Statement On 8888 Uprising in Burma
Statement On 8888 Uprising in Burma
Statement On 8888 Uprising in Burma
Address: 1139 Budapest XIII, Frangepán U. 16 – Hungary Tel/Fax: + 361 350 22 02 / 350 12 04 E-Mail: [email protected]
The day of 1988. 8. 8 coupled with four 8 is very glorious and significant for democratic
movement in Burma with a vanguard role of students and youths, and joined later by workers,
monks, famers and civilian against the army rule in Burma. This student driven movement has
left golden leafs in the history of world youth and student’s movement. It is great to know that
people of Burma are commemorating the 22nd anniversary of the day.
The student movement was broke out from university with dissatisfaction of students to lose
money due to crazy decision to dispose the notes not devisable by number 9 which was lucky
number of Junta ruler Ne Win by superstition. The irony is that the student movement
heightened and broke-out in august 8, 1988 that Burmese fighter of democratic rights always
proud with this lucky number 8888. This gave them hope that they can fight against military
ruler for justice, peace and democracy.
In this movement more than 150000 people took part in the demonstration all over the country.
The street of Rangun was full of people with all walks of life chanting slogan for democracy.
The universities were converted into places of peaceful resistance. They were resisting and
demanding justice for the death of their comrades. They chanted their slogan and they read their
poems of their aspirations. This peaceful course could not go on and it was cracked down. The
huge demonstration was suppressed in the street leaving death of hundreds of students. There
are estimates even thousands of civilians. Thousands of demonstrators were detained.
Universities were closed down for a long time.
This 8888 uprising laid foundation of all democratic movement in Burma now. It made army
ruler Ne Win to resign. Democratic leader Aung Sung Su Ki, U Tin Oo, U Win Tin and her
party the National League for Democracy was emerged from the background of this uprising.
The generation of 1988 struggle is still the struggling pillars of democracy in country and in
exile. It was the movement supported by all walks of life in Burma- the students, women,
monks, workers, farmers, civil servants, doctors, teachers etc. It was the movement joined by
the people of different ideology- the liberals, the lefts, communists, democrats and civilians in
pursuance of their common liberty.
After the crack-down of 88 upraising, many student leaders choose different path to go in the
border of Burma and Thailand for the revolt and many of them are in exile. In the election of
1990 the National League for Democracy won more than two third majorities. But, the tragedy
WFDY - World Federation of Democratic Youth
Fédération Mondiale de la Jeunesse Démocratique
Federación Mundial de la Juventud Democrática
International NGO with consultative status with UN (ECOSOC) and operational relation with UNESCO
Peace Messenger award by UN Secretary General in 1987
Address: 1139 Budapest XIII, Frangepán U. 16 – Hungary Tel/Fax: + 361 350 22 02 / 350 12 04 E-Mail: [email protected]
of Burma is still haunting against the common life of people. Their leader Aung Sung Su Ki has
spent more than 14 years in house arrest in last 20 years. More than 2000 political prisoners are
still behind the bar. Students and Monks are always the subject to be thrashed by baton in the
street and even bearing fate to death. WFDY understands that the hard life of youth leaders in
exile just to continue their struggle in hope of fair system of democracy free from all kinds of
maneuvers and their aspiration to return home safely.
On this occasion, WFDY is very much concerned with recently orchestrated election by SPDC
to create a puppet parliament in the hands of Army. The army will have right to dispose the
parliament at any time in one hand and on the other they will fill one quarter of seats in force
granted. The most important and shocking part of this election is that NLD leader Aung Sung
Su Ki is designed to put behind the bar for more time and denied to take part in the election.
Still more than two thousand political prisoners are not released.
So that WFDY joins the call of our member organizations in Burma to boycott the Sham-
election. We once again support the struggle carrying out by Burmese people, youth and
students for their democratic rights on this occasion. We appeal international community to put
pressure against Junta regime to stop the drama of this election and release Aung Sun Su Ki
and to restore democracy at will of Burmese people.
The CC Headquarters
World Federation of Democratic Youth, Budapest
7 August, 2010