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Rikesh - Fix Pay All GR With Today GR

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Collction By: Rikesh Patel

Collction By: Rikesh Patel

Collction By: Rikesh Patel

Scheme for the appointments by,

direct recruitment as probationary
with fixed pay on the posts of all
the cadres of class-3 and class-4
of the State Government

Government of Gujarat,
Finance Department,
Resolution No. Khrch/2002/57/Zl.
Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar.
Date : 16/ 2 / 2006.


One of the important recommendations of Dr. P.K. Das's Committee was that

new direct recruitment to all the services/employments under the State Government

may be made with Fixed pay for first five years to control the non-planned

expenditure of the State Government. This matter has been taken into consideration

by the Committee of the Secretaries also. The decision for formation of this scheme

has been taken after the careful consideration in consultation with the General

Administration Department.

After implementation of the Filth Pay-Commission, a difference between the

prevailing wages of the Government employees and the wages of equivalent

employees of private sector has arisen. Even in private sectors also, new recruitments

in technical/managerial services are being made with fixed pay in first phase. The

State Government also has made the recruitments &educational cadres, in the field of

primary and secondary education on a large scale, with fixed pay and this recruitment

system has been implemented successfully. The direct recruitment which is not

inevitable has been controlled under the economy policy of the State Government.

With the purpose of avoiding adverse effect to the State administration, the

appointments are given on the contract basis to the retiring as per the standing orders

of General Administration Department, however, the expenditure is not reduced

Collction By: Rikesh Patel

considerably by such appointments, as well as such a situation is emerged that new

job seekers are disappointed. To avoid this situation, the general recruitment system to

appoint as assistant for five years with fixed pay will be useful in this regards and the

State Government shall have considerable relief from the burden of wages for first

live years and alter completing the duration of live years, the appointed candidate will

be appointed in regular pay-scale so they will work with sincerity and enthusiasm.


With the purpose of curtailing expenditure being incurred for various

services/jobs of the State Government and to fulfil the noble aim that new recruitment

may not be stopped totally as well as the Non-Plan expenditure incurred from the state

treasury also may he controlled, after careful consideration and keeping in view also

all the matters mentioned in the introduction, it is hereby resolved that the

appointments by direct recruitments to the posts of all the cadres of class-3 and class-

4 of the State Government may be made only as probationary with fixed pay for a

period of five years.

The provisions of this scheme are as under :-

Under this scheme, new appointments shall be given made only in such

limited cases of the Finance Department where it is inevitable for the vacant posts in

class-3 and class-4 as well as where the technical educational qualifications are

required. All these appointments shall he considered as contract based appointments.

2. All recruitments under this scheme shall be made according to the provisions

of the Recruitment Rules of the relevant cadre and only as per the recruitment system

prescribed by the State Government. No resolution with regard to educational

Collction By: Rikesh Patel

qualification as well as of any type of relaxation even in the recruitment process shall

be given.

3. All the persons appointed under this scheme shall be given appointments for

live years with monthly lump sum pay, there will no exception in it.

4. Any benefit out of the benefits available to Government employees on regular

basis shall not be given to a candidate appointed under this scheme as well as the

candidate appointed under this scheme can not claim such benefits in this regards.

such a guarantee letter shall be secured before giving the appointment order.

5. The person being appointed under this scheme shall be given monthly lump

sum wage which will be as under

Sr. Class Pay-scale Rs. 1 On the basis of

No. monthly fixed
wages clubbing.
1 Class-IV -
2500-3200 Rs. 1500/-
2. Class-1V 2610-3540 ,,
3. Class-IV 2650-4000
4. Class-IV 2750-4400
5. Class-Ill 3050-4590 Rs. 2500/-
6. Class-Ill 4000-6000
7. Class-III 4500-7000 Rs. 3500/-
8. Class-Ill 5000-8000
9. Class-Ill 5500-9000 Rs. 4500/-
10. Class-III 6500-10500

6. As the Economy Instructions of the State Government apply to the

Board/Corporation/Grant-in-aid Institution also, this Recruitment Scheme will also

apply to them. However, the Board/Corporation as well as the Grant-in-aid Institution

shall have to obtain the consent of the Finance Department through the

Administration Department before filling the vacant posts out of the sanctioned posts

of class-3 and class-4.

Collction By: Rikesh Patel

7. The Reservation policy of the State Government shall he strictly followed

when the recruitment is made under this scheme.

S. - This scheme shall be applied also to the recruitment to be made under

Centrally Sponsored Scheme as from the grant received from the Central

Government. Because the economic liability falls upon the State Government for such

recruitments alter a long time.

9. Recruitment shall be made only by the organization fixed for the 'ecruitmcnt

(e.g. Public Service Commission. Gujarat Panchavat Service Selection Board.

Subordinate Service Selection Board) etc.

10, The word "Assistnat" shall have to hr put before the nomenclature of the

appointments which are made under this scheme under the cadres of class-3 and


I I, The Gujarat Civil Services classification and Recruitment (General) Rules.

1967. The Gujarat State Civil Services (conduct) Rules, 1971 and The Gujarat Civil

Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1971 can not he applied directly to the person

being appointed under this scheme. therefore, the General Administration Department

shall have to make amendments in this regards in the concerned rules.

I2. 11. at any stage. it is found that the person appointed under this scheme does

not possess the qualifications required for a regular Government employee, the person

can be relieved after issuing notice according to the conditions of the contract during

the period or rive years. Moreover, in the case of any serious

misconduct/embezzlement . the criminal proceedings also can be initiated against the

employee appointed under this scheme.

13. If travelling becomes necessary \\ ith regard to government alThirs ror the

persons being appointed under this scheme. they shall be entitled to get T.A./D.A.

Collction By: Rikesh Patel

according to the provisions of the circular. Finance Department . No.

MSB/ 1 02002/1180/CH dated 19/9/2002.

14. The advertisement mentioning shall have to be given de novo .after cancelling

the advertisement published for the recruitments in regular pay-scale on the posts of

said cadre of class-3 and class-4. Even if the selection process has been completed,

the selected candidate shall be informed about this scheme belOre giving appointment

to the selected candidate and shall be asked if he/site wants to he appointed with

monthly lump sum pay under this scheme and the appointment shall be given under

this scheme only after obtaining his/her written consent.

The selection of a candidate is not his/her right on a job. so alter Qiving

appointment to a candidate From select list, the selection shall he made alter

cancelling the list of remaining candidates and giving the advertisement for the post

with lump sum pay de nova.

15. The person being appointed by recruitment to be made with monthly lump

sum pay. shall get appointment with the specified qualifications with regard to

specified recruitment and under the specified recruitment process. so they shall have

to perform all the ditties including the statutory duty connected with their

posts/designations. And they shall lose the benefits of long term service l'or the

mistake occurred in periOrming the duties and in the case of gross negligence. the

criminal procedure also may be initiated against them. The powers/executive powers

related with the concerned post may be given to the employee.

16. According to this scheme. the candidate recruited alter proving his/her

qualifications in direct recruitment/competition. is to be given the appointment in

Collction By: Rikesh Patel

monthly lump sum pay as Assistant. Therefore. all the appointments given on

compassionate ground also shall be given only with the lump sum pay.

17. The general conditions of this recruitment to be made as assistant in monthly

lump sum pay shall be as per the statement attached herewith which shall have to be

mentioned in the advertisement of recruitment as well as also in the appointment

order properly to whom the appointment may be given.

I8. As the recruitments to be made on monthly lump sum pay. are to be made

according to the specified recruitment procedure as well as the candidate appointed

under this scheme is to be appointed in regular pay-scale after completion of five

years in monthly lump sum pay. this is nothing but a regular recruitment. Therefore,

this scheme shall be applied also to the appointments given against the reserved posts

and the posts of back log and such appointment shall he considered against the roster


19 The employees appointed under this scheme shall have to pass the prescribed

pre-service and post training examination as well as departmental examination

on being appointed in regular pay scale after completion of five years.

20. It is compulsory to obtain pre-consent of the Finance Department before

sending the requisition tbrms which are for the appointment as probationary

with fixed pay For the period of five years by direct recruitment in all the

cadres of class-3, class-4 under to the organization prescribed for the


21 The period of lump sum pay For live years of an employee appointed tinder

this scheme shall not be taken into consideration with regard to any of the

matters regarding the job / service.

Collction By: Rikesh Patel

As the employee being appointed under this scheme has performed his/her

duty in monthly lump sum pay for live years, he/she shall not be reappointed

as probationary at the time of appointing him/her in regular pay scale.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat.

R.I I. Pathak
Deputy Secretar..
Finance Department.
Government of Gujarat.
Enclosure Statement.


*The Secretary to the I Governor. Raj Bhavan, Gandhinagar.

The Principal Secretary to I-Ion. Chief Minister, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar.
The Personal Secretaries to Hon. Ministers/Ministers of State. Sachivalaya.
The Personal Secretaries to all Ministers.
The Personal Secretary to the Leader of Opposition Party. Gujarat Legislative
Assembly Secretariat. Gandhinagar.
*The Secretary. Gujarat Legislative Assembly Secretariat, Gandhinagar.
*The Secretary, Gujarat Public Service Commission, Ahmedabad.
*The Secretary, Vigilance Commission. Gandhinagar.
*The Secretary, Gujarat Civil Service Tribunal, Gandhinagar.
*The Registrar General. Gujarat Iligh Court, Ahmedabad.
*The Secretary. Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board, Gandhinagar.
*The Secretary, Panchayat Service Selection Board. Gujarat State, Gandhinagar.
All the Departments of Secretariat.
Heads of Departments/I-lead of offices.
The Accountant General, (Audit-1) Gujarat State. Ahmedabad
The Accountant General. Audit-2. Gujarat State. Rajkot.
The Accountant General, (A and A) Gujarat State, Ahmedabad/Rajkot.
All the Collectors/All the District Development Officers.
The Inspector, Local Fund Account/All District Assistant Inspector.
The Pay and Accounts Officer, Ahmedabad/Gandhinagar.
All the District Treasury Officers/Sub-Treasury Officers.
The Residential Inspecting Officer. Ahmedabad/Gandhinagar.
All the Boards/Corporations/Universities and Public Enterprises.
All the (dicers/finance Advisers of the Finance Department.
All Branches in Finance Department.
All the recognized Boards (Including the Boards of Panchayat Services).
Select file (/. I Branch) Finance Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar.

* By letter.

Collction By: Rikesh Patel


(1) ] iie appointed candidates will get the corresponding monthly lump sum pay

as suggested in para-5 of the resolution of the scheme, this appointment shall

be considered on contract basis. The tenure of the contract shall be five


(2) The contract shall be terminated bilaterally by giving a notice of one month or

notice pay with the amount 01' fixed pay of one month.

(3) No allowances shall be admissible on the prescribed fixed wage.

(4) No increase of any type of increment shall be admissible in the fixed wage to

Shri during the period of contract. The dearness

allowance, interim relief or other benefits of pay commission or no other

benefits with regard to the service shall be admissible.

(5) Medical reimbursement shall not be admissible during the period of contract.

(6) The service/job performed during the period of five years of the contract shall

not be entitled to obtain pension, bonus, L.T.C., encashment of leaves,

advance or such any other financial benefits from the Government.

(7) lithe employee dies during the period of contract, the due amount of lix wage

for period of the duty performed by him/her shall be admissible to the family

members of the employee. But the ancillary benefits such as the other

financial benefits, ex-gratin benefit or service on compassionate ground shall

not be admissible.

(8) Shri shall have to perform the duties such as the duties

being performed by an officer of equal cadre. Ile/She shall have to remain

present in the office at that time which is prescribed for it. As well as no

private practice or any part-time job can be done. If he/she is instructed to

Collction By: Rikesh Patel

discharge the duties according to the requirement of government work also on

the public holidays, he/she shall perform duties accordingly. Ile/She can not

participate in political activities.

(9) 12 casual leaves shall be admissible to Shri on annual basis

during the period of contract. If he/she enjoys leave other than these leaves,

the pay of the day of leave shall be deducted. The maternity leaves shall be

admissible to the female employees according to the leave rules.

(10)It will be compulsory for Shri to live at the

residence at the place of working and he/she may not leave the head quarter

without permission or the authorized officer.

(I 1)If he/she has to go away from the head quarter upto the distance of 8 K.M. as

a part of his/her duty, he/she shall be admissible the daily allowance of Rs.

15/- for the stay of more than 6 hours and upto 12 hours and Rs. 30/- for the

half of more than 12 hours as well as it shall be admissible the second class

fare of S.T. bus/railway towards traveling expense.

(12)The service shall be terminated at any time without giving any notice for

unsatisfactory performance or indiscipline during the period of contract.

(13)Any other required conditions being decided by the Government in the

interest of administration shall also be binding.

(14)The deduction of professional tax shall be made from the fixed pay as per the


(15)The State Govt. shall not liable for any type of criminal or civil proceedings

held with regard to the matter of government service discharged by him

during the time of appointment.

Collction By: Rikesh Patel

( (;)The person appointed with contract based lump sum wage shall not have any

right to be absorbed in the government establishment.

(17)A letter of consent shall be obtained in this regard that above mentioned

conditions are acceptable to the person being appointed.

(18)This recruitment shall be made only by observing the prescribed recruitment

procedure from the candidates having suitable qualifications as per the

recruitment rules of the respective cadre and these conditions shall be

included in prescribed application form.

( 9)The two year's of the performance the candidate appointed in this way shall

be reviewed on completion of Iwo years of service and he/she shall he

continued lir the remaining period only if his/her performance is lOund lully


(20)11* the services/duties of five years of a candidate appointed under this scheme

are found to be satisfactory. the regular appointment shall be given to him/her

after five years with minimum pay in regular pay-scale of respective cadre.

that means the respective posts shall be considered automatically converted in

full pay-scale posts after live years, but this appointment shall be considered

as a new appointment and the allowances/facilities admissible as per the

prevailing rules, shall be given at that time.

(21)It shall be the responsibility of the concerned department to see that all the

terms and conditions mentioned above are included without fail in the

application form at the time of sending the requisition to the Subordinate

Service Selection 13oard/other board or recognized institution to fill these

posts of direct recruitment according to the prescribed procedure recruitment.

Collction By: Rikesh Patel
Collction By: Rikesh Patel
Collction By: Rikesh Patel
Collction By: Rikesh Patel
Collction By: Rikesh Patel
Collction By: Rikesh Patel
Collction By: Rikesh Patel
Collction By: Rikesh Patel
Collction By: Rikesh Patel
Collction By: Rikesh Patel
Collction By: Rikesh Patel
Collction By: Rikesh Patel
Collction By: Rikesh Patel
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Collction By: Rikesh Patel

akct a, ?!,-ALrt Rtll.tt&Ott MRgtCizt, Olitttiz.

;K AQ, 33tRtct '1 .k that 1RIOt, tlql-tali.
xdkct a, 3?dtLU rota b tAlot, 3tKlKoiz.
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blsi(^ z ot-tz t f, 't1Sle-q, a3IRtd 2tIM, btittitcliS.
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bASLO -e &r-t% t.[l, NA. bl-s bl.) 0Jntd ILI , %Miiz.
xis sc^^ezsQbit.
t t ^`l^ctt [ txt bi[ t lsllbd.
iM sa, :KL c4. tu. xt Fk<^tt ztat tb (M1t&s(l.
ttauz bt4 t^2it^tl btt t^lstl, bt'}{tLgLS ( titUa3ta.
tiq *fl.c-ctt [cl^it^l ^+[ t l^lstlbtl f Set it 'l l bll t W btii.
k tell dulztjt bt(kbl:flsf , Wtatcut / tittl-tatz.
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-LM UR(tLt'tt 44 bt( tflstlbu 'tt'tt 2{c{tdAlzsQb[t.
bl.st3tlcl 2itk4t. bl-s &S&a(4Wt (MLA, "GS WAN" ttz xrxt t. 't I.

'-tt'u (l.allatr{l Willi kttwtzit.

2t t litkt. HS iii (tikltgct 2tc{t'+is(lt tt(ct)
tt2laf 416CL (o6. I) - tqlt(aOttat, tdkctcttt, aCNl-talz.
tic e euSct.

tt-t wttzt.

R.P.R.! 4Aue.10 11N

Collction By: Rikesh Patel . 6tl 2tZ3t2^t1 a^^ -3 ^+t t 4$-' Ptt
dMt'I ltaolj tt 4t 9l o^tzll C3^z
xtldl %vlaea ['.tims1 abx %touz
; tttzat bttbtct.

.ttqu R (mot
t gi.wt otittbtotz

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xiao 'ti zt^s^t ltz^tr{l nzstr{l. 41(h'tt OttoiZ4. u (tti:4) ad e'laxt u3u2ift
aka etzdte t Rt-4ttsl .:mv{l 4( t t'd ^,sat-4.ti ^+tac^ t3. ^i natal xiac ^i
3tMt-a adlaa (a(ttot".i qi1 t c.t.T/ /%o0L'ti azi^^l ^ztz tL4tft^i
Flax uouztl Cq-4-tqka wtwd4l stzdt 4 w1c^l^l C^^^ ^zat^ti taci ^. tia^f
(W)-LL ^t.zc /J o%o^tt azta%tl ^iE.4 (9.) ii azia^l C^t^tu ^zat^ti ^+i^ici lax
',ott%AL azlAt Vuzl zatdti zttda 0.
-d %+uit b tot W.tbta zted4
aztal ZACt r-tqct &zatztt Ztt44t ettxt '4ott
tpzucl Wti Et O. ci;L uu tl-,i cacti,
xtz^tz^ wRdotd l,-+tos Aat tzl 446 -l dWtt
46 x tto uz{l u4t gtut gl-ft atw.ct
utotq 4zbtz4Q Cap. a
zits[ (e$ C^t^ct .^^a.
aaal adl.

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Collction By: Rikesh Patel
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uottrtt -VA ^^ctt az^i 4t tt u iii aktlw.t !CKa 44L 1 Rctt At

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c^tzetl=tl ^tctt C-t^s 1 ui. t aztattl g4tq.E %c*. A -q'uz ^aat^tl z^sl.

'tat ott"t (q) (z) 'ti I&stS.lct '1 dL.9Al zoos ^t,'k
PL ;ook Ca^ttat^tt %iv4 (a) ^ti astEac^
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3E%mtt'tuo tet.A it ,htti.k a-ti

^tt^.a KC^ta

rd inp\edmin\DflktooM
Collction By: Rikesh Patel
'+tL4.Zl^ nLCi8It-tt eUkc&8ll, Zreota-t, Li U-tLZ.
2tPtct , 9j %ti cthL^I ZtttaOL, t[Ell-t3LZ..
et(kct8 t, 9, lZLei REtt-tet^ L 2t(^,atctq , ti tt-ttz.
: etRLcBQ , ^j6Ztci -LaZ ;Rat ZLLgIL3L , ZP+tStcLS.
2 Z^'LUft , 9f6%Ld t UI&t^ , ZtatL4LS.
x(kadd, 1l%tct cMl act L 41&-tct, tiEll-tLZ.
4. 41:kci ll, 3, *Rlcd M olicll -toil.
OL 4al YetSll "43UI.,
o Ott-t. ^t^tl^Q-tl ZltA xfkax(l, t{ tctic-ta, tNt-PR.
x^ 1-tL-t .zi'RA(['it-tL ziatct xraLaxR:Kit, RtgLc. V , tiff-ttz.
iu-t. Zte S4LL-tl 4'ft8QZU-LL *Lct et@tctath, t, 2t[44LGV4 , LIC-tlZ.
'.L-t. t tth t@tct8tbit-t0,i*Lct xf igCQL.
ht -L. RQI.L-t2tOiL MMMet-tL -Ictt8(l-tt zLtct 2L L 4 URtatC-VL, 3LiEQi0L2.
!IWA tP q4Q , et@tcactzt , L[EQ-PR .
eLlkatctq-tt eta (aOOt-L L Zt&b etCqas[l it xtptaAtl etC:qa wIIZU,
2tC Lcuct zt, tiEQ-tatZ.
&dk& ;RCkasf / zi &t dC4a8tl / -uw't e&gct ll. (oS), 44 R LOL't, edkcactt.,
Ztj Lltcuu-LL gSLQL.
Z1 PLC -z -d-RA-8 l (ZiLtz) , ?J^tZt^t Zl*K?-t , :btMt6lat6 / Zi fi e.
r ii1^3^Z YnZct8ll (it. zt-S 5.), jcKZLct ZLXq, Zt}lSLgLZ / ZLtl&lz.
r-taLZa QUIP- Zt M1t1.8(l, Ztzt6tat6 / uE[l-LLZ.
YLR bL[ksM 8ll, Zt3tsicttS / tiE[l-ttZ.
cggz A'4 &811, eR.Lt M 4'1. 1^2t, tiElt -WL% / a4LSZI / ZIlfSZ2 / ails-tOt /
41- L9LL etC- LLO- LR lZll, -MOLL (aftl, 414aLCM, OL[EA-t3tz.
-tlal (1.c u oL-it ett Zt( M4ftZU / etE kLL"IIZU (-ttgu YLi"ttZlt 2t(3ct),
2tkcttc-tq, Li ft-tR.
-itt3LL RPILOL-Q Rt qu ZISL%NA 2tlbil-i[ xE Opt.
44et aLU -etcte-^[l x(4 th t chi ., Ot[E[l-tOLZ.
^ et-zzt tk uf , ztaL b-etc{z-e[I 4K&L cll. ctZO -tML ROLLQL-[t 46R&L6a (n
Ztt tiltux ,a4L-[l C44& euit.
., P 2 L c ' . Z bL S ()i.9 @ILWI.

:*' '4'L tCtRL.

Collction By: Rikesh Patel

Re\ ision II\ pay of the .employees recruited

directly on the posts of all class-III and class-
IV cadres in State Government services

Government of Gujarat

Finance Department
Resolution No. KHRC1-I/2002/57/( PART-2)Z.

Sachivalay. (iiandhinagar

Date: -)0/10; 2014


(1 )Resolution, Finance Department, No. KFIRCI-1/2002/57/Z. I dated 16/2/2006

(2) Resolution, Finance Department, No. KI IRCI-1!2002/57'Z. I dated 1/08/2006

(3)Reso!ution, General Administration Department, No.

CRIZI I I 2008/433/7177G.5 dated 4/6/2009

(4)Rcsolution, Finance Department, No. KfIRCH/2002/57/Z. I dated 29/4/2010

(5)Resolution. Finance Department, No. KFIRC11/2002/57/(PART-2)/Z. I dated

6 10/2011


As per the Resolutions of Finance Department dated 16/2/2006 and 1.18/2006

cited at (1) and (2) above, State (government has implemented the policy of direct

recruitnient with fix pay IOr 5 (live) years in all cadres of class-3 and class-4

services in State Government offices as a part of State Government's policy Of

economy. In the context of these Resolutions. terms and conditions for the

Collction By: Rikesh Patel

appointment with contract based fix pay have been prescrikxl vide the Resolution

of General Administration Department dated 4/6/2009 cited at (3) above,. The tix

pay scale prescribed in Resolution cited at (I) above has been revised vide the

Resolution dated 6/ 1 0/2011 cited z,.t (5)

( tier a period of time. State Go\ eminent has received representations from
individuals and employees union-; t h e fix pay prescribed in above

mentioned Resolutions. keepinL1 ,.hem in view, the matter of revising the amount

of Iix pay prescribed in the IZesoMtion ...ited at (5) above was under consideration

of the State Government.


The State Government. 1i-eft:I consideration, has decided to increase

the rate .of monthly fix p;:r prescribed in the Resolution cited at (5) above, as


I \ 131

Sr. No. Present fix pay (l:s.) as per the Revised fix nay (Rs.

Resolution dated 6/10/2011

4500 Rs. 7 I 00/-

Rs. 5:100 Rs. "N10/-

Rs. 0400 R s. 12,500/-

4 Rs. 10000 Rs. 13700/-

This rev iced fix pay be implemented Irom the date,1/10/2014. Now

onwards, the )ay. re\ ised s Resolution, shall be paid in respect oI

Collction By: Rikesh Patel

appointments through direct recruitment in the State Government as per the policy
laid down in Resolution dated 16/2120061'
All other conditions mentioned in the Resolutions of Finance Department
dated 16/2/2006 and 1/8/2006 cited at (1) and (2) cited above respectively and
Resolution of Gerieral Administration Department dated 4/6/2009 cited at (3)
above shall remain unchanged.
By order and in the name of Governor of Gujarat.)

(G. P. Patel)
Deputy Secretary
Finance Department
Collction By: Rikesh Patel

I U.
SecretarY to Honorable Go o. R;ibhavan. Gandhinagar

--Principal Secretary to I lonorable ChielMinister. Sachivalay. Gandhinagar

Personal Seerelitry to Honorable Ministers: MinisteH of State

-Person:11 Scerelar\ to the Honorable leader ol the opposition, Gujarat Legislative
Sachiv:thi\ Ciandhinagir
iii:rar;it, c 11161\ S.dkjitt

secretur\ Vig.i lance Conlini.,,sion. Cianclhinagar

sec' er\ (iuiaral Puiie SCf\ cc4)11i1111:tikoil.

(.1)011, ..\11111C( 1.;ItV(.1

er\icL I

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P.rcc. () 1: .,1,... and I FC,H.11%. (Wi Ii

t ts2C.ttl. ,t1/.4 :.tt

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MI, .;\;:k_'0,,j111> ( )1 iTL L'[ . AllinCis C,Vdd ( iidlimci

C ., ilk;:111;i I cOcaUr; 21 1;1111Ci;);(1

We (. 01. 1' in:Ii1C(.. I )LT;111111C;IL

S\ iCU .'\ 11111 ;AL.1(2r. 1 iciace1)Cp.IrlIP:Mt - put on the v.- ebsite

Select I- Ile 7.1 lrnnen

BY letter.
Collction By: Rikesh Patel
21Y4 212 8l2 oil u3.-3 b.la ct3I-2S oil c11-104
..lc.13-tt 11241 0d341?-a G1-12 4W1 (112 cha
1-t 0.11 18R IOU 2 112 "U{14. R221"
Z4111ctl Acaoft QR(:111-ti 2A4121
82 Ctl

3fif 21 cl 212812
mitt rte pt
sziu s418:bt2zvoo2/41/43/(-1-ti-2)33.,1
tactic-tzt, piiqlcrpiR

Ziag- (1) RQ3113l011 di. / / 009,711 621u 8:142ZU 2002 / 40/D5.cl

(2) RC41310:a cll. 1 / / 200Sca 621u 5:1Jl221/ 2002 /46/D5.cl
(3 ) cll.X/S/ 200e all 621u 8:41b4.1224l2P1`12006/20 3 /t9l1/4.9/31.t4.
) aQ-1131ca cu.2e/IC/20clOcril (5 act 5:W2 4/ 200 2 /141/49/D5. cl
(11) Ca(4131ca cll.S/c10/20V10:1162lct 5:IA24/ 2002/46/(1-1l-2) /D5.1
(5) raC41310:a (1.20/9.0/20UP:a 621u 5:142ZU2002/1-11/43/(1-11-2) /35.


(cl) 4 i (2) EQltaC-t 0011 cll.15/ 2/ 2005 Ala

(-11A/C/200Soil 621c112{1 21`6al 21281241 saitz;a1-ti col-3 Zell c131-40-ll c11411-1 21C13-th-li
21K4 21281241 82821241 aftfacti It (- OA) C& 182{ 1431122Q zthil azcattl
R3-10 8 2 c110{1 cr(lia 11,8 c1P-1.1 NlaCi O. Z41 6 21611 2216 R13-licr4 cte
RQ1131cril 2iEC1 (3) c11.2f/5/ 200(1011 521c141 8212 8.4141Dcl 182.1 1431122Q
(410-1c1011 0:Lic-aQ RZtcl 82ului bIlaci 2iEg- ( S )011
(11.20/`l0/20'12(011 521c1211 (ci)oil sactth Rztd 82c111-li Nlaci g821
%41a 82 bllaet

2l142.lta G8r1 621cli Naga R4c1 g82{ 1431121-li

azZollactio{t QiR caLa Rpi a 821&10410.1a 21Y21 212812a 2 41. 21E. g
( 1- 2.t C-I 184.1 -q31124 2 81-1 2P12 CU aft al-tod Ztll g8it 1&3112011 8 4 R.11
2act10{1 212 2j41 a 821&1{1 C4114ct 2 Nat R28120{1 azt121i11 (c-It.
Collction By: Rikesh Patel

// 5 act //

21V21 2{281 81UIVIkci8cra 412LD, zga .1E,C4 (5 )011 6 actta 1-1A8

crtgl 143112 112 "buzi. Q(2,2.1" Z411-tq1 aLtod z)4i g52{ -43112cit1 811zti41Qc41
Acticra 212 cM-11 8 2 ctlo:a (l?,121 8.2 et 0.

1. It3112 ca 3-fecol ct4121 T44413-1.1

534 c-ii.oictoiRoctwcru gaR -143iR G-142 "burt Rua"

521c1 )i2(0.1 Ratcl )41148 "Iittzt G-t-R c11R8
.tac-t fs-z{ -43112 Qiur c14121
cl 3.%9100 3.1e.00 3.11-100
2 3.k9 6 00 3.2200 . 'I 400
3 3.13400 3.11-100 1400
IC 3.13 L900 3.1600 3.11-100

1131l2ail 844141 R14101 8 aka GI1C-ft 8 atlara '43112 oft

240-2.1 Zicipicra aa "b{R{ (312111" 2{1'cloi 1-16crld1QI 1-101
acrtall 346.-LcitQj bUIR 21811 ca. ZAP{ 82 di "lktiR ZI1dcrft
cwiRio-ft )4(fIcit 28ua bi3ld 146crld1Q1 ctL 3Riicticrft ill 3ftro-1 82 cult
azaa 34utctilvt 1142 $12 3-WIct NIA 2.ta ail.

3. 152{ 143iRati 53.411a crn 3-1004 liZtl$41 (34221 tta5 (4224

z404cti34i Ella o.

834 a811i1ca cll.16/e/209.wo-ii bact RatiAct 5314t4ia 2-1Uldl

R3-12.1311Uii 3rdC+1 (-a 4 ct &aC-1 t R8 (It 2111 lict(Ot Rfact
Q-1.224 ct4la.
cl G 8C-l18 4 ct4 .1-10 3.120
1-tc1 12 8 Cil8th
ail a5Ni
2 cl 2 8 Cil8 ta cl4 3.100 3.2 DSO
Collction By: Rikesh Patel

3 IRIS il vt 4. 2 le-t 22l.a. R3 l3-10{1 R2.11-Aci 811Z1141,A 3-1Uldl

(42t01 Rl / aC-la 2 Ictrek R2.l. 61. R3o4o{t

kf-tl 2 l 1-Ict12t 614 cil OtRol 0-11 / '

2C-la al

C-acrll ofi61 c1310} 81I-1i 14(11c1NL7l gla.

Ol acii . c-ta Q{

53-1 1C-1 1-1Utc111-1171 ZkiZ cl ct41210{1 261z)-- .

cl '1 2 IR 2j,20,1 261.. 81-41141a btoel b-1188 zioaDa 3-ii c11R8 cItt mb.-a
cwiRio-ft 1-iula. z4i 2c.istbll 2xuDii341 ctA)ii 1iRc.t 8 il

218121. 14 ci ZAlcil. nrizAll 3 0 211 ci4 00-1.1 V.6 Qt8a cria. RAI
261ZZitS-t-tlil 6c1 u1L c111-141 nil. qa li-IIR 26t cl
31P,Ictlaft 2621.
2 - 8424410-ft "Cadlcrft 310ft 2 (- 14141 Z48 .1-11cloil 8l2 C?1 a4c-ft
piefIR 6%1011 ..(0,a3-b-ti az,:p bUR 2V 1:112 82 ctl *act
RQ-1101 0-1113,1l 1 1e-ti3L011 4141 4mcfl zotst 14,12 8i1. 418a. zAa
b-ll 26011.11-lat011ffl10:11 Rao-Liqzaz -43LLR-auti 3-unct111171

U.. cl6f1(41 412 ctl2

821 "LOUR oil 842.111 itra, b.ta owstacii Rzztp-a (-vault

2112 ct12 CALQ: zAtiRort zqa of 0112 8e411;1 aquoi4l "1-u cucztc-21"
2110iscruaft .4a4 42:113a" 211tfoiloft QLPIld 2 RAticta.

9. 512 c1414,8.

31.2l.R.(q) fat):11-cle6`10-ll 12.1):11 Teo.tcra ctc10,8 b11

Ifac1 0. 512 ctc10,;(8

'2( 0161ctcticra 1-1l2.10{1 caa2-1 zxtacu

1112{atl X1821 1.01l2.1 Zk8 ctQj, 8 l cia4 zAtiztt (cttzt cticr-a ulcl cfl 41812.1

R.1.0-1 Zq8 3-1l2.lcrft ca612.l 21V 1-1(2 etzu (ALE, a tus

0112 f 521 "LOUR oil 4 R.1141b-a ctl0-(1 8121; Rctlat 9x1 82ulail

(Ploilc11 (ktcrldl gcucra 2-lata . bklaft bil 844t4ibaa gat 82.ti Sal
acift 2.114 a zioad 21lac18aa 2(b1lcl 841 418 oaba zAti R451

Ro-aciet gaga laR131crll 1.120-L434i liat la Z112 218a.

3. cuzauft 8u-L3ail 3-10.1c11Qt.
f&Z1 143112011 84?-11ila Z-13-110-1 GItc-{1 v3atioll ctkkia.--actic-11
241a b-11 (R.1 1431120-11 8421141 3-unctilkiA '414 e81/
ER 881 c1412101 3-160-1(-11Q1 1:1V 82c411-11 2).11 G1
12.1c1 RAI 811?-01Q it
816 21A8 &21 c141210-11 811-13a41 8C-1 a di a z451 a?.;t1a btcrat 844141Q

3-1188 d1 3-16crIcllt4 3-lact11-1171

G. 31%/21c1 212812 gai auk-ft R-itttic34.8 .441aL rd.

-431120-11 844141 31`121c1 212812 gla actica 2-11410-18 1
141a1 3-11
206141 3-ii3u;(1 8a41.-a ctActa RJ.taifkuldi lzti l eltS ullcilall c151/ 8410-11
451 RARcl 512gd41 2-1 82c1 3-118 lacllcra aa8 ci crtt 2.1141

Zliciojsaikcia (-4p,12,1

RA184-11(-1 / 62ca 3-tcalcru R2-413-1.1 C(13-11 8ct2t.

8212 241St11cl 1&{ '431122 S2V (xlctactcll 84414Izaa 14.ttio-047ft

eaVoil 66010-11 3. (A c-t1)Icru Z41C14l act11-11 244.1c11. R-41 R-451.0i

41142.13-1 21c'ese1 212812 gai 0-12c111-li 2.11 Zxt E. Rcl c1 a8 Viz. .`12

2-41 521c1011?-41-1C-1 cll.cl/c10/20`1tt 211 82clic4

Orda clad 21ce211-tle14to11 5 81-1eft ati4,

0- 1410-taftatr'eallkIC-Aoll 21iact8l, VQ-lcicrl, 31M0'1312

11Pal 112(1410-11 livek N3,1 Zact53,11, Zact1C-12, 3liq10-1312
- 3-110lcra21 1
- 1-tlatoilat 1pet 1-12041011 2l3,1 2{IZcts311, RCactietat,
- 1-iicr1caak 42(141z4-1/Riod-Et8aticru 2-17(13Mot1 2{(-act5fl.
- 1-uoicAlat Caa4LtaoiL adiccrii b131c1 2{iact8a, 3,tod21ct ca.tlai2{Q11 Riact1C-M,
0- 2-actiA, Ordad R4laiRRI Z{CactIC-i4, 3l.illo131
0- R1-actsgl, pfdad RAL21101, DLit-110-13R
0- RCacts3a, 3j 1d oak acti zAti2a3i, 3iiqtcrioiR
0- RcvziRs311, Dread gea, z43-161ctlE,
o- Riau41, prdact 4cti aozpia, 3Liql.-L3LR
o- RI-acts 311 acti Itzi63a usca, 31io-t3R
- RiZctlaatail raQua
ctsiQ8aRcrii ctsiQa 1-01-act 82ctlaft %pica Rta
- ts&Gaeae cyciiRc-t-1 (zAilgle), 3rtfacl 21W-k, Z43-161ctl6/2L0 1e
- R81Gcrece V0-12C-1-2 cr-S tY.), 3,1c2fact 21%-et, Z43-161c116/2LVRe
- (6.11(kt zAa raca4t R41484141 s 3w.t3LR
- R&L,t841, zetiR8 (6Ric4 qtact, ikliotcrit sail, 3waiDiR
- REIP-1833ft, -40i10-1 z,ta -0-asoe 8a41 oaqtcrioiR
- 143112 zxta c6Riou zAa8i4i, Z41-161ct1E,Plit-{10-1312
- Ra. Real ilga18 R41a8)3f1Q,
- Rcull basi4141, 31iql.i31RNI-tactia
- otitai 14(4131crll ZAl&814141b-11/QINIQ
- 4aV2, Rapt ao-miee GuR 9,8ctt 213.
- 41c-A8e DiA 2111)11

0 1-1.71.
Collction By: Rikesh Patel

gik.a (4241211 R)-Rocii 18it I3o,41

acticra EtR,:111-tt.14.-tecti 82 cli

3i1f21cl it28R
citLiii %lot
62lct 5148 :- ul2zl/2002/110/(1-1l-2)/D51
ZiCactlCiat, 311k.fi01312
c11.01/0 'I/ 2 01 9

crnu. cil: 20/10/2014 ail Zt2ull 52418cril &act

c131-3 cl31.-1(41 zath. (4241211. R4R1,8

18Ri AUlctca 84?-kli114141 actlaft a2c-alti twa, G5rl 2IE.011-1i Ettael

otg2 ulscllili Ntac-t o. 621c4aN 0410.la8C-(18 (OR .LUScacra.

040-1ct 6oui tjurt. raztiRtitA pia Ttfo.l. (4612 1-1lSctloi Nati
s21~1~11~ti 2+11a o.
6aq :-

(I) wet ettaiut c11R8 calla Ottalcl

a(31131cra -43iie<41 crtlia bojette R3-t1,k8 ttlqC-t 8 844l41,A cla8

cll: oculo/eocLsell 1-1(actitti7t &R.

(e) utlit ecetbil (gold

ct7 84?-t141Q 01/10/2011t oil av Acto-ti 24.10 0 ab-aa cll: 01/10/2011-1

cli: 3 1 /1 2 / 2014 Rita 3-112{ 412 "WlZi 2c2r1.bil " 1-luIcti-La7t Eta. 83441ill;l1A
21el, Ye[sR cezt 213 2lcii %lc:Rib-11R 3-llZt3-d Gel-tt 2141 Actik, "UtlR "

NR8lit ettb:a, (2.1)-11 412 Sal

(3) 51.ectatii8

G5rl *tE.(43-1.1 EQitaet ER1ctoti 51.2c1c1P.,0 Raoil caolc416

Collction By: Rikesh Patel

cll:09./10/ 20`Itt 4Gtt R34R1,8 141.4C-i (5Z4. 11.31tRoll 5441.0.R;aa et131 1415R.

3rtalclail 21W-1141C-t8acrll 8 3-lta R).A 0.114,

( )
allatc4 R("act
antl Rett3t

cr1134612 21.0-11-1.1C-isAcrll &( c& 21.01.ctet, 3litacrt31.R

3-lloicaat iiP20219[1.3311crll li1R-1. N3,1 Zact3311,Z.1.(ZctlC-t2t, 3dV-act3R
3-1.1crtak 3i1Pal.1-17a410-1.1 Za.C1C, ZaCtlet4, 3litacrt3l2
4tlatak 3-1,(153aZ;a/ actr48 1(la11 2-13(141bIlail Z431CI RiaC153a
34*-m aatt-t4Liciti act cot( bioid Rczcoa, 31c'ead 3liqicrt3tR
> 911 31V21.ct RactleZt, 3litacrt3l2
> 911 3rdact 311k11.01.012
> Zacts3a, 3reR1d %162 Rut
RcV2.1241, 3,1V21.c-1 RA.1-1ElctlE
> Zact8a, DARld c l actt aoRptet, 31ikX1(43i2
> it,c4,
r3) stn , 1-121E311. 34SUI, 31Mal3l2
ztlact1C-latall R R0{1311.
c151z;11/ 8. 1?-410.11 ctSlbila tattad 82cllo{t (alai& Rta,
81.6cre 6'012C-t-ct (QR8) 3r82ld 21W, RALtE1c116/21ceile
Z81.Gcre vcrl2C-L-2 ES.) 30fact 243-1.ELCUE/2lcbile
aztioa zka (. .2.(0-154acro. 8ai1,3tiqloi312
(a4iet8)3a, 241A8 16R101 rAilcs.10{1 8Z41, 3aVA0-1312
R2111488fi, %Mut zxta 1.41(450.5 Bait, 31jkitat3R
14312 bla r6z10u Z41-161ctlE/31Mai31.2
ZtC4C-C-11 Z112.18 (ita-l853111,11
Rcuzll duiRi?,(1 RA8i414N1, z43-teict1e i 3W0i3L2
crttiai (401131011 Ra. ba8t41.41Q/sttuttb-a
zthel-t aqvi aGoase G1-12 3-18C11 Z-LQ
gase $16C-i D5.`t 411&1
1471. g121
Clarification regarding the
Collction By: Rikesh Patel conditions governing fixed pay
in the case of appointment
through direct recruitment

Government of Gujarat
Finance Department

Resolution No. Exp/2002/57/(Part-2)Z.1

Sachivalay, Gandhinagar
Dt. 01-01-2016

Ref :-(1) Even numbered resolution dated 20-10-2015 of Finance



Modification in the conditions governing the service of employees receiving

fixed pay after being appointed through direct recruitment on all Class-3 and Class-4
cadre in the state Government have been issued vide the resolution cited above. It
was under consideration to issue some clarification regarding the provisions of the
said resolution. After careful consideration, it is hereby decided to issue following
1. Regarding annual increase in special allowance
Annual Increase shall be admissible from 01-10-2016 to all
employees appointed under the fixed pay policy of Finance Department
2. Regarding Special Leave
"Special Leave" of four days for three months 01-10-2015 to 31-12-
2015 shall be admissible to the employees who were in service on 01-10-
2015. As leave to the employees are credited in January month in the
beginning of the calendar, 15 days of "Special Leave" shall be credited in the
month of January. The Competent Authority shall sanction the " Special
Leave" as per the Rules for " Earned Leave".
3. Misconduct
Provision regarding misconduct mentioned at the point No.6 of
the above mentioned resolution shall also apply to all employees appointed
with fixed pay before 01-10-2015.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat,

Deputy Secretary
Finance Department

Copy Forwarded to
-*The Secretary to the Hon'ble Governor. Raj Bhavan. Gandhinagar.
-The Chief Principal Secretary to the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Sachivalay, Gandhinagar.
-The Principal Secretary to the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Sachivalay, Gandhinagar
-The Personal Secretary to all the Hon'ble Ministers/ Ministers of State, Sachivalay,
-The Personal Secretary to Hon. Leader of Opposition, Gujarat Legislative Assembly,
Sachivalay, Gandhinagar.
-*The Secretary, Gujarat Legislative Assembly, Sachivalay, Gandhinagar
-*The Secretary, Gujarat Vigilance Commission. Gandhinagar.
-*The Secretary, Gujarat Public Service Commission, Ahmedabad.
-*The Registrar, Gujarat High Court, Sola, Ahmedabad.
-*The Chairman, Gujarat Civil Service Tribunal, Gandhinagar.
-*The Secretary. Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board, Gandhinagar.
-All the Departments of Sachivalay.(with a request to circulate among all the Heads of
the offices).
-The Accountant General-) (Audit), Gujarat State, Ahmedabad/ Rajkot.
-Office of the Accountant General, (A & E), Gujarat State, Ahmedabad/ Rajkot.
-The Director, Accounts and Treasury, Gandhinagar.
-The Inspector, Office of Local Fund and Accounts, Gandhinagar.
-The Director of Pension and Provident Fund. Gandhinagar.
-The Office of Pay and Accounts Officer, Ahmedabad/ Gandhinagar.
-All the Assistant District Inspectors
-The Local Audit Officer, Ahmedabad/ Gandhinagar.
-All the officers and branches of Finance Department.
-The System Manager, Finance Department (To put on website).
-Select File- Z I branch.
*By letter

Collction By: Rikesh Patel

Regarding appointment of the

fixed pay employee on contract
basis to the class-III and class-
IV posts

Government of Gujarat
Finance Department
Resolution no: KhRCh/ 2002/57/(part-3)/Z-1
Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar.
Dt. 28/03/2016

1. Government Resolution of General Administration Department no- CRR/11/2008/433717/G.5 dated
2. Government Resolution of Finance Department no- KhRCh /2002/57/ (part-2) Z-1 dated 20/10/2015.
3. Government Resolution of Finance Department no- KhRCh /2002/57/ (part-2) dated 01/01/2016.

The terms and conditions for contractual appointments with fixed pay on class-III and
class-IV posts were prescribed vide the General Administration Department's resolution dated
04/06/2009 cited at (1) above. Thereafter, an amendment has been made therein vide the
resolutions cited at (2) and (3) above. Taking them into consideration, the terms and conditions
of the service, prescribed vide the statement-1 enclosed with the General Administration
Department resolution cited at (1) above, are hereby cancelled. Instead of that, the terms and
conditions of service according to the statement-1 attached herewith, shall be applicable.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat,

Deputy Secretary
Finance Department
Enclosure Statements 1, 2 and 3.

*The Secretary to the Hon'ble Governor, Raj Bhavan, Gandhinagar.

The Chief Principal Secretary to the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Sachivalay, Gandhinagar.
The Principal Secretary to the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Sachivalay, Gandhinagar
The Personal Secretary to all the Hon'ble Ministers/ Ministers of State, Sachivalay, Gandhinagar.
The Personal Secretary to Hon. Leader of Opposition, Gujarat Legislative Assembly, Sachivalay, Gandhinagar.
*The Secretary, Gujarat Legislative Assembly, Sachivalay, Gandhinagar
*The Secretary, Gujarat Vigilance Commission, Gandhinagar.
*The Secretary, Gujarat Public Service Commission, Ahmedabad.
*The Registrar, Gujarat High Court, Sola, Ahmedabad
*The Chairman, Gujarat Civil Service Tribunal, Gandhinagar

*The Secretary, Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board, Gandhinagar
All the Departments of Sachivalay(with a request to circulate among all the Heads of the offices)
The Accountant General-1(Audit), Gujarat State, Ahmedabad/ Rajkot
The Accountant General-2(A&E), Gujarat State, Ahmedabad/ Rajkot
The Director of Accounts and Treasury, Gandhinagar
The Inspector of Local Audit Fund accounts, Gandhinagar
The Director of Pension and Provident fund, Gandhinagar
The Pay and Accounts Officer, Ahmedabad/ Gandhinagar
All the assistant district inspectors
All the Resident Audit officers, Ahmedabad/ Gandhinagar
All the officers and branches of Finance Department
The System Manager, Finance Department (To publish on website).
Select File- Z I branch.
*By letter


The terms and conditions of the employee getting_ contractual appointments by fixed pay on
the class-III post of at under Department:

(1 ) Shri/Shri mati/Ku . has been appointed on contract with fixed pay for the
period of five years from his/her joining date on monthly fix pay of apart from the
special allowance(an annual increment of 1500 on "special allowance" is admissible from
dt. 1/10/2016) of ' for class-3 post of . If he or she joins another post with fixed
pay of equal or higher cadre, he/she will be given pay protection with special pay. This
appointment shall be subjected to final judgment of S.L.P, no 14124/2012 filed in the Hon.
Supreme Court.
(2) Shri/Shrimati/Ku. shall not be entitled for any of the benefits as a
government employee nor can he/she demand such benefits.
(3) Shri/Shrimati/Ku. shall be entitled for travelling and daily allowance as
per provision of the resolution of Finance Department no. KhRCh/2002/57/(part-2)Z-
dated 20/10/2015, whenever occasions of travelling for government work during agreement
period arises.
(4) (A) Shri/Shrimati/Ku. shall be entitled for 12 casual leave per year
during the agreement period.
(B) Shri/Shrimati/Ku. shall be entitled for 15 special leave per year
in emergencies during the agreement period. The leave can be carried forward to
next year but more than 30 such leave cannot be credited. These leave can be utilized
for any purpose. The competent authority can sanction these leave according to the
rules governing earned leave. These leaves shall be credited in January month
beginning in a calendar year.

(C) In case Shri/Shrimati/Ku. suffers from any severe disease or injury

by accident during the contract period, he/she can be granted special leaves after
getting approval of the concerned branch of the Finance Department and during this
period, pay and allowances as per the rules shall be admissible.

(D) Shrimati/Ku. (female employee) shall be entitled for maternity leaves

according to the Gujarat Civil Service Rules-2002 during the contract period.

(5) Shri/Shrimati/Ku. shall not be entitled during the contract period for any
other leave than those mentioned at no. (4) above. Apart from that, if he/she remains absent
from duty, the remuneration of such days of absence shall be deducted from his/her fix pay
and the contract period shall be extended by such number of days.

(6) The service period of this contractual appointment of Shri/Shrimati/Ku.

shall not be taken into consideration for benefits admissible under government policies
related to job, service or ex-gratia appointment.

(7) Shri/Shrimati/Ku. shall perform the duties and responsibilities whichever

are assigned by his/her immediate higher officer or higher authorities.

(8) Shri/Shrimati/Ku. shall normally perform duties during office hours.

However, he/she shall perform duty beyond office-hours, if instructed by the concerned
higher authority.

(9) In case Shri/Shrimati/Ku. is given charge of equal or higher post, the
candidate on fixed pay shall be admissible remuneration of extra five/ten percentage of the
admissible remuneration respectively.

(10) During the contract period, Shri/Shrimati/Ku. is expected to behave

according to the rules of conduct prescribed vide Gujarat Civil Service (conduct) Rules,

(11) Shri/Shrimati/Ku shall give a guarantee as per the statement-2 enclosed


(12) After the contract period, Shri/Shrimati/Ku shall be considered for

appointment on the relevant post in regular pay scale of , grade pay of
keeping following points in view:

(A) The matter of appointing such fixed pay candidate in regular pay-scale shall be taken
into consideration based on the evaluation report of entire contract period.
(B) Shri/Shrimati/Ku shall not be appointed on regular pay-
scale if he/she does not pass the prescribed pre-service training and post-training
examinations for the post of , class III and the matter of termination
of his/her service shall be taken into consideration.
(C) Shri/Shrimati/Ku (Candidate's name) shall be
required to pass computer skill examination during his/her contract period or within
two year from the date of his/her conditional regular appointment and then he/she
shall get seniority from the date of the regular appointment. If he/she does not pass
computer skill examination during this period, he/she shall be relieved with
immediate effect. When he/she passes computer skill examination, he/she shall be
reinstated into service without protection of seniority right. That means, his/her
seniority shall be considered by regular appointment from the date of passing of
computer skill examination.

(13). When Shri/Shrimati/Ku is appointed on regular pay-scale of

,Grade pay of on the post of ., class III cadre after
completion of contract period as per the provision of sr.no.(12) above-

(A) As per the provision of Rule-8 of Gujarat State Service (Revision of Pay) Rules,
2009, pay prescribed in pay-band specified in Schedule-B plus grade pay of
and other allowances as per rules shall be admissible.

(B) After the contract period, all the benefits as a government employee shall be
admissible and all the prevalent rules related to government employee shall be
applicable from the date of regular appointment.

(14) (A) Due to lack of vacancy or misconduct proved after inquiry from competent
authority by following principles of natural justice or due to lack of fitness/ability
for the post of ., classIII(which is proved on the basis of annual
evaluation reports), his/her service can be terminated by serving one month's notice
or paying one month's fixed pay. The employee can make representation before

Secretary of the concerned Department if his/her service is terminated without
proper reasons. This matter shall be applicable also to the fixed pay employees
appointed before 1/10/15.

(B) In case of voluntarily resignation of the fixed pay employee appointed on

contract basis, he/she may get relieved after submitting one month's notice or after
acceptance of resignation. But if any bond has been given under pre-service training,
he/she shall pay the amount of such bond.

(15) Any amendment in these rules shall be applicable to Shri/Shrimati/Ku after

his/her appointment on fixed pay on contract basis.

Statement 2


I hereby undersigned Shri

resident of declare that I have read terms and conditions of appointment
on fixed pay on agreement basis vide Finance Department's resolution no.
KHRCH/2002/57/ (Part-3)/Z-1 dated 28/03/2016 and I fully agree with these terms and
conditions and I have received a copy of these terms and conditions. I agree to get appointed
and perform duty/responsibility as (Name of the post) as per these terms and
conditions. I agree that during agreement period on fixed pay on the post of
(Name of the post), benefits received by a government employee shall not be admissible to
me. I will not demand any benefit as admissible to government servant during contract
period on fixed pay on the post of (Name of the post).

I guarantee this without any kind of pressure, in my full conscious and I am agree
with this. Today, I sign this letter and submit it to the appointing authority.


Date: Signature of appointee


Date: Signature of Head of Office/ In-charge Officer of

Establishment (Class-II or higher rank)

Place: (1)

Date: (2)

Signature of witnesses

Collction By: Rikesh Patel
Statement 3

Statement of Performance Appraisal Report of the candidate appointed with fix pay on
contract basis.

Part I

Remark of the Reporting Officer

Name of the department/office:

Name of the post on which the appointment is given with fix pay on contract basis

Period of the report form dt to dt

1. Name of the candidate appointed with fix pay on contract basis :

2. Date of birth
3. Date of the first appointment with fix pay on contract basis.
4. Date of the appointment on, current post with fix pay on contract basis.
5. Period of absence from duty
6. Details of the training got and the examination passed during the period of the report

7. Brief details of the performance during the period under report

8. Appraisal regarding clarity of thought and expression in writing
9. A. Appraisal regarding noting and drafting in Gujarati language
B. Appraisal regarding noting and drafting in English language
10. Aptitude with regard to be acquainted with the policies, rules, laws of the Government and
judgments of court cases
11. Appraisal regarding willingness to take initiative; understanding and readiness to take
12. Does he/she make necessary use of computer?
13. Appraisal with regard to the capacity to take speedy and mature decision
14. Appraisal regarding character and nature alongwith relation with colleagues/officers and
15. Appraisal regarding honesty
16. Appraisal regarding any special task performed during the period under report
17. Details of punishment given during the period under report
18. Overall appraisal with regard to all the above mentioned points
Signature of the Reporting Officer
Name (in capital letters)

Part 2
Remark of the Reviewing Officer
1. Whether you agree with the appraisal of the Reporting Officer or not. If you do not
agree, show your appraisal in the respective column of the matter on which you do not
2. Whether you agree with the appraisal of the Reporting Officer on honesty. If you do
not agree, show your assessment.
3. Overall appraisal ----
Signature of the Reviewing Officer
Name (in capital letters)
Collction By: Rikesh Patel

ZleKtt clota cotX.11

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212c1(X) (S) 14.0. 414 ,21{c2-1.t. TK61.41 212c1 (3424,1.1-ti. zit t.4

Collction By: Rikesh Patel

('S) " RIZ zPLIttlftct 1x 14.01.1Zza Rzttil1 /4 111.4a zq ttl. 0-1.Z4k1.

3VRAct y.41 acll (2 51.) Rztla, 2002.-11 RtIztao 41. oifiont.6 Tec.4. Rctcr-t41

R.Ilra al% litilcUNAPI Eta."

(4.1(.-aza zq;1. LtaUctq

/-11. &Rig-a

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+ .+1.4ct.s3a, R.1Y( -1.c1.-1, 31.141.-1013..

1-11-1-att zA,41.
aPtcp3a, 01.141,13R.
1-19.0.33{1z41 / Rion. &t.i.-t.t..14.711.4.z,11-1.1. uPtcp3a.
1-u.41z-t. RR.-1411.4-11. ;\tc-1133a-1.1. z4.31s-1. uPtco3a, 33K1c1.
VR.Lct. Rq,L-Luo-u. .

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3,1an.Lci, 21V-t, z4.1-1.Uctll.
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R.??R:141. s212l , 31.1q1-to12.

[1.1c41. z44-l61c111, / 311.41-13R.

RctR{1. 11 .-i.312 I z,13-i.ticti..
.11%. [40-113L-11 t ;AagR.1330.z,ii
raw. [40-tioi (3112
14.ta.&e t.6e-t 05. 9. 211.141.


Collction By: Rikesh Patel

ZLILL 4R.S12rt1 c1.01-3 zy.1.1 c1.0[X.V.

11R.41. cK04,Pkil (31t2 41g1

AIN.Itz,i1.4. IV/MI.1VA


4N.ctlatt, athavtal.R..
cllt1.1.1.: 9.2/05/20 9,

(1) Rp-a3t., 3041-Piz-a ca. s/ozp.00s -a bRz1./R.00../i-te/D5. 9.

(;.) -11q11. R(1-1131, -a (Di9,0/Z011-01:1. bi.R.4./R.00R./14.0/

(a) -ma 01141.-1.3L-tIcu.R.eio3izo9.s,11162Lct.kl-tiA: ut.R.Q.1./ZOOZ11-1.9/

(14.1i-3)a5 .9.
(4.9{1.31,-u. azly.2 2ltfLt A4R1?,1:14i.1
cot-3 z,-1..4. cotX-1 R.L'ett (.14.1z0
ctq :t,01.Rql 4K1. 9-o.caza zqu4.cti.41.
z,t1.4C-1. E9 cllt z)1.1 6Z1ct R0-1.131-11 .1;1-t1A(z) ARR
ziNt.Pst lazt 1-1.311Z2f1. P-1,11.tA A4z1.1tz41-11 41.&x lou.z al-re 4ctlz41.41.
212s-1:13-CL .L1R.1Rct.1.4.11 zP1.1.4Ci

N.01.131.--11 6Zictatt 1-1.3112za

14.31Lz a4-1.41. actp,ii-a
a(sut. R.c'tilz,11c,t1Na. .6'1 Td61. it.01.q16' 44(1.6.

"Agaut41. Iticurn. 010-flz Dkpitt &i

itt 24.4e.{1. oi(41.R.
2itlt3lI .ti .z,1.).1-41.4 ZiARV-1. t.1.11211 RN.1.31.4. L1 4(11.41
2(If1 At ktAa. z,(A. ztl zornru 43{zoLtuu-il
liaLciuttm eta."
bAct z,Lica lac41. 14.V. YRa 61.16ict.
[441.R.q11. 4.6(11@,41..

Aiumli,c1A41, z,-ta
[40-1101.1.1 cti.R.0/9.0/R.09.1-1-11 6?_ict-a acSui PV-Ist 44E:1. "4R{ ;.611:41.

cil.31.q16 .6U1 4.4 z,{1.4

Collction By: Rikesh Patel

41..Rt ct szlzu-t. ao, 113LL211.I.

9.0 M.El.ctl bUEll ZO R.Y1 Rai V61 11.3{i121.11,L4 PALEtft
kLA. zA.1(3tizitt.-a. ItisonAt R.104 _VIM viaell oa3ictao-11. zaa.
z. c1.4tqa akcli3a 2VPia 1{V.
3. zl.l ZcKlata ,I.61.(accumulate) et6 k1 Tt.

Rolca L1.24.1.qq

z>1.1-1C1. ctRabp_a
TtRic1.-1.1 R.LYLL'41.E.-13311-11.

+ 2tRt.q51, 3Liqt-to12.
T,zt z,o1
41.1.-Vaq'1)24. zi,Ncts3t1., 311.41-t3R.
1-i,(1.33az4.1 /
NZ-144.4,-a 1.c1.1.4.11. v1.3lci. ztkcik, 3Tn.ict.

+ PAL-Roil.t.R.t.ctiettt, 36.41-i3R.
+ zql.41.31, ill ri~1Z.
+ -1.Rtct.33(1., 3,0s2isi 4cti
+ 4cti 3
: 2tRtct53Q., 3aql. 4c1.1 1-Ri.E,30. 3
+ 2i.{ ct.41, TeR.Lti.
(blicil-11. ci,SP-4.1A [4-141,
(z)ils12) )1.1-11.1c1.M 1.2r,I.Z.
Ge-tzei.z z,).-s 6.) 3,1cnict Z)1.11.6iclit
C.c??t3.1.-ft A21,
z,01.11:11-4,s-s 4s-0.A?.(1., 3LM-1.3t.2.
DAL611. 3011-1.31Z.
P-Lcuzil 3Ca.-1.0R.
-ma [4(1-tioi-u.2i4
PRZli ik;1- .2P.33a., N.01.1.01. G.W. zu6a (31R
41.6et D5. 9.



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