Syllabus Nicoleta Serban
Syllabus Nicoleta Serban
Syllabus Nicoleta Serban
Textbook: Required: Statistical Inference, by George Casella and Roger L. Berger; Duxbury
Press, Second Edition.
1. Wasserman, L. (2004). All of Statistics: A concise course in statistical inference.
2. Bickel, P. J. and Doksum, K. A. (1977). Mathematical Statistics.
3. Lee, P. M. (1988). Bayesian Statistics: An Introduction.
4. Knight, K. (2000). Mathematical Statistics.
This course will cover the fundamentals of theoretical statistics. Topics include:
point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing, data reduction, convergence con-
cepts, Bayesian inference, nonparametric statistics and bootstrap resampling. We
will cover Chapters 5 - 10 from Casella and Berger plus some supplementary mate-
rial. This course is excellent preparation for advanced work in statistics and machine
Class Notes: Class notes will be posted on the web regularly. Bring a copy to class. The notes
are not meant to be a substitute for the book and hence are generally quite terse.
Read both the notes and the text before lecture. Sometimes I will cover topics from
other sources.
Pre-requisites: ISYE 2027 & 2028 (or equivalent); Solid math skills (especially calculus). The
students probability backgrounds are expected to be at the level of Ch. 1-5 of the
Honor Code: For any questions involving Academic Honor Code issues, please consult me, the
class teaching assistant, or
Homework: Assignments are due on Wednesday classes. There are 11 assignments in total. The
lowest homework-score will be dropped. Late Homework will not be accepted.
No make-ups.
You are allowed (and encouraged) to work together with other students on homework
assignments, as long as you write up and turn in your own solutions. You are also
allowed (and encouraged) to ask me questions, although you should try to think
about the problems before asking.
Midterms: There will be two midterm during the class. The midterms are close notes (including
homework solutions) and close textbook but two one-sided page with formulas will
be allowed. Do not write homework solutions on the formula sheet. I will provide
additional formulas, for example, the densities, cdfs, expectations and variances of
most important distributions. No make-ups.
Midterm Dates: October 4th and November 8th
Final exam: The nal is a 3-hour exam reviewing the material (lectures and assignments) pro-
vided in this course throughout the full semester. The exam is close notes and close
textbook but two (one-sided) pages with formulas will be allowed. Do not write
homework solutions on the formula sheet. No make-ups.
Date: December 13th
Grading: The course grade is based on Homework (25%), Midterm I (20%), Midterm II (20%)
and Final Exam (35%).
Course Topics
Review of Chapters 1-4
Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) Theory
Data Reduction and Likelihood Principle
Estimation Methods
Measures of Estimation Performance
Hypothesis Testing
Condence intervals and Regions
Nonparametric Inference
The Bootstrap
Bayesian Inference
Prediction and Classication
Model Selection