Presentation On 80ghz Antenna Integrated

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1.USED: Silicon Technology Co-designed Antenna and LNA.
3.The LNA is a two-stages cascode based on a SiGE:C
130nm HBT optimized for maximum gain
4.The antenna is a dipole designed to match the LNA input
impedance and maximize radiation diagram.
5.LNA exhibit a gain and NF of 26dB and 5dB respectively with a
power consumption of 20mW, while the antenna shows a simulated gain
of 0dB.
During the last few years, the interest towards millimeter Waves
(mm-Waves) circuits has rapidly grown up, following the increase of
silicon transistor fT, leading to the development of a large number of
potential applications all over the W-band, such as WPAN and high data
rate communications at 60GHz, short and long range radar at 77- 81GHz.
the increase of operating frequency leads to a reduction of antenna size
The aim of this work is to demonstrate the interest of a co-designed LNA
and Antenna integrated on silicon compared to a System in Package (SiP)
solution,in mm-Waves range.
BiCMOS9MW 130nm Technology:
1.offers a high speed self aligned SiGe:C HBT with 230/280GHz fT/fmax
and 1.6V BVCE0.
2.Transistor sizing in the LNA design. This technology features a specific
back-end based on classical BiCMOS process,dedicated to millimeter
waves applications.
3.Attenuation constant decreased
80 GHz 2-stages cascode LNA:
Providing high reverse isolation and stability, the cascode architecture is
often used even in high frequency implementations.
The inductive degeneration has been removed to improve overall gain,
modifying input impedance.The matching between transistors such as the
interstage matching has been adjusted by modifying line lengths and
capacitances. Output load is set to 50 ohms for measurement purpose.
The main challenge in co-design is the synthesis of the matching between
the LNA and the antenna.Our LNA presents an input impedance ZLNA
(1). Hence, the input impedance that will be presented to the LNA must
be close to ZLNA* (2)

The low resistivity 12/cm and high permittivity r=11.7, of the
BiCMOS9MW substrate are not suited for the implementation of antenna.
Some techniques such as multilayers topology or packaged antennas can
be explored to compensate for the substrate loss. In this paper, as we aim
to investigate the potentiality of a raw integration of the antenna onto the
silicon, none of these techniques are used.
Two techniques can be used: a completely non-resonant antenna, such
as a Vivaldi antenna; or a resonant antenna, such as a dipole antenna, but
not sized at its resonance length. The two solutions have been
investigated, and the dipole antenna was chosen, for integration purposes.
Ansoft HFSSTM, a 3D full-wave electromagnetic software based on
Finite Elements Method (FEM), has been used to design the antenna. The
accuracy of EM simulation depends on the description of the silicon back
end. To save computation time, the original BEOL of the technology has
been simplified to the profile proposed in Fig. 5. The Si thickness and
properties are kept the same, the 4 first oxides are simplified to an
equivalent layer, namely Dielectric or Diel, and the 2 upper metal levels,
Metal 6 and Alucap, with the inter oxide are independant layers.
Dipole antennas, usually exploited at the resonance frequency, exhibit
a resistive impedance. However, the design of an inductive dipole
antenna is possible if is geometry is different to its resonance size. To
address the specifications imposed by the LNA input impedance, the size
of a resonating dipole antenna has been reduced.The radiating element
implemented with metal 1, features a balun-based ground plane to
prevent the radiation of the antenna to the active part as illustrated in Fig.
6. Power transmission from the LNA to the antenna is made through a /4
open-stub transmission line. However, the open stub may radiate to cause
coupling effect and power losses. Hence, instead of an open stub, a via is
designed between the metal 6 microstrip line and the antenna.

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