Predation On Hypsiboas Bischoffi (Anura Hylidae) by Phoneutria Nigriventer (Araneae Ctenidae) in Southern Brazil
Predation On Hypsiboas Bischoffi (Anura Hylidae) by Phoneutria Nigriventer (Araneae Ctenidae) in Southern Brazil
Predation On Hypsiboas Bischoffi (Anura Hylidae) by Phoneutria Nigriventer (Araneae Ctenidae) in Southern Brazil
Nathalie Edina Foerster*, Bruno Henrique Grolli Carvalho and Carlos Eduardo Conte1, 2
Amphibians are attributed a considerable ecological possible to locate the frog while it was being predated
value regarding their trophic level in the food chain since by Phoneutria nigriventer (Figure 1). After the call, the
they are both prey and predators (Toft, 1980; Duellman frog was found completely paralyzed by the venom
and Trueb, 1994; Stewart and Woolbright, 1996; Feio of P. nigriventer. The spider, standing on the branch
et al., 1998), and can effectively control populations of a herbaceous plant, held the frog by insertingits
of invertebrates such as mosquitoes (+agman andFhelicerae into the frogs dorsal region. This spider
Shine, 2005). As ectotherms, they are highly efficient belongs to the Ctenidae family, known for preying
at converting energy from food into their own tissues.
Therefore, they have an important role in the energy
flow of the ecosystem as prey for invertebrates (Toledo,
2003; Toledo, 2005; Moura and Azevedo, 2011), birds
(Toledo et al., 2005; Toledo et al., 2007; Andrade et al.,
2013) and mammals (Santos, 2009; Shalk and Morales,
2012). Among invertebrates, spiders are an important
group that prey upon amphibians (Menin et al., 2005;
Toledo et al., 2007; Pombal Jr., 2007). Herein, we report
Phoneutria nigriventer predating upon an individual of
Hypsiboas bischoffi. The predation was observed on the
24 February 2013, during a field study in the National
Forest of Pira do Sul (2434S; 4955W). This National
Park is located in the municipality of Pira do Sul, State
of Paran, in the south of Brazil and comprises an area
of around 150 ha, consisting mainly of Araucaria forest
(Moro et al., 2009). The encounter was observed around
21:00h during a survey of breeding sites (Scoot and
Woodward, 1994). The site was an old artificial tank,
which now harbours a swamp. An agonistic call was
emitted by the H. bischoffi, being a defensive strategy
that has been reported many times before (Sazima,
1975; Hdl and Gollmann, 1986; Azevedo-Ramos,
1995; Williams et al., 2000). The agonistic call made it
Instituto Neotropical: Pesquisa e Conservao. C.P. 19009,
CEP 81531-980 Curitiba, PR, Brazil.
Criadouro Ona Pintada, 1381, CEP 80520-070, Curitiba, PR, Figure 1. Phoneutria nigriventer predating on Hypsiboas
Brazil bischoffi in Araucaria Forest area in the State of Paran, South
* Corresponding autor e-mail: [email protected] of Brazil
404 Nathalie Edina Foerster et al.
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