ASME B31 3 Acceptance Criteria Tab 341-3-2A

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Table 341.3.2A
Symbol Measure Acceptable Value Limit [Note (6)]
A Extent of imperfection Zero (no evident imperfection)

B Depth of incomplete penetration <1mm(1/32 in.) and <0.2 Tw

Cumulative length of incomplete penetration < 38mm(1.5in.) in any 152 mm (6 in.) weld length

C Depth of lack of fusion and incomplete penetration [Note (7)] <0.2Tw

Cumulative length of lack of fusion and incomplete penetration [Note(7)] <38mm (1.5in.) in any 152 mm weld length

D Size and distribution of internal porosity See BPV Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 4

E Size and distribution of internal porosity For Tw < 6mm (1/4in.) limit is same as D
For Tw < 6mm (1/4in.) limit is 1.5 X D

F Slag inclusion, tungsten inclusion, or elongated indication <Tw/3

Individual length <2.5mm (3/32 in.) and <Tw/3
Individual width <Tw in any 12Tw weld length
Cumulative length

G Slag inclusion, tungsten inclusion, or elongated indication <2Tw

Individual length <3mm (1/8 in.) and <Tw/2
Individual width < 4Tw in any 152mm (6 in.) weld length
Cumulative length

H Depth of undercut < 1mm (1/32 in.) and <Tw/4

I Depth of undercut < 1.5mm (1/16 in.) and <Tw/4 or 1mm (1/32 in.)

J Surface roughness < 500 min. Ra per ASME B46.1

K Depth of root surface concavity Total joint thickness, incl. weld reinforcement., >Tw

L Height of reinforcement or internal protrusion (Note 8) in any plane For Tw, mm (in.) Height, mm (in.)
through the weld shall be within the limits of the applicable height < 6mm (1/4) < 1.5 mm (1/16)
value in the tabulation at right, except as provided in Note (9). > 6mm (1/4),<13mm (1/2) < 3.0mm (1/8)
Weld metal shall merge smoothly into the component surface > 3mm (1/2), < 25mm (1) < 4.0mm (5/32)
> 25mm (1) < 5.0mm (3/16)

M Height of reinforcement or internal protrusion (Note 8) as described Limit is twice the value applicable for L above
in L. Note (9) does not apply

X = required examination NA = not applicable = not required

(1) Criteria given are for required examination. More stringent criteria may be specified in the engineering design. See also paras. 341.5 and
(2) Longitudinal groove weld includes straight and spiral seams. Criteria are not intended to apply to welds made in accordance with a
standard listed in Table A-1 or Table 326.1.
(3) Fillet weld includes socket and seal welds, and attachment welds for slip-on flanges, branch reinforcement, and supports.
(4) Branch connection weld includes pressure containing welds in branches and fabricated laps.
(5) These imperfections are evaluated only for welds < 3/16 in. (5mm) in nominal thickness.
(6) Where two limiting values are separated by and the lesser of the values determines acceptance. Where two sets of values are separated
by or the larger value is acceptable. Tw is the nominal wall thickness of the thinner of the two components joined by a butt weld.
(7) Tightly butted unfused root faces are unacceptable.
(8) For groove welds, height is the lesser of the measurements made from the surfaces of the adjacent components; both reinforcement and
internal protrusion are permitted in a weld. For fillet welds, height is measured from the theoretical throat, Fig. 328.5.2A; internal protrusion
does not apply.
(9) For welds in aluminum alloy only, internal protrusion shall not exceed the following values:
(a) for thickness < 5/64 in. (2mm) : 1/16 in. (1.6 mm)
(b) for thickness > 5/64 in. and < in. (6.4 mm): 3/32 in. (2.4mm).
For external reinforcement and for greater thickness, the tabulation for Symbol L.


(ASME B31.3)

344.6.2 Acceptance Criteria.

A linear type discontinuity is unacceptable if the amplitude of the indication exceeds the reference level and its length
(1) in. (6.4 mm) for Tw < in. (19 mm);
(2) Tw/3 for in. < Tw < 2 in. (57mm);
(3) in. for Tw > 2 in.

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