North Central Region - Jul 2007
North Central Region - Jul 2007
North Central Region - Jul 2007
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North Central Region News
Civil Air Patrol a family affair soloed a day after his 16th birthday. He now serves as
By JODIE TWEED a second lieutenant in CAP and like his brother has
Reprinted with permission of the Brainerd Dispatch risen among the ranks through many leadership roles
in the squadron. They are both ground team certified
When Justin Tyner was 10 and visiting his older sis- and serve as CAP Honor Guards. Justin is now grow-
ter, Lyric, in Washington, D.C., with his family, he saw ing his hair out to prepare for when his hair is closely
children in uniforms marching in a parade and immedi- cropped June 28 when he officially enters the Air Force
ately wanted to find out how he could wear that uni- Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo.
form, too. Nathaniel is a chief master sergeant and will soon
Even at that age, Justin Tyner knew he wanted to be a second lieutenant and currently serves as execu-
enter the Air Force tive officer of the Crow
Academy. Wing Squadron. He is
"I thought it was cool attending Central Lakes
because they were kids College this fall and will
and they were wearing go on to get a four-year
uniforms," said Tyner. degree, probably in crim-
They were members inal justice. Nathaniel at-
of a Civil Air Patrol unit, tended the 2006 Flight
Tyner later learned. Academy and soloed
That experience not July 20, 2006, a year af-
only led Tyner, now 17, ter his brother.
into joining the Crow Richard Tyner has
Wing Composite served in a support posi-
Squadron of the Civil Air tion for his family's par-
Patrol in July of 2003, ticipation in CAP. He has
but he got the rest of his worked with senior mem-
family involved, too. bers in remodeling the
Because of their active involvement in the Brainerd squadron hangar and
squadron, Linda and Richard Tyner, Baxter, along with has donated a campfire ring to the squadron to be
Justin and his brother, Nathaniel, 19, were named the used during training and on CAP Fun Nights. He re-
Minnesota Family of the Year by the Minnesota Wing cently committed to donating materials for a new flag
of the Civil Air Patrol at the spring state conference at pole outside the squadron building.
Breezy Point Resort. The Tyners also have two older daughters, Lyric,
"That's a huge honor," Linda Tyner said of the 28, and Harmony, 26.
award. "Rarely are there families that join Civil Air Patrol
"It was a big surprise," added Nathaniel. with such gusto and accomplish so much while giving
Linda and her two sons are squadron members invaluable service to the organization," Col. Steve
while Richard has served in a volunteer capacity. Linda Miller, Minnesota Wing commander, said of the Tyn-
has served as logistics officer and finance officer for ers. "They're the type of people any civic group would
the Crow Wing Squadron. She has been twice named love to have as members."
the Minnesota Wing Logistics Staff Member of the Linda homeschooled her two sons until they were in
Year. She has attended several search and rescue ex- ninth- and 10th-grade respectively. She said her own
ercises, taken cadets to the volleyball/lock-in activities involvement in Civil Air Patrol was a natural progres-
hosted annually at St. Cloud State University and sion during their homeschooling experience.
helped coordinate "Fun Night" for the squadron. A "To me, it's really special to be involved in kids'
nurse by trade, Linda has volunteered her time teach- lives," she said. "They're really good kids. I've been
ing basic first aid and helped coordinate CPR training very blessed."
for the CAP Emergency Services certification process. The Civil Air Patrol is a civilian auxiliary of the U.S.
She has finished up her time as the logistics and fi- Air Force. It has three main missions: aerospace edu-
nance officer and likely will next serve as health ser- cation, its cadet program and its emergency services
vices officer, she said. program that includes search and rescue and disaster
Justin, who graduated from Brainerd High School in relief operations.
May, attended CAP Flight Academy in July 2005 and JODIE TWEED may be reached at
[email protected] or 855-5858.
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North Central Region News
Cadet Wins 4-H with CAP Ex- McMillan Directs Weather Course
Lt Col Darrell McMillan completed his second year as director of the
U.S. Civil Air Patrol 2007 AF Weather Agency Familiarization Course
held at Offutt, AFB, Omaha, NE held 16 – 23 June. McMillan spent un-
told hours prior to the activity putting everything into place and then
more hours during the activity responding to the schedules of instruc-
tors, equipment problems and other challenges with an attitude he ex-
pressed as: “Semper Gumbi” – always flexible.
learned about
weather obser-
vation and
weather predic-
tion from the Air
Force Weather
Agency with as-
sistance from Air
Force, NOAA
Cadet 2Lt Christine Hetzel be- (National
came Roughrider Composite Oceanographic
Squadron's cadet commander the and Atmospher-
same week she won two Grand ic Administra-
Champion awards in 4-H with exhibits tion), National
about CAP. Weather Ser-
The first 4-H award was on a lead- vice, and other instructors.
ership project she created about Classes were conducted at Offutt AFB, as well as the National
CAP. The second featured her CAP Weather Service in Valley, NE with side trips to the SAC Museum and
dress uniform in a project called Buy the KETV weather center. AF Weather personnel provide weather ser-
& Show, a clothing event in which the vices for both Army and Air Force personnel worldwide and often deploy
participant acquires an outfit and ex- with Army and Air Force units in the field.
plains where tit is worn and how to McMillan is the past Commander of the General Curtis E. LeMay, Of-
care for it. Clothing judges asked futt Composite Squadron of Nebraska Wing and a former Earhart cadet.
questions and judged how well the He is currently inspector general for Nebraska Wing, U.S. Civil Air Pa-
outfit fit the 4-Her. trol.
Hetzel modeled her uniform in a Also attending from North Central Region were C/2Lt Greg Burnett,
dress review and explained to the son of Susan and George Burnett of Smithville, Missouri, a member of
crowd why she bought it and where Platt Valley Composite Squadron in Parkville, Missouri; and C/SMSgt
she would wear it. She won the Coun- Kathryn Blair, daughter of Beth and Steven Blair of Kansas City, Mis-
ty Buy & Show event and will com- souri and a member of the Northland Composite Squadron in Kansas
pete at the State level in late July. City and is considering a career in meteorology.
ELT Search Leads to Vintage Aircraft
Two South Dakota Wing ground teams discovered a vin-
tage military aircraft in North Sioux City, SD, when they set out
to find an emergency locator transmitter June 13.
The search led to a T-28 Trojan with U.S. Navy insignia that
had been on a cross-country when it developed engine prob-
lems, leading its new owner to land it at Graham Field Airport
in North Sioux City.
"We don't know why the ELT on the aircraft was activated
but it was picked up by satellites monitored by the USAF and
we were asked to find the signal," said Col. Mike Beason, inci-
dent commander for the mission and South Dakata Wing commander. "We especially appreciate the support
from the North Sioux City Police Department in locating the signal."
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