Hrvoj Vančik (Auth.) - Basic Organic Chemistry For The Life Sciences-Springer International Publishing (2014) PDF
Hrvoj Vančik (Auth.) - Basic Organic Chemistry For The Life Sciences-Springer International Publishing (2014) PDF
Hrvoj Vančik (Auth.) - Basic Organic Chemistry For The Life Sciences-Springer International Publishing (2014) PDF
Basic Organic
for the Life
Basic Organic Chemistry for the Life Sciences
Hrvoj Vanik
This textbook appears as a result of the experience in more than 20 years of lecturing
organic chemistry to students of biology, molecular biology, and ecology within the
Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Zagreb. Since the great
books of organic chemistry for chemists appear to be too advanced for students
whose study is only partially related to chemistry, I have decided to prepare the text
that is more oriented to the essence of organic chemistry.
Open problems in writing the basic organic chemistry textbook include the selec-
tion of concepts for the representation of the material, but also the level of the expla-
nation of the complex phenomena such as reaction mechanisms or the electron
structure. Here I propose the compromises. First compromise is related to the mode
of the systematization of the contents, which can traditionally be based either on the
classes of compounds, or on the classes of reactions. Here, the main chapter titles
contain the reaction types, but the subtitles involve the compound classes. The elec-
tronic effects as well as the nature of the chemical bond is described by using the
quasi-classical approach starting with the wave nature of the electron, and building
the molecular orbitals from the linear combination of the atomic orbitals on the
principle of the qualitative MO model. Hybridization is avoided because all the
phenomena on this level can be simply explained by non-hybridized molecular
The text is divided in two parts. First chapters deal with fundamental aspects of
the structural theory, reaction dynamics of organic reactions, electronic structure,
and some basic spectroscopy. Last, the largest chapter represents the introduction to
the organic chemistry of natural products. Comparison of the reactions in the labo-
ratory with the analogous molecular transformations in living cells will help the
students to understand the basic principles of biochemistry. The most interesting
property of organic chemical systems, the formation of the high diversity of struc-
tures, is pointed out almost in all chapters. This approach is designed to help the
students to provide deeper insight into the phenomena of the chemical evolution as
a base for the biological evolution.
viii Preface
I intend this book for students of biology, molecular biology, ecology, medicine,
agriculture, forestry, and other professions where the knowledge of organic chemis-
try plays the important role. I also hope that the work could also be of interest to
non-professionals, as well as to the high school teachers.
x Contents
The historic moment when organic chemistry appeared as part of chemistry, where
organic chemistry deals with compounds originating from living organisms, is difficult
to establish. More than 200 years ago, in 1784, T. Bergman used the term organic
chemistry for the first time. Perhaps, two historic events in the development of
chemistry could be regarded as crucial for the development of this branch of science.
In the first place one should mention Jn Jacob Berzelius, who, at the beginning
of the nineteenth century, developed the method for the systematic elemental analysis
of organic substances. Berzelius observed that all organic substances produce
carbon dioxide and water upon combustion. By accurately measuring the masses of
these products he calculated the percentages of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in
organic compounds. The most important conclusion was that all organic compounds
consist of carbon and hydrogen. Accordingly, organic chemistry could also be called
the chemistry of carbon compounds.
Secondly, perhaps the most important event in the development of organic chemistry
has been the discovery that an organic compound could be prepared from inorganic
starting material. In 1828, Friedrich Whler successfully prepared urea, the organic
compound, by heating the inorganic salt ammonium cyanate. Before this discovery,
organic substances were thought to be exclusively derived from living organisms.
One of the fundamental and general questions about the nature of organic com-
pounds is the special nature of carbon as the basic element from which all the
organic substances and all the known substances of Life are built. Could silicon, for
instance, the element which is in the same group of the periodic table as carbon, be
the basic element for the development of some alternative life?
To answer this question it is necessary to look at the special properties of the element
carbon, the properties which are responsible for the emergence and evolution of
complex organic molecules. The most important prebiotic condition for the beginning
of biological evolution is the appearance of a complex mixture of molecules with a
high diversity of structures. Stuart Kauffman calculated that such critical diversity
should comprise at least 200,000 molecules with different structures. Basic properties
of carbon are such that compounds of this element can form an enormous number
of structures. More than ten million organic compounds are known at present.
xii Introduction
In the second half of the nineteenth century, August Kekul, Archibald Couper
and independently Aleksandr Butlerov discovered the most important property of
carbon: the mutual binding of carbon atoms into chains, branched chains and ring
structures. This discovery has been extended with the knowledge that carbon atoms
can be connected by stable single, double and triple bonds. For comparison, silicon
atoms can also be connected by single and double bonds, but in contrast to carbon-
carbon bonds, silicon-silicon bonds are weaker, unstable and sensitive to light. Hence,
silaorganic compounds would not be able to survive under the natural conditions
which were present on Earth at the time when biological evolution started. However,
silicon atoms do form strong bonds with oxygen atoms and form a high diversity of
structures in which silicon-oxygen-silicon structural motifs are present. Such struc-
tures are characteristics of the terrestrial mineral world.
Later in this book, we will introduce a series of other special properties which
make carbon a unique biogenic element.
Structures of organic molecules can be drawn from the structures in which car-
bon appears as an element i.e. from the structures of its allotropic modifications.
Until the last quarter of the twentieth century only two allotropic modifications of
carbon were known, graphite and diamond. From the viewpoint of structural
organic chemistry, structures of graphite and diamond represent basic structural pat-
terns by which carbon atoms can be interconnected.
In the intergalactic space there are stars which are in the last phase of their
development and which produce a lot of elemental carbon by eruptions. Harold
Kroto and his collaborators Richard Smalley and Robert Curl have investigated
in detail the nature of such intergalactic carbon. The result of their research has
been the discovery of a new allotropic modification of carbon in which atoms form
structures resembling a ball. By measuring the relative molecular masses of such
ball-molecules and simulating the interstellar conditions in the laboratory, Kroto,
Smalley and Curl have found that these molecules mostly consist of 60 carbon
atom clusters distributed as pentagonal and hexagonal structures. There are 12 pen-
tagons surrounded by hexagons. Since the proposed structure resembles some
works of art, especially the architecture constructed by the architect Richard
Buckminster Fuller, this C60 molecule has been named fullerene. In subsequent
research a series of similar ball-like structures was discovered, some of which also
have tubular structures of carbon atoms. These molecules have dimensions on the
nanometer scale and have intriguing properties which are interesting for use in the
sophisticated technology of novel materials and electronics. The discovery of
fullerenes represents the beginning of the new era of nanotechnology.
Chapter 1
Alkanes, Composition, Constitution
and Configuration
Nature abounds in hydrocarbons especially in crude oil and natural gas. The mix-
ture of hydrocarbons present in oil can be separated into groups of compounds with
different boiling points through the industrial process of fractional distillation. By
analysis of compounds from different fractions it is possible to elucidate their ele-
mental composition from which in turn, their chemical formulas can be calculated, for
instance C2H6 for ethane. The determination of composition is based on the property
of hydrocarbons to combust into water and carbon dioxide. At the beginning of the
Whlers experiment is important not only because of its finding that there is
only one chemistry, independent of the origin of the substances, inorganic or bio-
logical, but because it demonstrated that two very different substances can have the
same composition, in this case CH4N2O. The idea of structure as a higher level of
organizing principle of matter has emerged. Charles-Frdric Gerhardt, August von
Hofmann and Alexander Williamson have around 1850 developed this idea into
the concept of constitution, which describes the way in which atoms are intercon-
nected in the molecule. In Whlers experiment different constitutions of ammo-
nium cyanate and urea can be described by different structural formulas:
Compounds such as urea and ammonium cyanate, which have the same compo-
sition but different constitution are called isomers. After this first example it has
been found that there is an enormous number of isomers of organic compounds,
especially hydrocarbons, in nature. Before clarifying these concepts in more detail
1 Alkanes, Composition, Constitution and Configuration 3
let us describe the composition, constitution and names of some of the most important
saturated hydrocarbons, alkanes. As can be seen from the following Table, all the given
chemical formulas can be reduced to the general formula CnH2n + 2, where n is an integer.
Such alkanes are called n-alkanes and belong to a homologous series of compounds.
Different isomers are possible if the alkane molecule contains more than three
carbon atoms. In the case of butane, which has the composition defined by the
formula C4H10, the carbon atoms can be interconnected in two different ways form-
ing two constitutional isomers. While the compound with the linear carbon chain is
usually called n-butane its branched isomer is called iso-butane.
Structures shown in the following scheme are two different isomers which really
represent two different compounds. To convert one isomer into another it is necessary to
break and reform chemical bonds by a chemical reaction. The isomers are repre-
sented in two ways, by connectivity structural formula in which all the interatomic
bonds and atomic symbols are shown and also by the condensed formula where the
chains between the CH3 and CH2 groups are drawn. Such more practical formulas are
mostly used in organic chemistry. The particular groups in the chain have special
names such as methylene group for CH2 and methyl group for CH3.
4 1 Alkanes, Composition, Constitution and Configuration
Let us consider the number of isomers of alkanes for different numbers of carbon
atoms. For instance, pentane can form three isomers and hexane has five isomers:
In following table, the number of isomers is given for the alkanes with up to 10
C-atoms. The table shows that the number of isomers increases exponentially
with the number of carbon atoms in the alkane molecule. The saturated hydrocarbon
with 20 carbon atoms with the brutto formula C20H42 can have 366,319 isomers!
Such a large number of isomers of simple alkanes explains why carbon as an element
is unique and why it serves as a basis for the vast diversity of structures necessary for
Life. This propensity for generating great diversity of organic molecules starting
from simple structures will be exemplified further in later parts of this book.
Regarding isomers, it must be noted that depending on the way the atoms are
interconnected, C-atoms can bind to each other in several different ways. Some
carbons are bound to only one neighboring C-atom, some to two, three or four.
Based on this criterion the carbon atoms are named primary, secondary, tertiary
and quaternary, respectively:
1.1 On the Nomenclature of Organic Compounds 5
Number Name
of C-atoms Formula Root Suffix of compound Substituent Suffix Name
1 CH4 met- -ane methane -CH3 -yl methyl
2 C2H6 et- -ane ethane -C2H5 -yl ethyl
3 C3H8 prop- -ane propane -C3H7 -yl propyl
4 C4H10 but- -ane butane -C4H9 -yl butyl
5 C5H12 pent- -ane pentane -C5H11 -yl pentyl
6 1 Alkanes, Composition, Constitution and Configuration
Number Name
of C-atoms Formula Root Suffix of compound Substituent Suffix Name
6 C6H14 hex- -ane hexane -C6H13 -yl hexyl
7 C7H16 hept- -ane heptane -C7H15 -yl heptyl
8 C8H18 oct- -ane octane -C8H17 -yl octyl
9 C9H20 non- -ane nonane -C9H19 -yl nonyl
10 C10H22 dec- -ane decane -C10H21 -yl decyl
The position of the substituent on the longest chain is labeled by a number. Number
1 must be assigned to the terminal carbon of the chain so that all other substituents
can be labelled by the smallest possible numbers. If on the same basic chain two or
more identical substituents are attached, the suffix is expanded by adding labels
di-, tri-, etc. For instance, in the name 2,2-dimethylpropane (shown in the schemes
below), the numbering 2,2- means that two methyl groups are bound to carbon 2.
1.2 Configurations and Shapes of Molecules 7
The basic idea that molecules are real particles which have particular shape originated
from three chemists, one of them was organic, the other inorganic and the third one
was a physical chemist. By studying the symmetry of crystals of the organic salt
ammonium-sodium tartarate, which had been isolated from the reaction mixture in
alcoholic fermentation, Charles LeBel who worked with Louis Pasteur proposed
in 1874 that the atoms bound to the central carbon atom in substituted alkanes
are distributed in space so as to form a tetrahedron. Such tetrahedral spatial configu-
ration resembles the distribution of C-atoms in diamond. Details of this discovery
by LeBel will be discussed later in this book. The same idea about the tetrahedral
structure of the alkane-like molecules has been independently proposed by physical
chemist Jacobus vant Hoff, who studied isomers of substituted alkanes. The
concept of spatial structure of inorganic compounds in which the atoms surrounding
the central metal atom form an octahedron, was proposed by the inorganic chemist
Alfred Werner.
The methane molecule CH4, has the shape of a tetrahedron in which the carbon
atom is at the center. Spatial three dimensional distribution of atoms in a molecule
is called configuration and we can say that the methane molecule has a tetrahedral
configuration. For pictoral representation of such spatial distribution there is a
convention such that chemical bonds which lie in the plane of the drawing are
labeled with a full line, the bonds located above the plane of the drawing by a wedge
(bold elongated triangle) and the bonds below the plane with a dashed line (dashed
elongated triangle). The angle between two C-H bonds 10928, is known as the
tetrahedral angle.
The fact that the molecule has such a distinct geometric form can be explained
by the branch of physics known as quantum mechanics. In other words, the tetrahe-
dral configuration of C-H bonds is the consequence of the repulsion of electron
pairs which tend to be as far apart as possible from each other. This method of pre-
diction of the molecular shape by considering the optimal distribution of bonds
(bonding electron pairs) in which the electron repulsion is minimal, is called
VSEPR (valence shell electron pair repulsion). Although this method is widely
used, in practice we must point out that this procedure is a simplified approach that
can afford only an approximate picture of the molecule.
8 1 Alkanes, Composition, Constitution and Configuration
Let us use the knowledge about the tetrahedral shape to build structures of
other simple alkane molecules. We observe that the consequence of tetrahedral
structure is the zig-zag form of the alkane chains. Chemical formulas in the following
scheme are called wedge-dash formulas.
Looking at the structures of alkanes in the figure we can see that while the
molecules with an odd number of carbon atoms appear symmetrical (both termi-
nal carbon-carbon bonds being oriented upwards - black lines), where the struc-
tures with an even number are asymmetrical in the sense that the terminal
carbon-carbon bonds are oriented upwards on the left end of the chain, but down-
wards on the right end (blue lines). Although the correct explanation is not simple,
this example demonstrates how macroscopic properties correlate with micro-
scopic structures. We can assume that odd molecules in the condensed state
shall be packed differently from even molecules.
10 1 Alkanes, Composition, Constitution and Configuration
The form A can be transformed into B simply by rotation of one of the methyl
groups by the torsion angle = 60 around the C-C bond. Such rotations, especially at
room temperature, are very fast and it is possible to imagine that the ethane molecule
could appear in a large number of shapes, depending on the rotation angle . Such dif-
ferent shapes of molecules which follow from internal rotations about single bonds are
called conformations. In the figure above the two most important conformations: stag-
gered and eclipsed are shown using the wedge-dash notation. However, these confor-
mations can also be drawn by rotating the molecule by 90 relative to the plane of
drawing. In that case the carbon atoms appear one behind the other. As shown in the
following figure, the carbon atoms in the front and at the back are separated by a circle.
The representation which is shown in the next scheme is called a Newman formula.
Newman formulas serve to clarify the difference between staggered and eclipsed
conformations. In the staggered conformation, the C-H bonds at the neighboring car-
bon atoms are closer to each other than in the eclipsed conformation. Since the electron
clouds in these covalent bonds are negatively charged they lead to a repulsive interac-
tions so that the eclipsed conformation has a higher potential energy than the staggered
conformation. We can say that the neighboring C-H bonds sterically hinder each
other, which gives the molecule in the eclipsed conformation a higher potential energy.
1.3 Molecular Dynamics and Conformations 11
Starting with the eclipsed conformation, if the torsion angle increases the potential
energy decreases up to the angle of 60, which is characteristic for the staggered
conformation. The dependence of the potential energy on the torsional angle is
shown in the following scheme.
We can observe that the potential energy varies periodically with the angle and that
the staggered conformations always correspond to the energy minima while the eclipsed
conformations always corresponding to the energy maxima. It is for this reason that
ethane molecules assume the staggered rather than the eclipsed conformation.
Stable conformations which correspond to the energy minima are called con-
formers. If the molecule comprises more than one C-C bond the rotation is possible
around all of them and the number of conformers increases. Let us investigate the
conformations and conformers of the butane molecule:
12 1 Alkanes, Composition, Constitution and Configuration
1.4 Cycloalkanes
The idea that carbon atoms can be bound in cyclic structures (besides forming
chains and branched chains) appeared during the second half of nineteenth century.
When these cyclic structures are saturated hydrocarbons we talk about cycloalkanes.
In the nomenclature of this class of compounds the name is formed by adding the
prefix cyclo-.
1.4.1 Cyclohexane
As we can see in the following scheme, the hydrogen atoms can be bound to carbons in
two different ways. When C-H bonds (containing green H atoms) are parallel to the
axis perpendicular to the plane of the ring, hydrogens in such bonds are called axial
hydrogens (shown in green). Hydrogens drawn in red lie nearly in the equatorial
plane of the ring and are called equatorial hydrogen atoms. The difference between
these types of hydrogens is better represented by using the Newman formula:
The Newman formula shown in the upper scheme (right) is obtained by looking
along the C3-C4 and C1-C6 bonds. On inspection it becomes clear that the repre-
sented conformation has a staggered form and that these are stable conformers. By
convention they are called chair conformers. Since all the C-C bonds are in the
staggered arrangements the cyclohexane molecule is the most stable cyclic hydro-
carbon. There are no C-H bonds that sterically hinder each other. Conformational
dynamics of the cyclohexane ring involves limited rotation around the C-C bonds:
one chair conformer is transformed into another.
Hydrogen atoms (blue) that are in the axial positions in one conformer appear in
equatorial positions in the product conformer. Such change from axial to the equatorial
position is even more evident in the methyl-substituted cyclohexane.
14 1 Alkanes, Composition, Constitution and Configuration
The methyl group is in the axial position in the first conformer and in equatorial
position in the second conformer. Both conformers can also be represented by
Newman formulas:
In the left conformer (scheme above) the axial methyl group is close to the nearby
axial C-H bond. Since the electron clouds of these two axial groups repel each other,
the molecule posses high energy and becomes less stable. As we have already com-
mented, such unfavorable interaction is called steric hindrance. In the conformer on the
right, the methyl group is in equatorial position, the steric hindrance does not exists and
the conformer is more stable. This is the explanation of the general rule according to
which the conformers of cyclohexane with large substituents in the equatorial positions
are more stable than the conformers with groups in the axial positions.
1.4.2 Cyclopentane
Since all the hydrogen atoms are quasi-axial the representation of cyclopentane
molecule by a planar ring is an acceptable description.
1.5 Polycyclic Hydrocarbons 15
While the angles around carbon atoms in cyclohexane and cyclopentane do not
deviate much from the tetrahedral angle in small ring molecules such as cyclobu-
tane or cyclopropane the geometry requires that the angles between neighboring
C-C bonds deviate significantly from the tetrahedral value. Such forced reduction of
tetrahedral angles requires additional potential energy. Consequently, small cyclic
molecules such as cyclopropane contain an excess potential strain energy called
the Bayer strain. Because of this strain, molecules with three and four membered
rings are chemically active and in chemical reactions the rings tends to cleave and
relieve excess potential energy.
The cyclobutane molecule is not planar and the carbon atoms deviate from the
plane by forming a structure in which four of the hydrogen atoms have an equatorial
position (labeled in red) and the remaining four hydrogens are axial (labeled in green).
In this way the Bayer strain is minimized. In cyclopropane, all the hydrogens are in
quasi-axial positions.
From the detailed studies of the cyclopropane molecule, it has been found that
the C-C bonds are folded i.e. the electron density maxima between bonded carbon
atoms lie off the C-C bond axis.
Carbon atoms can also be interconnected in structures that have more than one ring.
They are called polycyclic hydrocarbons. One well known polycyclic structure
that appears in a series of natural products is decaline, with two condensed six
membered rings. The term condensed means that rings share one C-C bond. Since
there are two different hydrogen positions on this common C-C bond, the decaline
molecule can appear as two stereoisomers. The neighboring hydrogens can be either
on the same side or on the opposite sides of the shared C-C bond and the stereoiso-
mers are known as cis-decaline and trans-decaline, respectively. As expected, the
isomers have different physical properties. The melting point of cis-decaline is
198 C and the melting point of trans-decaline is 185 C.
16 1 Alkanes, Composition, Constitution and Configuration
As we have seen in the previous chapter, the hydrocarbon skeleton is responsible for
the shape and flexibility of organic molecules. In the case of alkane molecules, the
molecular structure is based on tetrahedral units and the molecular dynamics is the
consequence of relatively free rotations about the carbon-carbon single bonds.
These rotations give rise to different conformations. However, with the exception
of small-ring molecules, the alkanes, as compounds containing only carbon and
hydrogen, are relatively weakly reactive substances.
Most organic molecules which exhibit chemical reactivity have an incorporated
active structural unit called the functional group. In the structural formula the
unspecified group, the substituent, bound to the hydrocarbon skeleton is labeled as
R. To be chemically active, the functional group must possess high energy electrons
which can be either the electrons in the multiple bonds or the non-bonded electrons
on atoms other than carbon or hydrogen. Such atoms (for instance O, N, S, P, Cl, Br,
I etc.) when present in the organic molecules are called heteroatoms. The presence
of the functional group is also the basis for systematization of organic compounds
into specific classes.
The most common functional groups together with their nomenclature are listed
in following tables. The additional functional groups as well as the details of the
nomenclature of specific classes of compounds will be discussed later in this book.
Amongst the functional groups which have double and triple bonds we shall
mention those in the following table. All the compounds belong to different types of
The main functional groups and the corresponding organic compounds contain-
ing oxygen are: alcohols, ethers, ketones, aldehydes, carboxylic acids and esters as
listed in the following table:
2 Functional Groups 19
The most important organic compounds with nitrogen are the following:
Some organic compounds possess groups with both elements, oxygen and
20 2 Functional Groups
Let us also list the classes of compounds with the functional groups containing
sulfur and halogen:
Chapter 3
Electronic Structure of Organic Molecules
More than a 100 years ago, Joseph John Thomson who in 1897 discovered the
electron, hypothesized that this small negatively charged particle plays crucial
role in the formation of the chemical bond. Thomson argued that atoms in the
chemical bond exchange electrons in such a way that every atom donates one elec-
tron to the common chemical bond. Consequently, the electron pair is responsible
for holding the two atoms together. However, the proposed model was not able
to explain why the bonds in molecules containing the same atoms such as H2 are
different from the bonds in molecules with different atoms, for example HCl or
NaCl. The idea about covalent and ionic bonds appeared in 1916 when Gilbert
Newton Lewis proposed the representation of the chemical bond as the common
electron pair shared by the two bound atoms. The electrons in Lewis pairs do not
have any identity regarding the atoms from which they originate and the covalent
bond can be represented by dots as follows:
Traditionally used valence lines acquire new meaning: they represent electron
pairs. Within this semantics, the double bond is labeled by two lines which describe
two electron pairs. Commonly, such notation is called the Lewis structure.
However, in some molecules such as ammonia, some of the electrons are not
included in the chemical bonds. Out of five valence electrons on the nitrogen
atom, only three take part in covalent bonds with hydrogens, the remaining two are
nonbonding and are called the electron lone pairs.
Molecules with electron lone pairs are very reactive. Since organic chemistry
is based on carbon compounds and carbon atoms only have electron lone pairs
in special cases, the carriers of nonbonding electrons are heteroatoms such as N, O,
S, P or halogens.
The examples of carbon atoms with electron lone pairs are the cyanide ion: CN
or the relatively unstable but reactive carbenes, which are common intermedi-
ates in photochemical reactions.
Although the Lewis model has been accepted as a basic and universal concept
for the description of the constitutions of molecules, this representation appears to
be inadequate for some species. For instance, by using the Lewis model for the
description of the nitrate anion NO3, as shown in the following figure, one of the
oxygen atoms is bound to the nitrogen via a double bond and the two remaining
oxygens via a single bonds. Since it is known that double bonds are shorter than
single bonds (this will be discussed later in the book) the proposed description of
the nitrate ion indicates that one of the nitrogen-oxygen bonds should be shorter
than the two remaining bonds. However, since precise measurements show that all
three nitrogen-oxygen bonds are of equal length, the constitution of the nitrate ion
cannot possibly be explained by a single Lewis formula. At the beginning of the
twentieth century Sir Robert Robinson and Fritz Arndt have proposed that such
molecules can be interpreted with a set of structural formulas, which have differ-
ent electron configurations. This particular electron configuration is called the
resonance structure and we could say that the molecule is better represented by
several resonance structures. In literature we can find the statement that the molecule
is a resonance hybrid of the corresponding canonic resonance structures. In our
example, the nitrate ion is better represented by three canonic resonance structures.
3.1 The Covalent Bond 23
By definition, all resonance structures are descriptions of the same molecule. We use
the notation in which the different resonance structures are connected by double
tipped arrows with all the formulas placed within parentheses.
By convention, the shift of electron pairs is indicated by special arrows called the
Robinson arrow, in the honor of Robert Robinson, the chemist who developed the
theory of chemical reaction mechanisms.
One further conclusion can be drawn from the resonance model. The canonical
resonance forms suggest that electrons do not have fixed positions within the
molecule; sometimes they appear as lone pairs, but sometimes they comprise
double bonds. This demonstrates that electrons are distributed throughout the entire
molecule or at least throughout its major part; the electrons are delocalized. It is
important to point out that the delocalization of electrons decreases their energy
so that such delocalized electrons have a lower energy than the electrons which are
localized, for instance in the single bond or on the heteroatom (lone pairs on
nitrogen or oxygen). In this way, by constructing the canonic resonance formulas
we are able to compare the stability of different molecules.
24 3 Electronic Structure of Organic Molecules
Although the Lewis concept together with the resonance model forms the basis
for unambiguous descriptions of structures of molecular classes and for organic
reactions, their use in understanding and explaining the nature of the chemical bond
is insufficient. For a detailed description of the nature of electrons we need the
theory that describes electrons as waves. Such theory is called quantum
mechanics and was created in 1925 by Werner Heissenberg and in 1926 by
Erwin Schrdinger. In quantum mechanics, the electrons are entities which could
behave as either particles or waves, depending on the type of the experiment by
which we observe them. We say that the electrons have a dual nature.
For the study of electrons in atoms and molecules it is more convenient to
consider electrons as waves. Since the electrons are contained within atoms or
molecules, the waves that describe them are standing waves, as are for instance the
waves of water which move within a closed pool. The standing wave also describes
the vibration of a strained wire for example on some musical instrument. Let us use
the analogy of a strained wire to obtain a deeper insight into the behavior of elec-
trons in molecules.
After triggering, the wire vibrates with a certain frequency and we hear the sound
of the corresponding note. If the wire is shorter the note (frequency) is higher and
vice versa, the longer the wire the lower the note (frequency). As we know from
physics, the vibrational frequency is proportional to the energy and consequently,
the shorter wire has higher energy than the longer one. Taking this rule into
account, by connecting two shorter wires to construct one longer wire we shall get
a lower energy. We conclude that the energy is lower if the standing wave moves
over a larger area of space. This is described in the following diagram:
If the wave function is labeled with , than the lower energy wave is obtained by
adding the functions 1 and 2. Imagine that the wires described by 1 and 2
merge into a single wire which has twice the length and that we press the resulting
longer wire in the middle (as we do for instance when playing a string instrument).
The resulting wire will then vibrate with the opposite phases, left and right from the
pressure point. Such a system could be represented as the difference of the functions
1 and 2. The result is two composite waves different in phase but close to each
other in energy. Let us represent them by 1 2. If the smaller wire-waves are both
3.2 Molecular Orbitals 25
electrically charged with the same charge (for instance negative), their common
energy should be higher since the negative charges repel each other.
In principle, the two resulting standing waves can be obtained from wave functions
in two ways: in phase combination (1 + 2) with lower energy and out of phase
combination (1 2) with higher energy. In atoms the standing waves, which
describe electrons, are represented by special functions called atomic orbitals.
Here we will not discuss the details of such mathematical functions. Rather we will
use their graphic representations. Since carbon and hydrogen are the most impor-
tant atoms in organic chemistry, we will represent their atomic orbitals only.
While the electron in the hydrogen atom is present in only one orbital (1s), the
electrons in the carbon atom are distributed in 1s, 2s, 2px, 2py and 2pz orbitals.
From the following figure is clear that the 2px, 2py and 2pz orbitals are of equal
energy, which is however higher than the 2s orbital energy.
The p-orbitals (2px, 2py and 2pz) differ only by their orientation in space along
the coordinate axes x, y and z. The different colors of the two sides of each p-orbital
(gray or white) corresponds to the different wave phases, similar to as was discussed
previously for the wire model.
26 3 Electronic Structure of Organic Molecules
Next we have to combine the atomic orbitals to construct the molecule in the
same way as we have done with wires representing standing waves. In the simplest
case, the formation of the hydrogen molecule, we have two combinations of atomic
orbitals: the lower energy 1s + 1s combination and the higher energy 1s 1s
combination. These two combinations of atomic orbitals describe electrons in the
molecule and they are called molecular orbitals. In analogy with our standing
wave model, these combinations, i.e. the molecular orbitals, have different phase
relations: (bonding and antibonding). The appearance of electrons in the antibonding
orbital converts the helium molecule back into its corresponding atoms. For this
reason the noble gases do not form molecules.
Since 2p orbitals can have three different spatial orientations along three coordinate
axes, it is necessary to consider the other two combinations: 2py 2py and
2pz 2pz as well. For convenience let us discuss the 2pz 2pz case first.
We obtain two molecular orbitals: bonding 2pz + 2pz and antibonding 2pz 2pz.
The same reasoning would also give pairs of 2px 2px and 2py 2py orbitals.
What is the main difference between (2pz 2pz) or (2py 2py) and (2px 2px)
orbitals. By rotating individual atomic orbitals in the 2px 2px combination around
the bond axis, the properties of the bond remain the same. However, by performing
the same rotation on the 2pz 2pz combination the phases (depicted with gray and
white shading) are exchanged as demonstrated in the next figure.
Using this property, the orbitals can be classified into two types: orbitals which
are symmetric upon the rotation around the bond-axis are called -orbitals and
orbitals which are antisymmetric are called -orbitals.
2pz and 2pz in -orbitals. For this reason the -orbital has lower energy than the
-orbital and the antibonding * has higher energy than the *.
This knowledge can help us in understanding the electron distribution in organic
molecules. The lowest in energy are -orbitals, followed by -orbitals, nonbonding
n-electrons (the electron lone pairs), * orbitals and the highest energy * orbitals.
In the electronic ground states , and n orbitals are occupied by electrons while *
and * orbitals are vacant. The nonbonding n-orbital in principle does not contribute
to the chemical bond. All the molecular orbitals are shown in the following figure.
However, two of them have the additional labels HOMO, and LUMO. These two
orbitals are called frontier orbitals, because they are especially important for
analyzing possible chemical reactions. The HOMO acronym stands for the highest
occupied molecular orbital and LUMO for the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital.
The molecule is in the ground electronic state if all valence electrons occupy
only bonding or n-orbitals. If the molecule absorbs a quantum of visible or ultravio-
let light and if the energy of this quantum corresponds to the energy difference
between the bonding and the antibonding orbitals (for instance between and *)
the electrons can be moved from the bonding to the antibonding orbital and the
molecule shall go to the excited electronic state. Such excitation is the main
characteristic of the reactions induced by light, the photoreactions.
3.3 Distribution of Electron Density, and the Shape of Molecules 29
The length of the chemical bond depends primarily on the atomic radii of the atoms
included in the bond and on the electron interactions. Since in organic chemistry we
deal mostly with carbon, hydrogen and a few heteroatoms we will focus predomi-
nantly on the bond-lengths between these atoms. As is evident from the table later
in this chapter single, bonds are in principle longer than double bonds, which are in
turn longer than triple bonds. Additionally, multiple bonds are stronger than single
bonds. However, interatomic distances in chemical bonds are not fixed as implied
by the rigid stick-and-ball models. A much better representation would be a mechanical
model in which the balls are interconnected by springs. In such a model the massive
balls are not fixed but are free to vibrate around the equilibrium position. Analogously,
the atoms in the molecule vibrate around the equilibrium point at a certain frequency.
The chemical bond-length is defined as the interatomic distance when the atoms are
in the equilibrium position. Vibrational frequencies of atoms in chemical bonds are
nearly hundred times smaller than the frequencies of electrons-waves. Consequently,
in order to become vibrationally excited, the molecule must absorb electromagnetic
radiation of longer wavelengths than visible light, which is the radiation in the
infrared region.
The simplest molecular vibrations are bond stretchings. Besides stretching, there
are other vibrational modes, for instance vibrations of changing the angle between
bonds. Let us analyze the vibrations of a molecule of water. As shown in the next
scheme, there are two vibrational modes for bond stretching v1 and v2 and one
vibrational mode for the angle change v3.
Vibrations v1 and v2 differ in symmetry. While for v1 we can say that it is symmetric
because both OH bonds stretch simultaneously, v2 is antisymmetric since the H-atoms
move in opposite directions. Hence, the water molecule possesses three vibrational
modes. Generally, if the molecule has N atoms it will have 3 N-6 vibrational modes.
Each vibrational mode has its characteristic frequency and the molecule can
absorb infrared light of frequencies which correspond to the vibrations that are
active in the molecule. This fact is used for structural characterization of molecules.
Frequencies of the absorption maxima in the infrared spectrum allow us to identify
the vibrational modes. Since every functional group possesses characteristic vibrations,
the infrared spectrum can be used to identify the functional groups present in the
molecule. This method is called infrared spectroscopy. In spectroscopy the
vibrational frequencies are represented as wavenumbers which are measured in
units called reciprocal centimeters cm1. The reciprocal centimeter unit is the
number of waves within 1 cm. Some characteristic vibrational wavenumbers for
the most important functional groups are presented in the table above.
In the figure below the infrared spectrum of acetone, CH3COCH3 is shown
1000 3000 2000 1500 1000 500
Signals at 2,966 cm1 are assigned to the CH stretching of the methyl groups, the
sharp maximum at 1,749 cm1 is the characteristic stretching of the CO group and
peaks at 1,363 cm1 correspond to the change of the angle between the CH bonds in
the methyl groups (bending).
Assignment of all the peaks is difficult because the vibrations of the acetone
molecule are complex: the molecule has 10 atoms and by using the formula 3N-6 it
must have 3 10 6 = 24 vibrational modes.
32 3 Electronic Structure of Organic Molecules
Now, we must return to the simplest vibration, the stretching of the bond in a
diatomic molecule e.g. in HCl. Imagine that the H-Cl bond is stretched continuously
in one direction. From the mechanical point of view the stretching of the spring
increases the potential energy. At some distance the bond will break. Potential
energy increases also by compressing the bond. Relationship between the potential
energy and bond length is represented in the next figure. Such curves are known as
Morse curves. As shown in the following figure at interatomic distances larger than
a certain value, the potential energy becomes constant because the chemical bond is
broken. The distance at which the potential energy has minimum value is associated
with the length of the chemical bond. In reality, the molecule is never at this minimum
because the molecule constantly vibrates and the energy of this vibration must be
larger than this minimum. The difference between the minimum energy and the
vibrational energy level is called zero point energy and it depends on the frequency
of vibration by the formula E = (h). h is Planck constant and is the vibrational
frequency. If the molecule is cooled down to the temperature of absolute zero than
all its vibrations will have energy (h).
dissociation energy. There is close relation between the dissociation energy and
the bond energy i.e. the energy necessary to break the chemical bond. Strength
and energy of the chemical bond depends on the energy difference between the
zero point energy and the energy of continuum. If a chemical bond is strong, the
potential energy curve is steep and the bond energy (related to E) is larger, so
the position of the energy minimum is at the shorter bond distance. Conversely,
weak bonds have wider potential energy curves, a small E and the positions of
their minima are at large interatomic distances.
Typical values of bond energies and bond distances for the chemical bonds in
organic molecules are listed in the following table. Please note that the values in
the table are averages, based on the measurements for a large number of molecules.
Accurate parameters for individual molecules can be obtained from high level
quantum chemical calculations or by the use of sophisticated instruments.
The important conclusion from this discussion is the rule that the bond
energy and bond length are in an inverse relationship: as the bond gets shorter it
becomes stronger and vice versa, as the bond is weaker its energy is smaller. This is
important information, because from the data about bond lengths it is possible to
predict which bond is weaker and consequently which is more prone to breaking in
a chemical reaction.
In principle, by using values such as those in the table above, it is possible to
predict molecular geometry and from this the possible reactivity of molecules.
Additionally, the sum of all bond energies in the molecule represents approximate
value of the enthalpy of formation of the corresponding compound. For example
in a molecule of ethanol CH3CH2OH we count five C-H bonds, one C-C bond,
one O-H bond and one C-O bond, so the approximate enthalpy of formation, Hf,
is therefore: 5 413 + 347 + 464 + 351 = 3,227 kJ/mol.
34 3 Electronic Structure of Organic Molecules
Besides infrared spectroscopy the most convenient method for deducing the molecular
structure is nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (nmr). The basic principle of
this method is the detection of changes in the orientation of the atomic nuclear spin of
hydrogen (the spin of a proton) and carbon (the spin of the nucleus of the 13C isotope).
Like an electron, the proton also has an angular momentum (spin) which is
something akin to the rotation around its proper axis. Since the proton is a charged
particle, its rotation induces a magnetic field. Roughly speaking, the proton resem-
bles a small magnet. Let us imagine the model in which we have two such small
magnets with different orientations. If the magnets are distant from each other their
energies are equal, independent of their mutual orientation. However, inside an
external magnetic field the proton whose orientation is favored relative to the exter-
nal field has a lower energy and the proton with the opposite orientation has a higher
energy. This energy difference is shown on the figure below as E.
The higher energy proton can change its orientation from disfavored to favored
by radiating a quantum of energy. This radiation has a corresponding frequency :
3.5 Deducing Molecular Structure by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 35
This emitted radiation falls within the radio wave or microwave frequency region.
By using a radio wave receiver which can detect this radiation we can detect this
quantum transition. However, the transition is so fast that at the moment when the
sample is placed into the magnetic field all the protons will reorient themselves so
quickly that is becomes very difficult to register signals. To avoid this difficulty the
instrument, the nmr spectrometer has an oscillator which irradiates the sample with
radio or microwaves by which the spins are constantly reoriented into disfavored ori-
entations. The basic principle of the construction of nmr spectrometer is represented in
the next figure.
Consequently in the nmr spectrum of the molecule which contains all three
groups (CH3, CH2, and =CH2) three signals at 1, 2 and 3, which can be assigned to
the three different H-atoms, will appear. This spectroscopy detects hydrogen atoms
in different environments in the molecule and is called the 1Hnmr spectroscopy.
36 3 Electronic Structure of Organic Molecules
In most nmr spectra the units which are related to the energies of radiation are not
frequencies themselves but rather they are differences in frequencies with respect to the
corresponding standard substance which has highly shielded protons. This frequency
difference is called the chemical shift. In most cases the standard used for measuring
chemical shifts is tetramethylsilane, (CH3)4Si (TMS). Frequency differences relative
to TMS are small, only millionth parts of the frequencies themselves. Therefore the
chemical shifts are measured in units called ppm (parts per million). Chemical shifts
for the most important groups containing hydrogen are listed in the table below.
The 1Hnmr spectrum of ethanol constructed from the data for chemical shifts in
the table above is represented in the next figure. Since an ethanol molecule consists
of three different groups containing hydrogen (CH3, CH2, and OH) three signals
appear in the spectrum.
3.5 Deducing Molecular Structure by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 37
The intensities of these signals depend on the number of hydrogen atoms in the
corresponding group, so the ratio of intensities of signals is 3:2:1 for CH3, CH2 and
OH. It can be seen from the figure, that the spectrum of ethanol is even more complex.
The magnetic moments of hydrogen nuclei are somewhat coupled between each
other, because of the influence of the electron cloud. Such coupling between protons
is detected from the splitting of spectral lines (four lines for the CH2 and three lines
for the CH3 group). The splitting of the signal is called the multiplet; it depends on
the number of hydrogen atoms in the neighboring group. If neighboring group has
n hydrogens the signal is split into n + 1 lines. These multiplets are named according
to the number of lines: two lines form a doublet, three lines a triplet and four lines
a quartet. In the above spectrum of ethanol the CH3 group signal is split into a trip-
let because the neighboring CH2 group has two hydrogens (n = 2), and the CH2
group is split into a quartet because its neighboring CH3 group has three hydrogens
(n = 3). Hydrogen in the OH group exhibits special behavior which will be discussed
later in this book and its coupling with the neighboring groups is not simple.
Chapter 4
Alkenes and Alkynes
The simplest alkene is ethene, the compound which has previously been called
ethylene. Ethene is produced in large quantities because it is one of the most
important substances in the production of a wide variety of organic compounds and
technological materials. The parent alkyne is ethyne which is marketed under the
trade name of acetylene. This substance is also a very important industrial product.
Both ethene and ethyne are flammable; ethyne mixed with oxygen produces a very
hot flame so acetylene is used for gas welding. Ethyne can be easily prepared from
calcium carbide and water:
In contrast to the relatively unreactive alkanes, alkenes and alkynes are chemically
reactive because they have double and triple carbon-carbon bonds as functional
groups. In the IUPAC nomenclature the names of alkenes end with the suffix -ene
and the position of the double bond is labeled by number of the C-atom on which this
double bond begins. In analogy with alkanes with branched chains, the root of the
word is the name of the longest chain of C-atoms and the atom numbering is arranged
so that C-atom with the double bond has the smallest possible number. The rules for
naming alkynes are the same as for alkenes with the exception that the suffix is -yne.
If the alkene molecule has two or more double bonds the names are formed in
accordance with their number, for instance dienes, trienes, polyenes etc. If single
and double bonds alternate, such alkenes are named conjugated alkenes. These
structures are responsible for the special properties of conjugated compounds. For
example, alkenes which have four or more conjugated double bonds can be colored
because they absorb light in the visible region. Double bonds in the molecule can
also be located on the neighboring atoms. Such bonds are called cumulated and the
corresponding compounds are cumulenes. The simplest cumulene is allene:
Cumulenes with ten or more cumulated carbon atoms have been detected in the
interstellar space and some theories propose that such molecules played very impor-
tant role in the formation of organic molecules during chemical evolution.
Since carbon atoms in alkenes are interconnected with double bonds, every C-atom has
three neighbors. As we know from previous chapters, the molecule is more stable if
groups surrounding certain central atom are positioned as far as possible from each
other (VSEPR method). If the central atom is carbon as in alkenes, its neighbors must
4.2 Configuration of Alkenes 41
lie in the same plane similarly as the C-atoms in graphite. Such planar structure appears
not only in alkenes but in all organic molecules that have C-atom with a double bond.
In alkynes, the carbon atom has only two neighbors and the alkyne molecule is linear.
A similar linear structure is also characteristic of the structure of cumulene molecules.
The largest electron density in planar molecules like alkenes is not located
between the two carbon atoms but rather above and below the molecular plane.
Such distribution of electron density is rationalized by the molecular orbital model
in which the double bond includes -orbitals as shown in the following figure.
These sterically unhindered -electron densities are a perfect target for the attack
by other particles, atoms or molecules. In the previous discussion about the elec-
tronic structure of organic molecules it has been mentioned that the -orbital is
antisymmetric upon the rotation around the bond axis. The consequence of this
symmetry property (as well as of the electron density distribution) is that torsion
of one CR2 group relative to other CR2 group causes breaking of the -bond. For
example, the structure A* which appears after rotation around the C=C bond in
but-2-ene (figure below) has a high energy and is very unstable.
Subsequently, A* may experience rotation around the C=C bond and return back
to form A or generate a new molecule B:
42 4 Alkenes and Alkynes
This rule for naming stereoisomers is practical, but still equivocal because most
alkene molecules have structures in which it is impossible to decide whether they
belong to the cis, or to the trans configuration. For instance, let us examine the fol-
lowing structure:
What is the criterion for deciding which groups are larger and which smaller, so
as to determine which is cis and which is trans configuration? To solve this problem
Robert Sidney Cahn, Sir Christopher Ingold and Vladimir Prelog have devel-
oped the new system of nomenclature for stereoisomers.
Let us apply the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog (CUP) system to the molecule shown in
the last example via a sequence of steps. In the first step we divide the C-atoms of
the double bond by a red broken line as shown in the next figure.
4.3 Electronic Structure and Reactions of Alkenes 43
The left and right C-atoms of the double bond are connected to different groups
(CH3 and H on the left C-atom, Br and CH2Cl on the right C-atom). These groups
must be classified by using the priority rule. If the groups which have the highest
priority are on the same side of the double bond the isomer is labeled with letter Z
(by the German word zusammen), but if the groups with the highest priority are on
the opposite sides, the isomer is labeled with letter E (by German word entgegen).
The priorities depend on the atomic number of the atom bound to the C-atom of the
double bond. In our example, the left C-atom is bound to atoms C and H. Since the
atomic number of C is greater than the atomic number of H, the CH3 group has priority
over H. The right C-atom is connected to atoms Br and C with Br having higher atomic
number. Hence, Br has priority over the CH2Cl group. While in the left isomer, the groups
with highest priorities (CH3 and Br) are on the same side and the structure is the Z-isomer,
the groups with the highest priority in the right isomers are on the opposite sides making
this the E-isomer. The next example is more complicated because both atoms bound to
the C-atom of the double bond are the same (carbons in CH2OH and CH2Cl).
In this case, the priority of -CH2OH and -CH2Cl groups must be distinguished by
inspecting the atomic numbers of atoms bound to carbons in these two functional
groups. Carbon atom in -CH2OH is bound to H, H and O while carbon in -CH2Cl is
bound to H, H and Cl. Since Cl has larger atomic number than O the -CH2Cl group
has priority over the -CH2OH group and the configurations are:
Pt Pt Pt Pt Pt Pt Pt Pt
Consequently, the covalent bond between the H-atoms becomes weaker and the
hydrogen molecule becomes activated for addition to the double bond. On the
other hand, -electrons in the alkene molecule have the highest electron density
above and bellow the plane in which carbon atoms lie. Thus the electrons in the
alkene molecule are available for the formation of new C-H bonds with activated
hydrogen as shown in the next figure. This class of reactions is called addition and
is typical for unsaturated hydrocarbons. Addition of hydrogen to the unsaturated
compounds is called hydrogenation. The role of the metal is only to activate the
hydrogen molecule so the metal is the catalyst. The reaction can in this case be
called catalytic hydrogenation.
4.5 Additions of Hydrogen Halides 47
The same reaction is also characteristic for alkynes. The only difference is that
alkynes have triple bond and the saturation requires two molecules of hydrogen:
Let us imagine that in the first step we add one H2 molecule to alkyne and in the
second step another H2 molecule is added to the remaining double bond of alkene as
shown in the next scheme. In organic chemistry the addition of hydrogen is called
reduction while the removing of hydrogen is called oxidation. Oxidation also
occurs upon addition of oxygen or halogen.
Hydrogen halides form alkyl halides by addition to the double bonds of alkenes. For
example, hydrogen bromide HBr, can be readily added to propene in the reaction in
which hydrogen binds to the carbon atom of the CH2 group. The resulting product
is 2-bromopropane. If HBr is added to 2-methylbut-2-ene the hydrogen binds to the
48 4 Alkenes and Alkynes
Explanation of this rule was not possible in Markovnikovs time because the
theory of chemical reactions and electronic structure had not yet been developed.
To gain deeper insight into the details of the observed behavior it is necessary to
introduce a new chemical concept, the reaction mechanisms. The mechanism
of chemical reaction describes successive events along the way from reactants
(the starting substances) to the products. What is the nature of these successive
steps? One example of the reaction mechanism was already discussed: the reaction
of catalytic hydrogenation.
The reaction mechanism theory is connected to the Lewis concept of the elec-
tronic structure of molecules. Starting with the Lewis idea that chemical bonds are
described as electron pairs, Sir Robert Robinson and Sir Christopher Ingold
have proposed that the reaction mechanism can be explained as the transfer of these
electron pairs in such a way that the molecular structure can be rearranged from
reactants into products.
Let as apply this concept to the previous examples of additions of hydrogen
bromide to 2-methylbut-2-ene. Since the reactant HBr molecule easily dissoci-
ates into H+ and Br, the electron deficient H+ will readily react with the
-electron cloud of the alkene molecule. The H+ ion is called the electrophile
because it has affinity for the negatively charged electron clouds. The second
ion Br is negative and is called the nucleophile because it has affinity for the
positively charged regions of the molecule of the second reactant. Nucleophiles
can be easily recognized because their molecules always possess the nonbonded,
electron lone pairs, the n-electrons. Several common nucleophiles and electro-
philes are listed below:
4.5 Additions of Hydrogen Halides 49
+ + +
H Na H3 O
Now we are ready to explain the mechanism of addition of HBr to the alkene
molecule. The electrophile H+, takes the electron pair from the double bond and
binds to the carbon atom. In this process the second carbon atom of the double bond
loses one electron and becomes positively charged. Such addition of proton H+ to
the molecule is called the protonation.
From the upper scheme it is clear that the protonation forms new positively
charged molecule which is called carbocation and in which the positive charge is
mostly localized on the carbon atom. Carbocations are relatively unstable mol-
ecules, the reactive intermediates which are present for only a short time dur-
ing some chemical reactions. Since formally either of the alkene carbons could
be protonated two carbocations can possibly form. However, experiments and
high level quantum chemical calculations have shown that they have different
Since only the stable carbocation can survive long enough to react, the Br
nucleophile donates its lone pair to the positively charged carbon atom and
binds to it:
In summary, the reaction mechanism consists of two steps: (i) the protonation of
the double bond resulting in the formation of stable carbocation and (ii) the attack
of the nucleophile (Br) on the positive carbon of the same carbocation.
50 4 Alkenes and Alkynes
An important reaction of alkenes is also the addition of water. Since the dissocia-
tion of water does not produce a sufficient concentration of protons required for
protonation during the first step in the addition mechanism, sulfuric acid must be
added for an efficient reaction. After the initial protonation the nucleophilic attack
of the water molecule follows, with the subsequent removal of H+. Addition of water
also occurs in accordance with Markovnikov rule because the preferred reactive
intermediate is a tertiary carbocation (see the following scheme).
Reagents for additions to alkenes and alkynes can also be halogens. The products
of these additions are dihaloalkanes and tetrahaloalkanes, respectively.
4.6 Oxidations and Polymerizations of Alkenes 51
The mechanism of halogen addition is more complex. Since there are no protons
in the first step it is necessary that the halogen molecule becomes polarized when
being attached to the double bond. Polarization means that the electron density is
redistributed between halogen atoms so that one of the halogen atom becomes par-
tially positive while the other becomes partially negatively charged. In other words
the covalent bond becomes polarized. A partially positive halogen atom behaves as
an electrophile and binds to one of the alkene C-atoms. The carbocation which then
appears is a good target for the addition of the remaining halogen which acts as a
nucleophile. In the scheme below the mechanism of addition of chlorine is shown.
Under high pressure and temperature and in the presence of oxygen or peroxides,
ethene is transformed into a solid elastic substance in which the molecules are
connected in long carbon chains. This product is called polyethylene and the pro-
cess is polymerization. Polymerizations of alkenes are important processes for the
industrial production of different technological materials.
The types and properties of polymeric materials being formed depend on the
starting molecule, the monomer and on the conditions of polymerization. Almost
all industrial polymerizations require the use of an appropriate catalyst. Some
polymers and starting monomers are listed in the following scheme.
4.7 Aromatic Hydrocarbons 53
The structure of the benzene molecule proposed by Kekul was not accepted
without criticism. The basic concerns appeared related to the study of substituted
derivates of benzene. For example, if the structure includes the alternating double
bonds the dimethylbenzene derivative should exist as four isomers:
carbon atoms of the benzene ring. This concept was later supported by the discovery
that all carbon-carbon bonds in benzene ring are of equally length (139 pm).
Benzene C-C bond length is intermediate between the values for single and double
bonds (see previous chapter).
Robinson had also proposed two ways to represent the structures with delocalized
electrons. The first representation is the method of resonance structures which we
already discussed in this book. By using this method, the benzene molecule is
represented by two resonance structures. The other representation proposed by
Robinson describes the six delocalized electrons by plotting a circle inside the
six-membered ring.
Here, it is necessary to point out that the circle corresponds to six -electrons and
cannot be used for the descriptions of naphthalene or other aromatics which possess
more than six -electrons. For the representation of the electronic structures of other
aromatic molecules, the method of resonance structures is preferred.
Enumeration of -electrons present in different aromatic molecules reveals a
certain regularity: 6 -electrons in benzene, 10 -electrons in naphthalene and 14
-electrons in anthracene. The numbers 6, 10 and 14 all result from the formula
4N + 2, where N is integer. For 6 -electrons N = 1, for 10 -electrons N = 2 and for
14 -electrons N = 3. Compounds whose molecules possess 4N + 2 delocalized elec-
trons afford greater stability than corresponding conjugated alkenes with planar
chains. This additional stability is called the aromatic effect.
Within the molecular orbital theory presented earlier in this book, aromatic
stabilization is described by -orbitals, constructed by combining six 2pz atomic
orbitals of carbon atoms which are perpendicular to the molecular plane.
The stabilizing aromatic effect explains why the addition reactions characteristic
of alkenes do not occur with aromatics compounds. Addition of chlorine to benzene
requires special conditions. The reaction can proceed only by irradiation of the mix-
ture of benzene and chlorine with ultraviolet light. The result of this reaction is a
mixture of isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane. Some of these isomers known under
the commercial name HCH are used as pesticides.
Many unsaturated hydrocarbons are natural products which have an important role
in the functioning of living organisms and living communities. The relatively high
vapor pressure of simple alkenes is responsible for these compounds being used
as communication carriers between organisms. Transfer of information must be
based on the emission and detection of molecules with a particular structure. This
effect is known as chemotaxy and the molecular carriers of information are called
pheromones. Some compounds that are pollutants can interfere with pheromones
in nature and thus disturb communications between organisms.
4.8 Hydrocarbons in Biology 57
Chapter 5
Substitutions onSaturated Carbon Atoms
Alkyl Halides, Alcohols, Thiols, Ethers, Amines
In the previous chapters we have discussed two types of reactions, isomerizations and
additions. Another major class of organic chemical reactions is a substitution. A sub-
stitution in an organic molecule can occur either at the saturated or at the unsaturated
carbon atom which is called the reactive center. The reaction mechanism of a
substitution includes replacement of the leaving group with the incoming group.
The incoming group can not only be a nucleophile or an electrophile which were
already discussed in this book, but also other molecular species such as radicals,
which are molecules with unpaired electrons. The general layout of a substitution
reaction is shown in the scheme below.
The substitution reactions in which the incoming and leaving groups are radicals
were perhaps the most important processes in early chemical evolution. Because
radicals are molecules with one unpaired electron they are exceedingly reactive. In
a vacuum, the radical can have a long lifetime because the probability of encounter-
ing another particle and undergoing the reaction is very low. This is why cosmic
space and outer layers of planetary atmospheres contain large amounts of radicals.
However, even under laboratory conditions, some radicals can survive long enough
to be detected by spectroscopic methods and be used in practical chemical reac-
tions. Remember that simple inorganic molecules such as NO or NO2 are also radi-
cals. Some organic radicals are listed in the next scheme.
In most cases organic radicals are products of breaking the carbon-carbon single
bond. Since a large amount of energy is required for this process, the reaction in
most cases occurs photochemically after the absorption of a quantum of ultraviolet
light. To produce a chlorine radical (Cl.), a chlorine molecule (Cl2) must be irradiated
with light of the wavelength which corresponds to the Cl-Cl bond energy, which is
243kJ/mol. Bonds between other halogens are weaker and can be broken by irradia-
tion with light of longer wavelengths. The Br-Br bond energy is 193kJ/mol and the
I-I bond energy is as low as 151kJ/mol. This is why halogens are convenient reactants
in radical substitution reactions which are used for the preparation of alkyl halides.
Irradiation of a mixture of methane and chlorine results in the formation of
different chlorides of methane. It has been observed that for this photoreaction to
proceed it is not necessary to irradiate the reaction mixture continuously during the
reaction. It is sufficient to irradiate it for only a short time and the reaction then will
continue in the dark. Since the irradiation is used only for triggering the reaction this
first step is called initiation. As was explained in the previous section this step
5.1 Radical Substitutions 61
serves only to break the Cl-Cl bond, i.e. to generate two chlorine atoms (radicals).
As shown by the equations presented in the next scheme, the chlorine radical
removes one H-atom from the methane molecule which results in the formation of
HCl and the methyl radical CH3.. The methyl radical reacts in the dark with another
chlorine molecule producing methyl chloride and another chlorine radical Cl.. The
last two reactions which occur in the dark, continue spontaneously and this reaction
step is called propagation. The system of reactions ends with the recombination of
the remaining radicals into stable product molecules. This last step is called termi-
nation and the overall reaction system is called a chain reaction.
In this reaction a chlorine radical can also react with methyl chloride:
The very reactive chlorine radical reacts readily with ozone by removing one
oxygen atom and forming the ClOradical and a molecule of oxygen:
Besides ozone and molecular oxygen, the stratosphere also contains oxygen in
the atomic form O.Atomic oxygen reacts with the ClOradical regenerating the
chlorine radical and one O2 molecule. The chlorine radical can then react again with
another ozone molecule. The chlorine atom regenerated in this process allows a
single freon molecule to destroy millions of molecules of ozone. The overall pro-
cess is a chain reaction summarized in the following scheme:
5.1 Radical Substitutions 63
This knowledge has curtailed the production and use of freons with small
olecular masses. However, freons with higher molecular masses do not undergo
such chemical reactions and can be used safely in technological applications, for
instance in air conditioners.
The undesirable ecological effects have also restricted the applications of
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), the substances which are used in the cooling
of high voltage electrical transformers. The main disadvantage of the use of
PCBs is their slow rate of degradation after use. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
(DDT) is a very efficient insecticide, but its use is restricted due to its carcino-
genic and neurotoxic effects.
In the covalent -bond, the electron density is highest between the two atomic nuclei.
However, if the atoms which form the chemical bond are different, the electron d ensity
maximum is shifted closer to the atom which has a higher electronegativity. The pro
perty of an atom to attract the electron density is called electronegativity. There are
different scales of electronegativity, but the most frequently used are values calculated
by Linus Pauling. In principle, the electronegativity of an element increases on going
from the left to the right within the period and from bottom to top of the group in the
periodic table of elements. For instance, in alkyl halides the halogen atom is more
electronegative than carbon so the C-atom becomes partially positively charged and
the halogen atom partially negatively charged. Partial positive or negative charges are
designated in formulas by + and , respectively. The chemical bond in which the
charge is unequally distributed is called the polar bond. In structural formula, the bond
polarity is indicated by a vector (bond dipole) as shown in the following scheme.
If the molecule has several polar bonds, the average polarity corresponds to the
vector sum of bond dipoles called the dipole moment and labeled by the symbol .
64 5 Substitutions onSaturated Carbon Atoms
The dipole moment is defined as the product of charges and distance between
centers ofthe same charges. The unit for measuring the dipole moment is debye
(D), in the honor of Peter Debye, the scientist who made the greatest contribution
to research on the polarity of molecules. The molecules with nonzero dipole
moments are called polar molecules.
As already mentioned, chlorides of methane are very useful solvents. From the
knowledge about the polarity of molecules, i.e. their dipole moments, we can distin-
guish between polar and nonpolar solvents. The polar solvents are for example
CH2Cl2 and CHCl3, while tetrachloromethane, CCl4, is a nonpolar solvent. Polarity
of solvents is one of the most important properties, not only for practical labora-
tory applications, but also for the theory of reaction mechanisms, reactivity and
selectivity of organic compounds.
5.2 Reactions ofNucleophilic Substitutions andEliminations 65
Nucleophiles are electron rich molecules or ions which may contain for example
the electron lone pair, also called the nonbonding electrons. From the building
principle of the electronic structure of organic molecules we know that non
bonding n-electrons occupy the highest energy level called the HOMO orbital.
Accordingly, these electrons are mostly responsible for the reactivity of organic
Collision of a nucleophile with an alkyl halide molecule will result in a chemical
reaction if the nucleophile attaches to the partially positively charged carbon atom.
Since the carbon-bromine bond is polarized, the nucleophile will approach the
C-atom bound to the bromine atom (see following scheme). In the given example
theincoming nucleophile is the OH anion and the leaving group is the bromide
anion. The product of the reaction of 1-bromopropane with a hydroxide anion is
propane-1-ol. One functional group (Br) is replaced by another functional group
(OH) and the product belongs to the new class of organic compounds alcohols.
For simplicity, in the second equation only the nonbonded electrons which are
involved in the reaction mechanism are depicted.
While in the first reaction of the scheme above the rate depends only on the con-
centration of single molecular species A, the rate in the second reaction depends on
the concentration of two different molecular species A and B.Therefore, the first
reaction follows the unimolecular mechanism and the second reaction is described
by the bimolecular mechanism.
In most nucleophilic substitutions, the substrate with the leaving group bound
to a tertiary carbon atom follows the unimolecular mechanism and the reactant
with the leaving group on a primary carbon proceeds via the bimolecular reaction
5.2 Reactions ofNucleophilic Substitutions andEliminations 67
Christopher Ingold and Edward D.Hughes, in the middle of the last century, used
such kinetic properties to devise nomenclature for the mechanisms of organic reactions.
For the nucleophilic substitutions, Ingold and Hughes have proposed labels SN1, and
SN2, where S and N refer to substitution and nucleophilic, respectively. Numbers 1 or
2 are used to designate unimolecular or bimolecular mechanisms, respectively.
The difference in kinetic behavior between the primary and tertiary substrates is
a consequence of different underlying reaction mechanisms. Before discussing the
details of the mechanisms of nucleophilic substitutions, let us mention the basic
principles of the theory of the rates of chemical reaction established by Henry Eyring.
In a simple chemical reaction, the molecule of the reactant is transformed to the
product by passing through a high energy structure which is called the transition state.
Hence, the Eyrings concept is known under the name of transition state theory.
For the rearrangement into the transition structure, the reactant molecule must
absorb a specific amount of energy called the activation energy. The lifetime of the
transition structure is very short, around 1013s; this time is comparable to the period
of one molecular vibration. In the previous chapters we have already discussed the
nature of molecular vibrations and the corresponding spectroscopic techniques.
The reaction rate expressed through the rate constant k strongly depends on tem-
perature and on the activation energy. This dependence is expressed in the equation
given by Svante Arrhenius and Henricus Jacobus vant Hoff:
k = Ae- Ea / KT
where k stands for the reaction rate constant, Ea for activation energy, K is Boltzmann
constant and T is temperature. If the activation energy is low then the transition
structure is more stable, the reaction is fast and consequently the reaction constant
k is large. This is shown in the next scheme.
68 5 Substitutions onSaturated Carbon Atoms
In the two reactions presented, the first one requires a higher activation energy
than the second one. Consequently, the second reaction is faster. Such a scheme
describes a reactions that follow the SN2 mechanism. After the collision of the sub-
strate molecule with the nucleophile, provided the molecules have sufficient energy
to overcome the activation energy barrier, the transition state is formed. This transi-
tion state could be described as a vibration in which the incoming nucleophile
approaches and the leaving group departs from the reaction center (carbon atom).
The breaking of the existing bond and the formation of a new bond are concerted
processes, so the SN2 mechanism is called the concerted mechanism.
The transition state resembles a trigonal bipyramid in which the incoming and
leaving groups occupy axial positions and the other three substituents are almost
coplanar with the carbon atom. While the central carbon atom holds a partial posi-
tive charge the leaving and incoming groups carry a partial negative charge. The rate
of this bimolecular reaction depends on the concentrations of the two molecular
species, the OH ion and 1-bromopropane as shown below:
As is shown in the scheme above, the reaction consists of two steps: the second
step being much faster than the first step. In principle, there are two reactions, one
following the other. Such processes are called consecutive reactions. The observed
rate of such a reaction system corresponds to the rate of the slowest step. This step, in
our example the dissociation of the C-Cl bond, is called therate-determining step.
Consequently, the observed rate depends only on the concentration of one molecular
species, in this case on the concentration of the reactant 2-chloro-2-methylpropane:
The reaction mechanisms of SN1 and SN2 nucleophilic substitutions are conve-
nient for describing reactions where the reactive carbon atom is either primary or
70 5 Substitutions onSaturated Carbon Atoms
5.2.2 Alcohols
Alcohols are named starting with the name of the longest carbon chain and using
the suffix -ol. Numbering of C-atoms must be such that the carbon on which the OH
group is attached has the smallest possible number.
5.2 Reactions ofNucleophilic Substitutions andEliminations 71
Alcohols which have two or more OH groups are called diols, triols, etc. In the
following scheme IUPAC names of some alcohols are given together with their
trivial names which are still used, especially in trade or manufacturing.
Sodium methanolate reacts further with water forming sodium hydroxide and
methanol. Sodium hydroxide is not soluble in alcohol and precipitates out. The
remaining liquid consists only of methanol which can be distilled to get absolute
However, soon after the work of Lavoisier, Scheele prepared an acid which did
not contain the element oxygen, namely hydrochloric acid. After the discovery
of hydrochloric acid the element essential for the property of acidity became
hydrogen. At the beginning of twentiethcentury, Johannes Brnsted and
Thomas M.Lowry defined acids as substances which are proton donors and
bases as proton acceptors.
The equations above showed the behavior of alcohols as acids. In the presence of
strong acids, alcohols can also behave as bases:
H+ ions, which originate from a strong acid, bind to the oxygen atom via one of
its electron lone pairs. We say that strong acid protonates oxygen in the alcohol
molecule forming the oxonium ion. Accordingly, alcohols can behave either as
acids or as bases, depending on the medium.
In general, acidic behavior can be represented by the equation in which the acid
is labeled as AH.Anion A that remains after removing the proton behaves as a
base, because it is in chemical equilibrium and can again accept the proton. Such
base is named the conjugated base.
pK a = log K a
5.2 Reactions ofNucleophilic Substitutions andEliminations 75
When the acid is more dissociated it is stronger and yields more protons. Hence, if
the equilibrium is shifted to right, the constant Ka is larger and the pKa is smaller.
Therefore strong acids are characterized by a small pKa. The ability of the acid molecule
to dissociate depends on the stability of its conjugated base. An alcohol which behaves
as a moderate acid is phenol, the substance also known as carbolic acid. Because of
its acidity, phenol is frequently used as a disinfectant in medicine. Dissociation of the
phenol molecule forms a conjugated base called the phenolate anion:
As we can see from the above formulas, the negative charge is not localized on
the oxygen atom (as is the case in the methanolate anion CH3O) but rather it is
delocalized over the entire benzene ring.
The behavior of alcohol as a base is evident in the chemical reaction in which
alkenes are formed. In a strong acid medium, alcohol is protonated at the oxygen
atom, forming the oxoniun ion intermediate. The reaction ends with the formation
of an alkene by the removal of the water molecule from this oxonium ion. Such
reactions, in which some atoms or groups depart from the molecule, are called
elimination reactions. In most cases the preparation of alkenes from alcohols
includes a reaction with concentrated sulfuric acid, which is a sufficiently strong
protonating agent.
76 5 Substitutions onSaturated Carbon Atoms
5.2.3 Ethers
However, the reactions with secondary and tertiary alkyl halides yield alkenes,
because the elimination reaction is preferred over a substitution. In contrast to the
previously mentioned elimination of water from alcohol initiated by a strong acid,
the elimination of hydrogen halide requires a strong base (in this case sodium
The base, as proton acceptor, deprotonates alkyl halide causing the removal
of a halide anion. The reaction proceeds via the transition state in which both
C-H and C-Br bonds break simultaneously. Such reactions are called concerted.
The reaction is bimolecular because its rate depends on the concentrations of two
molecular species, alkyl-bromide and the ethoxy anion. This mechanism is called
the E2 elimination mechanism.
If the leaving group is bound to a tertiary carbon atom, the slow reaction step
involves dissociation of the C-Br bond and the formation of a tertiary carbocation.
In that case the reaction rate depends only on the concentration of one molecular
species, the alkyl bromide in our example. Accordingly, the reaction is unimolecular
and such mechanism is called E1 elimination.
78 5 Substitutions onSaturated Carbon Atoms
While alcohols have high boiling points because of hydrogen bonds, ethers do
not have OH groups and cannot form molecular aggregates. This is why ethers
have low boiling points. Dimethyl-ether is gaseous under the standard conditions
and diethyl-ether is liquid with the boiling point as low as 32C.The similarity and
analogy between ether molecules and water is also evident in their molecular
polarities. Because of their molecular polarity, ethers are good solvents for chemi-
cal reactions that occur through polar reaction intermediates. Ethers are partially
miscible with water. For instance, diethyl-ether can mix with 8% of water. For this
reason ether as a solvent for reactions must be dried by using standard methods for
the removal of water.
Ether molecules with several ether groups are called oligoethers or polyethers. Some
of them have cyclic structures, for instance furan, tetrahydrofuran, pyran or dioxane.
Cyclic ethers with three- and four-membered rings represent a special group of
ethers; the epoxides (oxiranes) and oxetanes, respectively. These compounds are
very reactive and have important uses in industry. The most basic cyclic ether,
oxirane, ethylene-oxide is used for artificial maturation of vegetables.
5.2 Reactions ofNucleophilic Substitutions andEliminations 79
Cyclic ethers with several oxygen atoms in the ring are of special chemical
importance. The simplest, dioxane, is routinely used as a solvent in organic synthe-
sis. Ring containing ethers with five or six oxygen atoms afford special chemical
properties. Inspection of the structure of the molecules represented in the formulas
below shows that oxygen atoms form a cavity which is negatively charged because
of the dense electron clouds of electron lone pairs. Such molecules resemble crowns
and are known as crown-ethers.
These ethers are named on the basis of the number of O-atoms and the size of the
ring. For instance, the molecule in the scheme above is named 18-chown-6 because
the ring has 18 atoms and 6 oxygens. The cavity formed by the O-atoms is large
enough for metal ions such as K+ to enter. Crown ethers with cavities of different
80 5 Substitutions onSaturated Carbon Atoms
sizes can capture metal ions of different ionic radii. The synthesis of crown ethers
heralded the rise of a new branch of chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, which
investigates complex molecular aggregates.
Sulfur analogs of alcohols and ethers are thiols or mercaptanes and sulfides,
respectively. According to the nomenclature rules, thiols are named following the
same rules as for alcohols, the only difference being that the suffix -ol is replaced
with -thiol. Most of these substances can be recognized by their unpleasant odor.
Ethanethiol is used as an additive to natural gas since its odor serves as an indicator
of a gas leak in home installations. Pure natural gas is odorless. Some animals such
as skunks release an unpleasant odor which originates from thiols shown in the next
scheme. However, some thiols have a pleasant odor, for instance the components of
the aroma of coffee.
5.2.5 Amines
The molecule of ammonia has an electron lone pair on the nitrogen atom and is a
strong nucleophile. In the reaction with alkyl halides it yields amines. The reaction
mechanism includes removing hydrogen halide as the leaving group.
5.2 Reactions ofNucleophilic Substitutions andEliminations 81
As alcohols and ethers are analogs of water, amines can be considered as analogs
of ammonia. The basic chemical properties of amines are consistent with this
analogy. Any of the three hydrogen atoms in ammonia can be replaced with an alkyl
group. Depending on the number of hydrogens substituted, three types of amines can
be formed. In the primary amine, only one H-atom is substituted, in the secondary
amine, two hydrogens are substituted and in the tertiary amine, three hydrogen
atoms are replaced with the alkyl group.
Amines with four substituents are known as quaternary ammonium salts and
were discovered by Alexander von Hofmann during his work on the determination
of the structures of natural products. Quaternary ammonium salts can be prepared
by reactions of amines with alkyl iodides, mostly with methyl iodide.
In water solution, ammonia behaves as a base because the molecule can accept a
proton at its nitrogen lone pair. All amines behave similarly to ammonia: they are
organic bases because they act as proton-acceptors.
For example, the protonation of ammonia yields the ammonium ion and the
p rotonation of ethyl amine forms the ethylammonium ion. The behavior of bases
can be described by a chemical equilibrium and the corresponding constant Kb,
similarly as for acids. Analogously, the negative logarithm of Kb (pKb) is used as a
measure of basicity. As pKb gets smaller, the base is stronger.
Acids and bases can also be considered from another point of view. In this view
acids are electron acceptors while bases are electron donors. Lewis has used this
definition to extend the concept of acidity and basicity to the compounds which
dont have hydrogen. The molecule of amine is a stronger base if the electron lone
pair on nitrogen is more localized. Localization or delocalization can be estimated
by writing the appropriate resonance structures. Electrons are localized if only one
resonance formula can be drawn. In principle, if the electron pair is delocalized over
a large part of the molecule, the electron energy is lower, the system is more stable
and does not require the addition of a proton.
Let us elaborate this concept in case of the basicity of aniline and pyridine. The
nonbonded electron pair at the nitrogen atom is delocalized over the entire mole-
cule, as is evident from the resonance structures shown below.
5.2 Reactions ofNucleophilic Substitutions andEliminations 83
Hence this electron pair remains localized on the nitrogen atom, its electron
energy is higher and its protonation is favored. For this reason pyridine is a stronger
base than aniline.
Chapter 6
Nucleophilic Additions
Compounds with a Carbonyl Group
Organic compounds with a carbonyl group are not only numerous but also represent
excellent substrates for various chemical reactions. This due to the nature of the
carbonyl group and its electronic structure. Since the carbonyl group has oxygen as
the heteroatom bound by double bond to the carbon atom, its electrons are distrib-
uted amongst , and n orbitals.
The C=O group is polar because of the high electron affinity of the oxygen atom.
Consequently, the carbon atom carries partial positive and the oxygen atom partial
negative charge. This polarity is evident in the resonance structures below. The dipole
moment of the carbonyl group is relatively high and varies between 1.7 and 3.6 D.
Nucleophiles can attack the partially positive carbon atom in the carbonyl group
(see following scheme). The formation of the new chemical bond between the
nucleophile and the carbonyl carbon induces an electron shift from the carbon-oxygen
double bond to the oxygen atom. The result is a reaction intermediate with the
negative charge on oxygen. This mechanism is universal and describes all the reac-
tions called nucleophilic additions to the carbonyl group.
Besides being prepared by oxidation, aldehydes and ketones can also be pre-
pared by reactions in which the first step includes the addition of water to the triple
bond of the alkyne molecule. The first intermediate, the unsaturated alcohol (enol)
is unstable and undergoes isomerization to the stable ketone. This type of reaction
in which one isomer is transformed to another is called rearrangement. The older
name for this molecular rearrangement is tautomerism and this special case is
called the keto-enol tautomerism.
6.1 Aldehydes and Ketones 87
In the systematic nomenclature the names of aldehydes are formed with the
suffix -al. In complex molecules the aldehyde group is designated by the suffix
-carbaldehyde. The names of ketones include the suffix -one and the numerical
label of the carbonyl carbon atom. The numbering of carbons must be such that each
one has the smallest possible number. Ketones can also be named by using the pre-
fix oxo- and the numerical label of the carbonyl group. The prefix oxo- is used when
the compound possesses both aldehyde and ketone functional groups. The longest
chain for naming such molecules is defined by the position of the aldehyde, rather
than the keto group.
In the following scheme we list structures and the traditional names of some of
the important and well-known aldehydes and ketones. Most of them are natural
products, which shall be discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book.
88 6 Nucleophilic Additions
Alcoholate anions in alcohol solutions react with aldehydes and ketones forming
ketals and acetals, or hemiacetals and hemiketals. The rates of nucleophilic addi-
tions on the carbonyl group are enhanced by protonation of the carbonyl oxygen, so
these reactions are acid catalysed.
Acetals and ketals are unstable in acidic solutions and undergo hydrolysis revert-
ing to the original aldehydes and ketones.
Stability of the conjugated base arises from the electron delocalization that can
be identified by using the resonance structure method. Acids in which the proton is
removed from the carbon atom are called carbon acids and their conjugate base is
called an enolate ion.
The anions which would be generated by removing a proton from the carbon
atoms which are not neighbors of the carbonyl group are unstable because their
electron pair is localized. No resonance structures can be written in such cases (see
the structure below).
Since under basic conditions the aldehyde molecules partially dissociate, their
mixture contains two molecular species, dissociated and undissociated. The dissoci-
ated molecule, the enolate ion can behave as nucleophile because of the electron
pair on its carbon atom. This nucleophile can attack the carbonyl group of the undis-
sociated aldehyde yielding a product with two functional groups, aldehyde and
alcohol. Such compounds are named aldols and the corresponding reaction is called
aldol condensation.
6.1 Aldehydes and Ketones 93
The example given is the reaction in which a molecule with five C-atoms in the
hydrocarbon chain (pentanal) gets converted to a molecule containing nine atoms in
the longest chain. Let us imagine a mixture of two different aldehydes, A and
B. Since these aldehydes can form two enolate nucleophiles and two undissociated
molecules, the cross reactions must yield four products: A + A, B + B, A + B and
B + A. The number of products of aldol condensation follows the n2 rule where n is
the number of different aldehydes used. For instance, the mixture of ten different
aldehydes will produce a hundred different products. If unsymmetrical ketones with
two different carbons next to the carbonyl group are added to the starting mixture,
the diversity of products in the mixture is further enhanced. This example demon-
strates how a large number of diverse structures can originate from a small number
of starting molecules.
Molecules with carbon as a nucleophilic center also appear in the reactions of
carbonyl compounds with organometallic compounds. Such reactions are very use-
ful in organic synthesis. The best known reagents that include such carbon nucleo-
philes are alkyl- or arylmagnesium halides, are called Grignard reagents, in honor
of Victor Grignard. The reagents can be easily prepared by direct reactions of an
alkyl- or aryl halide with the magnesium metal. Since Grignard reagents are like
many organometallic compounds, unstable and sensitive to moisture, the reaction
must be performed in dry diethyl-ether.
The carbon-magnesium bond is polar with the partial negative charge on the carbon
atom. Consequently, this nucleophilic C-atom attacks the carbon atom of the carbonyl
group while the positive magnesium halide residue bonds to oxygen. The intermediate
produced in the next reaction step is hydrolyzed to the corresponding alcohol. It is
important to observe that the product molecule has one additional methyl group.
94 6 Nucleophilic Additions
Starting with alkyl halides, we can prepare the appropriate Grignard reagents and
in combination with different aldehydes or ketones, synthesize a series of com-
pounds with branched hydrocarbon chains.
Aldehydes and ketones react readily with equimolar amounts of primary amines,
yielding imines and water. Imines (also called Schiff bases) can be considered to
be amines with carbon-nitrogen double bonds.
Since aldehydes and ketones are produced by oxidations of primary and secondary
alcohols, it must be possible to achieve the reverse transformation i.e. their reduc-
tion back to alcohols. For this reaction we use special reducing reagents, the metal
hydrides, because the reduction in organic reactions involves the addition of a
hydride ion H. The best known reducing agents are lithium aluminium hydride,
LiAlH4, sodium boron hydride, NaBH4 and sodium hydride, NaH. Molecules of
LiAlH4 and NaBH4 consist of lithium or sodium cations and AlH4 or BH4 anions.
6.2 Carboxylic Acids 95
The reduction of a ketone follows the same mechanism. In the following example,
acetone is reduced to propane-2-ol.
In organic chemistry, the oxidation process can also imply the addition of oxygen
atoms. In such a way the aldehyde group is oxidized to the carboxyl group by add-
ing an oxygen atom. The compounds with a carboxyl group belong to the carbox-
ylic acids. Oxidative agents for this transformation include sulfuric acid, solutions
of potassium permanganate KMnO4, potassium bichromate K2Cr2O7 or chromium
trioxide CrO3. The following example represents the oxidation of pentanal to the
corresponding carboxylic acid.
Justus von Liebig and Bernhard Tollens have discovered that milder agents
such as silver oxide, Ag2O oxidize aldehydes to carboxylic acids. This reaction,
which is characteristic for aldehydes, serves as a specific qualitative test for this
96 6 Nucleophilic Additions
class of compounds and is known as the Tollens test. Metallic silver being one of
the byproducts, precipitates and forms the characteristic silver mirror that can be
easily observed.
Many essential natural products that are ubiquitous in living organisms are
carboxylic acids. The simplest (parent) carboxylic acid is formic acid (acidum for-
micum) which is named methanoic acid in the IUPAC nomenclature. This acid is
the main component of the poison of ants.
Acetic acid (acidum aceticum) with IUPAC name ethanoic acid is used as an
everyday food additive. Citric acid, which is also a natural product, is a polyfunc-
tional compound with three carboxylic and one OH group. A molecule of the simple
oxalic acid consists of only two carboxylic groups. Oxalic acid salts are frequently
present in kidney stones.
Many carboxylic acids such as cholic acid or long-chained fatty acids are com-
plex molecules. In contrast to the saturated fatty acids, molecules of unsaturated
fatty acids always have carbon-carbon double bonds. Interestingly, the molecules of
fatty acids, without exception, have even number of C-atoms. This is an indication
6.2 Carboxylic Acids 97
that the natural pathways for biosynthesis of these classes of compounds are the
same. The role of fatty acids and other natural products in living organisms will be
discussed later in this book.
The rules for naming carboxylic acids include principles of organic and inor-
ganic nomenclature. The name of the acid consists of the name of the longest hydro-
carbon chain and the prefix -oic acid. In numbering C-atoms of the hydrocarbon
chain, the smallest number must be assigned to the carboxyl group. If the carboxyl
group is only a substituent, when its carbon atom does not belong to the hydrocar-
bon chain, the name is formed with the suffix carboxylic acid (as cyclohexanecar-
boxylic acid in the following example).
Carboxylic acids are substances with high boiling points: formic acid 101 C,
acetic acid 118 C and propanoic acid 141 C. This is the consequence of dimeriza-
tion and the formation of molecular aggregates via hydrogen bonds. Even in the gas
phase, the molecules can remain in dimeric form.
98 6 Nucleophilic Additions
The strong acidic behavior of carboxylic acids as good proton donors is the
consequence of stabilization of the corresponding conjugated base (carboxylate
anion). As can be seen from the resonance structures presented below the electrons
in the carboxylate anion are delocalized.
The structures show that the negative charge is equally distributed on both oxygen
atoms. The charge distribution in the molecule can be calculated by using quantum-
mechanical methods and molecular modeling. When the carboxylate anion (in our
case ethanoate anion) is modeled by such methods we obtain the diagram shown
below with the regions of the highest electron density (negative charge) shown in red:
The first pattern that is evident from these data is the influence of halogens on
acidity. As halogens become more electronegative or when their number increases,
the carboxylic acid becomes stronger (it has lower pKa). Since it is not possible to
write resonance structures which would include electrons from the halogens, the
electron delocalization in such anions must have a different origin. To get a better
insight into this alternative mode of charge delocalization, let us discuss a number
of additional examples.
Acidity amongst the three chlorobutanoic acids decreases as the chlorine atom
moves away from the carboxyl group. The weakest is 4-chlorobutanoic acid with a
pKa of 4,53. It is known that since the electronegative halogens attract electron
density, their neighboring atoms become partially positively charged. Such effect is
most pronounced on the first neighboring C-atom and it gets smaller along the
hydrocarbon chain, as shown in the scheme below.
from the carboxylic group, its inductive stabilizing influence on the anion is also
different: the strongest is in 2-chlorobutanoic acid with a pKa value of 2.89.
In summary, the carboxylic acid is stronger if after the removal of the proton, it
can form a more stable conjugated base, the carboxylate anion. The anion is stabi-
lized by electron delocalization over the largest possible region of the molecule.
The charge delocalization can occur in two ways: through the -electron system
by the resonance effect or through the -electron network by the inductive effect.
The resonance effect has already been explained in the section on alcohols when we
discussed the acidity of phenol (vide infra).
In the analogy with inorganic acids, the carboxylic acids can be neutralized by
bases. The names of the salts which are formed after neutralization follow the
inorganic nomenclature.
Of special interest are sodium and potassium salts of the long-chained fatty
acids, the compounds known under the traditional name of soaps (see the next
scheme). The chemical behavior of these molecules exhibits a dual nature. The long
hydrocarbon chain is typical of the organic component which is insoluble in water.
Because hydrocarbon chains repel water molecules, they are called hydrophobic.
On the other side the carboxylate group and the metal ion are bound by an ionic
bond and such compounds are readily soluble in water. They attract water molecules
and we call them hydrophilic. The molecules of soaps possess a hydrophilic head
and a hydrophobic tail.
Because of their specific structures, the soap molecules exhibit special behavior
in water solutions, they undergo self-organization. The molecules form complex
6.2 Carboxylic Acids 101
structures called micelles, in which the hydrophobic tails are oriented towards the
middle of the particle and the hydrophilic heads are pointed towards the water
Joseph Achille LeBel was one of the most important pupils and collaborators of Louis
Pasteur. Both of them were interested in the salts of tartaric acid (contained in wine),
the tartarates. During the isolation of ammonium-sodium-tartarate, Pasteur and LeBel
observed that two kinds of crystals appear (see figure bellow). Although these crystals
are equal in shape they differ in such a way as to be mirror picture of one another.
h h
h h
b b
This is similar to the spatial relationship between the left and the right hand
which cannot be superimposed by any possible reorientation in space. Since LeBels
crystals reveal the same property they have been called chiral i.e. similar to the hand
(Greek word for hand is ). Almost at the same time, Jean Baptist Biot, the
physicist who also collaborated with Pasteur, discovered polarized light. Today we
know that light is an electromagnetic wave described as a vibration of two perpen-
dicular vectors, electric and magnetic. If both vectors vibrate in fixed planes, the
light is linearly or plane polarized. Natural visible light is a mixture of numerous
linearly polarized waves. Some substances like polymers and certain crystals trans-
mit only one plane of the propagating light. They are called polarizers.
By passing through the polarizer, the nonpolarized light becomes linearly polar-
ized. If the polarized light passes through two polarizers in sequence, the extent of
passage will depend on the relative orientation of the two polarizers. When the polar-
izing planes in both polarizers are parallel the light will pass through both of them,
but if the planes are perpendicular the light cannot pass trough the second polarizer.
7 Stereochemistry, Symmetry andMolecular Chirality 105
LeBel discovered that if the solution of only one of the two types of crystals (for
instance one at the left side of the diagram) is placed between the two polarizers the
polarized light passes through both polarizers. However, for this to occur the polar-
izers are not oriented in parallel, but are rotated with respect to each by a certain
angle. The solution of the crystals at the right hand side of the diagram rotates the
polarized light by the same angle but in the opposite direction. Such rotation of the
plane of polarization is known as optical activity. Since the solutions behave as
left and right in the same way as their crystals are left- and right-handed, the
optical activity must have its origin in the structure of molecules. LeBel concluded
that molecules must also be left- and right-handed, i.e. they must be chiral.
Accordingly, the molecules must have spatial structures which are mirror images
of one another. Taking into account this evidence, LeBel discovered that organic
molecules may be chiral only if the carbon atom is located at the center of tetrahe-
dron. This discovery gave birth to the field of stereochemistry. The same idea about
tetrahedral structure and chirality of organic molecules has also been proposed by
vant Hoff, who developed his theory independently and using a quite different
Besides the tetrahedral structure, the chirality of a molecule requires one addi-
tional condition: all four substituents bound to the central carbon atom must be
different. A carbon atom with four different substituents induces chirality of the
entire molecule and is called a stereogenic, chiral or asymmetric center. If two or
more substituents are identical the molecule and its mirror image can be superim-
posed and the molecule is not chiral. Some chiral and non-chiral molecules are
represented bellow.
Let us examine why only molecules with four different substituents are chiral?
What is the fundamental geometric property which the molecule, crystal or hand
must possess in order to be chiral? These phenomena can be examined within the
theory of symmetry. Symmetry is the property which ensures that the figure or
geometrical body remains unchanged under particular spatial operation, which is
called a symmetry element. We say that the object is symmetric in relation to these
symmetry elements. Some of the symmetry elements were already described in the
106 7 Stereochemistry, Symmetry andMolecular Chirality
symmetry axis or digyre. The methyl chloride molecule has a symmetry axis with
120 rotation. It is called a third order axis or trigyre. In the bottom row of the
diagram above (E)-but-2-ene has a center of symmetry, but (Z)-but-2-ene does not.
A centre of symmetry is the point (labeled with the symbol i) through which each
atom can be reflected into the equivalent atom with both atoms being at the same
distance from i. In this way the H-atom in (E)-but-2-ene is reflected through i into
another H-atom. The same principle is valid for methyl groups. The chiral mole-
cules have special symmetry properties because they do not have any symmetry
planes as for instance the molecule CHClBrF.Clearly, all molecules in which the
carbon atom is bound with the double bond are not chiral and such carbon is not a
center of chirality. We know that each C-atom of the double bond is coplanar with
three of its neighbors and this plane is at the same time the plane of symmetry.
Formaldehyde is a good example. The four different substituents bound to the chiral
carbon need not be the atoms of four different chemical elements. Chirality is pres-
ent if the substituents are different groups or if they have different constitutions.
Every chiral molecule with one stereogenic center can have two isomers called
enantiomers. Enantiomers are related to each other as the object is to its mirror
image. Since enantiomers are isomers they can be transformed into each other only
by a chemical reaction i.e. by the breaking and forming of chemical bonds.
Transformation of one enantiomer into another can involve breaking of any two
chemical bonds to the stereogenic centre, switching the positions of the correspond-
ing substituents and the forming of two new chemical bonds.
If the molecule has more than one stereogenic center, every center can exist in
two enantiomeric forms. For n stereogenic centers, the number of stereoisomers is
2n. Stereoisomers of molecules with more than one asymmetric carbon (stereogenic
centers) are called diastereomers. In constitutional molecular formulas, the stereo-
genic centers are usually labeled with an asterisks. Some examples of molecules
having diastereomers are shown bellow.
108 7 Stereochemistry, Symmetry andMolecular Chirality
100 [ ]
[ ]D
After LeBel and vant Hoffs discovery that the tetrahedral structure underpins
the spatial distribution of atoms in organic molecules, the new concept of configu-
ration was introduced. Since the enantiomers differ in their configuration, it was
necessary to develop a system of nomenclature by which their configurations can be
labeled unequivocally. Cahn, Ingold and Prelog have invented the system of abso-
lute configuration, a method similar to the procedure which we have already
discussed in the previous chapters. To determine the absolute configuration of a
molecule it is necessary to follow certain steps which are similar to the determina-
tion of Z and E isomers of alkenes.
1 . Determination of the priorities.
The highest priority pertains to the atom with the highest atomic number. In the
examples given below, chlorine with the highest atomic number has the priority (1)
followed by oxygen (2), carbon (3) and the atom with lowest priority hydrogen (4).
7 Stereochemistry, Symmetry andMolecular Chirality 109
2. Molecular orientation
The molecule must be oriented such a way that the chiral carbon atom is in front
and the substituent with the lowest priority (in our example hydrogen) behind
this carbon. Frontal atoms and groups are labeled in blue in the next scheme.
4. In most organic molecules the atoms directly bound to the chiral carbon are
identical. In that case, the rule must be extended so that we look at the atomic
number of the next atom along the chain. In the following example we distin-
guish between the C-atoms in groups CH3 and CH3CH2. In the CH3 group, the
C-atom bound to the stereogenic center is also bound to three hydrogen atoms.
In the CH3CH2 group the corresponding atom is bound to atoms H, H,
C.Therefore since in the CH3CH2 group the next atom along the chain is C rather
than H, the CH3CH2 group has higher priority than CH3. Hence, the configura-
tion must be (R).
110 7 Stereochemistry, Symmetry andMolecular Chirality
5. If the substituent has an atom with a double bond, its priority is considered to be
equivalent to two such atoms each bound with the single bond. In the example
bellow, the -CHO group has a higher priority than -CH2OH, because the oxygen
in -CHO carries a double bond and its priority is equivalent to two oxygen atoms
(counted as two C-O single bonds).
Chapter 8
Derivatives ofCarboxylic Acids
If the OH-group is removed from the carboxylic group, the remaining group has
the form RCO- which is called an acyl group. By connecting different atoms or
groups to the acyl group we can obtain various structural derivatives of carboxylic
acids, like anhydrides, esters, acyl halides or amides. The substituent R in the fol-
lowing scheme can be carboxylate RCOO-, alkoxide -OR, halide, for instance -Cl,
and amine -NH2, NHR or NR2.
8.1 Anhydrides
molecule has only one carboxyl group the condensation involves two molecules, as
in the case with acetic acid, where two molecules form acetanhydride. Acids with
two carboxylic groups, such as maleic acid or phthalic acid, after the removal of
water, form the corresponding cyclic structures.
8.2 E
sters, Nucleophilic Substitution ontheUnsaturated
Carbon Atom
An alcohol is a good nucleophile because it has two electron lone pairs on the oxy-
gen atom. In the reaction with a carboxylic acid, the oxygen atom of alcohol attacks
the carbon atom of the carboxylic acid group. The mechanism is analogous to the
previously discussed nucleophilic additions of aldehydes and ketones. The main
difference between the two mechanisms is that the reaction involving carboxylic
acid also involves removing a molecule of water. The final product is an ester.
below). The basic step in this mechanism is the protonation of the oxygen atom of
the carboxylic group by a strong acid. This protonated form is susceptible to the
nucleophilic attack on the C=O group. The reaction intermediate is transformed into
the ester molecule by the removal of a molecule of water:
Salts can simply be transformed into a carboxylic acid just by reacting with a
strong acid. Remember the principle that strong acids can yield weak acids from
their salts:
Analogously with aldehydes and ketones, esters can be reduced by strong reduc-
ing agents such as LiAlH4. Weaker reducing reagents such as NaBH4 can reduce
only aldehydes and ketones, but are unreactive towards esters. The reaction with
LiAlH4 must be performed in dry ether. The obtained intermediate cannot be i solated
but is immediately hydrolyzed with diluted acid. The products are two alcohols, the
first from the acid component and the second from the alcohol component of the
ester precursor.
8.3 Acyl Halides 115
Replacing the OH group in a carboxylic acid with a halogen generates acyl halides,
the reactive compounds which are important intermediates in the organic synthesis
of various other compounds, especially amides. The most frequently used acyl
halide is acyl chloride, the compound prepared from carboxylic acid and a special
reagent called thionyl chloride SOCl2. This reagent has an unpleasant odor because
it readily reacts with water, yielding HCl and SO2.
SOCL 2 + H 2O SO 2 + 2HCl
Thionyl chloride reacts with carboxylic acids in the way as shown in the scheme
below. In the first step the reaction yields HCl and the intermediate benzoyl
The nomenclature of acyl halides is simple. Their names are deduced from the
name of the constituent acid with the suffix -yl or -oyl and the name of the halide.
116 8 Derivatives ofCarboxylic Acids
Like thionyl chloride, acyl halides are sensitive to moisture and quickly hydrolyze
into the corresponding carboxylic acid and HCl. This is an example of the nucleo-
philic substitution at the unsaturated carbon with H2O as the nucleophile.
8.4 Amides
Perhaps the most important synthetic use of acyl halides is in the reactions with ammo-
nia or with amines. The products are important natural compounds called amides.
Depending on the structure of the nucleophiles, i.e. whether they are ammonia, primary
or secondary amines, the products are primary, secondary or tertiary amides.
8.4Amides 117
In amides, the amino group is directly bonded to the carbonyl group. Amide
nomenclature includes the simple suffix -amide. In secondary and tertiary amides,
the substituents that are bound to the nitrogen atom are not labeled by the number,
but by the letter N. The representative examples are N-methylmethanamide or
N,N- dimethylmethanamide in the above scheme. Some amides which are deriva-
tives of formic or of acetic acids also bear traditional names as formamide or
Since amides have two different heteroatoms with lone pairs, the electrons can be
delocalized over both N- and O-atoms. Let us discuss the electron delocalization by
using the method of resonance structures:
Two important conclusions can be drawn from the given resonance structures.
First, the electron lone pair is not localized on the nitrogen atom as in saturated
amines. We recall from the previous chapter that amines are less basic if the nitro-
gen lone pair is not localized on the N-atom. This was illustrated by an example
where we compared the basicities of aniline and pyridine and showed that aniline is
a weaker base because its lone pair electrons are delocalized over the entire benzene
ring. For the same reason, amides are neutral rather than basic.
The second very important conclusion is related to the nature of the covalent
bond between the nitrogen and the carbon atom. This bond has a single bond
character in one of the resonance structures and a double bond character in the
other. Hence, the amide bond has a bond order of 1.5, i.e. it has an intermediate
character between a double and a single bond. In the chapter on alkanes we have
mentioned that while the rotation around a single bond is free, the rotation around
a double bond is forbidden. Because the amides bond has a partial double bond
character the rotation around it is hindered. This evidence is important in the
study of the stereochemistry of complex molecules with amide groups, such as
polyamides and polypeptides.
One of the best known polyamides is nylon, the substance which was first pro-
duced in 1935. Nylon can be obtained from hexamethylenediamine and adipic acid
by a procedure called polycondensation.
118 8 Derivatives ofCarboxylic Acids
Many antibiotics and other pharmaceutical products have molecules with amide
groups. A large group of such compounds are antibiotics derived from penicillin
(see the scheme below). These compounds are stable because the amide bond is
difficult to hydrolyze.
Chapter 9
Electrophilic Substitutions
Reactions of Aromatic Compounds
In general, the electrophile is labeled with E+ and its addition to the benzene
ring is analogous to protonation (see scheme below). If the cationic reaction
intermediate loses a proton, the electrophile remains attached to the ring. The
final product has the structure in which hydrogen is replaced with the incoming
electrophile and such a reaction is called an electrophilic substitution on the
unsaturated carbon atom.
If we wish to replace one hydrogen atom with some functional group or atom,
this group or atom must be transformed into the cationic, electrophilic form. For
instance, for the halogenation of a benzene ring, the halogen atom must appear
in its electrophilic form called a halonium ion. Since such ions are unstable in
solution so they must be prepared in situ (immediately, without isolation) and in
the form of the complex with a larger molecule. Such reactants, with a positive
halogen, appear in the reaction of halogens with metal halides such as FeCl3,
FeBr3, or AlCl3.
Alkyl or acyl groups can be bound to benzene in an analogous way. These reac-
tions are called Friedel-Crafts alkylations or acylations, respectively, in honor of
their discoverers Charles Friedel and James M. Crafts. The starting compound in
alkylation is an alkyl halide which, together with the corresponding metal halide,
forms a molecular complex that consists of a carbocation and a tetrahalometallic
anion. For instance, ethyl bromide reacts with FeBr3 forming a complex in which
9.1 Substituent Effects in Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 121
the ethyl group has a cationic character and behaves as an electrophile. This electrophile
reacts with benzene molecule as shown in the following scheme.
Reaction of nitric acid with sulfuric acid yields the nitronium ion (NO2+), which
as an electrophile reacts with benzene and forms nitrobenzene.
The chemistry of substituted benzenes belongs to the field of organic synthesis which
was developed during the nineteenth century for the needs of the dye industry.
Aromatic compounds which have several substituents on the benzene ring have
122 9 Electrophilic Substitutions
been of special practical interest. The problem of introducing the second substituent
arises because this additional group can bind at different positions along the ring.
From their long experience in synthesis the chemists have discovered that the
first substituent on benzene plays a crucial role in influencing (directing) the
position of the second substituent group. Some functional groups direct the next
substituent into the ortho or para position while others favor a meta substitution.
The groups which direct into the ortho or para position are called activating
substituents while those which direct into the meta position are called deactivat-
ing groups. In principle, the term activating implies the donation of electrons to
the benzene ring and deactivating has the opposite effect, i.e. the withdrawal of
electrons from the ring.
Experience has shown that substituents with electron lone pairs on the atom
directly bound to benzene are activating and they are also ortho or para-directors,
i.e. they guide the second substituent into ortho/para positions. The deactivating
substituents do not have such atoms, but they can have a double bond or an
electronegative atom. The deactivating substituents are meta-directors, i.e. they
display regioselectivity by directing the second substituent into the meta position.
The alkyl groups are a special case, they are activating in spite of their lack of a
heteroatom with an electron lone pair.
9.1 Substituent Effects in Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 123
These experimental observations have played a crucial role, not only in the
development of the theory of reaction mechanisms, but also in the final solution of
the problem of the electronic structure of benzene. Historically, the explanation of
the laws of substituent direction appeared at two levels. During the first quarter of the
last century, when the theory of resonance was in the early stages of development,
substituent directing was explained by the charge distribution in the reactant mole-
cule. As we can see in the example of the aniline molecule, the activating NH2
group causes the negative charge to appear only in the ortho or para positions. Since
they are negatively charged, these positions are preferred for an electrophilic attack.
These initial ideas were inadequate to explain the orientation effect of all
groups. The problem appeared with the methyl group in toluene, which is activating,
but for which no resonance structures could be constructed. The proper explana-
tion of the regioselectivity (the preference for certain substituent positions) only
came with the development of the theory of reaction mechanisms by Robinson
and Ingold. As we have seen at the beginning of this chapter, the electrophilic
attack causes the formation of a reaction intermediate, the carbocation. Since
we know that the rate of chemical reaction depends mostly on the stability of
the reaction intermediate, let us discuss the structure of the activated and deacti-
vated cations.
In the following example, the activating substituent is the methoxy group. If the
electrophile attacks the ortho position the corresponding cation can be described by
the resonance structures shown in the following scheme.
The electrophilic attack on meta position would yield a carbocation that cannot
be stabilized by the activating group, so this position is not favored. This can clearly
be seen from the resonance structures in the next scheme. The carbon on which
the activating group is bound always has a double bond and the delocalization of
electrons from the methoxy group into the ring is not possible. The corresponding
carbocation is not stabilized and activating groups do not support the formation of
The deactivating groups withdraw electrons from the ring and the binding of an
electrophile will yield an intermediate in which the resonance structures can be
written as shown in the scheme below. In the ortho or para position, the electrophile
induces the formation of intermediates in which two positive charges are located
next to each other (labeled with dashed circle in the scheme), which is energetically
unfavorable. However, this situation is avoided if the electrophile is bound in the
meta position. Hence the deactivating group is always a meta-director.
126 9 Electrophilic Substitutions
The deactivating effect of the CF3 group is the consequence of a strong electron
withdrawing of electron density from the benzene ring via the inductive effect of
three fluorine atoms.
9.1 Substituent Effects in Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 127
The physiologically most important components of living beings are proteins, the car-
riers of basic physiological and biochemical functions. Their molecules are extraordi-
narily complex and varied but in spite of this complexity their structures are built from
only 20 relatively simple molecules the amino acids. Before investigating these
biologically important amino acids which are the products of hydrolysis of proteins,
we shall describe the structure and properties of this class of compounds in general.
The molecules of amino acids have two functional groups with different proper-
ties, the basic amino group and the acidic carboxyl group. Because the amino group
can be bound to different carbon atoms on the hydrocarbon chain, the names of these
compounds are derived from the position of this functional group. However, for this
class of compounds, the traditional nomenclature in which the C-atoms are labeled
not by numbers, but by letters of the Greek alphabet is still in use. In addition, the
letter does not correspond to the carbon atom labeled with number 1, but to the
atom with the number 2. In this nomenclature there are , , amino acids, etc.
All 20 amino acids obtained from natural proteins belong to the -amino acids
and can be represented by the general formula H2NCHRCOOH. They differ only in
the substituent R.
Amino acids are amphoteric compounds; the carboxylic groups given them acidic
properties and the amino groups give them a basic character. Their amphoteric behav-
ior is shown in the next scheme.
Amino acids are well soluble in water, because they can appear in the form of a
dipolar ion called, by the German word, Zwitterion. This ion can be considered as
the product of self-protonation: the amino group is protonated by the proton that
comes from the carboxyl group.
11.1 Amino Acids and Peptides 133
When the R group is neutral the pH of the solution of such an amino acid would
be approximately 7, i.e. this amino acid is neutral. However, R groups can be neu-
tral, acidic or basic. For instance, in aspartic acid (see following scheme) the group
R has a carboxylic functional group. Consequently, pH of a water solution of aspar-
tic acid must be lower than 7 and it is actually 2.95. On the other hand, in the amino
acid lysine, the R group contains an amino group and the compound behaves as a
base. In water solution, lysine has a pH equal to 9.8. The pH value of the amino acid
in water solution depends on the functional group R and is called the isoelectric
point, which is labeled with the symbol pI.
In the following schemes all 20 amino acids are given and classified into
neutral, basic and acidic forms together with their pI values. Since in biochemis-
try we handle complex protein molecules consisting of thousands of amino acids,
the writing of exact formulas becomes unpractical, so every amino acid is labeled
by three letters. All three-letter labels are listed in the schemes that follow.
134 11 Organic Natural Products
11.1 Amino Acids and Peptides 135
In all the listed amino acids, with the exception of glycine, the -carbon is bound
to four different substituents hence it is a stereogenic center. From this it follows
that every amino acid can appear in the form of two enantiomers. In the following
example, both the enantiomers of alanine are represented together with their abso-
lute configurations. However, enantiomers of amino acids can also be represented
by the traditional notation of chiral molecules that is called the relative configura-
tion. This nomenclature for configuration was proposed Emil Fischer in the nine-
teenth century for the representation of the stereochemistry of carbohydrates.
For the determination of the relative configuration, the molecule is oriented so
that the chiral carbon atom is in the center of the cross, the substituents positioned
at the top and bottom arms of the cross lie bellow the plane of drawing and the
groups at the left and right arm are above the plane of the drawing. Substituents H
and NH2 are always either the left or the right arm and the carboxylic group is on the
top arm of the cross. These representations are called Fischer formulas. If the NH2
group is on the left arm of the cross, the configuration is designated as the
L-configuration. Conversely, if NH2 is on the right arm the molecule has the
D-configuration. Relative and absolute configurations of alanine are presented in
the next scheme. It must be pointed out that absolute and relative configurations do
not correlate: (R) is not always D and (S) is not always L.
It is important to mention that all 20 amino acids obtained from living organ-
isms have the same L relative configuration. Although science does not have the
full explanation for this observation, such stereoselectivity supports the notion that
chemical and later biological evolution started from the same enantiomer.
The laboratory synthesis of amino acids is fundamentally different from the way
these compounds are synthesized in the living organisms (biosynthesis). The tradi-
tional synthesis of amino acids is known as Strecker synthesis (in the honor of
Adolph Strecker). This method is based on the nucleophilic attack on the carbonyl
group; a reaction which we already discussed in this book. In this reaction of alde-
hyde with ammonium chloride and sodium cyanide the product is aminonitrile. By
boiling with strong acid, this aminonitrile is transformed into the corresponding
amino acid.
11.1 Amino Acids and Peptides 137
From the chemical equations above it is clear that the laboratory synthesis is not
a clean reaction, because it yields a mixture of the both enantiomers: L-alanine
and D-alanin i.e. a racemate. The appearance of the racemate can be explained from
the knowledge of the reaction mechanism of nucleophilic addition to the carbonyl
group. In the carbonyl group the carbon atom is bound by a double bond and lies
with all three of its substituents in the same molecular plane. The CN group as a
nucleophile can attack the carbonyl carbon with the same probability from either
side of the molecular plane. Consequently above-the-plane attack yields (R) enan-
tiomer and below-the-plane attack gives the (S) enantiomer.
The most important property of amino acids is their ability to form dimers, oligo-
mers and polymers that are called peptides and polypeptides. The mechanism of the
formation of peptides and polypeptides is complex and will not be discussed in this
book. Let us only mention that the peptide bond is formed by connecting the amino
group of one amino acid to the carboxyl group of the other amino acid followed by
the elimination of water.
amino group directly bonded to the carbonyl group. Large numbers of amino acids
can be connected into polypeptides that are represented in the same way as
dipeptides. The first and the last amino acid in the polypeptide chain are called
terminal amino acids. Accordingly, the left and the right end of the chain are
named the N-terminus, and C-terminus, respectively.
In the same way the long polypeptide chain can also form a loop as shown below:
We have argued that the peptide bond is essentially related to the amide func-
tional group. The resonance structures of amides, which we have discussed earlier,
can also be used in the representation of the electronic structure of polypeptide
140 11 Organic Natural Products
Inspection of these structures makes it clear that the chemical bonds between
carbon and nitrogen have a double bond character. Consequently, the rotation
around these bonds is restricted as is the rotation around the double bonds in alkenes.
This restricted rotation makes polypeptide chains rigid. Because of structural rigid-
ity polypeptide chains appear in two forms: the -helix and the -sheet.
Each complete turn of the helix requires 3.6 amino acids (residues) in the chain
which contains N-C-C-N bonds. The helix is additionally stabilized by hydrogen
bonds between the CO group of residue n and the NH group of residue n + 4 i.e.
between spatially close amino acids (see next diagram).
11.1 Amino Acids and Peptides 141
In -sheets the chains are oriented with respect to each other in such a way
that the N-H groups in the backbone of one strand establish hydrogen bonds
with the C=O groups in the backbone of the adjacent strand. The chains can be
interconnected in two ways: antiparallel or parallel. In the antiparallel arrange-
ment, as represented in the scheme below, the successive strands alternate
directions so that the N-terminus of one strand is adjacent to the C-terminus of
the other strand.
142 11 Organic Natural Products
In the parallel structure shown below the N-termini in both strands are oriented
in the same direction as are the C-termini.
11.2 Carbohydrates 143
11.2 Carbohydrates
Another class of primary metabolites soluble in water are the carbohydrates. To this
class belong the substances which we know as sugars, but also polymers such as
starch and cellulose, compounds that are ubiquitous components of the living organ-
isms. The first discovery in the chemistry of sugars was the observation that some
of them yield other carbohydrates by hydrolysis. In contrast, there are also sugars
that cannot be further hydrolyzed. They are called monosaccharides. The
144 11 Organic Natural Products
Carbon atoms not situated at the ends of the molecule always have four different
substituents and thus represent stereogenic centers. Such chiral C-atoms are labeled
with an asterisks in the scheme above. Since every chiral carbon atom can have two
configurations, every monosaccharide can have 2n stereoisomers with n being the
number of stereogenic centers. For instance, aldohexose can have 16 stereoisomers.
This is a good example of a large variety of possible structures for organic com-
pounds. As we recall from the chemistry of amino acids, nature is very selective in
the generation of specific isomers. The most common monosaccharide found in
living organisms is the aldohexose traditionally called D-glucose.
The configurations of all chiral C-atoms in the glucose molecule are shown in the
formulas of the scheme below. Here, the structures A and B represent a glucose
11.2 Carbohydrates 145
molecule using the wedge-dash notation, C is the Fischer projection formula and D
is the shorthand Fischer formula. The horizontal lines label the positions of -OH
groups. Remember that the substituents written on the left and right side of the verti-
cal line are located above the plane of drawing.
Since the aldehyde carbon is bound to oxygen by the double bond this carbon
is coplanar with all three substituents. The CN nucleophile can then attack this
carbonyl plane from either side with equal probability which leads to the forma-
tion of two products that differ in their relative configurations, D or L (scheme
11.2 Carbohydrates 147
If the cyanhydrine products are then first oxidized to acids and subsequently
reduced to aldehydes, the final products are two new monosaccharides, the aldotet-
roses D-erithrose and D-threose:
148 11 Organic Natural Products
This Kiliani-Fischer synthesis can be continued starting from these new tetroses
(D-erithrose and D-threose) to prepare four new monosaccharides (aldopentoses),
because every tetrose can yield two new pentose diastereomers. By repeating this
series of reactions it is possible to extend the carbon chain further to get hexoses. If
the synthesis starts with D-glyceraldehyde all the product molecules of the corre-
sponding aldoses will have the D-configuration on the C-atom which is furthest
from the aldehyde group. These monosaccharides belong to the D-series. On the
other hand, aldoses prepared from L-glyceraldehyde will have the last C-atom with
the L-configuration. These monosaccharides belong to the L-series. All living
organisms produce only the D-series of carbohydrates!
The carbon atom, which in the open-chain form was part of the carbonyl group,
becomes chiral after cyclization and is called the anomeric carbon atom. In the
cyclic form the anomeric carbon can have two configurations which are labeled with
the Greek letters and . Stereoisomers that differ in the configuration at this new
chiral center are called anomers. For example, the cyclic form of D-glucose can
have and anomers named -D-glucopyranose, and -D-glucopyranose. The
word pyranose has been taken from the analogous cyclic ether with the six-mem-
bered ring which is known as pyrane. In the first chapter of this book we have
claimed that the substituted cyclohexane ring is most stable when its substituents
are in equatorial positions. The anomeric carbon atom is an exception; the most
stable anomer has the OH group in the axial position which makes it the -anomer.
This is called the anomeric effect.
Anomers also appear in cyclic form as five-membered rings, for instance in the
monosaccharides fructose and ribose. These cyclic molecules are named furanoses
because of their similarities to the cyclic ether furan. Starting from D-fructose and
D-ribose, the cyclization yields anomers - and -D-fructofuranose, as well as -
and -D-ribofuranose, respectively.
150 11 Organic Natural Products
In analogy with pyranoses, the furanoses are also in equilibrium with the open-
chain forms. The new functionality which appears in the cyclic forms is hemiacetal,
the structure already mentioned in our discussions on alcohol addition to the
carbonyl group. The hemiacetals can easily undergo hydrolysis yielding the open
chain monosaccharide molecule.
Representation of the cyclic forms could be simplified by using the special short-
hand notation called the Haworth formula (in the honor of Sir Norman Haworth).
Fischer formulas can be easily transformed into Haworth formulas by the rules
given in the following scheme.
11.2 Carbohydrates 151
Chiral carbon atoms that do not contribute to the formation of the cyclic form
have substituents attached labeled in blue. In D-glucopyranose these atoms are
numbered as 2, 3 and 4 while in D-fructofuranose these atoms are 3 and 4. The rule
for writing Haworth formulas says that the substituents below the plane of the ring
in Haworth projections are equivalent to those on the right-hand side of the
corresponding Fischer projection (shown in blue).
The hydroxyl group on the anomeric carbon of the monosaccharide molecule can
be replaced by another monosaccharide molecule. The resulting dimer is called a
disaccharide. Binding of -D-glucopyranose to -D-fructofuranose gives the
152 11 Organic Natural Products
In the same way, glucose molecules can be connected by a glycosidic bond into
long polymeric structures of polysaccharides. The structure of the polysaccharide
formed from glucose depends mostly on the starting anomer. Polymerization of
-D-glucopyranose by the (1,4)-glycosidic bond yields amylose, the polysaccha-
ride which is a component of starch.
11.2 Carbohydrates 153
Glycosides are compounds in which the substituent is bound to the anomeric carbon.
This group comprises numerous natural products; the primary metabolites. The most
important are nucleosides, the basic structural units from which nucleotides and nucleic
acids are formed. The monosaccharide component of the nucleoside is D-ribose or its
partially reduced form D-deoxyribose. In biochemistry and molecular biology the most
important are the nucleosides in which ribose is bonded to heterocyclic molecules called
nucleic bases. The most common nucleic bases are pyrimidines and purines.
Pyrimidines are derivatives of the cyclic amine pyrimidine while purines are
derived from the bicyclic amine purine.
The glycoside that consists of adenine and D-ribose (in its cyclic form ribofura-
nose) is adenosine.
11.3 Glycosides and Nucleotides 155
OH group, the fragment of the nucleic acid molecule would represent RNA, but if
Z is the hydrogen atom, the structure would represent DNA. Ribose and deoxyribose
differ in this detail only.
The double-stranded DNA consists of two parallel chains folded into an -helix.
The chains are joined by hydrogen bonds that follow the rules of complementar-
ity. In accordance with these rules, adenine is always bound with thymine of the
other chain and guanine is always bound to cytosine (see the following scheme).
The principles of molecular complementarity do not apply only to nucleic acids.
Rather, they represent general rules for the formation of various supramolecular
structures. If nucleotides are labeled by their first letters, the complementary pairs
would be AT and GC, respectively. The structural key for complementarity is the
number of hydrogen bonds. There are two such bonds in the AT pair and three in
11.3 Glycosides and Nucleotides 157
Based on the complementarity principle, two DNA chains bind as shown in the
In biochemical processes, the DNA molecule can be separated into two single-
stranded molecules. One of such single-stranded intermediates serves as a matrix on
which the complementary chain can be synthesized. This is the main principle of
DNA replication. The mechanism and numerous details of this process are studied
in biochemistry.
158 11 Organic Natural Products
11.4 Lipids
At the beginning of this Chapter we have mentioned that one of the oldest methods for
isolation of organic natural products is extraction. Primary metabolites discussed up
to now were mainly ionic or polar compounds soluble in water or in polar solvents.
Organic natural products that belong to different structural classes but which have in
common the solubility in nonpolar solvents are called lipids. Some of the lipids are
esters of long-chained fatty acids and they can be readily hydrolyzed under acidic or
basic conditions. In this group we encounter waxes, fats and phospholipids.
11.4.1 Waxes
Waxes are structurally the simplest lipids, being esters of long-chained carboxylic
acids and long-chained alcohols. The chains can have 12 or more carbon atoms. The
ester represented in the following scheme is the main component of wax produced by
bees. It can be easily saponified into the corresponding long-chained acid and alcohol.
11.4.2 Fats
Fats are esters of long-chained fatty acids and the alcohol glycerol. Since glycerol
has three hydroxyl groups its complete esterification requires three fatty acid
molecules. The chains in the molecules of fatty acids can be saturated or partially
non-saturated. Some examples are given in the following table.
Fats and oils differ according to the structures of their fatty acid. While fats are
made of saturated acids, oils are esters of unsaturated fatty acids. As we know from
11.4 Lipids 159
Because of the presence of double bonds, the digestion of oils is easier than the
digestion of saturated fats. A recent nutritional recommendation is to use oils that
consist of -3 fatty acids. Another name for them is n-3 fatty acids. These com-
pounds have hydrocarbon chains consisting of 1822 carbon atoms in which the
first of several double bonds resides on the third C-atom counting from the alkyl
(not carboxyl!) terminus of the molecule. Linoleic acid is a representative example
of -6 fatty acids. In addition, the molecules of unsaturated fatty acids have a
Z-configuration around the carbon-carbon double bonds!
Saponification of fats with KOH or NaOH yields soaps, the sodium or potassium
salts of fatty acids and glycerol. The behavior of soaps in water solutions and the
formation of micelles have already been discussed.
160 11 Organic Natural Products
Let us mention the old tradition known from ethnology for the preparation of
soaps by boiling animal fat with the ash that remains after the burning of beech
wood. This ash contains potassium carbonate and hydroxide which serve as bases
for the saponification. Interestingly, in the Arabic language, the word for ash is kali.
The terms alkali or kalium (for the element potassium) were derived from this root.
The arabic culture and tradition strongly influenced European alchemy and its trans-
formation into modern chemistry.
11.4.3 Phospholipids
The property of the glycerol-based lipids to form micelles even without saponifica-
tion is especially pronounced in phospholipids. The basic structural unit of the
phospholipid molecule is phosphatidic acid shown in the scheme below. The sub-
stituents R and R are long-chained alkane or alkene groups. The phosphate group
can be bound in different structures such as choline or serine, molecules which play
important roles in metabolism.
11.4 Lipids 161
Such membranes prevent the passage of Na+ and K+ ions, the process important
for the transmission of electrical signals between lining cells. Being hydrophilic,
these ions cannot pass through the hydrophobic layer of the membrane. For ion
transport through membranes, the cells have developed special catalytic systems
which require specific groups of enzymes.
Lanosterol is the precursor for the biosyntheses of primary metabolites that have
a common structural motif of three 6-membered rings and one 5-membered ring.
These compounds are known as steroids. In the chemistry of natural products the
rings are labeled by capital letters A, B, C and D.
Some steroids, such as cholic acid, progesterone and testosterone were already
mentioned in the chapters discussing aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids. The
most common steroid in humans is cholesterol. Although the compound has been
discovered in the eighteenth century its complete molecular structure was deter-
mined only in the middle of the last century. Cholesterol appears in most of tissues
and it has a special role in the regulation of blood circulation. An imbalance of
cholesterol in the organism can cause serious health problems similar to arthero-
sclerosis. The cholesterol molecule, like other steroids, is formed by a particular
biosynthetic pathway from the terpene precursors, squalene and lanosterol. Since
cholesterol has 27 carbon atoms, 3 atoms less than the triterpene squalene (which
has 30 C-atoms), 3 C-atoms are eliminated during the biosynthetic process.
H - H2
H Cholesterol 7-Dehydrocholesterol
H 3C CH3
Vitamin D3
Most hormones are also steroids. Besides the already mentioned sexual hor-
mones testosterone and progesterone, there is also estradiol, the female sexual
hormone, which is responsible for the development of the secondary characteristics
of the female anatomy.
We have already mentioned that secondary metabolites are compounds which are
specific to particular biological species. They are not common to all living organ-
isms. Terpenes, which were discussed in the previous section, are primary metabo-
lites. However, many organisms produce secondary metabolites structurally similar
to terpenes, i.e. their molecules can be decomposed into isoprene units. One of
them is the already mentioned camphor but more examples are given below.
11.5 Alkaloids 165
Formulas of terpenes in the scheme above are presented in two rows. In the
bottom row, if the chemical bonds labeled in red are deleted the residues represent
isoprene units. Based on the number of isoprene fragments, menthol is monoter-
pene, -selinene belongs to sesquiterpenes and cembrene as well as vitamin A are
diterpenes. Menthol is the component of peppermint responsible for its refreshing
odor. The aroma of celery originates from -selinene while cembrene can be iso-
lated from pine trees. The derivative of retinal has already been discussed in the
section about the cis-trans isomerism in the biochemical process of vision.
11.5 Alkaloids
The first secondary metabolites that were isolated from natural sources are the
alkaloids, these were also the compounds which were the first group of natural
products studied systematically by chemists. These compounds were named alka-
loids because all of them have nitrogen in their molecules and it is known that
nitrogen causes alkaline behavior. As is typical for all secondary metabolites, the
molecules of alkaloids can have a wide variety of structures. Many alkaloids induce
marked physiological effects, especially on the nervous systems. Some of them like
nicotine or components of opium are drugs or have analgesic properties.
Adrenaline is produced in the brain as a stress activator and it causes increased
psychophysical activity. Compounds isolated from special sorts of poppy have
frequently been used, in the form of impure substances, as tranquilizers and are
known under the name opium. The name is drawn from the Greek word
which means poppy. The first pure substance isolated from opium is heroin, a com-
pound that has also been synthesized for medicinal use.
In everyday use as pain killier, the acetylsalicylic acid can be isolated from the
willow bark (salix). On the market this compound, which is not an alkaloid, is
known under the name aspirin. Many antibiotics are also alkaloids. One of the
alkaloids, quinine is very efficient drug against malaria.
166 11 Organic Natural Products
Most of the reactions mentioned so far are used in laboratory preparations. The dif-
ference between bioorganic and laboratory synthesis has already been mentioned in
the context of the synthesis and biosynthesis of amino acids. The Strecker synthesis
was compared with reactions catalyzed by the enzyme aminotransferase. The most
important difference between the laboratory synthesis and biosynthesis is that
biosynthesis is strongly stereospecific. In living cells the reaction conditions are
fundamentally different from those in the organic laboratory. In the laboratory, the
reactions are performed under drastic conditions of elevated temperature or pres-
sure, frequently by using strong reagents such as metal catalysts and/or strong acids
and bases. Besides, most of the reactions in the laboratory occur in organic solvents
and within a wide range of acidity. In contrast, the living cell is made mostly from
water and is very sensitive to strong inorganic reagents. In most cells the acidity is
nearly constant with the pH maintained close to the value of 7.5.
11.6 Organic and Bioorganic Reactions 167
Carboxylic acid derivatives are prepared in the laboratory starting from acyl
chlorides. Since acyl chloride reacts vigorously with water, yielding HCl, using it
would kill the cell. Hence, the leaving group in the biosynthesis of derivates of
carboxylic acids, coenzyme A has a special and more complex structure.
168 11 Organic Natural Products
NAD+ is efficient in reactions which yield functional groups with double bonds
between a carbon atom and the heteroatom. In this way alcohols can be converted to
ketones. In the laboratory we need strong oxidants such as KMnO4 or K2Cr2O7 to
oxidize alcohols.
One of the most important redox processes in living organisms includes the
transfer of oxygen in erythrocytes by the protein hemoglobin. The active function-
ality in hemoglobin is an organometallic group called heme. The organic part of this
complex is the porphyrin aromatic heterocyclic molecule (heterocyclic structures
are cyclic molecules with heteroatoms in the ring).
170 11 Organic Natural Products
The oxygen molecule binds to the iron atom situated in the molecular plane of
the porphyrin ring. The opposite side of the plane is occupied by the histidine
amino acid that is part of the polypeptide chain of the protein molecule.
The presence of the protein is of high importance because without it the oxygen
atom close to the iron atom would immediately oxidize Fe2+ in heme to Fe3+ and the
oxygen molecule would then not bind to iron. In addition, the iron ion in the complex
with porphyrin, oxygen and histidine forms an octahedral coordination, a sterically
favored structure.
In this comparison between the reactions in the living organisms and those in the
laboratory, we have discussed only the most common examples. We did not men-
tion the most important property of bioorganic reaction systems, their interconnec-
tivity. Biochemical reactions form organized systems that act more or less
D-ribose, 145, 149, 154 Fats, 72, 96, 97, 100, 101, 113,
D-series (monosaccharides), 148 158161
D-threose, 147, 148 Fatty acids, 96, 97, 100,
Dynamite, 72 158, 159
-3 Fatty acids, 159
Fischer formulas, 136, 145, 150, 151
E Fischer, H.E., 146
Eclipsed conformation, 1012 Flavine adenine dinucleotide (FAD),
Ectocarpene pheromone, 57 168, 169
E isomer, 43, 44, 108 Formaldehyde, 8789, 106, 107
Electron density, distribution, 29, 41 Formamide, 116, 117
Electrophile, 48, 49, 51, 59, 119121, 123125 Formic acid, acidum formicum,
Electrophile substitution, 56, 119127 96, 100
Element of symmetry, 105106 Formol, 89
Elimination (of hydrogen halides), 77 Formyl-, 115
Elimination reaction, 7577 Freon 11, 62
E1 mechanism, elimination, 77, 78 Freon 12, 62
E2 mechanism, elimination, 77 Freon 123, 62
Enantiomers, 107, 108, 136, 137 Freons, 6163
Enzymes, 72, 137, 138, 155, 161, 162, 166168 Friedel, C., 120
Epoxide resins, 79 FriedelCrafts acylation, 120
Epoxides, 78, 162 FriedelCraftsovo alkylation, 120
Equatorial (hydrogen atom), 13, 15 Frontier orbitals, 28
Erithrose, 147, 148 Fructofuranose, 151
Essential amino acids, 135 Fructose, 149
Esterification, 112, 158 Fullerene, xiii
Esters, 18, 111114, 155, 158, 167 Fuller, R.B., xiii
Estradiol, 164 Functional groups, 1, 5, 1720, 3031, 35, 39,
Ethanal, 18, 87, 89 42, 43, 65, 87, 92, 120, 122, 132, 133,
Ethanamide, 19 144, 168
Ethan-1,2-diol, ethyleneglycol, 72 Furane, 78, 149
Ethane, 1, 3, 10, 11, 29 Furanose, 149, 150
Ethanethiol, 80
Ethanoic acid, 18, 96, 98, 100, 113
Ethanol, 18, 33, 36, 37, 70, 72, 114 G
Ethene, 1, 29, 39, 52 Geminal diols, 88
Ethers, 18, 7681, 114, 116, 149 Geminal position, 88
Ethyl acetate, 113, 116 Gerhardt, C.-F., 2
Ethyl alcohol, 72 Global energy minimum, 12
Ethyl amine, 19, 82 Glucopyranose, 153
Ethylammonium ion, 82 Glucose, 72, 144145, 152
Ethylene, 39 Glutamic acid (Glu),
Ethylene glycol, 71, 72, 134, 137, 138
113, 114 Glutamine (Gln), 134
Ethylene oxide, 78 Glyceraldehyde, 146
Ethyl ethanoate, 113, 116 Glycerol, 7173, 158160
Ethyl group, 120121 Glycine (Gly), 135, 136
Excited state, 45 Glycoside, 154157
Eyring, H., 67 Glycoside bond, 152, 156157
Graphite, xii, 4041
Grignard reagents, 93, 94
F Grignard, V., 93
FAD. See Flavine adenine dinucleotide (FAD) Ground state, 28
Faraday, M., 53 Guanine, 154157
Index 175
tert-butanol, 68, 69 U
tert-butyl cation, 68, 69 Unimolecular reactions, 66, 67, 69, 77
tert-butyl chloride, 68 Uracil, 154, 155
Tertiary alcohol, 76 Urea, xi, 2
Tertiary amide, 116, 117
Tertiary amine, 81
Tertiary carbocation, 50, 68, 77, V
124, 125 Valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR),
Tertiary carbon atom, 5, 66, 69, 77 7, 40
Testosterone, 88, 163, 164 Valine, Val, 135
Tetrahydrofuran, 78 vant Hoff, J., 7, 67, 105, 108
Tetrahydropyran, 78 Vibration (angle deformation), 24, 3032,
Theory of symmetry, 105 68, 104
Thiols, 20, 80 Vibration (stretching), 3032
Thionyl chloride, SOCl2, 115, 116 Vitamin A, 165
Thomson, J.J., 21 Vitamin D3, 163, 164
Threonine, Thr, 134, 135 VSEPR. See Valence shell electron pair
Threose, 147, 148 repulsion (VSEPR)
Timin, 155, 156
TNT. See Trinitrotoluene (TNT)
Tollens, B., 95 W
Tollens test, 96 Wallach, O., 161
trans, 42 Waxes, 113, 158
trans-decaline, 15, 16 Werner, A., 7
Transition state, 67, 68, 77 Williamson, A.W., 76, 78
Transition state theory, 67, 69 Whler, F., 2, xi
Transition structure, 67 WoodwardHoffmann pravila, 130
Triethylamine, 82 Woodward, R.B., 130
Trigyre, 107
Trinitrotoluene (TNT), 127
Triols, 71, 72 Z
Triphenylmethane, 54 Zajtsev, A., 76
Tristearin, 159 Zajtsev rule, 76
Triterpenes, 163 Zero point energy, 32, 33
Tryptophan, Trp, 135 Z-isomer, 43, 44, 108
Tyrozine, Tyr, 134 Zwitterion, dipolar ion, 132