Catholic Hythe Newsletter 25 July 2010

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SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY Virgin Mother of Good Counsel St. Monica St. Augustine St.

Martin of Tours
2, Lower Blackhouse Hill, HYTHE, CT21 5LS 01303-266430 Chapel Road 135 Queen’s Rd. 124 High St.
OF THE YEAR Fax: 01303-264773 email [email protected] Dymchurch,TN29 0TD Littlestone, TN28 8NA Lydd, TN29 9BA
25TH JULY 2010 Catholic Parish served by: The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (S.O.L.T.) Parish Priest: Fr. Frederick W. Alexander
Assistant Priest: Fr. Paul Johnston Deacon: Rev. Raymond Partridge (01303-873835)
Confessions: Saturday 11.00-11:45, 6-6:30pm
SUNDAY M ASS INTENTIONS - HYTHE St. Augustine’s RC Primary School: St. Johns Road, Hythe, CT21 4BE (Tel: 01303-266578) Head teacher: Mrs. P. Parnell
St. Edmund’s Catholic Secondary School: Old Charlton Road, Dover, CT16 2QB Tel: 01304-201551; Head of School: Mr A. Reed
Sat 6.30pm (Vigil) Molly Partner by C & T Page
8.00 am Healing Barbara Anderson
9.30 am Healing Christine Maloy This Sunday’s second collection CONFIRMATIONS 2010 FOR YOUR DIARY
11.15 am (sung) All Parishioners Day for Life
7.00 pm + Agnes Smith Rec. Dec. Envelopes & leaflets available at back Notice: No Classes during Summer Parish Accounts 2010 are available at the back of
of Church break! Next class will be all day Sat the church
SUNDAY M ASS INTENTIONS - THE MARSH Sept 4th—from 9A.M –3 PM - Bring
Packed lunch Daly Hall. Knights of St Columba
Dym 8.30 HYTHE COFFEE SUNDAY Meeting in the Father Daly Hall
L’stone 10.00 Coffee & refreshments will be served Saturday 7th August after Midday Mass
Lydd 11.30 this Sunday after the 9.30am Mass by
Barbara & Kathleen PAPAL VISIT 2010
P ARISH D AILY M ASS 10.00 AM Hyde Park Prayer Vigil
Mon † John Neal Knights of St Columba Province 27 East
Saturday 18th September ending at 9pm Anglia - 12th Annual Pilgrimage to Boulogne
Tue Contribution including City travel card £10
Wed ROSARY In St. Martin of Tours Church, Saturday 28th August-Monday 30th August
Lydd or opposite at 8, The Green on We have a total of 35 places allocated to us For more information contact:
Thu Birthday bless Msgr Kleberg Wednesdays at 11.30am. Also after Christopher Brooks: 01502 563208
Fri Holy Souls weekday Masses in Hythe. Beatification Mass Email: [email protected]
Sat 12 noon +Theresa Dillon by Catherine Sunday 19th September starting at 9.30am
Murry (arriving no later at 8.30am)
HYTHE LECTORS for next week: Contribution including return coach transport from
SISTERS ’ M ASS (Convent) SAT 6.30 pm Cecilia Page the Pilgrim point £25 Events at Douai Abbey, Berkshire
SUN 8.00 am Cecilia Partridge 10 -12 September 2010
Sat (vigil) 9.30 am Linda Fisher We have a total of 24 places allocated to us
11.15 am Ann Taylor
Weekend for 18-35 year olds
Mon Why not prepare for Pope Benedict’s visit to Brit-
7.00 pm Stephen Lagrue Supporting information on the notice board at the
Tue ain in style. There will be a Young Adults Confer-
back of the church
Wed ence led by Fr. De Malleray FSSP.
Thu Mrs. Martha Clark If you are interested please contact Jan at the Pres- There will be: Confessions/Adoration/Sung Masses/
Fri ***This Week*** bytery in Hythe as soon as possible but no later Rosaries/Marian Procession/Talks/Socials
than the 26th July to book your place For additional info see :
FEASTS /M EMORIALS Update from Chancery: all numbers to be sent,co,uk/news.htm
Traidcraft This Weekend in by 30 JULY 2010
Mon St. Joachim & Ann
Selection to be done by order received! Or contact: Damien Barker. Tel: 07908 105787
Thur. St. Martha 24th/25th July after all Masses. Email: [email protected]
Sat. ST. Ignatius Loyola
——————————— Please pray for the sick & those in hospital:
EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Louisa Allwright, Hannah Forse, Dolores Jennings,
Mary McArdell, Mary Plumbly, Eileen Russell, Klare
In Hythe Mon - Wed after Mass till 11.30am THE SOULS OF THOSE WHOSE ANNIVERSARIES OCCUR AT THIS TIME: Philip Cressey, Gail
Cloete, Alex Walker, Nell Doyle, Norah Goldup, Robert Dennis, Richard Hadfield, Lucienne Schooling, Eberhard Stickler, Catherine Riddell,
Sat 11am - 12 noon Mary Griffiths, Theodora Jones, Christene Burket,
Head, Mary Hannah Knight, Josette Aikman, Sr. Virgilius Gilmartin SM, Peter Sloper, Jeanne
—————————–— Oclee, Ivy Leach, John Harnden, Frances Woodham, Richard da Costa, Martin Gibbons, James Jim Emerson, Mahin Daneshvar, Peter Power-
Halpin, Trevor Davies, Bridget Healey and Percy Vinnicombe. RIP Court, Bro. Duran SOLT, Gerry McSorley, Elizabeth
LAST SUNDAY’S COLLECTION: £1001.64 - THANK YOU Conrath, Sr Mary of the Trinity SOLT, Sandra Ward
and Sheila Phelan.

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