10.1021/op010087o CCC: $22.00 2002 American Chemical Society Vol. 6, No. 3, 2002 / Organic Process Research & Development 279
Published on Web 03/22/2002
3. The Lignin Biopolymer Dissolving Process: Sulfite Scheme 4
Lignosulfonates (LS), also known as black liquor or
sulfite-spent liquor, is a mixture of lignin fragments that
contain a certain number of sulfonic groups introduced during
the sulfite pulping of wood. The sulfite-pulping process may
be performed under several conditions, depending on the
desired quality of the cellulose to be produced. Such
processes are digestion for 6-7 h within temperature It is obvious that, when materials without exactly defined
intervals such as 126-129 C and 140-145 C. Moreover, molecular structures such as lignosulfonates with various
variation of the amounts of Ca2+/SO2 is also an important molecular weights and a large variety of alkyl-aryl and
process variable, which gives rise to a variation in the number aryl-aryl linkages are subjected to hydrolytic and oxidative
of sulfonic groups found in the lignosulfonates. depolymerization, a range of different products may be
The practical benefits of the sulfonating are that the lignin formed. The conditions used during the pulping process may
fragments are released from the cellulose fibers and that the also influence the product profile obtained during the
lignins becomes water-soluble. oxidation process. Due to these variations one may also
The key chemical reactions that occur in the acidic anticipate a different product profile with respect to the
sulphite pulping process can schematically be described as quantities of the principal products as well as to which
the following; the benzyl ether bond of the lignin fragment products formed during the depolymerization process. De-
L is protonated, giving L2 which is subsequently attacked spite all the possible variations of the raw material, the only
by the nucleophile HSO3- performing a substitution reaction significant variation observed is in the mutual quantities of
resulting in formation of the fragment R2-OH and the the different depolymerization products.
sulfonated lignin LS. An outline of this lignin-dissolving
process is given in Scheme 2. 4. Producing First-Generation Fine Chemicals from
Scheme 2 Lignosulfonate by Means of the Lignin Oxidation Process
Several hydrolysis and oxidation processes yielding low-
molecular weight well-defined molecular entities may be
implemented for depolymerization of lignosulfonate (LS).
Such methods are basic hydrolysis and oxidation, alkaline
nitrobenzene oxidation, and metal salt-catalyzed air oxidation
in alkaline media. Common for all of the processes are that
they are performed under elevated reaction pressure and
temperature. The method that has found the widest applica-
During the chemical-pulping process, some of the various tion in industry involves basic hydrolysis and oxidation using
feasible process conditions may, however, also induce sodium hydroxide and copper(II)-catalyzed air oxidation, a
consecutive reactions where a lignosulfonate fragment first process originally developed by Monsanto Chemical Com-
loses a HSO3- group, giving a carbocation that may undergo pany.1,2
a Friedel-Craft alkylation reaction on an aromatic nucleus Several studies of lignin oxidation have been performed
in another lignin unit or a lignosulfonate fragment yielding with the objective of determining the product profile and
condensation products as outlined in Scheme 3. Moreover, thus giving insight into lignin structure. A variety of products
Scheme 3 are determined after such oxidation experiments. Scheme 5
outlines products determined after oxidation experiments on
Norwegian spruce lignin. Leopold3 determined the following
compounds as reaction products after alkaline nitrobenzene
hydrolysis and oxidation experiments: vanillin 4, vanillic
acid 5, acetovanillone 6, p-hydroxy benzaldehyde 7, sy-
ringealdehyde 8, syringic acid 9, 5-formylvanillin 10,
5-formylvanillic acid 11, 5-carboxyvanillin 12, dehydrodi-
vanillin 13, and dehydrodivanillic acid 14. In experiments
carried out using copper(II)-catalyzed air oxidation in alkaline
media, four additional products were reported by Pearl,4,5
guaiacol 15, bis-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methanone 16,
Scheme 7
1,2-bis-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)ethane-1,2-dione 17,
and 1,3-bis-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)propenone 18.
Vanillin 4, vanillic acid 5, and acetovanillone 6, are
however the three principal compounds found in the reaction
mixture. In a process that recently was further developed The other process for the synthesis of etamivan 20 starting
and optimized by Bjrsvik and Minisci,6 using lignosul- from vanillic acid 5 is described in the section concerning
fonates from Norwegian spruce as raw material, yields of vanillic acid 5.
2-8% of the three major compounds 4, 5, and 6 were Levodopa 21 can be synthesized following several dif-
obtained. However, substantial amounts of several inorganic ferent synthetic pathways. Two of them are based on vanillin
compounds including sodium sulphate, sodium carbonate, 4 as substrate. Vanillin 4 is reacted with hydantonin 25 to
calcium carbonate, calcium oxalate, and copper oxides (the give the intermediate 5-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene)-
catalyst) are also found in the reaction mixture. Substantial imidazolidine-2,4-dione 26, which is hydrogenated over
quantities of other higher-molecular weight carboxylic and palladium on charcoal and treated with hydrobromic acid to
give DL-dopa 27. Levodopa 21 is separated from the racemic
phenolic compounds as well as volatile organic acids such
mixture by a racemate-resolution process.10-12 The process
as acetic acid are found.
is outlined in Scheme 8.
Dr. William S. Knowles (Nobel laureate, 2001) developed
5. First- and Second-Generation Fine Chemicals From the first asymmetric synthesis for the production of levodopa
Lignosulfonate and Pharmaceutical Chemicals (L-DOPA) 21, today called the Monsanto process.13-19 An
Vanillin 4 is the most important first-generation fine
(7) Rumpel, W. (A. V. Waldheim Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik). AT 180
chemical directly obtained from the hydrolysis-oxidation of 258, 1954.
lignosulfonates. In addition to being employed as a flavoring (8) Kratzl, K.; Kvasnicka, E. (Osterreichische Stickstoffwerke AG). U.S. Patent
and fragrance ingredient, vanillin 4 may be used as a reagent 2,641,612, 1953.
(9) Britton, E. C.; White, H. C. (Dow Chemical Company). U.S. Patent 2,-
or substrate in the synthesis of several second-generation 605,282, 1952.
fine chemicals, such as veratraldehyde, veratric acid, pro- (10) Kaiser, A.; Scheer, M.; Hausermann, W.; Marti, L. (F. Hoffmann-La Roche
& Co AG). DE 1 964 420, 1970.
tocatechualdehyde, and protocatechuic acid. Moreover, vanil- (11) Berenyi Poldermann, E.; Budai, Z.; Pallos, L.; Benko, P.; Magdanyi, L.
lin 4 can also be used in synthetic processes leading to several (E.GY.T Gyogyszervegyeszeti Gyar). DE 2 052 953. 1971.
(12) Berenyi Poldermann, E.; Budai, Z.; Pallos, L.; Magdanyi, L.; Benko, P.
(E.GY.T Gyogyszervegyeszeti Gyar). DE 2 052 995, 1971.
(6) Bjrsvik, H.-R.; Minisci, F. Org. Process Res. DeV. 1999, 3, 330. (13) Losse, G.; Barth, A.; Jasche, K. J. Prakt. Chem. 1963 21(1-2), 32.
Scheme 11
Scheme 26
Scheme 27
Dopamine 108, a sympathomimetic, is obtained from The antispasmodic and vasodilator dimoxyline57 114 is
homoveratrylamine 81 in one step, namely treatment with also synthesized using 109. The first step of the process is
hydrogen bromide, to demethylate the phenolic hydroxy the reaction of 109 with hydroxylamine to obtain 1-(3,4-
groups (Scheme 25). dimethoxyphenyl)propan-2-one oxime 115, which is then
6.2. Synthesis and Application of (3,4-Dimethoxyphe- treated with NH3 over Raney nickel to yield 2-(3,4-
nyl)acetone. (3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)acetone [1-(3,4-dimethox-
yphenyl)propan-2-one] 109 is another very versatile fine (54) Pearl, I. A.; Beyer, D. L. J. Org. Chem. 1951, 16, 221.
(55) Shepard, E. R.; Noth, J. F.; Porter, H. D.; Simmans, C. K. J. Am. Chem.
chemical that can be derived from the oxidation products of Soc. 1952, 74, 4611.
(56) Chuksanova, A. A.; Sergeeva, L. L.; Shorygina, N. N. Otdel. Khim. Nauk
(52) Tuttle, R. R.; Mills, J. (Eli Lilly & Co.). DE 2 317 710, 1973. 1959, 2219.
(53) Tuttle, R. R.; Mills, J. (Eli Lilly and Co.). U.S. Patent 3 987 200, 1976. (57) Shepard, E. E. (Eli Lilly & Co.). U.S. Patent 2,728,769, 1955.
(58) Hess, H.-J. E. (Pfizer & Co. Inc.). U.S. Patent 3,511,836, 1970.
(59) Hess, H.-J. E. (Pfizer & Co. Inc.). U.S. Patent 3,635,979, 1972.
(60) Hess, H.-J. E. (Pfizer & Co. Inc.). U.S. Patent 3,663,706, 1972.
(61) Hess, H.-J. E. (Pfizer & Co. Inc.). DE 1 620 138, 1970.
(62) Winn, M.; Kyncl, J.; Dunnigan, S. A.; Jones, P. H. (Abbott Laboratories).
DE 2 646 186, 1977.
(63) Winn, M.; Kyncl, J.; Dunnigan, S. A.; Jones, P. H. (Abbott Laboratories).
U.S. Patent 4,026,894, 1977.
(64) Roteman, R. (Abbott Laboratories). DE 2 831 112, 1981.
(65) Roteman, R. (Abbott Laboratories). U.S. Patent 4,251,532, 1979.
(66) Heidelberger, N.; Jacobs, W. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1919, 41, 2131.
(67) Fetscher, C. A.; Bogert, M. T. J. Org. Chem. 1939, 4, 71.
Scheme 32
product 138 in 95% yield, Scheme 33. The reaction can also
be performed using PPA (polyphosphoric acid), albeit PPMA
is superior since PPA is very troublesome to handle due to
the viscosity. Several other methods for construction of the
indanone framework have also been reported in the chemical
The synthesis72,73 of 3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)propionic
acid 139 can be performed by reacting veratraldehyde 45
and malonic acid in the presence of pyridine and piperidine
first at 80 C than at reflux. The reaction is quenched by
pouring the reaction mixture into cold water followed by
acidifying with concentrated hydrochloric acid. The obtained
product, 3,4-dimethoxycinnamic acid [3-(3,4-dimethoxyphe-
nyl)acrylic acid] 140, is isolated by filtration and purified
by recrystallization from aqueous ethanol (90%). The 3-(3,4-
dimethoxyphenyl)propionic acid 139, is obtained by reduc-
tion of 140 (e.g., by hydrogenation over Raney nickel),74
Scheme 33.
Similar to many of the other derivatives from lignosul-
fonate, 5,6-dimethoxyindan-1-one 138 is also very versatile.
It is used in the preparation of truxenes as mesogens for
discotic liquid crystal,75 and it is a key intermediate in an
organic process76 to donepezil hydrochloride 143 that is used
for the treatment of cognitive disorder and as an acetylcholin-
esterase inhibitor. It is used as the active ingredient in the
anti-Alzheimer drug Aricept. The pharmaceutical chemical
143 is synthesized by reacting 5,6-dimethoxyindan-1-one 138
with 1-benzylpiperidine-4-carbaldehyde 141 in the presence
of BuLi, diisopropylamine, and tetrahydrofuran. The interme-
diate 2-(1-benzyl-piperidin-4-ylmethylene)-5,6-dimethoxyin-
dan-1-one 142 is hydrogenated over Pd-C and treated with
HCl in methylene chloride and ethyl acetate to obtain done-
6.4. Synthesis and Application of 3-(3,4-Dimethoxy-
pezil hydrochloride 143. The process is outlined in Scheme
phenyl)acrylic Acid, 3-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)propionic
Acid, and 5,6-Dimethoxyindan-1-one. 5,6-Dimethoxyindan-
1-one 138 belongs to another class of third-generation fine (69) Kusama, H.; Narasaka, K. Bull. Soc. Chem. Jpn. 1995, 68, 2379.
chemicals that may be obtained from lignosulfonate. The (70) Taniguchi, K.; Yoshimura, T. Tokuno; Kosugi, T. (Fukuju Pharmaceutical
Co., Ltd.). JP 11302216, 1999.
synthetic process68 to 5,6-dimethoxyindan-1-one 138 is (71) Laurain N.; Saint Jalmes, L. (Rhone Poulenc Chimie). FR 278 8764, 2000.
performed by treating 3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)propionic acid (72) De Silva, S. O.; Ahmad, I.; Snieckus, V. Can. J. Chem. 1979, 57, 1598.
(73) Koo, J.; Fish, M. S.; Walker, G. N.; Blake, J. J. Org. Synth. Coll. 1963,
139 with PPMA (phosphorus pentoxide methanesulphonic IV, 327.
acid) at a temperature of 100 C. After only few minutes, (74) Tuttle, R. E.; Mills, J. (Lilly, Eli, and Co.) DE 2,317,710, 1973.
the reaction mixture can be worked up, affording the pure (75) Sato, Y.; Takimoto, J. (Nippon Oil Co., Ltd.). JP 11092427, 1999.
(76) Kunizou, H.; Yoshiharu, Y.; Hiroo, O.; Yuoichi, I.; Norio, K.; Takashi,
K.; Michiko, K.; Atsuhiki, K.; Atsushi, S.; Yutaka, T.; Kiyomi, Y.; Shin,
(68) Cho, H.; Matsuki, S. Heterocycles 1996 43, 127. A.; Mansion, K.; Hachiro, S. (Eisai Co Ltd.). EP 296 560, 1988.
We thank the Norwegian Research Council and the
7. Conclusions University of Bergen for financial support to our research.
When browsing the chemical literature it is interesting to Professor George Francis is acknowledged for discussions
see how simple old molecules such as vanillin 4, vanillic and linguistic support during the preparation of this review.
acid 5, and acetovanillone 6 are still used as substrates for We will also direct a thank to Dr. Thomas Hu at Paprican,
new drugs and other fine chemicals. Canada, who encouraged us to write this review.
Degradation of the complex materials, lignosulfonates,
affords a large variety of compounds 4-18 (Scheme 5) that
Received for review October 1, 2001.
may be potential building blocks for more complex molecular
entities. Due to the low achieved yields of most of these OP010087O