Periodic Properties
Periodic Properties
Periodic Properties
The properties that reappear at regular intervals are called Periodic Properties.
The properties in which there is gradual variation (i.e. increase or drcrease) at
regular intervals are called Periodic Properties.
Cause of Peridiocity -
The cause of peridiocity is the recurrance of similar outer electronic
configuration at certain regular intervals.
The absolute size of an atom is difficult to define because of the following two
reasons :
Because the electrons can be defined only in terms of probability, there is no real
boundary to an atom.
For practical purposes (as per Bohr model of atom), atomic radius is defined as the
distance from the centre of nucleus to the outermost electron shell.
1. Covalent Radius
2. Metallic Radius
3. vander Waal Radius
4. Ionic Radius
1. Covalent Radius
The atomic radius of an element may be considered to be half the interatomic
distance between two adjacent atoms. However, the interatomic distance depends on
type of bond between atoms.
Atomic radii can be defined according to the type of bonding between atoms :
4. If the two atoms are not bonded by a chemical bond but are attracted by simply
vanderWaal forces (as in Noble Gases), the radius is called
vander Waal Radius
1. Covalent Radius -
The covalent radius is equal to one half of the internuclear distance (covalent
bond distance) between two identical atoms joined by single covalent bond.
For example, the internuclear distance (covalent bond distance) between two
identical atoms of Carbon (C-C) in diamond is 1.54A, hence covalent radius of
Carbon is 1.54/2 = 0.77 A.
Covalemt radius decreases with decreasing number of bonds, because atom approaches
closer for greater overlap. For example,
2. Metallic Radius
The Metallic Radius is defined as one half of the distance between the atoms of a
metal in a metallic close packed crystal lattice (in which metal exhibit
coordination number 12).
For example, the internuclear distance between two adjacent sodium atoms in a
metallic crystal of Sodium is 3.72 A, so the Metallic Radius of Sodium Metal is
3.72/2 = 1.86 A.
Note - The Covalent Radius of Sodium in Na2 molecule is 1.54 A . Metallic Radii are
about 10 - 15 % higher than the single bond covalent radius.
The vander Waal Radius is defined as one half of the distance between the two non-
bonded atoms of two adjacent molecules in the solid state.
For example, in solid Chlorine gas, each atom is found to have one close neighbour
at a distance of 1.98 A, another at a distance of 3.60 A. Thus the Covalent radius
of Chlorine is 0.99 A whereas vander Waal's radius is 1.80 A.
The radii of Group 18 elements (Noble gases) are vertually vander Waals Radii.
Since vander Waals Radii are larger than Covalent Radii. atomic radii of Noble
gases are largest in their respective periods.
C2H2 SP 50% C C
0.70 A
Schomaker and Stevenson (1941) proposed following equation for calculating covalent
radius :
r A = covalent radius of A
r B = covalent radius of B
XA = Electronegativities of A
XB = Electronegativities of B
A - Along a Period -
In moving from left to right in any period, the atomic radii of elements decreases.
Li Be B C N
O F Ne
Nuclear Charge +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
+8 +9 +10
Moving from left to right in the periodic table, the increase of nuclear charge has
an effect that generally outweighs the screening from additional
Lanthanide Contraction -
Reason :
This is because the added electron enters in inner shell, i.e., (n-1) d subshell in
case of T.E. and (n-2) f subshell in case of I.T.E. These electron tend to 'screen'
the outermost electron from the attraction of nucleus, but due to much diffused
shape of d or f orbitals , shielding is not perfrct. Consequently size decreases
with increase in nuclear charge , i.e., atomic number.
Reason :
(i) In moving down the group the Number of shells increases and, therefore, the
size of the atom increases.
(ii) As we move down in a group, the nuclear charge also increases which decreases
the atomic size. However, this effect is much smaller as compared to the effect on
size of atom because of addition of new shell.
IONIC radius
Ionic radius may be defined as the distance between nucleus of an ion and point
upto which the nucleus has influence on its electron cloud.
The determination of Ionic Radii is difficult because like atoms do not form ionic
bonds. There are three imortant methods to determine ionc radii :
(ii) The radii are inversely proportional to the effective nuclear charges acting
on these ions.
rc+ (Z*)a-
ra- (Z*)c+
The effective nuclear charge (Z*) = Nuclear Charge (Z) - Screening Constant (sigma)
Illustration :
NaF crystal, Na+ and F- ion, sigma=4.5
1. The radius of Cation (positive ion) is always smaller than the neutral atom from
which it is formed.
For example :
The atomic radius of Na = 1.54 A
The ionic radius of Na+ = 0.95 A
As for example -
Reason - In anion one or more electron are added to the valency shell of atom.
Therefore, effective nuclear charge is rduced and electrons acquire greater freedom
of getting away from the nucleus. In other words the electron clouds rxpands.
Isoelectronic Ions -
The ions which have the same number of electrons are called Isoelectronic Ions.
In Isoelectronic Ions, the ionic radius decreases with increase in atomic number
(ie nuclear charge) , eg.
Atomic No. 6 7 8 9 11 12
13 14
Ion C N O F Na Mg
Al Si
No of Eletron 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10
Radius 2.60 1.71 1.40 1.36 0.95 0.65
0.50 0.41
A. Along the period -
In moving across a period from left to right, in isoelectronic ions, radii
drcreases, eg.
2nd Period : Li Be B C N O
0.60 0.31 0.20 0.15 0.11 0.09 0.07
Reason - Effective nuclear charge increases while shell remain constant.
Reason -
Number of shell increases.
There are four different modes by which sizes may be assigned to any
particular atom in its elementary or combined states.
Atomic Radius
The atomic radius of an element may be considered to be half the
interatomic distance between two adjacent atoms. T
Ionic Radii
As indicated above, the covalent radius of an element depends on its
oxidation state. In a binary ionic compound, MX, containing the
positive ion, M*, and the negative ion. X , the minimum distance between
them is measurable with considerable accuracy by the method of X-ray
diffraction. The problem is to divide such a distance into the ionic radii
for the individual ions. That ions behave like hard spheres with a
constant radius whatever their environment might be is an approximation
to the real situation. In compounds which do not exhibit much cova-
lency the approximation is reasonable, and led Shannon-* and Prewitt to
assign radii to O- and F of 140 and 133 pm respectively after their study
of many oxides and fluorides. Ionic radii are not assignable to every
element, and the generalizations described apply only to those elements
which do form ions in compounds, and are subject to their oxidation
states (discussed in Chapter 5) and coordination numbers (i.e. the
number of nearest neighbours they have in the ionic compound).