Guide To Contamination Standards
Guide To Contamination Standards
Guide To Contamination Standards
This guidebook is aimed at engineers, technicians and quality control personnel involved
in contamination control. Its purpose is to make available accepted and widely-used
cleanliness specification levels for liquid samples.
The tables in this guide allow users of using automatic portable particle counters to see the
relationship between raw particle counts at various sizes and the reporting code numbers of
various contamination standards.
ISO Cleanliness Code
Hydraulic Fluid Contamination
Suggested Acceptable Contamination
ISO code Typical
Type of system Sensitivity
numbers components
23 / 21 / 17 Low pressure systems with large clearances Ram pumps Low
20 / 18 / 15 Typical cleanliness of new hydraulic oil straight Flow control valves Average
from the manufacturer.
Low pressure heavy industrial systems or
applications where long-life is not critical
19 / 17 / 14 General machinery and mobile systems Gear pumps/motors Important
Medium pressure, medium capacity
18 / 16 / 13 World Wide Fuel Charter cleanliness standard for Injector valve and Critical
diesel fuel delivered from the filling station nozzle. high pressure pumps/
High quality reliable systems
Directional and
General machine requirements
pressure control valves
17 / 15 / 12 Highly sophisticated systems and hydrostatic Proportional valves Critical
16 / 14 / 11 Performance servo and high Pressure long-life Industrial servovalves Critical
e.g. Aircraft machine tools, etc.
15 / 13 / 09 Silt sensitive control system with very high High performance Super critical
reliability servovalves
Laboratory or aerospace
NOTE: The three figures of the ISO code numbers represent ISO level contamination grades for
particles of >4m(c), >6m(c) and >14m(c) respectively.
NAS 1638 Table
The NAS 1638 cleanliness standard was developed for aerospace components in the US and
is still widely used for industrial and aerospace fluid power applications.
The figures are differential counts, and the NAS class is usually reported as a single figure
representing the maximum allowed particle counts (i.e. worst case) for designated particle
size ranges.
0 250 44 8 2 0
NAS classes (based on maximum
1 500 89 16 3 1
2 1,000 178 32 6 1
3 2,000 356 63 11 2
4 4,000 712 126 22 4
5 8,000 1,425 253 45 8
6 16,000 2,850 506 90 16
7 32,000 5,700 1,012 180 32
8 64,000 11,400 2,025 360 64
9 128,000 22,800 4,050 720 128
10 256,000 45,600 8,100 1,440 256
11 512,000 91,000 16,200 2,880 512
12 1,024,000 182,400 32,400 5,760 1,024
SAE AS4059 rev E Table
MTD ISO11171 (Calibration or optical microscope count particle size based on projected area
equivalent diameter)
ACFTD ISO4402 (Calibration or optical microscope count particle size based on longest dimension)
GOST 17216-2001 Table
1 32 16 3 0 0
2 63 32 4 1 0
3 125 63 8 2 0
4 250 125 12 3 0
5 500 250 25 4 1
6 1,000 500 50 6 2
7 2,000 1,000 100 12 4
8 4,000 2,000 200 25 6
9 8,000 4,000 400 50 12
10 16,000 8,000 800 100 25
11 31,500 16,000 1,600 200 50
12 63,000 31,500 3,150 400 100
13 63,000 6,300 800 200
14 125,000 12,500 1,600 400
15 25,000 3,150 800
16 50,000 6,300 1,600
17 125,000 3,150
NAV AIR 10-1A-17 Table
The Navy Standard for Hydraulic Fluids used for aircraft hydraulic systems is defined in the Aviation
Hydraulics Manual (1989), Table 2-1, Navy Standard for Particulate Cleanliness.
ISO/NAS/SAE Code Comparison Table
The comparisons relate to particle count data only. To conform to any particular standard,
reference should be made to the recommended experimental procedure.
1litre = 1 000ml
1PPM = 1l in 1litre
Example 1
400PPM in 1litre = 400l
Example 2
A reading of 250PPM equates to a quantity of absorbed water in a 400litre
capacity system of 0.1litre.