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British Standard

Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 11 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

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Sheffield University
11 December 2002

This is an uncontrolled copy. Ensure use of the most

current version of this document by searching British
Standards Online at
Amendments No. 1,
No. 2 and No. 3)

Methods of testing
Part 3: Physical tests

Section 3.4 Strength tests

Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 11 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

IMPORTANT NOTE It is recommended that this Section be read in conjunction

with the information in the General Introduction to BS 4550 and with the
information in BS 4550-3.1, which are both issued separately.

UDC 666.94.01:620.1:539.4
BS 4550-3.4:1978
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 11 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 10, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This British Standard, having
been prepared under the This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
direction of the Cement, amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
Gypsum, Aggregates and the inside front cover.
Quarry Products Standards
Committee, was published
under the authority of the
Executive Board on Amendments issued since publication
30 June 1978

BSI 02-1999
Amd. No. Date of issue Comments

4247 May 1983

The following BSI references
relate to the work on this 4498 March 1984
Committee reference CAB/1
Draft for comment 73/10751 DC 5704 July 1988 Indicated by a sideline in the margin

ISBN 0 580 10139 8

BS 4550-3.4:1978


1 Compressive strength of concrete cubes 1
1.1 Test principle 1
1.2 References 1
1.3 Apparatus 1
1.4 Temperature and humidity conditions 2
1.5 Preparation of specimens 2
1.6 Storage of specimens 2
1.7 Testing of specimens 3
1.8 Calculation 3
1.9 Report 3
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 11 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

2 Compressive strength of mortar cubes 3

2.1 Test principle 3
2.2 References 3
2.3 Apparatus 3
2.4 Temperature and humidity conditions 5
2.5 Preparation of specimens 5
2.6 Storage of specimens 5
2.7 Testing of specimens 6
2.8 Calculation 6
2.9 Report 6
Figure 1 Typical rotating pan concrete mixer 7
Figure 2 Suitable trowel 8
Figure 3 Typical vibration machine for compacting mortar cubes 9
Table 1 Temperature and humidity conditions 2
Table 2 Mixes for concrete cubes 3
Table 3 Masses of individual fractions of sand 3
Table 4 Temperature and humidity conditions 5
Table 5 Mixes for mortar cubes 5
Publications referred to Inside back cover

BSI 02-1999 i
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 11 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS 4550-3.4:1978

1 Compressive strength of concrete Assembly. In assembling the cleaned mould

cubes ready for use, the joints between the sections of the
mould and between the bottom of the mould and the
1.1 Test principle. The strength of cement is base plate shall be sealed by a thin film of grease or
determined by compressive strength tests other suitable method to prevent escape of water.
on 100 mm concrete cubes, made with specified Any excess grease shall be carefully removed. The
coarse and fine aggregates, mixed by machine and internal faces of the assembled mould shall be
compacted manually with a compacting bar. thinly coated with mould oil to prevent adhesion of
1.3 Apparatus. The following apparatus is the concrete.
required. 1.3.2 Mixer. The concrete mixer1) shall be of suitable
1.3.1 Moulds. The moulds shall be of 100 mm cube capacity to mix a complete batch in one operation. It
size complying with 3.1 of BS 1881-108:1983. shall comprise a rotating mixing pan with a
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 11 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI Size. The moulds shall be 100 mm cubes. contra-rotating mixing paddle and a scraper blade.
The sizes and tolerances shall be as shown in Figure Construction. The mould shall be of ferrous
metal (preferably cast iron or cast steel) and rigid
enough to prevent distortion. The surface hardness The mixing pan (preferably removable) shall rotate
of each internal face shall be at least 95 Rockwell at 18 1 r/min. The mixing paddle (offset from the
(Scale B) hardness value. It shall be constructed in pan centre) shall rotate at 90 5 r/min.
such a manner that it facilitates the removal of the The mixing paddle and scraper blade shall be
moulded specimen without damage. The parts of the positively spring loaded to ensure they do not jam
mould, when assembled, shall be positively and during mixing. Simple and positive means of
rigidly held together by suitable means, both during vertical adjustment shall be provided on the
the filling and on subsequent handling of the filled mountings of the mixing paddle and scraper blade.
mould. The clearances F1, F2 and G shall be checked every
Each mould shall be provided with a steel base plate month or after every 100 mixing operations
which shall be rigidly attached to the mould and whichever represents the more frequent use.
shall support it without leakage or distortion. The mixer shall preferably be fitted with an Tolerances. The mould shall be such that, automatic timing device otherwise a stop clock shall
when assembled ready for use, the dimensions and be provided.
internal faces are accurate within the following 1.3.3 Trowel. The trowel shall have a cast steel
limits. blade; a suitable type is shown in Figure 2.
a) Dimensions. The depth of the mould and the 1.3.4 Compacting bar. The compacting bar shall be
distance between either pair of opposite internal a steel bar weighing 1.8 0.1 kg and having a
faces, each based on the average of four ramming face 25.0 0.5 mm square.
symmetrically placed measurements, shall 1.3.5 Tank. The tank shall contain clean tap water,
be 100.00 0.15 mm. which shall be renewed at least every seven days
b) Flatness. The surface of each internal face shall with water at the specified temperature.
lie between two parallel planes 0.03 mm apart. Specimens made with high alumina,
The joints between the sections of the mould and supersulphated or Portland-type cements shall not
between the bottom surface of the mould and the be placed in the same tank.
top surface of the base plate shall lie between two
parallel planes 0.06 mm apart.
c) Squareness. The surface of each internal face
shall lie between two parallel planes 0.5 mm
apart which are perpendicular to the bottom
surface of the mould and also to the adjacent
internal faces.
d) Parallelism. The top surface of the mould shall
lie between two parallel planes 1.0 mm apart,
parallel to the bottom surface.
e) Surface texture. The surface texture of each
internal face shall be 3.2 4m CLA.

For information on the availability of suitable mixers apply to Enquiry Section, BSI, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes MK 14 6LE,
enclosing a stamped addressed envelope for reply.

BSI 02-1999 1
BS 4550-3.4:1978

1.3.6 Compression testing machine. The Sieve the coarse aggregate on 10 mm and 5 mm
compression testing machine shall be of suitable sieves with square holes so that it is substantially
capacity2) for the test and shall comply with free from oversized and undersized particles.
BS 1881-115. Over the scale range(s) used, the 1.5.3 Proportioning. The masses of the individual
machine shall be capable of applying load at the rate materials for batches of six or nine cubes are given
given in 1.7 and shall comply with grade 1.0 of in Table 2 and Table 3.
BS 1610-1:1985 as regards repeatability and
1.5.4 Mixing. Place the weighed materials in the
accuracy. The lower limit of verification for the scale
mixer pan in the following order:
range used shall be below the expected maximum
load on any specimen tested on that scale range. sand, cement, coarse aggregate.
1.4 Temperature and humidity conditions. The Hold the mixing water ready and start the mixer.
temperature throughout the entire test procedure After 15 s add the water uniformly during the
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 11 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

shall be controlled about a midpoint of 20 C with next 15 s; then continue mixing for a total time
permitted variations as shown in Table 1. The of 180 5 s. After the machine mixing turn the
minimum relative humidity shall be as given in concrete over in the pan a few times with a trowel to
Table 1. remove any slight segregation. If this is not possible,
transfer the concrete to another suitable vessel and
Table 1 Temperature and humidity
turn it over similarly therein.
1.5.5 Compacting. Half fill the cube moulds as
Situation Permitted Minimum
temperature relative quickly as possible. Compact each with
variation humidity exactly 35 strokes of the compacting bar, uniformly
C %
distributed over the cross section of the mould. Place
Mixing room 2 50 a further quantity of concrete in each mould to form
Moist curing chamber 1 90 the top layer and compact similarly. Then strike off
Water curing tank 1 the top of each cube and smooth with the trowel so
Compression testing 2 50 that the surface of the concrete is level with the top
room of the mould. Complete the entire operation
within 15 min from the completion of the mixing.
NOTE 1 A record should be kept for reference purposes of the
actual temperature and relative humidity conditions. 1.6 Storage of specimens. Immediately after
NOTE 2 The high humidity required in moist air curing preparation, place the moulds in a single layer on a
rooms is normally produced by spraying water as a fine aerosol. level surface in the moist curing chamber. In order
The bacterium Legionella pneumophila is widespread in
nature and is present in the water systems of many buildings. to reduce evaporation, cover the exposed top of the
Scale in pipework and chemical nutrients in the water supply cubes with a flat impervious sheet (e.g. of clean thin
may encourage growth of this organism which multiplies rubber or plastics, or lightly oiled steel) making
between 25 C and about 45 C. Inhaling infected aerosols is a
known route for transmission of legionellosis. It is therefore
contact with the upper edge of the mould.
advisable to maintain cold water supplies below 20 C where After 24 0.5 h mark the cubes for later
possible and to store hot water above 60 C. Cold water identification and remove from the moulds3).
supplies may be disinfected by chlorination to at least 5 mg/L Immediately submerge all specimens, except those
free chlorine. Regular periodic checking for the presence of
Legionella species in industrial water supplies is a sensible to be tested at 24 h, in the tank and arrange them in
precaution. such a way that the temperature variation specified
in Table 1 is not exceeded. Leave the cubes in the
Before use, all materials, moulds and other tank until just prior to the test.
appliances shall be brought to the same
Specimens to be tested at 24 h are marked and
temperature as the air in the mixing room, by demoulded3) 15 min to 20 min before the test and
storing them in the room for a sufficient time. are covered with a damp cloth so that they remain
1.5 Preparation of specimens. The specimens in the moist condition.
shall be prepared as follows.
If the concrete has not achieved sufficient strength
1.5.1 Number of cubes. Make batches of six, nine or after 24 h to be handled without fear of damage,
twelve cubes, three for testing at each of the delay the demoulding for a further period of 24 h but
specified ages. state this fact in the test report.
1.5.2 Aggregates. The coarse aggregate and the sand
shall comply with the requirements of Part 4 and
Part 5 of this British Standard.
i.e. that the expected maximum load on a specimen lies between 20 % and 100 % of the selected scale range of the machine.
It is recommended that the cubes should be weighed at this stage since this may reveal errors in the procedure at an early

2 BSI 02-1999
BS 4550-3.4:1978

Table 2 Mixes for concrete cubes

Mix type Proportions by Mass
(see note to 1.1) mass 6 cubes 9 cubes 12 cubes

g g g

C1 Cement 1.0 2 200 5 3 200 5 4 200 5

Sand 2.5 5 500 8 000 10 500
Coarse aggregate 3.5 7 700 10 11 200 10 14 700 10
Water 0.60 1 320 5 1 920 5 2 520 5
C2 Cement 1.0 2 200 5 3 200 5 4 200 5
Sand 2.5 5 500 8 000 10 500
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 11 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Coarse aggregate 3.5 7 700 10 11 200 10 14 700 10

Water 0.55 1 210 5 1 760 5 2 310 5
C3 Cement 1.0 2 940 5 4 270 5 5 600 5
Sand 1.875 5 500 8 000 10 500
Coarse aggregate 2.625 7 700 10 11 200 10 14 700 10
Water 0.45 1 320 5 1 920 5 2 520 5

Table 3 Mass of individual fractions of sand


6 cubes 9 cubes 12 cubes

g g g

Fraction A (2.36 mm to 1.18 mm) 550 5 800 5 1 050 5

B (1.18 mm to 600 4m) 1 100 5 1 600 5 2 100 5
C (600 4m to 300 4m) 1 650 5 2 400 5 3 150 5
D (300 4m to 150 4m) 1 375 5 2 000 5 2 625 5
E (150 4m to 90 4m) 825 5 1 200 5 1 575 5
1.7 Testing of specimens. Determine the 1.9 Report. Report the individual results and the
compressive strength of the cubes, under the average compressive strength to the
temperature and relative humidity conditions nearest 0.5 N/mm2, indicating if any result has been
specified in Table 1 for the compression testing discarded.
room, at the specified age, calculated from the time
of adding the water to the other materials, by the 2 Compressive strength of mortar
procedure specified in clauses 5 to 8 of cubes
BS 1881-116:1983 except that the load shall be
applied at a rate of approximately 0.25 N/(mm2s) 2.1 Test principle. The strength of cement is
and using the auxiliary platens. determined by compressive strength tests
on 70.7 mm mortar cubes, made with a specified
Test the specimens within the following limits: sand, mixed by hand and compacted by means of a
24 0.5 h standard vibration machine.
3 days (72 1 h) 2.2 References. The titles of the standards
7 days (168 2 h) publications referred to in this clause of this Section
are listed on the inside back cover.
and 28 days (28 days 4 h)
2.3 Apparatus. The following apparatus is
1.8 Calculation. Calculate the average of the
individual results of the set of three specimens
tested at the same age, and express the result to the 2.3.1 Moulds
nearest 0.5 N/mm2. If one result within the set Size. The moulds shall be 70.7 mm cubes, the
varies by more than 5 % from the average of the area of each face being 5 000 mm2.
set, discard the result and recalculate the average of
the remaining results. If more than one result varies
by more than 5 % from the average, discard the set
of results.

BSI 02-1999 3
BS 4550-3.4:1978 Construction. The mould shall be of metal 2.3.3 Vibration machine. The vibration machine
that is not attacked by cement mortar and rigid shall consist of a table mounted on coil springs to
enough to prevent distortion. It shall be constructed carry the cube mould, and a revolving shaft
in such a manner as to facilitate the removal of the provided with an eccentric. By means of a balance
moulded specimen without damage. The parts of the weight beneath the base plate attached rigidly to
mould, when assembled, shall be positively and the table, the centre of gravity of the whole machine,
rigidly held together, by suitable means, both including the cube and mould, shall be brought
during the filling and on subsequent handling of the either to the centre of the eccentric shaft or within a
filled mould. Each mould shall be provided with a distance of 25 mm below it. In consequence of this,
steel base plate to support it without leakage. The the revolving eccentric imparts an equal circular
weight of the mould and base plate shall be such as motion to all parts of the machine and mould, this
to comply with the requirements given in 2.3.3, for motion being equivalent to equal vertical and
horizontal simple harmonic vibration 90 out of
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 11 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

the mass of the machine. Tolerances. The mould shall be such that, phase. The minimum running speed of the machine
when assembled ready for use, the dimensions and shall be well above its natural frequency on its
internal faces are accurate within the following supporting springs, so that the amplitude of
limits: vibration is independent of the speed. The motor
shall be preferably of the synchronous type and the
a) Dimensions. The depth of the mould and the
drive is by means of an endless belt running on a
distance between either pair of opposite internal
crowned pulley on the motor and a crowned pulley
faces, each based on the average of four
on the vibrator. The machine shall be provided with
symmetrically placed measurements,
a suitable clamp to hold the assembled mould firmly
is 70.7 0.1 mm 4).
on the table, and with a suitable hopper to facilitate
b) Flatness. The surface of each internal face shall filling of the mould.
lie between two parallel planes 0.03 mm apart.
The machine shall be constructed to comply with the
The joints between the sections of the mould and
following essential requirements.
between the bottom surface of the mould and the
top surface of the base plate shall lie between two Mass of machine on its
parallel planes 0.06 mm apart. supporting springs
c) Squareness. The surface of each internal face (excluding mass of solid
shall lie between two parallel planes 0.5 mm eccentric but including
apart which are perpendicular to the bottom mass of mould, mould
surface of the mould and also to the adjacent clamp, hopper and cube) 29 kg approx.
internal faces. Out-of-balance moment Assembly. When the cleaned mould is being of eccentric shaft 0.016 N m
assembled ready for use, the joints between the Normal running speed
sections of the mould and between the bottom of the of eccentric shaft 12 000 400 r/min
mould and the base plate shall be sealed by a thin
film of grease5) to prevent escape of water. Any A typical vibration machine5) of the type described
excess grease shall be carefully removed. The above is shown in Figure 3.
internal faces of the assembled mould shall be 2.3.4 Tank. The tank shall contain clean tap water
thinly coated with mould oil5) to prevent adhesion of which shall be renewed at least every seven days
the mortar. with water at the specified temperature.
2.3.2 Trowels. The trowels shall have a cast steel Specimens made with high alumina,
blade; a suitable type is shown in Figure 2. supersulphated or Portland-type cements shall not
be placed in the same tank.

This tolerance should be considered in conjunction with those for flatness and squareness.
For information on the availability of suitable grease, mould oil and vibration machines apply to Enquiry Section, BSI, Linford
Wood, Milton Keynes MK 14 6LE, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope for reply.

4 BSI 02-1999
BS 4550-3.4:1978

2.3.5 Compression testing machine. The Table 5 Mixes for mortar cubes
compression testing machine shall be of suitable All cements other
capacity6) for the test and shall comply with Mix type Material
than high alumina
by mass cement: mass
BS 1881-115. Over the scale range(s) used the
machine shall be capable of applying loads at the g
rate given in 2.7 and shall comply with grade 1.0 of
BS 1610-1:1985 as regards repeatability and V1 Cement 1.0 185 1
Sand 3.0 555 1
accuracy. The lower limit of verification for the scale
Water 0.4 74 1
range used shall be below the expected maximum
load on any specimen tested on that scale range. High alumina
2.4 Temperature and humidity conditions. The cement: mass
temperature throughout the entire test procedure g
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 11 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

shall be controlled about a midpoint of 20 C with

V2 Cement 1.0 190 1
permitted variations as shown in Table 4. The
Sand 3.0 570 1
minimum relative humidity shall be as given in
Water 0.4 76 1
Table 4.
Table 4 Temperature and humidity 2.5.4 Mixing. Before mixing, clamp the assembled
conditions mould on the table of the vibration machine and
Permitted Minimum
attach the hopper to the top of the mould.
Situation temperature relative Mix the mortar for each cube separately on a
variation humidity
non-porous surface that has been wiped over with a
C % damp cloth. Mix the cement and the sand dry,
Mixing room 2 50 for 1 min, by means of the two trowels. Then add the
Moist curing chamber 1 90 water and mix the whole for 4 min with the two
Water curing tank 1 trowels.
Compression testing 2 50 2.5.5 Compacting. Place the whole of the mortar in
room the hoopper of the mould by the use of a suitable
NOTE A record should be kept, for reference purposes, of the scoop as quickly as possible and compact by
actual temperature and relative humidity conditions. vibration for a period of 120 5 s.
2.6 Storage of specimens. Immediately after
Before use, all materials, moulds and other vibration, remove the hopper and place the moulds
appliances shall be brought to the same
in a single layer on a level surface in the moist
temperature as the air in the mixing room, by
curing chamber. In order to reduce evaporation,
storing them in the room for a sufficient time.
cover the exposed top of the cubes with a flat
2.5 Preparation of specimens. The specimens impervious sheet (e.g. clean thin rubber or plastics,
shall be prepared as follows. or lightly oiled steel) making contact with the upper
2.5.1 Number of cubes. Make three cubes for testing edge of the mould. After 24 0.5 h mark the cubes
at each of the specified ages. for later identification and remove from the
2.5.2 Aggregate. The sand shall comply with the moulds6). Immediately submerge all specimens,
requirements of Part 6 of this British Standard. except those to be tested at 24 h, in the tank and
arrange them in such a way that the temperature
2.5.3 Proportioning. The mass(es) of cement, sand variation specified in Table 4 is not exceeded. Leave
and water for each cube are given in Table 5. the cubes in the tank until just prior to the test.
Specimens to be tested at 24 h are marked and
demoulded7) 15 min to 20 min before the test and
are covered with a damp cloth so that they remain
in the moist condition.
If the mortar has not achieved sufficient strength
after 24 h to be handled without fear of damage,
delay the demoulding for a further period of 24 h but
state this fact in the test report.

i.e. that the expected maximum load on a specimen lies between 20 % and 100 % of the selected scale range of the machine.
It is recommended that the cubes should be weighed at this stage since this may reveal errors in the procedure at an early

BSI 02-1999 5
BS 4550-3.4:1978

2.7 Testing of specimens. Determine the 2.8 Calculation. Calculate the average of the
compressive strength of the cubes, under the individual results of the set of three specimens
temperature and relative humidity conditions tested at the same age and express the result to the
specified in Table 4 for the compression testing nearest 0.5 N/mm2. If one result within the set
room, at the specified age, calculated from the time varies by more than 5 % from the average of the
of adding the water to the other materials, by the set, discard the result and recalculate the average of
procedure specified in clauses 5 to 8 of the remaining results. If more than one result varies
BS 1881-116:1983 and using the auxiliary platens, by more than 5 % from the average, discard the
except that the load is applied at a rate of whole set of results.
approximately 0.6 N/(mm2s). 2.9 Report. Report the individual results and the
Test the specimens within the following limits: average compressive strength to the
24 0.5 h nearest 0.5 N/mm2, indicating if any result has been
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 11 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

3 days (72 1 h)
7 days (168 2 h)
and 28 days (28 days 4 h)

6 BSI 02-1999
BS 4550-3.4:1978
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 11 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

A Ba C D E F1 F2 G J K L 1 2
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm degrees degrees degrees
450 220 150 155 60 5 2 2 65 95 165 65 120 15
5 10 10 10 10 5 2 2 10 10 10 10 20 10
a 260 10 required for 12 cube batches.
NOTE Where tolerances are not given, sizes are indicated for guidance only and are not critical.

Figure 1 Typical rotating pan concrete mixer

BSI 02-1999 7
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BS 4550-3.4:1978

Figure 2 Suitable trowel

BSI 02-1999
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BSI 02-1999
Figure 3 Typical vibration machine for compacting mortar cubes

BS 4550-3.4:1978
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 11 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS 4550-3.4:1978

Publications referred to

BS 812, Methods for sampling and testing of mineral aggregates, sands and fillers.
BS 812-2, Physical properties.
BS 891, Method for Rockwell hardness test.
BS 891-1, Testing of metals.
BS 1134, Method for the assessment of surface texture.
BS 1610, Methods for the load verification of testing machines.
BS 1610-1, Specification for the grading of the forces applied by materials testing machines.
BS 1881, Testing concrete.
BS 1881-108, Method for making test cubes from fresh concrete.
BS 1881-115, Specification for compression testing machines for concrete.
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 11 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS 1881-116, Method for determination of compressive strength of concrete cubes.

BS 4550, Methods of testing cement.
BS 4550-4, Standard coarse aggregate for concrete cubes.
BS 4550-5, Standard sand for concrete cubes.
BS 4550-6, Standard sand for mortar cubes.

BSI 02-1999
BSI British Standards Institution
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