Tamil Nadu Inam Estates (Abolition and Conversion Into Ryotwari) Act, 1963

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Hello Good People !


" ,
ahi&,sta tes (Abolition an$ I $.N. AC~
~nversion ill to Ryot tvuri)
'[TAMIL NADU] ACT No. 26 OF 1963.2

[Recs.vcd the assent of the President on' the l l t

Dcccmber 1963, first published in the Fort St. Georg
Gazette on the 1st January 1964 (Pausa 11, '1885).]
An Act to provide for &the acquisition of the rights
landholders in inam estates in the 3[State.:-of Tamil
N ~ d u ] and the introduction of the ryotwari settle-
ment in such estates.
BE it enacted by the Legislature of the 8[State *of Tami
Nadu] in the Fourteenth Year of the Republic of Indi
as follows :- ..

I P R E ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ .
Short title,
1. (1) This Act may be called the lnamil- Nadu]
extent applic Inam Estates (Abolition and Conversion into Ry otwar j)
tion and GO Act, 1963.
mencement. (2) It extends to the whole of' the 8[State of Tamil
, Nadu], except-
(i) the Shencottah taluk of the Tirunelveli district ;
(ii) the Kanyakumari district ; and
(iii) the territories specified in the Second Schedule
to the Andhra Pradesh and Madras (Alteration of Bound-
aries) Act, 1959 (Centr-! Lrf 55 of 1959).
(3) It applies to all inam estates.

1 Tl..ese wo ds were substituted for the word " Madras '* by

the Tamil N d u Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by
the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order,
For Staten.eni of Objects and Reasons, see Fort St. George Gazette
Extraordinary, dated the 27th April 1962, Part IV--Section 3, pages
4647; for Select Committee Report, see Fort St. George Gaz9tte
Extraordinary, dated the 14th August 1963. Part IV-Sectlon 3,
pages 121 to 188.
BY virtue of section 6 of the Tamil Nadu Inam Estates, Lease
holds and Minor h a m s (Abolition aljd Conversion into Ryotwari)
Amendment Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 2 of 1976) the provision^
in respect of private tanks and ooranies shall have effect notwith,
standing anything inconsistent tprewith contained in otha
law for the time beir~gin force or any custom, usage or contract or
decree or order of a court or other authority.
8 This expression was substituted for the expression stat^ of
Madras '* by the F!-amilNadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 196gi as
amended by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Law ( b da d -
Order, 1 x 9 .


inan; k~iaies(Ahotiiio~;nnd

Culz versiotr i ~ t o.RJ1otlvurij

am estate, on such date as the Goverrrment

te a Tj~iasub-section was added by seclion 2 of tbc T a m i No(111

,. Esfdcs (Abolition sIld Co~~versioninto Ryo!wori) A mend-
, luent : k t , 1969 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of' 1969). -
,i ,

42 incrrrr Estates (Abolition [ 1963 : T.$, Act

Cotz version into ktyqtwuri)

Provided that in the case of any such Puduk

inam estate, the settlement of which is published
sub-section (2) of section 3 of the Pudukkottai (Settle
of Inams) Act, 1955 (l[Tamil Nadu] Act XXIII of 1
on a date subsequent to the 15th February 1965, the
of this Act as aforesaid shall be deemed. to have come
force in regard to such Pudukkottai inam estate on
subsequent date :
Provided further that where, in regard to an
Pudukkottai inam estate, the operation of .the rest of
Act as aforesaid has been stayed or interrupted by o
of court or Tribunal or other authority constitute
ally Iitw for the time being in force, the date from which
the Governmtnt have been in uninterrupted p%ssession of
such estate shall be deemed to be the date on which the
rest of this Act rs afoi esaid shall be deemed to haye
come into force.]

2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise~requiresp-
* *
(1) " agriculture" with its grammatical v
and cogn2te expressions shall include horticulture ;
(2j " Director " -means the Director of Settlement
appointed under section 4 ;
(3) " Estates Land Act " means tht! l[Tamil- Nadu]
Estates Land Act, 1908 (%[TamilNadu] Act L of 1908) ; ,
. i

(4) " existing inam estate " means ,an inam village
which' I~ecamean estate by virtue of the 'Famil 'NadG]
. b
Estates Land (Third Amendment) Act, 1936 (![T&l
Nadu] Act XVIII of 1936) ;

/ &

(5) " ~overnment" means the State Government;

, \

, .

1 - r . (6) " impartible inam estate " means . ;&'
z estate governed immediately before the notified date;
by the lpamil Nadu] Impartible Estates Act, 1904 ('padl
-4.: 8

Nadu] Act I1 of.1904) jl

4' 1

-- --- C ,
1 These words were substituted for ,the word "'Madras
the Tamil Nadu Adaptation ofLaws Order, 1969, as by
the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second ~ m e a d & a )

Inam Estates (Abolition and
Conversion into Ryotwari)
" notified date" in relation to the in
other than a Pudukkottai inam estate sp
Schedule I-A)] means the date appointed by a n
issued under sub-section (4) of section 1 as the date
which the provisions of this Act (other than sections
4, 5, 7, 8, 56 (3), 59, 64, "73 and 751) shall come into for
in regard to the inam estate,
any such notification has been stc
order of court or Tribunal or othe
under any law for the time
which the Government hav
possession of the inam estate. an
shall be c~nstructedaccordingIy ;

3[(10-~) " notified date " in relation to a Pudukk

inam estate specified in Schedule I-A means the
February 1965 :
Provided that in the cas
inam estate, the settlement of w
sub-section (2) of section 3 o
of Inams) ~ c t 1955
, CParnil
on a date subsequent to the 15th
date " means such subsequent date :
Provided further that where the operation of this
Act (other than sections 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 56 (3), 59, 64, 73
and 75) has bcen stayed or interrupted by order of court
or Tribunal or other authority constituted under any law
for the time being in force, the date from which the Govern-
ment have been in uninterrupted possession of such
inam estate shall be deemed to be the notified date; ]
- ---
1 These brackets, words, figure and letter were inserted by section
3 (i)of the Tamil Nadu Inam Estates (Abolition and Conversion into
Ryo. -;'I -4mendnrnt Act, 1969 garnil Xadu Act 23 of 1 x9).
'Thew fi3urec; and word were substituted for the figures and
word " 73,75 and 76 " by section 3 of the Tamil Nadu Inam Estates
(Abolition and Conversion into Ryotwari) Amendment Act, 1968
(Tamil Nadu Act 21 of 1968).
This clause was inserted by secti
Inam Estates (A4%~litienand Conv wi
. 0 ! : kc?, 5 ,&
These wortis were substituted for the word ccMadras'*by
Tamil Nnd~lAflnpration of Laws Order. 1969, ikr amcndect by t
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of 1,nws (Second Amenchtncnt) Ord


h a m Estates (Abolition and

uent to the grant, such part has been partitioned

the grantees or thc successors-in-title of the grantee


(12) " princip~llatidholder" means the person who held

inam estate immed.iately before the notified d a s ; and
(4 in the case of an inanl estate held by a joint Hindu
:fmily immediately bcfc i e ti,;.L ;:..: : mecns sucl l joillt
;family; and (b) in the case of an impartible innm estate
:means the person entit led to the possessiorl ciC nich estate
immediately befoorc that d:lte ;
(13) " private land "---

%tatk2br:ate~ (Abolition bnd
onv version into Ryo marf )
(ii) il.t relation to a new inam estate shall mean-
(a) the domain or home-farm land of the
by mtever designation.hown, such as, kamb
sir) or p a m i ;or
( b ) land whiab is proved to have been
the iaaoider.himself, by .his owl servant
labour, with his own or hired stock for a GO
of twelve years immediately before the
1960, provided that the ladholder has re
a m ever since and has not, converted the la
ryoti land ;or
(c) hnd the entire kudiwararn in wh
by the landholder before the 1st day of April
valuable consideration from a person omin
waram but not the melwaram, provided that ths
has rzbinc:d the kudiwararn ever since land has not c;on
ve~ted.the into ryoti land
w h e th2,~ kudi waram was acqui
cent the land shall nct be deemzd
it is proved to have been.cultivated 'by ths land86lder
himself, by his own servants or by hired labour, with his
own or hired stock for .acontinuous p:r iod of t~elv&years
sine the acqcisition of the land and before tbei ' 1st
day of April 1960 ; , ~

(14) " Pudukkottai inam estate" 'means an inam y&ge

......... .. ..... . ... .
in the merged territory of Pudukkottai and speci&d in
Schedule I I[. , . .. . .. .] rand . in.
cludes such of the inam'areas in the said territory as are
specified in Schedule I-A];
(1 5) " rent "--
(i) in relation to an existing inam estate shall bve
the same meaning as in clause (11) of section 3 of
Estates Land Act ; and
1 The words 'and includes such other wi~oleinam village in the
said territory as the Government may,by notification, from timo to
time, specify" were omitted by section 2 of the Tamil ad^ Iwm
Estates (Abolitica and Conversion iqto Ryotwari) Amendment A*,
1965 (Tamil Nadu Act 11 of 1965). e
% 'This exoressi~nwas added by section 3 (iv) of the Tamil ~~d~
Inam W tates ( k bolit ion and Cbnversion into Ryotvtari) bendment
$ k t , 1969 (Tamil M t d ~ Act 23 of 1969), which was deemed to havr
come into fore on the 15th Febtuqry 1963.

.L*.R3R-;-rr- I .
.- -r-.--.rr

- . ..-. -
. --

Imm E s t ~tcs (~boiitionanr/

Conversiorz i:zto mod w&)

(ii) in relation to a n rw inam e s t te ~ shall mean

ney or in kind 01 in both
se or occupation of land
shsll include whatever
account of water suppiied by the
is per mission for w!ltiva tion
for wa tzr has not been consolideted
r the use or occupation of

(a) any low 1tax, cess, fee or sum iawfu lly payabk to
holder by a ryot as s ~ c hin addition to the rent due
ing to law or usage having the foice of law and also
my recoverable under any enactment for the time
in force as if it was rent ;and

(6) sums lawfu lly payable to a landhoider b:r a ryot

ge fees urlu fisl~eryrents 1

am estate shall have the

section 3 of tbe E3tates

in relationto a new inam estate shall mean a person

gricu lture r p t i land in auclS
to the landholder the rent

. . F
' 6 -

' *
8 *'F


Estates (Abolition and

--- \--
- - i
[I963 .: T.N. Act 26 t
Conversion into Ryotwari)

b:xPII)~tian.-Inrelation to a new iuam estate- .

. .. ,..

'purposes ol: thls ACT;

(ii) a oerson unauthorisedly occupying rycti land from

firs; of such payments;if more than- one,ihe land bolder -

has filed a suit in a civil court for ejectment against such

(17) " ryoti land "-

(i) in relation to an existing inam estate shall have
the same meaning as in clause (16) of section 3 . pf,tbe
A - TA A --rl
A .; I

a : T.N. Act 261 f ~ ~ aEstates
m (Abolition and
Conversion info .Ryotwari)


situated in any new inam estate which are set

mon use of the viwgers ;

(c)" lands granted on service-tenure either free of
pl on favourable ratesof rent granted before the pas-
$this Act so long as the service-tenure subsists ;

t) "'Settlement Officer " in relation to any inam
part of an inam estate means the officer appointed
under sub-section (1) of section 51

) " Tribural" means a Tribunal constituted under

r ~ 8,
and having jurisdiction ;
+; >

in relation to'an existing inam estate shall have the

~'mlmcnnine as in clause (191 of section 3 of the Estates

# " +

M) 'in relation to a new inam estate shall meall any

which is designated as a village in the revenue
$Pnts and for which the revenue accounts are separately
gain,ed by one or more karnarns or which is now
%Ahv the Gnvernment or may hereafter be declared
& Government for the purposes of this Act to be a
s and shall include any hamlet or hamlets which
6,. attached thereto.
LatestLaws.com - 8

t\C@o L. : ~nbmZstates ( ~ b o l i t i o nand

- - . -'Convepsion into Xyotwari)

\ *

Consequences 3. With effect 6; and from the notified date ank i h k c
of notlflcation
of inam estate. otherwise expressly provided in this Act-


in respect of which the rate of re

before the notific
Nadu] Estates Land Act, 1908
1908), the Pudukkottai (Settl
(l[TamilNady] Act XXIII of 1955) and all other e
ments applicable to the inam estate as such shal
deemed to have been repealed in their appli
inam estate;
(b) the entire inam cstat: (including
lands and porambokes, other non-ryoti lands, wa
pasture lands, forests. mines and minerals,
and streams, a[tanks and oora:lies (includin
and ooranies) and irrigation works] fisheri
shall stand transferred to the Governm
vest in them free of all encumbrances, and the
Nadu] Revenue Recovery Act, 1864 ('[Fa
II of 18641, the l[Tamil Nadu] Irrigation
(l[Tamil Nadu] Act VII of 1865), and all other ena
applicable to ryotwari areas shall apply to the inam es
(c) all rights and interests created ir or over
inam estate before the notified date by the principal
any other landholder, shall as against the Govemrn
cease and determined ;
These words were substituted for the word " Madras '
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended
Tamil ETaduAdaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order,
" These brackets a

These words and brac

always to have been subst it
:ion worksw by sectior; 2
Lease-hold? and Minor I
Ryotwari) Amendment

Inam Estates (Abolition nnd 161

Conversion into Kyot wari)

Goverument may, after removing any obst- .


may be olered. forthwith take p~ssession

estate and all accounts, registers, pattas,
s, maps, plans and o&er documents relating to
estate which the Government may require for
inistration thereof:

. . -.

the principal or any other landholder and any

on, whose rights stand transferred under clause (b)
and determine under clause (c), shall be: entitled
uch rights and privileges as are recognized or
on him by or under this Act ;
(f) the relationship of landholder and ryot, shall, as
them, be extinguished ;
) any rights and privileges which may have accrued *
am estate, to any person before the notified date !
- I 4

the principal or any other landholder thereof,

cease and determine, and shall not be enforceable

102. lnam Estates (Abolition and

Conversion &to Ryotwari)
4. As soon as may be after the
and functionsof in the Fort St. George Gazette*, t
Director of appoint a Director of Settlements
Settlements. settlement operations in inam esta
wr-i settlement therein. The Dire
to the Board of Revenuet.
Appointment 5. (1) AS soon as ma
and functions of Act in the Fort St. George Gazett
the Settlement appoint one or more Settlement
Officer. functions and duties assigned t
(2) Every Settlement Office
the Director and shall be guid
tians as he ltlay issue, from tim
shall also have power to cancel
acts or proceedings of the Se
those in respect of which an
Manawrs of 6. (1) Wit11 effect on and from the notified date,
barn Government shall appoint one or more persons to man
the inam estate. , . .
(2) Every manager shall
Collector and shall be guided by such lawful instructi
as he may issue, from nme to time ; and the Dist
Collector shall also have power to cancel or revise a
of the orders, acts or proceedings of the manager,,
Powers of 7. The tJ3oard of Revenue shall have power--2 29 '

control of the (a) to give effect to the provisions of this Act and
Board Of particular to superintend the taking over of inam
and to make due arrangements for the interim a
ration thereof ; . ..
(b)to issue instructions for the guidance of the birect
District Collectors, Settlement . Officers znd M ~ ~ &
of inam estates ;' and
(c) to cancel or revise
proceedings of the Director
including those - passed, d. .
of revisidnai powers. ..
of , 8 . (1) The ~overnmen
Constitution for
mrtab pumose~.as may be necessary~fo
- --
?By virtue of section'10
Abolition Act, 1980 (Tamil
Board of Revenue shaH b
*Now the Tamil Nadu ~ o ~ e r n n t e nGazette,'

Inam Estutes (Abolition tznd

Conversion into R pot wuri)

consist of one person only

not below the rank of Subor:
. -

Tribunal shall have such jurisdiction, and

f, as the Govern...
om time to time, determine.
ry Tribunal shall, subject to the protisions
-A,] have the same powers as are vested,in
under the Code of Civil Procedure, ' 1908 '
Act V of 1908) when trying a suit or when hearing'

existing inam estate, t'he land- Lands in v
n and from the notified date, landholder to
atta in respect of- . ryotwari pa

11 lands which immediately before the notified'

m as private land within the

of clause (10) of section 3. of

lai~ain a record
r X I or Chapter

ovided that the private land referred lo in sub.

(1) has not been subsequently converted into

ti land or has not been finally held to be, ryoti land
[Tamil Nadu] Estates Land
7 (2[Tamil Nadu] Act VYX
_ . - - _ I _ .-
for the expression " Every
he Tamil Nadu Inam Estates
onversion into Ryolwari) Amend-

be words ware substituted for the word " Madras " by the
as amended by the
men tjOrder, 1969.
Inam Estri tes (Abolition and 11963 : T.N. Act 26"
Conversio.r into Ryotw~ri)
(2) '[is, in the case of a landholder other than
a religious institution, proved to have been cultivated
by the landholder himself], by his awn servants or by
hired labour with his own or hired stock, in the ordinary
course of husbandry, for a continuous period of three
years within a period of twelve years immediately before
the I st daj- of April 1960 ; and
(b) (i) all lands which were properly included or
which ought to have been properly included in the holding
of a ryot and which have been acquired by the landholder
by inheritance or succession under a will, provided that
the landholder has cultivated such lands himself, by his
own servants or by hired labour with his owu or hired
stock, in the ordinary course of husbe.ndry, from the date
of such acquisition or the 1st day of July 1950 whichever
i s later and has been in direct and continuous possession
of such lands from such later date ;

(ii) all land3 which were properly included, or

which ought to have been pruperiy incbded, in the holding
of a ryot and which have been acquired by the landholder
by purchase, exchange or gift, including purchase at a
sale for arrears of rent, provided that the landholder
has cultivated such lands himself, by his own servants
or by hired labour, with his own or hired stock, in the
ordinary course of husbandry, from the 1st day of July
1950 and has been in direct and continuous possession of
such lands from that date ;
(iii) all lands [not being (i) lands of the descrip-
tion specified in sub-clauses (a), (b) and (c) of clause (16)
of section 3 of the Estates Land Act, or (ii) forest lands]
which have been voluntarily abandoned or relinquished .
by a ryot, or which have never been in the occupation of
a ryot, provided that the landholder bas cultivated such
lands himself, by his own servants or by hired labour,
with his own or hired stock, in the ordinary course of
husbandry, from the 1st day of July 1950 and has been in
direct and continuous possession o f such lands from that
a Those words were substituted for the words " is proved to have
been ~,!+;vatedby the land-holder himself" by secticn 3 (i) of t t e
ramil Nadu Inam Estates (Abolition and Conversion into Ryofwari)
Amendment Act, 1966 (Tamil Nadu Act 27 of 1966), whch wac
deemed to have come into force on the 1st January 1%4.

am Estates (Abohiua and

Conversion into Ryotwari)

am estate the landholder

notified date, be entitled
otwari patta in respect of-
It lands which imspdiately before the notified
ed to him as private land :

d that in the case of a landholder o t k r than

institution thc private land specified in clause
of section 2 is proved] to have been cultivated
holder himself, by his own servants or by hired
is own or hired stock, in the ordinary course
period of three years within
diatcly before the 1st day

lding of a ryct and which

y the landholder by inheritance or
I, provided that the landholder has
his own servants or by
stock, in the ordinary
te of sucl~acquisition
chever is later and has
ssion of such lands from

ding of a ryot and which

dholder by purchase ex-
se at a sale for arrears
older has cultivated such
wn servants or by hired labour,
stc ck, it1 the ordinary course of
h day of September 1955 or from
ition whichever is later and has
inuous possession of such lands

Provided that nothing in this su b-clause shall


by purchase, exchange or gift

sale for arrears of rent by thc.
holder on or after the 1st day of April 1960.
the expression ''Provided
lause 13(ii)(a) of section 2,
3 (ii) of the Tamil Nadu Inam Estates
o Ryotwari) Amendment Act, 1966
hich was deemed to have come into
fnarir Estates (. .~.jliriok
b and '
[I963 ' f T.B. Act .26
Convbrsion into .Ryotwari)

(iii) all lands n ~hirig

t (i) ~ahGsof the'de~~jption
I .

sjrccifiid in.items'(a), (b) and (c) of sub-clause .(ii) of ~ l a u i'e

of section 2, or (ii) forest lands whicli'have been: ,

voluntarily abandoned or relinquished by a ryot, or which

havenever been in.the odcupation of a ryot, provided .that ,
the landholder has cultivated such lands himself, by his
own servants or by hired labour, with his own or hired 1.
stock, in the ordinary course of husbandry, froni the 27th
day of September 1955 and has been in direct and conti-
nuous possession of such lands from that d.ate.
(3) In thc case bf a n inam ~ s t a t cor part threpf held:,.
immediately bcfore tlu: notified date by an individual 0.11:
condition of render,ing service to a religious institution; '
thcJgrant of ryotwari patta- under sub-section (1) or ..(2).
shall be subject to the provisions of scction 33; - -
l[Explanaticjn I].-' Cultivate ' in this sectioh ihludes ,
the pla'nting and reiring of tope:$, garc'ens and brohards,'.
bvt does not include .
thc~rearingof topes. of. spontafieous.'

growth: : . .. - %

< ,
... I . -

r 1

2[Explanation II.--F~~the purpose$

thk p r o ~ d btd clabie (a) of sub-section ( '

proviso to clause (a) of sub-section (2),. " religi:oli$ insti<;

tution " shall -mean a religious institution as. definrd;

in clause (18) of section 6 of the 31Tarnil Nadu] Hindu'

Religious and Charitable Endo wment s
. Act
Nadu . 22 - of- 195?).] .
a ,

Lands in 110.(1) In the case of an existing inam bitat$Lkverfryot"~

respect of shall,.with effect 9n and. from-the notified ,date, be-entitled*
. -...
which a ryot t6 a ryotwari patta in .respect of-' - ..
. . .. . 1
entitled to 1 I

. ,. ryotwari pat1 . . (i).all hiq'rc&ls.which-bere

lands, under serction 3 4 'of the 3
Land-(Redaction -eC.Rent) Act, 1947 8
XXX of 19471 ; and ,

The explanation to section 9 was numbered as kx&anation J

of that sectioh by:bection 3 (iii) :of the Tamil Nadu Inam Estatehr
(Abolition and Conversion into. Ryotwari) Amendment Act,' 1966
(Tamil Nadu Act 27 of 1966), which was deemed to have come into
force on the*1st January 1964.
_2 This explanation was add by section 3 (1
lrikm Estates (Abolition and onversion into Ryot
Act, 1966 (Tqmil Nadu Act 27 of 1966), which-was
came into force on the 1st January 1964. -.
These words were substituted for the word b b Madras by *h&i
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the-%
Tam il Nad u Adapt at ion of Laws (Second Amendment) Order, 1969.

7 " w -
. . ?
. .
I -1 r -----%

Inam Estates (Abolition and 107

Conversion into Ryotwah'). . - ' .-.
F. ?

i) all ryoti lands which immediately before t.he

date, were properly included cr ought to have been
incladed in his holding and which are not lands
- " ,., -. "
:- fa:.-?
. . :- : , . r . -
4-. A

of which a lancjJ~oldcror some other pcrson ,-.- . +.

t 'I .

to a ryotmri p$ta under any other provision . ( - A. '.r'-.

... ., --

*, - ?
f - :

n who has been admitted into

landholder on or after IJIC 1st
xcept where the Government,
all the c~rcumstanccsotl~erwise
a ryotwari patta in respect of such
- , -

2) (a) In thc case of a new inam cstatc evcry ryot

th effect on and from tla notified date, bc cntitled
wari patta in respect of all ryoti land in his lmlding
1 of which a landhuldcr or some other
a ryotwari patta under any othcr

on who has b,en admitted into

by a landholder en or after the
11, except where the Govel-nment,
cr an examination of all the circunzstances otherwise
ireot, be entitled to a ryotwari patta in rcspcct of such
(b) A, ryot as defined in clause 16 (iij of section 2
shall be entitltd to a ryotwari patla to thc exclusion of
tne ryots, if any, specified in psragraphs (i) end (ii) of the
Explanat ion to the said clause (1 6)(ii) and a ryot specified
in paragraph (i) of the said Explanation shall be entitled
to a ryotwari patta to the exclusion of the ryot, if any,
ptcified in paragraph (ii) of the said Explafiation.
nything contained in sub-sections
11 be entitled to a ryotwari patta
der sub-section (1) or sub-section
tasily abandoned or r(linquished
ch land on or before the date of
ement Officer under tub-section

Explamtion.--No oerson to whom a right to collect

rent of any land fas been leased before the notified
e, including an ijuradar or a farmer of rent, shall be
itled to a ryotwari patta in respect of such land under
. .

rI . i

108 Inain Estates (Abolition and [I963 : T.N. A& 26

Convers@n into Ryofwari)
Grant of 11. (1 :Where no person is entitled to a ryotwari patta
mlwaripltta in respect of a land in an inam estate, under section 9
on tho basis or 10 and the land vests in the Government, the persons
of personal
in specified below shall be entitled to b ryotwari patta in
certain cases. respect of that land in the following order of preference :-
(i)$rst!y, a person wLv L A Seea
~ personally cultivat
ing such land for a continuous period of twelve years
irnmedia;ely Irefore the 1st day of April 1960 ;
(ii) seconrlly, if there is no such person as is referred
to in clause (i), then, a person who had been lawfully
admitted into possession of such land on or after the 27th
day of September 1955 and who had been personally
cultivating such land ever since ; and
(iii) thirdly, if there is no such person as is referred
to in clauses (i) and (ii), then, a person who had been
personally cultivating that land on the 26th day of Septem-
ber 1955 and for a period of twelve years immediately
before that date :
Provided that no person shall be entitled to a ryotwari
patta in respect of any land under clause (i) or (iii) of this
sub-section if such person has voluntarily abandoned or
relinquished his rights in respect of such land on or before
the date of the decision of the Settlement Officer under
cub-section (1) of section 12 :
I':vided further that no ryotwari patta shall be
granted in respect of any land falling under any of the
categories specified below :--
(a) forests ;
(b) beds and bunds of tanks and of supply, drainage,
stlrplus or irrigiition channels ;
(c) threshing floor, cattle stands, village + sites,
cart-tracks, roads, temple sites and such other lands as are
net apart for the common use of the villagers ;

. P
(d)rivers, streams an other porambokes.

Explanation.--For the purposes of this sub-section, a

.p:rson i s said to personally cultivate a land when he con.
tributes his own physical labour or that of the members
of his farsily in th3 cultivation of that land.

: T.N. Act 261 lrtam Estates (Abolition and

Conversion into Ryotwari)

(2) Among the persons specified in sub-section (1)

in clause (i) of that sub-section shall be
twari patta to the exclusion of the persons
uses (ii) and (iii) of that sub-section and
in clause (Ii) of that sub-section shall be
to a ryo twari patta to the exclusion of the persol.,
se (iii) of that sub-section.
(3) Any ryotwari patta granted under this section
shall take effect on and from the date of the grant of such

I[ll-A. (1) Kotwithstanding anything contained in this RyOtwBripatta

Act, no ryotwari patta shall be granted ir: respect ef any not to be
private tank or oorani. granted in
respect of
(2) Any ryotwari patta granted in respect of private tank
m y or oorani.
private tank or oorani under this Act beibre the date of
the publication of the Tamil Nadu Inam Estates, Lease-
holds and Minor Inams (Abolition and Conversion into
Ryo:wari) Amendment Act, 1975, in tbe Tamil Nadu
Government Gazette, shall stand cancelled, and fcr purposes
of compensation under tbis Act, the private tank or oorani
shall be deemed to be land in respect of which neither the
landholder nor any other person is entitled to ryotwari
pita under this Act.]
12. (1) The Settlement Officer shall examikle the claims Determination
of any person for s ryotwari patta under section 9 or of lands in
section 10 .or se~titivn1:, c; :I:. sase may be, and decide which
in respect of which lands the claim should be allowed. $ ~ ~ t $ .~ ~ o
,yotwari pattsi.
(2) Against a decision of the Settlement Officer under
sub-section (I), the Government may, within one year from
the date of the decisioti, and any pcrson aggrieved by such
kcision may, withGnthree months from the said date,
appeal to the Tribunal :

rovided that the Tribunal may, in its discretion, allow

rther t i m not exceeding six months for the filing of any

_..- ..
as inserted and was deemed always to have been
on 2 (2) of the Tamil Nadu Inkm Estates, Lease-
fnams (Abolition and Conversion into Ryotwari)
1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 2 of 1976).

inam Estates (Abolition and [I963 : T.N. A& 26

Conver.rion into Ryot wnri)

~rovihedfurther t h i t the Tribunal may, in its discretion,

.entertain an appeal by the Governmerlt at ariy time -if it
appears to the Tribunal that the decision of tha Settlement
) Officer was vitia~edby fraud or by mistake of fact.., .< <

. .
. . *
- .
, I -
Liability to pay 13. (1) (a) Every person who becomes entitled to a
assessment, etc., -ryotwaripatla unger this Act (other than under section 11)
Government:in wspect of any land shall, f6r each fasli year commencing
with the fasli yew in which the inam estate is notified, be
liable to pay to the Government such assessment, as may
a.: 2 : : I
, . , . ,.
i i . :be lawfully imposed on the land. t .

7 : < & . -. . : I. ' ,'

ih., 3 .+. 2 (b) Every person who becomes entitled' to a ryotwari
%?,,. .-,
;?,i ;,, :tt
+ - * .

. patta under section 11in respect of any land shall, for each
., . ; *yearcommencing with tbe fasli year in which such patta is

granted, be liable to pay to the Government such. . assess-

'merit, as may be lawfully imposed on the land,

(2) If a ryot was liable immediately before the notified

'date to make any payment to the landholder. otherwise
:tlian by way of' rent, wbether periodically or not, in resp:ct
'of any land to which he is entitled tc a ryotwari'patta. he
'shall continue to make such payments as accnie on or
after that date to the Government.
Z..,$; [
* -

. :-
Ryot Wi I ..P:dtab:
14 (1) Where any land (not coiisisting of an. entirc
in rnrvice- .. . . village or not being a part village inam estate) granted on
tenu* . +lahd$. .- drvie-tenure, whether to an individual or institution
- - . - pfalls under sub-clause (c) d: &G se (1 5 ) of section 3 of the
Estates Land Act or under item (c) of sub-clause (ii) of
clause (1 7) of section 2 of this Act, then,--

(a)if the service to be rendered is personal or private

service to ttle landholder,not beinga religious, educational
or cbritzbls institution, the land shall be discharged from
mndirion of such s e r k 3 ~and the holder of ntch land
sb-11h ettirlct3 to a ryor~ariwn;; in rtspsd of the land
with effea on and from t& notified dare ;

(5) in all 0 t h cases, the holder of such land shall

v!. t ) ~ :t.arrk4: r ishtn in the land, and be bubject to the =me
)jrl l t j l l l iC.h [I:, 4 IIC i tirrn~tllrtt. o f u minorUservic;e*instmin a
t y otwarr vilrit y ~ Iins . i l l respect of his land :

.N. Act 26 ] hant Estates (Abolilion and

Con version into Ryotwari;

of' sub-clause (ii) of clause

rovisions of clause (b) of sub-section (1)

lands in inarn estates.

Vesting of build-
re the notified date, ings situated in
inam estates.
and was tlren being
with its administra -
ct on and. fiom thz

1 rilso v ~ s in free of all

t tlrc Gover~~met~t,

ovided that when such institution ceases to exist, the

evert to such landholder, or if he is dead,
egal r apscsentaliv~s.
Where any building so situated-
a) which belonged to any such landholder on the
of July 1960 ; and

. -

Inam Es:ates (~bolitionand

Conversion into Ryotwnri)

pay to the Government such value from out of the com-

pensation deposited in its office under sub-section (
of section 36.

(i) in every case to levy the appropriate assess-

ment thereon ; and
(ii) in the case of a building which vests in a
P ~,:
An other than a landholder, also to the payments
which s u c h person was liable immediately before the
notified date to make to any landholder in r e s p a thereof,
u.hether periodically or not and whether by way of rent
or other wise, in so far as such payments, may accrue due
on or after the nofified date.

as an appurtenance thereto.
(6) If any question arises whether any building or
land falls or does not fall within the scope of sub-sections
(I), (2), (3), (4) or (S), it shall be referred to the Govern-
ment whose decision shall be final.




8: T.N. Act ZG] Itram Estates (Abolition a ~ d . I r3
Conversion Cr t o Ryot lvnri)

vided that such trailsaction was not void or illegal

any law in force at the time :

epon ~ 1 1 0113s been admitted

fi land (i) .on or after the 1st
an existing inam estate,
ay of*April1960, in the case
entitled to no rights in respect
the Govern~uent other~vise!

at otherwise direot, Person. admitt-

t or other land which is not gzigd,r;
lder into p~ssession.of ed into posse-
o any rights in, or to ' remain dealt dtb.

d' licr~jnshall apply

Irlei. is entit led to a ryot wari

(1) allowing any

ny such land may

'".(i) the Gsessment or gro&d-rent payable to tbe

for each fasli year commencing
estate i s notified,
7 g 3

conditions, including
remain in possession
consider newssary
"r .

ction, " aommunal land " ,

ion mentioned in sub-clause
(16) of seotion 3 of the
) OF item (b)o f sub-clause
Inam Estates. (Abolition and [I963 : T.X. Act. 26
Conversion into - Ryotwari ) .

Rights of l,.. 48. (1) In cases not governed by any other provision
certain bf'fhis Act, where on or,after (i) the 1st day of July 19%
lessees and
others. in the case of an &sting inam estate : and (ii) the 1st
day of April 1960 in the oase of a new inam estate, but
before the notified date, a landholder has created, by way
of lease or otherwise, rights in any mines o r minerals,
quarries, fisheries or ferries, the transaction $ha11 be
deemed to be valid ;and all rights and obligations arising
t hereundfr, on or after th: ~otifieddate, shall bs enforce-
. "
abl: by or against, the Government :
Provided that the transaction was not void or illegal
.. under any law in force at the time and that ady such right
was created for a period not exceeding one year.
(2) (a) Where any such right was created before (i)
the 1st day of July 1950 in the caw of an existing inam
estate ; and (ii) the 1st day of April 1960 in the case of a
new inam esfate, for a prl.iud ~ ~ c e c d i none
g year, the
Government may, if in their opinion, it is in tlte public
intkrest to do so, by notice given to th: person concerned
terminate the right with effect from such date as may be
specified in the notice, not being earlier than three months
from the date thcrcof.
. (b) Thc person whose right has been so terminated
shall be entitled to compensation from the Government
which shall be determined by the Board of Revenue* in
such manner as may be prescribed, having regard to the
value of the right and the period for which the right was
abated. ' , 8
I .

c Where any such right created before (i) thd

1st day Lt)July 2950 in the case of an existing inam estate ;
and (ii) the 1st day of April 1960 in the case of a new inam
estate is not determined under this sub-section, the trans-
action whceby such tight was created shall be deemed
to be valid and all rights and obligations arising tbre-
under, on or after the notified date, shall be enfproeable
by or against the Government :
-.-qvided that tlw transaction was not void or illegal
L..,def any law in force at the tipe. -
-- I s

: * BY virtue of kction 10 (1) ofthe Tamil Nadu Board of Re\ime

4b~tio;3~ c t I , 980 (Tamil Nadu *Act 36 af 1980) any :efer- t9
*he w a r d of Revenue ;half be deemed to be a reference to the Satc

Itlam Estates (AboZit ion and

Coir version into Ryoiwari)



. -

Provided that any re-survey made under 'this sub-

may.be limited to what is necesSarg for the intro-
of the ryotwari settlement in. the inam estate or

Irrqtn &latest (&lition and [I963 : T.N. A
Cbnversi~rtinto Ryot wari)
(ii) in the caw of other areas in the State the itlid
notification shall embhdy the principles adopted in makip&
ryotwari settlements in ryotwari areas and shall $opt-- s,,i
(4 the rates of asse
settliemcnt notificatio~in forc
cation of this Act In the Fort
district in which the inam esta

i.(4) Neither
..i..t 44%
..- , settlement notifiwtiani::nor : any
04d p a ~ e dm,p~~sgqp& tkere~f
, - lo say ,*Wof lw,-
(Sir Nothing in this section sh

Btates (Abolitiarr and

Pitrtilz 127
Conversion ill to Ryotwari]
pt has not been so detersned,
ave been payable to the landholder
year in which the inam estate is '., , L .
,, & 7. \ ,?* .'fa

!') 1. 7. : .:.:r, ,K
t w& payable, the gent which-- :.<. r.:<:
le to the landholder immediateIy
, by a ryot holding similar land
ntages, in the neighb'ourhood :
in cases falling *under sub-clauses (i)
e in respect of the fasli yearain
inam estate is notified shall be the rent due to
older less any payment made*to him befofe the
ate and authenticated in the prescribed manner :.
rk * *I
In respect of other lands in the existing inam
in respect of all lands in the new inam estate, .- ,
shall be calculated at such fate * ' ., . '.',
eat may, by general or special -' ,?< , ,:,
. , , ,,: 'I 1 :>, ,


G a t e d provisions.
payable in respect of' an inam Compensation
n accordance with the following how determined*

23. The cumpensatinn shall be determined far the Compensation

d not separately for each of the to determined
tor lnam estate
. as a whole.
24. A su~ncalled the basic annual sum shall first
determined in respect of the inam estate. sum.
-1-c --
I The following proviso was omitted by softion 4 of the Tamil
Nadu h a m Estates (Abolition and C,'onversion into Ryotwari) mend-
mcnt Act, 1966 (Tamil Nadu Act 27 of 1966), which was deemed to
have con10 into f drcc on the I st January 1964: -
" Provided fufthet that in cases falling under sub-clause (ii),
where after the rent 'has been determined under the Madras Estates
Land ,(ReduCtion of Rent) Act, 1947 (Madras Act XXX of 1847). .
it is fotrnd that the land revenue paid exceeds the rent ro determtned,
such excess shall be adjusted towards tha land revem payable in
the abbse9uc:fit fasli year or years," I
Inam estate^ (Abolition and 11963 : T.
Conversion into Ryotwari)

- sum for in& .estates.

~ a $ cun~rual

Component 25. The basic annual suin shall be the aggregate I

parts Of b*sicsums specified below, less the deductions specified I

annual sum in
inam m?ato. section 28 :.-- ,, . .

(i) the whole i~f-thegross annual ryotwari3demand;

iu respect of all lands in the inam estate in respect of which
any perso,.l other than the landholder is entitled to a ryot- ,
wari patta, as ascertained under section 26, less the ded
tion specified therein.: . .
(ii) the whole of the average net annual miscellaneous
revenue derived from all other sources in the inam estate
specified in c!ause (b) of section 3, but not including lands
in respect of which the landholder is entitled to ryotwari
patta, as ascertained under sectiop 27.
computation of 26. (1) Tla gross- anilual 'ryotwari denland in respect -
r~otwari of. the lands referred to in clause (i) of section 25, shall ,be :
lion and
and deduc- the total of the ryotwari assessbents iniposed in pursuance
of a settlemneilt effected under section 20 on the lands .:
occupied by any person other thap the landholder on the :
notified date.
. . . 3 , , '

( 2 ) ' ~ r o m tlie gross annual ..ryotwari detna.nd as

computed above, there shall be deducted 3-113 per cctlt ~


of such demand on account of the maintenance of irriga-

tic:. works serving the inam estate:
Provided that 110 such deduction. shall be ma
there is no irrigation work serving the inam estate, or
tho landholder i s under no legal obligation to maintain
any spch work scrvhg the inam estate :
. ..
.. , . Provided furtllor that where' the obligation :*of:the.
landholder to maintain every one of the irrigation works
serving the inam estate is-shared by him either with the ,
." Government or with the landholder of some other in
estate, the percentage of such deduction shall be reduced
bjsuch " . extent
: . .
a s the'Ooverfiment may deem reasona
*. 3
., ..
I . . I 3 , .

,.: . , , . 4, -
8 6 >
$ , . 4 . . f

ExpZanrtiorr.-For :the p&x&i'of sub-&ti0

expression "ryotwari.assessmint':, in respect of.any
which has been r6gi&&l 'as wit :at thk settlirne1;'trefen& ,8

to. in that sub-section :pnder an ihiga'tion work belonging

to, constructed orf ,aaintained by' or gn behalf 'bf .tly
Government, and which' waS' ' liable to *x h m l

-.7"- - - -

.-- --


lnam Estatgs (Abolition iirzd I i9

Convers'ion into Ryotmit-i) '

he levy of1 such eess in, the

irrigation from th3 s2id *work
hall be taken to be the apprb-

a1 miscellaneous revenue Computation

of net revenue,
clause (ii) of sec;tion 25, neous
the net annual income
from such soura s during
the notified date, if such
r on tho I st day of July
d &te, if such date was
next fasri year in case
that year or the next
.,..-- -'.... .
, . , k"&

28. From the aggregate of the sums referred to in and'

joa,-etci,, .to ?:be,
&uses (i)and (ii) of section 25, ascertained as aforesaid, deducttd,:- . ,; ,

b e shall be deducted- ,

(a) the whole of the assessment levied on any land '

' (b) thc whole of the jodi, quit-rent or other aniourt,

ifi?ny, of a like nature, payablo annually by tl~t.landholiler
- to the G m rnnlent ;and
. . . . < . -- .

IMtt Eqete.r (Abolition m,d [$963 : T.N. Act 26

Cuaversim into Ryot,wari):
, Provided tbat tbe ctoiount deducted ,*~~ldcr<
i~ C ~ ( I U ~ S ;
(4,.(b)(md (q) hb&lliifligb,~dse
exceed ondihelf dfhtho.net
amount computed is , ~ c ~ Q I ~ ~ Q c c . w
~ ~ P~;:4 , s~ 4 c: c ~ ~ ~
,* .'
., , < ' ' . i l ?'f 5 *,1 J , , " 1 . .te,.s,;x.;; " -.
"j. (
8 * :

r rj*":{7ij;
bef':$&&i&q'dl)$ $$fan$,2a, %gxi
A p r ~ deemed
n :29. (1) ~ b.thd'fi.if~~o&!'
to be l?ndhoM per son who had, irnwdiatelj "b6foi'i" th; notifiedn'&ite,
"cc*yn any right oi interest in any land in an inam ast* as a
?:.{ . . ! # I :landholder, .shall bed6bhed7*tob6:a landhitld~rbfuch
; p,f>:
e:t-5ibd ,> :
''tinam ostata. , .+ . . " i;:{,, 7:;7 ' l . f . '
ti:tt l ->.
a! T. a > A
*.'$ ,-*j , .">Y
g;" -.ti
L- ,,Ftsf
1 , >
I . V 1 i s e

; . imposed .'oii:,ak~& id:;,

.(2) The ryotwatti~a.sscssm~ri:t;
miscellaneous revenue &'rived fro'm all 8tands'ili.aa "ina-q'
&ate in respect:o$:which,tany lahddhddei &nti~&8jn.
sub-section 0)-is bdtiM& 'to q b ~ a r patta
i :un&k 'any
provision of4.this"Ac~~sha1l 'be ckcluded i1~'deterrninin~'
the basic aiifiuai SUIII.~~
I 1~ ,, : , , . ; . ;,, :-j :,
, .
! , ti.{ '

. ".'". :,
t II

Special provision 30. No twit hshnding anything cotitili~lcdin soctiotls

ibn., rcapsr:?d.25 to 29,- . . I ; , f,\ ? ,
% , . .

fwidso~ fallianwr ,
v ! 8 ' J,i ? d e 5
u nder settlkml.1:) ,'IJ

(i) the r yotwari assesslnctit 'impowd od Talll~iandi:

in nlinam estate in respect of which any i>ersoii inoluding
s.laadholdcr is entitled to u ryotwarj pattar w & r ,&ti0 tl
I l shall be cwluded in detcimining the basic a n n ~ i sum
l ; '
) ( ,

(ii) t11c ~nisccllaneous rcvenllc: cierivcd from all

lands in ;in illam cshtc in respect ,of'which any p m s o ~
is entitled lo a ryotwari path
(otl~crthat1 a lit~tdh~lder)
uudcr xctioo 1 1 shall be included' i u determiaiig ths
basic atir~ualsum.

mtofwmpcn- *'31. The total compendtion payable in.resp6t ofany

sation srsept inam' estate shall, except iti thc &ise govern6dqbysebi& '

h*ekw in accordance wi tlr t;d follo~r.i~~g

go.Ver* 32, ' bc detc~~mitled -
ncd by sectma ,
32. scale :-
(i) WI~L'TC the basic ai~nual burl1 docs not c.\cecd
Rs. 1,000 -30 tirnos such sum.
(ii) where the basic annualA m ekwods Rs. I,U~)Obut
tlocs not exceed Rs. 3,000-25 ti&s such $ u i ~ .
Rs,30,000whichever is &eater.
(iii) where the basik annual:sum eicoe& ' &, j ,: ~
hut does aot exceed Rs. -20,900-20;tiw S U C ~+ - S U ~ ; rOr :
Rs. 75,000 which eve^ ie greater. .. *

Estates (Abolition
Ittartl %%
Conv&usto?tiizto - Ryot~v~l"i)
wlxcrc th basic altilun.1~ U I I ICXCCCCIS
. 'Rs,20,000
s, 50,000--174 tinus such suin ol

" >

xceeds Rs.1,00,0@,
0,000 wl~icltcvcr is4

&is to i
* i cp<luctr t ioncll awd ) clruritabb.
i f ~ sifritior.rs.

p3.rt tl~crcofwas held Payment of

~ t cby any rclighus, and'asdik
n , thc G d vcr n mcnt ,p,satioaadditbalte
the i11stitu:ion cvcry ycnr as a tasdih alio- instjtutiom.

casc of
) in t h ~ ail cl~tircinam otsatc, r11~ basic
, 9
. +,,: ;Q
;' ...q

ail il~atnc~Lii.lc, S U C ~ '

r , .! i,4C

,r; ,
111ay, oil a c~1c;ula- ..
T * ,'?

, , q7:
1-ikcc1t o tlxat p;i.rt.
ce so payable is lcs3

ncomc dwivcti by
il:anz estate 01.part
nncr during the five
ceding the fasli Year
fasli year in which


Iilam Estatcs, Lease-

rsion into Ryotwari)
1976) the arnotrnt oE
t 26 of 1963 fo*rin
ication of the former
be re-determined in.
Act 26 of 1963 as

ham Estates (Abolitiotr and [I963 : T.N. Act 2

Conversion into Ryotwari)

(3) All amounts which accrued due to the instituti

during the period referred to in clause (a) of
(2) shall be taken into account, whether th
were actually collected or not:
Provided that the value in money of anythin
in kind to the institution at any time durin
aforesaid sl~all,where any price has b
Government for the sale of such thing at
area concerned, be calculated at such price.
(4) Payment shall be made to the institution un&r
sub-~ctions(1) and (2) so long as it exists.
(5) Nothing contained in this section shall apply
... .. where any land (not consisting of an entire village or not
b * r . -- ':: : :. being a part village inam estate) granted on service-

:*.,..*a*. tenure to the institutionfalls under sub-clause (c) of

. . ,,
, . . clause (16) 9%section 3 of the Estates Land Act or item
(c) of sub-clause (ii) cf clause (1 7) of section 2 ofthis Act.
Inamestates or 33. (1) Where an inam estate or part thereof was
artthc*f held immediately before the notified date by an individual
dor bow dealt (hereinafter in this section referred to as
with.. holder) on condition of rendering service t
institution, tlie individual shall, subject to t
of sub-section (8), bc bound to render such service afte
the notified date.

(2). T b cornpensation and interim pa

under t h ~Act
s in respect ofpart of an inam
to. 1.n sub-section (1) shall be such portion of the co
sation or interim payment, as the case may be, paya
the inam estate as may, on a calculation in the pse
manner, be ascribed to that part.
(3) The Government shall deposit in the office o f t
Tribunal the compensation and interim payment payab
u.nder this Act in respect of the mid estate or pa
Provided that the Government shal
deduct from the amount to be deposited all
if any, due to them in rep* of the said estate or
(4) On the making of the deposit under su
(31, the Government shall be deemed to ha
tely discharged in respect of all claims to, or 0
a~ainst,the compensation payable under this Aa.

lrzam 8states [~bolitloe.
Cortversion into Ryotwari)

(6) Any sum received by a religious institutioil und~r
mb-section (5) shall bc invested by the institution in sccuri-
"rkr'n tllc prescribed manner, for the sole benefit of the

(7) For so long as the service-holder reilders thc

'-vice, tlle religious iilstitution concerned shall pay the
'service-holder every year- .r

(b) to hold thr land : ~ n dcontinue to render

k. service subject to the provisions contained in sub-sections
(I) to (7)and (1 I).
", "

(ii) The option referred to in clause (i) shall be exer-

,:sed within such period from the notified date and. in
such manner as may be prescribed.

:'; , Imrn Sstisrp:es (Abolit&n o~ru'

11963 .: .:T.N. 4cr z6
ion Into R y o t ~ ~ t i )

if : 410) W l ~ r o t b , servica-holdcr heb ewrcjsccl his

foption .to pay the.atgount specified in sub-scction (9).
$he invwtmerlt made under sub-section (6) and the,irrtet:im
pymnts,if any,received by the institution for the period
ts&&ique~t to the date of exercise of suchnoption, .shall
.btho absolute property oi'the institution and the+dnstitu-
tion shall be at liberty to make such chanangement as it
thinks fit for the performance of the service.

.. (1 1) If the service-holdttr fslils to I cnder tho ser vlcc

the prescribed authority shall, aftm such enquiry and,
notim to the service-holdel as may be prcscribcd in this
behalf, notify such failllrp in such manner as may bc
pasctibcd. He shall then declmc that the investment
ma& under stlb-section (6) and the interim Fayments,
if any, ~ e c eedi ~by the institution for the p2 J iod subsequent
to the date of default by the service-holder and the land
for which the ervice-holder was granted ryotwari patta
in accordance with tho provisions of section 9 shall be
the absoluie property of the institution and the institution
shall bc at ,liberty to makc such nrrxngemcnt as it thinks
fit f i the
~ ~'crforinancoof thc scrvicc.

,: , .. Expllunnlicv~I.--For thc putposcs of this scctiotl

" individual " nleans thc pcrson wllo would ha vc 11cld
the inam esta.tc or palsttl~crcofif it had ilot vested in thc
Covcrnnlcot undos t b i ~Act.
. i ,

the purposes of t1Gs section ,-
' 'txplcinatiun II.-.Fur
.i;. . (i) sex vim-holtlcl includes his lloira ;
(ii) non-performance of tJlc scrvicc due to illness
or ether tclnpolary disability shall not be deemed to be
failure to render service, provided that the ssrvice-hoIder
makes a!ternativc arrangements for rendering the service
during the period of such i~lrlrssor of othcr temporary
disability. i -
Explanation 11A-For the purj ~ o sc of sub-section
(9)'"land rtvenue " meanlns the ryotrvzri a:sessment inclu-
dii$ the additional asscssmcnt. water-cess and additional

Itzcrnl Estates (Ahdillon nitll

Cortvcrsiolr irzto .R_t.tn&rv~rrr")
Deter.ntinutiof~ of' bmic rrluzual sun2 cmd loral

slrnll determine in accordar~cePetasmi-

nation +
nnual sum in respect of an inam s*mand
Irc case governed by section 32, cornpensat
ation payable in respect af stleb

(2) Any lanclholder or other person interested may,

ime as may be prescribed or such furtbr..
as the Director may in his discretion allow, apply
riting to the Director for R copy of the data on the
of which he proposes to determine the basic anwil.

(3) On the receipt of' soclt application, the Director

he data aforesaid to the applicant ;and be
der under sub-sect16n
reasol~ableopportunity of making
gnrd thereto, in writirtg or orally,
(4j A copy of every orcle~.passed under sub-section
(1) sh11 be commw~ic~ted to every inndholde~co merced,
and also to every applicant under sub-section (2). .

(5) (a) The Director may, at any time, either sw

mfzror on the application of any person, review an O.P.$~:X
passed by hi111 ultder sub-section (1) on any one or
of the following grotmds, namely :-
(i) that the said order is vitiated by any clerics1
or arithhtical mistake or error apparent on the hce of
(@*thatsubsequent to the passing of the said
order, data for the better calculation of the basic annual
sum have become available, or
(iii) that the said o ~ d e rrequires to be rnodlficd
in pursuance of the final order of any competent authority

Provided that the Director shall not exercise

hi$ powers under this sub-section in respect of any inam
cptak, without giving e very landholder concerned, and
c%ry applicant uncler this sub-sc ction and sub-section (2),
a reasonable opportunity of being heard.

126; l'nmi;~states(Abolition and [I963 : T.N. Act 26

Conversion into; Ryot wari)

(b) A copy of every order passed under this sub-

section shall be communicated to the Board of Revenue*,
' *'''-Addalso to every landholder concerned, and every applicant
.. <I; r
. iindcr this sub-section and sub-section (2).
& a

, w .,.;
IC .YJ'.', I

t)., <

hi' .:,&.. ' s

..$:I (6) Any person
. , deeming himself aggrieved
by;an order made under sub-section (1) or sub-section (5) *

may, within three months from the date of the order-or

such further time as the Board of Revenue* may in its
d i s ~ t i o nallow, appeal to the Board ; and tfie Board
&all, <aftergiving tbc applicant a reasonable opportunity
0f;being heard, pass such orders on the appeal as it thinks
fSfr':':t .. . . .
...*. ,.' * .

' I
' . . 8 .

(7) The Board of Revenue* may also in its discretion;.

at any time, either suo motu or on tho application of any
person, call for a d examine the record of any order passed,
opprooeeding taken;by the Director under this section,
for tk.purpose of satisfying itself as to the legality, regu-
larityorpropriety of such order or proceeding and pass
$u&order in reference thereto as it thinks fit:

. Provided that rhc basic annual sum or tie toel

nution gur,ewhk. in W ~ R X Yof xay irum tsszr Yw
w~ *ttct\\i tbq W W ~ wiuirtt'~\.ut giving every l a -
wmwrnd rutd o ~ r yperson who has mede an
application l~ndcrsubsection (2) a reasonable opportunity
oftbeing heard.
(8) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-
section '(@,or sub-section (7), the Board of Revenue*
-%on application made to it by the Director or by any.''
other person in t b t behalf, review any order passed by
it under<sub-section (6) or sub-section (7)
- -
if7it is of the
*l)j virtue of section 10 (1) of the TamilNadu Board of Revenye .
Abolition Act, 1980 (Tamil N a d ~Act 36 of 1980), any refel enc$ to
tho of Revenue shall h dwmrrl to be a relrrmce to the State

Inam Estates (Abolition and

Conversion into Ryotwari)

Manner of payment.

Deposit and upp~rtio~?ment

of compensation.

$88 Inam Esiates (Abolition (1ncZ

@~tversiotz into Ayotwarl)

- (b)tkwhL31&oranvoorliono
- &lIg'ctbr,s referred to in the prrjvi
of section 45 wllich cinnot be ntijust
the $aid E ub-section ,; and
, .- .-
-- Q all intqtii p
section (5) of seotion 45 in excess
fmnd to be-payable.under that section :
Provided further that where the total amaunt o
the compensation payable in resp
stands altered after 'the deposit
;hready beea .made, the Government m a y deposit
differen,%or withdr'ip the same from the deposit+alr
made *orbt,herwise'a$just the same in such ,manner
at such time 0-r time$, as may be prescribed, and-the
- visions ofsections.37to 44 and of sections 46 and 47 s
apply to the timciiiiit firi~llyunder tlepsit, and to
- ' '
'Xrib~~islor 1 1 1 ~ Speci
extent tllc
. hs ti&+CilSC r?\ay h,silall be n1pc

:,.,.:,. , ifany, : ~ t ~ : u piwed.-


' ..
.. <I' I. . J
(2) On the making
' I

.""' "'sbjll be deemed to have been cc

resp~b~ of 311 cldilns to, or ~nforc
ptnsnt ion aforesitid. ' ,*' . 0

cl&ts ~ O - . ~ ~ ;:T J.37,

~ (1) Evzry pgrson
qainst, the oompe

sin nco~ws;ub ~~U$pr~uisions of this Act or any p
i" %e' piinoipal or any other land
.I.LAC."<L. a'&ily
", " i
claiming any portion of su

by way of a share or by way of

and medit0.r~;whether thsir d
shall apply to the Tribunal wi
dqte .op wbieh the amsunt wa
fuither time 'not exceeding thr
mq,. in its discretiop, qlow. . 8 , d ' b -

I,.,+ @)
Every chin to;
pqpwtiwi of arly sti ion
pibun$, within &hq.time ;I
." . - .-- -
$.$%?" * I 3 -
: t i .(i;i'n itlrclu xi far
m i l i t i ~ lpr der - sectioir %S ;or

- - .

. . - .

Inrr m Estates (Abolition and

Go/zversio/zinto Byotwnri)
(ti) subject to ;he provisiolls GI' .EC C ~ ; O I . 51, I in SO far as
i t relales lo tile : ~ l i l b : ~ [i l~l ist'Lpcct oi' WIIICII an ordcr for
pzy~r,enthas been mild; by tile IYibiuu i c:r ihc Siwcial
Appellale Tribun2:l 111 ~ i i v u u rof ally p~I.hori,
e a s e to L'V*
38. The Tribuila 1shall, after giving not ice IC all persore Duty of
who have a pplieci under section 37 alld to any oth,i - v?hornTr'bunal-
it considers to be interested, makc iilquiryil~tothe validity
cf the c1aimsreceivr.d by it, 2nd de:ermine th,- perscns who,
in its opinion, are entitled to th 2 con~pensationdeposiied
-and tbe czino~~ntto which each 0:' r11,;mis entitled.
39. (1) As a preliminary to s ~ c f determination,
? the Tri- Cornpen-
bunzl shall apportion the comp:ni:ntion among the p ~ i n d sation - to
pal 1andhold:r n l ~ dzt1y other prsons wvhosc rigt~rsor tioned by be appor
interests in the inam esta tes stand tri:nsferred to the Govern- Tribunal.
rnent under clause (b)of section 3, J r cease and*d :ter*nljne
under clause (c) of section 3, iliclt:di~~g persons w l ~ o:]lee
sentitledto be mai~ltni~~ed l inail1 estate and its
f i . n ~ ~ihc I

.income, as far as possible, in ::cco~-dance with the value

of their respective interests in t l ~ cjrlaln estate,
(2) The value of those interests shall be ascert:.inrd--
. (a) in the case of the impartible inam estates referr2d
to in section 40, in accordance with the provisions coi~taincd
in that section aild in scch rules,not il~consistentwith that
-section,as may be made by the Government in this behalf;

(b) in the case o f other inam estates, in accordance

with such rules as f i i ~ ybe n1i~i.kby the Governme~lt in

i n : ~ ~edcte
n nrl1ic.hh;td
a jciilt H i i ~ d if::lnilythe
he S L ' C C C S S ~ O ~thy-eto certain
he f~ 110 wing provisions @partible

a 11 deiel~~?irle
the sggreg2.t~com-
he following persons, considered

d holder and his legitimate sons,

sons in the ride line living orrifi
cding sons, grandsons
e SL!~h date (who are
J ~ I L ?E
I ~SZ~ C ~(Abolition
~ C J S ccracl 11963 : T.N. Act 26
Colzversion into Ryot~~ciri)
(b) other persons who, immediately befow the notified
date were eiltitlcd to n~a~r~tenance o l ~ tof the estate and
its iilcoille either under section 9 or 32 of the l[Tamil Nadu],
Impartible Esta-tesAct, 1904(l[T3rnil Nadu] Act 11of 1904),
or under ally decree or order of a Court, award, or other
instiurnexit iin writing or contract ~r family arrangement
which is binding on the principal landlmlder (who are
hereinafter called '< maintenance-holders") :
Provided t h a t no su& mail~:enance-holder shall b:
entitled to ally portion of the aggregate compensation
aforesaid, if, b.:fore the notified dctre, bis claim for main-
tenance or the claiin of his branch ol' !he Fdmily for main-
tenance, has beer] seltled or discltal-ged in full.
(3) Tl~eTribunal sl~al 1 next dctt.1-minc whi c l ~cred itorti,.
if ally, art. !a~vi'~illyentlrled 10 havc ihcir &Zits paid from
a a ~ t i out oj' tlsc; csscts of fI-tr: in~partihlcir~arnestate a i ~ d
the anlou~ntto which c21GI-, 05' I l ~ c n is l SO entitled ;and only
the rern:riucir;~-of1 the ;?gsrcgatc courpcasa$i~nshall be
C J ~ -V ~ Si jlIr ;trliJr-)ltg tut"
.b 7
?iIlilr cr-s ::lrC. ~llairltcl-rallcc-holdersas
(4) T l ~ cpcrtion of the xggrcgoie compensation afore-,
wid pay tble to thc maii~tcnance-i70i~lsxs sha 11 be deter-
mined by the Tribunal and notwithstanding any arrange-
meat a 1re:ad.yinnde in respect of maintenance whether by
a decree or order of a Court, award or other il~strumentin
writing 01. ccintrrlct or family al-r:lngr=mc.izt, such portion
shall not excecd one-fifth of the ~ r n a i n d e rreferred to
im sub -se~ticr,13), excepi in the case referred to in the sccond
proviso to snb-section (2) oT secrion 42.
( 5 ) (u) The Tribunal shall, in determining the amount
of compex~sntionpayable to the maintenancs holders and
appcrfi~ningthe sanle among them, have regard, as far as
possible, to the Sc)llowing collsiderai ions, namely :-
(i) the coinpcnsatioml psyoble in respect of the
inam estate ;
(ii) tne nunlber of persons to be maintained out of
tl~afestate ;
(iii) the nearness of rela tioilship of the person claim-
ing to be maintaintd ;
T i m e words were substituted for the word " Madras " by the
'4-amil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by tnc
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order, 1969.

- .
' .

Inan2 Estates (Abolition and 1

Conversion into /?yo twari)
fiv) the other sources of illcome ofthe clainlani ; alld
(Y) ~Jw~ i r c ~ ~ m s t aof
~ ~the
c e sf'anily
.- of the claiment. '

For the purpose of se :oring--

tuinent in writing, or contract or family arrange-

odnt should be paid.


132. Inam Estates (Abolition and [I963 : T.N. Act 26

Conversion into Xyotr~?ur1l')

Provided that the total extent of tbe lands granted to a1

such maintenance-llolders shall not exceed one-fifth of the
extent o f the lands in respect of which ryotwari ~ a t t amay
be granted under section 9 :

Provided. further that where ii is found to be ir~con-

ve~:icnt or imprac~.icableto rant cny such lands, cyr to
grant any suck lands to the ful extel3t tr which the insinte-
nance-holdcl- may be rcgsrded as entitled, whether on the
ground that such 21 gr21.t will res~zltin the creation of an
un-conomic l~oldi,~g or for any other reason, the shsre of
the compensation awardedto the maintenance-holder may
be incre~srd by such amount as t.l~eTrihltila 1 may consider
reasonable .
(3) The lands in respect of which ryotwari patta may
be granted under s~ction9, after excluding any lands which
may be granted to maintenance-holders -under sub-section ,

(2). shall be divided among the shorers, as if they owned

such lands, as a joint Hindu family and a partition thereof
had been effected among thkm on tbe notified date.

Cedtain 43. Where the power of the land-holder to alienate any

estates to property in an inam estate is restricted wbetber by the
terms of the grant or otherwise, the provisions of this Act
relating to the pa yment and apportionment of cornpen-
srtion in respect of impartible inam estates shall, so far
. a s maybeand subject tosuchr~lesasmaybemadeby the.

Government -in this behalf, apply to the payment and

apportionment of the compnsation pyable in respect of
the inam estate.

~ e v o ltuidn
of interest
in compen-
44. Wliere it is alleged that le interest of any 13-~ r s o n
entitled to receive payment of l y portion of the compen-
sation has devolved on any other person or persons,
whether by act oi' parties or by operation of law, the Tri-
bunal shall determine whether there ha:; been ally cieirolu-
the interest, and if so, on whom i ~has
. devolwd.
. ,

: T.X. Act 261 Estute~(Abolitic

Conversiolz into Ryoi


Tllc pro visions of this section shall apply in eve1.y Icterirn

overlled by section 32. payments t
principal Is
holder and
d until the compensation others.
ited in pursuance of this
made by the Goverlzirnent
sli year in which the said
pal laildholder and to the
ub-section (I) of section 39 as

year in which the inam estate

be eiltii led to su ch amount as
rough calculation, determine
rred to in section 24 :
if any, co1lect:d before the
by the landll~lderfrom the ryots in respzct of
afo~esaid=[and in the a s e of an exisling i11a1n
ect of tvl~icbtho rate of lent has bee11 deter-
k o r e the imtified date uilder the 2[Tailzil Naduj
nd (Reductioit of Rent) Act, 1947 (2[Tatnil Nadu]
of 194'7), also any ainoui~;collected by him from
cess of the l-e~ttso determined],a~zdoutstand-
dit of the ryots on t t e first day of tllat fasli

-- -
stituted for the expression "and in the
o any amount collected by hi111
e rcnt determined under the Madras
nt) Act, 1947 (Madras Act XXX r r f
1 Nadu Inam Estates (Abolitiolx
mz~dmentAct, 1966 (Tamil Naciu
ed to have come into f ~ r c eon tk2

for the word " Madras " by tht:

rder, 1969, as amenaed by rhe Tarni i
Amendment) Order, 19"5:.


lnam Estates (Abolition and [I963 : T.N. Act 26

; >,+., Cnversion into Ryo twari)

3[Epplmration.-In the case of an existing icam estate

in respect of which the rate of rent has been detemmed
before the notrfied date under the 2[Tamil ~ a d u Estates
Land (Reduction of Rent) Act, 1947 (Z[Tamil Nadu] Act
XXX of 1947), any amount collectecl by the Government
on behalf of the landholder as rent from the vats in
excess of the rent so determined a ~ dpaid to the land-
holder shall, for the purposes of' this sub-section, be
deemed to be an amount collected by the landholder.]

(4) In re spect of each auhseouent fasli year, they shall

together be entitled to the amount ettimated under sub-
section (3) to be the basic annual sum, unless data for the
better calcul ation thereof have since become available, in
which case the amount to be paid shall be revised by the
Government with reference to such data :

Provided that if, for any reason, the whole or any

portion of the rents and excess collections referred to in
the proviso to sub-section (3) was not deductcd in
pursuance of that proviso, the amount remaining unde-
ducted sl-la11be deducted from the amount payable under
t h i s sub-section.
( 5 ) The Government shall deposit all such h o u ~ l t ~
in the odice of the Tribunal and the Tribunal sw,after
such inquiry, ii any, as it thinks fit, apportion the a&ounts
among the principal landholder and the other pffsons
referred to in sub-section (2), as far as possible in a0cofdanoe
with the value of their respective interests.

1 ;.'+ explanation was substituted for the following explanation

by section 5 (ii) of the Tamil Nadu Inam Estates (Abolitiod and
Conversion into Ryotwari) Amendment Act, 1966 (Tamil Nadu Act
27 of 1966), which was deemed to have come into force on,'the 1st
January 1964 :- 9

. .
CcExpluaation.-Any amount collected by the Governmeat on

behalf of the landholder as rent from the ryots in excess of tbe!rent
determined undtr the Madras Estates Land (Reduction of &nt)
Act, 1947 (Madrds Act XXX of 1947) and paid to the b&older
shall, for the purposes of this sur~section, be deemed to be an
amount collected by the landholder,"
' --LTS a m sribaitmd for the ~ - w d 'Yf&&mm tk
T@ Salu Adap~rinnuf b w s Orda, 1969, as tyy t&c
mil Nadu ndaytation of Laws (Second Amendment) Or&ar, W .

Estates (Aholitiolz Q I Z ~
Conversion into Ryotjvnrl)

(6) On the making of such a deposit, the Government

be deemed to have been completely discfial.geci
or enforceable against, the

nsation has beet1 finally

hall ascertain the aggregate
ve been due in respect
er sub-sections (3) and (4) for the
f the basic annual sum as finally
a d ha$ been adopted instead of the basic allnuai
roughly estimated.

erim payment tlms deter-

egate amounts already dep>sited
balance with interest tflsrcOn
11all be deposited by the
f the Tribunal.

.ic) If the aggrcgatc interim payincllt deterlxGned

under clause (a) is less than the aggregate anloant nlrc:tdy
&posited under sub-section (9,the excess amount drpo -
sited shall bz deducted by the Government from the
mount *of compensatioil finally determined anr! tile
alance shall be deposited in the office of the Tribuaz,+.i.

(8) No interim payment made under this section

be dceil~edto constitute any part of the compcn-
sarion which the Government are liable to deposit under
sub-section (1) of section 36 or to any extent to be in
lieu of such compensation.
the rlpyortici~tn~nt
ence to the aggregate
ed by tlzc Govt.~-nr~~t_lnt
s that eaclt of the ptl-sot~s
ion of the interim paylnzr~ts
o the same slzzire of the said
e share of tllc cor~~pes~s:i-
to be entitled uilder si_.ction
d by such revision shall
1, with interest tllerec.11 a t
e compcnsntion pay:\
lj: ins:-* Estntes (Abolition and 11963 : T.N Acl 26
Conversiort i l z to Ryot wari)

Appeals. 46. (1) Agaillst ally decision of the Tribunal under sub.
srctioi~(2)of section 12, and sections 38 to 45, the Govern-
ment may within six months from the date of the decision
and any person agsrieved by such decision may wiihit~
three 111ontks fvoxn the date of suclz decision appeal to a
Specia 1 Appellate Tribunal consisting of two Judges of
the High Court nominated from time 10 timc by the Cliief
Justice in illat behalf : ,

Provided that the Special Appellate Tribunal, may,

in its discretion, aIIow further time not exceeding thre'
months for t11e filing appeal. , t *

(2) The inembers of the +Special~ p ~ e l l a t e & i b u n a l

shall hear the appeal on all points, whether of law or of
fact. Where on' any.suqh p i n t or points the nlembers
are divided in their opinion, they shall state the point
or points on which t h y are so divided and such point
or points together with their opinioi~sthereon, shall then
be laid before one or inore Judge&;nominated for' the
purpos; by the Chief Justice and such Jtldge or Judges,
shall l,;.;r ihc appeal in so far as it relates to such p o i q ~
or points, an6 on. each such point, the decision of the
u~ajoriry of t h Jbdzes
~ who have heard the appeal includba
tl~osewho firs; ileard' jt shal $e Gegrned
of the Special Appellate Tri ,hnar,
I . a
, k
to bz the decision.
< , G

(3) .I[ ~ 1 1 eSpcciai ~ ~ p e l l a tfcr i b u i 1~ shall,

~ subject'
to the pro~isionsof section 7 2 - 4 have the s a m powers
3s :tr;. \-?jrt.d In .! Civil Cour"~r:nder;he C ~ d eof Civil
P r o ~ c d t i ~ c1908
, (Ccnrral Act V o f 1!108), when trying
a suil or when hcarjng an appeal.

(4)Tile decision cf the Epccial Appzllate Tribuaat

and subject to silci~dxsion, rhe dec!rii.?l of :5r T r i b s ~ ~ ~ j
>::L: i k *-*.*:

a This espressio. 1 was substituted ;for t 110 expression

Special Appellate 'TriSunril shall" by section 2 (2) of the Tamil
Wadu Imim EstT-ies and h l inor Inems (Abol j tion and Co;tversion
bi~toRjotwnri) Amencmkn: Act, 1975 pran:il Nadu .Act 22 of 1975).

I n m Estates (Abolitio~
Conversiorz into Xy

ti01l ,,T.:
clits a~l~cbng the the juir3cls
si s d i ~ ' . i of
~ i ~tile ction of t
Tri bum!
ppella te Tsib~:nal sEta.11 be and
t l ~ tas such and neither the Special
ypellate Tribcllal shall have Apy -1iato
question of the correctness Tribunal
in certain
mination or t l ~ cadequacy of the compensction cascs,
interim paynlents, as the case may bc.

~i11dersection 42, the jurisdiction

crtses of appeal from tile ol-d.cr
i soictiol~of' i l ~ eSpccial App~ll;kt
to the divi(;ion of tlle lailds 111
-i patta may b,o granted under
ribii 11 a1 110s the Spccial AppclJnle
i ~ t h i to
l go into the qiiestjon
1-dc1-L I I I C ~ ~sectiol~
T 12.

~ - e n ~ ~of v ndoubts,
l it is l~ercby
is sect io11 shall bc c:-,n st rucd
I lle T1.i b ~ ~ nwhen
a l Izcaring 211
) of section 12 or of thc Sp-clal
tearing an appeal unxtec sub-
m elle dccisiolz of tfic Tribunal
tioil (2) oi' scctio~l12.

3ayments llrade out of the conlpcllsation den

ihr: ills -Ti.ibulla,lunder s t a i o n 36 5haII
by it j ,Iacc9r.d;illi;c wil!l its :,rdcrs and dcci>ioii5
ific;,rions, if ally, made O n ~L[)IX;X~~i ndii"
138 ~II(ZLH KY/(/[ P , : ~ (A/~olition[ / / I ( / 11963 : T.N. Act
('wt I.(,/ \ I ~ ) I / /( j ~ ) / j p / t t / )

sections (1) and (2) of that section hxve been finally de

mined, the Government shall pap to the institution-

under sub-sections (I) and (2) of section 32:

that fasli year shall be deducted ;

in which case the sums to be paid shall be revised by t

Governr~er~t with reference to such data :

excess collection referred to



Inam Estates (Abolition and

Coizversion irzto Ryotlvnri)

to the institution under

ion 32 have been finally
nts made t o thz instiattion
this section together with
y itbefole the notified dzte
xisting'inarn estate in respect of
h e n determined before the
2[Tr?niil 'Na.dv.1 Estates Lrttzd
1947 ("Tamil 'Nadv.1 Act XXX
ollccted by it from tlie ryots i n
ermined] 2.11d obtstanding to the
rst day of the fasli year in which
shall be adjv.sted tcwa.rds the
y deficiency shall be n l a u ~
Government and any excess
sv.rns payable to it by the
ent fzsli year or years.

(3) The dednctioas made i~nders11.b-sectioa (1) shall

ot exceed 25 per cent cf the amov.nt determined to be
payzble to the institution for the Fasli year concerned 2nd
any balance in excess thereof which remains maclj~:sted
nder sub-sedion (2) sl-rall be dedtlcted in annual instal-
-merits frcm the aggregate aim payable to the institutiun
) k3-ncl (2) of section 32 as finally
s I-fix exceeding 25 per c=erltof tlze
Cadi year concerned.

---- --
c-ted Tor tke exp~ecsior " and in
iim e\r att: c513W any an:ount collected
cc-cs or he rent determiced und-er t h e
d ~ ~ c t i oofn Rent) Ait, ?947 (Madras
ction 6 (i) of t h e Tanlil Nadu Inam
I\ crsion into Ryotwari) Ametldment
, 1966 (Tamil Naau Act 119 of 1966), which was deemed to
e come into force 017 the 1s t January l9CA.

i;C)r t5e word " Madras . - " h!l tfle

zyie: 1w..Z r 2?~540ir", *"' t!??
-<2--2 e.rs",*-%- -
e H

fizanz Estates (Abolition and

Conversiorz iizto Ryotwari)

for claims
. 2ersons
entitled to

Appe J Int e Tr i bui~al on the appeal.


Inutn Estates (-4i?t)!ttiotzC L ~ Z L

Colzvcr siolz ijr to R~'otii'lli+i

AII amo~!ntsdeposited in the office of tlie Tribd- Ullcla

sub. section ( I ) of section 36, sub-sect' m ( 5 ) nmnL
section 45. c.r hub-scclioll (2) of sectiu:i
.- -1 indi-;

2nd ,IcLiil

tillpeid altd wirh ~.cferinct.kowhich no cl.:iin hu,

within the iiine specifieci in s~~b-secticlj- (j 1 o f
ur iil mb-section (4) of scc~ion57, as zlie case
r no application Tor payment has bcsn niiid~
d in section 50 ; and

osited as aforesaid and ~ C I I I Fi ni~~g

after the expiry of 2 pericd of six months 5om thc
the disposi~lof the application under stc~ion50 ;

f the inan1 estate GI-, as the

be, in the name of the person o r pt313011S
favour an ortks !'or payment has hccti made
ribunal or the Special Appellate Tribu~u:l.

1in the District

v~rmnentin this behalf.

rt shall, after giving notice to all

ed under sub-section (3) and t o
rs whom it cullsiders to be interested, ~nalceen-
ntorithe validity of the claims received by it and

h each of t11ern is e~ztitlec~.

nt made by the Tribunal or


Estates (Abolition and r196.3 : T.N.Act 26,

?rsio?z into Ryotwari)

Amounts 52. Any sum representing the whole or

which may of the rents and excess collectioils referred to in
be deducted
under of the first proviso to sab-section (1) of
section 36, which cannot be adjusted by deductioll under the said
recoverable a a clause shall be recoverable as if it were an arrear of land '
arrear of revemre.

Wrong and 53. Where any payment made to any person is subse-
excess pay- quently found to be not due to him or t~ be in excess of
ment to be d be not
the amounts dua to him, the antount whicilis f o ~ n to
as Prrear of due or which is in excess, as the case may be, with
land revenue. il~ierest hereon at three percent per annu
portiol~thereof, which cannot be otherwise
deduction frnm any amounts due to such person, shall be
recoverable as if it were an arrear of land revenue.

Recovery of . 54. If ally amount has been paid to any person under this.
amount paid Act in pursuance of a notification issued under sub-section *
on cancellat ion (4) of secticn 1 and if such notification is subsequently
of notifications +

issued under quashed by order of Court, or cancelled by the Govern-'

section 1 (4). ment, the amount .so paid, with interest thereon at three
per cent per annum, shall be recoverable as if it were am
arrear of lanG revenue.

Recovery of 55. (1) tf, in an inam estate notified under this Act,
couectiom darmila in~m-dar has collected any amount by>way of rent
made by a or miscellaneous revenue in respect of the portion of thq
darmila inam estate comprisinghis darmila inam for the fasli year;
in which the inam estate is notified and for any subse-
quent fasli years, then, such amount, together with interest
thereon at three p:r cent per annum, shall be recoverabb4
as if it were an arrear of land revenue.

(2) If, in respect of the said f2sli years, any person is-
liable to pay land revenue or miscellaneous revenue under
thi s Act to the Government, the amounts paid by him to the
d armila inamdar shall bi a usted towards such liability.
Exp&natioit.--Any amount collected by the Gow
on behalf oft he darmila inamdar in respect of the
of the incm estate comprising his d;umila ina
rent or misdaneous revenue and paid to hjm
deemed to Iw an amount collected ~,JThim

Ir;ta~lzEstates (Aholi~iolland
Co~zvcrsiortirtto I?.vof~~uri)


est payable 11xreon"cgether

en decl-eed , 2s if they were
re sl~allbe paid to the
after deducting (a) ten
lection charges, (b) the

imrn :stat.: is notified uizdzr this Act and any

nd crltstanding lo the

l n ~ i Estates
~t (Abolition [ I I Z L ~ 11963 : T N Act
Corzvcrsio~zinto Ryotwari)

Y * * * * * * I*
~ : u p l ~ ~ ~2 ~[ ~t i. o- A
n ~ ~amain?
y colleclcc; by the Gover
m,-nr on bchlll' of' rlzl: l21~dl?~ldi.i 3s I ent from the ryots
excess of the rent d ,ttesmined [brfcrc the notifid delej und
the [T~mi!Ni.dr 1 Estates Land 0Xcdi1c ~ i c ncf Rent) A
1947 (4[T?.n~ilNxd1.3 Act XXX c. 1947) mnd I c i tci t
dee-pc.c\ to - i cin l i i . :'err.
anlo~.ntc c l i c ~ ! t cb ~ ~ ~Jr.nc:l
2[Erpk!n~~tio,? II.- For the removal of d e b btc, it '
iyrf:by itccl:!rccl ~ h r nothing
t in this b-secfic 11 stball
6:; ieviving 3 n j claim fcr arrcprs of rent for fa
year 1356 ?nd prior fasli years, if sr.ch claim is l-arrcd

iimiratjcn t-ndrr any li:w f'cir tke time k i n g in fc~2c2.1

------ ,. .-.- -------- -..- -
provisos were omitted by section 7 (i) (c) of the
1 he fc)Jlo~,vin~
Tamil Nadu Inam Estates (Abolition and Conversion into Ryotwarj)
Alnendrnent &ct,1966 (Tamil Nadu Act 27 of 1966), which was deemed
to have come into force on the 1st January 1964 :-
" P r o ~ i dI ~th7t
: any such rent, which accrued due in respect of
the fasli year 1356 and earlier fi:slis, shall be reduced on t he basis that
1 1 1 ~Inndholdcr is entitled in respcct of e:lc.l~ I' thosc fitslis only to the

relit as determined under the Madras Est:~ tcs Land (Rc duction of
Rent) Act, 1947 (Madras Act XXX of 1947) :
Provided further that where the ryot-
(a) has paid before the notified date or pays withir, two years
of that date, or
(b) where the rate of rent for 1he land has not been fixedund
the Madras Estates Land (Reduction of Rent) Act, 1947 (Madras
xXX of 19171 before the notified date, pays within two years of
date on which such rates of rent are fixed under that Act,
1 he rent due for the fasli sears 1356 and I357 and any interest payabl
.reon together hsith any costs which may have beendecreed, then, ,
arrears of rent due from such ~ y o tin respect of all prior faai yea
including interest and costs, if any, shall be deemed to have
completely discharged ."
' The explanation to sub-section (2) of section 56 was nutnbered a
explanation T of that sub-section and this explanation was adde
section 7 (1) (cl) of th, Tamil Nadu 1:lam Estates (Abolition and
version into 'iyotwari) Amendment Act, 1966 (Tamil Nadu Act
1966), which was deeme.! to have colne into force 011 the 1st Januar
These words were inserted by section 7 (i) (4((1) of r he Tan?il ad^
Inam Estates (Abolitiol~anti Conversion into Ryotwari) Ametldnle
Act, 1966 (Tamil Nadu Act 27 cf 1966), which was deemed to ha
come into force on the 1st January 1963.
4 These words were substituted for the word " Madrasv by t
Tanlil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as ameadrd by
T x ~ i N.tdu
l :,daptvioo of Laws (Second 4wc4odtoent)orjer, 1

- -- -- ...

ItUim C i t u l e ~(Abolition and

Conversion into Ryofwari

(2) All a~noun"swhich the manager is entitled to

ct under sub section ( I ) shall be a first charge upon
nd in respect of which,wch amou~ltsare payable.

(ii) In any suit or. proceeding for the recoveiy of any

rears of rent due to a landholder from a ryot for any fasli

nd 1372, disiniss the suit or proceeding.

M, the Tamil Nadu Govetnment Gazette.


146 Inam Estczt~s(Abolition and [I963 : F.N. Act 26

Conversion into Ryotwari)

Provided that nothing contained in this sub-sectio

shall apply to ally suit or proceeding in which the decree
or order has been satisfied in full before the notified date.

Explanarion.--For the removal of doubts, it is hereb

declared that nathing in this sub-section shr.11 be constru
. as revi'ving any clhim for arrears of rent if such claim
barred by limitation under any law for the time b

(3) (i) Notwithstanding anything contained

Act, in the case of a new inam estate, all arrears of
payable by r. ryot to a la~ldhoderin respect of any 1
; in such estate and outst'aqding on the date of publicatio
of this Act in the *Fort St. George Gazette shall, to t
to which such arrears are in excess of the rent due tor th
' fasli years in respect of that land, be deemed to
discharged whether or not a decree has been obtain
therefor, if the ryot 'pays to the landholder the arrears o
rent due for a period of any three fasli years.
(ii) fn any suit or proceeding for the recovery
arrears of rent referred to inclause (i), the court or au
concerned shall, upon deposit in the court or before t
authority, or upon proof by the ryot of the payment,
arrears of such rent for three fasli years, dismiss the su
or proceeding.

(iii) Tf before the date of publi~ationof this Act

the *Fort St. George Gazette any decree or order has be
passed in any suit or proceeding for the recov
arrears of rent due from a ryot, which i:i inconsistent
provisions of this sub-section, the court or authority co
cerned shall, upon deposit in the court or befare the autho
rity or upon proof of tk: ;:y.,+ r x t , cf the arrears of rent
due fro111the ryot for three fasfi years and on t
tion of any person affected by suchdecree or order
or not he was ;a party thereto, vacate the decree

Provided that nothing coqained in this s

shall apply :o any suit or proceeding in which thc de
or ord, r has bcen satisfied in full, before the date of pj
lication of this Act in the Fort St. George Gazette.'
--_l. ..
^--.- --C -3.

*.it 0.. e Eznlil Nod!! Gover~imentGazcZte.

- .

hzmn Estates (~botitionarid

Conversion into Ryotwari)

t therewith contained
(Reduction of Rent)

.-For the removal of doubts, it is hereby

t, of arrears of rent

r th reinoval of doubts, it is
d that nothing jn this sub-section shall be
s reviving any claim for arrears of rent, if such
red by limitation under any Iaw for the time

Where any doubt or dispute arises as to who Appo ionrnent

I landholder enrirled to receive the payments of an~ounts
collected Under
here there is more section 56.
of each claimant
rred to the Tribunal and inti-
the fact given to the claimants and so far as
on is avai1r:blc wit 11 .the manager appoi~~tccl under
, to the la~ldholderor landholders.
of tlie Tribunal, he amount
ection 56 shall be deposited
nd no interest sha!l accrue

deposit shall be published

*Fort St.George Gazette and intimation thereof shall
given to the claimants and to the landholder or
ders referred to in sub-section(1).
- -
words were substhuted for the word " Madras" by tile
amended by the
mendmentl Order,

Explanatioil to sub-section (3) of section 56 was numbered as

ion I of that sub-section aiid this Explanation was added by

1 ", {
6 .
fnam zTstntes (Abolition and 11963 : T.N. Act 2
Conversion into Ryotwnri)

in the "Fort St. George G'nzette or within such furth

period not exceeding three months as the Tribunal ma
i i ~its discretion, allow.
(5) Every claim to, or enforceable against, the amoun
so deposited or any portion thereof which is not made t
the Tribunal within the time aforesaid shall,-
(i) in so far as it relates to the amount paid by th
Tribunal ; or
(ii) subject to the provisions of sectiou 51, in so
far as it relates to the amountin respect of which an ord
for payment has been made by the Tribunal or the Speci
Appellate Tribunal in favour of m y person,
cease to b+= enforceable.

persgns who i l l its opinion are entitled to the amount

deposited and the share of each person in respect of I

*Now the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette,


Conversion inro Ayo ? w ~ ~ n l

) No court shall, before the date on which the earliest stay of exe-
suance of this Act is made in the oace or CutlOn pro-
order or continue execution in respect of any ceedmks
r passed against the $rinCipal or any other h,bi,ition of
inam esiate against his interest in the inam certain
t hi^ other immovable property or against transfers-
y arrest and detention; and with effect ou
m such date, execution in the cases aforesaid may
or continued as specified in, and in accordance
I the provisions of section 60.
tiT) All proceedings for the execution of any decree or
by the arrest and detention in prison of tne ~rincipal
other land-holder of an inaln estate pending on the
d date, shall stand dismissed and if on such +arc tile
pal or any other landholder is detainrd in prison
wtion of any such decree or order, he shall 5e released
&[f) Notwithstanding anything contained in ally other
folh the time being in force, no principal or other land.-
fore the date ou which thc oarliest deposi~as aS0l.c-
is made, sell, mortgage, lease, or otherwise assign or
te any of his immovable property and any transaction
nature hereby prohibited shall be void and inopera-
[&adshall not confer or take away any right whGever
k from any party to the transaction.

' (I) No claim or liability enforceable immsdatelj

the notified date against the principal or atly other
3Ider of an inam estate or agiunst any othcr -persoll "pard Lo
rights stand trausferred to the Govemii~cut ifi Lliitred lia-uf
vlce of clause (b) of sectioil 3 shall, on or afier that j a o ~ h o ~ ~ r r . 2
& enforceable against the interests he had in tlw inam etcrc.
and all such claims and liabiiitjes shall, after the

$n which the earliest deposit in pursuance of this Act

&e in the office of the Tribunal, bc enforceabic-
(u) against the interim payments or me colupeasa-
',ar other sums paid or payable to him under this
the same extent to which such cliiims and liabilities
&*enforceableagainst his illtercst in the illam esiaie
iiatelv before the notified ciatc ; and

(I?) against his other prosrly, if ituy, LO ille same

- - which
to ..-- - - such
- --
- claims and liabilities were e~afbrcexhlc
-- - ------.--"-
it such property immediately before the notihed date.
f n a ~Estates (Abolition afid
Conversion into Ryotwari)

or continue exe

wntinued in such cases in con

per cent per onaam siinple

nen:i'ng on the notifred datc
mfaich the earliest deposit in
in tile office of the Tribunal.
Liability of 61. When, under this Act, all). p i s o n is dispossess
POD of any land, any crop or other produce raised on the lan
umuthorised'y a& any building: or other constr11.ction erected or
land to thing deposited therebib0:i4:1, 1; not rcx:~oved by him
forfeiture of such written notice as the officer who issued the o
crops, etc. for dispo~sessionmay deem reasonable, be Iiable to
feiture. l'orfeitures under this section shall be adju
by the said officer and any property so forfeited sha
disposed of in s ~ c hmanner as that officer may direct.

for inam
estate staff. to the persons emplo
estate immediately b
I (1) The Government shall have power to terminat
the services of any such prson after giving hiin one caleilda
month's notice or paying hiln one month's pay in lieu 0
su& notice.
(2) first-fins whose services arc retdned shall
goverl~edby such rules as the Government may mahe i
regird to them.
Maintenance 63. Every educational
by Govern- which was being rnaintai
ment of
i~r:&cxs aL .- --.- c>;af ~ 2 ~ 3
. fit.
b v land-holder dais, 52 maintvned

. "-


[<emoval of
doubts in
regard to
inam estates
in Chinglepu
.s in which st.cll i11ainestates are sitt!:-~-tedhave district.

q p l y to every such cstzte accordi~~gly.

(1) Subject t o the provisions of sub-section (31, "~.esurnption
that a land
inany proceeding under this Act it becomc s Ilecessary ia an inam
tcrmine whether any l~.ndis a ryoti land or a, priva; es ate is
it shall be pl-esumd, until the contrary is proved ryoti land.
such land is a ryati land.

ci5nt for the: purpose of proving that t11: land

ed w ~ privak
s land st the cornmsnc~"n2cni c:f the

Nothing c~iitained in this section shall apply

commuilal land, poramboke and, pasture land
Decision of
152 lnam Estates (Abolition and [I98 : T.N. Act 26
Conversiolz into Ryotwari)

Rigf ts of 67. Where a person-

ownel' or
occupier nc t (a) is entitled to the ownersh'p or to the possession
to be affected
by ten por~ry or occupation of any land or building immediately b e f ~ r
discorhnuan.:e the notified date but has transferred his right to the poss
of po:~e%ion siou and occupation thereof or has been temporar
b; occ~pa:io
dispossessed or deprived of his right to the accupatio
thereof ; and
(6) has not on \hat datc: lost his right to rccov-r th
possessio~or ~ccupationof such lan i i,r building;
he shJl, fc r the purpdTcrlof this Act a.!d silijcct t;, the
provisions th:reoF, bv d ~ i ~ lto i ~bcd thi: o w n ~ r ,or to be
111 possession or occup. tion, of such 1:tnd or bxilding :

Provided that any lawful transferee of the right to the

possession or occupation of such land or building shall,
save as otherwise expressly provided in this Act, continue
to have the same rights against his transf~ror, as he had
immediately before the notified date :
P~ovidedfurther that any lawful transferee of the title
to such land or building shall be entitled to all the rights
under this Act of his transferor.
Res judicata 68. (1) Tile decision of a Tribunal or Special Appellate
Tribunal in any proceeding under this Act or of a Judge
of the High Court hearing a case under sub-section (2)
of section 46 on any matter falling withiu its or his jurisdic-
tion shall be binding on the parties thereto and persons
claiming under them in any suit or proceeding in a Civil
Court in so far as such matter is in issue between the
parties or pasons aforesaid in such suit or proceeding,
(2) The decision of a Civil Court (not being the
Court of a District Munsif or a Court of Small Causes)
on any matter falling within its jurisdiction shall excep
in so far as such decision is inconsistent with the provision
c f this Act be binding on the parties thereto and persons
claiming under them in any proceeding under this ~~t
before a Tribunal or Specia Appellate Tribunal or
Judge of the High Court un r sub-section (2) of set
46 in so far as such matter is in issue between the pa
cr Cersons aforesaid in such proceeding.

I~;LIIHEstutes (Abol;tio/t crnd

C O :vemion
~ itt to Rj)otw~wi)

of litnitation for. any s ~ l i t

urt by a crediibi in respect
ect of a proceec!in,n urrd;::
mely, 37, 38, 39, A(), 4 i ,
encing on Iht: n0'iif:~c.i
ch the eariicst deposit
office of the Tribun;-tt
edings were pending
g certified 2opies of
er passed in such proceeding shall be excluded.
order iil any pro-
evision is r;rovi&d
ed in such manlrcr
ng the period of
r application I;>r
the, date of toll?-
or order to the
to be the date

Fina1:ty @t
orders passed
under this

--- -_ . -

ow the Limitation Act, 1963 (Central Act 36 of 1962).

irnarn &states (Abolition arid [kg63 : T.N. Act
Conversion &to Ryot wari)

(2),No such order or decision shall be liable to b

questioned in any Court of law.
Jurisdiction 72. (1) No suit or other proceeding shall lie against the
of Courts Government for any act done or parporting to be done
barred in
certain cases. under this Act or any rule made thereunder.

(2) (a) No suit, r1.-q-..lt;cn r &her p~oceedin

shall lie against any officer or servant 01the Govern
for any act done or purporting to be done under this I
or any rule nade thereunder without the previous sanc
of the Govemtnent.

(b) No officer or servant of the Government shall I

be liable in respect of any such act in any civil or criminal I

proceeding if the act was done in good faith in the course

ofthe execution of the duties or the discharge of the func- I

tions imposed by or under this Act.

(3) No suit, prosecution or other proceeding shall

be instituted against any officer or servaut of the Govern-
ment for any act done or purportii~gto be done utider this
Act or any rule made thereunder after the expiry of six
months from the date of the act complained of.

Tribunal or 1[72-A. (1) Notwithstanding anythillg co~ltainedin sub-

other autho- section (4) of section 8 or in snb-section (3) of section 46
rity not to or in any other provision of this Act or in any other law
receiver, etc, for the time being in force, no Tribunal or other authority
under this Act shall have the power to appoint a rzceiver
or comlissioner in respect of any land in an inam estate
and in respect of which any proceeding is pending before
such Tribunal or other authority.

(2) Any person who was personally cultivating any

such land on the notified date and continues to be in posses-
sion of that land shall not be dispossessed of the land,
until it is finally decided that such person is not actually
entitled to ryotwari patta in .respect of that land under
the provisions of this Act.
- - - - ----- --
lThis s e c t was inserted by section 2(3) of the Tamil W d u I~
Estates and Minor Inams (Abolition and Conv(:lsion into ~ y o t ~
Amendment Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 22 of 1975).

- --. .

ftronr Estates (Abolition mtd

Coilvcrsioit iiz to Ryot wari)

WllO \vas
sl.clz Imd i rnmed.icttntely k f b r c the
t of svch receiver if ~ ~ 1 . person
f such land by the reccjvel .

rent in respect of such lnnd

: wiih the provisicns ~ n t ~ i i n e d

e arreal s referred

( 6 ) The said person sl~allnot be liable to bc ~victcd

er the Tamil Nadu Cultivating Tenants Protection
1955 (Tamil Nadu Act XXV of 1955), in respcl of the
ars r f r to In sv.b.-section(4), excxpt for Iailr~reto
the said ascars in accordance with tbe rules made in
bchalf under sub-section (5).]

' 156 ~nnnrhbtates (Abokition and

Conversion into Ry ot wari)

Power to make 73. (1) The Government ni~.ymake rules to carry out the
rules. purposes uf this Act.

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the

gncrality of the foregoing powcr, such rules may
pwvidc for-
(a) all maiters expressly rrqtiircd or allowed by this
Act to be prescribed ;
(b) tht pracedurc'to be followed by the Tribunels,
Special A p p llate Tribcnal, z.~:thorilies a.nd officers appoint-
ed, or having jurisdiction, xinder ihis Act ;
(c) thc delcg~titionof thopowers .;oxifcrrcd by this
Act on the Governmint o r m y other authority, oilices or
person ;

(d) the time within which sppl~cationsand appeals

may be presented unid*:r this Act in cases for which no
specific provision in -that behalf k s been m;Ge k i n ;
(e) the appll~?.tion of the provisons of ihe Code'of
Civil Prowdure, 1908 (Central Act V of 1908), to applica-
tions, app/als alld proceedings under tl~isAct ;
i f ) 1 h i fees ro bz Nu d
i in respect of tlpplications
nnJ appe:rls ~uitierrhis Act ;
(s)the :rzn~firo f procc:diggs iioili ons Tribuna l,
c3iill10lii)r Gi olfio,~-.LO nilotlier ;

( i ~trh) 111;inl1a in which, and the officer by whom,

TLtir~ ~ sllall
1 % bc :isitr.aii~edfor tin p~trposcs ofikrs Act.
(3) A mle m a d e;xld-r cl rise (c) of sub-sec!ion (2)
may pr.~videfor rcsi'rictions ;~:;d ~ o n ~ h i o n subject
s to
wbich the p w c r G e h q p t d may be cxcrcised and also for
control and I eviaion by the citkytiting authority either
suo motu or on application oft h*: orders of the auihority or
person to whom the powci is cl4:Iegated.
(4) (a) Ail rules made w~tlzr.illis Act s:lall b~ pub.
lisllcd lu the *Z~'o:t3.George Gazette 2nd ~~nless tI1eyae
expressed to come i at0 force 01 F.i p?r:icular day shcii
into bra on the dky or1 whid d a y are so pL-blished.
---- -... -.----__
* N~JW
the Tamil Nadu Governmetit Gazette,

S..tain Estate,~(AS0 'ition and

Sim~er~inn fit:/; R;-otz.~rij

d to come ilito .S,ru:

:.r-ct.~p1.~~55( 01: n p:ir!irtici:lar
c into f i . 1 ~cli ~ l - t d;:y
, on \v;,j.;h i h c , ~arc

ion isst:.:d irndcr riiis

ooil F.S p ~ c s i b kafter it is matic 6 r isst..ed, be
tsblc c f bc .:h FIo-l,as of t11c Lrgicl;:~~ .re er-dif,
xpiry of I I which it is so pbced or
F ~ S S ~ Gin
ion both H ~ ~ i cnarec c s in making 2ny ingdificz-
ciuch rtd: GI- x~-:ifi~ti ion or bsi 11 Hs~lsesagri:c
or notific21icn should nct be made cr issued,
GI i fication shall t1~erzniie.r have eEcd o ~ l l y in
df~rm cr be of no effect, as the cae may bc,
,that any s ~ c modiftcation
h or annc.lmcnt shall
prejrdice to the vdidity of nr.yiIzing p:evio~:rly
r that rcle cr n0tificczpic.n.
by ~ l c ~ l i f i c . ~ z ? i oPowei.
r l , h I t3 include
y whole iixa~nvilla&;: new e nt ries,or
d territory cf Pt .dl.kkcttd , and l.~psnw.ch corzec entries, t I he
Schedulle I.

bnder that Act in

clt erne&to be of izo
d if any proceeding taken under that A a i s
an the date of such inclusion, such proceeding

amil Nadu Tnam

ri) Amendment Act,

words " and every proceed-

der that Act and pending in respect of that inam village
by sectiou 4 of the Tamil Nadu Inaln Estates (Abolition
on into Ryotwari) Amendment Act, 1969 (Tamil Nadu

lnarn Estu tes (Abolition and [I963 : T.N. Act 2

Conversion !uto R,votwuri)

(ii) any amount paid under that Act to any person in

respcct of that inam village, shall, with interest thereon at
three per cent per annum, be recoverable as if it were an
arrear of land revenue.
(2) Where the entries relating to the name of the inarn
village, and the revenue number and neme of revenue village
as specified in columns (3) and (4) respectively of Schedule I
are found to be either incomplete or incorrect with reference
to the correspo~dingentries in the revenue registers,
the Government may, by notification, from time to time,
ameud suitably the entries in columns (3) and (4) aforesaid :
Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall be
colld::ued as empowering the Government to omit a1,y
entry from columns (3) and (4) aforesaid.
(3) All references made in this Act to Schedule I shall
be considered as relating to the said Schedule as for the
time being aroended in exercise of the powen conferred by
this section,]
'[Tarnil Nadu 1[73-B. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the
.ictsI 30 an;' 3[Tamil Nado] Minor Inams (Abolitioti and Conversion
31 19(i3into Ryo twnri) Act, 1963 (s[T;trnil Nttdu] Act 30 of 1963)and
not Iof ;.rrt>Iy
to ~ ~ d , , l l ;-~in
, . tho S[Taruil Nadu] Inalns (Supplementary) Act, 1963
tui in ),,I (s[Tilmil Nodu] Act 31 of 1963)-
as1utcs speci-
fied ill Schc- (i) the provisions of the said Acts shall be deemed
dule I-A. never to have applied to a Pudukkottai inam estate specified
in Schedule I-A, and every order passed m any proceeding
taken under the said Acts in respecit of that inam estate
shall be deemed to be of no effect and if any proceeding

1 This secl:ion w

the '2bniZ Nadu Government Gazette.


as*- <
.. .
.- - vrw

Inarll Eszntes (Aboiitiorz nrtd

Conversion it2 t o Ryo f \sari)

were an arrear of

I-A are found

r incorrect with reference to the
le revenue registers, the Govern-
n, from time to time, amend
entries in columns (3) and (4) aforesaid.
11 references made in this .4ct to Schedirle I-A
aid Schedulc as for
exercise of the powers con-

With effect on and from the notified datc,- Repeals.

e,if that estate had

fore that date ;

Ryots Protectioi~
ct XXIV of 1949), shall be
ed in its application to private

ng containcd in the Special p,ovr-

tion of Ceiling on Land) sion relat it&g
to fixation of
1961), biit sub-ject to the coilil g area in
thorized officer shall in resp~ct of
person under that fi p t lands in an
ude any land in an itlam estate. ; a m estate$

ryotwari settlenlent is
d to in sub-section (1)
tta in respect of such
the provisions of this

"Madras" by the Tamil

ptatioo of Laws Order, 1969,as amended by tile Tamil Nudu
n of Laws (Second Amendment) Order, 1969.

h u m Es'skzte; (Abolitio~z- and 11963 :, T.N. Act

_ i)
Conversion into Ry~twar j 1 3

Act, the authorized officer shall calcul

ceiling arca of such person and in s
calculating, the authorised officer shall take
extent of the land in respect of which a ryotwad patta
been granted to such person under this Act.
(3) Far :he P U T P ~ S C S of the l[Ti?mil
Rcfxrns (Fimtion of Ceiling on L-nd) Ac
Ns-.dal]Act 58 of 1961), cny ry.xw;:ri p :tta gr
this Act, rhr.11 bc decmcd to hc.vc t:.
h2.y of April 1960 r.nd for the pu I past; of
stmdrrd acre und1:r tl17t Act, ''l~.ndreve
rcspcct of the l~.n?ndrcfr.rrcd to in sa3-stctinn (1)
rya tw..xi E S S C S S ~ ~ Cpr.ycble
II~ in pi!rsl;:.ncc o f ihc ryotwsri
sctikmcnt r; fcrrcd to in sub-sec:zon (2).
2176. *** *$*
------ - -- n. .L^

1 These words were subsli~uled fox the

by the Tamil Nadu Adapts: ion of Law
ded ky the Tz~nilNadu Adap,atio~i of
meni) Order, 1969.
. a The following section 76 was omitted hy section 4 of the
Tamil Nadu Inam Estates (Aboli~ionand Conversion into Ryot-
wari) AmeL~dr9eni Acl, 1968 (Tamil Nadu Act 21 of 1968) :-
"76. Power*to remove clifliculties.--(
in giving effect to any of the provisiol~s
meat may, as occasion may require, by order, do
appears to them to be j;ecessary for the purpo3e of rsm
(2) Every order ~5qued under sub-section (1) shall, as soon a
possible after it is issued, be placed on the table of both
the Legislature, and if, before the expiry of the ssssio
it is so placed or the next session, bo,h Houses agree
any rnodificatian in any such orcler or both Houses agr
order should ngt be issued, the order shall thereafter
oilly in such modified form or be of no effest, as the case
be, so however,. that any such rnodificaii
wlihout prejudice 10 ihe validiiy of a
under thzt order.".



N. Act Zbf; Ittam Estates (Abolltiorl and 1161

Con version into R Y Owurl)

[ Se6 sectips 2 (14) and 73-A*]
Revenue number nrd
name of revenue,
Name of inam villaze. village cornpri.~.ng
the inam village.
(3) (4)
.. Tiruvarankulam alias Renga-
18. Immanampatti

Do; V'jaya Ragunathapur~unarlias ,Vijnya Raghuna-

Kokkumavadipatti. apuram,
Do, Pudupatti alias Vijayarel;shu- Pallavaranpdttai.
mat hawmudran:
Mathur alias Rengammal- 42. Kulavoipa [ti.
V ellavettanviduthi alias 45. Perungalur.
Vannianviduthi alias Srit i - 71. Arayappatti.
Vellakollai a l i ~ s S u ~ d a r ~ s -32, Kilaiyur,
tituted for the fo1lowi1;g Sch>dulc I by section 4 of
s (Abolition and Conker!$ion nto R~yotwari)Amend-
, Act I1 of I'i65), which Wil dee rr~ c d1- havo come
/ u r .
3 [See section 2 (14).]
Aebenue number and
Taluk, Name of innm name of revenue 8
villcge. viIlage comprising:
the inam village.

.. (3) (4)
ngudl Immanampatt i dImmanampatti.
Do. Vijaya ~a~hunatha&;am Vijaya Raghuna-
t haouram.
13.). .. Pudupatti .. .. ., 86. ~allavaranpattai.'
Mathur 42. ;--_
Kulavoinaf ti.
-. .
Da. . ~c1lavettanvid;thi' ' &as 45. -Perunaalur.
- - -- --

Do. Vannianviduthi alias St Arayappa: ti,
Do,I Vellakollai alias Sunda Kilai~ur. ,

- , h a m Estates (Abolition and . . 4ct $$
[I963 : T.N. V

Conversion into Ryotwari)

Revenue number and
Seriai name of revenue
number. Taluk, Name of inam vikge. vifloge comprising
*he &tam village.

.. . ...... 123.
(1) (2) (3) CQ)
8 Kulathur .... Sittannavasal
132. Sittannavasal,
118. Perunjinai. ;. '-1 \:
Do. .. ~odandarama~ur@rn'
' Kodandarjme

% >

.,. K~uukkappatti
.. ....
Singathakkurichchi ..
124. Kwukkapatti,
SO, Singathakkudij
13 Do. . chchi,
, Nanjur alias Namaaaraya- 78. Naqjur*

Pinnanyldi .. 145, Pinnangudi.
Talildi alias ~a'&lbaraia'- 142. Tallnji.

Do. , Nallarnbalsamudram 132. SittannavasaL
Do. Neduiijefi alias ' ~up~arnmai:103. Satyamangalam.
Do. .. samudram.
Sellukudi alias Brahadambal- 120, ,Ayingudi.
Do. .samudram.
, Kilapatti alias Viayakalyanam 123. Kodandaramam
Do. .....
, Sendamangalam
.... . ..

Do. ..Nilayapatti

Do. ....
, Oran-udi
Santhanathakudchi '
.. ..
49, Songalakku.
33, Kunnathur.
Do. Rasipuram alias ~ e e n a k e ~52. Msttur.
Do. .. ammalsamudram,

Serlal Tali&. Name of inam vil !age ,

+ 8

...... Sittannavasal
P~runjinai . .
~odandararnapurarn'' .
.... ....
puram. :p

11 Do. Kurukkappatti .. 124. Kurukka pata.

12 Do. Singathakkurichchi g
50. Singatha kuri- $,$
.... Manjur .. ...,
~ i n n a n ~ s d .~ ' .
L Talinji . ..
Nallamh-'o" ~ l l r l - m
Do. Nedunjeri .... .... ....
Do. .... Sellukudi
KiIapatt~ .. .. ..
Do. .* .. Sendamangalam ..
Kilapalinjl .. ..
a Do*
Do. Nilayapatti .. , .

t 261 Inam Estates ( ~ b o l i t i o nand 163

Conversiorz into XyotWnri)

Revenur nvnrber and

Name of ittarn village. nume of rt2venue
village co~npvislng .
the inam village. ,
121, Idayanvayal
119, Sittampatti,
Do. .
. Kadambavayal
Chittur ..alias .Nagann-
. .. 45, Chit tur.
77, Kadnmhavaynl,
. , Rayapuram Rayiisamudram
.. .... ....
.., Kalanivoipatti 91. Rayupuram.
25. Kalanivoipnt t:.
, Madaganl 134. Madagam.
.... Seppavayal
.... . a .. 137. Seppavayal.
,, 136. 'Trinikkadu.
...133. Ti?laivayai.
. 135. 'I'iriipidingi,
. 138. Tiruvakkudr
+ ** ***I
., 132. Arasur.
.. Pallivasal .. .. .. 62. l~alliv~?sal.

.. Maranapparti .. .. 26. Knsat~nppatti,

, . Kulakkattainali .. .. 122. Kurichchi.
.. Andakkudi alias Venkata-
141, Embal.
,, Vayalangudi alias Vcnkatn- Do.
- --=)-A ---I._ .-IUUI_^IL ^

Rr.venue number an(!

nltlne of t'Evenrre
Nume wf iwam viI/oge, vNlnge comprising
tl t ~~ / Z ( I N vil
I loge.
.... 50. Singal hakkurichchi
49, Sengalakkudi.
.. .. 33, Kunnathur.
52 hfattur.
. 12 '. Su~darappatti
. . 12 1 . ldaymnvayal.
.. .. 45.
1 1 1. Sittampatti.
e urrljt ted and were deeme(,
:ldu Inam Efjtfites (Abolition
~ iNadu
l Act 21 of 1968) :-
... ..a ., .
.I ! , 1 3 1, A13 t t ivayal",,

Inam E s t a t ~(Abolition and
Conversion in to Ryotwari)
:. . . ( ..
~eria'l ~aluk. flame of inam
$ ' < 7 , ' '
(:I (2) (3)
47 ThirunlaMm--cont. Ullur Ulkadai Thenathivayal 141. grnbl--conl.
48 . Do. .. Virthanvayal .. . . ..
49 Do. ., Mummudichanvayal
50 Do. * .. Santhirattanvayal alias
51 Do. .. Echaikkottai Ulkadai Pula-
52 Do. .. Thakkadivayal .. ..
139. Kurungal: r
53 Do. .. Melakkarambai .. .. 124, Tonnakkvdi.
54 Do, ,, Keelaldcarambai alias Gobi-
55 Do, .. Maratti alias

56 Do. . Porkudi alias Gobinatha-

57 Do. .. puram.
klathivayal alias Gobinatha
58 Do. ,, Sirharambur .. .. ..
-- 59 Do. .. Kadankudi . . .. ..

Serial Taluk. Name of illam village.

putnbe r,
(1) (2) (3)
3 1 Thirumayam-cont. Kadarnbavaya 1 . .. 77. Katiambavayal.
32 Do. Rayapuram . . 91. Rayapuram.
~ a l a n i v o ~ ~'a t t j
Madagam ., .
... .... 125. Kalanivoipatti,
34. Madagam.
, Seppavayal
Tanikkadu ..
.. ... ..
. 137. Scppavayal.
. 136. Tanikkadu
...... ...... 1133.

37 Do, Tillaivayal . Tillaivayal.

38 Do. Tirapidingi . . .. 35. Tirapidingi.
39 Do. Tiruvakkudi .. ..
40 Do. , AIattivayal ... .. .. .. 138. Tiruvakkudi
131. AiattivayaI,
. .. .... .... 132. Arasur.
62. Paliivasal,
26. Karanapp:

Do, Kulakkattainali 122. Kurichchi.

Do. Andakkudi .... .. 141. Embal,

...... .. ....
.. Pdavaaavayal .... .
. Santhiranttanvayal
49 Do. Mummudichanvayal ' '
50 Do*
51 90,

6 - -*- .

inam Btates {Aboiition atid ;165

Conversion into Ryotwnri)
Revenue tzumber and
nanze of revenue
Nnm+%f irtam village. 17iZlagecorn rising
the irz~mtvi luge, f
(3) (4)
Makkaravayal alias Raja 96. Mela~lilaivayal.
Kurungalur Ulkadai Then- 139. Kurunga,,;.
Kurungalur Ulkada i Do.
Olaikudipatti alias Sathya- 73. Thirumayam,
Sivapuram .. . .. 82. Tekkattur.
Kanapettai alias Brahma- 86. Panankudi.
Chettipatti .. .. .. Do.
Meenikone Endal alias 95. Kummangudi.
Ponthupuli Puduvayal .. Do,
Kararnba1d;udivayal .
. 96. Mclanilaivayal.
Vclnili Ulkadai Machumuri- 139. Kurungalur.
Maravanvayal .. .. 125. Jrurnbanadu.
Mudukkuvayal .. .. Do.
Korakkailvayal ..
*. Do,
Kothalangudi Vayal .. .
. Do,
Revenue number and
rtanie ofrevenue
Name of itram viffage. village cornprisifig
the inam village,
13) (4)
Tha kkadivayal
ndelukkarambai ...... '
. 139. Kurungalw.
124. Tonnakkudi.
.... ...
P laratti
. .. Do.
.... .... ....
Porkudi Do.
P~lathivayal , Do*
Eiadankudi .... .... Do.
Thengudi ,. .... .. 96, Melanilaivayal,
139. Kurungalut.
.... ..... ...
Koothangudi ,,

86. Panangr~di;
Chettiyatti .. .. . e n
a *
Ponthupuli . .... ..
. ,95. Kummangudi,
Machumurichan .. .
, . 96. Melanilairvayal,
139. K urungalur,

166 t dnd
tnam Estatqs ( ~ b o l iion
Cotzversion into RJlotwar )
Reverilre rtunrber and
Nanre of iitanr name gf revenbe
vill age.
villcige c0.w rising
rlte inunt vil age.

75 ~hirumayam-cuht , Thonnakkudi Ulkadai Sitha- 1%. Tonnakkudi.

Dc, .. Vcllalavayal Ulkadai Melek- 126. Vellalavayal.
77 Ih. .. Vollalavayal Ul kadai Pira- 125. J 1.umbanadu.
78 Dd. , . Nallikudi .. .. t
79 Do. .. .
'I'onr~akkudiThe~~vayal , 124. Tonnakkudi.
80 Do. .. llayangudi alias Mookkam- 120. Valaramanikkam
81 Do. .. Vadagadu Tengadu . . .. 139. Kurungal~r.
82 Do. .. Vellalava a1 Ulkadai
Mudu uvayal.
126. Vellalavayal.]

<. . t <venrre
~ rriunber ~ t r d
rlanrc of revenlie
Sericd Tulirk. hame of irzom villuge . villcrgc conzprising
number. the irzanl village,
(3) (4)
Maravanvayal .. 125. Irumbanadu,
,. .72 DO* Mudukkuvayal * . * Do.
.. Korakkanveiyal .


73' Do. Do,


74 Do* . Vengalaveli ., .. Do.

75 Do. Kothalangudi .. .. Do. .
76 Do. . Sithavayal .. .. 124. Tonnakkudi,
Melakadu .. . 126. Vellalavayal.

18 Do, Pirimarvayal .. 125. kumknadu,

79 .. DO. Perinnrtyakian~rnanEndaf Do. .
89 DO* t
Keelavayal and-henvayal , . 124. To~akk.u&,
Ilayanguai . .. .. 120. Valaramanibm,

h a m -&states (Abolition and 169

Conversion irtto Ryotwclri)
[See seelions 1 (7), 2 (lo), 2 (IOWA),2 (1 I), 2 (14) and 73-B.]
Ittam art* with reference t Y Revertue number
Title Deed number or and mme of
Survey number. bevenue village
cornprisirtg the
inam area.
. (4)
1, Oliammgalam,

T.S Nos, 7909 to 7879, 10, Varpet.

8310 to 8312, 8315, 8316,
9209, 9618 to 9623, 95 19,
9795 and 9796.
T.D. Nos, 7221, 7222 Part, 14, Moolangudi,
" 7223, 7224 Part, 7225
Part, 7226 to 72444, 8511,
8512 and 9602.
,, T,D. Nos. 9423 and 8606 . 18. Ktlnyiam.
.. 23, Melapanaiyuf +

T.D. Y-c 9018 to 9047, 38. Neiveli.

9052 to 9056, 'XI62 to
9068, 9088 to 9099, 9120
to 9122, 9201, 9261, 9262,
9293, 9530, 9764, 9765
iiljd S . Nos, 116-3, 13.4-18,
3 34-19,149-17 to 149-21.
,, D Nos. 7245 to 7252, 52. Vellikudi 11 bitif,
7568 and 7569,
' r , ~ .Nos. 804 to 809 and 53. Seranor.
, T.D. Nos. 7859 to 7873, 54. Nallut.
7874 Part, 7875 Part, 8028,
8029, 8030, 8116, 8561,
8562, 8563, 8576, 8783,
8914, 9133, 9250 ta 9255,
9257 to 9259, 9263 to ,'
9274,9676 and 9305.
T. D.No.6068 , 58. Kulamaiqgriiam.
G6. Tbekkatur.

TS NOS. 6936 and 6937 .. 70. llanj avur.

7 [ ' , ~ No.
. 18 Part' .. .. 71. Tirumayam.
- - - - L I I - -

6 of the Tamil Nlrdu lnam Estates

meudmcnt A;t, 1969 (Tamil Nadu
me into force: OJ1 the 15th February 1963 P


lnam Ltutes (Abolition and [I963 : T.N. Act U

Conversion into Ryotwari)

Inam area with reference to Revenue numbet and

Serial Taluk, Title De ed number or name of revenue
number. Survey number. village comprising
the inam area.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
14 Tirumayam
.. T.F. Nos. 5555, 7141, 7142, 73. Lembalakudi,
7143, 8153,8155,8156,8157,

8976, 8354, 8355 a ~ d

15 Do. .. T.D. Nos. 563 1 to 5644, 74. Noikonam.
7129 to Ti;;, JLG4,91C2,
9338,9339 and 9346.
Do. 'F.D. Nos. 8144 to 8152, 150 76, Melur,
GL, No.12590 and S.Nos.
93-4, 94, 97-2, 121-11,
126-1, 127, 129, 130-1,
130-2, 131-1, 132-1,135-3,
136,138-1,140-2,141, 175-5,
198-2,2Ol-l, 201-3,202-4,
202-6, 203-1, 205-2, 207,
208-2, 223-1, 229-2,231-1,
233-1, 233-6,233-9,233012,
234-1, 235-2,235-4,235-6,
237-1, 237-4, 246, 248-1,
248-3 to 248-7, 251-1 to
251-4, 252, 253-4, 253-5,
253-3, 254-5,254-7,2549,
255-3, 256-5, 256-7, 256.
1.1, 256-18, 237-2, 257-3,
Idd-1 to 260l-20, 263-1 10
* 53-9,
- 263-1 1 - w -b--i ,
-34-. :<> 2%-,
ZS-S,. 324-5, 356.2, 338-3,
370-1, 371-1, 371 -4,371 -6
371-7, 372-6, 373-2 and
17 DO. T.D. NOS.6775 and 6776 .. SO, Thol~yanur.
1Y, ~Io. . T.D. NOS.7107, 7137, 71 38, 91. Adanur.
7139 and 7981,

Do, * T*D* p:os* 6622 to 6641, 97. ~ c ~ ~ p ~ ~ i , ~ i .

6970 to 6977 4 5 7 5 , 8686 to
8691. 8

. # #

.' Act Inam bstates (Abolition an; j:&j

Conversion into Ryotrvari)

fnam a red with reference to Revenue number

Title De ed number or and name of reymke
Survey numbs r. vilrage ~omprsing~
3 the inam area,
(2) (3) (4)
.yam-c T.D.Nos. 533 to 551 . 103; Mirat tunilal.
, ,

7892, 7893, . 8234, 85178;
- - .- u-" -.a LII .
9320,9321 and 9758,
Do. TD. Nos. 7178 to 7151 ;md 113. Melanilaivayaj.
Do. ' T.D Nos. 6714 to 6743, 114. Pudunilaivayal.
6941 to 6945. 8158.8892.

lnam Estates 14boiitim and rib64,

- - .
: 9 . "~ . 44
"'" L""' 3"

Conversion &to Ryot warij

number. Taluk.
htam area with reference to
Title Dee&I number or
- - -.."
numh~rA ~ A
rum@of revenue
Survey nulinber village cornpising
the inam area.

Do, T.13. Nos.

- - - 5101
---* to 5909, 116. Nallarnbal*
--- 581
- - - - A1 . ~am~dnrm,

h a m Estates (.ibijli;ion cind 1ql

Conversion itt to Ryot wuri)

Itmr~turea with r.efr?ret,ceto Revenue number arrd

Title Deed number or name of revertue .
Survcy ~ u r n b ~ r . village comprising
the it~atnarea.
(3) (4)

T.D. Nos. 7727 to 7747, 118, Kaikulanvayal.

8319,8133 and Cil. 13048.
T I 3 Nos. 6655 to 6675, 119. Thalayathi-
8317,8728,9766 and 9767. vayal.
T.D. Nos. 7730, 7733 ,121, Agavayal.
to 7736 and 7729.
T.D. Nos. 6826 to 6851 and 122. Velavayal,
T.D. Nos. 6805 to 6825, 123. Allanvayal,
8318,8753 and 8817.
T. D. Nos.7994 t o 8004 ,, 124. Anikkini.
T.D.Nos. 6799,6804,6852 to 126. Valaramani-
6857 and 8153, manickam.
ToD. NOS.7785 to 7813,8289 146. Palakuricbi,
to 8293,8755 and 8755.
T,D, No. 6353
T,D. Nos. 5010 to 5023
. .. 3.2. PutSembattur,
T.D. Nos, 4961 to 4966,6348
Part, and S. Nos. 7294,
729-2, 730, 732, 735, 736
738-13, 744-5. 746-17,

T.D. Nos. 729, 734 to 750, 15. 't'addvalam.

T.D.No, 757 .. .. 20. Thirukkattalai.
T.D. Nos. 6218,6226 .
, 21. Pudukottai.
T.D.No. 861 .. .. 22. Nathampannai.
T.D. Nos. 5151 t o 5180,5835, 23. Se;lukudi,
7575,6241 to 6256.
T.D. Nos. 6219,62121 25. Kavimd West.
T.D. Nos. 6301 to 6313,6315 26, kavinad East.
. to 6323.
T.D. Nos,863 t o 890, 6222, 27, Thirumalaya-
6223, 6224, 6231, 6233, sarnudran2
6237 Part, 6238, 6246.


142 Inam Estates (~hoiitionand 9 6 : T.N. ket 16

Conversion into Ryotwari)
Serrbl hunt urea with refeence to Revcnlre number and
auunber. Tgluk. Title Deed number or name of revenue .
Survey number. village cnrrlprising
the inam area

Alangudi-cont .. T.G. No, 8667 . .. 28. Kaikurichi.

Do, ., ..
T.D. Nos. 7584 and 7585 31, Poovarasakudi.
Do. .. T.D.No. 8936 .. .. 34. Vallathirakottai.
Po. .. T.P, Nos. 6295 to 6300.. 36. Gudalur.
Do. .. T.D.Nos. 913A to 929 .. 45. Kothamangiiam.
Do. .. T.D. Nos. 6258 to 6279,9218,
9440, 9441.
49. Vemavalkudi.

Do. T.D. Nos. 6280 to 6284,6286 57, Kovilur.

to 6234, 8325, 8326 and S.
NOS.1-1, 1-10, 4-2, 265-2,
265-4, 265-6, 265-9,256-5,
266-7, 266-8, 268-8, 269-3,
263-5. 270-2, 271-5, 273-1,
275-1, 275-6, 276-1, 276-2,
276-7, 278-2, 279-1, 279-2,
279-4, 280-2, 281-2, 282-1,
283-2, 283-1, 283-3, 284-1,
285-2, 286-2, 287-1, 288-2,
289-1, 289-3, 289-5, 290-2,
23 I -1, 291-3, 296-1, 296-5,
297-2, 297-5, 298-4, 300-1,
300-3, 302-7.
Do. .. T.D. Nos. 5181 to 5184 . 61, Manjanviduthi.
Do. .. T.D. Nos. 3041,6324 to 6343, 67. Kulavoipatti.
Do, .. T.D. No. 8837 . ..
# 69. Maogalathupatti,
Do. .. T.D. Nos. 5473,8653 to 8663, 70.Perungalur.
4954,5061 to 5096, 5098 to
51 06,6344 toG347,8032t0
8 W , 8837, 9461, 9541,
Do. .. T.D. Kos. 8657 and 8658 ..
71. Manaviduthi
Do. .. 1 .D. Nos. 7882 to 7885,8570, 72. Semmatividuthi.
Do. .. T.D. Nos. 4953,5713;.8154. . 73. Varappur.
Do. .. T.D.Nos. 899.t0 906,930 to 76. Adanakottai.
965,967 to 995,997.
Do. . T.D.Nos.619and620 .. 78. Sothupalai.
Do. .. T.D. No, 628 .. .. 79. Valavampatti.

ham Estates (Abolition and 173

Conversion in to R yo twar i )
Indm area with reference to Revenue number on&
Title Deed number or name of revenue
Survey number. vi I ldge comprising
9 the inam area.
Alangudi-cant. .. TD.9048,
NOS.8459,8994 to 9004,
9049, 9050, 9345,
90. Malaiyur,
9380, 4931 to 4942, 5470,
.. T.D.Nos.7877 to 7881,8568, 91. Therukutheru. I

4,5494 to 93, Ponnanviduthi. I

.. T.D.Nos. 5478,5497,5499 to 100. Kanakkankadu

5509, 5514,5517, 5714 to
5717, 8880, 8881, 9546.
T.D. Nos. 5486,5487, 54911, 108. Mullankuricbi.
5496,5497,5514, 5714,57n5,
6188 to 6212,8719,8721.
T.D.Nos. 6544 to 6549, 6918, 1. Meenaveli.
. T,r), Nos. 9411 and 9412 .. 2, Agartapatti.
.. T.D.Nos.6356,6360,6363 to 4. Kodumbalur.
6367, 6369 to 6372, 6374
6383,6922 Part, 6923 Part,
6924 to 6928, 6931, 9777
GI.11914and S. Nos. 256-2,
280-1 t0280-3,329-1,329-4
332-7, 332-9, 357, 359,
366-1, 386, 389-3, 391-5,
391-6, 435-1,436-7, 436-8,
436-9, 438*2, 435-3, 41.6-3,
447-1, 447-2, 447-4, 44-74
450-2 t o 45005,450- 11,452-
12 to 452-17.
. , T.D.Nos. 6357, 6356, 6359, 5. Kasavanur,
6375, 9569.
.. T.D. No. 8308 . . .. 6. Thengathinni-
.. T.D. NOS. 6476 to 6452, 6485 7. Virudappatti.
to 6491,6493 to 6497,6499,
6500, 6501, 6503, 6506,
6508, 6509, 6510, 6511,
6517, 6518, 6520, 6522,
6523, 7519 to 7521, 8166,
8167, 8296 to 8308,8294,
8295, 8309.
.. TJ). NW,6524, 6525, 6874 13. Rajalipatti.
to 69OO,9130*

fimilr E,rtcztes (Abolition and [I963 : T.N. Act 26

Carlversion Itzto R j ~vari)

Serlqi . Inarn urea with re/Ersnce to Revenue nu~nbcrund ,

numhe~.,. Tallfk. Title Deed number or name o.f revenue .
. & .
.. Survey number. village
thu comprising
inam area,

T.U. Nos. 6476,6477, 6479, 14. Nammanmtti.

6481 to 6484, 6492; 6498,
6499, 6502, 6504, 6505,
6511 to 6513, 6515, 6516,
6895, 6899, 7519, 7522,
8052 to 8055,8057,' 8059 to
8062, 8166, 8167, 9130,
9182, 9183,9348 to 9350,
9365, 9366 and S. Nos. 69,
116-3, 116-4, 132-11, 132-
13, 150-1 to 150-3, l a - 4 ,
164-6, 195-1, 195-3, 216-2,
260-16, 260-17, 339-19,
341-7 to 341-11, 345-3,
345-5, 345-6, 346~2,346-3,
346-6, 346-8, 34609,347-2,
347-4,347-7, 347-8, 349-2,
349-3, 349-13, 35011 to
350-3, 351-1 to 351-5,
351-7 to 351-12, 351-15,
. .
351-19 to 351-22,
351-f?... 353-1;
t;, 3:2-2. - 4 r3
3'2-31, 353-1 10 353-1,
353-8, 353-9, 353-11 to
353-18, 354-1, 35492,354-4,
354-12, 356-8, 356-9, 356-
13, 357-1, 357-2, 357-4,
357-5, 360-1,362-1 to 362-6
363-1, 363-2, 363-7, 363-8,
363-9, 378-3, 3784,379-7,
379-8, 382-1, 383-2, 383-3
383-9, 383-10, 383-16383-
17, 383-20, 383-21, 384-2
to 384-5, 384-7, 354-8,
98 Do. .. T D, Nos.8863 to 8872,9306 18. Boothakudi.
99 I . DO. .. T.D. Nos. 7391,8052 to 8062, 21. Vanathirayanpatt i .
8675, 9182, 9183, 9348,
9349, 9350,9430 and S. Nos.
178-3, 413-1, 415~1,419-34,
4 19-35, 423-22, 441-1.

80 Do. . T.D. Nos. 7397, ?TUX) Part, 22. Vtralur.
to to 7538,
8920, 8806,S. Nos.
9216 alld 8917
191-13, 207-1, 328, 331-13
;.; 1- 13. 331-17. 331-18

Znam Estates (Abolition md 175

converslofi into Ryot w ~ r i )
fnmarea with reference to Revenue number ad
ntZe Deed number or name of revectud .,
survey nfimber. vilhge comprising
the inam area,
fl (3) (4)

a 331-23, 336.13 to 336-8, 22. Viralur-cont,

375-1,3752, 375-6,377-!3,
380-12, 380-14, 3834!,
383-6, 384-11, 384-11,
'388-6, ' 338-10, 385-11,
389-6, 389-9, 389-11 ,
4366,438-1, 438-2, 438.1.
Do, T.D.Nos. 7550,7551 ..
Do. T.D.Nos. 7614, 7615, 7616, 47. Narpalani,
8165, 8648, 8649, 8650,
8708,8566and S.Nos.259-
1, 259-2, 259-4, 259-14,
267-3,2674, 281-1,281-2,
356-4 to 356 -7, 356-11,
356-16, 356-20, 402-4,
402-8, 402-9, 509-25,509-
T.D.Nos. 6390 to 6id4
48. Mandaiyur.
53. Lakshmaaapatti.
Do. T.D.Nos.7523 to 7527 and 55. Ketran-r.
Do. T.D.Nos.4986t05W9~8707, 68. Vathanakottri.
3009 to 9011, 9598 and S.
NOS.261-1, 261-3, 267-2,
36714,369-1to 369~3,370-3,
371-2, 371-4, 374-5,375-2,
376-4,379-9,3803, 380-4,
383-3,3834, 384-5,386-18
386-21, 386-22, 38623,
387.4, 387-12, 388-6,388-
20 to 388-23,388-26,3880
27, 390-6, 391-8, 392-9,
. 392-19,397-3,398-7,400-2,
403-7, 408-5, 409-11,409-
25, 409-26, 410-3, 411-7,
5, 412-11,414-4, 414-9,
12, 420-2, 420-4, 420-7,

176 Inarn Estates (Abolition and 11963 : T.N. A6t 26'

Conversion into Ryot wari)
,. '
&venue number and
.$t;iai' . . ~ n mm a with refiyence to .,

nun&* .. ~a~uk. Title Deed number or Survey nirme or revenue

number. village comprising
, $
i1 ;

(1) (2) (3) ' (4)

87 Kolathur-corzt. .. T.D. Nos. 6395,6396and 9554 74. Marudur.
88 Do.
.. T.D. No. 6386 .. .
. 80. Uppiliakudi.
T.D. Nos. 332, 333,334, 336 83. Valamongalarn
89 Do.
to 339.
90 Do. .. T.D. Nos. 8402 to 9410 85. Veerakudi,
91 Do. .. T.D. Nos. 4952,5107 to 5122: 86. Kilanur
5767 to 5770,7539 to 7541.
92 Do. .. T.D. Nos. 828 to 836 .. 90. Uchani.
93 Do. , . T.D. Nos. 6424 to 6427, 6429 94. Mootampattt,
to 6447, 9679, GI. 12881
and S. Nos. 35, 181, 182,
283-1, 184-1, 185-1, 185-4,
t 88-5, 189-9, 192-2, 192-4,
192-5, 192-7, 192-9,193-9,
1194-3,194-16, 195-6,196-3,
196-4, 196-12, 199-9,
/ 99-10, 200-1,201-2,202-2,
203, 204, 206, 211-3,
211-1, 212-2. 212-3, 212-4,
213-1, 2i3-2, 213-7, 216-9,
217-5,2 18-10, 219-3,225-6,
225-2 1,225-22,225-24,227-
12, 227-13, 227-20, 228-1,
2284, 228-6, 228-13, 22% i

16, 229-2, 2.29-3,

229-8, 229-1 2,229-14,229-
I * , ;7, 229-19, 231-2, 231-9,
23 1-10, 232-6, 232-16,233-
16, 236-9, 238-3, 239-1,
.. t
. 239-14, 239-25, 239-28,
WO-1, 242-3, 243-3, 7-43-7,

243-1 1; 243-16. 243-1 7,

244-2,244-3, 244-4, 245-1,
265-2, 251-5,251-15,252-7,
253-1 to 253-3, 255-2,
2 5s-5, 25 9-3, 260-2.
.. ToD.Nos.8136 and 8137 .. 97. Th1-y~~
T*D.Nos. 5758,5760 to 5766, 98. Mutt&ou.
8752, GI. 8541.
96 130. 9 T.D. NOS. 5772 t o 5179,5836, 101. V&anur
6460, 6461, 6462, 6533,
6471 to 6474,6534,8 160 to
w DL T*D*Nos. 6550d 6559,6564 to 103. S a t h b g l a m ,
6566,8636 and S. Nos.1-13,
330-1, 330-2, 330L6, 335-2,
343-3, 343-7. 345-1, 348-1,

Inam Ebtates (Abolition afid ' 1'lj

Conversion $to Ryotivar i)
fndm Urea with reference to Reve!lUe numb& ctffg
Title Deed number or name of revenrrir
Survey number. village comprising
the fm areq,
,@) 64)
T.13. Nor. 8507 to 8510,8517 105. ~mrn&hat~rn.
to 8525 and S. Nos. 302-1,
333-3, 341-8, 344~2,350-7,
364-2,365-1, 366-2, 366-4
to 36627, 366-14, 370-6,
358-2, 391-1, 392-3, 392-9,
414-14, 414-16, 415~15,
416-1, 418-1, 418-6, 418-8,
419-2, 419-4, 419-7, 424-3,
424-5, 424-16, 427-7, 430 21,
439, 441-3, 449.2, 452-2,

458-2, 459.
T, D. Nos. 6387 to 6389 . 106. K O w. ~

8927; 8929 to 8933,9057 to
9061,9073 to 9076,9078 to
9080, 9982 to 9087, 9103,
9104,9131, 9132, 9414 and
S. NOS.90-2, 90-3, 91-2,
91-3,92,93, 95, 96-4, 97-7
to 97-12, 98-3, 98-5, 98-11,
102-2, 102-10, 103-32,
105-20, 106-6 to 106-9,
114-10,114-11, 114-14, 114-
15.115-7, 115-8,120-3,120.

L ; Inam Estates (Abolition and 11963 : T.Mr Act 36
Conversion into Ryo ?wari )
S.erial Inam area with reference t o Revenue number and
number. . ~a'luk, Title Deed number or name of revenue
Survey number. village comprlz ing
the inam area.
(2) (3)
' '

cont .
Kolathur- 156-2 to 156-15, 157-1 to 107. Me1
157-20, 158-1 to 1 5 8 4 conr
159-1 to 159-11, 160-1 t o
160-5, 162-1 to 162-17,
162-19,163-1t o 163-18,164-1
to 101-5, 164-7 to 164-15,
166-1 to 166-12,166-14,168
-1, 168-4, 169-1 to 169-13,
171-2jt0 171-5,173-2t0173-8,
173-11, 173-16, 173-18,
173-20, 173-22, 173-'23,
173-25,176-5,177-20, 18(,-ly
180-6, 182-1, 184-8, 184-24,
189-1, lo* ', 139-5, 189-9,
189-24, 190-9, 19(1-14,
190-17, 190-19, 190-22,
193-14, 193-16, 194-7,
194-11, 196-14, 196-15,
196-19, 196-23,196-24, 196.
30, 197-9,197-21,198-1 to
198-11, 199-1 to 199-12,
200-1, 200-7, 201-1 to
201-21, 202-1 to 202-15,
203-1 to 203-13,203-15 to
203-29, 205-1 to 205-10,
205-15, 205-16, 221-1 to
221-5, 223-1, 223-4, 223-16
to 223-18,225-23 to 223-29,
to 227-16, 228-2, 228-3,
228-18, 228-19, 229-I.,
229-17, 230-12 to 230-19
230-26, 231-1, 231-13,
231-19, 232-2 to 232-11,
234-2 to 234-11, 235-2 to
235-11, 236-2 to 236-3,
237-3, 238-16, 238-17,
239-12, 240-1, 240-22 to
240-24, 240-25, 242-2,
1 4 - F

-216.13, 34-6-15, .TQ-10,

247-9, 24;-3,2474, 24:-12
- # - 1 24-5-11, - f ;,-
* / -


- ? &..
249-12, 219-11, BG5,
250-21, yO-23 250-28,
250-33, 2 1-1, i52-4,255-9,
,35695, 256-6, 257-1, 258-5,
26011 3, 261-2,262-2, 262-3,
262-8, 262-10,263-g* 263-1 8,

Inarn Estates (Abolilion and it9

Conversion in to Ryotwari)
Taluk. Inam area with referelzce to Jtevenue nuirlber ni,d
Title Deed number. or izanze of r e venue
Survey nlrmber. village coinprisin

273-10, 279-2,' 280-4,

280-22, 25 1-9, 28 1-12,
281-17, 281-22, 282-17,
282-19, 282-30, 282-32,
283-6, 2F4, 286-11, 291-5,
293-20, 293-21, 293-23,
294-2, 204-8, 295-6,
9 , 299-7, 299-1 4,
201-1, 30.1-2, 301-11.
Do. T.D. Nos. 6354 and 6455 .. 113. Vilathupattt.
Do. T.D. Nos. 6458, 6459, 6475, r 17. Panampatt i.
6567, 6901 to 6907, 7488,
7491,7492 alld S. NOS. 13-1,
13-3, 18, 19-3, 193-1, 192-3:
194-1, 194-3, 196-1, 196-2,
198-1, 198-2, 198-7, 198-8,
198-12, 198-13, 198-15 lo
198-19, 1 99-2,20702,207-3,
221 - 1 1, 225-3, 257-2.
'T.D. Nos. 7384 to 7390,7394, 320. Ayingi.ld i.
7890, 8496, 5497, 8873 to
no, T.D. No. 7392 .. 121. Marayapa tti.
Do. T.D. No, 7980 .. 325. Sundarapatti.
Do. T.D. NOS,845 to 860,9683. 127. Vayalogan~.
Do. T.0. Nos. 7899, 7900, 7902. 128. Mangudi .
Do* T,F. Noq. 7581,7897 to 7907, 131 Pananyudi.
8129,8130,8131 and S. Ncs.

4 ~ 4 ,42-16, 42-21, 42-51,

24-5, 49-5, 49-20, 51-3,
53-9,651, 65-3, 65-4, 65-5,
65-6, 65-10, 66-2, 70-15,
12-1, 76-5, 76-13, 7614,
76-24, 87-3, 87-7, 88-11,
90-13. 90-1G.
Do. T.D.Nos. 5783 to 5785
Do. T.D. Nos. 8005 to 8023 al;d
Do. T.D. No?. 6450 to 6456,7638, 143. Alathur.
7639 and 9447.
Do. T.D.N . r , 97
T.D. Nos.6448 and 6449
146. Vannarapatti ,
81. Usilampatli.
Do. T,D. Nos. 6448, 6457, 6539 82. Keelaiyur.
to 6543 and 7490,
83. Sampatti.
T.D.Nos. 6463, G464,6465.
T,D.Nos. 6535 to 6538 ..
84. Sooliapatti .]

., ;I$0 ham Estates (Abolition and [I963 : T.N. Act ZE

Conversion into Ryotwari)
. . '[See sections 33 (9) and 72-A (4).]

Provisions relating to the determination of fair rent.

1. For topes, orchards and lands used for non-agricultural pur-
poses, the fair rent shz.11 be the lease amount as determined by rules
made by the Government in this behalf.
2. In respect of lnnds, other then those specified in paragrr.ph 1,
the fair rent shall be the aggregate of-
(a) (i) in the case of wet land, 40 per cent of the normal gross
produce or its value in money ;
(ii) in the case of wet land, the irrigc.tion of which is supp
mented by lifting water, 35 per cent of the normal gross produoe or
value i i r money ;
(iii) in the case of land on which crops which do not
any yield within ;a period of one year from the time of cultiva
are cul iivated, 40 per cent of the normal gross produce or its va
i n money ;
(iv) io the case of aoy other class of land, 33t per cent o
tho normal gross proi,uce or its value in money :
Proviced that in the case of lands referred to in sub-pa
graphs (ti) and (IV)for the cultivation of which water is lift&
pumpset installed at tha cost of the service-holder, the fair rent shall
increased to 40 per cent ; and
(5) the value of one-fifth of the straw or stalk of all the crop ,.I
cultivated on the land in aii agricultural year. .C

* *
this paragraph, 'normal gross produce9- ;
Explana' ion I.-In
(a) i respect of a land cu;tivated with any crop which d
not givz i.ny bield witbin a period of iLne year from the time
cultiyatior~,mzens ?he gross prcduce for oce year if the land kc,
(;t))tjvat,e:, -iiltt, p:.flc y ;
( 1 1 1 J e:p ol' a lnnd cultivattcl with any other crop me
the produce wh.ch waul. be obtained for one year from a land of
same class i p s the Ian:. in question similarly situated and possess
similar ~ d v a tliges
l. if th; rainfall ana the -seasons were normal.
---- - - - .- - - - --- ------.?- - 33 (91"
This expressio 1 v i a substituted for the expression "[See section ---*----.*
section 2 (4) o f t he 7'an:il Nadu Inam Eslp tes and Minor Inams (Abolition a d
Conversion into Ryotwari) Amendment Act, 1975 ('Tamil Nadu Act 22 of 1975).

Inam Estates (Abolition and 15 .

Conversion into Ryet warl)
e ~ i a n a t i o nIL-In the case of land on whi& dif'f'er;nt crops
irate'? at different times on different portions of the lands, th,
'( sliall b : calculat 'd with refLrcnce ( 0 the actual crops
~ Icultivated
Y aceording to th >ordinary rotatiQn c i ~ p sin
in which such land is situate:[ L

-In this paragraph, c * agricultural yenr"

ar commencing on the 1st day of April, or, in rcsptct
le or any Part of any district, on such o thcr date as the
of tile district may spccifj in that behalf, hy notificaticn,

of lalld cultivated by the service-

he fair reat shall be the fair rent a.s calcu1atc.d in thc manner
in paragraph 2 in respect of a land of thc samc class a,s the
uastion, similarly si: uatod and possessing simi1r.r advznt ages.

tbe rent actually payable to thc servicc-hol,!c:r i i l l respect of

during the fasli yczr immediately boforc thu fztsli yczr in
appointed dey falls is loss th..n ihc fair rent asccrtaincd as
the said rent shall be deemed to bc the fair r, n t in respect

+ 70 Inam Estates (Abolition and Conversion [I969 :T . N. Act 23.

t '?- . into Ryotwari) Amendmenr I * . ., . g - .! w

8 3
' 1 '

TAMIL NADU ACT No. 23 OF 1969". ,




I [Received tlze assent cf the President on the 14th November-

1969, Brst published in.the Fort S t . George Gaze@,
on the 21st Norember 196 9 (Kcirtika 3 0, 1891).]

An Act filrtlzer to amend the Tarnil Nadu Z~um Estates

(AEolitic n and Conversion into Ryotwari) Act, 1963.
a , i +

BE it enacted by the Legislature of the State of the Tamil

Nadu in the Twentieth Year of the Republic of India as)
follows :-

Short title and 1. ( I ) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Inam!
co-encemeot. Estntcs (Abolition and Convcrsioil ir~toR y ~ t w i ~Amend-
ment Act, 1969.

(2) Section 3 (iii) and (iv), section 5 and section 6 s b l l

be deemed to 11ave coll~einto force on the 15th February*

2-6. [The alnendihnts made by these sections have

already been incorporated in the principal Act, namely,
the Tamil Nadu Inam Estates (Abolition' and Conversion
into Ryotwari) Act, 1963 (Tamil Nadu Act 26 of 1963).1
Saving of 7. For the purpose of computing the period of iiqithtion
limitiitiort. in rgsp~,t of azly proceeding or application ,und.er*the
principal Act or the rules made thereunder in relal'ioii to.&
Phdukkotta.i inam'cstate specified in Schedule I-A tb the.
principal Act or zny land in such estate, tile period
comnlencing on t lie 15th February 1965 and ending ~ i &
the date of the publicrr.tion of this Act in the ?Fort s t .
George Gazette shrill bc e xcludec~..
P C -.. L . -L-
-- + *

*For Stiii-t 07 Objeds and Reasons, see Fort St. -e GdPtffC

Extraordinary, dated the 21st Augnst 1969, Part I V - W o n 3;.
194. *k .i ~ ~ i ~ f i.
t No w the T~~rtlil
' ~ a d r rCovernrnent G~ccttc. 2 h;~;s

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