network at altitudes
ranging from 6 to 12km were located with an uncertainty of 612m rms in the horizontal and
2030m rms in the vertical, resulting in less than a 100-metre 3D error for most located sources.
Outside the network the location uncertainties increase with distance.

6.5.2 US National Lightning Detection Network, 400Hz400kHz

The National Lightning Detection Network consists of more than 100stations separated typically
by 300350km and covering the contiguous United States (see Cummins and Murphy, 2009).
A combination of TOA and MDF locating techniques is employed. Both cloud and CG lightning
discharges are reported. Classification is accomplished by applying field waveform criteria.
Peak currents are estimated from measured fields using an empirical formula based on rocket-
triggered lightning data, with the field peaks being adjusted to account for propagation effects
(stronger than the inverse proportionality distance dependence). Further information on the
evolution of the NLDN, its enabling methodology and applications of NLDN data can be found
in Rakov and Uman (2003, Chapter17), Orville (2008), Cummins and Murphy (2009) and
references therein.

Cloud-to-ground stroke and flash detection efficiencies have been investigated, using video
cameras, in southern Arizona, Oklahoma and Texas (Biagi et al., 2007). The stroke detection
efficiency in southern Arizona was estimated to be 76% (N=3620), and in Texas/Oklahoma it
was 85% (N=885). The corresponding flash detection efficiencies were 93% (N=1097) and 92%
(N=367). Additionally, classification of lightning events as cloud or CG discharges was examined
in this study, as well as in a similar study (but additionally using independent electric field
waveform measurements) in the Colorado/Kansas/Nebraska region (Fleenor et al., 2009).

Cloud-to-ground stroke and flash detection efficiencies have been also investigated, using
rocket-triggered lightning as the ground truth, in the Florida region (Jerauld et al., 2005; Nag et
al., 2011). From the latest study (20042009), the CG stroke and flash detection efficiencies were
found to be 76% (N=139) and 92% (N=37), respectively. Strokes in rocket-triggered flashes are
similar to regular subsequent strokes (following previously formed channels) in natural lightning,
and hence the 76% stroke detection efficiency is applicable only to regular negative subsequent
strokes in natural lightning. The flash detection efficiency derived using rocket-triggered
lightning is expected to be an underestimate of the true value for natural negative lightning
flashes, since first strokes typically have larger peak currents than subsequent ones.

Nag and Rakov (2012) examined electric field waveforms produced by 45positive flashes
containing 53strokes. Out of these 53strokes, the NLDN located 51 (96%), of which 48 (91%)
were correctly identified and 3return strokes were misclassified as cloud discharges.

According to Cummins and Murphy (2009), the NLDN cloud flash detection efficiency (a flash
was considered detected if at least one VLF/LF pulse produced by that flash was detected) is in
the range of 10% to 20%, depending on local differences in distances between stations. Nag
et al. (2010) examined wideband electric fields, electric and magnetic field derivatives, and
narrowband VHF (36MHz) radiation bursts produced by 157compact intracloud discharges.
The NLDN located 150 (96%) of those CIDs, and correctly identified 149 (95%) of them as cloud

Nag et al. (2011) estimated, from comparison of NLDN-reported locations with the precisely
known locations of the rocket launchers which were taken as the accurate ground strike points,
the median absolute location error to be 308m, with the largest error being 4.2km (N=105).
Peak current estimation errors have been estimated from comparison of NLDN-reported peak
currents with directly measured currents at the triggered-lightning channel base. The median
absolute value of current estimation error was 13% (N=96). The current estimation errors never
exceeded 129% in absolute value (60% if two outliers are excluded). These results are applicable
only to regular negative subsequent strokes in natural lightning.

6.5.3 Lightning Detection Network, 1200kHz

The basic location method used in the Lightning Detection Network (LINET) is TOA, although
the magnetic field sensors provide arrival-angle information that is employed as a plausibility
check on computed locations. Height information derived from the arrival time at the nearest
reporting sensor is employed to assist in classification of processes in cloud flashes and of in-
cloud processes (e.g. preliminary breakdown) in CG flashes on the one hand and CG strokes on
the other (near-ground locations are assumed to be associated with CG strokes and elevated
ones with all the other processes). It is stated that the reliable separation of return strokes and
cloud pulses can be achieved as long as the closest sensor is within 100km of the lightning
discharge, which requires baselines of 200250km or less. Emphasis is placed on detection
of low-amplitude signals of both cloud and CG lightning. Peak currents for processes in cloud
flashes and for in-cloud processes (e.g. preliminary breakdown) in CG flashes and CG strokes
are estimated assuming direct proportionality between the peak current and peak magnetic (or
electric) field and inverse distance dependence of field peak. More information about LINET can
be found in Betz et al. (2009) and references therein.

Like for VHF channel imaging systems, it is not clear how to define the detection efficiency
for LINET, which in a sense also maps the evolution of lightning channels, although with a
considerably smaller number of located sources per flash. Additionally, in-cloud processes (e.g.
preliminary breakdown) in CG flashes are assigned to the cloud lightning category, which is
apparently inconsistent with the traditional definitions of cloud flash as a lightning discharge
without CG strokes and of CG flash as a lightning discharge that consists of both in-cloud
processes and CG strokes. This is probably immaterial for a number of applications, such as cell
tracking and detection of severe weather.

The random location error is claimed to be approximately 150m, but the existence of systematic
errors is acknowledged. Betz et al. (2009) showed an example of 58located strokes apparently
terminated on an instrumented tower with an average location error of less than ~100m, after
compensating systematic errors that caused a location bias of ~200m.

Peak current estimation errors for LINET are unknown (no comparison with ground-truth data
has been performed to date).

6.5.4 US Precision Lightning Network, 1.5400kHz

The US Precision Lightning Network (USPLN) employs the VLF/LF TOA technique and consists
of 100electric field sensors covering the continental United States and other parts of North
America. No formal performance testing studies regarding this system have been reported,
but the operators of the system claim, apparently from the network simulation analysis, 95%
stroke detection efficiency and 250-metre typical location error throughout most of North

America (>80% detection efficiency and <1km location error in key deployment areas elsewhere
in the world). Differentiation between cloud and CG processes is apparently accomplished by
examining the frequency content and amplitude of the received signals. The field-to-current
conversion procedure has not been formally described, nor is any information available about
testing its validity.

6.5.5 Earth Networks Total Lightning Network, 1Hz12MHz

The Earth Networks Total Lightning Network (ENTLN) sensors operate in a frequency range
from 1Hz to 12MHz (spanning the ELF, VLF, LF, MF and HF ranges). The TOA method has been
employed by this network of more than 700sensors since 2013. Both cloud and CG lightning
discharges are reported.

According to Heckman and Liu (2010), the whole electric field waveforms are transmitted
from the sensor to the data-processing unit and used in both locating the lightning events
and differentiating between cloud and CG processes. Strokes (or individual cloud events) are
clustered into a flash if they are within 700ms and 10km of the first detected stroke (or cloud
event). A flash that contains at least one return stroke is classified as a CG flash, otherwise it is
classified as a cloud flash. In cell tracking and thunderstorm alert generation, only flashes (which
are less likely than strokes to be missed by the system) are used.

No formal performance testing studies regarding this system have been reported in the peer-
reviewed literature, but the operators of the system claim that performance testing studies
conclude that ENTLN achieves 40%50% cloud flash detection efficiency across much of the
United States and up to 95% in the US Midwest and East (Heckman and Liu, 2010). Maximizing
the detection efficiency for cloud flashes appears to be the primary focus of this system. By
extending the frequency range of detection into the MF and HF spectra, the ENTLN aims to
detect and report weaker pulses at longer distances than other VLF/LF systems with similar

The field-to-current conversion procedure has not been formally described to date, nor is any
information yet available about testing its validity.

6.5.6 World Wide Lightning Location Network, 618kHz

The World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) utilizes a time-of-group-arrival (TOGA)
method to locate lightning strikes. This method is based on the fact that lightning VLF signals
(sferics) propagating in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide experience dispersion, in that the
higher-frequency components arrive earlier than the lower-frequency components. The TOGA,
a quantity that can be derived from the measured sferic waveform, is related to the distance
travelled by the sferic. As of March 2012, the WWLLN employed 57sensors located on all
continents, although, according to Dowden et al. (2002), global coverage could be in principle
provided by as few as 10sensors. Distances between the sensors are of the order of thousands of
kilometres. Presently, only those lightning events that triggered at least five sensors and that had
residuals (uncertainties in the stroke timing) less than or equal to 30s are regarded as located
with acceptable accuracy.

In the latest study of WWLLN performance characteristics, Abarca et al. (2010) used NLDN data
as the ground truth and found that the CG flash detection efficiency increased from about 3.9%
in 20062007 to 10.3% in 20082009, as the number of sensors increased from 28 in 2006 to
38 in 2009. For events with NLDN-reported peak currents of 130kA or higher, the detection
efficiency was 35%. The average location error was estimated to be 45km.

Interaction of lightning signals with the ionosphere spectrally distorts the received waveform,
so that it is not straightforward to infer the peak current and even polarity of lightning.
Nevertheless, Hutchins et al. (2012) developed a method to convert the stroke radiated power in
the 618kHz band to peak current. Errors involved in such conversion are presently unknown.

6.5.7 Global Lightning Dataset, VLF

The Global Lightning Dataset (GLD360), also referred to as the Global Lightning Detection
Network (GLDN), employs an unspecified number of VLF sensors strategically placed around
the world. Locations are obtained using both TOA and MDF methods in conjunction with a
lightning waveform recognition algorithm. The latter relies on a bank of canonical waveforms
corresponding to propagation distances of the order of thousands of kilometres (Said et al.,

According to the network operators, the expected CG flash detection efficiency is 60%70%
and the median location error is 5 to 10km. Demetriades et al. (2010) evaluated the GLD360
performance characteristics using NLDN data as the ground truth and found that the CG
flash detection efficiency was 86% to 92%, and the median location error was 10.8km. From
a similar study, but using the Brazilian lightning detection network, Naccarato et al. (2010)
reported a CG flash detection efficiency of 16% and a mean location error of 12.5km. Using
synchronized electric field and high-speed video camera measurements of cloud-to-ground
lightning in Belgium as ground truth, Poelman et al. (2013) found the CG flash and stroke
detection efficiencies for the GLD360 to be 96% and 70%, respectively, with a median location
error of 900m. Using NLDN data as ground truth, Said et al. (2013) reported a CG flash detection
efficiency of 57% and a median location accuracy of 2.5km.

The GLD360 also reports the peak current and polarity. Relative to the NLDN, Said et al. (2013)
found the arithmetic and geometric mean peak current magnitude error for the GLD360 to be
21% and 6%, respectively. GLD360 reported the same polarity for 96% of the matched strokes as
the NLDN.

6.5.8 Arrival Time Difference network

The Arrival Time Difference network (ATDnet) long-range lightning location system (LLS) is
the latest version of the UK Met Office VLF LLS that has been in place since 1987. The network
currently consists of 10sensors across Europe that contribute to the main network, with
additional sensors within Europe and beyond for development and testing. The network is
designed for lightning location in Europe, but is capable of regularly detecting lightning in Africa
and South America. The sensors, referred to as outstations, detect VLF (sferic) signal waveforms
and transmit waveform data to a central processor at the UK Met Office, where a waveform
correlation technique is used to determine the arrival time differences of the waveforms across
the network. These arrival time difference data are used to locate lightning.

Poelman et al. (2013) found the random location error of ATDnet to be on the order of 1km,
with a CG flash detection efficiency of 88%. The actual median location uncertainty of CG flashes
across Europe is likely to be on the order of 2 to 5km, although this requires verification in peer-
reviewed literature. ATDnet does not currently provide information on stroke polarity, type (CG/
IC) or power/peak current.



Lightning data have utility in different areas of importance to public and private meteorological
service organizations. Typically, national meteorological agencies use LLS data to help
accomplish their national duties to protect life and property, and commercial entities use
lightning data to provide improved severe weather warnings, forecasts and guidance to clients
for specialized applications including aviation, agriculture, energy and mass media.

6.6.1 Storm recognition and alarms for severe weather

One of the important duties of the meteorological services is to provide reliable warnings for
severe weather conditions. As a rule, the best severe weather forecast skill and lowest false alarm
rates are achieved when several data sources are exploited, but since thunderstorms are typically
accompanied by an increase of IC, LLS data alone can usually serve as a very clear indicator of
the strength and extent of storm cells. This points to the importance of total lightning networks,
such as those that detect in the LF/MF/HF ranges, since CG detection alone will not suffice for this

Although an alarm can be issued as soon as a stroke occurs in the vicinity of an instrumented
area, a more reliable procedure involves the definition of a storm cell and tracking it as it moves
inside or towards an area of interest. Some LLS allow for short-term extrapolation (nowcasting) of
cell displacements on the order of 1h or so. Monitoring the total flash rates and the rate changes
makes it possible to identify lightning cells with the potential to produce severe weather. When a
cell is identified and the total lightning rate exceeds a given threshold, an alert can be generated.

Except for certain storms generated along frontal boundaries, forecasting over longer durations
with acceptable skill requires the use of numerical weather prediction models. Finally, it may be
pointed out that lightning, in combination with cell tracking, not only indicates the initiation of
heavy thunderstorm activity but also signals the end of a threat in a given area.

Although storm reports from spotters on the ground or in the air are an invaluable source
of information during severe weather, information derived from remote-sensing techniques
(including lightning detection) is becoming more important all the time. One can now use
radar reflectivity, cloud images, passive microwave brightness temperatures and lightning data
(alone or in combination) to identify thunderstorm activity with high accuracy and reliability
even in remote regions. Of all these techniques, global and/or local networks of LLS systems
and stand-alone detectors on the ground or in aircraft are clearly the most definitive when it
comes to identifying significant thunderstorm activity for the reasons discussed above. While
the simple detection of a thunderstorm is feasible with any LLS, more complete measurements
require advanced systems and techniques that are capable of providing early detection and
identification of thunderstorm activity while at the same time reducing false alarms to an
acceptable level.

6.6.2 Nowcasting, forecasting and derived products

Nowcasting is a widely used technique for very short-range weather forecasting. A nowcast
starts with information about the current (weather) state of the atmosphere as expressed by
one or more observed parameters, and then uses an estimate of their movement to predict their
location and extent a short time in the future. Nowcast accuracy depends on the validity of the
assumption that the weather associated with the observed parameter(s) will persist during that
period without significant change. Of course, certain lightning parameters are indicative of the
phase of a storms life cycle and this may also be exploited for nowcasting. The above assumption
is reasonable for short (~1h) periods, but its validity diminishes with time. As a consequence,
extrapolations over periods longer than about 1h require the use of data assimilation and
numerical weather prediction techniques.

Qualitative evaluations of LLS data commonly involve the display of lightning data on maps
(with or without other information) in real or near real time. These products can be used for
many purposes, such as localizing or limiting an area likely to be effected by a storm and aiding
in the decision to issue an alarm. Beyond qualitative evaluation, high-quality LLS data are highly
amenable to quantitative treatment including statistical evaluations of stroke rates to estimate
storm intensity, which can greatly enhance their utility.

A number of projects are underway that are aimed at developing automated procedures
for thunderstorm cell tracking and the evaluation of lightning parameters in these areas.

Refinedinterpretations, analysis and animations of results from cell tracking should greatly
enhance the nowcasting potential of LLS data. The combination of cell tracking involving both
lightning and radar represents another type of potentially useful derived product.

Finally, lightning data, as well as other observations such as radar reflectivity, can be used to
generate model output statistics for objective forecasting (Glahn and Lowry, 1972; Knpffer,
1996) that are appropriate for use in probabilistic post-processing techniques like those
described for the hourly Rapid Refresh NWP model developed by the NOAA Earth System
Research Laboratory (Weygandt et al., 2008).

6.6.3 Lightning and climate

Recent climate studies have noted the connection between lighting and climate change
(Williams, 2005; Price, 2006, 2009). As surface and lower tropospheric temperatures rise,
lightning rates are predicted to increase in the range of 10%100% for every one degree
of surface warming, depending on the model and assumptions used. There is also a clear
relationship between temperature, water vapour and lightning activity; thunderstorms carry
large amounts of water vapour into the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, and this
in turn influences the greenhouse effect on the Earths climate. Further, lightning discharges
produce nitrogen oxides that influence the production of the greenhouse gas ozone. It must
be recognized, however, that even though the underlying mechanisms linking global climate
change to lightning are well understood, different processes may dominate in unanticipated
ways. For example, climate simulations by Grewe (2008) suggest that global warming can
actually lead to the worldwide occurrence of fewer but more intense convective events. As such,
lightning decreases in total flash frequency, but individual storms are predicted to produce more

In any case, lightning activity is one of the factors that should be taken into account in any
detailed climate model or predictions of climate change. Consequently, it is important to monitor
lightning activity at different scales over large areas and establish or extend the database of
lightning events over long time periods. Relationships are also studied on short timescales,
ranging from daily and diurnal variations, five-day waves, intra-seasonal, semi-annual and annual
to longer periods. To achieve this goal, local high-precision LLS should be expanded, global LLS
must be completed and standards for lightning detection must be introduced and implemented.

6.6.4 Verification of lightning-induced ground damage

An early motivation for the development of LLS was to have an objective way to verify the cause
of lightning-induced damage in legal disputes, and most insurance companies use lightning
data to verify or reject lightning damage claims. To be useful in this regard, LLS must exhibit
both excellent detection efficiency and location accuracy at all thresholds. Location accuracy
should be better than ~1km so that a reliable correlation between lightning and damage can
be demonstrated, and relatively weak strokes must be detected because even a 5kA stroke
can produce significant damage or over-voltage. Even higher location accuracy is needed for
the power industry to determine if the interruption of a high-voltage transmission line could
have been caused by a lightning stroke. Since heavy storms can produce high stroke rates and
lightning flashes may be composed of many strokes with differing strike points, an accuracy
of 100200m is desired for the establishment of a reliable spatial correlation. Of course, this
requirement is relaxed when precise event timing of both the power failure and the strokes are
available, and tools for automatic recognition of these incidents are now available commercially.

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CHAPTER 7. RADAR MEASUREMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  680

7.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  680
7.1.1 The weather radar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  680
7.1.2 Radar characteristics, terms and units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  681
7.1.3 Radar accuracy requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  681
7.2 Radar principles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  682
7.2.1 Pulse radars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  682
7.2.2 Propagation radar signals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  686
7.2.3 Attenuation in the atmosphere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  687
7.2.4 Scattering by clouds and precipitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  688
7.2.5 Scattering in clear air. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689
7.3 The radar equation for precipitation targets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  689
7.4 Basic weather radar system and data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  691
7.4.1 Reflectivity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  691
7.4.2 Doppler velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  692
7.4.3 Dual polarization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  694
7.5 Signal and data processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  696
7.5.1 The Doppler spectrum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  696
7.5.2 Power parameter estimation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  696
7.5.3 Ground clutter and point targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  696
7.5.4 Overcoming the Doppler dilemma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  699
7.6 Optimizing radar characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  703
7.6.1 Selecting a radar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  703
7.6.2 Wavelength and beam width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  703
7.6.3 Transmitters and transmit power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  704
7.6.4 Pulse length. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  704
7.6.5 Pulse repetition frequency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  705
7.6.6 The antenna subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  705
7.6.7 Illumination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  706
7.6.8 Typical weather radar characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  706
7.6.9 Radar volume scan strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  708
7.6.10 Radar performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  708
7.7 Maintenance and calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  709
7.7.1 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  709
7.7.2 Calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  711
7.8 Radar installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  712
7.8.1 Optimum site selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 712
7.8.2 Data exchange, networking, database and processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  714
7.9 Sources of error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  715
7.10 Overview of meteorological applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  722
7.10.1 General weather surveillance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  722
7.10.2 Severe weather detection and warning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  723
7.10.3 Nowcasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  728
7.10.4 Precipitation estimation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  729 Vertical profile of reflectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  730 The ZR relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  732 Gauge adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  734 Dual-polarization precipitation techniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  734
7.10.5 Wind estimation/wind mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  737 Wind profiling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  737 Convective wind features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  737 Wind mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  737
7.10.6 Initiation and numerical weather prediction models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  738
7.10.7 Humidity estimation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  738
7.11 Meteorological products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  738


FREQUENCY SHARED SPECTRUM USE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  741



REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  745



This chapter is a basic discussion of weather radars. It places particular emphasis on the technical
and operational characteristics that must be considered when planning, developing and
operating individual radars and radar networks in support of Meteorological and Hydrological
Services. This is related to the use and application of weather radar data. Radars used for vertical
wind profiling are discussed in PartII, Chapter5.

7.1.1 The weather radar

Meteorological radars are primarily designed for detecting precipitation and associated weather
phenomena. However, other objects, such as insects, birds, planes, sand and dust, ground clutter
and even fluctuations in the refractive index in the atmosphere generated by local variations in
temperature or humidity, can be detected by the weather radar.

This chapter deals with radars in common operational or near-operational use around the
world. The meteorological radars having characteristics best suited for atmospheric observation
and investigation transmit electromagnetic pulses in the 310GHz frequency range (103cm
wavelength, respectively). Primarily, they are designed for detecting and mapping areas of
precipitation, measuring their intensity and motion, and their type. Radar echoes due to birds,
insects or Bragg scattering (the turbulent fluctuations) can also produce radial wind data with
Doppler radar. Their intensity patterns can reveal the location of atmospheric boundaries that are
indicative of areas of low-level convergence where thunderstorms may initiate or develop.

Higher frequencies (35 and 94GHz) are used to detect smaller hydrometeors, such as cloud, fog,
drizzle, light snow and precipitation, and are becoming prevalent in the research community.
These frequencies are generally not used in operational forecasting because of excessive
attenuation of the radar signal by the intervening medium and their relatively short range,
particularly in Doppler mode.

At lower frequencies (9151440MHz, ~400440MHz and ~50MHz), radars are capable of

detecting variations in the refractive index of clear air, and are used for wind profiling. Although
they may detect precipitation, their scanning capabilities are limited by the size and type of the
antenna, and they generally point in the vertical or near-vertical.

The returned signal from the transmitted pulse encountering any target, called an echo, has
an amplitude, a phase and a polarization. Amplitude is related to the size distribution and
number of particles in the (pulse) volume illuminated by the radar beam. The amplitude is used
to determine the reflectivity factor (Z), which is used to estimate the intensity of precipitation
through the use of empirical relations. A primary application is to detect, map and estimate the
precipitation at ground level instantaneously, nearly continuously, and over large areas.

Doppler radars have the capability of determining the phase difference between the transmitted
and received pulse which is a measure of the mean radial velocity of the particles. This is the
reflectivity weighted average of the radial components of the displacement velocities of the
hydrometeors within the pulse volume. The Doppler spectrum width is a measurement of the
spatial variability of the Doppler velocities and provides a measure of the variation in the radial
velocity that is interpreted in terms of wind shear and turbulence. An important feature of
Doppler is the ability to filter out echoes due to ground targets in the signal processing.

The current generation of radars has polarization capability. Operationally, pulses are
transmitted simultaneously with horizontal and vertical polarizations. In the past, the pulses
were transmitted in sequence but required a high-power polarization switch that was prone
to failure. Two receivers (physical or virtual) are used to measure the horizontal and vertical

components of the returned signal. The main benefits are improved data quality through the
ability to identify characteristics of the target (birds, bugs, precipitation and its type, clutter),
hydrometeor classification and precipitation estimation. For forecast applications, the dual-
polarization capability can identify hail and the rainsnow boundary. High precipitation rates
affect the horizontal and vertical phase of the transmitted and received pulses, and this can be
exploited for precipitation estimation even with partially blocked beams or attenuated signals.
Dual polarization can be calibrated through self-consistent relationships between parameters.

Weather radars no longer operate in isolation. Given current telecommunication capabilities,

data are exchanged, resulting in networks of weather radars. This has made it possible to extend
their use in local applications (e.g. severe weather warnings and nowcasting), regional (e.g. data
assimilation, precipitation estimation) and global applications (e.g. climate change detection).

Modern weather radars should have characteristics optimized to produce the best data for
operational requirements. They are the most complex of all the weather sensors used in
operations and require special training and extensive knowledge of the instrument. The location
of the radar is critical to meet the surveillance and detection requirements. There are a variety of
configuration options to set up the radar, and components should be adequately installed and
monitored for degradation and failure. Hence, a maintenance and support programme is needed
to keep this instrument useful.

7.1.2 Radar characteristics, terms and units

The meteorological applications govern the selection of the characteristics of the radar
(Tables7.1, 7.2 and 7.3).

7.1.3 Radar accuracy requirements

Quantitative use of radar data in end-user applications relies on the accuracy and precision of
the radar observations. Appropriately installed, calibrated and maintained modern radars are
relatively stable and do not produce significant measurement errors due to the stability of the
hardware. However, the maintenance and calibration of the radar is still a considerable challenge
and requires highly qualified personnel. Measurement error still exists and requires engineering
and scientific expertise to monitor, diagnose and mitigate the biases.

External physical factors, such as ground clutter effects, anomalous propagation, attenuation
and propagation effects, beam effects, target composition, particularly with variations and
changes in the vertical, rain rate-reflectivity relationship inadequacies and the meteorological

Table 7.1. Radar frequency bands

Radar band Frequency Wavelength Nominal

UHF 3001000MHz 10.3m 70cm

L 1 0002000MHz 0.30.15 m 20cm

S 2 0004000MHz 157.5cm 10cm

C 4 0008000MHz 7.53.75cm 5cm

X 8 00012500MHz 3.752.4cm 3cm

Ku 12.518GHz 2.41.66cm 1.50cm

K 1826.5GHz 1.661.13cm 1.25cm

Ka 26.540GHz 1.130.75cm 0.86cm

W 94GHz 0.30cm 0.30cm


Table 7.2. Some meteorological radar parameters and units

Symbol Parameter Units

Ze Equivalent or effective mm6 m3 or dBZ
radar reflectivity factor

Vr Mean radial velocity m s1

v Spectrum width m s1

Z DR Differential reflectivity dB

K DP, DP Specific differential phase, Degreekm1,

Differential phase Degree

HV Correlation coefficient

LDR Linear depolarization ratio dB

Table 7.3. Physical radar parameters and units

Symbol Parameter Units

c Speed of light m s1

f Transmitted frequency Hz

fd Doppler frequency shift Hz

Pr Received power mW or dBm

Pt Transmitted power kW

PRF Pulse repetition Hz


T Pulse repetition time ms


Antenna rotation rate Degree s1 or rpm

Transmitted wavelength cm

Azimuth angle Degree

Beam width between half Degree

power points

Pulse width s

Elevation angle Degree

situation, create artefacts in the data that must be removed during scientific data processing for
use in quantitative applications. By considering only errors attributable to the radar system, the
measurable radar parameters can be determined with an acceptable accuracy (Table7.4).


7.2.1 Pulse radars

The principles of radar and the observation of weather phenomena were established in
the 1940s. Since then, great strides have been made in improving equipment, signal and
data processing and data interpretation. The interested reader should consult some of the
relevant texts for greater detail. Good references include Skolnik (1970, 1990) for engineering
and equipment aspects; Battan (1973) for meteorological phenomena and applications;

Table 7.4. Accuracy requirements

Parameter Definition Acceptable accuracya

Azimuth angle 0.1

Elevation angle 0.1

Vr Mean Doppler velocity 1.0m s1

Z Reflectivity factor 1dBZ

v Doppler spectrum width 1m s1

Z DR Differential reflectivity 0.2dB

K DP Specific differential phase < 0.5 degreekm1

HV Cross-polar correlation 0.001

a These figures are relative to a normal Gaussian spectrum with
a standard deviation smaller than 4ms1. Velocity accuracy
deteriorates when the spectrum width grows, while reflectivity
accuracy improves.

Atlas(1964,1990), Sauvageot (1982) and WMO (1985) for a general review; Rinehart (2004)
for a meteorologists perspective; Doviak and Zrni (1993) for Doppler radar principles and
applications; and Bringi and Chandrasekar (2001) and Meischner (2003) for dual polarization.
Considerable insight on radar quality, maintenance, hardware monitoring and calibration can be
gleaned from the RADCAL 2000 (Joe, 2001), RADCAL 2013 (Chandrasekar and Baldini, 2013) and
the RADMON 2010 (Joe, 2010) workshops. A brief summary of the principles follows.

Figure7.1 shows a typical radar and radar site. The antenna (28.5m) is inside the radome
on top of the tower, which is of the order of 1030m or more in height. A tower is used to
elevate the antenna above local obstructions. When determining the height of the tower, the
growth of nearby trees should be taken into account. Too tall a tower will result in considerably
more ground clutter due to the side of the main lobe and the side lobes. One of the buildings
contains the radar electronics (transmitter/receiver and computers) and the other contains
the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and diesel generator. Radars are often located in rural
locations and well-conditioned power is often not the norm. The UPS plays a critical role in
removing power spikes and other anomalies in the power and is key to maintaining operations.
The diesel or other kind of generator is capable of 23days of operation but should be specified
according to the needs. Note the lightning rod, on top of the radome, that is connected to
grounding cables (not shown). This is critical as lightning can cause serious and long-term
damage to the radar components. Power fluctuations due to lightning can exceed the capability
of the UPS. Note also the red signal lights on top of the radome for warning aviators.

Electromagnetic waves at fixed preferred frequencies are transmitted from a directional antenna
into the atmosphere in a rapid succession of short pulses. The pulse length and range processing
determines the range resolution of the radar data. One emerging technology in operational
radars is the use of low-power transmitters (solid state, travelling-wave tubes) that exploit a
technique called pulse compression using a combination of long pulses at low power, frequency
modulation and advanced signal-processing to achieve high-range resolution and high
sensitivity that rival traditional pulse systems. Phased array antennas are an emerging technology
that forms the beam by electronic phase shifting. They have the ability to point to different
locations in an agile and non-sequential fashion. However, they all use a directional beam that
can resolve targets in range, azimuth and elevation.

Figure7.2 shows a directional radar antenna emitting a pulsed-shaped beam of electromagnetic

energy over the Earths surface and illuminating various targets, including non-meteorological
targets. Many of the physical limitations and constraints of the observation technique are
immediately apparent from the figure. For example, (i)there is a limit to the minimum altitude
that can be observed at far ranges due to the curvature of the Earth, (ii)there are non-

Figure7.1. A typical weather radar within the Canadian network showing the major physical
components of a radar system. The tower is about 30m high, with a radome fitted with
hazard lights and a lightning rod.

meteorological targets, (iii)there are other emitters (Radio Local Area Networks, the Sun),
(iv)there is anomalous propagation of the beam, (v)there is blockage and partial blockage due
to mountains, (vi)there is precipitation of different types, and (vii) there areelectromagnetic
precipitation interactions resulting in enhanced returns (bright band), etc.

A parabolic reflector in the antenna system concentrates the electromagnetic energy in a conical-
shaped beam that is highly directional. The width of the beam increases with range, for example,
a nominal 1 beam spreads to 0.9, 1.7 and 3.5km at ranges of 50, 100 and 200km, respectively.

For a pulse radar, the short bursts of electromagnetic energy are absorbed and scattered by the
illuminated meteorological and non-meteorological targets. Some of the scattered energy is
reflected back to the radar antenna and receiver. Since the electromagnetic wave travels at the
speed of light (that is, 2.99 10 8ms1), the range of the target can be determined by measuring

Second trip
Second-trip echoes +

Partial blockage Attenuation

Sun +
Mountain Partial beamfilling (Calibration)
clutter + Bright band +
Virga + Insects +
Total blockage
Orographic Overshoot (Nowcasting) Anomalous propagation +
Planes +

Multi-path + +
Electromagnetic Moving trees + Clutter +/ Turbines +
interference + Notch filtered +/ (Refractivity)
(Zero velocity)

Figure7.2. The weather radar can detect many things besides weather targets. This
schematic illustrates many of these features. The + or signs indicate whether the radar
reflectivity is augmented or diminished by the feature. These artefacts need to be removed
for quantitative applications.

the time between the transmission of the pulse and its return. Between the transmissions of
successive pulses, the receiver listens for any return of the wave. The return signal from the target
is commonly referred to as the radar echo. The time between consecutive pulses determines the
maximum unambiguous range of the radar. Echoes can still be received from targets beyond this
maximum range and are known as multiple-trip echoes.

For a pulse compression radar with frequency modulation, the range to target is determined
by the frequency within the long pulse. However, the maximum unambiguous range is still
determined by the time between consecutive pulses. With the transmission of long pulses, the
radar receiver is protected from the high power of the transmit pulse, and a long blind zone
(1030km, depending on the pulse length) is created. In this type of radar, short pulses (with
corresponding short blind zones, <2km) are transmitted to detect objects that are within this
blind zone.

The radar range equation relates the power returned from the target to the radar characteristics.
The power returned provides an estimate of the amount of precipitation in the resolution
volume. This estimate depends on the assumption of the type of precipitation particles and their
size distribution in the resolution volume.

The power measurements are determined by the total power backscattered by the target within
a volume being sampled at any one instant in time. This volume is called the pulse volume or
sample volume. The pulse volume dimensions (which determine the resolution of the radar)
are dependent on the radar pulse length in space (h) and the antenna beam widths in the
vertical(b) and the horizontal (b). The beam width, and therefore the pulse volume, increases
with range. Since the power that arrives back at the radar is involved in a two-way path, the
pulse-volume length is only one half the pulse length in space (h/2) and is invariant with range.
The location of the pulse volume in space is determined by the position of the antenna in
azimuth, the elevation, the range to the target and also by the non-linear propagation path of
the radar beam away from the radar. For a pulse compression radar, the pulse volume is primarily
determined by the resolution of the frequency modulation and the capability of the receiving
system to resolve changes in frequency.

Particles within the pulse volume are continuously shuffling relative to one another. This results
in intensity fluctuations about the mean target intensity. Little significance can be attached to
a single echo intensity measurement from a weather target. At least 25 to 30pulses must be
integrated to obtain a reasonable estimation of mean intensity, though this will depend on the
level of data quality considered as acceptable (Smith, 1995). This was formerly carried out by an
electronic integrator circuit but is now done in a digital signal processor. Further averaging of
pulses in range, azimuth and time is often conducted to increase the sampling size and accuracy
of the estimate at the expense of coarser spatial resolution. An important difference with non-
meteorological radars is that the signal processing and the interpretation of the data are based
on the premise that the backscatter is from a distributed target and not from a point target (such
as an aeroplane). This requires processing for quantitative measurements (not just detection) and
a different range dependency of the return power (different radar equation) compared to point
target detection radars (such as for air traffic control).

Doppler radars have circuitry to measure the phase shift difference from successive pulses from
the same radar pulse volume. The phase shift is proportional to the radar wavelength and
therefore to the distance in the time between pulses. This phase shift is used to estimate the
radial or Doppler velocity.

Dual-polarization radar can be of several types. The polarization can be circular and, though
there have been very excellent research radars with this feature, it is not generally used in
weather operations. Linear dual-polarization radars can send pulses at horizontal and vertical
polarization in alternating or simultaneous fashion. In the former case, a fast high-power
switch (switches every pulse) is required, but it has proved to be problematic and so few exist
in operations. The simultaneous transmit and receive (STAR mode) technique transmits equal
powers in both the horizontal and vertical polarizations and the signal is received separately at
horizontal and vertical polarizations. This has proved to be the solution for operations as the
high-power, high failure fast switch is avoided. There are variations to these methods of creating

the dual-polarization signal. The major advantage of the alternating dual-polarization mode is
that it can measure the cross-polarization backscatter of the target (Linear Depolarization Ratio
LDR), and this is particularly useful for bright band detection. The major disadvantage of the
STAR mode is this loss of LDR (as there is cross-polarization already in the transmitted pulse),
a 3dB loss of signal strength in both channels (due to power splitting), and cross-coupling
artefacts, particularly in the ice phase of storms.

7.2.2 Propagation radar signals

Electromagnetic waves propagate in straight lines in a homogeneous medium. However, the

atmosphere is vertically stratified and the rays change direction depending on the changes in the
refractive index (which is a function of temperature and moisture). When the waves encounter
precipitation and clouds, part of the energy is absorbed and part is scattered in all directions,
including back to the radar site.

The amount of bending of electromagnetic waves can be predicted by using the vertical
profile of temperature, moisture and pressure (Bean and Dutton, 1966). Under normal
atmospheric conditions, the waves travel in a curve bending slightly earthward (Figure7.3). The
representation is drawn in physical space (the Earth is drawn with a radius of 6371km) and the
figure shows that the beam bends downward, but still rises with range with respect to the Earths
surface. In a four-thirds (4/3) Earth model, where the Earth's surface is drawn with a radius of
8975km (4/3 x 6371km), the beams are straight lines (Figure7.4).

This 4/3 model is most often used, but some radars (mountain top) use a 5/4 model. The height
above the radar is given by the following equation:
h = r 2 + ( ke a ) + 2rke a sin e ke a (7.1)
2 2

where h is the height above the radar antenna, r is the range along the beam, a is the Earths
radius, e is the elevation angle above the horizon and kea is the effective Earth radius.

The ray path can bend either upwards (sub-refraction) or more earthward (super-refraction). In
either case, the altitude of the beam will be in error using the standard atmosphere assumption.
This is known as anomalous propagation. From a precipitation measurement standpoint, the

1 0.5

0 0.3

Y (km)


Earths surface
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
X (km)

Figure7.3. Schematic of beam height for selected elevation angles (0.3, 0, 0.3 and 0.5) above
the Earth's surface, for a standard index of refraction profile in the atmosphere plotted in
physical space with an Earth curvature equivalent to the Earth radius

25.5 21.8 18.6 15.8 13.4 11.3 9.5 8.0 6.8 5.7 4.8 4.0

Area not scanned Geometric progression factor = 1.19
16 Cone of silence 2.8

14 2.4

Height (km)


10 1.4
8 1.0
6 0.5

Area not scanned

0 50 100 150 200 250

Range (km)

Figure7.4. The beam height diagram is a useful tool for the interpretation of radar products.
The beam height is plotted against a flat Earth, which is a more traditional presentation. The
elevation angle sequence is one proposed by Marshall and Ballantyne (1978) to produce
optimal horizontal products (CAPPIs, echo tops).

greatest problem occurs under super-refractive or ducting conditions, where the ray can
bend sufficiently to strike the Earth and cause ground echoes not normally encountered. The
phenomenon occurs when the index of refraction decreases rapidly with height. This occurs
when there is an increase in temperature and a decrease in moisture with height. These echoes
must be eliminated when producing a precipitation map. The sub-refraction situation, where
the beam doesnt beam as much as normal or bends in the upward direction, is not evident to
identify and thus is also a problem. In actual practice, the vertical profile of the index of refraction
is not known, so that the precise location of the beam is not known.

Some clear air echoes are due to turbulent fluctuations in the refractive index. This is found
in areas of turbulence, layers of enhanced stability, wind shear cells, or strong inversions (Bragg
scattering). These echoes usually occur in patterns, mostly recognizable, but must be eliminated
as precipitation fields (Gossard and Strauch, 1983).

7.2.3 Attenuation in the atmosphere

Microwaves are subject to attenuation owing to atmospheric gases, clouds and precipitation by
absorption and scattering.

Attenuation by gases

Gases attenuate microwaves in the 310cm bands. Absorption by atmospheric gases is

due mainly to water vapour and oxygen molecules. Attenuation by water vapour is directly
proportional to the pressure and absolute humidity and increases almost linearly with decreasing
temperature. The concentration of oxygen, to altitudes of 20km, is relatively uniform.

Attenuation by gases varies slightly with the climate and the season. It is significant at weather
radar wavelengths over the longer ranges and can amount to 2 to 3dB at the longer wavelengths
and 3 to 4dB at the shorter wavelengths, over a range of 200km. Compensation can be quite
easily accomplished automatically.

Table 7.5. One-way attenuation relationships

Wavelength (cm) Relation (dBkm 1)

10 0.000 343 R0.97

5 0.00 18 R1.05

3.2 0.01 R1.21

Note: After Burrows and Attwood (1949).
One-way specific attenuations at 18 C.
R is in units of mm hr1.

Attenuation by hydrometeors

Attenuation by hydrometeors can result from both absorption and scattering. It is the most
significant source of attenuation. It is dependent on the shape, size, number and composition
of the particles. This dependence has made attenuation very difficult to overcome in any
quantitative way using radar observations alone, though great progress has been made using
dual-polarization radar techniques.

Attenuation is dependent on wavelength. At 10cm wavelengths, the attenuation exists but is

rather small, while at 3cm it is quite significant. At 5cm, the attenuation may be acceptable
for many climates, particularly in the high mid-latitudes. Wavelengths below 5cm are not
recommended for good precipitation measurement except for short-range applications
(Table7.5). Total attenuation of the signal can occur at 3 and 5cm. Smaller wavelength radars
are more sensitive to attenuation and attenuation correction, and quantitative precipitation
estimation based on dual-polarization specific differential phase measurements has more impact
on resulting data. These techniques are effective starting at lower precipitation rates for smaller

For precipitation estimates by radar, some general statements can be made with regard to
the magnitude of attenuation. Attenuation is dependent on the water mass of the target, thus
heavier rains attenuate more; clouds, with much smaller mass, attenuate less. Ice particles
attenuate much less than liquid particles. Clouds and ice clouds cause little attenuation and can
usually be ignored. Snow or ice particles (or hailstones) can grow much larger than raindrops.
They become wet as they begin to melt and result in a large increase in reflectivity and, therefore,
in attenuation properties. This can distort precipitation estimates.

7.2.4 Scattering by clouds and precipitation

The echo power detected is backscattered by the targets in the resolution volume
(hydrometeors, ground, trees, etc.). The backscattering cross-section (b) is defined as the area
of an isotropic scatterer that would return to the emitting source by the same amount of power
as the actual target. The backscattering cross-section of spherical particles was first determined
by Mie (1908). Rayleigh found that if the ratio of the particle diameter to the wavelength was
equal to or less than 0.06, a simpler expression could be used to determine the backscatter cross-
5 K D6
b = (7.2)
which is the justification for equation7.3. |K|2, the refractive index factor, is equal to 0.93 for
liquid water and 0.197 for ice.

The radar power measurements are used to derive the scattering intensity of the target by using
equation7.2 in the form:

C Pr r 2
z= (7.3)

Table 7.6. Typical backscatter cross-sections for various targets

Object b (m2)
Aircraft 10 to 1 000

Human 0.14 to 1.05

Weather balloon 0.01

Birds 0.001 to 0.01

Bees, dragonflies, moths 3 x 10 6 to 10 5

2 mm water drop 1.8 x 10 10

The method and problems of interpreting the reflectivity factor in terms of precipitation rate (R)
are discussed in section7.10.

7.2.5 Scattering in clear air

In regions without precipitating clouds, it has been found that echoes are mostly due to insects
or to strong gradients of refractive index in the atmosphere (Bragg scatter). The echoes are
of low intensity and are detected by most modern radars unless discarded via thresholding
of the data. Equivalent Ze values for clear air phenomena generally appear in the range of 55
to 5dBZ, although these are not true Z parameters as the physical process generating the
echoes is entirely different. For precipitation measurement, these echoes are noise in the
signal. However, they can usually be associated with some meteorological phenomenon such
as a sea breeze or thunderstorm outflows and therefore are useful to identify areas of potential
convective initiation. Clear air echoes can also be associated with birds and insects in very low
concentrations. Echo strengths of 5 to 35dBZ are not unusual, especially during migrations

Although normal radar processing would interpret the signal in terms of Z, the scattering
properties of the fluctuations of the index of refraction are quite different from that of
hydrometeors. It is also known as Bragg scattering. The scattering is most often expressed in
terms of the structure parameter of refractive index, Cn2. This is a measure of the mean-square
fluctuations of the refractive index as a function of distance (Gossard and Strauch, 1983).


Meteorological targets consist of ice and/or water particles randomly distributed in space. The
power backscattered from the target volume is dependent on the number, size, composition,
relative position, shape and orientation of the scattering particles. The total power backscattered
is the sum of the power backscattered by each of the scattering particles.

Using this target model and electromagnetic theory, Probert-Jones (1962) developed an
equation relating the echo power received by the radar to the parameters of the radar and
the targets range and scattering characteristics. It is generally accepted as being a reliable
relationship to provide quantitative reflectivity measurements with good accuracy, bearing in
mind the generally realistic assumptions made in the derivation:
3 P hG 2bb K 10 Z
Pr = t (7.4)
1 024 ln 2 2 r2
where Pr is the power received back at the radar, averaged over several pulses, in watts; P t is the
peak power of the pulse transmitted by the radar in watts; h is the pulse length in space, in
metres (h = c/2, where c is the speed of light and is the pulse duration); G is the gain of the
antenna over an isotropic radiator; b and b are the horizontal and vertical beam widths,

respectively, of the antenna radiation pattern at the 3dB level of one-way transmission, in
radians; is the wavelength of the transmitted wave, in metres; |K|2 is the refractive index factor
of the target; r is the slant range from the radar to the target, in metres; and Z is the radar
reflectivity factor (usually taken as the equivalent reflectivity factor Ze when the target
characteristics are not well known), in mm6m3.

The second term in the equation contains the radar parameters, and in the third term the
parameters depend on the range and characteristics of the target. The radar parameters are
relatively fixed, and, if the transmitter is operated and maintained at a constant output (as it
should be), the equation can be simplified to:
Pr = (7.5)
where C is the radar constant.

There are a number of basic assumptions inherent in the development of the equation which
have varying importance in the application and interpretation of the results. Although they are
reasonably realistic, the conditions are not always met exactly and, under particular conditions,
will affect the measurements (Aoyagi and Kodaira, 1995).

These assumptions are summarized as follows:

(a) The scattering precipitation particles in the target volume are homogeneous dielectric
spheres whose diameters are small compared to the wavelength, that is D< 0.06 for strict
application of Rayleigh scattering approximations;

(b) The pulse volume is completely filled with randomly located precipitation particles;

(c) The reflectivity factor Z is uniform throughout the sampled pulse volume and approximately
constant during the sampling interval;

(d) The particles are all water drops or all ice particles, that is, all particles have the same
refractive index factor |K|2, and the power scattering by the particles is isotropic;

(e) Multiple scattering (among particles) is negligible;

(f) There is no attenuation in the intervening medium between the radar and the target

(g) The radar uses linear polarizations (typically H or V);

(h) The main lobe of the antenna radiation pattern is Gaussian in shape;

(i) The gain of the antenna is known or can be calculated with sufficient accuracy;

(j) The contribution of the side lobes to the received power is negligible;

(k) Blockage of the transmitted signal by ground clutter in the beam is negligible;

(l) The peak power transmitted (P t) is the actual power transmitted at the antenna, that is, all
waveguide losses, and so on, and attenuation in the radar dome, are considered;

(m) The average power measured (P r) is averaged over a sufficient number of pulses or
independent samples to be representative of the average over the target pulse volume.

This simplified expression relates the echo power measured by the radar to the radar reflectivity
factor Z, which is in turn related to the rainfall rate. These factors and their relationship are crucial
for interpreting the power returned from the target and estimating precipitation amounts from

radar measurements. Despite the many assumptions, the expression provides a reasonable
estimate of the precipitation mass. This estimate can be improved by further consideration of
factors in the assumptions.


The basic weather radar consists of the following:

(a) An antenna to focus the transmitted microwaves into a narrow beam and receive the
returning power;

(b) A tower to elevate the antenna above immediate obstructions;

(c) A transmitter to produce power at microwave frequency and a modulator to create the
pulses and pulse rates;

(d) A receiver to detect, amplify and convert the microwave signal into a low-frequency signal;

(e) A signal processor to extract the desired information from the received signal;

(f) A system to control the radar and process the data into radar variables;

(g) A data display to visualize the information in an intelligible form;

(h) A recording system to archive the data for training, study and records.

A basic weather radar may be non-coherent (e.g. a magnetron or power oscillator type
transmitter), that is, the phase of successive transmitted pulses is random. Doppler
measurements can be made if the phase of the transmitted pulse is measured and the return
signal processed with reference to this phase. This is known as a coherent-on-receive Doppler
radar. A coherent-on-transmit radar (e.g. a klystron, power amplifier, solid state or travelling-
wave tube type transmitter) transmits the same phase with each pulse. Power transmitted
by a weather radar is typically several hundreds of kilowatts to a megawatt of peak power
concentrated in a pulse of a microsecond in width, whereas the average power is typically a few
hundred watts. Solid state or travelling-wave tube type transmitters send a pulse of much lower
power but rely on long pulses to compensate.

7.4.1 Reflectivity

The backscattered power measured by a typical radar is of the order of 10 8 to 10 15W, covering
a range of about 70dB from the strongest to the weakest targets detectable. Compared to
the transmit power, this is over 20orders of magnitude smaller. To measure the weakest and
strongest signals simultaneously, receivers with large dynamic ranges (>90dB) are required
and are now commonly available (Heiss et al., 1990; Keeler et al., 1995). In the past, logarithmic
receivers with a dynamic range of 90dB were used for reflectivity measurements. Linear receivers
(that maintain phase linearity) are needed for Doppler measurements. In the past, these had
limited dynamic range (40 to 50dB), requiring automatic gain control.

The reflectivity factor is the most important parameter for radar interpretation. The factor derives
from the Rayleigh scattering model and is defined theoretically as the sum of particle (drops)
diameters to the sixth power in the sample volume:

Z = vol N ( D) D 6 (7.6)

where the unit of Z is mm6m3. In many cases, the number of particles and their composition
and shape are not known and an equivalent or effective reflectivity factor Ze is defined. For
example, snow and ice particles must refer to an equivalent Ze which represents Z, assuming the
backscattering particles were all spherical drops of density .

Rainfall rate is given by:

R= vol N ( D )VT / 6 D3 (7.7)

However, N(D) is not known, and empirical relationships between Z and R have been developed;
the most famous being the one commonly known as the Marshall-Palmer relationship:

Z = 200 R1.6 (7.8)

In order to cover the range of values, a common practice is to work in a logarithmic scale or dBZ
units which are numerically defined as dBZe = 10 log10 Ze.

Volumetric observations of the atmosphere are normally made by scanning the antenna at a fixed
elevation angle and subsequently incrementing the elevation angle in steps at each revolution.
An important consideration is the resolution of the targets. Parabolic reflector and phased array
(through phase shifting) antennas are used to focus the waves into a pencil shaped or Gaussian
shaped beam. Larger reflectors create narrower beams, greater resolution and sensitivity at
increasing costs. The beam width, often defined by the half power points, is one half that at the
axis, is dependent on the wavelength, and may be approximated by:
e = (7.9)
where the units of e are degrees; and d is the antenna diameter in the same units as . Good
surveillance weather radars have beam widths of 0.5 to 1. However, broader beams are useful
for short-range applications.

The useful range of weather radars is dependent on the application and nature of the weather.
Depending on the time interval between pulses (characterized by the pulse repetition frequency
(PRF), say 300s1), the maximum unambiguous range of the radar can be hundreds of kilometres
(e.g. 500km). However, given the beam propagation and the curvature of the Earth, the beam,
and therefore the pulse volume, is high and big (e.g. at 250km, a 1 beam width radar pointing
at an elevation angle of 1 is 9km high and 6km wide, Figure7.4). The beam may overshoot the
weather, the pulse volume may not be filled and the sensitivity of the radar may not be sufficient
to measure the precipitation intensity accurately. However, if echoes are observed, they will
indicate very intense and hazardous thunderstorms or weather. Typical weather radars operate
with a maximum range of the order of 250 to 600km.

For good quantitative precipitation measurements, a 1 beam width radar has an effective
range of about 80km. The smaller the beam width of the radar, the greater the effective range
(e.g. a 0.65 beam has an effective range of about 120km). At longer ranges, the data must be
extrapolated to the ground. The beam spreads and under-filling results in under-reporting of the
precipitation intensity. This is weather regime dependent, and the results discussed are for mid-

7.4.2 Doppler velocity

The development of Doppler weather radars and their introduction to weather surveillance
provided a new dimension to the observations (Heiss et al., 1990). Doppler radar provides a
measure of the targets velocity along a radial from the radar. So it provides a measurement of
the velocity component of the wind in the direction either towards or away from the radar.

The typical speeds of meteorological targets are less than 50ms1, except in the case of
tornadoes/hurricanes. As discussed earlier, pulse-to-pulse phase changes are used to estimate
the Doppler velocity. If the phase changes by more than 180, the velocity estimate is
ambiguous. In order to unambiguously and accurately measure the Doppler velocity of
meteorological targets, the pulse repetition frequency must be high (smaller time interval
between pulses) such that the maximum unambiguous range is reduced from that of a typical
radar, measuring reflectivity only. At higher speeds, additional processing steps are required to
retrieve the correct velocity. The maximum unambiguous Doppler velocity depends on the radar
wavelength () and the PRF, and can be expressed as:

(7.10) Vmax =
The maximum unambiguous range can be expressed as:
rmax = (7.11)
Thus, Vmax and rmax are related by the equation:
Vmax rmax =
These relationships show the limits imposed by the selection of the wavelength and PRF (see
Figure7.5). A high PRF is desirable to increase the unambiguous velocity; a low PRF is desirable to
increase the radar range. Unfortunately, these limits fall within the desired measurement space of
a weather radar, and compromises in the radar operating conditions are required. This is known
as the Doppler dilemma and is further discussed in the signal and data processing section of this
chapter. The maximum unambiguous velocity or range is often referred to as the Nyquist velocity
or Nyquist range.

One of the significant consequences of the high PRFs is that there are often still detectable echoes
beyond the Nyquist range. These echoes are referred to as second- (or multiple-) trip echoes
since they are received from pulses transmitted previously. If the targets are strong enough, the
power of these targets can still be received by the radar. However, the targets will be located
incorrectly in the first trip since the radar cannot determine whether the echo was a result of the
current or previous pulse, given that the timing or range of the echo is based on the most recent
transmitted pulse.

Some Doppler radars are fully coherent; their transmitters are oscillators and generate the same
phase from pulse to pulse. These coherent radars typically employ klystrons, solid state or similar
transmitters. Since these types of radars transmit the same phase for every pulse, the velocity
of the second echoes will produce discernible mean radial velocities. This kind of radar cannot
(without advanced processing) separate the range or the velocity of the multiple-trip echoes.


PRF = 1 200

Nyquist velocity (m/s)

PRF = 2 400

S band


C band

X band
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Range (km)

Figure7.5. This illustrates the Doppler dilemma for the three common radar bands (X, C, S).
The dilemma arises because one parameter, the pulse repetition frequency, which is the time
between transmitted pulses, controls the maximum unambiguous velocity and the maximum
unambiguous range in opposite ways. The markers and red lines indicate

Relative power (dB) 10




16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 16
Nyquist velocity (m/s)

Figure 7.6. This Doppler spectrum shows the distribution of power within a single radar pulse
volume as a function of the Doppler velocity.

For coherent-on-receive Doppler radars, such as one with a magnetron amplifier transmitter,
the phase from pulse to pulse is random. In this kind of radar, the phase of the most recently
transmitted pulse is measured and the phases of all echoes are referenced to it. Therefore, the
series of phases from the second-trip echo that referenced to the most recent phase will be
random and will appear as noise in the Doppler spectrum. Figure7.6 is a simulated example
of a typical Cband radar set-up. The sharp spike at zero velocity is due to stationary ground
echoes and has a narrow power distribution. The broad peak on the right is the weather echo.
It is broader than the ground clutter peak since it originates from a distribution of drops that are
shuffling. Note that the tail of the weather contribution on the right is aliased and appears on
the left edge of the graph. The signal fluctuates about the noise floor due to thermal noise in the
system, and also about the weather spectrum due to the shuffling of the precipitation targets.
A dynamic estimation of the noise power makes it possible to subtract the noise power from the
overall power to produce a cleaner estimate of the first-trip power (Figure7.7). This is an example
showing (a) how stationary ground clutter can be filtered using a zero velocity notch filter, and
(b) how second-trip echoes can be filtered using a noise type filter (signal quality index).

Two signal-processing systems of different complexity are used to process the Doppler
parameters. The simpler pulse pair processing (PPP) system uses the comparison of successive
pulses in the time domain to extract mean velocity and spectrum width. The second and more
complex system uses fast Fourier transform (FFT) processing to produce a full spectrum of
velocities in each sample volume. The PPP system is faster, less computationally intensive and
better at low signal-to-noise ratios, but has poorer clutter rejection characteristics than the FFT

7.4.3 Dual polarization

There are several basic radar polarization techniques in current usage. One system transmits a
circularly polarized wave, and the co-polar and orthogonal polarization powers are measured.
Another system alternately or simultaneously transmits pulses with horizontal (H) then vertical
(V) polarization utilizing a high-power switch. Simultaneous H and V radars do not require a
fast switch. The complexity of unravelling the microphysical characteristics of the echo is still a
challenge, and manufacturing a high-quality circular polarization system can be more costly. The
linear polarization system is generally preferred since the retrieval of meteorological information
is less calculation intensive, and conventional radars can be converted to dual polarization

70 70
2nd trip echo 65 2nd trip echo removed 65
by Doppler velocity 60
data quality filtering 50
40 40
35 35
Weather echo 31 31
27 27
24 24
21 21
18 18
15 15
12 12
9 9
6 Weather echo 6
3 3
2nd trip echo 0 0
3 3
6 6
10 10
Ground clutter 15 15
20 Ground clutter removed 20
32 Urban spike removed 32
RF by Doppler notch filtering RF
by Doppler notch
Urban clutter spike
due to multiple scattering
Anomalous propagation
removed by Doppler notch

Figure 7.7. Modern Doppler radars can filter bad data or ground clutter in the signal-
processing phase of the processing chain. The left image shows the raw data and the right
image shows the filtering capability of Doppler signal and data processing. Polarization
diversity capability for data quality is shown in Figure7.29.

more easily. Except in a few situations, the high-power switch has proved to be problematic for
alternating polarization, and as a result the simultaneous transmit and receive system is common
in operational radars.

In general, the polarization technique is based on micro-differences in the scattering particles.

Raindrops are elliptically shaped with the major axis in the horizontal plane when falling freely in
the atmosphere. The oblateness of the drop is related to drop size. The power backscattered from
an oblate spheroid is larger for a horizontally polarized wave than for a vertically polarized wave
assuming Rayleigh scattering. This is also true for other targets such as insects, birds and ground

Table7.2 describes the most common polarization diversity parameters. The differential
reflectivity, called Z DR, is defined as 10times the logarithm of the ratio of the horizontally
polarized reflectivity Z H and the vertically polarized reflectivity Z V. Comparisons of the equivalent
reflectivity factor Ze and the differential reflectivity Z DR suggest that the precipitation may be
separated as hail, rain, drizzle or snow (Seliga and Bringi, 1976).

As an electromagnetic wave propagates through a medium with oblate particles, the phase
of the incident beam is altered due to attenuation differences (resulting in propagation speed
differences) in the vertical and horizontal. The effect on the vertical and horizontal phase
components depends on the oblateness and is embodied in an integral parameter termed
the differential phase (DP). If an appropriate range derivative can be computed, the specific
differential phase (K DP) can also be estimated. For heavy rainfall measurements, K DP has certain
advantages (Zrni and Ryzhkov, 1995). English et al. (1991) demonstrated that the use of K DP
for rainfall estimation is much better than Z for rainfall rates greater than about 20mmh1 at the
Sband. Since this is a phase measurement and can be localized or specific to the range bin, this
parameter can be used to overcome issues of power calibration and partial beam blockage. With
greater attenuation (shorter wavelengths), the effectiveness of this technique increases at lower
reflectivities or precipitation rates.

The correlation of the vertical and horizontal time-series data provides a statistical measure
of the dissimilarity of the H and V scattering cross-sections of the hydrometeors. It should be
noted that this is a statistical measure, and so rain and snow, though on an individual particle
basis appear to have quite different scattering characteristics, actually have high correlation in
the statistical sense. Bebbington (1992) designed a parameter for a circularly polarized radar,

termed the degree of polarization, which is insensitive to propagation effects (linear correlation
is independent of propagation effects also). This parameter is similar to linear correlation for
linearly polarized radars and appears to have value in target discrimination. For example,
extremely low values are indicative of scatterers that are randomly oriented such as those caused
by airborne grass or ground clutter (Holt et al., 1993).


7.5.1 The Doppler spectrum

The radar detects an electromagnetic wave returned from the target. This wave is a result of
all the scatterers in the radar volume. Mathematically, a wave is characterized by an amplitude
and phase or equivalently in complex numbers as the real or imaginary parts of a phasor. This
is also called the in-phase or quadrature (I, Q) signals. The wave is measured several times and
the results are a time series of I, Q samples. If a Fourier transform is applied to the data, then
the magnitude of the Fourier transform coefficients constitutes the Doppler spectrum. The
Doppler spectrum is a representation of the auto-correlation of the I, Q time series in frequency
space (Wiener, 1964). The more time samples, the finer the resolution in the frequency domain.
Processing in time domain is equivalent to that in the frequency domain. Figure7.6 shows a
typical Doppler spectrum and is useful to characterize the various aspects of the information
within a single radar volume. The noise level (integrated over the entire spectrum) represents the
minimum signal level or minimum detected signal of this range bin. The peak at zero frequency
or zero velocity is the contribution of stationary echoes or ground clutter. The broader peak
is due to the weather target. Note that the peak at zero velocity is broadened by the antenna
motion, poor phase stability of the radar system and a fewer number of samples. The width of
the ground clutter spectrum is generally smaller than the width of the weather spectrum and
can, in most cases, be used to separate the ground from the weather echo. The area under the
weather echo and above the noise level is the power of the weather echo. The area under the
ground clutter spectrum is the power due to ground clutter.

7.5.2 Power parameter estimation

The hydrometeors are distributed within the pulse volume and shuffle relative to each other and
produce a fluctuating signal. Averaging is required to reduce the variance of the measurements
to within acceptable uncertainty. Generally, 30independent pulses are required to estimate
reflectivity (Doviak and Zrni, 1993). This implies that the pulses need to be sampled at time
intervals greater than the de-correlation time of the pulse volume, sampled in different locations
in range or using some other technique (frequency shuffling).

Operationally, this is done in various ways depending on the application and processing
philosophy. The antenna could slowly scan and the reflectivity could be estimated within one
degree of azimuth and within one pulse volume, or it could rotate more quickly and range
averaging could be employed in the signal or data processor. Additionally, poorer data quality
could be acceptable and data smoothing could be applied at a later stage.

7.5.3 Ground clutter and point targets

Clutter can be the result of a variety of targets, including buildings, hills, mountains, aircraft
and chaff, to name just a few. Good radar siting is the first line of defence against ground clutter
effects. However, clutter is always present to some extent since the sides of the main beam and
the side lobes interact with the nearby terrain (Figure7.8). The radar beam is not perfectly
conical but radiates in all directions, though the main power is along the bore sight. The beam
width is often defined as the half power points (3dB of the power along the bore sight). This
radiation pattern is determined by the geometry of the feed horn, the distance from the focal
point, the parabolic dish and the struts holding the feed horn. The height of the first side lobe

3 dB or half power beam width

0 3 dB

Main lobe

Relative radiation intensity (dB)

10 Side of main lobe
Vestigial lobe or shoulder
1st side lobe
Spillover radiation
30 Other minor lobes
Back lobe


10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Degrees off axis

Figure 7.8. A generic antenna radiation pattern. Note that the antenna beam width is
typically defined at the half power (50% or 3dB) points. If the target is highly reflective,
power is emitted and received on the side of the main lobe and the other side lobes.

(marked) is more or less determined by these factors and often used as a measure of the quality
of the antenna. Reducing or moving this side lobe in azimuth by shifting the feed horn results in
either a broader main beam or power loss.

The intensity of ground clutter is inversely proportional to wavelength (Skolnik, 1970, 1990),
whereas backscatter from rain is inversely proportional to the fourth power of wavelength.
Therefore, shorter wavelength radars are less affected by ground clutter. Ground clutter echoes
should be eliminated for precipitation estimation; however, clutter echo can be used for
humidity measurements (Fabry, 2004). Point targets, like aircraft, can be eliminated, if they are
isolated, by removing echoes that occupy a single radar resolution volume. Weather targets are
distributed over several radar resolution volumes. Point targets can be eliminated during the
data-processing phase. Point targets, like aircraft echoes, embedded within precipitation echoes
may not be eliminated with this technique depending on their relative strength.

To remove ground clutter, a conceptually attractive idea is to use clutter maps. The patterns
of radar echoes in non-precipitating conditions are used to generate a clutter map that is
subtracted from the radar pattern collected in precipitating conditions. The problem with this
technique is that the pattern of ground clutter changes over time. These changes are primarily
due to changes in meteorological conditions; a prime example is anomalous propagation echoes
that typically last several hours and then disappear. Micro-changes to the environment cause
small fluctuations in the pattern of ground echoes which confound the use of clutter maps.
Adaptive techniques (Joss and Lee, 1993) attempt to determine dynamically the clutter pattern to
account for the short-term fluctuations, but they are not good enough to be used exclusively.

Doppler processing techniques attempt to remove the clutter from the weather echo from a
signal-processing perspective. The basic assumption is that the clutter echo is narrow in spectral
width and that the clutter is stationary. However, to meet these first criteria, a sufficient number
of pulses must be acquired and processed in order to have sufficient spectral resolution to resolve
the weather from the clutter echo. A relatively large Nyquist interval is also needed so that the
weather echo can be resolved (see Figure7.6). The spectral widths of ground clutter and weather
echo are generally much less than 0.5ms1 and generally greater than 1ms1, respectively.
Therefore, Nyquist intervals of about 8ms1 are needed. Clutter is generally stationary and is
identified as a narrow spike at zero velocity in the spectral representation (Figure7.6). The spike
has finite width because the ground echo targets, such as swaying trees, have some associated

Figure 7.9. Doppler notch filtering can remove too much echo when the Doppler spectrum of
the weather echo is narrow and near the zero Doppler velocity (see arrow). This problem is
minor compared to other artefacts illustrated in Figure7.2.

Time domain processing to remove the zero velocity component of a finite sequence is done
with a high-pass digital filter. A width and depth of the digital filter to match the clutter must
be assumed for the whole scanning domain, and mismatches are inevitable as the clutter varies
(Zrni and Hamidi, 1981). Adaptive spectral (Fourier transform) processing identifies the ground
clutter echo, heuristically determines the clutter echo and removes the ground clutter power
from the total power, thereby separating ground clutter from the weather echoes even if they are
overlapped (Passarelli et al., 1981; Crozier et al., 1991; Figure7.7). It can be difficult to separate
the weather from the clutter echo when the weather echo is narrow (as in light snow situations)
and the mean Doppler velocity is near zero. In this situation, too much weather echo can be
removed. When the weather echo spectrum is narrow as in the case of snow or drizzle, the zero
notch filter cannot distinguish the weather from the ground clutter. This is particularly true when
the antenna spins fast, causing the ground echo spectrum to broaden, and when the mean radial
velocity of the weather is near zero. Too much power is removed and results in an anomalous
depression in reflectivity (Figure7.9, left image). The arrow shows where the depressed echo
corresponds to the zero line in the radial velocity image (Figure7.9, right image). This is a minor
drawback to Doppler notch filtering.

Improvements to the clutter echo identification include better techniques to identify the clutter
echo (Gaussian model adaptive processing) and techniques to use texture of the data (variance
of the reflectivity) associated with clutter before applying the clutter filters (Hubbert et al.,
2009a; Hubbert et al., 2009b). Systems without Doppler could employ these texture techniques
to remove ground clutter and anomalous propagation echoes.

An alternative approach, called micro-clutter removal, takes advantage of the observation that
structures contributing to ground clutter are very small in scale (less than, for example, 100m).
Range sampling is carried out at a very fine resolution (less than 100m) and clutter is identified
using reflectivity and Doppler signal processing. Range averaging (to a final resolution of 1km)
is performed with clutter-free range bins. The philosophy is to detect and ignore range bins
with clutter, rather than to correct for the clutter (Joss and Lee, 1993; Lee et al., 1995). This is
radically different from the previously discussed techniques and it remains to be seen whether
the technique will be effective in all situations, in particular in anomalous propagation situations
where the clutter is widespread.

Polarization radars can also identify ground clutter since the ground clutter has different
polarimetric features as compared to precipitation. In addition, other kinds of clutter targets can
be identified.

Clutter can be reduced by careful site selection (see below). Radars used for long-range
surveillance, such as for tropical cyclones or in a widely scattered network, are usually placed on

hilltops to extend the useful range, and are therefore likely to see many clutter echoes. A simple
suppression technique is to scan automatically at several elevations, and to discard the data at
the shorter ranges from the lower elevations, where most of the clutter exists. By processing the
radar data into constant altitude plan position indicator (CAPPI) products, low elevation data
are rejected automatically at short ranges (Marshall and Ballantyne, 1978). Figure7.4 shows
a geometric scan sequence proposed by Marshall and Ballantyne (1978) that is optimized to
produce constant height products such as the CAPPI and echo top.

7.5.4 Overcoming the Doppler dilemma

The Nyquist interval and sampling govern the quality of the Doppler velocity estimates. The
Nyquist interval (180) must be sufficiently large to span the spectrum of the weather echo.
Typically, the weather echo usually has a 46ms1 width and so the Nyquist interval must be at
least twice as wide. The tails of the spectrum may be aliased, but if the signal is strong the mean
velocity can still be estimated.

In order to provide a statistically stable velocity estimate about 2030samples are required.
These samples need to be correlated, so they need to be made quickly. Note that this is fewer
than for reflectivity, and in theory, it is possible to recover velocity at lower signal-to-noise ratios
(weaker signal strength) than reflectivity and in a shorter period of time.

To detect returns at various ranges from the radar, the echoes should be sampled periodically,
usually about every 1s, to obtain information about every 150m in range. This sampling
can continue until it is time to transmit the next pulse (at about every 1ms). A sample point in
time (corresponding to a distance from the radar) is called a range gate. The interval between
transmit pulses governs the maximum unambiguous range. The wavelength combined with the
transmit interval governs the maximum unambiguous velocity. For weather radar wavelengths
and weather scenarios, these maxima are in conflict and this is called the Doppler dilemma,
as increasing one results in reducing the other. This is shown in Figure7.5. So, a fundamental
problem with the use of any pulse Doppler radar is to mitigate the impacts of limited range and

Common techniques to mitigate the velocity limitation or to de-alias the velocities include
multiple PRF techniques (Doviak and Zrni, 1993; Crozier et al., 1991) or continuity techniques
(Eilts and Smith, 1990). In the former, radial velocity estimates are collected at two or more
different PRFs with different maximum unambiguous velocities and are combined to yield a new
estimate of the radial velocity with an extended unambiguous velocity. For example, a Cband
radar using PRFs of 1200 and 900Hz has nominal unambiguous velocities of 16 and 12ms1,
respectively. The amount of aliasing can be deduced from the difference between the two
velocity estimates to de-alias the velocity to an extended Nyquist velocity range of 48ms1.
Figure7.10 shows how the dual-PRF technique is able to extend the unambiguous velocity. The
top graph shows what the Doppler radar is able to measure as a function of true radial velocity
(48 to 48ms1). In this example, the PRFs are in 4:3 ratio; other ratios such as 7:5 and 3:2 are
possible. The bottom graph represents the unique difference in the measured Doppler velocities
as a function of true radial velocity. From this difference, the fold number can be determined and
the true velocity can be retrieved. The limit of the retrieval is determined by the unambiguous
Nyquist velocities and their ratio. This limit is called the extended Nyquist velocity and is 48ms1
in this case. Figure7.11 shows an example of the results of this technique.

Combinations of PRF ratios commonly in use are 5:4, 4:3 or 3:2. The maximum unambiguous
velocity commonly used is 16ms1, though it is not a strict requirement. Lower velocities would
result in larger maximum ranges. The difference in the use of the various ratios is that the
variance in the mean velocity results in the uniform velocity assumption being violated and dual-
PRF errors arising (Joe and May, 2003).

Continuity techniques rely on having sufficient echo to discern that there are aliased velocities
and correcting them by assuming velocity continuity (no discontinuities of greater than 2Vmax).


Folded velocity (m/s)

1 200 PRF

900 PRF

Folded velocity difference (m/s)


8 m/s

48 32 16 0 16 32 48
Actual velocity (m/s)

Figure 7.10. This is an example of a Cband radar pulsing at 900 and 1200s 1 with
unambiguous Nyquist velocities of 12 and 16ms 1, respectively. The technique relies on the
difference between measured radial velocities (ordinate on the bottom image) to determine
the fold number (abscissa on the bottom image) and then use that with the corresponding
measured radial velocity to estimate the true radial velocity.

Fold numbers are determined starting at the zero line, and whenever a discontinuity of a Nyquist
interval is encountered, the fold number is increased or decreased and the Nyquist interval is
added or subtracted.

The second fundamental problem is the range limitation imposed by the use of high PRFs
(greater than about 1000Hz). Echoes beyond the maximum range will be aliased back into the
primary range. For radars with coherent transmitters (e.g. klystron or solid state), the echoes will
appear within the primary range. For coherent-on-receive systems, the second-trip echoes will
appear as noise (Joe et al., 1995; Passarelli et al., 1981; Figure7.12). For the latter system, the noise

Figure 7.11. This figure illustrates the necessity and ability of a Cband radar to extend the
velocity out to at least 48ms 1. This is a case of a hurricane/extratropical transition passage
and velocities are near 48ms 1. In this situation, the assumptions of the dual-PRF technique
(the two measured estimates at different PRFs are from the same radial velocity) are satisfied
and the result has little noise (right image, compare with Figure7.20).

Figure 7.12. An example of second-trip echoes in reflectivity (left) and radial velocity (right)
for a magnetron radar

is a result of the randomly transmitted phases. Doppler radars with their short Nyquist range
are contaminated with second-trip echoes, regardless of whether they are coherent-on-receive
(magnetron) or coherent-on-transmit (klystron) type. In Figure7.12, from a Cband magnetron
radar, the second trip reveals itself as wedge-shaped echoes in reflectivity (black arrows) and
this can be used to identify them. In the radial velocity field, the data are noisy (yellow arrows)
and this can be used in the signal-processing stage to eliminate them as their Doppler spectrum
is very broad, elevating the noise level. If these data were taken with a klystron radar, the radial
velocity would appear as coherent data.

Phase coding techniques have been developed to distinguish the second-trip echoes for coherent
Doppler radars. Processing can be done with respect to the current pulse for the first-trip echo
and the previous pulse for the second-trip echo. This is called random phase processing. It is
effective if the sensitivity of the radar is good (low) so that the second-trip echo can be detected
above noise and if the phase stability is good (low) so that the phase or velocity can be recovered
at long ranges. For coherent transmitters, a pseudo-random sequence can be generated. Better
still is to modulate the phase in a known way to precisely separate the first from the second trip.
Frush et al. (2002) developed this technique for klystron systems.

In a coherent-on-receive (e.g. magnetron) system, the phase variation is implicitly random. In a

coherent-on-transmit (e.g. klystron) system, the phase variation is imposed by the modulator in
a controlled fashion. An example is the SZ-2 phase modulation used in the US WSR-88D system.
The two examples in Figure7.13(ad, eh) are shown to illustrate the benefits and limitations of
the random phase technique. Images7.13(a) and 7.13(e) are taken with low PRF and represent
the truth. Images7.13(b) and 7.13(f) are retrieved from the random phase technique. The
demarcation of the firstsecond trip boundary is indicated by the white arrow. The gap is
because the receiver is turned off while the pulse is being transmitted. In images7.13(ad), a
squall line has not reached the radar. The echoes near the radar are weak relative to those at far
ranges and the technique works well as most of the second trip is recovered (compare 7.13(a)
with 7.13(b)). In images7.13(eh), part of the precipitation system has reached the radar and so
there are relatively strong echoes near the radar relative to those at far ranges. The technique
works less well as there are significant amounts of the second trip that are not recovered
(compare 7.13(e) with 7.13(f)). In this implementation of the technique, only single PRF data
is possible and the Nyquist is 16ms1 (images7.13(c) and 7.13(g)). The dual-PRF data with an
extended Nyquist range of 48ms1 are shown in images7.13(d) and 7.13(h). While aliased,
the single PRF data can still be interpreted and effectively used by a well-trained analyst. For
example, a bookend vortex can be observed in image7.13(c) (white and black arrows). The
corresponding reflectivity images are the inner (first trip) portions of images7.13(b) and 7.13(f).
An important aspect of random phase processing is that the first trip will have higher data quality
as the impacts of the second-trip echo are filtered.

a b e f

c d g h

Figure 7.13. Example of random phase range extension: the example on the left (ad) shows a
situation where the first-trip echo is weak and much of the second-trip echo is recoverable. In
the example on the right (eh), there is significant first-trip echo which precludes recovering
the second-trip echo.

An earlier technique uses a surveillance scan with low PRF to determine the location of the
reflectivity echo. Then when overlapping echoes are encountered in the shorter range Doppler
mode, the echo power and velocity are assigned to the location with the greater power
(Figure7.14). This works if the power is significantly different (>5dB). A long-range surveillance
scan is used to locate the reflectivity echo. A short-range Doppler scan is used to measure the
Doppler or radial velocity. The radial velocity is assigned to the reflectivity echo with the greatest
power. If the powers are within 5dB of each other, the technique does not work well and the
radial velocity data are not recovered and are designated as range folded. They are marked as
white in Figure7.14. Some colour schemes are employed that mark these echoes as purple and so
this is often called purple haze.

A combination of multiple PRF and phase diversity techniques can be used to mitigate both
problems simultaneously (WMO, 2012; Yamauchi et al., 2013).

Figure 7.14. Without the advanced phase coded signal processing, multiple PRF techniques
are used to recover the second trip. Low PRF scans with long-range capability are used to
locate the reflectivity echo. High PRF but short-range scans are used to measure radial
velocity. The radial velocity is assigned to the range bin with the highest power.


7.6.1 Selecting a radar

A radar is a highly effective observation system. However, the application, the climatology,
the local environment (blockage) and the network design determine the effectiveness of any
particular radar or radar system. Everything about radar is a trade-off. No single radar can be
designed to be the most effective for all applications. Characteristics can be selected to maximize
the proficiency to best suit a few applications, such as tornado detection or snow squall
detection, but not all applications (compared with long-range surveillance). Cost is a significant
consideration. Much of the interdependence can be referenced to the radar range equation.

An important consideration is the radar network design and the application. Networks of Xband
radars are being proposed for a variety of local applications where the range requirement is of
the order of 50km or less and where low-level coverage is critical as in low-level snow squall,
tornado detection, microburst detection, complex terrain (mountainous), urban hydrology
and perhaps wind turbine mitigation. The original intention of these networks was for adaptive
sensing of the atmosphere for multiple applications from weather to air traffic control. This is
accomplished in conjunction with phased array antennas that have pointing agility and can scan
in a cooperative fashion (McLaughlin et al., 2009). An innovation of this technology is the low
requirements in terms of infrastructure of the phased array antenna that can be mounted on a
side of a building or on an existing tower.

7.6.2 Wavelength and beam width

The larger the wavelength, the greater the cost of the radar system, particularly antenna costs
for comparable beam widths (i.e. resolution). This is due both to an increase in the amount
of material and to the difficulty in meeting tolerances over a greater size. Within the bands of
interest for weather radars (S, C and X), the sensitivity of the radar or its ability to detect a target
is strongly dependent on the wavelength. However, this dependence is pragmatically mitigated
by transmit power. It is also significantly related to antenna size, which impacts gain, beam width
and beam filling. Smaller wavelength radars (35GHz and 94GHz) are becoming available for
specialized applications, such as fog or cloud detection, or used from space-based platforms for
cloud or precipitation measurements (e.g. Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM); Global
Precipitation Measurement (GPM); CloudSat; and Earth Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer

Considerations of Doppler range within a radar network have a great impact on the wavelength
chosen. For the same Nyquist velocity, an Sband will have twice the Nyquist range compared
to a Cband radar and hence have a significant impact on unambiguous coverage. This may be
mitigated with the velocity and range extension techniques discussed earlier.

Radar rays are attenuated most significantly in rain, less in snow and ice, and even less in clouds
and atmospheric gases. In broad terms, attenuation at the Sband is relatively small. The Sband
radar, despite its cost, is essential for penetrating the very high reflectivities in mid-latitude and
subtropical severe storms with wet hail. X band radars can be subject to severe attenuation over
short distances.

The great disadvantage is that smaller wavelengths have much larger attenuation. It remains to
be seen whether the dual-polarization K DP techniques can compensate for the attenuation until
total attenuation occurs (which is very infrequent) and whether ignoring attenuation at Sband
is justified. If K DP techniques prove to be superior for precipitation estimation than reflectivity
techniques, the smaller wavelength is more sensitive to attenuation and so may be more

The radar signal may be totally lost at C and Xband, particularly if the radome is wet. While this
may seem disastrous, the key question is whether the loss of signal (typically for tens of minutes

for propagating storms) results in actual missed severe storm warnings or missed flash flooding.
Experience indicates that warnings will have usually been already issued and the loss of one or
two data points for hydrological purpose is not a devastating situation.

7.6.3 Transmitters and transmit power

Target detectability is directly related to the peak power output of the radar pulse. However,
there are practical limits to the amount of power output that is dictated by power tube
technology. Unlimited increases in power are not the most effective means of increasing the
target detectability. For example, doubling the power only increases the system sensitivity by
3dB. Technically, the maximum possible power output increases with wavelength and pulse
width. Improvements in sampling, receiver sensitivity, antenna gain, pulse width or choice of
wavelength may be better means of increasing detection capability.

Magnetrons and klystrons are common power sources. Magnetrons cost less but are power
oscillators and so they are less stable in frequency. Many Doppler radars today are based
on magnetrons, and with co-axial magnetrons and digital technology, the phase noise of
these systems can be comparable to that of klystron systems. Smaller phase noise results in
greater capability for clutter rejection (Figure7.15). Phase noise of less than 0.5 is a minimum
performance level of modern radars. At normal operating wavelengths, conventional radars
should detect rainfall intensities of the order of 0.1mmh1 at 200km and have peak power
outputs of the order of 250kW and 1000kW or greater in the Cband and Sband, respectively.

Solid state transmitters have recently been deployed operationally. They have the promise of
reduced maintenance with the high reliability of solid state technology, excellent phase stability
and electronic stability for dual-polarization measurements. Solid state transmitters are typically
low power and require multiple long pulse lengths and pulse compression to attain the required
sensitivities. They are a combination of pulse and frequency-modulated continuous wave radars.
Range side lobes are an issue with pulse compression modulation schemes and it remains to be
seen whether they are significant in the weather application.

7.6.4 Pulse length

The pulse length determines the target resolving power of the radar in range. The range
resolution or the ability of the radar to distinguish between two discrete targets is proportional


Clutter rejection (dB)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Phase noise (degrees)

Figure 7.15. Coherency (phase noise) is a measure of the quality of a Doppler radar and is
directly related to the ability to remove ground clutter and retrieve second-trip echoes using
phase coding techniques.

to the half pulse length in space. For most klystrons and magnetrons, the maximum ratio of pulse
width to PRF is about 0.001. Common pulse lengths are in the range of 0.3 to 4s. A pulse length
of 2s has a resolving power of 300m, and a pulse of 0.5s can resolve 75m.

Assuming that the pulse volume is filled with target, doubling the pulse length increases the
radar sensitivity by 6dB with receiver-matched filtering but decreases the resolution; decreasing
the pulse length decreases the sensitivity while increasing the resolution. Shorter pulse lengths
allow more independent samples of the target to be acquired in range and the potential for
increased accuracy of estimate.

7.6.5 Pulse repetition frequency

The PRF should be as high as practical to obtain the maximum number of target measurements
per unit time. A primary limitation of the PRF is the unwanted detection of second-trip echoes.
Most reflectivity-only radars have unambiguous ranges beyond the useful range of weather
observation by the radar. An important limit on weather target useful range is the substantial
height of the beam above the Earth even at ranges of 250km.

For Doppler radar systems, high PRFs (~1200s1) are used to increase the Doppler unambiguous
velocity measurement limit. This results in the Doppler dilemma, where there is a trade-off
between maximum range and maximum velocity. The PRF factor is not a significant cost
consideration but has a strong bearing on system performance. Briefly, high PRFs are desirable to
increase the number of samples measured, to increase the maximum unambiguous velocity that
can be measured, and to allow higher permissible scan rates. Low PRFs (~300s1) are desirable to
increase the maximum unambiguous range that can be measured, and to provide a lower duty

7.6.6 The antenna subsystem

Weather radars normally use a horn fed antenna with a parabolic reflector to produce a
focused narrow conical beam. Three important considerations are the beam width (angular
resolution), the antenna gain and the side lobes. For common weather radars, the size of the
antenna increases with wavelength for a fixed beam width and with the narrowness of the
beam required. A common target for weather radar antenna beam width is 1, though there is
inherently nothing special about this number.

Phased array antenna technologies are being explored in research and are now commercially
available at Xband at an affordable price. These antennas consist of phase controllable radiating
elements that form the beam. Adaptable target specific or dependent scan strategies can
be developed such that rapid scan or high-quality data requirements can be simultaneously
satisfied in theory, but this is still to be demonstrated in operations. Ground clutter rejection may
be superior as these systems do not scan but essentially momentarily stare at each radial and so
the beam smearing of the ground clutter echo does not occur.

Antenna size and beam width

Weather radars normally have beam widths in the range of 0.5 to 2.0. For a 0.5 and 1.0 beam
at a Cband wavelength, the antenna reflector diameter is at least 7.1 and 3.6m, respectively;
at Sband it is 14.3 and 7.2m. The cost of the antenna system and pedestal increases more than
linearly with reflector size. There is also an engineering and cost limit. The tower must also be
appropriately chosen to support the weight of the antenna.

The desirability of having a narrow beam to maximize the resolution and enhance the possibility
of having the beam filled with target is particularly critical for the longer ranges. For a 0.5
beam, the azimuthal (and vertical) cross-beam widths at 50, 100 and 200km range are 0.4, 0.9
and 1.7km, respectively. For a 1.0 beam, the widths are 0.9, 1.7 and 3.5km. Even with these
relatively narrow beams, the beam width at the longer ranges is substantially large.

The gain of the antenna is also inversely proportional to the beam width and thus the narrower
beams also enhance system sensitivity by a factor equal to differential gain. The estimates of
reflectivity and precipitation require a nominal minimal number of target hits to provide an
acceptable measurement accuracy. The beam must therefore have a reasonable dwell time
on the target in a rotating scanning mode of operation. Thus, there are limits to the antenna
rotation speed. Scanning cycles cannot be decreased without consequences. For meaningful
measurements of distributed targets, the particles must have sufficient time to change their
position before an independent estimate can be made. Systems generally scan at the speed
range of about 0.5 to 6rpm.

Most single polarization weather radars are linearly polarized, with the direction of the electric
field vector transmitted being horizontal and sometimes vertical. Reasons for favouring
horizontal polarization include: (a) sea and ground echoes are generally less with horizontal
polarization; (b) lesser side lobes in the horizontal provide more accurate measurements in the
vertical; and (c) there is greater backscatter from rain due to the drop ellipticity. However, at low
elevation angles, better reflection of horizontally polarized waves from plane ground surfaces
may produce an unwanted range-dependent effect.

Most if not all operational dual-polarization radar employ the STAR mode of transmission, with
equal amount of power at two orthogonal linear polarizations (typically horizontal and vertical).
This eliminates the need for a high-power, high failure polarization switch.

7.6.7 Illumination

Side lobes are an inherent property of any antenna. Side lobes also include the sides of the main
lobe. The beam width is usually defined as the half power points of the main beam and there
is power at angular distances away from the main beam. A major contributor to the side lobes
is the feed horn and the struts supporting the feed horn. Side lobes may be mitigated by over-
illuminating the dish; however, this results in a broader beam and less sensitivity.

In summary, a narrow beam width affects system sensitivity, detectability, horizontal and vertical
resolution, effective range and measurement accuracy. The drawback of small beam width is
mainly cost. For these reasons, the smallest affordable beam width has proven to improve greatly
the utility of the radar (Crozier et al., 1991).

7.6.8 Typical weather radar characteristics

The characteristics of typical radars used in general weather applications are given in Table7.7.

As discussed, the radar characteristics and parameters are interdependent. The technical limits
on the radar components and the availability of manufactured components are important
considerations in the design of radar systems.

The Z-only radars are non-coherent pulsed radars that have been in use for decades. The Doppler
radars are de rigueur and add a new dimension to the observations. They provide estimates of
radial velocity. Specialized Doppler radars have been developed for better detection of small-
scale microbursts and tornadoes over very limited areas, such as for air-terminal protection.
Dual-polarization radars are deployed and applications for data quality, target classification
and quantitative precipitation estimation are finding their way into operations including in
hydrology, numerical weather prediction, and climate change studies.

Table 7.7. Specifications of typical meteorological radars

Type S S S S C C C C C X
Frequency (GHz) 28003000 27003000 2700 2700 54005900 56005650 56005650 55005700 5300 93009500
3000 3000 5850

Wavelength (cm) 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 3

Peak power (kW) 475 850 750 20 500 1000 250 250 12 75

Pulse lengths (s) 1.57, 4.5 0.22.0 0.44.5 0.5200 0.23.0 0.44.5 0.44.5 0.5200 0.33.3

PRF (/s) 3181403, 200 250 100 200 200 250 100 250
318452 2400 2000 20000 2400 2400 2000 20000 3000

Min dBZ at 50km 28.7 15.5 5.5 17.5 19.5 15 5

MDS (dBm) 113 114 114 114 114 114 114 115 114 113

Receiver dynamic 105 115 110 105 105 115 99 110 90


Antenna diameter 8.53 8.5 8.5 8.5 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.5 4.2 2.4

Beam width 1 0.95 1 0.95 0.95 0.95 1 1 0.95 1.05


Gain (dB) 45 45 44.5 45 45 45 44.5 45 45 44.5

Polarization Horizontal STAR STAR STAR Dual Dual Dual Dual STAR Dual
linear linear linear linear linear

Max rotation rate 6 10 6 6 10 10 8 6.7 6 6


Transmitter type Klystron Co-axial Klystron Solid Co-axial Klystron Klystron Co-axial Solid Co-axial
magnetron state magnetron magnetron state magnetron

Clutter suppression 50 46 55 55 46 46 55 55 55

7.6.9 Radar volume scan strategy

Most modern radars automatically perform a volume scan consisting of a number of full azimuth
rotations of the antenna at several elevation angles. This is called the scan strategy and there are
a variety of strategies for different purposes (Marshall and Ballantyne, 1978; Brown et al., 2005;
Crum and Alberty, 1993; Germann et al., 2006a, Seltmann et al., 2013).

Long-range scans of 500km or more (that result in limited Nyquist velocity) are needed for
long-range surveillance. Rapid update of the order of 5min is required to capture the evolving
morphology of the convective thunderstorm. In aviation downburst applications, even shorter
cycle times are required (Michelson et al., 1990). Research radars scan limited areas or sectors
with 1min or less cycle times (Wurman et al., 1996). Slow low-level scans with long pulse lengths
are needed to maximize the capture of clear air echoes. Slow scanning will optimize the Doppler
filtering of ground echoes. Multiple PRF techniques require the assumption of uniformity of
radial velocity and can be implemented on a ray by ray or scan by scan basis.

Scans as low in elevation as possible are needed for optimizing the retrieval of quantitative
precipitation estimates and also to optimize the detection of low-level and shallow weather.
A geometric sequence of elevation angles are required to generate optimal CAPPI or echo top
products (Marshall and Ballantyne, 1978). The emerging Xband phased array radar networks,
such as that of the Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere (CASA) project or the
Multifunction Phased Array Radar (MPAR) project, are revolutionizing the scan strategy concept
as the electronic scanning can adapt to the weather or application (McLaughlin et al., 2009;
Weber et al., 2007), or weaknesses may be mitigated with data from neighbouring radars.

The trade-off is the quality of the data. For example, slow scans for high spectral resolution
for ground clutter mitigation or low data variance preclude scan strategies with very many
elevation angles and hence result in poor vertical resolution. Data quality is a nebulous concept
as it qualitatively refers to trade-offs in timeliness or temporal resolution (cycle time), spatial
resolution (azimuth, range, elevation), data bias (velocity or reflectivity bias) and data variance.
This is difficult to objectively optimize as the success metrics are quite diverse and setting the
number of elevation angle sequence is not an exact science.

Of prime consideration is the nature of the weather and the location that requires the coverage.
For example, the scan sequence for a radar located in a valley used for local and short-range
application will or can be quite different from a radar that is used for long-range surveillance for
land-falling hurricanes (Joe et al., 2014).

While it is attractive conceptually to set the elevation angle changes equal to the beam width,
small changes in the elevation angle of even 0.1 degrees can produce significant views of the
data, due to the stratified nature of the precipitation (snow, bright band, rain profiles) and the
wind profile.

Raw polar data are stored in a three (range, azimuth, elevation) or multiple (radar parameter)
dimensional array, commonly called the volume scan. This serves as the data source for further
data processing and archiving. There can be several versions of raw data due to different data
quality processing.

7.6.10 Radar performance

Minimum detectable signal

The minimum detectable signal (MDS) is a performance measure of the aggregate of the
transmit power, antenna size, beam width or gain, pulse length, wavelength and other factors.
This is often described in power units or system noise temperature. However, for a radar analyst,
reflectivity at a fixed range provides a more intuitive measure of the performance of a radar.
High sensitivity is highly desired in order to detect clear air echoes and light precipitation and
to enhance the retrieval of second-trip echoes. Table7.8 shows some MDS of typical high-
performance radars.

Table 7.8. Minimum detectable signal of typical high-performance radars

Radar MDS at 50km

Z9110 8.0dBZ (few days in August)
10.0 dBZ (2months)

Z9220 1.0dBZ

King City CONVOL (2s) 11.0dBZ

King City DOPVOL (0.5s) 5.0dBZ

Twin Lakes, OK 7.5dBZ

Lake Charles, LA 8.5dBZ

Phase stability

Phase stability or phase jitter is a measure of the average change of phase from pulse to pulse.
Some radar test software can provide this measurement using an acoustic delay line or from
external targets. The advantage of the latter is that it tests the stability at different ranges or time
delays and the entire processing change. Good phase stability (<0.5) results in better velocity
estimation, ground clutter rejection and better second-trip retrieval with magnetron systems.

Cross-polar correlation and ZDR

A measure of the quality of a dual-polarization radar is the cross-polar correlation (HV). If the
radar is pointed at light rain or drizzle that is generally uniformly round, the correlation should
be very close to 1.0. Good radars report values typically of 0.995 or better. This indicates that the
dual polarization is very good and well configured.

If vertical scans are performed during stratiform conditions, the Z DR values should be 0 and have
no azimuthal dependence.


Radar is arguably the most complex of instruments that a meteorological service or service
provider must service and maintain. It requires a very high level of training and skill
development. Maintenance is critical to keeping the radar operating, and calibration is critical
to the quality of the data. Both should follow the manufacturers prescribed procedures. The
following is an outline.

7.7.1 Maintenance

Modern radars, if properly installed and operated, should not be subject to frequent failures.
Some manufacturers claim that their radars have a mean time between failures (MTBF) of the
order of a year. However, these claims are often optimistic and the realization of the MTBF
requires scheduled preventive maintenance. A routine maintenance plan and sufficient technical
staff are necessary in order to minimize repair time. Mechanical and electronic failures are the
most prevalent (Sireci et al., 2010; Figure7.16).

It should be noted that factors external to the radar can result in data not reaching the users.
These include failures or poor quality of the main power, or there may be too many spikes
or fluctuations in the power. The power grid may fail due to lightning or other reasons.
Telecommunications may fail. Air conditioning systems may fail and result in the shutdown of
sensitive electronic systems.




Number of users



l c n s ts t e . s e e
n ica roni atio ning cut par par war ond litie enc rbin
ha c t i c ht r
e g e r e f t c c i e r t u
r f
ec Ele mu
Lig Pow olta Spa So Ai d fa ter ind
M v d e In W
m - o
Co gh tm
Hi Ou

Figure 7.16. Results from the WMO weather radar survey showing the main failure modes of a
radar (Sireci et al, 2010); figure courtesy of Oguzhan Sireci of the Turkish State

Preventive maintenance should include at least a quarterly check of all radar parts subject
to wear, such as gears, motors, fans and infrastructures. The results of the checks should be
written in a radar logbook by local maintenance staff and, when appropriate, sent to the central
maintenance facility. When there are many radars, there might be a centralized logistic supply
facility and a repair workshop. The latter receives failed parts from the radars, repairs them and
passes them on to logistics for storage as stock parts, to be used as needed in the field. Basic
record keeping is a must.

For corrective maintenance, the Service should be sufficiently equipped with the following:

(a) Spare parts for all of the most sensitive and long lead item components, such as tubes, solid
state components, boards, chassis, motors, gears, power supplies and so forth. Experience
shows that it is desirable to have 30% of the initial radar investment in critical spare parts
on the site. If there are many radars, this percentage may be lowered to about 20%, with a
suitable distribution between central and local maintenance;

(b) Test equipment, including the calibration equipment mentioned above. Typically, this
would amount to approximately 15% of the radar value;

(c) Well-trained personnel capable of identifying problems and making repairs rapidly and
efficiently are critical.

Competent maintenance organization should result in radar availability 96% of the time on a
yearly basis, with standard equipment. Better performances are possible at a higher cost.

Recommended minimum equipment for calibration and maintenance includes the following:

(a) Microwave signal generator;

(b) Microwave power meter;

(c) MHz oscilloscope;

(d) Microwave frequency meter;

(e) Standard gain horns;


(f) Intermediate frequency signal generator;

(g) Microwave components, including loads, couplers, attenuators, connectors, cables,

adapters, and so on;

(h) Versatile microwave spectrum analyser at the central facility;

(i) Standard electrical and mechanical tools and equipment.

7.7.2 Calibration

Ideally, the complete calibration of reflectivity uses an external target of known radar reflectivity
factor, such as a metal-coated sphere. The concept is to check if the antenna and waveguides
have their nominal characteristics. However, this method is very rarely used because of the
practical difficulties in flying a sphere and multiple ground reflections, as well as the time and
skill required (Brunkow, 2001).

A standard procedure is to use the sun as a calibration source for power and pointing accuracy.
The sun is a microwave source and appears as a disk of about 0.5degrees (Tapping, 2001).
However, by maximizing the power, greater precision can be achieved. Beam propagation
effects may affect low elevation angles and so higher angles are often used for solar calibration.
Repeated measurements will statistically improve the precision of the results. It should be noted
that antenna elevation pointing accuracy and precision may be a function of angle and so a
variety of angles should be measured.

Routine electronic calibration generally ignores the antenna but includes the waveguide and
transmitter receiver system. Typically, the following actions are prescribed:

(a) Measurement of emitted power and waveform in the proper frequency band;

(b) Verification of transmitted frequency and frequency spectrum, out-of-band power should
be filtered;

(c) Injection of a known microwave signal before the receiver stage, in order to check if the
levels of reflectivity indicated by the radar are correctly related to the power of the input;

(d) Measurement of the signal-to-noise ratio, which should be within the nominal range
according to radar specifications.

If any of these calibration checks indicate any changes or biases, corrective adjustments need to
be made.

Doppler calibration includes: the verification and adjustment of phase stability using fixed
targets or artificial signals; the scaling of the real and imaginary parts of the complex video; and
the testing of the signal processor with known artificially generated signals.

Levelling and elevation are best checked by tracking the position of the sun in receive-only mode
and by using available sun location information; otherwise, mechanical levels on the antenna are
needed. The presence or absence of echoes from fixed ground targets may also serve as a crude
check of azimuthal antenna pointing and transmitter or receiver performance.

Although modern radars are usually equipped with very stable electronic components,
calibrations must be performed often enough to guarantee the reliability and accuracy of the
data. Calibration must be carried out either by qualified personnel, or by automatic techniques
such as online diagnostic and test equipment. In the first case, which requires manpower,
calibration should optimally be conducted at least every six months. Emerging systems may
be designed to perform this automatically. Simple comparative checks on echo strength and
location can be made frequently, using two or more overlapping radars viewing an appropriate
target (Zhang et al., 2005).

Z = 43.23 +10.58X 0.13X2 0.05X3 15
Z = 43.14 +10.52X
X = log(KDP)
40 10

DP (deg)
Z (dBZ)
measured DP

10 0

103 102 101 100 101 40 80 120
KDP (deg/km) Range (km)

Figure 7.17. There is a close relationship between reflectivity and specific differential phase
(ZandKDP). The left figure shows the relationship from disdrometer measurements. The
right figure shows one radial of data with significant differential phase. By adjusting the
reflectivity and recomputing the differential phase, the radar can be calibrated in a self-
consistent manner (figures courtesy of Isztar Zawadzki).

Data techniques such as reflectivity accumulations, probability distributions of reflectivity as

a function of range for the minimum detectable signal, transmitreceive cell monitoring, and
checking readback and command elevation angles can be used to monitor the health of the
radar. Biases in radial velocity accumulations may reveal clutter filtering issues generally under-
filtering which results in biases in radial velocity towards zero (Joe, 2010).

Dual-polarization radars require two receivers that must be matched. Tolerances for all the
components need to be tighter since small values are measured. Then, self-consistency and
birdbath scans for Z DR nulling can be used to check this. Self-consistency calibration refers to
computing Z from K DP using an empirical relationship derived from disdrometer measurements
(Figure7.17) and computed from theoretical formulae. Then, the reflectivity (calibration
bias) is adjusted until the K DP derived reflectivity matches the adjusted reflectivity. Given the
quality (tightness of the scatter) of the ZK DP relationship, one could consider using K DP as the
dependent parameter for rainfall estimation. If the radar is pointed vertically (the antenna dish
appears like a birdbath) in stratiform rain conditions, the Z DR should be zero, and adjustments
are needed if it is not. Monitoring the maximum reported HV will provide a check on the overall
system performance good radars should report 0.995 or better.

An innovative technique is the use of the TRMM or GPM space-borne radar for the calibration
of ground-based weather radars. It is a single and stable downward-looking instrument that
overflies the ground-based weather radars. Comparisons of echo top height, at a fixed and
moderately low sensitivity, where attenuation is not significant, are used as the success metric for
consistency in cross-radar calibration (Anagnostou et al., 2001).


7.8.1 Optimum site selection

Optimum site selection for installing a weather radar depends on the intended use. When
there is a definite zone that requires storm warnings, the best compromise is usually to locate
the equipment at a distance of between 20 and 50km from the area of interest, and generally
upwind of it according to the main storm track. It is recommended that the radar be installed
slightly away from the main storm track in order to avoid measurement problems when the
storms pass over the radar. At the same time, this should lead to good resolution over the area of
interest and permit better advance warning of the coming storms (Leone et al., 1989).

10 Range (km)



0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Azimuth (Met)

Figure 7.18. Global digital elevation model data are available and sufficiently accurate to be
used to assess and help determine the siting of a weather radar. Given an azimuth and
elevation, the image indicates the distance in which useful data can be collected.

In the case of a radar network intended primarily for synoptic applications, radars at mid-
latitudes should be located at a distance of approximately 150 to 200km from each other.
The distance may be increased at latitudes closer to the Equator, if the radar echoes of interest
frequently reach high altitudes. In all cases, narrow-beam radars will yield the best accuracy for
precipitation measurements.

The adequacy and availability of digital elevation datasets such as GTOPO30 (https://lta.cr.
usgs.gov/GTOPO30), SRTM30 and SRTM03 (http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/srtm/) have resulted in
software applications to help select a site. The basic product is a radar horizon plot where the
elevation angle of the horizon, taking into account atmospheric beam propagation, is plotted
against radar azimuth angle (Figure7.18). In this figure, the range to terrain is colour coded as a
function of azimuth and elevation angle. The colour indicates the range to which a radar beam
(in this case, a 4/3 Earth model is assumed) will collect usable data. This is particularly useful
in complex terrain where a radar located in the valley must provide coverage at low levels (in
the valley) but with limited range as precipitation changes considerably from mountain crest
to mountain valley. For example, the radar can see to 50 or 60km along the 190 azimuth at
elevations of 1 or 2. This analysis cannot account for trees or artificial towers.

With this plot, the scan angles can be specified for optimal surveillance of the required critical
areas. The datasets cannot take into account local blockage due to trees, buildings or towers.

The choice of radar site is influenced by many economic and technical factors as follows:

(a) The existence of roads for reaching the radar;

(b) The availability of power and telecommunication links. It is frequently necessary to add
commercially available lightning protection devices;

(c) The cost of land;

(d) The proximity to a monitoring and maintenance facility;

(e) Beam blockage obstacles must be avoided. No obstacle should be present at an angle
greater than a half beam width above the horizon, or with a horizontal width greater than a
half beam width;

(f) Ground clutter must be avoided as much as possible. For a radar to be used for applications
at relatively short range, it is sometimes possible to find, after a careful site inspection and
examination of detailed topographic maps, a relatively flat area in a shallow depression,
the edges of which would serve as a natural clutter fence for the antenna pattern side lobes
with minimum blockage of the main beam. In all cases, the site survey should include a
camera and optical theodolite check for potential obstacles. In certain cases, it is useful to
employ a mobile radar system for confirming the suitability of the site. On some modern
radars, software and hardware are available to greatly suppress ground clutter with
minimum rejection of weather echoes (Heiss et al., 1990);

(g) When the radar is required for long-range surveillance, as may be the case for tropical
cyclones or other applications on the coast, it will usually be placed on a hilltop. It will see
a great deal of clutter, which may not be so important at long ranges (see section7.5.3 for
clutter suppression);

(h) Every survey on potential sites should include a careful check for electromagnetic
interference, in order to avoid as much as possible interference with other communication
systems such as television, microwave links or other radars. There should also be
confirmation that microwave radiation does not constitute a health hazard to populations
living near the proposed radar site (Skolnik, 1970, 1990; Leone et al., 1989).

7.8.2 Data exchange, networking, database and processing

Advancements in telecommunications and computer technology allow the transmission of radar

data from a large number of sites to a central site for processing and visualization with common
computer systems. Given current internet, cell phone and even satellite data rates and costs,
global data exchange of at least limited but useful and usable radar data is conceivable though
the details of telecommunication networks need to be investigated. It should be kept in mind
that radars are often located at remote sites where advanced telecommunication systems are not
available or the initial capital investments are needed to minimize operating and maintenance

In some countries, multiple radar networks exist to address different applications weather,
aviation hazards at airports, hydrological resource management, air traffic control and even
customs and immigration. Data exchange is conceivable given the caveat that the applications
are very specific resulting in very specific data collection methodologies and perhaps even
technologies. In some locales, this is operational but requires substantial effort to integrate and

WMO has existing standards for a few radar products. Anticipating the need for radar data
for regional and global numerical weather prediction, WMO has initiated a WMO radar data
exchange project to define standards for raw radar data (Michelson et al., 2013). In addition, a
WMO radar database has been created that attempts to provide basic metadata information
about radars and radar networks on a global basis (Sireci et al., 2010).

Radar products are exchanged to generate multi-radar composite or mosaic products that are
generally intended to represent surface precipitation over a vast area for long-range weather
surveillance. This is common within but also between countries. The OPERA (European
Operational Programme for the Exchange of Weather Radar Information) consortium is a
centralized networking and processing multinational model (Dupuy et al., 2010). The BALTRAD
consortium (http://baltrad.eu) is another networking and processing model for handling
heterogeneous radar networks that is open source with a peer-to-peer data exchange and
processing software concept that allows individual members to receive or send data, and
configure and process the software as they choose (Michelson et al., 2010). A particular
challenge is the compositing of heterogeneous radars consisting of products derived from
different geographical projection, spatial and temporal resolution and processing. This has
led to the concept of exchanging the polar raw radar data to mitigate these issues. However,

depending on the radar and the configuration, various processing steps have already been
applied to the raw data to different degrees. These issues also apply to radar data exchange
within a country as radars may be of different generations.

In terms of processing, there are many choices these days. Each manufacturer provides their own
radar data processing and visualization systems usually with various features, such as networking
capability included or for licence. There are also systems such as TITAN (Thunderstorm
Identification, Tracking, Analysis and Nowcasting), which is a popular and freely available
software used in many research and several meteorological services (Dixon and Wiener, 1993).
It initially started as a tool for weather modification activities but has evolved to be multi-
purpose. There are many sophisticated commercial systems that are radar system independent
and that specialize in advance severe weather applications, such as Warning Decision Support
System Integrated Information (WDSS II) (Lakshmanan et al., 2007; http://www.wdssii.org/).
One could build a radar system using tools provided by BALTRAD, or the NASA Radar Software
Library (Wolff and Kelley, 2009). One could potentially negotiate or collaborate with an NMHS
or a government agency for their system. Functionality varies from very basic decoders, to those
generating basic products, to those with sophisticated data quality or automated severe storm
detection and classification capability. The system to adopt should be based not only on the
functionality, but also on the application and the available scientific and technical support and
maintenance capacity.


Errors in the radar data need to be viewed within the context of the application. Precipitation
estimation has often been the objective, and stringent data quality procedures need to be
applied to remove and correct for the artefacts. There are different levels of data quality control.
Hydrological applications require estimates even when the data are poor quality, whereas data
assimilation is tolerant of missing data but not of poor data quality. Many of the issues of poor
quality radar data are due to the external environment and not to the radar itself (Figure7.2). It
should be noted that these quantitative applications of weather radar are still in development,
whereas the qualitative use of radar data for understanding and detecting severe storms is
mature, which fully justifies the existence of radar networks.

The radar equation is developed with many assumptions. Whenever these assumptions are not
satisfied, the reflectivity may be considered in error. For example, if the target is not uniform
or completely filled or is mixed, the equation is not appropriate. Also, if the parameters in the
equation, such as antenna gain, waveguide loss or pulse length, are incorrect then the radar
constant will be in error and this will result in systematic biases in the conversion from power to
reflectivity. In the following, various sources of error are discussed with respect to qualitative and
quantitative applications.

Radar beam filling

In many cases, and especially at long ranges from the radar, the pulse width is large and the
pulse volume is not completely filled with homogeneous precipitation, i.e. it can be only partially
filled. This is particularly true with shallow weather systems (<1km in height, as in lake effect
snow storms), where the beam completely overshoots the precipitation and no precipitation
echoes can be seen beyond about 50km. At long ranges, the pulse volume is very large, and
considerable smoothing naturally occurs as the radar beam is convolved with the target. In
this situation, the beam is also very high above the Earth's surface and does not quantitatively
reflect the surface precipitation very well. With taller systems (say 15km), the radar will be able
to detect these systems at long range (>250km) and has considerable value to the forecaster
as these systems will be very intense. In general, the radar measurements may be quantitatively
useful for ranges of less than about 80km for a 1 beam width radar and about 110km for a
0.65 beam width radar without additional adjustments to the data (see Figure7.33).

Non-uniformity of the vertical distribution of precipitation

Related to radar beam filling is the non-uniformity of the precipitation intensity as a function of
height. The first parameter of interest when taking radar measurements is usually precipitation
at ground level. As with horizontal variability, the vertical variability or profile plays a significant
role in the estimation of surface precipitation. Because of the effects of beam width, beam tilting
and the Earths curvature, radar measurements of precipitation at long ranges or equivalently in
height are lower than at the surface (see section7.10.4.1).

Attenuation by intervening precipitation

Attenuation by rain may be significant, especially at the shorter radar wavelengths (5 and 3cm).
Attenuation by snow is less than that of rain but may still be significant over long path lengths.
Contrary to common thought, attenuation at Sband radar exists, but it is more difficult to
identify. Dual-polarization techniques use the specific differential phase (K DP) parameter, which
is independent of attenuation and more effective at the shorter wavelengths. K DP is a noisy
parameter and the techniques are still being refined (see section7.10.4.4).

Beam blocking

Depending on the radar installation, the radar beam may be partly or completely occulted by the
topography or obstacles located between the radar and the target. This results in underestimates
of reflectivity and, hence, of rainfall rate. The K DP is a local parameter; it is a measure of the
differential attenuation (revealed in phase) within a radar volume, and so it is independent
of beam blocking. In the case of narrow blockage, data interpolation may be sufficient for
quantitative application. For qualitative usage, beam blockage is a nuisance that the analyst can
overcome. When the beam is totally blocked, vertical adjustments using the profile of reflectivity
may be used to a degree of success.

Attenuation due to a wet radome

Most radar antennas are protected from wind and rain by a radome, usually made of fibreglass.
The radome is engineered to cause little loss in the radiated energy. For instance, the two-way
loss due to this device can be easily kept to less than 1dB at the Cband, under normal conditions.
However, under intense rainfall, the surface of the radome can become coated with a thin film of
water or ice, resulting in a strong azimuth-dependent attenuation.

Combined with precipitation attenuation and at short wavelengths, the radar echoes may be
totally suppressed. While this may seem disastrous, pragmatically, it occurs for a limited time
(about 10min), and for qualitative use, warnings will likely already have been issued. For data
assimilation, dual-polarization data (K DP) will be available that indicate that severe attenuation
has occurred and data beyond will be unusable. For hydrological applications that operate
on timescales of hours or days, short-term loss of data for flood forecasting is not significant.
Depending on the weather regime, flash flooding prediction may be affected.

Electromagnetic interference

Electromagnetic interference from other radars or devices, such as Radio Local Area Networks
(RLANs), is becoming increasingly significant, requiring substantial diligence to protect
against it. Interference among adjacent radars is mitigated through the use of slightly different
frequencies (but still in the same band) with appropriate filters on the transmitter and receiver.
There may be occasional interference from airborne and ground-based Cband radars using the
same frequency.

Use of the electromagnetic spectrum is determined by agreement and managed through the
International Telecommunication Union. At the World Radiocommunication Conference 2003,

Figure 7.19. The image on the left demonstrates the type of expected interference from a
Radio Local Area Network located 6.4km away at 0.42 elevation angle. The image on the
right is from an operational weather radar, courtesy of Claudia Campetella of the Servicio
Meteorolgico Nacional (Argentina).

following demand for spectrum by the wireless community, the Cband frequencies were
opened up to the telecommunication industry on a regulated secondary non-interfering non-
licensed basis to be shared with the meteorological community. In order to be non-interfering,
the RLAN devices are supposed to implement Dynamic Frequency Selection, which is designed
to vacate a Cband channel if a weather radar is detected. However, the algorithms used to detect
the weather radar are not sufficient to prevent interference before they vacate the channel. The
Doppler spectra of RLAN signals appear as white noise and can be removed with adaptive noise
techniques. However, they increase the noise level and reduce the sensitivity of the weather radar
where the RLAN is detected. WMO has issued guidance statements relating to the co-use of the
Cband frequencies. Figure7.19 shows some examples of this interference for sources at different
ranges. Interference patterns like these are increasingly being observed. The image on the left
shows a total reflectivity (no Doppler ground clutter filtering) plan position indicator (PPI) image
at 0.42 elevation angle from a controlled study where the Cband radar with an RLAN was
specifically located at 6.4km at about 40 azimuth. The RLAN is observed at 710 of azimuth.
Nearer (or farther) positioning of the RLAN would result in broader (or narrower) patterns. In
the experiment, an RLAN could be observed as far away as 16.7km (maximum value in a vertical
column within the volume scan). The image on the right is a max reflectivity product from the
operational Ezeiza radar in Argentina and shows a pattern of perhaps 12RLANs that are within
5km of the radar. This is an extreme interference example. Also, if nearby, the interference can
affect the three-dimensional radar data.

Extreme diligence is needed as these systems will be deployed massively and on a non-licensed
basis where violations will be difficult to control. Cooperation and collaboration is expected,
required and encouraged. Interference also occurs at Sband due to wireless 4G technology and
also other Sband radars (air traffic control). WMO has prepared guidelines or statements on
spectrum sharing with these new technologies (see Annex7.A).

Ground clutter

The contamination of rain echoes by ground clutter may cause very large errors in precipitation
and wind estimation. Most modern radar antennas have standard side lobe performance that is
difficult to improve as it is a geometric issue. Side lobes can be improved or moved to different
angular locations, but moving the feed horn away from the focal point results in poorer antenna
gain or beam width. The primary method to minimize ground clutter is a good choice of radar
location. Ideally, the radar should be located in a slight depression or there should be trees to
absorb and scatter the side lobes without blocking the main lobe. Signal and data suppression
techniques have been extensively discussed.

Anomalous propagation

Anomalous propagation distorts the radar beam path and has the effect of increasing ground
clutter by refracting the beam towards the ground. It may also cause the radar to detect storms
located far beyond the usual range, making errors in their range determination because of range
aliasing. Anomalous propagation is frequent in some regions, when the atmosphere is subject to
strong decreases in humidity and/or increases in temperature with height. Clutter returns owing
to anomalous propagation may be very misleading to untrained human observers. These echoes
are eliminated in the same manner as ground clutter.

It should be noted that in general the location of the beam is not known since the atmospheric
profile of the index of refraction is an idealization (Joe, 1999). Assimilation of radar volume data
with the typical number of elevation angles (1024) is problematic since the numerical weather
prediction models now typically have 5080model levels. The lack of precise knowledge of the
beam location and the mismatch between the number of radar data and model levels preclude
the use of the data for assimilation beyond about 100km.

Antenna accuracy

The antenna position may be known within 0.1 with a well-engineered system. However,
positioning errors may arise due to a tilted antenna platform or instability in the feedback loop or
mechanism due to wear and tear. This is particularly important at low elevation angles as small
changes in elevation angle can result in large changes in coverage of shallow weather.

Electronics stability

Modern electronic systems are subject to small variations with time and have significantly
improved since the early days of weather radar where receiver calibrations needed to be done
daily. A well-engineered radar can be stable (<1dB variation) for months. The addition of a
built-in test equipment monitoring system can activate an alarm or issue an e-mail when a fault is
detected, and minimize the downtime for weather radars.

Variations in the ZR relationship

To convert reflectivity to precipitation rate, an empirical relationship between Z and R is needed.

The most famous and most frequent relationship used in operational radars is that of Marshall-
Palmer (1948, actually reported in Marshall and Gunn, 1952). The uncertainty of this relationship
was reported to be a factor of two. It also applies to snow. Reflectivity is a function of the drop
size distribution, and different drop size distributions can produce the same Z. Hence, a variety of
ZR relationships have been formulated for different precipitation types convective, stratiform
and snow with varying degrees of success (see section7.10.4.2). With dual-polarization radar,
techniques have now been developed using the K DP dual-polarization parameter. It remains
to be seen whether vertical profile adjustment can rival the K DP technique in partially blocked

Radial velocity

The velocities measured by the Doppler radar are in the radial direction only, which can cause
ambiguities. Automated interpretation is still an active area of research, but interpretations are
possible in certain situations large-scale synoptic flows and small-scale convective flows with
knowledgeable and well-trained analysts.

The velocities are reflectivity weighted estimates of the precipitation/target motion. If the radial
components of the vertical motions are negligible (e.g. low elevation angles), they can represent
the precipitation motion which can often be interpreted as wind. However, care should be taken
to not interpret the velocity as motion of the precipitation echo or system itself. In the example

of a lenticular flow over a mountain peak, the echo motion (as indicated by reflectivity) may be
stationary but the precipitation particles move through the feature and the echo will have non-
zero Doppler. Insects and birds may bias the radial velocities. In general, the biases are relatively
small (Wilson et al., 1994) if the birds or insects are not migrating. Ground clutter can also bias
the radial velocities towards zero velocity (underestimation) if not enough of the ground echo is

If the wind within a radar volume is not uniform and highly sheared, inaccurate estimates of
the radial velocity will result. Consider the extreme case of a tornado that is totally or partially
encompassed by radar volume. In the former case, a mean radial velocity of zero with very
high spectral width is expected. In the latter case, a non-zero velocity may be expected if the
Nyquist velocity is sufficiently high. If the Nyquist is relatively small, the mean velocity may be
aliased several times and any velocity may be produced (Fabry et al., 2013). In addition, the
weather spectrum may also be aliased, confounding retrieval of both the mean velocity and
its spectral width. Dual-PRF techniques also fail in this instant as the uniformity assumption of
the two dual-PRF estimates is violated. The antenna rotates as well and so this assumption can
be violated in high shear areas, where the two velocity samples at the different PRFs are made
at different azimuthal locations and where the velocity has large variance or spectral width. In
the latter situation, the error in the technique is determined by this variance and the difference
in the unambiguous Nyquist velocities (hence, the ratio of the PRFs). Correction techniques
can alleviate the situation of high Doppler variance (Joe and May, 2003). Figure7.20 shows a
simulation. The top image shows a prescribed simulated field with a step in the velocity field. The
middle figure shows what a Cband Doppler radar would measure. The bottom figure shows the
results of the mitigation technique.

Side lobe contamination

When strong reflectivity gradients are present, as in the case of thunderstorms with large wet
hail, the side lobes can produce an echo while the main lobe is pointing at a significantly low or
no reflectivity target. The side lobes are typically 25dB or more lower (one way, or 50dB two
way) than the main beam (Figure7.8). So if the side lobe is pointing at a target that is 60dBZ

Target field

Measured velocity

22 0
After correction

22 0
2 0 2

Figure 7.20. The dual-PRF technique assumes that the measurements are made from a volume
with the same radial velocity. The images show the prescribed field, the measured and the
corrected data. (Figure adapted from Joe and May, 2003)

55 8
27 Vertical
24 6
21 side lobe

Height (km)
3 4
32 2

side lobe Three-body 0
scattering 0 20 40 60 80
Range (km)
20 km

Figure 7.21. Side lobe and multiple scattering effects result in somewhat similar looking
artefacts. Side lobe artefacts are at constant range, whereas multiple scattering is at

in strength, as in the case of wet hail, and the main beam is pointing at a target that is 10dBZ
or lower, the radar will report an echo with reflectivity, radial velocity and dual-polarization
characteristics assuming that the power originated in the main beam. Side lobe echoes appear
as annular artefacts both in azimuth and elevation at constant range. This can appear as "wings"
or "high echo top spikes" near areas of high reflectivities (left and right images in Figure7.21,
respectively). Multiple scattering effects appear as radial artefacts at constant azimuth but with
increasing range. These are caused by high reflectivity zones plus reflection effects from a highly
reflective surface (ground wetted by rain, for example) and are used as hail indicators in Sband
radars. Note that in the figure on the right there may have been azimuthal side lobe and/or
three-body scattering but this would likely have been obscured by the stronger weather echoes.
This is not evident within the thunderstorm area itself as the reflectivity will be dominated by
the echo in the main lobe. However, it can be evident in the vertical and result in falsely high
echo tops that have been called the hail spike and can be used to qualitatively diagnose hail in
a thunderstorm (see Figure7.21). This type of echo could also occur in the weak echo region
that abuts the hail curtain of a thunderstorm, which can confound the interpretation of rotation
signatures indicative of the presence of a mesocyclone.

Multiple scattering

The radar beam may be reflected multiple times due to the propagation conditions (see
Figure7.22). It may also be multiply scattered within a highly reflective thunderstorm (wet hail),
to a wet underlying surface and back to the radar. This has been called three-body scattering and
it results in an elongated echo in range beyond the strong reflectivity core (Zrni et al.,2010).
At Sband radars, this is used as a hail signature, which is called the hail flare to distinguish it
from the side lobe hail signature (Lemon, 1998). Multiple scattering is more prevalent as the
wavelength decreases and the signature could occur in heavy rain at C or Xband.

Second/multiple-trip echo

With the high PRFs used in Doppler radars, multiple-trip echoes may occur. This has already been
discussed earlier and the differences between coherent-on-transmit and coherent-on-receive

Strong reflecting
core (red)

Three-body scattering
signature appears as
an elongated echo due
to delay in time.

Three-body scattering occurs when

the radar beam strikes a target
(in this case, the core of the
thunderstorm), then strikes the Wet surface provides
wet surface and then reflects back a good reflection.
to the core and then back to the radar.

Figure 7.22. This schematic describes how three-body scattering occurs. The echo extending
to the right (bright yellow) is an artefact due to the three-body scattering.

radars were highlighted. Figure7.7 shows an example of second-trip echoes in reflectivity and
radial velocity for a coherent-on-receive radar. In a coherent-on-transmit radar, the second-trip
echo algorithm paints the overlapping echoes as range folded.

Wind turbines

An increasing issue is the proliferation of wind turbines and its impact on weather radar. Wind
turbines are a source of natural power and sited in remote windy areas. These targets appear in
the ground echo (and hence at the lower beams), but the turbine blades provide a moving target
and hence generate a varying Doppler signature, and so are difficult to remove. In addition, the
turbines are deployed in clusters of 100 or more, creating wind farms. Thus, significant areas will
be affected. Figure7.23 shows two different impacts of wind turbines. If the turbines are located
close to the radar, they can create blocked sectors (left image). They may appear as somewhat
isolated echoes (not shown). Multiple scattering may be observed (right image). In this example,
the wind turbines are about 80100km from the radar. WMO has developed guidelines for
mutual proximal operation.

Clutter maps may be one technique to remove the echoes. However, this removes the weather
echo as well and therefore will require other mitigation strategies to infill the missing data
(Figure7.23). These may include interpolation from the sides or from above or with the use
of gap filling data sources. As wind farms are proliferating, ongoing modification or adaptive
strategies need to be developed to be able to maintain the data quality for weather applications.
If the wind turbines are situated very near the radar, they can be an obstruction to the radar
beam not only in the lower beams but also in the higher elevation beams through direct
blockage and also due to multipath. WMO has developed guidelines regarding their deployment
(see Annex7.B).

Figure 7.23. The image on the left (courtesy of Deutscher Wetterdienst) shows blocking (west
of the radar) by wind turbines, and the image on the right shows interference and multiple
scattering effects of the turbines (courtesy of the National Oceanic and


Radar observations have been found most useful for the following:

(a) Surveillance of synoptic and mesoscale weather systems;

(b) Severe weather detection, tracking and warning, including severe wind hazard detection;

(c) Nowcasting;

(d) Estimation of precipitation intensity, echo classification;

(e) Wind profiling and wind mapping;

(f) Initiation of numerical weather prediction models;

(g) Humidity estimation.

7.10.1 General weather surveillance

Radars can provide a nearly continuous monitoring of weather related to synoptic and mesoscale
storms over a large area (say a range of 220km and an area of 125000km2) if unimpeded by
buildings, hills, mountains, etc. Generally, only a single low-level sweep of the radar scanning
at approximately 1030min is required. Owing to the Earths curvature and the propagation
of the radar beam, the maximum practical range for weather observation is about 250 to
350km, as the radar will overshoot the weather at longer ranges. While radars have sufficient
sensitivity to detect to farther ranges, the limit of modern radars is due to the beam height
location. A radar with a 1 beam width antenna pointed at 0.5 elevation angle above the
horizon is approximately 10km above the Earths surface at a range of 350km. In addition, the
beam width at that range is about 7km wide. Shorter storms would not be detected or would
be distorted in their representation. So storms must be substantial in size to be detected at that
range. Pragmatically, scans of even 500km or more are operationally used, particularly at the
edges of radar networks. If echoes are detected, the forecaster will be provided with substantial
information of a large and intense storm. Satellites and lightning detection networks may
provide information on the clouds and the electric activity that produce or are associated with
the precipitation. Exchange of radar data to create a radar network is de rigueur and mandatory
to create mosaic products for surveillance.

Another surveillance application is the detection of shallow weather (<1km), such as lake effect
snow squalls, drizzle or even duststorms. Narrower beam widths provide better resolution

and greater effectiveness at longer ranges as they can scan at lower elevation angles without
additional ground clutter effects, can provide a filled beam to longer ranges and have greater
sensitivity due to greater gain. Networks of low maintenance, low infrastructure and low cost
Xband radars are emerging which can fill this low-level scanning gap of large S and Cband

The cooperative exchange of weather radar data among various operators is now important
in radar applications. It can achieve broader views of large-scale precipitation systems, such as
synoptic scale fronts and typhoons. Standard radar data formats would enable and facilitate the
efficient development of inter-network products. A leading example is that done in the OPERA

Radar networks employing adaptive and collaborative scanning strategies are emerging
(McLaughlin et al., 2009; Weber et al., 2007). Phased array radars with electronic steering
capability are being developed that can scan in non-contiguous azimuthal and elevation
directions to provide high temporal sampling of rapidly changing weather phenomena, such as
tornadoes and downbursts, and even other targets such as aeroplanes. Adjacent radars may also
fill low-level gaps in coverage due to beam propagation effects at long range and perhaps the
cone of silence due to limited elevation scanning.

7.10.2 Severe weather detection and warning

A radar is the only realistic means of monitoring severe weather over a wide area (hundreds of
kilometres of range) due to the temporal resolution (minute), spatial resolution (kilometres) and
detected weather elements (reflectivity from precipitation). Radar echo intensities, area and
patterns are used to identify areas of severe weather, including thunderstorms with probable hail
and damaging winds. Doppler radars can identify and provide a measurement of intense winds
associated with gust fronts, downbursts and tornadoes to add an additional dimension (Lemon,
1978). Dual-polarization radars have the capability to separate echoes due to different types of
scatterers and can distinguish hail from heavy rain and rain from snow (Zrni et al., 2001). The
nominal range of coverage of a single radar is about 250km, which is sufficient for local short-
range forecasting of about 12h lead time and warning. Radar networks extend the coverage
and lead time (Germann et al., 2006b). Effective warnings require effective interpretation
performed by alert and well-trained personnel.

Technique for thunderstorm warning by radar

The technique for using radar for the provision of warnings is attributed to Lemon (1978), who
outlined the reflectivity features to identify for the provision of severe thunderstorm warnings
that include tornadoes, strong wind, heavy rain, flash flooding and hail. Since then, Doppler
and dual-polarization features as well as additional reflectivity features have been added to the
list of criteria. Figure7.24 lists (on the left) and provides an example (on the right) of the severe
weather features (Lemon, 1978; Lemon et al., 1978). These features include strong reflectivities
aloft, high echo tops, weak echo regions aloft indicative of strong updraughts, strong low-level
reflectivity gradients and low-level hook patterns. A set of the multi-panel images (shown on
the right in Figure7.24) is called a cell view and is automatically created once a cell has been
identified in radar data-processing software. The sub-images are derived radar products that
a severe weather analyst would use to decide on the storm severity, its stage in the life cycle
and whether to issue a warning. Given the location of various features of the thunderstorm
(e.g.location of the echo top, location of the storm centroid or location of the bounded
weak echo region), cross-section lines can be configured and vertical cross-sections can be
automatically created.

The temporal and three-dimensional spatial relationship is important to diagnose the life cycle
phase of the storm for anticipating its evolution and hence for its warnings. This is a challenging
problem and not every thunderstorm produces weather reaching the severity threshold
for warnings (see Table7.9). The original technique, that is still used today, was applied by
examining various radar products and interrogating the data in various ways (Figure7.24).

1. Large cell with strong

elevated reflectivity
(MAX R > 45 dBZ) 2
2. Tall (high echo top)
3. Weak echo region
4. Hook/kidney beam 5
5. Echo top over the 6 1
reflectivity gradient
6. Rotation mesocyclones
7. Downdraughts
8. Hail

4 7

Figure 7.24. The severe storm features are listed on the left (Lemon, 1978). The cell-view
product is an image centred on the automatically detected thunderstorm cell and shows
relevant products for decision-making (number in cell view matches the list number).

The application of Doppler radar to real-time detection and tracking of severe thunderstorms
began in the early 1970s. Donaldson (1970) was probably the first to identify a vortex flow
feature in a severe thunderstorm. Quasi-operational experiments have demonstrated that a
very high percentage of these single-Doppler vortex signatures are accompanied by damaging
hail, strong straight wind or tornadoes (Ray et al., 1980; JDOP, 1979). This vortex is known as a
mesocyclone, which is a vertical column of rising rotating air typically 2 to 10km in diameter.
The mesocyclone signature is a small anomalous Doppler velocity pattern and is first observed in
the mid-levels of a storm that descends to cloud base and may be coincident with the presence
of severe weather (Markowski, 2002; Burgess, 1976; Burgess and Lemon, 1990; Figure7.25).
Mesocyclonic rotation in severe storms indicates a strong and long-lived storm deserving of a
severe weather warning. This is identified as small quasi-circular areas of away and toward radial
velocities aligned approximately at constant range in an azimuthal direction, as can be seen in
Figure 7.25. It should be noted that storm motion should be removed to easily see the away/
toward couplet. In the northern hemisphere, the rotation is generally (but not always) counter-
clockwise and vice versa in the southern hemisphere. This behaviour has led to improved severe
storm and tornado warning lead times of 20min or longer during quasi-operational experiments
in Oklahoma (JDOP, 1979). During these experiments, roughly 50% of all mesocyclones
produced verified tornadoes; also, all storms with violent tornadoes formed in environments
with strong shear and possessed strong mesocyclones (Burgess and Lemon, 1990).

Table 7.9. Thunderstorm characteristics for different warning thresholds

Mesoscale Hail echo
Rank Rank echo Downdraught VIL density Max Z
Thresholds shear size top
weight (08) region (m/s) (kgm2/km) (dBZ)
(m/s/km) (cm) height
Minimum 1 02 511 4 0.5 10 2.2 30 5.5

Weak 2 34 1217 6 1.3 15 3.0 45 8.5

Moderate 3 56 1821 8 2.3 20 3.5 50 10.5

Severe 4 7+ 2226 10 5.0 25 4.0 60 12.5


Figure 7.25. Multiple mesocyclones (AD) are observed along a squall line and are identified
as couplets of relative away and toward velocities at constant range. Symmetric velocity
signatures observed in the storm are not evident or have been removed.

A tornado is approximately 200500m in diameter. This is often at the resolution of the radar
data and so difficult to consistently detect unless a high zoom magnification is employed.
When detected, it is observed as a large difference in radial velocity in adjacent radar data
volumes and called the tornado vortex signature, and this is embedded within the mesocyclone
(Figure7.26). In some cases, the tornado vortex signature has been detected aloft nearly half an
hour or more before a tornado touched the ground. Several years of experience with the tornado
vortex signature have demonstrated its great utility for determining tornado location, usually
within 1km. It is estimated that 50% to 70% of the tornadoes east of the Rocky Mountain high
plains in the United States can be detected (Brown and Lemon, 1976). Large Doppler spectrum
widths (second moment) have been identified with tornado location. However, large values of
spectrum width have also been well correlated with large values during storm turbulence. In the
reflectivity image (Figure7.26, left image), a classic hook echo is observed and is indicative of
precipitation associated with a strong downdraught in the rear of the strong thunderstorm.

Divergence calculated from the radial velocity data appears to be a good measure of the total
divergence. Estimations of storm-summit radial divergence match those of the echo top height,
which is an updraught strength indicator. Quasi-operational Doppler experiments have shown
that an increase in divergence magnitude is likely to be the earliest indicator that a storm is
becoming severe. Moreover, large divergence values near the storm top were found to be a

Figure 7.26. A tornado vortex signature is identified as an away/toward couplet on adjacent

range bins (see arrow on right image), embedded within a mesocyclone. The image on the
left shows a classic hook echo.

Figure 7.27. A downburst (micro or macro) is observed as a couplet of away and toward radial
velocities aligned along a radial (see arrows on the right image). This is a rapidly evolving
feature of thunderstorms, and can emanate from very ordinary and small thunderstorms.

useful hail indicator. Low-level divergence signatures of downbursts have been routinely made
with terminal Doppler weather radars for the protection of aircraft during take-off and landing.
These radars are specially built for limited area surveillance and repeated rapid scanning of the
air space around the airport terminals. The microburst has a life cycle of between 10 to 20min,
which requires specialized radar systems for effective detection (see Figure7.27). This is an
example of a wet downdraught and has a strong associated reflectivity. Dry downdraughts
may not be identifiable in the radar data if the precipitation evaporates and if there are no other
targets for the radar to detect. In this case, a highly sensitive radar is required or a Doppler lidar
or anemometer network. In this application, the radar computer system automatically provides
warnings to the air-traffic control tower (Michelson et al., 1990). Mesoscale winds (4050km in
scale) are difficult to interpret with Doppler radar as the orientation of the flows confounds the
assumption of uniformity. Assumptions have to be made of the wind direction based on research
studies and conceptual models of the airflow within these systems (Smull and Houze, 1987).
Fortunately, in some cases, the flows and the reflectivity structure are distinctive and strong
winds can be identified and warnings provided. Figure7.28 shows a system moving to the east,
and hence the full strength of the straight line winds (also known as a derecho) is evident in
the away (orange) radial velocities (marked A). In this case, the away velocities are moving into
toward velocities. This is also shown in the bowing of the reflectivity echo (left image). At other
azimuths, the radial wind is not perpendicular to the system motion (marked B) and the analyst
must take this into account.

Figure 7.28. Another signature of strong intense hazardous winds can be observed as a linear
or curvilinear feature in the reflectivity (left) or radial velocity data (right).

Figure 7.29. The inset figure is a reflectivity-based hail size product and the large image is a
polarization diversity product to identify precipitation type, including hail. The image on the
right provides detailed analysis of this example. Figure is courtesy of Sudesh Boodoo of
Environment Canada.

The best method for measuring winds inside precipitation is the multiple Doppler method,
which has been deployed since the mid-1970s for scientific research field programmes of
limited duration. However, real-time operational use of dual- or triple-Doppler analyses is not
anticipated because of the need of relatively closely spaced radars (~40km). An exception may
be the limited area requirements of airports, where a network of Xband radars may be useful
(McLaughlin et al., 2009; Wurman et al., 1995).

Many techniques have been proposed for identifying hail with 10cm conventional radar, such
as the presence of 50dBZ echo at 3 or 8km heights (Dennis et al., 1970; Lemon et al., 1978).
Empirical but limited studies have shown the ability to predict hail size (Treloar, 1998; Joe et al.,
2004; Witt et al., 1998). Federer et al. (1978) found that the height of the 45dBZ contour must
exceed the height of the zero degree level by more than 1.4km for hail to be likely. An extension
of this method has been verified at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute and is being
used operationally (Holleman et al., 2000; Holleman, 2001). A different approach towards
improved hail detection involves the application of dual-wavelength radars usually X and
Sbands (Eccles and Atlas, 1973). The physics of what the radar sees at these various wavelengths
is crucial for understanding the strengths and limitations of these techniques (hydrometeor
cross-section changes or intensity distribution).

Studies of polarization diversity show some promise of improved hail detection and heavy rainfall
estimation based upon differential reflectivity (Z DR) as measured by a dual-polarization Doppler
radar (Seliga and Bringi, 1976; Figure7.29). The image on the left shows a classification of the
radar echo using dual-polarization signatures of a hail situation. Fuzzy logic techniques are
commonly used to combine various dual-polarization parameters such as Z, Z DR, HV and K DP to
identify the nature of the radar echo. In this case, the classification scheme is indicated in the left
image and includes (from top to bottom): hail, heavy rain, rain, big drops, graupel, ice crystals,
wet snow, dry snow, biological scatters and ground clutter. The inset image is a hail size estimate
based on combining vertically integrated liquid (VIL), MAX reflectivity and freezing level
(Treloar, 1998; Joe et al, 2004). A maximum hail size of 3.2cm is indicated. The image on the right
compares, in detail, the dual-polarization hail detection using data at two different resolutions
(plus signs for 1km resolution and diamond symbols for 250m resolution) and slightly different
times compared to the older reflectivity only technique (crosses). The blue ellipse corresponds to
the blue ellipse in the left image. All three algorithms verified with the 3+cm hail reported at the
airport (yellow mark, middle of the red grid lines).

Recent advances include the automated detection and classification of thunderstorms through
advanced processing techniques (Lakshmanan et al., 2007; Joe et al., 2002; Joe et al., 2012).

Thunderstorms evolve on a temporal scale of minutes and precipitation initiates aloft. So, radar
features both aloft and near the surface are used for identification of severe weather. Hence, the
radar should scan in multiple elevation angles with a cycle time of the order of 5min.

Doppler radars are particularly useful for monitoring tropical cyclones and providing data on
their eye, eye wall and spiral-band dynamic evolution, as well as the location and intensity of
hurricane-force winds (Ruggiero and Donaldson, 1987; Baynton, 1979).

7.10.3 Nowcasting

A strict definition of nowcasting is that it is a prediction in the 02h timescale and, traditionally,
it refers to automated linear extrapolation of the current situation as revealed by observations.
The original nowcasting system was based on doing a cross-correlation analysis of two radar
images (CAPPI) for the echo motion (Bellon and Austin, 1978). The motion analysis was done in
nine sectors of the image and used to extrapolate the echoes up to 90min into the future. Points
were identified for the nowcasts and a meteogram was created that indicated the most likely and
probable values (Figure7.30). The figure on the left is a single image of weather, presented as
a CAPPI, that is moving to the north-east. The figure on the right shows the nowcast (the most
likely, left column, and the most probable reflectivity, right column) for various points. Only two
points are indicated in this example for clarity of presentation. This is a meteogram presented
as an image (current time is at the top, and future time increments are presented downward in
10min steps). An inherent assumption in this nowcast is that the precipitation system persists
for the next 90min. This illustrates the specificity characteristic of nowcasts and their precision
in terms of time, space and weather element. The skill of this nowcast is very high for the first
2030min and it is used as a call to action or warning service. No evolution is assumed.

Using continental composite of radar data and a scaling approach to filter out the high-frequency
or small-scale reflectivity patterns, nowcasts of the large-scale patterns have skill out to six or
more hours that exceeds the skill of the numerical weather prediction models at this time. This
is compared to the 2 to 3h for the smaller scales. However, the skill levels are not capable of
providing the precision needed for call-to-action type warning services.

Doppler radar studies of the role of boundary layer convergence lines in new thunderstorm
formations support earlier satellite cloud-arc studies. There are indications that mesoscale
boundary-layer convergence lines (including intersecting gust fronts from prior convection) play
a major role in determining where and when storms will form. Wilson and Schreiber (1986) have
documented and explained several cases of tornado genesis by non-precipitation induced wind
shear lines, as observed by Doppler radar (Mueller and Carbone, 1987).


Figure 7.30. An example of a cross-correlation nowcast; the weather is moving from the
south-west (left image) and the meteogram on the right shows the most likely and most
probable precipitation intensities at different locations (only KRA and ADL are shown on the
left, which are the sixth and tenth sites on the right image).

Figure 7.31. Modern radars are sensitive enough to see lake breeze and thunderstorm
outflows (A, B, respectively, left image). The intersection is a location of enhanced lift and
therefore a location of potential convective initiation (see the storm forming within the
dashed white circle).

An important nowcasting application is the analysis of the radar fields for the initiation of
convection. Recent scientific studies have shown that airmass thunderstorms, which were
previously thought to be random and unpredictable, actually form on small-scale atmospheric
boundaries (Wilson et al., 1998). These boundaries can be detected in both the reflectivity and
radial velocity fields in the clear air echoes as line features or convergence lines (Figure7.31).
Theboundaries are formed by a variety of mechanisms including lake breezes(A), thunderstorm
outflows(B), drainage flows from mountain valleys, dry lines and others. Enhanced lift
occurring at the intersection of these boundaries can initiate thunderstorms. Note the distinctive
convergence signature in the radial velocity image (white arrow, right image).

The source of the clear air echoes can be turbulent fluctuations or insects. Polarization radar
studies indicate that insects are the primary source of these radar returns. Extensions to the
traditional nowcasting systems include the prediction of convective initiation and dissipation,
modelling the life cycle of thunderstorms, and using numerical weather prediction models
in the analysis (Wilson et al., 1998; Sun et al., 2013). In addition to the radar data, associated
model fields, such as temperature and humidity, are also extrapolated (Crook and Sun, 2002;
Sun et al., 2013). Increasing the cycle time (rapid update to 1h or better), reducing the spin up
and improving the physics of high-resolution models are improvements that are anticipated
(Sun et al., 2013). Another emerging nowcasting application is the development of ensemble
precipitation nowcasts where the small scales are both filtered and re-created using a family of
statistically consistent estimates (Seed, 2003).

7.10.4 Precipitation estimation

Radars have a long history in estimating the distribution, the intensity and thereby the amount
of precipitation with a good resolution in time and space. Most studies have been associated
with rainfall, but snow measurements can also be taken with appropriate allowances for target
composition. The retrieval of precipitation intensity is mainly based on empirical relationships
from the returned power or reflectivity (Marshall and Palmer, 1948; Marshall and Gunn, 1952;
Wilson and Brandes, 1979; Chandrasekar et al., 2003). Dual-polarization radars use additional
information based on the shift in the phase of the attenuated propagating wave and on the
differential scatter due to the large non-spherical particles. Comprehensive hail studies are
rare due to difficulty in gathering ground truth information. Readers should consult reviews by
Joss and Waldvogel (1990), and Smith (1990) for a comprehensive discussion of the problems
and pitfalls, and the effectiveness and accuracy. Emerging radar processing systems are able to
remove ground clutter (including anomalous propagation) in a variety of ways, and mitigate the
vertical profile of reflectivity problem by adjustment with gauges or disdrometers in quasi-real-
730 PART II. OBSERVING SYSTEMS Vertical profile of reflectivity

At long ranges, errors caused by the inability to observe the precipitation close to the ground
and the lack of beam filling are usually dominant. Because of growth or evaporation of
precipitation, air motion and change of phase (ice and water in the melting layer, or bright
band), highly variable vertical reflectivity profiles are observed, both within a given storm and
from storm to storm. In convective rainfall, experience shows that there is less difficulty with
the vertical profile problem. However, in stratiform rain or snow, the vertical profile becomes
more important. With increasing range, the beam becomes wider and higher above the ground.
Therefore, the differences between estimates of rainfall by radar and the rain measured at the
ground also increase. Reflectivity usually decreases with height; therefore, rain is underestimated
by radar for stratiform or snow conditions. Figure7.32 shows three idealized vertical profiles
of reflectivity for different weather situations. They are shown at zero range. These profiles are
increasingly smoothed with range due to the broadening of the beam. The beam propagation
effect also occurs, and the lower part of the profile no longer contributes to the measured value.
At long ranges, for low-level storms, and especially when low antenna elevations are blocked by
obstacles such as mountains, the underestimate may be severe. This type of error often tends
to dominate all others. This is easily overlooked when observing storms at close ranges only, or
when analysing storms that are all located at roughly the same range. The effective range for
quantitative precipitation estimation is about 80km for a 1 beam width radar (Figure7.33) and
longer for smaller beam width radars (120km for 0.65 beam width radar) without adjustment.

In shallow weather that is prevalent in winter conditions, the beam smoothing effect (illustrated
in Figure7.32) reduces the reflectivity with range. This results in accumulations (radar reflectivity
or derived precipitation rate) that take on an annular pattern shown in the left image of
Figure7.33. Non-uniform filling of the radar volume with range also contributes to the rapid
reduction in the reflectivity. Comparisons with values measured with gauges over a season
are shown on the right (ratio of the radar versus in situ gauge measurements), illustrating this
degradation in measured precipitation amounts. In this particular location, with this 1 beam
width radar and this weather regime (Finland in winter), the effective range (the flat part of the
curve) is about 80km for direct precipitation estimates. Since the effect is geometric, a smaller
beam width would extend this effective range. This is illustrated for a 0.65 beam width, where
the effective range is extended to about 110120km.

100% 100% 100% 99% 93% 81%
Height (km)

0 Convective
Height (km)

200% 127% 109% 101% 90% 67%

Height (km)

3 44%
200% 99% 65%
Low-level rain
0 50 100 150 200 250
Range (km)

Figure 7.32. Beam smoothing and beam propagation modify the appearance of the vertical
profile of reflectivity with range. Three situations are depicted with the maximum reflectivity
in the column as a percentage of the surface precipitation taking into account the bright
band (adapted from Joss and Waldvogel, 1990).

Kuopio, winter
64N 24
63N 18

F (dB)
1 beam
62N 12
61N 6 0.65 beam
24E 26E 28E 30E
Accumulated precipitation (mm/3 months) 0
0 40 80 120 160 200 240
Distance (km)
0.1 0.250.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 >25

Figure 7.33. This shows an accumulation of radar-derived precipitation over a winter season.
The annular pattern is primarily due to the lack of beam filling at long ranges for shallow
winter weather systems. The right image shows how this is reflected as a range bias with the
radargauge comparisons (figure courtesy of Daniel Michelson of the Swedish
Meteorological and Hydrological Institute using data from the

No one method of compensating for the effects of the vertical reflectivity profile in real time is
widely accepted. However, three compensation methods can be identified:

(a) Range-dependent correction: The effect of the vertical profile is associated with the
combination of increasing height of the beam axis and spreading of the beam with range.
Consequently, a climatological mean range-dependent factor can be applied to obtain a
first-order correction. Different factors may be appropriate for different storm categories,
for example, convective versus stratiform;

(b) Spatially varying adjustment: In situations where the precipitation characteristics vary
systematically over the surveillance area, or where the radar coverage is non-uniform
because of topography or local obstructions, corrections varying with both azimuth and
range may be useful. If sufficient background information is available, mean adjustment
factors can be incorporated in suitable look-up tables. Otherwise, the corrections have to
be deduced from the reflectivity data themselves or from comparisons with gauge data;

(c) Full vertical profiles: The vertical profiles in storms vary with location and time, and the
lowest level visible to the radar usually varies because of irregularities in the radar horizon.
Consequently, a point-by-point correction process using a representative vertical profile for
each zone of concern may be needed to obtain the best results. Representative profiles can
be obtained from the radar volume scan data themselves, from climatological summaries
or from storm models. This is the most complex approach but can be implemented with
modern data systems (Joss and Lee, 1993).

Figure7.34 shows an example of the latter method of correcting for the vertical profile of
reflectivity with range effect, which is now routinely used on a radar network basis. The figure on
the left shows a 24h accumulation of radar-derived precipitation rate during a stationary front
passage. The pattern would be expected to be broadly uniform. The figure on the right is created
with an adjustment for the vertical profile effect at long ranges, and hence the accumulations at
the edges are enhanced. The difference in the images also illustrates the benefits of a network
approach to generating precipitation products, as the vertical profile effect of the individual
radars is not so evident in the interior of the network.

Improvements in digital radar data processing and real-time integration with gauge networks
have led to the development of new quantitative, radar-based products for hydrometeorological
applications. A number of European countries and Japan are using such radar products with

Figure 7.34. This shows the case of an east-west stationary front. The image on the left shows
the fall off with range (see Figure7.33). The image on the right shows the range adjustment
made to the data (figure courtesy of Jarmo Koistinen, FinnishMeteorologicalInstitute).

numerical models for operational flood forecasting and control (Berenguer et al., 2012; Cluckie
and Owens, 1987). The synthesis of radar data with raingauge data provides a powerful
nowcasting product for monitoring rainfall. Radar-AMeDAS Precipitation Analysis is one of the
products provided in Japan (Makihara, 2000). Echo intensity obtained from a radar network
is converted into precipitation rate using a ZR relationship, and 1h precipitation amount
is estimated from the precipitation rate. The estimated amounts are then calibrated using
raingauge precipitation amounts to provide a map of 1h precipitation amount with high
accuracy. The ZR relation

In ideal conditions (close to the radar, no artefacts), precipitation is usually estimated by using
the ZR relation:

Z = A Rb (7.13)

where A and b are constants. The relationship is not unique and many empirical relations have
been developed for various climates or localities and storm types. Nominal and typical values
for the index and exponent are A=200, b=1.60 (Marshall and Palmer, 1948; Marshall and
Gunn, 1952). This can be applied to an accuracy of a factor of two for both rain and snow. The
equation is developed under a number of assumptions that may not always be completely
valid. Nevertheless, history and experience have shown that the relationship in most instances
provides a good estimate of precipitation at the ground unless there are obvious anomalies
(Figure7.35). A survey of the ZR relationships in worldwide use indicated that the Marshall-
Palmer relationship is used in 80% of the operational weather radars a remarkable achievement
considering the very few data points used to form the original relationship (Sireci et al., 2010).
The red line in Figure7.35 represents the original Marshall-Palmer relationship (reported in
Marshall and Gunn, 1952, and Marshall and Palmer, 1948). Attempts at improvements have been
made throughout the years and the black lines represent these other relationships (Battan, 1973).
It is remarkable that the original relationship, made with few measurements and in a specific
weather regime, has stood the test of time.

There are some generalities that can be stated. At 5 and 10cm wavelengths, the Rayleigh
approximation is valid for most practical purposes unless hailstones are present (Z >57dBZ

is often taken as the boundary between rain and hail). Large concentrations of ice mixed
with liquid can cause anomalies, particularly near the melting level. By taking into account
the refractive index factor for ice (i.e.|K|2=0.208) and by choosing an appropriate relation
between the reflectivity factor and precipitation rate (Z against R), precipitation amounts can
be estimated reasonably well in snow conditions (the value of 0.208, instead of 0.197 for ice,
accounts for the change in particle diameter for water and ice particles of equal mass). However,
snowfall gauge measurements are problematic and there are few comprehensive studies of
radarsnowfall relationships.

The rainfall rate (R) is a product of the mass content and the fall velocity in a radar volume. It
is roughly proportional to the fourth power of the particle diameters. Therefore, there is no
unique relationship between radar reflectivity and the precipitation rate since the relationship
depends on the particle size distribution. Thus, the natural variability in drop size distributions is
an important source of uncertainty in radar precipitation measurements when other factors are
taken into account.

Empirical ZR relations and the variations from storm to storm and within individual storms
have been the subject of many studies over the past forty years, particularly for storm event
studies. A ZR relation can be obtained by calculating values of Z and R from measured drop
size distributions produced by an instrument known as a disdrometer. An alternative is to
compare Z measured aloft by the radar (in which case it is called the equivalent radar reflectivity
factor and labelled Ze) with R measured at the ground. The latter approach attempts to reflect
any differences between the precipitation aloft and that which reaches the ground. It may
also include errors in the radar calibration, so that the result is not strictly a ZR relationship.
Disdrometers are now being deployed in operational networks for determining the ZR
relationship for climatology, storm studies and real-time adjustment, and are very sensitive and
can detect very light precipitation.

The possibility of accounting for part of the variability of the ZR relation by stratifying storms
according to rain type (such as convective, non-cellular, orographic) has received a good deal of
attention. Although variations in the drop size distribution are certainly important, their relative
importance is frequently overemphasized. After some averaging over time and/or space, the
errors associated with these variations will rarely exceed a factor of two in rain rate. They are the
main sources of the variations in well-defined experiments at near ranges.

Marshall-Palmer Stratiform
Blanchard Orographic
Jones Convective
SW Ontario Universal
R (mm/hr)



10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Z (dBZ)

Figure 7.35. A plot of a plethora of ZR relationships from Battan (1973)

734 PART II. OBSERVING SYSTEMS Gauge adjustment

There is general agreement that comparisons with gauges should be made routinely as a check
on radar performance, and that appropriate adjustments should be made if a radar bias is clearly
indicated. However, this needs to be done judiciously as tuning the adjustment for one situation
may create problems in other situations. In situations where radar estimates are far from the
mark due to radar calibration or other problems, such adjustments can bring about significant

Ground level precipitation estimates from radar systems are made for areas of typically 14km2
spatial resolution and successively for 515min periods using low elevation (elevation angles
of <1) plan position indicator scans, constant altitude PPI synthetic products or even more
sophisticated products. The radar estimates have been found to compare with spot precipitation
gauge measurements within a factor of two. The gauge samples an extremely small area
(100cm2, 200cm2), while the radar integrates over a volume, on a much larger scale (14km2).
This difference accounts for a considerable amount of the discrepancy. There are indications
that the gauge accuracy may, for some purposes, be far inferior to what is commonly assumed,
especially if the estimates come from a relatively small number of raingauges (Neff, 1977). An
important consideration is the success metric. Seasonal averages may be acceptable in some
applications and a single ZR relationship may be sufficient. However, for flash flood warnings,
real-time adjustments may be required.

Note that these adjustments do not automatically ensure improvements in radar estimates, and
sometimes the adjusted estimates are poorer than the original ones. This is especially true for
convective rainfall where the vertical extent of echo mitigates the difficulties associated with
the vertical profile, and the gauge data are suspect because of unrepresentative sampling. Also,
the spatial decorrelation distance may be small, and the gaugeradar comparison becomes
increasingly inaccurate with distance from the gauge. A general guideline is that the adjustments
will produce consistent improvements only when the systematic differences (i.e. the bias)
between the gauge and radar rainfall estimates are larger than the standard deviation of the
random scatter of the gauge versus radar comparisons. This guideline makes it possible to
judge whether gauge data should be used to make adjustments and leads to the idea that the
available data should be tested before any adjustment is actually applied. Various methods for
accomplishing this have been explored, but at this time there is no widely accepted approach. Dual-polarization precipitation techniques

Various techniques for using polarization diversity radar to improve rainfall measurements have
been proposed. In particular, it has been suggested that the difference between reflectivities
measured at horizontal and vertical polarization (Z DR) or the phase shift (DP or K DP) can provide
useful information about drop size distributions (Seliga and Bringi, 1976). These methods
depend on the hydrodynamic distortions of the shapes of large raindrops, with more intense
rainfalls with larger drops giving a stronger polarization signature. The attenuation must be first
corrected and again dual-polarization techniques are applicable here. There is still considerable
research on whether this technique has promise for operational use for precipitation
measurement (English et al., 1991). At long wavelengths, the rain rate thresholds where K DP
techniques are effective are higher (for example, at Sband it is about 20mmh1, and at Xband it
is about 4mmh1).

At close ranges (with high spatial resolution), polarization diversity radars may give valuable
information about precipitation particle distributions and other parameters pertinent to
cloud physics. At longer ranges, it is impossible to be sure that the radar beam is filled with a
homogeneous distribution of hydrometeors. Consequently, the empirical relationship of the
polarimetric signature to the drop size distribution increases uncertainty. Of course, knowing
more about ZR will help, but, even if multi-parameter techniques worked perfectly well, the
error caused by ZR could be reduced only from 33% to 17%, as shown by Ulbrich and Atlas
(1984). For short-range hydrological applications, the corrections for other biases (already
discussed) are usually much greater, perhaps by an order of magnitude or more.

a b

c d

Figure 7.36. The top figures show attenuation of a C band dual-polarization radar (a)
compared to an Sband radar (b) at one instant. The bottom figures are precipitation
accumulations over the period of the event and show remarkable similarities after correction
using polarization diversity capability (see also Figure7.37; figure courtesy of Sudesh Boodoo
of Environment Canada).

Dual-polarization radars can overcome attenuation, partial beam filling and partially blocked
beams. Figure7.36 shows a Cband radar where the polarization technique is used to correct
for attenuation. The dual-polarization parameters are sensitive to the size and shape of the
large particles, and the smaller the wavelength, the more sensitive the radar. In this example,
a precipitation system that caused localized flooding was observed by a Cband radar and an
Sband radar. The Cband (King City with a 0.65 beam) was about 40km from the flooding
and the Sband (Buffalo with a 1 beam) was about 100km away. Images (a) and (b) show one
instance of the low-level radar reflectivity from both radars. The red grid lines are reference
lines. The location of the raingauge is about 7km to the south-west. The Cband radar data are
attenuated compared to the Sband data (image (b) is more intense than image (a)). During the
event, the Cband radar experienced a wet radome which also strongly attenuated the signal.
Images (c) and (d) are accumulations based on their respective dual-polarization-derived
precipitation products from over the 8h period of the event (see also Figure7.37). The resolution
difference is evident, but the accumulation patterns are very similar. This illustrates the great
potential for a dual-polarized Cband radar to overcome significant attenuation. Interestingly,
the dual-polarization precipitation estimate from the Sband radar was actually lower and closer
to the raingauge value (not shown) than using the traditional ZR relationship, as the particle
classification of hail versus rain was used to prevent the overestimation.

Figure7.37 shows the comparison of various rainfall estimates from C and Sband radars and a
raingauge. The bottom (C1) and top (S1) lines are accumulations based on traditional simple
reflectivity converted to rain rate (Z = 300R1.4) from the King City Cband (40km from the gauge
site) and the Buffalo Sband (100km from the gauge site) radars. Both radars are well calibrated
and only Doppler ground clutter rejection has been applied to the data. The Z AC R line (C2) is a
Z DR -only attenuation corrected reflectivity converted to rain rate and accumulated. The dashed
(S2) and dark blue (C3) lines are the precipitation estimates using a mix of dual-polarization
techniques from the Sband radar (S2) and from the K DP R technique from the Cband radar
(C3), respectively. The improved Buffalo Sband results are attributed to removing the hail bias
using the dual-polarization particle classification technique. The specific differential phase
(K DP) technique, which is insensitive to attenuation, partial beam blockage and partial beam


S1: ZR (Buffalo S band)

C3: KDP R (WKR C band)
(solid blue line)

S2: Z Dual Pol-R (Buffalo S band)

80 (dashed line)
Accumulation (mm)

Gauge (yellow diamonds)



C2: ZAC R (WKR C band)


C1: ZR (King City C band)

18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Time (hours UTC) 89 July 2013

Figure 7.37. A meteogram of accumulated rain from a gauge (yellow line with symbols) and
three C band (C1, C2, C3) and two S band (S1, S2) estimates of the precipitation accumulation
using a variety of polarization diversity techniques for one gauge site; point is about 7km
south-west of the centre (see also Figure7.36; figure courtesy of Sudesh Boodoo of
Environment Canada).

filling, improves the King City Cband estimates. This illustrates the impact of dual polarization
on the quantitative use of both S and Cband radars. It also illustrates the larger impact of dual
polarization on Cband radars.

Rain/snow/hail discrimination and other target classification

With conventional or reflectivity-only radars, the pattern and intensity of the echo were used
to roughly estimate the nature of the target. In summer, reflectivities less than about 12dBZ
were considered to be non-precipitating echoes, light rain was up to about 30dBZ and heavy
rain up to about 50dBZ or so. Reflectivities above 57dBZ were considered to be hail. Snow is
not generally separable with these kinds of radars in the horizontal. In the vertical, the bright
band (a region of enhanced reflectivity due to large wet snow aggregates) delineated snow aloft
from rain below. Dual-polarization radars characterize the target using reflectivity information
from orthogonal channels, their cross-polar signal and changes in propagation phase. Surface
temperature and humidity and soundings from numerical weather prediction models are also
used. Fuzzy logic techniques use independent estimates from a variety of dual-polarization
parameters to classify the echo type into a variety of categories including: ground clutter, rain,
snow, hail, biological scatters and even big and small drops (Figure7.29).

Aeroplanes were identified as isolated point anomalies and ground echoes were identified as
stationary or permanent echoes at short range around the radar. The reflectivities of aeroplanes
and ground echoes can vary greatly because small changes in aspect angle result in substantial
changes in backscatter.

Doppler radars can identify non-moving targets, such as ground clutter and anomalous
propagation echoes, even in the presence of weather phenomena. These ground targets
can be effectively filtered out in signal processing to produce corrected (for ground clutter)
reflectivity. Most if not all modern radars have Doppler and thus have this capability. Before
Doppler radars, a variety of techniques were used to remove ground clutter including: (i)CAPPI,
(ii)ground clutter maps, and (iii)the statistical fluctuation of the reflectivity statistics.

7.10.5 Wind estimation/wind mapping

Doppler velocities are radial velocities, and a family of true velocities can create the same radial
velocity. Hence, radial velocities alone are ambiguous and require simplifying assumptions to
interpret. On typical colour displays, velocities between Vmax are generally assigned warm/
cool colours to indicate away/toward motions. Velocities extending beyond the Nyquist
(unambiguous or extended) velocity enter the scale of colours at the opposite end. This process
may be repeated if the velocities are aliased more than one Nyquist interval. Wind profiling

Doppler radar can be used to derive vertical profiles of synoptic scale horizontal winds. When
the radars antenna is tilted above the horizontal, increasing range implies increasing height.
A profile of wind with height can be obtained by sinusoidal curve-fitting to the observed data
(termed velocity azimuth display (VAD) after Lhermitte and Atlas, 1961) if the wind is assumed
to be relatively uniform or linear over the area of the scan. The winds at zero radial velocity bins
are perpendicular to the radar beam axis. The colour display may be used to easily interpret VAD
data obtained from large-scale precipitation systems. Typical elevated conical scan patterns in
widespread precipitation reveal an S-shaped zero radial velocity contour as the mean wind veers
with height (Wood and Brown, 1986). On other occasions, closed contours representing jets are
evident. See Figure7.12 for a sample of synoptic Doppler wind fields.

If uniformity can be assumed, then divergence estimates can also be obtained using the VAD
technique by fitting a curve with a constant term to the equation. This technique cannot be
accurately applied during periods of convective precipitation around the radar as the uniformity
assumption is not satisfied. Doppler radars have successfully obtained VAD wind profiles and
divergence estimates in the optically clear boundary layer during all but the coldest months, up
to heights of 3 to 5km above ground level. The VAD technique seems well suited for winds from
precipitation systems associated with extratropical and tropical cyclones. In the radars clear-air
mode, a time series of measurements of divergence and derived vertical velocity is particularly
useful in nowcasting the probability of deep convection. Convective wind features

In the case of convection, small-scale wind features are due to divergence, convergence and
rotation as observed in gust fronts, downbursts, mesocyclones, etc. These appear as small
anomalies of one kilometre to tens of kilometres in scale embedded in mean flows of hundred
kilometre scales. Taking into account assumptions about the flow, and in combination with
conceptual models and an understanding of the thunderstorm or mesoscale convective system
wind flows, colour displays of single-Doppler radial velocity patterns can aid in the real-time
interpretation and diagnosis of thunderstorm severity (Burgess and Lemon, 1990). Lemon (1978)
listed the features and diagnostic procedure to identify severe thunderstorms (see section7.10.2).
Convective wind features confound the interpretation of radial velocity fields in particular when
there are mesoscale flows on the scale of 40 to 100km and three-dimensional regimes, as in
complex mountainous terrain. Wind mapping

Since the mid-1970s, experiments have been made for measuring three-dimensional wind fields
using multiple Doppler arrays. Measurements taken at a given location inside a precipitation
area may be combined, by using a proper geometrical transformation, in order to obtain the
three wind components. Such estimations are also possible with only two radars, using the
continuity equation. Kinematic analysis of a wind field is described in Browning and Wexler
(1968). However, for accurate velocity estimation, the radars must be relatively close together
(4080km) and the target area must be in two lobes perpendicular to the radar baselines.
Operationally, it is unusual to find radars situated so close to one another.

7.10.6 Initiation and numerical weather prediction models

A variety of radar data and products are used for data assimilation in some numerical weather
prediction centres. Not all models use the same products. Precipitation is a derived parameter
in numerical weather prediction models, and so it is difficult to directly assimilate precipitation
or reflectivity fields. Winds are direct model variables and radial velocities may be assimilated
with less contrivance. These include VAD wind profiles, composited radar-derived surface
precipitation fields in global models and, in some cases, three-dimensional reflectivity and
radial velocity fields for local area or small-scale models in polar coordinates. Lopez (2011) has
demonstrated the value of assimilating the US Stage IV surface precipitation product on the
weather in Europe and Asia. These and other applications (typhoon tracking) are prime drivers
for the global weather radar data exchange initiative.

7.10.7 Humidity estimation

An emerging innovation is the retrieval of humidity from beam propagation differences of

echoes from the omnipresent ground targets (Fabry, 2004). This innovation is counter-intuitive
to the siting of weather radars since they are sited to minimize ground clutter. Index of refraction
fluctuations cause beam propagation path length changes which can be detected as changes in
the phase of the signal or the Doppler shift. By comparing the shift in dry versus moist conditions
and accounting for range ambiguities, the path length change can be estimated and then related
to the index of refraction change using Snells law. The index of refraction is dependent on
temperature, pressure and humidity but primarily on the latter, and hence the humidity can be
retrieved very near the radar. Several research radars have this capability and some operational
systems (in France and the UK) are prototyping this for operational deployment.


The radar data can be processed to provide a variety of meteorological products to support
various applications. The quality of these products depends on the type of radar, the scan
strategy, its signal processing characteristics and the associated radar control and data analysis/
production system. These products include grids of raw or derived radar parameters, vertical
wind profiles, location and characteristics of analysed thunderstorm cells, their historical tracks,
nowcasts, etc. Polar coordinate data are converted to two- or three-dimensional Cartesian
coordinates using interpolation techniques onto grids with different geographical projections.
Several of the products listed below are illustrated in Figure7.24. A list of typical radar products is
presented in Table7.10.

Table 7.10. List of typical radar products

Plan position indicator of basic parameters (low level) Cell identification and tracking

Maximum reflectivity in a column Mesocyclone, tornado vortex signature

Echo top Downburst, microburst

Derived thunderstorm severity products Gust front, convergence

Surface precipitation rate Nowcast

Surface accumulation products Hail probability, size

Basin products Bounded weak echo region

Hydrometeor classification hail, rain, snow, etc. Velocity azimuth display wind profiles

Arbitrary cross-sections of various parameters Mosaics of multiple radar


The following is a list of common generated products:

(a) The plan position indicator: A polar format display of a variable, obtained from a single full
antenna rotation at one selected elevation. It is the classic radar display, used for weather
surveillance. This is the most basic of products. Note that it is made at constant elevation
angle, and so increasing range means that the data are taken at increasing height. Any
parameter can be displayed in this format.

(b) The constant altitude plan position indicator: A horizontal cross-section display of a
variable at a specified altitude, produced by interpolation from the volume data. It is used
for surveillance and for identification of severe storms. It is also useful for monitoring the
weather at specific flight levels for air traffic applications. One of the rationales for the CAPPI
is that by judicious selection of the altitude, a near clutter-free product can be produced in
the absence of the Doppler zero velocity notch filter.

(c) The pseudo rangeheight indicator (RHI): A display of a variable obtained from a volume
scan where the data from the same azimuth are extracted and collated to provide
vertical information on the structure of the weather. Classically, this was done with an
antenna doing a physical vertical sweep, typically from 0 to 90, at one azimuth. Manual
intervention was required to select the azimuth and decide when to do the scan. The
advantage of this classic technique is that the density of information is much higher.
Typically, very fine elevation angle changes (~0.1) can be used. The quality of the pseudo
RHI technique depends on the scan strategy, but it has the great advantage of flexibility. It
is used for identifying severe storms, hail and the bright band.

(d) Vertical cross-section: A display of a variable above a user-defined surface vector (not
necessarily through the radar). It is produced by interpolation from the volume data.

(e) The column maximum: A display, in horizontal plane, of the maximum value of a variable
(usually reflectivity) above each point of the area being observed. This is useful to identify
the maximum reflectivity in a storm to assess its severity or to estimate the maximum
precipitation that could be expected. In some cases, due to radar siting issues, where the
low levels could not be observed (mountainous terrain), this was used to estimate surface
precipitation. Sometimes, there is a minimum altitude threshold to the data, so that the
high reflectivities in the bright band do not overly influence the use of this product. A
variation is to limit the altitude of the data to quickly provide insight into the vertical
structure of the storm.

(f) Vertically integrated liquid: An indicator of the intensity of severe storms. It can be
displayed, in horizontal plane, for any specified layer of the atmosphere. As this is
dominated by the highest reflectivities, it is very similar to the maximum reflectivity product
in pattern but in different units.

(g) Echo tops: A display, in horizontal plane, of the height of the highest occurrence of a
selectable reflectivity contour, obtained by searching in the volume data. It is an indicator of
the strength of the updraught and therefore an indicator of severe weather and hail.

(h) Often the reflectivity products are converted to precipitation products by an empirical
relationship between Z and R. These precipitation products are aggregated into
accumulation products of varying time duration.

(i) Modern computing systems have significant processing capabilities. Techniques or

algorithms have been developed to search the three-dimensional data to locate and
quantify the characteristics of contiguous areas of high reflectivity which are related to
severe weather thunderstorms for the analyst (Figure7.24).

In addition to these standard or basic displays, other products can be generated to meet the
particular requirements of various users (hydrology, nowcasting or aviation):

(a) Precipitation accumulation: An estimate of the precipitation accumulated over time at each
point in the area observed;

(b) Precipitation sub-catchment totals: Area-integrated accumulated precipitation;

(c) Velocity azimuth display: An estimate of the vertical profile of wind above the radar. It is
computed from a single antenna rotation at a fixed elevation angle;

(d) Velocity volume processing, which uses three-dimensional volume data;

(e) Storm tracking: A product from complex software to determine the tracks of storm cells and
predict future locations of storm centroids;

(f) Wind shear: An estimate of the radial and tangential wind shear at a height specified by the

(g) Divergence profile: An estimation of divergence from the radial velocity data given some

(h) Mesocyclone: A product from sophisticated pattern-recognition software that identifies

rotation signatures within the three-dimensional base velocity data that are on the scale of
the parent mesocyclonic circulation often associated with tornadoes;

(i) Tornado vortex signature: A product from sophisticated pattern-recognition software that
identifies gate-to-gate shear signatures within the three-dimensional base velocity data that
are on the scale of tornadic vortex circulations;

(j) Particle type: The echo is classified according to precipitation type and derived from dual-
polarization data.

In addition, radar network processing results in a radar mosaic. The products mentioned above
apply on a network basis; in fact, this is standard practice. Considerations for radar products
include: (i) projections are used for visualization of the data; (ii) for areas of overlapping radar
coverage, various algorithms are used based either on the nearest radar, the maximum value or
a sophisticated estimation of data quality. If the overlap is significant, a neighbouring radar may
fill the void in the "cone of silence". The development of networked radar products needs also to
consider intra-network and inter-network homogenization of the data. This includes temporal
and spatial harmonization, mutual calibration of the radar data, and examination of the radar
sensitivities which can result in discontinuities in the network products.

WMO expresses concern over increasing pressure on weather radar related radio-frequency
bands and stresses the need for adequate protection and mitigation efforts against the loss and
shared use of this spectrum. WMO addresses its concern to policymakers, to national radio-
frequency administration agencies, to national hydrological and meteorological societies, to
commercial vendors of telecommunication equipment and to the meteorological community.

Protection of traditional weather radar related radio frequencies is critical to the continued
function and improvement of weather sensing, monitoring, forecasting, and warning, and is
therefore in the best interests of public safety and security. The meteorological community
increasingly relies on remote-sensing technologies for both routine and experimental
observations of weather and climate. These activities require global access to the radio-frequency
spectrum by not only radars but also wind profilers, microwave radiometers, and telemetry
systems, as well as satellite-based passive and active sensors. The progress in weather warning
services and other meteorological predictions made in recent years is largely attributable to these

Weather prediction models and localized operational forecasts increasingly depend on national
networks of ground-based Doppler radars for severe weather warnings such as tornadoes,
flash flooding, land-falling hurricanes, precipitation (rain, snow, hail) forecasts, aircraft icing
and air traffic/weather avoidance. Worldwide, Doppler radar networks are now contending
with increasing pressures on shared spectrum usage with unlicensed broadband wireless
applications. As already experienced in Europe, the impacts of radio-frequency interference by
wireless communications can render weather radars blind in particular directions or even over
large portions of their coverage. The situation is exacerbated by the ubiquitous and unlicensed
nature of these wireless applications that could lead to a total loss of the related spectrum for
weather radars.

Development of new radar technologies, including adaptive scanning strategies, shorter pulses,
polarization, pulse compression, frequency and phase agility is ongoing. Current and planned
satellite radar systems measure clouds and precipitation, which is important for weather
forecasting and global climate change research and assessment. Varieties of other space-based
and ground-based radio technologies are currently in experimental use and may require future
radio spectrum allocations.

New communication applications make the radio-frequency spectrum an extremely valuable

commodity, and so the frequency bands used for operational meteorology and research
are in increasing jeopardy. WMO and the meteorological community rely on and support
mandated international and national radio-frequency agencies and promote cooperation with
the telecommunication authorities and industries to continue to protect or to appropriately
share these radio frequencies. WMO is intensively working with these agencies, through the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU), to establish appropriate mechanisms to protect
meteorological uses of the radio-frequency spectrum. WMO encourages the development of
a clear definition of interference, permissible or otherwise, and a remedial process or solution
if shared use becomes a problem. WMO encourages funding and implementation of studies
to determine the impact of the total or partial loss of one or more frequency bands used by
current operational observing systems and by planned systems. Further, WMO recommends
that the results of these studies be made available to ITU radiocommunication groups and to
national radio-frequency agencies and the telecommunications industry to encourage dialogue
between active and passive users of the spectrum. Vigilance is necessary, as degradations of
meteorological data due to intrusions or shared usage will evolve over time. Cooperation with
national radio-frequency agencies, the telecommunications industry, and with other spectrum
users is encouraged both to advocate support for critically important meteorological use of radio
spectrum and to mitigate potential problems.

It is in all nations best interests to protect radio frequencies essential for meteorological activities
that are critical to the accurate forecasting of adverse weather. Global solutions are sought and
should be advocated. WMO is actively participating in international frequency management
activities, through a group of experts with global representation, to protect current frequency
bands used in meteorology, climatology and Earth observations, as well as to obtain new bands
required for research and operations.

Further information is available in a guide entitled Use of Radio Spectrum for Meteorology: Weather,
Water and Climate Monitoring and Prediction, produced jointly by WMO and ITU.

WMO expresses concern over increasing deployment of wind turbine farms and stresses
the need for adequate consultation, protection and mitigation efforts. WMO addresses its
concern to policymakers, to national radio administration agencies, to national hydrological
and meteorological societies, to wind turbine farm developers, to commercial vendors of wind
turbine equipment and to the meteorological community.

Protection of weather radar data is critical to the continued function and improvement of
weather sensing, monitoring, forecasting, and warning, and is therefore in the best interests
of public safety and security. Weather prediction models and localized operational forecasts
increasingly depend on national networks of ground-based Doppler weather radars and wind
profilers for severe weather warnings such as tornadoes, flash flooding, land-falling hurricanes,
precipitation (rain, snow, hail) forecasts, aircraft icing and air traffic/weather avoidance.
Worldwide, Doppler radar and wind profile networks are now contending with increasing
pressures by wind farms.

Wind farms have already had an impact on operational weather radar networks, creating
confounding ground echoes that create a significant loss of data or create false precipitation for
hydrological applications. The rotating blades can create velocities which could potentially be
mistaken to be severe weather such as a tornado. While weather radars have been voluntarily
moved by the wind farm developers, generally, the meteorological community has no
jurisdiction on the location of the wind farms and relies on cooperative good neighbour
policies for mitigation.

Development of new radar and wind profiler networks and wind farms will require strategic
planning for mitigation by the meteorological and wind farm communities. WMO and the
meteorological community rely on and support mandated international and national radio
agencies and will proactively encourage and support these agencies efforts to promote and to
protect the meteorological use of unobstructed space. WMO encourages national radio agencies
to develop acceptable obstruction criteria and to provide tools to help the wind farm developer
on site selection.

The range between wind turbines and the weather radar can be used to generally describe the
impact on radar quality and also used to provide a mitigation strategy for cooperative siting
of weather radars and wind turbines. Below are the general guidelines for typical radars and
flat terrain situations, which may require modifications for specific situations and for particular
radars. Higher powered radars such as Sband (10cm wavelength) radars with less attenuation
may necessitate increasing the range limits in the table.

WMO encourages funding and implementation of studies to develop technologies to mitigate

the impact. Weather radar signal processing techniques or use of other materials to construct
wind turbines may be able to mitigate clutter at long ranges. Further, WMO recommends that
the results of these studies be made available to commercial weather radar and wind turbine

It is in all nations best interests to protect unobstructed space for weather radars and wind
profilers that are essential and critical to the accurate forecasting of adverse weather. Local,
national and technological solutions are sought. WMO will support and provide guidance
material and tools to protect unobstructed space for weather radars and wind profilers.

Range Potential impact Guideline

05km The wind turbine may Definite impact zone: Wind
completely or partially block turbines should not be
the radar and can result in installed in this zone.
significant loss of data that
cannot be recovered.

520km Multiple reflection and multi Moderate impact zone:

path scattering can create Terrain effects will be a factor.
false echoes and multiple Analysis and consultation is
elevations. Doppler velocity recommended. Reorientation
measurements may be or resiting of individual
compromised by rotating turbines may reduce or
blades. mitigate the impact.

2045km Generally visible on the Low impact zone:

lowest elevation scan Notification is
groundlike echoes will be recommended.
observed in reflectivity
Doppler velocities may be
compromised by rotating

> 45km Generally not observed in the Intermittent impact

data but can be visible due to zone: Notification is
propagation conditions. recommended.

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CHAPTER 8. BALLOON TECHNIQUES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  752

8.1 Balloons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  752
8.1.1 Main types of balloons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  752
8.1.2 Balloon materials and properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  752
8.1.3 Balloon specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  752
8.2 Balloon behaviour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  753
8.2.1 Rate of ascent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  753
8.2.2 Balloon performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  754
8.3 Handling balloons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  755
8.3.1 Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  755
8.3.2 Conditioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  755
8.3.3 Inflation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  756
8.3.4 Launching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  756
8.4 Accessories for balloon ascents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  757
8.4.1 Illumination for night ascents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  757
8.4.2 Parachutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  757
8.5 Gases for inflation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  757
8.5.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  757
8.5.2 Gas cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  758
8.5.3 Hydrogen generators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  758
8.6 Use of hydrogen and safety precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  759
8.6.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  759
8.6.2 Building design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  760
8.6.3 Static charges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  761
8.6.4 Protective clothing and firstaid facilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  762

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  763



8.1.1 Main types of balloons

Two main categories of balloons are used in meteorology, as follows:

(a) Pilot balloons, which are used for the visual measurement of upper wind, and ceiling
balloons for the measurement of cloudbase height. Usually they do not carry an
appreciable load and are therefore considerably smaller than radiosonde balloons. They are
almost invariably of the spherical extensible type and their chief requirement, apart from
the ability to reach satisfactory heights, is that they should keep a good spherical shape
while rising;

(b) Balloons which are used for carrying recording or transmitting instruments for routine
upperair observations are usually of the extensible type and spherical in shape. They are
usually known as radiosonde or sounding balloons. They should be of sufficient size and
quality to enable the required load (usually 200g to 1kg) to be carried up to heights as
great as 35km at a rate of ascent sufficiently rapid to enable reasonable ventilation of the
measuring elements. For the measurement of upper winds by radar methods, large pilot
balloons (100g) or radiosonde balloons are used depending on the weight and drag of the
airborne equipment.

Other types of balloons used for special purposes are not described in this chapter.
Constantlevel balloons that rise to, and float at, a predetermined level are made of inextensible
material. Large constantlevel balloons are partly filled at release. Superpressure constantlevel
balloons are filled to extend fully the balloon at release. Tetroons are small superpressure
constantlevel balloons, tetrahedral in shape, used for trajectory studies. The use of tethered
balloons for profiling is discussed in PartII, Chapter5.

8.1.2 Balloon materials and properties

The best basic materials for extensible balloons are highquality natural rubber latex
and a synthetic latex based upon polychloroprene. Natural latex holds its shape better
than polychloroprene which is stronger and can be made with a thicker film for a given
performance. It is less affected by temperature, but more affected by the ozone and ultraviolet
radiation at high altitudes, and has a shorter storage life. Both materials may be compounded
with various additives to improve their storage life, strength and performance at low
temperatures both during storage and during flight, and to resist ozone and ultraviolet radiation.
As one of the precautions against explosion, an antistatic agent may also be added during the
manufacture of balloons intended to be filled with hydrogen.

There are two main processes for the production of extensible balloons. A balloon may be made
by dipping a form into latex emulsion, or by forming it on the inner surface of a hollow mould.
Moulded balloons can be made with more uniform thickness, which is desirable for achieving
high altitudes as the balloon expands, and the neck can be made in one piece with the body,
which avoids the formation of a possible weak point.

Polyethylene is the inextensible material used for constantlevel balloons.

8.1.3 Balloon specifications

The finished balloons should be free from foreign matter, pinholes or other defects and
must be homogeneous and of uniform thickness. They should be provided with necks of

between1and5cm in diameter and 10 to 20cm long, depending on the size of the balloon.
In the case of sounding balloons, the necks should be capable of withstanding a force of 200N
without damage. In order to reduce the possibility of the neck being pulled off, it is important
that the thickness of the envelope should increase gradually towards the neck; a sudden
discontinuity of thickness forms a weak spot.

Balloons are distinguished in size by their nominal weights in grams. The actual weight of
individual balloons should not differ from the specified nominal weight by more than 10%, or
preferably 5%. They should be capable of expanding to at least four times, and preferably five
or six times, their unstretched diameter and of maintaining this expansion for at least 1h. When
inflated, balloons should be spherical or pearshaped.

The question of specified shelf life of balloons is important, especially in tropical conditions.
Artificial ageing tests exist but they are not reliable guides. One such test is to keep sample
balloons in an oven at a temperature of 80C for four days, this being reckoned as roughly
equivalent to four years in the tropics, after which the samples should still be capable of meeting
the minimum expansion requirement. Careful packing of the balloons so that they are not
exposed to light (especially sunlight), fresh air or extremes of temperature is essential if rapid
deterioration is to be prevented.

Balloons manufactured from synthetic latex incorporate a plasticizer to resist the stiffening
or freezing of the film at the low temperatures encountered near and above the tropopause.
Some manufacturers offer alternative balloons for daytime and nighttime use, the amount of
plasticizer being different.


8.2.1 Rate of ascent

From the principle of buoyancy, the total lift of a balloon is given by the buoyancy of the volume
of gas in it, as follows:

( ) ( )
T = V g = 0.523 D 3 g (8.1)

where T is the total lift; V is the volume of the balloon; is the density of the air; g is the density
of the gas; and D is the diameter of the balloon, which is assumed to be spherical.

All units are in the International System of Units. For hydrogen at ground level, the buoyancy
(g) is about 1.2kgm3. All the quantities in equation8.1 change with height.

The free lift L of a balloon is the amount by which the total lift exceeds the combined weight W
of the balloon and its load (if any):
L = T W (8.2)
namely, it is the net buoyancy or the additional weight which the balloon, with its attachments,
will just support without rising or falling.

It can be shown by the principle of dynamic similarity that the rate of ascent V of a balloon in still
air can be expressed by a general formula:

V= (8.3)
( L + W )1/3
in which q and n depend on the drag coefficient, and therefore on the Reynolds number, vD/
( being the viscosity of the air). Unfortunately, a large number of meteorological balloons,
at some stages of flight, have Reynolds numbers within the critical region of 1105 to 3105,
where a rapid change of drag coefficient occurs, and they may not be perfectly spherical.
Therefore, it is impracticable to use a simple formula which is valid for balloons of different sizes
and different free lifts. The values of q and n in the above equation must, therefore, be derived

by experiment; they are typically, very approximately, about 150 and about 0.5, respectively, if
the ascent rate is expressed in mmin1. Other factors, such as the change of air density and gas
leakage, can also affect the rate of ascent and can cause appreciable variation with height.

In conducting soundings during precipitation or in icing conditions, a free lift increase of up to

about 75%, depending on the severity of the conditions, may be required. An assumed rate of
ascent should not be used in any conditions other than light precipitation. A precise knowledge
of the rate of ascent is not usually necessary except in the case of pilot- and ceilingballoon
observations, where there is no other means of determining the height. The rate of ascent
depends largely on the free lift and air resistance acting on the balloon and train. Drag can be
more important, especially in the case of nonspherical balloons. Maximum height depends
mainly on the total lift and on the size and quality of the balloon.

8.2.2 Balloon performance

The table in this section lists typical figures for the performance of various sizes of balloons. They
are very approximate. If precise knowledge of the performance of a particular balloon and train
is necessary, it must be obtained by analysing actual flights. Balloons can carry payloads greater
than those listed in the table if the total lift is increased. This is achieved by using more gas and
by increasing the volume of the balloon, which will affect the rate of ascent and the maximum

Typical balloon performance

Weight (g) 10 30 100 200 350 600 1000 1500 3000

Diameter at
30 50 90 120 130 140 160 180 210
release (cm)

Payload (g) 0 0 0 250 250 250 250 1000 1000

Free lift (g) 5 60 300 500 600 900 1100 1300 1700

Rate of ascent
60 150 250 300 300 300 300 300 300

12 13 20 21 26 31 34 34 38
height (km)

The choice of a balloon for meteorological purposes is dictated by the load, if any, to be carried,
the rate of ascent, the altitude required, whether the balloon is to be used for visual tracking,
and by the cloud cover with regard to its colour. Usually, a rate of ascent between 300 and
400mmin1 is desirable in order to minimize the time required for observation; it may also be
necessary in order to provide sufficient ventilation for the radiosonde sensors. In choosing a
balloon, it is also necessary to bear in mind that the altitude attained is usually less when the
temperature at release is very low.

For balloons used in regular operations, it is beneficial to determine the free lift that produces
optimum burst heights. For instance, it has been found that a reduction in the average rate of
ascent from 390 to 310mmin1 with some midsize balloons by reducing the amount of gas
for inflation may give an increase of 2km, on average, in the burst height. Burst height records
should be kept and reviewed to ensure that optimum practice is sustained.

Daytime visual observations are facilitated by using uncoloured balloons on clear sunny days,
and darkcoloured ones on cloudy days.

The performance of a balloon is best gauged by the maximum linear extension it will withstand
before bursting and is conveniently expressed as the ratio of the diameter (or circumference)
at burst to that of the unstretched balloon. The performance of a balloon in flight, however, is
not necessarily the same as that indicated by a bursting test on the ground. Performance can be
affected by rough handling when the balloon is filled and by stresses induced during launches

in gale conditions. In flight, the extension of the balloon may be affected by the loss of elasticity
at low temperatures, by the chemical action of oxygen, ozone and ultraviolet radiation, and
by manufacture faults such as pinholes or weak spots. A balloon of satisfactory quality should,
however, give at least a fourfold extension in an actual sounding. The thickness of the film at
release is usually in the range of 0.1 to 0.2mm.

There is always a small excess of pressure p1 within the balloon during ascent, amounting to a
few hPa, owing to the tension of the rubber. This sets a limit to the external pressure that can be
reached. It can be shown that, if the temperature is the same inside and outside the balloon, this
limiting pressure p is given by:
1.07W Wp
p= + 0.075 p1 1 (8.4)
L0 L0
where W is the weight of the balloon and apparatus; and L 0 is the free lift at the ground, both
expressed in grams. If the balloon is capable of reaching the height corresponding with p, it will
float at this height.


8.3.1 Storage

It is very important that radiosonde balloons should be correctly stored if their best performance
is still to be obtained after several months. It is advisable to restrict balloon stocks to the safe
minimum allowed by operational needs. Frequent deliveries, wherever possible, are preferable to
purchasing in large quantities with consequent long periods of storage. To avoid the possibility
of using balloons that have been in storage for a long period, balloons should always be used in
the order of their date of manufacture.

It is generally possible to obtain the optimum performance up to about 18months after

manufacture, provided that the storage conditions are carefully chosen. Instructions are issued
by many manufacturers for their own balloons and these should be observed meticulously. The
following general instructions are applicable to most types of radiosondes balloons.

Balloons should be stored away from direct sunlight and, if possible, in the dark. At no time
should they be stored adjacent to any source of heat or ozone. Balloons made of either
polychloroprene or a mixture, or polychloroprene and natural rubber may deteriorate if exposed
to the ozone emitted by large electric generators or motors. All balloons should be kept in their
original packing until required for preflight preparations. Care should be taken to see that they
do not come into contact with oil or any other substance that may penetrate the wrapping and
damage the balloons.

Wherever possible, balloons should be stored in a room at temperatures of 15 to 25C; some

manufacturers give specific guidance on this point and such instructions should always be

8.3.2 Conditioning

Balloons made from natural rubber do not require special heat treatment before use, as natural
rubber does not freeze at the temperatures normally experienced in buildings used for human
occupation. It is, however, preferable for balloons that have been stored for a long period at
temperatures below 10C to be brought to room temperature for some weeks before use.

Polychloroprene balloons suffer a partial loss of elasticity during prolonged storage at

temperatures below 10C. For the best results, this loss should be restored prior to inflation
by conditioning the balloon. The manufacturers recommendations should be followed.

Itis common practice to place the balloon in a thermally insulated chamber with forced air
circulation, maintained at suitable temperature and humidity for some days before inflation, or
alternatively to use a warm water bath.

At polar stations during periods of extremely low temperatures, the balloons to be used
should have special characteristics that enable them to maintain strength and elasticity in such

8.3.3 Inflation

If a balloon launcher is not used, a special room, preferably isolated from other buildings, should
be provided for filling balloons. It should be well ventilated (e.g. NFPA, 1999). If hydrogen gas
is to be used, special safety precautions are essential (see section8.6). The building should
be free from any source of sparks, and all electric switches and fittings should be sparkproof;
other necessary details are given in section8.6.2. If helium gas is to be used, provision may be
made for heating the building during cold weather. The walls, doors and floor should have a
smooth finish and should be kept free from dust and grit. Heating hydrogeninflation areas can
be accomplished by steam, hot water or any other indirect means; however, electric heating, if
any, shall be in compliance with national electrical codes (e.g. NFPA 50A for ClassI, Division2,

Protective clothing (see section8.6.4) should be worn during inflation. The operator should
not stay in a closed room with a balloon containing hydrogen. The hydrogen supply should be
controlled and the filling operation observed, from outside the filling room if the doors are shut,
and the doors should be open when the operator is in the room with the balloon.

Balloons should be inflated slowly because sudden expansion may cause weak spots in the
balloon film. It is desirable to provide a fine adjustment valve for regulating the gas flow. The
desired amount of inflation (free lift) can be determined by using either a filling nozzle of the
required weight or one which forms one arm of a balance on which the balloon lift can be
weighed. The latter is less convenient, unless it is desirable to allow for variations in the weights
of balloons, which is hardly necessary for routine work. It is useful to have a valve fitted to the
weight type of the filler, and a further refinement, used in some services, is to have a valve that
can be adjusted to close automatically at the required lift.

8.3.4 Launching

The balloon should be kept under a shelter until everything is ready for its launch. Prolonged
exposure to bright sunshine should be avoided as this may cause a rapid deterioration of the
balloon fabric and may even result in its bursting before leaving the ground. Protective clothing
should be worn during manual launches.

No special difficulties arise when launching radiosonde balloons in light winds. Care should
always be taken to see that there is no risk of the balloon and instruments striking obstructions
before they rise clear of trees and buildings in the vicinity of the station. Release problems can
be avoided to a large extent by carefully planning the release area. It should be selected to have
a minimum of obstructions that may interfere with launching; the station buildings should be
designed and sited considering the prevailing wind, likely gust effects on the release area and, in
cold climates, drifting snow.

It is also advisable in high winds to keep the suspension of the instrument below the balloon
as short as possible during launching, by using some form of suspension release or unwinder.
A convenient device consists of a reel on which the suspension cord is wound and a spindle to
which is attached an air brake or escapement mechanism that allows the suspension cord to
unwind slowly after the balloon is released.

Mechanical balloon launchers have the great advantage that they can be designed to offer
almost foolproof safety, by separating the operator from the balloon during filling and

launching. They can be automated to various degrees, even to the point where the whole
radiosonde operation requires no operator to be present. They might not be effective at wind
speeds above 20ms1. Provision should be made for adequate ventilation of the radiosonde
sensors before release, and the construction should desirably be such that the structure will not
be damaged by fire or explosion.


8.4.1 Illumination for night ascents

The light source in general use for nighttime pilotballoon ascents is a lamp powered by a small
electric battery. A battery of two 1.5V cells, or a wateractivated type used with a 2.5V 0.3A
bulb, is usually suitable. Alternatively, a device providing light by means of chemical fluorescence
may be used. For highaltitude soundings, however, a more powerful system of 2 to 3W,
together with a simple reflector, is necessary.

If the rate of ascent is to remain unchanged when a lighting unit is to be used, a small increase in
free lift is theoretically required; that is to say, the total lift must be increased by more than the
extra weight carried (see equation8.3). In practice, however, the increase required is probably
less than that calculated since the load improves the aerodynamic shape and the stability of the

At one time, night ascents were carried with a small candle in a translucent paper lantern
suspended some 2m or so below the balloon. However, there is a risk of flash or explosion if
the candle is brought near the balloon or the source of hydrogen, and there is a risk of starting
a forest fire or other serious fires upon return to the Earth. Thus, the use of candles is strongly

8.4.2 Parachutes

In order to reduce the risk of damage caused by a falling sounding instrument, it is usual practice
to attach a simple type of parachute. The main requirements are that it should be reliable when
opening and should reduce the speed of descent to a rate not exceeding about 5ms1 near the
ground. It should also be waterresistant. For instruments weighing up to 2kg, a parachute
made from waterproof paper or plastic film of about 2m diameter and with strings about 3m
long is satisfactory. In order to reduce the tendency for the strings to twist together in flight it is
advisable to attach them to a light hoop of wood, plastic or metal of about 40cm in diameter just
above the point where they are joined together.

When a radar reflector for windfinding is part of the train it can be incorporated into the
parachute and can serve to keep the strings apart. The strings and attachments must be able to
withstand the opening of the parachute. If lightweight radiosondes are used (less than about
250g), the radar reflector alone may provide sufficient drag during descent.


8.5.1 General

The two gases most suitable for meteorological balloons are helium and hydrogen. The former is
much to be preferred on account of the fact that it is free from risk of explosion and fire. However,
since the use of helium is limited mainly to the few countries which have an abundant natural
supply, hydrogen is more generally used (see WMO, 1982). The buoyancy (total lift) of helium is
1.115kgm3, at a pressure of 1013hPa and a temperature of 15C. The corresponding figure for
pure hydrogen is 1.203kgm3 and for commercial hydrogen the figure is slightly lower than this.

It should be noted that the use of hydrogen aboard ships is no longer permitted under the
general conditions imposed for marine insurance. The extra cost of using helium has to be
reckoned against the lifethreatening hazards to and the extra cost of insurance, if such insurance
can be arranged.

Apart from the cost and trouble of transportation, the supply of compressed gas in cylinders
affords the most convenient way of providing gas at meteorological stations. However, at
places where the cost or difficulty of supplying cylinders is prohibitive, the use of an onstation
hydrogen generator (see section8.5.3) should present no great difficulties.

8.5.2 Gas cylinders

For general use, steel gas cylinders, capable of holding 6m3 of gas compressed to a pressure
of 18MPa (10MPa in the tropics), are probably the most convenient size. However, where the
consumption of gas is large, as at radiosonde stations, larger capacity cylinders or banks of
standard cylinders all linked to the same outlet valve can be useful. Such arrangements will
minimize handling by staff. In order to avoid the risk of confusion with other gases, hydrogen
cylinders should be painted a distinctive colour (red is used in many countries) and otherwise
marked according to national regulations. Their outlet valves should have lefthanded threads to
distinguish them from cylinders of noncombustible gases. Cylinders should be provided with a
cap to protect the valves in transit.

Gas cylinders should be tested at regular intervals ranging from two to five years, depending on
the national regulations in force. This should be performed by subjecting them to an internal
pressure of at least 50% greater than their normal working pressure. Hydrogen cylinders should
not be exposed to heat and, in tropical climates, they should be protected from direct sunshine.
Preferably, they should be stored in a wellventilated shed which allows any hydrogen leaks to
escape to the open air.

8.5.3 Hydrogen generators

Hydrogen can be produced on site using various kinds of hydrogen generators. All generator
plants and hydrogen storage facilities shall be legibly marked and with adequate warnings
according to national regulations (e.g. This unit contains hydrogen; Hydrogen Flammable
gas No smoking No open flames). The following have proven to be the most suitable
processes for generating hydrogen for meteorological purposes:

(a) Ferrosilicon and caustic soda with water;

(b) Aluminium and caustic soda with water;

(c) Calcium hydride and water;

(d) Magnesiumiron pellets and water;

(e) Liquid ammonia with hot platinum catalyst;

(f) Methanol and water with a hot catalyst;

(g) Electrolysis of water.

Most of the chemicals used in these methods are hazardous, and the relevant national standards
and codes of practice should be scrupulously followed, including correct markings and warnings.
They require special transportation, storage, handling and disposal. Many of them are corrosive,
as is the residue after use. If the reactions are not carefully controlled, they may produce excess
heat and pressure. Methanol, being a poisonous alcohol, can be deadly if ingested, as it may be
by substance abusers.

In particular, caustic soda, which is widely used, requires considerable care on the part of the
operator, who should have adequate protection, especially for the eyes, from contact not only
with the solution, but also with the fine dust which is liable to arise when the solid material is
being put into the generator. An eyewash bottle and a neutralizing agent, such as vinegar,
should be kept at hand in case of an accident.

Some of the chemical methods operate at high pressure, with a consequential greater risk of an
accident. Highpressure generators should be tested every two years to a pressure at least twice
that of the working pressure. They should be provided with a safety device to relieve excess
pressure. This is usually a bursting disc, and it is very important that the operational instructions
should be strictly followed with regard to the material, size and form of the discs, and the
frequency of their replacement. Even if a safety device is efficient, its operation is very liable to
be accompanied by the ejection of hot solution. Highpressure generators must be carefully
cleaned out before recharging since remains of the previous charge may considerably reduce the
available volume of the generator and, thus, increase the working pressure beyond the design

Unfortunately, calcium hydride and magnesiumiron, which have the advantage of avoiding the
use of caustic soda, are expensive to produce and are, therefore, likely to be acceptable only for
special purposes. Since these two materials produce hydrogen from water, it is essential that they
be stored in containers which are completely dampproof. In the processes using catalysts, care
must be taken to avoid catalyst contamination.

All systems produce gas at sufficient pressure for filling balloons. However, the production rates
of some systems (electrolysis in particular) are too low, and the gas must be produced and stored
before it is needed, either in compressed form or in a gasholder.

The processes using the electrolysis of water or the catalytic cracking of methanol are attractive
because of their relative safety and moderate recurrent cost, and because of the noncorrosive
nature of the materials used. These two processes, as well as the liquid ammonia process, require
electric power. The equipment is rather complex and must be carefully maintained and subjected
to detailed daily check procedures to ensure that the safety control systems are effective. Water
for electrolysis must have low mineral content.


8.6.1 General

Hydrogen can easily be ignited by a small spark and burns with a nearly invisible flame. It can
burn when mixed with air over a wide range of concentrations, from 4% to 74% by volume
(NFPA, 1999), and can explode in concentrations between 18% and 59%. In either case, a nearby
operator can receive severe burns over the entire surface of any exposed skin, and an explosion
can throw the operator against a wall or the ground, causing serious injury.

It is possible to eliminate the risk of an accident by using very carefully designed procedures and
equipment, provided that they are diligently observed and maintained (Gremia, 1977; Ludtke
and Saraduke, 1992; NASA, 1968). The provision of adequate safety features for the buildings in
which hydrogen is generated and stored, or for the areas in which balloons are filled or released,
does not always receive adequate attention (see the following section). In particular, there must
be comprehensive training and continual meticulous monitoring and inspection to ensure that
operators follow the procedures.

The advantages of automatic balloon launchers (see section8.3.4) are that they can be made
practically foolproof and operator injuries can be prevented by completely separating the
operator from the hydrogen.

An essential starting point for the consideration of safety precautions is to follow the various
national standards and codes of practice concerned with the risks presented by explosive

atmospheres in general. Additional information on the precautions that should be followed will
be found in publications dealing with explosion hazards, such as in hospitals and other industrial
situations where similar problems exist. The operator should never be in a closed room with an
inflated balloon. Other advice on safety matters can be found throughout the chapter.

8.6.2 Building design

Provisions should be made to avoid the accumulation of free hydrogen and of static charges as
well as the occurrence of sparks in any room where hydrogen is generated, stored or used. The
accumulation of hydrogen must be avoided even when a balloon bursts within the shelter during
the course of inflation (WMO, 1982).

Safety provisions must be part of the structural design of hydrogen buildings (NFPA, 1999;
SAA, 1985). Climatic conditions and national standards and codes are constraints within which
it is possible to adopt many designs and materials suitable for safe hydrogen buildings. Codes
are advisory and are used as a basis of good practice. Standards are published in the form of
specifications for materials, products and safe practices. They should deal with topics such as
flameproof electriclight fittings, electrical apparatus in explosive atmospheres, the ventilation
of rooms with explosive atmospheres, and the use of plastic windows, bursting discs, and so on
(WMO, 1982).

Both codes and standards should contain information that is helpful and relevant to the design of
hydrogen buildings. Furthermore, it should be consistent with recommended national practice.
Guidance should be sought from national standards authorities when hydrogen buildings are
designed or when the safety of existing buildings is reviewed, in particular for aspects such as the

(a) The preferred location for hydrogen systems;

(b) The fire resistance of proposed materials, as related to the fireresistance ratings that must
be respected;

(c) Ventilation requirements, including a roof of light construction to ensure that hydrogen and
products of an explosion are vented from the highest point of the building;

(d) Suitable electrical equipment and wiring;

(e) Fire protection (extinguishers and alarms);

(f) Provision for the operator to control the inflation of the balloon from outside the filling

Measures should be taken to minimize the possibility of sparks being produced in rooms where
hydrogen is handled. Thus, any electrical system (switches, fittings, wiring) should be kept
outside these rooms; otherwise, special sparkproof switches, pressurized to prevent the ingress
of hydrogen, and similarly suitable wiring, should be provided. It is also advisable to illuminate
the rooms using exterior lights which shine in through windows. For the same reasons, any tools
used should not produce sparks. The observers shoes should not be capable of emitting sparks,
and adequate lightning protection should be provided.

If sprinkler systems are used in any part of the building, consideration should be given to the
possible hazard of hydrogen escaping after the fire has been extinguished. Hydrogen detection
systems exist and may be used, for instance, to switch off power to the hydrogen generator at
20% of the lower explosive limit and should activate an alarm, and then activate another alarm at
40% of the lower explosive limit.

A hazard zone should be designated around the generator, storage and balloon area into which
entry is permitted only when protective clothing is worn (see section8.6.4).

Balloon launchers (see section8.3.4) typically avoid the need for a special balloonfilling room,
and greatly simplify the design of hydrogen facilities.

8.6.3 Static charges

The hazards of balloon inflation and balloon release can be considerably reduced by preventing
static charges in the balloonfilling room, on the observers clothing, and on the balloon itself.
Loeb (1958) provides information on the static electrification process. Static charge control is
effected by good earthing provisions for hydrogen equipment and fillingroom fittings. Static
discharge grips for observers can remove charges generated on clothing (WMO, 1982).

Charges on balloons are more difficult to deal with. Balloon fabrics, especially pure latex, are very
good insulators. Static charges are generated when two insulating materials in contact with each
are separated. A single brief contact with the observers clothing or hair can generate a 20kV
charge, which is more than sufficient to ignite a mixture of air and hydrogen if it is discharged
through an efficient spark. Charges on a balloon may take many hours to dissipate through the
fabric to earth or naturally into the surrounding air. Also, it has been established that, when a
balloon bursts, the separation of the film along a split in the fabric can generate sparks energetic
enough to cause ignition.

Electrostatic charges can be prevented or removed by spraying water onto the balloon during
inflation, by dipping balloons into antistatic solution (with or without drying them off before
use), by using balloons with an antistatic additive in the latex, or by blowing ionized air over the
balloon. Merely earthing the neck of the balloon is not sufficient.

The maximum electrostatic potential that can be generated or held on a balloon surface
decreases with increasing humidity, but the magnitude of the effect is not well established.
Some tests carried out on inflated 20g balloons indicated that spark energies sufficient to ignite
hydrogenoxygen mixtures are unlikely to be reached when the relative humidity of the air is
greater than 60%. Other studies have suggested relative humidities from 50% to 76% as safe
limits, yet others indicate that energetic sparks may occur at even higher relative humidity. It may
be said that static discharge is unlikely when the relative humidity exceeds 70%, but this should
not be relied upon (see Cleves et al., 1971).

It is strongly recommended that fine water sprays be used on the balloon because the wetting
and earthing of the balloon will remove most of the static charges from the wetted portions.
The sprays should be designed to wet as large an area of the balloon as possible and to cause
continuous streams of water to run from the balloon to the floor. If the doors are kept shut, the
relative humidity inside the filling room can rise to 75% or higher, thus reducing the probability
of sparks energetic enough to cause ignition. Balloon release should proceed promptly once the
sprays are turned off and the fillingshed doors opened.

Other measures for reducing the buildup of static charge include the following (WMO, 1982):

(a) The building should be provided with a complete earthing (grounding) system, with all
fittings, hydrogen equipment and the lightning conductor separately connected to a single
earth, which itself must comply with national specifications for earth electrodes. Provision
should be made to drain electrical charges from the floor;

(b) Static discharge points should be provided for the observers;

(c) The windows should be regularly coated with an antistatic solution;

(d) Operators should be encouraged not to wear synthetic clothing or insulating shoes. It is
good practice to provide operators with partially conducting footwear;

(e) Any contact between the observer and the balloon should be minimized; this can be
facilitated by locating the balloon filler at a height of 1m or more above the floor.

8.6.4 Protective clothing and firstaid facilities

Proper protective clothing should be worn whenever hydrogen is being used, during all parts of
the operations, including generation procedures, when handling cylinders, and during balloon
inflation and release. The clothing should include a lightweight flameproof coat with a hood
made of nonsynthetic, antistatic material and a covering for the lower face, glasses or goggles,
cotton gloves, and any locally recommended antiflash clothing (see Hoschke et al., 1979).

Firstaid facilities appropriate to the installation should be provided. These should include initial
remedies for flash burns and broken limbs. When chemicals are used, suitable neutralizing
solutions should be on hand, for example, citric acid for caustic soda burns. An eyewash
apparatus ready for instant use should be available (WMO, 1982).

Atmospheric Environment Service (Canada), 1978: The Use of Hydrogen for Meteorological Purposes in the
Canadian Atmospheric Environment Service, Toronto.
Cleves, A.C., J.F. Sumner and R.M.H.Wyatt, 1971: The Effect of Temperature and Relative Humidity on the
Accumulation of Electrostatic Charges on Fabrics and Primary Explosives. Proceedings of the
Third Conference on Static Electrification, (London).
Gremia, J.O., 1977: A Safety Study of Hydrogen Balloon Inflation Operations and Facilities of the National Weather
Service. Trident Engineering Associates, Annapolis, Maryland.
Hoschke, B.N. et al., 1979: Report to the Bureau of Meteorology on Protection Against the Burn Hazard from
Exploding Hydrogenfilled Meteorological Balloons. CSIRO Division of Textile Physics and the
Department of Housing and Construction, Australia.
Loeb, L.B., 1958: Static Electrification, SpringerVerlag, Berlin.
Ludtke, P. and G. Saraduke, 1992: Hydrogen Gas Safety Study Conducted at the National Weather Service Forecast
Office. Norman, Oklahoma.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1968: Hydrogen Safety Manual. NASA Technical
Memorandum TMX52454, NASA Lewis Research Center, United States.
National Fire Protection Association, 1999: NFPA 50A: Standard for Gaseous Hydrogen Systems at Consumer
Sites. National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Maryland.
, 2002: NFPA 68: Guide for Venting of Deflagrations. National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch
Park, Quincy, Maryland.
, 2005: NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Maryland.
, 2006: NFPA 220, Standard on Types of Building Construction. National Fire Protection Association,
Quincy, Maryland.
Rosen, B., V.H. Dayan and R.L. Proffit, 1970: Hydrogen Leak and Fire Detection: A Survey. NASA SP5092.
Standards Association of Australia, 1970: AS C99: Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres Flameproof
electric lightning fittings.
, 1980: AS 1829: Intrinsically safe electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres.
, 1985: AS 1482: Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres Protection by ventilation Type of
protection V.
, 1995: ASNZS 1020: The control of undesirable static electricity.
, 2004: AS 1358: Bursting discs and bursting disc devices Application selection and installation.
World Meteorological Organization, 1982: Meteorological Balloons: The Use of Hydrogen for Inflation of
Meteorological Balloons. Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.13. Geneva.

CHAPTER 9. URBAN OBSERVATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  765

9.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  765
9.1.1 Definitions and concepts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  765 Station rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  765 Horizontal scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  766 Vertical scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  767 Source areas (footprints) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  768 Measurement approaches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  769 Urban site description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  769
9.2 Choosing a location and site for an urban station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  770
9.2.1 Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  770
9.2.2 Siting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  773
9.3 Instrument exposure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  774
9.3.1 Modifications to standard practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  774
9.3.2 Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  774 Air temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  774 Surface temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  775 Soil and road temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  775
9.3.3 Atmospheric pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  776
9.3.4 Humidity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  776
9.3.5 Wind speed and direction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  776 Mean wind profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  776 Height of measurement and exposure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  778 Wind sensor considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  780
9.3.6 Precipitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  780
9.3.7 Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  782 Incoming fluxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  782 Outgoing and net fluxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  783
9.3.8 Sunshine duration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  784
9.3.9 Visibility and meteorological optical range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  784
9.3.10 Evaporation and other fluxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  785
9.3.11 Soil moisture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  786
9.3.12 Present weather. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  786
9.3.13 Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  786
9.3.14 Atmospheric composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  786
9.3.15 Profiling techniques for the urban boundary layer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  787
9.3.16 Satellite observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  787
9.4 Metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  787
9.4.1 Local environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  787
9.4.2 Historical events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  789
9.4.3 Observance of other WMO recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  790
9.5 Assessment of urban effects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  790
9.6 Summary of key points for urban stations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  790
9.6.1 Working principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  790
9.6.2 Site selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  790
9.6.3 Measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  791

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  792



There is a growing need for meteorological observations conducted in urban areas. Urban
populations continue to expand, and Meteorological Services are increasingly required to
supply meteorological data in support of detailed forecasts for citizens, building and urban
design, energy conservation, transportation and communications, air quality and health,
storm water and wind engineering, and insurance and emergency measures. At the same time,
Meteorological Services have difficulty in making urban observations that are not severely
compromised. This is because most developed sites make it impossible to conform to the
standard guidelines for site selection and instrument exposure given in PartI of this Guide owing
to obstruction of airflow and radiation exchange by buildings and trees, unnatural surface cover
and waste heat and water vapour from human activities.

This chapter provides information to enable the selection of sites, the installation of a
meteorological station and the interpretation of data from an urban area. In particular, it deals
with the case of what is commonly called a standard climate station. Despite the complexity
and inhomogeneity of urban environments, useful and repeatable observations can be obtained.
Every site presents a unique challenge. To ensure that meaningful observations are obtained
requires careful attention to certain principles and concepts that are virtually unique to urban
areas. It also requires the person establishing and running the station to apply those principles
and concepts in an intelligent and flexible way that is sensitive to the realities of the specific
environment involved. Rigid rules have little utility. The need for flexibility runs slightly counter
to the general notion of standardization that is promoted as WMO observing practice. In urban
areas, it is sometimes necessary to accept exposure over nonstandard surfaces at nonstandard
heights, to split observations between two or more locations, or to be closer than usual to
buildings or waste heat exhausts.

The units of measurement and the instruments used in urban areas are the same as those for
other environments. Therefore, only those aspects that are unique to urban areas, or that are
made difficult to handle because of the nature of cities, such as the choice of site, instrument
exposure and the documentation of metadata, are covered in this chapter.

The timing and frequency of observations and the coding of reports should follow appropriate
standards (WMO, 2006, 2010, 2011a, 2011b, 2011c).

With regard to automated stations and the requirements for message coding and transmission,
quality control, maintenance (noting any special demands of the urban environment) and
calibration, the recommendations of PartII, Chapter1, should be followed.

9.1.1 Definitions and concepts Station rationale

The clarity of the reason for establishing an urban station is essential to its success. Two of
the most usual reasons are the wish to represent the meteorological environment at a place
for general climatological purposes and the wish to provide data in support of the needs of a
particular user. In both cases, the spatial and temporal scales of interest must be defined, and,
as outlined below, the siting of the station and the exposure of the instruments in each case may
have to be very different.
766 PART II. OBSERVING SYSTEMS Horizontal scales

There is no more important an input to the success of an urban station than an appreciation of
the concept of scale. There are three scales of interest (Oke, 1984; Figure9.1):

(a) Microscale: Every surface and object has its own microclimate on it and in its immediate
vicinity. Surface and air temperatures may vary by several degrees in very short distances,
even millimetres, and airflow can be greatly perturbed by even small objects. Typical scales
of urban microclimates relate to the dimensions of individual buildings, trees, roads, streets,
courtyards, gardens, and so forth. Typical scales extend from less than 1m to hundreds of
metres. The formulation of the guidelines in PartI of this Guide specifically aims to avoid
microclimatic effects. The climate station recommendations are designed to standardize all
sites, as far as practical. This explains the use of a standard height of measurement, a single
surface cover, minimum distances to obstacles and little horizon obstruction. The aim is to
achieve climate observations that are free of extraneous microclimate signals and hence
characterize local climates. With even more stringent standards, first order stations may
be able to represent conditions at synoptic space and timescales. The data may be used to
assess climate trends at even larger scales. Unless the objectives are very specialized, urban
stations should also avoid microclimate influences; however, this is hard to achieve;

(b) Local scale: This is the scale that standard climate stations are designed to monitor. It
includes landscape features such as topography, but excludes microscale effects. In urban
areas this translates to mean the climate of neighbourhoods with similar types of urban
development (surface cover, size and spacing of buildings, activity). The signal is the
integration of a characteristic mix of microclimatic effects arising from the source area in the
vicinity of the site. The source area is the portion of the surface upstream that contributes
the main properties of the flux or meteorological concentration being measured (Schmid,
2002). Typical scales are one to several kilometres;

(c) Mesoscale: A city influences weather and climate at the scale of the whole city, typically tens
of kilometres in extent. A single station is not able to represent this scale.

(a) Mesoscale

Urban plume

Mixing layer

(b) Surface layer RBL

Rural Urban Rural

(b) Local scale (c) Microscale

Surface sublayer
Roughness (c)
sublayer UCL

Figure9.1. Schematic of climatic scales and vertical layers found in urban areas: planetary
boundary layer (PBL), urban boundary layer (UBL), urban canopy layer (UCL), rural boundary
layer (RBL) (modified from Oke, 1997).

An essential difference between the climate of urban areas and that of rural or airport locations
is that in cities the vertical exchanges of momentum, heat and moisture do not occur at a
(nearly) plane surface, but in a layer of significant thickness, called the urban canopy layer (UCL)
(Figure9.1). The height of the UCL is approximately equivalent to that of the mean height of the
main roughness elements (buildings and trees), zH (see Figure9.4 for parameter definitions).
The microclimatic effects of individual surfaces and obstacles persist for a short distance away
from their source and are then mixed and muted by the action of turbulent eddies. The distance
required before the effect is obliterated depends on the magnitude of the effect, wind speed and
stability (namely, stable, neutral or unstable). This blending occurs both in the horizontal and the
vertical. As noted, horizontal effects may persist up to a few hundred metres. In the vertical, the
effects of individual features are discernible in the roughness sublayer (RSL), which extends from
ground level to the blending height zr, where the blending action is complete. Ruleofthumb
estimates and field measurements indicate that zr can be as low as 1.5zH at densely built (closely
spaced) and homogeneous sites, but greater than 4zH in low density areas (Grimmond and Oke,
1999; Rotach, 1999; Christen, 2003). An instrument placed below zr may register microclimate
anomalies, but, above that, it sees a blended, spatially averaged signal that is representative of
the local scale.

There is another height restriction to consider. This arises because each local scale surface type
generates an internal boundary layer, in which the flow structure and thermodynamic properties
are adapted to that surface type. The height of the layer grows with increasing fetch (the distance
upwind to the edge where the transition to a distinctly different surface type occurs). The rate
at which the internal boundary layer grows with fetch distance depends on the roughness
and stability. In rural conditions, the height to fetch ratios might vary from as small as 1:10 in
unstable conditions to as large as 1:500 in stable cases, and the ratio decreases as the roughness
increases (Garratt, 1992; Wieringa, 1993). Urban areas tend towards neutral stability owing to
the enhanced thermal and mechanical turbulence associated with the heat island and their large
roughness. Therefore, a height to fetch ratio of about 1:100 is considered typical. The internal
boundary layer height is taken above the displacement height zd, which is the reference level for
flow above the blending height. (For an explanation of zd, see Figure9.4 and Noteb in Table9.2.)

For example, take a hypothetical densely built district with zH of 10m. This means that zr is at least
15m. If this height is chosen to be the measurement level, the fetch requirement over similar
urban terrain is likely to be at least 0.8km, since fetch = 100 (zr zd ), and zd will be about 7m.
This can be a significant site restriction because the implication is that, if the urban terrain is not
similar out to at least this distance around the station site, observations will not be representative
of the local surface type. At less densely developed sites, where heat island and roughness effects
are less, the fetch requirements are likely to be greater.

At heights above the blending height, but within the local internal boundary layer,
measurements are within an inertial sublayer (Figure9.1), where standard boundary layer theory
applies. Such theory governs the form of the mean vertical profiles of meteorological variables
(including air temperature, humidity and wind speed) and the behaviour of turbulent fluxes,
spectra and statistics. This provides a basis for:

(a) The calculation of the source area (or footprint, see below) from which the turbulent flux
or the concentration of a meteorological variable originates; hence, this defines the distance
upstream for the minimum acceptable fetch;

(b) The extrapolation of a given flux or property through the inertial layer and also downwards
into the RSL (and, although it is less reliable, into the UCL). In the inertial layer, fluxes
are constant with height and the mean value of meteorological properties are invariant
horizontally. Hence, observations of fluxes and standard variables possess significant utility
and are able to characterize the underlying local scale environment. Extrapolation into the
RSL is less prescribed.

z Radiation source area isopleths

Turbulence source area isopleths





Figure9.2. Conceptual representation of source areas contributing to sensors for radiation

and turbulent fluxes of concentrations. If the sensor is a radiometer 50% or 90% of the flux
originates from the area inside the perspective circle. If the sensor is responding to a
property of turbulent transport, 50% or 90% of the signal comes from the area inside the
respective ellipses. These are dynamic in the sense that they are oriented into the wind and
hence move with wind direction and stability. Source areas (footprints)

A sensor placed above a surface sees only a portion of its surroundings. This is called the
source area of the instrument which depends on its height and the characteristics of the
process transporting the surface property to the sensor. For upwelling radiation signals (short
and longwave radiation and surface temperature viewed by an infrared thermometer) the
field of view of the instrument and the geometry of the underlying surface set what is seen. By
analogy, sensors such as thermometers, hygrometers, gas analysers and anemometers see
properties such as temperature, humidity, atmospheric gases and wind speed and direction
which are carried from the surface to the sensor by turbulent transport. A conceptual illustration
of these source areas is given in Figure9.2.

The source area of a downfacing radiometer with its sensing element parallel to the ground is a
circular patch with the instrument at its centre (Figure9.2). The radius (r) of the circular source
area contributing to the radiometer signal at height (z1) is given in Schmid et al. (1991):
r = z1 1 (9.1)
where F is the view factor, namely the proportion of the measured flux at the sensor for which
that area is responsible. Depending on its field of view, a radiometer may see only a limited circle,
or it may extend to the horizon. In the latter case, the instrument usually has a cosine response,
so that towards the horizon it becomes increasingly difficult to define the actual source area seen.
Hence, the use of the view factor which defines the area contributing a set proportion (often
selected as 50%, 90%, 95%, 99% or 99.5%) of the instruments signal.

The source area of a sensor that derives its signal via turbulent transport is not symmetrically
distributed around the sensor location. It is elliptical in shape and is aligned in the upwind
direction from the tower (Figure9.2). If there is a wind, the effect of the surface area at the
base of the mast is effectively zero, because turbulence cannot transport the influence up to
the sensor level. At some distance in the upwind direction the source starts to affect the sensor;
this effect rises to a peak, thereafter decaying at greater distances (for the shape in both the x
and y directions see Kljun et al., 2002; Schmid, 2002). The distance upwind to the first surface

area contributing to the signal, to the point of peak influence, to the furthest upwind surface
influencing the measurement, and the area of the socalled footprint vary considerably over
time. They depend on the height of measurement (larger at greater heights), surface roughness,
atmospheric stability (increasing from unstable to stable) and whether a turbulent flux or a
meteorological concentration is being measured (larger for the concentration) (Kljun et al.,
2002). Methods to calculate the dimensions of flux and concentration footprints are available
(Schmid, 2002; Kljun et al., 2004).

Although the situation illustrated in Figure9.2 is general, it applies best to instruments placed
in the inertial sublayer, well above the complications of the RSL and the complex geometry of
the threedimensional urban surface. Within the UCL, the way in which the effects of radiation
and turbulent source areas decay with distance has not yet been reliably evaluated. It can be
surmised that they depend on the same properties and resemble the overall forms of those in
Figure9.2. However, obvious complications arise due to the complex radiation geometry, and
the blockage and channelling of flow, which are characteristic of the UCL. Undoubtedly, the
immediate environment of the station is by far the most critical and the extent of the source area
of convective effects grows with stability and the height of the sensor. The distance influencing
screenlevel (~1.5m) sensors may be a few tens of metres in neutral conditions, less when
they are unstable and perhaps more than 100m when they are stable. At a height of 3m, the
equivalent distances probably extend up to about 300m in the stable case. The circle of influence
on a screenlevel temperature or humidity sensor is thought to have a radius of about 0.5km
typically, but this is likely to depend upon the building density. Measurement approaches

It follows from the preceding discussion that, if the objective of an instrumented urban site is to
monitor the localscale climate near the surface, there are two viable approaches as follows:

(a) Locate the site in the UCL at a location surrounded by average or typical conditions
for the urban terrain, and place the sensors at heights similar to those used at nonurban
sites. This assumes that the mixing induced by flow around obstacles is sufficient to blend
properties to form a UCL average at the local scale;

(b) Mount the sensors on a tall tower above the RSL and obtain blended values that can be
extrapolated down into the UCL.

In general, approach (a) works best for air temperature and humidity, and approach (b) for wind
speed and direction and precipitation. For radiation, the only significant requirement is for an
unobstructed horizon. Urban stations, therefore, often consist of instruments deployed both
below and above roof level; this requires that site assessment and description include the scales
relevant to both contexts. Urban site description

The magnitude of each urban scale does not agree precisely with those commonly given in
textbooks. The scales are conferred by the dimensions of the morphometric features that make
up an urban landscape. This places emphasis on the need to adequately describe properties
of urban areas which affect the atmosphere. The most important basic features are the urban
structure (dimensions of the buildings and the spaces between them, the street widths and street
spacing), the urban cover (builtup, paved and vegetated areas, bare soil, water), the urban
fabric (construction and natural materials) and the urban metabolism (heat, water and pollutants
due to human activity). Hence, the characterization of the sites of urban climate stations must
take account of these descriptors, use them in selecting potential sites, and incorporate them in
metadata that accurately describe the setting of the station.

These four basic features of cities tend to cluster to form characteristic urban classes. For
example, most central areas of cities have relatively tall buildings that are densely packed
together, so the ground is largely covered with buildings or paved surfaces made of durable

materials such as stone, concrete, brick and asphalt and where there are large releases from
furnaces, air conditioners, chimneys and vehicles. Near the other end of the spectrum there are
districts with low density housing of one or twostorey buildings of relatively light construction
and considerable garden or vegetated areas with low heat releases, but perhaps large irrigation

No universally accepted scheme of urban classification for climatic purposes exists. A good
approach to the built components is that of Ellefsen (1991) who developed a set of urban terrain
zone (UTZ) types. He initially differentiates according to 3types of building contiguity (attached
(row), detached but closeset, detached and openset). These are further divided into a total
of 17subtypes by function, location in the city, and building height, construction and age.
Application of the scheme requires only aerial photography, which is generally available, and the
scheme has been applied in several cities around the world and seems to possess generality.

Ellefsens scheme can be used to describe urban structure for roughness, airflow, radiation access
and screening. It can be argued that the scheme indirectly includes aspects of urban cover, fabric
and metabolism because a given structure carries with it the type of cover, materials and degree
of human activity. Ellefsens scheme is less useful, however, when built features are scarce and
there are large areas of vegetation (urban forest, low plant cover, grassland, scrub, crops), bare
ground (soil or rock) and water (lakes, swamps, rivers). A simpler scheme of urban climate zones
(UCZs) is illustrated in Table9.1. It incorporates groups of Ellefsens zones, plus a measure of the
structure, zH/W (see Table9.1, Notec) shown to be closely related to both flow, solar shading and
the heat island, and also a measure of the surface cover (%built) that is related to the degree of
surface permeability.

The importance of UCZs is not their absolute accuracy to describe the site, but their ability to
classify areas of a settlement into districts, which are similar in their capacity to modify the local
climate, and to identify potential transitions to different UCZs. Such a classification is crucial
when beginning to set up an urban station, so that the spatial homogeneity criteria are met
approximately for a station in the UCL or above the RSL. In what follows, it is assumed that the
morphometry of the urban area, or a portion of it, has been assessed using detailed maps, and/
or aerial photographs, satellite imagery (visible and/or thermal), planning documents or at least
a visual survey conducted from a vehicle and/or on foot. Although landuse maps can be helpful,
it should be appreciated that they depict the function and not necessarily the physical form of the
settlement. The task of urban description should result in a map with areas of UCZs delineated.

Herein, the UCZs as illustrated in Table9.1 are used. The categories may have to be adapted to
accommodate special urban forms characteristic of some ancient cities or of unplanned urban
development found in some lessdeveloped countries. For example, many towns and cities in
Africa and Asia do not have as large a fraction of the surface covered by impervious materials and
roads may not be paved.


9.2.1 Location

First, it is necessary to establish clearly the purpose of the station. If there is to be only one station
inside the urban area it must be decided if the aim is to monitor the greatest impact of the city, or
of a more representative or typical district, or if it is to characterize a particular site (where there
may be perceived to be climate problems or where future development is planned). Areas where
there is the highest probability of finding maximum effects can be judged initially by reference
to the ranked list of UCZ types in Table9.1. Similarly, the likelihood that a station will be typical
can be assessed using the ideas behind Table9.1 and choosing extensive areas of similar urban
development for closer investigation.

Table9.1. Simplified classification of distinct urban forms arranged in approximate

decreasing order of their ability to have an impact on local climate (Oke, 2004 unpublished)

Roughness Aspect % built

Urban climate zone a Image
classb ratioc (impermeable)d
1. Intensely developed 8 >2 > 90
urban with
detached closeset
highrise buildings
with cladding,
e.g.downtown towers

2. Intensely high density 7 1.02.5 > 85

urban with 25 storey,
attached or veryclose
set buildings often
of bricks or stone,
e.g.old city core

3. Highly developed, 7 0.51.5 7085

medium density
urban with row or
detached but closeset
houses, stores
and apartments,
e.g.urban housing

4. Highly developed, 5 0.050.2 7095

low or medium
density urban with
large low buildings
and paved parking,
e.g.shopping malls,

5. Medium 6 0.20.6, 3565

development, low upto>1
density suburban with with trees
1or 2storey houses,
e.g.suburban houses

6. Mixed use with 5 0.10.5, < 40

large buildings in depends
open landscape, on trees
such as hospitals,
universities, airports

7. Semirural 4 > 0.05, < 10

development, depends
scattered houses in on trees
natural or agricultural
areas, e.g.farms,

Buildings; Vegetation
Impervious ground; Pervious ground

a A simplified set of classes that includes aspects of the schemes of Auer (1978) and Ellefsen (1991) plus physical
measures relating to wind, and thermal and moisture control (columns on the right). Approximate correspondence
between UCZ and Ellefsens urban terrain zones is: 1 (Dc1, Dc8), 2 (A1A4, Dc2), 3 (A5, Dc35, Do2), 4 (Do1, Do4,
Do5), 5 (Do3), 6 (Do6), 7 (none).
b Effective terrain roughness according to the Davenport classification (Davenport et al., 2000); see Table9.2.
c Aspect ratio = zh/W is the average height of the main roughness elements (buildings, trees) divided by their average
spacing; in the city centre this is the street canyon height/width. This measurement is known to be related to flow
regime types (Oke, 1987) and thermal controls (solar shading and longwave screening) (Oke, 1981). Tall trees
increase this measure significantly.
d Average proportion of ground plan covered by built features (buildings, roads and paved and other impervious
areas); the rest of the area is occupied by pervious cover (green space, water and other natural surfaces).
Permeability affects the moisture status of the ground and hence humidification and evaporative cooling potential.

The search can be usefully refined in the case of air temperature and humidity by conducting
spatial surveys, wherein the sensor is carried on foot, or mounted on a bicycle or a car and taken
through areas of interest. After several repetitions, crosssections or isoline maps may be drawn
(see Figure9.3), revealing where areas of thermal or moisture anomaly or interest lie. Usually, the
best time to do this is a few hours after sunset or before sunrise on nights with relatively calm
airflow and cloudless skies. This maximizes the potential for the differentiation of microclimate
and local climate differences. It is not advisable to conduct such surveys close to sunrise or sunset
because weather variables change so rapidly at these times that meaningful spatial comparisons
are difficult.

If the station is to be part of a network to characterize spatial features of the urban climate, a
broader view is needed. This consideration should be informed by thinking about the typical
spatial form of urban climate distributions. For example, the isolines of urban heat and moisture
islands indeed look like the contours of their topographic namesakes (Figure9.3). They
have relatively sharp cliffs, often a plateau over much of the urban area interspersed with
localized mounds and basins of warmth/coolness and moistness/dryness. These features are
colocated with patches of greater or lesser development such as clusters of apartments, shops,
factories or parks, open areas or water. Therefore, a decision must be made: is the aim to make a
representative sample of the UCZ diversity, or is it to faithfully reflect the spatial structure?

In most cases the latter is too ambitious with a fixedstation network in the UCL. This is because
it will require many stations to depict the gradients near the periphery, the plateau region,
and the highs and lows of the nodes of weaker and stronger than average urban development.

City core



A +4

Built-up area

Figure9.3. Typical spatial pattern of isotherms in a large city at night with calm, clear weather
illustrating the heat island effect (after Oke, 1982)

Ifmeasurements are to be taken from a tower, with sensors above the RSL, the blending action
produces more muted spatial patterns and the question of distance of fetch to the nearest
border between UCZs, and the urbanrural fringe, becomes relevant. Whereas a distance to a
change in UCZ of 0.5 to 1km may be acceptable inside the UCL, for a towermounted sensor the
requirement is likely to be more like a few kilometres of fetch.

Since the aim is to monitor local climate attributable to an urban area, it is necessary to avoid
extraneous microclimatic influences or other local or mesoscale climatic phenomena that will
complicate the urban record. Therefore, unless there is specific interest in topographically
generated climate patterns, such as the effects of cold air drainage down valleys and slopes
into the urban area, or the speedup or sheltering of winds by hills and escarpments, or fog in
river valleys or adjacent to water bodies, or geographically locked cloud patterns, and so on,
it is sensible to avoid locations subject to such local and mesoscale effects. On the other hand,
if a benefit or hazard is derived from such events, it may be relevant to design the network
specifically to sample its effects on the urban climate, such as the amelioration of an overly hot
city by sea or lake breezes.

9.2.2 Siting

Once a choice of UCZ type and its general location inside the urban area is made, the next step
is to inspect the map, imagery and photographic evidence to narrow down candidate locations
within a UCZ. Areas of reasonably homogeneous urban development without large patches
of anomalous structure, cover or material are sought. The precise definition of reasonably
however is not possible; almost every real urban district has its own idiosyncrasies that reduce its
homogeneity at some scale. Although a complete list is therefore not possible, the following are
examples of what to avoid: unusually wet patches in an otherwise dry area, individual buildings
that jut up by more than half the average building height, a large paved car park in an area of
irrigated gardens, a large, concentrated heat source like a heating plant or a tunnel exhaust vent.
Proximity to transition zones between different UCZ types should be avoided, as should sites
where there are plans for or the likelihood of major urban redevelopment. The level of concern
about anomalous features decreases with distance away from the site itself, as discussed in
relation to source areas.

In practice, for each candidate site a footprint should be estimated for radiation (for example,
equation9.1) and for turbulent properties. Then, key surface properties such as the mean height
and density of the obstacles and characteristics of the surface cover and materials should be
documented within these footprints. Their homogeneity should then be judged, either visually
or using statistical methods. Once target areas of acceptable homogeneity for a screenlevel
or highlevel (aboveRSL) station are selected, it is helpful to identify potential friendly site
owners who could host it. If a government agency is seeking a site, it may already own land
in the area which is used for other purposes or have good relations with other agencies or
businesses (offices, work yards, spare land, rights of way) including schools, universities, utility
facilities (electricity, telephone, pipelines) and transport arteries (roads, railways). These are
good sites, because access may be permitted and also because they also often have security
against vandalism and may have electrical power connections.

Building roofs have often been used as the site for meteorological observations. This may often
have been based on the mistaken belief that at this elevation the instrument shelter is free
from the complications of the UCL. In fact, rooftops have their own very distinctly anomalous
microclimates that lead to erroneous results. Airflow over a building creates strong perturbations
in speed, direction and gustiness which are quite unlike the flow at the same elevation away from
the building or near the ground (Figure9.5). Flattopped buildings may actually create flows on
their roofs that are counter to the main external flow, and speeds vary from extreme jetting to
a near calm. Roofs are also constructed of materials that are thermally rather extreme. In light
winds and cloudless skies they can become very hot by day and cold by night. Hence, there is
often a sharp gradient of air temperature near the roof. Furthermore, roofs are designed to be
waterproof and to shed water rapidly. This, together with their openness to solar radiation and

the wind, makes them anomalously dry. In general, therefore, roofs are very poor locations for air
temperature, humidity, wind and precipitation observations, unless the instruments are placed
on very tall masts. They can, however, be good for observing incoming radiation components.

Once the site has been chosen, it is essential that the details of the site characteristics (metadata)
be fully documented (see section9.4).


9.3.1 Modifications to standard practice

In many respects, the generally accepted standards for the exposure of meteorological
instruments set out in PartI of this Guide apply to urban sites. However, there will be many
occasions when it is impossible or makes no sense to conform. This section recommends some
principles that will assist in such circumstances; however, all eventualities cannot be anticipated.
The recommendations here remain in agreement with general objectives set out in PartI,

Many urban stations have been placed over short grass in open locations (parks, playing fields)
and as a result they are actually monitoring modified ruraltype conditions, not representative
urban ones. This leads to the curious finding that some ruralurban pairs of stations show no
urban effect on temperature (Peterson, 2003).

The guiding principle for the exposure of sensors in the UCL should be to locate them in such a
manner that they monitor conditions that are representative of the environment of the selected
UCZ. In cities and towns it is inappropriate to use sites similar to those which are standard in
open rural areas. Instead, it is recommended that urban stations should be sited over surfaces
that, within a microscale radius, are representative of the local scale urban environment. The
%built category (Table9.1) is a crude guide to the recommended underlying surface.

The requirement that most obviously cannot be met at many urban sites is the distance
from obstacles the site should be located well away from trees, buildings, walls or other
obstructions (PartI, Chapter1). Rather, it is recommended that the urban station be centred in
an open space where the surrounding aspect ratio (zH/W) is approximately representative of the

When installing instruments at urban sites it is especially important to use shielded cables
because of the ubiquity of power lines and other sources of electrical noise at such locations.

9.3.2 Temperature Air temperature

The sensors in general use to measure air temperature (including their accuracy and response
characteristics) are appropriate in urban areas. Careful attention to radiation shielding and
ventilation is especially recommended. In the UCL, a sensor assembly might be relatively
close to warm surfaces, such as a sunlit wall, a road or a vehicle with a hot engine, or it might
receive reflected heat from glassed surfaces. Therefore, the shields used should block radiation
effectively. Similarly, because an assembly placed in the lower UCL might be too well sheltered,
forced ventilation of the sensor is recommended. If a network includes a mixture of sensor
assemblies with/without shields and ventilation, this might contribute to intersite differences.
Practices should therefore be uniform.

The surface over which air temperature is measured and the exposure of the sensor assembly
should follow the recommendations given in the previous section, namely, the surface should
be typical of the UCZ and the thermometer screen or shield should be centred in a space with
approximately average zH/W. In very densely builtup UCZ this might mean that it is located

only 5 to 10m from buildings that are 20 to 30m high. If the site is a street canyon, zH/W only
applies to the crosssection normal to the axis of the street. The orientation of the street axis may
also be relevant because of systematic sunshade patterns. If continuous monitoring is planned,
northsouth oriented streets are favoured over eastwest ones because there is less phase
distortion, although daytime course of temperature may be rather peaked.

At nonurban stations recommended screen height is between 1.25 and 2m above ground
level. While this is also acceptable for urban sites, it may be better to relax this requirement to
allow greater heights. This should not lead to significant error in most cases, especially in densely
builtup areas, because observations in canyons show very slight air temperature gradients
through most of the UCL, provided that the location is more than 1m from a surface (Nakamura
and Oke, 1988). Measurements at heights of 3 or 5m are not very different from those at the
standard height, have slightly greater source areas and place the sensor beyond easy reach, thus
preventing damage, and away from the path of vehicles. They also ensure greater dilution of
vehicle exhaust heat and reduce contamination from dust.

Air temperatures measured above the UCL, using sensors mounted on a tower, are influenced
by air exchanged with the UCL plus the effects of the roofs. Roofs have much more thermic
variability than most surfaces within the UCL. Most roofs are designed to insulate and hence to
minimize heat exchange with the interior of the building. As a result, roofsurface temperatures
often become very hot by day, whereas the partially shaded and better conducting canyon
walls and floor are cooler. At night circumstances are reversed with the roofs being relatively
cold and canyon surfaces warmer as they release their daytime heat uptake. There may also be
complications due to the release of heat from roof exhaust vents. Therefore, while there is little
variation of temperature with height in the UCL, there is a discontinuity near roof level both
horizontally and vertically. Hence, if a meaningful spatial average is sought, sensors should
be well above mean roof level, >1.5zH if possible, so that the mixing of roof and canyon air is
accomplished. In dealing with air temperature data from an elevated sensor, it is difficult to
extrapolate these levels down towards screen level because currently no standard methods
are available. Similarly, there is no simple, general scheme for extrapolating air temperatures
horizontally inside the UCL. Statistical models work, but they require a large archive of existing
observations over a dense network, which is not usually available. Surface temperature

Surface temperature is not commonly measured at urban stations, but it can be a very useful
variable to use as input in models to calculate fluxes. A representative surface temperature
requires the averaging of an adequate sample of the many surfaces, vertical as well as horizontal,
that make up an urban area. This is possible only using infrared remote sensing either from a
scanner mounted on an aircraft or satellite, or a downwardfacing pyrgeometer, or one or more
radiation thermometers of which the combined field of view covers a representative sample of
the urban district. Hence, to obtain accurate results, the target must be sampled appropriately
and its average emissivity known. Soil and road temperature

It is desirable to measure soil temperature in urban areas. The heat island effect extends down
beneath a city and this may be of significance to engineering design for water pipes or road
construction. In practice, the measurement of this variable may be difficult at more heavily
developed urban sites. Bare ground may not be available, the soil profile is often highly
disturbed, and at depth there may be obstructions or anomalously warm or cool artefacts
(for example, empty, full or leaky water pipes, sewers, heat conduits). In urban areas, the
measurement of grass minimum temperature has almost no practical utility.

Temperature sensors are often embedded in road pavements, especially in areas subject to
freezing. They are usually part of a monitoring station for highway weather. It is often helpful to
have sensors beneath both the tire track area and the centre of the lane.

9.3.3 Atmospheric pressure

At the scale of urban areas it will probably not be necessary to monitor atmospheric pressure
if there is already a synoptic station in the region. If pressure sensors are included, the
recommendations of PartI, Chapter3, apply. In rooms and elsewhere in the vicinity of buildings
there is the probability of pressure pumping due to gusts. Also, interiorexterior pressure
differences may exist if the sensor is located in an airconditioned room. Both difficulties can be
alleviated if a static pressure head is installed (see PartI, Chapter3,3.8).

9.3.4 Humidity

The instruments normally used for humidity (PartI, Chapter4) are applicable to urban areas. The
guidelines given in section9.3.2.1 for the siting and exposure of temperature sensors in the UCL,
and above the RSL, apply equally to humidity sensors.

Urban environments are notoriously dirty (dust, oils, pollutants). Several hygrometers are subject
to degradation or require increased maintenance in urban environments. Hence, if psychrometric
methods are used, the wetbulb sleeve must be replaced more frequently than normal and
close attention should be given to ensuring that the distilled water remains uncontaminated.
The hair strands of a hair hygrometer can be destroyed by polluted urban air; hence, their
use is not recommended for extended periods. The mirror of dewpoint hygrometers and the
windows of ultraviolet and infrared absorption hygrometers need to be cleaned frequently. Some
instruments degrade to such an extent that the sensors have to be completely replaced fairly
regularly. Because of shelter from wind in the UCL, forced ventilation at the rate recommended in
PartI, Chapter4, 4.2 is essential, as is the provision of shielding from extraneous sources of solar
and longwave radiation.

9.3.5 Wind speed and direction

The measurement of wind speed and direction is highly sensitive to flow distortion by obstacles.
Obstacles create alterations in the average wind flow and turbulence. Such effects apply at all
scales of concern, including the effects of local relief due to hills, valleys and cliffs, sharp changes
in roughness or in the effective surface elevation (zd, see below), perturbation of flow around
clumps of trees and buildings, individual trees and buildings and even disturbance induced by
the physical bulk of the tower or mounting arm to which the instruments are attached. Mean wind profile

However, if a site is on reasonably level ground, has sufficient fetch downstream of major
changes of roughness and is in a single UCZ without anomalously tall buildings, a mean wind
profile such as that in Figure9.4 should exist. The mean is both spatial and temporal. Within
the UCL no one site can be expected to possess such a profile. Individual locations experience
highly variable speed and direction shifts as the airstream interacts with individual building
arrangements, streets, courtyards and trees. In street canyons, the shape of the profile is different
for alongcanyon versus acrosscanyon flow (Christen et al., 2002) and depends on position
across and along the street (DePaul and Shieh, 1986). Wind speed gradients in the UCL are small
until quite close to the surface. As a first approximation the profile in the UCL can be described
by an exponential form (Britter and Hanna, 2003) merging with the log profile near the roof level

In the inertial sublayer, the MoninObukhov similarity theory applies, including the logarithmic
u z = ( u* / k ) {ln ( z zd ) z0 + M } (9.2)
where u* is the friction velocity; k is von Karmans constant (0.40); z0 is the surface roughness
length; zd is the zeroplane displacement height (Figure9.4); L is the Obukhov stability length

(=u*3/[k(g/v)QH]), where g is the gravitational acceleration, v the virtual potential temperature

and QH the turbulent sensible heat flux; and M is a dimensionless function that accounts for
the change in curvature of the wind profile away from the neutral profile with greater stability
or instability.1 In the neutral case (typically with strong winds and cloud) when M is unity,
equation9.2 reduces to:

u z = ( u* / k ) ln ( z zd ) z0 (9.3)

The wind profile parameters can be measured using a vertical array of anemometers, or
measurements of momentum flux or gustiness from fastresponse anemometry in the inertial
layer, but estimates vary with wind direction and are sensitive to errors (Wieringa, 1996; Verkaik,
2000). Methods to parameterize the wind profile parameters z0 and zd for urban terrain are also
available (for reviews, see Grimmond and Oke, 1999; Britter and Hanna, 2003). The simplest
methods involve general descriptions of the land use and obstacles (see Tables9.1 and 9.2 as well
as Davenport et al., 2000; Grimmond and Oke, 1999), or a detailed description of the roughness
element heights and their spacing from either a geographic information system of the building
and street dimensions, or maps and aerial oblique photographs, or airborne/satellite imagery
and the application of one of several empirical formulae (for recommendations, see Grimmond
and Oke, 1999).

It is important to incorporate the displacement height zd into urban windprofile assessments.

Effectively, this is equivalent to setting a base for the logarithmic wind profile that recognizes the
physical bulk of the urban canopy. It is like setting a new ground surface aloft, where the mean
momentum sink for the flow is located (Figure9.4).

Depending on the building and tree density, this could set the base of the profile at a height
of between 0.5 and 0.8zH (Grimmond and Oke, 1999). Hence, failure to incorporate it in
calculations causes large errors. First estimates can be made using the fractions of zH given in
Table9.2 (Noteb).

z Inertial


z0 {

Mean horizontal velocity,

Figure9.4. Generalized mean (spatial and temporal) wind velocity () profile in a densely
developed urban area including the location of sublayers of the surface layer. The measures
on the height scale are the mean height of the roughness elements (zH) the roughness
sublayer (zr, or the blending height), the roughness length (z0) and zeroplane displacement
length (zd). The dashed line represents the profile extrapolated from the inertial sublayer, the
solid line represents the actual profile.

For more details on L and the form of the M function, see a standard micrometeorology text, for example, Stull,
1988; Garratt, 1992; or Arya, 2001. Note that u* and QH should be evaluated in the inertial layer above the RSL.

Table9.2. Davenport classification of effective terrain roughnessa

Class z0 (m) Landscape description

4 Roughly open 0.10 Moderately open country with occasional obstacles (e.g.isolated
low buildings or trees) at relative horizontal separations of at least
20obstacle heights

5 Rough 0.25 Scattered obstacles (buildings) at relative distances of 8 to 12obstacle

heights for low solid objects (e.g.buildings) (analysis may need zd)b

6 Very rough 0.5 Area moderately covered by low buildings at relative separations of 3 to
7obstacle heights and no high trees (analysis requires zd)b

7 Skimming 1.0 Densely builtup area without much building height variation (analysis
requires zd)b

8 Chaotic 2.0 City centres with mix of low and highrise buildings (analysis by wind
tunnel advised)
a Abridged version (revised 2000, for urban roughness only) of Davenport et al. (2000); for classes1 to 3 and for
rural classes4 to 8, see PartI, Chapter5, annex to this Guide and WMO (2003).
b First order values of zd are given as fractions of average obstacle height, i.e.: 0.5z H, 0.6z H and 0.7z H for Davenport
classes5, 6 and 7, respectively. Height of measurement and exposure

The choice of height at which wind measurements should be taken in urban areas is a challenge.
However, if some basic principles are applied, meaningful results can be attained. The poor
placement of wind sensors in cities is the source of considerable wasted resources and effort and
leads to potentially erroneous calculations of pollutant dispersion. Of course, this is even a source
of difficulty in open terrain due to obstacles and topographic effects. This is the reason why the
standard height for rural wind observations is set at 10m above ground, not at screen level, and
why there the anemometer should not be at a horizontal distance from obstructions of less than
10obstacle heights (PartI, Chapter5, 5.9.2). In typical urban districts it is not possible to find
such locations, for example, in a UCZ with 10m high buildings and trees it would require a patch
that is at least 100m in radius. If such a site exists it is almost certainly not representative of the
zone. It has already been noted that the roughness sublayer, in which the effects of individual
roughness elements persist, extends to a height of about 1.5zH in a densely builtup area and
perhaps higher in less densely developed sites. Hence, in the example district the minimum
acceptable anemometer height is at least 15m, not the standard 10m. When buildings are much
taller, an anemometer at the standard 10m height would be well down in the UCL, and, given
the heterogeneity of urban form and therefore of wind structure, there is little merit in placing a
wind sensor beneath, or even at about, roof level.

It is well known from wind tunnel and field observations that flow over an isolated solid
obstacle, like a tall building, is greatly perturbed both immediately over and around it. These
perturbations include modifications to the streamlines, the presence of recirculation zones
on the roof and in the socalled bubble or cavity behind it, and wake effects that persist
in the downstream flow for tens of building height multiples that affect a large part of the
neighbourhood (Figure9.5).

There are many examples of poorly exposed anemometervane systems in cities. The data
registered by such instruments are erroneous, misleading, potentially harmful if used to
obtain wind input for wind load or dispersion applications, and wasteful of resources. The
inappropriateness of placing anemometers and vanes on short masts on the top of buildings
cannot be overemphasized. Speed and directions vary hugely in short distances, both
horizontally and vertically. Results from instruments deployed in this manner bear little
resemblance to the general flow and are entirely dependent on the specific features of the
building itself, the mast location on the structure, and the angleofattack of the flow to the
building. The circulating and vortex flows seen in Figure9.5 mean that, if the mast is placed
ahead of, on top of, or in the cavity zone behind a building, direction measurements could



Figure9.5. Typical twodimensional flow around a building with flow normal to the upwind
face (a): streamlines and flow zones; A represents undisturbed, B represents displacement,
Crepresents cavity, D represents wake (after Halitsky, 1963), and (b): flow, and vortex
structures (simplified after Hunt et al., 1978).

well be counter to those prevailing in the flow outside the influence of the buildings own wind
climate (namely, in zone A of Figure9.5(a)), and speeds are highly variable. To get outside the
perturbed zone, wind instruments must be mounted at a considerable height. For example, it
has been proposed that such sensors should be at a height greater than the maximum horizontal
dimension of the major roof (Wieringa, 1996). This implies an expensive mast system, perhaps
with guys that subtend a large area and perhaps difficulties in obtaining permission to install.
Nevertheless, this is the only acceptable approach if meaningful data are to be measured.

Faced with such realities, sensors should be mounted so that their signal is not overly
compromised by their support structure. The following recommendations are made:

(a) In urban districts with low element height and density (UCZ6 and 7), it may be possible to
use a site where the open country standard exposure guidelines can be met. To use the
10m height, the closest obstacles should be at least 10times their height distant from the
anemometer and not be more than about 6m tall on average;

(b) In more densely builtup districts, with relatively uniform element height and density
(buildings and trees), wind speed and direction measurements should be taken with the
anemometer mounted on a mast of open construction at a minimum height of 1.5times the
mean height of the elements;

(c) In urban districts with scattered tall buildings the recommendations are as in (b), but with
special attention to avoid the wake zone of the tall structures;

(d) It is not recommended that measurements be taken of wind speed or direction in densely
built areas with multiple highrise structures unless a very tall tower is used.

Anemometers on towers with open construction should be mounted on booms (crossarms) that
are long enough to keep the sensors at least two (preferable three) tower diameters distance
from the side of the mast (Gill et al., 1967). Sensors should be mounted so that the least frequent
flow direction passes through the tower. If this is not possible, or if the tower construction is not
very open, two or three booms with duplicate sensors may have to be installed to avoid wake
effects and upwind stagnation produced by the tower itself.

If anemometer masts are to be mounted on tall or isolated buildings, the effects of the
dimensions of that structure on the flow must be considered (see PartII, Chapter5,5.3.3).

Thisis likely to require analysis using wind tunnel, water flume or computational fluid dynamics
models specifically tailored to the building of interest, and including its surrounding terrain and

The objective is to ensure that all wind measurements are taken at heights where they are
representative of the upstream surface roughness at the local scale and are as free as possible of
confounding influences from microscale or local scale surface anomalies. Hence the emphasis
on gaining accurate measurements at whatever height is necessary to reduce error rather than
measuring at a standard height. This may require splitting the wind site from the location of the
other measurement systems. It may also result in wind observations at several different heights
in the same settlement. That will necessitate extrapolation of the measured values to a common
height, if spatial differences are sought or if the data are to form input to a mesoscale model.
Such extrapolation is easily achieved by applying the logarithmic profile (equation9.2) to two

( )
u1 uref = ln ( z1 z0 ) ln zref z0 (9.4)

where zref is the chosen reference height; z1 is the height of the site anemometer; and z0 is the
roughness length of the UCZ. In urban terrain it is correct to define the reference height to
include the zeroplane displacement height, namely, both z1 and zref have the form (z x zd),
where the subscript x stands for 1 or ref. A suitable reference height could be 50m above
displacement height.

Other exposure corrections for flow distortion, topography and roughness effects can be made
as recommended in PartI, Chapter5 (see 5.9.4:Exposure correction). It may well be that suitable
wind observations cannot be arranged for a given urban site. In that case, it is still possible to
calculate the wind at the reference height using wind observations at another urban station or
the airport using the logarithmic transformation model of Wieringa (1986):
ln ( zr z0 B ) ln ( z A z0 A )
u zA = u zB (9.5)
ln ( z B z0 B ) ln ( zr z0 A )
where the subscripts A and B refer to the site of interest where winds are wanted and the site
where standard wind measurements are available, respectively. The blending height zr should
either be taken as 4zH (section9.1.1.3) or be given a standard value of 60m; the method is
not very sensitive to this term. Again, if either site has dense, tall roughness elements, the
corresponding height scale should incorporate zd. Wind sensor considerations

Instruments used to measure wind speed and direction, gustiness and other characteristics
of the flow in nonurban environments are applicable to urban areas. In cities, wind direction
should always be measured, as well as speed, in order to allow azimuthdependent corrections
of tower influence to be made. If mechanical cup anemometers are used, because of the dirtiness
of the atmosphere maintenance should be more frequent and close attention should be given
to bearings and corrosion. If measurements are taken in the UCL, gustiness may increase the
problem of cup overspeeding, and too much shelter may cause anemometers to operate
near or below their threshold minimum speed. This must be dealt with through heightened
maintenance and perhaps by using fastresponse anemometers, propellertype anemometers
or sonic anemometers. Propeller anemometers are less prone to overspeeding, and sonic
anemometers, having no moving parts, are practically maintenancefree. However, they are
expensive and require sophisticated electronic logging and processing and not all models work
when it is raining.

9.3.6 Precipitation

The instruments and methods for the measurement of precipitation given in PartI, Chapter6
are also relevant to urban areas. The measurement of precipitation as rain or snow is always

susceptible to errors associated with the exposure of the gauge, especially in relation to the wind
field in its vicinity. Given the urban context and the highly variable wind field in the UCL and the
RSL, concerns arise from four main sources as follows:

(a) The interception of precipitation during its trajectory to the ground by nearby collecting
surfaces such as trees and buildings;

(b) Hard surfaces near the gauge which may cause splashin into the gauge, and overhanging
objects which may drip precipitation into the gauge;

(c) The spatial complexity of the wind field around obstacles in the UCL causes very localized
concentration or absence of rain or snowbearing airflow;

(d) The gustiness of the wind in combination with the physical presence of the gauge itself
causes anomalous turbulence around it which leads to under or overcatch.

In open country, standard exposure requires that obstacles should be no closer than two
times their height. In some ways, this is less restrictive than for temperature, humidity or wind
measurements. However, in the UCL the turbulent activity created by flow around sharpedged
buildings is more severe than that around natural obstacles and may last for greater distances in
their wake. Again, the highly variable wind speeds and directions encountered on the roof of a
building make these sites to be avoided.

On the other hand, unlike temperature, humidity and wind measurements, the object of
precipitation measurements is often not for the analysis of local effects, except perhaps in the
case of rainfall rate. Some urban effects on precipitation may be initiated at the local scale (for
example, by a major industrial facility), but may not show up until well downwind of the city.
Distinct patterns within an urban area are more likely to be due to relief or coastal topographic

Selecting an extensive open site in the city, where normal exposure standards can be met, may
be acceptable, but it almost certainly will mean that the gauge will not be colocated with the air
temperature, humidity and wind sensors. While the latter sensors need to be representative of
the local scale urban structure, cover, fabric and metabolism of a specific UCZ, this is not the case
for precipitation.

However, the local environment of the gauge is important if the station is to be used to
investigate intraurban patterns of precipitation type. For example, the urban heat island has
an influence on the survival of different forms of precipitation, for example, snow or sleet at the
cloud base may melt in the warmer urban atmosphere and fall as rain at the ground. This may
result in snow at rural and suburban sites when the city centre registers rain.

With regard to precipitation gauges in urban areas, it is recommended that:

(a) Gauges should be located in open sites within the city where the standard exposure criteria
can be met (for example, playing fields, open parkland with a low density of trees, urban

(b) Gauges should be located in conjunction with wind instruments if a representative

exposure for them is found. In other than low density builtup sites, this probably entails
mounting the gauge above roof level on a mast. This means that the gauge will be subject
to greater than normal wind speed and hence the error of estimation will be greater than
near the surface, and the gauge output will have to be corrected. Such correction is feasible
if wind is measured on the same mast. It also means that automatic recording is favoured,
and the gauge must be checked regularly to ensure that it is level and that the orifice is free
of debris;

(c) Gauges should not be located on the roofs of buildings unless they are exposed at a
sufficient height to avoid the wind envelope of the building;

(d) The measurement of snowfall depth should be taken at an open site or, if made at
developed sites, that a large spatial sample should be obtained to account for the inevitable
drifting around obstacles. Such sampling should include streets oriented in different

Urban hydrologists are interested in rainfall rates, especially during major storm events. Hence,
tippingbucket raingauges or weighing gauges have utility. The measurement of rain and
snowfall in urban areas stands to benefit from the development of techniques such as optical
raingauges and radar.

Dew, ice and fog precipitation also occurs in cities and can be of significance to the water
budget, especially for certain surfaces, and may be relevant to applications such as plant
diseases, insect activity, road safety and finding a supplementary source of water resources. The
methods outlined in PartI, Chapter6 are appropriate for urban sites.

9.3.7 Radiation

At present, there is a paucity of radiation flux measurements conducted in urban areas. For
example, there are almost none in the Global Energy Balance Archive of the World Climate
Programme and the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program of the US Department of
Energy. Radiation measurement sites are often located in rural or remote locations specifically to
avoid the aerosol and gaseous pollutants of cities which contaminate their records. Even when
a station has the name of a city, the metadata usually reveal they are actually located well outside
the urban limits. If stations are located in the builtup area, only incoming solar (global) radiation
is likely to be measured; neither incoming longwave radiation nor any fluxes with outgoing
components are monitored. For the most part, shortterm experimental projects focusing
specifically on urban effects measure both the receipt and loss of radiation in cities. All short
and longwave fluxes are affected by the special properties of the atmosphere and surface of
cities, and the same is true for the net allwave radiation balance that effectively drives the urban
energy balance (Oke, 1988a).

All of the instruments, calibrations and corrections, and most of the field methods outlined in
relation to the measurement of radiation at open country sites in PartI, Chapter7, apply to urban
areas. Only differences, or specific urban needs or difficulties, are mentioned here. Incoming fluxes

Incoming solar radiation is such a fundamental forcing variable of urban climate that its
measurement should be given a high priority when a station is established or upgraded.
Knowledge of this term, together with standard observations of air temperature, humidity
and wind speed, plus simple measures of the site structure and cover, allows a meteorological
preprocessor scheme (namely, methods and algorithms used to convert standard observation
fields into the variables required as input by models, but not measured, for example, fluxes,
stability, mixing height, dispersion coefficients, and so on) such as the Hybrid Plume Dispersion
Model (Hanna and Chang, 1992) or the Localscale Urban Meteorological Parameterization
Scheme (Grimmond and Oke, 2002) to be used to calculate much more sophisticated
measurements such as atmospheric stability, turbulent statistics, the fluxes of momentum, heat
and water vapour. These in turn make it possible to predict the mixing height and pollutant
dispersion (COST710, 1998; COST715, 2001). Furthermore, solar radiation can be used as a
surrogate for daytime cloud activity, and is the basis of applications in solar energy, daylight
levels in buildings, pedestrian comfort, legislated rights to solar exposure and many other
fields. At automatic stations, the addition of solar radiation measurement is simple and relatively

The exposure requirements for pyranometers and other incoming flux sensors are relatively easily
met in cities. The fundamental needs are for the sensor to be level, free of vibration and free of
any obstruction above the plane of the sensing element including both fixed features (buildings,
masts, trees and hills) and ephemeral ones (clouds generated from exhaust vents or pollutant

plumes). Therefore, a high, stable and accessible platform like the roof of a tall building is often
ideal. It may be impossible to avoid the shortterm obstruction of directbeam solar radiation
impinging on an upfacing radiometer by masts, antennas, flag poles and similar structures. If
this occurs, the location of the obstruction and the typical duration of its impact on the sensing
element should be fully documented (see section9.4). Methods to correct for such interference
are mentioned in PartI, Chapter7. It is also important to ensure that there is no excessive
reflection from very lightcoloured walls that may extend above the local horizon. It is essential to
clean the upper domes at regular intervals. In heavily polluted environments this may mean on a
daily basis.

Other incoming radiation fluxes are also desirable but their inclusion depends on the nature of
the city, the potential applications and the cost of the sensors. These radiation fluxes (and their
instruments) are the following: incoming direct solar beam (pyrheliometer), diffuse sky solar
(pyranometer fitted with a shade ring or a shade disc on an equatorial mount), solar ultraviolet
(broadband and narrowband sensors, and spectrometers) and longwave (pyrgeometer). All of
these radiation fluxes have useful applications: beam (pollution extinction coefficients), diffuse
(interior daylighting, solar panels), ultraviolet (depletion by ozone and damage to humans,
plants and materials) and longwave (monitoring nocturnal cloud and enhancement of the flux
by pollutants and the heat island effect). Outgoing and net fluxes

The reflection of solar radiation and the emission and reflection of longwave radiation from the
underlying surface, and the net result of short, long and allwave radiant fluxes, are currently
seldom monitored at urban stations. This means that significant properties of the urban climate
system remain unexplored. The albedo, which decides if solar radiation is absorbed by the fabric
or is lost back to the atmosphere and space, will remain unknown. The opportunity to invert
the StefanBoltzmann relation and solve for the surface radiant temperature is lost. The critical
net radiation that supports warming/cooling of the fabric, and the exchanges of water and heat
between the surface and the urban boundary layer, is missing. Of these, net allwave radiation
data lack the most. Results from a wellmaintained net radiometer are invaluable to drive a
preprocessor scheme and as a surrogate measurement of cloud.

The main difficulty in measuring outgoing radiation terms accurately is the exposure of the
downfacing radiometer to view a representative area of the underlying urban surface. The
radiative source area (equation9.1 and Figure9.2) should ideally see a representative sample
of the main surfaces contributing to the flux. In the standard exposure cases, defined in the
relevant sections of PartI, Chapter7, a sensor height of 2m is deemed appropriate over a short
grass surface. At that height, 90% of the flux originates from a circle with a diameter of 12m on
the surface. Clearly, a much greater height is necessary over an urban area in order to sample
an area that contains a sufficient population of surface facets to be representative of that UCZ.
Considering the case of a radiometer at a height of 20m (at the top of a 10m high mast mounted
on a 10m high building) in a densely developed district, the 90% source area has a diameter
of 120m at ground level. This might seem sufficient to see several buildings and roads, but
it must also be considered that the system is threedimensional, not quasiflat like grass. At the
level of the roofs in the example, the source area is now only 60m in diameter, and relatively few
buildings may be viewed.

The question becomes whether the sensor can see an appropriate mix of climatically active
surfaces. This means that the sensor must not only see an adequate set of planview surface
types, but also sample appropriate fractions of roof, wall and ground surfaces, including the
correct fractions of each that are in the sun or shade. This is a nontrivial task that depends on
the surface structure and the positions of both the sensor and the sun in space above the array.
Soux et al. (2004) developed a model to calculate these fractions for relatively simple urbanlike
geometric arrays. However, more work is needed before guidelines specific to individual UCZ
types are available. It seems likely that the sensor height has to be greater than that for turbulence
measurements. The nonlinear nature of radiative source area effects is clear from equation9.1
(see Figure9.2). The greater weighting of surfaces closer to the mast location means that the
immediate surroundings are most significant. In the previous example of the radiometer at a

height of 20m on a 10m high building, 50% of the signal at the rooflevel comes from a circle of
only 20m in diameter (perhaps only a single building). If the roof of that building, or any other
surface on which the mast is mounted, has anomalous radioactive properties (albedo, emissivity
or temperature), it disproportionately affects the flux, which is supposed to be representative of
a larger area. Hence, roofs with large areas of glass or metal, or with an unusually dark or light
colour, or those designed to hold standing water, should be avoided.

The problems associated with downfacing radiometers at large heights include: (a) the difficulty
of ensuring that the plane of the sensing element is level; (b) ensuring that at large zenith angles
the sensing element does not see direct beam solar radiation or incoming longwave radiation
from the sky; (c) considering whether there is need to correct results to account for radiative
flux divergence in the air layer between the instrument height and the surface of interest. To
eliminate extraneous solar or longwave radiation near the horizon, it may be necessary to install
a narrow collar that restricts the field of view to a few degrees less than 2. This will necessitate
a small correction applied to readings to account for the missing diffuse solar input (see PartI,
Chapter7, Annex7.E for the case of a shading ring) or the extra longwave input from the collar.

Inverted sensors may be subject to error because their back is exposed to solar heating. This
should be avoided by using some form of shielding and insulation. Maintaining the cleanliness of
the instrument domes and wiping away deposits of water or ice may also be more difficult. The
inability to observe the rate and effectiveness of instrument ventilation at a certain height means
that instruments that do not need aspiration should be preferred. The ability to lower the mast
to attend to cleaning, the replacement of desiccant or polyethylene domes and levelling is an

It is recommended that:

(a) Downfacing radiometers be placed at a height at least equal to that of a turbulence sensor
(namely, a minimum of 2zH is advisable) and preferably higher;

(b) The radiative properties of the immediate surroundings of the radiation mast should be
representative of the urban district of interest.

9.3.8 Sunshine duration

The polluted atmospheres of urban areas cause a reduction in sunshine hours compared with
their surroundings or preurban values (Landsberg, 1981). The instruments, methods and
exposure recommendations given in PartI, Chapter8 are applicable to an urban station.

9.3.9 Visibility and meteorological optical range

The effects of urban areas upon visibility and meteorological optical range (MOR) are complex
because, while pollutants tend to reduce visibility and MOR through their impact on the
attenuation of light and the enhancement of certain types of fog, urban heat and humidity
island effects often act to diminish the frequency and severity of fog and low cloud. There is
considerable practical value in having urban visibility and MOR information for fields such as
aviation, road and river transportation and optical communications, and thus to include these
observations at urban stations.

The visual perception of visibility is hampered in cities. While there are many objects and lights
that can serve as range targets, it may be difficult to obtain a sufficiently uninterrupted line of
sight at the recommended height of 1.5m. The use of a raised platform or the upper level of
buildings is considered nonstandard and is not recommended. Observations near roof level
may also be affected by scintillation from heated roofs, or the steaming of water from wet roofs
during drying, or pollutants and water clouds released from chimneys and other vents.

Instruments to measure MOR, such as transmissometers and scatter meters, generally work
well in urban areas. They require relatively short paths and will give good results if the optics

are maintained in a clean state. Naturally, the instrument must be exposed at a location that is
representative of the atmosphere in the vicinity, but the requirements are no more stringent
than for other instruments placed in the UCL. It may be that, for certain applications, knowledge
of the height variation of MOR is valuable, for example, the position of the fog top or the cloud

9.3.10 Evaporation and other fluxes

Urban development usually leads to a reduction in evaporation primarily due to the fact that
built features seal the surface and that vegetation has been removed. Nonetheless, in some
naturally dry regions, an increase may occur if water is imported from elsewhere and used to
irrigate urban vegetation.

Very few evaporation measurement stations exist in urban areas. This is understandable
because it is almost impossible to interpret evaporation measurements conducted in the UCL
using atmometers, evaporation pans or lysimeters. As detailed in PartI, Chapter10, such
measurements must be at a site that is representative of the area; not closer to obstacles than
5times their height, or 10times if they are clustered; not placed on concrete or asphalt; not
unduly shaded; and free of hard surfaces that may cause splashin. In addition to these concerns,
the surfaces of the instruments are assumed to act as surrogates for vegetation or open water
systems. Such surfaces are probably not representative of the surroundings at an urban site.
Hence, they are in receipt of microadvection that is likely to force evaporation at unrealistically
high rates.

Consider the case of an evaporation pan installed over a long period which starts out at a
semiarid site that converts to irrigated agricultural uses and is then encroached upon by
suburban development and is later in the core of a heavily developed urban area. Its record of
evaporation starts out very high, because it is an open water surface in hot, dry surroundings.
Therefore, although actual evaporation in the area is very low, advection forces the loss from
the pan to be large. Because the introduction of irrigation makes conditions cooler and more
humid, the pan readings drop, but actual evaporation is large. Inasmuch as urban development
largely reverses the environmental changes and reduces the wind speed near the ground, pan
losses increase but the actual evaporation probably drops. Hence, throughout this sequence pan
evaporation and actual evaporation are probably in antiphase. During the agricultural period
a pan coefficient might have been applied to convert the pan readings to those typical of short
grass or crops. No such coefficients are available to convert pan to urban evaporation, even if the
readings are not corrupted by the complexity of the UCL environment. In summary, the use of
standard evaporation instruments in the UCL is not recommended.

The dimensions and heterogeneity of urban areas renders the use of fullscale lysimeters
impractical (for example, the requirement to be not less than 100 to 150m from a change in
surroundings). Microlysimeters can give the evaporation from individual surfaces, but they are
still specific to their surroundings. Such lysimeters need careful attention, including soil monolith
renewal to prevent drying out, and are not suitable for routine longterm observations.

Spatially averaged evaporation and other turbulent fluxes (momentum, sensible heat, carbon
dioxide) information can be obtained from observations above the RSL. Several of these fluxes
are of greater practical interest in urban areas than in many open country areas. For example,
the vertical flux of horizontal momentum and the integral wind statistics and spectra are needed
to determine wind loading on structures and the dispersion of air pollutants. The sensible heat
flux is an essential input to calculate atmospheric stability (for example, the flux Richardson
number and the Obukhov length) and the depth of the urban mixing layer. Fast response eddy
covariance or standard deviation methods are recommended, rather than profile gradient
methods. Appropriate instruments include sonic anemometers, infrared hygrometers and
gas analysers and scintillometers. The sensors should be exposed in the same manner as wind
sensors: above the RSL but below the internal boundary layer of the UCZ of interest. Again, such
measurements rely on the flux footprint being large enough to be representative of the local
area of interest.

If such flux measurements are beyond the financial and technical resources available, a
meteorological preprocessor scheme such as the Ozone Limiting Method, the Hybrid Plume
Dispersion Method or the Localscale Urban Meteorological Parameterization Scheme (see
section9.3.7) can be an acceptable method to obtain aerially representative values of urban
evaporation and heat flux. Such schemes require only spatially representative observations of
incoming solar radiation, air temperature, humidity and wind speed and general estimates of
average surface properties such as albedo, emissivity, roughness length and the fractions of the
urban district that are vegetated or builtup or irrigated. Clearly, the wind speed observations
must conform to the recommendations in section9.3.5. Ideally air temperature and humidity
should also be observed above the RSL; however, if only UCL values are available, this is usually
acceptable because such schemes are not very sensitive to these variables.

9.3.11 Soil moisture

Knowledge of urban soil moisture can be useful, for example, to gardeners and in the calculation
of evaporation. Its thermal significance in urban landscapes is demonstrated by the remarkably
distinct patterns in remotely sensed thermal imagery. By day, any patch with active vegetation or
irrigated land is noticeably cooler than land that is built on, paved or bare. However, the task of
sampling to obtain representative values of soil moisture is daunting.

Some of the challenges presented include the fact that large fractions of urban surfaces are
completely sealed over by paved and built features; much of the exposed soil has been highly
disturbed in the past during construction activity or following abandonment after urban use;
the soil may actually be largely formed from the rubble of old buildings and paving materials
or have been imported as soil or fill material from distant sites; or the soil moisture may be
affected by seepage from localized sources such as broken water pipes or sewers or be the result
of irrigation. All of these elements lead to a very patchy urban soil moisture field that may have
totally dry plots situated immediately adjacent to overwatered lawns. Hence, while some idea of
localscale soil moisture may be possible in areas with very low urban development, or where the
seminatural landscape has been preserved, it is almost impossible to characterize in most urban
districts. Again, in this case it may be better to use rural values that give a regional background
value rather than to have no estimate of soil moisture availability.

9.3.12 Present weather

If human observers or the usual instrumentation are available, the observation of present
weather events and phenomena such as rime, surface ice, fog, dust and sand storms, funnel
clouds and thunder and lightning can be valuable, especially those with practical implications
for the efficiency or safety of urban activities, for example transportation. If archiving facilities are
available, the images provided by webcams can provide very helpful evidence of clouds, short-
term changes in cloud associated with fronts, fog banks that ebb and flow, low cloud that rises
and falls, and the arrival of dust and sand storm fronts.

9.3.13 Cloud

Although cloud cover observation is rare in large urban areas, this information is very useful. All
of the methods and instruments outlined in PartI, Chapter15 are applicable to urban areas. The
large number and intensity of light sources in cities, combined with a hazy, sometimes polluted,
atmosphere, make visual observation more difficult. Where possible, the observational site
should avoid areas with particularly bright lighting.

9.3.14 Atmospheric composition

The monitoring of atmospheric pollution in the urban environment is increasingly important.

However, this is another specialist discipline and will not be dealt with in this chapter. PartI,
Chapter16 deals with the subject in the broader context of the Global Atmosphere Watch.

9.3.15 Profiling techniques for the urban boundary layer

Because urban influences extend throughout the planetary boundary layer (Figure9.1), it is
necessary to use towers and masts to obtain observations above the RSL to probe higher. Of
special interest are effects on the wind field and the vertical temperature structure including the
depth of the mixing layer and their combined role in affecting pollutant dispersion.

All of the special profiling techniques outlined in PartII, Chapter5 are relevant to urban areas.
Acoustic sounders (sodars) are potentially very useful; nonetheless, it must be recognized that
they suffer from two disadvantages: first, their signals are often interfered with by various urban
sources of noise (traffic, aircraft, construction activity, and even lawnmowers); and second,
they may not be allowed to operate if they cause annoyance to residents. Wind profiler radars,
radio-acoustic sounding systems, microwave radiometers, microwave temperature profilers,
laser radars (lidars) and modified ceilometers are all suitable systems to monitor the urban
atmosphere if interference from ground clutter can be avoided. Similarly, balloons for wind
tracking, boundary layer radiosondes (minisondes) and instrumented tethered balloons can
all be used with good success rates as long as air traffic authorities grant permission for their
use. Instrumented towers and masts can provide an excellent means of placing sensors above
roof level and into the inertial sublayer, and very tall structures may permit measurements into
the mixing layer above. However, it is necessary to emphasize the precautions given in PartII,
Chapter5, 5.3.3 regarding the potential interference with atmospheric properties by the support
structure. Although tall buildings may appear to provide a way to reach higher into the urban
boundary layer, unless obstacle interference effects are fully assessed and measures instituted to
avoid them, the deployment of sensors can be unfruitful and probably misleading.

9.3.16 Satellite observations

Remote sensing by satellite with adequate resolution in the infrared may be relevant to extended
urban areas. A description of these techniques is available in Part III, and a review of their use in
the study of urban climates is given in Voogt and Oke (2003).


The full and accurate documentation of station metadata (see PartI, Chapter1) is absolutely
essential for any station to ensure that the final data user has no doubt about the conditions
in which data have been recorded, gathered and transmitted, in order to extract accurate
conclusions from their analysis (WMO, 2003). It can be argued that this is even more critical for
an urban station, because urban sites possess both an unusually high degree of complexity and
a greater propensity to change. The complexity makes every site truly unique, whereas good
open country sites conform to a relatively standard template. Change means that site controls are
dynamic, meaning that documentation must be updated frequently. In Figure9.6 it is assumed
that the minimum requirements for station metadata set by WMO (2003) are all met and that
hopefully some or all of the best practices they recommend are implemented. Here, emphasis is
placed on special urban characteristics that need to be included in the metadata, in particular
under the categories of local environment and historical events.

9.4.1 Local environment

As explained in section9.1.1, urban stations involve the exposure of instruments both within
and above the urban canopy. Hence, the description of the surroundings must include both the
microscale and the local scale. Following WMO (2003), with adaptations to characterize the
urban environment, it is recommended that the following descriptive information be recorded
for the station:

(a) A map at the local scale to mesoscale (~1:50000) as in Figure9.6(a), updated as necessary
to describe largescale urban development changes (for example, conversion of open land

(a) (b)


Figure9.6. Minimum information necessary to describe the localscale environment of an

urban station, consisting of (a) a template to document the local setting; (b) a sketch map to
situate the station in the larger urban region; and (c) an aerial photograph.

to housing, construction of a shopping centre or airport, construction of new tall buildings,

cutting of a forest patch, drainage of a lake, creation of a detention pond). Ideally, an aerial
photograph of the area should also be provided and a simple sketch map (at 1:500000
or 1:1000000) to indicate the location of the station relative to the rest of the urbanized
region (Figures 9.6(b) and (c)) and any major geographic features such as large water
bodies, mountains and valleys or change in ecosystem type (desert, swamp, forest). An
aerial oblique photograph can be especially illuminating because the height of buildings
and trees can also be appreciated. If available, aerial or satellite infrared imagery may be
instructive regarding important controls on microclimate. For example, relatively cool
surfaces by day usually indicate the availability of moisture or materials with anomalous
surface emissivity. Hotter than normal areas may be very dry, or have a low albedo or very
good insulation. At night, relative coolness indicates good insulation, and relative warmth
the opposite, or it could be a material with high thermal admittance that is releasing stored
daytime heat or there could be an anomalous source of anthropogenic heat. UCZ and
Davenport roughness classes can be judged using Tables9.1 or 9.2;

(b) A microscale sketch map (~1:5000), according to metadata guidelines, updated each year

(c) Horizon mapping using a clinometer and compass survey in a circle around the screen
(as shown in the diagram at the base of the template, Figure9.7(a), and a fisheye lens
photograph taken looking vertically at the zenith with the cameras back placed on the
ground near the screen, but not such that any of the sky is blocked by it (Figure9.7(b)). If
a fisheye lens is not available, a simpler approach is to take a photograph of a hemispheric
reflector (Figure9.7(c)). This should be updated every year or more frequently if there are
marked changes in horizon obstruction, such as the construction or demolition of a new
building nearby, or the removal of trees;




Figure9.7. Information required to describe the microscale surroundings of an urban climate

station; (a) a template for a metadata file; (b) an example of a fisheye lens photograph of a
street canyon illustrating horizon obstruction; and (c) a UK Met Office hemispheric reflector
placed on a raingauge.

(d) Photographs taken from cardinal directions of the instrument enclosure and of other
instrument locations and towers;

(e) A microscale sketch of the instrument enclosure, updated when instruments are relocated
or other significant changes occur;

(f) If some of the stations measurements (wind, radiation) are made away from the enclosure
(on masts, rooftops, more open locations) repeat steps (b) to (d) above for each site.

9.4.2 Historical events

Urban districts are subject to many forces of change, including new municipal legislation
that may change the types of land uses allowed in the area, or the height of buildings, or
acceptable materials and construction techniques, or environmental, irrigation or traffic laws
and regulations. Quite drastic alterations to an area may result from central planning initiatives
for urban renewal. More organic alterations to the nature of a district also arise because of in or
outmigrations of groups of people, or when an area comes into, or goes out of, favour or style as
a place to live or work. The urban area may be a centre of conflict and destruction. Such events
should be documented so that later users of the data understand some of the context of changes
that might appear in the urban climate.

9.4.3 Observance of other WMO recommendations

All other WMO recommendations regarding the documentation of metadata, including station
identifiers, geographical data, instrument exposure, types of instruments, instrument mounting
and sheltering, data recording and transmission, observing practices, metadata storage and
access and data processing should be observed at urban stations.


The study of urban weather and climate possesses a perspective that is almost unique. People
are curious about the role of humans in modifying the urban atmosphere. Therefore, unlike
other environments of interest, where it is sufficient to study the atmosphere for its own sake
or value, in urban areas there is interest in knowing about urban effects. This means assessing
possible changes to meteorological variables as an urban area develops over time, compared to
what would have happened had the settlement not been built. This question that is essentially
unanswerable when a settlement has been built, and, even if the settlement had not been built,
the landscape may well have evolved into a different state compared with the preexisting one
(for example, owing to other human activity such as agriculture or forestry). The assessment of
urban effects is therefore fraught with methodological difficulties and no truth is possible, only
surrogate approximations. If an urban station is being established alone, or as part of a network,
to assess urban effects on weather and climate, it is recommended that careful consideration be
given to the analysis given in Lowry (1977), and Lowry and Lowry (2001).


9.6.1 Working principles

When establishing an urban station, the rigid guidelines for climate stations are often
inappropriate. It is necessary to apply guiding principles rather than rules, and to retain a flexible
approach. This often means different solutions for individual atmospheric properties and may
mean that not all observations at a site are made at the same place.

Because the environment of urban stations changes often as development proceeds, frequently
updated metadata are as important as the meteorological data gathered. Without good station
descriptions it is impossible to link measurements to the surrounding terrain.

9.6.2 Site selection

An essential first step in selecting urban station sites is to evaluate the physical nature of the
urban terrain, using a climate zone classification. This will reveal areas of homogeneity.

Several urban terrain types make up an urban area. In order to build a picture of the climate of
a settlement, multiple stations are required. Sites should be selected that are likely to sample air
drawn across relatively homogenous urban terrain and are thus representative of a single climate
zone. Care must be taken to ensure that microclimatic effects do not interfere with the objective
of measuring the localscale climate.

9.6.3 Measurements

With regard to measurements, the following key points should be taken into account:

(a) Air temperature and humidity measurements taken within the UCL can be locally
representative if the site is carefully selected. If these variables are observed above roof
level, including above the RSL, there is no established link between them and those within
the UCL;

(b) Wind and turbulent flux measurements should be taken above the RSL but within the
internal boundary layer of the selected UCZ. Such measurements must establish that the
surface footprint contributing to the observations is representative of the climate zone.
For wind, it is possible to link the flow at this level and that experienced within the canopy;

(c) Precipitation observations can be conducted either near the ground at an unobstructed
site, or above the RSL, corrected according to parallel wind measurements;

(d) With the exception of incoming solar radiation measurements, rooftop sites are to be
avoided, unless instruments are exposed on a tall mast;

(e) Measurements of the net and upwelling radiation fluxes must be taken at heights that make
it possible to sample adequately the range of surface types and orientations typical of the
terrain zone.

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CHAPTER 10. ROAD METEOROLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  795

10.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  795
10.1.1 Definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  795
10.1.2 Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  795
10.1.3 Road meteorological requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  795
10.2 Establishment of a road meteorological station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  796
10.2.1 Standardized representative measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  796
10.2.2 Station metadata. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  796
10.3 Observed variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  797
10.3.1 Road meteorological measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  797 Air temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  797 Relative humidity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  797 Wind speed and direction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  797 Precipitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  798 Meteorological radiation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  798 Visibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  799 Road-surface temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  799 Road-pavement temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  799 Road-surface condition and freezing temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  799 Video surveillance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  800
10.4 Choosing the road weather station equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  800
10.4.1 The road environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  800
10.4.2 Remote-station processing capability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800
10.4.3 Network configuration and equipment options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  800
10.4.4 Design for reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  801
10.5 Message coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  802
10.5.1 Coding functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  802
10.5.2 WMO standard coding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  802
10.6 Central control and data-acquisition computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  802
10.7 Communications considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  802
10.8 Sensor signal processing and alarm generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  803
10.8.1 Signal processing algorithms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  803
10.8.2 Alarm generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  803
10.9 Measurement quality control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  804
10.9.1 Checking for spurious values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  804
10.10 Road weather station maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  804
10.10.1 The road environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  804
10.10.2 Maintenance plans and documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  805
10.10.3 Inspections and work programmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  805
10.11 Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  805

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  806



10.1.1 Definition

Road meteorological measurements are of particular value in countries where the serviceability
of the transport infrastructure in winter exerts a great influence on the national economy. In
some countries there will be other road hazards such as dust storms or volcanic eruptions. Safe
and efficient road transport is adversely affected by the following conditions which affect speed,
following distance, tyre adhesion and braking efficiency: poor visibility (heavy precipitation, fog,
smoke, sand storm), high winds, surface flooding, land subsidence, snow, freezing precipitation
and ice.

10.1.2 Purpose

The role of a road network manager is to ensure the optimal, safe, free flow of traffic on arterial
routes. Operational decisions on the issuing of road weather information and on initiating de-
icing and snow clearing operations are dependent on road meteorological observations that are
increasingly made by special-purpose automatic weather stations (AWSs). While these stations
should conform as far as practicable to the sensor exposure and measurement standards of
conventional AWSs (see PartII, Chapter1) they will have characteristics specific to their function,
location and measurement requirements.

The reliability of road meteorological measurement stations which supply data to a transport
decision support system is critical: Each station will relate to the immediate environment of
important high-density transport routes and may be responsible for feeding data to road
meteorology forecast routines and for generating automatic alarms. Thus, equipment reliability
and maintenance, power supply, communications continuity and data integrity are all important
elements in the selection, implementation and management of the weather measurement
network. These concerns point to the benefits of an effective collaboration between road
management services and the National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (NMHS).

10.1.3 Road meteorological requirements

This chapter should assist in standardizing road meteorological measurements with a method
that adheres to WMO common standards as closely as possible. However, those users who may
wish to employ road measurements in other meteorological applications will be advised of
important deviations, in sensor exposure, for example.

The needs of road network managers focus in four main areas (WMO 1997, 2003):

(a) Real-time observation of road meteorology: The practical objective, on the one hand, is to
inform road users of the risks (forecast or real-time) that they are likely to face on designated
routes; and on the other hand, to launch a series of actions aimed at increasing road safety,
such as scraping snow or spreading chemical melting agents;

(b) Improvement of pavement surface temperature forecasting: The measurements of road AWSs
are the important input data for the temperature and pavement condition forecasting
programmes which may be run by the NMHS. This authority has the capability of ensuring
continuity and timeliness in the observations and in the forecast service. In practice, two
tools are available to forecasters. The first tool is a computer model for the transposition
of a weather forecast of atmospheric conditions to a pavement surface temperature

forecast, taking account of the physical characteristics of each station. The second tool is
the application of an algorithm based on a specific climatological study of the pavement

(c) Road climate database: The establishment of a road climatological database is important
because in many situations an assessment of current events at a well-instrumented location
enables experienced road network managers to transpose the data using the climate model
to other locations they know well. In some cases, thermal fingerprints can be taken in
order to model this spatial relationship. The recording of road weather data will be useful
for analysing previous winter disturbances and for carrying out specific road-dedicated
climatology studies. National Meteorological and Hydrological Services can fill the data
gaps and compare and provide quality assurance for measurements coming from different

(d) Reliable data: Road managers do not need exceedingly accurate measurements (with the
exception of road-surface temperature). Rather, they want the data to be as reliable as
possible. That is to say the data must be a consistent reflection of the real situation, and the
measuring devices must be robust. Communication and power supply continuity are often
of prime importance.


10.2.1 Standardized representative measurements

The general requirements for meteorological stations, their siting and the type and frequency
of measurements are defined in WMO (2003, 2011a). It is recommended that these standards
and other relevant material in this Guide should be adhered to closely when establishing road
meteorological stations in order to make standardized, representative measurements that can be
related to those from other road stations in the network and also to data from standard synoptic
or climatological stations, except where the unique measurements for road meteorology demand
other standards, for example, for the exposure of sensors. Advice on the optimum placement and
density of stations may be obtained from the local branch office of the NHMS which will be able
to access climatological data for the region.

A meteorological station site is chosen so that it will properly represent a particular geographic
region. A road meteorological station will be sited to best represent part of the road network or
a particular stretch of important roadway that is known to suffer from weather-related or other
hazards. The station must therefore be adjacent to the roadway so that road-surface sensors may
be installed, and therefore some compromise on ideal meteorological siting and exposure may
occur. The sensors are installed so that their exposure enables the best representation in space
and time of the variable being measured, without undue interference from secondary influences.
In general, the immediate site adjacent to the roadway should be level, with short grass, and not
shaded by buildings or trees.

10.2.2 Station metadata

In every case it is important that the location and characteristics of the site and the specification
of equipment and sensors are fully documented, including site plans and photographs. These
metadata (PartI, Chapter1 and PartIV, Chapter1) are invaluable for the management of the
station and for comparing the quality of the measurements with those from other sites.


10.3.1 Road meteorological measurements

The important measurements at road weather stations for forecasting roadway conditions
include air temperature and humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation amount and type,
visibility, global and long-wave radiation, road-surface temperature and road-surface condition.
Some of the measurements, for example, temperature and humidity, will be used to forecast
conditions of concern to road users, while others (wind and visibility) may indicate impending or
real-time hazards; yet others (meteorological radiation, road-surface temperature and condition)
are specific to predicting the performance of the road surface.

The sensors will be selected for their accuracy, stability, ease of maintenance and calibration,
and for having electrical outputs suitable for connecting with the automatic data-acquisition
system. The choice of sensors and their exposure should conform to standard WMO practice
and recommendations (see the relevant chapters in PartI of this Guide), except when these are
incompatible with the specific requirements of road meteorology. Measurement accuracy should
generally conform to the performances quoted in PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.E. Note also the
recommendations on the measurements at AWSs in PartII, Chapter1. Air temperature

The sensor may be an electrical resistance thermometer (platinum or stable thermistor). The air-
temperature sensor, its radiation shield or screen and exposure should conform to the guidelines
of PartI, Chapter2, with the shield mounted at a height of 1.25 to 2m over short grass or natural

Measurement issues: The sensor and screen should not be mounted above concrete or asphalt
surfaces that could inflate the measured temperature. The placement of the shield should
ensure that it is not subject to water spray from the wheels of passing traffic, which might cause
significant sensing errors. Relative humidity

The hygrometric sensor may be one of the thin-film electrical conductive or capacitive types
(PartI, Chapter4). A wet-bulb psychrometer is not recommended on account of the continual
contamination of the wick by hydrocarbons. The sensor may be combined with or co-located
with the air-temperature sensor in its radiation shield as long as the sensor thermal output (self-
heating) is very low, so as not to influence the temperature measurement.

Measurement issues: Note the same water spray hazard as for the temperature sensor. Humidity-
sensor performance is subject to the effects of contamination by atmospheric and vehicle
pollution. Functional checks should be made regularly as part of the data-acquisition quality
control, and calibration should be checked at least every six months, particularly before the
winter season. A sensor that is not responding correctly must be replaced immediately. Wind speed and direction

These variables are usually measured by either a pair of cup and vane sensors or by a propeller
anemometer (PartI, Chapter5) with pulse or frequency output. The sensors must be mounted at
the standard height of 10m above the ground surface and in a representative open area in order
to carry out measurements not influenced by airmass flow disturbances due to traffic and local

Measurement issues: The freezing of moving parts, water ingress and corrosion and lightning
strike are potential hazards.

(a) Accumulated precipitation: The tipping-bucket recording gauge (PartI, Chapter6) where
increments of usually 0.2mm of precipitation are summed, is commonly used at automatic
stations. Heated gauges may be employed to measure snow or other solid precipitation. A
rate of precipitation may be estimated by registering the number of counts in a fixed time

Measurement issues: The gauge must be kept level and the funnel and buckets clean and
free from obstruction. The tipping-bucket gauge is not satisfactory for indicating the onset
of very light rain, or in prolonged periods of freezing weather. Totals will be lower than the
true values because of wind effects around the gauge orifice, evaporation from the buckets
between showers, and loss between tips of the buckets in heavy rain;

(b) Precipitation occurrence and type: Sensors are available which use electronic means (including
heated grids, conductance and capacitance measurement) to estimate the character of
precipitation (drizzle, rain or snow) falling on them. Optical sensors that determine the
precipitation characteristic (size, density and motion of particles) by the scattering of a
semiconductor laser beam offer better discrimination at much greater expense.

Measurement issues: These sensing functions are highly desirable at all stations, but existing
types of sensors are lacking in discrimination and stable reproducibility. Provisions must be
made (heating cycles) to remove accumulated snow from the surface. The regular cleaning
of sensitive elements and optical surfaces is required.

Only sensors that are well documented and that can be calibrated against an appropriate
reference should be installed. If any system uses an algorithm to derive a variable indirectly,
the algorithm should also be documented. Meteorological radiation

(a) Global radiation: The solar radiation (direct and diffuse) received from a solid angle of 2sr
on a horizontal surface should be measured by a pyranometer using thermoelectric or
photoelectric sensing elements (PartI, Chapter7). The sensor should be located to have
no significant nearby obstructions above the plane of the instrument and with no shadows
or light reflections cast on the sensor. Although the location should be such as to avoid
accidental damage to the sensor, it should be accessible for inspection and cleaning. Global
radiation measured on site is particularly relevant to the road manager. It expresses
the quantity of energy received by the road during the day. The relationship of incoming
radiation to surface temperature and road inertia will depend on the constituent materials
and dimensions of the pavement mass.

Measurement issues: Obstructed sensor horizon, sensor not level, surface dirt, snow or frost
obscuring the glass dome or sensing surface, and water condensation inside the glass

(b) Long-wave radiation: A pyrgeometer may be used which measures radiation in the infrared
by means of a thermopile, filtering out the visible spectrum. Mounted with the sensor
facing upwards and a sufficiently unobstructed horizon, it determines the long-wave
radiation received from the atmosphere, in particular at night, and gives an indication of
cloud cover and therefore of roadway radiative cooling. A sensor sensitive to a spectrum
from 5 to 50m, with a maximum sensitivity of 15V/Wm2 and a response time lower than
5s is adequate for road weather forecasting purposes.

Measurement issues: See those for global radiation.


Transmissometers and forward-scatter meters may be applicable (PartI, Chapter9).

Measurement issues: Road managers are interested in visibilities below 200m (the danger
threshold). Maintaining sensor windows and lenses clean is important. Some systems will
compensate for a degree of window contamination. An appropriate calibration procedure should
be carried out during routine maintenance. Road-surface temperature

Active sensors based on a 100ohm platinum resistance and providing serial digital transmission
are available, and may be imbedded in the road surface. The manufacturers instructions for the
installation of the sensor and cabling and bonding to the road surface should be followed. The
sensor has to be positioned out of the line of tyre tracks, otherwise the sensor surface will be
soiled and measurements affected by friction heating. The sensor must lie in the road surface
plane with no depression where water could gather and affect the measurement. The sensors
correct position must be checked on a regular basis.

Measurement issues: The thermal lag (time constant) of the sensor and the imbedding material
should match that of the road-surface composition. The sensor should have a surface finish with
low absorptance in the infrared to minimize radiation error. For long connecting cable lengths
(over 20m), cable resistance compensation is recommended. Road-pavement temperature

Temperatures of the pavement at 5, 10 and 20cm below the road surface may be determined by
sinking appropriately sheathed electrical resistance sensors at corresponding depths and using
suitable bonding material.

Measurement issues: See those for road-surface temperature. Road-surface condition and freezing temperature

This sensor estimates the road-surface condition (dry, wet, frost, ice) and the freezing
temperature of residual surface water. The sensor control circuit heats the sensor before cooling
it, using the Peltier effect. The rate of cooling is a function of the surface condition and freezing
temperature. See also PartI, Chapter6, regarding ice on pavements. The sensor output should
give road managers an indication of the chemical de-icing agents persistence at the specific
location and enable them to optimize chemical spreading operations.

Measurement issues: The sensor must not be covered by foreign matter or when road re-
surfacing. The sensor requires regular cleaning. It is difficult to ensure a sensor response that is
representative of the true road-surface condition because of the small sample size, the location
on road surface and variable imbedding practices. Measurement depends on traffic density and
is otherwise not very stable with time. This sensor, of which there are few alternative makes,
may be difficult to obtain. The remote sensing of road-surface temperature by thermal infrared
sensors is generally not practical because of the interference caused by water spray from vehicle
tyres. Road-surface frost risk estimation may be improved through better measurement of
temperature, air humidity and temperature in and on the road surface, namely, improved sensor
exposure and reduction of systematic and random errors.
800 PART II. OBSERVING SYSTEMS Video surveillance

Video surveillance is a component of what have come to be called intelligent transport systems.
They are principally used for road-incident detection, but also give a useful indication of present
weather for transport management. Image processing algorithms will aid the discrimination
between different weather conditions.


PartII, Chapter1, gives information that may be applied to road meteorological measurement
applications. In what follows, attention is drawn to the particular issues and concerns from the
experience of road network managers, in particular the need for high performance where public
safety is a primary issue.

10.4.1 The road environment

A road weather station is subject to considerable stress due to the vicinity of the roadway:
vibration, vehicle ignition interference, exhaust pollution, corrosion from salt spray, and
unwelcome attention from members of the public. In some respects the station may be
considered to operate in an industrial environment, with all that that implies for the robustness of
the design and concern for data integrity. Frequently met problems are: lack of protection against
over-voltage on sensor interface circuits; inadequate electrical isolation between sensors, sensor
cables and the data-acquisition unit; variable connector contact resistance causing calibration
drift; measurement failure; and extended maintenance attention.

10.4.2 Remote-station processing capability

There is a move in AWS design to include increased data-processing capacity and storage at
the remote data-acquisition unit in order to employ processing algorithms that act on several
sensor signals to give complex outputs; to provide for some level of quality assurance on the
data; to provide two-way communications between the control centre and remote units for
diagnostics of both the sensor and unit performance; and to provide for downloading new
algorithms and software updates to the remote units. On the other hand, a network of remote
stations which are not more complex than necessary for reliable data acquisition, and a central
control and data-acquisition computer where the more complex algorithms, quality assurance
and code translation is carried out as well as the higher level processing for road management
decisions, may provide a more reliable and less costly overall system. Those planning for the
implementation of a road meteorological measurement network are encouraged to consider
flexible and extendable equipment solutions with powerful programming options for sensor
data processing and system control.

The station data processing may include: control of the measurement cycle (initiation, frequency,
time and date); complex sensor management (power on/off, sampling regime); sensor signal
processing (filtering, conversion to scientific units, algorithms); data quality checks; alarm
generation (variables outside pre-set limits, partial system failure, station integrity breached);
data storage (short-term storage and archiving); output message generation (code form,
communications protocol); communications management; and station housekeeping (power
supply, sensor checks, communications).

10.4.3 Network configuration and equipment options

The selection of station equipment, communications and network control (the network
infrastructure) should reflect the particular demands of road meteorology and the road network
management decision-making. These choices will be materially affected by the relationship
between the road network authority and the local NMHS. For example, the road network

authority might contract the NMHS to provide road meteorology forecasting services and
specified road data, to which the road network managers apply their physical criteria to make
operational decisions. In this case, it would be logical for the road network stations to be an
extension of the NMHS AWS network employing common station hardware, communications
and maintenance service, with particular attention to network reliability, and including the
special sensors, algorithms and software for the road meteorological task. However, if such close
integration is impractical, the road authority may still wish to adopt some commonality with
NMHS systems to take advantage of operational experience and the supply of hardware and
spare parts.

If an entirely new or separate network is required, the following guidelines are recommended
for the choice of data-acquisition equipment and communications. Rather than develop new
hardware and software for road meteorological measurement, it is wise to employ existing
proven systems from reputable manufacturers and sources, with only necessary adaptation to
the road network application, and taking advantage of the experience and advice of other road
network administrations. The equipment and its software should be modular to allow for future
added sensors and changes in sensor specifications. To facilitate the extension of the network
after a few years it is most helpful if the hardware is sourced from standardized designs from a
sound manufacturing base where later versions are likely to maintain technical compatibility with
earlier generations.

10.4.4 Design for reliability

Data-processing modules should be of industry-standard architecture with robust standard

operating systems with a well-managed upgrade process. Application software should be
written in a standard language and well documented. To achieve the desired reliability,
special industrialized components and modules may be selected. A cheaper alternative may
be to use standard commercial designs with redundant parallel or back-up systems to ensure
system reliability. The design of the remote-unit power supply needs particular attention.
An uninterruptible power supply may be recommended, but it should be recognized that
communications systems will also depend on a functioning local power supply.

Whatever the system design, housing the electronics in a robust, corrosion-resistant, secure,
even temperature, dust- and moisture-free enclosure will add much to its reliability. Connectors
carrying the sensor signals should be of high-quality industrial or military grade and well
protected against cable strain, water ingress and corrosion. Sensor cabling should have an earth
shield and a robust, waterproof insulating sheath and be laid in conduit.

Special attention should be given to obviating the effect of electrical noise or interference
introduced into the data-acquisition system through sensor cables, the power supply or
communications lines. These unwanted electrical signals may cause sensor signal errors and
corrupt data, and cause electronic failure, particularly in sensitive interface circuits. Great care
needs to be given to: the design of sensor and communication line isolation and over-voltage
protection, including an appropriate level of protection from atmospheric electricity; the
adequate earthing or grounding of sensors, power supplies, communications modems and
equipment cabinets; and to earth shielding all parts of the measurement chain, avoiding earth
current loops which will cause measurement errors.

Good standardized installation and maintenance practices will contribute much to system
reliability. System reliability is also related to the mean time to repair, which involves the call-
out and travel time of maintenance staff to make equipment replacement from whole unit and
module stock.


10.5.1 Coding functions

The message transmitted from the remote road meteorological station will contain a station
identifier, the message time and date, sensor channel data, including channel identification, and
some housekeeping data which may include information on station security, power supply,
calibration and other data quality checks. This message will be contained in the code envelope
relating to the communications channel with an address header, control information and
redundancy check characters to provide for error detection. The road meteorological data part
of the message may be coded in any efficient, unambiguous way that enables the central control
and data-acquisition computer to decode and process before delivering intelligible guidance
information to the network managers for their decision-making.

10.5.2 WMO standard coding

Designers of road meteorology measurement networks should also consider the value of WMO
standard message coding (see WMO, 2011b) which enables other users like NMHSs to receive
the data by some arrangement and employ it in other meteorological applications. This message
coding may be carried out at the remote AWS, which places demands on station software and
processing, or, as is more likely, in the central control and data-acquisition computer after the
completion of any quality assurance operations on the data.


The functions of the central computer (or computers) have already been mentioned. The
functions are to manage the network by controlling communications (see below), receive
reports (road meteorological messages, AWS housekeeping messages and quality information),
and process the road measurement data to give the road network managers the operational
information and decision-making tools that they require. The network architecture may be
designed to enable the central computer to act as an Intranet or Web server to enable ready
access to this information by regional managers and other users of the meteorological data.

A separate computer will probably be allocated to manage the road network climate database
and to produce and distribute analyses and statistical summaries. In a sophisticated network
the central computer will manage certain maintenance and calibration operations, change AWS
operating modes and update AWS software.


A reliable telecommunications service that enables the network of stations to be effectively

managed while it delivers the requisite data on time is vital. Since communications charges
will make up a large proportion of the annual operating cost, the analysis of communications
options is important, so that the cost per message can be optimized with respect to the level
of service required. A detailed review of telecommunications options for the data collection
and management of the road AWS is beyond the scope of this chapter (see PartII, Chapter1,
for guidance on data transmission). The communications solution selected will depend on the
management objectives of the road meteorological measurement network and the services
offered by the telecommunications providers of the country, with their attendant tariffs.


10.8.1 Signal processing algorithms

The raw signal data from sensors must be processed or filtered to produce representative average
values. This is either done in some active sensors, in the sensor interface in the data-acquisition
unit, or in the higher level data processing of the station. The specifications for averaging the
sensor outputs may be found in PartI, Chapter1, Annex 1.E.

Algorithms which are applied to sensor outputs (or groups of outputs) either at the remote
station or in the central computer should be from authoritative sources, rigorously tested and
preferably published in the open literature. Any in-house algorithms adopted by the road
network management should be well defined and recorded in the station metadata or network

10.8.2 Alarm generation

Alarm indications may be generated from sensor outputs when values exceed preset limits
to initiate alarm messages from the AWS. The choice of alarms and limit tests will depend on
national or regional practice. Some examples of alarms from road AWS follow. Note the use of
the logical and and or combinations in the algorithms.

Examples of alarms include:

Alarm 1: t(air) OR t(road surface) 3C

t(extrapolated road surface)a 1C
Alarm 2: t(air) 0C
Alarm 3: First condition
t(road surface) 1C
OR t(extrapolated road surface) 0C
OR t(pavement at 5cm) 0C
OR t(pavement at 10cm) 1C
OR t(pavement at 20cm) 2C
Second condition
Carriage-way is not dry
OR at least one precipitation count in the past hour
OR relative humidity 95%
OR t(road surface) t(dewpoint) 1C
Alarm 4: t(road surface) 0C
detected state: frost or black ice
Alarm 5: First condition
Detected precipitation = snow or hail
Second condition
t(air) 2C
OR t(road surface) 0C
Alarm 6: Wind average 11ms1
Wind direction referred to road azimuth,
between 45 to 135 OR 225 to 315
Alarm 7: Visibility 200m

a Extrapolated road-surface temperature is calculated with an algorithm that takes account of the last measures and
creates a quadratic equation. This can be used to calculate estimates of temperatures over the next 3h.

Other alarms may be set if faults are detected in sensors, message formats, power supplies or


Good decision-making for road management is dependent on reliable measurements so that,

when sensors, their cabling or their interfaces in the AWS develop a fault, the defective unit
is detected and repaired without undue delay. It is very difficult for a road manager to detect
erroneous measurements. Reference should be made to the guidance on quality control
provided in PartII, Chapter1 and in PartIV, Chapter1. Gross sensor faults may be detected by
the AWS system software, which should then generate an alarm condition.

10.9.1 Checking for spurious values

Measurements that fall outside the expected operating range for the sensor may be rejected
by setting limits for each variable. For example, wind directions may be confined to the range
of 0 to 359. Where there has been a faulty zero output, a rapid drift or step change in sensor
response, invalid measurements may be rejected by software that performs statistical analysis of
measurements over time, either in the AWS if it has sufficient processing power, or in the central
data acquisition computer. In some of the examples that follow, the standard deviation of the last
n values is compared with a parameterized threshold.

Examples of check algorithms (only for road meteorological measurements) include the

(a) Test for all temperatures: Accept data only if standard deviation of the last 30values is

(b) Test for wind speed: Accept data only if standard deviation of the last 20values is 1kmhr1;

(c) Test for wind direction: Accept data only if standard deviation of the last 30values is 10;

(d) Test for liquid precipitation: Check for consistency of amount with previous days count;

(e) Test for snow precipitation: Check data if t(air)>4C;

(f) Test for atmospheric long-wave radiation (AR) (related to cloud cover): Refuse data if
AR>130Wm2, if relative humidity >97% and AR>10Wm2, and if relative humidity 90%
and AR>10Wm2, for four successive hours.


10.10.1 The road environment

Reference should be made to PartI, Chapter1 and PartII, Chapter1 for the sections on
inspection, maintenance and calibration. The chapters of PartI include advice on the
maintenance and calibration of specific sensors. Note, however, that the road AWS exists in an
environment with peculiar problems: vulnerability of the AWS and its sensors to accidental or
intentional damage; exposure to severe vehicle exhaust pollution; electrical interference from
vehicle ignition and nearby high-tension power lines; corrosion from salt spray; and vibration
(affecting connections between sensors and cables).

10.10.2 Maintenance plans and documentation

Because operational decisions affecting road safety may critically depend on reliable AWS data,
there are stringent requirements for maintenance of specific stations at particular times of the
year. These considerations are outlined in the maintenance management plan for the network,
which should include scheduled routine preventive maintenance as well as effective response to
known fault conditions.

The road network administration should have its own maintenance manual for its road
meteorological stations, based on the manufacturers recommendations, information gleaned
from this Guide and from its own experience. A good manual contains checklists to aid
inspection and the performance of maintenance tasks. The administration may decide to
contract out inspection and maintenance work to the local NMHS, which should have experience
with this kind of instrumentation.

10.10.3 Inspections and work programmes

Each station should undergo a complete maintenance programme twice a year, consisting of
site maintenance (cutting grass and vegetation which could affect sensor exposure); checking
enclosures for water ingress and replacing desiccants; treating and painting weathered and
corroded enclosures, screens and supports; checking cable and connector integrity; cleaning
and levelling sensors (noting the measurement issues referred to previously); and calibrating or
replacing sensors and the AWS measurement chain.

Road managers should maintain a physical inspection programme to check for the integrity and
proper operation of their stations once a month in winter and once every two months in the
summer. When conducting any work on the road surface, the regulation warning signs must be
set out and approved safety clothing must be worn.


To manage, operate and maintain a network of road meteorological stations in order to obtain
a continuous flow of reliable data and to interpret that data to give fully meaningful information
requires personnel with specific training in the necessary disciplines. Some of these areas of
expertise are: the roadway environment and operational decision-making for the safe and
efficient movement of traffic; remote data acquisition, telecommunications and computing; the
selection, application and maintenance of meteorological sensors and their signal processing;
and the interpretation of meteorological and other data for the operational context. The
administration responsible for the road network should collaborate with other agencies as
necessary in order to ensure that the optimum mix of knowledge and training is maintained to
ensure the successful operation of the road meteorological measurement network.

World Road Association (PIARC), 2002: Proceedings of the Eleventh PIARC International Winter Road Congress
(Sapporo, Japan).
World Meteorological Organization, 1997: Road Meteorological Observations (R.E.W.Pettifer and J.Terpstra).
Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.61 (WMO/TD-No.842). Geneva.
, 2003: Road Managers and Meteorologists over Road Meteorological Observations: The Result of
Questionnaires (J.M.Terpstra and T.Ledent). Instruments and Observing Methods Report
No.77 (WMO/TD-No.1159). Geneva.
, 2010: Manual on the Global Observing System (WMO-No.544), VolumeI. Geneva.
, 2011a: Technical Regulations (WMO-No.49), Volume I. Geneva.
, 2011b: Manual on Codes (WMO-No.306), VolumesI.1 and I.2. Geneva.

PART III. SPACE-BASED OBSERVATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  807

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  810

CHAPTER 2. PRINCIPLES OF EARTH OBSERVATION FROM SPACE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  813

CHAPTER 3. REMOTE-SENSING INSTRUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  859

CHAPTER 4. SATELLITE PROGRAMMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  907


ANNEX. ACHIEVABLE QUALITY OF SATELLITE PRODUCTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  973

CHAPTER 6. CALIBRATION AND VALIDATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1010

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1017

CHAPTER 7. CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1019

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1026


CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  810

1.1 Historical perspective. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  810
1.2 Spatial and temporal scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  810
1.3 Complementary nature of space-based and surface-based measurements. . . . . . . . . .  811


On 1April 1960, a new era started for meteorology with the launch of the Television and Infrared
Observation Satellite 1 (TIROS1). Weather systems, which had only been depicted until then
by synoptic maps and aircraft observations, could be visualized at a glance. Their rapidly evolving
nature became more evident with geostationary imagery from the Applications Technology
Satellite 1 (ATS1), launched on 6December 1966. The term nowcasting emerged, becoming
the first application of meteorological satellites.

Initially, satellite data were nearly exclusively used for nowcasting. They were first applied to the
field of numerical weather prediction, starting with Nimbus3 (13April 1969), by using data from
experimental instruments to derive vertical profiles of atmospheric temperature and humidity
and by deriving cloud-motion winds from geostationary image sequences.

The First Global Atmospheric Research Programme (GARP) Global Experiment (FGGE, 1979
1980) was able to assemble, for the first time, a composite system of four geostationary satellites
and two near-polar satellites, which delivered global sounding and imaging coverage four times
a day and imagery at low and mid latitudes every half hour. It is important to note that since their
early days, in addition to supporting operational applications, meteorological satellites have
enabled advances in the understanding of atmospheric dynamics and climate.

Driven by the high economic value of earth resource exploration and vegetation cycle
monitoring, new satellite programmes emerged with a focus on land surface observation.
Landsat1, launched on 23July 1972, led the first series of high-resolution land observation
satellites, and coverage from the Satellite pour lObservation de la Terre (SPOT) series, beginning
on 22February 1986 with SPOT1, provided imagery at a spatial resolution of 10 to 20metres.

Exploration of the ocean began with the launch of SeaSat on 27June 1978, which marked the
advent of all-weather microwave sensing, both active and passive. Almost simultaneously, on
24October 1978, Nimbus7 used passive microwave sensing with the addition of ocean colour
monitoring. After the SeaSat altimetry, scatterometry and synthetic aperture radar imagery
missions, no active sensing mission was operated until the launch of the European Remote-
sensing Satellite 1 (ERS1) on 17July 1991. The retrieval of information on atmospheric radiation
and chemistry was initially explored by several Nimbus missions. A milestone for Earth radiation
study was the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS), launched on 5October 1984. For
atmospheric chemistry, a major milestone was the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS),
launched on 12September 1991.


The concept of the Global Observing System was totally revised with the advent of satellites,
taking advantage of the complementary nature of surface-based and space-based observations.
The space-based component offers the unique opportunity of uninterrupted global coverage and
frequent observing cycles. A striking advantage is the capability of vertical atmospheric sounding
over the oceans, alleviating a great limitation of observations for global numerical weather
prediction. Over continental areas, observing networks are biased towards populated areas,
whereas the vast majority of land surfaces are relatively unpopulated and hence undersampled;
furthermore, some local observations available from the ground (e.g. cloud type) are hard to
integrate spatially.

One important difference between satellite and surface measurements is the integration in space
and time. Satellite measurements integrate the incoming signal over an instantaneous field of
view determined by the need to collect sufficient radiant energy to provide the required signal-

to-noise ratio. Surface measurements are usually point-related, although, depending on the
observed variable, the measurement may be representative of a larger or smaller area. In the time
dimension, the situation is reversed: satellite measurements are nearly instantaneous depending
on the satellite motion or the time available to acquire a picture element (pixel) when scanning
an image; surface measurements usually integrate over a certain time interval in order to average
instantaneous fluctuations. These differences make it more difficult to compare or combine
satellite and surface measurements.



It is acknowledged that satellites are unable to perform all needed observations with the
required measurement quality. For certain geophysical variables, no remote-sensing principle
exists. For others, the required measurement quality is only achievable with ancillary information
from accurate surface-based observing systems. In addition, since satellite measurements
are often of indirect nature (the primary observed quantity being radiation), surface-based
measurements play a key role for the validation of satellite-derived products.

There are still areas where exclusively surface-based systems can provide measurements of
acceptable quality. However, even in those cases, satellites can be useful in spatially extending
local and sparse ground measurements. In particular, the practice of assimilation makes
it possible to transfer information across geophysical variables measured using different
techniques: this means that satellite observations may contribute to the knowledge of
geophysical variables even when not directly observed from satellite, provided that there is a
strong physical relationship between these variables. Synergistic use of surface-based and space-
based observations is fundamental to the WMO Integrated Global Observing System.

Note: Detailed descriptions of satellite programmes and instruments are available in the WMO online database of
space-based observation capabilities: http://w ww.wmo.int/oscar.

CHAPTER 2. PRINCIPLES OF EARTH OBSERVATION FROM SPACE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  813

2.1 Orbits and Earth viewing from space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  813
2.1.1 Satellite instrument field of view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  813
2.1.2 Orbital period, geostationary orbit, observing cycle and repeat cycle . . . . . . .  814
2.1.3 Orbital precession, Sun-synchronous orbits and drifting orbits. . . . . . . . . . . . .  819
2.1.4 Elliptical orbits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  820
2.1.5 Launchers and injection into orbit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  822
2.2 Principles of remote-sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  823
2.2.1 The electromagnetic spectrum and the ranges used for remote-sensing. . . . .  823
2.2.2 Basic laws of interaction between electromagnetic radiation and matter. . . . .  827
2.2.3 Observations in the atmospheric windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  829 Emerging radiation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  829 Measurements in the visible, near-infrared and short-wave
infrared range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  830 Measurements in the medium-wave infrared and thermal
infrared range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  831 Measurements in the microwave range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  833
2.2.4 Observations in absorption bands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  835 The radiative transfer equation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  835 Profile retrieval. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  836 Limb sounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  838
2.2.5 Active sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  839 Radio occultation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  839 Radar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  841 Lidar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  845
2.3 Space and ground segments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  848
2.3.1 Space segment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  848 Platform services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  848 Navigation and positioning systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  849 Orientation and stabilization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  850 Housekeeping system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  851 Data transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  851 Data relay services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  852
2.3.2 Ground segment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  853 Central station for satellite command and global data acquisition. . .  853 Mission and operation control centres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  854 Data processing and archiving centres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  854 Data and products distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  855 User receiving stations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  855 Product processing levels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  855

This chapter provides an overview of Earth observation from space, including its potential
benefits and limitations. It describes basic concepts of orbits and the characteristics of Earth
viewing from space. It also introduces the principles of remote-sensing.


The Earth can be observed from space from different orbits under various viewing conditions.
The following issues are considered in this section:

(a) Satellite instrument field of view;

(b) Orbital period, geostationary orbit, observing cycle and repeat cycle;

(c) Orbital precession, Sun-synchronous orbits and drifting orbits;

(d) Elliptical orbits;

(e) Launchers and injection into orbit.

2.1.1 Satellite instrument field of view

The greatest advantage of observing from a satellite platform, rather than from the ground or a
balloon, is the wide potential field of view (FOV). Satellite observing platforms usually orbit at
a minimum height of 400km. Often, they orbit much higher, some as far as the geostationary
orbit (35786km). The FOV depends on the orbital height, the instrument configuration and the
intended application. Those may limit the useful range of zenith angles () under which the Earth
can be viewed. If the satellite FOV is characterized as the maximum ground distance potentially
viewed from satellite height under a given zenith angle, the relationship set out in Figure2.1 can
be expressed as:
FOV = 2 R 180 sin ( ) = sin (2.1)
H +R
where R = 6371km (Earths radius), H = orbital height inkm, and =geocentric angle in degrees.

Table 2.1 presents values of the satellite FOV (inkm) as a function of orbital height for typical
values of zenith angle . The corresponding geocentric angle is also shown.

The potential satellite FOV may not be entirely covered by a single instrument. Either the
sensing principle or the technological features of an instrument may set an upper limit to its
FOV. For instance, radar altimeters can only operate in a nadir geometry. They therefore have

Figure 2.1. Field of view versus zenith angle


Table 2.1. Potential satellite field of view and corresponding geocentric angle, as functions of
satellite height and zenith angle, under which the Earths spot is viewed

Zenith angle for various H = 400km H = 600km H = 800km H = 35786km

applications FOV FOV FOV FOV
= 90
4401km 19.79 5326km 23.95 6076km 27.32 18082km 81.31

= 85
3423km 15.39 4322km 19.43 5057km 22.74 16978km 76.34

= 70
1746km 7.85 2405km 10.82 2980km 13.40 13752km 61.84
(qualitative use)

= 60
1207km 5.43 1707km 7.68 2157km 9.70 11671km 52.48
(quantitative use)

no properFOV, except for the broadening of the beam due to diffraction. Very high-resolution
imagers usually have an FOV within a range of several tens of kilometres, as do synthetic aperture
radars (SARs).

The satellite motion enables the instrument to cover successive FOVs along the orbit. These
constitute a strip of observed Earth surface called a swath. The swath may be centred along
the sub-satellite track, or be parallel to it for side-looking instruments (e.g. SARs). For several
purposes (steerable pointing for emergencies, stereoscopy in association with successive orbits,
etc.), certain instruments with limited swath may tilt the swath to the side of the track within
what is called a field of regard. The swath width is a cross-track component of the actual FOV of
the instrument. The swath is not defined for instruments in geostationary orbit.

2.1.2 Orbital period, geostationary orbit, observing cycle and repeat cycle

The orbital height H determines the orbital period T. The relationship is:
H 2
T = a (1 + ) (2.2)
where a = 84.47min (T resulting in minutes).

The height, which corresponds to one sidereal day (23h 56min 04s) is 35786km. A satellite
orbiting at this height is called geosynchronous. The orbit is called geostationary if the orbit lies
in the equatorial plane and is run eastward: the satellite appears steady compared to the Earths
surface on the nadir of the equatorial sub-satellite point.

For an inclined orbit with respect to the equatorial plane, the satellite will cross the Equator at
a certain longitude. After T minutes, there will be another equatorial crossing at a longitude
displaced westward by the number of degrees that corresponds to the Earths rotation during the
orbital period. The difference of longitude (or space distance) between two successive equatorial
crossings in the same phase (descending or ascending) is called decalage. Together with the
instrument swath, decalage determines the time needed for a full Earth surface observation
(observing coverage) (Figure2.2).

If the instrument swath is at least as large as the decalage, the coverage provided by the two
contiguous orbits is continuous. Therefore, the time needed for global coverage (observing
cycle) depends on the ratio between instrument swath and decalage.

Table 2.2 shows the period and corresponding decalage for the orbital height examples
in Table2.1. In addition, observing cycles corresponding to several instrument swaths are
presented. Those swaths are associated with qualitative and quantitative use; that is with 70 and



Figure 2.2. Decalage between two successive orbits, and instrument swath

60 zenith angles, respectively. Observing time is halved for instruments capable of observation
during the day and night. The decalage and observing cycle are not quoted for H=35786km
(geostationary altitude).

For a geostationary satellite, which continuously views the same area of the Earths surface, the
observing cycle is only determined by instrument characteristics and may take a few minutes
or less to complete, depending on the area scanned. Within the satellites area of coverage,
geostationary observation is perfectly suited for continuous monitoring. For example, such
monitoring is needed to detect instantaneous events like lightning strokes, or for high-frequency
temporal sampling of rapidly evolving situations, such as active convection. However, the
coverage excludes very high latitudes or any locations too far from the sub-satellite point.
Table2.1 shows that =81.31 is the maximum geocentric angle.

For a non-geostationary satellite, the orbit is said to have a repeat cycle if it overpasses the
same track exactly after a given number of revolutions. During the timespan of a repeat cycle,
the satellite track may shift from day to day, following a determined pattern that may exhibit
certain periodicities called sub-cycles. Some sub-cycles may be of interest because distinct areas,
relatively close to each other, are visited within short time intervals; other sub-cycles may be of
interest because the areas covered are spatially adjacent.

If the orbit is Sun-synchronous (see section2.1.3), the existence of a repeat cycle means that a
whole number of revolutions can be completed in exactly a whole number of days. The orbital
period determines N, the number of orbits that the satellite runs in 24h. This is normally not an
integer. In order to obtain a repeat cycle of m days, the orbital period is adjusted to ensure that
Nmultiplied by m is an integer. N can then be expressed in the following form, where n and
are, respectively, the quotient and remainder of the integer division of Nm by m:
N = n + m (2.3)
where n, and m are integers ( < m).

Table 2.2. Period, decalage and observing cycle for the orbits indicated in Table2.1

Orbital parameter H = 400km H = 600km H = 800km H = 35 786km

Period T 92.6 min 96.7 min 100.9 min 23 h 56 min 4 s

Decalage 2 570km 2 690km 2 800km 0km

Observing cycle for = 70 (day only) 35 h 27 h 23 h From instrument

Observing cycle for = 60 (day only) 51 h 38 h 31 h From instrument

Observing cycle for = 70 (day and night) 18 h 13 h 11 h From instrument

Observing cycle for = 60 (day and night) 26 h 19 h 16 h From instrument


Table 2.3. Repeat cycles and main sub-cycles for a number of orbits

Sun-synchronous orbits synchronous
909km 705km 820km
832km 791km 1 336km
Orbital height (e.g. Landsat (e.g. Landsat (e.g.
(e.g. SPOT) (e.g. Envisat) (e.g. JASON)
13) 48) Metop)
Period 103.2 min 98.9 min 101.5 min 100.6 min 101.3 min 112.4 min

No. of orbits/day 13 + 17/18 14 + 9/16 14 + 5/26 14 + 11/35 14 + 6/29 12 + 7/10a

Cycle 18 days 16 days 26 days 35 days 29 days 10 daysa

Revolutions/cycle 251 233 369 501 413 127

Main sub-cycle(s) 1 day 7 days, 2days 5 days 16 days, 3days 5 days 3 daysa
a In the case of the Joint Altimetry Satellite Oceanography Network (JASON), which is not Sun-synchronous, the
figures refer to a day of 23h 48min in duration, i.e.0.99156 of the duration of a solar day.

Equation 2.3 also applies to non-Sun-synchronous orbits. However, in such cases, the repeat
cycle m is no longer expressed in solar days of 24h but must account for a slight correction due
to the drift of the orbit. Table2.3 provides examples of repeat cycles and main sub-cycles for a
number of orbits.

Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip
19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01
Orbit Orbit Day
02 01 01
Orbit Day
15 02
1 day sub-cycle Orbit Day
29 03
Orbit Day
43 04
Orbit Day
57 05
Orbit Day
71 06
Orbit Day
85 07
Orbit Day
99 08
Orbit Day
113 09
Orbit Day
127 10
Orbit Day
141 11
Orbit Day
155 12
Orbit Day
169 13
Orbit Day
183 14
Orbit Day
197 15
Orbit Day
211 16
Orbit Day
225 17
Orbit Day
239 18
Orbit Orbit Day
253 252 19

Figure 2.3. Schematic evolution of the orbital track of early Landsat over a repeat cycle
(N=13+17/18, repeat cycle: 18days, 251revolutions/cycle)

An orbit with a repeat cycle is a necessary feature if a certain location needs to be viewed at
fixed intervals under identical conditions. This is true of altimetric measurements for geodetic
application, or of high-resolution land observation imagers, used to detect local variations.

Repeat cycles may be useful when the instrument swath is substantially narrower than the
decalage and global coverage cannot be achieved in a single day. In that case, the sequence of
coverage over successive days can be arranged to follow a certain logic if requested. That logic
might be to provide regular progression, or to avoid biases due to unsuitable sampling.

Figure 2.3 shows the pattern evolution of orbital passes for an orbit with a one-day sub-cycle
(such as for early Landsat). As Figure2.3 shows, the one-day sub-cycle ensures that each day,
the covered strip is adjacent to the one that was observed on the previous day. The width of the
covered strip can be tuned to the instrument swath so as to avoid any gaps. The drawback is that,
after the first few daily visits over or close to the target area, the next sequence of visits occurs
only after the completion of the repeat cycle.

With the current Landsat, the temporal evolution of the orbit tracks during the repeat cycle
(16days) results in two main sub-cycles, as shown in Figure2.4. The two-day sub-cycle ensures a
shorter temporal gap, but the seven-day sub-cycle provides a closer geographical match.

Although the concept of repeat cycles and sub-cycles stems from the requirements placed on the
use of narrow-swath instruments, including those with nadir-only viewing, orbits with sub-cycles
may also be useful for relatively wide-swath instruments. For example, sounding instruments
may have a swath as wide as several thousand kilometres. (For example, the Advanced

Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01
Orbit Orbit Day
02 01 01
2 day sub-cycle Orbit Day
16 02
Orbit Day
31 03
Orbit Day
45 04
Orbit Day
60 05
Orbit Day
74 06
Orbit Day
7 day sub-cycle 89 07
Orbit Day
103 08
Orbit Day
118 09
Orbit Day
133 10
Orbit Day
147 11
Orbit 9 day sub-cycle Day
162 12
Orbit Day
176 13
Orbit Day
191 14
Orbit Day
205 15
Orbit Day
220 16
Orbit Orbit Day
235 234 17

Figure 2.4. Schematic evolution of the orbital track of current Landsat over a repeat cycle
(N=14+9/16, repeat cycle: 16 days, 233revolutions/cycle). Three sub-cycles are shown:
sevendays (westbound), the main one, providing the closest observations in space; twodays
(eastbound), for closer observations in time; and ninedays (eastbound), of marginal interest,
the sum of the first two sub-cycles.

30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01
02 01
02 16 02
03 30 03
04 44 04
05 58 05
06 73 06
07 87 07
08 101 08
09 115 09
10 129 10
11 144 11
12 158 12
13 172 13
5 day sub-cycle
14 186 14
15 4 day sub-cycle 200 15
16 215 16
17 229 17
18 243 18
19 257 19
20 271 20
21 286 21
22 300 22
23 314 23
24 328 24
25 342 25
26 357 26
27 351 27
28 385 28
29 399 29
414 413

Figure 2.5. Schematic evolution of the orbital track of Metop (N=14+6/29, repeat cycle:
29days, 412revolutions/cycle). Two sub-cycles are shown: fivedays (eastbound), the main
one, providing the closest observations in space; and fourdays (westbound), for marginally
closer observations in time.

Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) or the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI)
have swaths of over 2200km). However, the quality of the products retrieved is higher when
closer to the nadir sub-track. Therefore, there is an interest in ensuring that the coverage provides
a fair blend of higher and lower quality data. Orbits for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) satellites and Meteorological Operational (Metop) satellites have a five-
day sub-cycle, as shown in Figure2.5 for Metop.

Repeat cycles and sub-cycles are convenient for several reasons, but a few drawbacks should also
be noted:

(a) If the instrument swath is too narrow with respect to the decalage and the number of
orbital passes during the repeat cycle, some areas will never be observed. An extreme case
is a nadir-only viewing instrument such as an altimeter.

(b) The day-to-day sequence of observations from a repeat-cycle orbit may introduce sampling
biases in the observations (a spurious wavelength corresponding to a repeat cycle or

(c) Maintenance of the repeat cycle/sub-cycles requires costly satellite orbit control systems.

Therefore, if all instruments on board have a sufficiently wide swath, a repeat cycle or sub-cycle is
generally not carried out.

North Pole

Orbital plane

Figure 2.6. Definition of inclined orbit

2.1.3 Orbital precession, Sun-synchronous orbits and drifting orbits

The orbital plane can lie in the Earths equatorial plane or be inclined by degrees (see

For = 90, the satellite follows a meridian line and the orbit is polar. This is very convenient for
observing the Earths surface pole-to-pole.

The gravity field acting on the satellite is perpendicular to the geopotential surface at satellite
altitude, which is slightly ellipsoid like the geoid. Where 90, the effect of these forces is a
precession of the orbital plane around the polar axis. The precession rate is computed as:
H 2
= 10.02 cos (1 + ) ( degree day ) (2.4)
For a purely polar orbit (=90), the precession rate is thus zero. The orbital plane has an
invariant orientation with respect to the fixed stars. However, as the Earth rotates around
the Sun over one year, the illumination conditions of the surface, as viewed by the satellite,
change every day by 360/365degrees; that is 59min. An area viewed in daylight at noon on
day t0 will be viewed in dawn conditions on day t=t0+3months (Figure2.7, left panel). For
measurements in daylight, this would mean different observing conditions day after day, with
seasonally-dependent observation times. In particular, when the EarthSun direction becomes
perpendicular to the orbital plane, the illumination in dawndusk conditions makes many
measurements impossible.

The orbital inclination can be set in such a way that the precession rate exactly matches the
yearly revolution of the Earth around the Sun. By imposing the value =360/365 (degree/day) in
equation2.4, it is found that the inclination 0 must satisfy:

06/ 18 LST 06/ 18 LST

Summer Summer

00/12 LST 12/00 LST

00/12 LST 12/00 LST
Autumn Spring Autumn Spring

Winter Winter
18/06 LST 18/06 LST
Polar orbit Sun-synchronous orbit

Figure 2.7. Left: Pure polar orbit with changing local solar time (LST) throughout the year;
right: Sun-synchronous orbit with fixed LST throughout the year

H 2
cos 0 = 0.0988 (1 +
) (2.5)
An orbit that satisfies that condition is called Sun-synchronous. The negative value of 0 indicates
that the orbit is retrograde with respect to the Earths rotation. The local solar time of the areas
overflown by the satellite at a given latitude is constant across the whole year (see Figure2.7,
right panel). Table2.4 presents the 0 values of a number of Sun-synchronous orbits as a function
of orbital height.

Table 2.4. Inclination values of Sun-synchronous orbits as a function of orbital height

400km 600km 800km 1 000km 1 200km 1 400km

97.02 97.78 98.60 99.47 100.41 101.42

Note that the deviation from the polar axis increases with orbital height. This is a drawback for
high Sun-synchronous orbits: the poles might not be observed unless the instrument swath is
wide enough. However, for relatively low orbital heights, the orbital plane is near-polar.

The most important feature of a Sun-synchronous orbit the fixed local solar time may be a
disadvantage for certain types of measurements. Diurnally-varying phenomena (e.g. convective
clouds, precipitation, radiation budget, sea level affected by astronomical tides) display biased
sampling if observed from a Sun-synchronous satellite (i.e. at a fixed local solar time).

In general, satellites for operational meteorology, land observation and oceanography, with the
exception of geodetic-quality altimetry, use a Sun-synchronous orbit. Scientific missions focused
on processes affected by diurnal variation, which require unbiased sampling, may favour non-
Sun-synchronous (drifting) orbits.

2.1.4 Elliptical orbits

The previous sections are applicable to circular orbits, which are by far the most widely used in
Earth observation, particularly for Sun-synchronous and geostationary orbits. However, both
near-polar low Earth orbits (LEO) and geostationary Earth orbits (GEO) have several limitations.

A near-polar LEO satellite provides global but infrequent coverage. Even if the instrument
swath is as large as the decalage, thus providing contiguous coverage by consecutive orbits,
one satellite can cover the whole of the Earths surface twice a day at most (or even once a day
if sensing can be performed either in daylight only or only in night-time conditions). If more
frequent global coverage is needed, additional satellites in complementary orbital planes are
necessary (see Table2.5).

It is clear from Table2.5 that any observing cycle shorter than, for instance, three hours, would
be extremely demanding, as it would require a constellation of LEO satellites in coordinated

Table 2.5. Number of LEO satellites needed to achieve a required observing cycle
(assumed height: H=800km)

Instrument Required observing cycle

Observing capability
swath 24 h 12 h 8h 6h 3h 2h 1h
Only in daylight 1 sat 2 sat 3 sat 4 sat 8 sat 12 sat 24 sat
2 800km
Night and day 0.5 sat 1 sat 1.5 sat 2 sat 4 sat 6 sat 12 sat

Only in daylight 2 sat 4 sat 6 sat 8 sat 16 sat 24 sat 48 sat

1 400km
Night and day 1 sat 2 sat 3 sat 4 sat 8 sat 12 sat 24 sat

Figure 2.8. The Molniya orbit

The coverage improves substantially for high latitudes (see Figure2.2). For example, coverage is
twice as frequent at 60 latitude than at the Equator. In polar regions, the frequency of coverage
becomes close to the orbital period T (i.e. ~100min) or sub-hourly with more satellites.

A shorter observing cycle may be obtained by leaving aside the Sun-synchronous feature and
adopting a lower inclination, but the coverage is then no longer global. Low-inclination orbits
are used for monitoring the intertropical zones.

The GEO orbit provides observations at a rate that is limited only by the instrument. However, a
constellation of about six satellites around the Equator is needed to cover all longitude sectors up
to a latitude of at least 55; the highest latitudes cannot be covered.

Some of these limitations can be mitigated by adopting an elliptical orbit. On an elliptical orbit,
the satellite speed changes along the orbit; it is minimal around the apogee allowing more time
for acquiring measurements from the overflown area. Elliptical orbits are usually optimized for
specific purposes, particularly for space science, such as to collect in situ measurements up to
very high altitudes by physically passing through the ionosphere and plasmasphere.

One problem of elliptical orbits is that, since the argument of the perigee is affected by the
secular perturbation, the apogee occurs at latitudes that change with time. The secular
perturbation can be compensated for if the orbital inclination is = sin1 (4/5)1/2 63.4. In this
case, the apogee region where the satellite dwells for most of the time is stable. In that position,
measurements can be taken very frequently, in a quasi-geostationary fashion.

Two orbits of this kind have been used for telecommunication satellites and are planned to be
used for Earth observation: Molniya (Figure2.8), which has a 12h period and an apogee at
39800km; and Tundra, which has a 24h period and an apogee at 48300km. In the Molniya
orbit, the satellite is nearly geostationary for about 8h of the 12h period. In the Tundra orbit, it is
nearly geostationary for about 16h of the 24h period.

The Molniya and Tundra orbits only serve one hemisphere. In addition, the 8h or 12h quasi-
geostationary observing area is centred on a specific local solar time. If all latitudes above 60
have to be covered 24h a day, three Molniya satellites or two Tundra satellites are required. An
interesting variant is the three-apogee orbit with a 16h period and an apogee at 43500km.
Table2.6 presents the main features of Molniya and Tundra orbits. In the apogee position, which
is useful for frequent sampling, the height of the satellite exceeds GEO height.

Table 2.6. Main features of Molniya and Tundra orbits

(apogee and perigee heights can be slightly adapted to need)

Sats for
Orbit type Inclination Period Apogee Perigee hemispheric
(from one satellite)
Molniya 63.4 12 h ~39800km ~1000km Visible over 2 positions 3
for ~8h

Tundra 63.4 24 h ~48300km ~24000km Visible over 1 position 2

for ~16h

2.1.5 Launchers and injection into orbit

Satellites are injected into orbit by a launcher, which has to perform the following functions:

(a) To host the satellite in the fairing, where vital functions for the satellite are ensured. When
in the fairing, the satellite is stowed in a compact configuration to minimize volume
occupancy and to be protected against the effects of acceleration.

(b) To bring the satellite to orbit. In order to minimize the total mass brought to high altitudes,
the launcher is generally structured by stages. The first stage, which is the heaviest since it
has to provide the maximum thrust for lift-off, is separated early. The fairing is released at an
appropriate altitude. A further one or two stages are fired and separated in sequence.

(c) To release the satellite. For satellites in LEO circular orbits, the launcher releases the satellite
directly on the final orbit. For elliptical orbits, the launcher releases the satellite at the
perigee and provides it with a last acceleration to acquire the energy corresponding to the
intended orbit.

When in orbit, the satellite deploys its solar panels and starts autonomous operations. One
of the operations is to reach final orbit by activating its propulsion system. In the case of a
geostationary orbit, the satellite is released at a perigee in an elliptical orbit whose apogee is
35786km, and is equipped with an apogee boost motor. The motor, which uses solid, hybrid
or more often, liquid propellant (a liquid apogee motor), is fired at the apogee to provide the
acceleration necessary to circularize the orbit (see Figure2.9).


Low Earth

Earth orbit


Final geostationary orbit

Figure 2.9. Achievement of GEO


Launching a satellite is a complicated and costly exercise. In order to optimize cost-effectiveness,

a launch is often shared by several satellites. In this case, the task of the last stage is extended
to release the various satellites at different times to separate the orbits. The respective platform
propulsion systems will thereafter achieve the transfer to the final orbits.

Constellations of minisatellites, whose individual launches would be extremely uneconomical,

are a good example of the usefulness of multiple launches. One effective launching strategy is
known as the Walker Delta Pattern. The orbital inclination of all satellites must be the same.
Either the launcher releases the satellites at different altitudes, or the satellite propulsion systems
spread them into different altitudes. Therefore, each orbit will have a different precession rate,
according to equation2.4, and the orbital phases will differentiate as time elapses. When the
orbits of all the satellites are appropriately spaced, the platform propulsion systems will bring
each of the satellites to the desired altitude H. Equation2.4 shows that, in practice, the strategy
works well for relatively low inclinations and relatively low altitudes, otherwise the time needed
to deploy the constellation becomes too long. For example, the Constellation Observing System
for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC) (six satellites, H=800km, =71) took one
year to deploy.


Earth observation from space is mainly performed by exploiting electromagnetic radiation. The
few exceptions are in situ measurements at platform level (of gravity field, magnetic field, electric
field and charged particle density in the solar wind). This section deals with remote-sensing of
the Earth and focuses on:

(a) The electromagnetic spectrum and the ranges used for remote-sensing;

(b) The basic laws of interaction between electromagnetic radiation and matter;

(c) Observations in the atmospheric windows;

(d) Observations in absorption bands;

(e) Limb sounding and radio occultation;

(f) Active sensing.

2.2.1 The electromagnetic spectrum and the ranges used for remote-sensing

The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation as observed from space (with nadir viewing) is shown
in Figure2.10. The displayed range (0.2m to 3cm (or 10GHz)) includes all that is used for
remote-sensing from space. The variation in wavelength is due to the interposed atmosphere,
with transmissivity ranging from 1 (atmospheric window) to 0 (full opacity due to total
atmospheric absorption).

0.3 m 1 m 3 m 10 m 30 m 100 m 0.3 mm 1.0 mm 3.0 mm 1 cm 3 cm

1 000 GHz 300 GHz 100 GHz 30 GHz 10 GHz


Figure 2.10. Spectrum (transmissivity) of electromagnetic radiation as observed from space

with nadir viewing; range: 0.2m to 3cm

Table 2.7. Bands of the electromagnetic spectrum exploited for remote-sensing

Wave number
Spectrum subdivision Wavelength Frequency = c/
* = 1 /
UV Ultraviolet 0.010.38 m 26 3201 000 000cm1

B Blue 0.436 m 22 935cm1

G Green 0.546 m 18 315cm1

R Red 0.700 m 14 285cm1

VIS Visible 0.380.78 m 12 82026 320cm1

NIR Near infrared 0.781.30 m 7 69012 820cm1

VNIR Visible and near infrared (VIS + NIR) 0.381.3 m 7 69026 320cm1

SWIR Short-wave infrared 1.33.0 m 3 3307 690cm1

SW Short wave 0.24.0 m 2 50050 000cm1

LW Long wave 4100 m 1002 500cm1

MWIR Medium-wave infrared 3.06.0 m 1 6653 330cm1

TIR Thermal infrared 6.015.0 m 6651 665cm1

IR Infrared (MWIR + TIR) 315 m 6653 330cm1

FIR Far infrared 15 m1mm 10665cm1 30020 000GHz

Submillimetre wave (part of FIR) 0.11mm 10100cm1 3003 000GHz

Mm Millimetre wave (part of MW) 110mm 110cm1 30300GHz

MW Microwave 0.130cm 0.03310cm1 1300GHz

Table 2.7 presents definitions of the subdivisions of the spectrum that are generally accepted,
though not standardized. In addition to the commonly used wavelength and frequency , the
wave number *, mostly used in spectroscopy, is also quoted.

A finer subdivision of the MW range and nearby FIR, used for radar but also by extension, for
passive radiometry, is provided in Table2.8.

The overall spectrum shown in Figure2.10 comprises five distinct regions, each with rather
different features.

Table 2.8. Bands used in radar technology (according to the American Society for
Photogrammetry and Remote-sensing)

Band Frequency range Wavelength range

P 220390MHz 77136cm
UHF 3001 000MHz 30100cm
L 12GHz 1530cm
S 24GHz 7.515cm
C 48GHz 3.757.5cm
X 812.5GHz 2.43.75cm
Ku 12.518GHz 1.672.4cm
K 1826.5GHz 1.11.67cm
Ka 26.540GHz 0.751.18cm
V 4075GHz 4.07.5mm
W 75110GHz 2.754.0mm

CO2 CO O2 CH4 H2Oband H2Ocont N2 Molecular O3 Total gas


0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Wavelength (m)

Figure 2.11. Atmospheric spectrum in the range 0.4 to 4.0m. It includes several windows
and absorption bands from carbon monoxide (CO, about 2.3m), carbon dioxide (CO2, about
1.6, 2.1 and 2.8m), methane (CH4, about 2.3 and 3.4m), several oxygen bands (O2, mainly
about 0.77m), some nitrogen (N2) and ozone (O3) bands, and many important bands of
water vapour (H2O, mainly 0.94, 1.13, 1.37, 1.8 and 2.7m). Also shown is the molecular
continuum, which prevents using UV for Earth surface and low atmosphere

In the UV region, atmospheric absorption is strong, mainly due to the major air constituents
(nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2)) and trace gases (the most important being ozone (O3)). The
Earths surface cannot be observed in that spectral region. The radiation source for remote-
sensing consists of reflected solar radiation.

The VIS, NIR and SWIR regions, from 0.4 to 3m and, in some cases, up to 4m, can be sensed
by means of reflected solar radiation. This range includes several transparent regions (windows)
and many absorption bands (see Figure2.11).

In the MWIR and TIR regions, from 4 to 15m, the radiation source consists of the thermal
emission from the Earths surface and the atmosphere, which is mainly driven by water vapour
and carbon dioxide absorption/emission. These are important contributors to the greenhouse
effect. This thermal emission combined with the main atmospheric window enables the planets
thermal equilibrium to be maintained at agreeable values (see Figure2.12).

Wavelength (m)
16.67 12.50 10 8.33 7.14 6.25 5.56 5 4.55 4.17 3.85 3.57 3.33

300 CO 300
Brightness temperature (K)

280 280
260 CO2 260

240 O3 240

220 220

600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800 2 000 2 200 2 400 2 600 2 800 3 000
Wave number (cm1)

Figure 2.12. Atmospheric spectrum in the range 3.33 to 16.67m. The main atmospheric
windows are in the ranges 3.7 to 4.0m and 10 to 12m. There are large absorption bands
from water vapour (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Other species are: ozone (O3, about
9.7m), methane (CH4, about 7.7m), carbon monoxide (CO, about 4.6m) and
nitrousoxide (N2O, about 4.5 and 7.7m).

(A) Summer low latitude (D) Annual midlatitude (dry) with ozone
(B) Annual midlatitude (E) Annual midlatitude: nitrogen only
(C) Winter high latitude (F) Annual midlatitude: oxygen only


104 W
Zenith opacity (dB)

W W (A) W
O (B)

O (F)

O : Oxygen resonance
W : Water vapour resonance

(2) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1 000
Frequency (GHz)

Figure 2.13. Atmospheric spectrum in the range 2 to 1000GHz. The dominant feature is the
water vapour continuum that grows in opacity as frequency increases into the FIR range. This
prevents viewing the Earths surface at high frequencies from space. Invasive lines of ozone
also dominate the spectrum. The most useful features are the oxygen bands (about 57, 118,
388, 424, 487GHz and above), used to infer atmospheric temperature, and the water vapour
bands (about 22, 183, 325, 380, 448GHz and above).
Source: Klein, M., and A.J. Gasiewski, 2000: Nadir sensitivity of passive millimeter and submillimeter wave channels to
clear air temperature and water vapor variations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105(D13):1748117511.

The next spectral region, the Far IR, ranges from 15m to 1mm (or 300GHz). It is fully opaque
because of the water vapour continuum. In that region, which is difficult to explore because of
the lack of efficient detection techniques, there are absorption lines of several important species,
such as hydroxil radical (OH), known as a cleaner of the atmosphere, and hydrogen chloride
(HCl), a reservoir species that releases ozone-aggressive chlorine. Hydroxil radical and hydrogen
chloride are only observable in the FIR (e.g. about 120m2500GHz and 480m625GHz,

In the MW range, from 1 to 300GHz, the radiation source consists of the thermal emission from
the Earths surface and the atmosphere. The atmospheric spectrum, starting from 2GHz and
extending to submillimetre frequencies up to 1000GHz, is shown in Figure2.13.

In the portion of the MW range where the atmosphere is more transparent, (i.e. at frequencies
below about 100GHz), the wavelengths exceed 3mm and so are much larger than cloud drop
size, except for precipitating clouds. Therefore, the MW range is used for observing the Earths
surface or atmospheric properties in nearly all weather conditions.

Active sensing is conditioned by technology and, in the case of MW, by radio-frequency

spectrum regulations. Radar makes use of MW, while lidar makes use of optical wavelengths
where suitable sources (crystals) are available. Table2.9 presents a few commonly used radar

Table 2.9. Spectrum utilization from active instruments (radar and lidar)

Observation Instrument Frequency or wavelength

Radar Sea-surface wind Scatterometer C band (~5.3GHz) or Ku band (~13.4GHz)

Ocean Altimeter C band (~5.3GHz) + Ku band (~13.6GHz)


Cloud and Rain radar, cloud Ku band (~13.6GHz) and/or K a band (~35.5GHz)
precipitation radar or Wband (~94GHz)

Imagery Synthetic aperture L band (~1.3GHz) or C band (~5.4GHz) or

radar Xband (~9.6GHz)

Lidar Clear-air wind Doppler lidar UV-lidar (355 nm)

Aerosol, cloud Backscatter lidar UV-lidar (355 nm), VNIR-lidar (532 + 1 064 nm)

Ice-sheet Altimeter VNIR-lidar (532 + 1 064 nm)


Radio Atmospheric GNSS + Receiver L band: ~1 580 + ~1 250 + ~1 180GHz (GPS,

occultation refraction inLEO GLONASS and Galileo)

frequencies and lidar wavelengths. As a comparison, the table also lists frequencies used by
the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and associated radio-occultation sensing of the
atmosphere (see PartIII, Chapter3, 3.2.7).

2.2.2 Basic laws of interaction between electromagnetic radiation and matter

The macroscopic properties of a condensed body at thermodynamic equilibrium that is not

affected by chemical or nuclear reactions are summarized in terms of electromagnetic radiation
by three coefficients linked by the following equation:
( , T , , ) + ( , T , , ) + ( , T , , ) = 1 (2.6)

In this equation, (,T,,) denotes reflectivity that is the ratio of the backscattered radiation
I(,T,,) to the incident radiation I(); (,T,,) denotes transmissivity, or the fraction of I()
that crosses the body; and (,T,,) is the fraction of I() that is absorbed by the body it is
called emissivity for reasons explained below. The three coefficients depend on the radiation
wavelength , the body temperature T, and the observing geometry , (zenith and azimuth
angles, respectively).

A body that is not reflecting and is totally opaque to radiation on any wavelength (where
==0, and thus =1) is called a black body. It radiates at any temperature, T and over the full
or spectrum, according to Plancks law:

2 hc 2 1 2 3 h
B ( , T ) = hc
or B ( , T ) = h
c 2

e kT 1 e kT 1
h = 6.625610 34 J s (which is the Planck constant);
c = 2.9979310 8 m s1 (which is the speed of light in a vacuum); and
k = 1.3804410 23 J K1 (which is the Boltzmann constant).

B(,T) (or B(,T)) is the radiative power per unit surface over the hemisphere per unit of
wavelength (or frequency). The power radiated per unit of solid angle is B/. The Planck function
for temperatures of 6000K and 273.16K, which are representative of the Sun and the Earths
surfaces respectively, is shown in Figure2.14.

8 V

B (,T) (10 X W m2 sr 1 cm 1)
6 i
4 i
2 b
0 e

100 0.1 1 10 0.1 mm 1 mm 1 cm 10 cm 1m 10 m

Figure 2.14. The Planck function for T=6000K, representative of the Sun (highercurve), and
T=273.16K, representative of the Earth (lower curve); Xvalues in ordinate are to

The power radiated over the full spectrum is:

W (T ) = 0 B ( , T ) d = T 4 Stefan-Boltzmann law (2.8)
where = 5.668110 W m K . 8 2 4

The two curves in Figure2.14 illustrate that the Suns and Earths surfaces have very different
radiative powers. However, after scaling down the Sun curve by the square of the distance
between the Sun and Earth, the two integrated areas become comparable, which reflects the
Earths radiative balance. If the upper curve in the figure is scaled, it is easy to see that the solar
radiation on Earth is very small for >4m, while Earth radiation is negligible for <3m. There
are significant amounts of solar and Earth radiation in the narrow interval between 3 and 4m.

A major difference between the two curves in Figure2.14, after scaling, is the wavelength max
where the maximum emission occurs. This is given by:
max = with b = 0.0028981 m K Wien law (2.9)
Because of the double-logarithmic scale in Figure2.14, it is difficult to appreciate how sharp
the Planck function is around max. In the case of solar radiation (T=6000K) the peak emission
occurs around max=0.5m and most of that power lies in the 0.23.0m range. In the case of
terrestrial radiation (T=273.16K, i.e.T=0C) the peak is around max=10m and most of the
power lies in the 350m range.

Another interesting feature of the Planck function is that, when moving from max to shorter
wavelengths, radiative power dramatically decreases, whereas when moving to longer
wavelengths, the decrease is more gradual (approximately two thirds of power occurs at
wavelengths longer than max). For very long wavelengths, or low frequencies, such as those in
the MW range, where the argument of the exponential in the Planck function is h/kT<<1, the
term eh/kT becomes 1+h/kT and the Planck function thus reduces to:

2 k 2
T B( , T ) =
Rayleigh-Jeans law (2.10)
Because of this relationship, radiation measurements in the MW range can be considered
as temperature measurements and can be expressed as a brightness temperature (T B) in
temperature units. While the total radiative power changes with temperature in proportion to T 4
according to the Stefan-Boltzmann law (equation2.8), that power changes in a linear way in the
MW portion of the spectrum. Conversely, when moving towards shorter wavelengths, the Planck

function is increasingly dependent on temperature. Terrestrial radiation varies approximately

with T 5 in the main TIR window around 11m and with T 12 in the window around 3.7m. This
is an interesting feature for remote-sensing, since it means that sensitivity to high temperatures is
higher at 3.7m. Conversely, these shorter wavelengths are less sensitive to low temperatures.

For example:

(a) For a body at 220K (such as a cloud top in the upper troposphere), the radiation at 11m is
~1200 times greater than at 3.7m; but at 300K (surface), it is only ~130 times;

(b) The sensitivity to temperature changes, (i.e. (B/T)/B) is three times higher at 3.7m than
at 11m.

As a consequence, 3.7m is well suited for surface observations, is optimal for fire detection, and
is less useful for high clouds.

The relationship represented by equations2.72.10 is only valid for a black body (=1).
For a common body, the relationship can be established through the following conceptual
experiment. If a number of bodies in an isolated system only exchange radiation among
themselves, it could be assumed that, after a transient time, each of them would reach
thermodynamic equilibrium, where the radiation each absorbs according to its absorption
coefficient (,T) is equal to the power it radiates P(,T). That is, P(,T)/(,T)=constant.
Assuming that one of the bodies is a perfect black body, this yields:
P ( , T ) = ( , T ) B ( , T ) Kirchhoff principle (2.11)
This shows that the absorption coefficient introduced in equation2.5 also controls the bodys
emission properties, hence the name emissivity. Equation2.11 indicates two important

(a) At any wavelength and temperature, a body cannot radiate more than a black body at the
same wavelength and temperature;

(b) A body can radiate only at wavelengths at which it can also absorb.

Emissivity is a function of wavelength and, to a lesser extent, temperature. For certain bodies,
may be constant over large portions of the spectrum. If it is constant over the whole spectrum,
the body is called grey. The shape of the radiated power P(,T) is then exactly like B(,T),
although it is damped by a factor . The Wien law (equation2.9) applies unchanged. The Stefan-
Boltzmann law becomes W(T)=T 4.

The Kirchhoff principle also applies to gaseous materials. Therefore, spectral lines of atmospheric
gases are generally (but not always) relevant to both absorption and emission.

2.2.3 Observations in the atmospheric windows Emerging radiation

Atmospheric windows are spectral regions where the atmosphere is nearly transparent. There is
no region where the atmosphere is fully transparent. All regions have some residual disturbance
from species that have a continuum, the most common of which is water vapour in the IR, MW
and, to some extent, the SW ranges. Another factor, particularly in SW, is scattering from dry air
molecules (mostly N2 and O2) and aerosols. Ultimately, the most transparent windows are:

(a) In the SW (Figure2.11): 0.50.9m, 1.61.7m and 2.02.3m;

(b) In the IR (Figure2.12): 3.54.0m and 1012m;

(c) In the MW (Figure2.13): 80100GHz, 2550GHz and below 20GHz.


( , T ) I () ( , T ) B ( , T ) ( , T ) I ()

I (, )

I ()

Figure 2.15. The three components of irradiance in space

Equation 2.5 indicates that the coefficients (reflectivity), (transmissivity) and (emissivity)
not only depend on radiation wavelength and body temperature T, but also on the geometric
condition (zenith angle and azimuth angle ) of the satellite platform with respect to the body.

In order to simplify the discussion, the following conditions are assumed: vertical viewing from
the satellite (Figure2.15), flat surfaces and radiation towards the zenith (irradiance).

One component, (,T)I(), is transmitted radiation through the body. It can be found where
the body is not totally opaque and where there is a radiation source below it in the opposite
hemisphere compared to the satellite.

The component (,T)B(,T) is emitted radiation, expressed through the Kirchhoff principle
(equation2.11). It is always present unless the body is at absolute thermal zero. It is not present in
spectral regions, where the body does not absorb.

The component (,T)I(,) is reflected radiation. It is found where there is a radiation

source in the same hemisphere as the satellite. Figure2.15 indicates the Sun but, in the MW
range, where solar radiation is virtually zero, the full hemispheric sky radiates as a black body,
at temperature T=2.725K, where the maximum power occurs at max=1.9mm (160GHz). The
notation I(,) indicates that the power of the incoming radiation depends on the angle of
incidence . Normally for the Sun, I(,)=S()cos , where S() denotes incoming power with
the Sun at its zenith.

Taking account of all components, the radiation reaching the instrument on the satellite can be
expressed as:
I ( , T ) = ( , T ) I ( ) + ( , T ) B ( , T ) + ( , T ) I ( , ) (2.12)

There is considerable variation along the spectrum, so that the significance of the measurement
is reasonably stable only within narrow bandwidths around a specific wavelength (channels).
However, some general information is also contained in a wider range of wavelengths
(VIS+NIR+SWIR; MWIR+TIR; MW). Measurements in the visible, near-infrared and short-wave infrared range

In this range, there is no thermal emission from the Earth (B=0). Focusing first on the Earths
surface (land and ocean), the transmitted radiation is zero, since there is no source below
the Earths surface. Also when considering that reflectivity is nearly independent of body
temperature, equation2.12 reduces to:
I sw ( ) = ( ) S ( ) cos (2.13)

Since the solar spectrum and observing geometry are known, the information carried by a
measurement in a SW channel is uniquely associated to surface reflectivity. Many geophysical
variables (vegetation parameters, ocean colour, texture of land) may be estimated by measuring
reflectivity at several wavelengths. However, clouds are the objects that are most in evidence in
SW. Equation2.13 is not strictly correct for a cloud surface, since radiation from the underlying
surface can transmit through them. However, this effect has a limited impact given:

(a) The total transmissivity through (downward and upward) the atmosphere;

(b) That the cloud is low;

(c) The originating radiation source (the Sun) is stronger than any surface below the cloud;

(d) The reflectivity of the underlying surface is low (except for sand desert, snow and ice);

(e) The reflectivity of clouds is generally higher than any other terrestrial surface.

Therefore, equation2.13 is an approximation applicable to most clouds, the exceptions being

thin clouds such as cirrus, especially on the bright background of sand deserts, ice and snow.

Using SW-reflected radiation for quantitative purposes is not an easy exercise, since reflectivity
is generally anisotropic. The simplest case occurs when the body, whatever the direction of the
incoming radiation, and for any azimuth, homogeneously redistributes the reflected radiation
from the zenith according to a cosine-law. This is called Lambertian reflection. Fortunately, most
Earth surfaces observed from space at relatively large scale appear rather flat and rough, so that
Lambertian diffusion may be a good approximation. In many cases, however, the body exhibits a
bidirectional reflectance distribution function that should be measured a priori by observations
under different viewing directions and for different directions of the incoming radiation. The final
computation of the irradiance towards space requires hemispheric integration.

Using SW for Earth observation in atmospheric windows requires spectral sampling at several
wavelengths (channels) since at any one wavelength, several bodies may have signatures, and
one body may have a signature at several wavelengths. A multichannel capability is therefore
necessary to distinguish and simultaneously retrieve the different properties of different bodies.
For instance, clouds and snow have identical reflectance in VIS at 0.65m, but very different
reflectance at 1.6m. In addition, channel bandwidths must be appropriate to their purpose. The
most stringent are for ocean colour (10nm), and then vegetation (20nm), whereas for
other surface features and for clouds, bandwidths of several tens of nanometres are sufficient.

Another feature that affects the quantitative use of VIS+NIR+SWIR is polarization: specular
reflection tends to be privileged, with damping of the vertical component of the electric field.
The Stokes vector, which in the SW range consists of three components (polarization in three
directions with phase differences of 120), fully describes the electric field, and so provides
important information about the bodys properties. Multipolarization is important for the
observation of those bodies that do not have strong multispectral signatures. Typical examples
would be aerosols and cirrus clouds (elongated ice crystals). Measurements in the medium-wave infrared and thermal infrared range

In the 415m range, solar radiation is virtually zero. On the Earth's surface (land and ocean),
transmitted radiation is also zero. Furthermore, considering that emissivity is nearly independent
from body temperature, equation2.12 reduces to:
I IR ( , T ) = ( ) B ( , T ) (2.14)

Equation 2.14 is also approximately valid for clouds, since the transmissivity of clouds in IR is
rather low (with the exception of thin cirrus).

The emissivity of most land surfaces, and certainly the ocean, is close to 1, with small variance.
Therefore the information acquired by a measurement in an IR channel is closely associated with
the Planck function (equation2.7) or for a given wavelength, with the bodys temperature.

At a specified wavelength or for a narrow channel around , the Planck function

(equation2.7) may be easily inverted to retrieve the temperature, T:
T ( ) = (2.15)
2 hc 2
k ln 1 + 5
B( )
However, T will not be the bodys true temperature unless =1. If the bodys emissivity is known,
and the channel bandwidth is sufficiently narrow to enable to be considered as constant,
an emissivity correction can be applied to the measured quantity (by inverting B(,T)=IIR(,T)/
()), and the bodys temperature can be measured. Otherwise, by inverting the measured
quantity B(,T)=IIR(,T), a temperature T BB (equivalent black-body temperature) is obtained
that is lower than the bodys true temperature.

For a large variety of bodies where is close to 1, radiance observation in a TIR atmospheric
window enables rather accurate temperature measurement. It is particularly accurate in the
case of the sea, whose emissivity is close to 0.98. However, emissivity is not the only effect that
needs to be corrected. As previously mentioned, the atmospheric windows are not perfectly
transparent. For instance, the main window in TIR, 1012m, is contaminated by the water
vapour continuum, particularly on the long-wave side. One way to reduce this disturbance is
to split the window into two channels, generally 10.311.3m and 11.512.5m. Differential
absorption is then used to estimate a correction (total column water vapour can also be
estimated as a by-product).

As a result of those effects, equation2.15 indicates a dependence of the retrieved temperature

on the wavelength (although as there is only one body temperature, that dependence should
not exist). The spread of values with wavelength implies how certain information might be
explained. For instance, by comparing T BB measured at 3.7m and 11m it is possible to explain
the difference in terms of different emissivity, or in terms of different contamination of the
measurement from clouds.

It is important to note that the 3.7m window behaves very differently in daylight and at night.
In daylight, it is strongly contaminated by reflected solar radiation, which needs to be subtracted
before using the channel for quantitative thermal emission estimates. As previously noted, the
3.7m window is much more sensitive to high temperatures than the 11m window. However,
the 3.7m window is of little use for low temperatures, such as those found in cloud tops in the
upper troposphere. The differential response to the temperatures of the 3.7 and 11m windows
can also be used for detecting fog at night.

As regards clouds, equation2.14 is still approximately valid. However, with the exception of
very thick clouds (such as cumulus or nimbus-stratus), emissivity is substantially lower than
unity. Equivalent black-body temperature substantially underestimates true temperature,
and a correction must be applied to account for low emissivity. The usual method is to couple
the window channel with a channel that is strongly sensitive to water vapour. The difference
between the two T BB values indicates the cloud emissivity: the larger the difference, the lower the

The penetration of infrared radiation in clouds is very low. Measured temperature refers to the
top surface, and information about the interior of clouds is poor, especially for dense clouds.
However, the temperature of cloud tops that is in equilibrium with air temperature at the same
level is very important, because it indicates the altitude of the cloud in the troposphere, and
therefore the cloud type.

Information derived from black-body temperature about the cloud-top level is often inaccurate.
With thin clouds, such as thin cirrus, the background surface is much warmer than the air at

Bright V
i Stratocumulus Cirrus
b Arid soil Stratus
e Snow

Tilled soil




Woody soil
Warm Cold

Figure 2.16. Scatterplot of VIS (0.65m) versus IR (11.5m), enabling the classification of
10bodies. If projected onto one of either two axes, several clusters would be unresolved.
Source: Bizzarri, B. and C. Tomassini, 1976: Retrieval of information from high-resolution images. Proceedings of the
Symposium on Meteorological Observation from Space, Committee on Space Research, Philadelphia, 140144.

cloud level. As a result, surface radiation transmitted through the cloud adds to the cloud
emission, the cloud appears warmer, and the assigned level is underestimated. Conversely, thick
cirrus with high emissivity are observed as very cold, and may be confused with cumulonimbus.

In order to resolve such ambiguities, it is useful to plot VIS brightness and IR temperatures as
bi-dimensional histograms (Figure2.16). By using only one band (the projection of the 2D
pattern on one axis), several clusters would be unresolved. By contrast, this example shows that
10different objects can be identified through multi-band analysis. This is a simple example using
an old instrument (a very high resolution radiometer (VHRR)) and only two channels in VIS and
IR. Current multi-band analysis techniques can operate with many more channels. Measurements in the microwave range

In the MW range, solar radiation is virtually zero, but there is a diffuse source of incoming
radiation: the sky. Transmitted radiance is zero with regard to the Earth's surface, including land
and sea. There are only two contributions: thermal emission and reflected radiation. Those are
controlled by emissivity and reflectivity coefficients which, since =0, are linked by the condition
+=1 (i.e. =1). By expressing radiative power in units of temperature according to the
Rayleigh-Jeans equation (2.10), observed brightness temperature, T B, can be rendered:

TB ( v ) = ( v ) T + 1 ( v ) Tsky ( v ) (2.16)

Tsky(), sky brightness temperature, is composed of background cosmic radiation and the
contribution of precipitating clouds; it changes with frequency. In the main window and under
non-precipitating conditions, where ~40GHz, Tsky() may be ~140K. Under heavy precipitation
conditions, Tsky may reach values as large as ~250K.

The impact of Tsky() strongly depends on the value of the emissivity, . Sea and land have
substantially different values.

The emissivity of the sea in the MW range is very low: 0.5. As a result, the two components in
equation2.16 have equal weight. In the absence of precipitating clouds, Tsky is low and known:
the measurement can therefore be associated with sea-surface temperature. The optimal
frequency for sea-surface temperature is about 5GHz (see Figure2.17) where Tsky is much smaller
than that at 40GHz. The measurement is rather accurate and is also applicable in all weather,
since the wavelength (=6cm) is much longer than any rain droplet. The 5GHz sea-surface
signal intensity is representative of the temperature of a few millimetres of the deep-water
layer (sub-skin); that should be compared to a few tens of micrometres in the case of IR (skin
temperature). At higher frequencies, Tsky strongly increases, especially in the presence of heavy
precipitation. The high reflectivity value (1) is such that the observation is mainly an indicator
of precipitation.

Over land, emissivity is close to unity. The second component in equation2.16 is therefore
ineffective, and precipitation is poorly detected. At higher frequencies (~90GHz (=3mm)),
radiation welling up from the surface is scattered by large droplets, and even more so by ice
crystals in clouds. As a result, radiation reaching the satellite is decreased.

Polarization can also be used for measuring precipitation. Radiation reflected from the sea is
strongly polarized: when crossing a precipitating cloud, it undergoes depolarization that can
be measured to infer precipitation. The differential polarization can also be exploited over land,
since the emerging radiation scattered from droplets and ice crystals is polarized.

Observation under several polarizations may also be useful, regardless of the objective of
precipitation measurement. Differential polarization is sensitive to surface roughness an effect
which must be taken into account when measuring sea-surface temperature. This can also be
used to infer wind speed over the sea, as indicated in Figure2.17.

Figure2.17 also indicates that MW radiation is sensitive to ocean salinity, but only at very low
frequencies, typically about 1.4GHz (L band). The figure also shows that in order to measure
ocean salinity, it is necessary to account for sea-surface temperature and wind speed (or
roughness). Similarly to salinity, there is a water vapour absorption band that contaminates the
observation of temperature, wind and liquid cloud (precipitation). That band can also be used to
infer total column water vapour (precipitable water) over the sea. In summary, different variables
may have different signatures on various channels in the MW as well as the optical fields: multi-
channel analysis is therefore needed.

Salinity Wind speed

Liquid clouds
TB vapour
Pi 10 20 30 40
Frequency GHz

Figure 2.17. Sensitivity (defined as TB/Pi) of MW frequencies

to several geophysical variables (P) .

Due to the totally different emissivity values of sea and land surfaces, the most obvious feature in
a MW image is the land/sea boundary. Since the emissivity of ice is close to unity, sea ice is also an
obvious observable in all weather conditions. MW images are particularly useful for geographical
regions that are often overcast. In cases where emissivity is close to unity over land, a decrease
in emissivity indicates the presence of water on the surface. This is because the emissivity of a
body is controlled by its dielectric constant: water on land is a salt solution, which increases
conductivity and thus decreases emissivity. This effect can be exploited to measure surface soil
moisture and snow properties.

Soil moisture measurements can be rather accurate on bare soil, but can decrease in accuracy as
vegetation increases. In order to penetrate vegetation, and to measure soil moisture at root level,
very low frequencies must be used, either in L or P band. At higher frequencies (above 10GHz),
sensitivity to soil moisture is only significant if disturbance by vegetation is accounted for.

Two properties of snow are detectable in the MW range: surface melting conditions and, in the
case of shallow snowpack, water equivalent. In the latter case, relatively high frequencies are
preferred, as snow tends to be transparent at low frequencies. However, saturation can occur
at very high frequency signals in the upper layers of the snowpack. Several frequencies with
different penetration depths are therefore needed.

2.2.4 Observations in absorption bands The radiative transfer equation

In an atmospheric absorption band, each layer of thickness dz absorbs radiation coming from
below and re-emits it. Assuming zero reflectivity of the atmosphere in IR, the atmospheric
transmittance from a height z to a satellite altitude H is given by:
( , z )N ( z )dz
( , z ) = e z (2.17)

where N(z) is the concentration of the absorbing gas.

The radiative contribution of an atmospheric layer of thickness dz, at height z and associated with
a transmittance change of d (I,z), is: dI(,z)=B[,T(z)]d(,z).

The radiation from the total atmospheric column to the satellite is:
I ( ) = ( ,z ) B[ , T ( z )] d ( , z ) (2.18)

where zs is the height of the Earth's surface.

A terrestrial contribution should be added, attenuated by the total atmospheric transmittance. In

addition, the weighting function can be defined as:
d ( , z )
K ( , z ) = (2.19)
The combined radiation reaching the satellite is given by the radiative transfer equation:
I ( ) = B ( , Ts ) ( , zs ) + z s
B[ , T ( z )] K ( , z ) dz (2.20)

Figure 2.18 shows that the transmittance (equation2.17) tends to 1 as height z increases (i.e. as
the thickness of the atmospheric layer between height z and satellite altitude H decreases). This
is accompanied by a decrease in emissivity and a decrease in concentration N of the absorbing
gas. The weighting functions have peak values that correspond to the inflection point of the
transmittance function. A simple way to read equation2.20 is that each atmospheric layer of
thickness dz contributes to the radiation reaching the satellite according both to its temperature
(through the Planck function), and also to its effectiveness to contribute, as quantified by the
weighting function. The weighting function depends on the concentration of the absorbing gas
and the strength of absorption/emission (). The shape is such that low atmospheric layers are

Km 48

27 36
20 6
7 6
5 23
16 20
16 5
13 3
2 4
7 3
1 7 2
4 1
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(, Z ) ( , Z )

Figure 2.18. Transmissivity (left) and corresponding weighting

functions (right) for seven channels in the CO2 14m band

penalized because of absorption by the upper layers, and high layers are penalized because of
their low concentration of the absorbing gas. The atmospheric layer that exhibits the greatest
change in transmittance is usually the layer that contributes the most. Profile retrieval

The inversion of equation2.20 is not a trivial matter. It is a Fredholm equation of the second kind,
for which the existence or the uniqueness of the solution are not mathematically guaranteed.
In the present case, the existence is granted by nature. To ensure uniqueness of the solution it is
necessary to add constraints to it, since the problem is ill-conditioned. Many methods have been
developed since profile sounding from space began. Some are statistical and linear, others are
physical and non-linear, while others are a combination of both.

The primary objective is to invert equation2.20 in order to retrieve an atmospheric temperature

profile. This is only possible if the transmittance function is known in advance, which implies
working in the absorption bands of a gas that has a known and stable concentration profile.
In the IR range, CO2 has such a profile in the bands around 4.3 and 15m (see Figure2.12).
As previously noted, the 4.3m band is more sensitive to high temperature, and is thus
representative of the lower troposphere. However, that band may be contaminated by radiation
from other species, and in daytime, the tail of the solar black-body curve (>4m) cannot be
disregarded. The 15m band is spectrally more pure, but is somewhat contaminated by the
water vapour continuum. The transmittances therefore need to be corrected, either a priori by
using external information, or a posteriori, by iterating after the water vapour profile has been

The next step is to retrieve the water vapour profile. Once CO2 absorption band channels have
been used to retrieve the temperature profile, H2O absorption band channels are used. The
main band is centred around 6.3m, and responds well to high temperature (in the low- to
mid- troposphere). For climate monitoring, it is important to measure water vapour in the
upper troposphere. But that requires using an 18m band, which is technologically difficult to
construct due to a lack of efficient detectors in the FIR range.

It is not easy to retrieve a water vapour profile or, more generally, to retrieve the concentration
profile of an absorbing gas. The weighting functions of the absorbing gas peak at varying
altitudes in the atmosphere, depending on concentration and remote-sensing frequency.

Inaddition, retrieval is intrinsically inaccurate because the transmittance function to be inverted

(equation2.17) defines the content of a thin layer at altitude z as the difference between the
respective content of two very thick layers: H to z and H to (zz). In other words, a small
number is derived by calculating the difference between two large numbers.

Further difficulties arise where clouds are present. If the instantaneous field of view (IFOV)
is entirely filled by a cloud with uniform features, a profile may still be retrieved by the same
method, although it will only cover the atmosphere above the cloud. If only a fraction of the
IFOV is filled by a cloud of emissivity cloud, the transfer equation becomes:
I ( ) = (1 cloud ) I clear ( ) + cloud I cloud ( ) (2.21)
where cloud is the effective cover.

Several methods deal with the effects of clouds. One starts the retrieval process by using the
channels with weighting functions that peak above the cloud-top level to achieve a first-guess
profile. The first guess is then iterated by changing effective cover values, until the measurements
in all other channels fit best. Another method compares a number of nearby IFOVs on the
assumption that the signals differ only because of the different fractional covers , and then
extrapolates to zero .

In any event, it is acknowledged that, when cloud cover in the IFOV exceeds approximately 20%,
no attempt should be made to retrieve profiles in IR. The IFOV of sounding instruments used to
be several tens of kilometres. Fortunately, that has now been reduced to the order of 10km, so
that the probability of finding a substantial number of cloud-free IFOVs in a given area is much

The problem of clouds is greatly alleviated in the MW range, where sounding is possible for all
weather conditions except heavy rain. The species of well-known and constant concentration
used for temperature profile retrieval is O2, with absorption bands in the 5070GHz range and
at about 118GHz (not yet used from a satellite). For water vapour, the 183GHz band can be used
effectively. The 22GHz band provides a weak signal that can provide total column-integrated
amount over the sea. There are other absorption bands for temperature and water vapour at
higher frequencies, but the radiative effect of the water vapour continuum makes it impossible to
observe the troposphere using those spectral bands.

The transfer equation in the MW range is essentially a simpler version of the IRequation(2.20):
instead of the Planck function (equation2.7), it is possible to use the Rayleigh-Jeans
approximation with linear temperature dependence (equation2.10).

The question may arise as to why the MW band is not exclusively used for temperature and
humidity sounding, as it performs in nearly all weather conditions. This is because vertical
resolution requires a high sensitivity to temperature variations (with height). Vertical resolution is
best in the 4.3m band, where the Planck function varies roughly in relation to T 12. In the 15m
band, there is less sensitivity because the Planck function varies in relation to T 5. In the MW
range, since B is a linear function of T (see equation2.10), sensitivity (B/T)/B varies in relation
to T 1 (it decreases as temperature increases). One interesting feature of the various bands is
that, whereas the 4.3m band is well suited to the lower troposphere, and the 15m band is
well suited to the middle and high troposphere, the MW band at 57GHz is better suited to the

Vertical resolution is crucial to temperature and humidity sounding. Figure2.18 shows an

example in which the weighting functions are rather broad. That implies that the degrees of
freedom (the number of independent pieces of information) are limited. Weighting functions
become narrower when the spectral resolution of the instrument improves. Figure2.18 relates
to a radiometer with only seven channels and a low resolving power (/100); its vertical
resolution is ~1.52km in the mid-troposphere. Current sounding instruments (spectrometers)
have thousands of channels and a higher resolving power (/1000); their vertical resolution
is less than 1km in the mid-troposphere. Further increasing the resolving power to /10000
would not improve the vertical resolution of temperature and humidity profiles, but would
enable single lines of trace gases to be observed for atmospheric chemistry purposes.

Current instruments for the MW range have already reached maximum vertical resolution
performance: it cannot improve beyond ~1.5km in the mid-troposphere, and will be worse in the
lower troposphere because of strong contamination from the ground.

In the short-wave range (UV, VIS, NIR, SWIR) absorption band measurements are mostly used for
atmospheric chemistry through spectroscopic methods. The radiative transfer equation is more
complicated than equation2.20. Instead of thermal radiation as described by Planck's law, the
more complex process of scattering is used. Retrieving geophysical variables relies on modelling
rather than explicit equations. As well as being used in atmospheric chemistry, the analysis of
absorption bands is used for other purposes (see the spectrum in Figure2.11), such as deriving:

(a) Atmospheric pressure at the Earths surface: this is derived from estimates of the total
column of oxygen in the band around 0.77m compared with nearby windows. It is one
of the very few approaches available to measure surface pressure from space. Accuracy is
limited by the scattering effect of aerosols, implying that the measurement also provides
information on aerosols.

(b) Cloud-top height: this is derived from a deficit that arises when the total column of
oxygen is measured; the deficit itself is the result of cloud masking the lower part of the
column. In principle, this is more accurate than calculating the cloud-top height from the
equivalent black-body temperature in IR, correcting for cloud emissivity, and transforming
temperature into height using a temperature profile.

(c) Lightning: a very narrow bandwidth channel at 0.774m is used. Strong absorption from
oxygen obscures the Earth's surface and enables flashes to be detected even in daylight.
The intensity and number of flashes in a given period over a given area are representative of
convection, and so serve as a proxy for precipitation. In addition, lightning activity causes
NOx to be generated in the atmosphere, and reflects the Earths electric field.

(d) Total column water vapour: the signal in one or more of the water vapour bands (about 0.94
or 1.37m) is compared with a signal from nearby windows. This can be more accurate
than using IR or MW profiling. Limb sounding

Figure2.18 shows how weighting functions become broader as height increases. This indicates
that the vertical resolution of temperature and humidity profiles using passive IR or MW
radiometry degrades with increasing altitude. The resolution obtained from using spectrometers
is currently considered adequate (~1km) in the mid-troposphere; but it becomes marginal
(~2km) at tropopause level, where much better resolution is required. In the stratosphere, the
vertical resolution degrades further and rapidly becomes unusable. Two techniques offer help:
limb sounding (including through occultation of the Sun, moon or stars) and radio occultation.

In cross-nadir sensing mode, vertical resolution is determined by the sharpness of the weighting
functions, which is in turn controlled by spectral resolution. In limb mode, vertical resolution is
determined by mechanical scanning, i.e. by the instrument IFOV across the atmosphere when
viewed transversally in the Earths limb region (Figure2.19). Vertical resolution depends on
the step change rate, which is tuned to the instrument viewing aperture and to the intensity of
available radiation. It is generally set to between one and three kilometres. Horizontal resolution
is relatively inaccurate, since the measurement is integrated over a large optical path, as shown
in Figure2.19. The total optical path may be thousands of kilometres long, but the effective path,
once weighted by atmospheric density, extends to some 300500km around the tangent point.

The sources of radiation are solar radiation reflected from the atmosphere, or atmospheric
thermal radiation in the IR or MW ranges. In general, limb observations address not only
temperature and humidity profiles, but also trace gases for atmospheric chemistry purposes.

In the short-wave range (UV, VIS, NIR, SWIR), the atmosphere can be scanned by directly
pointing to the Sun while the Sun is setting or rising (occultation). Observation is conducted

Line of sight




Figure 2.19. Geometry of limb scanning

by measuring the damping of spectral lines in the solar spectrum. Sun occultation has the
great advantage of avoiding any mechanical movement of the instrument telescope, and any
calibration. That is because the spectra measured during occultation are compared to the
solar spectrum measured shortly before (or after) occultation under the same conditions. One
disadvantage is that, at least for polar-orbiting satellites, coverage is limited to high latitudes,
where a satellite can observe sunrise or sunset as it enters or leaves the night arc of its orbit. More
extended coverage is possible by using moon occultation, while all latitudes can be covered
through occultation of the stars. However, less radiation is available in those cases.

2.2.5 Active sensing

The sensing methods described above assume that the sources for remote-sensing are reflected
solar radiation and the Earths emitted thermal radiation (plus other minor sources, such as
background sky radiation in MW and the moon or stars in occultation). These natural sources
enable passive sensing, for which observation wavelengths are largely determined by natural
targets. In active sensing, the source is artificial and the sensing wavelength is not entirely driven
by the physical properties of the target. Instead, the wavelength can be chosen, while also
taking account of signal generation and propagation constraints. The following active sensing
principles are considered:

(a) Radio occultation (for high vertical resolution profiles of temperature and humidity);

(b) Radar (for altimetry, scatterometry, cloud and precipitation, and imagery);

(c) Lidar (for clouds and aerosols, air motion, altimetry, and atmospheric chemistry). Radio occultation

Radio occultation is one of a number of limb-sounding techniques. It has a totally different

approach compared to passive radiometric techniques. An artificial source (in this case, the
signal from a navigation satellite: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo or Compass) is tracked by a receiver on
a satellite in LEO (Figure2.20).

The change of propagation direction due to refraction by the crossed atmosphere (bending
angle ) is converted into a phase shift. The shift is accurately measured and then converted into
a refractivity profile during the occultation process, which lasts approximately 90s.

GPS Tangent point


a r


6001 000 km

a = an impact parameter
r = distance from centre of curvature to tangent point

Figure 2.20. Principle of radio-occultation sounding. During the setting or rising of the GPS
satellite over the horizon of the LEO satellite, the refraction induced by the crossed
atmosphere changes the direction of propagation by a bending angle .

The refractivity is linked to the atmospheric variables as follows:

N = ( n 1) 106 = 77.6 p T + 3.75 105 pw T 2 (2.22)

where N is refractivity, n is refractive index, p is dry-air pressure, pw is water vapour partial

pressure, and T is temperature. The coefficients for p and pw are given in hPa, and in kelvin for T.

The phase shift is ultimately a time measurement, one of the most accurate measurements in
physics. The other measurement is the distance between satellites. Since time and distance are
fundamental metric quantities, radio occultation provides absolute measurements (not requiring
calibration): this is a very attractive feature in terms of climate monitoring. In fact, long-term
observations of radio occultation are considered a benchmark among methods of detecting
climate change.

Radio occultation data are difficult to process for two reasons: first, the position of the tangent
point (see Figure2.20, right hand panel) moves during the profile measurements; and second,
pressure, temperature and humidity are not measured independently. Therefore, 4D assimilation
into a numerical weather prediction model is needed. It is less complex to retrieve temperatures
from the upper troposphere and stratosphere, since water vapour content is very low.
Temperature retrieval is similarly straightforward in the lower troposphere, where water vapour
is responsible for most variance.

The vertical resolution of radio occultation profiles in the upper troposphere and stratosphere,
(approximately 0.51.0km) cannot be matched by cross-nadir viewing IR or MW measurements
(1.52km). In addition, the frequencies used (L band: see Table2.9) are insensitive to clouds,
even if precipitating. As a result, although essentially performed in limb mode, the measurement
can be extended down to the Earth's surface, in order to observe, for example, atmospheric
discontinuities such as the top of the planetary boundary layer. Furthermore, radio occultation is
one of the few methods that can infer surface pressure: this is done by correlating the height of
the tropopause and the air pressure at ground level.

In order to account for the signal rotation induced by the ionosphere, transmissions from
navigation satellites exploit at least two nearby frequencies. As by-products of the correction
process, information relevant to space weather is obtained, such as total electron content and
electron density profile.

Radars (radio detection and ranging) transmit pulsed signals to the object to be observed,
and collect the backscattered signal. In essence, radars measure distance (or range) and the
backscattered power resulting from the radar reflectivity or radar cross-section of the body.

The radar equation may be written in different forms. The easiest to understand is:
Pt G 1
Ps = Aeff (2.23)
4 r 2
4 r 2
where Ps is the power backscattered to the antenna, P t is the power transmitted by the antenna,
G is the antenna gain, Aeff is the effective area of the radar receiving antenna, r is the distance, and
is the radar cross-section. Therefore:

P tG/4r2 is the power hitting the target at distance r;

P tG/4r2 is the power reflected by the target;
P tG/4r2/4r2 is the fraction of (isotropically) reflected power reaching back the antenna.

The antenna gain may be expressed as G=4Aeff/2 (a relation that derives directly from the
diffraction law). Expressing the effective area of the radars receiving antenna Aeff from this
alternative expression and inserting it into equation2.23 yields:

Pt G 2 2
Ps = (2.24)
64 3 r 4
Different types of radar favour the measurement of either range accuracy (altimeters) or
reflectivity/cross-section accuracy (scatterometers). Radar for clouds and precipitation focus on
both range (for vertical profiling) and reflectivity. One feature that can be emphasized is image
resolution by synthetic aperture radar.

Radar altimetry

The main purpose of altimetry is to measure the sea level and to map it so as to determine ocean
dynamic topography. The radar characteristics are optimized to enhance range measurement
as much as possible. Sea level is measured in terms of the time taken for a radar pulse to reach
the sea surface and return to the satellite. Because sea level is computed as distance from the
satellite, the satellite needs to be located with extreme accuracy. One or more of the following
systems is used to ensure precise orbits:

(a) Laser tracking of the satellite by ground stations and laser-reflecting mirrors on the satellite;

(b) Radio positioning based on networks of ground transmitting-receiving stations and a

transponder on the satellite;

(c) A GPS receiver aboard the satellite.

One drawback of radar altimetry is that viewing must be limited to nadir-only; otherwise echoes
from surrounding areas interfere with time analysis. As a result, the observing cycle is very long.
Corrections to the signal are requested to account for: ionospheric rotation (the two frequencies
used are: ~13.6GHz (main) and ~5.3GHz (support)); and water vapour (a co-aligned MW
radiometer is used at ~23GHz (main) and ~35GHz and/or ~19GHz (support)).

In addition to measuring the range, an altimeter also records and analyses fluctuations and
measures the intensity of the echo. The observations provided are:

(a) Significant wave height: derived from analysis of the spread in time of the collected echoes;

(b) Sea level: derived from filtering wave-related fluctuations and considering the
instantaneous satellite altitude with respect to the geoid;

(c) Wind speed: derived from analysis of the fluctuation of the intensity of the echoes;

(d) Improved knowledge of the geoid: derived from long-term statistics of observed sea levels;

(e) Total electron content: derived as a by-product of the correction for ionospheric rotation.

Radar scatterometry

Unlike radar altimetry, where the focus is on range measurement, radar scatterometry optimizes
the accuracy of the measured radar cross-section (see equation2.24), which is often normalized
and called 0 (sigma-naught). While the ranging subsystem may be absent from the instrument,
calibration must be extremely accurate.

The radar cross-section is a function of the targets dielectric property, the viewing geometry and
the incident radiation (wavelength, polarization). Scatterometers are mainly used to derive sea-
surface wind. The target is capillary waves, which are closely associated with wind stress. Sigma-
naught changes with wind speed, relative wind direction and sight line. By measuring 0 under
several azimuth angles, both speed and direction can be determined.

The relationship between 0 and wind is complicated: the practical solution is empirical or semi-
empirical. Furthermore, it is not a unique relationship in terms of direction: with two viewing
angles, several ambiguities remain (fewer ambiguities remain with three angles). When 0 values
are directly assimilated into a numerical weather prediction model that accounts for wave
atmosphere interaction, ambiguities are solved by the model.

The differences between wind measurements taken with scatterometers and those taken with
passive MW radiometers can be summarized as follows: (i) passive MW generally provides
information on wind speed only; information on direction can only be acquired if several
radiometric channels are equipped with full polarization capability; (ii) information from
scatterometry is generally better quality, especially for low wind speeds (less than ~3m/s);
however, for high speeds (more than ~20m/s) passive MW may perform better.

Primarily designed for sea-surface wind, scatterometers provide several kinds of observation:

(a) Sea-surface wind in all weather conditions (C band) or nearly all weather conditions

(b) Air pressure over the sea surface (achieved by applying geostrophic relations to wind

(c) Soil moisture in scarcely vegetated areas (using C band, and occasionally Ku band);

(d) Leaf area index or total biomass in dense vegetation (forest);

(e) Ice type (age, roughness) at the polar caps;

(f) Snow water equivalent (for which Ku band is preferred).

Cloud and precipitation radar

While the radar altimeter focuses on ranging and the radar scatterometer focuses on the radar
cross-section, cloud and precipitation radar emphasizes both. Ranging is necessary to measure
the vertical profile of cloud particles, while is required to infer the concentration and size of
reflecting particles. However, the accuracy required for ranging in order to obtain a precipitation
profile is of the order of 100m, instead of 1cm for altimetry.

For rain droplets, provided that their diameter D is less than /10 (i.e. in Rayleigh-scattering
conditions), the radar cross-section is:

= K 2 D6
where K is the dielectric constant (2.25)

The total backscattered radiation received by the radar is the sum of all reflectors of all diameters
in the IFOV. Assuming a Marshall-Palmer distribution (N0eD) for the particle diameters, total
reflectivity can be expressed as:
Z = K 2 N 0 e D D 6 dD (valid for D ) (2.26)

Equations 2.25 and 2.26 are generally applicable to ground-based meteorological radar that use
S band (~10cm) or C band (~5cm). They are to be compared with D~0.5cm, which is typical of
precipitating clouds. Those frequencies are not used from space, as the corresponding IFOV on
the ground that has a reasonably-sized antenna is too coarse. Due to frequency regulations, the
frequencies that can be exploited by a spaceborne radar are ~14GHz (~2cm), ~35GHz (~0.9cm)
and ~94GHz (~0.3cm). Therefore, equations2.25 and 2.26 are not fully applicable, but must be
corrected in a complex way to account for Mie scattering conditions.

Once the reflectivity Z is measured, there are several ways to convert Z into precipitation rate R.
First, it is necessary to infer the precipitation rate at the surface. That cannot be directly measured
from space, but must instead be derived from measured properties in the vertical column
associated with the precipitation profile.

Cloud and precipitation radar is the only technique that can provide measurements of the cloud
base, an important variable for aeronautical meteorology and for climate. The accuracy and
reliability of the measurement depends on the radar frequency; the radar must also penetrate the
full cloud thickness. From an operational viewpoint, cloud and precipitation radars have several
disadvantages, particularly their limited swath, which prevents frequent observing cycles. And
so, although passive MW imagery continues to be used as the basis for frequent precipitation
observation, the accuracy of precipitation data from passive MW radiometry still needs to be
improved. The continuing availability of at least one radar in space is necessary for calibrating
the system of passive MW radiometers, along the lines of the concept for the Global Precipitation
Measurement mission.

Synthetic aperture radar

In the MW range, spatial resolution is limited by diffraction. For a side-looking radar that views
off nadir, at orbital height H, with an antenna diameter L, and assuming a flat surface, the
IFOV is:
H c
IFOV = 1.24 (2.27)
cos L
Table 2.10 shows the IFOV and L relationship for radar in several bands, assuming that
=23 and H=700km (parameters of the SAR on SeaSat, Figure2.21). It illustrates that the
requirements for IFOV=1km would be very difficult to meet, and requirements for IFOV=100m
or below would be impossible with a real-aperture antenna concept.

Table 2.10. Examples of corresponding resolutions and antenna sizes

for typical frequencies used in SAR

L band C band X band

(~1.3GHz) (~5.4GHz) (~9.6GHz)
IFOV for L = 1 m 220km 60km 30km

Required L for IFOV = 1km 220 m 52 m 30 m

Required L for IFOV = 100 m 2 200 m 520 m 300 m

Required L for IFOV = 10 m 22 000 m 5 200 m 3 000 m


Satellite track
7 450 m/sec
6 cone
(1 cross-cone) Satellite ground track,
along track (AT) R
SAR antenna or azimuth direction 2

800 km Rf
Resolution element

Cross track
or range direction (R)
Radar footprint

100 km Rf Rn R
ground swath (Wg) Wg = =
cos DR sin

Figure 2.21. Principle of SAR

In the SAR concept (Figure2.21) the antenna is elongated along the satellite motion. Its narrow
dimensions determine the swath and are parallel to the sub-satellite track. The longer side
determines the area where signals are to be analysed. The radar footprint corresponds to that
of a real-aperture antenna, while the situation is varied for the resolution elements in the field
(pixels). The pixels across the swath are at different distances from the satellite. The satellite
can locate them due to its ability to distinguish small-range changes. The echoes from the
pixels ahead of the sub-satellite cross-track line are affected by a positive Doppler shift (where
a frequency is higher than the one transmitted); the echoes from the pixels behind that line
undergo a negative Doppler shift. By capturing the moment of shift inversion, the pixels can be
assigned to a location along the satellite track.

SAR may be used in different operating modes, depending on the trade-off between resolution
and swath, and on the combination of transmitted and received polarizations. One operating
mode is designed for wave spectra. A small part of the image (a vignette) is sampled at intervals.
With Envisat, for example, the vignette is 5kmx5km at the best spatial resolution of 30m, and
sampled at 100km intervals along the track. The echoes in the vignette are analysed to plot the
power spectra, from which it is possible to determine the dominant wave direction, the dominant
wave length/period and power associated with significant wave height.

The list of SAR applications is long, although not all bands are suitable for all applications:

(a) Ocean circulation features (eddies) and waves (preferably L band);

(b) Ocean pollution and oil spills (preferably C band);

(c) Sea-ice cover and type (age) (any band);


(d) Land-ice cover (glaciers) (any band);

(e) Snow melting conditions and snow water equivalent (preferably X band);

(f) Surface soil moisture (preferably L band, especially for the areas around plant roots);

(g) Vegetation type (preferably C band) and total biomass (preferably P band);

(h) Land use and urbanization (preferably C band);

(i) Geological structure detection (preferably X band);

(j) Disaster monitoring and damage inventories (preferably X band);

(k) Ship traffic surveillance and military surveillance (preferably X band).

Other important applications are possible through interferometry because the phase control of
the SAR signal is extremely accurate. Signals from different orbits of the same satellite or different
satellites can be accurately co-registered in order to implement interferometry. This enables, for
instance, land surface topography to be obtained for an improved digital elevation model, and
iceberg heights to be measured.

By using interferometry between passes of the same satellite in an orbit with a repeat cycle, it
is possible to measure changes such as iceberg drift, variations of glacier cover and lake extent,
volcanic surface topography changes and bradyseisms, coastal erosion and urbanization. Lidar

While the principle of lidar (light detection and ranging) is the same as that of radar, the
electromagnetic range is different: MW is used for radar, while SW is used for lidar. Most lidars
make use of wavelengths in the UV (e.g.355nm), VIS (e.g.532nm), NIR (e.g.1064nm) or SWIR
(e.g.1550nm) ranges; longer wavelengths (e.g.10.6m) may also be used. The source is a laser
(light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation). It is extremely directional, but the large
distance between the satellite and the Earth means that significant electric power is needed and
that large telescopes are required to collect the backscattered signal. The use of lidar in space
therefore presupposes considerable resources. Although in principle, lidar could be used to scan
an area for imaging purposes, lidar systems in space have so far only been nadir-pointing or
monodirectional. The following missions are lidar-based:

(a) Backscatter lidar for aerosol and cloud-top height;

(b) Doppler lidar for wind profile in clear air;

(c) Lidar altimeter specifically for sea ice;

(d) Differential absorption lidar (DIAL) for atmospheric chemistry.

Backscatter lidar

Backscatter lidar primarily deals with the observation of aerosols. This implies the use of
wavelengths that are similar in size to very small aerosols (~1m). In order to capture more
aerosol properties (size, phase, absorption/scattering ratio, and ultimately, type), more concepts
have been developed. Some are based on the use of two wavelengths, while other are based on
high spectral resolution laser in order to distinguish Mie and Rayleigh scattering components. In
any case, a backscatter lidar is a very large instrument (the telescope may have ~1m aperture).
The footprint may be as small as a few tens of metres, but more decorrelated echoes are included

to increase signal-to-noise ratio. Such echoes will help to ensure that the final resolution is in the
range of a few hundred metres. The vertical resolution determined by the lidar ranging system is
set to a few hundred metres.

Designed primarily for aerosols (the most demanding mission), the backscatter lidar enables
different kinds of observations to be made, including:

(a) Aerosol profile and aerosol properties (size, phase, absorption/scattering ratio, type);

(b) Cloud-top height (much more accurately than with passive NIR and IR techniques);

(c) Optical thickness of thin clouds (cirrus) and cloud base of semi-transparent clouds;

(d) Polar stratospheric clouds;

(e) Atmospheric discontinuities such as tropopause and top of the planetary boundary layer, as
revealed by the change of refractivity index.

Doppler lidar

Doppler lidar deals primarily with the observation of wind profiles, a key variable for weather

The current operational technique available for observing wind profile consists of tracking the
movement of clouds or water vapour patches in frequent images, either from geostationary
satellites, or from polar orbiting satellites in polar areas with frequent satellite overpasses.
This limits the opportunity to take measurements only at altitudes where tracers are present
(generally one layer, sometimes two). Hyperspectral IR sounding in GEO is expected soon: when
it becomes available, frequent water vapour profiles will be available, and water vapour patterns
will be tracked at several heights. However, vertical resolution and accuracy are expected to be
limited, and coverage will not include high latitudes.

Cloud-motion tracking is the only technique available for cloudy areas, while the Doppler lidar
enables tracking to be conducted in clear air. The tracer consists of eddies of the turbulent
atmosphere, of aerosols and of molecular scattering.

Exploitation of the Doppler shift due to the wind implies oblique viewing. The laser pulse
repetition frequency is such that the corresponding IFOV may be less than 100m. However, as
with any radar or lidar, a number of decorrelated echoes need to be averaged to improve signal-
to-noise ratio: the final resolution is an IFOV as large as several tens of kilometres. Because of the
limited availability of electric power, the instrument has a limited duty cycle; for instance it may
sample at 200km intervals along a line parallel to the sub-satellite track. The vertical resolution
of the wind data collected depends on the time sampling rate of the return echo. This is adjusted
for a vertical resolution of about 1km in the mid-troposphere, less than 1km in the planetary
boundary layer, and more than 1km in the stratosphere. No technique based on cloud and water
vapour tracking from GEO can compete with this performance. The anticipated accuracy of the
wind horizontal component is less than 2m/s.

A Doppler lidar is a very large instrument (the telescope may have a 1.5m aperture). It requires a
dedicated satellite in an orbit lower than that usually used for meteorological satellites.

For wind lidar, coverage is a major limitation. Since one instrument only covers a line parallel
to the sub-satellite track, a constellation of satellites would be required to provide frequent
coverage. As long as the sustainability of such a constellation cannot be achieved, the baseline
system for wind profile will continue to be imagery and hyperspectral sounding from GEO, with
Doppler lidar providing support for calibration of the overall system.

Another difficulty with wind lidar is that measurement can only be along-sight (1D). That means
that, in order to retrieve the required 2D horizontal component, assimilation into a numerical
weather prediction model is necessary.

The Doppler lidar is primarily designed for wind, which is the most demanding mission. It
provides several kinds of observations, including wind profile in clear air or in the presence of
thin cirrus, aerosol profile (from echo intensity) and cloud-top height.

Lidar altimeter

Radar altimeters can provide measurements as accurate as a few centimetres. However, at above
20km, their horizontal resolution is quite coarse. By implementing SAR processing of the along-
track signal, the resolution can be brought to ~300m, which is still insufficient for accurately
detecting boundaries. Another limitation of radar altimeters is their unsuitability for observing
surfaces with high emissivity (and thus low reflectivity) in the MW range, such as land and ice.

Lidar does not have those limitations. The horizontal resolution can be a few tens of metres
and the vertical resolution less than 10cm. That fine resolution makes it possible to capture the
border between sea water and polar ice and (after successive passes) to profile the height along-
track in order to map ice thickness.

In order to operate over the sea, even though reflectance in the VNIR range is very low, a lidar
altimeter must have a large telescope (aperture ~1m). For improved cost-effectiveness, a sensor
using a second wavelength is usually added to observe the atmosphere (for example, 1064nm is
used for surface and 532nm is used for atmosphere). In this case, a lidar altimeter operates as an
ordinary backscatter lidar.

As with any other altimeter, the lidar altimeter requires extremely accurate orbit determination,
since the basic ranging measurement provides the distance of the object from the satellite in
orbit. Precise orbit determination is achieved by a GPS receiver, and laser ranging from a network
of ground stations with an array of retroreflectors on the satellite.

Lidar altimeter applications include:

(a) Sea-ice thickness and polar cap topography;

(b) Sea level and ocean-dynamic topography;

(c) Contribution to improved knowledge of the geoid;

(d) Land-surface topography, including glaciers and lakes;

(e) Aerosol profile and aerosol properties;

(f) Cloud-top height, optical thickness of thin clouds and cloud base of semi-transparent

(g) Polar stratospheric clouds;

(h) Atmospheric discontinuities such as tropopause and top of the planetary boundary layer.

Differential absorption lidar

The principle of differential absorption is to perform complementary observations of a target

species at an absorption peak and in a nearby atmospheric window. Using lidar for this purpose
is the only way to achieve high vertical resolution profiles in the planetary boundary layer, where
such resolution is most important. (The profile is also observed in higher layers, including the

The conditions for DIAL to be applicable are: that the species is relatively abundant; that the
absorption line is strong and lies in a spectroscopically clean region; and that there is a nearby
clean atmospheric window. Examples of possible applications are:

(a) CO2 by exploiting lines at 1.57m in the 1.61.7m window or 2.05m in the 2.02.3m

(b) H2O by exploiting lines at 935nm, with windows on both sides;

(c) O3 by exploiting lines and windows in the 305320nm region.

Missions exploiting DIAL are only at the stage of proposal or feasibility study. Since the spectral
bandwidth (and thus the energy available for the observation) is very narrow and the reflector (a
gas) is very weak, the instrument has to be very large and overall measurement is technologically


Earth observation from space implies a complex system composed of (i) a space segment to
perform observations, and (ii) a ground segment to manage the space segment and process
observation data.

2.3.1 Space segment

The space segment of a satellite system includes:

(a) The platform (also referred to as the bus);

(b) The instruments installed on board;

(c) The communication tools to receive commands and convey the instrument output to the

The size and/or mass of satellites for Earth observation can range over two orders of magnitude:

(a) Nanosat: < 10 kg (actually unlikely to be used for operational Earth observation);

(b) Microsat: 10100 kg;

(c) Minisat: 100500 kg;

(d) Smallsat: 5001 000 kg;

(e) Mediumsat: 12 tons;

(f) Large facility: > 2 tons. Platform services

The satellite platform hosts the instruments and provides several services:

(a) Power supply for instruments, telecommunications, and all other satellite subsystems;

(b) Navigation facilities for geographical referencing of observations;

(c) Attitude control for correct pointing of instruments and stabilization;


(d) Thermal control to keep the instruments within specified operating conditions;

(e) Housekeeping devices to monitor and control the status of all satellite subsystems;

(f) Propulsion for orbit keeping and, if needed, orbit change;

(g) Processing capability to administrate the various platform subsystems;

(h) Processing capability to handle instrument data and format data streams to be transmitted;

(i) Storage device for on-board global data recording;

(j) Communication facilities to receive commands from the ground;

(k) Communication facilities to transmit observational and housekeeping data to the ground;

(l) Other communication services, where the platform has a data relay function only. Navigation and positioning systems

Navigation and positioning systems are necessary for geolocation of observed data, both during
viewing, and afterwards for ground processing. The following systems are used:

(a) Laser retroreflectors;

(b) GNSS receivers;

(c) Radio-positioning systems;

(d) Star trackers.

Laser retroreflectors

These are mirrors which tend to be corner cubes. They reflect laser beams sent to the satellite
by laser-equipped ground sites during positioning sessions. Laser retroreflectors are used on
many satellites for a posteriori precise orbit determination. This is achieved by post-processing
a number of measurements in night-time and clear sky only. The analysis involves a full network
of coordinated ground stations. The results are sparse and only available after a certain delay.
However, they are so accurate that they can be used for space geodesy applications.

Radio-positioning systems

These systems are specifically designed to support altimetry missions. They comprise radio links
between the satellite on the one hand, and ground transmitting and/or receiving stations on
the other. Positioning is performed in near real time and, with improved accuracy, after post-
processing. Two examples of such systems are:

(a) Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS), which

measures the Doppler shift of signals from ground stations;

(b) Precise Range and Range-rate Equipment (PRARE), which measures differential signals from
a network of ground stations.

GNSS receivers

These systems make use of the phase difference of signals from several satellites in the GNSS.
The GNSS includes the navigation satellite constellations of the United States of America (GPS),
the Russian Federation (GLONASS), the European Union (Galileo), and China (Compass, known
as Beidou in Chinese). A large number of satellites currently use GNSS receivers to support their
navigation. Positioning is performed in real time.

Star trackers

These are charge-coupled device imagers that track bright stars, recognize their pattern,
and send information to a satellites attitude control system. Star trackers provide continuous
monitoring of satellite attitude much more accurately than systems based on horizon-sensing.
This is necessary for instruments that require accurate pointing information (such as limb
sounders), both for active attitude control during flight and for subsequent instrument data
processing. An increasing number of satellites are now being equipped with star trackers. Orientation and stabilization

The orientation and stabilization systems are primary platform features that determine
instrument pointing capability.

The side of the platform on which the sensors are placed should ideally be kept facing the Earths
surface, unless the satellite mission has a different purpose (such as monitoring the Sun). Since
the platform tends to keep a steady orientation in relation to the stars during its orbital motion, a
stabilization mechanism is required.

The stabilization mechanism known as spinning is most straightforward, as it is passive and

inertial. The spin axis tends to have a constant orientation in relation to the stars, and therefore
does not fulfil the Earth orientation requirement. For GEO satellites, if the spin axis is set parallel
to the Earths rotational axis, the Earths surface is scanned for a small amount of time (about 5%
of the satellites orbiting time) during each satellite rotation. For low orbiters, the orientation
of the spin axis may be set specifically to enable instruments to be pointed towards the Earths
surface for a fraction of time. In any event, spin stabilization is only suitable when an instruments
radiometric budget is sufficient to carry out the measurements for which the instrument was
designed, in spite of the small fraction of useful observing time. In addition, spin stabilization can
only be implemented for one instrument, or very few instruments, on one platform.

Three-axis stabilization is much more suitable for maintaining a constant orientation towards
the Earth and also supports more instruments on one platform. This allows for active control of
the satellite attitude with respect to rotations around: the axis perpendicular to the orbital plane
(pitch), the axis tangent to instantaneous motion in orbit (roll), and the nadir direction (yaw).

Active control is critical, because it implies accurate attitude determination (by, for
example, horizon detection, star trackers or GNSS receivers) and efficient actuators (such
as micropropulsion devices, gyros, very fine-angle change detectors and efficient control
electronics). A loss of active control is among the primary causes of mission failure. Active control
may affect data quality because of limited accuracy, particularly in the case of high-resolution
instruments and high orbits (GEO), and mechanical perturbation of instrument pointing
associated with turning on the actuators.

In addition to the main orientation and stabilization systems (spinning and three-axis control),
smart attitude control systems are also in use, especially with small satellites. For instance, the
gravity-gradient system uses a long boom that tends to the nadir direction, and thus keeps one
side of the platform pointing towards the Earths surface.

A basic trade-off for satellite design lies between the capabilities that are implemented on
board and those that can be achieved on the ground if sufficient information regarding on-
board features is available. Hardware implementation on board may be expensive, prone to
irrecoverable failure, and provide limited performance. Therefore, it is advisable to reserve
hardware implementation to cases where it is absolutely indispensable and reasonably safe.
Moreover, the housekeeping system provides all the ancillary information necessary to accurately
process data on the ground.

The housekeeping system manages both the platform (deformations, temperature of radiant
surfaces, attitude, status of power generators and all other subsystems) and the instruments
(status and temperatures of the various parts, control signals for electronics, etc.). In general,
instrument housekeeping is at least partially implemented inside the instrument itself.

The amount and completeness of housekeeping constitutes a discriminating factor for the
class of a satellite. Operational satellites are equipped with plenty of housekeeping devices for
subsystem monitoring and the possible activation of recovery manoeuvres, such as by switching
to redundant units. Housekeeping information is also a basic element of accurate instrument
calibration and data georeferencing.

Notwithstanding the importance of a good housekeeping system, there are limitations to the
accuracy of what can be achieved by such software processing. The residual errors of software
corrections or reconstructions may exceed what is allowed by the application. Therefore, certain
corrections need to rely on on-board hardware. Data transmission

The platform must transmit to the ground the observation results from the various instruments.
Whatever the satellite height over the Earths surface, radio transmission to the Earth will have to
cross the ionosphere and plasmasphere, which block the propagation of electromagnetic waves
with frequencies lower than the critical plasma frequency (~25MHz). Direct visibility is needed
between the transmitters and the receivers both on the satellite and the ground station.

The simplest method of collecting observed data from a satellite is by direct broadcast in real
time. For a LEO satellite, a ground station will acquire all the data that a satellite transmits when
passing within the acquisition range. The size of the acquisition range is the same as a satellites
FOV for zenith angle =90 (in principle), or =85 (with a reduced risk of interferences from
ground sources or occlusion from orography). Table2.1 shows that, for a satellite height of
800km for instance, the acquisition range is a circle with a diameter of 5000km (for =85 or

Where the satellite velocity is in the region of 400km/min and the satellite pass is centred over
the acquisition station, the acquisition session lasts 15min at most, and is reduced to a few
minutes for peripheral passes.

This type of acquisition is the most convenient because it provides the observed data to the user
in real time for immediate processing. However, only data observed and transmitted during the
satellite pass inside the acquisition range can be acquired by the local receiving station. For GEO,
direct broadcast can be continuously received by a station located within the FOV.

An alternative way for a LEO satellite to receive data is to store the observed data on board and
transmit them on command, when the satellite overflies a central acquisition station. The central
station, also used to send commands to the satellite, has the same acquisition range as any local
station; if it is placed at a high latitude, it can collect data from many orbits. Table2.4 shows that
most Sun-synchronous orbits pass less than 10 from the pole, so that a central station placed
at a latitude of, for instance, 80 will intercept all orbits and provide global data acquisition. The
store-and-dump acquisition method has the advantage of enabling data recovery for the whole
globe, but also has several drawbacks:

(a) Access to data is slower, since the delay includes the time needed to: run the whole orbit
(up to 100min), receive at the central station (about 10min), relay to the central processing
facility (about 10min) and redistribute to the users (about 10min). The total delay in the
availability of data is therefore 23h.

(b) The satellite has to transmit the data accumulated in one orbit (about 100min) during the
time it spends within the acquisition range of the central station (about 10min). Therefore
data rate and bandwidth need to be one order of magnitude higher than for direct read-
out, which heavily impacts on the cost, size and complexity of the station. This acquisition
mode is suitable for a satellite operator but generally not suitable for an individual user.

(c) There are instruments with data rates so high that they cannot be fully stored on board:
selection of data to be stored may be needed, either by reducing the resolution or by
prior selection of frames (e.g. the local area coverage (LAC) mode of NOAA Polar-orbiting
Operational Environmental Satellites (POES)).

If not acquired locally in real time, the data gathered in a central processing facility need to
be retransmitted to the users, generally after preprocessing. In the case of GEO satellites, a
transponder on the same satellite can be used for data retransmission to local user stations.

For LEO satellites, between the two extreme cases (direct read-out providing data over a limited
area in real time, or store-and-dump of global data with 23hours delay), there are alternative or
complementary data recovery schemes, which can use:

(a) Several downlink stations spread over the globe, including, for instance, one near each
polar region; this reduces the length of time that data need to be stored on board the

(b) A network of direct read-out stations spread over the globe; each one acquires data on
limited areas and retransmits them to data centres; this reduces the delay in the availability
of data to a few tens of minutes, but does not necessarily achieve global coverage; or

(c) A data relay satellite that receives data in real time from observing platforms and relays
them to a central processing facility; this reduces the delay in the availability of data to a few

Data recovery timeliness is a critical issue for operational satellites; that is particularly the case
for meteorology, because of the coexisting requirements for timeliness and global coverage.
For research and development applications, the timeliness requirement is less stringent, and
the store-and-dump method tends to be used in conjunction with an effective archiving and
retrieving facility, which provides advanced data stewardship. Data relay services

In addition to providing Earth observation data from a platform in orbit, satellites can support
other services, and so act as a telecommunications relay. The most common forms of such relays

(a) Data collection from in situ platforms located on the ground, on aircraft, on balloons,
on buoys, on ships and even on migrating animals. The data collection platform (DCP)
may transmit all the time, at fixed intervals, or upon interrogation from the satellite.
Mobileplatforms may be located from the satellite if in LEO. GEO satellites serve either
DCPs within their line of sight (regional) or DCPs carried on mobile platforms (ships,
aircraft, etc.) that migrate among the views of different GEO satellites (international).

(b) Search and rescue distress signals are detected from small pieces of transmitting equipment
carried by those in distress. The request for help is then relayed to one of the centres
of a worldwide search and rescue network. Search and rescue missions are conducted

cooperatively by several operational meteorological satellites in LEO and GEO. The service
from LEO is called the Search and Rescue Satellite-aided Tracking System (SARSAT), while
the GEO-based service is known as Geostationary Search and Rescue (GEOSAR).

(c) Relay of meteorological information from meteorological centres to end users as a

broadcast, or to selected centres within view of a GEO satellite. The central facility of the
system may perform the uplink or delegate it to auxiliary stations close to the information
production centre that are equipped to uplink the satellite.

2.3.2 Ground segment

The ground segment of a satellite system includes:

(a) The central station for satellite command and global data acquisition;

(b) Peripheral stations for data acquisition;

(c) Mission and operation control centres;

(d) Data processing and archiving centres;

(e) Data and product distribution systems. Central station for satellite command and global data acquisition

This element of the ground segment may be generically termed the command and data
acquisition station (CDA). Typical tasks of a CDA are:

(a) To collect command sequences from the mission and operation control centre and uplink
commands to the satellite (for payload configuration, satellite configuration, orbit control,

(b) To acquire satellite telemetry data (for attitude and orbit determination, satellite and
payload status, etc.) and immediately deliver it to the mission and operation control

(c) To acquire geophysical and ancillary data (housekeeping, calibration, etc.) and deliver it to
the data processing and archiving centres;

(d) To index the acquired data streams with accurate time and orbital elements.

It is possible to have only one CDA for geostationary satellites. For near-polar satellite systems,
it is possible to avoid blind orbits by placing the CDA at a very high latitude (such as Svalbard at
78N). In order to improve the timeliness of the availability of observed data, auxiliary stations
may be used (such as an Antarctic station). For low-inclination orbits, a network of CDAs is
necessary, with one acting as the main CDA.

CDAs use S-band frequencies (about 2100MHz) to command the satellite. S band is nearly
insensitive to weather and less critical to pointing accuracy. For geophysical data acquisition,
theLband is used (about 1700MHz) if the data rate is below 10Mbps; otherwise either the
Xband is used (about 8GHz) for data rates of up to some 100Mbps; or the Ka band (about
26GHz) is used for data rates of several hundreds of Mbps.
854 PART III. SPACE-BASED OBSERVATIONS Mission and operation control centres

These elements may be generically termed the operation control centre (OCC). Their tasks are:

(a) To collect information on satellite, payload, and orbit status from the CDA and (in the case
of the orbit only) from other ranging stations;

(b) To collect requirements for elements including payload configuration and measurement
sequence planning from data processing and archiving centres, and from other users
entitled to input requirements into the mission plan;

(c) To analyse the information on satellite, payload, and orbit status, and on payload or mission
configuration requirements; to generate instrument performance monitoring reports; to
elaborate the operations plan and deliver commands to the CDA for uplinking the satellite;

(d) To provide data processing and archiving centres with ancillary information, which is
relevant for data processing and results from activities relating to operations, payload or
mission control (including accurate orbit determination, satellite attitude behaviour and
payload status).

Mission control centres are closely connected with users, application centres and scientific teams.
OCCs are closely connected with CDAs and the units responsible for satellite development.
OCCs also have full knowledge of satellite design features. The two centres are often co-located,
although this is not compulsory, and should preferably be secured by a back-up centre. Data processing and archiving centres

These elements are responsible for:

(a) Acquiring geophysical, calibration and selected auxiliary data from CDAs;

(b) Acquiring auxiliary data on orbit, satellite and payload from OCCs;

(c) Monitoring instrument calibration and performing inter-calibration as appropriate;

(d) Generating and controlling the quality of various products;

(e) Archiving all products;

(f) Distributing a selection of products;

(g) Analysing mission status, payload status and requirements for mission planning;

(h) Delivering requirements for payload and mission control to OCCs.

Core products are normally generated by the satellite operator at a central facility. External
specialized centres may supplement those by processing other specific products.

Satellite data archiving requires the maintenance of high levels of hardware availability for data
ingest and storage, as well as discovery and retrieval services, with provision for long-term
data preservation over decades. Data must be associated with metadata that contain all the
information necessary to use and evaluate the data. Comprehensive, standardized metadata, and
standardized globally interoperable catalogue systems enable data discovery to be extended to a
worldwide scale within the WMO Information System.

Depending on data volumes and timeliness requirements, several methods of accessing data and
products are available:

(a) Direct read-out from the satellite (when available; particularly prevalent among LEO
satellites). This provides the best timeliness but presupposes the capability to receive raw
data on an appropriate receiving station and to preprocess that data with an adequate
software package.

(b) Near-real-time satellite retransmission of data after on-ground preprocessing or full

processing. For GEO satellites, retransmission may be performed through the same satellite.
Currently, retransmission is best achieved via commercial telecommunications satellite
channels, such as the GEONETCast system, which consists of three coordinated services:
EUMETCast (of the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites),
CMACast (of the China Meteorological Administration), and GEONETCast-Americas (of
NOAA). Using this approach, onward dissemination services can be optimized within
the ground segment, while taking into account the various missions and product sources
available independently of the design constraints of any particular satellite.

(c) Near-real-time retransmission of data via specialized networks such as the WMO Global
Telecommunication System.

(d) Active FTP retrieval from data centres for off-line data, specifically from archives.

Data and product distribution may be subject to conditions, depending on the status and data
policy of the space agency running the programme (operational, research and development,
commercial) and what the programme will be used for. Access to data retransmission services is
generally controlled by encryption and subject to registration, even if no charges are levied. User receiving stations

User stations are installed to make use of real-time or near-real-time data transmission from the
satellite. Depending on the satellite access modality and the user requirement, there may be:

(a) High-data-rate acquisition stations for full reception of the data available either by open
access or by agreement with the satellite owner;

(b) Low-data-rate acquisition stations for a data selection of either reduced volume or quality;

(c) Receiving terminals of commercial telecommunication satellites used for data dissemination
after preprocessing or processing in the data-processing and archiving centre.

Frequencies used by the high-data-rate acquisition stations are in the L band (about 1700MHz)
if the data rate is below approximately 5Mbps; otherwise the X band (about 8GHz) is used
for data rates of up to approximately 100Mbps. The low-data-rate acquisition stations make
use of relatively low frequencies (L band: about 1700MHz for GEO, and very high frequency
(VHF): about 137MHz for LEO) that can be used on mobile stations, such as ships. Commercial
telecommunication satellite terminals use Ku band (about 11GHz) or C band (about 3.8GHz). Product processing levels

Satellite observations are retrieved from the raw data acquired from the instruments though a
processing chain. Different processing levels are usually referred to, the detailed definitions of
which depend on the instrument in question. Table2.11 provides a generic description of these
processing levels.

Table 2.11. Generic description of processing levels (to be adapted to each instrument)

Level Description
Instrument and auxiliary data reconstructed from satellite raw data after removing
communications artefacts.
Instrument data 1a (for LEO) or 1.0 (for GEO): calibration and geolocation attached but
extracted, at full not applied.
1 original resolution, 1b (for LEO) or 1.5 (for GEO): calibration and geolocation applied.
with geolocation and
calibration information. 1c, 1d, etc: optional for specific instruments.
2 Geophysical product retrieved from a single instrument in the original projection.
Geophysical product retrieved from a single instrument, mapped on uniform space and time grid
3 scales, possibly on a multi-orbital (for LEO) or multi-temporal (for GEO) basis. Irreversible process
due to resampling.
4 Composite multi-sensor and/or multi-satellite products; or result of model analysis.

Level 0 data are processed from the raw data stream by removing communication artefacts (such
as synchronization frames and communication headers) and appending all necessary auxiliary
data, including housekeeping and station-added information on timing and tracking. Level0
data should be archived permanently to enable reprocessing with an updated instrument model
(such as improved calibration or georeferencing).

Level 1a or 1.0 data consist of instrument files (counts) in the original instrument projection,
with an appended (but not applied) deformation matrix or algorithm for georeferencing and
calibration coefficients. The process from Level0 to Level1a/1.0 is fully reversible. Level1a/1.0
data are normally permanently archived, although in principle they could be reproduced if
Level0 data have been archived.

Level 1b or 1.5 data consist of calibrated, co-registered and geolocated data in physical units
(generally radiances), still in the original instrument projection. The process from Level1a/1.0
to Level1b/1.5 is not reversible because of truncation, discretization and resampling operations.
Although Level1b/1.5 may in any case be reprocessed from Level1a/1.0 or Level0, the
processing effort is such that, in general, Level1b/1.5 data are permanently archived.

Level 1c data are processed from the Level1b data of certain instruments in order to enable end
users to make use of that data. The process may be fully reversible (for example, spectra from
interferograms by Fourier transform) but equally may not be (such as with apodized spectra). In
general, these data are permanently archived. For certain instruments, further Level1 steps (1d,
1e, etc.) may be defined (the addition of a cloud flag, for instance).

Level 0 and Level 1 processing is performed by the satellite operator. Where there is a
direct readout, the satellite operator generally ensures the availability of Level0 and Level1
preprocessing software to local data users.

Level 2 products are generated from Level1 data by applying algorithms that make limited use of
external information. Data quality information is appended. These products are generated in the
original instrument projection and tend to be permanently archived.

Level 3 products are generated by compositing a sequence of Level2 products from successive
orbits (with LEO) or at successive times (with GEO). Possible gaps in the sequence may be filled
by interpolation. Due to the resampling operations implied by mapping on uniform space
and time grids, Level3 is an irreversible process. Products are generated offline by the satellite
operators or by end users; they tend to be permanently archived.

Level 4 products are generated by blending data from different instruments on the same or
different satellites, either with other data sources, or by assimilation in a model. In Level4
products, the contribution of a specific satellite instrument may be hardly recognizable.

CHAPTER 3. REMOTE-SENSING INSTRUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  859

3.1 Instrument basic characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  859
3.1.1 Scanning, swath and observing cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  859
3.1.2 Spectral range: radiometers and spectrometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  862
3.1.3 Spatial resolution (instantaneous field of view, pixel, and the
modulation transfer function). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  864
3.1.4 Radiometric resolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  866
3.2 Instrument classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  868
3.2.1 Moderate-resolution optical imager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  869
3.2.2 High-resolution optical imager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  874
3.2.3 Cross-nadir scanning short-wave sounder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  877
3.2.4 Cross-nadir scanning infrared sounder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  879
3.2.5 Microwave radiometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  881
3.2.6 Limb sounders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  885
3.2.7 Global navigation satellite system radio-occultation sounders. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  888
3.2.8 Broadband radiometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  890
3.2.9 Solar irradiance monitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  891
3.2.10 Lightning imagers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  892
3.2.11 Cloud radar and precipitation radar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  893
3.2.12 Radar scatterometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  895
3.2.13 Radar altimeters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  896
3.2.14 Imaging radar (synthetic aperture radar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  898
3.2.15 Lidar-based instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  900
3.2.16 Gradiometers/accelerometers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  902
3.2.17 Solar activity monitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  903
3.2.18 Space environment monitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  904
3.2.19 Magnetometers and electric field sensors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  904

This chapter provides an overview of basic instrument concepts. It introduces the high-level
technical features of representative types of Earth observation instruments.


A large variety of instruments and sensing principles are used in Earth observation. The key
instrument features introduced here are:

(a) Scanning, swath and observing cycle;

(b) Spectral range and resolution;

(c) Spatial resolution (IFOV, pixel, MTF);

(d) Radiometric resolution.

3.1.1 Scanning, swath and observing cycle

The most characteristic feature of an instrument is the way in which it scans the scene to acquire
the necessary observations. That depends on the type of orbit (low Earth orbit or geostationary
Earth orbit), on the platform attitude control (spinning, three-axis stabilized), and sometimes on
the specific type of measurement being taken. Only the most common scanning techniques will
be described in this chapter.

A driving requirement for scanning is whether the scene should be observed with continuity
(imagery) or can be sampled (sounding). A similar scanning mode may be used in both cases.
However, imagery requires continuous scene coverage, while sounding can accommodate
sampling with gaps.

In low Earth orbit (LEO) spacecraft, a 2D Earth scene scanning can use satellite motion for
an along-track dimension. A cross-track scan can then be provided by a rotating scan mirror
(Figure3.1). Rotation speed is synchronized with satellite motion so that the cross-track image
lines come out contiguously.

In-flight calibration
(reference black body)

Scan mirror Relay mirrors



Cooling patch

Secondary Primary
mirror mirror

Figure 3.1. Typical scheme of a scanning radiometer in LEO


Figure 3.2. Schematic scanning from a spin-stabilized GEO

In the case of geostationary Earth orbit (GEO), there is no satellite motion with respect to
the Earths surface. The two scanning dimensions must therefore be generated either by the
instrument or by satellite rotation. In Figure3.2, it is assumed that the satellite is spin-stabilized:
the westeast scan is provided by the satellite rotation, while the northsouth scan is obtained by
a step motor. For a three-axis stabilized platform, the instrument must generate both westeast
and northsouth scans.

The advent of array detectors has led to additional scanning possibilities. With LEO, a linear array
can be placed orthogonally to the satellite track, and can scan the scene without any mechanical
movement (pushbroom scanning). Under another scheme, the linear array can be placed parallel
to the track; cross-track mechanical scanning will then scan several lines in parallel (whiskbroom
scanning). With GEO, whiskbroom scanning is now the rule. For instance, SEVIRI on Meteosat
Second Generation scans three lines in parallel for the infrared (IR) channels, and nine lines for
the high-resolution visible spectrum (VIS) channel.

A very convenient scanning mechanism for polarization-sensitive measurements is conical

scanning (Figure3.3). In this geometry, the incidence angle is constant. Therefore the effect of
polarization does not change along the scan line (an arc). By contrast, the incidence angle for
cross-track scanning changes along the scan line, when moving from the nadir to the image
edge. This invariance of the polarization effect across the image is very important for microwave
(MW) measurement in window channels, where radiation reflected from elements such as the
sea surface is strongly polarized. The measurement of the differential polarization constitutes
important information that would be very difficult to use if the incidence angle changed across
the scene. Another interesting feature of conical scanning is that the resolution remains constant
across the whole image.

A disadvantage of conical scanning is that, with the selected incidence angle, the field of view
does not normally reach the horizon. For example, the swath from an 800km orbital height
is ~1600km for a typical zenith angle of 53, which is optimal for enhancing differential
polarization information in MW. By contrast, the swath for a cross-track scanning instrument is
close to 3000km, assuming a 70 zenith angle range, as shown in PartIII, Chapter2, Table2.1.

The swath is an important feature of an instrument in LEO since it determines the observing
cycle. PartIII, Chapter2, Table2.2 outlines that, for a Sun-synchronous orbit at 800km,
one instrument with a swath of at least 2800km provides one global coverage per day for

Satellite orbit

Flight Aft view


Fore view

Sub-satellite View from the top

point Aft view

Swath width direction

Fore view

Figure 3.3. Geometry of conical scanning

measurements operated in daytime only (e.g. short-wave (SW) sensors), or two global coverages
per day for measurements operated day and night (e.g. IR or MW sensors). MW conical scanning
instruments generally provide one global coverage per day.

Estimating the observing cycle

The order of magnitude of the observing cycle (t, in days) for a given swath can be estimated
by a simple calculation. Considering the Equators length (~40000km), the number of orbits
per day (~14.2) and assuming that there is no significant overlap between adjacent swaths at the
Equator, the calculation is as follows:

(a) For day and night sensors (IR or MW) operating on both ascending and descending passes:
t=1400/swath (e.g. for a MW conical scanner with 1400km swath: t=1day);

(b) For daytime only sensors (SW) operating on only one pass per orbital period:
t=2800/swath (e.g. for VIS land observation with 180km swath: t=16days).

The concept of swath is not applicable for instruments with no cross-track scanning, such as
altimeters or cloud radars. Where that is the case, the cross-track sampling interval x at the
Equator replaces swath in the relationship above. It is also useful to estimate the global average
of this sampling interval. The interval is given by a slightly different relationship because of
shorter orbit spacing at higher latitudes:

(a) At an average cross-track sampling interval x, the typical time needed for global coverage

(i) t=900/x for day and night sensors (e.g. the Environmental Satellite (Envisat) Radar
Altimeter 2 (RA2): x=26km, t=35days);

(ii) t=1 800/x for daytime only (e.g. the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV) instrument: x=170km,

(b) Reciprocally, in a time interval t (e.g. the orbit repeat cycle or a main sub-cycle) the
average cross-track sampling interval obtained is:

(i) x=900/t for day and night sensors (e.g. the Joint Altimetry Satellite Oceanography
Network (JASON) altimeter: t=10days, x=90km);

(ii) x=1800/t for daytime only (e.g. NOAA SBUV: t=5days, x=360km).

Limb sounders are generally considered as non-scanning instruments in the cross-track direction.
Assuming a cross-track sampling interval x=300km which is equal to the horizontal resolution
of the measurements, the relationships above yield the following observing cycles:

(a) t 3 days for day and night sensors (e.g. MIPAS on Envisat: 3days=1orbit sub-cycle);

(b) t 6 days for daytime sensors (e.g. SCIAMACHYlimb on Envisat: 6days=2orbit


For instruments providing sparse but well-distributed observations, the coverage cycle or the
average sampling can be estimated by comparing the number of events and their resolution with
the Earths surface to be covered. In the example of radio occultation using GPS and GLONASS,
each satellite is able to provide about 1000observations per day, with a typical measurement
resolution of 300km for a total Earths surface of 510millionkm2. Therefore:

(a) Time required with one satellite providing 1000 observations/day:


(b) Number of satellites required for an observing cycle t: N=5.7/t (e.g. for t=0.5days,
the number of satellites is close to 12).

Sun-, moon- or star-occultation instruments are an extreme case. Sun or moon occultation
provides very few measurements per day, and only at the high altitudes of the day/night
terminator in the case of the Sun, or at somewhat lower latitudes for the moon. Star occultation
may provide several tens of measurements per day (e.g. 40 for the Envisat Global Ozone
Monitoring by Occultation of Stars (GOMOS)), evenly distributed by latitude.

3.1.2 Spectral range: radiometers and spectrometers

Another major characteristic feature of an instrument is the spectral range over which it operates.
As discussed in PartIII, Chapter2, 2.2, the spectral range determines which of the bodys
properties can be observed including reflectance, temperature and dielectric properties. Within
the spectral range, there may be window regions and absorption bands, which mainly address
condensed or gaseous bodies, respectively.

A spectral range may be more or less narrow, depending on the effects to be enhanced, or on
the disrupting factors that need to be eliminated. The sub-divisions of a band or a window
covered by an instrument are called channels. The number of channels depends on the number
of pieces of independent information which have to be extracted from one band. If a limited
number of well-separated channels are sufficient for the purpose, the instrument may only
include those channels, and it is called a radiometer. If the information content rapidly changes
with the frequency along the spectral range to the extent that channels must be contiguous, the
instrument is called a spectrometer.

The technique adopted for channel separation, or for spectrometer subrange separation, is a
major characteristic of the instrument. There are essentially two possible ways to physically
separate two channels towards individual detectors (or detector arrays) and associated filter
systems. First, the beam could be focused on a field stop and split into two bands by a dichroic
mirror. The advantage is that co-registration is ensured, as the two channels look at the same
field of view (which could comprise an array of instantaneous fields of view (IFOVs)). However,
if the two wavelengths are too close to each other (e.g. a split window), a dichroic mirror cannot

7.3 m

13.4 m

Front-end optics with field stop

6.2 m

9.7 m

8.7 m
12.0 m
3.8 m

10.8 m

Figure 3.4. Channel separation scheme in SEVIRI on Meteosat Second Generation

separate them sharply enough. The second solution is to let the full beam produce the image
in the focal plane and set detectors (or detector arrays) with different filters (thus identifying
different channels) in different parts of the focal plane (in-field separation). It is a much simpler
solution, but as each channel looks at a different IFOV, co-registration problems can occur.
Combined solutions are possible: Figure3.4 illustrates the solution implemented in the Meteosat
Second Generation SEVIRI to separate the eight IR channels. Each channel is viewed by three
detectors. Current detector arrays are much larger than they have been in the past, which makes
in-field separation more convenient.

Spectrometers provide continuous spectral sampling within the spectral range or in a number
of spectral subranges. (These subranges are sometimes called channels and should not be
confused with the channels of a radiometer). There are several types of spectrometer, the
simplest of which is the prism. Others include grating spectrometers and interferometers; the
most common interferometers are the Michelson and the Fabry-Prot. Figure3.5 shows the
scheme of a Michelson interferometer.

Fixed mirror

Input port 1 splitter

Output port 1

Input port 2 Output port 2


Figure 3.5.Scheme of a Michelson interferometer emphasizing

the two input and output ports

The spectral resolution of a spectrometer is an important feature. The resolution of a Michelson

interferometer is determined by the maximum length of the optical path difference (OPD)
between the rays reflected by the fixed and moving mirrors. Referring to the unapodized
resolution, the formula is:
= 1 OPD max (3.1)
For example, in IASI, an instrument mounted on the Meteorological Operational (Metop)
satellite, the excursion of the moving mirror is 2cm. Therefore, OPDmax=4cm and
=0.25cm1. If fine analysis of the spectrum is needed (for instance, to detect trace gas lines),
apodization that implies a factor ~2 is required. The apodized resolution is therefore

For a grating spectrometer, the resolution is determined by the number of grooves, N, and the
chosen order of diffraction, m. The resolving power / is given by:
= m N (3.2)
For a Michelson interferometer, the spectral resolution is constant with a variable wavelength.
For a grating spectrometer, however, it is the resolving power that is constant, and the spectral
resolution that changes with wavelength. If a grating spectrometer is to cover a wide spectral
range, that range should be subdivided into subranges that use different orders of diffraction, m.
Resolving power may thus change based on subrange.

For a radiometer, the number of channels and their bandwidths play an equivalent role to
spectral resolution for a spectrometer.

3.1.3 Spatial resolution (instantaneous field of view, pixel, and the modulation
transfer function)

Colloquially, spatial resolution means the association of different features.

The IFOV is probably the closest to what is commonly meant by resolution. In optical instruments
(i.e. SW and IR instruments), it is determined by the beamwidth of the optics and the size of the
detector. In MW it is determined by the size of the antenna.

In optical systems, the size of the IFOV is designed primarily on the basis of energy considerations
(see section3.1.4). The IFOV may be determined by the shape of the detector; and although
that may be square, the contour of an IFOV is not unduly sharp. In fact, the image of a point is
a diffraction figure called point spread function (Figure3.6). The IFOV is the convolution of the
point spread function and the spatial response of the detector.

Figure3.6. Shape of the point spread function


The energy entering the detector is also determined by the integration time between successive
signal readings. During image scanning, the position of the line of sight will change by an
amount called sampling distance. When plotted in a rasterized 2D pattern, a pixel (picture
element) appears as a series of rectangular elements. In the xdirection, they correspond to
the sampling distance and in the ydirection, to the satellite motion during the time distance
from one line to the next (or the step motion in the northsouth direction from GEO). The pixel
is often confused with the resolution. That is because users can directly perceive the size of
the picture element, whereas the IFOV is an engineering parameter that the user cannot see.
Nevertheless, it is wrong to think that resolution can be improved by reducing the integration
time, since the integration time must be suitable to ensure an appropriate radiometric accuracy
(see section3.1.4).

There is a balance between the size of the IFOV and the size of the pixel. When using a perfect
imager, sampling is performed so that the sampling distance is equal to the IFOV size. That
means that the IFOVs are continuous and contiguous across the image. Otherwise the image may
be oversampled (pixel<IFOV, i.e. there is overlap between successive IFOVs) or undersampled
(pixel>IFOV, i.e. there are gaps between successive IFOVs). Oversampling is useful to reduce
aliasing effects (undue enhancement of high spatial frequencies because of reflection from the
border). Undersampling may be necessary when more energy must be collected in order to
ensure the required radiometric accuracy. Examples of relationships between IFOV and pixel are:

(a) AVHRR IFOV: 1.1km; pixel: 1.1km along-track, 0.80km along-scan (oversampled);

(b) SEVIRI IFOV: 4.8km; pixel: 3.0km across-scan and along-scan (oversampled).

The modulation transfer function (MTF) is closely linked to the concept of IFOV and pixel. It is
even more directly linked to the size L of an instruments primary optics. The MTF represents
the capability of the instrument to correctly manage the response to amplitude variation at
the scene. It is the ratio between the observed amplitude, and the true signal amplitude from
the scene, figured as sinusoidal. The observed amplitude is damped due to factors such as the
diffraction from the optical aperture, the window introduced by the detector and smearing
from integrating electronics. The effect of integrating the radiation over the (squared) detector
introduces a contribution to the MTF:

( )
MTFwindow ( f ) = sinc( IFOV f ), with f = 1 ( 2 x ) km 1 and sinc y =
sin y

This shows that, for x=IFOV, MTF=sinc (/2)=2/. Therefore, even for a perfect imager,
MTF is lower than unity. The value 2/0.64 corresponds to the area of a half sinusoid inscribed
in a square. The concept of MTF must be seen as closely associated with radiometric accuracy: it
specifies at which spatial wavelength two features are actually resolved if their radiation differs
by just the detectable minimum. Two features whose radiation differs by substantially more than
the detectable minimum can be resolved, even if they are substantially smaller. However, if they
are as small as IFOV/2, then MTF=0, and they can in no way be resolved (f=1/IFOV is called the
cut-off frequency).

It is interesting to note how MTFwindow changes at different spatial wavelengths measured in terms
of IFOV (where spatial wavelength is 2x). Table3.1 can be derived from equation3.3:

Table 3.1. Variation of the MTFwindow function of the ratio x/IFOV

x/IFOV 1/2 2/3 1 2 3 4 5 6

MTFwindow 0 0.30 0.64 0.90 0.95 0.97 0.98 0.99

This shows that features as small as two thirds of the IFOV can be resolved, but only if their
radiances differ by more than three times the detectable minimum. It also shows that features
twice as large as the IFOV can be resolved if their radiance difference exceeds the minimum by

The other major contribution to the MTF is diffraction. The relation is:

2 1 f f f
MTFdiffraction = cos ( ) 1 ( )2 (3.4)
fd fd f d
where f = 1/(2 H) (with H=satellite height); =angular resolution (i.e. IFOV/H); fd=L/(H);
L=aperture of the primary optics; and thus f/fd=/(2L).

Diffraction is dominant when the wavelength is relatively large (as with microwaves), when the
optics aperture is relatively small, or when the satellite altitude is relatively large (as with GEO).
The value MTFdiffraction=0.5 occurs for f/fd=0.404, that is:

= 1.24 (3.5)
which is the classical law of diffraction.

In summary, what is commonly meant by the term resolution involves at least three
parameters. Although they should be considered in context, each one is more closely associated
with a different perception:

(a) IFOV: not visible to the user; controls the radiometric budget of the image;

(b) Pixel: provides direct perception of the degree of detail in the image;

(c) MTF: by monitoring the amplitude restitution, provides the perception of contrast.

3.1.4 Radiometric resolution

Although scarcely visible to the user, radiometric resolution is a defining element of instrument
design. Scanning mechanisms, spectral resolution, spatial resolution, integration time and optics
apertures are all designed to fulfil radiometric resolution requirements. Radiometric resolution
is the minimum radiance difference necessary to distinguish two objects in two adjacent IFOVs.
The observed difference is a combination of the true radiance difference between two bodies
(signal) and the difference observed even when the contents of the IFOVs are identical (noise).
The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is one way of expressing radiometric resolution.

Noise is a function of several factors, as set out in the radiometric performance formula:
NESR = (3.6)
D * t
NESR=noise equivalent spectral radiance (unit: Wm2sr 1[cm1]1, i.e. per unit of wave number);
F=f/L, F-number (f=system focal length, L=telescope aperture);
D*=detectivity (strongly depending on );
=spectral resolution (expressed in terms of wave number =1/);
=instrument transmissivity;
t=integration time;
=system throughput, given by the product of (L2/4) by (IFOV2/H2); where:
L2/4=areal aperture of the telescope;
H=satellite altitude;
IFOV2/H2=solid angle subtended by the IFOV.

In general, when defining I()=spectral radiance at instrument input (unit: Wm2sr 1[cm1]1),
this leads to:
SNR = I ( ) NESR (3.7)

For SW, the input radiance is the solar spectral radiance corrected for the incidence angle
and reflected according to body reflectivity (or albedo, if the body can be approximated as a
Lambertian diffuser). Equations3.6 and 3.7 lead to:
L (at a specific input radiance I ( ) or albedo ) (3.8)
That relationship explicitly links user-oriented parameters such as SNR, spectral resolution ,
IFOV and integration time t to the size of the primary optics L.

In the case of narrowband IR channels, radiometric resolution is usually quoted as:

NET = (3.9)
dB / dT
where B=Planck function, and NET=noise equivalent differential temperature at a specific
temperature T.

With NET, the performance formula3.6 can be rewritten as follows:

4H F
NET IFOV t = (3.10)
dB / dT L D *
The left-hand side of formula 3.10 shows user-oriented parameters (radiometric, spectral,
horizontal and time resolutions), while the right-hand side shows instrument sizing parameters
(Fnumber, optics aperture, detectivity and transmissivity). This formula is not valid in all
circumstances, but is instructive for a rough analysis in many instances. Cases where the formula
is not valid mainly occur when the detector itself constitutes the dominant noise source, or when
the detector response time is not short enough in comparison with the available integration
time. This is normally the case in the far infrared (FIR) range. But it may also be the case with
shorter wavelengths if, for instance, microbolometers or thermal detectors are used in order to
operate at room temperature. In other words, D*, which obviously depends on , may be heavily
dependent on the available integration time.

In the case of broadband channels, the concept of NESR, as expressed in equation3.6, must be
redefined in terms of integrated noise over the full spectral range of each channel. In that case, it
is also possible to obtain a relationship similar to formula3.10:
NE R IFOV t (3.11)
where NER=noise equivalent differential radiance (unit: Wm2sr 1).

The situation is different in the microwave range for two reasons. First, the need to limit the
antenna size means that diffraction law establishes a link between the IFOV and the optics
aperture L:
1.24 H c
IFOV = (3.12)
L *
where *=frequency=c/; and c=speed of light.

Thus, there is less latitude for trade-off parameters. Second, the detection mechanism is based
on comparing the scene temperature with the "system temperature", which increases with the
bandwidth. The final outcome is that the equivalent of equations3.8, 3.10 and 3.11 in the MW
range is:

NET * t = Tsys (3.13)

where Tsys=system temperature.

The system temperature depends on many technological factors, and increases sharply as
frequency increases. On the one hand, equation3.13 shows that, in the case of MW, radiometric
resolution can only marginally be improved by increasing bandwidth and integration time,
since the benefit only grows with the square root. On the other hand, because of the diffraction-

limited regime, the usual way to increase SNR by increasing optics aperture is not applicable.
That is because, if the antenna diameter is increased, the IFOV is reduced commensurately (see

This short review highlights the direct impact of user and mission requirements on instrument
sizing. In addition, it shows how important it is to formulate requirements in a way that leaves
room for optimization, without necessarily compromising the overall required performance. For
instance with reference to equation3.10, it is possible to draw a number of conclusions.

(a) For a given set of instrument parameters (L, F, and D*), some user-driven parameters
(NET, , IFOV and t) can be enhanced at the expense of others. In certain cases, this can
be done at the software level during data processing on the ground. However, if all user
requirements become more demanding and no compromises are made, a larger instrument
will be necessary.

(b) The effect of NET, and IFOV on instrument size is linear in relation to the optics
diameter L. The effect of t (the integration time, driven by the requirement to cover a given
area in a given time) is damped by the square root. Therefore, requirements for increased
coverage and/or more frequent observation have a lesser impact than requirements for
improved spatial, spectral and radiometric resolution.

(c) Increasing the optics aperture L has a significant impact on instrument size. Since it is very
difficult to implement optical systems with Fnumber=f/L<1, an increase in L implies an
increased focal length, and therefore a volumetric growth of overall instrument optics.
For example, a reduction in the IFOV from three to two kilometres would double the
instrument mass.


In this section, Earth observation instruments are classified according to their main technical
features. The following instrument types are considered:

(a) Moderate-resolution optical imager

(b) High-resolution optical imager

(c) Cross-nadir scanning short-wave sounder

(d) Cross-nadir scanning infrared sounder

(e) Microwave-imaging radiometer or microwave-sounding radiometer

(f) Limb sounder

(g) Global navigation satellite system radio-occultation sounder

(h) Broadband radiometer

(i) Solar irradiance monitor

(j) Lightning imager

(k) Cloud radar and precipitation radar

(l) Radar scatterometer

(m) Radar altimeter


(n) Imaging radar (synthetic aperture radar)

(o) Space lidar

(p) Gravity sensor

(q) Solar activity, solar wind or deep space monitor

(r) Space environment monitor

(s) Magnetosphere or ionosphere sounder

Most instrument types are subdivided into more detailed categories. Examples are provided to
illustrate how instrumental features can be suited to particular applications. A comprehensive
list of satellite Earth observation instruments, with their detailed descriptions, is available
through the WMO online database of space-based capabilities, available from the WMO Space
Programme website.

3.2.1 Moderate-resolution optical imager

This instrument has the following main characteristics:

(a) Operates in the VIS, near infrared (NIR), short-wave infrared (SWIR), medium-wave infrared
(MWIR) and thermal infrared (TIR) bands (i.e. from 0.4 to 15m);

(b) Discrete channels, from a few to several tens, separated by dichroics, filters or
spectrometers, with bandwidths from ~10nm to ~1m;

(c) Imaging capability: continuous and contiguous sampling, with spatial resolution in the
order of one kilometre, covering a swath of several hundred to a few thousand kilometres;

(d) Scanning: generally cross-track, but sometimes multiangle, and sometimes under several

(e) Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Depending on the spectral bands, number and bandwidth of channels, and radiometric
resolution, the application fields may include:

(a) Multi-purpose VIS/IR imagery for cloud analysis, aerosol load, sea-surface temperature, sea-
ice cover, land-surface radiative parameters, vegetation indexes, fires, and snow cover. The
extent of the spectral range is a critical instrument feature;

(b) Ocean-colour imagery, aerosol observation and vegetation classification. The number of
channels with narrow bandwidth in VIS and NIR is a critical instrument feature;

(c) Imagery with special viewing geometry, for the best observation of aerosol and cirrus,
accurate sea-surface temperature, land-surface radiative parameters including bidirectional
reflectance distribution function. The critical instrument features are the number of viewing
angles and, when available, polarizations.

Tables3.23.6 describe three examples of multi-purpose VIS/IR imagers (AVHRR/3 in LEO,

MODIS in LEO and SEVIRI in GEO), one example of an ocean-colour imager (MERIS) and one
example of an imager with special viewing geometry (POLDER). MODIS is an experimental
sensor and plays a particular role as a wide scope multi-purpose VIS/IR imager. It is largely used
to help define the specifications of follow-on operational instruments. The main uses of its
various groups of channels are highlighted in Table3.3.

Table 3.2. Example of multi-purpose VIS/IR imager operating in LEO:

AVHRR/3 on NOAA and Metop

AVHRR/3 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer 3

Satellites NOAA-15, NOAA-16, NOAA-17, NOAA-18, NOAA-19, Metop-A, MetopB, MetopC

Mission Multi-purpose VIS/IR imagery for cloud analysis, aerosol load, sea-surface
temperature, sea-ice cover, land-surface radiative parameters, normalized
difference vegetation index, fires, snow cover, etc.

Main features 6 channels (channel 1.6 and 3.7 are alternative), balanced VIS, NIR, SWIR, MWIR

Scanning technique Cross-track: 2 048 pixels of 800m SSP (sub-satellite point) with a swath of
Along-track: six 1.1km lines a second

Coverage/cycle Global coverage twice a day (LW (long-wave) channels) or once a day

Resolution (SSP) 1.1km IFOV

Resources Mass: 33 kg
Power: 27 W
Data rate: 621.3 kbps

Central wavelength Spectral interval NET or SNR at specified input spectral radiance

0.630 m 0.580.68 m 9 at 0.5% albedo

0.862 m 0.7251.00 m 9 at 0.5% albedo

1.61 m 1.581.64 m 20 at 0.5% albedo

3.74 m 3.553.93 m 0.12 K at 300 K

10.80 m 10.311.3 m 0.12 K at 300 K

12.00 m 11.512.5 m 0.12 K at 300 K

Table 3.3. Example of multi-purpose VIS/IR imager operating in LEO:

MODIS on EOSTerra and EOSAqua

MODIS Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer

Satellites EOS-Terra and EOS-Aqua

Mission Multi-purpose VIS/IR imagery for cloud analysis, aerosol properties, sea- and land-surface
temperature, sea-ice cover, ocean colour, land-surface radiative parameters, vegetation
indexes, fires, snow cover, total ozone, cloud motion winds in polar regions, etc.

Main features 36-channel VIS, NIR, SWIR, MWIR and TIR spectroradiometer

Scanning Whiskbroom: a 19.7km-wide strip of along-track is cross-track scanned every 2.956s.

technique The strip includes 16parallel lines sampled by 2048pixels of 1000m SSP, or 32parallel
lines sampled by 4096pixels of 500m SSP, or 64parallel lines sampled by 8192pixels of
250m SSP, with a swath of 2330km.

Coverage/cycle Global coverage nearly twice a day (LW channels) or once a day (SW channels)

Resolution IFOV: 250m (two channels), 500m (5 channels), 1000m (29channels)


Resources Mass: 229 kg

Power: 225 W
Data rate: 11 Mbps (daytime); 6.2 Mbps (average)

Central Spectral interval NET or SNR at specified input IFOV at SSP Primary use
wavelength spectral radiance

0.645 m 0.620.67 m 128 at 21.8 W m2 sr 1 m1 250 m Land/Cloud/

0.858 m 0.8410.876 m 201 at 24.7 W m2 sr 1 m1 250 m Aerosol

0.469 m 0.4590.479 m 243 at 35.3 W m2 sr 1 m1 500 m Land/Cloud/

0.555 m 0.5450.565 m 228 at 29.0 W m2 sr 1 m1 500 m Aerosol properties
1.240 m 1.2301.250 m 74 at 5.4 W m2 sr 1 m1 500 m
1.640 m 1.6281.652 m 275 at 7.3 W m2 sr 1 m1 500 m
2.130 m 2.1052.155 m 110 at 1.0 W m2 sr 1 m1 500 m

0.418 m 0.4050.420 m 880 at 44.9 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m Ocean colour,

0.443 m 0.4380.448 m 838 at 41.9 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m Phytoplankton,
0.488 m 0.4830.493 m 802 at 32.1 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m Biogeochemistry
0.531 m 0.5260.536 m 754 at 27.9 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m
0.551 m 0.5460.556 m 750 at 21.0 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m
0.667 m 0.6620.672 m 910 at 9.5 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m
0.678 m 0.6730.683 m 1 087 at 8.7 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m
0.748 m 0.7430.753 m 586 at 10.2 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m
0.870 m 0.8620.877 m 516 at 6.2 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m

0.905 m 0.8900.920 m 167 at 10.0 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m Atmospheric

0.936 m 0.9310.941 m 57 at 3.6 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m water vapour
0.940 m 0.9150.965 m 250 at 15.0 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m

3.75 m 3.6603.840 m 0.05 K at 0.45 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m Surface/Cloud

3.96 m 3.9293.989 m 2.00 K at 2.38 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m temperature
3.96 m 3.9293.989 m 0.07 K at 0.67 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m
4.06 m 4.0204.080 m 0.07 K at 0.79 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m

4.47 m 4.4334.498 m 0.25 K at 0.17 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m Atmospheric

4.55 m 4.4824.549 m 0.25 K at 0.59 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m temperature

1.375 m 1.3601.390 m 150 at 6.0 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m Cirrus clouds,

6.77 m 6.5356.895 m 0.25 K at 1.16 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m Water vapour
7.33 m 7.1757.475 m 0.25 K at 2.18 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m

8.55 m 8.4008.700 m 0.25 K at 9.58 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m Cloud properties

9.73 m 9.5809.880 m 0.25 K at 3.69 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m Ozone

11.01 m 10.78011.280 m 0.05 K at 9.55 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m Surface/Cloud

12.03 m 11.77012.270 m 0.05 K at 8.94 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m temperature

13.34 m 13.18513.485 m 0.25 K at 4.52 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m Cloud-top

13.64 m 13.48513.785 m 0.25 K at 3.76 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m temperature
13.94 m 13.78514.085 m 0.25 K at 3.11 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m
14.24 m 14.08514.385 m 0.35 K at 2.08 W m2 sr 1 m1 1 000 m

Table 3.4. Example of multi-purpose VIS/IR imager operating in GEO:

SEVIRI on Meteosat Second Generation

SEVIRI Spinning Enhanced Visible Infrared Imager

Satellites Meteosat-8, Meteosat-9, Meteosat-10, Meteosat-11

Mission Multi-purpose VIS/IR imagery for cloud analysis, aerosol load, sea-surface
temperature, land-surface radiative parameters, normalized difference vegetation
index, fires, snow cover, wind from cloud motion tracking, etc.

Main features 12 channels, balanced VIS, NIR, SWIR, MWIR and TIR

Scanning technique Mechanical

Spinning satellite
EW continuous
SN stepping

Coverage/cycle Full disk every 15 min

Limited areas in correspondingly shorter time intervals

Resolution (SSP) 4.8km IFOV, 3km sampling for 11 narrow channels

1.6km IFOV, 1km sampling for 1 broad VIS channel

Resources Mass: 260 kg

Power: 150 W
Data rate: 3.26 Mbps

Central wavelength Spectral interval SNR or NET at specified

(99% encircled energy) input radiance

Not applicable
(broad bandwidth 0.60.9 m 4.3 at 1% albedo

0.635 m 0.560.71 m 10.1 at 1% albedo

0.81 m 0.740.88 m 7.28 at 1% albedo

1.64 m 1.501.78 m 3 at 1% albedo

3.92 m 3.484.36 m 0.35 K at 300 K

6.25 m 5.357.15 m 0.75 K at 250 K

7.35 m 6.857.85 m 0.75 K at 250 K

8.70 m 8.309.10 m 0.28 K at 300 K

9.66 m 9.389.94 m 1.50 K at 255 K

10.8 m 9.8011.8 m 0.25 K at 300 K

12.0 m 11.013.0 m 0.37 K at 300 K

13.4 m 12.414.4 m 1.80 K at 270 K


Table 3.5. Example of ocean-colour imager operating in LEO: MERIS on Envisat

MERIS Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer

Satellite Envisat

Mission Ocean-colour imagery, aerosol properties, vegetation indexes, etc.

Main features 15 very narrow-bandwidth VIS and NIR channels

Scanning technique Pushbroom

3 700 pixel/line (split into 5 parallel optical systems)
Total swath: 1 150km

Coverage/cycle Global coverage in 3 days in daylight

Resolution (SSP) Basic IFOV 300 m

Reduced resolution for global data recording: 1200m

Resources Mass: 200 kg

Power: 175 W
Data rate: 24 Mbps

Central wavelength Bandwidth SNR at specified input spectral radiance

412.5nm 10nm 1 871 at 47.9 W m2 sr 1 m1

442.5nm 10nm 1 650 at 41.9 W m2 sr 1 m1

490nm 10nm 1 418 at 31.2 W m2 sr 1 m1

510nm 10nm 1 222 at 23.7 W m2 sr 1 m1

560nm 10nm 1 156 at 18.5 W m2 sr 1 m1

620nm 10nm 863 at 12.0 W m2 sr 1 m1

665nm 10nm 708 at 9.2 W m2 sr 1 m1

681.25nm 7.5nm 589 at 8.3 W m2 sr 1 m1

708.75nm 10nm 631 at 6.9 W m2 sr 1 m1

753.75nm 7.5nm 486 at 5.6 W m2 sr 1 m1

760.625nm 3.75nm 205 at 3.4 W m2 sr 1 m1

778.75nm 15nm 628 at 4.9 W m2 sr 1 m1

865nm 20nm 457at 3.2 W m2 sr 1 m1

885nm 10nm 271 at 3.1 W m2 sr 1 m1

900nm 10nm 211 at 2.4 W m2 sr 1 m1


Table 3.6. Example of imager with special viewing geometry: POLDER on PARASOL

POLDER Polarization and Directionality of the Earths Reflectances

Satellite Polarisation et anisotropie des rflectances au sommet de l'atmosphre,
couples avec un satellite d'observation emportant un lidar (PARASOL)

Mission Imagery with special viewing geometry, for best observation of aerosol and
cirrus, landsurface radiative parameters including bidirectional reflectance
distribution function, etc.

Main features Bidirectional viewing

9 narrow-bandwidth VIS and NIR channels

Scanning technique 242 x 274 charge-coupled device (CCD) arrays

Swath: 2 400km
Each Earths spot viewed from more directions as satellite moves

Coverage/cycle Near-global coverage every day in daylight

Resolution (SSP) 6.5km IFOV

Resources Mass: 32 kg
Power: 50 W
Data rate: 883 kbps

Central wavelength Bandwidth No. of polarizations SNR at specified input

spectral radiance

443.5nm 13.4nm 200 at 61.9 W m2 sr 1 m1

490.9nm 16.3nm 3 200 at 63.2 W m2 sr 1 m1

563.8nm 15.4nm 200 at 58.1 W m2 sr 1 m1

669.9nm 15.1nm 200 at 48.7 W m2 sr 1 m1

762.9nm 10.9nm 3 200 at 38.9 W m2 sr 1 m1

762.7nm 38.1nm 200 at 38.9 W m2 sr 1 m1

863.7nm 33.7nm 200 at 30.8 W m2 sr 1 m1

907.1nm 21.1nm 3 200 at 27.5 W m2 sr 1 m1

1 019.6nm 17.1nm 200 at 22.6 W m2 sr 1 m1

3.2.2 High-resolution optical imager

This instrument has the following main characteristics:

(a) Spatial resolution in the range of less than one metre to several tens of metres;

(b) Wavelengths in the VIS, NIR and SWIR bands (0.4 to 3m) with possible extension to MWIR
and TIR;

(c) Variable number of channels and bandwidths:

(i) Single channel (panchromatic) with around 400nm bandwidth (e.g. 500900nm);

(ii) 310 multispectral channels with around 100nm bandwidth;

(iii) Continuous spectral range (hyperspectral); typically has 100channels with around
10nm bandwidth;

(d) Imaging capability: continuous and contiguous sampling, covering a swath ranging from a
few tens of kilometres to approximately 100km, often addressable within a field of regard
of several hundreds of kilometres;

(e) Applicable in LEO. GEO is not excluded but not yet in use.

High-resolution optical imagers may perform a number of missions, depending on the spectral
bands, the number and bandwidth of channels, and steerable pointing capability. Those
missions include:

(a) Panchromatic imagers: surveillance, recognition, stereoscopy for digital elevation model,
etc. Critical instrument features are the resolution and the steerable pointing capability;

(b) Multispectral imagers: land observation for land use, land cover, ground water, vegetation
classification, disaster monitoring, etc. Critical instrument features are the number of
channels and the spectral coverage;

(c) Hyperspectral imagers: land observation, especially for vegetation process study, carbon
cycle, etc. Critical instrument features are the spectral resolution and the spectral coverage.

Tables 3.73.9 describe an example of a panchromatic imager (WV60), a multispectral imager

(ETM+) and a hyperspectral imager (Hyperion).

Table 3.7. Example of panchromatic high-resolution imager: WV60 on WorldView1

WV60 World View 60 camera

Satellite WorldView 1

Mission Surveillance, recognition, stereoscopy for digital elevation model, etc.

Main features Panchromatic

Resolution: 0.5 m
Steering capability
60 cm telescope aperture

Scanning Pushbroom
technique 35 000 detector array
Swath: 17.6km, addressable by tilting the satellite in a variety of
operating modes
Stereo capability both along-track and cross-orbits

Coverage/cycle Global coverage in 6 months in daylight

Global coverage in a few days (down to 3) by strategic pointing

Resolution (SSP) 0.50 m

Resources Mass: 380 kg

Power: 250 W
Data rate: 800 Mbps

Table 3.8. Example of multispectral high-resolution imager: ETM+ on Landsat7

ETM+ Enhanced Thematic Mapper +

Satellite Landsat-7

Mission Land observation for land use, land cover, ground water, vegetation classification,
disaster monitoring, etc.

Main features 8 channels: 1 panchromatic, 6 VIS, NIR and SWIR, 1 TIR

Resolution: 15 m, 30 m and 60 m

ETM+ Enhanced Thematic Mapper +

Scanning technique Whiskbroom
6 000 pixel/line (narrowband)
12 000 pixel/line (panchromatic)
3 000 pixel/line (TIR)
Swath: 185km

Coverage/cycle Global coverage in 16 days in daylight

Resolution (SSP) 30 m (6 narrowband channels), 15 m (panchromatic), 60 m (TIR)

Resources Mass: 441 kg

Power: 590 W
Data rate: 150 Mbps

Central wavelength Spectral interval SNR at specified input spectral radiance or NET

Low signal High signal

Panchromatic 0.500.90 m 14 at 22.9 W m2 sr 1 m1 80 at 156.3 W m2 sr 1 m1

0.48 m 0.450.52 m 36 at 40 W m2 sr 1 m1 130 at 190 W m2 sr 1 m1

0.56 m 0.530.61 m 37 at 30 W m2 sr 1 m1 167 at 193.7 W m2 sr 1 m1

0.66 m 0.630.69 m 24 at 21.7 W m2 sr 1 m1 127 at 149.6 W m2 sr 1 m1

0.83 m 0.780.90 m 33 at 13.6 W m2 sr 1 m1 226 at 149.6 W m2 sr 1 m1

1.65 m 1.551.75 m 34 at 4.0 W m2 sr 1 m1 176 at 31.5 W m2 sr 1 m1

2.20 m 2.092.35 m 27 at 1.7 W m2 sr 1 m1 130 at 11.1 W m2 sr 1 m1

11.45 m 10.412.5 m 0.2 K at 300 K 0.2 K at 320 K

Table 3.9. Example of hyperspectral high-resolution imager: Hyperion on NMP EO1

Satellite New Millennium Program Earth Observing 1 (NMP EO1)

Mission Land observation, especially for vegetation process study, carbon cycle, etc.

Main features VIS/NIR/SWIR grating spectrometer with 220 channels (hyperspectral) in

two groups, covering the ranges 0.41.0m and 0.92.5m respectively
Channel bandwidth: 10nm
Resolution: 30 m

Scanning Pushbroom
technique 250 pixel/line
Swath: 7.5km

Coverage/cycle Global coverage in one year in daylight

Resolution (SSP) 30 m

Resources Mass: 49 kg
Power: 51 W
Data rate: 105 Mbps

3.2.3 Cross-nadir scanning short-wave sounder

This spectrometer has the following main characteristics:

(a) Operates in the ultraviolet (UV), VIS, NIR and SWIR bands (0.2 to 3m);

(b) Spectral resolution ranging from a fraction of a nanometre to a few nanometres;

(c) Spatial resolution in the order of 10km;

(d) Horizontal sampling not necessarily continuous and contiguous;

(e) Scanning capability can be from nadir-only pointing to a swath of a few thousand

(f) Applicable both in LEO and GEO.

Depending on spectral bands and resolution, cross-nadir scanning SW sounders may be used in
atmospheric chemistry for monitoring a number of species, mostly determined by the spectral
bands used:

(a) UV only: ozone profile;

(b) UV and VIS: ozone profile and total column or gross profile of a small number of other
species, such as BrO, NO2, OClO, SO2 and aerosol;

(c) UV, VIS and NIR: ozone profile and total column or gross profile of several other species,
such as BrO, ClO, H2O, HCHO, NO, NO2, NO3, O2, O4, OClO, SO2 and aerosol;

(d) UV, VIS, NIR and SWIR: ozone profile and total column or gross profile of many other
species, such as BrO, CH4, ClO, CO, CO2, H2O, HCHO, N2O, NO, NO2, NO3, O2, O4, OClO, SO2
and aerosol;

(e) NIR and SWIR, possibly complemented by MWIR and TIR: total column or gross profile of
selected species, such as CH4, CO, CO2, H2O and O2.

Tables 3.10 and 3.11 describe one example with full spectral coverage (SCIAMACHYnadir in LEO)
and another with reduced spectral coverage (UVN in GEO).

Table 3.10. Example of cross-nadir scanning SW sounder in LEO:

SCIAMACHYnadir on Envisat

Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Cartography

nadir scanning unit
Satellite Envisat

Mission Atmospheric chemistry

Tracked species: BrO, CH4, ClO, CO, CO2, H2O, HCHO, N2O, NO, NO2, NO3, O2, O3,
O 4, OClO, SO2 and aerosol

Main features Spectral range: UV/VIS/NIR/SWIR

Imaging capability: grating spectrometer covering eight bands, 8192channels,
with 7polarization channels

Scanning technique Mechanical, cross-track

IFOV: 25km along-track x 0.6km across-track at the SSP
Time integration is performed across track to achieve the required SNR
Swath: 960km; one scan line in 4.5 seconds
The cross-nadir mode alternates with the limb mode and the solar/lunar
occultation mode

Coverage/cycle Cross-track mode: global coverage every 3 days in daylight, if used full time

Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Cartography

nadir scanning unit
Resolution (SSP) Typical resolution is 30km along-track x 60km across-track at the SSP

Resources Mass: 198 kg

Power: 122 W
Data rate: 400 kbps

Spectral range No. of channels Spectral resolution SNR at specified input spectral radiance

214334nm 1 024 0.24nm 200 at 0.5 W m2 sr 1 m1

300412nm 1 024 0.26nm 2 300 at 58 W m2 sr 1 m1

383628nm 1 024 0.44nm 2 600 at 90 W m2 sr 1 m1

595812nm 1 024 0.48nm 2 800 at 61 W m2 sr 1 m1

7731063nm 1 024 0.54nm 1 900 at 40 W m2 sr 1 m1

9711 773nm 1 024 1.48nm 1 500 at 25 W m2 sr 1 m1

1 9342044nm 1 024 0.22nm 100 at 3.4 W m2 sr 1 m1

2 2592386nm 1 024 0.26nm 320 at 2.2 W m2 sr 1 m1

3102 380nm 7 67137nm Not applicable

Table 3.11. Example of cross-nadir scanning SW sounder in GEO:

UVN on Meteosat Third Generation (MTG)

Ultraviolet, Visible and Near-infrared sounder

Also known as Sentinel 4
Satellites MTG-S1

Mission Atmospheric chemistry

Tracked species: BrO, ClO, H2O, HCHO, NO, NO2, NO3, O2, O3, O 4, OClO, SO2 and

Main features Spectral range: UV/VIS/NIR

Imaging capability: grating spectrometer covering 3 bands, 1470channels

Scanning Mechanical
technique 3-axis stabilized satellite
EW continuous
SN stepping

Coverage/cycle European area (lat. 30N65N, long. 15W50E) in 60 minutes (30minutes is also

Resolution Defined at 45N

0: < 8km in both NS and EW directions

Resources Mass: 150 kg

Power: 100 W
Data rate: 25 Mbps

Spectral ranges No. of channels Spectral resolution SNR at specified input spectral radiance

305400nm 570 0.5nm 2001 400 at 40120 W m2 sr 1 m1

400500nm 600 0.5nm 1 400 at 140 W m2 sr 1 m1

755775nm 300 0.2nm 1 200 at 60 W m2 sr 1 m1


3.2.4 Cross-nadir scanning infrared sounder

These radiometers or spectrometers have the following main characteristics:

(a) Wavelengths in the MWIR and TIR bands (315m) with a possible extension to FIR (up to
50m) and auxiliary channels in the VIS/NIR bands;

(b) Spectral resolution in the order of 0.1cm1 (very high resolution), 0.5cm1 (hyperspectral)
or 10cm1 (radiometer);

(c) Spatial resolution in the order of 10km;

(d) Horizontal sampling not necessarily continuous or contiguous;

(e) Scanning capability can be from nadir-only pointing to a swath of a few thousand

(f) Applicable both in LEO and GEO.

Depending on their spectral bands and resolution, cross-nadir scanning IR sounders may be
used for atmospheric temperature and humidity profiling, and/or in atmospheric chemistry for a
number of species:

(a) Radiometers provide coarse-vertical-resolution temperature and humidity profiles;

(b) Spectrometers provide high-vertical-resolution temperature and humidity profiles, coarse

ozone profiles, total column and gross profile of a small number of other species, such as
CH4, CO, CO2, HNO3, NO2, SO2 and aerosol;

(c) Very high-resolution spectrometers that are specifically for atmospheric chemistry provide
profiles or total columns of C 2H2, C 2H6, CFC11, CFC12, CH4, ClONO2, CO, CO2, COS, H2O,
HNO3, N2O, N2O5, NO, NO2, O3, PAN, SF6, SO2 and aerosol.

Tables 3.123.14 set out three examples: a radiometer in GEO (Sounder on Geostationary
Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)); a hyperspectral sounder in LEO (IASI on Metop)
and a very high-resolution spectrometer in LEO (TESnadir on EOSAura).

Table 3.12. Example of radiometric cross-nadir scanning

infrared sounder in GEO: Sounder on GOES

GOES Sounder
Satellites GOES-8, GOES-9, GOES-10, GOES-11, GOES-12, GOES13, GOES14, GOES15

Mission Coarse-vertical-resolution temperature and humidity profiles

Main features Radiometer: 18 narrow-bandwidth channels in MWIR/TIR + 1 VIS

Scanning Mechanical
technique Biaxial
3-axis stabilized satellite

Coverage/cycle Full disk in 8 h

3 000 x 3 000km2 in 42 minutes
1 000 x 1 000km2 in 5 minutes

Resolution (SSP) 8.0km

Resources Mass: 152 kg

Power: 93 W
Data rate: 40 kbps

Wavelength Wave number Bandwidth SNR or NET at specified input

14.71 m 680 cm1 13 cm1 1.24 K at 290 K

14.37 m 696 cm1 13 cm1 0.79 K at 290 K

14.06 m 711 cm1 13 cm1 0.68 K at 290 K

13.64 m 733 cm1 16 cm1 0.55 K at 290 K

13.37 m 748 cm1 16 cm1 0.49 K at 290 K

12.66 m 790 cm1 30 cm1 0.23 K at 290 K

12.02 m 832 cm1 50 cm1 0.14 K at 290 K

11.03 m 907 cm1 50 cm1 0.10 K at 290 K

9.71 m 1 030 cm1 25 cm1 0.12 K at 290 K

7.43 m 1 345 cm1 55 cm1 0.06 K at 290 K

7.02 m 1 425 cm1 80 cm1 0.06 K at 290 K

6.51 m 1 535 cm1 60 cm1 0.15 K at 290 K

4.57 m 2 188 cm1 23 cm1 0.20 K at 290 K

4.52 m 2 210 cm1 23 cm1 0.17 K at 290 K

4.45 m 2 248 cm1 23 cm1 0.20 K at 290 K

4.13 m 2 420 cm1 40 cm1 0.14 K at 290 K

3.98 m 2 513 cm1 40 cm1 0.22 K at 290 K

3.74 m 2 671 cm1 100 cm1 0.14 K at 290 K

0.70 m Not applicable 0.05 m 1 000 at 100% albedo

Table 3.13. Example of hyperspectral cross-nadir scanning

infrared sounder in LEO: IASI on Metop

IASI Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer

Satellites Metop-A, Metop-B, Metop-C

Mission High vertical-resolution temperature and humidity profile

Coarse ozone profile
Total column or gross profile of a number of other species, such as CH4, CO, CO2,
HNO3, NO2, SO2 and aerosol

Main features Spectrometer: spectral resolution 0.25 cm1 (unapodized)

MWIR/TIR spectral range
Interferometer with 8 461 channels and a one-channel embedded TIR imager

Scanning technique Cross-track: 30 steps of 48km SSP

Swath: 2 130km
Along-track: one 48km line every 8 seconds

Coverage/cycle Near-global coverage twice a day

Resolution (SSP) 4 x 12km IFOV close to the centre of a 48 x 48km2 cell

(average sampling distance: 24km)

Resources Mass: 236 kg

Power: 210 W
Data rate: 1.5 Mbps (after onboard processing)

Spectral range (m) Spectral range (cm 1) Spectral resolution (unapodized) NET at specified scene

8.2615.50 m 6451210 cm1 0.25 cm1 0.20.3 K at 280 K

5.008.26 m 1 2102 000 cm1 0.25 cm1 0.20.5 K at 280 K

3.625.00 m 2 0002 760 cm1 0.25 cm1 0.52.0 K at 280 K

10.312.5 m Not applicable Not applicable 0.8 K at 280 K

Table 3.14. Example of very high-resolution cross-nadir scanning

infrared sounder in LEO: TESnadir on EOSAura

TES-nadir Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer nadir scanning unit

Satellite EOS-Aura

Mission Atmospheric chemistry: profiles or total columns of C 2H2, C 2H6, CFC11, CFC12,
CH4, ClONO2, CO, CO2, COS, H2O, HNO3, N2O, N2O5, NO, NO2, O3, PAN, SF6, SO2
and aerosol

Main features Spectrometer

Spectral resolution: 0.059 cm1 (unapodized)
MWIR/TIR spectral range
Imaging interferometer: four bands; 40 540 channels

Scanning technique Cross-track mode: array of 16 detectors with a 0.53km2x0.53km2 nadir footprint
moving in 10steps to cover a 5.3km2x8.5km2 field of view that can be pointed
everywhere within a 45-aperture cone or an 885km swath.
The cross-nadir mode is alternative to the limb mode.

Coverage/cycle Cross-track mode: if used full time with strategic pointing, global coverage could
be obtained for cells of ~80km wide in 16 days (the orbital repeat cycle)

Resolution (SSP) 0.53km sampling

Resources Mass: 385 kg

Power: 334 W
Data rate: 4.5 Mbps

Spectral range (m) Spectral range (cm 1) Spectral resolution (unapodized) NET at specified scene

11.1115.38 m 650900 cm1 0.059 cm1 < 1 K at 280 K

8.7012.20 m 8201 150 cm1 0.059 cm1 < 1 K at 280 K

5.139.09 m 1 1001 950 cm1 0.059 cm1 < 1 K at 280 K

3.285.26 m 1 9003 050 cm1 0.059 cm1 < 2 K at 280 K

3.2.5 Microwave radiometers

These radiometers have the following main characteristics:

(a) Frequencies from 1 to 3 000GHz (wavelengths from 0.1mm to 30cm);

(b) Channel bandwidths from a few MHz to several GHz;

(c) Spatial resolution from a few kilometres to approximately 100kilometres, determined by

antenna size and frequency;

(d) Horizontal sampling not necessarily continuous or contiguous;


Figure 3.7. Sketch view of SMOS with MIRAS (left) and the satlite de aplicaciones
cientficasD (SACD) with Aquarius (right). The Aquarius real aperture antenna measures
2.5m in diameter. The MIRAS synthetic aperture antenna is inscribed in a circle that
measures 4m in diameter.

(e) Scanning: cross-track (swath in the order of 2000km), conical (swath in the order of
1500km, possibly providing single or dual polarization) or nadir-only;

(f) Applicable in LEO.

Depending on their frequency, spatial resolution, and scanning mode, MW radiometers may
perform a number of missions:

(a) Multi-purpose MW imagery for precipitation, cloud liquid water and ice, precipitable
water, sea-surface temperature, sea-surface wind speed (and direction if multipolarization
is used), sea-ice cover, surface soil moisture, snow status, water equivalent, etc. Critical
instrument features are: the extension of the spectral range, from 19GHz as a minimum
(possibly 10GHz, or ideally 67GHz) to at least 90GHz; and conical scanning to make use
of differential polarization under conditions of a constant incidence angle;

(b) Nearly-all-weather temperature and humidity sounding, which is also relevant for
precipitation. Critical instrument features are the channels in absorption bands: O2 for
temperature (main frequency: 57GHz) and H2O for humidity (main frequency: 183GHz);

(c) Sea-surface salinity and volumetric soil moisture. One critical instrument feature is the
low frequency in the L band (main frequency: 1.4GHz); this implies the use of very large
antennas (see Figure3.7);

(d) Atmospheric correction in support of altimetry missions. Critical instrument features are
the frequency of the water-vapour 23GHz band and its nearby windows; and the nadir
viewing, co-centred with an altimeter.

Tables 3.153.18 describe a multi-purpose radiometer (AMSRE), a temperature and humidity

sounder (ATMS), a low-frequency radiometer (MIRAS) and a nadir-viewing radiometer (AMR).

Table 3.15. Example of multi-purpose MW imager: AMSRE on EOSAqua

AMSR-E Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for Earth Observation System (EOS)
Satellite EOS-Aqua

Mission Multi-purpose MW imagery for precipitation, cloud liquid water and ice,
precipitable water, sea-surface temperature, sea-surface wind speed, sea-ice cover,
surface soil moisture, snow status, water equivalent, etc.

Main features Spectral range: 6.989GHz

6 frequencies, 12 channels, mostly windows
Conical scanning

Scanning Conical: 55 zenith angle

technique Swath: 1 450km
Scan rate: 40 scan/min=10km/scan

Coverage/cycle Global coverage once a day

Resolution (SSP) Changes with frequency

Consistent with an antenna diameter of 1.6 m

Resources Mass: 314 kg

Power: 350 W
Data rate: 87.4 kbps

Central frequency Bandwidth Polarizations NET IFOV Pixel

(GHz) (MHz)

6.925 350 Vertical (V), Horizontal (H) 0.3 K 43 x 75km 10 x 10km

10.65 100 V, H 0.6 K 29 x 51km 10 x 10km

18.7 200 V, H 0.6 K 16 x 27km 10 x 10km

23.8 400 V, H 0.6 K 14 x 21km 10 x 10km

36.5 1 000 V, H 0.6 K 9 x 14km 10 x 10km

89.0 3 000 V, H 1.1 K 4 x 6km 5 x 5km

Table 3.16. Example of MW temperature/humidity sounder: ATMS on Suomi National

Polarorbiting Partnership (NPP) and Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS)

ATMS Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder

Satellites Suomi-NPP, JPSS-1 and JPSS-2

Mission Nearly-all-weather temperature and humidity sounding; also relevant for


Main features Spectral range: 23183GHz

22 channels, including the 57 and 183GHz bands
Cross-track scanning

Scanning technique Cross-track: 96 steps of 16km SSP

Swath: 2 200km
Along-track: one 16km line every 8/3 seconds

Coverage/cycle Near-global coverage twice a day

Resolution (SSP) 16km for channels at 165183GHz

32km for channels at 5090GHz
75km for channels at 2332GHz

Resources Mass: 75.4 kg

Power: 93 W
Data rate: 20 kbps

Central frequency (GHz) Bandwidth (MHz) Quasi-polarization NET

23.800 270 Quasi-vertical (QV) 0.90 K

31.400 180 QV 0.90 K

50.300 180 Quasi-horizontal (QH) 1.20 K

51.760 400 QH 0.75 K

52.800 400 QH 0.75 K

53.596 0.115 170 QH 0.75 K

54.400 400 QH 0.75 K

54.940 400 QH 0.75 K

55.500 330 QH 0.75 K

f0=57.290344 330 QH 0.75 K

f0 0.217 78 QH 1.20 K

f0 0.3222 0.048 36 QH 1.20 K

f0 0.3222 0.022 16 QH 1.50 K

f0 0.3222 0.010 8 QH 2.40 K

f0 0.3222 0.0045 3 QH 3.60 K

89.5 5 000 QV 0.50 K

165.5 3 000 QH 0.60 K

183.31 7.0 2 000 QH 0.80 K

183.31 4.5 2 000 QH 0.80 K

183.31 3.0 1 000 QH 0.80 K

183.31 1.8 1 000 QH 0.80 K

183.31 1.0 500 QH 0.90 K

Table 3.17. Example of L-band MW radiometer: MIRAS on SMOS

MIRAS Microwave Imaging Radiometer using Aperture Synthesis

Satellite Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS)

Mission Sea-surface salinity, volumetric soil moisture

Main features Very large synthetic aperture antenna

Single L-band frequency (1.413GHz)
Several polarimetric modes

Scanning Pushbroom: correlation interferometry is implemented among receiver

technique arrays deployed on the three arms of a Y-shaped antenna
Swath: 1 000km

Coverage/ Global coverage in 3 days (soil moisture)

cycle Depending on the desired accuracy for salinity measurements, average
figures measured over a number of weeks may be needed

Resolution 50km basic; may be degraded, depending on the desired accuracy for
(SSP) salinity measurements

Resources Mass: 355 kg

Power: 511 W
Data rate: 89 kbps

Table 3.18. Example of non-scanning MW radiometer designed

to support altimetry: AMR on JASON

AMR Advanced Microwave Radiometer

Satellites JASON-2, JASON-3

Mission Atmospheric correction in support of the altimeters of JASON1 and JASON2

Main features 3 frequencies: 18.7GHz, 23.8GHz and 34GHz

Scanning Nadir-only viewing, associated with the Poseidon3 and Poseidon3B radar
technique altimeters

Coverage/cycle Global coverage in 1 month for 30km average spacing, or in 10 days for
100km average spacing

Resolution (SSP) 25km

Resources Mass: 27 kg
Power: 31 W
Data rate: 100 bps

3.2.6 Limb sounders

This family of instruments has the following main characteristics:

(a) Scanning of the Earths limb: this determines vertical resolution (in the range 13km), the
observed atmospheric layer (in the range 1080km), and spatial resolution (about 300km

(b) Spectrometers using the UV/VIS/NIR/SWIR (2003000nm) bands, the MWIR/TIR

(316m) bands, or the high-frequency range of MW (1003000GHz);

(c) Spatial resolution, from a few tens of kilometres to a few hundreds of kilometres in the
transverse direction;

(d) Horizontal sampling, limited to one or a few azimuth directions;

(e) Applicable only in LEO.

Limb sounders can observe the high troposphere, stratosphere and mesosphere with high
vertical resolution, and are mainly used for atmospheric chemistry. Depending on their spectral
bands, limb sounders may track different species:

(a) SW spectrometers for a number of species, depending on the part of the spectrum covered;
for the full range (UV/VIS/NIR/SWIR), the main species are: BrO, CH4, ClO, CO, CO2, H2O,
HCHO, N2O, NO, NO2, NO3, O2, O3, O4, OClO, SO2 and aerosol;

(b) IR spectrometers for a number of species, depending on the part of the spectrum covered;
for the full range (MWIR/TIR), the main species are: C 2H2, C 2H6, CFCs (CCl4, CF4, F11, F12,
F22), CH4, ClONO2, CO, COF2, H2O, HNO3, HNO4, HOCl, N2O, N2O5, NO, NO2, O3, OCS, SF6
and aerosol;

(c) MW spectrometers for a number of species, depending on the part of the spectrum
covered; for the range 1003000GHz, the main species are: BrO, ClO, CO, H2O, HCl, HCN,
HNO3, HO2, HOCl, N2O, O3, OH and SO2;

(d) Occultation sounders, tracking the Sun, the moon or the stars, for a number of species,
depending on the part of the spectrum covered; for the full range (UV/VIS/NIR/SWIR) the
main species are: H2O, NO2, NO3, O3, OClO and aerosol.

Tables 3.193.22 show limb sounders that use SW (SCIAMACHYlimb), IR (MIPAS), MW (MLS)
and occultation in SW (SAGEIII ISS).

Table 3.19. Example of limb sounder using SW: SCIAMACHYlimb on Envisat

Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Cartography

limb scanning unit
Satellite Envisat

Mission Chemistry of the high atmosphere.

Tracked species: BrO, CH4, ClO, CO, CO2, H2O, HCHO, N2O, NO, NO2, NO3, O2, O3, O 4,
OClO, SO2 and aerosol

Main features UV/VIS/NIR/SWIR grating spectrometer

Eight bands
8 192 channels, with 7 polarization channels

Scanning Limb scanning of 500km horizontal sector

technique Solar and lunar occultation: the instrument is self-calibrating in this mode
(principle of differential optical absorption spectroscopy)
The limb mode, solar/lunar occultation mode and cross-nadir mode are alternatives to
each other.

Coverage/cycle If used full time, the limb mode would provide global coverage every 3days in daylight.
Not applicable for solar and lunar occultation

Resolution (SSP) Vertical: 3km, in the altitude range 10100km

Horizontal: effective resolution: ~300km (limb geometry)
Solar and lunar occultation: vertical 1km, in the altitude range
10100km; horizontal ~300km

Resources Mass: 198 kg

Power: 122 W
Data rate: 400 kbps

Spectral range No. of channels Spectral resolution SNR at specified input spectral radiance

214334nm 1 024 0.24nm 500 at 1.5 W m2 sr 1 m1

300412nm 1 024 0.26nm 4 000 at 130 W m2 sr 1 m1

383628nm 1 024 0.44nm 4 500 at 170 W m2 sr 1 m1

595812nm 1 024 0.48nm 3 000 at 49 W m2 sr 1 m1

7731 063nm 1 024 0.54nm 2 500 at 24 W m2 sr 1 m1

9711 773nm 1 024 1.48nm 1 000 at 8.2 W m2 sr 1 m1

19342044nm 1 024 0.22nm 10 at 0.2 W m2 sr 1 m1

22592386nm 1 024 0.26nm 7 at 0.1 W m2 sr 1 m1

3102 380nm 7 67137nm Not applicable


Table 3.20. Example of limb sounder using IR: MIPAS on Envisat

MIPAS Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding

Satellite Envisat

Mission Chemistry of the high atmosphere

Tracked species: C 2H2, C 2H6, CFCs (CCl4, CF4, F11, F12, F22), CH4,
ClONO2, CO, COF2, H2O, HNO3, HNO 4, HOCl, N2O, N2O5, NO, NO2, O3,
OCS, SF6 and aerosol

Main features IR spectrometer: Michelson interferometer

Range 6852 410 cm1 (4.1514.6 m)
Spectral resolution 0.035 cm1 (unapodized)
60 000 channels/spectrum
NESR: 50 nW cm2 sr 1 cm at 685 cm1, 4.2 nW cm2 sr 1 cm at 2410cm1

Scanning Limb scanning, forward and side

technique 75 seconds for one vertical scan; 80 scans per orbit; 1 145 profiles per day

Coverage/ Global coverage every 3 days for one measurement in every

cycle 300km2 x 300km2 cell

Resolution Vertical: 3km, in the altitude range 5150km

(SSP) Horizontal effective resolution: ~300km (limb geometry)

Resources Mass: 320 kg

Power: 210 W
Data rate: 8 Mbps

Table 3.21. Example of limb sounder using MW: MLS on EOSAura

MLS Microwave Limb Sounder

Satellite EOS-Aura

Mission Chemistry of the high atmosphere

Tracked species: BrO, ClO, CO, H2O, HCl, HCN, HNO3, HO2, HOCl, N2O,
O3, OH and SO2

Main features MW spectrometer: 5-band, 36 sub-bands, 1 000 channels,

Millimetre-submillimetre heterodyne radiometer at frequencies of
118GHz (9 bands), 190GHz (6 bands), 240GHz (7 bands), 640GHz
(9bands) and 2 500GHz (5 bands)

Scanning Limb scanning


Coverage/ Global coverage every 3 days for 300km wide cells


Resolution Vertical: 1.5km, in the altitude range 5120km

(SSP) Horizontal effective resolution: ~300km (limb geometry)

Resources Mass: 490 kg

Power: 550 W
Data rate: 100 kbps

Table 3.22. Example of limb sounder using SW in occultation: SAGEIII on ISS

SAGEIII ISS Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III for the ISS
Satellite International Space Station (ISS)

Mission Atmospheric chemistry in the stratosphere

Tracked species: H2O, NO2, NO3, O3, OClO and aerosol

Main features UV/VIS/NIR/SWIR (2901 550nm)

9-band solar and lunar occultation grating spectrometer

Scanning Sun and moon tracking during occultation phase, 1km step from
technique ~10km to ~85km

Coverage/cycle A few tens of events per day, limited to latitudes below ~52 (orbital
inclination of the ISS)

Resolution (SSP) 300km (horizontal), 12km (vertical)

Resources Mass: 76 kg
Power: 80 W
Data rate: 115 kbps

3.2.7 Global navigation satellite system radio-occultation sounders

These instruments have the following main characteristics:

(a) Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers using at least two L-band frequencies
around 1180GHz, 1250GHz and 1580GHz;

(b) Earths limb observation, from surface to satellite altitude during the occultation phase
of satellites from the GNSS constellations (such as GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Compass/

GNSS transmitter
(used for tracking and
clock corrections)

GNSS transmitter
(used for tracking)

Paths used for LEO tracking

Paths used for clock corrections
Paths used for sounding

Occulted GNSS transmitter

(used for clock corrections and sounding)

Ground station
(used for tracking LEO receiver
and clock corrections)
GNSS transmitter
Atmosphere (used for tracking)

Ground station
(used for tracking)

GNSS transmitter
(used for tracking)

Figure 3.8. The overall system for radio occultation


(c) Directional antennas: aft-looking (for setting GNSS), forward-looking (for rising GNSS), and
toroidal (for navigation);

(d) Effective spatial resolution at around 300km along the direction from the LEO satellite to
the occulting GNSS satellite; a few tens of kilometres in the transverse direction;

(e) Horizontal sampling limited by the daily number of occultation events: from 250 to
1500events by satellite, depending on the number of GNSS systems received, and on the
aft-looking/forward-looking tracking capability;

(f) Supported by a complex system of ground stations (see Figure3.8);

(g) Applicable in LEO only.

Depending on their detailed features, GNSS radio-occultation sounders can provide different
types of information:

(a) The signal-sampling time interval determines the vertical resolution of temperature,
humidity and density profiles;

(b) Measurement sensitivity to the low atmospheric layers is determined by the size of the
occultation antennas and the time-sampling technique;

(c) The number of frequencies that are used affects the accuracy of two ionospheric
measurements: total electron content and electron density profile;

(d) The number of occultation events per day depends on the number of GNSS constellations
used (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou), the number of receiving channels for simultaneous
tracking of further GNSS satellites, and the antenna accommodation feature: only aft-
looking, only forward-looking, or both.

Table 3.23 sets out the main features of an example of a radio-occultation sounder (GRAS).

Table 3.23. Example of radio-occultation sounder: GRAS on Metop

GRAS GNSS Receiver for Atmospheric Sounding

Satellites Metop-A, Metop-B, Metop-C

Mission High-vertical-resolution temperature, humidity and density profiles

Main features Measuring the phase delay due to refraction during occultation
between a navigation satellite and the LEO satellite
GNSS constellation: GPS
Frequencies: L1=1575.42MHz and L2=1227.6MHz
8 receiving channels: 4 for occultation, 8 for navigation

Scanning Limb scanning from 80km to close-to-surface by time sampling

technique Azimuth: 90 sectors fore and aft

Coverage/cycle 1 constellation tracked

About 650 soundings/day
Average spacing 880km
Global coverage (300km spacing) in 8.5 days

Resolution (SSP) About 300km horizontal, 0.5km vertical

Resources Mass: 30 kg
Power: 30 W
Data rate: 27 kbps

3.2.8 Broadband radiometers

These instruments have the following main characteristics:

(a) Wavelengths in the bands of total radiation emerging from the Earth and the atmosphere
(0.2300m) as well as from the fraction represented by reflected solar radiation

(b) One broadband channel, integrating over each of the two bands, and optional narrow-
bandwidth channels in VIS and/or TIR to collect information on clouds within the IFOV;

(c) Cross-track scanning with continuous and contiguous sampling, to cover a swath of a few
thousand kilometres with a spatial resolution of the order of 10km;

(d) Applicable in LEO and GEO; observation from the L1 Lagrange libration point also is

Broadband radiometers are designed to measure the Earth radiation budget upward LW and
SW irradiance at the top of the atmosphere (TOA). Accuracy depends on their detailed features:

(a) The greatest possible extension of the SW end of the spectrum into the UV range, and of
the LW end of the spectrum into the FIR range, with a maximally flat response inside those

(b) Built-in multiviewing capability to convert radiance into irradiance;

(c) Supportive narrowband channels to collect information on clouds within the IFOV.

Tables 3.24 and 3.25 set out an example of a broadband radiometer in LEO (CERES) and one in

Table 3.24. Example of broadband radiometer in LEO:

CERES on TRMM, EOSTerra/Aqua, SuomiNPP and JPSS

CERES Clouds and the Earths Radiant Energy System

Satellites TRMM, EOS-Terra, EOS-Aqua, Suomi-NPP, JPSS1

Mission Earth radiation budget: upward LW and SW irradiance at TOA

Main features Two broadband channels and one narrowband channel

Either: two units, one for cross-track scanning, one for biaxial scanning for irradiance
Or: one unit operating in alternative modes

Scanning Cross-track: 80 steps of 20km SSP

technique Swath: 3 000km; along-track: one 20km line every 3 seconds
Biaxial scanning by rotating azimuth while cross-nadir scanning

Coverage/cycle Global coverage twice a day (IR and total radiance) or once a day (SW)

Resolution (SSP) 20km

Resources Double unit configuration:

Mass: 114 kg
Power: 100 W
Data rate: 21 kbps

Channel Spectral interval Noise equivalent Absolute accuracy SNR


SW 0.35.0m 0.3 W m2 sr 1 0.8 W m2 sr 1 225

Total radiance 0.3100m 0.3 W m2 sr 1 0.6 W m2 sr 1 750

Narrowband 812m 0.3 W m2 sr 1 0.3 W m2 sr 1 750

Table 3.25. Example of broadband radiometer in GEO:

GERB on Meteosat Second Generation

GERB Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget

Satellites Meteosat-8, Meteosat-9, Meteosat-10, Meteosat-11

Mission Earth radiation budget: upward LW and SW irradiance at TOA

Main features Two broadband channels

Scanning NS direction: pushbroom by a linear array of 256detectors

technique EW provided by the spinning satellite
Integration over 5 minutes to comply with SNR requirements and over 15minutes to
synchronize with SEVIRI

Coverage/cycle Full disk every 15 minutes

Resolution (SSP) 42km

Resources Mass: 25 kg
Power: 35 W
Data rate: 50.6 kbps

Channel Spectral interval Noise equivalent Absolute accuracy SNR


SW 0.324.0m 0.8 W m2 sr 1 2.4W m2 sr 1 1250

Total radiance 0.32100m 0.15W m2 sr 1 0.4W m2 sr 1 400

3.2.9 Solar irradiance monitors

These instruments have the following main characteristics:

(a) Wavelengths in the solar radiation range 0.1550m;

(b) Integration over the full range (total solar irradiance) and/or spectroscopy in the
0.153.00m range;

(c) Total solar irradiance is measured by absolute techniques, such as active cavity radiometers
pointing at the Sun;

(d) Applicable both in LEO and in GEO.

Solar irradiance monitors complement broadband radiometers in order to measure the Earth
radiation budget. They also contribute to solar activity monitoring for the purpose of space
weather observation. Detailed features that affect their performance are:

(a) Extending their sensitivity to within the solar radiation range;

(b) Their capability to provide spectral information in context in the UV/VIS/NIR/SWIR ranges.

Table 3.26 sets out the main features of an example of a solar irradiance monitor in LEO (TSIS).

Table 3.26. Example of solar irradiance monitor in LEO:

TSIS on JPSS Free Flyer (FF)

TSIS Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Sensor

Satellite JPSS-FF (to be confirmed)

Mission Solar irradiance monitoring (total and spectrally resolved)

Main features Assemblage of:

Four active cavity radiometers for total irradiance (total irradiance
monitor: range of 0.210m),
Prism spectrometer for spectral irradiance (spectral irradiance
monitor: range of 0.22.0m; spectral resolution: 0.2533nm)

Scanning Sun pointing during orbital movement; data sampled every two
technique minutes

Coverage/cycle 100 minutes: one measurement after integration on all data taken
during the diurnal orbit arc

Resolution (SSP) Not applicable (Sun pointing)

Resources Total irradiance monitor:

Mass 7.9 kg; power 14 W; data rate 0.53 kbps
Spectral irradiance monitor:
Mass 22 kg; power 25.3 W; data rate 4.84 kbps

3.2.10 Lightning imagers

These instruments have the following main characteristics:

(a) Detector matrix (CCD): continuous Earth observation in a very narrow O2 band at 777.4nm;

(b) Measurement of flash rate and intensity in the IFOV;

(c) Spatial resolution of 510km;

(d) Continuous and contiguous horizontal sampling; swath of several hundred kilometres from
LEO, and full disk from GEO;

(e) Applicable in LEO and GEO.

Lightning imagery is useful as a proxy for convective precipitation and turbulence, in order
to monitor the Earth's electric field, and as a proxy for NOx generation. Different sampling is
applicable from LEO and GEO:

(a) From LEO, the measurement is available for the interval during satellite motion in which one
Earths spot is visible within the field of view of the CCD matrix (about 90seconds);

(b) From GEO, monitoring is continuous.


Tables 3.27 and 3.28 set out an example of a lightning imager in LEO (LIS) and one in GEO

Table 3.27. Example of lightning imager in LEO: LIS on TRMM

LIS Lightning Imaging Sensor

Satellite Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)

Mission Proxy for convective precipitation and turbulence

Proxy for NOx generation
Study of the Earth electric field

Main features CCD camera operating at 777.4nm (O2) to count flashes and measure
their intensity

Scanning Pushbroom: matrix array of 128 x 128 detectors; swath of 600km

technique Each Earth location is observed continuously (every 2milliseconds)
for about 90seconds

Coverage/cycle Intertropical coverage: several sequences of passes at ~100min

intervals; longer gaps as latitude increases; more regular coverage at
15N and 15S

Resolution (SSP) 4km

Resources Mass: 21 kg
Power: 33 W
Data rate: 6 kbps

Table 3.28. Example of lightning imager in GEO: GLM on GOES

GLM Geostationary Lightning Mapper


Mission Proxy for convective precipitation and turbulence

Proxy for NOx generation
Study of the Earth electric field

Main features CCD camera operating at 777.4nm (O2) to count flashes and measure
their intensity

Scanning Pushbroom: matrix array of 1 372 x 1 300 detectors; time resolution of

technique 2milliseconds

Coverage/cycle Large fraction of the disk is continuously observed

Resolution (SSP) 8km

Resources Mass: 35 kg
Power: 110 W
Data rate: 77 Mbps

3.2.11 Cloud radar and precipitation radar

These instruments have the following main characteristics:

(a) Operating frequencies in Ku (~14GHz), Ka (~35GHz) or W (~94GHz) bands;

(b) Pulse repetition rate that results in a vertical resolution of a few hundred metres;

(c) Spatial resolution of 25km;


(d) Continuous and contiguous horizontal sampling; swath from nadir-only to several
hundreds of kilometres;

(e) Only applicable in LEO.

The operating frequency determines possible applications:

(a) Ku band is suitable for heavy rain (liquid, with droplets that may exceed 1cm). Non-
precipitating clouds (droplets of less than 0.1mm) are totally transparent, and light
precipitation can hardly be detected. At these relatively low frequencies, electronic
switching, which is necessary to avoid mechanical movements of large antennas, is
relatively easy. Relatively wide swaths (several hundreds of kilometres) can therefore be

(b) Ka band is suitable for light rain (from stratiform clouds) and snowfall. Electronic switching
is still possible, and swaths of a few hundreds of kilometres can be implemented.

(c) W band is suitable for non-precipitating clouds (droplets of less than 0.1mm). Several
studies have also reported that this can be applied to the observation of precipitating cloud
systems, specifically on the edges of precipitation or in cases of no precipitation, including
the eye of tropical cyclones.

Tables 3.29 and 3.30 set out an example of a dual-frequency (Ku and Ka) precipitation radar (DPR)
and an example of a W-band cloud radar (CPR on CloudSat).

Table 3.29. Example of precipitation radar: DPR on GPM Core Observatory

DPR Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar

Satellite Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Core Observatory

Mission Vertical profile of heavy rain (liquid), light rain and snowfall

Main features Dual-frequency imaging radar

Frequencies: 13.6GHz and 35.55GHz
Sensitivity: 0.5 mm/h at 13.6GHz; 0.2 mm/h at 35.55GHz

Scanning Electronic scanning

technique Planar array of 148 elements
Swath: 245km at 13.6GHz; 125km at 35.55GHz

Coverage/cycle Nearly global in 5 days

High latitudes (> 65) not covered

Resolution Horizontal: 5km

(SSP) Vertical: 250 m (blind to the lowest ~150 m)

Resources Mass: 780 kg

Power: 710 W
Data rate: 190 kbps

Table 3.30. Example of cloud radar: CPR on CloudSat

CPR Cloud Profiling Radar

Satellite CloudSat

Mission Vertical profile of non-precipitating cloud water (liquid and ice)

Main features Frequency: 94.05GHz

Sensitivity: 30 dBZ

Scanning None. Along-track sampling at 2km intervals


CPR Cloud Profiling Radar

Coverage/ Global coverage in 1 month for 30km average spacing, or in 10days for
cycle 100km average spacing

Resolution Horizontal: 1.4km (cross-track) x 3.5km (along-track)

(SSP) Vertical: 500 m

Resources Mass: 230 kg

Power: 270 W
Data rate: 15 kbps

3.2.12 Radar scatterometers

These instruments have the following main characteristics:

(a) Operating frequencies in C (~5GHz) or Ku (~14GHz) bands;

(b) Very accurate calibration in order to measure backscatter coefficients ( 0) from sea capillary

(c) Spatial resolution: 1050km;

(d) Continuous and contiguous horizontal sampling; swath of approximately 1000km;

(e) Only applicable in LEO.

There are two concepts, mainly differing by the scanning principle (see Figure3.9):

(a) Electronic scanning: side-looking, generally uses C band and provides three azimuth views
for differential 0. It is more accurate for low-intensity sea-surface wind and for soil moisture.

(b) Conical scanning: generally uses Ku band, with two beams and two polarizations. It
provides four azimuth views for differential 0.

Fore beam Fore beam

Ground track

Left side Right side


Outer beam
Left side swath Right side swath
Mid beam Mid beam
Left side Right side
550 km
500 km Instantaneous
antenna footprint Inner beam

700 km
25 km 900 km

Nadir track

Aft beam Aft beam

Left side Right side

Figure 3.9. Two concepts for multiviewing scatterometers. Left: six antennas for three =s
under azimuth angles, 45, 90 and 135 respectively, on both the left and right side of the
sub-satellite track (ASCAT on Metop). Right: conical scanning of an antenna with two beams
and two polarizations, for =s under four azimuth angles for areas in the inner circle
(SeaWinds on QuikSCAT). The ASCAT concept leaves an uncovered strip of ~700km around
the sub-satellite track. In the SeaWinds concept, there appears to be no gap, but accuracy is
poor in the inner part of the swath around the sub-satellite track.

Tables 3.31 and 3.32 describe radar scatterometers using pushbroom scanning (ASCAT) and
conical scanning (SeaWinds).

Table 3.31. Example of pushbroom radar scatterometer: ASCAT on Metop

ASCAT Advanced Scatterometer

Satellites Metop-A, Metop-B, Metop-C

Mission Sea-surface wind vector; large-scale soil moisture

Main features C band (5.255GHz)

Left and right side-looking
3 antennas on each side

Scanning Two 550km swaths, separated by a 700km along-track gap

technique 3 looks each pixel (45, 90 and 135 azimuth)

Coverage/cycle Global coverage in 1.5 days

Resolution Best quality: 50km

(SSP) Standard quality: 25km
Basic sampling: 12.5km

Resources Mass: 260 kg

Power: 215 W
Data rate: 42 kbps

Table 3.32. Example of conical-scanning radar scatterometer: SeaWinds on QuikSCAT

Satellite Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT) mission

Mission Sea-surface wind vector

Main features Ku band (13.4GHz)

Conical scanning
2 beams
2 polarizations

Scanning Conical scanning: 2 beams to provide four views of each spot from
technique different angles
Swath: 1 800km

Coverage/cycle Global coverage every day

Resolution Best quality: 50km

(SSP) Standard quality: 25km
Basic sampling: 12.5km

Resources Mass: 200 kg

Power: 220 W
Data rate: 40 kbps

3.2.13 Radar altimeters

These instruments have the following main characteristics:

(a) Operating frequencies in Ku band (~14GHz), with auxiliary C band (~5GHz), or Ka band

(b) Very accurate ranging measurement between the satellite and the Earths surface;

(c) Spatial resolution in the range of 20km;


Figure 3.10. Enhancing along-track altimeter resolution by SAR-like signal processing

(d) Exclusively nadir-pointing;

(e) Only applicable in LEO.

Radar altimeters generally operate in Ku band, using C band for correction of the signal rotation
induced by the ionosphere. They are linked to a nadir-pointing MW radiometer for water vapour
correction. Their accurate ranging is used for ocean topography: the echo spread provides
information on significant wave height, while the echo intensity provides information on wind

Depending on the detailed features of the instrument and of the satellite orbit, altimeters may be
optimized for different applications:

(a) Relatively high, non-Sun-synchronous orbit (e.g.1336km), where inclination provides high
stability to the orbit (e.g.66); especially suited to solid Earth (geoid) and ocean circulation;

(b) SAR-like processing of the return echoes to synthesize higher spatial resolution along the
sub-satellite track (see Figure3.10);

(c) Parallel antennas to implement wide-swath altimetry by interferometry; particularly useful

for land use including on inland waters, such as lakes;

(d) Dual frequency (C and Ku bands), which provides information on the total electron content
between a satellite and the Earth's surface.

Table 3.33 sets out the main features of a radar altimeter with data of geodetic quality

Table 3.33. Example of radar altimeter: Poseidon3 on JASON2

Poseidon-3 Solid-state radar altimeter 3

Satellite JASON-2

Mission Ocean topography, the geoid, significant wave height, wind speed,
total electron content

Main features 2 frequencies: 5.3 GHz; 13.58GHz


Poseidon-3 Solid-state radar altimeter 3

Scanning Nadir-only viewing
technique Sampling at 30km intervals along track

Coverage/cycle Global coverage in 1 month for 30km average spacing, or in 10 days

for 100km average spacing

Resolution (SSP) 30km IFOV

Resources Mass: 70 kg
Power: 78 W
Data rate: 22.5 kbps

3.2.14 Imaging radar (synthetic aperture radar)

This wide range of instruments has the following main characteristics:

(a) Operating frequencies in P (~0.4GHz), L (~1.3GHz), S(~2.7GHz), C(~5.3GHz),

X(~9.6GHz), or Ku(~17.2GHz) bands. The L, C and X bands are most commonly used;

(b) Several combinations of polarizations in transmission and reception: HH, VV, VV/HH,
HH/HV and VV/VH;

(c) There is a trade-off between spatial resolution and swath: a 130m resolution is associated
with a swath of 30100km; but a 1001000m resolution is associated with a swath of

(d) Side looking, generally on one side, maintaining high resolution within a field of regard of
several hundreds of kilometres;

(e) Applicable in LEO only.

Figure3.11 illustrates the operating modes of one C-band SAR (ASAR).

The operating frequency is a critical feature, optimized for the purposes for which a synthetic
aperture radar (SAR) is designed:

(a) P band is most suited to biomass monitoring and hydrological mapping;

(b) L band is best suited to wave observation and volumetric soil moisture;

(c) S band is best suited to volumetric soil moisture;

(d) C band covers a wide range of applications: sea ice, wave parameters by spectral analysis
of image segments, surface soil moisture, snow parameters, glaciers, ground water, etc.
However, each individual parameter can be optimally observed at other frequencies;

(e) X band provides the best spatial resolution, and is therefore best suited to surveillance;

(f) Ka band is specifically suited to snow, which is transparent at lower frequencies;

(g) Interferometry of the signals from one SAR at different times or two SARs flying in tandem
enables the measurement of the digital elevation model and the detection of contour
changes (such as coastlines and lakes) and elevation (e.g.volcano top surface).

Flight d

485 km
100 km

VV or HH
405 km Alternating polarization < 30 m resolution
VV or VH or HH/HV 5 km x 5 km
Image vignettes
30 m resolution
Wide swath VV or HH
< 30 m resolution
Global monitoring VV or HH Up to 100 km swath
150 m resolution (PRIGEC)
VV or HH
Up to 100 km swath
1 000 m resolution 405 km swath width
405 km swath width
PRI = precision image GEC = geocoded image

Figure 3.11. Operating modes of ASAR on Envisat. In the global monitoring and wide swath
modes, the swath is 405km and is linked to either a 1000m or 150m resolution. In the
image and alternating polarization modes, a 100km swath with a 30m resolution can be
pointed to one of seven positions within a field of regard of 485km. In the wave mode,
vignettes of 5kmx5km with 30m resolution are sampled at every 100km along track.

Table 3.34 records the main features of a C-band SAR (ASAR).

Table 3.34. Example of C-band SAR: ASAR on Envisat

ASAR Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar

Satellite Envisat

Mission Sea ice, wave parameters by spectral analysis of image segments, surface soil
moisture, snow parameters, glaciers, ground water, etc.

Main features C-band SAR

Frequency: 5.331GHz
Multipolarization and variable pointing/resolution

Scanning technique Side-looking; 1545 off-nadir

Swath: 100405km, depending on operation mode (see lower part of table)

Coverage/cycle Global coverage in 5 day in global monitoring mode (if used for 70% of the time)
Longer periods (up to 3months) for other operation modes

Resolution (SSP) 30 m to 1km, depending on operation mode (see lower part of the table)

Resources Mass: 832 kg

Power: 1 400 W
Data rate: 100 Mbps

Operation mode Resolution Swath Field of regard Polarization

Stripmap 30 m 100km 485km HH or VV

ScanSAR alternating pol 30 m 100km 485km VV/HH, HH/HV, VV/VH

ScanSAR wide swath 150 m 405km 405km HH or VV

ScanSAR wide swath 150 m 405km 405km HH or VV

ScanSAR global monitoring 1km 405km 405km HH or VV

Wave 30 m 5 x 5km2 imagettes sampled at HH or VV

100km intervals

3.2.15 Lidar-based instruments

This group of instruments has the following main characteristics:

(a) Operating wavelengths in the UV (e.g. 355nm), VIS (e.g.532nm), NIR (e.g.1064nm), or
SWIR (e.g.1600nm) bands;

(b) Possible dual wavelength, two receivers (for Mie and Rayleigh scattering); polarimetry;

(c) Horizontal resolution within a 100m range, often degraded by up to 50km in order to
collect enough de-correlated samples;

(d) Vertical resolution within a 100m range (approximately 10cm for lidar altimeters);

(e) Non-scanning: either nadir-viewing or oblique.

A space lidar is a voluminous instrument that needs to be optimized for specific applications:

(a) Doppler lidars generally operate in UV, for both Mie and Rayleigh scattering, in order to
track aerosol and air molecules; oblique view is used to measure radial wind in clear air and

(b) Backscatter lidars operate at one (on UV) or two (VIS and NIR) wavelengths, often with
more polarizations; nadir view is used for obtaining aerosol profiles, cloud-top height and
atmospheric discontinuities, such as the height of the top of the planetary boundary layer
and of the tropopause;

(c) Lidar altimeters usually operate at two wavelengths (VIS and NIR); nadir view is used, as
is very high-vertical resolution (for sea-ice elevation) and horizontal resolution (for ice

(d) Differential absorption lidar operate at one wavelength centred on the absorption peak of
one trace gas, in UV, VIS, NIR or SWIR, and nearby windows; nadir view is used for high-
vertical-resolution observation of, for example, O3, H2O and CO2.

Tables 3.353.38 give details of a Doppler lidar (ALADIN), a backscatter lidar (CALIOP), a lidar
altimeter (GLAS) and a differential absorption lidar (CO2 lidar).

Table 3.35. Example of Doppler lidar: ALADIN on ADM-Aeolus

ALADIN Atmospheric Laser Doppler Instrument

Satellite Atmospheric Dynamics Mission (ADM) Aeolus

Mission Wind profile in clear air, aerosol profile, cloud-top height

Main features Single-wavelength (355nm), side-looking; 35 off-nadir

High spectral resolution laser for distinguishing aerosol types

Scanning No scanning
technique Pulse echoes averaged over a 50km field of view
Field of view sampled at 200km intervals

Coverage/ Global coverage in 1 month for 30km average spacing, or in 10 days for
cycle 100km average spacing

Resolution Horizontal: 50km field of view sampled at 200km intervals

(SSP) Vertical: from 250 m in the planetary boundary layer to 2km at ~20km

Resources Mass: 500 kg

Power: 840 W
Data rate: 11 kbps

Table 3.36. Example of backscatter lidar: CALIOP on CALIPSO

CALIOP CloudAerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization

Satellite CloudAerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations

Mission Aerosol profile, cloud-top height and atmospheric discontinuities

(height of the top of the planetary boundary layer and of the tropopause)

Main features Two wavelengths (532 and 1064nm)

Measurements at two orthogonal polarizations

Scanning Nadir-only viewing

technique Sampling at 330m intervals along track
Near-continuous profiling

Coverage/ Global coverage in 1 month for 30km average spacing, or in 10 days for
cycle 100km average spacing

Resolution Horizontal: 70m IFOV sampled at 333m intervals along track

(SSP) Vertical: 30 m

Resources Mass: 156 kg

Power: 124 W
Data rate: 332 kbps

Table 3.37. Example of lidar altimeter: GLAS on ICESat

GLAS Geoscience Laser Altimeter System

Satellite Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat)

Mission Polar ice sheet thickness and topography, cloud-top height, aerosol

Main features Dual-wavelength lidar (532 and 1064nm)


GLAS Geoscience Laser Altimeter System

Scanning Nadir-only viewing
technique Sampling at 170m intervals along track
Near-continuous profiling

Coverage/ Global coverage in 183 days (orbit repeat cycle)

cycle Leaves cross-track 2.5km gaps at 80 latitude (15km at the Equator)

Resolution Horizontal: 66m IFOV sampled at 170m intervals along track

(SSP) Vertical: 10 cm surface, 200m cloud top

Resources Mass: 298 kg

Power: 300 W
Data rate: 450 bps

Table 3.38. Example of differential absorption lidar: CO2 lidar on ASCENDS

CO2 lidar
Satellite Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights, Days, and Seasons

Mission Monitoring CO2 with unprecedented accuracy by using lidar

Main features Wavelength: 1.572 m for CO2

Option for O2 at 1260 or 765nm also considered

Scanning Nadir-only viewing


Coverage/cycle Global coverage in one month for 30km average spacing, or in 10 days
for 100km average spacing

Resolution Horizontal: 125 m

(SSP) Vertical: total column

Resources Mass: 420 kg

Power: 920 W
Data rate: 1.9 Mbps

3.2.16 Gradiometers/accelerometers

Knowledge of the gravity field is crucial for modelling the solid Earth. Several space techniques
address this subject.

(a) The long-wave components of the gravity field are measured through radar or lidar
altimetry, or through precise orbitography (e.g. with laser ranging, radio positioning,
GNSS, star tracking).

(b) Short-wave components (anomalies and perturbations of the gravity field) are observed at
satellite altitude by accelerometers or gradiometers, in association with satellite-to-satellite
ranging systems. An accelerometer measures the variation of the gravity field along the
satellite trajectory. A gradiometer comprises a network of accelerometers, which measures
the gravity-gradient tensor. Satellite-to-satellite ranging systems are transmitter-receiver
systems, usually in K band (24GHz) and Ka band (32GHz). They are designed to accurately
measure the distance and its variations between satellites flying in coordinated orbits. The
same measurements are possible through the simultaneous reception of signals from tens
of GNSS satellites: that determines positioning changes highly accurately.

Tables 3.39 and 3.40 describe a gradiometer/accelerometer (EGG) and a satellite-to-satellite

ranging system (HAIRS).

Table 3.39. Example of accelerometer/gradiometer: EGG on GOCE

EGG Three-axis Electrostatic Gravity Gradiometer

Satellite Gravity Field and Steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE)

Mission Solid Earth

Observation of the Earths gravity field along the orbit

Main features Three pairs of 3-axis accelerometers, specially assembled to

measure the gravity-gradient tensor
Accuracy: 10 12 m s2
Resolution: 2 10 12 m s2 Hz1/2

Table 3.40. Example of satellite-to-satellite ranging system:

HAIRS on Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE)

HAIRS High Accuracy Inter-satellite Ranging System

Satellites GRACE (2 satellites flying in tandem, 220km apart)

Mission Solid Earth

Observation of the Earths gravity field along the orbit

Main features Dual-frequency ranging, in K band (24GHz) and K a band (32GHz)

Accuracy: 10 m

3.2.17 Solar activity monitors

Solar activity is monitored either by remote-sensing or in situ in the solar wind, from deep space
and Earths orbit. Several measurement approaches are possible:

(a) Electromagnetic radiation: measured by radiometers, spectrometers and polarimeters for

rays (less than 0.001nm), Xray (0.00110nm), extreme UV (10120nm),
UV (120380nm), VIS (380780nm) and longer wavelengths including radio waves (more
than 1m);

(b) Energetic particles (electrons, protons, particles, ions, cosmic rays, neutrons): the energy
range is generally broken down into high-, medium- and low-energy; the boundaries of
the ranges depend on the type of charged particle; measurements can be integrated over
the full energy range, or over partial ranges; spectroscopy within a range may also be

(c) Magnetic and electric fields, directly measured in the solar wind, and inferred in
the photosphere; those fields are inferred from measurements in the solar wind or
from spectroscopy of VIS solar images using the Zeeman effect, Doppler analysis or

(d) Measurements can be performed by: integrating over the full solar disk; imaging the solar
disk; or imaging the corona only by occulting the disk (a coronagraph);

(e) A specific observation is that of solar irradiance, either total or spectrally resolved (see

An example of an instrument package for solar activity monitoring from the L1 Lagrange
libration point, SOHO, is described in Table 3.41.

3.2.18 Space environment monitors

Space environment monitoring at platform level provides information used for monitoring and
making predictions about overall space weather conditions, as well as for platform safety. The
instrumentation generally includes:

(a) Charged particle detectors, designed for specific ranges of energy, either integrated or
spectrally resolved;

(b) Magnetometers and electrometers.

An example of an instrument package for in situ space environment monitoring, GGAKM, is

described in Table 3.42.

3.2.19 Magnetometers and electric field sensors

Magnetic and electric fields in the magnetosphere can be measured in situ as the satellite moves
along its orbit. If the orbit is highly eccentric, it crosses the magnetosphere at different altitudes,
thus providing 3D profiles. Gradients of the fields are better observed when more satellites are
flown together in coordinated orbits. Usual instruments are:

(a) Either scalar or vector magnetometers;

(b) Electron fluxometers (used to compute the electric field).

An example of an instrument package, Cluster, for 3D observation of the magnetosphere, which

uses four satellites, is described in Table 3.43.

Table 3.41. Example of solar activity monitoring package: SOHO instrumentation

SOHO instrumentation
Satellite Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)

Mission Sun monitoring from the L1 Lagrange point

Main features Solar atmosphere remote-sensing instrument package:

Solar UV Measurement of Emitted Radiation (SUMER)
Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS)
Extreme UV Imaging Telescope (EIT)
UV Coronagraph and Spectrometer (UVCS)
Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO)
Solar Wind Anisotropies (SWAN)
Solar wind in situ particle instrument package:
Charge, Element and Isotope Analysis System (CELIAS)
Comprehensive Suprathermal and Energetic Particle Analyzer
Energetic and Relativistic Nuclei and Electron Experiment (ERNE)
Helio-seismology instrument package (study of the Sun's interior):
Global Oscillations at Low Frequencies (GOLF)
Variability of Solar Irradiance and Gravity Oscillations (VIRGO)
Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI)

Scanning technique Sun pointing

Coverage/cycle Continuous from the L1 Lagrange point

Resources (of the Mass: 1 850 kg

satellite) Power: 1.5 kW
Data rate: 200 kbps

Table 3.42. Example of space environment monitoring package: GGAKM on MeteorM

GGAK-M Geophysical Monitoring System Complex

Satellites Meteor-M N1, Meteor-M N2, Meteor-M N21, MeteorM N22

Mission Space environment monitoring at platform level

Main features Spectrometer for Geoactive Measurements (MSGIMKA) package:

Electron fluxes in the energy range 0.115 keV (high-sensitivity channel)
Ion (proton) fluxes in the energy range 0.115 keV (high-sensitivity channel)
Electron fluxes in the energy range 0.115 keV (low-sensitivity channel)
Monitoring of integral electron fluxes with a threshold energy of 40keV
Radiation Monitoring System (KGI4C) package:
Total proton flux threshold energy of: 5, 15, 25, 30 and 40MeV
Total electron flux threshold energy of: 0.17, 0.7, 1.7, 2.0 and 3.2MeV
Proton fluxes with threshold energies of: 25 and 90MeV

Resources Mass: 17 kg
Power: 13.6 W
Data rate: 16 kbps

Table 3.43. Example of magnetosphere monitoring package: Cluster instrumentation

Cluster instrumentation
Satellites Cluster A, B, C and D (four satellites flying together in coordinated orbits)

Mission Monitoring of the 3D magnetosphere

Main features Package of the following instruments:

Fluxgate Magnetometer (FGM)
Spatio-temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations (STAFF)
Electric Fields and Waves (EFW)
Waves of High Frequency and Sounder for Probing of Density by
Relaxation (WHISPER)
Wide Band Data (WBD)
Digital Wave Processor (DWP)
Electron Drift Instrument (EDI)
Cluster Ion Spectrometry (CIS) experiment
Plasma Electron and Current Analyzer (PEACE)
Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors (RAPID)
Active Spacecraft Potential Control (ASPOC)

Scanning technique 4 satellites travelling across the magnetosphere in highly elliptical orbits

Coverage/cycle Continuous; in situ along the orbit

Resources (of one Mass: 1 200 kg

satellite) Power: 224 W
Data rate: 16.9 kbps

CHAPTER 4. SATELLITE PROGRAMMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  907

4.1 Operational meteorological satellites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  907
4.1.1 Satellite constellation in geostationary or highly elliptical orbit. . . . . . . . . . . . .  907
4.1.2 Satellite constellation in Sun-synchronous orbits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  909
4.2 Specialized atmospheric missions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  910
4.2.1 Precipitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  910
4.2.2 Radio occultation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  911
4.2.3 Atmospheric radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  912
4.2.4 Atmospheric chemistry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  913
4.2.5 Atmospheric dynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  914
4.3 Missions on ocean and sea ice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  914
4.3.1 Ocean topography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  916
4.3.2 Ocean colour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  916
4.3.3 Sea-surface wind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  916
4.3.4 Sea-surface salinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  916
4.3.5 Waves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  917
4.4 Land-observation missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  917
4.4.1 Main operational or near-operational missions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  917
4.4.2 The Disaster Monitoring Constellation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  917
4.4.3 All-weather high-resolution monitoring (by synthetic aperture radar). . . . . . .  918
4.5 Missions on solid Earth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  920
4.5.1 Space geodesy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  922
4.5.2 Earths interior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  923
4.6 Missions on space weather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  923
4.6.1 Solar activity monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  924
4.6.2 Magnetosphere and ionosphere monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  924 Observation of the magnetosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  924 Observation of the ionosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  927 Space environment observation from operational
meteorological satellites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  928

The measurements described in PartIII, Chapter2 are performed within satellite programmes1
implemented by space agencies with either an operational mandate to serve particular user
communities, or a priority mandate for research and development. In addition to the core
meteorological constellations in geostationary and near-polar Sun-synchronous orbits, these
programmes include environmental missions focusing on specific atmospheric parameters,
ocean and ice, land observation, solid Earth or space weather. Many of these environmental
missions are designed and operated in a research or demonstration context, but some of them
have reached operational maturity, and contribute to the sustained observation of environmental
components, especially when they have been extended over time and/or they give way to an
operational follow-on. Further information on measurement principles and uncertainties for
geophysical variables can be found in PartIII, Chapter5.

For each type of application, satellite missions may be seen as constituent parts of constellations
of spacecraft that, in many cases, will deliver their full benefit only when implemented in a
coordinated fashion, ensuring synergy among the different sensors. International coordination
among satellite operators is achieved within the Coordination Group for Meteorological
Satellites, the primary goal of which is to maintain the operational meteorological and
climate monitoring constellations, and the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites, which
has initiated virtual constellations with thematic objectives (ocean surface topography,
precipitation, atmospheric composition, land surface imaging, ocean surface vector wind, ocean
colour radiometry and sea-surface temperature).

The following mission categories are considered:

(a) Operational meteorological satellites;

(b) Specialized atmospheric missions;

(c) Missions on ocean and sea ice;

(d) Land-observation missions;

(e) Missions on solid Earth;

(f) Missions on space weather.


The system of operational meteorological satellites constitutes the backbone of the space-based
Global Observing System. It is split into two components, according to the orbital characteristics:

(a) Constellation in geostationary or highly elliptical orbit;

(b) Constellation in Sun-synchronous orbits.

4.1.1 Satellite constellation in geostationary or highly elliptical orbit

The geostationary orbit is particularly suited for operational meteorology because it enables very
frequent sampling (at sub-hourly or minute rates) as necessary for rapidly evolving phenomena
(daily weather) or detecting events such as lightning, as long as no very high spatial resolution is
required (order of 1km). The primary observations from the geostationary orbit are:

Details on these programmes are available in the WMO online database on space-based capabilities, which is
updated on a regular basis.

(a) Cloud evolution (detection, cover, top height and temperature, type, water phase at cloud
top, particle size);

(b) Frequent profile of temperature and humidity to monitor atmospheric stability;

(c) Winds by tracking clouds and water-vapour patterns (including wind profile from water-
vapour profile tracking);

(d) Convective precipitation (in combination with microwave (MW) data from low Earth orbit
(LEO) satellites and lightning detection);

(e) Rapidly changing surface variables (sea-surface temperature in coastal zones, fires);

(f) Ozone and other trace gases affected by diurnal variation or arising from changing sources.

One drawback of the geostationary orbit is the poor visibility at high latitudes, beyond about
60 for quantitative measurements and 70 for qualitative. This limitation can be overcome by
using high-eccentricity inclined orbits (Molniya, Tundra or three-apogee orbits) instead of the
geostationary orbit (see PartIII, Chapter2, 2.1.4). Additionally, the diffraction limit due to the
small angles subtended by the large distance poses challenges for very high-resolution optical
imagery and MW radiometry. MW observation for all-weather temperature and humidity
sounding and quantitative precipitation measurement from geostationary Earth orbit (GEO)
should be feasible by using high frequencies, as the technology becomes available.

The requirement for global non-polar frequent observations from the geostationary satellites
calls for six regularly-spaced spacecraft (Figure4.1). In an operational constellation, backup
satellites are required to provide redundancy above this minimum.

Table4.1 lists the operational programmes that agreed to contribute to the constellation of
meteorological geostationary satellites in 2012, and their nominal positions. Other positions may
be used on a temporary basis, for instance in contingency situations.





150W 120W 90W 60W 30W 0 30E 60E 90E 120E 150E

Figure 4.1. Coverage from six regularly-spaced geostationary satellites. The circles
subtend a geocentric angle of 60, considered the practical limit for quantitative observations
(for qualitative use, images actually extend beyond). All latitudes between
55S and 55N are covered.

Table 4.1. Present and planned satellite programmes

of the operational meteorological system in GEO

Acronym Full name Responsible Nominal position(s)

GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental NOAA 75W and 135W

Meteosat Meteorological Satellite EUMETSAT 0

Electro/GOMS Electro/Geostationary Operational RosHydroMet 76E, 14.5W and

Meteorological Satellite 166E

INSAT and Indian National Satellite and Kalpana ISRO 74E and 93.5E

FY2 and FY4 FengYun2 and follow-on FengYun4 CMA 86.5E and 105E

COMS and Communication, Oceanography and KMA 128.2E or 116.2E

GEOKOMPSAT Meteorology Satellite and follow-on
Geostationary Korea Multi-purpose Satellite

Himawari/ Himawari, including Multifunctional Transport Japan 140E

MTSAT Satellite Meteorological

4.1.2 Satellite constellation in Sun-synchronous orbits

The Sun-synchronous orbit provides global coverage necessary for applications such as
global numerical weather prediction (NWP), polar meteorology, and climatology. For these
applications, very frequent sampling is less critical than global coverage and high accuracy. The
primary contributions from Sun-synchronous orbits are:

(a) Profile of temperature and humidity as primary input to NWP;

(b) Cloud observations at high latitudes complementing GEO;

(c) Precipitation observations by MW radiometry;

(d) Surface variables (sea and land surface temperatures, vegetation and soil-moisture

(e) Ice cover, snow, hydrological variables;

(f) Surface radiative parameters (irradiance, albedo, photosynthetically active radiation,

fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation);

(g) Ozone and other trace gases for environment and climate monitoring.

Additional advantages of Sun-synchronous and other low Earth orbits are the capability to
perform active sensing in the MW (radar) and optical (lidar) ranges and limb measurements of
the higher atmosphere.

Global coverage at roughly four-hour intervals can be achieved by three Sun-synchronous

satellites in coordinated orbital planes crossing the equator at, for instance, 05:30, 09:30
and 13:30 local solar time, provided that the instrument swath is sufficiently wide and the
measurement can be performed by both day and night (see Figure4.2).

Table4.2 lists the operational programmes contributing now or in the future to the constellation
of meteorological Sun-synchronous satellites as of 2012.

VIS/IR imagery with IR/MW sounding with Microwave radiometer with

cross-track scanning cross-track scanning conical scanning
swath 2 900 km swath 2 200 km swath 1 700 km

Figure4.2. Coverage from three Sun-synchronous satellites of height 833km and equatorial
crossing time (ECT) regularly spaced at 05:30d, 09:30d and 13:30a. For the purpose of this
schematic diagram, all satellites are assumed to cross the equator at 1200universal
coordinated time (UTC). The figure refers to a time window of 3h and 23min (to capture two
full orbits of each satellite) centred on 1200UTC. Three typical swaths are considered. Nearly
three-hour global coverage is provided for the VIS/IR imagery mission, whereas for the IR/
MW sounding mission coverage is nearly complete at latitudes above 30degrees. For
microwave conical scanners, global coverage in three hours would require eight satellites.


4.2.1 Precipitation

Precipitation is a basic meteorological variable, but its measurement requires the exploitation of
the microwave spectral range at a resolution consistent with the scale of the phenomenon and at
relatively low frequencies; this implies large instruments. Moreover, the relation between passive
MW sensing and precipitation is not explicit. Only total-column precipitation is measured,
and only in a few channels. The retrieval problem is strongly ill-conditioned and requires
modelling of the vertical cloud structure, which can only be observed by radar. The Tropical

Table 4.2. Present and planned satellite programmes

of the operational meteorological system in LEO

Acronym Full name Responsible Height Nominal ECT

NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric NOAA 833 km 13:30 a

Suomi-NPP Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership NOAA 833 km 13:30 a

JPSS Joint Polar Satellite System NOAA 833 km 13:30 a

DMSP Defense Meteorological Satellite Program DoD 833 km 05:30 d

Metop Meteorological Operational Satellite EUMETSAT 817 km 09:30 d

MetopSG Meteorological Operational Satellite EUMETSAT 817 km 09:30 d

Second Generation

FY3 FengYun3 CMA 836 km 10:00 d and

14:00 a

MeteorM Meteor, series M RosHydroMet 830 km 09:30 d and

15:30 a

MeteorMP Meteor, series MP RosHydroMet 830 km 09:30 d and

15:30 a

Figure 4.3. Concept of the Global Precipitation Measurement mission

Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM; launched in 1997), that carries associated passive and active
MW sensors, has enabled algorithms to be developed that allow much better use of passive

The TRMM mission has enabled the concept of a Global Precipitation Measurement mission to
be developed that is being implemented in an international context. Its objective is to provide
global coverage of precipitation measurements at three-hour intervals. Since the baseline
instrument is an MW conical scanning radiometer with limited swath, the three-hour frequency
requires eight satellites in regularly distributed near-polar orbits (Figure4.3). In addition to those
constellation satellites, a Core Observatory in inclined orbit equipped with precipitation
radar enables all other measurements from passive MW radiometers to be calibrated when
constellation and core-satellite orbits cross one another. Beyond the missions specifically tailored
for precipitation observation, any operational mission equipped with MW radiometers can
contribute to the composite system.

4.2.2 Radio occultation

Radio occultation of GNSS satellites is a powerful technique for providing temperature and
humidity profiles with a vertical resolution that is unachievable by nadir-viewing instruments.
However, the implementation of operational systems is proceeding slowly. One difficulty is that
the payload, although of low mass, power and data rate (see, for instance, the description of
the GNSS Receiver for Atmospheric Sounding (GRAS) in PartIII, Chapter3, 3.2.7, Table3.23),
places volumetric constraints on the platform (two large antennas, say 0.5m2 each, requiring
unobstructed view fore and aft). Another difficulty is that the technique requires a significant
number of satellites in different orbits.

The radio occultation concept was demonstrated in space in 1995 by the Global Positioning
System/Meteorology (GPS/MET) on MicroLab1. Since then, establishing a constellation of
radio occultation receivers has been advocated, initially for climatological purposes to provide
absolute measurements that can be compared at any time intervals to detect climate
trends, then also for NWP high vertical resolution soundings and for the absolute reference
measurements correcting the biases of other sounding systems.

Radio occultation is an infrequent event. By exploiting one GNSS constellation and tracking
both rising and setting occultations, about 500occultation events per day may be captured.
In addition to the long-standing GPS and GLONASS, a third constellation, Compass (named

Beidou in Chinese), is now operated by China, and a fourth constellation, Galileo, is being
implemented by the European Commission (EC) and the European Space Agency (ESA). The
number of occultations per day per satellite rises to 1000 by exploiting two constellations and
1500 with three constellations if received in both fore and aft views. It has been estimated
that, in order to provide global coverage with an average sampling of 300km every 12h, it is
necessary to deploy at least 12satellites on properly distributed orbital planes. One very effective
approach is to use clusters of small dedicated satellites placed in orbit by a single launch. The
Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC) includes six
micro-satellites launched at once and thereafter separated into regularly-spaced orbits. Several
meteorological satellites are also carrying individual GNSS radio-occultation receivers.

4.2.3 Atmospheric radiation

A limitation of NWP and general circulation models is the representation of the radiative
processes in the atmosphere. Aerosols, cloud interior (particularly ice), radiation fluxes within
the 3D atmosphere in addition to the top of the atmosphere (TOA) and the Earth surface, are
their main factors. Some of these variables require large observing instruments (lidar, cloud
radar, etc.) that are not feasible for multi-purpose operational meteorological satellites, thus the
observation of atmospheric radiation relies on a suite of instruments flown either in operational
programmes or on dedicated missions.

Atmospheric radiation was the first observation performed from space in October 1959 on
ExplorerVII. At the time of the first Television and Infrared Observation Satellite (TIROS) flights
the Earths planetary albedo was poorly known. Instruments exploiting multi-viewing, multi-
polarization and multi-spectral sensing have been developed, the first one being the Polarization
and Directionality of the Earths Reflectances (POLDER) on the Advanced Earth Observing
Satellite 1 (ADEOS1; 19961997).

Observing atmospheric radiation requires contributing factors to be observed in parallel. Since

the radiation budget is a small difference between large quantities, errors of spatial and time
co-registration have a high impact on accuracy. Since it is impossible to embark all instruments
on a single platform, the concept of formation flying has been implemented, such as the ATrain
(Figure4.4). In this concept, several satellites are flying on nearly the same Sun-synchronous
orbit, at 705km altitude, ECT ~13:30 ascending node, following each other along the same
ground track within a few seconds.

The A-Train

Aura OCO

Figure4.4. The spread of equatorial crossing times across the satellites addressing
atmospheric radiation (Glory, PARASOL, CALIPSO, CloudSat and EOSAqua)
is about two minutes. Note that there may be some changes in the satellites
participating in the ATrain; for instance PARASOL was removed after five years, EOSAura
has been added, Glory failed at launch, OCO, lost at launch, will be
replaced by OCO2, and GCOMW1 has been added.

4.2.4 Atmospheric chemistry

Atmospheric chemistry has grown in importance over time. Attention was focused initially on
ozone monitoring, especially after the discovery of the ozone hole; then on the greenhouse effect
as a driver of global warming; and finally on air quality, for its impact on living conditions in the
biosphere. Depending on the objective, the instrumentation may be quite simple (such as for
total column of one or few species) or very complicated (such as for vertical profiles of families of

It is noted that:

(a) On meteorological satellites, infrared (IR) hyperspectral sounders primarily designed for
temperature and humidity sounding do contribute to atmospheric chemistry observation,
but their performance for chemistry is limited to total columns of a few greenhouse species.
The short-wave (SW) instruments are primarily designed for ozone and a few species in the
ultraviolet (UV) and visible (VIS) ranges;

(b) Some atmospheric-chemistry missions are hosted on large multi-purpose facilities, or on

dedicated atmospheric-chemistry satellites.

The first comprehensive mission for atmospheric chemistry, the Upper Atmosphere Research
Satellite (UARS) was exploiting limb sounding. When launched, in 1991, it was by far the largest
Earth observation satellite ever in orbit (mass at launch: 6540kg). Table4.3 provides a list of
satellites either substantially addressing, or fully dedicated to, atmospheric chemistry.

The lack of limb sounding on future satellites jeopardizes the observation of the higher

Table 4.3. Satellite programmes with strong or exclusive focus on atmospheric chemistry

Acronym Full name Responsible Measurements

Envisat Environmental Satellite ESA IR limb, SW nadir and limb,
UV/VISstar occultation

EOSAura Earth Observation System Aura NASA IR limb, IR nadir and limb,
UV/VISnadir, MW limb

GOSAT Greenhouse Gas Observing JAXA NIR/SWIR/MWIR/TIR nadir


Odin Odin SNSB UV/VIS/NIR limb, MW limb

OCO2 Orbiting Carbon Observatory NASA NIR/SWIR nadir

SCISAT Scientific Satellite CSA UV/VIS/NIR and SWIR/MWIR/TIR Sun


Sentinel4 Sentinel4 on Meteosat Third ESA, UV/VIS/NIR nadir

Generation EUMETSAT, EC

Sentinel5P Sentinel5 precursor ESA, EC UV/VIS/NIR/SWIR nadir

Sentinel5 Sentinel5 on Metop Second ESA, SW nadir

Generation EUMETSAT, EC
SNSB = Swedish National Space Board
CSA = Canadian Space Agency
NIR = near infrared
SWIR = short-wave infrared
MWIR = medium-wave infrared
TIR = thermal infrared

4.2.5 Atmospheric dynamics

The study of atmospheric dynamics involves missions measuring the 3D wind field, a difficult
issue since the wind per se does not have a signature in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Nevertheless, considerable effort has been devoted and continues to be devoted to the subject,
since wind is a primary observation for NWP and general circulation models.

Deriving wind characteristics from the motion of clouds or other atmospheric patterns has been
an early application of geostationary satellites. Still today, it is the operational practice providing
thousands of wind vectors every day. Tracking clouds or water vapour patterns, however,
determines the wind at one level only. The level depends on the tracer and is measured with
limited accuracy. For large areas, all tracers tend to be in the same altitude range, thus limiting
the vertical resolution in practice to one or two levels. With the future advent of hyperspectral
sounders in GEO, frequent water vapour profiles, with their patterns, will be available at
additional heights, and a broad vertical resolution will be achieved in clear air. Atmospheric
motion winds are also derived over polar areas from polar-orbiting satellites, taking advantage of
the frequent overpasses.

Experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the tracking of atmospheric eddies, aerosol
and molecules by Doppler lidar, capable of very high vertical resolution in clear air. This is the
scope of the Atmospheric Dynamics Mission (ADM) Aeolus mission with the Atmospheric Laser
Doppler Instrument (ALADIN).

Winds are also of interest in the stratosphere and mesosphere, where clouds and water vapour
have no characteristic pattern, and there are no turbulence eddies or dense aerosols either. The
technique applicable here is measurement of the Doppler shift of narrow lines in the oxygen
band around 760nm. Demonstrated by UARS, the technique is exploited by TIMED with TIDI
(TIMED Doppler Interferometer).


Certain observations of ocean and sea ice have been provided by meteorological satellites since
the very beginning of the space era. VIS imagery, the very first application of meteorological
satellites, is capable of sea-ice mapping. IR imagery added the capability to measure sea-
surface temperature. MW imagery extended the observing capability to measure sea-surface
temperature and ice cover to all-weather conditions, and added the capability to sea-surface
wind speed. Radar scatterometry started in 1978. These observations of sea-surface temperature,
sea-surface wind, and ice cover are still provided by operational meteorological satellites. Further
measurements, including altimetry, ocean colour, salinity, and waves, are performed in the
framework of non-meteorological programmes, sometimes dedicated to ocean and sea ice.

Table4.4 lists satellite programmes addressing ocean and sea ice.

Table 4.4. Satellite programmes addressing missions on ocean and sea ice

Acronym Full name Responsible Oceanographic missions

COMS Communication, Oceanography KMA Ocean colour from GEO
and Meteorology Satellite

Coriolis Coriolis DoD, NASA Surface wind by MW polarimetry

CryoSat Cryosphere Satellite ESA Radar altimetry for ice

Envisat Environmental Satellite ESA Ocean colour

Radar altimetry

EOSAqua Earth Observation System Aqua NASA Multi-purpose MW imagery

(large antenna)
Ocean colour

Acronym Full name Responsible Oceanographic missions

EOSTerra Earth Observation System Terra NASA Ocean colour

FY3 FengYun-3 CMA Ocean colour

Surface wind by C- and Ku-band

GCOMC Global Change Observation JAXA Ocean colour

Mission for Climate

GCOMW Global Change Observation JAXA Multi-purpose MW imagery

Mission for Water (large antenna)

GEOKOMPSAT Geostationary Korea Multi- KMA Ocean colour from GEO

purpose Satellite

HY1 Hai Yang-1 NSOAS, CAST Ocean colour

HY2 Hai Yang-2 NSOAS, CAST Radar altimetry

Surface wind by Ku-band

ICESat Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation NASA Lidar altimetry for ice

JASON Joint Altimetry Satellite NASA, CNES, Radar altimetry, geoid

Oceanography Network EUMETSAT,

JPSS Joint Polar Satellite System NOAA Ocean colour

Meteor M/MP MeteorM and MeteorMP, flight RosHydroMet Ocean colour

N3 units N3 Surface wind by Ku-band

Metop and Meteorological Operational EUMETSAT Surface wind by C-band

MetopSG satellite and follow-on Metop scatterometer
Second Generation

OceanSat Satellite for the Ocean ISRO Ocean colour

Surface wind by Ku-band

SACD/ Satlite de aplicaciones NASA, CONAE Ocean salinity (real-aperture

Aquarius cientficas D antenna)

SARAL Satellite with Argos and Altika CNES, ISRO Radar altimetry

Sentinel3 Sentinel3 ESA, EC, Ocean colour

EUMETSAT Radar altimetry

SMOS Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity ESA Ocean salinity (synthetic
aperture antenna)

SuomiNPP Suomi National Polar-orbiting NASA, NOAA, Ocean colour

Partnership DoD
KMA = Korea Meteorological Administration
DoD = Department of Defense (United States)
CMA = China Meteorological Administration
JAXA = Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
NSOAS = National Satellite Ocean Application Service (China)

Note (cont.):
CAST = China Academy of Space Technology
CNES = National Centre for Space Studies (France)
EUMETSAT = European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
ISRO = Indian Space Research Organisation
CONAE = Argentine Space Agency

4.3.1 Ocean topography

Ocean surface topography is a primary mission for oceanography, since it provides insight into
the large-scale ocean circulation that is a major oceanographic feature and a basic component of
the climate system. Reconstruction of ocean topography also implies accurate determination of
the geoid, an insight into the solid Earth domain.

Radar altimetry is the only observing technique for ocean topography. Altimeters are carried by
different satellites, some multi-purpose platforms to provide global coverage, and some (since
the Topography Experiment (TOPEX) Poseidon in 19922006) dedicated satellites in specially
stable orbits to provide accurate reference measurements. Some altimeters are specifically
designed for polar-ice topography, in one case exploiting lidar for more accurate boundary
detection and vertical resolution (see Table4.4).

4.3.2 Ocean colour

Ocean colour is a very informative observation to infer the state of health of the ocean, its
productivity and its capacity to interact with the atmosphere, as a CO2 sink, for example.
Therefore, it is a basic observation for operations in open ocean and in coastal zones, and for

Several satellites address ocean colour observation. Some of them belong to the operational
meteorology framework; one is in geostationary orbit (see Table4.4).

4.3.3 Sea-surface wind

Wind over the sea surface is a basic measurement for oceanography since it drives atmospheric
forcing, hence surface currents, and the intensity of airsea interaction. Of course, it is also an
important geophysical variable for weather prediction, enabling derivation of surface pressure
that cannot be directly measured from space. Therefore, several wind-observing instruments are
part of the operational meteorological mission. Table4.4 records the missions addressing sea-
surface winds that are able to provide both speed and direction (radar scatterometer either in the
Cband operated in the pushbroom manner, which involves scanning a swath straight down, or
in the Kuband with conical scanning; and polarimetric MW passive radiometers). Other passive
MW radiometers, that can contribute to wind-speed observation, are mentioned only for multi-
purpose MW imagers with large antennas.

4.3.4 Sea-surface salinity

Salinity is a basic measurement for oceanography since, with temperature, it controls water
density, hence the vertical motion in the thermo-haline layer. Furthermore, it controls the oceans
ability to remove trace gases from the atmosphere. Measuring salinity from space is possible
only by low-frequency MW radiometry (Lband around 1.4GHz), which requires large antennas.
Missions addressing sea-surface salinity are based either on a synthetic-aperture antenna, or on a
real-aperture antenna (see Table4.4).

4.3.5 Waves

The observation of waves is important for ocean operations, in the open ocean and even more
so in coastal zones. It is also important for coastal-zone climatology. Unfortunately, waves are
difficult to observe from space, since the direct measurement from the radar altimeter provides
only the significant wave height, and only along the satellite track. The altimeter missions are
listed in Table4.4.

The 2D wave field can be observed by spectral analysis of SAR imagery. In principle, any vignette
from a SAR image could be processed to provide the dominant wave direction and period, as
well as the directional energy frequency spectrum. In practice, the vignettes are sampled at
intervals during the whole orbit, and stored on board since the associated data rate is rather low.
The Envisat Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) performs this function in wave mode.


All imagery missions of the operational meteorological satellites provide information on several
geophysical variables characterizing land surface. Specifically:

(a) VIS/IR imaging instruments: land surface temperature, soil moisture indexes, several
vegetation indexes, several fire parameters, radiative parameters, ice and snow cover;

(b) MW imaging instruments: all-weather land surface temperature, surface-soil moisture,

several ice and snow parameters;

(c) Radar scatterometers: surface-soil moisture, total biomass, snow water equivalent.

However, the design of the instruments flown on operational meteorological satellites is driven
by the main objective of describing the surfaceatmosphere interface processes, as necessary
(and sufficient) for weather analysis and prediction and by the need for the observed spatial-
temporal scales to be consistent with climate monitoring requirements. This section focuses
on satellite programmes addressing land applications as primary objectives, for geophysical
variables such as land cover and use, fraction of vegetated land, vegetation type, lake and glacier
cover, topography, small-scale soil moisture and snow parameters for hydrology.

These applications require spatial resolutions at the scale of metres or a few tens of metres,
which imply using optical bands (especially VIS) or imaging radar (SAR). Another application of
very high-resolution optical imagery or SAR is security, including disaster monitoring, control of
compliance with internationally agreed protocols for environmental protection, etc.

4.4.1 Main operational or near-operational missions

Land observation has been the second space application, after meteorology, to give rise to
operational programmes. The first land-observation satellite, initially named the Earth Resources
Technology Satellite (ERTS), thereafter re-named Landsat1, was launched by the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in July 1972. Since then, other space agencies
have undertaken land-observation programmes, often in a fairly operational way. Table4.5 lists
the programmes that have a demonstrated heritage of continuity or are designed for long-term

4.4.2 The Disaster Monitoring Constellation

The Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC) initiative was originally promoted by the British
National Space Centre (BNSC). The principle of the DMC (see Figure4.5) was to have about five
satellites in the same orbit, separated by about 20min, in such a way that the (narrow) swath
of the instruments of one satellite (~600km) was contiguous with the next, thus ensuring daily

Table4.5. Land-observation satellite programmes designed for long-term continuity

Acronym Full name Responsible Programme objective/nature

Amaznia Amaznia INPE Vegetation monitoring

ASNARO Advanced Satellite with New System NEC, USEF Commercially-oriented

Architecture for Observation programme

CartoSat Satellite for Cartography ISRO Cartography update

CBERS China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite CAST, INPE Earth resources search and

GeoEye GeoEye GeoEye Commercial programme

KANOPUSV KANOPUS Vulkan Roscosmos Vegetation monitoring

Landsat and Landsat and Landsat Data Continuity USGS, NASA Earth resources search and
LDCM Mission management

Resurs DK ResursDK and ResursP Roscosmos LEO, high-inclination

and P

Pliades Pliades CNES Land-use and hazard


ResourceSat Satellite for Earth Resources ISRO Earth resources search and

Sentinel2 Sentinel2 ESA, EC Vegetation monitoring

SPOT 4, 5 Satellite Pour lObservation de la Terre CNES Earth resources search and

SPOT 6, 7 Satellite Pour lObservation de la Terre SpotImage Commercially-oriented


WorldView World View DigitalGlobe Commercial programme

INPE = National Institute for Space Research (Brazil)
NEC = Nippon Electric Company
USEF = Institute for Unmanned Space Experiment Free Flyer (Japan)
USGS = US Geological Survey

global coverage. The first DMC satellite was AlSat1, launched in November 2002. A cluster of
three satellites, UKDMC1, NigeriaSat1 and Bilten Satellite (BILSat), was placed in orbit by a
single launch in September 2003. Over time, more partners joined the constellation, and the
instrumentation became more elaborate. Table4.6 depicts the current situation, which includes
satellites not strictly part of the DMC, but close in objective, structure and instrumentation.

4.4.3 All-weather high-resolution monitoring (by synthetic aperture radar)

All missions listed for land observation have a common limitation: observations are not available
in the presence of clouds. In most cases, night-time is also a limitation since most instruments
use only the VIS spectral range. In an emergency, when high resolution is needed, it is very
important to have an all-weather sensing capability, which can be provided only by synthetic
aperture radar (SAR). Several SAR missions are available, many of them being managed with a
perspective for long-term operational continuity.

The number of SARs in orbit is important, since SAR instruments have a narrow swath, whereas
their application to disaster monitoring requires frequent revisit times. In addition, the SAR
principle is applicable with a single frequency, whereas various features to be observed
have signatures at different frequencies. The SIRC/XSAR mission (Shuttle Imaging Radar
with Payload C/XSAR), flown twice on the US Space Shuttle in April and September 1994,

Table4.6. Satellite programmes of the Disaster Monitoring Constellation and similar

Acronym Full name Agency/Country Instrument capability

AlSat Algeria Satellite CNTS, Algeria Multi-spectral and

BJ Beijing NRSCC, China Multi-spectral and


Deimos Deimos CDTI, Spain Multi-spectral

DubaiSat Dubai Satellite EIAST, United Multi-spectral and

Arab Emirates panchromatic

EnMAP Environmental Mapping and Analysis DLR, Germany Hyperspectral


FORMOSAT2 Formosa Satellite 2 NSPO, Taiwan Multi-spectral and

Province of China panchromatic

HJ A, B Huan Jing A and B CAST, China Hyperspectral and


Ingenio Ingenio (Spanish Earth Observation CDTI, Spain Multi-spectral and

(SEOSat) Satellite) panchromatic

KOMPSAT Korea Multi-purpose Satellite KARI, Republic of Multi-spectral and

Korea panchromatic

NigeriaSat Nigeria Satellite NASRDA, Nigeria Multi-spectral and


PRISMA Precursore Iperspettrale della Missione ASI, Italy Hyperspectral and

Applicativa panchromatic

RapidEye RapidEye (5 satellites) DLR, Germany Multi-spectral


Rasat Earth observation satellite Tbitak-Uzay, Multi-spectral and

Turkey panchromatic

SSOT Sistema satelital para observacin de la ACE, Chile Multi-spectral and

tierra panchromatic

SumbandilaSat Sumbandila Satellite SANSA, South Multi-spectral


THEOS Thailand Earth Observation System GISTDA, Thailand Multi-spectral and


TopSat TopSat BNSC, UK Multi-spectral and


UKDMC UK Disaster Monitoring Constellation BNSC, UK Multi-spectral

XSat X Satellite NTU, Singapore Multi-spectral

CNTS = National Centre of Space Technology
NRSCC = National Remote-sensing Centre of China
CDTI = Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology
EIAST = Emirates Institution for Advanced Science and Technology
NSPO = National Space Organization
KARI = Korea Aerospace Research Institute
NASRDA = National Space Research and Development Agency
ACE = Chilean Space Agency
SANSA = South African National Space Agency
GISTDA = Geo-informatics and Space Technology Development Agency
NTU = Nanyang Technological University

Figure 4.5.Concept of the DMC, based on five satellites dephased by about 20min

demonstrated the benefit of having simultaneous SAR imagery in the L, C and X bands (L and
C provided by NASA, X by the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and the Italian Space Agency

Table4.7 lists all current and planned missions equipped with a SAR, grouped by frequency band
and responsible agency.


Since the early days of space missions, satellites have been used to reconstruct the shape of the
geoid by means of various orbits of different heights, inclinations and eccentricity. The main
purpose was internal: to support mission analysis for orbiting satellites. As time passed and
technology has improved, the purpose has evolved towards the study of the Earth itself.

The satellite objectives for solid Earth are (see Figure4.6 for definitions):

(a) To provide a very accurate determination of the geoid, which is the basis for several
associated applications, particularly conversion of altimeter measurements into sea level
and ocean topography. The most common technique uses radar altimetry from orbits of
relatively high altitude and high stability;

(b) To infer crustal dynamics by monitoring local site positions from satellites in well-known
and stable orbits; common techniques are laser ranging and ground-based GPS receivers;

(c) To infer the dynamics of the outermost layers of the Earth (lithosphere, mantle, upper part
of the mesosphere); common techniques use measurements of the gravity field and its
anomalies by very low-orbiting satellites, and satellite-to-satellite tracking;

(d) To collect information on the inner parts of the globe (lower mesosphere, liquid core, solid
core) inferred through observation of the magnetosphere in satellite measurements of the
magnetic and electric fields.

Table4.7. Current and planned SAR programmes

Acronym Full name Agency/Country Frequency band

ALOS Advanced Land Observing Satellite JAXA, Japan L band

SAOCOM1 Satlite argentino de observacin con microondas CONAE, L band

series1 Argentina

SAOCOM2 Satlite argentino de observacin con microondas CONAE, L band

series2 Argentina

HJ1C Huan Jing 1C CAST, China S band

Envisat Environmental Satellite ESA C band

RadarSat RadarSat CSA, Canada C band

RCM RadarSat Constellation Mission CSA, Canada C band

RISAT1 Radar Imaging Satellite 1 ISRO, India C band

Sentinel1 Sentinel-1 ESA C band

CSG Constellation of Small Satellites for Mediterranean ASI, Italy X band

Basin Observation (COSMO) SkyMed Second

CSK COSMO-SkyMed ASI, Italy X band

KOMPSAT5 Korea Multi-purpose Satellite 5 KARI, Republic of X band


Meteor M and MeteorM and MeteorMP RosHydroMet X band


Paz (SEOSAR) Paz (Spanish Earth Observation SAR) CDTI, Spain X band

RISAT2 Radar Imaging Satellite 2 ISRO, India X band

TerraSARX TerraSARX DLR, Germany X band

TanDEMX TanDEMX DLR, Germany X band




Liquid core

Solid core

Figure4.6. Stratification of the solid Earth


Table4.8. Missions specific to solid Earth

Acronym Full name Responsible Sensing systems

STARLETTE Satellite de taille adapte avec rflecteurs CNES Laser ranging
and Stella laser pour les tudes de la terre, and Stella

LAGEOS1 Laser Geodynamics Satellite, 1 and 2 ASI, NASA Laser ranging

and 2

LARES Laser Relativity Satellite ASI Laser ranging

GOCE Gravity Field and Steady-state Ocean ESA Gradiometer, laser

Circulation Explorer ranging

GRACE Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment NASA, DLR, Accelerometer, laser
(2sats) CNES ranging, satellite-to-
satellite ranging

CHAMP Challenging Mini-satellite Payload DLR Accelerometer, laser

ranging, magnetometer

rsted rsted DNSC, CNES, Magnetometers


SACC Satlite de aplicaciones cientficas C CONAE Magnetometer

SWARM The Earths Magnetic Field and Environment ESA, CNES, CSA Accelerometer,
(3sats) Explorers electric field sensor,
DNSC = Danish National Space Center

This section considers two families of missions:

(a) Those referring to the geoid and crustal positioning and movements (space geodesy);

(b) Those referring to the lithosphere and inner layers (Earth interior).

Table4.8 lists missions specific to solid Earth, for either geodesy or the interior.

4.5.1 Space geodesy

The primary technique for reconstructing the geoid (the equipotential surface which would
coincide exactly with the mean ocean equilibrium surface, if the oceans were at rest and
extended through the continents) is radar altimetry. Other information on the geoid stems from
the precise positioning systems on any satellite. Several of them are worthy of mention:

(a) Laser retro-reflectors, to accurately measure the distance and rate of change for the satellite
from the laser source on the ground;

(b) On-board transponder of signals from ground transmitting-receiving stations;

(c) Two-way and dual-frequency microwave tracking system for ground receiving stations;

(d) Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS);

(e) Star trackers, utilized for satellite attitude control but also contributing to precise

The primary purpose of these systems is to support precise orbit determination as necessary for
certain instruments performing the satellite mission, the most sensitive of which are altimeters
and limb sounders. The benefit for the geodetic mission stems from the statistical analysis of the

Earths gravity field anomalies (milligals)

50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Figure 4.7. Three-dimensional visualization of geoid undulations.

(1Gal = 0.01m/s2 and 1mGal 10 6g0)

data. In this section the focus is on the application with the opposite objective: to establish the
position of a ground station assuming that the orbit is well known. To this effect, an International
Terrestrial Reference System for space geodesy has been established to collect and analyse data
in a number of coordinated centres. The system includes a few satellites having space geodesy as
a unique objective. These are listed in Table4.8.

4.5.2 Earths interior

The representation of the geoid is now fairly precise, despite its complexity. With the help of
mathematical models using spherical harmonics, the achieved accuracy is now in the range
of 1cm or less. Figure4.7 shows a current view of the geoid. It may be observed that, in this
representation, the Earths surface is not at all a regular ellipsoid, although the vertical range of
the geoid height is contained within 200m. The regularity of the geoid is affected by undulations
of different wavelengths ranging from many thousands of kilometres to a few hundred. One
objective is to associate these anomalies with the Earths interior, first of all to the lithosphere
because of its relevance to volcanism and earthquakes.

Specific missions for studying the Earths interior exploit gravity and gravity-gradient
observations, representative of the external layers (lithosphere, mantle and upper mesosphere);
and magnetic and electric fields, significant for the internal layers (lower mesosphere, liquid core
and solid core) (see Figure4.6). Table4.8 lists missions on the Earths interior.


Although the term space weather is relatively recent, the relevant activities started with the
advent of the space era, if not before, because space weather has a strong impact on the safety
of satellites in orbit and of man in space. Awareness and prediction of the space environment has
now become a prerequisite for the long-term sustainability of space activities. In addition, there
is increasing awareness of the impact of space weather on facilities on the Earth.

Space weather is characterized by electromagnetic bursts from the X to the radio bands, solar
energetic particle events, and perturbations in the solar wind density and speed, such as
interplanetary coronal mass ejections propagating plasma blobs. In particular, the solar wind
modulations compress and shape the magnetosphere, and this effect propagates lower down

to the thermosphere and ionosphere. Telecommunications and even power grids, pipelines and
other conducting networks on the Earths surface are affected (by geomagnetically induced
currents, for example). Rapid magnetic changes on the ground, that occur during geomagnetic
storms and are associated with space weather, can also be important for activities such as
geophysical mapping and hydrocarbon production. Correlations have been discovered between
travelling ionospheric disturbances and atmospheric gravity waves in the thermosphere.

Monitoring space weather implies two main aspects: monitoring the electromagnetic and
particle solar emission as well as the solar wind to characterize the modulation source (solar
activity), and monitoring the effects of this activity within the magnetosphere and down to the
Earths surface.

4.6.1 Solar activity monitoring

There have been space missions to understand solar physics since the early days of the space era,
either from deep space orbits or from Earth orbits.

Two sentinels of solar wind, the joint NASA/ESA SOHO mission and the NASA Advanced
Composition Explorer (ACE) mission, were launched in 1995 and 1998, respectively. SOHO and
ACE have been placed at the L1 Lagrangian point (at 1% of the EarthSun distance upstream
of the Earth). From that vantage point the two satellites measure solar wind and the associated
magnetic field approximately one hour before they reach the Earth. In 2006, in collaboration
with several European scientific institutes, NASA launched the SolarTerrestrial Relations
Observatory (STEREO), two satellites moving in the Earths orbit around the Sun, viewing the Sun
from changing positions to obtain a stereoscopic view of the dynamics of coronal mass ejection
and, at the same time, to measure the local features, at the satellite position, of the solar wind.

Several missions in Earth orbit are also carrying instruments dedicated to continuous monitoring
of solar activity. Table4.9 lists the satellites monitoring solar activity from positions in deep space
or in Earth orbit. In addition, some geostationary meteorological satellites (GOES or FY4 series)
contribute or will contribute to solar monitoring.

4.6.2 Magnetosphere and ionosphere monitoring

Closer to the Earth (see Figure4.8(a) and (b)), the thermosphere and ionosphere are the
layers where space weather is more turbulent. The main driver of the ionization state of the
ionosphere is solar electromagnetic radiation (extreme ultraviolet and ultraviolet) which, in
turn, is modulated by solar activity. The ionosphere is affected by waves, storms and travelling
disturbances. Through interaction with magnetic storms, energetic particles and electrical
currents can occur, which affect radio propagation. Mapping electron density in the ionospheric
"E-region" enables ionospheric conductivity and currents to be inferred. When associated with
magnetic field data, this information enables the internal component of the magnetic field (due
to the solid Earth) to be discriminated from external components. Small-scale irregularities and
eddies of the ionosphere can cause scattering of radio waves (scintillation), which affects the
reliability of radio links crossing the ionosphere. Observation of the magnetosphere

Missions dedicated to the magnetosphere have a long-standing heritage. Two significant

current examples are the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms

THEMIS is a NASA mission launched in 2007. It consists of a constellation of five small satellites
in highly eccentric orbits, crossing the magnetosphere at several altitudes (see Figure4.9), with
periods ranging from 0.8 to 4days.

Table4.9. Missions specific to solar activity monitoring

Acronym Full name Responsible Orbit

ACE Advanced Composition Explorer NASA L1 Lagrange point

Aditya1 Aditya1 ISRO LEO, Sun-synchronous

DSCOVR Deep Space Climate Observatory NOAA, L1 Lagrange point


Hinode Hinode (former name: SOLARB) JAXA LEO, Sun-synchronous

IRIS Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph NASA LEO, Sun-synchronous

Picard Picard CNES LEO, Sun-synchronous

PROBA 1 and 2 Project for On-board Autonomy 1 and 2 ESA LEO, Sun-synchronous

RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar NASA LEO, low-inclination

Spectroscopic Imager

SDO Solar Dynamics Observatory NASA Geosynchronous, low


SOHO Solar and Heliospheric Observatory ESA, NASA L1 Lagrange point

Solar Orbiter Solar Orbiter ESA, NASA Solar orbit

Solar Probe Solar Probe Plus NASA Solar orbit


STEREO SolarTerrestrial Relations Observatory NASA Ecliptic plane


TIMED Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere NASA LEO, high-inclination

Energetics and Dynamics mission

WIND Comprehensive Solar Wind Laboratory for NASA L1 Lagrange point

Long-term Solar Wind Measurements


Exosphere (b)
600 km

Ionosphere 300 F2
Thermosphere F
300 km F F1
Height (km)

85 km 100 D
45 km
Stratosphere 0
12 km
Troposphere Night Day
300 600 900 1 200 1 500 104 105 106

Temperature (K) Electron density (cm3)

Figure4.8. (a) Atmospheric stratification below and above the mesopause; (b) Layers of
denser electronic content. The densest layer is F2, present day and night.

Figure4.9. The orbits of the five THEMIS satellites in the magnetosphere. The white flash
represents the energy released by a magnetospheric substorm.

THEMIS measures the magnetic field, electric fields and charged particles in order to address the
physical processes in near-Earth space that initiate the violent eruptions of the aurora occurring
during substorms in the Earth's magnetosphere. The system also includes a number of ground
stations, to detect auroras and measure the surface magnetic field.

The MMS mission developed by NASA is based on a constellation of four satellites with highly
eccentric orbits spread across the magnetosphere, similarly to THEMIS (see Figure4.10). Plasma
analysers, energetic particle detectors, magnetometers, and electric field instruments are used
to study the microphysics of magnetic reconnection, the ultimate driver of space weather.
Table4.10 lists a number of missions specifically addressing the magnetosphere.

Figure4.10. The four MMS satellites flying in formation. Tetrahedral pattern is used to
capture the 3D structure of the encountered reconnection sites.

Table4.10. Non-exhaustive list of missions orbiting inside the magnetosphere

Acronym Full name Responsible Orbit

ArcticaM ArcticaM RosHydroMet Molniya orbit

ARTEMIS Acceleration, Reconnection, NASA Lunar orbit

Turbulence, and
Electrodynamics of the Moon's
Interaction with the Sun

C/NOFS Communication/Navigation DoD, NASA LEO, low inclination

Outage Forecasting System

CASSIOPE Cascade SmallSat and CSA Highly elliptic, high inclination,

Ionospheric Polar Explorer relatively low altitude

Cluster Cluster ESA, NASA Highly elliptic, polar inclination,

(4sats) tetrahedral formation flight

Geotail Geotail JAXA, NASA Extremely elliptic, low inclination,

crossing the moon orbit

IBEX Interstellar Boundary Explorer NASA Highly elliptic, low inclination

IMAGE (or Imager for Magnetopause-to- NASA High-eccentricity polar orbit

Explorer 78) Aurora Global Exploration

Ionozond Ionozond Roscosmos Four sats in Sun-synchronous orbit,

(5sats) one in drifting orbit

MMS (4sats) Magnetospheric Multiscale NASA Highly elliptic, low inclination,

mission tetrahedral formation flight

SAMPEX (or Solar Anomalous and NASA Polar orbit

Explorer 68) Magnetospheric Particle

THEMIS Time History of Events and NASA Highly elliptic, low inclination, apogees
(5sats) Macroscale Interactions at five different altitudes
during Substorms

TWINS Two Wide-angle Imaging NASA, United Molniya orbit

(2sats) Neutral-atom Spectrometers States Air Force

VAP (2sats) Van Allen Probe (formerly NASA Highly elliptic, low inclination, crossing
RBSP, Radiation Belt Storm the radiation belts
Probes mission)

Section4.5 describes a number of missions in lower orbit that also carry instruments relevant to
the magnetosphere:

(a) rsted: Fluxgate Vector Magnetometer (FVM) and scalar Overhauser Magnetometer

(b) SACC: Magnetic Mapping Payload/rsted2 (MMC/rsted2);

(c) CHAMP: Magnetometer Instrument Assembly System (MIAS);

(d) SWARM: Absolute Scalar Magnetometer (ASM), Vector Field Magnetometer (VFM) and
Electric Field Instrument (EFI). Observation of the ionosphere

With the advent of radio occultation sounding, the profile of the electron density across the
ionosphere has become the best measurable geophysical variable associated with space weather.

The signal from navigation satellites (GPS, GLONASS, Compass, Galileo) is affected by the
rotation of the electric field and the delay induced by the ionosphere. In order to correct for this
effect, at least two frequencies are used (now shifting to three): ~1180GHz, ~1580GHz and,
possibly, ~1250GHz. Differentiating the two (or three) signals yields information on:

(a) The total electron content (TEC);

(b) The electron density profile.

The TEC, although integrated along-view, is measured for changing tangent heights; it is
therefore possible to reconstruct the vertical profile by tomography. Several radio occultation
payloads are being flown, on both multi-purpose satellites and dedicated facilities (such as the
COSMIC constellation).

Radar altimeters also provide TEC observations by exploiting two frequencies, generally
~13.5GHz and ~5.3GHz. The coverage is only at nadir and tomography is not possible; however,
since altimetry missions are often orbited at high altitude (1336km for JASON, for example), the
measurement includes the lower part of the plasmasphere (the layer above the thermosphere,
from ~1000 to ~40000km altitude).

TEC can also be measured directly by phase-delay analysis of the two or three frequencies
transmitted by a GNSS satellite and received by a LEO satellite. In this case TEC is observed along
the path from the GNSS satellite (orbit altitude ~20000km) to the LEO satellite (orbit altitude
~800km), thus in the medium plasmasphere. The number of available GNSS satellites is rather
large: ~24 each for GPS and GLONASS systems, ~30 for Galileo, ~35 for Compass, with a total
close to 110 and a fair global distribution. Space environment observation from operational meteorological satellites

The constellations of operational meteorological satellites substantially contribute to space

weather monitoring. In many cases the focus is on the in situ detection of energetic particle
events, which are a threat to the on-board electronics and other subsystems sensitive to
corpuscular radiation. Magnetic and electric fields are also measured in many cases, as well
as solar activity. The orbits of meteorological satellites, however, do not meet all the needs of
space environment monitoring: for instance the 90 to 300km height range cannot be covered
and Sun-synchronous orbits cannot capture the diurnal cycle, thus introducing a sampling bias.
Nonetheless, the long-term, continuous availability of a high number of meteorological satellites
constitutes a valuable contribution to space weather monitoring.

Table4.11 presents the information available from operational meteorological satellite series
related to space weather. Radio occultation payloads (see section4.2.2) are omitted.

Table4.11. Operational meteorological missions carrying

instruments relevant to space weather

Satellite series Payload for in situ space environment monitoring

GOES 11 to 15 Space Environment Monitor (SEM): suite of instruments for charged particles, solar
X-ray and magnetic field
Solar X-ray Imager (SXI)

GOES R, S, T, U Space Environment In Situ Suite (SEISS) for charged particles in solar wind and cosmic rays
Extreme Ultraviolet Sensor/X-Ray Sensor Irradiance Sensors (EXIS)
Solar Ultraviolet Imager (SUVI)
Magnetometer (MAG)

ElectroL GGAKE: Heliogeophysical Instrument Complex for charged particles of solar wind and
ElectroM cosmic rays

FY2 SEM for charged particles of solar wind


Satellite series Payload for in situ space environment monitoring

FY4 SEM for charged particles of solar wind
Solar XEUV (SXEUV): imaging telescope for incoming X-rays and extreme UV from the

NOAA 15 to 19 SEM/2 for medium-energy and total-energy proton detection

Metop A, B

JPSS SEM for National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (SEMN):
including a spectrometer for precipitating electrons and ions, a spectrometer for
medium-energy particles, and omni-directional detectors for high-energy particles

DMSP F16 to Special Sensor Ion and Electron Scintillation Monitor (SSIES)
S20 Special Sensor Precipitating Electron and Ion Spectrometer (SSJ5)
Special Sensor Magnetometer (SSM)
Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI)
Special Sensor Ultraviolet Spectrographic Imager (SSUSI)

MeteorM Geophysical Monitoring System Complex (GGAKM), including:

Spectrometer for Geoactive Measurements (MSGIMKA)
Radiation Monitoring System (KGI4C)

MeteorMP Geophysical Monitoring System Complex, improved after GGAKM (GGAKMP)

FY3 A, B SEM for charged particles of the solar wind

FY3 C to G Space Environment Suite (SES), including:

SEM, same as on FY3A and FY3B
Wide-Field Auroral Imager (WAI)
Ionospheric Photometer (IPM)


5.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  933
5.1.1 Processing levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  933
5.1.2 Product quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  933 Atmospheric volumes (relevant to 3D observations). . . . . . . . . . . . . .  934 Horizontal resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  934 Vertical resolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  935 Observing cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  936 Accuracy (RMS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  937 Timeliness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  937
5.1.3 Evaluation of satellite product quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  937
5.2 Basic atmospheric 3D and 2D variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  938
5.2.1 Atmospheric temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  938
5.2.2 Specific humidity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  939
5.2.3 Wind (horizontal). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  939
5.2.4 Wind vector over the surface (horizontal). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  940
5.2.5 Height of the top of the planetary boundary layer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  940
5.2.6 Height of the tropopause. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  940
5.2.7 Temperature of the tropopause. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  941
5.3 Cloud and precipitation variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  941
5.3.1 Cloud-top temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  941
5.3.2 Cloud-top height. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  941
5.3.3 Cloud type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  942
5.3.4 Cloud cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  942
5.3.5 Cloud-base height. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  942
5.3.6 Cloud optical depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  943
5.3.7 Cloud liquid water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  943
5.3.8 Cloud-droplet effective radius. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  943
5.3.9 Cloud ice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  944
5.3.10 Cloud-ice effective radius. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  944
5.3.11 Freezing-level height in clouds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  945
5.3.12 Melting-layer depth in clouds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  945
5.3.13 Precipitation (liquid or solid). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  945
5.3.14 Precipitation intensity at surface (liquid or solid). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  945
5.3.15 Accumulated precipitation (over 24 hours). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  946
5.3.16 Lightning detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  946
5.4 Aerosol and radiation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  946
5.4.1 Aerosol optical depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  947
5.4.2 Aerosol concentration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  947
5.4.3 Aerosol effective radius. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  947
5.4.4 Aerosol type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  948
5.4.5 Volcanic ash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  948
5.4.6 Downward solar irradiance at top of atmosphere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  949
5.4.7 Upward spectral radiance at top of atmosphere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  949
5.4.8 Upward long-wave irradiance at top of atmosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  949
5.4.9 Upward short-wave irradiance at top of atmosphere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  949
5.4.10 Short-wave cloud reflectance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  949
5.4.11 Downward long-wave irradiance at Earths surface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  949
5.4.12 Downward short-wave irradiance at Earths surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  950
5.4.13 Earths surface albedo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  950
5.4.14 Earths surface short-wave bi-directional reflectance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  950
5.4.15 Upward long-wave irradiance at Earths surface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  950
5.4.16 Long-wave Earth-surface emissivity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  950
5.4.17 Photosynthetically active radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  951
5.4.18 Fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  951
5.5 Ocean and sea ice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  951
5.5.1 Ocean chlorophyll concentration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  951
5.5.2 Colour dissolved organic matter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  952


5.5.3 Ocean suspended sediments concentration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  952

5.5.4 Ocean diffuse attenuation coefficient. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  952
5.5.5 Oil-spill cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  952
5.5.6 Sea-surface temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  953
5.5.7 Sea-surface salinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  953
5.5.8 Ocean dynamic topography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  953
5.5.9 Coastal sea level (tide) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  953
5.5.10 Significant wave height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  954
5.5.11 Dominant wave direction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  954
5.5.12 Dominant wave period. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  954
5.5.13 Wave directional-energy frequency spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  954
5.5.14 Sea-ice cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  954
5.5.15 Sea-ice thickness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  955
5.5.16 Sea-ice type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  955
5.6 Land surface (including snow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  955
5.6.1 Land surface temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  956
5.6.2 Soil moisture at surface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  956
5.6.3 Soil moisture (in the roots region) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  957
5.6.4 Fraction of vegetated land. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  957
5.6.5 Vegetation type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  957
5.6.6 Leaf area index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  957
5.6.7 Normalized difference vegetation index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  958
5.6.8 Fire fractional cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  958
5.6.9 Fire temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  958
5.6.10 Fire radiative power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  958
5.6.11 Snow status (wet/dry) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  958
5.6.12 Snow cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  959
5.6.13 Snow water equivalent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  959
5.6.14 Soil type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  959
5.6.15 Land cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  960
5.6.16 Land surface topography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  960
5.6.17 Glacier cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  960
5.6.18 Glacier topography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  961
5.7 Solid Earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  961
5.7.1 Geoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  961
5.7.2 Crustal plates positioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 961
5.7.3 Crustal motion (horizontal and vertical). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  962
5.7.4 Gravity field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  962
5.7.5 Gravity gradients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  962
5.8 Atmospheric chemistry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  962
5.8.1 Ozone (O3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  963
5.8.2 Bromine monoxide (BrO). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  963
5.8.3 Acetylene (C 2H2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  963
5.8.4 Ethane (C 2H6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  964
5.8.5 Trichlorofluoromethane (CFC11 = Freon11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  964
5.8.6 Dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC12 = Freon12). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  964
5.8.7 Formaldehyde (CH2O = HCHO). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 964
5.8.8 Methane (CH4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  964
5.8.9 Chlorine monoxide (ClO = hypochlorite). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  965
5.8.10 Chlorine nitrate (ClONO2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  965
5.8.11 Carbon monoxide (CO). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  965
5.8.12 Carbon dioxide (CO2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  966
5.8.13 Carbonyl sulphide (COS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  966
5.8.14 Water vapour (H2O) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  966
5.8.15 Hydrogen chloride (HCl). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  967
5.8.16 HDO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  967
5.8.17 Nitric acid (HNO3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  967
5.8.18 Nitrous oxide (N2O) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  968
5.8.19 Nitrogen pentoxide (N2O5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  968


5.8.20 Nitric oxide (NO). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  968

5.8.21 Nitrogen peroxide (NO2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  969
5.8.22 Hydroxyl radical (OH). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 969
5.8.23 Peroxyacetyl nitrate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  969
5.8.24 Polar stratospheric cloud occurrence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  969
5.8.25 Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  970
5.8.26 Sulphur dioxide (SO2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  970
5.9 Space weather. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  970
5.9.1 Ionospheric total electron content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  972
5.9.2 Electron density. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  972
5.9.3 Magnetic field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  972
5.9.4 Electric field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  972

ANNEX. ACHIEVABLE QUALITY OF SATELLITE PRODUCTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  973



This chapter offers an overview of the geophysical variables that can be observed from space and
of the performance that can be expected for their derivation. The performance is estimated by
taking into account the physical principle involved in each measurement technique and the state-
of-the-art instrument technology at the time of writing this document and in the foreseeable
future. Assumptions are made to provide the most representative estimation in each case. The
figures do not necessarily represent the actual performance of a particular instrument, but are
intended to illustrate the relative performances of the various remote-sensing techniques.

5.1.1 Processing levels

For the purpose of this Guide, the discussion is limited to geophysical variables that can be
retrieved by processing the output from a single instrument or a set of closely associated
instruments. Product derivation may involve complex algorithms, physical or statistical models,
and supporting information from external sources, either ancillary (necessary for processing)
or auxiliary (to help processing). The present chapter focuses on products that can be derived
with a limited amount of external information, where this external information only plays a
minor role compared with that of the satellite instrument output, and no significant bias can
be introduced by a model. For instance, modelling of the physical phenomenon controlling
the variable, radiative transfer models, and inversion retrieval models, are within the scope of
this chapter. Beyond the scope of this chapter, for example, are assimilations that merge several
measurements and background fields, that combine the physics of the phenomenon and the
dynamics of the model to the point where the satellite contribution to the output product is
barely recognizable, and that can be biased to the model being used.

This chapter will focus on Level2 products, and some Level3 and Level4 products for which
there is a well-established and recognized methodology (see the processing levels defined in
PartIII, Chapter2,, Table2.11).

5.1.2 Product quality

For satellite imagery used directly for human interpretation, several quality criteria can be
considered; these include spatial resolution, geo-location accuracy, calibration stability across
consecutive images, and colour constancy in representing a given property within the observed
scene in the case of RGB composite imagery. These components of the image product quality are
not discussed further here.

In this chapter, the aim is to address the quality of quantitative products with numbers that can
be used in automatic procedures and numerical models. This evaluation can then be compared
with the requirements for the same products.

Product quality is specified here by:

(a) Atmospheric volume (for vertical profiles)

(b) Horizontal resolution (x)

(c) Vertical resolution (z) (for vertical profiles)

(d) Observing cycle (t)


(e) Accuracy (RMS)

(f) Timeliness () Atmospheric volumes (relevant to 3D observations)

User requirements may differ according to the layer of the atmosphere being considered.
The figure in this section shows the definitions of the atmospheric volumes used in the WMO
observation requirements database.

While users requirements may change in a stepwise mode when moving along the vertical, the
quality of satellite-derived products changes with height in a smooth way, depending mainly
on the vertical gradient of the quantity, with better performance being achieved at steeper
gradients. A step change occurs when the required vertical resolution cannot be achieved
by cross-nadir scanning instruments and limb scanning becomes necessary. For the sake of
simplicity, different product performances are taken into account for the troposphere, the
stratosphere, and the total atmospheric column (where applicable). It is understood that quality
will softly degrade with increasing altitude in the troposphere, and the same in the stratosphere.
Product quality is only quoted above the height of 1km; below 1km the accuracy is too irregular
and difficult to estimate. Horizontal resolution

The horizontal resolution (x) is the convolution of several features (sampling distance, degree
of independence of the information relative to nearby samples, the point spread function, etc.).
For simplicity, it is generally agreed to refer to the sampling distance between two successive
product values carrying independent information.

80 km 0.01 hPa

Mesosphere 64 km 0.1 hPa Mesosphere (M)

48 km 1 hPa

Higher stratosphere (HS)

32 km 10 hPa


22 km 50 hPa Total column

Lower stratosphere (LS)

11 km 250 hPa

8 km 350 hPa Higher troposphere (HT)


5.5 km 500 hPa

Lower troposphere (LT)

0 km 1 000 hPa

Atmospheric volumes defined by users. The higher stratosphere and mesosphere go together
(HS&M). The heights and pressures are qualitative, and refer to mid-latitudes/yearly average.
The planetary boundary layer is part of the lower troposphere.

The horizontal resolution of the geophysical variable being measured is controlled by instrument
features (primarily the instantaneous field of view (IFOV), the sampling distance, or pixel,
and the modulation transfer function) and by the processing scheme that may be designed to
take account of interfering effects (such as clouds in the IFOV). For example, if clouds prevent
the measurement being useful, it may be convenient to process pixel arrays searching or
extrapolating for the less contaminated measurement in the cell of size x. The number of pixels
to be co-processed depends on the spectral range used to perform the measurement (down to
one for all-weather microwaves, for example) and on the available spectral information (when
more spectral channels are available, a smaller cluster of pixels is needed). The extreme case is
when a large pixel array (32x32, for instance) is needed to characterize the geophysical variable
(an example is the inference of atmospheric motion vectors from the displacement of highly
correlated cloudy pixel arrays within two images at different times).

For parameters such as cloud cover or snow cover, a sufficient number of samples (pixels) in
the xx cell is necessary to achieve the required accuracy. For cloud-disturbed surface
measurements of slowly-changing variables (such as snow) it may be necessary to apply a multi-
temporal analysis that waits for the clouds to move away (this would be a Level3 product). It
is generally possible, within limits, to trade off horizontal resolution against accuracy during
product generation. Often, the product horizontal resolution is larger than a single pixel in order
to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to meet the product accuracy requirements.

For cross-nadir scanning instruments, the instrument IFOV or pixel size gets larger from the
sub-satellite point towards the swath edge; the product horizontal resolution performance must
therefore be averaged across the instrument swath.

For conical scanners, the along-scan resolution is constant, but the cross-scan resolution is
degraded by the cosine of the azimuth angle (the IFOV is nearly elliptical). The quadratic average
in the along- and across-scan directions must be considered, and account has to be taken of
the IFOV elongation in the along-scan direction due to the line-of-scan motion during the
measurement integration time. If a single antenna is used for several frequencies, the resolution
will change with frequency due to diffraction.

For limb sounding, the horizontal resolution is determined by the viewing geometry. The
atmospheric path may physically extend for a few thousand kilometres, but the effective path
(which accounts for higher atmospheric density around the tangent height) is around 300km
along-view. Across the viewing direction, although the transversal IFOV may be much narrower
(tens of kilometres), the product resolution is determined by the number of azimuth views (in
most cases only one, fore or aft). For the sake of simplicity, the typical horizontal resolution of
limb measurements is taken as 300 km. Vertical resolution

The vertical resolution (z) is also defined by referring to the vertical sampling distance between
two successive product values, carrying independent information.

The vertical resolution of the product depends on the sensing principle, the instrument spectral
range and the number of channels or spectral resolution. The weighting function may be more
or less broadened in the vertical depending on the spectral resolution and range (worse in
microwave (MW), better in the optical ranges). Moreover, the spectral channels may be narrow
enough to observe single lines of the absorbing/emitting gas, or a few lines or line bands. If
several lines are included in the channel, the weighting function will be broadened since it will
average surface emission between the lines (peaking in the lower atmosphere) and atmospheric
emission in the lines (peaking at higher altitudes). In general, resolving power /100 enables
broad-resolution retrieval of temperature vertical profiles with roughly 2km vertical resolution;
/1000 enables higher vertical resolution retrieval of temperature at about 1km along
with total-column retrieval of trace gases; /10000 is needed for trace-gas profiles. The gas
density has a bearing on the achievable vertical resolution, so that with increasing altitude the
vertical measurement resolution degrades, becoming unacceptable in the medium and high

It should be noted that the weighting function shifts to higher altitudes as the instrument
viewing angle shifts from nadir to swath edge. This is due to the longer path length through
the atmosphere with increasing view angle. The transmittance is an exponential function of
the number of absorbing molecules in the path of the escaping radiation; a more oblique angle
entails a greater likelihood of encountering more molecules in the upper atmosphere and hence
the weighting function moves up in altitude.

The vertical resolution depends on the sensitivity of the wavelength to temperature. Infrared
(IR) sensitivity to temperature is higher in the medium-wave infrared (MWIR) range (about
36m), thus the weighting functions are narrower in the lower troposphere and very broad in
the higher troposphere and stratosphere. Short waves are less sensitive to temperature, so the
vertical resolution is relatively homogeneous with altitude. MW is relatively more sensitive to
cold temperature and the vertical resolution is relatively good in the stratosphere.

In the stratosphere and above, the vertical resolution achievable by cross-nadir scanning is poor.
Limb scanning offers better vertical resolution; it is performed by mechanical scanning along the
vertical (angular IFOV combined with the scan rate) and is in the range of 1 to 3km (which is not
possible with cross-nadir scanning). The vertical resolution achieved by limb sounding degrades
with altitude, as the SNR degrades with decreasing gas concentration. Occultation instruments
(including radio occultation) have a vertical resolution that is determined by the sampling rate
during the occultation phase. During ground processing, an algorithm performs some vertical
integration as a trade-off against product accuracy. Observing cycle

The observing cycle (t) is defined as the time required to achieve global coverage (for low
Earth orbit, LEO) or full disk coverage (for geostationary Earth orbit, GEO). It is closely linked
to the scanning capability of the instrument and to the orbital features. The relationship
between observing cycle and scanning mechanism has been extensively discussed in PartIII,
Chapter3,3.1.1. However, the instrument observing cycle may not coincide with the product
observing cycle since not all observations taken during an instrument observing cycle may be
useful for a given product. For example, a clear-sky mapped product may exhibit too many gaps
due to cloud-affected observations. Thus the effective product observing cycle is a compromise
between the minimum theoretical observing cycle that will have many gaps, and multi-temporal
analysis degrading the product observing cycle but producing a more regular product field
(generated by a Level3 process). The compromise takes into account the sensitivity of the
spectral band to the disturbing factor and the intrinsic time-variability of the desired geophysical
parameter (which might not tolerate delays entailed by multi-temporal analysis). In another
example, multi-temporal analysis might be necessary to collect enough signal when the required
product accuracy cannot readily be achieved.

For most meteorological variables the required observing cycle prevents multi-temporal analysis.
The solution is at system level, by establishing the number of satellites available to measure the
geophysical variable. A global observing cycle shorter than 12h (for measurements in IR and
MW) or 24h (for measurements involving short wave (SW)) requires more satellites in regularly
spaced orbits. For a 3h cycle, four satellites are needed, provided the instrument swath is as large
as the decalage (visible/infrared (VIS/IR) imagers, for example). For limited-swath instruments
(such as MW radiometers of the Global Precipitation Measurement mission) the 3h cycle
requires eight satellites.

The observing cycle may be shortened at the expense of global coverage by using low-
inclination orbits. The extreme limit is t< one orbital period for a quasi-equatorial orbit run
from E to W. Latitudes beyond the reach of the instrument swath will not be covered.

For satellites in GEO orbits, the observing cycle depends on the instrument refresh cycle. It may
be minutes if the observation is unaffected by clouds; otherwise multi-temporal analysis may be
needed. A constellation of six regularly-spaced GEO satellites provides coverage of all latitudes
below 55, rising to 70 and above for longitudes close to that of the six GEO locations.

Instruments with only nadir-viewing (non-scanning) provide infrequent global coverage.

Limb-scanning instruments, including radio occultation, have a similar drawback (see PartIII,
Chapter3, 3.1.1). For these instruments, the observing cycle is difficult to define. Accuracy (RMS)

Accuracy is defined as the closeness of the agreement between a measured quantity value and
a true quantity value of the measurand (from the International Vocabulary of Metrology Basic
and General Concepts and Associated Terms (VIM), JCGM 200: 2012). The quantitative expression
corresponding to the accuracy is the uncertainty (see PartI, Chapter1, 1.6.2). It is the combined
result of several instrument features: random error, bias, sensitivity, precision, etc. In this Part (on
space-based observations), the uncertainty is generally characterized by the root-mean-square
(RMS) error range, namely the RMS difference (observed true values) of the measurement. The
uncertainty of a satellite-derived observation of a geophysical variable is driven by the physical
principle linking the satellite measurement to the observed variable, and in particular by the
sensitivity of the measurement to variations of this variable.

The radiometric resolution is thus a driving factor of the product uncertainty. It can be
characterized by the noise equivalent differential temperature, or the signal-to-noise ratio, or the
noise equivalent spectral radiance, as defined in PartIII, Chapter3, 3.1.4. However, the product
uncertainty is also strongly affected by the retrieval algorithm and by the trade-off with the other
quality features (x, z and t). Furthermore, the nature of the target (intensity of the emitted
or scattered signal), the sensitivity of the sensing technique to the geophysical variable, and the
efficiency in filtering out disturbing factors (such as clouds) have a pronounced impact on the
final product uncertainty.

For a new instrument, evaluating the uncertainty requires sensitivity studies based on
complicated simulations.

In this Part, product uncertainty is estimated from the heritage of past and current instruments,
and simulation of planned instruments. Some validation of satellite-derived product accuracy
(discussed in PartIII, Chapter6) enters into estimates for past and current instruments; for future
instruments a theoretical calculation is performed. Timeliness

Timeliness () is defined as the time elapsed between the moment the observation is taken and
the availability of the product assuming routine operations. Timeliness depends on the satellite
transmission facilities, the availability of acquisition stations, the processing time required to
generate the product, and the overall data management.

In this Guide, the timeliness of the various products has not been evaluated because it is a
system feature that is not determined solely by the instrument.

5.1.3 Evaluation of satellite product quality

This chapter provides an overview of the satellite products that can potentially be retrieved from
current or planned instruments, for geophysical variables of the following eight themes:

(a) Basic atmospheric (3D and 2D) variables

(b) Cloud and precipitation variables

(c) Aerosols and radiation

(d) Ocean and sea ice


(e) Land surface (including snow)

(f) Solid Earth

(g) Atmospheric chemistry

(h) Space weather

This list of observation products is limited to elementary geophysical variables; it does not
include products that can be derived from other products.

For each satellite product, the applicable remote sensing principles are indicated, together with
any observing conditions or limitations. The annex to this chapter contains an evaluation of the
achievable quality in terms of RMS error,1 x, z and t, based on the characteristics of state-of-
the art instruments that are being developed at the time of writing this Guide, and expected to
be operational by 2020.


Table5.1 lists basic variables for weather prediction, including numerical weather prediction
(NWP), that are observable from space.

Table 5.1. Geophysical variables considered under the theme

Basic atmospheric (3D and 2D) variables

Atmospheric Wind (horizontal) Height of the top of the Height of the

temperature planetary boundary layer tropopause

Specific humidity Wind vector over the Temperature of the tropopause

surface (horizontal)

Other basic variables such as atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity at surface; and
wind vertical component are not included because they cannot be reliably measured from space
with current technology.

5.2.1 Atmospheric temperature

Definition: 3D field of the atmospheric temperature Required from surface to top of atmosphere
(TOA) (layers: LT, HT, LS, HS&M) Physical unit: [K] Uncertainty unit: [K].

Method 1: IR spectroscopy Principle: IR emission from different atmospheric layers, selected

by using spectral intervals of different absorption strength in bands of CO2 (~4.3 and 15m).
Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 2: MW/sub-mm radiometry Principle: MW and sub-millimetre wave emission from

different atmospheric layers, selected by using spectral intervals of different absorption strength
in bands of O2 (~54, 118 and potentially 425GHz). Applicable in both LEO and potentially GEO.

Method 3: Global navigation satellite system (GNSS, consisting of the Global Positioning System
(GPS) and the Russian satellite navigation system, GLONASS) radio-occultation Principle:
Atmospheric refraction of L-band signals from the global navigation satellite system received by a
LEO satellite during the occultation phase. Applicable only in LEO.

Note that RMS error used in this Part corresponds approximately to an expanded uncertainty with a coverage factor
of k=1, while in the rest of this Guide a coverage factor of k=2 is generally used (see PartI, Chapter1, and
the Evaluation of Measurement Data Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (JCGM 100:2008)).

Method 4: Limb sounding Principle: Emission by lines (in IR or MW) or line broadening (in SW)
as observed by high-resolution spectrometers intended for atmospheric chemistry operating in
the Earth's limb. Applicable only in LEO.

5.2.2 Specific humidity

Definition: 3D field of the specific humidity in the atmosphere Required from surface to TOA
(layers: LT, HT, LS, HS&M) + total column Physical units: [g/kg] for layers, [kg/m2] for total
column Uncertainty unit: [%] for layers, [kg/m2] for total column.

Method 1: IR spectroscopy Principle: IR emission from different atmospheric layers, selected

by using spectral intervals of different absorption strength in bands of H2O (~6 and potentially
~18m) with support of CO2 (~4.3 and 15m). Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 2: MW/sub-mm radiometry Principle: MW and sub-mm wave emission from different
atmospheric layers, selected by using spectral intervals of different absorption strength in bands
of H2O (183 and potentially 324, 380GHz and others at higher frequencies) with necessary
support of O2 (~54, 118 and potentially 425GHz). Applicable in LEO and potentially in GEO.

Method 3: GNSS radio-occultation Principle: Atmospheric refraction of L-band signals from the
GNSS received by a LEO satellite during the occultation phase. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 4: Differential absorption lidar (DIAL) Principle: Backscattered radiation in a near

infrared (NIR) water-vapour absorption band (~935nm for example) and a side window by DIAL.
Applicable only in LEO.

Method 5: Limb sounding Principle: Emission (in IR or MW/sub-mm), absorption (in Sun or star
occultation of SW) or scattering (in SW) by lines as observed by high-resolution spectrometers
intended for atmospheric chemistry operating in the Earth's limb. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 6: IR split window Principle: By-product of the retrieval of surface temperatures from IR
images (split-windows such as 11 and 12m). Suitable only for total column. Applicable in both
LEO and GEO.

Method 7: MW imaging (23GHz) Principle: MW emission in a weak H2O band (~23GHz),

associated with a nearby window (19 or 37GHz). Suitable only for total column over the sea.
Applicable in LEO and potentially in GEO.

Method 8: NIR imaging (935nm) Principle: Differential reflectance between an NIR water-
vapour absorption band (~935nm for example) and a side window by narrow-bandwidth
radiometers. Suitable only for total column. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

5.2.3 Wind (horizontal)

Definition: 3D field of the horizontal vector component (2D) of the 3D wind vector Required
from surface to TOA (layers: LT, HT, LS, HS&M) Physical unit: [m/s] Uncertainty unit: [m/s]
intended as vector error, in other words the module of the vector difference between the
observed vector and the true vector.

Method 1: Doppler lidar Principle: Motion of atmospheric eddies "signed" by aerosol or

molecular scattering, tracked by means of Doppler lidar. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: VIS/IR image sequences Principle: Motion of atmospheric cells of determined size
"signed" by clouds and water-vapour patches (and possibly ozone patches) recognized and
tracked in VIS/IR image sequences. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 3: IR imager-sounder Principle: Motion of water-vapour patches tracked in frequent

sounding by IR imaging spectrometers operating in absorption bands of H2O (~6m) with
support of CO2 (~4.3 and 15m). Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 4: Limb sounding Principle: Doppler shift and broadening of spectral lines of O2, O3,
OH observed by high-resolution VIS spectrometers operating in the Earth's limb. Applicable
only in LEO.

5.2.4 Wind vector over the surface (horizontal)

Definition: Horizontal vector component (2D) of the 3D wind vector, conventionally measured at
10m height Required over sea and land surface (all methods below apply over sea). Physical
unit: [m/s] Uncertainty unit: [m/s] intended as vector error, namely the module of the vector
difference between the observed vector and the true vector.

Method 1: Radar scatterometry Principle: Backscattered radiation from capillary waves by

medium-frequency radar (about 5 or 11GHz). More viewing angles are used to determine
direction. Applicable only over the sea. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: Polarimetric MW radiometry Principle: Emitted and scattered MW radiation

in atmospheric windows at several frequencies (10, 19, 37GHz for example). Three Stokes
parameters to be measured (at least four polarizations, for example), preferably four (requiring
six polarizations). Applicable only over the sea. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: MW imagery Principle: Emitted and scattered MW radiation in atmospheric windows

at several frequencies (such as 10, 19, 37GHz). At least two polarizations needed. Applicable only
over the sea. Only speed measured. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 4: Radar altimetry Principle: Backscattered radiation from sea surface by medium-
frequency radar (~13GHz). Wind speed associated with echoes scattered from capillary waves.
Applicable only over the sea. Only speed measured. Only nadir. Applicable only in LEO.

5.2.5 Height of the top of the planetary boundary layer

Definition: Height of the surface separating the planetary boundary layer from the free
atmosphere Physical unit: [km] Uncertainty unit: [km].

Method 1: Backscatter lidar Principle: Backscattered radiation in ultraviolet (UV), VIS or NIR by
lidar. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: From IR sounding Principle: Derived from IR sounding of temperature and humidity.
Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 3: From GNSS sounding Principle: Derived from GNSS radio-occultation sounding of
temperature and humidity. Applicable only in LEO.

5.2.6 Height of the tropopause

Definition: Height of the surface separating the troposphere from the stratosphere Physical
unit:[km] Uncertainty unit: [km].

Method 1: Backscatter lidar Principle: Backscattered radiation in UV, VIS or NIR by lidar.
Twowavelengths preferred. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: From IR sounding Principle: Derived from IR sounding of temperature. Applicable in

both LEO and GEO.

Method 3: From GNSS sounding Principle: Derived from GNSS radio-occultation sounding of
temperature. Applicable only in LEO.

5.2.7 Temperature of the tropopause

Definition: Atmospheric temperature at the height of the surface separating the troposphere from
the stratosphere Physical unit: [K] Uncertainty unit: [K].

Method 1: From IR sounding Principle: Derived from IR sounding of temperature. Applicable in

both LEO and GEO.

Method 2: From GNSS sounding Principle: Derived from GNSS radio-occultation sounding of
temperature. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: From limb sounding Principle: Derived from limb sounding of temperature.
Applicable only in LEO.


This theme includes the basic variables observable from space for actual weather analysis, and for
short-term prediction and nowcasting, as well as for hydrology. Table5.2 lists these variables.

Table 5.2. Geophysical variables considered under the theme

Cloud and precipitation variables

Cloud-top Cloud-base height Cloud ice Precipitation (liquid or solid)


Cloud-top height Cloud optical depth Cloud-ice effective radius Precipitation intensity at
surface (liquid or solid)

Cloud type Cloud liquid water Freezing-level height in Accumulated precipitation

clouds (over 24h)

Cloud cover Cloud-droplet effective Melting-layer depth in Lightning detection

radius clouds

5.3.1 Cloud-top temperature

Definition: Temperature of upper surface of cloud Physical unit: [K] Uncertainty unit: [K].

Method 1: IR radiometry Principle: Derived from IR imagery in a number of channels including

windows and others (in water-vapour absorption bands) as necessary to evaluate cloud
emissivity. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 2: From IR sounding Principle: Derived as a by-product of temperature/humidity

sounding retrieval from IR spectroscopy. The different brightness temperature at different
wavelengths sensitive to CO2 enables retrieval of cloud-top temperature within the sounded
IFOV. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

5.3.2 Cloud-top height

Definition: Height of the upper surface of the cloud Physical unit: [km] Uncertainty unit: [km].

Method 1: IR radiometry Principle: Derived from cloud-top pressure converted to height and
temperature using a forecast temperature profile after viewing the cloud through an 11 and
13.4m channel pair (comparison with window, measures the columnar defect of CO2 above
cloud top). Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 2: From IR sounding Principle: Derived as a by-product of temperature/humidity

sounding retrieval from IR spectroscopy. The different radiative transfer at different wavelengths
enables retrieval of cloud-top height within the sounded IFOV. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 3: Backscatter lidar Principle: Backscattered radiation in UV, VIS or NIR by lidar. Two
wavelengths preferred. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 4: Cloud radar Principle: Backscattered radiation in MW (~94GHz) by radar. Applicable

only in LEO.

Method 5: A-band spectroscopy Principle: Observed defect of columnar O2 above the cloud top
by spectroscopy of the 760nm A-band and nearby window. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

5.3.3 Cloud type

Definition: Comprehensive properties of the observed cloud. The list of types of interest is
predetermined Uncertainty expressed as number of discriminated types [classes].

Method 1: VIS/IR radiometry Principle: Multi-spectral analysis of cloud reflectance, top-surface

temperature, optical depth, emissivity, phase, drop size, over different backgrounds, observed
in a few discrete channels of relatively large bandwidths (510cm1). Applicable in both LEO

5.3.4 Cloud cover

Definition: 3D field of fraction of sky where clouds are detected. Required as a 3D field in the
troposphere (assumed height: 12km) and also as a single layer (total column) to provide the total
cloud cover Physical unit: [%] Uncertainty unit: [%].

Method 1: VIS/IR radiometry Principle: Derived from cloud imagery in a few discrete channels
selected so as to detect all cloud types. The fractional cover refers to the number of cloudy pixels
in a given pixel array. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 2: From IR sounding Principle: Derived as a by-product of temperature/humidity

sounding retrieval from IR spectroscopy. The different radiative transfer at different wavelengths
enables retrieval of cloud fraction times cloud emissivity within the sounded IFOV. Applicable in
both LEO and GEO.

Method 3: Cloud radar Principle: Backscattered radiation from cloud droplets observed by high-
frequency radar (~94GHz). Applicable only in LEO.

5.3.5 Cloud-base height

Definition: Height of the bottom surface of the cloud Physical unit: [km] Uncertainty

Method 1: Cloud radar Principle: Derived as lower level of the backscattered radiation from
cloud droplets observed by high-frequency radar (~94GHz). Applicable only in LEO.

5.3.6 Cloud optical depth

Definition: Effective depth of the cloud from the viewpoint of radiation propagation. The
definition is OD=eK z. K is the extinction coefficient [km1], z the optical path [km] between
the base and the top of the cloud. It depends on the wavelength but is usually referred to visible
radiation. Physical unit: [dimensionless] Uncertainty unit: [dimensionless].

Method 1: Backscatter lidar Principle: Backscattered radiation in UV, VIS or NIR by lidar.
Twowavelengths preferred. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: SW polarimetry Principle: Scattered solar radiation in several narrowband channels of

UV, VIS, NIR and short-wave infrared (SWIR), some with polarimetric measurements to determine
three Stokes parameters. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: Short-wave/thermal infrared (SW/TIR) radiometry Principle: Scattered solar radiation

in several narrowband channels of VIS, NIR and SWIR, and emitted radiation in several window
channels of TIR. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

5.3.7 Cloud liquid water

Definition: 3D field of atmospheric water in the liquid phase (precipitating or not). Required in the
troposphere (assumed height: 12km) and for total column Physical unit: [g/kg] for layers,
[g/m2] for total column Uncertainty unit: [%] for layers, [g/m2] for total column.

Method 1: Cloud radar Principle: Backscattered radiation from cloud droplets observed by high-
frequency radar (~94GHz). Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: Precipitation radar Principle: Backscattered radiation from cloud droplets observed
by medium-frequency radar (dual-frequency preferred, 14 and 35GHz). Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: MW/sub-mm sounding Principle: MW/sub-mm radiation in window channels

(typically, ~10, 19, 37, 90, 150GHz) with dual polarization, and absorption bands (typically, ~54,
118, 183GHz). Applicable in LEO and potentially in GEO.

5.3.8 Cloud-droplet effective radius

Definition: 3D field of the size distribution of liquid water droplets, assimilated to spheres of the
same volume. Required in the troposphere (assumed height: 12km), and at the cloud-top surface
Physical unit: [m] Uncertainty unit: [m].

Method 1: Cloud radar Principle: Backscattered radiation from cloud droplets by high-frequency
radar (~94GHz). Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: Precipitation radar Principle: Backscattered radiation from cloud droplets by

medium-frequency radar (dual-frequency preferred, 14 and 35GHz). Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: MW/sub-mm sounding Principle: MW/sub-mm radiation in window channels

(typically, ~10, 19, 37, 90, 150GHz) with dual polarization, and absorption bands (typically, ~54,
118, 183GHz). Actually, the cloud-droplet effective radius profile is retrieved with the help of an
associated NWP model, possibly cloud-resolving. Applicable in LEO and potentially in GEO.

Method 4: Backscatter lidar Principle: Backscattered radiation in UV, VIS or NIR by lidar.
Essentially limited to cloud top. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 5: SW polarimetry Principle: Scattered solar radiation in several narrowband channels

of UV, VIS, NIR and SWIR, some with polarimetric measurements to determine three Stokes
parameters. Essentially limited to cloud top. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 6: VIS/IR radiometry Principle: Scattered solar radiation in several narrowband channels
of VIS, NIR, SWIR and MWIR. Also, differential emission in several channels of thermal infrared
(TIR, for cirrus clouds). Essentially limited to cloud top. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

5.3.9 Cloud ice

Definition: 3D field of atmospheric water in the solid phase (precipitating or not). Required in the
troposphere (assumed height: 12km) and for total column Physical unit: [g/kg] for layers,
[g/m2] for total column Uncertainty unit: layers [%], [g/m2] for total column.

Method 1: Cloud radar Principle: Backscattered radiation from ice particles observed by high-
frequency radar (~94GHz). Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: Precipitation radar Principle: Backscattered radiation from ice particles by medium-
frequency radar (dual-frequency preferred, 14 and 35GHz). Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: MW/sub-mm sounding Principle: MW/sub-mm radiation in window channels

(typically, ~37, 90, 150GHz) with dual polarization, and absorption bands (typically, ~54, 118,
183, and potentially 380, 425GHz). Actually, the cloud-ice profile is retrieved with the help of an
associated NWP model, possibly cloud-resolving. Applicable in LEO and potentially in GEO.

Method 4: Sub-mm imagery Principle: Emitted and scattered radiation in MW atmospheric

windows (243, 664, 874GHz) in dual polarization supported by channels in H2O absorption
bands (183, 325, 448GHz). Suitable only for total column. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 5: Far IR (FIR) imagery Principle: Emitted and scattered radiation in several atmospheric
windows of FIR (18.2, 24.4, 52, 87 m) as compared to TIR (8.7, 11, 12m). Suitable only for total
column. Applicable only in LEO.

5.3.10 Cloud-ice effective radius

Definition: 3D field of the size distribution of ice particles, assimilated to spheres of the same
volume. Required in the troposphere (assumed height: 12km), and at the cloud-top surface
Physical unit: [m] Uncertainty unit: [m].

Method 1: Cloud radar Principle: Backscattered radiation from ice particles by high-frequency
radar (~94GHz). Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: Precipitation radar Principle: Backscattered radiation from ice particles by medium-
frequency radar (dual-frequency preferred, 14 and 35GHz). Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: MW/sub-mm sounding Principle: MW/sub-mm radiation in window channels

(typically, ~10, 19, 37, 90, 150GHz) with dual polarization, and absorption bands (typically, ~54,
118, 183GHz). Actually, the cloud-ice effective radius profile is retrieved with the help of an
associated NWP model, possibly cloud-resolving. Applicable in LEO and potentially in GEO.

Method 4: Backscatter lidar Principle: Backscattered radiation in UV, VIS or NIR by lidar.
Essentially limited to cloud top. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 5: SW polarimetry Principle: Scattered solar radiation in several narrowband channels

of UV, VIS, NIR and SWIR, some with polarimetric measurements to determine three Stokes
parameters. Essentially limited to cloud top. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 6: VIS/IR radiometry Principle: Scattered solar radiation in several narrowband channels
of VIS, NIR, SWIR and MWIR. Also, differential emission in several channels of TIR (for cirrus
clouds). Essentially limited to cloud top. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

5.3.11 Freezing-level height in clouds

Definition: Height of the atmospheric layer in cloud where liquid-solid states transform into each
other Physical unit: [km] Uncertainty unit: [km].

Method 1: Precipitation radar Principle: Backscattered radiation from cloud drops by medium-
frequency radar (dual-frequency preferred, 14 and 35GHz). Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: From MW/sub-mm sounding Principle: Derived from MW and sub-mm wave
sounding of temperature. Applicable in LEO and potentially in GEO.

5.3.12 Melting-layer depth in clouds

Definition: Depth of the atmospheric layer in cloud where liquid-solid states transform into each
other Physical unit: [km] Uncertainty unit: [km].

Method 1: Precipitation radar Principle: Backscattered radiation from cloud drops by medium-
frequency radar (dual-frequency preferred, 14 and 35GHz). Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: From MW/sub-mm sounding Principle: Derived from MW and sub-mm wave
sounding of temperature. Applicable in LEO and potentially in GEO.

5.3.13 Precipitation (liquid or solid)

Definition: 3D field of the vertical flux of precipitating water mass. Required in the troposphere
(assumed height: 12km) Physical unit: [gs1m2] (vertical flux of precipitating water mass)
Uncertainty unit: [%].

Method 1: Precipitation radar Principle: Backscattered radiation from cloud drops by medium-
frequency radar (dual-frequency preferred, 14 and 35GHz). Doppler capability also useful.
Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: MW/sub-mm sounding Principle: MW/sub-mm radiation in window channels

(typically, ~10, 19, 37, 90, 150GHz) with dual polarization, and absorption bands (typically,
~54, 118, 183, 380, 425GHz). Actually, the precipitation profile is retrieved with the help of an
associated NWP model, possibly cloud-resolving. Applicable in LEO and potentially in GEO

5.3.14 Precipitation intensity at surface (liquid or solid)

Definition: Intensity of precipitation reaching the ground Physical unit: [mm/h] (if solid, mm/h
of liquid water after melting) Uncertainty unit: [mm/h]. Since uncertainty changes with
intensity, it is necessary to specify a reference intensity. Assumed intensity: 5mm/h.

Method 1: Precipitation radar Principle: Backscattered radiation from cloud drops by medium-
frequency radar (dual-frequency preferred, 14 and 35GHz). Doppler capability also useful.
Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: MW/sub-mm sounding Principle: MW/sub-mm radiation in window channels

(typically, ~10, 19, 37, 90, 150GHz) with dual polarization, and absorption bands (typically, ~54,
118, 183, 380, 425GHz). Actually, the precipitation rate at surface is retrieved from the profile
reconstructed with the help of an associated NWP model, possibly cloud-resolving. Applicable in
LEO and potentially in GEO.

Method 3: VIS/IR radiometry Principle: Inferred from cloud imagery in a few discrete channels
selected so as to detect all cloud types, assisted by conceptual models, generally more responsive
to convective rain. Applicable in GEO.

Method 4: Fusion between MW from LEO and IR from GEO Principle: Combined product of
LEO/MW-derived accurate/infrequent measurements with GEO/IR frequent images used either
to be calibrated by MW measurements or to enable dynamical interpolation between MW-
derived precipitation data. Requiring both LEO and GEO.

5.3.15 Accumulated precipitation (over 24 hours)

Definition: Integration of precipitation intensity reaching the ground in given time intervals.
The reference requirement refers to integration over 24h Physical unit: [mm] Uncertainty

Method 1: From fusion between MW from LEO and IR from GEO Principle: Derived by time
integration of frequent precipitation rate measured by merging MW precipitation rate data from
LEO with IR imagery from GEO. Requiring both LEO and GEO.

Method 2: From MW/sub-mm sounding Principle: Derived by time integration of frequent

precipitation rate measured by MW/sub-mm sounders in GEO. Applicable in GEO (potentially).

5.3.16 Lightning detection

Definition: Mapping of lightning events as number of flashes in a given time interval over a given
area Physical unit: [counts] Uncertainty expressed as hit rate (HR) and false-alarm rate (FAR).

Method 1: Lightning mapping Principle: Detection of flashes by a charge-coupled device

camera in a very narrow channel in a NIR oxygen absorption band (generally at 777.4nm) for
operability also in daylight. The number of flashes in a given time over a given area, and their
intensity, are related to the maturity of the convective process in cloud. Applicable in both LEO
and GEO.


This theme comprises variables that affect the Earth radiation budget versus space, cloud
radiation interaction, cloud formation, air quality and several characterizing factors of climate
and climate change. The variables observable from space are listed in Table5.3.

Table 5.3. Geophysical variables considered under the theme Aerosol and radiation

Aerosol optical depth Upward spectral radiance at TOA Earths surface albedo

Aerosol concentration Upward LW irradiance at TOA Earths surface SW bi-directional


Aerosol effective radius Upward SW irradiance at TOA Upward LW irradiance at Earths surface

Aerosol type Short-wave cloud reflectance Long-wave Earth-surface emissivity

Volcanic ash Downward LW irradiance at Photosynthetically active radiation

Earths surface

Downward solar Downward SW irradiance at Fraction of absorbed photosynthetically

irradiance at TOA Earths surface active radiation

Further variables such as aerosol absorption optical depth, aerosol extinction coefficient, aerosol
single scattering albedo and aerosol phase function have not been considered since they are
closely linked to the selected ones (optical thickness, concentration, effective radius, and type),
which are more understandable to the general user.

5.4.1 Aerosol optical depth

Definition: Effective depth of the aerosol column from the viewpoint of radiation propagation.
The definition is OD=exp(K z). K is the extinction coefficient [km1], z the optical
path [km] between the Earths surface and TOA. It depends on the wavelength Physical
unit:[dimensionless] Uncertainty unit: [dimensionless].

Method 1: Backscatter lidar Principle: Backscattered radiation in UV, VIS or NIR by lidar.
Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: SW polarimetry Principle: Scattered solar radiation in several narrowband channels

of UV, VIS, NIR and SWIR, some with polarimetric measurements to determine three Stokes
parameters. Also, multi-viewing at different incident angles. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: SW spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV, VIS, NIR and SWIR
observed cross-nadir with high spectral resolution. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 4: VIS/IR radiometry Principle: Scattered solar radiation in several channels of VIS, NIR
and SWIR. Some information, relevant to absorbing aerosol, also available in thermal IR windows.
Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

5.4.2 Aerosol concentration

Definition: 3D field of the mass mixing ratio of condensed particles in the atmosphere (other
than water) Required from surface to TOA (layers: LT, HT, LS, HS&M) + total column Physical
units: [g/kg] for layers, [g/m2] for total column Uncertainty unit: [%] for layers, [g/m2] for total

Method 1: Backscatter lidar Principle: Backscattered radiation in UV, VIS or NIR by lidar.
Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: SW polarimetry Principle: Scattered solar radiation in several narrowband channels

of UV, VIS, NIR and SWIR, some with polarimetric measurements to determine three Stokes
parameters. Also, multi-viewing at different incident angles. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: SW spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV, VIS, NIR and SWIR
observed cross-nadir with high spectral resolution. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 4: SW spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV, VIS, NIR and SWIR
observed in limb mode with high spectral resolution. Also, absorbed radiation from Sun or stars
during occultation. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 5: VIS/IR radiometry Principle: Scattered solar radiation in several channels of VIS, NIR
and SWIR. Some information, relevant to absorbing aerosol, also available in thermal IR windows.
Suitable only for total column. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

5.4.3 Aerosol effective radius

Definition: 3D field of the mean size of the aerosol particles, assimilated to spheres of the same
volume. Required in the troposphere (assumed height: 12km) and as columnar average
Physical unit: [m] Uncertainty unit: [m].

Method 1: Backscatter lidar Principle: Backscattered radiation in UV, VIS or NIR by lidar.
Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: SW polarimetry Principle: Scattered solar radiation in several narrowband channels

of UV, VIS, NIR and SWIR, some with polarimetric measurements to determine three Stokes
parameters. Also, multi-viewing at different incident angles. A priori information and intensive
modelling necessary. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: SW spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV, VIS, NIR and SWIR
observed cross-nadir with high spectral resolution. A priori information and intensive modelling
necessary. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

5.4.4 Aerosol type

Definition: 3D field. Comprehensive properties of the aerosol being observed. The list of types
of interest is predetermined Required in the troposphere (assumed height: 12km) and as
columnar average Uncertainty expressed as number of types that can actually be resolved

Method 1: Backscatter lidar Principle: Backscattered radiation in UV, VIS or NIR by lidar.
Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: SW polarimetry Principle: Scattered solar radiation in several narrowband channels

of UV, VIS, NIR and SWIR, some with polarimetric measurements to determine three Stokes
parameters. Also, multi-viewing at different incident angles. A priori information and intensive
aerosol modelling absolutely necessary. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: SW spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV, VIS, NIR and SWIR
observed cross-nadir with high spectral resolution. A priori information and intensive aerosol
modelling absolutely necessary. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 4: VIS/IR radiometry Principle: Scattered solar radiation in several channels of VIS, NIR
and SWIR. Some information also available in thermal IR windows. A priori information and
intensive aerosol modelling necessary. Suitable only for total column. Applicable in both LEO

5.4.5 Volcanic ash

Definition: 3D field of concentration of volcanic ash Required from surface to TOA (layers: LT, HT,
LS, HS&M) + total column Physical units: [g/kg] for layers, [g/m2] for total column Uncertainty
unit: [%] for layers, [g/m2] for total column.

Method 1: Backscatter lidar Principle: Backscattered radiation in UV, VIS or NIR by lidar.
Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: SW polarimetry Principle: Scattered solar radiation in several narrowband channels

of UV, VIS, NIR and SWIR, some with polarimetric measurements to determine three Stokes
parameters. Also, multi-viewing at different incident angles. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: SW spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV, VIS, NIR and SWIR
observed cross-nadir with high spectral resolution. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 4: SW spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV, VIS, NIR and SWIR
observed in limb mode with high spectral resolution. Also, absorbed radiation from Sun or stars
during occultation. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 5: VIS/IR radiometry Principle: Scattered solar radiation in several channels of VIS, NIR
and SWIR. Some information also available in thermal IR windows. Suitable only for total column.
Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

5.4.6 Downward solar irradiance at top of atmosphere

Definition: Flux density of the solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere Physical unit: [W/m2]
Uncertainty unit: [W/m2].

Method 1: Cavity radiometer Principle: Trapping of total downward solar radiation at satellite
altitude into devices such as active cavities. Absolute measurement. Applicable in LEO, GEO, or
outer-space orbits, at the L1 Lagrange libration point, for instance.

5.4.7 Upward spectral radiance at top of atmosphere

Definition: Level 1 product. Spectral range 0.2200m. Resolving power /=1000.

Uncertainty quoted as signal-to-noise ratio.

Method 1: Wide-range spectroscopy Principle: Measurement of the radiation in the interval

0.2200m emitted by the Earthatmosphere system towards space. Several spectrometers are
needed to cover short wave and long wave. The objective is to monitor climate change by using
the spectrum as an absolute signature. Applicable only in LEO.

5.4.8 Upward long-wave irradiance at top of atmosphere

Definition: Flux density of terrestrial radiation emitted to space by the Earths surface, atmosphere
and clouds at the top of the atmosphere Physical unit: [W/m2] Uncertainty unit: [W/m2].

Method 1: Broadband radiometry Principle: Measurement of the radiation in the interval

4200m emitted by the Earthatmosphere system towards space by means of detectors with as
flat a response in the interval as possible. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

5.4.9 Upward short-wave irradiance at top of atmosphere

Definition: Flux density of terrestrial radiation reflected to space by the Earths surface,
atmosphere and clouds at the top of the atmosphere Physical unit: [W/m2] Uncertainty

Method 1: Broadband radiometry Principle: Measurement of the radiation in the interval

0.24.0m reflected by the Earthatmosphere system towards space by means of detectors
with as flat response in the interval as possible. Information on bi-directional reflectance and
modelling are required in order to convert radiance into irradiance. Applicable in both LEO

5.4.10 Short-wave cloud reflectance

Definition: Reflectance of the solar radiation from clouds Physical unit: [%] Uncertainty

Method 1: SW radiometry Principle: Scattered solar radiation in several channels of VIS, NIR and
SWIR. Multi-viewing geometry useful. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

5.4.11 Downward long-wave irradiance at Earths surface

Definition: Flux density of long-wave (LW) radiation from Sun, atmosphere and clouds to the
Earths surface Physical unit: [W/m2] Uncertainty unit: [W/m2].

Method 1: From IR/MW sounding Principle: High-level product derived mostly from
atmospheric temperature and water-vapour profiles. Contributions also from cloud cover
profile, specifically cloud-base height. Atmospheric modelling necessary. Applicable in both LEO

5.4.12 Downward short-wave irradiance at Earths surface

Definition: Flux density of short-wave radiation from Sun, atmosphere and clouds to the Earths
surface Physical unit: [W/m2] Uncertainty unit: [W/m2].

Method 1: SW radiometry Principle: High-level product derived from observation of scattered

solar radiation in several narrowband channels of VIS, NIR and SWIR to estimate attenuation
from clouds and aerosol. Multiple viewing and multi-polarization help. Applicable in both LEO

5.4.13 Earths surface albedo

Definition: Hemispherically integrated reflectance of the Earths surface in the range 0.40.7m
(or other specific short-wave ranges) Physical unit: [%] Uncertainty unit: [%].

Method 1: Multi-view SW radiometry Principle: High-level product after measuring scattered

solar radiation in several channels of VIS under several viewing angles and solar angles to
estimate anisotropy effects and improve radiative flux computations. Channels for atmospheric
corrections also included. Applicable only in LEO

Method 2: VIS radiometry Principle: Measurement of scattered solar radiation in several

channels of VIS, including those for atmospheric corrections. Anisotropy effects for hemispheric
integration computed by modelling. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

5.4.14 Earths surface short-wave bi-directional reflectance

Definition: Reflectance of the Earths surface as a function of the viewing angle and the
illumination conditions in the range 0.40.7m (or other specific short-wave ranges) Physical
unit: [%] Uncertainty unit: [%].

Method 1: SW radiometry Principle: Scattered solar radiation in several channels of VIS, NIR
and SWIR observed under several viewing angles and solar angles to estimate anisotropy effects
and improve radiative flux computations. Channels for atmospheric corrections also included.
Applicable only in LEO.

5.4.15 Upward long-wave irradiance at Earths surface

Definition: Flux density of long-wave radiation emerging from the Earths surface Physical
unit:[W/m2] Uncertainty unit: [W/m2].

Method 1: Broadband radiometry Principle: Measurement of the radiation in the interval

4200m emitted by the Earths surface towards the atmosphere and ultimately to space.
Detectors are needed, with as flat response in the interval as possible. Atmospheric corrections,
mostly for water vapour and clouds, are necessary. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

5.4.16 Long-wave Earth-surface emissivity

Definition: Emissivity of the Earths surface in the thermal IR, function of the wavelength Physical
unit: [%] Uncertainty unit: [%].

Method 1: IR radiometry Principle: Emitted radiation in several relatively narrowband IR window

channels, to determine equivalent black-body temperatures at several wavelengths. Applicable
in both LEO and GEO.

Method 2: IR spectroscopy Principle: Multiple determination of equivalent black-body

temperatures in highest number of narrow windows through the IR spectrum. Applicable in both
LEO and GEO.

5.4.17 Photosynthetically active radiation

Definition: Flux density of downward photons of wavelength 0.40.7m at surface Physical

unit:[einstein m2s1] (1einstein = 61023photons); most frequently used: [W/m2]
Uncertainty unit: [W/m2].

Method 1: VIS radiometry Principle: High-level product similar to downwelling short-wave

irradiance at Earth surface except that it refers to the interval 0.40.7m used by vegetation for
photosynthesis. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

5.4.18 Fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation

Definition: Fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation that is absorbed by vegetation

(land or marine) for photosynthesis processes (generally around the red) Physical unit: [%]
Uncertainty unit: [%].

Method 1: VIS radiometry Principle: Computed from the observed photosynthetically active
radiation and one measure in the red region (~670nm). Applicable in both LEO and GEO.


This theme comprises variables that characterize the ocean surface, including waves and sea ice.
The variables observable from space are listed in Table5.4.

Table 5.4. Geophysical variables considered under the theme Ocean and sea ice

Ocean chlorophyll Oil-spill cover Coastal sea level (tide) Wave directional-energy
concentration frequency spectrum

Colour dissolved organic Sea-surface temperature Significant wave height Sea-ice cover

Ocean suspended Sea-surface salinity Dominant wave Sea-ice thickness

sediments concentration direction

Ocean diffuse attenuation Ocean dynamic Dominant wave period Sea-ice type
coefficient topography

Many variables have not been considered: underwater profiles of temperature and salinity
(impossible to measure from space), currents (derivable from ocean topography as for the
geostrophic component, otherwise impossible or too inaccurate), iceberg extension or height
(special case of ice cover and thickness), and ice drift (product of multi-temporal analysis).

5.5.1 Ocean chlorophyll concentration

Definition: Indicator of living phytoplankton biomass, extracted from ocean-colour observation.

Required in both open ocean and coastal zone Physical unit: [mg/m3] Uncertainty unit:[mg/
m3] at a specific concentration (1mg/m3, for example).

Method 1: VIS radiometry Principle: Measurement of reflected solar radiation in several channels
(most significant: 442.5nm, 490nm, 560nm, 665nm, 681.25nm). Spectral resolution of the
order of 2%. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

5.5.2 Colour dissolved organic matter

Definition: Former name: Yellow substance absorbance. Variable extracted from ocean-colour
observation. Indicative of biomass undergoing decomposition processes. Required in both open
ocean and coastal zone Physical unit: [m1] Uncertainty unit: [m1] at a specific concentration
(such as 1m1).

Method 1: VIS radiometry Principle: Measurement of reflected solar radiation in several channels
(most significant: 412.5nm). Spectral resolution of the order of 2%. Applicable in both LEO

5.5.3 Ocean suspended sediments concentration

Definition: Variable extracted from ocean-colour observation. Indicative of river outflow, re-
suspension or pollution of other-than-biological origin. Required in both open ocean and coastal
zone Physical unit: [g/m3] Uncertainty unit: [g/m3] at a specific concentration
(such as 2g/m3).

Method 1: VIS radiometry Principle: Measurement of reflected solar radiation in several channels
(most significant: 510nm, 560nm, 620nm). Spectral resolution of the order of 2%. Applicable in
both LEO and GEO.

5.5.4 Ocean diffuse attenuation coefficient

Definition: Former name: "Water clarity". Indicator of water turbidity and vertical processes in the
ocean, extracted from ocean-colour observation. Required in both open ocean and coastal zone
Physical unit: [m1] Uncertainty unit: [m1].

Method 1: VIS radiometry Principle: Measurement of reflected solar radiation in several channels
of the range 400700nm. Spectral resolution of the order of 2%. Applicable in both LEO

5.5.5 Oil-spill cover

Definition: The fraction of an ocean area polluted by hydrocarbons released from ships,
accidentally or deliberately. Oil spills are impacting on ocean-atmosphere exchanges. Required
in both open ocean and coastal zone Physical unit: [%] Uncertainty unit: [%].

Method 1: VIS/NIR radiometry Principle: Measurement of reflected solar radiation in several

channels of the range 4001000nm. Spectral resolution of the order of 2%. Applicable in both
LEO and GEO.

Method 2: SW polarimetry Principle: Scattered solar radiation in several narrowband channels of

VIS, NIR and SWIR, some with dual polarization. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: High-resolution optical imagery Principle: Reflected solar radiation in VIS/NIR/SWIR

observed in several discrete channels of relatively narrow bandwidths (1%5%). Applicable only
in LEO.

Method 4: SAR imagery Principle: Backscattered MW radiation at frequencies of 1.3, 5 or 11GHz

collected by synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Polarimetric capability is useful. Applicable only

5.5.6 Sea-surface temperature

Definition: Temperature of the sea water at surface. The bulk temperature refers to the depth of
typically 2m, the skin temperature refers to values within the upper 1mm. Physical unit: [K]
Uncertainty unit: [K].

Method 1: IR radiometry Principle: Derived from IR imagery in multiple channels including

windows and others (in water-vapour absorption bands) as necessary to evaluate atmospheric
attenuation. Dual-view reduces the uncertainty of atmospheric correction. Applicable in both
LEO and GEO.

Method 2: IR spectroscopy Principle: Derived from a high number of very narrow channels
through the IR spectrum, associated with other channels providing all the information needed
for atmospheric corrections. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 3: MW radiometry Principle: Emitted and scattered MW radiation in atmospheric

windows at low to medium frequencies (5, 10GHz, for example). More polarizations are needed,
to correct for roughness effects. Applicable only in LEO.

5.5.7 Sea-surface salinity

Definition: Salinity of sea water in the surface layer, which is the layer affected by turbulence
associated with wind stress, waves and diurnal solar heating cycle. (The layer is a few metres
deep but a microwave observation would be representative of the upper ~1m). In the open
ocean the correct term should be halinity in order to make reference to the most common
anion, chlorine Physical unit: practical salinity unit [PSU], close to 1, or 1g of salt per 1litre of
solution Uncertainty unit: [PSU].

Method 1: MW radiometry Principle: Emitted and scattered MW radiation at low frequencies

(such as 1.4GHz). More polarizations are needed, to correct for roughness effects. More channels
are desirable, to correct for temperature. Applicable only in LEO.

5.5.8 Ocean dynamic topography

Definition: Deviation of sea level from the geoid caused by ocean currents (after corrections for
tides and atmospheric pressure effects) Physical unit: [cm] Uncertainty unit: [cm].

Method 1: Radar altimetry Principle: Backscattered radiation from sea surface by medium-
frequency radar (dual-frequency preferred, 13 and 3 or 5GHz). Associated with two or three
channels of passive MW radiometry (23 and 37 and/or 19GHz) needed for tropospheric path
correction from water vapour and ionosphere-induced rotation. Ocean topography is extracted
by filtering the fluctuation of wave heights out of the satellite-to-surface measured range.
Applicable only in LEO.

5.5.9 Coastal sea level (tide)

Definition: Deviation of sea level from local references in coastal zones, caused by local currents
and tides (astronomical and wind-induced) Physical unit: [cm] Uncertainty unit: [cm].

Method 1: Radar altimetry Principle: Backscattered radiation from sea surface by medium-
frequency radar (dual-frequency preferred, 13 and 3 or 5GHz). Associated with two or three
channels of passive MW radiometry (23 and 37 and/or 19GHz) needed for tropospheric path
correction from water vapour and ionosphere-induced rotation. Sea level is extracted by filtering
the fluctuation of wave heights out of the satellite-to-surface measured range. Applicable only

5.5.10 Significant wave height

Definition: Average amplitude of the highest 30 of 100waves Physical unit: [m] Uncertainty
unit: [m].

Method 1: Radar altimetry Principle: Backscattered radiation from sea surface by medium-
frequency radar (dual-frequency preferred, 13 and 3 or 5GHz). Wave height is linked to the
statistical dispersion of the radar-measured ranges. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: From SAR spectra Principle: From spectral analysis of SAR images at frequencies of 1.3
or 5GHz by processing spectrum power, wavelength and direction with the help of boundary
conditions. Applicable only in LEO.

5.5.11 Dominant wave direction

Definition: One feature of the ocean wave spectrum. It is the direction of the most energetic wave
in the spectrum Physical unit: [degrees] Uncertainty unit: [degrees].

Method 1: From SAR spectra Principle: From spectral analysis of SAR images at frequencies of
1.3, 5 or 11GHz. Applicable only in LEO.

5.5.12 Dominant wave period

Definition: One feature of the ocean wave spectrum. It is the period of the most energetic wave in
the spectrum Physical unit: [s] Uncertainty unit: [s].

Method 1: From SAR spectra Principle: From spectral analysis of SAR images at frequencies of
1.3, 5 or 11GHz. Applicable only in LEO.

5.5.13 Wave directional-energy frequency spectrum

Definition: 2D variable colloquially referred to as wave spectrum. Describes the wave

energy travelling in each direction and frequency band (such as 24distinct azimuth sectors
each 15 wide, and 25frequency bands) Physical unit: [m2Hz1rad1] Uncertainty

Method 1: From SAR spectra Principle: From spectral analysis of SAR images at frequencies of
1.3, 5 or 11GHz. Applicable only in LEO.

5.5.14 Sea-ice cover

Definition: The fraction of an ocean area where ice is detected Physical unit: [%] Uncertainty
unit: [%].

Method 1: VIS/IR radiometry Principle: Reflected solar radiation in VIS/NIR/SWIR or emitted

radiation in MWIR/IR observed in a few discrete channels of relatively large bandwidths
(5%10%). The fractional cover refers to the number of pixels classified as ice in a given pixel
array. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 2: MW radiometry Principle: Emitted and scattered MW radiation in atmospheric

windows at medium-high frequencies (such as 37, 90GHz). More polarizations are needed
(signal from sea is strongly polarized). The fractional cover refers to the number of pixels
classified as ice in a given pixel array. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: High-resolution optical imagery Principle: Reflected solar radiation in VIS/NIR/

SWIR observed in several discrete channels. High-resolution is prioritized at the expense of the
observing cycle. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 4: SAR imagery Principle: Backscattered MW radiation at frequencies of 1.3, 5 or 11GHz

collected by synthetic aperture radar. The fractional cover refers to the number of pixels classified
as ice in a given array. Applicable only in LEO.

5.5.15 Sea-ice thickness

Definition: Thickness of the ice sheet. It is related to sea-ice elevation and ice density Physical
unit: [cm] Uncertainty unit: [cm].

Method 1: Radar altimetry Principle: Backscattered radiation from sea surface by medium-
frequency radar (dual-frequency preferred, 13 and 3 or 5GHz). Associated with two-channel
passive MW radiometry (23 and 37GHz) needed for tropospheric path correction from water
vapour. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: Lidar altimetry Principle: Backscattered VIS/NIR radiation by lidar. Two wavelengths
preferred, such as 532 and 1064nm. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: SAR interferometry Principle: Backscattered MW radiation at frequencies of 1.3,

5 or 11GHz collected by synthetic aperture radar. Height of observed surface determined by
interferometry between images from more passes. Applicable only in LEO.

5.5.16 Sea-ice type

Definition: Comprehensive properties (age, roughness, density, etc.) of the observed sea ice. The
list of types of interest is predetermined Uncertainty expressed as number of discriminated
types [classes].

Method 1: Radar scatterometry Principle: Backscattered radiation by medium-frequency radar

scatterometry (around 5 or 11GHz). Calibrated radar reflectivity depends on roughness and
surface conductivity (linked to age). Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: MW radiometry Principle: Emitted and scattered MW radiation in atmospheric

windows at medium frequencies (such as 19, 37GHz). Three Stokes parameters (in other words
at least four polarizations) desirable. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: SAR imagery Principle: Backscattered MW radiation at frequencies of 1.3, 5 or 11GHz

collected by synthetic aperture radar. Applicable only in LEO.


This theme comprises variables that characterize the land surface, including vegetation, fire,
glaciers and snow. The variables observable from space are listed in Table5.5.

A few variables have not been considered, such as groundwater (considered covered by soil
moisture, snow, glaciers; and land cover); river discharge (products are of too high a level);
subsoil temperature profile (impossible from space); snow and lake surface temperature;
permafrost (specific cases of surface temperature observation); coastlines (too obvious); biomass
(too generic).

Table 5.5. Geophysical variables considered under the theme

Land surface (including snow)

Land surface temperature Leaf area index Snow status (wet/dry) Land surface topography

Soil moisture at surface Normalized difference Snow cover Glacier cover

vegetation index

Soil moisture Fire fractional cover Snow water equivalent Glacier topography
(in the roots region)

Fraction of vegetated land Fire temperature Soil type

Vegetation type Fire radiative power Land cover

5.6.1 Land surface temperature

Definition: Temperature of the apparent surface of land (bare soil or vegetation) Physical
unit:[K] Uncertainty unit: [K].

Method 1: IR radiometry Principle: Derived from IR imagery in multiple channels including

windows and others as needed to evaluate emissivity and atmospheric attenuation (from
water vapour). Dual-view reduces the uncertainty of atmospheric correction. Applicable in both
LEO and GEO.

Method 2: IR spectroscopy Principle: Derived from a high number of very narrow window
channels through the IR spectrum, associated with other channels providing all the information
needed for atmospheric corrections. This enables emissivity to be estimated. Applicable in both
LEO and GEO.

Method 3: MW radiometry Principle: Emitted and scattered MW radiation in atmospheric

windows at low to medium frequencies (such as 5, 10GHz). More polarizations are needed to
correct for wetness effects. Applicable only in LEO.

5.6.2 Soil moisture at surface

Definition: Fractional content of water in a volume of wet soil. Surface layer (upper few
centimetres) Physical unit: [m3/m3] Uncertainty unit: [m3/m3].

Method 1: MW radiometry Principle: Emitted MW radiation at low frequencies (1.4 and 2.7GHz,
for example). Multiple polarizations needed, to correct for roughness effects. Multiple channels
desirable, to correct for temperature. Higher frequencies (5, 10GHz) also useful, particularly for
bare soil. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: Radar scatterometry Principle: Backscattered MW radiation at relatively low

frequencies (such as 5GHz). The multiple viewing angle capability is exploited to correct for
roughness. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: SAR imagery Principle: Backscattered MW radiation at frequencies of 1.3, 5 or 11GHz

collected by synthetic aperture radar. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 4: VIS/IR radiometry Principle: Several proxies are possible. Examples: damping of
reflectivity from VIS/NIR to SWIR; from apparent thermal inertia derived by measuring the delay
in land temperature rising in response to incoming solar radiation (valid for bare soil). Applicable
in both LEO and GEO.

5.6.3 Soil moisture (in the roots region)

Definition: Subsoil 3D field of the fractional content of water in a volume of wet soil. Required
from surface down to ~3m Physical unit: [m3/m3] Uncertainty unit: [m3/m3].

Method 1: L-band MW radiometry Principle: Emitted MW radiation at low frequencies (such as

1.4GHz). More polarizations are needed, to correct for roughness effects. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: L-band SAR imagery Principle: Backscattered MW radiation at low frequency

(typically 1.3GHz) collected by SAR. P band (~400MHz) and S band (~2.7GHz) are also possible.
Applicable only in LEO.

5.6.4 Fraction of vegetated land

Definition: The fraction of a land area where vegetation is present Physical unit: [%]
Uncertainty unit: [%].

Method 1: High-resolution optical imagery Principle: Reflected solar radiation in VIS/NIR/SWIR

observed in several discrete channels of relatively narrow bandwidths (1%5%). Hyperspectral
(several hundred channels) possible. Applicable in LEO and potentially in GEO.

Method 2: SAR imagery Principle: Backscattered MW radiation at frequencies of 1.3, 5 or 11GHz

collected by synthetic aperture radar. Applicable only in LEO.

5.6.5 Vegetation type

Definition: Observed vegetal species or families. The list of types of interest is predetermined
Uncertainty is expressed as number of identified types [classes].

Method 1: High-resolution optical imagery Principle: Reflected solar radiation in VIS/NIR/SWIR

observed in several discrete channels of relatively narrow bandwidths (1%5%). Hyperspectral
(several hundred channels) possible. Applicable in LEO and potentially in GEO.

Method 2: SAR imagery Principle: Backscattered MW radiation at frequencies of 1.3, 5 or 11GHz

collected by synthetic aperture radar. Applicable only in LEO.

5.6.6 Leaf area index

Definition: One half of the total projected green leaf fractional area in the plant canopy within
a given area. Representative of total biomass and health of vegetation Physical unit: [%]
Uncertainty unit: [%].

Method 1: SW radiometry Principle: Scattered solar radiation through VIS/NIR and deeply
into SWIR (up to 2.4m, for example). Several channels needed, relatively narrow (2%3%).
Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 2: Radar scatterometry Principle: Backscattered radiation by medium-frequency radar

scatterometry (about 5 or 11GHz). Calibrated radar reflectivity depends on surface conductivity
(linked to biomass). Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: High-resolution optical imagery Principle: Reflected solar radiation in VIS/NIR/SWIR

observed in several discrete channels of relatively narrow bandwidths (1%5%). Hyperspectral
(several hundred channels) possible. Applicable in LEO and potentially in GEO.

5.6.7 Normalized difference vegetation index

Definition: Difference between maximum (in NIR) and minimum (around the red) vegetation
reflectance, normalized to the summation. Representative of total biomass, supportive for
computing leaf area index if not directly measured Physical unit: [%] Uncertainty unit: [%].

Method 1: VIS/NIR radiometry Principle: Scattered solar radiation in VIS (red, minimum
reflectance from vegetation) and NIR (typically, 865nm, high reflectance). Applicable in both
LEO and GEO.

Method 2: High-resolution optical imagery Principle: Scattered solar radiation in VIS (red,
minimum reflectance from vegetation) and NIR (typically, 865nm, high reflectance). Applicable
in LEO and potentially in GEO.

5.6.8 Fire fractional cover

Definition: The fraction of a land area where fire is present Physical unit: [%] Uncertainty

Method 1: VIS/NIR radiometry Principle: Reflected solar radiation in VIS/NIR/SWIR or emitted

radiation in MWIR/IR observed in a few discrete channels of relatively large bandwidths
(5%10%). The fractional cover refers to the number of pixels classified as fire in a given pixel
array. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 2: High-resolution optical imagery Principle: Reflected solar radiation in VIS/NIR/SWIR

observed in several discrete channels. Useful post factum for damage inventory. High resolution
is prioritized at the expense of the observing cycle. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: SAR imagery Principle: Backscattered MW radiation at frequencies of 1.3, 5 or 11GHz

collected by SAR. The fractional cover refers to the number of pixels classified as fire in a given
array. Useful post factum for damage inventory. Applicable only in LEO.

5.6.9 Fire temperature

Definition: Temperature of the fire occurring within an area Physical unit: [K] Uncertainty

Method 1: IR radiometry Principle: Derived from IR imagery in a number of window channels.

MWIR (3.7m) most sensitive. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

5.6.10 Fire radiative power

Definition: Power radiated by the fire occurring within an area Physical unit: [kWm2]
Uncertainty unit: [kWm2].

Method 1: IR radiometry Principle: Derived from IR imagery in a number of window channels.

MWIR (3.7m) most sensitive. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

5.6.11 Snow status (wet/dry)

Definition: Binary product (dry or melting/thawing) expressing the presence of liquid water in a
snow layer Uncertainty expressed as hit rate [HR] and false-alarm Rate [FAR] when classifying
the status as either wet or dry.

Method 1: MW radiometry Principle: Emitted and scattered MW radiation in atmospheric

windows at medium-high frequencies (such as 37, 90GHz). More polarizations are needed. Since
wet snow can be confused with underlying soil, preventive snow detection (mask) is necessary.
Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: SAR imagery Principle: Backscattered MW radiation collected by synthetic aperture

radar at relatively high frequencies, such as ~10GHz (X band), possibly ~19GHz (K band), since
dry snow tends to be transparent to SAR. More useful for change detection during thawing and
freezing cycles. Applicable only in LEO.

5.6.12 Snow cover

Definition: The fraction of a given area which is covered by snow Physical unit: [%] Uncertainty
unit: [%].

Method 1: VIS/IR radiometry Principle: Reflected solar radiation in VIS/NIR/SWIR or emitted

radiation in MWIR/IR observed in a few discrete channels of relatively large bandwidths (5%
10%). The fractional cover refers to the number of pixels classified as snow in a given pixel array.
Alternatively, retrieval can be carried out at pixel level by exploiting the defect of brightness
due to mixed snow/no-snow in the pixel (effective snow cover). Applicable in both LEO

Method 2: MW radiometry Principle: Emitted and scattered MW radiation in atmospheric

windows at medium-high frequencies (such as 37, 90GHz). More polarizations are needed.
The fractional cover refers to the number of pixels classified as snow in a given pixel array. Snow
surface status (dry or wet) is also determined. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: High-resolution optical imagery Principle: Reflected solar radiation in VIS/NIR/

SWIR observed in several discrete channels. High-resolution is prioritized at the expense of the
observing cycle. Applicable in LEO and potentially in GEO.

5.6.13 Snow water equivalent

Definition: Vertical depth of the water that would be obtained by melting a snow layer. The snow
depth may be inferred by exploiting auxiliary information on the density of the snow layer
Physical unit: [mm] Uncertainty unit: [mm].

Method 1: MW radiometry Principle: Emitted and scattered MW radiation in atmospheric

windows at medium-high frequencies (such as 37, 90GHz), preferred because at low frequency
dry snow is transparent. More polarizations are needed. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: Radar scatterometry Principle: Backscattered MW radiation at low-medium

frequencies (5, 13GHz). Higher frequency preferred over dry snow. The multiple viewing angle
capability is exploited to correct for roughness. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: SAR imagery Principle: Backscattered MW radiation collected by SAR at relatively

high frequencies (dry snow is transparent to SAR). An optimal frequency would be ~19GHz
(Kuband). Lower frequencies can be used for monitoring changes by interferometry. Applicable
only in LEO.

5.6.14 Soil type

Definition: Observed soil composition or structure (acid, alkaline, rough, etc.). The list of types of
interest is predetermined Uncertainty is expressed as number of discriminated types [classes].

Method 1: High-resolution optical imagery Principle: Reflected solar radiation in VIS/NIR/SWIR

observed in several discrete channels of relatively narrow bandwidths (1%5%). Hyperspectral
(several hundred channels) possible. Applicable in LEO and potentially in GEO.

Method 2: SAR imagery Principle: Backscattered MW radiation at frequencies of 1.3, 5 or 11GHz

collected by synthetic aperture radar. Applicable only in LEO.

5.6.15 Land cover

Definition: Observed land utilization (urban, cultivated, desertic, etc.). The list of types of interest
is predetermined Uncertainty expressed as the number of identified types [classes].

Method 1: High-resolution optical imagery Principle: Reflected solar radiation in VIS/NIR/SWIR

observed in several discrete channels of relatively narrow bandwidths (1%5%). Hyperspectral
(several hundred channels) possible. Applicable in LEO and potentially in GEO.

Method 2: SAR imagery Principle: Backscattered MW radiation at frequencies of 1.3, 5 or 11GHz

collected by synthetic aperture radar. Applicable only in LEO.

5.6.16 Land surface topography

Definition: Map of land surface heights Physical unit: [m] Uncertainty unit: [m].

Method 1: High-resolution VIS stereoscopy Principle: Reflected solar radiation in VIS observed
in one or more channels of relatively narrow bandwidths (1%5%) from at least two viewing
directions, generally from successive orbits, so as to implement stereoscopy. Applicable only

Method 2: SAR interferometry Principle: Backscattered MW radiation at frequencies of 1.3, 5

or 11GHz collected by synthetic aperture radar. Interferometry from successive orbital passes.
Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: Radar altimetry Principle: Backscattered radiation from land surface by medium-
frequency radar (dual-frequency preferred, 13 and 3 or 5GHz). Associated with two or three
channels of passive MW radiometry (23 and 37 and/or 19GHz) needed for tropospheric path
correction from water vapour and ionosphere-induced rotation. Along-track SAR processing is
needed for acceptable resolution. Only nadir view. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 4: Lidar altimetry Principle: Backscattered VIS/NIR radiation by lidar. Two wavelengths
preferred, such as 532 and 1064nm. Only nadir view. Applicable only in LEO.

5.6.17 Glacier cover

Definition: The fraction of a land area covered by permanent ice Physical unit: [%] Uncertainty
unit: [%].

Method 1: High-resolution VIS stereoscopy Principle: Reflected solar radiation in VIS/NIR/SWIR

observed in several discrete channels of relatively narrow bandwidths (1%5%). Applicable in
LEO and potentially in GEO.

Method 2: SAR imagery Principle: Backscattered MW radiation at frequencies of 1.3, 5 or 11GHz

collected by synthetic aperture radar. Interferometry used to detect changes. Applicable only

5.6.18 Glacier topography

Definition: Map of the height of the glacier surface Physical unit: [cm] Uncertainty unit: [cm].

Method 1: SAR interferometry Principle: Backscattered MW radiation at frequencies of 1.3, 5

or 11GHz collected by synthetic aperture radar. Interferometry from successive orbital passes.
Applicable only in LEO.


This theme comprises variables that characterize the solid Earth (space geodesy and Earth
interior). The variables observable from space are listed in Table5.6.

Table 5.6. Geophysical variables considered under the theme Solid Earth

Geoid Crustal plates Crustal motion Gravity field Gravity gradients

positioning (horizontal and vertical)

5.7.1 Geoid

Definition: Equipotential surface which would coincide exactly with the mean ocean surface of
the Earth, if the oceans were in equilibrium, at rest, and extended through the continents (such
as with very narrow channels) Physical unit: [cm] Uncertainty unit: [cm].

Method 1: Radar altimetry Principle: Backscattered radiation from sea surface by medium-
frequency radar (dual-frequency preferred, 13 and 3 or 5GHz). Associated with two or three
channels of passive MW radiometry (23 and 37 and/or 19GHz) needed for tropospheric path
correction from water vapour and ionosphere-induced rotation. Highly stable orbits needed
(relatively high altitude, 5070 inclination and accurate repeat cycle). Multi-orbital analysis
enables transient perturbations to be filtered out of waves, ocean currents and tides. Applicable
only in LEO.

Method 2: Gravity-field observation Principle: Observation of the gravity field at satellite altitude
by accelerometers, gradiometers, satellitesatellite tracking (coupled satellites or with GPS
satellites). Low orbits are used, changing during mission time. Applicable only in LEO.

5.7.2 Crustal plates positioning

Definition: Basis for monitoring the evolution of the lithosphere dynamics Physical unit: [cm]
Uncertainty unit: [cm].

Method 1: Laser ranging Principle: Accurate measurement of the satelliteground distance by

pointing the satellite using a surface-based laser that collects the light reflected by cube-corner
mirrors covering the surface of the satellite. A worldwide network can provide both precision
orbitography and the position of the crustal plates supporting the laser ranging stations.
Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: GPS receiver Principle: Statistical analysis of the position of a surface-based GPS
receiver localized by the constellations of navigation satellites (GPS, GLONASS, Compass,
Galileo). Applicable only in LEO.

5.7.3 Crustal motion (horizontal and vertical)

Definition: Changes over time of the position and height of the Earths plates. Indicative of the
lithosphere dynamics, thus useful for earthquake prediction Physical unit: [mm/y] Uncertainty
unit: [mm/y].

Method 1: Laser ranging Principle: Analysis of changes in crustal plate positioning, accurately
measured by satellite-ground distance through a surface-based laser that collects the light
reflected by cube-corner mirrors covering the surface of the satellite. A worldwide network of
laser-ranging stations enables this analysis to be performed. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: GPS receiver Principle: Analysis of changes in crustal plate positioning, accurately
measured by surface-based GPS receivers localized by the constellations of navigation satellites
(GPS, GLONASS, Compass, Galileo). Applicable only in LEO.

5.7.4 Gravity field

Definition: 3D field, actually measured in situ at orbital height. Indicative of the statics and
dynamics of the lithosphere and the mantle Physical unit: [mGal] (1Gal = 0.01m/s2, so 1mGal
10 6g0 . Gal stands for Galileo) Uncertainty unit: [mGal].

Method 1: Gradiometry Principle: Appropriate network of accelerometers sensitive to anomalies

in the gravity field crossed by the satellite during its motion in orbit. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: Satellite-to-satellite tracking Principle: Continuous monitoring of the distance

between satellites in coordinated orbits, for example by means of K-band radar or lidar.
Applicable only in LEO.

5.7.5 Gravity gradients

Definition: 3D field, actually measured in situ at orbital height. Indicative of fine details of
the statics and dynamics of the lithosphere and the mantle Physical unit: [E], Etvs (1E =
1mGal/10km) Uncertainty unit: [E].

Method 1: Gradiometry Principle: Appropriate network of accelerometers sensitive to anomalies

of the gravity field crossed by the satellite during its motion in orbit. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: Satellite-to-satellite tracking Principle: Continuous monitoring of the distance

between satellites in coordinated orbits by means of K-band radar or lidar, for example.
Applicable only in LEO.


This theme deals with species that impact the ozone cycle, and/or provoke the greenhouse effect
and/or affect air quality. The species observable from space and which are so far the subject of
explicit requirements are listed in Table5.7.

Table 5.7. Geophysical variables considered under the theme Atmospheric chemistry


Polar stratospheric
cloud occurrence

5.8.1 Ozone (O3)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of O3. Required from surface to TOA (layers: LT, HT, LS,
HS&M) + total column Physical unit: [nmol/mol] for layers, Dobson unit [DU] for total column
(1DU=2.691020molecules/m2) Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol] for layers, [DU] for total

Method 1: SW spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV and VIS observed

with high spectral resolution in several bands by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both
LEO and GEO.

Method 2: IR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~9.7m) observed

with medium-high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO

Method 3: SW spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV and VIS observed in limb
mode with high spectral resolution. Also, missing lines from the spectrum of the Sun, moon or
stars during occultation. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 4: IR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~9.7m) observed with
high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 5: MW/sub-mm spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in MW/sub-mm

(such as ~240, 300 and 500GHz) observed with high spectral resolution by limb-sounding
spectrometers. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 6: DIAL Principle: Backscattered radiation in a UV, VIS or TIR ozone-absorption band
and a side window by differential absorption lidar. Applicable only in LEO.

5.8.2 Bromine monoxide (BrO)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of BrO. Required from surface to TOA (layers: LT, HT,
LS, HS&M) Physical unit: [nmol/mol] Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol].

Method 1: UV spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV observed with high

spectral resolution in the 300nm region by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO
and GEO.

Method 2: UV spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV (300nm region)

observed in limb mode with high spectral resolution. Also, missing lines from the spectrum of
the Sun, moon or stars during occultation. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: MW/sub-mm spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in MW/sub-mm

(such as ~640GHz) observed with high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers.
Applicable only in LEO.

5.8.3 Acetylene (C2H2)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of C 2H2. Required in the troposphere (layers: LT, HT)
Physical unit: [nmol/mol] Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol].

Method 1: TIR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~7.5 and 13.7m)
observed with high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO

5.8.4 Ethane (C2H6)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of C 2H6. Required in the troposphere (layers: LT, HT)
Physical unit: [nmol/mol] Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol].

Method 1: TIR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~3.3 and 12m)
observed with high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO

5.8.5 Trichlorofluoromethane (CFC11 = Freon11)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of CFC11. Required from surface to TOA (layers: LT,
HT, LS, HS&M) Physical unit: [nmol/mol] Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol].

Method 1: TIR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~9.2 and 11.7m)
observed with medium-high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both
LEO and GEO.

Method 2: TIR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~9.2 and 11.7m)
observed with medium-high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers. Applicable
only in LEO.

5.8.6 Dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC12 = Freon12)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of CFC12. Required from surface to TOA (layers: LT,
HT, LS, HS&M) Physical unit: [nmol/mol] Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol].

Method 1: TIR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~8.8 and 10.8m)
observed with medium-high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both
LEO and GEO.

Method 2: TIR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~8.8 and 10.8m)
observed with medium-high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers. Applicable
only in LEO.

5.8.7 Formaldehyde (CH2O = HCHO)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of CH2O. Required in the troposphere (layers: LT, HT)
+ total column Physical unit: [nmol/mol] for layers, units of [1.31015molecules/cm2] for total
column Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol] for layers, [1.31015cm2] for total column.

Method 1: UV spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV (~350nm)

observed with high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO

5.8.8 Methane (CH4)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of CH4. Required from surface to TOA (layers: LT, HT,
LS, HS&M) + total column Physical unit: [nmol/mol] for layers, units of [1.31015molecules/
cm2] for total column Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol] for layers, [1.31015molecules/cm2] for
total column.

Method 1: SWIR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Scattered radiation in SWIR (~2.3m)

observed with high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO

Method 2: TIR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~3.4, 4.3 and
7.7m) observed with medium-high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers.
Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 3: SWIR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Scattered radiation in SWIR (~2.3m) observed
in limb mode with high spectral resolution. Also, missing lines from the spectrum of the Sun,
moon or stars during occultation. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 4: TIR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~3.4, 4.3 and 7.7m)
observed with high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers. Applicable only in LEO.

5.8.9 Chlorine monoxide (ClO = hypochlorite)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of ClO. Required from surface to TOA (layers: LT, HT,
LS, HS&M) Physical unit: [nmol/mo] Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol].

Method 1: UV spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV observed with high

spectral resolution in the 300nm region by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO
and GEO.

Method 2: UV spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV (300nm region)

observed in limb mode with high spectral resolution. Also, missing lines from the spectrum of
the Sun, moon or stars during occultation. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: MW/sub-mm spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in MW/sub-mm

(such as ~640GHz) observed with high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers.
Applicable only in LEO.

5.8.10 Chlorine nitrate (ClONO2)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of ClONO2. Required from mid-troposphere to TOA
(layers: HT, LS, HS&M) Physical unit: [nmol/mol] Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol].

Method 1: TIR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~5.7, 7.7 and
12.5m) observed with high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both
LEO and GEO.

Method 2: TIR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~5.7, 7.7 and 12.5m)
observed with high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers. Applicable only in LEO.

5.8.11 Carbon monoxide (CO)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of CO. Required from surface to low
stratosphere (layers: LT, HT, LS) + total column Physical unit: [nmol/mol] for layers, units
of [1.31015molecules/cm2] for total column Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol] for layers,
[1.31015molecules/cm2] for total column.

Method 1: SWIR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Scattered radiation in SWIR (~2.3m)

observed with high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO

Method 2: TIR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~4.6m) observed
with medium-high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO

Method 3: SWIR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Scattered radiation in SWIR (~2.3m) observed
in limb mode with high spectral resolution. Also, missing lines from the spectrum of the Sun,
moon or stars during occultation. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 4: TIR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~4.6m) observed with
high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers. Applicable only in LEO.

5.8.12 Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of CO2. Required from surface to TOA (layers: LT, HT,
LS, HS&M) + total column Physical unit: [nmol/mol] for layers, units of
[1.31015molecules/cm2] for total column Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol] for layers,
[1.31015molecules/cm2] for total column.

Method 1: SWIR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Scattered radiation in SWIR (~1.6 and
2.1m) observed with high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both
LEO and GEO.

Method 2: TIR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~4.3 and 15m)
observed with medium-high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both
LEO and GEO.

Method 3: SWIR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Scattered radiation in SWIR (~1.6 and 2.1m)
observed in limb mode with high spectral resolution. Also, missing lines from the spectrum of
the Sun, moon or stars during occultation. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 4: TIR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~4.3 and 15m) observed
with high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 5: DIAL Principle: Backscattered radiation in a CO2 absorption band and a side window
by differential absorption lidar. Several bands are available, around 1.6 and 2.0m, for example.
Only total column feasible. Integration over large area and long time necessary to achieve the
required uncertainty (~0.3%). Applicable only in LEO.

5.8.13 Carbonyl sulphide (COS)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of COS. Required from surface to low stratosphere
(layers: LT, HT, LS) Physical unit: [nmol/mol] Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol].

Method 1: TIR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~4.8 and 11.6m)
observed with high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO

Method 2: TIR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~4.8 and 11.6m)
observed with high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers. Applicable only in LEO.

5.8.14 Water vapour (H2O)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of H2O (intended as a chemical species relevant for
atmospheric chemistry). Required from surface to TOA (layers: LT, HT, LS, HS&M) Physical
unit:[nmol/mol] Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol].

Method 1: SW spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Scattered radiation in VIS, NIR and SWIR
observed with high spectral resolution in several bands by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable
in both LEO and GEO.

Method 2: IR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~6.3m) observed

with medium-high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO

Method 3: Far IR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in FIR (~18m)

observed with medium-high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both
LEO and GEO.

Method 4: GNSS radio-occultation Principle: Atmospheric refraction of L-band signals from the
GNSS received by a LEO satellite during the occultation phase. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 5: SW spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Scattered radiation in VIS, NIR and SWIR observed
in limb mode with high spectral resolution. Also, missing lines from the spectrum of the Sun,
moon or stars during occultation. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 6: IR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~6.3m) observed with
high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 7: MW/sub-mm spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in several bands of the
MW/sub-mm range observed with high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers.
Applicable only in LEO.

Method 8: DIAL Principle: Backscattered radiation in a UV, VIS or TIR absorption band and a side
window by differential absorption lidar. Applicable only in LEO.

5.8.15 Hydrogen chloride (HCl)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of HCl. Required from mid-troposphere to TOA (layers:
HT, LS, HS&M) Physical unit: [nmol/mol] Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol].

Method 1: MW/sub-mm spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in MW/sub-mm

(such as ~625GHz) observed with high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers.
Applicable only in LEO.

5.8.16 HDO

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of HDO = water vapour (with one hydrogen nucleus
replaced by its deuterium isotope). Required from low stratosphere to TOA (layers: LS and
HS&M) Physical unit: [nmol/mol] Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol].

Method 1: MW/sub-mm spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in MW/sub-mm

(such as ~1000GHz) observed with high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers.
Applicable only in LEO.

5.8.17 Nitric acid (HNO3)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of HNO3. Required from surface to TOA (layers: LT, HT,
LS, HS&M) + total column Physical unit: [nmol/mol] for layers, units of [1.31015molecules/
cm2] for total column Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol] for layers, [1.31015molecules/cm2] for
total column.

Method 1: IR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~5.9, 7.6 and
11.3m) observed with high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both
LEO and GEO.

Method 2: IR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~5.9, 7.6 and 11.3m)
observed with high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: MW/sub-mm spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in MW/sub-mm

(such as ~345GHz) observed with high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers.
Applicable only in LEO.

5.8.18 Nitrous oxide (N2O)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of N2O. Required from surface to TOA (layers: LT, HT,
LS, HS&M) Physical unit: [nmol/mol] Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol].

Method 1: SWIR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Scattered radiation in SWIR (~2.3m)

observed with high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO

Method 2: TIR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~4.5 and 7.7m)
observed with medium-high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both
LEO and GEO.

Method 3: SWIR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Scattered radiation in SWIR (~2.3m) observed
in limb mode with high spectral resolution. Also, missing lines from the spectrum of the Sun,
moon or stars during occultation. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 4: TIR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~4.5 and 7.7m)
observed with high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 5: MW/sub-mm spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in MW/sub-mm (such

as ~300 and 500GHz) observed with high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers.
Applicable only in LEO.

5.8.19 Nitrogen pentoxide (N2O5)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of N2O5. Required in the troposphere (layers: LT, HT)
Physical unit: [nmol/mol] Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol].

Method 1: TIR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~5.8 and 8.0m)
observed with high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO

5.8.20 Nitric oxide (NO)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of NO. Required from surface to TOA (layers: LT, HT,
LS, HS&M) Physical unit: [nmol/mol] Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol].

Method 1: SW spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV (~250nm)

observed with high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO

Method 2: IR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~5.3m) observed

with high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 3: SW spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV (~250nm) observed in

limb mode with high spectral resolution. Also, missing lines from the spectrum of the Sun, moon
or stars during occultation. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 4: IR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~5.3m) observed with
high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers. Applicable only in LEO.

5.8.21 Nitrogen peroxide (NO2)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of NO2. Required from surface to TOA (layers: LT, HT,
LS, HS&M) + total column Physical unit: [nmol/mol] for layers, units of [1.31015molecules/
cm2] for total column Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol] for layers, [1.31015cm2] for total column.

Method 1: SW spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV and VIS observed

with high spectral resolution in several bands by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both
LEO and GEO.

Method 2: IR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~6.1m) observed

with high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 3: SW spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV and VIS observed in limb
mode with high spectral resolution. Also, missing lines from the spectrum of the Sun, moon or
stars during occultation. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 4: IR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~6.1m) observed with
high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers. Applicable only in LEO.

5.8.22 Hydroxyl radical (OH)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of OH. Required from surface to TOA (layers: LT, HT,
LS, HS&M) Physical unit: [nmol/mol] Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol].

Method 1: Sub-mm spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in sub-mm (~2500GHz)

observed with high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: FIR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in the Far IR (several lines in the
range 28182m, best at ~84m) observed with high spectral resolution by limb-sounding
spectrometers. Applicable only in LEO.

5.8.23 Peroxyacetyl nitrate

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of peroxyacetyl nitrate. Required in the troposphere
(layers: LT, HT) Physical unit: [nmol/mol] Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol].

Method 1: TIR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~5.7, 8.6 and
12.5m) observed with high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable only

5.8.24 Polar stratospheric cloud occurrence

Definition: 3D field of polar stratospheric cloud occurrence. Required in the lower stratosphere
(layer: LS) Uncertainty expressed as hit rate [HR] and false-alarm rate [FAR].

Method 1: SW spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV and VIS observed

with moderate spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO

Method 2: SW spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV and VIS observed in limb
mode with moderate spectral resolution. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: IR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR observed with moderate
spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 4: Backscatter lidar Principle: Backscattered radiation in UV, VIS or NIR by lidar.
Applicable only in LEO.

5.8.25 Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of SF6. Required from low stratosphere to TOA (layers:
LS and HS&M) Physical unit: [nmol/mol] Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol].

Method 1: TIR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~10.5m) observed
with high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO and GEO.

Method 2: TIR spectroscopy (limb) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~10.5m) observed with
high spectral resolution by limb-sounding spectrometers. Applicable only in LEO.

5.8.26 Sulphur dioxide (SO2)

Definition: 3D field of dry-air mole fraction of SO2. Required from surface to lower
stratosphere (layers: LT, HT, LS) + total column Physical unit: [nmol/mol] for layers, units
of [1.31015molecules/cm2] for total column Uncertainty unit: [nmol/mol] for layers,
[1.31015cm2] for total column.

Method 1: UV spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Scattered radiation in UV (~350nm)

observed with high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both LEO

Method 2: TIR spectroscopy (cross-nadir) Principle: Emitted radiation in TIR (~7.3 and 8.6m)
observed with medium-high spectral resolution by cross-nadir spectrometers. Applicable in both
LEO and GEO.


This theme comprises variables that characterize space weather. The variables relevant to this
theme are classified below according to three categories:

(a) Solar processes monitoring (Table 5.8);

(b) SunEarth interplanetary space, dominated by the solar wind (Table 5.9);

(c) Earth proximity: the magnetosphere and ionosphere (Table 5.10).

Table 5.8. Satellite observations relevant to solar processes monitoring

Variable Details Physical unit

Solar gamma rays, Integrated flux density Wm2
X-rays, EUV, UV, VIS Flux spectrum Wm2nm1
Flux image Wm2arcsec2

Solar Ca II-K image K-line of Ca-II (393.4nm) Wm2arcsec2

Solar H-alpha image Hydrogen-alpha transition (656.3nm) Wm2arcsec2

Solar Lyman-alpha Hydrogen Lyman-alpha transition (121.6nm) Wm2arcsec2


Solar Lyman-alpha flux Hydrogen Lyman-alpha transition (121.6nm) Wm2nm1

Solar magnetic field Magnetic field at the solar surface nT


Variable Details Physical unit

Solar radio flux Radio flux integrated over the solar disk Wm2Hz1

Solar radio flux image Radio flux received from the solar disk Wm2Hz1arcsec2

Solar velocity fields 3D map of plasma velocity in the photosphere ms1arcsec2

Solar electric field Map of the electric field in the photosphere mVm1arcsec2

Solar corona image Image of the corona surrounding the Sun Wm2arcsec2

Table 5.9. Satellite observations relevant

to SunEarth interplanetary space and solar wind

Variable Details Physical unit

Electrons, protons, neutrons, Integrated flux density particlesm2s1
alpha-particles Differential directional flux particlesm2s1sr1eV1
Integral directional flux particlesm2s1sr1

Heavy ions [2(He) < Z 26(Fe)] Angular flux energy and mass particlesm2s1sr1
spectrum (MeV/nucleon)1
Integral directional flux particlesm2s1sr1

Cosmic rays Neutron flux neutronm2s1

Gamma rays, X-rays, EUV, UV, VIS, Flux Wm2

NIR, SWIR Flux spectrum Wm2nm1
Sky image Wm2arcsec2

Radio waves Integrated flux density Wm2Hz1

Heliospheric image Image of the solar wind Wm2arcsec2


Interplanetary magnetic field Magnetic field in the solar wind nT

Solar wind density Density of the solar wind plasma particlescm3

Solar wind temperature Temperature of solar wind plasma K

Solar wind velocity Velocity of the solar wind plasma kms1

Table 5.10. Satellite observations specific to the magnetosphere and ionosphere

Variable Details Physical unit

Ionospheric plasma velocity Velocity of bulk plasma or electrons, a function of altitude kms1

Ionospheric scintillation Random fluctuations of radio waves and refractive index dimensionless

Ionospheric total electron Number of electrons between two points TECU


Electron density 3D distribution of the electron density in the ionosphere electronsm3

Magnetic field Magnetic field in the Earth environment (magnetosphere) nT

Electric field Magnitude and direction of the Earths electric field mVm

Electrostatic charge Accumulated electric charge on a satellite platform pAcm2

Radiation dose rate 3D field of the dose rate of energetic particles mSvh1

In the following sections, some details are given for a few variables that are relevant to the
ionosphere and magnetosphere.

5.9.1 Ionospheric total electron content

Definition: Number of electrons along a path between two points. Observed under different
viewing angles so as to generate vertical profiles by tomography. Required in the ionosphere
and plasmasphere Physical unit: [electrons/m2]; practical unit: TECU = 1016electrons/m2
Uncertainty unit: [%].

Method 1: GNSS radio-occultation Principle: Differential refraction between two frequencies

(~1.2 and 1.6GHz) transmitted by a navigation satellite and received by a LEO satellite during
the occultation phase. Path-integrated content observed at changing tangent heights so as to
provide vertical profile. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 2: Radar altimetry Principle: Differential phase delay between signals from dual-
frequency radar altimeter (~13GHz and ~3 or 5GHz). Phase rotation measurement, primarily
needed to correct the altimeter ranging measurement, is also used to infer the column-integrated
total electron content. Applicable only in LEO.

Method 3: GPSLEO signal phase delay Principle: Differential phase delay between signals
from two-frequency GPS transmitters (~1.2 and 1.6GHz) and a receiver in LEO using GPS for
navigation. In principle, any satellite equipped with a GPS navigation system is suitable. The
information refers to the topside ionosphere and plasmasphere, namely the layer between the
satellite altitude and the GPS altitude (~20000km). Applicable only in LEO.

5.9.2 Electron density

Definition: 3D distribution of the electron density. Required in the ionosphere and plasmasphere
Physical unit: [electrons/m3] Uncertainty unit: [%].

Method 1: GNSS radio-occultation Principle: Differential refraction between two frequencies

(~1.2 and 1.6GHz) transmitted by a navigation satellite and received by a LEO satellite during the
occultation phase. Derived by tomography of the total electron content. Applicable only in LEO.

5.9.3 Magnetic field

Definition: Magnitude and direction of the Earths magnetic field. Indicative of the degree of
geomagnetic disturbance within the magnetosphere, and also in the Earths interior. Required in
the magnetosphere Physical unit: [nT] (1tesla = 10 4gauss) Uncertainty: [nT].

Method 1: Magnetometry Principle: more magnetometers for in situ measurement along the
orbit as the satellite moves. Applicable in LEO, in GEO and in highly elliptical orbits.

5.9.4 Electric field

Definition: Magnitude and direction of the Earths electric field. Required in the ionosphere
Physical unit: [mVm1] Uncertainty: [mVm1].

Method 1: Ion drift Principle: Measurement of magnitude and direction of the incoming ion
flux. The electric field is derived from the relationship between electric field, measured ion drift
velocity and measured magnetic field strength. In situ measurement along the orbit as the
satellite moves. Applicable in LEO and in highly elliptical orbits.

This annex indicates the achievable quality in terms of RMS error,1 horizontal resolution (x),
vertical resolution (z) and observing cycle (t), with assumptions made on the number of
satellites needed for the quoted observing cycle t, and the main possible observing conditions
or limitations. These quality estimates are based on the characteristics of state-of-the art
instruments that are being developed at the time of writing this Guide, and expected to be
operational by 2020.

This estimate is made for each applicable remote-sensing principle for geophysical variables of
the eight following themes:

(a) Basic atmospheric 3D and 2D variables

(b) Cloud and precipitation variables

(c) Aerosols and radiation

(d) Ocean and sea ice

(e) Land surface (including snow)

(f) Solid Earth

(g) Atmospheric chemistry

(h) Space weather


Table 5.A.1. Geophysical variables considered under the theme

Basic atmospheric 3D and 2D variables

Atmospheric Wind (horizontal) Height of the top of the Height of the

temperature planetary boundary layer tropopause

Specific humidity Wind vector over the Temperature of the tropopause

surface (horizontal)

Note that RMS error used in this Part corresponds approximately to an expanded uncertainty with a coverage factor
of k=1, while in the rest of this Guide a coverage factor of k=2 is generally used (see Part1, Chapter1, and
the Evaluation of Measurement Data Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (JCGM 100:2008).

Table 5.A.1.1. Estimated potential quality of product Atmospheric temperature (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO IR spectroscopy 1K 20 1 4 3 Clear-air
(at ~500hPa)
GEO IR spectroscopy 1K 20 1 0.5 6 Clear-air

LEO MW/sub-mm 1.5 K 30 1.5 4 3 Nearly all

radiometry weather

GEO MW/sub-mm 1.5 K 30 1.7 0.5 6 Nearly all

radiometry weather

LEO GNSS radio- 1K 300 0.5 12 12 All weather


Stratosphere LEO IR spectroscopy 3K 20 3 4 3

(at ~30hPa)
GEO IR spectroscopy 4K 20 4 0.5 6

LEO MW/sub-mm 4K 30 4 4 3

GEO MW/sub-mm 4K 30 4 0.5 6


LEO GNSS radio- 2K 300 1 12 12


LEO Limb sounding 2K 300 2 72 1

Table 5.A.1.2. Estimated potential quality of product Specific humidity (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO IR spectroscopy 10% 20 1.5 4 3 Clear-air
(at ~500hPa)
GEO IR spectroscopy 10% 20 2 0.5 6 Clear-air

LEO MW/sub-mm 15% 30 2.5 4 3 Nearly all

radiometry weather

GEO MW/sub-mm 15% 30 2.5 0.5 6 Nearly all

radiometry weather

LEO GNSS radio- 10% 300 0.5 12 12 All weather


LEO DIAL (non- 2% 50 0.3 360 1 Clear-air


Stratosphere LEO IR spectroscopy 15% 20 4 4 3

(at ~30hPa)
GEO IR spectroscopy 20% 20 5 0.5 6

LEO MW/sub-mm 30% 30 5 4 3


GEO MW/sub-mm 30% 30 5 0.5 6


LEO GNSS radio- 20% 300 5 12 12


LEO DIAL (non- 10% 50 2 360 1


LEO Limb sounding 20% 300 2 72 1


Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Total column LEO From IR sounding 2 kgm2 20 4 3 Clear-air

GEO From IR sounding 2 kgm2 20 0.5 6 Clear-air

LEO From MW 3 kgm2 30 4 3 All weather


GEO From MW 3 kgm2 30 0.5 6 All weather


LEO From DIAL 1 kgm2 50 360 1 Clear-air


LEO IR split-window 4 kgm2 1 4 3 Clear-air

GEO IR split-window 4 kgm2 4 0.1 6 Clear-air

LEO MW imaging 2 kgm2 20 3 8 (GPM)a All weather,

(23GHz) sea

LEO NIR imaging 3 kgm2 8 8 3 Clear-air,

(935nm) daylight

GEO NIR imaging 3 kgm2 16 0.25 6 Clear-air,

(935nm) daylight
a Contributing to the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission.

Table 5.A.1.3. Estimated potential quality of product Wind (horizontal) (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO Doppler lidar 1 ms1 50 0.5 180 1 Clear-air
(at ~500hPa) (non-scanning)

LEO VIS/IR image 6 ms1 15 6 4 3 Need for

sequences tracers, polar

GEO VIS/IR image 5 ms1 50 6 1 6 Need for

sequences tracers

LEO IR imager- 5 ms1 160 2 4 3 Clear-air,

sounder polar regions

GEO IR imager- 4 ms1 160 2 1 6 Clear-air


Stratosphere LEO Doppler lidar 4 ms1 50 2 180 1 Non-scanning

(at ~30hPa) (non-scanning)

LEO Doppler shift 5 ms1 300 2 72 1 Daylight

(limb mode)

Table 5.A.1.4. Estimated potential quality of product

Wind vector over the surface (horizontal) (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO 2 ms1 20 12 3 Over sea, all weather

Polarimetric MW
LEO 3 ms1 10 8 3 Over sea, all weather
Over sea, all weather,
LEO MW imagery 3 ms1 10 8 3
speed only

Radar altimetry Over sea, all weather,

LEO 3 ms1 100 120 2
(non-scanning) speed only

Table 5.A.1.5. Estimated potential quality of product

Height of the top of the planetary boundary layer (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Backscatter lidar
LEO 0.1 km 50 360 1 Clear-air

LEO From IR sounding 0.5 km 20 4 3 Clear-air

GEO From IR sounding 0.5 km 20 0.5 6 Clear-air

LEO 0.3 km 300 12 12 All weather

Table 5.A.1.6. Estimated potential quality of product

Height of the tropopause (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Backscatter lidar
LEO 0.1 km 50 360 1 Clear-air

N/A LEO From IR sounding 2 km 20 4 3 Clear-air

GEO From IR sounding 2 km 20 0.5 6 Clear-air

LEO From GNSS sounding 0.5 km 300 12 12 All weather

Table 5.A.1.7. Estimated potential quality of product

Temperature of the tropopause (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO From IR sounding 2K 20 4 3 Clear-air

GEO From IR sounding 2.5 K 20 0.5 6 Clear-air

LEO From GNSS sounding 1K 300 12 12 All weather

LEO From limb sounding 1.5 K 300 72 1 Clear-air



Table 5.A.2. Geophysical variables considered under the theme

Cloud and precipitation variables

Cloud-top Cloud-base height Cloud ice Precipitation (liquid or solid)


Cloud-top height Cloud optical depth Cloud-ice effective radius Precipitation intensity at
surface (liquid or solid)

Cloud type Cloud liquid water Freezing-level height in Accumulated precipitation

clouds (over 24h)

Cloud cover Cloud-droplet effective Melting-layer depth in Lightning detection

radius clouds

Table 5.A.2.1. Estimated potential quality of product Cloud-top temperature (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO IR radiometry 2K 1 4 3

GEO IR radiometry 2K 4 0.1 6

LEO From IR sounding 0.5 K 20 4 3 Within sounded IFOV

GEO From IR sounding 1K 20 0.5 6 Within sounded IFOV

Table 5.A.2.2. Estimated potential quality of product Cloud-top height (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO IR radiometry 0.5 km 1 4 3

GEO IR radiometry 0.5 km 4 0.1 6

LEO From IR sounding 0.3 km 20 4 3 Within sounded IFOV

GEO From IR sounding 0.3 km 20 0.5 6 Within sounded IFOV

Backscatter lidar
LEO 0.1 km 50 360 1 Multi-orbit
N/A (non-scanning)

Cloud radar
LEO 0.3 km 50 360 1 Multi-orbit

LEO 0.3 km 4 8 3 Daylight

GEO 0.3 km 8 0.25 6 Daylight

Table 5.A.2.3. Estimated potential quality of product Cloud type (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Degraded at night
LEO VIS/IR radiometry 10 classes 4 4 3
(no VIS)
Degraded at night
GEO VIS/IR radiometry 8 classes 12 0.1 1
(no VIS)

Table 5.A.2.4. Estimated potential quality of product Cloud cover (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO From IR sounding 10% 10 6 4 3 Within sounded

GEO From IR sounding 10% 10 6 0.1 6 Within sounded


LEO Cloud radar 10% 250 1 720 1 Multi-orbit


Total column LEO VIS/IR radiometry 3% 5 4 3 Degraded at

night (no VIS)

GEO VIS/IR radiometry 3% 30 0.1 6 Degraded at

night (no VIS)

LEO From IR sounding 10% 10 4 3 Within sounded


GEO From IR sounding 10% 10 0.1 6 Within sounded


Table 5.A.2.5. Estimated potential quality of product Cloud-base height (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Cloud radar
N/A LEO 0.3 km 50 360 1 Multi-orbit

Table 5.A.2.6. Estimated potential quality of product Cloud optical depth (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Backscatter lidar
LEO 0.1 50 360 1 Multi-orbit

Total column LEO SW polarimetry 0.5 20 48 1 Daylight

LEO SW/TIR radiometry 2 4 8 3

GEO SW/TIR radiometry 2 12 0.1 6

Table 5.A.2.7. Estimated potential quality of product Cloud liquid water (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO Cloud radar 10% 50 0.3 360 1 Multi-orbit

LEO Precipitation 20% 5 0.5 120 1 Precipitating

radar clouds

LEO MW/sub-mm 40% 20 3 3 8

sounding (GPM)

GEO MW/sub-mm 60% 30 4 0.5 6


Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Total column LEO Cloud radar 100 gm2 50 360 1 Multi-orbit

LEO Precipitation 200 gm2 5 120 1 Precipitating

radar clouds

LEO MW/sub-mm 200 gm2 20 3 8

sounding (GPM)

GEO MW/sub-mm 300 gm2 30 0.5 6


Table 5.A.2.8. Estimated potential quality of product

Cloud-droplet effective radius (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO Cloud radar 3 m 50 0.3 360 1 Non-precipitating
(non-scanning) clouds

LEO Precipitation 10 m 5 0.3 120 1 Precipitating

radar clouds

LEO MW/sub-mm 30 m 20 3 3 8 Heavily

sounding (GPM) model-aided

GEO MW/sub-mm 30 m 30 3 0.5 6 Heavily

sounding model-aided

Cloud top LEO Cloud radar 3 m 50 360 1 Multi-orbit


LEO MW/sub-mm 10 m 20 3 8
sounding (GPM)

GEO MW/sub-mm 10 m 30 0.5 6


LEO Backscatter lidar 0.2 m 50 360 1 Multi-orbit


LEO SW polarimetry 1 m 10 48 1 Daylight

LEO VIS/IR radiometry 2 m 1 4 3 Degraded at night

(no VIS)

GEO VIS/IR radiometry 2 m 4 0.1 6 Degraded at night

(no VIS)

Table 5.A.2.9. Estimated potential quality of product Cloud ice (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO Cloud radar 10% 50 0.3 360 1 Non-precipitating
(non-scanning) clouds

LEO Precipitation 20% 5 0.3 120 1 Precipitating clouds


LEO MW/sub-mm 50% 20 3 3 8 (GPM) Heavily

sounding model-aided

GEO MW/sub-mm 50% 30 3 0.5 6 Heavily

sounding model-aided

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Total column LEO Cloud radar 20 gm2 50 360 1 Non-precipitating
(non-scanning) clouds

LEO Precipitation 20 gm2 5 120 1 Precipitating clouds


LEO MW/sub-mm 40 gm2 20 3 8 (GPM) Model-aided


GEO MW/sub-mm 40 gm2 30 0.5 6 Model-aided


LEO Sub-mm 20 gm2 10 24 1


LEO FIR imagery 20 gm2 10 24 1

Table 5.A.2.10. Estimated potential quality of product

Cloud-ice effective radius (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO Cloud radar 3 m 50 0.3 360 1 Non-precipitating
(non-scanning) clouds

LEO Precipitation 10 m 5 0.3 120 1 Precipitating

radar clouds

LEO MW/sub-mm 30 m 20 3 3 8 Heavily

sounding (GPM) model-aided

GEO MW/sub-mm 30 m 30 3 0.5 6 Heavily

sounding model-aided

Cloud top LEO Cloud radar 3 m 50 360 1 Multi-orbit


LEO MW/sub-mm 10 m 20 3 8
sounding (GPM)

GEO MW/sub-mm 10 m 30 0.5 6


LEO Backscatter lidar 0.2 m 50 360 1 Multi-orbit


LEO SW polarimetry 1 m 10 48 1 Daylight

LEO VIS/IR radiometry 4 m 1 4 3 Degraded at night

(no VIS)

GEO VIS/IR radiometry 4 m 4 0.1 6 Degraded at night

(no VIS)

Table 5.A.2.11. Estimated potential quality of product

Freezing-level height in clouds (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO Precipitation radar 0.3 km 5 120 1

N/A LEO MW/sub-mm sounding 1.5 km 30 4 3

GEO MW/sub-mm sounding 1.5 km 30 0.5 6


Table 5.A.2.12. Estimated potential quality of product

Melting-layer depth in clouds (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO Precipitation radar 0.3 km 5 120 1

N/A LEO MW/sub-mm sounding 1.5 km 30 4 3

GEO MW/sub-mm sounding 1.5 km 30 0.5 6

Table 5.A.2.13. Estimated potential quality of product

Precipitation (liquid or solid) (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO Precipitation radar 10% 5 0.3 120 1

MW/sub-mm Heavily
LEO 30% 20 3 3 8 (GPM)
Troposphere sounding model-aided

MW/sub-mm Heavily
GEO 30% 30 3 0.5 6
sounding model-aided

Table 5.A.2.14. Estimated potential quality of product

Precipitation intensity at surface (liquid or solid) (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO Precipitation radar 0.5 mm h1 5 120 1

LEO MW/sub-mm sounding 1 mm h1 10 3 8 (GPM)

GEO MW/sub-mm sounding 1.5 mm h1 10 0.5 6
Surface model-aided

GEO VIS/IR radiometry 5 mm h1 10 0.1 6

Product from
GEO LEO/MW + GEO/IR fusion 2.5 mm h1 10 0.1 6

Table 5.A.2.15. Estimated potential quality of product

Accumulated precipitation (over 24 hours) (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO/MW + Product from
GEO 5 mm 10 3 3 (LEO) + 6 (GEO)
GEO/IR fusion data-fusion
MW/sub-mm Heavily
GEO 2 mm 10 3 6
sounding model-aided

Table 5.A.2.16. Estimated potential quality of product Lightning detection (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO Lightning mapping 0.10/0.95 FAR/HR 5 12 3
GEO Lightning mapping 0.15/0.90 FAR/HR 10 0.01 6


Table 5.A.3. Geophysical variables considered under the theme Aerosol and radiation

Aerosol optical depth Upward spectral radiance at TOA Earths surface albedo

Aerosol concentration Upward LW irradiance at TOA Earths-surface SW bi-directional


Aerosol effective radius Upward SW irradiance at TOA Upward LW irradiance at Earths surface

Aerosol type Short-wave cloud reflectance Long-wave Earth-surface emissivity

Volcanic ash Downward LW irradiance at Photosynthetically active radiation

Earths surface

Downward solar Downward SW irradiance at Fraction of absorbed photosynthetically

irradiance at TOA Earths surface active radiation

Table 5.A.3.1. Estimated potential quality of product Aerosol optical depth (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Backscatter lidar
LEO 0.01 50 360 1 Clear-air

LEO SW polarimetry 0.03 20 48 1 Clear-air, daylight

Total LEO SW spectroscopy 0.04 20 8 3 Clear-air, daylight
GEO SW spectroscopy 0.04 20 1 6 Clear-air, daylight

LEO VIS/IR radiometry 0.05 5 8 3 Clear-air, daylight

GEO VIS/IR radiometry 0.05 2 0.1 6 Clear-air, daylight

Table 5.A.3.2. Estimated potential quality of product Aerosol concentration (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO Backscatter lidar 1% 50 0.1 360 1 Clear-air
(at ~500hPa) (non-scanning)

LEO SW polarimetry 5% 20 3 48 1 Clear-air, daylight

LEO SW spectroscopy 5% 20 3 8 3 Clear-air, daylight


GEO SW spectroscopy 10% 20 3 1 6 Clear-air, daylight


Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Stratosphere LEO Backscatter lidar 2% 50 0.5 360 1
(at ~30hPa) (non-scanning)

LEO SW polarimetry 20% 20 7 48 1 Daylight

LEO SW spectroscopy 20% 20 8 8 3 Daylight


GEO SW spectroscopy 20% 20 10 1 6 Daylight


LEO SW spectroscopy 10% 300 2 144 1 Daylight


Total column LEO Backscatter lidar 0.1 gm2 50 360 1 Clear-air


LEO SW polarimetry 0.4 gm2 20 48 1 Clear-air, daylight

LEO SW spectroscopy 1 gm2 20 8 3 Clear-air, daylight

GEO SW spectroscopy 1 gm2 20 1 6 Clear-air, daylight

LEO VIS/IR radiometry 4 gm2 4 8 3 Clear-air, daylight

GEO VIS/IR radiometry 4 gm 2

8 0.1 6 Clear-air, daylight

Table 5.A.3.3. Estimated potential quality of product Aerosol effective radius (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO Backscatter lidar 0.2 m 50 0.3 360 1 Clear-air

LEO SW polarimetry 0.5 m 20 3 48 1 Clear-air, daylight,


LEO SW spectroscopy 1 m 20 3 8 3 Clear-air, daylight,


GEO SW spectroscopy 1 m 20 3 1 6 Clear-air, daylight,


Total LEO Backscatter lidar 0.1 m 50 360 1 Clear-air

column (non-scanning)

LEO SW polarimetry 0.3 m 20 48 1 Clear-air, daylight,


LEO SW spectroscopy 0.5 m 20 8 3 Clear-air, daylight,


GEO SW spectroscopy 0.5 m 20 1 6 Clear-air, daylight,


Table 5.A.3.4. Estimated potential quality of product Aerosol type (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO Backscatter lidar 6 classes 50 0.3 360 1 Clear-air

LEO SW polarimetry 4 classes 20 3 48 1 Clear-air, daylight,


LEO SW spectroscopy 4 classes 20 3 8 3 Clear-air, daylight,


GEO SW spectroscopy 4 classes 20 3 1 6 Clear-air, daylight,


Total LEO Backscatter lidar 6 classes 50 360 1 Clear-air

column (non-scanning)

LEO SW polarimetry 4 classes 20 48 1 Clear-air, daylight,


LEO SW spectroscopy 4 classes 20 8 3 Clear-air, daylight,


GEO SW spectroscopy 4 classes 20 1 6 Clear-air, daylight,


LEO VIS/IR radiometry 2 classes 4 8 3 Clear-air, daylight,


GEO VIS/IR radiometry 2 classes 8 0.1 6 Clear-air, daylight,


Table 5.A.3.5. Estimated potential quality of product Volcanic ash (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO Backscatter lidar 1% 50 0.1 360 1 Clear-air

LEO SW polarimetry 5% 20 3 48 1 Clear-air, daylight

LEO SW spectroscopy 5% 20 3 8 3 Clear-air, daylight


GEO SW spectroscopy 10% 20 3 1 6 Clear-air, daylight


Stratosphere LEO Backscatter lidar 2% 50 0.5 360 1 Clear-air


LEO SW polarimetry 20% 20 7 48 1 Clear-air, daylight

LEO SW spectroscopy 20% 20 8 8 3 Clear-air, daylight


GEO SW spectroscopy 20% 20 10 1 6 Clear-air, daylight


LEO SW spectroscopy 10% 300 2 144 1


Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Total LEO Backscatter lidar 0.5 gm2 50 360 1 Clear-air
column (non-scanning)

LEO SW polarimetry 2 gm2 20 48 1 Clear-air, daylight

LEO SW spectroscopy 4 gm2 20 8 3 Clear-air, daylight

GEO SW spectroscopy 4 gm2 20 1 6 Clear-air, daylight

LEO VIS/IR radiometry 10 gm2 4 8 3 Clear-air, over sea

GEO VIS/IR radiometry 10 gm2 8 0.1 6 Clear-air, over sea

Table 5.A.3.6. Estimated potential quality of product

Downward solar irradiance at TOA (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
TOA LEO Cavity radiometer 0.2 Wm2 N/A 24 1

TOA GEO Cavity radiometer 0.15 Wm2 N/A 24 6 Daily integration

Table 5.A.3.7. Estimated potential quality of product

Upward spectral radiance at TOA (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(unit) (km) (km) (h) of sats
50 720 1 Non-scanning
TOA LEO SW+LW spectroscopy 100 SNR
10 168 1 Limited swath

Table 5.A.3.8. Estimated potential quality of product

Upward long-wave irradiance at TOA (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO Broadband radiometry 4 Wm2 20 4 3
GEO Broadband radiometry 4 Wm2 30 0.25 6

Table 5.A.3.9. Estimated potential quality of product

Upward short-wave irradiance at TOA (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO Broadband radiometry 10 Wm2 20 4 3 Model-aided
GEO Broadband radiometry 15 Wm2 30 0.25 6 Model-aided

Table 5.A.3.10. Estimated potential quality of product

Short-wave cloud reflectance (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO SW radiometry 5% 4 4 3
GEO SW radiometry 7% 8 0.1 6

Table 5.A.3.11. Estimated potential quality of product

Downward LW irradiance at Earths surface (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO From IR/MW sounding 10 Wm2 20 4 3 Model-aided
GEO From IR/MW sounding 10 Wm2 20 0.5 6 Model-aided

Table 5.A.3.12. Estimated potential quality of product

Downward SW irradiance at Earths surface (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO SW radiometry 20 Wm2 4 4 3
GEO SW radiometry 30 Wm2 8 0.1 6

Table 5.A.3.13. Estimated potential quality of product Earths surface albedo (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Multi-view SW Clear-air,
LEO 1% 10 168 1
radiometry model-aided

Clear-air, heavily
Surface LEO VIS radiometry 3% 4 168 3

Clear-air, heavily
GEO VIS radiometry 5% 8 72 6

Table 5.A.3.14. Estimated potential quality of product

Earths-surface SW bi-directional reflectance (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Surface LEO Multi-view SW radiometry 3% 8 168 1 Clear-air

Table 5.A.3.15. Estimated potential quality of product

Upward long-wave irradiance at Earths surface (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO Broadband radiometry 15 Wm2 20 4 3
GEO Broadband radiometry 15 Wm2 30 0.25 6

Table 5.A.3.16. Estimated potential quality of product

Long-wave Earth-surface emissivity (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO IR radiometry 3% 4 168 3 Clear-air

GEO IR radiometry 6% 12 72 6 Clear-air

LEO IR spectroscopy 1% 10 168 3 Clear-air

GEO IR spectroscopy 1% 10 72 6 Clear-air

Table 5.A.3.17. Estimated potential quality of product

Photosynthetically active radiation (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO VIS radiometry 10 Wm2 4 4 3
GEO VIS radiometry 10 Wm2 8 0.1 6

Table 5.A.3.18. Estimated potential quality of product Fraction of absorbed

photosynthetically active radiation (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO VIS radiometry 10% 4 4 3
GEO VIS radiometry 10% 8 0.1 6


Table 5.A.4. Geophysical variables considered under the theme Ocean and sea ice

Ocean chlorophyll Oil-spill cover Coastal sea level (tide) Wave directional-energy
concentration frequency spectrum

Colour dissolved organic Sea-surface temperature Significant wave height Sea-ice cover

Ocean suspended Sea-surface salinity Dominant wave Sea-ice thickness

sediments concentration direction

Ocean diffuse attenuation Ocean dynamic Dominant wave period Sea-ice type
coefficient topography

Table 5.A.4.1. Estimated potential quality of product

Ocean chlorophyll concentration (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Clear-air, daylight,
LEO VIS radiometry 0.1 mgm3 4 8 3
Clear-air, daylight,
GEO VIS radiometry 0.2 mgm3 8 0.25 6

Table 5.A.4.2. Estimated potential quality of product

Colour dissolved organic matter (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Clear-air, daylight,
LEO VIS radiometry 0.01 m1 4 8 3
Clear-air, daylight,
GEO VIS radiometry 0.02 m1 8 0.25 6

Table 5.A.4.3. Estimated potential quality of product

Ocean suspended sediments concentration (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Clear-air, daylight,
LEO VIS radiometry 0.05 gm3 4 8 3
Clear-air, daylight,
GEO VIS radiometry 0.1 gm3 8 0.25 6

Table 5.A.4.4. Estimated potential quality of product

Ocean diffuse attenuation coefficient (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Clear-air, daylight,
LEO VIS radiometry 0.5 m1 4 8 3
Clear-air, daylight,
GEO VIS radiometry 1 m1 8 0.25 6

Table 5.A.4.5. Estimated potential quality of product Oil-spill cover (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO VIS/NIR radiometry 15% 4 8 3 Clear-air, daylight

GEO VIS/NIR radiometry 15% 8 0.25 6 Clear-air, daylight

LEO SW polarimetry 10% 20 48 1 Clear-air, daylight

LEO 20% 0.3 168 4 Clear-air, daylight
optical imagery

LEO SAR imagery 5% 1 360 2 All weather

Table 5.A.4.6. Estimated potential quality of product Sea-surface temperature (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO IR radiometry 0.4 K 8 4 3 Clear-air

GEO IR radiometry 0.8 K 24 0.1 6 Clear-air

Surface LEO IR spectroscopy 0.3 K 20 4 3 Clear-air

GEO IR spectroscopy 0.5 K 20 0.25 6 Clear-air

LEO MW radiometry 1K 50 8 3 All weather

Table 5.A.4.7. Estimated potential quality of product Sea-surface salinity (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
L-band MW All weather, space-
Surface LEO 0.3 PSU 200 240 1
radiometry time integrated

Table 5.A.4.8. Estimated potential quality of product

Ocean dynamic topography (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Radar altimetry
Surface LEO 3 cm 50 240 2 All weather

Table 5.A.4.9. Estimated potential quality of product Coastal sea level (tide) (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Radar altimetry
Surface LEO 3 cm 50 240 2 All weather

Table 5.A.4.10. Estimated potential quality of product Significant wave height (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Radar altimetry
LEO 0.1 m 50 240 2 All weather
Surface (non-scanning)

LEO From SAR spectra 0.5 m 50 240 2 All weather


Table 5.A.4.11. Estimated potential quality of product

Dominant wave direction (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Surface LEO From SAR spectra 10 degrees 50 240 2 All weather

Table 5.A.4.12. Estimated potential quality of product

Dominant wave period (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Surface LEO From SAR spectra 10 s 50 240 2 All weather

Table 5.A.4.13. Estimated potential quality of product

Wave directional-energy frequency spectrum (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Surface LEO From SAR spectra 0.1 m2Hz1rad1 50 240 2 All weather

Table 5.A.4.14. Estimated potential quality of product Sea-ice cover (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO VIS/IR radiometry 10% 5 48 3 Clear-air

GEO VIS/IR radiometry 20% 15 6 6 Clear-air

LEO MW radiometry 20% 20 3 8 (GPM) All weather

LEO 5% 1 168 4 Clear-air, daylight
optical imagery

LEO SAR imagery 3% 3 360 2 All weather

Table 5.A.4.15. Estimated potential quality of product Sea-ice thickness (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Radar altimetry
LEO 25 cm 30 720 1 All weather

Surface Lidar altimetry

LEO 10 cm 30 720 1 Clear-air

LEO SAR interferometry 100 cm 1 360 2 All weather

Table 5.A.4.16. Estimated potential quality of product Sea-ice type (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO Radar scatterometry 5 classes 20 12 3 All weather

Surface LEO MW radiometry 3 classes 10 3 8 (GPM) All weather

LEO SAR imagery 4 classes 1 360 2 All weather



Table 5.A.5. Geophysical variables considered under the theme

Land surface (including snow)

Land surface temperature Leaf area index Snow status (wet/dry) Land surface topography

Soil moisture at surface Normalized difference Snow cover Glacier cover

vegetation index

Soil moisture Fire fractional cover Snow water equivalent Glacier topography
(in the roots region)

Fraction of vegetated land Fire temperature Soil type

Vegetation type Fire radiative power Land cover

Table 5.A.5.1. Estimated potential quality of product

Land surface temperature (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (km) of sats
LEO IR radiometry 2K 8 4 3 Clear-air

GEO IR radiometry 4K 24 0.1 6 Clear-air

Surface LEO IR spectroscopy 1K 20 4 3 Clear-air

GEO IR spectroscopy 1K 20 0.25 6 Clear-air

LEO MW radiometry 1K 50 8 3 All weather

Table 5.A.5.2. Estimated potential quality of product Soil moisture at surface (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
All weather,
LEO MW radiometry 0.05 m3m3 30 8 3

All weather,
LEO Radar scatterometry 0.05 m3m3 20 36 1

All weather,
Surface LEO SAR imagery 0.1 m3m3 0.1 360 2

LEO VIS/IR radiometry 0.5 m3m3 4 4 3

GEO VIS/IR radiometry 0.5 m3m3 12 0.1 6

Table 5.A.5.3. Estimated potential quality of product

Soil moisture (in the roots region) (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
L-band MW All weather,
LEO 0.05 m3m3 50 0.0001 72 1
radiometry model-aided
L-band SAR All weather,
LEO 0.1 m3m3 0.1 0.0001 1440 1
imagery model-aided

Table 5.A.5.4. Estimated potential quality of product

Fraction of vegetated land (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO 10% 1 168 4 Clear-air, daylight
Surface optical imagery

LEO SAR imagery 20% 5 360 2 All weather

Table 5.A.5.5. Estimated potential quality of product Vegetated type (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO 20 classes 0.1 2160 4 Clear-air, daylight
Surface optical imagery

LEO SAR imagery 10 classes 0.2 2160 2 All weather

Table 5.A.5.6. Estimated potential quality of product Leaf area index (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO SW radiometry 10% 2 168 3 Clear-air, daylight

GEO SW radiometry 10% 4 72 6 Clear-air, daylight

Surface LEO Radar scatterometry 30% 20 12 3 All weather

LEO 10% 0.1 168 4 Clear-air, daylight
optical imagery

Table 5.A.5.7. Estimated potential quality of product

Normalized difference vegetation index (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO VIS/NIR radiometry 5% 2 168 3 Clear-air, daylight

GEO VIS/NIR radiometry 5% 4 72 6 Clear-air, daylight

LEO 5% 0.1 168 4 Clear-air, daylight
optical imagery

Table 5.A.5.8. Estimated potential quality of product Fire fractional cover (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Degraded at night
LEO VIS/IR radiometry 12% 4 4 3
(no VIS)

Degraded at night
GEO VIS/IR radiometry 25% 12 0.1 6
Surface (no VIS)

LEO 10% 0.1 168 4 Clear-air, daylight
optical imagery

LEO SAR imagery 10% 0.1 360 2 All weather


Table 5.A.5.9. Estimated potential quality of product Fire temperature (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO IR radiometry 10 K 2 4 3 Clear-air
GEO IR radiometry 20 K 6 0.1 6 Clear-air

Table 5.A.5.10. Estimated potential quality of product Fire radiative power (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO IR radiometry 10 kWm2 2 4 3 Clear-air
GEO IR radiometry 20 kWm2 6 0.1 6 Clear-air

Table 5.A.5.11. Estimated potential quality of product Snow status (wet/dry) (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO MW radiometry 0.15/0.90 FAR/HR 10 3 8 (GPM) All weather
LEO SAR imagery 0.25/0.80 FAR/HR 1 360 2 All weather

Table 5.A.5.12. Estimated potential quality of product Snow cover (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO VIS/IR radiometry 10% 5 48 3 Clear-air

GEO VIS/IR radiometry 10% 10 6 6 Clear-air

Surface LEO MW radiometry 20% 20 3 8 (GPM) All weather

LEO 1% 1 168 4 Clear-air, daylight
optical imagery

Table 5.A.5.13. Estimated potential quality of product Snow water equivalent (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO MW radiometry 20 mm 10 8 3 All weather

Surface LEO Radar scatterometry 20 mm 20 12 3 All weather

LEO SAR imagery 30 mm 0.1 360 2 All weather

Table 5.A.5.14. Estimated potential quality of product Soil type (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO 20 classes 0.01 8760 4 Clear-air, daylight
Surface optical imagery

LEO SAR imagery 20 classes 0.01 8760 2 All weather


Table 5.A.5.15. Estimated potential quality of product Land cover (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO 20 classes 0.01 8760 4 Clear-air, daylight
Surface optical imagery

LEO SAR imagery 10 classes 0.01 8760 2 All weather

Table 5.A.5.16. Estimated potential quality of product

Land surface topography (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
High-resolution Clear-air,
LEO 2m 0.01 8760 4
VIS stereoscopy daylight

LEO SAR interferometry 1m 0.01 8760 2 All weather

Surface Radar altimetry
LEO 0.2 m 0.2 43800 1 All weather

Lidar altimetry
LEO 0.1 m 0.1 43800 1 Clear-air

Table 5.A.5.17. Estimated potential quality of product Glacier cover (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
High-resolution Clear-air,
LEO 10% 0.01 8760 4
Surface optical imagery daylight

LEO SAR imagery 10% 0.01 8760 2 All weather

Table 5.A.5.18. Estimated potential quality of product Glacier topography (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Surface LEO SAR interferometry 100 cm 0.01 8760 2 All weather


Table 5.A.6. Geophysical variables considered under the theme Solid Earth

Geoid Crustal plates Crustal motion Gravity field Gravity gradients

positioning (horizontal and vertical)

Table 5.A.6.1. Estimated potential quality of product Geoid (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Radar altimetry All weather,
LEO 10 cm 500 8760 2
(non-scanning) model-aided
All weather, heavily
LEO Gravity field 1 cm 100 17520 1

Table 5.A.6.2. Estimated potential quality of product

Crustal plates positioning (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO Laser ranging 2 cm 500 8760 5 Night time, clear-air
LEO GPS receiver 2 cm 100 8760 24 All weather

Table 5.A.6.3. Estimated potential quality of product

Crustal motion (horizontal and vertical) (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
LEO Laser ranging 2 mmy1 500 8760 5 Night time, clear-air
LEO GPS receiver 2 mmy1 100 8760 24 All weather

Table 5.A.6.4. Estimated potential quality of product Gravity field (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Orbit to change
LEO Gradiometry 2 mGal 300 8760 1
Orbit during mission
height Orbit to change
LEO Satsat ranging 2 mGal 300 8760 2
during mission

Table 5.A.6.5. Estimated potential quality of product Gravity gradients (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Orbit to change
LEO Gradiometry 0.1 E 300 8760 1
Orbit during mission
height Orbit to change
LEO Satsat ranging 0.1 E 300 8760 2
during mission


Table 5.A.7. Geophysical variables considered under the theme Atmospheric chemistry


Polar stratospheric
cloud occurrence

Table 5.A.7.1. Estimated potential quality of product O3 (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO SW spectroscopy 10 nmol mol1 20 3 8 3 Clear-air,
(at ~500hPa) (cross-nadir) daylight

GEO SW spectroscopy 15 nmol mol1 20 4 1 6 Clear-air,

(cross-nadir) daylight

LEO IR spectroscopy 10 nmol mol1 20 3 4 3 Clear-air


GEO IR spectroscopy 15 nmol mol1 20 4 0.5 6 Clear-air


LEO DIAL (non- 3 nmol mol1 50 0.5 360 1 Clear-air


Stratosphere LEO SW spectroscopy 20 nmol mol1 20 5 8 3 Daylight

(at ~30hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO SW spectroscopy 30 nmol mol1 20 6 1 6 Daylight


LEO IR spectroscopy 20 nmol mol1 20 6 4 3


GEO IR spectroscopy 30 nmol mol1 20 8 0.5 6


LEO SW spectroscopy 10 nmol mol1 300 2 144 1 Daylight


LEO IR spectroscopy 10 nmol mol1 300 2 72 1


LEO Sub-mm 10 nmol mol1 300 2 72 1

spectroscopy (limb)

LEO DIAL (non- 5 nmol mol1 50 1 360 1


Total column LEO SW spectroscopy 6 DU 20 8 3 Clear-air,


GEO SW spectroscopy 9 DU 20 1 6 Clear-air,


LEO IR spectroscopy 12 DU 20 4 3 Clear-air

GEO IR spectroscopy 15 DU 20 0.5 6 Clear-air

Table 5.A.7.2. Estimated potential quality of product BrO (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO UV spectroscopy 40 nmolmol1 50 5 8 3 Clear-air,
(at ~500hPa) (cross-nadir) daylight

GEO UV spectroscopy 40 nmolmol1 50 6 1 6 Clear-air,

(cross-nadir) daylight

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Stratosphere LEO UV spectroscopy 50 nmolmol1 50 8 8 3 Daylight
(at ~30hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO UV spectroscopy 50 nmolmol1 50 10 1 6 Daylight


LEO UV spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 300 2 144 1 Daylight


LEO Sub-mm 20 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1

spectroscopy (limb)

Table 5.A.7.3. Estimated potential quality of product C2H2 (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
TIR spectroscopy
LEO 30 nmolmol1 50 3 4 3 Clear-air
Troposphere (cross-nadir)
(at ~500hPa) TIR spectroscopy
GEO 50 nmolmol1 50 4 0.5 6 Clear-air

Table 5.A.7.4. Estimated potential quality of product C2H6 (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
TIR spectroscopy
LEO 30 nmolmol1 50 4 4 3 Clear-air
Troposphere (cross-nadir)
(at ~500hPa) TIR spectroscopy
GEO 50 nmolmol1 50 5 0.5 6 Clear-air

Table 5.A.7.5. Estimated potential quality of product CFC11 (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO IR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 50 4 4 3 Clear-air
(at ~500hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO IR spectroscopy 15 nmolmol1 50 5 0.5 6 Clear-air


Stratosphere LEO IR spectroscopy 15 nmolmol1 50 6 4 3

(at ~30hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO IR spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 50 8 0.5 6


LEO IR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1


Table 5.A.7.6. Estimated potential quality of product CFC12 (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO IR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 50 4 4 3 Clear-air
(at ~500hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO IR spectroscopy 15 nmolmol1 50 5 0.5 6 Clear-air


Stratosphere LEO IR spectroscopy 15 nmolmol1 50 6 4 3

(at ~30hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO IR spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 50 8 0.5 6


LEO IR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1


Table 5.A.7.7. Estimated potential quality of product CH2O (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO UV spectroscopy 25 nmolmol1 50 3 8 3 Clear-air,
(at ~500hPa) (cross-nadir) daylight

GEO UV spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 50 4 1 6 Clear-air,

(cross-nadir) daylight

Total column LEO UV spectroscopy 1.51.31015cm2 20 8 3 Clear-air,


GEO UV spectroscopy 21.31015cm2 20 1 1 Clear-air,


Table 5.A.7.8. Estimated potential quality of product CH4 (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO SWIR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 50 4 8 3 Clear-air,
(at ~500hPa) (cross-nadir) daylight

GEO SWIR spectroscopy 15 nmolmol1 50 5 0.5 6 Clear-air,

(cross-nadir) daylight

LEO TIR spectroscopy 15 nmolmol1 50 3 4 3 Clear-air


GEO TIR spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 50 4 0.25 6 Clear-air


Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Stratosphere LEO SWIR spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 50 6 8 3 Daylight
(at ~30hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO SWIR spectroscopy 40 nmolmol1 50 7 0.5 6 Daylight


LEO TIR spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 50 6 4 3


GEO TIR spectroscopy 40 nmolmol1 50 10 0.25 6


LEO SWIR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 300 2 144 1 Daylight


LEO TIR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1


Total column LEO SWIR spectroscopy 21.31015cm2 20 8 3 Clear-air,


GEO SWIR spectroscopy 31.31015cm2 20 1 6 Clear-air,


LEO TIR spectroscopy 41.31015cm2 20 4 3 Clear-air

GEO TIR spectroscopy 51.31015cm2 20 0.5 6 Clear-air

Table 5.A.7.9. Estimated potential quality of product ClO (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO UV spectroscopy 40 nmolmol1 50 5 8 3 Clear-air,
(at ~500hPa) (cross-nadir) daylight

GEO UV spectroscopy 40 nmolmol1 50 6 1 6 Clear-air,

(cross-nadir) daylight

Stratosphere LEO UV spectroscopy 50 nmolmol1 50 5 8 3 Daylight

(at ~30hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO UV spectroscopy 50 nmolmol1 50 6 1 6 Daylight


LEO UV spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 300 2 144 1 Daylight


LEO Sub-mm spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1


Table 5.A.7.10. Estimated potential quality of product ClONO2 (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO IR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 50 4 4 3 Clear-air
(at ~500hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO IR spectroscopy 15 nmolmol1 50 5 0.5 6 Clear-air


Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Stratosphere LEO IR spectroscopy 15 nmolmol1 50 6 4 3
(at ~30hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO IR spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 50 8 0.5 1


LEO IR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1


Table 5.A.7.11. Estimated potential quality of product CO (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO SWIR spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 50 3 8 3 Clear-air,
(at ~500hPa) (cross-nadir) daylight

GEO SWIR spectroscopy 25 nmolmol1 50 4 0.5 6 Clear-air,

(cross-nadir) daylight

LEO TIR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 50 3 4 3 Clear-air


GEO TIR spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 50 4 0.25 6 Clear-air


Stratosphere LEO SWIR spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 50 5 8 3 Daylight

(at ~30hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO SWIR spectroscopy 40 nmolmol1 50 6 0.5 6 Daylight


LEO TIR spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 50 5 4 3


GEO TIR spectroscopy 50 nmolmol1 50 6 0.25 6


LEO SWIR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 300 2 144 1 Daylight


LEO TIR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1


Total column LEO SWIR spectroscopy 41.31015cm2 20 8 3 Clear-air,


GEO SWIR spectroscopy 51.31015cm2 20 1 1 Clear-air,


LEO TIR spectroscopy 51.31015cm2 20 4 3 Clear-air

GEO TIR spectroscopy 61.31015cm2 20 0.5 1 Clear-air


Table 5.A.7.12. Estimated potential quality of product CO2 (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO SWIR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 100 3 8 3 Clear-air,
(at ~500hPa) (cross-nadir) daylight

GEO SWIR spectroscopy 15 nmolmol1 100 4 0.5 6 Clear-air,

(cross-nadir) daylight

LEO TIR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 100 3 4 3 Clear-air


GEO TIR spectroscopy 15 nmolmol1 100 4 0.25 6 Clear-air


Stratosphere LEO SWIR spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 100 3 8 3 Clear-air,

(at ~30hPa) (cross-nadir) daylight

GEO SWIR spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 100 4 0.5 6 Clear-air,

(cross-nadir) daylight

LEO TIR spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 100 3 4 3 Clear-air


GEO TIR spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 100 4 0.25 6 Clear-air


LEO SWIR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 300 2 144 1 Daylight


LEO TIR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1


Total column LEO SWIR spectroscopy 11.31015cm2 50 8 3 Clear-air,


GEO SWIR spectroscopy 1.51.31015cm2 50 1 6 Clear-air,


LEO TIR spectroscopy 21.31015cm2 50 4 3 Clear-air

GEO TIR spectroscopy 2.51.31015cm2 50 0.5 6 Clear-air

LEO DIAL (non- 0.31.31015cm2 500 8760 1 Clear-air


Table 5.A.7.13. Estimated potential quality of product COS (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO TIR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 50 3 4 3 Clear-air
(at ~500hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO TIR spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 50 4 0.25 6 Clear-air


Stratosphere LEO TIR spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 50 5 4 3

(at ~30hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO TIR spectroscopy 50 nmolmol1 50 6 0.25 6


LEO TIR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1


Table 5.A.7.14. Estimated potential quality of product H2O (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO SW spectroscopy 5 nmolmol1 10 3 8 3 Clear-air,
(at ~500hPa) (cross-nadir) daylight

GEO SW spectroscopy 6 nmolmol1 10 4 0.5 6 Clear-air,

(cross-nadir) daylight

LEO TIR spectroscopy 7 nmolmol1 10 1.5 4 3 Clear-air


GEO TIR spectroscopy 8 nmolmol1 10 2 0.25 6 Clear-air


LEO FIR spectroscopy 5 nmolmol1 10 2 168 1 Clear-air

LEO GNSS radio- 10 nmolmol1 300 0.5 12 12 All

occultation weather

LEO DIAL (non-scanning) 2 nmolmol1 50 0.5 360 1 Clear-air

Stratosphere LEO SW spectroscopy 15 nmolmol1 10 5 8 3 Daylight

(at ~30hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO SW spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 10 6 0.5 6 Daylight


LEO TIR spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 10 5 4 3


GEO TIR spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 10 6 0.25 6


LEO FIR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 10 4 168 1

LEO GNSS radio- 20 nmolmol1 300 1 12 12


LEO SW spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 300 2 144 1 Daylight


LEO TIR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1


LEO Sub-mm 10 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1

spectroscopy (limb)

LEO DIAL (non-scanning) 7 nmolmol1 50 1 360 1

Table 5.A.7.15. Estimated potential quality of product HCl (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Stratosphere Sub-mm
LEO 30 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1
(at ~30hPa) spectroscopy (limb)

Table 5.A.7.16. Estimated potential quality of product HDO (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Stratosphere Sub-mm
LEO 15 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1
(at ~30hPa) spectroscopy (limb)

Table 5.A.7.17. Estimated potential quality of product HNO3 (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO IR spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 50 3 4 3 Clear-air
(at ~500hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO IR spectroscopy 40 nmolmol1 50 4 0.5 6 Clear-air


Stratosphere LEO IR spectroscopy 50 nmolmol1 50 6 4 3

(at ~30hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO IR spectroscopy 60 nmolmol1 50 8 0.5 6


LEO IR spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1


LEO Sub-mm 30 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1

spectroscopy (limb)

Total column LEO IR spectroscopy 31.31015cm2 20 4 3 Clear-air

GEO IR spectroscopy 51.31015cm2 20 0.5 6 Clear-air

Table 5.A.7.18. Estimated potential quality of product N2O (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO SWIR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 50 3 8 3 Clear-air,
(at ~500hPa) (cross-nadir) daylight

GEO SWIR spectroscopy 15 nmolmol1 50 4 0.5 6 Clear-air,

(cross-nadir) daylight

LEO TIR spectroscopy 10 nmolmol1 50 3 4 3 Clear-air


GEO TIR spectroscopy 15 nmolmol1 50 4 0.25 6 Clear-air


Stratosphere LEO SWIR spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 50 6 8 3 Daylight

(at ~30hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO SWIR spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 50 8 0.5 6 Daylight


LEO TIR spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 50 6 4 3


GEO TIR spectroscopy 40 nmolmol1 50 8 0.25 6


LEO SWIR spectroscopy 15 nmolmol1 300 2 144 1 Daylight


LEO TIR spectroscopy 15 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1


LEO Sub-mm 10 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1

spectroscopy (limb)

Table 5.A.7.19. Estimated potential quality of product N2O5 (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
TIR spectroscopy
LEO 30 nmolmol1 50 3 4 3 Clear-air
Troposphere (cross-nadir)
(at ~500hPa) TIR spectroscopy
GEO 50 nmolmol1 50 4 0.5 1 Clear-air

Table 5.A.7.20. Estimated potential quality of product NO (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO SW spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 50 3 8 3 Clear-air,
(at ~500hPa) (cross-nadir) daylight

GEO SW spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 50 4 1 6 Clear-air,

(cross-nadir) daylight

LEO IR spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 50 3 4 3 Clear-air


GEO IR spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 50 4 0.5 6 Clear-air


Stratosphere LEO SW spectroscopy 50 nmolmol1 50 6 8 3 Daylight

(at ~30hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO SW spectroscopy 60 nmolmol1 50 8 1 6 Daylight


LEO IR spectroscopy 50 nmolmol1 50 6 4 3


GEO IR spectroscopy 60 nmolmol1 50 8 0.5 6


LEO SW spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 300 2 144 1 Daylight


LEO IR spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1


Table 5.A.7.21. Estimated potential quality of product NO2 (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO SW spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 50 3 8 3 Clear-air,
(at ~500hPa) (cross-nadir) daylight

GEO SW spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 50 4 1 6 Clear-air,

(cross-nadir) daylight

LEO IR spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 50 3 4 3 Clear-air


GEO IR spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 50 4 0.5 6 Clear-air


Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Stratosphere LEO SW spectroscopy 50 nmolmol1 50 6 8 3 Daylight
(at ~30hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO SW spectroscopy 60 nmolmol1 50 8 1 6 Daylight


LEO IR spectroscopy 50 nmolmol1 50 6 4 3


GEO IR spectroscopy 60 nmolmol1 50 8 0.5 6


LEO SW spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 300 2 144 1 Daylight


LEO IR spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1


Total column LEO SW spectroscopy 21.31015cm2 20 8 3 Clear-air,


GEO SW spectroscopy 21.31015cm2 20 1 6 Clear-air,


LEO IR spectroscopy 31.31015cm2 20 4 3 Clear-air

GEO IR spectroscopy 31.31015cm2 20 0.5 6 Clear-air

Table 5.A.7.22. Estimated potential quality of product OH (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Sub-mm spectroscopy
LEO 30 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1
Stratosphere (limb)
(at ~30hPa) FIR spectroscopy
LEO 20 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1

Table 5.A.7.23. Estimated potential quality of product Peroxyacetyl nitrate (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
TIR spectroscopy
LEO 30 nmolmol1 50 3 4 3 Clear-air
Troposphere (cross-nadir)
(at ~500hPa) TIR spectroscopy
GEO 40 nmolmol1 50 4 0.5 6 Clear-air

Table 5.A.7.24. Estimated potential quality of product

Polar stratospheric cloud occurrence (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
SW spectroscopy 0.30/0.80
LEO 50 4 8 3 Daylight
(cross-nadir) FAR/HR

SW spectroscopy 0.40/0.70
GEO 50 4 8 6 Daylight
(cross-nadir) FAR/HR

Stratosphere SW spectroscopy 0.20/0.85

LEO 300 2 144 1 Daylight
(at ~30hPa) (limb) FAR/HR

IR spectroscopy 0.25/0.80
LEO 300 2 72 1
(limb) FAR/HR

Backscatter lidar 0.10/0.95

LEO 50 0.1 360 1
(nadir-viewing) FAR/HR

Table 5.A.7.25. Estimated potential quality of product SF6 (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
TIR spectroscopy
LEO 25 nmolmol1 50 6 4 3

Stratosphere TIR spectroscopy

GEO 30 nmolmol1 50 8 0.25 6
(at ~30hPa) (cross-nadir)

TIR spectroscopy
LEO 15 nmolmol1 300 2 72 1

Table 5.A.7.26. Estimated potential quality of product SO2 (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Troposphere LEO UV spectroscopy 20 nmolmol1 50 3 8 3 Clear-air,
(at ~500hPa) (cross-nadir) daylight

GEO UV spectroscopy 25 nmolmol1 50 4 1 1 Clear-air,

(cross-nadir) daylight

LEO IR spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 50 3 4 3 Clear-air


GEO IR spectroscopy 35 nmolmol1 50 4 0.5 1 Clear-air


Stratosphere LEO UV spectroscopy 30 nmolmol1 50 6 8 3 Daylight

(at ~30hPa) (cross-nadir)

GEO UV spectroscopy 35 nmolmol1 50 8 1 1 Daylight


LEO IR spectroscopy 40 nmolmol1 50 6 4 3


GEO IR spectroscopy 50 nmolmol1 50 8 0.5 1


Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Total column LEO UV spectroscopy 1.5 1.31015cm2 20 8 3 Clear-air,

GEO UV spectroscopy 2 1.31015cm2 20 1 1 Clear-air,


LEO TIR spectroscopy 2.5 1.31015cm2 20 4 3 Clear-air

GEO TIR spectroscopy 3 1.310 cm 15 2

20 0.5 1 Clear-air


Table 5.A.8. Selected variables from the theme Space weather

addressing the magnetosphere and ionosphere

Ionospheric total electron content Electron density Magnetic field Electric field

Table 5.A.8.1. Estimated potential quality of product

Ionospheric total electron content (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
GNSS radio- 90800km
LEO 5% 300 3 12 12
occultation altitude

Radar altimetry 901300km

Ionosphere LEO 10% 100 200 120 2
(non-scanning) altitude

GPSLEO signal 100020000km

LEO 20% 300 4000 12 12
phase delay altitude

Table 5.A.8.2. Estimated potential quality of product Electron density (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Ionosphere LEO GNSS radio-occultation 10% 300 10 12 12

Table 5.A.8.3. Estimated potential quality of product Magnetic field (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Limited to
LEO Magnetometry 0.3 nT 100 240 1
satellite orbit
Limited to
GEO Magnetometry 1 nT 100 0.25 6
satellite orbit

Table 5.A.8.4. Estimated potential quality of product Electric field (by 2020)

Uncertainty x z t Number
Layer Orbit Technique Conditions
(RMS) (km) (km) (h) of sats
Limited to
LEO Ion drift 10 mVm1 100 240 1
satellite orbit
Limited to
GEO Ion drift 10 mVm1 100 0.25 6
satellite orbit

CHAPTER 6. CALIBRATION AND VALIDATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1010

6.1 Instrument calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1010
6.1.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1010
6.1.2 Factors affecting calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1010
6.1.3 Pre-launch calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1011
6.1.4 On-board calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1011
6.1.5 Vicarious calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1012
6.1.6 Intercalibration by simultaneous observations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1012
6.1.7 Bias adjustment of long-term data records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1013
6.1.8 Using calibration information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1013
6.1.9 Traceability of space-based measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1014
6.2 Product validation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1014
6.2.1 Factors to be accounted for in validation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1014
6.2.2 Validation strategies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1015
6.2.3 Impact studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1016

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1017



6.1.1 Introduction

Calibration is the process of quantitatively defining the satellite instrument response to known,
controlled signal inputs.1 The calibration information is contained in a calibration formula
or in calibration coefficients that are then used to convert the instrument output (measured
in counts, or, previously, analogue signals) into physical units (for example, radiance
values). Instrument calibration is critical for any higher-level data processing, especially for
deriving quantitative products or when data from different instruments need to be merged
(such as for composite imagery). For climate applications, the requirement for accurate
calibration is particularly stringent 2 since detection of small trends over long periods requires
the ability to compare different instruments flown on different satellites at different times.
Building homogeneous climate data records is contingent on very stable calibration and error

The following considerations apply to passive and active instruments alike.

Five calibration domains should be generally considered: radiometric, spectral, spatial, temporal,
and polarization. A complete calibration record should include estimates of uncertainties in
calibration parameters. Satellite instrument calibration should take into account all phases of an
instruments lifetime: from design and pre-launch phases to post-launch and on-orbit operations.

The intercalibration of instruments against a common reference instrument allows for

consistency among satellite measurements at a given point in time. By comparing model-
simulated and observed satellite radiances in data assimilation schemes, major numerical
weather prediction (NWP) centres can also help determine relative biases between instruments.
Calibration to absolute standards is, nevertheless, necessary to allow traceability of errors and to
detect any long-term drift over time unambiguously.

Calibration using well-characterized, stable Earth targets (called vicarious calibration) is

a fallback when a satellite instrument cannot be directly traceable to an agreed reference
standard,3 for example due to the absence of a reliable on-board calibration device. Data records
from past instruments can be recalibrated retrospectively, if additional information on the state
of these instruments becomes available, for example through comparison with reprocessed,
well-known historical time series.

6.1.2 Factors affecting calibration

The response of an instrument to signal input, i.e. the relationship between the irradiance the
instrument is exposed to and the numerical value assigned to the measurement (in physical
units, for example, Wm2) depends on several elements, such as:

(a) The viewing geometry, shielding effects, stray light, and antenna pattern;

(b) Detector sensitivity and ageing;

(c) Filter optics, as well as the possible contamination and stability of the filter;

From the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Working Group on Calibration and Validation.
(Theterms defined in this Part differ in some instances from those defined in JCGM, 2012).
See, for example, Ohring (2007).
For guidance on reference standards, see, for example, Fox (2010).

(d) The temperature of all parts of the instrument, including the front-end optics, detector and
back-end electronics (focal plane electronics, preamplifier, etc.);

(e) The signal-processing system (gain, analogue-to-digital converter, etc.).

All of these elements help to determine the spectral response function and the point spread
function that characterize the instrument from a radiometric and geometric viewpoint,
respectively. They must be modelled before launch and monitored in flight by a set of on-board
internal measurements (the housekeeping system). The instrument model and the housekeeping
system are useful for understanding the status of the instrument and its trend as well as for
predicting and correcting biases. However, it is generally not possible to analytically describe the
exact variation of the instrument response resulting from these factors. Reference measurements
are mandatory to characterize the actual calibration.

6.1.3 Pre-launch calibration

The pre-launch calibration of an instrument is performed in the laboratory, by using accurately

known radiation sources under controlled conditions. Simulating all possible instrument states
and stress factors before launch is very important because it is the only way to accurately
characterize and model the instrument before it is exposed to the harsh orbital environment.
Housekeeping systems and instruments need to be robust enough to withstand physical stress
incurred during the launch, commissioning and exploitation phases. Housekeeping data, in
combination with post-launch calibration information, will then allow operators to infer the
calibration status of the instrument in orbit and to resolve on-orbit anomalies.

6.1.4 On-board calibration

On-board calibration involves monitoring the instrument performance (and stability) while
in orbit. It is performed using reference targets (such as black bodies in the infrared, solar
diffusers, and lamp line sources in short wave) for passive instruments, or by internal calibration
systems (such as gain monitors) for active instruments. Some heritage instruments have been
in operation without adequate means of on-board calibration, such as the Advanced Very High
Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), which provides long-term observations in the visible and near-
infrared regions. Other means of calibration (e.g. vicarious, intercalibration) need to be used for
characterizing such instruments. The accuracy of in-flight instrument calibration is a function of
the stability of the on-board calibration systems throughout the instruments lifetime. Therefore,
the calibration itself must be regularly checked by intercalibration against highly accurate

In the case of infrared instruments, if the radiometer detectors are assumed to have linear
response, the output voltage is given as:
V = R + V0
where R is the input radiance, is the radiometer responsivity and V0 is the system offset.
Calibration consists of determining and V0, which is accomplished by exposing the radiometer
to at least two reference targets with significantly different brightness temperatures.

For infrared and microwave instruments, one reference target is deep space, at a temperature
of 2.725K. Direct viewing of deep space is not always possible for instruments on a satellite
platform. For instance, pushbroom instruments constantly pointing to the Earths surface need
to be equipped with a sub-reflector to supply the deep space view at intervals. A second target
is usually a well-characterized source with temperature in the medium to upper dynamic range,
often a black body, which is ideally traceable to the International System of Units (SI), i.e. to a
radiance scale provided by a national metrology institute.

If the instrument response is not linear across the dynamic range, this needs to be accounted
for in the pre-launch instrument characterization, for example by using a quadratic function,
or through linearization in different parts of the dynamic range and the possible addition of a
second black body kept at a different temperature.

For ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared instruments, on-board calibration is more challenging
since it is affected by many factors. At the low-signal extreme, deep space is a useful reference,
provided that disrupting effects (for example, reflections from other parts of the satellite) are
avoided. At the high-signal end, an absolute source is generally replaced by solar diffusers that
provide a relatively stable reference. The moon also may be used as a reference target, with the
advantage that it can be viewed without an attenuator; however, it must be used in conjunction
with an accurate model of the moons brightness. Neither the solar diffuser nor the moon
provides an absolute calibration. Another system often used is a bench of lamp line sources of
well-controlled intensity. Spectrally-dependent polarization effects induced by the reflecting
surfaces of the instrument optics also need to be taken into account.

Another problem with on-board calibration is that often the instrument structure does not allow
illumination of the full primary optics with reference sources. For example, a spin-stabilized
radiometer in geostationary Earth orbit uses an internal black body requiring a model of the
contributions of the telescope and foreoptics to the background radiation. Often, the reference
source only illuminates a fraction of the total instrument optics and, therefore, is more used for
stability monitoring than for absolute calibration.

6.1.5 Vicarious calibration

On-board calibration can be complemented by stable ground targets used as references in a

process termed vicarious calibration. The target needs to be well characterized in order to infer
the emitted or reflected radiance towards space. The combined effects of the viewing geometry
and, in short wave, the bidirectional reflectance distribution function of the surface and
atmosphere must be taken into account. The radiative transfer through the atmosphere between
the satellite and the ground reference source must be accurately known at the time of the satellite
overpass. In a cloud-free case, the short-wave spectrum is particularly affected by aerosols,
whereas the long-wave spectrum is particularly influenced by the presence of water vapour.

Vicarious calibration can involve different kinds of targets: polar ice fields as a black body for
microwave radiometers; snow fields, sunglint, homogeneous desert areas, and deep convective
cloud tops for the upper end of the visible dynamic range; cloud-free ocean surface for dark
targets in the visible spectrum; cube-corner reflectors for synthetic aperture radars; the rainforest
as a black body for radar scatterometers; etc. Calibration field sites equipped with in situ
observations are used for the calibration of high spatial resolution space-based instruments.
During initial payload commissioning or at regular intervals, aircraft overflights of a target area
synchronous with the satellite overpass offer additional vicarious calibration data.

6.1.6 Intercalibration by simultaneous observations

The intercalibration of satellite instruments involves relating the measurements of one instrument
to those of another. This is done for the dual purposes of:

(a) Providing vicarious calibration to instruments that have no or a defective internal

calibration device (intercalibration being performed against a high-quality, well-calibrated
instrument serving as a reference);

(b) Merging the data from several instruments to generate consistent time-series.

The intercalibration of instruments operated during the same period requires careful collocation
wherein instrument outputs are compared when the instruments are viewing the same Earth
scenes, at the same times and from the same viewing angles. As part of the International
Satellite Cloud Climatology Project of the World Climate Research Programme, simultaneous

observations from collocations between geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) imagers and a low
Earth orbit reference imager have been performed on a monthly basis for almost 30years as
a means to normalize GEO satellite imagery. More recently, the Global Space-based Inter-
calibration System (GSICS) has developed an operational methodology for such intercalibrations,
specifically for simultaneous collocated observations. The methodology considers the trade-off
between accurate spatialtemporal co-registration of the instruments and the frequency of such
events, and takes into account the corrections to be applied for:

(a) Different viewing geometries (with regard to both the instrument scan angle and the solar

(b) Different atmospheric states in the line of sight, including aerosols and clouds;

(c) Different spectral response functions.

It should be noted that simultaneous observations between two Sun-synchronous satellites can
only occur at the intersections of their orbital planes, which are always located at a given local
solar time and at a given, generally high north or south, latitude.4

6.1.7 Bias adjustment of long-term data records

An alternative approach for instrument intercalibration, which is less demanding in computation

and applicable a posteriori to long data series, is to simply compare the statistical distribution
of overlapping time-series of two satellite instrument data records without imposing individual
matches of individual scenes. Using this approach, it is possible to identify the relative bias
between the two data records. The observed bias is analysed so that the different conditions of
observation (for example, different local solar times) are accounted for, leaving the remaining
bias as the part that is actually due to the difference in instrument calibration. One successful
example of this approach is the intercalibration of the nine microwave sounding units on board
the early National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration satellites, representing a 26year
record of global tropospheric temperatures.

6.1.8 Using calibration information

The type of calibration information available depends on the processing level and on the
instrument considered. Each instrument has its own operating mode and calibration cycle, which
includes regular measurements of calibration targets each time a certain number of observations
are performed. For instance, the table in this section indicates the calibration cycles of the
Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit A (AMSUA), the Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS)
and the High-resolution Infrared Sounder 4 (HIRS/4).

Examples of observation/calibration cycles


Number of Earth views 1line of 30pixels 1line of 90pixels 38lines of 56pixels

Number of warm 2 (~300K) 4 (~273K) 48 (~290K)


Number of cold 2 (deep space ~2.73K) 4 (deep space ~2.73K) 56 (deep space ~2.73K)

Overall duration of 8s 8/3s 256s


For a 98 inclination, the crossing latitude is above 70 when the equatorial crossing times (ECT) of the two orbits
differ by less than 8h, and only drops significantly when the ECT difference increases towards 12h.

An important step in the pre-processing from Level0 to Level1b data (see PartIII, Chapter2, is to extract the calibration information in the form of warm/cold view counts and then
to compute the resulting calibration coefficients in accordance with the calibration model (such
as a linear or quadratic calibration function, or a lookup table) defined by the satellite operator
for that particular instrument. This provides the operational calibration for that instrument.

For applications requiring high accuracy and consistency among different instrument data
records, a correction can be applied on top of the operational calibration to take into account
the latest results of the intercalibration activities. Such corrections are provided by GSICS. The
corrected calibration coefficients may be included in the Level1.b/Level1.5 data formats as
additional calibration information.

6.1.9 Traceability of space-based measurements

While intercalibration can ensure consistency between satellite instruments, it does not
necessarily provide traceability to SI unless a reference instrument in orbit is SI-traceable. There
are major challenges to achieving SI traceability in orbit as most sensors degrade physically
during and after launch. Achieving SI traceability poses instrument design challenges and
remains a research topic for all but a few measurement types.

The Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory (CLARREO) mission proposed by
the United States National Research Council consists of a highly accurate infrared interferometer
with a high-emissivity reference black body using multiple phase-change cells for SI-traceable
thermometer calibration, an ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared spectrometer calibrated by
Sun and moon views, a cryogenically cooled active cavity radiometer, and radio occultation
measurements. This suite of instruments is intended to provide fully traceable measurements of
the entire Earth-emitted and reflected solar spectrum. Implementing and maintaining such a
mission would provide an anchor point in support of the calibration and traceability of the whole
fleet of operational radiometers.

For measurement traceability, one should take advantage of instruments that do not depend on
radiometric calibration, such as radio occultation and Sun or star occultation sensors (see PartIII,
Chapter2, and


6.2.1 Factors to be accounted for in validation

Validation is the process of assessing, by independent means, the quality of the data products
derived from satellite instrument measurements. 5 Product validation should be performed
by product developers, downstream of instrument calibration, and should be documented in
instrument-specific product validation plans. Guidelines for documenting product quality are
provided in the Quality Assurance Framework for Earth Observation (QA4EO).

Geophysical products are generated from satellite data (often radiance measurements) by
applying an algorithm that is either physically or empirically based. Comparing the retrieved
products and their trends with in situ observations or model outputs is an important part of
the process to assess and document the reliability of given retrieval algorithms and define their
domain of applicability.

If a particular trend is detected, it may relate to the instruments performance; a careful analysis
of the satellite instruments calibration and environmental data must be performed before any
empirical correction can be applied.

From the CEOS Working Group on Calibration and Validation.

For many products, validation is a complex problem since the comparison between products
derived from satellite measurements and independent reference products often from in situ
measurements is subject to several errors: (i) an inherent satellite-derived product error, (ii) the
error in the reference data, and (iii) the error introduced by the comparison methodology, often
due to non-collocation in time and space. In general, different measurement techniques measure
different things: a satellite observation usually refers to a relatively large area (the instantaneous
field of view) and nearly-instantaneous measurements (within milliseconds); ground (in situ)
measurements are generally very local and integrated over a relatively long time. Surface-
based remote-sensing usually provides information representative of the atmospheric column.
Comparison of the different types of measurements requires downscaling or upscaling methods
that can introduce spatially or temporally dependent errors.

A validation assessment model can be used to improve comparisons by understanding and

accounting for these differences and to better appreciate the advantages and disadvantages
of different validation approaches. Validation campaigns run by satellite operators are usually
accompanied by such an assessment model.

It should be noted that for certain satellite products, independent validation measurements may
not exist, and validation can only be performed by evaluating the impact of the product when
used in an application (for example, when assimilated in an NWP model).

6.2.2 Validation strategies

The validation of satellite-derived products should follow defined best-practice and variable-
dependent protocols, such as those developed by the CEOS Working Group on Calibration and
Validation. The validation of satellite-derived parameters and products can be carried out using
the following sources:

(a) Surface-based in situ measurements;

(b) Surface-based remote-sensing measurements;

(c) Model comparison and assimilation;

(d) Other satellite-derived or blended products of a similar type.

To use such validation sources, it is essential that:

(a) Measurement errors be well known;

(b) Temporal and spatial sampling follow best-practice protocols;

(c) Sampling be representative of the typical application-dependent environment (e.g.climatic

zones, marine regimes, atmospheric regions, land-cover types).

For example, to support validated generation of combined sea-surface temperature

satellite products, the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature has developed a
comprehensive validation strategy,6 which includes detailed descriptions of protocols, strategies
to harmonize validation concepts for different satellite sensors contributing to sea-surface
temperature measurements, needs for in situ (buoy) measurements as in situ data sources, and
metrics to monitor product quality.

https://w ww.ghrsst.org/products-and-services/product-validation/

6.2.3 Impact studies

Experience shows that the results of direct validation are less significant for some satellite-
derived products than for others. Since validation tests combine the effects of different error
sources (satellite product, ground measurement, comparison method), the error due to the
satellite product itself may be difficult to single out. For certain geophysical variables, ground
measurements may be rather inaccurate. For others, the comparison method may depend too
much on the observation environment.

One option for evaluating a product for a particular application is thus to assess its impact on
the application skill. In this case, the evaluation reflects the quality of the product combined
with the ability of the application to use it. For example, NWP models showed marginal impact
for a couple of decades from atmospheric temperaturehumidity soundings; this changed to a
significant positive impact only when direct radiance assimilation was introduced. An opposite
example is the assimilation of cloud-motion winds, which exhibited a strong positive impact at
first, although the initial validation exercises were disappointing.

In summary, validation requires rigorous analysis of all error sources and of all steps in the
comparison method. If the analysis shows that the error of the satellite product cannot be singled
out, performing an impact study is a remaining validation mechanism.

Fox, N., 2010: QA4EO A Quality Assurance Framework for Earth Observation: A guide to reference standards in
support of Quality Assurance requirements of GEO (M.C.Greening, ed.). QA4EO-QAEO-GEN-
DQK-003, Group on Earth Observations (available from http://www.qa4eo.org/docs/
QA4EO- QAEO- GEN-DQK- 0 03_v4.0.pdf).
Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology, 2012: International Vocabulary of Metrology Basic and General
Concepts and Associated Terms (VIM). JCGM200:2012.
Ohring, G. (ed.), 2007: Achieving Satellite Instrument Calibration for Climate Change (ASIC3). Report of a
workshop organized by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National
Institute of Standards and Technology, National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System-integrated Program Office,
and Space Dynamics Laboratory of Utah State University, 1618May 2006. Landsdowne, VA.

CHAPTER 7. CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1019

7.1 Frequency protection issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1019
7.1.1 Overall frequency management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1019
7.1.2 Passive microwave radiometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1020
7.1.3 Active microwave sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1020
7.1.4 Satellite operation and communication frequencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1020
7.2 International coordination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1021
7.2.1 The Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1021
7.2.2 The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1022
7.3 Satellite mission planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1022
7.3.1 Satellite programme life cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1022
7.3.2 Continuity and contingency planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1023
7.3.3 Long-term evolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1024

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1026



7.1.1 Overall frequency management

A critical issue for sustaining space-based Earth observations is whether the radio-frequency
spectrum in the microwave range (1 to 300GHz and above) remains available. This is important

(a) Passive observations of the Earth surface (in atmospheric windows) and atmospheric gases
in absorption bands;

(b) Active observations with radar (altimeters, scatterometers, synthetic aperture radars);

(c) Communications necessary for data downloading and satellite control.

The use of the radio-frequency spectrum is coordinated at the global level by the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU). Radio Regulations are adopted by ITU Members at the World
Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC) every four years. The ITU regulates the allocation
of radio-frequency bands to the different applications known as services, such as fixed and
mobile telecommunications, broadband mobile applications, radio navigation, ground-based
radars, short-range devices and electronic news gathering. Earth observation applications are
identified by ITU as two particular services: the Earth exploration-satellite service (EESS) and
Meteorological satellite (Metsat) service. While some bands are allocated to a service on an
exclusive basis, most bands are allocated to several services with certain conditions (such as the
limitation of the number, the emitting power and the geographical distribution of sources) that
aim at avoiding harmful interference.

With the rapid expansion of the telecommunication sector and its increasing spectrum needs,
the protection of frequencies required for EESS and Metsat has become very critical. Concerns

(a) Interference from uncontrolled emissions within exclusive EESS or Metsat bands, or to out-
of-band emissions from nearby frequency bands;

(b) Sharing bands under conditions that are not stringent enough to guarantee reliable

(c) The desire of other services to expand to bands formerly allocated to EESS or Metsat;

(d) The need of EESS or Metsat to use new bands arising due to the evolving remote-sensing
technology (for example, microwave above 300GHz), growing data rates or expanding
telecommunication bandwidths.

In addressing these issues, it should be noted that frequencies used for passive measurements
cannot be selected in any part of the spectrum: they are determined by the physics and must
correspond to either absorption peaks of atmospheric components or window channels.
Natural emissions are extremely weak compared to most artificial sources, and hence are easily
corrupted. Therefore, passive radiometric bands must be considered as a natural heritage to be

7.1.2 Passive microwave radiometry

The spectral microwave range used for Earth observation stretches from ~1.4GHz (e.g. for ocean
salinity) to ~2500GHz and beyond. The most critical issues are for frequencies below 300GHz.
The use of frequencies above ~300GHz is still emerging; moreover, since the water vapour
continuum prevents viewing the lower troposphere, most of the instruments operating at those
frequencies are designed for atmospheric chemistry and exploit limb viewing, which makes
them less prone to interferences from ground sources. The ITU has identified a limited number
of bands allocated to EESS, of which active uses are either prohibited or limited. As the radio-
frequency spectrum becomes more crowded and users have a need for higher data rates, there
is increasing pressure on higher frequencies, leading the ITU to share EESS bands with active
services. Only a few narrowbands are assigned to EESS on an exclusive basis ensuring reliable
legal protection. This has the following effects:

(a) The position of the allocated microwave channels often does not coincide with the
sensitivity peak for the needed geophysical variable or with a spectral area free of
contamination from other effects;

(b) The protected bandwidth may be so narrow that the signal-to-noise ratio is poor; this
may force consideration of an unprotected band where a wider bandwidth is available,
accepting the risk of interference.

Unfortunately, the pressure from other users of the spectrum, including commercial and mobile
services, is continuously increasing; specialized groups from WMO, the Coordination Group for
Meteorological Satellites, and space agencies must continuously monitor the situation at each
update of the ITU Regulations.

7.1.3 Active microwave sensing

The problem of frequency protection also holds for active sensing (altimeters, scatterometers
or synthetic aperture radars). For some applications of radar backscattering, like precipitation
measurement, the sensing frequency has to be chosen in relation with the target properties. In
other cases, like altimetry or synthetic aperture radar imagery, it is not very selective and there is
some flexibility to find a frequency allocation in any of the L, S, C, X, Ku, K, Ka, V or W bands (see
PartIII, Chapter2, Table2.8 for definitions).

7.1.4 Satellite operation and communication frequencies

Frequency allocation for satelliteground communications is another critical issue. As this

involves active usage, the ITU Regulations are very restrictive in terms of allowed frequency,
bandwidth and emitted power. The consequences are:

(a) Higher cost for a ground receiving station that works with low signals;

(b) Higher cost because the insufficient bandwidth available in one band for the data rate to
be handled forces relocation to higher-frequency bands that require more challenging
technology and antenna pointing;

(c) Ultimately, more difficulty to secure a frequency, particularly for real-time transmission;
fewer frequencies are available, and sometimes this provokes interferences between
satellites of the same family that are in orbit simultaneously.

In any event, frequency protection is difficult to guarantee, and users are experiencing problems,
especially in industrialized areas. The table in this section provides the frequency bands allocated
to data transmission to and from meteorological satellites (from WMO/ITU, 2008). It also takes
into account the band 78507900MHz, which was added at WRC12.

Frequency bands for use by meteorological satellites for data transmission

Frequency band (MHz) Metsat allocations

137138 Primary for space-to-Earth direction

400.15401 Primary for space-to-Earth direction

401403 Primary for Earth-to-space direction

460470 Secondary for space-to-Earth direction

16701710 Primary for space-to-Earth direction

74507550 Primary for space-to-Earth direction, geostationary satellites only

77507900 Primary for space-to-Earth direction, non-geostationary satellites only

80258400 Primary for space-to-Earth direction for Earth exploration-satellitesa

81758215 Primary for Earth-to-space direction

1800018300 Primary for space-to-Earth direction in Region2,b geostationary satellites only

1810018400 Primary for space-to-Earth direction in Regions1 and 3,b geostationary

satellites only

2550027000 Primary for space-to-Earth direction for Earth exploration-satellitesa

a Since Metsat is a sub-class of the Earth exploration-satellite service, Earth exploration-satellite service allocations
(as an example: 2550027000MHz) can also be used for the operation of Metsat applications.
b Regions1, 2 and 3 refer to the ITU radiocommunication Regions.


7.2.1 The Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites

Focusing on long-term sustained missions, the Coordination Group for Meteorological

Satellites (CGMS), in accordance with an agreed baseline, coordinates satellite constellations
in geostationary and low Earth orbit in support of WMO and co-sponsored programmes.
Established in 1972 with a focus on weather monitoring by geostationary satellites for weather
forecasting, CGMS initially defined common standards for low-resolution image dissemination
in weather facsimile (WEFAX) format and for the International Data Collection System to support
mobile stations viewed by the different satellites. The scope of CGMS was extended in 1992 to
polar-orbiting meteorological satellites, and CGMS is now increasingly addressing key climate
observations. The agreed baseline describes the missions to be maintained on a long-term basis;
it serves as a reference for the intended contributions of the participating members to the Global
Observing System (GOS) in response to the WMO Vision for the GOS in 2025. CGMS defines
technical standards or best practices to ensure interoperability across the global system. It has
developed contingency plans which provide a framework for action in case of satellite outage or
other unexpected difficulties in fully implementing the agreed baseline.

The Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites operates through working groups
dedicated to: (i)satellite systems and telecommunications, (ii)satellite products, (iii)continuity
and contingency planning, and (iv)global data dissemination. Together with WMO, CGMS
launched major collaboration initiatives including the Global Space-based Inter-calibration
System (GSICS), the Sustained and Coordinated Processing of Environmental Satellite Data for
Climate Monitoring project (SCOPE-CM), and the Virtual Laboratory for Education and Training
in Satellite Meteorology. CGMS works in partnership with several international science groups,
is active on a continuous basis, and helps to organize working group meetings at two-year
intervals, including for:

(a) The International TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) Working Group;

(b) The International Winds Working Group;


(c) The International Precipitation Working Group;

(d) The International Radio Occultation Working Group.

7.2.2 The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites

The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) was established in 1984 by the Group
of Seven (most industrialized countries of the world). Unlike CGMS, CEOS first focused on land
observation satellites (initially Landsat, then also the Satellite pour lObservation de la Terre
(SPOT) and the Indian Remote-sensing Satellite (IRS)), and specifically on new technologies
such as synthetic aperture radars. Later, the scope of CEOS was extended to all Earth observation
programmes but with less emphasis on meteorology until a new interest arose for climate issues.
An important activity since its establishment has been calibration and validation through the
Working Group on Calibration and Validation. Other CEOS working groups are the Working
Group on Information Systems and Services, the Working Group on Capacity Building and Data
Democracy, and the new CEOS/CGMS Working Group on Climate.

The coordination activity of CEOS is now articulated around the concept of constellations, to
share experience in the development of algorithms, standardize data products and formats,
exchange information regarding the calibration and validation of measurements, facilitate
the timely exchange of and access to data products from existing and planned missions, and
facilitate the planning of new missions. There are currently seven virtual constellations:

(a) Atmospheric composition;

(b) Land surface imaging;

(c) Ocean surface topography;

(d) Precipitation;

(e) Ocean colour radiometry;

(f) Ocean surface vector wind;

(g) Sea-surface temperature.


7.3.1 Satellite programme life cycle

In the early days of satellite meteorology, the life cycle of a satellite mission was only a few years.
Mission definition, satellite design, system development and science demonstration happened in
one or two years each; the exploitation period was short and the ground segment often under-

Nowadays, an operational programme (e.g. for meteorological purposes) generally proceeds

with the following phases:

Phase 0: Definition of user requirements, involving the user community, and of mission
requirements, i.e. identification of the possible techniques to fulfil the user requirements.
This lasts about three to four years;

Phase A: Feasibility assessment at system level (including a preliminary definition of the

ground segment) and of critical instruments (possibly including instrument simulations),
and rough order-of-magnitude cost estimation. The duration is about two years;

Phase B: Preliminary design, preparatory activities (including airborne campaigns) and

detailed cost estimation. This takes about another two years;

Phase C: Detailed design and development and testing of all systems (including the ground
segment) and subsystems. This phase is the longest, requiring about five years;

Phase D: Integration of all subsystems, testing of the whole satellite and launch campaign.
This is often accomplished in one year.

Adding some time for the decision-making and approval processes, and for in-orbit
commissioning, the duration of the development phase is of the order of 15years.

Phase E: The exploitation phase is generally aimed at 15years for an operational

programme including a series of three or four satellites, with some overlap for contingency
purposes (the typical lifetime of a low Earth orbit satellite is five years, and seven years for a
geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) satellite). The duration of a satellite generation is a trade-
off between the need for a long series to offset the development cost and the user learning
curve, and the need to develop a new generation of satellite instruments to benefit from
state-of-the-art technology.

The organization of a space programme involves many participants: the applications community,
scientific institutes, space agencies focused on research and development, industry, and
governments with their industrial policy and budget constraints. In the case of Earth observation
programmes with worldwide scope, there must be as much coordination as possible with
international partners, which may further complicate the decision-making process.

7.3.2 Continuity and contingency planning

The continuity of space-based observations has been a critical requirement for the
meteorological satellite constellation in geostationary orbit ever since nowcasting and severe
weather forecasting, including tropical cyclone warning, began relying on satellite monitoring.
The operational continuity of GEO imagery entails round-the-clock operation, high availability,
near-real-time data dissemination, and long-term continuity guaranteed by a robust programme
that includes provisions for in-orbit backup. When the polar-orbiting constellation was
established, and numerical weather prediction models were increasingly relying on satellite
sounding (infrared, microwave and radio-occultation) and other key satellite observations such
as ocean surface winds, a similar requirement for operational continuity was applied to the
morning and afternoon satellites that became the core meteorological constellation in polar
orbit. A baseline configuration of the operational space-based observing system was defined and
undertaken by the satellite operators contributing to WMO programmes.

While satellite operators committed to give their best efforts to maintain the geostationary
and polar Sun-synchronous constellations, CGMS developed a Global Contingency Plan (see
section7.2.1 and box below) providing a technical and legal framework for contingency
measures to be taken on a help your neighbour basis in case of deficiency of one of the
elements of the operational configuration.

For geostationary satellites, contingency support can be provided if the number of satellites is
sufficiently high and their nominal positions are appropriately spaced along the Equator (see,
for instance, PartIII, Chapter4, Figure4.1). Moving a satellite from one longitude to another
requires little fuel if implemented at a slow pace. As per the contingency plan, several satellites
are maintained in backup positions and it is possible to relocate a satellite to fill a gap through
a manoeuvre lasting a few days or weeks depending on the urgency and the fuel available on
board. Several examples have taken place: a spare Meteosat satellite was moved to cover the
West Atlantic Ocean when the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) system
suffered a launch delay in the early 1990s; a spare GOES satellite filled the gap in the Western
Pacific Ocean during the transition from the Geostationary Meteorological Satellite (GMS) to the
Multifunctional Transport Satellite (MTSAT) in the early 2000s; and in the last two decades the
Indian Ocean position has been covered on occasions by GOES and Meteosat satellites.

For Sun-synchronous satellites, contingency is more complicated. Changing the orbital plane
of a satellite requires a very large amount of fuel and is not envisaged apart from the natural
drift of the orbital plane due to precession or orbit-keeping manoeuvres to correct this drift. The
contingency plan therefore focuses on the availability of backup satellites in each orbital plane
along with regular spacing of the equatorial crossing times of these planes.

When WMO adopted its Vision for the GOS in 2025, the scope of the operational space-based
observing system was extended to climate monitoring, reflecting both the requirement to
monitor the climate on a continuing basis and the maturity of space-based systems evolving
from research and development to an operational status. In response, a new baseline was
subsequently defined and adopted by CGMS that incorporates a number of climate-oriented
missions. Continuity is as crucial for climate monitoring as for operational weather forecasting;
however, the requirements are different because climate monitoring involves different
timescales. First, near-real-time availability and short-term gaps in a daily cycle are not driving
requirements. Second, major importance is attached to long-term continuity and stability of
measurements throughout decades. The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Climate
Monitoring Principles require systematic overlap between all consecutive satellites to allow for
intercalibration and traceability. Stability and traceability could also be achieved by maintaining
one highly secured reference mission, with in-orbit backup, that serves as a calibration reference
standard for all the others (as discussed in PartIII, Chapter6, 6.1.9). Such a provision should be a
major element in the definition of the Architecture for Climate Monitoring from Space.

CGMS continuity and contingency planning

The CGMS baseline defines (i) a geostationary constellation comprising six
satellites nominally located at fixed longitudes (135W, 75W, 0, 76E, 105E,
140E) and performing a set of agreed missions, (ii) a core meteorological
constellation in polar Sun-synchronous orbit performing imagery and sounding,
and (iii) different constellations dedicated to additional missions in either
Sun-synchronous or inclined low Earth orbits. The CGMS Working Group on
Operational Continuity and Contingency Planning keeps under review the
implementation of the baseline, the availability of in-orbit backups and the risks of
interruption of key missions.
The Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites has adopted a Global
Contingency Plan which includes guidelines to ensure continuity, for example,
in terms of in-orbit backup and re-launch policy, sets criteria for entering into
contingency mode and identifies actions to be taken in such contingency
situations. In particular, the Global Contingency Plan defines a generic procedure
for relocating a spare geostationary satellite to take over from a failing satellite,
which is referred to as the help your neighbour strategy. This global plan is
supplemented by bilateral contingency agreements between geostationary
satellite operators. On several occasions, over the past three decades, such
contingency relocations have been essential to preserve the continuity of vital
operational missions.

7.3.3 Long-term evolution

The evolving user requirements for satellite data and the dramatic progress of space and remote-
sensing technology call for continuous improvements to satellite systems and instrumentation.

At the same time, the strong pressure on resources stresses the need to seek an optimization
of the global effort to assure the availability of a comprehensive observing system and avoid
unnecessary redundancy beyond the required margins for robustness. Optimization is also
needed in the development, validation and sustained processing of derived products, and
requires data sharing, interoperability and quality assurance. Global coordination under the
auspices of WMO aims at ensuring such optimization under the overall context of the WMO
Integrated Global Observing System, building on the Rolling Review of Requirements, the
high-level guidance provided by the Vision for the GOS, the Statement of Guidance in each

application area, and the Implementation Plan for the Evolution of Global Observing Systems
which consolidates the recommendations addressed to agents implementing observing systems.
A notable initiative is also the Architecture for Climate Monitoring from Space, promoted by
WMO, CEOS and CGMS, which aims to provide an end-to-end response from the space-based
observing system to the climate monitoring requirements.

Bizzarri, B., 1982: Satellite data for numerical weather prediction. Rivista di Meteorologia Aeronautica,
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CHAPTER1. QUALITY MANAGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1030

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1053

CHAPTER 2. SAMPLING METEOROLOGICAL VARIABLES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1072

CHAPTER 3. DATA REDUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1074

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1080

CHAPTER 4. TESTING, CALIBRATION AND INTERCOMPARISON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1082


INTERCOMPARISONS OF INSTRUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1091


INSTRUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093


OBSERVATION, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1099

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1102

CHAPTER 5. TRAINING OF INSTRUMENT SPECIALISTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1105

ANNEX. REGIONAL TRAINING CENTRES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1126

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1128


CHAPTER1. QUALITY MANAGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1030

1.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1030
1.2 The ISO9000 family, ISO/IEC17025, ISO/IEC20000 and theWMOQuality
Management Framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1032
1.2.1 ISO9000: Quality management systems Fundamentals and vocabulary. . . . 1032
1.2.2 ISO9001: Quality management systems Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1033
1.2.3 ISO9004: Managing for the sustained success of an organization
Aquality management approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1034
1.2.4 ISO19011: Guidelines for auditing management systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1035
1.2.5 ISO/IEC17025: General requirements for the competence of testing
and calibration laboratories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1036
1.2.6 ISO/IEC20000: Information technology Service management. . . . . . . . . . . . 1036
1.2.7 WMO Quality Management Framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1037
1.3 Introduction of quality management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1037
1.4 Accreditation of laboratories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1039
1.5 Quality management tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1041
1.6 Factors affecting data quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1042
1.7 Quality assurance (quality control). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1044
1.7.1 Surface data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1046 Manual observations and staffed stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1046 Automatic weather stations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1046
1.7.2 Upper-air data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1046
1.7.3 Data centres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1046
1.7.4 Interaction with field stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1047
1.8 Performance monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1047
1.9 Data homogeneity and metadata. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1048
1.9.1 Causes of data inhomogeneities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1048
1.9.2 Metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1048
1.9.3 Elements of a metadata database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1049
1.9.4 Recommendations for a metadata system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1049
1.10 Network management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1050
1.10.1 Inspections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1051

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1053



This chapter is general and covers operational meteorological observing systems of any size or
nature. Although the guidance it gives on quality management is expressed in terms that apply
to large networks of observing stations, it should be read to apply even to a single station.

Quality management

Quality management provides the principles and the methodological frame for operations, and
coordinates activities to manage and control an organization with regard to quality. Quality
assurance and quality control are the parts of any successful quality management system.
Quality assurance focuses on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled
and includes all the planned and systematic activities implemented in a quality management
system so that quality requirements for a product or service will be fulfilled. Quality control is
associated with those components used to ensure that the quality requirements are fulfilled and
includes all the operational techniques and activities used to fulfil quality requirements. This
chapter concerns quality management associated with quality control and quality assurance
and the formal accreditation of the laboratory activities, especially from the point of view of
meteorological observations of weather and atmospheric variables.

The ISO9000 family of standards is discussed to assist understanding in the course of action
during the introduction of a quality management system in a National Meteorological and
Hydrological Service (NMHS); this set of standards contains the minimum processes that must
be introduced in a quality management system for fulfilling the requirements of the ISO9001
standard. The total quality management concept according to the ISO9004 guidelines is then
discussed, highlighting the views of users and interested parties. The ISO/IEC17025 standard
is introduced. The benefits to NMHSs and the Regional Instrument Centres (RICs) from
accreditation through ISO/IEC17025 are outlined along with a requirement for an accreditation

The ISO/IEC20000 standard for information technology (IT) service management is introduced
into the discussion, given that every observing system incorporates IT components.

Quality assurance and quality control

Data are of good quality when they satisfy stated and implied needs. Elsewhere in this Guide
explicit or implied statements are given of required accuracy, uncertainty, resolution and
representativeness, mainly for the synoptic applications of meteorological data, but similar
requirements can be stated for other applications. It must be supposed that minimum total
cost is also an implied or explicit requirement for any application. The purpose of quality
management is to ensure that data meet requirements (for uncertainty, resolution, continuity,
homogeneity, representativeness, timeliness, format, and so on) for the intended application, at
a minimum practicable cost. All measured data are imperfect, but, if their quality is known and
demonstrable, they can be used appropriately.

The provision of good quality meteorological data is not a simple matter and is impossible
without a quality management system. The best quality management systems operate
continuously at all points in the whole observing system, from network planning and training,
through installation and station operations to data transmission and archiving, and they include
feedback and follow-up provisions on timescales from near-real-time to annual reviews and end-
to-end process. The amount of resources required for an effective quality management system
is a proportion of the cost of operating an observing system or network and is typically a few
per cent of the overall cost. Without this expenditure, the data must be regarded as being of
unknown quality, and their usefulness is diminished.

An effective quality management system is one that manages the linkages between preparation
for data collection, data collection, data assurance and distribution to users to ensure that the
user receives the required quantity. For many meteorological quantities, there are a number of
these preparation-collection-assurance cycles between the field and the ultimate distribution to
the user. It is essential that all these cycles are identified and the potential for divergence from
the required quantity minimized. Many of these cycles will be so closely linked that they may be
perceived as one cycle. Most problems occur when there are a number of cycles and they are
treated as independent of one another.

Once a datum from a measurement process is obtained, it remains the datum of the
measurement process. Other subsequent processes may verify its worth as the quantity required,
use the datum in an adjustment process to create the quality required, or reject the datum.
However, none of these subsequent processes changes the datum from the measurement
process. Quality control is the process by which an effort is made to ensure that the processes
leading up to the datum being distributed are correct, and to minimize the potential for rejection
or adjustment of the resultant datum.

Quality assurance includes explicit control of the factors that directly affect the data collected
and processed before distribution to users. For observations or measurements, this includes
equipment, exposure, measurement procedures, maintenance, inspection, calibration,
algorithm development, redundancy of measurements, applied research and training. In a
data transmission sense, quality control is the process established to ensure that for data that is
subsequently transmitted or forwarded to a user database, protocols are set up to ensure that
only acceptable data are collected by the user.

Quality control is the best-known component of quality management systems, and it is the
irreducible minimum of any system. It consists of all the processes that are put in place to
generate confidence and ensure that the data produced will have the required quality and
also include the examination of data at stations and at data centres to verify that the data are
consistent with the quality management system goals, and to detect errors so that the data
may be either flagged as unreliable, corrected or, in the case of gross errors, deleted. A quality
management system should include procedures for feeding back into the measurement and
quality control process to prevent the errors from recurring. Quality assurance can be applied in
real-time post measurement, and can feed into the quality control process for the next process of
a quality system, but in general it tends to operate in non-real time.

Real-time quality control is usually performed at the station and at meteorological analysis
centres. Delayed quality assurance may be performed at analysis centres for the compilation of a
refined database, and at climate centres or databanks for archiving. In all cases, the results should
be returned to the observation managers for follow-up.

A common component of quality control is quality monitoring or performance monitoring, a

non-real-time activity in which the performance of the network or observing system is examined
for trends and systematic deficiencies. It is typically performed by the office that manages and
takes responsibility for the network or system, and which can prescribe changes to equipment
or procedures. These are usually the responsibility of the network manager, in collaboration with
other specialists, where appropriate.

Modern approaches to data quality emphasize the advantages of a comprehensive system

for quality assurance, in which procedures are laid down for continuous interaction between
all parties involved in the observing system, including top management and others such as
designers and trainers who may otherwise have been regarded as peripheral to operational
quality concerns after data collection. The formal procedures prescribed by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) for quality management and quality assurance, and
other detailed procedures used in manufacturing and commerce, are also appropriate for
meteorological data.

1.2 THE ISO9000 FAMILY, ISO/IEC17025, ISO/IEC20000 AND


The chapter gives an explanation of the related ISO standards and how they interconnect.

Proficiency in ISO quality systems is available through certification or accreditation, and usually
requires external auditing of the implemented quality management system. Certification implies
that the framework and procedures used in the organization are in place and used as stated.
Accreditation implies that the framework and procedures used in the organization are in place,
used as stated and technically able to achieve the required result. The assessment of technical
competence is a mandatory requirement of accreditation, but not of certification. The ISO9001 is
a standard by which certification can be achieved by an organization, while accreditation against
the ISO/IEC17025 is commonly required for laboratories and routine observations.

The ISO9000 standard has been developed to assist organizations of all types and sizes to
implement and operate quality management systems. The ISO9000 standard describes the
fundamentals of quality management systems and gives definitions of the related terms (for
example, requirement, customer satisfaction). The main concept is illustrated in Figure1.1. The
ISO9001 standard specifies the requirements for a quality management system that can be
certified in accordance with this standard. The ISO9004 standard gives guidelines for continual
improvement of the quality management system to achieve a total quality management system.
The ISO19011 standard provides the guidance on auditing the quality management system.
All these standards are described in more detail in the related documents of the WMO Quality
Management Framework.

1.2.1 ISO9000: Quality management systems Fundamentals and vocabulary

The following eight quality management principles are the implicit basis for the successful
leadership of NMHSs of all sizes and for continual performance improvement:

(a) Customer focus;

(b) Leadership;

(c) Involvement of people;

ISO 19011 ISO 9000

Quality Quality management
management systems: Fundamentals
systems: and vocabulary
Guidelines for
systems ISO 9004
Quality management systems:

ISO 9001
Quality management
Certification EFQM
Ability to fulfil
customer requirements
Managing for the sustained
success of an organization EFQM: European Foundation
for Quality Management
A quality management approach

Figure1.1. The main concept of the ISO9000 standards and the dependencies

(d) Process approach;

(e) System approach to management;

(f) Continual improvement;

(g) Factual approach to decision-making;

(h) Mutually beneficial supplier relationships.

All these principles must be documented and put to practice to meet the requirements of the
ISO9000 and 9001 standards to achieve certification. The main topic of these standards is the
process approach, which can simply be described as activities that use resources to transform
inputs into outputs.

The process-based quality management system is simply modelled in Figure1.2. The basic idea
is that of the mechanism likely to obtain continual improvement of the system and customer
satisfaction through measuring the process indices (for example, computing time of a GME
model, customer satisfaction, reaction time, and so forth), assessing the results, making
management decisions for better resource management and obtaining inevitably better

1.2.2 ISO9001: Quality management systems Requirements

The basic requirements for a quality management system are given by this standard, including
processes for improvement and complaint management and carrying out management reviews.
These processes are normally incorporated in the quality manual. The ISO9001 standard focuses
on management responsibility rather than technical activities.

To achieve certification in ISO9001, six processes must be defined and documented by the
organization (NMHS), as follows:

(a) Control of documents;

(b) Control of records;

(c) Control of non-conforming products;

(d) Corrective action;

Continual improvement

Customers Management Customers

(interested responsibility (interested
parties) parties)

Management Measurement, analysis
of resources D and improvement


Requirements realization Satisfaction

P = Plan, D = Do, C = Check, A = Act

Figure1.2. The PDCA control circuit (also named the Deming-circuit)


(e) Preventive action;

(f) Internal audit.

Furthermore, there must be a quality manual which states the policy (for example, the goal is to
achieve regional leadership in weather forecasting) and the objectives of the organization (for
example, improved weather forecasting: reduce false warning probability) and describes the
process frameworks and their interaction. There must be statements for the following:

(a) Management;

(b) Internal communication;

(c) Continual improvement;

(d) System control (for example, through management reviews).

Exclusions can be made, for example, for development (if there are no development activities in
the organization).

The documentation pyramid of the quality management system is shown in Figure1.3. The
process descriptions indicate the real activities in the organization, such as the data-acquisition
process in the weather and climate observational networks. They provide information on the
different process steps and the organizational units carrying out the steps, for cooperation and
information sharing purposes. The documentation must differentiate between periodic and non-
periodic processes. Examples of periodic processes are data acquisition or forecast dissemination.
Examples of non-periodic processes include the installation of measurement equipment which
starts with a user or component requirement (for example, the order to install a measurement

Lastly, the instructions in ISO9001 give detailed information on the process steps to be
referenced in the process description (for example, starting instruction of an AWS). Forms and
checklists are helpful tools to reduce the possibility that required tasks will be forgotten.

1.2.3 ISO9004: Managing for the sustained success of an organization

Aquality management approach

The guidelines for developing the introduced quality management system to achieve business
excellence are formulated in ISO9004. The main aspect is the change from the customer position
to the position of interested parties. Different excellence models can be developed by the

Quality manual

Process descriptions

forms, checklists

Figure1.3. The documentation pyramid of a quality management system


ISO9004 guidelines, for example, the Excellence Model of the European Foundation for Quality
Management (EFQM)1 or the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.2 Both excellence models
are appropriately established and well respected in all countries of the world.

The EFQM Excellence Model contains the following nine criteria which are assessed by an expert
team of assessors:

(a) Leadership;

(b) People;

(c) Policy and strategy;

(d) Partnerships and resources;

(e) Processes;

(f) People results;

(g) Customer results;

(h) Society results;

(i) Key performance results.

The Malcolm Baldrige model contains seven criteria similar to the EFQM Excellence Model, as

(a) Leadership;

(b) Strategic planning;

(c) Customer and market focus;

(d) Measurement, analysis, and knowledge management;

(e) Human resources focus;

(f) Process management;

(g) Results.

There is no certification process for this standard, but external assessment provides the
opportunity to draw comparisons with other organizations according to the excellence model
(see also Figure1.1).

1.2.4 ISO19011: Guidelines for auditing management systems

This standard is a guide for auditing management systems and does not have any regulatory
character. The following detailed activities are described for auditing the organization:

(a) Principles of auditing (ethical conduct, fair presentation, due professional care,
independence, evidence-based approach);

(b) Audit planning (establishing and implementing the audit programme);

See EFQM website at http://w ww.efqm.org.
See the NIST website at http://w ww.nist.gov/baldrige/.

(c) Audit activities (initiating the audit, preparing and conducting on-site audit activities,
preparing the audit report);

(d) Training and education of the auditors (competence, knowledge, soft skills).

The manner in which audits are conducted depends on the objectives and scope of the audit
which are set by the management or the audit client. The primary task of the first audit is to check
the conformity of the quality management system with the ISO9001 requirements. Further
audits give priority to the interaction and interfaces of the processes.

The audit criteria are the documentation of the quality management system, the process
descriptions, the quality manual and the unique individual regulations.

The audit planning published by the organization should specify the relevant departments of the
organization, the audit criteria and the audit objectives, place, date and time to ensure a clear
assignment of the audits.

1.2.5 ISO/IEC17025: General requirements for the competence of testing and

calibration laboratories

This set of requirements is applicable to facilities, including laboratories and testing sites, that
wish to have external accreditation of their competence in terms of their measurement and
testing processes.

The ISO/IEC17025 standard aligns its management requirements with those of ISO9001. This
standard is divided into two main parts: management requirements and technical requirements.
Hence, the quality management system must follow the requirements of the ISO9001 standard,
which include described processes, a management handbook that provides a connection
between processes and goals and policy statements, and that these aspects be audited regularly.
All laboratory processes must be approved, verified and validated in a suitable manner to meet
the requirements. Furthermore, the roles of the quality management representative (quality
manager) and the head of the laboratory must be determined.

An essential component of the technical requirements is the development of uncertainty analyses

for each of the measurement processes, including documented and verified traceability to
international metrology standards.

1.2.6 ISO/IEC20000: Information technology Service management

NMHSs make use of IT equipment to obtain data from the measuring networks to use in GME/
LM models and to provide forecasters with the outputs of models. The recommendations of
this standard are helpful for the implementation of reliable IT services. The new ISO/IEC20000
standard summarizes the old British standard BS-15000 and the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
recommendations. The division of requirements follows the ITIL structure.

The ITIL elements are divided into service delivery and service support with the following

Service delivery:

(a) Service-level management;

(b) Financial management;

(c) IT service continuity management;

(d) Availability management;


(e) Capacity management.

Service support:

(a) Change management;

(b) Incident management;

(c) Problem management;

(d) Release management;

(e) Configuration management.

Security management is common to both areas.

All these require that:

(a) The processes be adapted to the NMHSs organization;

(b) Particular attention be paid to user support.

Special attention has been placed on the change-management process, which can contain
release and configuration management. Incident and problem management is normally covered
by the implementation of a user help desk.

1.2.7 WMO Quality Management Framework

The WMO Quality Management Framework gives the basic recommendations that were based
on the experiences of NMHSs. The necessary conditions for successful certification against
ISO9001 are explained in WMO (2005a, 2005b).

The Quality Management Framework is the guide for NMHSs, especially for NMHSs with little
experience in a formal quality management system. The introduction of a quality management
system is described only briefly in the following section, noting that WMO cannot carry out any
certification against ISO9001.


The introduction of successful quality management depends heavily on the cooperation of

senior management. The senior management of the NMHS must be committed to the quality
management system and support the project team. The necessary conditions for successful
certification are summarized and the terms of ISO9001 standards are explained in ISO20000.

Senior-level management defines a quality policy and the quality objectives (including a quality
management commitment), and staff have to be trained in sufficient quality management
topics to understand the basis for the quality management process (see section1.2.2). Most
importantly, a project team should be established to manage the transition to a formal quality
management system including definition and analysis of the processes used by the organization.

To assist the project team, brief instructions can be given to the staff involved in the process
definition, and these would normally include the following:

(a) To document (write down) what each group does;

(b) To indicate the existing documentation;


(c) To indicate the proof or indicators of what is done;

(d) To identify what can be done to continually improve the processes.

Given that the documentation specifies what the organization does, it is essential that the main
processes reflect the functions of the organization of the NMHS. These can be a part of the
named processes (see Figure1.4), for example:

(a) Weather forecasting (including hydrometeorological, agrometeorological, human

biometeorological aspects) and weather warnings;

(b) Consulting services (including climate and environment);

(c) Data generation (from measurement and observational networks);

(d) International affairs;

(e) Research and development (global modelling, limited area models, instrumentation);

(f) Technical infrastructure (computing and communications, engineering support, data

management and IT support);

(g) Administration processes (purchasing, financial and personnel management, organization,

administration offices and immovables, knowledge management, central planning and
control and legal affairs).

Even though these processes will meet the individual needs of NMHSs and provide them with
subprocesses, normally there should be regulations for remedying incidents (for example,
system failures, staff accidents).

The processes must be introduced into the organization with clear quality objectives, and all staff
must be trained in understanding the processes, including the use of procedures and checklists
and the measurement of process indicators.

Process landscape in an NMHS (e.g. DWD)

Process results, catalogue

of products/services Production
Weather forecast and warning service
Steering Develop- Technical

Installation, operation,
development of technical
systems, applications support

Development and implementation

International activities
6 x consulting service

of procedures and methods

resources ment

Atmospheric watch
data management

Development of numerical weather

Data generation,

processes prediction models and related


Organizational development and

steering instruments
Management of staff,
finances and procurement

Internal Improvement
Management communicating System control
(audits, reviews)
and complaint processes
reporting management

DWD = Deutscher Wetterdienst

Figure1.4. Process landscape of an NMHS (example: DWD, WMO 2005a)


Before applying for certification, the quality management system must be reviewed by carrying
out internal audits in the departments and divisions of the organization, to check conformity
of the quality management system as stated and as enacted. These documented reviews
can be performed on products by specialized and trained auditors. The requirements and
recommendations for these reviews are given in ISO19011 (see section1.2.4).

The management review of the quality management system will include the following:

(a) Audit results;

(b) Customer feedback;

(c) Process performance based on performance indicators;

(d) Status of preventive and corrective actions;

(e) Follow-up actions from previous management reviews;

(f) Changes in the quality management system (policy of the organization);

(g) Recommendations for improvement.


Accreditation requires additional processes and documentation and, most importantly, evidence
that laboratory staff have been trained and have mastered the processes and methods to be

The documentation must contain the following aspects:

(a) A management manual for the laboratory;

(b) The process descriptions mentioned in section1.2;

(c) The documentation of all processes and methods;

(d) Work instructions for all partial steps in the processes and methods;

(e) Equipment manuals (manual including calibrating certificates);

(f) Maintenance manuals.

Since procedures and methods are likely to change more frequently than the management
aspects of the accreditation, the methods are usually not included in the management manual.
However, there is specific reference to the procedures and methods used in the management

As it is unlikely that all aspects of the accreditation will be covered once the quality management
system is introduced, it is recommended that a pre-audit be conducted and coordinated with the
certifying agency. In these pre-audits it would be normal for the certifying agency:

(a) To assess staff and spatial prerequisites;

(b) To assess the suitability of the management system;

(c) To check the documentation;

(d) To validate the scope of the accreditation.


The accreditation procedure consists of assessments by an expert panel (external to the

organization), which includes a representative from the certifying agency. The assessment panel
will focus on two main areas as follows:

(a) Documentation;

(b) An examination of the facilities included in the scope of the accreditation (for example,
laboratories, special field sites).

The assessment of documentation covers verification of the following documents:

(a) A management manual (or laboratory guide);

(b) Procedure instructions;

(c) Work instructions;

(d) Test instructions;

(e) Equipment manuals;

(f) Maintenance manuals;

(g) Uncertainty analyses of specific quantities, test results and calibrations;

(h) Proof documents (for example, that staff training has occurred and that quantities are

(i) Records (for example, correspondence with the customer, generated calibration

The external expert team could request additional documents, as all aspects of the ISO/IEC17025
standard are checked and in more detail than a certification under ISO9001.

Besides the inspection of the measurement methods and associated equipment, the assessment
of the facilities in the scope of the accreditation will include the following:

(a) Assessment of the staff (including training and responsibility levels);

(b) Assessment of the infrastructure that supports the methods (for example, buildings,

The following are also checked during the assessment to ensure that they meet the objectives
required by management for accreditation:

(a) Organizational structure;

(b) Staff qualifications;

(c) Adequacy of the technological facilities;

(d) Customer focus.

In addition, the assessment should verify that the laboratory has established proof of the

(a) Technical competence (choice and use of the measuring system);

(b) Calibration of measurement equipment;


(c) Maintenance of measurement equipment;

(d) Verification and validation of methods.

Benefits and disadvantages of accreditation

Through initial accreditation by an independent certifying agency NMHSs prove their

competence in the area of meteorological measuring and testing methods according to a
recognized standard. Once accreditation is established, there is an ongoing periodic external
audit, which provides additional proof that standards have been maintained, but more
importantly it helps the organization to ensure that its own internal quality requirements are

An accreditation with suitable scope also provides commercial opportunities for the calibration,
verification and assessment of measurement devices.

For organizations that do not have a quality management system in place, the benefits of
accreditation are significant. First, it documents the organizations system, and, through that,
a process of analysis can be used to make the organization more efficient and effective. For
example, one component of accreditation under ISO/IEC17025 requires uncertainty analyses for
every calibration and verification test; such quantitative analyses provide information on where
the most benefit can be achieved for the least resources.

Accreditation or certification under any recognized quality framework requires registration and
periodic audits by external experts and the certifying agency. These represent additional costs
for the organization and are dependent on the scope of the accreditation and certification.

Seeking accreditation before an effective quality management system is in place will lead to an
increased use of resources and result in existing resources being diverted to establish a quality
management system; there will also be additional periodic audit costs.


Several well-known tools exist to assist in the processes of a quality management system and its
continuous improvement. Three examples of these tools are described below as an introduction:
the Balanced Score card, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, and Six Sigma.

The Balanced Scorecard (Kaplan and Norton, 1996) has at a minimum four points of focus:
finances, the customer, processes and employees. Often the general public is added given that
public interests must always be taken into account.

Each organization and organization element provides key performance indicators for each of the
focus areas, which in turn link to the organizations mission (or purpose, vision or goals) and the
strategy (or working mission and vision).

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis is a method for the examination of possible missing causes and
faults and the probability of their appearance. The method can be used for analysing production
processes and product specification. The aim of the optimization process is to reduce the risk
priority number.

The Six Sigma method was developed in the communications industry and uses statistical
process controls to improve production. The objective of this method is to reduce process failure
below a specific value.


The life history of instruments in field service involves different phases, such as planning
according to user requirements, selection and installation of equipment, operation, calibration,
maintenance and training activities. To obtain data of adequate or prescribed quality,
appropriate actions must be taken at each of these phases. Factors affecting data quality are
summarized in this section, and reference is made to more comprehensive information available
in other chapters of this Guide and in other WMO Manuals and Guides.

User requirements: The quality of a measuring system can be assessed by comparing user
requirements with the ability of the systems to fulfil them. The compatibility of user data-
quality requirements with instrumental performance must be considered not only at the design
and planning phase of a project, but also continually during operation, and implementation
must be planned to optimize cost/benefit and cost/performance ratios. This involves a shared
responsibility between users, instrument experts and logistic experts to match technical and
financial factors. In particular, instrument experts must study the data quality requirements of
the users to be able to propose specifications within the technical state of the art. This important
phase of design is called value analysis. If it is neglected, as is often the case, it is likely that the
cost or quality requirements, or both, will not be satisfied, possibly to such an extent that the
project will fail and efforts will have been wasted.

Functional and technical specifications: The translation of expressed requirements into functional
specifications and then into technical specifications is a very important and complex task, which
requires a sound knowledge of user requirements, meteorological measuring technology,
methods of observation, WMO regulations, and relevant operational conditions and technical/
administrative infrastructures. Because the specifications will determine the general functioning
of a planned measuring system, their impact on data quality is considerable.

Selection of instruments: Instruments should be carefully selected considering the required

uncertainty, range and resolution (for definitions see PartI, Chapter1), the climatological and
environmental conditions implied by the users applications, the working conditions, and the
available technical infrastructure for training, installation and maintenance. An inappropriate
selection of instruments may yield poor quality data that may not be anticipated, causing many
difficulties when they are subsequently discovered. An example of this is an underspecification
resulting in excessive wear or drift. In general, only high quality instruments should be employed
for meteorological purposes. Reference should be made to the relevant information given in the
various chapters in this Guide. Further information on the performance of several instruments
can be found in the reports of WMO international instrument intercomparisons and in the
proceedings of WMO/CIMO and other international conferences on instruments and methods of

Acceptance tests: Before installation and acceptance, it is necessary to ensure that the instruments
fulfil the original specifications. The performance of instruments, and their sensitivity to influence
factors, should be published by manufacturers and are sometimes certified by calibration
authorities. However, WMO instrument intercomparisons show that instruments may still
be degraded by factors affecting their quality which may appear during the production and
transportation phases. Calibration errors are difficult or impossible to detect when adequate
standards and appropriate test and calibration facilities are not readily available. It is an essential
component of good management to carry out appropriate tests under operational conditions
before instruments are used for operational purposes. These tests can be applied both to
determine the characteristics of a given model and to control the effective quality of each

When purchasing equipment, consideration should be given to requiring the supplier to set up
certified quality assurance procedures within its organization according to the requirements
of the NMHS, thus reducing the need for acceptance testing by the recipient. The extra cost
when purchasing equipment may be justified by consequent lower costs for internal testing or
operational maintenance, or by the assured quality of subsequent field operations.

Compatibility: Data compatibility problems can arise when instruments with different technical
characteristics are used for taking the same types of measurements. This can happen, for
example, when changing from manual to automated measurements, when adding new
instruments of different time-constants, when using different sensor shielding, when
applying different data reduction algorithms, and so on. The effects on data compatibility and
homogeneity should be carefully investigated by long-term intercomparisons. Reference should
be made to the various WMO reports on international instrument intercomparisons.

Siting and exposure: The density of meteorological stations depends on the timescale and space
scale of the meteorological phenomena to be observed and is generally specified by the users,
or set by WMO regulations. Experimental evidence exists showing that improper local siting
and exposure can cause a serious deterioration in the accuracy and representativeness of
measurements. General siting and exposure criteria are given in PartI, Chapter1, and detailed
information appropriate to specific instruments is given in the various chapters of PartI. Further
reference should be made to the regulations in WMO (2010c). Attention should also be paid
to external factors that can introduce errors, such as dust, pollution, frost, salt, large ambient
temperature extremes or vandalism.

Instrumental errors: A proper selection of instruments is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition
for obtaining good-quality data. No measuring technique is perfect, and all instruments produce
various systematic and random errors. Their impact on data quality should be reduced to an
acceptable level by appropriate preventive and corrective actions. These errors depend on the
type of observation; they are discussed in the relevant chapters of this Guide (see PartI).

Data acquisition: Data quality is not only a function of the quality of the instruments and their
correct siting and exposure, but also depends on the techniques and methods used to obtain
data and to convert them into representative data. A distinction should be made between
automated measurements and human observations. Depending on the technical characteristics
of a sensor, in particular its time constant, proper sampling and averaging procedures must be
applied. Unwanted sources of external electrical interference and noise can degrade the quality
of the sensor output and should be eliminated by proper sensor-signal conditioning before
entering the data-acquisition system. Reference should be made to sampling and filtering in
PartII, Chapter1 and in PartII, Chapter2. In the case of manual instrument readings, errors may
arise from the design, settings or resolution of the instrument, or from the inadequate training
of the observer. For visual or subjective observations, errors can occur through an inexperienced
observer misinterpreting the meteorological phenomena.

Data processing: Errors may also be introduced by the conversion techniques or computational
procedures applied to convert the sensor data into LevelII or LevelIII data. Examples of this
are the calculation of humidity values from measured relative humidity or dewpoint and the
reduction of pressure to mean sea level. Errors also occur during the coding or transcription of
meteorological messages, in particular if performed by an observer.

Real-time quality control: Data quality depends on the real-time quality-control procedures
applied during data acquisition and processing and during the preparation of messages, in
order to eliminate the main sources of errors. These procedures are specific to each type of
measurement but generally include gross checks for plausible values, rates of change and
comparisons with other measurements (for example, dewpoint cannot exceed temperature).
Special checks concern manually entered observations and meteorological messages. In AWSs,
special built-in test equipment and software can detect specific hardware errors. The application
of these procedures is most important since some errors introduced during the measuring
process cannot be eliminated later. For an overview of manual and automatic methods in use,
refer to other paragraphs of this chapter as well as to PartII, Chapter1 and WMO (1993a, 2010a,
2010b, 2010c).

Performance monitoring: As real-time quality-control procedures have their limitations and some
errors can remain undetected, such as long-term drifts in sensors and errors in data transmission,
performance monitoring at the network level is required at meteorological analysis centres and
by network managers. This monitoring is described in section1.8 of this chapter. Information

can also be found in PartII, Chapter1 and in WMO (2010a). It is important to establish effective
liaison procedures between those responsible for monitoring and for maintenance and
calibration, to facilitate rapid response to fault or failure reports from the monitoring system.

Testing and calibration: During their operation, the performance and instrumental characteristics
of meteorological instruments change for reasons such as the ageing of hardware components,
degraded maintenance, exposure, and so forth. These may cause long-term drifts or sudden
changes in calibration. Consequently, instruments need regular inspection and calibration to
provide reliable data. This requires the availability of standards and of appropriate calibration
and test facilities. It also requires an efficient calibration plan and calibration housekeeping. See
PartIV, Chapter4 for general information about test and calibration aspects and to the relevant
chapters of PartI for individual instruments.

Maintenance: Maintenance can be corrective (when parts fail), preventive (such as cleaning or
lubrication) or adaptive (in response to changed requirements or obsolescence). The quality of
the data provided by an instrument is considerably affected by the quality of its maintenance,
which in turn depends mainly on the ability of maintenance personnel and the maintenance
concept. The capabilities, personnel and equipment of the organization or unit responsible for
maintenance must be adequate for the instruments and networks. Several factors have to be
considered, such as a maintenance plan, which includes corrective, preventive and adaptive
maintenance, logistic management, and the repair, test and support facilities. It must be noted
that the maintenance costs of equipment can greatly exceed its purchase costs (see PartII,

Training and education: Data quality also depends on the skills of the technical staff in charge of
testing, calibration and maintenance activities, and of the observers making the observations.
Training and education programmes should be organized according to a rational plan
geared towards meeting the needs of users, and especially the maintenance and calibration
requirements outlined above, and should be adapted to the system; this is particularly important
for AWSs. As part of the system procurement, the manufacturer should be obliged to provide
very comprehensive operational and technical documentation and to organize operational and
technical training courses (see PartIV, Chapter5) in the NMHS.

Metadata: A sound quality assurance entails the availability of detailed information on the
observing system itself and in particular on all changes that occur during the time of its
operation. Such information on data, known as metadata, enables the operator of an observing
system to take the most appropriate preventive, corrective and adaptive actions to maintain or
enhance data quality. Metadata requirements are further considered in section1.9. For further
information on metadata, see PartI, Chapter1 (and Annex1.C).


WMO (2010c) prescribes that certain quality-control procedures must be applied to all
meteorological data to be exchanged internationally. LevelI and LevelII data, and the conversion
from one to the other, must be subjected to quality control. WMO (2010b) prescribes that
quality-control procedures must be applied by meteorological data processing centres to
most kinds of weather reports exchanged internationally, to check for coding errors, internal
consistency, time and space consistency, and physical and climatological limits, and it specifies
the minimum frequency and times for quality control.

WMO (2010a) gives general guidance on procedures. It emphasizes the importance of quality
control at the station, because some errors occurring there cannot be subsequently corrected,
and also points out the great advantages of automation. WMO (1993a) gives rather detailed
descriptions of the procedures that may be used by numerical analysis centres, with advice
on climatological limits, types of internal consistency checks, comparisons with neighbouring
stations and with analyses and prognoses, and provides brief comments on the probabilities of
rejecting good data and accepting false data with known statistical distributions of errors.

Strategy of

NMS Evaluation of
processes requirements


Preventive Development

Testing Verification

QC: AWS Data

preventive acquisition/ Validation
maintenance generation

QC: Data
Monitoring management/
of data cables Transfer

Consistency Database Data centres
check of data


NMS: National Meteorological or Hydrological Service

QA: Quality assurance
QC: Quality control

Figure1.5. Process for observation generation

Quality control, as specifically defined in section1.1, is implemented in real time or near real
time to data acquisition and processing. In practice, responsibility for quality control is assigned
to various points along the data chain. These may be at the station, if there is direct manual
involvement in data acquisition, or at the various centres where the data are processed.

Quality assurance procedures must be introduced and reassessed during the development
phases of new sensors or observing systems (see Figure1.5).

1.7.1 Surface data Manual observations and staffed stations

The observer or the officer in charge at a station is expected to ensure that the data leaving the
station have been quality controlled, and should be provided with established procedures for
attending to this responsibility. This is a specific function, in addition to other maintenance and
record-keeping functions, and includes the following:

(a) Internal consistency checks of a complete synoptic or other compound observation: In

practice, they are performed as a matter of course by an experienced observer, but they
should nevertheless be an explicit requirement. Examples of this are the relations between
the temperature, the dewpoint and the daily extremes, and between rain, cloud and

(b) Climatological checks: These for consistency: The observer knows, or is provided with
charts or tables of, the normal seasonal ranges of variables at the station, and should not
allow unusual values to go unchecked;

(c) Temporal checks: These should be made to ensure that changes since the last observation
are realistic, especially when the observations have been made by different observers;

(d) Checks of all arithmetical and table look-up operations;

(e) Checks of all messages and other records against the original data. Automatic weather stations

At AWSs, some of the above checks should be performed by the software, as well as engineering
checks on the performance of the system. These are discussed in PartII, Chapter1.

1.7.2 Upper-air data

The procedures for controlling the quality of upper-air data are essentially the same as those for
surface data. Checks should be made for internal consistency (such as lapse rates and shears), for
climatological and temporal consistency, and for consistency with normal surface observations.
For radiosonde operations, it is of the utmost importance that the baseline initial calibration be
explicitly and deliberately checked. The message must also be checked against the observed

The automation of on-station quality control is particularly useful for upper-air data.

1.7.3 Data centres

Data should be checked in real time or as close to real time as possible, at the first and
subsequent points where they are received or used. It is highly advisable to apply the same
urgent checks to all data, even to those that are not used in real time, because later quality
control tends to be less effective. If available, automation should of course be used, but certain
quality-control procedures are possible without computers, or with only partial assistance by
computing facilities. The principle is that every message should be checked, preferably at each
stage of the complete data chain.

The checks that have already been performed at stations are usually repeated at data centres,
perhaps in more elaborate form by making use of automation. Data centres, however, usually
have access to other network data, thus making a spatial check possible against observations
from surrounding stations or against analysed or predicted fields. This is a very powerful method
and is the distinctive contribution of a data centre.

If errors are found, the data should be either rejected or corrected by reference back to the
source, or should be corrected at the data centre by inference. The last of these alternatives may
evidently introduce further errors, but it is nevertheless valid in many circumstances; data so
corrected should be flagged in the database and should be used only carefully.

The quality-control process produces data of established quality, which may then be used for
real-time operations and for a databank. However, a by-product of this process should be the
compilation of information about the errors that were found. It is good practice to establish at
the first or subsequent data-processing point a system for immediate feedback to the origin
of the data if errors are found, and to compile a record for use by the network manager in
performance monitoring, as discussed below. This function is best performed at the regional
level, where there is ready access to the field stations.

The detailed procedures described in WMO (1993a) are a guide to controlling the quality control
of data for international exchange, under the recommendations of WMO (2010b).

1.7.4 Interaction with field stations

If quality is to be maintained, it is absolutely essential that errors be tracked back to their source,
with some kind of corrective action. For data from staffed stations this is very effectively done in
near real time, not only because the data may be corrected, but also to identify the reason for the
error and prevent it from recurring.

It is good practice to assign a person at a data centre or other operational centre with the
responsibility for maintaining near-real-time communication and effective working relations with
the field stations, to be used whenever errors in the data are identified.


The management of a network, or of a station, is greatly strengthened by keeping continuous

records of performance, typically on a daily and monthly schedule. The objective of performance
monitoring is to review continually the quality of field stations and of each observing system,
such as for pressure measurement, or the radiosonde network.

There are several aspects to performance monitoring, as follows:

(a) Advice from data centres should be used to record the numbers and types of errors
detected by quality-control procedures;

(b) Data from each station should be compiled into synoptic and time-section sets. Such sets
should be used to identify systematic differences from neighbouring stations, both in
spatial fields and in comparative time series. It is useful to derive statistics of the mean and
the scatter of the differences. Graphical methods are effective for these purposes;

(c) Reports should be obtained from field stations about equipment faults, or other aspects of

These types of records are very effective in identifying systematic faults in performance and
in indicating corrective action. They are powerful indicators of many factors that affect the
data, such as exposure or calibration changes, deteriorating equipment, changes in the quality
of consumables or the need for retraining. They are particularly important for maintaining
confidence in automatic equipment.

The results of performance monitoring should be used for feedback to the field stations, which is
important to maintain motivation. The results also indicate when action is necessary to repair or
upgrade the field equipment.

Performance monitoring is a time-consuming task, to which the network manager must allocate
adequate resources. WMO (1988) describes a system to monitor data from an AWS network,
using a small, dedicated office with staff monitoring real-time output and advising the network
managers and data users. Miller and Morone (1993) describe a system with similar functions, in
near real time, making use of a mesoscale numerical model for the spatial and temporal tests on
the data.


In the past, observational networks were primarily built to support weather forecasting activities.
Operational quality control was focused mainly on identifying outliers, but rarely incorporated
checks for data homogeneity and continuity of time series. The surge of interest in climate
change, primarily as a result of concerns over increases in greenhouse gases, changed this
situation. Data homogeneity tests have revealed that many of the apparent climate changes can
be attributed to inhomogeneities in time series caused only by operational changes in observing
systems. This section attempts to summarize these causes and presents some guidelines
concerning the necessary information on data, namely, metadata, which should be made
available to support data homogeneity and climate change investigations.

1.9.1 Causes of data inhomogeneities

Inhomogeneities caused by changes in the observing system appear as abrupt discontinuities,

gradual changes, or changes in variability. Abrupt discontinuities mostly occur due to changes
in instrumentation, siting and exposure changes, station relocation, changes in the calculation
of averages, data reduction procedures and the application of new calibration corrections.
Inhomogeneities that occur as a gradually increasing effect may arise from a change in the
surroundings of the station, urbanization and gradual changes in instrumental characteristics.
Changes in variability are caused by instrument malfunctions. Inhomogeneities are further
due to changes in the time of observations, insufficient routine inspection, maintenance and
calibration, and unsatisfactory observing procedures. On a network level, inhomogeneities can
be caused by data incompatibilities. It is obvious that all factors affecting data quality also cause
data inhomogeneities.

The historical survey of changes in radiosondes (WMO, 1993b) illustrates the seriousness of the
problem and is a good example of the careful work that is necessary to eliminate it.

Changes in the surface-temperature record when manual stations are replaced by AWSs, and
changes in the upper-air records when radiosondes are changed, are particularly significant
cases of data inhomogeneities. These two cases are now well recognized and can, in principle, be
anticipated and corrected, but performance monitoring can be used to confirm the effectiveness
of corrections, or even to derive them.

1.9.2 Metadata

Data inhomogeneities should, as far as possible, be prevented by appropriate quality-assurance

procedures with respect to quality control. However, this cannot always be accomplished
as some causes of inhomogeneities, such as the replacement of a sensor, can represent real
improvements in measuring techniques. It is important to have information on the occurrence,
type and, especially, the time of all inhomogeneities that occur. After obtaining such information,
climatologists can run appropriate statistical programs to link the previous data with the new
data in homogeneous databases with a high degree of confidence. Information of this kind is
commonly available in what is known as metadata information on data also called station
histories. Without such information, many of the above-mentioned inhomogeneities may not
be identified or corrected. Metadata can be considered as an extended version of the station
administrative record, containing all possible information on the initial set-up, and type and
times of changes that occurred during the life history of an observing system. As computer

data management systems are an important aspect of quality data delivery, it is desirable that
metadata should be available as a computer database enabling computerized composition,
updating and use.

1.9.3 Elements of a metadata database

A metadata database contains initial set-up information together with updates whenever
changes occur. Major elements include the following:

(a) Network information:

(i) The operating authority, and the type and purpose of the network;

(b) Station information:

(i) Administrative information;

(ii) Location: geographical coordinates, elevation(s);3

(iii) Descriptions of remote and immediate surroundings and obstacles;3

(iv) Instrument layout;3

(v) Facilities: data transmission, power supply, cabling;

(vi) Climatological description;

(c) Individual instrument information:

(i) Type: manufacturer, model, serial number, operating principles;

(ii) Performance characteristics;

(iii) Calibration data and time;

(iv) Siting and exposure: location, shielding, height above ground;3

(v) Measuring or observing programme;

(vi) Times of observations;

(vii) Observer;

(viii) Data acquisition: sampling, averaging;

(ix) Data-processing methods and algorithms;

(x) Preventive and corrective maintenance;

(xi) Data quality (in the form of a flag or uncertainty).

1.9.4 Recommendations for a metadata system

The development of a metadata system requires considerable interdisciplinary organization, and

its operation, particularly the scrupulous and accurately dated record of changes in the metadata
base, requires constant attention.

It is necessary to include maps and plans on appropriate scales.

A useful survey of requirements is given in WMO (1994), with examples of the effects of changes
in observing operations and an explanation of the advantages of good metadata for obtaining
a reliable climate record from discontinuous data. The basic functional elements of a system for
maintaining a metadata database may be summarized as follows:

(a) Standard procedures must be established for collecting overlapping measurements for all
significant changes made in instrumentation, observing practices and sensor siting;

(b) Routine assessments must be made of ongoing calibration, maintenance, and homogeneity
problems for the purpose of taking corrective action, when necessary;

(c) There must be open communication between the data collector and the researcher to
provide feedback mechanisms for recognizing data problems, the correction or at least the
potential for problems, and the improvement of, or addition to, documentation to meet
initially unforeseen user requirements (for example, work groups);

(d) There must be detailed and readily available documentation on the procedures, rationale,
testing, assumptions and known problems involved in the construction of the dataset from
the measurements.

These four recommendations would have the effect of providing a data user with enough
metadata to enable manipulation, amalgamation and summarization of the data with minimal
assumptions regarding data quality and homogeneity.


All the factors affecting data quality described in section1.6 are the subject of network
management. In particular, network management must include corrective action in response to
the network performance revealed by quality-control procedures and performance monitoring.

Networks are defined in WMO (2010c), and guidance on network management in general terms
is given in WMO (2010a), including the structure and functions of a network management unit.
Network management practices vary widely according to locally established administrative

It is highly desirable to identify a particular person or office as the network manager to whom
operational responsibility is assigned for the impact of the various factors on data quality. Other
specialists who may be responsible for the management and implementation of some of these
factors must collaborate with the network manager and accept responsibility for their effect on
data quality.

The manager should keep under review the procedures and outcomes associated with all of the
factors affecting quality, as discussed in section1.6, including the following considerations:

(a) The quality-control systems described in section1.1 are operationally essential in any
meteorological network and should receive priority attention by the data users and by the
network management;

(b) Performance monitoring is commonly accepted as a network management function. It

may be expected to indicate the need for action on the effects of exposure, calibration and
maintenance. It also provides information on the effects of some of the other factors;

(c) Field station inspection described below, is a network management function;

(d) Equipment maintenance may be a direct function of the network management unit. If not,
there should be particularly effective collaboration between the network manager and the
office responsible for the equipment;

(e) The administrative arrangements should enable the network manager to take, or arrange
for, corrective action arising from quality-control procedures, performance monitoring, the
inspection programme, or any other factor affecting quality. One of the most important
other factors is observer training, as described in PartIV, Chapter5, and the network
manager should be able to influence the content and conduct of courses and how they are
conducted or the prescribed training requirements.

1.10.1 Inspections

Field stations should be inspected regularly, preferably by specially appointed, experienced

inspectors. The objectives are to examine and maintain the work of the observers, the equipment
and instrument exposure, and also to enhance the value of the data by recording the station
history. At the same time, various administrative functions, which are particularly important
for staffed stations, can be performed. The same principles apply to staffed stations, stations
operated by part-time, voluntary or contract observers and, to a certain degree, to AWSs.
Requirements for inspections are laid down in WMO (2010c), and advice is given in WMO

Inspections reports are part of the performance monitoring record.

It is highly advisable to have a systematic and exhaustive procedure fully documented in the form
of inspections and maintenance handbooks, to be used by the visiting inspectors. Procedures
should include the details of subsequent reporting and follow-up.

The inspector should attend, in particular, to the following aspects of station operations:

(a) Instrument performance: Instruments requiring calibration must be checked against a

suitable standard. Atmospheric pressure is the prime case, as all field barometers can drift
to some degree. Mechanical and electrical recording systems must be checked according to
established procedures. More complex equipment such as AWSs and radars need various
physical and electrical checks. Anemometers and thermometer shelters are particularly
prone to deterioration of various kinds, which may vitiate the data. The physical condition
of all equipment should be examined for dirt, corrosion and so on;

(b) Observing methods: Bad practice can easily occur in observing procedures, and the work of
all observers should be continually reviewed. Uniformity in methods recording and coding
is essential for synoptic and climatological use of the data;

(c) Exposure: Any changes in the surroundings of the station must be documented and
corrected in due course, if practicable. Relocation may be necessary.

Inspections of manual stations also serve the purpose of maintaining the interest and enthusiasm
of the observers. The inspector must be tactful, informative, enthusiastic and able to obtain
willing cooperation.

A prepared form for recording the inspection should be completed for every inspection. It should
include a checklist on the condition and installation of the equipment and on the ability and
competence of the observers. The inspection form may also be used for other administrative
purposes, such as an inventory.

It is most important that all changes identified during the inspection should be permanently
recorded and dated so that a station history can be compiled for subsequent use for climate
studies and other purposes.

An optimum frequency of inspection visits cannot be generally specified, even for one particular
type of station. It depends on the quality of the observers and equipment, the rate at which
the equipment and exposure deteriorates, and changes in the station staff and facilities.

Aninspection interval of two years may be acceptable for a well-established station, and six
months may be appropriate for automatic stations. Some kinds of stations will have special
inspection requirements.

Some equipment maintenance may be performed by the inspector or by the inspection team,
depending on the skills available. In general, there should be an equipment maintenance
programme, as is the case for inspections. This is not discussed here because the requirements
and possible organizations are very diverse.

Deming, W.E., 1986: Out of the Crisis: Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position. University of Cambridge
Press, Cambridge.
International Organization for Standardization, 2005: Quality Management Systems Fundamentals and
Vocabulary, ISO9000:2005. Geneva.
, 2008: Quality Management Systems Requirements, ISO9001:2008. Geneva.
, 2009: Managing for the Sustained Success of an Organization A Quality Management Approach,
ISO9004:2009. Geneva.
, 2011: Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems, ISO19011:2011. Geneva.
International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission, 2005: General
Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories, ISO/IEC17025:2005.
, 2011: Information Technology Service Management Part1: Service Management System Requirements,
ISO/IEC20000-1:2011. Geneva.
, 2012: Information Technology Service Management Part2: Guidance on the Application of Service
Management Systems, ISO/IEC20000-2:2012. Geneva.
Kaplan, R.S. and D.P. Norton, 1996: The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action. Harvard Business
School Press, Boston.
Miller, P.A. and L.L. Morone, 1993: Real time quality control of hourly reports from the automated surface
observing system. Preprints of the Eighth Symposium on Meteorological Observations and
Instrumentation. American Meteorological Society, Boston, pp.373-378.
World Meteorological Organization, 1988: Practical experience of the operation of quality evaluation
programmes for automated surface observations both on land and over the sea (M.Field and
J.Nash). Papers Presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of
Observation (TECO-1988). Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.33 (WMO/TD-
No.222). Geneva.
, 1993a: Guide on the Global Data-Processing System (WMO-No.305). Geneva.
, 1993b: Historical Changes in Radiosonde Instruments and Practices (D.J.Gaffen). Instruments and
Observing Methods Report No.50 (WMO/TD-No.541). Geneva.
, 1994: Homogeneity of data and the climate record (K.D.Hadeen and N.B.Guttman). Papers
Presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation (TECO-94).
Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.57 (WMO/TD-No.588). Geneva.
, 2005a: WMO Quality Management Framework (QMF). First WMO Technical Report (revised edition),
(WMO/TD-No.1268). Geneva.
, 2005b: Guidelines on Quality Management Procedures and Practices for Public Weather Services. PWS-11
(WMO/TD-No.1256). Geneva.
, 2010a: Guide to the Global Observing System (WMO-No.488). Geneva.
, 2010b: Manual on the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (WMO-No.485), VolumeI.
, 2010c: Manual on the Global Observing System (WMO-No.544), VolumeI. Geneva.

CHAPTER 2. SAMPLING METEOROLOGICAL VARIABLES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055

2.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055
2.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1056
2.1.2 Representativeness in time and space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1056
2.1.3 The spectra of atmospheric quantities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1057
2.2 Time series, power spectra and filters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1058
2.2.1 Time-series analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1058
2.2.2 Measurement of spectra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1059
2.2.3 Instrument system response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1061
2.2.4 Filters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1063
2.3 Determination of system characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1066
2.3.1 Direct measurement of response. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1066
2.3.2 Calculation of response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067
2.3.3 Estimation of response. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067
2.4 Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067
2.4.1 Sampling techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067
2.4.2 Sampling rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1069
2.4.3 Sampling rate and quality control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1070

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1072



The purpose of this chapter is to give an introduction to this complex subject, for non-experts
who need enough knowledge to develop a general understanding of the issues and to acquire a
perspective of the importance of the techniques.

Atmospheric variables such as wind speed, temperature, pressure and humidity are functions
of four dimensions two horizontal, one vertical, and one temporal. They vary irregularly in all
four, and the purpose of the study of sampling is to define practical measurement procedures to
obtain representative observations with acceptable uncertainties in the estimations of mean and

Discussion of sampling in the horizontal dimensions includes the topic of areal

representativeness, which is discussed in PartI, Chapter1, in other chapters on measurements
of particular quantities, and briefly below. It also includes the topics of network design, which is
a special study related to numerical analysis, and of measurements of area-integrated quantities
using radar and satellites; neither of these is discussed here. Sampling in the vertical is briefly
discussed in PartI, Chapters12 and 13 and PartII, Chapter5. This chapter is therefore concerned
only with sampling in time, except for some general comments about representativeness.

The topic can be addressed at two levels as follows:

(a) At an elementary level, the basic meteorological problem of obtaining a mean value of
a fluctuating quantity representative of a stated sampling interval at a given time, using
instrument systems with long response times compared with the fluctuations, can be
discussed. At the simplest level, this involves consideration of the statistics of a set of
measurements, and of the response time of instruments and electronic circuits;

(b) The problem can be considered more precisely by making use of the theory of time-series
analysis, the concept of the spectrum of fluctuations, and the behaviour of filters. These
topics are necessary for the more complex problem of using relatively fast-response
instruments to obtain satisfactory measurements of the mean or the spectrum of a rapidly
varying quantity, wind being the prime example.

It is therefore convenient to begin with a discussion of time series, spectra and filters in
sections2.2 and 2.3. Section2.4 gives practical advice on sampling. The discussion here, for the
most part, assumes digital techniques and automatic processing.

It is important to recognize that an atmospheric variable is actually never sampled. It is only

possible to come as close as possible to sampling the output of a sensor of that variable. The
distinction is important because sensors do not create an exact analogue of the sensed variable.
In general, sensors respond more slowly than the atmosphere changes, and they add noise.
Sensors also do other, usually undesirable, things such as drift in calibration, respond non-
linearly, interfere with the quantity that they are measuring, fail more often than intended, and
so on, but this discussion will only be concerned with response and the addition of noise.

There are many textbooks available to give the necessary background for the design of sampling
systems or the study of sampled data. See, for example, Bendat and Piersol (1986) or Otnes and
Enochson (1978). Other useful texts include Pasquill and Smith (1983), Stearns and Hush (1990),
Kulhnek (1976), and Jenkins and Watts (1968).

2.1.1 Definitions

For the purposes of this chapter the following definitions are used:

Sampling is the process of obtaining a discrete sequence of measurements of a quantity.

A sample is a single measurement, typically one of a series of spot readings of a sensor system.
Note that this differs from the usual meaning in statistics of a set of numbers or measurements
which is part of a population.

An observation is the result of the sampling process, being the quantity reported or recorded
(often also called a measurement). In the context of time-series analysis, an observation is
derived from a number of samples.

The ISO definition of a measurement is a set of operations having the object of determining
the value of a quantity. In common usage, the term may be used to mean the value of either a
sample or an observation.

The sampling time or observation period is the length of the time over which one observation is
made, during which a number of individual samples are taken.

The sampling interval is the time between successive observations.

The sampling function or weighting function is, in its simplest definition, an algorithm for averaging
or filtering the individual samples.

The sampling frequency is the frequency at which samples are taken. The sample spacing is the time
between samples.

Smoothing is the process of attenuating the high frequency components of the spectrum without
significantly affecting the lower frequencies. This is usually done to remove noise (random errors
and fluctuations not relevant for the application).

A filter is a device for attenuating or selecting any chosen frequencies. Smoothing is performed
by a low-pass filter, and the terms smoothing and filtering are often used interchangeably in this
sense. However, there are also high-pass and band-pass filters. Filtering may be a property of the
instrument, such as inertia, or it may be performed electronically or numerically.

2.1.2 Representativeness in time and space

Sampled observations are made at a limited rate and for a limited time interval over a limited
area. In practice, observations should be designed to be sufficiently frequent to be representative
of the unsampled parts of the (continuous) variable, and are often taken as being representative
of a longer time interval and larger area.

The user of an observation expects it to be representative, or typical, of an area and time, and of
an interval of time. This area, for example, may be the airport or that area within a radius of
several kilometres and within easy view of a human observer. The time is the time at which the
report was made or the message transmitted, and the interval is an agreed quantity, often 1, 2 or

To make observations representative, sensors are exposed at standard heights and at

unobstructed locations and samples are processed to obtain mean values. In a few cases,
sensors, for example transmissometers, inherently average spatially, and this contributes to the
representativeness of the observation. The human observation of visibility is another example
of this. However, the remaining discussion in this chapter will ignore spatial sampling and
concentrate upon time sampling of measurements taken at a point.

A typical example of sampling and time averaging is the measurement of temperature each
minute (the samples), the computation of a 10min average (the sampling interval and the
sampling function), and the transmission of this average (the observation) in a synoptic
report every 3h. When these observations are collected over a period from the same site, they
themselves become samples in a new time sequence with a 3h spacing. When collected from
a large number of sites, these observations also become samples in a spatial sequence. In this
sense, representative observations are also representative samples. In this chapter we discuss the
initial observation.

2.1.3 The spectra of atmospheric quantities

By applying the mathematical operation known as the Fourier transform, an irregular function
of time (or distance) can be reduced to its spectrum, which is the sum of a large number of
sinusoids, each with its own amplitude, wavelength (or period or frequency) and phase. In
broad contexts, these wavelengths (or frequencies) define scales or scales of motion of the

The range of these scales is limited in the atmosphere. At one end of the spectrum, horizontal
scales cannot exceed the circumference of the Earth or about 40000km. For meteorological
purposes, vertical scales do not exceed a few tens of kilometres. In the time dimension, however,
the longest scales are climatological and, in principle, unbounded, but in practice the longest
period does not exceed the length of records. At the short end, the viscous dissipation of
turbulent energy into heat sets a lower bound. Close to the surface of the Earth, this bound is at a
wavelength of a few centimetres and increases with height to a few metres in the stratosphere. In
the time dimension, these wavelengths correspond to frequencies of tens of hertz. It is correct to
say that atmospheric variables are bandwidth limited.

Figure2.1 is a schematic representation of a spectrum of a meteorological quantity such as wind,

notionally measured at a particular station and time. The ordinate, commonly called energy or
spectral density, is related to the variance of the fluctuations of wind at each frequencyn. The
spectrum in Figure2.1 has a minimum of energy at the mesoscale around one cycle per hour,
between peaks in the synoptic scale around one cycle per four days, and in the microscale
around one cycle per minute. The smallest wavelengths are a few centimetres and the largest
frequencies are tens of hertz.


0.01 1 100 Cycles/hour


300 1 0.01 Hours


Figure2.1. A typical spectrum of a meteorological quantity



This section is a laypersons introduction to the concepts of time-series analysis which are the
basis for good practice in sampling. In the context of this Guide, they are particularly important
for the measurement of wind, but the same problems arise for temperature, pressure and other
quantities. They became important for routine meteorological measurements when automatic
measurements were introduced, because frequent fast sampling then became possible. Serious
errors can occur in the estimates of the mean, the extremes and the spectrum if systems are not
designed correctly.

Although measurements of spectra are non-routine, they have many applications. The spectrum
of wind is important in engineering, atmospheric dispersion, diffusion and dynamics. The
concepts discussed here are also used for quantitative analysis of satellite data (in the horizontal
space dimension) and in climatology and micro-meteorology.

In summary, the argument is as follows:

(a) An optimum sampling rate can be assessed from consideration of the variability of the
quantity being measured. Estimates of the mean and other statistics of the observations will
have smaller uncertainties with higher sampling frequencies, namely, larger samples;

(b) The Nyquist theorem states that a continuous fluctuating quantity can be precisely
determined by a series of equispaced samples if they are sufficiently close together;

(c) If the sampling frequency is too low, fluctuations at the higher unsampled frequencies
(above the Nyquist frequency, defined in section2.2.1) will affect the estimate of the mean
value. They will also affect the computation of the lower frequencies, and the measured
spectrum will be incorrect. This is known as aliasing. It can cause serious errors if it is not
understood and allowed for in the system design;

(d) Aliasing may be avoided by using a high sampling frequency or by filtering so that a lower,
more convenient sampling frequency can be used;

(e) Filters may be digital or analogue. A sensor with a suitably long response time acts as a

A full understanding of sampling involves knowledge of power spectra, the Nyquist theorem,
filtering and instrument response. This is a highly specialized subject, requiring understanding
of the characteristics of the sensors used, the way the output of the sensors is conditioned,
processed and logged, the physical properties of the elements being measured, and the purpose
to which the analysed data are to be put. This, in turn, may require expertise in the physics of
the instruments, the theory of electronic or other systems used in conditioning and logging
processes, mathematics, statistics and the meteorology of the phenomena, all of which are well
beyond the scope of this chapter.

However, it is possible for a non-expert to understand the principles of good practice in

measuring means and extremes, and to appreciate the problems associated with measurements
of spectra.

2.2.1 Time-series analysis

It is necessary to consider signals as being either in the time or the frequency domain. The
fundamental idea behind spectral analysis is the concept of Fourier transforms. A function, f(t),
defined between t=0 and t= can be transformed into the sum of a set of sinusoidal functions:

f (t ) = A j sin ( jt ) + B j cos ( jt ) (2.1)
j =0
where = 2/. The right-hand side of the equation is a Fourier series. Aj and Bj are the
amplitudes of the contributions of the components at frequencies nj=j. This is the basic

transformation between the time and frequency domains. The Fourier coefficients Aj and Bj relate
directly to the frequency j and can be associated with the spectral contributions to f(t) at these
frequencies. If the frequency response of an instrument is known that is, the way in which
it amplifies or attenuates certain frequencies and if it is also known how these frequencies
contribute to the original signal, the effect of the frequency response on the output signal can
be calculated. The contribution of each frequency is characterized by two parameters. These can
be most conveniently taken as the amplitude and phase of the frequency component. Thus, if
equation2.1 is expressed in its alternative form:

f (t ) = j sin ( jt + j ) (2.2)
j =0
the amplitude and phase associated with each spectral contribution are j and j. Both can be
affected in sampling and processing.

So far, it has been assumed that the function f(t) is known continuously throughout its range t=0
to t=. In fact, in most examples this is not the case; the meteorological variable is measured
at discrete points in a time series, which is a series of Nsamples equally spaced t apart during
a specified period =(N1)t. The samples are assumed to be taken instantaneously, an
assumption which is strictly not true, as all measuring devices require some time to determine
the value they are measuring. In most cases, this is short compared with the sample spacing t.
Even if it is not, the response time of the measuring system can be accommodated in the analysis,
although that will not be addressed here.

When considering the data that would be obtained by sampling a sinusoidal function at times t
apart, it can be seen that the highest frequency that can be detected is 1/(2t), and that in fact
any higher frequency sinusoid that may be present in the time series is represented in the data as
having a lower frequency. The frequency 1/(2t) is called the Nyquist frequency, designated here
as ny. The Nyquist frequency is sometimes called the folding frequency. This terminology comes
from consideration of aliasing of the data. The concept is shown schematically in Figure2.2.
When a spectral analysis of a time series is made, because of the discrete nature of the data, the
contribution to the estimate at frequency n also contains contributions from higher frequencies,
namely from 2jnyn (j= 1 to). One way of visualizing this is to consider the frequency
domain as if it were folded, in a concertina-like way, at n=0 and n=ny and so on in steps of ny.
The spectral estimate at each frequency in the range is the sum of all the contributions of those
higher frequencies that overlie it.

The practical effects of aliasing are discussed in section2.4.2. It is potentially a serious problem
and should be considered when designing instrument systems. It can be avoided by minimizing,
or reducing to zero, the strength of the signal at frequencies above ny. There are a couple of ways
of achieving this. First, the system can contain a low-pass filter that attenuates contributions at
frequencies higher than ny before the signal is digitized. The only disadvantage of this approach
is that the timing and magnitude of rapid changes will not be recorded well, or even at all.
The second approach is to have t small enough so that the contributions above the Nyquist
frequency are insignificant. This is possible because the spectra of most meteorological variables
fall off very rapidly at very high frequencies. This second approach will, however, not always be
practicable, as in the example of three-hourly temperature measurements, where if t is of the
order of hours, small scale fluctuations, of the order of minutes or seconds, may have relatively
large spectral ordinates and alias strongly. In this case, the first method may be appropriate.

2.2.2 Measurement of spectra

The spectral density, at least as it is estimated from a time series, is defined as:

( ) (
S n j = A2j + B 2j ) n y = 2j n y (2.3)

It will be noted that phase is not relevant in this case.


The spectrum of a fluctuating quantity can be measured in a number of ways. In electrical

engineering it was often determined in the past by passing the signal through band-pass filters
and by measuring the power output. This was then related to the power of the central frequency
of the filter.

There are a number of ways of approaching the numerical spectral analysis of a time series. The
most obvious is a direct Fourier transform of the time series. In this case, as the series is only of
finite length, there will be only a finite number of frequency components in the transformation.
If there are Nterms in the time series, there will be N/2frequencies resulting from this analysis.
A direct calculation is very laborious, and other methods have been developed. The first
development was by Blackman and Tukey (1958), who related the auto-correlation function
to estimates of various spectral functions. (The auto-correlation functionr(t) is the correlation
coefficient calculated between terms in the time series separated by a time intervalt). This
was appropriate for the low-powered computing facilities of the 1950s and 1960s, but it has
now been generally superseded by the so-called fast Fourier transform (FFT), which takes
advantage of the general properties of a digital computer to greatly accelerate the calculations.
The main limitation of the method is that the time series must contain 2k terms, where k is an
integer. In general, this is not a serious problem, as in most instances there are sufficient data to
conveniently organize the series to such a length. Alternatively, some FFT computer programs
can use an arbitrary number of terms and add synthetic data to make them up to 2k.

As the time series is of finite duration (Nterms), it represents only a sample of the signal of
interest. Thus, the Fourier coefficients are only an estimate of the true, or population, value.





(a) a
L2 b
(c) c

0 ny 2ny 3ny 4ny


Figure2.2. A schematic illustration of aliasing a spectrum computed from a stationary

time-series. The spectrum can be calculated only over the frequency range zero to the
Nyquist frequency ny. The true values of the energies at higher frequencies are shown by the
sectors marked a, b and c. These are folded back to the n=0 to nysector as shown by the
broken lines (a), (b), (c). The computed spectrum, shown by the bold broken line (S), includes
the sum of these.

Toimprove reliability, it is common practice to average a number of terms each side of a

particular frequency and to assign this average to the value of that frequency. The confidence
interval of the estimate is thereby shrunk. As a rule of thumb, 30degrees of freedom is suggested
as a satisfactory number for practical purposes. Therefore, as each estimate made during the
Fourier transform has 2degrees of freedom (associated with the coefficients of the sine and
cosine terms), about 15terms are usually averaged. Note that 16 is a better number if an FFT
approach is used as this is 24 and there are then exactly 2k/24 (=2k4) spectral estimates; for
example, if there are 1024terms in the time series(so k=10), there will be 512estimates of the As
and Bs, and 64(=2104) smoothed estimates.

Increasingly, the use of the above analyses is an integral part of meteorological systems and
relevant not only to the analysis of data. The exact form of spectra encountered in meteorology
can show a wide range of shapes. As can be imagined, the contributions can be from the
lowest frequencies associated with climate change through annual and seasonal contributions
through synoptic events with periods of days, to diurnal and semi-diurnal contributions and
local mesoscale events down to turbulence and molecular variations. For most meteorological
applications, including synoptic analysis, the interest is in the range minutes to seconds. The
spectrum at these frequencies will typically decrease very rapidly with frequency. For periods
of less than 1min, the spectrum often takes values proportional to n5/3. Thus, there is often
relatively little contribution from frequencies greater than 1Hz.

One of the important properties of the spectrum is that:

S ( n j ) = 2 (2.4)
j =0
where is the variance of the quantity being measured. It is often convenient, for analysis, to

express the spectrum in continuous form, so that equation2.4 becomes:

S ( n ) dn =
It can be seen from equations2.4 and 2.5 that changes caused to the spectrum, say by the
instrument system, will alter the value of 2 and hence the statistical properties of the output
relative to the input. This can be an important consideration in instrument design and data

Note also that the left-hand side of equation2.5 is the area under the curve in Figure2.2. That
area, and therefore the variance, is not changed by aliasing if the time series is stationary, that is if
its spectrum does not change from time to time.

2.2.3 Instrument system response

Sensors, and the electronic circuits that may be used with them comprising an instrument
system, have response times and filtering characteristics that affect the observations.

No meteorological instrument system, or any instrumental system for that matter, precisely
follows the quantity it is measuring. There is, in general, no simple way of describing the
response of a system, although there are some reasonable approximations to them. The simplest
can be classified as first and second order responses. This refers to the order of the differential
equation that is used to approximate the way the system responds. For a detailed examination of
the concepts that follow, there are many references in physics textbooks and the literature (see
MacCready and Jex, 1964).

In the first order system, such as a simple sensor or the simplest low-pass filter circuit, the rate
of change of the value recorded by the instrument is directly proportional to the difference
between the value registered by the instrument and the true value of the variable. Thus, if the
true value at time t is s(t) and the value measured by the sensor is s0(t), the system is described by
the first order differential equation:

ds0 ( t ) s ( t ) s0 ( t )
= (2.6)
dt TI
where T I is a constant with the dimension of time, characteristic of the system. A first order
systems response to a step function is proportional to exp(t/T I), and T I is observable as the time
taken, after a step change, for the system to reach 63% of the final steady reading. Equation2.6 is
valid for many sensors, such as thermometers.

A cup anemometer is a first order instrument, with the special property that T I is not constant.
It varies with wind speed. In fact, the parameter s0T I is called the distance constant, because
it is nearly constant. As can be seen in this case, equation2.6 is no longer a simple first order
equation as it is now non-linear and consequently presents considerable problems in its solution.
A further problem is that T I also depends on whether the cups are speeding up or slowing
down; that is, whether the right-hand side is positive or negative. This arises because the drag
coefficient of a cup is lower if the airflow is towards the front rather than towards the back.

The wind vane approximates a second order system because the acceleration of the vane towards
the true wind direction is proportional to the displacement of the vane from the true direction.
This is, of course, the classical description of an oscillator (for example, a pendulum). Vanes, both
naturally and by design, are damped. This occurs because of a resistive force proportional to, and
opposed to, its rate of change. Thus, the differential equation describing the vanes action is:

d 20 ( t ) d 0 ( t )
= k1 0 ( t ) ( t ) k2 (2.7)
dt 2 dt
where is the true wind direction; 0 is the direction of the wind vane; and k1 and k2 are
constants. The solution to this is a damped oscillation at the natural frequency of the vane
(determined by the constantk1). The damping of course is very important; it is controlled by the
constantk2. If it is too small, the vane will simply oscillate at the natural frequency; if too great,
the vane will not respond to changes in wind direction.

It is instructive to consider how these two systems respond to a step change in their input, as this
is an example of the way in which the instruments respond in the real world. Equations2.6 and
2.7 can be solved analytically for this input. The responses are shown in Figures2.3 and 2.4. Note
how in neither case is the real value of the element measured by the system. Also, the choice of
the values of the constants k1 and k2 can have great effect on the outputs.


Relative response




0 TI 2TI 3TI 4TI


Figure2.3. The response of a first order system to a step function. At timeTI the system has
reached 63% of its final value.



Relative response



pN 2pN


Figure2.4. The response of a second order system to a step function. pN is the natural period,
related to k1 in equation2.7, which, for a wind vane, depends on wind speed. The curves
shown are for damping factors with values0.1 (very lightly damped), 0.7 (critically damped,
optimum for most purposes) and 2.0 (heavily damped). The damping factor is related to k2 in

An important property of an instrument system is its frequency response function or transfer

function H(n). This function gives the amount of the spectrum that is transmitted by the system.
It can be defined as:
S ( n )out = H ( n ) S ( n )in (2.8)

where the subscripts refer to the input and output spectra. Note that, by virtue of the relationship
in equation2.5, the variance of the output depends on H(n). H(n) defines the effect of the sensor
as a filter, as discussed in the next section. The ways in which it can be calculated or measured are
discussed in section2.3.

2.2.4 Filters

This section discusses the properties of filters, with examples of the ways in which they can affect
the data.

Filtering is the processing of a time series (either continuous or discrete, namely, sampled)
in such a way that the value assigned at a given time is weighted by the values that occurred
at other times. In most cases, these times will be adjacent to the given time. For example, in
a discrete time-series of N samples numbered 0 to N, with value yi, the value of the filtered
observation i might be defined as:
yi = w j yi + j (2.9)
j = m
Here there are 2m+1 terms in the filter, numbered by the dummy variablej from m to +m, and
i is centred at j=0. Some data are rejected at the beginning and end of the sampling time. wj is
commonly referred to as a weighting function and typically:
w j = 1 (2.10)
j = m
so that at least the average value of the filtered series will have the same value as the original one.

The above example uses digital filtering. Similar effects can be obtained using electronics (for
example, through a resistor and capacitor circuit) or through the characteristics of the sensor (for
example, as in the case of the anemometer, discussed earlier). Whether digital or analogue, a
filter is characterized by H(n). If digital, H(n) can be calculated; if analogue, it can be obtained by
the methods described in section2.3.

For example, compare a first order system with a response time of T I, and a box car filter of
lengthTs on a discrete time-series taken from a sensor with much faster response. The forms of
these two filters are shown in Figure2.5. In the first, it is as though the instrument has a memory
which is strongest at the present instant, but falls off exponentially the further in the past the
data goes. The box car filter has all weights of equal magnitude for the periodTs, and zero
beyond that. The frequency response functions, H(n), for these two are shown in Figure2.6.

In the figure, the frequencies have been scaled to show the similarity of the two response
functions. It shows that an instrument with a response time of, say, 1s has approximately the
same effect on an input as a box car filter applied over 4s. However, it should be noted that a
box car filter, which is computed numerically, does not behave simply. It does not remove all the
higher frequencies beyond the Nyquist frequency, and can only be used validly if the spectrum
falls off rapidly aboveny. Note that the box car filter shown in Figure2.6 is an analytical solution
for w as a continuous function; if the number of samples in the filter is small, the cut-off is less
sharp and the unwanted higher frequency peaks are larger.

See Acheson (1968) for practical advice on box car and exponential filtering, and a comparison of
their effects.

A response function of a second order system is given in Figure2.7, for a wind vane in this case,
showing how damping acts as a band-pass filter.

It can be seen that the processing of signals by systems can have profound effects on the data
output and must be expertly done.

Box car weighting function

Weighting factor w

weighting function

4Ta 3Ta 2Ta Ta O Ta


Figure2.5. The weighting factors for a first order (exponential) weighting function and a box
car weighting function. For the box car Ta is Ts, the sampling time, and w=1/N. For the first
order function Ta is TI, the time constant of the filter, and w(t)=(1/TI) exp (t/TI).


Exponential filter Box car filter




0.01 0.1 nTs 1.0 10.0

Box car

0.01 0.1 1.0


Figure2.6. Frequency response functions for a first order (exponential) weighting function
and a box car weighting function. The frequency is normalized for the first order filter by TI,
the time constant, and for the box car filter by Ts, the sampling time.

Among the effects of filters is the way in which they can change the statistical information of the
data. One of these was touched on earlier and illustrated in equations2.5 and 2.8. Equation2.5
shows how the integral of the spectrum over all frequencies gives the variance of the time series,
while equation2.8 shows how filtering, by virtue of the effect of the transfer function, will
change the measured spectrum. Note that the variance is not always decreased by filtering. For
example, in certain cases, for a second order system the transfer function will amplify parts of the
spectrum and possibly increase the variance, as shown in Figure2.7.

To give a further example, if the distribution is Gaussian, the variance is a useful parameter. If
it were decreased by filtering, a user of the data would underestimate the departure from the
mean of events occurring with given probabilities or return periods.

Also, the design of the digital filter can have unwanted or unexpected effects. If Figure2.6 is
examined it can be seen that the response function for the box car filter has a series of maxima at
frequencies above where it first becomes zero. This will give the filtered data a small periodicity
at these frequencies. In this case, the effect will be minimal as the maxima are small. However, for
some filter designs quite significant maxima can be introduced. As a rule of thumb, the smaller
the number of weights, the greater the problem. In some instances, periodicities have been
claimed in data that only existed because the data had been filtered.

An issue related to the concept of filters is the length of the sample. This can be illustrated by
noting that, if the length of record is of durationT, contributions to the variability of the data at
frequencies below1/T will not be possible. It can be shown that a finite record length has the
effect of a high-pass filter. As for the low-pass filters discussed above, a high-pass filter will also
have an impact on the statistics of the output data.




1 2 3

Figure2.7. Frequency response functions for a second order system, such as a wind vane. The
frequency is normalized by nN, the natural frequency, which depends on wind speed. The
curves shown are for damping factors with values0.1 (very lightly damped), 0.7 (critically
damped, optimum for most purposes) and 2.0 (heavily damped).


The filtering characteristics of a sensor or an electronic circuit, or the system that they comprise,
must be known to determine the appropriate sampling frequency for the time series that
the system produces. The procedure is to measure the transfer or response functionH(n) in

The transfer function can be obtained in at least three ways by direct measurement, calculation
and estimation.

2.3.1 Direct measurement of response

Response can be directly measured using at least two methods. In the first method a known
change, such as a step function, is applied to the sensor or filter and its response time measured;
H(n) can then be calculated. In the second method, the output of the sensor is compared to
another, much faster sensor. The first method is more commonly used than the second.

A simple example of how to determine the response of a sensor to a known input is to measure
the distance constant of a rotating-cup or propeller anemometer. In this example, the known
input is a step function. The anemometer is placed in a constant velocity air-stream, prevented
from rotating, then released, and its output recorded. The time taken by the output to increase
from zero to 63% of its final or equilibrium speed in the air-stream is the time constant (see

If another sensor, which responds much more rapidly than the one whose response is to be
determined, is available, then good approximations of both the input and output can be
measured and compared. The easiest device to use to perform the comparison is probably a
modern, two-channel digital spectrum analyser. The output of the fast-response sensor is input
to one channel, the output of the sensor being tested to the other channel, and the transfer
function automatically displayed. The transfer function is a direct description of the sensor as
a filter. If the device whose response is to be determined is an electronic circuit, generating

a known or even truly random input is much easier than finding a much faster sensor. Again,
a modern, two-channel digital spectrum analyser is probably most convenient, but other
electronic test instruments can be used.

2.3.2 Calculation of response

This is the approach described in section2.2.3. If enough is known about the physics of a sensor/
filter, the response to a large variety of inputs may be determined by either analytic or numerical
solution. Both the response to specific inputs, such as a step function, and the transfer function
can be calculated. If the sensor or circuit is linear (described by a linear differential equation),
the transfer function is a complete description, in that it describes the amplitude and phase
responses as a function of frequency, in other words, as a filter. Considering response as a
function of frequency is not always convenient, but the transfer function has a Fourier transform
counterpart, the impulse response function, which makes interpretation of response as a
function of time much easier. This is illustrated in Figures2.3 and 2.4 which represent response as
a function of time.

If obtainable, analytic solutions are preferable because they clearly show the dependence upon
the various parameters.

2.3.3 Estimation of response

If the transfer functions of a transducer and each following circuit are known, their product is the
transfer function of the entire system. If, as is usually the case, the transfer functions are low-pass
filters, the aggregate transfer function is a low-pass filter whose cut-off frequency is less than that
of any of the individual filters.

If one of the individual cut-off frequencies is much less than any of the others, then the cut-off
frequency of the aggregate is only slightly smaller.

Since the cut-off frequency of a low-pass filter is approximately the inverse of its time constant, it
follows that, if one of the individual time constants is much larger than any of the others, the time
constant of the aggregate is only slightly larger.


2.4.1 Sampling techniques

Figure2.8 schematically illustrates a typical sensor and sampling circuit. When exposed to the
atmosphere, some property of the transducer changes with an atmospheric variable such as
temperature, pressure, wind speed or direction, or humidity and converts that variable into a
useful signal, usually electrical. Signal conditioning circuits commonly perform functions such
as converting transducer output to a voltage, amplifying, linearizing, offsetting and smoothing.
The low-pass filter finalizes the sensor output for the sample-and-hold input. The sample-and-
hold and the analogue-to-digital converter produce the samples from which the observation is
computed in the processor.

It should be noted that the smoothing performed at the signal conditioning stage for
engineering reasons, to remove spikes and to stabilize the electronics, is performed by a low-
pass filter; it reduces the response time of the sensor and removes high frequencies which may
be of interest. Its effect should be explicitly understood by the designer and user, and its cut-off
frequency should be as high as practicable.

So-called smart sensors, those with microprocessors, may incorporate all the functions shown.
The signal conditioning circuitry may not be found in all sensors, or may be combined with other
circuitry. In other cases, such as with a rotating-cup or propeller anemometer, it may be easy

to speak only of a sensor because it is awkward to distinguish a transducer. In the few cases for
which a transducer or sensor output is a signal whose frequency varies with the atmospheric
variable being measured, the sample-and-hold and the analogue-to-digital converter may be
replaced by a counter. But these are not important details. The important element in the design
is to ensure that the sequence of samples adequately represents the significant changes in the
atmospheric variable being measured.

The first condition imposed upon the devices shown in Figure2.8 is that the sensor must
respond quickly enough to follow the atmospheric fluctuations which are to be described in the
observation. If the observation is to be a 1, 2 or 10min average, this is not a very demanding
requirement. On the other hand, if the observation is to be that of a feature of turbulence, such as
peak wind gust, care must be taken when selecting a sensor.

The second condition imposed upon the devices shown in Figure2.8 is that the sample-and-
hold and the analogue-to-digital converter must provide enough samples to make a good
observation. The accuracy demanded of meteorological observations usually challenges the
sensor, not the electronic sampling technology. However, the sensor and the sampling must be
matched to avoid aliasing. If the sampling rate is limited for technical reasons, the sensor/filter
system must be designed to remove the frequencies that cannot be represented.

If the sensor has a suitable response function, the low-pass filter may be omitted, included
only as insurance, or may be included because it improves the quality of the signal input to the
sample-and-hold. As examples, such a filter may be included to eliminate noise pick-up at the
end of a long cable or to further smooth the sensor output. Clearly, this circuit must also respond
quickly enough to follow the atmospheric fluctuations of interest.










Figure2.8. An instrument system


2.4.2 Sampling rates

For most meteorological and climatological applications, observations are required at intervals
of 30min to 24hours, and each observation is made with a sampling time of the order of 1 to
10min. PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.E gives a recent statement of requirements for these purposes.

A common practice for routine observations is to take one spot reading of the sensor (such as a
thermometer) and rely on its time constant to provide an approximately correct sampling time.
This amounts to using an exponential filter (Figure2.6). Automatic weather stations commonly
use faster sensors, and several spot readings must be taken and processed to obtain an average
(box car filter) or other appropriately weighted mean.

A practical recommended scheme for sampling rates is as follows:1

(a) Samples taken to compute averages should be obtained at equispaced time intervals which:

(i) Do not exceed the time constant of the sensor; or

(ii) Do not exceed the time constant of an analogue low-pass filter following the
linearized output of a fast-response sensor; or

(iii) Are sufficient in number to ensure that the uncertainty of the average of the samples is
reduced to an acceptable level, for example, smaller than the required accuracy of the

(b) Samples to be used in estimating extremes of fluctuations, such as wind gusts, should be
taken at rates at least four times as often as specified in (i) or (ii) above.

For obtaining averages, somewhat faster sampling rates than (i) and (ii), such as twice per time
constant, are often advocated and practised.

Criteria(i) and (ii) derive from consideration of the Nyquist frequency. If the sample spacing
tT I, the sampling frequency n1/T I and nT I1. It can be seen from the exponential curve in
Figure2.6 that this removes the higher frequencies and prevents aliasing. If t=T I, ny=1/2T I and
the data will be aliased only by the spectral energy at frequencies at nT I=2 and beyond, that is
where the fluctuations have periods of less than0.5T I.

Criteria(i) and (ii) are used for automatic sampling. The statistical criterion in (iii) is more
applicable to the much lower sampling rates in manual observations. The uncertainty of the
mean is inversely proportional to the square root of the number of observations, and its value can
be determined from the statistics of the quantity.

Criterion(b) emphasizes the need for high sampling frequencies, or more precisely, small time-
constants, to measure gusts. Recorded gusts are smoothed by the instrument response, and the
recorded maximum will be averaged over several times the time constant.

The effect of aliasing on estimates of the mean can be seen very simply by considering what
happens when the frequency of the wave being measured is the same as the sampling
frequency, or a multiple thereof. The derived mean will depend on the timing of the sampling. A
sample obtained once per day at a fixed time will not provide a good estimate of mean monthly

For a slightly more complex illustration of aliasing, consider a time series of three-hourly
observations of temperature using an ordinary thermometer. If temperature changes smoothly
with time, as it usually does, the daily average computed from eight samples is acceptably stable.
However, if a mesoscale event (a thunderstorm) has occurred which reduced the temperature
by many degrees for 30min, the computed average is wrong. The reliability of daily averages

As adopted by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its tenth session (1989) through
Recommendation3 (CIMOX).

depends on the usual weakness of the spectrum in the mesoscale and higher frequencies.
However, the occurrence of a higher-frequency event (the thunderstorm) aliases the data,
affecting the computation of the mean, the standard deviation and other measures of dispersion,
and the spectrum.

The matter of sampling rate may be discussed also in terms of Figure2.8. The argument in
section2.2.1 was that, for the measurement of spectra, the sampling rate, which determines
the Nyquist frequency, should be chosen so that the spectrum of fluctuations above the Nyquist
frequency is too weak to affect the computed spectrum. This is achieved if the sampling rate set
by the clock in Figure2.8 is at least twice the highest frequency of significant amplitude in the
input signal to the sample-and-hold.

The wording highest frequency of significant amplitude used above is vague. It is difficult to
find a rigorous definition because signals are never truly bandwidth limited. However, it is not
difficult to ensure that the amplitude of signal fluctuations decreases rapidly with increasing
frequency, and that the root-mean-square amplitude of fluctuations above a given frequency is
either small in comparison with the quantization noise of the analogue-to-digital converter, small
in comparison with an acceptable error or noise level in the samples, or contributes negligibly to
total error or noise in the observation.

Section2.3 discussed the characteristics of sensors and circuits which can be chosen or adjusted
to ensure that the amplitude of signal fluctuations decreases rapidly with increasing frequency.
Most transducers, by virtue of their inability to respond to rapid (high-frequency) atmospheric
fluctuations and their ability to replicate faithfully slow (low-frequency) changes, are also
low-pass filters. By definition, low-pass filters limit the bandwidth and, by Nyquists theorem,
also limit the sampling rate that is necessary to reproduce the filter output accurately. For
example, if there are real variations in the atmosphere with periods down to 100ms, the Nyquist
sampling frequency would be 1per 50ms, which is technically demanding. However, if they
are seen through a sensor and filter which respond much more slowly, for example with a 10s
time constant, the Nyquist sampling rate would be 1sample per 5s, which is much easier and
cheaper, and preferable if measurements of the high frequencies are not required.

2.4.3 Sampling rate and quality control

Many data quality control techniques of use in automatic weather stations depend upon the
temporal consistency, or persistence, of the data for their effectiveness. As a very simple example,
two hypothetical quality-control algorithms for pressure measurements at automatic weather
stations should be considered. Samples are taken every 10s, and 1min averages computed each
minute. It is assumed that atmospheric pressure only rarely, if ever, changes at a rate exceeding
1hPa per minute.

The first algorithm rejects the average if it differs from the previous one by more than 1hPa. This
would not make good use of the available data. It allows a single sample with as much as a 6hPa
error to pass undetected and to introduce a 1hPa error in an observation.

The second algorithm rejects a sample if it differs from the previous one by more than 1hPa. In
this case, an average contains no error larger than about 0.16 (1/6)hPa. In fact, if the assumption
is correct that atmospheric pressure only rarely changes at a rate exceeding 1hPa per minute, the
accept/reject criteria on adjacent samples could be tightened to 0.16hPa and error in the average
could be reduced even more.

The point of the example is that data quality control procedures that depend upon temporal
consistency (correlation) for their effectiveness are best applied to data of high temporal
resolution (sampling rate). At the high frequency end of the spectrum in the sensor/filter output,
correlation between adjacent samples increases with increasing sampling rate until the Nyquist
frequency is reached, after which no further increase in correlation occurs.

Up to this point in the discussion, nothing has been said which would discourage using a sensor/
filter with a time constant as long as the averaging period required for the observation is taken as

a single sample to use as the observation. Although this would be minimal in its demands upon
the digital subsystem, there is another consideration needed for effective data quality control.
Observations can be grouped into three categories as follows:

(a) Accurate (observations with errors less than or equal to a specified value);

(b) Inaccurate (observations with errors exceeding a specified value);

(c) Missing.

There are two reasons for data quality control, namely, to minimize the number of inaccurate
observations and to minimize the number of missing observations. Both purposes are served
by ensuring that each observation is computed from a reasonably large number of data quality-
controlled samples. In this way, samples with large spurious errors can be isolated and excluded,
and the computation can still proceed, uncontaminated by that sample.

Acheson, D.T., 1968: An approximation to arithmetic averaging for meteorological variables. Journal of
Applied Meteorology, 7:548553.
Bendat, J.S. and A.G. Piersol, 1986: Random Data: Analysis and Measurement Procedures. Second edition, John
Wiley and Sons, New York.
Blackman, R.B. and J.W. Tukey, 1958: The Measurement of Power Spectra. Dover Publications, New York.
Jenkins, G.M. and D.G. Watts, 1968: Spectral Analysis and its Applications. Holden-Day, San Francisco.
Kulhnek, O., 1976: Introduction to Digital Filtering in Geophysics. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
MacCready, P.B. and H.R. Jex, 1964: Response characteristics and meteorological utilization of propeller
and vane wind sensors. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 3(2):182193.
Otnes, R.K. and L. Enochson, 1978: Applied Time Series Analysis. Volume1: Basic techniques. John Wiley and
Sons, New York.
Pasquill, F. and F.B. Smith, 1983: Atmospheric Diffusion. Ellis Horwood, Chichester.
Stearns, S.D. and D.R. Hush, 1990: Digital Signal Analysis. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

CHAPTER 3. DATA REDUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1074

3.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1074
3.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1074
3.1.2 Meteorological requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1074
3.1.3 The data reduction process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1074
3.2 Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1076
3.3 Application of calibration functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1076
3.4 Linearization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1077
3.5 Averaging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1077
3.6 Related variables and statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1078
3.7 Corrections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1078
3.8 Quality management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1079
3.9 Compiling metadata. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1079

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1080



This chapter discusses in general terms the procedures for processing and/or converting data
obtained directly from instruments into data suitable for meteorological users, in particular for
exchange between countries. Formal regulations for the reduction of data to be exchanged
internationally have been prescribed by WMO, and are laid down in WMO (2010c). PartI,
Chapter1, contains some relevant advice and definitions.

3.1.1 Definitions

In the discussion of the instrumentation associated with the measurement of atmospheric

variables, it has become useful to classify the observational data according to data levels.
This scheme was introduced in connection with the data-processing system for the Global
Atmospheric Research Programme, and is defined in WMO (2010b, 2010c).

LevelI data, in general, are instrument readings expressed in appropriate physical units, and
referred to with geographical coordinates. They require conversion to the normal meteorological
variables (identified in PartI, Chapter1). LevelI data themselves are in many cases obtained from
the processing of electrical signals such as voltages, referred to as raw data. Examples of these
data are satellite radiances and water-vapour pressure.

The data recognized as meteorological variables are LevelII data. They may be obtained directly
from instruments (as is the case for many kinds of simple instruments) or derived from LevelI
data. For example, a sensor cannot measure visibility, which is a LevelII quantity; instead, sensors
measure the extinction coefficient, which is a LevelI quantity.

LevelIII data are those contained in internally consistent datasets, generally in grid-point form.
They are not within the scope of this Guide.

Data exchanged internationally are LevelII or LevelIII data.

3.1.2 Meteorological requirements

Observing stations throughout the world routinely produce frequent observations in standard
formats for exchanging high-quality information obtained by uniform observing techniques,
despite the different types of sensors in use throughout the world, or even within nations.
To accomplish this, very considerable resources have been devoted over very many years to
standardize content, quality and format. As automated observation of the atmosphere becomes
more prevalent, it becomes even more important to preserve this standardization and develop
additional standards for the conversion of raw data into LevelI data, and raw and LevelI data
into LevelII data.

3.1.3 The data reduction process

The role of a transducer is to sense an atmospheric variable and convert it quantitatively into a
useful signal. However, transducers may have secondary responses to the environment, such as
temperature-dependent calibrations, and their outputs are subject to a variety of errors, such as
drift and noise. After proper sampling by a data-acquisition system, the output signal must be
scaled and linearized according to the total system calibration and then filtered or averaged. At
this stage, or earlier, it becomes raw data. The data must then be converted to measurements of
the physical quantities to which the sensor responds, which are LevelI data or may be LevelII

data if no further conversion is necessary. For some applications, additional variables must be
derived. At various stages in the process the data may be corrected for extraneous effects, such
as exposure, and may be subjected to quality control.

Data from conventional and automatic weather stations (AWSs) must, therefore, be subjected
to many operations before they can be used. The whole process is known as data reduction and
consists of the execution of a number of functions, comprising some or all of the following:

(a) Transduction of atmospheric variables;

(b) Conditioning of transducer outputs;

(c) Data acquisition and sampling;

(d) Application of calibration information;

(e) Linearization of transducer outputs;

(f) Extraction of statistics, such as the average;

(g) Derivation of related variables;

(h) Application of corrections;

(i) Data quality control;

(j) Data recording and storage;

(k) Compilation of metadata;

(l) Formatting of messages;

(m) Checking message contents;

(n) Transmission of messages.

The order in which these functions are executed is only approximately sequential. Of course, the
first and the last function listed above should always be performed first and last. Linearization
may immediately follow or be inherent in the transducer, but it must precede the extraction of an
average. Specific quality control and the application of corrections could take place at different
levels of the data-reduction process. Depending on the application, stations can operate in a
diminished capacity without incorporating all of these functions.

In the context of this Guide, the important functions in the data-reduction process are the
selection of appropriate sampling procedures, the application of calibration information,
linearization when required, filtering and/or averaging, the derivation of related variables, the
application of corrections, quality control, and the compilation of metadata. These are the topics
addressed in this chapter. More explicit information on quality management is given in PartIV,
Chapter1, and on sampling, filtering and averaging in PartIV, Chapter2.

Once reduced, the data must be made available through coding, transmission and receipt,
display, and archiving, which are the topics of other WMO Manuals and Guides. An observing
system is not complete unless it is connected to other systems that deliver the data to the users.
The quality of the data is determined by the weakest link. At every stage, quality control must be

Much of the existing technology and standardized manual techniques for data reduction
can also be used by AWSs, which, however, make particular demands. AWSs include various
sensors, standard computations for deriving elements of messages, and the message format
itself. Not all sensors interface easily with automated equipment. Analytic expressions for

computations embodied in tables must be recovered or discovered. The rules for encoding
messages must be expressed in computer languages with degrees of precision, completeness
and unambiguousness not demanded by natural language instructions prepared for human
observers. Furthermore, some human functions, such as the identification of cloud types, cannot
be automated using either current or foreseeable technologies.

Data acquisition and data-processing software for AWSs are discussed at some length in PartII,
Chapter1, to an extent which is sufficiently general for any application of electrical transducers in
meteorology. Some general considerations and specific examples of the design of algorithms for
synoptic AWSs are given in WMO (1987).

In processing meteorological data there is usually one correct procedure, algorithm or approach,
and there may be many approximations ranging in validity from good to useless. Experience
strongly suggests that the correct approach is usually the most efficient in the long term. It is
direct, requires a minimum of qualifications, and, once implemented, needs no further attention.
Accordingly, the subsequent paragraphs are largely limited to the single correct approach, as far
as exact solutions exist, to the problem under consideration.


See PartIV, Chapter2 for a full discussion of sampling. The following is a summary of the main

It should be recognized that atmospheric variables fluctuate rapidly and randomly because
of ever-present turbulence, and that transducer outputs are not faithful reproductions of
atmospheric variables because of their imperfect dynamic characteristics, such as limited ability
to respond to rapid changes. Transducers generally need equipment to amplify or protect their
outputs and/or to convert one form of output to another, such as resistance to voltage. The
circuitry used to accomplish this may also smooth or low-pass filter the signal. There is a cut-off
frequency above which no significant fluctuations occur because none exist in the atmosphere
and/or the transducer or signal conditioning circuitry has removed them.

An important design consideration is how often the transducer output should be sampled. The
definitive answer is: at an equispaced rate at least twice the cut-off frequency of the transducer
output signal. However, a simpler and equivalent rule usually suffices: the sampling interval
should not exceed the largest of the time constants of all the devices and circuitry preceding
the acquisition system. If the sampling rate is less than twice the cut-off frequency, unnecessary
errors occur in the variance of the data and in all derived quantities and statistics. While these
increases may be acceptable in particular cases, in others they are not. Proper sampling always
ensures minimum variance.

Good design may call for incorporating a low-pass filter, with a time constant about equal the
sampling interval of the data-acquisition system. It is also a precautionary measure to minimize
the effects of noise, especially 50 or 60Hz pick-up from power mains by cables connecting
sensors to processors and leakage through power supplies.


The WMO regulations (WMO, 2010c) prescribe that stations be equipped with properly
calibrated instruments and that adequate observational and measuring techniques are followed
to ensure that the measurements are accurate enough to meet the needs of the relevant
meteorological disciplines. The conversion of raw data from instruments into the corresponding
meteorological variables is achieved by means of calibration functions. The proper application
of calibration functions and any other systematic corrections are most critical for obtaining data
that meet expressed accuracy requirements.

The determination of calibration functions should be based on calibrations of all components of

the measurement chain. In principle at least, and in practice for some meteorological quantities
such as pressure, the calibration of field instruments should be traceable to an international
standard instrument, through an unbroken chain of comparisons between the field instrument
and some or all of a series of standard instruments, such as a travelling standard, a working
standard, a reference standard and a national standard (see PartI, Chapter1 for definitions).

A description of the calibration procedures and systematic corrections associated with each of
the basic meteorological variables is contained in each of the respective chapters in PartI.

Field instruments must be calibrated regularly by an expert, with corresponding revisions to

the calibration functions. It is not sufficient to rely on calibration data that is supplied along
with the calibration equipment. The suppliers calibration equipment often bears an unknown
relationship to the national standard, and, in any case, it must be expected that calibration will
change during transport, storage and use. Calibration changes must be recorded in the stations
metadata files.


If the transducer output is not exactly proportional to the quantity being measured, the signal
must be linearized, making use of the instruments calibration. This must be carried out before
the signal is filtered or averaged. The sequence of operations average then linearize produces
different results from the sequence linearize then average when the signal is not constant
throughout the averaging period.

Non-linearity may arise in the following three ways (WMO, 1987):

(a) Many transducers are inherently nonlinear, namely, their output is not proportional to the
measured atmospheric variable. A thermistor is a simple example;

(b) Although a sensor may incorporate linear transducers, the variables measured may not be
linearly related to the atmospheric variable of interest. For example, the photodetector and
shaft-angle transducer of a rotating beam ceilometer are linear devices, but the ceilometer
output signal (backscattered light intensity as a function of angle) is non-linear in cloud

(c) The conversion from LevelI to LevelII may not be linear. For example, extinction coefficient,
not visibility or transmittance, is the proper variable to average in order to produce
estimates of average visibility.

In the first of these cases, a polynomial calibration function is often used. If so, it is highly
desirable to have standardized sensors with uniform calibration coefficients to avoid the
problems that arise when interchanging sensors in the field. In the other two cases, an analytic
function which describes the behaviour of the transducer is usually appropriate.


The natural small-scale variability of the atmosphere makes smoothing or averaging necessary
for obtaining representative observations and compatibility of data from different instruments.
For international exchange and for many operational applications, the reported measurement
must be representative of the previous 2 or 10min for wind, and, by convention, of 1 to 10min
for other quantities. The 1min practice arises in part from the fact that some conventional
meteorological sensors have a response of the order of 1min and a single reading is notionally
a 1min average or smoothed value. If the response time of the instrument is much faster, it is

necessary to take samples and filter or average them. This is the topic of PartIV, Chapter2. See
PartI, Chapter1, (Annex1.E), for the requirements of the averaging times typical of operational
meteorological instrument systems.

Two types of averaging or smoothing are commonly used, namely, arithmetic and exponential.
The arithmetic average conforms with the normal meaning of average and is readily
implemented digitally; this is the box car filter described in PartIV, Chapter2. An exponential
average is the output of the simplest low-pass filter representing the simplest response of a
sensor to atmospheric fluctuations, and it is more convenient to implement in analogue circuitry
than the arithmetic average. When the time constant of a simple filter is approximately half
the sampling time over which an average is being calculated, the arithmetic and exponential
smoothed values are practically indistinguishable (see PartIV, Chapter2, and also Acheson,

The outputs of fast-response sensors vary rapidly thus necessitating high sampling rates for
optimal (minimum uncertainty) averaging. To reduce the required sampling rate and still provide
the optimal digital average, it could be possible to linearize the transducer output (where that
is necessary), exponentially smooth it using analogue circuitry with time constant tc, and then
sample digitally at intervals tc.

Many other types of elaborate filters, computed digitally, have been used for special applications.

Because averaging non-linear variables creates difficulties when the variables change during
the averaging period, it is important to choose the appropriate linear variable to compute
the average. The table in section3.6 lists some specific examples of elements of a synoptic
observation which are reported as averages, with the corresponding linear variable that should
be used.


Besides averaged data, extremes and other variables that are representative for specific periods
must be determined, depending on the purpose of the observation. An example of this is wind
gust measurements, for which higher sampling rates are necessary.

Also, other quantities have to be derived from the averaged data, such as mean sea-level
pressure, visibility and dewpoint. At conventional manual stations, conversion tables are used. It
is common practice to incorporate the tables into an AWS and to provide interpolation routines,
or to incorporate the basic formulae or approximations of them. See the various chapters of PartI
for the data conversion practices, and PartII, Chapter1 for AWS practice.

Quantities for which data conversion is necessary when averages are being computed

Quantity to be reported Quantity to be averaged

Wind speed and direction Cartesian components

Dewpoint Absolute humidity

Visibility Extinction coefficient


The measurements of many meteorological quantities have corrections applied to them either
as raw data or at the LevelI or LevelII stage to correct for various effects. These corrections
are described in the chapters on the various meteorological variables in PartI. Corrections to
raw data, for zero or index error, or for temperature, gravity and the like are derived from the
calibration and characterization of the instrument. Other types of corrections or adjustments

to the raw or higher level data include smoothing, such as that applied to cloud height
measurements and upper-air profiles, and corrections for exposure such as those sometimes
applied to temperature, wind and precipitation observations. The algorithms for these types of
corrections may, in some cases, be based on studies that are not entirely definitive; therefore,
while they no doubt improve the accuracy of the data, the possibility remains that different
algorithms may be derived in the future. In such a case, it may become necessary to recover the
original uncorrected data. It is, therefore, advisable for the algorithms to be well documented.


Quality management is discussed in PartIV, Chapter1. Formal requirements are specified by

WMO (2010c) and general procedures are discussed in WMO (2010a).

Quality-control procedures should be performed at each stage of the conversion of raw sensor
output into meteorological variables. This includes the processes involved in obtaining the data,
as well as reducing them to LevelII data.

During the process of obtaining data, the quality control should seek to eliminate both
systematic and random measurement errors, errors due to departure from technical standards,
errors due to unsatisfactory exposure of instruments, and subjective errors on the part of the

Quality control during the reduction and conversion of data should seek to eliminate errors
resulting from the conversion techniques used or the computational procedures involved.
In order to improve the quality of data obtained at high sampling rates, which may generate
increased noise, filtering and smoothing techniques are employed. These are described earlier in
this chapter, as well as in PartIV, Chapter2.


Metadata are discussed in PartI, Chapter1, in PartIV, Chapter1, and in other chapters
concerning the various meteorological quantities. Metadata must be kept so that:

(a) Original data can be recovered to be re-worked, if necessary (with different filtering or
corrections, for instance);

(b) The user can readily discover the quality of the data and the circumstances under which it
was obtained (such as exposure);

(c) Potential users can discover the existence of the data.

The procedures used in all the data-reduction functions described above must therefore be
recorded, generically for each type of data, and individually for each station and observation

Acheson, D.T., 1968: An approximation to arithmetic averaging for meteorological variables. Journal of
Applied Meteorology, 7(4):548553.
World Meteorological Organization, 1987: Some General Considerations and Specific Examples in the Design of
Algorithms for Synoptic Automatic Weather Stations (D.T.Acheson). Instruments and Observing
Methods Report No.19 (WMO/TD-No.230). Geneva.
, 2010a: Guide to the Global Observing System (WMO-No.488). Geneva.
, 2010b: Manual on the Global Data-Processing and Forecasting System (WMO-No.485), VolumeI.
, 2010c: Manual on the Global Observing System (WMO-No.544), VolumeI. Geneva.

CHAPTER 4. TESTING, CALIBRATION AND INTERCOMPARISON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1082

4.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1082
4.1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1082
4.1.2 Testing and calibration programmes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1083
4.2 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1083
4.2.1 The purpose of testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1083
4.2.2 Environmental testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1084 Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1084 Environmental test programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1085
4.2.3 Electrical and electromagnetic interference testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1086
4.2.4 Functional testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1086
4.3 Calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1087
4.3.1 The purpose of calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1087
4.3.2 Standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1087
4.3.3 Traceability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1088
4.3.4 Calibration practices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1088
4.4 Intercomparisons of instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1089


INTERCOMPARISONS OF INSTRUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1091


INSTRUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093


OBSERVATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1099

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1102



One of the purposes of WMO, set forth in Article2 (c) of the WMO Convention, is to promote
standardization of meteorological and related observations and to ensure the uniform
publication of observations and statistics. For this purpose, sets of standard procedures and
recommended practices have been developed, and their essence is contained in this Guide.

Valid observational data can be obtained only when a comprehensive quality assurance
programme is applied to the instruments and the network. Calibration and testing are
inherent elements of a quality assurance programme. Other elements include clear definition
of requirements, instrument selection deliberately based on the requirements, siting criteria,
maintenance and logistics. These other elements must be considered when developing
calibration and test plans. On an international scale, the extension of quality assurance
programmes to include intercomparisons is important for the establishment of compatible

Because of the importance of standardization across national boundaries, several WMO

regional associations have set up Regional Instrument Centres (RICs)1 to organize and assist
with standardization and calibration activities. Their terms of reference and locations are given
in PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.A. Similarly, on the recommendation of JCOMM, 2 a network of
Regional Marine Instrument Centres has been set up to provide for similar functions regarding
marine meteorology and related oceanographic measurements. Their terms of reference and
locations are given in PartII, Chapter4, Annex4.A, respectively.

National and international standards and guidelines exist for many aspects of testing and
evaluation, and should be used where appropriate. Some of them are referred to in this chapter.

4.1.1 Definitions

Definitions of terms in metrology are given in the International Vocabulary of Metrology Basic
and General Concepts and Associated Terms (VIM) by the Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology
(JCGM, 2012). Many of them are reproduced in PartI, Chapter1, and some are repeated here
for convenience. They are not universally used and differ in some respects from terminology
commonly used in meteorological practice. However, the JCGM definitions are recommended
for use in meteorology. The JCGM document is a joint production with the International Bureau
of Weights and Measures (BIPM), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the
International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC), the International
Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO), the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the International Union of
Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML).

The VIM terminology differs from common usage in the following respects in particular:

Accuracy (of a measurement): A qualitative term referring to the closeness of agreement between
a measured quantity value and a true quantity value of a measurand. The accuracy of a
measurement is sometimes understood as the closeness of agreement between measured
quantity values that are being attributed to the measurand. It is possible to refer to an instrument
or a measurement as having a high accuracy, but the quantitative measure of the accuracy is
expressed in terms of uncertainty.

Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its ninth session (1985) through
Recommendation19 (CIMO-IX).
Recommended by the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology at its
third session (2009) through Recommendation1 (JCOMM-III).

Uncertainty: A non-negative parameter characterizing the dispersion of the quantity values being
attributed to a measurand, based on the information used.

The error of a measurement: The measured quantity value minus a reference quantity value (the
deviation has the other sign). It is composed of the random and systematic errors (the term bias
is commonly used for systematic error).

Repeatability: The closeness of agreement between indications or measured quantity values

obtained on the same or similar objects under a set of conditions that includes the same
measurement procedure, same operators, same measuring system, same operating conditions
and same location, and replicate measurements over a short period of time.

Reproducibility: The closeness of agreement between indications or measured quantity values

obtained on the same or similar objects under a set of conditions that includes different locations,
operators and measuring systems, and replicate measurements.

4.1.2 Testing and calibration programmes

Before using atmospheric measurements taken with a particular sensor for meteorological
purposes, the answers to a number of questions are needed as follows:

(a) What is the sensor or system accuracy?

(b) What is the variability of measurements in a network containing such systems or sensors?

(c) What change, or bias, will there be in the data provided by the sensor or system if its siting
location is changed?

(d) What change or bias will there be in the data if it replaces a different sensor or system
measuring the same weather element(s)?

To answer these questions and to assure the validity and relevance of the measurements
produced by a meteorological sensor or system, some combination of calibration, laboratory
testing and functional testing is needed.

Calibration and test programmes should be developed and standardized, based on the expected
climatic variability, environmental and electromagnetic interference under which systems and
sensors are expected to operate. For example, considered factors might include the expected
range of temperature, humidity and wind speed; whether or not a sensor or system must
operate in a marine environment, or in areas with blowing dust or sand; the expected variation
in electrical voltage and phase, and signal and power line electrical transients; and the expected
average and maximum electromagnetic interference. Meteorological Services may purchase
calibration and test services from private laboratories and companies, or set up test organizations
to provide those services.

It is most important that at least two like sensors or systems be subjected to each test in any test
programme. This allows for the determination of the expected variability in the sensor or system,
and also facilitates detecting problems.


4.2.1 The purpose of testing

Sensors and systems are tested to develop information on their performance under specified
conditions of use. Manufacturers typically test their sensors and systems and in some cases

publish operational specifications based on their test results. However, it is extremely important
for the user Meteorological Service to develop and carry out its own test programme or to have
access to an independent testing authority.

Testing can be broken down into environmental testing, electrical/electromagnetic interference

testing and functional testing. A test programme may consist of one or more of these elements.

In general, a test programme is designed to ensure that a sensor or system will meet its specified
performance, maintenance and mean-time-between-failure requirements under all expected
operating, storage and transportation conditions. Test programmes are also designed to develop
information on the variability that can be expected in a network of like sensors, in functional
reproducibility, and in the comparability of measurements between different sensors or systems.

Knowledge of both functional reproducibility and comparability is very important to climatology,

where a single long-term database typically contains information from sensors and systems
that through time use different sensors and technologies to measure the same meteorological
variable. In fact, for practical applications, good operational comparability between instruments
is a more valuable attribute than precise absolute calibration. This information is developed in
functional testing.

Even when a sensor or system is delivered with a calibration report, environmental testing and
possibly additional calibration should be performed. An example of this is a modern temperature
measurement system, where at present the probe is likely to be a resistance temperature device.
Typically, several resistance temperature devices are calibrated in a temperature bath by the
manufacturer and a performance specification is provided based on the results of the calibration.
However, the temperature system which produces the temperature value also includes of power
supplies and electronics, which can also be affected by temperature. Therefore, it is important
to operate the electronics and probe as a system through the temperature range during the
calibration. It is good practice also to replace the probe with a resistor with a known temperature
coefficient, which will produce a known temperature output and operate the electronics through
the entire temperature range of interest to ensure proper temperature compensation of the
system electronics.

Users should also have a programme for testing randomly selected production sensors and
systems, even if pre-production units have been tested, because even seemingly minor changes
in material, configurations or manufacturing processes may affect the operating characteristics of
sensors and systems.

The International Organization for Standardization has standards (ISO, 1999, 2013) which specify
sampling plans and procedures for the inspection of lots of items.

4.2.2 Environmental testing Definitions

The following definitions serve to introduce the qualities of an instrument system that should be
the subject of operational testing:

Operational conditions: Those conditions or a set of conditions encountered or expected to be

encountered during the time an item is performing its normal operational function in full
compliance with its performance specification.

Withstanding conditions: Those conditions or a set of conditions outside the operational conditions
which the instrument is expected to withstand. They may have only a small probability of
occurrence during an items lifetime. The item is not expected to perform its operational function
when these withstanding conditions exist. The item is, however, expected to be able to survive
these conditions and return to normal performance when the operational conditions return.

Outdoor environment: Those conditions or a set of conditions encountered or expected to be

encountered during the time that an item is performing its normal operational function in an
unsheltered, uncontrolled natural environment.

Indoor environment: Those conditions or a set of conditions encountered or expected to be

encountered during the time that an item is energized and performing its normal operational
function within an enclosed operational structure. Consideration is given to both the
uncontrolled indoor environment and the artificially controlled indoor environment.

Transportation environment: Those conditions or a set of conditions encountered or expected

to be encountered during the transportation portion of an items life. Consideration is given
to the major transportation modes road, rail, ship and air transportation, and also to the
complete range of environments encountered before and during transportation, and during
the unloading phase. The item is normally housed in its packaging/shipping container during
exposure to the transportation environment.

Storage environment: Those conditions or a set of conditions encountered or expected to be

encountered during the time an item is in its non-operational storage mode. Consideration
is given to all types of storage, from the open storage situation, in which an item is stored
unprotected and outdoors, to the protected indoor storage situation. The item is normally
housed in its packaging/shipping container during exposure to the storage environment.

The International Electrotechnical Commission also has standards (IEC, 2002) to classify
environmental conditions which are more elaborate than the above. They define ranges of
meteorological, physical and biological environments that may be encountered by products
being transported, stored, installed and used, which are useful for equipment specification and
for planning tests. Environmental test programme

Environmental tests in the laboratory enable rapid testing over a wide range of conditions, and
can accelerate certain effects such as those of a marine environment with high atmospheric
salt loading. The advantage of environmental tests over field tests is that many tests can be
accelerated in a well-equipped laboratory, and equipment may be tested over a wide range of
climatic variability. Environmental testing is important; it can give insight into potential problems
and generate confidence to go ahead with field tests, but it cannot replace field testing.

An environmental test programme is usually designed around a subset of the following

conditions: high temperature, low temperature, temperature shock, temperature cycling,
humidity, wind, rain, freezing rain, dust, sunshine (insolation), low pressure, transportation
vibration and transportation shock. The ranges, or test limits, of each test are determined by the
expected environments (operational, withstanding, outdoor, indoor, transportation, storage)
that are expected to be encountered.

The purpose of an environmental test programme document is to establish standard

environmental test criteria and corresponding test procedures for the specification,
procurement, design and testing of equipment. This document should be based on the expected
environmental operating conditions and extremes.

For example, the United States prepared its National Weather Service standard environmental
criteria and test procedures (NWS,1984), based on a study which surveyed and reported
the expected operational and extreme ranges of the various weather elements in the United
States operational area, and presented proposed test criteria (NWS,1980). These criteria and
procedures consist of three parts:

(a) Environmental test criteria and test limits for outdoor, indoor, and transportation/storage

(b) Test procedures for evaluating equipment against the environmental test criteria;

(c) Rationale providing background information on the various environmental conditions to

which equipment may be exposed, their potential effect(s) on the equipment, and the
corresponding rationale for the recommended test criteria.

4.2.3 Electrical and electromagnetic interference testing

The prevalence of sensors and automated data collection and processing systems that contain
electronic components necessitates in many cases the inclusion in an overall test programme
for testing performance in operational electrical environments and under electromagnetic

An electrical/electromagnetic interference test programme document should be prepared. The

purpose of the document is to establish standard electrical/electromagnetic interference test
criteria and corresponding test procedures and to serve as a uniform guide in the specification
of electrical/electromagnetic interference susceptibility requirements for the procurement and
design of equipment.

The document should be based on a study that quantifies the expected power line and signal
line transient levels and rise times caused by natural phenomena, such as thunderstorms.
It should also include testing for expected power variations, both voltage and phase. If the
equipment is expected to operate in an airport environment, or other environment with
possible electromagnetic radiation interference, this should also be quantified and included
in the standard. A purpose of the programme may also be to ensure that the equipment is
not an electromagnetic radiation generator. Particular attention should be paid to equipment
containing a microprocessor and, therefore, a crystal clock, which is critical for timing functions.

4.2.4 Functional testing

Calibration and environmental testing provide a necessary but not sufficient basis for defining
the operational characteristics of a sensor or system, because calibration and laboratory testing
cannot completely define how the sensor or system will operate in the field. It is impossible to
simulate the synergistic effects of all the changing weather elements on an instrument in all of its
required operating environments.

Functional testing is simply testing in the outdoor and natural environment where instruments
are expected to operate over a wide variety of meteorological conditions and climatic regimes,
and, in the case of surface instruments, over ground surfaces of widely varying albedo.
Functional testing is required to determine the adequacy of a sensor or system while it is exposed
to wide variations in wind, precipitation, temperature, humidity, and direct, diffuse and reflected
solar radiation. Functional testing becomes more important as newer technology sensors, such
as those using electro-optic, piezoelectric and capacitive elements, are placed into operational
use. The readings from these sensors may be affected by adventitious conditions such as insects,
spiders and their webs, and the size distribution of particles in the atmosphere, all of which must
be determined by functional tests.

For many applications, comparability must be tested in the field. This is done with side-by-side
testing of like and different sensors or systems against a field reference standard. These concepts
are presented in Hoehne (1971, 1972, 1977).

Functional testing may be planned and carried out by private laboratories or by the test
department of the Meteorological Service or other user organization. For both the procurement
and operation of equipment, the educational and skill level of the observers and technicians who
will use the system must be considered. Use of the equipment by these staff members should
be part of the test programme. The personnel who will install, use, maintain and repair the
equipment should evaluate those portions of the sensor or system, including the adequacy of the
instructions and manuals that they will use in their job. Their skill level should also be considered
when preparing procurement specifications.


4.3.1 The purpose of calibration

Sensor or system calibration is the first step in defining data validity. In general, it involves
comparison against a known standard to determine how closely instrument output matches
the standard over the expected range of operation. Performing laboratory calibration carries
the implicit assumption that the instruments characteristics are stable enough to retain
the calibration in the field. A calibration history over successive calibrations should provide
confidence in the instruments stability.

Specifically, calibration is the operation that, under specified conditions, in a first step,
establishes a relation between the quantity values with measurement uncertainties provided
by measurement standards and corresponding indications with associated measurement
uncertainties, and, in a second step, uses this information to establish a relation for obtaining a
measurement result from an indication (JCGM, 2012). It should define a sensor/systems bias or
average deviation from the standard against which it is calibrated, its random errors, the range
over which the calibration is valid, and the existence of any thresholds or non-linear response
regions. It should also define resolution and hysteresis. Hysteresis should be identified by
cycling the sensor over its operating range during calibration. The result of a calibration is often
expressed as a calibration factor or as a series of calibration factors in the form of a calibration
table or calibration curve. The results of a calibration must be recorded in a document called a
calibration certificate or a calibration report.

The calibration certificate or report should define any bias that can then be removed through
mechanical, electrical or software adjustment. The remaining random error is not repeatable and
cannot be removed, but can be statistically defined through a sufficient number of measurement
repetitions during calibration.

4.3.2 Standards

The calibration of instruments or measurement systems is customarily carried out by comparing

them against one or more measurement standards. These standards are classified according to
their metrological quality. Their definitions (see also JCGM, 2012) are given in PartI, Chapter1
and may be summarized as follows:

Primary standard: A measurement standard established using a primary reference measurement

procedure, or created as an artefact, chosen by convention.

Note: When these standards are relevant to NMHS calibration laboratories or RICs they should also be traceable to
the International System of Units (SI).

Secondary standard: A measurement standard established through calibration with respect to a

primary measurement standard for a quantity of the same kind.

International standard: A measurement standard recognized by signatories to an international

agreement and intended to serve worldwide.

National standard: A measurement standard recognized by national authorities to serve in a State

or economy as the basis for assigning quantity values to other measurement standards for the
kind of quantity concerned.

Reference standard: A measurement standard designated for the calibration of other measurement
standards for quantities of a given kind in a given organization or at a given location.

Working standard: A measurement standard that is used routinely to calibrate or verify measuring
instruments or measuring systems.

Transfer device: A device used as an intermediary to compare measurement standards.


Travelling standard: A measurement standard, sometimes of special construction, intended for

transport between different locations.

Primary standards reside within major international or national metrological institutions.

In pressure measurements (see PartI, Chapter3), this term is used for instruments based
on physical principles, such as mercury barometers or dead weight sensors, although these
standards should be called secondary standards according to the calibration and measurement
capabilities (CMCs). Secondary standards often reside in major calibration laboratories and are
usually not suitable for field use. These standards are generally called reference measurement
standards, according to ISO/IEC 17025 (ISO/IEC, 2005). Working standards are usually laboratory
instruments that have been calibrated against a secondary standard. Working standards that
may be used in the field are known as travelling standards. Travelling standard instruments may
also be used to compare instruments in a laboratory or in the field. All of these standards used
for a meteorological purpose and relevant to NMHS calibration laboratories or RICs should be
traceable to SI.

4.3.3 Traceability

Traceability is defined by JCGM (2012) as a: property of a measurement result whereby the

result can be related to a reference through a documented unbroken chain of calibrations, each
contributing to the measurement uncertainty.

In meteorology, it is common practice for pressure measurements to be traceable through

travelling standards, working standards and secondary standards to national standards, and the
accumulated uncertainties therefore are known (except for those that arise in the field, which
have to be determined by field testing). Temperature measurements lend themselves to the same

The same principle must be applied to the measurement of any quantity for which measurements
of known uncertainty are required.

4.3.4 Calibration practices

The calibration of meteorological instruments is normally carried out in a laboratory where

appropriate measurement standards and calibration devices are located. They may be Regional
Instrument Centres, national laboratories, private laboratories, or laboratories established within
the Meteorological Service or other user organization. A calibration laboratory is responsible
for maintaining the necessary qualities of its measurement standards and for keeping records of
their traceability. Such laboratories can also issue calibration certificates that should also contain
an estimate of the uncertainty of calibration. In order to guarantee traceability, the calibration
laboratory should be recognized and authorized by the appropriate national authorities.

Manufacturers of meteorological instruments should deliver their quality products, for example,
standard barometers or thermometers, with calibration certificates or calibration reports. These
documents may or may not be included in the basic price of the instrument, but may be available
as options. Calibration certificates given by authorized calibration laboratories may be more
expensive than factory certificates. As discussed in the previous section, environmental and
functional testing, and possibly additional calibration, should be performed.

Users may also purchase calibration devices or measurement standards for their own
laboratories. A good calibration device should always be combined with a proper measurement
standard, for example, a liquid bath temperature calibrator with certified resistance
thermometers and/or a set of certified liquid-in-glass thermometers. For the example above,
further considerations, such as the use of non-conductive silicone fluid, should be applied. Thus,
if a temperature-measurement device is mounted on an electronic circuit board, the entire board
may be immersed in the bath so that the device can be tested in its operating configuration.

Notonly must the calibration equipment and standards be of high quality, but the engineers and
technicians of a calibration laboratory must be well trained in basic metrology and in the use of
available calibration devices and measurement standards.

Once instruments have passed initial calibration and testing and are accepted by the user, a
programme of regular calibration checks and calibrations should be instituted. Instruments, such
as mercury barometers, are easily subject to breakage when transported to field sites. At distant
stations, these instruments should be kept stationary as far as possible, and should be calibrated
against more robust travelling standards that can be moved from one station to another by
inspectors. Travelling standards must be compared frequently against a working standard or
reference standard in the calibration laboratory, and before and after each inspection tour.

Details of laboratory calibration procedures of, for example, barometers, thermometers,

hygrometers, anemometers and radiation instruments are given in the relevant chapters of this
Guide or in specialized handbooks. These publications also contain information concerning
recognized international standard instruments and calibration devices. Calibration procedures
for automatic weather stations require particular attention, as discussed in PartII, Chapter1.

Field inspection practices

Field inspection offers the user the ability to check the instrument on site. Leaving the instrument
installed at a meteorological station eliminates any downtime that would occur while removing
and reinstalling the instrument in the field. Inspection is usually done at one point against the
working standard by placing the working standard as close to the instrument under inspection
(IUI) as possible. Stabilization time must be allowed to reach temperature equilibrium between
the working standard and the IUI. Attention must be paid to the proximity of the working
standard to the IUI, the temperature gradients, the airflow, the pressure differences and any
other factors that could influence the inspection results. This field inspection is an effective way
to verify the instrument quality. The most important disadvantage is that the inspection is usually
limited to one point. The second disadvantage is that if an error is reported, the IUI should be
removed and replaced by a new calibrated sensor. Then the IUI has to be calibrated and adjusted
if possible in a laboratory. It should also be noted that the field inspection provides additional
valuable information as it involves testing the whole instrumental set-up in the field, including
cabling, etc. When performing field inspections, it is important that the metadata of the
conditions at the time of the inspection be recorded, including all details on the changes made to
the instrumental set-up (see additional details provided in PartII, Chapter1, 1.7).

Inter-laboratory comparisons

An inter-laboratory comparison (ILC) is defined as the organization, performance and evaluation

of calibration results for the same instrument by two or more laboratories in accordance with
predetermined conditions. A laboratorys participation in an ILC enables the laboratory to assess
and demonstrate the reliability of the resultant measurement data by comparison with results
from other participating laboratories. Each accredited laboratory will be expected to participate
in a minimum of one proficiency test/inter-laboratory comparison at least every five years for
each major sub-discipline of the main disciplines of the laboratorys scope of accreditation.
Participation in at least one proficiency test/inter-laboratory comparison is required prior to the
granting of accreditation. As mentioned in the RICs terms of reference (PartI, Chapter1), a RIC
must participate in or organize inter-laboratory comparisons of standard calibration instruments
and methods.


Intercomparisons of instruments and observing systems, together with agreed quality-control

procedures, are essential for the establishment of compatible datasets. All intercomparisons
should be planned and carried out carefully in order to maintain an adequate and uniform

quality level of measurements of each meteorological variable. Many meteorological quantities

cannot be directly compared with metrological standards and hence to absolute references for
example, visibility, cloud-base height and precipitation. For such quantities, intercomparisons are
of primary value.

Comparisons or evaluations of instruments and observing systems may be organized and carried
out at the following levels:

(a) International comparisons, in which participants from all interested countries may attend in
response to a general invitation;

(b) Regional intercomparisons, in which participants from countries of a certain region (for
example, WMO Regions) may attend in response to a general invitation;

(c) Multilateral and bilateral intercomparisons, in which participants from two or more
countries may agree to attend without a general invitation;

(d) National intercomparisons, within a country.

Because of the importance of international comparability of measurements, WMO, through one

of its constituent bodies, from time to time arranges for international and regional comparisons
of instruments. Such intercomparisons or evaluations of instruments and observing systems
may be very lengthy and expensive. Rules have therefore been established so that coordination
will be effective and assured. These rules are reproduced in Annexes4.A and 4.B.3 They contain
general guidelines and should, when necessary, be supplemented by specific working rules for
each intercomparison (see the relevant chapters of this Guide).

Reports of particular WMO international comparisons are referenced in other chapters in this
Guide (see, for instance, PartI, Chapters3, 4, 9, 12, 14 and 15). Annex4.C provides a list of the
international comparisons which have been supported by the Commission for Instruments and
Methods of Observation and which have been published in the WMO technical document series.

Reports of comparisons at any level should be made known and available to the meteorological
community at large.

Recommendations adopted by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its eleventh session
(1994), through the annex to Recommendation14 (CIMO-XI) and AnnexIX.

1. A WMO intercomparison of instruments and methods of observation shall be

agreed upon by the WMO constituent body concerned so that it is recognized as a WMO

2. The Executive Council will consider the approval of the intercomparison and its
inclusion in the programme and budget of WMO.

3. When there is an urgent need to carry out a specific intercomparison that was not
considered at the session of a constituent body, the president of the relevant body may submit a
corresponding proposal to the President of WMO for approval.

4. In good time before each intercomparison, the Secretary-General, in cooperation

with the president of CIMO and possibly with presidents of other technical commissions or
regional associations, or heads of programmes concerned, should make inquiries as to the
willingness of one or more Members to act as a host country and as to the interest of Members in
participating in the intercomparison.

5. When at least one Member has agreed to act as host country and a reasonable
number of Members have expressed their interest in participating, an international organizing
committee should be established by the president of CIMO in consultation with the heads of the
constituent bodies concerned, if appropriate.

6. Before the intercomparison begins, the organizing committee should agree on

its organization, for example, at least on the main objectives, place, date and duration of
the intercomparison, conditions for participation, data acquisition, processing and analysis
methodology, plans for the publication of results, intercomparison rules, and the responsibilities
of the host(s) and the participants.

7. The host should nominate a project leader who will be responsible for the proper
conduct of the intercomparison, the data analysis, and the preparation of a final report of the
intercomparison as agreed upon by the organizing committee. The project leader will be a
member ex officio of the organizing committee.

8. When the organizing committee has decided to carry out the intercomparison at
sites in different host countries, each of these countries should designate a site manager. The
responsibilities of the site managers and the overall project management will be specified by the
organizing committee.

9. The Secretary-General is invited to announce the planned intercomparison to

Members as soon as possible after the establishment of the organizing committee. The invitation
should include information on the organization and rules of the intercomparison as agreed upon
by the organizing committee. Participating Members should observe these rules.

10. All further communication between the host(s) and the participants concerning
organizational matters will be handled by the project leader and possibly by the site managers
unless other arrangements are specified by the organizing committee.

11. Meetings of the organizing committee during the period of the intercomparison
could be arranged, if necessary.

12. After completion of the intercomparison, the organizing committee shall discuss and
approve the main results of the data analysis of the intercomparison and shall make proposals for
the utilization of the results within the meteorological community.

13. The final report of the intercomparison, prepared by the project leader and
approved by the organizing committee, should be published in the WMO Instruments and
Observing Methods Report series.


1.1 These guidelines are complementary to the procedures of WMO global and regional
intercomparisons of meteorological instruments. They assume that an international organizing
committee has been set up for the intercomparison and provide guidance to the organizing
committee for its conduct. In particular, see PartI, Chapter12, Annex12.C.

1.2 However, since all intercomparisons differ to some extent from each other, these
guidelines should be considered as a generalized checklist of tasks. They should be modified as
situations so warrant, keeping in mind the fact that fairness and scientific validity should be the
criteria that govern the conduct of WMO intercomparisons and evaluations.

1.3 Final reports of other WMO intercomparisons and the reports of meetings of
organizing committees may serve as examples of the conduct of intercomparisons. These are
available from the World Weather Watch Department of the WMO Secretariat.


The organizing committee should examine the achievements to be expected from the
intercomparison and identify the particular problems that may be expected. It should prepare
a clear and detailed statement of the main objectives of the intercomparison and agree on any
criteria to be used in the evaluation of results. The organizing committee should also investigate
how best to guarantee the success of the intercomparison, making use of the accumulated
experience of former intercomparisons, as appropriate.


3.1 The host country should be requested by the Secretariat to provide the organizing
committee with a description of the proposed intercomparison site and facilities (location(s),
environmental and climatological conditions, major topographic features, and so forth). It should
also nominate a project leader.1

3.2 The organizing committee should examine the suitability of the proposed site and
facilities, propose any necessary changes, and agree on the site and facilities to be used. A full site
and environmental description should then be prepared by the project leader. The organizing
committee, in consultation with the project leader, should decide on the date for the start and
the duration of the intercomparison.

3.3 The project leader should propose a date by which the site and its facilities will be
available for the installation of equipment and its connection to the data-acquisition system.
The schedule should include a period of time to check and test equipment and to familiarize
operators with operational and routine procedures.

When more than one site is involved, site managers shall be appointed, as required. Some tasks of the project leader,
as outlined in this annex, shall be delegated to the site managers.


4.1 The organizing committee should consider technical and operational aspects,
desirable features and preferences, restrictions, priorities, and descriptions of different
instrument types for the intercomparison.

4.2 Normally, only instruments in operational use or instruments that are considered
for operational use in the near future by Members should be admitted. It is the responsibility of
the participating Members to calibrate their instruments against recognized standards before
shipment and to provide appropriate calibration certificates. Participants may be requested to
provide two identical instruments of each type in order to achieve more confidence in the data.
However, this should not be a condition for participation.

4.3 The organizing committee should draft a detailed questionnaire in order to

obtain the required information on each instrument proposed for the intercomparison. The
project leader shall provide further details and complete this questionnaire as soon as possible.
Participants will be requested to specify very clearly the hardware connections and software
characteristics in their reply and to supply adequate documentation (a questionnaire checklist is
available from the WMO Secretariat).

4.4 The chairperson of the organizing committee should then request:

(a) The Secretary-General to invite officially Members (who have expressed an interest) to
participate in the intercomparison. The invitation shall include all necessary information on
the rules of the intercomparison as prepared by the organizing committee and the project

(b) The project leader to handle all further contact with participants.


5.1 Equipment set-up

5.1.1 The organizing committee should evaluate a proposed layout of the instrument
installation prepared by the project leader and agree on a layout of instruments for the
intercomparison. Special attention should be paid to fair and proper siting and exposure
of instruments, taking into account criteria and standards of WMO and other international
organizations. The adopted siting and exposure criteria shall be documented.

5.1.2 Specific requests made by participants for equipment installation should be

considered and approved, if acceptable, by the project leader on behalf of the organizing

5.2 Standards and references

The host country should make every effort to include at least one reference instrument in
the intercomparison. The calibration of this instrument should be traceable to national or
international standards. A description and specification of the standard should be provided to
the organizing committee. If no recognized standard or reference exists for the variable(s) to be
measured, the organizing committee should agree on a method to determine a reference for the

5.3 Related observations and measurements

The organizing committee should agree on a list of meteorological and environmental

variables that should be measured or observed at the intercomparison site during the whole
intercomparison period. It should prepare a measuring programme for these and request the
host country to execute this programme. The results of this programme should be recorded in a
format suitable for the intercomparison analysis.

5.4 Data-acquisition system

5.4.1 Normally the host country should provide the necessary data-acquisition system
capable of recording the required analogue, pulse and digital (serial and parallel) signals from all
participating instruments. A description and a block diagram of the full measuring chain should
be provided by the host country to the organizing committee. The organizing committee, in
consultation with the project leader, should decide whether analogue chart records and visual
readings from displays will be accepted in the intercomparison for analysis purposes or only for
checking the operation.

5.4.2 The data-acquisition system hardware and software should be well tested before the
comparison is started and measures should be taken to prevent gaps in the data record during
the intercomparison period.

5.5 Data-acquisition methodology

The organizing committee should agree on appropriate data-acquisition procedures, such as

frequency of measurement, data sampling, averaging, data reduction, data formats, real-time
quality control, and so on. When data reports have to be made by participants during the
time of the intercomparison or when data are available as chart records or visual observations,
the organizing committee should agree on the responsibility for checking these data, on the
period within which the data should be submitted to the project leader, and on the formats and
media that would allow storage of these data in the database of the host. When possible, direct
comparisons should be made against the reference instrument.

5.6 Schedule of the intercomparison

The organizing committee should agree on an outline of a time schedule for the intercomparison,
including normal and specific tasks, and prepare a time chart. Details should be further worked
out by the project leader and the project staff.


6.1 Database and data availability

6.1.1 All essential data of the intercomparison, including related meteorological and
environmental data, should be stored in a database for further analysis under the supervision of
the project leader. The organizing committee, in collaboration with the project leader, should
propose a common format for all data, including those reported by participants during the
intercomparison. The organizing committee should agree on near-real-time monitoring and
quality-control checks to ensure a valid database.

6.1.2 After completion of the intercomparison, the host country should, on request,
provide each participating Member with a dataset from its submitted instrument(s). This set
should also contain related meteorological, environmental and reference data.

6.2 Data analysis

6.2.1 The organizing committee should propose a framework for data analysis and
processing and for the presentation of results. It should agree on data conversion, calibration and
correction algorithms, and prepare a list of terms, definitions, abbreviations and relationships
(where these differ from commonly accepted and documented practice). It should elaborate and
prepare a comprehensive description of statistical methods to be used that correspond to the
intercomparison objectives.

6.2.2 Whenever a direct, time-synchronized, one-on-one comparison would be

inappropriate (for example, in the case of spatial separation of the instruments under test),
methods of analysis based on statistical distributions should be considered. Where no reference
instrument exists (as for cloud base, meteorological optical range, and so on), instruments
should be compared against a relative reference selected from the instruments under test, based
on median or modal values, with care being taken to exclude unrepresentative values from the
selected subset of data.

6.2.3 Whenever a second intercomparison is established some time after the first, or in a
subsequent phase of an ongoing intercomparison, the methods of analysis and the presentation
should include those used in the original study. This should not preclude the addition of new

6.2.4 Normally the project leader should be responsible for the data-processing and
analysis. The project leader should, as early as possible, verify the appropriateness of the selected
analysis procedures and, as necessary, prepare interim reports for comment by the members of
the organizing committee. Changes should be considered, as necessary, on the basis of these

6.2.5 After completion of the intercomparison, the organizing committee should review
the results and analysis prepared by the project leader. It should pay special attention to
recommendations for the utilization of the intercomparison results and to the content of the final


7.1 The organizing committee should draft an outline of the final report and request the
project leader to prepare a provisional report based on it.

7.2 The final report of the intercomparison should contain, for each instrument, a
summary of key performance characteristics and operational factors. Statistical analysis results
should be presented in tables and graphs, as appropriate. Time-series plots should be considered
for selected periods containing events of particular significance. The host country should be
invited to prepare a chapter describing the database and facilities used for data-processing,
analysis and storage.

7.3 The organizing committee should agree on the procedures to be followed for
approval of the final report, such as:

(a) The draft final report will be prepared by the project leader and submitted to all organizing
committee members and, if appropriate, also to participating Members;

(b) Comments and amendments should be sent back to the project leader within a specified
time limit, with a copy to the chairperson of the organizing committee;

(c) When there are only minor amendments proposed, the report can be completed by the
project leader and sent to the WMO Secretariat for publication;

(d) In the case of major amendments or if serious problems arise that cannot be resolved by
correspondence, an additional meeting of the organizing committee should be considered
(the president of CIMO should be informed of this situation immediately).

7.4 The organizing committee may agree that intermediate and final results may be
presented only by the project leader and the project staff at technical conferences.


8.1 Responsibilities of participants

8.1.1 Participants shall be fully responsible for the transportation of all submitted
equipment, all import and export arrangements, and any costs arising from these. Correct
import/export procedures shall be followed to ensure that no delays are attributable to this

8.1.2 Participants shall generally install and remove any equipment under the supervision
of the project leader, unless the host country has agreed to do this.

8.1.3 Each participant shall provide all necessary accessories, mounting hardware, signal
and power cables and connectors (compatible with the standards of the host country), spare
parts and consumables for its equipment. Participants requiring a special or non-standard
power supply shall provide their own converter or adapter. Participants shall provide all
detailed instructions and manuals needed for installation, operation, calibration and routine

8.2 Host country support

8.2.1 The host country should provide, if asked, the necessary information to participating
Members on temporary and permanent (in the case of consumables) import and export
procedures. It should assist with the unpacking and installation of the participants equipment
and provide rooms or cabinets to house equipment that requires protection from the weather
and for the storage of spare parts, manuals, consumables, and so forth.

8.2.2 A reasonable amount of auxiliary equipment or structures, such as towers, shelters,

bases or foundations, should be provided by the host country.

8.2.3 The necessary electrical power for all instruments shall be provided. Participants
should be informed of the network voltage and frequency and their stability. The connection
of instruments to the data-acquisition system and the power supply will be carried out in
collaboration with the participants. The project leader should agree with each participant on the
provision, by the participant or the host country, of power and signal cables of adequate length
(and with appropriate connectors).

8.2.4 The host country should be responsible for obtaining legal authorization related
to measurements in the atmosphere, such as the use of frequencies, the transmission of laser
radiation, compliance with civil and aeronautical laws, and so forth. Each participant shall submit
the necessary documents at the request of the project leader.

8.2.5 The host country may provide information on accommodation, travel, local
transport, daily logistic support, and so forth.

8.3 Host country servicing

8.3.1 Routine operator servicing by the host country will be performed only for long-term
intercomparisons for which absence of participants or their representatives can be justified.

8.3.2 When responsible for operator servicing, the host country should:

(a) Provide normal operator servicing for each instrument, such as cleaning, chart changing,
and routine adjustments as specified in the participants operating instructions;

(b) Check each instrument every day of the intercomparison and inform the nominated contact
person representing the participant immediately of any fault that cannot be corrected by
routine maintenance;

(c) Do its utmost to carry out routine calibration checks according to the participants specific

8.3.3 The project leader should maintain in a log regular records of the performance of
all equipment participating in the intercomparison. This log should contain notes on everything
at the site that may have an effect on the intercomparison, all events concerning participating
equipment, and all events concerning equipment and facilities provided by the host country.


9.1 The project leader shall exercise general control of the intercomparison on behalf of
the organizing committee.

9.2 No changes to the equipment hardware or software shall be permitted without the
concurrence of the project leader.

9.3 Minor repairs, such as the replacement of fuses, will be allowed with the
concurrence of the project leader.

9.4 Calibration checks and equipment servicing by participants, which requires

specialist knowledge or specific equipment, will be permitted according to predefined

9.5 Any problems that arise concerning the participants equipment shall be addressed
to the project leader.

9.6 The project leader may select a period during the intercomparison in which
equipment will be operated with extended intervals between normal routine maintenance in
order to assess its susceptibility to environmental conditions. The same extended intervals will be
applied to all equipment.

Instruments and
Topic Title of report
Observing Report No.
Sunshine 16 Radiation and Sunshine Duration Measurements: Comparison of
duration Pyranometers and Electronic Sunshine Duration Recorders of RAVI
(Budapest, Hungary, JulyDecember1984), G. Major,
WMO/TD-No.146 (1986).

Radiation 16 Radiation and Sunshine Duration Measurements: Comparison of

Pyranometers and Electronic Sunshine Duration Recorders of RAVI
(Budapest, Hungary, JulyDecember1984), G. Major,
WMO/TD-No.146 (1986).

Precipitation 17 International Comparison of National Precipitation Gauges with a

Reference Pit Gauge (1984), B. Sevruk and W.R. Hamon,
WMO/TD-No.38 (1984).

Radiosondes 28 WMO International Radiosonde Comparison, PhaseI (Beaufort

Park, United Kingdom, 1984), A.H. Hooper, WMO/TD-No.174

Radiosondes 29 WMO International Radiosonde Intercomparison, PhaseII (Wallops

Island, United States, 4February15March1985),
F.J. Schmidlin, WMO/TD-No.312 (1988).

Radiosondes 30 WMO International Radiosonde Comparison (United Kingdom,

1984/United States, 1985), J. Nash and F.J. Schmidlin,
WMO/TD-No.195 (1987).

Cloud-base 32 WMO International Ceilometer Intercomparison (United Kingdom,

height 1986), D.W. Jones, M. Ouldridge and D.J. Painting,
WMO/TD-No.217 (1988).

Humidity 34 WMO Assmann Aspiration Psychrometer Intercomparison

(Potsdam, German Democratic Republic, 1987), D. Sonntag,
WMO/TD-No.289 (1989).

Humidity 38 WMO International Hygrometer Intercomparison (Oslo, Norway,

1989), J.Skaar, K. Hegg, T. Moe and K. Smedstud,
WMO/TD-No.316 (1989).

Radiosondes 40 WMO International Radiosonde Comparison, PhaseIII (Dzhambul,

USSR, 1989), A. Ivanov, A. Kats, S. Kurnosenko, J. Nash and
N.Zaitseva, WMO/TD-No.451 (1991).

Visibility 41 The First WMO Intercomparison of Visibility Measurements (United

Kingdom, 1988/1989), D.J. Griggs, D.W. Jones, M. Ouldridge
and W.R.Sparks, WMO/TD-No.401 (1990).

Radiation 43 First WMO Regional Pyrheliometer Comparison of RAII and RAV

(Tokyo, Japan, 23January4February1989), Y. Sano,
WMO/TD-No.308 (1989).

For the most recent reports see: http://w ww.wmo.int/pages/prog/w ww/IMOP/publications-IOM-series.html.
The reports of the WMO International Pyrheliometer Intercomparisons, conducted by the World Radiation Centre at
Davos (Switzerland) and carried out at five-yearly intervals, are also distributed by WMO.

Instruments and
Topic Title of report
Observing Report No.
Radiation 44 First WMO Regional Pyrheliometer Comparison of RAIV (Ensenada,
Mexico, 2027April1989), I. Galindo, WMO/TD-No.345

Pressure 46 The WMO Automatic Digital Barometer Intercomparison (de Bilt,

Netherlands, 19891991), J.P. van der Meulen,
WMO/TD-No.474 (1992).

Radiation 53 Segunda Comparacin de la OMM de Pirhelimetros

Patrones Nacionales ARIII (Buenos Aires, Argentina,
25November13December1991), M.Ginzburg,
WMO/TD-No.572 (1992).

Radiosondes 59 WMO International Radiosonde Comparison, PhaseIV (Tsukuba,

Japan, 15February12March1993), S. Yagi, A. Mita and
N.Inoue, WMO/TD-No.742 (1996).

Wind 62 WMO Wind Instrument Intercomparison (Mont Aigoual, France,

19921993), P. Gregoire and G. Oualid, WMO/TD-No.859

Radiation 64 Tercera Comparacin Regional de la OMM de Pirhelimetros

Patrones Nacionales ARIII Informe Final (Santiago, Chile,
24February7March1997), M.V. Muoz, WMO/TD-No.861

Precipitation 67 WMO Solid Precipitation Measurement Intercomparison Final

Report, B.E.Goodison, P.Y.T. Louie and D. Yang,
WMO/TD-No.872 (1998).

Present 73 WMO Intercomparison of Present Weather Sensors/Systems

weather Final Report (Canada and France, 19931995), M. Leroy,
C.Bellevaux, J.P.Jacob, WMO/TD-No.887 (1998)

Radiosondes 76 Executive Summary of the WMO Intercomparison of GPS

Radiosondes (Alcantra, Maranho, Brazil, 20May
10June2001), R.B. da Silveira, G.Fisch, L.A.T.Machado,
A.M.DallAntonia Jr., L.F.Sapucci, D.Fernandes and J.Nash,
WMO/TD-No.1153 (2003).

Radiosondes 83 WMO Intercomparison of Radiosonde Systems, Vacoas, Mauritius,

225February2005, J. Nash, R. Smout, T. Oakley, B. Pathack
and S.Kurnosenko, WMO/TD-No.1303 (2006).

Rainfall 84 WMO Laboratory Intercomparison of Rainfall Intensity

intensity Gauges Final Report, France, The Netherlands, Italy,
September2004September2005, L. Lanza, L. Stagi, M. Leroy,
C. Alexandropoulos, W. Wauben, WMO/TD-No.1304 (2006)

Humidity 85 WMO Radiosonde Humidity Sensor Intercomparison Final Report

of PhaseI and PhaseII, Phase I: Russian Federation, 19951997,
Phase II: USA, 826September1995, PhaseI: A. Balagurov,
A.Kats, N.Krestyannikova, PhaseII: F. Schmidlin,
WMO/TD-No.1305 (2006)

Radiosondes 90 WMO Intercomparison of GPS Radiosondes Final Report,

Alcantra, Brazil, 20May to 10June2001, R. da Silveira,
G.F.Fisc, L.A.Machado, A.M. DallAntonia Jr., L.F. Sapucci,
D.Fernandes, R.Marques, J. Nash, WMO/TD-No.1314 (2006)

Pyrheliometers 91 International Pyrheliometer Comparison Final Report, Davos,

Switzerland, 26September14October2005, W. Finsterle,
WMO/TD-No.1320 (2006)

Pyrheliometers 97 Second WMO Regional Pyrheliometer Comparison of RAII (Tokyo,

22January2February2007), H. Sasaki, WMO/TD-No.1494

Instruments and
Topic Title of report
Observing Report No.
Pyranometers 98 Sub-Regional Pyranometer Intercomparison of the RAVI
members from South-Eastern Europe (Split, Croatia, 22July
6August2007), K.Premec, WMO/TD-No.1501 (2009)

Rainfall 99 WMO Field Intercomparison of Rainfall Intensity Gauges (Vigna di

intensity Valle, Italy, October2007April2009), E. Vuerich, C.Monesi,
L.Lanza, L.Stagi, E.Lanzinger, WMO/TD-No.1504 (2009)

Thermometer 106 WMO Field Intercomparison of Thermometer Screens/Shields

screens and and Humidity Measuring Instruments, Ghardaa, Algeria,
humidity November2008October2009 Final Report, M. Lacombe,
D.Bousri, M. Leroy, M. Mezred, WMO/TD-No.1579 (2011)

Radiosondes 107 WMO Intercomparison of High Quality Radiosonde Systems,

Yangjiang, China, 12July3August2010, J. Nash, T. Oakley,
H.Vmel, LI Wei, WMO/TD-No.1580 (2011)

Pyrheliometers 108 WMO International Pyrheliometer Comparison Final Report,

Davos, Switzerland, 27September to 15October2010,
W.Finsterle (2011), http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/

Pyrheliometers 112 Baltic Region Pyrheliometer Comparison 2012, 21May

1June2012, Norrkping, Sweden, T. Carlund (2013)

Pyrheliometers 113 Third WMO Regional Pyrheliometer Comparison of RAII, Tokyo,

23January to 3February2012, N. Ohkawara, H. Tatsumi,
O.Ljima, H.Koide, S. Yamada (2013), http://www.wmo.int/
pages/prog/www/IMOP/publications/IOM-113_ R A-II-RPC-

Hoehne, W.E., 1971: Standardizing Functional Tests. NOAA Technical Memorandum, NWS T&EL-12, United
States Department of Commerce, Sterling, Virginia.
, 1972: Standardizing functional tests. Preprints of the Second Symposium on Meteorological Observations
and Instrumentation, American Meteorological Society, pp.161165.
, 1977: Progress and Results of Functional Testing. NOAA Technical Memorandum, NWS T&EL-15, United
States Department of Commerce, Sterling, Virginia.
International Electrotechnical Commission, 2002: Classification of Environmental Conditions
Part1:Environmental Parameters and their Severities. IEC60721-1. Geneva.
International Organization for Standardization, 1999: Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Attributes
Part1:Sampling Schemes Indexed by Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) for Lot-by-Lot Inspection.
ISO2859-1:1999. Geneva.
, 2013: Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Variables Part 1: Specification for Single Sampling Plans
Indexed by Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) for Lot-by-Lot Inspection for a Single Quality Characteristic
and a Single AQL. ISO3951-1:2013. Geneva.
International Organization for Standardization/ International Electrotechnical Commission, 2005: General
Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories. ISO/IEC17025:2005/
Cor1:2006. Geneva.
Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology, 2012: International Vocabulary of Metrology Basic and General
Concepts and Associated Terms (VIM). JCGM200:2012.
National Weather Service, 1980: Natural Environmental Testing Criteria and Recommended Test Methodologies
for a Proposed Standard for National Weather Service Equipment. United States Department of
Commerce, Sterling, Virginia.
, 1984: NWS Standard Environmental Criteria and Test Procedures. United States Department of
Commerce, Sterling, Virginia.
World Meteorological Organization, 1989: Analysis of Instrument Calibration Methods Used by Members
(H. Doering). Instruments and Observing Methods Report No.45 (WMO/TD-No.310).
World Meteorological Organization/International Council of Scientific Unions, 1986: Revised Instruction
Manual on Radiation Instruments and Measurements (C. Frhlich and J. London, eds.). World
Climate Research Programme Publications Series No.7 (WMO/TD-No.149). Geneva.

CHAPTER 5. TRAINING OF INSTRUMENT SPECIALISTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1105

5.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1105
5.1.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1105
5.1.2 Technology transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1105
5.1.3 Application to all users of meteorological instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1105
5.2 Appropriate training for operational requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1106
5.2.1 Theory and practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1106
5.2.2 Matching skills to the tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1106
5.2.3 WMO classification of personnel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1106
5.3 Some general principles for training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1107
5.3.1 Management policy issues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1107 A personnel plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1107 Staff retention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1107 Personnel development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1107 Balanced training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1107
5.3.2 Aims and objectives for training programmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1107 For managers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1107 For trainers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1108 For trainers and instrument specialists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1108
5.3.3 Training for quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1109
5.3.4 How people learn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1109 The learning environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1109 Important principles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1110 Varying the methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1110
5.3.5 Personal skills development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1111
5.3.6 Management training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1111
5.3.7 A lifelong occupation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1112 Three training phases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1112 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1112 Specialist training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1112 Refresher training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1112
5.4 The training process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1112
5.4.1 The role of the trainer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1112
5.4.2 Task analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1113
5.4.3 Planning the training session. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1113
5.4.4 Effectiveness of training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1115 Targeted training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1115 Evaluating the training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1115 Types of evaluation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1115 Training for trainers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1116
5.4.5 Training methods and media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1116
5.4.6 Television lectures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1120
5.4.7 Video programmes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1120
5.5 Resources for training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1121
5.5.1 Training institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1121 National education and training institutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1121 The role of WMO Regional Instrument Centres in training. . . . . . . . . 1121 The role of WMO-IOC Regional Marine Instrument Centres
in training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1122
5.5.2 WMO training resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1122 WMO education and training syllabi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1122 WMO survey of training needs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1122 WMO education and training publications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1123 WMO training library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1123 WMO instruments and observing methods publications . . . . . . . . . . 1123 Special WMO-sponsored training opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1123
5.5.3 Other training opportunities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1123 Technical training in other countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1123

Page Training by equipment manufacturers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1124 International scientific programmes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1124 International instrument intercomparisons sponsored by the
Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation. . . . . . . . . 1124
5.5.4 Budgeting for training costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1125 Cost-effectiveness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1125 Direct and indirect costs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1125

ANNEX. REGIONAL TRAINING CENTRES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1126

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1128



5.1.1 General

Given that the science and application of meteorology are based on continuous series of
measurements using instruments and systems of increasing sophistication, this chapter is
concerned with the training of those specialists who deal with the planning, specification,
design, installation, calibration, maintenance and application of meteorological measuring
instruments and remote-sensing systems. This chapter is aimed at technical managers and
trainers and not least at the instrument specialists themselves who want to advance in their

Training skilled personnel is critical to the availability of necessary and appropriate technologies
in all countries so that the WMO Global Observing System can produce cost-effective data of
uniform good quality and timeliness. However, more than just technical ability with instruments
is required. Modern meteorology requires technologists who are also capable as planners
and project managers, knowledgeable about telecommunications and data processing, good
advocates for effective technical solutions, and skilled in the areas of financial budgets and
people management. Thus, for the most able instrument specialists or meteorological instrument
systems engineers, training programmes should be broad-based and include personal
development and management skills as well as expertise in modern technology.

Regional Training Centres (RTCs) have been established in many countries under the auspices of
WMO, and many of them offer training in various aspects of the operation and management of
instruments and instrument systems. Regional Training Centres are listed in the annex. Similarly,
Regional Instrument Centres (RICs) and Regional Marine Instrument Centres (RMICs) have been
set up in many places, and some of them can provide training. Their locations and functions are
listed in PartI, Chapter1, Annex1.A, and PartII, Chapter4, Annex4.A and are discussed briefly in
sections5.5.1.2, and, respectively.

5.1.2 Technology transfer

Training is a vital part of the process of technology transfer, which is the developmental process
of introducing new technical resources into service to improve quality and reduce operating
costs. New resources demand new skills for the introductory process and for ongoing operation
and maintenance. This human dimension is more important in capacity building than the
technical material.

As meteorology is a global discipline, the technology gap between developed and developing
nations is a particular issue for technology transfer. Providing for effective training strategies,
programmes and resources which foster self-sustaining technical infrastructures and build
human capacity in developing countries is a goal that must be kept constantly in view.

5.1.3 Application to all users of meteorological instruments

This chapter deals with training mainly as an issue for National Hydrometeorological
Services. However, the same principles apply to any organizations that take meteorological
measurements, whether they train their own staff or expect to recruit suitably qualified
personnel. In common with all the observational sciences, the benefits of training to ensure
standardized measurement procedures and the most effective use and care of equipment, are


5.2.1 Theory and practice

Taking measurements using instrument systems depends on physical principles (for example,
the thermal expansion of mercury) to sense the atmospheric variables and transduce them
into a standardized form that is convenient for the user, for example, a recorded trace on a
chart or an electrical signal to input into an automatic weather station. The theoretical basis
for understanding the measurement process must also take into account the coupling of the
instrument to the quantity being measured (the representation or exposure) as well as the
instrumental and observational errors with which every measurement is fraught. The basic
measurement data is then often further processed and coded in more or less complex ways, thus
requiring further theoretical understanding, for example, the reduction of atmospheric pressure
to mean sea level and upper-air messages derived from a radiosonde flight.

Taking the measurement also depends on practical knowledge and skill in terms of how to install
and set up the instrument to take a standardized measurement, how to operate it safely and
accurately, and how to carry out any subsequent calculations or coding processes with minimal

Thus, theoretical and practical matters are closely related in achieving measurement data
of known quality, and the personnel concerned in the operation and management of the
instrument systems need theoretical understanding and practical skills which are appropriate to
the complexity and significance of their work. The engineers who design or maintain complex
instrumentation systems require a particularly high order of theoretical and practical training.

5.2.2 Matching skills to the tasks

Organizations need to ensure that the qualifications, skills and numbers of their personnel or
other contractors (and thus training) are well matched to the range of tasks to be performed. For
example, the training needed to read air temperature in a Stevenson screen is at the lower end
of the range of necessary skills, while theoretical and practical training at a much higher level is
plainly necessary in order to specify, install, operate and maintain automatic weather stations,
meteorological satellite receivers and radars.

Therefore, it is useful to apply a classification scheme for the levels of qualification for operational
requirements, employment, and training purposes. The national grades of qualification in
technical education applicable in a particular country will be important benchmarks. To help
the international community achieve uniform quality in their meteorological data acquisition
and processing, WMO recommends the use of its own classification of personnel with the
accompanying duties that they should be expected to carry out competently.

5.2.3 WMO classification of personnel

The WMO classification scheme1 identifies two broad categories of personnel: graduate
professionals and technicians (WMO, 2001). For meteorological and hydrological personnel,
these categories are designated as follows: meteorologist and meteorological technician, and
hydrologist and hydrological technician, respectively. The recommended syllabus for each
class includes a substantial component on instruments and methods of observation related to
the education, training and duties expected at that level. The WMO classification of personnel
also sets guidelines for the work content, qualifications and skill levels required for instrument
specialists. Section7.3 of WMO (2001) includes an example of competency requirements,
while WMO (2002) offers detailed syllabus examples for the initial training and specialization

Classification scheme approved by the WMO Executive Council at its fiftieth session (1998), and endorsed by the
World Meteorological Congress at its thirteenth session (1999).

of meteorological personnel. These guidelines enable syllabi and training courses to be

properly designed and interpreted; they also assist in the definition of skill deficits and aid the
development of balanced national technical skill resources.


5.3.1 Management policy issues A personnel plan

It is important that National Meteorological Services have a personnel plan that includes
instrument specialists, recognizing their value in the planning, development and maintenance of
adequate and cost-effective weather observing programmes. The plan would show all specialist
instrument personnel at graded levels (WMO, 2001) of qualification. Skill deficits should be
identified and provision made for recruitment and training. Staff retention

Every effort should be made to retain scarce instrumentation technical skills by providing a
work environment that is technically challenging, has opportunities for career advancement,
and has salaries comparable with those of other technical skills, both within and outside the
Meteorological Service. Personnel development

Training should be an integral part of the personnel plan. The introduction of new technology
and re-equipment imply new skill requirements. New recruits will need training appropriate to
their previous experience, and skill deficits can also be made up by enhancing the skills of other
staff. This training also provides the path for career progression. It is helpful if each staff member
has a career profile showing training, qualifications and career progression, maintained by the
training department, in order to plan personnel development in an orderly manner. Balanced training

National training programmes should aim at a balance of skills over all specialist classes giving
due attention to the training, supplementation and refresher phases of training, and which result
in a self-sustaining technical infrastructure.

5.3.2 Aims and objectives for training programmes

In order to achieve maximum benefits from training it is essential to have clear aims and specific
objectives on which to base training plans, syllabi and expenditure. The following strategic aims
and objectives for the training of instrument specialists may be considered. For managers

Management aims in training instrument specialists should be, among others:

(a) To improve and maintain the quality of information in all meteorological observing

(b) To enable National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) to become self-
reliant in the knowledge and skills required for the effective planning, implementation

and operation of meteorological data-acquisition programmes, and to enable them to

develop maintenance services ensuring maximum reliability, accuracy and economy from
instrumentation systems;

(c) To realize fully the value of capital invested in instrumentation systems over their optimum
economic life. For trainers

The design of training courses should aim:

(a) To provide balanced programmes of training which meet the defined needs of the countries
within each region for skills at graded levels;

(b) To provide effective knowledge transfer and skill enhancement in National Meteorological
Services by using appropriately qualified tutors, good training aids and facilities, and
effective learning methods;

(c) To provide for monitoring the effectiveness of training by appropriate assessment and
reporting procedures;

(d) To provide training at a minimum necessary cost. For trainers and instrument specialists

The general objective of training is to equip instrument specialists and engineers (at graded
levels of training and experience):

(a) To appreciate the use, value and desirable accuracy of all instrumental measurements;

(b) To understand and apply the principles of siting instrument enclosures and instruments so
that representative, homogeneous and compatible datasets are produced;

(c) To acquire the knowledge and skill to carry out installations, adjustments and repairs and to
provide a maintenance service ensuring maximum reliability, accuracy and economy from
meteorological instruments and systems;

(d) To be able to diagnose faults logically and quickly from observed symptoms and trace and
rectify systematically their causes;

(e) To understand the sources of error in measurements and be competent in the handling of
instrument standards and calibration procedures in order to minimize systematic errors;

(f) To keep abreast of new technologies and their appropriate application and acquire new
knowledge and skills by means of special and refresher courses;

(g) To plan and design data-acquisition networks, and manage budgets and technical staff;

(h) To manage projects involving significant financial, equipment and staff resources and
technical complexity;

(i) To modify, improve, design and make instruments for specific purposes;

(j) To design and apply computer and telecommunications systems and software, control
measurements and process raw instrumental data into derived forms and transmit coded

5.3.3 Training for quality

Meteorological data acquisition is a complex and costly activity involving human and material
resources, communication and computation. It is necessary to maximize the benefit of the
information derived while minimizing the financial and human resources required in this

The aim of quality data acquisition is to maintain the flow of representative, accurate and timely
instrumental data into the national meteorological processing centres at the least cost. Through
every stage of technical training, a broad appreciation of how all staff can affect the quality of
the end product should be encouraged. The discipline of total quality management (Walton,
1986, and Imai, 1986) considers the whole measurement environment (applications, procedures,
instruments and personnel) in so far as each of its elements may affect quality. In total quality
management, the data-acquisition activity is studied as a system or series of processes. Critical
elements of each process, for example, time delay, are measured and the variation in the process
is defined statistically. Problem-solving tools are used by a small team of people who understand
the process, to reduce process variation and thereby improve quality. Processes are continuously
refined by incremental improvement.

WMO (1990) provides a checklist of factors under the following headings:

(a) Personnel recruitment and training;

(b) Specification, design and development;

(c) Instrument installation;

(d) Equipment maintenance;

(e) Instrument calibration.

All of the above influence data quality from the instrument experts point of view. The checklist
can be used by managers to examine areas over which they have control to identify points
of weakness, by training staff within courses on total quality management concepts, and by
individuals to help them be aware of areas where their knowledge and skill should make a
valuable contribution to overall data quality.

The International Organization for Standardization provides for formal quality systems,
defined by the ISO9000 group of specifications (ISO, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2011), under which
organizations may be certified by external auditors for the quality of their production processes
and services to clients. These quality systems depend heavily on training in quality management

5.3.4 How people learn The learning environment

Learning is a process that is very personal to the individual, depending on a persons needs and
interests. People are motivated to learn when there is the prospect of some reward, for example,
a salary increase. Nonetheless, job satisfaction, involvement, personal fulfilment, having
some sense of power or influence, and the affirmation of peers and superiors are also strong
motivators. These rewards come through enhanced work performance and relationships with
others on the job.

Learning is an active process in which the student reacts to the training environment and activity.
A change of behaviour occurs as the student is involved mentally, physically and emotionally. Too
much mental or emotional stress during learning time will be counterproductive.

Trainers and managers should attempt to stimulate and encourage learning by creating a
conducive physical and psychological climate and by providing appropriate experiences and
methods that promote learning. Students should feel at ease and be comfortable in the learning
environment, which should not provide distractions. The psychological climate can be
affected by the students motivation, the manner and vocabulary of the tutor, the affirmation
of previously-acquired knowledge, avoiding embarrassment and ridicule, establishing an
atmosphere of trust, and the selection of teaching methods. Important principles

Important principles for training include the following:

(a) Readiness: Learning will take place more quickly if the student is ready, interested and wants
to learn;

(b) Objectives: The objectives of the training (including performance standards) should be clear
to those responsible and those involved;

(c) Involvement: Learning is more effective if students actively work out solutions and do things
for themselves, rather than being passively supplied with answers or merely shown a skill;

(d) Association: Learning should be related to past experiences, noting similarities and

(e) Learning rate: The rate of training should equal the rate at which an individual can learn
(confirmed by testing), with learning distributed over several short sessions rather than one
long session being more likely to be retained;

(f) Reinforcement: Useful exercises and repetition will help instil new learning;

(g) Intensity: Intense, vivid or dramatic experiences capture the imagination and make more

(h) Effectiveness: Experiences which are satisfying are better for learning than those which are
embarrassing or annoying. Approval encourages learning;

(i) Support: The trainees supervisor must be fully supportive of the training and must be able
to maintain and reinforce it;

(j) Planning and evaluation: Training should be planned, carried out and evaluated
systematically, in the context of organizational needs. Varying the methods

People in a group will learn at different speeds. Some training methods (see section5.4) will suit
some individuals better than others and will be more effective under different circumstances.
Using a variety of training methods and resources will help the group learn more rapidly.

Research (Moss, 1987) shows that, through the senses, our retention of learning occurs from the

(a) Sight (83%);

(b) Hearing (11%);

(c) Other senses (6%).


However, we learn best by actually performing the task. Methods or training media in general
order of decreasing effectiveness are:

(a) Real experience;

(b) Simulated practical experience;

(c) Demonstrations and discussions;

(d) Physical models and text;

(e) Film, video and computer animation;

(f) Graphs, diagrams and photographs;

(g) Written text;

(h) Lectures.

These methods may, of course, be used in combination. A good lecture may include some of the
other methods.

Traditional educational methods rely heavily on the spoken and written word, whereas evidence
shows that visual and hands-on experience are far more powerful.

Training for instrument specialists can take advantage of the widest range of methods and
media. The theoretical aspects of measurement and instrument design are taught by lectures
based on text and formulae and supported by graphs and diagrams. A working knowledge of
the instrument system for operation, maintenance and calibration can be gained by the use
of photographs with text, films or videos showing manual adjustments, models which may be
disassembled, demonstrations, and ultimately practical experience in operating systems. Unsafe
practices or modes of use may be simulated.

5.3.5 Personal skills development

A meteorological instrument systems engineering group needs people who are not only
technically capable, but who are broadly educated and are able to speak and write well. Good
personal communication skills are necessary to support and justify technical programmes and
particularly in management positions. Skilled technologists should receive training so that they
can play a wider role in the decisions that affect the development of their Meteorological Service.

There is a tendency for staff who are numerate and have practical, manual ability to be less
able with verbal and written linguistic skills. In the annual personal performance review of their
staff, managers should identify any opportunities for staff to enhance their personal skills by
taking special courses, for example, in public speaking, negotiation, letter and report writing or
assertiveness training. Some staff may need assistance in learning a second language in order to
further their training.

5.3.6 Management training

Good management skills are an important component of engineering activity. These skills
involve time management; staff motivation, supervision and performance assessment (including
a training dimension); project management (estimation of resources, budgets, time, staff and
materials, and scheduling); problem solving; quality management; and good verbal and written
communication skills. Instrument specialists with leadership aptitude should be identified for
management training at an appropriate time in their careers.

Todays manager may have access to a personal computer and be adept in the use of office and
engineering software packages to be used, for example, for word processing, spreadsheets,
databases, statistical analysis with graphics, engineering drawing, flow charting, and project
management. Training in the use of these tools can add greatly to personal productivity.

5.3.7 A lifelong occupation Three training phases

Throughout their working lives, instrument specialists should expect to be engaged in repeated
cycles of personal training, both through structured study and informal on-the-job training or
self-study. Three phases of training can be recognized as follows:

(a) A developmental, training phase when the trainee acquires general theory and practice at
graded levels;

(b) A supplementation phase where the training is enhanced by learning about specific
techniques and equipment;

(c) A refresher phase where some years after formal training the specialist needs refresher
training and updates on current techniques and equipment. Training

For instrument specialists, the training phase of technical education and training usually occurs
partly in an external technical institute and partly in the training establishment of the NMHS
where a basic course in meteorological instruments is taken. Note that technical or engineering
education may extend over both WMO class levels. Specialist training

The supplementation phase will occur over a few years as the specialist takes courses on special
systems, for example, automatic weather stations, or radar, or on disciplines like computer
software or management skills. Increasing use will be made of external training resources,
including WMO-sponsored training opportunities. Refresher training

As the instrument specialists career progresses there will be a need for periodic refresher courses
to cover advances in instrumentation and technology, as well as other supplementary courses.

There is an implied progression in these phases. Each training course will assume that students
have some prerequisite training on which to build.


5.4.1 The role of the trainer

Most instrument specialists find themselves in the important and satisfying role of trainer from
time to time and for some it will become their full-time work, with its own field of expertise. All
trainers need an appreciation of the attributes of a good trainer.

A good trainer is concerned with quality results, is highly knowledgeable in specified fields, and
has good communication skills. He or she will have empathy with students, and will be patient
and tolerant, ready to give encouragement and praise, flexible and imaginative, and practised in
a variety of training techniques.

Good trainers will set clear objectives and plan and prepare training sessions well. They will
maintain good records of training prescriptions, syllabi, course notes, courses held and the
results, and of budgets and expenditures. They will seek honest feedback on their performance
and be ready to modify their approach. They will also expect to be always learning.

5.4.2 Task analysis

The instrument specialist must be trained to carry out many repetitive or complex tasks for the
installation, maintenance and calibration of instruments, and sometimes for their manufacture.
A task analysis form may be used to define the way in which the job is to be done, and could be
used by the tutor in training and then as a checklist by the trainee. First, the objective of the job
and the required standard of performance is written down. The job is broken down into logical
steps or stages of a convenient size. The form might consist of a table whose columns are headed,
for example with: steps, methods, measures, and reasons:

(a) Steps (what must be done): These are numbered and consist of a brief description of each
step of the task, beginning with an active verb;

(b) Methods (how it is to be done): An indication of the method and equipment to be used or
the skill required;

(c) Measures (the standard required): Includes a qualitative statement, reference to a

specification clause, test, or actual measure;

(d) Reasons (why it must be done): A brief explanation of the purpose of each step.

A flow chart would be a good visual means of relating the steps to the whole task, particularly
when the order of the steps is important or if there are branches in the procedure.

5.4.3 Planning the training session

The training process consists of four stages, as shown in the figure:

(a) Planning:

(i) Review the training objectives, established by the employing organization or

standards-setting body (for example, WMO);

(ii) Analyse the features of the body of knowledge, task or skill that is the subject of the

(iii) Review the characteristics of the students: qualifications, work experience, language
ability, specific problems;

(iv) Assess the required level of training (Which students may need special attention?);

(v) Determine the objectives for the session (What results are required? How can they be

(b) Preparation:

(i) Select course content: Assemble information, organize it in a logical sequence;


(ii) Determine training methods and media: appropriate to the topic, so as to create and
maintain interest (see section5.4.5);

(iii) Prepare a session plan: Set out the detailed plan with the time of each activity;

(iv) Plan evaluation: What information is required and how is it to be collected? Select a
method and prepare the questions or assignment;

(c) Presentation:

(i) Carry out training, using the session plan;

(ii) Encourage active learning and participation;

(iii) Use a variety of methods;

(iv) Use demonstrations and visual aids;

(d) Evaluation:

(i) Carry out the planned evaluation with respect to the objectives;

(ii) Summarize results;

(iii) Review the training session for effectiveness in light of the evaluation;

(iv) Consider improvements in content and presentation;








Stages in the training process


(v) Write conclusions;

(vi) Apply feedback to the next planning session.

All training will be more effective if these stages are worked through carefully and systematically.

5.4.4 Effectiveness of training Targeted training

With the limited resources available for training, real effort should be devoted to maximizing the
effectiveness of training. Training courses and resources should be dedicated to optimizing the
benefits of training the right personnel at the most useful time. For example, too little training
may be a waste of resources, sending management staff to a course for maintenance technicians
would be inappropriate, and it is pointless to train people 12months before they have access to
new technology.

Training opportunities and methods should be selected to best suit knowledge and skills
requirements and trainees, bearing in mind their educational and national backgrounds. To
ensure maximum effectiveness, training should be evaluated. Evaluating the training

Evaluation is a process of obtaining certain information and providing it to those who can
influence future training performance. Several approaches to evaluating training may be applied,
depending on who needs the information among the following:

(a) WMO, which is concerned with improving the quality of data collected in the Global
Observing System. It generates training programmes, establishes funds and uses the
services of experts primarily to improve the skill base in developing countries;

(b) The National Meteorological Service, which needs quality weather data and is concerned
with the overall capability of the division that performs data acquisition and particular
instrumentation tasks within certain staff number constraints. It is interested in the budget
and cost-benefit of training programmes;

(c) The training department or Regional Training Centre, which is concerned with establishing
training programmes to meet specified objectives within an agreed budget. Its trainers
need to know how effective their methods are in meeting these objectives and how they
can be improved;

(d) Engineering managers, who are concerned with having the work skills to accomplish their
area of responsibility to the required standard and without wasting time or materials;

(e) Trainees, who are concerned with the rewards and job satisfaction that come with increased
competence. They will want a training course to meet their needs and expectations.

Thus, the effectiveness of training should be evaluated at several levels. National and Regional
Training Centres might evaluate their programmes annually and triennially, comparing the
number of trainees in different courses and pass levels against budgets and the objectives
which have been set at the start of each period. Trainers will need to evaluate the relevance and
effectiveness of the content and presentation of their courses. Types of evaluation

Types of evaluation include the following:


(a) A training report, which does not attempt to measure effectiveness. Instead, it is a factual
statement of, for example, the type and the number of courses offered, dates and durations,
the number of trainees trained and qualifying, and the total cost of training. In some
situations, a report is required on the assessed capability of the student;

(b) Reaction evaluation, which measures the reaction of the trainees to the training
programme. It may take the form of a written questionnaire through which trainees score,
at the end of the course, their opinions about relevance, content, methods, training aids,
presentation and administration. As such, this method cannot improve the training that
they receive. Therefore, every training course should have regular opportunities for review
and student feedback through group discussion. This enables the trainer to detect any
problems with the training or any individuals needs and to take appropriate action;

(c) Learning evaluation, which measures the trainees new knowledge and skills, which are
best compared against a pre-training test. Various forms of written test (essay, short answer
questions, true or false questions, multiple-choice questions, drawing a diagram or flow
chart) can be devised to test a trainees knowledge. Trainees may usefully test and score
their own knowledge. Skills are best tested by a set practical assignment or by observation
during on-the-job training (WMO, 1990). A checklist of required actions and skills (an
observation form) for the task may be used by the assessor;

(d) Performance evaluation, which measures how the trainees performance on the job has
changed after some time, in response to training, which is best compared with a pre-
training test. This evaluation may be carried out by the employer at least six weeks after
training, using an observation form, for example. The training institution may also make an
assessment by sending questionnaires to both the employer and the trainee;

(e) Impact evaluation, which measures the effectiveness of training by determining the change
in an organization or work group. This evaluation may require planning and the collection
of baseline data before and after the specific training. Some measures might be: bad data
and the number of data elements missing in meteorological reports, the time taken to
perform installations, and the cost of installations. Training for trainers

Trainers also require training to keep abreast of technological advances, to learn about new
teaching techniques and media, and to catch a fresh vision of their work. There should be
provision in their NMHSs annual budget to allow the NMHSs training staff to take training
opportunities, probably in rotation.

Some options are: personal study; short courses (including teaching skills) run by technical
institutes; time out for study for higher qualifications; visits to the factories of meteorological
equipment manufacturers; visits and secondments to other NMHS and RICs; and attendance at
WMO and other training and technical conferences.

5.4.5 Training methods and media

The following list, arranged in alphabetical order, contains only brief notes to serve as a reminder
or to suggest possibilities for training methods (more details may be found in many other
sources, such as Moss (1987) and Craig (1987)):

(a) Case study:

(i) A particular real-life problem or development project is set up for study by individuals,
or often a team;

(ii) The presentation of the results could involve formal documentation as would be
expected in a real situation;

(b) Classroom lecture:

(i) This is most suitable for developing an understanding of information which is best
mediated in spoken and written form: basic knowledge, theoretical ideas, calculations,

(ii) Visual media and selected printed handout material are very useful additions;

(iii) There should be adequate time for questions and discussion;

(iv) Lectures tend to be excessively passive;

(c) Computer-assisted instruction:

(i) This uses the capability of the personal computer to store large amounts of text and
images, organized by the computer program into learning sequences, often with
some element of interactive choice by the student through menu lists and screen
selection buttons;

(ii) The logical conditions and branching and looping structures of the program simulate
the learning processes of selecting a topic for study based on the students needs,
presenting information, testing for understanding with optional answers and then
directing revision until the correct answer is obtained;

(iii) Some computer languages, for example, ToolBook for the IBM personal computer and
HyperCard for the Macintosh, are designed specifically for authoring and presenting
interactive training courses in what are known as hypermedia;

(iv) Modern systems use colour graphic screens and may include diagrams, still pictures
and short moving sequences, while a graphical user interface is used to improve the
interactive communication between the student and the program;

(v) Entire meteorological instrument systems, for example, for upper-air sounding, may
be simulated on the computer;

(vi) Elaborate systems may include a laser video disc or DVD player or CD-ROM cartridge
on which large amounts of text and moving image sequences are permanently stored;

(vii) The software development and capital cost of computer-assisted instruction systems
range from modest to very great; they are beginning to replace multimedia and video
tape training aids;

(d) Correspondence courses:

(i) The conventional course consists of lessons with exercises or assignments which are
mailed to the student at intervals;

(ii) The tutor marks the assignments and returns them to the student with the next lesson;

(iii) Sometimes it is possible for students to discuss difficulties with their tutor by

(iv) Some courses may include audio or video tapes, or computer disks, provided that the
student has access to the necessary equipment;

(v) At the end of the course an examination may be held at the training centre;

(e) Demonstrations:

(i) The tutor demonstrates techniques in a laboratory or working situation;


(ii) This is necessary for the initial teaching of manual maintenance and calibration

(iii) Students must have an opportunity to try the procedures themselves and ask

(f) Distance learning:

(i) Students follow a training course, which is usually part-time, in their own locality and
at times that suit their work commitments, remote from the training centre and their

(ii) Study may be on an individual or group basis;

(iii) Some institutions specialize in distance-learning capability;

(iv) Distance learning is represented in this section by correspondence courses, television

lectures and distance learning with telecommunications;

(g) Distance learning with telecommunications:

(i) A class of students is linked by special telephone equipment to a remote tutor.

They study from a printed text. Students each have a microphone which enables
them to enter into discussions and engage in question and answer dialogue. Any
reliable communications medium could be used, including satellite, but obviously
communications costs will be an issue;

(ii) In more elaborate and costly systems, all students have computers that are linked to
each other and to the remote tutors computer via a network; or the tutor teaches from
a special kind of television studio and appears on a television monitor in the remote
classroom, which also has a camera and microphones so that the tutor can see and
hear the students;

(h) Exercises and assignments:

(i) These often follow a lecture or demonstration;

(ii) They are necessary so that students actively assimilate and use their new knowledge;

(iii) An assignment may involve research or be a practical task;

(i) Exhibits:

(i) These are prepared display material and models which students can examine;

(ii) They provide a useful overview when the real situation is complex or remote;

(j) Field studies and visits:

(i) Trainees carry out observing practices and study instrument systems in the field
environment, most usefully during installation, maintenance or calibration;

(ii) Visits to meteorological equipment manufacturers and other Meteorological Services

will expand the technical awareness of specialists;

(k) Group discussion/problem solving:

(i) The class is divided into small groups of four to six persons;

(ii) The group leader should ensure that all students are encouraged to contribute;

(iii) A scribe or recorder notes ideas on a board in full view of the group;

(iv) In a brainstorming session, all ideas are accepted in the first round without criticism,
then the group explores each idea in detail and ranks its usefulness;

(l) Job rotation/secondment:

(i) According to a timetable, the student is assigned to a variety of tasks with different
responsibilities often under different supervisors or trainers in order to develop
comprehensive work experience;

(ii) Students may be seconded for a fixed term to another department, manufacturing
company or another Meteorological Service in order to gain work experience that
cannot be obtained in their own department or Service;

(iii) Students seconded internationally should be very capable and are usually supported
by bilateral agreements or scholarships;

(m) Multimedia programmes:

(i) These include projection transparencies, video tapes and computer DVDs and

(ii) They require access to costly equipment which must be compatible with the media;

(iii) They may be used for class or individual study;

(iv) The programmes should include exercises, questions and discussion topics;

(v) Limited material is available for meteorological instrumentation;

(n) One-to-one coaching:

(i) The tutor works alongside one student who needs training in a specific skill;

(ii) This method may be useful for both remedial and advanced training;

(o) On-the-job training:

(i) This is an essential component of the training process and is when the trainee learns
to apply the formally acquired skills in the wide variety of tasks and problems which
confront the specialist. All skills are learnt best by exercising them;

(ii) Certain training activities may be best conducted in the on-the-job mode, following
necessary explanations and cautions. These include all skills requiring a high level of
manipulative ability and for which it is difficult or costly to reproduce the equipment
or conditions in the laboratory or workshop. Examples of this are the installation of
equipment, certain maintenance operations and complex calibrations;

(iii) This type of training uses available personnel and equipment resources and does not
require travel, special training staff or accommodation, and is specific to local needs.
It is particularly relevant where practical training far outweighs theoretical study, such
as for training technicians;

(iv) The dangers are that on-the-job training may be used by default as the natural
training method in cases where more structured training with a sound theoretical
component is required to produce fully rounded specialists; that supervisors with
indifferent abilities may be used; that training may be too narrow in scope and have
significant gaps in skills or knowledge; and that the effectiveness of training may not
be objectively measured;

(v) The elements necessary for successful on-the-job training are as follows:

a. A training plan that defines the skills to be acquired;

b. Work content covering the required field;

c. A work supervisor who is a good trainer skilled in the topic, has a good teaching
style and is patient and encouraging;

d. Adequate theoretical understanding to support the practical training;

e. A work diary for the trainee to record the knowledge acquired and skills

f. Progress reviews conducted at intervals by the training supervisor;

g. An objective measure of successfully acquired skills (by observation or tests);

(p) Participative training:

(i) This gives students active ownership of the learning process and enables knowledge
and experience to be shared;

(ii) Students are grouped in teams or syndicates and elect their own leaders;

(iii) This is used for generating ideas, solving problems, making plans, developing
projects, and providing leadership training;

(q) Peer-assisted learning:

(i) This depends on prior common study and preparation;

(ii) In small groups, students take it in turns to be the teacher, while the other students
learn and ask questions;

(r) Programmed learning:

(i) This is useful for students who are not close to tutors or training institutions;

(ii) Students work individually at their own pace using structured prepared text,
multimedia or computer-based courses;

(iii) Each stage of the course provides self-testing and revision before moving on to the
next topic;

(iv) Training materials are expensive to produce and course options may be limited.

Good teaching is of greater value than expensive training aids.

5.4.6 Television lectures

Some teaching institutions which provide predominantly extramural courses broadcast lectures
to their correspondence students over a special television channel or at certain times on a
commercial channel.

5.4.7 Video programmes

Video programmes offer a good training tool because of the following:


(a) They provide a good medium for recording and repeatedly demonstrating procedures
when access to the instrument system and a skilled tutor is limited;

(b) The programme may include pauses for questions to be discussed;

(c) A video programme can be optimized by combining it with supplementary written texts
and group discussions;

(d) Although professionally made videos are expensive and there is limited material available
on meteorological instruments, amateurs can make useful technical videos for local use
with modest equipment costs, particularly with careful planning and if a sound track is
added subsequently.


Other than the media resources suggested in the previous section, trainers and managers should
be aware of the sources of information and guidance available to them; the external training
opportunities which are available; the training institutions which can complement their own
work; and, not least, the financial resources which support all training activities.

5.5.1 Training institutions National education and training institutions

In general, NMHSs will be unable to provide the full range of technical education and training
required by their instrument specialists, and so will have varying degrees of dependence on
external educational institutions for training, supplementary and refresher training in advanced
technology. Meteorological engineering managers will need to be conversant with the curricula
offered by their national institutions so that they can advise their staff on suitable education and
training courses. WMO (2001, 2002) give guidance on the syllabi necessary for the different
classes of instrument specialists.

When instrument specialists are recruited from outside the NMHS to take advantage of well-
developed engineering skills, it is desirable that they have qualifications from a recognized
national institution. They will then require further training in meteorology and its specific
measurement techniques and instrumentation. The role of WMO Regional Instrument Centres in training

On the recommendation of CIMO, 2 several WMO regional associations set up RICs to maintain
standards and provide advice. Their terms of reference and locations are given in PartI,
Chapter1, Annex1.A.

RICs are intended to be centres of expertise on instrument types, characteristics, performance,

application and calibration. They will have a technical library on instrument science and practice;
laboratory space and demonstration equipment; and will maintain a set of standard instruments
with calibrations traceable to international standards. They should be able to offer information,
advice and assistance to Members in their Region.

Where possible, these centres will combine with a Regional Radiation Centre and should be
located within or near an RTC in order to share expertise and resources.

Recommended by the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation at its ninth session (1985) through
Recommendation19 (CIMOIX).

A particular role of RICs is to assist in organizing regional training seminars or workshops on the
maintenance, comparison and calibration of meteorological instruments and to provide facilities
and expert advisors.

RICs should aim to sponsor the best teaching methods and provide access to training resources
and media which may be beyond the resources of NMHSs. The centres will need to provide
refresher training for their own experts in the latest technology available and training methods in
order to maintain their capability.

Manufacturers of meteorological instrumentation systems could be encouraged to sponsor

training sessions held at RICs. The role of WMO-IOC Regional Marine Instrument Centres in training

On the recommendation of the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and
Marine Meteorology,3 a network of RMICs has been set up to maintain standards and provide
advice regarding marine meteorology and other related oceanographic measurements. Their
terms of reference and locations are given in PartII, Chapter4, Annex4.A, respectively.

RMICs are intended to be centres of expertise on instrument types, characteristics, performance,

application and calibration. They will have a technical library on instrument science and practice,
laboratory space and demonstration equipment, and will maintain a set of standard instruments
with calibrations traceable to international standards. They should be able to offer information,
advice and assistance to Members in their Region.

RMICs will assist in organizing regional training seminars or workshops on the maintenance,
comparison and calibration of marine meteorological and oceanographic instruments and will
provide facilities and expert advisors.

RMICs should aim to sponsor the best teaching methods and provide access to training resources
and media. In order to maintain their capability the centres will arrange refresher training for
their own experts in training methods and the latest technology available.

Manufacturers of marine meteorological and oceanographic instrumentation systems could be

encouraged to sponsor training sessions held at RMICs.

5.5.2 WMO training resources WMO education and training syllabi

WMO (2001, 2002) include syllabi for specialization in meteorological instruments and in
meteorological telecommunications. The education and training syllabi are guidelines that need
to be interpreted in the light of national needs and technical education standards. WMO survey of training needs

WMO conducts a periodic survey of training needs by Regions, classes and meteorological
specialization. This guides the distribution and kind of training events sponsored by WMO over
a four-year period. It is important that Member countries include a comprehensive assessment of
their need for instrument specialists in order that WMO training can reflect true needs.

Recommended by the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology at its
third session (2009) through Recommendation1 (JCOMMIII).
CHAPTER 5. TRAINING OF INSTRUMENT SPECIALISTS 1123 WMO education and training publications

These publications include useful information for instrument specialists and their managers.
WMO (1986b) is a compendium in two volumes of lecture notes on training in meteorological
instruments at technician level which may be used in the classroom or for individual study. WMO training library

The library produces a catalogue (WMO, 1986a) of training publications, audiovisual aids and
computer diskettes, some of which may be borrowed, or otherwise purchased, through WMO. WMO instruments and observing methods publications

These publications, including reports of CIMO working groups and rapporteurs and instrument
intercomparisons, and so forth, provide instrument specialists with a valuable technical resource
for training and reference. Special WMO-sponsored training opportunities

The Managers of engineering groups should ensure that they are aware of technical training
opportunities announced by WMO by maintaining contact with their training department and
with the person in their organization who receives correspondence concerning the following:

(a) Travelling experts/roving seminars/workshops: From time to time, CIMO arranges for an
expert to conduct a specified training course, seminar or workshop in several Member
countries, usually in the same Region. Alternatively, the expert may conduct the training
event at a RIC or RTC and students in the region travel to the centre. The objective is to
make the best expertise available at the lowest overall cost, bearing in mind the local

(b) Fellowships: WMO provides training fellowships under its Technical Cooperation
Programme. Funding comes from several sources, including the United Nations
Development Programme, the Voluntary Cooperation Programme, WMO trust funds,
the regular budget of WMO and other bilateral assistance programmes. Short-term
(less than 12months) or long-term (several years) fellowships are for studies or training
at universities, training institutes, or especially at WMO RTCs, and can come under
the categories of university degree courses, postgraduate studies, non-degree tertiary
studies, specialized training courses, on-the-job training, and technical training for the
operation and maintenance of equipment. Applications cannot be accepted directly from
individuals. Instead, they must be endorsed by the Permanent Representative with WMO
of the candidates country. A clear definition must be given of the training required and
priorities. Given that it takes an average of eight months to organize a candidates training
programme because of the complex consultations between the Secretariat and the donor
and recipient countries, applications are required well in advance of the proposed training
period. This is only a summary of the conditions. Full information and nomination forms are
available from the WMO Secretariat. Conditions are stringent and complete documentation
of applications is required.

5.5.3 Other training opportunities Technical training in other countries

Other than WMO fellowships, agencies in some countries offer excellent training programmes
which may be tailored to the needs of the candidate. Instrument specialists should enquire about
these opportunities with the country or agency representative in their own country.

This type of training includes the following:

(a) New data-acquisition system purchase: All contracts for the supply of major data-
acquisition systems (including donor-funded programmes) should include an adequate
allowance for the training of local personnel in system operation and maintenance. The
recipient Meteorological Service representatives should have a good understanding of
the training offered and should be able to negotiate in view of their requirements. While
training for a new system is usually given at the commissioning stage, it is useful to allow
for a further session after six months of operational experience or when a significant
maintenance problem emerges.

(b) Factory acceptance/installation/commissioning: Work concerned with the introduction

of a major data-acquisition facility, for example, a satellite receiver or radar, provides
unique opportunities for trainees to provide assistance and learn the stringent technical

Acceptance testing is the process of putting the system through agreed tests to ensure that
the specifications are met before the system is accepted by the customer and despatched
from the factory.

During installation, the suppliers engineers and the customers engineers often work
together. Other components, such as a building, the power supply, telecommunications
and data processing, may need to be integrated with the system installation.

Commissioning is the process of carrying out agreed tests on the completed installation to
ensure that it meets all the specified operational requirements.

A bilateral training opportunity arises when a country installs and commissions a major
instrumentation system and trainees can be invited from another country to observe and
assist in the installation. International scientific programmes

When international programmes, such as the World Climate Programme, the Atmospheric
Research and Environment Programme, the Tropical Cyclone Programme or the Tropical
Ocean and Global Atmosphere Programme, conduct large-scale experiments, there may be
opportunities for local instrument specialists to be associated with senior colleagues in the
measurement programme and to thereby gain valuable experience. International instrument intercomparisons sponsored by the Commission for

Instruments and Methods of Observation

From time to time, CIMO nominates particular meteorological measurements for investigation as
a means of advancing the state of knowledge. Instruments of diverse manufacture and supplied
by Members are compared under standard conditions using the facilities of the host country. An
organizing committee plans the intercomparison and, in its report, describes the characteristics
and performance of the instruments.

If they can be associated with these exercises, instrument specialists would benefit from
involvement in some of the following activities: experimental design, instrument exposure,
operational techniques, data sampling, data acquisition, data processing, analysis and
interpretation of results. If such intercomparisons can be conducted at RICs, the possibility of
running a parallel special training course might be explored.

5.5.4 Budgeting for training costs

The meteorological engineering or instrumentation department of every NMHS should provide

an adequate and clearly identified amount for staff training in its annual budget, related to
the Services personnel plan. A lack of training also has a cost: mistakes, accidents, wastage of
time and material, staff frustration, and a high staff turnover resulting in poor quality data and
meteorological products. Cost-effectiveness

Substantial costs are involved in training activities, and resources are always likely to be limited.
Therefore, it is necessary that the costs of various training options should be identified and
compared, and that the cost-effectiveness of all training activities should be monitored, and
appropriate decisions taken. Overall, the investment in training by the NMHS must be seen to be
of value to the organization. Direct and indirect costs

Costs may be divided into the direct costs of operating certain training courses and the indirect
or overhead costs of providing the training facility. Each training activity could be assigned some
proportion of the overhead costs as well as the direct operating costs. If the facilities are used by
many activities throughout the year, the indirect cost apportioned to any one activity will be low
and the facility is being used efficiently.

Direct operating costs may include trainee and tutor travel, accommodation, meals and
daily expenses, course and tutor fees, WMO staff costs, student notes and specific course
consumables, and trainee time away from work.

Indirect or overhead costs could include those relating to training centre buildings (classrooms,
workshops and laboratories), equipment and running costs, teaching and administration staff
salaries, WMO administration overheads, the cost of producing course materials (new course
design, background notes, audiovisual materials), and general consumables used in training.

In general, overall costs for the various modes of training may be roughly ranked from the lowest
to the highest as follows (depending on the efficiency of resource use):

(a) On-the-job training;

(b) Correspondence courses;

(c) Audiovisual courses;

(d) Travelling expert/roving seminar, in situ course;

(e) National course with participants travelling to a centre;

(f) Computer-aided instruction (high initial production cost);

(g) Regional course with participants from other countries;

(h) Long-term fellowships;

(i) Regional course at a specially equipped training centre.


Country Name of centre
Algeria Hydrometeorological Institute for Training and Research (IHFR), Oran I

Angola Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Geofsica, Luanda I

Egypt Egyptian Meteorological Authority, Cairo I

Kenya Institute for Meteorological Training and Research, Nairobi; and Department of
Meteorology, University of Nairobi, Nairobi

Madagascar cole suprieure polytechnique dAntananarivo, University of Antananarivo;

and cole nationale denseignement de laronautique et de la mtorologie, I

Niger African School of Meteorology and Civil Aviation (EAMAC), Niamey; and
Regional Training Centre for Agrometeorology and Operational Hydrology and I
their Applications (AGRHYMET), Niamey

Nigeria Meteorological Research and Training Institute, Lagos; and Department of

Meteorology, Federal University of Technology, Akure

South Africa South Africa Weather Service, Pretoria I

China Nanjing University of Information, Science and Technology, Nanjing; and China
Meteorological Administration Training Centre, Beijing

India Central Training Institute and National Water Academy, Pune; India
Meteorological Department Training Centre, New Delhi; and Indian Institute of II
Technology Roorkee, Roorkee

Iran (Islamic Islamic Republic of Iran Meteorological Organization, Tehran

Republic of)

Iraq Iraqi Meteorological Organization, Baghdad II

Qatar Qatar Aeronautical College, Doha II

Republic of Korea Meteorological Administration, Seoul


Uzbekistan Tashkent Hydrometeorological Professional College, Tashkent II

Argentina Department of Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences, University of Buenos Aires,

Buenos Aires; and Department of Education and Training of the National III
Meteorological Service, Buenos Aires

Brazil Department of Meteorology, Federal University of Par, Belm III

Peru Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima III

Venezuela Department of Meteorology and Hydrology, Central University of Venezuela,

(Bolivarian Caracas III
Republic of)

Barbados Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology, affiliated with the University
of the West Indies, Bridgetown

Costa Rica Section of Atmospheric Physics, School of Physics, University of Costa Rica,

Indonesia Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency, Tangerang; and Research

Centre for Water Resources, Bandung

Philippines Department of Meteorology and Oceanography, University of the Philippines;

and Training Centre of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and V
Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), Quezon City

Country Name of centre
Israel Postgraduate Training Centre for Applied Meteorology, Bet Dagan VI

Italy National Research Council Institute of Biometeorology, Florence VI

Russian Roshydromet Advanced Training Institute, Moscow; Moscow

Federation Hydrometeorological College, Moscow; and Russian State Hydrometeorological VI
University, St Petersburg

Turkey Turkish State Meteorological Service, Ankara VI

Note: For the most recent information on RTCs and their components, please visit: https://w ww.wmo.int/
pages/prog/dra/etrp/r tcs.php.

Craig, R.L. (ed.), 1987: Training and Development Handbook: A Guide to Human Resource Development.
McGraw-Hill, New York.
Imai, M., 1986: Kaizen: The Key to Japans Competitive Success. Random House, New York.
International Organization for Standardization, 2005: Quality Management Systems Fundamentals and
Vocabulary. ISO9000:2005, Geneva.
, 2008: Quality Management Systems Requirements. ISO9001:2008, Geneva.
, 2009: Managing for the Sustained Success of an Organization A Quality Management Approach.
ISO9004:2009, Geneva.
, 2011: Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems. ISO19011:2011, Geneva.
Moss, G., 1987: The Trainers Handbook. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, New Zealand.
Walton, M., 1986: The Deming Management Method. Putnam Publishing, New York.
World Meteorological Organization, 1986a: Catalogue of Meteorological Training Publications and Audiovisual
Aids. Fourth edition, Education and Training Programme Report No.4 (WMO/TD-No.124).
, 1986b: Compendium of Lecture Notes on Meteorological Instruments for Training ClassIII and ClassIV
Meteorological Personnel (D.A.Simidchiev). (WMO-No.622). Geneva.
, 1990: Guidance for the Education and Training of Instrument Specialists (R.A.Pannett). Education and
Training Programme Report No.8 (WMO/TD-No.413). Geneva.
, 2001: Guidelines for the Education and Training of Personnel in Meteorology and Operational Hydrology
(WMO-No.258), VolumeI: Meteorology. Geneva.
, 2002: Initial Formation and Specialisation of Meteorological Personnel: Detailed Syllabus Examples (WMO/
TD-No.1101). Geneva.
, 2010: Guide to the Global Observing System (WMO-No.488). Geneva.
For more information, please contact:

World Meteorological Organization

7 bis, avenue de la Paix P.O. Box 2300 CH 1211 Geneva 2 Switzerland

Communication and Public Affairs Office

Tel.: +41 (0) 22 730 83 14/15 Fax: +41 (0) 22 730 80 27
E-mail: [email protected]

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