International Journal of Food Properties
International Journal of Food Properties
International Journal of Food Properties
To cite this article: Md. Ali Asgar (2013): Anti-Diabetic Potential of Phenolic Compounds: A Review,
International Journal of Food Properties, 16:1, 91-103
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International Journal of Food Properties, 16:91103, 2013
Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1094-2912 print / 1532-2386 online
DOI: 10.1080/10942912.2011.595864
Starch is the main carbohydrate in human nutrition. Starch digestibility can vary from a
rapid digestion to indigestibility. Therefore, postprandial glycaemic control in type 2 dia-
betics is of great interest in the context of worldwide health concerns. Although powerful
synthetic inhibitors of starch digestive enzymes, such as acarbose, are available to con-
trol postprandial hyperglycemia, plant-based enzyme inhibitors are potentially safer. Natural
enzyme inhibitors, such as wheat albumin, the Phaseolus vulgaris -amylase inhibitor, and
several phenolic compounds, have the potential to serve as a remedy against hyperglycemia-
induced chronic diseases. The inhibition of -amylase and -glucosidase is mediated by
different phenolics found in varieties of raspberry. Maltase inhibitory activities of chebu-
lagic acid and chebulinic acid from fruit of Terminalia chebula are comparable to
that of acarbose. The Nepalese herb Pakhanbhed (Bergenia ciliata) phenolics, (-)-3-O-
galloylepicatechin and (-)-3-O-galloylcatechin, showed effective inhibition against starch
digesting enzymes. In separate studies, oral administration of starch and maltose with
persimmon (Diospyros kaki) leaf tea proanthocyanidins [containing (-)-epigallocatechin-3-
O-gallate] and black/bitter cumin (Centratherum anthelminticum) seed phenolics, respec-
tively, resulted in a significant and dose-dependent decrease in the blood glucose level in
Wistar rats. Co-application of phenolics with synthetic enzyme inhibitors may reduce the
effective dose of synthetic inhibitors required in the regulation of starch digestion. Several
phenolic compounds might be useful functional food components and could contribute to
manage both hyperglycemia and proper cellular redox status. Human dose-selecting studies
and well-controlled long-term human studies would help to optimize the beneficial effects of
phenolic compounds.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most serious and chronic diseases due to an
improper balance of glucose homeostasis. Currently, an estimated more than 220 million
people worldwide have diabetes.[1] The death toll from diabetes will increase to double
between 2005 and 2030.[1] Two types of DM are presently known, one being type 1, which
is characterized by insufficient insulin production and the other being type 2, that results
from ineffectiveness of insulin.[1,2] Worldwide, type 2 diabetes accounts for approximately
90% of the total cases.[1] A condition characterized by an abnormal postprandial increase
of blood glucose level, known as hyperglycemia or raised blood sugar, has been linked to
the onset of type 2 diabetes[2] and is the main cause of complications related with cardio-
vascular disease, renal failure, blindness, neurological complications, etc.[3] Recently, type
2 diabetes is also being found in children.[1] Thus, the increasing trend in type 2 diabetes
mellitus has become a serious medical concern worldwide.
Rapidly digested carbohydrates result in a quick increase in the post-meal blood glu-
cose level.[4] Regular consumption of rapidly digestible carbohydrates is the main cause
for the development of hyperglycemia-induced chronic diseases.[5] Chronic postprandial
hyperglycemia induces the glycosylation of proteins;[6] hyperglycemia triggers the gener-
ation of free radicals leading to oxidative stress when excessive free radicals react with
proteins and DNA[7,8] and increases plasma insulin and lipid concentrations along with
cardiovascular disease risk factors[9] (Flow Chart 1).
Starch is the most abundant storage polysaccharide in plants. Starch consists of
amylose (linear polymer of -D-glucose units linked by -1,4 glycosidic linkages) and
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amylopectin (branched polymer of -D-glucose units linked by -1,4 and -1,6 gly-
cosidic linkages). Pancreatic -amylase and intestinal -glucosidase are the two key
enzymes involved in starch digestion.[5] Starch is hydrolyzed by amylases to -dextrins
or oligosaccharides (maltose, maltotriose) that are further hydrolyzed to glucose by intesti-
nal -glucosidase before being absorbed in the duodenum and upper jejunum. Starch and
starchy food products can be classified based on their digestibility.[10] Post-meal glycaemic
control in type 2 diabetics due to ingestion of starchy food is of great interest in the context
of worldwide health concerns.
An important therapeutic approach for treating type 2 diabetes is to decrease the
post-prandial hyperglycemia by retarding the absorption of glucose through the inhibition
of the enzymes, -amylase and -glucosidase, in the digestive tract. Enzyme inhibitors
delay the rate of glucose absorption by preventing carbohydrate digestion and consequently
dulling the postprandial plasma glucose rise.[11] The inhibition of starch digestive enzymes
by synthetic agents, such as acarbose, is an important clinical strategy for controlling
postprandial glycemia.[4,10,12,13] Though acarbose (Fig. 1), which is approved by the Food
Postprandial hyperglycemia
Flow Chart 1 Potential connections between meal-associated hyperglycemia and the increase in cardiovascular
disease risk.
and Drug Administration, reduces blood glucose levels, this inhibitor is reported to cause
critical side effects, such as liver disorders, while plant-based enzyme inhibitors are poten-
tially safer.[6,12] The natural enzyme inhibitors, the Phaseolus vulgaris -amylase inhibitor
(-AI) and wheat albumin (WA), have been known for a long time and have been well-
discussed previously.[12,14,15] Some dietary supplements used to control obesity are based
on protein concentrates from kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), which are known to con-
tain significant levels of -amylase inhibitor also known as phaseolamin (-AI). -Amylase
inhibitor (-AI) is known to be effective in preventing postprandial hyperglycemia by
blocking access to the active site of the starch digestive enzyme.[12] WA can inhibit starch
digestion, resulting in improved overall glycemic status in type 2 diabetic patients with
mild hyperglycemia without the occurrence of critically adverse effects, such as hepatic
More than 80% of diabetes deaths occur in developing countries.[1] Plants continue
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to play a vital role in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, particularly in developing coun-
tries where most people do not have an access to modern treatment. The use of plant-based
enzyme inhibitors is also encouraged in developed countries because there is concern about
the critical side effects of synthetic pharmaceutical agents. To either avoid or decrease
the adverse effects of currently used synthetic agents, it is necessary to utilize naturally
occurring -amylase and -glucosidase inhibitors. Keeping this in view, the present review
mainly focuses on the possibilities of phenolic compounds as -amylase and -glucosidase
inhibitors from some underutilized plants (or only localized in a particular region) for
overcoming hyperglycemia-induced chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes.
RS = TS (RDS + SDS).
is due to more bound glucose chains (to each other by hydrogen bonds) in amylose
High-amylose starches require high temperatures (up to 150 C) in the presence
of water to become fully gelatinized[17] and making it more easily available for enzy-
matic attack.[10] It is usually not possible to reach this temperature under normal cooking.
A higher content of amylose lowers the digestibility of starch because there is a positive cor-
relation between amylose content and the formation of RS.[19] Granfeldt et al.[20] reported
that high amylose (70%) corn flour had RS of 20 g/100 g dry matter than ordinary corn flour
(25% amylose) that had RS of 3 g/100 g dry matter. RS is highly resistant to mammalian
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Recently, phenolic compounds have been receiving much attention for controlling the
digestibility of starch and for having a high antioxidant activity. They are widely distributed
in plant foods, and their biological activities depend on their chemical structures, doses,
and time of consumption. Phenolic compounds belong to the families of phenolic acids,
flavonoids, and others.[21] Among them, flavonoids represent the widely distributed group
of plant phenolics. The flavonoids include the anthocyanin pigments, flavonols, flavones,
flavanols, and isoflavones. The flavanols tend to polymerize to condensed tannins, whereas
other flavonoids occur mainly as glycosides.[21]
Plant tannins are natural polyphenolic compounds of high molecular weight.
Tannins are subdivided into hydrolyzable and condensed tannins. Hydrolyzable tannins
are molecules with a polyhydroxy component.[22] It is found that the hydroxyl groups
of these molecules are esterified with phenolics, for example, ellagic acid (ellagitannins).
Condensed tannins are formed through the condensation of flavanols and are also known
as proanthocyanidins. Catechin, epicatechin, and gallocatechin are the monomeric con-
stituents of the condensed tannins.[21] Polyphenols, especially tannins, have a high
antioxidant activity.[8,23,24] Improved body antioxidant status can protect against degen-
erative diseases.
Table 1 Key enzyme inhibitors from plant origins involved in starch digestion.
drying the fresh tea leaves and so no oxidation takes place, resulting in excellent levels of
catechins. The ()-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (EGCG) has been recognized as the most
beneficial component among the four other catechins isolated from green tea.[38]
The polyphenol concentrate of the persimmon leaf tea had significant -amylase
inhibitory activity in a concentration-dependent manner, but had no considerable effect
on maltase. The percentage of inhibition ratios of persimmon leaf tea against porcine pan-
creas -amylase were 24.6 3.2, and 45.2 2.8 at the concentrations 24 and 48 g/ml
of polyphenol concentrate powders, respectively.[37] The -amylase inhibitory strength of
persimmon leaves is comparable to that of green tea,[5,37] whereas, compared to green
tea,[5] maltase inhibitory potency of persimmon leaves was much less,[37] indicating
that the inhibition of -amylase by persimmon leaves proanthocyanidin appeared to be
more relatively specific than green tea proanthocyanidin. Proanthocyanidins are flavan-3-
ol polymers with high structural diversity and complexity, and the biological activities of
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acidified methanol and then investigated the ability of phenolics in inhibiting the activities
of porcine pancreatic -amylase and rat intestinal -glucosidase.[6]
Different types of phenolic compounds, including phenolic acids and polyphenols,
such as gallic acid, protocatechuic acid, gentisic acid, caffeic acid, syringic acid, ferulic
acid, naringenin, kaempferol, luteolin glycoside, phloroglucinol, apigenin, (+)-catechin/
()-epicatechin, trans-feruloyl-malic acid, dimer of prodelphinidin (epi/gallocatechins;
2GC), daidzein, catechin gallates, and trimers and tetramers of catechin were identified
from the millet seed coat phenolics extract[6] (Table 1). The IC50 values for -glucosidase
and pancreatic amylase were 16.9 and 23.5 g of finger millet seed coat phenolics,
respectively,[6] indicating that these phenolics have the potential for managing hyper-
glycemia. Tadera et al.[45] reported that the starch digestive enzymes were inhibited by
naringenin, kaempferol, luteolin, apigenin, (+)-catechin/()-epicatechin, daidzein, and
epigallocatechin gallate and showed that there is a correlation between the potency of inhi-
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bition and the number of hydroxyl groups of flavonoids. Kinetic studies showed that the
millet seed coat phenolics non-competitively inhibited the two key enzymes involved in
starch digestion.[6] A Korean herb (Rhus chinensis) extract used as a remedy against type
2 diabetes in Korea, exhibited the same type of inhibition on -glucosidase and pancreatic
extract from raspberry variety (Glen Ample) was able to inhibit porcine pancreatic
-amylase (IC50 values of 21.0 g/mL) due to the presence of ellagitannins as major active
components.[44] Purified ellagitannins from strawberry also possess -amylase inhibitory
activity.[52] Ellagitannins in raspberry (Glen Ample) have been reported to undergo
breakdown partially under simulated gastrointestinal conditions,[53] although a very recent
study[44] suggests that raspberry extracts retain amylase inhibitory activity to a high level
when subjected to in vitro digestion. The extracts of seven raspberry cultivars (Nova,
Dinkum, Heritage, Autumn Britten, Josephine, Anne, and Fall Gold) did not inhibit the
activity of pancreatic -amylase possibly because they effectively lacked ellagitannins in
these cultivars. It was found that the concentrations of the major phenolic components in
14 raspberry cultivars varied approximately 20-fold.[54,55]
In vitro results suggest that raspberry phenolics inhibit enzymes involved in starch
digestion, such as -amylase or -glucosidase, at levels easily achieved in the gastrointesti-
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nal tract through normal dietary intake of fruits. Ellagitannins in raspberry (variety Glen
Ample) were the main active components for effective inhibition of mammalian -amylase
and capable of retarding starch digestion. Although it is still not clear whether raspberry
-glucosidase inhibitors can suppress postprandial hyperglycemia, raspberry phenolics
greatly inhibited yeast -glucosidase.
fruits phenolics activity against -amylase and to explore their potential therapeutic effects
on post-meal glycemic response by limiting carbohydrate digestion and absorption.
HPLC and their structures were identified by LC-MS. Gallic acid, protocatechuic acid,
caffeic acid, ellagic acid, ferulic acid, quercetin, and kaempferol were the major inhibitory
components[59] (Table 1).
The IC50 value of phenolics of CA was 185.5 4.9 g for human salivary
-amylase.[59] The inhibitory potency against human salivary -amylase are expected to
be comparable to that of human pancreatic -amylase because these enzymes share a high
degree of amino acid sequence similarity with 97% identical residues overall and 92% in
catalytic domains.[60,61]
Certain naturally occurring flavonoids, such as quercetin, kaempferol, luteolin, querc-
etagetin, and scutellarein act as inhibitors of human -amylase, which makes them
promising candidates for controlling the digestion of starch.[4,45] Flavonoids are integral
parts of the human diet providing potential antioxidant benefits for managing diabetes by
also preventing the progressive impairment of pancreatic beta-cell function due to oxidative
stress.[2,24,62] They cannot be synthesized by the human body, and play beneficial roles in
human life.[62,63]
Oral administration of maltose with phenolics of CA resulted in a dose-dependent
decrease in the blood glucose level in Wistar rats.[59] Male Wistar albino rats were starved
overnight (12 h). When CA phenolics were orally administered at different dosages (0, 50,
100, and 200 mg/kg of body weight) in maltose (2.0 g/kg of body weight), blood glucose
levels increased from baseline values of 64.57 1.65, 62.82 4.04, 63.39 3.83, and
64.50 3.94 mg/dl at 0 min to 180.50 3.83, 144.62 6.49, 141.23 5.13, 139.55
2.88 mg/dl at 60 min, respectively (values are mean SEM of 5 rats in each group), and
then decreased.[59]
Mild inhibition of -amylase and strong inhibition of intestinal -glucosidase activ-
ity would be an effective strategy for type 2 diabetes management.[64] The IC50 value of
CA was lower for -glucosidase than -amylase. The inhibitory potency of CA phenolics
against -amylase and -glucosidase suggested that the potentially safer phenolic com-
pounds from C. anthelminticum seeds extract therefore may be preferred alternatives for
controlling postprandial glycemia in type 2 diabetes.
The elevated blood glucose level after a meal in type 2 diabetic patients presents a
challenge for controlling meal-associated hyperglycemia. Of relevance to the postprandial
glycemic control in type 2 diabetes, the nature of the starch in the dietary foods is important.
such as proteins, may reduce the inhibitory potency of polyphenols in the gastrointesti-
nal tract, although some phenolics appear to be enzyme specific. The number of human
studies in this field is still very limited. Well-controlled, long-term human studies would
help to determine the efficacy, optimal dose, and safety of these inhibitors and ingredient
functionality of phenolics in the presence of other dietary components.
Based on the ingredient functionality of phenolic compounds in various food sys-
tems and its safer and efficacious dose for humans, it is possible to develop nutraceuticals
or functional foods for type 2 diabetic patients. Preserving the native structure of the active
molecules during functional food preparation is important. Keeping a balance between
-amylase and -glucosidase inhibitors would be useful to limit the gastrointestinal adverse
effects related to undigested starch reaching the colon. For the development of nutraceu-
ticals or functional foods, knowledge of the interaction between phenolic compounds and
digestive enzymes is desirable.
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