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Introduction to Helicopter Aerodynamics and Dynamics

Prof. Dr. C. Venkatesan

Department of Aerospace Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Lecture No. # 03

Today, what we will do is, we will show the actual helicopter model and the various
functions of the controls.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:25)

Now, see this is actually the engine. Engine gives the power through a centrifugal clutch;
that means, only after certain rpm, the clutch will engage. Now, the reason for that is,
suppose in case of engine failure, engine will disengage completely, but the rotor will not
stop. Rotor will continue to rotate and then, you still can fly. That particular maneuver
thing is called autorotation, because helicopter would not lose. It is not that, suddenly
engine fails, the helicopter does not drop, but then the engine is disengaged. Then, from
this, there is a gearing mechanism, because there is a reduction in the rpm. And, through
this gear This is the rotor shaft you can see; and then, the main rotor is rotated. But,
there is no separate engine for tail rotor; please understand. Essentially, the same engine
drives the tail rotor. Through this gear mechanism, you can see it has a double gear. So,
when this rotates, the double gear inside also is rotating. As a result, you can say the
main rotor drives the tail rotor. So, in case of failure, engine only will disengage, but
both the rotors will be operating.

Now, you need to control the pitch angle of the blade from the non-rotating frame to the
rotating frame. And, this is the swash plate mechanism. You can see there are control
rods here 1, 2 and this side, and here also. These control rods are attached to some of
the servo actuator system, which we will show after that one by one. We have basically,
four servos. One, we call it collective servo in which this particular unit will go up and
down. When you make it up, the pitch angle of the blade changes, but it changes
irrespective of whether the blade is here or there or any position; the angle is always the
same. This is the collective.

Similarly, you can do the longitudinal. I call it longitudinal cyclic, which means this is
the tilting of the swash plate about an axis this side perpendicular to that; (Refer Slide
Time: 03:38) and, it tilts in the longitudinal plain. But, when it tilts, if you see that, as I
vary the azimuth of the blade, the pitch angle of the blade will change once in a
revolution. Similarly, bring it to neutral; you have the lateral. And then, the forth control
is basically to the tail rotor; he will change the pitch angle. So, the tail rotor pitch angle
will change if he moves the pedal. So, you now know there are four control angles: three
for main rotor; one for the tail rotor in the conventional helicopter system. Conventional
means single rotor single tail. But, there are some interesting points here is let us look
at the main rotor blade. Main rotor blade you see it is attached now here through a bolt.

Now, I want to you to think what kind of a rotor system is this, because this is held. So, I
cannot do, because this is not that; this is attached to that blade. It is not a seesaw
configuration. This blade is independent of that blade even in flopping motion; there is
no hinge here (Refer Slide Time: 05:27). This is independent; that is independent. But, in
the lead lag because it is little tight, it cannot move, but sometime it can go. And, the
pitch bearing is right here. So, by moving the lever I will say this lever you basically
move up and down; as a result, the pitch angle. You move the collective; you see the
lever moves see here. So, the pitch angle changes, but you see the blade is here, but the
control rod is here. The location of the control rod is not straight below the blade. That is
essential, because later you will see the importance of this. The control rod is at
possibly, in this case, it is 90 degrees; that means, when I tilt the swash plate like this,
pitch angle here is changing; not when the blade comes in this location. That is why that
is called the control rigging. You will learn when we study the dynamics; then, you will
say what is that control rigging, which we are talking about. So, the control rod location
because of the physical geometrical, because there is also certain mathematical thing
how the system responds because of the control input. That is very important for flying
of the vehicle from the pilots point of view.

And, in this system, (Refer Slide Time: 07:20) this is actually, you can say pretty much
like a real big helicopter. That is why I thought I will bring you here and show you.
Almost from the functionality point of view, this helicopter behaves like a real big
helicopter in terms of all the controls, but now you see engine throttle is here. That is
also controlled by a servo. But, the difference between radio control models and the
actual helicopter is here. In the radio unit, you may have some lever, which you move;
throttle will increase. But, in the actual helicopter, rotor rpm is fixed; it does not vary too
much; pilot has no control; he has little control, but for all practical purposes, we say the
rotor rpm is a fixed quantity. Here what we did was we actually designed a closed loop
such that we maintain the rotor rpm to a fixed value. That fixed value you can vary.
Actually, we designed the closed loop controlled system. So, this is the sensor. It is a
magnetic pick up. There is a magnetic caller here. That will keep rotating. There are tiny
magnets. When it crosses, a pulse comes; then, we calculate what the rotor rpm is; and,
from the reference rpm to the actual rpm, then we give a feedback control.

And now, if you have any questions, I will leave you to ask me, so that I will explain one
by one what is being done here in the helicopter system (Refer Slide Time: 09:18). But,
the first thing will come is what is this? This is there only for two-bladed helicopters. It
is called the bell stabilizer bar. It is called the stabilizer bar mechanism. What is the use
of this mechanism? This also looks like there is a small aerofile type of a surface and
attached to a long rod. And, when this rotates, that is also rotating. And, if I move this up
or down, see the pitch angle of the blade is also changing; that means, the dynamic
response of this (Refer Slide Time: 10:08) influence the pitch. But, I can give pitch
through this also from the swash plate; please understand.

Now, you see you get pitch input to the blade from two sources: one is from the swash
plate, which pilot gives; another one from the response of this. Now, (Refer Slide Time:
10:32) this is a stabilizer bar; they call it bell stabilizer bar mechanism. It is always
hinged at the center. You see here it is like if I move this, if I bring it down, the other
one goes up. This is teetering; whereas, this is not teetering; please understand. This
particular mechanism up is actually used for control purposes; it aids; suppose if there is
a disturbance because of wind because later, when you study aerodynamic, then you
Disturbance means what? Either the wind is stationary; the helicopter moves. So, the
relative wind. The moment there is the relative wind, the lift is going to change. When
the lift changes, this will change its orientation, because one side will get more; other
side will get less. As a result, this will tilt (Refer Slide Time: 11:29) in a way that it will
reduce the disturbance to the main rotor. So, this is essentially a passive control
mechanism, which is already built into the system. It improves. You may ask that if I
remove it, can I not fly? You can, but it will be more difficult to fly. It aids in little bit of
control; this is there only for two-blader rotor system; not for three, four; nothing. So,
please note that this is little bit different from conventional rest of the helicopter

And then, we have put These are all our electrical thing, which comes from that place
and then we drive the servo that the electrical pulse we generate from our computer or
data acquisition system; and then, it is like both uplink, downlink; both are there. And,
this is a gyroscope (Refer Slide Time: 12:42) single axis gyroscope. That is meant for
measuring the yaw rate. It is highly sensitive to any disturbance, because even if some
side wind, it will start moving. And, it is difficult to control the helicopter; whereas, this
aids you immediately sense what is the yaw rate that gives a feedback; through some
feedback mechanism, an input to the tail. And, there are much more intricate things here;
in the sense, we have this is one servo; this is a servo; this is a servo; tail rotor servo is
this, which is slightly our different characteristics, because servo means you want to
activate some motion. How fast you can activate? That is very important, because you
give an input. Suppose it moves very slowly, then that is not good; but, if it moves very
fast also, you will find it difficult to control. So, there are certain things where you need
to know what rate you must give the input; how the vehicle will respond.

Everything plays an important role in the selection of each one of the subsystem. That is
very essential. That is why in all these things, one can learn lot of practical things in how
you select a servo. And, all these control lever length by changing it, you will pitch
angle also. So, the control rod length is very important, because if you elongate one of
the rods, you will find that the base angle itself is changed. But, those things are not
done. Initially, there is something called When the blades are attached, you want to
make sure that the pitch angle of both the blades are identical in the neutral position,
because you do not know. One blade may have a slide at a different angle of the track.
So, they do something called the tracking and balancing; you may call it tuning, because
there are two things. Any system, which is because this is lifting surface; it has a mass
and mass distribution. We say that both blades must be identical, but it is very difficult to
have identical value. So, there can be a slight change in the mass, because you can never

Now, the tolerance how much you give is a question. So, what they will do is, they will
put it; they will rotate it. One is you measure the mass; physically, you can measure it.
Then, you say some few 100 grams difference; then, you have to add that. So, they
usually have some boxes here; not in this model, but usually they will have some boxes
in the blade. What they will do? They will go and add weight; they open the box; put the
weight inside some 200 grams, 300 grams some small pallets kind of a thing. They
put it and lock it; that means, you make the blade almost equal mass distribution. See
mass, center of mass and then mass moment of inertia all must be equal; then only, it is
dynamically equal. Then, the next question comes aerodynamically are they identical?
So, that is also equally important.

There are two controls. There will be one trailing edge tab in the rotor blade. Trailing
edge here (Refer Slide Time: 16:54) not the full thing; some more here and through
pitch control mechanism. So, they can adjust here of a blade. Suppose during rotation, if
one blade is going up, means they will actually look at the track the blade; please
understand track if the blade is going up; that means, it is at higher pitch angle. So,
they mark the blades; some color code. So, you know which is going up; which is down.
Then, they adjust it. Once it comes to some level, then they use the tab. That
aerodynamic tab here it is not there; not in this; you can change it. It is like slightly
changing the camber of the blade. But, it is set locked; that is it. But, you can never make
the rotor blade track in one plane; please understand. That is the practical difficulty.

Theoretically, we assume that yes, all are identical; everything is going around beautiful.
But, then they give a tolerance; maybe 1 inch. Something like that; if it goes up and
down, it is OK. These are real life problems. But, when we treat mathematically, we
assume that all the blades are identical; all the blades have the same characteristic. So,
we say it is a rotor plane of rotation. When I say, this is the plane of rotation you may
say. This is the rotor disk plane (Refer Slide Time: 18:27). But, when it flaps up, the
blade will go like this; during operation, it may go. Then, you would draw that; that is
again the tip path plane. Now, you understand you draw a plane; all the blades are
going. That is the tip path plane. Now, you change the tip path plane by changing this.
That is what we do. If you change that, you move longitudinal; give only longitudinal.
See if you give longitudinal, now, the pitch angle is changed. You see when I rotate it
I think I will keep this, you will find the pitch angle will change once in a revolution. So,
the lift folds at some region is more than the lift in some other region. As a result,
because of that, increase the lift, decrease the lift; the blade has to go up and down. But,
this is dynamics.

Now, you see this is like (Refer Slide Time: 19:39) you have learnt the basic vibration
spring mass damper system with external loading. External loading is actually
aerodynamics. Damping also may come from aerodynamics; please understand. Now,
you solve that simple equation and you see how the blade will respond to a given
variation in the pitch. That is a dynamic equation. That is what you call it flap dynamics.
So, now, you know flap dynamics of the rotor blade is very important for you to fly,
because that is the one which tilts the rotor plane of rotation you may call it like this;
like this; you can turn it any way. Now, there are several planes please understand
defined, because you need to have reference coordinate system. One is you say hub
plane. Hub plane is this is the hub; that is it. Even if the helicopter tilts, the hub plane is
like this, (Refer Slide Time: 21:01) because it is perpendicular to the shaft. Then, you
can have tip path plane, which is the blade response thing. Then, you can have one more
plane, which is like swash plate plane; that is, you can call it control plane, because
control plane may move like this. So, I am referring everything to that plane.

And later, we will say there is some no feathering plane; couple of thing. Then, you see
what will be the reference plane, because each reference plane has certain advantages,
but usually, for clarity, most of the formulations use one reference plane, which is the
hub plane even though it is complicated, because it becomes easy. So, we always use hub
plane. So, I am saying later, as we go along the course, you will see that what will be the
reference axis system, because this is a rotating axis. Please understand it is rotating
and the helicopter is flying; then, what happens? Helicopter can do this; that is a rigid
body like aircraft. Whatever you study aircraft flight mechanics, you study pitch, role,
yaw and maneuver any of these motions; that is, as far as the fuselage is concerned.
But, the blade that is also rotating; that means, when you do all these things, the blade
axis of rotation keeps changing. And then, the blade in addition, this does flapping,
pitch angle everything is changing. So, what reference plane I use for a systematic
formulation; otherwise, it becomes you will lose track. That is why when you develop
the equation of motion, which we will start next week, you will define very clearly this
is my axis system; so, basic dynamics. So, they are just kinematics and kinetics. This is
my axis system; (Refer Slide Time: 23:24) and then, this is the rotating axis system; I
define my motion of the blade in that system. So, we will develop it in a very systematic
way of describing the motion of the blade, because pitch angle is in the rotating frame;
please understand. Flap is in the rotating frame.

Now, the question is are you solving the dynamics in the rotating frame or you are
outside? When the rotor is rotating, you do not see any blade. You will only see a disk
spinning. So, you see there is a difference between a person who is sitting on this; he is
going with the blade; that means, he sees that blade. He does not bother about the rest of
the blades how this blade behaves; that is one. That person sits in the rotating
coordinate system. Somebody is sitting outside; that is a pilot. Pilot is not in the rotating
frame; he is in the fixed frame. Now, what he will see? He will see only disk spinning.
So, for him, how the disk moves; he does not care what blade does, but there is a
relationship between the disk motion and the blade motion. These are all through certain
transformations people do. So, you will find all these complexities, because I am just
introducing because we are here in the analysis of helicopter dynamics. Then, you will
have certain special type of equations themselves, which you do not normally come
across in aircraft, some periodic coefficients, because the time varying coefficient
equations. So, you will find classes of problems are different and then you need to have
to technique to solve those classes of problems. So, we will develop one by one and then
we will say you will understand; if you have any doubt, then you can come here; you see
how the system is; and then, how the response will look like; maybe we will rotate
sometime; input/output like that you will see. What we derive in the class; then, you
will come and see. This is what is really happening in the actual helicopter.
This is as was as the rotor and the tail rotor. You see we have a small horizontal plate
kind of a thing; it is a horizontal surface like in your aircraft like a tail, tail surface. Then,
you see there is another one, which is a like a vertical tail. Why do we have? Because
you say the rotor is there; this is there; is it necessary to have this? There can be several
reasons; I am just indicating. Disk maybe to protect; suppose if it comes and hits the
ground or anything, you do not want the blade to get damaged. That is why it is projected
down; plus in forward flight, this can get a side force. It can relieve the load required on
the tail rotor. And, similarly, it can give a lift; that means, for pitch moment control, you
may require. But, these are all fixed surfaces; you cannot vary them.

Now, I will give you something. If you look at this; since I have told you, you look at
different configurations of just one main rotor; one tail rotor. If it is a small helicopter,
you may find it may not be there; it may be only on one side. And, you see as the weight
is increasing, you will start seeing these things will be there; (Refer Slide Time: 27:37)
or, you will find that when ALH, you will have side plate also end plate. So, you will
start seeing certainly some control surface type thing attached. That is because if you do
not have that, you may not be able to fly the helicopter; trim the helicopter. We will learn
what trim is; you cannot reach some speed, because if you do not have this surface,
moment balance cannot be obtained at some speed. And, if you want to have, then you
better put that and that is kept at a fixed angle.

And, another thing I would like to say you see the tail rotor is outside this (Refer Slide
Time: 28:19). It is not within this; it is kept away, because the rotor downwash at least in
hover. This is a model; it does not; it should not be affecting the tail performance.
Suppose if I put it here, you really do not know what kind of a flow situation the tail
rotor is operating on. Even now, it is difficult in the real life situation. If you look at the
literature, you will find a very few literally on tail rotors, because everything is
companies experience. They will use that and then whatever they get, they put it,
because the study involved is more complex; because if the main rotor flies forward; if
the wave comes and hits, you really do not know what kind of a flow condition it is in.

Now, you see the flow also, because this flow can come and then hit the fuselage. And,
when you fly forward, there is a dragger on the helicopter; I can put a shroud around that
nicely, because here we opened it up; you can put a nice aerodynamic shape. That is
what most of the helicopter fuselages have a nice shape, but that is for aerodynamic
shaping purely. But, the rotor is exposed, because that you cannot do much about it. And,
they give lot of drag force. As you fly at high speed, the drag from fuselage when we
say, even though we may add the hub as a part of the fuselage; but, that is projecting out
and it will have lot of drag force. And, these are all the restricting factors, because it is
not that I can fly any speed, because drag will increase. As a result, when you see the
power, which the engine supplies may not be sufficient; and then, the rotor blade no
various other effects; undesirable effects will start coming up. Any other questions? Feel
free to ask anything.

(Refer Slide Time: 31:00)

This is the outer sleeve, which you see here; and, the inner one this is this. So, it comes
and sits inside. You see the slot. When this one is rotating, it is a very thin support you
see. So, it will try to open up. This is like a spring technically. And, when this opens up,
we have a surface here. That is a special type of surface; not a metal, but we have to put
a Basically, this is an interesting story. We need to get this material, which rarely
gives a good friction. And then, this will engage the outer sleeve. Once it engages, that
will rotate. The moment this is attached to the engine please understand this is
attached to the engine; the moment engine fails, what will happen? This will come
inside, but this will continue to spin, because there would not (( )) This will continue to
rotate. So, engine is disengaged from the rotor, because that is important; otherwise, if it
is not engaged, engine stops; rotor will stop. We do not want the rotor to stop. If the rotor
stops, that is all; then, it is like a stone. That is why always in helicopter engines, it will
immediately disengage.

Now, there is a question of what is the rpm of the rotor? How do you decide the rpm of
the rotor? Because that is the one of the important parameter in flying even though it
may be a fixed number. So, the deciding factor what are the undesirable effects of
aerodynamics? Let us look at it one by one. One is the tip speed, because when it rotates,
tip is the one which is having the maximum speed; maximum velocity; you may call it
maximum speed. Now, if the tip speed is in the As you increase the tip speed, you are
actually going from subsonic incompressible to subsonic compressible to transonic.
What will happen? As you keep going, you look at the drag on the blade. What will
happen? Drag will start; after some mark number, drag will increase. That is called drag
divergence mark number of an aerofile.

Now, if the drag increases, what is the effect? The drag on the blade is increasing.
Therefore, you have to give a higher power from the engine. Now, this is in hover; you
look at it; hover condition. Now, you fly forward; the rpm is fixed. In the advancing side,
which I was mentioning, the relative velocity is actually higher; that means, when the tip,
the relative velocity is higher; that means, you will definitely go into the transonic zone.
So, you will have increased track. So, they will look at the drag divergence, mark
number as (( )); does not mean you will not cross; you will cross. That is one. Usually,
this is a primary number; tip speed please note that tip speed of a helicopter main rotor,
even tail rotor that will be almost same. It is around 210, 200 meter per second, which
is about 0.6 mark and less than 0.6 in the C level. And, you take any helicopter now,
you look at the James Alward various; look at the rotor blade radius; look at the rpm. So,
rpm is only a parameter; even the rotor radius is important, because if the blade radius is
increased, you basically reduce the rpm. Then, you may ask I can reduce the rpm low;
blade can be longer; but, then the drag on the blade will also go on, because you are
increasing. That you will study. What is that? There are certain rotor radius; how do you
decide the rotor radius? This is another question. When we derive in the class, I will tell
you. So, once you say this is the rotor radius, then I know what should be the tip speed.
This is how they make. Tip speed is around 200 plus 200, 210, 217; they do not go
near 300. Then, you are actually entering into supersonic. So, that is why I said there is
no supersonic thing; maybe at some point, it can go on the top surface; you may have
some sonic. But, not that blades are designed not for the supersonic thing.

Now, the twist whether rotor blades are twisted; here it is not a twisted blade; (Refer
Slide Time: 37:04) it is a constant cross section going. In the propeller blade, you will
find it is not straight; you will find a large twist in the sense, the tip is at lower angle
of attack than the root. It goes like this (Refer Slide Time: 37:23). Here also, some of the
blades nowadays, everybody makes; there is a twist. That is called the pre-twist. Why
do you give pre-twist? That is because you will get the inflow; inflow means the flow
normal to the rotor disk; but, then when we actually derive in the class later, we use
normal to the hub plane. And then, we will to the blade from there. That is the flow,
which comes like this. This is the plane and the flow coming. And, you want that flow to
be uniform everywhere. Everywhere means right from root to tip; how do you get that
and why do you want to get a uniform inflow? Mathematically, you can show if it is a
uniform inflow, the induced power required is minimum. So, mathematically, you can
show if it is uniform, I will get minimum induced power. I used a new word induced
power; when we do next week, you will know what that induced power means.
Mathematically, you have shown if it is uniform, you get it. How do you get it
uniform? That is the next question in reality; that is to do twist. Through twist, you get
uniform. But, it is only near; you can never get like this. That is a variation. That is why
the blades are twisted to get a uniform inflow; reasonably, uniform. When you do actual
calculation, then you will see you can get only up to this; then, you will say all right this
is enough.

How does the stabilizing mechanism work? How does it work means you will say this is
a spin aerofile, very thin surface. When it moves, you get a lift; see one side goes up
means another side goes down. But, when it goes up and down, what happens? which
angel it is changing? That means the dynamics of this affects the pitch angle of the blade.
But, what affects the dynamics of the stabilizer bar? You are not going to shake it; please
understand if I start rotating it, immediately this will become (Refer Slide Time:
40:13) because the centrifugal force will pull this way; that side will pull; it will become
perfect. To this particular shaft, it will be always normal to the shaft.

Now, suppose there is a disturbance, wind is blowing, one side aerodynamic load will go
up; other side will decrease; that means, what? This will respond to the disturbance. It
will respond, because when the wind blows, even they get affected; please understand.
As a result, the helicopter will start moving. Helicopter is an unstable vehicle, because
that only when you prove it, solve everything, then only, you will know helicopter is an
unstable like a bicycle. But, bicycle actually dynamically, you can make it stable. But,
here you have to keep an eye. See there also you are doing; you are actually adjusting it.
Keep on changing the front wheel without your knowledge. Here the pilot has to keep on
adjusting; otherwise, you will not be able to fly. It is statically unstable, dynamically
unstable, because there the control he gets essentially from the gyroscopic.

Suppose you lock the front wheel and ride the bicycle. If you have done it no, I had
done it, you usually, immediately, fall down; that is all; you have no control. So, you
have to be always sitting there to control. And, that is where the pilot becomes very
important; his work load is always there; he has to fly. To relieve his work load, this is
added (Refer Slide Time: 42:05) such that if there is a disturbance, this will respond.
This response will affect the pitch such a way whatever is unstable will come back, but it
not that it will completely make it stable. It improves a little bit; that is all, because the
dynamics relating this to that is more complex, because you have to have; the pitch angel
you have to understand how various pitch is really the mechanism; how it is
implemented. Then, you have to convert it into mathematical formulation and then you
have to solve the full stability problem. So, you will find here variety of problems like
what you have in aircraft also. One is trim. Trim means I want to fly at this particular
condition either hover; now, what should be the control input I should give; that is a trim.
Then, you have to fly at some 100 meters; not 100 meters; maybe 100 noughts or 150
noughts. You take it; you have to fly.

What should be the control input you should give such that the helicopter will fly at that
speed hover? Then, you say you want control; you want to maneuver. So, how much the
pilot command should give such that the helicopter will behave the way you want it to
behave? That is very important; that is the control part. In addition, you will have
vibration problems; all the other problems you will have. So, helicopter vibration
becomes a very important thing. And, noise whenever it flies, it makes hell of noise; jet
aircraft makes also noise; but, that goes very high; whereas, the helicopters do not go at
that height. So, you find the noise. Noise is one area still lot of processes being done. I
do not think it is fully understood and then we have solved every problem and thinks like
that; vibration problem is also not solved, because of some various complexities. Then,
you want you see the controller how it is implemented there. You can go there and then
you can show how we are sending signal from the computer to this, (Refer Slide Time:
44:29) so that this is going to fly autonomous. In the sense, there is no pilot; pilot is not
there to control. But, instead of pilot, the computer is there to control.

(Refer Slide Time: 44:39)

That is the data acquisition system.

(Refer Slide Time: 44:43)

This is the national instruments data acquisition system; as well as, we generate the
controls from here the electrical pulses. And, they are of some particular type; it is
called pulse width modulation (PWM) signal. And, the signal goes through some circuit
here; goes to the helicopter through wires and we can make it wireless (Refer Slide
Time: 45:07). We have done some of them wireless through the wireless unit.

(Refer Slide Time: 45:24)

Now, for ease of operation, he has created through virtual instrumentation, this type of a
display. This is actually you write the display. Now, you see this particular unit there is
a small dial, which shows there is a red needle and a blue needle. Blue needle tells
what the reference rpm is; this is 900 set point; that means, set rpm is 900. So, it will be
at blue. If it changes to 1000, that will go to 1000. Now, once the engine is started, the
magnetic pulse that is measured; that signal comes. So, we basically get two pulses or
four/five pulses. Get the time duration for that pulse; calculate what is the rpm. And, that
is denoted by this red. And, you will see once the engine is on, the red will start shaking
as you increase the throttle of the engine; that means, you increase more power; so, the
rotor rpm picks up. Then, this needle will start going. And, this is a close look (Refer
Slide Time: 46:33). We actually show the display also; what is the engine actually. This
is shown in dial; here it is a time signal.

How actually the rpm is varying with time? Actual signal we take it; we display here
(Refer Slide Time: 46:51). Then, he has another one auto working and manual
working. Manual means manually if he moves this dial here, that is, he is changing
throttle manual. So, he will move through the cursor he will go; or else, he will give the
input here number wise. Then, it will automatically changes; see this will go either
through entry or through mouse. But, once he goes and clicks auto mode, immediately,
the closed loop control system takes over. And then, you will find this will go to that;
and automatically, the auto mode you will see the signal will keep changing; throttle
will go to a particular value, where the set rpm and the actual rpm should be identical;
but, you will find; then only, this is what the practical things.

If you get it plus minus some number; within that one, it is great. So, mathematically,
you can always simulate in the computer nice curve. But, in reality, it will not, because
this is actual vibrating environment of the signal comes. What fine tune you can give in
pitch angle are the servo control angle; how much you can give; whether you can control
0.01 degree or 001? See if you see that kind of fine control; you cannot do it. If you give
0.3 degree in a rotor blade pitch angle, that is good; that means, 0.3, 0.1. Suppose if it
demands, give it 0.01 degree, you cannot even measure number one with online. Then,
you find the limitations of various censor mechanism, actuator mechanism and the
mechanical system; then, you will say this is all you can achieve. And, if you achieve the
best possible within that, then you say my system is wonderful. And, this is the reality.
Reality is much complicated I am telling you even for a simple problem, rpm
regulations. It is a tough thing. But, we have achieved the rpm regulation with our
Now, it is wonderful.

Then, this is only for that display (Refer Slide Time: 49:21). And, we also monitor when
here he has created a little bit more too many information, you will see collective role
pitch yaw; that means, this are the four inputs. Here it is what is it? Role pitch yaw
angle. And, these are the inputs that go to that servo actuator. And, he can again auto or
manual; and, he can manually change one by one if he wants, because the reason we
have incorporated this is we wanted to study first open looped (Refer Slide Time: 50:09).
Open looped means if I give this much, how the vehicle will be (( )) That is the basic
characteristic of the vehicle. So, we said do it. After that, once we are confident,
everything is wonderful, then we say auto; that means, it will automatically take over the
flight. And, we have done that; that was the latest just about couple of months. We
achieved the flight pitch role yaw control and you will find the helicopter quite stable in
that. But, translation we did not control. That will come later. That we are working on.

Now, here you will have lot of numbers are displayed. These numbers basically
corresponds to the (( )) in the close loop system (Refer Slide Time: 50:58). So, that is not
important for you right now. So, this is how; but, this is entire unit and the data is
constantly downloaded. So, that gets saved here in the system. So, after the experiment is
over, we can go analyze how the vehicle is moving even though we keep and the rpm is
also recorded. You will know whether the rpm is kept constant or whether it is
fluctuating; what is happening. So, it is like monitoring the condition of the helicopter.
That is the And, this is through virtual instrumentation. So, it is like, actually, you will
find this is like an instrument with all the dial. But, even create everything. It is very
versatile and we can use it. But, there are limitations; it is not that it will do everything.
There are limitations how much you can display, because if you put too many things, you
yourself may not know what you want. Up to some information, you can display some;
you have to save it. So, as we progress in the experiment, we know what to display, what
to put back at the background, etcetera.

You have any questions on this? But, you have to know the cost; nobody has the cost of
the helicopter. Cost of the helicopter is more than 2 lakhs one helicopter. And, we

Developed here or (( )) (Refer Slide Time: 52:37)

(Refer Slide Time: 52:51)

Now, you are asking a different question. See very simple question I showed the gear.
The gear fails in 10 runs, because you see the gear here; you can see here there is a gear;
that gear is going; the drive shaft is going through that the tail drive shaft. And, there is
a coupler inside. That coupler basically transmits the power from here to the drive shaft;
and, the coupler fails. So, when you are running, suddenly, tails stopped; you do not
know what happened. Then, you go keep looking at it there; but, this you have to open it
up. Then, you open; the coupler was gone. Then, you have to make the coupler also. So,
the coupler was made; that means, you have to make the same drying, analysis, material
selection everything goes. So, this gear is our gear (Refer Slide Time: 53:41).

Then, there is a liner. In the centrifugal clutch, I said there is some material; there is a
liner material. That went into quite a bit, because we did not know when are running an
experiment, suddenly, what was working beautifully. One day, the rpm we have good
control of rpm. Suddenly, the rpm started going up and down. We have no clue why it is
changing. Everything we taught that maybe fuel is See how fuel is getting choked. So,
look at that; clean the engine; put everything; you do nothing. Suddenly, one day, we
keep looking at it. When you go in the evening, when you jog, when you do anything,
you keep That is in your mind always; please remember. Then, suddenly, either way
open this. When we opened it, the liner was gone. The liner was actually wear and tear;
and, getting the liner material.
Finally, now, we have everything. See the problems we faced and then the solutions.
Sometimes you do not know why certain things are happening. That thing is challenging
in one hand when you get the solution. If you do not have a solution, it is still a
nightmare. But, once you get it, you will say this is so trivial. And, the trivial things are
the ones, which make; that is where the experience is. So, we said that these are the
critical issues, which nobody will tell you. You go through all the problems; and, if you
make, then people will come to you. If you fly, then that means these are achieved; that
means, they must have gone through problems.

(Refer Slide Time: 55:41)

If somebody says see six component load cell; this one. Six component means it can give
me thrust, which is the lift, side force, forward force; all up this way, that way, and then,
three movements. It will give me all the loads. So, when I rotate the rotor, I will give
different pitch input, but I have a calibrated thing, because I have calibrated; he gives an
electrical signal; electrical signal to pitch angle; we have a curve calibrated curve. And,
we know what pitch angle will give; then, immediately, the load if you increase, we
increase the load. And, with load cell, we collect the data. And then, we will know how
the data is. What is the variation of pitch with respect to steady state value? We can get
transient also. We have a transient.

And now, I can give different cyclic inputs and I can measure how much forward force I
am generating, how much pitch movement I generate. Essentially, I can get controlled
derivatives in hover in the testing. We did some measurements; preliminary
measurements we have done. They were quite successful. But, now, we want to improve
some more tests. And, there are some problems, which we will address one by one and
then see this. This is basically (Refer Slide Time: 57:13) load measurements on the
And, when we do the load measurement, the interesting thing is I do not want the fuel
tank to be part of the helicopter, because if I put the fuel tank as a part, as the fuel goes
out, what will happen? CG is shifting. When the CG shifts, I will get a different
movement on the load cell. So, what we did was

[Not audible] (Refer Slide Time: 57:35)

That will be there. But, I want to see the characteristic of the rotor. See I want to know
what the capability of rotor is. So, I kept the fuel tank outside. And then, I disconnected
the tail rotor, because the tail rotor will give a force; I said I want to isolate. Now, you
see I am only measuring the main rotor force and I can have a theoretical formulation.
Then, match both; check how good we are; how bad we are in terms of theory
experiment. Then, I can put the tail rotor later and I will see how much I generate the
side force as well as the yaw. So, this can One M.tech. student has completed the
thesis. And now, we need to do some more work. This work will go on for a long time,
because the actual load measurements is still We cannot get anywhere in the outside.
If we have our data, then it is very valuable data; highly valuable. Everybody will say
they will immediately accept the publication also, because practical things always have
value. So, this load test and the load cell again, cost wise, because why we made this ((
)) This looks (( )) because I want to keep the helicopter at different heights if I want to
do. So, I can remove every stage; remove it. And then, I can bring down the helicopter
and then keep the test in that; that means, the ground effect; effect of ground I can

This is a very expensive load cell (Refer Slide Time: 59:23). It is 17 lakhs. And then,
those computers are all Both of them That is more than 27 lakhs. So, now, you
know that investment, that are gone on in this lab. It is substantial investment, because in
terms of equipments, because Otherwise, without this, you cannot do anything. Now,
we can do any measurement, anything, any study. I have interest that you change the tip
shape. What is the performance of the blade? Change the tip; that means you
manufacture; we manufacture blades. You change; give different tip shapes; study the
effect. But, these are all not available anywhere. But, these all are futuristic one can do.
There is no end to the kind of very advanced research one can do; but, one has to

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