No. Density Viscosity Temperature: Date of Birth
No. Density Viscosity Temperature: Date of Birth
No. Density Viscosity Temperature: Date of Birth
9 1.29 1.71 0
No. 1 2 3 4
Density 0.457 0.525 0.616 0.675
Viscosity 3.55 3.25 2.93 2.75
Temperature 500 400 300 250
ID name First name Title Birth date
1 Davolio Nancy Sales Mgr. 12/8/1968
2 Fuller Andrew V.P. of Sales 2/19/1952
3 Leverling Janet Sales Rep. 8/30/1963
4 Peacock Margaret Sales Rep. 9/19/1958
5 Buchanan Steven Sales Mgr. 3/4/1955
6 Suyama Michael Sales Rep. 7/2/1963
Under 100
ID First name Title Birth date
ID name First name Title Birth date
4 Peacock Margaret Sales Rep. August 30, 1963
Convert Result
1 Kilogram 1000 Gram
30 Celsius 86 Fahrenheit
60 Minutes 3600 Seconds
1 Foot 12 Inch
1 Foot 30.48 Centemeter
49 330 50 380 38
rate override 49
rate override 380
Comment Shift + f2
Format Cells Ctrl + 1
Delete Row Ctrl -
Add Row Ctrl +
Adust Colum width Alt O C A
Columwidth Alt D E
Filter Alt D F F
Select Colum Ctrl Space
Select Row Shift Space
Sum Alt H U
Macro Alt W M
Remove Duplicates Alt A M
5 6 7 8 9
0.746 0.835 0.946 1.09 1.29
2.57 2.38 2.17 1.95 1.71
200 150 100 50 0
100 WTS25
230 WTS26
300 WTS27
500 WTS 41
1000 WTS 41
WTS 41
WTS 41
19 122 162
NEW PLAN 29 203 270
256.5 342 39
4454.54545455 99
34545.4545455 169
Twin 64-180
Value Plus 49 Cap (49-180)
5/1/2010 P 8:04 14:13 6 9 Half
5/3/2010 P 7:41 16:49 9 8 Full
5/4/2010 P 7:49 16:51 9 2 Full
5/5/2010 P 7:38 16:39 9 1 Full
5/6/2010 P 7:34 17:15 9 41 Full
5/7/2010 P 7:30 16:40 9 10 Full
5/8/2010 P 7:38 14:32 6 54 Half
5/10/2010 P 7:37 16:43 9 6 Full
5/11/2010 P 7:39 16:59 9 20 Full
5/12/2010 P 7:48 16:55 9 7 Full
5/13/2010 P 7:40 16:41 9 1 Full
5/14/2010 P 7:33 17:01 9 28 Full
5/17/2010 P 7:37 17:19 9 42 Full
5/18/2010 P 7:37 16:49 9 12 Full
5/19/2010 P 7:53 16:57 9 4 Full
5/20/2010 P 7:25 17:30 10 5 Full
5/21/2010 P 7:36 16:56 9 20 Full
5/22/2010 P 7:28 15:23 7 55 Half
5/24/2010 P 7:36 17:06 9 30 Full
5/25/2010 P 7:40 17:35 9 55 Full
5/26/2010 P 7:41 17:52 10 11 Full
5/27/2010 P 7:48 17:09 9 21 Full
5/28/2010 P 7:25 18:19 10 54 Full
5/29/2010 P 6:02 17:03 11 1 Full
5/31/2010 P 7:43 17:42 9 59 Full
0 222 556
225 231.26667 9.2666667
Total 6.2666667
Software Training Module – making it easy.
Business Terms
1. Floor Sale / TPV :- Floor Sale is the term used for sales made over phone, once completed
2. TPV (Third Party Verification) :-This verification is done by the floor supervisors, once the customer agree
3. Sales Audit :-Process to filter out bad sales (sales made to fraud or possible fraud customers.
Connection :-When theactivated.
customer agrees to connect the package or get the phone/package
Ø Date Connected
Ø Connection Sale Date
Ø Connection Date
6. Preconnection:
-When the package/phone is activated on delivery.
Related Fields:
Ø Pre-connection date
Ø Connection Sale date
7. Activation
When:- the number is finally activated in commsui (activation portal)
8. Clawback:-
Package cancelled after connection(activation)
9. NeverCustome
Pay :- unpaid customer (bad debt).
10. Good connect :- Customer
stage. who is a paying customer and has crossed the initial never pay
11. BarringWhen:- only outgoing services are restricted. (Outgoing calls, SMS, GPRS etc)
12. Suspend When:- neither outgoing, nor incoming services are working.
13. Disconnect
When:-th this).
14. Re-connection :- paysServices
t are activatedthe again
after the disconnection, When the customer
15. Stock back
When:- we receive the package back from the customer (back in our stock).
16. Grouping In grouping,
:- M2D, IMEI and SIM no. are grouped together.
17. Binding In :-
binding, M2d, together.
18. Collateral
:- agreement form, Terms and conditions etc.
19. Ben :- Billing system or Billing engine
20. ComsuiProvisi
:- done.
21. Benedi:
- Benedi is the database (in Australia) where all BEN data is stored
22. BenM2BenM2
:- is M2's version of BEN database
23. Important Dates :-
Ø Connection Date
Ø Activation Date
Ø Cancellation Date
Ø Stock back date
Ø Disconnection Date
Ø Sale date
Ø Dispatch Date
Ø Activation extraction Date
24. Sim only / combo/ Scenarios
25. MSN :-Mobile Serial Number (Mobile number)
26. Sim :- Subscriber Identity Module (Used in mobile handsets to connect to network)
27. IMEI:- International subscriber Identity Module (Serial number of the Handset)
28. DCCURN:- Delhi call's Unique reference Number (unique for every customer)
29. Lead ID : -A reference number used to identify each prospective customer. It might or might not be a sale
30. Cust no :-Unique number to identify
each customer in BEN database or billing
31. PortingWhen
:- c service provider.
32. Port-inWhen
:- a customer uses his previous/existing number with VIPtel.
33. Port-out
When :- a the new service provider.
34. Line Sq.
Is No
used:- order.
35. Green Second
Line / 2MSNlinegiven
:- to an existing customer on discounted rates
36. Customer
:- has been divided into 3 groups:
Bronze: New customer or a customer with inconsistent payment history
Silver: A customer may be young or with a fair/less inconsistent payment history
Gold: An old customer with a good payment history
40. Premium
:- that we use for GSM gateways.
Call Center Terms
1. Disposition
Final tagging
and calls
for the call or outcome of the call
2. IVR /que: - Interactive Voice response where customers call and interact with the system to have the desir
3. Dialler :- A software used for automatic dialling and call distribution
4. Center Director
5. Abandon / Call:- When the call is disconnected by the customer before the call gets transferred to a custom
6. No answer / Answering machine Outbound call:-When the call is not answered by the customer or when
7. Contact/ RPC :-Contact is where we get to speak to any one and Right Party Contact (RPC) is when we get
8. Complete:-Call has been disposed as Sale, Not interested or any other disposition where the call will not be
9. Call backs:-A call where the contact is not available and a call back is scheduled for a future date and time.
10. ACMA wash:- Data is scrubbed on the ACMA website to remove Do not Call numbers.
11. Wrap time:-Wrap time is the time between when an agent disposes a call and is available for the new call.
12. Hold / mute: -Hold is when the customer is kept on hold and hold music is played (both customer and the a
13. RSN:- Recording sequence number. This uniquely identifies each recording.
Technology Terms
1. Olap:- Online Application Protocol (Used for reporting)
2. Kayako:-Customer service module used through Viptel website
3. Qlikview:-
BI tool back-casting, comparison etc.)
4. Jira / ticket:-
Ticketi issues etc. Also known as service desk. Url:
5. Moodle:-Learning Management Software used for training and assessment etc.
6. Processmaker:-
7. Asterisk:-
Open source dialer (used for inbound and outbound call distribution)
8. Cellit:- Call distribution system..same as cellit but, not open source.
Financial Terms
1. Statement
bill generated
:- at the end of each billing cycle
2. Batch Extract
run:- cards.
3. Billingbilling
Cycle:-period for the customers (21st of a month to 20th of next month)
4. Bounty:-
Commission we get on activation of the connection.
5. Clawback:-
Commission recovered after the number is disconnected
6. AccessMinimum
fee:- amount paid
7. Toll:- Usage done by the customer
8. Rating :-
9. Charge/Charge
Cost:-is what we charge to the customer and cost is the amount charged
to us by Optus.
10. PE1 / PE2:-
PE1 is the first extraction or deposit done on customers’ account
PE2 refers to the activation extraction date/amount
11. CC / P CC / MD:-
– cu amount
P – Payment attempted from the customers’ account
MD – Miscellaneous debit refers to the dishonour of payment or refund made to
12. Arrangement:- Payment arrangement is when the customer defers the payment due date
and can also pay the same in instalments.
13. GST (Inc or Ex):- Goods and services Tax (10%) Price is inc GST when GST is included in the
price and Ex GST when the price is excluding the GSt, it is called Ex GST.
14. BSB and account:-Bank State Branch – Unique branch number of a bank where the account
15. NAB / EZdebit :- NAB= National service
and Ezidebit
are usedis to
a third
customers account.
16. Gateway reject:- When detailsthe debit is not allowed or does not go through because of incorrect
17. Credit / Refund:-credit refundis applied
is when when
some any
sort is
discount into
is given
to the customer
bank account.
18. Sync
1. Sites - Servers and databases
3. Flow of a sale
4. OLAP – Qlikview / excel
5. Dialler integration
6. Time zones and data
Team members and roles
of total sales
ncluded in the
re the account
ank account.
can hear the customer but, the customer cannot.